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Using exogenous quantities in qualitative models about environmental sustainability

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AI Communications 20 (2007) 49–58 49 IOS Press Using exogenous quantities in qualitative models about environmental sustainability Bert Bredeweg a,, Paulo Salles b and Tim Nuttle c a University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands E-mail: [email protected] b Universidade de Brasília, Brasil E-mail: [email protected] c Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena, Germany E-mail: [email protected] Abstract. Representing the impact of external factors on the behaviour of a system is a challenge for modellers, particularly when these factors are dynamic and may change during the simulation. This article presents mechanisms implemented in the qualitative reasoning engine Garp3 for modelling quantities that exhibit exogenously defined behaviours. Exogenous quantities are those that influence the system but are not influenced by quantities represented in the system. Seven types of mechanisms for handling exogenous quantities are implemented: “constant”, “generate all values”, “increasing”, “decreasing”, “steady”, “sinusoidal”, and “random”. Examples drawn from models of environmental sustainability (related to Millennium Development Goal 7) are used to illustrate the functioning of these primitives. Individually or combined, the mechanisms provide many options for modellers to represent cycles, oscillations, and regions of local stability. Keywords: Exogenous quantities, qualitative reasoning and modelling (QRM), ecological informatics 1. Introduction Defining the boundaries of a system is an important step in modelling. This definition is influenced by the goals and intended uses of the model. Often a system is influenced by exogenous factors – those that affect the behaviour of the system but which are not affected by the system behaviour [5,9]. Exogenous factors are thus outside the system boundary, but need to be con- sidered in the model. For instance solar radiation is an influential factor on ecological systems but we usually do not include a description of how such radiation is produced in an ecological model. There is a need for modelling environments that al- low inclusion of such factors without changing the sys- tem structure in order to explain such non-focal de- tails. Considering previous work on building quali- tative models in ecology [11], we identified require- ments for a modelling environment that would pro- vide good support for qualitative ecological modelling. * Corresponding author: Human Computer Studies laboratory (HCS), University of Amsterdam, Kruislaan 419 (matrix I), 1098 VA Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Such modelling environments should allow for exoge- nously influenced behaviour to appear either within or at the beginning of the causal chain. In other words, they should be useful to either constrain behaviours to conform to some “given” behaviour or to initiate change in a system. Furthermore, given the large num- ber of influences normally important in ecological sys- tems, when using a compositional modelling approach [3], it would be convenient to have a set of behav- iour patterns (e.g., oscillating, constant, increasing) that could be applied to a quantity so that the propa- gation of that behaviour through a causal chain could be understood before simulating a model composed of multiple processes and causal chains. Such a fea- ture would facilitate the modelling of pieces of domain knowledge, reserving the details of composing them together for later. This article discusses a new functionality imple- mented in the qualitative reasoning (QR) engine Garp3 (http://hcs.science.uva.nl/QRM/) [1] that allows for the integration of external influences by assigning spe- cific behaviour patterns to quantities, the exogenous quantities. We explore the use of exogenous quantities in the context of environmental sustainability, as de- 0921-7126/07/$17.00 © 2007 – IOS Press and the authors. All rights reserved

AI Communications 20 (2007) 49–58 49IOS Press

Using exogenous quantities in qualitativemodels about environmental sustainability

Bert Bredeweg a,∗, Paulo Salles b and Tim Nuttle c

a University of Amsterdam, The NetherlandsE-mail: [email protected] Universidade de Brasília, BrasilE-mail: [email protected] Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena, GermanyE-mail: [email protected]

Abstract. Representing the impact of external factors on the behaviour of a system is a challenge for modellers, particularly whenthese factors are dynamic and may change during the simulation. This article presents mechanisms implemented in the qualitativereasoning engine Garp3 for modelling quantities that exhibit exogenously defined behaviours. Exogenous quantities are thosethat influence the system but are not influenced by quantities represented in the system. Seven types of mechanisms for handlingexogenous quantities are implemented: “constant”, “generate all values”, “increasing”, “decreasing”, “steady”, “sinusoidal”, and“random”. Examples drawn from models of environmental sustainability (related to Millennium Development Goal 7) are usedto illustrate the functioning of these primitives. Individually or combined, the mechanisms provide many options for modellersto represent cycles, oscillations, and regions of local stability.

Keywords: Exogenous quantities, qualitative reasoning and modelling (QRM), ecological informatics

1. Introduction

Defining the boundaries of a system is an importantstep in modelling. This definition is influenced by thegoals and intended uses of the model. Often a systemis influenced by exogenous factors – those that affectthe behaviour of the system but which are not affectedby the system behaviour [5,9]. Exogenous factors arethus outside the system boundary, but need to be con-sidered in the model. For instance solar radiation is aninfluential factor on ecological systems but we usuallydo not include a description of how such radiation isproduced in an ecological model.

There is a need for modelling environments that al-low inclusion of such factors without changing the sys-tem structure in order to explain such non-focal de-tails. Considering previous work on building quali-tative models in ecology [11], we identified require-ments for a modelling environment that would pro-vide good support for qualitative ecological modelling.

*Corresponding author: Human Computer Studies laboratory(HCS), University of Amsterdam, Kruislaan 419 (matrix I), 1098 VAAmsterdam, The Netherlands.

Such modelling environments should allow for exoge-nously influenced behaviour to appear either within orat the beginning of the causal chain. In other words,they should be useful to either constrain behavioursto conform to some “given” behaviour or to initiatechange in a system. Furthermore, given the large num-ber of influences normally important in ecological sys-tems, when using a compositional modelling approach[3], it would be convenient to have a set of behav-iour patterns (e.g., oscillating, constant, increasing)that could be applied to a quantity so that the propa-gation of that behaviour through a causal chain couldbe understood before simulating a model composedof multiple processes and causal chains. Such a fea-ture would facilitate the modelling of pieces of domainknowledge, reserving the details of composing themtogether for later.

This article discusses a new functionality imple-mented in the qualitative reasoning (QR) engine Garp3(http://hcs.science.uva.nl/QRM/) [1] that allows for theintegration of external influences by assigning spe-cific behaviour patterns to quantities, the exogenousquantities. We explore the use of exogenous quantitiesin the context of environmental sustainability, as de-

0921-7126/07/$17.00 © 2007 – IOS Press and the authors. All rights reserved

50 B. Bredeweg et al. / Using exogenous quantities in qualitative models

fined by Millennium Development Goal 7 [6]. Imple-mented models involving indicators related to MDG7are described to illustrate how Garp3 handles exter-nally defined behaviours. These models aim at support-ing communication with stakeholders about sustain-ability issues. This is a good test bed for modelling ex-ogenous quantities, because sustainability requires thecombination of a number of influences and complexinteractions among quantities to be represented in themodels. By treating some processes exogenously, wecan reduce the complexity of the modelled system tofacilitate communication about a given process, with-out considering the full complexity of its implementa-tion in a “full” model of the system.

2. Including external factors

In a qualitative model, values of entities that are rele-vant to the model are expressed using quantities, whosevalues represent possible qualitative states the quantitymay assume within the scope of the model. For exam-ple an entity climate may be characterised by the quan-tity rainfall. As we are interested in dynamic aspects ofsystems, the qualitative value of a quantity is actually atupple of two values: < magnitude, derivative >, rep-resenting amount and direction of change, respectively.Possible values of a quantity are presented in a Quan-tity Space (QS) as a sequence of alternating points andintervals.

Exogenous quantities can be simulated in Garp3 byselecting the option within a scenario to automaticallygenerate magnitudes and derivates for a given quantity.The following options exist:

– Magnitude: Generate all values– Derivative: Increase, Steady, Decrease,

Sinusoidal, Random– Magnitudes and/or Derivative: Constant

To further illustrate the behaviour of these exoge-nous quantities, we use a simple model consisting ofonly one quantity rainfall. We assign rainfall the QS{below, average, above}, where average is a pointvalue, below is an interval less than average, and aboveis an interval greater than average. Typical examplesare shown in Table 1 and discussed below. The firstcolumn of the table introduces a unique identifier thatis used in the text below. The magnitude and derivatecolumns show the initial settings in the scenario. Thestate graph column shows the behaviour of the modelafter a full simulation. The numbered circles refer to

qualitatively distinct states of the system behaviour:each state is a unique combination of qualitative mag-nitudes, derivatives and (in)equality statements for allmodelled quantities. The single circle without a num-ber in each state graph depicts the scenario, whichspecifies the starting conditions of the simulation. Aris-ing from the scenario is a set of states, indicated bygrey lines leading to numbered circles. If the causalstructure of the model indicates that a transition to an-other qualitatively distinct state is possible, new statesare generated and an arrow connects the starting stateto the next state. A behavioural path refers to allstates connected in a chain of circles and arrows. Notethat branching of behaviours is possible if more thanone transition is possible from a given state. Qualita-tive values for the quantity rainfall are enumerated inthe value history (rightmost column). Numbers in thevalue history refer to the number in the state graph(note that the order of states in the histories for #7and #8 do not correspond to a particular behaviouralpath). For each numbered state, the small white circlesdesignate the magnitude of rainfall. When known, thederivative corresponding to that magnitude is indicatedas increasing (up arrow), decreasing (down arrow), orsteady (black dot). If the value of the derivative is notknown, the white circle is empty (as in #1).

2.1. Magnitude: generate all values

This option tries to generate all possible magnitudesfor a quantity and can, for instance, be used to assumedifferent values when the modeller is not sure aboutwhich solution is adequate for each possible state. Ta-ble 1 (#1) shows the state graph and value history pro-duced when using only this facility. Thus, the initialscenario has just the quantity rainfall, without an initialmagnitude or derivative defined. On the basis of thisscenario the simulator generates three states, one foreach value of the rainfall. Notice that this option doesnot set the derivatives, hence they are not shown inthe value history, and no transitions between the threestates are found.

The idea of “generating all values” was inspired byobserving modellers creating model fragments for allpossible values of a quantity. Being able to automat-ically generate all values for a quantity simplifies theapproach of specifying all qualitative behaviours. Im-portantly, the algorithm used in Garp3 generates allvalues while obeying other constraints (e.g., a modelfragment may specify that only certain values are to beconsidered, or that certain quantities must always cor-

B. Bredeweg et al. / Using exogenous quantities in qualitative models 51

respond in value). It may thus happen that not all mag-nitudes are generated for a quantity when additionalconstraints prevent this.

2.2. Derivative values

The idea of automatically generating certain valuesfor derivatives comes from observing modellers tryingto specify different exogenous influences on a system,which is not supported well by traditional QR engines.Particularly, the idea of moving from equilibrium todisequilibrium caused by factors outside of the systembeing simulated requires new reasoning capabilities.Consider a stable ecosystem that moves to an unsta-ble situation because new individuals start immigrating[12]. How to represent a situation in which immigra-tion is < 0, 0 > (non-existing and steady) that changesto a situation in which immigration is building up asan exogenous influence on the system? For instance:[< 0, 0 >→< 0, + >→< +, + >]. To accommodatesuch situations, we have developed five mechanismsto automatically derive derivative values while obey-ing crucial QR principles such as the “continuity”1 and“epsilon ordering”2 rules [2].

2.2.1. Exogenous decrease, steady, and increaseTake the example of “generating all values” (Ta-

ble 1, #1). We now specify that rainfall is “exogenousincreasing” (#2). This results in the reasoning enginetrying to add a positive derivative to each of the valuestatements of rainfall in each state. As there is no otherinformation in the model that conflicts with that, rain-fall is increasing and transitions between the states arefound, leading to the path [1 → 2 → 3]. Alterna-tively we can specify “exogenous decreasing” and “ex-ogenous steady”. In the case of the former, rainfall isdecreasing and a path will be found from magnitudeabove to below: [3 → 2 → 1]. In the case of steady, allderivatives become 0, and no transitions will be found.

It is also possible to abandon the “generate allvalues”, and start with a specific value for rainfall,while keeping the option of exogenous decreasing(#4), steady (not shown), or increasing (#3). Notice thesubtle difference in the resulting state graphs. The sce-nario now links only to one specific initial state (to state1 in the case of #3), and not to all possible states. Inother words, the simulation produces only one initialstate, but the same overall system behaviour.

1Magnitudes and derivatives cannot jump across values. Insteadthey move continuously towards adjacent values in their quantityspaces.

2Changes from a point (into an interval) precede changes towardsa point (from an interval).

2.2.2. Exogenous sinusoidal and randomA very common pattern observed in ecological sys-

tems is cyclic behaviour, where the quantity regularlyincreases and decreases within certain bounds. Thiscan be achieved using the option “exogenous sinu-soidal”. The derivative of the exogenous quantity keepsgoing in one direction until the maximum magnitudeis reached. Then the derivative changes to zero, andstarts moving in the opposite direction until the min-imum magnitude is reached and the derivative valuechanges to zero, and starts moving in the opposite di-rection again, and so on. As this behaviour is repeatedit results in cycles, for example, daily cycles (nightand day), monthly cycles (tides) or annual cycles (day-length, precipitation). Table 1, (#5), shows a simula-tion in which generate all values and sinusoidal are as-signed to rainfall. The main behaviour has the follow-ing sequence of states: [1 → 2 → 3 → 5 → 8 →7 → 6 → 4 → 1]. In addition, state 4 can directlygo to state 2 (ignoring state 1) and state 5 to state 7(ignoring state 8). Also notice that the system behav-iour does not become steady at point average. The si-nusoidal continuously changes from its lowest value toits highest value, and the other way around. Stabilisingat an intermediate value does not fit that idea. If we re-place the “generate all values” by assigning a specificinitial value, the ultimate system behaviour remains thesame. However, only three initial states are now gen-erated when starting at an interval (#6), and two whenstarting at a point.

Exogenous random may also produce cycles. How-ever, instead of continuously moving towards the ex-treme values, random can assume any derivative value(albeit obeying continuity) and move in any direc-tion. The idea is that some quantities may unexpect-edly change direction, giving them a random behav-iour. #7 presents a simulation in which rainfall is as-signed the combination of “generated all values” and“random”. In this simulation many behaviour paths arepossible. For example, the sequence [1 → 2 → 3 →6 → 9 → 8 → 7 → 4 → 1] reflects a cyclic behaviour.Also notice that the system behaviour may oscillatewithin an interval, e.g., [1 → 2 → 1], or [3 → 2 → 3],etc. The behaviour cannot oscillate at a point, becausewhile being at a point any change in the quantity nec-essarily leads to the magnitude moving to one of theadjacent intervals. Finally, notice that with “exogenousrandom”, it is possible to become stable at an interme-diate value. #8 shows a simulation in which rainfall isassigned a specific initial value, namely average, and“exogenous random”. The behaviour is the same as for

52 B. Bredeweg et al. / Using exogenous quantities in qualitative models

Table 1

Examples of exogenous quantity behaviours in Garp3

#7 except that from the scenario only three initial statesare found.

There is a subtle issue concerning the notion of the“epsilon ordering rule” [2] and the behaviour of ex-ogenous quantities. By using the derivatives for im-plementing exogenous behaviour these quantities canbe treated as regular quantities during the reasoningprocess. This is an advantage over having a dedi-cated mechanism controlling all exogenous behaviour,

including their value changes. However, an excep-tion has to made for the ordering/transition inferenceand a specific ordering procedure is implemented forthis. Firstly, combination constraints are generated formutually exclusive terminations: a random exogenousquantity cannot start to move up and down simultane-ously. Secondly, Garp3 features derivative correspon-dences [1]. These are used in determining combinationconstraints on exogenous terminations of different ex-

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Fig. 1. State graph: “generate all values” for rainfall, “random” forsoil humidity, and soil humidity proportional to rainfall.

ogenous quantities. This inference is similar to the oneusing value correspondences to order value termina-tions already implemented in Garp3. The epsilon typeof the terminations that determine the derivatives of ex-ogenous quantities is treated as non-immediate. Theseterminations do not have a specific reason for happen-ing and therefore should not have precedence over oth-ers [7].

2.3. Exogenous constant

One of the most useful features for simplifying asimulation, or to provide different perspectives to amodel, is to assign a constant value to a quantity. InGarp3, this can be done with an exogenous quantity.To illustrate this we present two simulations involvinga model that consists of two quantities, rainfall and soilhumidity. These two quantities are related by a qual-itative proportionality, P + (soil humidity, rainfall),so that when rainfall changes, humidity changes inthe same direction. Initially, let us consider that rain-fall is exogenously influenced and assigned “generateall values” and “exogenous random”. Soil humidityis not under external influences. A simulation startingwith the following initial values: rainfall =<?, ? >and humidity =< wet, ? > is shown in Fig. 1. The sim-ulation produces nine initial states, including all thepossible combinations between the three values of eachquantity. The full simulation results in 27 states, withall the combinations between the two quantities mag-nitudes and derivatives.

Fig. 2. Details as in Fig. 1 but now “steady” for soil humidity.

Fig. 3. Value history for the state graph shown in Fig. 2.

Consider now a simulation in which soil humidityis still exogenous but held constant at the interval Wet,while rainfall has the same conditions as in the previ-ous simulation. The resulting state graph is shown inFig. 2. It produces again nine initial states, but nowthese are the only states produced in the full simula-tion. In fact, only the states with the quantity with theconstant value Wet are possible, as shown in the valuehistory (Fig. 3). Having a quantity with the magnitudeconstant due to external influences clearly reduces thenumber of possible behaviours and simplifies the sim-ulation. This function is useful if the value of a certainquantity is known and it is desired to know what otherquantity values and system behaviours are consistentwith that.

3. Qualitative models of sustainable development

We now discuss applications of exogenous quanti-ties for models related to environmental sustainability.These models are related to the seventh MillenniumDevelopment Goal (MDG7), to “ensure environmentalsustainability”. The MDG were defined in The Millen-nium Declaration, signed in 2000 at the United Nations(UN), and consist of 8 goals and 18 targets on poverty,

54 B. Bredeweg et al. / Using exogenous quantities in qualitative models

hunger, education, gender, health, environment and co-operation, to be achieved mostly until 2015. Thereare 48 indicators to monitor progress of countries to-wards achieving the goals. National governments areexpected to periodically report on the situation of theMDG. Among the MDG, the MDG7 is probably themost difficult to understand and to achieve on time.In fact, most national reports published so far men-tioned difficulties with MDG7 [6]. Reasons for thatinclude conceptual problems in defining sustainabil-ity and problems to select (or create) suitable indica-tors to monitor MDG7 (Table 2 shows indicators pro-posed by the UN to monitor MDG7). Basically, for ex-perts there are hypotheses and commonsense knowl-edge about environmental sustainability. In develop-ing countries, despite the efforts of UN agencies andnational governments, data about indicators of envi-ronmental sustainability often do not exist or are in-complete, based on poor-quality statistics, expressed inqualitative terms. Finally, there are problems in com-munication with the public: environmental issues arepoorly understood and the indicators, to make thingsworse, are often presented as mere lists of data. Avail-able data is left out of context and unrelated to data pro-vided by other indicators in this format. Explanationsand predictions can hardly be drawn directly from thedata because causal relations are not made explicit.

In our work, we focus on building qualitative mod-els and simulations of external influences to indicatorsof MDG7, pointing out the importance of Garp3’s newfunctionality for dealing exogenous quantities. Envi-ronmental sustainability is a good domain to exploreexogenous influences, because it lies at the intersectionof domains such as ecology, sociology, and economics.Exogenous quantities can therefore be useful to inves-tigate the consequences for a system whose causalityis fairly well understood (e.g., pair wise ecological in-teractions) of behaviour in a system whose causalityis poorly understood (e.g., market fluctuations). In thiscase, the less-well understood system can be treatedas an exogenous quantity, and assumed to behave in acertain way. Furthermore, the Pressure-State-Response(PSR) framework adopted by the UN and the EuropeanEnvironmental Agency [13] to monitor and manage in-dicators and targets for the MDG is highly adaptable tothe ontology provided under Qualitative Process The-ory (QPT; [4]), where pressures from PSR can be con-sidered rates in QPT and states in PSR are states inQPT (response, aimed at reducing negative undesirablepressures or states in PSR, can be modelled either asrates or influenced quantities).

Based on QPT, we use two types of relations be-tween quantities to drive the computation of quantityvalues and to implement causal relations: direct influ-ences, posed by processes, which directly add to ortake away from the influenced quantities, and quali-tative proportionalities (or indirect influences), whichpropagate changes initiated by processes in one quan-tity to other quantities. Direct influences, modelled byI+ and I-, mean that the influencing quantity (a rate)is used to calculate the influenced quantity’s derivatevalue. For example, if I+(X,A) and this is the only in-fluence on X, the derivative of X takes the value of therate A. If rate A has a positive value, X increases. Sim-ilarly, if I-(X,B), this is the only influence on X andthe rate B has a positive value, then X decreases by anamount equal to B’s value.

Qualitative proportionalities are modelled by P+ andP- and establish a relation between two quantities in away that the influenced quantity gets the same deriv-ative sign as the influencing quantity. For instance, ifP+(C,X) and this is the only influence on C, then thisquantity will change in the same direction as X. Thus,if X is increasing, C will also increase. Similarly, if P-(D,X) and this is the only influence on D, then D willchange in the opposite direction.

We implemented models involving the indicators ofMDG7 (Table 2). They are discussed below.

3.1. Energy consumption and air pollution

This model considers how changes in the global oilmarket propagate to indicators of MDG7. Changes inoil market are caused by complex interactions amongeconomic, environmental, and social factors; these in-teract to create cycles of shortage and abundance of pe-troleum. Hence, we model change in the oil market asan exogenous quantity, and its behaviour assumes gen-erate all values and exogenous sinusoidal options. Thismodel shows how changes in supply and demand ofavailable energy due to market oscillations may affectthe use of petroleum in industry, transport and domes-tic activities, which in turn are causally related to at-mospheric pollution, including CO2 emissions, ozonedepleting substances production and global warminggases (indicator 28). The model also includes indoorair pollution, caused by smoke produced by use ofsolid fuel such as wood and charcoal (indicator 29).The model shows the consequences of atmosphericpollution on the incidence of respiratory diseases andon atmospheric temperature, a condition related toglobal warming.

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Table 2

Targets and indicators associated to the MDG7

Goal 7: Ensure environmental sustainability

Targets Indicators

Target 9 – Integrate the principles of sustainable 25 – Proportion of land area covered by forest

development into country policies and programmes 26 – Land area protected to maintain biological diversity

and reverse the loss of environmental resources 27 – Use of energy per unit of GDP (energy efficiency)

28 – Carbon dioxide emissions (per capita)

[Plus two figures of global atmospheric pollution: ozone

depletion and the accumulation of global warming gases]

29 – Proportion of population that use solid fuel

Target 10 – Halve, by 2015, the proportion of people 30 – Proportion of population without sustainable access to

without sustainable access to safe drinking water and an improved water source

basic sanitation

Target 11 – By 2020, to have achieved a significant 31 – Proportion of people without access to improved

improvement in the lives of at least 100 million sanitation

slum dwellers 32 – Proportion of people with access to secure tenure

The model distinguishes two types of respiratorydiseases: general diseases, due to atmospheric pollu-tion that affects the whole population, and chronic res-piratory diseases (crd), due to household air pollution.This latter type of pollution affects mostly people liv-ing in poor households, with high densities and badventilation, who use solid fuel for cooking. Data avail-able support the hypothesis that the use of solid fuelis an alternative for petroleum as an energy source fora large number of poor Brazilian households, wherestoves of the two types are available. It was shown thatthe use of solid fuel increased during a recent petro-leum shortage and decreased again after the crisis [10].

Exogenous sinusoidal behaviour is assigned to thequantity market change rate, which has QS {demand,zero, offer} to represent situations where demand forpetroleum is greater than, equal to, or less than sup-ply, respectively. The model consists of 15 model frag-ments involving 6 entities (human, economy, energy,atmosphere, industry, transport) and 11 quantities. Theexogenous quantity market change rate puts a directinfluence on the quantity available petroleum, and thisquantity influences the use of petroleum in the indus-try and in the transport sectors, major producers of at-mospheric pollutants in many countries. These are in-direct positive influences, so that when available pe-troleum is decreasing (because there is a shortage anddemand increases over the supply), so are the quanti-ties use of petroleum in industry and transport, and thequantities pollutant gases and O3 depleting substancesare also decreasing.

There is a negative indirect influence of available pe-troleum on the quantity use of solid fuel so that it in-

Fig. 4. Causal model “Energy consumption and air pollution”.

creases when available petroleum is decreasing (andthe prices increase). As a consequence, the amount ofsmoke inside households is increasing and so is thepopulation with crd. The two quantities representingatmospheric pollution affect the population with res-piratory diseases (in general) and atmospheric temper-ature. This last quantity has QS {below, alert point,global warming} to capture the idea that there is analert point and above that there is an interval that cor-responds to the global warming phenomenon. Figure 4shows the causal model.

One of the possible simulations with this modelstarts with temperature in the < alert point, ? >,available petroleum with value < plus, ? > andthe other quantities with intermediate values and un-

56 B. Bredeweg et al. / Using exogenous quantities in qualitative models

Fig. 5. Behaviour graph based on the model in Fig. 4.

defined derivatives. The exogenous quantity marketchange rate may oscillate and 8 initial states are pro-duced, in which this quantity assumes values demand(demand greater than supply), zero (or equilibrium, de-mand equals supply) and offer (supply greater than de-mand), with derivative increasing, stable and decreas-ing. This full simulation produces 24 states as shownin the Fig. 5. Table 3 shows some of the quantity val-ues exhibiting cyclic behaviours. Interestingly, globalwarming is likely to happen when petroleum offer isincreasing and domestic crd follows an opposite pat-tern.

3.2. Deforestation model

Because there is a multitude of social, economic,and environmental factors that influence the decisionto remove forest from an area, we treat deforestationrate as an exogenous quantity in a model to assess theconsequences of deforestation on indicators of MDG7.Specifically, we explore the consequences of exoge-nously increasing deforestation rate on area covered bynatural vegetation (indicator 25) and, therefore, loss ofbiodiversity (indicator 26). In countries like Brazil thathave potentially vast unexplored resources in terms oftechnological products derived from this biodiversity,this situation could decrease gross domestic product(GDP), which features in other indicators of the MDG(including MDG7).

Deforestation also increases the area without naturalcover of vegetation. This situation speeds up the ero-sion process, which increases the removed soil. Twooutcomes of erosion are reduction of water reservoirs

and of agricultural production. The former influencesthe use of water, that is, almost all biological and eco-nomic activities, including human supply. Hence, in-creased deforestation is expected to increase the pro-portion of population without access to a safe watersupply (indicator 30). In the model, GDP is influencedby three quantities: technological products agriculturalproduction, and uses of water. A feedback loop (P-) es-tablishes the link between GDP and deforestation rate,so that the rate of the process increases when GDPdecreases, reinforcing the destructive process. Con-versely, when GDP increases, it is expected that defor-estation decreases.

As an example, we run a simulation starting withan initial scenario in which the area covered with nat-ural vegetation has value large and derivative unde-fined, and GDP has its maximum value. This simula-tion produces four states, in which the consequencesof exogenously increasing rate of deforestation clearlyreduce the area covered by natural vegetation, reducebiodiversity, increase removed soil by erosion, reduceagricultural production and the uses of water, and in-crease the amount of population without safe water. Inthese conditions, the value of GDP reaches its mini-mum value.

3.3. Energetic efficiency model

Energetic efficiency (indicator 27) is defined as theratio between the amount of energy consumed dur-ing a certain time and the GDP produced during thatperiod. The idea is that the country is more efficientin the use of energy when either more wealth is pro-duced with the same amount of (or less) energy, or thesame amount of wealth is produced with less energy. Itmay not be intuitive, but increased efficiency results insmaller numerical values of the indicator. However, of-ten both energy consumption and GDP are increasing,what makes the situation more complex. The problemis now to figure out which quantity increases faster.Here, we consider two uses of exogenous quantities.First, we use generate all values and exogenous in-creasing for the quantity economic activity. Second, weuse the constant to reduce complexity in the simulationso that the results can be better understood.

In the implemented model, the economic growthprocess is represented by a rate that puts a direct influ-ence (I+) on the quantity economic activity. This quan-tity influences the use of energy (represented by thequantity petroleum in four main activities: agriculture,industry, transport and services). In each of these sec-

B. Bredeweg et al. / Using exogenous quantities in qualitative models 57

Table 3

Value histories for 9 quantities in a behaviour path of 9 states present in the full simulation of “Energy and air pollution”

tors the quantity use of petroleum has an indirect influ-ence (P+) on the quantity sectoral GDP. Taking into ac-count all the economic sectors, both quantities, use ofpetroleum and sectoral GDP, have indirect influences(P+) respectively on total use of petroleum and totalGDP. The former puts a positive (P+) and the latter anegative (P-) indirect influence on the quantity ener-getic efficiency.

Simulations with a model that encodes so manycompeting influences results in a large behaviourgraph, with a large number of states. In fact, in a sce-nario with economic activity is as exogenous quantitywith the generate all values and exogenously increas-ing derivative, 214 states are produced (with other ini-tial values of all sectoral use of petroleum and sec-toral GDP set to value low using QS {low, medium,high} and energetic efficiency in equilibrium using QS{decreasing, equilibrium, increasing}). However, if wealso use exogenous constant constraints on use of pe-troleum and sectoral GDP in agriculture, the simula-tion produces 65 states. This reduced complexity al-lows us to more easily examine the behaviour of thosequantities that are not held constant.

4. Discussion

This article presents the use of exogenous quantitiesin qualitative models. Exogenous quantities influencethe behaviour of a system, without being affected bythat behaviour themselves. Our approach differs fromprevious work in that it allows modellers to define ex-ogenous quantities and assign specific behaviours tothem.

Seven mechanisms have been established and im-plemented in the qualitative reasoning engine Garp3.The examples used to illustrate the exogenously de-termined behaviours are relatively simple, but repre-sentative of phenomena typically addressed in ecologyand sustainability sciences, such as oscillations, cycles,randomness and uncertainty. In fact, the mechanismsseem of particular interest for ecological modelling, asis shown by the models presented on environmentalsustainability addressing the seventh Millennium De-velopment Goal.

Using exogenous quantities enhances the potentialof qualitative reasoning for handling uncertainty in dy-namic models. Three of the mechanisms are directlyrelated to uncertain conditions: generate all values, si-nusoidal, and random. These can be used to modelthe kind of uncertainty referred to as “aleatory” un-certainty [8], where all the values (of both magnitudesand derivatives) are equally likely to happen, given ourknowledge of the system, and the level of uncertaintycannot be reduced (e.g., through better measurement).However, it remains interesting and useful to developmodels to understand the effects on other quantities,given the uncertain values and behaviour of the uncer-tain quantities.

Exogenous quantities enrich the representational po-tential of qualitative models while maintaining the sim-ulator’s capabilities of deriving behaviour from thestructural description of the system. The exogenousbehaviours, as presented in this article, can be placedeither at the beginning of a causal chain or within acausal chain, among non-exogenous quantities. Thus,any type of quantity (directly and indirectly influenced)can be considered an exogenous quantity.

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Our ongoing work seeks to evaluate the effective-ness of exogenous quantities in a broader set of ecolog-ical models as well as the effectiveness of qualitativemodels to improve the “average citizen’s” understand-ing of factors related to environmental sustainability.


This work was co-funded by the EC within the6th Framework Programme (2002-2006) (Project no.004074, NaturNet-Redime, www.naturnet.org).


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