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variable output 1-4.5 kWe, ICE-driven, natural-gas fueled

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Experimental thermodynamic first and second law analysis of a 1 variable output 1-4.5 kWe, ICE-driven, natural-gas fueled 2 micro-CHP generator 3 Zachary Taie * , Christopher Hagen 4 Oregon State University, School of Mechanical, Industrial, and Manufacturing Engineering, 1500 SW Chandler Ave., Bend, OR 97701, U.S. 5 Abstract 6 This work experimentally assesses the thermodynamic performance of the only single kWe, 7 variable-output, continuous duty, internal combustion engine driven, residential micro-combined heat 8 and power (mCHP) generator (Marathon Engine Systems ecopower) available in the United States. 9 The system underwent steady state testing over its full operating range, and first (energy) and second 10 (exergy) law analyses were conducted on the collected data. At rated speed, first law results reveal 11 the ecopower operated at an electrical efficiency of 24.4±0.7% and a utilization factor of 94.5±12.6%. 12 At the same speed, the ecopower’s second law electrical efficiency was 24.3±0.8% and total second 13 law efficiency (including exergy in both the recovered heat and electrical streams) was 33.7±1.9%. 14 This total second law efficiency was higher than that of common residential heating devices, including 15 electric and gas furnaces and boilers, electric air-source heat pumps, and gas-engine driven heat 16 pumps. Further, the ecopower outperformed most of these devices at all part-load conditions as well, 17 indicating it would be an appropriate choice for a dispatchable generator to provide ancillary grid- 18 support services in a future with increased variable renewable generator penetration. System-level 19 and internal combustion engine irreversibilities are also presented to identify areas of inefficiency. 20 The most prominent irreversibilities were (in decreasing magnitude) irreversible heat transfer, 21 combustion irreversibility, frictional and pumping losses, followed by generator and power electronic 22 losses. 23 Keywords: Residential cogeneration, variable output micro-combined heat and power, thermodynamic 24 exergy analysis, natural gas, internal combustion engine, dipatachable grid balancing CHP 25 * Corresponding author. Tel.:+1-541-579-5673. E-mail address: [email protected].

Experimental thermodynamic first and second law analysis of a 1 variable output 1-4.5 kWe, ICE-driven, natural-gas fueled 2

micro-CHP generator 3

Zachary Taie*, Christopher Hagen 4

Oregon State University, School of Mechanical, Industrial, and Manufacturing Engineering, 1500 SW Chandler Ave., Bend, OR 97701, U.S. 5

Abstract 6

This work experimentally assesses the thermodynamic performance of the only single kWe, 7 variable-output, continuous duty, internal combustion engine driven, residential micro-combined heat 8 and power (mCHP) generator (Marathon Engine Systems ecopower) available in the United States. 9 The system underwent steady state testing over its full operating range, and first (energy) and second 10 (exergy) law analyses were conducted on the collected data. At rated speed, first law results reveal 11 the ecopower operated at an electrical efficiency of 24.4±0.7% and a utilization factor of 94.5±12.6%. 12 At the same speed, the ecopower’s second law electrical efficiency was 24.3±0.8% and total second 13 law efficiency (including exergy in both the recovered heat and electrical streams) was 33.7±1.9%. 14 This total second law efficiency was higher than that of common residential heating devices, including 15 electric and gas furnaces and boilers, electric air-source heat pumps, and gas-engine driven heat 16 pumps. Further, the ecopower outperformed most of these devices at all part-load conditions as well, 17 indicating it would be an appropriate choice for a dispatchable generator to provide ancillary grid-18 support services in a future with increased variable renewable generator penetration. System-level 19 and internal combustion engine irreversibilities are also presented to identify areas of inefficiency. 20 The most prominent irreversibilities were (in decreasing magnitude) irreversible heat transfer, 21 combustion irreversibility, frictional and pumping losses, followed by generator and power electronic 22 losses. 23

Keywords: Residential cogeneration, variable output micro-combined heat and power, thermodynamic 24 exergy analysis, natural gas, internal combustion engine, dipatachable grid balancing CHP 25

* Corresponding author. Tel.:+1-541-579-5673. E-mail address: [email protected].

2 Taie / Energy 00 (2018) 000–000

1. Introduction 26

1.1. Motivation 27

The combined efficiency of the United States’s electrical generation and distribution system 28 (delivered electricity compared to primary energy consumption) was 33.6 % in 2016. This includes 29 losses incurred in the generator during conversion from primary fuel to electricity, as well as electrical 30 transmission and distribution losses. There are two primary routes to increase this efficiency: improve 31 the average centralized prime mover and generator efficiency, or decrease the transmission and 32 distribution losses. Investigating these options in closer detail reveals that state-of-the-art centralized 33 generators have seen a steady improvement in efficiency at a rate of approximately 0.5% annually 34 since the 1960’s [1], with flagship 1.2 GW combined cycle plants currently achieving an efficiency 35 of 63% † [2]. As this new technology diffuses into the generation fleet the average generation 36 efficiency will increase as well. However, the electrical grid has not matched this level of technical 37 improvement, with transmission and distribution losses remaining relatively flat over the last decade 38 in the U.S. and over several decades globally [3]. This trend is mostly due to the large cost associated 39 with rewiring transmission lines with more efficient and robust conductors that have lower resistivity 40 or the ability to operate at a higher voltages. 41

Nomenclature 42 ARPA-E Advanced Research Project Agency – Energy 43 CHP Combined Heat and Power 44 mCHP micro-CHP 45 DG Distributed Generation 46 DOE Department of Energy 47 GIMEP Gross indicated mean effective pressure 48 HC Hydrocarbon 49 HHV Higher Heating Value 50 ICE Internal Combustion Engine 51 LHV Lower Heating Value 52 NIMEP Net indicated mean effective pressure 53 PIMEP Pumping indicated mean effective pressure 54 RMS Root Mean Square 55

An approach to reduce transmission losses that does not require rewiring transmission and 56 distribution lines is distributed generation (DG). This technique, which has seen an increase in interest 57 recently, moves away from the traditional centralized generator model to one in which a large number 58 of smaller generators are located closer to the site of electricity consumption. This spatial relocation 59

† All efficiencies presented will be based on the fuel’s lower heating value (LHV).

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of the electrical generation eliminates the need for electrical transmission and distribution, removing 60 the associated losses. In the United States, these losses averaged 6% of the total electricity generation 61 over the last decade. In 2016 alone these losses totaled 314 PWh, which had an associated retail value 62 of $32 billion [4]. The power generation sector could eliminate a substantial portion of these losses if 63 distributed generation was to see widespread adoption. Further, the use of a coordinated fleet of 64 distributed dispatchable generators could be used to provide ancillary grid services, such as demand 65 response or supplemental generation, to support variable renewable generators. As renewable 66 generator penetration continues to increase these services are expected to become increasingly 67 necessary to maintain grid stability. 68

There are two major barriers to overcome before widespread distributed generator adoption 69 occurs – increasing generator efficiency (reducing O&M cost) and reducing capital cost. Currently, 70 natural gas fueled, internal combustion engine (ICE) driven, residential backup generators (~7 kWe) 71 have a peak electrical efficiency of approximately 21.5% [5] (LHV based). Therefore, small 72 generators cannot currently thermodynamically outperform the centralized-generation model, and 73 would in fact reduce the overall electrical system efficiency if implemented. To overcome this 74 limitation, generator manufacturers have designed a new class of cogeneration units in which the 75 generator’s waste heat is utilized to satisfy residential thermal loads. This technique is termed 76 combined heat and power (CHP), or micro-CHP (mCHP) when utilized at the residential scale (below 77 ~50 kWe). There are several commercial systems available with an electrical output under 5 kWe, 78 the best of which have electrical efficiencies of approximately 28.6% [6] (LHV based). These systems 79 have total utilization factors (useful heat output plus electrical output over total heat input) 80 approaching 100% (LHV based), and as such would increase delivered energy efficiency vs the 81 combined natural gas and electrical grid. Internal combustion engines also provide the ramping 82 capabilities necessary to provide ancillary grid services. These systems are therefore seeing an 83 increase in popularity, but have low consumer penetration due to their high capital cost and long 84 payback periods. 85

In an attempt to spur innovation in mCHP technology, the Department of Energy’s (DOE) 86 Advanced Research Project Agency – Energy (ARPA-E) created a program (GENSETS [7]) to fund 87 the development of more efficient and lower cost mCHP technology. This program specifically 88 targeted heat engine based technology, as fuel cell mCHP units have been investigated in other 89 programs and were further from the cost targets than more mature ICE based units. The work 90 presented here is part of a program that was undertaken to establish the current performance 91 benchmark of state-of-the-art of mCHP generators of various sizes. The findings were provided to 92 the ARPA-E to assist with development of the GENSETS program objectives [8]. 93

There has been a substantial amount of work conducted recently with regard to mCHP. Much 94 of the published work has consisted of computational studies of the potential economic [9]–[25] and 95

4 Taie / Energy 00 (2018) 000–000

environmental impacts [11]–[14], [19], [20], [25]–[29] of implementing mCHP. However, there are 96 several shortcomings in the current literature that need to be addressed in order to further mCHP 97 technology: 1) most of the computational studies identified in the literature rely on performance 98 metrics provided by manufacturers ([10], [13], [14], [21]–[25], [27], [30], [31]) which may not be 99 impartial, and 2) the experimental performance metrics reported are largely system level (e.g., system 100 electrical efficiency, system utilization factor, etc.) and do not provide detailed component level 101 information (e.g., ICE thermal efficiency, mean effective pressure, generator conversion efficiency, 102 etc.) that are necessary for technology development. 103

This work aims to address each of these shortcomings by: 1) providing updated system-level 104 heat recovery and electrical efficiency as a function of engine speed for use in updating and 105 developing dispatchable mCHP models, and 2) presenting a detailed energy and exergy accounting 106 of each energy conversion step from the fuel’s chemical energy to the output electricity, including 107 internal combustion engine and generator performance. 108

2. Materials and Methods 109

2.1. Generator Selection 110

The work reported in this paper was part of a larger effort to benchmark the most technically 111 advanced and commercially relevant generators in the nominally 1 kWe [32], 5 kWe (this study), and 112 the 7 kWe [5] output ranges. To this end, a generator model was selected in each of these size ranges 113 and underwent performance testing. 114

The first step in the generator selection process was to identify all nominally 5 kWe 115 generators that were commercially available. This was accomplished through two processes. The first 116 was to purchase a database from Power Systems Research that contained every model of natural gas-117 fueled, internal combustion engine driven, residential generators between 0-100 kWe in which more 118 than 50 units were use in the U.S. in 2014 [33]. After reviewing the Power Systems Research database, 119 it was clear that there was a lack of nominally 5 kWe mCHP units in service in the U.S. in 2014. In 120 fact, the database included only a single model, indicating that only one system had more than 50 121 units in service nationally in 2014. However, previous investigation indicated that there was more 122 than one commercially available mCHP generator in the 5 kWe range that was not present in the 123 database, implying these models had a negligible market penetration in the U.S. 124

To identify commercial mCHP technology in the 5 kWe range that was either in use outside 125 of the U.S., or suffering from negligible deployment domestically, an international technology survey 126 was conducted. This survey revealed 26 commercial mCHP units with outputs between 1-10 kWe, 127 11 of which were in the nominally 5 kWe output range. This list was then reduced to three units based 128 on utilization factor (electrical plus thermal efficiency) and the feasibility of importing a unit into the 129

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U.S. for testing. The three remaining units were the SenerTec Dachs family (the standard, condensing, 130 and low NOx variants), the Yanmar CP5WN, and the Marathon Engine Systems ecopower. Their 131 representative manufacturer provided specifications are compared in Table 1. 132

Table 1. Relevant manufacturer supplied specifications of final 5 kWe mCHP models. The Marathon 133 Engine System was tested for this work. 134


Upon further investigation, the factors deemed most important when choosing the 5 kWe 136 mCHP unit were the unit’s efficiency, expected lifetime (endurance), capital cost, and availability. 137 Due to the claimed high efficiency of the Dachs units, they were left as contenders in the final 138 selection. However, importation restrictions proved to be too cumbersome, and they were eliminated. 139 This left only the Yanmar CP5WN and the Marathon Engine Systems ecopower. After receiving 140 quotes from both companies (confidential), there was not a significant difference in price. The 141 differentiating characteristic between the two units ended up being the utilization factor, where the 142 ecopower had a 9% higher total claimed efficiency. As a secondary benefit, the ecopower, (the engine 143 of which was originally designed by Briggs and Stratton for the York Triathlon engine-driven heat 144 pump), was able to modulate its thermal and electrical output. This modulating capability was 145 uncommon for the identified mCHP units in all size classes, and was an interesting contrast to the 146 common mCHP system which has a single operating point, including the selected 1 kWe and 7 kWe 147 models tested in this program. 148


Marathon Engine Systems

Model CP5WN ecopowerStandard Condensing Standard Condensing

Fuel Natural Gas Natural Gas Natural Gas Natural Gas Natural Gas Natural GasElectrical Output [kW] 5 1-4.5Thermal Output [kW] 12.5 14.8 12.3 14.6 10 3.8-13.8Fuel input [kW] 17.8 6.2-19Electrical Input [kW] 0.33 0Voltage/Frequency 240 /120 60 Hz 240/60 HzEfficiency -Electrical 28% 25% -Heat Recovery 61% 72% 63% 74% 56% 68% -Utilization Factor 88% 99% 89% 100% 84% 93%Emissions Meets EPA Meets EPA -CO2 < 610 g/kWh 327 kg/MWh -SO2 Trace kg/MWh -NOx < 5.36 g/kWh 0.03 kg/MWhEndurance [hr] 60,000 40,00080,000

< 0.3 g/Nm^3

< 0.5 g/Nm^3


Dachs 5.5 Dachs 5.0 (Low NOx)

3ø 230 V/400V 50 Hz

Meets German TA-Luft


5.5 5

20.5 19.6


0.12 0.12

6 Taie / Energy 00 (2018) 000–000

2.2. Experimental Testing Range 149

It is typical for mCHP units to only operate at a single load point, i.e., operate in a binary 150 on/off fashion with a single electrical output when in operation. This is common because optimizing 151 a single load point results in a higher efficiency relative to optimizing a range of loads as design trade-152 offs are not as restrictive. However, binary operation results in a device that loses valuable features 153 such as load following, or the ability to participate in market operations such as demand response or 154 grid stabilization. As mentioned previously, the ecopower is capable of modulating its electrical 155 output from ~1 – 4.5 kWe with an associated heat output of ~4.0 – 12.4 kW. Less than 10% of the 156 identified mCHP generators in the 0 – 10 kWe range had the ability to modulate output, making it an 157 uncommon attribute. This capability could theoretically allow the ecopower to respond to grid 158 requests while still meeting the residence’s electrical and thermal needs. To evaluate this capability, 159 the ecopower was tested at the following five speeds: 1200, 1500, 1900, 2700, and 3600 RPM. 160

2.3. ecopower Experimental Facility 161

Testing of the ecopower occurred at Intertek Carnot Emissions Services with the assistance 162 of the authors and a representative from Marathon Engine Systems. Triplicate performance and 163 emissions data was recorded for repeatability. An instrumentation diagram detailing the location of 164 the installed transducers is shown in Figure 1. 165


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Figure 1. Instrumentation diagram of marathon ecopower. P-pressure, T-temperature, Vf-volumetric 167 flowrate, A-amperage, V-voltage, E-emissions. 168

The volumetric fuel flow rate into the system was recorded using an EKM PGM-75 bellows 169 type flow meter (±1.5%) with measurements for pressure and temperature taken using an omega 170 px309-015CG5V pressure transducer (±1.0%) and a K type thermocouple (±1.1 °C), respectively. A 171 carbon balance calculation using the emissions measurements was also used to verify the measured 172 fuel flow rate, which showed agreement within ±3% for all test runs. The output voltage and current 173 was measured with a Mastech MS2203 (±1.2%) and an Extech 380943 (±1.0%), respectively. All 174 other temperature measurements, including the coolant loop, surface temperatures, exhaust 175 temperatures, and water temperatures were made with type K thermocouples (±1.1 °C). The coolant 176 volumetric flow rate was measured using an Omega FTB8010HW-PT flow meter (±1.5%), while the 177 volumetric flow rate of the water was measured using an EKM HOT-SPWM-075 flow meter (±2.0%). 178 The emissions measurements were made using a Rosemount NGA 2000 (±2.0%) with incorporated 179 HFID for HC measurements, a NDIR MLT module for CO and CO2 measurements, and a 180 chemiluminescence detector for wet NOx measurement. In order to calculate the gross indicated mean 181 effective pressure (GIMEP), net indicated mean effective pressure (NIMEP), and pumping indicated 182 mean effective pressure (PIMEP), in-cylinder pressure measurements were taken with a Kistler 183 6118BFD16A41 (±0.7% including transducer, data acquisition devices and charge amplifier) at 184 >0.2 crank angle degree resolution measured by a BEI XHS25 shaft encoder (±0.1%). 185

Prior to data collection, the ecopower was run at rated power output until the exhaust and 186 inlet water temperature did not change more than 0.5 °C for 10 minutes, indicating that steady state 187 was reached. The ecopower’s outlet water temperature was held at 70 °C for all testing runs, and the 188 inlet water temperature was allowed to adjust to reach steady state. After data was collected for 189 approximately 10 minutes at 3600 RPM the speed was reduced to 2700 RPM and the exhaust and 190 inlet water temperatures were allowed to reach steady state. This process was repeated until data was 191 collected at each load point (each engine speed). 192

2.4. Electric Motor Testing 193

The measured electrical production and fuel consumption of the Ecopower was sufficient to 194 calculate the system level electrical efficiency, but a more in-depth analysis of the internal 195 subsystems, including the engine and generator, was desired. The ecopower’s control system had 196 safeties and interlocks in place that would prevent the engine from running while disconnected from 197 the generator, which precluded direct engine performance measurement through dynamometer 198 testing. Therefore, to indirectly measure the engine performance, the generator’s efficiency was 199 measured through direct dynamometer testing. To calculate the engine’s output shaft power the 200 ecopower’s output electrical power was modified by the generator (and assumed power electronics) 201

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efficiency. 202

To couple the generator to the dynamometer a footing mount was fabricated to convert the 203 stock engine block into a test stand. This was desirable for two reasons: 1) the generator housing was 204 already fastened to the engine block in the stock orientation, and 2) the generator’s rotor was already 205 coupled to the crankshaft which extended through the engine block making for an easy location to 206 couple to the torque transducer. A photograph of this arrangement is shown in Figure 2. To reduce 207 the frictional losses as much as possible the piston was decoupled from the crankshaft and removed 208 from the cylinder. However, the main crankshaft bearings were still located between the torque 209 transducer and the electric generator, so the measured generator performance does include the main 210 bearing losses, which would not normally be included in the generator efficiency. The generator’s 211 high frequency three-phase electrical output was connected to three NH Research 4600 AC electronic 212 load banks (±0.5%), and the input shaft torque and rotational speed were measured using a 213 Himmelstein MCRT49002V (±2 %) torque transducer. 214

215 Figure 2. Electric generator testing arrangement. 216

2.5. Control Volume Definition, Thermodynamic Analysis, and Uncertainty Quantification 217

The thermodynamic analysis methodology, including control volume definition, first and 218 second law definitions, and the uncertainty quantification has been presented in a previous sister 219 publication [32]. For brevity, the methodology will be briefly reviewed but not rigorously defined. 220 This description should be sufficient for those who are familiar with these analyses. For those who 221 are not, the complete mathematical definition can be found in Taie et al. [32]. 222

Several energy flows into and out of the ecopower were identified (most of which are shown 223 in Figure 1), including the heat input with the fuel, thermal and chemical energy exhausted with the 224

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exhaust gases, heat recovered in the coolant, electricity produced, and heat transfer to the 225 environment. These energy flows were instrumented as shown in Figure 1 and were recorded as power 226 flows at steady state. The power input via fuel was calculated by measuring the fuel input mass flow 227 rate and the lower heating value of the fuel. The rate of recovered heat was calculated from the coolant 228 mass flow rate, the specific heat of the coolant, and the temperature difference of the coolant leaving 229 and entering the ecopower. The electrical power produced was calculated from root mean square 230 (RMS) voltage and current measurements. The rate of heat leaving in the exhaust was calculated from 231 speciated exhaust concentration measurements, the mass flow rate of the exhaust, the specific heat of 232 the exhaust species, and the difference between the exhaust temperature and 25 °C. The rate of 233 chemical energy leaving in the exhaust was calculated from the speciated exhaust concentration 234 measurements, the mass flow of the exhaust, and the lower heating value of each species. The 235 unmeasured rate of heat transfer was calculated from a first law balance around the ecopower. The 236 utilization factor of a system is equal to the recovered heat plus work produced divided by the input 237 energy. It is a figure of merit (similar to an efficiency) that measures a device’s CHP performance. 238

From the second law perspective several exergy flows and irreversibilities were identified. 239 The mass flow streams into and out of the control volume carried exergy in two forms: chemical and 240 thermomechanical exergy. The thermomechanical exergy (calculated using the flow exergy relation) 241 is the work that could be produced when a system is brought to thermal and mechanical equilibrium 242 with the dead state, without an accompanying change in chemical composition. The end state of this 243 process is termed the restricted dead state since the chemical composition of the system is not 244 composed of species that are present in the true dead state. The chemical exergy, then, is the work 245 that could be produced as the system undergoes chemical reactions that change its chemical 246 composition from the restricted dead state to the true dead state. This is similar to the heating value 247 of a fuel which is a first law view of the same process. However, there is an entropy penalty that must 248 paid during this process, limiting the amount of work that can be produced from the chemical reaction. 249 The chemical exergy of the fuel and exhaust streams was calculated from the Gibbs free energy of 250 each species. Exergy was also transferred out of the system with heat transfer. The exergetic value of 251 heat is the work that could be produced from the heat if it were supplied to Carnot heat engine at a 252 given supply and ambient temperature. The combustion irreversibility was calculated from an entropy 253 balance on the internal combustion engine, and the frictional and pumping irreversibilities were 254 calculated from the in-cylinder pressure measurements. 255

The uncertainties presented in this paper are a combination of the known systematic errors 256 and the measured random errors. The elemental systematic errors of each measurement device 257 (presented in parenthesis next to each measurement device in Section 2) were combined using the 258 root of sum of squares method to calculate the total expected systematic error of each measurement. 259 The random error of each measurement was calculated from the standard deviation of the set of 260

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measurements and a “t estimator” from statistical methods. The total uncertainty of each measurement 261 is then the root of sum of squares of the random and systematic uncertainty of each measurement. 262 The Kline and McClintock method was used to calculate the propagation of these uncertainties from 263 individual measurements to calculated values. For a more detailed explanation of the uncertainty 264 quantification method used see Taie et al. [32] section 2.4.4. 265

3. Results and Discussion 266

The results presented here first detail the system level performance for comparison to the 267 state of the art and for use in updating mCHP models. Following this discussion, a detailed analysis 268 of the energy conversion steps in the internal combustion engine and the electric generator will be 269 presented. 270

3.1. System Level Results 271

At the system level, the primary objective was to measure the ecopower’s electrical efficiency 272 and utilization factor as a function of engine speed. At rated speed, these measurements provide a 273 valuable update to models that treat the mCHP generator as a binary device, while the part-load 274 measurements provide updated (and more granular) information for dynamic mCHP models. To 275 calculate these figures of merit, instrumentation was installed on the four main system level energy 276 flows into and out of the mCHP system: fuel input, heat recovered in the coolant recovery loop, 277 electrical energy, and thermal and chemical energy in the system exhaust (Figure 1). To identify the 278 proportion of input energy (or exergy) that left the system as unmeasurable heat transfer, an energy 279 (or exergy) balance was conducted. The energy balance is presented in Figure 3 and Figure 4, and the 280 exergy balance is presented in Figure 5 and Figure 6. 281


3.1.1. First Law Results 283 284

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Figure 3. Output power streams of the ecopower

under varying engine speeds.

Figure 4. Percent of input power of each output

power stream, defined as �̇�𝐸𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑄𝑄𝐿𝐿𝐿𝐿𝐿𝐿

, along with utilization factor.


The ecopower was most efficient at higher engine operating speeds, Figure 4. A peak 286 electrical efficiency and utilization factor of 24.4±0.7 and 94.5±12.6 %, respectively, were recorded 287 at an engine speed of 3600 RPM. At the lowest engine speed of 1200 RPM there was a noticeable 288 uptick in the fuel energy fraction recovered as heat, which also increased the utilization factor even 289 as the electrical efficiency continued to decrease. This provides an interesting data point, as many 290 HVAC control strategies can utilize consistent, low heat flows to maintain room temperatures. As a 291 percentage of input power, the energy remaining in the stack exhaust increased slightly with engine 292 speed, but it was largely negligible. 293

The magnitude of recovered heat and electricity generated were nearly linear functions of 294 engine speed over the ecopower’s operating range, Figure 3. However, the energy remaining in the 295 engine exhaust (chemical plus thermal) showed a positive power fit to the engine speed, indicating 296 that in-cylinder heat transfer and combustion efficiency were increasingly effected by decreased 297 cylinder and catalyst residence times. Consequently, the energy lost to the surroundings through heat 298 transfer decreased in response to the higher amounts of energy remaining in the exhaust at higher 299 engine loads. 300

The uncertainties of the utilization and the recovered heat were primarily derived from the 301 use of type K thermocouples which have a larger error than their type T counterparts. No type T 302 thermocouples were available at ICES. The utilization uncertainty reaches above 100 % because the 303 efficiency values provided are defined based on the LHV. The ecopower is actually a partially 304 condensing unit, which means that the HHV is the maximum bounding case. The HHV limit is 305

1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000

Engine Speed [RPM]








ent o

f Inp

ut P




Recovered Heat


Lost Heat

Utilization Factor

12 Taie / Energy 00 (2018) 000–000

approximately 110% of the LHV. 306

3.1.2. Second Law Results 307


Figure 5. System-level ecopower output exergy flows. Exhaust TM – thermomechanical exergy 309 present in the exhaust, Exhaust CH – chemical exergy present in the exhaust. 310

Figure 5 shows the system-level ecopower exergy outflows, including the system exergy 311 destruction, as a function of engine speed. The major difference between the system-level exergy 312 (Figure 5) and energy (Figure 3) outflows is the value of the recovered heat. As shown in Figure 3, 313 the recovered heat contains approximately three times the energy present in the electricity, however, 314 it only contains approximately half as much exergy as the electricity does. This discrepancy indicates 315 the low quality of the recovered heat (which is recovered at approximately 70 °C). With the exception 316 of the thermomechanical exergy present in the exhaust which shows a positive power correlation to 317 engine speed, the exergy flows are relatively linear or flat with engine speed. At 1200 RPM the 318 thermomechanical exergy present in the exhaust is roughly 25% higher than the chemical exergy 319 present in the exhaust, however, this discrepancy increases to approximately 100% at 3600 RPM. 320 This indicates that the reduced residence time has a larger impact on heat transfer within the engine 321 cylinder and exhaust catalyst than it does on system-level chemical conversion efficiency. 322

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Figure 6. Exergy output streams normalized by input exergy. Exhaust TM – thermomechanical 324 exergy present in the exhaust, Exhaust CH – chemical exergy present in the exhaust. 325

When the output exergy streams are normalized by the input exergy stream, the efficiency 326 trends become clearer. The second law efficiency of the electrical stream reaches 24.3±0.8% at 3600 327 RPM, while the coolant stream delivers 9.4±1.7% of the input exergy at the same speed. Combined, 328 these yield a second law utilization factor (also known as effectiveness or total second law efficiency) 329 of 33.7±1.9%. 330

The ecopower’s total second law efficiency is quite impressive when realizing that it is 331 primarily a furnace. Current heating technology has been developed with an emphasis on first law 332 heat delivery efficiency, which has resulted in maximizing the heat delivered by the device. However, 333 this approach has yielded devices with relatively low second law efficiencies as can be seen in Table 334 2. 335

14 Taie / Energy 00 (2018) 000–000

Table 2. Typical energy and exergy efficiency values for standard residential heating equipment. 1-[34], 2-[35], 336 3-[36], 4-[37], 5-[38]. 337


These efficiency measurements highlight the ecopower’s main thermodynamic benefit of 339 providing electricity as well as heat. Not only does the ecopower compare favorably at rated speed, 340 but it outperforms most of the highlighted heating appliances at all part load conditions as well. 341 Efficiently operating at part load is important because it could allow the ecopower to efficiently 342 deliver heat while operating in a mode in which it could either increase or decrease its electrical 343 output. This wait-and-respond capability is a valuable resource to the grid, and implies the ecopower 344 could be a valuable demand response asset if configured to be able to receive grid requests. These 345 data show that a fleet of variable output mCHP devices could provide grid support that is expected to 346 become increasingly necessary, all while operating at a higher second law efficiency than most current 347 residential heating systems. 348

Though the ecopower shows promise with regards to its technical performance, its capital 349 cost is a large barrier to widespread adoption. The combination of high historic R&D costs and current 350 low production volume has resulted in a capital cost that is approximately an order of magnitude 351 larger than current gas furnace and air-source heat pumps. Techno-economic analyses have shown 352 that this up-front cost is the primary driver in market penetration of mCHP devices [39]. As such, 353 reductions in this metric must be achieved for the ecopower to be an economically viable grid-support 354 generator. 355

3.1.3. System Emissions 356

Dilute post-catalyst emission measurements were recorded in triplicate at each of the load 357 points. The composite measurements were calculated following a test cycle that was intended to 358 mirror a 5-mode B-Cycle [40 CFR 1054 Appendix II(a)] steady-state test. However, the somewhat 359 autonomous generator control system did not allow for the direct control of engine load, allowing 360 only for engine speed to be controlled. The weighting factors for the composite emissions were 361

Device Energy Efficiency [%]

Exergy Efficiency [%]

Electric resistance heater1 99 6Electric Boiler2 67 5Electric Furnace2 54 18Electric heat pump1 380 19Gas furnace3 85+ 10Gas boiler1,2,4 90+ <10Gas-ICE air-source heat pump5 176 29Geothermal4 95 16ecopower mCHP 95 34

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therefore adjusted to account for only engine speed (instead of load), and are shown in Table 4. The 362 emission measurements and relevant EPA standards [40] are given in Table 3. The measurements 363 show that all relevant emissions were below the standards by at least an order of magnitude. 364

Table 3. Composite brake emission measurements for the ecopower.

Table 4. Mode weighting factors for composite emission calculations.

3.2. Internal Combustion Engine Subsystem 365

The ecopower’s prime mover is a single cylinder, liquid cooled, natural gas fueled internal 366 combustion engine called the Marathon Engine. Briggs and Stratton, under direction from the Gas 367 Technology Institute, initially designed this engine for use in an ICE-driven heat pump. The engine’s 368 specifications are given in Table 5. 369

Standard[g/kWh] [g/kWh]

BSCO 1.76 610BSCO2 804.3BSTHC 6.97BSNOx 0.70

BS(THC+NOx) 7.68

BSCH4 6.971BSNMHC 0.000BS(NMHC+NOx) 0.706 8.0

BSN2O 0.140BSFC 310.967

Composite Brake Emissions

1 2 3 4 5Torque [%]

(Speed [RPM])100





(1200)Alt B Cycle 0.09 0.21 0.31 0.32 0.07

Test Cycle Mode Weighting Factors

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Table 5. Tables of the relevant ecopower specifications. 370


The ICE is responsible for converting the chemical energy stored within the fuel into 372 mechanical shaft work. The remaining energy leaves as either chemical or thermal energy in the 373 exhaust, or through heat transfer that is either recovered or unrecovered, Figure 7. 374


Figure 7. ICE system diagram including energy flows across control volume. 376

As was discussed in Section 2.4, it was not possible to directly measure the shaft power output 377 by the engine due to the ecopower’s sophisticated control system. Therefore, the output shaft power 378 was calculated using the electrical power produced by the ecopower, and the measured generator 379 efficiency (discussed in the forthcoming section). The exhaust temperature was measured using a 380 custom fabricated exhaust manifold with an integrated thermocouple which allowed for calculation 381 of the thermal energy present in the exhaust. Direct engine emission measurements were not taken at 382

Engine SpecificationsEngine Name Marathon EngineNumber of Cylinders 1Engine Speed 1200-3600 [RPM]Displacement 272 [cm3]Bore 7.3 [cm]Stroke 6.5 [cm]Fuel Consumption (Natural Gas) 22.2-68.6 [MJ/h]

Alternator SpecificationsRated Maximum Continuous Power 7,000 WRated Voltage 240 VRated Maximum Continuous Current 30 A

Genset SpecificationsLength 1.37 [m]Width 0.76 [m]Height 1.1 [m]Endurance 40,000 [h]

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the engine exhaust due to resource constraints. As such, the engine exhaust (pre-catalyst) was 383 assumed to have the same composition as the system-level emissions (post-catalyst). The recovered 384 heat was calculated by measuring the coolant temperature before and after the engine coolant 385 passages, as well as the flowrate through the coolant loop. This accounted for the energy flows 386 crossing the control surfaces. 387

Several losses that occurred within the control volume are of interest to engineers that were 388 unaccounted for in these energy flows crossing control surfaces; namely: frictional and pumping 389 losses. To measure these losses, in-cylinder pressure measurements were recorded at greater than 0.2 390 crank angle degree increments at each of the engine operating speeds. Using the known engine 391 geometry, the in-cylinder pressure measurements were used to calculate the GIMEP, the PIMEP, and 392 the NIMEP produced by the engine, Figure 8. The GIMEP is the mean effective pressure during the 393 compression and power stroke of the engine, and is a measure of the power produced during 394 combustion. The PIMEP is the mean effective pressure during the time that gas was being pumped 395 into and out of the cylinder (when the intake or exhaust valves are open), and is a direct measure of 396 the power consumed to intake fresh air-fuel mixture and exhaust the combustion products. The 397 NIMEP is the GIMEP less the PIMEP, and is a measure of the net power produced over the entire 4-398 stroke engine cycle. This is a direct measure of the useful indicated power the engine can produce 399 after pumping losses are accounted for. 400


Figure 8. Mean effective pressure and indicated pressure as a function of engine speed. 402

The net indicated power is plotted in Figure 8, and is nearly a linear function of engine speed. 403 The pumping losses increased with engine speed, but were less than approximately 10% of the gross 404 indicated power over all engine speeds. The frictional loss within the engine was calculated by 405

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subtracting the connecting rod brake shaft power (calculated from the generator efficiency and 406 generator electrical output as described in the forthcoming section) from the measured net indicated 407 power. With the losses internal to the control volume (friction and pumping) calculated, and the 408 streams crossing the control surfaces measured, a component-level energy and exergy balance was 409 conducted on the Marathon Engine, shown in Figure 9 through Figure 12. 410


Figure 9. Major components of the first law energy balance on the engine.

Figure 10. Minor components of the first law energy balance on the engine.

Figure 9 and Figure 10 show the major and minor components of the energy balance (note 412 the difference in ordinate scales), respectively. The major components (connecting rod brake shaft 413 work, heat in the exhaust, and the recovered heat) were relatively balanced, with all power flows 414 increasing with engine speed. The minor components were less structured. Lost heat (heat transferred 415 from the engine but not into the coolant) was the largest minor component at each engine speed by a 416 wide margin. Frictional loss was somewhat constant until an increase was seen at the higher engine 417 speeds. It should be noted that this measure of friction only includes friction between the piston rings 418 and the cylinder, and the connecting rod bearing. It does not include main bearing friction due to the 419 apparatus used to measure the generator efficiency (Section 3.3). Pumping work showed a positive 420 power fit to the engine speed, and was roughly equal in magnitude to friction at 3600 RPM. 421

At rated speed, the shaft power produced, heat present in the exhaust, and heat recovered into 422 the engine coolant were all comparative in magnitude. At rated speed, the engine operated at a 423 connecting rod brake efficiency of 29.3±0.9 %, with 26.4±12.3% of the input energy recovered into 424 the coolant, and 28.2±0.1% present as thermal energy in the exhaust. This equates to an engine 425 utilization factor of 55.7±12.4%, highlighting the necessity of the exhaust gas, oil, and generator heat 426

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exchangers. 427


Figure 11. Major components of the second law exergy balance on the engine.

Figure 12. Minor components of the second law exergy balance on the engine.

The exergy balance on the Marathon Engine is presented in Figure 11 and Figure 12. In 429 descending order, the largest contributions to the exergy balance at rated power were the connecting 430 rod work produced, the thermomechanical exergy in the exhaust, heat recovered in the coolant, 431 combustion irreversibility, irreversible (including uncaptured) heat transfer, irreversible pumping 432 work, friction irreversibility, and finally the chemical exergy present in the exhaust (note that this is 433 calculated from post-catalyst emission measurements). 434

The second law efficiency of the connecting rod work stream was highest at the higher engine 435 speeds of 2700 and 3600 RMP, reaching a peak of 28.7 ± 0.9% at both of these speeds. This is a rather 436 impressive result for an engine in the 5 kW range. For example, Primus et al. measured a 224 kW six-437 cylinder, turbocharged and aftercooled, diesel engine operating at 2100 RPM to have shaft-work 438 based second law efficiency of 39.21% [41], [42]. Therefore, the ecopower sees an approximately 439 10% second law efficiency reduction from an engine that has cylinders with roughly six times the 440 displacement. The ecopower’s second law efficiency also compares favorably to the other mCHP and 441 residential backup generators that were tested. The Honda ECOWILL (1 kWe) and Generac 8 kW 442 Guardian were measured to have second law efficiencies of 27.2% [32] and 24.4% [5], respectively. 443 The improvement over the ECOWILL is believed to be due to a more favorable cylinder volume to 444 surface area ratio which results in lower heat transfer. Higher quality components and a higher level 445 of engine optimization are believed to be responsible for the ecopower’s increased performance over 446 the Guardian. 447

The ecopower’s exergy efficiency mirrored the energy efficiency results by increasing at 448

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higher engine speeds. The exergy accounting revealed that the largest measured irreversibility was 449 the combustion irreversibility, closely followed by irreversible heat transfer (including heat that was 450 not captured into the coolant). At low engine speeds the friction irreversibility was somewhat 451 significant while the pumping irreversibility was not. However, as engine speed increased, neither the 452 pumping nor friction irreversibility proved to be significant. 453

3.3. Electric Generator and Power Electronics Subsystem 454

After the engine converts the stored chemical energy to shaft work, the electric generator 455 converts the shaft work into high frequency 3-phase electrical work. The high-frequency three phase 456 electricity is then converted into 120 Hz, 240V, single phase electricity by the power electronics. This 457 electricity pathway is shown in Figure 13. 458

459 Figure 13. Energy conversions from ICE to the residence. 460

In this testing campaign it was infeasible to measure the power electronics efficiency due to 461 available sensors, space constraints, and DAQ channels. Thus, a power electronic efficiency of 91 % 462 was assumed based on manufacturer specification sheets. To determine the losses associated with the 463 generator, the electric generator underwent performance testing via dynamometer as outlined in 464 Section 2.4. The generator was run at 4 different speeds: 1200, 1700, 2500, and 3500 RPM. The 465 electronic load was swept over a series of loads at each of the speed set points, producing a curve for 466 each of the operating speeds. Then, the input power measured at the torque transducer and the output 467 electrical power was used to calculate the electrical generator efficiency, which is presented in Figure 468 14. 469

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470 Figure 14. Electric generator efficiency as a function of rotational speed and power output. 471

These data show that the generator operates at approximately 90 % efficiency over the entire 472 electrical output range of 1 – 4.5 kWe. For example, at an engine/generator speed of 1200 RPM the 473 electric generator generates about 1.2 kWe (measured before the power electronics). Following the 474 line with circle symbols, the generator would operate at an efficiency of approximately 88%. At an 475 engine/generator speed of 3600 RPM the generator was measured to produce 4.75 kWe. Following 476 the line with triangle symbols the generator can be seen to operate at approximately 92 % efficiency. 477 At intermediate speeds the generator maintains an efficiency of about 90 %. 478

Using the electrical power measured after the power electronics, the assumed power 479 electronic efficiency and the measured generator efficiency, the connecting rod brake shaft power 480 was calculated. Since the main bearing friction was included in the generator efficiency, the brake 481 vales reported are calculated at the connecting rod instead of the crankshaft. 482

3.4. Heat Recovery Loop 483

Like other mCHP devices, the ecopower is designed to capture heat from nearly every 484 available source within the system. The ecopower’s stock coolant loop collects heat in the following 485 order: electric generator, oil cooler, exhaust gas heat exchanger, and then the engine. However, in an 486 attempt to quantify the performance trade-offs that rerouting the heat recovery loop could have, the 487 recovery order was re-configured as such: electric generator, oil cooler, engine, and then the exhaust 488 gas heat exchanger. This was done for comparison purposes with other published results in the 489 literature to determine if an increase in heat recovery or electrical efficiency could be achieved. As is 490 annotated in Figure 1, thermocouples were installed on either side of each heat recovery device to 491

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measure each device’s contribution to the total heat recovery. These data are presented in Figure 15. 492


Figure 15. Heat recovery of each device in the ecopower's heat recovery loop. 494

For all engine speeds, the ecopower recovered a majority of its heat from the exhaust gas and 495 the internal combustion engine heat exchangers. In comparison to the engine and exhaust gas 496 exchangers, the oil cooler and generator provided relatively low amounts of heat. However, combined 497 they recovered approximately 7 % of the input power, thereby increasing the ecopower’s utilization 498 factor by the same amount. 499

At low engine speeds the majority of the heat was recovered from the internal combustion 500 engine, followed by heat recovery from the exhaust gasses. However, as the engine speed increased, 501 this trend reversed. At the rated engine speed (3600 RPM) the majority of the heat was recovered 502 from the exhaust gas. It is believe this was due to the reduction in heat transfer to the engine cylinder 503 walls, as there was a decrease in residence time of the hot combustion products in the engine cylinder 504 at higher engine speeds. This reduction in relative heat transfer was further elucidated by the increase 505 in engine exhaust temperature. As engine speed increased the engine exhaust temperature increased 506 from approximately 480 °C at 1200 RPM to 680 °C at 3600 RPM, indicating that a larger portion of 507 energy was remaining in the exhaust as opposed to transferring into the cylinder walls. 508

4. Conclusion 509

A Marathon Engine Systems ecopower was selected to undergo thermodynamic performance 510 testing due to its high utilization factor and its uncommon ability to modulate its thermal and electrical 511 output. First and second law system-level analysis were conducted to assess the ecopower’s utilization 512 factor, as well as its potential to provide grid-support (“ancillary”) services in a future with increased 513

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penetration of variable electricity generators. Component-level (ICE and electric generator) analysis 514 were conducted to identify inefficiencies and irreversibilities within the subsystems that must be 515 improved to increase the performance of the ecopower in specific, and mCHP generators in general. 516 Key findings from this study were: 517

• The ecopower operated at an electrical efficiency and utilization factor of 24.4±0.9 518 % and 94.5±12.6 %, respectively. 519

• The ecopower’s second law electrical and total exergy efficiency was 24.3±0.8 % 520 and 33.7±1.9 % respectively. 521

• The ecopower’s ICE operated at a connecting rod brake first and second law 522 efficiency of 29.3±0.9 %, and 28.7±0.9 %, respectively. 523

• The ecopower’s electric generator maintained an efficiency (when including main 524 bearing friction) above 88% over all operating speeds, including 92 % at rated speed. 525

The system-level measurements show the ecopower can operate at a higher second law 526 efficiency than most other residential heating technologies (i.e., furnaces, engine-driven and electric 527 air-source heat pumps, boilers), even when operating at part load. This indicates that variable-output, 528 dispatchable, mCHP generators, such as the ecopower, can efficiently provide grid-support services 529 by operating at part-load and then ramping output up or down to respond to gird requests. The largest 530 system-level energy losses were uncaptured heat transfer from the device, followed by thermal and 531 chemical energy present in the exhaust. However, the ecopower was effective in converting and 532 recovering energy present in the exhaust, leaving only 4% of the input energy in the exhaust at rated 533 speed. Though the recovered heat provides a direct energy boost from the first law perspective, it only 534 marginally improves the second law efficiency. To increase the ecopower’s second law efficiency, 535 improvements in generating and retaining mechanical and electrical work need to be prioritized over 536 recovering heat. In particular, efficiency improvements to the ICE need to be prioritized as they will 537 have the largest impact on system-level exergy efficiency (e.g., a 2% increase in ICE efficiency yields 538 a 1.7% increase in system-level efficiency while a 2% increase in generator or power electronics 539 yields a 0.5% system-level efficiency increase). Some advanced technologies that have the potential 540 to improve engine efficiency are advanced combustion technologies such as homogeneous charge 541 compression ignition (to reduce heat transfer), alternative thermodynamic cycles such as the Atkinson 542 cycle (to reduce pumping losses), and in-cylinder energy retention techniques such as thermal 543 insulation coatings. 544

The device-level ICE analysis revealed that the largest energy loss was unrecovered heat 545 transfer, while the largest source or exergy destruction was combustion irreversibility. There was a 546 clear division between major and minor energy flows from the engine. The major flows comprised: 547 shaft work, exhaust thermal energy, and recovered heat. The minor flows comprised: unrecovered 548

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heat, pumping wok, friction losses, and incomplete combustion. 549

Acknowledgements 550

The information, data, or work presented herein was funded in part by the Advanced Research 551 Projects Agency-Energy (ARPA-E), U.S. Department of Energy, under Award Number DE-552 AR0000485. 553

The authors would like to thank Marathon Engine Systems for graciously donating an 554 ecopower for performance testing. Further, the authors would like to thank Marathon Engine Systems 555 for fabricating custom components that enabled difficult sensor placement, and for their assistance in 556 installing the ecopower at the testing facility to replicate field installation. 557

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