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Vi3Dim Technologies ( Tutorial

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Vi3Dim Technologies ( Tutorial ) www.Vi3Dim.com

Vi3Dim Technologies

( Tutorial )


2.Check-board 3.Additional lighting source (if need)

1.Vi3Dim software

To create 3d object from a simple web-cam you need: 1.Vi3Dim software. 2.Web-camera. 3.Check-Board printed on A4 page. 4.Light. 5.Source object. Algorithm: 1)Place the check-board on the flat empty space (table) check that there is enough free space to rotate the check-board 360°. 2) Check that there is enough light in the room, if not then use some additional lighting. 3)Open Vi3Dim software.


2.Check-board 3.Additional lighting source (if need)

1.Vi3Dim software (running)

4.Desired object

To create 3d object from a simple web-cam you need: 1.Vi3Dim software. 2.Web-camera. 3.Check-Board printed on A4 page. 4.Light. 5.Source object. Algorithm: 4)Place desired object in the middle of the check board.


2.Check-board 3.Additional lighting source (if need)

1.Vi3Dim software (running)

4.Desired object 5.Simple web camera 6.Camera holder (can be your hand)

To create 3d object from a simple web-cam you need: 1.Vi3Dim software. 2.Web-camera. 3.Check-Board printed on A4 page. 4.Light. 5.Source object. Algorithm: 4)Place web camera in the right *spot. *spot: 1.Proximally 30°-45° to axis X 2. whole check-board must be seen on the Vi3Dim software screen.






2.Check-board 3.Additional lighting source (if need)

1.Vi3Dim software (running)

4.Desired object 5.Simple web camera 6.Camera holder (can be your hand)


To create 3d object from a simple web-cam with Vi3Dim software you need:

Algorithm: 5)Put your hand on the edge of the check- board (try to not cover many of the black squares with the hand). 6) Press start capture button and begin to rotate the check-board slightly such way that the desired object will spin around his center and will move by axis X/Y as less as possible. If everything is ok you will see the yellow squares (indicators) on the black squares edges intersection and they moving with the check-board on the Vi3dim software screen.

Desired object spin center

If the yellow squares indicators loses there right spot that mean: 1.You spin the check-board to fast 2.The camera is not in the right spot 3.You already have all views from this angle.

Solutions: 1. Try to spin the check-board slowly. 2. Try to find other spot for the camera. 3. Continue rotate the check-board. *maybe more/less light required.




Group 1

Button 1 (Save mesh as 3ds) Left click on the (Save mesh) button to save the mesh into the 3ds format (allowed only in the full version, demo version is not support this option). Button 2 Left click on the (Save mesh as ins) to save mesh data into *.ins format file (*.ins format is vi3dim proprietary). Button 3 Left click on the (Save raw as ins) to save all captured raw data into *.ins format file (*.ins format is vi3dim proprietary). Button 4 Left click on the (Save point cloud as obj) to save point clout into *.obj format. Button 5 Left click on the (Make check-board file) to create the *.doc file with a check-board drawing. Button 6 Left click on the (Load ins format) to open supported files (*.ins mesh or raw data). Button 7 Left click on the (Quit/Exit) to close application.

Group 1 : File/Help Left click on the (File) button to open a Submenu 1

Submenu 1 :

Group 2

Group 3

Group 4

Group 5


Group 6

Group 1 : Help Left click on the (Help) button to open a Submenu 2

Submenu 2 :

1. F1-Help window 2. F-Full screen on/off 3. Q-Exit from the program 4. Enter-Make mesh with current settings. 5. W-view mode (solid, wire, points). 6. G-Anaglyph stereo on/off. 7. Esc-stop capture. 8. Mouse 9. Mouse left –rotate mesh 10. Ctrl+ mouse left- translate mesh Working sequence: 1.Making check-board on A3/A4 page (Menu-File->make check-board) Save with some xxxx.doc name Open xxxx.doc with ms-word and print it. 2.Put your object onto center of the printed page Connect web camera (if not connected) 3.Press start capture button (Slow rotate the page by your hand, camera must look at the center of the page with angle about 45 degrees you must see markers on check-board). 4.When you collect enough views please stop capturing by press on the stop capture button. Now you have raw data scanned in memory! 5.Wait for result. 6.You can change reconstruction parameters like cube size- need make new Vertex set with “Make new cube data:-take a long time Change any of mesh parameters & press :make new mesh” –several seconds Programmer Dima, CEO Vitaly


Group 2 : 1.Scale 2.Solid 3.Wire 4.Point Scale control 1.1 Scale button. 1.2 Scale ruler. Left click on the zoom ruler and drag mouse (left/right) to zoom object (in/out)

1.Button (Solid) show full 3d mesh with texturing.

Left click on 1 of 3 buttons(Solid/Wire/Point).

2.Button (Wire) show full 3d wired mesh.

3.Button (Point) show full 3d mesh point cloud.


Group 1

Group 2

Group 3

Group 4

Group 5

Group 6

Group 3 : 1.Make new mesh 2.mesh_intes 3.mesh_line 4.mesh_tresh, mesh_reduce. To make mesh:

Option 1: 1.1 Choose desired (mesh_intes) by Left click mouse button on yellow circle and drag mouse (left/right) to change the value. 1.2 Choose desired (mesh_line) by Left click mouse button on yellow circle and drag mouse (left/right) to change the value. 1.3 Choose desired (mesh_tresh) by Left click mouse button on yellow circle and drag mouse (left/right) to change the value. 1.4 Choose desired (mesh_reduce) by Left click mouse button on yellow circle and drag mouse (left/right) to change the value.

Enter/Left mouse click on (Make new mesh ) will create new mesh with parameters chosen below.

When you click on the (stop capture ) button Vi3dim will create first mesh with a default parameters. If you didn’t liked the results then :

Option 2: Left mouse click on (Make new mesh ) without change any of parameters will make new mesh with some changes.


Group 1

Group 2

Group 3

Group 4

Group 5

Group 6

Group 4: 1.Make new cube data, 2.Vertex set cube size, 3.image

Make new cube data:

To create new cube data with other (Vertex set cube size) parameter left click mouse button on yellow circle and drag mouse (left/right) to change the value . Then click on with left mouse on the (Make new cube data). Maximum cube size for A4 page is 8 For a better results choose cube size that equal or little bit bigger then desired object. To check the desired object size just put object on the check-board and count how many squares it cover. Image: To see all good captured views from the raw data left click mouse button on yellow circle and drag mouse (left/right) to change the captured view’s or spin mouse wheel.


Group 1

Group 2

Group 3

Group 4

Group 5

Group 6

Group 5: 1.Srart capture, Stop capture,640x480,320x240.

Left click on the (Start capture ) will start capturing from the connected web cam. Left click on the (Stop capture) will stop capturing from connected web cam and will start reconstruction/mesh creation process with the default Cube size/Mesh parameters . To choose other Cube/Mesh parameter see instruction for use (Group3/4). Left click on the (640x480/320x240) will choose next scan window size(pixels) . If your machine is not powerful enough then choose 320x200.


Group 6: 1.Make new texture.

Group 1

Group 2

Group 3

Group 4

Group 5

Group 6

Left click on the (Make new texture) will paste texture on the object . Choose desired (textures number) by Left click mouse button on yellow circle and drag mouse (left/right) to change the value.

Additional options: Option 1: Click on mouse left key on the mesh and move mouse (up /down/left/right) to rotate the mesh. Option 2: Click on mouse left key +Ctrl on the mesh and move mouse (up /down/left/right) to move the mesh on the screen area. Option 3: F-Full screen. Option 4: Q-Exit/quit. Option 5: F1-Help. Option 6: Enter-Make mesh. Option 7: W-View mode. Option 8: G-Anaglyph stereo on/off. Option 9: Esc-Stop capture.


Group 1

Group 2

Group 3

Group 4

Group 5

Group 6

Vi3Dim Technologies

Contact us Please, send any comments, bug reports and ideas to improve Vi3Dim ! We would like to know if you want more features? Use this email ([email protected]) to contact us to get more information about our company, products, or services. Thank you for your interest in Vi3Dim! www.Vi3Dim.com
