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Village supermarket in works - Name - Canton Public Library

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rr>- (MON PUBLIC L I BRARY nw Canton (Dbsmrcr Your hometown newspaper serving Canton for 26 years H©!Dw ?*.,•-ir--* -i ' JUi> iyA* s * H ? A 75e Volume 27 Number 6' Canton, Michigan ©2001 HomeTown Communications Network™ m «mi .e The Observer wants to hear about your recent "I Did It Myself" home improvement project for a Sept. 9 special section. Send photos and details about how you accomplished it. Why did you tackie the project, how much did it cost and what would you do differently if you had to do it ail over again? We will publish photos and testimonials as space permits. Send materials to: Special Projects Editor Timothy Smith 36251 Schoolcraft Livonia, Michigan 48150 Include a stamped, seif- addressed envelope if you want photos returned. Submissions must be received by Friday, Aug. 2 QUESTIONS? Call (734) 953-2054 Cop calls: Man saves Can- ton swimmer./A2 Winners: Photographer Heather Sonntag cap- tured some of the emotion and energy surrounding the recent Special Olympics tournament in Canton. /C7 Apartments/E8 At Home /Cl Automotive/F6 Classiflecf/E,F Classified index /E5 Crossword/E6 Entertainment/Bl HomeTown Life/C7 Jobs/ElO 0bituaries/A7 Opinions/A8-9 Real Estate /El Service Guide/F5 Sports/Dl mdmiqm 6 53174 10009 2 Village supermarket in works The Canton Township Planning Commission Monday recommended approval for a pro- posed supermarket in the traditionally- designed Cherry Hill Village. Some embraced the idea, others were cool to it. BY CAROL MARSHALL STAFF WRITER [email protected] A Cherry Hill Village developer lobbed a bombshell at the Canton Township Planning Commission when it announced plans to construct a supermarket in the neighborhood. David Stollman of Biltmore Proper- ties gave commissioners their first peek at the retail possibilities for the village, which will be constructed in the heart of historic Canton, near Cherry Hill and Denton roads. Most commissioners were less than pleased. "This undoes acres and acres and years and years of hard work," said commissioner Karl Zarbo of the pro- posed 50,000-square-foot supermarket. Zarbo had been describing the neo- traditional village as being similar to his grandmother's neighborhood. "That doesn't remind me of going back to grandma's house," he said. "I want to go back in time to where you guys took me. You created it. Now don't pull me out of there." Future Cherry Hill Village home- owner Alan Stockfisz also protested the Supermarket sweep Will a supermarket enhance or tiurt, Cherry Hill Village. Let us know vi|» e •* i l l :> tschnelder.homecomm.net <s a " - >i 734 S. Main. Plymouth. Ml 48170 I P- r.: .' L. I response. Sing a summertime song at the Canton Library i r a_ v 4 STAFF PHOTOS BY HEATHER SONNTAG Lots off boogie: Megan Wilkerson, 3% left, uf Canton, dances to The Music Lady's son& 'A Horse Named Joe'' during a recent children's program at the Canton Public Library. Megan's stuffed dog dou- bled as her horse for the song. Above, Emily Downs, 4% of Canton sits on Meier's lap and acted as a puppet to explain how to do the "Paper Bag Boo- gie" song. Al! joSrs In: The Music Lady, Beverly Meier, in back, sings with volun- teers (from left to right) Sarah Walsh, 9, Joshua Capo, 6, Zachary Michel, 6, and A. J. Neil, 9. I K plan. :*-• Stockfisz said he currently lives on Robert Court, and opposed the Farmer Please see SUPERMARKET, A4 Water use rules tightened CAROL MARSHALL STAFF WRITER [email protected] Last week, Canton asked residents to voluntarily limit their outdoor water use. This week, the request became a little more urgent and will be manda- tory. On July 18, the City of Detroit asked that all communities receiving water from them institute an odd/even day outdoor water use restriction. Tuesday, the Canton Township Board of Trustees voted in favor of requiring the restrictions. Violators could be fined up to $500 per violation or could be imprisoned for up to 90 days. "We're not in this to make any money or ticket people, but we do want people to restrict their water use so that everybody can go about their daily business and have enough pressure when they want to take a shower or do the dishes," said Township Engineer Todd Zilincik. The Building and Inspection Depart- ment will be in charge of monitoring and citing violators. "Generally since it's an ordinance violation, the ordinance officers would be the ones that would go out and investigate this," said Engineering Services Director Tom Casari. Violators will be given a notice and will be advised to comply within 24 hours. "If they still don't comply after that time, they could be given a ticket," Casari said. Complaints that are called in will be handled immediately, and the ordi- nance officers will also monitor water use while they're out on regular assigned duties. Zilincik said even after a good rain, people should be aware the restrictions will still be in effect for up to a month. "Even though it rains, people should know they still have to stick to the odd/even watering schedule," he said. "Especially when it's so dry like this, Please see WATER, A4 Visiting judge gets view of Michigan court system BY TONY BRUSCATO STAFF WRITER [email protected] After nearly a year of "You've Got Mail" and instant messaging on the Internet, John and Doreen Pappas of Plymouth finally met their long time friends, Ian and Diane Crewe from England. "I met Diane on the Internet, and we communicated for about a year," said Jim Pappas. "They became good friends, and when they decided to visit the United States we invited them to stay with us." The Crewe's recently spent a week with the Pappas', visiting the Ply- mouth-Canton area and the Upper Peninsula. "If you stay in a motel, you really can't learn about the people," said Pap- pas. Ian Crewe, 67, has been a magistrate in Ormskirk, England, just outside Liv- erpool, for 21 years. Judge John Mac- Donald, chief judge of Plymouth's 35th District Court, invited Crewe to wear a robe and sit on the bench during a morning of hearing • '9 sit an average of four days a month, and we're not paid.' Ian Crewe, magistrate from Ormskirk, England cases. "I was impressed with how quickly Judge MacDonald proceeds," said Crewe. "He's high- ly efficient, shows compassion and respect, and some- times adds a little humor as well." While local dis- trict court judges are elected and earn $118,000 annual- ly, magistrates in England are appoint- ed, come from all walks of life, and per- form as a public service. "I sit an average of four days a month, and we're not paid," said Please see JUDGE, A4 New World Local historian tries a 'novel' approach BY TEDD SCHNEIDER STAFF WRITER [email protected] Virginia Bailey Parker knew she had a novel percolating inside. She even had the setting and some of the characters committed to memo- ry. The Canton resident and local his- torian just didn't realize it would take two decades to see her vision in print. The release this month of The Water's Edge, a story of three British families and their emotional emigration to the New World during the 1600s completes the author's own journey - one that began with a 1980 trip to Salem, Mass. "We were vacationing in New England and I could just feel the history," Parker said. "I was stand- ing there with the wharf in front of Virginia Bailey Parker me and Nathaniel Hawthorne's place behind me." "I taught history, I love history. It seeriied like the easiest thing to do." Of course, it wasn't. Years of research A meticulous collector of facts, Please see NEW BOOK, A6


nw Canton (Dbsmrcr Your hometown newspaper serving Canton for 26 years

H © ! D w

?*.,•-ir--* -i '

JUi> iyA* s * H ? A

75e Vo lume 2 7 Number 6' Canton, Michigan ©2001 HomeTown Communications Network™

m « m i


The Observer wants to hear about your

recent "I Did It Myself" home improvement project for a Sept. 9 special section. Send photos

and details about how you accomplished it. Why did you tackie the project, how much

did it cost and what would you do differently if you had to do it ail over again? We will publish

photos and testimonials as space permits.

Send materials to: Special Projects Editor

Timothy Smith 36251 Schoolcraft

Livonia, Michigan 48150 Include a stamped, seif-

addressed envelope if you want photos returned.

Submissions must be received by Friday, Aug. 2

QUESTIONS? Call ( 7 3 4 ) 9 5 3 - 2 0 5 4

Cop calls: Man saves Can-ton swimmer./A2

Winners: Photographer Heather Sonntag cap-tured some of the emotion and energy surrounding the recent Special Olympics tournament in Canton. / C 7

Apartments/E8 At Home/Cl Automotive/F6 Classiflecf/E,F Classified

index/E5 Crossword/E6 Entertainment/Bl

HomeTown Life/C7

Jobs/ElO 0bituaries/A7 Opinions/A8-9 Real Estate/El Service Guide/F5 Sports/Dl

m d m i q m

6 53174 10009 2

Village supermarket in works The Canton Township Planning Commission Monday recommended approval for a pro-posed supermarket in the traditionally-designed Cherry Hill Village. Some embraced the idea, others were cool to it.


A C h e r r y H i l l V i l l a g e d e v e l o p e r lobbed a b o m b s h e l l a t t h e C a n t o n Township Planning Commission when i t a n n o u n c e d p l a n s to c o n s t r u c t a supermarket in the neighborhood.

David Stollman of Biltmore Proper-t i e s g a v e c o m m i s s i o n e r s t h e i r f i r s t peek a t the retail possibilities for the vi l lage, which will be const ructed in t h e h e a r t of h i s t o r i c C a n t o n , n e a r Cherry Hill and Denton roads.

Most commissioners were less t h a n pleased.

"This u n d o e s ac res a n d a c r e s a n d yea r s and y e a r s of h a r d work ," sa id commissioner Kar l Zarbo of t h e pro-posed 50,000-square-foot supermarket .

Zarbo had been describing t h e neo-tradit ional village as being s imilar to his grandmother 's neighborhood.

"Tha t doesn ' t r e m i n d m e of go ing back to g randma ' s house," he said. "I want to go back in t ime to where you guys took me . You c r e a t e d i t . Now don't pull me out of there."

F u t u r e C h e r r y Hi l l Vi l l age home-owner Alan Stockfisz also protested the

Supermarket sweep Will a supermarket enhance or tiurt, Cherry Hill Village. Let us know vi|» e •* i l l :> tschnelder.homecomm.net <s a " - >i 734 S. Main. Plymouth. Ml 48170 I P- r.: .'L.I response.

Sing a summertime song at the Canton Library

i r


v4 S T A F F P H O T O S B Y H E A T H E R S O N N T A G

Lots off boogie: Megan Wilkerson, 3% left, uf Canton, dances to The Music Lady's son& 'A Horse Named Joe'' during a recent children's program at the Canton Public Library. Megan's stuffed dog dou-bled as her horse for the song. Above, Emily Downs, 4% of Canton sits on Meier's lap and acted as a puppet to explain how to do the "Paper Bag Boo-gie" song.

Al! joSrs In: The Music Lady, Beverly Meier, in back, sings with volun-teers (from left to right) Sarah Walsh, 9, Joshua Capo, 6, Zachary Michel, 6, and A. J. Neil, 9. I


plan. :*-• Stockfisz said he current ly lives on

Robert Court, and opposed the Fa rmer

P l e a s e s e e SUPERMARKET, A4

Water use rules tightened CAROL MARSHALL STAFF WRITER [email protected]

Las t week, Can ton asked res iden ts to voluntarily limit their outdoor wa te r use. This week, the request became a litt le more urgent and will be manda-tory.

On July 18, the City of Detroit asked t h a t all communi t ies receiving w a t e r f rom them in s t i t u t e an odd/even day outdoor water use restriction. Tuesday, t h e C a n t o n T o w n s h i p B o a r d of Trustees voted in favor of requir ing the restrictions.

Violators could be f ined up to $500 per violation or could be imprisoned for up to 90 days.

" W e ' r e n o t i n t h i s to m a k e a n y money or ticket people, but we do wan t people to r e s t r i c t t h e i r w a t e r u s e so t h a t everybody can go about their daily b u s i n e s s a n d h a v e enough p r e s s u r e when they wan t to t ake a shower or do t he dishes," sa id Township Eng inee r Todd Zilincik.

The Building and Inspection Depart-m e n t will be in charge of moni tor ing and citing violators.

"Genera l ly s ince i t ' s an o rd inance violation, the ordinance officers would be t h e ones t h a t w o u l d go ou t a n d i n v e s t i g a t e t h i s , " sa id E n g i n e e r i n g Services Director Tom Casari.

Violators will be given a notice and wil l be advised to comply w i t h i n 24 hours .

"If they still don't comply a f te r t h a t t i m e , they could be given a t i cke t , " Casar i said.

Complaints t ha t a re called in will be h a n d l e d i m m e d i a t e l y , a n d t h e ordi-nance officers will also monitor wa te r u s e w h i l e t h e y ' r e o u t on r e g u l a r assigned duties.

Zilincik said even af ter a good rain, people should be aware the restrictions will still be in effect for up to a month.

"Even though i t rains, people should k n o w they s t i l l h a v e to s t i ck to t h e odd/even wate r ing schedule," he said. "Especially when it 's so dry like this ,

Please see WATER, A4

Visiting judge gets view of Michigan court system


After near ly a year of "You've Got Mail" and i n s t a n t messag ing on t he In ternet , John and Doreen P a p p a s of Plymouth finally met their long t ime f r i e n d s , I a n a n d Diane Crewe from England.

"I met Diane on t h e I n t e r n e t , a n d we communica ted for about a year ," s a id J i m P a p p a s . "They became good fr iends, and when t h e y d e c i d e d to v i s i t t h e U n i t e d S t a t e s we inv i ted t h e m to s t ay wi th us."

The Crewe's recently spent a week w i t h t h e P a p p a s ' , v i s i t i n g t h e Ply-m o u t h - C a n t o n a r e a a n d t h e U p p e r Peninsula.

"If you s t ay in a motel , you rea l ly can't learn about the people," said Pap-

pas. Ian Crewe, 67, has been a magistrate

in Ormskirk, England, jus t outside Liv-erpool, for 21 years. Judge John Mac-Donald, chief judge of Plymouth's 35th District Court, invited Crewe to wear a robe a n d sit on t h e bench d u r i n g a

morning of hearing

• '9 sit an average of four days a month, and we're n o t p a i d . '

Ian Crewe, magistrate from Ormskirk, England

cases. " I was impressed

w i t h how quickly J u d g e MacDonald p r o c e e d s , " s a i d Crewe. "He's high-ly efficient, shows c o m p a s s i o n a n d respect, and some-t imes adds a litt le humor as well."

While local dis-t r i c t cour t j u d g e s

are elected and earn $118,000 annual-ly, magistrates in England are appoint-ed, come from all walks of life, and per-form as a public service.

" I s i t a n a v e r a g e of f o u r d a y s a m o n t h , a n d w e ' r e n o t p a i d , " s a i d

P l e a s e see JUDGE, A4

New World Local historian tries

a 'novel' approach B Y T E D D SCHNEIDER STAFF WRITER

[email protected] Virginia Bailey Pa rke r knew she

had a novel percolating inside. She even h a d t h e se t t i ng a n d some of the characters committed to memo-ry.

The Canton resident and local his-to r i an j u s t d idn ' t rea l ize i t would take two decades to see he r vision in print.

T h e r e l e a s e t h i s m o n t h of The Water's Edge, a s t o r y of t h r e e British families and their emotional emigration to the New World during t h e 1600s comple tes t h e a u t h o r ' s own journey - one t ha t began with a 1980 t r ip to Salem, Mass.

"We w e r e v a c a t i o n i n g in N e w E n g l a n d a n d I could j u s t feel t h e history," Pa rke r said. "I was stand-ing there wi th the wharf in f ront of

Virginia Bailey Parker

m e a n d N a t h a n i e l H a w t h o r n e ' s place behind me."

"I taught history, I love history. It seeriied like the easiest thing to do."

Of course, it wasn' t .

Years of research A met i cu lous col lector of fac t s ,

Please see NEW BOOK, A6


M £ i. r ,4 * ,5, $ ,?• f f 4/ 7Vie Observer & Eccentric! THURSDAY, JULY 26, 2001

Bystander rescues swimmer A bystander saved a man from

drowning las t week at a local pool, police said.

The man had been swimming u n d e r w a t e r a t t h e Hol iday Estates pool last Thursday after-noon. W i t n e s s e s sa id t h e y not iced he s u d d e n l y s topped moving, according to police and fire reports.

A bys t ande r j u m p e d in t h e pool and pulled the 34-year-old man from the water, and adm-nistered mouth-to-mouth unt i l Canton Fire Department medics arrived.

The man was taken by ambu-lance to Annapolis Oakwood. He had regained consciousness on the way to the hospital.

For the birds A neighborhood dispute turned

messy last week after a series of egg-hurling incidents and argu-ments.

A couple on Hathaway alleges they are being harassed by their neighbors because of their affec-t ion for b i rds and c r i t t e r s in the i r subdivision, according to police reports.

Neighbors claim the couple


has been feeding pigeons and squir re ls . U n f o r t u n a t e l y , the pigeons flocks are abundant and are creating a mess in the neigh-borhood, and the same food that attracts squirrels also a t t racts skunks and other varmints.

Last Thursday night, someone threw four eggs at the couple's house. Earl ier in the week, the victim got into an argument with a neighbor about dead pigeons that are landing in his yard after yet a n o t h e r n e i g h b o r shoots them.

Last week, the couple's house was the target of two flying eggs.

The couple has also received an anonymous letter last month from a neighbor asking them to stop feeding the birds.

The couple has been feeding the birds for about 18 months. Police a r e i n v e s t i g a t i n g t h e h a r a s s m e n t a l l e g a t i o n s and malicious destruction of proper-ty.

Gun-toting landlord The Canton Police Department

responded Saturday morning to a call for assistance in removing personal property from a house on South Sheldon Road.

The callers, who were renting rooms from the house's primary resident , had removed most of the i r property from inside the house and were loading the i r belongings into their two vehi-cles, which were parked in the driveway.

The res iden t , a 43-year-old man, was home at the time, and was aware of the renters ' mov-ing.

When the renters returned to retrieve a coffee table, t he pri-mary resident appeared at the door holding a shotgun and told the renters they could not take it. The ren ters left and called police for help.

Upon arrival, the officers were deployed to establish an inner and outer perimeter in order to secure the area. The callers were interviewed in depth and stated the r e s i d e n t did not a im t h e weapon at anyone, nor did he

make any direct t h r e a t to use the weapon.

They fur ther stated the resi-d e n t h a d been i n t e n t i o n a l l y inhaling paint thinner fumes.

After conferring with the on-duty Wayne County Prosecutor, it was determined no crime had occur red and t h e r e w e r e no grounds for charging or arrest-ing the subject.

Police personnel removed the ren te rs ' two vehicles f rom the d r i veway and t h e s i t u a t i o n ended without incident.

"E" for embezzlement A district manager a t Chuck

E. Cheese, 42001 Ford Road, told Canton Police an employee may have embezzled $4,200 from the restaurant.

The manager said the employ-ee worked h i s l a s t d a y l a s t Wednesday, and failed to make four bank deposits. He has not shown up for work since, and does not answer the phone or return phone calls.

Police are still invest igat ing the allegations.

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11 carriers earn Superstar honors

Eleven C a n t o n Observer Carriers were named Observ-er S u p e r s t a r s for receiving Straight-A grades during the f ina l mark ing period of the 2000-01 school year.

S h a n e Gring, 14, was an e igh th -g rade r a t Discovery Middle School.

"I like developing my own business and expanding my revenues," Shane said about his paper route.

Meanwhi le , b ro the r Kyle Gring, 12, said he prefers in-line skating to the more seri-ous b u t n e c e s s a r y work of being a carrier. Kyle was also a 4.0 student a t Discovery.

Kevin Campbell, 12, earned his Supers ta r honor at Dis-covery, where he was Student of the Month in April.

Steven Schultz, 10, received top marks at Gallimore Ele-mentary School.

Pioneer Middle School stu-dent Joshua Cudney, 12, has h a d an O b s e r v e r rou t e for more than three years.

Just in Desilets received all A's a t F iege l E l e m e n t a r y School

Troy Thorne, 13, a t t e n d s East Middle School.

"I like having a paper route

because the money I make is nice and so are the customers on my route," he said.

Steve Myers, 14, earned top m a r k s a t P i o n e e r Midd le School. He will at tend Salem High School in the fall.

Steve has been a carrier for 2 1/2 years and received A's ail through middle school. He a lso p l a y e d b a s k e t b a l l a t school and baseba l l for t he C a n t o n W i l d c a t s , a n d he plays in a band called Brokin.

Central Middle School stu-d e n t Kev in Graz io l , 12, worked hard for his academic accomplishments. "AH I can say is finally! After getting a B+ in e v e r y c l a s s one p e r semester, I finally got a 4.0."

His favorite class is science "because you get to do experi-ments and hands-on experi-ments," he said.

B r a n d o n G a r c i a , 13, h a s been an O b s e r v e r c a r r i e r s ince A u g u s t 1999. He achieved top m a r k s a t Pio-neer Middle School.

Kevin C a m p b e l l , 12, a t t e n d s D i s c o v e r y Middle School a n d h a s been an Observer carr ier since Octo-ber 2000.

Canton tot is title holder

Canton resi-d e n t Pa ige Isabella Cudi-ni, 11 months old, a l r e a d y ho lds t h r e e pageant titles. P a i g e , who began compet-ing a t age 4 Pa'£® Cudlnl months, has won National Baby A m e r i c a s Discovery Miss , National Baby Bellissima 2001 and Baby Miss Michigan. She is the daughter of Scott and Kim-berly Cudini of Canton.

- i


Chamber has outing spots

There a re a few more open-ings for golfers and sponsors to sign up for the Canton Chamber of Commerce Golf Ou t ing a t Fellows Creek Golf Course on' Aug. 2.

Regis t ra t ion is a t 7:30 a.m. and s h o t g u n s t a r t is a t 8:30 a . m . The o u t i n g inc ludes a chance to win door prizes and a silent auction following the din-ner program.

For more information contact t he Canton Chamber of Com-merce a t (734) 453-4040 or fax (734) 453-4503.

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The Observer & Eccentric/ THURSDAY, JULY 26, 2 0 0 1 (C)A3

Golf outing funds scholarships, raises spirits of Canton mom BY TRACEY BIRKENHAUER SPECIAL WRITER

Organizing an annual charity golf outing proves therapeut ic for Barb Kilgore, whose 16-year-old son, Mike, died on May 4, 1998 from a heart arrhythmia.

"I'm surrounding myself with a community that cares and giv-ing back to s tudents who have similar beliefs to Mike's so they can carry on his legacy," said the 46-year-old Canton resident.

"As you can see, we are pretty passionate about this. . .but we a r e p a s s i o n a t e and p roud of Mike, who he was and who he continues to touch."

Mike was a student at Salem High School and an Observer Newspapers carrier.

The fourth annual golf outing is July 30 at Ann Arbor's Polo Fields Golf and Country Club. The course will be closed to the public for the event.

Students pay $65 and adults pay $90 for the 18-hole best-ball scramble and hole-in-one con-test. The price includes a cart, a chance to win a two-year lease

Tee it up for Plymouth-Canton students To par t ic ipate i n the Michael Kilgore Fourth Annual Scholarship

Fund Golf Out ing , cal l Bart) Kilgore at (734 ) 4 5 5 - 8 6 7 9 . Direct ions t o Poto Reicis from t h e Plymouth-Canton area: • Take M-14 , or Michigan Ave., wes t t o 1-94, pas t Ann Arbor. B Exit 1-94 a t ex i t 1 6 9 , Zeeb Rd. • Turn le f t on to Zeeb, heading south • Proceed across Jackson Ave. • Cont inue on Zeeb - 0 . 9 mile t o The Polo Fields entrance on t he

i e f t • Cont inue 1 / 4 mi le on subdivision road to Poio Fields Goff &

Country Club • You may d rop o f f your clubs prior to parking if you wish.

on a 2001 Chevrolet with a hole-in-one, door prizes, golf awards and a place in line for the 2 p.m. lunch buffet.

The shot -gun s t a r t is at 10 a.m.

Note tha t Polo Fields allows only soft spikes or tennis shoes. Proper golf attire is required -no denim allowed.

Only 144 golfers are allowed to play and 138 reg i s te red as of this week. Last year, a full 144 signed up and they had a wait-ing list.

Months after her son's death, Kilgore and her family joined several of Mike's friends to coor-dinate the first Michael Kilgore Scholarship Fund Golf Outing wi th t he s logan "Success is Never Giving Up," which was Mike's mantra.

Funds from the annua l golf outing fund seven scholarships for g radua t ing seniors a t Ply-m o u t h - C a n t o n E d u c a t i o n a l Park.

The Michael Kilgore Scholar-ship Fund was established by

Mike ' s f ami ly and f r i e n d s to keep his spirit alive. More than $13,000 h a s been a l loca ted through this year.

Students who receive scholar-ships must demonstrate concern for family, friends and communi-ty. Potential scholarship winners don't have to be top academic s tudents , but they mus t show t h a t t h e y h a v e c o n t i n u e d to s t r i ve to ob t a in t h e i r f u t u r e goals while maintaining respon-sibility toward personal values.

"I get thank-you notes from kids not only for the financial part of the award but for recog-nizing their qualities as a stu-dent," Kilgore said. "They appre-ciate be ing acknowledged for their beliefs that no matter how hard something is in life, if they try, they will succeed."

Kilgore descr ibed he r Mike like this: "He always had a smile and a positive word for others. He had a willingness to help oth-ers. He was a quiet leader.

A lot of students looked up to him. So did his brother and sis-ter."

Scholarship requirements include grades, essay

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To apply for the Michael Kilgo-re Scholarships , students must have a 3.0 grade point average or higher and submit an essay describing their goals and plans

after high school, along with how events in their lives have affect-ed who they are today.

Other requirements for each of the scholarships are contained

on applications that are on file in the Salem and Canton High School counseling centers.

Students may apply for more than one type of award; howev-

er, each student can receive only one award. A staff committee at P-CEP reviews applications and recommends who should receive the awards.


Almost time: Canton resident Barb Kilgore and her daughter, Sherrill, get ready for Monday's golf outing at the Polo Fields Golf and Country Club.

Canton kids excel at Tampa Tae Kwon Do event B Y CAROL MARSHALL STAFF WRITER c m a r s h a i l @ o e . h o m e c o n i m . n e t

A group of Tae Kwon Do stu-dents packed up their gear and winning att i tudes for their trip to Tampa for the 21st Annual Tae Kwon Do Junior Olympics earlier this month.

Local fighters went up against more t h a n 5,000 compe t i to r s

f rom around t h e country and returned to Canton with medals and accolades.

"I couldn't be prouder of these kids," said Garden City coach Sr. Master Chris Covert. "I had 15 f ighters on my team, which is probably the most of any school, and out of those we took home 13 medals."

Covert's students, age 6 to 14,

Medal winner: Joseph Habib (right) will continue on in national competition after his performance at the Tae Kwon Do Junior Olympics in Tampa, Fla.

from Olympian Chung Do Kwan in Garden City and the Summit in Canton competed in the state tournament in February for a shot at a t tending the nat ional competition.

"I was freaked out," said par-ent Michelle Habib of Canton, whose 11-year-old son, Joseph, won his spot at the national com-pet i t ion. "Of course, t he kids because of their training were so calm you'd think they were get-t i n g r o a d v •.(! ;>!ay a v i d e o y a n n \

You never would have known you were in a room with thou-sands of kids, they were so calm and mannerly."

Debbie Gossett agreed. The Canton mother said her 13-year-old d a u g h t e r ' s f o u r t h - p l a c e medal is a nice reward, but the real benefits of Tae Kwon Do are more meaningful.

"It h a s done t r e m e n d o u s things for her," Gossett said of her daughter, Jessica Newberry. "She's bui l t up s t r e n g t h and muscle, and ha s t r i m m e d up even though she was never over-weight. But the real great thing is her self esteem. For a 13-year-old girl, that is huge."

Gossett described her daugh-ter as being more focused and disciplined than she was before she began t ra in ing a year ago with instructor Master Sang Sop Kil, of Kirs Tae Kwon Do in Can-ton.

"Her tuition is due again this week, and I didn' t even th ink twice about it. I just got out my checkbook," Gossett said.

Habib said the same of Joseph. "He's got this inner confidence

t h a t comes out , t h i s a u r a of being in control," she said.

Immediate ly a f t e r r e tu rn ing from the state competition, the s t u d e n t s who would t rave l to Tampa beefed up their training schedules, said Covert.

Cover t descr ibed Ol j 'mpian Tae Kwon Do as having all the benefits of the martial arts train-

ing, but with a more polished, competition-ready aspect.

"It's about endurance. The kids compete 12 hours, from early in the morning until late at night, and I drive the kids pretty hard to get t hem ready for t h a t , " Covert said. "My job is to keep them safe. If they're not ready and they're tired, they'll go out there and get creamed."

Covert 's two young sons, 9-

yea r -o ld Alex and 7-year-o ld A u s t i n , a lso b r o u g h t home medals.

"That's why I t rain all the kids so hard. I wouldn't want my own kids to go into a competition and get hurt," he said. "The kids, the coaches, everybody worked their butts off. They were all there to compete and were prepared very well."

. Save them till you retire.

Did you know? • The library now offers books

on CD? B The r o m a n c e s p i n n e r

"Return at your Convenience" is back by popular demand? It is loca ted n e a r t h e l a rge p r i n t books.

B It is not too late to sign up for "Summer Reading 2001?"

B The Children's Library now of fe r s an I n t e r n a t i o n a l Lan -guage Collection?

11 The library offers tours on t h e l a s t T h u r s d a y of each month?

fl You can r e n t movies on DVDs for free from the library?

B If you have trouble connect-ing to the Internet, you can call the library for assistance Mon-day through Saturday 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.?

Web watch Check out t h e s e new Web


B www.rainforestweb.org fl www.drought.noaa.gov fl

www .biography. com/impression-ists

B www.androidworld.com B www.speedtrap.com

Q and A How long is a cosmic year?

A: A cosmic year is the length of time it takes the sun to com-plete one revolution around the center of the Milky Way galaxy -about 225 million ear th years. The sun is between 20 and 21 cosmic years old..

Source: The Book of Answers by Barbara Berliner

New CDs B The Producers MRevelling I Reckoning-Ani


New Audio Books on Tape B A Call to Conscience - edited

by Clayborne Ca r son & Kris Shepard

B The Shot by Philip Kerr B Redeeming Love by Francine

Rivers B No More Dead Dogs by Gor-

don Korman B Protect and Defend by

Richard North Patterson

New Fiction B Bitterrott by J a m e s Lee

Burke B Tell No One by H a r l e n

Coben B Seven Up by J a n e t

Evanovich B The Flight of the Maidens by

Jane Gardam B Hunting Wind - S teve


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(DVD) B Before Night Falls (DVD)

New CD-Roms B Nine Months to Birth

Hot Topic of t he Week B Going somewhere? Let the

library help you with your sum-mer vacation plans. The library ha s a wide va r i e ty of t r a v e l guidebooks and video cassettes that can assist you as you plan your summer getaway. These materials are great for armchair travelers, too!

@ the Canton Library is com-piled by Laura Dorogi of the library s t a f f . The library is at 1200 S. Canton Center. For more information about library pro-grams and services, call (734) 397-0999.



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A4(C) The Observer & Eccentric/ THURSDAY, JULY 26 , 2 0 0 1

Supermarket from page A1

J a c k a t C a n t o n C e n t e r a n d Cherry Hill roads before it was constructed.

"I bought out in Cherry Hill to get away from that ," he said. He added t h e 24-hour p a r k i n g lot l ights, wayward shopping car ts and addit ional t raff ic a r e unde-sirable, and he would likely boy-cott shopping a t the nearby gro-cery.

Modern shopping Sto l lman agreed t h e original

p l an was to a t t r a c t smal l mar -kets, and stores such as butcher shops and bakeries.

A f t e r t a l k i n g a t l e n g t h w i t h John Pardiiigton, owner of Holi-

day Market in Canton, Stollman reconsidered.

Stollman said Pardington had e x p l a i n e d t h a t s m a l l s h o p s haven ' t survived in Canton for msAiy ye a r s b e c a u s e shoppers p r e f e r to have a l a rge enough select ion t h a t can shop in one stop.

F u r t h e r , S t o l l m a n sa id t h e c u s t o m e r s w h o a r e b u y i n g homes in the village frequently ask where they are going to gro-cery shop.

Nearby developments will pro-d u c e m o r e t h a n 4 ,000 h o m e s with 12,000 or more residents.

Village Planner J i m Constan-t ine argued the grocery will be

necessary for o ther re ta i le rs to survive in Cherry Hill Village.

Without a major grocery store to mee t da i ly n e e d s of n e a r b y residents, the villagers will need to ven tu re outs ide the i r neigh-borhood for the i r weekly shop-ping, h e sa id . Shoppe r s wou ld then be less likely to use a bar-ber, shop a t a specialty boutique or go for ice cream in Cherry Hill Village.

"We can provide coffee shops a n d p l a c e s fo r p e o p l e to go," Stollman said. "But those places a r e n ' t i n b u s i n e s s a n y m o r e because t he big stiJres a r e run -n i n g t h e m o u t of b u s i n e s s . . . . S h o p p i n g i sn ' t l ike

what it used to be. Our old world look doesn't meet what people's needs are today."

Big box Commissioner Ron Lieberman

said he ' s not opposed to a gro-cery in the village, but is uncom-fortable with the size.

"I said this is beyond a grocery s tore . Th i s is a s u p e r m a r k e t , " agreed Commissioner Bob Wade.

C o m m i s s i o n e r C h a i r p e r s o n Vic G u s t a f s o n sa id he is con-cerned the nearby families won't bring in enough business, and a grocery would close, leaving t he l a rge u n u s a b l e bu i ld ing in i t s wake.

C o m m i s s i o n e r s C a t h e r i n e Johnson and Melissa McLaugh-lin agreed wi th t he need fo r a grocery in the village.

"Viability isn't going to be the i s s u e h e r e . A e s t h e t i c s i s t h e i s s u e , " s a i d S t o l l m a n , a d d i n g seve ra l grocery r e t a i l e r s h a v e approached h im about loca t ing in Cherry Hill Village."

Holiday a possibility After the meeting, Pardington

confirmed h e has been mee t ing with Spar tan Stores representa-t ives and accountants to deter-mine w h e t h e r ano ther Hol iday M a r k e t would be viable a t t he village location.

3 0 % o f f Kids' back-to-school

shoes from Nike. Skechers. Candie's. Sam & Libby, Esprit. Stride Rite and more. Reg. 34.00-52.00. sate 23.80-36.40. SIZES AND SELECTION MAY VARY.


M sale 16.99-24 99

30-50 BACKTO


5 0 % o f f Ocean Pacific long-sleeve cotton T-shirts in assorted colors. Boys' sizes S-M-L-XL. Reg. 20.00. sale 10.00. IN CHILDREN'S.

5 0 % o f f Boys' Plugg cargo cotton twill pants. Sizes 8-20. Reg. 32.00, sale 16.00. IN CHILDREN'S.


as ics 4 0 % o f f Girls' black pleather

pants with belt from Zana Oi. Girls' sizes 4-16. Reg. 32.00-34.00, sale 19.20-20.40. IN CHILDREN'S.

5 0 % o f f Cotton tops with pleather applique from Bonkers. Your choice of white or red. Cotton/ pleather. Girls' sizes S-M-L-XL. Reg. 26.00, sale 13.00. IN CHILDREN'S.

m • S I

J g S j i ® : mm

4 0 % o f f Girls' stretch denim

jeans from Zana Di. Girls' sizes 7-16. Reg. 34.00, sale 20.40. IN CHILDREN'S.

buy 2. get 1 free Assorted boys' underwear and sport and casual socks from Carter's, Champion andTrimfit. In cotton and cotton/Lycra® spandex. Toddlers' sizes 2-7; Boys' sizes S-M-L-XL. Reg. 3.50-14.00. IN CHILDREN'S. FREE ITEM MUST BE OF EQUAL


5 0 % O f f Colorful goopy glitter cotton T-shirts from Great Escapes. Girls' sizes 4-6X. 7-12. Reg. 20.00-26.00, sale 10.00-13.00. IN CHILDREN'S.

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Z a r b o s a i d p u t t i n g a l a r g e s t o r e i n t h e v i l l age " v i o l a t e s e v e r y t h i n g we've t a l k e d about s ince I 've been on th i s board." He added the public support for the village would not have been a s e n t h u s i a s t i c if peop le h a d known there would be "big box" store there .

" W h e r e do we p u t t h e Wal-green's and the Blockbuster?" he asked. "This is not what I had in mind."

"If Blockbuster wants to come into Cherry Hill Village, so be it. But they 're going to have to fit in the re , " S to l lman said, point ing to a n e levat ion of t he classical b r i c k s t o r e s des igned to w r a p a round t he proposed grocery.

Besides the grocery, other per-m i t t e d u s e s fo r t h e p l a n n e d deve lopment dis tr ict were pre-l iminari ly approved. Other uses i nc luded ass i s ted l iv ing facili-t i e s , h a r d w a r e s to res a n d gas stat ions.

The commission approved the p r e l i m i n a r y P D D a n d zon ing ordinance amendment 7-0.

Water from A1

the f i r s t few rains jus t wind u p runn ing off."

Dur ing the water use restric-tion, individuals with odd num-bered addresses may only do out-door water ing only on odd num-bered dates. Likewise, those hav-i n g e v e n n u m b e r e d a d d r e s s e s shou ld w a t e r lawns , fill swim-m i n g pools a n d w a s h c a r s on even numbered dates.

Because water consumption is a t i ts peak between the hours of 6-9 a.m. and 3-6 p.m. daily, Can-ton is a lso r eques t ing a volun-t a ry observance to limit outdoor u s e of w a t e r b e t w e e n t h e s e hours . Cooperation in maintain-ing these water use restrictions will enable wa te r cus tomers to cont inue receiving an even dis-t r ibut ion of water with minimal low-pressure problems.

H o m e o w n e r s in subdiv is ions w i t h c o m m o n a r e a s a r e a l s o asked to restr ict wate r ing their c o m m o n a r e a s to e v e r y o t h e r day. Residents should be aware t h a t many public areas, such as p a r k s a n d golf courses receive t h e i r w a t e r f rom ponds which are i ndependen t of the Detroi t wa te r system.

If r e s i d e n t s h a v e a n y ques -t i o n s r e g a r d i n g t h e r e q u e s t e d w a t e r use restr ict ion they may con tac t Canton ' s Publ ic Works Division at (734) 394-5150.

from A1

Crewe. "They t ry to choose us f rom the various areas and social classes. We're not to represent the population, but reflect it.

"Here, the judge sits with t he A m e r i c a n a n d s t a t e f lags , " h e a d d e d . "In E n g l a n d , we don ' t r ep resen t any government. We sit under the Coat of Arms of the Monarch, so we're not subjected to any political influence."

While MacDonald sits alone on the bench, Crewe is among three magis t ra tes tha t hand down jus-tice from the bench in England.

"We don ' t have j u r i e s in our courts, and all the questions go th rough the chairman," he said. "We're not qualified lawyers. We are advised in court by a clerk, who is a qualified lawyer."

Next year, the Pappas ' plan to visi t England, and they plan to s tay wi th their In te rne t fr iends a n d l e a r n f i r s t - h a n d a b o u t Brit ish history. k<


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The Observer & Eccentric/ THURSDAY, JULY 26, 2 0 0 1 * A 5

Special evening honors Sister Francilene BY SUSAN ROSIER STAFF WRITER

July 2001 marked a new tran-sition at Madonna University in Livonia.

Sister Mary Francilene Van de Vyver, who had led the school through 25 years of growth and development, stepped down as president h a n d i n g over opera-tion of the university to, Sister Rose Marie Kujawa.

But be fo re t he of f ic ia l changeover on July 1, more than 700 people gathered last month a t Laurel Manor in Livonia to salute Sister Francilene for her vision, compassion, service to the university, commitment to high-er e d u c a t i o n a n d l e a d e r s h i p throughout the region and state.

Andrea Nodge said tha t gifts totaling more than $50,000 have been raised for a scholarship in S i s t e r F r a n c i l e n e ' s honor . Nodge, d i rec to r of m a r k e t i n g and public relations at Madon-na, served as emcee for the June tribute and coordinated plans for the evening.

Speakers r e p r e s e n t i n g civic and political leaders, the Feli-cian Sisters, higher education, t h e Van de Vyver fami ly and Madonna University praised Sis-ter Francilene's strength, vision and compassion. A special video presentation gave the audience a personal and professional look at Madonna's longest-serving pres-


Mayoral tribute: Livonia Mayor Jack Kirksey deliv-ered a tribute to Sister Francilene on behalf of civic leaders.


Family tribute In a poignant tribute, her sib-

lings, mother and extended fami-ly — nearly 40 strong — assem-bled on s tage to serenade he r with "Song of Praise" sung to the tune of "Edelweiss."

" G r a n t you peace, pe r fec t peace, courage in every endeav-or" they sang to a rousing ova-tion from the audience.

Sister Mary Renetta, Provin-cial Minister of the Felicians Sis-ters, cited Sister Francilene's 42 years as a Felician Sister.

"You have lit the^way for so

many in need by giving of your-self. You have seen solut ions where other have seen problems.

"I came to realize that by your minis try of presence you have multiplied yourself thousands of times and you have touched the hearts of hundreds of thousands of people these past 25 years.

"Church representatives, civic and community members, grad-uates, families, organizations, your Felician Sisters and many others (as evidenced by those present here today) are repre-sentative of your being a woman of great love of God and neigh-bor."

Livonia Mayor Jack Kirksey called Sister Francilene "a com-passionate dedicated person, a true leader in every sense of the word.

"She leaves a legacy of accom-plishment for which she humbly t akes l i t t le credi t as ide f rom supporting and rejoicing in the initiatives of others," said Kirk-sey.

Legend among leaders Edward O. Blews, Jr. , presi-

dent of the Association of Inde-pendent Colleges and Universi-t ies , ca l led he r " the d e a n of Michigan independent h igher education leaders." He presented her with a resolution conferring upon her the title of "Legend of Michigan Independent Higher

Family: Sister Mary Francilene Van de Vyer (left) enjoys some special time with her mother,; Irene Van de Vyer, and her sister, Sister Joyce Marie Van de Vyer, director of St. Mary Mercy Hospita l Child Care Center. Sister Francilene's other siblings (not pictured) Joanne McMurray, Margaret Ales, Jerry Van de Vyer and Ron Van de Vyer also attended the tribute dinner.

Education." He cited her transformation of

Madonna from a "small though spec ia l college" in to a la rge , g rowing , dynamic un ive r s i t y highly respected in the state and n a t i o n w i th an i n t e r n a t i o n a l reach and reputation.

Sister Francilene had served on the association's executive committee for five years and as c h a i r w o m a n of t h e board of directors in 1983-1984.

S i s t e r Rose Mar ie Ku jawa , praised the outgoing president's vision and^trength and pledged to continue her work at Madon-na University.

In addi t ion to t he speeches and tributes, guests were enter-tained by Linette Popoff-Parks, c h a i r w o m a n of t h e Madonna Universi ty Music Department, playing Chopin and a sign lan-guage musical presentat ion of "You'll Never Walk Alone" by Mike Meldrum, Rebecca Shriner and Katie Balough of Madonna's Office of Disability Resources.

Meaningful gifts G u e s t s received copies of

"Walking Through the Woods," a book wri t ten by Sister Franci-lene during her treatment sever-al yea r s ago for colon cancer, bookmarks, small stones hand-painted with messages of peace, love and joy and a violet pin with the symbol of the Pancreat-

ic Cancer Action Net-work.

S i s t e r Francilene is battling pan-crea t ic can-

* Special occasion: Sister Mary Francilene greets Betty Jean and Bob Awrey of Plymouth Township. The Awreys, owners of Awrey Bakeries Inc. in Livonia, are longtime supporters of Sister Francilene and Madonna University.

HiGHUQHTS OF A LIFE WELL-LIVED B Native Detroiter, the eldest of six children of the late Hector and Irene Van deVyer. • Holds bachelor's from Madonna and master's and doctoral degrees, from Wayne State University, • Fifth president and longest-serving president of Madonna University • During her tenure enrollment doubled, academic programs grew to include 50 undergraduate and IS master's level programs. Campus expanded to Include a $4.5 million library and Kresge Hall, the educational Development Center and . acquisition of DiPonto Building and the Maerten's Building.: -Madonna College became Madonna-University. Growth included development of the Office of Multicultural Affairs, Center of International Studies. B Named one of the 100 most effective college presidents in the country in 1987. B Received the first "Winning Ways" Community Leadership Award of Wayne County fn 1988. S In 2001 received the Distinguished Service Award in Educational Leadership from the Michigan Business and Professional Association. B In 2001 received the National Entrepreneurship Action Day Award from the state of Michigan and a Distinguished Service Award from the Michigan Colleges Foundation.

cer. 'The rea -

son for the stones is an inspired s ta tement tha t came in one of the get-well cards. It read: "The path will wait while you take the stone from your shoe...'"

"During our lifetime, each one of us experiences challenges, dif-ficulties, death, pain, Separation, troubles — so when we stop to take out that stone that is both-ersome, let's remember to look up and see that the path is still there _ our path of life here and into eternity," said Sister Franci-lene.

"Please put that pin on today and become a member of a group that together with our dedicated doctors and medical personnel, can make a real difference in advocating for early detection and effective treatments for pan-

creatic cancer." She quoted from the letter she

wrote her pa ren t s on her f irst day as P r e s i d e n t of Madonna University — July 1,1976.

"I owe so much to my two dear parents. You first taught me to do all of life's work for the glory of God..."

"Allow to me end my reflec-tions as I began — "Thanks be to God for the past 59 years of life; 25 s e r v i n g as t he l e ade r of Madonna University, I trust God wanted me to be."

"For all tha t has been, I give thanks.

"For all that is now in my life, I give thanks . And for all tha t will be, I give thanks, because the best is yet to come."

Musical tribute: Sister Mary Francilene's family - nearly 40 strong -serenaded her with the family's special song "Song of Praise" sung to the tune of "Edelweiss."

Sister Francilene: In her own words The following are

excerpts from the speech given by Sister Mary Francilene at her June 6 tribute in J^aurel Manor.

This is really how I i m a g i n e H e a v e n ... wonderful banque t s w h e r e we come toge the r and s h a r e each o t h e r ' s l i fe story... and the mar-vels t h a t God h a s done. Now, I am thinking tha t it will

years o f ' e t e r n i t y to B l e s s i n g : Sister Mary Renetta Rumpz, Provin-share the first billion czaZ Minister of the Felician Sisters, presented of people's stories! So Sister Mary Francilene with a special Papal by t h a t t ime , we Blessing. won't remember what the first group said - and we jus t start the ban-quet all over again...

As we are surrounded tonight with so much love from family, friends, colleagues, benefactors, vol-unteers and co-workers in the ministry, it is truly a night in which to give much thanks!

I'd l ike to follow the p rogram and begin by thanking all of our civic leaders who model for us commitment to the welfare and good of all mem-bers of society. Every time I have had the privi-lege of offering an Invocation for a civic event, I am overwhelmed by the dedication of those among us who give countless hours to make our cities, counties, state and country a better place in which to live, work, pray and nurture families.

To my presidential colleagues - and there are many here this evening - I shall always treasure our interactions, projects and shared mission of higher education in educating students for truth, goodness and service.

Please welcome among your ranks now, Sister Rose Marie ; that as she accepts the role of presi-dential leadership on July 1, she can count on your loyal support, advice, and collegiality.

In truth, Sister Rose Marie is already a leader among leaders given her 17 years as chief academ-ic officer at Madonna; one who established many of the programs of study on both the national and international levels.

Now let me tell you something about being a nun for 42 years. That is all I ever wanted to be.

The first memory I have is from the age of three, when my mother took me to the corner drugstore. Remember how the old drugstores had a small recording booth in the batfk that you could make a 45 record? Anyway, we went to make a record for Daddy's birthday. I said the prayer "Hail Mary" followed by the words, "Happy Birthday, Daddy, This is Patricia!" But I loved to pray and follow the nuns and couldn't wait to become one...

I met the Felician Sisters when I was in eighth grade and left home at the age of 13 to enter the Felician Academy - a prepara tory program for girls interested in the sisterhood; and subsequent-ly entered the Felician Sisters at the age of 17. I

share these memo-r ies wi th you because I have the deepest love for my communi ty . I t h a n k you, my dearest Sisters, for 42 y e a r s of mem-ber sh ip - for my education - for your deep a t t e n t i o n , prayer, and support of my spiritual and heal th needs and above all, for the tremendous oppor-tuni t ies tha t have been given me to be of service in t he ministry of educa-tion...

To al l t he rel i -gious clergy he r e

this evening, thank you for witnessing to me the love of God in your daily lives.

To the admin i s t r a to r s , facul ty , and s ta f f of Madonna University, I can only say: "We are fami-ly!" In t ruth when one studies the strides made over the past 25 years, so much is due to the hard work, dedication, and energies of o thers , not myself. Mostly, I tried not to stand in the way of others' ideas. I felt it a major responsibility to encourage creat ivi ty and to acknowledge the accomplishments of our faculty, administrators and staff.

Above al£ the one goal for which I did strive was to develop a sensitive, respectful, loving, diverse, university community. That we are! It has been a blessing and privilege to have held the role of lead-er among so many wise people.

You have already met my talented family! Can you imagine when we were all young children? There were six of us and together with Mother and Dad we had our own little orchestra. We would go on Sundays to the various hospitals to play for the patients. We had two violinists, a pianist, a clar-inet and Hawaiian Guitar player, one accordionist, organist, string bass player, guitarist, and drum-mer. That's another thought I have about Heaven - that there will be a lot of music!

Tonight I want to especially acknowledge and thank my Mother. She and Dad supported and helped each of us throughout our lives. In my case, when I was a music director, they came for many evenings of musical rehearsals. They helped with our other volunteers in raising bingo funds for scholarships, and they have always been there whenever I needed advice or wise counsel. She gave life to me 59 years ago and continues to give love every day — our mother, Irene Van de Vyver.

T h a n k you to my f ami ly , my a u n t , unc le , cousins, nephews and nieces, and to my friends who came for this evening from such places as Philadelphia, Chicago and Buffalo.

Thank you to the benefactors, volunteers and board members of our wonderful Madonna Univer-sity. If love could effect an immediate cure, I'd be cured a long time ago!

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A6(C) The Observer & EccentricI THURSDAY, JULY 26 , 2 0 0 1

New book from page A1

P a r k e r ' s r e s e a r c h took h e r to four s t a t e s , count less l ib rar ies and museums , in terv iews wi th experts - she even enrolled in a h e a r t h cooking class a t Green-f ie ld Vil lage. Then t h e r e were numerous draf ts and t he strug-g le to f i n d a p u b l i s h e r . (She e n d e d u p t a k i n g t h o s e d u t i e s herself , using a small press she owns for p a m p h l e t s a n d o ther documents.)

The book, which covers rough-ly 60 years from the mid- to late-1600s, revolves around the lives of t he Weymouth, Lilburne and Cooper families and their migra-tion to New England. It mingles f i c t iona l cha rac t e r s w i th well-known personalit ies and events of the time.

The protagonists ' reasons for s e t t i n g sai l to t he New World range from financial ambition ~

patr iarch John Weymouth leads a g r o u p of London f i n a n c i e r s who invest in a Massachuse t t s b a n k i n g company; to R ichard Li lburne, a country gen t l eman seeking to flee England ' s Puri-t an overlords.

Mary Cooper though was the mos t i n t r i g u i n g c h a r a c t e r she developed, Parker said. Cooper, midwife to the Weymouth's new-born son, w a n t s n o t h i n g more than to improve her own family's lot in life. Her vision of the New Wor ld is d o m i n a t e d by fe r t i l e soil t ha t produces enough to feed her husband and two children.

That far-off dream leads Mary and Thomas Cooper to throw in w i t h t h e W e y m o u t h s , t r a d i n g four years of service for passage, c l o t h i n g , p r o v i s i o n s a n d t h e fu ture promise of their own land.

Book signing for The Water's Edge Virginia Bailey Parker will sign copies of The Water's Edge 6:30-

8 : 3 0 p.m. Friday at Little Book Shoppe on the Park in downtown Plymouth.

The 384-page softcover retails for S 1 & 9 5 and !s available at the Plymouth store. It wil l be in other area book stores next month and .* 1 . ' - • • ! • " v A m a z o n . c o m . B & N . c o m f v v t k : : ' . ! ;

from the publisher, Snowy Creek Press. •"> - -I) 5 T'., w w w . s n o w y c r e e k p r e s s . c o m

Character deve lopment "My or ig ina l t h o u g h t w a s to

t e l l t h e s t o r y f r o m d i f f e r e n t viewpoints," P a r k e r said. "Then t h i n g s c a m e to m e d u r i n g research. Mary Cooper was one. So t h e n I h a d to go off a n d research t ha t topic, midwifery."

She credited the late Dr; John Gosl ing for h i s i m m e a s u r a b l e

help. "He also had been to Eng-land many times and told me t he narrative describing the country was perfect ," said Pa rke r , who has never visited the continent.

A n o t h e r c h a l l e n g e , P a r k e r said, was staying t rue to histori-cal events and the character of the t imes. Always an h i s to r i an first, she found this difficult.

" In o r d e r to m a k e a f i c t i on story compelling, you do have to make some changes . I t r i e d to k e e p t h e s e m i n i m a l , " P a r k e r said.

The ef for t to find a publ ica-tion was a n education i n itself, Parker said.

"They pigeonhole you. I kep t h e a r i n g t h a t t h i s book h a s regional appeal t h a t would limit sales."

I know t h a t the se t t ing is New E n g l a n d b u t I b e l i e v e t h e

themes are universal, something e v e r y o n e c a n r e l a t e t o , " s h e added.

The Water's Edge d o e s h a v e two d i s t r ibu to r s , P a r t n e r s a n d Baker & Taylor.

The a u t h o r ' s p rev ious works have all been non-fiction. They include Ghost Stories and Other Tales f rom Canton a n d Can ton


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Memories: A Collection of Oral Histories. Those interviews were compiled in book a n d on video and the project won an Award of Meri t f rom the His tor ica l Soci-ety. Pa rke r has also wr i t ten free-lance a r t i c l e s a n d co lumns for t he Obse rve r N e w s p a p e r s and other publications. She is on the board of the Michigan Oral His-tory Associat ion and is a com-miss ioner on Can ton ' s Histor ic District Commission.

Now b u s y as a r e v i e w e r fo r Publisher's Weekly, P a r k e r said she h a s a couple of new books in t h e w o r k s , i n c l u d i n g a n o t h e r novel, t h i s one set in Michigan during t he 19th century.

Canton author Virginia Bailey Parker will teach a session at the Detroit Women Writers annual conference at Oakland University in October. The class is titled "Turning History into Historical Fiction." For information call (248) 370-4386 or visit www.oakland.edu/cpntinue~ edlwritersconfl

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The Observer & Eccentric! THURSDAY, JULY 26 , 2 0 0 1 ( C ) A 7


DANIEL A. FLETCHER Services for Daniel A. Fletcher, 62, of Canton will be held July 28 a t the First United Methodist Church of Plymouth wi th t he Rev. John Grenfeld officiating.

Mr. Fletcher was born Oct. 27, 1938, in Cumberland, Md., and died Ju ly 23 in Superior Town-ship. He at tended West Point Mili tary Academy after graduat-ing f rom Dickinson College in Pennsylvania. He was in the insurance industry for 40 years and was employed by Munders & Munders Agency, Ann Arbor for 14 years. He was t he for-mer president of Canton Lions Football/Booster Club Ply-mouth . He was the former pres-ident of Salem Football Booster Club. He was a golf enthusias t and an avid supporter of Uni-versi ty of Maryland Terrapin Club. He was a sergeant in the U.S. Army and a member of Canton Chamber of Commerce. He was married for 19 years.

Mr. Fletcher was preceded in dea th by his son, Bradley Fletcher.

Survivors include his wife, Sheri Fletcher of Canton; chil-dren, Paul Fletcher of New Haven, Conn.; Wendy (Steven) Nipper Payt'of Columbus, Ohio; Tricia Fletcher of Boston; and Andrew Nipper of Canton.

Memorial contributions may be made to: In Memory of Daniel A^ Fletcher, Cardiac Care Fund, St. Mary Mercy Hospital Foundation, 36475 Five Mile Road, Livonia, MI 48154.

Arrangements made by Sehrader-Howell Funera l Home. LAVERNE ELIZABETH HANSON

Services for LaVerne Hanson, 77, of Plymouth were held Ju ly 25 a t t he Schrader-Howell Funera l Home with the Rev. Lewis W. Towler officiating.

Mrs. Hanson was born Sept. 2, 1923. in Washburn, Wis., and died Ju ly 20 in Livonia. She moved to Plymouth in 1990 from Iron Mountain. She was a devoted and loving-wife, mother and grandmother .

She was preceded in death by husband , Gordon; brothers, Vir-gil, Rohan and Clifford; and sis-ters , Lillian and Irene.

Survivors include daughter ,

Linda (William) Anderson of Plymouth; grandson, William (Amy) Anderson of Geneva, 111.; granddaughters , Tracy (Brian) Rosewarne of Ann Arbor and Katherine Anderson of Ply-mouth; great-grandson, Cooper; and great-granddaughter , Sophia.

Memorial contributions may be made to Angela Hospice, 14100 Newburgh Road, Livonia, MI 48154.

Arrangements were made by Schrader-Howell Funera l Home. DORIS A. MATHEWS

Services for Doris Mathews, 59, of Canton were held Ju ly 21 at the John N. Sante iu Chapel wi th the Rev. Kur t R. Radke officiating. Buria l was at Glen Eden Memorial P a r k in Livonia.

Mrs. Mathews was born Oct. 23, 1941, in Detroit and died Ju ly 18 in Canton. She was a homemaker .

She was preceded in dea th by her son, Patr ick Louis.

Survivors include son, Michael (Pam) Louis; daughter , Kelly (Paul) Haas; son, Brian (Rene) Louis; son, Donald Louis; son, Todd (Ellen) Louis; 12 grandchildren; sister, Diane (Rich) Davis; and brother, Lind-say (Delores) Schmidt.

Memorial contributions may be made to St. J u d e Children's Hospital.

Arrangements were made by John N. Santeiu & Sons Funera l Home.

RITA MARIE TRIPP Services for Rita Tripp, 80, of

Westland were held Ju ly 20 a t St. Theodore Catholic Church wi th the Rev. Gary Michalik officiating. Burial was at Rura l Hill Cemetery in Northville.

Mrs. Tripp was born Nov. 17, 1920, in Binghamton, N.Y., and died July 18 in Westland. She was a medical receptionist a t Northville S ta te Hospital . She was a member of St . Theodore Catholic Church.

She was preceded in dea th by her brothers* Francis Sullivan, J o h n Jack Sullivan, and Robert Sullivan.

Survivors include son, Michael (Debra) Tr ipp of Can-ton; son, Mark (Denise) Tr ipp of Westland; sister, Margare t Baumgar tne r of Johnson City.

N.Y.; grandchildren, Jamie (Kim), Erica, Melissa, Nathan , Andrea and Ja red ; and great-granddaughte r , Danielle.

Memorial contributions may be made to Community Hospice Services, 32932 Warren, West-land, MI 48185.

Ar rangements were made by Vermeulen Funera l Home. JOSEPH GEORGE BITTMENN

Services for Joseph Bit tmenn, 91, of Plymouth were held Ju ly 23 at the Schrader-Howell Fune ra l Home wi th the Rev. David Bi t tmenn officiating. Buria l was a t Colonial Memori-al P a r k in Hamil ton, N.J.

Mr. Bi t tmenn was born Aug. 23 ,1909, in Newark, N.J., and died Ju ly 18 in Plymouth. He was a ret i red machinist with Crucible Steel in Newark. He moved to Plymouth from Jack-son, N.J. . in 1997. He loved gar-dening and bird and squirrel watching. He enjoyed helping others bu t especially his family. He was a loving husband, fa ther , g randfa the r and great-grandfa ther .

Survivors include his wife, Eva of Plymouth; son, Joseph (Ida) Bi t tmenn of Tooele, Utah; daughter , Ka th ryn (William) Sau t t e r of Plymouth; grandchil-dren, Rev. David Bit tmenn of Salt Lake City, William (Carol) Sau t te r of Livonia, Mark (Michelle) Bi t tmenn of Arling-ton, Texas, Pau l (Carrie) Bi t tmenn of Enoch, Utah, and Scott (Cassandra) Sautter of Redford; and great-grandchil-dren, Victoria, Ellyn, Saman tha and Christ ina.

Memorial contributions may be made to St. Joseph Mercy Hospital Research Department, 5301 E. Huron Dr., P.O. Box 992, Ann Arbor, MI 48106-9951.

Arrangements were made by Schrader-Howell Funeral Home. GARNEL P. HEUQEL

Services for Garnel Heugel, 76, of Canton were held Ju ly 25 a t L.J. Griffin Funera l Home. Burial was a t Cadillac Memorial West.

Mr. Heugel w a s born May 16, 1925, in Logan, W. Va., and died Ju ly 23 in Canton. He was an inspector for t he railroad.

He was preceded in death by his son, Fred Heugel.

Survivors include his daugh-ter, J u d y G. (Dennis) Fraser ; two grandchildren, Dennis Fras-er J r . and Brandon Fraser ; three great-grandchildren, Aus-ton, Noah and Nicole Fraser ; two brothers , Robert and Ralph; and one sister, Ada Barker .

Arrangements were made by L.J. Griffin Funera l Home.

VIRGINIA G. DYER Services for Virginia Dyer, 75,

of Plymouth were held Ju ly 25 at the Vermeulen Funera l Home with the Rev. Peter M. Berg offi-ciating. Buria l was a t Livonia Center Cemetery in Livonia.

Mrs. Dyer was born Nov. 28, 1925, in Livonia and died J u l y 22 in Livonia. Mrs. Dyer and her husband, James , had been marr ied for 55 years. A lifelong resident of Livonia and Ply-mouth, she was a 1943 g radua te of Plymouth High School and was also a long t ime member of St. Peter Lu the ran Church in Plymouth. She was a home-maker, al though she had worked dur ing World War II as a machine operator a t Wall Wire Company. She also spent t ime as an ass is tant manager a t the Little Angel Shoppe in Ply-mouth, which featured chil-dren's clothing. Mrs. Dyer enjoyed playing cards, cooking and spending t ime with her grandchildren.

Survivors include he r hus-band , J a m e s of Plymouth; son, J a m e s (Barbara) Dyer of Columbia, Mo.; son, Richard (Deborah) Dyer of Canton; brother , Edward Landau of Novi; sister, Margie Steingasser of S a n t a Clara, Calif.; sister, Doris (Roy) Singleton of Northville; granddaughter , Kris t in (Jeffrey) Highbarger of Orlando, Fla.; grandson, S h a u n Dyer of Canton; and Ryan Dyer of Canton.

Memorial contributions may be sent to Karmanos Cancer Ins t i tu te , 3807 Monroe Street , Dearborn, MI 48124.

Ar rangements were made by Vermeulen Funera l Home.

MARGARET MURPHY Marga re t Murphy, 93, died

Ju ly 8 in Canton. She was born Nov. 6, 1907 She was in sales.

She was preceded in dea th by g randdaughte r , Debra Daniels.

Survivors include daughter , Marga re t Billings of Canton; g randdaughte rs , Linda O'Neill and Donna Heard; grandsons, Kenne th Billings and Rick Billings; great-grandson, Bren-dan O'Neill, Lee Daniels and Br ian Daniels; great-grand-daughte r s , Kelly Daniels and Megan Heard .

Ar rangements were made by U h t F u n e r a l Home.

DOROTHY E. STEIN Services for Dorothy Stein, 84,

of Plymouth were he ld Ju ly 25 at St. John 's Episcopal Church :

with the Rev. Will iam B. Lupfer officiating.

Mrs. Stein was born Feb. 11, 1917, in Toronto. She w a s a re t i red teacher in t he Ply-mouth/Canton schools. She came to the Plymouth communi-ty in 1943 from Dexter . She was a member of St. John ' s Episcopal Church in Plymouth, ; the Order of Eas t e rn S t a r in Dexter, and the Michigan Edu-cation Association. She loved music and playing t h e violin. -f She was active in h e r church and enjoyed gardening. She was a loving wife, mother , sister and aunt . She received he r mas ter ' s degree f rom t h e Uni-versity of Michigan.

Survivors include h e r hus-band, Harold of Plymouth; daughter , Kathleen (William) H u n t of Canton, N.Y.; sister, Alice (Robert) Walz of Chelsea; brother , John A r t h u r (Onnie) Lovell J r . of Monroe Falls , Ohio; several nieces and nephews.

Memorial contr ibut ions may be made to St. John ' s Episcopal Church.

Arrangements were made by Schrader-Howell F u n e r a l Home.

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Revised sign ordinance will benefit township

Where would Canton be without a good sign ordinance? Probably bur ied under-neath a sea of neon and quasi-words such as "nite" or "thru."

Tha t ' s t he p ic ture t h a t emerged las t week after a joint session of t he township board and p lann ing commission set u p for the eventual fine-tuning of the cur-r e n t local law. The Obse rve r s t rong ly supports commissioners and t rus tees in their revision efforts.

It's not t ha t the current sign ordinance is sub par, but things have changed dra-matically since the last t ime the issued w a s a d d r e s s e d . The c h a r a c t e r of t h e township, wha t looks good from an aes-thet ic s tandpoin t , and sign technology, i t s e l f , h a v e s h i f t e d d u r i n g t h e l a s t decade. Add tha t to the fact t ha t many signs along Canton's business thorough-fares don't even comply wi th the current ordinance and you have the recipe for a legislative makeover.

The plan calls for suggestions from the Ju ly 17 mee t ing to be reviewed by t he p l ann ing d e p a r t m e n t , wh ich will t h e n draf t a proposed ordinance and forward it to the commission and then the town-ship board. The board has the final vote on a new law.

The key to success, we believe, will be in how Well draf ters balance the goals of el iminating clutter and adher ing to the "look" t h e y w a n t for C a n t o n w i t h t h e business community's need to s tand out and be seen by cus tomers . F rom w h a t we've seen so far, township officials are headed in the right direction.

Proposed changes inc lude s h r i n k i n g t he m a x i m u m squa re foo tage of s igns from 50 square feet to 24 square feet. We believe t ha t might be a bit t ight. A 30-square-foot max imum would still allow for a 6-by-5-foot or 10-by-3 foot sign.

Banners and f lashing l ights would be banned as well.

Also, signs tha t don't comply with the

cur ren t ordinance (and presumably the new one) would need to be to rn down. That includes signs sitting atop poles like t h e M e i j e r s i gn on Ford n e a r C a n t o n Center . Bu t some township officials are advocating .financial incentives like pay-ing p a r t of t he cost, or even a 10-year g randfa ther clause.

The character of the township, aesthetics and sign technology have all shifted during the last


New signs for a major business like a s u p e r m a r k e t or d e p a r t m e n t s to re can cost as much as $500,000.

But technology and building materials h a v e evo lved ove r t h e y e a r s m a k i n g smaller, monument-style signs nearly as visible as the old pole-sitters. They look a lot better, too.

A committee studied signs in adjacent communities - including Plymouth, Livo-nia and Farmington - before coming up wi th the recommendations.

If done in a fair and even-handed man-ner , the new ordinance will benefit com*-muni ty res idents and businesses.

Look no fu r the r than the Rite-Aid store or AAA building on Canton Center Road, south of Ford, to find a good example of township input helping to shape a func-t i ona l , a t t r a c t i v e commercial d i s t r ic t . You might quibble over the columns on t he AAA office or the color of the drug s t o r e w i n d o w s , b u t t he f ac t is , t hose developers wou ldn ' t have followed the "upscale" b luep r in t s wi thout t h e insis-tence of local officials.

The same th ing can and should happen under a carefully revised sign ordinance.

Setbacks shouldn't end efforts on river or lake

The s i t u a t i o n t h i s s u m m e r a t New-b u r g h L a k e a n d t h e R o u g e R i v e r is regrettable.

Mother Nature has given the lake and river a one-two punch, wi th hot weather and low wa te r helping make bacteria lev-els high.

Wayne County advises people not to make ful l body contact wi th t he water , w h i c h m e a n s C o u n t y E x e c u t i v e E d McNamara won't be swimming in New-burgh Lake as he promised when it was clean enough.

His swim was p a r t of a h igh prof i le public relations campaign for Newburgh Lake a f t e r i t was dra ined a n d dredged and chemical contamination removed.

As p a r t of a p a r k s mi l lage , t h e boat h o u s e a t t h e l ake w a s r e v a m p e d a n d there were paddle and row boats for rent at the lake.

It w a s our new vision for t he Rouge system. I t was no longer our collective sewer for industrial and h u m a n waste -it was going to be our play ground.

I t was an admirable vision. But rivers and lakes have a way of defying our polit-ical agendas.

Wildfowl still use the lake as a toilet and Mother Nature has a way of drying things up on certain years.

I t ' s now t ime to t ake a more ser ious look a t Newburgh and t he Rouge. The l a k e i t se l f i sn ' t rea l ly a l a k e . I t ' s t h e backwaters of the Rouge.

The Rouge i tself is a d a m m e d , con-trolled river. It 's not a wild, free flowing stream like others in the state. I n ' a way, it 's been a m a n a g e d d ra in for w e s t e r n Wayne County.

Whien wa te r is withheld f rom a river, w a t e r levels and f lowage su f f e r . On a recent day this week, the river in Hines park was barely moving. When tha t hap-pens, bacteria levels rise. The river isn't being flushed and cleaned.

The solution to get t ing t h e r iver and lake cleaner is to get t he s t a t e Depart-m e n t of N a t u r a l R e s o u r c e s invo lved . Wayne County h a s r u n H i n e s a n d t he w a t e r s y s t e m in i t as a n u r b a n p a r k . That 's the politics of the county and it's the expertise the county has.

What 's needed now is the vision of fish

biologists a n d o thers in t he DNR wi th wildlife and forest management experi-ence.

One solution is to remove the dams and improve the flow of the river. Removal is being proposed for the Huron River tha t r u n s though Ann Arbor. Dams hold back t h e r i v e r f low, a n d slow t h e n a t u r a l cleansing process of the river;

They also create ponds and lakes like Newburgh. It would be difficult for us to give u p t he lake. However, i t would be interes t ing to see what DNR types would say about the elimination of dams on the Rouge.

Wi lcox L a k e , u p s t r e a m f r o m New-b u r g h , h a s a d a m , which c r e a t e d t h e lake. It would be interesting to find out if i t s r e m o v a l wou ld i nc rease t h e w a t e r flow enough to improve the water quality in Newburgh and the Rouge.

T h e r e a l c h a l l e n g e f a c i n g w e s t e r n W a y n e C o u n t y is how we look a t t h e Rouge. Are we going to let it l imp along a s a managed park, or are we going to try tu rn ing it into a wilder river?

Wild r i ve r s t e n d to flood somet imes because t h e r e a re no controls. Downed t rees and other natura l debris often col-lect in r iver bends, creat ing ponds and wet lands . Beavfers also do their work of c r ea t i ng the i r own ponds as a place to l ive . Al l t h o s e n a t u r a l p o n d s c r e a t e wildlife and fish habitat .

Western Wayne County residents have done a good job of cleaning up the Rouge. Redford Township has built a retent ion bas in w i th the help of federal money to keep u n t r e a t e d storm and sewer water f r o m going into t he r iver . People have also volunteered countless hours to clean u p the Rouge.

Now it 's t ime for us to step back and f ind a new mindset for Newburgh Lake and t he entire watershed. We need to see p a r k s i n a n e w l ight . They shou ld be more t h a n baseball and soccer fields. The Rouge wate r shed should be re tu rned to a s close as a na tu ra l state as possible.

G e t t i n g t h e DNR involved would be one step. And looking a t removing dams another . It 's t ime to take a fresh look at t he r iver system.

\ \ I /

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' o i l MY p e o p l e

in the. so i rmwesT CAN OSt'&M!

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• Fight crime, not sales In response to the letters on side-

walk sales, I am amazed and incredu-lous. Canton is so concerned with out-ward appearance t ha t our taxes mus t be going to beautification and not police patrol and crime.

Canton is becoming overridden wi th robberies every day, and a dozen peo-ple tha t I know personally have been victimized. Canton is an easy target for many fringe area criminals, because our police are not presenting a strong presence in our community. This is obvious because burglaries are growing in frequency and becoming more blatant .

When is our planning commission going to realize t ha t we can't white-wash Canton while our security is eroding daily by r ampan t crime? Many of our kids are buying, selling and are the victims of drugs. Shouldn't addressing deeper problems in our community be our priority, instead of merchandise on a sidewalk?

M. Morton Canton

• A common problem I found your recent article "Religious

s ta tue is center of battle".(Canton Observer, July 22) very relevant.

As a board member on the Cobble-stone Ridge Homeowner Association, we have encountered similar issues. Many residents are not aware of the subdivision's bylaws or covenants and restrictions. We are constantly t rying to educate new (and existing!) resi-dents about these legal documents.

Many -residents moving into newer subdivisions are not aware t ha t these communities have stronger deed restrictions than the subdivision t h a t they were previously residing. Conse-quently, they incorrectly assume tha t all homeowners associations are the same.

May I suggest tha t you or someone from your staff do a follow-up article on the roles and responsibilities of homeowners associations. The infor-mation you provide may prevent many "snafus" as s ta ted by Kristine Sanders.

Dennis O'Flynn " board member

Cobblestone Ridge Homeowners Association

• Get over Irrational fear I am still scratching my head of

Mike Malott's accusation of "tortured logic" on the par t of the Michigan Supreme Court ("Justices' legal gym-nastics savage s ta te constitution," Ju ly 5, 2001). Try as I may, the only tor-tured logic I can find is with Mr. Mal-ott.

The Michigan Constitution of 1963 is quite clear. In Article I, Section 6, it reads, "Every person h a s a r ight to keep and bear a rms for the defense of himself and the state." I'm not sure which par t of this s ta tement people a re struggling to unders tand. Article II, Section 9 s tates "The power of refer-endum does not extend to acts making appropriations for s ta te insti tutions or to meet deficiencies in s ta te funds..." There is no qualifying clause in th is section reading "...unless some people feel t ha t the appropriation in question was added solely for the purpose of avoiding referendum, in a lame duck session." ,

The Michigan Sta te Police are indeed a s ta te insti tution, which will

incur costs in implementing the rigor-ous requirements of the new CCW law. What 's the big difficulty in accepting a completely constitutional appropria-tion for these administrat ive costs?

The claim tha t the law was passed in "a sneaky late-night session" is laughable. The issue was studied for over six years. Public hear ings were held across the state. Everyone was notified and invited to present testimo-ny, and the anti-gun interests were well represented a t these hearings.

The claim tha t the Legislature was paid off by special interests is equally laughable. Support for this bill came from Michigan organizations, the Michigan United Conservation Clubs and the Michigan Coalition for Responsible Gun Owners, which received no out-of-state funding, but mostly from individual Michigan citi-zens. On the other hand, the Michigan Par tnership to Prevent Gun Violence received $375,000 from the Joyce Foundation of Illinois in the year 2000 alone. Out-of-state interests have simi-larly funded the Million Mom group.

My advice: Get over it, drop the irra-tional fear of your law-abiding neigh-bors, and, if you want to change to law, t ry amending the Michigan Constitu-tion first.

Ted Gomulka Jr. Livonia

• Don't shun patients I am writ ing this let ter in response

to the article titled, "Brain injury vic-t ims jus t looking a t Plymouth as place to rejoin life."

In this part icular article Susan Clark, a resident of Plymouth, was interviewed. She expressed her views on the pat ients living in a rehabilita-tion center on the s t reet which she resides. I wondered wha t she would do if her daughter were in an accident and incurred a serious brain injury. I

. am certain t h a t she would want her child to be ensured the best care.

That is exactly wha t Timothy Broe, head of the rehabilitation center, aims to do for his residents. The city ordi-nance allows the center to be estab-lished and does not require t ha t citi-zens of Plymouth be notified of these sorts of centers being in existence. Every neighborhood encounters inci-dents where outbursts take place. They are not limited to neighborhoods where residents are regaining their lives.

Clark said she was concerned for her daughter 's safety. I am more con-cerned for her mother's narrow-mind-ed, discriminatory views. My parents protected me from things in life; they did not shelter me from life.

It 's important for children to see all walks of life. I hope t ha t Susan Clark's daughter learns tha t everyone is different and we all have our good and bad points. Brain in jury patients are a pa r t of our society. It is our moral obligation to assist individuals t ha t need our help and not shun them.

I really hope tha t you can print this letter. It is very important to me tha t my points a re heard. I feel t h a t no one was on the side of the pat ients . I th ink t ha t someone needs to be on the side of not only these residents of reha-bilitation centers, but any center tha t helps individuals recover from whatev-er might ail them.

Kelly Korycki Canton

Who Is 'we' anyway?

"We" who? The pronoun (used by wri ter Mike

Malott in h is column "Racial profiling ban would t rea t t he symptom ra the r t h a n the disease" Ju ly 12) h a s become the drug of choice for the intellectually self intoxicating.

It leaves i ts abuser high in the mis-guided belief t h a t they have overpow-ered the fa int of mind, so the reader can now see t he same light the wri ter sees.

Fea tu red most prominently by inves-tigative journal i s t s who, lacking the intest inal for t i tude to ask their own questions, t ry to fill in the blanks to questions raised by "others." Who are "others?" And Mr. Malott wi th his insight tha t , "... we abandoned those neighborhoods in t he 'white f l ight ' . . . we turned them into shopping districts for our recreational pharmaceuticals ... we've let our government wi thdraw services from the central cities, and ... we've priced m a n y of the suburbs beyond t he means of all but the wealthiest ," h a s t aken a nas ty spill himself. List ing badly to s tarboard he h a s graciously bestowed his self morti-fication on us all. I t mus t be the "mouse in his pocket" tha t accounts for his repeated reference to "we." Who else could "we" be?

We could be Americans who work and pay taxes and raise families and vote, hoping t h a t our efforts do some good. Or we could be Malott's "whiteys" who did all these bad things to everyone else. You know who you are. That 's r ight , you! Or is it "WE!"

We, who thought we could work and live and buy a home and make mort-gage payments and pay taxes in a city other t h a n Detroit . We, who thought we were f ree to live where we wanted. Wha t were we thinking? Not very Mal-ottesque, obviously. We, who made all those developers price homes into the s t ra tosphere , ju s t so we could work ourselves to death .

Mr. Malott is engaged in nothing more t h a n race baiting. It 's the drug of t he intellectually infirm. If officers a re acting unlawfully, t hen action should be taken. Training, monitoring and legal action if appropriate.

Let's keep focused. Robert Lahiff


Share your opinions We welcome your letters to the editor. Piease include your name, address and phone number for verif ication. We ask that your letters be 400 words or less. We may edit for clarity, space and content.


Letters to the Editor Tedd Schneider Canton Observer 794 South M&in Plymouth, Ml 48170


[email protected]





Thursday, Jaiy 26, 2001

No telling where exporting Michigan waters would stop

Water just might be the most important and valuable thing we have in Michigan.

Whether it's the clear water in our streams, the rippling waters of our inland lakes or the water in the mighty Great Lakes - the largest source of fresh water on the planet - water is what makes Michigan.

It's not only the source of much of the remark-able quality of life in our state, but experts pre-dict that as the world wide short-

wgaggl age of water B B S intensifies, our

water will become an enor-mously valuable resource.

So when some-body starts dab-bling with our water, Michigan hackles get raised right quick.

Phil Power P r e s i d e n t George W. Bush

found that out last week. According to the Toron-to Globe and Mail, Bush said he wanted to talk to Canadian Prime Minister Jean Chretien about piping Canadian water to the parched American Southwest.

"Our nation must develop a comprehensive water strategy, particularly as these western states continue to grow," the newspaper quoted Bush as saying during a meeting with a group of reporters. "I'm from a part of the world where ... there was no water," said Bush, adding that when world oil prices crashed in the early 1980s to less than $10 a barrel, water seemed more valuable than oil.

The President's remarks set off a firestorm. A spokesman for Prime Minister Chretien said that if Bush raises the issue, he will be told Ottawa has long opposed such a move. Canadian Envi-ronment Minister David Anderson said, "The Prime Minister will tell the President that we have a policy of not exporting water and that, I guess, will be it. I imagine it will be a brief con-versation."

U.S. Rep. Bart Stupak, D-Menominee, who rep-resents the Upper Peninsula and northern lower Michigan, told me "I'm jus t surprised at how cav-alier his comment is or what a dangerous a prece-dent it could set. He doesn't seem to recognize the sensitivity of people about this subject."

The issue is far more consequential than the casual comment of a politician who grew up in the dusty oil fields of Texas and whose first instinct is to treat most liquids as though they were oil. By treaty, once water is moved commer-cially across an international border, it becomes a

commodity regulated by free-trade rules. That means any entrepreneur could imagine a busi-ness filling tankers with Lake Superior water to ship to Saudi Arabia or building a water pipeline

What is troubling about the President's remark is the underlying

mind-set it reveals: A natural resource is something to be exploited for eco-

nomic gain, not to be preserved for future generations.

to, say, Midland, Texas. Worse, once the export of Great Lakes water

starts, there's no telling where it might stop. With water levels in the lakes already declining to record lows, I'd hate to see oil industry logic -pump it until it's dry, then go drill another well -applied to our water.

What is troubling about the President's remark is the underlying mind-set it reveals: A natural resource is something to be exploited for econom-ic gain, not to be preserved for future genera-tions.

Basically, the President was suggesting tha t if lots of people are moving where there is little water, the thing to do is figure out how to get the water out there regardless of the environmental consequences or the impact of international law.

Nothing about ways to conserve water. Nothing about the idiocy of subsidizing water shipments to arid regions to encourage further development that has already outrun the capacity of existing natural resources to sustain it. Nothing about the effect upon a state and region whose very identity is bound up in water - as much as Texas' is bound up with oil.

This is not a trivial issue. In the next election, Michigan will lose a seat in Congress as a result of population loss recorded in the last census, while southwestern states will gain. The balance of federal political power will shift away from Michigan.

Gov. John Engler, who has argued that control over Great Lakes water ought to be left in the hands of the states that border them, might want to use this episode as a teachable moment to help his friend, President Bush, understand he's now something more than merely the governor of a parched state.

Phil Power is chairman of HomeTown Com-munications Network Inc., the company that owns this newspaper. He welcomes your com-ments, either by voice mail at (734) 953-2047, Ext. 1880, or by e-mail at ppower<§> homecomm. net

Soft money is just as much a problem at the state level

Mike Malott

"The Michigan campaign finance system is so weak in its regulation of electioneering communi-cations that any corporation, union, individual, interest group or political party can spend as much as it wants and report nothing."

Pretty strong stuff, but tha t is the conclusion of a report compiled by the Michigan Campaign Finance Network after three months of research into spending in last year's elections.

In fact, all of the concerns about "soft money" tha t led to the passage of the McCain-Feingold campaign finance reform in the U.S. Senate are also present in Michi-gan elections, according to MCFN Executive Director Richard Robinson.

The definition in Michigan law as to what constitutes "election advoca-cy" is even more

vague than at the federal level. Hard money is the money contribu-tors give directly to candidates. In Michigan, that is all pretty well documented, and the law sets limits on contributions. Disclosure is extensive through reporting.

"Soft money" can come from the political parties or directly from interest groups. The national par-ties can feed money into state party organizations, which can then spend on "issue advocacy" directly from "administrative accounts" and without the need for disclosure.

Corporations and unions, as well as other inter-est groups, can spend directly on advertisements without having to report it. That's because the feds and the state don't regulate "issue advocacy."

Even when that issue advocacy pertains to an election race, it is still considered issue advocacy as long as the advertisement doesn't use words like "vote for" or "elect." In Michigan law, there has to be a "clear inference" to a candidate run-ning for office. Nonetheless, the MCFN found that voters often are not able to distinguish between the two.

A prime example was the Supreme Court races run last November.

"The average amount raised by the candidates was more than $1.1 million, a jump of 83 percent from 1998," the MCFN concluded. "But that still seems to be the smaller par t of the overall effort."

"Published reports estimated tha t the two par-

ties spend a combined total of $10 million on unre-ported advertisements related to the Supreme Court elections, compared to the candidates' com-bined total of $6.8 million," the report states. "... But since issue ads are not disclosed on campaign finance reports, we can't track tjie source of some major political contributions."

If you remember those ads, Robinson said, "it is difficult to imagine a viewer not making a clear inference about candidates based on those spots."

This does not seem to be a partisan issue. Republicans surely loved the $450,000 given to the party by one contributor. Such party contributions

It was Bill Clinton who discovered the soft money loophole in federal law

back in 1994.

are not limited, although they do have to be reported, but it is impossible to know where all that money goes.

The same holds true with the $1 million given Democrats by a single union.

It was Bill Clinton who discovered the soft money loophole in federal law back in 1994, Robinson said. But it has been increasingly exploited by both sides ever since.

Unlike the McCain-Feingold bill, Robinson said the MCFN's list of reforms do not seek to ban soft money, only increase reporting and disclosure of it. The MCFN proposes limits on contributions to political parties, limiting caucus contributions to individual candidates, and mandating electronic filing of reports. The last proposal, he said, would enable watchdogs, like the Network itself, to track contributions and spending through a computer database.

But the most important change is to redefine what constitutes "issue advocacy" versus "election advocacy." The network suggests that any ad be considered election advocacy if it contains a candi-date's name or a picture of that candidate, and is broadcast within 60 days of an election.

Robinson is skeptical about whether the politi-cal will exists in Lansing to crack down on soft money. After all, the politicians tend to like large contributors. But he also believes that if voters express to senators and representatives a desire for more accountability in state elections, lawmak-ers will warm to the idea.

Mike Malott reports on the local implications of state and regional events. He can be reached by phone at (810) 227-0171 or by e-mail at [email protected]

A fresh look at the mail - and e-mail -yields surprises

Tedd Schneider

Our mailbox here at the Observer is usually pretty full. And of course these days, we receive a lot of e-mail as well. Which reminds me, this would be a good spot to slip in a shameless plug for one of our newest features.

For the last few weeks, we've been soliciting e-mail responses to specific stories on local issues, usually about once a week on the front page. We call this feature "What do you think?" although sometimes we use a headline more closely associ-ated with the story. The e-mail address is [email protected] (Note to those not online: a plain, old typed letter to the Observer a t 794 S. Main, Plymouth MI 48170 or a fax to (734) 459-4224 works just as well.)

The response from readers has been very good, and we print signed letters in the next edition, right a t the top of the letters column. A few e-mails on the sidewalk sale issue even helped us when it came time to pull together our own editor-ial.

But back to the original topic - sorting through all tha t mail. I used to do this using the standard business technique. You know, designating piles for immediate attention, future attention and the trusty circular file. How boring.

But newspapers aren't the only thing that bene-fit from a fresh approach. Sometimes newspaper editors need a good whack and a change too. That's why I now separate my mail into just two piles - things I like and things I don't. (After which, of course, I redo it in the tried-and-true way, being the stubborn, middle-aged, by-the-book type tha t I am.)

Of course, my correspondents have nothing to worry about. Things I don't like, or even detest, have the same chance of ending up in the paper as those I cherish. It's always been part of the philos-ophy here that we're a local paper and "What comes in gets in."

So how exactly does this decidedly low-tech approach to mail sorting work? Let me demon-strate.

• Thing I like — Handwritten note from proud Canton mom about her son making the Dean's List last semester while up at college.

• Thing I don't like - Fill-in-the-blank form let-ter about a high school student being nominated for the "U.S. National Great1 American Achieve-ment Academy," really just a ruse to sell a bunch of "special publications" to unsuspecting relatives

B Thing I like - Well thought out and timely let-ter from a local resident on local, state or national

topic, either responding to something in a previ-ous edition or just spouting off about the general malaise/beauty around them.

• Thing I don't like - E-mail from some unknown "expert" in Alaska, usually with dozens of recipients on the address line, purporting to

Sometimes newspaper editors need a good whack and a change too.

urge us to think deeply about the plight of an ani-mal, tree, or the American worker. These though, are a giant step up from the printed missives -often in nearly unlegible handwriting or typed on a 1948 Royal - tha t run on and on about the New World Order, Kennedy assassination conspiracy or bankers and media types taking over the world.

• Thing I like - Note from reader telling me how much they appreciated a story, either because it provided useful information or because the Can-ton Observer turned its spotlight on them or their business, things are really going well.

• Thing I don't like - Press release from out-of-state PR firm urging a high-profile story on a Can-ton resident or business tha t has already appeared in the paper numerous times over the years.

• Thing I like - Suggestion on how the paper can do a better job and enhance itself as an asset in the Canton community; or an idea for a feature story on a local person or place.

• Thing I don't like: Clipping - with no indica-tion of who sent it - with red marker swipes at typos and grammatical errors.

If you sense a common thread here, you're prob-ably on the right track. I like correspondence that is human, personal and raises interesting issues, offers a slice of Canton life. In turn, we like to pass that along to readers. It's a big part of how we stay focused on our mission of being a key source for local information.

So now that you've had a peek inside our mail-box and our computers, we'd love to hear from you.

Tedd Schneider is the community editor of the Canton Observer. Reach him at (734) 459-2700 or by e-mail at tschneider@oe. homecomm.net

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A1Q* The Observer & Eccentric/ THURSDAY, JULY 26, 2 0 0 1

County commission names terminal for Ed McNamara B Y T I M S M I T H S T A F F W R I T E R [email protected]

Ed MqNamara had a lot to do w i t h t h e $1.2 billion new mid-f ie ld t e r m i n a l n e a r i n g comple-t ion at Detroit Metropolitan Air-por t . So why not n a m e it a f t e r him?

The Wayne County Commis-sion thought such an honor was a p p r o p r i a t e , a n d T u e s d a y approved a reso lu t ion to n a m e t h e f a c i l i t y t h e E d w a r d H. M c N a m a r a Terminal . Only one commissioner voted agains t the reso lu t ion , bu t most ly because h e thought the commission was rush ing into the decision.

Those a t t e n d i n g t he commis-s ion m e e t i n g a t Crowne P l aza Hotel enthusiastically supported t he resolution, and gave the 14-y e a r Wayne County Execu t ive several warm ovations.

"Th i s , is n o r m a l l y a n h o n o r r e s e r v e d fo r t h e d e a d , " s a i d McNamara with a wide smile.

In the resolution, summarized a t t h e m e e t i n g by commiss ion C h a i r m a n Ricardo Solomon, i t was detailed how the "vision and u n c e a s i n g e f f o r t a n d c o m m i t -m e n t " f o s t e r e d by M c N a m a r a over the pas t decade greatly led to the terminal becoming a reali-t^"

Clinton connection McNamara secured impor tant

ag reemen t s wi th s ta te officials, commiss ioners , Nor thwes t Air-l ines officials and connected with former President Bill Clinton - a key meet ing t h a t brought $150 million into the project's coffers. Abou t 35.5 mil l ion p a s s e n g e r s annua l ly ar r ive and depar t the a i rpor t , r a n k i n g i t s ixth in t he world; when McNamara 's t enure began in 1987, less than 20 mil-lion air bustomers used the facil-ity.

As a result, la ter this year, the M c N a m a r a t e r m i n a l wil l open a n d be used ent i re ly by Nor th-


l i "Vi r b j\- j , ? r . J ; ; y ; • .

% ' '

High honors: The Wayne County Commission honored County Executive Edward McNamara, fourth from left, by naming the new Metro Airport midfield terminal in his honor. On hand for the ceremony were, left to right, Commissioner Lyn Bankes, Airports Director Lester Robinson, Commissioner Kay Beard, Commission chair Ricardo Solomon, Lucille McNamara and Colleen McNamara, the executive's wife and daughter, Commissioner John Sullivan, Commissioner Chris Cavanagh and Commissioner Joseph Palamara.

west, the airport 's driving force. There will be 97 gates , 11,500 parking spaces, 1.5 miles of mov-ing walkway, a new entrance off of 1-275 a t E u r e k a Road , 80 shops a n d r e s t a u r a n t s a n d a sixth jet runway.

"One of the smartest things we did was s i t down wi th N o r t h -west" and tu rn over construction of the t e rmina l to the air l ines , McNamara said. "And it is t rue they are a 400-pound gorilla and they are people tha t are in busi-ness to make money. ... But they also are people who know wha t they are doing."

If not fo r t h a t p a r t n e r s h i p , M c N a m a r a told the g a t h e r i n g "this t e rmina l would not be in the position it is today."

"This a i rpo r t is t he g r e a t e s t

economic g e n e r a t o r t h i s s t a t e h a s s e e n or e v e r wi l l s e e , " emphasized McNamara . "It will c r ea t e m o r e p e r m a n e n t , h igh-class jobs t h a n any other activity tha t h a s t aken place."

Before McNamara spoke about t he honor , several commission-ers appeared to be enthus ias t ic a b o u t t h e n e w t e r m i n a l a n d naming it in honor of the county executive.

" T h i s h a s b e e n a long t i m e coming, but it 's here," said Dis-t r i c t 3 c o m m i s s i o n e r R o b e r t B l a c k w e l l , w h o h e a d s u p t h e commission's airport committee.

Commission Vice-Chairwoman Kay B e a r d of t he 12th d i s t r i c t said she was "proud to be a par t of naming the terminal in honor of Ed. He worked so hard to get

t h e f u n d i n g . ... If a n y b o d y deserves a name on t h a t termi-nal, it's Ed."

Don't rush it D i s t r i c t 2 c o m m i s s i o n e r

Bernard Parker was the only one to vote aga ins t t he reso lu t ion , af ter commenting t ha t the deci-s ion s h o u l d be p u t on h o l d . Although Parker said he gener-ally suppor t ed t he c o n t e n t s of the resolution, he thought mem-bers of t he public should have had an opportunity to give their input into the process.

"See w h a t t h e publ ic t h i n k s a n d t h e n come back , " P a r k e r said.

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High praise for Ed City, county and state offi-

cials sent le t ters to Wayne County Commission Chairman Ricardo Solomon, in support of a resolution to name the mid-field terminal a t Detroit Metropolitan Airport in honor of Wayne County [Executive Edward H. McNamara.

Following are some of those testimonials:

• Governor John Engler: "Michigan has a proud tradition of honoring men and women who have made significant and enduring contributions to the cultural, social, or economic life of our state."

• Detroit Mayor Dennis Archer: "Mr. McNamara has been the guiding force in mak-ing this dream a reality, and it is only fitting that it be named in his honor."

B U.S. Rep. Joseph Knollen-berg: "Executive McNamara is universally credited with being the most effective advocate for

the 97-gate, $1.2 billion te rmi-n a l . U n d e r h i s l e a d e r s h i p , Me t ro A i r p o r t wil l be a b l e t o advance into the 21st century' as a principal, up-to-date t r ans -portation center."

m U . S . S e n . C a r l L e v i n : "While the a i rport has spur red economic growth, i t has been Ed M c N a m a r a ' s v i s i o n t h a t h a s propelled t h e a i rpor t ' s g rowth into this increasingly important role." .

• U.S. Rep. L y n n Rivers: "I believe it is fitting for t he com-mission to recognize Ed McNa-mara 's efforts in bringing Metro Airport into the 21st century."

• Detroit Renaissance Presi-den t P a u l Hillegonds: "As t h e opening of the midfield te rminal d r aws n e a r , recogni t ion of E d M c N a m a r a a s a d r i v i n g force a n d effect ive advocate for t h e s u c c e s s f u l comple t ion of t h i s project is appropriate." B Oakland County Executive

L. B r o o k s P a t t e r s o n : " T h e E d w a r d M c N a m a r a T e r m i n a l w o u l d be a f i t t i n g a n d m u c h deserved tr ibute."

terminal in honor of McNamara when Northwest reportedly will r e f e r to i t a s t h e N o r t h w e s t WorldTerminal.

W a s h b u r n r e s p o n d e d t h a t since Nor thwes t is l eas ing t h e t e r m i n a l f r o m W a y n e C o u n t y t ha t it did not have authori ty to formally name it. But tha t does-n ' t m e a n t h e a i r l i n e s couldn ' t a f f i x a s e c o n d a r y n a m e if i t wanted to.

" T h e y d o n ' t h a v e f o r m a l au thor i ty to name the facility," Washburn explained. "But they can call it whatever they wish."

Dignitaries, gues ts and mem-b e r s of t h e med ia l a t e r took a bus tour of the new midfield ter-minal , where a t empora ry s ign was unveiled. McNamara, wear-ing a ha rd hat , took par t in the unveiling.

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The Detroit Symphony Orchestra presents "Broad-way Under the Stars" featur-ing tenor Craig Schulman, 7:30p.m. at the Meadow Brook Music Festival. Tickets $10-$56, call (313) 576-5111, (248) 377-0100, or (248) 645-6666.

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ENTERTAINMENT B Thursday, July 26, 2001


Annual phenomenon ready to rattle CPOP Gallery BY STEPHANIE ANGELYN CASOLA STAFF WHITER [email protected]

The sturdy wooden sign perched outside Time Stereo headquarters in

Livonia reads - in giant carved letters - "Noise Camp." Its sim-plicity hardly reveals a hint about this annual phenomenon, a combination of performance art and sound that delivers a camping aesthetic in an urban setting.

Now in its seventh year, Noise Camp is brought to you by the fine folks at Time Stereo records, and it remains unri-valed in the metro area. Where else can you play Penguin Toss, indulge in tofu hot dogs and listen to a noise band, Princess Dragon-mom, by moonlight?

"Camp. Go to camp." Livonia resident, artist, and Time Stereo

founder Davin Brainard is to blame. He came up with the concept while working as a coun-selor for a kids camp organized by Clarenceville United Methodist Church. He decided to record the sounds of camp but real-ized that as soon as he revealed a micro-phone, the campers would just start scream-ing. "I took all the tapes and made it into a sort of camp collage," he said. It mixed chil-dren's giddy voices with the sounds of the environment and spurred an idea. "We decid-ed to make it a live show."

Brainard, along with musical cohorts War-ren Defever, Kevin Callaway, Dion Fischer and newest import Ronald Cornelissen (a Dutch visual artist making his first American Noise Camp appearance), captured this ambiance in sound - under the moniker Princess Dragonmom.

"It starts off quiet and it slowly builds," described Defever of Noise Camp. "By the end, it is an over-the-top noise battle."

If you're going to Noise Camp... What: A s t range e lect ro-acoust ic camp- themed no ise pro ject f ea tu r i ng mus ic by Princess Dragonmom When: 7 - 1 1 p .m. Saturday, Juiy

Where: CPOP Gal lery , 4 1 6 0 Woodward Ave., Detro i t .

Cost: No charge, for all ages What to bring; Lawn chair, compass , marshma l lows , ghos t stor ies, a sense of humor, For more information: Call ( 3 1 3 ) 8 3 3 - 9 9 0 1 or v is i t w w w . t i m e s t e r e o . c o m or w w w . c p o p . c o m

As far as Brainard knows, no one has ever attempted to top this "strange outdoor electro-acoustic noise project."

Noise Camp debuted at Alvin's in 1995, then moved onto Zoots Coffeehouse. Four years ago, organizers found new, spacious grounds at Detroit's CPOP Gallery. "They're friendly," said Brainard of the CPOP staff. "They have a nice outdoor area, and they let us do it."

Defever thinks its the per-fect setting for the event. A completely urban corridor is taken over by manufactured

natural surroundings. The event - part art installation, part noise rock show - includes a crafts table for kids, a photo booth to capture camp memories, camp haircuts, songs and ghost stories, all before a campfire.

Act like a kid Ribbons are handed out to those campers

considered the best swimmers a t "Fort Lake" and best eaters munching tofu hot dogs. Camp counselors and Girl Scouts are on hand to protect campers from impending danger -such as skunks that spray insect repellent.

Noise Camp doesn't evolve much from one year to the next, yet it caters to campers of all ages. "Some people we know like to have ideas for Noise Camp," said Brainard, feeling misunderstood. "We're not trying to make an all new Noise Camp."

Undisputed highlights include the "good bush" ana tree, walking works of art. "The bush kind of thinks he's Iggy Pop," said Defever, who is sometimes known to don the "Tree" suit, which never has eye-holes.

"Sometimes the tree gets in a fight with the bush," said Brainard, in a serious tone.

"Last year the big fight spilled out onto Woodward," added Defever. No one was

Please see NOISE, B2

Don't spook the skunk: Noise Camp returns 7 p.m. Saturday, July 28, to CPOP Gallery in Detroit.



Celebrate Scottish heritage at Highland Games

Participants: David Martin and Amy Burnett Calrn.es will take part in the 152nd annual Highland Games.


Give them a day, and they' l l give you Sco t l and - t h e St . Andrew's Society of Detroit isn't

kidding. Its Highland Games, being held this year on Saturday, Aug. 4, at Greenmead Historical Park in Livo-nia, are the oldest continuous event of its kind in North America.

The even t f e a t u r e s a va r i e ty of activities including piping and drum-ming contests, Highland dance and heavy athletics competition, parade of clans, t h ree s tages of en te r ta iners , children's activities, genealogy tent , and vendors selling Scottish related items.

"We learn a lot, we meet a lot of peo-ple, it 's j u s t p la in fun," said Craig Stewart of Canton about the 152nd annual event. "I like bagpipes, wear-ing the fami ly k i l t , a n d l e a r n i n g things about our Scottish heritage."

Stewart's a member of St. Andrew's Royal Scottish Honor Guard, and will be participating in the games with his wife, Suzanne , and s t epdaugh te r s , Amy and Jessica Burnett Calmes.

In the morning, Amy, an award-win-

ning Highland dancer, will be among the more than 100 dancers competing for the chance to take home titles and medals . In t h e a f te rnoon, she and Suzanne will help marshal dancers for competition. Jessica is working at a vendor booth for the St. Andrew's Soci-ety.

Suzanne got her family involved in the St. Andrew's Society, and remem-bers attending Highland Games as a child. Her grandmother, Mary Burnett Summers was born in Scotland, and h e r g r e a t unc l e was a H i g h l a n d dancer.

"I was too shy to compete, but I used to go to t h e g a m e s and w a t c h my cousins," remembers Suzanne.

Her daughter Amy wanted to start dancing after she attended Highland Games in Fergus, Ontario.

"I love dancing, it's my heritage, anc it's fun competing," said Amy, 12, ar eighth-grader a t East Middle Schoo in Plymouth. She's been in nine com peti t ions and won 36 medals, 20 o: t hem f i r s t place. This summer sht a t t e n d e d t h e Ohio Sco t t i sh Arts School High land Dance Camp, anc recently won her sixth best in grouf champion trophy.

On Aug. 4 she ' l l be compe t ing between 9-11 a.m. in the novice, age

Please see GAMES, B2

What: St. Andrew's Society of Detroit presents the 152nd Annual Highland Games When: 9 a.m to 5 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 4 Where: Greenmead Historical Park, 20501 Newburgh Road (at 8 Mile Road) . Livonia Admission: $8 per person in advance, $10 at the gate. No charge for children age 12 and under accompanied by an adult. Advance tickets available 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. weekdays -at the Greenmead office until Tuesday, July 31. Call {248) 593-5064, or visit www.highlandgames.com for details

Parking: Limited parking on site, $5, enter . from Newburgh Road at the south entrance.." Off site parking available at Schoolcraft, College, Haggerty Road, between 6 and 7 Mfie roads, no charge, free shuttle to the games • Patrc Patron tlokets - Individual $50, each additional family member, $30, each child, age 7-12, $10, no charge for children under 7, available at the Greenmead office through Friday, Aug. 3. Call Bill Klncald, (734) 973-1828 for information. • Ceilidh - 5-11 p.m. Friday, Aug. 3 on the Greenmead grounds. Advance tickets, $10,. -available at the Greenmead office until 4:30 p.m Friday, Aug. 3, or $15 at the tent, includes Scottish dinner and soft drink, desserts extra.

homet6wnnewspapers.net Kaleski Wygonik, Editor 734-953-2105 kwygonik @oe. homecomm. net

B 2 *



The Observer & Eccentric/ THURSDAY, JULY 2 6 , 2 0 0 1

from page B1 Games from page B1

injured, and it's all par t of the fun at Noise Camp.

Livonia resident Kevin Call-away is a r e t u r n i n g noise camper. "I was scared. It is a dif-ferent camp experience. ... You can't predict what's going to hap-pen."

Campers are sur rounded by B r a i n a r d ' s p a i n t i n g s , wh ich of ten depict camp counselors who have suffered some evil fate - a beehive or bucket of paint that has fallen on the counselor's head , for i n s t ance . B r a i n a r d studied art at Wayne State Uni-versi ty. Using br ight p r imary colors and a childlike vision, the artwork becomes an integral ele-ment in u n d e r s t a n d i n g Noise Camp.

Noise provided by... The evening culminates in a

performance by Princess Drag-

onmom. True to its noise roots, t he band plays unconventional instruments.

Noise C a m p of fe r s a ra re opportunity to hear the sounds of the electric pine cone, the elec-t r i c log and even the electric bear. The ins t ruments combin-ing elements of na tu re and art w i t h electronic pick-u*ps, like those used on a guitar.

Dion Fischer (The Go) is likely to reprise his role, playing the only per ishable ins t rument in the bunch, the electric watermel-on. "It's all fairly primitive," said Defever.

Detroit resident Crispy Fachi-ni lives just down the street from the campsite. "It's not as scary as when I used to go camping as a kid." A native of rural Apple-g a t e , Mich. , F a c h i n i camped deep in the woods on his parent's property. He never once encoun-

tered an electric bear. "The last camp at CPOP, I went with four of my friends, and we arrived on a scooter, a Vespa, and we made a grand entrance."

On the road Princess Dragonmom will take

Noise Camp on the road a f t e r this performance. The band will set up its ten t in Connecticut, Massachuse t t s , Rhode I s l and and New York. Drawing from its successful tours of J a p a n and Europe, the band hopes to draw i n t e r e s t a r o u n d t h e U n i t e d States.

As if that 's not enough to get convince you tha t seeing Noise Camp is be l iev ing , Defeve r added: "I think there's a really good chance of a UFO sighting this year."

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• I I

- s ? '

12 and under category.

"I like the Sword Dance best," she said. "It 's difficult to do, I like the challenge. The dances all have a story behind them. I l ike t h e b a g p i p e s , how t h e y souiid. It makes me feel like I'm dancing for Scotland."

Caitlin Campbell of Plymouth and Holly Dorger of Bloomfield Hills competed in the U.S. High-land D a n c e na t i ona l champi-onships in Long Beach, Calif., and wi l l a l so compete in a t Greenmead.

Local dancers Other local dancers scheduled

to participate in competition a t Greenmead are Kelly Cook of F r a n k l i n ; L i n d s a y Corbe t s , Christina Hugo, and Allison Gib-son of R o c h e s t e r Hi l l s , E r i n Welsh of P lymouth , El izabeth May len Of B i r m i n g h a m , and Anna Falkowski of Livonia.

If you're Scottish, Craig said the games are the perfect place to l ea rn more about your her-itage. "If you're not Scottish you can come and have a good time," he said. "There's a lot to see -the athletic events, dancing, it's a nice day."

Susie and Bill Baker of Bloom-field H i l l s j o ined t h e St . Andrew's Society af ter visiting Scotland in 1997.

"We loved it so much we want-ed to get involved," Susie said. "We're pa r t of the melting pot, but chose to celebrate our Scot-tish roots."

Family entertainment Susie is chair ing the Ceilidh

on the Field on Friday, Aug. 3, a celebration of Scottish music and food. Bill is field chai rman for

Highland Games Gates open 9 a.m. Saturday, Aug. 4 Massed bands, parade of clans, and welcoming ceremony - noon

. Events throughout the day £ • Heavy athletics compet i t ion *-• • Highland dance competi t ion • Piping and drumming - pipe band, solo piping, and drumming*

competitions; massed bands • Drum major competi t ion • Genealogy tent ^ • Children's activit ies *•" • Scott ish entertainment • Arts & crafts • Animals of Scotland - showcases sheep, dogs, catt le, deer-"

hounds and horses ' • Historic reenactments and encampment

• 'I like the Sword Dance best. It's diffi-cult to do, I like the challenge. The dances all have a story behind them. I like the bag-pipes, .how they sound. It makes me feel like I'm dancing for Scot-land.'

Amy Burnett Calmes Highland dancer

the games.

"We have a bunch of entertain-ers, everything f rom fiddle to Celtic rock. We have a gal who will sing in Gaelic," she said.

Ceilidh admission includes a Scottish dinner consisting of a meat pie, bridie and soft drink. Desserts are extra.

"I t ' s j u s t r ea l good f a m i l y entertainment," said Susie about

the games. "There's s o m e t h i n g for everyone - food, pipe bands," dancing, vendors, including k i l t ' makers , and chi ldren 's a c t i v i -ties."

Heavy athletics \»"v

K u r t P a u l i e of W e s t l a n d i s ' par t ic ipat ing in t he heavy a t h -letics competition with his broth--; e r J a s o n . The compe t i t i on includes tests of strength induct-ing a 16-pound hammer toss, 28-pound weight for distance, and the popular cabre toss. t

Li am Nea ry of Redford is ill" cha rge of c lans a t t he games, David Martin of Livonia is Pipe • Major. * ••'•C

Even t proceeds benef i t a v a t i - : ety of local groups including the S a l v a t i o n A r m y , H a b i t a t for Humanity, Detroit Rescue Mis-sion, and Meals on Wheels.

At l e a s t 30-40 c lans will be r e p r e s e n t e d a t t h e f e s t i v a l , maybe you'll find yours.

You can even k i ck up your . heels and join the mass fling, High land dancing on the fielct. a f t e r al l t h e b a n d s p a r a d e at;: noon.

Singles can mingle at DSO event It could be the perfect place to

meet a new friend or perhaps a wonderful event to enjoy your own freedom.

The Detroit Symphony Orches-tra is hosting two events for sin-gle peop le a t Meadow Brook where profess iona ls can meet and mingle over picnic dinners and classical Overtures.

This summer's events^especial-ly for single professionals ages 25-45 feature Vive La France/ on July 27 and Tchaikovsky Spec-tacular on Aug 11.

The picnic dinners begin at 6 p.m. and concerts are at 8 p.m. and inc lude pavi l ion sea t ing . Tickets for each are $45 which includes dinner.

Vive Le France will be led by F r e n c h conduc to r E m m a n u e l

• This summer's events especially for single professionals ages 25-41 feature Vive La France! on July 27 and Tchaikovsky Spectacu-lar on Aug 11.

Villaume and followed by fire-works. Tchaikovsky Spectacular will feature an all-Tchaikovsky evening including the passionate 1812 Overture and concludes with fireworks.

Partnership Both events are presented in

par tnership with Metropoli tan

Single Professionals. O t h e r s h o w s r

On S a t u r d a y , J u l y 28, ViJV laume will conduct the DSO in an a l l - B e e t h o v e n p r o g r a m including Beethoven 's in tense Symphony No. 5 and Piano Con-ce r to No. 4 f e a t u r i n g solois t A n d r e w von Oeyen . The; Beethoven event is one of t he most popular at Meadow Brook. :

On Sunday, Broadway t u n | £ will be performed a t 7:30 under the direction of guest co^J ductor Sue Anderson.

P u r c h a s e t i c k e t s by calliij |f; (313)576-5111 or a t any Ticket-; master outlet a t (313)576-5111.^

— By Lana Miiifc

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The Observer & Eccentric/ THURSDAY, JULY 2 6 . 2 0 0 1 *B3

Intuit-Solar shifts the musical climate S C E N E


It isn't easy to ca t ch u p wi th Jon Layne these days.

The owner of t h e Bi rming-ham-based Intu-i t -So la r record l abe l r a r e l y t a k e s a b reak . B e t w e e n pro-m o t i n g new

records by his ar t i s ts , like DJ A s s a u l t ' s l a t e s t , Jefferson Avenue, flying out to high profile e v e n t s l ike M i a m i ' s Win t e r Music Conference where he orga-nized a music showcase , and s tay ing one s tep ahead of the music scene, the West Bloom-field native never seems to rest. He even runs the label out of his q u a i n t B i rmingham home - a way to make living and breath-ing the business that much more comfortable. It started out sim-ply enough.

"The label was created from o-ur c lub n i g h t , So la r , " he

recalled of the company's five-year history. What started as a weekly event a t Ann Arbor ' s Blind Pig spun into a burgeoning o p p o r t u n i t y for Layne and a h a n d f u l of i n t r i g u i n g local artists.

"Disco D came to me and said he wanted to put out a record," said Layne. "I had some money and said 'Let's do it.'" In 1998, he released Disco D's D-Down EP.

Layne considers Intuit-Solar and its related projects - such as Area Code Management and the hip hop subsidiary DTW - to be "a platform for emerging Detroit artists."

Area Code handles the day-to-day affairs of DJ Assault, Jive Elec t ro record ing a r t i s t s t he Detroit Grand Pubahs and rap-per Hush, while the electronic-based label Intuit-Solar includes a r t i s t s like J a p a n e s e Telecom and Sean Deason.1

As one of the only non-artists in the metro area who runs a record label, Layne possesses a

different perspective. He's even chosen to keep the company sub-urban-based. "It wasn't my fault Ameritech changed my area code from three-one-three to two-four-e igh t , " he s a i d w i t h a smi le . "Basically, I don't look at this as B i rmingham. I t ' s Detroi t . I t ' s where the music comes from -t h e inner city and the people that support it. It's all here."

And it certainly doesn't sound Birmingham. From the electro-sonic beauty of Deason's music to the brazen attitude and beats of DJ A s s a u l t , I n t u i t - S o l a r a r t i s t s don ' t f i t a n y e x i s t i n g mold - city or suburban.

"I wanted to help propel things to a much higher level, and get this music heard by the masses," said Layne, from a comfortable room in his home-office. There exists no one characteristic that links Intuit-Solar artists to one another, except perhaps a pen-chant for innovative, experimen-ta l sounds. Those sounds fa l l i n to m a n y c a t e g o r i e s - f r om

drum 'n' bass to hip hop, techno to electro. The label known for compi la t ions l ike t he Comin From Tha D instal lments (fea-turing tracks by DJs Godfather, Terrence P a r k e r , Ec tomorph , Recloose, Sean Deason and Disco D) keeps gaz ing t oward i t s future.

Layne realizes some listeners aren't quite prepared for Intuit-Solar's artists, but he carries on believing that someday it will be understood. "With the label and art is ts , we are very advanced, very futuristic. Today, the world might not be ready for us."

His is a new vision of Motown, another reason to make Detroi-ters proud of the music coming from the city and surrounding areas. "We're going to keep doing what we're doing."

Layne proposes nothing short of a sonic take-over. "You j u s t gotta hear it and be part of our experience, part of our world."

DJ Assault

Learn more at www. intuit-solar, com. Don't miss artists like DJ Assault and the Detroit Grand Pubahs featured at Mekka along with Danny Tenaglia, Doc Martin, Armand Van Helden, Josh Wink, Junior Sanchez, Derrick Carter, H-Foundation, Stacey Pullen, Roni Size, Talib Kweli, DJ Jazzy Jeff and more, beginning at noon Saturday, Aug. 4, State Fair-

grounds Park, Eight Mile and Woodward, Detroit. Tickets to this all-ages event cost $50. Call (248) 645-6666 or see www. tick-etmaster com

Stephanie Angelyn Casola. writes about popular music for the Observer & Eccentric News-papers. She can be reached at (734) 953-2130 or e-mail scasola @oe. homecomm. net iecora i a o e i , . L a y n e p o s s e s s e s a 1 1 1 many c a t e g o r i e s — i r o m o ± j * A „ J ; * s t o e . homecormn. nv>'

—- T A i Saturday, Aug. 4, State Fair-

Assault dismisses his ghettotech' past for accelerated funk His time doesn't seem to be his • ' E l e c t r o n ! * ™ . . .. ,,, B Y STEPHANIE ANGELYN CASOLA


[email protected]

. "Music is not as good as it used to be six or seven yea r s ago," laments Detroiter Craig Adams. "It's hard. Its just a lull."

Bet ter known as DJ Assault, Craig Adams should know. After a l l , he w a s r a i s e d on Top 40 radio. The sounds of Run DMC, LL Cool J and the Beastie Boys f&Ied his home at age 10. Even MB p a r e n t s , av id R&B f a n s , encouraged music. And when he r e igns behind the t u rn t ab l e s , there's no telling what's going to happen.

A d a m s s t a r t e d s p i n n i n g records in 1993 while attending college in Atlanta. "I knew I did-n't want to work for anybody," he said during a phone interview. "I continued th inking of my own id&as. Not always music. I like my time to be my own."

His time doesn't seem to be his own these days, though, as he traipses across the globe spread-ing his brand of accelerated funk to the masses. Assault 's latest e f fo r t , Jefferson Avenue, h i t s tores Ju ly 24 to show a new side of the ar t i s t once deemed "ghetto-tech."

Replacing his speed-of-light beats and techno-driven dance tracks with what's being called the f u t u r e of hip hop, a more comple te Cra ig Adams h a s emerged. He wrote , produced and recorded the entire album himself.

Around 1999 Assault met and began work ing w i t h I n t u i t -Solar's Jon Layne. Now associat-ed with the label and managed by Layne's Area Code Manage-ment, Adams' notoriety has sky-rocketed. DJ Assault seems to be eve rywhere - h i s mus i c is reviewed in Rolling Stone and the New York Times, and the

'Electronic music, you can't name me one per-son who has made as much money as Dr. Dre has. That's a fact.'

Craig Adams • DJ Assault

artist is even featured in ads for F r e s h J i ve C lo th ing . "It was kinda interesting," he said of the exper ience . "Maybe i t s l ike a clue or a hint to keep the body pretty tight."

B u t D J A s s a u l t won ' t soon abandon his music for a career in front of the camera. Jefferson Avenue redefines the artist - and he's proud of it. "I was just being myself. I just kind of let it flow, natural."

A d a m s a d m i t s , if you ' r e expecting ghet totech, if you're expecting Detroit techno, you're bound to be d i s a p p o i n t e d . "I don't listen to tha t music. It's not

m e /

For DJ Assault , this is more than a sign of change - its an evolution. "I've been rapping as long as I've been DJing," he said. "I'm sick of like, gimmicks."

Look out Jay-Z, Assault isn't kidding. A market ing major in college, he knows w h e r e t h e lucrative side of music falls these days. "I wanna be where the peo-ple making money is, and i t 's rap," he said. "Electronic music, you can't name me one person who has made as much money as Dr. Dre has. That's a fact. The music is not nearly as big."

Layne believes in th is direc-

tion. "It's the best Assault record to da te , " he sa id . "I t h i n k he real ly explodes with G-String, Bounce and Ride It."

Despite the buzz about Jeffer-son Avenue, Adams is not so sure it's going to be a success. "I don't think it'll do real well," he said. "It's going to surprise people. It's like a new idea about hip hop. If you listen to techno, you won't like this. I did something so new and different. It could work, but it would need, like, major money behind it."

On this record, Assault intro-duces a new personae to match

his new outlook. M e e t Craig Dia-monds. "I thought i t wasi cool to have a bunch of a l iases , he said. "Then I got deep©* tJ1 * could be myself, so I didn t have to have a charac te r to be who I am. The first p a r t is me. Dia-monds ... I could b e niyself and shine and (be) va luab le .

"If you're t rue t o w h a t you do, you still shine."

B This is the first of two pro-files of Mekka performers. Don t miss Street Scene next week for a chat with Paris The Black Fu of the Detroit Grand Pubahs.

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(OF*) B4 The Observer & Eccentric/ THURSDAY, J U L Y 2 6 , 2 0 0 1

A GMdeJo entertainment in the Metro Detroit area


THE ARK: John Kane of the Royal Shakespeare Company in a one-man show, There, I've Broken My Neck! An Evening of Theatrical Disasters, at 8 p.m., July 26-28, at the theater in ,Ann Arbor. $15. (734) 763-TKTS

CENTURY THEATRE: Mind Games continues through July 29, at the

. theater, Detroit. $24.50-$34.50. (313) 963-9800

MENDELSSOHN THEATRE: AlleyCat Productions presents Madame X, a musical drama continuing to Aug. 5, at the theater, Ann Arbor. (734) 763-8587 or www.seeMadameX.com PLOWSHARES THEATRE COMPANY: World premiere of ...continued warm, by Jeffry Chastang contin-

- ues to Aug. 5, 7 :30 p.m. Thursday-Friday, 3 p.m. and 8 p.m. Saturday, and 6 p.m. Sunday, at the Anderson Center Theater in Henry

. Ford Museum and Greenfield Village, Dearborn. $20, $15 seniors/students, $15 matinee, $10 previews 7?30 p.m. Thursday-Friday, July 12-13. (313) 872-0279 PURPLE ROSE THEATRE: World pre-miere of Annie Mart in 's Completing Dahlia continues to Sept. 1, at the theater, Chelsea. $22.50-$32.50. (734) 433-7673



WOODY GUTHRIE: Bruce Liles pre-sents his one man show featuring the music and words of Woody Guthrie, 8 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 4 at St. Peter's Episcopal Church, 1950 Trumbull, Detroit, across from the old Tiger Stadium. Refreshments

. served (weather permitting) 6 : 3 0 p.m. on the church lawn. No charge, pass the hat, proceeds benefit the Gwitch'in people who are seeking to preserve their cul-ture by opposing oil drilling in Alaska's Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. (313) 849-1049.

RIDGEDALE PLAYERS: Shakespeare Festival 7 :30 p.m. Friday-Saturday, July 27-28, Aug. 3-4 and 3 p.m. Sunday, July 29 and Aug. 5, at the playhouse, Troy, $ 1 1 includes an outdoor festival featuring entertain-ment, contests and fun. (248) 988-7049

SRO PRODUCTIONS: Taming of the Shrew 8 p.m. Friday-Saturday, July 27-28, Aug. 3-4 and 10-11, and 2 p.m. Sunday, July 29, Aug. 5 and 12, at Burgh Historical Park, Southfield. $10, $ 8 seniors/chil-dren. (248) 827-0710 TREE TOWN PERFORMANCE FESTIVAL: Goblin Market 8 p.m. Thursday-Saturday, July 26-28 and 2 p.m. Sunday, Juiy 29, at the Performance Network, Ann Arbor. $15, $12 seniors/students. , pay-what-you-can-Thursday. (734) 663-0681 VILLAGE PLAYERS: Back to the Blanket, a comedy by Robert Caemore 8 p.m. Friday-Saturday,

July 27-28, Aug. 3-4 and 2 p.m. Sunday, Juiy 29, at the playhouse, Birmingham. $14. (248) 644-2075


ANGEL FOOD CAFE: The Great Ypsilanti Train Robbery of 1916: An Evening of Historical License returns 5:15 p.m. and 8:15 p.m. Friday, Aug. 3, loosely based on a real heist, that 's sti l l unsolved. Ample amounts of historical license allow for a creative blend of histo-ry, comedy and music, at the cafe, 6 West Michigan Avenue, Ypsilanti. $39 .95 per person, includes choice of three entrees. Advance t icket purchase and meal selection is required. (734) 483 -0135 GENITTI'S HOLE IN THE WALL: Baptizing Junior, an interactive comedy with the audience as guests at a baptism continues at the restaurant, Northville. $45, includes 7-course family style Italian meal. (248) 349-0522 or v is i t the Web site for a coupon www.genit t is.com


MARQUIS THEATRE: Pooh Visits Storyiand Live on Stage 10:30 a.m. Tuesday-Friday, Aug. 7-10, 14-17 and 21-24, 2 :30 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 11, 18 and 25 and.$ept. 8 and 15, and 2:30 p.m. Sunday,

Sept. 9 , 1 6 , no children under age three. (248) 349-8110 MATRIX THEATRE COMPANY: Presents Once was Paradise: A Natural History of Detroit 1 1 a.m. and 2 p.m. Thursday-Friday, July 26-27, and 1 p.m. Saturday-Sunday,

July 28-29, Detroit Zoo, Royal Oak. $6-$8. (248) 398-0900.

Musical: Stephanie Ham-monds and Chad A. Suitts star in the Alley-Cat Productions presentation of Paul Bruce's musical version of "Madame X," a dramatic story about a woman who goes on trial after committing murder to save her family, 8 p.m. Friday-Sat-urday, July 27-

28, Aug. 3-4; 2 p.m. Saturday -Sunday, July 28-29, Aug. 4-5 at Mendelssohn Theatre, 911 North Universi-ty, Ann Arbor. Tickets: $18, $15 seniors I stu-dents, call (734) 763-TKTS.


CANTON SUMMER CONCERT SERIES: Johnny Rodriguez Latin Jazz 7:30 p.m. Thursday, July 26 ; Bobby Lewis & the Crackerjack Band 7 :30 p.m. Thursday, Aug. 2; Air Margaritavi l le, a tr ibute to the sounds of Jimmy Buffet 7:30 p.m. Thursday, Aug. 9, in the amphithe-ater in Heritage Park, behind the Canton Township Administrat ion Building. (734) 397 -5460 GAZEBO CONCERT SERIES: Straight Ahead Trio 7 p.m. Wednesday, Aug. 1; Paul King and the Rhythm Society Swing Orchestra 7 p.m. Wednesday, Aug. 8, at Burgh Historical Park, Southfield. (248) 424-9022 MUSIC AT THE 2 0 0 : Ray Kamalay Red Hot Peppers Qazz) 6 p.m. Wednesday, Aug. 1; James Coffey's Animal Groove (children) 6 p.m. Wednesday, Aug. 8 ; Henry Ford Community College Big Band 6 p.m. Wednesday, Aug. 15, on the front lawn of the Detroit Zoo, Royal Oak. $8, $6 seniors, children ages 2-19. Zoo remains open until 8 p.m. on Wednesdays so visitors can enjoy the animals as well as the music. (248) 398-0900 MUSIC IN THE PARK: The Music Lady (Beverly Meyer) noon Wednesday, Aug. 1; Laz of Gemini noon Wednesday, Aug. 8 , in Kellogg Park, Main Street, between Ann Arbor Trail, and Pennlman, Plymouth. (734) 416 -4278

MUSIC UNDER THE STARS: Bob DuRant Big Band 7 :30 p.m. Thursday, July 26 , at Greenmead Historical Park, Livonia; Celestial Harp & Flute 7 :30 p.m. Thursday, Aug. 2, at Wilson Barn, Livonia; Pix 'N Stix 7 :30 p.m. Thursday, Aug. 9, at Wilson Barn, Livonia; Livonia symphony Orchestra 7:30 p.m. Thursday, Aug. 1 6 , in Civic Center Park, Five Mile and Farmington, Livonia. (734) 466 -2536

STARS IN THE PARK: Steve King & the Dittl ies 8 p.m. Thursday, July 26; Immunity 8 p.m. Thursday, Aug. 2; Farmington Community Chorus 8 p.m. Thursday, Aug. 9. For informa-t ion, call (248) 473 -1856 SUMMER CARILLON SERIES: 7:30 p.m. Thursday, July 26, at Jefferson Avenue Presbyterian Church,

Detroit. (313) 822 -3456


ASTROLOGY PSYCHIC FAIR: 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 4 , at the Clawson-Troy Elks.$5. (248) 528-2610

LANDIS AND COMPANY'S WORLD OF MAGIC: 2 p.m., 7 p.m. Wed. Aug. 15, Meadow Brook Music Theatre. $8-$12.50. (248) 645-6666

REDFORD THEATRE: T/?e Little Foxes starring Bette Davis 8 p.m. Friday-Saturday, July 27-28 and 2 p.m. Saturday, July 28,Camelot starring Richard Harris 8 p.m. Friday-Saturday, Aug. 10-11 and 2 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 11, organ over-tures 30 minutes prior to film showing, at the theater, Detroit. $6, $3 age 16 and under. (313) 537-2560

RUSSIAN AMERICAN KIDS CIRCUS: Family shows at 2 and 7 p.m. Wednesday, Aug. 1, at Meadow Brook Music Theatre. $12 .50 pavil-ion, $8 lawn. (248) 645-6666 ' X-TRAVA CON: Comic book, toy and non-sport card show 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Sunday, Aug. 5, at the Knights of Columbus Hali, 1 9 8 0 1 Farmington Road between Seven and Eight Mile, Livonia. $2. (248) 426-8059


IGNATIAN INVITATIONAL: Annual golf outing July 30, at Shephe.rd's Hollow Golf Course, Clarkston. $1400 foursome, $350 individual, $150 reception and dinner only, benefits Jesuit education at home and in the missions. (800) 445-1621



DETROIT SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA AT MEADOW BROOK: Family Fun Friday, July 27 Vive La France fea-turing the music of French com-posers with fireworks (special sin-gles t ickets including dinner avail-able for $45), Aug. 3 Best of Baroque and Aug. 10. Tchaikovsky Spectacular; Sensational Saturday Series, July 2 8 Beethoven's Fifth, Aug. 4 Mozart in the Meadows and Aug. 1 1 Tchaikovsky Spectacular II with f ireworks (special singles tick-ets including dinner available for $45), and Sunday Summer Pops, July 29 Broadway Under the Stars, Aug. 5 Big Band Bash II and Aug. 12 Marvin Hamlisch, at Meadow Brook Music Festival. (313) 576-5 1 1 1

PLYMOUTH SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA: Along with the Plymouth Historical Museum, the Plymouth Community Arts Council, and Canton Project Arts, kick o f f the Passport to the Arts & Culture program with two free family con-certs 7 p.m. Friday, Aug. 3 in Kellogg Park, Plymouth and 2 p.m. Sunday, Aug. 5 in Heritage Park, Canton. The program features a chamber orchestra performing sum-mert ime music including ragtime, waltz, a l itt le Gershwin, Alan Menken's Colors of the Wind, and the all American march - John Philip Sousa's Stars and Stripes Forever. (734) 451-2112

UMS CHORAL UNION: Summer Sings 7-9:30 p.m. Monday, July 3 0 (Verdi's Requiem), no audit ions necessary, in the University of Michigan Modern Language Building, Auditorium 3, nor th of Hill Auditorium on Thayer between Washington and North University, Ann Arbor. (734) 763-8996


ARTS LEAGUE OF MICHIGAN: Looking for students throughout the metro Detroit area who have an interest in pursuing the ar ts as a career and are eager for an experi-ence that wil l challenge and engage them. Art in the Park, July 3 0 to Aug. 10, is a four-hour a day program offered at no charge to students in grades 7-12. Under the guidance of a professional ar t is t , students wil l create art in the park at Nankin Mil ls in Westland after lessons.in the visual ar ts , poetry and photography. (313) 870 -1680

COUNTERGROOVE DANCE COMPANY: Summer Dance Intensive July 30-Aug. 11 , open to high school and college students, dance educators, pre-professional and professional dancers, at Wayne State University, Detroit. (810) • 945-0330

HENRY FORD COMMUNITY COLLEGE: Auditions for Winnie-the-Pooh 7-9 p.m. Monday, Aug. 2 0 and Wednesday, Aug. 22 , high school juniors through adult age actors, in the Mackenzie Fine Arts Center on campus, Dearborn. For 13 performances running Nov. 23 to Dec. 2. (313) 845-9817

LIVONIA CIVIC CHORUS: Searching for a director. Rehearsals are held 7:30-9:30 p.m. Tuesdays September through May at Frost Middle School in Livonia. The cho-rus, composed of approximately 6 0 singers, presents two concer ts a year at Christmastime and in the spring. (734) 427-5397

LIVONIA YOUTH PHILHARMONIC OF MICHIGAN: Call Wendy Bernard at (734) 591 -7649 or visit the Web si te at www.lypm.org for informa-tion about the philharmonic and auditions for the 2001-2002 sea-son.

DETROIT OPERA HOUSE: Learning @ the Opera House cont inues with lectures, lecture/workshops, per-formances and demonstrat ions for children, young adults, adults, seniors and special programs for the entire family Monday-Saturday to Aug. 26, at the opera house. (313) 961-3500


METRO DANCE JUNIOR COMPANY: Call for dancers ages 7-10 years old with two years ballet and one year jazz training for performances, conventions and master classes through 2001-2002 season, com-pany class and rehearsals Saturdays beginning mid-September, no audition required. (734) 207-8970

RIDGEDALE PLAYERS: Audit ions for Once Upon a Mattress 1 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 11, 20 adults ages 18 to 60s for audit ions consist ing of singing, dancing and reading from script, audition song must be either from the show or an upbeat character song, at the playhouse, Troy. For October performances. (734) 591-3405 or www. ridgedale-players.com

— = i = = S = = S ~ -


p.m. Monday, at the Bird of Paradise, Ann Arbor. $5 cover. (734) 662-8310 (big band, swing, bop)

BOSTON POPS: 8 p.m. Thursday, Aug. 16 , at the Fox Theatre, Detroit. $37.50-$75. (248) 433-1515


MARK ARKSHAK: 9 p.m. Saturday, July 28, at Edison's, Birmingham. No cover. (248) 645 -2150 RON BROOKS TRIO: 9 p.m.

Tuesday and Thursday, at the Bird of Paradise, Ann Arbor. $5 cover. (734) 662-8310

THORNETTA DAVIS: 9 p.m. Friday, July 27, at Edison's, Birmingham. No cover. (248) 645 -2150 PAUL FINKBEINER'S JAM SESSION:

9 p.m. Sunday, at the Bird of Paradise, Ann Arbor. $2 cover. (734) 662-8310 DALE GRISA TRIO: 6-8 p.m.

Tuesday, at Sweet Lorraine's in the Livonia Marriott Hotel. (734) 953-7480

LOS GATOS: 9 p.m. Wednesday, at the Bird of Paradise, Ann Arbor. $ 5 cover. (734) 662-8310 FRED HUGHES GROUP: 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. Friday-Saturday, July 27-28, at Cafethe House, Detroit. (313) 898-3 7 8 1

JAZZ ON THE RIVER: Joe Sample, Chuch Mangione, the Yellowjackets, Alexander Zonjic & Friends, Ken Navarro, Gerald Veasley, Tim Bowman, Brothers Groove, Detroit Jazz Fantasy,

Spencer Barefield Detroit Jazz Fantasy, and Gordon Camp 1-9 p.m. Saturday-Sunday, Aug. 4-5, at Elizabeth Park, Trenton. Free. (734) 261-1990 PAUL KELLER: And the 17 piece Bird of Paradise Orchestra play Benny Goodman's music, features Jim Wyse as Benny, 3-6 p.m.

Sunday, Aug. 26, at the Monaghan Knights of Columbus, Livonia. (248) 476 -2674 / (248 ) 855 -1342 MATT MICHAELS TRIO: 8 -11:30 p.m. Wednesday, at Ron's Fireside Inn, 2 8 9 3 7 Warren Road (east of Middlebeit), Garden City.

Reservations recommended for the Jazz Room. $5 cover with dinner order, $ 1 0 cover without dinner. (734) 762-7756 LARRY NOZERO JAZZ QUINTET: Perform 8 p.m. to midnight Mondays, at Mitch Housey's Food & Spirits, Livonia. (734) 425 -5520 or visit the Web site at www.lar-rynozero.com

NINASIMONE: 8 p.m. Friday, July 27 , at the Fox Theatre, detroi t . $55 , $65. (248) 433-1515. For information, call (313) 4 7 1 - 6 6 1 1 STONE TERRACE PATIO PARTY: 7-1 1 p.m. Tuesday (Gratitude Steel Band) and Wednesday (The Warren Commission) through the summer, at the Big Rock Chop & Brew House, Birmingham. (248) 647-7774

URSULA WALKER/BUDDY BUDSON: 4-6 p.m. .Thursday, July 26, and Wednesday-Thursday, Aug. 1-2, 8-9, 15-16, 22-23 and 29-30 at Cafethe House, Detroit. (313) 898-3781; 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. Friday, Saturday, Aug. 3-4, 10-11, 17-18 and 24-25, at Columbine's Champagne Cellar at the Harlequin Cafe in Indian Village, Detroit. (313) 331-0922


ARK BENEFIT CONCERT: Featuring Owen McBride, Tret Fure, Kelly Will is & Bruce Robison, Stephen Fearing, and Danny Britt and Penn Harris 7 p.m. Sunday, Aug. 5, at The Ark, Ann Arbor. $25 . (734) 763-TKTS MUSTARD'S RETREAT: 8 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 4 , at The Ark, Ann Arbor. $13 .50 . (734) 763-TKTS0


Thursday, Aug. 9 , at The Ark, Arir(

Arbor. $17 .50 . (734) 763-TKTS


TRISHA YEARWOOD: 8 p.m. Thursday, Aug. 3 0 at Meadow f ; Brook Music Theatre. $ 3 4 . 5 0 pavil-ion, $ 1 5 . 5 0 lawn. (248) 645 -6666


ALONG CAME JONES: Thursday, July 26, at Dick O'Dow's Irish Pub, Birmingham. (248) 642 -1135 MARY BLACK: And the Black Family 7 p.m. and 1 0 p.m.

Thursday, Aug. 2, at The Ark, Ann Arbor. $30 . (734) 763-TKTS (Irish) RANDY BROCK: Friday, July 27 , at : Dick O'Dow's Irish Pub,

Birmingham. (248) 642 -1135 PAT MCDUNN: 8 - 1 1 p.m. Friday, at Duke Humphries, Rochester Hills. (248) 6 0 1 - 1 1 0 0 (Irish)

MOGUE DOYLE: Thursday, July 26, • at Conor O'Nei l l 's Irish Pub, Ann. Arbor. (734) 665 -2968 THE DISTRACTIONS: Saturday, July 28 , a Dick O'Dow's Irish Pub, Birmingham. (248) 642 -1135 THE JAR: Saturday, Aug. 4 , at p ick , O'Dow's Irish Pub, Birmingham. ' (248) 642 -1135 ;

TRIVIA: Monday, July 30, at Conor O'Nei l l 's Irish Pub, Ann Arbor.

(734) 6 6 5 - 2 9 6 8

= = ^

ADVANCED CONTRA DANCE: 8 p.m. Friday, July 27, at the Pit tsf ield Grange, Ann Arbor. $10 . (734) 665 -8863

BLACKBERRY CREEK DANCERS: Country western dancing 8 - 1 1 : 3 0 : p.m. Friday, Juiy 27 and Aug. 2 4 , ' dance lesson at 7 :30 p.m., a t the Italian American Cultural Center, Warren. (313) 526-9432 COUNTERGROOVE DANCE COMPANY: New works fn c o n c e r t 8 p.m. Friday-Saturday, Aug. 1 0 - 1 1 , in the Old Main Building at Wayne ' State University, Detroit. $ 1 5 , $ 1 0 " sen io rs /s tudents with ID, ch i ldren age 12 and under. (810) 9 4 5 - 0 3 3 0 FIRST SATURDAY CONTRA DANCE: 8 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 4, at t h e Pittsf ield Grange, Ann Arbor. $ 8 . (734) 769 -1052

MOON-DUSTERS: Ballroom danc ing ] to live bands, featur ing swing, fox j t ro t , waltz, cha-cha and Latin, j 8 :30-11 :30 p.m. Saturdays, a t t h e j Livonia Civic Center, 15218 ;

Farmington Road at Five Mile. $ 5 . | (248) 967 -1428 j

TRINITY IRISH DANCE COMPANY: 1 Show star ts 8 p.m. Friday-Saturday, Aug. 17 and 1 8 at Meadow Brook Music Theatre. $35 and $25 pavil-ion, $15 lawn. (248) 645 -6666 U-M BALLROOM DANCE CLUB: Ballroom dance lesson and o p e n dancing 4-10 p.m. Sunday, at t h e Union Ballroom, Ann Arbor. $ 2 . (734) 763-6984 . •

WATERFORD-OAKS BALLROOM DANCING: 8 - 1 1 p.m. Friday, Aug. 3 . at 2 8 0 0 Watkins Lake Road, Waterford. (248) 673-4764 :


POETRY @ THE OPERA HOUSE: Linda Nemec Foster, Miriam * Pederson, Karen Williams, and Ayy ; Schreiber 6 :30 p.m. Monday, Ju ly 30 ; Timothy Jeffrey, Ellen Hildreth,," Lynn Cohn Schreiber and Jere Stormer 6 :30 p.m. Monday, A u g . 6 ,a t the Detroit Opera House. Free. (313) 267-5300, ext. 3 3 8 / ( 3 1 3 ) 237-3270


ANN ARBOR COMEDY SHOWCASE: Tim O'Rourke Friday-Saturda>, Ju ly 27-28; Joel Zimmer Friday-Saturday, Aug. 3-4; Cascade o f Comedy for Chrissy Burns (benef i t ) 8 p.m. Sunday, Aug. 5 fealures eight comedians (donation of $ 1 0 or more if you like), Burns, a regu-lar Ann Arbor Comedy Showcase performer, is battling inoperable brain cancer, at the club, Ann Arbor. (734) 996-9080 JOEY'S COMEDY CLUB AT PAISANO'S: Frank G. Friday- j

Saturday, Aug. 10-11, at the c l ub , I Dearborn. (313) 584-8885

THE AMAZING JONATHAN: Comedy at 8 p.m., Friday, Aug. 3 1 aj Meadow Brook Music Tf fbate. $ 2 0 pavilion, $12 .50 lawn. (248) ^645-6666

MARK RIDLEY'S COMEDY CLUB: Steve Mingolla Thursday-Saturday, July 26-28; Dennis Ross Thursday-Saturday, Aug. 2-4; Kevin McPe§k , Thursday-Saturday, Aug. 9-11, a t ' the club, Royal Oak. (248) 542-9 9 0 0 -

The Observer & Eccentric/ THURSDAY, J U L Y 2 6 , 2 0 0 1 BS (OF*)

Making contact: Please submit popular music items for publication to Stephanie Casola; all others to Linda Chomin, two weeks in advance to the Observer & Eccentric Newspapers, 36251 Schoolcraft, Livonia 48150 or by fax (734) 591-7279. Items must include the date, time, venue, admission price and a telephone number.

SECOND CITY: Tuesday, July SIThe McLaughlin and Green Eggs and Hamtramck; Jammin' Wednesdays featur ing The Best of Second City; Mayor-Go-Round previews Saturday-sunday through Aug. 15, of f ic ial ly opens Aug. 16 , at Second City-Detroit . (248) 645 -6666



CRANBROOK HOUSE: Tours contin-ue to Oct. 25 , walk-in Sunday tours at 3 p.m. for $10, and 1 1 a.m. and 1 :15 p.m. Thursday for $10, $ 1 5 for lunch (reservations needed), at 3 8 0 Lone Pine Road, Bloomfield Hills. (248) 645-3147 . Tours also, available of Saarinen House, call ( 8 7 7 ) 4 6 2 - 7 2 6 2 DETROIT HISTORICAL MUSEUM: "History Comes Alive" Adventure Day Camps for ages 9-12, July 30-Aug. 3, at the Parkman Branch Library, Detroit. $30 . (313) 833-9 7 2 0

DETROIT INSTITUTE OF ARTS: Terry Riley performs his original composit ions 8 p.m. Thursday, July 26, at the museum. $20, $15 members. (313) 833-4005 DETROIT ZOO: Dinosauria ill exhib-it cont inues through Sept. 3 , at the zoo. $7.50, $5 .50 seniors/stu-dents and ages 2-12. (248) 398-0 9 0 0 or visit the Web site at www.detroi tzoo.org DOSSIN GREAT LAKES MUSEUM: Frontier Metropolis, an exhibit look-ing at the city of Detroit as it was recorded in pencil sketches, water-colors, and oil paintings before the invention of the camera, continues to Sept. 4, at the museum on Belle Isle. (313) 8 5 2 - 4 0 5 1 HENRY FORD ESTATE: Memories of Henry and Clara Ford, a Ford festi-val featuring the Model T demon-strat ions, special tours with his-tor ic role players impersonating fascinating individuals 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Monday, July 30 , at the estate on the campus of the University of Michigan-Dearborn. $5, children age 10 and under free. (313) 593-5590 HENRY FORD MUSEUM/GREENFIELD VILLAGE: America's Hometown Celebration continues t o Sunday, Aug. 1 9 wi th dramat izat ions in t h e s t ree ts and bui ld ings; The exhibit "Kids Stuff : Great Toys From Our Childhood" continues to Sept. 16, Imax movies "N'Sync" and "Super Speedway" continue at the museum, Dearborn. (313) 271-1620 LIVING SCIENCE LIVE ANIMALS CAMPS: Make fr iends with an ani-mal from the rainforest, Africa and many other places in the world in camps in Canton, Grosse Pointe, Oak Park, West Bloomfield, Wixom, Ann Arbor, Bloomfield Hills, Northville and Redford townships through Aug. 24 . (734) 2 0 7 - 8 2 9 1 SCARAB CLUB: Archi tectural lec-tures and tours with Michael Farrell as part of Detroit 3 0 0 Partnership Program Romaneque Revival 9 a.m. (lecture) and 1 1 a.m. (tour) Saturday, July 28; World's Fairs and the Beaux Arts 9 a.m. (lecture) and 1 1 a.m. (tour) Saturday, Aug. 4 , at the club behind the Detroit Inst i tute of Arts. $10 each for lecture and tour. (313) 831-1250


THE ALLIGATORS: 10 p.m. Friday, Juiy 27 , Memphis Smoke, Royai Oak. (248) 543-4300 THE ALLMAN BROTHERS BAND: Susan Tedeschi, 7 :30 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 18, DTE Energy Music Theatre, Independence Township. $22 .50-$39 .00 . (248) 645-6666.

AL'S COPPER MUG FUND-RAISER: 2-10 p.m. tent party and fund-raiser for Oakland County Foodbank, fea-tur ing Ron Otis Blues Band, Al's Copper Mug, Waiied Lake. 2 1 and older. (248) 624-9659 BACKSTREET BOYS: Wi th Shaggy, Krystai has been rescheduled to 7 :30 p.m. Thursday, Sept. 20, The Palace of Auburn Hilis. $29.50-$49 .50 . Tickets for the original July 2 4 date will be honored. Refunds available at the point of purchase. (248) 645-6666 . The group's publicist released the fol-lowing statement: "This announce-ment comes as the group reveals that member AJ McLean will imme-diately undergo a 30-day t reatment for his clinical depression which has recently led to anxiety at tacks and the excessive consumpt ion of alcohol. A key factor causing this depression is the recent death of his grandmother, with whom he was very close." ERYKAH BADU'S MARIMBA

FESTIVAL: With Macy Gray, Jill Scott and Sunshine Anderson: 6 p.m. Monday, Aug. 8 , DTE Energy Music Theatre, Independence Township. $32.50-$59.50 (248) 645-6666.

BARENAKED LADIES: With The Proclaimers, 7 :30 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 25, DTE Energy Music Theatre, Independence Township. $28.50-$47.50. (248) 645-6666. JOHNNIE BASSETT AND THE BLUES INSURGENTS: 10 p.m. Fridays, Center Street Pub, Detroit. (313) 965 -3651

THE BEACH BOYS: Thursday, Aug. 30 , Michigan State Fairgrounds, Detroit. (248) 645-6666

JIM BIZER: CD Release Party, 6 p.m. Sunday, Aug. 5 , Woodward Avenue Brewers, Ferndale. Free. (248) 546-3696 THE BLUE HAWAIIANS: 7 p.m. Friday-Saturday, Aug. 3-4, Fox and Hounds, Bloomfield Hilis. All ages. Free. (248) 644 -4800 LLOYD'S BLUES MUSIC FESTIVAL: With B.B. King, Buddy Guy, John Hyatt & The Goners, Tommy Castro, 6 p.m. Friday, Sept. 7, DTE Energy Music Theatre, Independence Township. $18.50-$39.50. (248) 645-6666. THE BLUES AIRMEN: Saturday, Juiy 28, Village Bar, Wayne. $2. (734) 729-2360; Saturday, Aug. 4, Nik's Bar & Grille, Romulus. (734) 326-9300

BLUE SUIT TRIO: 7 p.m. Thursday, Juiy 26, Fox and Hounds, Bloomfield Hills. Free. All ages. (248) 644 -4800

MICHAEL BOLTON: With Symphony Orchestra 7 :30 p.m. Friday, Aug.

31 , DTE Energy Music Theatre, Independence Township. $23-$44 (248) 645-6666.

THE BRAWL AT THE HALL: With The Bump-N-Uglies and Assorted Pro Wrestler, 8 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 25 , St. Andrews Hall, Detroit. All ages. $12. (248) 645-6666. THE BROTHERS GROOVE: 10 p.m. Thursdays, Music Menu, Detroit. (313) 964-MENU BUJU BANTON: With Dr. Israel, 8 p.m. Thursday, Aug. 2, Majestic Theatre, Detroit. 1 8 and older. $25, (248) 645-6666 AL CARMICHAEL; 7 p.m. Monday, July 30, Fox and Hounds,

Bloomfield Hilis. All ages. Free. (248) 644-4800 NICK CAVE AND THE BAD SEEDS: 7 p.m. Sunday, Sept. 29, State Theatre, Detroit. All ages. $26.75. (248) 645-6666

CHAIN REACTION: Saturday, Aug. 4 , Club Bart, Ferndale. (248) 548-8746 .

CHICAGO: 7 :30 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 4, DTE Energy Music Theatre, Independence Township. $25.25-$40 .25 , with 25 cents per ticket donated to charity. (248) 645-6666 THE COME ONS: With Happy Supply, 10 p.m. Friday, July 27,

Gold Dollar, Detroit. (313)833-6873

CORPORATE AVENGER: With Insolence, 6 p.m. Sunday, Aug. 5, St. Andrews Hail, Detroit. All ages. $8. (248) 645 -6666 CROSBY, STILLS & NASH: 8 p.m. Monday, Aug. 13, DTE Energy Music Theatre, Independence Township. $32 .50-$42.50 (248) 645-6666.

CROUCHING FISH, HIDDEN FINGER TOUR: Features Reel Big Fish, Goldfinger, Homegrown, Movielife, 4 p.m. Thursday, Aug. 2, Phoenix Plaza Amphitheatre, Pontiac. All ages. $18 .50 advance. (248) 645-6666 BILLY RAY CYRUS AND AARON TIPPIN: 7 :30 p.m. Thursday, Aug. 16, DTE Energy Music Theatre, Independence Township. $18.50-$32.50. (248) 645-6666.

DELTA 88: With Jo Serrapere, 9:30 p.m. Thursday, August 16, The Attic, Hamtramck. $5 . (313) 365-4 1 9 4

ELECTRIC LIGHT ORCHESTRA: Featuring Jeff Lynne, 7:30 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 22, DTE Energy Music Theatre, Independence Township. $29.50-$62.50. (248) 645-6666

TERRY FARMER: 8 :30 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 4, Crazy Wisdom Tearoom, Ann Arbor. (734) 665-2757.

FIFTH ANNUAL FERNDALE PUB CRAWL: Features a walking tour of clubs and night spots for the 2 1 and older crowd. Begins 7:30 p.m. at Boogie Fever on Woodward, Friday, July 27. The $5 charge and tee shir ts available for $10 dona-t ion will raise money for FANS of Ferndale and The Ferndale Veterans Memorial. Call (248) 545-1435 -

DAN FOGELBERG: A solo acoustic

show, with Liz Larin, 8 p.m. Monday, July 23, DTE Energy Music Theatre, Independence Township. (248) 645-6666 FOLK NIGHT: With Blair, 10 p.m. Saturday, July 28, 313.JAC, upstairs from Jacoby's, Detroit. $5 . 18 and older. (313) 962-7067 FORD DETROIT MUSIC FESTIVAL: With Luther Vandross, Frankie Beverly, Maze and Genuine. Master of Ceremonies is John Salley, 6 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 1, Comerica Park, Detroit. $35-$125. (313) 359-6110 GHOSTFACE KILLA: With Raekwon, 10 p.m. Friday, July 27, St. Andrews Hall, Detroit. 18 and older. $12. (248) 645-6666 GIRLS NIGHT OUT: With Reba McEntire, Mart ina McBride, Sara Evans, Jamie O'Neal, Carolyn Dawn Johnson, 7 p.m. Thursday, Aug. 9 , DTE Energy Music Theatre, Independence Township. $32.50-$58. (248) 645-6666 GODSMACK AND DEFTONES: W i t h Puddle of Mud, Cky, 7:30 p.m. Monday, Aug. 20 , DTE Energy Music Theatre, Independence Township. $28-$41. (248) 645-6666.

GRATITUDE STEEL BAND: 7 p.m. Wednesday-Thursday, Aug. 1-2, Fox and Hounds, Bloomfield Hills. All ages. Free. (248) 644-4800 THE GUESS WHO: With Randy Bachman, Burton Cummings, Joe Cocker, 7 :30 p.m. Friday, Aug. 24 , DTE Energy Music Theatre, Independence Township. $20-$48. (248) 645-6666.

SAMMY HAGAR & THE WABORITAS: 7 :30 p.m. Thursday, Sept. 6, DTE Energy Music Theatre, Independence Township. $18-$35. (248) 645-6666

IMMUNITY: 8 p.m. Thursday, Aug. 2, Heritage Park, Farmington Hills. Free. (248) 473-9570 JANET JACKSON: With 112, 7 :30 p.m. Monday-Tuesday, July 30-31, The Palace of Auburn Hills. $34.75-$77.75 with 25 cents from each t icket donated to the Boys and Girls Club of America. (248) 645-6666

JACKYL: 6 :30 p.m. Wednesday. Aug. 1, Royal Oak Music Theatre, Royal Oak. $10 .10 for f irst 250 tickets sold, $15 after. (248) 645-6666

AL JARREAU: With George Duke, Racheile Farrell in Hot Summer Nights, 8 p.m. Saturday, July 28, Fox Theatre, Detroit. $42.50-$75. (248) 433-1515.

JAY-Z: 7 p.m. Friday, July 27, Joe Louis Arena, Detroit. $25.50-

$49 .50 . (313) 983-6606 JUNK MONKEYS: Celebrate the f inal night at the Gold Dollar, with The Wiidbunch, Climax Divine, Saturday, Aug. 18, at the club, 3 1 2 9 Cass Ave., Detroit. (313) 833-6873 THE KINGSNAKES: 10 p.m. Friday, July 27, Fifth Avenue Billiards, Royal Oak. 2 1 and older. $5. (248) 542-9922 DJ JAY LANGA AND IVAN PASKAL: "Stretch" Sundays at The Groove Room beginning this month, Royal Oak. Cover charge after 10 p.m. (248) 589 -3344 THE LANTERNJACK: With Stungun, 9 p.m. Friday, July 27, Magic Stick, Detroit. $7. (313) 833 -9700 LIZ LARIN: Wednesdays, Good Night Gracie, Royal Oak. Free. (248) 544-7490. BOBBY LEWIS & THE CRACKERJACK BAND: 7 :30 p.m. Thursday, Aug. 2, Heritage Park, Canton. (248) 348-4399 HUEY LEWIS AND THE NEWS: 7:30 p.m. Thursday, Aug. 30, DTE Energy Music Theatre, Independence Township. $17.50-$29 .50 . (248) 645-6666 DJ MAC D: Funka and Hip Hop, Thursdays, The Groove Room, Royai Oak. Cover charge after 10 p.m. (248) 589-3344

MATCHBOX TWENTY: With Train, Old 97 's , 7 p.m. Friday, Aug. 10, DTE Energy Music Theatre, Independence Township. $25-$45 .50 . (248) 645-6666 MAZE FEATURING FRANKIE BEVERLY: With Keith Sweat, 7 :30 p.m. Friday, Aug. 3 , DTE Energy Music Theatre, Independence Township. Tickets $28.25-$50.75. Due to the date change, t ickets for the original July 2 1 show are hon-ored or can be refunded at point of purchase; (248) 645-6666.

TIM MCGRAW: With Kenny Chesney, Mark Colley, 7 :30 p.m. Thursday-Friday, July 26-27, DTE Energy Music Theatre, Independence Township. $35-$64 .50 . (248) 645-6666

MEKKA: With Danny Tenaglia. Doc Mart in, Armand Van Helden, Josh Wink, Junior Sanchez, Derrick Carter, H-Foundation, Stacey Pulien, Roni Size, Talib Kweli, DJ Jazzy Jeff, DJ Assault , Detroit Grand Pubahs and more, Noon, Saturday, Aug. 4, Fairgrounds Park, 8 Mile and Woodward Ave., Detroit. All ages. $50 . (248) 645-6666 JOHN MELLENCAMP: With The Wallf lowers, 7 :30 p.m. Tuesday,

Aug. 28, DTE Energy Music Theatre, Independence Township. $25.50-$55.50. (248) 645-6666 MOKUM: With The Haskels, The Winonas, 10 p.m. Thursday, Juiy 26, Gold Dollar, Detroit. (313)833-6873 EDDIE MONEY: 7 :30 p.m. Sunday, Sept. 2, DTE Energy Music Theatre, Independence Township. $13-$20. (248) 645-6666 LORRIE MORGAN: With Sammy Kershaw, 7:30 p.m. Wednesday, Aug. 29, DTE Energy Music Theatre, Independence Township. $20-$29.50. (248) 645-6666 MTV TOTAL REQUEST WITH DESTINY' S CHILD, NELLY, EVE, DREAM AND 3LW: 6 p.m. Thursday, Aug. 23, DTE Energy Music Theatre, Independence Township. $29.50-$49.5O (248) 645-6666. MURDER CITY DEVILS: Wi th Cave-In, Botch, 6. p.m. Sunday, Aug. 5, The Shelter, Detroit. All ages. $10. (248) 645-6666 MYSTIKAL: Featuring Jagged Edge, Nivea, Jaheim has been canceled. Refunds available at point of pur-chase.

VINCE NEIL: "The Voices of Metal," Ratt featuring Stephen Pearcy, Slaughter and Vixen, 7 :30 p.m. Sunday, Aug. 19, DTE Energy Music Theatre, Independence Township. $16.50-$28.50. (248) 645-6666. NIGHT RANGER: With Survivor, Blush 7 :30 p.m. Thursday, July 26, Royai Oak Music Theatre, Royal Oak. $10 .67 for f irst 3 0 0 t ickets, $33 after. (248) 645-6666 9 8 DEGREES: 7 :30 p.m. Monday, Aug. 6 , DTE Energy Music Theatre, Independence Township. $23-$42.50. (248) 645-6666. TED NUGENT: 7 :30 p.m. Tuesday, Aug. 21, DTE Music Energy Theatre, Independence Township. $18.50-$39.50. (248) 645-6666

O-TOWN: With Wild Orchid, Amanda, Thursday, Aug. 2, Meadow Brook Music Festival, Rochester Hills. $22.50-$30. (248) 645-6666

OZZFEST: Featuring Black Sabbath - Ozzy Osborne, Tony lommi. Geezer Butler, Bill Ward - along with Marilyn Manson, Slipknot, Papa Roach, Linkin Park, Crazy Town and more, hosted by Rev. B. Dangerous. 6 p.m. main stage opens, Monday-Tuesday, July 30-31, DTE Energy Music Theatre, Independence Township. $58-$78. (248) 645-6666 PERNICE BROTHERS: With The Chamber Strings, 9 :30 p.m.

Miss Jackson: Janet Jackson performs with openers 112, 7:30 p.m. Mon-day-Tues-day, July 30-31, The Palace of Auburn Hills. Tickets cost $34.75-$77.75, with 25 cents from each ticket donated to the Boys and Girls Club of America. Call (248) 645-6666 for tick-ets.

Thursday, July 26, Blind Pig, Ann Arbor. 19 and older. $8 . (248) 645-6666 REGGIE & THE FULL EFFECT: With Hot Rod Circuit, Ul t imate Fakebook, 7 p.m. Tuesday, Aug. 2 1 , Magic Stick, Detroi t . $12. All ages. (313) 833 -9700 MARK REITENGA & THE MARKSMEN: 9 :30 p.m. Thursday's, Rosie O'Grady's, Ferndale. (248) 591 -9163 ; 7 :30 p.m. Friday, July

28 , Aug. 3, Shield's, Southfield. (248) 356-2720 ; 9 p.m. Friday Aug. 10 , Saturday, July 28, Aug.

25 , Lily's Seafood, Royal Oak. (248) 591 -5459

JACKIE ROUSH: 9 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 2 5 , Plymouth Coffee Bean, Plymouth. Free shows.

ROXY MUSIC REUNION: With Rufus Wainright, 7 :30 p.m. Sunday, July

29 , DTE Energy Music Theatre, -Independence Township. $27 .50 l awn / $52 .50 -$72 .50 pavilion.

Eight t icket l imit per person. (248) 645 -6666

SADE: Lover's Ropk Tour, 7 :30 p.m. Sunday, Aug. 19, The Palace of Auburn Hills. Tickets $35.25-$ 7 5 . 2 5 . (248) 645 -6666 JACK SCOTT: 9 p.m. Saturday, July 28 , T-Bonz, Rochester Hills. Cover $ 1 0 or $ 1 5 reserved seating. (248) 293 -9000 ; Also, Friday, Aug. 17 outs ide Duggan's Tavern on Woodward during the Woodward Dream Cruise, Saturday, Aug. 18 at Hunter House, Birmingham, during the Woodward Dream Cruise. See j acksco t t . rudysden. com. DJ SHORTROUND: Spins house along with hosts El George and Kegger f rom Motor Detroi t , for Sunday Night Rehab, 1 0 p.m. Sundays, Town Pump Tavern, Detroi t . (313) 9 6 1 - 1 9 2 9 NINA SIMONE: 8 p.m. Friday, Juiy 2 7 , Fox Theatre, Detroit. $55-$65. (248) 433 -1515

SMALL BROWN BIKE: With End It, Biddy Biddy Biddy, Inside 5 Minutes, 7 p.m. Thursday, July 26, the Shelter, Detroit. All ages. (248) 645 -6666

SOME ASSEMBLY REQUIRED: Wi th Tripper, You, 10 p.m. Friday, Juiy 27, 313.JAC, upstairs from Jacoby's, Detroit. $5. 18 and older. (313) 962-7067 SQUAREPUSHER AND PLAID: 9 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 18 , St. Andrews Hall, Detroit. All ages. $ 1 2 . (248) 645-6666 SUDDEN IMPACT: Friday, Juiy 20, 27 , Aug. 3, Mitch Housey's Food & Spir i ts, Livonia. (734) 425-5520 SUGAR RAY: 7 :30 p.m. Tuesday, Aug. 7, Freedom Hill Amphitheatre, Ster l ing Heights. $20-$30 . (248) 645 -6666

MICK TAYLOR: 8 p.m. Sunday, Aug. 2 6 , Magic Bag, Ferndale. $18. (248) 544 -3030

THE TEMPTATION REVIEW: Featuring Dennis Edwards, Herb Reed, The Platters, 7 : 3 0 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 11, DTE Energy Music Theatre, Independence Township. $18-$29.50 . (248) 645-6666 GLENN TILBROOK: Formerly of Squeeze, 8 p.m. Sunday, July 29, Magic Bag, Ferndale. $15. (248) 544 -3030

TRANSMISSION OF BINARY SOUND CODES: With Detro i t 's W-Vibe, Chicago's Vertonen, Mechanik of Grand Rapids, Panicsville o f , Chicago and Philadelphia's Winterbrief, 9 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 4, 313.JAC, upstairs f rom Jacoby's, Detroit. $5. 1 8 and older. (313) 962-7067

VAN'S WARPED TOUR: Featuring Rancid, AFI, Fenix TX, H20 , Me First and the Gimme Gimmes, The Bouncing Souls, Flogging Molly, Kool Keith, Morgan Heritage, The Vandals, Pennywise, Alien Ant Farm, Big Wig, Grand Theft Audio, Kili Your Idols, Lefty, No Motiv, Sum 41 , The Ataris, Grade, Madcap, Pepper, Planet Smashers, Project Wyze, and The Line, noon, Sunday, Aug. 12, Phoenix Plaza Amphi theatre, Pontiac. Tickets $ 2 7 . 2 5 or $19 .99 online at www. warpedtour. com. Call (248) 645-6666

RANDY VOLIN & SONIC BLUES: 7 p.m. Friday-Saturday, July 27-28, Fox and Hounds, Bloomfield Hills. All ages. Free. (248) 644-4800 YES: Yessymphonic Tour, with orchestra, 7 :30 p.m. Sunday, Aug. 12, DTE Energy Music Theatre, Independence Township. $19-$38. (248) 645-6666

DWIGHT YOAKAM: All ison Moorer, 7 :30 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 15, DTE Energy Music Theatre,

Independence Township. $18.50-$35 .50 . (248) 645-6666.

The Observer & Eccentric/ THURSDAY, JULY 26, 2 0 0 1

Eating at Antonio's just like eating at home BY JOANNE MALISZEWSKI SPECIAL WRITER

Wh e n Antonio Rugiero s a y s t h e food in h i s family's r e s t a u r a n t is

ju s t like wha t mama makes, he's not kidding.

"Most res tauran t s don't have a m a m a like mine," said Rugiero, who with his family owns Anto-nio's Cucina I tal iana in the Hal-sted Plaza, Farmington Hills.

When you sit down for a tas te of t h e c e n t r a l I t a l i a n cu is ine , know this: Mama, also known as

Rita, is lending her family's culi-nary tradit ions and heritage.

Signature dish If you w a n t to know immedi-

a t e l y w h a t t h a t h e r i t a g e is about , t r y Antonio 's s i g n a t u r e e n t r e e , g n o c c h i w i t h " R i t a " sauce, and don't count on getting a peek a t the recipe. It 's a secret.

This m u c h Rugie ro wil l say about his mother's recipe: "It is a t o m a t o b a s e , w i t h a h i n t of cream, mushrooms and Parme-san. People love it and go crazy



Specialty: Roberto (left to right), Rita, and Antonio Rugiero present gnocchi, a specialty dish at their fami-ly-owned restaurant, Antonio's Cucina Italiana.

Antonio's Cucina Itaiiana Where: 3 7 6 4 6 1 2 Mi le Road, Fa rm ing ton H i l l s , ( 2 4 8 ) 9 9 4 -4 0 0 0 Open: 1 1 a.m. to 1 0 p.m. Mon-day-Friday, 1 1 a.m. to 1 1 p.m. Friday, 4 - 1 1 p.m. Saturday, 1-9 p.m. Sunday Menu: Central I tal ian cusine C o s t : E n t r e e s $ 8 . 5 0 t o $ 1 6 . 9 5 ; Salads - smal l , medi-u m , la rge f r o m $ 4 . 9 5 f o r a sma l l I ta l ian sa lad t o $ 1 4 . 8 0 for a large Caesar salad. Appe-t i ze rs $ 2 . 9 5 for b readed zuc-ch in i up to $ 5 . 9 5 for s t u f f e d sh r imp. All major c red i t cards accep ted , except Discover . • Dearborn Heights location -2 6 3 5 6 Ford Road, (313 ) 278-6 0 0 0 . O p e n 1 1 a . m . t o 1 0 p . m . M o n d a y - T h u r s d a y , 1 1 a .m. to 1 1 p .m. Friday, 4 - 1 1 p.m. Saturday, 1 -10 p .m. Sun-day.

over i t . I t ' s t he sauce t h a t h a s given us a reputation."

T h a t r e p u t a t i o n is al l about freshness, home cooking and rea-sonable prices.

"We a r e n ' t t he k ind of place w h e r e w e m a k e a c o m p u t e r m e n u everyday," Rugiero said. "We a r e more t r a d i t i o n a l . We don't have anything premade."

O t h e r s i g n a t u r e e n t r e e s o f f e r e d a t A n t o n i o ' s a r e t h e chicken Antonio and veal chop. Pan-prepared, chicken is smoth-

e r e d w i t h c r e a m s a u c e a n d topped with Provolone, and fea-t u r e d wi th a side order of Fet -tucine Alfredo. The 10-12 ounce veal chop is broiled and seasoned with rosemary, salt and pepper.

"The veal chop is t h e closest

t h i n g we f i nd to a t r a d i t i o n a l I ta l ian menu," Rugiero said.

Soup at Antonio's is the same as t he Rugiero boys were served as kids with m a m a a t the stove. S ignature recipes include mine-

s t rone , wh ich is more l ike t h e t r ad i t i ona l I t a l i a n soup r a t h e r than puree, and chicken soup.

"We m a k e c h i c k e n soup t h e o l d - f a s h i o n e d w a y , " R u g i e r o said. "It is slow-cooked."


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c See HomeTown Life Inside


mm ™ R P H O T O S B Y


t ;


Original: Henry

Skowronek holds some of

the original hardware for the windows in this turn-


Victorian house.

This old house: Henry and Valerie Skowronek purchased this Victorian house in March of2000 and have been diligently working on reno-vating the interior for the past year.

BY KIMBERLY A . MORTSON STAFF WRITER k m o r t s o n @ o e . h o m e c o m m . n e t

or a decade Valerie Skowronek had her hear t set on an old • • Victorian house she saw in a Livonia neighborhood. It was

love at first sight after she spotted the turn-of-the-century home while shopping at a garage sale across the street.

"I said, 'if there was ever a house I could have ... that would be ••i;. ur'-isiu " remembers Skowronek.

Ten years later, Valerie and her husband, Henry, find them-selves standing in the parlor of the late 1800s house they pur-chased in March 2000, and Valerie couldn't be happier.

"It's the house I always wanted and I'm so excited we were able to buy it after seeing it all those years," said Valerie.

The couple estimates they looked at 100 houses while they were in the market but always went back to the house on St. Martin Street near Inkster and Seven Mile roads. Iron-ically, they only lived a few blocks away in Red-ford. They walked by regularly to keep an eye on the property.

In order to make their intentions known to the homeowners, they stopped at the home, introduced themselves and left their name and number — hoping that one day if the property was ever sold they'd be the first to hear about it.

The Skowroneks were eventually contacted by the seller, but the road to home ownership was a bumpy one.

"We had so many obstacles and heartaches when it came to purchasing this house," said Valerie. "We went back and forth with the seller on whether or not he really wanted to sell it, what the selling price was, whether he was going to sell the lots on each side of it. We thought we were going to lose it before we got it."


i f f *

Patience is a virtue Finally in March 2000 the final purchase •

agreement was signed and the Skowroneks had their dream house. They paid approximately $150,000 for the 2,000-square-foot house with a detached garage tha t also included two additional vacant lots, one on each side of the home.

By no means though was the house ready for inhabitants, other than the infestation of ladybugs and other four-legged creatures that took over the inside. The couple also didn't s tart working on the house for another four months after they closed, because they had exhausted all of their extra income on the down payment with hopes of making their monthly payments smaller.

"We worked so many hours to get the money for the down pay-ment, and then even more, to have the money for the monthly payments, tha t we didn't have any extra cash to start the reno-vations," said Henry.

The pair owned two rental properties in Detroit, one of which was built in 1919, that required refurbishment. Once they sold one of those two homes, they were free to start working on the

Unique: Valerie got creative painting the base of the claw foot tub she and Henry will install in the next few weeks.

house they describe as some-thing out of the television show "This Old House."

"We started cleaning the place inside and out first," said Henry.

Between the bugs, 15 broken windows, a dead tree in the front yard, bird nests in the attic and countless old cars and boats that were scattered about the property — the pair had a lot of work ahead of them.

One of their first tasks was to tear off the old roof with the help of a brother-in-law. They

found four layers of cedar shakes, but they completely updated the roof after they found shingles that complemented the Victo-rian-style home.

Fit for a queen The five-bedroom, two bathroom home also features a parlor,

formal dining room, kitchen pantry, and a back porch the Skowroneks had to gut and rebuild because it deteriorated and

( rt i.eu fi suit Utv. huUM-. Vh« lit- cIui imu v The second level of the home also has a porch-like room tha t

overlooks the back of the property. They installed a ceiling fan in tha t A-frame room and plan to use it for a sitting area and stor-age.

"Some of the things they did to this house makes you wonder," said Valerie, who discov-ered tha t some of the broken windows were replaced with Plexiglas tha t someone screwed onto the window frames, then caulked around the seams. She said she spent countless hours replacing and reglazing windows and strip-ping away layers of paint around the window frames tha t masked beautiful wood trim and molding.

"I used a heat gun first, then a chemical stripper," said Valerie. "Luckily we have all the original hardware that went with the win-dows."

Over the past year they have spent much of their evenings and weekends at the home. Together Valerie and Henry have power-sprayed the exterior, plastered, drywalled, stripped wallpaper, installed a new floor in the bathroom, updated electrical and plumb-ing, installed a new 1/2 bath upstairs, breathed new life into the orig-inal claw-foot tub they found in the downstairs bathroom and removed the hot water tank someone installed in the kitchen.

"It's a labor of love," said Valerie. "Every time we s tar t a project we try and focus on what it will look like when it's

all done." The couple renovated both bathrooms and hope

to reinstall the claw-foot tub soon. They enjoy antiquing and look forward to furnishing the home with period furniture and accessories.

For the outside of the house they envision a white picket fence around the front of the proper-ty and a Victorian rose garden with fruit trees on one of the two vacant lots.

After 12 months of labor they plan to move in by the fall and begin siding the exterior clap-board tha t is aging and faded.

"It's ha rd to find people you can trust who are experienced enough to do this kind of work and who will maintain the historic integrity of the house," said Valerie.

Although the couple hasn' t been able to find county records verifying the date the house was

constructed, many of the architectural aspects of the home point to the 1870-90s. They said they visited the City County Building (now the Coleman A. Young Building) in Detroit and Livonia's plan-ning department* but to no avail. "The city of Livo-nia doesn't have records before the 1950s." said Henry.

They did learn from a neighbor . that the home was moved from its original loca-! ion ;i few i<u-away in 1922. Valerie also started the pro-cess of having the house listed with the state of : Michigan histori-cal registry.

Ups and downs

Despite the obstacles and challenges of renovating a home more than 100 years old,1 thi Skowroneks say theyhave never wanted to giveJup. )

lfWe do have to take a break from time to time and sto^1 work-ing on it," said Henry, who bears the scars of hi? work. "Iiwas in a hurry and nearly cut my finger off with the saw a few #eel -

Restoring: Valerie Skowronek paints the trim around the doorway of a bathroom just outside the kitcfyer In the foreground you can see the$e'ailcd

"wood trim and original wainscolmg.

Henry and his $rother-in-law have also fallfin.off a while working on, (the house. "I bruised a few iifes doing

All in all, the project has been a learning e^erience couple. "I'm afraid once we're all done, she's gOing fco w it and start all over again with another house/* said, H can be a vicious cycle."


# \ .

% % %





Details: Valerie Skowronek holds up a roll ofu u.ipapei «/.c ordered from England that\will be hung in tfa jurmaf i room.


Reading books Two new books teach youngsters about animals and plants.

See Gardening, Page 4


Heat can hurt Malfunctioning hot curlers can burn and injure if they overheat, says the Appliance Doctor

Home Work, Page 3

H O M E T O W N M F 6 :

Talented: ^ f j g Special Olympics athletes

recently participated in a tournament in Canton

HomeTown Life,, Page 7


C 2 *

i s r m i r - i h ' l i m i The Observer & EccentricI THURSDAY, JULY 26, 2 0 0 1


Get creative with child's furnishings No parent wants to stifle or

confine his or her child. Keep-ing wi th t h a t philosophy, i t 's easy to see why chi ldren a re tough on home furnishings.

As they explore the depths of t h e i r ene rgy and c r e a t i v i t y , t h e y c a n ' t avoid g i v i n g t h e inter ior design a t r emendous beating.

L a m i n a t e is no t j u s t f o r k i t c h e n s . L a m i n a t e ' s s u p e r -resis tant , wear-and-tear -prop-erties make it the ideal surfac-i n g m a t e r i a l for h i g h - s t r e s s f u r n i t u r e s u c h a s t a b l e s , dressers, shelves, play stat ions and even bed frames. There is no l imit to the type of fu rn i -tu re t h a t can be created wi th laminate.

Wall and doof cladding helps protect wal ls a n d doors from crayons, dir t and den t s while simultaneously dress ing them up wi th large shee t s of lami-na te . Normal ly used only in c o m m e r c i a l e n v i r o n m e n t s , l a m i n a t e fo r w a l l a n d door c l a d d i n g h a s n o w m a d e i t s way into the high-traffic areas of residential homes.

Children take as many hard knocks as they give. Therefore, t he gen t ly curved edges and b l u n t c o r n e r s of c e r t a i n Wilsonar t Cus tom Edges and p o s t - f o r m e d e d g e s s e rve as s a f e g u a r d s s ince t h e y elimi-n a t e t h e s h a r p 9 0 - d e g r e e angles common wi th laminate furni ture .

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Bring the colors of outdoors inside G a r d e n i n g is the. No. 1 pas -

t i m e in Amer ica , according to lifestyle experts.

The feeling of t he sun on your back and dirt in your hands can be re juvenat ing and refreshing. B u t in a world of longer work h o u r s a n d p a c k e d s c h e d u l e s , even the most enthusiast ic gar-dener h a s less t ime to get out-doors.

People who love the outdoors £ u t ra re ly get to enjoy it need not despair. Creative decorating techniques in the "garden style" c a n e n a b l e even those w i t h a brown thumb to bring the peace-f u l feel ing of t he outdoors into the i r home.

" T h e g a r d e n s t y l e is a b o u t br inging the outdoors inside by d e c o r a t i n g i n t e r i o r s w i t h ele-ments of the garden and na ture - b l u r r i n g t h e l i ne s b e t w e e n inside and out," says Linda Hal-lam, author of Better Homes and Gardens Garden Style: Decorat-ing Ideas for Indoors & Out.

"With our hec t i c l ives , we a l l long for the feeling t ha t f resh a i r and sunshine can create."

E lemen t s of n a t u r e re f l ec ted inside t he home th rough f u r n i -tu re , floor covering, a n d acces-so r i e s c a n r e l a x h o m e o w n e r s af ter a long day.

" N a t u r a l des igns i n f loor ing a r e i nc r ea s ing ly p o p u l a r w i t h today's consumers- sisal, ceram-ic, and wood w i t h colors, p a t -t e r n s , a n d t e x t u r e s t h a t echo those of na ture are all favorites," said Francis Francavilla of Inde-p e n d e n t C a r p e t One in W e s t -l a n d . "And w i t h t o d a y ' s n e w l a m i n a t e s , v i n y l s , a n d m a n -made fibers, you can combine a n a t u r a l look w i th h igh pe r fo r -mance and affordability."

One of the s imples t t h i n g s a home owner can do to br ing t h e feeling of the outdoors inside is buy a few hardy potted p lan ts -such as a s p i d e r or b a b y j a d e p lan t - and lay a s i sa l or j u t e rug on the floor. The green of t h e

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plants and t he na tu ra l tones of the sisal fibers will echo t h e out-doors wh i l e m a k i n g t h e s p a c e inviting and warm.

If you don' t have a way wdth plants, wrea thes of dried flowers or he rbs , bouque t s of f r a g r a n t euca lyp tus , or botanical p r i n t s can create a garden feel.

"Na tu ra l f ibers such as s isal , jute , and seagrass are as old as t i m e i t se l f , " says Rick F i e l d s , sales manager of Design Mater i -a l s i n K a n s a s C i t y . " T h e s e fibers are strong enough to m a k e rope, so they make an incredibly s turdy floor covering."

According to Fields, these rugs work for any home because they can be cut to any size and easily dyed to in a spectrum of colors, f rom n a t u r a l golds and b rowns to g r e e n s a n d b lues t h a t echo the outdoors.

A n a t u r a l extens ion of back-yard brooks and winding s tone wa l l s , s t o n e f loor ing h a s a l so made i ts way inside. " N a t u r a l s tones l ike slate, g ran i t e , f lag-stone, limestone, and t r ave r t ine give a room a classic t i m e l e s s feeling," says Glenn Strohl, gen-eral manager of residential sales f o r D a i - T i l e . "They a r e a l s o extremely durable and will l as t t h e l i f e t i m e of y o u r h o m e -adding grea t value to the home itself."

L ikewise t e r r a c o t t a c e r a m i c tile can go from kitchen to fami-ly room to patio so you can ' t tell where t he home's inter ior ends and the outside begins. "This is also a g r ea t way to m a k e your home seem larger ," sa id F r a n -cavilla.

In t h e bed room, n a t u r e c a n find its place in subtle f loral car-

pets a n d colorful a rea rugs t h a t a re both romantic and soothing.

H a l l a m n o t e s t h a t b r i n g i n g the outdoors in does not require spending an handsome chunk of c h a n g e to replace all your fu r -nishings. Attractive and afford-able prices can be found in sur-pr is ing places.

" T h e g r e a t t h i n g a b o u t t h e g a r d e n s ty le is t h a t i t concen-t r a t e s on a more casual lifestyle. Your local home and garden cen-ter is a grea t place to find afford-able ideas," Hal lam said. "Less e x p e n s i v e f u r n i t u r e o r ig ina l ly m e a n t for t he outdoors can work p e r f e c t l y ins ide . You c a n even r e c y c l e i t e m s f r o m y o u r o w n backyard or basement and t u r n cas taways into keepsakes."

Home furn i sh ing experts sug-gest some f u n ideas to br ing the f r e s h n e s s of t he ou tdoors in to your home:

• G i v e o l d e r f u r n i t u r e a facelif t wi th a f resh coat of white or br ight ly colored paint .

• Keep the feeling a n d colors of s u m m e r y e a r - r o u n d w i t h dried flowers or flowering house-p l an t s throughout your home.

• U s e tile, floral a rea rugs or s i sa l f loor coverings in a room for a n a t u r a l look f rom the floor up.

• B r i n g "outdoor" f u r n i t u r e i n s i d e . P u t w i c k e r c h a i s e s or Adi rondack chairs in t h e living r o o m or ou tdoor b i s t r o se ts in t he b reakfas t room.

• Recycle elements from your y a r d a s wh ims i ca l , decora t ive touches, like picket fencing as a headboard , t ree branches as cur-t a i n rods , a n d b i r d b a t h s w i t h g lass tops as side tables.

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The Observer & Eccentric! THURSDAY, JULY 26, 2 0 0 1 * C 3


Malfunctioning hair curlers can overheat, then burn you _ U p o n

APPLIANCE i n s p e c t i o n • h a i r curlers

U U U 1 U l t looks like a pretty simple appliance.

The rod part of it gets hot. Once the hair wrapped a r o u n d i t is h e a t e d , i t becomes a curl.

For women eve rywhere , using one is a

part of an every day routine. (All I know is tha t I am very glad I don't have to go th rough t h i s routine every morning before I


leave the house.) A few weeks ago I heard the

most f r igh ten ing scream from t h e u p s t a i r s b a t h r o o m . That sound was my darling Valorie. I raced up the stairs , th ree at a time.

I came around the corner and saw smoke coming off the top of her head and a hair curler in her hand. There was a hair wrapped around it and still smoking when I pulled the plug out of the wall.

Thermostat fails It was apparent that the ther-

mostat inside the curler failed, which caused the uni t to over-heat . It also injured Valorie by b u r n i n g a spot on top of her head. It's not enough to take it to

• It was apparent that the thermostat inside the curler failed, which caused the unit to over-heat.

court, but enough to create con-cern and write this column.

Based on the amount of hair curlers tha t Val has purchased in the past 10 years, I imagine that a few million are sold every year.

Writing about hair makes me th ink about all t he d r a in s in Amer ica which get p lugged because of it. A plumber once explained it to me by describing how durable human hair is. We

discover a body, thousands of years old, and the hair is still as s t rong as rope. We can expect t h e . s a m e t h i n g when t h e plumber cleans out the sink or bathtub drains.

A plumber once told me that h i s se rv ices would neve r be needed if consumers would turn up t h e ho t w a t e r t a n k to t he tank's, max imum t e m p e r a t u r e and let hot water run into drains for 10 minutes each month. He also gave me a proven remedy for u n p l u g g i n g a b locked-up drain. Pu t a cup full of baking soda into a drain and then slow-ly pou r in a p i n t of v i n e g a r . Make sure that there isn't a drop of water going into that drain for at least an hour after you have

put in the remedy. Then let hot water flow in there for at least 10 minutes.

Condenser cleanup I t h ink back to t he m a n y

refrigerators I have cleaned in my lifetime, especially at homes w i th cats and dogs. O f t e n I pulled out enough animal ha i r f rom the condense r to f i l l a brown grocery bag. Ca t s a n d dogs often are to blame for over-heated compressors or the need for replacement.

Once animal ha i r covers t he condenser tubing, every l i t t le piece of lint will stick to it. Keep in mind that during the winter months, animals like to lay in front of the refrigerator.

A cous in of t h e h a i r c u r l e r men t ioned ea r l i e r is t h e h a i r dryer. You can save yours by folr lowing simple advice here and use an eyebrow plucker.

The hair dryer needs air flow* ing through it and when the ait inlet area is plugged with hair , the elements inside overheat and b u r n out. Every few mon ths I take the plucker or tweezers and pull out the hair and lint which builds up on the air inlet side. •

Joe Gagnon can be heard Saturday and Sunday on 760' MJR. He is a member and past president of the Society of Consumer Affairs Profession-als. His phone nurriber is (313) 873-9789.

Plan remodeling with future in mind "Accessibility" is the new key-

word for home buyers and own-ers who are approaching retire-ment and intend to continue liv-ing in their new or existing resi-dences as long as possible.

"Rather than allowing physi-cal limitations to threaten their quality of life, such people are custom building or re t rof i t t ing their homes now, to ensure ease of use l a t e r , " sa id S t e p h e n Taglione, president of Building Industry Association of South-eastern Michigan and of West-m i n s t e r & Abbey Homes in Bingham Farms.

Indeed, special additions can go a long way toward preserving a person's ability to live inde-pendently in the golden years, whether physical impairments are great or small.

For example, replacing regu-lar doorknobs with latches-and regular locks with keyless entry sys tems can help those w i t h arthritic hands. Creating a mas-ter bedroom on the first floor can avoid dangerous si tuations for people who have difficulty climb-ing stairs.

When envisioning an accessi-ble home for seniors , severa l obvious modifications come to mind, including grab bars in the bathroom, wide doorways t h a t accommodate wheelchairs, and ramps in place of stairs.

But other important features are easy to overlook, including the provision of ample space in the k i tchen and ba th room for easy wheelchair access.

The following is a fairly com-prehensive list of obvious and not-so-obvious features to con-sider when outfitting a home for long-term accessibility:

Overall home des ign • F i rs t f l oo r m a s t e r bed room

and bath • S i n g l e - s t o r y , " o p e n " f l oo r

plan • Secured, low-pile carpet ing • H i g h e r - t h a n - s t a n d a r d wal l

recep tac les • L o w e r - t h a n - s t a n d a r d l igh t

sw i t ches and t he rmos ta t s • Sound-act ivated l ights • Secur i ty sys tem • Broad rear deck (access ib le

ou ts ide area) • S l id ing or au tomat i c windows

and doors • Wide doorways • Levers in place of doorknobs • Low c lose t rods • Rocker or push -bu t ton light

sw i t ches • Cha i r l i f t or e leva to r where

app l icab le • S m o k e a larms w i th f lash ing

l ights £ Hand ra i l s a l o n g s t a i r s and

ha l lways Entryway

• Paved, level dr iveway • Paved, level path to door • S e c u r e d c a r p e t , i f any, a t

door • W e l l - l i t , c o v e r e d a n d spa-

c ious entryway • "Lever" doorknob • Set-down shel f ou ts ide door • Keyless locks • Lower peephole in f ront door Kitchen • Appl iances wi th f ront-mount-

ed knobs • O v e r h a n g i n g s i n k f o r

wheelchair access • Low shelv ing w i th swing-out

doo rs / ro l l ou t t rays • L o w c o u n t e r s p a c e w i t h

wheelchai r access • Under-counter or side-by-side

refr igerator • Room for refr igerator door to

swing w ide • S p a c e t o m a n e u v e r

wheelcha i r Bathroom • Low medic ine cab ine t • Raised to i le t wi th grab bars • Grab bars in shower and tub • Walk-in or roll-in shower • Roll-under sink • Built- in shower sea t • Wide doorway • Hand-held shower head • Non-sk id s t r ips in bath and

shower H S p a c e t o m a n e u v e r

wheelchai r

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C4* The Observer & Eccentric/ THURSDAY* JULY 26, 2 0 0 1


Books teach youngsters about animals, plants GARDEN


Two books fo r c h i l d r e n t a k e c e n t e r s tage in t h i s

book review. Ghost Bat

in a Gum Tree, Benet te T i f fau l t (Fal-con, $ 9 . 9 5 , soft), is won-derfully illus-t r a t e d by P e t e r Gros shause r . T i f f a u l t h a s t a k e n t h e

rhy thm from the Chris tmas song The 12 Days of Christmas to cre-ate a poem about 12 endangered animal species.

Fun for the youngsters and all the family as they discover w h a t h a p p e n s to each an ima l for 12 hours of E a r t h Day. A profile of each one and a list of concerned organizations are included.

Unearthing Garden Mysteries, Ellen Talmage (Fulcrum, $17.95, soft), is fu l l of fun and exciting experiments for children as they


discover a garden 's ecosystem; some m a y need adu l t supervi-sion.

They'll learn why the sensitive plant is t ha t way, why the Venus fly t r ap eats insects, the differ-e n t w a y s v i n e s t w i n e , why p l a n t s need l i g h t , a n d a b o u t good and bad insects. These are jus t a few of the 20 projects that can be done at home or in school. Some may take several days.

The book is a g rea t resource for use in the classroom as well as a t home—grea t after-school project ideas. The ISBN number is 1-55591-993-6. Call Fulcrum a t (800)992-2908.

Informative A very scholarly book, Wild-

flowers of the Fairest Cape, Peter G o l d b l a t t and J o h n M a n n i n g (Timber Press , $34.95, paper) , details 652 of the most common wildflowers to be found a t "the f a i r e s t cape , " as S i r F r a n c i s Drake called it.

Arranged by groups of related families, many of the plants are present ly in cultivation; there-

fore t h e book is a guide to t he r e g i o n a s wel l a s a s o u r c e of informat ion about m a n y p lan t s grown in home g a r d e n s . Enjoy t h e color photos as you t a k e a journey to this " f lowerfur coun-t r y w i t h t h e s e e m i n e n t botanists.

The Herbal Epicure, Ca ro l e Ottesen (Ballantine Wellspring, $16, soft), contains much infor-mation about growing, harves t -ing and cooking 60 p l a n t s t h a t can be homegrown and provide nutr i t ion for a heal thier lifestyle.

"All t h o s e chosen a r e sa fe , " Ottesen says.

M o s t of t h e r e c i p e s a r e f o r cooking, using the herbs t ha t are hea l th fu l ; o thers a re for decoc-tions, syrups, etc. for medicinal use. I l ike t he l i t t le t ips in t he s i d e b a r s , s u c h a s d r y i n g chamomile blossoms for tea and how to make pumpkins easier to pee l . O t t e s e n a p p r o a c h e s t h e subject in a relaxed manner .

Inspiring A Fierce Green Fire, Marybeth

Lorbiecki (Falcon, $19.95, pub-

Enjoy wildflowers this summer on the freeways M o r e t h a n 1 m i l l i o n m e t r o

Detroi t motor i s t s will get dai ly views of a sight tha t inspired one of t h e w o r l d ' s m o s t f a m o u s art is ts to pa in t some of his great-est masterpieces - acres of wild-flowers.

Wi ldf lowers Pa in t i ngs , spon-sored by S o u t h e a s t M i c h i g a n Chrys le r - Jeep Supers to res , a r e i n s p i r e d b y t h e g a r d e n s of I m p r e s s i o n i s t p a i n t e r C l a u d e Monet. Monet, whose works a re among the most valuable in t he

w o r l d , p l a n t e d h u g e f i e ld s of w i l d f l o w e r s a n d w o u l d l a t e r p a i n t t h e f ie lds a t t h e i r mos t vibrant.

Monet carefully pat terned the placing of different plants to pro-duce rich textures and moods of co lo r s . H e w o u l d c o n s t a n t l y experiment with different colors a n d c h o s e c e r t a i n p a t t e r n s because of the way wildflowers c a n c h a n g e colors and s h a p e s d u e to l igh t and w e a t h e r . The ar t is t spent the final 20 years of

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lished in 1996), is the biography of Aldo Leopold, the driving force of the conservation movement in this country.

Influenced by his grandfather, Leopold became concerned about the destruction of our land dur-ing t h e 1800s and t h r o u g h o u t his life. The struggles he faced to sway many opinions and the tide of i n d i f f e r e n c e w e r e m o s t l y uphi l l . F a t h e r , wr i ter , teacher , h e devoted h i s l i fe to ecology. This is a lesson about love and perseverance.

"His g r e a t e s t d r e a m w a s to l e a r n how to l ive on t he l a n d without spoiling it."

David Brower, founder of the S i e r r a C lub F o u n d a t i o n , a l so suggests reading A Sand County Almanac. Good stuff.

Ann Lovejoy's Organic Garden Design School (Rodale, $35) con-tains a wealth of information to h e l p d e s i g n a g a r d e n t h a t is p l e a s i n g to you , s u i t s y o u r lifestyle, and works.

Lovejoy's goal is to have each garden be interesting in all sea-

sons, be low m a i n t e n a n c e a n d bloom with hea l thy plants . She ta lks about the layers of p lan t s in the garden and their mainte-nance , and t i es i t all t o g e t h e r wi th descriptions and photos of mouth-watering plants.

From soil to pests, it's all here. The lessons a re p resen ted in a four-color f o r m a t . T h i r t y - f o u r workbook pages of your "home-work" allow you to record your progress.

You've probably all h e a r d of t h e C h i c k e n S o u p s e r i e s of books. My friend P a t Stone, who publishes Green Prints, was one of t h e s e v e n e d i t o r s f o r t h e inspiring Chicken Soup For The Gardener's Soul (Hea l th Com-munications Inc., $12.95).

The 101 s to r i e s w i l l i n s p i r e , b r i n g a chuckle or two a n d / o r invoke a memory. Some of t h e pieces were by wr i t e r s such as E rma Bombeck, J ames Michener and Charles Kural t . Others were by folks jus t like you and me.

This is a perfect book to t a k e on vacation, or read in the shade of a big t r ee in your own back

yard. You'll love it. GOODGARDEN TIPS

B Pull off any tomato blossoms tha t cling to young fruit . The odd conditions called "catfacing" and "zipper s t reak" may resul t where t h e c l ingy f lower p is t i l c a u s e s the f ru i t to scar at a young age.

H If l e t t u c e t a s t e s b i t t e r Or s e c r e t e s a mi lky w h i t e s a p , i t h a s been in the ground too long. If t he ju ices are clear, i t 's sti l l good for picking.

• Give ca r ro t s a tw i s t w h e n you pull t h e m up so t he leaves don't b reak off. Then immediate-ly cut t he leaves off j u s t above t h e s t e m sO t h e y w o n ' t s t e a l moisture and nutr ients from the roots.

B Azaleas, rhododendrons and camel l i a s would like your lef t -over t ea and the leaves.

Marty Figley is an advanced master gardener based in Birm-ingham. You can leave her a message by dialing .(734)953-2047 on a touch-tone phone. Her fax number is (248)644-1314.


h i s l i fe p a i n t i n g h i s g a r d e n s , eventually employing six garden-ers.

As t he summer continues and grows into fall, different flowers will develop and grow, while oth-e r s will subt ly change , so t h a t each day and week b r ings new surprises for passing motorists.

The wildflowers were planted in t h e m e d i a n s i n t h e i n t e r -changes of 1-275 and 1-96, 1-94 and 1-696, and 1-96 and 1-75.

Does your garden club have an upcoming event or meeting you want publicized? Send items for consideration in Gardening Cal-endar to Ken Abramczykj Observer Newspapers, 36251 Schoolcraft, Livonia, MI 48150 or e-mail kabramczyk@ oe. homecomm. net. To send a fax, call (734) 591-7279.


YPSILANTI The Ypsilanti Garden Club's third annual Heritage Garden Tour is scheduled 1-5 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 18, during the Ypsilanti Heritage Festival! View six local gardens, plus a bonus garden, the newly planted re-creation of what might have been planted from 1837-1880 at Ypsilanti 's Historic Towner House. Tickets are $7 per person, available in Depot Town and at each garden on the day of the event. For information, call (734) 485-7339 or visit h t tp : / / commun i t y . mlive.com /cc /yps igardenc lub



WILSON BARN The Friends of Wilson Barn wil l host the 12th annual Farmers Market from 8 a.,m.-3 p.m. every Saturday until Sept. 30 at the Wilson Barn on the northeast cor-ner of West Chicago and Middlebelt in Livonia. The market offers fresh produce, honey and a variety of crafts. Vendors pay $ 1 0 a week for a 10-foot by 20-foot space. WIC Fresh Start coupons accepted. For information, call (734) 4 2 7 - 4 3 1 1 or (734) 522-5039.

PLYMOUTH Produce is available 7:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Saturdays through October at The Gathering on Penniman Avenue at Main Street in downtown Plymouth. Call (734) 453-1540.

NORTHVILLE Market items are available 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Thursdays through r , c to K ^r ;?t AXe Ncrthv !!!e Downs parking loc at 7 Miie and Sheldon in Northville. Call (248) 349-7640.

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PONDS A pond designer will be at a recently completed pond in the yard of a home at 18914 Aspen in Livonia noon-4 p.m. Sunday, July 29 . Casey Wright, owner of Splashy Designs in Novi, will be . on hand to answer questions on water gardening. The home is located in the Whispering Pines subdivision, on the south side of * Seven Mile between Wayne Road and Gary. For information, call (248) 477-7482 .


OilBWAY PRAIRIE TOUR Join the Detroit Garden Center for

• a natural ist guided tour of the Ojibway Tallgrass Prairie Provincial Park in Windsor at 1 0 a.m. Friday, Juiy 27. The tour costs $8 for Detroit Garden Center members and $10 for non-members. The tour will begin at the Ojibway Nature Center, 5 2 0 0 Matchet te Road. A catered lunch is available afterward for $8 .50 . Call the Detroit Garden Center at (313) 259 -6363 or fax (313) 259 -0107 or e-mail [email protected] for reserva-t ions and directions.


ENGLISH GARDENS English Gardens conducts f ree gardening seminars for t he public 7 p.m. Thursdays at i t s West Bloomfield store, 6370 Orchard Lake Road, nor th of Map le (phone (248) 8 5 1 - 7 5 0 6 ) . The schedule includes Garden Pests & Diseases, by Kelly Jo B u r n h a m July 26; and Do-it-yourself Landscaping: The Design Process, by Heather Tomlinson July 31 and Michael Boron Aug. 2.

In this week's seminar, learn about some of the more com-! mon problems you'll encounter dur ing the gardening season. Solutions will be provided.

- I T R O L L S *

( e

1/2 OFF


* Expires 7-31-01 norther



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The Observer & Eccentric/ THURSDAY, JULY 26, 2 0 0 1 *C5

Enter our sunflower contest G r o w i n g s u n f l o w e r s t h i s

s u m m e r ? K e e p n u r t u r i n g them, give them plenty of sun-shine and water and you jus t m a y h a v e a w i n n e r n e x t month.

The Obse rve r & Eccentr ic Newspapers and English Gar-dens are sponsoring their sec-ond annua l High Hopes Sun-flower Contest. First-, second-and th i rd-p lace finishers for t he t a l l e s t p l a n t and wides t

seed head categories will be awarded.

W i n n e r s will rece ive $75, $50 or $25 g i f t c e r t i f i c a t e s from English Gardens. Check t h e O b s e r v e r & E c c e n t r i c Newspapers for en t ry forms. Please enclose information on how you cared for the plant or any o ther de ta i l s or circum-stances about the plant .

The deadl ine for en t r ies is M o n d a y , A u g . 27. T h e t o p

e n t r i e s i n l e n g t h a n d s e e d head for the 2001 season will be verified by judges. €

Prizes will be awarded Sun-day, Sept. 16, a t English Gar-d e n s , 6 3 7 0 O r c h a r d L a k e Road, Wes t Bloomfield. Win-n e r s m u s t a p p e a r a t t h e awards to claim their prize.

Sponsored by English Gardens

mhii < ntrii's us f'li/lnivs: PLEASE DO NOT CALL TIIE NEWSPAPER. Use the entry form below <.or a facsimilo • printed in this newspaper. Entries must be pos t i iwked by .Monday, Aug. 27,2001. Fill in all the blanks. Cleariy paint or type the information. Include area code with your telephone: number and the best time of day to call if we wish to take photographs. Children should include their ages. Your comment? about how you care for the plants

; can also be sent along with ihe entry. This information may be passed on to our readers when we announce the winners. There are two categories of winners in this High Hopes Sunflower Contest: The tallest .sunflower and the one with the largest seed head {not including the rays of the flower), grown in the 2001 season through Aug. 27.

1. Sunflower measurement mutt be taken from soil level to the base of the hi'od when- the stem attaches to the flower.

2 . Seed head measurement mu<t be tfiken diagonally across th" seed hmd (not including the rays of the flower).

3 . Participants mutf send the official entry form (or a facsimile) to. High Hope." Sunflower Contest, The Observer Newspapers, 36251 Schoolcraft, Livonia, MI 48150. To fax rah r734) 391-7279. Judges will notify contest finalists to cerify height and size.

4 . U ' r / t / i v r s will be announced in the newspaper in September.

5 . Employee* and families of the Observer and Eccentric Newsp opers a ren't eligible,

6. Decision-! of the judges are final. *

7 . Entrants must live in Oakland or Wayne County to be


t \


3. Gift certificates from English Gardens will be awarded to the winneri * " md place and $25 third place. Prizes w tH be awarded 1 p.m. Sunday, Sept. 16 at English Gardens, 6370 Orchard Lake Rd., West Bloomfield, MI.

Winners must appear at awards to claim their prize.

My sunflower height is: My sunflower's seed head is:



If Child, include age:

Phone number: ( )

Best time of day to calk

Plant-care comments:—

Height is to be measured from soil level to stem neck

Seed head is to be measured by diameter


• The Michigan Design Cen-ter 's semi-annual Floor Sample a n d C l e a r a n c e Sa l e wil l t a k e place 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday, July 28, and noon to 5 p.m. Sun-day, Ju ly 29. The event , which happens twice a year, is the only t ime t he public is invited to shop the fabulous showrooms of MDC a n d t h e only t i m e i t will f i nd sale savings of 60 to 70 percent off l i s t p r i ce s on h u n d r e d s of f loor s a m p l e i t e m s , i n c l u d i n g f u r n i t u r e , Or ien ta l rugs , light-ing, o r i g i n a l a r t , c e r amic t i l e and accessor ies . Admiss ion is $6, w i t h a po r t ion of t he pro-ceeds going to b e n e f i t Gi lda ' s Club, which provides free emo-tional and social support to can-cer pat ients as well as their fam-i l i e s a n d f r i e n d s . M D C is a t 1700 S tu tz , which is no r th off

M a p l e , b e t w e e n C r o o k s a n d Coolidge in Troy. A delivery ser-v i c e w i l l b e a v a i l a b l e . a n d a r r a n g e m e n t s can be m a d e a t the customer 's expense. Dur ing t h e sa l e , M D C ' s D e s i g n e r O n Call i n t e r io r des igne r s will be available to answer questions.

• A Chr is tmas in Ju ly Home Pa r ty Extravaganza, with repre-s e n t a t i v e s f r o m more t h a n 20 different direct sales companies, will t a k e place 1-5 p.m. S a t u r -d a y , J u l y 28 , a t P a r k s i d e C h u r c h of C h r i s t , 1 7 2 0 0 W. Ou te r Drive, between Ford and H i n e s D r i v e i n D e a r b o r n H e i g h t s (call (313) 278-8120) . Admiss ion is f ree . E a c h rep re -s e n t a t i v e will d o n a t e 10 to 30 p e r c e n t of t h e d a y ' s s a l e s to Rochester College of Rochester Hi l ls . Schedu led p a r t i c i p a t i n g

compan ie s a r e Avon, C o u n t r y P e d d l e r , C r e a t i v e M e m o r i e s , D i s c o v e r y Toys , H e n n W o r k -shops, Highlights-Jigsaw, Home & Garden P a r t y , Homo In te r i -ors, House of Lloyd, Mary Kay, N e s t F a m i l y , P a m p e r e d C h e f , PartyLite and others.

• Jo in decora t ing consu l t an t J e a n i n e M a t l o w a s s h e t o u r s T h e M e r c h a n t of Vino, 2 7 6 4 0 Middlebelt a t 12 Mile in F a r m -ington Hills, Saturday, Aug. 11, and shows you creative ways to decora te your h o m e for e n t e r -ta in ing. Mat low will give g r ea t decorating ideas using products from the store. There will be two s e s s i o n s , 1 p . m . a n d 3 p . m . Space is limited. Call (248) 473-7600 and ask for Susan He rnan -dez or J immy Johnson.

We re Bringing a To You!

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C6' The Observer & Eccentric/ THURSDAY, JULY 26, 2001


Peili-Harrison Dave and Carolyn Pelli of Gar-

den City announce the engage-ment of their daughter, Jennifer Lynne, to Jeffrey Alan Harrison of Dearborn Heights.

The bride-to-be is a 1999 grad-uate of Garden City High School and attends Schoolcraft College. She is a teacher at The Learning Tree.

Her fiance, son of Charles and Carolyn Harrison of Dearborn Heights, is a 1997 graduate of Divine Child and a t tends Uni-versi ty of Michigan-Dearborn. He is self-employed.

A July wedding is planned at Ward Evangelical Presbyterian Church.

Heuer-WeHer : Steve "and Geraldine Heuer of Shelby ville, Ind. announce the engagement of their daughter , Carri Dawn Heuer, to Matthew Barnes Weller of Indianapolis , Ind. J The bride-to-be is a 1994 grad-uate of Waldron High School, a |998 graduate of the University of Indianapolis and works as a specia l educa t ion t e a c h e r a t S o u t h w e s t e r n E l e m e n t a r y School in Shelbyville, Ind.

Her fiancS, son of Raymond D. Weller of Livonia and Kathy L. Printz of Wixom, is a 1989 grad-u a t e of Cla rencev i l l e High School and has worked for the past 10 years as a government employee with the Internal Rev-

Guajardo-Blakita Haro ld Cloud of D e a r b o r n

Heights and Jo Wanda Cloud of Canton announce the engage-ment of their daughter, Vivian [Louise Guajardo, to Kevin Brian Blakita of Canton.

The bride-to-be is employed by Waste Management.

Her fiance, son of Je r ry and Mary Blaki ta of Ypsi lant i , is employed by Eaton Corp.

An August wedding is planned at Henry Ford Estate.

enue Service. An August wedding is planned

at ABE Martin Lodge at Brown County State Park in Nashville, Ind.


Dennis and Carol Gregoire of Newport announce the engage-men t of t he i r daugh te r , E r i n Ren6e, to Aaron Todd Shrews-bury of Westland.

The bride-to-be is a graduate of Madonna Universi ty where she earned a bachelor of a r t s degree. She is currently working t oward a m a s t e r ' s degree a t Marygrove College in the art of t e a c h i n g . She works for S t . Michael in Livonia as a s ixth grade teacher.

Her f iancS, son of Ray and Judy Shrewsbury of Dearborn, is a graduate of Madonna Univer-sity, where he majored in crimi-na l j u s t i c e , and is w o r k i n g toward his master ' s degree in police administration there. He


is a police officer. A September wedding is being

planned at St. Patrick Catholic Church in Carleton.

Vaughn Roger Vaughn J r . and Anna

(Dodge) Vaughn of Plymouth are celebrating 50 years of marriage this month. The couple wed July 26, 1951 in Flint and have lived in the Wayne County area for 46 years.

The Vaughns have two chil-d r e n : B a r b a r a Vecchioni of Manchester , Mich., and David and his wife Ju l i e V a u g h n of Plymouth. Christina Veechioni is their only grandchild.

Roger Vaughn worked for the Fisher Body division of General Motors, in Livonia and has since r e t i r e d . His wife , A n n a is a homemaker and works at Way-side Gifts in Plymouth.

Roger Vaughn is a member of the Plymouth Lions Club. Anna is a member of P.E.O., a philan-

Mr. and Mrs. Michael Berry of Troy announce the engagement of their daughter , Michelle, to Eric Lord, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lenart of Plymouth and Mr. and Mrs. Richard Lord of Troy.

The bride-to-be is a graduate of Michigan S ta t e Univers i ty and is c u r r e n t l y a t t e n d i n g Mich igan S t a t e U n i v e r s i t y ' s g r a d u a t e p rog ram. She is a fourth grade teacher at Morse Elementary School in Troy.

Her f iance is a g r a d u a t e of Michigan State University. He is a project manager a t Giffels-

Modreski-Planko P a u l and P a t Modresk i of

Livonia announce the engage-ment of the i r daughter , Kelly Lynne , to Shawn M a t t h e w Planko of Westland.

The bride-to-be.is a 1994 grad-ua te of F rank l in High School and a 2000 graduate of Universi-ty Detroit-Mercy. She is a regis-tered denta l hygienist at Pro-gressive Dental Group in Novi.

Her f ianc6, son of Joe a n d Cheryl Broudhecker of Westland and H e n r y Planko, is a 1993 g r a d u a t e of F r a n k l i n High School and is pursuing his bach-elor 's degree f rom E a s t e r n Michigan University. He works at MCI Internet Wholesale as a

~ Keller-Ollar

Webster Engineers in Rochester Hills.

An August wedding is planned at St. Thomas More Church in Troy.

I B M S 5 ~ * 7 = r , .

1 ' / i

shift leader in technical support. A July wedding is planhed at

St. Michael Lutheran Church.

Robert and Delphine Keller of Sun City West, Ariz, announce the engagement of their daugh-ter, Gail Lynn, to William Ollar of Livonia.

The bride-to-be is a 1979 grad-uate of Michigan State Universi-ty, where she earned a degree in dietetics. She works at Rivergate Convalescent Health Center.

H e r f i ance , son of E d i t h Newmeyer of Traverse City, is a g r a d u a t e of Livonia F r a n k l i n High School and works for Gen-eral Motors.

An August wedding is planned at Ward Evangelical Presbyteri-an Church.

Loeb-Casper Mil ton and L i n d a Loeb of

Grand Is land, Neb. announce the engagement of their daugh-ter , Anne Marie, to Chr i s t i an Frederick Casper of Ann Arbor.

The bride-to-be is a 1995 grad-u a t e of G r a n d I s l a n d Sen io r High School and a 1999 gradu-ate of University of Nebraska, where she earned her bachelor's degree in biology. She is current-ly a graduate student in human genet ics a t t he Un ive r s i t y of Michigan in Ann Arbor.

Her fiance, son of Richard and Jennifer Casper of Canton, is a 1995 graduate of Plymouth-Can-ton H igh School and a 1999 graduate of Iowa State Universi-ty, where he earned a bachelor's degree in chemistry. He is pur-suing a master's degree in chem-

thropic and educational organi-zation. They both enjoy spending time with Mends and family and are always on the go.

To celebrate the occasion, the couple will enjoy a special dinner with family. Congratulations!

* :

i s t r y f r o m t h e U n i v e r s i t y of Michigan and plans to graduate this year. He works as a techni-cal writer for Kaiser Optical Sys-tems, Inc. in Ann Arbor.

An August wedding is planned a t Holy T r i n i t y L u t h e r a n Church in Livonia.


1 t Porch This W eekend

Walk Ours! Fri., Sat. & Sun., July 27, 28 & 29

11 > H I it. \ . i l u i - m i I n i i i l u m i s h m u t n u l . K i L W j r i e s

out'-.i'ie a n d i n s i d e o u r *rorc all w e e k e n d !

Porch Sale Highlights: Fri , J u l y 2 7 t h

7-8 p.m.


This evening, relax and enjoy some good

old fashioned summertime tunes.


Sat, July 28th Starting at 11 a.m.


A sofa IS more than just a pretty cover. Come see the "inside

\'story11 of a hand crafed sofa - from Berne Furniture.

Sun, July 29th 2 p.m.

THE FAQ's of INTERIOR DESIGN! Join our design staff for an

interactive seminar about

creative solutions to your

interior design concerns.

Please. R.S.V.P. Spaced limited.

Walker/Huzenberg fine furniture

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Excluding Fri. & Sat. • Expires Aug. 24,2001 •



He's pining for the old days I t ' s a silly t h ing to be nostalgic about , l i t was j u s t a n old computer bul le t in buaxd: oeoni ine .com. I t evolved in to being p r i m a r i l y a n I n t e r n e t se rv ice provider and - a victim of i ts own suc-cess. I suppose - it is merg ing wi th i ts s i s t e r s e r v i c e - H T o n l i n e . c o m - to form a new u n i t called HTDconnec t .

com. The new service promises "fast , reli-

able In t e rne t access " and f rom w h a t I've seen so far , it seems to be deliver-ing.

I m a d e the switch-over t h i s week-end f r o m o e o n l i n e to H T D c o n n e c t ;uid. in a k ind of coup de grace, delet-ed the oeonline icon f rom my comput-er. I'm gonna miss it. It 's been the re ^iace oeonline was s t a r t ed up. some-lime in the ear ly '90s.

Back then the big craze for comput-er h o b b y i s t s w a s c o m p u t e r b u l l e t i n boards . Some guy wi th a h o m e com-p u t e r and a m o d e m wou ld s e t up a ' bu l l e t in b o a r d " on h i s s y s t e m , a n d other people could dial it up and see what was there .

W h a t w a s t h e r e , u s u a l l y , w a s g a m e s t h a t could be p l a y e d on l ine , s o f t w a r e t h a t could be d o w n l o a d e d (some legally, some not , depend ing on the bul le t in board), discussion or mes-sage a reas where users could in te rac t with each other .

The I n t e r n e t , a l though technica l ly in cxistencc at the t ime. was . for all practical purposes still in t h e f u t u r e . The World Wide Web didn' t exist.

C o m p u t e r g u r u

A rn l ]eag iK j of m i n e h^ i ' e a t t h e O b s e r v e r , a c o m p u t e r g u r u n a m e d Greg Day. set up a bul le t in board sys-tem at his home and I spent a lot of t ime online vis i t ing his site. One day Greg walked over to my desk and said

in1,!:iH a soft wa re p r o g r a m t h a t

-;r !inline rmH he'd gotten p^rmis-• :un from his boss tu t r \ it out,

He w a n t e d to t e s t i t f o r a w h i l e i ' e f o r e g o i n g " l i ve" w i t h i t , so h e in s t a l l ed a copy on my P C a t w o r k and gave me ano ther copy to ins ta l l a t home. Oeonline.com w a s born.

It w a s all t e x t based , no p i c tu re s . So-called "graphical in te r faces" were yet to come. T h e r e w e r e d i s c u s s i o n a r e a s w h e r e u s e r s could l eave com-m e n t s a n d o t h e r s could r e s p o n d to t h e m . A n d i n s o m e of t h e a r e a s , respond they did! Some of t h e m read like out and out dog f ights .

There was so f tware to download -g a m e s , w o r d p r o c e s s i n g p r o g r a m s , v a r i o u s c o m p u t e r s t u f f . T h e n t h e r e were the news stories t h a t use r s could r ead . I c a n ' t even p i c t u r e how t h e y looked now. In compute r y e a r s , t h a t was a long t ime ago.

A f t e r t h a t v e r s i o n of o n l i n e h a d been a round for a y e a r or two, com-p u t e r h o b b y i s t s h a d d i s c o v e r e d t h e In te rne t . Greg added I n t e r n e t access to oeonline.

It was no th ing like it is today. Like t h e bu l l e t in boards , e v e r y t h i n g w a s text based and (usually) m a d e use of a "gopher server ."

Gophers used a series of directories t h a t led to a n o t h e r ser ies of directo-r i e s t h a t led to ... wel l , e v e n t u a l l y s o m e s i t e in A u s t r a l i a o r S w e d e n w h e r e y o u w e r e a c t u a l l y l o o k i n g inside a computer located the re . Wi th an F T P p r o g r a m you could a c t u a l l y download files from one of those dis-t an t sites.

"Wow!" w e ' d s a y , l o o k i n g a t t h e c o m p u t e r s c r e e n . " W e ' r e a c t u a l l y downloading th i s from Swi tzer land ."

Then came t h e addit ion of e-mail -n lext-based program called Pine . No pictures. No graphics. Now you could send electronic messages to f r i ends in d is tan t places ias long as they h a d e-nmil access also).

Oeonline w a s a lways a li t t le slow to connect. There were a lot of busy sig-na l s . I t w a s o f ten k l u t z y a n d some-times f rus t ra t ing . B a t it was fun .

T h e n c a m e t h e b i g r e v o l u t i o n : hyper tex t and the World Wide Web. Hyper tex t al lowed you to move f rom one site to ano ther s imply by clicking on a w o r d or p h r a s e a n d t h e W e b introduced graphics as well as text .

Oeonl ine now h a d a g e n u i n e W e b site and also became an I n t e r n e t Ser-vice Provider . Things j u s t grew.

A n d n o w i t ' s b e i n g r e p l a c e d by s t a t e - o f - t h e - a r t t e c h n o l o g y t h a t promises speed and reliabil i ty. Tha t ' s

B u t a p a r t of me is go ing to m i s s those old days when , a f t e r g e t t i n g a b u s y s i g n a l 15 t i m e s in a row, you finally got connected. It w a s f r u s t r a t -ing. But it w a s fun .

HOMETOWN LIFE Honored as one of ,the best Lifestyle [sections in Michigan

c* Reunions CIO,

Special olympians

- j M .

_ _ _

Celebrate' Special Olympics athletes on the Ply mouth-Canton Stars team put their hands together to celebrate their win.

J mmm i P B g i l ;



Athletes display their talents on

Softball field P H O T O S B Y H E A T H E R S O N N T A G

m Winners: (Above) Volunteer Lauren Ruprecht of Livonia awards Sean Bowers' f#32) of the Plymouth-Canton Stars, by placing the bronze medal around his neck. Kevin Welgo-sh (left) pitched the first half of the game leading the Ply-mouth-Canton Stars to the bronze medal. After the game, Ron Walzak, #43 (right) of the Stars cools off by pouring water over his head. Walzak was excited that his team made a comeback in their last game to win the bronze medal.


M ore t h a n 1,400 Special Olympic a t h l e t e s g a t h e r e d i n C a n t o n a n d Y p s i l a n t i J u l y 19-20 fo r

t h e s e v e n t h a n n u a l S u m m e r S p o r t s Classic.

A r e a 2 3 , w h i c h inc ludes L ivonia , Red-ford, P l y m o u t h - C a n t o n a n d W a y n e - W e s t l a n d , h a d 161 a t h l e t e s pa r -t i c i p a t i n g i n t h e sof t -b a l l t o u r n a m e n t a t C a n t o n Softbal l Cente r a n d golfing in Ypsi lan-ti .

S p e c i a l O l y m p i c s M i c h i g a n Pub l i c Rela-t i o n s D i r e c t o r M a r c y L i n d b e r g s a id 58 soft-b a l l t e a m s , a n d a n a d d i t i o n a l 176 go l f e r s f rom all over t h e s ta te , p a r t i c i p a t e d i n t h e weekend fest ivi t ies .

" T h i s y e a r i s t h e la rges t ever," sa id Lind-berg .

J o e l S m i t h , A r e a 23 d i r ec to r , s a id t h e local a t h l e t e s r e p r e s e n t e d the i r home towns well. "Our t e a m s lost a f e w g a m e s t o w a r d t h e e n d d u e t o ra in , b u t we did be t t e r th i s yea r t h a n last ."

Al though t h e humid i ty caused some a th le t e s to become dehydra ted , Smi th s a i d t h e w e a t h e r fo r t h e e v e n t w a s

f 1 Motivation: Stars' Coach Jason DeMink greets Sean Bowers at first base after getting a key hit for the team.

good. V o l u n t e e r s a re a n i m p o r t a n t role for

M i c h i g a n Special Olympics , a n d Chuck E d w a r d s , f r o m D e t r o i t C o u n t r y 99.5-F M , sa id h i s rad io s t a t i on helped b r i n g in vo lun tee r s .

" W e a d v e r t i s e d t h e need for vo lun tee r s a n d got a lo t of calls . (Spe-c i a l O l y m p i c s ) h a s received a lot of s u p p o r t t h i s y e a r , " s a i d E d w a r d s . " A n d i t d o e s n ' t m a t t e r i f y o u win or lose, everyone is a winner . "

L i n d b e r g sa id n e a r l y 400 v o l u n t e e r s s h o w e d u p t o h e l p e v e n t s r u n smoothly.

"We c o u l d n ' t h o l d i t w i t h o u t v o l u n t e e r s u p -p o r t . W e n e e d e d t h e w a t e r p e o p l e t o k e e p p e o p l e c o o l e d o f f , t h e officials w e r e all volun-

t e e r s ... w e n e e d t h o s e foiks to m a k e events l ike t h i s happen , " she sa id .

T h e m o t t o all a th l e t e s f o l l o w - " L e t m e w i n , b u t if I c a n n o t w in , l e t

m e b e b r a v e i n t h e a t t e m p t " - is a n i m p o r t a n t p a r t of t h e competi t ion.

"I t h i n k o u r g o a l i s t o k e e p t h e m ac t ive i n spor t s y e a r - r o u n d a n d these ' t w o s p o r t s a r e g r e a t s u m m e r t i m e s p o r t s f o r t h e m . I t h e l p s t h e m s t a y

Please see ATHLETES, C9

, rtson. Editor 734-953-2131 kmortson homccomm. not

C 8 * The Observer & E c c e n t r i c / T H U R S D A Y , J U L Y 2 6 , 2 0 0 1

E - o r t h v a l


I I I *

I W V . I l M \ l S ' K f c S B Y I L k l A N n m s i

and The CCF Fantti^tcouM C a n t o n C h r i s t i a n F e l l o w s h i p tifce to invite you to.... 1

"Where the Word is Relevant, People are Loved and Christ is the Key''

Join us for Worship Service at 1 0 : 3 0 a m Suprf*" ' ^ h n n l anH / n r Mow J ^ o m h o r e flrifintatirirv 9;00aiT1

Located at 1275 Haggerty Road • Canton, Mi • 734 414-0856 Between Font Road and Cherry Hill Inside Eriksson Elementary School

It's not about Religion, it's about Relationships. Cork to a place tthere tines are changed, families ore made tchole and ministry is reitl!

M C U T I T { Y D I m 3 3 6 4 0 M i c h i g a n A v e . • W a y n e , M I Mm (Between Wayne Rd. & Merriman Rd.)

( 7 3 4 ) 7 2 8 - 2 1 8 0 B A P T I S T

C H U R C H Virgil Humes, Pastor

Sunday Schoo l 9:30 a.m. Sunday Worship 8:00 & 10:45 a.m. Wednesday Praise Service 6:00 p.m.

Wednesday Children, Youth & Adult Bible Study 7:00 -8:oo p.m.

i v n o r n i \ i (

O V C M K h i

NATIVITY UNITED CHURCH O F C H R I S T 9435 Henry Ruff at West Chicago

Livonia 48150 * 421-5406 Rev. Larry Hoxey, Interim Pastor 9:15 a.m. Adul t Classes

10:30 a.m. Worship Service a n d Youth Classes Nursery Care Available




VICTORY BAPTIST CHURCH 34500 SIX MILE ROAD • LIVONIA West of Farmington Road, next to Stevenson High School

Sunday School 10 am * Worship 11 am & 6 pm

Wednesday Prayer/Bible Study & KING'S KIDS 7:00pm

Nursery Provided At All Services

Pastor Brian Brewer Youth Pastor Ryan Cuenther

248-473-4483 a.


Y o u A r e w e l c o m e A t

T r i - C i t y C h r i s t i a n C e n t e r M i c h i g a n A v e & H a n n a n R o a d ( 1 m i l e e a s t o f I - 2 7 5 )

7 3 4 - 3 2 6 - 0 3 3 0 • w w w . T r i C i t y C h r i s t i a n . c o m

W o r s h i p S e r v i c e & C h i l d r e n ' s M i n i s t r i e s S u n d a y 9 : 0 0 a m & 1 1 : 0 0 a m

Se lec t ives S u n d a y 5 : 3 0 p m

Youth Services Tuesday 7 p m

Family N i g h t Wednesday 7:00 p m

Family N ight Wednesday 7:00pm

[ C A T H O L I C


St. Anne's Academy - Grades K-8 23310 Joy R o a d • R e d f o r d , Michigan

5 Blocks E. of Te l eg raph • (313) 534-2121 M a s s S c h e d u l e :

F i r s t Fri . 7 :00 p . m . F i r s t S a t . 9 :30 a j n . S u n . M a s s e s 7 :30 & 9:30 a . m .

Confess ions H e a r d Pr ior to Each Mass Mother of Perpetua l He lp Devot ions

Tuesdays at 7:00 P.M.



4 7 6 5 0 N . T e r r i t o r i a l R o a d P l y m o u t h • 4 5 3 - 0 3 2 6 R e v . J o h n J . S u l l i v a n

Masses: Mon.-Fri. 8:00 A.M., Sat. 4:00 P.M. Sunday 8:00, 10:00 A.M. and 12:00 P.M.

5:00 P.M. Life Teen Mass


C A T H O L I C C H U R C H & S C H O O L

2 9 0 1 5 J a m i s o n A v e . • L i v o n i a East of Middlebelt, between 5 Mile & Schoolcraft Rds. MASS: Mori., Wed., Thurs., Fri. & Sat. 9:00 a.m.

Tues. 7:00 p.m. • Sat. 5 p.m. Sun. 8:30 & 10:00 a.m. & 12:00 noon

7 3 4 - 4 2 7 - 5 2 2 0

R E S U R R E C T I O N CATHOLIC C H U R C H 48755 Warren Rd„ Canton, Michigan 48187


Weekday Masses Tuesday & Friday 8:30 a.m.

Saturday - 4:30 p.m. Sunday-8 :30 & 10:30 a.m.

( H R I M I W

n ( i l V i

\ n r s i


4S801W. Ann Arbor Road • (313) 453-1S2S Sunday School - 9:45 A.M.

Sunday Worship -11:00 A.M. Sunday Evening-6:00 RM.

Family N igh t -Wed. 7:00 P.M. NEW HORIZONS FOR CHILDREN: 455-3198

First Church of Christ, Scientist, Plymouth 1100 W. A n n A r b o r T r a i l P l y m o u t h , M I

Sunday Service 10:30 a.m. Sunday School 10:30 a.m.

Wed. Evening Testimony Meeting 7:30 p.m.

Monday-Saturday 10:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m. Monday • Wednesday • Friday l:00p.m.-4:00 p.m.

4 5 3 - 0 9 7 0


( o \ c . P K . \ n c ) \ \ i

M t . H o p e

C o n g r e g a t i o n a l C h u r c h

30330 Schoolcraft Livonia • 734-425-7280 (Between Middlebet t & Merriman)

9 : 3 0 a . m . S u n d a y s c h o o l

1 0 : 3 0 a . m . w o r s h i p S e r v i c e Nursery care Available

"The Church You 've A lways Longed For."


Livonia, Michigan 48154

4 2 1 - 8 4 5 1

M n i s n c n

Wednesday 9:00 A.M Holy Eucharist Wed {Sept.-May) 6:00 P.M.. .Dinner & Classes Saturday 5:00 P.M Holy Eucharist Sunday 7:45 & 10:00 A.M.. .Holy Eucharist Sun. (Sept.-May) 10:00 A.M. Sunday School

Sunday Morning - Nursery Care Available www.standrewschurch.net

The Rev. Aaron B. Zull, Interim Rector

l i t

I I I | I : K * \ i M l K C H M I S S O U R I S Y N O D

CHRIST OUR SAVIOR LUTHERAN CHURCH R e v . L u t h e r A . W e r t h , S r . P a s t o r

R e v . R o b e r t B a y e r , A s s i s t . P a s t o r

— Two locations to serve you —

L I V O N I A A C A N T O N 14175 Farming ton Rd. 1 1 46001 War ren Road

(N. of I -96) S S B m (West o t Can ton Center) Sunday Worsh ip 8 :30 a m & fl S u n d a y Worsh ip 9 :30 a m

11:00 a m H S u n d a y Schoo l 10:45 a m S u n d a y Schoo l 9 :45 a m V (734) 414 -7422

(734) 5 2 2 - 6 8 3 0 Visit our Web Site at http://www.christoursavior.org

ST. PAUL'S LUTHERAN CHURCH & SCHOOL 20805 Middlebelt (comer of 8 Mile & Middlebelt)

Farmington Hills, Mich.

W O R S H I P SERVICES Saturday Evening 6 p.m.

S u n d a y M o r n i n g 9 : 1 5 a . m . B i b l e C l a s s & S u n d a v S c h o o l : 0 : 4 5 a . m .

Pastor John W. Meyer« 4/4-0675

R i s e n C h r i s t L u t h e r a n 4 6 2 5 0 A n n Arbor Road

(1 Mile West of Sheldon)

P lymouth • 4 5 3 - 5 2 5 2

W o r s h i p S e r v i c e 8 : 1 5 & 1 0 : 0 0 a .m.

Pastor David Martin Hugh McMartin, Lay Minister

ST. MATTHEW LUTHERAN Church & School 5885 Venoy 1 Blk. N. of Ford Rd., Westland 425-0260

Divine Worship 8 & 11:00 A.M. Bible Class & SUNDAY SCHOOL 9:30 A.M.

Monday Evening Service 7:00 P.M. Gary D. Headapohl, Administrative Pastor

Kurt E. Lambart, Assistant Pastor Jeff Burkee, Prlncipal/D.C.E.

H 0 S A N N A - T A B 0 R

L U T H E R A N C H U R C H & S C H O O L

9600 Leverne • So. Redford • 313-937-2424 Rev. Lawrence Witto / Rev. Steve Eggers

Sunday Morning Worship 10:00 a.m.

Sunday School & Adult Bible Class 9:00 a.m.

Thursday Evening Worship 7:00 p.m.

Christian School: Kindergarten-8th Grade


C C \ ! \ U \ l l \

( I I I k C I l l s

Orchard Grot/e

C o m m u n i t y C h u r c h

Chris Cramer, Pastor

Sunday, 9:00 & 11:00 A.M. Wednesday, 7:00 P.M.

Located in

OLD ORCHARD THEATRE 28123 Orchard Lake Road

Farmington Hills 2 4 8 - 3 2 4 - 1 7 0 0 w w w.orchardgrove. org




Worsh ip Service 9:15 & 11:00 A.M. Sunday Schoo l

9:15 & 11:00 A.M. Nursery Provided

Rev. Victor P. H Rev. Timothy Halboth, I

W M . M K M I I I M l K \

( M l K O I I S W l f k l C \

Timothy Lutheran Church 8820 W a y n e Rd .

(Between Ann Arbor Trail & Joy Road) L i v o n i a • 4 2 7 - 2 2 9 0

Rev. C a r l a T h o m p s o n P o w e l l , P a s t o r 9 :00 a . m . S u n d a y S c h o o l (a i l a g e s ) 10:00 a.m. Family Worship (Nursery Avail.)

ht tp:Wwww.t imothyl ivonia.com

L ( J T H F R A \ C H U R C H W I S C O N S I N S Y N O D


L o l a P a r k

E v . L u t h e r a n

C h u r c h & S c h o o l

14750 Kinloch • Redford Twp.

3 1 3 - 5 3 2 - 8 6 5 5

Rev. Gregory D. Gibbons, Pastor

Worship: Sunday 9:30 a m

Thursday Services 7:30 p.m.

Grades K thru 8

Phone for Enrollment Info

W Q L V 1 5 0 0 S u n d a y 1 0 : 3 0 a . m .


9415Merriman 'Livonia Sunday Worship Service

9:30 a.m. Monday Evening Service

7:00 p.m. School Grades • Pre-School - 8

Church & School office: (734) 422-6930

S T . p ^ u l s e v , l x n t > 6 R * N

c d u r c D & s c h o o l .

17810 Farmington Road • Livonia • (734) 261-1360

May thru October • Monday Night Service • 7:00 p.m. Sunday Worship Services

8:30 a.m.& 10:00 a.m. Pastor James Hoff



10101 W. A n n A r b o r Rd . , P l y m o u t h 5 Mi les W, of S h e l d o n Rd.

F rom M - 1 4 take Go t t f redson Rd . S o u t h

734-459-9550 Dr. W m . C. Moore - Pastor

W o r s h i p S e r v i c e s

8 : 3 0 a . m . , 9 : 4 5 a . m . & 1 1 : 1 5 a . m .

E d u c a t i o n P r o g r a m

9 : 4 5 a . m . & 1 1 : 1 5 a . m .

N u r s e r y & C h i l d r e n ' s P r o g r a m s a t

A l l 3 S e r v i c e s


i f i " " m r d

Em$tlical Prtsbyttrian Church

4 0 0 0 0 S i x M i l e R o a d

"just west of i-275"

N o r t h v i l l e , M I

2 4 8 - 3 7 4 - 7 4 0 0

Dr. James N. McGuire, Pastor

Worship. Services

Sunday School

8:30, 10:00, 11:30 A.M.

Contemporary Service • 8:45 A.M.

Evening Service * 6:00 P.M.

Nursery Provided

Serv ices b roadcas t 11:80 a .m.

S u n d a y • W M U Z 8 8 0 A M

P K F S H Y T E R I A N i l . S A )

. T i M O i m r a PRESBYTERIAN

* 16700 Newburgh Road Livonia • (734) 464-8844

Sunday School: 9:00 a.m. • Family Worship: 10:00 a m "In the Name of Jesus"

Rev. Dr. Janet Noble - Richardson, Pastor

GENEVA PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH (U.S.A.) 5835 Sheldon Rd„ Canton '


lOOl 10:00 a.m.

* Education For All Ages

Childcare Provided Resources for Hearing and Sight impaired


F I R S T P R E S B Y T E R I A N C H U R C H Main & Church • (734) 453-6464 '

PLYMOUTH 8 :30 a .m. a n d 10 :00 a . m .

Nursery avai lab le a i l s e r v i c e s

Dr. James Sk imins Dr. Jenni fer S a a d Senior Minister interim Associate Minister

Caro le M a c K a y Director of Christian Education Accessible to All

Ro, Presbyi 9601 Hubb


sedale Gardens erian Church (USA) ard at W. Chicago, Livonia, Mi en M e r r i m a n & Farmington R d s . )

( 7 3 4 ) 4 2 2 - 0 4 9 4

Ro, Presbyi 9601 Hubb


W o r s h i p S e r v i c e & S u n d a y S c h o o l

9 : 3 0 a . m .

Nursery Care Provided

W e W e l c o m e Y o u T o A F u l l P r o g r a m C h u r c h

Rev. R i cha rd Peters, Pastor

fc\ W C j H l t A l

( I 1 1 1 N \ M

F A I T H C O V E N A N T C H U R C H 14 Mile Road and Drake, Farmington Hil is

(248) 661-9191

Sunday Worship and Children's Church

9:15 a.m. Contemporary 11:00 a.m. Traditional

Child Care provided for all services

Youth Groups • Adult Small Groups

\ ( A - l ) E N O M I N 4 T I O N A



Bible School 9:45 A.M. WEDNESDAY Worship 11:00 AM. AND 6:00 P.M. Bible Study >7-00 P.M

(Nursery Provided in A.M.) (Classes for ail ages' Pastor Frank Howard - Ch. 734-641-4321

\ M U D M l 1 1 1 ' J O I S T

"Building Healthy Families... 10.-00 A.m. - Traditional Worship

6 :30 p.m. - "Connections" -

Contemporary Worship

Dynamic Youth Chi ldren's Programs

• Adu i t Education

• Child-Care Provided Pastors: Dr. Dean Klump, Rev. Deborah Leach

Clarencevllle United Methodist 20300 Middlebett Rd. • Livonia

474-3444 Rev. J ean Love

W o r s h i p S e r v i c e s 1 0 : 1 5 A M , 6 : 0 0 P M

Nursery Provided.

Sunday School 9 AM O f f i c e Hrs. 9-5

e (ZeticA t&e- S&Otit ett

M e t h o d i s t C h u r c h 1 0 0 0 0 B e e c h D a l y , R e d f o r d

Between Plymouth and W. Chicago B o b & D i a n a G o u d i e , C o - P a s t o r s

3 1 3 - 9 3 7 - 3 1 7 0

Worship Services at -8:00 a.m. & 10:00 a.m.

Learning Centers-For Al! Ages and Continental Breakfast at.9:00 a.m.

Air Condit ioned Sanctuary

j J u l y 2 9 j | Genesis 41:50-57 | | J o s e p h , the Father

David Librande, preaching


30900 Six Mile Rd. (Bet. Merriman & Middlebelt) Chuck Sonquist, Pastor

1 0 : 0 0 A.M. W o r s h i p & C h u r c h S c h o o l

L o g o s Y o u t h C l u b . www.gbgm-umc.org/stmatthews-iivoriia

Nursery Provided • 7 3 4 - 4 2 2 - 6 0 3 8


Stephen Ministry Congregation

3 6 5 0 0 A n n A r b o r T r a i l

b e t w e e n W a y n e & Newburgh Rds.

4 2 2 - 0 1 4 9 W o r s h i p S e r v i c e

1 0 : 0 0 a . m . S u n d a y S c h o o l

1 0 : 0 0 A . M .

6 . Badiey

E. Welbaum

'.newburgumc.org visit our


w e

Being H e l p f u l vs. Complaining It is a wise person who knows when and how to tactfully speak up about a situation that may need correcting. When a person is critical of almost everything, they may be looked upon by others as being a "complainer". There is a significant difference between grumbling and honestly trying to be helpful. Most businesses have a customer service department to handle problems and complaints. They usually do not call them "complaint departments" because they know that correcting problems and providing good service are beneficial to good business, whereas complaining denotes a negative tone. In addition, no one likes to listen to someone who is always complaining. The Bible tells us in Colossians 3:13, "Be tolerant with one another and forgive one another whenever any of you has a complaint against someone else. You must forgive one another just as the Lord has forgiven you." We should try to be more positive to reduce the stress in our lives; God wants us to work and live in harmony with those around us.

D o e v e r y t h i n g w i t h o u t c o m p l a i n i n g o r a r g u i n g . ,

Good N e w s Bib le P h i l i p 2:14

The Observer & Eccentric! t h u r s d a y , j u l y 26 , 2001 (CP)C9


UPCOMING SUMMER ADVENTURE Join us for a summer program of local service projects, crafts, Bible stories, snacks, games and music on Wednesday mornings July 11-Aug. 15 from 9 a.m. to 12:15 p.m. at Geneva Presbyteri-an Church (5835 Sheldon Road) in Canton. Children and youth, pre-K (begin kindergarten this fall) through 8th grade complet-ed, are welcome. Come for as many sessions as you are able. Pre-registration requested but not required. Call (734) 459-0013.

GRACE LUTHERAN VBS Grace Lutheran Church (25630 Grand River) in Redford Town-ship invites kids to unlock God's Truth at the Mystery Mansion Vacation Bible School from July 16-25. Children age three through sixth grade are invited to participate in music, crafts and Bible-based learning through lessons. A closing wor-ship celebration will be held July 25. Call about registration (313) 532-2266. COFFEEHOUSE CONCERT First Presbyterian Church Cof-feehouse Concert, July 20 featur-ing "Times 7" with Men of Grace. A benefit for Grace Centers of Hope, Men of Grace. Doors open at 7:30 p.m., concert starts at 8 p.m. Offering taken to benefit Men of Grace.

PRAYER GROUP St. Edith Prayer Group (15089 Newburgh Road) Livonia are inviting all prayer groups, their family and friends to a pot luck picnic outing at 1 p.m. Sunday, July 22 at Rotary Park (6 Mile

and Hubbard). Bring a dish, electricity, gas grills available. Call Paul (734) 462-0344 or Geri (734) 464-8906.

PRAISE CHAPEL VBS Praise Chapel (36115 Plymouth Road, Livonia) is inviting all area children to "Son Creek Junction", a week-long Vacation Bible School beginning Monday, July 23 through Friday, July 27 nightly from 6:30 to 8:45 p.m. The program culminates with a musical grand finale during the morning worship service at 10 a.m. Sunday, July 29. Registra-tion information is available at (734) 513-5174.

POUR EXPEDITION Polar Expedition is a fun and exciting way for kids to discover Jesus, program includes memo-rable Bible-learning activities for kids of all ages, songs, teamwork building, treats, crafts, etc. Fam-ily members and friends are encouraged to join us daily for this special event at noon. Expe-dition begins 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. July 23-27 at Clarenceville United Methodist Church (20300 Middlebelt road) between 7 and 8 Mile roads in Livonia. Call (248) 474-3444.

SUMMER BIBLE CLUB The Boys and Girls Bible Clubs will be having a five-day sum-mer bible club July 23-27 Mon-day through Friday from 10-11:30 a.m. This will be held out-doors on the northwest corner of the grounds of Hamilton Ele-mentary (Schuman and Avon-dale). All children 5-12 years are welcome for songs, Bible stories, snacks and prizes. Pre-schoolers are welcome with an attending parent or guardian. No charge. Call 641-9452.

FAIR HAVEN BAPTIST The Fair Haven Baptist Church (34850 Marquette) in Westland continues is Summer Bible Con-ference at 7 p.m. July 25. Pastor Jim Hensley, Calvary Baptist chu8rch in Whitmore Lake will preach. Child care provided to those three and younger. Call (734) 728-4549.

MARRIAGE ENCOUNTER Worldwide Marriage Encounter offers a weekend experience for married couples to improve their communication skills, learn the value of intimacy and renew their love for each other. The next weekends are scheduled: July 27-29, Sept. 21-23 at the St. John's Family Life Center (44011 Five Mile Road) in Ply-mouth. There is a $50 registra-tion fee. Call Bill and Carol (248) 528-2512, Dan and Debbie (810) 286-5524 or visit www .rc .net/detroit/wwme

PRAYER GROUP Madonna University Prayer Group will have as a guest speaker Deacon Bruce Simpson Catholic evangelist from Florida at their prayer meeting at 6 p.m. Sunday, July 29. The Madonna Center is located at 36600 Schoolcraft in Patio I classroom. Call John 422-5611.

ST. JOHN'S VBS St. John's Lutheran Church of Redford (13542 Mercedes) will host Vacation Bible School from 5:30-8:30 p.m. July 30-Aug. 3. Classes will be available for chil-dren ages 4-12. Theme is "Beach Trek." Supper will be served at 5:30 p.m. followed by games, crafts, drama, music and Bible lessons. Call (313) 538-2660. SUMMER BIBLE CONFERENCE The FairHaven Baptist Church

Athletes from page C7

active, and overall our program is helping them build self-confi-dence and social skills," Lind-berg said. . Jackie Foust, Plymouth-Can-

ton program coordinator, said two Softball teams consisting of 13 players each enjoyed the fes-tivities.

"We did very good. The other t e a m s had a couple of lucky catches, but we hit well and the athletes played their hardest. I was very proud," said Foust.

Ron Kulas, Westland program

coordinator, said he's charged with getting all the equipment and Sites for training, paying the bi l ls , s u b m i t t i n g r eg i s t r a t i on forms and any additional paper-work.

"I'm bas ica l ly t he l i a i son between the county program and the coaches," he said. Kulas said he was g lad e v e r y t h i n g r a n smoothly.

"I thought it was one of the best competi t ions of the last five years. Everything was well orga-nized and I was very happy with

God's plans include You this summer... Do your plans include God?

Keep the connection... the connection at

A C h r i s t i a i f r C H o b r « - i h o n

Live band, refreshments and a message of ftii'h thai 'ehites to you!

ft-\er\ <11 6 :30 p . m .

First United Methodist Church / i J W / \ / ( ' / M / r 1 / I d / RiUlJ III r l \ IHOlllll • " J / - j - 5 2 i * 0

s 11 W II mJ vt of ShMon RoaJi

It's Just Another Mile to. •!*. 1 \f 9 4 J U 9 & ' i s I l U i l l v I r l l l v

Clinh LandscApinq 0C Nu V U mm At 5 I333

• III P h o n e :

H i l t

C h e r r y H i l l V H g e

. 3 7 7 9 F a x s 7 3 4 . 4 3 5 . 3 7 7 7

e m a i l : c l i n k l a n d s c a p i n g < a > a © h c o m

The One Stop For All Your Landscape Needs

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(34850 Marquette) in Westland will hold a summer Bible confer-ence at 7 p.m. Wednesday, Aug. 1. Pastory Mike Gray, Baptist Tabernacle, Franklin, OH will preach. Child care provided to those 5 and younger. Call (734) 728-4549.

BEACH TREK Get wet this summer. Join the Beach Trek Vacation Bible Expe-rience, Aug. 6-10 from 6:30-8:30 p.m. at Timothy Lutheran Church (8820 Wayne Road), Livonia. Discover "water stories" about Jesus while learning in a fun-filled beach-themed program with crafts, music and games. There is no charge. Register by July 23. Call (734) 427-2290. VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL Memorial Church of Christ (35475 Five Mile Road) in Livo-nia will host Vacation Bible School from 9 a.m. to noon Aug. 6-10. Call (313) 563-6276 or Diane Jacobs (734) 522-1534.

VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL Truth Trackers and the Secret of the Stone Tablets will be held from 6-8 p.m. Aug. 6-9. Supper will be served at 5:30 p.m. at Church of the Savior (38100 Five Mile Road), RCA in Livonia. Call (734) 464-1062 or e-mail

[email protected]

ST. MATTHEW VBS Registration is being taken now through Aug. 12 for Vacation Bible School at St. Matthew's United Methodist Church (W. Six Mile between Merriman and Middlebelt) in Livonia. This years theme is "Way to Go!" Good Neighbors Tours. Get your passport and ride with us through lots of fun at VBS. Join us Aug. 21-23, from 6:30-8 p.m. and on Aug. 26 for a concluding celebration from 10-11 a.m. Call Sally Coughlin (248) 477-3777 or Anne Fairchild (734) 422-6038 or visit www.gbgm-umc/ stmatthews-livonia

VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL Christ Our Savior Lutheran Church of Canton will host Vaca-tion Bible School from 6-8 p.m. Aug. 13-18. The theme is "The Mystery Mansion: Unlocking God's Truth." Activities include music, crafts, games, snacks and the exploration of five Bible sto-ries. Registering children ages 3 through sixth grade. $10 individ-ual cost; $20 for families. Call (734) 522-6830.

VEGGIE TOWN VALUES Livonia Church of Christ will host Vacation Bible School from

7-9 p.m. Aug. 13-19 at 15431 Merriman Road. The theme is "Veggie Town Values for the Family." Children's classes are for preschool through sixth grade. The adult classes will be "Parenting by Heart," by Minis-ter Larry Stephens. Call (734) 427-8743.

NATUROPATHIC SPEAKER Dr. Mary Roby will speak at Unity of Livonia (28630 Five Mile) in Livonia at 7 p.m. Aug. 15. He will lecture on holistic and spiritual healing. Call 9734) 421-1760.

JIM LEE TO SPEAK Rev. J im Lee senior minister at the Church of Today, will speak at Unity of Livonia at 9:30 and 11 a.m. Aug. 19. All are wel-come. WOMEN'S DAY LUNCHEON The Detroit Church of Christ presents a women's day lun-cheon "What Women Really Want" from 10:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 6 a t the Crowne Plaza Hotel in Ann Arbor (State Street and 1-94). Registration is $20 per person. Checks payable to: the Detroit Church of Christ. Call Kimberly Tate (734) 483-7026 or e-mail wlb@techemail. com

t h e whole t o u r n a m e n t , " sa id Kulas.

Area 23 sent a tota l of n ine softball teams, and brought back one gold meda l , t h r e e s i lver m e d a l s and a bronze m e d a l . Smi th added t h a t four t e a m s were unable to finish because of the weather . "We also sent 21 skills athletes and they brought home 10 gold medals, nine silver medals and four bronze medals," said Smith.



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REUNIONS As space permits, the Observer & Eccentric Newspapers print, without charge, announcements of class reunions. Send the information to Reunions, Observer & Eccentric Newspa-pers, 36251 Schoolcraft, Livo-nia 48150. Please include the date of the reunion, one contact person, and a telephone num-ber.

FORDSON- DEARBORN • Class of 1961 A 40th reunion is planned for Oct. 6. Contact Carol (Gustine) Paton (734) 455-5248 or Dianne (Rebel) Colleton(248) 887-1571.

- • Class of 1981 A 20-year reunion is planned for Aug. 3 at the Hellenic Cultural Center in Westland. Tickets are $65 each. Call Janine (734) 632-8473 or e-mail jgfurka@todaylink. com GARDEN CITY

• Class of 1991 A reunion will be held Nov. 24 at Laurel Manor in Livonia. Con-tact (248) 561-4773, (248) 692-0065 or (734) 266-8040.

GARDEN CITY EAST • Class of 1971 A 30-year reunion is being planned for the class of 1971 on Saturday, Aug. 11. Festivities include entertainment by a dee jay, sit-down style dinner and dancing. For reservations call (248) 542-8918 Jenette or (313) 541-6834 Mary.

GARDEN CITY WEST • Class of 1970 Reunion is planned for Oct. 6 at the Romulus Marriott. Call (800) 677-7800, visit www.taylorre-unions.com or e-mail: [email protected] or culbertson@taylorreunions. com or write: Taylor Reunion Ser-vices, P.O. Box 597, Dallas, TX 75221-9929. B Class of 1976 A reunion is planned for Oct. 5 at Burton Manor in Livonia. Call Class Reunions Plus (810) 446-9636.

GROSSE POSNTE • Class of 1951 A reunion is planned for the Jan-uary and June classes on Sept. 29 at the Grosse Pointe Yacht Club in Grosse Pointe. Call Class Reunions Plus (810) 446-9636.

GROSSE POINTE NORTH m Class of 199.1 Call (800) 677-7800, visit www.taylorreunions.com or e-mail: [email protected] or culbertson@taylorreunions. com

GROSSE POINTE SOUTH • Class of 1971 A 30-year reunion is planned for Saturday, Aug. 11, at the Grosse Pointe War Memorial. E-mail [email protected] or call Cathy DiSante at (248) 646-9977 for more information and to pro-vide your current address. GROVES

• Class of 1971 We're looking for interested alumni to help organize our 30th reunion. Call Linda Miller (952) 942-9559 or e-mail [email protected] or send name and number to Linda Miller, P.O. Box 44203, Eden

Prairie, MN 55344. • Class of 1981 A reunion is planned for Oct. 12 a t the Embassy Suites Hotel in Livonia. Call Micheleen (734) 429-9474 or Diane Goran (734) 547-1889 or e-mail ghs_class_of_8 l@hotmail. com • Class of 1991 A 10-year reunion is planned for Friday, Nov. 23. Athenium Hotel in Greektown. Call Darcie Hur-bis (248) 877-2036.

HOLY REDEEMER • Class of 1951 Classmates are being sought for a 50th reunion planned Satur-day, Oct. 6. Call Gerard McMas-ter for information, (248) 471-1534. • Class of 1962 Classmates call Frank S. B^rkovich regarding the class reunion in 2002. Call (734) 397-8777.

JOHN GLENN • Class of 1971 A 30-year reunion is planned for Sept. 29 at the Hellenic Cultural Center in Westland. Call Peggy (734) 981-4723. • Class of 1981 A reunion is planned for Nov. 24 at the Warren Valley Country Club in Dearborn Heights. Call Class Reunions Plus (810) 446-9636.

L'ANSE CREUSE NORTH • Class of 1991 Reunion is planned for Aug. 18 a t the Hillcrest Banquet Center (Clinton Township). Call (800) 677-7800, visit www.taylorre-unions.com or e-mail: [email protected] or culbertson@taylorreunions .com or write: Taylor Reunion Ser-vices, P.O. Box 597, Dallas, TX 75221-9929. LAKE ORION • Class of 1976 Requests the pleasure of your company to celebrate 25 years of adventure at 6 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 11, at Beaver Creek Golf Links in Lake Orion. Write: Class of 1976, Tina (Walzer) Jackson, 984 McClellan, Lake Orion, MI 48362 or e-mail [email protected] LINCOLN HIGH

• Class of 1951 Lincoln High School of Ferndale will host a reunion for the Jan-uary and June classes of 1951 Sunday Sept. 9 from 3-9 p.m. at Bay Pointe Golf Course in West Bloomfield. Contact Kay (With-ers) Burland (248) 357-4168; Jack Bellefleur (248) 335-7383 or Rod Chubb (734) 459-9017. LIVONIA BENTLEY • Class of 1976 A reunion is being planned for Sept. 1 at the Doubletree Suites Hotel in Novi. Call Reunions Made Easy (248) 592-9565.

LIVONIA STEVENSON • Classes of 1975-77 Stevenson High School Class of 1975,1976 and 1977 are holding a combined reunion on Oct. 6. Call (248) 879-9267. MACKENZIE • Class of 1956 A 45th reunion is planned for Sept. 7-9 at Holiday Inn-Livonia West. E-mail [email protected] or (734) 261-0325 for information.


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Fastpitch clinic The Our L a d y of Good Counse l

coaching staff is conducting its second Fastpitch Softball Clinic from 8:30-noon on Saturday, Aug. 18, a t Ply-mouth Township Park (McClumpha and Ann Arbor Trail).

Cost is $15 with a home run derby following the clinic.

Girls fourth- through eighth-grade a re i nv i t ed . The c l in ic f e a t u r e s instruction, games, contests, snacks, cold drinks and a T-shirt.

To register or request more infor-mation, call Dave Hall (734) 455-8257 or Kim Del Col (734) 454-3403.

Voluntary practice The Plymouth-Canton boys cross

country team has begun non-manda-tory summer conditioning. Any high school boys, including incoming ninth graders , i n t e r e s t e d in jo in ing the cross country team can attend.

The team meets at 8:30 a.m. at the high school track Monday-Friday.

For f u r t h e r i n fo rma t ion contact Ross O 'Hara a t 459-0010, Pa t r i ck P r u i t t a t 455-3497 or B r a n d o n McClellan at 981-7438.

Baseball tryout The Michigan Indians will hold try-

outs for its U10 baseball team at 2:30 p.m. on Sa turday , Aug. 11, a t Don Massey Field in Plymouth.

For more information, please call Jim Gendron at (734) 454-3708.

Softball information The C a n t o n C o m m u n i t y J u n i o r

Baseball and Softball Association is hosting an informational meeting for parents of girls interested in fastpitch softbal l , also to in fo rm and enlis t coaches for both Travel and Premier Travel teams.

The meet ing will t ake place at 7 p.m. Monday, Aug. 6, in the Dunning Room of t h e P l y m o u t h Di s t r i c t Library.

For more i n f o r m a t i o n call Tony Gould at (734) 397-8121.

Soccer camp Christ Our Savior Lutheran Church

of Canton is hosting its annual Soccer Camp for kids age 5-11 from 6:30-8 p.m. Monday-Thursday, Aug. 6-9.

The chu rch is a t 4 6 0 0 1 W a r r e n Road, just east of Canton Center.

Cost is $20 and is payable at regis-tration.

Included are ins t ruc t ion to help beginning and intermediate players develop proper skills and knowledge of the game, materials, a T-shirt and a soccer ball to take home.

To register or get more information, call (734) 522-6830.

The USSSA Boys World Series for t e a m s 14 a n d u n d e r c o n t i n u e s through July 29 at the Canton Soft-ball Center.

A total of 72 teams representing 19 s ta tes began play Ju ly 22 in four-team pools. The field was trimmed to the half with the best records after pool play for the double-elimination championship bracket starting today.

Remaining teams could continue in the single-elimination or friendship tournament for more games.

Admission is $20 for the week or $5 daily for adults , children under six free and youngsters 6-12 $12 for the week or $3 daily.

The Dragon Warriors from downriv-er were 2-0 through mid-Tuesday's play along with the Mid S ta te Dirt Dawgs of Roches te r a n d O a k l a n d County.

The Michigan I n d i a n s we re 0-2 along with the Ann Arbor Mustangs while the Westland Cougars and A. Green Financial of Ann Arbor were 1-2.

Goalkeeper Academy The annual Michigan Goalkeeper

Academy will conduct i t s f inal two weekly clinics in metro Detroi t in upcoming weeks. The camps will take place at Borden Park in Rochester Hills (July 23-27) and at Madonna University in Livonia (July 30 through Aug. 3). The camps are open to boys and girls ages 8-17 and conducted by Mark Hamilton, a former collegiate All-America at Oak-land University and current ODP state goalkeepers coach, along with a staff of highly-regarded goalkeepers coaches. Cost of the camp is $190 per player. The camp is 9:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. each day.

For more details or to register, please call (248) 656-1695, e-mail mgacade-my@ earthlink. com or visit the MGA Web site at mgacademy. tripod.com


DCI clinches D 2 Hair-racer D 5

Indians on way to national classic The Michigan Indians' 13s baseball

team took the Madison Heights Sum-mer Invitational Tournament during the weekend as a s tepping stone to their appearance in a national tourna-ment.

The Indians will represent Michigan in t he Cocoa Expo Summer Classic Ju ly 28-Aug. 5 in Cocoa Beach, Fla. They are 45-12.

The I n d i a n s went 4-1 to win the Madison Heights tournament, taking four in a row after an opening game 3-2 loss to the Oakland Rams.

The Indians defeated the Rams, 10-5, coming from 4-0 and 5-3 deficits to win.

A seven-run bottom of the sixth was the key with Shawn Little relieving Nick Marrone in the sixth and picking up the victory.

Steve Merlo (Livonia), Little (Can-ton) and Marrone (Plymouth) each had two hits while Nick Sarkissian had a two-run double.

The Rams pounced on defensive mis-takes to score four runs in the first two innings and were up, 5-3, after 5 1/2.

Little had hurled a four-hitter in the tournament opener but was beaten, 3-2. Merlo had two hits in that game.

In t he second game, t he I n d i a n s trounced the defending champion Per-rysburg (O.), 22-0, with Marrone firing a n o - h i t t e r over t he game ' s mercy shortened 4 1/2 innings.

Kyle Gendron (Plymouth) had three hi ts including a double and a triple. Eddie Duggan (Livonia) also had three hits, one of them a three-bagger. Adam Everson (Livonia) went 2-for-3 with a home run and a triple.

In the third game, the Indians tram-pled Novi, 17-2, with Brian Kirkendall (Plymouth) driving in six runs with three hits. Matt Forystek (Plymouth) and Gendron both scored three runs.

The Indians defeated the St. Clair Shores Mariners, 7-4, with Kevin Gor-don (Redford) tossing a f ive-hi t te r . Merlo had three hits and scored three runs.

Concealed wins NABF Farmington-based Concealed Securi-

ty steamrolled through the rest of the field over the weekend and wound up with a national championship.

Concealed, spor t ing four p laye r s from the Observerland. capped off a

Indians: Coach Nick Marrone (left) will lead his Michigan Indians 13s into the Cocoa Expo Sum-mer Classic July 28 through Aug. 5 in Cocoa Beach, Fla. The Indians take a 45-12 record with them.

National Amateur Baseball Federation u-14 World Series with a 13-3 win over Kennewick, Wash., at Canton, Ohio on Sunday.

Steve Karchefske (Detroit) scattered seven hits on the mound for Concealed, which improved to 59-7 overall, struck put four and walked one in the final-game win to up his record to 8-3.

Eric Vojtkofsky (Wayne) only had one hit in the finals, but had four RBI on the day, while Jon Roddy (Caro) was 3-for-4 with three hits, a home and an RBI, Ryan Shay (Garden City) was 2-for-5 with two runs score and an RBI, Brian Roland was 2-for-3 with three r u n s scored and an RBI and Adam Reilly of Taylor was 3-for-5 with two runs scored.

Concealed advanced to the f ina l s Sunday morn ing by o u t l a s t i n g the

Indiana Bulls, 8-3, thanks to a sev-enth-inning rally.

After Vojtkofsky's homer in the top of the sixth put Concealed up, 2-1, Indi-ana came through with two more in the bottom of the sixth for a 3-2 lead. Con-cealed ra l l i ed in t he s e v e n t h as Karchefske hit a one-out pinch-hit sin-gle, followed by Roddy with a double. Reilly singled to score Karchefske, then Roland walked to load the bases. Shay then singled to put Concealed, up 4-3.

After an intentional walk, Brandon Garner (Melvindale) doubled home two more insurance runs.

Vojtkofsky led the way at the plate in the game by going 3-for-4 with the runs score and added a walk. Will Jostock (Lapeer) improved to 7-1 with the win.

Concealed advanced to the final four on Saturday thanks to a 10-inning,

four-hour marathon tha t ended with a 10-9 win - as Vojtkofsky singled home Shay with the winning run. Vojtkofsky (13-0) a lso e a r n e d t h e win on t h e mound.

A s ix-run ra l ly in t he f i f th inning gave Concealed a 9-4 win on Friday in t he th i rd game of t he tourney. Eric Drieselman (Garden City) went 3-for-4 to help the h i t t ing a t tack and had a r u n scored and an RBI, while Reilly was also 3-for-4 with two runs scored. Roland and Garner both went 2-for-4 with a run and an RBI.

J e f f R i c h a r d (Wes t Bloomfie ld) improved to 6-0, ea rn ing the win in relief of Shay.

Concealed has another shot at a sec-ond national crown starting this week-

Summer hockey winds down with week of playoffs

Kingsbury Tennis Tournament

They were seeded first, and through the first round of the Metro Summer Hockey League playoffs the regular season champion Lakers showed they deserved the honor.

The Lakers, 10-1 during the regular season, blanked the ninth-seeded Wild-ca t s , 6-0, Monday n igh t to e a r n a Wednesday night matchup against No. 8 Spartans.

The first upset came when the sev-enth-seeded Bulldogs outscored the No. 2 Whalers , 11-7, in Tuesday night 's first game.

And the second followed immediately thereaf te r , when the No. 6 Warriors upended the third-seeded Wolverines, 7-6.

All games a re a t t he S u b u r b a n Training Center in Farmington Hills.

The Lakers scored twice in the first period Monday and finished the Wild-cats off with three third-period tallies.

John Vigilante had a ha t trick and ass is ted on another goal to lead the Lakers to their win over the Wildcats.

John Picklo started and earned the shutout in goal for the Lakers.

J a m i e F e r r a r a was the Wildca ts ' goalie for the first two periods and was replaced at 10:51 of the third period by Brandon Tucker. The Wildcats were 1-9 during the regular season.

J o s h Shuryan opened the scoring with a goal at 7:19 of the first period, a s s i s t ed by the Ja rd ines , Nick and Brian.

Vigilante made it 2-0 just 11 seconds f rom the end of the opening period, assisted by Bryan Marshall (Livonia) and Steve Sharp.

Vigilante scored the second period's lone goal at 9:40. Marshall and Sean Smith (Livonia) drew the assists.

Brian Jardine made it 4-0 at 8:41 of the final period, assisted by Nick Jar-d ine and Sean Bal tazar (Plymouth) hiked the lead to 5-0 with 6:49 to play, •sassisted by Vigilante.

Vig i lan te completed his h a t t r ick with 2:03 to play, assisted by Nick Jar-dine and Jim Wheaton (Plymouth).

A string of six unanswered goals in


the second period of Tuesday night 's first game were the key to the Bull-dogs' upset of the Whalers, who were 8-4 in the regular season.

Ryan Radakovich (Livonia) and Matt York each scored twice as the Bulldogs, who were 4-5-2 in regular season play, scored roughly every 90 seconds in their string.

Jason Basile and York each had a hat trick while Basile, York, Ian Smith, Andrew Martin and Mike Radakovich (Livonia) had two assists apiece.

Rich Storm and Tim Kastamo scored in the last 3:12 of the opening period to give the Whalers a short-lived 3-2 lead tha t disappeared when the Bulldogs scored the first six goals of the second period.

S t o r m scored twice whi l e L a r s Helminen, J im Helminen, David Gill (Canton) and Bryan Young (Canton) scored once each for the Whalers. Mark Pietila and Lars Helminen each had three assists.

Dan Dobrowski went the distance in goal for the Bulldogs while Art Baker (Canton) played the entire game for the Whalers.

In the second game Tuesday night, the Warriors scored four in a row at the end of the first period and start of the second to overcome a 3-0 lead by the Wolverines.

The Warriors tallied three straight to close the second period and shut the Wolverines down until jus t 16 seconds remained to be played to take the win.

Eric Hawkins (Redford) put up a hat trick for the Warriors, 5-6 during the regular season, with Brandon Kale-niecki (Livonia), John Schultz (Can-ton), Brian Sutherland (Plymouth) and Dave Moss (Livonia) notching the other goals . M a t t Van H e e s t h a d t h r e e assists while Moss had two.

Hawkins had two of his goals af ter the Wolverines had retaken the lead, 5-

M f t PH Bl H \» \ M •> ' i l l

Blast it: Patrick Shaw of Ph,moulh •« t rip a backhand t/i action from la»t uwkt'nd Jwl Kinqshur*. Mwonai ten-m* tawmniy.*Ui4i?d h\ the La onir YMCA Ytwnt! Shan didr 1 pfa(i> in Hu a cut but. hkv all the jvrtu .paj.ts ht got k cfiiabli* t>\pi / Se%. &lni\ on Pom D J

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It's off to nationals for DCf BY BRAD EMONS SPORTS WRITER [email protected]

Left-hander Ryan Ford didn't have feis best stuff Monday night at Ford Field, but it was more than enough for he and his Deci-sion C o n s u l t a n t s , Inc. t e a m -mates.

In i t s f i n a l r e g u l a r s e a s o n game, Ford gave up 13 hits, but pitched a complete game as DCr clinched the Livonia Collegiate Baseball League ti t le outr ight and earned i ts fourth consecu-tive t r ip to the prestigious Ail-A m e r i c a n A m a t e u r B a s e b a l l Association Tournament with a 7-3 victory over the Adray Hurri-canes.

DCI will get a direct seed into the 16-team, 20-under AAABA tourney which s tar ts Monday, Aug. 6 in Johnstown, Pa.

DCI, which finished the regu-lar season 27-6-2, eliminated the secOnd-place Michigan L a k e A r e a R a m s II s q u a d (24-8 through Sunday) from the LCBL title hunt with the victory.

"It s e e m s i t a lways comes down to the last game of the sea-son to decide if we go down to Johnstown," said DCI manager Mike George, whose team led the LCBL this summer from start to finish. "It's been a fun group of k ids because they l i s t en and they ' re anxious to get back to Johnstown."

Ford , who t h r e w 60-p lus i n n i n g s d u r i n g h i s f r e s h m a n year at Eastern Michigan Uni-versity while earning a starting spot in t h e Eag les ' r o t a t i o n , improved to 10-1 on the yea r despite the 13 hits.

Over the f i rs t th ree innings the Rochester Adams High grad yielded three runs on eight hits, but settled down over the final four innings, allowing six h i t s and no r u n s . He did not walk anybody, but hit one batter.

In a jam Ford also worked himself out

of a one-out bases-loaded jam in the top of the seventh inning by getting Brian Wilson on a fly to right and Tim Poley on a strike-out to end the game.

"I'll use the old quote that 'the only thing he (Ford) had on the ball tonight was his fingers.' " George said. "He's usually right around the plate, but everything was up in the strike zone over those first couple of innings.

"But I like guys to finish what they start and that 's why Ryan is 10-1 — he really gutted this one out."

Ford had some fr iends in the field as DCI turned double plays in each of the first three innings to avert a disastrous start .

"It was probably my worst out-ing," Ford said. "I d idn ' t have good location, but I tried to keep the ball down and have my field-ers help me.

"I fe l t loose out t h e r e , and Mike (George) has done a good job g iv ing me a m p l e r e s t between starts."

Wilson, t h e H u r r i c a n e s ' cleanup hitter, was 3-for-3 at the plate when he faced Ford with the sacks filled in seventh, but filed to right for the second out.

"We're a bunch of 18 and 19-year-olds who are still learning to play basebal l , " said H u r r i -canes manager Rick Radzinski, whose team finished 14-21 in the LCBL. "DCI is at a better talent level and they have those Divi-sion I players who have been in those s i t ua t ions before . They don't get rattled and they come up with the key plays.

"Those double plays jus t killed us, but I was happy we showed that we could play with them."

Hurricanes strike first The Hurricanes jumped out to

a 1-0 advantage the top of the f i r s t inn ing on s ingles by Joe Mielkowicz and James Radzins-ki, fol lowed by Nick S m i t h ' s groundout. But Ford got Poley to end the inning On a 6-4-3 DP.

DCI then tallied three times in the bottom of the first.

Tim Andrzejak's bloop single scored Spencer Hynes to make it 1-1. Shawn Dobson scored on a wild pitch and Andrzejak raced home when he teamed up with Dave Lusky for a 3-0 advantage by executing a double steal.

The H u r r i c a n e s t h r e a t e n e d again in the second on singles by Adam Novak and Joe Ortiz, but Ford had other ideas , ge t t i ng Nate Biringer on a 4-6-3 DP.

The Hurricanes, however, tied it in the third on RBI singles by S m i t h and Wilson. B u t t h e n Novak hit into a 3-6-1 DP to pre-vent further damage.

"The l a s t couple of g a m e s we've been able to tu rn double plays and today that was the dif-ference," George said.

In the top of the third, Andrze-

jak jacked a low line drive ov;ej£, t he left field fence and Lusky, the gridder from EMU and Red-f o r d Ca tho l i c C e n t r a l H igh School, doubled in Derrick Peter-son to make it 5-3. - ^

DCI added another run in the fourth when Hynes reached base>-on an error and scored all t h e :

way from first on Dobson's dou-' ble.

Peterson comes through/ In t he fifth, Peterson tripled*

a n d scored on J i m Nowicki ' s bloop single to center.

Like i t had done al l season;" DCI made most of its eight hits»

"Through the first 19 games we had only a .252 team batting: average," George said. "But "^e. won it this year with timely hit-ting."

And hav ing a solid pitching-staff doesn't h u r t either as the team's four top starters — Ford, Pe t e r son , Bobby Lindsey and. Brent Brown — are a combined, 26-4.

"Those guys kept us in games. earlier in the year," DCI coach:; Frank Corej said. "The first part of the year we could have been: .500, b u t we got t he p i t ch ing until we could manufacture som& runs.

"We've been able to move the ball and force other teams into errors. Many a game we came up.* w i t h t h e c l u t c h h i t and the;^ defense played well.

"The kids have t h e t e n a c i t y and they never quit. That's often!5; d e m o r a l i z i n g to t h e other;; teams."

George can also add four addi :: tional LCBL players to his roster ; for the trip to Johnstown.

Most l ikely to be added are« three pitchers — Madonna Uni*-' versity's Dale Hayes (Westland'* J o h n Glenn) a n d B r a d ' McCloskey (University of Michi?;* gan/West Bloomfield), a pair of right-handers from the Michigan; Lake Area Rams; and left-hand-ed p i t c h e r J o h n Picco of the^ Michigan Bulls. • ?

Picco, who pitched for Villano-* va (Ont.) High, was a 15th-round-pick of the New York Yankees.

Also expected to get an invited to Johnstown is former Redford" U n i o n High s t a n d o u t MikeC Macek , a h a r d - h i t t i n g u t i l i ty player who is t ransfer r ing this fall from Saginaw Valley State to Wayne State. ;

novi presents I







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The Observer & Eccentric/ THURSDAY, JULY 26, 2 0 0 1 (CP)D3

Baseball from page D1

end as they opened Amer ican Amateur Baseball Congress dis-t r ic t play Wednesday at Step-pingstone in Farmington.

GC B r o n c o s win The Garden City Youth Athlet-

ic Association Broncos Division (u!2) tournament team won the District 6 title over the weekend

in West land and advanced to state title play in Grand Ledge.

The team opened with a 15-10 win over Westland II, but lost to Tri-Village, 11-7. Garden City rebounded with a 9-6 win over Wes t land I and came back to beat Tri-Village twice - 5-4 and 13-10 - in the finals to take the crown. Brennan Clendening had a pair of homers in the finals

and J o n a t h a n Hels ton added another during the tourney.

Team members include Josh Lewallen, Josh Hudson, Bran-don King, Car l Ford, Andrew Pack, Joey Velasquez, Steven Rochowiak, Helston and Clen-dendening, all of Garden City; Drew Thompson and Chris Lind of West land; and Br ian Arm-strong of Livonia. The team is

coached by Mark Hudson, Marty Clendening and Brian King.

Rams clinch title The 12-and-under Michigan

Rams clinched a share of the Lit-tle Caesa r s Pee Wee Division t i t l e J u l y 9 by d e f e a t i n g t h e South Farmington Blues in 10 innings, 11-9.

Derek Fairchild had the game-winn ing hi t , knocking in t h e Rams' last two runs in the top of the 10th inning.

M a t t F e n s t e r (Bloomfie ld Hills) had five hits to lead the Rams; Sean Falvo (Redford) and Kyle Verbeek (Birmingham) had four h i t s apiece, i n c l u d i n g a home run by Verbeek.

Drew Davenport pitched the

first seven innings and A.J.Webb worked the last three to pick up the win.

Both the Rams and the Blues had identical 18-2 records.

Dur ing a recent t r ip to New York, the Rams were 6-3 compet-ing against 47 other teams from around the country a t Cooper-stown Dreams Park.

Naturally - a Kingsbury wins the Jud Kingsbury tennis tournament BY BRAD EMONS SPORTS WRITER

"[email protected] It was only fit t ing tha t Livo-

nia's Ryan Kingsbury regained the tennis title and trophy t h a t b e a r s h i s l a t e g r a n d f a t h e r ' s name.

Kingsbury, a f r e s h m a n t h i s fa l l a t F r ank l i n High School, w"oh the Boys 14-and-under title by b e a t i n g top seed C h a r l i e Schuster of Ann Arbor, 6-2, 6-4, in-the third annual J u d Kings-bury Memorial Tennis Tourna-ment staged last weekend at the Livonia Family YMCA.

The tournament, honoring the former par t - t ime teaching pro who pas sed away in 1998, a t t r a c t e d 125 boys a n d g i r l s junior players vying for singles titles in four age groups.

Ryan, who won the 12-and-under Kingsbury crown in 1999, avenged a loss to Schuster in last year's quarterfinals.

"I tried hi t t ing deep into the corners with a lot of topspin," said Kingsbury, who is spending the week at Michigan State Uni-versity's summer tennis camp. "I tried to make him tired by hit-t i n g in to t h e corners , b u t he threw a lot of drop shots at me and he came to the net.

"He (Schuster) played a totally different game than last year."

Kingsbury reached the finals w i t h a 6-0, 6-2 v ic tory over Trevor Kogut af ter winning by in ju ry de fau l t in h is opening round match against Alex Chaio of Ann Arbor.

As a 12-year-old, Ryan was


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ranked No. 5 by the Southeast-ern Michigan Tennis Associa-tion. The 13-year-old has good bloodlines.

Not only was his grandfather a teaching pro, his father Jack has been head pro at the Livonia Y for over four decades.

Ryan is also a kid for all sea-sons as an a th le te in his own right.

He p lans to t r y out for t h e F r a n k l i n footba l l t e a m and played ba ske tba l l l a s t school year at Emerson Middle School. He also plays roller hockey.

As far as football, Ryan would like to play wide receiver.

"He w a n t s to give i t a sho t because he h a s p r e t t y good hands and he's got good speed," Jack said.

Meanwhile, Ryan Kingsbury wasn't the only Livonian to come away with a title at the tourna-ment.

L ivon ian K r i s t e n Pa lombo, who plays a t Farmington Hills Mercy H igh School, won t h e Girls 18-and-under title with a 6-4, 6-0 v ic to ry over C h r i s t y Podolski.

Glenn Wozniak of Livonia took the Boys 14-and-under consola-tion final.

Dan Car l son of F a r m i n g t o n Hills, who played doubles th i s sp r ing a t N o r t h F a r m i n g t o n High, upset two higher seeds to win t h e Boys 1 6 - a n d - u n d e r championship.


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FINAL BOYS RESULTS 1 8 - a n d - u n d e r : K e t a n S a g g e r ( L a S a l l e ,

Ontario) de fea ted Adam Kogut, 6 -0 , 6 -1 .

16-antf-uitder: Dan C a r l s o n ( F a r m i n g t o n

Hills) def, Andrew Selikov, 6 -4 , 3-6, 6 -1 ; con-solation final: Ryan Plrooz (Ann Arbor) d e f .

Adam Mil ler-Howard, 6-2, 6 -3 .

14-and-under: Ryan Kingsbury (Livonia) def .

Charl ie Schuster , 6-2, 6-4; consolation final: Glenn Wozniak (Livonia) def . Robbie Shekhar ,

6-1, 6-4.

12-and-under: Mat thew Mon ich (Ann Arbor)

def. Nicholas Schwartz, 6-3, 2-6, 6-4; consola-tion final: D u s t i n Go ldenberg (West B loom-

field) def . Peter Rothstein, 6-4, 3-6, .7-5.


18-and-under: K r i s t e n P a l o m b o (L ivon ia)

d e f . Chr i s ty Podo lsk i , 6 - 4 , 6 -0 ; consolation f inal: K a t h e r i n H o u g h t o n ( B l o o m f i e l d H i l l s )

def. Jenni fer Rowling, 6 -1 , 7-5.

16-and-under: Kel ley O 'Su i l l van (Ann Arbor)

d e f . Sara Mark iew icz , 6 - 2 , 7 - 6 ; consolation final: Ka t ie F leszar (Ann Arbor ) de f . Ka t r ina

Pi l ig ian, 7 -6 (7-5), 7-5.

14-and-under: Eunice Lee (B loomf ie ld Hil ls) -

de f , S a r a h M i t ch i ne r , 6 - 0 , 6 - 1 ; consolation -final: L i n d s a y Zuh l ke ( R o c h e s t e r H i l l s ) d e f . ]

Jamie Connarn, 6-7 (3-7); 7 -6 (7-1), 6-1.

12-and-under: Emily Ch iao (Ann Arbor) d e f . ;

Karen Karoub, 6 -2 , 6-3; consolation final: Kait- -

lyn Pfef fer (South Lyon) de f . Amanda Moccia,.

6 -1 , 7-6 (10-8) .








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D4(CP) The Observer & Eccentric/ THURSDAY, JULY 26 , 2 0 0 1

Hockey from page D1

4, on goals by Krikor ancl Varu-jan Arman late in the middle period. Hawkins scored at 2:35 and then again 35 seconds later with Schultz notching the even-tual game-winner with 1:54 to play.

Frank Bourbonais scored twice for the Wolverines, who were 7-4

during the regular season, with James Crank and Steve Swistak getting the other goals.

Mark Lavender (Farmington Hills) and Joseph Rutherford split time in goal for the War-riors while Nate Shopbell went the distance between the pipes for the Wolverines.

Twisters kick off season r l - i w ^ - n i

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Notice is hereby given that the City of Plymouth, Michigan will conduct a sale of surplus property and property confiscated by the Police Department on Saturday, July 28, 2001 from 10:00 a.m. until 1:00 p.m. The sale will be held in the City Hall garage, 201 S. Main, Plymouth, MI. All sales are as is with no warranty either expressed or implied. *

CAROL STONE Admin. Services Dir.

Publish: July 22 & 26,2001 l iosss42

SHURGARD OF CANTON Notice is hereby given that the entire contents of the following storage unit(s) will be sold to the highest bidder by way of an open bid on:

Friday, August 3,2001 at approximately 9:30 a.m. Shurgard Storage Center

45229 Michigan Ave. Canton, MI 48188

(734) 398-5416 Unit #4279 - Tracy Carpenter - misc. boxes; misc. furniture; appliances; television Unit #5034 - Cory Mewton - Dresser; end tables; couch; lamps; microwave Publish: July 19 & 26 ,2001


A joint study session of the Board of Trustees and the Planning Commission of the Charter Township of Canton held Tuesday, July 17, 2001. Supervisor Yack at 7:00 p.m. called the meeting to order. Roll Call Board of Trustees Members Present: Bennett, Burdziak, Kirchgatter, LaJoy, McLaughlin,

Shefferly, Yack Members Absent: None Planning Commission Members Present: Gustafson, Johnson, Lieberman, McLaughlin, Wade,

Zarbo Members Absent: Staff Present:

Dodson Director Conklin, Director Machnik, Kathleen Salla, Jeff Goulet, John Weyer

Others Present: Gregg Greene, Debbie Greene, Chuck Suppnick Discussion involved possible ordinance modification(s) regarding current non-conforming signs, buildings that are not occupied that continue to have a sign, residential signs, banners and conflicts and inconsistencies that currently exist in the ordinance. Kathleen Salla explained the standards for the DDA District and the recent projects being undertaken. The DDA board will meet this fall for a long-range planning session to identify future projects and priorities for those projects. The DDA board welcomes any input about the Canton DDA for enhancements and/or improvements in how the board can best serve the needs of merchants, business owners, residents, and other property owners within the District's boundaries.

Discussion involved the Mature' Neighborhood Improvement Program and sidewalk replacement program where sections of the sidewalks are being replaced beginning with older neighborhoods first. Discussion involved this issue dealing with sidewalk sales, outside sales and displays. Enforcement in this area could include ordinance modification^) and/or a citizen's committee, which also has the DDA as a component. Discussion took place and the Planning Commission felt that it is time to examine for Future Land Use revisions. The areas that were considered for first evaluation include the following:

Michigan Avenue; Canton Center Road, North and South; and Ford and Liiley Roads A strategy session for the Planning Commission will be scheduled for this purpose. Options for possible regulations on the small subdivision developments to have these areas be more compatible with those surrounding it was discussed. Landscaping along road frontage (both the county road and private roads) may be a possibility through ordinance modification(s). Discussion took place regarding a Beautification Award. A marketing campaign is forthcoming for beautification and pride in the community. This will help the community understand what is important to Canton Tbwnstfip.

Motion by. Bennett, supported by McLaughlin at 9:50 p.m. to adjourn. Motion carried unanimously. The above is a synopsis of the joint study session of the Planning Commission and the Board of Trustees meeting held Tuesday, July 17,2001. The full text of the approved minutes will be available following the next regular board meeting of Tuesday, July 24,2001, THOMAS J. YACK, Supervisor TERRY G. BENNETT, Clerk Publish: July 26 ,2001

The MSHL championship game was scheduled for 7 p.m. Sun., July 29, with the league hosting a skills competition prior to the match.

The Lakers dominated the MSHL f inal regu la r season statistics.

Brian J a r d i n e was the top

scorer with 51 points on 23 goals and 28 assists as his team swept the top four places on the scoring chart.

Marshal l was next with 23 goals and 21 assists for 44 points while Vigilante was third with 42 points on 22 goals and 20 assists. Nick Jardine was fourth

with 38 points, coming from 22 goals and 16 assists while Dave Moss (Livonia) of the Warriors was fifth with 18 goals afid 18 assists for 36 points.

Top goalie with a 4.70 goals-aga ins t average was Rick Marnon (Canton) of the Huskies. He gave up 31 goals in 296 1/2

minutes of playing time. Matt^Migliaccio of the Wolver-

ines was next at 5.24 goals-against per game. He was scored against 21 times in 180.3 min-utes while Lanny Jardine also gave up 21 goals, but in 179.6 minutes for a 5.26 goals-against average.

SPORTS ITEMS Tryouts for the Livonia

Knights U15 girls hockey team will be held from 7-8:30 p.m. on Fridays, Aug. 10 and 17 and Tuesday, Aug. 14 at Devon-Aire Ice Arena in Livonia. The team

will hold a conditioning skate from 1-2:30 p.m., Sun., July 29.

For more informat ion, call (248) 669-4618 or e-mail [email protected].

youth hitting camp

Total Baseball of Wixom, locat-ed at 30990 Wixom Road, will stage its annual h i t t ing camp from 9-11 a.m. (ages 7-12) and noon-2 p.m. (ages 13-19) Tues-day through Thurs., Aug. 14-16.

The fee is $75 per player ($10 d iscount for each addi t ional child). Space is limited.

For more information and reg-ister, call (248) 668-0166.

LCBL regular season comes to an exciting close "The Lake Michigan Area Rams

tried to give away their season finale Monday at Ford Field.

The Rams (19-16) yielded a run to Mt. Clemens in the top of seventh inning and let them load the bases with the tying run in the on-deck circle — but- Sean O'Connor (Madonna/RU) pitched out of the jam he worked into for the save, resulting in an 8-3 vic-tory.

Rob Hudson (Garden City) led the hitting attack by going 4-for-4 with two runs scored.

Mike Hayes (Madonna/RU) went 2-for-4 with a run scored,

while Mike Macek was l-for-4 with three RBI and a run scored, while Kevin McKnight was 1-for-4 with three RBI.

Steve Kniebbe got the win (3-3) £>y giving up two runs (one earned) in six innings, with seven strikeouts. He ends the season with a 1.68 earned run average.

Bud Mit t leman led Mt. Clemens (5-29) at the plate by going 3-for-3 with an RBI and a run scored, while Derek Scapeller was 2-for-3.

• DCI 8, MT. CLEMENS 1: Decision Consultants, Inc. moved to within one

E M a d c b o r r g F o r k M e d a f t o r w

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The Charter Township of Canton will provide necessary reasonable auxiliary aids and services, such as signers for the hearing impaired and audio tapes of printed materials being considered at the meeting, to individuals with disabilities at the meeting/hearing upon two weeks notice to the Charter Township of Canton. Individuals with disabilities requiring auxiliary aids or services should contact the Charter Township of Canton by writing or calling the following:

David Medley, ADA Coordinator Charter Township of Canton, 1150 S. Canton Center Road

Canton, MI 48188 (734) 397-5435

Publish: Juiy 26 ,2001 l i osses



NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pursuant to Act 184 of the Public Acts of 1943 of the State of Michigan, as amended, and pursuant to the Zoning Ordinance of the Charter Township of Canton that the Planning Commission of the Charter Township of Canton will hold a Public Hearing on Monday, August 6, 2001 in the First Floor Meeting Room of the Canton Township Administration Building, 1150 S. Canton Center Road at 7:00 p.m. on the following proposed special land use request as provided in Section 27.03 of the Canton Township Zoning Ordinance:

sp1C5L ^ BUSINESS AS REQUIRED IN SECTION 17.02B.4 FOR PARCEL NO. 044 99 0008 001. Property is located on the north side of Ford Road east of Liiley Road. Written comments addressed to the Planning Commission should be received at the above address prior to Thursday, August 2, 2001, in order to be included in the materials submitted for review.


9 i 3 $ C 1 5 D ! E ! i S CREEK



VIC GUSTAFSON, Chairman Publish: July 26 ,2001

game of clinching the LCBL title as win-ning pitch,er Derrick Peterson (6-1) tossed a three-hitter Friday at Ford Field.

Peterson struck out seven and walked just two.

DCI mounted a 13-hit attack as seven different players had RBI.

Catcher Randy Ortiz led the way by going 3-for-3, while Tim Andrzejak and Mark Cole each added two hits.

• RAMS 4, THUNDER 2: Winn ing pitcher Sean O'Connor tossed a six-hit-ter Friday as the Lake Michigan Area Rams downed the Tecumseh (Ont.) Thunder at Ford Field.

O'Connor struck nine and walked three to square his LCBL record at 3-3 (with two saves).

Mike Macek had two hits to lead the Rams (18-16), including a solo homer in the fifth inning. Rob Hudson contributed two RBI.

Sean Pluimers went 2-for-3 with an RBI for the Thunder (6-22-1).

•DCI 6, RAMS 4: Spencer Hynes' two-run triple highlighted a five-run sec-ond-inning uprising Wednesday'as DCI downed the Michigan Lake Area Rams.

Jim Nowicki, who went 2-for-3, added a two-run double .during the rally, while as DCI collected six of its 10 hits.

John Sullivan aiso went 2-for-3 with a run scored. Dave Lusky contributed an RBI sacrifice fly in the fifth.

The Rams scored all four of their runs in the third with the help of two DCI errors.

But winning pitcher Brent Brown (6-1) struck out nine, walked one and a l lowed jus t three hi ts over seven innings to earn the victory.

Rams ace Dale Hayes, a right-hander from Madonna University vand Westland John Glenn High School, suffered his first defeat in 10 decisions.


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Notice is hereby given that the contents of the following unit(s) will be sold to the highest bidder by open auction on 8/3/01 at approximately 9:30 A.M. at Shurgard Storage, located at 2101 Haggerty Rd., Canton, MI 48187. 734-981-0300. 4273 CARGILE - Couch, TV, bed, vacuum, boxes, fan, misc household-items. 5268 WHITNEY - Plastic totes, dressers, tables, lamps, files, clothes, hide-a-bed, misc. boxes and household items. 3044 SCHAFER - 2 Dressers, chair, vanity, bed frame, 2 coolers, hamper w/hangers.

Publish: July 19 and 26 ,2001



Notice is hereby given that a General Election will be held in the City of Plymouth on Tuesday, August 7, 2001 from 7:00 a.m. until 8:00 p.m.; Eastern Standard Time. At the time candidates for the following offices will be voted on in the City of Plymouth:


Also to be voted on will be a separate ballot issue for the following:

Absentee ballots may be requested from the Clerk's office, 201 S. Main Street, Plymouth, MI 48170. Telephone number is 453-1234 x 235 or 225. Absentee ballots will be issued to qualified absentee voters in person at the Clerk's Office from 8:30 a.m. to 2:00 p.m., on Saturday, August 4th, 2001. On Monday, August 6th, 2001, qualified voters shall receive their ballots and vote them in the City Clerk's office until 4:30 p.m.

All polling places in the City are accessible to the elderly and the, handicapped (ADA Requirements). You are further notified that the City's two (2) precinct locations are as follows:

(Please be aware that the school and the city precinct locations are" different, check your voter registration card or call the Clerk's office to verify)




If you are a qualified registered voter and find it necessary to require an • absent voter ballot and have not applied for one, applications are available for pickup or mailing at the front office or "Clerk" office from 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.


Publish: Juiy 19 and 26 ,2001

The Observer & Eccentric/ THURSDAY, JULY 26, 2 0 0 1 (CP)D5

She makes hair stand on end running her drag racer B Y R I C H A R D L . S H O O K S T A F F W R I T E R •

If only hair styling went that f a s t . . .

Stephanie Yearkey, full-time hair stylist, is also on the go as the full-time weekend driver of a drag racer.

Yearkey, 32, recently went to the IHRA (International Hot Rod Association) Nationals in Cordo-va, 111., where she finished first in t he E.T. Bracket hand i cap division last month (June 14-16).

It's not the highest carving on d r a g rac ing ' s to tem pole, bu t f i r s t p lace is f i r s t p lace — whether you're playing solitaire or tournament bridge.

T h e r e we re 128 d r i v e r s in

Yearkey's division and she drove her 1970 Nova th rough seven rounds to win.

She took the finals with a reac-tion time of .529 and an elapsed t ime of 9 .830 seconds in t he quarter-mile. She won the combo final when her rival broke down but her reaction time was .579 second with an elapsed time of 9.844.

No doubt about it, that is scis-sor-quick.

"I love the whole thing," said Yearkey, who finances her avo-cation from her Studio 66 Hair Salon, located on Wayne Road be tween Ford and W a r r e n in Wes t l and . "It 's def in i te ly my world. It's hard to explain. I just

love it." Y e a r k e y h a s a one -woman

crew, Vanessa Balash, her best friend.

One peek into Yearkey's Stu-dio 66 ha i r salon confirms her devotion to drag racing. Every-where you look is a photographic or emblematic reminder.

"We def in i t e ly get c l ientele from the races," said Yearkey. "They love it's a two-girl team. We come out and do it all our-selves. We love the people out there. They're like family."

Yearkey was attracted to auto-mobiles and racing as a young-ster growing up in Redford. But she didn't fully understand why until she was 27.

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Familiar place; Stephanie Yearkey with her car. STAFF P H O T O B Y BRYAN MITCHELL

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"I had taken auto mechanics through high school," said Year-key, a product of Redford Union High, the adoptive daughter and only child of Donna and Rob Parkki.

"I owe a lot to them because they helped me out there, too," she said.

A f t e r g r a d u a t i o n f rom RU, Yearkey decided to do something about life's necessi t ies — like paying the rent and buying gro-ceries. So she enrolled in beauty school.

A boyf r i end , J o h n C a s s a r , "really got me involved in racing about 10 years ago. When we split up, he let me keep my (rac-ing) car. He's still one of my best friends and helps me out to this day."

Cassar was also curious about Yearkey's background.

"He found out my biological parents ," said Yearkey, whose biological father was Ron Stone. "They used to drag race, so it's in my blood.

"I got my f i r s t win in '97 a t Detroit Dragway — where my parents used to drag."

That explained, to Yearkey's satisfaction, her fascination with cars.

"My mother and father split up early," she said, "and I would t a k e care of my mom's cars . Guys would come over to work on them and I always pitched in.

"My poor mother thought I'd never put a dress on."

Yearkey, who has no desire at all to try oval track racing, got $2,000 from her E.T. Bracket victory plus another $1,900 in contingency money for display-ing various stickers, decals and

logos. T h a t wil l he lp , she sa id ,

because she spends an estimated $10,000-20,000 a year to keep the old Nova humming.

She runs weekends, mostly at Milan Dragway, and nurses two sets of tires provided by Harlow Tire in Westland through a sea-son of racing.

"This year alone I've a l ready gone over $6,000 in expenses," she said.

Thus Studio 66. "I always wanted to cut hair,"

she said. "I used to tell my mom I was going to buy a semi-truck, go out on the road and do hair."

She doesn't do hair^at the race track, though. Just scorches it.


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D6(CP) The Observer & Eccentric/ THURSDAY, JULY 26, 2001

Legislation set to erase DNR deficit with trust fund bucks OUTDOOR INSIGHTS


L e g i s l a t i o n a w a i t i n g Gov. Engler ' s signa-ture would allow the Department of N a t u r a l Resources to avert a projected $3 .3 mil l ion def ic i t for t h e y e a r 2003. T h a t ' s g r e a t news for sports-men, who faced the prospect of

possible layoffs of field personnel in the wildlife, fisheries and law enforcement divisions without the legislation.

Sponsored by Rep. L a r r y DeVuyst (R-Alma), H.B. 4912 allows the legislature to appro-priate up to $6 million annually from the Game and Fish Trust Fund into the Game and Fish Pro tec t ion Fund , t he genera l operating fund of the DNR.

The bill sacrifices a portion of revenue tha t was supposed to alleviate the need for license fee i n c r e a s e s in t h e f u t u r e . The Trus t Fund was established in 1987, and receives royalties from t h e sale of n a t u r a l resources such as timber, and oil and gas, on lands purchased with money from the Game and Fish Protec-tion Fund.

The T r u s t F u n d c u r r e n t l y stands at approximately $85 mil-lion and interest from that fund is transferred back into the Pro-tection Fund to provide addition-al finances to the Department in l ieu of a l icense fee increase. License fees make up the lion's share of revenue in the Protec-tion Fund.

Now that the DNR can take up to $6 mil l ion f rom t h a t f u n d annually, it obviously won't grow at the rate it has been, about $3 million to $7 million annually.

While that news appears dis-mal , it could have been much worse. The original bill called for a cap of the Trust Fund at the current level and for all future revenues to be diverted to the Protection Fund.

Thanks to a powerful effort by the Michigan United Conserva-tion Clubs, tha t version of the bill was amended in the House to the cur ren t version, which also calls for an appropriations process , wi th i n p u t from the public, before a penny can be diverted from one fund to the other.

We're fortunate to have such a group as MUCC supporting and w a t c h i n g over t h e r i gh t s of sportsmen in Michigan. Without MUCC, our future would be a lit-tle dimmer today.

Even wi th t h i s l eg i s la t ion , there likely will be license fee increases in the near future. But t h a t ' s not a bad thing, ei ther . Stagnant license sales and ris-ing inflation certainly make bal-ancing the DNR budget a cum-be r some a f f a i r . Per iod ica l ly i m p l e m e n t i n g $1 l icense fee increases generates millions of ^dollars that will be dearly need-ed in future years.

Let 's face it , current license pr ices - $14 for deer licenses, Wishing l icenses, small game •licenses - is really quite a bar-f a in . To pay $14 to enjoy Michi-gan's abundant fisheries is still a fantastic deal when compared to other recreational pursuits like a round of golf, an af ternoon at Comerica Park, or a concert.

Even if you pay $28 for an all species f i shing license, which includes t rout and salmon, it 's still a heck of a deal that runs all year long. Thanks to sound fish-eries management practices by the DNR, salmon are plentiful t h r o u g h o u t t he G r e a t Lakes , walleyes are stacked like cord

Bucks miss league title

The Mid-Michigan Bucks con-cluded their 2001 season Sunday by losing a 3-0 decision to the Indiana Invaders a t Alma Col-lege's football stadium.

Goalie Eric Pogue fought off Indiana early in the f irst half b u t t he I n v a d e r s e v e n t u a l l y scored for a 1-0 halftime lead.

The Bucks started the second ha l f wi th p r e s s u r e but aga in were unable to convert, which hur t when Indiana was able to break through for a second goal despite several more spectacular saves by Pogue.

The Invaders closed out t he scoring la te in t he game wi th their third goal to end the Bucks' season at 10-9-1.

It was the first time in its six seasons tha t Mid-Michigan has not won a Great Lakes Division championship.

wood in many areas, and hun-dreds of inland lakes have bene-fitted from DNR stocking efforts.

The o p p o r t u n i t i e s a re even more abundant in wildlife. There a re more deer and tu rkeys in Michigan that there were at the t u r n of the century . The bear population is thr iving and has grown to some i6,000 animals. Canada geese, near ly nonexis-t en t some 25 years ago are so plentiful today they are a caus-ing a nuisance in some u r b a n areas.

We really do have a lot to be thankful for, and the DNR can t a k e much of t he c r e d i t . B u t while we're saying thanks , we better say a big one to MUCC for ensuring that our future will be as bright as the present.

Complications If you've had trouble in recent

days m a k i n g a c a m p g r o u n d reservation through the DNR's 800-44-PARKS number, you're not alone. The Department has been experiencing technical diffi-

culties with its campground and harbor reservation number.

Evidently a t ra in derai lment has knocked out major cable and telephone circuits used by the system.

"We regret any inconvenience and ask t h a t S ta te P a r k s cus-tomers please be patient with us whi le t h e c i rcu i t d a m a g e is repaired," said DNR Parks and Recreation Bureau Chief Rodney Stokes. "We hope the situation is quickly corrected."

In the meantime, the DNR is

e n c o u r a g i n g people to m a k e reservations via the Internet at www.michigandnr.com.

Permit deadline nears Aug. 1 is the deadline to apply

for a fall turkey permit and an antlerless deer permit. Leftover ant ler less deer permits will go on s a l e in S e p t e m b e r , b u t hunters can apply now to nearly grantee themselves a permit for their desired Deer Management Unit.

W h e n app ly ing , be s u r e to

check the map carefully as all t h e D e e r M a n a g e m e n t u n i t boundaries have been changed, as have the numbers.

(Bill Parker writes a weekly outdoor column for the Observer & Eccentric Newspapers. Hunters and anglers are urged to report their success. Questions and comments are also encour-aged. Send information to: Bill Parker, c!o Outdoors, 805 E: Maple, Birmingham, MI 48009.)

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WARREN $139,900 NEEDS A NEW OWNER 3 bedroom brick Ranch with basement, 2 car garage. Newer windows and kitchen cabinets. f5x10 Florida room. Well manicured neighborhood. (B282)


GARDEN CITY $134,900 WESTLAND $125,500 GOOD TASTE, GOOD BUY! Is this 3 bedroom YOUR SEARCH IS ENDED Well maintained 3 brick & and alum Ranch. Remodeled kitchen w/ bdrm w/1 1/2 car garage with workshop, family snack bar and dishwasher. 2.car garage, C/A, room, fireplace in living room, covered patio, 116 and more. (L420) foot lot. Newer windows and roof shingles. (B316)

734-326-2000 PC 220315 734-326-2000

REDFORD $119,900 CLEAN, UPDATED 3 BR RANCH W/2 CAR GARAGE for under $120,000! Ready to move into home has new roof, wndws, vinyl siding, carpet. Relax on deckl Warranty, (K20620)

734-591-9200 PC 2203S2 F'C 2203

H REDFORD $119, A FAMILY RM, 2 BR, GARAGE, BSMNT, and huge deck highlight this 1230 sq ft bungalow, With a little TLC, it offers great value. P.S. -New roof! (W20427)

WESTLAND $119,900 SPOTLESS HOME w/many updates! Newer bath, windows, some copper plumbing. New roof 6/01, beautifully landscaped w/pond, 2.5 car garage. Shows well! (45B002)

REDFORD $118,500 CHARMING! Located on a beautiful treed lot this bungalow is a must see! Hrdwd fir in liv rm & lower bdrms. Part fin bsmt, frplc in fam rm. New roof & windows in '99. (23L13522)

REDFORD $102,900 WHY RENT when you can own this well maintained 3 bdrm, 2 full bath ranch home? In the past 2 years the seller has done many updates to this Redford home. (23B18604)

DETROIT $86,900 UPPER-LOWER Could be a single home. Charming older brick fratures basement and garage. Shingles replaced within the last 6 years. Live in lower and rent the upper. (K158)

734-591-9200 WEST BLOOMFIELD

LOCATION! LOCATION! Come fix this 2 BR up & watch your pocket book grow. This 1241 sq ft home is in an area of much Igr & expensive homes which makes this' investment irresistable. (W2421) $155,000 734-591-9200

248-348-6430 WESTLAND

PRIDE OF OWNERSHIP shows t/o this nice 3 BR Ranch. Many updates inci: most windows, roof, furn, a/c, garage door & exterior doors. Sharp fin bsmt w/plenty of storage. Hurry! (28APA2) $153,900 PC 511

734-455-7000 734-455-7000 PC 220022 734-326-2000 LIVONIA

ENJOY YOUR OWN 2 BR HOME! Relax In LR or library. Wood firs in entry, hall, lib, LR & bdrms. New in 2000; c/a, furnace, hwh & roof! Immediate possession! (50ANG2)

248-348-6430 $99,900 248-348-6430 $76,500

MADISON HEIGHTS LOVELY & PAMPERED 3 BR brick condo in Covington Square - 2nd fir unit w/balcony, neutral decor, lots of storg, prvt location, laundry in complex. $100 maintenance fee incld water (T284)

PC 070452 734-591-92C0

C O l f

wm Classifications »G0 to 502 2F ( • ) O&E Thursday, Ju l y 26,2001

(Dbserver § Eccentric EMPLOYMENT Your HomeTown Classified ad is automatically posted on the internet!

Visit us today. I i n n i t f o w n i i ' wspapvis.net

This Classification Continued from

Page 11E.

500 Help Wanted General

MAINTENANCE & JANITORIAL Full time positions available. Experience preferred for Lafay-ette Pavilion Apts. Luxury high rise. Please tax resume to:


$ MAINTENANCE $ Mid-size apartment community rfequries your maintenance and landscaping skills. Competitive salary and benefits included, v CALL: (734) 729-5090

MAINTENANCE NIEEDED for Waynewood Apart-ments. Must have experience in all aspects of maintenance, 401 k & paid holidays offered. No faxed resumes please. Apply in 'erson 6737 N. Wayne Rd.,

estland 734-326-8270 pe W'

MECHANIC • A class certified diesel engine mechanic. Excel-lent pay. Day shift. 408k retire-ment plan. Medical benefits..Call Tim at Superior Diesel Equip-ment Repair. 313-842-4616 or fax resume to 313-842-2566.

MECHANIC - Golf course m e c h a n i c / s h o p m a n a g e r wanted at private country club. Full time position. Benefits. Exp. preferred. Fax resumes to Terry at 248-682-1426.

MECHANIC HELPER For truck and trailer repair. Will need some tools. Excellent starting pay. 401K, dental & medical. Send resume to 41555 Koppemick Rd., Canton, Ml 48187.


Must have mechanical ability/ good driving record. Call Mike

(734) 522-3272.

M E C H A N I C W A N T E D For Wixom contractor. Must be knowledgeable in hydraulics and welding. Benefits. Fax resume to: (248) 380-3739

MAINTENANCE PERSON(S) Megapiex theatre seeking quali-f ied individual(s) to perform light electrical, painting, preventative maintenance, handywork. Call 734-542-3191 for more info.

MAINTENANCE PERSON - Full time. $10 per hour. Apply within Westland Meadows, Westland.

(734) 729-5500.

MAINTENANCE PERSON full-time, for West Bloomfield apt. community. Minimum 1 year experience. Great opportunity for right person. Please call

(248) 682-2950

MAINTENANCE POSITION Full time, Farmington Hills. References. Please call Larry 9am-4pm at (248) 474-2131.

MAINTENANCE POSITION Westland Area. Grounds/main-tenance experience. Great ben-efits. Fax resume: 734-729-4833


COORDINATOR Small, light manufacturing com-pany, located in Plymouth, seeking a self-motivated, reli-able individual to head-up the maintenance efforts. Responsi-bilities include: supporting pro-duction requirements, general facility maintenance, repairs or modi f icat ions to electr ical , plumbing & existing building structure, as well as general PM's on machinery & equip-ment. Additional responsibilities Will include: corporate safety issues, education & enforce-ment of comoanv safetv policies. Senc resumes to1

Box #1207 Observer & Eccentric

Newspapers 36251 Schoolcraft Rd.

Livonia, Ml 48150.


C h a l l e n g i n g , fas t p a c e d , rewarding position. Progressive Credit Union seeking outgoing, career minded individual. Excel-lent communication, customer service and PC skills required. Excellent salary & benefits. Fax resume to: 734-213-3026 or mail to: MidWest Financial Credit Union, Attn: Human Resources, 2400 Green Rd„ Ann Arbor, Ml 48105. EOE



• Housekeeping Supervisors * Housekeeping

We offer a full benefits package. Apply at: 3610 Plymouth Rd., Ann Arbor. 734-769-9800 Fax 761-1290

OPERATIONS AGENT Romulus f re ight forwarder seeking Operations Agent for all shifts. Experience required. Excellent pay, benefits & 401K. Send resume to:

Box #1297 Observer & Eccentric

Newspapers 36251 Schoolcraft Rd.

Livonia, Ml 48150

P A I N T E R S N E E D E D 1yr. m i n i m u m exper ience.

(313) 2 8 9 - 1 6 6 2

P A I N T E R S & P A I N T E R S HELPERS - Pay commensurate with experience.

Ask for Mike (734) 641-4339

PAINTER WANTED Experienced. Must have trans-portation. 734-421-6996.


Full time. $7.50-$8 per hour. Vacation & medical. Ask for

Angie: 734-462-9700

PLUMBER - Full time, depend-able person. 2 yrs exp. in new construction, remodel & repair. Plymouth area. 734-453-4622

PLUMBERS 2-3 years minimum experience. New residential construction.

Call 734-595-4649

PLUMING Entry level position general labor starting at $10/hr, vehicle .& benefits pro-

v i d e d . L i v o n i a a r e a 248-524-3897

MORTGAGE COMPANY seeks self motivated individuals to fill the following positions, branch manager, loan officer, proces-sors, closers & sports staff. Fax resume to 248-356-1963.


Credit Union seeking an orga-nized, outgoing, self-motivated, detail oriented individual to ana-lyze and recommend mortgage products that best fits member's financial needs within a growing mortgage department. Qualified candidates will possess excel-lent communication skills, have the ability to handle multiple tasks and prioritize. Previous mortgage experience and com-puter skills preferred. Excellent salary and benefits. Fax resume to: 734-213-3035 or mail to: Human Resources, MidWest Financial Credit Union, 2400 Green Rd., Ann Arbor, Mi 48105


MAINTENANCE TECH Southfield Property Manage-ment company has full-time openings for various locations. Myst have 2 years experience in heating, electrical, plumbing, & be A/C certified. Benefits. EOE For central division fax resume

to 248-352-2837, or call Ann Arbor 734-973-0640 Beverly Hills 248-646-9880 Waterford 248-681-6880

MORTGAGE LOAN OFFICER 60o,c Commission/Benefits/401K Livonia Office - 734-591-7216

Contact Robert Cloud Fairway of America, inc.

STORE MANAGER - Experi-enced for regional theme store in Fairlane Town Center. Exc. benefits, flexible schedule. Part & full time positions are also a v a i l a b l e . Ca l l Ka ren at 734-432-9959 or fax resume to:


RESIDENT MANAGER - Main-tenance oriented person needed to manage mid size community in Wayne. General knowledge of apt. maintenance required. Salary plus benefits. Send resume to: Manager, P.O. Box 4-33, O k e m o s , Ml 48805 . EOE.

MANAGER COUPLE needed foil luxury upscale apartment community in suburbs. Position requires one person for mainte-Cf?tnce/one person for leasing office. Benefits include 2 bed-room private home, excellent salary, Blue Cross. Call Trish at (248) 851 -9954 or fax resume to (248) 851-8454 for immediate consideration. Couples only need apply.

MARINE MECHANIC needed for fast growing marina. Possi-bility of making $80,000 plus 401K, medical benefits. Exp. a rfi.ust. Apply at: Wonderland Marine West, 5796 E. Grand River, howell. (517) 548-5122

MECHANICS ASSISTANT wanted. Must have chauffeurs p.ermit. Exp. required. Good pay & benefits. (248) 349-2922


TO $125,000 YR.+ benefits. ALL positions are w/Nationai Lenders and ALL offer a BASE SALARY + TOP Commission and growth opportunities ' for aggressive people with SALES experience from ANY FIELO. Openings in All Areas.

Employment Center Agency (248) 569-1636


Canton mortgage broker seeks experienced pro-cessor. Outstanding work environment and benefits. Fax resume to Attn: Susan, Approved Mortgages, Inc.,

734-455-2370 or mail: 5820 N. Canton Center Rd„ Ste. 125, Canton, Ml 48187.


for Romeo Montessori school. Pre-K through 6th grade. 20 hours per week. Starting mid-August. Apply in person with resume or mail in resume to 275 Eastgates Romeo, Ml 48065.

(810) 752-4411

NEEDED IMMEDIATELY Janitors / Office Cleaning

Early evening office cleaning. $7/hr. + benefits. Full'Part-time

Canton/Ptymouth/Belleviile (800) 387-4516


Penzoil 10 Minute Oil Change. Experienced

or will train. Full &/or part-time. Apply in person: 34680 W. 8 Mile, Farmington Hills. 1A mi. W. of Farmington Rd. Or call for appt. (248) 476-1313.

PAINTERS - FULL TIME Exterior or interior. Own vehicle.

Call Mon.-FrL, 10-4 pm (248) 557-7055

A r e y o u a people person interested in advertising, and enjoys taking care of customers? Our busy Network Sales Department needs someone like y o u to support o u r sales staff in many interesting capacities. Responsibilities include scheduling ads throughout o u r numerous subsidiaries,

corresponding with outside advertising agencies, providing excellent customer service to accounts and saies staff, and assist with preparing presentations and various weekly department reports, and answering phones. Position is full time and located in Birmingham.

Requires Associates degree or equivalent with minimum of two years prior work-related experience. Must possess excellent ..communication and interpersonal skills, basic math and telephone skills with ability to accurately type 40 wpm. Superb customer service and computer skills essential.

We-are an award winning newspaper that offers a competitive compensation package plus a generous time off policy.

If you are a team player we would like to hear from you!

THE CDtwim Itccntrit 3 6 2 5 1 S c h o o l c r a f t , L i v o n i a , M l 4 8 1 5 0

e - m a i l : e b i b i k @ o e . h o m e c o m m . n e t o r f a x r e s u m e t o ( 7 3 4 ) 9 5 3 - 2 0 5 7

Must include job code: NSC


The City of Wayne is accepting applications to establish a Police Officer eligibility list based on compe t i t i ve ' e x a m i n a t i o n s . Salary range $34,431 - $48,780, commensurate with experience. Must possess a valid State of Michigan driver's license with no more than three (3) current points. Applications must be accompanied by proof of the fol-lowing: MCOLES written and physical agility certification from time of application until appoint-ment. Must have an Associates degree or a minimum of 60 credit hours at an accredited col-lege/university. College require-ment will be waived for those applicants that are currently enrolled in an MCOLES certified police academy or that have two years full-time experience as an MCOLES certified police officer. Must pass a background investi-gation and be physically and psychologically adequate for performance of work. Applica-tions are available in the Per-sonnel Department, 3355 S. Wayne Rd., Wayne, Ml 48184 o r a t o u r w e b s i t e : w w w . c i . w a y n e . m i . u s / personne l .h tm l . Comple ted applications must be received in the Personnel Department by 4:30 p.m. on August 10, 2001. Resumes without applications will not be accepted.

The City of Wayne does not dis-criminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, reli-gion. age or disability in employ-ment or the pr r \ ' i s 'or : of services.

500 HelpWanted General


Growing local company seeks individual experienced in sched-uling and dispatching with an emphasis on customer service. Team player with a positive atti-tude a must. Benefits, 401k, paid vacations & Holidays. Fax resume to 413-669-7650

or send to:. Production - TL, P.O. Box 663 Walled Lake, Ml 48390-0663

POSTAL JOBS. Up to $18.35/ hr. Hiring for 2001. Paid training. Full Benefits. No experience required. Toll free 7:30am-11pm C S T 1 - 8 8 8 - 7 2 6 - 9 0 8 3 X 1 7 0 0

POSTAL JOBS $48,323.00 yr. Now hiring-No experience-paid Training-great benefits. Call 7 days 800-429-3660 ext.: J-3226.

PRE-SCHOOL TEACHER Part time. PM only, Mon.,

Wed., Fri. for Livonia Co-Op. Call Amy at 734-427-7977


Sheet metal job shop. Must be able to set-up & run Press Brake with min. supervision. 10 gauge-16 gauge steel. Good pay & benefit package includes: Hos-pital, dental, optical, pension. Union shop. Apply at:

Park Fabricating 19055 W. Davison Detroit, Ml 48223 (313) 272-1500

PRESS PERSON/MANAGER Experienced running multi-color printing, on small offset presses. Top pay! Fax resume to: (248)960-9222 or call Steve:


Printing Flexographic Printing Press Operator to run Mark Andy 820 & 830 presses. Immediate opening, day shift, excellent working conditions & benefits. Air conditioned shop. Will train right person with experience on other types of press machines. Please fax your resume to: 734-523-9637 Attn: Human Resources or stop by our office at 30881 Schoolcraft Rd., Livonia (E. of Merriman on the S. side of Schoolcraft, Mon. -Fri., 9am-5pm & complete an employment application.


PRINTING Need Bindery helpers who have experience running Saddlestitch & Trim Machines, Folders and Cutters. Excellent wages & ben-efits.

Call Tom at: 734-941-6300 Or fax resume: 734-942-0920

PRINTING Need experienced Pressmen (m/f) who have Web or Sheetfed experience. Openings on all shifts & opportunity for advance-ment.

Call Tom at 734-941-6300 or Fax resume 734-942-0920

WmmMmwmmm, WMMmmmm

—ta I M I B B

i S i i i n n K M i l l i l isil

high "school dLCioma or



and 4:90 p m Ail

later t h a i A^aust 10,

Help Wanted General


Full-time position. Bloomfield Hills Catholic school. Fax

resume to: (248) 642-4457

TEACHER ASSISTANT Needed for fall term pa i l time at Gateway Montessori School In Birmingham, (248)645-6393

TEACHERS ASSISTANTS, needed Mon.-Fri., 11am - 6pm. Exp. required in a school setting. Call Novi Northville Montessori 7am - 4pm (248) 348-3033 after 4pm (248) 449-1652

TEACHERS Certified Secondary Teachers in E n g i n e e r i n g , M e c h a n i c a l Graphics & Computer Science. Full & part time positions avail-able for the 2001 / 2002 School Year. Interested applicants should send a letter of application & a copy of their resume to: Barry Hawthorne The Advanced Technology Academy Lawrence Technology University 21000 W. Ten Mile Rd. M-214 Bueli Building Southfield, Ml 48075 248-204-3980 FAX 248-204-3989 e-mail [email protected]

TEACHERS High S c h o o l

M a t h & Eng l i sh Michigan ceritfication required. Send resume to: Lorraine Meier, Brother Rice High School, 7101 Lahser Rd., Bloomfield Hills, Ml 48301 (248) 647-2526 or fax (248) 647-8170


Pilz Automation Safety, the world's leading company in auto-mation safety, seeks a highly motivated WAREHOUSE SPE-CIALIST for our North American Headquarters in Canton. Duties and responsibil it ies include warehouse operations such as shipping & receiving, stocking, packing, pulling and sorting, You will be in charge of the ware-house inventory. Beyond this you will be responsible for light maintenance duties in our headquarters.

The ideal candidate must pos-sess warehouse operat ion knowledge, inventory control experience and good computer skills. Furthermore, you need to be detail oriented and enjoy working in a team. 1-2 years of

Krevious experience in a ware-ouse environment is preferred.

Pilz provides a competitive salary and benefits package.

Visit our web site at: www.pilzusa.com to learn more about Pilz Automation Safety.

Please fax, e-mail or mail resume to:

Pilz Automation Safety, L.P. Attn: Human Resources 7150 Commerce Boulevard Canton, Ml 48187 FAX: (734) 354-3355 E-MAIL: [email protected]


Ann Arbor Welding Supply has a great opportunity for the right person! We are seeking a quali-fied candidate for responsibilities that include purchasing and inside sales. This full time posi-tion requires a team oriented detailed individual. Welding experience and computer knowl-edge a must. Excellent benefits including 401k and salary based on experience Send resume to Ann Arbor Welding Supply, 4811 Carpenter Rd., Ypsilanti, Ml 48197, Attn: Steve Martin.

RECEPTIONIST Full-time for luxury auto dealer-ship. Friendly & customer ser-vice oriented. Full benefits, 401K. Please fax resume to: 248-642-6517, Attn: Kathleen.


RECEPTIONIST NEEDED For busy Livonia Insurance agency. Full time. Ask for Lee

(734) 462-9650.


Automotive supplier hiring for full time process technicians and quality inspectors across all three shifts. Must have exp. in injection molding. Exc. wages and benefits. Apply in person from 9am to 3pm Mon. • Fri.

NYX, Inc. 38700 Plymouth Road

Livonia, Ml 48150.

REGIONAL CUSTOMER TRAINER A leading healthcare related software company specializing if the Development of pharmacy management systems seeks a Regional Trainer. The primary focus of this position will be training and installing pharmacy and retail computer systems on site across the U.S. Candidates must possess the following: • Strong Presentation Skills • 2 yrs. + exp. in customer

service, training, pharmacy or retail management

• Flexibility to travel up to 80% monthly thru-out the U.S.

• Self-motivation and organizational skills

• A positive & professional attitude

• Exposure to computers and windows environment preferred.

We offer a competitive benefit package. Interested candidates should submit a resume and salary requirements to: McKesson Pharmacy Systems

Attn: HR 30881 Schoolcraft Road

Livonia, Ml 48150 or fax to 734-523-9637

Pre-employment drug testing required. EOE M/F/D/V.

TEACHERS Sylvan Learning Center, W. Bloomfield. Reading & math, after school hours. Certified.

Fax 248-737-8220 phone 248-737-8875

Telemarketing/Appointment Set ters

Up to $15/Hr. + benefits. Drs. office in Farmington, Full/part

time. 248-624-3179


Full/part-time to work in Farm-ington Hills law office. Excellent phone skills. •'

2 4 8 - 8 6 5 - 0 8 6 0

TEST TECHNICIAN Multi-skilled technician needed for Environmental Test Cells. GREAT opportunity working with general automotive testing, test fixture fabrication, test instru-mentation, equipment mainte-nance, etc.

Excellent salary & benefits. Mail/ fax resume or apply in person: EDP Co., 36704 Commerce,

Ml 48150 or fax: -7852

Livonia, Ml 48 734-591-


$500/WEEK Plus Benefits!

Only Hard Workers Who Are Looking For A Career

Should Call:

BELLE TIRE Garden City, 33535 Ford Rd.

734-425-1365 Ask For Bob, Manager

$987.85 WEEKLY! Processing HUD/FHA Mortgage Refunds. No Experience Required. For F r e e I n f o r m a t i o n C a l l 1-800-449-4625 x7500

501 Computer/Info. Systems

COMPUTER, INTERNET PER-SONS to work online! with EKl, I N C . $ 7 5 . 0 0 t o $ 1 4 5 . 0 0 a n h o u r

from your own PCI Vacations, bonuses, incentives and Full T r a i n i n g . F r e e E - B o o k http://www.pcworkonline.com

N T S U P P O R T needed. Short-term assign-ment. Fax resume to (248)

483-3862 or email it to [email protected]

HelpWanted Office Clerical


Small, light manufacturing com-pany, located in Plymouth, seeking a professional, self-motivated individual to handle the administrative duties for the general manager & manage-m e n t s ta f f . R e q u i r e m e n t s include proficiency in Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Access, as well as, strong math skills. Send resume to: Box #1217

Observer & Eccentric Newspapers

36251 Schoolcraft Rd, Livonia, Ml 48150.


For major food service organiza-tion based in Metro Detroit. Can-didate must have a minimum of 2 years experience as an Execu-tive Assistant. Experience with Microsoft Word, Excel and Pow-erPoint a must. In addition, the candidate must have the ability to be flexible and possess good communication and interper-sonal skills. The candidate will perform standard advanced and confidential secretarial duties requiring broad experience, skill and knowledge of organization policies and practices. Must have the ability to prepare corre-s p o n d e n c e , m e m o r a n d a , reports, etc. as well as sched-uling and maintaining a calendar of appointments, meetings and travel itineraries, and coordi-nating related arrangements. Comple te benef i t package including 401 k plan. For consid-eration, please forward resume with salary requirements to:

King Venture - Box #1172 Observer & Eccentric Newspapers

36251 Schoolcraft Rd.

Livonia, Ml 48150


for W. Bloomfield CPA Firm. Minimum of 2 years in Public required and compensation commensurate with years of experience. Please mail resume to: 5759 West Maple Road, West Bloomfield, Ml 48322

ACCOUNTS PAYABLE Pleasant Livonia office has a position open In our Accounts Payable Dept. Experience with computerized accounting soft-ware & strong Excel abilities are required. Mon. thru Fri., 8am to 5 p m . Fax r e s u m e t o : 734-266-6400, Attn.: Personnel

TITLE COMPANY in Southfield seeks Closers, Title Assistants and Clerical Help. Experienced preferred, but willing to train. Competitive salary, benefits. Fax resume to ( 2 4 8 ) 3 5 3 - 2 2 8 2

SALES PERSON A plumbing wholesaler looking for aggressive, self-motivated Sales Person. Experienced. Knowledgable In plumbing pre-ferred. Call for interview.

(313) 537-5400 Steve

R E T A I L STORE MGRS. to $35kyr.+

Major Company WILL TRAIN persons with good Mgmt. expe-rience from field but Retail exp. a plus. EMPLOYER PAYS FEE.

Employment Center Agency (248) 569-1636

ROOFERS Experienced or will train. $12/hr. & up. (248) 486-8799

R O O F E R -Sh ing le / tea r -o f f . Excellent pay. No equipment needed. Own transportation. Reliable. 248-471-0067

ROOFERS-SHINGLERS Exc. pay. Must have own truck & equipment. Must be reliable 313 937-2016


Textile screen print shop in Livonia seeks part/full time help for all areas of production. Exp. preferred, but will train. Call 734-632-0859

SECURITY WORK For large apartment community in Westland. Part time week-ends, evenings, mid night shift. Ask for Martha 734-459-6600


D a y Shi f t Position is responsible for the Electro-Mechanical Assembly of high-tech packaging machinery. Requires strong communication and people skills. Mechanical or electrical aptitude a plus. Good salary and benefits. Send resume and salary history to:

Human Resource Dept. Diamond Automation, Inc.

23400 Haggerty Road Farmington Hills, Ml 48335 www.aiamondsystem.com

An Equal Opportunity Employer

SERVICE C O O R D I N A T O R / MANAGER - Full time position available with benefits (90 days). Rate of pay $30k equal to expe-rience. t h i s is an opportunity of a lifetime. Do you want to make a difference? Fax resume to

Mike at: Dynamic Supplies Fax 313-561-1197

SHOP LABOR - Hard working dependable person needed for steel fabrication shop. Benefits. Apply at 12642 Richfield Ct. Livonia (734) 953-8887.

S I D I N G C R E W S Experienced - Ann Arbor area, top pay, year around work, must have own equipment, and insur-ance. (734) 662-5551

STOCK for Holiday Market in Canton. Full time, experienced. Excellent pay and benefits. Call John or Nick 734-844-2200.

STOCK HELP Full and part time help. Must be able to lift over 50 lbs. Walters Home Appliance, Livonia. Call Tom. 734-427-7310

TRAVEL AGENT - CorpVSabre exp., part/full time, pleasant work place, up to $11/hr., plus if quali-fied. Westland. 734-729-1400.

TRAVEL CONSULTANTS No exp. necessary, will train friendly, confident, sharp individ-uals to sell vacations using proven telephone sales tech-niques. No cold calling. Paid training, flexible 30 hr./wk., $7.70/hr. + $100 to $300/wk. c o m m i s s i o n s . D e a r b o r n . 313-278-4100 www.goymt.com

TRUCK DRIVER Experienced truck driver with CDL-A wanted. Must be able to load and unload construction equipment. Top wages and ben-efits. Call (248) 349-2922

TRUCK DRIVERS CDL-A or B for Plymouth co. Competitive wages, full benefit, bonuses (517) 223-7339

Must have chauffeurs license, reliable transportation and know Tri-county area. Apply in person Mon-Frl, 10-4: 953 Manufac-turers Dr., Newburgh/Cherry Hill area, Westland.

T R U C K D R I V E R / W A R E -HOUSE, Construction co. needs person to organize & maintain equipment, drive medium stake trucks. CDL-Ciass A, insurance. Wixom area. (248) 669-2500

UNDERGROUND FOREMAN for commercial grading & exca-vating Company. Experienced only. Call 734-455-2119 Or fax 734-455-2599

ACCOUNTS PAYABLE Full time. Prior Accounts Pay-able Experience and strong accounting skrlls needea One Write Plus & Sellwise Inventory software knowledge helpful. Pleasant working environment, excellent pay and benefits for Interior deign firm in Ferndale. fax resume and cover letter to Attn: Kathleen 248-399-1307


Seeking an organized, energetic Individual to provide administra-tive support to a financial planner and member service team. Qualified candidates will possess excellent communica-tion/customer sen/ice and com-puter skills and have the ability to multi-task and prioritize. Pre-vious financial institution and/or administrative asst. experience preferred. Fax resume to: 734-213-3026 or mail to Mid-West Financial Credit Union, Attn: Human Resources, 2400 Green Rd„ Ann Arbor, Ml 48105


Hehri Office


BOOKKEEPER/OFFICE MAN-AGER-full t ime for Plymouth company, experienced in pay-roll. Accounts receivable & pay-able, genera l off ice skil ls, b e n e f i t s . F a x r e s u m e to 7 3 4 - 4 2 0 - 3 9 4 0 . Ca l l M i k e


BOOKKEEPING Full time for Troy law firm.

Time & Billing software experi-ence helpful. Fax resume to:

2 4 8 - 6 4 9 - 3 3 3 8

CPA firm seeks full-time ener-getic person to perform duties including: answering phones, typing, assembling tax returns, filing, etc. Competitive salary & benefits, excellent working envi-ronment, Seasonal overtime required. Send resume and salary requirements to: Pam Nixon at Parker Wittus & Co., 2000 Town Center, Suite 1100, Southfield, Ml 48075. Fax 248-354-1067. E-mail:

[email protected].


Excellent opportunity for an experienced accounts payable clerk. Position entails tne pro-cessing of high volume payables for multiple companies. Candi-date must be computer literate and be extremely detail ori-ented. Experience with general ledger coding, good communica-tion skills ana 4 years of AP exp. all a must. If you enjoy a fast-paced environment and work in an organization where you make a difference, fax your salary requirements to 248-324-1502 or mail to P.O. Box 9072, Farm-ington Hills, Ml 48333-9072. We offer a comprehensive benefit package and an excellent work environment. EOE.

AUTO CASHIER needed for busy Westsiae dealer, handling receipts for ser-vice customers and some accounting. We offer flexible hours to accommodate school or home schedules. Contact Jack Holden at (734) 525-1547 for appointment. EOE


CLERK 5ATLRN-Needed. Apply in person if you are enthusiastic, hard working and if you have Auto-mobile dealership experi-ence. Apply to 93(^1 Massey Dr., Plymouth, Ml 48170 •


For Red fo rd /L i von ia a rea building supply company. Rec-onci le journals, open new accounts, lien work,, deposits, collections and month end bal-ancing. Competitive salary and benefits. Send or fax resume:

Smede-Son Steel & Supply 12584 Inkster Rd. Redford, Ml 48239 Fax: 313-937-2426.

VETERINARY ASSISTANT/ RECEPTIONIST needed in cat only practice. Must have love & knowledge of cats. Experience preferred but will train. Send resume to Country Cat Clinic,

6279 N. Territorial Rd. Plymouth, Ml 48170

WANTED - VINYL SIDING & Window Installers 80.00 Per Square. Must Have All Tools and Equipment. Experience a Must. Travel Required. Call 800-392-4553.

WAREHOUSI Fast growing company in Wixom is seeking dependable, self-motivated individual for general warehouse. Excellent benefits. Call Nancy (248) 380-8887.

WAREHOUSE Rapidly expand ing Livonia carpet company needs reliable, energetic, hard worker for ware-house position. Hi-Lo experi-ence preferred. Full t ime. Benefits. Call Gail 734-416-8003


Experienced, for Ann Arbor based company. Top pay. Must have own truck, tools & insur-ance. Call: 734-662-5551

WORK ON Mackinac island this season-The Island House hotel and Ryba's Fudge shops are looking for seasonal help in all areas: front desk, bellstaff, wait-staff, and Sales Clerks. Must be available until late October. Housing available, bonus, and discounted meals. Call Ryan at

1 (800) 626-6304. www.theislandhouse.com


HQ of multi-state operation seeks candidate as assistant to VP/Finance. Duties will also include company wide procure-ment, phone system manage-ment and branch office support. Requires minimum of 5 years like experience, attention to detail, multi tasking ability, excel-lent communication and com-puter skills.

Mail your resume to: Supervisor of HR

P.O. Box 707 Southfield, Ml 48037-0707

Equal Opportunity Employer

ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT/ RECEPTIONIST- property man-agement company, Livonia, excel and wora-$20,000.



General office duties for Farm-ington Hills CPA Office. Word, Excel. Part-time flexible hours. Fax resume to: 248-737-4759

Administrative Assistant Farmington Hills company seeks Assistant immediately. $30K

Call 248-661 package, or fax to:

1-0260 248-661-3941


Seeking Assistants, Office Man-age rs , R e c e p t i o n i s t s a n d Accounting Clerks. Excellent compensation and top benefits!

(248)344-6700 Fax(248)344-6704 See www.jobsdrc.com

AUTO DEALERSHIP Suburban collection is currently accep t ing app l i ca t ions for experienced:

NEW/USED CAR COSTER Compute the cost and gross profit for all new/used car deals daily Process all incentives/ rebated/ep paperwork

Report all vehicles sold to factory Reconcile all relevant schedules Calculate all salesmans commissions

We offer a professional working environment, competitive salary, 401K, paid holidays and vaca-tions, and the opportunity to advance within the largest d e a l e r o r g a n i z a t i o n in Michigan.

Send resume in strict confi-dence to:


NOVI, Ml 48376-8065 Attn: Joan Kowalski

(248) 427-7972 Fax (248) 427-7972

call 734-458-5282.

Career Opportunities •Executive Secretary - must be bilingual in Spanish. $35-40K. 'Account ing & Construction background needed to assist Controller in Livonia. $45K. *Many other openings! Fax resume: 248-932-1214 or call Gloria/Alicia 248-932-1176.


CASHIER/SWITCH-BOARD OPERATOR 5-Star auto dealer has an immediate opening for a cashier/switchboara operator in the Service Department. The position requires cus-tomer relation skills com-bined with an organizational ability. Previous experience preferred. Excellent pay plan with a full benefit package. Call Rod Harris for more information & to schedule an interview.


(734) 451-3535

CLERICAL Full time position available for Farmington Hills office. Com-puter-typewriter skills required. Send resume to: Office Man-ager, P.O. Box 3073, Farm-ington Hills, Ml 48333-3073.


INSURANCE. COMMERCIAL Lines CSR with 2+ years experi-ence, Northville agency. Fax resume to Rick at 248-465-6215

L E G A L A S S I S T A N T / L E G A L S E C R E T A R Y —

For Southfield law firm special-izing in estate planning, estate and trust administration and pro-bate. Prior experience requires including preparing fiduciary" accountings and probate formsi Fax resume to 248-354-3926'

Or mail to: 2000 Town Center;'

Suite 1780, Southfield, Ml 48075; Attn: Debra.



Full time for physical therapy clinic in Farmington Hilis. Ener-getic individual with flexible schedule. Duties: scheduling, billing, data entry. Computer skills a must.- Fax resume to Acceler-ated Rehab at 248-474-5519.

CLERICAL/OFFICE Receptionist/Clerical - Roch-ester office has full time position w/benefits. Flexible hours. Must be computer literate. Phones, clerical, computer input.

(248) 651-8144 ext. 3901


Full t ime, needed for high-volume retail office. Call Carin or Brenda at: 248-553-8270.

CUSTOMER SERVICE Fu l l - t ime . C o m p u t e r sk i l ls required. SBT exp. a plus. Salary p lus benefits. Non-smoking office. Fax resume to

734-522-0051 or mail to K-lndustrial, 12321 Stark Rd.,

Livonia, Ml 48150


Full-time position available with g row ing insu rance co. in Berkley. Responsible, enthusi-astic, team player with good phone & computer skills desired. Please fax resume & salary requirements to 248-414-6616



:ie pan-nme payruiu

plastic company's

immediate part-time payroll/ benefits available leading Corporate Headquarters. Part-time position is flexible with at least 24 hours/week. Qualified candidates will possess math-ematical aptitude, strong orga-nizational skills, accuracy, be detai l -or iented and nave working knowledge of soft-ware including Excel and Word. Send resume with salary history/requirements to:

Part-Time Data Entry P.O. Box 6030

Plymouth, Ml 48170 Fax: (734) 354-7391

E-Mail: Hresources® plastipak.com


A U T O M O T I V E ' C A S H I E R wanted-Must be willing to work Mon 12-9, Tues-Fri 9-6. Benefits after 90 days. Apply in person at Gordon Chevrolet 31850 Ford Rd. Garden City. Any questions

BOOKKEEPER/ADMIN ASST. Farmington Hills CPA firm seeking exper ienced Book-keeper. Quickbooks, Creative Solutions, Word & Excel helpful, but not necessary. Position can be full time or flexible part-time. Fax resume to: Bookkeeping/ CPA. (248) 477-5692


Ann Arbor property manage-ment company seeks individual with strong bookkeeping, data processing & general office skills who can effectively assist with multiple tasks. Please send resume w/salary history to: 1900 W. Liberty, Ann Arbor, Ml. 48103.

DATA ENTRY Production Operators

Experienced, Accurate, Fast Must be steady, dependable, cheerful & work at shop or home. (60WPM or 14,000 key-strokes). Fax resume:

Mr. Walters: 313-581-3130

EVENING RECEPTIONIST Full t i m e 1 2 p m - 9 p m , M o n d a y through Thursday, Friday, 12pm - 7pm every other Saturday, 9am - 4pm. Medical, dental, vision, 401K. Apply at Brighton Ford Mercury, 8240 Grand River, Brighton (810)494-4206

EXECUTIVE SECRETARY , for law firm specializing in per-sonal injury/medical malpractice. Must have 3-5/yrs experience. Plaintiff firm. Substantial salary & fringes. 248-354-2500

FINANCIAL AIDE/ ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT Part-time. Private career school relocating from Waterford to Redford seeks financial aide coordinator w/administratiVe assistant duties. Must be orga-nized, detail oriented, have good math, general office & people skil ls.

record exp. helpful. mateiy 10hrs./wk. & working into approximately 24 hrs./wk by Fall. $8- $10/hr. Fax resume to:

248-350-8538 or mail to: Ross Learning Inc. 19900 W. 9 Mile Rd., Ste. 200

Southfield, Ml 48075

genera! onice a peopte Entry level banking, keeping and/or clerical

elpful. Starting approxi-


for busy 3 attorney Dearborn law firm. Exp. in collection & office administration preferred;-Must proficient in WP-9. Fu l£ time with benefits. Salary commensurate with exp. Fax resume to: 313-278-4710 Or mail to: 19855 W. Outer Drive,-; Ste. 201W, Dearborn, Ml 4812$,

LEGAL SECRETARY ». Experienced. Full time for small Troy firm. Windows 98, Corel, WP8, timeslips, QB. Fax resume, to: (248) 816-9415,,

GENERAL OFFICE Expanding Southfield staffing firm seeks an energetic, people person with above average com-munication skills for a fun, busy desk. Entry level position/salary.

Respond in confidence to: Box #1143

Observer & Eccentric Newspapers 36251 Schoolcraft Rd.

Livonia, Ml 48150

GENERAL OFFICE HELP Full or part-time. Experience in accounting & computer. South-field. Call (248) 352-4510


One person office Northville area. 248-735-6880.

GENERAL OFFICE -Wixom. Full time, Microsoft, Excel experience necessary. Previous office exp. helpful. Fax resume to 248-624-3751

HUMAN RESOURCES position. Full t ime, Monday through Friday. Medical, dental, vision, 401k. Apply at Brighton Ford Mercury. 8240 Grand River, Brighton 48116. (810)494-4206

Legal Secretary Established, AV rated SouthfieBt law firm seeks experienced Legal Secretary to join general negligence team. Must have 3 * years l i t igation experience,' excellent grammar, writing and organization skills. Competitive-salaries with top law firms. MS Word experience. •;* Forward resume/salary require-^ ments to: Administrator-' Secretary Position, PO Box I Southfield, Ml 48037-0222.

fax (248) 746-2760 , ; e-mail: [email protected]»


ox 222/ 59 - -•

LEGAL SECRETARY- • Experienced, non-smoker fo& small growing, Farmington Hil ls

Personal injury firm. Flex hrs." ax resume: 248-932-4009 Amy!

LEGAL SECRETARY * For full t ime position for experi-enced person. Salary commeft* surate with Experience. Mall resume to:

Drake & Franco, Attn. K im- / 29820 Telegraph Rd. «•-' Southfield Ml 48034.

L E G A L S E C R E T A R Y -For large Farmington Hills WW firm with minimum 2 years expj£ rience. Excellent benefits. ..

Send resume to: Office Administrator

PO Box 3040 ^ Farmington Hiils, Ml 48333.-1 Or Fax to: (248) 851-2158

LEGAL SECRETARY, g r o w ® Farmington Hills litigation fir/ft seeks experience legal secret t a r y , pa r t or f u l l t i m e , 2 4 8 - 4 8 9 - 1 1 0 0 o r f a x t o 248-489-9660

LEGAL SECRETARY Small litigation defense firim! seeking Legal Secretary with.2 years experience. Knowledge of Word a plus. ' ' Please fax resume to: Galbrarfh & Booms: (248) 357-2665

L e g a l S e n i o r Secretary For Southfield P.I. law firm. Min-imal 3 years experience. Win-dows/Microsoft Word knowledge a must. Salary commensurate with experience. Send resume to: Sherri Sinnott, 2928 Crooks Road, Royal Oak, Ml 48073;

3 LawnServlce

MAKERS OF Turf Builder aoS Miracle Gro seeks a career* minded individual for our Livonia office to fill the position of: • ^


REPRESENTATIVE IV The qualified candidate will pos-sess good customer relation skills, exp. in collections, be responsible, goal orientated, a self motivator, capable of work ing 11am-8pm w/min . supervision.

We Can Offer You... -

• • T r a i n i n g * * * * F u l l B e n e f i t s * * * * G r e a t P a y * *

* * F u n A t m o s p h e r e * * — $18,720 - $19,760 .

What Can You Offer Us???2 734-524-0084

734-524-0086 fax

B.O.E. '

MEDICAL Receptionist-fyll 1, .. time for large family v i s ? practice. Computer

scheudling-billing, experience preferable. Furj.~i

place to work, great benefit?; 248-476-2420

M E D I C A L S E C R E T A R Y needed full time our new spe-cialty care office in the Farm-ington Hills area. Please fax resumes to: SDL - T C p £ 616-940-0826 or mail to: SDL - TCPC, P. O. Box 120070s Grand Rapids, Ml 49512

MIDSIZE INDUSTRIAL com-pany located in Detroit seeking a Secretary - Accounts Payable person. Duties shad include light secretarial, filing and data entry. We offer ^9 pleasant work environment and an excellent benefits package.

Please call Howard at: 248-917-3366 for an interview.

OFFICE CLERK Dealership and Accounting' exp. a plus. Full time post-tion. Excellent pay & bene-fits. Send resume to or apply., in person at: v l

Varsi ty Lincoln Mercury.; Inc., *>-P.O. Box 633, 49251 Grand; R i ve r A v e . , N o v i , M,|_ 48376-0633; Attention Kevin Sheehari* (ext. 223) or Becky Gadd (ext. 294) (248) 305-5300 * v


Full Time position. Excellent pay & benefits. Send resume-to: Varsity Lincoln Mercury.' Inc., P.O. Box 633, Novi, Ml 48376-0633; or phone Kevin at (248) 305-5300 ext. 223


Will train. Full time posltlofl available. Excellent pay £ benefits. Send resume to: Varsity Lincoln Mercury Inc., P.O. Box 633, Novi, Ml 48376-0633; or phone Kevin,. Sheehan at

(248) 305-5300 ext. 223:

T h u r s d a y , J u l y 2 6 , 2 0 0 1 O&E

(Dbserwr Eccentric EMPLOYMENT Classifications 500 to 512

Your HomeTown Classified ad is automatically posted on the internet!

Visit us today.


HelpWanted-Office Clerical

O F F I C E H E L P Part-t ime, Mon., Thurs. & Fri. evenings & weekends. Ail or s o m e hours. Please contact

Jo i @ 248-344-0880

OFFICE M A N A G E R Business located in Redford is looking for a highly mot ivated off ice manager. Salary range 28k to 32k, based on exp. Posi-t i o n i nc l udes f u l l b e n e f i t s package and 401K, p lease inquire by calling (313)535-2600 or forward resume to:

V & S Galvanizers, Inc. Attn: Operations Manager

12600 Arnold St. Redford, M i 48239

OFFICE MANAGER Engineer ing f irm in Farmington Hil ls is looking for off ice man-ager/administrator to handle day to day office management a n d presentation/report ing support . Proficiency in Microsoft off ice required. Resume to: 1050 Wilshire Drive, Suite 115, Troy, Ml 48084.

OFFICE MANAGER For ail around off ice duties. 3-5 years accounting & off ice cler-ical exp. preferred. Dearborn Location. Fax (313)842-3596 Cal l (313)842-3000

PARALEGAL FOR growing neg-l igence defense f i rm in Farm-ington Hills.

Cal l 248-489-1100 • Or fax to 248-489-9660

PLYMOUTH STEEL CO. has fu l l - t ime off ice/customer ser-v i c e p o s i t i o n a v a i l a b l e . Dut ies include answer ing phones, order entry/bil l ing & more. Basic computer skil ls required. Benefits included. Posit ion could possibly lead to inside sales.

Send resume to: Fisher & Ludlow

12801 Eckles Rd. Plymouth, Ml 48170

C Fax: 734-454-6638 J

k i n g individuals for part-t ime off ice work/clerical staff. Eve. hrs. 5-8 (2x/wk) & 1 weekend day 9-5. Students O.K.

Cal l Wendy: (734)522-8000

RECEPTION/ADMINISTRATION Word, Excel, phones, misc. variety. Fax resume & salary requirements to: 248-615-0292

VETERINARY RECEPTIONIST Veter inary hospital in Bloomfield Hills is seeking a full t ime Receptionist who is a fr iendly, e n e r g e t i c , s e l f - m o t i v a t e d person. Excellent pay scale, heal th /prescr ip t ion coverage , 401K plan & more. Fax resume to: 248-334-3693

or call: 248-334-6877

RECEPTIONIST/ ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT for local inteiiectuai property f irm. Duties include answer ing phones, greeting clients, fi l ing, and copying. Tne right candi-date must be energetic, polite, proficient in Office 2000 and have a high school degree. Pre-vious experience as a recep-tionist and college education a plus. Compensat ion based on qualif ications. Send resume, ref-erences and salary require-ments to:

Lisa LaBelle John A. Artz, P.C.

28333 Telegraph Rd., Ste. 250 Southfield, Mi 48034

lr [email protected]

RECEPTIONIST/CASHIER Outstanding full t ime opportunity for enthusiastic individual pos-sessing excellent verbal commu-nication skil ls and professional attitude. Excellent work ing con-dit ions, great pay and benefits, w i t h p l e n t y of r o o m f o r advancement .


Suburban Honda P.O. Box 8065

25100 Haggerty Rd. Novi, Ml 48376-8065 Attn: Joan Kowalski Fax (248) 427-7973

Phone (248) 427-7972

RECEPTIONIST Energetic person for phones, filing, var ious duties. New off ice, computer experience required, fax resume to 248-668-2812 or send t o 50481 Pontiac Trail, Wixom Ml 48393.

RECEPTIONIST F a s t - p a c e d Roya l O a k a d agency seeks Receptionist Mon-Fri 9-3. Responsibil i t ies include phone duties, typing & adminis-trative tasks. Competi t ive salary/ paid vacations. Send resume & salary requirements to: Attn: C. Harriss, Quil l Communicat ions, 316 E. 3rd Street, Suite B, Royal Oak, Ml . 48067.


Candidate must have good com-municat ion, computer and multi-l ine phone skills. Assist var ious departments. Milford off ice. Full t ime posit ion with full benefits. Fax resume to 248-684-9763.

RECEPTIONIST Growing Clinton Twp. Te lecom Company is seeking p leasant person w / good speaking voice for receptionist position, great eareer opportuni ty for r ight person. Starting salary $8/hr wi th full benefits package. Fax resume to: 810-439-2001

R E C E P T I O N I S T / L I G H T S E C R E T A R I A L

Local builder seeks responsible,

Resit ive, fr iendly person t o andle front office responsibil i-

t ies. Skil ls required are good 'phone etiquette, mai l distribu-t ion, general fi l ing, and light typing. Must know Microsoft Of f i ce and have good organiza-t ional skil ls. Salary commensu-ra te with experience. Please send resume & salary require-ments to: 44303 Plymouth Oaks

Blvd., Plymouth, Ml 48170 or fax to: 734-455-0815.

R E C E P T I O N I S T - M e d i u m sized manufacturing company in jNovi. Dut ies include hour ly pay-ro l l and accounts payable. This >is a steady, long-term posi t ion M h full benefits in a re laxed ^atmosphere.

Send resume to: : G. F.

P O Box 8025 Novi, Ml 48376

502 HelpWanted-Once Clerical

RECEPTIONIST NEEDED for B ingham FArms Law Firm, to answer phone and also to assist administrator this is a full-t ime posit ion. For more information contact Barb Jester at • 248-642-6000.

R E C E P T I O N I S T Part-time needed for weekend and evening work. Please call 9 to 4, Mon. thru Fri. for App't , ,

( 7 3 4 ) 4 2 5 - 9 2 0 0

R E C E P T I O N I S T P A R T - T I M E for Rochester real estate office. 3:30-7 weekdays , 9-5 week-ends. Calf Shei la at

(248) 656-6500

RECEPTIONIST PART-TIME Are you dependable , respon-sible and f r iendly? Do you enjoy helping and suppor t ing others? Do you have a st rong work ethic? Does work ing in a profes-sional Real Estate of f ice appeal to you? If you answered "YES" to these quest ions, p lease call for a conf ident ia l interview.

CALL 1-248-646-6076

RECEPTIONIST Staff Assistant

Busy Archi tectural f i rm needs a dynamic, resourceful person to provide genera l clerical and administrat ive suppor t to staff. Answer mult i- l ine phones, word processing, data entry, fi l ing, copying. Advancement opportu-nities. Medical /Dental benefits and 401k plan. Fax or E-mai l resume to:

NUDELL A R C H I T E C T S 248-324-0661

hnbde l [email protected]

RECEPTIONIST - Wan ted for law firm. Must have WordPerfect ski l ls a n d mul t i - l ine p h o n e system exper ience. T o p salary and medical benef i ts. Fax resume: (248) 865-8053.


We are looking for a dynamic individual to work in our well established Eye Care Practice. If you are personable, self moti-vated, enjoy working with the public and nave computer exp. we would like to have you join our team. Experience in the eye care field preferred but not neces-sary, Send resume to: Shawn

Suburban Eye Care 32415 5 Mile, Livonia Ml

48154, Or Fax (734)525-5011

R E C E P T I O N I S T N E E D E D . G o o d phone skills, typing & 'filing. Full t ime, salary & bene-f i t s . C a l l S e l e c t O n e a t : ; , 313-541-2100

RECEPTIONIST needed for real estate office in Bir-mingham, weekdays, 8:30-5pm. Benefi ts available after 90 days. Please call: 248-647-7100

RECPTIONIST - Phone ski l ls and people person for full or part t ime. For more information call

(734) 416-3333.

SALES S E C R E T A R Y Manufacturers sales rep. in Farmington Hilis, seeks com-puter literate individual wi th pleasant phone personality. Pre-vious office exper ience helpful. Full t ime position. Wil l train. Starting pay $10+ per hour.

Call (248) 442-9880 or fax resume (248) 442-9698

SECRETARIAL POSIT ION in Novi. 20-30 hours. Phone & computer skil ls preferred. Good hourly pay for exper ienced indi-vidual. Cal l 248-347-3550


Legal - New mid-sized f irm Financial Services - Execut ive assistance

Adve r t i s i ng A g e n c y - A c c o u n t management

Call Susan or Email: [email protected]

Birmingham - 248-646-7663 Clinton Twp. - 810-226-9642

Livonia - 248-473-2933


Birmingham off ice seeks secre-tarial support to assist current staff. Answer ing and direct ing telephone calls. Typ ing 50 W P M and fill ing. Cal l John O'Connel l


SECRETARY FOR Southf ield non-smoking off ice. W P 5.1. Word excel in genera l off ice.

Call 248-350-9712 or fax 248-350-9533

S E C R E T A R Y - F U L L T I M E Financial Advisors in Farm-ington Hilis seek ing exper ienced Secretary.

F a x / e m a i l 248-932-5201 b loomlaw@amer i tech.net

SECRETARY - full t ime for man-ufactured home communi ty in Ypsilanti, paid medical , vacat ion & 401k. 734-572-1445

SECRETARY/RECEPTIONIST for outpatient mental health clinic in Northville. Exp. & some evenings required. (248) 348-1100.

SECRETARY/RECEPTIONIST for Livonia busy real estate office. Computer exper ience a must. Mon. through Thurs. 12-8. Fri. 9-5. Cal l 734-367-8123.

WALTERS H O M E A P P L I A N C E needs part-t ime off ice help in 2 locations. Fifing, cus tomer service, invoices. John or Hazel.

(734) 728-9600 (Canton) Tom or Jenni fer

(734) 427-7310 (Livonia).


Knowledge in Microsoft Project, Word, and Excel. Data Transfer for Ideas,

PDGS, CATIA, and AutoCad helpful.

Benefits, 401K, Profit Sharing.

Send/Fax resume to: Oxbow Mach ine

Products, Inc. 12777 Mer r iman Livonia, M l 48150

Fax (734) 422-7750.

A B A N D O N Y O U R S E A R C H ! Experienced chairs ide assistant. Prefer registered or certif ied. Large group pract ice. Approx. 35 nrs/wk. Warm, fr iendly prac-tice. Sheree: 734-420-2326.

CANTON DENTIST Looking for ful l - t ime experi-e n c e o , e x p a n d e d d u t i e s

DENTAL ASSISTANT. Excellent salary, benef i ts &

HIRING B O N U S . 734-981-4040.

CHAIRSIDE A S S I S T A N T needed for Farmington Hills gen-eral dentist. Must be experi-enced & x-ray cert i f ied. Full-t ime. Exc. benefits. N o Sats.


504 Help Wanted-Dental

Dental Assistants • Hygienists • Recept ionists. . . . being

recrui ted for var ious Wayne & Oak land county off ices.

Performance Plus 810-997-6360

D E N T A L ASSISTANT Be wel l pa id for work you'l l love in a p r o f e s s i o n a l , g rowth-or iented environment. A leading-e d g e s p e c i a l t y p r a c t i c e is looking for an addit ional full-time assistant wi th some dental expe-rience. Call: (248) 357-3100.

D E N T A L ASSISTANT Group pract ice. Full-t ime posi t ion for exper ienced person. X-Ray exper ience helpful. Top salary a n d excel lent benefits, 401K. 734-722-5130.

DENTAL ASSISTANT E x p e r i e n c e d only, Ful l- t ime. Look ing for that special person to jo in our general dentistry group pract ice. Benefits, West-fand. 734-422-5560

D E N T A L ASSISTANT - Experi-enced ful l - t ime chairside assis-tant n e e d e d for Livonia general pract ice. (734) 464-8020

D E N T A L ASSISTANT needed for fr iendly Plymouth office. Pay & bene f i t s negot iab le . Call 734-453-4150 Fax 734-459-1828

D E N T A L ASSISTANT - Full-t ime. Rel iable & team oriented for Farming ton Hills fami ly prac-tice. Exper ience in cosmet ic pro-cedures a plus. 248-661-8700.

DENTAL ASSISTANT 3 days, exp. preferred, female doctor . Cal l (248) 354-2244 or fax resume to (248) 354-8883

DENTAL ASSISTANT Exper ienced. Mon-Thurs. Beau-tiful n e w off ice in Southfield. Join our ha rdwork ing & fr iendly staff.

(248) 354-6364

DENTAL ASSISTANT Part- t ime, exp, reliable, fr iendly for Wes t l and office. No Sats. G r e a t b e n e f i t s . K e l l y : 734-522-6470 fax 522-6937.

DENTAL ASSISTANT for h igh qual i ty busy, Farm-ington Hil ls off ice. Great hours, pay & benefits. Exper ienced only. Cal l (248) 626-9915

DENTAL ASSISTANT - Ener-ge t i c , se l f -mo t i va ted , t eam-oriented person to join our busy practice. Experience preferred, but wil l train. Top salary & excel-lent benefits. 248-380-9330.

D E N T A L ASSISTANT For cosmet i c or iented off ice in B i r m i n g h a m / B l o o m f i e t d Hi l ls area. No evenings or Sat. 3 -4 days. Enthusiast ic person, w/ great peop le skills to jo in our p r o g r e s s i v e t e a m . C a l l 800-734-4245, Fax 734-654-9564

DENTAL ASSISTANT New posi t ion for 3rd Assistant in our Farmington Hills practice. Prov ide chairs ide, laboratory and/or hyg iene assistance in a m o d e r n comfor tab le off ice. T w o doc to rs a n d ded icated staff wel-comes new individual w/previous exp. or interest to learn. Fax resume to: 248-855-5371 or call 248-855-4850.

D E N T A L A S S I S T A N T - 4 days in Farmington Hiils off ice. No Saturdays . 10 Mile & Orchard Lake. (248) 477-0208

D E N T A L A S S I S T A N T Exper ienced. Full-t ime for Dear-born g roup practice. No Satur-days. 313-278-6333

D E N T A L A S S I S T A N T & R E C P T I O N I S T

Full t ime posit ions. Some experi-e n c e p r e f e r r e d . F r i e n d l y p leasant of f ice staff. Livonia area. (734) 525-3150.

D E N T A L ASSISTANT Now accept ing appl icat ions for Dental Assistant , Receptionist and Hygienist . Dental experi-ence necessary for busy Red-ford of f ice. P lease call, (313) 592 -1100 or fax resume 313 592-0061 Attn: Danielle

D E N T A L HYGIENIST Car ing Hygienist needed for pa t i en t - cen te red preventa t ive pract ice. Ful l t ime with benefits. L ivonia area. Call Joyce at:


D E N T A L HYGIENIST Ful l /par t - t ime. Group pract ice in West land. Enthusiast ic person who en joys people. Pay com-m e n s u r a t e w i th exper ience.

Excel lent benefits. 401K. Cal l Del ia: (734) 722-5130.

D E N T A L HYGIENIST Our m o d e r n Southf ield off ice is in search of a Hygienist 2 days/ wk. T u e 8 - 5 p m & Thur 10-7pm. 12 & Northwestern. A great place to work ! 248-356-8790.

D E N T A L HYGIENIST Start af ter Labor Day. Great staff! Grea t office! Avai lable days: Tue . , Thur. , Fri. & Sat. If in terested in any or all of these days, cal l : 248-398-5545

D E N T A L H Y G I E N I S T Ful l- t ime posi t ion in Livonia smal l fami ly practice. Excellent salary a n d benefits.

(313) 565-3131

D E N T A L HYGIENIST needed Mondays for friendly dental pract ice in Farmington Hil ls. 1 Hou r pat ient schedul ing.

(248) 626-1417

DENTAL HYGIENIST Full t ime. Approx. 31 hrs per week. S o m e evenings. Health insurance, pension. Southfield. Cal l Mar ie (248) 352-7722

D E N T A L HYGIENIST an except ional ly warm, friendly qual i ty fee for service W. Dear-born of f ice (Telegraph/Michigan Ave.) seek ing a fr iendly, caring hygienist t o jo in our t eam Mon., Tues. , Thurs . No evenings or Sats. Excel lent salary & bene-f i t s . C a l l M a r g a r e t 313 -561 -1260 313-562-4030

Fax: 313-561-0377


W e are seek ing a mature, full-t ime, expe r i enced Recept ionist . Know ledge of Dentrix software & Insurance bi l l ing is preferred, in return for your contributions, w e of fer a compet i t ive salary based o n exper ience & benefits.

Fax your resume to: 248-443-0913.

DENTAL RECEPTIONIST Exp. & rel iable. Full/part-time. W e s t i a n d / L i v o n i a . C a l l : 734-522-6470 Fax: 734-522-6937

D E N T A L R E C E P T I O N I S T A p rog ress i ve dental of f ice desires a n enthusiastic, multi-t a s k e d peop le person who shares in our commitment to provid ing qual i ty care for our pat ients. Exper ience a plus. Call (248) 474 -0224

/ l o r i M ' f o w n newspapers.net

504 Help Wanted-Dental

DENTAL RECEPTIONIST Specialty practice is looking for a special person t o jo in its front desk team. This special person should have dental exper ience and be self-motivated, orga-nized, articulate and empathetic. Salary $30-$45,000 + benefits.

Call: (248) 357-3100.


For growing Canton office. Part-full t ime. Some evenings & Saturdays. Exper ience needed.

Cal l 313-515-9792

Dental Receptionist/ Scheduling Coordinator

Needed for general dental off ice in Novi. Must be a n upbeat, enthusiastic team player. Call Maureen: (734) 394-1027.

DENTAL RECEPTIONIST Full-time for busy practice in Garden City looking for team player. Some dental exper ience preferred. Computer knowledge helpful. W e offer great pay &

benefits, including 401K. Call: 734-427-2880.


REQUIRED. Great benefits. Call Cheryl 734-261-9696.

HYGIENE ASSISTANT Full t ime posi t ion open in Canton off ice for team-or iented, caring person searching for a meaningful opportuni ty to grow. Previous dental exper ience not essential, good customer ser-vice skil ls a must. Competi t ive salary/benefi ts. 734-981 -5455 for appointment.

ACE HYGIENIST For high quality Farmington Hills prosthetic-implant dental office.

Part-time, Mon thru Thur. Possible ful l-t ime.

Call Lori at: 248-553-4740.


Needed for Growing 2 Doctor practice full t ime. No evenings or weekends. (248)347-4250

HYGIENIST - For Farmington Hills practice with a relaxed atmosphere looking for an ener-getic individual to fill a hygienist position. 25 hrs. + per week.

Please call 248-553-3773.

HYGIENIST - part t ime, needed for Farmington Hil ls dentist. Wed. only 11 a m - 8pm. Exp. preferred. 248-476-8330

HYGIENIST Part-time / Full-t ime needed for friendly, Farmington Hills office.

Please call (248) 478-4755

ORTHODONTIC ASSISTANT Full-time for Bloomfie ld Hills office. Exper ienced. Mon-Thurs. Benefits. (248)647-0696


A full-time posit ion (40hrs) In a progressive practice. Prior expe-rience preferred. We are willing to train if you' re commit ted to l e a r n i n g . G r e a t b e n e f i t s , including uni form a l lowance & a 4 day work week. Interested a p p l i c a n t s s h o u l d s e n d a resume w/saiary requirements to: 33627 Seven Mile, Livonia, Ml 48152. Attn: Dana or fax to: (248)471-4146

PATIENT C O O R D I N A T O R Friendly, progressive off ice cur-rently seeking a Patient Coordi-nator. 734-421-5220

R A M S E Y D E N T A L Now hir ing exper ienced Waxer & Metal Finisher. 3-5 y rs experi-ence or more p re fe r red . 'Fu l l t ime/Full benefits. Cal l Phil

(248) 442-4848

EXCEPTIONAL individual sought to welcome patients with multi-tasking skills in business office responsibilities. Call 248-645-5340 or fax: 248-645-0928.

RECEPTIONIST, FULL-TIME Needed for Dental practice, Westland. Computer & dental exp, preferred. Top salary, 401K. Delia: 734-722-5130.

Help Wanted-


Full- t ime pos i t ion for hard-working team player. Respon-sible for all aspects of patient r e c o r d s . R e q u i r e s l i f t i n g , bending and walk ing. Medical e x p e r i e n c e p r e f e r r e d . Fax resume to (734) 981-0653 Attn: Clinical Manager


W e need competent , reliable dedicated & exper ienced people to provide services to older adults In our beauti ful Assisted Living Residence. Full T ime & Part Time. Full t ime employees are eligible for medica l and dental insurance. E.E.O. Apply in person at 3280 Wal ton Blvd., R o c h e s t e r H i l l s , M i c h i g a n (between Adams & Squirrel Rd.).

C E N A ' s - A f t e r n o o n s Part T ime

Apply in person: Marycrest Manor 15475 Middlebelt

Livonia, M l 48154

CHIROPRACTIC OFF ICE Experienced front desk & biller needed part-t ime.

(810) 970-8096.

C H I R O P R A C T I C O F F I C E looking for 1 ful l-t ime or 2 part-t ime employees. Good pay & excellent work ing environment. Fax resume to: 248-471-6853

Heto Wanted

EMT'S - PARAMEDICS Concord E.M.S. is a growing company needing qualified people to provide quality patient care. W e are developing new areas of business a n d need l icensed Medics, Special ists and EMTs who want good equipment, good pay and flexible hours with accu-mulat ive benef i t results.

* $1000.00 sign on Bonus * Health and Dental * Short t e rm disabil ity * Tui t ion reimbursement * Accumula te PTO * 401K * Compet i t ive wage

* Night shift premium

313-386-9400 or 734-947-9400 248-967-9400

FRONT DESK Medical Receptionist for Farm-ington Hills office, part t ime, approx. 24 -30 hrs/week. Experi-ence preferred but wil l train. $ 9 . 0 0 hr . Ca l l D e b b i e a t

(248) 851-6655 or fax (248) 851-2088.

| Heart land is looking for

I a dynamic RN to coordi- •

nate d ischarges f rom • | our ski l led nursing facil i- | • t ies to our Homecare • • and Hospice programs. • I Fu l l t i m e , M o n - F r i . I • H o m e c a r e exper ience • 5 requ i red . G o o d cus- 5 I t o m e r s e r v i c e sk i l l s I | essent ia l . Compet i t ive I a s a l a r y a n d b e n e f i t J, 1 package, plus bonus 1 • p r o g r a m . E O E . F a x I B r e s u m e t o M a r s h a B

• Wi lson 248-945-3333. •

HR DIRECTOR TheraMatr ix , a nat ional physical rehab company , is seeking a gereralist to oversee all HR func-tions. Must have 1-2 years expe-rience, f lexibi l i ty and knowledge of current labors laws a plus. Competi t ive compensat ion, Fax resume to: 248-333-0276 or e-mail: ryork@theramatr ix .com EOE


For a private, outpatient mental health clinic in Livonia. Full-t ime. Fax resume to: 734-462-1024

MEDICAL ASSISTANT/LPN/RN Medical examiners needed to perform mobil medical evaluation. Must have good phlebotomy skills and reliable car. Hourly plus mileage pay. Day and afternoon shifts available. Fax resume to:


• M E D I C A L A S S I S T A N T * Fu l l - t ime , t o p D e r m a t o l o g y office, in Farmington Hills. Must have 1 yr. medica l of f ice exper i -ence or training 248-553-2900


Part-t ime/full-t ime. Dearborn Heights area. Min. 1 year experience. Call 313-730-1591 or

fax resume to: 313-730-1634.

CLAIMS PROCESSING office, Farmington Hills, part time, med-ical and/or billing experience helpful but not required. Call between 9am-4pm 248-477-9560

DENTAL ASSISTANT Exper ienced for per iodonta l practice. Full t ime with benefits. Farmington Hil ls area.

Call 248-851-4167.

DIETARY A I D E S Evenings & Weekends

(Part-Time) Please apply at or call:

Hope Health Care Center 38410 Cherry Hill Road

West land, M l 48185 734-326-1200

EXPANDING MULT IPLE spe-cialty pract ice needs ful l t ime e x p e r i e n c e d R e c e p t i o n i s t w/MBS bil l ing exp.

Resumes faxed to: 313-537-0790

FRONT D E S K ASSISTANT For busy Chiropract ic of f ice in Canton. Full t ime with evenings & Saturdays required. Fax 734-455-2359. Cal l 734-455-6767.

MEDICAL A S S I S T A N T posi t ion avai lable in a Livonia Family Physician's office. Call:



• F ILE CLERKS Full & par t t ime avai lable. Expe-rience preferred, but not neces-sary. Call Judy 734-464-9540.

MEDICAL ASSISTANT Posit ion available in family

practice in Livonia. Injection, ekg, x- rays preferred.

Fax resume to: 248-474-4224

M E D I C A L ASSISTANT Full t ime, for fast paced subspe-cialty pract ice located near 13 Mile & Southfield. Full t ime days, compet i t ive salary, excel lent benefits, 246-647-0446

MEDICAL ASSISTANT Orthopedic of f ice in Garden City needs Medical Assistant. Experi-ence in assist ing, computer entry, and te lephone. Monday-Friday. Benef i ts. Fax resume:


, MEDICAL ASSISTANT Expe r i enced on ly for busy urology practice. 3 posit ions ava i lab le in Ponti 'ac, W e s t Bloomfield a n d Dearborn. Full-t ime. Excel lent salary and ben-efit package available. Please fax resume to: 810-771-9572

MEDICAL BILLER Exper ience required. Excel lent benef i ts. Compet i t ive salary. Friendly atmosphere, P lymouth a r e a . C a l l M a r i a S . 734-453-6970

MEDICAL BILLER Min imum 2 years exper ience in fami ly pract ice and Medic bi l l ing system. Please fax resume to Shannon: (734) 455-3405.

M E D I C A L B I L L E R / S U R G I C A L S C H E D U L E R

for busy genera l surgery off ice. 4 days per w e e k in Southfield. Exp. necessary. MBS helpful. Fax resume to: 248-353-1513

M e d i c a l O f f i c e S t a f f "New Openings! "Off ice Man-a g e r - B i r m i n g h a m S p e c i a l t y p rac t i ce s e e k s expe r i enced Manager t o supervise staff. A /R k n o w l e d g e he lp fu l . 'B i l l e r s -Southfield. 1 posit ion requires home care background,the other seeks individual with degree & supervisory exp. $14-$16/hr. Receptionists-Novi & Southfield.

Fax resume: 248-932-1214 or call Louann: 248-932-1204

H a r p e r A s s o c i a t e s

www.harper jobs.com.

MEDICAL RECEPTIONIST Full-t ime for busy Southf ie ld opthalomology office. Experi-ence preferred. 248-358-3937

M E D I C A L R E C E P T I O N I S T Now hiring for medical recep-tionist & medical assistant for our fami jy practice in of f ice Livonia. Exp. Necessary, hours great, staff fun, come jo in our crewl Fax resume to:


MEDICAL RECEPTIONIST for busy ophtha lmology pract ice in Canton. Insurance experience helpful. (734) 459-7850

MEDICAL RECEPTIONIST Full-t ime, f r iendly. Send resume to: 43422 W e s t Oaks Dr. PMB

#167, Novi, Ml 48377-3300


Exper ienced, for MD special is ts in Southf ield. Excel lent benefits. Mall resume to P.O. Box 826 Bir-m ingham Ml 48012-0826


M E D I C A L R E C O R D S / I N S U R A N C E V E R I F I C A T I O N Full- t ime posi t ion open at a L ivonia menta l heal th cl inic. Fax resumes to: 734-462-1024.


Full- t ime. Excel lent benef i ts . Cal l (248) 258 -2888

Nurse, L P N / R N

Tired Of The Same Old Routine?

W e need an enthusiast ic L P N or R N with great cus-tomer service ski l ls & per-sona l warmth t o assist wi th f ie ld v is i ts, case superv is ion, health screenings, a n d more . C o m p e t i t i v e e m p l o y m e n t package. W e guarantee you wil l never be bo red !

Call Joyce S impson T H E MEDICAL T E A M

248-358-2260 or fax resume

248-358-2264 or emai l j s impson @ medteam.com.

N U R S E N E E D E D for homecare in Northvi l le. Nice, long term case. Call (810) 777-2754

NURSES & CENA 's H o p e Hea l th Care Cen te r , located in West land, is now hir ing CENA's , al l shif ts; can m a k e up to $11,45/hr , b a s e d on exper ience. LPN Nurses can m a k e up to $21/hr. based on exper ience. Long T e r m Care.

Please apply at o r call: Hope Health Care Center 38410 Cherry Hill R o a d

West land, M l 4 8 1 8 5 734-326-1200

L icensed Physical Therap is t Fuli & part t ime. Mon . thru

Fri. If interested contact : R o m a n Kinal 248-888-1333

RECEPTIONIST/SCHEDULER -For 6 doctor pract ice in South-f ield. Medica l exp. needed, ophtha lmology exp. a + . Full-t i m e , b e n e f i t s , c o m p e t i t i v e wages & 401K. P lease fax resume to: 248-706-1337,

R E S P I R A T O R Y T H E R A P I S T A career enhanc ing posit ion. Good benefits. Cal l for specif ics.


e> RN, LPN or M E D A S S T

Wi th exper ience needed for G R O W I N G Dermato logy prac-t ice in Ann Arbor /P lymouth area. Full or part t ime. Pay to com-m e n s u r a t e w i th expe r i ence , excel lent benef i ts.

Apply Torlay1

Fax resume to: ( 7 3 4 ) 9 9 6 - 8 7 6 7

RN/LPN - Part- t ime (Day & Af te rnoon shif t)

Apply in person: Marycrest Manor ,

15475 Middlebel t Rd. Livonia, M l 4 8 1 5 4

R N / L P N Part t ime 3pm-11pm.

Resident Ass is tant -11pm-7am. T H E P L Y M O U T H INN

/Assisted Living Faci l i ty Competit ive Wages & Benefits

7 3 4 - 4 5 1 - 0 7 0 0

SPECIAL IZED H E A L T H C A R E Company is look ing to fill the fo l lowing open ings: Resident ia l / Case Managers , Direct Care Workers, Cogni t ive/Vocat ional Therapis ts & Market ing/Busi-ness Administrat ive Assistant. Fax : 248 -476 -4990 or mai l resume and salary requi rement

to: PO Box 5 3 0 3 0 6 Livonia, M i 48153-0306 .

T E C H N E E D E D for 6 doctor pract ice in Southf ield. Seek ing posit ive, energet ic, team-p layer . 1 yr . ophtha lmology exp. or C O A / C O T cer t i f icat ion. Full-t i m e , b e n e f i t s , c o m p e t i t i v e wages & 401K. P lease fax resume to: 248-706-1337.

Food/Beverage Restaurant

BAR S T A F F Full & part-t ime. Days or nights. Immediate open ing. S w i m wear attire required. 734-421-7744.

B A R T E N D E R & W A I T R E S S Exper ienced & Rel iable for

Can ton Bar. Call before 3pm. (734) 487-9770

CONCIERGE WANTED Full-time posit ion open for a ded-ica ted concierge. Dut ies inc lude coordinat ing daily mea ls for staff and on-site cl ientele, bus iness lunches and meet ings. Ass is t in-house commi t tee with budget preparat ion and p lann ing of in ternal events. 7 :30am-3 :30pm shift. Qual i f icat ions inc lude 1-2 years exper ience in craf t ser-v ices/cater ing or re lated field. Mus t have f lexible schedule, s t r ong c l ient se rv i ce back-ground, and outgo ing person-ality. Send resume a n d salary history to:

A m y We ishuhn Grace & Wi id, Inc.

23689 Industrial Park Drive Farmington Hills, M l 4 8 3 3 5

or Fax 248-471-2312 N O T E L E P H O N E C A L L S


T R U M P P S HIRING Cooks , Host /Hostess, Wai t Staff & Shot Persons. Apply in person 1 -6pm, Mon.-Fri , 21413 W. 8 Mi le, between Evergreen &

Lahser. 313-592-1190

C O O K EXP. $11/hour. Ful l /part- t ime.

Health insurance. W a g o n W h e e l Lounge. Northvi l ie.

248 349-8686

COOK for Northvi l le Christ ian school . Part t ime. Call: 248-348-9031

C O O K Ful l /part- t ime. App ly Mon-Fr i at: Fat Wil ly 's, 19170 Farmington Rd., Livonia. 248-615-1330

C O O K G o o d pay & benefi ts. Wes t l and area. 313-850-6176.

B R O I L E R & S A U T E E C O O K S - E X P .

needed for Leather Bot t le Res-taurant. Pays $10-$15 a n hour. Livonia Cal l T o m at

(248) 474-2420.

Cooks & Dishwashers Full & part-t ime. Private country c lub. Chef Ty: 248-437-7337.

C O O K S - FULL T I M E E X P E R I E N C E D Apply: Stryker's Bar & Grill, 38301 Ford Rd., Westland, 734-634-0483

COOK S h o r t o rde r . A p p l y w i t h i n .

Rene's Bar & Grill 31022 A n n Arbor Trai l ,

West land. (734) 425 -2454

508 Food/Beverage

COOKS I M M E D I A T E O P E N I N G S - Wa l -tonwood Senior apartment com-muni ty in n e e d of f r iendly compass iona te people to fill posi t ions for our fr iendly d in ing facilrty. S o m e weekend work. Flexible schedules. Prefer Expe-r i e n c e d C o o k s . F u l l - t i m e employees are eligible for med-ical a n d d e n t a l i nsu rance . E.E.O. App ly in person at 3250 Wal ton Blvd., Rochester Hills, Ml. or call 248-375-2500

Cooks / Kitchen Help All shifts; f lexible

hours, full & part t ime. G o o d pay. Bel levi l le area. (734) 697-9800

COOKS, WAIT-STAFF Full & Part-Time

$10/hr. Apply at: Starting Gate Saloon, 135 N. Center St., Northvi l le, (248) 349-5660

A D U L T C O U N T E R HELP P a r t - t i m e , d a y s or n i g h t s . $6.50-$8/hr. + bonuses. Col lege student book reimbursment. Cal l Rick at Subway after 2 p m


D I S H W A S H E R NEEDED for local publ ic golf course. After-noons & evenings, no late nights. Pleasant work place, compet i t ive wages and golf priv-i leges. App ly in person or cal l The Links of Nov i , 50395 W. 10 Mile, Novi. 248-380-9595

D I S H W A S H E R S & S E R V E R S S teady , par t - t ime, w e e k e n d eves. High pay for exp. wil l train. Plymouth Manor . 455-3501.


Prefer current/ former school bus drivers. Also seeking

Conductors. (248) 960-9440.


18 or older. No experience necessary. $1000-1500 a

week. (248) 470-7666

F O O D PREP & S A N D W I C H MAKING in n e w Picasso Cafe. Full or part t ime (11-3), c losed Sundays . 248-427-0600

G R I L L C O O K days part t ime for lounge. 5 mi le & Te legraph area. Apply JR Lounge 23810 Fenkell. 313-531-4780


Is currently seeking p leasant outgoing peop le for tne fol lowing posit ions:

• Banque t Servers • Servers • Bussers • Room Service • Host

W e offer a full benefits package. Apply at: Hol iday Inn North Campus , 3 6 0 0 Plymouth Rd., A n n Arbor. 734-769-9800 Fax 734-761-1290


is now hiring • K ITCHEN STAFF

• L INE C O O K S • D I S H W A S H E R S

Apply in person: 24555 Novi Rd., N/10 Mile. 248- 349-7038

M E S Q U I T E J U N C T I O N In Livonia hir ing ful l & part-t ime


C O O K S Apply in person 13600 Middle-belt at Schoolcraf t .

WA IT STAFF , B A R T E N D E R S Needed for Northvi l le Banquet Facility. Part t ime weekends $10 per hour. 734-420-0144

WAIT S T A F F - Day shift. Nick MacMurphy 's Coney. Apply in person: 39301 Grand River, Farmington Hills. 248- 477-6721

WAIT STAFF & DISHWASHERS Part t ime for Plymouth retirement communi ty . Great woiking condi-tions. Flexible hours. Apply in person: Plymouth Independence Village, 14707 Northville Rd.

WAIT S T A F F - for day shift. Good t ips, g o o d working condi -t ions. Manay 's Restaurant, 9 M i l e & T e i e g r a p h . ( 2 4 8 ) 356-2060

W A I T S T A F F &


For f ine din ing dinner train. Cal l Mike at: (248) 960-9440.



Mid-size c o m p a n y located in Br ighton. Trial balance through G L , P a y r o l l t a x e s & compl iance,

bherndon@amer l tech.net or fax (810) 227-0443

512 HelpWanted-

Are You ~ " 2 | Serious Abou t ^

^ A Career in Real Estate?

We are serious about Your success!!!

* Are you getting your Fair Share of Relocation Referrals?

WE ARB!!! * Exclusive success systems

program • Variety of commission plans Join our office and reap some

Great Benefits!!!!

Gil l Pam Danaher Manager

South Lyon Office 248-437-4500



512 i HelpWanted-

A C a r e e r i n R e a l E s t a t e

F r e e T r a i n i n g

Locat ion • Loca t ion S.E. Corner of Six/Haggerty

• Free Pre-L icensing Train ing

• Fuli a n d Part T i m e Posit ions

• Group Heal th C o v e r a g e • Structured Tra in ing

Program • In-House Clos ing

Depar tment

7 3 4 - 4 6 4 - 6 4 0 0 Ask for Larry F rey or

Frank D 'Ange lo

O n f c ^ H a r t f o r d S o u t h , I n c .

C h e c k u s o u t a t w w w . c 2 1 - h s . c o m



S C H W E I T Z E R How many t imes h a v e y o u thought of a real es ta te career?

• Flex T ime • Unl imited I ncome • The Best in Marke t i ng

Resources • The Best Tra in ing • Support Y o u C a n

Count O n • Free Tra in ing E x p e r i e n c e o u r n e w l y expanded Farmington Hil ls/ Wes t Bloomf ie ld locat ion. Now interviewing n e w & exper ienced agents . Cal l Joan Char, Manager , for a conf ident ial in terv iew.

(248) 737 -9000

couDuieu. BANKERU


A U T O D E A L E R look ing for mot ivated, enthusiast ic people .

No exper ience necessa ry . W e offer training, g rea t pay a n d

a fun env i ronment . Cal l Bob at: 734-427-1550 , for an immedia te in terv iew.

AUTO PARTS SALES Exper ience prefer red but wil l t rain right candidate. Mus t be dependab le and able t o wo rk as a t eam member . B lue Cross , 401 (k). Ask for D o u g Manare :

(248) 643 -7894


REAL E S T A T E IS B O O M I N G Excellent Commiss ions.

Great Training.



H O M E T O W N (734) 459-6222


NECESSARY" (Excellent Opportunity)

W e are in n e e d of addi t ional Sa les People to staff o u r b rand new modern facility. F ive peop le are needed to start wo rk immedi -ately. Our preference is t o train all our our Sa lespeop le w i th no car sales background. A l l of our new car f ranchises a r e exper i -enc ing outstanding g rowth . Ai l of our Managers c o m e f r o m these posit ions. W e of fer : f ive day work week, salary, c o m m i s -s ions, training, life & heal th insurance, pa id vaca t ions , new car demo, 401K pens ion , secu-rity a n d managemen t oppor tu-nity. Apply for th is learn ing posi t ions at:

L IVONIA A U T O P L E X 34501 Plymouth Rd.

Livonia, o r ca l l 4 2 5 - 5 4 0 0

r appo in tment


Great Factory Incent ives +

Huge Inventory +

Huge A d Budge t

Huge Floor Traf f ic

H u g e Sales Oppor tun i ty A re y o u the Sales Pro fess iona l our customers are look ing for? Fax your r esume t o J o h n McLel ian for conf ident ia l inter-v iew, (734) 9 9 6 - 5 7 8 4

VARSITY F O R D Ann Arbor, M l


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Th is is the C U R V E w e u s e to measure agent sat is fact ion.

W h a t C U R V E d o e s y o u r company use?

T o f ind out w h y o u r agents $ml le o f ten ca l l

Tr icha Kneid ing or

Ann Shahin today .

Now Hir ing N e w a n d

Exper ienced A g e n t s

( 2 4 8 ) 3 4 7 - 3 0 5 0


S c h w e i t z e r - N o r t h v i l l e

AUTOMOTIVE Full- t ime opportuni ty f o r a pro-fessional sa les pe rson in a n establ ished, growing au tomot i ve af termarket retail c o m p a n y . W e o f f e r a c o m p l e t e b e n e f i t package including fu l ly pa id BC/ BS, 401 fk). Earn ing potent ia l $50K+. Mult iple Det ro i t a rea locat ions. Mai l resume: M idwes t Truck Accessor ies, 18610 Fort St., Rivervlew, Ml 48192 . Or call S teve Lyles: 734-283-9650 . Drug screening requ i red EOE

512 HelpWanted-

Champion Manufacturing, Nations second largest H o m e Improvement Company , is now hir ing S A L E S REPS. Sa les : exper ience he lp fu l but wil l t rain .those wi th h igh energy a n d a good att i tude.

• $80 ,000+ potent ia l ( I s t yn) • Month ly per fo rmance

bonuses • Ful l benef i t package • Qual i f ied appts. • No te lema ixe t ing

L IVONIA O F F I C E Cal l Chris: 734-427-6560

Fax: 734-427-6564

C H A N G E Y O U R LIFE! Start a N e w Career

-In Real Esta te T O D A Y wi th

REAL E S T A T E O N E Find out mo re Information

by at tending a f ree o n e hour

Quest ion a n d Answer Sess ion

on Wednesday , August 1st F rom 12-1:00 p.m.

A t 38705 S e v e n Mile Rd.,

Ste. 160 in L ivon ia

(734) 591-9200 or

on Wednesday , August 1st f r om 12-1:00 p.m.

at 7499 Middlebel t Rd. in W e s t Bloomf ie ld

(248) 851 -4100 or

o n Wednesday , August 1st f r om 6 -7 :00 p.m.

at 20100 Civic Center Dr., Ste. 2 1 6

in Southf ie ld (248) 304-2299

or call (248) 356-7111

For Addi t ional Locat ions

V ,

J^Rbr I i n n obb..

FRIENDLY T O Y S & GIFTS has open ings for par ty plan advisors a n d managers . H o m e decor , gifts, toys, Chr is tmas. Earn cash, tr ips, recognit ion. Free cat-a l o g , i n f o r m a t i o n 1 -800-488-4875


Part-t ime posi t ions avai lable in Novi. W o m e n ' s apparel & cus tomer serv ice exp. pre-

ferred. Flexib le hours required, don ' t wait ! Cal l now!

i M A T E R N I T Y

1 -800-468-6700 extension 381

If Y o u A r e

SERIOUS A b o u t

Real Estate Training

C o n t a c t J i m M i l l e r 2 4 8 - 3 6 0 - 1 4 2 5

e - m a i l : j m i l l e r @ c b s c h w e i t z e r . c o m

If y o u ' r e n o t ,

c a l l t h e o t h e r a d s .

MSiMNTW. HSAvESTATE The #1 Company in the




R E A L P E O P L E Earn a FREE Laptop c o m -puter and a new lucrat ive career at the s a m e t ime l

East S ide (800) 8 7 5 - 7 6 5 3 W e s t S ide 248-260-0061

for a n interview.

ry Field Measurements & Cus-tomer Relations For Commerc ia l G lass Co. , P.O. B o x 51922 ECC, Livonia, M l 48151-0922 .

Look ing For s o m e Dai ly Sa les Exc i tement?

H o m e T o w n Newspapers has an I m m e d i a t e o p e n i n g in o u r B r i g h t o n A d v e r t i s i n g S a l e s Depar tment as w e initiate our dai ly newspaper in Liv ingston County . W e are seek ing a n out-going, energet ic t eam player, who possesses a n Associate 's Degree or pr io r sa les exper i -ence, excel lent cus tomer ser-v i c e s k i l l s a n d c o m p u t e r knowledge a p lus. Mus t have dependab le t ransportat ion, W e offer base sa lary p lus commis -sion and an excel lent benef i t package. P lease mai l o r fax resumes to:

H o m e T o w n Newspapers Attn: HR/Sa les Howel l

323 E. G r a n d River Howel l , M l 46843

Fax: (517) 548-5545 Emai l :

mbarttett @ h t .homecomm.ne t

Manufac tured H o m e Sales. Earnings potent ia l $30K+. MOBILE H O M E B R O K E R S

(734) 697-2433.

N E W H O M E S A L E S Local bui lder seek ing exper i -e n c e d sa les professional for Howel l , Ml a rea. Candidate must be a self-starter & orga-nized with excel lent communica-t ion skil ls. Mus t be wi l l ing to work 3 weekdays and week -ends. W e of fer excel lent salary p lus bonus & benef i ts . Mai l o r fax your resume to:

LoPiccolo Homes, Inc. 44303 P lymouth Oaks Blvd.

P lymouth, M l 48170 Fax: (734) 455-0815

O U T S I D E R E N T A L R E P Major distr ibutor for industr ial e l e c t r i c a l g e n e r a t o r s . We' l l respected product l ine. Require-ments : s t rong peop le & presen-t a t i o n s k i l l s . M u s t b e a n aggressive self-starter. Basic electr ical /mechanical fundamen-tals requi red. Base salary, c o m -m i s s i o n , e x p e n s e a c c o u n t , company vehic le, benefits, p lus 401K. Fax resume attn Pam:


P O R T R A I T STUDIO-Wonde r -land Mal l , requ i res sa les peop le want ing to earn $100+ per day commiss ion. In-store, part/ ful l t ime. Wil l t rain. 800-330-1276

L E A R N T O E A R N if you enjoy peop le y o u cou ld be earning $60 ,000 or more in real estate sa les . A u g . c l asses forming now. Contact Ginger



R E A L E S T A T E 70/30 Split , Grea t Training,

N e w Off ice!! Cal l Mike Workman Sr.

@ 734-452-1180 Keller Wil l iams Realty- Livonia

E A R N EXTRA $ $ $ l Booming real estate of f ice in L ivonia has openings for out-g o i n g Sa lespeop le ! T r a i n i n g avai lable. Cal l Judy or K i m



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Starting Salary, $30,000 PLUSI Benefits (health, 401K)

Incentives Experienced agents and new trainees welcome

No other program like it available.

Why look anywhere else? Work with the leader,

REAL ESTATE ONE, INC For more information,

please contact.

Ashley Baker at 248-304-2299 Or simply fax a resume to

248-356-4110 e-mail:

careers® realestateone.com

4F(*) Classifications 512 to 711 O&E Thursday, Ju l y 26, 2001


Our affiliation with the GMAC Real Estate Network unites two of the most trusted names in the Western Sub-urbs. Our exclusive real estate services help you become more successful: .• Top Notch training • Marketing tools • Strategic systems for

your client relationships • Global relocations ser-

vices • Financial services Plus our agepts are entitled to GM,Cardiscounts, vendor discounts, group health Insur-ance, investments in GM demand notes and many more benefits. We are now looking for 4 more agents to complete our Fall semester training session. Classes are forming now.

Call Dariene Shemanski: (734) 451-5400

1365 South Main St. Plymouth, Ml 48170

Sales DAMMAN HARDWARE has full-time openings at our Farmington store. Competi-t ive Wages, Medical & Dental, Family Discount, Paid Holidays, Vacation Pay! Exper ience Cons idered. Application can be made

daiiy: 23300 Farmington Rd.

SALES Experience helpful. Earning capacity up to $50,000/yr. Must have car, like people, and have good personality.248-967-8916





if you are serious about entering the business and profession of Real Estate Sales, you owe it to your-self to investigate why we are #1 in the market place and best suited to insure your success. •#1 Rated Franchise

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Computer Programs Enable You To Have The Competitive Advantage

•Unsurpassed Local and National Advertising Exposure


DIFFERENCE Cat! Jim Stevens

or Allssa Nead


( 7 3 4 ) 4 5 9 - 6 0 0 0

SALES MANAGER-PART-TIME for Ypsilanti area Convention & Visitors Bureau. Hospitality/ hotel, sales exp. preferred. Please fax or email resume by August 8. Fax 734 483-0400 or email [email protected]. No calls please.

T e l e m a r k e t i n g Pos i t ion Part time. Mortgage Co. Livonia office. 1-800-434-9377 x 356



Cellular experience a plus. Full-time with benefits & part time positions available. High commission. Fax resume to:



Well know home improvement co. is seeking top producers to join our staff. We offer an elite pay package along with con-firmed appts. If you have had great success in the sales Industry & are looking to attain a higher income level & enhance your sales skills, call Kevin for interview. 248-478-8600 or Fax resume to: 248-478-6835

SALES Staffing agency with east and west side locations is seeking an energetic, aggressive, experi-enced Sales person. Skilled trades a plus. Salary, benefits + commiss ion . Call Mary at 734-464-2755 or fax resume to: 734-464-3963

S H O E S A L E S P E R S O N for women's specialty store. Oniy one evening, no Sunday's. Benefits.

Call Ellen: 248-855-8855 R o z & Sherm

Mapie & Telegraph

Ser ious A b o u t A Ca ree r in Real Es ta te?

We are serious about your success!

• Free Pre-licensing classes • Exclusive Success Systems Programs

• Variety of Commission Plans Join the No. 1

Coldwell Banker affiliate in the Midwest!

Call Sharon McCann at (734) 462-1811 Coldwell Banker

Schweitzer Real Estate

T R A V E L C O N S U L T A N T S Friendly, confident salespeople needed to sell vacations to qualified leads using proven telephone sales techniques. Paid training, flexible 30 hr. week. $7.70 per hour + $100 to $300 a week commission. Rapid advancement potential. Dearborn. 313-278-4100.

TRUCK SALES PEOPLE 3-5yrs Exp. preferred. Dearborn location. Call 313-842-3000 or fax resume to 313-842-3596

HelpWanted Part-Time

CLERICAL OFFICE Part Time Receptionist - Roch-ester - 1 - 2 evenings & one day on weekend. 20+hrs. per week. Phones & mail outs. Must be computer literate.

(248).651-8144 ext. 3901

CUSTOMER SERVICE Part time 8am-2pm, some week-ends. Computer experience nec-e s s a r y , S o m e b e n e f i t s . Farmington Family YMCA. Call Yvonne at 248-553-4020.

DIRECTORS & WORKERS For school age childcare. Split shi f t , Mon-Fri . Recreat ion/ education credits a plus. Some benefits. Farmington Family YMCA. Call Bryan 248-553-4020.

GARDENING & YARD WORK Experienced; references. 2 after-noons per week. Woodward/ Quarton area. (248) 258-0032

HelpWanted Part-Time

HARD WORKING Dependable person needed at Livonia firm. You wili check fluids, tire pressure, etc. on our fleet of 23 trucks - and help out with other misc. duties. Mon-Fri., flexible daytime hours, about 15 per week. Good pay, pleasant workplace. Ideal for retiree


HEAD LIFE GUARD/AQUATIC COORDINATOR - Must be certi-fied in life saving, first aid & CPR. Exp. in teaching a plus. Up to 40 hrs/wk., flex hours including eves & weekends. Farmington Family YMCA. Call Eric 248-553-1933


POSITIONS Approximately 25 hrs./wk. Starting time 3pm. $8/hr. Apply in person


27451 Schoolcraft (at Inkster)

\ • Livonia, Mich. /

T E A C H E R S & T E A C H E R ASSISTANTS for the Farmington Family YMCA pre-school pro-gram. Benefits. Vacation & retire-ment included for full time staff. Call MaryBeth 248-553-1909

$ 5 5 0 W E E K L Y , W o r k i n g through the government from Home. PT 1-888-769-1994 (7 days/wk) Ad Code S13

524 Help Wanted-Domestic

CAREGIVER-DAYS. $9/HR. Light housekeeping. Call in the

morning. Westland area. 734-427-2088.

CAREGIVER FOR ALS Patient. Must be responsible, dependable, able bodied, non-s m o k e r . H o u s e k e e p i n g & cooking required. References. Salary negotiable. Live-in situa-tion possible. (248) 681-1795

524 HelpWanted-Domestic

COMPANION needed male or female - light housekeeping; some laundry, errands. Bloom-field Twp. Days & times flexible.


NON-MEDiCAL HELP needed for gentleman with emphysema. Livonia, 4pm-11pm, Mon-Fri. 248-777-5486 leave message.

Instruction Services

530 Entertainment

Employment/ Professional/ Misc. Services

536 Childcare Services-Licensed

CANTON non smoking child care learning home has open-ings. CPR & First aide. Nurturing & structured, music, gym & meals included, 12 yrs. exp. 734-459-9566 kellycare.com

CHILDCARE - Preschool, Fall enrolling. Mon-Fri. 6am-6pm. 2V£ yrs. & older. $24 daily. 2 Free weeks. Livonia: 734-525-3730.

537 Childcare/Babysit-ting Services

CHILDCARE - Stay at home Mom would iike to care for your children, 8 Yrs. experience. Call: (734) 641-9198

538 Childcare Needed

BABYSITTER NEEDED, full time in my Novi home for 4 yr. old & V/i yr. old.

(248) 735-1893

CAREGIVER NEEDED for 3 & 10 yr. olds., Sun mornings & some wk nights. 248-478-4475

CHILDCARE FOR 16 months oid in our Canton home, 30-35 hrs./wk (school hrs.) Mother w/young child preferred. Please call: 734-981-2541

CHILDCARE NEEDED in my home, start Aug. 28: Mon.-Fri., 4 - 7 : 3 0 p m . S o m e d r i v i n g involved. 8 yr. old girl, 10 yr. old boy. Paid Vacations. Novi Rd., & Nine Mile. Novi,

(248) 388-3044

DEPENDABLE NANNY for our 22 mo. old son in our Canton home. Non-smoker, own car, references. Tues, Wed, & Thurs 12-9, Sat 9-5 (734)495-0571

E N E R G E T I C C A R E G I V E R needed in our Plymouth home for ages 4 years & 15 months, 5 days per week. Excellent pay.

(734) 635-7037

538 Childcare Needed

Loving, responsible daytime Nanny for 2 & 4 yr. olds. Non-smoker. Own car. Exp. & refer-ences Novi. 248-380-7080.

NANNY FULL-TIME wanted for 3 good kids. Clark-

ston area. Must have refer-ences. Please call

(248) 458-7484.

NANNY - Part time needed to watch 2 children in Plymouth home. Exp. required. Flex days. Call Laura (734) 453-7074.

540 Elderly Care &. Assistance

CAREGIVERS w/exper ience available to work in your home 4, 8 or 12 hr. shifts or live-in if needed. 313-565-8957

MATURE male caregiver will care for your loved one, elderly, handicapped, etc. Flexible hours, exp., references. 248-358-3991

562 Prof. Services

ARE YOU INTERVIEWING? Are you looking for work?

We can help. Call Rick (313) 535-1347 Ext "2

Wi m Business Oppt. (See Class 390)

A+M+M MARS/NESTLE Estab-lished Vending Route. Will sell by 8/ 6. Under $9k minimum investment required. Excellent Profit Potential. Finance Avail-able/Good Credit. Toll Free

7 3 7 - 7 1 3 3 " * "

ATTENTION: EARN WHAT you are worth. Mai! order business needs help immediately. 522+ a week part-time. $ l000-$4000/ wk. full-time. Full training, free booklet, thr iveondreams.com 1-888-932-6679

PRESS-A-PRINT EQUIPMENT. Only used once. $3000. Call & leave message: 313-929-5950

574 Business Oppt. (See Class 390)

GROWING BUSINESS NEEDS; HELP. Work from home fnSif? order/e-commerce. $522 part time. $1000 to $4000/wk., Full time. www.2attainmoney.cOin'





P e r s o n a l i z e your c lass i f ied a d

with y o u r c o m p a n y logo.

Ask your salesperson for details

© b s e r u e r A lEccentric CLASSIFIED >PVERTISINQ

734-591-0900 248-644-1070

(Dbserwr^ lEccentrit MARKET PLACE Your HomeTown Classified ad is automatically posted on the internet!

Visit us today.

Garage Sales Health,Nutntion, Weight Loss

600's Announcements

600 Pe rsona ls

602 H a p p y A d s

604 G radua t i ons

606 Mo the r ' s Day

608 Father 's Day

610 Ho l iday Potpourr \

612 Swee tes t Day

614 Va lent ine 's Day

620 Spec ia l A n n o u n c e m e n t s ,

M e e t i n g s / S e m i n a r s

62 2 Lega l Not ices

62 3 A d o p t i o n

'624 M isc . Not ices

626 Pol i t ical No t i ces

628 Ca r Pools

630 C a r d s O f T h a n k s

•632 tn M e m o r i a m

634 D e a t h No t i ces

636 Lost & F o u n d

638 T i cke ts

640 T ranspor ta t ion /Trave l

642 Hea l th , Nut r i t ion,

W e i g h t L o s s

644 I nsu rance

646 B ingo

648 W e d d i n g C h a p e l

7 0 0 ' s Merchandise For Sale

700 . . .Abso lu te ly Free (1 day) 7311 . . .Commerc ia l / Indus t r ia l

70? . . .An t iques /Co l lec t ib les Res tau ran t E q u i p m e n t

704 . . .Ar ts & Cra f ts 732... . . .Compu te rs

7(16 . . .Auct ion S a l e s 734 . . .E lec t ron ics /Aud io /V ideo

m . . . R u m m a g e Sa le /F l ea 73fi . . .V ideo G a m e s , Tapes ,

Ma rke t Mov ies

710... . . .Esta te Sa les 738 . . .Farm E q u i p m e n t

711... . . .Garage S a l e s - O a k l a n d 740... . . .Farm P roduce -F lowers ,

71? . . .Garage S a l e s - W a y n e Plants

713... . . .Mov ing Sa les 741... . . .U-Pick

714 . . .C lo th ing 745... . . .Hobb ies -Co ins , S t a m p s

71ft . . .Househo ld G o o d s 74fi . . .Hospi ta l E q u i p m e n t

718... . . .App l iances 747... . . .Jewel ry

71 fl . . .Pools, S p a s , H o t T u b s 74ft . . .Lawn, G a r d e n & S n o w

720... . . .Barga in Buys E q u i p m e n t

721 . . .B icyc les 750 . . .M isce l l aneous For Sa le

7?? . . .Bu i ld ing Mater ia ls 751 . . .Mus ica l i n s t r u m e n t s

7?4 . . .Bus iness & O f f i ce 752 . . . .Spor t ing G o o d s

E q u i p m e n t 753 . . .Trade Or Se l i

7?fi . . .O f f i ce Supp l ies -754 . . .Wanted To B u y

728... . . . C a m e r a s & Supp l i es

7 8 0 - 7 9 3 Animals/ P e t s • • v 78 0 A n i m a l S e r v i c e s / S u p p l i e s

78 1 B reeder D i rec to ry

78 2 B i rds

78 3 C a t s

78 4 D o g s

78 5 F a r m An ima ls /L i ves tock

78 6 H o r s e s & E q u i p m e n t

78 7 H o r s e B o a r d i n g

C o m m e r c i a l

78 8 H o u s e h o l d Pets

78 9 Pet G r o o m i n g / B o a r d i n g

79 0 Pet S e r v i c e s

79 1 Pet Supp l i es

79 2 Pet W a n t e d

79 3 Lost & F o u n d

I Announcements

tfOG SITTER WANTED with the knowledge of diabetes. Canton area. (734) 981-1447.

H O S T I N G O P P O R T U N I T Y Open your heart and home to a Brazilian, German, Japanese or other high school exchange stu-dent! To volunteer today, call toll-free 1-888-552-9872.

623 Adoptions

ADOPTION: HAPPILY MAR-RIED Coupie Wishes To Adopt An Infant Or Twins. Confidential. W i l l P a y M e d i c a l / L e g a l Expenses. Please Call Jean and Leon. Toll-Free 866-207-8104.

COUPLE WITH lots of love desires to adopt newborn or infant. We have a place in our home & our hearts. Call Ken or Bobbi toll free 866-225-9597

Every Sunday/Thursday we bring people together to make

a difference?

CLARKSTON AREA 248 4 7 5 - 4 5 9 6

HOILY/FENTON 248 634-2475

OAKLAND COUNTY 248 644 -1070


ROYAL OAK 248 546 -0400

WAYNE COUNTY 734 591 -0900

FAXYOUR AD 734 9 5 3 - 2 2 3 2

INTERNETADDRESS http://observeMCcentric.com

25 Words + 13 Million Homes = Great Results

You can market your product to 13 mil l ion households throughout North America by plac-ing your classified ad in more than 800 subur-ban newspapers l ike this one for only $895. One phone ca l l , one invoice, one low pay-ment is all it takes. Call the Suburban Classified

on-demand service at 8 0 0 - 3 5 6 - 2 0 6 1 o r 3 1 2 -

6 4 4 - 6 6 1 0 X 4 7 3 1 t o

speak wi th a sales coordinator.

PUBLIC NOTICE The Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare. Organizations will conduct an accreditation survey of Provi-dence Hospital & Medical Cen-ters on August 27-31, 2001. The purpose of the survey will be to evaluate the organization's compl iance with national ly established Joint Commission standards. The survey results will be used to determine whether, & the conditions under which accreditation should be awarded the organization.

Joint Commission standards deal with organizational quality of care issues & the safety of the environment if <»"ich care is provided. Anyone pelieving that he or she has pertinent & valid information about such matters may request a public information interview with tne Joint Commis-sion's field representatives at the time of the survey. Informa-tion presented at the interview will be carefully evaluated for rel-evance to the accreditation pro-cess. Requests for a public information interview must be made in writing & should be sent to the Joint Commission no later than five working days before the survey begins. The request must also Indicate the nature of the information to be provided at the interview. Such requests should be addressed to:

Division of Accreditation Operations

Accreditation Service Specialist

Joint Commission on Accredita-tion of Healthcare Organizations

One Renaissance Boulevard Oakbrook Terrace, !L 60181

The Joint Commission will acknowledge such requests in writing or b y telephone & will inform the organization of the request for any interview. The organization will, in turn, notify the interviewee of the day, time & place of the meeting.

This notice is posted in accor-dance with the Joint Commi-sion's requirements & may not be removed before the survey is completed.

Date posted: July 26, 2001

MANY PATIENTS PAY LESS For Chiropractic Care - Why not you? Call 1-800-239-3552


DOOR, PRE HUNG - Steel fire rated, left hand. 32x79.

(734) 981-2960.

FREE: area.

Firewood. Plymouth 734-455-1811

FREE FIREWOOD: You haul. Bloomfield Twp. (248) 646-6102

FREE FIREWOOD: You haul. Bloomfield Twp. (248) 646-6102

MAGNAVOX AM/FM stereo/ phonograph, fruitwood console.


MIRRORS, PLATE glass - 1 8 x 68 & 46 X 3 6 . ( 2 4 8 ) 538-0434

MOBILE HOME 10x40, you haul it away. (313)531-8646

Antiques/ Collectibles

ANOTHER SALE-15-30% dis-count through July. Town & Country Antiques, 31630 Ply-mouth Road, Livonia.

(734) 425-4344

ANTIQUE BRASS bed, full size, good condition, $499/ best offer.

(313) 278-1559

ANTIQUE EARLY 1930'S solid m a h o g a n y 4 p o s t e r bed w/highboy & double dressers^ large mirror, desk/chair, night-stand, Travis Court/Drexell, excellent condition. $5900. Troy.

( 2 4 8 ) 6 4 9 - 2 0 9 4 .

ANTIQUES Furniture, Windows & Doors,

Lamps, Chandeliers, Sconces, Collectibles.

Way too much to mention 6000 sq.ft. - Come Explore!


BOGART'S ANTIQUES 11am to 6pm every day

600 E. Eleven Mile, Royal Oak V* Mile east of Main Street


m Lost & Found

FOUND CAT - white, female, gold eyes, if not claimed, needs a home! (734) 416-1050

FOUND: pet bird, between new-burgh & 5 Mile. 734-464-6155

FOUND - Siamese Cat at Joy & Inkster Rds., (313) 937-9180

FOUND - Young Black male Lab, Salem Twp. No collar,

Needs home.734-453-3191

GREY Tabby male ;oHar. lost Napier/Ann

w/ white paws, red cof Arbor Rd. rewardl 734-454-7375

LOST DOG - female Dalmatian, 10 years old, lost Fri. 7-6. Ford & Venoy area. (734) 525-1996

(734) 634-6669

A T T E N T I O N A S I A N & E U R O P E A N


Visit us in Juiy and see the extensive Gouda Collection in our SPOTLIGHT SHOW-CASE. Plus - shop in air con-ditioned comfort for affordable antique & collectible merchan-dise, perfect for your gift giving & gift getting needs.

The Great Midwestern ANTIQUE EMPORIUM

5233 Dixie Hwy, Waterford

BARBIE #1 BY Matell, with accessories. Mint. At Dearborn Hilton, July 28. 734-449-0757.

BOEHM Porcelain, 24 items, $14,800. Call Kirke, Mon-Fri. at


DINING ROOM SET "Heywood Wakefield" $675, 810-469-0028

DINING SET, 10 piece, circa 1935, Flame grained mahogany, 2 leafs, 6 upholstered chairs, server, china cabinet & side board ail w/ glass covers. Exec Cond. (248) 620-4922

MUFFY COLLECTION - 207 pieces w/boxes. Fair market value, $12,000. Will sell for $4950. (248) 477-9208

NORITAKE FJORD, out-of-production china: 5 piece place settings, etc. 313-461-8601


For the best selection of quality merchandise. Down-town Romeo. Open 7 days a week, 10-6.

8 1 0 - 7 5 2 - 5 4 2 2 v

YELLOW HOUSE ANTIQUES closes it's doors forever!

It's now or never. Great baraains to be had! July 19-Aug 12, fues-Sun, 1 la-5p. 125 N. Washington, Royal Oak, Ml. 248-541-2866.

704 Arts & Crafts

CRAFTERS WANTED for Annual Labor Day Country

Fair in Ciarkston, Sept 3rd. Call Colleen at:

248-625-5099, 248-394-0200

Auction Sales

COURT OFFICER SALE Pursuant to court ordered writ of execution the following vehicle will be sold a? auction, (1) 1392 Lincoln Towncar, date of sale Saturday July 28th 2001 at Will-iams & Son Towing, 36573 Grant Road, Romulus 48174. Time of sale 12 noon preview at 11:30 A.M.


• Fine Victorian Antique Furni-ture • Glassware • Clocks We will have a public auction at 15110 Warwick Rd., Detroit, Ml. (Take 1-94 East to Telegraph Rd., go North to Fenkel, then East to Warwick).

SUN. JULY 29 - 12 NOON You can view and print our

other auctions from our web-site listed below:

Braun & Helmer Auction Service (734) 996-9135 (734) 994-6309


Not i ce of Publ ic Sa le Pu rsuan t to State L a w A sa le w i l l be he ld at :

J o h n ' s M in i S to rage 12801 Inkster Rd . L ivon ia , Ml 4 8 1 5 0

Date 8/18/01 Time 12:00PM

Tenant: Duane Babcock Arlene Beach Hassan Blackshear Earnest Brumfield Ronnie Comer Complete Computer

Service Diaz Service James Ellis Gene Esse Robert Esse Keily Evans Joseph Glenn Mariam Hanibie Mary Harte

Unit # D173.R447

A113 A220 F454 A102

B110 F315 E221 F297 F407 E243 411A F455

D193,D205 E237

Amelita Hill G505 Nathan Jackson A235.F309 Ricardo Johnson A214 Paula Keasey F419.F423

F424.F425 Vincent Kent A223 James Kozar E224,E234 Michael McClure F442 Daniel Oaks A222 Cindy Orangio D187 Mark Owens G527.R453 George Rice, Jr. A107.A108

A109 Marc Salah F279.R452 Carol Scott D198 Nicholas Scott F295 James Sutherland G347 Michelle Szerszen E274 Jimmy Thornton F433 Tom's Roofing G555,G556

G557.R161 R352,R398,R399

John Zarweli D158

#J Rummage Sale/ Flea Markets

TIMOTHY LUTHERN CHURCH, 8820 Wayne Rd., (S. of Ann Arbor Tr.) Fri-Sat, July 27-28, 8am-5pm.

WESTLAND-Prince of Peace Church. 37775 Palmer Rd. W. of Newburgh. July 26,27 9-4pm. Sun. 28 8-12.

710 Estate Sales

ANTIQUE ESTATE SALE. Furniture, household items, golf, baseball, sports. July 27-28, 10-5. 41609 Conner Creek Dr., off Old Haggerty, N. of Ford, S. of Warren, Canton.

BEVERLY HILLS - A big collec-tion of household, furniture, non-fiction books, collectibles. 30875 Vernon Dr., 13 Mile between Lahser & Evergreen. July 26th-27th, 9-4; July 28th, 9-12.



S. WABEEK Fri/Sat, July 27-28, 10-4

1955 T U C K A W A Y W. B L O O M F I E L D

(E. off Wabeek Lake Dr., S. of Long Lake). Park on one side of street only.


Everett spinet piano, walnut pedestal dining table, 4 Queen Anne cnairs, small cream color leather sec-tional, French chairs, custom upholstery, glass & chrome cocktail table, chrome & white leather chair. Victorian chairs, original art. oil paint-ings & watercolors, bedroom furniture, crystal, silver, pewter, electronics, books, ladies cloths size 8 & 10 plus lots of quality household & personal misc. .





1 (313) 869-5555 [ "


Both Fri, Sat July £7-28,10-4 #1) 30050 Wifdbrook Condos, E. off Telegraph, N. of 12 Mi.

(Just S. of Fitness USA) Complete Contents High End Contemporary Furnishings. 87 Mustang GT convertible Call 248-988-1077 for details

#2) 973 Orchard Lake Rd. SE corner Orchard Lk & Tele-graph, across from Home Depot. 5000 sq. ft. Bldg. Fuli of new & estate furniture! Ca l l 2 4 8 - 9 8 8 - 1 0 7 7 for details. Office 248-855-0053.



#1) Fri/Sat July 27,28, 10-4. 4325 Foxpointe Dr., in Fox-pointe Sub. off Orchard Lake just N. of Lone Pine. "BEAUTIFUL CONTEMPO-RARY LIKE NEW FURNI-TURE & ACCESSORIES" Large sectional sofa • sev-eral other sofas & chairs • 2 games tables & chairs • dinette set with 6 chairs • glass cocktail table • enter-tainment center with-bar • master bedroom king bed with 3 chests • chaise • doll collection • desk & credenza • several good TV's » stereo. TONS OF PAINTINGS & SCULPTURES. Too much to mention.

#2) Sat/Sun. July 28, 29, 10-4 5110 Tootmoor, Bloomfield Hilis. Off Lone Pine, 2 blks. E. of Telegraph.


& COLLECTIBLES" Tons of art, sliver, crystal • organ • white provincial bed-room set • yellow queen bed • m a h o g a n y c h e s t s • dressing table ° antique con-diment set • gorgeous white iron outdoor set • collectibles galore. Too much to mention.

2 4 8 - 6 2 6 - 7 7 2 3 Appraiser & Liquidator

for 35 Years in Metro Area.

BIG 3 HOUSE ESTATE SALE 9-5, Fri-Sat, July 27-28. 8218 Randy, btwn. Joy & Ann Arbor Trl, btwn. Merriman/Middlebelt; N. Westland. Appliances, Tools, Furniture, Lawn & Garden, everything goes + house!

BIRMINGHAM - Sat & Sun., 9am-4pm. Furniture, appliances, kitchen, sporting, clothing, yard & misc. items. 1325 Buck-ingham, N/Maple, E/Adams.

DETROIT 60 yrs. V W 3 K Antiques, furniture & other household goods. Ail Must go! 7-28 & 29, 9-5. 2651 Carter, near Grand Bivd 313-532-2116


JULY 26 - 28, 12-5 Antiques, deco, 50's, jewelry. ANTIQUES & INTERIORS

32430 Northwestern between Middlebelt &

Orchard Lake 248-538-9238 J


Bioomfield, 5373 Echo Rd., W. of Telegraph, S. of Lone Pine. Thurs. Fri. 7-26 & 7-27, 10-4.

FARMINGTON - PC, furniture, drums, household, & much more! 33254 Meadowlark near 8 mile & Farmington Juiy 28 9-4



Lilly M. & COMPANY

Call Toll Free


HOWELL - Antiques, Retired Lenox, Armani, & Emmett Kelly Jr. figurines, rifles, pistois (permit required), safe, and much more! Call for appt: (517)545-0369

LEONARD BERRY ANTIQUES. Quality Estate Sale. Fri. & Sat. July 27-28,9 to 4. 22730 N. Not-tingham, Beverly Hills. W. of Lanser, N. of Nottingham. Antiques & fine, reproductions. Baker, Henredon, Kittinger, lamps, mirrors. 248-646-1996

NOVI. FURNITURE, all types of household items. Sat., July 28, 9am to 5pm. Sunday, July 29, noon to 4pm. 41835 Ridge Rd. East Meadowbrook Glens Sub-division, north of 10 Mile, west off of Meadowbrook Rd.

WESTLAND - ESTATE SALE. Everything must go! Tools, furni-ture, clocks, jewelry, kids stuff. 9am-6pm, Sat-Sun., July 28-29. 32801 Joy Rd. 248-388-2303

711 Garage Sales


P lace a G a r a g e Sa le A d

And be eligible to win a $50 girt card to

Meijer, Inc.

m e i ] e r One Winner per week. Winner's name wiil be

published every Thursday in this section. To place a garage sale

ad please call: Wayne County (734) 591-0900

Oakland County (248) 644-1070

Rochester/Rochester Hills

(248) 852-3222 Ciarkston, Lake Orion,

Oxford, Waterford (248) 475-4596

Holly/Fenton (800) 579-SELL

or fax your ad: (734) 953-2232

BIRMINGHAM JULY 26-28 9-5. 2833 Manchester, N. of 15 Mile, W. of Coolidge. 3+ family. Tho-masville furniture & more.

BIRMINGHAM - Summer Clearance, Re-sale clothes & household items. Juiy 28 thru Aug. 4. BARGAIN BOX 123 Brown St., 248-644-7871 Mention this ad for extra savings

BIRMINGHAM - Thurs-Fri, 9-12. 2452 Devon Lane, S. of Maple, E. of Cranbrook. Antiques, crib/ changing table, accessories, toys, designer clothes size 4-6.

BLOOMFIELD HILLS - Moving Sale. Fri, Sat & Sun, 9-6. 6961 Holiday Dr. W/Telegraph, N/14.

BLOOMFIELD HILLS - July 27-28, 9-4. Household, collecti-bles, art & more! 2130 Kemp Rd., E. of Middlebelt, between Orchard Lk. Rd., Square Lk Rd.

FARMINGTON HILLS - Wood-, creek Sub, 28493 S. Harwich:-between Inkster & Middlebelt jC' of 12. Fri. & Sat. 9 to 4pm. 3 Family Sale. 248-851-12B&

FARMINGTON HILLS 3 fartffljf garage sale. Friday July 27ffC 9-3. 30126 Woodbrook Cou£.ip. Holly Hills Farm Subdivision. Take Hlghmeadow 1 block S.xrf' 13 Mile W. off of Middlebelt. Watch for balloons.

FARMINGTON HILLS- Multi family sale. Sat. only, 8-4. 22116 West Brandon, S. of 9 Mite, W. of Inkster - look for signs. Many antiques, electronics, like new office furniture, tanning equip-ment, manicuring tables, commer-cial beverage cooler w/glass door, tons of household goods.

FARMINGTON HUGE Thursday. & Friday 9am. 23247 Prospect-,• N. of Grand River W. of Orchard'

BLOOMFIELD HILLS -Sat. only, 10am-4. Organic cotton children's clothing. 1st & 2nd quality (new). Newborn to 4T. Priced from $2 - $40. Maple, Lahser area. 6455 Golfview Dr.


BLOOMFIELD HILLS - A Super Sale! Only the good stuff: Refrig-erator, sofa, chairs, house-wares, iawn furniture & designer clothing, fabric, light fixtures. Thursday-Fr iday, 9-? 4521 Stoneleigh, off Lahser, between Lone Pine & Long Lake.

CANTON - Community Wide Yard Sale! July 28-29, 9-5. Col-lege Park Estates, 51074 Mott Rd, N. of Michigan Ave., E. of Ridge Rd.

CANTON - Fri., 8-5. Sat., 8-noon. 43729 Fredericksberg, near Bentlev Elementary. Bed-room sets & much morel

CANTON - July 26-28, 9-5. 7465 Briargate Ct., corner of Warren & Beck. Baby items & clothes, furniture, misc.

CANTON - Multi-family, kids stuff, household, Nordic-Trac, shadow bike. July 27,28, 9 to 5. 48239 Deer Trail, Fox Run Sub, N. of Ford, W. of Beck.

CANTON - Sat, 10-5. Sun, 12-5. 39750 Bart, Holiday Park Sub, off Joy Rd. Antiques, collectibles (Coke, Barbie, Ren & Stimpy comics), baby & household.

CANTON - Thurs. & Fri., 26th & 27th, 8-5. 908 Wildwood, S. Of Cherry Hiil, E of 275, off Lotz

CANTON- YARD SALE . Fri.-Sun„ July 27-29- 8am-7pm.

at Canterbury Mews Cooperative on Haggerty

btwn Ford Rd. & Cherry Hills.

CLAWSON SAT 8-4. 3 family, books, antiques, household, videos & more. 327 Nakota S. of 14 Mile W. of Main.


to A. H. of Garden City who won a $50 gift card to Meijer, Inc. A. H. placed a garage sale ad in Thurs., July 1£ paper. You too can be a

uly 15 & Sun., Julj/ 19

winner. To advertise your garage sale please call:

Wayne County (734) 591-0900 Oakland County (248) 644-1070

BEVERLY H I L L S - Huge Garage Sale. Sat. 9 to 4, Sun., 9-2. Children clothes, toys, furni-ture, misc. 31770 Crossbow.

BEVERLY HILLS - July 26 & 27, 9-3. 19251 Warwick, 2 blks. N. of Beverly, W. of Southfield.

BLOOMFIELD ESTATE Sale 50 years. 6875 Colby Lane, S. of Maple E. of Wing Lake. 1990 Cadillac (only 26,000 miles). Thursday July 26th-Sunday July 29th. 9 a.m.-?

DETROIT - Furniture, antiques, collectibles, cameras, crafts, all household. 12260 Laing, 4 blks. E. of Kelly, btwn Moross & Morang, Fri-Sun, July 27-29, 10am-3:30pm. 734-595-7508

BEVERLY HILLS - 2 family. Thur. July 26, 10-4, Schwinn bike, battery powered kids jeep, furniture, lots of household, H. Miller mantle clock, toys & videos. 16137 Weatherby, S. of Beverly Rd., E. of Pierce.

BIRMINGHAM - Fri-Sun., 9-5. 2601 Windemere, off Maple & Coolidge. Antiques, collectibles

BIRMINGHAM - Fri. - Sun., 8 to 3.891 Bird, 14 Mile & N. Wood-ward. 3 family sale including clothes, sizes 2-10, shoes, appli-ances, misc. & much more.

DEARBORN HGTS - 7 family sale - inside & outside. 26851 Ford (11th house E of Inkster, southside) Thur-Mon., July 26-27-28-29-30, 10am-6pm.

DEARBORN HTS. Huge garage safe, must visit, Fri. Sat, Sun. 10am-dusk. 6419 Highland, Ford/Telegraph

DETROIT - Multi-Family! Baby Clothes, Furniture, Pitbull puppies & more! July 28, 8-4. 15468 Stout, Near Fenkll and Evergreen

FARMINGTON HILLS - July 26-28, 9-5. 5 families. Linens, clothes, baby items, TVs, & more! 27624 & 27619 Shiawassee, N. of 8 Miie, W. off Inkster.

FARMINGTON HILLS - 2 family. Lots of baby furniture & toys. 35000 Bunker Hill, 12 Mile, & Drake. Thur. thru Sat.

FARMINGTON HILLS -Westgate Sub Sale - July 28, 29, 9-5. Westgate entrance on 13 Mile Rd. Bet. Middlebelt & Orchard Lake Rd.

FARMINGTON - July 26, 12-6, July 27, 28, 9-6. 31912 Lamar, W. Orchard Lk. S. 10 Mile.

FARMINGTON Thurs-Fri, 9-17 100 LEGO SETS

other miscellaneous items.*-23662 Whittaker, S. of Grand

River, E. of Drake. "

FARMINGTON 32214 Loomjs,. S. of Ten Mile and E a s t i o l Power. July 28th-29th 9-4. Baby goods, treadmill, clothing, maier-; nity clothing, dishes, & m o r e ^

GARDEN CITY - Antiques, Tup-perware, lots of misc. Fri-Sat., 9-3. 30112 John Hauk (HerirV Ruff & Ford Rd)

GARDEN CITY HUGE! 27-29, 9-7. 32238 Bock, 3 bite. W/Merriman, 4 blks S/Ford Rd..

GARDEN CITY - Thurs. Fri. JOT? 27,28, 9-4. Toys, clothes, house-hold items, misc. 930 Douglas, Wayne & Marquette.

GARDEN CITY - Thur-Sat. 9=5. Lots of clothes, baby & up. Toys, furniture, lawnmower & much more. 29465 Sheridan. •>•••

LATHRUP - BIG BIG SALE! Arti-cles for men, women, contrac-tors; antiques. 18609 Rainbow Dr. 1 block N. of 10V4 mile, W/of Southfield Rd. July 26-28 9-5

LIVONIA - Furniture, large tool box w/too!s & misc items. July, 26-28, 9-5. 30276 Vasa?r between Middlebelt & Merriman N. of 7 Mile.

LIVONIA GARAGE sale! wife large quanity of dark rqcifri, equipment, furniture, c lothing misc. household, July 26th-27th 12-5. July 28th 8-5. July 29th 8-12. 28643 Sunnydale, corner of Sunbury.

LIVONIA - Garage Sale. Thurs-Sun, 9-5. 14067 Stamford, Schoolcraft & Farmington. ^ "


& GAME SALE Over 5000 Movies & Games available & restocked dallty.' Excess stock from all 7 loca-tions. VHS, DVD, PS, N64, DC. Prices start at just $2.

July 26,27,28. 10am-6pm>„ Entertainment Tonite, 33201 Ply1; mouth Rd., (corner of FatTO: ington Rd). 734-513-6t6t

LIVONIA - July 28,29, 9-5pm: Rain or shine, (in garage & tent). 36081 Meadowbrook (btwn I-96 & 5 Mile. E. of Levan) Office modems, calculators & accesso-ries, computer, radios, 10-sp, bike, fluorescent hand l a r r f ^ tools, power strips, extension, cords, fire extinguishers, house* hold, padlocks, much more.®"?

LIVONIA - Kids, antiques,'® much more! July 27-29, 9am-6pm. 29825 Hathaway, Off Mid-dlebelt & West Chicago.

LIVONIA Lots of treasures. Tfiu'r-Sat., 9-5.38831 Orangelawrv/N of Ann Arbor Rd., E of 275?;

LIVONIA - Ramblewood Street Garage Sale. Thurs.-Sat. 9-5. Betwn. Schoolcraft & 5 Mile -Levan & Farmington.

LIVONIA - 14956 Auburndale, S. of 5 Mile & W. of Merriman. Fri,-Sat .9-4. "• '

LIVONIA - 1741*7 Brookview (1 blk W of Middlebelt, off 6 Mile). July 28-29, 9-5. Baby items,..

LIVONIA - 29709 Mason, N. of I-96, W. of Middlebelt. July 27-29; 9-5. Lots of stuff -old & new/.

LIVONIA - 2 family Salej Clothes, Beanie Babies, craft $ Misc. items, 15207 Riverside Ss of 5 mile, W. of Farmington. Jul? 26-28,9-4! We Buy used books!

NORTHVILLE - Fri. & Sat. 8am-5pm. 46296 Pickford, Edenderry Sub corner of Valencia.

Thursday, July 26,2001 O&E Classifications 512 to 719

Garage Sales

N O R T H V I L L E -antiques,collectibles, household, ant ique roll top desk, chairs, table, t runk etc. Craf tman 10 Inch, table saw, small portable compressor , professional of f ice furniture and much more! July 27 & 28. 8am-5pm. 17385 Roll ing W o o d s Circie. Hills of Crestwood sub. 6 mile & Beck. Dont miss this one!l!!!H

NORTHVILLE - City farmer sel l ing t ractor , too ls , s o m e antiques, misc yard/hand tools, f ishing gear, household items. Fri-Sat, 9-5. 16355 Bradner.

NORTHVILLE - Household & morel Juiy 2 8 , 9 - 5 . 1 7 4 2 1 Rolling Woods Cir. N./6 Mile, E./Beck.

NORTHVILLE - N.- of 8 mile & W . of Novi Rd. Canterbury St. Thurs-Sat . 7 / 26 - 28, 9 - 4. Fur-n i tu re , b u n k b e d & g r e a t dScor.

NORTHVILLE SAT. 7 - 2 8 . 2 1 6 1 9 Bedford, corner of Gatway. Sev-eral i tems; excerise & more.

OAK P A R K - Gigantic sale! New & pre-owned cTothing f rom previously owned boutique, 4 large power sewing machines. 21740 Westhampton (Cool idge &. Pearson). Thur-? 10-7pm

P L Y M O U T H - HUGE Multi-family Yard Sale. Fri-Sat. July 27-28, 9-5pm. (680 Deer St., 1 block E. of Main St./S. of Wing) . Furniture, books, crafts, house/ domest ic ware, exercise equip-ment, kids/adult c lothes (women plus sizes, leather).

P L Y M O U T H - Moving Sale. Sat. & Sun. 8 to 5. Furnishings, c h i n a , a r t w o r k , b e d r o o m s , kitchen set. 13158 Por tsmouth Crossing, off N. Territorial, E. of Beck. (734) 455-2743

PLYMOUTH T W P - Estate/ Garage/Tool Sale - 28yrs accu-mulat ion. July 27 & 28. Glen-view Sub. 13133 LeBlanc. E. of Beck, S. of North Territorial.

N. R E D F O R D - Muit i-sales. 3rd blk S. of 7 Mi le on Lexington, E of Inkster. Ju ly 26-28, 9-5.

R E D F O R D JULY 26-28, 10-5. 20404 Wakenden, Beech & 8 Mile, Baby items, odd & ends.

REDFORD - Lots of good, clean baby/children's i tems , house-hold & furniture. Juiy 27-28, 9-5. 18616 Olympia, 2 blocks S./7 mile. 2 b locks E./Beech

711 Garage Sales

R E D F O R D - Sat . 9am-5pm. & Sun., 11am-5pm. 8 9 5 5 Crosley. Te legraph & Joy Rd.

R E D F O R D - Thurs-Sat , 9-5. Exercise, baby, t i res, collecti-bles, bikes, lots of misc. 14048 Seminole, N. of 96, E. of Inkster.

R E D F O R D Y A R D sale. 24463 Pilgrim. July 28,29, 9-4. S. of 6, N. of 5. W . off Telegraph.

R E D F O R D - 15829 Lenore, W. of Te legraph. Too ls , machinery, lumber. July 28-29 , 9 -5 .

R E D F O R D - 1 d a y on ly Sat., July 28th, 9-4. D ishwasher , a/c unit, b ikes & more . 2 6 2 1 6 Dow corner of Kinlock, S. of 5.

R E D F O R D - 3 fami ly garage sale, July 27, 28; 9-5. 10035 Appleton. 2 b locks S. Plymouth, 1 block E. Te legraph. House-ho ld goods, c lo th ing, books and more. Stop by for s o m e great buys.

S O U T H F I E L D - C o m m u n i t y Fund Raiser. Cars & t reasures. W . of Bell, be tween 11 & 12. Sat., 9-1pm.

S O U T H F I E L D - F A B U L O U S S A L E . F u r n i t u r e , w o m e n ' s c lo th ing, h o m e accessor ies , tools & more. C o m e ear ly both days, Ju ly 27-28, 9 -5 . 21890 Hampshire CI., Lahser & 12 Mile.

S O U T H F I E L D F R I D A Y July 27th-Sunday 29 th 9 -4 . furniture, clothing, and housewares-more. 27075 Marshal l , W. of Green-f ield & N. of 11 Mi ie Rd.

SOUTHFIELD - H u g e multi-fami ly sale! Rain or sh ine . Toys, ciothes, too m u c h to mention. July 28, 29, 9 -6 . 25120 Lois Lane, 1 blk. E. Lahser , N. 10

S O U T H F I E L D - H u g e Sale. Clothing, v intage to new, tools, misc. Thur. - Sun . 9 -5 . 22552 Hallcroft Tr. near 12 Miie.

S O U T H F I E L D - H u g e 5 car sale. Furnace wi th A /C coil & duct work, industr ial shop lights, clothes, appl iances, rototiiier, household i tems. Too much to list. 25121 McAll ister, 10 Mile & Beech. Thurs.-Sat . , 9 -5 .

SOUTHFIELD - Ju ly 28, 9-5. 19930 Springleaf, Near 13 Mile & Evergreen.

SOUTHFIELD, July 26-29,10am-4pm. 22680 Glastonbury Gate, off Bell Rd between 12 & 11 mile. King bedset 5 piece + more!

Garage Sales fill Moving Sales

S O U T H F I E L D - 24627 Mary-land, E. of Southf ield, S. of 10 mile. July 27-28, 9-4.

BEDROOM SETS (2), Living room & dining room furniture, TV, VCR, Stereo, and much more! Call for appt: 248-853-7099

MOVING £ Contempo tion: 8 oif

S A L E - W . Bloomfie ld: rary, excellent condi-ice master bedroom

S O U T H F I E L D 25555 Lahser, be tween 10 & 11 .Mile, Vi l lage: Crest Condo. Sat. 7-28; 8-4 p .m, !

BEDROOM SETS (2), Living room & dining room furniture, TV, VCR, Stereo, and much more! Call for appt: 248-853-7099 suite (white): House of Denmark

7 piece bedroom set (teak); cus-tom-buil t enter ta inment center & coffee table (white); white 5 piece custom-bui l t off ice furni-ture: overs ized desk, lateral f i le unit with bookshelves; 2 door cabinet, mobi le copier table, Halogen desk lamps; s tandard size sleeper sofa (black & white); L&R recliner sofa with center wedge; wood grain book shelves & enter ta inment center ; Maytag washer & dryer. Cal l 248-848-9120, 248-932-1159

S O U T H F I E L D 25555 Lahser, be tween 10 & 11 .Mile, Vi l lage: Crest Condo. Sat. 7-28; 8-4 p .m, ! BEST OFFER. GE Washer,

Dryer, Rower, treadmill, nightstand, chest, dresser. 734-453-0557

suite (white): House of Denmark 7 piece bedroom set (teak); cus-tom-buil t enter ta inment center & coffee table (white); white 5 piece custom-bui l t off ice furni-ture: overs ized desk, lateral f i le unit with bookshelves; 2 door cabinet, mobi le copier table, Halogen desk lamps; s tandard size sleeper sofa (black & white); L&R recliner sofa with center wedge; wood grain book shelves & enter ta inment center ; Maytag washer & dryer. Cal l 248-848-9120, 248-932-1159

W A T E R F O R D 3 family salel Sat & Sun Juiy 28-29; 9-4, 4835 Fenmore, o f f El izabeth Lake Rd between Crescent Lake and Cooley Lake Roads.

BEST OFFER. GE Washer, Dryer, Rower, treadmill, nightstand, chest, dresser. 734-453-0557

suite (white): House of Denmark 7 piece bedroom set (teak); cus-tom-buil t enter ta inment center & coffee table (white); white 5 piece custom-bui l t off ice furni-ture: overs ized desk, lateral f i le unit with bookshelves; 2 door cabinet, mobi le copier table, Halogen desk lamps; s tandard size sleeper sofa (black & white); L&R recliner sofa with center wedge; wood grain book shelves & enter ta inment center ; Maytag washer & dryer. Cal l 248-848-9120, 248-932-1159

W A T E R F O R D 3 family salel Sat & Sun Juiy 28-29; 9-4, 4835 Fenmore, o f f El izabeth Lake Rd between Crescent Lake and Cooley Lake Roads.

BLOOMFIELD HIILS - Lots of Furniture, bedroom, dining, & more! must sell! 248-334-7772

suite (white): House of Denmark 7 piece bedroom set (teak); cus-tom-buil t enter ta inment center & coffee table (white); white 5 piece custom-bui l t off ice furni-ture: overs ized desk, lateral f i le unit with bookshelves; 2 door cabinet, mobi le copier table, Halogen desk lamps; s tandard size sleeper sofa (black & white); L&R recliner sofa with center wedge; wood grain book shelves & enter ta inment center ; Maytag washer & dryer. Cal l 248-848-9120, 248-932-1159

W. B L O O M F I E L D - huge! Multi family. Househo ld goods, toys, kids & adul ts designer clothing, strol lers, car seat , rocking chair, new i tems & more. Thurs. thru Sat. July 26-28, 9 - 5 . 6 5 4 4 Clare-more Ct. (Chelsea Park, N. of 14, E. of Halsted.)

C A N T O N - Mov ing Sale. 43723 Westminister. 1 blk. N, of Ford, btwn. Sheldon & Morton Taylor. Ju ly 28-29, 10-5.

suite (white): House of Denmark 7 piece bedroom set (teak); cus-tom-buil t enter ta inment center & coffee table (white); white 5 piece custom-bui l t off ice furni-ture: overs ized desk, lateral f i le unit with bookshelves; 2 door cabinet, mobi le copier table, Halogen desk lamps; s tandard size sleeper sofa (black & white); L&R recliner sofa with center wedge; wood grain book shelves & enter ta inment center ; Maytag washer & dryer. Cal l 248-848-9120, 248-932-1159

W. B L O O M F I E L D - huge! Multi family. Househo ld goods, toys, kids & adul ts designer clothing, strol lers, car seat , rocking chair, new i tems & more. Thurs. thru Sat. July 26-28, 9 - 5 . 6 5 4 4 Clare-more Ct. (Chelsea Park, N. of 14, E. of Halsted.)

DETROIT - Sports equipment , household items, misc. 23003 Chippewa. Sat. 8am-6pm.

suite (white): House of Denmark 7 piece bedroom set (teak); cus-tom-buil t enter ta inment center & coffee table (white); white 5 piece custom-bui l t off ice furni-ture: overs ized desk, lateral f i le unit with bookshelves; 2 door cabinet, mobi le copier table, Halogen desk lamps; s tandard size sleeper sofa (black & white); L&R recliner sofa with center wedge; wood grain book shelves & enter ta inment center ; Maytag washer & dryer. Cal l 248-848-9120, 248-932-1159

W. B L O O M F I E L D - huge! Multi family. Househo ld goods, toys, kids & adul ts designer clothing, strol lers, car seat , rocking chair, new i tems & more. Thurs. thru Sat. July 26-28, 9 - 5 . 6 5 4 4 Clare-more Ct. (Chelsea Park, N. of 14, E. of Halsted.)

DETROIT - Sports equipment , household items, misc. 23003 Chippewa. Sat. 8am-6pm.

S O U T H F I E L D J U L Y 2 3 r d -August 1st. 10am-5pm. r iding m o w e r & l a w n e q u i p m e n t , doughboy pool, appl iances, fur-niture, work tools & more!!! 19252 Midway Ave. , E. of Ever-green between 8 & 9 Mile.

W. B L O O M F I E L D - Thurs. , Fri., 8-4. 6250 Odessa, Hiller & Greer area. Baby, household.

FARMINGTON HILLS moving sale furniture, sports stuff, & more, Thursday & Friday 9-5. 21304' Ontaga at Sedai ia.

L IVONIA - Contemporary living room sectional, etegere, coffee table, formica kitchen table w/ 6 chai rs (all white), k ing waterbed, 3 twin beds & much more! Cash 'n carry. (734)425-4034

S O U T H F I E L D J U L Y 2 3 r d -August 1st. 10am-5pm. r iding m o w e r & l a w n e q u i p m e n t , doughboy pool, appl iances, fur-niture, work tools & more!!! 19252 Midway Ave. , E. of Ever-green between 8 & 9 Mile.

W E S T BLOOMFIELD July 26 ,27&28, 9-4pm. Tons of t reasures: Ant iques, toys, c lothes, furni ture, household i tems, co l lec t ib les & sporting goods at great prices! 5707 Plum Crest Drive (W. of Orchard Lake Rd., between Maple & Walnut Lake Rds).

FARMINGTON HILLS moving sale furniture, sports stuff, & more, Thursday & Friday 9-5. 21304' Ontaga at Sedai ia.

L IVONIA - Contemporary living room sectional, etegere, coffee table, formica kitchen table w/ 6 chai rs (all white), k ing waterbed, 3 twin beds & much more! Cash 'n carry. (734)425-4034

S O U T H F I E L D J U L Y 2 3 r d -August 1st. 10am-5pm. r iding m o w e r & l a w n e q u i p m e n t , doughboy pool, appl iances, fur-niture, work tools & more!!! 19252 Midway Ave. , E. of Ever-green between 8 & 9 Mile.

W E S T BLOOMFIELD July 26 ,27&28, 9-4pm. Tons of t reasures: Ant iques, toys, c lothes, furni ture, household i tems, co l lec t ib les & sporting goods at great prices! 5707 Plum Crest Drive (W. of Orchard Lake Rd., between Maple & Walnut Lake Rds).

FARMINGTON HILLS moving sale furniture, sports stuff, & more, Thursday & Friday 9-5. 21304' Ontaga at Sedai ia.

L IVONIA - Contemporary living room sectional, etegere, coffee table, formica kitchen table w/ 6 chai rs (all white), k ing waterbed, 3 twin beds & much more! Cash 'n carry. (734)425-4034

TROY - 4110 Wash ing ton Cres-cent Dr., Near 17 Mile & John R. July 28, 9-5. Furniture, bed-rooms, console TV, washer / dryer. Everything must go!


Equipment, tools, office furni-ture. Fri - Sat. - Sun., 11 to 6pm.

T & G Truck Repair, 5901 Hix, West land.

W E S T BLOOMFIELD July 26 ,27&28, 9-4pm. Tons of t reasures: Ant iques, toys, c lothes, furni ture, household i tems, co l lec t ib les & sporting goods at great prices! 5707 Plum Crest Drive (W. of Orchard Lake Rd., between Maple & Walnut Lake Rds). LIVONIA-Fri 9-5. Sat, 9-1. Kids

items, furniture, clothes, house-ho ld & much more. Bennet t St. E. off Newburgh, N/6 mi le.

TROY - 4110 Wash ing ton Cres-cent Dr., Near 17 Mile & John R. July 28, 9-5. Furniture, bed-rooms, console TV, washer / dryer. Everything must go!


Equipment, tools, office furni-ture. Fri - Sat. - Sun., 11 to 6pm.

T & G Truck Repair, 5901 Hix, West land.

W E S T B L O O M F I E L D - July 26, 27, 28, 9-5. Linens & drapes, spo r t s e q u i p m e n t , records , h o u s e w a r e s , new samp les . 4253 Iverness Lane, N/Lone Pine, Wes t of Middlebelt.

W E S T L A N D - Many Misc! July 26-28, 9-5. 8275 Melvin, near Middlebelt & Ann Arbor Trail

LIVONIA-Fri 9-5. Sat, 9-1. Kids items, furniture, clothes, house-ho ld & much more. Bennet t St. E. off Newburgh, N/6 mi le.

TROY - 4110 Wash ing ton Cres-cent Dr., Near 17 Mile & John R. July 28, 9-5. Furniture, bed-rooms, console TV, washer / dryer. Everything must go!


Equipment, tools, office furni-ture. Fri - Sat. - Sun., 11 to 6pm.

T & G Truck Repair, 5901 Hix, West land.

W E S T B L O O M F I E L D - July 26, 27, 28, 9-5. Linens & drapes, spo r t s e q u i p m e n t , records , h o u s e w a r e s , new samp les . 4253 Iverness Lane, N/Lone Pine, Wes t of Middlebelt.

W E S T L A N D - Many Misc! July 26-28, 9-5. 8275 Melvin, near Middlebelt & Ann Arbor Trail

LIVONIA - July 26-28, 9-5. 36721 Sunnydale, W. of Levan, N. of 5. Electric stove, 4 H P out-board motor, furniture, misc.

TROY - 4110 Wash ing ton Cres-cent Dr., Near 17 Mile & John R. July 28, 9-5. Furniture, bed-rooms, console TV, washer / dryer. Everything must go!


Equipment, tools, office furni-ture. Fri - Sat. - Sun., 11 to 6pm.

T & G Truck Repair, 5901 Hix, West land.

W E S T B L O O M F I E L D - July 26, 27, 28, 9-5. Linens & drapes, spo r t s e q u i p m e n t , records , h o u s e w a r e s , new samp les . 4253 Iverness Lane, N/Lone Pine, Wes t of Middlebelt.

W E S T L A N D - Many Misc! July 26-28, 9-5. 8275 Melvin, near Middlebelt & Ann Arbor Trail

LIVONIA - July 26-28, 9-5. 36721 Sunnydale, W. of Levan, N. of 5. Electric stove, 4 H P out-board motor, furniture, misc. W. BLOOMFIELD - Furniture,

TV, & more. Thurs-Sat. 9-5. E. of Orchard, fol low Welisley, N off Mapie to 5930 St. James Dr.

W E S T B L O O M F I E L D - July 26, 27, 28, 9-5. Linens & drapes, spo r t s e q u i p m e n t , records , h o u s e w a r e s , new samp les . 4253 Iverness Lane, N/Lone Pine, Wes t of Middlebelt.

W E S T L A N D - Many Misc! July 26-28, 9-5. 8275 Melvin, near Middlebelt & Ann Arbor Trail

LIVONIA JULY 27th & 28th; 8-5. 3690 Hees, N. on Joy E. of New-burgh, turn on Crowne.

W. BLOOMFIELD - Furniture, TV, & more. Thurs-Sat. 9-5. E. of Orchard, fol low Welisley, N off Mapie to 5930 St. James Dr.

W E S T L A N D - Moving lots of stuff. K ids c lothes, ant iques, fur-niture, 2 r ings, fur cape & coat. Wed. - Sun , 9-6. 32720 Glen.

L IVONIA - Moving sale. Sat., July 28, 9am-5pm. Furniture. 32001 W. Chicago (between Farmington & Merr iman).

M E T A L SHAPER 10in, gasol ine mulcher, electric range, uphol-ster swiveled chair, pat io tea cart, buffet cupboard, Dinette Set. 734-422-7083

EH Clothing

W E S T L A N D - Thur-Fr i -Sat„ 9-5. 31102 Map lewood (Merriman & Ford).

L IVONIA - Moving sale. Sat., July 28, 9am-5pm. Furniture. 32001 W. Chicago (between Farmington & Merr iman).

M E T A L SHAPER 10in, gasol ine mulcher, electric range, uphol-ster swiveled chair, pat io tea cart, buffet cupboard, Dinette Set. 734-422-7083

MINK STOLE & jacket $100 ea. Alaskan Seal coat needs repair $50. 734-421-2050 eves.

W E S T L A N D - Yard Sale. 7418 Areola, Inkster & Warren area.

L IVONIA - Moving sale. Sat., July 28, 9am-5pm. Furniture. 32001 W. Chicago (between Farmington & Merr iman).

M E T A L SHAPER 10in, gasol ine mulcher, electric range, uphol-ster swiveled chair, pat io tea cart, buffet cupboard, Dinette Set. 734-422-7083

WHITE W E D D I N G D R E S S & VEIL - size 22-24. $200 cash. (734) 722-5266.

W E S T L A N D - 37156 Vincent, W. of W a y n e Rd., S. of Palmer off Newburgh. Mon.-Sun.

NORTHVILLE-Ju l ,26-28,10-4. 41450 Woodr idge Ct. S. of 8

between Haggerty & Novi.

WHITE W E D D I N G D R E S S & VEIL - size 22-24. $200 cash. (734) 722-5266.

W E S T L A N D - 37156 Vincent, W. of W a y n e Rd., S. of Palmer off Newburgh. Mon.-Sun.

NORTHVILLE-Ju l ,26-28,10-4. 41450 Woodr idge Ct. S. of 8

between Haggerty & Novi. Household Goods

W E S T L A N D - 37466 Marquette, H mile S. of Ford R d „ W. of Newburgh. Lots of Toys & other t reasures. Ju iy 26-28, 9-4.

SOUTHFIELD furniture, appli-ances, kitchen stuff, accesso-r ies, tools, after 5 dresses. Aug. 1-5; 12-8. 29350 Leemoor , between Evergreen & Lahser.

Household Goods

W E S T L A N D - 37466 Marquette, H mile S. of Ford R d „ W. of Newburgh. Lots of Toys & other t reasures. Ju iy 26-28, 9-4.

SOUTHFIELD furniture, appli-ances, kitchen stuff, accesso-r ies, tools, after 5 dresses. Aug. 1-5; 12-8. 29350 Leemoor , between Evergreen & Lahser.

A B S O L U T E L Y B E A U T I F U L Leather sofa, loveseat, chair. 100% top grain anal ine leather, hand-craf ted in Italy with factory warranty. Unused, in plastic.

Cost $5000, sacrif ice $1650. 248-939-0013.

W E S T L A N D - 7 family salel July 26-28 9-5. Large variety of misc. & arts and crafts. 546 N. Parent. Near Cherry Hill & Wayne.

SOUTHFIELD furniture, appli-ances, kitchen stuff, accesso-r ies, tools, after 5 dresses. Aug. 1-5; 12-8. 29350 Leemoor , between Evergreen & Lahser.

A B S O L U T E L Y B E A U T I F U L Leather sofa, loveseat, chair. 100% top grain anal ine leather, hand-craf ted in Italy with factory warranty. Unused, in plastic.

Cost $5000, sacrif ice $1650. 248-939-0013.

W E S T L A N D - 7 family salel July 26-28 9-5. Large variety of misc. & arts and crafts. 546 N. Parent. Near Cherry Hill & Wayne.

SOUTHFIELD-Thu rs -Sa t , 11-6. 16395 West land, off Southf ield Service Dr. N.

A B S O L U T E L Y B E A U T I F U L Leather sofa, loveseat, chair. 100% top grain anal ine leather, hand-craf ted in Italy with factory warranty. Unused, in plastic.

Cost $5000, sacrif ice $1650. 248-939-0013.

716 Household Goods

A L L LEATHER 100% Italian full gra in, p remium select, g rade A leather couch, love seat, chair, o t toman. Buy Mantel las i leather in Italy with warranty, unused in wrapper . Cost $5K sacrif ice $ 1 9 5 0 c e l l p h o n e 313-477-0979

A N Y S L E Y C H I N A , Fos to r ia crystal s temware. Baker ch ina cabinet/breakfronts (mahogany) . Candlest ick lamps. Fabulous mahogany dining room tables ( C h i p p e n d a l e , H e p p l e w h i t e , Sheraton, more). W ide assort-ment of mahogany din ing room chai rs (4-12 per set) . Ant ique sofa. Mahogany execut ive desk (made in England). S ideboards, Hunt boards, buffets & servers. Or iental rugs. Too much to list.


R O Y A L OAK (248) 545-4110.

B E D R O O M a beaut i fu l 9 p iece, Maison Phillip cherry s le igh bed, dresser, mirror, 2 nightstands, armoire, boxed. Cost $7000, sacr i f ice $2200. 248-449-6960.

B E D R O O M - Henderdon, 6 pieces, mahogany w/b lack tr im. Mint. $3000/best. 248-855-3318

B E D R O O M SET, con tempora ry 4-p iece $450. Puilout loveseat, $ 1 7 5 . L o v e s e a t $ 7 5 .


B E D R O O M SET - whi te, wood-like formica, 4 pieces. Cus tom made. $1500. 248-641-8253

BELLINI CRIB Diana Whi te & dresser w/changing table & mat-t ress. $400 248 645 -5924

B R A N D N E W - Italian Leather -Marble - & Lacquer Furniture. 7 0 % Off Retail. 810-206-1100

BROYHILL dining set, black, 6 chairs/table w/leaf/china cabinet/ buffet/mirror. $950. 248-643-8864.

B U F F E T w/ leaded g lass & pine table, chairs, hali t ree, $1000. Country loveseat & country chair,


C R i B , C H I L D C R A F T sol id oak (converts to toddler bed) & match ing 6 d rawer dresser. Like new. $700. (734) 495-0977.

D E S K & work table, gray, $250; 4 pc. king bedroom set, black $500. (810) 229-7444

D INETTE SET, Table w/ 4 chairs, 2 leafs $350. Black leather sofa $150. 248-310-0844

DINING R O O M - A beautiful cherry double pedestal table, 2 leaves, l ighted hutch & buffet, 8 Chippendale chairs with ant ique white upholstery, all dove tai led & feit l ined drawers, unused, in box. Cost $14,000. Must sell, $2500. 248-449-7928.

DINING R O O M - contemporary table 6 chairs, 2 leaves & server. Asking $425. (248) 651-0170.

DINING Room: "Harden", cherry Queen Anne-style, oval table seats 1 0 , 2 a rm & 6 side chairs. Superior cond. 313-461-8601

DINING R O O M SET - Broyhil l , oak, - table, 8 chairs, l ighted china cabinet & hutch, Great condit ion, $500 734-981-8802

DINING ROOM table, green marble, w/6 chairs, $900. Off white sofa w/print ottoman - $500. Sofa sleeper, chair sleeper & ottoman, $900. Modem green wrought iron glass shelving unit • $850. 734-844-3370

DINING SET, 4 living room tables-Heywood Wakefield blonde. 3 piece full bedroom set blonde. Mission oak fainting couch. 248-354-5433 248-960-2305.

D INING Tab le $50. Chest , dresser w/mirror $20 ea. 4 Wood dining chairs $20 for set. Child desk $10. 7 - 8' section wood fence $20. 4' Christmas tree $5. Sump pump $50 313-563-9676

E N T E R T A I N M E N T / C O N S O L E . 2 Piece teak, 51 "H X 65"W x19"D. New $1200, ask ing $375. 248-540-9054

ENTERTAINMENT CTR - 3 sec-tions, almond laminate, lighted, 6'x6', TV opening up to 32" TV, built '95. $300. 734-981-4778

GORGEOUS, JASPER cabinet roll-top desk w/chair & remov-able cabinet top, fully f inished on back, $2500. Unique Ant ique 1920's dining room set, ornately carved, includes 38"x89" table, 4 side chairs, 2 a rm chairs & buffet. One of a Kind! $5500. 2 NATUZZl leather ioveseats w/1 sofa, original pr ice $10,000 now for $2500. (734) 340-2259

LEATHER - Couch, loveseat, chair, o t toman & grandfather clock. Exc. shape. $3300/best. 734-261-5745.

LEATHER sofa, loveseat, 6 mo old, $975. Sony 27" TV $200. Queen bed $150. 248-790-2715

(*)5 Bl

L E A T H E R SECTIONAL, cus tom wall units, like new kitchen table, 4 chai rs , glass tables, love seats, etc. (248) 737-2952

LIVING R O O M F U R N I T U R E , (sofa & bed), ch ina cabinet , washer & dryer, k i tchen g lass dinet te set. Cal l Jasmine at (734) 253-9500 519-969-8138

L O F T SET, Chi ld 's, House of Denmark , teak wood , exc. cond. $400 - 248-879-0499

L O V E S E A T S , (2) ma t ch i ng , $300 & w ing back chair $ 1 0 0 w/f loral pat tern o n c r e a m back-ground. Queen s ize box spr ings, $50. Al! l ike new. 248-737-0537.

M A H O G A N Y Eighteenth Century Style Tradi t ional Furni ture A n d Accessor ies . Ch ippenda le C l a w & Bali Table, 8 Chai rs A n d Large Ch ina Cabinet , S ide-boa rd . Fabu lous M a h o g a n y Carved K ing And Q u e e n S le igh Bed. Oyster Wa lnu t Cab inets . Large Carved Bookcases. Sev-erer P ieces Of Hand Pa in ted Furniture, marble Top Conso le Tables. Oil Paint ings. Mirrors. Sta ined G lass W i n d o w s . T i f fany Style Lamps A n d Lots More . W h o l e s a l e T o T h e P u b l i c . (248)582-9646

N E W E R G E Profi le 25 .2 cu.ft . , s ide-by-s ide refr igerator ($750) & smooth top range ($300) wi th full 4 yr serv ice contract , tab le & roller chai r set ($500) . Al l a lmond. 248-851-7216 .

N O R T H V I L L E - Mov ing sale. C u s t o m sol id oak en te r ta inment center, $1,000. So l id cher ry Hickory Whi te f rench count ry ch ina cabinet & match ing buf fet , $1,000. Cus tom 6 s ided cedar picnic tab le $100. Contac t

(313) 949 -0260

POOL - D O U G H B O Y 16x24, $500. (734) 422 -8217

RECL INER - B rown Fabr ic . $100.

Call evenings (734) 4 2 1 - 2 0 5 0

S E W I N G M A C H I N E , compute r , Viking des igner 1. A lmos t new, Best of fer . 810 -786 -6664

SIMMONS Cherry crib w/mattress, dresser, changing table. Mint cond. $700. 248- 926-0985.

S O F A - 4 p iece sect ional , $275 ; tables, lamps. 734-981-3625

T H O M A S V I L L E S O L I D cherry.' wal l units, (2). g lass panel;: doors, glass she lves, lighted-.: upper. Sol id doors, sol id shelf- ; lower. Exc. cond. , $400 each. , (248) 816-8180 9

W A L L UNIT - Be ige shiny fo r - i mica, curved g lass at ends, 70'1 wide x 80' high Good cond.-$550 (248)615-4027;i

W A T E R B E D - K ing s ize Deluxe; 2yrs old. $1500 new. $700 o n best offer. (248) 349-0554,

W A T E R B E D S Q u e e n s ize dark brown $50, king s ized pine vy/« shelf headboard, d resser & 2? night s tands $250 734-464-96991


DRYER, K E N M O R E electric, ^ yrs. old, whi te, g o o d condit ion., $125. (248) 624-3867, ;

R E F R I G E R A T O R - s i d e by ; <•; side, $ l 5 0 / b e s t . S tove -gas . ; $

$100/best . 734-422-4198 - i

S P E E D Q U E E N washer & GE* eleqtric dryer , wh i te , l ike new,? $200 each. (248) 349-0701

S T O V E - G E Self c lean ing oven & micro. All in o n e unit. Electric;" like new, $200 . 248-652-9130.;;

W A S H E R , Ki tchenAide, 3 mo*, old, large capac i ty , $350. Whifk< pool gas dryer , good cond,J

$100. Evenings: 248-203-2075-

W I N D O W A i r C o n d i t i o n e r s Rebui l t units, exc. condi t ion^ $100 each. 734-467-5862;

Pools/Spas/Hot Tubs'

C A L 8 person hot tub. $1 ,000 or. best Offer. (248) 347-1954

HOT TUBS/SPAS . Broken par tnersh ip forced t o

sell. Al l Spas mus t be sold at cost or below. 248-789-5815

SOLAR P O O L - w/! iner 16x32, w / d e c k . $ 5 5 0 . M u s t d isas-semble. (313) 382-8552

W A R E H O U S E M O V I N G SALE 50 P O O L S M U S T G O NOW! Ex: 21 ' round w/package, was $3363.71, now $ 1 8 7 6 . 2 4 ' round w/package, w a s $2796.05, now $994.91. Wil l f inance. A s k for Bob. (734) 261-858(5:

S i h c r i u l c a I l o i n e & S r r v i i e D i v v i t o r \ A c ! l o r 4 l i m r s a n d w e ' l l i " i v o v o u t i n 1 < u l l o r l i m e s .

That's 2 FREE ads! C < i / / todtiy! O a k l a n d ( o u n l y 24H ( > 4 4 - 1 0 7 0 Y V a \ n e ( o u n l v 7 5 4 V J I - O ' i O O

Lawn, Garden one Service Building/ Excavatmg/Backhoe Handyman Housecleaning

C O M P L E T E ACCOUNTING Services for your business. Spend your t ime sell ing not bookkeeping. Great rates!!! Call Rick 734-354-7956

Asphalt/ Blacktopping


• Seal Coat ing. Free Est. 800-724-8920 734-397-0811

| | Brick, Block & Cement

* AAA BRICK PAVING * All masonry work - Repairs

or new. Lie. & Ins. Cal l Jeff: (734) 432-7878

AA S M A L L JOB SPECIALIST 32 . Yrs. Reputable, Quality work A l Cement, Brick & Block wotk

Dr iveway Replacement Lie'. & Ins. 248-348-0066

A & K MASONRY 313-467-7330

A L L T Y P E S R E S I D E N T I A L C E M E N T W O R K . Fully insured. Free est imates. Ray Vagnett i Cement Co. 734-464-1137

AT fNA C E M E N T CONTRAC-TORS: All types of cement work, dr iveways, garages/pat ios. Free Est,, Lic./ lns. (734) 513-2455.

: * A-1 Brick M A S O N * Ch imneys, Porches. Repair

Special ists. Lic./ lns. Call Craig: C & G Masonry: 248-437-1534

D O G O N S K I C O N S T R U C T I O N Brick Block & Cement Work , Porches, Chimneys, Dr. Ways . Free Est. 313-537-1833

. P A D U L A C E M E N T C O M P . Dr iveways • Garages • Porches etc. Al l t ypes of cement work. . . Cal l 734-525-1064

• P A I S A N O CONST. C O . * State Uc. 25 yrs exp. Driveways, Pqiphes, Patios, Basement Floors, Bhck & Block. Specializing in resi-dential work. Call 248-473-1161.


For Free Est. -Ca l l Alex: 810-904-8822

Bui ld ing/


ADDITIONS PLUS, INC. • Beautiful Addit ions

•• Ki tchens • Baths • Cus tom Cabinetry • Custom Home

Renovat ions including Lower Levels. Guaranteed quality

workmanship . Complete plan & des ign service available.

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7 3 4 - 7 5 1 - 6 2 2 2

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* Addi t ions, Dormers . • Ki tchens, Baths

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Free Est. • Lie.

. 734-458-8100 . MARS BLDG. CO.-ResVComm'l. Additions, Kitchen, Dormers, Rec Room, Bath, Siding. Free est. Prompt service. 313-538-2666

Rec Room, Kitchen Bath Special-ists. All Remodeling, Formica & Laminate. Visa & MC, AMEX.

248-476-0011 313-835-8610


Buy Cabinets direct f rom Factory. Bring in your best quote & save. Contractors & Do-lt-yourselves. 100 miles delivery f rom Novi.

W e Are Priced T o Seil. IXL Cabinets (248) 347-2306

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Call John: 734-522-5401.

D O N PARE'S, Fin ish Carpentry Special iz ing in Ki tchens

Baths • Ceramic Ti le Lic./ lns. 734-261-1330

F IN ISHED C A R P E N T R Y •Crowns * D o o r s -Ra i l ings

Al l Phases. Lie. 734-455-3970 http://espinoza.webprovider.com/



M e i s t e w o r k s 248-763-7210

2 4 8 - 4 7 1 - 2 6 0 0 313-835-8610

Rec rooms, Basements, Kitchens, Bathrooms, New & Repairs

MICK G A V I N p lush carpet sale. .79 per ft. Armst rong, no wax vinyl, .75 per ft., Pergo $2.69 per ft, ceramic marb le oak . Free est. 40 yrs exp. 313 537-3489

0 a Carpet Repair/ Installation


T h a n k you for 34 yrs . of service. 248-626-4901

PAT'S C A R P E T REPAIR Power stretching, burns, seams, tears, pet damage , etc . Expert Repairs. 888-775-4404

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25 Yrs. S teve 734-425-8458

t ] Chimney Building/ •J Clean/Repair

AAA BRICK •Chimneys*

A n d al l m a s o n r y wo rk . N e w o r repa i r s .

Lie. / Ins. 2 7 y rs . exp . Call Jeff: (734) 432-7878

i T o l l free: 1 - 8 8 8 - M R B R I C K J

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Will beat any price! Senior citizen discount

Licensed & Insured



313-292-7722 4214 Woodward Ave, Oak Park Ml

Y O U ' V E GOT IT MAID! R e s i d e n t i a l & C o m m e r c i a l c leaning. Free Estimates, Con-tact Susan 313-510-1163


C O N C R E T E R E M O V A L DEMOLITION-d isposal -s i te res-torat ion. L icensed, Visa/Kflaster-card. 1-800-494-8900

L & J C O N C R E T E Large & smal l j o b s welcome.

L icensed & Insured. Free est imate. 734-762-0266

Decks/Patios/ Sunrooms

A Custom Deck by SUPERIOR Vinyl, cedar or pressure

treated. Gazebos too. Quality work at a n af fordable price.

Lie. Bldr. insured Free Est. Cal l 734-522-5290

BEAUTIFUL C U S T O M DECK Wolman ized or Cedar. Lie., Ins.

Free E s t , 17 Yrs. Exp. 734-261 -1614 248-442-2744

C U S T O M DECKS, Kitchens, Baths, Sc reen Room. Finished B a s e m e n t . Hig-h Q u a l i t y Workmansh ip 734-762-0424

DECKS BY DMR Contracting-Qual i ty wo rk at reasonable rates. L icensed and insured. Fin-ished basements . References.


GAZEBO-Amish built, all Cedar w/ t reated base & decorative spindles. 12x12 octagon. New installed $5000 . 248-568-5186


COMPLETE DRYWALL Instal lat ion • Finish • Repair

Free ests. Ins. 734-921-1191

D R Y W A L L FINISHING 28. years experience No J o b Too Small!

(734) 673-3781

* • D R Y W A L L FINISHING & P A T C H W O R K * *

Free Est. - Reasonable Prices. John * 734-427-6289 •


ALL RESIDENTIAL EXPERT Free est imate. Senior discount. Low pr ices. 7 days - 24 hrs. Lie. & Ins. Cal l : 1-800-253-1632.


City & F H A violat ions corrected. Comm. /Res . 734-462-1877

• B I D W E L L ELECTRIC • Res. & C o m m . Work. Service Changes. Circuits added, etc.

Lie. & Ins. 734-451-7449

FREE ESTIMATES Instal lat ions & repairs, Small or U r g e , Lic. / lns. 248-872-6060

Hot Tubs ! Ceil ing Fans! ; New Construct ion-ai l your electr ical needs. Lie. & Ins. Bui lders Welcome!

(248) 471-1085.


Licensed - Insured 313-533-3800 or 248-521-2550

Bul ldozing, Excavat ing, Finish Grading, Parking Lot, Sewer & Water Repair, Ponds, Trenching,

Pool Removal, Demolition. Lic'd. & ins'd. 734-459-8268

Excavating, Trenching, Footings, Sewer, Water Lines, Parking Lots, Septic Tanks, Drains, Bull-dozing. Lie & Ins. 313-838-6731

W E BUILD any type of fence. Special $4.25 per foot chain link, insured & guaranteed.

Call toll-free 866-596-5756

Floor Service

METRO FLOOR C O V E R I N G Livonia. Complete sales, instal-lat ion & service for carpet, lino-leum, laminates, hardwood & t i le. Residential, light commer-cial & insurance repairs. Free estimates. (734) 425-2000.

NATURAL W O O D FLOORS INC S p e c i a l i z i n g in i ns ta l l a t i on , sanding & repairs. 15 yrs. exp.

• (810) 636-4777 •

Garage Door Repair

G A R A G E DOOR Spr ings & door openers. Repair /Replaced.

(248) 640-6298


(248) 471-2600 FOR W O R K THAT 'S G O O D

CALL ELWOOD. S e a m l e s s Gut te rs , C o p p e r , Flashing, Roofing & Siding. 35 yrs . exp. Lie. 248-253-1656.

• GUTTER S H O P Seamless a luminum gut-ters. Fast on t ime Service! Insured. (734)341-3186

• • LIVONIA GUTTER * • Cleaning, Renai l ing of loose gutters, screening, repairs.

New Gutters. 248-568-1948.

RAINMASTER S E A M L E S S gut-t e r s . l i censed / insu red Visa/ Master card. Free est imates. 1-800-494-8900

A B L E A F F O R D A B L E Reliable. Ceramic tile, p lumbing, elec., carp., assemble, build, repair.

John 810-636-3636

Absolutely Lic./ lns. DU-IT-ALL

Specials: Ceramic tile, Formica & Corion tops & kitchens. W e also do complete basements & ail other interior work, including elec-trical & plumbing, etc 248-889-7667

ALL FORMS O F H O M E REPAIR & REMODELING. 20 yrs. exp. Any size job.

(734) 481-1491.

ALL ROUND HANDYMAN SVCE Int. Ext. Kitchens, baths,

basements, windows, doors, etc. Free est. (248) 358-8252.

AL'S DO IT ALL Carpentry*Eiect*Plumbing*Paint

(248) 477-4742 (248) 352-3824

ANYTHING FROM A-Z Tile, decks, carpentry, floors, dry-wall, etc. A qual i ty job at a great price. Jeff 248-797-9225.

Retired Handyman All types of work


(248) 471-3729

M r . ^ ^ W d y m a n A


Interior & Exterior Jobs. Our exper ienced Technic ians are properly bonded & insured. Prompt, Safe, Reliable. In the Plymouth/Canton area call: (734) 981-0573.


Redford 313-937-7827 Big jobs! Little Jobs!

Let us fix it all!!

Hauling/Clean Up


S E R V I C E W e clean out homes, att ics, basements, garages, off ices, warehouses & anything else. Complete demol i t ion f rom start t o f i n i s h . F r e e , e s t .


A-1 HAULING - Moving. Scrap meta l , c l e a n i n g b a s e m e n t s garages, stores, etc. Lowest prices in town. Quick service. Free est, Wayne/Oakland Counties. Central location 547-2764 or 559-8138

D & J M O V I N G & HAULING Clean-up, haul ing & disposal of misc. i tems. W e haul anything. 10-15 yd. dumpster trailers. Y o u load, w e load. West land. Visa/MC accepted 734-421-0111

Y O U CALL , W E HAUL Do it now, 12 yd. dumpster , c lean-up & removal , $275. Free Pick-Up & Delivery. 248-342-5390


Furnace Instal lat ion f rom $1195 w/air $2150. Duct cleaning from $199. Free est. Lic/lns. 35yrs exp. 24 hrs svc. All makes/models. 734-266-0547 313-477-4210


( 2 4 8 ) 8 8 8 - 0 0 5 5 Complete furnace & air condi-t ioning services. Free est imates.

Present this ad for $100 off any new Air condit ioner Home Improvement


Amer ica 's largest handyman service.

Insured, bonded, guaranteed.

734-762-5006 OFFICES IN 40 S T A T E S

A G O O D HONEST, professional serv ice w/compet i t ive prices, great results & guaranteed work. Cal l for est. (810) 945-7839

A T T E N T I O N SENIORS! Housec lean ing & Lawn Serv ice. Mother & Son team. Reason-able rates. 734-425-3198

H O U S E C L E A N I N G - RELIABLE Exper ienced, References. • Week ly • Bi-weekly • Andrea (734) 641-8513

H O U S E K E E P E R - O w n transpor-tat ion. Excel lent references.

15 yrs. 734-422-0067. Ask for Sharron.

H O U S E K E E P E R wi th experi-ence has openings for residen-t i a l c l e a n i n g . R e f e r e n c e s .

Please call 734-728-3239.

MAID 2 ORDER 2 dependab le females. Weekly , b i -weekly, monthly. Free est. Contact Nanci 734-522-1884

OFFICE, HOME, C O N D O , APT. CLEANING. Exquisi te c leaner. 15 yrs. exp. Very reliable. 734-266-9381 810-801-7898

QUALITY C L E A N I N G at Af fordable Rates

Call Now! 734-254-9632

Janitorial Service

Y O U R C O M P L E T E janitorial source. Qual i ty Com' l . c leaning, bu id ing ma in tenance ; off ice, A p t s . J i t e industrial, etc. , Lic'd., Free est. 313-491-4847


+ A A A A Beauti ful Ya rd


Design • Installation Trees, Stumps, Odd Jobs

WE DO IT ALL... Ins/Ref. • 20 yrs. exp. Wayne 734-525-3600 Oakland 248-855-5252

* A C E L A N D S C A P I N G A Cleanup, shrub removal ,

weeding/ t r imming/sod/plants. Comple te landscaping

* 3 1 3 - 5 3 3 - 3 9 6 7 *

AFFORDABLE PROFESSIONAL landscaping construct ion & lawn maintenance. Old landscaping removed & new installed, irriga-t ion, grading, sodding, fall c lean-up. 27 yrs. exp. , f ree est. 248-354-3213.

BOB 'S L A N D S C A P I N G Excavat ing, grading, poo l dirt/ concre te removal, sodd ing, sod repair, brick pavers 734-748-8688

F IRST IMPRESSIONS Land-scaping. Paver wa lkways & pat ios; retaining wal ls; t ree & shrub planting. (248)706-3028

G R A D I N G - S O D D I N G S E E D I N G - BED E D G I N G

& MULCHING S o d avai lable for p ick-up &

del ivery. 734-348-3150.

K.M.S. S E R V I C E S Landscap ing. Specia l iz ing in brick paver patios, walks, rock retain ing wal ls & much, much more. Free est. 734-327-4321

©L A N D S C A P E SERVICE, Irr igation • Pavers • Sod.

7 3 4 - 5 2 5 - 8 4 3 9 .

M R . S H O V E L •Resodding of Lawns & Repairs •Dra inage & Low Areas •Pool-Dir t -

Concrete Removal Paul: 734-326-6114.

SHRUB TRIMMING, Landscape Clean-up, Mulch Bed, Shrub Pianting, Ferti l izing, Mowing. All Observer areas. (734) 421-7127

• ] Moving/Storage

FIVE-STAR MOVING Low Discount Pricing

Call for Free Estimate 313-585-5083, 734-330-4068

I N D E P E N D E N T M O V I N G Free Estimates. Insured.

L o w R a t e s ! 2 4 8 - 5 4 8 - 0 1 2 5

Painting/Decorating/ Paperhangers


248-476-0011 313-835-8810

PAINTING/PAPERING Plastering, Repairs, Wailwashing

Visa & MC, AMEX

• bella interiors • Custom int. paint ing at reason-able rates. Faux f inishes, extra detail & prep. Move-in/out dis-. counts. Free est (248) 792-2770

* BOURQUE PAINTING • Quali ty work-Reasonable rates Lie & Ins. 20 yrs. exp. Free est.

(734) 427-7332.

CUSTOM FAUX PAINTING Antiquing * Sponging * Glazing • Original Borders & Murals Kathryn Cunrie 313-278-8519.

FATHER & S O N PAINTING Interior, exterior, 33 yrs. exp. Ins. Free est. Cal l Harry (313) 945-1302


•Textured Cei l ings*Faux Finishes»Deck/Aluminum

R e f i n i s h . * P l a s t e r / D r y w a l l Repair^Wai lpaper Removal •Free Estimates •References


LIVONIA PAINTING Int./Ext. power washing, deck preservation, spray aluminum. Lie. & Ins. 248-474-7181

MICHAEL BLACK wall paper hanging. Fully insured, reason-able rates. (248) 352-1923


29 Years. Exp. Ins. Ref. Call: (734) 354-6551.

QUALITY PAINTING Thorough Preparation.

Work Myself s ince 1967. Neat, Reasonable & Insured.


S & R Painting - interior, exte-rior, commercia l & residential. Custom wood finishing. Deck repairs & cleaning. Lie. & Ins. Free estimates (248)318-6826


• A 1 PLASTER & D R Y W A L L * • New & repair work • Texture • Coves • Dust free repairs •

All work guaranteed, 32 yrs exp. Insured. • 248-478-7949


Res. - Comm. & Service Lie. ins. - 24/^rs. 248-477-8507

(248) 471-2600 Plumbing & Sewer Cleaning.

Repairs & Alterations.

Pressure Power

A Q U A C L E A N M O B I L W A S H A lum, vinyl s iding, & Deck c lean ing, br ick c lean ing wi th chemica l & high pressure hot water . Free est. 313 -647 -0557

A Q U A SOLUTIONS P O W E R W A S H I N G - 15 yrs. exp. All work guaranteed. Free est. 734-635-7478 - 734-817-2999

A & R P O W E R W A S H I N G • Decks • Vinyl S id ing «

« Dr iveways « Brick. Free est. (734) 453 -6180


A & M TILE & PA INT ING Ti le, Paint ing & Remodel ing .

Free est imates. Ove r 10 years Exp. Qual i ty , pro fess iona l wo rk ! (734)788-4026 (734)454-7648

W E A T H E R A N D E M E R G E N C Y REPAIRS of barns, houses a n d garages. Cal l Wood fo rd Bros, inc. for straightening, level ing, and foundat ion repairs. Free e s t i m a t e s I - 8 O O - O L D - B A R N . www.1-800-Old -Barn .com

A Beaut i fu l Roof F rom Al l Pro Construct ion,

the Ice Dam Special is ts Farmington 248-553-4456

A B S O L U T E QUAL ITY At an af fordable price!

Tear off, reroof. Lic/lns. Customer sat isfact ion guaranteed

Cal l Ali Pro Roof ing: 734-722-9344 or 248-553-8860.

* A P E X ROOFING * Qual i ty work comple ted wi th pride. Family owned. Lie. Ins.

For honesty & integrity cal l : 248-476-6984 • 248-855-7223

B & M H O M E S E R V I C E S Lie. & Ins. Roofers tor 10yrs.

Roofs, Garages, Addi t ions, Siding West land 800-988-2688

GARDEN CITY CONST. • Roof ing • Gut ters • S id ing

Lic./lns. 734-513-0099

JCS CONSTRUCTION Re-roof • Tearof fs • Repai rs Lie., Insured. (734) 729 -4447

LEAK SPECIAL IST Flashings, Val leys, etc. ® War r . M e m b e r Better Bus. B. • 29yrs. exp. Lic./ lns. 248-827-3233.

248-471-2600 N e w & repair a lso rubber roof ing, carpentry, insurance work.

177 Siding

SIDING • W I N D O W S Family owned • Reasonab le R E D F O R D A L U M I N U M P R O D . 734-464-1545 / 734-953-0399

VINYL & Alum siding, gutters, trim, awnings, roofing, related work.



A C C E P T - N O Subst i tutes J E M C O M M U N I C A T I O N S ;

Reprs.& instal ls/Lie. & Ins. Comptr N e t w k g / C A T V Jacks i

734-591-9068 or 248-314-1455.-

194 Tile Work- Ceramic/1 Marble/Quarry

M A R S E L I ' S T ILE CO. * Ki tchens»Baths»Wal ls»Floors ;

Res id . /Comm. Free est. 248-474-1674 or 248-408-3353: '

Tree Service

F R A N K ' S T R E E SERVICE ; T r i m m i n g , R e m o v a l , S tump ! Grinding. Free est. Reasonable* rates Ins. (734) 458-2505J

G's T R E E S I Removal , T r imming , S tump Grinding. 2 0 yrs . exp. Ins. ,•

(313) 383-6721.

H IGHL INE T R E E SERVICE s: Fast & fr iendly. Insured. F ree est imates. • (248) 766-8561;

J A S O N ' S T R E E S E R V I C E R Free est imates Union member-discounts. Ins. 734- 641-7756 s

MICK & D A G O T R E E S g • Removal • Tr imming® • Chipping • Clear ing?-

Lie. Ins. • 2 4 8 - 9 2 6 - 2 3 8 ^


• W A L L P A P E R I N G • i You take care in choos ing youp paper, W e take care in h a n g i n g it. Cal l Chr is 248-349-7775 or?

Cathy 734-427-3749 i,

W A L L PAPER removal , insured;; Work very c lean. Free es tK mates. Resident ia l /commercia l ! Al Lazar (248) 559-8750 I

2 4 8 - 4 7 1 - 2 6 0 0 ; Paper ing, Removal , Painting,, Repairs. Exp. W o m e n . Visa/MC.;

Wedding Services

BRIDAL & baby shower favors! unique ali natural , pe rsona l i ze^ herbal soaps & body products; f rom $1.50 each . 248-855-31W. Carol 313-806-2551 -J*

R O M A N T I C C A N D L E L I T ^ W E D D I N G S . Orda ined Minig- ;

ters, Elegant Decorated Full Ser-vice Chapel . Photos, Videos*: h o n e y m o o n C a b i n s . Fourt i i . Night Free. Gat l ingburg, T N 1 - 8 0 0 - 9 3 3 - 7 4 6 4 ' ^ w w w . s u g a r i a n d w e d d i n g s . c o m . E-mai l - wedd ings @ sugar land • wedd ings .com


QUALITY W I N D O W C E N T E R * Andersen Windows * ... •

25 + years exp. replacing o ld drafty w indows wi th A n d e r s e S * Special off season p r i c i ng '

* Free Est imate 800-328-7250

Window Treatments

C U S T O M C O R N I C E B O A R D S valances, etc. Des ign consult-a n t s w e l c o m e .

• ( 2 4 8 ) 3 0 5 - 9 7 5 0


719 Classifications 700 to 802

Pools/Spas/Hot Tubs


KAYAK POOLS is looking for DEMO HOMESITES to display our new MAINTENANCE-FREE KAYAK POOL. Save thousands of $$$ with this UNIQUE OPPORTUNITY. No Reason-able Offer Refused.

CALL NOW!!! 1-800-31-KAYAK

Discount Code: 106-C06


.ADULT MIAMI Sun Tricycle-3 wheel, 3 speed. Like new. Red, rear basket. $400.248-474-0334.



L IVONIA S C H W I N N Bicycle & Fitness Center

28860 W. 7 Mile

M Building Materials

BUILDERS Sale! Wood sash, Exterior drs., sliding dr. wall, Misc. Wk. days 248-645-2105

WHITE MARBLE SLABS -74x20, 37x34, & 13x48. $100 or best offer. (248) 538-0434

724 Business & Office Equipment

AFFORDABLE USED - File cab-inets, fire files, desks, lateral files, chairs & more.

Livonia 734-525-8268

BUSINESS MOVING Room dividers ® Desks

Utility Table ® Bookcase » etc Call for details: 248-356-3539

CONTEMPORARY curved desk w/matching file cabinet, white desk & hutch, glass conference table, more. 248-865-2595

OFFICE FURNITURE - 7 large wood desks, 10 large metal desks, 12 small desks, tiling cab-inets. Call Chris 734-459-8400

730 Comm/Industrial/ Restaurant Equip.

FOOD PREP TABLE - 8 ft., stainless steel, w/drawer & shelf. $300/best. (248) 888-9105.

732 Computers

WORD PROCESSOR: Brother W h i s p e r W r i t e r , W P 7 5 5 0 J w/monitor. $40 (313)535-4467

734 Electronics/Audio/ Video

C A B L E T V D e S C R A M B L E R S

Top-of-the-llne equipment. • Lowest prices. Immediate delivery. Visa/Mastercard/ COD. Call 800-910-1970

45" MITSUBISHI big screen, works great. $400.

(734) 981-8234

TiVo digital recorder, company discount purchase, in-box, never used $300. 248-332-7394

740 Farm Produce/ Fbwers/Plants

BLUEBERRIES - You Pick. 1144 Peavy Rd., off Mason Rd. W. of Howeli. Open 8am-6pm.

(517) 548-1841


N O W R E A D Y : Peaches, strawberries, raspberries, blueberries,

sweet corn, tomatoes & a complete line of vegetables.


ALL ON SALE 24850 W. 9 Mile (N. side) Between Telegraph & Beech.

741 U-Picks


Rowe's Produce (734)482-8538

Girard's Produce (734) 697-1685

RASPBERRIES & Blueberries. You pick. Spicer Orchard. Take US 23, 3 miles N. of M-59. Clyde Rd exit #70. E. V* mile

(810) 632-7692

RASPBERRIES & Blueberries, You Pick. Spicer Orchard. Take US 23, 3 mi. N. of M-59, Clyde Rd. exit #70, E. V6 mile.

(810) 632-7692

745 Hobbies/Coins/ Stamps

LIONEL ODYSSEY TRAIN -New York Hudson, collector's series. $600/best. 313-274-7995

2001 Stock Car Race Game Nascar V&th Scale Cars


TELESCOPE - 10" Mead, with motor, deluxe stand, perfect. $800/best. 248-855-0280

748 Lawn Garden & Snow Equipment

FORD 120 TRACTOR 42 inch cut, snow auger plus blade pius trailer. Runs good. $850.

(248) 478-4719

FORD TRACTOR - 1956 Model 860. Restored. $7000.

(734) 464-7853

SEARS GARDEN tractor 16hp, 42in cutting deck, very good cond. $700/best (248) 601-1725

SIMPLICITY snowblower/l ike new/2 state/5 speeds forward/2 reverse, metal discharge chute. $750. 810-735-7411.

TRACTOR - Huskee, 20 HP, 6 speed, 50 in cut, w/snow blower, trailer, mulcher/vacuum. $2600/ best offer. Rototiller, 5HP, 26 in. wide, $175/offer. 734-422-3697

fUfi Miscellaneous For


$25 each. Call Chris 734-459-8400

ANTIQUE PLAYER piano w/230 rolls, riding mower, snowblower, toddier riding toys, dressers, bunkbeJ 734 513-7091

750 Miscellaneous For

INVENTORS-FREE INFORMA-TION PACKAGE. Have your New product idea developed & professionally presented to man-ufactures. Call Davison, An Award Winning Firm. Patent

ice Available. Assistance 1-800-677-6382

JUKE BOX $400. Craftsman table saw, $200. Dehumidifler, $40. 4400 watt generator, $350. 220 air compressor, $250. Patio set w/cushions,.$125, 2 stage Craftsman snowblower, $300. Air hose reel w/filter, regulator & Oiler, $75. 248-693-0105

P IONEER POLE BLDGS. 30x40x10 basic. $7,190.00, 12X10 siider, 36" entrance door, 12 colors, 2x6 trusses. Material and labor. Free quotes. #1 com-p a n y i n M i c h i g a n .


REACH 2 MILLION Michigan readers with a 2 x 2 display ad for only $949 - Contact Linda at Michigan Newspapers, Inc. '

(517) 372-2424.

RIDING mower-Craftsman, 12 hp, OHV, 38 in. $500/best Genera tor - new Generac. SE5000. $500/best.Chipper Vac-Lazy Boy. Best. 248-540-7829

STEEL BUILDINGS SALE: 5 ,000+ s i zes . 40X60X14 , $10,742; 50X75X14, $13,866; 5 0 X 1 0 0 X 1 6 . S1 8 , 1 2 0 ; 60X100X16, $20,569. Mini-storage buildings, 40x160, 32 units, $16,914. Free brochures. www.sentinelbuildings.com Sen-tinel Buildings, 800-327-0790, Extension 79.

WAGNER PAINT Sprayer, 4-speed pro duty. Cost $210. Mint $75. (248) 338-4586

WASHER/DRYER, 2 sets, ( 1 apt. size) sail & bass boats, dresser, tractor w/60 in. mower, computer. (248) 684-2879

AUSTIN LEFT handed guitar, brand new with case & accesso-ries, $200. 248-625-6427

PIANO, ANTIQUE cak upright. $100. 248-650-8235

PIANO - Grinnell, upright mahogany, $500.

(734) 422-8217

PIANO ROLLS (200), best offer takes. Piano is optional.

(313) 531-9222

PIANO - 1930's era, 5 ft. walnut baby grand w/bench, exc. cond. $3000/best. (248) 593-9723

PLAYER PIANO some music roils, good condition. $950

(248) 540-4715

RENT A PIANO $25/mo.! This week's special -free delivery! Cali for details. Open Thurs until 8 p m ! M i c h i g a n P i a n o (248)548-2200 www, mi piano .com

STEINWAY GRAND Mode! L. 1930, new strings, hammers, exc cond $22500. 248-547-1642.

WURLITZER GRAND Piano -like new, $9300. (248) 446-0423

YAMAHA BABY GRAND, high glass black, excellent conditiQn. $ 6 9 9 5 , M i c h i g a n P i a n o , 248-548-2200. www.mipiano.com

YAMAHA GRAND - 5'7" satin finish ebony, owned by profes-sional. $10,000. (734) 420-8984

CERAMIC 85 molds, 2 kilns, pouring station, many other items $225/best 248-437-9804

FISH TANKS - 1 fresh, $800 & 1 sait, $1000, 120 gal. ea. w/oak cabinets & canopy, 734-729-5229

GOLF CLUBS - metal woods, irons, putter, bag, pull cart, like new $525. 248-647-3362

YOU could be a

WINNER! We will put the name of everyone* placing an ad

for a garage, yard, or porch sale into a drawing for

a $50 gift card at Meijer!

There'll be ,a winner every week through

September! Not only will you earn money from your

sale, you'll have a chance to win our Meijer gift

card give-away.

So now is the time to grab a pencil and make a

list of all the things you want to sell.

Place your ad for as low as $17.70 and who

knows?—you could be one of our weekly winners!

©bsmrer f Eccentric IT'S ALL ABOUT RESULTS!

MEIJER. Oakland County: 248-644-1100

Wavne Countv: 734-591-0900

Rochester/Rochester Hills: 248-852-3222

Ciarkston, Lake Orion,

Oxford. Waterford: 248-475-4596

•Some Restrictions Apply. Contest dates 4/01 • 9/01

O&E Thursday , Ju l y 26 ,2001

752 Sporting Goods

NORDIC GYM: treadmill, $575, workout station, $525, Push/pull rider, $175. Ping-pong table, $120. Like New!

(248) 344-1920

ORBITREK EXERCISE Bike $150. (734) 421-2050 Evenings.

POOL TABLE - Owlhau'sen Pia-tium, Sahara finish, exc. cond. $2200. (248) 646-0566.

Pool Tables - All slate, antique, ultra modem, bar

size. Buy direct from Factory. 248-399-7255 E:248-547-3980.

754 Wanted to Buy

OLD GUNS, swords, military & nautical items, native American artifacts. Call Bruce at Knights-bridge Antiques 248-344-7200,

Animals s U P e t s /


780 Animal Services

DOG KENNEL 5 ft. tall, 4x8 chain link, custom built. $100.


783 Cats

CATS (2) 1 Calico female; 1 male part Siamese to loving home, Shots up-to-date. Both neutered. 248-553-7558

784 Dogs

ADORABLE PUREBRED pup-pies. 1 st shots & vet exam. $400 & up. . 810-285-7387

BOXER AKC PUPPIES - Born 6-18-01, fawn flashy, $400. 734-502-5012.

COCKER SPANIELS (2), Males, black, AKC, shots, 4 & 8 years. Excellent w/ kids. To good home Call 734-453-1477

COCKER SPANIEL 3yr old Male. Well trained. To a good Aduit home. (734) 454-4943

DACHSHUND - female, long haired, 8 yrs old, NEEDS GOOD home, preferable elderly person. 8" at shoulders. Moving, must sell $100. (248) 363-2383

GOLDEN RETRIEVER pup-pies AKC, registered. Great

pedigrees. Born 6-20-01. $600. 313-436-3065

JACK RUSSEL Terrier Mix, Playful 4yr. female needs loving home. (734)525-5726

LAB - black, 3 mo. old, ail shots. Partially housebroken. Sons allergic, $150. 313-937-6393

MALTESE PUPPY AKC 8 week old Female. $450.

(248) 967-0053

M I N I A T U R E S C H N A U Z E R male stud- black/silver AKC, 3 yrs. $250. 734-513-9806.

MIXED BOXER/SHARPEI Pups $150 ready 7-20. 734-673-0285 after 5pm.

786 Horses &

BISON 2001 3 horse stock trailer with ramp. Tack area & brakes. Brand new, never used. $3,900. (517) 404-0872

BUCKSKIN APPALOOSA - 4 yr. old, also registered thorough-bred. 13 yr. old Appaloosa mare. 734-697-1948 734-504-3005

Automotive Recreational Vehicles

i Airplanes

(Observer Eccentric



ALUMACRAFT 1991 - 18 ft., 115 hp motor/6 hp trolling motor, trailer, $7200. 313-561-9034

ALUMACRAFT, 1991, 18 ft. 110 Johnson, roller trailer, good cond. more. $5300. 248-426-9821

ALUMINIM BOAT - 1 4 ft., 15hp, 1990 FORCE, trailer, fish finder, $1575. (734) 522-6752

© b s m r e r ^ j E c c e n t r i c AUTOMOTIVE h oni vtow n newspaper*, n i't

I 800's Autos/RVs

800 ....Airplanes 830. .. Sports & Imported

802 ....Boats/Motors 832. ..Antique/Classic Collector

803 ....Boat Parts Cars Equipment/Service 834. ..Acura

804 ....Boat Docks/Marinas 836. ..Buick

805.... Boat/Vehicle Storage 838. ..Cadillac

806 ....Insurance, Motor 840. ..Chevrolet 807.... Motorcycles/Minibikes/ 842. ..Chrysler

Go-Karts 844 ..Dodge 808....Motorcycles-Parts & 846. ..Eagle

Service 848. ..Ford 809 ....Off Road Vehicles 850. ..Geo 810....Recreational Vehicles 852. ..Honda

811....Snowmobiles 854....Lexus 812....Campers/Motor Homes/ 856. ..Lincoln

Trailers 858. ..Mazda 814..., Construction, Heavy 860. ..Mercury

Equipment 861. ..Mitsubishi

815....Auto Misc. 862. ..Nissan 8!6....Auto/Truck-Parts & Service 864. .. Oldsmobile

817....Auto Rentals/Leasing 866. Plymouth

818....Auto Financing 868 . Pontiac

819....Autos Wanted 870. . Saturn

820.... Junk Cars Wanted 872....Toyota 822..,, Trucks For Sale 874„„Volkswagon

824,... Mini-Vans 876. •.Autos Over $2,000 826 ....Vans 878 ....Autos Under $2000

828.... Jeeps/4 Wheel Drive

802 Boats/Motors

ALUMINUM BOAT 14ft . - 1 8 hp Johnson; runs like a top. $1500/firm. (734) 522-7072

AMERICAN SKIER 1990 bow rider, 351, low hrs. needs nothing, $12,500. 810-750-9333.

AMERICAN SKIER 1985 - 285 hrs,, 351 Ford inboard, out-standing cond. Must Seli l $7,000/best (248)363-3051

BAJA 1987, 350 V8, 196 Sun-spo r t B o w R i d e r , $ 6 5 0 0 w/trailer, 810-577-6579

BASS BOAT 1997 Ranger, 125 Merc, 17.1ft, R72 dual console, like new, low hrs. Never on big lakes, garage stored, 3 fish com-fortably, to many options to list $14,900. (248) 669-2509

BASS BOAT 1982 Thompson, 40hp Mercury 1991 trolling motor, live well, needs uphol-stery work, includes new trailer. $3000. Call (248) 643-4965, ask for Greg.

BAYLINER, 1989 34' Avanti, exc. con., loaded, 13' beam, Lake St. Ciair, $49,900. 866-580-2200.

BAYLINER, 1996, 1950 Capri, bowrider, 18'6", i.o., 130 hp., trailer, $7800. 734-748-7707.

BAYLINER CAPR11998 - 1 9 ft., like new, 125hp I/O, trailer. $9000/best. (810) 871-3275

BAYLINER 1996 - 18V4 ft., Mer-cruiser 3.0L, Fish & Ski, Escort trailer, electric trolling motor, front pedestal seat, live well, am/ fm stereo radio/cassette, ship-to-shore radio, & covers. $7400.


BAYLINER 1995 Jet Boat, Merc motor, custom cover & trailer, iow hrs., like new, $5300/best. Bloom-field Hills (248) 227-6899.

BOSTON WHALER 15' 1987, 40HP, Exec. cond. Many extras. $6800. 248-288-7601

BOSTON WHALER 1995 16' jet, Union Lake. Exc. cond. $9500. (313) 506-3798.

BOSTON WHALER Montauk, 17ft, - Hydraulic steering & trim. 90 Manner, bimini top, very clean, $10,900. 810-598-0616 810-219-0661

BOWRIDER FIBERGLASS 18 ft. 6 inches, 85 horsepower out-board, runs great, $3000/best (313) 563-4320

CADILLAC, 12FT. fishing boat & trailer, completely refurbished, like new. Good buy at $950. Redford, 313-531-1101

CAL 20 - 5 sails, outboard, new electric, sleeps 4, good cond., $1000 firm. 734) 416-1004

CANOE - 1 7 ' aluminum. Sell or trade. $300 or smaller canoe.


CANOE, 18FT. - Only used once. Holds 800 lbs. $450


CANOE- MAD River, Explorer, Red Royalex w/wood trim. Used once, $1200. 248-682-3475,

CARVER 1993 37 ft., Voyager, 350 hours, loaded, clean, twin 454 Crusaders, $114,900. (248) 681-6995 after 6 p.m.

CARVER 1989, 30 ft. Express Cruiser, 11 ft. beam, air & heat, d i n g h y i n c l u d e d , l o a d e d , $36,900. 734-591-9103

CC CONNIE 1959 Restored classic. Rebuilt engines, trans, $23,500. 810-794-4528

- I ' N

Michiga mane Society

ADOPT-A-PET This Week's Fea tured Pet


This friendly furry faced feline is Merial. She is a one year old Domestic Meduim hair female who was brought to the shelter as a stray. This kitty is full of purrs and love and can't ever possibly have too much attention! She has a wonderful soft tan and brown tiger coat with a tiny face lit up by her big green eyes. Since she is already litterbox trained, she should make a great pet! .

To adopt this friendly feline, visit the Michigan Humane Society Westland Shelter

(734) 721-7300

802 Boats/Motors

CELEBRITY 1994 27', immacu-late, rack stored since new, 350 Mercruiser, full galley, aftcabin, microwave, shower, hot water, 260 hrs. $26,000, 313-383-6388

CENTURY CHEETAH 1968 inboard, great cond., 300 hrs, w/trailer etc. $2500/best.

248 360-0926

Century Cortez 1981, 27' fiber-glass boat totally rebuilt. Trailer. Make offer. 313-886-3252.

CENTURY 1985 cuddy, 19ft, 140 Merc cruiser, new outdrive, radio, trailer. $5800. (313) 274-7211

CHAPARRAL 1985 198CXL, 170hp I/O w/trailer. $4600/best.


CHAPARRAL 1998 1830 SS Bowrider, 4.3 Mercruiser, 70;hrs., mint cond., stored indoors yr.-round includes trailer. $17,000/ best. (248) 360-6552

CHAPARRAL 216SSI 2000, bow rider, 5.0L, trailer, ali covers, stored inside, sharp, 30 hrs. $27,800 (734)525-5159

CHECKMATE 1999 • 21', 200 hp Yamaha, go skiing or 70+ mph. $15,999. 734-878-9880

CHRISCRAFT 1995 Concept 18 - 4.3L engine, exc cond., $12,000. (248) 681-3478

CHRISCRAFT CORINTHIAN, 1979, 33'. New twin 350's, sleeps 6, well maintained, $34,500/best. 734-721 -8084

CHRISCRAFT 1965 28 Ft. skiff, 327, good shape, with trailer, $6,500/ best. (734) 595-3682

CLASSIC AMF Fiberglass 18ft., sailboat with trailer, 1977, great shape, barely used, $1350/best 313-533-0211

CORRECTCRAFT SKIIER, 1968, w/trailer, restored. $5,500. 1971 Correctcraft Skiier w/trailer, indoor storage, $6,500. (517) 546-7933

CRESTLINER 1994 Eagle 2160 cuttycab, Johnson 120hp+10hp, trailer, many extras, exc cond., $17,000/best. 734-453-6853

CRESTLINER 1990 Fishing Boat - 17ft., 40 hp Evinrude, fish-flnder/trolling motor, trailer. $4000/firm. (313) 937-3846

CREST 2000 Pontoon • 22 ft., like new, best offer. Con-tact Henry. 248-380-1340

CROWNLINE 225 - Bravo 3 engine w/dual axel trai ler, removable Bimini top, pair of water ski's, 1 performance Slalom ski, huge intertube, sev-eral ski & life vests, low hours, great condition, $18,439/best,

(248) 693-8823

CROWNLINE 1998 deck, boat, 24 ft,, bimini top, low hours, very clean, Merc cruiser, Bravo ill Many extra options. $25,500.

(248) 655-0139

CROWNLINE 1999 - 20 ft., less than 50 hours. Trailer & boat slip on Or ion Lake for 2001. $16,900. (248) 391-3893

CRUISERS INC. 1974 - Must sell. Good condition. Have receipts. $1000. 810-294-1456.

BAYLINER, 1996, 1950 Capri, bowrider, 19', !30hp I/O, trailer, many extras, $6 ,800/bes t .


DAYSAILER W/TRAILER, sails. Holder 14', like new, $3,000.


EXCEL 18 foot 1993 140 Volvo inboard/outboard, convertible top, like new cond., low hours. $7450. (517) 431-4835

FLYING SCOTT 19ft. Sailboat -trailer, sails & extras. $1950.

248-332-6542, 248-674-0341

FORCE 5 Sail boat, 1980, Good cond. trailer, cover, like Laser but faster, set up for racing. $950 (248)689-6920

FORESTER, 1989,16' Bowrider, 115hp OMC, 2 covers, very nice. $4,200/best. 248-656-3867

FOUR WINNS Fling, 1994, 115 HP, trailer, all tow accessories, low hrs., like new, $5200. 248-620-9064 - 248-339-2350

FOUR WINNS 2000, 21 ft, cuddy, 250 HP, low hrs., full camper, CD, extras, in water 3 times, $22,000. 734-591-6921 Livonia

FOUR WINNS 1988 22. ft. deck boat, must see, good condition, best offer. 248-647-3832

FOUR WINNS 1992 - 18te ft., exc cond., low hours, rarely used, $7900. (248) 625-1234

FOUR WINNS 1997 19 ft. 205HP, low hours. $15,000. (248) 539-0799.

FOUR WINNS 2000 Horizon 210 - 25th anniversary model, 6 mo. old, in water 4 times, 20 hrs, stored inside, loaded, extras, tandem trailer, $25,000.

(231) 533-8223

FOUR WINNS 18' Horizon 1998 1 9 0 H P , low h rs . A s k i n g $14,000. @AS) 478-1784

802 Boats/Motors

FOUR WINNS- 180 Horizon, 1989, 302 Merc Cruiser, extras, $4000/best. (313)730-9294.

FOUR WINNS, 1998, Horizon 22', open bow, I/O, exc. cond., o n l y 25 h r s . $ 2 3 , 0 0 0 .


FOUR WINNS, 1999 Horizon 170 115 OB, power trim & tilt, full canvas covers, Bimini top, like new, $9,850. 734-459-6544

FOUR WINNS 1998 245 Sund-owner, 5.8 EFI, 169 hrs., teal/ white, $29,000. 248-627-4531.

FOURWINNS 1993, 195 Sund-owner, low hrs. , V8, cuddy cabin, $12800. 734-281-4331.

FOUR WINNS (1993) 245 Vista, 24' cruiser, 5.8L, 166 hrs., fuli canvas, head, VHS, fridge, extras, $23,800. 248-477-4450

FOUR WINNS 2000- 248 Vista, only 10hrs., Volvo Penta eng, camper pkg, must sell, ext. war-ranty included. $40,000 or make Offer, (810)574-1005

25 FT Catalina sailboat-sold. 27 ft. Hunter sail boat inboard diesel. $4100. (734) 668-5878 pager or cali after 10 p.m, (313) 565-6126

22 FT. Tri-hull deck boat 1998. 150 horsepower Johnson , loaded, exc. cond, must sell. $13,900 or best offer.

(248) 624-4289

GLASTRON CARLSON, 17', w. 20' trailer with 2 new tires. Best offer. 734-422-4660

HARRIS P O N T O O N 1990 120HP I/O, stereo, grill, Exec cond. $9700. (734) 464-6917

HOBIECAT 18 ft. with trailer, excellent condition. $3500.

(248) 627-1112

HOBIE 18SE like new, alu-minum trailer w/box. Must see! $3400. 810-227-5344

HYDROSTREAM 1986 Vegas 20', 200hp Merc, CLE lower unit, w/trailer, new wheels/tires, exc. cond. $6,000/best. 313-278-0998,

IMPERIAL 1988 - 24' cabin cruiser, 305 V8 Chevy, w/trim tabs, stereo, galley, head. Low hours. $10,900. (248) 299-0205.

IMPERIAL 1963 - 18.5ft„ 4cyl, inboard/outboard, very good cond. w/ trailer. $1000/firm 313-527-4968

IMPERIAL 1986 V6 - 20 ft., 185 h.p„ bow rider, runs great, many extras, $4,000, 810-227-5574

IMP, 1986 19 Ft.- High Quality -Deep V - Bowrider Boat & Trailer. 8 Cyl. 200 HP, Only 450 hrs., very clean. $4900. (734) 454-5665.

IMP SPEEDBOAT 1986 - 25^ ' , twin 350's, low hrs. $10,000.

(313) 884-0599.

INFLATABLE BOAT with hp outboard, $700.


JET SKI - Kawasaki 1995, 750ST, 3 seater, trailer, like new, + extras. $3500. 734-522-1373.

JEI" SKIS (2) 1998, 2 seater & 3 seater, warranty, with trailer, $8900/best. 734-453-1124

JOHN ALLMAND 1969 23' boat w/traiier, low hrs. Runs great. $3000/best. 248-435-6787.

KAWASAKI 750SS, 1996 - very low hrs, bought new 1997, used 1 summer, like new! $3300.

(810) 792-6367

KAYAK • 16' Fiberglass. Ronany w/skirt & paddles. $1400 firm.


LARSON 1997, 290 Cabrio, sleeps 6, dockside power, GPS, head, shower, swim platform, windlass, am-fm CD cassette w/remote, stove, micro, TV/ VCR, cockpit cover, Bimini top, Volvo/Pinta 4.7L w/duo-prop. $49,500, 810-939-0784

LARSON FIBERGLASS 16ft fishing boat. Outboard Johnson 35hp, newfishfinder, 2 batteries, Electric trolling motor, trailer. $1700 (734)394-0369

LARSON 20 ft. 1984 4-cylinder, clean, cuddy cabin, $5800 value for $4000. 734-775-3123

LARSON (1989) 17 ft., open bow, 115 horse Yamaha, $5000.

Call after 5pm 248-628-7940

LARSON 2000 25 ft. V8, loaded, like new, $33,000.

(734) 671-8392

LASER II & trailer, pristine cond., sailed fewer than 20 times & garaged stored. Full set of sails & like trailer. This is a very athletic boat for those who love to sai l fast ! $4500 .


LOWE/GRUMMAN 1999 - 19 ft Sport deck boat. Ski, tube, cruise, & fish. 115 Johnson, matching trailer with brakes, AM/ FM/CD, custom cover. Bimini top, fishing package including 24 voit trolling motor, live well, fish finder. This is the perfect family boat & is in new condition. Priced to sell at $13,500. 734-454-1888, 734-459-4969

LOWE 1995 - 16', 30hp, trolling motor, live well, depth finder, $3200. (248) 393-2432

LUND 1984 18', 120hp, trolling plate, new interior, low hrs. $2700/best 248-887-9583

LUND, 1996, Pro V 1660. 60hp Mercury, low hrs, must sell. $9,999. 248-559-5996

MALIBU, 1993 Echelon LX, open bow, low hours, custom trailer w/brakes, new am/fm/cd, $15,900/best. 248-879-8701.

MALIBU RESPONSE 1997 Competition Ski Boat. Trailer & cover. Low hrs., great cond. $17,900 firm. 248-398-2417

MALIBU, 1991, Skier. 19'6", closed bow, 5.7 Mercruiser, trailer. $10,500/best, 313-845-5833

MARADA 1993 18' open bow, 3.0 I/O, $5500. 313-561-2624

Marlah. Barchetta 1995, 1922, 19', Bowrider, only 60 firs. $14,995. 734-476-5200.

MARIAH 1996 Z212, extraordi-n a r y p e r f o r m a n c e b o a t , equipped & appointed like no other boat. Brand new condition. Call for incredible details! Price to sell $22,900. 810-264-6813

Cell 810-216-4423

MARQUIS RIVIERA 1979 • 17', Johnson 115 hp, newly rebuilt motor, $1900. 248-620-1191.

MASTERCRAFT 1994 Merristar 225 - immaculate, low hours, center drive, cover & trailer, $24,000. (248) 563-2223

MAXUM 1992 midcabin, trailer, full galley, sleeps 6, trim tabs, G P s , au to he lm. Loaded $19,500. (248) 932-3588

802 Boats/Motors

MAXUM, 1997 Sport, 19' 6", Merc I/O under 100 hrs., extras, trailer, $15,100. 248-474-5238.

MAYFLOWER SAIL/FISHING boat, 11' 9 " with Lantine sail, vest, oars, $350.

(734) 522-5059

#724 48 LBS Minnkota Auto Pilot, electric motor, 2 Hi Thrust deep cycle batteries with 2611 Guest dual 12 volt on board charging system, used just 1 Hour. $450. 734-420-4445

MONTEREY 1997 new 1998 24 ft., cc, 5.7 liter I/O, with trailer, less than 50 hours. $24,000 or best. (248) 478-4399

NINJA ZX6R 1999 - Green, 7K, w/2 heimets/ leather jacket / Chatterbox. $6500. (734) 421-3156

OPEN BOW/TRI HULL - 17', 70hp, Evinrude motor, trailer. Motor needs some work, $1500. (313) 937-9665.

OUTBOARD motor, 9.8hp Mer-cury, electric start, long shaft, $975. 734-429-5610.

PEARSON SLOOP 30 ft., 1984, very good cond., $29,900.

(248) 349-3476

PLAYBOUY DECK Boat 22', w/ 4.3L Merc, 175hp engine. Used one summer. Seats 9 & goes up to 50mph, great for tubing, Trailer available. $15,000


POLARIS 1999 SLH 700 Wave Runner with trailer. 95HP. $4999/best. (734) 425-3404

P O L A R I S 1 9 9 6 S L 7 8 0 waverunner, w/trailer & cover, iow hrs. $3500. 734-728-9207

POLARIS SL 700 Waverunner (1996) low hrs, warranty/trailer, $3200/best. 810-755-4016

POLARIS SL 700 Waverunner (1996) low hrs, warranty/trailer, $3200/best. 810-755-4016

PONTOON BOAT; Harris Royal Heritage 1990- 28' inboard/ outbouard, iike new, not used until 1993. Too many extras to list. $13,500 (248) 681-7977

P O N T O O N F ISHING boat , inflatable, 1 of a kind, 7 ft. Flip-pers, oars & electric motor. Easi ly f i ts in t runk when deflated. $800. Over $1800. invested. (248) 476-8474

PONTOON - 24ft, 35hp. $3000. 734-878-6709

PONTOON 1993 20 fl. playbouy 30 h.p. looks and runs great. $5950. (248) 669-0098

PONTOON - 20', 25hp Mariner, Bimini top, recent deck, $1800. Trailer available. 248-360-2539.

PONTOON, 1997, Premier Grand Majestic, 24 ft., aluminum deck, Honda 40, 35 hrs. $18,900/best. 248-608-0718

PONTOON 1997 - Suntracker Party Barge, 25', trailer, sink, port-a-potty, gas grill. 40 hp out-board. $12,000 248-626-7066.

PONTOON 20' - with 25 hp out-board. $1500. 810-629-6116

PR1NDLE CAT 1977 16' Cata-maran with trailer. $500. Call after 7pm (313) 533-2733.

RAVEN, 1989, 19 ft. bowrider, 130 HP Merc Cruiser, fully equipped, $7,000. (734) 729-0727

RINKER - 1994, 190 Captiva. 4.3 LX. iow hrs. well equipped. Roller trailer w/brakes. $8995.

(734) 658-7601

RINKER, 2000, 340 Fiesta Vee, 36', w/12' beam, twin Merc, Bravo III, sleeps 6, heat, air, gen-erator, 2 refrig, Corian counters, 10' quick silver dingy 6 hp Merc. $95,000, 248-344-8890

RINKER 23 1 989 - 4.3 Mer-Cruiser, Loadrite trailer, exc. cond,, ready for salmon fishing c o m p l e t e . M a n y e x t r a s . $14,000. 734-425-9374.

RINKER, 1987 - V190, I/O, 140 hp Merc. Exc. cond., loaded. Load Rite trailer, $10,000/best. 734-591-9036 Sun-Thurs.

RUNABOUT, 14 ft. fiberglass 1966, 55hp Johnson, trailer, new battery, cover, misc extras, $1100. (734) 459-5243

S A F E M A T E 16 ' 7 0 h p . Evinrude. Runs good, looks great. Lots of extras. Must sell. $2300/best. (734) 776-6635.

S A I L B O A T , C A T A M A R A N Dingo, 15 ft. 6 inch, 24 ft. mast, $725. (248) 698-2645.

SEADOO, 2000 Challenger, 14.5', twin 85hp jets, trailer, 9 hrs., $12,000. (248) 706-3134

SEADOO & dual hoist - 1995 XP 720cc - $2200/offer. Brand new - assembled, never used hoist - $1100. 248-960-9605

SEADOO 1995 & KAWASKI JET SKI. Both need work. Best offer. 248-626-7066.

802 Boats/Motors

SEARAY, 1976, 18', 302 I/O, fishfinder, loaded, exc. con., trailer, $2,900. 248-645-6451.

SEARAY SORRENTO 1987, 19ft., Pachanga haul, trailer, mint cond.$7300/be8t (248)202-0505

SEARAY SRV 197,1982 - bow-rider, Merc 470hp. New interior in 1998, Stereo, e-z loader trailer. $3,990 248-349-7974

SEARAY 190SRV 1975, 18Ft„ 165Hp mere in/outboard, w/ trailer, $1,975 (248)706-3302

SEARAY 1997 Sundancer 330. Twin screws, stored indoors, 70 hrs. $129,000. 517-892-3615.

SEARAY, 1993, Sundancer 300. Twin 350 Mercurys, A/C, heat, stainless props, many extras. $56,900/best. 810-786-9937

SEARAY 240 Sundancer 1999 -white/blue, low hours, clean! $38,000 (810)758-0499

SEARAY 1999 340 Sundancer, T - 7 . 4 L , H T / A C , G P S -chartiink,TV, Like new. 120 hrs. $137,000. 248-709-1459

SEARAY, 1997 Sundancer, 25', exc. con., many extras, w/well, $34,500/best. 248-852-1443.

SEARAY 2001 260 Sundancer. GPS Lowrance, air, well space. 6yr warranty. New Boat. Health problems. $54,000. 248-797-7970

SEARAY 270 Weekender 1992 454 Merc/Bravo I/O looks great runs great. $28,500,

(248) 476-1804

SEARAY 1987, 21' with extras, double axle Continetal trailer. $8000. (810) 246-9484.

SEA SPORT 19' center console, Mercury 125 o/board, New 1999, used 30 hrs. $12,500. 313-225-4335; 248-293-3718.

SEASWiRL-1996 1814 ft. center console, w/175 h.p. Evinrude Ocean Pro. Galvanized trailer, new mooring cover, Bimiti top, $14,995. (810) 463-6464

SERIES 1 ZODIAC, black, floor boards, 4 passenger, never left in water. $700. 248-477-9126.

SHORESTATION ALUMINUM boat hoist with canopy, good condition, $1700. Call;


SILVERTON, 1974, 30'. Extra clean, fiberglass, twin 225's, low hrs. Located on Lake Erie. $11,900. 248-328-9324

SKI at, 16', 90 HP, Merc OB/ low hrs., trailer, cover & more. $5,600/ best. (313) 274-3332

SKI CENTURION 1991, red & white, 250 hp. Indmar, 275 hours, trailer, exc. cond,, $9900.


SKI NAUTIQUE/CORRECT-CRAFT 1997, pcmgt/40, 310hp, like new, with Eagle Trailer, Asking $20,000. (810) 229-8289

SKI SUPREME-1985 . Ski boat w/350 Chevy Engine, low, low total hrs., gray w/maroon. $7900 _ 248-945-0222

SNIPE 16' - Fiberglass hull, wood decks, 2 sets of sails, trailer. Ready to sail, needs work to look Sharp. $850. (248) 426-9603.

SPECTRUM BASS BOAT 17ft 40hp mere, depth finder troliing motor, like new! About 30 hrs on boat. $4,900 (734)421-1273

SPORTSTAR 1989 12ft Fiber-glass, '94 40HP Mercury OB, low hrs. $2000. 248-672-7383

STARCRAFT 1972 - 18ft, 70hp Johnson, trailer, electronics, downriggers, Fish or Ski. $3800


STARCRAFT 1990 Mariner, 22 ft,, center console, 135 mercury, Black Max OB. Boat, motor, trailer, $8000, (248) 577-4455

STINGRAY 1994 21 ft. cuddy cabin, low hours, $16,000. 248-681-5654

STINGRAY 1994 21 ft. cuddy cabin, low hours, $16,000. 248-681-5654

STINGRAY 2000 180 S - 1 8 ft., 135hp, under 15 hrs, very clean, $10,500. (734) 587-8100

STRATUS 1993 Bass Boat 18', 150 Johnson, clean. Trolling motor, $5850/best 734-595-4332

SUGAR SANDS Jet Boat 1997 -14 ft., Iow hours, like new, con-verts to a fishing boat with trolling motor and electronics. $7000. (248) 203-6992

SEADOO 1995 XP Jet Ski - exc cond., low hours., extras, $3200.

(248) 888-0236

SEAKING 16' • 40 hp Evinrude, trolling motor, trailer, $2000. Bob. 734-421-6268,

SEA KING Outboard Motor. 9.6HP, short shaft w/tank $400/ best. 248-477-4576, after 6pm.

SEA NYMPH 16^'f ishing boat w/trailer, 50HP Johnson/loaded. $8500 or best 734-513-7241.

SEA NYMPH, 12', 1993, trailer, 1996, approx. 1987 9.9 Evinrude, $1950, 810-694-6903.

SEARAB 1996 - 38 ft., twin 502's, custom paint, GPS, 175 hours, mint, includes tri-axle trailer, must sell! $97,900. Port Huron 810-523-3664

SEARAY 180 BOWRIDER 1994 53 hours, garage kept, new fm cassete, super clean, original owner. Includes trailer. Moring cover, $9500 (248) 683-0062

SEARAY 1994- 220 BR, 250 hrs. Many extras. $14,995.


SEARAY Express Cruiser 370 -1995, loaded, clean, T455, refrigerator/shower734-379-0918

SEARAY 1986 - 22 ft., 4 cyl-inder, 170hp, sleeps 4, stand-up head, sink, fridge, very, clean, $7000. (313) 535-0665

SEARAY 1978 - 30ft, 13ft beam, arch, custom upholstery, twin Chrysler engines, Extra clean! $22,000 (734)522-2709

SEARAY 1992, 24 ft. Sun-dancer, 5.7 lO, white/green, clean, $18,900. 734-254-0647

SEA RAY, 1999, F16XR Jet boat, 175 hp, V6, weedless intake, ext. warranty, 25 hrs., all the toys, $14,500. 810-725-7136

SUNBIRD BOWRIDER 1995 16ft., 50hp Evinrude, E-Z loader trailer, new cover, + extras, like new $4,900/best 248-586-9891

SUNBIRD 15.5 ft, 1995 Bow-rider, low hours, like new, many extras. $5,800. 313-506-1448.

SUPRA 1990 Comp - low hours, 260 hp, world class ski boat, make offer. (810) 750-1632

SUPRA 1989 Comp ski boat, 20 ft. Good condition, runs great, $8500, trailer, etc 248-366-7916

SUPRA MARIAH 1992 - open bow, mint, 1 owner, low hrs, trailer, $15,700. 248-681-8440

SYLVAN, 1987 18.7' deck boat, 175 HP Merc IO, trailer, extras, $3,995. (248) 763-6433

SYLVAN 1984 15' fiberglass bass boat. Bowmount trolling motor, raised seats, live wells, 35h Force'motor, Shorelander trailer, like new, $3500.

(248) 433-0857.

THUNDERCRAFT 1981 23ft. (rare), 5.7L, i/o, 260 hp., AF/CA, sleeps 4, low hours, clean, Load Rite trailer (1998), $12,500/best. [email protected], 734-762-9770

TOLLYCRAFT FB Sedan 1973 -26ft., inboard, fuli gaily, sleeps 6, $5500. (248) 476-4998

TROJAN, 1975, 36 ft. Double cabin, 255 twin Merc., $39,500 or best offer. (810) 468-8791

WAR EAGLE - 2000 21ft. Rigged out for Walleye and han-dline. $21,900. 734-207-8826

WAYFARER SAILBOAT, trailer, s a i l s , e x t r a s . $ 9 7 5 . 248-624-9452 - 810-703-8586

WELLCRAFT, 1996^, 18' bow rider, deluxe trailer, much more. $10,000. 248-693-8496

W E L L C R A F T 1 9 8 9 , 1 9 2 Classic. 3.7 Merc Cruiser with trailer, Exc. cond. Garage stored. $9000. 734-427-7959.

WELLCRAFT,-ECLIPSE 20.5"ft, 1997, bowrider, 5.7L Mercruiser, trailer, depth sounder, stereo, covers, iow hrs, stored indoors, exc, $18,500. (248) 673-9118

WELLCRAFT, 1984, 26 ft., aft cab in , S12,000/best of fer .

(810) 468-8709

Thursday, July 26, 2001 O&E

© b s e r u e r E c c e n t r i c AUTOMOTIVE YAMAHA, 2001, LS 2000, fully loaded, 5 Yr. Warranty, 2 bat-teries, bow cover, ski pylon, GPS fish finder, Bimini top + much, much more. Mint condi-tion. $22,000. (248) 477-9959

YAMAHA ouboard 8 hp engine, like new, $900. 734-981-5848.

YAMAHA 1995 Yamaha VXR, Wave Runner, trailer & cover, like new, $2900. 734-717-3600

Boat Parts/ Equipment/Service

SINGLE PLACE ALUMINUM jet ski trailer, exc. cond. $400

(248) 343-5680

Motorcycles/ Minibikes/Go-Karts

BEAUT1FULJ999 Wide Glide -2 tone pain!, custom leather seat, windshield, extras. Must see. $16,500. 734-326-2074

BMW, 1997, K1100 LTSE, 18,500 miles, loaded, very good cond., $9,950. 248-650-9940 email: [email protected]

BMW, 1992 K100RS, blue, per-fect condition, $6,500. Call: (734) 425-3909.

BMW 1997 R850R - Dophine biue, perfect condition, 3500 miles, $7500. 734-394-2147

CLASSIC 1999 - dark green, stage 2 kit, $16,500; FATBOY 1998 - black, extras, $16,000. 313-467-3933, 248-465-1168

DIRT BIKE - 1997 CR125, new FMF PIPS & Silenter. Some extras. $3000. 248-343-5108.

DUCATI MONSTER 1995 lots of extras! Must see! $6000/best Call (248)613-6597

DUCATI, 1996, Monster. Yellow. 3K miles. Must sell. Days 734-481-5053; eves. 734-944-0305

DUCAT11998 - 900SSFE, 3800 miles, $8500. Call after 6pm.

(248) 437-4812.

DYNA WIDE Glide 2000 - vivid black, showroom cond., 2600 miles, $17,900. 810-751-4897

FLSTC 1996. $10,000 in extras, custom paint, Corbin seat, kleen machine. $18,400. 734-422-3435

GOLDWING 1993 SE - teal. Like new. Low miles. Asking $13,500. 810-757-7734

HARLEY 1200-Custom (2000) black, many exfas, 1600 miles, $11,000. 248-366-7106

HARLEY 1998 1200 Custom Sportster, Anniv edition, extras, mint. $8800. 248-683-1861

HARLEY DAVIDSON 1997 1200 custom sportster, leather bags, low miles, $7500/firm In Windsor (519) 250-4241

HARLEY DAVIDSON 2000 1200 Custom, red, extras, less than 70 miles. 734-591-3522

HARLEY DAVIDSON 1998 Dyna W'glide, black, 500 mi., extras. 518 000 f734) 207-H696

HARLEY DAVIDSON 1999 Dyna wide glide, 2200 miles adult owned $18,000/best


HARLEY DAVIDSON 1998 Dyna wide glide, 4,500 miles, black, Lots of extras! Mint. cond. $17,000 (248)634-5761

HARLEY DAVIDSON 2000 D y n a w i d e T h u n d e r h e a d e r exhaust, 2800 miles, $18,000 or best offer (734) 516-6510

HARLEY DAVIDSON Electro-glide Classic 2001. Exc. cond. 5000 miles, $19,400. (734) 416-1013

HARLEY DAVIDSON Electric Glide Classic 1993. $14,000.

(734) 466-9817

HARLEY DAVIDSON 1996 FXDWG Dyna Wide Glide, 6200 miles, 2-toned paint, (pearl & crimson) too many extras to list, mint cond., absolutely a must see. $16,900. (248) 430-2620

Harley Davidson 1998 FXDS -windshield, bags, forward con-trol, $16,000. (734) 425-2173

HARLEY DAVIDSON 2000, Fatboy, big bore kit, many extras, 3000 miles, perfect, $21,000. 248-348-5866

HARLEY DAVIDSON-FXR 1989 lots of extras, $9,000.

(248) 685-0859

HARLEY DAVIDSON 1999 FLSTS- diamond ice, 6K, many extras. 18,995. 248-761-6692.

HARLEY DAVIDSON 2000 FXR4 limited edition, 1 of 750 built, new only 9 miles, $19,500.

(248) 760-6411

HARLEY DAVIDSON 1995 Fat Boy, black, custom parts, must see! $13,000. 734-729-1657

HARLEY DAVIDSON, 1977 FLH - 84" motor, custom paint, fast & clean. $8500. 734-722-8409

HARLEY DAVIDSON 1998 Heri-tage Softail, 6500 miles, exc cond., $15,400. 248-601-1135

HARLEY DAVIDSON - 1999 Heritage Softail. 2300 miles. $17,000. (248) 478-7649

HARLEY DAVIDSON 1998 Low Rider, 7000 ml., showroom cond., $2000 worth of accesso-ries, $14,800/best. 313-277-2920

HARLEY DAVIDSON 1999 Sof-tail standard, 1,180 miles, like new cond, $14,500. 810-577-2633 Eves:. 810-735-6836

Harley Davidson 1972 Sporster -1000 cc, blue paint, strong runner, needs work. $3500/best. 734-464-4407, 313-910-4067.

HARLEY DAVIDSON 1996, soft tail custom. 9k miies, $3400 in chrome & accessories. $17,000 (734)955-5461 (517)546-3400

H A R L E Y DAVIDSON 1996 1200 Sportster Sport. Low miles, exc. cond., $7195.

(313) 240-7050

HARLEY DAVIDSON Super-glide 1999. extras, clean original o w n e r , $ 1 7 , 0 0 0 . H a r l e y Davidson Sportster 883 1990 $5000. (734) 522-9366

HARLEY DAVIDSON, 1973 Superglide, SS carb windshield, leather bags, lots of chrome,

or Best offer 3,000 or (313) 215-4429

HARLEY DAVIDSON 1992 Sportster XLH Custom 883 only 6700 miles, very clean w/extras: slash-cut mufflers, windshield, bags, 2 upseats, Harley cover, $6600/best. 734-981 -2076

HARLEY DAVIDSON 1973 XLCH, updated custom bike, very low mi., like new. $4200/ best. (734) 427-5778.

Motorcycles/ Minibikes/Go-Karts

Harley Davison 2000 FXDL. Bag & windshield, extended warranty avail. $17,500. 734-641-8940.

HARLEY dawson 1997 Road King. Low miles, many extras, immacu-late. $16,500. (734) 944-9999

HARLEY Dyna-g i ide 1998 FXDS. Exec. Cond. Extras included $14,500 (248)588-6186

HARLEY 1999 Dyna Lowrider 5700 miles, Aztec orange, Screaming Eagle kit, detached windshield, saddlebags. $16,500 (248) 738-2737

HARLEY 1994 Dyna Low Rider, 3,300 miles, sport shield, bags, Stagel . $11,995/best. Jackson,

(517) 688-9157

HARLEY 2000 Dyno Low Rider-black/chrome, lots of extras. 1500 ml. $18,500. Call after 5:30pm. 734-525-7827

HARLEY 1997 - Electra Glide, fuel injected, 15K, exc. cond. $17,000/best. (248) 625-9281.

HARLEY 2000, Electra Glide Classic. 7.3k Miies, black, stage one screaming eagle perfor-mance kit. Lowered 1 in, 6in w i n d s h i e l d . $ 2 0 , 0 0 0


HARLEY, 1992, Eiectric Glide Classic, tu-tone blue, low miles, exc. cond. $13,00Q/best. Eves. 734-591-9431

HARLEY 1999 Electric Glide, 3k, 90% HD extras. Mint. Lazer Red. $21,000. 313-342-2852.

HARLEY, 1997, Fat Boy. Lots of chrome, Samson pipes, silver/ black, 1,800 mi., $16,900.


HARLEY FAT Boy 2000 900 miles, extra chrome & wheels, many extras & loaded. $19,500.

(734) 516-7434

HARLEY 2000, Fat Boy, thun-derheaders, all touring accesso-ries, black/red, 5500 miles. $18,950. (248) 932-3480

HARLEY 1982 FLHS - com-pletely refurbished, documented thru Milwaukee, exc cond., $12,500. (734) 735-6274

HARLEY 1989 FLHS - perfor-mance enhanced, new paint, many extras. Sweet ride. $12,500. (248) 693-7361.

HARLEY, 1996 FLHTC, black, 22K, extras, super clean, $16,500. (248) 634-5001.

HARLEY 1997 FXDS Convert-ible with bags & windshield, 25,000 miies, exc cond, $13,500/ best. (734) 354-6075

HARLEY 1994 FXRP - nice bike. Many extras. $11,500.


HARLEY HERITAGE Soft Tail 1994 - 10K, chrome front end, extras, like new. $13,500. Leave Message. 248-668-9902.

HARLEY, 1998 Heritage, Softtail Classic, low miles, first $16,000/ best. (734) 326-3079.

HARLEY 1994 heritage softail classic FLSTC only 4600 miles. black, exc. cond., $15,500.


HARLEY 1998 Heritage softail 5600 miles, studded leather, like new, $16,500. 248-486-4716

HARLEY 1989 - Heritage soft tail, black/cream, Exec. Cond! $12,500/best. (313)846-5947

1997 HARLEY Hugger. $1500 in accessories, exec, cond., wife's bike. Must Sell! New bikes due, (734)449-5125

HARLEY 1996, 883 Hugger, 325 miles, black, $3500 extras. $8750/ best. Trade - 248-644-3100

HARLEY ROAD KING Classic 1999 - 2400 miles, exc cond., $19,000 firm. (734) 266-9260

H A R L E Y 1996 Spo r t s te r 1200CC, 17k. Well maintained. Extras, windshield. $7900/best. Call Eves. 734-453-5617

HARLEY SPORTSTER Sport 1998 1200 black, screaming eagle pipes, 3000 miles, $9500.

(734) 673-3717

HARLEY 1997 Sportster 1200 Custom, like new, 1800 miles, black w/extra chrome & other extras. $9000. 313-538-3547.

HARLEY 1999 Sportster 1200 custom. Black, many extras. 3200 miles, immaculate. 1 owner. $9500. 248-224-1030

HARLEY 2000, 1200 Sportster, custom, 500 miles, $9950. Call after 6pm 248-641-9195

HARLEY 1983 Sportster XLX • black, 4500 miles, exc cond., windshield, highrise passenger seat, great way to get started riding, $4400. (248) 646-1283

HARLEY Sportster 1996 • 12K miles, too much to list. $8500. call after 3pm (248) 683-2979

HARLEY 1997 Sportster Custom, black, 8300 miles, $8,500/best. After 6pm. 734-326-8934.

HARLEY 2001 - 1200 Sportster Custom, extended warranty, 1800 miles, $11,000. (313)388-8796.

HARLEY 1997 Standard (Road King). Belt drive, 4,000 miles. Must sell. Getting divorced. $14,600/best. (248) 625-5592

HARLEY 1999 ultra classic shrine edit ion, immaculate, 10,000 miles, $20,000 or best

(248) 655-0139

HARLEY 2000 - Ultra Classic, mint cond. , many extras. $20,000/best (248)437-0308

HARLEY 2000 - Ultra Classic, mint cond. , many extras. $20,000/best (248)437-0308

HARLEY, 1999 Wide Glide, super clean, lots of chrome, red & black, $16,500. 734-326-2074

HARLEY 1979 XLS - rare, 16K miles, all new parts. Mint condi-tion. $5200. (248) 960-6373.

Henderson 1999 Initial Produ-tion model, 5500 miles, exc cond $15,000. (313) 565-4170

HENDERSON 1999 less than 200 miles. Similar to Harley Fat Boy. $12,500. 248-988-9934.

HONDA 1995 CB250 Night Hawk - like' new, low miles, $2,500. (248) 851-8080

HONDA 1999 CBR 600 F4. Yellow, stock, mint, very lew miles. $6,500. 734-981-1537

HONDA 1999 CBR 900RR, yellow/biack, stock, mint 10K miles, $7100. 248-476-6212

HONDA 1998 CBR 1100XX. Low miles, black, $8,000/best offer. (407) 310-7689

HONDA 1984, 450 CC, less than 10,000 miles, like new, $850. 734-844-3370

Classifications 802 to 815 (*)7F

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807 Motorcycles/ Minibikes/Go-Karts

HONDA CR250 1993 - New tires, silencer, Good Cond. $2,200/best 248-446-0633

HONDA 1983 Custom 1000. 5 Speed, overdrive, shaft, Fairing, cassette. $2,250. (248) 347-2377

HONDA 1973 750 Four, very good cond., runs exc. $795 Call after 4pm (734) 421-0910.

HONDA 750 1975 front end extension, 6300 miles, $950 firm. (248) 399-8955

HONDA 1985 Goldwing 1200cc, 9K original mi, full chrome & bags, $49507best. Stu 248-948-1943.

HONDA 1982 Goldwing • great condition. $1500.

(734) 467-4963

HONDA 1989 GOLDWING, 34K miles, beige, loaded with 1993 Escapade trailer, exc. $8,995.

517 548-7747

HONDA, 1986 Goldwing, Red, 40K, very clean, ready to go, $4,800. (734) 455-0406

HONDA GOLDWING 1992 1500 SE, tea!, 30K miles, helmet w/intercom, new tires, exc. cond., $10,500

(313) 531-5827

HONDA, 1986 Magna 700 in exc. mechanical cond., 20K, $2400. After 6pm: 734-421-5447.

HONDA NIGHTHAWK 750 1995-3,400 miles. Like new. $3,500/best. 1983 CB 650 -runs. $500/best. 810-364-8454

HONDA 1994 Pacific Coast, 600cc, black & silver, garaged & covered always, 5900 miies. Perfect. $5200. 248-540-3959.

HONDA SABER 1985- V45, 34K, great cond., runs well. Pic-tures via e-mail. $2000/best offer. Call JT:734-516-0139

HONDA 2000 Shadow, 600cc silver, 5K mi., 3 yr. warranty. Garaged. $4900734-417-0758.

HONDA 1998 Shadow Classic, 1100 cc, 7500 miles, green & cream. Lots of compliments. $6800. (248) 380-3035

HONDA, 1999 Shadow Spirit 1100. Black/chrome, 1200 miles. Garaged, $6000. 810-577-5429

HONDA SHADOW 1999 VT600, brand new, 95 actual miles, must sell. $4500 or best

(313) 255-4879

HONDA, 1997 Shadow VT 600, VLX, 3400 miles, like new, $4000/best. 734-591 -9124.

HONDA, 1997 Shadow VT 600, VLX, 3400 miles, like new, $4000/best. 734-591-9124.

HONDA 1975, 750 Super Sport. 9800 original miies, lots of chrome, Vetter & trunk, like new, $2900. 734-513-8127

HONDA 1987 TR200 - "Fat Cat". Runs excellent. $1800/ best. (313) 538-8379

HONDA VALKYRIE 1997- show room new. Yellow & black. 450 miles $8,000/best. 248-755-2131.

HONDA 1999 Valkyrie Tourer, p r o g r e s s i v e s u s p e n s i o n , $11,377. 248-373-9338

HONDA 2000 XR400. Like new, adul t owned . $4500 /bes t .


KAWASAKI 1974 400cc, fair condition, runs. $350/best offer.


KAWASAKI 1976-900 cc, 1013 kit, original owner, $1500.

(734) 462-0586

KAWASAKI NINJA 1997 -500cc, Very low milage, exec, cond. $3,800 (734)981-6679

KAWASAKI VOYAGER 1994 -10,000 miles, exc cond., extras, $6500. (248) 652-7746

KAWASAKI 1999 ZX-11 - low miles, mint cond., many extras, $7900. (248) 601-4608

KAWASKI 1985 900 Ninja- mint cond, runs very strong, new tires, Vance & Hines. $3000/ best. 248-755-2131

MOTOGUZZI 1994 7k mi., exc. cond. $7500. Honda Valkyrie interstate 2000- 5k mi., blue $ 1 1 , 0 0 0 . Ca l l Mr . Ke i t h (313)537-2000

M O T O R I Z E D B I C Y C L E w/helmet. New 1 wk. ago. $1,135. Sell $825. 248-872-6060

NINJA 2000 -500, electric biue. 300 miles, 3 yr extended war-ranty. Sharp bike. Only $4200. Wayne (734) 524-0976 after 3pm, leave message.

ROAD KING 1999 Police, many extras, 14,000 miles, $15,300/ best. 248-777-1754

ROADKING 2000 - under 5000 miles, drag pipes, many extras, top cond $20,500,248-646-2324

SPORTSTER 1993 - Hugger, 1200cc, too many extras, Must see! $6200/best (734)427-4303

SPORTSTER 1996 XL custom 1200 - Screaming Eagle Acces-sories, 2 seats, 3700 miles, $7500/best. (734) 522-7084

SUZUKI DS 80 1995, yellow, low h o u r s , never raced . $1,095 734-455-2914

SUZUKI 1997 GSXR 750, 5500 miles. Race extras. Never raced. Mint cond. Must sell $6500/besi. (248) 866-0558

SUZUKI. 2000 gxsr600 - Yellow & Black, 3 yr. full warranty, 4300 miles, Yoshimura race pipe never been dropped, $5990/ best. 248-332-7702

SUZUKI 1998 intruder. 800 miles, 800cc. Like new. $4,000. (248) 666-3477

(248) 842-0514

TRIUMPH 1996 Trident 900. Only 3,000 miles, perfect cond., bright green & cream. Asking $5500. 734-751-1581.

VESPA 1981 XP 80- 100 miles, cool toy, $3500.

(248) 594-8662

XR 80, 2000 Honda, $1500. XR 100, 2000, $1700. Like new, riden only 8x. (248) 624-7090

YAMAHA DT 50 1990 like brand new only 300 miles, $1350 or best offer. (248) 848-0331

YAMAHA 350RD 1973 racing accessories included. $1380 or best offer. (734) 464-1511

YAMAHA 1994 Virago 750cc, low ml. saddle bags, windshield, $3500. (248) 960-4815.

YAMAHA 1994 VIRAGO, 535S, mint, custom paint, Harley accessories, 3000 mi., perfect for beginner who wants to ride with the big bikes. $3800.

(248) 545-8112.

807 Motorcycles/ Minibikes/Go-Karts

YAMAHA 2001 V MAX, motor-cycle, less than 100 miles, Mfg. warranty, very fast, must sell, $9800. 734-451-0155

YAMAHA V-Star Classic 1999 6K, Cobra jet ted exhaust. $5800. 248-344-0813

YAMAHA 650 2000, V Star Classic. 500 miles, Transferable warranty $5,500 (734) 522-3259

YAMAHA WR500, 1993 - Like new. Procircuit pipe, Boysen reeds. $2150 or trade for street b i k e of e q u a l v a l u e .

734-458-3111, eves.

YAMAHA YZF 600 1999 - 350 miles, red/gray, w/ heimet $5,000/best (248)722-6755

YAMAHA 2000 YZFR6 - Blue/ white. 1500 mi. $7200/best offer. 248-681-0727

YAMAHA 1999 YZ - like new cond. $2800/firm.

(519) 250-4241

Motorcycles-Parts & Service

HARLEY DAVIDSON 1986 Tourglide - 21 k miles, burgundy, chrome kit, $9500/best

(248) 693-2315

KAWASAK11992 KX-250 - runs great. $1,650. (810) 755-5710

YAMAHA 1973 TX - 500 with hitchhiker side car. Runs great. $800. (810) 755-5710

809 Off Road Vehicles

ARCTIC CAT, 1999 250 ATV, 2x4, almost new, w/trailer $3000/ best. 810-632-7703.

ATV'S - 2000 Polaris 4x4's - 400 Scrambler; 400 Sport; 250 Trail-blazer; all $10,000; like new. (248) 889-8811, 887-5294

809 Of! Road Vehicles

POLARIS, 2000, 4X4, w/plow, low hours, excellent condition, $5900. 734-453-9727.

810 Recreational Vehicles

JAYCO EAGLE 1998 31' slide-out. Exc. cond. many many fea-tures, $16,900. Cali for details. 248-624-6011 248-981-7368

SANDPIPER 5TH Wheel, 2000. 27'10". One slide-out, alumalite, $18,500. 810-629-7556

Y A M A H A 1994 B a n s h e e , freshly built, new tires, $2000. Holly area. 248-249-2886.

811 Snowmobiles

ARCTIC CAT EF1600, 2001 -Brand new only 120 miles. Lime Green/black trim, $7,000/best.


ARCTIC CAT - 1992 EXT spe-cial, $1300. Skidoo 1987, for-mula plus, $1000. Skidoo 1994 Formula Z, $1800. 313-527-4968.

ARCTIC CAT Panther 440 1999. 2 up, 480 original miles, $3600/firm (248)442-8868

ARCTIC CAT Thundercat 900, 1997 , 23k mi . , s t u d d e d , YAHAMA 1999 SRX 600, 2000 miles, studded, ext. warranty, both exc. cond. priced to sell $3950/each. Also Triton 2 placed enclosed aluminum trailer. $650. 248-960-0125.

MACH Z 1998 - low miles. Exc. cond . $ 4 2 0 0 / b e s t o f fer .


POLARIS XCR 120, 2000, like new, $1500. 313-278-4356

POLARIS 1999 XLT Classic 600, reverse, all the goodies! $4600/best. 810-573-7654

811 Snowmobiles

POLARIS 1994 XLT 583 - very clean, low miles, studded, cover, $2650. (248) 478-7365

SKI DOO 1997, 583 MXZ, excellent condition, $3200.

(248) 909-4897.

YAMAHA SX600 1999 (2) - low miles, w/2001 Extreme covered trailer, drive on/off $14,900. (810) 752-7909

Campers/Motor Homes/Trailers

AIRSTREAM 1994 33 ft. Land Yacht Class A motorhome, 31K, loaded, $45,500. 734-323-1667

AIRSTREAM 345 Motor Home, 1985 - 34.5 ft., 36,700 miles, 454 V8 Chevrolet engine, good cond., double bed in rear bed-room, dual leather caption chairs, TV rearview monitor, much more. $25,000. Call 9am-4pm: (248) 263-3812.

AIRSTREAM 1993 motorhome, 33'. 32,000 mi. Fully loaded, auto, ievelers. Exc. cond. Includes tow car. $44,000. 810-227-9291

ALINER 1998 PopUp Camper -sleeps 4, refrigerator, heater, Like new. $6,500.248-486-4884

ALLEGRO BAY Pusher 2000 -35' wide body. Diesel engine, diesei generator. 10,000 mi. Large slide, 6 way seats, queen beef, ceramic tile. Many extras. $92,000/best offer. (517)739-2434, 734-658-7976.

ALLEGRO, 1978 - 24ft. Class "A" beautiful cond. Chevy 350. New trans, brakes, exhaust. Exc. tires. Special hub caps. Roof air. Newer fridge, awnings, Trip ready, must see $5800. 248-335-5005 or 248-730-3304

APACHE 1972 Pop-up Camper sleeps 4, good cond., $400/best.

(248) 258-0877

812 Campers/Motor Homes/Trailers

BARTH, 1986, 31'. Class A, very good cond., must sell! $1,000 below wholesale. 313-582-4157

BOUNDER 1989, 34', Class A, 454, 38k mi., loaded, trailer & car. $23,000. (734) 729-3711.

BOUNDER, 1996 34J - Wide body, Chevy chassis, 33K miles, 2 air, awning, microwave, 2 TVs, VCR. No smoking, no pets. Exc. cond. $38,000. 248-373-8469

CAMPLITE 1995 pop-up, sleeps 6-8, w/slide-out. Many features.

$4950. 313-937-0847

CAMPLITE 1998 pop-up with pull out, sleeps 6-8, screened porch, excel lent condi t ion. $5300 or best (734) 266-9402

CARR'-LITE 1992 Emerald-33' 5th Wheel, RKS 633, NADA blue book 1993=$18,230, asking $12,1 CO/best. (231) 734-3828.

CARR -LITE 1985 - fifth wheel, 31.5 ft.. Newer, a/c, furnace, awning, tires, battery. Very clean in/out, $5400. (313) 388-1759

CAR TOW DOLLY •• like new, used one time, stored inside.

(248) 684-5010.

CHAMPION 1978 Bantam, 17'. $3,OOC. Good condition.

(734) 513-5375.

CHATEAU 1999 - 30', "new" w/lifetime lot membership. Port Austin. $33,000. Lots available.


CLASS C, 20' 1987 - great cond. Sleeps 5-6. Full kitchen & bath, 53K, $7500. 248-625-2048.

CLASSIC 1993 Car hauler - 28', completely enclosed, 220 power hookup, lights inside & out. $5000 firm. Call Bill or Wanda


CLASSIC TRAILER 22'. mint, Holds 4 cycles or sports car. Bike tie downs included, $4950.

Call 248-474-1690

812 Campers/Motor Homes/Trailers

COACHMAN 1997 Camper Van warranty, 37k, generator, 17 mpg, $27,000. 734-453-4933

COACHMAN, 1997 Cataiina 5th Wheei. 32', loaded, non-smoker/ pets. Low miles, appraised $26,900; asking $23,500/best. 313-565-5469, after 4pm,

COACHMAN POP-UP 1995 good cond, screenroom, sleeps 8. $3200, 734-462-0729.

COACHMAN 1999 Pop-up. Sleeps 8, loaded. Used 2x. $8500. Call Mike 734-464-7663

SL IDE IN T ruck Camper , Coachman 1994. Fully loaded! Fridge, shower bathroom, stove, air. $6,500 (248)366-6478

COLEMAN 1999 Mesa Pop-up. Exc. cond., low miles, extras. $6,290. After 6pm: (248) 620-6271

COLEMAN POP-UP 1993 Good cond., sleeps 6, with screen room $3800 (734)422-8907

COLEMAN 1985 pop-up, sleeps 8, new jack, tires & furnace, $1200/best. 734-591-1303

C O L E M A N 1986 Sequo ia , screen room, refrigerator, sleeps 7. $1450. 734-981-6573.

COLEMAN, 1999 Sun pop-up Camper. Used 3 extras, $6500. 248-879-7408


COLEMAN 1995 UTAH stored inside, like new, screened room, sleeps 7-8. $4600.

(734) 421-0030

COLEMAN, 1994, Will iamsburg pop-up. Sleeps 7, fully loaded, air. Exc. cond. Asking $4,500. After 5pm. 248-477-9250

COMBI CAMP - Extras, Like new. Tow with Motorcycle. $2000/best (248) 476-7078

COUNTRY COMFORT 2000 Travel Trailer 32 ft., fully loaded, washer & dryer, sleeps 6, must sell, $13,500/best 734-326-2216

812 Campers/Motor Homes/Trailers-

CUSTOM BUILT bike/utility Trailer, aluminum sides, Exec, cond $1000/best (248)336-2819

DAMON 1993 Intruder - 32 ft., loaded, 42k, new awning, great cond. $25,000. 734-944-1809

DAMON, SL, 1998, Camplite pop-up, 14' box, w/slide-out, sleeps 8, air, furnace, shower, toilet, fridge, stove, screenroom,. $6500. 248-777-3257

DUTCHMAN 1999 Anniversary Edition, 31'. Electronic slide, $15,500/best. (734) 231-5534.

DUTCHMAN 1995 Class C; 29', w/tow dolly, 23K, well-main-tained, sleeps 8, a.c., generator, $31,500/best. 734-397-2661

DUTCHMAN 1994 - 36ft. 2 bed-room, like new. $11,500.

(734) 422-8217

DUTCHMAN 1995 pop-up, sleeps 8, only used 4 times, exceptional condition, stove, refrigerator, heater, a.c., $4850.


Dutchman pop-up 1995, sleeps 8. like new, refrigerator, furnace & more! $4350. 248-474-7637

DUTCHMAN 1998 35', 5th wheel , b u n k h o u s e , queen master bedroom, VA baths, 10' slideout, hardly used, lots of s t o r a g e , f u l l y e q u i p p e d , $19,500. 248-647-1647

ENCLOSED BOX Trailer - hitch, camping equipment, Coleman chassis $600. (248) 652-8461

E X P R E S S 2 0 0 0 T r a v e l Supreme (1999) 33ft, 5th wheel, loaded, used 1 yr, $40,000/best.


FLAIR 1989 Fleetwood motor-home. 27'. sleeps 7, 38,000 miles, exc. cond., many extras, $23,500. 734-697-4273

FLAIR 1997 30 ft. motor home, class A, 454 Chevy, 21K, loaded, $33,000 248-474-7887

Automotive Service Directory Check Here For A H b u i c k

F I S C H E R B U I C K 2 4 8 - 6 4 3 - 7 6 6 0

1790 Maplelawn, Troy •Troy Motor Mail Service Hours: 7:00 a.m. - 8r00 p.m. Mon. & Thurs.

7 : 0 0 a . m . * 6 : 0 0 p . m . Tues. , W e d . , Fr i .

B O B J E A N N O T T E B U I C K , I N C . 7 3 4 - 4 5 3 - 2 5 0 0

14949 Sheldon Road, Plymouth * Just North of M-14 Service Hours: 7:00 a.m. - 7:30 p.m. Mon. & Thurs.

7:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. Tues., Wed., Fri.

J O H N ROGSN B U I C K - L I V O N I A , ENG.— 7 3 4 - 5 2 5 - 0 9 0 0 30500 Plymouth, Plymouth Service Hours: 7:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m. Mon. & Thurs.

7:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. Tues., Wed., Fri. T A M A R O F F B U I C K 2 4 8 - 3 5 3 - 1 3 0 0

28585 Telegraph Road, Southfield . " Service Hours: 7:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m. Mon. & Thurs.

7:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. Tues., Wed.. Fri.

' f i

G O R D O N C H E V R O L E T - 7 3 4 - 4 2 7 - 6 2 0 0 31850 Ford Road, Garden City • 1/4 mifeWest of Merriman Service Hours: 7:00 a.m. - ' '

7:00 a.m. - firOO p.m. Tues., - Fri.

2 4 8 - 4 7 4 - 0 5 0 0 H O L I D A Y C H E V R O L E T -

30250 Grand Rtver, Mills' Service Hours: 7;Q0 :*r.6;0G.p.m, Mon. - Fri.

L O U L A R 1 C H E C H E V R O L E T 7 3 4 - 4 5 3 - 4 6 0 0

40875 Plymouth Rdv Plymouth * West of 1-275, Plymouth Rd. at Haggerty Service Hours; 7:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. Mon., Tues., Wed., Fri.

- . 7:00 a.m. - 9:OOp.m. Thurs.

313-5 JI -7 1OO M A T I C K C H E V R O L E T

.•340G-! Telegraph Road, Redford • at 1-96 Service Hours: 7:00 a.m. - 8:00 p.m. Mon. & Thurs.

7:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. Tues., Wed., Frf.

T E N N Y S O N C H E V R O L E T — 7 (4-4_'-.-r>-»00

32570 Plymouth Road, Livonia • Just East of Farmington Road -Service Hours: 7:30 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. M

O Badge I

C R E S T W O O D D O D G E ™

32850 Ford Road, Garden City • Ford Road atVen> Service Hours: 7:00 a.m. - 6:00 p»-FFV<&ion. - Fri.


24625 West 12 Mile, Southfield « West of Telegraph Rd. Service Hours: 8:30 a.m. - 9.-15 p.m. Mon. & Thurs.

8:30 a.m. - 6:15 p.m. Tues., Wed., Fri.

7 1 4 - 4 2 1 - 5 7 0 0

- 2 4 8 - 3 5 4 - 6 6 0 0

- 2 4 8 - 3 5 5 - 7 5 0 0 A V I S F O R D , I N C

29200 Telegraph Road, Southfield 0 North of 12 Mile Road ^'Service Hours: 7:30 a.m. -7:00 p.m. Mon. - Fri.

B L A C K W E L L F O R D , I N C 7 3 4 - 4 5 3 - 1 1 0 0

-4100) Plymouth Road, Plymouth • Between Haj • s Service Hours: 7:30 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. Mon, - Fri.


32222 Plymouth Road, Livonia Between Merr iman and Farmington Roads Service Hours: 7:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. Mon. - ItJ.

- 7 3 4 - 4 2 1 - 7 1 1 6

J A C K D E M M E R F O R D -

3 7300 Michigan Avenue at Newburgh, Wayne Service Hours: 7:30 a.m. - S:0O p.m. Mon. & Thurs.

8:00 a.m* - 6:00 p.m. Tues , Wed., Fri.

M C D O N A L D F O R D -

- 7 3 4 - 7 2 1 - 2 6 0 0

- 7 3 4 - 4 2 7 - 6 6 5 0

550 W. Seven Mi le Rd„ Northville Service Hours: 7:30 a.m. - 9:00 p.m. Mon.

7:30 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. Tues. - Fri.

Dealer Near You EHPOBXS

F O X T O Y O T A • V O L K S W A G E N 2 4 8 - 6 5 6 - 0 4 0 0

755 S, Rochester Rd., Rochester Sales Hours: 8:30 a.m. - 9:00 p.m. Mon., Thurs.

8:30 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. Tues., Wed., Fri. 10:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. Sat

JAGUAR OF TROY 248-643-690!) 1815 Maplelawn « Troy Motor Mail Service Hours.: 7:30 a.m. 8.00 p.in. Won. & Thurs.,

/'• !0 ,1 iii t,.uu p.!-) •. fi n.';. . Wed.. 1 n.

F R E D L A V E R Y C O M P A N Y ,

P O R S C H E , A U D I , L A N D R O V E R , I N F I N 1 T I 2 4 8 - 6 4 5 - 5 9 3 0

34602 Woodward Avenue, Birmingham Service Hours: 7:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. Mon. ,r Fri. ..

P A G E T O Y O T A 2 4 8 - 3 5 2 - 8 5 8 0

21262 Telegraph Road, Southfield * Between 8 & 9 Mile Roads Service Hours: 8:00 a.m. - 8:00 p.m. Thurs.

8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Tues., .Wed., Fri. 8:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. Sat.

P L Y M O U T H M I T S U B I S H I 7 3 4 - 2 0 7 - 7 8 0 0

200 W. Ann Arbor Road, Plymouth Service Hours: 7:30 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. Mon. thru Thurs.

R E D H O L M A N T O Y O T A * — " 7 3 4 - 7 2 1 - 1 1 4 4

35300 ford Road, Westiand * At Wayne Road 'Service Hours: 7:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m. Mon. & Thur.

7:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. Tues., Wed., Fri.

T A M A R O F F H O N D A 2 4 8 - 3 ? FOIJ

28585 Telegraph Road, Southfield ^Service Hours: 7:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m. Mon. & Thurs. •'••y 7:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. Tues., Wed., Fri.

T A M A R O F F N I S S A N —

28585 Telegraph Road, Southfieid Service Hours: 7:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m. Mon. &Thurs.

7:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. Tues., Wed., Fri.

2 4 8 - 3 ? <-1 U)0

V A R S I T Y L 1 N C O I . N - M E R C U R Y

49251 Grand River at Beck Road,Novi Service Hoarsr--7:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. Mon.-Fri.

. . . . . 8:30 a.m. - 4;00 p.m. Saturday

2 4 8 - 3 0 5 - 5 3 0 0

RED H O L M A N f O N T I A C - G M C TR! INC.-35300 Ford Road, Westland • At Wayne Road Service Hours: 7:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m. Mon. &Thur». w

7:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m; Tues., Wed., fri.

B O B J E A N N O T T E P O N T I A C , C M C I R U C K

14949 Sheldon Road, Plymouth • just Norcn ot m- 14 Service Hours: 7:00 a.m. - 7:30 p.m. Mew. & Thurs.

7:00 a.m. - 6:00 pm'Tues., Wed., Fri.


7 3 4 - 7 2 1 - 1 1 4 4

7 3 4 - 4 5 3 - 2 5 0 0

Your Local Dealer

8F(*r) Classifications 812 to 826

Campers/Motor Homes/Trailers

FLEETWOOD 1993 Jamboree 30' motorhome. A-tcorid. Great layout, $29,900. Great ready for summer fun! 734-422-3233

FLEETWOOD 1996 Pickup Camper - fits shortbed, great cond., $5200. (248) 685-7116

FLEETWOOD 1999 Prowler -5th wheel, 29 ft. bunks, slideout, $12,500/best (248) 879-9767

FORD 1996 Econoline 350 Air-stream conversion van - fuily loaded, sleeps 4-5, 62,000 miles, $26,300. 248-363-3232

FORD 1990 fully equipped van. Asking $12,000. 248-625-4512

FOUR WINDS 1996, 28D, Ford 460,. generator, rear bunks, double dinettes, sleeps 8, 40,0000 miles, loaded, exc. cood., $24,000. Must seil 248-'661 -9735 - 248-641-8372

FOUR WINDS 1999, 28' motor horrie, 12K, excellent condition. After 6pm. (248) 486-6441.

FOl^R WINDS 1992 - Pick Up Camper , all appl iances & options. Extra equipment. Like New! Retiree Owned & main-tained S5,500 248-427-1958

FRANKLIN 2002 Trailer - 44ft., fuily self-contained, fiberglass ext.'"3 electric slide-outs, many extras, $28,000. (248) 627-1576

FUN MOVER, 1999 by Four Winds. Only 3,900 miles, 27ft. Class "C". Half garage, half m6tor home. Fuli bath, sleeps 4+, all amenities. Carries 2 full size motor cycles or quads, $47,500. 248-318-8400

GRAND VILLA 1988 - 36' rear gas engine, automatic levelers. 35,000 mi. $30,000.


GULFSTREAM 1989 Motor Home. Class A. 32K. Exc. in & out. $16,900 313-386-9849

HI-LO, 1989, 21', air, furnace, fridge, stove, bath, awning, exc. corr., $5,900. 734-728-6339

HOLIDAY 1995 - imperial, 37' 5th wheel w/15' slide-out, extras. $27,000. 248-879-0841

HONEY 1983 Class C motor-home, Chevy 350 V8, 36K mi. 23', air. $8800. 734-464-2075

HGRRICANE 1999 - 31', 6,000 mi. Fully loaded. Awning, gener-ator, roof air, back up camera, more. $44,900 . 734-455-9009.

JAMBOREE 1994 Class C 26J (Party Coach). Blue interior, nicely equipped w/many extras, well maintained, very good C0.hd. 460/58 ,000 mi. $25,500. Call" eves, after 6pm or week-ends: 248-335-9661

JAYCO 324BH 1998 Travel Trailer. Like new, used only 6 writs., 2 private bedrooms, sleeps 10, loaded. $15,000. (248) 475-5982

JAYCO 1999 Fifth Wheel - 27 ft. with super slideout, loaded, like new, $14,900. (734) 525-8375

JAYCO JAY 1994 - 30 ft., front kitchen, rear queen, sleeps 6, air/ h'eat, $10,500. 734-261-3665

JAYCO 1999 pop-up, sleeps 8, refrigerator, stove, awning, bike rack, $5000. 313-846-1069

JAYCO 12' Pop Up 1998 -Sleeps 7, awning, screen room, refrigerator, $5000.248-735-8090

JAYCO 1994 Pop-up, sleeps 8. Like new, awning w/screened porch. $4000. 810-629-1569.

JAYCO 1990 pop-up, 10', sleeps 6, fridge, awning. Exc. cond. $1900. 734-397-8570

JAXCO 1998 Pop-up - slide-out, exc,.cond., sleeps 8+, screen-room, many extras, must see, $7000/best. 248-476-5306

JAYCO 1999 - pop-up, w/ glide out dinette, sleeps 8, furnace, shower/toilet, hot water, fridge (electric or gas), stove, 12ft self storing canopy w/ screen room & more! Rated as second home for taxes. Like new only used 4 times. $8,500 (734)522-3427

JAYCO 1996 5th wheel ZTA' w/slide out. Exc. cond. $12,500."


JAYCO 1994 travel trailer. Excellent cond. Lots of extras. $8900. (734) 544-5067

JAYCO 1992 30' Travel Trailer, 302FK, loaded, air, garden tub, $$epe 6, $7500. (734) 462-4998

KODIAK 2000 - 21 ft., used orice, warranty, $13,500/best.

; - (734) 542-9027

LANCE 1998 Legend 945 truck camper - 4-season, loaded, $14900, 734-429-7298

LAYTON 1985 Travel Trailer -30 ft., new tires (4), awning, water heater, Double bed, full kitchen & bath, great condition, $6000. (734) 453-7389

LIBERTY TRAILER 1988 - 3 place, motorcycle, heavy duty, $650/best. (313) 538-8379

MALLARD, 1999, 25' Bunk-house, super clean, includes hitch. $10,500. 248-347-7654

f t o t O R HOME 1990 - Win-nebago, Class A. 33 ft. Loaded. $26,900. 248-553-6801.

NEUMAR 5th Wheel American Star, 1998, fiberglas, 36', slide-outrbunkhouse, stored indoors, upgrades $24,700.734-455-6158.

OPEN FLOOR utility camper-75x76". $400 almost new.


PACE 95- America Trailer 4x11. $2200. Aluminum, single axle. EC- power hydraulic hitch. 810-997-9278,810-201-9861, 248-875-7712

P&CE ARROW 1999 31E motor home - 9,300 mi, loaded, great cond. $50,000/firm. (313) 274-3346

2-PLACE trailer w/extras. Like new. 248-332-3585

POP-UP CAMPER 1980 in gdod shape, sleeps 6. $600 or 6 * 3 offer call (734) 261-3685

PROWLER 1999 31ft., w/ slide gut, & warranty, exc. cond, 3.5k mjies, $17,500 248-342-0112

PROWLER 1997 - travel trailer, 29 ft., bunkhouse, fiberglass exterior, sleeps 8, many extras. $1-1,000. 248-477-2543.

ROCKWOOD 1995 XL pop-up, exc. cond., awning & screen room, queen & double slide-out beds. $4600. 248-735-3933

SCAMPER 1983 Pop-up- stove, refrigerator,exec, cond, sleeps 5," $1600. 248-542-0932

SHASTA 1,989 - 26Ft., 43k miles, $15,000/firm, good cond, Lots of extras! (810)731-0519

SILVER EAGLE- 1971 26 ft. t r a v e l t r a i l e r . $ 1 2 0 0 .


SKYLARK 1986 Travel Trailer -26 ft., good shape, new awning $2995/best. (313) 537-4558

SOUTHWIND 1988 - 32' 76K, twin beds, dual air, generator, basement & more. Runs great, clean. $16,000. 248-626-7066,

Campers/Motor Homes/Trailers

STARCRAFT 1997 Pop-up Spacemaster w/slide & add a room. $6000/best. 313-534-0513

STARCRAFT 1997 Pop-Up Spacemaster w/slide & add a room. $6000/best. 313-534-0513

STARCRAFT, 1994, 27' travel trailer, sleeps 6, new screened room, $7900. (248) 628-1390

SUNLINE 1886 - 34.5 ft., front kitchen, microwave, 4 burner range w/ oven, oak cabinets, large tub w/ shower, queen size bed, full size fold out couch bed, sleeps 4 adults & 2 kids, air, heat register in each room. 22 ft. awning, electric lift, Exec. Cond., member ship in Walden Woods Camp Ground included. $9,000 (248)399-4891

SUNLINE 1996 24' - Queen Island bed, sieeps 6, air, micro, screened room, exc. cond. 313-386-2968 or 313-598-0512.

SUNLINE 1989 Saturn. Sleeps 6, bathroom w/shower, stove, frig., $3500. (313) 274-7211

SUN LITE, 1992 18' Hi-lo trailer. Sleeps 6, hardly used, $4000. 248-541-3699 or 248-356-9584

SUNNYBROOKE 26 ft. FK1994 non-smoker/pets, extras, excel-lent condition, aluminum frame. $8500. (248) 474-6019

SUNSTREAM 1984, 32', sleeps 6, dual air, all refurbished, new tires, $14,000. 248-879-0952

TERRY 1999 24 FT. 5th wheel w/sl ideout, great condit ion, $15,500. (248) 844-8225.

TERRY RESORT 1988, 31z bunkhouse, sleeps 9, great floor plan. $6500. (734) 421-2943.

TERRY 1999 35'. Used once. S t o r e d at W a l d e n w o o d s . $60,000. 734-453-5676

TIOGA 1994, 23 ft., 22K miles, sleeps 6, rear bed, like new, $25,900. 248-477-1050.

TIOGA 1994 Montara 22ft, 22k, loaded, mint cond., back kitchen $20,000. (248) 673-2814.

TOYOTA, 1988 Sunraider, Exc. Cond. 21ft. 4 cylinder. $9600/ best. (248) 737-5748

TRAILER - 6'x16' flat bed w/winch. $1500. 248-669-3830

TRAVEL-EZE MOTOR home. Shower, sink, stove, air, re-built engine, sleeps 4 or 5. Needs work $3000/best. 248-474-1244

TRAVEL LIGHT 2000 21 ft., great condition, used twice $10,900/best 734-425-5958

VIKING, 1999 2465, mint, extras no air, pull out dinette, toilet, shower, etc $7000.248-474-3475

VIKING NORTH WIND 1993,21 ft., sleeps 5, toilet,water heater, fridge, $4400. 248-474-2259.

WESTPORT, '96, 30' 5th wheel. Glideout, new tires & awning, exc. cond. $22,500. 734-525-1392

WILDWOOD 1998 31ft, bunks, sleeps 8. c/a heat, exc cond. $11,000. (248) 363-9723

WINNABAGO 1991 Class C, Warrior, 88k miies, rear twin bed, awning, micro, A/C, exc. cond., $16,800? 734-525-9372

WINNEBAGO 1998 31 ft., class C, with Ford V-10, rear slideout, basement storage, generator, $44,500. (313) 359-0432

WINNEBAGO 2000 Itasca 35ft., loaded, only 5K, warrantys, $75,000. (734) 454-4711

WINNEBAGO 1999 Minnie Winnie DL Class C - loaded, 5k miles, $55,000. 313-240-6358

WOOD-SIDED 4X6 UTILITY TRAILER, LIKE NEW, $450. Mike. (734) 586-3650

YELLOWSTONE 1985 Fifth Wheel, 35', double bed, awning, new tires, $4800/best. Optional tow-truck. 734-459-5243

0 1 Construction, Heavy Equipment

HUDSON 1999 Construction E q u i p m e n t t r a i l e r , 9 t o n capacity. $4000. (810) 463-6867

Auto Misc.

HARD top-Wrangler-Black, new, never used. Tinted, rear defrost, wiper. $750 248-737-0079

5 Autoffruck'Parts & Service

COBRA 16" chrome wheels, mint condition. $1,000/best.

(248) 553-7967

CONTINENTAL, 1989 $650 Taurus, 1986 $300 Needs Repairs 248-474-1286

FIBERGLASS CAP - exc. cond. for shortbed Ranger pick-up 1994-2001. $500.313-882-7400

HEMI ENGINE 1956(354). Best offer. Dean (734) 261-3951.

JEEP WRANGLER hardtop 1987 to 1995. Tan. Exc. cond. Glass windows. $400/best.


MODEL A body parts, fenders, b u m p e r s , h o o d , e t c .


NEW GM V6 engine, 2.8 and 3.1 L. complete w/ignition & fuel injection, fit late 1980's and early 1990's. $800 or best offer each. (248) 625-6055

SHORT BED for 1972 Ford pickup, very good condition, no rust. $300. 734-522-4747.

TRU SPOKE wire wheels, fits GM with 205-75-15 Tiger Paw tires. $550. 248-394-1444.

ALL AUTOS-TOP$$ Junked, wrecked or running.

E & M 248-474-4425 Evenings: 734-776-3404

Trucks For Sale

ALSO DODGE 1990 1 ton with lift gate, $2700.

(313) 527-4968.

CHEVROLET 1999 SlOXtreme all options, V6, extended cab, sport s ide, 3rd dr., 21K. $14,000. 734-844-1542

CHEVROLET S10 2-R2 1999 -Loaded! Extended cab, 3rd dr., 20k miies, black. $17,500 (734)673-7536 Or (313)278-0379

CHEVY PICK-UP 2500 crew cab 2000 Short box, 4X4, 5.7L, auto, air, cd, cassette, all power, cap, bedliner, trailer package, 29,000 miles, $25,500.

(734) 753-3832

CHEVY 1999 pick up 1500, 4, wheel drive, 5.3 vortec, extended cab, auto V8, 3rd door, leather, loaded, transfer warranty, 46,000 miles, $19,000. 248-737-8952

WINTER TIRES tor BMW 3 Series, 1990-98, 15° Bridge-stone Biizzak tires w/tire rack, rims & BMW wheel covers. $300/ best. 734-953-8974

CHEVY SILVERADO 1999 3 door, 4X4, new style, black, mint cond., 27,000 miles. $21,900.

(248) 669-4960

CHEVY S ILVERADO 2000 1500 extended cab, 27K miles, V6, air, ABS brakes, all oil changes, excellent condition, $17,500. (734) 458-2515.

CHEVY 2000 Silverado, loaded, 15k mi., white/grey, $14,500.

(734) 595-3682.

CHEVY SILVERADO, 1995 4X4 - Ex tended cab, 8' bed, 8 6 0 0 G V W , 4 5 4 , a u t o , w/overdrive, heavy duty traile-ring, Leer cap, bed mat, 70K, $15,900. 734-421-7646.

Chevrolet 1988 half-ton pickup 350 auto, runs good $1200.

734-466-9270, 402-689-4513

CHEVROLET 1997 Silverado -4 dr. dually, 59K, loaded, 120K GM warranty, $21,500/best.

(734) 522-4321

CHEVROLET S10 1996 pickup, extended cab, 3rd door, cap, power windows, locks, remote start, 810-419-9001

CHEVY 1994 pick-up, V6, Vk ton, air, fiberglas cap, 78k miles, exc. cond. $8400. 734-522-4135

CHEVY 2000 - S10 LS, auto, loaded, 4cyl, bedliner, cap, 15k miles. $10,900. 810-229-5913

CHEVY 1999 S-10 pick-up, extended cab, 4x4, V6, loaded, dark b lue , 17 ,600 mi les. $16,800. 248-542-3226

CHEVY 1999 S10 pick-up, MUST SACRIFICE! Truck bed protector, low mi. Take over lease at $ 1 8 7 / m o . Days: 248-957-2438, E: 248-601-3977

CHEVY 1994 Suburban. High miles, body mint cond. new GM t ransmiss ion , ma in tenance records ava i l ab l e . Ask ing $9995. 734-422-2460

CHEVY 1993 % ton extended cab, 4 wheel, 8 ft. bed, loaded, $12,900. 313-714-2311 Pager

CHEVY 350 1984 - % ton pickup. New tires. As is, $900/ best. Call: (248) 681-8873

CHEVY 1992 4X4, good condi-tion, new tires. $4200.

(248) 601-1135.

DAKOTA 1997 SLT - 4x4, V8, club cab, cap, CD, 5 speed, 37K, $14,000. 313-534-6075

DAKOTA 1996 Sport, auto, tilt, Pioneer CD & kicker subs. Bed-liner & cover. 83K highway mi. $5500/best. (734) 455-6753.

DODGE DAKOTA 1995 CLUB CAB SLT V8, 4x4, auto, $6000 or best offer. (248) 476-3216

DODGE DAKOTA, 1989-Good cond., 98K miles, air, $2500.

734-397-8639 Canton

DODGE 1994 Dakota, newer transmission, tires & brakes. CD, clean, runs good, $4000/ best. Call Ryan 734-416-8191

DODGE 1998 Dakota Sport p ickup, ext ra c lean, 35K,


Fox H i t I s Chrysler-Plymouth-Jeep

734-455-8740 1-800-494-9481

DOOGE 2500 1996 diesel, extended cab, loaded, fiberglass cap, runs good, 107,000 miles. $14,500 (248) 685-3310

DODGE 1995 Ram 2500, air, bedliner, toolbox, excellent work truck, $6500. 734-261-2106.

DODGE 1990 Ram Charger - 4 wheel dr, 223k, new tires, radi-ator, hoses, large V6, cond. $4650. 248-470-210D

DODGE 1998 Ram 1500 Good cond. loaded, asking $13,500/ best. (734) 207-8B26

DODGE RAM 1996 1500 Laramie SLT extended cab, long bed, loaded, 76,000 miles. $12,900. 734-427-7283

DODGE 1996 RAM 1500 Laramie SLT Sport Club Cab, black, 6' bed, 5.2L V8, 80K, sharp, well maintained, $11,500/ best. (734) 261-3951

D O D G E 1994 Ram 1500 Laramie SLT, 8' bed, new tires, bedliner, 6 cylinder, 106,500 mi., r u n s g o o d , $ 4 7 0 0 / b e s t . 2 4 8 - 4 4 6 - 7 5 7 5 e x t 1 1 . 248-318-8499.

DODGE RAM, 1999 Quad Cab. Vfe T o n , 4 5 , 8 0 0 m i l e s , $21,000. 810-629-7556

DODGE 1999 Ram -1500 quad SLT, 4x4, loaded, sharp, extras $19,900/best. (248) 375-5392

DODGE RAM 1995 1500 SLT -exc cond, 6' bed, 5.2L V8,180K, many new parts, $7000/best. Must see & sell.248-366-9974

DODGE 1997 Ram SLT 1500, Radiant Red ext., new tires, bed-liner, trailer hitch, 66K mi, $12,000. Eves 313-562-6094.

DODGE RAM 1995 SLT 2WD, 44k, Exc cond. Warranty. $10,300/best. 313-388-7716

DODGE RAM 1500 Sport 1997 extended cab, fully loaded, 28,000 miles, $13,500. leave messege 734 420-1183

DODGE, 1999 Ram Sport 1500, V-8, crew cab, loaded, leather, 45k, $20,000. (734) 464-0558.

DODGE 1998 RAM 1500 sport, white, loaded, 55k mi., $12,500. 734-454-1865; 313-530-5979

O&E Thursday, Ju ly 26,2001

Trucks For Sale

FORD F-150 1999 - Air, 5 speed, 25K mi., silver. $10,500. Call (734) 525-9677.

FORD F-250 1996 auto, air, c lean,120K highway miles. $6800. (248) 882-2293

FORD F150,1993, auto, am-fm, V6, 124,000 miles, $3000/best offer. 248-478-6213

DODGE RAM 2000 - % ton, quad cab, 4x4, turbo diesel, sport, loaded, $25,900 248-866-0813

DODGE RAM 1500, 2001 - 4x4 Quad cab SLT, 5.9 Liter, cus-tomer preferred package, 21K miles, 4 yr./75K mile added care warranty, $25,000.

Call 313-730-1942

DODGE RAM 1996 4x2, Vi ton, V6, air, 1 owner, great mileage. $8700. 248 360-3727

DURANGO 1999 Exc cond,5.9L LoJack, loaded, tow package, 46k, $21,800. Day 734-213-1780 Eve/wkend 734-241-5888.

F150 1993 Extended cab XLT -V8 auto, air, tires new. $4500/ best. 734-953-0836

F150 2001 extended, 4x4, off-road, power, air, CD, nurf bars, white, 7200 miles, $24,300/best.


F-150 LARIAT, 1987 XLT. $3500/ best. Extended cab, new tires, exc. cond. (734) 522-8244.

F-150 1998 Lariet, ext cab, like new. 43k, Extended warranty to 75k. $18,000/best. Sticker price $31,200- (734) 451-0816

FORD 1995 Bronco Eddie Bauer Edition - Runs good. $9,500. 248-476-5122

FORD 1995 E-350 - 16' box, powerstroke diesel, 79K mi. $10,000. 248-634-6829

FORD, 1994, F-150, 8' bed w/cap. 4 speed OD, 6 cyl. $4,500/ best. Must selll 734-427-4500

FORD F3501999, Crew Cab, all extras, 61k, Lariat, winch, cap, 5th wheel, 7.3L diesel, $29500. (734) 729-1758.

FORD 1997 F250 crew cab, diesel, 96k hwy miles, exc. cond. $18,850 248-685-8855

FORD, F 350 1999, Crew, dual wheels, Diesel, 4x4, low miles, loaded, assume lease or buy, $34,000. (734) 455-6158

FORD 1992 F150 Custom - 8' bed w/liner, new canopy, brakes & muffler. 93,000 mi. $4700/ best. 248-478-3669

FORD 2000 F-250, extended cab, 8 ft. bed, 4x4,24,000 miles, $23,500. (734) 673-3407

FORD 1999 F-150 - kingcab, 4 dr., V6 auto, 32K, loaded, 6 ft. bed, $17,000. (734) 261-0542

FORD F-150, 1996. 54K miles. Eddie Bauer package. Power door & locks, exc. cond. 5-speed manual. Black/Tan, $10,600. 231-282-0140, Bill.

FORD 1990 F250 - 124K mi, rebuilt motor Feb/01. $3,000/or best. Kevin (248) 477-1630.

FORD F250 Lariat 1986 - Turbo diesel, dual rear wheels, camper ready, Exec, cond, retiree owned and maintained. $6,500 Camper Available 248-427-1958

FORD, 1993, F-150 Lightning. 36L, stored winters, $11,800. Kirk, days 313-562-5167 After 6pm, 734-261-8944

FORD 1989 F150 - 129,000 mi. Well maintained. $3200/best Offer. 734-397-7365

FORD 1989 F-250 pick-up, 85,000 miles, 460 V8, never used as a work truck, reliable, recent repairs. $4000.

(248) 693-4636 after 7 p.m.

FORD 1995 F250 Power stroke turbo diesel, ext. cab., working air, working hydraulic lift gate, exc . t r u c k , $ 6 0 0 0 . D a y s 248-486-4444 or after 7pm 248-486-8434.

FORD 1997 F350 single rear wheel, 4x4, with 8V& ft. Boss plow, air, cap, exc. cond., 26K, $17,500. 734-427-3678.

FORD 1988 F-150 5speed, 84k orginlal miles. $2800/best. (248) 926-8077 734-812-0541

FORD F-150 1993 - straight 6, air, pl/pw, 100K miles, exc cond, $4500. (248) 477-4050

FORD 1998 F-150 STX, 4x2, 4.6L, all options, 22K, exc. cond. Asking $13,500. 313-278-0998.

FORD 1999 F-150 Super Cab XLT Sport. 4x2, auto, tow package, many extras. 36k. $18,250. (734)323-7803.

FORD F150 SVT LIGHTNING 2000 - Under 5K mi. Lease assump-tion, $556/mo. 248-330-3814

FORD 1998 F150 - V8, auto, extended cab, loaded. $14,500.

(734) 421-2437.

FORD 1990 F150, V8 custom, 100K miles, good condition, $2500/best. 248-669-6211

FORD, 1995, F-150. V8, power windows, locks, well maintained, $6,200. 248-437-0767

FORD F-250, 1999 - V10, XLT, 4x4. 45K miles, regular cab, loaded, $21,900. 248-486-6957

FORD 1989 F250 - 2wd, clean. $2500. (248) 442-1398.

FORD F-250 1992 4 wheel drive, with cap, 51,000 miles, $6200. (734) 663-1908

FORD F-150 4X4 1991 - Blue two toned, Super cab XLT, Exec.Cond. $5800 (734)422-8907

FORD F-150 1997 XL, silver, 4.6L V8, air, 50,000 miles, exc. cond., $10,500.

(734) 420-4437

FORD 1994 F-150 XLT - 58K miles, exc. cond., runs like new! $7500/best. (248)446-0527

FORD F-150 XLT LARIAT, power windows, locks, air, cruise, 4.9 Liter V6 engine, exc. shape, 105,000 miles, 5 speed manual. $6300/best.

(248) 477-9897

F O R D F 1 5 0 1997 - X L T , Loaded, extended cab, longbed, 5.4L, towing, auto, 64K miles $12,500/best (734)762-0639

FORD 1995 F150 XLT, original owner, like new, loaded, 8 'box , 78k mi., classic white & red. $8500. (989) 539-9804.

FORD 1999 F150 XLT -supercab, 4x2,32k, 5.4 L. auto, $16,000/best. 248-879-9767

FORD 1999 F-250 XLT super cab 4 door, regular duty, cap, 33,000 miles. $18,300 or best. After 7pm: (734) 944-5346.

FORD F150 XLT, 1995, Super Cab, 4x4, auto, air, 75,500 miles. $10,500. 248-478-8312

F O R D 1 9 9 9 F 1 5 0 X L T Supercab 4x4 off road, V8, green w/grey cloth, loaded, 59K. $19,900/best. 248-393-2179

FORD F250 XL 1994- V8, auto, air, am/fm radio. Great work truck. $3,200. 734-522-7024.

FORD 1997 F250 - 4x4, 26,000 miles, $16,000.

(734) 453-5641.

FORD 1991 Ranger XLT - 4 cyl, 5 speed manual, air, cruise, cas-sette, long box, gray w/black cap, exc. cond. $2000.


FORD 1997 F150 XLT, 4x4, super cab, cap, loaded, 90K highway. Exc. cond. MUST SELL! $12,900. 616-827-1652.

FORD 1999 F150 4x4 Off-road, XLT-white w/grey cloth, loaded. $19,900/best. 734-260-5678

FORD 1997 Pickup XLT. Loaded, 100K soft miles, 2 wd, superb cond., $9500. (810) 227-2201

FORD 1991 Ranger - 4 cyl, 5 speed, air, am/fm radio, p.s. 153k, $2000/best 248-399-8247

FORD 1994 Ranger - Good cond. 4 cyl., 5 speed. $4000/ best offer. 734-718-3329

FORD 1997 Ranger - green, air, Splash model, 50k, great cond. $7,999/best. (248) 642-1713

FORD 1994 ranger • 88k miles, good condition, $4000.

(734) 427-2136

FORD 1997 Ranger - Super Cab, V6, auto, air, cruise, pw/pl, 41K $9200/best 734-981-1743

FORD 1997 Ranger Supercab Flareside - V6, auto, air, 68,000 miles, clean, very good cond., $8200. (734) 467-6945

FORD RANGER 1998 XLT, extended, supercab, 4.0 L, 4x4, au to , l oaded , 88K mi les , $12,900. Cell (j313) 715-3028

F O R D 194 R a n g e r XLT , Extended Cab, V-6, power win-dows/power locks, cruise, am/fm cassette, very good cond., 110,000 miles. $4,200 or best offer (248) 347-1954

FORD 1992 Ranger XLT - Good condition. $3400/best offer.


FORD 1997 Ranger XLT, 40K mi., air, tilt, cruise, all power options, rear slider, bedliner, like new, $6750. 734-261-2106.

FORD -1999 Ranger XLT, 3.0L, V-6, 4x2, auto, 4 door stepside, liner, $14,700. 734-254-1416

FORD 1990 Ranger XLT - 5 speed, exc cond., 117K miles, clean, $3900. 248-360-7758

FORD RANGER XLT 1987 sport yellow, all new sheet metal, bedliner, new tires, must see. $3000. (248) 932-0999

FORD 1996 Ranger XLT - 5 speed, long bed w/bedliner, soft tonneau cover, new tires. 61k, $4800/best. (734) 326-7978

FORD, 1994 Ranger XLT, V-6, extended cab, great shape, new tires, $3900. (313) 937-7445.

FORD 1999 ranger XLt - 4x2, ext. cab, am/fm cassette CD, 35k, $12,300/best. 313-531-6883

FORD RANGER XLT 2000 -4x4, extra cab, loaded, 36,000 miles, $17,999. 248-624-6037

FORD 2000 Ranger XLT 4x4 Super cab, 4 dr., auto, 4.0, V6, fully equipped, excellent condition. Non-smoking car.

$15,400. 248-437-4749

FORD STX Ranger 1994 extended cab, 4 wheel drive, 62,500 miles, great shape, loaded, excellent condition. $9500 or best offer

(248) 673-7108

FORD 150 1998, Triton V8, red tinted, 30,000 miles, mint, $18,000. 248-258-3435

FORD, 1996 3 Yard Dump - 42K miles, automatic, $17,500.


F-150 1997- Red, 4.6L, auto, ext. cab, 4x4 off Rd. pkg. Loaded. $14,900/best. 248-344-6145

F-150 1989 shortbed pickup -fully loaded, great shape, runs good. (248) 471-2936

F150 1995 Supercab XLT - V8, loaded, cap, bedliner. $10,500/ best. 313-565-7567

F150 1997 - two-tone w/cap. 53,000 mi. Very good cond. $10,500/best. 248-471-6797

F150 1998 XLT extended cab, l o a d e d , V 8 . M u s t s e l l l ! $13,000 (313)937-2430

F1501993 XLT, V8, sharp, very clean, black/silver, loaded, 4x8 w/Leer cap, chrome wheels, extras, $8495. (313) 961-4641

F-150 1997 XLT, V8, 5speed, loaded. Good cond. 60,000 mi les. $ 1 0 , 6 0 0 / b e s t . Je f f 734-466-9270 734-652-3636

F-150 XLT - 1997 X-cab, 4.6L, V8, tow package, 39k miles, bedl iner/soft Ton no cover, loaded, Red, Grey interior. $13,500/best 248-361-2398

F-150 1997 XLT 4x4, 3dr„ 20k of warranty. Exec. cond. loaded, 53,000 miles. $15,800. Jeff 734-466-9270 734-652-3636

F-150 XLT 1992 - 4x4, 5.8L, 8 ft bed w/liner, fuily loaded, runs/ looks great. $7500. 734-354-0298

F1501999V6 XLT 4x4 - 5.4L, low mileage, cap, loaded. $19,200.


F250 1997 XLT, 4x4, new tires, 80k, clean, excellent condition. $14,750. (734) 420-0252

F-150 1998 XLT 4x4, off road package. Tow package, Triton V8, super cab, exc cond. $17,900. 248-476-8182

F-1501999 XLT 4x4, super cab. Black, off road package. 5.4L, tow package, 30,000 miles. Per-fect cond. $20,500/best. Butch 734-427-2905 or 313-561-6429

GMC 1989 cube van, low miles, r u n s g r e a t , $ 6 2 0 0 / b e s t .


GMC 1989 extended cab 1500. Exc. cond., all new parts, cap, hitch. $4950. (248) 442-4048.

GMC 1998 2500 extended cab SLT cd, loaded, 87k, all highway, $15,500/best. Call between 9-5. .734-513-0290.

GMC PICK-UP 2000 - Equipped for 5th wheel or reg. trailer/tow. $20,900. (248) 543-1137

GMC 1993 pick-up - extended cab, 4x4, manual, exc cond., $8900. (734) 421-2465

GMC 1994 SIERRA, 63k mi., excellent condition, bedliner, $8500. (248) 855-9685.

GMC SIERRA 1996 - 54,000 miles, newer engine, $12,000/ best. (734) 788-7557

GMC, 1996 Sierra - Red, like new cond., 96K miles, new tires, r e m o t e s t a r t e r . $ 8 2 0 0 .


GMC, 1998 Sierra SLE, ex-tended cab, 5.0L, 44K, tonneau cover, $15,500. 734-425-8829.

GMC, 1998 Sierra 1500 SLE, 54k, 4WD, extended cab, War-ranty, $18,000. 248-474-2788

GMC 2000 Sierra SLT Extended cab - 3 dr., 5.3L auto, 4 WD, heated leather power memory seats, locking dif, bedliner, loaded. Exc. cond. 13,000 mi. $23,500. 248-391-1045

GMC 1999 Sierra SLT. Extended cab, Z71, short box, 5.3L, 45K mi., $19,900. (734) 464-8964

G M C S I E R R A 1996 Z71 package 4x4, ext cab, new tires, 350 Vortec, loaded, 95,000 hwy miles. Great cond. $13,750.

(248) 960-0125

GMC 1995,1500 SLT - 5.0 auto, extended cab, long bed, leather, $13,500. 734-676-1317.

GMC SOMONA, 1999 - 6 Cyl., extended cab, 3rd door. Loaded w/l iner & cover , $12,500.


GMC SONOMA 1999 -Pewter, exec, cond., CD,

air, auto trans. (248)882-2639

GMC 1998 Sonoma - V-6. manual trans, CD, air, cruise, bedliner, tilt, 40,000 mi. Like new. $12,000. (248) 349-6395

Trucks For Sale

GMC SUBURBAN - NO RUST! 1989, tow package, 3rd seat, runs Exec. $4,900 (734)525-2315

GMC SUBURBAN 1986 1 owner, V4 ton, good cond., $5000. (734) 981-9457

GMC, 1995 - 305, 5-Speed manual trans, exc. cond. Runs great. $5100. 248-431-4385

GMC, 1995 - 305, 5-Speed manual trans, exc. cond. Runs great. $5100. 248-431-4385

GMC 1988 SUBURBAN - Good condition. Rebuilt transmission. $4000. (734) 525-6335.

GMC, 1995 Suburban SLE, 3/ 4 ton, 454 CID, 3rd seat, HD tow package, power, loaded 107K mi, $11,900. 248-628-5842

GMC 1992 Suburban, V8, 1 owner, clean, exc. cond. 45,000 miles, $11,500/best offer,


GMC, 1994, 4X4 Diesel, full power, full size king cab & 8 ft. bed, $8500. (734) 453-6825

GMC, 1996 4x4 SL, 55k, single cab, 8' bed, 3 / 4 ton, air, new tires, $14,500. 248-253-7837.

JASON TRUCK cap, black, fits Ford Ranger, exc. - $400. 734-266-0219

RAM 1997 1500 SLT 4x4 extended cab - power, CD, alloy wheels, air. 60,000 mi. $16,500/ best. Must sell!! 248-349-0477

RANGER 1999 long bed 4x4 -loaded, 36,000 mi. Exc. cond. $12,500. 734-428-9872

RANGER 1994 XLT extended cab - 5 speed, great cond., many extras. 103K. $4431/best offer. 248-476-6429

RANGER XLT 1998 - 4 liter V6, auto, liner & cover, luxury pkg. $9,900/best. 248-368-1981

RANGER XLT 1999 - Super cab, 4x4, step side, 4.0IL V6, auto, bed liner, Tonneau cover, new tires, 33k miles. Exec, cond. $15,800 (734)459-8766

SILVERADO 1996 - ext. cab, black, loaded, 2WD, Vortec V6, CD. 72K $11,500.810-743-8136.

SILVERADO 2000 ext. cab, 4x4, 3 dr., off road package, towing package, premium sound CD/ cassette, bedliner/cover, 43k, $21,900. (810) 220-4588

SILVERADO 1989, 1500 Extended cab & bed, 4x4, $3200. (734) 421-1633.

SILVERADO 1997 - long bed, very good condition. Many options. $11,000. 734-522-8069

ouiMuivtA 1998 pickup, air, like new, $9,995.

Westland (734) 721-1144


TOYOTA ton 1985 very good cond., auto, cap, new muffler & battery, low miles, $2475.

(248) 656-2655

TOYOTA 1997 T-100,4x4, extra cab, SR5, Black, loaded, 65k miles. $17,200/best. Henry 313-533-7177 or 313-561-6429

TOYOTA 1983 - 4x4, 5" lift, 33" tires, $700/best.

(734) 564-2106

TOYOTA 1993 4x4, new 32" tires, 4cyl, hi-mites. reliable needs work $3800 248-681 -3206

VOLVO 1987 2? ft box truck diesel engine 230-V6, low mileage, dock high, good condi-tion, non-smoker, Many new parts. $6,000. (248) 471-5788


AEROSTAR 1991 - cargo van, stick, very dependalbe, looks good. $925/best (248) 866-1248

AEROSTAR 1996 extended, air, cruise, power windows/locks, $8000. (734) 525-5698

AEROSTAR 1994 - $3100. 150K mi, good condition, great for towing. 248-449-5038.

AEROSTAR 1995 - 88K miles, auto, pl/pw, cassette, hitch, air, $4500/best. (248) 669-7585

AEROSTAR 1994 - loaded! pw/ pi, air, cruise, trailer hitch, tilt, am-fm cassette, 6 cyl, 133K mi. Looks good/well maintained! $3000/best. 313-937-3886

AEROSTAR 1994 - looks & runs pretty darn delightful, 149K, $3750/best. (734) 762-7629

AEROSTAR 1993 - 137,000 miles, runs well, $3500/best.

(734) 454-1630

AEROSTAR 1996 tan, extend-ed, rear heat & AC, 4.0, exc. cond. $10,000. 734-728-9607.

AEROSTAR 1995 XLT - 64,000 miles, $6500. (734) 459-5908

ASTRO, 1993 EXT AWD LT, Loaded, exc. cond., 82K miles, $5500. 734-427-6933.


CHRYSLER 1997 Town & Country LXI - sliding dr. each side, exc. V6, 81k freeway mi. Beige leather int., deep blue/ amethyst ext., loaded w/options, 3 alarms. Bargain price $12,990. Eves or wk/ends (248) 650-2748

CHRYSLER TOWN & Country 1995, Loaded, well kept, 96K mi. $7500. 248-474-7487

CHRYSLER 1997 Town & Country SX, 3.8 liter engine, 77K miles, two sliding doors, child seats, cd/cassette, to be traded soon if no buyers, $11,000 or deal, 248-344-8759

CHRYSLER, 1993 Town & Country, Winters in Fla., leather, loaded, 64,500 miles, white, exc. con., $7,000. 248-423-8516.

ASTRO 1994 - Extended, CL package, rear heat, 114K, $7150. (810) 286-1358.

ASTRO 1993 extended conver-sion, good condition. 115,500 miles. $3700. (248) 661-0188.

ASTRO 1994 - extended, 91K miles, seats 8, tow package, $4,500 (734)422-4060

ASTRO 1999, 15k mi., loaded, must sell. $20,000 or take over payments 313-537-7632.

ASTRO, 1997 LT - 54K miles, leather, loaded, exc. cond. $11,500/best. 734-427-8829

ASTRO 1987 - no rust, chrome wheels, new tires, many new parts, $3500/best 7-34-513-3897

ASTRO VAN 1996 - 91K miles, 8 passenger, rear air, $7000. 734-459-6552

CARAVAN 1997 ES - exc. cond. loaded TV, VCR, extended 100K warranty new brakes/ struts/tune-up. 98K highway miles. $12,900. 248-661-8039.

CARAVAN 1997, 64k miles, new brakes, strutts, tune up, air, $7750. (248) 852-9456.

CARAVAN 1999 42,000 miles, great gas mileage, well main-tained. $9,400. (734) 427r0935

CHEVY 1998 Astro. AWD, LT, leather, 8 passenger, 40K mi., loaded, tow package, excellent condition. $15,900.248-613-8200

CHEVY 1992 Astro CL 8 pas-sanger van, loaded, 4.3L, very clean, runs great, very well m a i n t a i n e d . New t i res & exhaust. 118,000 hwy. mi. Must see. $4500/best. (734) 525-4545

CHEVY ASTRO, 1995, LT, auto-matic, loaded, low engine miles, $5,800/best. 734-397-1081.

CHEVY VENTURE 1997-33k, 3.4L, V6. auto, sport suspension w/auto leveling. Dual air, pw, pi, $10,500. 248-540-7092

CHRYSLER 1996 Town & Country - Kept up, sharp, power, 105k, $8300. 248-478-2995

CHRYSLER 1993 Town & Country - 1 owner, loaded, exc cond., $5900. (734) 453-3683

CHRYSLER 2000 Town & Country Limited - absolutely loaded! 6800 miles, Cham-pagne. $24,000. (248) 353-3883

DODGE CARAVAN, 2000 - 4 cyl., 7 passenger, 20K, war-ranty, $10,700. 734-427-9748

DODGE 1997 Caravan • green, air, cruise, power locks, dual doors, exc. cond. 87,000 mi.


DODGE CARAVAN 1993, looks & runs good, $2900. offer. Call:


DODGE 1999 Caravan • SE, V6, 4 dr., 31k, all power, white, $13,995/best. 734-427-7221

DODGE CARAVAN SE 1994 V6, All power, seats 7, air, one owner, 117k miles, Exec. Cond. $3,250 sold

DODGE 1995 Caravan Sport, 7 passenger, loaded, white, very clean, runs great, 77K miles, $6,500. 248-656-8787

DODGE 1994, Grand Caravan, loaded, exc. cond., 80K miies, $6,495. (248) 471-5848

DODGE 1996 Grand Caravan ES - loaded, quad seats, clean, $7995. (734) 261-8686

DODGE Grand Caravan 1996-V-6, 3.8L, auto, front wheel dr., 8 4 K mi les . 248 -538 -9272 / 248-209-5774

DODGE 1997 Grand Caravan Sport 79k, loaded, Good cond. $10,500. 248-338-3197

DODGE 1998 Grand Caravan 4 dr., fully equipped, priced to selll Great family van! $12,980. John Rogin Buick 734-525-0900.

DODGE 1994 - V6, gray, air, am/ fm cassette, 66K, sharp. $6300/ best. Call: (313) 493-9156.

FORD AEROSTAR 1997 excel-lent shape, 56K miles. $9,500. Ask for George 734 455-6567 313-961-8426 extension 410

FORD, 1996 Aerostar, 68K, good condition, $7,500 or best offer. Call (810) 231-3058

FORD, 1994 Aerostar. 108kmi., good condition, runs great. $4,000. (734) 513-0016

FORD WINDSTAR GL 1998 loaded, dual air, power every-thing, mint green, $9,500.

(734) 421-3468

FORD WINDSTAR 1998 GL low miles, extended warranty, good cond., Many extras $12,000/ best. 734 595-1041

FORD WINDSTAR GL 1995 -135,000 miles, runs & looks good, $5500. 734-451-9901

FORD WINDSTAR 1995 GL, rear air, privacy glass, $5200. (734) 459-7971

FORD WINDSTAR GL 1998, V6 3.8L, Auto, FWD, 54k miles, air, all power, seats 7, dual airbags. ABS. $11,300 (734) 722-3572

FORD 2000 Windstar LX. dual air/heat, quad seats, low miles,


F o x X t t l l s Chrysler-Plymouth-Jeep

734-455-8740 1-800-494-9481

GMC SAFARI 1999 all wheel drive, 32,000 miles, asking $16,500. (248) 889-9334

GMC SAFAR11993 • 4.3L, ABS, seats 7, all power, air/rear heat. Sony stereo w/ CD, viper alarm, well maintained, Engine war-ranty. $7,200 (734)207-3697

GRAND CARAVAN 1993 -clean, exc. cond., 87k, full power, $4900. (734) 414-7286

GRAND CARAVAN 1996 ES • looks great, runs better, infinity sound, 80K non-smoking miles, 1 owner, $8450.248-371-1873

GRAND CARAVAN, 1999 -Fully loaded, mint cond. 46K miles, $16,500. 734-424-1326

GRAND CARAVAN 1996 LE -3.3 V6, exc. cond., 5 dr., dual air, 67K, $10,200.248-626-4927

GRAND CARAVAN, 1996, power locks/windows, AM-FM, CD, 64K, exc. $9,200. 248-644-1399

GRAND CARAVAN 1999 SE. Clean, fully equipped, 51K, Teal. $12,300. 248-334-7315

GRAND CARAVAN, 1996 SE -4 Dr., 6 cyl., air, 100K hwy. miles, $7300. 734-383-6208

GRAND CARAVAN SE 1992 -Fully equipped, exc. cond. 104K, $4700. (734) 981-3746.

GRAND VOYAGER 1998, bur-gandy, several new parts, 115,000 hwy miles, $7900 or best offer. 313-538-1511

GRAND VOYAGER 2000 - exc. cond. Also 2 1999 Grand Voy-a g e r s . F r o m $ 1 2 , 5 0 0 to $15,500. 248-442-6600

GRAND VOYAGER 1996 SE 65K, exc. cond., 1 owner. $9900/ best. 248-656-8282

GRAND VOYAGER, 1994, SE. 1 owner, well maintained, 67K, must see! $5,500,248-647-0217

GRAND VOYAGER 1996 SE, 7 passenger, dual doors, air, much more, $7,995.

F o x XiZitls Chrysler-Plymoath-Jeep

734-455-8740 1-800-494-9481

HONDA ODYSSEY 1996 - 69K miles, 7 passenger, loaded, war-ranty, $12,900. 246-210-6965

ISUZU 1999 Oasis, low miles, fully equipped, only $16,980.. John Rogln Buick 734-525-0900.

LUMINA APV 1995 loaded, CD player, $5500. (313) 686-5097

blue book. 2-4228

Mini-Vans Mini-Vans

MERCURY VILLAGER GS 1994 Green, good cond, runs perfect, $6000/best (734)454-1303

LUMINA APV 1995 120,000 miles. $5200. 810-444-1014

LUMINA, 1990, APV. New engine has 49K mi. Runs great $4,100


MERCURY VILLAGE, 1997. 39,550 Miles, exc. cond. new tires, $11,500. 734-455-8689

MERCURY 1994 Villager - 7 passenger great cond., hwy. miles, $4900/best SOLD

MERCURY VILLAGER (Estate) 2000, sage, leather int., 15k miles, $20,000. 248-258-3435

MERCURY VILLAGER LS 1994 loaded, 114,000 miles, very clean, green/tan. $4,150.

(248) 895-7115

MERCURY VILLAGER 1999 -blue, loaded, 40,000 miles, $13,900. (248) 865-9256

MERCURY VILLAGER GS 1996 blue, good cond., 80,000 miles, runs great, $8300.

(248) 474-3133

MERCURY VILLAGER Nautica 1997, 56k miles, V6, leather, sunroof, all power, anti-lock, tilt/ cruise, exc cond. $11,995.


MERCURY VILLAGER GS Sport, 1997 - factory warranty, 47,000 miles, loaded, $11,200/ best. (734) 394-2692

MERCURY, 2000 Villager Sport, sticker price $22,000, CD, great condition, 55k hi-way miles, $15,000/best. (734) 516-9005.

MERCURY VILLAGER, 1999 Estate - 15,800 miles. Many extras, exc. Paid $28,500; asking $19,000. 248-476-3766

MONTANA 1999, ail power, CD player, traction contra!, low miles, e x c . c o n d . $ 1 8 , 0 0 0 248-442-9707

NISSAN 1994 Quest - AC. cruise, ABS, Loaded. 91K mi. Exc. $750Q/best. 248-738-5607

NISSAN QUEST 1993, aquama-rine, auto, air, 7 seats, 1 owner. Pete - 248-620-9467

OLDS 1999 Silhouette Premier LTD, 43K highway miles, fully loaded including rear air, video player & towing package. Seats 7, indigo biue, asking $22,500.


PLYMOUTH GRAND Voyager SE 1993,93,000 miies, 3.3 L. V6, $3900/best offer. 248-689-3206

PLYMOUTH 1997 Grand Voy-ager - 50K mi. 3.31. $10,500.


PLYMOUTH, 1996, Grand Voy-ager SE. Loaded, 51K. New tires, brakes, exc. cond., drives well. $9,900. 248-258-5117

PLYMOUTH 1994 Grand Voy-ager LE, 10 yr. anniversary edi-tion, exc. $4500.

cond., Michelins, (248) 723-9456.

PLYMOUTH '98 Grand Voyager 37k, 1 owner, loaded, garaged $13,900/best. 248-435-2974

PLYMOUTH GRAND VOY-AGER 1997 65,000 miles, cruise, 7 passenger, new tires/ brakes, green exterior, power windows, door locks, luggage rack $9,900. (734) 420-2832

PLYMOUTH, 1994 Grand Voy-ager, quad seats, rear air, many new parts. $4,500.734-426-3795

PLYMOUTH 1997 Voyager SE. 3.3 L, dual doors, options, 61K miles. $8,700. (248) 723-0145

PLYMOUTH 1996 Voyager -great cond. 86k miles, dark green; tan cloth int. $6,000/best.

(248) 375-9462

PLYMOUTH 1995 Voyager 128,000 highway miles, 23 mpg, $5000. (248) 431-0356.

PLYMOUTH 1995 Voyager Rallye, 65k. Very good cond: auto, air, new brakes & front tires, seats 8, well maintained. Sharp black w/silver. tinted win-dows, roof rack; $5950.

Days: 313-873-7302 Eves: 313-562-1067

PLYMOUTH 1994 Voyager, 72k m i „ air, am/fm cassette, cruise, tilt, exc. cond. 1 owner, elderly couple. $5025. 248-596-9075.

PONTIAC MONTANA 2000 - 6 bucket seats, 4k miles, all power. $18,500 248-375-8831

PONTIAC MONTANA 1999 L o a d e d , 2 6 k

miles, 4 dr, pwr sliding dr, Exec, cond. $17,000 (248)608-8455

PONTIAC 1995 Transport -7 passenger, V6, loaded, power sliding door. Very clean. $6300.

(313) 592-1137

PONTIAC TRANSPORT 1994 looks/runs great! 170k miles, $3,500/firm (810)574-9717

PONTIAC TRANS SPORT 1996. 7 Passenger, power sliding door. $5900. (734) 718-4828.

SAFAR11993 - Loaded, electric, cruise, 7 passenger, $3700/ best. 734-394-5602.

SILHOUETTE, 1999 GLS - 34K miles, loaded, leather, air front & rear, CD, gold package. Immac-ulate, no pets or kids in van. MUST SELL! $18,900. Call 248-877-1714 anytime.

A SILHOUETTE 1994 3 .8 L, V6 , c l e a n ,

loaded, new a.c., battery, 107k, $6,650. 810- 813-4181

TOWN & COUNTRY, 1996, 80K miles, exc. cond., $10,900. Call Ron 248-888-1262

TOWN & COUNTRY 2000 LSI -quad seats, power, air, CD, 19K, warranty$22,900.734-981-2960

TOWN & COUNTRY 1997 LX 3.8L V6, fully loaded, 62K, Sharp, $11,800. 248-489-4142

TOWN & COUNTRY 1996 -86,000 miles, like new, loaded, $9900. Call 248-681-1740

TRANS SPORT, 1998,45K, air, new brakes, power window/locks, CD, $12,900. 248-844-9934.

TRANS SPORT 1997 - V6, loaded, great shape, must sell, $10,000. (734) 432-9178.

VENTURE 1997 - 54,000 miles, very good shape, many options, $11,400. (734) 425-7875

VILLAGER ESTATE 2000,17K, sunroof, leather, quad, 7 pas-senger, loaded, wife's car. $19,950. (248) 477-1769.

V I L L A G E R , 1999, Es ta te . Loaded, 7 passenger, great condi-tion, white w/gold, 75K pampered ml. $17,000. 313-999-5931

V ILLAGER 1993 exce l len t shape, 80K miies, seats 7, $6000/best. (248) 258-9176

VILLAGER 1994 GS - White, 93K miles, very good condition. $5,600/beSt. (734) 462-2106.

VILLAGER 1994 - 76K miles, loaded, full maintenance history, $7200/best (313) 565-6912.

VILLAGER 1995 - 75K miles, looks great, needs engine work, $40007best. 248-669-9403

VILLAGER 1996 - 38K, 7 pas-senger, power, great condition, 48K/48 mo. warranty included. $13,500. 734-453-0595.

VILLAGER 1995, loaded, roof rack, 7 passenger, 71k, exc. cond., $8900. (734) 522-4613.

VILLAGER 1997 - 43,000 miles, excellent condition, loaded, $11,500. 734-522-4883

VILLAGER 1993 - mocha, alarm, new tires, good cond., $3600. (248) 258-5209

VILLAGER 1996 - sharp, very clean, loaded, 5-CD changer; 70K $8000/obO. 248-623-0332

VILLAGER 1999 Sport, 16,500 mi., leather, captains chairs. $19,000/best. 248-344-4182:

VOYAGER, 1993, 7 passenger, new trans & tires, 110K, exc. cond. $2,600/best. 248-789-2212

WINDSTAR 1996 - auto, air,-65K, sharp, $4999 TYME AUTO (734) 455-5566..

WINDSTAR 1999 - Factoiy war-ranty. 23K mi., loaded, C D player. $15,499. 248-553-9486

WINDSTAR 1997 GL, blue, mint-condition. $7900. 734-844-7032 or 734-771-3710.

WINDSTAR GL 1996 dark blue; power, cruise, tilt, front/rear air, good cond, 81K, new brakes tires, $6500. (734) 522-7692

WINDSTAR 1998 GL - exC:> cond, rear air, Michelin tires, non-smoker, $10,700. 248-476-9434;

WINDSTAR 1996 GL, 3.8L/ C h a m p a g n e , l oaded , 75k , $6900. (248) 642-8745

WINDSTAR 1996 G L 3.8 L , 76K mi., loaded. $6000. (734) 995-9595;;, emaii:[email protected]

WINDSTAR 1995 GL - 78,000 miles, $8000. (734) 458-0863

WINDSTAR - 1995 GL 81,000 miles. $7200. 248-478-2583

WINDSTAR 1995 GL - perfect, 65,000 miles, new brakes/tires, $6995/best. 734-261-S '

WINDSTAR 1995 LX, fuily, loaded, 75,000 miles, power everything, new tires & brakes,' rear air. $9000/best offer. 248-374-0969, 248-866-0147

WINDSTAR 1999 LX - 26K-,-ABS traction, good condition, $14,000. (248) 427-1329.

WINDSTAR LX 1995, 138K, loaded, good condition, $5000/. best offer. 248-437-5777

WINDSTAR 1995 LX - leather r

loaded. 100,000 mi. $7900/best offer. 313-278-72$ ;

WINDSTAR 1995 LX - tur-quoise, very good cond., 117K-miles, $6,000. (248) 437-0730

WINDSTAR 1995 LX,very$ condition, no rust, $6500.

(734) 665-8104.

WINDSTAR, 1999, SE. Metallic green, 47K commuting miles, mint interior. $15,500. 248-442-4923

WINDSTAR 1995 - Very good" cond., clean, runs great, 9 3 K $5500/best. 248-437-5015 "

AEROSTAR 1995 Workvan exec, cond., new tires & brakes,


ASTRO 1996 everything 31,000' miles, alarm, remote start, class" 3 hitch. $16,522.

(248) 761-6332

ASTRO, 1997, Hi-top, black/ grey leather, am-fm cassette.' CD, TV, VCR, loaded, 75K mi.,. $12,500. 248-626-1673

BEAUVILLE 1985 - 8 passenger, 305, 90K, minor electrical repair. $1400. 248-426-9474.;

CHEVROLET, 1988 cargo van, C-30 1 ton, 350 auto., $1,850. 734-453-6705 313-701-S

CHEVY 1993 Astro ext. club, 140k, good body condition, 8, s e a t e r . $ 5 3 0 0 . ( 3 2 7 5 8 0 7 @ mobilemessage.com) ••

CHEVY ASTRO LT 1994 - Fully loaded, 58K mi., exc. cond.' $10,000. 248-649-0998

CHEVY 1996 Beauville - 125k, runs great, loaded, $5300.

(734) 591-94g1

CHEVY CONVERSION van 1994 73,000 miles, loaded, cd,. 5.8 liter engine, good cond., $8900. (810) 286-5736;

CHEVY 1993 Conversion vah, loaded, $5900. Call Mo. (734) 513-6680-

CHEVY1998 Debut Conversion Van, loaded including leather,,



(734) 721-1144 ^

CHEVY 1998, 2550 express cargo van, 5.7lt, low miles, $15,500. 313-541-7448.

CHEVY 1999 Express Convex sion van - Must move, $23,00® best. (734) 254-9415

CHEVY, 2000, Express, 8 pas-senger, loaded, exc. cond. $21,900. 734-427-7879

CHEVY 1996 Mark i l l LK hlghtop, color tv, 75,000 miles, mint cond., full power $16,500 or best (517) 281-0508"

CLUBWAGON 1994 dual cab-tain's chairs, rear air, full pow^r,! green, very clean, 72,000 miles, $7900. (734) 254-9585

CLUB WAGON 1989 XLT - Air & tires new. Runs like neW.' $2700/best. 734-953-0836

DISABLED? NEW and used wheel chair vans. Trades wel-come. New and used whepl chair lifts, hand controls, etc.. V.A. and worker's comp wel-come. 1-800-345-3150.

DOCK3E CONVERSION Varr 1999 - 5.9 V8, loaded, TV/VCR, tow, Warranty. 31K miles. $18,900. 734 451-6835

DODGE, 1987 Conversion. Runs g rea t , 110K mi les , $1750. 734-462-2168

DODGE 1995 Conversion - V&, a u t o , l o a d e d , low m i les . $10,500. 734-981-4493

DODGE 1995 Conversion - V8 Magnum Starcraft, 80K, white w/blue trim, TV, air, bed, exc In/ out $4500. 734-542-1971

DODGE 1996 Maxi -Wagon 3500. 12 Passenger, like new, lots of extras. $10,500. - Call:. (248) 969-8299 (248) 514-0692

DODGE 1997 - 15 passenger Maxi, V8, raised roof, cleafr; $7500. 248-624-197,1,

DODGE RAM B250 1992 Con-version van, V8, auto, loaded, customized, 104K highway miles, $3600. (248) 538-493? ;

DODGE, 1997, Ram Conversion Van. Fully loaded, exc. cond., TV/ VCR, new tires, 2 stereos, dual air/heat. $11,500. 877-536-3393

DODGE 1996 Ram conversion:; 4 captain chairs, V6, cruise, air, 126k, $7900. (734) 462-2693

DODGE 1992 RAM Convers ion VAN 1 owner, 4 captain chairs, tv. air, V8, super clean, must see family vacat ion van. 138K miles, $4995. (734) 981-6297

DODGE 1997 Ram Conversion 2S00 - sharp, 1 owner, low miles $12,000/best. 734-261-3951.

DODGE RAM 1996 - Exec. Cond, no rust, new trans & motor, air, seats 15, great work van. $4,500 {734)426-1940

DODGE RAM 250, 1991, full power, air, cruise, 97 ,522 miles, $1,200. (248) 363-7780

DODGE 1993 Ram - full size, very good cond. loaded, 100k, $4800. (248) 349-5612

DODGE 1995 Ram 2500 SLT convers ion, 140k, bed, TV stand, looks and runs great.


DODGE 1993 - % ton, V8, power windows/ iocks, co ld air. $2500/best. (313) 292-0040.

DODGE 1986 - Window van, air, V* ton, V8, good cond. 1 owner. $2300/best. (734) 427-0906.

F .ORD A E R O S T A R .1991 , 80,000 miles, $4500/best offer.


FORD 1994 150 a w e s o m e con-version V8. loaded, clean, 130K, must see $7000 .248-442-2537

FORD 2000 Cargo Van, excel-lent condit ion, 25,000 mi les, V6, $19,600. 734-421-2709

FORD 1994 cargo van, 1 ton, Immaculate condition. New tires, brakes. $6000 (734) 753-4503.

F O R D 1996 Club Cha teau loaded, tow package, new tires $7900. Must sell 734-433-1256

FORD CLUB W A G O N 1994 - all power, new brakes, $7500. 734-641 -9995 , 734-728-1208

FORD 1995 Club Wagon Cha-teau - 86K miles, 5.8L V8, loaded, clean, 1 owner , beauty-guard rustproof & paint treat-ment, f iberglass running boards, $9500. (248) 471-3289

FORD 1994 Club W a g o n - 8 passenger, chateau tr im, air, pi/ pw, rear heat, well maintained, 77K, $8200. (248) 349-4498

FORD 1997 Club Wagon , super duty passenger van. V8, 5.4L, A B S , ai r , g r e e n , $ 1 3 , 5 0 0 . 248-324-1250, 248-553-3388.

FORD 1994 convers ion E-150 van loaded, good condit ion. 120K miles, Must see to appre-ciate. $8000. (248) 477-3982

FORD 1992 150 conversion, V8, leather, TV/VCR, dual stereo, loaded, c lean, 115K miies, $6500. (248) 681-8280

FORD 1999 Conversion, V8, loaded, TV/VCR, CD, 21,000 miles, $17,250. 734-261-2397.

FORD, 1993 D' Elegant - Teal/ Whi te . T V / V C R , roof rack, loaded, $6500. 810-598-5072.

FORD 2000 E-350 Cargo Van -5.4L V8, white, auto, air, 24K, $17,995. (248) 477-3024

FORD E150 1996 Cargo van, 130,000 miles, good cond.,

- 248-446-9975

FORD, 1996, E-150 Cargo Van. V8, auto, air, 92K miles, red. $J000 /bes t . 734-261-5562

FORD 1993 Eclipse Conversion-V8, loaded, very good cond., 97K, $5,900. 734-427-1441.

FORD 1984 E-250 Club Wagon 6.9 diesel, 73K, exc cond., trailer tow, $4000. 248-626-1293

FORD ECONOLINE Conversion 1998 - black, V8, 68,000 miles, all power, air, TV/VCR, $16,900. (734) 426-2081

FORD 1984 Econol ine 1 5 0 - 6 cyl, ps/pb. Runs great. Clean. 108K $2400/best. 734-546-1359

FORD 1994 E-150 conversion, exc cond. TV/VCR, 351 V8, tow package,$10,000.248-363-9723

FORD 1994 E150 convers ion van, 4 captain chairs, power bed, TV/VCR, well maintained, 140K highway miles, $5500.


FORD 1997 E150 convers ion van, loaded + C D changer , excellent condit ion, brand new tires, bluebook $12,900, asking $9700. 810-216-1830

RORD 2000 E350, cube van, supreme body, outs ide s torage. Manu. $26,000. 313-240-6358

FORD E150 1997 Econol ine Chateau, fuily loaded, 67,000 miles, $12,900. 248-685-1809

FORD E150 1993 Mark III Con-version - loaded, T V , VCR, 73K, exc cond $7400. 734-455-6453

FORD, E-150, 1993 Mark III Conversion. 83K miles, $7000/ best. 734-261-1496

FORD E-150 1996 P O W E R cQstom van, windows/ locks, rear air and heat, rear stereo, tv, vcr. remote start, plus more. 48,000 miles, $12,000.

(313) 537-1247

FORD 1997 E250, super cargo van, white, new t ires/brakes, 30k mi., $10,500.313-240-6358.

F O R D E-150 1999 V A N fully loaded, 40K miles great cond., $18,000/best 734 425-5958

F O R D EXPLORER 1 9 9 9 - 6 cyl-inder, very clean, 32K, all power, $16,500. (734) 981-9187

FORD 1997 high-top conver-sion, leather, dual air, 48K miles, $17,500. 734-455-3030

FORD 1993 van, new engine & transmission, runs great, $3500.


FORD 1989 WORK V A N % Ton, Drives good, looks good. $2500/ best. (734) 595-9949

G M C 1997 Savana converst ion, V 8 , 3 3 k , like new, Many options. $18,000. 810-629-0009

G M C 1999 Savana Starcraft GT Classic luxury convers ion van, execut ive raised roof, 7 pas-senger. 6780 mi. Like new. White/tan ieather, teak wood interior, captains chairs, rear b e n c h - b e d c o n v e r s i o n , T V , VCR, CD, tape, 60-50 protection plan. $29,900. 248-737-4123

G M C 1989 Starcraft conversion. V 8 350, auto, dual air, am- fm cassette $5000. 734-455-8462

M E R C U R Y V I L L A G E R G S 1997 - blue, 75,000 miles, all power , rear b u c k e t sea t s , $11,600. (734) 426-2081

MERCURY Villager G S 1997, exc. cond., 89k hwy miles, $8500/offer. 734-665-8724

PLYMOUTH V O Y A G E R 1998-30k, stereo w/cd, p l /pw, dua! cjbors, trailer hitch. Exec, cond, $54,900 734-458-4985

PLYMOUTH V O Y A G E R 1995 auto, air, all power, very, very clean, $4250. (734) 464-1469

P . O N T i A C M O N T A N A 1998-extended, 8 passenger, power door, loaded, great condi-t ion. $14,500. (248) 788-4193

826 Vans

RAM 1996 1500 - convers ion van, TV, VCR, 40K. $5999, shop T Y M E & Save. T Y M E A U T O (734) 455-5566.

828 Jeeps/4 Wheel Drive

BLAZER 1996 - black, 4 door, loaded, 44 ,000 miles, $12,000.


BLAZER, 1995. Black w/gray leather interior, tinted windows, roof rack, loaded, 93K highway miles, $10,000. (248) 363-0877

BLAZER, 1996. 4 door, teal, great cond., 95K miles, power seats/ windows. $7500. (248) 661-8876

BLAZER 1996 - leather interior, loaded, 4 W D , 126K miles. Must see to appreciate! $8900/ best. Days: 734-427-5070

Eves: 248-349-0004.

BLAZER 2000 - Loaded, low miles, l ike new, $18,000/best.

(810) 629-5599.

BLAZER 1997 LS 4 d r „ 4 W D , Candy App le Red/Grey interior. 48,000 miles. Loaded w/opt ions. Excellent Condit ion. Must See! $13,450. (248) 646-6986

BLAZER S-10 1995 - 4 W D , loaded, exc cond.

(248) 338-2900 X 3

BLAZER 1998 - 4x4, 60K, CD, air, pw, moonroof , new tires, alarm, $12,000. 313-537-9540

B R O N C O 11 1990 - Eddie Bauer, red/tan, loaded, 75k, 1 owner, $6000. (734) 453-0701

B R O N C O 1996 Eddie Bauer, V8, fuil power. Never dr iven in snow, I wonder why. Only $49 down $161/mo. T Y M E A U T O (734) 455-5566.

B R O N C O 1993 - full size, 4x4, 3 5 1 W (5 .8L eng ine) , au to , rebuilt t ransmission. New tires, new brakes, new distributor cap, rotor, spark p lugs & wires. Great truck, very dependable. $9500/ best. Please call & leave mes-sage. Eves: 734-420-6077.

Days: 734-331-2660.

B R O N C O 1992, good condit ion. New tires & hubs, regular main-tenance, b lue book $7100 -asking $6750. 313-530-0900

BRONCO, 1988 - Many new parts including 5.0 V8 engine. Have all receipts. $4400/best .


CADILLAC ESCALADE 2000. L o a d e d , w h i t e / t a n i n t e r i o r , 20,500 miles, $38,500.

(248) 887-8993

C H E R O K E E 1993 Country 4 door, 4 wd, loaded, exc. cond., $7500. (248) 391-3527

C H E R O K E E C O U N T R Y 1996 air, ail power, cruise, loadedl 91K. Sold.

C H E R O K E E L IM ITED 1991 loaded/leather, exc. cond., 178K miles, $5200. (248) 559-9656

C H E R O K E E 1998 Limited -deep amethyst , loaded, mint, $15,900/best. 313-881-2202.

CHEROKEE LTD 2000, white, leather interior, exc. cond., low miies, best offer. 734-458-3888

C H E R O K E E 1999 S P O R T black, asking $14,800.

(734) 207-7644.

CHEROKEE, 1998 Sport. 4 Dr., 4x4, ex. cond. white, 34 ,500 miles, air, Am/Fm cassette, power windows/ locks. $14,250/ best. 313-563-2457

C H E R O K E E 1994 sport - good cond. b lack/gray int. 4x4, 91k, $6500. (248) 593-8161

C H E R O K E E 1 9 9 8 S p o r t -loaded, black, low mi. $12,900.

248-625-6629, after 6pm

C H E R O K E E 2000 SPORT, low miies, red, 4 x 4 , 4 door, $17,750/ best. (734) 453-0197.

C H E R O K E E S P O R T 1 9 9 3 161,000 miies, ve ty good cond. , manual t ransmission, $4950 or best offer. (734) 422-6817

C H E R O K E E 2000 Sport - navy blue, 28k miles, wel l taken care of , c d c h a n g e r , 4 w h e e l , $19,000/best. (734) 742-1971

Cherokee 1999, 4WD, 4 .0L Sport, iow mi, keyless, air, all power, roof rack, ABS, tape, $14,500 After 6: 810-756-8875.

CHEVY BLAZER 2000 2 door, black, manua l t ransmiss ion , 2 5 , 0 0 0 m i l es , g o o d c o n d . $16,500. (248) 709-3060

CHEVY BLAZER 1996 - 4 dr., 4 W D , leather, $8900 f i rm.

(248) 646-1299

CHEVY BLAZER 1996 - 2dr. , 4wd, black loaded, aiarm, Z R 2 offroad, 98k Hwy. miles, Good cond. $8,000 (248)613-8102

CHEVY 1995 blazer, 4 dr, 4x4, 99k hwy. mi les, auto, air, cru ise, tilt, $10,500. (248) 646-9045 x16

CHEVY, 1991, Biazer. 117K mi les , r u n s g o o d , $ 4 , 7 0 0 .


C H E V Y B L A Z E R 1997 L S white, 92K miles, exc. cond. , sunroof, $8500. 734 420-2419

CHEVY 1995 Blazer LT - 4 dr., auto, ABS, s i lver w/ lea ther seats, loaded. Must see. Power windows, seats, mirrors, door locks, A M - F M stereo & d isc player. 130,000 mi. $8000.


CHEVY BLAZER 2000- LT, 4 dr., blue ext./charcoa! int., loaded w /CD player, sunroof, power seats, great deal. By or assume $313/mo. lease. (810)574-1005

CHEVY 1997 Blazer LT, 4wd, 4 dr, loaded, leather, sunroof. 81. $9700 734-591-7927.

CHEVY S U B U R B A N 1994 - all power, air, exc. cond. 2 whee l dr 102k, $12,000. 248-471-3052

CHEVY S U B U R B A N 2000 LS letaher, loaded, 17,800 miies, $31,000 or best offer (810) 750-8286 or 348-0552

CHEVY S U B U R B A N LT 1500, 1998 - loaded w/ali opt ions including ieather, full power , towing, black w/ tan interior, very nice, 85,000 mi les mostiy hwy, $18,500. (810) 530-8709

CHEVY, 1995 Suburban 1500 LT, 5.7 liter V8, 105k, loaded, leather, dark blue, 2WD, exc. con., $14,400. 313-884-5237.

CHEVY 1992 Suburban Sil-verado, 4x4, loaded, trai ler p a c k a g e , 3 r d s e a t , b e i g e metal l ic, excel lent condi t ion, $11,500. 734-591-6438

CHEVY 1994 S U B U R B A N , 4x4, ve ry c lean , $10 ,000 /bes t .


Chevy 1994 S10 4x4, ZR2, black, rollbar, new t i re/brakes, 1 owner, $9000. 810-231-0902.

CHEVY 1997 Tahoe LT. Dark green, tan leather, super c lean, excellent condi t ion, 64K miles, 18,500. 248 672-7995

CHEVY T A H O E 2000 LT -loaded, 20k, black, $31,500. 810-227-2919 w-734-595-9044

828 Jeeps/4 Wheel Drive

C H E V Y 1996 T A H O E L T 4 W D , b lack, neutral leather - beautiful! CD, tutone paint, 3.73 axle, loaded, 75,000 miies, $15,750.

313-592-7873 days 248-344-7809 eves

C H E V Y T A H O E 2000 Z71 4x4, 4 door, loaded, 18K,

$26,500. 734-425-1304.

CJ -7, jeep 1987 - 4 needs work, great toy project. $1000 810-337-1926

D O D G E D U R A N G O 1999 SLT plus, cd, loaded, white with c a m e i l e a t h e r . 3 7 K mi les $21,800. (313) 903-7683

D O D G E 2000 Durango SLT -Loaded, running boards, fender f lares, red, leather, 10,000 mi. $24,950. 800-373-5004

D O D G E 2000 Durango SLT. 5.9L, V-8, low mi, great cond., pr iced to sell. 313-592-5578.

D O D G E 1998 Ram SLT 4x4, 26K, l ike new, only $17,888.

Fox Hills Chrysle r- P Iym outh-Jeep

734-455-8740 1-800-494-9481

DODGE 1996 SLT pickup, ciub cab,V8, towing package,exc cond loaded. $8900. 248-693-4017.

D U R A N G O 1998 SLT - 4x4, great condi t ion, 55K hwy miles, $16,900/best . 248-336-0226

EDDIE BAUER Ford Explorer 1 9 9 9 great cond . , leather , loaded, serviced. $16,900.

(734) 397-0983

E X C U R S I O N 2000, loaded, leather, 10,000 miles, $31,000. (248) 474-5593.

E X P E D I T I O N 1 9 9 8 E d d i e Bauer, loaded, 3rd row seats, moonroof , CD, tow package, b lack w/ tan leather, exc cond., $20,400. (810) 220-8067

EXPEDIT ION 1998 Eddie Bauer Loaded, 3rd row seat, 79k miies. $17 ,500 (248)877-8126

EXPEDIT ION, 1997. 5 .4 L, trai ler package, 70,000 miles. $15,000/f i rm. (248) 960-2095.

EXPEDIT ION 1998 4X4 XLT, m a r o o n w/gray cloth, great shape , $18,500. 313-999-5544

E X P L O R E R 1994 - b lack , loaded, wei l mainta ined. $4000/ best . 734-455-6147.

E X P L O R E R 1999 2dr sport . Ail power , auto, CD, low miles. $16,100/best . (734) 453-1795

EXPLORER 1994 Eddie Bauer -b lack w/leather, loaded, extra c lean, $8700. (248) 855-6735

E X P L O R E R 1994 Limited, 4x4, leather, CD, moonroof , new t i res, exc. cond. , 99K miles, $9500. 734-676-6625.

E X P L O R E R , 1996, L imi ted. Loaded, leather, sunroof, 4 dr., C D , 7 1 K m i l e s , s e r v i c e d . $12,000/best . 248-738-1438

EXPLORER 1993 Limited - Very good cond. Moonroof. $4900/ best . 734-432-9231

EXPLORER, 1993, runs good, n e w engine, t rans. $5,000/best . Af ter 6pm. 734-467-7721

E X P L O R E R 1996 Sport, 2 dr., a i r , 5 4 , 0 0 0 m i les , l oaded , $11,500. 248-540-3924

EXPLORER, 1996 Sport , 2 dr. 4x4, 62K, auto, loaded, sunroof , Cd. $8600. 734-427-9748

E X P L O R E R 1994 Sport , 77k miles, plum beauty, V6, st ick, 2 dr. $8500. (248) 684-2879

EXPLORER 1995 Sport, new brakes, hl-way miles, moonroof , $8000/best . 734-462-3842.

E X P L O R E R 1997 Sport , 4x4, a u t o , l o a d e d , e x c . c o n d . , $16,000/best . 248-797-2741.

EXPLORER, 1996 Sport 4x4. 7 4 K miles, loaded, good condi-t ion, $8900. 734-394-0012.

EXPLORER, 1999 - 4x4 2 door Whi te , leather, moonroof , CD, 18K miles, warranty, $16,900.


EXPLORER, 1999 XLT. AWD, V8, loaded, 35K, exc. cond., $16,900. (734) 678-4232

E X P L O R E R 1997 XLT - 4 door, 4x4, t ow pack, auto, air, new brakes/ t i res. Or ig inal owner . $12,500. 734-453-3569

EXPLORER X L T 1996, 4 dr . V6, 4 W D , auto, towing, leather, a larm, ext. warranty, 38,000 m i les , or ig ina l owne r , exc. $14,400. 313-382-2760

E X P L O R E R 1998 XLT - V8, b lack, moonroof , leathers, tires, 69k , $15,000. (734) 453-0850

E X P L O R E R 1997 XLT - V8, ieather, moonroof , new tires. 60K. $12,499. 248-626-8022

E X P L O R E R 1997 XLT - 4x4, gray, tow miles, 6 CD changer, §14,250. 248-865-7797.

E X P L O R E R 1995 XLT - 4x4, 104K, moonroof, leather, new t i res, $9800. 313-537-2079.

E X P L O R E R 1993 XLT - 4x4, leather, 130k, hitch, cd, $4500/best . 313-755-2626

E X P L O R E R 1999 XLT - 4x4, leather, tires, moonroof , tow package, $17,900.248-626-6859

E X P L O R E R XLT 1997 - 4x4, loaded, exc cond. , tow package, 4 8 K , $14,200. (734) 464-8093

E X P L O R E R 1994 - 4x4 XLT, 4 door, green/gray, 97,000 miles, $5800/best . 248-822-0114.

F O R D 1995 Bronco X L T 351 auto, loaded, Red. air, tiit, c ru ise , remote a larm. New b r a k e s / t i r e s / s h o c k s / A B S . $9,950. 248-486-4218

F O R D B R O N C O xlt 1990 5.0, 302, brand new engine, runs and looks good, $6000.

(734) 397-6961

F O R D B R O N C O xlt 1990 5.0, 302, brand new engine, runs a n d looks good, $6000.

(734) 397-6961

F O R D 2001 Escape X L T 4x4 auto, black/grey, sunroof , CD. $21,500. 248-346-7997

F O R D 1997 Explorer, Eddie Bauer - AWD, loaded, white, 76K, $16,750. 248-344-0813

F O R D 1997 Explorer Eddie B a u e r - G o o d Y e a r t i res .

248-338-2900, Ext. 3

F O R D EXPLORER 32K miles, new tires, exc. cond., doub le cd, ful l power, 4 dr., roof rack, $17,500. (248) 353-3592

F O R D EXPLORER PREMIUM S P O R T 1997 4x4, ioaded, sun-roof, cd, exc. cond., $12 ,500 or best (734) 524-0984

F O R D EXPLORER 1998 Sport, b lack, ail power, exc. cond. must see. 55,000 miles, $11,900.


16 Explorer Sport , 2 door, 53,000 hwy miles, auto, air, trai ler tow package, exc cond. , $10,999. 248-842-3077

F O R D 1997 Explorer Sport XLT loaded, 60k miles, exc. cond., $14,000/best . (734) 699-7210

828 Jeeps/4 Wheel Drive

Thursday, July 26, 2001 O&E

®bserue r£ j Egcent t i t

Classifications 826 to 830

F O R D 1994 Explorer Sport -Green w/tan. 93,000 mi. Air, auto, power windows, locks, cruise, tilt, A M - F M cassette. $5800. 248-740-8675

F O R D E X P L O R E R S P O R T 1999 loaded, 37 ,000 miles, blue with gray tr im, $16,900. days 3 1 3 - 2 2 4 - 6 7 2 8 e v e s .


.FORD E X P L O R E R XLT 1996 loaded, v8, new tires, 6 cd changer, keyless entry, 100K h ighway mi les exc. cond . , $11,000/best 810 638-5204

FORD 1992 Explorer XLT 4dr, V6, sunroof, new tires/trans. 2WD, runs great. 108k miles. $4200. Todd Days 734-266-3945

Eves; 248-446-8260

FORD EXPLORER XLT, 1995 loaded, 4x4, leather, V E R Y CLEAN. Priced to sell at $8250.

(734) 495-1240

FORD, 1999 F 350, crew cab, Diesel, cap, loaded, warranty, 12k, $30,900. 517-552-0774.

FORD 1999 F-350 7.3L Diesel XLT - ext cab, auto, loaded, 8 ft. bed, 19,000 miles, factory war-ranty, $30,995. * 2 4 8 - 3 4 3 - 4 1 0 0

FORD 1999 F350 4x4 Dually extended cab, loaded, 8' bed. $29,000/best. 810-229-6276

FORD 1997 F-350 - 4x4, V8, auto, air, p low, new tires, $17,000/best. (248) 960-0016

F O R D R A N G E R 2000- loaded, mint cond., 9 ,500 miles. $17,900 firm. 734-459-7951

FORD 1996 Ranger STX, 4x4, 5 speed, ioaded, extended cab, new 31" tires, 72K miles, $9950.


F O R D 2000 Ranger XLT, 4 x 4 , 4 door, 4L, auto, loaded, $21,000/ best. 248-212-6265.

FOR EXPLORER SPORT 1998 every opt ion, l ike new 80k miles $13,000/f i rm (734)397-8258

F250 2000 4x4 diesel supercab Ecl ipse sport package, low miies, $32,000. 248-477-8692

G M C 1999 J immy - 2 door, 2x2, 54K miles, pewter, great cond., $10,950 firm. 248-683-4340

G M C JIMMY, 1995 - showroom cond. Gorgeous. 120K miles, No rust. $6850. 313-527-4409.

G M C 1995 J immy SLE - 4 dr., 4x4, 90K, loaded, black/black, $9000/best . 248-J398-2217

G M C 1998 J immy SLE, exc. cond., 61800 mi., auto starter, new tires, towing package, $13,800. (248) 363-2905.

G M C 1995 J IMMY SLE loaded, 4 dr, 4x4, V6 Vortec, 110K, $7500/best . 313-937-3377.

G M C 1996 J immy SLS, 4 dr., 4x4, red, only 15,000 miles, per-fect condit ion. $15,500/or best Offer. (248) 857-2917.

G M C 1995 J IMMY SLS 4x4, 87K miles, exc cond., $10,500/ best. days 248-543-2262

eves 810-274-9621

G M C J IMMY S L T 1997 leather, all power, tow package, CD, 30K, $14,200. 248-540-8423.

G M C J I M M Y S L T 1 9 9 6 . Loaded, Exec. cond. $8,500. Ask for Mark (734)422-5211

G M C J IMMY 1995 SLT 4x4, loaded, trailer hitch, 73,000 miles, 510,900.

(248) 474-0098

G M C 1999 J immy 4x4, 2 dr., pewter, p l /pw/power sunroof, CD, $15,900. (313) 794-4143.

G M C 1999 SLE, Z71. 4x4 Sierra step-side, loaded with extras. After 4pm (734) 397-2344

GMC, 1993 Suburban, new tires/ brakes, 89k miles, like new, $11,500 or best. (734) 632-0829

G M C 1994 S U B U R B A N 2500 • white, trailer tow package, 98K, 454, extras, exc cond., $12,500/ best work (313) 535-6066

home (517) 552-8864

G M C - 1997 Suburban 4x4, Leather, CD, tow package. 80K, $18,000. 248-417-7974

G M C 1992 Yukon SLE -4x4, good shape, runs great, cd player, remote start, auto trans, trai ler/towing, 91k, $8000 firm.

(734) 728-8967

G M C Y U K O N S L T 1999, fully loaded, charcoal gray exterior, gray leather interior, 36k, Exec, cond. $24,000 (248)761-9013 for Pics, [email protected]

G M C Y U K O N 2000 White, 8500 miles. Trai ler package, loaded, mint. $29,000. 313-642-1330

GMC, 1993 Yukon, 4x4, 2 door, 86k, mint, wide body, Amer ican Racing Out law rims, mud track tires, new stereo/speakers & t r a n s m i s s i o n , $ 9 0 0 0 / b e s t .

(810) 231-1992.

G M C 2000 Yukon XL, 4x4, loaded, w/moonroof , red, 14k, $33,900. (248) 476-4242

G R A N D C H E R O K E E Laredo, 1997 - Exc. cond. loaded, $12,000. 313-343-0976.

G R A N D C H E R O K E E 1995 Laredo - well equipped, very clean, $9,500. (734) 451-1054

G R A N D C H E R O K E E 1995 Lardeo, Whi te . 4 W D , well main-tained, good cond. pw, ps, pre-mium sound w/cd, tow package. $8350. (248) 591-9117

G R A N D C H E R O K E E 1998 Laredo, 57k mi., warranty, exc. cond. $13,900. 248-855-9685.

GRAND C H E R O K E E 1999 Larado 4x4, 6 cyl., auto., 30K, Exc. cond, $18,500.


G R A N D C H E R O K E E 1994 Laredo 4x4, loaded, 64K, show room new, $10,995.

Fox Hills Chrysier-PIymouth-Jeep

734-455-8740 1-800-494-9481

G R A N D C H E R O K E E 1996 Lim-ited - 70,000 mi. Exc. Sunroof, heated leather seats. Loaded. $14,900. 734-397-5031

G R A N D C H E R O K E E 1996 Lim-ited - Mint condi t ion, loaded, 99k. $10,500. 734-981-5133.

G R A N D C H E R O K E E 1994 Lim-ited - 87K mi., loaded, exc. cond. $8475/best . 313-538-7914

G R A N D C H E R O K E E 2001 Lim-ited, black, all factory options, 10K, $27,995.

Fox Hills Chrysler-Plymouth-Jeep

734-455-8740 1-800-494-9481

G R A N D C H E R O K E E L T D 1993, 88k mi., whi te/brown leather, ful ly loaded, tinted win-dows, p remium sound, exc. cond., $7795. (248) 879-9233.

G R A N D C H E R O K E E 1995 LTD - dark red beauty, power moon-roof. Th is one has it all, $5999 T Y M E ' AUTO (734) 455-5566.

G R A N D C H E R O K E E 1993, V8, loaded, exc. cond. , 160k hiway mi. $5500/best . 810-629-0069

828 Jeeps/4 Wheel Drive

TaMSRDFF Green Tag Sale over 200 used cars all green tagged with rock-bottom clearance prices to move this week. Our best selection of the year. Telegraph So. of 12 Mile. 1 -248-353-1300

Don't miss this sale.

HONDA 1996 Passport, 4x4 , red, low miles, exc. cond. , $10,500/best. (248) 486-1254.

H U M M E R 1997, 4 door wagon , 6.5 turbo, ioaded, exc. cond. , 60k mi., $48,900. 810-634-1255

INFINITY 2000 Q X 4 - ful ly loaded, Bose stereo, sunroof , 11k, $29,000. (248) 647-8673

INFINITY 2000 QX4 - l imited edit ion, 12k miles, loaded, jade silver green, $31,500. Ask for Heidi or Paul: (734) 721-0070 After 6pm: (248) 661-3512

iNIFINITY 2001 QX4, 23k mi., fully loaded, 6 CD changer.-$29,500/best. (313) 886-8296.

ISUZU 1999 Amigo, 10K, ful ly equipped, priced to seii, $15,980 John Rogin Buick 734-525-0900.

ISUZU 1994 AMIGO - Remov-able hard-top, dark red, cute little truck, $2799. T Y M E AUTO (734) 455-5566.

ISUZU 1997 R O D E O 4x4, auto , air, cruise, tilt, 88K miles, orig-inal owner, female non-smoker . $9,900. (248) 348-6215

ISUZU 1999 Trooper, iow mi les, fully equipped, pr iced to sell, save thousands now only $14,980. John Rogin Buick 734-525-0900.

ISUZU 1995 Trooper S E -Loaded. 60,000 miles. Exc. cond. $13,500. 734-261-5093.

J E E P 1994 Cherokee, air, key-less entry, tilt, great condi t ion, SUPER CLEAN! 98K miles, asking $4500. 734-634-6416

JEEP, 1987 Cherokee, 4.0, air, 5 speed, low miles, 1 owner , no rus t , m i r a c u l o u s c o n d i t i o n , $4,100/best. (248) 478-3669.

JEEP 1999 Cherokee Classic 4x4. 4 Door, 86K, air, power windows/ locks. $14,000. (313) 359-3764.

JEEP 1996, Cherokee Country 4x4, auto , air, 4 .0L Hitch, cru ise 93k, $9550. 248-682-7424

JEEP 1992 Cherokee Ltd. Black, fully loaded, tan leather interior, exc. cond., one owner, 90K miles, $8,500. 248-644-2012.

JEEP C H E R O K E E sport, 1997 4x4, auto, air, full power, new t i r e s / b r a k e s , 9 9 , 0 0 0 m i l e s , $8995, (248) 797-7089

JEEP 1998 Cherokee Sport -4x4, 4 liter, cassette, new tires, Alloy wheels, power opt ions, 6 3 , 0 0 0 m i l e s , exc c o n d . , $11,000. 248-594-0496

JEEP 1998 Cherokee Sport, 4x4, 4-dr„ auto, hitch, very clean, $11,200/best. 734-425-8285

JEEP 1998 CHEROKEE, Sport, 4 dr. 4wd, green, Sony CD, 73k mi. $9,999/best. 248-506-4446

J E E P C H E R O K E E , 1 9 9 6 . White, leather, loaded. $13 ,000/ best, must sell. 810-468-3114

JEEP 1999 Cherokee, 4x4, under 50,000 miles, 1 owner , $15,400. 734-261-5291

JEEP 1996 Grand Cherokee Ltd., 6 cyl., exc. cond., most opt ions, black/black, 78K mi., $11,900. 248-203-9798.

J E E P 1996 Grand Cherokee Ltd fully loaded, leather, exc cond. , $12,900. 810-678-8356.

JEEP 1998 Grand Cherokee -4x4 Laredo, clean, 32K miles, leather, loaded. 248-442-0497

JEEP, 2000 Grand Cherokee, 4 W D , Laredo, 12K miles, leather, priced to sell. 248-797-8382.

J E E P 1999 Grand Cherokee Laredo , biue, V8, 37 ,000 mi les, loaded, heated leather seats , 10 d isc CD, $22 ,000 or a s s u m e lease. 248 -723 -5524

JEEP 1993 Grand Cherokee Ltd 84K, black, leather, 6 cyl, loaded $7995/best . (734) 261-4219

JEEP 2000 Sahara, auto, air, b o t h t o p s , 3 , 5 0 0 m i l e s ,


JledJfofouvL. West land

(734) 721-1144

JEEP 2000 SE Wrangler , auto, red, 1K. Priced to sell. Save! John Rogin Buick 734-525-0900.

J E E P 1988 Wrangler 6 cyl, manual, hardtop, air, 140k, looks great $4000. 248-394-1025.

J E E P W R A N G L E R 2 0 0 0 Sahara 4x4, loaded, dual top, 13K miles, $22,000.

(313) 622-7348

JEEP 1997 Wrangier Sahara -green & tan, 4.0L, 5 speed, 69K miles, hard/soft tops, CD pre-mium sound, warranty, c lean, $12,500/best. (248) 651-2730

JEEP 1997 Wrangler Sport -black, low miles, perfect shape, $15,000. 248-563-0821

JEEP 2000 Wrangle Sport , sil-vers tone metall ic, hard & soft tops, $18,500. 248-305-8325.

J IMMY 1986 runs great, $2600 or best offer. Call after 6 p .m.

(734) 464-1511

J IMMY 2000 SLE - 4 dr., 4x4 , loaded, 15K miles. Cost $30K. Mint. $19,000. (248) 338-4586

J IMMY SLT 1997 4 W D , 4dr , 44k, sunroof, loaded, mint cond. $13,900. (248) 669-6639

J IMMY 1995 - 4WD, good cond, loaded, leather, new tires/brakes. $6900/best. 248-592-9959.

J IMMY, 1989, 4x4. Newer motor & many new parts, receipts avail-able. $4,700. 734-525-4717

LAND ROVER 1999 Discovery Whi te , T a n leather, 34K miles. D e a l e r s e r v i c e d . P e r f e c t . $24,000/best. 248-706-0638

LANDROVER, 1994 Discovery. Blue/tan, 7 passenger, dual sun-roofs, $12,900. (248) 738-0648

LAND ROVER Discovery 1996 Tan leather, 60k miles, Recent tune-up, $19,000 (248)477-1533

LANDROVER 1997 Discovery SE. 46 ,000 miles, exc. cond. , many opt ions, $18,500. Call after 6pm 248-553-6750

LANDROVER 1999 Discovery, 4x4, leather, full power, customer front bumper, towing pkg. 72,000 hwy miles. (517) 548-6521

LEXUS 2000 RX 300 A W D , Black, gray leather, moonroof . Nak stereo $33,200 248-477-2468

(*)9F V4.?

Jeeps/4 Wheel Dnve

LINCOLN 2001 Navigator -Black w/ tan leather, 12,300 mi., GPS, 6 CD changer & more. $42,000. (248) 568-3113.

M E R C E D E S 1999 ML430 -Silver, gray ieather, loaded, $36,500. (248) 203-1757.

M E R C U R Y 2000 Mounta ineer -midnight blue, loaded, 7,000 miles, $26,000. 734-283-4602

M E R C U R Y 1999 Mounta ineer Midnight Blue, Loaded V8, 31K Miles. $23,500.

(248) 909-4960

M E R C U R Y 1997 Mountaineer, loaded, black, leather, CD, exc. cond, $12,900. 734-459-4825.

M E R C U R Y Mountaineer A W D 1998 - Loaded, 4 dr., black, leather $18,750 (248)586-9797

MOUNTAINEER 1997 - AWD, auto, V8, leather, loaded, exc cond., $14,500.

Call after 6pm 734-394-2851

MOUNTAINEER 1997 V-8, 5.0, leather, power , CD, all wheel drive, Forest Green, 79,000 mi. Excellent condit ion. $15,000/ best offer. 734-525-6476.

MOUNTAINEER 1999 4 W D -V6. 25 ,000 mi. Loaded. Exc. cond. Must sell. $19,500.


MPV 1998 - 4x4, 57,000 miies, ioaded, $13,900.

(734) 464-8390

PATHFINDER 1992 - good cond., auto, 4 W D , tilt, cruise, CD. $6200 (248) 674-7456.

RANGER 2000 ex tended cab, 4x4, 1 yr. lease takeover , $270/ mo. (734) 425-9795.

RANGE ROVER county 1994 CA car, loaded, new stereo, no rust, 107K miies. must sell $12,500/best day 313-653-5043 evening 248 554-9808

RANGE ROVER, 2001, 4.6 HSE, 7500 miles, Ble inham silver with ebony leather interior, navigat ion sys tem, excel lent condition. $59,500. 248-544-2879

RANGE ROVER 1990-80K, good cond., vehicle runs but needs work. $5,000. 248 698-3745.

RANGE ROVER 1997 - 4 WD, 4.0L, low miies, loaded, white w/tan leather, sunroof , 5-CD, Texas car, no rust, $28,000.

313-949-9980, 248-433-5295

Suburban G M C 1998 - tow pkg, 3 seats, 4x4, loaded. $19,500.

248-474-5407, 248-417-2771

S U B U R B A N 1989 4x4, 8 pas-senger, original owner . Fully loaded. $4900. 734-427-0473

SUZUKI 1998 - Loaded, 4cyl, CD, green/si lver, 37K mi. Exc. cond. $11,000. 313-387-2447

TAHOE, 1999, loaded, 4 wheel drive w/tow package, 4 door w/cargo doors. (248) 763-7548

T A H O E 1996, 69 ,000 miles, c lean, $13 ,500 or best offer. Call Mark at 734-513-8985.

T O Y O T A 1995 T a c o m a SR5. V-6, 4x4, ext. cab. Exc. cond. 112K, $12,200/best. 313-794-0828

T O Y O T A LAND Cruiser, 1996 -Mint cond. , 60K miles. New tires, new brakes, fully loaded, $27,000. 248-310-9721.

T O Y O T A 1996 Land Cruiser, loaded, oniy 51K, great cond, $22,000/best. 313-822-2623.

T O Y O T A L A N D C R U I S E R 1974 4 speed, straight six, removable top. (248) 738-2737

TOYOTA LAND CRUISER 1986 G r e a t s h a p e . T e x a s c a r . $10,500. (810) 558-6556.

TOYOTA 1997 Rav 4. 4 Door, 4x4, 5 speed, air, am-fm cas-sette, $12,500. (734) 449-9469

T O Y O T A 1999 RAV4 100,000 mile ex tended war-ranty, 4 door, A W D , power locks/ w i n a o w s / m i r r o r s , A B S , ai r , cruise, 29 ,300 mies, $16,500.


TOYOTA 1998 RAV 4 - 52,000 miles, c lean, air, 4x4 , auto, CD, $13,800. 734-718-8110

TOYOTA 4 R U N N E R 1993 SR5 - V6, 4x4, white, manua l trans, sunroof , CD, power , 130k, $10,200/best. (248) 478-2758

T R A C K E R 1999 - 4 door, 4x4, air, 16K, $10,500/best .

(248) 647-5484

W R A N G L E R 1998- 4 cyl., soft top, air, cd, 43k , $13,000. 248-351 -3612 248-569-1994.

W R A N G L E R 1 9 9 5 4 c y l , 5speed, 56k, hardtop, Red. Exc cond. $8900. 517-548-3412

W R A N G L E R 1999 - dual tops, black, premium whee ls & sound, air. $17,900 248-553-4907

W R A N G L E R 2000 Sahara -loaded, dual tops, auto, air, under 12k miles, $20,000/best . (248) 615-1578

W R A N G L E R , 2 0 0 0 S E - Auto, cruise, casset te, fog lights, 28K miles, $16,000. 248-343-2235

W R A N G L E R 1997 - soft top, 4x4, 19,000 miles, mint cond., CD, $14,500. (734) 462-9353

W R A N G L E R 1998 Sport , 6 cyl., 49k, Green, -hard/soft tops, manual, $14,000.810-264-5239.

W R A N G L E R , 1997 Sport, 6 cyl., 40K, perfect condi t ion, CD, air, 5 speed, $15,200. 734-657-3829

W R A N G L E R ,1997 Spor t -43,000 mi. Dual tops, 5 speed, CD, air. Exc. cond. $13,000.


W R A N G L E R 1993; white 6 cyl., auto., air, cd, Florida Jeep 108K. $8000 248-474-0927

Y U K O N 1999 SLT, si iver/grey, mint condit ion, 21 ,000 miles, $24,500. (248) 879-0351.

Sports & Imported

AUDI A4 1997 - A W D , auto, exc cond, f lashy red, taupe interior, heated seats, 6 - C D changer, 71K, $14 ,500 (248) 634-6922

AUDI 1996 A6. 40K miles, leather, sunroof, auto, V6, very clean. $16,500. (248) 872-3226

AUDI A4 1999 2 .8L, Quattro, Silver, leather, loaded, sunroof, 23k. $24,500. 313-640-3952

AUDI A 4 - 1998 Pearl White, loaded. New t i res. 50k. Exc Cond. $20,000. 248-524-7856

AUDI 1998 A 4 1.8T - Auto/ Tiptronic, p /moonroof , Bose with 6 CD, heated seats, more. Exc. cond. $16 ,800 810-755-3451.

AUDI 2000 T T Quat t ro 17,000 miles, all opt ions, black/black, $32,000/best. 810-264-9364

hometown newspaper s.net

830 Sports & Imported

A U S T I N HEALY 1965 - 3000 MK 111, Class A condit ion,

(248) 442-0372

B M W 1995 325 Convert ible - 6 cyl., auto, esc, CD, power every-thing, new tires, r ims, battery. Mint cond. Transferable war-ranty. 50,'000 mi. $22,000/best offer. 248-442-0127

B M W 1989 325 Convert ib le -Exc. cond. , auto, air, CD, new top, exhaust , tires. 112,000 mi. Silver w/black ieather. $7200.


B M W 1989 635 CSi Great condit ion Loaded, black. Even ings (248 )626 -4874 , Days (248)737-9059 $10,000

B M W 1988 528e - black, b lack leather, sunroof, high miles, $1,500. (313) 881-9347

B M W 2002 - 1 9 7 6 Excellent con-dit ion. $3200. 248-851-1318 E-mai l l ew19 l9@ao l . com

B M W 1995 540i - all options, Cd, sunroof, traction, heated seats, 68k, $23,800. 248-417-9830

B M W , 1995 325i - Auto, white, black leather, 4 door, sunroof, t ract ion/ABS, CD, loaded, exc. cond. 55K miles, priced to sell, mov ing to Europe $17,700. 248-540-1253 or 248-346-3301.

B M W 1994 525i black, excel lent condi t ion, 60K miles, loaded, sand leather, sunroof, t ract ion control . $17,500 or best offer.

(248) 345-1370

B M W 2000 328i, black, leather, 32K miles, loaded, 5 speed, Bi izzak snows. $29,900.

(248) 552-4098

B M W 1998 528i, black on black sport package, 17" bolted sport wheels, power moon, automatic, p o w e r e v e r y t h i n g , l e a t h e r , heated seats/steering, 34 ,312 m i l e s , n e v e r s e e n s n o w , $29,900. Larry: 248-363-8997

B M W 1992 535i - black/tan, auto, CD, $12,000/best. Excel-lent condit ion. (248) 542-0239

B M W 318! - 1997 Black w/Black leather, sport package, sunroof , cd changer , 5spd, 74,000 miles. $15,000. 248-767-6075

B M W 1991 850i - black w/gray leather, auto, 69k, $24,500. & a n v iew in Southf ield 734-482-1684

BMW 740i 1997 - Cashmere/tan, perfect Florida car 44k miles, standard BMW options $33,000 Days (248)203-2448 Evenings before 9 p m (248)540-9668

B M W 1998 3231c - pre-cert i f ied, sport package. 38,500k miles, $28,000. 810-484-5999

B M W 1997 318i - 4 dr., black, leather, auto, CD, loaded, cert i-f ied preowned, exc cond., 44K miles, $21,900. 248-980-3133

B M W 1996 328i - 4 dr., Red, 67k miles, exec, cond., sunroof , a u t o , n e w t i r es . $ 2 1 , 0 0 0 . (248)628-4722

B M W 1996 328i - 4 dr., Red, 67k miles, exec, cond. , sunroof , a u t o , n e w t i r e s . $ 2 1 , 0 0 0 (248)628-4722

BMW 328i 1996 - green, ioaded, leather, sunroof, Seated seats, traction control, remote start, 44K, $21,500. 248-647-9350

BMW 535I 1990 - Immaculate. Auto, 93K, sunroof, phone, CD, ABS. $10,850. (248) 344-1957

BMW 330i, 2001 - Immaculate, purchased in Aug. 2000. No acci-dents. $37,000. (248) 505-8749.

B M W 1998 740 IL - black on black, warranty, mint, loaded, 35,000 miles, $38,900.

Days 248-594-0100

B M W 740iL 1997 - Black, w / saddle int., very well maintained, ask ing $29,000 (248)540-1424

B M W 740IL 1998 - Florida car, white/tan, phone, loaded, war-r a n t y . $ 3 4 , 5 0 0 D a y s 248-203-2448 Evenings before 9pm 248-540-9668

B M W 1993, 735iL - 98K, cell phone, CD, white, beige interior, sunroof, $11,000. 248-709-7710

B M W 1998 740 IL, 64 ,000 miles, $32,800 or best offer. 248-789-6161 248-334-1441.

B M W 1998 740 IL, 64 ,000 miles, $32,800 or best offer. 248-789-6161 248-334-1441.

B M W 1999, 540i, Manual 6 speed, sports package, 4 door, Sahara, extremely iow mi., snow tires. $41,000. 734-663-1484.

B M W 1997 528i. Oxford green w/tan ieather, 60K miles, war-ranty to 100k, near perfect cond. $26,800/best . (248) 375-9273

B M W 318 i - 1994 Red, air, sunroof, 90,000 miles. $11,000/best . 734-612-1185

B M W , 1995 325i - Red, tan inte-rior, 4 dr., sunroof, t ract ion / ABS, CD, exc. cond. 95K miies. $13,000/best . 248-594-6559

B M W 1995 318 IS - auto, 49 ,600 mi., heated seats. Exc. cond. $15,80Q'best. 248-542-6372

B M W , 1993, 325is Coupe. Red, leather, sunroof, CD, fo ld ing seats, $9,500. 313-571-1561

B M W 328ls 1998 2 door, auto-matic, b lack/black 33 ,000 miles, p remium package, exc. cond., $24,995/best . (734) 254-0854

B M W 325is 1994 - Green/grey leather, 5 speed, sunroof, cruise, computer , Exec. Cond., 79.6K miles, $13,250 248-661-0893

B M W 328i 1999 - Si lver/ (b lack, all options, moon-

roof. Mint. cond. $26 ,9000 (810)964-1082

B M W 53311984 - 5 speed, 4 dr., biack outer, black leather interior, sun roof, Air, all power, good cond. $2500 (248)649-2513

B M W , 1998 528i - 5 Speed, loaded, moonroof Silver. 40K Miles, $26,600. 248-348-5970

B M W 1999 323i - 5 speed, sport package, sunroof, 39K miles, $24,400. 248-593-6897.

B M W 1996 328is - 5 speed, loaded, still under warranty. Red w i t h t a n l e a t h e r i n t e r i o r , $18,500. 248-328-0292.

B M W 325i 1992 - very good cond, 143K, new paint /brakes/ tuneup, $8,250. 248-486-1464

B M W 1995, 525i Wagon, red w/ tan leather, 51K, $21,000/ best. (248) 649-1923.

B M W 325 i, 1995- white w/grey leather, exec.cond, ioaded, 48K, auto. $21,000. 248-435-1587

B M W 1998 M3 convert ible. 35K mites, CD, factory warranty. $34,700. 248-589-2700.

830 Sports & Imported

B M W , 2 0 0 0 M R o a d s t e r . Metallic s i lver/black leather. No winter driving, en joy the fun & performance of a t rue sports car. Must sell, $37 ,300 .


B M W , 2 0 0 0 M R o a d s t e r . Metallic s i lver/black leather. No winter dr iv ing, en joy the fun & performance of a t rue sports car. Must sell, $37,300.


BMW 1995 M 3 - wh i te , sunroof , exc cond. , 8 7 K mi les, $15,000/ best. (734) 2 6 0 - 9 8 5 4

BMW 1997 318t i , auto, air, CD, moonroof, 54K mi., dea ler main-tained, $14,750. 248-681-4502

BMW 318t i 1995 7 0 K miles, mint condi t ion, $12 ,500 or best offer. Ser ious inqui r ies oniy.

(734) 9 7 2 - 8 7 3 0 for detai ls

BMW 1999 Z-3 , 2 .5 Liter, 5 speed, 6 ,000 mi les , excel lent condit ion. $28 ,900 . (734)525-1785, (734)525-0980

BMW Z3 1996 - 1.9 5speed, Black leather, low mi les. Never seen snow. 248-788-4108

CHEVY C A M A R O black Z28 1994 exc. cond. , very c lean, 6 speed, all new Michel in Z R 1 7 pilot t ires. N e w 17" Datata chrome wheels , s tored winters, looks & runs l ike new, dealer-ship mainta ined, s tock whee ls included. 37K mi les . $10,999.

7 3 4 451-7456

C H E V Y C O R V E T T E 1992 - . . conver t i b le , b lack /b lack ,

l o o k s l i k e n e w . L o w mi leage, yr 2 0 0 0 chrome

wheels. $18,500. 7 3 4 4 5 1 - 3 2 7 1

C H E V Y C O R V E T T E 1 9 9 3 excellent condi t ion. , black, 20K miles, l isted for $19 ,500 (734) 522-0935 leave messege

C H E V Y C O R V E T T E 1 9 8 1 44,000 miles, 4 speed , two-toned maroon, g o o d condit ion, $8,000. (248) 349-1543

CHEVY C O R V E T T E 1986 two-t o n e d , b e i g e a n d b r o n z e , leather, auto, loaded, warranty, service manua ls , 65 ,000 miles. $10,800. (734) 266-1890

CHEVY Z24 1999 convertable-mint. cond, low mi les, loaded. $ 1 5 , 5 0 0 . 7 3 4 - 4 2 2 - 4 8 1 9 , 734-523-1348.

CORVETTE 1994 All black, very clean, 6 speed, new tires/brakes, $15,900. Livonia 313-920-7887.

CORVETTE 1985 al l new parts & engine. N e w paint job. 1st $7000 takes it. 810-757-6912

CORVETTE 1994 auto, $3000 stereo, ZR1 r ims, mint, must see. $15,000/best 313-770-7160

CORVETTE 2000 Black Con-vertible, 6spd. 7 0 0 miles, loaded. wk734-481-5053 734-944-0305

CORVETTE 1999: 2001 chrome wheels, st ick, g l ass top, loaded. $33,900. (248) 346-0846

C O R V E T T E 1988 Convert ible 4+3 stick. 36 ,000 ml. Loaded. Exc. cond. $18 ,000 or best offer.

248-601 -3924

C O R V E T T E 1998, convert ible, auto., pewter w /b lack top, exc. cond., s to red winters, 35 ,000 miles, $35,500. 248-332-9065

CORVETTE 1999 Coupe, auto, glass top, no w in te rs , red, exec-utive t ransferred, mint, loaded, $33,000. (734) 464-2415.

CORVETTE, 2000, Coupe, black/ black interior, auto, loaded, 10K mi, adult owned, garage kept. $39,500. 313-582-9111

CORVETTE 2001 Coupe, black/ black, high po l i shed wheels, sport seats, C D , auto, 1200 miles, $39,000. 248-577-5305

CORVETTE 1992 Coupe, black/ black, 72K, auto , exec, cond, $14,500. (248) 684-0612

C O R V E T T E 2 0 0 0 Coupe, silver/ silver, 6 speed, 2 tops, extras, 4000mi., $39,900.248-766-7699.

C O R V E T T E C O U P E 1 9 9 9 silver, auto, 2 roofs, 10k miles.

(248) 641-1780

C O R V E T T E C O U P E , 2000 6 speed, triple b lack , only 6000 m i l e s , a c t i v e s u s p e n s i o n . $39,995/best. (248) 433-5588.

CORVETTE 2 0 0 0 Coupe, 6 speed, only 1200 miles, torch red, leather, loaded. Priced to sell! $39,500. 248-477-1344

CORVETTE 1987 Coupe, 2 tops, new shocks/brakes/muff ler/ tires, $15,900. (248) 647-1993.

CORVETTE, 1992, Coupe, white/ white, glass top, 133K mi, auto, loaded, $13,000. 810-632-2199

C O R V E T T E 1986 - ivory with removable hard- top. This one has it all. $5800 f i rm. T Y M E A U T O (734) ,455-5566.

CORVETTE, 1994, 49K miles, auto, green/tan leather, Bose, like new. $16,900. 734-454-5760

C O R V E T T E 1978 54k miles, 4 speed. Adul t owned . Perfect. $13,500. 734-462-0929

C O R V E T T E L82 - 1979 Just plain beaut i fu l ! $11,000.


CORVETTE 1976 - 58,000 miles, good condition, needs some work. $6000. 810-987-7252

C O R V E T T E 1995 - polo v w y 9 r e s n ' t an leather, auto,

extras, 2 tops , really c lean, 100K, $18,500.

(734) 981-1282

CORVETTE 1997 - red coupe/ biack. Loaded. 1 yr . warranty. 25K. $31,000 248-682-4068

CORVETTE 1985 - red coupe, 75k, very sharp , runs great, $8,500/best. (248) 280-4999

C O R V E T T E 1996 - red/gray interior, 14,000 miles, c lean, $27,500. 734-261-5955

CORVETTE 1977 - red w/whi te leather int. Both paint & tr im new. $14,000. 810-677-5796

CORVETTE 1985 - silver coupe, auto, 77k, leather, s tored win-ters, $10,500 248-330-4665

CORVETTE S T I N G R A Y 1971 Coupe, 454C1, W a r Bonnet Yel low/Tan. 4spd. , ps,pb,pw, a/c, 44,000 miles. M a n y awards. 3rd owner. Photos avai lable. Many new or ig inal parts. New t ires/brakes etc. $26,495. (248) 474-4845 kat [email protected]

C O R V E T T E 1973 white, 454 engine, excellent shape. $13,900. (248) 547-6570

C O R V E T T E 2000 - s tored win-ters, si lver/black leather, auto., 2 tops, act ive handl ing, Bose w/CD, many opt ions , exc cond. , $36,950/best. (248) 738-5859

Sports & Imported

C O R V E T T E 1995, triple b l a c k , $ -speed, 29k mi, CD/ loaded, must" see. $20,000. 2 4 8 - 4 2 0 - 3 8 ^ ^

C O R V E T T E , 1969, T-Top, 3 ? 0 / ; 427, auto., original owner , best over $27,000. (734) 668-6183:""

C O R V E T T E 1975, T /Tops , plat-., inum silver, new black in ter ia fT automat ic must see. $8 ,000. , a

(734) 281-8082,,

C O R V E T T E 1987 - V 8 , 5 9 K { mi les, auto, AC, all power, e 'xc ! ' cond. $12,000, 3 1 3 - 3 8 8 - 8 7 9 & . ;

CORVETTE 1996, white/red int . , ; r e m o v a b l e hard top , load@$«, 29,900k, $22,900. 810-750-3051,;

C O R V E T T E 1986 - whi te w/blue? i n t e r i o r , a u t o , r e m o v a b t e -hardtop, 8 0 K miles, $8508." (810) 739-8938 after 5 p m

C O R V E T T E Z06 2001 - private;! owner , 1000 miles, s tored inside., w/car cover, mint cond., $44,800/.< best. (248) 477 -99^9

_ C O U N T A C H ri^B^REPLICA 1 9 8 4 -

Fiaro many sparer parts, a n d m o l d s c

8 0 % comple te . $10 ,000 or bes t -offer. (810) 227-6204 • . v

D O D G E 2 0 0 0 Viper RT/1£j - t steel gray, 450hp V10, harci'S?' sof t - top, 5 ,000 miles, 2 yr l e a s e r $1476 mo. (248) 321-012,1.-

FERRAI , 1992 348TS - Red/ ' Tan , 15K and 30K service, $71,000. 810-929-6055,"

F IAT 1981 Spider Pin infar iha i ' Very low miles. Exc. cond. Red. $6500. 1- (734) 241-8269.

G r e e n T a g Sale over 2 0 0 used cars all g reen tagged wi th rock-; bot tom c learance prices to m o v e , th is week . Our best select ion of the .year. Te legraph So. of 12 Mile. 1 -248-353-1300

Don' t miss this sale.

TaMHROFF H Y U N D A I 2000 air, 5speed , 29k , 35mpg . $8300/best . 10yr warranty . (734) 522-2777;

H Y U N D A I ELANTRA GLS. .4 door, 7 2 K miles, 1.81-4V, aUto; air, casset te , all power , repaired? acc ident , g o o d condi t ion. $ 2 3 0 0 or best of fer . (313) 323 -6886

HYUNDAI S O N A T A 19SI5. , , V6, auto, air, power e q u i p -

ment , sunroof. 68K miles, $4900 . 810-986-357-1"

INFINITI 1996 G20, b lack exte-rior, t an interior, auto, Q D * r e m o t e s t a r t , 4 8 K mi les , - . $10,599. 810-714-4953.-

INFINIT11998130 - loaded, new-t i res, Bose CD stereo, beige-' exter ior/ Inter ior, 49 ,000 mi. Exc. cond. $17,500. 248-797-1847

INFINITI , 1990 M - 3 0 - 2 Dr , coupe , sunroof, Bose, 12CD changer , exc. cond., 99K actua l , mi les, $6500. 248-848-997 f t

INFINITY 1994 G20 - exc cond, b lack, leather, loaded. Fun to dr ive 73K,$8200.248-661-2559-

INFINITY, 1998 Q45. Pear l w h i t e , l o a d e d , I m m a c u l a t e . $19,500/best . (810) 987 -2948

J A G U A R 2000 S Type , 4 l iter wi th memory package. Spo t t package & weather package ; topaz exter ior ivory inter ior; 2 7 , 5 0 0 mi les, ga rage kept, ' never in snow, extra set of new, t i res inc luded $38,900.

(248) 684-6675

J A G U A R 1998 V a n d e n P l a s ' -42 ,000 miles, loaded, $35 ,000/ best . (810) 695-5138 - "

J A G U A R 1998 Vandenp las ' -Z E R O D O W N Assume Lease," 25 remain ing payments at $ 7 4 5 + tax. Fully loaded, approx.' 28 ,800 mi. (248) 258-6820 ,

J A G U A R 1998 VandenPlaS£ whi te , 0 down, assume lease m $695 . 4 4 K mi. 2 4 8 - 3 3 3 - 7 6 5 2

J A G U A R 2001 VDP. Silver g r e y ; 4 dr . Fully ioaded. 262 mi les:

(810) 752-5132"

J A G U A R XJ6 1997 - Abso lu te ly ' Fabu lous cond., b lack/b lack; Loaded, 53k miles, $23 ,500 /bes t

(313)885-8*3 7>

J A G U A R 1994 XJ-6: beau t i f ] ^ -c lassic dark green w / tan leather interior. Runs perfect, dea ler ' ma in ta ined al i 106,000 miles,. Excel lent condit ion. Must s e e * $12,250. Phone Mike H . ; a t 2 4 8 - 3 5 0 - 2 1 9 0 d a y § ^ 248-646-3714 eves.

J A G U A R , 1996 XJ -6 , 6 7 ^ loaded, 100K Warranty , newt t ires, $19,995. 248-656-1617: •

J A G U A R 1988 xj6, V D P , 36k. actual mi. , loaded, interior liks* new. $14,900. (248) 647 -1993

KIA SEPHIA 1999, air, CBr , manua l t ransmission, 30,QCBi m i „ $9500/best . 734-525-8979,

LEXUS 1995 ES 300 - exc? cond., 75 ,000 miles, $12,500/-best. (313) 382-4452

L E X U S 1996 LX 450 - leather? a l loy whee ls , CD, sunroof , " loaded, $25,900. 248-354-3253

M A S E R A T I Quattroporte 1 § 8 4 S i l v e r / t a n , f u i l y r e s t o r e d ? $13,000/best (248)478-433®

M A Z D A MELLENIA - 1 9 9 7 Whi te , leather interior, s u n r o q C cd, Cl imate control, 38k milesv' $12,900. (517) 423-429S?

M E R C E D E S BENZ 1997 C 2 3 0 ; exc. cond., 52k, tilt wheel , Bose, moonroof, $21,500 248-760-1037,

M E R C E D E S BENZ 1998 M C 320. Black/ tan, fully equ ipped ; 79k, ex tended warranty t o 8 5 L $21,900. (248) 6 4 6 - 0 8 9 $

MERCEDES BENZ, 1965, si lver; l o o k s g r e a t . $ 3 , 0 0 0 / b e s t ,


M E R C E D E S BENZ 1986 56QSL, convert ib le, Palm Beach, pr is^ t ine, $17,950. 8 1 0 - 7 7 4 - 9 4 1 8 " -

M E R C E D E S BENZ 1998SL50O convert ible sport w/hardtop. t o w miles, $65,000. Cal l Kevin .at

(248) 363-1 l O t ,

M E R C E D E S BENZ 1985 380ST Roadster. Loaded, 2 tops, ,59k miles, immaculate, BurgundyA beige $18 ,500 734-207-5263

M E R C E D E S C230 Compresso r (late 1999) - 36K miles, cond. , 2 sets of t ires, s i lver ; $29,000. (248) 608-6483

M E R C E D E S 3 0 0 C E C o u p e Whi te w/Grey interior 1990 wi th 99,000 miles. Fla. car in exe<5 c o n d , A l l s e r v i c e r e c o r d s , $12,900. (248) 9 3 2 - 8 8 f ?

M E R C E D E S , 1986, c lean, R e f r 90k , al l the books, Cal. car , exc; con., $23,900. (248) 770-9393

1QF(*) Classifications 830 to 848 O&E Thursday, July 26, 2001

Sports & Imported

MERCEDES 1999 CLK 320 Cab - B lack . $ 4 7 , 0 0 0 .


MERCEDES 2000 CLK430 -coupe, black/black, 10k, loaded, flawless, $57,000. 248-540-2788

MERCEDES 1999 C230 - Sport & C2 packages, new Michelins & mats, 28K, $25,500. 810-468-0373

MERCEDES C280 Sport, 1997 -70K, silver, $38,000 new, seil $23,000. (248) 473-4033

MERCEDES 1998 E320, AWD, 4 door, auto, silver, low miles. Exc. cond., snow tires. $39,500. 734-663-1484.

MERCEDES 1990 300E, bur-gandy, low miies, exc. cond., $13,400. After 5pm 810-750-6894

MERCEDES 1997 E420, every available option, original owner, dealer maintained, best Offer. 734-320-4711

MERCEDES 1987 190E, Excellent cond. 150,000 miles. $6500. (248) 594-6377

M E R C E D E S E 4 3 0 1 9 9 9 Loaded, 40k miies, mint cond. $43,500 (248)661-2981

MERCEDES ML3201999 black opal, automatic, all wheel drive, 39,000 miles, 1 owner. $31,000.

(734) 997-9643

MERCEDES ML320 2000 -Slack, 7K mi, navigation, Bose 6 CD. $36,900/best. 734-462-1312

MERCEDES 1988, 560SEC coup, white/blue leather, 135k well maintained miles. Exc. cond. $12,900. ,248-723-9639

MERCEDES 1987 - 260SE, exc. running condition, $4500/bes$. (248) 738-5997,

MERCEDES, 1984 380SEL. Black 4 dr. w/black interior. 1 Owner. Supreme cond., 140K miles, $7000/best.

. 313-477-0447

SAAB 1997 - 900s, convertible, dark red, . charcoal leather, immaculate condit ion, 22K. Save $1000's on this one, $99 down. TYME AUTO (734) 455-5566.

SAAB 1995 900s, dark green, power sunroof, heated seats. 68K. $12,000. 810-575-5486.

SAAB 1994 900 SE - auto, 66,700 mi,, heated seats. Exc. cond. $9,800/best. 248-542-6372

SAAB 1999 Viggen - lightning blue, fuily loaded, 1,900 miles, $30,400. W. Bioomfield

cell (630) 258-5629

SPYDER 1997 - mint, 4K miles, 5 speed, loaded; $16,500/best.

(248) 681-2282

STEALTH, 1993, black, V6, 5 speed, cruise," alarm, power, 95K, $6,000. 248-393-5403

SUZUKI 2000 Esteem - loaded, 8400 miles, $13,900. Call wkdys 9am-3pm 800-261-5661

TOYOTA 2000 MR2 Spyder. Silver, immaculate, 2,300 miles, $23,500. (248) 706-3160

Antique/Classic Collector Cars

FORD 1937 CABRIOLET. Pro-fessional street rod. Unique award-winning show car. Perfect in al) details. Drive and show with pride! $54,900. See it all: f itnessusa.com/ford37.htm or call owner at 248-642-5599.

FORD 1950 Custom Deluxe -2 door, new restoration, $12,500 or best offer. 734-591-5911

1938 FORD Deluxe V8 flat head, All original. 21,000 original miles. $13,500. 248-647-3294

FORD 1948 2 dr., super deluxe, maroon, KY car. 87K miles, no rust, V8, radio, Fresh air heater, white walls, turn signals, spot-light, dual exhaust. $8995.

(734) 453-9309

FORD, 1961 FALCON, 4 Dr. sta-tion wagon, only 20k miles, $3,900/best. (734) 632-0829

FORD GALAXY 1965 - 390, black/black, 69k miles, original paint. $5,800 (248)347-6089

VOLVO 1994. 850. 52K. Excel-lent condition. 1 owner. $13,500.

(734) 971-3457

VOLVO 2000 S80 2.9 - blue/ gray leather, 26K, clean, no smoke $30,000. 248-446-1746

VOLVO 1999 S70, GLT, low miies, sunroof, CD, $23,500.

(248) 489-8920.

VOLVO 1998, S70, T5, low miles, moon roof, CD player, $22,000, 248-549-0867

VOLVO, 2000 S 40, white, to assume lease, $355 per Mo., all options, leather, 248-380-1352.

MERCEDES 1988 420 SEL -exce l len t cond i t ion , 140k , $9,850. (248) 737-7998

MERCEDES 1986 560SEL gray/ gray, records, exc., mechanical cond., no rust., 191K miles, $9,950/best (248) 788-1314

MERCEDES 1991 300 SE pearl black/tan leather. Sunroof, fully loaded. 137k. California car. Chrome wheels, flawless .cond. Must seel $11,900. 734-414-0845,

MERCEDES 1997 SL600 Black/tan sport, 39K, Florida

car. $67,500. (248) 642-5349.

MERCEDES 1995 500 SL -black w/slate interior, 15,000 miles, no winters, no rain, pris-tine, $49,500. (248) 594-8662

M E R C E D E S , 1988 5 6 0 S L Roadster - 38K miies, 2 tops. Gray w/beige leather, like new in & out. $35,500. 248-821-4093

©MERCEDES 1980 450SL Roadster, 2 tops, exc+, $11,000. 248-344-1952

VOLVO Loaded, $8500.

1994, 850 Wagon exc. cond. 150K.


VOLVO 940, 1994 - white, 1an leather, moonroof, $7,250.

(248) 853-2101

832 Antique/Classic Collector Cars

AUSTIN HEALEY 1965 3000 MK 111 - exc. cond. Black w/brand new red int. Drives great. $24,500. 248-644-3367

BEETLE 1970 Red, 8K miles. h t t p : / / m e m b e r s . h o m e . n e t / fdepalma3/vw.htm. $6500. (313) 999-4^13

FORD LIGHTNING 1994 white with gray interior, auto, 56,000 miles, clean. Selling because of health problems. $10,000.

(734) 449-5399

FORD 1931 MODEL A 1931 -rumble seat coupe, good cond., $8500. (248) 540-2106

FORD 1920 Model TT Stake -restored, new parts, great parade/promot ional vehicle, $4800/best. (810) 752-7947

FORD 1923 T-Bucket - 350 Chevy engine, total performance body & chassis. Show car winner! Asking $15,000. 248-960-0574,

FORD THUNDERBIRD 1967 V8, 428, P.I. needs cosmetics, power windows, pb/ps, cruise, $6500, (734) 591-6292

Antique/Classic Collector Cars

WOODWARD CRUiSER - 1964 Chrysler Newport, 70k original miles, 1 owner to year 2000, Completely restored, push bottom trans. & sq. steering wheel, exc. driver, $16,500. 734-741-8810

834 Acura

LEGEND, 1991. White/beige leather, very clean, loaded, 82K, $8,200. (248)343-6660

3.2 TL 1999 - Navigation system, exc. cond. 68k hwy. miles, new tires/brakes. 100,000k warranty, $22,900. 248-661-8039

836 Buick

ALLANTE 1987 Pristine, Pearl White, hardtop, 17K. Stored win-ters. $19,900. 734-379-3844.

BROUGHAM 1989 - 4 door, 1 5 0 , 0 0 0 m i l e s , $ 2 8 0 0 .


Brougham 1990 - 4 dr, 170K highway, well maintained, must see. $2400/best 248-644-6940

CATERA, 1998. Black, leather, ioaded, 20K, new tires, chrome wheels, $18,900. (248) 763-1714

CATERA 1999 loaded - 9,000 mi ies, exce l len t cond i t ion . $18,500/best. (810) 268-0718

CENTURY'S 2001, low miles, fully equipped, 5 in stock, priced to sell! Save, now only $14,960. John Rogin Buick 734-525-0900,

TaMaRDFF Green Tag Sale over 200 used cars all green tagged with rock-bottom clearance prices to move this week. Our best selection of the year. Telegraph So. of 12 Mile. 1-248-353-1300

Don't miss this sale.

- r aManoFF LASABRE Custom 2000-leather, 48k, immaculate, highway miles, 30mpg, l oaded , $15 ,500 ,

248-349-1987, 313-570-7167

LA SABRE, 1995 Limited - 71K miles, fully loaded, mint cond. $7950. 248-474-0642

GALAXY 500 1973 - 52K orig-inal miies. Lime Green, exc. cond. $3400/best. 313-537-3489

LINCOLN 1977 Continental Mark V, excellent cond., 59,000 original miles, 460 engine, mauve, $4500. 248-777-9310

LINCOLN 1966 Continental Convertible - 462 engine, sui-cide doors, many new parts, looks & drives great, $8800.

(313) 530-6652

LINCOLN TOWN CAR 1977 4 dr, blue, 20k miles on rebuilt engine, clean body, must see. $4,800/best 313 526-6947

BUiCK 1982 Rivera convertible, burgundy, Florida car, 66k miles, exc., cond., $14,000. 246-698-3191

BUICK 1965 Sport Wagon, V8, auto, new interior, Vista dome roof, $2500/best. 248-437-2582.

CADILLAC 1960 Coupe Deville. Loaded, biue on blue. $11,600.

(313) 336-8467

MERCEDES, 1980 450SL. V8, auto trans, ioaded. Good cond.,


Ml ATA 1990 - red, 39k, 5 speed, air, hardtop, extras. Stored win-ters. $9500. (248) 634-8102

MiATA, 1999,10th,Anniversary, 9k miles, 6 speed, exc.con., air, loaded, $25,900. 810-817-9692.

MiATA 1999 10th yr anniversary edition, 1 of 4000 made, special blue, stored winters, 14,600 mites, 519,950. 248-620-7441

PONTIAC 1996 Firebird, For-mula V-8, auto, traction control, meticulously maintained, garage kept, 39K miles. $11,500.

(810) 750-7074

PORCHE 86944 Turbo - 78K, new dr. belt., brakes clutch, tires. Black. $8500 (248)684-9661

PORSCHE 944, 1984 - black, 100,000 + miles, best offer.

(313) 461-3690.

PORSCHE 1999 Boxster, black/, black, 14k rr»i., sports package, $40,000. (248) 347-1565.

PORSCHE 1999 Boxster, hard top, Aerokit, PT, CF interior, 12K, Asking $42,500. 248-594-7686.

PORSCHE, 1998 Boxster. Triple black, sports package, manual, 12K miles (stored Winters). $36,000. Office: 313-567-5297

PORSCHE 1988 911 Cab, Alpine White with Gray & Black, 46 ,000 mi les. Exc. cond . $32,000. (734) 464-1579

PORSCHE 1993 - 986 Cab. Black, All options. Perfect. Low miles. $30,000. 248-644-1007

PORSCHE 1999, 911 Cabriolet, not your daddy's Porsche, 20K, $81K+ new. Serious inquiries only. Best driving 911 ever. $70,000. (248) 647-7666 x11.

PORSCHE 1995 Carrera coupe, Red/Black, exc. cond. Ext war-ranty. 34k miles. $45,000.


CADILLAC 1938 4 door, nice; 1958 cadillac 2 door hardtop; 1958 Chevy Del Ray.

(248) 546-3747

lly Everything new. $18,000. West-land. (734) 729-3711.

CADILLAC 1960, good condi-tion, $5000. (734) 416-8849.

CAMARO 1969 $4000/best. 1972 Mustang $2300/best. 1993 Chevy Ext Pickup LT1, 350. $13,800/best. (248) 646-1722

CAMARO RS/SS 1969 Convert-ible - white, white too. red inte-rior, 350/350/3.33, 75 miles s ince comple te ly restored, $26,500. (248) 433-3493

CHEVROLET, 1957 Belair. 2 Door hardtop, Matador red, 283 PP, 4 speed, 4 barrel. The ulti-mate Dream Cruiser, fabulous car. Too many items to list. Must be seen & driven to really appre-ciate. Serious inquiries. Asking $ 2 7 , 5 0 0 / b e s t . F red (734) 645-9740 anytime.

LINCOLN ZEPHYR 1940 V12-very good cond. New interior. $6,500. 248-650-3866.

MARK 111 -1971 antique, good cond. $10,000/best.

(313) 869-8065

MARQUETTE 1929 - 3 window Coupe, RARE, partially restored, $10,000/best. 248-360-2208.

MERCEDES 280 SEL 1972 -4.5, great cond., newer parts, stored. $7500. 248-569-8083

MUSTANG 1993 cobra teal with

?ray interior, 5 speed, loaded. 2,000 miles, clean, $15,000.

(734) 449-5399

LASABRE 1990, loaded, 96K, runs great! $2,900. After 12 noon, (248) 960-3146

LASABRE 1989- 1 owner, very good condition, make offer.

(734) 421-2396

LESABRE 1965 300 Cid, V8, Convertible 52K miles, limited production, 400 tranny, body good, interior needs work, asking $2,500. 517 549-8385

LESABRE Custom 1997 Exc. cond., extra clean'. 60,000 miles, loaded, $9000/best 734-432-2553

LESABRE 2000 Custom loaded, 5K miles. GM exec. Cost $27K, mint $18,500. (248) 338-4586.

CONCOUR, 1995 - 4 Dr., black, tan leather, 275HP Northstar System. 78K miles. New engine/ tires, w/warranty. Exc. cond., $13,500/best. (248) 474-3375.

CONCOURS 1996 - Exc. cond., cream exterior, leather interior. Non-smoker. Loaded. 59K. $12,000. 248-932-1226.

C O U P E D E V I L L E 1 9 6 9 Southern Car, good. cond. $2,500/beSt (246)848-4786

Coupe DeVille 1984 very clean, new engine/tires, have receipts. $3000/best. (313) 534-3312.

840 Chevrolet

BERRETA 1991, as is. $500. (313) 582-4896

BLAZER- 1997, 116K, loaded, black, leather interior, sunroof. $11,000. (248)865-7666.

CAMARO, 1999 convertible, loaded, LT 1 engine, exc. con., $21,500. (248) 651-3475.

CAMARO 1986 IROC, dark blue, 305 tpi, 38k, showroom cond., must see, $11,500. Call Joe (248) 698-4139.

CAMARO 1995 - 56K, 5 manual, V6, ABS, purple, pre-mium CD, rear snow tires included, $7500. 248-932-3350.

CAMARO, 1991 RS, air, under 100K, automatic, $4,100/best. Call after 6pm, 734-464-2377.

CAMARO 1971 RS modified. Best Offer. 734-455-2653.

CAMARO 1990 - 5 speed, flow master, ttops, runs great, $3500/ best. (734) 397-1084.

CAMARO 1994 - 5 speed, 95K miles, green, air, ABS, power win-dows, good cond., dual air bag, $3500/best. 248-427-9449

840 Chevrolet

LUMINA, 1999, LTZ, 3.8L, 41K hwy. miies, loaded, alarm, key-less entry, well maintained, $12,495/best. 313-407-6424

LUMINA 1995 30,000 miies, well cared for, all power, cd, $8500. (248) 446-0815

MALIBU 1998 - exc. cond., bur-gundy, auto, a/c, cruise, CD, new tires, $9000.248-601 -1936.

MALIBU 1998 LS- 35,000 miles, all power, CD/cassette, 4 dr., black, $10,500. 248-582-8744

MALIBU 1998 - white, tan inte-rior, exc. cond, 52,000 miles,


MONTE CARLO 1998, loaded, leather, moonroof, 72,000 miles. $9,999. (248) 892-1177.

MONTE CARLO 1997 LS-black, 31,000 miles, good condition, $9,900. (734) 464-9594.

MONTE CARLO 1996 LS, Bur-gundy, 60K, very clean, runs great. $7400/best 734-981-3501

DEVILLE CONCOURS 1999. Midnight blue, 35K, $22,900. 248-681-6074; 248-935-7980

DEVILLE 1997 Concours - Ivory on ivory, ioaded, 42K, Florida car. $19,500. 810-716-8080.

DEVILLE 1998 D'Elegance ioaded. 45,000 mi. $23,500.


DEVILLE 1995 4 dr, low mileage, exc. cond., leather inte-rior, all the extras,

$12,000/best (313) 935-8234

DEVILLE 1995 - Exc. cond. Well maintained. Black w/grey inte-rior. Spotless. 62,000 miles. $13,500. Days: 810-753-8084;

Eves: 248-642-1870

DEVILLE 2000 - loaded, leather, 7,000 miles, $33,000.

(734) 453-1985.

DEVILLE Northstar 1998 - V8, moonroof, pearl white/ leather, new tires, 57K, exc

cond., exceptional buy, $17,500. 734-332-4600 734-332-3800

* LESABRE 1997. 28K miles, exc. cond., leather, power seats, FL. car. $11,900. (248) 347-7861.

LE SABRE 1997 Limited - white w/beige leather, fully loaded, exc cond., 74,690 miles, $9500. 248-348-8629, 248-258-1230

LESABRE I992 ioaded, leather, CD, exc cond., new struts/ brakes/iires, 163K, runs great, $3800/best. 248-582-1031

LESABRE 1990, LTD., brand new V6 3.8 Goodwrench engine, power everything, am-fm cassette, cell phonem, great running condition, $3500/offer. 248-348-1757

MUSTANG, 1966 Convertible. Red, black interior/top. 6 Cyi„ 200 hp, auto, 57K miles. Not restored, very good cond. Bench f r o n t s e a t , $ 1 0 , 0 0 0 .


MUSTANG 1983 - 5.0, GT Classic convertible, $3900.

(248) 541-9099.

MUSTANG 1966, GT. fastback. K-code. Restored, #'s match, Candy Apple Red/Black stan-dard. Shelby trim. Sit's right, runs straight & cool. Solid #2. $17,900. (517) 332-0641

CHEVROLET 1937 sedan 2 door, steei body, does not run, needs restoration. $3500. (248) 299-5275

CHEVY IMPALA 1970 2dr. Runs good, needs work. $1600. (248) 926-8077 734-812-0541

CHEVY NOVA SS 1967. Cali-fornia car, mint cond., must see! $16,500. (734) 397-3323

CHEVY S-10 1989 - 350 auto, trophy winner, exc cond., extras, $7000. (734) 464-8697

CHRYSLER 300 - 1968 Con-vertible, 440 engine, ps, pb, new tires, new dual exhaust system, new battery. Runs & drives greatl $85Q0. (734) 522-8168

CHRYSLER NEWPORT 1974 77k actual miles, garage kept Runs great! $2,500/best. After 4pm. (810)296-1368

PORSCHE CARRERA 911 2000 Silver w/ black leather, I8 ln wheels, Euro Sports sus-pension, stainless headers & exhaust, Airetek Induction, short §hift, CD, 2600. miles, Better t h a n n e w l $ 6 9 , 9 0 0


PORSCHE, 1995 993 C2 Coupe. Black/Black, 37K miles. No winters, many ext ras . $45,500/best. 248-350-8666

PORSCHE 1965 Classic red 356C, rare, sunroof coupe, rebuilt engine, excellent condi-tion. $12,500 with extras.

Evenings: 248-366-1540

PORSCHE 2000 996 Coupe -black/black, 6 speed, 18" rims. $67,900. 248-346-7997

PORSCHE, 1981 928. Good cond i t i on w /shop m a n u a l , $7900. (734) 207-7793

PORSCHE 924 1977 - Looks great, engine minor repair, $3500/best (313)533-4454

PORSCHE 928 1985, metallic graphite ext., tan leather int. 38,000 miles, great cond., $10,500/best 248-770-9503

PORSCHE 911 Targa, 1982 -black, 63,000 miles, $17,000.

(248) 608-6483

CHRYSLER WINDSOR Coupe 1947- exec, cond., engine just rebuilt, $5000. 248-650-3866

MUSTANG GT 1985 red, with gray interior, 20,000 original miles, 5 speed, last carburetor mustang. Original owner, clean, $10,000 or best. (734) 449-5399

MUSTANG 1966 - hard top, 289 engine, runs good, good project car, $4500. 734-522-5628

MUSTANG 1966, 53k Miles, Like new not restored. $12,000/ firm (313)277-0576

MUSTANG, 1966, restored, white/blue interior, 6 cyl, auto, 200hp, power steering/brakes, $6,500. 248-682-5927

NASH Metro 1959 - turquoise & white, hardtop, good cond, man-uals, parts $5500. 248-652-8461

NASH 1927, 230 Sedan - No rust, 4dr., original paint, uphol-stery, engine, 37k miles. Needs restoration, $2500 (810)263-5738 or (810)812-9235

Pinto 1978 Squire Wagon, 4 cyi, manual, 88K original. Oregon car. $2300/best 248-547-9886.

CORVAIR 1967 Monza coupe -110 hp, auto, $1800.

Call: (734) 453-1195

CORVETTE 1988 Fastback -34K original miles, great shape, copper tone meta l l ic , auto, $13,000/best 313-336-7841

CORVETTE 1968 427/ 435hp, 4 speed, T-top, 1 owner, Cali-fornia car$22,000.248-651 -2649

CORVETTE 1980 - 64K miles, pearl white, dark blue interior, $10,500. (248) 650-9887

CORVETTE 1963 Mint restora-tion. Triple Black, Convertible with wire wheels. $34,500 Serious only. (248) 851-8080

CORVETTE 350, rare 1970 con-vertible, completely restored, new top, tires, & interior, less than 2000 miies on box engine. 4 sp., Ready for Woodward cruise. $23,750. 734-741-8810

CORVETTE, 1P76 Stingray. Runs great, extras. $6,000/best.

Cali: (313) 336-2323

CORVETTE, 1973, white, 4 speed, 64K original miles, exc. cond. $8200/best 248-449-3305.

1987 PORSCHE 911 Targa, Carrera. black w/ biack interior, 48k miles, Exec.cond. One owner, $26,500 (248)642-5587

PORSCHE 911 Turbo Cab 1987 Cobalt blue/tan leather. 55K mi. Rare, California car since new.

'Power top, power seats. Exc. cond. $42,900. 248-644-7414

.PORSCHE 1996 - 993 Twin turbo 10,500 miies. Best offer.

(810) 465-9828

SAAB 1999 convertible, turbo, loaded, frosted dark grey, 30k mi., $25,000. (248) 932-1867.

SAAB 900, 1991 - 4 dr., 113K miles, 5 speed manual, good cond $4200/best .248-546-8249

SAAB 9-5 2000, manual 2.3 turbo, air, CD, exc. cond. 5,000 mi., $28,000. (248) 685-9127.

CROWN VICTORIA 1985 Fla car. This is an exceptional car. Must see $2800. 313-292-8671

DART 1964 GT, V8, auto, steering, brakes, exc. cond. $6800/best offer. 734-459-3832

DODGE, 1955, VS Ton Pickup. Total restoration on low mileage truck. $10,500. 810-781-4730

FA IRLANE 1969 - 2 dr., hardtop, light blue, 302 auto, original, $4500. 734-281-8436

PONTIAC 1966 Bonneville -Dream Cruiser Drive home. Beautiful in & out. New brakes. Southern car. $6000 or best.


PONTIAC 1978 BONNEVILLE -2 door, clean, 52K. Must sell. $4,500/best. (734) 422-7519.

PONTIAC 1967 Firebird 400 convertible. Restored. Great con-dition. $12,400. 248-645-2568

PONTIAC 1967 Firebird convert-ible, super rare 400. Red/black, mint. $27,900. (248) 645-0065

PONTIAC 1964, GTO. Restored, $21,000. (517) 546-7933

LESABRE 1994 Ltd, low miies. 1 owner. Leather, loaded, top cond. $7500. 248-471-6183

LESABRE, 1994, runs great, looks good, very dependable. $4000 313-563-4320.

PARK AVE 1996 41K miles. Black w/gray leather, loaded, exc cond $13,300 734-459-4391

PARK AVENUE 2000 4 door sedan, dark blue, 10,700 miles, $21,500. 734-427-5028.

PARK AVENUE, 1995 - Exc. cond., 90K miles. Fully loaded, leather interior. New tires, brakes & battery. $7100.


DE VILLE 1988 - runs excellent, like new, leather, Taupe, 85K,

(734) 604-9778

CAMARO 2000 SS convertible, Metallic blue, tan top, loaded, 14k hwy miles, Exec cond, stored winter. $29,500/best

(248) 641-3036

CAMARO 1992, 25th Anniver-sary, T-Tops, Alabama car, air, manual 5 speed, Hwy. miles. $3200. 734-453-8725

CAMAR01997, Z28, Anniv. Edi-tion, 33k miles, auto, T tops, $15,000. 734-467-5777

CAMARO 1995 Z28 - Blue, Auto, very clean, T-tops. 73K. $9,800. Page 734-398-0007

CAMAR0 1999 Z28 convertabie-black, loaded ,ieather, auto. 51k. $15,900. (248)496-0479.

CAMARO 1995 Z28 Convertible mint, polo green, saddle beige top, leather, 45,000 miles, $13,900/best. 248-363-2637

CAMARO 1995 Z28 - maroon, clean. Some fender damage.


CAMARO 1995 Z28 - Perfectly maintained, always detailed, ser-vice records, red, auto, female driven. $8000. 734-397-7885

DEVILLE 1989 - Sharp, must see, white-blue interior, new trans, $4900. (734) 425-0423.

ELDERADO 1994 - Northstar, 63,000 miles, leather, good cond. $8995/best. 248-442-2523

E L D E R A D O 1993 Tour ing Coupe, black, w/biack leather, sunroof, 95,000 miles, $9500.


ELDORADO, 1997. Black, 2 door , l oaded , 67K mi les, $17,800. (248) 852-7394.

ELDORADO 1997 black, 2 door, extended warranty included, 67K miles, asking $19,500/best.

(248) 646-8932

ELDORADO 1997 ETC. loaded, moonroof, silver, 65,000 miles, Bose cd changer, $19,000 or best offer. (313) 215-6277

ELDORADO 1998 ETC - Pearl white, loaded/moonroof, 25,500 miles, $22,500. 248-646-6045.

ELDORADO 1985 - Highway miles. Many new parts. $1500/ best offer. 734-326-6536

CAMARO Z-28 1998 -VWsJIf Silver, loaded, auto, leather, CD, chrome grill, t-tops, 24K. $16,500. (248) 888-9105

MONTE CARLO, 1997 LS, green, V-6, 45K, loaded, alarm, $9800. 734-981-4601

MONTE CARLO 1997 LS - 43K mi., loaded. Jade green. 1 owner. $9,900/best. 248-348-3554

MONTE CARLO, 1995 LS - Low miles, aluminum wheels, very g o o d c o n d . $ 7 5 0 0 . 810-939-3646 after 3:30pm.

MONTE CARLO 1997 LS Red, loaded, moonroof. Leather $8700.


SEBRING 1998 LXI - loaded, sunroof, leather, exc. cond. 20K. $13,500. (734) 427-3312.

SEBRING 1996 Convertible, cassette, loaded, salvage title, 90K, $6250. (734) 421-0195.

SEBRING 1997 convertible, Polo edition, fully loaded, 63,000 highway miles. $11,000.

(734) 453-3440

SEBRING 2000 Convertible, 20K, loaded, loaded, $15,995.

Fox Hills Chrysler-Plymouth-Jeep

734-455-8740 1-800-494-9481

SEBRING 1996 coupe - white, power, ioaded. 65,000 miles, $8000. (734) 459-4779.

SEBRING 2000 JX convertible, 18,000 miles, like new, $16,800.


SEBRING 1997 JX Convertible -auto, in-dash'CD, 55K, exc cond $11,750/best. 248-737-4517

SEBRING 1997 JX! - convertible - white/black cioth top, gray leather int. cassette, cd, loaded, 55k, $12,500. (248) 608-9826

SEBRING 2000 JXI, convertible, ext. warranty, low mi., loaded, $19,000/best. (734) 427-1236

SEBRING 2000 LX, black, low miles, priced to sell! $13,480. John Rogin Buick 734-525-0900.

SEBRING 1996 LXI convertible 37K miles, cherry red, leather & every option, showroom condi-tion. $11,900. 313-330-3344.

MONTE CARLO 1999 - red/ black leather, loaded, moonroof, cruise. 40K miles, 1 owner. Must seel $13,300/best (734)425-0447

MONTE CARLO SS 2000 black, sunroof, cd/cassette, loaded, $18,000. (810) 714-4024

MONTE CARLO SS 2000 loaded, sunroof, exc. cond, 21K. $20,500. 248-324-1099

MONTE CARLO 1997 Z34 loaded w/sun roof. New tires. 62,000 mi. $8995.734-422-5929

SS IMPALA 1996 - fully loaded, 100k warranty, 2 sets rims/tires. $19,000. 248-755-0085

842 Chrysler

CAMARO 1995 Z28 - T-tops, 67,000 mi. Stored. New tires. $10,500. 248-477-6374

CAPRICE 1991 - 4 door, loaded, cassette, low miles $3900/best. (734) 414-7514

CAPRICE 1994- 50k, am/fm cassette, V8, great shape!!! $7000. Call 734-464-7684

CAPRICE 1993 LTZ - Very clean, tight & sound. Best offer takes. (248) 433-7227.

CAVALIER 1997 convertible, loaded, cd, warranty, power everything, black with black top, $10,500. (248) 755-5267

CAVALIER, 1993, Convertible. Sharp, red, black top, CD, 6 cyl, cruise, $3,700. 248-374-0947

CAVALIER 1994 4 cyl, 1.2 L, auto, cassette, exc. interior, good exterior, very reliable, $3500. (248) 652-6824

ELDORADO, 1997, 30K, mint, white, cloth top, leather seats, $26,900/best. (734) 697-8267.

PARK AVENUE 1997 - exc. cond., well maintained, loaded, sunroof, leather. 75K. $14,500/ best. 734-451-9404

PARK AVENUE 1997 - exc. cond., well maintained, loaded, sunroof, leather. 75K. $14,500/ best. 734-451-9404

PARK AVENUE, 1996 - Exc. cond., 69K miles. Loaded, Blue, G r a y i n t e r i o r . $ 1 0 , 5 0 0


PARK AVENUE 1998 • Loaded, mint, 34k miles, retirees car. $16,250 By appt: 810-573-0676.

PARK AVENUE 1999, 8100 mi., like new, white/leather, loaded. $20,500. (248) 652-2797.

PARK AVENUE 1988 - new tires/brakes/struts, grandma's car, 120K, $2100.248-549-8377

PARK AVENUE ULTRA 1993 112k miles, good cond., super charger, leather, air, Plus Many extras! $5800 (734)425-5008

PARK AVENUE Ultra 1998 31K miles, sunroof, leather, extra clean, exc. cond., $18,500/best (734) 699-2994 after 5 p.m.

PARK AVE ULTRA 1998 - 72K, all options, good cond. $17,000. After 6PM, (248) 489-1566

PARK AVE. 1999 Ultra, 32k, exc. con., $17,500, Estate Sale. Call: (810) 231-3058

REATTA 1990 - loaded, good cond., 127K, red, must see. $3900/best. (248) 538-0555.

PONTIAC 1967 LeMans, most incredible example in Michigan, all new. $10,200. 248-623-1878

PORSCHE 356 Coupe 1965-Exec. cond, recent restora-tion, signal red. $22,000.'


PORSCHE 911 Targa (1969) -80% restored, $15,500.

(734) 427-1468

ROLLS ROYCE, 1971 Silver Shadow, red leather, black/gray exterior, 77,500 miies, exc. con., $16,500. Days, 313-938-0910. or Evenings, 517-546-5899.

REATTA 1991 - polo green, 39K mi. Stored Winters. Loaded. $14,000. 248-922-9822

REATTA, 1989, red, 100K mi., g o o d w o r k i n g c o n d i t i o n , $2,900. 248-851-1721

REGAL 1997 GS. Exc. cond., loaded, leather heated seats, 38K, $13,000. (734) 454-7386

REGAL GS 1999, super charged engine 26,000 miles, almost every toy, have to sell, don't want to. $17,000. 734-421-2226

28th Annual Classic Pontiac Excitement meet. Sun. July 29. 8-4pm at Hess Hathaway park. Waterford Ml. All makes wel-come. For info 248-623-6530.

THUNDERBIRD 1978 hardtop -collectors, dream cruiser, must see, $3500. (248) 476-2477

THUNDERBIRD 1963 - Runs & looks good. $6000/best.

(248) 547-5859.

1928 Model AA

Ford Dump Truck

Asking $8,800 or

Best Offer (248) 347-6293

TRIUMPH 1979 Convertible, very good cond., Iow mi., many new parts. $5500.248-442-7594

TRIUMPH, 1976 TR7. 4 Cyl., 4 $3,000/best. speed, 32K original, &

After 6pm: (734) 451 -1439

TRIUMPH 1960 TR3 • green/ black, good cond., exc, 1 owner, 29 yrs, daily driver, no rust, $7000. (248)544-3881.

VOLARE 1975 - 318 auto, 34k miles, clean, in-Out, $2500. (734)425-6607 After 5pm

VOLKSWAGON 1973 Bug, excellent condition, CD, new engine, $4300. 248-642-9373.

REGAL 1998 - 36K, sunroof, power leather seats , CD, $14,850. Troy. 248-828-2994.

ELDORADO 1999, low miles, priced to sell, $19,980. John Rogin Buick 734-525-0900.

ELDORADO, 1994, white/navy leather, Northstar, 103K, beautiful car, $7,500/best. 734-420-0278

ESCALADE 1999 - executive vehicle, non-smoking, burgundy, beige leather, 19K, $36,000. (734) 261-8134 after 5pm

ESCALADE 1999, fully loaded w/prepaid Onstar. 39,000 miles, still under original warranty, $35,000. 810-781-6657

ESCALADE 2000 - white/tan, exc. cond., 20,600 mt. Loaded. O n s t a r o p t i o n . T V / V C R . $36,000. (734) 453-6147.

FLEETWOOD 1995 limo - excel-lent condition. $14,000. Call Bill:

(313) 278-3407.

SEDAN DEVILLE 1996, blue, ioaded, leather, remote start, chrome wheels, perfect! 79,000 miles, $13,700. 313-538-1511

SEDAN DEViLLE - 1992. Good cond., 58k mi., loaded. $6800. Westland. (734) 729-3711

SEDAN DEVILLE 1983 - 46,000 miles, in storage, drives nice, $2700. 248-477-0419

SEDAN DEVILLE 1997 - 32V NorthStar, 49K, leather, gold, exc cond$15,950.248-477-0600

SEVILLE, 1996 4 dr. Sedan, white, 69K, moon roof, Northstar V-8, ABS, 6way power leather seats, cassette/6 CD changer, excellent condition, $16,500. Days, Bob, 248-545-5000, Ext. 102 or Ceil: 248-388-5779. Home: 248-737-4342

CAVALIER 1994 - 4 cyl. 5 speed manual. 80k, exc. "it. good exi. $4400. 734-513-2930

CAVALIER 1995-2 door coupe, air, cruise, CD, exc. cond. $5100/ best. (734) 266-6068.

CAVALIER 1 9 9 6 - 4 dr., auto, air, 78K miles, great body, runs fine, $4400. 734-425-0031

CAVALIER, 1992, 2 dr. auto, air, power locks, stereo, good cond. 134K, $1700/best. 734-416-1663

CAVALIER 1998 - exc cond., CD player, air, extremely low miles, $7800/best 810-750-7768, 810-523-3694

CHRYSLER 1996 LHS 4 dr., V6, 59K miles, cd, leather, loaded, $9500 or best offer.

(810) 231-7598

CHRYSLER 1999 300M - slate grey exterior, leather interior, CD player, 56K. Exc. cond. $16,900.


CIRRUS 1997 LX 4 dr., one owner, 35K, loaded, $9,895.

Fox Hills C h r y s l e r - P l y m o u t h - J e e p

734-455-8740 1 -800-494-9481

CIRRUS, 1996, LXI, loaded, e x c . c o n d . $ 7 , 8 0 0


CIRRUS LXI 1996 - loaded, leather, CD, 83K, $6400/best.

(734) 905-1613

SEBRING 1998 LXI - leather, moonroof, fully loaded, 38K, $12,000/best. (248) 470-0632.

844 Dodge

STRATUS 1999 - 20,000 miles-, fully loaded, excellent condition, $13,000/best. 313-534-4292

STRATUS SE 1999, 36k milesi, 2.4L 4 cyl. Air, auto, rear window, defrost, tilt, cruise, power L/W,. am/fm, cassette, black w/grey interior, runs great, handles and . moves very well. $13,000/best. offer. Must sell moving to Canada..


SUMMIT 1992 - 65,000 miles, runs great. $2500.

(734) 464-0827

TALON 1996, 80,000 miles; black, 2 door, arf, perfect condi-tion. $6700/best. 248-470-0732.

TALON 1995 - new brakes, newer tires, good cond., 100K," $4500/best. 248-207-4422.

TALON TSI 1990, AWD, 5 Sp. turbo, $2700/best 734-397-3476 '

VISION 1995 - 6 cyi., 3.5L, . power everything, air, new tires;.! struts. Exc. cond. 115,000 hwy. mi. $3600. 248-982-24-19-

VISION, 1996. 3.5L, 24V, loaded, exc. cond. $5500/best offer. 734-420-3342

VISION 1993 Sedan-4 dr, 160k, new tires, brakes, transmission mounts, $3000.' 734-462-3842"

848 Ford

SEBRING 2000 LXI - 7,600 miles, ail power, fully loaded, V6, sunroof, si lver w/gray leather, am/fm. cassette w/cd & 10 disc, cd changer, $20,000/ best. (248) 613-6025

844 Dodge

AVENGER 1995 - auto, air, stereo, excellent condition, only 2nd owner, $99 down, $129/mo. TYME AUTO (734) 455-5566.

AVENGER ES 1999 black, loaded, ieather, clean. $12,495 or best offer. (248) 375-1102

AVENGER 1995 ES, Indy red, V6 auto, only 45k mi., all power, moonroof, Pioneer CD, ieather, ABS, dual air bags, $8900.

(248) 465-1976.

AVENGER 1996 ES - Loaded, exc. cond., 56K, $8600/best. 734-367-0921, 734-525-6616.

AVENGER 1998 - sunroof, auto, air, pw/pl, 30K miies, $10,000.

(734) 261-9819

DODGE 1999 Ram Quad Cab 1500 4x4 Sport, black, good cond., 38,000 miles, $22,500.

Kevin (248) 722-0657

DODGE RAM SLT 1999 - 4x4, V8, extended cab, 37K miles, $19,300. (248) 361-3549

ASPIRE 1997 excellent condi-tion, runs great, air, new tires; $5500. (734) 414-9488.

ASPIRE 1997 - great condition! • l o w m i l e s . $ 4 , 9 9 9


ASPIRE 1997 Hatchback - 4 dr., 24,000 mi., air. Exc. cond. $4500/best. 248-474-3119

CONTOUR 1996 GL - auto, air, cd, all options, 77k, great shape, $4800/best. (734) 762-7782 ..

CONTOUR, 1996 GL, Cham-. pagne/Beige, 56k, 4 door, good condition, $5799.248-435-6735:

CONTOUR 1996 GL, 5 speed', 59K, exec. cond. $5,2Q0/best.

(517) 548-1648

CONTOUR, 1998 - 42K miles clean, auto, loaded. Navy blue i n / o u t . S p o r t p a c k a g e , $11,500. 248-676-2236.

CONTOUR 1998 LX, dark forest green, very good cond., 49,000 miles, standard transmission, $7500/best. 248-375-22'OS:

CONTOUR 1995 - moonroof,. leather, 80K miles, runs exc., $5400/best. (248) 669-1176 o r

(248) 669-88,17,

CONTOUR SE 1998 26k. auto, 4dr., $8900. Granny's Car, After 3pm (734) 459-6026

CONCORDE 1997 LXI - loaded, leather, absolutely perfect, $8950. (248) 366-9940

CONCORDE LXI 1996 43,000 miles, 1 owner, loaded, $9875.

(248) 594-8533

CONCORDE 1998 LX, 32K, s!a':num silver, all options, only


Fox Hills C h r y s l e r - P l y m o u t h - J e e p

734-455-8740 1-800-494-9481

DODGE RAM 2000 4X4 OFF ROAD package, SLT, must sell $20,000/best. (810) 212-7112

DURANGO 1999 SLT+ - 5.9 L V8, fully loaded, silver//bik ieather int. tow package, mint cond. $25,500/best 248-613-1832

DURANGO, 1998 -. V6, fully loaded, leather, 45K miles. $23,000. 734-207-2038

CONTOUR SE 1998 26K miles, V6, exc. cond., full power,, green, $8200. (248) 851-9590

CONTOUR SE 1998 Red, loaded, auto, 39k miles, pre-mium maintenance w/records. $9250. 248-214-3099.

CONTOUR 1998 SE Spoi l -ieather, CD, ABS, loaded, 63K miles, $7900. (734) 420-9623

CONTOUR 1998 SVT - exc. cond., adult driven, $7800.

(313) 574-8564

CONCORD 1996 LXI - 59,000 m i . L o a d e d . $ 9 5 0 0 .


CONCORD 1999 LXI - Mint. 34K. Warranty Sept. 2003. $15,102. 248-757-2023

CAVALIER 1997, exc. cond., less than 15,000 miles, white outside, blue inside, $7000 or best offer. 734-261-4348

CAVALIER 1996 - Excellent cond., warranty, loaded, $6500, must sell. 734-459-0364.

CAVALIER 1992 - new brakes, needs shocks. $1750/best.


CAVALIER 1994 wagon - runs like a top. 100,000 miles. New tires. $2300. (248) 355-2945.

CAVALIER 1999 Z24, black, 2.4 liter, 5 speed, all power, 29,000 miles warranty, alarm, $11,995. 734 326-3988 734-837-1053

CAVALIER 1997 Z24 - Red, 5 speed, 90K miies. $5,500.


CORSICA 1989 - 96,000 actual miles, many new parts, 4 new tires, $2900. (313) 533-8743

SEVILLE 1983 Elegante, one owner, 81K actual miies, leather, body mechanically all excellent. $3800. 248-644-6996.

SEVILLE, 1996, 38K, mint, cloth top, Cherry, ieather seats, $22,900/best. (734) 697-8267.

SEVILLE 1995 SLS 70K miles, dark blue, leather, heated seats, CD, Exec. cond. $13,000.

(734) 416-2393

SEVILLE 1995 SLS - polo green, leather, heated seats, 56k, $12,900/offer (248) 553-0109

REGAL 1987 V8, southern car, light brown, exc, cond., must see. $2,800. (313) 592-1987

RiVERIA 1995 86K. dark Red/ leather, Turbo. Wife's car, garage kept $9800 248-865-5020

RIVIERA 1997 V6, sandstone, taupe leather, sunroof, loaded, garage kept, showroom cond., $10,950. (248) 477-9126

RIVIERA 1997 - white diamond, V8, supercharge, every avail option, chrome wheels, spotless & fast. 65K. $14,500.


SKYLARK 1994 - 4dr., all power, air, 48k miles, no rust, exec, cond. $5000 734-422-1701

i l Cadillac

ALLANTE 1992 Convertible, loaded, 85K, exec, cond, $10,500. (517) 404-9930,

(517) 521-1204

ALLANTE 1993 Northstar - red with black top, neutral interior, custom wheels, 31k miies, $37,000. (248) 362-2624

DEVILLE 1985 - southern car, no rust, exec, cond. 78k miles. $3,800/best (248)360-2620

SEVILLE STS 1993 black, loaded, exc. cond., 77,000 miies, $13,000.

(734) 281-6567

SEVILLE 1992 STS - black, loaded, CD, excellent condition, 77K, $8900. (734) 765-5566.

SEVILLE STS 1992 - Dark cherry, hwy mi. Must see & drive! $6800. (810) 220-8587.

SEVILLE 1996 STS - new tires, runs great, loaded, cd , dark blue, $14,450. 248-765-0419

STS 1999, silver metallic, moon-roof, chrome wheels, CD, $22,980. John Rogin Buick 734-525-0900.

CORVETTE COUPE 1994 - Per-fect cond., 73k, polo/beige, auto, $15,500/best (248)669-0848

CORVETTE COUPE 1990 Red/ Red, 63K miles, Loaded, Auto, new tires, stored winters, Exec, cond. $14,000 (248)626-3829

CORVETTE 1996 ioaded, L>ck with tan interior, new tires and extended warranty, 10 cd disc changer, asking $21,000. (810) 415-7511 after 5 p.m.

CORVETTE, 1990 Red Coupe. Automatic, low miles. Immacu-late cond. 248-478-1353

CONCOURSE 1995, forest green, 24,000 miles, $8000/ offer. 248-443-2743

C O N V E R T A B L E S E B R I N G 1997 - Purple, exec, cond., + morel $10,500 (248)668-0569

EAGLE 1994 Vision, excellent condition, low miles, $5500.

(248) 380-9134.

FIFTH AVENUE, 1992. Sr. car, 60K, loaded, black, immaculate. $5500. (248) 334-3472

JX CONVERTIBLE 1999, black, 22,000 miles, power steering, power brakes, power locks, one owner, garaged, weil main-tained. $16,500. (248) 851-4372

Lebaron 1995 conver t ib le , loaded, auto, 48K, good cond. $7DD0/best. After 3: 248-437-7765

LEBARON 1995 Convertible -white w/black top, loaded, leather, very clean, runs perfect. $7000. 248-656-4275

LEBARON 1992 Convertible GTC. Clean, white, leather, new tires, etc. Best offer. (248) 681-6599

Dynasty 1993 - 4 door, condition, 1 owner, sharp/clean non-smoker, $4900/best. Garden City. 734-522-0942

INTREPID 2000 - 4 dr., auto, V6, $11,900. (248) 477-0631

or (248) 477-0386

INTREPID 1997 - 4 dr., V6, 3.5 L. engine, purple, all power, 81k miles, $6350/best. 248-738-1554

INTREPID - 1993 ES, 4 door, 83K, excellent condition, $4,750/ best Offer. (734) 464-7429.

CROWN VICTORIA 1992, black, executive 1 owner driven, new muffler, all service records, good tires, $2900. 248-433-1867

CROWN VICTORIA 1992 -Good condition. Runs welt. $5200. Dearborn. 734-458-9667

CROWN VICTORIA 1993 - 58K miles, $6500. (248) 792-2069.

CROWN VICTORIA 1 9 9 2 - -Loaded, tow package, $3500.'


INTREPID 1994 green, full power, new transmission, struts, tires, 112K miles, $5900.

(734) 542-9271

INTREPID 1995 - 67,000 miies, m u s t s e l l l $ 7 5 0 0 .


I N T R E P I D , 1995 , o r ig ina l owner, 98k, loaded, exc. con., $5500. (734) 699-3236

INTREPID 1997 - sharp, exc. cond., loaded, 23 / 28 MPG, 63K, clean. $8500. 248-601-2818

INTREPID, 1993 - Very good cond. New Mopar engine, $ 4 5 0 0 . C a l l a f t e r 6 p m .


1NTRIPID ES 1995 remote start, Dark Green, tinted windows. $6200/best. page 313-651-9290

NEON 1998 - auto, air, stereo, 40K, Sharp, $4850. TYME AUTO (734) 455-5566.

LeBaron 1994 Convertible GTC, emerald green/tan, loaded. Very sharp, dependable & fun! $6100 or best offer. 734-697-6144

L E B A R O N C O N V E R T I B L E 1994 6 cylinder, red, 54,700 miles, ali power, alloy wheels, auto, good cond., ask ing $4,250. (248) 788-0656

LeBaron 1991 - 4 dr. sedan, auto, air, cassette, V6, pw/pl, cruise, $3800. (734) 261-4339

CORVETTE 1994 - White, immaculate, auto, 53K. Make an offer. (313) 886-3252.

CORVETTE 2000 yellow miles.

(248)651-1919 ^ convert ib le, low


IMPALA 2000 LS - Jade Green. Showroom clean, 23,500 miles. $17,900. (248) 828-7457.

IMPALA 2000 LS loaded, 22K mi les , i m m a c u l a t e , s i lver metallic, gray ieather, sunroof. $19,500/best (248) 355-5420

iMPALA 2000 LS, Top-of-the-line, ieather, 23k, 14mo. war-ranty. $18,000. 734-981-3617

LUMINA 1993 Euro - 2 dr. sedan, black, 93,000 mi. 3.1 L V6. $3950. 734-678-8877

LUMINA, 1994, Eurosport -70K miles, loaded, non-smoker, $4600/best. 248-649-2904


BERETTA - 1996 Great cond. New tires & brakes. Great 1st car. $7000/best. 734-595-6893

BERETTA 1995 - Red, 5 speed, air. New tires, clutch & belts. Exec.

3,700 cond. $3," (248)477-7363

BERETTA, 1995. V-6, 120K miles, air, Pioneer System, exc. cond. $3900. (734) 422-5391

LUMINA 1992 - 121K, runs good, minor front end damage. $2200/best. (248) 879-0072.

LUMINA 1996 - loaded, high highway miles, exc. cond. $4500/ best. 734-722-3728

LUMINA 1995 LS - 4 dr., black, excellent condit ion, loaded. $4500. 248-969-9766

LUMINA LS 1997 loaded, 30K miles, $10,000.

(313) 538-1819

LUMINA LS 1996 - Sherwood green, 62K, new tires, $5950,

810-323-5005, 248-608-1406

LEBARON 1993 Landau -4 door, pw,pl. V6, low miles, $4,500. (248) 646-6263

LEBARON 1993 - white convert-ible, air. 132,000 mi. $2750.


LHS 1995 - black, loaded, excellent condition, 68K, $8900.

(248) 393-2397.

LHS 1995 - excellent condition, loaded w/options, black, $5995. 734-728-9436; 734-748-9997.

LHS 1999 - fully loaded, sun-roof, 35k, must sell. $21,000.


LHS 1996 - leather, alloy wheels. 35,000 mi. Exc. cond. $12,000. 248-884-2326

LHS 1994 - white, auto., loaded, tan leather interior, exc. cond., 80K mi, $6495. 734-414-0552

NEW YORKER, 1995, Black, black leather, loaded, new tires, brakes, clean, runs great, must sell, 87K. $6,550,734-522-4108

NEW YORKER, 1995, high mi leage, excel lent shape , $6,500. Call: (734) 668-6183.

PT CRUiSER, 2001 - Black, auto, 325 Miles, $17,900. Traverse City 231-946-4694

PT CRUISER 2001 Limited Edi-tion, green, loaded, $20,000.


NEON 1996 Coupe, 5 speed, sunroof, all power, air, tilt, CD. $4200/best. (734) 455-0247.

NEON 2001 4 dr., 9,000 actual miles, final price, $10,995.

Fox Hills Chrysler-Plymouth-Jeep

734-455-8740 1-800-494-9481

NEON 2000, ES. Bright silver metallic, power windows/locks, air and other options. $9500.

(734) 394-0475

NEON, 1997. Green, 4 dr., under 24K miles, mint cond., auto, air, cassette. $7,000. (734) 462-1176

NEON 1996 - runs & looks good, $5000. (734) 254-9214

NEON 1995 • Sport, auto. New trans/tires/ABS brakes. 96K. Clean. $3000. 248-626-7066.

NEON 1998 Sport Coupe - elec-trical gray, loaded, 38K, Florida car, $8500. 248-354-7118

NEON 1996 sport white, 5 speed, power windows, locks and sunroof, cd, radio, great cond., $4,500. (734) 776-1458

CROWN VICTORIA 1989 - 5L V8, white, loaded, clean, good tires, 60K, $3195.734-455-6244

Crown Victoria 1992 LX - clean, no rust, 20K on new engine, $4000/best. 313-791-0483

CROWN VICTORIA LX 1993 good cond., average mileage $3300/best. 248 357-4016

C R O W N V I C T O R I A 1992, powder biue, exc. cond., private owner, $2895. 248-851-2043

CROWN VICTORIA 1999 silver 28,000 miles, excellent condi-tion. $14,000. (734) 455-8565 .

ESCORT 1994- 4 door, air, New: CD/stereo, tires, exhaust, shocks, clutch, rebuilt engine^ G r e a t s h a p e . $ 2 6 0 0 . 734-453-8725 or 734-797-7527.

ESCORT 1997 - 4 door, 27K mi les, excel lent condi t ldn, $6500. (248) 350-9609.

ESCORT 1 9 9 8 - 4 dr., 5 speed, silver, loaded, 47,000 miies, $6900. (248) 486-6441

ESCORT, 1993. Great cond. Runs good. 125K miles. $2200/ best. (734) 462-2678

ESCORT 1992 GT - low miles, 46,150, 5 speed manual, great cond. $3700. (313) 541-6639

ESCORT 1994 GT - ps. pb. power moonroof, cd, only 75k, $4700. <734) 953-1063

NEON 1996 sport white, 5 speed, power windows, locks and sunroof, cd, radio, great cond., $5000. (734) 776-1458

SHADOW, 1991 - 2 Dr., exc. cond., low miles, air, $1875.


SPIRIT 1991 6 cyi, auto, 4dr„ looks & runs good, great gas mileage. $2150. 313-532-0695

STEALTH, 1991 ES. Red, 65K, CD, exc. cond., winter stored, $7500/firm, (734) 729-0727.

STEALTH 1992, forest green ext., grey interior, cruise, 5 sp „ air, clean, 100k miles, $5000/ best Offer. 248-867-5170

PT CRUISER - 2001 Limited Edition, Patriot Biue, 12,000 miles. $19,900. 734-464-1579

PT CRUISER 2001 Limited-1 7 K , b l a c k , $ 2 2 , 9 9 5 .


STEALTH 1991 RT Twin • Exec. Cond., Loaded, Must see! $10,500 (248)471-6151

STEALTH 1993, Twin turbo, loaded, pearl white, mint cond., $9000. (248) 789-4010.

STRATUS 1997 4 dr., deluxe 6 cylinder, low mileage, $7000. (313) 533-5939


GDbsgrucr§ I t o n t n e CLASSIFIED ~ ADVERTISING

CIARKSTON AREA 248475-4596 HOLLY AREA 248634-2475

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h t t a / / o b s e r v e ^ c c e r ^

848 Ford

E S C O R T G T 1991- red, good corid., rel iable. 115k. $1999/bes t . 734-981 -7445

E S C O R T , 1996 GT. 4 Speed t ransmiss ion , sunroof, power s teer ing/brakes, premier Pio-neer C D w/Clar ion Component speaker sys tem, fully loaded, 6 9 K actual miles. $4,100/best .


E S C O R T L X 1995 - Auto, 4 dr. air. (246)231-5121

$3,300 Picture at www.savad .com

E S C O R T , 1997 LX, 4 door, l oaded , on ly 18 ,000 mi les, $7 ,200 . Cal l : (734) 394-0994

E S C O R T , 1994 LX - 4 Dr., Red, or ig inal owne r . 99K miles, exc. cond. $3100 . 248-691-4392

E S C O R T 1991 LX Hatchback -4 dr., air, au to , dark blue, 137K, runs great $1950. 734-981 -7331

E S C O R T 1995 LX - Manual, 30 ,000 or ig inal miles. Super car.

734-634-1 $4-,900/best. - 1 6 6 6

E S C O R T L X 1994 Wagon - new engine, all opt ions, exc cond., $3800, (313) 885-7967

E S C O R T 1997 LX Wagon - 5 speed, 80 ,000 mi. Exc. cond. Grea t g a s mi leage. Ask ing $5200. 248-349-7466

E S C O R T S E 1999 - Immaculate, loaded, tilt, Auto, Air, 12k miles, CD. $9 ,995 (734)416-1360

E S C O R T 1999 SE Sport - 4 dr., 25K, air, 5 speed, power pkg, bl&ck $7295 . 734-844-7938

E S C O R T 1997 Sport - excel ient condi t ion, low miles, $6900.

(734) 981-1596

E S C O R T 1995 W A G O N - auto, air, low mi les, excellent condi-t ion. $4700 . 734-981-0085.

E S C O R T W A G O N LX 1993 air, 130k mi ies, very good cond, all power , manua l 5 speed, runs great! $ 2 , 2 5 0 (734)459-2176

E S C O R T W A G O N 1995 LX-auto, air, 128k hwy., exec, cond, $3500/bes t . 734-416-1199.

E S C O R T W A G O N LX 1993 New t i res, AC, new brakes, $2200 . (313)336-2323

E S C O R T , 1999 Zx2 HOT, 2 door, 5 speed, 38K, white, $8,300. (734) 449-8219.

E S C O R T 1999 ZX2 H O T 2 door , 5 speed , 38K miles, white, $8300. (734) 449-8219

E S C O R T 1998 Z X 2 - 38K, fac-tory warranty , extra clean. W a s going to ask $5000, changed my m i n d 1st $5800 takes. T Y M E A U T O (734) 455-5566.

E S C O R T 2000 ZX2, loaded, black, moonroof , 23k miles, $10,500. (734) 981-5672.

E S C O R T 2000 Zx2 loaded, 15,000 miles, asking $11,900.

(248) 626-5143

E S C O R T Z X 2 1998 manual, 47 ,000 mi les, iooks/runs good, mus t sel l . $8000 or best offer Cal l Cor ie (248) 615-0598

E S C O R T Z X 2 1999 - 23,000 miles, $9500 . (734) 722-0057,

leave message

E S C O R T 1999 ZX2. Red, hot package, loaded, 6 changer CD, power moonroof , 47K h ighway mi,, $9 ,900 . (248) 449-9032

E S C O R T Z X 2 - 1998 Red. Very g o o d cond. Power sunroof, pw, pi, tilt, cruise, Scd disc changer, 5 speed, Alloy wheels. $7750. 810-494-0317

E S C O R T 1998 ZX2, 5 speed, air, cru ise, power !ocks/mirror, casset te , rear window defogger, 32k, mi. , factory warranty tili Aug . 6. $7200. 248-540-4181.

E S C O R T 1999 ZX2 Sport -power sunroof , CD changer, 40K. $9400 . SOLD

E S C O R T G T 1994 - 89,000 mi ies, c lean, asking $4000. Cal l for deta i ls : (734) 462-2159

E X P L O R E R XLT 1996 - good cond, great transportat ion, 156K hwy $5900/bes t 734-646-6658

FESTIVA 1993, 5 speed, needs w o r k , $ 3 5 0 or bes t o f fer . 810 -899 -7497

F O C U S 2000 4 dr. ZTS, low miles, fu l ly equipped, pr iced to sell, save thousands, $10,980. John Rogin Buick 734-525-0900.

F O C U S , 2000 , 1,500 miles, 4 drs, air, keyless entry, exc. cond. $12,000. 734-261-8075

F O C U S S E 2000 Gold, auto, loaded, exc cond. 15,000 miies. $12,800. (810) 463-6867

F O C U S S E 2001 loaded, green, auto, 14,000 highway miles, non-sfnoker, c lean. $14,000 or best.

cell (734) 276-1724

F O C U S 2 0 0 0 SE wagon - all opt ions, 14K, exc cond; under b luebook. 734-591-3709.

F O C U S 2 0 0 0 ZX3 - hatchback, si lver, min t cond., loaded, 7k. $12 ,495 . (810) 664-4583

F O R D E X P L O R E R 1993 Eddie Bauer - 70K, 1 owner, exc cond $8200/best . 248-651-0475

848 Ford

FORD EXPLORER Sport 1995 -4 x 4 , h igh mi les , green/ tan leather, $6800. 248-644-8709

F O R D F O C U S S E 2 0 0 0 -manua i trans., power windows/ locks/steering. Tilt. Biack w/gray int. $13,000 (248)755-6068

F O R D PROBE GT 1995 Rio red, Leather seats, sunroof, CD manual , 62K miles. Exec. Cond $9,000 (248)540-8658

GALAXIE 1969, rust free, from Florida, low miles, dual exhaust, etc. $4500/offer. 734-727-4654

M U S T A N G 1990 - auto, new transmission, am/ fm cassette, $2500/best . 734-729-7717

MUSTANG COBRA 1996, Black/ b lack leather, 19k miles, stock, Ford retiree owned, stored win-ters. $17,900 (248)647-4157

MUSTANG 1998 Cobra convert-ible, 16k, extras, mint cond. $22,700. (248) 960-8266

M U S T A N G 1999 Cobra, coupe, black, 20k miles, extended war-ranty, $22,000. 248-682-3213.

M U S T A N G , 1998 convertible, s i lver/black, 42K, automatic, air, $14,000. (248) 486-1068

M U S T A N G 1998 Convertible, b iack/ tan, V6, ieather, 49K miles, $13,000. 248-851-7440.

M U S T A N G 1998 - Convertible, 33K mi, Fla. car. Very clean, $14,900. (248) 656-6776.

M U S T A N G 1996 Convertible GT, black on black, 5 speed, 4 .6L, power doors/ locks, am/fm, CD, 9600 mi., winter stored, exc. cond., $16,000. 734-495-9843

M U S T A N G 2000 Coupe GT, Fu l l y i o a d e d . 2 2 0 0 ml les l $21,995. (248) 354-6518

M U S T A N G 1995 coupe - 3.8 V6, sports package, fully loaded, clean, many new parts, $7500. Hart land. (248) 889-8939 aft.5

M U S T A N G GT 1994 convert-ible, 5.0, dark green, tan interior, leather, CD, power everything, new tires, exc. cond. Must sell, $12,995. 734-261-0840

M U S T A N G 2000 GT Convert-ible, white with tan interior, loaded, 1800 miles, $23,200/ best . (248) 738-8707.

M U S T A N G 1999 GT Convert-ible - black, loaded. $20,500.


M U S T A N G GT convertible 11994 FL car, stored in winter, loaded, 64K miles, $9,500. 248 922-0829

M U S T A N G 1999 GT Convert-ible - loaded, leather, auto, adult owned $16,400. 734-459-5605

Mustang GT 1999 Convertible -manual, black/tan, loaded, exc cond. , $18,500. 248-855-6056

M U S T A N G GT 1999 convert-ible, 14,000 miles, adult, 5 speed, $19,500. (734) 354-8743

M U S T A N G 1987 GT, convert-ible, low miles, new everything, auto, air, white, loaded. See ad under E V E R Y T H I N G G O E S sect ion 710 todays paper.

M U S T A N G G T 2000 8200 miles, loaded, mint condit ion, 5 speed. $17,500 or best.

(313) 794-5602

MUSTANG, 1996 GT - Red, 39K miies, stored winters, exc. cond. $12,500. 517-206-2228

MUSTANG 1987 GT, 5.0, red, new paint, runs great, auto, $35Q0/best. (734) 525-3863.

M U S T A N G 2000 GT, red, 5 spd, 1 1 K , e x t e n d e d w a r r a n t y . $18,000/best 248-449-7831.

M U S T A N G GT 1995 (5.0) 5 speed, convertible, Hunter Green/Tan leather, power every-thing, CD player, 17" wheels. $12,500/best. 734-981 -2453

M U S T A N G 1996 GT 4.6, 5 speed, fully loaded, leather, cd, $8,500/best (248)476-8176

M U S T A N G GT 1998- V8, blk, leather, loaded, premium CD, 34k mi. $15K (313) 665-3137

M U S T A N G 1985 - 5.0 HO, new t i res, runs good, needs paint, $3000 firm. Mike734-522-4108

1998 MUSTANG- low miles, V6, m a n y m o d i f i c a t i o n s . F l ow master. $10,650. (248)347-2810

M U S T A N G 1995 LX - biack, 23K, all opt ions, ioaded, mint cond. , $8150. (734) 453-5327.

M U S T A N G 1993 LX Convertible 5.0, stored Winters, exc. cond. $12,900. 248-642-5738

M U S T A N G 1992 5.0 LX Notch-back, 9,500 miles, mint cond., $14,000. (734) 421-7466

M U S T A N G 1989 Notchback -5.0, never seen Winter, 78K miles, $6500. (734) 223-7205, ask for Chris

MUSTANG, 1997. Red, 70K, CD, power windows, looks great, $10,000/best. (248) 755-2236

M U S T A N G 1994 - red, V6, 52,000 mi., auto, air. Exc. cond. $8000/best . 810-997-7207

M U S T A N G 1997, t ints, off road H pipe, f low master, 65k mi. $13,000. 734-525-0632.

848 Ford

MUSTANG V6 1998, sport pkg., C D p l a y e r , 2 6 , 0 0 0 m i l e s , $13,200, 810-658-5709

PROBE 1991 - auto, sunroof. Runs great. Must sell. $2350/ best 734-953-8658

PROBE 1992 6 cyl inder, auto-matic, 92K miles, air, sunroof, $3200 or best offer.

(734) 453-8110

PROBE GT 1994 _ Air, 5 Speed, ABS, V6, sunroof, CD, 107k miles, $3,900 (248)723-2134

PROBE GT 1994 - 97,000 miles, 1 owner , extras, $4000/ best offer. 734-455-5536

PROBE 1994 G T - 73,000 m i „ 5 speed, air, cus tom side pipes & stereo, new brakes, tires, clutch. $6500. 734-397-0972

PROBE 1995 GT - 5 speed, red with black interior, CD, 56K, $5800. (734) 981-8926.

PROBE 1994 S E - auto, 2 L „ great cond. newer t ires, 62k, power windows/ locks, am/ fm stereo casset te , burgundy/gray, $6500. (734) 422-7892

PROBE 1996 SE, auto, white, 72k, power windows/locks, great cond. $6500. 734-302-2551.

PROBE 1995 SE, excelient con-dition, 71,000 miles with air, cas-sette, alarm, dua l airbags, new brakes, $5800. Must see

(248) 851-4176.

PROBE 1993 SE - good condi-t ion, loaded, 109K, new trans-mission, $3800. 248-486-6067

PROBE 1996 SE - 62K miies, green, 5 speed, power group, $5500. Plymouth 734-455-4745

PROBE, 1997, Silver, auto., 4 cyl.,cassette, sunroof, power set.,34k, $10,500,248-626-7254

SCORPIO 1989 - V6, auto, loaded, 4 dr., sunroof, $3,275/ best. Livonia. (734) 421-6387

TAURUS, 1999, black, leather, loaded, warranty, exc. cond. $13,500. 734-591-0913

TAURUS, 1995, 4 dr., V6, new brakes, runs good, $4 ,500


TAURUS 1997 GLau to , loaded, excellent condit ion, $7300.

(248) 624-3408

TAURUS 1997 GL, 4 door, red, loaded, exce l len t cond i t ion , $6600. (248) 628-3813.

TAURUS G L 1994, Green, 89K, ali power, air, keyless, Well main-tained. $4200 734-421-6178

TAURUS G L 1993 - 59K miles, one owner, new tires & battery. $4,500 248-693-0018

TAURUS 1997 GL - 30,000 mi. Auto . L o a d e d . Exc . c o n d . $9,600/best 734-675-9847

TAURUS 1996 GL - 80,000 mi les, n e w e r t r a n s m i s s i o n , $6000/f irm. 248-476-3829.

T A U R U S 1 9 9 7 G L - s i l v e r , loaded, sunroof, leather, 55K miles, $7,200. 248-647-9204.

TAURUS 1997 - 65K miles, all power, keyless, excellent condi-t ion, $7500, (734) 953-6687

TAURUS 1994 58K miles, 3.8L, a l l p o w e r , p e r f o r m a n c e package, 1 owner. $5250.

(248) 645-2357

TAURUS 1993 - 127K miles. Runs good, Looks good. $2200/ best. Call John 248-628-3693

TAURUS, 199S, 26K miles, V-6, loaded, warranty. 1 owner, $13,200/best. 248-321-0153.

TAURUS LX 1993 4 door, 109,D00 miles, exc. cond., well maintained, loaded, new tires. $3000/best (734) 765-9800

TAURUS, 1997 LX. Ex. cond., biack, 55K miles, warranty. $7,900/best. (313) 220-6300.

TAURUS 1996 LX - 80k, Moon-bean blue, most options, very ciean and wel l mainta ined. $7100. (248) 348-9939

TAURUS, 1996 LX - 89K Strictly hwy. miles. Clean inside/out, 6 disk CD changer , $6500/best.


TAURUS 1997 LX - new tires, ioaded, 1 owner, 59,500 miles, $74S5/best. 810-296-1871.

TAURUS 1997 38,700 miles, l oaded , $ 8 7 0 0 . M u s t se l l . 248-936-5297 734-522-8438

TAURUS 1999 model SHO V8, black, tan leather, loaded, cd, 26,000 miles, $16,900.

(313) 886-9532

TAURUS, 1988, new tires, a/c works, runs good, $1,250. Cal l Paul 4pm-7pm, 734-422-1401.

T A U R U S S E 1999- ABS, power everything, 53k, exc. cond. $99G0/best. 810-770-5340.

TAURUS SE, 1998 auto, air, full power, new brakes, 56000 miles, $8995, (248) 797-7089

T A U R U S 1 9 9 5 S E C D charger , keyless, fuli power, 100+ mi. $3900. 248-344-9466

TAURUS SE 1998 - leather, moonroof, CD, anti-lock, auto, air, 52K, mint cond., $10,500.

(734) 735-6274

Thursday, July 26,2001 O&E

848 Ford

TAURUS, 1999, SE, loaded, green, sunroof, CD, 29K, warranty 75K. $11,500/best. 248-608-8250

TAURUS, . 1999 SE, 3.0L, 24v, spoi ler, 16" sport wheels, 6 CD, 56k , ioaded, new t i res/brakes, sharp, $9900. 734-432-2009.

T A U R U S 1995 S E - 82 ,000 mi, a la rm & remote starter, sunroof , more. $5200. (734) 466-9839.

T A U R U S 2001 SES, low miles, ful ly equipped, pr iced to sell! Save thousands oniy $15,980. John Rogin Buick 734-525-0900.

TAURUS, 1998 SE, 24 valve, ABS, 56k, new brakes/t i res, exc-con, $9,900 248-650-3778

T A U R U S 2000 S E whi te, iow miies, c lean, full power , war-ranty, $12,500. 248 334-7315

T A U R U S S H O 1999 black, tan leather interior, 26 ,000 miles, most ly h ighway, loaded, exc. cond. , 75,000 mi le warranty. $17,000. (248) 559-1308

T A U R U S S H 0 1997 - b lack , tan leather, 79K miles, non-smoker , loaded, great cond., $10 ,250 f i rm. days (313) 832-1201

(248) 424-7206

T A U R U S S H O 1992 - Clean, s o u t h e r n n o n - s m o k e r c a r , leather, air, 175k miles, good cond. $2800 (734)425-5008

TAURUS, 1999, SHO. sliver, low mi, loaded, exc. cond. $19,500/ or pay-off. 734-326-1632

T A U R U S 1997 Silver, ioaded, 36 ,000 miies. Original owner . $9200. (734) 450-2075

T A U R U S 1995, stat ion wagon, loaded, 40k mi., mint condit ion. $6200. (248) 641-9925.

T A U R U S , 1999 - V6 24 value, Black, leather, 6 - C D changer , moonroof , a luminum wheels , 3 7 K m i l e s , $ 1 0 , 5 0 0 .


T A U R U S W A G O N 2000 20K mi les, biue, V6, auto, air, cru ise, $15,500. Call (31.3) 562-8415

T A U R U S 1994 Wagon LX -loaded, leather. 80K mi. No rust. Previous sa lvaged title. $4900/ best. 248-879-2262

T -B iRD, 1994 - 4.6L, V8, 87K miles, loaded, keyless entry. G r e a t c o n d . , $ 5 9 0 0 .


T-BIRD, 1994 LX - V6, auto t rans, loaded, Dark Green, $3750. 248-681-1020

T-BIRD, 1996. V-6, red, exc. cond., full power/ABS/Tract ion control, CD, many new parts, 94K/mostly highway, $7500/best. (734) 455-3565 (Canton).

T E M P O 1994 - Air, auto, cru ise, Ps/Pb, CD, Exec. cond. $3250/ best (734)397-8046

T E M P O 1993, 4 door, 105k miles, keyless entry, air, wel l maintained, looks/runs great, $3600. 248-288-3439

T H U N D E R B I R D 1988, au to -loaded, $2500. (734) 454-1947

after 6

T H U N D E R B I R D , 1 9 7 9 C u s i o m -Lowrider, too much to list, $5,500/best . (519) 944-0247.

T H U N D E R B I R D 1995 LX -101K hwy miles, black, mint. Air, power ABS, loaded, $4750 .


THUNDERBIRD, 1994 LX - 3.8L engine, air, power everything, g i e a t c o n d . $ e 2 0 0 / b e s i .


T H U N D E R B I R D 1996 LX - Opa l whi te, 8 cyl., moonroof , air, power w indows & locks. $9500.


T H U N D E R B I R D 1995 LX, pearl, g ray leather, loaded, CD, runs & looks good, hi-way miies, $4000. Shelby Twp. 1-810-997-2793.

T H U N D E R B I R D LX 1997 - V8, 5 2 K miles, new tires, good con-dit ion, $9200. 734-878-6116

T H U N D E R B I R D S C 1991 - ful ly loaded, power moonroof . high miles, runs good, $2750.

(734) 524-0336

T H U N D E R B I R D 1992 Sport , V8, loaded, very c lean, low mi les $5000. (734) 522-1629

T H U N D E R B I R D 1997 - very c lean, well maintained, $7650.

810-238-1205, 810-632-7338

T H U N D E R B I R D 1994 - V8, moonroof , ali power, keyless entry, 78K, exc cond. , $6250/ best. 248-628-1343 after 5pm

Z X 2 1998 Z X 2 - "hot pkg" Red, 50k+, auto, keyless t runk, $8600/best . (313) 248-2248

850 Geo

PRISM 1996 - 4 dr., auto, air, 82 ,000 miles, $4600. picture at www.savad.com (248) 231-5121

PRISM 1993 LSI - 115K miles, wel l maintained, sunroof , CD, $4750/best . (248) 269-4005

P R I S M 1994, st ick, 90k mi., 4 door, green, runs & looks great. $3500 . (248) 477-0527.

850 Geo

PRIZM 1995 Black LSi, 4dr „ 40,500 miles, loaded. Perfect con-dition. $6500. (248) 656-3090

T R A C K E R 1993 - Convert ible 2 W D , auto, ps, 80k, newer bat-tery. $3000. (248)549-3466

T R A C K E R 1996 - 5 speed. Con-vertible top. 2 whee l drive. Good cond. 64 ,000 mi. $5900.



A C C O R D 1986 4dr. 130k. Reliable, needs work. $1000.

(248) 681-3206

A C C O R D 1994 DX - auto, 4 dr., original owner . 128K. Exc. cond. $5500. 248-338-6806

A C C O R D EX 1992 all power wi th moonroof , exc. cond, 83K miies, $7595. (248) 626-1170

A C C O R D 1995 EX CPE- 5 spd, loaded, 1 owner , good cond., 69K. $9300/best . 248-797-9325.

A C C O R D 1999 EX - 4 door, sedan, 3.0L V6, auto, air, power, cassette, CD, chrome wheels, 32 ,000 miles. Champagne/ tan Excel lent condit ion. $19,000. 248-324-3550, lwyden@aol .com

A C C O R D , 1995, EX. 2 dr., auto, air, 65K miles, CD, sunroof. $8,000/best . 734-261-5562

A C C O R D 1995 EX 4dr., auto, 81k miles, moonroof , 6disc Alp ine, very c iean, non-smoker . $9250. (248) 788-5068

A C C O R D EX 1992 4 dr, black, very wel l -maintained, sun roof, 148K, $4,500. 248-538-9787.

A C C O R D 1996 EX - 2 dr, 4 cyl, black, sl iding roof, auto, 60,840 miles, $10,000. 248-642-8549

A C C O R D 1999 EX - Exc. s h a p e , 3 4 K m i l e s , b i a c k w/ leather interior, sunroof, stick-shift, $15,800. 734-464-8833

A C C O R D , 1991 E X - g o o d cond. 4 dr., 5 speed, air, power win-dows, locks, steering & brakes. Sun roof, tilt, cruise, AM/FM cas-sette, 16" alloy wheels, leather. Champagne/Burgundy interior. 80K Miles. Very reliable, $4500/ best. 248-514-3096

A C C O R D 1995 EX • V6, 4 dr, s e d a n , l o a d e d , l igh t b lue , $10,000. (734) 397-9557

A C C O R D , 1994 EX, white, auto., like new, new tires/timing belt, $5,600. (734) 634-5902.

A C C O R D EX 1993 w/spoiler, auto trans, moonroof , 85,000 miles, $6500. 248-681-1355

A C C O R D 1990 good cond., runs great, dr ives great, $2200.

(248) 486-3050

A C C O R D LX 2000 Black 4dr. 21 ,000 miles. $15,300.

(248) 851-8703

A C C O R D 1996 LX 4 door, black, auto., cd, cloth, exc. cond, 75K. $9,800. 313-303-2712

A C C O R D 1998 LX • 4 dr., auto, air. 26 ,000 mi. Si lver. Very nice. $12,500. 734-425-6066

A C C O R D 1998 LX Sedan, 4 cyl., auto, air, airbags, electric w indows/ locks , stereo cassette, cruise, 75 ,000+ miles, $13,000/ best. Contact T im 810-793-2330

A C C O R D , 1998 LX, silver, 45k, auto., air, new brakes, $13,390/ best. (248) 788-9019

A C C O R D i s y t ) LX - V6. 4 door sedan, very clean, remote start, $11,000. (248) 922-9053

A C C O R D S E 1997- loaded, oniy 36 ,000 miles, CD, sunroof, A l l o y w h e e l s , m in t c o n d . $ 1 2 , 5 0 0 . ( 2 4 8 ) 8 5 1 - 9 0 3 0 / (248)770-5200

A C C O R D 1 9 9 9 , V 6 , f u l l y loaded, 6 3 , 0 0 0 hwy mi les, ask ing $16,000. 517-546-7992

A C C O R D , 1999, V-6, loaded, CD, leather, eiectr ic sunroof, 4 door, $19,000. 248-235-2917.

CIVIC 1998, black LX 4 door, loaded, 5-speed 45K mi., exc. shape , all serv ice records, $10,800/offer. 248-875-6060.

CIVIC 1997 DX - 41k, air, am/ fm casset te, 5 speed manual, dark green exter ior/ tan cloth interior. $9500. (248) 586-9104

CIVIC 1999 DX - 22k, 4 dr, auto, cd, dual air bags, air, $13,300. 313-292-0510 - 313-299-1580

CIVIC 1999 EX - dark red, power moonroof . Priced wel l b e l o w b l a c k b o o k , o n l y $9400. T Y M E A U T O (734) 455-5566.

CIVIC, 1998 EX. Full power, 4 cyi. auto, 39K, remote w/alarm, ABS. $11,999. (734) 844-0815

CIVIC EX 1996 great cond., 6 5 , 0 0 0 mi les , moonroof , 1 owner, forest green, $8900 or best offer (734) 354-8724

C IV iC 2000 EX, 1.6 L, V-tech, green, 16k mi., fog lights, ai loy w h e e l s , f u l l n o s e c o v e r . $13,500. (810) 254-0367.

CIVIC EX 1997 red, 5 speed, sunroof, 73,000 miles, 1 owner, nice. $9,400. (248) 328-8171

852 ! Honda

CIVIC 1991 LLX - 201K. Bur-gundy, ioaded, 4 dr. runs great . $2500/best . 734-397-9557

CIVIC 1997 LX auto, 38 ,000 miles, silver, loaded, very g o o d condit ion, $11,500/or best of fer

(313) 945-9377

CIVIC LX 1999 - 4 dr., red sedan, Warranty 6yrs/75K miles, 25K mile, Exec, cond., auto, stereo/ CD,All power, Cruise, air, dual air bags, $13,900 (248)737-9465

CIVIC 1988 LX - 115K, power , air, 5 speed, records since 1994, gold, $2500. 313-535-3257

CIVIC 1998 LX - manual , A/C, cassette, 32K, clean, 35mpg , $9,250 After 6, 248-647-8892.

CIVIC, 1995, LX. 1 owner , auto , fuli power, sunroof, CD, 78 .5K, e x c . c o n d . $ 6 , 9 0 0 . / b e s t . 248-207-0614; 248-788-1637

CIVIC 1994 LX, Special , 4 dr . , whi te/ tan, 82K, auto, ps/pb, am / fm, new . battery, immobi l izer , running lights, exc., 1 owner , $5990. Canton. 734-981-0959.

CIVIC 1991 Si - red, 3 door , 5 speed, CD, sunroof, runs/ looks great. $2500. (248) 486-1997.

HONDA CRV 1998 4x4 - 42.5K miies, power windows/iocks, C D air, cruise, ABS. $14,000/best. Harper Woods (313) 417-2363

(810) 202-1742.

H O N D A S-2000 (2001) - yel low, 2 5 0 0 mi les , c o v e r , a l a r m , $33,000. (313) 459-5553

PRELUDE 1997, auto., air, Pre-mium sound, factory fog & alarm, power everything... more. 55k miies, $14,500. 248-889-0507

PRELUDE 1987 - exc running cond., $2800. Call after 5pm:

(734) 459-5028

PRELUDE SI 1992 automat ic, l o a d e d , r e d / b l a c k i n t e r i o r , $4500. (734) 421-0195

PRELUDE 1991 SI - exc cond., new engine, 4 cyl., 2.0L, auto, $4900/best . 734-266-6227

PRELUDE 1991 Si - loaded. Black, CD. $4700/best offer. Beverly Hills. 248-723-5989

PRELUDE 1997 silver, 5 speed, loaded, 200 horse power , 57K miles. $14,750. 734-289-1230.

854 Lexus

G S 4 0 0 1999 - black, loaded, sunroof, chrome wheels, fuli warranty, low mi leage. $35,995.


LEXUS 1994 ES 300 - contem-porary style sedan, c lassy dark p reen w/natural color leather interior. Runs smooth ly & qui-etly. All power f rom steer ing t o sunroof. CD changer. Pr iced to sell at $9500. (248) 922-9400

LEXUS 1991 LS400 - rich silver w / b l u s h leather . A i l p o w e r including sunroof. Magnif icent premium sound system w/CD. Quiet, dependable, spac ious & luxurious. Reduced to sell at $9500. (248) 922-9400

400 LS 1999 loaded, mint cond., 40,000 miies, new t i res/brakes $38,000. (810) 997-5074

SC 300 1992 - burgundy, tan leather, fuliy l o a d e d sunroof , ch rome rims, CD changer , 120k miles, much more. $9500/best .

(313) 207-4590

856 Lincoln

CONTINENTAL 1996 absolutely immaculate, needs nothing, ali options, 74,000 highway miles, oil changed every 4000 mi ies, $12,800/best. (734) 397-0294

CONTINENTAL 1999 Beige, leather, premium paint. 38 ,000 miies. Exec cond. $18,990.

Weekdays: 248-377-2200

CONTINENTAL 1994, black, tan leather, rebuilt motor, wel l main-tained. $4500/best. 734-397-6001.

CONTINENTAL. 1997. BLACK, gray leather, chrome wheels , 57K miles, very nice, $13,400.

(248) 351-3612

CONTINENTAL 1995 Cham-pagne, 71,000 miies, leather, every opt ion avai lable, immacu-Iatel $12,135 (248) 471-1262

CONTINENTAL 1997 - Exc. cond. 73,000 mi. Ail opt ions + 7 yr. 100K extended warranty. $14,700. 734-427-2132

CONTINENTAL 1995 - exc . cond., full power, leather heated seats, JBL audio, ride control, newer tires, 71k, w /ex tended warranty to 96k. $11,500. (734)761-9286 (734)453-3017

CONTINENTAL, 1995 - Exc. cond. All options. New t i res & brakes, $9995. 810-777-0525

CONTINENTAL 1991, Execu-tive series, good cond., 90k miles, $2800. (248) 652-9157.

CONTINENTAL 1991 Execut ive Ser ies - Brand new inside & out. 50K mi. $6500. 248-399-5388

CONTINENTAL 1997, 66k mi., exc. cond., loaded, must sell. $13,700 or best (734) 495-1113.

856 Lincoln

CONTINENTAL 1994, execut ive ser ies, all opt ions, 74k mi., new brakes, oil changes regularly, e x c e l l e n t x 3 . $ 6 6 0 0 . 734-261-3611 cell 734-516-5503.

CONTINENTAL 1998 Ivory, exc. cond. leather, ail options. JBL Audio, 85K, w/ex t warranty to 100K, $13,400. 248-486-9303.

C O N T I N E N T A L 1896. Loaded, 56K, ivory. $12,000.

(248) 437-8743

C O N T I N E N T A L S 1998, 2 to choose, sharp, fully equipped, pr iced to sell) $12,980. John Rogin Buick 734-525-0900.

CONTINENTAL 1993 - T o w n Car 69K miles, 4 dr, V8, am/ fm cassette, leather interior, split $ 9 2 0 0 . 2 4 8 380-9978 after 7 p m

CONTINENTAL 1994 - white, b lack leather, moonroof , $4500.

(248) 853-2101

CONTINTENTAL 2000 - 11K, black/black, chrome wheels, exc cond.$26,500, 810-716-8080.

L INCOLN 2000 Is v8, spor t pkg, warranty, maroon, 12k miles, $27,600. 734-462-6475

MARK 8 LSC 1997- silver/siiver, leather/sunroof, 52K, $18,500. West Bloomfield. 248-353-1811.

MARK V111 1995 Colorado car, deep red w/carr iage top, beau-t i f u l , 9 0 k , $ 1 0 , 4 9 5 / b e s t . 719-491-4953 leave message.

MARK VII 1989 - garnet red, s u n r o o f , n e w t i r e s / b r a k e s , $2950. 248-647-7953.

M A R K VI li - 1997 Black/black leather, power everything. 72k miies. $16,000. 734-421-7990

MARK VIII, 1996, black/black, sunroof, 10 C D player, 57k, $12,500 or best. 248-393-2121.

MARK VIII 1994 - exc cond., $9200. (810) 775-1846

MARK VIII 1996 LSC - low miles, ioaded, mint, $14,900.


MARK VII, 1990, LSC. 5.0, black, 85K miles, runs great. $2800. (734) 266-7123

MARK VII, 1991 LSC Special Edi-tion. Black on biack, exc. cond., 95K, $5500. (248) 37&-8904

MARK V111 1996 - 80k hwy. miles, new battery, brakes, good tires. $9,999. (810) 220-1257

M A R K V 1977, 69k original mi., excel lent condi t ion, $4500/best .

(734) 727-4654.

MARK V11 1993 89,000 miies, new tires, brakes, rotors & shocks, super dean . Must sell $8200. 734-261-1808

T O W N C A R 1998 Car t ie r , cus tom Pearl , ful ly loaded, $18,300. 248-642-4940.

T O W N C A R 1996 Car t i e r , c ream metall ic, very nice, 95k miles, $12,500. 8

T O W N C A R 1994 - execut ive edit ion, exec, cond., Must seel $10,500/best (734) 261-6519.

T O W N CAR, 1988 • 120K miles, $2500/best offer. Call T imiko 313-579-1481

T O W N CAR 1990, 67K miles, clean, $5500 or best offer. Cal l after 6 p.m. (734) 422-8117

T O W N C A R 1982 S igna tu re Series Ar izona car, desert sand, full power, super clean, must see, $5750/best 313-255-5376

T O W N CAR 1989 - whi te w/leather, exc. cond., runs exc. $2700. 248-855-6735

T O W N E C A R S 2000 Execut ive Series (2) - black, fully loaded, garage kept, non-smoking, very wel l maintained, oil changes & routine maintenance according to manu fac tu re r specs. A l l records kept. Still under war-r a n t y . 2 5 - 2 7 K mi . A s k i n g $ 2 7 , 0 0 0 / b e s t . C a l l F r e d


T O W N S IGNATURE SERIES 1994 loaded, mint cond. Silver. $ 5 7 9 0 . 1 yr warranty w/ful l pr ice. All records. (248)-473-6205

858 Mazda

626 LX 1993 - 4 dr., auto, air, CD, new tires, great cond. , $3800/best . 248-336-9515.

MAZDA 626 LX, 1997 - maroon, auto, 53 ,000 miles, electr ic drs. , $10,500/best. (248) 377-6364

MAZDA 1993 626 LX - Runs great. Power sunroof. 158,000 miles, $2200. (734) 420-9700.

MAZDA 1995 MX3 - 2 dr., 5 speed, air, 4 W D , 62,000 miles, $5000/best . (248) 669-8819

M A Z D A MX3 1993 V6, 1.9 liter, 5 speed, 75 ,000 miles, whi te over gray, $ 6 0 0 0 or best offer.

(248) 944-6080

MAZDA 626, 1994 - power moonroof, immaculate condit ion, $1899 shop T Y M E & save. T Y M E A U T O (734) 455-5566.

M A Z D A RX-7 1985 - Exc cond., $2200. (248) 399-6699

Classifications 800 to 861

858 Mazda

M I A T A 1999 convert ib le, 10th ann iversary special 14k, ASB, $19 ,950 . 248-620-7441.

M I A T A 1 9 9 0 , c o n v e r t i b l e w /hard top , 75 ,000 miles, $7500. 734-844-3370

M I A T A 1999 - emera ld green, tour ing package, clean, low mi les, $16,500. 248-333-1544

M I A T A 1997 - 58k miles, air, B laupunk t am/ fm cd, leather, power windows, black, Wind-j a m m e r airfoil, bra, great cond. $9750 /bes t . (734) 464-5810

M I A T A 1999 - 18,000 miles, black, 5 speed, loaded, $15,500.

(810) 632-7700

M I A T A 1999, 26 ,000 miles, s tored winters , g reen, war ran ty , CD, $14,000. 734-844-1870

M I A T A 1996 - Perfect Cond. , al i b l a c k , 21k m i les , L o a d e d , $ 1 4 , 0 0 0 (248)737-4894

M I A T A 1999 - 5 speed, 15,500 miles, green, exc. cond. , or iginal owner , $15,200. (248) 348 -6177

M I A T A 1999, 10th annual spe-cial edi t ion, 12k mi., A B S , $23 ,500 . 313-359-3764.

M I L L E N I A 1 9 9 5 - 82K mi., g o o d condi t ion, $9500.

Call (248) 360-9715.

M I L L E N I A 1996, 59k miles, fui ly loaded, sunroof.

(248) 669-3999

M I L L E N I A S 2000, 15k, exec, cond. , 2 tone paint $21,000. 734 -455 -5249 after 5 :30 p m .

M I L L E N N I U M 1 9 9 5 - V 6 , loaded, sunroof, $7200.

(248) 755-0682.

M X - 6 L S 1995 - exc cond, 5 speed , black, sunroof , $9,000. 734-525-4250 or 248-486-5433.

M X 6 1995 - V6, exc. cond. , 5 speed , loaded, sunroof , ieather, cd p layer , 1 owner, 66k, $7300/bes t . (248) 380-1751

RX7 1990 Convert ible, $3400. 734-524-0879

860 Mercury

C O U G A R 1999 - b lack w/ tan ieather, ioaded, sunroof , CD6 , 30K. $13,750. 734-398-9833.

C O U G A R , 2000. Green, 5 speed, power windows & locks, anti-lock brakes, air bags, CD, 15,700 miles. $14,995. (248) 305-6652.

C O U G A R 1999 I -4 - air, am/ fm stereo w/cd, 55k hwy. mi les, new t i res, $9 ,500 .248-682-8489

C O U G A R LS 1988 - 69K, new/ wheels / t i res, p remium sound/ CD, $3000 . (248) 474-6085

C O U G A R 1999 - Sharp car! Must sei l , f irst $9 ,600 takes. 48 ,000 miles. 313-937-1709.

C O U G A R , 1991 V6, full power , au tomat i c , cruise, tilt, tape, exc . cond., $4500. 248-553-2186.

C O U G A R 2000, V-6, green, 30K mi . , moon roof, great condi-t ion. $16,000. (734) 306-7065.

C O U G A R 1999 - V6, 5 speed, leather, 6 disc CD, clean, 1 owner , 11,000 miles, $13,500.

248-697-0482, 734-266-1808

C O U G A R X R 7 1992 Florida Car. L ike new. Low mi leage, V8, fuli power , too many opt ions to l i s t . W a r r a n t y a v a i l a b l e . $5500 . 734-458-4908.

C O U G A R 1988 XR7 - fuily loaded. Runs good, needs body work. $2200/best . 248-366-1349

C O U G A R 1997 X R 7 - V8, loaded, 22K. Mint condit ion. Ask ing $12,600. 734-522-8250

C O U G A R XR7 - 1994 Whi te/ Blue, ioaded, l ike new. Low miles. $5900. (248) 672-7383

G R A N D M A R Q U I S 1999 all power , cruise, tilt, low miles, $14 ,200 Must sell 734-513-2407

G R A N D M A R Q U I S E G S 1995, 14 ,000 miles, forest green, $9500/ offer. 248-443-2743

G R A N D M A R Q U I S 1991 fully loaded, burgundy, excellent con-dit ion, 87 ,100 miles, $3950. (734) 397-2162

G R A N D M A R Q U I S 1 9 9 0 -loaded, wh t vinyl top, exc . cond. 6 2 K mi . $3850 (248)656-2342

G R A N D M A R Q U I S 1991 - low miles, runs good, needs s o m e body repair , power, fully ioaded $110O/best 734-546-3139

G R A N D MARQUIS 1988 LS -Great mechanica l cond. 118k, usual rust, $1495 .734-591-1619

G r a n d Marquis 1992 LS 71K, 30 mpg, air, c lean. Car fax report. Very c lean interior, on ly 2 owners , keyless 734-953-0913

G R A N D MARQUIS 1997 L S -4 .6 l iter, leather, iow miles, g o o d cond. , $10,900. 248-426-8830.

G R A N D M A R Q U I S 1991 LS -loaded, leather, new tires/brakes/ exhaus t . $2650 734-453-7927.

G R A N D M A R Q U I S LS 1995 -Si lver, exec cond, new tires & b r a k e s , 8 7 K mi les , $ 7 , 4 9 5 (248)960-9565


G R A N D M A R Q U I S 1999 L S , ; - . vinyi roof, warranty , low miles. $13,900. 313-937-3246

G R A N D M A R Q U I S 1984, runs, great, good, dependab le trans-., portation, $650. 734-455-6246. "

G R A N D M A R Q U I S 1989 V 8 f

rebuilt t ransmiss ion, loaded, runs great. 145K miles. $1400 / -best. J im at (248) 4 7 7 - 9 2 9 6 '

MARQUIS 1997 - low mi les , ' 13,395, like new. $14,500. \

(734) 427-2680

M A R Q U I S L S 1986 exter . u >» r ior / inter ior exc . c o n d ; ,

82,000 miles, $2900/best 734 459-7755

M E R C U R Y C A P R I 1992 c o n -vertible. Black, s tored w in te rs : 44k $4500/best . 248-437-9987" •

M E R C U R Y T R A C E R 1997 ' 5 speed, 6 c d changer . Futly loaded, $6300. 734 495 -1890 ,

MYSTIQUE 1998 - Exc. c o n d - " Red, V6, ful ly loaded w/leather-. seats, moonroof, CD. .44,500 mi . . $9,200/best. 248-538-8125"-.

M Y S T I Q U E 1998 - Loaded, V6, leather, 43K miles, mint cond, all power $9500 734-495-18901

MYSTIQUE 1996 LS, g rea t ' cond., auto, V 6 , all power, brakes new 2001, 78k m l , $7000/best . (248) 426-0169.

M Y S T I Q U E LS 1998 - Loaded,-V6, 5 Speed, ABS, Air, Exec, cond. $9,800 (248)477-7363 i :

M Y S T I Q U E 1998 LS, loaded, ' 24 va lve V6, low miles, $9500. ABS brakes (248) 489-8920. ,

S A B L E 1993 - al l powe>, 130,000 gentle mi., 1 owner, wel l mainta ined. Runs great . . $2400. Eves: 734-459-0993

SABLE 1999 G S , blue, 33K, remote, keyless, power seat, warranty, $9900. 810-772-1804

SABLE G S 1997 81,000 miles,, loaded, $6295 or best offer!

(734) 266-1811

SABLE GS 1994 - 74 ,500 miles, new t ransmiss ion f rom dealer-ship, new brakes, runs & looks great, $5900 (734) 462-4159

SABLE 1993 loaded, 3.8, auto, al! power , 137 ,000 miies, runs, excel ient, $2800.

(734) 425-3415

S A B L E 1996 - loaded, auto,-good cond. , or ig inal owner, 72K, $7000/best . (248) 366-9020

SABLE, 1998, L S - Exc. cond! Low miles. Must see. $ 8 2 0 0 ,


S A B L E LS 1993 - Exec, cond. , Tan, Loded, Must see! $3900


SABLE 1999 LS. 28K, leather; remote key less, 24V, auto'; $12,500. Eves: 313-359-2367. Weekdays: 734-632-5611

SABLE 1995 L S - 54,500 mi,-,, ioaded, very good cond. Cham-pagne. $7500. 248-477-6736

SABLE, 2001 LS, on ly 2 ,560 miles, sunroof , CD, loaded, ful i power. $20,000. 734-729-5229.

S A B L E 1994 L S Sta t ionwagon -89,000 mi. Loaded. Exc. cond. $4500 734-420-2436-

SABLE, 1993 L S - Whi te , loaded, re-built engine $4000/ best, must sell. 810-468-3114

SABLE 1991 Mechanic 's car. 6k, $ 2 2 0 0 . Runs g rea t .


S A B L E 1992 new batery, new. rear struts, $2995 . 77 ,300 mi les (734) 453-9320 call after 5 „ •

SABLE, 1996 ,1 owner , auto, air, power seats/windows, $5000/ best. 248-674-0234

SABLE 1998 - Showroom condi-t ion. 30 ,000 mi. Must see. Ask ing $13,950. 248-629-3142

SABLE 1997 V6, Sedan LS, loaded, low mi les, $10,300 dr best offer. (734) 414-8277

T O P A Z 1992 GS - 4 dr „a i r , 78k miles, c lean, g o o d cond. $1750'.

(734) 261-3407

TRACER 1993 LTS - auto, 154K, air, sunroof , runs great," $1700 734-422-4966.

T R A C E R 1994 T R I O - black, auto, power steer ing/windows; $3900. 248-203-7588;

861 Mitsubishi

ECLIPSE G S T 1997 Whi te/ Gray, manual , loaded. Original owner. $12,800. 810-731-2326

ECLIPSE RS 1998 exc. cond.. air, 12 disc C D w/remote,-spoiler, al loy wheels , $11,000/ best. 248-851-8728

ECLIPSE, 1996 RS. Red, excel -lent condit ion. $6,000. Call:

(810) 229-5287

GALANT 1999 E S - black, gray leather, cd, 39k, very clean> $12,300/best. (248) 797-4727

3000 G T S L 1993 - auto, dir. power, 115K hwy, $7900/beSt.

(248) 969-2628


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Run a transportation ad in your hometown classified section - sell your

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1 2 F ( * ) Classifications 815 to 878


O&E Thursday, July-26, 2001

866 3000 GT SL 1992 • 78k, 51 white, leather, great cond.: best offer. 248-553-0109

MITSUBISHI 1996 3000 GT -black w/ tan Interior, 74K, wel l kept, 812,000. (248) 363-1071

MITSUBISHI 3 0 0 0 1 9 9 8 GT SL, auto, red with black interior, 44K, loaded, CD, moonroof, $22,500/best . 734-953-2699

MITSUBISHI 3000 G T S L , 1992 5 speed, air, loaded, leather, 93K, $8900. 248-380-1569

862 N i s s a n

ALTIMA 1998 GXE, 4 dr., auto, air,- black/tan, full power, low miles, $9600. 248-538-9905 x213

INFINITY 1996 G20 - 70,000 mi, excel lent condition. $11,000. Call George (248) 544-7712.

MAXIMA 1995 - pw/pl, sunroof, CD/cassette, 5 speed, runs great! $7500/best. 734-354-9454

M A X I M A 1996 SE Bose, stereo,' cassette, cd, air, tilt, cruise, more. $10,895 or best offer.

(248) 390-6972

MAXIMA SE 1993 - red, 5 speed, moonroof, more. 96,000 miies, $5500 . 248-478-1768

NISSAN, 1992 Pathfinder, 4 wheel drive, exc. cond., new exhaust, iow mileage, $5250/firm. 248-426-9325; 810-523-1960

QUEST GXE 1996 - auto, 71,000 miles, exc cond., dark green, $12,800. 810-939-3832

SENTRA 1993 - manual trans-mission, exc cond, 2 dr., 125K, $2450/best . 248-790-2424

ULTIMA, 1998 GXE. 27K, full power , warranty , l ike new. $11,000/best. (248) 879-3749

864 Oldsmobile

ACHiEVA, 1991, 4 dr., sharp, no rust, auto, exc. car. $2,750/ best. 734-464-3641

A L E R O G L 1999 - 2 dr., black, loaded, 25K miles, warranty, $101,500. (810) 350-3585

A U R O R A 1995, loaded, black cherry, heated leather seats, 55k, $11,500. (248) 879-7523.

AURORA, 1996, loaded, moon-roof, heated seats, exc. cond. 79K, $9,950. 248-921-2868

A U R O R A 1996 - red, tan leather, good condit ion, 74K, $10,200. (248) 626-6812

A U R O R A , 1995 - Red/ tan leather, V8, Exec, cond., 93K miies, $6900/best. 248-538-8840

C U T L A S S 1994 Convert ib le 55K! white leather, loaded, must see! $7900. 248-569-0020

NISSAN, 1992 Pathfinder, 4 wheel drive, exc. cond., new exhaust, low mileage, $5900/firm. 248-426-9325; 810-523-1960

N ISSAN 300ZX 1990 - 2+2, pearl, tan leather, 5 speed, low mites, $13,800. 248-540-2106

C U T L A S S S U P R E M E 1990 auto, loaded, air, c lean, 92k actual, $3400/best. 248-360-1156

C U T L A S S S U P R E M E 1995 Convert ible - CD, leather, auto, all power $9000. (810) 947-5413

C U T L A S S 1995 Supreme. 75K, Leather, bucket seats, CD, loaded. $6000. 248-420-2876.

C U T L A S S S U P R E M E 1995 -53,000 miles, auto, air, am/ fm cassette, pw/pl, exc. cond., $8000. 734-416-9271

DELTA 8 8 Royaie Brougham 1984 - 35K, new battery/belts/ t ires, $4500 . (248) 706-9822

INTRIGUE, 1999 G L - Whi te w/gray leather , Bose CD, moon-roof, ch rome wheels, freshly d e t a i l e d . 4 5 , 3 0 0 m i l e s , $13,700. 248-960-0519

INTRIQUE 1998 GL - black w/tan leather, ideal second car, loaded: Bose CD, sunroof , spoiler, ch rome wheels; great cond., 41 ,000 miles, ask ing $12,250/best . (248) 914-3363

OLDS 1992 Delta. 4 Door, great car, we l l maintained. Great t ranspor tat ion. $3,800/best .


OLDS EIGHTY Eight 1997 LSS -42,000 miles, loaded, black leather. Immaculate. $12,900/ best. (248) 355-5420

OLDS 98 1992 - Loaded, 27 m.p.g., Hwy . car, Looks/runs great $5200/best 810-735-6068

O L D S M O B I L E '88, 1994. Good cond., sunroof , full power, dark green. $6500 . (248) 476-1233

A C C L A I M , 1991, auto, 4 dr., power windows/ locks, 154K mi, $1,700. 734-495-9054

B R E E Z E 1996, auto., power moonroof , Kenwood CD, alarm, 68 ,000 miles, wel l maintained, $6200/best - 734-678-8228

B R E E Z E 1997, 4 door black, 87k miles, asking $6995 Eves 248-685-8855

B R E E Z E 1999 - keyless entry, p l /pw, 2 .4L engine, 63 ,000 miles, $7995. 734-266-7121.

B R E E Z E 1998 - 70K mites, al! power , clean car, $7700/best . Must sell! 248-545-9771.

B R E E Z E 1999 14,600 miles, loaded, exc. cond., $10 ,500 or best. (734) 513-5486.

H O R I Z O N 1989 - wel l main-ta ined, 126k miles, $995/best.

(734) 397-8396

NEON, 1996 Coupe. Sharp, 40K miles, air, white w/black tr im. $5,500. (734) 416-8950

N E O N 1997, 2 door sport model , 72k m i „ am/ fm cassette, air, good condit ion, $4995.

(734) 453-9492.

N E O N 1995, 4 dr., red auto-matic, air, reliable, am- fm cas-sette, $3750/best. 810-751-5590

N E O N 2000 LX, 33k mi., auto, CD, ioaded, silver exterior gray c l o t h i n t e r i o r , v e r y c l ean . $11,000. (248) 543-9283

CUTLASS S U P R E M E 1994, 4 dr., garnet red/garnet interior, cruise, tiit, AM/FM cassette, p.w., locks & seat. Exc. cond., 76,000 actual miles, $6500. 248-608-9951

OLDS 1991 Ninety Eight tour ing sedan - blue, leather, loaded, 100+ mi, $3500. 248-344-9466

OLDS, 1994 88 Royaie LSS, whi te/grey leather, like new, , classy car $6000. 248-853-3286

NEON LX 2000 - 2.0L, auto, Cin-namon glaze color l ike new, 10.5k miles, a lways non-smoking, all power. $10,900/best (734)475-8371

SUNDANCE 1994 - 4 dr., exc cond., $2900. • • • • SOLD

S U N D A N C E - 126K miles, 2 door h a t c h b a c k , air, au to , $1,800. Cal l 248-542-2576


BONNEVILLE 1997 - auto, 4 dr, 90k, auto start, power, $8000.


BONNEViLLE 1983 Exc cond. Loaded, no rust. 60,000 miles. $3500/best. 248-887-0462

BONNEVILLE, 1988 LE - 3800, $1500. New brakes, clean inte-rior. Eves. 248-624-6843

BONNEVILLE 1995 - loaded, good cond., $7,000.

(810) 235-6498

BONNEVILLE, 1995 SE - Exc. cond. CD, leather, sunroof, alu-minum wheels, loaded, 67K miles, $6,500. 248-477-2070

BONNEVILLE SE 1993 - Green w/ beige int., 87k miles, ait power, sun roof, runs good. $5,500 After 6pm (248)615-0745

very gc QOOO cond, 100K+ hwy mi, good for

Student. $6250. 248-486-1254.

N E O N 1997 - 49,000 $5,190. (734) 729-8851


N E O N 2000, 5 speed, air, power sunroof , 3600 mi. A labama car. $11,000/best . (248) 894-3247.


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(734) 721-1144

G R A N D A M 1997 Champagne, 5 speed coupe. 48k $8800. leave message 734-480-3994

GRAND AM 1 9 9 7 - 2 dr, V6, auto A/C, cruise/ CD, pi, pw, new tires, 75K, $6500/best. 734-547-0977.

G R A N D A M 2000 GT - black, gray leather, loaded, moonroof , chrome wheels, 11K, 2 yr . war-ranty left $15,995 734-765-3445

G R A N D AM 1995 GT. 2 Door, 55K miles, white, exc. cond., $6900 firm. (734) 721-1282

G R A N D A M 1999 G T - 4 dr., black, 4 cyl., auto, cruise, power wlndows/cioors, A M / F M CD, air, a l u m i n u m whee ls . 4 0 k mi . $12,500. Eves: 248-478-9556

Days: 734-669-6222

G R A N D A M 1997 G T - 82K, biack, 2 dr., fully loaded, moon-roof, $5500/best (313) 441 -1439

G R A N D A M 1998 GT, 63,000 miles, mint, ioaded, $10,500,

After 6pm: (248) 549-5467.

G R A N D A M Gt Sedan 1998-53k mostly hwy. Purple, extras, cd. $10,500. 248-624-5846.

G R A N D A M 1994, GT, V6, 2 dr., red/tan Interior, loaded, sunroof, a luminum wheels, exc., cond., $5200. 248-541-6811

G R A N D A M 1997 - 35k miles, 4 dr., excellent condit ion, $11,000. (248)202-7744 (248)766-7607

G R A N D AM, 1987 - 112K miles, exc. transportat ion, runs good, $1500 or best. 313-295-7694

G R A N D A M 1995 - 100K, one o w n e r , l o a d e d , n e w t i r es / shocks, $5000. 313-538-6168.

G R A N D PRIX 1990 SLE - 4 dr., no rust, looks good , runs great, $3000. (248) 706-1366

PONTIAC 6000 LE 1990 -ioaded, remote start , alarm, am/ f m CD, 6 cyl, air, rebuilt engine, $1875. 3 -9pm: 734-459-4125

SUNBIRD, 1991 - Runs good, looks good. Automat ic , air, $1200/best . 734-729-0288

S U N B I R D S E 1992 - Rebuilt 3.1 V6, red new t i res brakes & exhaust . Exec. cond. 85K miles. $4000/best (248)887-8851

SUNFIRE, 1995 convertible,, all opt ions, cel l phone, 5 speed, $4,995/best . (248) 391-1895.

SUNF IRE 1996 CONVERTIBLE dark green, w/b lack top, very good cond. , 77K original miles,

$8300/best every opt ion offer (248) 374-9416

SUNFIRE 1996 convertible, 5 speed manual, AC, pw/pl, CD, new tires, $7900. 248-474-9103

SUNF IRE 1998, 2 door coupe, 3 7 k m i . , $ 9 0 0 0 / b e s t , 248-625-4207 or 248-753-3678

SUNF IRE 1998 - 2 dr., white, CD, air, auto, $8995.

(734) 455-6336

SUNF IRE 1999 G T convert ible 14,000 rniles, exc. cond., black, $14,999 or assume lease.

(248) 553-3345

SUNFIRE1998 GT, fully loaded, exc. cond. , 51 ,500 highway mi les, regu lar ma in tenance , $11,000/best . (248) 426-7138

G R A N D A M 1991 2.3L, auto, air, stereo. Mint cond. $2400.

(519) 776-6548

BONNEVILLE 2000 SSEi -exceptional tow mi. Must sell by 5-1. $24,400. 313-532-7388.

BONNEVILLE 1996 SSEi -leather, roof, GM warranty, all options, $11,900. 248-642-7325

BONNEVILLE 1995 SSEI,Leath-er, fully loaded, car-starter, CD, sunroof.$7500. 313-963-8974.

B O N N E V I L L E , 1999, S S E . Moonroof, leather, loaded, exc. cond. $17,299. (248) 626-1559

FIARO 1988 5 speed, 9,000 original miles, 1 owner, must see. Perfect. $9,900.

(248) 328-8171

FI.ERO 1984 - Show Room Cond., 16k miies, stored, almost new $7495/best 248-967-1428

FIREBIRD 1999, auto, black, T tops, loaded, $13,100. 248-212-4919 - 348-2404

FIREBIRD 1994, black/grey int. power, air, AM/FM w/CD, extras. Very sharp, exc. cond. 116K, $5,900. (248) 620-0145

FIREBIRD 1999 - black, gray interior, V6, T-tops, Monsoon

i stereo system, great cond., S ! 3.5CC. Jennifer 248-593-6400

S u i w c i t o credi t approval. Based on GM employee cylinder wiBt automatic transmission, sunroc" th is isass. The customer is Slabls t o r s mileag w h o e v e r comas tirsL Routine maintenance tha highest rated Mid Luxury Car In J.D. Power and

Delivery mus t be taken out of participating dealer inventory Sy July 3 1 . 2 0 0 1 . Dealer financial participation may affect consumer cost, terns apply to a leather seats, m a m o i y drivers seat and HarmaivKardon System. 36 mon th lease plus taxes, insurance, title ana reaistration fees. The customer .s a t a i e d 36,0 charge of $ .20 per mile over 36,000 miles and for excess wear and tear. Buy or

001 Ssab 9 - 5 Sedan i - ' j i plus taxes, insurance, title and registration fees. The c u s t o m e r s a l lw ,ad 36.000 miles tor.g the term ol

a n e w 2001 Saab 9-5 Sedan and receive No Cftatge Scheduled Maintenance for 3 years or 36,ODD miles, recommended maintenance only. This pros ram Is subject to discont inuance any t ime. One-year OnStar p remium service subscription included. The 2001 Saab 9-5 was

2001 Initial Duality Study. Study based o n tmal H . 5 6 5 consumer responses indicating owner reported problems du r ing the firet 9 0 days of ownership, www.Jdpower.cwn.


2001 CIVIC LX - a r t s m i s s i o n , f o u r d o o r

•217S£< A u t o m a t i c t r a n s m i s s i o n , f o u r d o o r .

k L e a s e " F o r NO M O N E Y DOWN

to* ,

2001 CIVIC LX 2 DR

Air cond i t ion ing, p o w e r w indows , power locks, cruise, casset te & more.

ifiR '48 months dosed end lease12,Q001 - f - mfles wfth approved credit $268.04

ealsi§R#.W6w Ptete extra. Lease S


sunsninE nonoA, 1 2 0 5 PLYMOUTH

RD'' 734-453-3600 '

G R A N D A M 19911_E, quad 4ho, 5 speed, loaded, good condit ion, $2500. (248) 348-0556.

G R A N D A M 1995 - 1 owner , air, power, 4 dr., cruise, good condi-t ion, 70 ,000 mi les, $5200 . 313-531 -5546, 313-255-4384.

G R A N D AM PONTIAC 1997 GT (4 door) green/gray cloth interior (fold down rear seat) V-6, auto, w indows and locks, cruise con-trol. AM/FM wi th cd player a n d steer ing wheel controls. Excel-lent condit ion. $7,300 or best Offer. (734) 522-8409

G R A N D A M 1996 - Red, clean, runs excellent, 73,000 miles, $7500/best. 734-953-2763.

G R A N D A M 1999 SE, 4 door, black, auto, CD, spoiler, cruise, p o w e r s e a t s , 4 0 K m i l e s , $11,000. 248-645-5095.

G R A N D A M SE 1999 - 4 dr., all power, spoiler, cruise, 46K hwy. miles, exec. cond. $12,000. Eve-nings (810)629-2861

G R A N D A M 1993 SE red, 2 dr., 92K mostly hwy, manual, pi, cas-sette, cruise, air, c lean, 1 owner, $3000/best. 734-420-1549

FIREBIRD 1992 - convertible, i red, 5.0 L, all power, 37,600 miles, $12,500. 734-721-8087

GRAND A M 1995 SE - V6, 4 dr., white, 83K, 1 owner, remote start, auto, loaded, new tires, $7,000. 313-350-0960

FIREBIRD 1991 Formula, t-tops, full power, body in great shape, runs excel lent, 113,000 miles, $4600/best. 734-697-7313

FIREBIRD FORMULA 1995, V8, 66,500 miles, red, T-top, air, stereo, cruise, power, exc. cond., $11,000/best - 734-699-2315

FIREBIRD 19941 tops, leather, summer


Jfed/faiMm-West land

(734) 721-1144

FIREBIRD, 1994, full power, CD, 33.9K miies, like new, red, $8,600. 248-647-3061

FIREBIRD 1978, 36,000 original miles, mint cond. Asking $6700.


FIREBIRD, 1995 - Red, 41K miles, auto, loaded, clean. Must sell. $7995/best . 734-432-1054

FIREBIRD 1994, red, t-tops, low miles, loaded, exc. cond., new tires. $8,900. 248-347-2212

GRAND A M 1994 SE V6. White, 2 dr., 66K miles, exc. cond. $4600. (248) 593-5933

G R A N D A M 1997 - whi te, 68K miles, 2 dr., 5 speed manual , new tires, very wel l maintained, $6300/best . 734-641 -1302.

T R A N S A M 2000 - black, black leather, 11,700 miles, loaded, T -tops, 6 speed hurst, $21,900.

(734) 421-8964

T R A N S - A M 1994 - Black, 6 speed, leather, Exc cond, CD, air. $9,800 (810)229-8043

T R A N S AM, 1987. Ex. cond., 57K miles, T- tops, red. $7500.

(734) 981-0215

TRANS AM, 2000, Firehawk. Black, leather, loaded, T-tops, SHARP! $29,900. 734-591-0913

C A M R Y 1 9 9 9 - Burgundy, be ige interior, 30K miles, 2 .0 liter, auto, air, ABS & PS, power win-dows/ locks, CD, new tires, exc cond., $14,995 (248)926-8399

C A M R Y 1996 - 4 door sedan, 91K mi les, white, ieather, sun-roof, CD, $8250. (248) 887-0934

C A M R Y 1997 - LE-4, or iginal owner , loaded, exc . cond . , beige, ABS, securi ty sys tem, 55K, $10,900. 248-624-7747.

C A M R Y 1998 I E - V6, auto, 4 door, campaign, air, leather, sunroof, power locks/windows, securi ty, casset te/CD, excel lent, 26K, $15,900. 248-668-1770.

C A M R Y LE 1997, whi te, sun-roof, C D player, w o o d t r imming , spoi ler, exc. c o n d . 6 0 , 0 0 0 miies, $11,900. 248-852-2291

C A M R Y X L E 1992 - Whi te , sun-roof, 103K miles, Great car l $5,300 (734)422-1078

CEL ICA 2000 GTS, blue, 6 speed, air, sunroof, CD, power w indows & locks, 16K miles, $19,500. 734-354-6676

CEL ICA 1990 ST; charcoal , air, cassette, cruise, 5 speed, 99,800 miles. $3500. 734-425-4571

CEL ICA 1995 ST - 56k, go ld package, manual, 1.8 L, power , $9000/best . (248) 377-6364.

C O R O L L A 1999 CE, 5 speed, exce l l en t c o n d i t i o n , 2 0 , 0 0 0 miles, $12,000/best . Ser ious cal ls on ly to (248) 546-1883.

C O R O L L A 1988 4 dr., 90 ,000 mi les-good cond., $2000 . Cal l

(248) 626-1255

O L D S 1990 C u s t o m cruiser wagon. Near mint ! 109K miles, $2500/best . 313-255-7845

S U N B I R D 1994 LE, 3.11, v6, auto, red, sport package, sh£rp car. $3600/best. 734-612-4520.

T A U R U S 1991 - si lver, loaded, excel lent, 100K, $2200 .

(248) 478-7138

TOYOTA COROLLA 1987 iow mileage, automatic, air, runs

$2000/firm. 248-478-2965

Autos Under $2,000

A E R O S T A R 1993 - auto, air, g a r a g e k e p t s i n c e n e w . $1650. T Y M E A U T O (734) 455-5566.

AUDI 1986 - all power , running, exc., $1500 .


BUICK 1988 Century - $600/ best . 313-255-4875

1989 BUICK Century V6, auto, loaded, new t i res. Runs & dr ives exec. $1900/best . 313-255-5376

C A R S F R O M $500! Police Impounds & Tax Repos.

Lists; 800-319-3323, x7375.

C H R Y S L E R Caravel le 1985, runs great, g randma 's car, 60K, $1650/best . 1986 F O R D Mark VII LSC, runs great , $1600/best . 1986 F O R D Stake Truck, $1000/ best. 1992 T E M P O , for parts, best offer. 248-698-9225.

MR2 SPYDER 2001, rare mid engine roadster, 5500 miles, silver/ black, $24,500. 248-344-8117

P A S E O 1993 - looks/ runs good , 121K miles, recondi t ioned, sun-roof, black, under b luebook price $3995. (734) 207-8352

S U P R A 1996 • 23K miles, mint, auto, air, full power, cus tom, $23,000/best . 734-341 -0039

TRANS AM, 1998. Fully loaded, stored winters, perfect cond. $18,000/best Offer. (248) 380-7455

T R A N S A M 1997 Ram Air -black, charcoal interior, t-tops, CD, ch rome wheels . Exc. cond., not abused. 69K hwy. miles. $17,500, (248) 390-3216.

T R A N S A M - 1 9 9 6 , T-tops, auto. Great summer car! Low miles. $14,500. (248)347-2810

870 Saturn

C O U P E SC 1992 - Red, New alternator, struts, & tires. Very c lean runs great! $3000 (248)887-8851

S A T U R N 2000 LS-2 Sedan, dk. green/beige, 6 cyl inder, loadedl 18,800 miles, 1 owner, non-smoker , $14,500. 313-441-4215

S A T U R N LW2, 2000 - 13K, V6, leather, CD/tape, loaded, like new. $18,900. 734-451-5695.

S A T U R N SC2 1995 air, leather, power locks, w indows, ABS, air-

$5700. 734-254-0597

G R A N D AM 1999, white, v6, leather interior, moonroof , CD, $11,500/best. (24?) 709-1540.

G R A N D PRIX GT 1999, black, loaded, priced to sell! $10,980 John Rogin Buick 734-525-0900.

G R A N D PRIX 1997 GT, 2 door, exc. cond., loaded, ext. war-ranty, $12,000. 810-566-5914.

G R A N D PRIX 1998 GT 2 door, exc. cond, 35,000 miles, power equipment, cd, white, $13,700 or best offer (734) 455-5925

G R A N D PRIX 1999 GT - exc cond. , loaded, green, coupe, $9,900/best. (248) 669-5763.

G R A N D PRIX GT 1997 - Great cond., loaded, 71 ,000 miles, $10,000. 248-645-9688

G R A N D PRIX 1997 GT, 43K miles, loaded, ex tended war-ranty, exc. cond. , $13 ,000 or best (734) 673-3215

S A T U R N 1996 S C 2 - biack, 80K mi, 5 speed, air, tilt, stereo/tape, $5800. (734) 354-1974.

S A T U R N SC2 1997 - leather, ABS, forest green, exc cond, $7500/best . (248) 380-9580

S A T U R N SC1 1999, 5 SP., air, 49K, am- fm cassette, sunroof, $9000/best . 248-350-3112

S A T U R N SC1 1997 - 5 speed, purple w/spoi ler , alloys, 24-40 mpg, air, a m - f m cassette, 1 owner $7900/best248-349-4062

S A T U R N SL1 1998 - Auto , 4 dr., air, A M / F M cassette, 42K mi., $8100/best. (248)328-9942.

S A T U R N 1993 SL2 - 121K, moonroof , extras. New brakes/ exhaust. $3500 248-643-8425.

S A T U R N SL2 1993 Sedan - red, auto, pw/pl, casset te, air, runs great, $3900. 246-349-6246

T O Y O T A C A M R Y X L E 1998 black, 40,000 miles, ful ly loaded, exc. cond. , $14 ,000 or best offer. (248) 231-4362

874 Volkswagen

B E E T L E 1998 - Black, c loth, auto, air, cruise, power w i n d o w s & much more. 30 ,000 miles. $13,900. (248) 545 -5210

BEETLE , 1999 GLS. Whi te , 5 Speed, 23K most ly h ighway miles, air, cassette, great cond. $14 ,950 including 4 s n o w tires.

(248) 737 -4838

BEETLE, 1999, GLS, yel low, auto, b iack leather, moonroof , CD, heated seats, 3 3 K mi, $13,900. 248-589-8564

B E E T L E 1999 - g reen, 8 ,000 miles, auto, tike new, $14,900/ best of fer . (248) 624 -8636

BEETLE, 1998 - Red, super clean, ioaded + 6-d isc CD. 19K miles, $14,500. 248-656-1032.

BEETLE 1 9 9 9 - 5 speed, 15,500 miles, CD/casset te, Exc Cond. $14 ,000 (248)623-4960

B E E T L E 1971 Super -21k miles, exc. cond. 2 n d owner, $5,000. 248-459-0600

B E E T L E 2000 Turbo - 5 speed , dark blue, gray leather, C D & more. 14.5K miles, $18,500.

313-565-9845 days 313-617-3646 eves /wknds

8ETTLE1999 , BLACK, 5 speed, a/c, power w indows & locks 40K miles. $14,900/best (734)358-5443

C H R Y S L E R 1 9 8 9 D y n a s t y 95 ,000 miles, auto, air, stereo. Mint cond. $1250. 519-776-6548

C U T L A S S 1986, 2dr, runs good. Who le or parts. $700/best . (248) 926-8077 734-812-0541

DELTA 88 1989 - Exc. t ranspor-tat ion. Mechan ica l l y exc. 160K. Black. $1500 . 248-593-9603

D O D G E 1990 Cargo Van - runs great, $600 . (734) 728-6362

D O D G E 1988 D 1 5 0 - 318 auto, b lue, runs good , new brakes, shocks, radiator, cd player, power, $1500 . 248-624-7129

D O D G E S H A D O W , 1992, auto, 93k mi les, runs great. $1000/

248-64 best 248-645-5408

D O D G E 1984 S H E L B Y - Looks & runs great . $1500/best . Ask for Mark. (313) 277-0664.

E S C O R T 1991 - CD, auto, good condi t ion, 107K, $ l400 /bes t .

(734) 455-1533

E S C O R T 1991 - 2 dr, 100k+, needs work . $800/best .

(734) 261-7589

E S C O R T 1990 G T - 5 speed, new tires. $1500 or best offer.


E S C O R T 1 9 9 3 LX w a g o n $1200/bes t . 734-721-8773

FEST IVA 1992 - exc transporta-t ion, great gas mi leage, $1650.

(248) 366-3238

FORD, 1993 Festiva. 4 speed, low miles, great on gas. New muf-fler. $1850/best. (734) 414-0113

F O R D R A N G E R S 1987 & 1988, need work . $1200 a pair or best offer. (734) 721-8773

F O R D R A N G E R X L T 1987 - V6, mechan ica l l y sound , $1500/ best. (734) 458-1186

F O R D T H U N D E R B I R D 1986 -auto, c iean, V 6 , $1925.


C A B R I O 1995 - Convert ib le Exec Cond, 81K miles. 28 M.P.G.I $9,500 (248)644-7805

C A B R I O 1997 - Whi te , conver t -able, tan leather, all opt ions. 40K miles. $14,000. (248)203-6795

G R A N D PRIX 2 0 0 0 G T -leather, moonroof, 4 dr, 9k miles, $17,200. 734-981-3897

G R A N D PRIX 1997 G T • loaded, 38k, leather, sunroof, more. $13,100. 248-656-9371

PLYMOUTH " /mM-ODUU C l o s e d S a t u r d a y

V i s i t o u r w e b s i t e : w w w . s u n s h i n e h o n d a . n e t

FIREBIRD 1998 red, T-tops, exc . c o n d . , 4 0 , 0 0 0 m i l es , extended warranty, Monsoon 10 speaker with cd, full power secu-rity system, $12,950.

(248) 477-5480

G R A N D A M 1992 - Black w/ sunroof, sharp, 54K mi. $5500. Leave message. 248-489-5028

- Qua l i ty Low M i l a g e Cars -Trucks & Vans - All Backed By Our 56 Year Reputation

G R A N D PRIX 2000 GT loaded, $16,000/best. 248-684-1182.

G R A N D PRIX GT 2000 - 1 8 , 0 0 0 miles, CD, non-smoker , exc cond. , $15,900. 734-207-8720

G R A N D PRIX GTP 2000 -black, 2 dr., fully loaded w/all extras, 18K miles, $20,000.


G R A N D PRIX 2000 G T P - 4 dr. black, leather, sunroof, CD, G M e x e c u t i v e ca r , m i n t , 1 7 K . $20,500. 248-427-1403

G R A N D PRIX 1997 GTP 3.8 liter, black, loaded, $11,000.

(734) 425-4049


'99 TRACER LS 4 DR Auto, A/C, all power, cruise 1 owner beauty $9895

'00 ESCORT SE 4 DR White, auto, A/C, all power, 16K, 1 owner miies $9995

'01 FOCUS SE 4 DR A l l power, auto, cruise, windows/A/C, locks, 18K, 1 owner $11,900

'99 RANGER XLT PICKUP 1 4 K , 1 o w n e r . A u t o , A / C , l i k e

new & sale priced $11,900

'00 FOCUS SE WAGON White, auto, A/C, cruise, power windows, locks, rack $12,900

'99 RANGER X-CAB PICKUP V-6, auto, A/C, al l power, cruise, power windows/locks, 24K I owner $13,900

'99 COUGAR Spruce, V-6, auto, moon roof, A/C, 27K 1 owne'. Sharp $13,500

'98 VILLAGER GS VAN 7 passenger, 25K 1 owner, loaded, auto, A/C, like new $14,500

'00 SABLE Tan, 21K 1 owner, loaded with options & sale priced $15,900

'99 VILLAGER VAN Tan, 24K 1 owner, loaded with options & l avel ready $15,906


18K 1 owner, all the options, like new quality condition $16,900


Pearl White, 31K 1 owner, loaded & showroom condition


I G R A N D PRIX 1997 G T P - red 2 I door. Exc. cond. $10,500.


'01 MAZDA 626 4 DR Demo, 7K, auto, loaded, rebate to dealer $17,900

'99 LINCOLN CONTINENTAL 14K 1 owner. Exceptional condition $22,900

'00 VOLVO 540 1.9T Red, 8K, loaded with options. Don't miss $22,900

'99 LINCOLN TOWN CAR 14K 1 owner, all the options. Exceptional $23,900


11K 1 owner, like new & vacation ready $23,900


4 door pickup, 4x4, loaded & 5K 1 owner miles $27,500

'00 CONTOUR SE 4 DR Auto, A/C, cruise, all power, 21 K 1 owner Was $11,900 Now $9,900

'00 FOCUS SE Silver, auto, A/C, ali power, cruise - loaded Was $12,900 Now $11,900

'00 FORD TAURUS SE Red, 24 valve, V-6, A/C, all power, 25K Was $15,900 Now $13,900

'98 LINCOLN TOWN CAR Loaded, local trans, sale price Was $18,900 Now $16,900

'99 LINCOLN TOWN CAR Signature Series, white, 30K 1 owner beauty Was $22,900 Now $18,900

1 G R A N D PRIX 2000 GTP, silver, 14 door, 23K mites, loaded,

$19,100. 248-661-0309

Sesi Lincoln Mercury Mazda 950 E. Michigan Ave. - Ypsilanti

(734) 482-7133 O p e n M o n . & Thurs. 8 : 3 0 - 9 ; Tues., W e d . & Fri. 8 : 3 0 - 6

Closed Saturdays 't i l Labor D a y


a / M - r ^ S E S i A , k AS&S&X • 7 w 3 y £ 9 « - i * " " j

t t a i m u I

G R A N D PRIX 1999 G T P -silver, 55,000 miles, fully ioaded, l e a t h e r , h e a d s - u p d i s p l a y , 12-disc CD, new tires, t inted win-dows, exc cond., $16,500. 734-261-6759, 734-355-0982

G R A N D PRIX GT 1998 Sedan, red, CD, Moonroof, adult owned, non smoker , warranty , 4.1 k mi les. $14,50.0 (248)437-6017

SC2 2001 - air, cd, cassette, ABS, airbags, 12k miles, $16,000/best . (248) 670-6933

S C 2 , 1 9 9 7 - Black/ tan, auto, air, power , cruise, al loy wheels, CD, 29K. $11,600. 248-855-5756.

SC1, 1 9 9 3 - 2 Dr, 5-speed, 95K miles, air, A B S , exc. cond. $4200/best . 248-922-3493.

SC2 1996 - Loaded! Dark green, leather, moon roof, 49K miles $7900/best (734)453-0677

SC2 2001 - loaded, red, under 2 0 K m i l e s . $ 1 4 , 5 0 0 .


SL2 1997 - auto, air, 36k, am-fm, ps/pb, dark green, good con-dit ion. $7600.. 248-449-2835

SL2 1995 - auto , air, 91,000 miles, gold, exc overall, $5200/ best. (734) 425-0031

SL 1999 - c lean, air, traction control, great M P G , 5 speed, 39K, $8800/best 248-705-8997

SL2 1996 - 4 dr., air, auto trans, all power, remote entry, AM/FM casset te , ABS, warranty ,$8,000


SL2 1 998 • 4 dr., auto, loaded p o w e r sunroo f , 45K mi les, dealer maintained, white, $8500. 248-299-4288 734-260-0970

SL2, 1994, 83K mi., blue/black, ABS, new brakes/exhaust, exc. cond. $4,300/best. 734-462-0113

SL2 1998 loaded, leather, 5 speed, power sunroof, cruise, p remium sound, 41K miles, exc. cond,. $9400. (248) 649-5564

G O L F 1998 K2 Snowboard board still in plastic, 62K, all orig-inal, loaded, superb cond. , 6 - C D changer , new t i res/brakes, 1 of 800. $11,800. (248) 336-2819

JETTA 1997 G L - 58 ,000 miles, 5 speed, 4 dr., green, $9500/ best. (734) 454-7094

J E T T A GLS 1999 - Al l power , air, 33k miles, exec. cond. $14,000/best (734)276-2661

J E T T A 1995 G L - 5 speed, power sunroof, 94K, $7000/best . Leave message 248-799-8247

J E T T A 1997 G L S 5 speed, whi te, sunroof, $9000 . or best offer (248) 685-2588

JETTA 1997 GT, 65 ,800 miles, a m / f a m radio, air, cru ise, moon -roof, $9850. 248-735-8231.

J E T T A 1994 - Whi te . Securi ty s y s t e m . Blue book $ 5 7 0 0 . Ask ing $5000. 248-933-6512

K A R M E N GIA, 1971 coupe , ye l l ow /b lack in ter ior , n e w e r Brakes, battery & t i res, runs OK, $3,000/best . (734) 207-1901.

N E W BEETLE 2000 GLX Turbo, 8100 miles! Leather, stick, heated seats, ABS, keyless/alarm, side air bags, sunroof, cd changer, spoiler, warranty. $19,000/best - - 248-204-7357 Call 8-5

P A S S A T 1991- 4 door, auto, moonroof , full power $3000/ best. 734-427-4743.

P A S S A T , 1994, G L X . 5 4 K miles, exc. cond., leather, sun-roof, $9,400. 248-476-3916

P A S S A T 2001 GLX - loaded/ mint cond. Silver/black leather, CD, sunroof, heated seats, more. $29,000. 248-661-6898

SL2 1997 moonroo f , $7,900.

- Loaded, ps./pb, da rk blue, auto.


G R A N D PRIX GT Sedan 2000 -sunroof, leather, CD, more! 16.5K, $16,500. 248-673-0175

G R A N D PRIX 1993, loaded, sun roof, ground effects pkg. $4550. Very nice. 810-263-3702

G R A N D PRIX 1988 S E coupe, 81K, coid A/C, sharp, $2900/ best offer. (734) 397-5621.

G R A N D PRIX 1998 SE 4 door, gold, 3.8 V6, p remium wheels, many extras, f inanc ing avail-able, Private owner , $10,500.

(248) 669-2806.

G R A N D PRIX 1991 S E - whi te, 2 dr., gray interior, original lady owner , non-smoker, exc cond. , very clean, auto V6 3.1, pw/pl/p-seat, cruise, cassette, air, tilt, 125K, oil change every 3,000. $3900/best. 734-420-1530 x 248

eve: 734-455-2428

SL2 1991 133,000 miles, 5 speed, white, loaded. $2000 or best. (313) 535-6129

S L 2 1997 sedan green, power windows/ locks, tilt, cruise. Exc. cond. $5900. 248-240-2424

S W 2 1997 air, am/ fm cassette, tilt, cruise, 50k miles, runs well, red, good cond. , asking $7500/ best. (734) 587-7901

872 Toyota

A V A L O N , 1997, super clean, white & tan, leather, sunroof, CD changer , 64k h i -way miles, must see, $15,500. 248-645-0535.

Toyota Camry 1997 XLE - 4 cyl. Super clean, must see. 43,500 mi. $14,30Q/best. 734-981-1572

PASSAT 2000 GLX Sedan, 20 ,000 miles, factory warranty, auto, leather, CD, power roof, heated power seats, Anthraci te b lue, 17" wheels , $23 ,900 .


F O R D V A N S - both late 1980's, 1 ful l -s ize, 1 mini, $1200 ea. or best offer. (734) 522-1188

G E O M E T R O 1992 - Manual , 61K m i „ s o m e new parts, $700.

Cal l (248) 761-7810.

G M C S U B U R B A N 1987 - 6.2 L diesel, newer motor and t rans, r u n s g r e a t l $ 2 0 0 0 / b e s t


G R A N D V O Y A G E R 1988, LE, 3.0 V6, 150k miles, no rust, c lean interior, 1 owner , $1800. Scott - 734-981-1564

H O N D A P R E L U D E 1987 4 cyl., 16 valve, 2dr, sunroof, mint cond. $850 . (519) 776-6548

LEGACY 1990 LS Stationwagon. Runs good, needs body work. $1200. After 6pm 248-623-9818

L I N C O L N T O W N C A R 1988 high miles, g o o d mechanical cond. $1000 (734)427-1435

LUMINA 1991 Sedan, 1 owner , needs T L C . $1000. Cal l to a r range appt. 248-265-5310.

M A Z D A 323 1 988 4 d r „ auto, stereo, mint cond. $650. •

(519) 776-6548

M E R C E D E S B E N Z 1971 250 sedan 88K miles, 6 cyl inder, doesn' t run. $600. best offer

734 422-7976 after 5 p.m.

MITSUBISH11991, Eclipse GS, 5 sp. needs clutch, runs great $600/ best offer 734-421-7101

PONTIAC Bonnevil le LE 1990 4dr, runs good, new tires, 137k miles $1800/best 734-427-4372

PONTIAC G R A N D A M 1990 -Black, fair Cond. 148k miles, $1,500/best (734)595-3194

PONTIAC 1987, Safari wagon, looks good, runs good. $1750/ best. (248) 391-1504.

P R O B E 1989 - new paint, power locks/windows, newer tires & more. $1700/best. 734-454-4611

P R O B E 1990 - V6, auto , red, 170K, good cond, reduced to $1800/best . 248-851-1766.

R A N G E R 1993 - ext ra clean, 5 speed, 35 mpg, $1650. T Y M E A U T O (734) 455-5566.

PASSAT 1999 - 27 ,000 miles, good condit ion, Alloy wheels , si lver, charcoal cloth interior, $15,900/best. 248-981 -5867

PASSAT 1990 - new air, t ires, belts, exhaust, etc. 166k, good cond. $3000. (248) 334-2787

S U P E R BEETLE 1972 -needs work. $2500.

(248) 977-7504

V O L V O 960 Wagon 1993 - hunt-er's green, camel leather, 80K,

). (248) 755-4475

876 Autos Over $2,000

FORD, 1993 Tempo. Auto, Air, 118K mi.; new engine at 8 0 K mi. $ 3 , 0 0 0 / b e s t . A f t e r 3 p m :


S K Y L A R K 1993 - ivory, dark blue interior, auto, air, $1799. T Y M E A U T O (734) 455-5566.

S U N D A N C E 1994 - 2 door hatchback, auto, runs great. $1200. (248) 545-1830

T A U R U S 1993 G L - 3.6 V-6, 146K hwy. mi, runs/looks good, $2000. (734) 495-0977

T E M P O 1991 4cyl , auto, air, stereo, low miles. Mint cond. $1650. (519) 776-6548

V O L V O 1978 244 - Strong motor, new paint, $1200/Best, By 8-28-01 (248)420-9051

V O Y A G E R 1989 - 132K, tuned at 120K, many new parts, air/ heat work, $1800.734-513-6101

V W G O L F GT 1987 2 door, au to , a i r , w e l l ma in ta ined , m e c h a n i c a l l y s o u n d , 1 0 8 K miles, $1900 or best.

248 646-6068

COPY The Observer & Eccentric / T H U R S D A Y , Ju ly 2 6 , 2 0 0 1 CANTON PUBLIC LIBRARY • 1 F

Real Estate nt!.„ com

The Real Estate One Family of Companies -Johnstone & Johnstone • Ralph Manuel Associates Capital Title • Insurance One • John Adams Mortgage

Trusted by more people in more neighborhoods.

1 NORTHVILLE §1,100,000 MAGNIFICENT HOME to be built in Fox Hoilow! Every amenity expected, including an interior decorator. Lush master suite. Entertainment/bar area off GR. Dual staircases. (01FOX2)

NORTHVILLE $949,000 MAGNIFICENT HOME I Tranquil view of Lake Elizabeth! Fin w/o bsmtw/ful l bth, 5th BR, media rm & p!ay/exercize rm. 14' turret room, granite, cherry cabinets & firs, 2 FP. (33FOX2)

PLYMOUTH $479,900 AWESOME! Beautiful ly f in'd w/o backing to protected woodlands showcases this stunning home. 1 st floor mstr w/FP. Let your dreams come true! (22W002)

PLYMOUTH $435,000 BEAUTIFUL 4 BR COLONIAL features 2.5 baths, gourmet kit, deck, landscaping, & outstanding mstr ste w/his/her closets and 11x12 sitting rm. Over 3400 sq ft. (E11635)

FARMINGTON HILLS $424,000 SPECTACULAR HOMESITE with gorgeous view from deck of commons area. Custom built, crown molding, cir. staircase, huge family rm w/cathedral ceiling, fp, w/o bsmnt. (S22590)

PC S10452 248-348-6430 P C 510902 2 4 8 - 3 4 8 - 6 4 3 0 P C SI 0502 248-348-6430 734 -591 -9200 734 -591 -9200

CANTON $409,900 BEAUTIFUL VIEW! Golf course community, Private bk yd, prof landscaped front, Ig deck, gourmet kit w/center island, mstr ste, study w/fp, prof finished bsmnt. (S538)


JOHNADAMS+ 888 404-8500

tor information about out 5% down, no income, no asset verification.

johnadamsmortgage.com • A n w r n h s r o f f h e F t e a l E f t i t e Q m F a m i l y o f C o m p a n i e s

NORTHVILLE $346,900 WHERE DREAMS COME TRUE! Situated on beautiful treed 1-acre lot. Stili plenty of room for family activities. Offering 4 BR, 2.5 baths, FR, natural FP. Tucked away on a quiet sett ing! (49WHI2)

248 -348 -6430

CANTON $314,900 MOVE IN CONDITION COLONIAL is just waiting for you! 9' ceilings on main floor, island kitchen, ceramic foyer, 2,600 SF, deck & sprinklers. Plymouth/Canton schools! (57BR02)

PLYMOUTH $299,900 GETTHIS 4 BR CAPE FASTI This home, features some ceramic and hardwood, 2.5 baths, f/p, deck, basement needs ceiling to be finished, transfer sale. (W12710)

734 -591 -9200

NOVI $289,900 NOVI'S WHISPERING MEADOWS 3 BR colonial updated to perfection from new oak kitchen, new window & roof, FR w/fp, new doorwall to Ig deck, & one of the larger lots in sub. Freshly painted. (S22391)

LIVONIA $269,900 BEAUTIFUL PROFESSIONALLY DECORATED 4 BR colonial in Burton Holiow. Loaded w/updates. (G34443)

DEARBORN $269,900 DESIRABLE DEARBORN HILLS CAPE COD! Welcome Home! This charming home Is filled w/ character. Plaster waiis, coved ceilings in DR, updated roof & windows. (35SIL2)

734 -591 -9200 PC 248 -348 -6430 734-591-9200

NORTHVILLE $249,900 CAPE COD on 1.2 treed acres. 3 BR, 2,168 SF, hdwd f i rs, total ly remodeled k i tchen. Many updates, CA and a breezeway. What a find! (07SEV2)

LIVONIA $239,900 MOVE RIGHT IN 4 bedroom, 2 bath brick Ranch in Livonia. Large corner lot features attached 2 car garage, deck, fenced yard, part f in ished basement, C/A, family room. (B155)

PLYMOUTH $234,900 HOME WITH CHARACTER! Charming 4 bdrm colonial. Hrdwd firs in LR & DR. New kit w/ceramic tile, new cabinets, counter, sink. 3 car gar on 1 acre, c i rcu lar dr ive. Ready to move in to l (23H14605)

CANTON $220,000 TASTEFULLY DECORATED in neutral tones. End unit, 1st fi mstr ste, 2nd fl 2 BR, loft, bath. Great rm w/fp, appl stay, deck, 1 st fi laundry, 2 car attd garage, bsmnt. (W41679)

734 -591 -9200

ROYAL OAK $214,900 SAVORTHE PAST with this charming 3 bdrm, 1.5 bath col. Within walking distance to downtown Royal. Oak. Totally updated kit, charming DR. Quaint home w/many updates!! (23K720)

734 -455 -7000 070672 734-455-7000

m 7 3 4 - 3 2 6 - 2 0 0 0


LIVONIA $ 1 9 8 , 5 0 0 LOCATION, QUALITY, VALUE, & CHARM! Brick quad level, 2100 sq ft of living area, 4 BR, 1.5 bath, new kitchen, a/c, roof, windows, & doors, 2.5 car garage, landscaped & fenced yard. (P19680)


WESTLAND $196,000 CLASSIC BROWNSTONE LIVING Upgrades include open railings on staircase, hardwood floor & white kitchen, custom decor. All 3 floors totally finished. Seller ioves area-but transferring. (C675)

734 -326 -2000

PLYMOUTH < $184,900 IMMACULATELY CARED FOR HOME at the end of cul-de-sac. 3 BR, family rm w/fp, 2 car garage, partly finished bsmnt. Hurry! Won't last! (T9024)


LIVONIA $180,000 RED ROVER! RED ROVER! Martha move over, come and see this fabulous home on a very charming country setting! With 4 BR! Two baths! You just won't beiieve your eyes! (M20221)

734 -591 -9200

BROWNSTOWN TWP $174,900 LIGHT & BRIGHT! Updated k i tchen, baths, windows, roof, c/a, carpeting. All this & more! Sparkling clean, great FR w/FP, deck & fenced yard! Must see! (30ROS2)

248 -348 -6430

LIVONIA $159,900 .45ACRE TREED/FLOWERED LOT! 1.5 story vinyl-sided Bungalow. 3 BR, 2 bath, FR, DR, newly decorated & 2-car detached garage. (5QJOY2)

DETROIT $156,900 DETROIT CONDO! 1636 Campau Farms Circle, North of Lafayette off Chene onto Prince Hall Dr; 3-story, 1400 SF, brick, Townhouse style, w/att garage. (36CAM2)

WESTLAND $156,900 MINT CONDITION Almost $30,000 spent in updates in the last 2 yrs. New windows, deck that leads to pooi, carpet in all 3 bedrooms, hardwood in LR, oak kitchen, interior doors. (D310)

WESTLAND $146,900 F E E L S R IGHT 3 b e d r o o m Ranch , L ivon ia Schools. Newer windows, central air system, cleaner & humidifier. Newer roof, newer carpets thru-out. Part, finished basement. (G742)

DEARBORN $141,900 GREAT PLACE TO START! 3 bdrm brick ranch. Updated roof, furnace, c/a, electrical box. Close to e lementary & junior high schools & park. (23B3404)

PC 511072 248-348-6430

3 F


GARDEN CITY $139,900 ALWAYS IN GOOD TASTE 3 bdrm brick & vinyl Ranch in Garden City. Finished basement, gas fireplace, C/A, newer windows, roof shingles; furnace. Deck, above ground pool, 2 car garage. (L314)

2 4 8 - 3 4 8 - 6 4 3 0

WARREN $139,900 NEEDS A NEW OWNER 3 bedroom brick Ranch with basement, 2 car garage. Newer windows and kitchen cabinets, 15x10 Florida room. Wel l manicured neighborhood. (B282)

PC: 734-326-2000 PC 220382

REDFORD $119,900 A FAMILY RM, 2 BR, GARAGE, BSMNT, and huge deck highlight this 1230 sq ft bungalow. With a little TLC, it offers great value. P.S. -New roof! (W20427)

WESTLAND $119,900 SPOTLESS HOME w/many updates! Newer bath, windows, some copper plumbing. New roof 6/01, beautifully landscaped w/pond, 2.5 car garage. Shows well! ( 45B002)


WEST BLOOMFIELD LOCATION! LOCATION! Come fix this 2 BR up & watch your pocket book grow.This 1241 sq ft home is in an area of much Igr & expensive homes wh ich makes this investment Irresisiable. (W2421) $ 1 5 5 , 0 0 0 7 3 4 - 5 9 1 - 9 2 0 0

734-326-2000 PC 220182 734 -326 -2000 734 -455 -7000



GARDEN CITY $134,900 GOOD TASTE, GOOD BUY! Is this 3 bedroom brick & and alum Ranch. Remodeled kitchen w/ snack bar and dishwasher. 2 car garage, C/A, and more. (L420)

WESTLAND $125,500 YOUR SEARCH IS ENDED Well maintained 3 bdrm w/1 1/2 car garage with workshop, family room, fireplace in living room, covered patio, 116 foot lot. Newer windows and roof shingles. (B316)

7 3 4 - 3 2 6 - 2 0 0 0 734-326-2000 n O Z I Z 734 -326 -2000

REDFORD $119,900 CLEAN, UPDATED 3 BR R A N C H W/2 CAR GARAGE for under $120,000! Ready to move into home has new roof, wndws, vinyl siding, carpet. Reiax on deck! Warranty. (K20620)

734-591 -9200

REDFORD $118,500 CHARMING! Located on a beautiful treed lot this bungalow is a must see! Hrdwd fir in liv rm & lower bdrms. Part fin bsmt, frplc in fam rm. New roof & windows in '99. (23L13522)

REDFORD $102,900 DETROIT $86,900 W H Y RENT w h e n you can own th is wel l U P P E R - L O W E R Cou ld be a s ing le home, maintained 3 bdrm, 2 full bath ranch home? In Charming older brick fratures basement and the past 2 years the seller has done many updates garage. Shingles replaced within the last 6 years, to this Redford home. (23B18604) Live in lower and rent the upper, (K158)

2 4 8 - 3 4 8 - 6 4 3 0 734-455-7000 734-455-7000 PC 220092 734-326 -2000

WESTLAND PRIDE OF OWNERSHIP shows t/o this nice 3 BR Ranch. Many updates incl: most windows, roof, furn, a/c, garage door & exterior doors. Sharp fin bsmt w/plenty of storage. Hurry! (28APA2) $ 1 5 3 , 9 0 0 P C 5 1 1 1 5 2 248 -348 -6430

LIVONIA ENJOY YOUR OWN 2 BR HOME! Relax in LR or library. Wood firs in entry, hail, lib, LR & bdrms. New in 2000; c/a, furnace, hwh $ roof! Immediate possession! (50ANG2)

$ 9 9 , 9 0 0 2 4 8 - 3 4 8 - 6 4 3 0

MADISON HEIGHTS LOVELY & PAMPERED 3 BR brick condo in Covington Square - 2nd fir unit w/balcony, neutral decor, lots of storg, prvt location, laundry in complex. $100 maintenance fee incld water (T284) $ 7 6 , 5 0 0 P C 0 7 0 4 5 2 7 3 4 - 5 9 1 - 9 2 0 0

U d l ' <h IB Call Info Line ?

2F(*) 4 * J ">

Classifications 500 to 502 O&E Thursday, July 26, 2001

(Dbseruer fa IBccentric EMPLOYMENT Your HomeTown Classified ad is automatically posted on the internet!

Visit us today.

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Page 11E.

I I MAINTENANCE & JANITORIAL Full time positions available. Experience preferred for Lafay-ette Pavilion Apts. Luxury high rise. Please fax resume to:


$ MAINTENANCE $ Mid-size apartment community requries your maintenance and landscaping skills. Competitive salary and benefits included. m CALL: (734) 729-5090

MAINTENANCE NEEDED for Waynewood Apart-rhents. Must have experience in Sll aspects of maintenance, 401 k & paid holidays offered. No faxed resumes please. Apply in person 6737 N. Wayne Rd., Westland 734-326-8270

MAINTENANCE PERSON(S) Megaptex theatre seeking quali-fied individual(s) to perform light electrical, painting, preventative maintenance, handywork. Call 734-542-3191 for more info.

MECHANIC - A class certified diesel engine mechanic. Excel-lent pay. Day shift. 408k retire-ment plan. Medical benefits. Call Tim at Superior Diesel Equip-ment Repair. 313-842-4616 or fax resume to 313-842-2566.

MECHANIC - Golf course m e c h a n i c / s h o p m a n a g e r wanted at private country club. Full time position. Benefits. Exp. preferred. Fax resumes to Terry at 248-682-1426.

MECHANIC HELPER For truck and trailer repair. Will need some tools, excellent starting pay. 401K, dental & medical. Send resume to 41555 Koppemick Rd., Canton, Ml 48187.


Must have mechanical ability/ good driving record. Call Mike

(734) 522-3272.

M E C H A N I C W A N T E D For Wixom contractor. Must be knowledgeable in hydraulics and welding. Benefits. Fax resume to: (248) 380-3739

MAINTENANCE PERSON - Full time. $10 per hour. Apply within Westland Meadows, Westland.

(734) 729-5500.

MAINTENANCE PERSON full-time, for West Bloomfield apt. community. Minimum 1 year experience. Great opportunity for right person. Please call

(248) 682-2950


C h a l l e n g i n g , fas t p a c e d , rewarding position. Progressive Credit Union seeking outgoing, career minded individual. Excel-lent communication, customer service and PC skills required. Excellent salary & benefits. Fax resume to: 734-213-3026 or maii to: MidWest Financial Credit Union, Attn: Human Resources, 2400 Green Rd., Ann Arbor, Ml 48105. EOE

OPERATIONS AGENT Romu lus f re ight forwarder seeking Operations Agent for all shifts. Experience required. Excelient pay, benefits & 401K. Send resume to:

Box #1297 Observer & Eccentric

Newspapers 36251 Schoolcraft Rd. ' Livonia, Ml 48150

P A I N T E R S N E E D E D 1yr. m i n i m u m exper ience.

(313) 289-1662

P A I N T E R S & P A i N T E R S HELPERS - Pay commensurate with experience.

Ask for Mike (734) 641-4339

PAINTER WANTED Experienced. Must have trans-portation. 734-421-6996.


Full time. $7.50-$8 per hour. Vacation & medical. Ask for

Angie: 734-462-9700

PLUMBER - Full time, depend-able person. 2 yrs exp. in new construction, remodel & repair. Plymouth area. 734-453-4622

MAINTENANCE POSITION Full time, Farmington Hills. References. Please call Larry 9ab>4pm at (248) 474-2131.

MAINTENANCE POSITION Westland Area. Grounds/main-tenance experience. Great ben-efits. Fax resume: 734-729-4833

- MAINTENANCE SUPERVISOR/SAFETY : COORDINATOR Small, light manufacturing com-pany, located in Plymouth, peeking a self-motivated, reli-able individual to head-up the maintenance efforts. Responsi-bilities include: supporting pro-duction requirements, general facility maintenance, repairs or modif icat ions to electr ical , plumbing & existing building structure, as well as general $M's on machinery & equip-ment. Additional responsibilities will include: corporate safety issues, education & enforce-ment of company safety policies. Send resumes to: « Box #1207

Observer & Eccentric Newspapers

36251 Schoolcraft Rd. Livonia, Ml 48150.

MAINTENANCE TECH Southfield Property Manage-ment company has full-time openings for various locations. Must have 2 years experience in heating, electrical, plumbing, & be A/C certified. Benefits. EOE For central division fax resume

to 248-352-2837, or call Apn Arbor ' 734-973-0640 Beverly Hills 248-646-9880 Waterford 248-681-6830

STORE MANAGER - Experi-enced for regional theme store iri" Fairlane Town Center. Exc. benefits, flexible schedule. Part & full time positions are also ava i l ab l e . Ca l l Ka ren at 734-432-9959 or fax resume to:


RESIDENT MANAGER - Main-tenance oriented person needed to manage mid size community in Wayne. General knowledge of apt. maintenance required. Salary plus benefits. Send resume to: Manager, P.O. Box 433, Okemos , Ml 48805 . EOE.



« Housekeeping Supervisors * Housekeeping

We offer a full benefits package. Apply at: 3610 Plymouth Rd., Ann Arbor. 734-769-9800 Fax 761-1290

MORTGAGE COMPANY seeks self motivated individuals to fill the following positions, branch manager, loan officer, proces-sors, closers & sports staff. Fax resume to 248-356-1963.


Credit Union seeking an orga-nized, outgoing, self-motivated, detail oriented individual to ana-lyze and recommend mortgage products that best fits member's financial needs within a growing mortgage department. Qualified candidates will possess excel-lent communication skills, have the ability to handle multiple tasks and prioritize. Previous mortgage experience and com-puter skills preferred. Excellent salary and benefits. Fax resume to: 734-213-3035 or mail to: Human Resources, MidWest Financial Credit Union, 2400 Green Rd., Ann Arbor, Ml 48105


PLUMBERS 2-3 years minimum experience. New residential construction.

Call 734-595-4649

Help Wanted General


Growing local company seeks individual experienced in sched-uling and dispatching with an emphasis on customer service, Team player with a positive atti-tude a must. Benefits, 401k, paid vacations & Holidays. Fax resume to 413-669-7650

or send to: Production - TL, P.O. Box 663 Walled Lake, Ml 48390-0663

PLUMING K Entry level position general

I—5—J labor starting at $ l0/hr , vehicle & benefits pro-

v i d e d . L i v o n i a a r e a 248-524-3897

MORTGAGE LOAN OFFICER 60% Commission/Benefits/401K Livonia Office - 734-591-7216

Contact Robert Cloud Fairway of America, Inc.


The City of Wayne is accepting applications to establish a Police Officer eligibility list based on c o m p e t i t i v e e x a m i n a t i o n s . Salary range $34,431 - $48,780, commensurate with experience. Must possess a valid State of Michigan driver's license with no more than three (3) current points. Applications must be accompanied by proof of the fol-lowing: MCOLES written and physical agility certification from time of application until appoint-ment. Must have an Associates degree or a minimum of 60 credit hours at an accredited col-lege/university. College require-ment will be waived for those applicants that are currently enrolled in an MCOLES certified police academy or that have two years full-time experience as an MCOLES certified police officer. Must pass a background investi-gation and be physically and psychologically adequate for performance of work. Applica-tions are available in the Per-sonnel Department, 3355 S. Wayne Rd., Wayne, Ml 48184 o r £ t o u r w e b s i t e : w w w . c i . w a y n e . m i . u s / pe rsonne l .h tm l . Comp le ted applications must be received in the Personnel Department by 4:30 p.m. on August 10, 2001. Resumes without applications will not be accepted.

The City of Wayne does not dis-criminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, reli-gion, age or disability in employ-ment or the provis ion of services.


TO $125,000 YR.+ benefits. ALL positions are w/National Lenders and ALL offer a BASE SALARY + TOP Commission and growth opportunities for aggressive people with SALES experience from ANY FIELD. Openings in All Areas.

Employment Center Agency (248) 569-1636


Canton mortgage broker seeks exper ienced pro-cessor. Outstanding work environment and benefits. Fax resume to Attn: Susan, Approved Mortgages, Inc.,

734-455-2370 or mail: 5820 N. Canton Center Rd., Ste. 125, Canton, Ml 48187.

MANAGER COUPLE needed for luxury upscale apartment community in suburbs. Position requires one person for mainte-nance/one person for leasing <5ffice. Benefits include 2 bed-r6pm private home, excellent Salary, Blue Cross. Call Trish at (248) 851 -9954 or fax resume to (248) 851-8454 for immediate consideration. Couples only neea appty.

MARINE MECHANIC needed for fast growing marina. Possi-bility of making $80,000 plus 401K, medical benefits. Exp. a must. Apply at: Wonderland Marine West, 5796 E. Grand River, howeli. (517) 548-5122

..MECHANICS ASSISTANT wanted. Must have chauffeurs permit. Exp. required. Good pay &• benefits. (248) 349-2922


for Romeo Montessori school. Pre-K through 6th grade. 20 hours per week. Starting mid-August. Apply in person with resume or mail in resume to 275 Eastgates Romeo, Ml 48065.

(810) 752-4411

NEEDED IMMEDIATELY Janitors / Office Cleaning

Early evening office cleaning. $7/hr. + benefits. Full/Part-time

Canton/Plymouth/Belleville (800) 387-4516

* ! ^ U A K W C

T E C H N I C I A N S Penzoli 10 Minute Oil Change. Experienced

or will train. Full &/or part-time. Apply in person: 34680 W. 8 Mile, Farmington Hills, mi. W. of Farmington Rd. Or call for appt. (248) 476-1313.

POSTAL JOBS. Up to $18.35/ hr. Hiring for 2001. Paid training. Full Benefits. No experience required. Toll free 7:30am-11 pm CST 1-888-726-9083 x1700

POSTAL JOBS $48,323.00 yr. Now hiring-No experience-paid Training-great benefits. Call 7 days 800-429-3660 ext.: J-3226.

PRE-SCHOOL TEACHER Part time. PM only, Mon.,

Wed., Fri. for Livonia Co-Op. Call Amy at 734-427-7977


Sheet metal job shop. Must be able to set-up & run Press Brake with min. supervision. 10 gauge-16 gauge steel. Good pay & benefit package includes: Hos-

Bital, dental, optical, pension, nion shop. Apply a t

Park Fabricating 19055 W. Davison Detroit, Ml 48223

(313) 272-1500

PRESS PERSON/MANAGER Experienced running multi-color printing, on small offset presses. Top payl Fax resume to: (248)960-9222 or call Steve:


PAINTERS - FULL TIME Exterior or interior. Own vehicle.

Call Mon.-Fri., 10-4 pm 248) 557-7055

Are you a p e o p l e pe rson in terested in adver t i s ing , a n d en joys t ak i ng c a r e of c u s t o m e r s ? Our b u s y Network Sales D e p a r t m e n t n e e d s s o m e o n e l ike you to s u p p o r t our sa les staff in many in teres t ing capac i t i es . Respons ib i l i t i es i n c l u d e s c h e d u l i n g a d s t h r o u g h o u t o u r n u m e r o u s s u b s i d i a r i e s ,

c o r r e s p o n d i n g wi th o u t s i d e a d v e r t i s i n g a g e n c i e s , p r o v i d i n g exce l l en t c u s t o m e r s e r v i c e t o a c c o u n t s a n d sa les staf f , a n d ass is t w i t h p r e p a r i n g p r e s e n t a t i o n s a n d v a r i o u s w e e k l y depa r tmen t reports, a n d answer i ng phones. Posi t ion is ful l t ime $ n d loca ted in B i rm ingham.

"Requires Assoc ia tes d e g r e e or equ iva lent w i th m i n i m u m of t w o years pr ior work - re la ted e x p e r i e n c e . Must p o s s e s s exce l l en t . c o m m u n i c a t i o n a n d i n t e r p e r s o n a l sk i l ls , b a s i c m a t h a n d te lephone skil ls with abi l i ty to accura te ly t y p e 4 0 w p m . S u p e r b cus tomer serv ice a n d c o m p u t e r ski l ls essent ia l .

We are a n a w a r d w inn ing n e w s p a p e r that o f fers a c o m p e t i t i v e compensa t i on p a c k a g e p lus a generous t ime off po l i c y

If you are a team player we would like to hear from you!

THE (Pfasffl'cr ft trccnlrif 3 6 2 5 1 S c h o o l c r a f t , L i von ia , M l 4 8 1 5 0

e - m a i i : e b i b i k @ o e . h o m e c o m m . n e t o r f a x r e s u m e t o ( 7 3 4 ) 9 5 3 - 2 0 5 7

Must include job code: NSC

mKSKKMmm mUmXmSm

fighting ai-d assisting \

S n H B S

lions must be received later than August 10 2C|


Full-time position. Bloomfield Hills Catholic school. Fax

resume to: (248) 642-4457

TEACHER ASSISTANT Needed for fall term part time at Gateway Montessori School in Birmingham. (£48)645-6393

TEACHERS ASSISTANTS needed Mon.-Fri,, 11am - 6pm. Exp. required in a school setting. Call Novi Northville Montessori 7am - 4pm (248) 348-3033 after 4pm. (248) 449-1652

TEACHERS Certified Secondary Teachers in E n g i n e e r i n g , M e c h a n i c a l Graphics & Computer Science. Full & part time positions avail-able for the 2001 / 2002 School Year. Interested applicants should send a letter of application & a copy of their resume to: Barry Hawthorne The Advanced Technology Academy Lawrence Technology University 21000 W. Ten Mile Rd. M-214 Buell Building Southfield, Ml 48075 248-204-3980 FAX 248-204-3989 e-maii [email protected]

TEACHERS High Schoo l

Ma th & Engl ish Michigan ceritficatlon required. Send resume to: Lorraine Meier, Brother Rice High School, 7101 Lahser Rd., Bloomfield Hills, Ml 48301 (248) 647-2526 or fax (248) 847-8170


Pilz Automation Safety, the world's leading company m auto-mation safety, seeks a highly motivated WAREHOUSE SPE-CIALIST for our North American Headquarters in Canton. Duties and responsibi l i t ies include warehouse operations such as shipping & receiving, stocking, packing, pulling and sorting. You will be in charge of the ware-house inventory. Beyond this you will be responsible for light maintenance duties in our headquarters.

The ideal candidate must pos-sess warehouse opera t ion knowledge, inventory control experience and good computer skills. Furthermore, you need to be detail oriented and enjoy working in a team. 1 -2 years of previous experience in a ware-house environment Is preferred. Pilz provides a competitive salary and benefits package.

Visit our web site at: www.pilzusa.com to learn more about Pilz Automation Safety.

Please fax, e-maii or mail resume to:

Pilz Automation Safety, L.P. Attn: Human Resources 7150 Commerce Boulevard Canton, Ml 48187

FAX: (734) 354-3355 E-MAIL: [email protected]

TEACHERS Sylvan Learning Center, W. Bloomfield. Reading & math, after school hours. Certified.

Fax 248-737-8220 phone 248-737-8875


Ann Arbor Welding Supply has a great opportunity for the right person! We are seeking a quali-fied candidate for responsibilities that include purchasing and inside sales. This full time posi-tion requires a team oriented detai led individual. Welding experience and computer knowl-edge a must. Excellent benefits including 401 k and salary based on experience Send resume to Ann Arbor Welding Supply, 4811 Carpenter Rd., Ypsilanti, Mi 48197, Attn: Steve Martin.

Te lemarke t ing / Appo in tmen t Set ters

Up to S15/Hr. + benefits. Drs. office in Farmington. Full/part

time. 248-624-3179


Full/part-time to work in Farm-ington Hills law office. Excellent phone skills.


RECEPTIONIST Full-time for luxury auto dealer-ship. Friendly & customer ser-vice oriented. Full benefits, 401K. Please fax resume to: 248-642-6517, Attn: Kathleen.


RECEPTIONIST NEEDED For busy Livonia Insurance agency. Full time. Ask for Lee

(734) 462-9650.

REGIONAL CUSTOMER TRAINER A leading healthcare related software company specializing in the development of pharmacy management systems seeks a Regional Trainer. The primary focus of this position will be training and Installing pharmacy and retail computer systems on site across the U.S. Candidates must possess the following: • Strong Presentation Skills • 2 yrs. + exp. in customer

service, training, pharmacy or retail management

• Flexibility to travel up to 80% monthly thru-out the U.S.

• Self-motivation and organizational skills

• A positive & professional attitude

e Exposure to computers and windows environment preferred.

We offer a competitive benefit package. Interested candidates should submit a resume and salary requirements to: McKesson Pharmacy Systems

Attn: HR 30881 Schoolcraft Road

Livonia, Ml 48150 or fax to 734-523-9637

Pre-employment drug testing required. EOE M/F/D/V.

SALES PERSON A plumbing wholesaler looking for aggressive, self-motivated Sales Person. Experienced. Knowledgable in plumbing pre-ferred. Call for interview.

(313) 537-5400 Steve

Printing Flexographic Printing Press Operator to run Mark Andy 820 & 830 presses. Immediate opening, day shift, excellent working conditions & benefits. Air conditioned shop. Will train riaht oerson with exoerience on other types of press machines. Please fax your resume to: 734-523-9637 Attn: Human Resources or stop by our office at 30881 Schoolcraft Rd., Livonia (E. of Merriman on the S. side of Schoolcraft, Mon. -Fri.,. 9am-5pm & complete an employment application.


PRINTING Need Bindery helpers who have experience running Saddiestitch & Trim Machines, Folders and Cutters. Excellent wages & ben-efits.

Call Tom at: 734-941-6300 Or fax resume: 734-942-0920

PRINTING Need experienced Pressmen (m/f) who have Web or Sheetfed experience. Openings on ali shifts & opportunity for advance-ment.

Cali Tom at 734-941-6300 or Fax resume 734-942-0920


Automotive supplier hiring for full t ime process technicians and quality inspectors across all three shifts. Must have exp. in injection molding. Exc. wages and benefits. Apply in person from 9am to 3pm Mon. • Fri.

NYX, Inc. 38700 Plymouth Road

Livonia, Ml 48150.

R E T A I L STORE MGRS.'to $35kyr.+

Major Company WILL TRAIN persons with good Mgmt. expe-rience from field but Retail exp. a plus. EMPLOYER PAYS FEE.

Employment Center Agency (248) 569-1636

TEST TECHNICIAN Multi-skilled technician needed for Environmental Test Cells. GREAT opportunity working with general automotive testing, test fixture fabrication, test instru-mentation, equipment mainte-nance, etc.

Excellent salary & benefits. Mail/ fax resume or apply in person: EDP Co., 36704 Commerce,

Livonia, Ml 48150 or fax: 734-591-7852.


Plus Benefits! Only Hard Workers Who

Are Looking For A Career Should Call:


Garden City, 33535 Ford Rd. 734-425-1365

Ask For Bob, Manager

TITLE COMPANY in Southfield seeks Closers, Title Assistants and Clerical Help. Experienced preferred, but willing to train. Competitive salary, benefits. Fax resume to (248)353-2282

$987.85 WEEKLY! Processing HUD/FHA Mortgage Refunds. No Experience Required. For F r e e I n f o r m a t i o n C a l l 1-800-449-4625 x7500

501 Computer/Info.

COMPUTER, INTERNET PER-SONS to work online! with EKI, INC. $75.00 to $145.00 an hour from your own PC! Vacations, bonuses, incentives and Full T r a i n i n g . F r e e E - B o o k http://www.pcworkonline.com


Small, light manufacturing com-pany, located in Plymouth, seeking a professional, self-motivated individual to handle the administrative duties for the general manager & manage-ment s ta f f . Requ i r emen ts include proficiency in Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Access, as well as, strong math skills. Send resume to: Box #1217

Observer & Eccentric Newspapers

36251 Schoolcraft Rd. Livonia, M! 48150.


For major food service organiza-tion based in Metro Detroit. Can-didate must have a minimum of 2 years experience as an Execu-tive Assistant. Experience with Microsoft Word, Excel and Pow-erPoint a must. In addition, the candidate must have the ability to be flexible and possess good communication and interper-sonal skills. The candidate will perform standard advanced and confidential secretarial duties requiring broad experience, skill and knowledge of organization

Rolicies and practices. Must ave the ability to prepare corre-

s p o n d e n c e , m e m o r a n d a , reports, etc. as well as sched-uling and maintaining a calendar of appointments, meetings and travel itineraries, and coordi-nating related arrangements. Comple te benef i t package including 401k plan. For consid-eration, please forward resume with salary requirements to:

King Venture - Box #1172 Observer & Eccentric Newspapers

36251 Schoolcraft Rd. Livonia, Ml 48150

NT SUPPORT needed. Short-term assign-ment. Fax resume to (248)

483-3862 or email it to [email protected]

HelpWanted Office Clerical


for W. Bloomfield CPA Firm. Minimum of 2 years in Public required and compensat ion commensurate with years of experience. Please maii resume to: 5759 West Maple Road, West Bloomfield, Ml 48322

ACCOUNTS PAYABLE Pleasant Livonia office has a position open in our Accounts Payable Dept. Experience with computerized accounting soft-ware & strong Excel abilities are required. Mon. thru Fri., Sam to 5 p m , Fax r e s u m e t o : 734-266-6400, Attn.: Personnel

TRAVEL AGENT - Corp./Sabre exp., part/full time, pleasant work place, up to $11/hr., plus if quali-fied. Westland. 734-729-1400.

TRAVEL CONSULTANTS No exp. necessary, will train friendly, confident, sharp individ-uals to sell vacations using proven telephone sales tech-niques. No cold calling, Paid training, flexible 30 nr./wk„ $7.70/nr. + $100 to $300/wk. c o m m i s s i o n s . D e a r b o r n . 313-278-4100 www.goymt.com

TRUCK DRIVER Experienced truck driver with CDL-A wanted. Must be able to load and unload construction equipment. Top wages and ben-efits. Call (248) 349-2922

TRUCK DRIVERS CDL-A or B for Plymouth co. Competitive wages, full benefit, bonuses (517) 223-7339

Must have chauffeurs license, reliable transportation and know Tri-county area. Apply in person Mon-Fri, 10-4: 953 Manufac-turers Dr., Newburgh/Cherry Hill area, Westland.

I I U U I - C I - I O Experienced or will train. $12/hr. & up. (248) 486-8799

ROOFER Excellent needed. Reliable.

-Sh ing le / tear -o f f . No equipment

w n transportation. 248-471-0067

pay. Own

ROOFERS-SHINGLERS Exc. pay. Must have own truck & equipment. Must be reliable 313 937-2016


Textile screen print shop in Livonia seeks part/full time help for all areas o i production. Exp. preferred, but will train. Call 734-632-0859

SECURITY W O R K For large apartment community in Westland. Part time week-ends, evenings, mid night shift. Ask for Martha 734-459-6600

SERVICE COORDINATOR/ MANAGER - Full time position available with benefits (90 days). Rate of pay $30k equal to expe-rience. This is an opportunity of a lifetime. Do you want to make a difference? Fax resume to

Mike at: Dynamic Supplies Fax 313-561-1197


D a y Shi f t Position is responsible for the Electro-Mechanical Assembly of high-tech packaging machinery. Requires strong communication and people skills. Mechanical or electrical aptitude a plus. Good salary and benefits. Send resume and salary history to:

Human Resource Dept. Diamond Automation, Inc.

23400 Haggerty Road Farmington Hills, Ml 48335 www.diamondsystem.com

An Equal Opportunity Employer

SHOP LABOR - Hard working dependable person needed for steel fabrication shop. Benefits. Apply at 12642 Richfield Ct. Livonia (734) 953-8887.

S ID ING C R E W S Experienced - Ann Arbor area, top pay, year around work, must have own equipment, and insur-ance. (734) 662-5551

STOCK for Holiday Market in Canton. Fuil time, experienced. Excellent pay and benefits. Call John or Nick 734-844-2200.

STOCK. HELP Full and part time help. Must be able to lift over 50 lbs. Waiters Home Appliance, Livonia. Call Tom. 734-427-7310

T O I I O 1 / H B I W C D l\hl ft D C -

HOUSE, Construction co. needs person to organize & maintain equipment, drive medium stake trucks. CDL-Class A, insurance. Wixom area. (248) 669-2500

ACCOUNTS PAYABLE Full time. Prior Accounts Pay-able Experience and strong accounting skills needed. One Write Pius & Sellwise Inventory software knowledge helpful. Pleasant working environment, excellent pay and benefits for interior deign firm in Fefndale. fax resume and cover letter to Attn: Kathleen 248-399-1307


Excellent opportunity for an experienced accounts payable clerk. Position entails the pro-cessing of high volume payables for multiple companies. Candi-date must be computer literate and be extremely detail ori-ented. Experience with general ledger coding, good communica-tion skills and 4 years of AP exp. all a must. If you enjoy a fast-paced environment and work in an organization where you make a difference, fax your salary requirements to 248-324-1502 or mail to P.O. Box 9072, Farm-ington Hills, Ml 48333-9072. We offer a comprehensive benefit package and an excellent work environment. EOE




Needed. Apply in person if you are enthusiastic, hard working and if you have Auto-mobile dealership experi-ence. Apply to 9301 Massey Dr., Plymouth, Ml 48170


Seeking an organized, energetic individual to provide administra-tive support to a financial planner and member service team. Qualified candidates will possess excellent communica-tion/customer service and com-puter skills and have the ability to multi-task and prioritize. Pre-vious financial institution and/or administrative asst. experience preferred. Fax resume to: 734-213-3026 or mail to Mid-West Financial Credit Union, Attn: Human Resources, 2400 Green Rd„ Ann Arbor, Ml 48105


BOOKKEEPER/OFFICE MAN-AGER-full time for Plymouth company, experienced in pay-roll. Accounts receivable & pay-able, general of f ice ski l ls , b e n e f i t s . Fax r e s u m e t o 7 3 4 - 4 2 0 - 3 9 4 0 . Ca l l M i k e


BOOKKEEPING Full time for Troy law firm.

Time & Billing software experi-ence helpful. Fax resume to:


Career Opportunit ies 'Executive Secretary - must be bilingual in Spanish. $35-40K. "Accounting & ' Construct ion background needed to assist Controller in Livonia. $45K. •Many other openings! Fax resume: 248-932-1214 or call Gloria/Alicia 248-932-1176.


CPA firm seeks full-time ener-getic person to perform duties including: answering phones, typing, assembling tax returns, filing, etc. Competitive salary & benefits, excellent working envi-ronment. Seasonal overtime required. Send resume and salary requirements to: Pam Nixon at Parker Wittus & Co., 2000 Town Center, Suite 1100, Southfield, Ml 48075. Fax 248-354-1067. E-mail:

[email protected].

AUTO CASHIER needed for busy Westside dealer, handling receipts for ser-vice customers and some accounting. We offer flexibie hours to accommodate school or home schedules. Contact Jack Holden at (734) 525-1547 for appointment. EOE

UNDERGROUND FOREMAN for commercial grading & exca-vating Company. Experienced only. Call 734-455-2119 Or fax 734-455-2599

VETERINARY ASSISTANT/ RECEPTIONIST needed in cat only practice. Must have love & knowledge of cats. Experience preferred but will train. Send resume to Country Cat Clinic,

6279 N. Territorial Rd. Plymouth, Mi 48170

WANTED - VINYL SIDING & Window Installers 80.00 Per Square. Must Have Ali Tools and Equipment. Experience a Must. Travel Required. Call 800-392-4553.

WAREHOUSE Fast growing company in Wixom is seeking dependable, self-motivated individual for general warehouse. Excellent benefits. Call Nancy (248) 380-8887.

WAREHOUSE Rapidly expanding Livonia carpet company needs reliable, energetic, hard worker for ware-house position. Hi-Lo experi-ence preferred. Full t ime. Benefits. Cali Gail 734-416-8003


Experienced, for Ann Arbor based company. Top pay. Must have own truck, tools & insur-ance. Call: 734-662-5551


Pnr RorHnrr l / l i von ia a rea building supply company. Rec-onci le journals, open new accounts, lien work, deposits, collections and month end bal-ancing. Competitive salary and benefits. Send or fax resume:

Smede-Son Steel & Supply 12584 Inkster Rd. Redford, Ml 48239 Fax: 313-937-2426.


HQ of multi-state operation seeks candidate as assistant to VP/Finance. Duties will also include company wide procure-ment, phone system manage-ment and branch office support. Requires minimum of 5 years like experience, attention to detail, multi tasking ability, excel-lent communication and com-puter skills.

Mail your resume to: Supervisor of HR

P.O. Box 707 Southfield, Ml 48037-0707

Equal Opportunity Employer

AUTO DEALERSHIP Suburban collection is currently accept ing app l i ca t ions for experienced:

NEW/USED CAR COSTER • Compute the cost and gross

profit for all new/used car deals dally

• Process all incentives/ rebated/ep paperwork

• Report all vehicles sold to factory

• Reconcile ali relevant schedules

• Calculate ali salesmans commissions

We offer a professional working environment, competitive salary, 401K, paid holidays and vaca-tions, and the opportunity to advance within the largest d e a l e r o r g a n i z a t i o n in Michigan.

Send resume in strict confi-dence to:


NOVI, Ml 48376-8065 Attn: Joan Kowalski

(248) 427-7972 Fax (248) 427-7972

ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT/ RECEPTIONIST- property man-agement company, Livonia, excel and word-$20,000.



General office duties for Farm-ington Hills CPA Office. Word, Excel. Part-time flexibie hours. Fax resume to: 248-737-4759

WORK ON Mackinac Island this season-The Island House hotel and Ryba's Fudge shops are looking for seasonal help in all areas: front desk, bellstaff, wait-staff, and Sales Clerks. Must be available until late October. Housing available, bonus, and discounted meals. Call Ryan at

' 626-6304. .com

1 (800) 626-6304 Yw.tneislandhouse.i

Administrative Assistant Farmington Hills company seeks Assistant immediately. $30K package. Call 248-661-0260 or fax to: 248-661-3941


Seeking Assistants, Office Man-a g e r s , R e c e p t i o n i s t s a n d Accounting Clerks. Excellent compensation and top benefits!

(248)344-6700 Fax(248)344-6704 See www.jobsdrc.com'

wns mmmm


CASHIER/SWITCH-BOARD OPERATOR 5-Star auto dealer, has an immediate opening for a cashier/switchboard operator in the Service Department. The position requires cus-tomer relation skills com-bined with an organizational ability. Previous experience preferred. Excellent pay plan with a fuli benefit package. Call Rod Harris for more information & to schedule an interview.


(734) 451-3535

CLERICAL Full t ime position available for Farmington Hills office. Com-puter-typewriter skills required. Send resume to: Office Man-ager, P.O. Box 3073, Farm-ington Hills, Ml 48333-3073.

INSURANCE. COMMERCIAL Lines CSR with 2+ years expert? ence, Northville agency. Fax resume to Rick at 248-465-6215


For Southfield law firm special-izing in estate planning, estate and trust administration and pro*1

bate. Prior experience requlrdtt including preparing f iduciaty accountings and probate forms; Fax resume to 248-354-3926'

Or mail to: 2000 Town Center, Suite 1780, Southfield, Ml

48075; Attn: Debra.


for busy 3 attorney Dearborn law firm. Exp. in collection & office administration preferred. Must proficient in WP-9, Full-time with benefits. Salary t f i commensurate with exp. Fax, resume to: 313-278-4710 o"r mail to: 19855 W. Outer Drive,' Ste. 201W, Deaibom, Ml 4812&

LEGAL SECRETARY Experienced. Full t ime for small Troy firm. Windows 98, Corel, WPS, timeslips, QB. Fax resume to: (248) 816-9415;

Legal Secretary ^ Established, AV rated South f l# f law firm seeks experienced. Legal Secretary to join general-negligence team. Must have 3+' years l i t igation exper ience, excellent grammar, writing and organization skills. Competitive salaries with top law firms. MS Word experience.

Forward resume/salary require* ments to: Administrator-Legal Secretary Position, PO Box 222* Southfield, Ml 48037-0222. H

fax (248) 746-2760 n * e-mail: [email protected]'



A U T O M O T I V E C A S H I E R wanted-Must be wilting to work Mon 12-9, Tues-Fri 9-6. Benefits after 90 days. Apply in person at Gordon Chevrolet 31850 Ford Brl Hih/ Anv ni loctinns call ' 734-458-5282.

Full time for physical therapy clinic in Farmington Hills. Ener-getic individual with flexible schedule. Duties: scheduling, billing, data entry. Computer skills a must. Fax resume to Acceler-

d Rehab at 248-474-5519.

CLERICAL/OFFICE Receptionist/Clerical - Roch-ester office has full t ime position w/benefits. Flexible hours. Must be computer literate. Phones, clerical, computer input.

(248) 651-8144 ext. 3901


Full time, needed for high-volume retail office. Call Carin or Brenda at: 248-553-8270.

CUSTOMER SERVICE Fu l l - t ime. C o m p u t e r sk i l l s required. SBT exp. a plus. Salary plus benefi ts. Non-smoking office. Fax resume to

734-522-0051 or mail to K-lndustrlal, 12321 Stark Rd.,

Livonia, Ml 48150


Full-time position available with g row ing insu rance co . in Berkley. Responsible, enthusi-astic, team player with good phone & computer skills desired. Please fax resume & salary requirements to 248-414-6616



Immediate part-time payroll/ benefits data entry opening available in Plymouth, Ml at a leading plastic company's Corporate Headquarters. Part-time position is flexibie with at least 24 hours/week. Qualified candidates will possess math-ematical aptitude, strong orga-nizational skills, accuracy, oe detai l-oriented and have working knowledge of soft-ware including Excel and Word. Send resume with salary history/requirements to:

Part-Time Data Entry P.O. Box 6030

Plymouth, Ml 48170 Fax: (734) 354-7391

E-Mail: Hresources @ plastipsdc.com


DATA ENTRY Production Operators

Experienced, Accurate, Fast Must be steady, dependable, cheerful & work at shop or home. (60WPM or 14,000 key-strokes). Fax resume:

Mr. Walters: 313-581-3130

EVENING RECEPTIONIST Full t ime 1 2 p m - 9 p m , M o n d a y through Thursday, Friday, 12pm - 7pm every other Saturday, 7pm every flam - 4nm

Saturday Medical dental

LEGAL SECRETARY : Experienced, non-smoker for small growing, Farmington Hill® personal injury firm. Flex hrsr Fax resume: 248-932-4009 Am$

LEGAL SECRETARY > For fuli t ime position for experi-enced person. Salary commen-surate with Experience. Mail resume to: -w

Drake & Franco, Attn. Kim1' • 29820 Telegraph Rd. r Southfield Mi 48034.

LEGAL S E C R E T A R Y ^ For large Farmington Hiils l£w firm with minimum 2 years expe-rience. Excellent benefits.

Send resume to: Office Administrator

PO Box 3040 Farmington Hills, Ml 48333-Or Fax to: (248) 851-215$'.

LEGAL SECRETARY, growing Farmington Hills litigation firm seeks experience legal secre-t a r y , p a r t o r f u l l tirrffe, 2 4 8 - 4 8 9 - 1 1 0 0 o r f a x i Q 248-489-9660

LEGAL SECRETARY;; Small litigation defense firm

Word a plus. Please fax resume to: Galbralth & Booms: (248) 357-2665

Legal Senior Secretary' For Southfield P.I. law firm. Min-imal 3 years experience. W®-, dows/Microsoft Word knowledge a must. Salary commensurate with experience. Send resume to: Sherri Sinnott, 2928 Crooks Road, Royal Oak, Mt 48073^

MAKERS OF Turf Builder apg Miracle Gro seeks a career-minded individual for our Livonia office to fill the position of: •<


REPRESENTATIVE The qualified candidate will p6S-sess good customer relation skills, exp. in collections, be responsible, goal orientated,'a self mot ivator , capab le of work ing 1 1 a m - 8 p m w/min. supervision.

We Can Offer You...

• • T r a i n i n g * * A

• • F u l l B e n e f i t s * * ..•* • • G r e a t P a y * *

* * F u n A t m o s p h e r e * * $18,720 - $19,760

What Can You Offer Us??^? 734-524-0084

734-524-0086 fax E.O.E.

BOOKKEEPER/ADMIN ASST. Farmington Hills CPA f irm seeking experienced Book-keeper. Quickbooks, Creative Solutions, Word & Excel helpful, but not necessary. Position can be full time or flexible part-time. Fax resume to: Bookkeeping/ CPA. (248) 477-5692


Ann Arbor property manage-ment company seeks individual with strong bookkeeping, data processing & general office skills who can effectively assist with multiple tasks. Please send resume W. Liberty. 48103,

' to: 1900 w/salarv history erty, Ann Arbor, Ml.


One person office Northville area. 248-735-6880.

vision, 401K. Apply at Brighton Ford Mercury, 8240 River, Brighton

»rand (810)494-4206

EXECUTIVE SECRETARY for law firm specializing in per-sonal Injury/medical malpractice. Must have 3-5/yrs experience. Plaintiff firm. Substantial salary & fringes. 248-354-2500

FINANCIAL A I D E / ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT Part-time. Private career school relocating from Waterford to Redford seeks financial aide coordinator w/admin is t ra t ive assistant duties. Must be orga-nized, detail oriented, have good math, general office & people skills. Entry level banking, record keeping and/or clerical exp. helpful. Starting approxi-mately 10hrs./wk. & working into approximately 24 hrs./wk by Fall. $8- $10/hr. Fax resume to:

248-350-8538 or mail to: Ross Learning Inc. 19900 W. 9 Mile Rd., Ste. 200

Southfield, Ml 48075

GENERAL OFFICE Expanding Southfield staffing firm seeks an energetic, people person with above average com-munication skills for a fun,.busy desk. Entry level position/salary.

Respond In confidence to: Box #1143

Observer & Eccentric Newspapers 36251 Schoolcraft Rd.

Livonia, Ml 48150

GENERAL OFFICE HELP Full or part-time. Experience in accounting & computer. South-field. Call (248) 352-4510

GENERAL OFFICE -Wixom. Full time, Microsoft, Excel experience necessary. Previous office exp. helpful. Fax resume to 248-624-3751

HUMAN RESOURCES position. Full t ime. Monday through Friday. Medical, dental, vision, 401k. Apply at Brighton Ford Mercury. 8240 Grand River, Brighton 48116. (810)494-4206

MEDICAL Receptionist-full time for large family practice. Computer scheudllng-billing, c,-

experience preferable. Fun> :

place to work, great benefits?. 248-476-2420 _ _

M E D I C A L S E C R E T A R ~ Y needed full t ime our new spe-cialty care office in the Famtr ington Hills area. Please fax resumes to: SDL - TCPG 616-940-0826 or mail to: SDL - TCPC, P, O. Box 120070, Grand Rapids, Ml 49512

MIDSIZE INDUSTRIAL com-pany located in Detroit Is seeking a Secretary • Accounts Payable person. Duties shall include light secretarial, f i l i a l and data entry. We offer®a pleasant work environment and an excellent benefits package'.

Please call Howard at: „ 248-917-3366 for an interview.

OFFICE CLERK Dealership and Accounting-exp. a plus. Full time posi-tion. Excelient pay & bene: fits. Send resume to or apply, in person at: Varsi ty L incoln Mercury. Inc., P.O. Box 633, 49251 Grand, R i ve r A v e . , N o v i , M}. 48376-0633; Attention Kevin Sheehai* (ext. 223) or Becky Gadd (ext. 294) (248) 305-5300 v


Fuli Time position. Excellent' pay & benefits. Send resume to: Varsity Lincoln Mercury. Inc., P.O. Box 633, Novi, Ml 48376-0633; or phone Kevin at (248) 305-5300 ext. 223

OFFICE CLERK >r. Will train. Full time position available. Excellent pay & benefits. Send resume to: Varsity Lincoln Mercury inc., P.O. Box 833, Novi, Ml 48376-0633; or phone Kevir£. Sheehan at

(248) 305-5300 ext. 223". ^ *

Thursday, July 26,2001 O&E

(Dbsmrer fa Eccentric EMPLOYMENT Classifications 500 to 512

Your HomeTown Classified ad is automatically posted on the internet!

Visit us today.


Help Wanted Office Clerical

OFFICE HELP Part-time, Mon., Thurs . & Fri. evenings & weekends . All or some nours. P lease contact - Joi @ 248-344-0880

. . OFFICE M A N A G E R Business located in Redford Is looking for a highly mot ivated office manager. Salary range 28k to 32k, based o n exp. Posi-t i on I n c l u d e s fu l l b e n e f i t s package and 4 0 1 K , p lease inquire by cal l ing (313)535-2600 or forward resume to:

V & S Galvanizers, Inc. - Attn: Operat ions Manager

12600 Arno ld St. Redford, M l 48239

OFFICE MANAGER Engineering f irm in Farmington Hills is lock ing for of f ice man-ager/administrator to handle day fo day off ice management and presentat ion/report ing support. Proficiency in Microsoft off ice required. Resume to: 1050 Wilshire Drive, Suite 115, Troy, Ml 48084. •

OFF ICE M A N A G E R For all a round off ice duties. 3-5 years account ing & off ice cler-ical exp. preferred. Dearborn Location. Fax (313)842-3596 Call (313)842-3000

PARALEGAL FOR growing neg-l igence defense f i rm in Farm-ington Mills.

Cal l 248-489-1100 ' Or fax to 248-489-9660

PLYMOUTH S T E E L CO. has ful l - t ime of f ice/customer ser-v i ce p o s i t i o n a v a i l a b l e . Duties include answer ing phones, order entry/bi l l ing & more. Basic computer skills required. Benefi ts included. Posit ion could possib ly lead to inside sales.

Send resume to: Fisher & Lud low

12801 Eckles Rd. Plymouth, Ml 48170

V Fax: 734-454-6638 J

REAL ESTATE off ice seeking 2 individuals for part- t ime off ice work/clerical staff. Eve. hrs. 5-8 (2x/wk) & 1 weekend day 9-5. Students O.K.

Call Wendy : (734)522-8000

RECEPTION/ADMINISTRATION Word, Excel, phones, misc. variety. Fax resume & salary requirements to: 248-615-0292

VETERINARY RECEPTIONIST Veterinary hospital in Bloomfield Hills is seeking a full t ime Receptionist who is a friendly, e n e r g e t i c , s e l f - m o t i v a t e d person. Excel lent pay scale, Heal th/prescr ipt ion coverage , 401K plan & more. Fax resume to: 248-334-3693

or call: 248-334-6877

RECEPTIONIST/ ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT for local intellectual property f irm. Duties include answer ing phones, greet ing cl ients, filing, and copying. The right candi-date must be energet ic, polite, proficient in Off ice 2000 and have a high school degree. Pre-vious exper ience as a recep-tionist and col lege educat ion a plus. Compensat ion based on qualif ications. Send resume, ref-erences and salary require-ments to:

Lisa LaBel le John A. Artz, P.C.

28333 Telegraph Rd., Ste. 250 Southfield, M l 48034

[email protected]

RECEPTIONIST/CASHIER Outstanding full t ime opportunity for enthusiastic individual pos-sessing excellent verbal commu-nication skil ls and professional attitude. Excel lent work ing con-ditions, great pay a n d benefits, w i t h p l e n t y o f r o o m f o r advancement.


Suburban H o n d a P.O. Box 8065

. 25100 Hagger ty Rd. Novi, Ml 48376-8065 Attn: Joan Kowaisk i Fax (248) 427-7973

Phone (248) 427-7972

RECEPT IONIST Energetic person for phones, filing, var ious duties. N e w office, computer exper ience required, fax resume to 248-668-2812 or send to 50481 Pont iac Trail, Wixom Ml 48393.

RECEPTIONIST Fas t - paced R o y a l O a k a d agency seeks Receptionist Mon-Fri 9-3. Responsibi l i t ies include phone duties, typing & adminis-trative tasks. Compet i t ive salary/ paid vacat ions. Send resume & salary requirements to: Attn: C. Harriss, Quil l Communicat ions, 316 E. 3rd Street, Suite B. Royal Oak, Ml . 48067.


Candidate must have good com-municat ion, computer and multi-line phone skil ls. Assist various departments. Miiford off ice. Full tiirie posit ion with ful l benefits. Fax resume to 248-684-9763.

RECEPT IONIST Growing Clinton T w p . Telecom Company Is seek ing pleasant person w / good speak ing voice for receptionist posit ion, great career oppor tun i ty for right person. Start ing sa lary $8/hr with full benefits package. Fax resume to: 810-439-2001

RECEPTIONIST/ s" LIGHT SECRETARIAL •Local builder seeks responsible, pos i t ive , f r iendly pe rson to 'handle front of f ice responsibil i-t ies . Skills required are good .-phone etiquette, mai l distribu-i ion , general fi l ing, and light typing. Must know Microsoft Office and have g o o d organiza-tional skills. Salary commensu-rate with exper ience. Please send resume & salary require-m e n t s to: 44303 Plymouth Oaks . Blvd., Plymouth, M l 48170 - or fax to: 734-455-0815.

R E C E P T I O N I S T - M e d i u m ,Sized manufactur ing company in Novi. Duties inc lude hour ly pay-ro l l and accounts payable. This 4s a steady, long- term posit ion "with full benef i ts in a relaxed ^atmosphere. j : Send resume to:

G. F. PO Box 8025

Novi, M l 48376

. R E C E P T I O N I S T N E E D E D . .Good phone skills, typing & "filing. Full t ime, salary & bene-f i t s . C a l l S e l e c t O n e a t : I 313-541-2100

RECEPT IONIST "needed for real estate office In Bir-"mirtgham, weekdays, 8:30-5pm. .Benefits available after 90 days. Please call: 248-647-7100

502 i HelpWanted-ace Clerical

RECEPTIONIST N E E D E D for B ingham FArms Law F i rm , to answer phone a n d also to assist administrator this is a fu l l - t ime posit ion. For more in format ion contact Barb Jester at 248-642-6000.

RECEPTIONIST Part - t ime needed for weekend and e v e n i n g work. P lease cal l 9 to 4, M o n . thru Fri. for App' t . ,

( 7 3 4 ) 4 2 5 - 9 2 0 0

R E C E P T I O N I S T P A R T - T I M E for Roches te r real estate off ice. 3:30-7 • weekdays , 9 -5 week-ends. Ca l l Shei la at

(248) 656-6500

R E C E P T I O N I S T PART-T IME Are y o u dependable , respon-sible a n d fr iendly? Do y o u enjoy helping a n d suppor t ing others? Do y o u have a st rong work ethic? D o e s working in a profes-sional R e a l Estate off ice appeal to you? If y o u answered "YES" to t hese quest ions, p lease cal l for a conf ident ia l interview.

C A L L 1-248-646-6076

RECEPTIONIST Staff Assistant

Busy Archi tectura l f i rm needs a dynamic , resourceful person to provide general cler ical a n d adminis t rat ive support to staff. Answer mult i- l ine phones, word

data entry, f i l ing,

and 4 0 1 k plan. Fax or E-mai l resume to:

N U D E L L A R C H I T E C T S 248-324-0661

hnude l [email protected]

R E C E P T I O N I S T - W a n t e d for law f i rm. Must have WordPer fect ski l ls a n d mul t i - l ine p h o n e sys tem exper ience. Top salary and med ica l benefits. Fax resume : (248) 865-8053.

RECEPTIONIST W e are looking for a dynamic individual to work in our well establ ished Eye Care Practice. If you a re personable, self moti-vated, enjoy working with the public a n d nave computer exp. w e wou ld like to have you join our team. Experience in the eye care f ield preferred but not neces-sary, S e n d resume to: Shawn

Suburban Eye Care 32415 5 Mile, Livonia Ml

48154. Or Fax (734)525-5011

R E C P T I O N I S T - Phone ski l ls and peop le person to: full or part t ime. For more information call

(734) 416-3333.

S A L E S SECRETARY Manufacturers sales rep. in Farmington Hills, seeks com-puter l i terate individual wi th p leasant phone personality. Pre-vious of f ice experience helpful. Full t i m e position. Wil l train. Start ing pay $10+ per hour.

Cal l ' 2 4 8 ) 442-9880 or fax r e s u m e (248) 442-9698

S E C R E T A R I A L POSIT ION in Novi . 20-30 hours. Phone & compu te r skil ls preferred. Good hourly p a y for exper ienced indi-vidual. Call 248-347-3550


Legal - New mid-sized f i rm Financia l Services - Execut ive ass is tance

A d v e r t i s i n g A g e n c y - A c c o u n t management

Cal l Susan or Email: b i rm@astaff .com

Bi rmingham - 248-646-7663 Clinton Twp. - 810-226-9642

Livonia - 248-473-2933

Advantage Staffing


B i rm ingham off ice seeks secre-tarial suppor t to assist current staff. Answer ing a n d direct ing te lephone calls. Typ ing 50 W P M and f i l l ing. Cal l John O 'Conne l l


S E C R E T A R Y FOR Southf ie ld non-smok ing off ice. W P 5.1. Word exce l in general off ice.

Cal l 248-350-9712 or fax 248-350-9533

S E C R E T A R Y - F U L L T I M E Financia l Advisors in Farm-ington Hi l ls seeking exper ienced Secretary.

Fax / -ema i l 248-932-5201 b loomlaw@amer i tech .ne t

S E C R E T A R Y - full t ime for man-ufactured home communi ty in Ypsi lant i , paid medical , vacat ion & 401k . 734-572-1445

SECRETARY/RECEPTIONIST for outpatient mental health clinic in Northville. Exp. & some evenings required. (248) 348-1100,

S E C R E T A R Y / R E C E P T I O N I S T for L i von ia busy real estate vniuo. vu i i i fULc i CAjje*IOIiwe a. must. M o n . through Thurs. 12-8. Fri. 9 -5 . Call 734-367-8123.

W A L T E R S H O M E A P P L I A N C E needs par t - t ime off ice help In 2 locat ions. Filing, cus tomer service, invoices. John or Hazel .

(734) 728-9600 (Canton) T o m or Jennifer

(734) 427-7310 (Livonia).


Know ledge In Microsoft Pro ject , Word, and Excel. Da ta Transfer for Ideas,

P D G S , CATIA, a n d A u t o C a d helpful.

Benef i ts , 401K, Profit Sharing.

Send /Fax resume to: O x b o w Machine

Products, Inc. 12777 Merr iman Livonia, Ml 48150

F a x (734) 422-7750.

HelpWanted' Dental

A B A N D O N Y O U R S E A R C H ! Exper ienced chairside assistant. Prefer registered or cert i f ied. Large g r o u p practice. Approx. 35 hrs /wk. Warm, fr iendly prac-tice. She ree : 734-420-2326.

C A N T O N D E N T I S T Look ing for fui i - t ime exper i -e n c e d , . e x p a n d e d d u t i e s

D E N T A L ASSISTANT. Excel lent salary, benef i ts &

H IR ING BONUS. 734-981-4040.

C H A I R S I D E ASSISTANT n e e d e d for Farmington Hills gen-eral dent is t . Must be exper i -enced & x-ray certif ied. Full-t ime. Exc . benefits. No Sats.


Help Wanted-Dental

Dental Assistants • Hyglenists • Receptionists... . being

recruited for var ious Wayne & Oakland county offices.

Performance Plus 810-997-6360

DENTAL ASSISTANT Be wei l pa id for work you'l l love In a p r o f e s s i o n a l , growth-oriented environment. A leading-e d g e spec ia l t y p rac t i ce Is looking for an addit ional full-time assistant with some dental expe-rience. Call: (248) 357-3100.

DENTAL ASSISTANT Group practice. Full-t ime posit ion for exper ienced person. X-Ray exper ience helpful. Top salary and excel lent benefits, 401K. 734-722-5130.

D E N T A L ASSISTANT Exper ienced on ly . Full-time. Looking for that specia l person to join our general dentistry group practice. Benef i ts, West-fend. 734-422-5560

DENTAL ASSISTANT - Experi-enced ful l-t ime chairs ide assis-tant needed for L ivonia general practice. (734) 464-8020

DENTAL ASSISTANT needed for friendly Plymouth office. Pay & benef i ts negot iab le . Call 734-453-4150 Fax 734-459-1828

DENTAL A S S I S T A N T - Fuli-t ime. Reliable & t eam oriented for Farmington Hills family prac-tice. Experience in cosmetic pro-cedures a plus. 248-661-8700.

D E N T A L ASSISTANT 3 days, exp. preferred, female doctor. Call (248) 354-2244 or fax resume to (248) 354-8883

D E N T A L ASSISTANT Experienced. Mon-Thurs. Beau-tiful new off ice in Southfield. Join our hardwork ing & fr iendly staff.

(248) 354-6364

D E N T A L ASSISTANT Part-time, exp, rel iable, friendly for West iand off ice. No Sats. G r e a t b e n e f i t s . K e l l y : 734-522-6470 fax 522-6937.

D E N T A L ASSISTANT for high quality busy, Farm-ington Hills off ice. Great hours, pay & benefits. Experienced only. Cal l (248) 626-9915

DENTAL ASSISTANT - Ener-get ic , se l f -mo t i va ted , team-oriented person to join our busy practice. Experience preferred, but will train. Top salary & excel-lent benefits. 248-380-9330.

DENTAL ASSISTANT For cosmet ic or iented office in B i r m i n g h a m / B l o o m f i e l d Hil is area. No evenings or Sat. 3-4 days. Enthusiastic person, w/ great people skil ls t o join our p r o g r e s s i v e t e a m . C a l l 800-734-4245, Fax 734-654-9564

D E N T A L ASSISTANT New posi t ion for 3rd Assistant in our Farmington Hills practice. Provide chairside, laboratory and/or hygiene assistance In a modern comfor tab le off ice. Two doctors and ded icated staff wel-comes new individual w/previous exp. or interest to learn. Fax resume to: 248-855-5371 or call 248-855-4850.

DENTAL ASSISTANT - 4 days in Farmington Hills office. No Saturdays. 10 Mile & Orchard Lake. (248) 477-0208

D E N T A L A S S I S T A N T Exper ienced. Full-t ime for Dear-born group practice. No Satur-days. 313-278-6333


Full t ime positions. Some experi-e n c e p r e f e r r e d . F r i e n d l y pleasant off ice staff. Livonia area. (734) 525-3150.

DENTAL ASSISTANT Now accept ing applications for Dental Assistant, Receptionist a n d Hygienist. Denta l experi-ence necessary for busy Red-ford off ice. Please cal l , (313) 592-1100 or fax resume (313) 592-0061 Attn: Danielle

DENTAL HYGIENIST Car ing Hygienist needed for pa t ien t -centered preventat ive practice. Full t ime with benefits. Livonia area. Cal l Joyce at:


DENTAL HYGIENIST Ful l /part- t ime. Group practice in West land. Enthusiast ic person who enjoys people. Pay com-mensura te wi th exper ience.

Excel lent benefits. 401K. Cal l Delia: (734) 722-5130.

DENTAL HYGIENIST Our modern Southf ield office is In search of a Hygienist 2 days/ wk. Tue 8 -5pm & Thur 10-7pm. 12 & Northwestern. A great place to work! 248-356-8790.

DENTAL, HYGIENIST otcii i a i ie i uauui u a y , Giecu staff l Great off ice! Available days: Tue., Thur. , Fri. & Sat. If interested in any or al l of these days, call: 248-398-5545

DENTAL HYGIENIST Full-t ime posit ion in Livonia smal l fami ly practice. Excellent salary and benefits.

(313) 565-3131

DENTAL HYGIENIST needed Mondays for friendly dental practice in Farmington Hills. 1 Hour pat ient schedul ing.

(248) 626-1417

D E N T A L HYGIENIST Full t ime. Approx. 31 hrs per week. Some evenings. Health Insurance, pension. Southfield. Cal l Marie (248) 352-7722

DENTAL HYGIENIST a n exceptional ly warm, friendly quality fee for service W . Dear-born off ice (Telegraph/Michigan Ave.) seeking a fr iendly, caring hygienist to jo in our team Mon., Tues., Thurs. No evenings or Sats. Excellent salary & bene-f i t s . C a l l M a r g a r e t 313-561-1260 313-562-4030

Fax: 313-561-0377


W e are seek ing a mature, full-t ime, exper ienced Receptionist. Knowledge of Dentr ix software & insurance bil l ing is preferred, in return for your contributions, w e offer a compet i t ive salary based on exper ience & benefits.

Fax your resume to: 248-443-0913.

DENTAL RECEPTIONIST Exp. & reliable. Full/part-time. W e s t l a n d / L i v o n i a . C a l l : 734-522-6470 Fax: 734-522-6937

D E N T A L R E C E P T I O N I S T A progress ive denta l office desires an enthusiast ic, multi-t asked peop le person who s h a r e s . i n our commitment to providing quality care for our patients. Experience a plus. Call (248) 474-0224


DENTAL RECEPTIONIST Specialty practice is iooking for a special person to join its front desk team. This special person should have dental experience and be self-motivated, orga-nized, art iculate and empathet lc. Salary $30-$45,000 + benefits.

Call: (248) 357-3100.


For growing Canton off ice. Part-full t ime. Some evenings & Saturdays. Experience needed.

Cal l 313-515-9792

Dental Recept ionist / Schedu l ing Coordinator Needed for genera l dental of f ice In Novi. Must be an upbeat, enthusiastic team player. Cal l Maureen: . (734) 394-1027.

DENTAL RECEPTIONIST Full-time fo? busy practice in Garden City looking for team player. S o m e dental exper ience preferred. Computer knowledge helpful. W e offer great pay &

benefits, including 401K. Call: 734-427-2880.


REQUIRED. Great benefits. Call Chery l 734-261-9696.

H Y G I E N E A S S I S T A N T Fuli t ime posi t ion o p e n in Canton of f ice for team-or iented, caring person searching for a meaningfu l opportunity to grow. Previous denta l experience not essential, g o o d customer ser-vice skil ls a must. Competi t ive salary/benef i ts . 734-981-5455 for appointment.

ACE HYGIENIST For high qual i ty Farmington Hills prosthet ic- implant dental off ice.

Part-t ime, Mon thru Thur. Possible full-time.

Cal l Lori at: 248-553-4740.


Needed for Growing 2 Doctor practice full t ime. No evenings or weekends. (248)347-4250

HYGIENIST - For Farmington Hills pract ice with a re laxed a tmosphere looking for an ener-getic individual to fill a hygienist position. 25 hrs. + per week .

Please cal l 248-553-3773.

H Y G I E N I S T - part t ime, needed for Farmington Hil ls dentist. Wed . only 11 am - 8pm. Exp. preferred. 248-476-8330

HYGIENIST Part-t ime / Full-t ime needed for fr iendly, Farmington Hills off ice.

P lease cal l (248) 478-4755

O R T H O D O N T I C ASSISTANT Full-time for Bloomfield Hills off ice. Exper ienced. Mon-Thurs. Benefi ts. (248)647-0696


A full-t ime posit ion (40hrs) in a progressive practice. Prior expe-rience preferred. We are wil l ing to train if you' re commit ted to l e a r n i n g . G r e a t b e n e f i t s , inc luding uni form a l lowance & a 4 day work week. Interested a p p l i c a n t s s h o u l d s e n d a resume w/salary requirements to: 33627 Seven Mile, Livonia, Ml 48152. Attn: Dana or fax to: (248)471-4146 •

PATIENT COORDINATOR Friendly, progressive off ice cur-rently seek ing a Patient Coordi-nator. 734-421-5220

RAMSEY DENTAL Now hir ing exper ienced Waxer & Metal Finisher. 3-5 yrs experi-ence or mo re preferred. Full t ime/Ful l benefits. Call Phil

(248) 442-4848

EXCEPTIONAL individual sought to welcome patients with multi-tasking skills in business office responsibilities. Call 248-645-5340 or fax: 248-645-0928.

RECEPTIONIST, FULL-TIME Needed for Dental practice, West land. Computer & dental exp. prefer red. Top salary, 401K. Delia: 734-722-5130.

HelpWanted-11 Medical


Ful l - t ime posi t ion for hard-working t eam player. Respon-sible for all aspects of patient r e c o r d s . R e q u i r e s l i f t i n g , bending a n d walking. Medical e x p e r i e n c e p r e f e r r e d . F a x resume to (734) 981-0653 Attn: Clinical Manager


W e need competent, rel iable dedicated & exper ienced people to provide services to older C t U U I l d I t l w w t w e c U u t t V I r\o*

Living Residence. Full T ime & Part T ime. Full t ime employees are el igible for medical a n d dental insurance. E.E.O. Apply in person at 3280 Walton Blvd., R o c h e s t e r H i l l s , M i c h i g a n (between Adams & Squirrel Rd.).

CENA's - Afternoons Part Time

Apply in person: Marycrest Manor 15475 Middlebelt

Livonia, Ml 48154

CHIROPRACTIC OFF ICE Exper ienced front desk & biller needed part-t ime.

(810) 970-8096.

C H I R O P R A C T I C O F F I C E looking for 1 ful l-t ime or 2 part-t ime employees. Good pay & excellent work ing environment. Fax resume to: 248-471-6853

CLAIMS PROCESSING office, Farmington Hills, part time, med-ical and/or billing experience helpful but not required. Call between 9am-4pm 248-477-9560

D E N T A L A S S I S T A N T Exper ienced for per iodonta l practice. Ful l t ime with benefi ts. Farmington Hil ls area.

Cal l 248-851-4167.

DIETARY A IDES Evenings & Weekends

(Part-Time) Please apply at or call:

Hope Heal th Care Center 38410 Cherry Hill Road

West land, Ml 48185 734-326-1200

EXPANDING MULTIPLE spe-cialty pract ice needs full t ime e x p e r i e n c e d R e c e p t i o n i s t w /MBS bil l ing exp.

Resumes faxed to: 313-537-0790

FRONT D E S K ASSISTANT For busy Chiropract ic off ice In Canton. Full t ime with evenings & Saturdays required. Fax 734-455-2359. Call 734-455-6767.

Wanted* lical

EMT 'S - P A R A M E D I C S Concord E.M.S. is a growing company needing qualified people to provide quality pat ient care. W e are developing new areas of bus iness and need l icensed Medics, Special ists and EMTs who want good equipment, good pay and flexible hours wi th accu-mulat ive benefit results.

* $1000.00 sign on Bonus * Health and Denta l * Short te rm disabil i ty * Tuit ion re imbursement * Accumulate PTO * 401K * Competi t ive w a g e

* Night shift p remium

313-386-9400 or 734-947-9400 248-967-9400

F R O N T D E S K Medical Receptionist for Farm-ington Hills off ice, part t ime, approx. 24-30 hrs/week. Experi-ence preferred but wil l train. $ 9 . 0 0 hr . C a l i D e b b i e a t

(248) 651-6655 or fax (248) 851-2088.

Heart land is looking for |

I a dynamic R N to coord l - •

nate d ischarges f rom ' | ou r skil led nursing faci l i- | • t ies to our Homecare • • and Hospice programs, i I F u l l t i m e , M o n - F r i . | • Homecare exper ience • 5 requ i red . G o o d cus - 5 1 t o m e r s e r v i c e s k i l l s I fl essent ial . Compet i t i ve • 2 s a l a r y a n d b e n e f i t B

I package, p lus bonus • I p r o g r a m . E O E . F a x •

(r e s u m e t o M a r s h a B

Wilson 248-945-3333. •

HR D I R E C T O R TheraMatr ix , a nat ional phys ica l rehab company, Is seek ing a gereralist to oversee all HR func-t ions. Must have 1-2 years expe-r ience, flexibil ity a n d know ledge of current labors laws a plus. Compet i t ive compensat ion . Fax resume to: 248-333-0276 or e-mai l : ryork@theramatr ix .com EOE


For a private, outpat ient mental heal th clinic in Livonia. Full-t ime. Fax resume to: 734-462-1024

MEDICAL ASSISTANT/LPN/RN Medical examiners needed to perform mobil medical evaluation. Must have good phlebotomy skills and reliable car. Hourly plus mileage pay. Day and afternoon shifts available. Fax resume to:


•MEDICAL ASSISTANT* Fu l l - t ime , t o p D e r m a t o l o g y off ice, in r — v n g t o n Hil ls. Must have 1 yr. m t . cal o f f ice exper i -ence or training 248-553-2900


Part-t ime/ful l-t ime. Dearborn Heights area. Min. 1 year exper ience. Call 313-730-1591 or

fax resume to: 313-730-1634.

M E D I C A L A S S I S T A N T pos i t ion avai lable in a L ivonia Family Physician's off ice. Cali:



« FILE C L E R K S Full & part t ime avai lable. Expe-rience preferred, but not neces-sary. Call Judy 734-464-9540.

MEDICAL A S S I S T A N T Posit ion avai lable in fami ly

pract ice in Livonia, inject ion, ekg, x-rays preferred.

Fax resume to: 248-474-4224

MEDICAL A S S I S T A N T Full t ime, for fast paced subspe-cialty practice located near 13 Mile & Southfield. Full t ime days, compet i t ive salary, excel lent benefits, 248-647-0446

M E D I C A L A S S I S T A N T Orthopedic of f ice in Garden City needs Medical Assistant. Experi-ence in assisting, compute r entry, and te lephone. Monday-Fr iday. Benefits, Fax resume:


MEDICAL A S S I S T A N T Expe r i enced on ly f o r busy urology practice. 3 posi t ions ava i l ab le in Pon t iac , W e s t Bloomfie ld and Dearborn. Full-t ime. Excellent salary a n d ben-efit package avai lable. Please fax resume to: 810-771-9572

M E D I C A L B I L L E R Exper ience required. Excel lent benef i ts. Compet i t i ve salary. Fr iendly a tmosphere. P lymouth a r e a . C a l l M a r i a S . 734-453-6970

MEDICAL BILLER Min imum 2 years exper ience in fami ly practice and Med ic bi l l ing sys tem. Please fax resume to Shannon: (734) 455-3405.


for busy general surgery off ice. 4 days per week In Southf ie ld. Exp. necessary. MBS helpful . Fax resume to: 248-353-1513

Medical Office Staff ' N e w Openings! 'O f f i ce Man-a g e r - B i r m i n g n a m S p e c i a l t y p rac t i ce seeks e x p e r i e n c e d Manager to superv ise staff. A/R k n o w l e d g e he lp fu l . 'B i l t e rs -Southfield. 1 posit ion requires home care background,the other seeks individual with deg ree & superv isory exp. $14-$16/hr . *Receptionists-Novi & Southfield. Fax resume: 248-932-1214 or cal l Louann: 248-932-1204

H a r p e r A s s o c i a t e s

www.harper jobs .com.

MEDICAL RECEPT IONIST Full-t ime for busy Southf ie ld opthalomology off ice. Experi-ence preferred. 248-358-3937

MEDICAL RECEPTIONIST N o w hiring for medical recep-t ionist & medical assistant for our family pract ice in of f ice Livonia. Exp. Necessary , hours great, staff fun, c o m e jo in our crew! Fax resume to:


MEDICAL RECEPT IONIST for busy ophtha lmology pract ice in Canton. Insurance exper ience helpful. (734) 459-7850

MEDICAL RECEPT IONIST Full- t ime, fr iendly. Send resume to: 43422 West Oaks Dr. PMB

#167, Novi, Ml 48377-3300


Exper ienced, for M D specia l is ts in Southfield. Excel lent benef i ts. Mail resume to P.O. Box 826 Bir-m ingham Ml 48012-0826

HelpWanted* Medical

M E D I C A L R E C O R D S / I N S U R A N C E V E R I F I C A T I O N Full-t ime posi t ion open at a Livonia menta l heal th cl inic. Fax resumes to: 734-462-1024.


Full- t ime. Excel lent benefits. Cal l (248) 258-2888

Nurse, L P N / R N

T i r e d Of T h e S a m e O l d R o u t i n e 9

W e need an enthusiast ic LPN or R N wi th great cus-tomer serv ice skills & per-sonal warmth to assist with f ield v is i ts, c a s e superv is ion, health screenings, and more. C o m p e t i t i v e e m p l o y m e n t package. W e guarantee you wil l never be bored!

Cal l Joyce Simpson T H E M E D I C A L T E A M

248-358-2260 or fax resume

248-358-2264 or emai l j s impson @ medteam.com.

N U R S E N E E D E D for homecare in Northvi l le. Nice, long te rm case. Cal l (810) 777-2754

N U R S E S & CENA's H o p e Hea l th C a r e Center , located in West land, is now hir ing CENA's , all shifts; can m a k e up to $11,45/hr . based o n exper ience. L P N Nurses can m a k e up to $21/hr. based o n exper ience. Long Term Care.

Please apply at or call: Hope Heal th Care Center 38410 Cher ry Hill Road

West land, Ml 48185 734-326-1200

L icensed Physical Therapist Full & part t ime. Mon. thru

Fri. If in terested contact: Roman Kinal 248-888-1333

RECEPTIONIST/SCHEDULER -For 6 doctor pract ice in South-field. Med ica l exp. needed, ophtha lmology exp. a +. Full-t i m e , b e n e f i t s , c o m p e t i t i v e wages & 401K, Please fax resume to: 248-706-1337.

R E S P I R A T O R Y THERAPIST A career enhanc ing posit ion. Good benefi ts. Cal l for specif ics.


O RN, LPN or M E D A S S T

Wi th exper ience needed for G R O W I N G Dermatology prac-tice in Ann Arbor /Plymouth area. Full o r part t ime. Pay to com-m e n s u r a t e w i th exper ience , excel lent benef i ts.

Fax resume to: (734) 996-8767

R N / L P N - Part-t ime (Day & Af ternoon shift)

App ly in person: Marycrest Manor,

15475 Middlebelt Rd. Livonia, M i 48154

RN/LPN Part t ime 3 p m - l 1 p m .

Resident Ass is tant -11pm-7am. T H E P L Y M O U T H INN

/Ass is ted Living Facility Competit ive Wages & Benefits


SPECIAL IZED H E A L T H C A R E Company is looking to fill the fo l lowing open ings : Resident ia l / Case Managers , Direct Care Workers , Cogni t ive/Vocat ional Therapists & Market ing/Busi-ness Administ rat ive Assistant. Fax: 248 -476 -4990 or mai l resume and salary requirement

to: PO Box 530306 Livonia, M l 48153-0306.

T E C H N E E D E D for 6 doctor pract ice in Southf ield. Seeking posit ive, energet ic , team-player. 1 yr. ophtha lmology exp. or C O A / C O T cert i f icat ion. Fuli-t i m e , b e n e f i t s , c o m p e t i t i v e wages & 401K . Please fax resume to: 248-706-1337.

O Food/Beverage »J Restaurant

B A R STAFF Full & part- t ime. Days or nights. Immediate open ing. Sw im wear attire required. 734-421-7744.

B A R T E N D E R & W A I T R E S S Exper ienced & Reliable for

Canton Bar. Cal l before 3pm. (734) 487-9770

C O N C I E R G E W A N T E D Full-time posit ion open for a ded-icated conc ierge. Dut ies Include coordinat ing dai ly meals for staff and on-si te cl ientele, bus iness lunches and meet ings. Assist in-house commi t tee with budget preparat ion a n d planning of internal events . 7 :30am-3:30prn shift. Qual i f icat ions include 1-2 years exper ience in craft ser-v ices/cater ing or related field. Must have f lexible schedule, s t rong cuen i serv ice oacK-ground, a n d outgoing person-ality. S e n d resume and salary history to:

A m y Weishuhn Grace & Wild, Inc.

23689 industr ial Park Drive Farmington Hil ls, Ml 48335

or Fax 248-471-2312 N O T E L E P H O N E C A L L S


TRUMPPS HIRING Cooks, Host /Hostess, Wai t Staff & Shot Persons. Apply in person 1 -6pm, Mon.-Fr i . 21413 W . 8 Mile, be tween Evergreen &

Lahser. 313-592-1190

COOK EXP. $11/hour . Full/part-t ime.

Heal th insurance. W a g o n Whee l Lounge. Northvil le.

248 349-8686

C O O K for Northvi l le Christ ian school. Part t ime. Cal l : 248-348-9031

COOK Ful l /par t - t ime. App ly Mon-Fr i at : Fat Wi l ly 's, 19170 Farmington Rd., L ivonia. 248-615-1330

COOK Good pay & benefits. West land area. 313-850-6176.


needed for Leather Bott le Res-taurant. Pays $10-$15 an hour. L ivonia Cal l T o m at

(248) 474-2420.

C o o k s & Dishwashers Full & part - t ime. Private country c lub. Chef Ty: 248-437-7337.

C O O K S - FULL T IME E X P E R I E N C E D Apply: S t ryke fs Bar & Grill, 38301 Ford Rd., Westiand, 734-634-0483


Rene's Bar S h r i l l 31022 A n n Arbor Trai l ,

West land. (734) 425-2454

508 Food/Beverage Restaurant

COOKS IMMEDIATE O P E N I N G S - Wa l -tonwood Senior apar tment com'

iy compassionate people t o fill muni ty in nee1

apartm id of fr iendly

osit ions for our fr iendly d in ing facil ity. Some weekend work. Flexible schedules. Prefer Expe-r i e n c e d C o o k s . F u l l - t i m e employees are eligible for med-ica l a n d den ta l I nsu rance . E.E.O. Apply in person at 3250 Wal ton Blvd., Rochester Hills, Ml . or cal! 248-375-2500

Cooks / Ki tchen He lp All shifts; flexible

hours, full & par t t ime. Good pay. Bellevil le area. (734) 697-9800

COOKS, WAIT-STAFF Full & Part-Time

$10/hr. Apply at: Start ing Gate Saloon, 135 N. Center St., Northville, (246) 349-5660

ADULT C O U N T E R HELP Pa r t - t ime , d a y s or n i g h t s . $6.50-$8/hr. + bonuses. Col lege student book reimbursment. Call Rick at Subway after 2 p m


D ISHWASHER N E E D E D for local public golf course. After-noons & evenings, no late nights. Pleasant work place, competi t ive wages and golf priv-i leges. Apply in person or call The Links of Novi, 50395 W . 10 Mile, Novi. 248-380-9595

D ISHWASHERS & S E R V E R S Steady , par t - t ime, w e e k e n d eves. High pay for exp. wil l train. Plymouth Manor. 455-3501.

W A N T E D L O C O M O T I V E ENGINEER - Will train.

Prefer current/former school bus drivers. Also seeking

Conductors. (248) 960-9440.


18 or older. No exper ience necessary. $1000-1500 a

week. (248) 470-7666.

FOOD PREP & S A N D W I C H MAKING In new Picasso Cafe. Full or part t ime (11-3), c losed Sundays. 248-427-0600

GRILL C O O K days part t ime for lounge. 5 mile & Te legraph area. Apply JR Lounge 23810 Fenkel l . . 313-531-4780


Is currently seeking p leasant outgoing people for tne fol lowing positions:

• Banquet Servers • Servers • Bussers • Room Service « Host

W e offer a full benef i ts package. Apply at: Hol iday Inn North Campus, 3600 Plymouth Rd., A n n Arbor. 734-769-9800 Fax 734-761-1290


Is now hiring • KITCHEN S T A F F

• LINE C O O K S • D I S H W A S H E R S

Apply in person: 24555 Novi Rd., N/10 Mile. 246- 349-7038

M E S Q U I T E J U N C T I O N i n Livonia hiring fuli & part- t ime


C O O K S Apply in person 13800 Middle-belt at Schoolcraft.

WA IT STAFF, B A R T E N D E R S Needed for Northvi l le Banquet Facility. Part t ime weekends $10 per hour. 734-420-0144

WAIT STAFF - Day shift. Nick MacMurphy 's Coney. App ly in person: 39301 Grand River, Farmington Hills. 248- 477-6721

WAIT STAFF & DISHWASHERS Part t ime for Plymouth retirement communi ty . Great working condi-tions. Flexible hours. Apply in person: Plymouth Independence Village, 14707 Northville Rd.

WAIT STAFF - for day shift. Good tips, good work ing condi -t ions. Mandy 's Restaurant, 9 M i l e & T e l e g r a p h . ( 2 4 8 ) 356-2060


For f ine din ing dinner train. Cal l Mike at: (248) 960-9440.

511 HelpWanted*

o u w i n u L U t n FINANCIAL A N A L Y S T

Mid-size company located in Brighton. Trial ba lance through G L , P a y r o l l t a x e s & compl iance.

bhemdon@amer i tech.net or fax (810) 227-0443

512 HelpWanted*

j f " A r e You ^ Serious A b o u t ^ ^ A Career In ^

Real Estate?

We are serious about Your success!!!

• Are you getting your Fair Share of Relocation Referrals?

WE ARB!!! • Exclusive success systems

program • Variety of commission plans Join our office and reap some

Great Benefits!!!!

Call P a m D a n a h e r M a n a g e r

South Lyon Office 2 4 8 - 4 3 7 - 4 5 0 0




REAL ESTATE IS B O O M I N G Excellent Commiss ions.

Great Training.



H O M E T O W N (734) 459-6222

512 HelpWanted*

A Career in Real Estate

Free Training

Locat ion • Locat ion S.E. Comer of Six/Haggerty

• Free Pre-Licensing Train ing

• Full a n d Part T ime Posi t ions

• Group Heal th Coverage • Structured Tra in ing

Program • In-House C los ing

Depar tment

734-464-6400 Ask for Larry Frey or

Frank D 'Ange lo

Q n t u i f c

21 Hartford South, Inc.

Check us out at www.c21-hs.com



S C H W E I T Z E R How m a n y t imes have y o u thought of a real estate career?

• Flex T ime • Unl imi ted Income • The Best in Market ing

Resources • The Best Tra in ing • Suppor t Y o u Can

Count O n • Free Tra in ing E x p e r i e n c e o u r n e w l y expanded Farmington Hills/ Wes t B loomf ie ld location. Now interv iewing new & exper ienced agents. Cal l Joan Char , Manager , for a conf ident ia l Interview.

(248) 737-9000


A U T O D E A L E R looking for mot ivated, enthusiast ic people.

No exper ience necessary. W e offer t raining, great pay a n d

a fun env i ronment . Cal l Bob at: 734-427-1550, for a n immed ia te interview.

AUTOMOTIVE Full- t ime oppor tuni ty for a pro-fessional sa les person in an establ ished, growing automot ive af termarket retail company . W e o f f e r a c o m p l e t e b e n e f i t

inc lud ing fully pa id BC / >S, 401 (k). Earn ing potent ia l

$50K+. Mult iple Detroit a rea locat ions. Mal l resume: Midwest Truck Accessor ies , 18610 Fort St., Riverview, M l 48192. O r cal l Steve Lyies: 734-283-9650. Drug screen ing required EOE

A U T O P A R T S S A L E S Exper ience preferred but wil l t rain right candidate. Must be dependab le a n d able to wo rk as a team member . Blue Cross, 401(k). Ask for Doug Manare:

(248) 643-7894


"NO E X P E R I E N C E N E C E S S A R Y "

(Excel lent Oppor tun i ty) W e are in neea of addi t ional Sa les People to staff our b rand new modern facil ity. Five peop le are needed to start work Immedi-ately. Our preference is to train all our our Salespeople wi th no car sales background. All of our new car f ranchises are experi-encing outstanding growth. Ali of our Managers c o m e f rom these posit ions. W e offer: f ive d a y work week , salary, commis-sions, training, life & hea l th insurance, pa id vacat ions, new car demo, 4 0 1 K pension, secu-rity and managemen t opportu-nity. App ly for this learning posit ions at:

L IVONIA A U T O P L E X 34501 Plymouth Rd.

Livonia, or call (734) 425-5400 for appointment


Great Factory Incentives +

H u g e Inventory +

Huge A d Budget +

H u g e Floor Traff ic

Huge Sales Opportuni ty A re you the Sales Professional our cus tomers are looking for? Fax your r esume t o J o h n McLel lan for conf ident ial inter-v iew, (734) 996-5784

VARSITY F O R D A n n Arbor , Ml


" C R E S T W O O D D O D G E ' (734) 421-5700

C A N V A S S E R - Exper ience a plus. Pay for lead & commis-sion. Wil l train. Wes t s ide.


This is the C U R V E w e use to measure agent sat isfact ion.

Wha t C U R V E does your company use?

To f ind out why our agents $mi le of ten cali

Tr icha Kneid ing or

Ann Shahin today.

Now Hir ing New and

Exper ienced Agents

(248) 347-3050 COLDWELL BANKER Schweitzer - Northville



REAL PEOPLE Earn a F R E E Laptop com-puter and a new lucrative career at the s a m e t ime!

East S ide (800) 875-7653 Wes t S ide 248-260-0061

for a n interview.

t ry Field Measurements & Cus-tomer Relat ions For Commerc ia l Glass Co. , P.O. Box 51922 ECC, Livonia, Ml 48151-0922.

E A R N E X T R A $$$l Booming real estate off ice in Livonia has openings for out-go ing Sa lespeop le ! T ra in ing avai lable. Cal l Judy or K im



512 HelpWanted*

Champ ion Manufactur ing, Nat ions second largest H o m e Improvement Company , is n o w hir ing S A L E S REPS. Sa les exper ience helpful but wi l l t ra in t hose wi th high energy a n d a g o o d att i tude.

• $80 ,000+ potent ia l (1st yr.) • Month ly per fo rmance

bonuses • Ful l benef i t package • Qual i f ied appts. • No te lemarket ing

L IVONIA O F F I C E Cal l Chris: 734-427-6560

Fax: 734-427-6564

C H A N G E Y O U R LIFE! Start a N e w Career

In Real Estate T O D A Y wi th

R E A L E S T A T E O N E Find out more In format ion

by at tending a f ree one hour

Quest ion a n d Answer Sess ion

o n Wednesday , Augus t 1st F rom 12-1:00 p.m.

A t 3 8 7 0 5 Seven Mi le Rd.,

Ste. 160 in L ivonia

(734) 591 -9200 or

o n Wednesday ; Augus t 1st f r om 12-1:00 p.m.

at 7499 Middlebel t Rd. in Wes t B loomf ie ld

(248) 851 -4100 or

o n Wednesday , August 1st f rom 6-7:00 p .m.

at 20100 Civic Center Dr., Ste. 216

in Southf ie ld (248) 304-2299

or call (248) 356-7111

For Addit ional Locat ions

8 Rial loan BOB.. \

F R I E N D L Y T O Y S & G I F T S h a s open ings for party p lan adv isors a n d managers . H o m e decor , gifts, toys, Chr is tmas. Earn cash, tr ips, recognit ion. Free cat-a l o g , i n f o r m a t i o n 1-800-488-4875


Part- t ime posi t ions avai lable in Novi . Women ' s appare l & cus tomer serv ice exp. pre-

ferred. Flexible hours required, don't wait ! Cal l now!

i MATERNITY 1-800-468-6700 extens ion 381

If You Are


Real Estate Training

Contact Jim Miller 248-360-1425

e-mail: jmiller @ cbschweitzer.com

If you're not, call tne other ads.


SBSIDENTKISEAISSTATE T h e #1 Company in t h e


Look ing For s o m e Dai ly Sa les Exc i tement?

H o m e T o w n Newspapers has a n i m m e d i a t e o p e n i n g in o u r B r i g h t o n A d v e r t i s i n g S a l e s Depar tment as w e init iate our dai ly newspaper in L iv ingston County . W e are seek ing an out -going, energet ic t eam player , w h o possesses an Assoc ia te 's Degree or prior sales exper i -ence , excel ient cus tomer ser -v i c e s k i l l s a n d c o m p u t e r knowledge a plus. Must have dependab le t ransportat ion. W e of fer base salary p lus commis-s ion a n d an excel lent benef i t package . Please mai l or fax resumes to:

H o m e T o w n Newspapers At tn : HR/Sales Howel l

323 E. Grand River Howel l , M l 4 8 8 4 3

Fax: (517) 548-5545 Email:

mbar t le t t@ht .homecomm.net

Manufac tured H o m e Sales. Earn ings potent ia l $30K+. M O B I L E H O M E B R O K E R S

(734) 697-2433.

NEW HOME SALES Loca l bui lder seek ing exper i -e n c e d sa les professional for Howel l , Ml area. Candidate mus t be a self-starter & orga-n ized wi th excellent communica-t ion ski l ls. Must be wi l l ing, to wo rk 3 weekdays a n d week -ends. W e offer excel lent sa lary p lus bonus & benef i ts . Mai i o r fax your resume to:

LoPicco lo Homes , Inc. .. f f o O i a r i y m o u i h Oaks o iva .

Plymouth, Ml 48170 Fax: (734) 455-0815

OUTSIDE RENTAL REP Major distr ibutor for industr ial e l e c t r i c a l g e n e r a t o r s . W e l l respected product l ine. Requi re-ments : s t rong peop le & presen-t a t i o n sk i l l s . M u s t b e a n aggress ive self-starter. Bas ic electr ical /mechanical fundamen-tals required. Base sa lary , c o m -m i s s i o n , e x p e n s e a c c o u n t , c o m p a n y vehicle, benef i ts, p lus 401K. Fax resume a t tn Pam:


P O R T R A I T STUDIO-Wonde r -l and Mal l , requires sa les peop le want ing t o earn $100+ per d a y commiss ion. In-store, part/ful l t ime. Wi l l train. 800-330-1276

LEARN TO EARN If y o u en joy people y o u cou ld be earn ing $60,000 or mo re in real es ta te sales. A u g . c l asses fo rming now. Contact G inger



REAL ESTATE 70 /30 Split, Great Train ing,

New Off ice! ! Cal l Mike Workman Sr.

@ 734-452-1180 Keller Will iams Realty- Livonia

SALARIED! REAL Estate Agents

Starting Salary, $30,000 PLUS! Benefits (health, 401K)

Incentives Experienced agents and new trainees welcome

N o other program like it available.

W h y look anywhere else? Work with the leader,

REAL ESTATE ONE, INC For more information,

please contact.

Ashley Baker at 248-304-2299 Or simply fax a resume to

248-356-4110 e-mail:

careers @ realestateone.com

4F(*) Classifications 512 to 711 O&E Thursday, July 26, 2001


Our affiliation with the GMAC Real Estate Network unites two of the most trusted, names in the Western Sub-urbs. Our exclusive real estate services help you become more successful: • Top Notch training • Marketing tools • Strategic systems for

your client relationships . • Global relocations ser-

vices • Financial services Plus our agents are entitled to GM Car discounts, vendor discounts, group health insur-ance, investments in GM demand notes and many more benefits. We are now looking for 4 more agents to complete our Fall semester training session. Classes are forming now.

Cali Darlene Shemanski: (734) 451-5400

f . G M A C

1365 South Main St. Plymouth, Ml 48170

512 HelpWanted-Sales

Sales DAMMAN HARDWARE has full-time openings at our Farmington store. Competi-tive Wages, Medical & Dental, Family Discount, Paid Holidays, Vacation Pay! Exper ience Cons idered . Application can be made

•daily: 23300 Farmington Rd.

REAL E S T A T E ...AS A C A R E E R ?



If you are serious about entering the business and •rofession of Real Estate

Jales, you owe it to your-self to investigate why we are #1 in the market place and best suited to insure your success. >#1 Rated Franchise

System •Continuous Individualized

Training #100% Commission Plan •Group Health Coverage •Free Pre-Licensing •Latest Technical

Computer Programs Enable You To Have The Competitive Advantage

•Unsurpassed Local and National Advertising Exposure


DIFFERENCE Call Jim Stevens

or Alissa Nead

512 HelpWanted-Sales


(734) 459-6000

SALES Experience helpful. Earning capacity up to $50,000/yr. Must have car, like people, and have good personality .248-967-8916


SALES MANAGER-PART-TIME for Ypsilanti area Convention & Visitors Bureau. Hospitality/ hotel, sales exp. preferred. Please fax or email resume by August 8. Fax 734 483-0400 or email [email protected]. No calls please.


Cellular experience a plus. Full-time witn benefits & part time positions available. High commission. Fax resume to:


Ser ious A b o u t A Career in Rea l Es ta te?

We are serious about your success!

• Free Pre-!icensing classes • Exclusive Success Systems Programs

• Variety of Commission Plans Join the No. 1

Coldwell Banker affiliate in the Midwest!

Cail Sharon McCann at (734) 482-1811 Coldwell Banker

Schweitzer Real Estate


Well know home Improvement co. is seeking top producers to join our staff. We offer an elite pay package along with con-firmed appts. If you have had great success in the sales industry & are looking to attain a higher income level & enhance your sales skills, call Kevin for interview. 248-478-8600 or Fax resume to: 248-478-6835

SALES Staffing agency with east and west side locations is seeking an energetic, aggressive, experi-enced Sales person. Skilled trades a plus. Salary, benefits + commission. Call Mary at 734-464-2755 or fax resume to: 734-464-3963

T R A V E L C O N S U L T A N T S Friendly, confident salespeople needed to sell vacations to qualified leads using proven telephone sales techniques. Paid training, flexible 30 hr. week. $7.70 per hour + $100 to $300 a week commission. Rapid advancement potential. Dearborn. 313-278-4100.

TRUCK SALES PEOPLE 3-5yrs Exp. preferred. Dearborn location. Call 313-842-3000 or fax resume to 313-842-3596

520 HelpWanted Part-Time

HARD WORKING Dependable person needed at Livonia firm. You will check fluids, tire pressure, etc. on our fleet of 23 trucks - and help out with other misc. duties. Mon-Fri., flexible daytime hours, about 15 per week. Good pay, pleasant workplace. Ideal tor retiree


HEAD LIFE GUARD/AQUATIC COORDINATOR - Must be certi-fied in life saving, first aid & CPR. Exp. in teaching a plus. Up to 40 hrs/wk., flex hours including eves & weekends. Farmington Family YMCA. Call Eric 248-553-1933

HelpWanted Part-Time

CLERICAL OFFICE Part Time Receptionist - Roch-ester - 1 - 2 evenings & one day on weekend. 20+hrs. per week. Phones & mail outs. Must be computer literate.

(248) 651-8144 ext. 3901

CUSTOMER SERVICE Part time 8am-2pm, some week-ends. Computer experience nec-e s s a r y . S o m e b e n e f i t s . Farmington Family YMCA. Call Yvonne at 248-553-4020.

Te lemarke t i ng Pos i t ion Part time. Mortgage Co. Livonia office. 1-800-434-9377 x 356

S H O E S A L E S P E R S O N for women's specialty store. Only one evening, no Sunday's. Benefits.

Call Ellen: 248-855-8855 R o z & S h e r m

Maple & Telegraph


606 Personals

602 Happy Ads

604 Graduations

606 Mother's Day

608 Father's Day

610 Holiday PotpourA

612 Sweetest Day

614 Valentine's Day

620 Special Announcements,


62 2 Legal Notices

62 3 Adoption

62 4 Misc. Notices

626 Political Notices

628 Car Fools

630 Cards Of Thanks

-632 in Memoriam

634.. ..Death Notices

636 Lost & Found

638 Tickets

640 Transportation/Travel

642 Health, Nutrition,

Weight Loss

644 Insurance

646 Bingo

648 Wedding Chapel

70D. Absolutely Free (1 day) 730... ..Commercial/Industrial

702.. Antiques/Collectibles 'Restaurant Equipment

704 Arts & Crafts 732.. ..Computers

706. .Auction Sales 734... .. Electronics/ Audio/Video

708 Rummage Sate/Flea 736... ..Video Games, Tapes,

Market Movies

710 Estate Sales 738... ..Farm Equipment

711 Garage Sales-Oakland 740... ..Farm Produce-Flowers,

712 Garage Saies-Wayne Plants

713 Moving Sales 741... ...U-Pick

714 Clothing 745... ...Hobbies-Coins, Stamps

716 Household Goods 746... ...Hospital Equipment

718 Appliances 747... ...Jewelry

719 Pools, Spas, Hot Tubs 748... ...Lawn, Garden & Snow

720 Bargain Buys Equipment

721 Bicycles 750... ...Miscellaneous For Sale

722 Building Materials 751.. ...Musical Instruments

724 Business & Office 752... ...Sporting Goods

Equipment 753.. ...Trade Or Sell

726 Office Supplies 754.. ...Wanted To Buy

728 Cameras & Supplies

• I • • I • L Jf 78 0 Animal Services/Supplies

78 1 Breeder Directory

78 2 Birds

78 3 Cats

78 4 Dogs

78 5 Farm Animals/Livestock

78 6 Horses & Equipment

78 7 Horse I


78 8 Household Pets

78 9 Pet Grooming/Boarding

79 0 Pet Services

79 1 Pet Supplies

79 2 Pet Wanted

79 3 Lost & Found

A Announcements

li DOG SITTER WANTED with the knowledge of diabetes. Canton area. (734) 981-1447.

H O S T I N G O P P O R T U N I T Y Open your heart and home to a Brazilian, German, Japanese or other high school exchange stu-dent! To volunteer today, call toll-free 1-888-552-9872.

623 Adoptions

ADOPTION: HAPPILY MAR-RIED Couple Wishes To Adopt An Infant Or Twins. Confidential. W i l l P a y M e d i c a l / L e g a l Expenses. Please Call Jean and Leon. Toil-Free 866-207-8104.

COUPLE WITH lots of love desires to adopt newborn or infant. We have a place in our home & our hearts. Call Ken or Bobbi toll free 866-225-9597

Every Sunday/Thursday we bring people together to make

a difference!

DIRECTORS & WORKERS For school age childcare. Split shift, Mon-Fr i . Recreat ion/ education credits a plus. Some benefits. Farmington Family YMCA. Cail Bryan 248-553-4020.

GARDENING & YARD WORK Experienced; references. 2 after-noons per week. Woodward/ Quarton area. (248) 258-0032

' P A R T T I M E %

P O S I T I O N S Approximately 25 hrs./wk. Starting time 3pm. $8/hr. Apply in person


27451 Schoolcraft (at Inkster)

Livonia, Mich. /

524 HelpWanted-Domestic

COMPANION needed male or female - light housekeeping, some laundry, errands. Bloom-field Twp. Days & times flexible.


NON-MEDiCAL HELP needed for gentleman with emphysema. Livonia, 4pm-11pm, Mon-Fri. 248-777-5486 leave message.

Employment/ Instruction Services

T E A C H E R S & T E A C H E R ASSISTANTS for the Farmington Family YMCA pre-school pro-gram, Benefits. Vacation & retire-ment included for full time staff. Call MaryBeth 248-553-1909

$ 5 5 0 W E E K L Y , W o r k i n g through the government from Home. PT 1-888-769-1994 (7 days/wk) Ad Code S13


536 Childcare Services-Licensed

CANTON non smoking child care learning home has open-ings. CPR & First aide. Nurturing & structured, music, gym & meals included, 12 yrs. exp. 734-459-9566 kellycare.com

CHILDCARE - Preschool, Fall enrolling. Mon-Fri. 6am-6pm. 2!£ yrs. & older. $24 daily. 2 Free weeks. Livonia: 734-525-3730.

537 Childcare/Babysit-ting Services

CHILDCARE - Stay at home Mom would like to care for your children, 8 Yrs. experience. Call: (734) 641-9198

530 Entertainment

CAREGIVER-DAYS. $9/HR. Light housekeeping. Call in the

morning. Westland area. 734-427-2088.

CAREGIVER FOR ALS Patient. Must be responsible, dependable, able bodied, non-s m o k e r . H o u s e k e e p i n g & cooking required. References. Salary negotiable. Live-in situa-tion possible. (248) 681-1795



Misc. Services

538 Childcare Needed

as BABYSITTER NEEDED, full time in my Novi home for 4 yr. old & l1/6 yr. old.

(248) 735-1893

538 Childcare Needed

Loving, responsible daytime Nanny for 2 & 4 yr. olds. Non-smoker. Own car. Exp. & refer-ences Novi. 248-380-7080.

NANNY FULL-TIME wanted for 3 good kids. Ciark-

ston area. Must have refer-ences. Please call

(248) 458-7484.

NANNY - Part time needed to watch 2 children in Plymouth home. Exp. required. Flex days. Call Laura (734) 453-7074.

540 Elderly Care & Assistance

574 Business Oppt.

GROWING BUSINESS NEfflSSj; HELP. Work from home rcjalf; order/e-commerce. $522 part time. $1000 to $4000/wk., Full-time. www.2attainmoney .cftrfr


CAREGIVERS w/experience available to work in your home 4, 8 or 12 hr. shifts or live-in if needed. 313-565-8957

MATURE male caregiver will care for your loved one, elderly, handicapped, etc. Flexible hours, exp., references. 248-358-3991

CAREGIVER NEEDED for 3 & 10 yr. olds., Sun mornings & some wk nights. 248-478-4475

CHILDCARE FOR 16 months old in our Canton home, 30-35 hrs./wk (school hrs.) Mother w/young child preferred. Please call: 734-981-2541

CHILDCARE NEEDED in my home, start Aug. 28: Mon.-Fri., 4 - 7 : 3 0 p m . S o m e d r i v i n g involved. 8 yr. old girl, 10 yr. old boy. Paid Vacations. Novi Rd., & Nine Mile. Novi,

(248) 388-3044

DEPENDABLE NANNY for our 22 mo. old son in our Canton home. Non-smoker, own car, references. Tues, Wed, & Thurs 12-9, Sat 9-5 (734)495-0571

E N E R G E T I C C A R E G I V E R needed in our Plymouth home for ages 4 years & 15 months, 5 days per week. Excellent pay.

(734) 635-7037

Business/ Prof. Services

ARE YOU INTERVIEWING? Are you looking for work?

We can help. Call Rick (313) 535-1347 Ext "2

574 Business Oppt. (See Class 390)

A+M+M MARS/NESTLE Estab-lished Vending Route. Will sell by 8/ 6. Under $9k minimum investment required. Excellent Profit Potential. Finance Avail-able/Good Credit. Toll Free

7 3 7 - 7 1 3 3 " " *

ATTENTION: EARN WHAT you are worth. Mail order business needs help immediately. 522+ a week part-time. $1000-54000/ wk. full-time. Full training, free booklet, thr iveondreams.com 1 -888-932-6679




Personal ize your c la s s i f i ed ad

with your c o m p a n y iogo.

Ask your salesperson for details

© l i s e t r u w ^ j Ectenlrfc

PRESS-A-PRINT EQUIPMENT. Only used once. $3000. Call & leave message: 313-929-5950


734-591-0900 248-644-1070

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MANY PATIENTS PAY LESS For Chiropractic Care - Why not you? Call 1-800-239-3552




Misc. Notices

PUBLIC NOTICE The Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare. Organizations will conduct an accreditation survey of Provi-dence Hospital & Medical Cen-ters on August 27-31, 2001. The purpose of the survey will be to evaluate the organization's compl iance with nat ional ly established Joint Commission standards. The survey results will be used to determine whether, & the conditions under which accreditation should be awarded the organization.

Joint Commission standards deal with organizational quality of care issues & the safety of the environment in which care is provided. Anyone believing that he or she has pertinent & valid information about such matters may request a public information interview with the Joint Commis-sion's field representatives at the time of the survey. Informa-tion presented at the interview will be carefully evaluated for rel-evance to the accreditation pro-cess. Requests for a public information interview must be made in writing & should be sent

DOOR, PRE HUNG - Steel fire rated, left hand. 32x79.

(734) 981-2960.

FREE: Firewood. Plymouth area. 734-455-1811

YELLOW HOUSE ANTIQUES closes it's doors foreverl

It's now or never. Great bargains to be had! July 19-Aug 12, Tues-Sun, 11a-5p. 125 N. Washington, Royal Oak, Ml. 248-541-2866.

704 Arts & Crafts

CRAFTERS WANTED for Annual Labor Day Country

Fair in Ciarkston, Sept 3rd. Call Colleen at:

248-625-5099, 248-394-0200

706 Auction Sales


FREE FIREWOOD: You haul. Bloomfield Twp. (248) 646-6102

FREE FIREWOOD: You haul. Bloomfield Twp. (248) 646-6102

MAGNAVOX AM/FM stereo/ phonograph, fruitwood console.


MIRRORS, PLATE glass - 18 x & 46 x 3 6 . ( 2 4 8 )


MOBILE HOME 10x40, you haul it away. (313)531-8646

ANOTHER SALE-15-30% dis-count through July. Town & Country Antiques, 31630 Ply-mouth Road, Livonia.

(734) 425-4344

ANTIQUE BRASS bed, full size, good condition, $499/ best offer.

(313) 278-1559

ANTIQUE EARLY 1930's solid m a h o g a n y 4 p o s t e r b e d w/highboy & double dressers, large mirror, desk/chair, night-stand, Travis Court/Drexell, excellent condition. $5900. Troy.

(248) 649-2094.

COURT OFFICER SALE Pursuant to court ordered writ of execution the following vehicle will be sold at auction, (1) 1993 Lincoln Towncar, date of sale Saturday July 28th 2001 at Will-iams & Son Towing, 36573 Grant Road, Romulus 48174. Time of sale 12 noon preview at 11:30 A.M.


Fine Victorian Antique Furni-ture • Glassware • Clocks We will have a public auction at 15110 Warwick Rd., Detroit, Ml. (Take I-94 East to Telegraph Rd., go North to Fenkel, then East to Warwick).

SUN. JULY 2 9 - 1 2 NOON You can view and print our

other auctions from our web-site listed below:

Braun & Helmer Auction Service (734) 996-9135 (734) 994-6309




S. WABEEK Fri/Sat, July 27-28, 10-4

1955 T U C K A W A Y W. B L O O M F I E L D

(E. off Wabeek Lake Dr., S. of Long Lake). Park on one side of street only.


Everett spinet piano, walnut pedestal dining table, 4 Queen Anne cnalrs, small cream color leather sec-tional, French chairs, custom upholstery, glass & chrome cocktail table, chrome . & white ieather chair, Victorian chairs, original art, oil paint-ings & watercolors, bedroom furniture, crystal, silver, pewter, electronics, books, ladies cloths size 8 & 10 plus lots of quality household & personal misc. .





" " J (313) 869-5555 J -

710 of DETROIT 60 yrs.

Antiques, furniture & other household goods. All Must go! 7-28 & 29, 9-5. 2651 Carter, near Grand Blvd 313-532-2116


JULY 26 - 28, 12-5 Antiques, deco, 50's, jewelry. ANTIQUES & INTERIORS

32430 Northwestern between Middlebelt &

Orchard Lake 248-538-9238 > \


Bloomfield, 5373 Echo Rd., W. of Telegraph, S. of Lone Pine. Thurs. Fri. 7-26 & 7-27, 10-4.

ANTIQUES Furniture, Windows & Doors,

Lamps, Chandeliers, Sconces, Collectibles.

Way too much to mention 6000 sq.ft. - Come Explorel

WE BUY ANTIQUES & r/N-rmi c c

than five working days before the survey begins, The request must also Indicate the nature of the information to be provided at the interview. Such requests should be addressed to:

Division of Accreditation Operations

Accreditation Service Specialist

Joint Commission on Accredita-tion of Healthcare Organizations

One Renaissance Boulevard Oakbrook Terrace, IL 60181

The Joint Commission will acknowledge such requests in writing or by telephone & will inform the organization of the request for any interview. The organization will, in turn, notify the interviewee of the day, time & place of the meeting.

This notice is posted in accor-dance with the Joint Commi-sion's requirements & may not be removed before the survey is completed.

Date posted: July 26, 2001

( D b s e r u e r § Eccen t r i c NEWSPftPBfiS

CLARKSTONAREA 248 475-4596

HOIAY/FENTON 248 634-2475

OAKLAND COUNTY 248 644-1070


WAYNE COUNTY 734 591-0900

FAX YOUR AD 734 953-2232

1NTERNETADDRESS http://ob9erver-eccentric.com

BOGART'S ANTIQUES 11am to 6pm every day

600 E. Eleven Mile, Royal Oak 1/4 Miie east of Main Street



GOUDA LOVERS Visit us in July and see the extensive Gouda Collection in our SPOTLIGHT SHOW-CASE. Plus - shop in air con-ditioned comfort for affordable antique & collectible merchan-dise, perfect for your gift giving & gift getting needs.

The Great Midwestern ANTIQUE EMPORIUM

5233 Dixie Hwy, Waterford

No t i ce of Publ ic Sa le P u r s u a n t to State L a w A sa le wi l l be he ld at :

J o h n ' s Mini S to rage 1 2 8 0 1 Inkster Rd. L ivon ia , M l 4 8 1 5 0

Date 8/18/01 Time 12:00PM

Tenant: Unit # Duane Babcock D173.R447 Arlene- Beach Hassan Blackshear Earnest Brumfield Ronnie Comer Complete Computer

Service Diaz Service James Ellis Gene Esse Robert Esse Keliy Evans Joseph Glenn

A113 A220 F454 A102

B110 F315 E221 F297 F407 E243 411A


Both Fri, Sat July 27-28,10-4

#1) 30050 Wildbrook Condos, E. off Telegraph, N. of 12 Mi.

(Just S. of Fitness USA) Complete Contents High End Contemporary Furnishings. 87 Mustang GT convertible Call 248-988-1077 for details #2) 973 Orchard Lake Rd. SE corner Orchard Lk & Tele-graph, across from Home Depot. 5000 sq. ft. Bldg. Full of new & estate furniture! Ca l l 2 4 8 - 9 8 8 - 1 0 7 7 for details. Office 248-855-0053.

FARMINGTON - PC, furniture, drums, household, & much more! 33254 Meadowlark near 8 mile & Farmington July 28 9-4

SQ Garage Sales

BIRMINGHAM JULY 26-28 9-5. 2833 Manchester, N. of 15 Mile, W. of Coolidge. 3+ family. Tho-masville furniture & more.

BIRMINGHAM - Summer Clearance, Re-sale clothes & household items. July 28 thru Aug. 4. BARGAIN BOX 123 Brown St., 248-644-7871 Mention this ad for extra savings

BIRMINGHAM - Thurs-Fri, 9-12. 2452 Devon Lane, S. of Maple, E. of Cranbrook. Antiques, crib/ changing table, accessories, toys, designer clothes size 4-6.

BLOOMFIELD HILLS - Moving Sale. Fri, Sat & Sun, 9-6. 6961 Holiday Dr. W/Telegraph, N/14.



Lilly M. & COMPANY

Call Toll Free

1 -800-558-8851 HOWELL - Antiques, Retired Lenox, Armani, & Emmett Kelly Jr. figurines, rifles, pistols (permit required), safe, and much morelj Call for appt: (517)545-036^

LEONARD BERRY ANTIQUES I Quality Estate Sale. Fri. & Sat. July 27-28, 9 to 4. 22730 N. Not-tingham, Beverly Hills. W. of Lahser, N. of Nott ingham. Antiques & fine reproductions. Baker, Henredo'n, Kittinger, lamps, mirrors. 248-646-1996

BLOOMFIELD HILLS - July 27-28, 9-4. Household, collecti-bles, art & more! 2130 Kemp Rd„ E. of Middlebelt, between Orchard Lk. Rd., Square Lk Rd.

711 Garage Sales

FARMINGTON HILLS - W o ® £ creek Sub, 28493 S. Harwiqft.. between Inkster & Middlebel t , ,^ of 12. Fri. & Sat. 9 to 4pm. 3 Family Sale. 248-851-12§0"

FARMINGTON HILLS 3 fa i fgK garage sale. Friday July 2rtt»f 9-3. 30126 Woodbrook Court ia, Holly Hills Farm Subdivision'; Take Hlghmeadow 1 block S r o f 13 Mile W. off of Middlebelt. Watch for balloons.

FARMINGTON HILLS- Multi family sale. Sat. only, 8-4, 22116 West Brandon, S. of 9 Mile, W. of Inkster - look for signs. Many antiques, electronics, like new office furniture, tanning equip-ment, manicuring tables, commer-cial beverage cooler w/glass door, tons of household goods.

BLOOMFIELD HILLS -Sat. only, 10am-4. Organic cotton children's clothing. 1st & 2nd quality (new). Newborn to 4T. Priced from $2 - $40. Mapie, Lahser area. 6455 Golfview Dr.


BLOOMFIELD HILLS - A Super Salel Only the good stuff: Refrig-erator, sofa, chairs, house-wares, lawn furniture & designer clothing, fabric, light fixtures. Thursday-Fr iday, 9-? 4521 Stoneleigh, off Lahser, between Lone Pine & Long Lake.

CANTON - Community Wide Yard Sate! July 28-29, 9-5. Col-lege Park Estates, 51074 Mott Rd, N. of Michigan Ave., E. of: Ridge Rd.

BARBIE #1 BY Matell, with accessories. Mint. At Dearborn Hilton, July 28. 734-449-0757.

636 Lost & Found

FOUND CAT - white, female, gold eyes, i? not claimed, needs a home! (734) 416-1050

FOUND: pet bird, between new-burgh & 5 Mile. 734-464-6155

FOUND - Siamese Cat at Joy & Inkster Rds., (313) 937-9180

FOUND - Young Black male Lab, Salem Twp. No collar.

Needs home.734-453-3191

GREY Tabby male w/ white paws, red collar, lost Napier/Ann Arbor Rd. reward! 734-454-7375

LOST DOG - female Dalmatian, 10 years old, lost Fri. 7-6. Ford

(734) 525-1996 (734) 634-6669

BOEHM Porcelain, 24 items, $14,800. Call Kirke, Mon-Fri. at


DINING ROOM SET "Heywood Wakefield" $675. 810-469-0028

DINING SET, 10 piece, circa 1935, Flame grained mahogany, 2 leafs, 6 upholstered chairs, server, china cabinet & side board all w/ glass covers. Exec Cond. (248) 620-4922

MUFFY COLLECTION - 207 pieces w/boxes. Fair market value, $12,000. Will sell for $4950. (248) 477-9208

NORITAKE FJORD, out-of-production china: 5 piece place settings, etc. 313-461-8601


For the best selection of quality merchandise. Down-town Romeo. Open 7 days a week, 10-6.


Mary Harte D193,D205 E237

Amelita Hill G505 Nathan Jackson A235,F309 Ricardo Johnson A214 Paula Keasey F419.F423

F424.F425 Vincent Kent A223 James Kozar E224.E234 Michael McClure F442 Daniel Oaks A222 Cindy Orangio D187 Mark Owens G527,R453 George Rice, Jr. A107.A108

A109 Marc Salah F279,R452 Carol Scott D198 Nicholas Scott F295 James Sutherland G347 Michelle Szerszen E274 Jimmy Thornton F433 Tom's Roofing G555,G556

G557.R161 R352,R398,R399

John Zarwell D158

Rummage Sale/ Flea Markets

TIMOTHY LUTHERN CHURCH, 8820 Wayne Rd., (S. of Ann Arbor Tr.) Fri-Sat, July 27-28, 8am-5pm.

WESTLAND-Prince of Peace Church. 37775 Palmer Rd. W. of Newburgh. July 26,27 9-4pm. Sun. 28 8-12.

710 Estate Sales

ANTIQUE ESTATE SALE. Furniture, household items, golf, baseball, sports. July 27-28, 10-5. 41609 Conner Creek Dr., off Old Haggerty, N. of Ford, S. of Warren, Canton.

BEVERLY HILLS - A big collec-tion of household, furniture, non-fiction books, collectibles. 30875 Vernon Dr., 13 Mile between Lahser & Evergreen. July 26th-27th, 9-4; July 28th, 9-12.



#1) Fri/Sat July 27,28, 10-4. 4325 Foxpointe Dr., In Fox-pointe Sub. off Orchard Lake just N. of Lone Pine. "BEAUTIFUL CONTEMPO-RARY LIKE NEW FURNI-TURE & ACCESSORIES"

erafother sofas & chairs • 2 games tables & chairs ® dinette set with 6 chairs • glass cocktail table • enter-tainment center with bar • master bedroom king bed with 3 chests • chaise • doll collection • desk & credenza • several good TV's • stereo. TONS OF PAINTINGS & SCULPTURES. Too much to mention.

#2) Sat/Sun. July 28, 29,10-4 5110 Tootmoor, Bloomfield Hills. Off Lone Pine, 2 blks. E. of Telegraph.


& COLLECTIBLES" Tons of art, silver, crystal • organ • white provincial bed-room set • yellow queen bed • m a h o g a n y c h e s t s • dressing table«ant ique con-diment set« gorgeous white iron outdoor set • collectibles galore. Too much to mention.

248-626-7723 Appraiser & Liquidator

for 35 Years in Metro Area.

NOVI. FURNITURE, all types of household items. Sat., July 28, 9am to 5pm. Sunday, July 29, noon to 4pm. 41835 Ridge Rd. East Meadowbrook Glens Sub-division, north of 10 Mile, west off of Meadowbrook Rd.

WESTLAND - ESTATE SALE. Everything must go! Toois, furni-ture, clocks, jewelry, kids stuff. 9am-6pm, Sat-Sun., July 28-29. 32801 Joy Rd. 248-388-2303

711 Garage Sales


Place a Garage Sale Ad

And be eligible to win a $50 gift card to

Meijer, Inc.

m e i ] e r One Winner per week. Winner's name will be

published every Thursday in this section.

To place a garage sale ad please call: Wayne County (734) 591-0900

Oakland County (248) 644-1070

Rochester/Rochester Hills

(248) 852-3222

Ciarkston, Lake Orion, Qxford, Waterford

(248) 475-4596

Holly/Fenton (800) 579-SELL or fax your ad: (734) 953-2232

CANTON - Fri., 8-5. Sat., 8-noon. 43729 Fredericksberg, near Bentley Elementary. Bed-room sets & much morel

CANTON - July • 26-28, 9-5. 7465 Briargate Ct., corner of Warren & Beck. Baby items & clothes, furniture, misc.

FARMINGTON HUGE Thursday & Friday 9am. 23247 P r o s p e r N. of Grand River W. of Orch'ar'd; Lake. - ;

FARMINGTON Thurs-Fri, 9~-1." 100 LEGO SETS - ; .

other miscellaneous i tem£ " 23662 Whittaker, S. of Grand

River, E. of Drake.

FARMINGTON 32214 Loomis, S. of Ten Mile and East'SSf Power. July 28th-29th 9-4. Barjy, goods, treadmill, clothing, mater-nity clothing, dishes, & morg»

GARDEN CITY - Antiques, Ttfp-perware, lots of misc. Fri-Sat., 9-3. 30112 John Hauk (Henry Ruff & Ford Rd)

GARDEN CITY HUGE! duly 27-29, 9-7. 32238 Bock, 3 0I$-W/Merfiman, 4 blks S/Ford Iqj. ,

GARDEN CITY-Thurs . Fri. My 27,28,9-4. Toys, clothes, house-hold items, misc. 930 Douglas Wayne & Marquette.

GARDEN CITY - Thur-Sat. 9-5. Lots of clothes, baby & up. Toys furniture, lawnmower & much more. 29465 Sheridan. ; •

CANTON - Multi-family, kids stuff, household, Nordic-Trac, shadow bike. July 27, 28, 9 to 5. 48239 Deer Trail, Fox Run Sub, N. of Ford, W. of Beck.

CANTON - Sat, 10-5. Sun, 12-5. 39750 Bart, Holiday Park Sub, off Joy Rd. Antiques, collectibles (Coke, Barbie, Ren & Stimpy comics), baby & household,

CANTON - Thurs. & Fri., 26th & 27th, 8-5. 908 Wildwood, S. of Cherry Hill, E of 275, off Lotz

b t w n £ord Rd. & Cherry l-lills.

CANTON- YARD SALE rri.-Sun., July 27-29- 8am-7pm.

at Canterbury Mews

CLAWSON SAT 8-4. 3 family, books, antiques, household, videos & more. 327 Nakota S. of 14 Mile W. of Main.

BIG 3 HOUSE ESTATE SALE 9-5, Fri-Sat, July 27-28. 8218 Randy, btwn. Joy & Ann Arbor Trl, btwn. Merriman/Middlebelt; N. Westland. Appliances, Tools, Furniture, Lawn & Garden, everything goes + house!

BIRMINGHAM - Sat & Sun., 9am-4pm. Furniture, appliances, kitchen, sporting, clothing, yard & misc. items. 1325 Buck-ingham, N/Maple, E/Adams.

BLOOMFIELD ESTATE Sale 50 years. 6875 Colby Lane, S. of Maple E. of Wing Lake. 1990 Cadillac (only 26,000 miles). Thursday July 26th-Sunday July 29th. 9 a.m.-?

DETROIT - Furniture, antiques, collectibles, cameras, crafts, all household. 12260 Laing, 4 blks. E. of Kelly, btwn Moross & Morang. Fri-Sun, July 27-29, 10am-3:30pm. 734-595-7508

B E V E R L Y HILLS - Huge Garage Sale. Sat. 9 to 4, Sun., 9-2. Children clothes, toys, furni-ture, misc. 31770 Crossbow.

BEVERLY HILLS - July 26 & 27, 9-3. 19251 Warwick, 2 blks. N. of Beverly, W. of Southfiald.

BEVERLY HILLS - 2 family. Thur. July 26, 10-4, Schwinn bike, battery powered kids jeep, furniture, lots of household, H. Miller mantle clock, toys & videos. 16137 Weatherby, S. of Beverly Rd., E. of Pierce. •

CONGRATULATIONS to A. H. of Garden City who won a $50 gift card to Meijer, Inc. A. H. placed a garage sale ad in Thurs., July 15 & Sun., July 19 paper. You too can be a winner. To advertise your garage sale please call:

Wayne County (734) 591-0900 Oakland County (248) 644-1070

LATHRUP - BIG BIG SALE! Art cies for men, women, contrac-tors; antiques. 18609 Rainbow Dr. 1 block N. of 10V£ mile, W.x>f Southfield Rd. July 26-28 9-5

LIVONIA - Furniture, large tppi box w/tools & misc items. Jujy. 26-28, 9-5. 30276 Vasss-between Middlebelt & Merriman N. of 7 Mile.

LIVONIA GARAGE sale! \iyith large quanity of dark room equipment, furniture, clothing, misc. household, July 26th-27th 12-5. July 28th 8-5. July 29th a-12. 28643 Sunnydale, cower of Sunbury.

l 1VONIA - Garaae Sale. Thtfrs Sun, 9-5. 14067 Stamford, Schoolcraft & Farmington.


DEARBORN HGTS - 7 family sale - inside & outside. 26851 Ford (11th house E of Inkster, southside) Thur-Mon. , July 26-27-28-29-30, 10am-6pm.

DEARBORN HTS. Huge garage sale, must visit, Fri. Sat. Sun. 10am-dusk. 6419 Highland, Ford/Telegraph

DETROIT - Multi-Familyl Baby Clothes, Furniture, Pitbull puppies & more! July 28, 8-4. 15468 Stout, Near Fenkll and Evergreen


& GAME SALE Over 5000 Movies & available & restocked Excess stock from all 7 loca-tions. VHS, DVD, PS, N64, DC. Prices start at just $2.

July 26,27,28. 10am-6pms" Entertainment Tonite, 33201 Ply-mouth Rd., (corner of Farm-ington .Rd). 734-513-6161-

LIVONIA - Juiy 28,29, 9-5pm Rain or shine, (in garage & tent). 36081 Meadowbrook (btwn I-96 & 5 Mile. E. of Levan) Office modems, calculators & accesso-ries, computer, radios, 10-§£. bike, fluorescent hand lamps» toois, power strips, extension: cords, fire extinguishers, hoife'e-hold, padlocks, much more.!:'

LIVONIA - Kids, antiques, '& much more! July 27-29, 9am-6pm. 29825 Hathaway, Off Mid-dlebelt & West Chicago. :

LIVONIA Lots of treasures. Thur-Sa t , 9-5. 38831 OrangelawrtfN of Ann Arbor Rd., E of 275).

LIVONIA - Ramblewood Street Garage Sale. Thurs.-Sat. 9=5 Betwn. Schoolcraft & 5 Mile -Levan & Farmington.

FARMINGTON HILLS - July 26-28, 9-5. 5 families. Linens, clothes, baby items, TVs, & morel 27624 & 27619 Shiawassee, N. of 8 Mile, W. off Inkster.

BIRMINGHAM - Fri-Sun., 9-5. 2601 Windemere, off Maple & Coolidge. Antiques, collectibles

BIRMINGHAM - Fri. - Sun., 8 to 3. 891 Bird, 14 Mile & N. Wood-ward. 3 family sale including clothes, sizes 2-10, shoes, appli-ances, misc. & much more.

FARMINGTON HILLS - 2 family. Lots of baby furniture & toys. 35000 Bunker Hill, "12 Mile, & Drake. Thur. thru Sat.

FARMINGTON HILLS -Westgate Sub Sale - July 28, 29, 9-5. Westgate entrance on 13 Mile Rd. bet. Middlebelt & Orchard Lake Rd.

FARMINGTON - July 26, 12-6, July 27, 28, 9-6. 31912 Lamar, W. Orchard Lk. S. 10 Mile.

LIVONIA - 14956 Auburndale, S. of 5 Mile & W. of Merriman. Fri-Sat 9-4.

LIVONIA - 174lV Brookview (1 blk W of Middlebelt, off 6 Mile). July 28-29, 9-5. Baby items...

LIVONIA - 29709 Mason, N. of I-96, W. of Middlebelt. July 27-29? 9-5. Lots of stuff -old & new*

LIVONIA - 2 family Sale! Clothes, Beanie Babies, craft & Misc. items, 15207 Riverside S; of 5 mile, W. of Farmington. July 26-28, 9-4! We Buy used bookg!

NORTHVILLE - Fri. & Sat. 8 ^ n -5pm. 46296 Pickford, Edenderry Sub corner of Valencia. •

Thursday, July 26, 2001 O&E Classifications 512 to 719

Garage Sales Garage Sales

U p R T H V I L L E -antiques,collectibles, household, antique roll top desk, chairs, table, trunk etc. Craf tman 10 inch, table saw, smal l portable compressor , professional office furniture and much more! July 2 7 & 28. 8am-5pm. 17385 Rolling W o o d s Circle. Hills of Crestwood sub. 6 mi le & Beck. Dont miss this one!!!!!!!

NORTHVILLE - City farmer sel l ing t ractor , too ls , s o m e Antiques, misc yard /hand tools, f ishing gear, househo ld items. Fri-Sat, 9-5. 16355 Bradner.

REDFORE Sun., 11ar Telegraph

) - Sat. 9am-5pm. & n-5pm. 8955 Crosley. & Joy Rd.

U p R T H V I L L E -antiques,collectibles, household, antique roll top desk, chairs, table, trunk etc. Craf tman 10 inch, table saw, smal l portable compressor , professional office furniture and much more! July 2 7 & 28. 8am-5pm. 17385 Rolling W o o d s Circle. Hills of Crestwood sub. 6 mi le & Beck. Dont miss this one!!!!!!!

NORTHVILLE - City farmer sel l ing t ractor , too ls , s o m e Antiques, misc yard /hand tools, f ishing gear, househo ld items. Fri-Sat, 9-5. 16355 Bradner.

REDFORD - Thurs-Sat, 9-5. Exercise, baby, tires, collecti-bles, bikes, lots of misc. 14048 Seminole, N. of 96, E. of Inkster.

U p R T H V I L L E -antiques,collectibles, household, antique roll top desk, chairs, table, trunk etc. Craf tman 10 inch, table saw, smal l portable compressor , professional office furniture and much more! July 2 7 & 28. 8am-5pm. 17385 Rolling W o o d s Circle. Hills of Crestwood sub. 6 mi le & Beck. Dont miss this one!!!!!!!

NORTHVILLE - City farmer sel l ing t ractor , too ls , s o m e Antiques, misc yard /hand tools, f ishing gear, househo ld items. Fri-Sat, 9-5. 16355 Bradner.

R E D F O R D Y A R D sale. 24463 Pilgrim. July 28,29, 9-4. S. of 6, N. of 5. W. off Telegraph.

U p R T H V I L L E -antiques,collectibles, household, antique roll top desk, chairs, table, trunk etc. Craf tman 10 inch, table saw, smal l portable compressor , professional office furniture and much more! July 2 7 & 28. 8am-5pm. 17385 Rolling W o o d s Circle. Hills of Crestwood sub. 6 mi le & Beck. Dont miss this one!!!!!!!

NORTHVILLE - City farmer sel l ing t ractor , too ls , s o m e Antiques, misc yard /hand tools, f ishing gear, househo ld items. Fri-Sat, 9-5. 16355 Bradner.

R E D F O R D - 15829 Lenore, W. of Te legraph. Tools, machinery, lumber. July 28-29, 9-5.

U p R T H V I L L E -antiques,collectibles, household, antique roll top desk, chairs, table, trunk etc. Craf tman 10 inch, table saw, smal l portable compressor , professional office furniture and much more! July 2 7 & 28. 8am-5pm. 17385 Rolling W o o d s Circle. Hills of Crestwood sub. 6 mi le & Beck. Dont miss this one!!!!!!!

NORTHVILLE - City farmer sel l ing t ractor , too ls , s o m e Antiques, misc yard /hand tools, f ishing gear, househo ld items. Fri-Sat, 9-5. 16355 Bradner. R E D F O R D - 1 day only Sat.,

July 28th, 9-4. Dishwasher, a/c unit, b ikes & more. 26216 Dow corner of Kinlock, S. of 5.

NORTHVILLE - Household & more! July 2 8 , 9 - 5 . 1 7 4 2 1 Rolling Woods Cir. N. /6 Mile, E./Beck.

R E D F O R D - 1 day only Sat., July 28th, 9-4. Dishwasher, a/c unit, b ikes & more. 26216 Dow corner of Kinlock, S. of 5.

NORTHVILLE - N. of 8 mile & W, of Novi Rd. Canterbury St. Thurs-Sat. 7 / 26 - 28, 9 - 4. Fur-riiture, bunk b e d & g rea t decor.

R E D F O R D - 3 family garage sale, July 27, 28; 9-5. 10035 Appleton. 2 blocks S. Plymouth, 1 block E. Telegraph. House-ho ld goods, clothing, books and more. Stop by for some great buys.

N b R T H V I L L E SAT. 7 -28 .21619 Bedford, corner of Ga iway. Sev-eral Items; excer ise & more.

OAK PARK - Gigant ic garage saie! New & p re -owned c loth ing f rom previously o w n e d boutique, 4 large power sewing machines. .21740 Wes thampton (Coolidge & Pearson). Thur -? 10-7pm

R E D F O R D - 3 family garage sale, July 27, 28; 9-5. 10035 Appleton. 2 blocks S. Plymouth, 1 block E. Telegraph. House-ho ld goods, clothing, books and more. Stop by for some great buys.

N b R T H V I L L E SAT. 7 -28 .21619 Bedford, corner of Ga iway. Sev-eral Items; excer ise & more.

OAK PARK - Gigant ic garage saie! New & p re -owned c loth ing f rom previously o w n e d boutique, 4 large power sewing machines. .21740 Wes thampton (Coolidge & Pearson). Thur -? 10-7pm

S O U T H F I E L D - C o m m u n i t y Fund Raiser. Cars & t reasures. W. of Bell, between 11 & 12. Sat., 9-1pm.

N b R T H V I L L E SAT. 7 -28 .21619 Bedford, corner of Ga iway. Sev-eral Items; excer ise & more.

OAK PARK - Gigant ic garage saie! New & p re -owned c loth ing f rom previously o w n e d boutique, 4 large power sewing machines. .21740 Wes thampton (Coolidge & Pearson). Thur -? 10-7pm

S O U T H F I E L D - FABULOUS S A L E . F u r n i t u r e , w o m e n ' s c lo th ing, h o m e accessor ies , tools & more. Come early both days, July 27-28, 9-5. 21890 Hampshire Ct., Lahser& 12 Mile. PLYMOUTH - H U G E Multi-

family Yard Sale. Fri-Sat. July 27-28, 9 -5pm. (680 Deer St., 1 b lock E. of Ma in St. /S. of Wing). Furniture, books, crafts, house/ domest ic ware, exerc ise equip-ment, kids/adult c lo thes (women plus sizes, leather).

S O U T H F I E L D - FABULOUS S A L E . F u r n i t u r e , w o m e n ' s c lo th ing, h o m e accessor ies , tools & more. Come early both days, July 27-28, 9-5. 21890 Hampshire Ct., Lahser& 12 Mile. PLYMOUTH - H U G E Multi-

family Yard Sale. Fri-Sat. July 27-28, 9 -5pm. (680 Deer St., 1 b lock E. of Ma in St. /S. of Wing). Furniture, books, crafts, house/ domest ic ware, exerc ise equip-ment, kids/adult c lo thes (women plus sizes, leather).

S O U T H F I E L D FR IDAY July 27th-Sunday 29th 9-4. furni ture, clothing, and housewares-more. 27075 Marshal l , W. of Green-f ield & N. of 11 Mile Rd.

PLYMOUTH - H U G E Multi-family Yard Sale. Fri-Sat. July 27-28, 9 -5pm. (680 Deer St., 1 b lock E. of Ma in St. /S. of Wing). Furniture, books, crafts, house/ domest ic ware, exerc ise equip-ment, kids/adult c lo thes (women plus sizes, leather).

SOUTHFIELD - Huge multi-family sale! Rain or shine. Toys, clothes, too much to ment ion. July 28, 29, 9-6. 25120 Lois Lane, 1 blk. E. Lahser, N. 10

P L Y M O U T H - Mov ing Sale. Sat. & Sun. 8 to 5. Furnishings, c h i n a , a r t w o r k , b e d r o o m s , kitchen set. 13158 Portsmouth Crossing, off N. Terr i tor ial, E. of Beck. (734) 455-2743

SOUTHFIELD - Huge multi-family sale! Rain or shine. Toys, clothes, too much to ment ion. July 28, 29, 9-6. 25120 Lois Lane, 1 blk. E. Lahser, N. 10

P L Y M O U T H - Mov ing Sale. Sat. & Sun. 8 to 5. Furnishings, c h i n a , a r t w o r k , b e d r o o m s , kitchen set. 13158 Portsmouth Crossing, off N. Terr i tor ial, E. of Beck. (734) 455-2743 SOUTHFIELD - Huge Sale.

Clothing, vintage to new, tools, misc. Thur. - Sun. 9-5. 22552 Hallcroft Tr . near 12 Mile.

PLYMOUTH T W P - Estate/ Garage/Tool Sale - 28yrs accu-mulation. July 27 & 28. Glen-view Sub. 13133 LeBianc. E. of Beck, S. of North Territorial.

SOUTHFIELD - Huge Sale. Clothing, vintage to new, tools, misc. Thur. - Sun. 9-5. 22552 Hallcroft Tr . near 12 Mile.

PLYMOUTH T W P - Estate/ Garage/Tool Sale - 28yrs accu-mulation. July 27 & 28. Glen-view Sub. 13133 LeBianc. E. of Beck, S. of North Territorial.

SOUTHFIELD - Huge 5 car sale. Furnace with A/C coll & duct work, industrial shop lights, clothes, appl iances, rototil ier, househoid items. Too much to list. 25121 McAllister, 10 Miie & Beech. Thurs.-Sat., 9-5.

N. R E D F O R D - Mult i -sales. 3rd blk S. of 7 Miie on Lexington, E of inkster. July 26-28, 9-5.

SOUTHFIELD - Huge 5 car sale. Furnace with A/C coll & duct work, industrial shop lights, clothes, appl iances, rototil ier, househoid items. Too much to list. 25121 McAllister, 10 Miie & Beech. Thurs.-Sat., 9-5.

R E D F O R D J U L Y 26-28 , 10-5. 20404 Wakenden, Beech & 8 Mile. Baby items, odd & ends.

SOUTHFIELD - Huge 5 car sale. Furnace with A/C coll & duct work, industrial shop lights, clothes, appl iances, rototil ier, househoid items. Too much to list. 25121 McAllister, 10 Miie & Beech. Thurs.-Sat., 9-5.

R E D F O R D J U L Y 26-28 , 10-5. 20404 Wakenden, Beech & 8 Mile. Baby items, odd & ends.

SOUTHFIELD - July 28, 9-5. 19930 Springleaf, Near 13 Mile & Evergreen.

REDFORD - Lots of good, clean baby/children's i tems , house-hold & furniture. July 27-28, 9-5. 18616 Olympia, 2 blocks S./7 mile, 2 blocks E./Beech

SOUTHFIELD - July 28, 9-5. 19930 Springleaf, Near 13 Mile & Evergreen.

REDFORD - Lots of good, clean baby/children's i tems , house-hold & furniture. July 27-28, 9-5. 18616 Olympia, 2 blocks S./7 mile, 2 blocks E./Beech

SOUTHFIELD, July 26-29,10am-4pm. 22680 Glastonbury Gate, off Bell Rd between 12 & 11 mile. King bedset 5 piece + more!

711 Garage Sales

SOUTHFIELD - 24627 Mary-land, E. of Southfield, S. of 10 mile. July 27-28, 9-4.

SOUTHFIELD 25555 Lahser, between 10 & 11 Mile, Vil lage Crest Condo. Sat. 7-28; 8 -4 p.m.

W A T E R F O R D 3 family sale! Sat & Sun July 28-29; 9-4. 4835 Fenmore, off El izabeth Lake Rd between Crescent Lake and Cooley Lake Roads.

W . BLOOMFIELD - huge! Multi family. Household goods, toys, k ids & adults designer clothing, strol lers, car seat, rock ing chair, new items & more. Thurs. thru Sat. July 26-28,9-5 . 6544 Ciare-more Ct. (Chelsea Park, N. of 14, E. of Halsted.)

W . BLOOMFIELD - Thurs. , Fri., 8-4. 6250 Odessa, Hll ler & Greer area. Baby, household.

W E S T BLOOMFIELD July 26,27&28, 9 -4pm. Tons of treasures: Ant iques, toys, c lothes, furni ture, househo ld items, col lect ib les & sport ing goods at great pr icesl 5707 Plum Crest Drive (W. of Orchard Lake Rd., between Maple & Walnut Lake Rds).

W E S T BLOOMFIELD - July 26, 27, 28, 9-5. L inens & drapes, spo r t s e q u i p m e n t , reco rds , housewares , n e w samp les . 4253 Iverness Lane, N/Lone Pine, West of Middlebelt .

W E S T L A N D - Many Misc! July 26-28, 9-5. 8275 Melvin, near Middlebelt & Ann Arbor Trail

W E S T L A N D - Moving lots of stuff. Kids clothes, ant iques, fur-niture, 2 rings, fur cape & coat. Wed. - Sun, 9-6. 32720 Glen.

W E S T L A N D • Thur-Fri-Sat., 9-5. 31102 Maplewood (Merr iman & Ford).

W E S T L A N D - Yard Sale. 7418 Areola, Inkster & Warren area. Thurs-Fri, July 26-27, 8-3pm.

W E S T L A N D - 37156 Vincent, W . of Wayne Rd., S. of Palmer off Newburgh. Mon.-Sun.

W E S T L A N D - 37466 Marquette, mile S. of Ford Rd., W. of

Newburgh. Lots of Toys & other treasures. July 26-28, 9-4.

W E S T L A N D - 7 family sale! July 26-28 9-5. Large variety of misc. & arts and crafts. 546 N. Parent. Near Cherry Hill & Wayne.

713 Moving Sales

B E D R O O M SETS (2), Living room & dining room furniture, TV, VCR, Stereo, and much more! Call for appt: 248-853-7099

BEST OFFER. GE Washer, Dryer, Rower, treadmill, nightstand, chest, .dresser. 734-453-0557

BLOOMFIELD HIILS - Lots of Furniture, bedroom, dining, & more! must sell l 248-334-7772

C A N T O N - Mov ing Sale. 43723 Westmin is ter . 1 blk. N. of Ford, btwn, She ldon & Morton Taylor. Ju ly 28-29, 10-5.

DETROIT - Sports equ ipment , househo ld i tems, misc. 23003 Chippewa. Sat. 8am-6pm.

F A R M I N G T O N HILLS mov ing sale furni ture, sports stuff, & more, Thursday & Fr iday 9-5. 21304 On taga at Sedalia.

L IVONIA - Contemporary l iving room sect ional , etegere, cof fee table, fo rmica kitchen table w/ 6 chai rs (ail whi te) , k ing waterbed, 3 twin beds & much more! Cash 'n carry. (734)425-4034

LIVONIA-Fr i 9-5. Sat, 9-1. Kids items, furni ture, clothes, house-hold & much more. Bennet t St. E. off Newburgh , N/6 mile.

L IVONIA - Ju ly 26-28, 9-5. 36721 Sunnyda le , W. of Levan, N. of 5. Electr ic stove, 4 H P out-board motor, furniture, misc.

L IVONIA J U L Y 27th & 28th; 8-5. 3690 Hees, N. on Joy E. of New-burgh, turn on Crowne.

L IVONIA - Mov ing sale. Sat., July 28, 9am-5pm. Furniture. 32001 W . Chicago (between Farmington & Merr iman).

M E T A L S H A P E R 10in, gasol ine mulcher, electr ic range, uphol-ster swive led chair, pat io tea cart, buf fet cupboard, Dinette Set. 734-422-7083

N O R T H VILLE-Jul ,26-28,10-4. 41450 Woodr idge Ct. S. of 8

be tween Hagger ty & Novi.

S O U T H F I E L D furniture, appl i-ances, k i tchen stuff, accesso-ries, too is , af ter 5 dresses. A u g . 1-5; 12-8. 29350 Leemoor , be tween Evergreen & Lahser.

S O U T H F I E L D - Thurs-Sat, 11-6. 16395 West land, off Southf ie ld Serv ice Dr. N.

Moving Sales m Household Goods

M O V I N G S A L E - W. Bloomfield: Contemporary, excel lent condi-t ion: 8 piece master bedroom sui te (white): House of Denmark 7 piece bedroom set (teak); cus-tom-bui l t enter ta inment center & co f fee table (white); white 5 Diece custom-bui l t off ice fumi-ure: oversized desk, lateral file

unit with bookshelves; 2 door cabinet , mobi le copier table, Halogen desk lamps; standard s ize steeper sofa (black & whi te) ; L&R recliner sofa with center wedge; wood grain book she lves & enter ta inment center; Maytag washer & dryer. Call 248-848-9120, 248-932-1159

ALL LEATHER 100% Italian full grain, p remium select, grade A leather couch, love seat, chair, o t toman. Buy Mantel lasl leather in Italy with warranty, unused in wrapper. Cost $5K sacrif ice $ 1 9 5 0 c e l l p h o n e 313-477-0979

M O V I N G S A L E - W. Bloomfield: Contemporary, excel lent condi-t ion: 8 piece master bedroom sui te (white): House of Denmark 7 piece bedroom set (teak); cus-tom-bui l t enter ta inment center & co f fee table (white); white 5 Diece custom-bui l t off ice fumi-ure: oversized desk, lateral file

unit with bookshelves; 2 door cabinet , mobi le copier table, Halogen desk lamps; standard s ize steeper sofa (black & whi te) ; L&R recliner sofa with center wedge; wood grain book she lves & enter ta inment center; Maytag washer & dryer. Call 248-848-9120, 248-932-1159

A N Y S L E Y C H I N A , Fos to r ia crystal s temware. Baker ch ina cabinet/breakfronts (mahogany). Candlest ick lamps. Fabulous mahogany dining room tables ( C h i p p e n d a l e , H e p p l e w h l t e , Sheraton, more). Wide assort-ment of mahogany dining room chairs (4-12 per set). Ant ique sofa. Mahogany executive desk (made in England). Sideboards, Hunt boards, buffets & servers. Oriental rugs. Too much to list.


ROYAL OAK (248) 545-4110.

S O U T H F I E L D J U L Y 2 3 r d -Augus t 1st. 10am-5pm. riding m o w e r & lawn equ ipmen t , doughboy pool, appl iances, fur-ni ture, work tools & more!!! 19252 Midway Ave., E. of Ever-g reen between 8 & 9 Miie.

A N Y S L E Y C H I N A , Fos to r ia crystal s temware. Baker ch ina cabinet/breakfronts (mahogany). Candlest ick lamps. Fabulous mahogany dining room tables ( C h i p p e n d a l e , H e p p l e w h l t e , Sheraton, more). Wide assort-ment of mahogany dining room chairs (4-12 per set). Ant ique sofa. Mahogany executive desk (made in England). Sideboards, Hunt boards, buffets & servers. Oriental rugs. Too much to list.


ROYAL OAK (248) 545-4110.

S O U T H F I E L D J U L Y 2 3 r d -Augus t 1st. 10am-5pm. riding m o w e r & lawn equ ipmen t , doughboy pool, appl iances, fur-ni ture, work tools & more!!! 19252 Midway Ave., E. of Ever-g reen between 8 & 9 Miie.

BEDROOM a beautiful 9 p iece, Maison Phillip cherry sleigh bed, dresser, mirror, 2 nightstands, armoire, boxed. Cost $7000, sacrif ice $2200. 248-449-6980.

T R O Y - 4110 Washington Cres-cent Dr., Near 17 Mile & John R. Ju ly 28, 9-5. Furniture, bed-rooms, console T V , washer/ dryer . Everything must go!


Equipment, tools, office furni-ture. Fri - Sat. - Sun., 11 to 6pm.

T & G Truck Repair, 5901 Hix, West land.

BEDROOM a beautiful 9 p iece, Maison Phillip cherry sleigh bed, dresser, mirror, 2 nightstands, armoire, boxed. Cost $7000, sacrif ice $2200. 248-449-6980.

T R O Y - 4110 Washington Cres-cent Dr., Near 17 Mile & John R. Ju ly 28, 9-5. Furniture, bed-rooms, console T V , washer/ dryer . Everything must go!


Equipment, tools, office furni-ture. Fri - Sat. - Sun., 11 to 6pm.

T & G Truck Repair, 5901 Hix, West land.

B E D R O O M - Henderdon, 6 pieces, mahogany w/biack tr im. Mint. $300Q/best. 248-855-3318

T R O Y - 4110 Washington Cres-cent Dr., Near 17 Mile & John R. Ju ly 28, 9-5. Furniture, bed-rooms, console T V , washer/ dryer . Everything must go!


Equipment, tools, office furni-ture. Fri - Sat. - Sun., 11 to 6pm.

T & G Truck Repair, 5901 Hix, West land.

B E D R O O M SET, contemporary 4-piece $450. Pullout loveseat, $ 1 7 5 . L o v e s e a t $ 7 5 .


T R O Y - 4110 Washington Cres-cent Dr., Near 17 Mile & John R. Ju ly 28, 9-5. Furniture, bed-rooms, console T V , washer/ dryer . Everything must go!


Equipment, tools, office furni-ture. Fri - Sat. - Sun., 11 to 6pm.

T & G Truck Repair, 5901 Hix, West land.

B E D R O O M S E T - white, wood-tike formica, 4 pieces. Cus tom ma<3e. $1500. 248-641-8253 W . BLOOMFIELD - Furniture,

TV, & more. Thurs-Sat. 9-5. E. of Orchard, follow Weilsley, N off Map le to 5930 St. James Dr.

B E D R O O M S E T - white, wood-tike formica, 4 pieces. Cus tom ma<3e. $1500. 248-641-8253 W . BLOOMFIELD - Furniture,

TV, & more. Thurs-Sat. 9-5. E. of Orchard, follow Weilsley, N off Map le to 5930 St. James Dr.

BELLINI CRIB Diana White & dresser w/changing table & mat-tress. $400 248 645-5924

Clothing BRAND NEW - Italian Leather -Marble - & Lacquer Furniture. 7 0 % Off Retail. 810-206-1100

M i N K STOLE & jacket $100 ea. Alaskan Seal coat needs repair $50. 734-421-2050 eves.

BROYHILL dining set, black, 6 chairs/table w/leaf/china cabinet/ buffet/mirror. $950. 248-643-8864.

W H I T E W E D D I N G DRESS & V E I L - size 22-24. $200 cash. (734) 722-5266.

BUFFET w/ leaded glass & pine table, chairs, hall tree, $1000. Country loveseat & country chair, $400. 734-542-9529

Household Goods CRIB, CHILDCRAFT solid oak (converts to toddler bed) & matching 6 drawer dresser. Like new. $700. (734) 495-0977.

A B S O L U T E L Y B E A U T I F U L Leather sofa, loveseat, chair. 1 0 0 % top grain anal ine leather, hand-craf ted in Italy wi th factory warranty. Unused, in plastic.

Cost $5000, sacrif ice $1650 . 248-939-0013.

DESK & work table, gray, $250; 4 pc. king bedroom set, black $500. (810) 229-7444

A B S O L U T E L Y B E A U T I F U L Leather sofa, loveseat, chair. 1 0 0 % top grain anal ine leather, hand-craf ted in Italy wi th factory warranty. Unused, in plastic.

Cost $5000, sacrif ice $1650 . 248-939-0013.

DINETTE SET, Table w/ 4 chairs, 2 leafs $350. Black leather sofa $150.248-310-0844

716 Household Goods

DINING R O O M - A beaut i fu l cherry double pedestal tab le , 2 leaves, l ighted hutch & buf fet , 8 Chippendale chai rs wi th an t ique white upholstery, all dove ta i led & felt l ined drawers, unused, in box. Cost $14,000. Must sell, $2500, 248-449-7928.

D INING R O O M - con temporary table 6 chairs, 2 leaves & server. Ask ing $425. (248) 651-0170.

D INING Room: "Harden", cher ry Queen Anne-style, oval table

i, 2 a rm & 6 seats 10, Superior cond.

s ide chairs . 313-461-8601

D IN ING R O O M SET - Broyhi l l , oak, - table, 8 chairs, l ighted ch ina cabinet & hutch, Great condit ion, $500 734-981 -8802

DINING ROOM table, green marble, w/6 chairs, $900. Off white sofa w/print ottoman - $500. Sofa sleeper, chair sleeper & ottoman, $900. Modern green wrought iron glass shelving unit -$850. 734-844-3370

DINING SET, 4 living room tables-Heywood Wakefield blonde. 3 piece full bedroom set blonde. Miss ion oak faint ing couch . 248-354-5433 248-960-2305.

D I N I N G Tab le $50 . C h e s t , dresser w/mirror $20 ea. 4 W o o d dining chairs $20 for set. Ch i ld desk $10. 7 - 8' section w o o d fence $ 2 0 . 4 ' Chr istmas tree $5. Sump pump $50 313-563-9676

E N T E R T A i N M E N T / C O N S O L E . 2 Piece teak, 51 "H X 6 5 " W x19"D . New $1200 , a s k i n g $375. 248-540-9054

ENTERTAINMENT CTR - 3 sec-tions, almond laminate, lighted, 6'x6', TV opening up to 32" TV, built '95. $300. 734-981-4778

G O R G E O U S , J A S P E R cabinet roll-top desk w/chair & remov-able cabinet top, fully f in ished on back, $2500. Unique Ant ique 1920's dining room set, ornate ly carved, includes 38"x89" table, 4 side chairs, 2 a rm chai rs & buffet. One of a Kind! $5500 . 2 NATUZZI leather loveseats w/1 sofa, original pr ice $10,000 now for $2500. (734) 340-2259

LEATHER - Couch, loveseat, chair, o t toman & grandfather c lock. Exc. shape. $3300/best . 734-261-5745.

LEATHER sofa, loveseat, 6 m o old, $975. Sony 27" TV $200. Queen bed $ 1 5 0 . 2 4 8 - 7 9 0 - 2 7 1 5

716 Household Goods

LEATHER SECTIONAL, custom wall units, l ike n e w kitchen table, 4 chairs, g lass tables, love seats, e tc . (248) 737-2952

LIVING R O O M FURNITURE, (sofa & bed), china cabinet, washer & dryer, kitchen glass dinet te set . Cal l Jasmine at (734) 253-9500 519-969-8138

LOFT. SET, Chi ld 's , House of Denmark , teak w o o d , exc. cond. $400 - 248-879-0499

L O V E S E A T S , (2) match ing, $300 & w ing back chair $100 w/f lora! pattern o n cream back-ground. Queen s ize box springs, $50. Al! l ike new. 248-737-0537.

M A H O G A N Y Eighteenth Century Style Tradi t ional Furniture And Accessor ies . Chippendale Claw & Bali Table, 8 Chairs A n d Large Ch ina Cabinet , Side-board . F a b u l o u s M a h o g a n v Carved K ing A n d Queen STeigh Bed. Oyster Wa lnu t Cabinefs. Large Carved Bookcases. Sev-eral Pieces Of Hand Painted Furniture, marb le Top Console Tables. O i l Paint ings. Mirrors. Sta ined G lass Windows. T i f fany Style Lamps A n d Lots More. W h o l e s a l e T o The Publ ic . (248)582-9646

N E W E R G E Prof i le 25.2 cu.ft., s ide-by-s ide refr igerator ($750) & smooth top range ($300) with full 4 yr serv ice contract , table & roller cha i r set ($500). AH a lmond. 248-851-7216.

N O R T H V I L L E - Moving sale. Cus tom sol id oak enter ta inment center, $1,000. Solid cherry Hickory Wh i te f rench country ch ina cab inet & matching buffet, $1,000. Cus tom 6 sided cedar picnic table $100. Contact

(313) 949-0260

POOL - D O U G H B O Y 16x24, $500 . (734) 422-8217

RECLINER - Brown Fabric. $100.

Call even ings (734) 421-2050

SEWING M A C H I N E , computer , Viking des igner 1. Almost new, Best offer. 810-786-6664

716 Household Goods

T H O M A S V I L L E SOLID c h e r r y , wal l units, (2). g lass p a n e l ' doors, glass shelves, l i gh ted - ' upper . Solid doors, sol id shelf-iower. Exc. cond. , $400 each . (248) 816-8180

W A L L UNIT - Beige sh iny f o r - ; mica, curved glass at ends, 7 0 ' , w ide x 80 ' high Good cond .s $550 (248)615-4027 'i

W A T E R B E D - King s ize De luxe 2yrs o ld. $1500 new. $ 7 0 0 or;: best offer. (248) 349-0554; '

W A T E R B E D S Queen s ize da rk • b rown $50, king s ized p ine w / , shelf headboard, dresser & 2':. night stands $250 734-464-9699; ;


D R Y E R , K E N M O R E electr ic, 3 :

yrs. old, white, good condit ion.!1

$125. (248) 624-3867 . :

REFRIGERATOR-s ide by side, $150/best. Stove-gas.

$100/best . 734-422-4198

S P E E D Q U E E N washer & G E , electr ic dryer, white, l ike new,; ; $200 each. (248) 349-0701 "

S T O V E - G E Self c lean ing oven & micro. All in one unit. Electric^ l ike new, $200. 248-652-9130.

W A S H E R , Ki tchenAide, 3 m o , old, large capaci ty, $350 . W h i r l - ! pool gas dryer, good- cond,"'. $100, Evenings: 248-203-2075*.

W I N D O W Ai r C o n d i t i o n e r s ^ Rebui l t units, exc. condi t ion,* $100 each. 7 3 4 - 4 6 7 - 5 8 6 2 '

C A L 8 person hot tub. $1 ,000 or best offer. (248) 347 -1954


Broken partnership fo rced t o sell. Al l Spas must be so ld at cost or below. 248-789-5815

SIMMONS Cherry crib w/mattress, dresser, changing table. Mint cond. $700. 248- 926-0985.

S O F A - 4 p iece sect ional , $275 ; tables, lamps. 734-981-3625

S O L A R POOL - w/l iner 16x32, w /deck . $550 . Must d i s a s -semble . (313) 382-8552

W A R E H O U S E MOVING S A L E 50 P O O L S M U S T G O N O W ! Ex: 21 ' round w/package, was $3363.71, now $1876 .24 ' round w/package, was $2796.05, now $994.91. Wil l f inance. A s k for Bob. (734) 261-8580 .

Call toiLiy! O . i k m i h I ( m i n t

HOME & SERVICE GUIDE 001 Accounting

C O M P L E T E A C C O U N T I N G Services for your business. Spend your t ime sell ing not bookkeeping. Great rates!!! Cal l Rick 734-354-7956


DJ'S B L A C K T O P DRIVEWAYS • Pav ing • Patching

• Seal Coat ing. Free Est. 800-724-8920 734-397-0811

Brick, Block & Cement

• . AAA BRICK PAVING * All masonry work - Repairs

or new. Lie. & Ins. Cail Jeff: (734) 432-7878

AA S M A L L J O B SPECIALIST 32< Yrs. Reputable, Quality work All Cement, Brick & Block work

Dr iveway Replacement Lie. & Ins. 248-348-0066

A & K MASONRY 313-467-7330

A L L T Y P E S R E S I D E N T I A L C E M E N T W O R K . Ful ly insured. Free est imates. Ray Vagnett i Cement Co. 734-464-1137

ATINA C E M E N T CONTRAC-TORS: Al l t ypes of cement work, dr iveways, garages/pat ios. Free E-8t, Lic./ lns. (734) 513-2455.

• A-1 Brink M A S O N • 'Chimneys, Porches. Repair

Special ists. Lic./ lns. Call Craig: C & G Masonry: 248-437-1534

D O G O N S K I C O N S T R U C T I O N Brick Block & Cemen t Work , Porches, Ch imneys, Dr. Ways. Free Est. 313-537-1833

PADULA C E M E N T COMP. Dr iveways • Ga rages • Porches etc. Al l t ypes of cement work.

Cal! 734-525-1064

• P A I S A N O C O N S T . C O . * State Lie. 25 yrs exp. Driveways, Porches, Patios, Basement Floors, Brick & Block. Specializing in resi-dential work. Call 248-473-1161.


For Free Est. Cal l Alex: 810-904-8822

031 Building Remodeling

ADDITIONS PLUS, ING. • Beaut i fu l Addi t ions

o Ki tchens « B a t h s <> Custom Cabinetry • Cus tom Home

Renovat ions including Lower Levels. Guaran teed quality

workmanship . Complete plan & des ign serv ice available.

Uc. & Ins. 734-414-0448

ADDITIONS & DECKS Lie. - Free Est. 734-751-6222

BATHTUB • C E R A M I C TILE Repair • Remode l • Reglaze

Call For Free Brochure .Unique Ref in ishers, Inc.

1 -800-235-6557

HAMILTON BUILDERS * Addi t ions, Dormers * Ki tchens, Baths * Rec Rooms

"Since 1956" Free Est. • Lie.

. 734-458-81QQ

MARS BLDG. CO.-Res'l/Comm'l. Additions, Kitchen, Dormers, Rec ROOD, Bath, Siding. Free est Prompt service. 313-538-2666

Rec Room, Kitchen Bath Special-ists. All Remodeling, Formica & Laminate. Visa & MC, AMEX.

248-476-0011 313-835-8610

040 Cabinetry/Formica

Buy Cabinets direct from Factory. Bring in your best quote & save. Contractors & Do-it-yourselves. 100 miles delivery from Novi.

W e Are Priced To Sell. I XL Cabinets (248) 347-2306

041 Carpentry

CARPENTRY - BASEMENTS Repairs • Comple te H o m e Improvements. Uc & Ins Builder.

Call John : 734-522-5401.

D O N PARE'S, Finish Carpentry Special iz ing in Kitchens

Baths • Ceramic Tile Lic./ lns. 734-261-1330

FINISHED CARPENTRY •Crowns *Doors •Rai l ings

Ali Phases. Lie. 734-455-3970 http://espinoza.webprovider.com/



Meisterworks 248-763-7210

tt I ~&USJ\J 313-835-8610

Rec rooms, Basements, Kitchens, Bathrooms, New & Repairs

042 Carpets

MICK GAVIN plush carpet sale. .79 per ft. Armstrong, no wax vinyl, .75 per ft., Pergo $2.69 per ft, ceramic marble oak. Free est. 40 yrs exp. 313 537-3489

n w g Carpet Repair/ Installation


Thank y o u for 34 yrs. of service. 248-626-4901

P A T S CARPET REPAIR Power stretching, burns, seams, tears, pet damage, etc. Expert Repairs. 888-775-4404

RESTRETCHING - REPAIRS Small install-Pad available

25 Yrs. Steve 734-425-8458

048 Chimney Building/ Clean/Repair

AAA BRICK •Chimneys*

A n d a l l m a s o n r y wo rk .

N e w or repa i rs .

L i c . / l n s . 2 7 y rs . exp.

Call Jef f : (734) 432-7878

i T o l l free: 1-888-MR BRICKS

Chimneys Built New & Repair

Will beat any price! Senior citizen discount

Licensed & insured



313-292-7722 4214 Woodward Ave, Oak Park, M

Y O U ' V E G O T IT MAID! R e s i d e n t i a l & C o m m e r c i a l c leaning. Free Est imates, Con-tact Susan 313-510-1163

055 Concrete

C O N C R :

DEMOLITI torat ion. Li card. 1-8C

E T E R E M O V A L lON-disposal-si te res-.censed, Visa/Master-iQ-494-8900

L & Large & :

Licer Free esti

J C O N C R E T E small jobs welcome, ised & Insured, mate. 734-762-0266

Decks/Patios/ Sunrooms

A Custom Deck by SUPERIOR Vinyl, cedar or pressure

treated. Gazebos too. Quality work at an af fordable price.

Lie. Bldr. insured Free Est. Cail 734-522-5290

BEAUTIFUL C U S T O M DECK Wolmanized or Cedar. Lie., Ins.

Free Est., 17 Yrs. Exp. 734-261 -1614 248-442-2744

C U S T O M DECKS, Kitchens, Baths, Screen Room. Finished B a s e m e n t . H i g h Q u a l i t y Workmanship 734-762-0424

DECKS BY DMR Contract ing-Qual i ty work at reasonable

+*>«•> I CSrv. ished basements. References.


GAZEBO-Amish built, all Cedar w/treated base & decorat ive spindles. 12x12 octagon. New installed $5000. 248-568-5186


COMPLETE DRYWALL Installation • Finish • Repair

Free ests. Ins. 734-921-1191

DRYWALL FINISHING 28 years exper ience No Job Too Small!

(734) 673-3781


Free Est. - Reasonable Prices. John * 734-427-6289 *

070 Electrical

ALL RESIDENTIAL EXPERT Free est imate. Senior discount. Low prices. 7 days - 24 hrs. Lie. & Ins. Call: 1-800-253-1632.


City & FHA violat ions corrected. Comm./Res. 734-462-1877

• B IDWELL ELECTRIC * Res. & Comm. Work. Service Changes. Circuits added, etc.

Lie. & Ins. 734-451-7449

FREE ESTIMATES Installations & repairs, Small or Large. Lic./ lns. 248-872-6060

Hot Tubs! Ceil ing Fans! New Construction-al l your electrical needs. Lie. & Ins. Bui lders Welcome!

(248) 471-1085.


Ucensed - Insured 313-533-3800 or 248-521-2550

Bul ldozing, Excavat ing, Finish Grading, Park ing Lot, Sewer & Water Repair, Ponds, Trenching,

Pool Removal , Demolition. Lic'd. & Ins'd. 734-459-8268

Excavating, Trenching, Footings, Sewer, Water Lines, Parking Lots, Septic Tanks, Drains, Bull-dozing. Lie & lns.313-838-6731

081 W E BUILD any type of fence. Special $4.25 per foot chain link, insured & guaranteed.

Cal i to l l - f ree 866-596-5756

9 / u Floor Service • I f

M E T R O F L O O R C O V E R I N G Livonia. Comple te sales, instal-lat ion & serv ice for carpet, l ino-leum, laminates, hardwood & tile. Resident ia l , l ight commer -cial & insurance repairs. Free est imates. (734) 425-2000.

NATURAL W O O D FLOORS INC S p e c i a l i z i n g in i ns ta l l a t i on , sanding & repairs. 15 yrs. exp.

• (810) 636-4777 •

Garage Door Repair

G A R A G E D O O R Spr ings & door openers . Repair /Replaced.

/•?/1»\ s/ in-eooR

100 Gutters


(248) 471-2600 FOR W O R K THAT 'S G O O D

C A L L EL WOOD. S e a m l e s s Gut te rs , C o p p e r , Flashing, Roof ing & Siding. 35 yrs. exp. Lie. 248-253-1656.

G U T T E R S H O P > Seamless a luminum gut-ters. Fast on t ime Service! insured. (734)341-3186

• • L IVONIA GUTTER * • Cleaning, Renai l ing of loose gutters, screening, repairs.

New Gutters. 248-568-1948.

R A I N M A S T E R S E A M L E S S gut-t e r s . l i c e n s e d / i n s u r e d V i s a / Master card . Free est imates. 1 -800-494-8900

102 Handyman M/F

A B L E A F F O R D A B L E Reliable. Ceramic t i le, p lumbing, elec.,

assemble , build, repair. John 810-636-3636

carp. ,

Abso lu te ly Lic./ lns. DU-IT-ALL

Specials: Ceramic tile, Formica & Corion tops & kitchens. W e also do complete basements & all other Interior work, including elec-trical & plumbing, etc 248-889-7667

ALL F O R M S O F H O M E REPAIR & REMODELING. 20 yrs. exp. Any s ize job.

(734) 481-1491.

ALL ROUND HANDYMAN SVCE Int. Ext. Kitchens, baths,

basements, windows, doors, etc. Free est. (248) 358-8252.

AL'S DO IT ALL Carpentry»Elect*Plumbing«Paint

(248) 477-4742 (248) 352-3824

102 Telephone Service Repair

Lawn, Garden

A N Y T H I N G ' F R O M A-Z Tile, decks, carpentry, floors, dry-wall, etc. A quality j ob at a great price. Jeff 248-797-9225.

Retired Handyman All types of work


(248) 471-3729


Interior & Exterior Jobs. Our exper ienced Technic ians are

insured. In

area (734) 981-0573.

expenenceu s wynruuiaiiss t properly bonded & insur< Prompt, Safe, Reliable, the Plymouth/Canton ar cal l : (734) 981-05:


Redford 313-937-7827 Big jobs! Little Jobs!

Let us fix it all!!

103 Hauling/Clean Up


SERVICE W e clean out homes, attics, basements, garages, offices, warehouses & anything else. Comple te demol i t ion f rom start t o f i n i s h . F r e e e s t .


A-1 HAULING - Moving. Scrap m e t a l , c l e a n i n g b a s e m e n t s garages, stores, etc. Lowest prices in town. Quick service. Free est. Wayne/Oakland Counties. Central location 547-2764 or 559-8138

D & J MOVING & HAULING Clean-up, haul ing & disposal of misc. i tems. W e haul anything. 10-15 yd. dumpster trailers. You load, w e load. West land. Visa/MC accepted 734-421 -0111

Y O U CALL, W E HAUL Do it now, 12 yd. dumpster, c lean-up & removal, $275. Free Pick-Up & Delivery. 248-342-5390

104 Heating/Cooling

Furnace Instal lat ion f rom $1195 w/air $2150. Duct cleaning from $199. Free est. Lic/lns. 35yrs exp. 2 4 hrs svc. All makes/models. 734-266-0547 313-477-4210


(248) 888-0055 Comple te furnace & air condi-t ioning services. Free estimates.

Present this ad for $100 off any new Air condit ioner '

106 Home Improvement


America 's largest handyman service,

insured, bonded, guaranteed.

734-762-5006 OFFICES IN 40 STATES

A G O O D HONEST, professional service w/compet i t lve prices, great results & guaranteed work. Call for est. (810) 945-7839

A T T E N T I O N SENIORS! Housec lean ing & Lawn Service. Mother & Son team. Reason-able rates. 734-425-3198

HOUSECLEANING - RELIABLE Experienced. References. • Weekly • Bi-weekly • Andrea (734) 641-8513

HOUSEKEEPER-Own transpor-tation. Excel ient references.

15 yrs. 734-422-0067. Ask for Sharron.

HOUSEKEEPER with experi-ence has openings for residen-t ia l c l e a n i n g . R e f e r e n c e s .

Please call 734-728-3239.

MAID 2 ORDER 2 dependable females. Weekly , bi-weekly, monthly. Free est. Contact Nanci 734-522-1884

OFFICE, H O M E , CONDO, APT. CLEANING. Exquisite cleaner. 15 yrs. exp. Very reliable. 734-266-9381 810-801-7898

QUALITY CLEANING at Af fordable Rates

Call Now! 734-254-9632

115 Janitorial Service

YOUR C O M P L E T E janitorial >rr»o C i i l a l i t v H ^ o n i n n

buid ing maintenance, off ice, Apts., Tite industrial, etc., Lic'd., Free est. 313-491-4847

121 Landscaping

+ A A A A Beautiful Yard


Design • Installation Trees, Stumps, Odd Jobs

W E D O IT ALL... Ins/Ref. • 20 yrs. exp. Wayne 734-525-3600 Oakland 248-855-5252 A ACE LANDSCAPING, *

Cleanup, shrub removal, weeding/tr imming/sod/plants.

Complete landscaping « 3 1 3 - 5 3 3 - 3 9 6 7 a

AFFORDABLE PROFESSIONAL landscaping construct ion & lawn maintenance. Old landscaping removed & new installed, irriga-tion, grading, sodding, fall clean-up. 27 yrs. exp., free est. 248-354-3213.

BOB'S LANDSCAPING Excavating, grading, pool dirt/ concrete removal , sodding, sod repair, brick pavers 734-748-8688

FIRST IMPRESSIONS Land-scaping. Paver walkways & patios; retaining walls; t ree & shrub plant ing. (248)706-3028


& MULCHING S o d . avai lable for pick-up &

delivery. 734-348-3150.

K.M.S. SERVICES Landscaping. Special iz ing in brick paver patios, walks, rock retaihing wal ls & much, much more. Free est. 734-327-4321

©L A N D S C A P E SERVICE, Irr igation • Pavers • Sod.

7 3 4 - 5 2 5 - 8 4 3 9 .

S H R U B TRIMMING, Landscape Clean-up, Mulch Bed, Shrub Plant ing, Ferti l izing, Mow ing . Al l Observer areas. (734) 421 -7127

51 Moving/Storage

FIVE-STAR M O V I N G Low Discount Pricing

Cal l for Free Est imate 313-585-5083, 734 -330 -4068

INDEPENDENT MOVING Free Est imates. Insured.

L o w R a t e s ! 2 4 8 - 5 4 8 - 0 1 2 5

Painting/Decorating/ Paperhangers


248-476-0011 313-835-8610

PAINTING/PAPERING Plastering, Repairs, Wall washing

Visa & MC, AMEX

• bella interiors • Cus tom int. paint ing at reason-able rates. Faux f in ishes, extra detai l & prep. Move- in/out dis-counts . Free est (248) 792-2770

• B O U R Q U E PA INT ING • Qual i ty work-Reasonable rates Lie & Ins. 20 yrs. exp. Free est.

(734) 427-7332.

C U S T O M FAUX PA INT ING Antiquing • Sponging * Glazing

K a t h r y n " C u r r i e 3 1 ^ 2 7 8 ^ 8 5 1 9 .

FATHER & S O N PAINTING Interior, exterior, 33 yrs . exp. Ins. Free est. Cal l Harry (313) 945-1302

• INTERIOR * EXTERIOR PAINTING BY M I C H A E L •Res . •Coml . •Sta in ing

•Tex tured Ce i i ings*Faux F in ishes*Deck /A luminum

R e f i n i s h . * P l a s t e r / D r y w a l l Repair»Wal lpaper Remova l •Free Estimates •References

^ ^ 2 4 8 ^ 3 4 9 ^ 4 9 9 ^ 7 ^ 4 6 ^ 8 1 4 ^

LIVONIA PAINTING lnt./Ext. power wash ing, deck preservat ion, spray a luminum. Lie. & Ins. 248-474-7181

M ICHAEL BLACK wal l paper hanging. Fully insured, reason-able rates. (248) 352 -1923


29 Years. Exp. Ins. Ref. Call: (734) 354-6551.

QUALITY PAINTING Thorough Preparat ion.

W o r k Myself s ince 1967. Neat , Reasonable & Insured.


S & R Painting - interior, exte-rior, commerc ia l & residential. Cus tom wood f inishing, Deck repairs & cleaning. Lie. & Ins. Free est imates (248)318-6826

147 mastering

• A l PLASTER & D R Y W A L L * • New & repair work • Texture • Coves • Dust f ree repairs •

All work guaranteed, 32 yrs exp. Insured. • 248-478-7949


•Resodding of Lawns & Repairs 'Dra inage & Low Areas •Pool-Dirt-

Concrete Removal Paul: 734-326-6114.

148 Plumbing


Res. - Comm. & Serv ice Uc. Ins. - 24/hrs. 248-477-8507

(248) 471-2600 Plumbing & Sewer Cleaning.

Repairs & Alterations.

Pressure Power Washing

A Q U A C L E A N M O B I L W A S H Alum, v iny l s iding, & Deck cleaning, br ick cleaning wi th chemica l & h igh pressure hot water . Free est. 313-647-0557

A Q U A S O L U T I O N S P O W E R W A S H I N G - 15 yrs. exp. All work guaranteed. Free est. 734-635-7478 - 734-817-2999

A & R P O W E R W A S H I N G • Decks • V iny l Siding •

• Dr iveways • Brick. Free est. (734) 453-6180

162 Remodeling

A & M T ILE & PAINTING Tile, Paint ing & Remodel ing.

Free est imates. Over 10 years Exp. Qual i ty , profess ional work ! (734)788-4026 (734)454-7648

W E A T H E R A N D E M E R G E N C Y REPAIRS of barns, houses and garages. Cal l Woodford Bros, inc. for stra ightening, leveling, and foundat ion repairs. Free es t ima tes i -SOO-OLD-BARN. www.1 -800-0 !d -Barn .com

A Beauti ful Roof From Al i Pro Construct ion,

the Ice D a m Special ists Farmington 248-553-4456

A B S O L U T E QUALITY A t an af fordable price!

Tear off, reroof. Lic/lns. Customer sat isfact ion guaranteed

Cal! Al! P ro Roofing: 734-722-9344 or 248-553-8860.

• A P E X ROOFING * Qual i ty wo rk completed with pride. Family owned, Lie. Ins.

For honesty & integrity call: 248-476-6984 • 248-855-7223

B & M H O M E SERVICES Lie. & Ins. Roofers for 10yrs.

Roofs, Garages , Addit ions, Siding West land 800-988-2688

GARDEN CITY CONST. • Roof ing • Gut ters • Sid ing

Lic./lns. 734-513-0099

JCS CONSTRUCTION Re-roof • Tearof fs • Repairs Lie., Insured. (734) 729-4447

L E A K SPECIALIST Flashings, Val leys, etc. • Warr . Member Better Bus. B. • 29yrs. exp. Lic./ lns. 248-827-3233.

248-471-2600 New & repai r also rubber roofing, carpentry , insurance work.


SIDING* WINDOWS Family owned • Reasonable R E D F O R D A L U M I N U M PROD. 734-464-1545 / 734-953-0399

VINYL & Alum siding, gutters, Wm, awnings, roofing, related work.



A C C E P T - N O Subst i tu tes J E M C O M M U N I C A T I O N S J

Reprs.& Installs/Lie. & Ins. Compt r Ne twkg /CATV J a c k s ••

734-591-9068 or 248-314-1455'!

Tile Work-Ceramic/ Marble/Quarry

MARSELI 'S T ILE CO. K i tchens»Baths*Wal ls*F loors /

Res id . /Comm. Free est. : 248-474-1674 or 248-408-3353 ! '

Tree Service

FRANK 'S T R E E S E R V I C E * T r i m m i n g , R e m o v a l , S t u m p ; Gr inding. Free est. Reasonab le , rates Ins. . (734) 458-2505,,

G's T R E E S Removal , Tr imming, S t u m p Grinding. 20 yrs. exp. Ins.

(313) 383-6721.

H IGHLINE T R E E S E R V I C E Fast & fr iendly. Insured. Free, est imates. (248) 766-8561 .

JASON'S TREE SERVICE: Free est imates Union member^ discounts. Ins. 734- 641-7756-

MICK •& DAGO TREES?, • Removal • Tr imming'^ • Chipping • Clearing

Lie. Ins. • 248-926-2386&


• W A L L P A P E R I N G * •< You take care in choos ing your paper , W e take care in hang ing it. Cal l Chris 248-349-7775 or

Cathy 734-427-3749

W A L L PAPER removal, insured. Work very clean. Free est i -mates. Resident ia l /commerciar Al Lazar (248) 559-8750

248-471-2600 ; Paper ing, Removal , Paint ing,, Repairs. Exp. Women. Visa/MC.-

237 Wedding Services

BRIDAL & baby shower favorj-s; un ique all natural, personal ize^; herbal soaps & body products, f rom $1.50 each. 248-855-31 f 6 Carol 313-806-2551 £

R O M A N T I C C A N D L E L I T * W E D D I N G S . Orda ined Min is -ters, Elegant Decorated Full Ser-vice Chapel. Photos, V i d e o s h o n e y m o o n C a b i n s . F o u r t h Night Free. Gat l ingburg, T N 1 - 8 0 0 - 9 3 3 - 7 4 6 4 . V w w w . s u g a r l a n d w e d d i n g s . c o m . E-mai l - wedd ings® suga r l and . wedd ings .com

240 Windows

QUALITY W I N D O W C E N T E F f ; • Andersen W indows * ,

25 + years exp. replacing ols* draf ty w indows wi th Andersen? • Special off season p r i c i ng "

• Free Est imate 800-328-7250

C U S T O M CORNICE B O A R D S valances, etc. Design consul t -a n t s w e l c o m e .

• ( 2 4 8 ) 3 0 5 - 9 7 5 0


719 Classifications 700 to 802

Pools/Spas/Hot Tubs


KAYAK POOLS is looking for DEMO HOMES ITES to display our new MAINTENANCE-FREE KAYAK POOL. Save thousands of $$$ w i th th i s U N I Q U E OPPORTUNITY. No Reason-able Offer Refused.

CALL NOW!!! 1-800-31-KAYAK

Discount Code: 106-C06

721 Bicycles

ADULT MIAMI Sun Tricycle-3 wheel, 3 speed, Like new. Red, rear basket. $400.248-474-0334,




Bicycle & Fitness Center 28860 W. 7 Mile

722 Building Materials

BUILDERS Sale! Wood sash, Exterior drs., sliding dr. wall, Misc. Wk. days 248-645-2105

WHITE M A R B L E SLABS -7 4 x 2 0 , 3 7 x 3 4 , & 13x48. $100 or best offer, (248) 538-0434

724 Business & Office

AFFORDABLE USED - File cab-inets, fire f i les, desks, lateral files, chairs & more.

Livonia 734-525-8268

BUSINESS MOVING Room dividers • Desks

Utility Table « Bookcase • etc Cail for details: 248-356-3539

CONTEMPORARY curved desk w/matching file cabinet, white desk & hutch, glass conference table, more. 248-865-2595

OFFICE FURNITURE - 7 large wood desks, 10 large metal desks, 12 small desks, filing cab-inets. Call Chris 734-459-8400

730 Commilndustrial/ Restaurant Equip.

FOOD PREP TABLE - 8 ft., stainless steel, w/drawer & shelf. $300/best. (248) 888-9105.

732 Computers

W O R D PROCESSOR: Brother W h i s p e r W r i t e r , W P 7 5 5 0 J w/monltor, $40 (313)535-4467


C A B L E T V D e S C R A M B L E R S

Top-of-the-l ine equipment. .Lowest prices. Immediate delivery. Visa/Mastercard/ COD. Call 800-910-1970

45" MITSUBISHI big screen, works great. $400.

(734) 981-8234

T iVo digital recorder, company discount purchase, in-box, never used $300. 248-332-7394

740 Farm Produce/ Flowers/Plants

BLUEBERRIES - You Pick. 1144 Peavy R d „ off Mason Rd. W. of Howel l . Open 8am-6pm.

(517) 548-1841


NOW READY: Peaches, strawberries, raspberries, blueberries,

sweet corn, tomatoes & a complete line of vegetables.


ALL O N SALE 24850 W. 9 Mile (N. side) Between Teiegraph & Beech.

741 U-Pieks

H O M E G R O W N S W E E T C O R N U-Pick B E A N S

Rowe's Produce (734)482-8538

Girard's1 Produce (734) 697-1885

RASPBERRIES & Blueberr ies. You pick. Spicer Orchard. Take US 23, 3 miles N. of M-59 . Clyde Rd exit #70. E. V* mi le

(810) 632-7692

RASPBERRIES & Blueberr ies, You Pick. Spicer Orchard. Take US 23, 3 mi. N. of M-59, C lyde Rd. exit #70, E. ^ mile.

(8*0) 632-7692

745 Hobbies/Coins/

LIONEL ODYSSEY TRAIN -New Yo rk Hudson, col lector 's series. $600/best. 313-274-7995

2001 Stock Car Race G a m e Nascar Vtoh Scale Cars

www.gcdesignserv ice.com

T E L E S C O P E - 10" Mead, with motor, deluxe stand, perfect. $800/best . 248-855-0280

748 Lawn Garden & Snow Equipment

FORD 120 TRACTOR 42 inch cut, snow auger plus blade plus trailer. Runs good. $850.

(248) 478-4719

FORD T R A C T O R - 1956 Model 860. Restored. $7000.

(734) 464-7853

S E A R S G A R D E N tractor 16hp, 42in cut t ing deck, very good cond. $700/best (248) 601-1725

S I M P L I C I T Y snowb lower / l i ke new/2 state/5 speeds forward/2 reverse, metal discharge chute. $750. 810-735-7411.

TRACTOR - Huskee, 20 HP, 6 speed, 50 in cut, w/snow blower, trailer, mulcher/vacuum. $2600/ best offer. Rototilier, 5HP, 26 in. wide, $175/Offer. 734-422-3697

750 Miscellaneous For Sale


$25 each. Cail Chris 734-459-8400

A N T I Q U E PLAYER piano w /230 rolls, r iding mower, snowblower , toddler riding toys, dressers, bunkbed. 734 513-7091

C E R A M I C 85 molds, 2 kilns, pour ing station, many other i tems $225/best 248-437-9804

FISH T A N K S - 1 fresh, $800 & 1 salt, $1000. 120 gal. ea. w /oak cabinets & canopy. 734-729-5229

750 Miscellaneous For

I N V E N T O R S - F R E E INFORMA-TION PACKAGE. Have your New product idea developed & professionally presented to man-ufactures. Cal l Davison, An Award Winn ing Firm. Patent Ass is tance Avai lable.


J U K E B O X $400. Craf tsman table saw, $200. Dehumidif ier, $ 4 0 . 4 4 0 0 wat t generator , $350. 220 a i r compressor , $250 . Patio set w/cush ions, $125. 2 stage Craf tsman snowblower , $300. Air hose reel w/f i l ter, regulator & oiler, $75. 248-693-0105

P I O N E E R P O L E B L D G S . 3 0 x 4 0 x 1 0 bas ic . $7 ,190.00, 12X10 slider, 36" ent rance door, 12 colors, 2x6 t russes. Materia! and labor. Free quotes. #1 com-p a n y i n M i c h i g a n .


R E A C H 2 MILL ION Michigan readers with a 2 x 2 display ad for on ly $949 - Contact Linda at Michigan Newspapers , Inc.

(517) 372-2424.

RIDING mower-Craf tsman, 12 hp, O H V , 38 in. $500/best G e n e r a t o r - n e w G e n e r a c . SE5000. $500/best.Chipper Vac-Lazy Boy. Best, 248-540-7829

S T E E L B U I L D I N G S SALE: 5 , 0 0 0 + s i z e s . 4 0 X 6 0 X 1 4 , $10,742; 50X75X14, $13,866; 5 0 X 1 0 0 X 1 6 , $ 1 8 , 1 2 0 ; 6 0 X 1 0 0 X 1 6 , $20 ,569 . Mini -s torage buildings, 40x160, 32 units, $16,914. Free brochures. www.sent inelbui ld ings.com Sen-tinel Bui ldings, 800-327-0790, Extension 79.

W A G N E R P A I N T S p r a y e r , 4 -speed pro duty. Cost $210, Mif f l $75. (248) 338-4586

W A S H E R / D R Y E R , 2 sets, ( 1 apt. size) sail & bass boats, dresser, tractor w/60 in. mower, computer . (248) 684-2879

751 Musical Instruments

A U S T I N LEFT handed guitar, brand new wi th case & accesso-ries, $200. 248-625-6427

PIANO, A N T I Q U E oak upi $100. 248-650

PIANO - Grinnell , upr ight mahogany, $500.

(734) 422-8217

PIANO ROLLS (200), best offer takes. Piano is opt ional.

(313) 531-9222

P IANO - 1930's era, 5 f t . walnut baby g rand w/bench, exc . cond. $3000/best . (248) 593-9723

PLAYER PIANO s o m e music rolls, good condit ion. $950

(248) 540-4715

R E N T A PIANO $25/mo. ! This week 's special - f ree delivery! Cali for detai ls. Open Thurs until 8 p m ! M i c h i g a n P i a n o (248)548-2200 www.mipiano.com

STEINWAY G R A N D Model L. 1930, new strings, hammers, exc cond $22500. 248-547-1642.

W U R L I T Z E R G R A N D Piano -like new, $9300. (248) 446-0423

YAMAHA BABY GRAND, high glass biack, excellent condition. $ 6 9 9 5 . M i c h i g a n P i a n o , 248-548-2200. www.mipiano.com

YAMAHA GRAND - 5 7 " satin finish ebony, owned by profes-sional. $10,000. (734) 420-8984

752 Sporting Goods

G O L F C L U B S - metal woods, irons, putter, bag, pull cart, like new $525. 248-647-3362

YOU could be a

WINNER! We will put the name of everyone* placing an ad

for a garage, yard, or porch sale into a drawing for

a $50 gift card at Meijer! T h o f o ' l l h o o w / i n n o r a x / o r * / v A / e o k t h r n i i n h

September! Not only will you earn money from your

sale, you'll have a chance to win our Meijer gift

card give-away.

So now is the time to grab a pencil and make a

list of al! the things you want to sell.

Place your ad for as low as $17.70 and who

knows?—you could be one of our weekly winners!

®b0enrer£f 5Eccentric IT'S ALL ABOUT RESULTS!

MEIIER. A Million Reasons. A Single Store.9

Oakland County: 248-644-1100 Wayne Countv: 734-591-0900 Rochester/Rochester Hills: 248-852-3222 Ciarkston, Lake Orion, Oxford. Waterford: 248-475-4596

•Some Restrictions Apply. Contest dates 4/01 - 9/01

O&E Thursday, July 26, 2001

752 Sporting Goods

NORDIC GYM: treadmill, $575, workout station, $525, Push/puli rider, $175, Ping-pong table, $120. Like New!

(248) 344-1920

ORBITREK EXERCISE Bike $150. (734) 421-2050 Evenings.

P O O L TABLE - Owihausen Pla-t ium, Sahara finish, exc. cond. $2200. (248) 646-0566.

Pool Tables - All slate, antique, ultra modern, bar

size. Buy direct f rom Factory. 248-399-7255 E:248-547-3980.

754 Wanted to Buy

O L D GUNS, swords, military & nautical items, native American artifacts. Cal l Bruce at Knights-bridge Antiques 248-344-7200.



780 Animal Services

D O G KENNEL 5 ft. tail, 4x8 chain link, custom built. $100.


A D O R A B L E PUREBRED pup-pies. 1 st shots & vet exam. $400 & up. 810-285-7387

BOXER A K C PUPPIES - Born 6;18-01, fawn flashy, $400. 734-502-5012.

COCKER SPANIELS (2), Males, black, AKC, shots, 4 & 8 years. Excelient w / kids. To good home Call 734-453-1477

C O C K E R SPANIEL Syr old Male. Wel l trained. To a good Adul t home. (734) 454-4943

D A C H S H U N D - female, long haired, 8 yrs old, NEEDS G O O D home, preferable elderly person. 8" at shoulders. Moving, must sell $100. (248) 363-5383

G O L D E N RETRIEVER pup-pies AKC, registered. Great

pedigrees. Born 6-20-01. $600. 313-436-3065

JACK RUSSEL Terrier Mix, Playful 4yr. female needs loving home. (734)525-5726

LAB - black, 3 mo. old, all shots. Part ial ly housebroken. Sons allergic. $150. 313-937-6393

M A L T E S E PUPPY A K C 8 w e e k old Female. $450.

(248) 967-0053

M I N I A T U R E S C H N A U Z E R male stud- black/silver AKC, 3 yrs. $250. 734-513-9806.

MIXED BOXER/SHARPEI Pups $150 ready 7-20, 734-673-0285 after 5pm.

B Horses &

B I S O N 2001 3 horse stock trailer w : th ramp. Tack area & brakes. Brand new, never used. $3,900. (517) 404-0872

BUCKSKIN APPALOOSA • 4 yr. old, also registered thorough-bred. 13yr . old Appaloosa mare. 734-697-1948 734-504-3005

w Automotive

Recreational Vehicles


800 Airplanes

© b s e n r e r £ f S E c c e n t n c


A L U M A C R A F T 1991 - 18 ft., 115 hp motor/6 hp trolling motor, trailer, $7200. 313-561-9034

ALUMACRAFT, 1991, 18 ft. 110 Johnson, roller trailer, good cond. more. $5300. 248-426-9821

ALUMINIM BOAT - 1 4 ft., 15hp, 1990 FORCE, trailer, f ish f inder, $1575. (734) 522-6752

© b s m i e r ^ Eccentric AUTOMOTIVE


CATS (2) 1 Calico female; 1 male part Siamese to loving home, Shots up-to-date. Both neutered. 248-553-7558


800's Autos/RVs

800.... Airplanes 830.... Sports & Imported 802 ....Boats/Motors 832.... Antique/Classic Collector 803 ....Boat Parts Cars

Equipment/Service 834,...Acura 804.... Boat Docks/Marinas 836 ....Buick 805....Boat/Vehicle Storage 838....Cadillac 806....Insurance, Motor 840 ....Chevrolet 807.... Motorcycles/Mlnibikes/ 842....Chrysler

Go-Karts 844.... Dodge 808....Motorcycles-Parts & 846.... Eagle

Service 848.... Ford 809 ....Off Road Vehicles 850.... Geo 810.... Recreational Vehicles 852.... Honda 811 ....Snowmobiles 854 ....Lexus 812....Campers/Motor Homes/ 856.... Lincoln

Trailers 858 ....Mazda 814.... Construction, Heavy 860.... Mercury

Equipment 861 ....Mitsubishi 815.... Auto Misc. 862....Nissan 816.... Auto/Truck-Parts & Service 864....0ldsmobile 817....Auto Rentals/Leasing 866....Plymouth 818....Auto Financing 868....Pontiac 819....Autos Wanted 870....Saturn 820 ....Junk Cars Wanted 872....Toyota 822 ....Trucks For Sale 874....Volkswagon 824 ....Mini-Vans 876.... Autos Over $2,000 826....Vans 878....Autos Under $2000 828....Jeeps/4 Wheel Drive

802 Boats/Motors

A L U M I N U M B O A T 14 ft. - 1 8 hp Johnson; runs like a top. $1500/f irm. (734) 522-7072

A M E R I C A N SKIER 1990 bow rider, 351, tow hrs. needs nothing, $12,500.810-750-9333.

AMERICAN SKIER 1985 - 285 hrs., 351 Ford inboard, out-s t a n d i n g c o n d . M u s t SellE $7,000/best (248)363-3051

BAJA 1987, 350 V8, 196 Sun-s p o r t B o w R i d e r , $ 6 5 0 0 w/trailer. 810-577-6579

BASS BOAT 1997 Ranger , 125 Merc, 17.1ft, R72 dual console, like new, low hrs. Never on big lakes, garage stored, 3 f ish com-fortably, to many opt ions to list $14,900. (248) 669-2509

BASS BOAT 1982 Thompson, 40hp Mercury 1991 troll ing motor, live well, needs uphol-stery work, includes new trailer. $3000. Call (248) 643-4965, ask for Greg.

BAYLINER, 198934'Avant i , exc. con., loaded, 13' beam, Lake St. Clair, $49,900. 866-580-2200.

BAYLINER, 1996, 1950 Capri, bowrider, 18'6", i.o., 130 hp., trailer, $7800. 734-748-7707.

BAYLINER CAPR11998 - 19f t . , like new, 125hp I/O, trailer. $9000/best. (810) 871-3275

BAYLINER 1996 - 18 '^ ft., Mer-cruiser 3.0L, Fish & Ski, Escort trailer, electric troll ing motor, front pedestal seat, live well, am/ fm stereo radio/cassette, ship-to-shore radio, & covers. $7400.


BAYLINER 1995 Jet Boat. Merc motor, custom cover & trailer, low hrs., like new, $5300/best. Bloom-field Hills (248) 227-6899.

BOSTON W H A L E R 15' 1987, 40HP, Exec. cond. Many extras.


BOSTON W H A L E R 1995 16' jet, Union Lake. Exc. cond. $9500. (313) 506-3798.

B O S T O N W H A L E R Montauk, 17ft. - Hydraulic steer ing & trim. 90 Mariner,- bimini top, very clean, $10,900. 810-598-0616 810-219-0661

BOWRIDER F IBERGLASS 18 ft. 6 inches, 85 horsepower out-board, runs great, $3000/best (313) 563-4320

802 Boats/Motors

CADILLAC, 12FT. f ishing boat & trailer, completely refurbished, like new. Good buy at $950. Redford, 313-531-1101

CAL 20 • 5 sails, outboard, new electric, s leeps 4, good cond., $1000 firm. (734) 416-1004

C A N O E - 17' a luminum. Sell or trade. $300 or smal ler canoe.


CANOE, 18FT. - On ly used once. Ho lds 800 lbs. $450


CANOE- MAD River, Explorer, Red Royalex w/wood tr im. Used once, $1200. 248-682-3475.

CARVER 1993 37 ft., Voyager, 350 hours, loaded, c lean, twin 454 Crusaders, $114,900. (248) 681-6995 after 6 p.m.

CARVER 1989, 30 ft. Express Cruiser, 11 ft. beam, air & heat, d i n g h y i n c l u d e d , l o a d e d , $36,900. 734-591-9103

C C CONNIE 1959 Restored classic. Rebuilt eng ines, trans, $23,500. 810-794-4528

M i c h i g a n

u m a n e S o e i e t

ADOPT-A-PET Tliis Week's Featured Pet

This friendly furry faced feline is Merial. She is a one year old Domestic Meduim hair female who was brought to the shelter as a stray. This kitty is full of purrs and love and can't ever possibly have too much attention! She has a wonderful soft tan and brown tiger coat with a tiny face lit up by her big green eyes. Since she is already litterbox trained, she should make a great petl

To adopt this friendly feline, visit the Michigan Humane Society Westland Shelter

(734) 721-7300

C E L E B R I T Y 1994 27' , immacu-late, rack stored since new, 350 Mercruiser, ful l galley, af tcabin, microwave, shower, hot water , 260 hrs. $26 ,000 .313 -383-6388

C E N T U R Y C H E E T A H 1968 inboard, great cond., 300 hrs, w/trailer etc. $2500/best .

248 360-0926

802 Boats/Motors

F O U R WINNS- 180 Horizon, 1989, 302 Merc Cruiser, extras, $4000/best . (313)730-9294.

F O U R WINNS, 1998, Hor izon 22' , open bow, I/O, exc. cond. , o n i y 2 5 h r s . $ 2 3 , 0 0 0 .


F O U R WINNS, 1999 Hor izon 170 115 OB, power t r im S tilt, full canvas covers, Bimini top, like new, $9,850. 734-459-6544

F O U R W I N N S 1998 245 Sund-owner , 5.8 EFI, 169 hrs., teal/ whi te, $29,000. 248-627-4531.

F O U R W I N N S 1993, 195 Sund-owner , low hrs. , V8, cuddy cabin, $12800. 734-281-4331.

F O U R W I N N S (1993) 245 Vista, 24 ' cruiser, 5.8L, 166 hrs., full canvas , head, VHS, fr idge, ext ras, $23,800. 248-477-4450

FOUR W I N N S 2000- 248 Vista, only 10hrs., Vo ivo Penta eng, camper pkg, must sell, ext. war-ranty included. $40 ,000 or make offer, (810)574-1005

25 FT Catal ina sai lboat-sold. 27 ft. Hunter sail boat inboard diesel. $4100. (734) 668-5878 pager or call after 10 p.m. (313) 565-6126

.22 FT. Tri-hull deck boat 1998. 1 5 0 h o r s e p o w e r J o h n s o n , loaded, exc. cond, must sell. $13 ,900 or best offer.

(248) 624-4289

G L A S T R O N C A R L S O N , 17', w. 20 ' trailer with 2 new t i res. Best offer. 734-422-4660

H A R R I S P O N T O O N 1 9 9 0 120HP I/O, stereo, grill, Exec cond. $9700. (734) 464-6917

HOBIECAT 18 ft. with trailer, excel lent condit ion. $3500.

(248) 627-1112

HOBIE 18SE like new, alu-m inum trailer w/box. Must see! $3400 . 810-227-5344

Century Cor tez 1981, 27 ' f iber-g lass boat total ly rebuilt. Trai ler. Make offer. 313-886-3252.

CENTURY 1985 cuddy, 19ft. 140 Merc cruiser, new outdrive, radio, trailer. $5800. (313) 274-7211

C H A P A R R A L 1985 1 98CXL , 170hp I/O w/trai ler. $4600/best .


CHAPARRAL 1998 1830 SS Bowrider, 4 .3 Mercruiser, 70 hrs., mint cond., stored indoors yr.-round includes trailer. $17,000/ best. (248) 360-6552

C H A P A R R A L 216SSI 2000 , bow rider, 5.0L, trai ler, al l covers, s tored inside, sharp, 30 hrs. $27 ,800 (734)525-5159

C H E C K M A T E 1999 - 21' , 200 hp Yamaha, go ski ing or 70+ mph. $15,999. 734-878-9880

C H R I S C R A F T 1995 Concept 18 - 4 . 3L eng ine , exc cond . , $12,000. (248) 681-3478

C H R I S C R A F T C O R I N T H I A N , 1979, 33'. New twin 350's, s l eeps 6, we l l ma in ta i ned , $34,500/best . 734-721 -8084

C H R I S C R A F T 1965 2 8 Ft. ski f f , 327, good shape, wi th trailer. $6,500/ best. (734) 595-3682

CLASSIC A M F Fiberglass 18 ft., sai lboat with trailer, 1977, great shape, barely used, $1350/bes t 313-533-0211

CORREOTCRAFTSKI IER, 1968, w/trailer, restored. $5,500. 1971 Correctcraft Skiier w/traiier, indoor storage, $6,500. (517) 546-7933

CRESTL INER 1994 Eagle 2160 cuttycab, Johnson 120hp+10hp, trailer, many extras, exc cond. , $17,000/best . 734-453-6853

C R E S T L I N E R 1990 F ish ing Boat - 17ft., 40 hp Evinrude, fish-f inder/trol l ing motor, trai ler. $4000/f i rm. (313) 937 -3846

C R E S T 2000 Pontoon -22 ft., like new, best offer. Con-tact Henry. 248-380-1340

C R O W N L I N E 225 - Bravo 3 eng ine w / d u a l axe l t ra i le r , removable Bimini top, pair of water sk i 's , 1 pe r f o rmance Slalom ski, huge intertube, sev-eral ski & life vests, l ow hours, great condi t ion, $18,439/best .

(248) 693-8823

C R O W N L I N E 1998 deck , boat , 24 ft., bimini top, low hours, very clean, Merc cruiser, Bravo III Many extra opt ions. $25,500.

(248) 655-0139

C R O W N L I N E 1999 - 20 ft., less than 50 hours. Trailer & boat sl ip o n O r i o n L a k e fo r 2 0 0 1 . $16,900. /248> 391-3893

HYDROSTREAM 1986 Vegas 20', 200hp Merc, CLE lower unit, w/trailer, new wheels/tires, exc. cond. $6,000/best. 313-278-0998,

IMPERIAL 1988 - 24' cabin cruiser, 305 V8 Chevy, w/ t r im tabs, stereo, galley, head. Low hours. $10,900. (248) 299-0205.

IMPERIAL 1963 - 18.5ft., 4cyl, inboard/outboard, very good cond. w/ trailer. $1000/ f i rm 313-527-4968

802 Boats/Motors

MAXUM, 1997 Sport, 19' 6", Merc I/O under 100 hrs., ext ras, trailer, $15,100. 248-474-5238.

M A Y F L O W E R SA IL /F ISH ING boat, 11' 9 " wi th Lant ine sail, vest , oars, $350 .

(734) 522 -5059

#724 48 LBS Minnkota Auto Pilot, electr ic motor , 2 Hi T h r u s t d e e p cyc le batter ies wi th 2611 Gues t dual 12 voit on board charg ing sys tem, used just 1 Hour. $450. 734-420-4445

M O N T E R E Y 1997 n e w 1998 24 ft., cc , 5.7 liter I/O, wi th trailer, less than 50 hours. $24 ,000 or best. (248) 478-4399

NINJA ZX6R 1999 - Green, 7K, w / 2 h e l m e t s / l e a t h e r j a c k e t / chatterbox. $6500, (734) 421-3156

O P E N B O W / T R I H U L L - 17', 70hp, Evinrude motor , trai ler. Motor needs s o m e work , $1500 . (313) 937-9665.

O U T B O A R D motor, 9 .8hp Mer-cury, electr ic start, long shaft , $975 . 734-429-5610.

P E A R S O N S L O O P 30 ft,, 1984, very good cond., $29,900.

(248) 349 -3476

P L A Y B O U Y D E C K Boat 22' , w / 4 .3L Merc, I 7 5 h p eng ine . Used one summer . Seats 9 & g o e s up to 50mph , great for tubing, Tra i le r ava i lab le . $ 1 5 , 0 0 0


POLARIS 1999 SLH 7 0 0 W a v e R u n n e r w i th t ra i le r . 9 5 H P . $4999/best . (734) 4 2 5 - 3 4 0 4

P O L A R I S 1 9 9 6 S L 7 8 0 waverunner , w/trai ler & cover , low hrs. $3500. 734 -728 -9207

POLARIS SL 700 Waverunner (1996) low hrs, warranty/trai ler, $3200/best . 810-755-4016

802 Boats/Motors

S E A R A Y , 1976, 18', 302 I/O, f ishf inder, loaded, exc. con. , trai ler, $2,900. 248-645-6451.

S E A R A Y S O R R E N T O 1987, 19ft., Pachanga haul, trailer, mint cond.$7300/best (248)202-0505

S E A R A Y SRV 1 9 7 , 1 9 8 2 - bow-rider, Merc 470hp. New interior in 1998. Stereo, e -z loader trai ler. $3,990 248-349-7974

S E A R A Y 190SRV 1975, 18Ft., 165Hp mere In/outboard, w / trailer. $1,975 (248)706-3302

S E A R A Y 1997 Sundancer 330. Tw in screws, s to red indoors , 7 0 hrs. $129,000. 517-892-3615.

POLARIS SL 700 Waverunner (1996) low hrs, warranty/trai ler, $3200/best. 810-755-4016

P O N T O O N BOAT; Harr is Roya i Her i tage 1990- 28' inboard / outbouard, l ike new, not used until 1993. Too many ext ras to iiSt, $13,500 (248) 6 8 1 - 7 9 7 7

IMPERIAL 1986 V 6 - 20 ft., 185 h.p., bow rider, runs great, many extras, $4,000. 810-227-5574

IMP, 1986 19 Ft.- High Quality -Deep V - Bowrider Boat & Trailer. 8 Cyl. 200 HP, Only 450 hrs., very clean. $4900, (734) 454-5665.

IMP SPEEDBOAT 1986 - 25V*', tw in 350's, low hrs. $10,000.

(313) 884-0599.

INFLATABLE BOAT with m hp outboard, $700.


J E T SKI • Kawasaki 1995, 750ST, 3 seater, trailer, like new, + extras. $3500. 734-522-1373.

J E T SKIS (2) 1998, 2 seater & 3 seater, warranty, with trailer, $8900/best . 734-453-1124

J O H N A L L M A N D 1969 23 ' boat w/tral ler, low hrs. Runs great. $3000/best . 248-435-6787.

K A W A S A K I 750SS, 1996 - very low hrs, bought new 1997, used 1 summer , like new! $3300.

(810) 792-6367

K A Y A K - 1 6 ' Fiberglass. Ronany w/skirt & paddles. $1400 firm.


L A R S O N 1997, 290 Cabrio, s leeps 6, docks ide power , GPS, head, shower, sw im platform, windlass, am- fm CD cassette w/ remote, stove, micro, TV/ VCR, cockpit cover, Bimini top, Volvo/Pinta 4.7L w/duo-prop. $49,500. 810-939-0784

L A R S O N F I B E R G L A S S 16ft f ishing boat. Outboard Johnson 35hp, new fishfinder, 2 batteries, Electric trol l ing motor, trailer. $1700 (734)394-0369

L A R S O N 20 ft. 1984 4-cyi inder, c lean, cuddy cabin, $5800 value for $4000. 734-775-3123

L A R S O N (1989) 17 ft., open bow, 115 horse Yamaha, $5000.

Cal l after 5 p m 248-628-7940

L A R S O N 2000 25 ft. V8, loaded, l ike new, $33,000.

(734) 671-8392

L A S E R II & trailer, pristine cond. , sai led fewer than 20 t imes & garaged s tored. Full set of sails & like trailer. Th is is a very athletic boat for those who l o v e t o sa i l f a s t ! $ 4 5 0 0 .


C R U I S E R S INC. 1974 - Must sel l . G o o d cond i t ion . Have receipts. $1000. 810-294-1456.

BAYLINER, 1996, 1950 Capri , bowrider, 19', 130hp I/O, trailer, m a n y e x t r a s . $ 6 , 8 0 0 / b e s t .


DAYSAILER W/TRAILER, sai ls. Holder 14', like new, $3,000.


EXCEL 18 foot 1993 140 Voivo inboard /ou tboard , conver t i b le top, l ike n e w cond., low hours. $7450. (517) 431-4835

FLYING S C O T T 19ft. Sai lboat -trailer, sai ls & extras. $1950.

248-332-6542, 248-674-0341

FORCE 5 Sai l boat, 1980, G o o d cond. trai ler, cover, l ike Laser but faster, set up for racing. $950 (248)689-6920

FORESTER, 1989,16 ' Bowrider, 115hp O M C , 2 covers, very nice. $4,200/best. 248-656-3867

FOUR W I N N S Fling, 1994, 115 HP, trailer, all tow accessor ies, low hrs., l ike new, $5200. 248-620-9064 - 248-339-2350

FOUR W I N N S 2000, 21 ft. cuddy, 250 HP, low hrs., full camper , CD, extras, in water 3 t imes, $22,000. 734-591-6921 Livonia

FOUR W I N N S 1 9 8 8 2 2 . ft. deck boat, must see, good condit ion, best offer. 248-647-3832

FOUR W I N N S 1992 - 1814 ft., exc cond. , low hours, rarely used, $7900. (248) 625-1234

FOUR W I N N S 1997 19 ft. 205HP, low hours. $15,000. (248) 539-0799.

FOUR W I N N S 2000 Hor izon 210 - 25th anniversary model , 6 mo. old, in water 4 times,' 20 hrs, stored inside, ioaded, extras, tandem trailer, $25,000.

(231) 533-8223

FOUR W I N N S 18' Hor izon 1998 1 9 0 H P , l o w h r s . A s k i n g $14,000. (248) 478-1784

L.WVVGJ\anUIVIiVlrUS - I * (l Sport deck boat. Ski, tube, cru ise, & fish. 115 Johnson, matching trailer wi th brakes, AM/ FM/CD, custom cover . Bimini top, f ishing package including 24 volt trolling motor, l ive well, f i sh finder. This is the perfect family boat & is in new condit ion. Pr iced to sell at $13 ,500 . 734-454-1888, 734-459-4969

L O W E 1995 - 16', 30hp, troll ing motor, live well, depth f inder, $3200. (248) 393-2432

LUND 1984 18', 120hp, troll ing plate, new interior, iow hrs. $2700/best 248-887-9583

LUND, 1996, Pro V 1660. 60hp Mercury, low hrs, mus t sell. $9,999. 248-559-5996

MALIBU, 1993 Eche lon LX, open bow, low hours, custom trai ler w/brakes, new am/fm/cd, $15,9Q0/best. 248-879-8701.

M A L I B U R E S P O N S E 1997 Compet i t ion Ski Boat. Trai ler & cover . Low hrs., great cond. $17 ,900 firm. 248-398-2417

MALIBU, 1991, Skier. 19'6", closed bow, 5.7 Mercruiser, trailer. $10,500/best. 313-845-5833

P O N T O O N F I S H I N G b o a t , inf latable, 1 of a kind, 7 ft. Flip-pers, oars & electr ic motor . E a s i l y f i t s in t r u n k w h e n def lated. $800. Over $1800 . invested. (248) 4 7 8 - 8 4 7 4

P O N T O O N - 24ft , 35hp . $3000 . 734 -878 -6709

P O N T O O N 1993 20 ft, p laybouy 30 h.p. looks and runs great . $5950. (248) 669 -0098

P O N T O O N - 20', 25hp Mar iner , Bimini top, recent deck , $1800 . Trailer available. 248-360-2539.

P O N T O O N , 1 9 9 7 , P r e m i e r Grand Majest ic, 24 ft., a lum inum d e c k , H o n d a 40 , 3 5 h rs . $18,900/best . 248 -608 -0718

P O N T O O N 1997 - Sun t racker Party Barge, 25' , t rai ler , s ink, port-a-potty, gas grill. 4 0 hp out -board. $12 ,000 248-626-7066 .

P O N T O O N 20' - wi th 2 5 hp out-board. $1500. 810 -629 -6116

PR iNDLE C A T 1977 16' Cata-maran - with trailer. $500 , Cal l after 7 p m (313) 533-2733 .

RAVEN, 1989, 19 ft, bowrider, 130 HP Merc Cruiser, fully equipped, $7,000. (734) 729-0727

R INKER - 1994, 190 Capt iva. 4 .3 LX. iow hrs. wel l equ ipped . Roller trai ler w/brakes. $8995 .

(734) 658-7601

RINKER, 2000, 340 Fiesta Vee , 36', w/12' beam, tw in MGrc, Bravo III, s leeps 6, heat, air, gen-erator, 2 refrig, Cor ian counters, 10' quick silver d ingy 6 hp Merc. $95,000. 248-344-8890

R INKER 23 1989 - 4 .3 Mer-Cruiser, Loadri te t rai ler , exc . cond. , ready for sa lmon f ish ing c o m p l e t e . M a n y e x t r a s . $14,000. 734-425-9374.

R INKER, 1987 - V190 , I/O, 140 hp Merc. Exc. cond. , loaded. Load Rite trai ler, $10,000/bes t . 734-591-9036 Sun-Thurs .

R U N A B O U T , 14 ft. f iberg lass 1966, 55hp Johnson , trai ler, new battery, cover , m i sc ext ras, $1100. (734) 459 -5243

S A F E M A T E 1 6 ' 7 0 h p . Evinrude. Runs good , looks great . Lots of extras. Mus t sel l . $2300/best . (734) 776-6635.

S A I L B O A T , C A T A M A R A N Dingo, 15 ft. 6 inch, 2 4 ft. mas t , $725 . (248) 698-2645 .

S E A D O O , 2 0 0 0 Cha l lenger , 14.5', tw in 85hp jets, trai ler, 9 hrs., $12,000. (248) 706 -3134

SEARAY, 1993, Sundancer 300-Twin 350 Mercurys, A/C, heat, stainless props, many extras. $56,900/best. 810-786-9937

S E A R A Y 240 Sundancer 1999? whi te/blue, low hours, c iean! $38 ,000 (810)758-0499

S E A D O O & dual hoist - 1995 A r / 4.0W - ^t4W/UIIOI. UIQIIU

new - assembled, never used hoist - $1100. 248-960-9605

S E A D O O 1995 & K A W A S K I J E T SKI. Both need work. Best Offer. 248-626-7066.

S E A D O O 1995 X P Jet Ski - exc cond., low hours., extras, $3200.

(248) 888-0236

S E A K I N G 16' - 40 hp Evinrude, trol l ing motor, trailer, $2000. Bob. 734-421-6268.

SEA NYMPH, 12', 1993, trailer, 1996, approx. 1987 9.9 Evinrude, $1950. 810-694-6903.

M A R A D A 1993 18' open bow, 3 .0 I/O. $5500. 313-561-2624

Mar iah Barchetta 1995, 192Z, 19', Bowrider, only 60 hrs. $14,995. 734-476-5200.

M A R I A H 1996 Z212, extraordi-n a r y p e r f o r m a n c e b o a t , equipped & appo in ted like no other boat . Brand new condit ion. Cal l for incredible detai ls! Price t o sell $22,900. 810-264-6813

Cel l 810-216-4423

MARQUIS RIVIERA 1979 - 1 7 ' , Johnson 115 hp, newly rebuilt motor, $1900. 248-620-1191.

M A S T E R C R A F T 1 9 9 4 Merristar 2 2 5 - immaculate, low hours, center drive, cover & trailer, $24,000. (248) 563-2223

M A X U M 1992 mldcabin, .trailer, ful l galley, sleeps 6, t r im tabs, G P S , a u t o h e l m . L o a d e d $19,500. (248) 932-3588

S E A R A Y 1999 340 Sundancer , T - 7 . 4 L , H T / A C , G P S -chart l ink.TV. Like new. 120 hrs. $137,000. 248-709-1459

S E A R A Y , 1997 Sundancer , 25' , exc. con., many extras, w/wel l , $34,500/best . 248-852-1443.

S E A R A Y 2001 260 Sundancer . G P S Lowrance, air, well space. 6yr warranty. New Boat. Health problems. $54,000. 248-797-7970

SEA KING Outboard Motor. 9.6HP, short shaft w/ tank $400/ best. 248-477-4576, af ter 6pm.

S E A N Y M P H 161/6'fishing boat w/trai ler, 5 0 H P Johnson/ loaded. $8500 or best 734-513-7241.

S E A R A B 1996 - 38 ft., tw in 502's, cus tom paint, GPS, 175 hours, mint, inc ludes tr i-axie trailer, mus t sell! $97,900. Port Huron 810-523-3664

S E A R A Y 180 B O W R I D E R 1994 5 3 hours, garage kept, new f m cassete, super clean, original owner . Includes trai ler. Mor ing cover. $9500 (248) 683-0062

S E A R A Y 1994- 220 BR, 250 hrs. Many extras. $14,995.


S E A R A Y 270 W e e k e n d e r 1992 4 5 4 Merc /Bravo I /O looks great runs great. $28,500.

(248) 476-1804

SEARAY Express Cruiser 370 -1995, loaded, c lean, T455 , refr igerator/shower734-379-0918

S E A R A Y 1986 - 22 ft., 4 cyl-inder, 170hp, s leeps 4, s tand-up head, s ink, fr idge, very c lean, $7000. (313) 535-0665

S E A R A Y 1978 - 30ft, 13ft beam, arch, cus tom upholstery, twin Chrysler engines, Extra c lean! $22,000 (734)522-2709

SEARAY 1992, 2 4 ft. Sun-dancer, 5.7 TO, whi te/green, c lean, $18,900. 734-254-0647

SEA RAY, 1999, F16XR Jet boat, 175 hp, V6, weedless intake, ext. warranty, 25 hrs., all the toys, $14,500. 810-725-7136

S E A R A Y 1987, 21 ' with extras, doub le axle Cont ineta l trailer.

(810) 246-9484.

SEA S P O R T 19' center console, Mercury 125 o /board , New 1999, used 30 hrs. $12,500. 313-225-4335; 248-293-3718.

S E A S W I R L - 1 9 9 6 1 m ft . center conso le , w/175 h.p. Ev inrude O c e a n Pro. Galvan ized trailer, new moor ing cover , Bimit i top, $14,995, (810) 463 -6464

SERIES 1 ZODIAC, b lack, f loor boards, 4 passenger, never left in water. $700. 248-477-9126.

S H O R E S T A T I O N A L U M I N U M boat hoist wi th canopy, good condi t ion, $1700 . Cail:


S I L V E R T O N , 1974, 30' . Extra c lean, f iberglass, twin 225 's , low hrs. Located on Lake Erie. $11,900. 248-328-9324

SKI at, 16', 90 HP, Merc O B / low hrs., trailer, cover & more. $5,600/ best. (313) 274-3332

SKI C E N T U R I O N 1991, red & whi te , 250 hp. Indmar , 275 hours, trailer, exc. cond. , $9900.


S K I N A U T I Q U E / C O R R E C T -C R A F T 1997, pcmgt /40 , 310hp , l ike new, with Eagle Trai ler, Ask ing $20,000, (810) 229-8289

SKI S U P R E M E - 1 9 8 5 . Sk i boat w /350 Chevy Engine, low, low t o t a l h rs . , g r a y w / m a r o o n .


SNIPE 16' - Fiberglass hull, wood decks, 2 sets of sails, trailer. -Ready to sail, needs work to look sharp. $850. (248) 426-9603,

S P E C T R U M B A S S B O A T 17ft 40hp mere, depth f inder trol l ing motor , l ike new! Abou t 30 hrs on boat . $4,900 (734)421-1273

S P O R T S T A R 1989 12ft Fiber-g lass , '94 4 0 H P Mercury OB, low hrs. $2000. 248 -672 -7383

S T A R C R A F T 1972 - 18ft, 70hp Johnson , t rai ler , e lec t ron ics , downr igge rs , F ish or Ski. $ 3 8 0 0


S T A R C R A F T 1990 Mar iner , 22 ft., center conso le , 135 mercury , B lack Max OB. Boat, motor , t rai ler , $8000. (248) 577-4455

S T I N G R A Y 1994 21 ft. cuddy cab in , low hours , $ 1 6 , 0 0 0 . 248-681-5654

S T I N G R A Y 1994 21 ft. cuddy cab in , low hours , $16 ,000 . 248-681-5654

S T I N G R A Y 2000 180 S - 18 ft., 135hp, under 15 hrs, very c lean, $10,500. (734) 587 -8100

S T R A T U S 1993 Bass Boat 18', 150 Johnson, c lean. Trol l ing motor, $5850/best 734-595-4332

S U G A R S A N D S Jet Boat 1997 -14 ft., iow hours, l ike new, con-ver ts to a f ishing boat with t rol l ing motor and electronics. $7000 . (248) 203-6992

S U N B I R D B O W R I D E R 1995 16ft., 50hp Evinrude, E -Z loader trailer, new cover, + extras, like new $4,900/best 248-586-9891

S U N B I R D 15.5 ft, 1995 Bow-i tue i , iuw nou is , iitte new, many extras. $5,800. 313-506-1448.

S U P R A 1990 C o m p - low hours, 260 hp, wor ld c lass ski boat , m a k e offer. (810) 7 5 0 - 1 6 3 2 .

S U P R A 1989 C o m p ski boat , 20 ft. Good condit ion, runs great, $8500, trailer, etc 248-366-7916

S U P R A M A R I A H 1992 - o p e n bow, mint, 1 owner , low nrs, trai ler, $15,700. 248-681-8440

S Y L V A N , 1987 18.7' deck boat , 175 H P Merc IO, trailer, extras, $3,995. (248) 763-6433

S Y L V A N 1984 15' f iberg lass bass boat. Bowmoun t trol l ing motor , raised seats, live wel ls, 35h Force motor , Shore lander trai ler, like new, $ 3 d 0 r . -

(248) 433-085V.

T H U N D E R C R A F T 1981 23ft. (rare), 5.7L, i/o, 260 hp., AF /CA, s leeps 4, low hours, c lean, Load Rite trailer (1998), $12,500/best . l [email protected]. 734-762-9770

T O L L Y C R A F T FB Sedan 1973 -26ft . , inboard, full gai ly, s leeps 6, $5500. (248) 476-4998

T R O J A N , 1975, 36 ft. Double cabin, 255 twin Merc. , $39 ,500 or best offer. (810) 468-8791

W A R E A G L E - 2000 21ft . R igged out for Wal leye a n d h'aii-dl ine. $21,900. 734-207-8826

W A Y F A R E R SAILBOAT, trai ler, s a i l s , e x t r a s . $ 9 7 5 . 248-624-9452 - 810-703-8586

W E L L C R A F T , 1996V$, 18' bow rider, deluxe trai ler, m u c h more. $10,000 . 248-693-8496

W E L L C R A F T 1 9 8 9 , 1 9 2 Classic. 3.7 Merc Cruiser with t ra i le r . Exc. c o n d . G a r a g e stored. $9000. 734-427-7959.

W E L L C R A F T ECL IPSE 20 .5 f t . 1997, bowrider, 5 .7L Mercruiser, trai ler, depth sounder , s terdo, covers, low hrs, s tored indoors, exc, $18,500. ( 2 4 8 ) ' 6 7 3 - 9 1 1 8

W E L L C R A F T , 1984, 26 ft* trft c a b i n , $ 1 2 , 0 0 0 / b e s t o f f e r .

(810) 468-8709

Thursday, July 26, 2001 O&E

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Motorcycles/ Minibikes/Go-Karts

Motorcycles/ Minibikes/Go-Karts

Motorcycles/ Minibikes/Go-Karts

Boats/Motors 802

i i r o w n r i ' wpapt i s r i t t

Y A M A H A , 2001, LS 2000, fully loaded, 5 Yr. Warranty, 2 bat-teries, bow cover, ski pylon, GPS fish finder, Bimini top + much, much more. Mint condi-t ion. $22,000. (248) 477-9959

Y A M A H A ouboard 8 hp engine, like new, $900. 734-981-5848.

Y A M A H A 1995 Yamaha VXR, Wave Runner, trailer & cover, like new, $2900. 734-717-3600

803 Boat Parts/ Equipment/Service

SINGLE PLACE A L U M I N U M jet ski trailer, exc. cond. $400

(248) 343-5680

807 Motorcycles/ Minibikes/Go-Karts

BEAUTIFUL 1999 Wide Gl ide -2 tone paint, cus tom leather seat, windshield, extras. Must see. $16,500. 734-326-2074

Harley Davison 2000 FXDL. Bag & windshield, ex tended warranty avail. $17,500. 734-641-8940.

HARLEY davison 1997 Road King. Low miles, many extras, immacu-late. $16,500. (734) 944-9999

H A R L E Y D y n a - g l i d e 1 9 9 8 FXDS. Exec. C o n d . Extras Included $14,500 (248)588-6186

HARLEY 1999 Dyna Lowrider 5700 mi les , A z t e c o range , Screaming Eagle kit, detached windshield, sadd lebags . $16,500 (248) 738-2737

HARLEY 1994 Dyna Low Rider, 3,300 miles, sport shield, bags, S t a g e l . $11,995/bes t . Jackson,

(517) 688-9157

HONDA C R 2 5 0 1993 - New t i res, s i lencer, Good Cond. $2,200/best 248-446-0633

HONDA 1983 Custom 1000. 5 Speed, overdr ive, shaft , Fairing, cassette. $2,250. (248} 347-2377

HONDA 1973 750 Four, very good cond., runs exc. $795 Cali after 4pm (734) 421-0910.

HONDA 750 1975 front end extension, 6300 miles, $950 firm. (248) 399-8955

HONDA 1985 Goldwing 1200cc, 9K original mi, full chrome & bags.


HARLEY 2000 Dyno Low Rider-black/chrome, lots of extras. 1500 mi. $18,500. Cal l after 5:30pm. 734-525-7827

B M W , 1997, K1100 LTSE, 18,500 miles, loaded, very good cond., $9,950. 248-650-9940 email: [email protected]

BMW, 1992 K100RS, blue, per-fect condit ion, $6,500. Cail: (734) 425-3909.

B M W 1997 R850R - Dophine blue, perfect condit ion, 3500 miles, $7500. 734-394-2147

CLASSIC 1999 - dark green, stage 2 kit, $16,500; FATBOY 1998 - black, extras, $16,000. 313-467-3933, 248-465-1168

DIRT BIKE - 1997 CR125, new FMF PIPS & Silenter. Some extras. $3000. 248-343-5108.

DUCAT! MONSTER 1995 lots of extras! Must see! $6000/best Cal l (248)613-6597

DUCATI, 1996, Monster. Yellow. 3K miles. Must sell. Days 734-481-5053; eves. 734-944-0305

DUCAT i 1998 • 900SSFE, 3800 miles, $8500. Call after 6pm.

(248) 437-4812.

DYNA W I D E Glide 2000 - vivid black, showroom cond., 2600 miles, $17,900. 810-751-4897

HARLEY 1997 - Electra Glide, fuel injected. 15K, exc. cond. $17,000/best. (248) 625-9281.

HARLEY 2000, E lect ra Gl ide Classic. 7 .3k Mi les, b lack, stage one screaming eag le perfor-mance kit. Lowered 1 in, 6in w i n d s h i e l d . $ 2 0 , 0 0 0


HARLEY, 1992, Electric Glide Classic, tu-tone blue, low miles, exc. cond. $13,000/best. Eves. 734-591-9431

HARLEY 1999 Electr ic Glide, 3k, 90% HD extras. Mint. Lazer Red. $21,000. 313-342-2852.

HARLEY, 1997, Fat Boy. Lots of chrome, Samson p ipes, stiver/ black, 1 ,800 mi . , $16 ,900 .


HARLEY FAT Boy 2000 900 miles, ext ra ch rome & wheels, many ext ras & loaded. $19,500.

(734) 516-7434

HARLEY 2000, Fat Boy, thun-derheaders, all tour ing accesso-ries, b lack/red, 5500 miles. $18,950. (248) 932 -3480

HARLEY 1982 F L H S - com-pletely refurbished, documented thru Mi lwaukee, exc cond., $12,500. (734) 735-6274

FLSTC 1996. $10,000 in extras, custom paint, Corbin seat, kleen machine. $18,400.734-422-3435

G O L D W I N G 1993 SE - teal. Like new. Low miles. Ask ing $13,500. 810-757-7734

HARLEY 1200 Custom (2000) black, manv extras, 1600 miles, $11,000. 248-366-7106

HARLEY 1998 1200 Custom Sportster, Anniv edit ion, extras, mint. $8800. 248-683-1861

H A R L E Y D A V I D S O N 1997 1200 custom sportster, leather bags, low miles, $7500/f i rm In Windsor (519) 250-4241

H A R L E Y D A V I D S O N 2 0 0 0 1200 Custom, red, extras, less than 70 miles. 734-591-3522

H A R L E Y D A V I D S O N 1 9 9 8 Dyna W'gl ide, black, 500 ml., extras, $18,000. (734) 207-0696

H A R L E Y D A V I D S O N 1 9 9 9 Dyna wide glide, 2200 mi les adul t o w n e d $18,000/bes t


H A R L E Y D A V I D S O N 1998 Dyna wide glide, 4,500 miles, black, Lots of extras! Mint. cond. $17,000 (248)634-5761

H A R L E Y D A V I D S O N 2 0 0 0 D y n a w l d e T h u n d e r h e a d e r exhaust, 2800 miles, $18,000 or best offer (734) 516-6510

HARLEY DAVIDSON Electro-gl ide Classic 2001. Exc. cond. 5000 miles. $19,400. (734) 416-1013

HARLEY 1989 F L H S - perfor-mance enhanced, new paint, m a n y e x t r a s . S w e e t r ide . $12,500. (248) 693-7361.

HARLEY, 1996 FLHTC, black, 2 2 K , e x t r a s , s u p e r c l e a n , $16,500. (248) 634-5001.

HONDA 1982 Goldwing - great condit ion. $1500.

(734) 467-4963

H O N D A 1989 GOLDWING, 34K miles, be ige, loaded with 1993 Escapade trailer, exc. $8,995.

517 548-7747

HONDA, 1986 Goldwing, Red, 40K, very clean, ready to go, $4,800. (734) 455-0406

H O N D A G O L D W I N G 1 9 9 2 1500 SE, teal, 30K miles, helmet w/ intercom, new tires, exc. cond., $10,500

(313) 531-5827

YAMAHA 2001 V MAX, motor-cycle, less than 100 miles, Mfg. warranty, very fast, must sell, S9800. 734-451-0155

YAMAHA V-Star Classic 1999 6K, C o b r a j e t t ed exhaus t . $5800. 248-344-0813

YAMAHA 650 2000, V Star Classic. 500 miles, Transferable warranty $5,500 (734) 522-3259

YAMAHA WR500 . 1993 - Like new. Procircuit pipe, Boysen reeds. $2150 or trade for street b i k e o f e q u a l v a l u e .

734-458-3111, eves.

YAMAHA YZF 600 1999 - 350 miles, red /gray , w/ he lmet SS,000/best (248)722-6755

YAMAHA 2000 YZFR6 - Blue/ white. 1500 mi. $7200/best offer. 248-681-0727

YAMAHA 1999 YZ - like new cond. $2800/f i rm.

(519) 250-4241

HONDA, 1986 Magna 700 in exc. mechanical cond., 20K, $2400. After 6pm: 734-421 -5447.

H O N D A N I G H T H A W K 7 5 0 1995-3,400 miles. Like new. $3,500/best. 1983 CB 650 -runs. $500/best. 810-364-8454

HONDA 1994 Pacific Coast, 800cc, black & silver, garaged & covered always, 5900 miles. Perfect. $5200. 248-540-3959.

HONDA SABER 1985- V45, 34K, great cond. , runs well. Pic-tures via e-mail. $2000/best offer. Call JT:734-516-0139

HONDA 2000 Shadow, 600cc silver, 5K mi., 3 yr. warranty. Garaged. $4900734-417-0758.

H O N D A 1998 Shadow Classic, 1100 cc, 7500 miles, green & cream. Lots of compliments. $6800. (248) 380-3035

808 Motorcycles-Parts & Service

809 Off Road Vehicles

POLARIS, 2000 , 4X4, w/plow, low hours, excellent condi t ion, $5900. 734-453-9727.

810 Recreational Vehicles

JAYCO E A G L E 1998 31' sl ide-out. Exc. cond. many many fea-tures, $16,900. Call for detai ls. 248-624-6011 248-981 -7368

SANDPIPER 5 T H Wheel , 2000 . 27 '10" . One slide-out, a lumal i te, $18,500. 810-629-7556

Y A M A H A 1 9 9 4 B a n s h e e , freshly built, new tires, $2000. Holly area. 248-249-2886.

811 Snowmobiles

ARCTIC C A T EFI600, 2001 -Brand new only 120 miles. L ime Green/black tr im, $7,000/best .



POLARIS 1994 XLT 583 - very c lean, low miles, studded, cover, $2650. (248) 478-7365

SKI D O O 1997, 583 MXZ, excel lent condit ion, $3200.

(248) 909-4897.

Y A M A H A SX600 1999 (2) - low mi les, w/2001 Extreme covered trai ler, drive on/off $14,900. (810) 752-7909

Campers/Motor Homes/Trailers

A I R S T R E A M 1994 33 ft. Land Yacht Class A motorhome, 31K, loaded, $45,500. 734-323-1667

A I R S T R E A M 345 Motor Home, 1985 - 34.5 ft., 36,700 miles, 454 V8 Chevrolet engine, good cond. , double bed in rear bed-room, dua l leather cap t ion chairs, TV rearview monitor, m u c h more. $25,000. Cal l 9am-4pm: (248) 263-3812.

H A R L E Y D A V I D S O N 1986 Tourgl ide - 21 k miles, burgundy, chrome kit, $9500/best

(248) 693-2315

KAWASAK11992 KX-250 - runs great. $1,650. (810) 755-5710

YAMAHA 1973 TX - 500 with hitchhiker side car. Runs great. $800. (810) 755-5710

809 Off Road Vehicles

ARCTIC CAT, 1999 250 ATV, 2x4, almost new, w/traiier $3000/ best. 810-632-7703.

ATV'S - 2000 Polaris 4x4's - 400 Scrambler: 400 Sport; 250 Trail-blazer; ail $10,000; l ike new. (248) 889-8811, 887-5294

ARCTIC C A T - 1992 EXT spe-cial, $1300. Skidoo 1987, for-mula plus, $1000. Skidoo 1994 Formula Z, $1800. 313-527-4968.

ARCTIC C A T Panther 440 1999. 2 up, 480 original miles, $3600/f i rm (248)442-8868

ARCTIC CAT Thundercat 900, 1 9 9 7 , 2 3 k m i . , s t u d d e d , YAHAMA 1999 SRX 600, 2000 miles, studded, ext. warranty, both exc. cond. priced to sell $ 3 9 5 0 / e a c h . Also Tr i ton 2 p l a c e d e n c l o s e d a l u m i n u m trailer, $650. 248-960-0125.

MACH Z 1998 - low miles. Exc. c o n d . $ 4 2 0 0 / b e s t o f f e r .


POLARIS X C R 120, 2000, l ike new, $1500. 313-278-4356

POLARIS 1999 XLT Classic 600, reverse, all the goodies l $4600/best . 810-573-7654

A I R S T R E A M 1993 motorhome, 33'. 32,000 mi. Fully loaded, a u t o , l eve le rs . Exc . c o n d . Inc ludes tow car. $44 ,000 . 810-227-9291

AL INER 1998 PopUp Camper -s leeps 4, refrigerator, heater, L ike new. $6,500. 248-486-4884

A L L E G R O BAY Pusher 2000 -35 ' w ide body. Diesel engine, d iesel generator. 10,000 mi. Large slide, 6 way seats, queen bed, ceramic tile. Many extras. $92,000/best offer. (517)739-2434, 734-658-7976.

A L L E G R O , 1978 - 24ft. Class "A" beautiful cond. Chevy 350 New trans, brakes, exhaust Exc. tires. Special hub caps. Roof air. Newer fr idge, awnings Tr ip ready, must see $5800 248-335-5005 or 248-730-3304

812 Campers/Motor Homes/Trailers

BARTH, 1986, 31'. Class A, very good cond., must sell! $1,000 below wholesale. 313-582-4157

BOUNDER 1989, 34', Class A, 454, 38k mi., loaded, trailer & car. $23,000. (734) 729-3711.

BOUNDER, 1996 34J - Wide body, Chevy chassis, 33K miles, 2 air, awning, microwave, 2 TVs, VCR. No smoking, no pets. Exc. cond. $38,000. 248-373-8469

CAMPLITE 1995 pop-up, sleeps 6-8, w/sl ide-out. Many features.

$4950. 313-937-0847

CAMPLITE 1998 pop-up with pull out, sleeps 6-8, screened po rch , e x c e l l e n t c o n d i t i o n . $5300 or best (734) 266-9402

CARRI-LITE 1992 Emerald-33' 5th wheel, RKS 633, NADA blue book 1993=$18,230 . ask ing $12,100/best. (231) 734-3828.

CARRI-LITE 1985 - fifth wheel , 31.5 ft., Newer, a/c, furnace, awning, tires, battery. Very clean in/out, $5400. (313) 388-1759

CAR TOW DOLLY - like new, used one t ime, stored inside. $895. (248) 684-5010.

CHAMPION 1978 Bantam. 17', $3,000. Good condit ion.

(734) 513-5375.

CHATEAU 1999 - 30', "new w/l i fet ime lot membership. Port Austin. $33,000. Lots available.


CLASS C, 20' 1987 - great cond. Sleeps 5-6. Full kitchen & bath. 53K, $7500. 248-625-2048.

812 Campers/Motor Homes/Trailers

C O A C H M A N 1997 Camper V a n warranty, 37k, generator , 17 mpg, $27,000. 734-453-4933

C O A C H M A N , 1997 Cata l ina 5th Wheel . 32', loaded, non-smoker / pets. Low miles, appra ised $26,900; asking $23,500/best . 313-565-5469, after 4pm.

C O A C H M A N POP-UP 1995 good cond, screenroom, s leeps 8. $3200, 734-462-0729.

C O A C H M A N Sleeps 8, loaded. Used 2x. $8500. Call Mike 734-464-7663

i P o p -Used

S L I D E IN T r u c k C a m p e r , Coachman 1994. Fuily loaded! Fridge, shower bathroom, stove, air. $6 ,500 (248)366-6478

COLEMAN 1999 Mesa Pop-up. Exc. cond., low miies, extras. $6,290. After 6pm: (248) 620-6271

C O L E M A N POP-UP 1993 Good cond., sleeps 6, with screen room $3800 (734)422-8907

C O L E M A N 1985 pop-up, s leeps 8, new jack, t ires & furnace, $1200/best . 734-591-1303

C O L E M A N 1 9 8 6 S e q u o i a , screen room, refrigerator, s leeps 7. $1450. 734-981-6573.

812 Campers/Motor Homes/Trailers

C U S T O M B U I L T bike/ut i l i ty Trailer, a luminum sides, Exec, cond $1000/best (248)336-2819

D A M O N 1993 Intruder - 32 ft., loaded, 42k, new awning, great cond. $25,000. 734-944-1809 .

DAMON, SL, 1998, Carr ipl i te pop-up, 14' box, w/sl ide-out, sleeps 8, air, furnace, shower, toilet, fr idge, s tove, screenroom, $6500. 248-777-3257

D U T C H M A N 1999 Annivefsary Edit ion, 31' . Electronic sl ide, $15,500/best . (734) 231-5$34.

D U T C H M A N 1995 Class C„ 29' , w/ tow dolly, 23K, well-main-tained, s leeps 8, a.c., generator, $31,500/best . 734-397-2661

D U T C H M A N 1994 - 36ft. 2 bed-room, like new. $11,500.

(734) 422-8217

D U T C H M A N 1 9 9 5 p o p - u p , sleeps 8, only used 4 t imes, except ional condi t ion, s tove, refr igerator, heater , a.c., $4850.


Dutchman pop-up 1995, s leeps 8, l ike new, refr igerator, fu rnace & more! $4350. 248-474-7637

C O L E M A N , 1999 Sun Val ley pop -up C a m p e r . U s e d 3X, extras, $6500. 248-879-7408

CLASSIC 1993 Car hauler - 28', completely enclosed. 220 power hookup, lights inside & out. $5000 firm. Call Bill or Wanda


A P A C H E 1972 Pop-up Camper s leeps 4, good cond., $400/best.

(248) 258-0877

CLASSIC TRAILER 22', mint. Holds 4 cycles or sports car Bike tie downs included, $4950.

Call 248-474-1690

C O L E M A N 1995 UTAH stored inside, like new, screened room, s leeps 7-8. $4600.

(734) 421-0030

C O L E M A N . 1994, Wi l l i amsburo pop-up. S leeps 7, ful ly l o a d e d air. Exc. cond. Ask ing $4,500. After 5pm. 248-477-9250

COMBI C A M P - Extras, Like new. T o w with Mo to rcyc le . $2000/best (248) 476-7078

C O U N T R Y C O M F O R T 2000 Travel Trai ler 32 ft., fully loaded, washer & dryer, s leeps 6, must sell, $13,500/best 734-326-2216

D U T C H M A N 1998 3 5 ' , ' 5 th w h e e l , b u n k h o u s e , q u e e n master bedroom, 1V4 baths, 10' sl ideout, hardly used, lots of s t o r a g e , f u l l y e q u i p p e d , $19,500. 248-647-1647

E N C L O S E D B O X Trailer - hitch, camping equ ipment , Co leman chassis $600. (248) 652-8461

E X P R E S S 2 0 0 0 T r a v e l Supreme (1999) 33ft, 5th wheel , loaded, used 1 yr, $40,000/best .


FLAIR 1989 F leetwood motor-home, 27', s leeps 7, 38,000 miles, exc. cond. , many extras, $23,500. 734-697-4273

FLAIR 1997 30 ft. motor home, c lass A, 4 5 4 Chevy, 21K, loaded, $33 ,000 248-474-7887

HONDA, 1999 Shadow Spirit 1100. Black/chrome, 1200 miies. Garaged, $6000. 810-577-5429

HARLEY 1997 F X D S Convert-ible wi th bags & windshield, 25.000 miles, exc cond, $13,500/ best. (734) 354-6075

HARLEY 1994 F X R P - nice bike. Many extras. $11,500.


HARLEY H E R I T A G E Soft Tai l 1994 - 10K, ch rome front end, extras, l ike new. $13,500. Leave Message. 248-668-9902.

HARLEY, 1998 Heri tage, Softtail Classic, low miles, f irst $16,000/ best. (734) 326-3079 .

HARLEY 1994 her i tage softail classic FLSTC only 4600 miles, black, exc. cond. , $15,500.


HARLEY 1998 Her i tage softail 5600 miles, s tudded ieather, l ike new, $16,500 . 248-486-4716

HARLEY 1989 - Her i tage soft tail, b lack/cream, Exec. Cond! $12,500/best. (313)846-5947

1997 HARLEY Hugger . $1500 in accessor ies, exec , cond., wife's bike. Must Sell! New bikes due. (734)449-5125

HARLEY DAVIDSON Electric Gl ide Classic 1993. $14,000.

(734) 466-9817

H A R L E Y D A V I D S O N 1 9 9 6 F X D W G Dyna Wide Glide, 6200 miies, 2- toned paint, (pearl & cr imson) too many extras to list, mint cond. , absolutely a must see. $16,900. (248) 430-2620

Harley Davidson 1998 FXDS -windshie ld, bags, forward con-trol, $16,000. (734) 425-2173

H A R L E Y D A V I D S O N 2000 , Fatboy, big bore kit, many extras, 3000 miles, perfect, $21,000. 248-348-5866

HARLEY DAVIDSON-FXR 1989 lots of extras, $9,000.

(248) 685-0859

H A R L E Y D A V I D S O N 1 9 9 9 FLSTS- d iamond ice, 6K, many extras. 18,995. 248-761-6692.

H A R L E Y D A V I D S O N 2 0 0 0 FXR4 l imited edition, 1 of 750 built, new onlv 9 miles. $19,500.

(248) 760-6411

HARLEY 1996, 883 Hugger, 325 miles, black, $3500 extras. $8750/ best. Trade - 248-644-3100

HARLEY R O A D K ING Classic 1999 - 2400 mi les, exc cond., $19,000 firm. (734) 266-9260

H O N D A S H A D O W 1999 VT600, brand new, 95 actual mi les, must sell. $4500 or best

(313) 255-4879

HONDA, 1997 Shadow VT 600, VLX, 3400 miles, like new, $4000/best . 734-591-9124.

HONDA, 19S7 Shadow VT 600, VLX, 3400 miles, like new, $4000/best . 734-591 -9124.

H O N D A 1 9 7 5 , 7 5 0 Super Sport . 9800 or iginal miles, lots of chrome, Vetter & trunk, like new, $2900. 734-513-8127

H O N D A 1987 TR200 - "Fat Cat". Runs excellent. $1800/ best. (313) 538-8379

H O N D A VALKYRIE 1997- show room new. Yel iow & black. 450 miles $8,000/best. 248-755-2131.

H O N D A 1999 Valkyrie Tourer, p r o g r e s s i v e s u s p e n s i o n , $11,377. 248-373-9338

H O N D A 2000 XR400. Like new, a d u l t o w n e d . $ 4 5 0 0 / b e s t .


K A W A S A K I 1974 400cc, fair condi t ion, runs. $350/best offer.


KAWASAKI 1 9 7 6 - 9 0 0 cc, 1013 kit, or iginal owner, $1500.

(734) 462-0586

K A W A S A K I N I N J A 1997 -500cc, Very low miiage, exec, cond. $3 ,800 (734)981-6679

H A R L E Y 1 9 9 6 S p o r t s t e r 1200CC, 17k. Wel l maintained. Extras, windshie ld. $7900/best . Call Eves. 734-453-5617

HARLEY S P O R T S T E R Sport 1998 1200 black, screaming eagle pipes, 3000 mi les, $9500.

(734) 673-3717

HARLEY 1997 Sportster 1200 Custom, like new, 1800 miles, black w/extra c h r o m e & other extras. $9000. 313-538-3547.

HARLEY 1999 Sportster 1200 custom. Black, many extras. 3200 mi les. Immacu la te . 1 owner. $9500. 248-224-1030

HARLEY 2000, 1200 Sportster, custom, 500 miles, $9950. Call after 6pm 248-641-9195

HARLEY 1983 Sportster XLX -black, 4500 mi les, exc cond., windshield, high rise passenger seat, great way to get started

e/ i / inn <o,ia\

KAWASAK! VOYAGER 199* -10,000 mi les, exc cond.. extras. $6500. (248) 652-7746

K A W A S A K I 1999 ZX-11 - low miies, mint cond., many extras, $7900. (248) 601-4608

KAWASKI 1985 900 Ninja- mint cond, runs very strong, new tires, Vance & Hines. $3000/ best. 248-755-2131

M O T O G U Z Z i 1994 7k mi., exc. cond. $7500. Honda Valkyrie interstate 2000- 5k mi „ biue $ 1 1 , 0 0 0 . C a l ! M r . K e i t h (313)537-2000

Automotive Service Directory Check Here For A Dealer Near You

BUICK I IMPORTS 2 4 8 - 6 4 3 - 7 6 6 0

M O T O R I Z E D B I C Y C L E w/helmet. New 1 wk. ago. $1,135. Sell $825. 248-872-6060

NINJA 2000 -500, electric biue. 300 miles, 3 yr extended war-ranty. Sharp bike. Only $4200. W a y n e (734) 524-0976 after 3pm, leave message.

R O A D K ING 1999 Police, many extras, 14,000 miles, $15,300/ best. 248-777-1754

FISCHER BUICK 1 7 9 0 M a p i e l a w n , T r a y • T r o y M o t o r M a l l

Service Hours: 7 :00 a .m. - 8 :00 p .m. M o n . & Thurs. 7:00 a.m. - 6 :00 p .m. Tues., Wed . , Fri.

B O B JEANNOTTE BUICK, I N C . - 7 3 4 - 4 5 3 - 2 5 0 0

14949 Sheldon Road, Plymouth • Just North of M - 1 4

Service Hours : 7:00 a .m. - 7 :30 p .m. M o n . & Thurs. 7:00 a .m. - 6 :00 p .m. Tues., Wed . , Fri.

J O H N R O G I N BU1CK-LIVONIA, INC. 7 3 4 - 5 2 5 - 0 9 0 0 305Q0' Plymouth, Plymouth

Serv ice Hours : 7:00 a .m. - 7 :00 p .m. M o n . & Thurs.

7:00 a.m. - 6 :00 p .m. Tues., W e d . , Fri. . r

TAMAROFF BUICK 2 4 8 - 3 5 3 - 1 3 0 0

28585 Telegraph Road, Southfield - /i.-r

Servlce Hours : 7:00 a.m. - 9 :00 p .m. M o n . & Thurs.

7:00 a.m. - 6 :00 p .m. Tues., W e d . , Fri.,

G O R D O N C H E V R O L E T - 7 3 4 - 4 2 7 - 6 2 0 0

31850 Ford Road, Garden City • 1/4 mite West o f Mer r iman

Service Hours: 7:OOa.m. - 9 : 0 0 p .m, M o n .

7 :00 a .m. ^ 6 : 0 0 p .m, Tues., - Fri.

FOXTOYOTA • VOLKSWAGEN 2 4 8 - 6 5 6 - 0 4 0 0 755 S. Rochester Rd.;-Rochester

S a l e s H o u r s : 8 : 3 0 a . m . - 9 : 0 0 p . m . M o n . , T h u r s .

6 : 3 0 a . m . - 6 : 0 0 p . m . T u e s . , W e d . , F r i . ' !

1 0 : 0 0 a . m . - 3 : 0 0 p . m . Sa t

2 4 8 - 4 7 4 - 0 5 0 0

HARLEY DAVIDSON 1995 Fat Boy, black, custom parts, must see! $13,000. 734-729-1657

HARLEY DAVIDSON, 1977 FLH - 84" motor, custom paint, fast & clean. $8500. 734-722-8409

HARLEY DAVIDSON 1998 Heri-tage Softail, 6500 miles, exc cond., $15,400. 248-601-1135

H A R L E Y DAVIDSON - 1999 Her i tage Softail. 2300 miles. $17,000. (248) 478-7649

H A R L E Y DAVIDSON 1998 Low Rider, 7000 ml., showroom cond., $2000 worth of accesso-ries, $14,800/best. 313-277-2920

H A R L E Y DAVIDSON 1999 Sof-tail standard, 1,180 miies, like new cond, $14,500. 810-577-2633 Eves:. 810-735-6836

Harley Davidson 1972 Sporster -1000 cc, blue paint, s t rong runner, needs work. $3500/best . 734-464-4407, 313-910-4067.

HARLEY DAVIDSON 1996, soft tail custom. 9k miles, $3400 in chrome & accessories. $17,000 (734)955-5461 (517)546-3400

H A R L E Y D A V I D S O N 1 9 9 6 1200 Sportster Spor t . Low miles, exc. cond., $7195.

(313) 240-7050

HARLEY DAVIDSON Super-glide 1999. extras, clean original o w n e r , $ 1 7 , 0 0 0 . H a r l e y Davidson Sportster 883 1990 $5000. (734) 522-9366

H A R L E Y D A V I D S O N , 1973 Supergl ide, SS carb windshie ld, leather bags, lots of chrome. $8 ,000 or best offer

(313) 215-4429

HARLEY Sportster 1996 - 12K miles, too much to list. $8500. call after 3pm (248) 683-2979

HARLEY 1997 Sportster Custom, black, 8300 miles, $8,500/best. After 6pm. 734-326-8934.

HARLEY 2001 - 1200 Sportster Custom, extended warranty, 1800 miles, $11,000. (313)388-8796.

HARLEY 1997 Standard (Road King). Belt dr ive, 4 ,000 miles. Must sell. Get t ing divorced. $14,600/best. (248) 625-5592

HARLEY 1999 ul t ra classic sh r i ne ed i t ion , i m m a c u l a t e , 10,000 miles, $20 ,000 or best

(248) 655-0139

HARLEY 2000 - Ultra Classic, m in t c o n d . , m a n y e x t r a s . $20,000/best (248)437-0308

HARLEY 2000 - Ultra Classic, m in t c o n d . , m a n y e x t r a s . $20,000/best (248)437-0308

HARLEY, 1999 W ide Glide, super clean, lots of chrome, red & black, $16,500. 734-326-2074

HARLEY 1979 X L S - rare, 16K miles, all new parts. Mint condi-tion. $5200. (248) 960-6373.

Henderson 1999 Initial Produ-tion model , 5 5 0 0 miles, exc cond $15,000. (313) 565-4170

miles, d rag pipes, many extras, top cond $20,500.248-646-2324

S P O R T S T E R 1993 - Hugger, 1200cc, too many extras, Must see! $6200/best (734)427-4303

S P O R T S T E R 1996 XL custom 1200 • Screaming Eagle Acces-sories, 2 seats, 3700 miles, $7500/best . (734) 522-7084

SUZUKI DS 80 1995, yel low, l o w h o u r s , n e v e r r a c e d . $1,095 734-455-2914

SUZUKI 1997 GSXR 750, 5500 mi les. Race extras. Never raced. Mint cond. Must sell $6500/best . (248) 866-0558

SUZUKI , 2000 gxsr600 - Yel low & Biack, 3 yr. full warranty, 4300 miles, Yosh imura race pipe never been dropped, $5990/ best. 248-332-7702

SUZUKI 1998 Intruder. 800 miles, 800cc. Like new. $4,000. (248) 666-3477

(248) 842-0514

T R I U M P H 1996 Trident 900. Oniy 3 ,000 miles, perfect cond., bright g reen & cream. Asking $5500. 734-751-1581.

HOLIDAY CHEVROLET 30250 Grand River, FarmiogiomBi l is

Service Hours : 7 :00 a.m, -t feOG p . m . M o n . - Fri.

L O U LARiCHE C H E V R O L E T " 7 3 4 - 4 5 3 - 4 6 0 0 40875 Plymouth Rd , Plymouth * West of 1-275, Plymouth Rd. at Haggerty

Service H o w s : 7:00 a.m. - 6 : 0 0 p .m. Mon . , Tues., Wed . , Fri.

7 :00 a.m. - 9 : 0 0 p .m. Thurs.

3 1 3 - 5 3 1 - 7 1 0 0 MATICK CHEVROLET 14001 Telegraph Road, Redford • at i-96

Serv ice Hours : 7:00 a.m. - 8 :00 p .m. M o n . & Thurs. 7:00 a.m. - 6 :00 p .m. Tues., W e d . , Fri.

T E N N Y S O N CHEVROLET 7 3 4 - 4 2 5 - 6 5 0 0 ^'?t>7n Plvmnuth R rw l I ivonia • lust East of Farmmetan Road

Service Hours : 7:30 a.m. - 6 :00 p .m. Mort . , - Fri. , .

JAGUAR O F TROY 248-643-6«U>0 1815 Mapfelawn • Troy Motor Mal l

Service Hours: 7 :30 a .m. - 8 :00 p .m. M o n . & Thurs., 7 :30 a.m. - 6 :00 p .m. Tues., Wed . , Fri.

FRED LAVERY C O M P A N Y , PORSCHE, A U D I , L A N D ROVER, I N F I N I I i 2 4 H - 6 4 »-V» U> 34602 Woodward Avenue, Birmingham

Service Hours: 7:00 a .m. - 6 :00 p .m. M o n , - Frl. -

PAGE TOYOTA 2 4 8 - 3 5 2 - 8 5 8 0 21262 Telegraph Road, Southfield * Between 8 & 9 M i le Roads

Sprv i rp Hours: 8 :00 a.m. - 8 : 0 0 p . m . M o n . & Thurs.

8 :00 a .m. - 5:OQ .p.m. Tues., W e d . , Fri.

8 :00 a .m. - 3 :00 p.m.-Sat.

P L Y M O U T H M I T S U B I S H I 7 3 4 - 2 0 7 - 7 8 0 0

200 W. Ann Arbor Road, P lymouth

Service Hours : 7:3© a.m. - 6 : 0 0 p .m. M o n . th ru Thurs.

RED H O L M A N TOYOTA 7 3 4 - 7 2 1 - 1 1 4 4 35300 Ford Road, Westland • A t Wayne Road

Service Hours : 7 :00 a .m. - 9 : 0 0 p . m . M o n . & Thur. -

' 7 : 0 0 a .m. - 6 : 0 0 p .m. Tues., Wed . , Fri.

TAMAROFF H O N D A 2 4 8 - 3 5 3 - 1 3 0 0 28585 Telegraph Road, Southfield

• Service Hours: 7 :00 a .m. - 9 :00 p .m. M o n . & Thurs. 7:00 a .m. - 6 :00 p .m. Tues., Wed . , Fri. - \ a ; . . .

TAMAROFF NISSAN - 24*1-1-. (-I.IIIO 28585 Telegraph Road, Southfield

Service Hours: 7 : 0 0 a . m . - 9 : OO p . m . M o n . & Thurs. 7:00 a.m. - 6 :00 p . m . Tues., We$ ;V®£ .

C R E S T W O O D D O D G E 32850 Ford Road, Garden City • Ford Road at-Vency*.

Service Hours: 7 :00 a.m. - 6 : 0 0 p .m. MOn. - Fri.

2 4 8 - 3 5 4 - 6 6 0 0 TAMAROFF D O D G E — 24625 West 12 Mile, Southfield * West ofTelegraph Rd.

Service Hours : 8 :30 am.,-- 9:1 S.p.m, M o n . & Thurs. 8 :30 a .m. - 6 :15 p . m . Tues., W e d . , Fri.

H E N D E R S O N 1999 less than 200 miles. Similar to Harley Fat Boy. $12,500. 248-988-9934.

H A R L E Y D A V I D S O N 1 9 9 2 Spor ts ter XLH Cus tom 883 on ly 6700 miies, very c lean w/extras: s lash-cut mufflers, windshie ld, bags, 2 upseats, Harley cover , $6600/best . 734-981-2076

H A R L E Y D A V I D S O N 1 9 7 3 XLCH, updated custom bike, very low mi., like new. $4200/ best. (734) 427-5778.

H O N D A 1995 CB250 Night Hawk - like new, low miles, $2,500. (248) 8 5 1 - 8 0 8 0 "

HONDA 1999 Yel low, stock, miles. $6,500.

C B R 600 F4. mint , very low


H O N D A 1999 C B R 900RR, yel low/black, s tock, mint 10K miles, $7100. 248-476-6212

H O N D A Low mi l offer.

1998 C B R 1100XX. JS, b iack, $8,000/best

(407) 310-7689

H O N D A 1984, 4 5 0 CC, less than 10,000 miles, like new, $850. 734-844-3370

V E S P A 1981 XP 8 0 - 1 0 0 miles, cool toy, $3500.

(248) 594-8662

XR 80, 2000 Honda, $1500. XR 100, 2000, $1700. Like new, r iden only 8x. (248) 624-7090

Y A M A H A DT 50 1990 like brand new only 300 miles, $1350 or best offer. (248) 848-0331

Y A M A H A 350RD 1973 racing accessor ies included. $1380 or best offer. (734) 464-1511

Y A M A H A 1994 Virago 750cc, low mi. saddle bags, windshield, $3500. (248) 960-4815.

Y A M A H A 1994 V iRAGO, 535S, mint , c u s t o m paint, Har ley accessor ies, 3000 mi., perfect for beginner who wants to ride with the big bikes. $3800.

(248) 545-8112.

AVIS F O R D , INC 2 4 8 - 3 5 5 - 7 5 0 0 29200 Telegraph Road, Southfield • North of 12 M i l e Road

Service Hours : 7:30 a.m. -7 :00 p . m . M o n . - Fri.

VARSITY LINCOLN-MERCURY 49251 GramiRtvef at Beck Road,Novi Service-Hours: 7:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. Mon.-Fri .

8:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Saturday

2 4 8 - 3 0 5 - 3 3 0 0


•41001 Pfymouth Road, Plymouth • Between Haggerty & I-275

Service Hours: 7:30 a.m. - 6 :00 p .m. M o n , - F r i

- 7 3 4 - 4 5 3 - 1 1 0 0

BILL B R O W N F O R D 32222 Plymouth Road, Livonia

Be tween M e r r i m a n and Fa rm ing ton Roads

Service Hours: 7:00 a.m. - 6 .00 p .m. M o n . - Frl

7 3 4 - 4 2 1 - 7 1 16

JACK DEMMER F O R D 37300 Michigan Avenue at Newburgh, Wayne

Service Hours : 7 :30 a .m. - 8 : 0 0 p . m . M o n . & Thurs.

8 :00 a .m. - 6 :00 .p .m, Tues., W e d . , Fri.

• 7 3 4 - 7 2 1 - 2 6 0 0

M c D O N A L D F O R D 550 W. Seven Mi le Rd., Nor thv i l le

Service Hours : 7 :30 a . m . - 9 : 0 0 p . m . M o n . 7 :30 a .m. - 6 : 0 0 p .m, Tues. - Fri.

• 7 3 4 - 4 2 7 - 6 6 5 0

RED H O L M A N P O N T I A C - G M C T R U C K , INC.— 7 3 4 - 7 2 1 - 1 1 4 4 35300 Ford Road, Westiand • A t Wayne Road Service Hours: 7:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m. Mon , & Thyrs.

7:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. Tues , Wed. , F i t

BOB JEANNOTTE P O N T I A C , G M C TRUCK 7 3 4 - 4 5 3 - 2 5 0 0 14949 Sheldon Road, Plymouth • Just Nor th of M-14 Service Hours: 7:00 a.m. - 7:30 p .m. Mon . & Thurs.

7:00 a.m. - 6:0© p.m. Tues., Wed., Fri.

See Your Local Dealer.

8F(*) Classifications 812 to 826 O&E Thursday, July 26, 2001

Campers/Motor Homesffrailers

F L E E T W O O D 1993 Jamboree 30 ' motorhome. A-1 cond. Great layout, $29,900. Great ready for summer fun! 734-422-3233

F L E E T W O O D 1996 P i ckup Camper - fits shortbed, great cond., $5200. (248) 685-7116

F L E E T W O O D 1999 Prowler -5th wheel , 29 ft. bunks, sl ideout, $12,'500/best (248) 879-9767

F O R D 1996 Econoline 350 Air-s t ream conversion van - fui ly loaded, s leeps 4-5, 62 ,000 miles, $26,300. 248-363-3232

F O R D 1990 fully equl| Asking $12,000. 2 * '

FOUR W I N D S 1996, 28D, Ford 460,' generator, rear bunks, doub le d ine t tes , s l eeps 8, 40,QC100 miles, loaded, exc. c o n d . , $ 2 4 , 0 0 0 . M u s t se l l 248=661-9735 - 248-641-8372

FOUR W I N D S 1999, 28' motor ho!me, 12K, excellent condit ion. After 6pm. (248) 486-6441.

FOUR W I N D S 1992 - Pick Up C a m p e r , al l a p p l i a n c e s & opt ions. Extra equipment . Like New! Ret iree Owned & main-ta ined $5,500 248-427-1958

Campers/Motor Homes/Trailers

S T A R C R A F T 1 9 9 7 P o p - u p Spacemaster w/s l ide & add a room. $6Q0Qfoest. 313-534-0513

S T A R C R A F T 1997 P o p - u p Spacemaster w/s l ide & add a room. $6000/best. 313-5340513

S T A R C R A F T , 1994, 27 ' travel trai ler, s leeps 6, new screened room, $7900. (248) 628-1390

SUNL INE 1886 - 34.5 ft., f ront ki tchen, microwave, 4 burner range w / oven, oak cabinets, large tub w / shower, queen size bed, full s ize fo ld out couch bed, s leeps 4 adul ts & 2 kids, air, heat register in each room. 22 ft. awning, electric lift, Exec. Cond., member ship in Wa lden Woods C a m p Ground included. $9 ,000 (248)399-4891

SUNL INE 1996 24 ' - Queen Island bed, s leeps 6, air, micro, sc reened room, exc. cond. 313-386-2968 or 313-598-0512.

SUNL INE 1989 Saturn. Sleeps 6, ba throom w/shower , stove, frig., $3500. (313) 274-7211

S U N LITE, 1992 1 8' Hi-lo trailer. S leeps 6, hardly used, $4000. 248-541-3699 or 248-356-9584

FRANKLIN 2002 Trailer - 44ft. , fu l ly self-contained, f iberglass ext. -3 electric sl ide-outs, many extras, $28,000. (248) 627-1576

FUN MOVER, 1999 by Four Winds. Only 3,900 miles, 27ft. Class "C". Half garage, half motor home. Full ba th , s leeps 4+ , ali amenit ies. Carr ies 2 full size motor cycles or quads, $47,500 . 248-318-8400

G R A N D VILLA 1988 - 36' rear gas 'engine, automatic leveiers. 35,000 mi. $30,000.

, 734-421-1536

G U L F S T R E A M 1989 M o t o r Home. Class A. 32K. Exc. in & Oiit. $16 ,900 313-386-9849

HI-LO, 1989, 21' , air, furnace, f r idge, s tove, bath, awning, exc . conf; $5,900. 734-728-6^39

HOLIDAY 1995 - imperial, 37" 5th wheel w/15' slide-out, extras. $27,000. 248-879-0841

HONEY 1983 Class C motor-home, Chevy 350 V8, 36K mi. 23' , air. $8800. 734-464-2075

HURRICANE 1999 - 31', 6 ,000 mi. Fully loaded. Awning, gener-ator, roof air, back up camera , more. $44,900. 734-455-9009.

J A M B O R E E 1994 Class C 2 6 J (Party Coach). Blue interior, nicely equipped w/many extras, wel l mainta ined, very g o o d ct ind. 460 / 58,000 mi. $25,500. c£ i l ' eves, after 6pm or week-ends: 248-335-9661

S U N N Y B R O O K E 26 ft. F K 1 9 9 4 non-smoker /pe ts , extras, excel-lent condi t ion, a luminum frame. $8500. (248) 474-6019

C H E V R O L E T 1999 S10 Xtreme al! opt ions, V6, extended cab, s p o r t s i d e , 3 rd dr . , 2 1 K . $14,000. 734-844-1542

C H E V R O L E T S10 Z-R2 1999 -Loaded! Extended cab, 3rd dr., 20k m i i es , b lack . $ 1 7 , 5 0 0 (734)673-7536 Or (313)278-0379

CHEVY PICK-UP 2500 crew cab 2000 Short box, 4X4, 5.7L, auto, air, cd, cassette, all power, cap, bedliner, trailer package, 29,000 miles, $25,500.

(734) 753-3832

CHEVY 1999 pick up 1500, 4. wheel drive, 5.3 vortec, extended cab, auto V8, 3rd door, leather, loaded, transfer warranty, 46,000 miies, $19,000. 248-737-8952

CHEVY S ILVERADO 1999 3 door, 4X4, new style, black, mint cond., 27 ,000 miles. $21,900.

(248) 669-4960

C H E V Y S I L V E R A D O 2 0 0 0 1500 ex tended cab, 27K miles, V6, air, A B S brakes, all oil ehanaes, excellent condition, $17,500. (734) 458-2515.

F O R D F-150 1999 - Air, 5 speed, 25K mi., si lver. $10,500. Cal l (734) 525-9677.

F O R D F-250 1996 auto, air, c l e a n , 1 2 0 K h i g h w a y m i les . $6800. (248) 882-2293

F O R D F150,1993, auto, am-fm, V6, 124,000 miles, $3000/best Offer. 248-478-6213

FORD, 1994, F-150, 8" bed w/cap. 4 speed OD, 6 cyl. $4,500/ best. Must sell! 734-427-4500

FORD F350 1999, Crew Cab, all extras, 61k, Lariat, winch, cap, 5th wheel, 7 .3L diesel, $29500. (734) 729-1758.

F O R D 1997 F250 c rew cab, diesel, 96k hwy miles, exc. cond. $18,850 248-685-8855

FORD, F 350 1999, Crew, dual wheels, Diesel, 4x4, low miles, ioaded, assume lease or buy, $34,000. (734) 455-6158

CHEVY 2000 Silverado, loaded, 15k m i „ white/grey, $14,500.

(734) 595-3682.

S U N S T R E A M 1984 ,32 ' , s leeps 6, dual air, all refurbished, new tires, $14,000. 248-879-0952

T E R R Y 1999 24 FT. 5th wheel w / s l i d e o u t , g r e a t cond i t i on , $15,500. (248) 844-8225.

T E R R Y R E S O R T 1988, 31z bunkhouse, s leeps 9, great floor plan. $6500. (734) 421-2943.

T E R R Y 1999 35' . Used once. S t o r e d a t W a i d e n w o o d s . $60,000. 734-453-5676

T I O G A 1994, 23 ft., 22K miles, s leeps 6, rear bed, like new, $25,900. 248-477-1050.

T I O G A 1994 Montara 22ft, 22k, loaded, mint cond. , back kitchen $20,000. (248) 673-2814.

T O Y O T A , 1988 Sunraider, Exc. Cond. 21ft. 4 cyl inder. $9600/ best. (248) 737-5748

TRAILER • 6 'x16' flat bed w/winch. $1500. 248-669-3830

T R A V E L - E Z E M O T O R home. Shower , sink, stove, air, re-built engine, s leeps 4 or 5. Needs work $3000/best. 248-474-1244

CHEVY SILVERADO, 1995 4X4 • E x t e n d e d c a b , 8' b e d , 8 6 0 0 G V W , 4 5 4 , a u t o , w/overdr ive, heavy duty traile-ring, Leer cap, bed mat, 70K, $15,900. 734-421-7646.

CHEVY 2000 - S10 LS, auto, loaded, 4cyl , bedliner, cap, 15k miles. $10,900. 810-229-5913

CHEVY 1999 S-10 pick-up, extended cab, 4x4, V6, loaded, d a r k b l u e , 1 7 , 6 0 0 m i l e s . $16,800. 248-542-3226

C H E V Y 1999 S10 pick-up, MUST SACRIFICE! Truck bed protector, iow mi. Take over ( e a s e a t $ 1 8 7 / m o . D a y s : 248-957-2438, E: 248-601-3977

CHEVY 1994 Suburban. High miles, body mint cond. new G M t r a n s m i s s i o n , m a i n t e n a n c e r e c o r d s a v a i l a b l e . A s k i n g $9995. 734-422-2460

CHEVY 1993 % ton extended cab, 4 wheel , 8 f t . bed, loaded, $12,900. 313-714-2311 Pager

JAYCO 324BH 1998 Travel Trailer. Like new, used only 6 wks., 2 private bedrooms, sleeps 10, loaded. $15,000. (248) 475-5982

J A Y C O 1999 Fifth Whee l - 27 f t . with super slideout, loaded, l ike new, $14,900. (734) 525-8375

J A Y C O JAY 1994 - 30 ft., f ront kitchen, rear queen, sleeps 6, air / hefit, $10,500. 734-261-3665

J A Y C O 1999 pop-up, s leeps 8, refr igerator, stove, awning, b ike rack, $5000. 313-846-1069

J A Y C O 12' Pop Up 1998 -Steeps 7, awning, screen room, refrigerator, $5000.248-735-8090

J A Y C O 1994 Pop-up, s leeps 8. Like new, awning w/screened porch. $4000. 810-629-1569.

J A Y C O 1990 p o p - u p , 10 ' , s leeps 6, fridge, awning. Exc. cond. $1900. 734-397-8570

J A Y C O 1998 Pop-up - s l ide-out, exc cond., sleeps 8+, screen-room, many extras, must see, $70G0/best. 248-476-5306

T R A V E L L IGHT 2000 21 ft., reat condi t ion, used twice 10,900/best 734-425-5958

VIKING, 1999 2465, mint, extras no air, pull out dinette, toilet, Shower, etc $7000. 248-474-3475

V IK ING N O R T H W I N D 1993, 21 ft., s leeps 5, toi let,water heater, fr idge, $4400. 248-474-2259.

WESTPORT, '96, 30' 5th wheel. Glideout, new tires & awning, exc. cond. $22,500. 734-525-1392

W I L D W O O D 1998 31ft, bunks, s leeps 8. c /a heat, exc cond. $11,000. (248) 363-9723

W I N N A B A G O 1991 Class C, Warr ior, 88k miles, rear twin bed, awning, micro, A/C, exc. cond., $16,800? 734-525-9372

W I N N E B A G O 1998 31 ft., c lass C, wi th Ford V-10 , rear sl ideout, basement storage, generator, $44,500. (313) 359-0432

W I N N E B A G O 2000 Itasca 35ft., loaded, only 5K, warrantys, $75,000. (734) 454-4711

W I N N E B A G O 1 9 9 9 M inn ie Winnie DL Class C - loaded, 5k miles, $55,000. 313-240-6358

CHEVY 350 1984 - % ton pickup. New tires. As is, $900/ best. Call: (248) 681-8873

CHEVY 1992 4X4, good condi-t ion, new tires. $4200.

(248) 601-1135.

F O R D 1992 F150 Custom - 8' bed w/liner, new canopy, brakes & muffler. 93,000 mi. $4700/ best . 248-478-3669

F O R D 2000 F-250, ex tended cab, 8 ft. bed, 4x4 ,24 ,000 miles, $23,500. (734) 673-3407

F O R D 1999 F-150 - k ingcab, 4 dr., V6 auto, 32K, loaded, 6 ft. bed, $17,000. (734) 261-0542

F O R D 1991 Ranger X L T - 4 cyl, 5 speed manual , air, cruise, cas-sette, long box , gray w/b lack cap, exc. cond. $2000.


F O R D 1 9 4 R a n g e r X L T , Extended Cab, V-6, power win-dows/power locks, cruise, am/ fm casset te , ve ry good cond . , 110,000 miles. $4,200 or best Offer (248) 347-1954

F O R D 1992 Ranger XLT - G o o d condit ion. $3400/bes t offer.


FORD 1997 Ranger XLT, 4 0 K mi., air, tilt, cruise, all power opt ions, rear sl ider, bedliner, l ike new, $6750. 734-261-2106.

FORD - 1 9 9 9 Ranger XLT, 3.0L, V-6, 4x2, auto, 4 door stepside, liner, $14,700. 734-254-1416

FORD 1990 Ranger XLT - 5 speed, exc cond. , 117K miles, Ciean, $3900. 248-360-7758

F O R D R A N G E R XLT 1987 sport yel low, all new sheet metal, bedl iner, new tires, must see. $3000. (248) 932-0999

G M C SUBURBAN - N O RUST! 1989, tow package, 3rd seat, runs Exec. $4,900 (734)525-2315

G M C S U B U R B A N 1 9 8 6 1 owner , Vfi ton, good cond. , $5000. (734) 981-9457

G M C , 1995 Suburban SLE, 3/ 4 ton, 454 CID, 3rd seat, HD tow package, power, loaded 107K mi, $11,900. 248-628-5842

G M C 1992 Suburban, V8, 1 owner , c iean, exc . cond. 45 ,000 mi les , $11 ,500 /bes t o f fe r .


G M C , 1994, 4X4 Diesel , full power , full size king cab & 8 ft. bed, $8500. (734) 453-6825

G M C , 1996 4x4 SL, 55k, single cab, 8' bed, 3 / 4 ton, air, new tires, $14,500. 248-253-7837.

J A S O N T R U C K cap, b lack, fits Ford Ranger, exc. - $400. 734-266-0219

F O R D 1996 Ranger XLT - 5 speed, long b e d w/bedl iner, soft tonneau cover , new tires. 61k, $4800/best . (734) 326-7978

F O R D F-150, 1996. 54K miles. Eddie Bauer package. Power d o o r & l ocks , exc . cond . 5 -speed manual . B lack/Tan, $10,600. 231-282-0140, Bill.

FORD 1990 F250 - 124K mi, rebuilt motor Feb/01. $3,000/or best. Kevin (248) 477-1630.

F O R D F250 Lariat 1986 - Turbo diesel, dual rear wheels, camper ready , Exec, cond , ret i ree owned and maintained. $6,500 Camper Available 248-427-1958

FORD, 1993, F -150 Lightning. 36L, stored winters, $11,800. Kirk, days 313-562-5167 After 6pm, 734-261-8944

F O R D 1989 F150 - 129,000 mi. Wel l maintained. $3200/best offer. 734-397-7365

FORD, 1994 Ranger XLT, V-6, extended cab, great shape, new tires, $3900. (313) 937-7445.

FORD 1999 ranger XLt - 4x2, ext. cab, a m / f m cassette CD, 35k, $12,300/best. 313-531-6883

FORD R A N G E R XLT 2000 -4x4, ext ra cab, loaded, 36,000 miles, $17,999. 248-624-6037

FORD 2000 Ranger XLT 4x4 Super cab, 4 dr., auto, 4.0, V6, fully equ ipped, excel lent condit ion. Non-smok ing car.

$15,400. 248-437-4749

FORD 1989 F-250 pick-up, 85,000 miles, 460 V8, never used as a work truck, reliable, recent repairs. $4000.

(248) 693-4636 after 7 p.m.

DAKOTA 1997 SLT - 4x4, V8, club cab, cap, CD, 5 speed, 37K, $14,000. 313-534-6075

D A K O T A 1996 Sport, auto, tilt, Pioneer C D & kicker subs. Bed-liner & cover . 83K highway mi. $5500/best . (734) 455-6753.

D O D G E DAKOTA 1995 CLUB CAB SLT V8, 4x4, auto, $6000 or best offer. .(248) 476-3216

D O D G E DAKOTA, 1 9 8 9 - G o o d cond., 98K miles, air, $2500.

734-397-8639 Canton

D O D G E 1994 Dakota, newer t ransmiss ion, t ires & brakes. CD, c iean, runs good, $4000/ best. Cal l Ryan 734-416-8191

D O D G E 1998 Dakota Sport p i c k u p , e x t r a c l ean , 3 5 K ,


F o x H i l l s Chrysler-Plymouth-Jeep

734-455-8740 1-800-494-9481

J A Y C O 1999 - pop-up, w/ g l ide out dinette, s leeps 8, furnace, shower/toi let, hot water, f r idge (electric or gas), stove, 12ft self stor ing canopy w/ screen r o o m & "more! Rated as second h o m e for taxes. Like new only used 4 t imes. $8,500 (734)522-3427

J A Y C O 1996 5th wheei 2 7 ^ ' w/s l ide out. Exc. cond. $12 ,500 .


J A Y C O 1994 t ravel t ra i ler . Excel lent cond. Lots of extras. $8900. (734) 544-5067

J A Y C O 1992 30' Travel Trai ler, 302FK, loaded, air, garden tub , Sleeps 6, $7500. (734) 462-4998

K 0 D I A K 2000 - 21 ft., u s e d orice, warranty, $13,500/best.

(734) 542-9027

L A N C E 1998 Legend 945 t ruck camper - 4-season,. loaded, $14',900. 734-429-7298

W O O D - S I D E D 4X6 UTILITY TRAILER, L IKE NEW, $450. Mike. (734) 586-3650

Y E L L O W S T O N E 1985 Fif th Wheel , 35' , doub le bed, awning, new t i res, $4800/best . Opt ional tow-truck. 734-459-5243

121 Construction, Heavy Equipment

H U D S O N 1999 Construct ion E q u i p m e n t t r a i l e r , 9 t o n capaci ty. $4000. (810) 463-6867

Auto Misc.

H A R D top-Wrangler-Black, new, never used. Tinted, rear defrost, wiper. $750 248-737-0079

L A Y T O N 1985 Travel Trai ler -30 ft., new tires (4), awning, water heater, Double bed, ful l k i fchen & bath, great condi t ion, $6000. (734) 453-7389

L IBERTY TRAILER 1988 - 3 place, motorcycle, heavy duty , $650/best . (313) 538-8379

MALLARD, 1999, 25 ' Bunk-house, super clean, inc ludes hitch. $10,500. 248-347-7654

M O T O R H O M E 1990 - W i n -nebago, Class A. 33 ft. Loaded . $26,900. 248-553-6801.

N E U M A R 5th Wheel Amer ican Star, 1998, f iberglas, 36', s l ide-dut, bunkhouse , s tored indoors , upgrades $24,700.734-455-6158.

O P E N FLOOR utility camper -75x76" . $400 almost new.


PACE 95- Amer ica Trai ler 4x11 . $2200. A luminum, single ax le . E C - power hyd rau l i c h i t ch . 8 1 0 - 9 9 7 - 9 2 7 8 , 8 1 0 - 2 0 1 - 9 8 6 1 , 248-875-7712

Auto/Truck-Parts & Service

C O B R A 16" ch rome wheels, mint condit ion. $1,000/best.

(248) 553-7967

CONTINENTAL , 1989 $650 Taurus, 1986 $300 Needs Repairs 248-474-1286

D O D G E 2500 1996 diesel, extended cab, loaded, f iberglass cap, runs good, 107,000 miles. $14,500 (248) 685-3310

D O D G E 1995 Ram 2500, air, bedliner, toolbox, excellent work truck, $6500. 734-261-2106.

D O D G E 1990 Ram Charger - 4 wheel dr, 223k, new tires, radi-ator, hoses, large V6, good cond. $4650. 248-470-2100

D O D G E 1998 Ram 1500 Good cond. loaded, asking $13,500/ best. (734) 207-8826

D O D G E R A M 1996 1 5 0 0 Laramie SLT extended cab, long bed, loaded, 76,000 miles. $12,900. 734-427-7283

F O R D 1995 F250 Power stroke turbo diesel, ext. cab. , work ing air, working hydraul ic lift gate, e x c . t r u c k , $ 6 0 0 0 . D a y s 248-486-4444 or after 7 p m 248-486-8434.

F O R D 1997 F350 single rear wheel , 4x4, with &A n. Boss plow, air, cap, exc. cond. , 26K, $17,500. 734-427-3678.

F O R D 1988 F-150 Sspeed, 84k orginial miles. $2800/best . (248) 926-8077 734-812-0541

F O R D F-150 1993 - straight 6, air, pl/pw, 100K miles, exc cond, $4500. (248) 477-4050

FORD 1998 F-150 STX, 4x2, 4.6L, all options, 22K, exc. cond. Asking $13,500. 313-278-0998.

F O R D 1999 F-150 Super Cab XLT Sport. 4x2, auto, tow package, many extras. 36k. $18,250. (734)323-7803.

FORD F150 S V T L IGHTNING 2000 - Under 5K ml. Lease assump-tion, $556/mo. 248-330-3814

FORD 1998 F150 - V8, auto, extended cab, loaded. $14,500.

(734) 421-2437.

FORD 1990 F150, V 8 custom, 100K miles, good condit ion, $2500/best . 248-669-6211

FORD, 1995. F-150. V 8 , power windows, locks, wel l maintained, $6,200. 248-437-0767

F O R D S T X R a n g e r 1 9 9 4 extended cab , 4 wheel drive, 62 ,500 mi les , great shape, loaded, exce l l en t cond i t ion . $9500 or best offer

(248) 673-7108

FORD 150 1998, Triton V8, red t in ted , 3 0 , 0 0 0 mi les, m in t , $18,000. 248-258-3435

R A M 1997 1500 SLT 4x4 ex tended cab - power , CD, alloy wheels , air. 60,000 mi. $16,500/ best . Must sell!! 248-349-0477

R A N G E R 1999 iong bed 4x4 -ioaded, 36,000 mi. Exc. cond. $12,500. 734-428-9872

R A N G E R 1994 XLT ex tended cab - 5 speed, great cond., many extras. 103K. $4431/best offer. 248-476-6429

R A N G E R XLT 1998 - 4 liter V6, auto, liner & cover, luxury pkg. $9,900/best. 248-368-1981

824 Mini-Vans

C H R Y S L E R 1997 T o w n & Country LXI - sl iding dr. each side, exc. V6, 81k f reeway mi. Beige leather int., deep blue/ amethyst ext., l oaded w/options, 3 alarms. Bargain price $12,990. Eves or wk/ends (248) 650-2748

824 Mini-Vans

CHRYSLER T O W N & Country 1995, Loaded, wel l kept, 96K mi. $7500. 248-474-7487

C H R Y S L E R 1997 T o w n & Country SX, 3 .8 liter engine, 77K miles, t w o sliding doors, chi ld seats, cd/cassette, to be t raded soon If no buyers , $11,000 or deal, 248-344-8759

CHRYSLER, 1993 T o w n & Country, Winters in Fla., leather, loaded, 64,500 miles, white, exc. con., $7,000. 248-423-8516.

C H R Y S L E R 1993 T o w n & Country - 1 owner, loaded, exc cond., $5900. (734) 453-3683

C H R Y S L E R 2 0 0 0 T o w n & Country L imi ted • absolutely loaded! 6800 miies, Cham-pagne, $24,000. (248) 353-3883

DODGE CARAVAN, 2000 - 4 cyl., 7 passenger, 20K, war-ranty, $10,700. 734-427-9748

DODGE 1997 Caravan - green, air, cruise, power locks, dual doors, exc. cond. 87,000 mi. $8800/best. 248-557-9066

DODGE C A R A V A N 1993, looks & runs good, $2900. offer. Cali:


R A N G E R XLT 1999 - Super cab, 4x4, step side, 4.0IL V6, auto, bed-l iner, Tonneau cover, new tires, 33k miles. Exec, cond. $15,800 (734)459-8766

S ILVERADO 1996 - ext. cab, black, loaded, 2 W D , Vor tec V6, CD. 72K $11,500. 810-743-8136.

S ILVERADO 2000 ext. cab, 4x4, 3 dr., off road package, towing package, premium sound CD/ cassette, bedl iner/cover, 43k, $21,900. (810) 220-4588

FORD, 1996 3 Yard Dump - 42K m i l es , a u t o m a t i c , $ 1 7 , 5 0 0 .


F-150 1 997- Red, 4.6L, auto, ext. cab, 4x4 off Rd. pkg. Loaded. $14,900/best . 248-344-6145

F-150 1989 shor tbed pickup -fully loaded, great shape, runs good. (248) 471-2936

F150 1995 Supercab X L T - V8, loaded, cap, bedl iner. $10,500/ best. 313-565-7567

F150 1997 - two- tone w/cap. 53,000 mi. Very good cond, $10,500/best . 248-471-6797

F150 1998 X L T extended cab, l o a d e d , V 8 . M u s t s e l l ! ! $13,000 (313)937-2430

F150 1993 X L T , V8, sharp, ve ry clean, black/si lver, loaded, 4x8 w/Leer cap, chrome wheels , extras, $8495 . (313) 961-4641

F-150 1997 XLT, V8, 5speed, loaded. G o o d cond. 60 ,000 m i l e s . $ l 0 , 6 0 0 / b e s t . J e f f 734-466-9270 734-652-3636

S ILVERADO 1989, 1500 Extended cab & bed, 4x4, $3200. (734) 421-1633.

S ILVERADO 1997 - long bed, very good cond i t ion . Many options. $11,000. 734-522-8069

S O N O M A 1998 pickup, air, like new, $9,995.

JtodJhtMan-West land

(734) 721-1144

DODGE 1999 Caravan - SE, V6, 4 dr., 31k, all power, white, $13,995/best. 734-427-7221

DODGE C A R A V A N SE 1994 V6, All power, seats 7, air, one owner , 117k mi les, Exec. Cond . $3,250 so ld

D O D G E 1995 Caravan Sport, 7 passenger, loaded, white, very clean, runs great, 77K miles, $6,500. 248-656-8787

DODGE 1994, Grand Caravan, loaded, exc. cond. , 80K miles, $6,495. (248) 471-5848

MERCURY VILLAGER G S 1994 Green, good cond, runs perfect, $6000/best (734)454-1303

M E R C U R Y V ILLAGER LS 1994 loaded, 114,000 miles, ve ry c l ean , g reen / tan . $ 4 , 1 5 0 .

(248) 895 -7115

M E R C U R Y V I L L A G E R 1999 -blue, loaded, 40 ,000 mi les, $13,900. (248) 865 -9256

M E R C U R Y V I L L A G E R G S 1996 blue, good cond. , 80 ,000 miles, runs great, $8300.

(248) 4 7 4 - 3 1 3 3

M E R C U R Y V ILLAGER Naut ica 1997, 56k miles, V6, leather, sunroof , all power , ant i - lock, t i l t / cruise, exc cond. $11,995.


M E R C U R Y V I L L A G E R G S Sport , 1997 - factory war ran ty , 47 ,000 miles, loaded, $11 ,200/ best. (734) 394-2692

M E R C U R Y , 2000 Vil lager Sport , st icker pr ice $22 ,000 , C D , g rea t condi t ion, 55k h i -way mi les , $15,000/best . (734) 516-9005 .

M E R C U R Y V ILLAGER, 1999 Estate - 15,800 miles. M a n y ex t ras , exc . Pa id $ 2 8 , 5 0 0 ; ask ing $19,000. 248-476-3766

MONTANA 1999, all power, C D player, traction control, iow miles, e x c . c o n d . $ 1 8 , 0 0 0 248-442-9707


V I L L A G E R 1996 - sharp, very ; , c lean, loaded, 5 - C D c h a n g e r , . 70K $8000/QbO. 248-623-0332

V I L L A G E R 1999 Sport , 16,500 mi., leather, capta ins cha i r s . ' $19,000/best . 248-344-418? :

VOYAGER, 1993, 7 passenger, new trans & tires, 110K, exc. cond. $2,60Q/best. 248-789-2212

W I N D S T A R 1996 - auto, aif, : 65K, sharp , $4999 T Y M E A U T O (734) 455-5566.

W I N D S T A R 1 9 9 9 - Factory war-ranty. 2 3 K mi., loaded, C D player. $15,499. 248-553-9486 ,

W I N D S T A R 1997 GL, blue, mint condi t ion. $7900 . 734-844-7032 or 734-771-3710.

W I N D S T A R G L 1996 dark b l u e ^ ' power , cruise, tilt, f ront/rear air, _ good cond, 81K, new brakes • t i res, $6500 . (734) 522-7692

W I N D S T A R 1998 G L - exc. cond, rear air, Michei in tires, nori-smoker , $10,700.248-476-943,4.

W I N D S T A R 1996 GL, 3.8Lr C h a m p a g n e , l o a d e d , 7 5 k , $6900 . (248) 642-8745 '

WINDSTAR 1996 GL. 3.8 L , 76K mi., loaded. $8000. (734) 995-9595;-email:[email protected]

W I N D S T A R 1995 G L - 78 ,000 miles, $8000 . (734) 458-0863

N I S S A N 1994 Ques t - AC. cruise, ABS, Loaded. 91K mi . Exc. $7500/best. 248-738-5607

N ISSAN QUEST 1993, aquama-rine, auto, air, 7 seats, 1 owner . Pete - 248-620-9467

OLDS 1999 Silhouette Premier LTD, 43K highway miles, fully ioaded including rear air, v ideo player & towing package. Seats 7, indigo blue, asking $22,500.


DODGE 1996 Grand Caravan ES - loaded, quad seats, c lean, $7995. (734) 261-8686

DODGE Grand Caravan 1996-V-6, 3.8L, auto, front wheel dr., 8 4 K m i l e s . 2 4 8 - 5 3 8 - 9 2 7 2 / 248-209-5774

DODGE 1997 Grand Caravan Sport 79k, loaded, Good cond. $10,500. 248-338-3197

D O D G E 1998 Grand Caravan 4 dr., fully equipped, priced to sell! Great family van l $12,980. John Rogin Buick 734-525-0900.

DODGE 1994 - V6, gray, air, am/ f m casset te, 66K, sharp. $6300/ best. Call: (313) 493-9156.

v e r y g i cond. , auto, cap, new muff ler & battery, low miles, $2475.

(248) 656-2655

TOYOTA 1997 T -100 ,4x4 , extra cab, SR5, Black, loaded, 65k m i les . $ 1 7 , 2 0 0 / b e s t . Hen ry 313-533-7177 or 313-561-6429

F-150 XLT - 1997 X-cab, 4.6L, V8, tow package, 39k miles, b e d l i n e r / s o f t T o n n o c o v e r , loaded, Red , Grey inter ior. $13,500/best 248-361-2398

F-150 1 997 X L T 4x4, 3dr., 20k of warranty. Exec. cond. loaded, 53,000 mi les. $15,800. Jef f 734-466-9270 734-652-3636

F O R D F-250, 1999 - V10, XLT, 4x4. 45K miles, regular cab, loaded, $21,900. 248-486-6957

F O R D 1989 F250 - 2wd, clean. $2500. (248) 442-1398.

FORD F-250 1992 4 wheel drive, with cap, 51 ,000 miles, $6200. (734) 663-1908

D O D G E 1 9 9 6 R A M 1 5 0 0 Laramie SLT Sport Club Cab, black, 6' bed, 5.2L V8, 80K, sharp, wel l maintained, $11,500/ best. (734) 261-3951

D O D G E 1 9 9 4 R a m 1 5 0 0 Laramie SLT, 8' bed, new tires, bedliner, 6 cylinder, 106,500 mi., r u n s g o o d , $ 4 7 0 0 / b e s t . 2 4 8 - 4 4 6 - 7 5 7 5 e x t 1 1 . 248-318-8499.

D O D G E RAM, 1999 Quad Cab. 1/2 T o n , 4 5 , 8 0 0 m i l e s , $21,000. 810-629-7556

D O D G E 1999 Ram - 1 5 0 0 q u a d SLT, 4x4, loaded, sharp, extras $19,900/best . (248) 375-5392

F I B E R G L A S S CAP - exc. cond. for shor tbed Ranger pick-up 1994-2001. $500. 313-882-7400

HEMI ENGINE 1956(354) . Best offer. Dean (734) 261-3951.

J E E P W R A N G L E R hard top 1987 to 1995. Tan. Exc. cond. Glass w indows. $400/best.


M O D E L A body parts, fenders, b u m p e r s , h o o d , e t c .


N E W G M V 6 engine, 2.8 and 3.1 L. comple te w/ ignit ion & fuel injection, fit late 1980's and early 1990's. $800 or best offer each. (248) 625-6055

P £ G E A R R O W 1999 31E motor h o n e - 9,300 mi, loaded, great cond. $50,00(Vfirm. (313) 274-3346

2 - P L A C E trailer w/extras. L ike nevy. 248-332-3585

POP-UP CAMPER 1980 in good shape, sleeps 6. $600 or b e s l offer call (734) 261-3685

PROWLER 1999 31ft., w/ s l ide out . & warranty, exc. cond, 3 .5k miies, $17,500 248-342-0112

S H O R T B E D for 1972 Ford pickup, very g o o d condit ion, no rust. $300. 734-522-4747,

T R U S P O K E wire wheels, f i ts G M with 205-75-15 Tiger Paw tires. $550. 248-394-1444.

D O D G E R A M 1995 1500 SLT -exc cond, 6' bed, 5.2L V8 ,180K , many new parts, $7000/best. Must see & sel l .248-366-9974

D O D G E 1997 Ram SLT 1500, Radiant Red ext., new tires, bed-liner, trai ler nitch, mi, $12,000. Eves 313-562-6094.

F O R D F-150 4X4 1991 - Blue two toned, Super cab XLT, Exec.Cond. $5800 (734)422-8907

FORD F-150 1 997 XL, silver, 4.6L V8, air, 50 ,000 miles, exc. cond., $10,500.

(734) 420-4437

FORD 1994 F-150 X L T - 58K miles, exc. cond. , runs l ike new! $7500/best. (248)446-0527

F O R D F-150 XLT LARIAT, power w indows , locks, air, cruise, 4 .9 Liter V6 engine, exc. shape, 105,000 miles, 5 speed manual. $6300/best .

(248) 477-9897

F O R D F 1 5 0 1 9 9 7 - X L T , Loaded, extended cab, longbed, 5.4L, towing, auto, 6 4 K ' m i l e s $12,500/best (734)762-0639

FORD 1995 F150 XLT, original owner, l ike new, loaded, 8' box, 78k mi., classic whi te & red. $8500. (989) 539-9804.

D O D G E RAM 1995 SLT 2WD, 4 4 k , E x c cond . W a r r a n t y . $10,300/best . 313-388-7716

D O D G E R A M 1500 Sport 1997 ex tended cab. fully loaded, 28 ,000 miles, $13,500. leave messege 734 420-1183

D O D G E , 1999 Ram Sport 1500, V-8, c rew cab, ioaded, leather, 45k, $20,000. (734) 464-0558.

D O D G E 1998 RAM 1500 sport, whi te, loaded, 55k mi., $12,500. 734-454-1865; 313-530-5979

W I N T E R T I R E S for BMW 3 Ser ies, 1990-98, 15" Bridge-stone Bi izzak t ires wfttre rack, rims & B M W wheel covers. $300/ best. 734-953-8974

Junk Cars Wasted

PROWLER 1997 - t ravel t rai ler , 29 - f t . , bunkhouse, f iberg lass exterior, sieeps 8, many extras. $ i l , 0 0 0 . 248-477-2543.

R O C K W O O D 1995 XL pop-up, exc. cond., awning & sc reen room, queen & double s l ide-out beds. $4600. 248-735-3933

S C A M P E R 1983 Pop-up- s tove, refr igerator,exec, cond, s leeps 5 ; ' $ 1 6 0 0 . 248-542-0932

S H A S T A 1989 - 26Ft., 43k miles, $15,000/f irm, good cond , Lots of extras! (810)731-0519

S ILVER t r a v e l

EAGLE- 1971 2 6 ft. t r a i l e r . $ 1 2 0 0 .


SKYLARK 1986 Travel Trai ler -26 ft,, good shape, new awn ing $2995/best . (313) 537-4558

S O D T H W I N D 1988 - 32' 76K, tyjjto beds, dual air, generator , basement & more. Runs great , c lean. $16,000. 248-626-7066.

ALL AUTOS-TOPSS Junked, wrecked or running.

E & M 248-474-4425 Evenings: 734-776-3404

Truck For Sale

A L S O D O D G E 1990 1 ton wi th lift gate, $2700.

(313) 527-4968.

Chevro let 1988 half-ton p ickup 350 auto, runs good $1200.

734-466-9270, 402-689-4513

C H E V R O L E T 1997 Silverado -4 dr . dually, 59K ; loaded, 120K G M warranty, $21,500/best.

(734) 522-4321

DODGE RAM 2000 - % ton, quad cab, 4x4, turbo diesel, sport, ioaded, $25,900 248-866-0813

D O D G E R A M 1500, 2001 - 4x4 Quad cab SLT, 5.9 Liter, cus-tomer preferred package, 21K miles, 4 yr./75K mile added care warranty, $25,000.

Cal l 313-730-1942

F O R D 1 9 9 9 F 1 5 0 X L T -suoercab. 4x2. 32k. 5 .4 L. auto, $16,000/best. 248-879-9767

F-150 XLT 1992 - 4x4, 5.8L, 8 ft bed w/liner, fully loaded, runs/ looks great. $7500. 734-354-0298

F150 1999V6 XLT 4x4 - 5.4L, low mi leage, cap, loaded. $19,200.


F250 1997 X L T , 4x4, new t i res, 80k, c lean, excellent condit ion. $14,750. (734) 420-0252

F-150 1998 X L T 4x4, off road package. T o w package, Tr i ton V8, super cab, exc cond . $17,900. 248-476-8182

F-150 1999 X L T 4x4, super cab. Black, off r oad package. 5.4L, tow package, 30,000 miles. Per-fect cond. $20,500/best . Butch 734-427-2905 or 313-561-6429

G M C 1989 c u b e van, low mi les , r u n s g r e a t , $ 6 2 0 0 / b e s t .


T O Y O T A 1983'- 4x4, 5" lift, 33" t i res, $700/best.

(734) 564-2106

T O Y O T A 1993 4x4, n e w 32" t ires, 4cyl, hi-miles. rel iable needs wort< $3800 248-681 -3206

V O L V O 1987 22 ft. box truck d iese l eng ine 2 3 0 - V 6 , low mi leage, dock high, g o o d condi-t ion, non-smoker, M a n y new parts. $6,000. (248) 471-5788


AEROSTAR 1991 - cargo van, st ick, very dependalbe, looks good. $925/best (248) 866-1248

AEROSTAR 1996 extended, air, cruise, power windows/ locks, $8000. (734) 525-5698

A E R O S T A R 1994 - $3100. 150K mi, good condit ion, great for towing. 248-449-5038.

F O R D A E R O S T A R 1997 excel-lent shape, 56K miles. $9,500. Ask for George 734 455-6567 313-961-8426 extension 410

PLYMOUTH G R A N D Voyager SE 1993,93,000 miles, 3.3 L. V6, $3900/best offer. 248-689-3206

P L Y M O U T H 1997 G r a n d Voy-ager - 50K mi. 3.31. $10,500.

248 -425 -2137

PLYMOUTH, 1996, Grand Voy-ager SE. Loaded, 51K. New tires, brakes, exc. cond. , d r ives well. $9,900. 248-258-5117

P L Y M O U T H 1994 Grand Voy-ager LE, 10 yr . ann iversary edi-t ion, exc. $4500.

cond. , M iche l ins , (248) 723-9456 .

W I N D S T A R - 1995 G L 81,000 mi les. $7200. 248-478-2583

W I N D S T A R 1995 G L - perfect',.: 65 ,000 mi les, n e w brakes/tires,. $6995 /bes t . 734-261 -9464 -

W I N D S T A R 1 9 9 5 LX, fu l ly loaded, 75 ,000 miles, power everyth ing, new t i res & brakes, rear air. $9000 /bes t offer. 248-374-0969 , 248-866-0147

W I N D S T A R 1999 LX - 26K, A B S tract ion, g o o d cond i t ion , ' $14 ,000 . (248) 427-1329.. .

W I N D S T A R LX 1995, 138K, loaded, good condi t ion, $5000/ best of fer . 248-437-5777

W I N D S T A R 1995 LX - leather, loaded. 100 ,000 mi. $7900/be#t of fer . 313-278-7290

W I N D S T A R 1995 LX - tur-quoise, very g o o d cond. , 117K miles, $6 ,000 . (248) 437-0730.

P L Y M O U T H '98 Grand V o y a g e r 37k, 1 owner, loaded, ga raged $13,900/best. 248 -435 -2974

P L Y M O U T H G R A N D V O Y -A G E R 1997 6 5 , 0 0 0 m i l es , cruise, 7 passenger, new t i res/ brakes, green exter ior , power windows, door locks, l uggage raok $9,900. (734) 4 2 0 - 2 8 3 2

FORD, 1996 Aerostar, 68K, good condit ion, $7,500 or best offer. Cal l (810) 231-3058

FORD, 1994 Aerostar. 108k mi., good condi t ion, runs great. $4,000. (734) 513-0016

FORD WINDSTAR G L 1998 loaded, dua l air, power every-thing, mint green, $9,500.

(734) 421-3468

FORD W I N D S T A R 1998 G L low miles, ex tended warranty, good cond., Many extras $12,000/ best. 734 595-1041

FORD WINDSTAR GL 1995 -135,000 miles, runs & looks good, $5500. 734-451-9901

FORD WINDSTAR 1995 GL, rear air, pr ivacy glass, $5200. (734) 459-7971

FORD WINDSTAR G L 1998, V6 3.8L, Auto, F W D , 54k miles, air, all power, seats 7, dual airbags. ABS. $11,300 (734) 722-3572

FORD 2000 Windstar LX, dual air/heat, quad seats, low miles,


Chrysler-Plymouth-Jeep 734-455-8740 1-800-494-9481

AEROSTAR 1995 - 88K miles, auto, pl/pw, cassette, hitch, air, $4500/best, (248) 669-7585

G M C 1989 extended cab 1500. Exc. cond., ail new parts, cap, hitch. $4950. (248) 442-4048.

G M C 1998 2500 extended cab S L T cd , l o a d e d , 8 7 k , a l l h ighway, $15 ,500 /bes t . Cal l between 9-5 . 734-513-0290.

G M C P I C K - U P 2000 - Equ ipped for 5th whee l or reg. trai ler/ tow. $20,900. (248) 543-1137

G M C 1993 pick-up - ex tended cab, 4x4, manual , exc cond. , $8900. (734) 421-2465

FORD 1999 F-250 X L T super cab 4 door, regular duty, cap, 33,000 miles. $18 ,300 or best. After 7pm: (734) 944-5346.

FORD F150 XLT, 1995, Super Cab, 4x4, auto, air, 75,500 miles. $10,500. 248-478-8312

F O R D 1 9 9 9 F 1 5 0 X L T Supercab 4x4 off road, V8, green w/grey cloth, loaded, 59K. $19,900/best. 248-393-2179

G M C 1994 S IERRA, 63k m i „ excel lent condi t ion, bedl iner, &B3UU. ^ 4 0 / ooo-aooo.

G M C S I E R R A 1996 - 54 ,000 miles, newer engine, $12,000/ best. (734) 788-7557

G M C , 1996 Sierra - Red, l ike new cond. , 9 6 K miles, new tires, r e m o t e s t a r t e r . $ 8 2 0 0 .


FORD 1997 F150 XLT, 4x4, super cab, cap, loaded, 90K highway. Exc. cond. MUST SELL! $12,900. 616-827-1652.

GMC, 1998 Sierra 1500 SLE, 54k, 4 W D , extended cab, War-ranty, $18,000. 248-474-2788

FORD F250 XL 1994- V8, auto, air, am/ fm radio. Great work truck. $3,200. 734-522-7024.

FORD 1997 F250 - 4x4, 26,000 miles, $16,000.

(734) 453-5641.

D O D G E R A M 1996 4x2, ton, V6, air, 1 owner, great mileage, $8700. 248 360-3727

D U R A N G O 1999 Exc cond,5.9L LoJack, loaded, tow package, 46k, $21,800. Day 734-213-1780 Eve/wkend 734-241-5888.

F150 1993 Extended cab XLT -V8 auto, air, tires new. $4500/ best. 734-953-0836

F150 2001 extended, 4x4, off-road, power, air, CD, nurf bars, white, 7200 miles, $24,300/best.


F-150 LARIAT, 1987 XLT. $3500/ best. Extended cab, new tires, exc. cond. (734) 522-8244.

C H E V R O L E T S10 1996 pickup, ex tended cab, 3rd door, cap, power w indows , locks, remote start, 810-419-9001

C H E V Y 1994 pick-up, V6, V6 ton, air, f iberglas cap, 78k miies. exc. cond. $8400.734-522-4135

F-150 1998 Lariet, ext cab, l ike new. 43k , Extended warranty to 75k. $18,000/best . Sticker pr ice $31,200. (734) 451-0816

F O R D 1995 Bauer Edition $9,500.

Bronco Edd ie - Runs good.


F O R D 1995 E-350 - 16' box , powerstroke diesel, 79K mi. $10,000. 248-634-6829

FORD 1999 F150 4x4 Off-road, XLT-white w/grey c loth, loaded. $19,900/best. 734-260-5678

FORD 1997 Pickup XLT. Loaded, 100K soft miles, 2 wd, superb cond., $9500, (810) 227-2201

FORD 1991 Ranger - 4 cyl, 5 speed, air, am/ fm radio, p.s. 153k, $2000/best 248-399-8247

FORD 1994 Ranger - Good cond. 4 cyl., 5 speed. $4000/ best offer. 734-718-3329

FORD 1997 Ranger - green, air, Splash model, 50k, great cond. $7,999/best. (248) 642-1713

FORD 1994 ranger - 88k miles, good condit ion, $4000.

(734) 427-2136

FORD 1997 Ranger - Super Cab, V6, auto, air, cru ise, pw/pl, 41K $9200/best 734-981-1743

FORD 1997 Ranger Supercab Flareside - V6, auto, air, 68,000 miles, c lean, very g o o d cond., $8200. (734) 467-6945

FORD RANGER 1998 XLT, extended, s u p e r c a b , 4 .0 L, 4x4, a u t o , l o a d e d , 8 8 K m i l e s , $12,900. Cel l (313) 715-3028

G M C , 1998 Sierra SLE, ex-tended cab, 5.0L, 44K, tonneau cover, $15,500. 734-425-8829.

G M C 2000 Sierra SLT Extended cab - 3 dr., 5 .3L auto, 4 W D , heated leather power memory seats, l ock ing dlf, bedl iner , loaded. Exc . cond. 13,000 mi. $23,500. 248-391-1045

A E R O S T A R 1994 - loaded! pw/ pi, air, cruise, trai ler hitch, tilt, am- fm cassette, 6 cyl, 133K mi. Looks good/wel l maintained! $3000/best. 313-937-3886

AEROSTAR 1994 - looks & runs pretty darn del ightful, 149K, $3750/best. (734) 762-7629

AEROSTAR 1993 - 137,000 miles, runs well, $3500/best .

(734) 454-1630

AEROSTAR 1996 tan, extend-ed, rear heat & AC, 4.0, exc. cond. $10,000. 734-728-9607.

A E R O S T A R 1995 XLT - 64,000 miles, $6500. (734) 459-5908

ASTRO, 1993 EXT A W D LT, Loaded, exc. cond., 82K miles, $5500. 734-427-6933.

A S T R O 1994 - Extended, CL p a c t \ a y e ,


G M C SAFARI 1999 ali whee i drive, 32 ,000 miles, ask ing $16,500. (248) 889-9334

G M C SAFAR11993 - 4.3L, ABS, seats 7, all power , air/rear heat . Sony s tereo w / CD, v iper a larm, well maintained. Engine war-ranty. $ 7 , 2 0 0 ( 7 ^ 4 ) 2 0 ^ 3 6 9 7

G R A N D C A R A V A N 1993 -clean, exc. cond., 87k, ful l power, $4900. (734) 414-7286

G R A N D C A R A V A N 1996 ES looks great, runs better. Infinity sound, 80K non-smoking miles, 1 owner, $8450.248-371-1873

G R A N D CARAVAN, 1999 Fully loaded, mint cond. 46K miles, $16,500. 734-424-1326

P L Y M O U T H , 1994 G r a n d Voy-ager, quad seats, rear air, m a n y new parts. $4 ,500.734-426-3795

P L Y M O U T H 1997 Voyage r SE. 3.3 L, dual doors, opt ions, 6 1 K miles. $8,700. (248) 7 2 3 - 0 1 4 5

P L Y M O U T H 1996 V o y a g e r -great cond. 86k mi les, dark green, tan cloth int. $6 ,000/best .

(248) 375 -9462

P L Y M O U T H 1 9 9 5 V o y a g e r 128,000 h ighway mi les, 2 3 mpg , $5000. (248) 431-0356 .

P L Y M O U T H 1 9 9 5 V o y a g e r Rallye, 65k. Very g o o d cond: auto , air, new brakes & front t i res, seats 8, wel l mainta ined. Sharp black w/si lver, t in ted win-dows , roof rack; $5950 .

Days: 313 -873 -7302 Eves: 313-562-1067

P L Y M O U T H 1994 Voyager , 72k mi., air, am/ fm casset te, cru ise, tilt, exc. cond. 1 owner , elderly couple. $5025. 248-596-9075 .

PONTIAC M O N T A N A 2 0 0 0 - 6 bucket seats, 4k mi les, all power . $18,500 248-375-8831

W I N D S T A R 1995 LX, very g o o d condi t ion, no rust, $6500.

(734) 665-8104.

WINDSTAR, 1999, SE. Metallic green, 47K commuting miles, mint interior. $15,500. 248-442-4925.

W I N D S T A R 1995 - Very good cond. , c lean, runs great, 93K, $5500 /bes t . 248-437-5015 Y

A E R O S T A R 1 9 9 5 W o r k v a n -exec , cond . , n e w t i res & b raked :


A S T R O 1998 every th ing 3 1 , 0 0 0 :

mites, a la rm, remote start , c lass 3 hi tch. $16 ,522 .

(248) 7 6 1 - 6 3 3 ?

A S T R O , 1997, H i - top , . b l a c f t ' g rey leather , a m - f m cassette,-CD, T V , V C R , loaded, 75K mi., $12 ,500 . 248-626-1673

B E A U V I L L E 1 9 8 5 - 8 passenger, 305, 90K, minor electrical repair. $1400. 248-426-9474.

C H E V R O L E T , 1988 ca rgo van,^ C - 3 0 1 ton, 3 5 0 auto., $1,850,.. 734-453-6705 313-701-9899 .

C H E V Y 1993 Astro ext. c l u b r 140k, g o o d b o d y condit ion, 8 s e a t e r . $ 5 3 0 0 . ( 3 2 7 5 8 0 7 @ mob i l emessage .com)

C H E V Y A S T R O L T 1994 - Full l oaded, 5 8 K mi., exc . $10 ,000 . 248 -649 -0998


PONTIAC M O N T A N A 1 9 9 9 L o a d e d , 2 6 k

miles, 4 dr, pwr s l id ing dr , Exec, cond. $17,000 (248)608-8455

PONTIAC 1995 Transpor t -7 passenger , V6, loaded, power sl iding door. Very c lean. $6300 .

(313) 592 -1137

PONTIAC T R A N S P O R T 1994 looks/runs great! 170k miles, $3,500/f i rm (810)574-9717

PONTIAC J R A N S S P O R T 1996. 7 Passenger, power s l id ing door . $5900. (734) 718-4828 .

SAFAR11993 • Loaded, electr ic, cru ise, 7 passenger, $3700/ best . 734-394-5602.

G R A N D C A R A V A N 1996 LE -3.3 V6, exc. cond., 5 dr., dua l air, 67K, $10,200.248-626-4927

GRAND CARAVAN, 1996, power locks/windows, AM-FM, CD, 64K, exc. $9,200. 248-644-1399

lt»GM H7Q\I (810) 286-1358.

A S T R O 1993 ex tended conver-sion, good condit ion. 115,500 miles. $3700. (248) 661-0188.

A S T R O 1994 - extended, 91K miles, seats 8, tow package, $4,500 (734)422-4060

A S T R O 1999, 15k mi., loaded, must sell. $20,000 or take over payments 313-537-7632.

ASTRO, 1997 LT - 54K miles, leather, loaded, exc . cond. $1,1,500/best. 734-427-8829

G M C 1999 Sierra SLT. Extended cab, Z71, short box, 5.3L, 45K mi., $19,900. (734) 464-8964

G M C S I E R R A 1 9 9 6 Z 7 1 package 4x4 , ext cab, new tires, 350 Vor tec , loaded, 95 ,000 hwy miles. Great cond. $13,750.

(248) 960-0125

G M C 1995, 1500 SLT - 5.0 auto, extended cab , long bed, leather, $13,500. 734-676-1317.

G M C S O M O N A , 1999 - 6 Cyl., ex tended cab , 3rd door. Loaded w / i i n e r & c o v e r , $ 1 2 , 5 0 0 .


G M C SONOMA 1999 -Pewter, exec, cond., CD,

air, auto trans. (248)882-2639

G M C 1998 Sonoma - V-6 . manua l t rans, CD, air, cru ise, bedliner, t i l t, 40 ,000 mi. L ike new. $12,000. (248) 349-6395

G M C , 1995 • 305, 5 -Speed manua l t rans, exc. cond. Runs great. $5100 . 248-431-4385

G M C , 1995 - 305, 5 -Speed manua l t rans , exc. cond. Runs great. $5100 . 248-431-4385

A S T R O 1987 - no rust, chrome wheels, new tires, many new parts, $3500/best 734-513-3897

A S T R O V A N 1996 - 91K miles, 8 passenger, rear air, $7000. 734-459-S552

CARAVAN 1997 ES - exc. cond. loaded TV, VCR, extended 100K warranty new brakes/ struts/ tune-up. 9 8 K h ighway miles. $12,900. 248-661-8039.

C A R A V A N 1997, 64k miles, new brakes, strutts, tune up, air, $7750. (248) 852-9456.

GRAND C A R A V A N 1999 SE. r - i - - - G1 Te«l

$1273007''' " r 246-334-7315

G R A N D CARAVAN, 1996 S E -4 Dr., 6 cyl. , air, 100K hwy. miles, $7300. 734-383-6208

G R A N D C A R A V A N S E 1992 -Fully equ ipped , exc. cond . 104K, $4700. (734) 981-3746.

G R A N D V O Y A G E R 1998, bur-gandy , severa l new par ts , 115,000 hwy miles, $7900 or best offer. 313-538-1511

S ILHOUETTE, 1999 G L S - 34K miles, loaded, leather, air f ront & rear, CD, go ld package. Immac-ulate, no pets or k ids in van. M U S T SELL! $18,900. Cai l 248-877-1714 anyt ime.

S l S I L H O U E T T E 1994 3 . 8 L , V 6 , c l e a n ,

loaded, new a.c., bat tery, 107k, $6,650. 810- 813-4181

T O W N & C O U N T R Y , 1 9 9 6 , 8 0 K miles, exc. cond., $10 ,900 . Cal l Ron 248-888-1262

T O W N A CO! INTRY 9000 LSI -q u a d seals, power, air, CD, 19K, war ran ty$22 ,900 .734-981-2960

C H E V Y 1996 Beauvi l le - 125k,' runs great , loaded, $5300. ,

(734) 591-9421

C H E V Y C O N V E R S I O N v a n 1994 7 3 , 0 0 0 mi les, loaded, cd, 5 .8 liter eng ine , good cond/ , $8900 . (810) 286-5736:..

C H E V Y 1993 Convers ion van, loaded, $5900 . Cal l Mo . (734) 513-6680. .

C H E V Y 1998 Debut Convers ion V a n , loaded including leather,,


Wes t land .. (734) 721-1144

C H E V Y 1998, 2550 express ca rgo van , 5.7lt, low miles, $15 ,500 . 313-541-7448.

C H E V Y 1999 Express Conver-s ion van - Mus t move, $23,000/ best . (734) 254-9415

C H E V Y , 2000 , Express, 8 pas-

T O W N & C O U N T R Y 1997 LX 3 .8L V6, fui ly loaded, 62K, Sharp, $11,800. 248-489-4142

T O W N & C O U N T R Y 1996 -86 ,000 miles, l ike new, loaded, $9900. Cal l 248-681-1740

G R A N D V O Y A G E R 2000 • exc. cond. Also 2 1999 Grand Voy-a g e r s . F r o m $ 1 2 , 5 0 0 t o $15,500. 248-442-6600

G R A N D V O Y A G E R 1996 S E 65K, exc. cond., 1 owner. $9900/ best. 248-656-8282

GRAND VOYAGER, 1994, SE. 1 owner, well maintained, 67K, must see! $5,500,248-847-0217

G R A N D V O Y A G E R 1996 SE, 7 passenger , dual doors, air, much more, $7,995.

Fox H i l l s Chrysler-Plymouth-Jeep

734-455-8740 1-800-494-9481

C A R A V A N 1999 42 ,000 miles, great gas mi leage, wel l main-tained. $9,400. (734) 427-0935

CHEVY 1998 Astro. A W D , LT, leather, 8 passenger, 40K mi., loaded, tow package, excellent condition. $15,900.248-613-8200

C H E V Y 1992 Astro C L 8 pas-sanger van, loaded, 4.3L, very clean, runs great, very wel l m a i n t a i n e d . N e w t i r e s & exhaust . 118 ,000 hwy. mi . Must see. $4500/best. (734) 525-4545

CHEVY ASTRO, 1995, LT, auto-matic, loaded, low eng ine miles, $5,800/best. 734-397-1081.

G M C 1988 S U B U R B A N - Good condit ion. Rebuil t t ransmiss ion. $4000. (734) 525-6335.

CHEVY V E N T U R E 1997-33k, 3.4L, V6. auto, sport suspension w/auto level ing. Dua l air, pw, pi, $10,500, 248-540-7092

C H R Y S L E R 1996 T o w n & Country - Kept up, sharp, power, 105k, $8300. 248-478-2995

HONDA O D Y S S E Y 1996 - 69K miles, 7 passenger, loaded, war-r a n t y , $ 1 2 , 9 0 0 2482210-6965

ISUZU 1999 Oasis, low miles, fully equipped, only $16,980. John Rogin Buick 734-525-0900.

LUMINA APV 1995 loaded, C D player, $5500. (313) 886-5097

LUMINA APV miles. $5200.

1995 120,000 810-444-1014

LUMINA, 1990, APV. New engine has 49K mi. Runs great. $4,100 blue book. 734-422-4228

M E R C U R Y VILLAGE, 1997. 39,550 Miles, exc. cond. new tires, $11,500. 734-455-8689

aer - 7 MERCURY 1994 Vill, passenger great concf , hwy. miles, $4900/best SOLD

M E R C U R Y VILLAGER (Estate) 2000, sage, leather int., 15k miles, $20,000. 248-258-3435

T R A N S SPORT, 1998, 4 5 K , air, new brakes, power window/locks, CD, $12,900. 248-844-9934.

T R A N S S P O R T 1997 - V6, loaded, great shape, mus t sell, $10,000. (734) 432-9178 .

V E N T U R E 1997 - 54 ,000 mi les, very good shape, many opt ions, $11,400. (734) 425-7875

V I L L A G E R E S T A T E 2 0 0 0 , 1 7 K , sunroof, leather, quad , 7 pas-senger , loaded, w i fe ' s car . $19,950. (248) 477-1769.

V I L L A G E R , 1 9 9 9 , E s t a t e . Loaded, 7 passenger, great condi-tion, white w/gold, 75K pampered mi. $17,000. 313-999-5931

$21,900. 734-427-7879

C H E V Y 1 9 9 6 Mark i l l L X h ightop, co lor tv, 75,000 miles, mint cond., full power $16,500 or best (517) 281 -0506

C L U B W A G O N 1994 dual cap-ta in 's cha i rs , rear air, full power , green, very c lean , 72,000 miles, $7900 . (734) 254-9585

C L U B W A G O N 1989 XLT -& t i res new. Runs like new. $2700/best . 734-953-0836

D ISABLED? N E W and used whee l chai r vans . Trades wel-come. New a n d used wheel : chai r lifts, h a n d controls, etc.: V .A. and worker 's comp wel-c o m e . 1-800-345-3150.

D O D G E C O N V E R S I O N Van 1999 - 5 .9 V8, loaded, T V / V C & t o w , W a r r a n t y . 3 1 K mi les . $18 ,900 . 734 451-683&

D O D G E , 1 9 8 7 Conve rs i on . R u n s g r e a t , 1 1 0 K m i l e s ; $1750 . 734-462-216&

V I L L A G E R shape, 80K $6000/best .

1 9 9 3 e x c e l l e n t mi les, sea ts 7,

(248) 258 -9176

V ILLAGER 1994 G S • Whi te , 9 3 K miles, very good condi t ion. $5,60Q/best. (734) 462-2106.

V ILLAGER 1994 - 7 6 K miles, loaded, full main tenance history, $7200/best (313) 565-6912.

V I L L A G E R 1995 - 7 5 K miles, looks great , needs eng ine work, $4000/best . 248-669-9403

V I L L A G E R 1996 - 38K, 7 pas-senger, power, great condi t ion, 48K748 mo. warranty included. $13,500. 734-453-0595.

V ILLAGER 1995, loaded, roof rack, 7 passenger, 71k , exc. cond. , $8900. (734) 522-4613.

V I L L A G E R 1997 - 43 ,000 miles, exce l l en t cond i t ion , l oaded , $11,500. 734-522-4883

V I L L A G E R 1993 - m o c h a , a larm, new tires, good cond., $3600. (248) 258-5209

D O D G E 1995 Convers ion - W8„ a u t o , l o a d e d , l o w m i l e s . $10,500. 734-981-4493

D O D G E 1995 Conversion - V8 M a g n u m Starcraft , 80K, whi^e w /b lue t r im, T V , air, bed, exc in/ out $4500. 734-542-1971

D O D G E 1 9 9 6 M a x i - W a g o n 3500. 12 Passenger, like nevy; lots of extras. $10,500. - Cal}:, (248) 969-8299 (248). 514-0692

D O D G E 1997 - 15 passenger Maxi, V8, ra ised roof, cleaftV $7500. 248-624-1971,.

D O D G E R A M B250 1992 Con-vers ion van, V8, auto, loaded, c u s t o m i z e d , 104K h i g h w a y miles, $3600. (248) 538-493$.,

DODGE, 1997, Ram Convers ion Van. Fully loaded, exc, cond., TV/ VCR, new tires, 2 stereos, dua l air/heat. $11,500. 877-536-3393

D O D G E 1996 Ram conversior)',-' 4 capta in chairs, V6, cruise, air, 126k, $7900. (734) 462-2693

DODGE 1992 R A M Convers ion V A N 1 owner, 4 capta in chairs, tv, air, V8, super c lean, must see family vacat ion van. 138K miles, $4995. (734) 981-6297

D O D G E 1997 Ram Convers ion 2500 - sharp, 1 owner , tow miies $12,000/faest. 734-261-3951.

DODGE R A M 1996 - Exec. Cond, no rust, new t rans & motor, air, seats 15, great work van. $4,500 (734)426-1940

D O D G E R A M 250, 1991, full power , air, cru ise, 97 ,522 miles, $1,200. (248) 363 -7780

D O D G E 1993 R a m - ful l size, very good cond. loaded, 100k, $4800. (248) 349-5612

D O D G E 1995 Ram 2500 SLT convers ion , 140k , bed , TV stand, looks and runs great. $5600. 734-502-0613.

D O D G E 1993 - % ton, V8, power w indows/ locks , co ld air. $2500/best . (313) 292-0040.

D O D G E 1986 - W indow van, air, V i ton, V8, g o o d cond. 1 owner. $2300/best . (734) 427-0906.

F O R D A E R O S T A R 1 9 9 1 , 80,000 miles, $4500/bes t offer.


F O R D 1994 150 a w e s o m e con-version V8, loaded, c lean, 130K, must see $7000. 248-442-2537

FORD 2000 Cargo Van, excel-lent condi t ion, 2 5 , 0 0 0 mi ies, V6, $19,600. 734-421-2709

FORD 1994 ca rgo van, 1 ton, Immaculate condit ion. New tires, brakes. $6000 (734) 753-4503.

F O R D 1996 ' C i u b Cha teau loaded, tow package, new tires $7900. Must seil 734-433-1256

F O R D CLUB W A G O N 1 9 9 4 - a l l power, new brakes, $7500 . 734-641 -9995, 734-728-1208

F O R D 1995 Ciub W a g o n Cha-teau - 86K miies, 5 .8L V8, loaded, ciean, 1 owner , beauty-guard rustproof & paint treat-ment , f iberglass runn ing boards, $9500. (248) 4 7 1 - 3 2 8 9

F O R D 1994 C lub W a g o n - 8 passenger, cha teau tr im, air, pi/ pw, rear heat, wel l mainta ined, 77K, $8200. (248) 349-4498

F O R D 1997 Ciub W a g o n , super duty passenger van. V8, 5.4L, A B S , ai r , g r e e n , $ 1 3 , 5 0 0 . 248-324-1250, 248-553-3388.

FORD 1994 convers ion E-150 van loaded, good condit ion. 120K miles, Mus t see to appre-ciate. $8000. (248) 477-3982

FORD 1992 150 convers ion, V8, leather, TV/VCR, dua l stereo, loaded, c lean, 1 1 5 K miles, $6500. (248) 681 -8280

F O R D 1999 Conversion, V8, loaded, TV/VCR, CD, 21,000 miles, $17,250. 734-261-2397.

FORD, 1993 D' E legant - Teal/ Wh i te . T V / V C R , roof rack, iQaded, $6500. 810-598-5072.

F O R D 2000 E -350 Cargo Van -5-/1L V8, white, auto, air, 24K, $17,995. (248) 477 -3024

F O R D E150 1996 Cargo van, 130,000 miles, good cond., $6000. - 248-446-9975

FORD, 1996, E -150 C a r g o Van. V8, auto, air, 9 2 K miies, red. $,7000/best. 734-261 -5562

FORD 1993 Eclipse Conversion-V8, loaded, very good cond., 97K, $5,900. 734-427-1441.

FORD 1984 E -250 C lub Wagon 6.9 diesel, 73K, exc-cond., trailer tow, $4000. 248-626-1293

F O R D ECONOLINE Conversion 1998 - black, V8, 68 ,000 miles, all power, air, T V / V C R , $16,900. (734) 426-2081

F O R D 1984 Econol ine 150 - 6 cyi, ps/pb. Runs great . Clean. 108K $2400/best . 734-546-1359

F O R D 1994 E -150 convers ion, exc cond. TV /VCR, 351 V8, tow package,$10,000. 248-363-9723

F O R D 1994 E150 convers ion van, 4 captain chairs, power bed, TV/VCR, wel l mainta ined, 140K h ighway miles, $5500.


FORD 1997 E150 convers ion van, loaded + C D changer , excellent condi t ion, b rand new tires, b luebook $12 ,900 , asking $9700. 810-216-1830

F O R D 2000 E350, cube van, supreme body, ou ts ide storage. Manu. $26,000. 313-240-6358

F O R D E150 1997 Econol ine Chateau, fully loaded, 67,000 miles, $12,900. 248-685-1809

F O R D E150 1993 Mark III Con-vers ion - loaded, T V , V C R , 73K, exc cond $7400. 734-455-6453

FORD, E-150, 1993 Mark Conversion. 8 3 K miles, $7000/ best . 734-261-1496

Thursday, July 26, 2001 O&E Classifications 826 to 830 (•)9F

F O R D E-150 1996 P O W E R custom van, windows/ locks, rear air and heat, rear s tereo, tv, vcr. remote start, p lus more. 48,000 miles, $12,000.

(313) 537-1247

826 Vans

RAM 1996 1500 - convers ion van, TV, VCR, 40K. $5999, shop T Y M E & Save. T Y M E A U T O (734) 455-5566.

828 Jeeps/4 Wheel Drive

BLAZER 1996 - black, 4 door, loaded, 44 ,000 miles, $12,000.


BLAZER, 1995. Biack w/gray leather interior, tinted windows, roof rack, loaded, 93K highway miles, $10,000. (248) 363-0877

BLAZER, 1996. 4 door, teal, great cond., 95K miles, power seats'1

windows. $7500. (248) 661-8876

BLAZER 1996 - leather interior, loaded, 4 W D , 126K miles. Must see to appreciate! $8900/ best. Days: 734-427-5070

Eves: 248-349-0004.

BLAZER 2000 - Loaded, tow miles, l ike new, $18,000/best.

(810) 629-5599.

BLAZER 1997 LS 4dr., 4WD, Candy App le Red/Grey interior. 48,000 miles. Loaded w/options. Excel lent Condi t ion. Must See! $13,450. (248) 646-6986

BLAZER S-10 1995 - 4WD, loaded, exc cond.

(248) 338-2900 x 3

BLAZER 1998 - 4x4, 60K, CD, air, pw, moonroof , new tires, alarm, $12,000. 313-537-9540

B R O N C O 11 1990 - Eddie Bauer, red/tan, loaded, 75k, 1 owner, $6000. (734) 453-0701

B R O N C O 1996 Eddie Bauer, V8, full power. Never driven in snow, I wonder why. Only $49 down $161/mo. T Y M E A U T O (734) 455-5566.

r u n u 199/ ucou , aupw> o a i y u van, white, new t i res/brakes, 30k mi., $10,500. 313-240-6358.

F Q R D E-150 1999 V A N fully loaded, 40K mi ies great cond., $18,000/best 734 425-5958

F O R D E X P L O R E R 1999 - 6 cyl-inder, very clean, 32K, all power, $16,500. (734) 981-9187

F O R D 1997 high-top conver-sion, leather, dual air, 48K miles, $17,500. 734-455-3030

FORD 1993 van, new engine & igine & t ransmission, runs great, $3500.


G M C 1997 Savana conve rs ion , V 8 , 3 3 k , like new, Many options. $18,000. 810-629-0009

B R O N C O 1993 - full size, 4x4, 3 5 1 W (5 .8L eng ine) , auto, rebuilt t ransmission. New tires, new brakes, new distributor cap, rotor, spark p iugs & wires. Great truck, very dependable. $9500/ best. P lease cal l & leave mes-sage. Eves: 734-420-6077.

Days: 734-331-2660.

B R O N C O 1992, good condit ion. New tires & hubs, regular main-tenance, b lue book $7100 -ask ing $6750. 313-530-0900

828 Jeeps/4 Wheel Drive

CHEVY 1996 T A H O E LT 4WD, biack, neutral leather - beautiful! CD, tutone paint, 3.73 axle, loaded, 75,000 miles, $15,750.

313-592-7873 days 248-344-7809 eves

CHEVY T A H O E 2000 Z71 4x4, 4 door, loaded, 18K,

$26,500. 734-425-1304.

CJ -7, jeep 1987 - 4 needs work, great toy project. $1000 810-337-1926

DODGE D U R A N G O 1999 SLT plus, cd, loaded, white with c a m e l l ea the r . 3 7 K m i l es $21,800. (313) 903-7683

DODGE 2000 Durango SLT -Loaded, running boards, fender f lares, red, leather, 10,000 mi. $24,950. 800-373-5004

D O D G E 2000 Durango SLT. 5.9L, V-8, low mi, great cond., pr iced to sell. 313-592-5578.

DODGE 1998 Ram SLT 4x4, 26K, like new, only $17,888.

Fox Hills Chrysler-Plymouth-Jeep

734-455-8740 1-800-494-9481

DODGE 1996 SLT pickup, club cab,V8, towing package,exc cond loaded. $8900. 248-693-4017.

DURANGO 1998 SLT - 4x4, condit ion, 55K hwy miles,

16,900/best. 248-336-0226 IBS EDDIE BAUER Ford Explorer 1999 great cond. , leather , loaded, serviced. $16,900.

(734) 397-0983

E X C U R S I O N 2000, loaded, leather, 10,000 miles, $31,000. (248) 474-5593.

E X P E D I T I O N 1 9 9 8 E d d i e Bauer, loaded, 3rd row seats, moonroof, CD, tow package, black w/tan leather, exc cond., $20,400. (810) 220-8067

EXPEDITION 1998 Eddie Bauer Loaded, 3rd row seat, 79k miles. $17,500 (248)877-8126

EXPEDITION, 1997. 5.4 L, trailer package, 70,000 miles. $15,000/f irm. (248) 960-2095.

EXPEDITION 1998 4X4 XLT, maroon w/gray cloth, great Shape, $18,500. 313-999-5544

BRONCO, 1988 - Many new parts including 5.0 V8 engine. Have all receipts. $4400/best .


CADILLAC ESCALADE 2000. L o a d e d , w h i t e / t a n in te r io r , 20 ,500 miles, $38,500.

(248) 887-8993

C H E R O K E E 1993 Country 4 door, 4 wd, loaded, exc. cond., $7500. (248) 391-3527

C H E R O K E E C O U N T R Y 1996 air, all power , cruise, ioaded! 91K. Sold.

C H E R O K E E L IMITED 1991 loaded/ leather, exc. cond., 178K miles, $5200. (248) 559-9656

C H E R O K E E 1998 Limited -deep amethyst , ioaded, mint, $15,900/best . 313-881-2202.

C H E R O K E E LTD 2000, white, leather interior, exc. cond., low miies, best offer. 734-458-3888

C H E R O K E E 1 9 9 9 S P O R T black, ask ing $14,800.

(734) 207-7644.

C H E R O K E E , 1998 Sport. 4 Dr., 4x4, ex. cond. white, 34,500 miles, air, Am/Fm cassette, power windows/ locks. $14,250/ best. 313-563-2457

C H E R O K E E 1994 sport - good cond. b iack/gray int. 4x4, 91k, $6500. (248) 593-8161

C H E R O K E E 1998 S p o r t -i. $12,900.

248-625-6629, loaded, black, iow mi. $12,900

after 6pm

C H E R O K E E 2000 SPORT, low miles, red, 4 x 4 , 4 door, $17,750/ best. (734) 453-0197.

C H E R O K E E S P O R T 1 9 9 3 161,000 mi les, very good cond., manua l t ransmission, $4950 or best offer. (734) 422-6817

C H E R O K E E 2000 Sport - navy biue, 28k miles, weil taken care o f , c d c h a n g e r , 4 w h e e l , $19,000/best . (734) 742-1971

Cherokee 1999, 4WD, 4.0L Sport, iow mi, keyless, air, all power, roof rack, ABS, tape, $14 ,500 After 6: 810-756-8875.

C H E V Y BLAZER 2000 2 door, b lack, manua l t ransmiss ion, 2 5 , 0 0 0 m i i e s , g o o d c o n d . $16,500. (248) 709-3060

C H E V Y B L A Z E R 1996 - 4 dr., 4 W D , leather, $8900 firm.

(248) 646-1299

C H E V Y BLAZER 1996 - 2 d r „ 4wd, b iack loaded, alarm, ZR2 offroad, 98k Hwy. miles, Good cond. $8 ,000 (248)613-8102

C H E V Y 1995 blazer, 4 dr, 4x4, 99k hwy. mi les, auto, air, cruise, tiit, $10,500. (248) 646-9045 x16

F O R D 1989 W O R K V A N % Ton, Drives good, looks good. $2500/ best . (734) 595-9949

G M C 1999 Savana Starcraf t GT Classic luxury convers ion van, execut ive ra ised roof, 7 pas-senger. 6780 mi . L ike new. White/ tan leather, teak wood interior, capta ins chai rs , rear b 'ench-bed c o n v e r s i o n , TV, V & R , CD, tape, 60-50 protect ion plan. $29,900. 248-737-4123

G M C 1989 Starcraf t convers ion. V 8 350, auto, dua l air, am- fm casset te $5000. 734-455-8462

M E R C U R Y V I L L A G E R G S 1.997 - blue, 75 ,000 miies, all p o w e r , rear b u c k e t sea t s , $11,000. (734) 426-2081

M E R C U R Y Vi l lager G S 1997, exc . cond., 89k hwy miles, $8500/offer. 734-665-8724

P L Y M O U T H V O Y A G E R 1998-30k, stereo w/cd , pl /pw, dual doors, trailer hitch, t x e c . cond. $14 ,900 734-458-4985

P L Y M O U T H V O Y A G E R 1995 auto, air, all power , very , very 6lean, $4250. (734) 464-1469

P O N T I A C M O N T A N A 1998-extended, 8 passenger, power door, loaded, great condi-t ion. $14,500. (248) 788-4193

CHEVY, 1991, Blazer. 117K m i i es , r u n s good , $ 4 , 7 0 0 .


C H E V Y ^ B L A Z E R 1997 LS

Sunro'of""$856b." 734 420-2419

E X P L O R E R 1994 - b lack , loaded, wel l mainta ined. $4000/ best. 734-455-6147.

828 Jeeps/4 Wheel Drive

FORD 1994 Explorer Sport • Green w/tan. 93,000 mi. Air, auto, power windows, locks, cruise, tilt, A M - F M cassette. $5800. 248-740-8675

F O R D E X P L O R E R S P O R T 1999 loaded, 37 ,000 miles, b iue with gray tr im, $16,900. days 3 1 3 - 2 2 4 - 6 7 2 8 e v e s .


FORD E X P L O R E R XLT 1996 ioaded, v8, new tires, 6 cd changer, keyless entry, 100K h ighway m i l es exc . cond . , $11,000/best 810 638-5204

FORD 1992 Explorer XLT 4dr, V6, sunroof, new tires/trans. 2WD, runs great. 108k miies. $4200. Todd Days 734-266-3945

Eves; 248-446-8260

FORD E X P L O R E R XLT, 1995 loaded, 4x4, leather, V E R Y CLEAN. Pr iced to sell at $8250.

(734) 495-1240

FORD, 1999 F 350, crew cab, Diesel, cap, loaded, warranty, 12k, $30,900. 517-552-0774.

FORD 1999 F -350 7.3L Diesel XLT • ext cab, auto, loaded, 8 ft. bed, 19,000 miles, factory war-ranty, $30,995. * 2 4 8 - 3 4 3 - 4 1 0 0

FORD 1999 F350 4x4 Dual ly extended cab, loaded, 8' bed. $29,000/best. 810-229-6276

FORD 1997 F -350 - 4x4, V8, auto, air, p low, new tires, $17,000/best. (248) 960-0016

Jeeps/4 Wheel Drive

-raManoFF Green T a g Sale over 200 used cars all green tagged with rock-bot tom clearance prices to move this week . Our best select ion of the year . Te legraph So. of 12 Mile. 1 -248-353-1300

Don' t miss this sale.

H O N D A 1996 P a s s p o r t , - 4 x 4 , red, low miles, exc. cond. , $10,500/best . (248) 486-1254.

H U M M E R 1997, 4 door wagon , 6.5 turbo, loaded, exc. cond. , 60k mi., $48,900. 810-634-1255

iy loaded, Bose stereo, sunroof , 11k, $29,000. (248) 647-8673

INFINITY 2000 Q X 4 - l imited edit ion, 12k miles, loaded, j ade silver green, $31,500. Ask for Heidi or Paul: (734) 721-0070 After 6pm: (248) 661-3512

INIFINITY 2001 QX4 , 23k mi., fui ly loaded, 6 CD changer . $29,500/best . (313) 886-8296.

ISUZU 1999 Amigo, 10K, ful ly equipped, priced to sell, $15,980 John Rogin Buick 734-525-0900.

ISUZU 1994 A M I G O - Remov-able hard-top, dark red, cute little truck, $2799. T Y M E A U T O (734) 455-5566.

FORD R A N G E R 2000- loaded, mint cond., 9 ,500 miles. $17,900 firm. 734-459-7951

FORD 1996 Ranger STX, 4 x 4 , 5 speed, loaded, extended cab, new 31" tires, 72K miles, $9950.


FORD 2000 Ranger XLT, 4x4, 4 door, 4L, auto, loaded, $21,000/ best. 248-212-6265.

FOR E X P L O R E R SPORT 1998 every opt ion, l ike new 80k mi les $13,000/f l rm (734)397-8258

F250 2000 4x4 diesel supercab Eclipse sport package, low miies, $32,000. 248-477-8692

G M C 1999 J i m m y - 2 door, 2x2", 54K miles, pewter, great cond., $10,950 firm. 248-683-4340

EXPLORER 1999 2dr sport. Ali power, auto, CD, low miles. $16,100/best. (734) 453-1795

EXPLORER 1994 Eddie Bauer -black w/leather, loaded, extra clean, $8700. (248) 855-6735

EXPLORER 1994 Limited, 4x4, leather, CD, moonroof, new tires, exc. cond., 99K miles, $9500. 734-676-6625.

E X P L O R E R , 1996, L imi ted. Loaded, leather, sunroof, 4 dr., C D , 7 1 K m i l e s , s e r v i c e d . $12,000/best. 248-738-1438

EXPLORER 1993 Limited - Very

good cond. Moonroof. $4900/ est. 734-432-9231

EXPLORER, 1993, runs good, new engine, trans. $5,000/best. After 6pm. 734-467-7721

EXPLORER 1996 Sport, 2 dr., a i r , 5 4 , 0 0 0 mi les , l o a d e d . $11,500. 248-540-3924

EXPLORER, 1996 Sport , 2 dr. 4x4, 62K, auto, loaded, sunroof, cd. $8600. 734-427-9748

EXPLORER 1994 Sport , 77k miles, plum beauty, V6, stick, 2 dr. $8500. (248) 684-2879

EXPLORER 1995 Sport , new brakes, hi-way miles, moonroof , $8000/best. 734-462-3842.

EXPLORER 1997 Sport , 4x4, a u t o , l o a d e d , e x c . c o n d . , $16,000/best. 248-797-2741.

EXPLORER, 1996 Sport 4x4. 74K miles, loaded, good condi-t ion, $8900. 734-394-0012.

EXPLORER, 1999 - 4x4 2 door White, feather, moonroof , CD, 18K miies, warranty, $16,900.


EXPLORER. 1999 XLT. AWD, V8, loaded, 35K, exc. cond., $16,900. (734) 678-4232

EXPLORER 1997 XLT - 4 door,

EXPLORER XLT 1 9 9 6 , 4 dr. V6, 4 W D , auto, towing, leather, alarm, ext. warranty, 38,000 mi les, or ig ina l owner , exc. $14,400. 313-382-2760

EXPLORER 1998 XLT - V8, black, moonroof, leathers, tires, 69k, $15,000. (734) 453-0850

EXPLORER 1997 XLT - V8, ieather, moonroof , new tires. 60K. $12,499. 248-626-8022

EXPLORER 1997 XLT - 4x4, gray, low miles, 6 CD changer, $14,250. 248-865-7797.

EXPLORER 1995 XLT - 4x4, 104K, moonroof, leather, new tires, $9800. 313-537-2079.

EXPLORER 1993 XLT - 4x4, leather, 130k, hitch, cd, «4Rnn/ho<!t

G M C JIMMY, 1995 - showroom cond. Gorgeous. 120K miies, No rust. $6850. 313-527-4409.

G M C 1995 J immy SLE - 4 dr., 4x4, 90K, loaded, black/black, $9000/best. 248-398-2217

G M C 1998 J immy SLE, exc. cond., 61800 mi., auto starter, new tires, t ow ing package, $13,800. (248) 363-2905.

G M C 1995 J I M M Y SLE loaded, 4 dr, 4x4, V6 Vortec, 11 OK, $7500/best. 313-937-3377.

G M C 1996 J immy SLS, 4 dr., 4x4, red, only 15,000 miles, per-fect condit ion. $15,S00/or best offer. (248) 857-2917.

G M C 1995 J I M M Y SLS 4x4, 87K miles, exc cond., $10,500/ best. days 248-543-2262

eves 810-274-9621

G M C J IMMY S L T 1997 leather, all power, tow package, CD, 30K, $14,200. 248-540-8423.

G M C J I M M Y # S L T 1 9 9 6 . Loaded, Exec. cond. $8,500. Ask for Mark (734)422-5211

ISUZU 1997 R O D E O 4x4, auto , air, cruise, tilt, 8 8 K miles, orig-inal owner , female non-smoker . $9,900. (248) 348-6215

ISUZU 1999 Trooper, low miles, fully equipped, pr iced to seil, save thousands now only $14,980. John Rogin Buick 734-525-0900.

ISUZU 1995 Trooper S E -Loaded. 60,000 miles. Exc. cond. $13,500. 734-261-5093.

J E E P 1994 Cherokee, air, key-less entry, tilt, great condi t ion, S U P E R CLEAN! 98K miles, ask ing $4500. 734-634-6416

JEEP, 1987 Cherokee, 4.0, air, 5 speed, low miles, 1 owner, no rus t , m i r a c u l o u s c o n d i t i o n , $4,100/best . (248) 478-3669.

(Obseruer ^ * la&centric


Sr L.' .¥

r i . n o f

828 Jeeps/4 Wheel Drive

LINCOLN 2001 Navigator -Biack w/ tan leather, 12,300 mi., GPS, 6 C D changer & more. $42,000. (248) 568-3113.

M E R C E D E S 1999 ML430 -Silver, gray leather, ioaded, $36,500. (248) 203-1757.

M E R C U R Y 2000 Mountaineer -midnight blue, ioaded, 7,000 miies, $26,000. 734-283-4602

MERCURY 1999 Mountaineer Midnight Blue, Loaded V8, 31K Miles. $23,500.

(248) 909-4960

M E R C U R Y 1997 Mountaineer, loaded, biack, leather, CD, exc. cond, $12,900. 734-459-4825.

MERCURY Mountaineer A W D 1998 - Loaded, 4 dr., black, leather $18,750 (248)586-9797

MOUNTAINEER 1997 - A W D , auto, V8, leather, loaded, exc cond., $14,500.

Call after 6pm 734-394-2851

MOUNTAINEER 1997 V-8, 5.0, leather, power, CD, all wheel drive, Forest Green, 79,000 mi. Excellent condit ion. $15,000/ best offer. 734-525-6476.

MOUNTAINEER 1999 4 W D -V6. 25,000 mi. Loaded. Exc. cond. Must self. $19,500.


MPV 1998 - 4x4, 57,000 miles, loaded, $13,900.

(734) 464-839C

PATHFINDER 1992 - gooc cond., auto, 4WD, tilt, cruise. CD. $6200 (248) 674-7456.

JEEP 1999 Cherokee Classic 4x4. 4 Door, 86K, air, power windows/ locks. $14,000. (313) 359-3764.

J E E P 1996, Cherokee Country 4x4, auto , air, 4 . 0L Hitch, cru ise 93k, $9550. 248-682-7424

J E E P 1992 Cherokee Ltd. Black, fully ioaded, tan leather interior, exc. cond., one owner, 90K miles, $8,500. 248-644-2012.

J E E P C H E R O K E E sport, 1997 4x4, auto, air, full power, new t i r e s / b r a k e s , 9 9 , 0 0 0 m i l e s , $8995 , (248) 797-7089

J E E P 1998 Cherokee Sport -4x4, 4 liter, cassette, new tires, Al loy wheels, power opt ions, 6 3 , 0 0 0 m i l e s , e x c c o n d . , $11,000. 248-594-0496

JEEP 1998 Cherokee Sport, 4x4, 4-dr., auto, hitch, very clean, $11,200/best. 734-425-8285

JEEP 1998 CHEROKEE, Spoi t , 4 dr. 4wd, green, Sony CD, 73k mi. $9,999/best- 248-506-4446

J E E P C H E R O K E E , 1 9 9 6 . Whi te , ieather, loaded. $13 ,000/ best, must seli. 810-468-3114

G M C J IMMY 1995 SLT 4x4, loaded, trai ler hitch, 73,000 miles, $10,900.

(248) 474-0098

G M C 1999 J i m m y 4x4, 2 dr., pewter, p l /pw/power sunroof, CD, $15,900. (313) 794-4143.

G M C 1999 SLE, Z71. 4x4 Sierra step-side, loaded with extras. After 4pm (734) 397-2344

GMC, 1993 Suburban, new tires/ brakes, 89k mi les, like new, $11,500 or best . (734) 632-0823

G M C 1994 S U B U R B A N 2500 -white, trailer tow package, 98K, 454, extras, exc cond., $12,500/ best work (313) 535-6066

home (517) 552-8864

G M C - 1997 Suburban 4x4, Leather, CD, tow package. 80K, $18,000. 248-417-7974

G M C 1992 Yukon SLE -4x4, good shape, runs great, cd player, remote start, auto trans, trai ler/towing, 91k , $8000 firm.

(734) 728-8967

G M C Y U K O N SLT 1999, fuliy loaded, charcoal gray exterior, gray leather interior, 56k, Exec, cond. $24 ,000 (248)761-9013 for Pics, moorejDil [email protected]

G M C Y U K O N 2000 White, 8500 miles. Trai ler package, ioaded, mint. $29,000. 313-642-1330

GMC, 1993 Yukon, 4x4, 2 door, 86k, mint, w ide body, Amer ican Racing Out law rims, mud track tires, new stereo/speakers & t r a n s m i s s i o n , $ 9 0 0 0 / b e s t .

(810) 231-1992.

G M C 2000 Yukon XL, 4x4, loaded, w/moonroof , red, 14k, $33,900. (248) 476-4242

G R A N D C H E R O K E E Laredo, 1997 - Exc. cond. loaded, $12,000. 313-343-0976.

C H E V Y 1995 Blazer LT - 4 dr., au to , A B S , si lver w/ leather seats, ioaded. Must see. Power w indows, seats, mirrors, door locks, A M - F M stereo & disc player. 130 ,000 mi. $8000.


CHEVY BLAZER 2000- LT, 4 dr., blue ext./charcoal int., loaded w/CD player, sunroof, power seats, great deal. By or assume $313/mo. lease. (810)574-1005

C H E V Y 1997 Blazer LT, 4wd, 4 dr, loaded, leather, sunroof. 81. $9700 734-591-7927.

CHEVY S U B U R B A N 1994 - all power, air, exc . cond. 2 wheei dr 102k, $12,000. 248-471-3052

C H E V Y S U B U R B A N 2000 LS letaher, loaded, 17,800 miles, $31,000 or best offer (810) 750-8286 or 348-0552

C H E V Y S U B U R B A N LT 1500, 1998 - loaded w/al l opt ions including leather, full power, towing, b iack w/ tan interior, very nice, 85 ,000 miles mostly hwy, $18,500. (810) 530-8709

CHEVY, 1995 Suburban 1500 LT, 5 .7 liter V8, 105k, loaded, ieather, dark blue, 2WD, exc. con., $14,400. 313-884-5237.

C H E V Y 1992 Suburban Sil-verado, 4x4 , ioaded, trai ler p a c k a g e , 3 r d s e a t , b e i g e metal l ic , excel lent condi t ion, $11,500. 734-591-6438

C H E V Y 1994 SUBURBAN, 4x4, ve ry c l ean , $10 ,000 /bes t .


Chevy 1994 S10 4x4, ZR2, black, rol lbar, new t ire/brakes, 1 owner, $9000 . 810-231-0902.

C H E V Y 1997 Tahoe LT. Dark green, tan leather, super clean, excel lent condi t ion, 64K miles, 18,500. 248 672-7995

C H E V Y T A H O E 2000 LT -loaded, 20k , biack, $31,500. 810-227-2919 w-734-595-9044

EXPLORER 1999 XLT - 4x4, leather, t ires, moonroof , tow package, $17,900. 248-626-6859

EXPLORER XLT 1997 - 4x4, loaded, exc cond., tow package, 48K, $14,200. (734) 464-8093

EXPLORER 1994 - 4x4 XLT, 4 door, green/gray, 97,000 miles, $5800/best. 248-822-0114.

F O R D 1995 Bronco XLT 351 auto, loaded, Red. air, tilt, cru ise, remote a la rm. New b r a k e s / t i r e s / s h o c k s / A B S . $9,950. 248-486-4218

FORD B R O N C O xlt 1990 5.0, 302, brand new engine, runs and looks good, $6000.

(734) 397-6961

FORD B R O N C O xlt 1990 5.0, 302, brand new engine, runs and looks good, $6000.

(734) 397-6961

FORD 2001 Escape XLT 4x4 auto, black/grey, sunroof, CD, $21,500. 248-346-7997

FORD 1997 Explorer, Eddie Bauer - AWD, loaded, white, 76K, $16,750. 248-344-0813

FORD 1997 Explorer Eddie Bauer - G o o d Y e a r t i res.

248-338-2900, Ext. 3

F O R D EXPLORER 32K miles, new tires, exc. cond., double cd, full -power, 4 dr., roof rack, $17,500. (248) 353-3592

FORD EXPLORER PREMIUM SPORT 1997 4x4, loaded, sun-roof, cd, exc. cond., $12,500 or best (734) 524-0984

FORD EXPLORER 1998 Sport, black, all power, exc. cond. must see. 55,000- miles, $11,900.


FORD 1996 Explorer Sport, 4x4, 2 door, 53,000 hwy miles, auto, air, trailer tow package, exc cond., $10,999. 248-842-3077

FORD 1997 Explorer Sport XLT ioaded, 60k miles, exc. cond., $14,000/best. (734) 699-7210

G R A N D C H E R O K E E 1 9 9 5 Laredo - wel l equipped, very clean, $9,500. (734) 451-1054

G R A N D C H E R O K E E 1 9 9 5 Lardeo, Whi te . 4 W D , wel l main-tained, good cond. pw, ps, pre-mium sound w/cd, tow package. $8350. (248) 591-9117

G R A N D C H E R O K E E 1998 Laredo, 57k mi., warranty, exc. cond. $13,900. 248-855-9685,

G R A N D C H E R O K E E 1999 Larado 4x4, 6 cyl., auto., 30K, Exc. cond, $18,500.


G R A N D C H E R O K E E 1 9 9 4 Laredo 4x4, ioaded, 64K, show room new, $10,995.

Fox Hills Chrysler-Plymouth-Jeep

734-455-8740 1-800-494-9481

J E E P 1999 Cherokee, 4x4, under 50,000 mi les, 1 owner , $15,400. 734-261-5291

J E E P 1996 G r a n d Cherokee Ltd., 6 cyl., exc. cond., mos t opt ions, black/black, 78K mi,, $11,900. 248-203-9798.

J E E P 1996 Grand Cherokee Ltd fui ly loaded, leather, exc cond. , $12,900. 810-678-8356.

J E E P 1998 Grand Cherokee -4x4 Laredo, c lean, 32K miles, leather, loaded. 248-442-0497

JEEP, 2000 Grand Cherokee, 4 W D , Laredo, 12K miles, leather, pr iced to seli. 248-797-8382.

J E E P 1999 G r a n d Che rokee Laredo , b iue, V 8 , 37 ,000 mi les , loaded, heated leather seats , 10 d isc CD, $ 2 2 , 0 0 0 or a s s u m e lease. 248 -723 -5524

J E E P 1993 Grand Cherokee Ltd 84K, black, ieather, 6 cyl, loaded $7995/best . (734) 261-4219

RANGER 2000 extended cab. 4 x 4 , 1 yr. lease takeover, $270/ mo. (734) 425-9795.

RANGE ROVER county 1994 CA car, loaded, new stereo, no rust, 107K miles, must sell $12,500/best day 313-653-5043 evening 248 554-9808

830 Sports & Imported

A U S T I N HEALY 1965 - 3000 MK 111, Class A condit ion,

(248) 442-0372

B M W 1995 325 Convert ible - 6 cyl., auto, esc, CD, power every-th ing, new tires, rims, battery. Mint cond. Transferable war-ranty. 50,000 mi. $22,000/best offer. 248-442-0127

B M W 1989 325 Convert ible -Exc. cond., auto, air, CD, new top, exhaust, tires. 112,000 mi. Silver w/black leather. $7200.


B M W 1989 635 CSI Great condit ion Loaded, black. Even ings (248)626-4874 , Days (248)737-9059 $10,000

B M W 1988 528e - biack, black leather, sunroof, high miles, $1,500. (313) 881-9347

BMW 2002 -1976 Excellent con-dit ion. $3200. 248-851-1318 E-mai l Iew1919 © a o i . c o m

B M W 1995 540i - all opt ions, cd, sunroof , traction, heated seats, 68k, $23,800. 248-417-9830

BMW, 1995 325i - Auto, white, black ieather, 4 door, sunroof, t ract ion/ABS, CD, loaded, exc. cond. 55K miles, pr iced to seil, mov ing to Europe $17,700. 248-540-1253 or 248-346-3301.

B M W 1994 525i black, excel lent condit ion, 60K miles, loaded, sand leather, sunroof, t ract ion control. $17,500 or best offer.

(248) 345-1370

B M W 2000 328i, black, leather, 32K miles, loaded, 5 speed, Bi izzak snows. $29,900.

(248) 552-4098

RANGE ROVER, 2001, 4.6 HSE, 7500 miles, Bleinham silver with ebony ieather interior, navigat ion sys tem, excellent condition. $59,500.248-544-2879

RANGE ROVER 1990-80K, good cond., vehicle runs but needs work. $5,000. 248 698-3745.

RANGE ROVER 1997 - 4 WD, 4.0L, low miles, loaded, white w/tan leather, sunroof, 5-CD, Texas car, no rust, $28,000.

313-949-9980, 248-433-5295

Suburban G M C 1998 - tow pkg, 3 seats, 4x4, loaded. $19,500.

248-474-5407, 248-417-2771

SUBURBAN 1989 4x4, 8 pas-senger, original owner. Fully ioaded. $4900. 734-427-0473

SUZUKI 1998 - Loaded, 4cyl, CD, green/si lver, 37K mi. Exc. cond. $11,000. 313-387-2447

TAHOE, 1999, loaded, 4 wheel drive w/tow package, 4 door w/cargo doors. (248) 763-7548

T A H O E 1996, 69,000 miles, clean, $13,500 or best offer. Call Mark at 734-513-8985.

T O Y O T A 1995 Tacoma SR5. V-6, 4x4, ext. cab. Exc. cond. 112K, $12,200/best. 313-794-0828

T O Y O T A LAND Cruiser, .1996 -Mint cond., 60K miles. New tires, new brakes, fully loaded, $27,000. 248-310-9721.

TOYOTA 1996 Land Cruiser, loaded, only 51K, great cone, $22,000/best. 313-822-2623.

T O Y O T A LANDCRUISER 1974 4 speed, straight six, removable top. (248) 738-2737

TOYOTA LAND CRUISER 1986 G r e a t s h a p e . T e x a s c a r . $10,500. (810) 558-6556.

TOYOTA 1997 Rav 4. 4 Door, 4x4, 5 speed, air, am-fm cas-sette, $12,500. (734) 449-946S

TOYOTA 1999 RAV4 100,000 mile extended war-ranty, 4 door, AWD, power locks/ w i n d o w s / m i r r o r s , A B S , air, cruise, 29,300 mies, $16,500.


T O Y O T A 1998 RAV 4 - 52,000 miles, clean, air, 4x4, auto, CD, $13,800. 734-718-8110

b o t h t o p s , 3 , 5 0 0 m i l e s , $21,500.

Wes t land (734) 721-1144

J E E P 2000 SE Wrangler , auto, red, 1K, Pr iced t o sell. Save! John Rogin Buick 734-525-0900,

J E E P 1988 Wrang le r 6 cyl, manual, hardtop, air, 140k, looks great $4000. 248-394-1025.

J E E P W R A N G L E R 2 0 0 0 o a n a r a loaueu, uuai io j j , 13K miles, $22,000.

(313) 622-7348

J E E P 1997 Wrang le r Saha ra • green & tan, 4.0L, 5 speed, 69K miles, hard/soft tops, C D pre-m ium sound, warranty, c lean, $12,500/best . (248) 651-2730

J E E P 1997 Wrangler Sport -b iack, low miles, perfect shape, $15,000. 248-563-0821

Wrang le Spo i l , vers tone metall ic, hard & soft tops, $18,500. 248-305-8325.

J I M M Y 1986 runs great, $2600 or best offer. Cai l after 6 p.m.

(734) 464-1511

G R A N D C H E R O K E E 1996 Lim-ited - 70,000 mi. Exc. Sunroof, heated leather seats. Loaded. $14,900. 734-397-5031

G R A N D C H E R O K E E 1996 Lim-ited - Mint condit ion, loaded, 99k. $10,500. 734-981-5133.

G R A N D C H E R O K E E 1994 Lim-ited - 87K m i „ loaded, exc. cond. $8475/best. 313-538-7914

G R A N D C H E R O K E E 2001 Lim-ited, black, all factory opt ions, 10K, $27,995.

Fox Hills Chrysler-Plymouth-Jeep

734-455-8740 1-800-494-9481

G R A N D C H E R O K E E L T D 1993, 88k mi., whi te /brown leather, fully loaded, t inted win-dows, p remium sound, exc. cond., $7795. (248) 879-9233.

G R A N D C H E R O K E E 1995 LTD - dark red beauty, power moon-roof. Th is o n e has it al l, $5999. T Y M E AUTO (734) 455-5566.

G R A N D C H E R O K E E 1993, V8, loaded, exc. cond. , 160k hiway mi. $5500/best . 810-629-0069

J IMMY 2000 S L E - 4 dr., 4x4, loaded, 15K miles. Cost $30K. Mint. $19,000, (248) 338-4586

J IMMY SLT 1997 4 W D , 4dr, 44k , sunroof, loaded, mint cond. $13,900. (248) 669-6639

J IMMY 1995 - 4 W D , good cond, loaded, leather, new tires/brakes. $6900/best. 248-592-9959.

J IMMY, 1989, 4x4. Newer motor & many new parts, receipts avail-able. $4,700. 734-525-4717

L A N D ROVER 1999 Discovery Whi te , Tan leather, 34K miles. D e a l e r s e r v i c e d . P e r f e c t . $24,000/best . 248-706-0638

LANDROVER, 1994 Discovery. Blue/tan, 7 passenger, dual sun-roofs, $12,900. (248) 738-0648

L A N D ROVER Discovery 1996 T a n leather, 60k miies, Recent tune-up, $19,000 (248)477-1533

L A N D R O V E R 1997 Discovery SE. 46,000 miles, exc. cond. , many opt ions, $18,500. Cal l after 6 p m 248-553-6750

LANDROVER 1999 Discovery, 4x4, leather, fuii power, customer front bumper, towing pkg. 72 ,000 hwy miles. (517) 548-6521

L E X U S 2000 RX 300 A W D , Biack, gray ieather, moonroof . Nak stereo $33,200 248-477-2468

T O Y O T A 4 R U N N E R 1993 SR5 - V6, 4x4, white, manual trans, sunroof , CD, power , 130k, $10,200/best. (248) 478-2758

T R A C K E R 1999 - 4 door, 4x4, air, 16K, $10,500/best.

(248) 647-5484

W R A N G L E R 1998- 4 cyl., soft top, air, cd, 43k, $13,000, 248-351 -3612 248-569-1994..

B M W 1998 528i, black on biack sport package, 17" bolted sport wheels, power moon, automatic, p o w e r e v e r y t h i n g , l e a t h e r , heated seats/steering, 34,312 m i l e s , n e v e r s e e n s n o w , $29,900. Larry: 248-363-8997

830 Sports & Imported

B M W , 2 0 0 0 M R o a d s t e r . Metall ic si lver/black leather. No winter driving, enjoy the fun & performance of a true sports car. Must sell, $37,300.


B M W , 2 0 0 0 M R o a d s t e r , Metall ic si lver/black leather. No winter driving, enjoy the fun & performance of a t rue sports car. Must sell, $37,300.


BMW 1995 M 3 - white, sunroof, exc cond., 8 7 K miles, $15,000/ best. (734) 260 -9854

B M W 1997 318t i , auto, air, CD, moonroof , 5 4 K mi., dea ler main-tained, $14,750. 248-681-4502

BMW 318t i 1995 7 0 K miles, mint condi t ion, $12 ,500 or best offer. Ser ious inquir ies only.

(734) 972 -8730 for detai is

BMW 1999 Z-3 , 2 .5 Liter, 5 speed, 6 ,000 miles, excel lent condit ion. $28,900, (734)525-1785, (734)525-0980

BMW Z3 1996 - 1.9 5speed, Black leather, low miles. Never seen snow. 248-788-4108

Sports & Imported,

C O R V E T T E 1995, triple black, 6 ; speed, 29k mi, CD/ loaded, mus t " see. $20,000. 248-420-3881 .,r.

C O R V E T T E , 1969, T-Top, 390 / ' 427, auto. , original owner , best-' over $27,000. (734) 668-6183. "

C O R V E T T E 1975, T/TopS, pfet-^ inum silver, new black interior,-automat ic must see. $8,000.

(734) 281-808£

C O R V E T T E 1987 - V8, 5 9 ^ mi les, auto, AC, all power, ex& cond. $12,000. 313-388-8796. ~

CORVETTE 1996, white/red int=,, r e m o v a b l e hard top , loaded,,. 29,900k, $22,900. 810-750-3G|51

C O R V E T T E 1986 - whi te w /b lue , i n t e r i o r , a u t o , r e m o v a b l B -hardtop, 80K miles, $850tf . (810) 739-8938 after 5 p m .

C O R V E T T E Z06 2001 - private*-owner , 1000 miles, stored Inside w/car cover, mint cond., $44,800/ best. (248) 4 7 7 - 9 9 5 9 ;

CHEVY C A M A R O black Z28 1994 exc. cond. , very clean, 6 speed, ali n e w Michel in Z R 1 7 pilot t i res. New 17" Datata chrome whee ls , s tored winters, looks & runs like new, dealer-ship mainta ined, stock wheels included. 3 7 K miles. $10,999.

734 451-7456

C H E V Y C O R V E T T E 1992 . . . conve r t i b l e , b lack/b lack,

l o o k s l i k e n e w . L o w mi leage, yr 2000 chrome

wheels. $18,500. 7 3 4 4 5 1 - 3 2 7 1

B M W 1992 535i - black/tan, auto, CD, $12,000/best, Excel-lent condit ion, (248) 542-0239

B M W 3181 - 1997 Black w/Black leather, sport package, sunroof , cd changer , 5spd, 74,000 miles. $15,000, 248-767-6075

B M W 1991 850i - black w/gray leather, auto, 69k, $24,500. Can v iew in Southf ield 734-482-1684

B M W 740i 1997 • Cashmere/tan, perfect Florida car 44k miles, standard BMW options $33,000 Days (248)203-2448 Evenings before 9pm (248)540-9668

B M W 1998 323ic - pre-cert i f ied, sport package. 38,500k miles, $28,000. 810-484-5999

B M W 1997 31 Si - 4 dr., black, leather, auto, CD, loaded, certi-f ied preowned, exc cond., 4 4 K miles, $21,900, 248-980-3133

B M W 1996 328i - 4 dr., Red, 67k miles, exec, cond., sunroof , a u t o , n e w t i r es . $ 2 1 , 0 0 0 . (248)628-4722

B M W 1996 328i - 4 dr., Red, 67k mi les, exec, cond. , sunroof , a u t o , n e w t i r e s . $ 2 1 , 0 0 0 (248)628-4722

B M W 328i 1996 - green, loaded, leather, sunroof, heated seats, t ract ion control, remote start, 44K, $21,500. 248-647-9350

B M W 535i 1990 - Immaculate. Auto, 93K, sunroof, phone, CD, ABS, $10,850. (248) 344-1957

BMW 330i, 2001 - Immaculate, purchased in Aug. 2000. No acci-dents. $37,000. (248) 505-8749.

B M W 1998 740 IL - black on black, warranty, mint, loaded, 35 ,000 miies, $38,900.

Days 248-594-0100

B M W 740iL 1997 - Black, w / saddle int., very wei l maintained, asking $29,000 (248)540-1424

BMW 7401L 1998 - Florida car , white/tan, phone, ioaded, war-r a n t y . $ 3 4 , 5 0 0 D a y s 248-203-2448 Evenings before 9pm 248-540-9668

C H E V Y C O R V E T T E 1 9 9 3 excellent condi t ion., black, 20K miles, l isted for $19 ,500 (734) 522-0935 leave messege

C H E V Y C O R V E T T E 1 9 8 1 44,000 miles, 4 speed, two-toned maroon, good condit ion, $8,000. (248) 349-1543

CHEVY C O R V E T T E 1986 two-t o n e d , b e i g e a n d b r o n z e , leather, auto, loaded, warranty, service manua ls , 65 ,000 miles. $10,800. (734) 266-1890

CHEVY Z24 1999 convertabie-mint. cond, low miles, loaded. $ 1 5 , 5 0 0 . 7 3 4 - 4 2 2 - 4 8 1 9 , 734-523-1348.

CORVETTE 1994 All black, very ciean, 6 speed, new tires/brakes, $15,900. Livonia 313-920-7887.

C O R V E T T E 1985 ali new parts & engine. New paint job. 1st $7000 takes it. 810-757-6912

C O U N T A C H R E P L I C A 1 9 8 4 -Fiaro many spai;©1

parts, and mo lds , -8 0 % complete. $10,000 or best . Offer. (810) 227-6204 , „

D O D G E 2000 Viper R T / l t f - t steel gray, 450hp V10, h a r d sof t - top, 5 ,000 miles, 2 yr leaee,-$1476 mo. (248) 3 2 1 - 0 1 2 ] -

FERRAI , 1992 348TS - Red/ Tan, 15K and 30K service, $71,000. 810 -929 -60§6c

FIAT 1981 Spider Pinlnfariria.', Very low miles. Exc. cond. Red. $6500. 1- (734) 241-8269. ...

Green T a g Sale over 200 used-cars all green tagged with r o c k " : bot tom clearance prices to move / this week . Our best select ion of the year . Te legraph So. o f - 1 2 Mile. 1-248-353-1300 '

Don' t miss this sale.

T e l M a R O F F H Y U N D A I 2000 air, 5speed„ : 29k, 35mpg. $8300/best . 10?r warranty. (734) 522-2777<

H Y U N D A I ELANTRA GLS. 4 door, 7 2 K miles, 1.81-4V, auto, ' air, casset te , all power , repa i red" acc ident , good condit ion. $ 2 3 & T or best offer. (313) 323-68S6 r

©H Y U N D A I S O N A T A 1995. V6, auto, air, power e q u i p -ment , sunroof. 68K miles,-$4900 . 810-986-357,1"

C O R V E T T E 1994 auto, $3000 stereo, Z R 1 rims, mint, mus t see. $15,000/best 313-770-7160

C O R V E T T E 2000 Black Con-vertible, 6spd. 700 miles, loaded. wk734-481 -5053 734-944-0305

C O R V E T T E 1 9 9 9 : 2 0 0 1 chrome wheels, s t ick , g iass top, loaded. $33,900. (248) 346-0846

C O R V E T T E 1988 Convert ib le 4+3 stick. 3 6 , 0 0 0 mi. Loaded. Exc. cond. $18 ,000 or best offer.


C O R V E T T E 1998, convert ib le, auto., pewter w/b lack top, exc. cond., s to red winters, 35 ,000 miles, $35 ,500 . 248-332-9065

C O R V E T T E 1999 Coupe, auto, glass top, no w in ters , red, exec-utive t ransfer red, mint , loaded, $33,000. (734) 464-2415.

CORVETTE, 2000, Coupe, black/ black interior, auto, loaded, 10K mi, adult owned , garage kept. $39,500. 313-582-9111

C O R V E T T E 2001 Coupe, black/ black, high po l ished wheels, sport seats, CD, auto, 1200 miies, $39 ,000 . 248-577-5305

C O R V E T T E 1992 Coupe, black/ black, 72K, auto, exec, cond, $14,500. (248) 684-0612

B M W 1993, 735iL - 98K, cell phone, CD, white, beige interior, sunroof , $11,000. 248-709-7710

B M W 1998 740 iL, 64 ,000 miles, $32,800 or best offer. 248-789-6161 248-334-1441.

B M W 1998 740 IL, 64 ,000 miles, $32,800 or best offer. 248-789-6161 248-334-1441.

W R A N G L E R 1 9 9 5 5speed, 56k, hardtop, Red cond. $8900. 517-548-3412

4 c y ' , . Exc

W R A N G L E R 1999 - dual tops, black, premium wheels & sound, air, $17,900 248-553-4907

W R A N G L E R 2000 Sahara • loaded, dual tops, auto, air, under 12k miles, $20,000/best, (248) 615-1578

W R A N G L E R , 2000 SE - Auto, cruise, cassette, fog lights, 28K miles, $16,000. 248-343-2235

W R A N G L E R 1997 - soft top, 4x4, 19,000 miles, mint c o n d , CD, $14,500. (734) 462-9353

W R A N G L E R 1998 Sport, 6 cyi., 49k, Green, hard/soft tops, manual, $14,000. 810-264-5239.

WRANGLER, 1997 S p o r t , 6 c y l „ 40K, perfect condit ion, CD, air, 5 speed, $15,200. 734-657-3829

W R A N G L E R 1997 Sport -43,000 mi. Dual tops, 5 speed, CD, air. Exc. cond. $13,000.


W R A N G L E R 1993, white 6 cyl,, auto., air, cd, Florida Jeep 108K. $8000 248-474-0927

Y U K O N 1999 SLT, silver/grey, mint condit ion, 21,000 miles, $24,500. (248) 879-0351.

AUDI A4 1997 - AWD, auto, exc cond, f lashy red, taupe interior, heated seats, 6 -CD changer, 71K, $14,500 (248) 634-6922

AUDI 1996 A6. 40K miles, leather, sunroof, auto, V6, very Clean. $16,500. (248) 872-3226

AUDI A4 1999 2.8L, Quattro, Silver, leather, loaded, sunroof, 23k. $24,500. 313-640-3952

AUDI A4 • 1998 Pearl White, loaded. New tires. 50k. Exc Cond. $20,000, 248-524-7856

AUDI 1998 A4 1.8T - Auto/ Tiptronic, p/moonroof, Bose with 6 CD, heated seats, more. Exc. cond. $16,800 810-755-3451.

B M W 1999, 540i, Manual 6 speed, sports package, 4 door, Sahara, extremely iow mi., snow tires. $41,000. 734-663-1484.

B M W 1997 528i. Oxford g reen w/tan leather, 60K miles, war-ranty to 100k, near perfect cond. $26,800/best . (248) 375-9273

B M W 318 i - 1994 Red, air, e i tnmnf Qfl nnf l milp<;

$11,000/best. 734-612-1185

B M W , 1995 325i - Red, tan inte-rior, 4 dr., sunroof, t ract ion / ABS, CD, exc. cond. 95K miles. $13,000/best, 248-594-6559

B M W 1995 318 IS - auto, 49 ,600 mi., heated seats. Exc. cond. $15,800best- 248-542-6372

BMW, 1993, 325is Coupe. Red, leather, sunroof, CD, fo ld ing seats, $9,500, 313-571-1561

B M W 328is 1998 2 door, auto-matic, black/black 33,000 miies, p remium package, exc, cond. , $24,995/best , (734) 254-0854

BMW 325is 1994 - Green/grey leather, 5 speed, sunroof, cruise, computer, Exec. Cond., 79.6K miles, $13,250 248-661-0893

©B M W 328i 1999 - Si lver/ biack, ai! opt ions, moon-roof. Mint. cond. $26 ,9000


B M W 533i 1984 - 5 speed, 4 dr., black outer, biack leather interior, sun roof, Air, all power, good cond. $2500 (248)649-2513

C O R V E T T E 2 0 0 0 Coupe, si lver/ silver, 6 speed , 2 tops, extras, 4000mi„ $39,900.248-766-7699.

C O R V E T T E C O U P E 1 9 9 9 silver, auto, 2 roofs, 10k miles.

(248) 641-1780

C O R V E T T E C O U P E , 2000 6 speed, t r ip le black, oniy 6000 m i l e s , a c t i v e s u s p e n s i o n . $39,995/best . (248) 433-5588.

C O R V E T T E 2000 Coupe, 6 speed, only 1200 miles, torch red, leather, loaded. Priced t o selll $39,500. 248-477-1344

C O R V E T T E 1987 Coupe, 2 tops, new shocks/brakes/muff ler/ tires, $15,900. (248) 647-1993.

CORVETTE, 1992, Coupe, white/ white, glass top, 133K mi, auto, loaded, $13,000. 810-632-2199

C O R V E T T E 1986 - ivory with removable hard-top. This one has it all. $5800 f i rm. T Y M E A U T O (734) 455-5566,

CORVETTE, 1994, 49K miles, auto, green/tan leather, Bose, like new. $16,900. 734-454-5760

C O R V E T T E 1978 54k miles, 4 speed. Adui t owned . Perfect. $13,500. 734-462-0929

C O R V E T T E L82 - 1979 Just plain beaut i fu l l $11,000.


CORVETTE 1976 - 58,000 miles, good condition, needs some work. $6000. 810-987-7252

C O R V E T T E 1995 - polo . / • J g r e e n , tan leather, auto, x / extras, 2 tops, really c lean,

100K, $18,500. (734) 981-1282

INFINIT11996 G20, black exte- , rior, tan interior, auto, Q'D,. r e m o t e s t a r t , 4 8 K m i l e s , r $10,599. 810-714-4953.

INFINIT11998130 - loaded, n e v t ires, Bose CD stereo, beige, exter ior/ inter ior. 49 ,000 mi. Exc. cond. $17,500, 248-797-1847.

INFINITI, 1990 M - 3 0 - 2 p r ~ coupe, sunroof, Bose, 12CO-changer , exc. cond., 99K actual'-miles, $6500. 248-848-9070-"-

INFINITY 1994 G 2 0 - .exc cond,-b iack, leather, loaded. Furr ' t o : dr ive 73K,$8200.248-661-2559- '

INFINITY, 1998 Q45. Pear l -w h i t e , l o a d e d , i m m a c u l a t e , ' $19,500/best , (810) 987-2948 '

J A G U A R 2000 S Type, 4 liter, wi th memory package. Sport-package & weather package , -topaz exterior ivory intenor, ' • 27 ,500 miles, garage kept;,1; never in snow, ext ra set of !)@wr

t i res inc luded $38,900. (248) 684-6675

J A G U A R 1998 VandenPlas v 42 ,000 miles,, loaded, $35,000/-best. (810) 695-5138 1

J A G U A R 1998 V a n d e n p l a s Z E R O D O W N Assume L e @ e ; 25 remain ing payments at $/;45' + tax. Fully loaded, approx:'1

28,800 mi . (248) 258-6820.

J A G U A R 1998 VandenPla§ , t whi te, 0 down, assume lease S f i $695. 4 4 K mi. 248-333-7852:

J A G U A R 2001 VDP. Silver grey;: 4 dr. Fully loaded. 262

(810) 752-.

J A G U A R XJ6 1997 - Absolutely". Fabulous cond., black/black^' Loaded, 53k miles, $23,500/best .


J A G U A R 1994 XJ-6: b e a u t i f u l c lassic dark green w/ tan I interior. Runs perfect, mainta ined all 106,000 Excel lent condit ion. Must $12,250. Phone Mike H- at-2 4 8 - 3 5 0 - 2 1 9 0 d a y $ ; » 248-646-3714 eves. - "

J A G U A R , 1996 XJ-6 , 67K, loaded, 100K Warranty, neve t ires, $19,995. 248-656-1617.

J A G U A R 1988 xj6, VDP, 36k actual mi. , loaded, interior l ike new. $14,900. (248^ 647-1993

KIA SEPHIA 1999, air, CD,-, manua l t ransmission, 30,000 :

mi., $9500/best . 734-525-8979,

L E X U S 1995 ES 300 - exc-cond., 75,000 miles, $12,500/ best. (313) 382-4452 '

LEXUS 1996 LX 450 - leatfier,'" a l loy whee ls , CD, s u n r d o f f loaded, $25 ,900 .248-354-3253

MASERATI Quattroporte 1§84 S i l v e r / t a n , f u l l y r e s t o r e d * $13,000/best (248)478-43^8-

M A Z D A MELLENIA 1997-Whi te , leather interior, sunroof,~ cd, Cl imate control, 38k mi les r $12,900. (517) 423-4295"

C O R V E T T E 1997 - red coupe/ black. Loaded. 1 yr . warranty. 25K. $31 ,000 248-682-4068

C O R V E T T E 1985 - red coupe, 75k, very sharp, runs great, $8,500/best . (248) 280-4999

B M W , 1998 528I - 5 Speed, loaded, moonroof Silver. 4 0 K Miles, $26,600. 248-348-5970

B M W 1999 323i - 5 speed, spor t package, sunroof, 39K miles, $24,400. 248-593-6897.

B M W 1996 328is - 5 speed, loaded, still under warranty. Red w i t h t a n l e a t h e r i n t e r i o r , $18,500. 248-328-0292.

B M W 325i 1992 • very good cond, 143K, new paint /brakes/ tuneup, $8,250. 248-486-1464

B M W 1995, 5251 Wagon, red w/ tan leather, 51K, $21,000/ best. (248) 649-1923.

AUDI 2000 TT Quattro 17,000 miles, all opt ions, black/biack, $32,000/best. 810-264-9364

B M W 325 i, 1995- white w/grey ieather, exec.cond, loaded, 4 8 K , auto. $21,000 . 248-435-1587

B M W 1998 M3 convert ible. 3 5 K miles, CD, factory warranty. $34,700, 248-589-2700.

C O R V E T T E 1996 - red/gray interior, 14,000 miles, c iean, $27,500, 734-261-5955

C O R V E T T E 1977 - red w/whi te ieather int. Both paint & t r im new. $14,000. 810-677-5796

C O R V E T T E 1985 - silver coupe, auto, 77k, leather, s tored win-ters, $10 ,500 248-330-4665

C O R V E T T E STINGRAY 1971 Coupe, 454CI , W a r Bonnet Yel low/Tan. 4spd. , ps,pb,pw, a/c, 44 ,000 miles. Many awards. 3rd owner . Photos available. Many new original parts. New t ires/brakes etc. $26,495. (248) 474-4845 ka t t® provide.net

C O R V E T T E 1973 St ingray -white, 454 engine, excelient Shape. $13,900. (248) 547-6570

C O R V E T T E 2000 - stored win-ters, si lver/black leather, auto., 2 tops, active handl ing, Bose w /CD, many opt ions, exc cond. , $36,950/best. (248) 738-5859

M E R C E D E S BENZ 1997 C230, exc. cond. , 52k, tilt wheel , Bose, moonroof, $21,500 248-760-1337..

M E R C E D E S BENZ 1998 ML. 320. Black/tan, fuily equipped,-79k, extended warranty t o 85k. $21,900. (248) 646-0899"

M E R C E D E S BENZ, 1965, silver,-l o o k s g r e a t . $ 3 , 0 0 0 / b e s t . '


M E R C E D E S BENZ 1986 56QSL convert ible, Palm Beach, prist, t ine, $17,950. 810-774-9418, '

M E R C E D E S BENZ 1998 SL5d0-convert ible sport w/hardtop. Loyr> miles, $65,000. Call Kevin' a t

(248) 363-11Q1.

M E R C E D E S BENZ 1965 380Sr Roadster . Loaded, 2 tops, 59k. miles, immaculate, Burgundy/, beige $18,500 734-207-5263

M E R C E D E S C230 Compressor'-, (late 1999) - 36K miles, exss-cond., 2 sets of t ires, silver,' $29,000. (248) 808-6483 - ~

M E R C E D E S 3 0 0 C E Coupe* Whi te w/Grey interior 1990 with 99,000 miies. Fla. car in e*@c; c o n d . A l l s e r v i c e r e c o r d ^ $12,900. (248) 932-8817:

M E R C E D E S , 1986, c lean, Reql, 90k, al l the books, Cal. car, e x c r con., $23,900. (248) 770-9393;

i i


830 Sports & Imported

Classifications 830 to 848

Sport s & Imported

M E R C E D E S 1999 CLK 320 C a b • B l a c k . $ 4 7 , 0 0 0 .


M E R C E D E S 2000 CLK430 -coupe , black/black, 10k, loaded, flawless, $57,000. 248-540-2788

MERCEDES 1999 C230 - Sport & C2 packages, new Michelins & mats, 28K, $25,500. 810468-0373

M E R C E D E S C280 Sport, 1997 • 70K, silver, $38,000 new, sell $23,000. (248) 473-4033

M E R C E D E S 1998 E320, A W D , 4' door, auto, silver, low miles. Exc. cond. , snow tires. $39,500. 734-663-1484.

MERCEDES 1990 300E, bur-gandy, low miles, exc. cond., $13,400. After 5pm 810-750-6894

M E R C E D E S 1997 E420, every avai lable option, original owner , dealer maintained, best offer. 734-320-4711

M E R C E D E S 1987 190E, Excel lent cond. 150,000 miles. $6500 . (248) 594-6377

M E R C E D E S E 4 3 0 1 9 9 9 Loaded, 40k miles, mint cond. $43,500 (248)661-2981

M E R C E D E S ML320 1999-black opal , automat ic, ail wheel dr ive, 39 ,000 mites, 1 owner . $31,000.

(734) 997-9643

M E R C E D E S ML320 2000 -Biack, 7K mi, navigation, Bose 6 CD. $36,900/best. 734-462-1312

M E R C E D E S 1988, 5 6 0 S E C coup, white/biue leather, 135k wel l maintained miles. Exc. cond. $12,900. 248-723-9639

M E R C E D E S 1987 - 260SE, exe. running condit ion, $4500/best . (248) 738-5997.

M E R C E D E S , 1984 380SEL. Black 4 dr. w/black interior. 1 Owner . Supreme cond., 140K miles. $7000/best .


M E R C E D E S 1988 420 S E L • e x c e l l e n t c o n d i t i o n , 1 4 0 k , $9,850. (248) 737-7998

M E R C E D E S 1986 560SEL gray/ gray, records, exc., mechanical cond. , no rust., 191K miles, $9,950/best (248f 788-1314

M E R C E D E S 1991 300 SE pear l b iack/ tan leather. Sunroof, ful ly loaded. 137k. Cali fornia car. C h r o m e wheels, f lawless cond. Must see! $11,900. 734-414-0845.

M E R C E D E S 1997 SL600 Black/tan sport, 39K, Flor ida

car. $67,500. (248) 642-5349.

M E R C E D E S 1995 500 S L -black w/slate interior, 15,000 miies, no winters, no rain, pris-t ine, $49,500. (248) 594-8662

M E R C E D E S , 1 9 8 8 5 6 0 S L Roadster - 38K miles, 2 tops. Gray w/beige leather, like new in & out. $35,500. 248-821-4093

©M E R C E D E S 1980 450SL Roadster, 2 tops, exc+, $11,000. 248-344-1952

M E R C E D E S , 1980 450SL. V8, auto trans, loaded. Good cond., $8900 . 248-553-9437

MIATA 1990 - red, 39k, 5 Speed, air, hardtop, extras. Stored win-ter's. $9500. (248) 634-8102

M fATA , 1999 ,10 th Anniversary, 9k mi les, 6 speed, exc.con., air, loaded, $25,900. 810-817-9692.

M IATA 1999 10th yr anniversary edi t ion, 1 of 4000 made, specia l blue, stored winters, 14,600 miles, $19,950. 248-620-7441

PONTIAC 1996 Firebird, For-mula V-8, auto, traction control, meticulously maintained, garage kept, 39K miles. $11,500.

(810) 750-7074

P O R C H E 86944 Turbo - 78K, t iew dr. belt., brakes clutch, tires. Black. $8500 (248)684-9661

P O R S C H E 944, 1984 - black, 100,000 + miies, best offer.

(313) 461-3690.

P O R S C H E 1999 Boxster, black/ black, 14k mi., sports package, $40,000. (248) 347-1565.

P O R S C H E 1999 Boxster, hard top, Aerokit, PT, C F interior, 12K, Ask ing $42,500. 248-594-7686.

PORSCHE, 1998 Boxster. Tr iple b lack, sports package, manual , 12K miles (stored Winters). $36,000. Off ice: 313-567-5297

P O R S C H E 1988 911 Cab , A lp ine White with Gray & Black, 4 6 , 0 0 0 m i l e s . E x c . c o n d . $32,000. (734) 464-1579

P O R S C H E 1993 - 986 Cab. Black, All opt ions. Perfect. Low miles. $30,000. 248-644-1007

P O R S C H E 1999, 911 Cabriolet, not your daddy's Porsche, 20K, $81K+ new. Ser ious inquiries only. Best dr iv ing 911 ever. $70,000. (248) 647-7666 X11.

P O R S C H E 1995 Carrera coupe, Red/Black, exc. cond. Ext war-ran ty . 34k mi les . $45 ,000 .


830 SAAB 1997 - 900s, convertible, dark red, charcoa l leather, immacu la te cond i t ion , 22K. Save $1000'S on this one, $99 down. T Y M E AUTO (734) 455-5566.

SAAB 1995 900s, dark green, power sunroof, heated seats. 68K. $12,000. 810-575-5486.

SAAB 1994 900 SE - auto, 66,700 mi., heated seats. Exc. cond. $9,800/best. 248-542-6372

SAAB 1999 Viggen - l ightning blue, fully loaded, 1,900 miles, $30,400. W. Bloomfield

cell (630) 258-5629

SPYDER 1997 - mint, 4K miles, 5 speed, loaded; $16,500/best.

(248) 681-2282

STEALTH, 1993, black, V6, 5 speed, cruise, alarm, power, 95K, $6,000. 248-393-5403

SUZUKI 2000 Esteem - loaded, 8400 miies, $13,900. Call wkdys 9am-3pm 800-261-5661

TOYOTA 2000 MR2 Spyder. Silver, immaculate, 2,300 miles, $23,500. (248) 706-3160

V O L V O 1994. 850. 52K. Excel-lent condition. 1 owner. $13,500.

(734) 971-3457

V O L V O 2000 S80 2.9 - blue/ gray ieather, 26K, clean, no smoke $30,000. 248-446-1746

V O L V O 1999 S70, GLT, low miles, sunroof, CD, $23,500.

(248) 489-8920.

VOLVO 1998, S70, T5, low miles, moon roof, CD player, $22,000, 248-549-0867

VOLVO, 2000 S 40, white, to assume lease, $355 per Mo., all options, leather, 248-380-1352,

V O L V O 1994, 850 W a g o n Loaded , exc . cond . 150K. $8500. 248-547-0148.

VOLVO 940, 1994 - white, tan leather, moonroof , $7,250.

(248) 853-2101

832 Antique/Classic Collector Cars

AUSTIN HEALEY 1965 3000 MK 111 - exc. cond. Black w/brand new red int. Drives great. $24,500. 248-644-3367

BEETLE 1970 Red, 8K miies. h t t p : / / m e m b e r s . h o m e . n e t / fdepalma3/vw.htm. $6500. (313) 999-4413

BUICK 1982 Rivera convertible, burgundy, Florida car, 66k miles, exc., cond., $14,000.248-698-3191

BUICK 1965 Sport Wagon, V8, auto, new interior, Vista dome roof, $2500/best. 248-437-2582.

CADILLAC 1960 Coupe Devii le. Loaded, blue on blue. $11,600.

(313) 336-8467

CADILLAC 1938 4 door, nice: 1958 cadil lac 2 door hardtop; 1958 Chevy Del Ray.

(248) 546-3747

CADILLAC 1955. Fully restored. Everything new. $18,000. West-land. (734) 729-3711.

CADILLAC 1960, good condi-tion, $5000. (734) 416-8849.

C A M A R O 1969 $4000/best . 1972 Mustang $2300/best. 1993 Chevy Ext Pickup LT1, 350. $13,800/best. (248) 646-1722

C A M A R O RS/SS 1969 Convert-ible • white, white top, red inte-rior, 350/350/3.33, 75 mi les s i nce c o m p l e t e l y r e s t o r e d , $26,500. (248) 433-3493

CHEVROLET, 1957 Belalr. 2 Door hardtop, Matador red, 283 PP, 4 speed, 4 barrel. The ulti-mate Dream Cruiser, fabulous car. Too many i tems to list. Must be seen & dr iven to really appre-ciate. Ser ious inquiries. Asking $ 2 7 , 5 0 0 / b e s t . F r e d ( 7 3 4 ) 645-9740 anyt ime.

CHEVROLET 1937 sedan 2 door, steel body, does not run, needs restoration. $3500. (248) 299-5275

CHEVY IMPALA 1970 2dr. Runs good, needs work. $1600. (248) 926-8077 .734-812-0541

CHEVY NOVA SS 1967. Cali-fornia car, mint cond., must see! $16,500. (734) 397-3323

CHEVY S-10 1989 - 350 auto, trophy winner, exc cond., extras, $7000. (734) 464-8697

CHRYSLER 300 - 1968 Con-vertible, 440 engine, ps, pb, new tires, new dual exhaust system, new battery. Runs & drives great! $8500. (734) 522-8168

PORS5CHE C A R R E R A 911 20*00 Silver w/ black leather,

pension, stainless Tieaders & exhaust , Airetek Induction, short shift , CD, 2600. mi les, Better t h a n n e w ! $ 6 9 , 9 0 0


• P O R S C H E , 1 9 9 5 9 9 3 C2 Coupe. Black/Black, 37K miles. N o w i n t e r s , m a n y e x t r a s . $45,500/best. 248-350-8666

P O R S C H E 1965 Classic red 356C, rare, sunroof coupe, rebuilt engine, excel lent condi-t ion. $12,500 with extras.

Evenings: 248-366-1540

P O R S C H E 2000 996 Coupe -black/black, 6 speed, 18" rims. $67,900. 248-346-7997

PORSCHE, 1981 928. Good c o n d i t i o n w / s h o p m a n u a l , $7900. (734) 207-7793

P O R S C H E 924 1977 - Looks great , engine minor repair , $3500/best (313)533-4454

P O R S C H E 928 1985, metall ic graphi te ext., tan leather int. 3 8 , 0 0 0 mi les, great cond. , $10,500/best 248-770-9503

P O R S C H E 911 Targa, 1982 -biack, 63,000 miles, $17,000.

(248) 608-6483

1987 PORSCHE 911 Targa, Carrera. black w / biack interior, 48k miles, Exec.cond. One owner, $26,500 (248)642-5587

P O R S C H E 911 Turbo Cab 1987 Cobal t blue/tan leather. 55K mi. Rare, California car s ince new. Power top, power seats. Exc. cond. $42,900. 248-644-7414

P O R S C H E 1996 - 993 Twin tu rbo 10,500 miles. Best offer.

(810) 465-9828

SAAB 1999 convert ible, turbo, loaded, f rosted dark grey, 30k mi., $25,000. (248) 932-1867.

S A A B 900, 1991 - 4 dr., 113K miles, 5 speed manual, good cond $4200/best .248-546-8249

S A A B 9-5 2000, manual 2.3 turbo, air, CD, exc. cond. 5,000 mi., $28,000. (248) 685-9127.

| Antique/Classic Collector Cars

FORD 1937 CABRIOLET. Pro-fessional street rod. Unique award-winning show car. Perfect in al! details. Drive and show wi th pride! $54,900. See it all: f i t nessusa .com/ fo rd37 .h tm or call owner at 248-642-5599.

FORD 1950 Custom Deluxe -2 door, new restoration, $12,500 or best offer. 734-591-5911

1938 FORD Deluxe V8 flat head, Al l original. 21,000 original miles. $13,500. 248-647-3294

FORD 1948 2 dr., super deluxe, maroon, KY car. 87K miles, no rust, V8, radio, Fresh air heater , white wal ls , turn signals, spot-light, dua l exhaust. $8995.

(734) 453-9309

CHRYSLER N E W P O R T 1974 77k actual miles, garage kept Runs great! $2,500/best. After 4pm. (810)296-1368

CHRYSLER WINDSOR Coupe 1947- exec, cond., engine just rebuilt, $5000. 248-650-3866

CORVAIR 1967 Monza coupe -110 hp, auto, $1800.

Cali: (734) 453-1195

CORVETTE 1988 Fastback -34K original miles, great snape, c o p p e r t o n e m e t a l l i c , a u t o , $13,000/best 313-336-7841

CORVETTE 1968 427/ 435hp, 4 speed, T-top, 1 owner, Cali-fornia car$22,000.248-651 -2649

C O R V E T T E 1980 - 64K miies, pearl white, dark blue interior, $10,500. (248) 650-9887

FORD, 1961 FALCON, 4 Dr. sta-t ion wagon, only 20k miles, $3,900/best. (734) 632-0829

FORD GALAXY 1965 - 390, black/black, 69k miles, or iginal paint. $5,800 (248)347-6089

FORD LIGHTNING 1994 white with gray interior, auto, 56,000 miles, c lean. Selling because of health problems. $10,000.

(734) 449-5399

FORD 1931 M O D E L A 1931 -rumble seat coupe, good cond., $8500. (248) 540-2106

CORVETTE 1963 Mint restora-tion. Triple Black, Convert ible w i th w i re whee ls . $ 3 4 , 5 0 0 Serious only. (248) 851-8080

CORVETTE 350, rare 1970 con-vertible, completely restored, new top, tires, & interior, less than 2000 miles on box engine. 4 s p „ Ready for Woodward cruise. $23,750. 734-741-8810

C O R V E T T E , 1P76 St ingray. Runs great, extras. $6,000/best.

Call: (313) 336-2323

CORVETTE, 1973, white, 4 speed, 64K original miles, exc. cond. $8200/best 248-449-3305.

C R O W N VICTORIA 1985 Fla car. This is an exceptional car. Must see $2800. 313-292-8671

DART 1964 GT, V8, auto, steering, brakes, exc. cond. $6800/best offer. 734-459-3832

DODGE, 1955, V6 Ton Pickup. Total restoration on low mi leage truck. $10,500. 810-781-4730

F A I R L A N E 1 9 6 9 - 2 d r . , hardtop, light blue, 302 auto, original, $4500. 734-281-8436

1928 Model AA

Ford D u m p Truck

Asking $8,800 or

Best Offer (248) 347-6293

FORD 1920 Model T T Stake -res tored, new par ts , g rea t p a r a d e / p r o m o t i o n a i v e h i c l e , $4800/best. (810) 752-7947

FORD 1923 T-Bucket - 350 Chevy engine, total performance body & chassis. Show car winner! Asking $15,000. 248-960-0574.

FORD T H U N D E R B I R D 1967 V8, 428, P.I. needs cosmet ics , power windows, pb/ps, cruise, $6500. (734) 591 -6292

GALAXY 500 1973 - 52K or ig-inal miles. L ime Green, exc. cond. $340Q/best. 313-537-3489

L I N C O L N 1977 Con t i nen ta l Mark V, excellent cond., 59 ,000 or ig inal miles, 4 6 0 eng ine , mauve, $4500. 248-777-9310

L I N C O L N 1966 Con t i nen ta l Convert ible - 462 engine, sui-cide doors, many new parts, looks & drives great, $8800.

(313) 530-6652

L INCOLN TOWN CAR 1977 4 dr, blue, 20k mi les on rebuilt engine, clean body, must see. $4,800/best 313 526-6947

L INCOLN ZEPHYR 1940 V12-very good cond. New interior. $6,500. 248-650-3866.

MARK 111 - 1 9 7 1 ant ique, good cond. $10,000/best.

(313) 869-8065

M E R C E D E S 280 S E L 1972 -4.5, great cond., newer parts, stored. $7500. 248-569-8083

M U S T A N G 1993 cobra teal wi th gray interior, 5 speed, loaded. 12,000 miles, c iean, $15,000.

(734) 449-5399

M U S T A N G 1966, GT, fastback, K-code. Restored, # 's match, Candy Apple Red/Black stan-dard. Shelby tr im. Sit 's r ight, runs straight & cool. Sol id #2. $17,900. (517) 332-0641

O&E Thursday, July 26, 2001

MARQUETTE 1929 - 3 w indow Couoe, RARE, partially restored, $10,'000/best. 248-360-2208.

MUSTANG, 1966 Convert ib le. Red, b lack interior/top. 6 Cyl . , 200 hp, auto, 57K miles. Not restored, very good cond. Bench f r o n t s e a t , $ 1 0 , 0 0 0 .


M U S T A N G 1983 - 5.0, G T Classic convert ible, $3900.

(248) 541-9099.

M U S T A N G GT 1985 red, wi th gray interior, 20,000 or iginal miles, 5 speed, last carburetor mustang. Original owner , c lean, $10,000 or best. (734) 449-5399

MUSTANG 1966 - hard top, 289 enolne, runs good, good pro ject car" $4500. 734-522-5628

M U S T A N G 1966, 53k Miles, Like new not restored. $12,000/ f irm (313)277-0576

M U S T A N G , 1966, res tored, white/blue Interior, 6 cyl, auto, 200hp, power steer ing/brakes, $6,500. 248-682-5927

NASH Metro 1959 - turquoise & white, hardtop, good cond, man-uals, parts $5500. 248-652-8461

NASH 1927, 230 Sedan - No rust, 4dr. , original paint, uphol-s ter / , engine, 37k miles. Needs restoration. $2500 (810)263-5738 or (810)812-9235

Pinto 1978 Squire Wagon, 4 cy l , manual, 88K originaL Oregon car. $2300/best 248-547-9886.

| Antique/Classic Collector Cars

WOODWARD CRUISER - 1964 Chrysler Newport, 70k original miles, 1 owner to year 2000. Completely restored, push bottom trans. & sq. steering wheel, exc. driver, $16,500. 734-741-8810

LEGEND, 1991. Whi te/beige leather, very clean, ioaded, 82K, $8,200. (248)343-6660

3 .2 T L 1999 - Nav iga t ion system, exc. cond. 68k hwy. miles, new tires/brakes. 100,000k warranty, $22,900.248-661-8039

CENTURY 'S 2001, low miles, fully equipped, 5 in stock, pr iced to sell! Save, now only $14,980. John Rogin Buick 734-525-0900.

-raManoFF Green Tag Sale over 200 used cars all green tagged with rock-bottom c learance prices to move this week . Our best select ion of the year. Te legraph So. of 12 Mile. 1 -248-353-1300

Don't miss this sale.

T 3 M B R O F F LASABRE Custom 2000-leather, 48k, immaculate, h ighway miles, 3 0 m p g , l o a d e d , $ 1 5 , 5 0 0 ,

248-349-1987, 313-570-7167

LA SABRE, 1995 Limited - 71K miles, ful ly loaded, mint cond. $7950. 248-474-0642

LASABRE 1990, loaded, 96K, runs great! $2,900. After 12 noon, (248) 960-3146

LASABRE 1 9 8 9 - 1 owner , very good condit ion, make offer.

(734) 421-2396

LESABRE 1965 300 Cid, V8, Convert ib le 5 2 K miles, l imited product ion, 400 tranny, body good , Inter ior needs work , asking $2,500. 517 549-8385

L E S A B R E Cus tom 1997 ,, „ Exc. cond., extra clean.

6 0 , 0 0 0 m i l es , l o a d e d , $9000/best 734-432-2553

LESABRE 2000 Custom loaded, 5K miles. G M exec. Cost $27K, mint $18,500. (248) 338-4586.

LESABRE 1 9 9 7 . 2 8 K miles, exc. cond., leather, power seats, FL. car. $11,900. (248) 347-7861.

A L L A N T E 1987 Pristine, Pearl White, hardtop, 17K. Stored win-ters. $19,900. 734-379-3844.

B R O U G H A M 1989 - 4 door, 1 5 0 , 0 0 0 m i l e s , $ 2 8 0 0 .


B rougham 1990 - 4 dr, 170K h ighway, wel l maintained, must see. $2400/best 248-644-6940

CATERA, 1998. Black, leather, loaded, 20K, new tires, chrome wheels, $18,900. (248) 763-1714

C A T E R A 1999 loaded - 9,000 m i l e s , e x c e l l e n t c o n d i t i o n . $18,500/best . (810) 268-0718

C O N C O U R , 1995 - 4 Dr., black, tan leather, 275HP Northstar System. 78K miles. New engine/ t ires, w/warranty. Exc. cond., $13,500/best . (248) 474-3375.

C O N C O U R S 1996 - Exc. cond. , c ream exterior, leather interior. N o n - s m o k e r . Loaded . 5 9 K . $12,000. 248-932-1226.

C O U P E D E V I L L E 1 9 6 9 Sou thern Car, good. cond. $2,500/best (248)848-4786

Coupe DeVil le 1984 very clean, new engine/t i res, have receipts. $3000/best . (313) 534-3312.

DEVILLE CONCOURS 1999. Midnight blue, 35K, $22,900. 248-681 -6074; 248-935-7980

DEVILLE 1997 Concours - Ivory on ivory, loaded, 42K, Florida car. $19,500. 810-716-8080.

D E V I L L E 1998 D ' E i e g a n c e loaded. 45,000 mi. $23,500.


_ DEVILLE 1995 4 dr, low mileage, exc. cond., leather inte-rior, all the extras,

$12,000/best (313) 935-8234

DEVILLE 1995- Exc. cond. Wel l maintained. Black w/grey inte-rior. Spotless. 62,000 miles. $13,500. Days: 810-753-8084;

Eves: 248-642-1870

PONTIAC 1966 Bonnevi l le -Dream Cruiser Drive home. Beautiful in & out. New brakes. Southern car. $6000 or best .


PONTIAC 1978 B O N N E V I L L E -2 door, c lean, 52K. Must sel l . $4,500/best. (734) 422-7519.

-IOC-? At\r\

convertible. Restored. Great con-dition. $12,400. 248-645-2568

PONTIAC 1967 Firebird convert-ible; super rare 400. Red/black, mint. $27,900. (248) 645-0065

PONTIAC 1964, GTO. Restored, $21,000. (517) 546-7933

PONTIAC 1967 LeMans, mos t Incredible example in Michigan, ail new. $10,200. 248-623-1878

PORSCHE 356 Coupe 1965-Exec. cond, recent restora-

tion, signal red. $22,000. 248-851-1541

LE S A B R E 1997 L imi ted - whi te w/beige leather, fully loaded, exc cond., 74,690 miles, $9500. 248-348-8629, 248-258-1230

L E S A B R E 1992 loaded, leather, CD, exc cond. , new struts/ brakes/t ires, 163K, runs great, $3800/best . 248-582-1031

LESABRE 1990, LTD., brand n e w V 6 3 . 8 G o o d w r e n c h engine, power everything, am-fm cassette, cel l phonem, great running condit ion, $3500/offer. 248-348-1757

LESABRE 1994 Ltd, low miles. 1 owner. Leather, loaded, top cond. $7500. 248-471-6183

LESABRE, 1994, runs great, looks good, very dependable. $4000 313-563-4320.

PARK AVE 1996 41K miles. Black w/gray leather, loaded, exc cond $13,300 734-459-4391

PARK A V E N U E 2000 4 door sedan, dark blue, 10,700 miles, $21,500. 734-427-5028.

PARK A V E N U E , 1995 - Exc. cond., 90K miles. Fully loaded, leather in ter ior . N e w t i res , brakes & battery. $7100.


PARK A V E N U E 1997 - exc. cond., wel l mainta ined, loaded, sunroof, leather. 75K. $14,500/ best. 734-451-9404

PARK A V E N U E 1997 - exc. cond., wei l mainta ined, loaded, sunroof, leather. 75K. $14,500/ best. 734-451-9404

PARK A V E N U E , 1996 - Exc. cond. , 69K mi les. Loaded, Blue, G r a y i n t e r i o r . $ 1 0 , 5 0 0


PARK A V E N U E 1998 - Loaded, mint, 34k miies, ret irees car. $16,250 By appt: 810-573-0676.

PARK A V E N U E 1 9 9 9 , 8 1 0 0 mi., l ike new, whi te/ leather, loaded. $20,500. (248) 652-2797.

PARK A V E N U E 1988 - new t i res/brakes/st ruts , g randma 's car, 120K, $2100. 248-549-8377

PARK A V E N U E ULTRA 1993 112k miles, good cond., super charger, leather, air, Plus Many extras! $5800 (734)425-5008

PARK A V E N U E Ultra 1998 31K miles, sunroof , leather, extra clean, exc. cond. , $18,500/best (734) 699-2994 after 5 p.m.

PARK A V E U L T R A 1998 - 72K, all opt ions, g o o d cond. $17,000. After 6PM, (248) 489-1566

PARK AVE. 1999 Ultra, 32k, r.\"> «1"7 cnrt Cr ta ta Cslo

C a l l : " (810) "231 -3058

REATTA 1990 - loaded, good cond., 127K, red, must see. $3900/best . (248) 538-0555.

R E A T T A 1 9 9 1 - p o l o g r e e n , 39K mi. Stored Winters. Loaded. $14,000. 248-922-9822

REATTA, 1989, red, 100K mi., g o o d w o r k i n g c o n d i t i o n , $2,900. 248-851-1721

REGAL 1997 GS. Exc. cond., loaded, leather heated seats, 38K, $13,000. (734) 454-7386

P O R S C H E 911 Targa (1969) -80% restored, $15,500.

(734) 427-1468

ROLLS ROYCE, 1971 Si lver Shadow, red leather, b iack/gray exterior, 77,500 miles, exc. con. , $16,500. Days, 313-938-0910. or Evenings, 517-546-5899.

28th Annual Classic Pont iac Excitement meet. Sun. July 29. 8-4pm at Hess Hathaway park. Waterford Mi. All makes we l -come. For info 248-623-6530.

T H U N D E R B I R D 1978 hardtop -col lectors, d ream cruiser, mus t see, $3500. (248) 476-2477

T H U N D E R B I R D 1963 - Runs & looks good. $6000/best .

(248) 547-5859.

T R I U M P H 1979 Convert ib le, very good cond., low mi., many new parts. $5500 .248-442-7594

TRIUMPH, 1976 TR7. 4 Cyl., 4 speed, 32K original, $3,000/best. After 6pm: (734) 451-1439

TR IUMPH 1960 T R 3 - g reen/ biack, good cond., exc. 1 owner , 29 yrs, daily driver, no rust, $7000. (248)544-3881.

V O L A R E 1975 - 318 auto, 34k miles, c lean, in-Out, $2500 . (734)425-6607 After 5 p m

V O L K S W A G O N 1973 B u g , excellent condit ion, CD, new engine, $4300. 248-642-9373.

REGAL GS 1999, super charged engine 26,000 miles, almost every toy, have to seil, don't want to. $17,000. 734-421-2226

REGAL 1998 - 36K, sunroof, p o w e r l e a t h e r s e a t s , C D , $14,850. Troy. 248-828-2994.

REGAL 1987 V8, southern car, light brown, exc. cond., must see. $2,800. (313) 592-1987

RIVERIA 1995 86K. dark Red/ lea ther , T u r b o . W i f e ' s car , garage kept $9800 248-865-5020

RIVIERA 1997 V6, sandstone, taupe leather, sunroof, loaded, garage kept, showroom cond., $10,950. (248) 477-9126

RIVIERA 1997 - wh i te d iamond, V8, supercharge, every avaii option, ch rome wheels, spot less & fast. 65K. $14,500.


SKYLARK 1994 - 4dr., all power, air, 48k miles, no rust, exec, cond. $5000 734-422-1701

• j Cadillac

DEVILLE 2000 - loaded, leather, 7 ,000 miles, $33,000.

(734) 453-1985.

D E V I L L E No r t hs ta r 1998 - V8, moonroof, pear l wh i te / l ea the r , new tires, 57K, exc

cond., exceptional buy, $17,500. 734-332-4600 734-332-3800

DE V ILLE 1988 - runs excel lent, l ike new, leather, Taupe, 85K, $2900. (734) 604-9778

840 Chevrolet

BERRETA .1991, as is. $500. (313) 582-4896

BLAZER- 1997, 116K, loaded, black, leather interior, sunroof. $11,000. (248)865-7666.

C A M A R O , 1999 convert ib le, loaded, LT 1 engine, exc. con., $21,500. (248) 651-3475.

CAMARO 1986 IROC, dark blue, 305 tpi, 38k, showroom cond., must see, $11,500. Cali Joe (248) 698-4139.

C A M A R O 1995 - 56K, 5 speed manuai, V6, ABS, purple, pre-mium CD, rear snow tires included, $7500. 248-932-3350.

CAMARO, 1991 RS, air, under 100K, automatic, $4,100/best. Calf after 6pm, 734-464-2377.

A L L A N T E 1992 Convert ib le, l o a d e d , 8 5 K , e x e c , c o n d , $10 ,500 . (517) 404 -9930 ,

(517) 521-1204

A L L A N T E 1993 Northstar - red with b lack top, neutral interior, cus tom whee ls , 31k mi les, $37,000. (248) 362-2624

DEVILLE 1989 - sharp, must see, white-blue interior, new trans, $4900. (734) 425-0423.

E L D E R A D O 1994 - Northstar, 63,000 miles, leather, good cond. $8995/best. 248-442-2523

E L D E R A D O 1 9 9 3 T o u r i n g Coupe, black, w/black leather, sunroof, 95,000 miles, $9500.


E L D O R A D O , 1997. Black, 2 d o o r , l o a d e d , 6 7 K m i i e s , $17,800. (248) 852-7394.

E L D O R A D 0 1 9 9 7 black, 2 door, ex tended warranty inc iuded, 67K mi les, asking $19,500/best .

(248) 646-8932

E L D O R A D O 1997 ETC. loaded, moonroof , silver, 65,000 miles, Bose c d changer, $19,000 or best offer. (313) 215-6277

E L D O R A D O 1998 ETC - Pearl whi te, loaded/moonroof , 25 ,500 miles, $22,500. 248-646-6045.

E L D O R A D O 1985 - H ighway miles. Many new parts. $1500/ best offer. 734-326-6536

E L D O R A D O , 1997, 30K, mint, white, c loth top, ieather seats, $26,900/besi . (734) 697-8267.

E L D O R A D O 1999, low miles, pr iced t o seil, $19,980. John Rogin Buick 734-525-0900.

ELDORADO, 1994, white/navy ieather, Northstar, 103K, beautiful car, $7,500/best. ' 734-420-0278

E S C A L A D E 1999 - execut ive vehicle, non-smoking, burgundy, beige leather, 19K, $36,000. (734) 261-8134 after 5pm

E S C A L A D E 1999, fully loaded w/prepa id Onstar. 39,000 miles, still under original warranty, $35,000. 810-781-6657

E S C A L A D E 2000 - white/tan, exc. cond. , 20,600 mi. Loaded. O n s t a r o p t i o n . T V / V C R . $36,000. (734) 453-6147.

FLEETWOOD 1995 limo - excel-lent condit ion. $14,000. Cal i Bill:

(313) 278-3407.

S E D A N DEVILLE 1996, blue, loaded, leather, remote start, ch rome wheels, perfect! 79 ,000 miles, $13,700. 313-538-1511

S E D A N DEVILLE - 1992. Good cond., 58k mi., loaded. $6800. West land. (734) 729-3711

S E D A N DEVILLE 1983 - 46,000 miles, in storage, drives nice, $2700. 248-477-0419

C A M A R O 1971 RS modif ied. Best offer. 734-455-2653.

C A M A R O 1990 - 5 speed, flow master, ttops, runs great, $3500/ best. (734) 397-1084.

CAMARO 1994 - 5 speed,. 95K miles, green, air, ABS, power win-dows, good cond., dual air bag, $3500/oest. 248-427-9449

C A M A R O 2000 SS convert ible, Metallic blue, tan top, loaded, 14k hwy miles, Exec cond, stored winter. $29,500/best

(248) 641-3036

C A M A R O 1992, 25th Anniver-sary, T-Tops, A labama car, air, manual 5 speed, Hwy. miles. $3200. 734-453-8725

C A M A R 0 1 9 9 7 , Z28, Anniv. Edi-tion, 33k miles, auto, T tops, $15,000. 734-467-5777

CAMARO 1995 Z28 - Blue, Auto, very clean, T- tops. 73K. $9,800. Page 734-398-0007

C A M A R 0 1999 Z28 convertable-black, loaded ,leather, auto. 51 k. $15,900. (248)496-0479.

C A M A R O 1995 Z28 Convert ible mint, poio green, saddle beige top, leather , 4 5 , 0 0 0 miles, $13,900/best. 248-363-2637

CAMARO 1995 Z28 - maroon, ciean. Some fender damage. $8000. 734-254-9291

C A M A R O 1995 Z28 - Perfectly maintained, always detailed, ser-vice records, red, auto, female driven. $8000. 734-397-7885

840 Chevrolet

LUMINA, 1999, LTZ, 3.8L, 41K hwy. miles, loaded, alarm, key-less entry, well maintained, $12,495/best . 313-407-6424

LUMINA 1995 30,000 miies, wel l cared for, all power , cd, $8500. (248) 446-0815

MALIBU 1998 - exc. cond. , bur-gundy, auto, a/c, cruise, CD, new tires, $9000 .248 -601 -1936.

MALIBU 1998 LS- 35 ,000 miles, al! power, CD/casset te , 4 dr., black, $10,500. 248-582-8744

MALIBU 1998 - white, tan inte-rior, exc. cond, 52 ,000 miles,


M O N T E C A R L O 1998, loaded, leather, moonroof , 72 ,000 miles. $9,999. .(248) 892-1177.

M O N T E C A R L O 1997 LS-black, 31,000 mi les, good condit ion, $9,900. (734) 464-9594.

MONTE C A R L O 1996 LS, Bur-gundy, 60K, very c lean, runs great. $7400/best 734-981-3501

M O N T E ' C A R L O , 1997 LS, green, V-6 , 45K, loaded, alarm, $9800. 734-981-4601

M O N T E C A R L O 1997 L S - 43K mi., ioaded. Jade green. 1 owner. $9,900/best . 248-348-3554

M O N T E C A R L O , 1995 LS - Low miles, a luminum wheels , very g o o d c o n d . $ 7 5 0 0 . 810-939-3646 after 3 :30pm.

M O N T E C A R L O 1997 LS Red, loaded, moonroof . Leather $8700.


M O N T E C A R L O 1999 - red/ black leather, loaded, moonroof , cruise. 40K miles, 1 owner. Must see! $13,300/best (734)425-0447

M O N T E C A R L O S S 2000 biack, sunroof, cd/casset te, loaded, $18,000. (810) 714-4024

M O N T E C A R L O S S 2 0 0 0 loaded, sunroof , exc. cond, 21K. $20,500. 248-324-1099

M O N T E C A R L O 1997 Z34 loaded w /sun roof. New tires. 62,000 mi. $8995.734-422-5929

SS IMPALA 1996 - ful ly loaded, 100k war ran ty , 2 sets rims/t ires. $19,000. 248-755-0085

A . C A M A R O Z-28 1998 -Silver, loaded, auto,

leather, CD, ch rome gril l, t-tops, 24K. $16,500. (248) 888-9105

C A M A R O 1995 Z28 - T-tops, 67,000 mi. Stored. New tires. $10,500. 248-477-6374

C A P R I C E 1991 - 4 door, loaded, cassette, low miies $3900/best. (734) 414-7514

CAPRICE 1994- 50k, am/fm cassette, V8, great shape!!! $7000. Call 734-464-7684

CAPRICE 1993 LTZ - Very clean, tight & sound. Best offer takes. (248) 433-7227.

CAVALIER 1997 convertible, loaded, cd, warranty, power everything, b lack wi th black top, $10,500. (248) 755-5267

CAVALIER, 1993, Convert ible. Sharp, red, black top, CD, 6 cyi, cruise, $3,700. 248-374-0947

CAVALIER 1994 4 cyi, 1.2 L, auto, cassette, exc. interior, good exterior, very reliable, $3500. (248) 652-6824

CAVALIER 1994 - 4 cyl. 5 speed manual, 80k, exc. int. good ext. $4400. 734-513-2930

CAVALIER 1 9 9 5 - 2 door coupe, air, cruise, CD, exc. cond. $5100/ best. (734) 266-6068.

CAVALIER 1996 - 4 dr., auto, air, 78K miles, great body, runs fine. $4400. 734-425-0031

S E D A N DEVILLE 1997 - 32V NorthStar, 49K, leather, gold, exc cond$15,950.248-477-0600

SEVILLE, 1996 4 dr. Sedan, white, 69K, moon roof, Northstar V-8. ABS. 6wav Dower leather seats, cassette/6 CD changer , excel lent condit ion, $16,500. Days, Bob , 248-545-5000, Ext. 102 or Cell: 248-388-5779. Home: 248-737-4342

SEVILLE 1983 Elegante, one owner, 81K actual miles, leather, body mechanica l ly all excel lent . $3800. 248-644-6996.

SEVILLE, 1996, 38K, mint, c loth top , Cher ry , leather seats , $22,900/best . (734) 697-8267.

SEVILLE 1995 SLS 70K miles, dark blue, leather, heated seats, CD, Exec. cond. $13,000.

(734) 416-2393

SEVILLE 1995 SLS - polo green, leather, heated seats, 56k, $12,900/Offer (248) 553-0109

DEVILLE 1985 - southern car, no rust, exec. cond. 78k miles. $3,800/best (248)360-2620

S E V I L L E STS 1993 b lack , ioaded, exc. cond., 77 ,000 miles, $13,000.

(734) 281-6567

SEVILLE 1992 STS - black, loaded, CD, excellent condi t ion, 77K, $8900. (734) 765-5566.

OaVAUER, 1992, 2 dr. auto, air, power locks, stereo, good cond. 134K, $1700/best. 734-416-1663

CAVALIER 1998 - exc cond., CD player, air, extremely low miies, $7800/best 810-750-7768, 810-523-3694

CAVALIER 1997, exc. cond., less than 15,000 miles, white outside, blue inside, $7000 or best offer. 734-261-4348

CAVALIER 1996 - Excelient cond., warranty, loaded, $6500, must seil. 734-459-0364.

CAVALIER 1992 - new brakes, needs shocks. $1750/best .


CAVALiER 1994 w a g o n - runs like a top. 100,000 miles. New tires. $2300. (248) 355-2945.

CAVALIER 1999 Z24, black, 2.4 liter, 5 speed, all power , 29,000 miies warranty, a larm, $11,995. 734 326-3988 734-837-1053

CAVALIER 1997 Z24 - Red, 5 speed, 90K miles. $5,500.


CORSICA 1989 - 96 ,000 actual miles, many new parts, 4 new tires, $2900. (313) 533-8743

CORVETTE C O U P E 1994 - Per-fect cond., 73k, polo/beige, auto, i i o, a v u/ u ea i / uuo - wono

842 Chrysler

C H R Y S L E R 1996 LHS 4 dr., V6, 59K miles, cd, leather, loaded, $ 9 5 0 0 or best offer.

(810) 231-7598

C H R Y S L E R 1999 300M - Slate grey exterior, leather interior, CD player, 56K. Exc. cond. $16,900.


C IRRUS 1997 LX 4 dr., one owner, 35K, loaded, $9,895.

JFC92£ H i l l s Chrysler-Plymouth -Je ep

734-455-8740 1-800-494-9481

CIRRUS, 1996, LXI, loaded, e x c . c o n d . $ 7 , 8 0 0


C IRRUS LXI 1996 - loaded, ieather, C D , 83K, $6400/best .

(734) 905-1613

C O N C O R D E 1997 LXI - loaded, iea ther , a b s o l u t e l y per fec t , $8950. (248) 366-9940

C O N C O R D E LXI 1996 43,000 miles, 1 owner , loaded, $9875.

(248) 594-8533

C O N C O R D E 1998 LX, 32K, plat inum si lver, all opt ions, only


Fox HLills Chrysler-Plymouth-Jeep

734-455-8740 1-800-494-9481

C O N C O R D 1996 LXI - 59,000 m i . L o a d e d . $ 9 5 0 0 .


C O N C O R D 1999 LXI - Mint. 34K. War ran ty Sept . 2003. $15,102. 248-757-2023

C O N C O U R S E 1 9 9 5 , fo res t green, 24 ,000 miles, $8000/ offer. 248-443-2743

S E B R I N G 1998 LXI - loaded, sunroof, ieather, exc. cond. 20K. $13,500. (734) 427-3312.

S E B R I N G 1996 Convert ib le, cassette, loaded, sa lvage title, 90K, $6250. (734) 421-0195.

S E B R I N G 1997 conver t ib le , Polo edit ion, fully loaded, 63,000 h ighway miles. $11,000.

(734) 453-3440

S E B R I N G 2000 Convert ib le, 20K, loaded, ioaded, $15,995.

Fox Hills Chrysler-Plymouth-Jeep

734-455-8740 1-800-494-9481

844 Dodge

S T R A T U S 1999 - 20 ,000 mi les, fui ly loaded, excel lent condit ion, ' $13,000/best . 313-534-4292

S E B R I N G 1996 coupe - white, power , loaded. 65 ,000 miles, $8000. (734) 459-4779.

S E B R I N G 2000 JX convert ib le, 18,000 miles, like new, $16,800.


SEBRING 1997 J X Convert ible -auto, in-dash CD, 55K, exc cond $11,750/best . 248-737-4517

SEBRING 1997 JXI - convert ible - white/black cloth top, gray ieather int. casset te, cd, loaded, 55k, $12,500. (248) 608-9826

S E B R I N G 2000 JXI, convert ible, ext. warranty, low mi., loaded, $19,000/best . (734) 427-1236

SEBRING 2000 LX, b lack, low miles, pr iced to sell! $13,480. John Rogin Buick 734-525-0900.

SEBRING 1996 LXI convert ib le 37K miles, cherry red, leather & every opt ion, s h o w r o o m condi-t ion. $11,900. 313-330-3344.

S E B R I N G 1998 LXI - leather, moonroof , ful ly loaded, 38K, $12,000/best . (248) 470-0632.

S E B R I N G 2000 LXI - 7,600 miles, all power, ful ly loaded, V 6 , s u n r o o f , s i l ve r w / g r a y ieather, am/fm. casset te w/cd & 10 disc, c d changer . $20,000/ best. (248) 613-6025

844 Dodge

A V E N G E R 1995 - auto, air, stereo, excel lent condi t ion, only 2nd owner , $99 down, $129/mo. T Y M E A U T O (734) 455-5566.

A V E N G E R ES 1999 black, loaded, leather, c lean. $12,495 or best offer. (248) 375-1102

A V E N G E R 1995 ES, Indy red, V 6 auto, only 45k m i „ al l power, moonroof , Pioneer CD, leather, ABS, dual air bags, $8900.

(248) 465-1976.

A V E N G E R 1996 ES - Loaded, exc. cond., 56K, $8600/best . 734-367-0921, 734-525-6616.

A V E N G E R 1998 - sunroof , auto, air, pw/pl , 30K miles, $10,000.

(734) 261-9819

D O D G E 1999 Ram Q u a d Cab 1500 4x4 Sport , black, good cond., 38,000 miles, $22,500.

Kevin (248) 722-0657

D O D G E R A M SLT 1999 - 4x4, V8, extended cab, 3 7 K miles, $19,300. (248) 361 -3549

D O D G E R A M 2000 4 X 4 O F F R O A D package, SLT, mus t seil $20,000/best . (810) 212-7112

D U R A N G O 1999 SLT+ - 5.9 L V 8 , ful ly l oaded , s i lver / /b ik leather int. t ow package, mint cond. $25,50CVbest 248-613-1832

D U R A N G O , 1998 - V 6 , ful ly loaded, ieather, 4 5 K miles. $23,000. 734-207-2038

Dynasty 1993 - 4 door, good condi t ion, 1 owner , sharp/c lean, non-smoker , $4900/best . Garden City. 734-522-0942

INTREPID 2000 - 4 dr . , auto, V6, $11,900. (248) 477-0631

or (248) 477-0386

INTREPID 1 9 9 7 - 4 dr., V6, 3.5 L. eng ine, purp le, all power , 81k miles, $6350/best. 248-738-1554

C O N V E R T A B L E S E B R I N G 1997 - Purple, exec, cond., + more! $10 ,500 (248)668-0569

EAGLE 1994 Vision, excellent condit ion, iow miles, $5500.

(248) 380-9134.

FIFTH A V E N U E , 1992. Sr. car, 60K, loaded, biack, immaculate. $5500. (248) 334-3472

JX C O N V E R T I B L E 1999, black, 22,000 mi les, power steering, power b rakes , power locks, one owner, garaged, wel l main-tained. $16,500. (248) 851-4372

L e b a r o n 1 9 9 5 c o n v e r t i b l e , loaded, auto , 48K, g o o d cond. $7000/best. After 3:248-437-7765

L E B A R O N 1995 Convert ible -wh i te w / b l a c k top , loaded, leather, very clean, runs perfect. $7000. 248-656-4275

LEBARON 1992 Convertible GTC. Clean, white, leather, new tires, etc. Best offer. (248) 681-6599

C O R V E T T E C O U P E 1990 Red/ Red, 63K miles, Loaded, Auto, new tires, stored winters, Exec, cond. $14,000 (248)626-3829

C O R V E T T E 1996 loaded, biack with tan interior, new tires and extended warranty, 10 cd disc changer, asking $21,000. (810) 415-7511 after 5 p.m.

CORVETTE, 1990 Red Coupe. Automatic, low miles. Immacu-late cond. ' 248 -478 -1353

C O R V E T T E 1994 - Whi te , Immaculate, auto, 53K. Make an Offer. (313) 886-3252.

CORVETTE 2000 yellow . c o n v e r t i b l e , l ow mi les . $41,600 (248)651-1919

IMPALA 2000 LS - Jade Green. Showroom ciean, 23 ,500 miles. $17,900. (248) 828-7457.

iMPALA 2000 LS loaded, 22K m i l e s , i m m a c u l a t e , s i l v e r metallic, gray leather, sunroof. $19,500/best (248) 355-5420

SEVILLE STS 1992 - Dark cherry, hwy ml. Must see & drive! $6800. (810) 220-8587.

SEVILLE 1996 STS - new tires, runs great, loaded, cd , dark biue, $14,450. 248-765-0419

S T S 1999, silver metallic, moon-roof, chrome wheels, CD, $22,980. John Rogin Buick 734-525-0900.


B E R E T T A - 1996 Great cond. New t i res & brakes. Great 1st car. $7000/best. 734-595-6893

BERETTA 1995 - Red, 5 speed, air. New tires, clutch & belts. Exec, cond; $3,700 (248)477-7363

BERETTA, 1995. V-6, 120K miles, air, Pioneer System, exc. cond. $3900. (734) 422-5391

IMPALA 2000 LS, Top-of- the-line, leather, 23k, 14mo. war-ranty. $18,000. 734-981-3617

LUMINA 1993 Euro - 2 dr. sedan, black, 93,000 mi. 3.1 L V6. $3950. 734-678-8877

LUMINA, 1994, Eurosport -70K miies, loaded, non-smoker , $4600/best. 248-649-2904

LUMINA 1992 - 121K, runs good, minor front end damage. $2200/best. (248) 879-0072.

LUMINA 1996 - loaded, high highway miles, exc. cond. $4500/ best. 734-722-3728

LUMINA 1995 LS - 4 dr., black, exce l len t cond i t ion , loaded. $4500. 248-969-9766

LUMINA LS 1997 ioaded, 30K miles, $10,000.

(313) 538-1819

LUMINA LS 1996 - Sherwood green, 62K, new tires, $5950.

810-323-5005, 248-608-1406

LeBaron 1994 Convert ib le GTC, emerald green/tan, loaded^. Very Ol IClip, UOpDI IUGLLUO OL IWtli I VW or best Offer. 734-697-6144

L E B A R O N C O N V E R T I B L E 1994 6 cyl inder, red, 54,700 miles, all power , al loy wheels, a u t o , g o o d c o n d . , a s k i n g $4,250. (248) 788-0656

LeBaron 1991 - 4 dr . sedan, auto, air, casset te, V6, pw/pl, cruise, $3800 . (734) 261-4339

L E B A R O N 1993 Landau -4 door, pw.pl . V6, low miles, $4,500. (248) 646-6263

L E B A R O N 1993 - white convert-ible, air. 132,000 mi. $2750.


LHS 1995 - black, loaded, excelient condi t ion, 68K, $8800.

(248) 393-2397.

LHS 1995 - excel ient cond i ton , loaded w/opt ions, b lack, $5895. 734-728-9436; 734-748-9997.

LHS 1999 - fully loaded, sun-roof, 35k, must seli. $21,000.


L H S 1996 - leather , al loy wheels. 35 ,000 mi. Exc. cond. $12,000. 248-884-2326

LHS 1994 - whi te, auto. , loaded, tan leather interior, exc. cond., 80K mi, $6495. 734-414-0552

INTREPID 1994 green, full power, new t ransmiss ion, struts, t ires, 112K miles, $5900.

(734) 542-9271

INTREPID 1995 - 67 ,000 miles, m u s t s e l l ! $ 7 5 0 0 .


INTREPID, 1993 - Very good c o n d . N e w M o p a r eng ine , $ 4 5 0 0 . C a l l a f t e r 6 p m .


N E O N 1998 - auto, air, stereo, 40K, sharp, $4850. T Y M E AUTO (734) 455-5566.

N E O N 1996 Coupe, 5 speed, sunroof, all power , air, tilt, CD. $4200/best . (734) 455-0247.

miles, f inal pr ice, $10,995.

Fox Hills Chrysler-Plymouth-Jeep

734-455-8740 1-800-494-9481

STRATUS S E 1999, 36k milesT 2.4L 4 cyl. Air, auto, rear window defrost, tilt, cruise, power L/W, am/fm, cassette, black w/grey. interior, runs great, handles and. moves very well. $13,000/best offer. Must sell moving to Canada


846 Eagle

S U M M I T 1992 - 65 ,000 mi les, runs great. $2500.

(734) 464-082?.

TALON 1996, 80,000 miles,, black, 2 door, air, perfect condi-tion. $6700/best. 248-470-0732"

T A L O N 1995 - n e w brakes,, newer t i res, good cond. , I0<5k,' $4500/best . 248-207-4422

T A L O N TSI 1990, A W D , 5 sp. turbo, $2700/best 734-397-3476

V IS ION 1995 - 6 cyl. , 3.5L, power everyth ing, air, n e w t i res, struts. Exc. cond. 115,000 hwy. mi. $3600. 248-982-2419

V I S I O N , 1996 . 3 .5L , 2 4 V t

loaded, exc, cond. $5500/best offer. 734-420-3342

V IS ION 1993 Sedan- 4 dr, 160k, new tires, brakes, t ransmiss ion mounts, $3000. 734-462-3842"

848 Ford

ASPIRE 1997 excel lent condi-t ion, runs great, air, new tires,' $5500. (734) 414-9488

A S P I R E 1997 - great condi t ion; l o w m i l e s . $ 4 , 9 9 9 ' •


A S P i R E 1997 Hatchback - 4 dr., 24 ,000 mi., air. Exc. cond: $4500/best . 248-474-3119

C O N T O U R 1996 G L - auto, air, cd, all opt ions, 77k, great shape, $4800/best . (734) 762-7782 -

C O N T O U R , 1996 GL, Cham-pagne/Beige, 56k, 4 door, g o o d condit ion, $5799. 248-435-6735.

INTREPID - 1993 ES, 4 door, 83K, excellent condi t ion, $4,750/ best offer. (734) 464-7429.

I N T R E P I D , 1 9 9 5 , o r i g i n a l owner, 98k, loaded, exc . con., $5500. (734) 699-3236

INTREPID 1997 - sharp, exc. cond., loaded, 2 3 / 2 8 MPG, 63K, clean. $8500, 248-601-2818

INTRIPID ES 1995 remote start, Dark Green, t inted windows. $6200/best . page 313-651-9290

N E O N 2000, ES. Bright si lver metall ic, power windows/ locks, air and other opt ions. $9500.

(734) 394-0475

NEON, 1997. Green, 4 dr., under 24K miies, mint cond., auto, air, cassette. $7,000. (734) 462-1176

N E O N 1996 - runs & looks good, $5000. (734) 254-9214

N E O N 1995 - Sport, auto. New trans/ t i res/ABS brakes. 96K. Clean. $3000. 248-626-7066.

N E O N 1998 Spor t -Coupe - elec-trical gray, ioaded, 38K, Florida car, $8500. 248-354-7118

N E O N 1996 sport white, 5 speed, power w indows, locks and sunroof, cd, radio, great cond., $4,500. (734) 776-1458

N E O N 1996 sport white, 5 speed, power w indows, locks and sunroof, cd, radio, great cond., $5000. (734) 776-1458

NEW YORKER, 1995, Black, black leather, loaded, new tires, brakes, clean, runs great, must sell, 87K. $6,550,734-522-4108

N E W Y O R K E R , 1995, high m i l e a g e , e x c e l l e n t s h a p e , $6,500. Cal l : (734) 668-6183.

PT CRUISER, 2001 - Black, auto, 325 Miles, $17,900. Traverse City 231-946-4694

PT C R U I S E R 2001 L imi ted Edi-t ion, g reen, loaded, $20,000.


PT C R U I S E R - 2001 Limited Edit ion, Patriot Blue, 12,000 miles. $19,900. 734-464-1579

PT C R U I S E R 2001 Limited-1 7 K , b i a c k , $ 2 2 , 9 9 5 .


S H A D O W , 1991 - 2 Dr., exc. cond., low miles, air, $1875.


SPIRIT 1991 6 cyl, auto, 4dr., looks & runs good, great gas mileage. $2150. 313-532-0695

STEALTH, 1991 ES. Red, 65K, CD, exc. cond., winter stored, $7500/f i rm. (734) 729-0727.

STEALTH 1992, forest green ext., grey interior, cruise, 5 sp., air, clean, 100k miles, $5000/ best offer. 248-867-5170

STEALTH 1991 RT Twin - Exec. C o n d . , Loaded , M u s t see! $10,500 (248)471-6151

STEALTH 1993, Tw in turbo, loaded, pearl white, min t cond., $9000. (248) 789-4010.

STRATUS 1997 4 dr., deluxe 6 cyl inder, low mi ieage, $7000. (313) 533-5939

C O N T O U R 1996 GL, 5 speed, 59K, exec. cond. $5,200/best.-

(517) 548-1648

C O N T O U R , 1998 - 4 2 K miles clean, auto, loaded. Navy b lue i n / o u t . S p o r t p a c k a g e , $11,500. • 248-676-2236

C O N T O U R 1998 LX, dark forest green, very good cond. , 49 ,000 miles, s tandard t ransmiss ion, $7500/best . 248-375-2208

C O N T O U R 1995 - moonroof ; leather, 8 0 K miles, runs exc. , $5400/best . (248) 669-1176,0E

(248) 669-8817

C O N T O U R S E 1998 26k. auto, 4dr. , $8900 . Granny 's Car. 7 ; After 3 p m (734) 459-6026

C O N T O U R S E 1998 2 6 K mi les, V6, exc. cond. , ful l power , green, $8200 . (248) 851-9590

C O N T O U R S E 1 9 9 8 R|.cl, ioaded, auto, 39k miles, pre-m ium main tenance w/records. $9250. 248-214-3099

C O N T O U R 1998 S E Sport -leather, CD, ABS, loaded, 63K miles, $7900 . (734) 420 -9623 :

C O N T O U R 1998 SVT - exc. cond., adult dr iven, $7800. '

(313) 574-8564

CROWN VICTORIA 1992, black, executive 1 owner driven, new muffler, ail service records, good tires, $2900. 248-433-1867

C R O W N V I C T O R I A 1992'." : Good condi t ion. Runs wel l . $5200. Dearborn. 734-458-9667

C R O W N V ICTORIA 1993 - 56K miles, $6500 . (248) 792-2069,

C R O W N V I C T O R I A 1992 ' -Loaded, tow package, $3500.


C R O W N VICTORIA 1989 - 5L V8, white, loaded, clean, good tires, 60K, $ 3 1 9 5 . 7 3 4 - 4 5 5 - 6 2 4 4

Crown Vic tor ia 1992 LX - c lean, no rust, 2 0 K on new engine, $4000/best . 313-791-0483

C R O W N V ICTORIA LX 1993 good cond. , average mi leage $3300/best . 2 4 8 357 -4016

C R O W N V I C T O R I A 1992-, powde r b lue, exc. cond. , pr ivate owner , $2895. 248-851-2043

C R O W N V ICTORIA 1999 si lver 28 ,000 miles, excel lent condi-t ion. $14,000. (734) 455-3565

E S C O R T 1994- 4 door, f i r , New: CD/stereo, t i res, exhaust , shocks, c iutch, rebui l t engine. G r e a t s h a p e . $ 2 6 0 - 0 . 734-453-8725 or 734-797-7527.

E S C O R T 1997 - 4 door , 27K m i l e s , e x c e l l e n t c o n d i t i o n , $6500. (248) 350-9609.

E S C O R T 1998 - 4 dr., 5 Speed, si lver, loaded, 47 ,000 mi les, $6900. (248) 486-6441

ESCORT, 1993. Great cond. Runs good. 125K miles. $2200/ oesj . t / 3 4 )

E S C O R T 1992 G T - low miles, 46,150, 5 speed manua l , gre i t t cond. $3700. (313) 541-6639: .

E S C O R T 1994 G T - ps. pb. power moonroof , cd, only 75k, $4700. (734) 953-1063



CIARKSTON AREA 248475-4596 HOLLY AREA 248 634-2475

OAKLAND COUNTY 248 644-1070


248 546-0400 WAYNE COUNTY

734 591-0900 FAX YOUR AD 734953-2232

INTERNET ADDRESS i h t t g 7 / o b s e r v e £ e c c e n t r i ^ o m

E S C O R T GT 1991- red, good cond. , reliable. 115k. $1999/best . 734-981-7445

ESCORT, 1996 GT. 4 Speed t ransmission, sunroof, power steer ing/brakes, premier Pio-neer C D w/Clar ion Component speaker system, fully loaded, 69K actual miles. $4, l00/best .


E S C O R T LX 1995 - Auto, 4 dr. air. (248)231-5121

$3,300 Picture at www.savad.com

ESCORT, 1997 LX, 4 door, loaded, on ly 18,000 mi les, $7,200. Call: (734) 394-0994

E § C O R T , 1994 LX - 4 Dr., Red, or iginal owner. 99K miies, exc. cond. $3100. 248-691-4392

E S C O R T 1991 LX Hatchback -4 dr., air, auto, dark blue, 137K, runs g rea t$1950 . 734-981-7331

E S C O R T 1995 LX - Manual, 30 ,000 original miles. Super car. $4,900/best . 734-634-1666

E S C O R T LX 1994 Wagon - new engine, all options, exc cond., $3800 . (313) 885-7967

E S C O R T 1997 LX Wagon - 5 sbeed , 80,000 ml. Exc. cond. Great gas mi leage. Ask ing $5200 . 248-349-7466

E S C O R T S E 1999 - Immaculate, loaded, tilt, Auto, Air, 12k miles, CD. $9,995 (734)416-1360

E S C O R T 1999 SE Sport - 4 dr., 25K, air, 5 speed, power pkg, b lack $7295. 734-844-7938

E S C O R T 1997 Sport - excel lent condi t ion, low miles, $6900.

. (734) 981-1596

E S C O R T 1995 W A G O N - auto, air, low miles, excellent condi-t ion. $4700. 734-981-0085.

E S C O R T W A G O N LX 1993 air, 130k miles, very good cond, ail power , manual 5 speed, runs great! $2,250 (734)459-2176

E S C O R T W A G O N 1995 LX-auto, air, 128k hwy., exec, cond, $3500/best . 734-416-1199.

E S C O R T W A G O N LX 1993 New tires, AC, new brakes, $2200 . (313)336-2323

ESCORT, 1999 2x2 HOT, 2 door , 5 speed, 38K, white, $8,300. (734) 449-8219.

E S C O R T 1999 ZX2 H O T 2 door , 5 speed, 38K miles, white, $8300 . (734) 449-8219

E S C O R T 1998 ZX2 - 38K, fac-tory warranty, extra clean. Was going to ask $5000, changed my mind 1st $5800 takes. T Y M E A U T O (734) 455-5566.

E S C O R T 2000 ZX2, loaded, black, moonroof, 23k miles, $10,500. (734) 981-5672.

E S C O R T 2000 Zx2 loaded, 15,000 miles, asking $11,900.

(248) 626-5143

E S C O R T ZX2 1998 manual, 47 ,000 miles, looks/runs good, mus t sell. $8000 or best offer Cal l Corie (248) 615-0598

E S C O R T ZX2 1999 - 23 ,000 miles, $9500. (734) 722-0057,

leave message

E S C O R T 1999 ZX2. Red, hot package, loaded, 6 changer CD, power moonroof, 47K h ighway nil., $9,900. (248) 449-9032

E S C O R T ZX2 - 1998 Red. Very good cond. Power sunroof, pw, pi,' tilt, cruise, 6cd disc changer, 5 "speed, Alloy wheels. $7750 . 810-494-0317

E S C O R T 1998 ZX2, 5 speed, air, cruise, power iocks/mirror, casset te, rear w indow defogger , 32k , mi., factory warranty till Aug . 6. $7200. 248-540-4181.

E S C O R T 1999 ZX2 Sport -power sunroof, CD changer , 4QK. $9400. SOLD

E S C O R T GT 1994 - 89,000 mi les, c lean, ask ing $4000. Cal l for detai ls: (734) 462-2159

EXPLORER XLT 1996 - good cond, great transportat ion, 156K hwy $5900/best 734-646-6658

FESTIVA 1 9 9 3 , 5 speed, needs w o r k , $ 3 5 0 or best o f fer . 810-899-7497

F O C U S 2000 4 dr. ZTS, low miles, fuliy equipped, pr iced to seil, save thousands, $10,980. John Rogin Buick 734-525-0900.

FOCUS, 2000, 1,500 miles, 4 drs, air, keyless entry, exc. cond. $12,000. 734-261-8075

F O C U S SE 2000 Gold, auto, loaded, exc cond. 15,000 miles. $12,800. (810) 463-6867

FOCUJ^SE 2001 loaded, green, auto, 14,000 highway miles, non-smoker , clean. $14,000 or best.

cell (734) 276-1724

F O C U S 2000 S E wagon - all opt ions, 14K, exc cond; under b luebook. 734-591-3709.

F O C U S 2000 Z X 3 - hatchback, si lver, mint cond., loaded, 7k. $12,495. (810) 664-4583

F O R D EXPLORER 1993 Eddie Bauer - 70K, 1 owner, exc cond $8200/best . 248-651-0475

848 Ford

FORD EXPLORER Sport 1995 -4x4, h igh mi les , g reen/ tan leather, $6800. 248-644-8709

F O R D F O C U S S E 2 0 0 0 -manual trans., power windows/ locks/steering, t i l t . Black w/gray int. $13,000 (248)755-6068

FORD P R O B E GT 1995 Rio red, Leather seats, sunroof, CD manuai, 62K mites. Exec. Cond $9,000 (248)540-8658

GALAXiE 1969, rust free, from Florida, low miies, dual exhaust, etc. $4500/offer. 734-727-4654

MUSTANG 1990 - auto, new transmission, am/ fm cassette, $2500/best. 734-729-7717

MUSTANG C O B R A 1996, Black/ black leather, 19k miles, stock, Ford retiree owned, stored win-ters. $17,900 (248)647-4157

MUSTANG 1998 Cobra convert-ible, 16k, ext ras, mint cond. $22,700. (248) 960-8266

M U S T A N G 1999 Cobra, coupe, black, 20k miies, extended war-ranty, $22,000. 243-682-3213.

MUSTANG, 1998 convertible, si lver/black, 42K, automatic, air, $14,000. (248) 486-1068

MUSTANG 1998 Convertible, black/tan, V6, leather, 49K miles, $13,000. 248-851-7440.

MUSTANG 1998 - Convertible, 33K mi, Fla. car. Very clean, $14,900. (248) 656-6776.

MUSTANG 1996 Convert ible GT, black on black, 5 speed, 4.6L, power doors/tocks, am/fm, CD, 9600 mi., winter stored, exc. cond., $16,000. 734-495-9843

MUSTANG 2000 Coupe GT, Fu l i y l o a d e d . 2 2 0 0 mi les ! $21,995. (248) 354-6518

MUSTANG 1995 coupe - 3.8 V6, sports package, fully loaded, ciean, many new parts, $7500. Hartland. (248) 889-8939 aft.5

MUSTANG GT 1994 convert-ible, 5.0, dark green, tan interior, leather, CD, power everything, new tires, exc. cond. Must seli, $12,995. 734-261-0840

MUSTANG 2000 GT Convert-ible, white wi th tan interior, loaded, 1800 miles, $23,200/ best. (248) 738-8707.

MUSTANG 1999 GT Convert-ible - black, loaded. $20,500.


M U S T A N G GT convert ible i . , , 1 9 9 4 FL car, stored in

winter, loaded, 64K miles, $9,500. 248 922-0829

MUSTANG 1999 GT Convert-ible - loaded, leather, auto, adult owned $16,400. 734-459-5605

Mustang G T 1999 Convertible -manuai, black/tan, ioaded, exc cond., $18,500. 248-855-6056

MUSTANG GT 1999 convert-ible, 14,000 miles, adult, 5 speed, $19,500. (734) 354-8743

MUSTANG 1987 GT, convert-ible, low miles, new everything, auto, air, white, loaded. See ad under E V E R Y T H I N G G O E S sect ion 710 todays paper.

M U S T A N G G T 2000 8200 miies, ioaded, mint condit ion, 5 speed. $17,500 or best.

(313) 794-5602

MUSTANG, 1996 GT - Red, 39K miles, stored winters, exc. cond. $12,500. 517-206-2228

MUSTANG 1987 GT, 5.0, red, new paint, runs great, auto, $3500/best. (734) 525-3863.

MUSTANG 2000 GT, red, 5 spd, 1 1 K , e x t e n d e d w a r r a n t y . $18,000/best 248-449-7831.

MUSTANG GT 1995 (5.0) 5 speed, convertible, Hunter Green/Tan leather, power every-thing, CD player, 17" wheels. $12,500/best. 734-981-2453

MUSTANG 1996 GT 4.6, 5 speed, fully loaded, leather, cd, $8,500/best (248)476-8176

MUSTANG GT 1998- V8, blk, leather, loaded, premium CD, 34k mi. $15K (313) 665-3137

MUSTANG 1985 - 5.0 HO, new tires, runs good, needs paint, $3000 f i rm. Mike734-522-4108

1998 MUSTANG- low miles, V6, m a n y m o d i f i c a t i o n s . F l o w master. $10,650. (248)347-2810

MUSTANG 1995 LX - black, 23K, ail opt ions, loaded, mint cond., $8150. (734) 453-5327.

MUSTANG 1993 LX Convertible cond. •5738

5.0, stored Winters, exc. o $12,900. 248-642-5

MUSTANG 1992 5.0 LX Notch-back, 9,500 miles, mint cond., $14,000. (734) 421-7466

MUSTANG 1989 Notchback • 5.0, never seen Winter, 78K miles, $6500. (734) 223-7205, ask for Chris

MUSTANG, 1997. Red, 70K, CD, power windows, iooks great, $10,000/best. (248) 755-2236

MUSTANG 1994 - red, V6, 52,000 mi., auto, air. Exc. cond. $8000/best. 810-997-7207

M U S T A N G 1997, tints, off road H pipe, f low master, 65k mi. $13,000. 734-525-0632.

848 Ford

M U S T A N G V6 1998, sport pkg., C D p l a y e r , 2 6 , 0 0 0 m i l e s , $13,200. 810-658-5709

P R O B E 1991 - auto, sunroof. Runs great. Must sel l . $2350/ best offer. 734-953-8658

P R O B E 1992 6 cyl inder, auto-matic, 92K miies, air, sunroof, $3200 or best offer.

(734) 453-8110

PROBE GT 1994 _ Air, 5 speed, ABS, V6, sunroof, CD, 107k miles, $3 ,900 (248)723-2134

P R O B E GT 1994 - 97,000 miles, 1 owner, extras, $4000/ best offer. 734-455-5536

P R O B E 1994 GT - 73 ,000 mi., 5 speed, air, cus tom side pipes & stereo, new brakes, t ires, clutch. $6500. 734-397-0972

P R O B E 1995 GT - 5 speed, red with b iack interior, CD, 56K, $5800. (734) 981-8926.

P R O B E 1994 SE - auto, 2 L „ great cond. newer t ires, 62k, power windows/ locks, am/ fm stereo casset te, burgundy/gray , $6500. (734) 422-7892

P R O B E 1996 SE, auto, white, 72k, power windows/ locks, great cond. $6500. 734-302-2551.

P R O B E 1995 SE, excei lent con-dition, 71,000 miles with air, cas-sette, a larm, dual airbags, new brakes, $5800. M u s t see

(248) 851-4176.

P R O B E 1993 SE • good condi-t ion, loaded, 109K, new t rans-mission, $3800. 248-486-6067

P R O B E 1996 SE - 62K miles, green, 5 speed, power group, $5500. Plymouth 734-455-4745

PROBE, 1997, Si lver, auto., 4 cyl . ,cassette, sunroof, power set.,34k, $10,500,248-626-7254

S C O R P I O 1989 - V6, auto, loaded, 4 dr., sunroof , $3,275/ best. Livonia. (734) 421-6387

T A U R U S , 1999, black, leather, loaded, warranty, 'exc. cond. $13,500. 734-591-0913

T A U R U S , 1995, 4 dr., V6, new brakes , runs good , $ 4 , 5 0 0


T A U R U S 1997 G L auto, loaded, excel lent condit ion, $7300.

(248) 624-3408

T A U R U S 1997 GL, 4 door, red, loaded, exce l len t cond i t i on , $6600. (248) 628-3813.

T A U R U S GL 1994, Green, 89K, all p'ower, air, keyless, Wel i main-tained. $4200 734-421-6178

T A U R U S GL 1993 - 59K miles, one owner , new tires & battery. $4,500 248-693-0018

T A U R U S 1997 G L - 30,000 ml. A u t o . L o a d e d . Exc . c o n d . $9,600/best 734-675-9847

T A U R U S 1996 G L - 80 ,000 mi le? , n e w e r t r a n s m i s s i o n , $6000/f i rm. 248-476-3829.

T A U R U S 1 9 9 7 G L - s i l v e r , loaded, sunroof, leather, 5 5 K miles, $7,200. 248-647-9204.

T A U R U S 1997 - 65K miles, ail power, keyless, excel lent condi -t ion, $7500, (734) 953-6687

T A U R U S 1994 58K miles, 3.8L, a l l p o w e r , p e r f o r m a n c e package, 1 owner . $5250.

(248) 645-2357

T A U R U S 1993 - 127K miles. Runs good, Looks good. $2200/ best. Cal l John 248-628-3693

T A U R U S , 1 9 9 9 , 2 6 K miies, V-6 , loaded, warranty. 1 owner , $13,200/best . 248-321-0153.

T A U R U S LX 1993 4 door, 109,000 miies, exc. cond., wel l maintained, loaded, new tires. $3000/best (734) 765-9800

T A U R U S , 1997 LX. Ex. cond. , biack, 55K miles, warranty . $7,9C0/best. (313) 220-6300.

T A U R U S 1996 LX - 80k, Moon-bean blue, most opt ions, very c lean a n d wei l ma in ta ined. $7100. (248) 348-9939

T A U R U S , 1996 LX - 89K str ict ly hwy. mi les. Clean inside/out, 6 disk C D changer, $6500/best .


T A U R U S 1997 LX - new tires, loaded, 1 owner, 59,500 miles, $7495/best. 810-296-1871.

T A U R U S 1997 38,700 miles, l o a d e d , $ 8 7 0 0 . M u s t se l l . 248-936-5297 734-522-8438

T A U R U S 1999 model S H O V8, black, tan leather, loaded, cd, 26 ,000 miles, $16,900.

(313) 886-9532

T A U R U S , 1988, new tires, a/c works, runs good, $1,250. Cal l Paul 4pm-7pm, 734-422-1401.

T A U R U S S E 1999- A B S , power everyth ing, 53k, exc . cond. $9900/best . 810-770-5340.

T A U R U S SE, 1998 auto, air, ful l power , new brakes, 56000 miles, $8995, (248) 797-7089

T A U R U S 1 9 9 5 S E C D changer , keyless, full power , 100+ mi. $3900. 248-344-9466

T A I I D I I C CC 1000 . loathe-

moonroof , CD, ant i- lock, auto! air, 52K, mint cond. , $10,500.

(734) 735-6274

Thursday, July 26, 2001 O&E

TAURUS, 1999, SE, loaded, green, sunroof, CD, 29K, warranty 75K. $11,500/best. 248-608-8250

TAURUS, 1999 SE, 3.0L, 24v, spoiler, 16" sport wheels, 6 CD, 56k, loaded, new t ires/brakes, sharp, $9900. 734-432-2009.

T A U R U S 1995 S E - 82,000 mi, a larm & remote starter, sunroof, more. $5200. (734) 466-9839.

T A U R U S 2001 SES, low miles, fully equipped, pr iced to selll Save thousands on ly $15,980. John Rogin Buick 734-525-0900.

TAURUS, 1998 SE, 24 valve, ABS, 56k, new brakes/t ires, exc.con, $9,900 248-650-3778

T A U R U S 2000 S E white, low miles, c lean, full power, war-ranty, $12,500. 2 4 8 334-7315

T A U R U S S H O 1999 black, tan leather interior, 26 ,000 miles, mostly h ighway, loaded, exc. cond., 75 ,000 mi le warranty. $17,000. (248) 559-1308

T A U R U S S H 0 1 9 9 7 - black, tan leather, 79K mi ies, non-smoker, loaded, great cond. , $10,250 firm. days (313) 832-1201

eves (248) 424-7206

T A U R U S S H O 1992 - Clean, s o u t h e r n n o n - s m o k e r c a r , leather, air, 175k miles, good cond. $2800 (734)425-5008

TAURUS, 1999, SHO. silver, low mi, loaded, exc. cond. $19,500/ or pay-off. 734-326-1632

T A U R U S 1997 Si lver, loaded, 36,000 miles. Original owner. $9200. (734) 450-2075

T A U R U S 1995, stat ion wagon, loaded, 40k mi., mint condit ion. $6200. (248) 641-9925.

T A U R U S , 1999 - V 6 24 value, Black, leather, 6 - C D changer, moonroof , a lum inum wheels, 3 7 K m i l e s , $ 1 0 , 5 0 0 .


T A U R U S W A G O N 2000 20K miles, blue, V6, auto, air, cruise, $15,500. Cal l (313) 562-8415

T A U R U S 1994 Wagon LX -loaded, leather. 80K mi. No rust. Previous sa lvaged tit le. $4900/ best. 248-879-2262

T-B iRD, 1994 - 4.6L, V8, 87K miies, loaded, keyless ent iy. G r e a i c o n d . , $ 5 9 0 0 .


T-BIRD, 1994 LX - V6, auto t rans, loaded, Dark Green, $3750. 248-681-1020

T-BIRD, 1996. V-6, red, exc. cond., full power/ABS/Tract ion control, CD, many new parts, 94K/mostly highway, $7500/best. (734) 455-3565 (Canton).

T E M P 0 1 9 9 4 - Air, auto, cruise, Ps/Pb, CD, Exec. cond. $3250/ best (734)397-8046

T E M P O 1993, 4 door, 105k miles, keyless entry, air, wel l maintained, looks/runs great, $3600. 248-288-3439

T H U N D E R B I R D 1988, auto -loaded, $2500. (734) 454-1947

after 6

T H U N D E R B I R D , 1 9 7 9 C u s t o m -Lowrider, too much to iist, $5,500/best . (519) 944-0247.

T H U N D E R B I R D 1995 LX -101K hwy miles, black, mint. Air, power ABS, loaded, $4750.


THUNDERBIRD, 1994 L X - 3 . 8 L engine, air, power everything, g r e a t c o n d . $ 6 2 0 0 / b e s t .


T H U N D E R B I R D 1996 LX - Opal white, 8 cyi., moonroof , air, power w indows & locks. $9500.


T H U N D E R B I R D 1995 LX, pearl, gray leather, loaded, CD, runs & iooks good, hi-way miles, $4000. Shelby Twp. 1-810-997-2793.

T H U N D E R B I R D LX 1997 - V8, 52K miles, new t i res, good con-dition, $9200. 734-878-6116

T H U N D E R B I R D S C 1991 - fully loaded, power moonroof . high miles, runs good, $2750.

(734) 524-0336

T H U N D E R B I R D 1992 Sport, V8, loaded, very ciean, low miles $5000. (734) 522-1629

T H U N D E R B I R D 1997 - very clean, wei l maintained, $7650.

810-238-1205, 810-632-7338

T H U N D E R B I R D 1994 - V8, moonroof , all power , keyless entry, 78K, exc cond. , $6250/ best. 248-628-1343 after 5pm

ZX2 1998 ZX2 - "hot pkg" Red, 50k+, auto, keyless trunk, $8600/best . (313) 248-2248

850 Geo

PRISM 1996 - 4 dr., auto, air, 82,000 miies, $4600. picture at www.savad.com (248) 231-5121

PRISM 1993 LSI - 115K miles, well maintained, sunroof, CD, $4750/best . (248) 269-4005

PRISM 1994, st ick, 90k mi., 4 door, green, runs & looks great. $3500. (248) 477-0527.

PRIZM 1995 Black LSi, 4dr., 40,500 miies, loaded. Perfect con-dition. $6500. (248) 656-3090

T R A C K E R 1993 - Convert ible 2WD, auto, ps, 80k, newer bat-tery. $3000. (248)549-3466

TRACKER 1996 - 5 speed. Con-vertible top. 2 wheel drive. Good cond. 64 ,000 mi. $5900 .


852 Honda

A C C O R D 1986 4dr. 130k. Reliable, needs work. $1000.

(248) 681-3206

A C C O R D 1994 DX - auto, 4 dr., original owner. 128K. Exc. cond. $5500. 248-338-6806

A C C O R D EX 1992 ail power with moonroof, exc. cond, 83K miles, $7595. (248) 626-1170

A C C O R D 1995 EX CPE- 5 Spd, loaded, 1 owner, good cond. , 69K. $9300/best. 248-797-9325.

A C C O R D 1999 EX - 4 door, sedan, 3.0L V6, auto, air, power, cassette, CD, chrome wheels, 32,000 miles. Champagne/ tan Exceilent condition. $19,000. 248-324-3550, [email protected]

ACCORD, 1995, EX. 2 dr., auto, air, 65K miles, CD, sunroof. $8,000/best. 734-261 -5562

A C C O R D 1995 EX 4dr., auto, 81 k mi les, moonroof, 6disc Alpine, very ciean, non-smoker . $9250. (248) 788-5068

A C C O R D EX 1992 4 dr, black, very well-maintained, sun roof, 148K, $4,500. 248-538-9787.

A C C O R D 1996 EX - 2 dr, 4 cyl, black, sl iding roof, auto, 60,840 miles, $10,000. 248-642-8549

A C C O R D 1999 EX - Exc. s h a p e , 3 4 K m i l e s , b l a c k w/leather interior, sunroof, stick-shift, $15,800. 734-464-8833

ACCORD, 1991 EX -good cond. 4 dr., 5 speed, air, power win-dows, locks, steering & brakes. Sun roof, tilt, cruise, AM/FM cas-sette, 16" alloy wheels, leather. Champagne/Burgundy interior. 80K Miles. Very rel iable, $4500/ best. 248-514-3096

A C C O R D 1995 EX - V6, 4 dr, s e d a n , l oaded , l ight b lue , $10,000. (734) 397-9557

A C C O R D , 1994 EX, whi te, auto., l ike new, new tires/t iming belt, $5,600. (734) 634-5902.

A C C O R D EX 1993 w/spoiler, auto trans, moonroof, 85 ,000 miles, $6500. 248-681-1355

A C C O R D 1990 good cond., runs great, drives great, $2200.

(248) 486-3050

A C C O R D LX 2000 Black 4dr. 21,000 miles. $15,300.

(248) 851-8703

A C C O R D 1996 LX 4 door, black, auto., cd, cloth, exc. cond, 75K. $9,800. 313-303-2712

A C C O R D 1998 LX - 4 dr., auto, air. 26 ,000 mi. Silver. Very nice. $12,500. 734-425-6066

A C C O R D 1998 LX Sedan, 4 cyl., auto, air, airbags, electric windows/ locks, stereo cassette, cruise, 75,000+ miles, $13,000/ best. Contact Tim 810-793-2330

ACCORD, 1998 LX, silver, 45k, auto., air, new brakes, $13,390/ best. (248) 788-9019

A C C O R D 1996 LX - V6, 4 door sedan, very clean, remote start, $11,000. (248) 922-9053

A C C O R D SE 1997- loaded, only 36,000 miies, CD, sunroof, A l l o y w h e e l s , m in t c o n d . $ 1 2 , 5 0 0 . ( 2 4 8 ) 8 5 1 - 9 0 3 0 / (248)770-5200

A C C O R D 1999 , V 6 , f u l l y loaded, 63 ,000 hwy mi les, asking $16,000. 517-546-7992

ACCORD, 1999, V-6, loaded, CD, leather, electric sunroof, 4 door, $19,000. 248-235-2917.

CIVIC 1998, black LX 4 door, loaded, 5-speed 45K mi., exc. shape, all serv ice records, $10,800/offer. 248-875-6060.

CIVIC 1997 DX - 41k, air, am/ fm cassette, 5 speed manual, dark green exterior/tan cloth interior. $9500. (248) 586-9104

CIVIC 1999 DX - 22k, 4 dr, auto, cd, dual air bags, air, $13,300. 313-292-0510 - 313-299-1580

CIVIC 1999 EX - dark red, power moonroof. Priced wel l b e l o w b l a c k b o o k , o n l y $9400. T Y M E A U T O (734) 455-5566.

CIVIC, 1998 EX. Full power, 4 cyl. auto, 39K, remote w/alarm, ABS. $11,999. (734) 844-0815

CIVIC EX 1996 great cond. , 65 ,000 miles, moonroof , 1 owner, forest green, $8900 or best offer (734) 354-8724

CIVIC 2000 EX, 1.6 L, V-tech, green, 16k mi., fog lights, al loy w h e e l s , f u l l n o s e c o v e r . $13,500. . (810) 254-0367.

CIVIC EX 1997 red, 5 speed, sunroof, 7 3 , 0 0 0 miles, 1 owner , nice. $9,400. (248) 328-8171

CIVIC 1991 LLX - 201K. Bur-gundy, loaded, 4 dr. runs great. $2500/best. 734-397-9557

CIVIC 1997 LX auto, 38,000 miles, silver, loaded, very good condition. $11,500/or best offer

(313) 945-9377

CIVIC LX 1999 - 4 dr., red sedan, Warranty 6yrs/75K miles, 25K mile, Exec, cond., auto, stereo/ CD,All power, Cruise, air, dual air bags, $13,900 (248)737-9465

CIVIC 1988 LX - 115K, power, air, 5 speed, records s ince 1994, gold, $2500. 313-535-3257

CIVIC 1998 LX - manual , A/C, cassette, 32K, c lean, 35mpg, $9,250 After 6, 248-647-8892.

CIVIC, 1995, LX. 1 owner , auto, full power, sunroof, CD, 78.5K, e x c . c o n d . $ 6 , 9 0 0 . / b e s t . 248-207-0614; 248-788-1637

CIVIC 1994 LX, Specia l , 4 dr., whi te/ tan, 82K, auto, ps/pb, am / fm, new battery, immobi l izer, running lights, exc., 1 owner, $5990. Canton. 734-981-0959.

CIVIC 1991 SI - red, 3 door, 5 speed, CD, sunroof, runs/ looks great. $2500. (248) 486-1997.

HONDA CRV 1998 4x4 - 42.5K miles, power windows/locks, CD air, cruise, ABS. $14,000/best. Harper Woods (313) 417-2363

(810) 202-1742.

H O N D A S-2000 (2001) - yel low, 2 5 0 0 m i les , c o v e r , a l a r m , $33,000. (313) 459-5553

PRELUDE 1997, auto., air, Pre-mium sound, factory fog & alarm, power everything.,, more. 55k miles, $14,500. 248-889-0507

PRELUDE 1987 - exc running cond., $2800. Cai l after 5pm:

(734) 459-5028

PRELUDE SI 1992 automatic, l o a d e d , r e d / b l a c k i n t e r i o r , $4500. (734) 421-0195

PRELUDE 1991 Si - exc cond., new engine, 4 cyl., 2.0L, auto, $4900/best. 734-266-6227

PRELUDE 1991 SI - loaded. Biack, CD. $4700/best offer. Beverly Hills. 248-723-5989

PRELUDE 1997 silver, 5 speed, ioaded, 200 horse power, 57K miles. $14,750. 734-289-1230.

854 Lexus

GS400 1999 - black, loaded, sunroof, chrome wheels, full warranty, low mi leage. $35,995.


LEXUS 1994 ES 300 - contem-porary style sedan, c lassy dark .green w/natural color leather interior. Runs smooth ly & qui-etly. All power f rom steer ing to sunroof. CD changer . Pr iced to sell at $9500. (248) 922-9400

LEXUS 1991 LS400 - rich silver w /b iush leather . A l l power including sunroof. Magnif icent premium sound sys tem w/CD. Quiet, dependable, spacious & luxurious. Reduced to sell at $9500. (248) 922-9400

400 LS 1999 loaded, mint cond., 40,000 miles, new t i res/brakes $38,000. (810) 997-5074

SC 300 1992 - burgundy, tan leather, fully loaded^ sunroof, chrome rims, C D changer , 120k miles, much more. $9500/best .

(313) 207-4590

856 Lincoln

CONTINENTAL 1996 absolutely immaculate, needs nothing, all options, 74,000 h ighway miles, oil changed every 4000 miles, $12,800/best. (734) 397-0294

CONTINENTAL 1999 Beige, leather, premium paint. 38,000 miles. Exec cond. $18,990.

Weekdays : 248-377-2200

CONTINENTAL 1994, black, tan leather, rebuilt motor, wel l main-tained. $4500/best. 734-397-6001.

C O N T I N E N T A L 1 9 9 7 . BLACK, gray leather, ch rome wheels, 57K miles, very nice, $13,400.

(248) 351-3612

CONTINENTAL 1995 Cham-pagne, 71,000 miies, leather, every opt ion avai lable, immacu-latel $12,135 (248) 471-1262

CONTINENTAL 1997 - Exc, cond. 73,000 mi. All opt ions + 7 yr. 100K extended warranty. $14,700. 734-427-2132

CONTINENTAL 1995 - exc. cond., full power, leather heated seats, JBL audio, r ide control, newer tires, 71k , w/extend'ed warranty to 96k. $11,500. (734)761-9286 (734)453-3017

CONTINENTAL, 1995 - Exc. cond. All opt ions. New tires & brakes, $9995. 810-777-0525

CONTINENTAL 1991, Execu-tive series, good cond. , 90k miles, $2800. (248) 652-9157.

C O N T I N E N T A L 1991 Execut ive Series - Brand new inside & out. 50K mi. $6500. 248-399-5388

CONTINENTAL 1997, 66k m i „ exc. cond., loaded, mus t sell. $13,700 or best (734) 495-1113.

C O N T I N E N T A L 1994, execut ive ser ies, al l opt ions, 74k mi., new brakes, oi l changes regularly, e x c e l l e n t x 3 . $ 6 6 0 0 . 734-261-3611 ceil 734-516-5503.

C O N T I N E N T A L 1998 Ivory, exc. cond. leather, all opt ions. J B L Audio, 8 5 K , w/ext warranty to 100K, $13,400. 248-486-9303,

C O N T I N E N T A L 1996. Loaded, 56K, ivory. $12,000.

(248) 437-8743

C O N T I N E N T A L S 1998, 2 to choose , sharp, fully equipped, pr iced t o sel l ! $12,980. John Rogin Buick 734-525-0900.

C O N T I N E N T A L 1993 - T o w n Car 6 9 K mi les, 4 dr, V8, a m / f m casset te , leather interior, split $ 9 2 0 0 . 2 4 8 380-9978 after 7 p m

C O N T I N E N T A L 1994 - white, b lack leather , moonroof , $4500 .

(248) 853-2101

C O N T I N T E N T A L 2000 - 11K, black/black, chrome wheels, exc cond.$26,500. 810-716-8080.

L I N C O L N 2 0 0 0 Is v8, sport pkg, warranty, maroon, 12k miles, $27,600. 734-462-6475

M A R K 8 L S C 1997- silver/silver, leather/sunroof , 52K, $18,500. Wes t Bloomfield. 248-353-1811.

M A R K V111 1995 Colorado car , deep red w/carr iage top, beau-t i f u l , 9 0 k , $ 1 0 , 4 9 5 / b e s t . 719-491-4953 leave message.

M A R K VII 1989 - garnet red, s u n r o o f , n e w t i r e s / b r a k e s , $2950 . 248-647-7953.

M A R K VIII - 1997 Black/black leather, power everything. 72k miles. $16,000. 734-421-7990

M A R K VIII , 1996, black/black, sunroof , 10 C D player, 57k , $12,500 or best. 248-393-2121.

M A R K VIII 1994 - exc cond. , $9200 . (810) 775-1846

M A R K VII I 1996 L S C - low miles, loaded, mint, $14,900.


M A R K VII , 1990, LSC. 5.0, b lack, 8 5 K miles, runs great. $2800. (734) 266-7123

MARK VII, 1991 LSC Special Edi-tion. Black on biack, exc. cond., 95K, $5500. (248) 375-8904

M A R K V 1 1 1 1996 - 80k hwy. miles, n e w battery, brakes, good tires. $9,999. (810) 220-1257

M A R K V 1977, 69k original mi., exce l len t condi t ion, $4500/best .

(734) 727-4654.

M A R K V 1 1 -1993 89,000 miles, new t i res, brakes, rotors & shocks, super clean. Must sell $8200 . 734^261-1808

T O W N C A R 1998 Car t ie r , c u s t o m Pear l , ful ly loaded, $18,300. 248-642-4940.

T O W N C A R 1996 Car t ie r , c ream metal l ic, very nice, 95k miles, $12,500. 810-263-3702

T O W N C A R 1994 - execut ive edit ion, exec , cond., Must see! $10,500/beSt (734) 261-6519.

T O W N CAR, 1988 - 1 2 0 K miles, $2500/bes t offer. Cal l T imiko 313-579-1481

T O W N C A R 1990, 67K miles, c lean, $ 5 5 0 0 or best offer. Cai i after 6 p .m. (734) 422-8117

T O W N C A R 1982 S igna tu re Ser ies Ar i zona car, desert" sand, ful l power , super clean, mus t see, $5750/bes t 313-255-5376

T O W N C A R 1989 - whi te w/ leather , exc . cond., runs exc. $2700 . 248-855-6735

T O W N E C A R S 2000 Execut ive Ser ies (2) - black, ful ly loaded, g a r a g e kept , non-smoking, ve ry wel i mainta ined, oil changes & rout ine main tenance accord ing to m a n u f a c t u r e r specs . A l l records kept. Still under war-r a n t y . 2 5 - 2 7 K m i . A s k i n g $ 2 7 , 0 0 0 / b e s t . C a l l F r e d


T O W N S I G N A T U R E SERIES 1994 loaded, mint cond. Silver. $ 5 7 9 0 . 1 yr warranty w/ful l pr ice. Al l records. (248)-473-6205

858 Mazda

6 2 6 LX 1993 - 4 dr., auto, air, C D , n e w tires, great cond. , $3800/bes t . 248-336-9515.

M A Z D A 626 LX, 1997 - maroon, auto , 5 3 , 0 0 0 miles, electr ic drs. , $10,500/best . (248) 377-6364

M A Z D A 1993 626 LX - Runs great. Power sunroof. 158,000 miles, $2200 . (734) 420-9700.

M A Z D A 1995 MX3 - 2 dr., 5 speed, air, 4 W D , 62,000 miles, $5000/best . (248) 669-8819

M A Z D A M X 3 1993 V6, 1.9 liter, 5 speed , 75,000 miles, whi te over gray , $6000 or best offer.

(248), 944-6080

M A Z D A 626, 1994 - power moonroof , immaculate condit ion, $1899 shop T Y M E & save. TS/lAG A* A CC CC06

M A Z D A RX-7 1985 - Exc cond., $2200. (248) 399-6699

Classifications 800 to 861

MiATA 1999 convert ib le, 10th anniversary specia l 14k, ASB, $19,950. 248-620-7441.

M I A T A 1 9 9 0 , c o n v e r t i b l e w/hardtop, 75 ,000 miies, $7500. 734-844-3370

MIATA 1999 - emera ld green, tour ing package, clean, iow miles, $16,500. 248-333-1544

MIATA 1997 - 58k miles, air, Blaupunkt am/ fm cd, leather, power windows, black, Wind-j ammer airfoil, bra, great cond. $9750/best . (734) 464-5810

MIATA 1999 - 18,000 miles, black, 5 speed, loaded, $15,500.

(810) 632-7700

MIATA 1099, 26,000 miles, s tored winters , green, warranty, CD, $14,000. 734-844-1870

MIATA 1996 - Per fect Cond. , ali b l ack , 2 1 k m i les , L o a d e d , $14,000 (248)737-4894

MIATA 1 9 9 9 - 5 speed, 15,500 miles, green, exc. cond. , original owner, $15,200. (248) 348-6177

MIATA 1999, 10th annual spe-cial edit ion, 12k mi., ABS, $23,500. 313-359-3764.

MILLENIA 1995 - 8 2 K mi., good condit ion, $9500 .

Cal l (248) 360-9715.

MILLENIA 1 9 9 6 , 5 9 k mi ies, fully loaded, sunroof .

(248) 669-3999

MILLENIA S 2000, 1 cond., 2 tone 734-455-5249

>000, 15k, e paint $21,

after 5 :30 p

exec. 000.


M I L L E N N I U M 1 9 9 5 - V 6 , loaded, sunroof , $7200.

(248) 755-0682.

MX-6 LS 1995 • exc cond, 5 speed, black, sunroof , $9,000. 734-525-4250 or 248-486-5433.

MX6 1995 - V6, exc. cond., 5 speed, loaded, sunroof , leather, c d player, 1 owner , 66k, $ 7 3 0 0 / b e s i (248) 380-1751

RX7 1990 Convert ib le, $3400. 734-524-0879

860 Mercury

C O U G A R 1999 - b lack w/tan leather, loaded, sunroof, CD6, 30K, $13,750. 734-398-9833.

COUGAR, 2000. Green, 5 speed,

Eower windows & locks, anti-lock rakes, air bags, CD, 15,700

miles. $14,995. (248) 305-6652.

C O U G A R 1999 1-4 - air, am/ fm stereo w/cd, 55k .hwy. miles, new tires, $9 ,500 .248 -682-8489

C O U G A R LS 1988 - 69K, new/ wheels/t i res, p remium sound/ CD, $3000. (248) 474-6085

C O U G A R 1999 - Sharp car! Must seli, f irst $9 ,600 takes. 48 ,000 miles. 313-937-1709.

C O U G A R , 1991 V6, ful i power, automat ic , cru ise, tilt, tape, exc. cond., $4500. 248-553-2186.

C O U G A R 2000, V-6, green, 3 0 K ml., moon roof, great condi-t ion. $16,000. (734) 306-7065.

C O U G A R 1999 • V6, 5 speed, leather, 6 d isc CD, clean, 1 owner, 11,000 miles, $13,500.

248-697-0482, 734-266-1808

C O U G A R X R 7 1992 Florida Car. Like new. Low mi leage, V8, ful i power, too many opt ions t o l i s t . W a r r a n t y a v a i l a b l e . $5500. 734-458-4908.

C O U G A R 1988 X R 7 - fully loaded. Runs good , needs body work. $2200/best . 248-366-1349

C O U G A R 1997 X R 7 - V8, loaded, 22K. Mint condit ion. Asking $12,600. 734-522-8250

C O U G A R X R 7 - 1994 Whi te/ Blue, loaded, like new. Low miles. $5900. (248) 672-7383

G R A N D M A R Q U I S 1999 ali power, cru ise, tilt, low miies, $14,200 Must sell 734-513-2407

G R A N D M A R Q U i S E GS 1995, 14,000 • mi les, forest green, $9500/ Offer. 248-443-2743

G R A N D M A R Q U I S 1991 fully loaded; burgundy, exceilent con-dit ion, 87 ,100 miles, $3950. (734) 397-2162

G R A N D M A R Q U I S 1 9 9 0 -loaded, wht v iny l top, exc . cond. 6 2 K mi. $3850 (248)656-2342

G R A N D M A R Q U I S 1991 - low miles, runs good, needs s o m e body repair, power, fully loaded $1100/best 734-546-3139

G R A N D M A R Q U I S 1988 LS -Great mechanica l cond. 118k, usual rust, $1495 .734 -591 -1619

Grand Marquis 1992 L S 71K, 30 mpg, air, c lean. Car fax report. Very c lean interior, only 2 owners, keyless 734-953-0913

G R A N D M A R Q U i S 1997 LS -4 .6 liter, leather, low miles, good cond., $10,900. 248-426-8830.

G R A N D M A R Q U I S 1991 LS -loaded, leather, new tires/brakes/ exhaust. $2650 734-453-7927.

f5R4Wn M A P O I 111 t c 100K .

Silver, exec cond, new tires & brakes, 8 7 K mi les, $7 ,495 (248)960-9565

G R A N D M A R Q U I S 1999 LS -vinyl roof, warranty, low miles. $13,900. 313-937-3245

G R A N D MARQUIS 1984, runs great, good, dependable trans-portat ion, $650. 734-455-6246.

G R A N D MARQUIS 1989 V8, rebui l t t ransmiss ion, loaded, runs great. 145K miles. $1400/ best. J im at (248) 477 -9296

M A R Q U I S 1997 - low mi les r

13,395, like new. $14,500. ' (734) 4 2 7 - 2 6 8 a

M A R Q U I S LS 1986 exte--u , , r ior / inter ior exc . cond . ,

82 ,000 miles, $2900/best 7 3 4 459-7755

M E R C U R Y CAPRI 1992 con . vert ibie. ' Black, stored winters, 44k $4500/best . 248-437-9987

M E R C U R Y T R A C E R 1997. 5 speed, 6 c d changer . Fuliy loaded, $6300. 734 495-1890

M Y S T I Q U E 1998 - Exc. c o n d ; Red, V6, fully loaded w/leather. seats, moonroof, CD. 44 ,500 mi. $9,200/best . 248-538-8125

M Y S T I Q U E 1998 - Loaded, V6,-leather, 43K miles, mint cond, .all power $9500 734-495-1890

M Y S T I Q U E 1996 LS, great cond. , auto, V6, all power, b rakes new 2001, 78k mi., $7000/best . (248) 426-0169.

M Y S T I Q U E LS 1998 - Loaded,-V6, 5 Speed, ABS, Air, Exec, cond. $9 ,800 (248)477-7363

M Y S T I Q U E 1998 LS, loaded; 24 va lve V6, low miles, $9500 : A B S brakes (248) 4 8 9 - 8 9 2 0 . ;

S A B L E 1993 - al l power;. 130,000 gentle mi., 1 owner , wel l maintained. Runs great. $2400. Eves: 734-459-0993

S A B L E 1999 GS, blue, 3 3 K ; remote, keyless, power seaf , warranty, $9900. 810-772-1804

S A B L E GS 1997 81,000 miles, loaded, $6295 or best offer. .

(734) 266-1811

S A B L E GS 1994 - 74 ,500 mile%, new t ransmiss ion f rom dealer -ship, new brakes, runs & looks great, $5900 (734) 462-4159 "

S A B L E 1993 loaded, 3.8, auto', all power , 137,000 miles, runs excel lent , $2800.

(734) 425-3415

S A B L E 1996 • loaded, au~tb« good cond. , original owner , 72K, $7000/best . (248) 366-9020 .

SABLE , 1998, LS - Exc. cond. Low mites. Must see. $8200


S A B L E LS 1993 - Exec, cond.', Tan , Loded, Must see! $3900


SABLE 1999 LS. 28K, leather, remote keyiess, 24V, a u t d ; $12,500. Eves: 313-359-2367. Weekdays: 734-632-5611

S A B L E 1995 LS - 54,500 mi., loaded, very good cond. Cham--pagne . $7500. 248-477-6736

SABLE , 2001 LS, on ly 2 ,500 miles, sunroof , CD, loaded, full power . $20,000. 734-729-5229

S A B L E 1994 LS Sta t ionwagon -89 ,000 mi. Loaded. Exc. cond. $4500 734-420-2436

S A B L E , 1993 LS - Whi te , loaded, re-built engine $40(J0/ best , must sell. 810-468-3114

S A B L E 1991 Mechanic 's car . 1 1 6 k , $ 2 2 0 0 . R u n s great".


S A B L E 1992 new batery, new rear struts, $2995 . 77 ,300 mi les (734) 453-9320 call after 5 >

SABLE, 1996 ,1 owner, auto, air, power seats/windows, $5000/ best. 248-674-0234

S A B L E 1998 - Showroom condP t ion. 30 ,000 mi. Must see. Ask ing $13,950. 248-629-3142

S A B L E 1997 V6, Sedan LS, ioaded, low miles, $ 1 0 , 3 0 0 - o r best offer. (734) 414-8277

T O P A Z 1992 GS - 4 dr, air, fek miles, c lean, g o o d cond. $1750 ;

(734) 261-3407

T R A C E R 1993 LTS - auto, 154K, air, sunroof, runs great, $1700 734-422-4966.

T R A C E R 1994 T R I O - b lack l auto, power steering/windows-, $3900 . 248-203-7588'.

ECL IPSE G S T 1997 Whfte7 Gray, manual , loaded. Original owner . $12,800. 810-731-2326

ECL IPSE RS 1998 exc. cond. air, 12 disc CD w/ remoje , spoi ler, al loy wheels, $11,000/ best . 248-851-8728

ECLIPSE, 1996 RS. Red, excel-lent condit ion. $6,000. Call:

(810) 229-5287

G A L A N T 1999 ES - black, gray leather, cd, 39k, very clean, $12,300/best . (248) 797-4727 •

3000 G T S L 1993 - auto, Sir, power , 115K hwy, $7900/be$t.

(248) 969-2628


Attention Movers, Shakers, and Rumblers You're gonna love this!

Run a transportation ad in your hometowri classified section - sell your

van, boat, go-cart, RV, motorcycle, ATV, jet ski - whatever moves - and

we'll run your classified ad until it does move....right on out of your garage!

Is this a great deal or what?

We'll k e e p running your c lass i f ied t r a n s p o r t a t i o n ad unti l it sells. L i m i t e d t i m e of fer , t w o t i m e m i n i m u m , p r i va te pa r t i es on ly , o t h e r r es t r i c t i ons m a y a p p l y

So if you have a mover, shaker, floater, or rumbler, park it with us until it's


(Dbsetwr & lEccentric CLASSIFIED ADS

Part of HomeTown Communications Network™

WAYNE: 734-591-0900 • OAKLAND: 248-644-1070 FAX: 734-953-2232

12F(*) C l a s s i f i c a t i o n s 8 1 5 t o 8 7 8 O&E Thursday, July 26, 2001

868 866 3000 GT SL 1992 - 78k, 5 speed, white, leather, great cond. $9,995/ best offer.-248-553-0109

MITSUBISHI 1996 3000 GT • black w/ tan interior, 74K, well kept, $12,000. (248) 363-1071

MITSUBISHI 3 0 0 0 1 9 9 8 GT SL, auto, red with black interior, 44K, loaded, CD, moonroof, $22,500/best. 734-953-2699

MITSUBISHI 3000 GT SL, 1992 5 speed, air, loaded, leather, 93K, $8900. 248-380-1569

862 Nissan

ALTIMA 1998 GXE, 4 dr., auto, air, black/tan, full power, low miles, $9600.248-538-9905 x213

INFINITY 1996 G20 - 70,000 mi, excel lent condit ion. $11,000. Call George (248) 544-7712.

MAXIMA 1995 - pw/pl, sunroof, CD/cassette, 5 speed, runs great! $7500/best. 734-354-9454

MAXIMA 1996 SE Bose, stereo, cassette, cd, air, tilt, cruise, more. $10,895 or best offer.

(248) 390-6972

MAXIMA SE 1993 - red, 5 speed, moonroof, more. 96,000 miles, $5500. 248-478-1768

NISSAN, 1992 Pathfinder, 4 wheel drive, exc. cond., new exhaust, low mileage, $5250/firm. 248-426-9325; 810-523-1960

NISSAN, 1992 Pathfinder, 4 wheel drive, exc. cond., new exhaust, low mileage, $5900/firm. 248-426-9325; 810-523-1960

NISSAN 300ZX 1990 - 2+2, pearl, tan leather, 5 speed, low miles, $13,800. 248-540-2106

Q U E S T GXE 1996 - auto, 71,000 miles, exc cond., dark green, $12,800. 810-939-3832

SENTRA 1993 - manual trans-mission, exc cond, 2 dr., 125K, $2450/best. 248-790-2424

ULTIMA, 1998 GXE. 27K, full power , war ran ty , l ike new. $11,000/best. . (248) 879-3749

864 Oldsmobile

ACHIEVA, 1991, 4 dr., sharp, no rust, auto, exc. car. $2,750/ best. 734-464-3641

A L E R O G L 1999 - 2 dr., b lack, loaded, 25K miles, warranty, $101,500. (810) 350-3585

A U R O R A 1995, loaded, b iack cherry, heated leather seats, 55k, $11,500. (248) 879-7523.

AURORA, 1996, loaded, moon-roof, heated seats, exc. cond. 79K, $9,950. 248-921-2868

A U R O R A 1996 - red, tan leather, good condit ion, 74K, $10,200. (248) 626-6812

A U R O R A , 1995 - R e d / t a n ieather, V8, Exec, cond., 93K miles, $6900/best. 248-538-8840

C U T L A S S 1994 Conver t ib le 55K! white leather, loaded, must see! $7900. 248-569-0020

C U T L A S S S U P R E M E 1990 auto, loaded, air, c lean, 92k actual, $3400/best. 248-360-1156

C U T L A S S S U P R E M E 1995 Convert ible - CD, leather, auto, all power $9000. (810) 947-5413

CUTLASS S U P R E M E 1994, 4 dr., garnet red/garnet interior, cruise, tilt, A M / F M casset te, p.w., locks & seat. Exc. cond., 76,000 actual miles, $6500. 248-608-9951

C U T L A S S 1995 Supreme. 75K, Leather, bucke t seats, CD, loaded. $6000. 248-420-2876.

C U T L A S S S U P R E M E 1995 -53,000 miles, auto, a i r , -am/ fm cassette, pw/pl, exc. cond., $8000. 734-416-9271

DELTA 88 Royaie Brougham 1984 - 35K, new battery/belts/ tires, $4500. (248) 706-9822

INTRIGUE, 1999 GL - White w/gray leather, Bose CD, moon-roof, ch rome wheels, freshly d e t a i l e d . 4 5 , 3 0 0 m i i e s , $13,700. 248-960-0519

iNTRIQUE 1998 GL - biack w/ tan leather, ideal second car, loaded: Bose CD, sunroof , spoi ler, ch rome wheels; great cond., 41 ,000 miles, asking $12,250/best . (248) 914-3363

OLDS 1992 Delta. 4 Door, great car, wei l maintained. Great t ranspor tat ion. $3,800/best .


OLDS EIGHTY Eight 1997 LSS -42,000 miles, loaded, black leather. Immaculate. $12,900/ best. (248) 355-5420

O L D S 98 1992 - Loaded, 27 m.p.g., Hwy. car, Looks/runs great $5200/best 810-735-6068

O L D S M O B I L E '88, 1994. Good cond., sunroof , full power, dark green. $6500. (248) 476-1233

O L D S 1991 Ninety Eight tour ing sedan - blue, leather, loaded, 100+ mi, $3500. 248-344-9466

OLDS, 1994 88 Royaie LSS, whi te/grey leather, like new, classy car $6000. 248-853-3286.

ACCLAIM, 1991, auto, 4 dr., power windows/ locks, 154K mi, $1,700. 734-495-9054

BREEZE 1996, auto., power moonroof, Kenwood CD, alarm, 68,000 miles, wel i maintained, $6200/best - 734-678-8228

BREEZE 1997, 4 door black, 87k miies, asking $6995 Eves 248-685-8855

BREEZE 1999 - keyless entry, p l /pw, 2.4L engine, 63,000 miles, $7995. 734-266-7121.

BREEZE 1998 - 70K miles, ail

Kower, clean car, $7700/best. lust sell! 248-545-9771.

BREEZE 1999 14,600 miles, loaded, exc. cond., $10,500 or best. (734) 513-5486.

HORIZON 1989 - wel l main-tained, 126k miles, $995/best.

(734). 397-8396

NEON, 1996 Coupe. Sharp, 4 0 K miies, air, white w/black tr im. $5,500. (734) 416-8950

N E O N 1997, 2 door sport model , 72k m i „ am/ fm cassette, air, good condit ion, $4995.

(734) 453-9492.

N E O N 1995, 4 dr., red auto-matic, air, reliable, am- fm cas-sette, $3750/best. 810-751-5590

NEON 2000 LX, 33k mi., auto, CD, loaded, silver exterior gray c l o t h in te r io r , v e r y c l ean . $11,000. (248) 543-9283

NEON LX 2000 - 2.0L, auto, Cin-namon glaze color like new, 10.5k miles, always garaged, non-smoking, all power. $10,900/best (734)475-8371

NEON 1997 - 49,000 miles, $5,190. (734) 729-8851

NEON 2000, 5 speed, air, power sunroof, 3600 mi. A labama car. $11,000/best. (248) 894-3247.


Saab 9-5 was awarded "Best Mid Luxury Car in Initial Quality in the JD Power ana Associates 2001 Initial Quality Study."

9-5 Sedan

• m o . ' / 3 6 mos.

ease incept ion $1212 ( inc ludes d o w n pmt. , sec. dep . , a c q . fee , first

mo . pmt . plus O ldsmob i l e loya l ly rebate)

T u r b o c h a r g e d e n g i n e s t a n d a r d / O n S t a r is

s t a n d a r d o n e v e r y 2 0 0 1 S a a b m o d e l / A u t o m a t i c

T ransm iss i on / Leather Seats / Tract ion C o n t r o l

System / H e a d a n d Ches t S ide A i r Bags /

H a r m a n / K a r d o n A u d i o S y s t e m / S a a b A c t i v e H e a d

Restraint / N o C h a r g e S c h e d u l e d M a i n t e n a n c e for

th ree y e a r s o r 3 6 , 0 0 0 mi ies

People who test-drive a Saab, usually buy one.

O n Telegraph a t the Tel-12 Ma l l

M O N . & THURS. 9 - 9 ; TUES., W E D . , FRI. 9 - 6 ; SAT. 10-4

Subject t o credit approval. Based on S M e m p l o y M d l s c o u n t . Oafosry m u s t W taken o u t o l participating d w i i r inventory by July 3 1 , 2 0 0 1 . Dealer financial pait lapaKon m a y affect consumer c o s t . " T e r m s a o p i y r o a 2 0 0 l SaaB 9 - 5 Sedan to cyHnder \s1th automaBc trarjsmisskjrt.sunroof. leather seats, m e m o r y drivers seat anfl Harman/Kardon Autfio System. 36 montn lease plus taxes, insurance, title and registration tees. Ths customer is all w e d 3 6 , 0 0 0 miles flu i t n g t t n term of this lease. T l s w s t o r a e r is liable t o r a mileage charge of $ 5 0 par mi le over 3 6 , 0 0 0 miles and f a a a e s s wear a r d tear. Buy or lease a new 2 0 0 1 SaaS 9 - 5 Sedan and receVe N o Charge Scheduled Maintenance f o r 3 years or 3 6 , 0 0 0 miles, whichever c o m e s first. Routine maintenance includes manufacturer r e c o m m e n d e d malrtertancs only. This p r o j r a m is subject t o discontf nuance at any l ime. One-year OnStar p r e m i u m service subscription included. T h e 2001 Saab 9 - 5 w a s the highest rated M i d l u x u r y Car in J.D. Power and Associates 2 0 0 1 Initial Quality Study. Study i ^ on total 5 4 , 5 6 5 consumer responses IndloaSno owner reported problems during the first 9 0 days of ownership. vAw.jdpower.com.

GLftSSNfiN SflflB


2001 CIVIC LX Automat ic t ransmission, four door.

k Lease $ 0 4 7 9 9 * 4 'For mm 1 f mo.1

2001 CIVIC LX 2 DR


Air c o n d i t i o n i n g , p o w e r w i n d o w s , p o w e r l ocks , c ru i se , c a s s e t t e & m o r e .


1205 ANN ARBOR RD., 734-453-3600 M o n . - T h u r s . 9 - 9 , ; ; T u e s . , W e d . , F r i . 9 - 6 ; ,

C l o s e d S a t u r d a y

V i s i t o u r w e b s i t e : w w w . s u n s h i n e h o n d a . n e t

SUNDANCE 1994 - 4 dr., exc cond., $2900. * * * * SOLD

S U N D A N C E - 126K miles, 2 door h a t c h b a c k , a i r , au to , $1,800. Cal l 248-542-2576


BONNEVILLE 1997 - auto, 4 dr , 90k, auto start, power, $8000.


BONNEVILLE 1983 Exc cond. Loaded, no rust. 60,000 miles. $3500/best. 248-887-0462

BONNEVILLE, 1988 LE - 3800, $1500. New brakes, c lean inte-rior. Eves. 248-624-6843

BONNEVILLE 1995 - loaded, good cond., $7,000.

(810) 235-6498

BONNEVILLE, 1995 SE - Exc. cond. CD, leather, sunroof, alu-minum wheels, loaded, 67K miies, $6,500. 248-477-2070

BONNEVILLE SE 1993 - Green w/ beige int., 87k miles, all power, sun roof, runs good. $5,500 After 6pm (248)615-0745

BONNEVILLE 1997 SE-very good cond, 100K+ hwy mi, good for student. $6250. 248-486-1254.

BONNEVILLE 1999 SSE, G M factory official, $18,195.

JfaC/jfoAtafL. West land

(734) 721-1144

B O N N E V I L L E 2000 SSEi -exceptional low mi. Must seli by 5-1. $24,400. 313-532-7388.

BONNEVILLE 1996 SSEi -leather, roof, GM warranty, all options, $11,900. 248-642-7325

BONNEVILLE 1995 SSEI,Leath-er, fully loaded, car-starter, CD, sunroof.$7500. 313-963-8974.

B O N N E V I L L E , 1999 , S S E . Moonroof, leather, loaded, exc. cond. $17,299. (248) 626-1559

FIARO 1988 5 Speed, 9,000 original miles, 1 owner, must see. Perfect. $9,900.

(248) 328-8171

FIERO 1984 - Show Room Cond., 16k miles, stored, almost new $7495/best 248-967-1428

FIREBIRD 1999, auto, black, T tops, loaded, $13,100. 248-212-4919 - 348-2404

FIREBIRD 1994, black/grey int. power, air, A M / F M w/CD, extras. Very sharp, exc. cond. 116K, $5,900. (248) 620-0145

FIREBIRD 1999 - black, gray interior, V6, T-tops, Monsoon stereo system, great cond., $15,500. Jennifer 248-593-6400

FIREBIRD 1992 - convert ible, red, 5.0 L, ail power, 37,600 miles, $12,500. 734-721-8087

FIREBIRD 1991 Formula, t-tops, full power, body in great shape, runs excellent, 113,000 miles, $4600/best. 734-697-7313

FIREBIRD FORMULA 1995, V8, 66,500 miles, red, T-top, air, stereo, cruise, power, exc. cond., $11,000/best - 734-699-2315

G R A N D AM 1997 Champagne , 5 speed coupe. 48k $8800 . leave message 734-480-3994

GRAND AM 1997 - 2 dr, V6, auto A/C, cruise.' CD, pi, pw, new tires, 75K, $650Q/best. 734-547-0977.

G R A N D AM 2000 GT - black, gray leather, loaded, moonroof , ch rome wheels, 11K, 2 yr. war-ranty left $15,995 734-765-3445

G R A N D A M 1995 GT. 2 Door , 55K miles, white, exc. cond. , $6900 firm. (734) 721 -1282

G R A N D A M 1999 GT - 4 dr., black, 4 cyl., auto, cruise, power w indows/doors , A M / F M C D , air, a l u m i n u m w h e e l s . 4 0 k mi. $12,500. Eves: 248-478-9556

Days: 734-669-6222

G R A N D AM 1997 GT - 82K, black, 2 dr., fully loaded, moon-roof, $5500/best (313) 441-1439

G R A N D A M 1998 GT, 63 ,000 miles, mint, loaded, $10,500.

Af ter 6pm: (248) 549-5467.

G R A N D A M Gt Sedan 1998-53k mostly hwy. Purple, extras, cd. $10,500. 248-624-5846.

G R A N D AM 1994, GT, V 6 , 2 dr., red/ tan interior, loaded, sunroof , a luminum wheels, exc., cond. , $5200. 248-541-6811

G R A N D A M 1997 - 35k miles, 4 dr., excellent condit ion, $11,000. (248)202-7744 (248)766-7607

G R A N D AM, 1987 - 1 1 2 K miles, exc. transportat ion, runs good, $1500 or best. 313-295-7694

G R A N D AM 1995 - 100K, one o w n e r , l o a d e d , n e w t i r es / shocks, $5000. 313-538-6168.

G R A N D AM 1991 2.3L, auto, air, stereo. Mint cond. $2400.

(519) 776-6548

G R A N D A M 1 9 9 1 LE, quad 4ho, 5 speed, loaded, good condit ion, $2500 . (248) 348-8556.

G R A N D A M 1 9 9 5 - 1 owner , air, power , 4 dr., cruise, good condi-t ion , 70 ,000 mi les , $ 5 2 0 0 . 313-531 -5546, 313-255-4384,

G R A N D A M PONTIAC 1997 GT (4 door) green/gray cloth interior (fold down rear seat) V-6 , auto, w indows and locks, cru ise con-trol. AM/FM with c d player and steer ing wheel controls. Excel-lent condit ion. $7,300 or best offer. (734) 522-8409

G R A N D AM 1996 - Red, clean, runs excelient, 73 ,000 mi les, $7500/best . 734-953-2763.

G R A N D A M 1999 SE, 4 door, black, auto, CD, spoi ler, cruise, p o w e r s e a t s , 4 0 K m i l e s , $11,000. 248-645-5095.

G R A N D A M S E 1999 - 4 dr . , all power , spoi ler, cruise, 4 6 K hwy. miles, exes. cond. $12,000. Eve-n ings (810)629-2861

G R A N D A M 1993 S E red, 2 dr., 92K mostly hwy, manual, pi, cas-sette, cruise, air, c lean, 1 owner , $3000/best . 734-420-1549

G R A N D AM 1995 SE - V 6 , 4 dr., whi te, 83K, 1 owner, remote start, auto, loaded, new tires, $7,000. 313-350-0960

G R A N D AM 1994 SE V6. White, 2 dr., 66K miies, exc. cond. $4600. (248) 593-5933

G R A N D AM 1997 - white, 68K miles, 2 dr., 5 speed manual , new tires, very wel l mainta ined, $6300/best . 734-641-1302.

FIREBIRD 1994 tops, leather , summer fun ,


JfalffoJMtVL. West land

(734) 721-1144

FIREBIRD, 1994, full power, CD, 33.9K miles, like new, red, $8,600. .248-647-3061

FIREBIRD 1978 ,36 ,000 original miles, mint cond. Ask ing $6700.


FIREBIRD, 1995 - Red, 41K miles, auto, loaded, clean. Must sell. $7995/best . 734-432-1054

FIREBIRD 1994, red, t-tops, low miles, loaded, exc. cond., new tires. $8,900. 248-347-2212

FIREBIRD 1998 red, T- tops,

extended warranty, Monsoon 10 speaker with cd, full power secu-rity system, $12,950.

(248) 477-5480

G R A N D AM 1999, white, v6, ieather interior, moonroof , CD, $11,500/best. (248) 709-1540.

G R A N D PRIX GT 1999, black, loaded, priced to sell! $10,980 John Rogin Buick 734-525-0900.

G R A N D PRIX 1997 GT, 2 dOOP, exc . cond., loaded, ext. war-ranty, $12,000. 810-566-5914.

G R A N D PRIX 1990 SLE - 4 dr., no rust, looks good , runs great, $3000. (248) 706-1366

PONTIAC 6000 LE 1990 -loaded, remote start, alarm, am/ fm CD, 6 cyl, air, rebuilt engine, $1875. 3-9pm: 734-459-4125

SUNBIRD, 1991 - Runs good, looks good. Automat ic , air, $1200/best. 734-729-0288

SUNBIRD SE 1992 - Rebuilt 3.1 V6, red new tires brakes & exhaust . Exec. cond. 85K miies. $4000/best {248)887-8851

SUNFIRE, 1995 convertible, all opt ions, cell phone, 5 speed, $4,995/best. (248) 391-1895.

SUNFIRE 1996 CONVERTIBLE dark green, w/b lack top, very good cond., 7 7 K original miles, every opt ion . $8300/best offer

(248) 374-9416

SUNFIRE 1996 convertible, 5 speed manual, AC, pw/pl, CD, new tires, $7900. 248-474-9103

SUNFIRE 1998, 2 door coupe, 3 7 k m i . , $ 9 0 0 0 / b e s t . 248-625-4207 or 248-753-3678

SUNF IRE 1998 - 2 dr., white, CD, air, auto, $8995.

(734) 455-6336

SUNF IRE 1999 GT convertible 14,000 miies, exc. cond., black, $14,999 or assume lease.

(248) 553-3345

SUNFIRE1998 GT, fuily loaded, exc. cond., 51,500 highway mi les, regular maintenance, $11,000/best. (248) 426-7138

T R A N S A M 2000 - black, black leather, 11,700 miles, loaded, T-tops, 6 speed hurst, $21,900.

(734) 421-8964

TRANS-AM 1994 - Black, 6 speed, leather, Exc cond, CD, air. $9,800 (810)229-8043

T R A N S AM, 1987. Ex. cond., 57K miles, T- tops, red. $7500.

(734) 981-0215

TRANS AM, 2000, Firehawk. Black, leather, loaded, T-tops, SHARP1 $29,900,734-591-0913

TRANS AM, 1998. Fully loaded, stored winters, perfect cond. $18,000/best Offer. (248) 380-7455

T R A N S A M 1997 Ram Air -black, charcoal interior, t-tops, CD, ch rome wheels. Exc. cond., not abused. 69K hwy. miles. $17,500, (248) 390-3216.

T R A N S A M - 1 9 9 6 , T-tops, auto. Great summer car l Low miles. $14,500. (248)347-2810

870 Saturn

C O U P E SC 1992 - Red, New alternator, struts, & tires. Very c lean runs great l $3000 (248)887-8851

S A T U R N 2000 LS-2 Sedan, dk. green/beige, 6 cyl inder, loaded! 18,800 miles, 1 owner, non-smoker, $14,500. 313-441-4215

C A M R Y 1999 - Burgundy, be ige interior, 30K miles, 2 .0 l iter, auto, air, A B S & PS, power win-dows/ locks , CD, n e w t i res, exc COhd., $14 ,995 (248)926-8399

C A M R Y 1996 - 4 door sedan , 91K mi les, white, leather, sun-roof, C D , $8250. (248) 887-0934

C A M R Y 1997 - LE-4, or ig inal owne r , loaded, exc . c o n d . , beige, ABS, secur i ty sys tem, 55K, $10,900. 248-624-7747.

C A M R Y 1998 LE - V6, auto , 4 door, campa ign , air, leather, sunroof , power locks /w indows, secur i ty, casset te /CD, excei lent , 26K, $15 ,900 . 248-668-1770.

C A M R Y LE 1997, whi te, sun-roof, C D player , w o o d t r imming , spoi ler , exc. cond. 60 ,000 mi les, $11 ,900 . 248-852-2291

C A M R Y X L E 1992 - Whi te , sun -roof, 103K miles, Great car ! $5 ,300 (734)422-1078

C E L I C A 2000 GTS, blue, 6 speed, air, sunroof , CD, power w indows & locks, 16K mi les, $19,500. 734 -354 -6676

C E L I C A 1990 ST; charcoa l , air, cassette, cruise, 5 speed, 99,800 miles. $3500 . 734-425-4571

C E L I C A 1995 ST - 56k , go ld package, manua l , 1.8 L, power , $9000/bes t . (248) 377-6364 .

C O R O L L A 1999 CE, 5 speed , e x c e l l e n t c o n d i t i o n , 2 0 , 0 0 0 miles, $12,000/bes t . Ser ious cal ls on iy to (248) 546-1883 .

C O R O L L A 1988 4 dr., 90 ,000 mi les-good cond. , $2000 . Cal l

(248) 626 -1255

MR2 SPYDER 2001, rare mid engine roadster, 5500 miles, silver/ black, $24,500. 248-344-81.17

P A S E O 1993 - looks / runs good , 121K mi les, recond i t ioned, sun-roof, black, under b luebook price $3995 . (734) 2 0 7 - 8 3 5 2

S U P R A 1996 - 23K miles, mint , auto, air, ful l power , cus tom, $23,000/best . 734 -341 -0039

T O Y O T A C A M R Y X L E 1998 black, 40 ,000 miles, ful ly ioaded, exc. cond. , $14 ,000 or best offer. (248) 231 -4362

874 Volkswagen

BEETLE 1998 - B lack, c loth, auto, a i r , cru ise, power w i n d o w s & m u c h more. 30 ,000 miles. $13,900. (248) 545 -5210

BEETLE, 1999 GLS. Whi te , 5 Speed, 23K most ly h ighway miles, air, casset te , great cond . $14 ,950 inc lud ing 4 snow t i res.

(248) 7 3 7 - 4 8 3 8

BEETLE , 1999, G L S , ye l low, auto, b iack leather, moonroo f , CD, hea ted seats, 3 3 K mi, $13,900. 248 -589 -8564

S A T U R N LW2, 2000 - 13K, V6, leather, CD/tape, loaded, like new. $18,900. 734-451-5695.

S A T U R N SC2 1995 air, leather, power locks, w indows, ABS, air-bags, $5700. 734-254-0597

SATURN 1996 SC2 - black, 80K mi, 5 speed, air, tilt, stereo/tape, $5800. (734) 354-1974.

S A T U R N SC2 1997 - leather, ASS, forest green, exc cond, $7500/best . (248) 380-9580

S A T U R N SC1 1999, 5 S P „ air, 49K, am- fm cassette, sunroof, $9000/best , 248-350-3112

G R A N D PRIX 1998 GT 2 door, exc. cond, 35,000 miles, power equipment, cd, white, $13 ,700 or best offer (734) 455-5925

G R A N D PRIX 1999 GT - exc cond. , loaded, green, coupe, $9,900/best . (248) 669-5763.

G R A N D PRIX G T 1997 - Great cond. , loaded, 71 ,000 miles, $10,000. 248-645-9688

G R A N D PRIX 1997 GT, 43K miles, loade'd, ex tended war-ranty, exc. cond. , $13 ,000 or best (734) 673-3215

G R A N D PRIX 2 0 0 0 G T -leather, moonroof, 4 dr , 9k mi les, $17,200. 734-981-3897

G R A N D PRIX 1997 G T -loaded, 38k, ieather, sunroof , more. $13,100. 248-656-9371

G R A N D PRIX 2000 G T loaded, $16,000/best. 248-684-1182.

I <anMiNi> r r t i A w i i o , uvu miles, CD, non-smoker , exc

I cond. , $15,900. 734-207-8720

G R A N D A M 1992 - Black w/ sunroof, sharp,' 54K mi. $5500. Leave message. 248-489-5028

G R A N D PRIX GTP 2000 • black, 2 dr., ful ly ioaded w/al l extras, 18K miles, $20,000.


- Quality Low Milage Cars -Trucks & Vans - Al l Backed By Our 56 Year Reputation

i G R A N D PRIX 2000 G T P - 4 dr. I b lack, leather, sunroof , CD, G M I e x e c u t i v e c a r , m i n t , 1 7 K . $20,500. 248-427-1403

G R A N D PRIX 1997 G T P 3.8 liter, black, loaded, $11,000.

(734) 425-4049


'99 TRACER LS 4 DR A u t o , A / C , a l l p o w e r , c r u i s e 1 o w n e r b e a u t y $ 9 8 9 5

'00 ESCORT SE 4 DR W h i t e , a u t o , A / C , a l l p o w e r , 1 6 K , 1 o w n e r m i l e s $ 9 9 9 5

'01 FOCUS SE 4 DR A i l p o w e r , a u t o , c r u i s e , w i n d o w s / A / C , l o c k s , 1 8 K , 1 o w n e r $ 1 1 , 9 0 0

'99 RANGER XLT PICKUP 1 4 K , 1 o w n e r . A u t o , A / C , l i k e

new & sale priced $ 1 1 , 9 0 0

'00 FOCUS SE W A G O N W h i t e , a u t o , A / C , c r u i s e , p o w e r w i n d o w s , l o c k s , r a c k $ 1 2 , 9 0 0

' 99 RANGER X-CAB PICKUP V - 6 , a u t o , A / C , a l l p o w e r , c r u i s e , p o w e r w i n d o w s / l o c k s , 2 4 K 1 o w n e r $ 1 3 , 9 0 0


' 99 COUGAR S p r u c e , V-6, a u t o , m o o n r o o f , A / C , 2 7 K 1 o w n e r . S h a r p $ 1 3 , 5 0 0

'98 VILLAGER GS VAN 7 passenger , 2 5 K 1 o w n e r , l o a d e d , a u t o , A / C , l i k e n e w $ 1 4 , 5 0 0

'00 SABLE T a n , 2 1 K 1 o w n e r , l o a d e d w i t h o p t i o n s & s a l e p r i c e d $ 1 5 , 9 0 0

'99 VILLAGER VAN T a n , 2 4 K 1 o w n e r , l o a d e d w i t h o p t i o n s & t r a v e l r e a d y $ 1 5 , 9 0 0


1 8 K 1 o w n e r , a l l t h e o p t i o n s , l i k e n e w q u a l i t y c o n d i t i o n $ 1 6 , 9 0 0


P e a r ! W h i t e , 3 1 K 1 o w n e r , l o a d e d & s h o w r o o m c o n d i t i o n

$ 1 7 , 9 0 0


,door . Exc. cond. $10,500. , 248-476-8217

'01 MAZDA 626 4 DR D e m o , 7 K , a u t o , l o a d e d , r e b a t e t o d e a l e r $ 1 7 , 9 0 0

'99 L INCOLN CONTINENTAL 1 4 K 1 o w n e r . E x c e p t i o n a l c o n d i t i o n $ 2 2 , 9 0 0

'00 VOLVO 540 1.9T R e d , 8 K , l o a d e d w i t h o p t i o n s . D o n ' t m i s s $ 2 2 , 9 0 0

'99 L INCOLN T O W N CAR 1 4 K 1 o w n e r , a l l t h e o p t i o n s . E x c e p t i o n a l $ 2 3 , 9 0 0


1 1 K 1 o w n e r , l i k e n e w & v a c a t i o n r e a d y $ 2 3 , 9 0 0


4 d o o r p i c k u p , 4 x 4 , l o a d e d & 5 K 1 o w n e r m i l e s $ 2 7 , 5 0 0

'00 CONTOUR SE 4 DR A u t o , A / C , c ru i se , a i l p o w e r , 2 1 K 1 o w n e r Was $ 1 1 , 9 0 0 Now $ 9 , 9 0 0

'00 FOCUS SE Si lver , a u t o , A / C , a l l p o w e r , c r u i s e - l o a d e d Was $ 1 2 , 9 0 0 Now $ 1 1 , 9 0 0

'00 FORD TAURUS SE R e d , 2 4 v a l v e , V - 6 , A / C , a l l p o w e r , 2 5 K Was $ 1 5 , 9 0 0 Now $ 1 3 , 9 0 0

'98 LINCOLN T O W N CAR L o a d e d , l o c a l t r ans , sa le p r i c e was $ 1 8 , 9 0 0 NOW $ 1 6 , 9 0 0

'99 LINCOLN T O W N CAR S i g n a t u r e Ser ies , w h i t e , 3 0 K 1 o w n e r b e a u t y Was $ 2 2 , 9 0 0 Now $ 1 8 , 9 0 0

I G R A N D PRIX 2000 GTP, silver, 14 door, 23K miles, loaded, $19,100. 248-661-0309

G R A N D PRiX 1999 G T P -silver, 55,000 miles, fully loaded, l e a t h e r , h e a d s - u p d i s p l a y , 12-disc CD, new tires, t inted win-

i dows , exc cond. , $16,500. 1734-261-6759, 734-355-0982

I G R A N D PRIX GT 1998 Sedan, I red, CD, Moonroof, adult owned, I n o n smoker , warranty , 41k

miles. $14,500 (248)437-6017

I G R A N D PRIX GT Sedan 2 0 0 0 -| sunroof , leather, CD, more!

16.5K, $16,500. 248-673-0175

S A T U R N SC1 1997 - 5 speed, purple w/spoi ler, alloys, 24-40 mpg, air, am- fm cassette, 1 owner $7900/best248-349-4062

S A T U R N SL1 1998 - Auto , 4 dr., air, A M / F M cassette, 42K mi., $8100/best. (248)328-9942.

S A T U R N 1993 SL2 - 121K, moonroof, extras. New brakes/ exhaust. $3500 248-643-8425.

S A T U R N SL2 1993 Sedan - red, auto, pw/pl, cassette, air, runs great, $3900. 248-349-6246

SC2 2001 - air, cd; cassette, ABS, airbags, 12k miles, $16,000/best. (248) 670-6933

S C 2 , 1 9 9 7 - B l a c k / t a n , auto, air, power, cruise, al loy wheels, CD, 29K. $11,600. 248-855-5756.

SC1, 1993 - 2 Dr, 5-speed, 95K miles, air, ABS, exc. cond. $4200/best . 248-922-3493.

S C 2 1 9 9 6 - Loaded! Dark green, leather, moon roof, 49K miles $7900/best (734)453-0677


2 0 K m i l e s . $ 1 4 , 5 0 0 . 734-604-9195

SL2 1 997 - auto, air, 36k, am-dark green, good con-

SL2 1 995 - auto, air, 91,000 miles, gold, exc overall, $5200/ best. (734) 425-0031

SL 1999 - c lean, air, traction control, great MPG, 5 speed, 39K, $8800/best 248-705-8997

SL2 1996 - 4 dr., air, auto trans, all power, remote entry, AM/FM cassette, ABS, warranty,$8,000


S L 2 1998 - 4 dr., auto, loaded power sunroo f , 4 5 K mi les, dealer maintained, white, $8500. 248-299-4288 734-260-0970

SL2, 1994, 83K mi., blue/black, ABS, new brakes/exhaust, exc. cond. $4,300/best. 734-462-0113

SL2 1998 loaded, leather, 5 speed, power sunroof, cruise, p remium sound, 41K miles, exc. cond,. $9400. (248) 649-5564

B E E T L E 1999 - green, 8 , 0 0 0 miies, auto, l ike new, $14 ,900 / bes t ' o f fe r . (248) 624 -8636

BEETLE, 1998 - Red, super c lean, loaded + 6 -d isc CD. 19K miles, $14,500. 248-656-1032 .

BEETLE 1 9 9 9 - 5 speed, 15 ,500 miles, CD/casset te , Exc Cond . $14,000 (248 )623-4960

B E E T L E 1971 Supe r -21 k mi les, exc . cond. 2 n d owner , $5,000. 248 -459 -0600

BEETLE 2000 Turbo - 5 speed , dark blue, gray leather, C D & more. 14.5K mi les, $18 ,500 .

313 -565 -9845 days 313 -617 -3646 eves /wknds

BETTLE1999 , B L A C K , 5 speed , a/c, power w i n d o w s & locks 40K miles. $14,900/best (734)358-5443

C A B R I O 1995 - Conver t ib le Exec Cond, 8 1 K mi les. 2 8 M.P.G. l $9 ,500 (248 )644-7805

C A B R I O 1997 - Whi te , conver t -able, tan leather, all opt ions. 40K miles. $14,000. (248)203-6795

J E T T A G L S 1999 - Al i power , air, 33k miles, exec . cond. $14,000/best (734)276-2661

J E T T A 1995 G L - 5 speed , power sunroof, 94K, $7000/best . Leave message 248-799-8247

OLDS 1990 Cus tom cruiser wagon. Near mint l 109K miles, $2500/best . 313-255-7845

S U N B I R D 1994 LE, 3.11, v6, auto, red, sport package, sharp car. $3600/best. 734-612-4520.

G O L F 1998 K 2 S n o w b o a r d board still in plastic, 62K, all orig-inal, loaded, superb cond. , 6 - C D changer , new t i res/brakes, 1 of 800. $11,800. (248) 336 -2819

J E T T A 1997 G L - 58 ,000 miles, 5 speed, 4 dr., g reen, $9500 / best. (734) 454-7094

J E T T A 1997 G L S 5 speed , white, sunroof , $9000 . or best offer (248) 685 -2588

JETTA 1997 GT, 65 ,800 miles, a m / f a m radio, air. c ru ise , moon -roof, $9850. 248-735-8231.

J E T T A 1994 - Whi te . Secur i ty sys tem. B lue b o o k $ 5 7 0 0 . Ask ing $5000 . 248-933-6512

K A R M E N GIA, 1971 coupe, y e l l o w / b l a c k in ter io r , n e w e r brakes, battery & t i res, runs O K , $3,000/best . (734) 207-1901 .

N E W BEETLE 2000 GLX Turbo, 8100 miies! Leather, stick, heated seats, ABS, keyless/alarm, side air bags, sunroof, cd changer, spoiler, warranty. $19,000/best Call 8 -5 248-204-7357

T A U R U S 1991 - si lver, loaded, excel ient, 100K, $2200.

(248) 478-7138

P A S S A T 1991- 4 door, auto, moonroof , full power $3000/ best. 734-427-4743.

P A S S A T , 1994 , G L X . 5 4 K miles, exc. cond. , leather, sun-roof, $9,400. 248-476-3916

P A S S A T 2001 GLX - loaded/ mint cond. Si lver/black leather, CD, sunroof , hea ted seats, more. $29,000. 248-661-6898

SL2 1997 - Loaded, ps./pb, moonroof , da rk .b lue , auto. $7,900. 734-459-0108

I G R A N D PRIX 1993, loaded, I sun roof, ground ef fects pkg. $4550 . Very nice. 810-263-3702

G R A N D PRIX 1988 S E coupe, 81K, cold A /C, sharp, $2900/ best offer. (734) 397-5621.

Sesi Lincoln Mercury Mazda 950 E. Michigan Ave. - Ypsilanti

(734) 482-7133 Open Mon. & Thurs. 8:30 - 9; Tues., Wed. & Fri. 8:30 - 6

Closed Saturdays 'til Labor Day

. G R A N D PRIX 1998 SE 4 door, • gold, 3.8 V6, p remium wheels , I m a n y extras, f inancing avail-a b l e . Private owner, $10,500.

(248) 669-2806.

I G R A N D PRIX 1991 SE - white, 12 dr., gray interior, original lady I owner , non-smoker, exc cond. , I very clean, auto V6 3.1, pw/pl/p-I seat , cruise, casset te, air, tilt, 1125K, oil change every 3,000.

$3900/best. 734-420-1530 x 248 I eve: 734-455-2428

SL2 1991 133,000 miles, 5 speed, white, loaded. $2000 or best. (313) 535-6129

SL2 1997 sedan green, power windows/ locks, tilt, cruise. Exc. cond. $5900. 248-240-2424

SW2 1997 air, am/fm cassette, tilt, cruise, 50k miies, runs well, red, good cond., asking $7500/ best. (734) 587-7901

872 Toyota

AVALON, 1997, super ciean, white & tan, leather, sunroof, C D changer, 64k hi-way miles, must see, $15,500. 248-645-0535.

Toyota Camry 1997 XLE - 4 cyl. Super clean, must see. 43,500 mi. $14,30Ctoest. 734-981-1572

TOYOTA COROLLA 1987 low mileage, automatic, air, runs great, $2000/fitm. 248-478-2965

• I Autos Under §2,

A E R O S T A R 1993 - auto, air, g a r a g e k e p t s i n c e n e w . $1650. T Y M E A U T O (734) 455-5566.

876 Autos Over $2,000

FORD, 1993 Tempo. Auto, Air, 118K mi.; new engine at 80K mi. $ 3 , 0 0 0 / b e s t . A f t e r 3 p m :


A U D 1 1 9 8 6 - ail power , running, exc., $1500 .


BUICK 1988 Century - $600/ best. 313-255-4875

1989 BUICK Century V6, auto, loaded, new tires. Runs & drives exec. $1900/best . 313-255-5376

C A R S F R O M $ 5 0 0 ! Police Impounds & Tax Repos.

Lists: 800-319-3323, X7375.

P A S S A T 2000 GLX Sedan, 20 ,000 miles, factory warranty, auto, leather, CD, power roof, heated power seats, Anthraci te b lue, 17" whee ls , $23 ,900 .


C H R Y S L E R Caravel le 1985, runs great, g randma 's car, 60K, $1650/best . 1986 F O R D Mark VII LSC, runs great, $1600/best . 1986 F O R D Stake Truck, $1000/ best. 1992 T E M P O , for parts, best offer. 248-698-9225.

C H R Y S L E R 1 9 8 9 D y n a s t y 95,000 miles, auto, air, stereo, Mint cond. $1250. 519-776-6548

C U T L A S S 1986 ,2d r , runs good. Who le or parts. $700/best . (248) 926-8077 734-812-0541

DELTA 88 1989 - Exc. t ranspor-tation. Mechanica l ly exc. 160K. Black. $1500. 248-593-9603

DODGE 1990 Cargo Van - runs great, $600. (734) 728-6362

D O D G E 1988 D150 - 318 auto, blue, runs good, new brakes, shocks, radiator, cd player, power, $1500. 248-624-7129

D O D G E S H A D O W , 1992, auto, 93k miles, runs great. $1000/

248-64 best 248-645-5408

DODGE 1984 S H E L B Y - Looks & runs great. $1500/best . Ask for Mark. (313) 277-0664.

E S C O R T 1991 - CD, auto, good condit ion, 107K, $1400/best .

(734) 455-1533

E S C O R T 1991 - 2 dr, 100k+, needs work. $800/best .

(734) 261-7589

E S C O R T 1990 G T - 5 speed, new tires. $1500 or best offer.


E S C O R T 1 9 9 3 LX w a g o n $1200/best . 734-721-8773

FESTIVA 1992 - exc transporta-tion, great gas mi leage, $1650.

(248) 366-3238

FORD, 1993 Festiva. 4 low miles, great on gas. New muf-fler. $185Q/best. (734) 414-0113

F O R D R A N G E R S 1 9 8 7 & 1988, need work . $1200 a pair or best offer. (734) 721-8773

FORD R A N G E R X L T 1987 • V6, mechan ica l l y sound , $1500/ best. (734) 458-1186

FORD T H U N D E R B I R D 1986 -auto, c lean, V 6 , $1925.


FORD V A N S - both late 1980's, 1 ful l-size, 1 mini , $1200 ea. or best offer. (734) 522-1188

G E O M E T R O 1992 - Manual, 61K mi., s o m e new parts, $700.

Cal i (248) 761-7810.

G M C S U B U R B A N 1987 - 6.2 L diesel, newer motor and trans, r u n s g r e a t ! $ 2 0 0 0 / b e s t


G R A N D V O Y A G E R 1988, LE, 3.0 V6, 150k mi les, no rust, c lean interior, 1 owner , $1800. Scott - 734-981-1564

HONDA P R E L U D E 1987 4 cyl., 16 valve, 2dr, sunroof, mint-cond. $850 . (519) 776-6548

LEGACY 1990 LS Stationwagon. Runs good, needs body work. $1200. After 6pm 248-623-9818

L I N C O L N T O W N C A R 1988 high miles, g o o d mechanical cond. $1000 (734)427-1435

LUMINA 1991 Sedan, 1 owner, needs TLC. $1000. Cal l to arrange appt . 248-265-5310.

MAZDA 323 1988 4dr., auto, stereo, mint cond. $650.

(519) / / t>-b54B

M E R C E D E S B E N Z 1971 250 sedan 8 8 K miles, 6 cylinder, doesn' t run. $600 . best offer

734 422 -7976 after 5 p.m.

MITSUBISH11991, Eclipse GS, 5 sp. needs clutch, runs great $600/ best offer 734-421-7101

PONTIAC Bonnevil le LE 1990 4dr, runs good, new tires, 137k miies $1800/best 734-427-4372

PONTIAC G R A N D A M 1990 -Black, fair Cond. 148k miles. $1,500/best (734)595-3194

PONTIAC 1987, Safari wagon, looks good, runs good. $1 /50 / best. (248) 391-1504.

PROBE 1989 - new paint, power locks/windows, newer tires & more. $1700/best. 734-454-4611

PROBE 1990 - V6, auto, red, 170K, good cond, reduced to $1800/best . 248-851-1766.

RANGER 1993 - extra clean, 5 speed, 35 mpg, $1650. T Y M E A U T O (734) 455-5566,

P A S S A T 1999 - 27 ,000 mi les, good condi t ion, Al loy wheels , si lver, charcoal c lo th interior, $15,900/best . 248-981 -5867

P A S S A T 1990 - new air, t i res, belts, exhaust , etc. 166k, g o o d cond. $3000. (248) 334 -2787

SUPER BEETLE 1972 • needs work. $2500.

(248) 977-7504

V O L V O 960 Wagon 1993 - hunt-er's green, camel leather, 80K, $9900. (248) 755-4475

SKYLARK 1993 - ivory, dark blue interior, auto, air, $1799. T Y M E A U T O (734) 455-5566.

S U N D A N C E 1994 - 2 door hatchback, auto, runs' great. $1200. (248) 545-1830

T A U R U S 1993 G L - 3.8 V-6, 146K hwy. mi, runs/ looks good. $2000. (734) 495-0977

T E M P O 1991 4cyl , auto, air, stereo, low miles. Mint cond. $1650. (519) 776-6548

V O L V O 1978 244 - Strong motor, new paint, 31200/Best. By 8-28-01 (248)420-9051

V O Y A G E R 1989 - 132K, tuned a t ' 1 2 0 K , many new parts, air/ heat work, $1800.734-513-6101

V W G O L F GT 1987 2 door, au to , a i r , w e i l mainta ined, m e c h a n i c a l l y s o u n d , 108K miles, $1900 or best.

248 646-6068


You may be stuck with condo REAL ESTATE



Does a buyer have any recourse against a builder who "cheats down" The model had a fireplace with dual doors that opened. Mine has one heavy glass sheet across the front. The model had a 34-inch upper and a 16-inch base kitchen cabinet. Mine has a 30-inch upper and a 12-

inch base kitchen cabinet. Also, can you tell me who is

responsible for a radon test? The answers depend on the pur-

chase agreement that you presumably signed. Most builders/ developers indicate that the unit you buy is not necessarily exactly like the model.

On the other hand, if representa-tions were made to you in writing or perhaps orally upon which you relied that you unit would be identical with the model, then you may have a claim against the developer/ builder.

With respect to the radon test, the builder may have disclosed the fact that any radon testing must be under-taken by the buyer, which is normally the case.

If you are living in a condo, the homeowners association may have some responsibility to undertake radon testing but that's not normally the case. Who's responsible is a diffi-cult question because it depends on whether the radon is coming from a common element. Most associations • leave it to the co-owner to do the test-ing, although it has never been defini-tively determined whether the associ-ation has a direct responsibility to do so.

Robert M. Meisner is an Oakland County area attorney concentrating his practice in the areas of condomini-ums, real estate, corporate law and lit-igation. You are invited to submit top-ics that you would like to see dis-cussed in this column, including ques-tions about condominiums, by writing Robert M. Meisner, 30200 Telegraph, Suite 467, Bingham Farms Ml 48025. His e-mail address is bmeisner@ mich. com, and his Web site is www. meisner-law. com This column pro-vides general information and should not be construed as legal opinion.








GF AGE OF MAJOR MECHANI-CAL/STRUCTURAL COMPO-NENTS (FURNACE, WATER n r * T c n e u i M r s i t r c u / J M n r i \ A / C









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4 m


Cash-shy can make big buys




Sun smiles on tidy owner BY NORMAN PRADY SPECIAL WRITER

How much might it cost you to leave the hose lying across the front lawn?

How much might it cost you to leave the rake leaning against the side of the house?

How much money might you lose by not spending a few dollars on a potted flowering plant?

If it's summertime and you're selling your house, can you drive down your own sales price with inattention, care-lessness or neglect?

Yes, you certainly can, said residen-t ia l rea l es ta te exper t Carol Frick. Summertime, she said, can highlight house or property flaws tha t might not be seen or even exist in other seasons.

F r i ck , office m a n a g e r a t Ra lph Manuel-Real Estate One in Birming-ham, said that a strong first impres-sion outside is vital to a possible sum-mertime sale of your home.

People drive around in the summer and make comparisons, Frick said.

"Be sure the lawn is well maintained, the grass mowed and watered. Make sure the front door is painted and the windows are clean. Don't leave the hose or yard tools around.

"Any one of these th ings can be a turn-off and say the house isn't well maintained."

Some maintenance items, she point-ed out, are essential to a sale, such as a crack-free driveway required for FHA approval.

Don't forget flowers "And put a lot of flowers on the front

porch. It looks welcoming ana irienaiy and doesn't cost much."

At Hannet t , Wilson & Whitehouse, Bloomfield Hills, sales manager Carol Nys t rom guides s u m m e r t i m e home sellers into week-long dress rehearsals of showing their homes.

"When we list the home, we tell the ' seller to take the first week of market-ing time to get the house ready."

It can hurt a potential sale, Nystrom said, if a "customer walks up and sees bushes tha t need pruning or trees with

• 'if the curb appeal is bad, even if the inside is gorgeous, the customer doesn't even want to get out of the ear.'

David C. Sacco Horizon Real Estate Group


dead branches. Or if there aren't any flowers. Or if there's a broken step."

On the other hand, Nystrom said, the appearance of the outside should make the house look lived in. "Let the cus-tomer see the toys in the play yard."

A pool can be a plus or negative. "Is it safe? Is there a fence to protect chil-dren and animals? Has the swing set been installed according to Consumer P roduc t Sa fe ty Commiss ion s t an -dards?"

Nystrom said she wouldn't be sur-prised to see $2,000 in maintenance being worth 10 times itself.

"The most important thing is. to have t h e ou ts ide a t t r ac t i ve , " sa id Vicki McAskin, Real tor , Ha l l & H u n t e r , Birmingham. "Keep shrubs tr immed. Keep grass t r immed, maybe twice a week instead of once a week. Keep f lowers wa t e r ed . Maybe add more flowers than you're used to.

"Make sure the front door brass is polished. Take away any possible rea-son why a buyer wouldn't want to come in."

McAskin said she ha s had buyers who refused to go into a nouse because the condition of the outside "makes it look like the owners wouldn't be keep-ing up the interior."

If the outside is well main ta ined , McAskin said, buyers can assume that the inside is taken care of as well.

"If the outside stays neglected and the house sits on the market, showings stop and the seller has to lower the price. I give sellers that scenario every time."

Mike Root agrees t h a t t he house

should look lived in, tha t it should look homey. "Customers don't mind t h a t people live there. They just don't want dirty dirt."

Root is a sales associate with Centu-ry 21 Hallmark West, Ciarkston.

"Summer is a hot time of year to buy or sell. School seems to be the major factor. Everyone wants to get settled in before the new school year starts.

"You w a n t the lawn looking good, bare spots filled in. Pull weeds from cracks in the front walk. Otherwise, i t looks as though you don't maintain the house inside. Cus tomers wonder, if they let this go, what do they take care of? What kind of homeowner is this?

"Powerwash the outside." One more item on his Not-to-Do List:

Don't hang laundry outside.

Looking for curb appeal "The main thing is curb appeal," said

David C. Sacco, broker, Horizon Real Es ta te Group, Livonia. "If t he curb appeal is bad, even if the inside is gor-geous, the customer doesn't even want to get out of the car."

"If your house is messy," said sales agent Marilynn D. Udman, "you have to be realistic about the price. Udman is with Dempster A. Ross Realty, West-land.

"That doesn't mean it has to be as nice as the neighbor's," but you're not likely to get as much for yours.

Joan B. Char, associate broker and office m a n a g e r , Coldwell B a n k e r Schweitzer, Farmington Hills, said a seller should remember that customers might have been drawn to the home by sales photographs and now are facing r ea l i t y .

"If t he house is immaculate inside and ou t , t he se l l e r wil l get more money." So fix up, Char suggests, or possibly cut the price.

On the other hand , Realtor Har ry Wagner doesn' t see any th ing about summertime as a special challenge.

Wagner of Prudent ia l Chamberlain Stiehl, West Bloomfield, said, "Price and location are still the main thing."

A customer who really likes a house "can always cut the lawn."

Homebuyers with very little cash — or very little desire to spend their cash -often use high loan-to-value (LTV) loans to buy properties.

Unlike traditional . • mortgage lenders who grant loans based pri- * marily on the strength; of the borrowers, "equi* ty lenders" allow bor-:^ rowers to buy homes \-l based more on the -1 value of the property jr

itself. Using a smajl down payment rneanr -

borrowers can leverage their invest- :

ment. If you pay $10,000 for a home ' that appreciates $5,000 per year, you would have a 50-percent annual rate of* return when you sell the property. Buy the same property with $1,000 instead and your ra te of return jumps to 500 -percent instead.

The FHA loan is a fantastic mort-gage option for homebuyers with small down payments. Qualified FHA bor- * rowers can get up to 97-percent financ-ing to buy homes. However, if a bor-rower has bad credit or needs 100-per-cent financing, or requires a "jumbo" mortgage, he may not be able to use the FHA. Many lenders have designed mortgage programs to fill these niches.

Some lenders today will give borrow-ers a loan (or a combination of loans) totaling 100 percent of their property's value without deeply scrutinizing the borrowers' credit history or worrying about the size of the loan. Many of these lenders will also allow the prop-erty seller to pay for the borrower's closing costs and, in most situations, will not require escrow accounts. Mort-gage insurance premiums are usually -• factored into the interest rate.

If you decide to pursue a minimum-down home purchase, the lender is going to make certain tha t the property is worth the amount he is loaning you. Plan on added time and expense for a "review appraisal" prior to final loan approval.

Also, expect to pay a higher interest rate on your new mortgage. A high LTV makes for a riskier mortgage because the borrowers have a small or non-existent ownership stake.

You will likely have to pay your own property tax bills as they come due.

Tim "Umbo" Phillips is a mortgage loan officer in Plymouth. For a free mortgage pre-qualification or credit assessment, you may contact him at PhillipsHQ@ yahoo, com, or at (734) 797-5522 [24 hours]. Homebuyers should always consult a professional for guidance specific to their situation.

Median (half above, half below) sales prices of existing homes during the first quarter of /

this year declined in eight markets.

LOCATION: LOUISVILLE $108 ,300 3 .6%' HARTFORD 145 .000 •3.3 ,

HONOLULU 280 .000 ' 3 . 1 ' SPRINGFIELD, ILL. 80 .300 2 . 5 -

OMAHA 113 .100 1.9

ST. LOUIS 98 .100 1(8

CANTON. OHIO 99 .300 1.7' MINNEAPOLIS 140 .806 . 0 . 1



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HOME WEEK Plymouth's Beacon Estates offers.

Spacious updated unique Ranch with four 1st floor bedrooms. 2 full + 2 half-baths. Updated oak kitchen. Spaeious 2,344 square foot floor plan + 2,000 more square feet in the professionally/finished lower level. Newer roof, windows & siding. Private lot with mature trees.

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12* The Observer & Eccentric! THURSDAY, JULY 26, 2001

" n i n f i • •HrH-


S e e all of our f ine h o m e s and Virtual Tour Gallery at


mm •li f v

s s s s . ^ ]9BK3H rgA>>amj3v a»aaig ?

DOWNSIZING? This immaculately maintained 2 bedroom ranch unit in in move-in condition. Features include sunny great room with fireplace, 2 full baths, oak k i t chen . F in i shed lower level. 1st floor laundry/mud room. 2 car attached garage. All

. appliances included.(23DRA) $174,000,

DON'T WAIT-MOVE IN! Rolling hills of this new development provide a terrific location for this 2 story. Offers the best of the best amenities: bouider lined paver patio and walkway to garage, 2 furnaces and C/A and 2 sided fireplace, upgraded lighting fixtures throughout and a daylight window basement. (57HIG) $589,90C 734-455-6000


i*. & 5 j


Choice location for this Dearborn 1999 built Condo. $10,000 in upgrades. Three bedrooms 2% baths plus a library. Enjoy the charm of 2 way fireplace between living room and kitchen. Finished walk out lower level includes rec room.

: (15BRA) $244,900 734-455-6000

C A P T U R E T H E V I E W 1000+ sq. ft. of cedar decking overlooking aerated pond & treed commons. Custom built cape cod offers 1st fir mstr suite w/contemporary bath, large library w/bay window & bookcase wall, vaulted great room w/Fieldstone fireplace, f ramed by French doors w/curved transoms.


Great 3 bedroom ranch on low traffic street. Nice open floor plan w/ numerous updates including kitchen. Ceramic bath, windows, door wall, garage, siding, C/A, carpet & more! (36KRA) $129,900 734-455-6000

HOURS: Weekdays 8:00 a.m. lo 8:00 p.m. Saturdays 8:00 a.m. lo 5:00 p.m. Sundays 9:00 a.m. lo 5:00 p.m.

SPOIL YOURSELF Relax & enjoy the peaceful pond views from the 1st fir great rm & mstr suite decks & the newer brick patio off finished LL sunny white kit. joined to the dining room th ru but ler ' s pantry. 2nd bdrm currently being used as a library. 2nd kitchen, 5 family room, guest room w/bath + much mo. in LL. (24 EAT) $465,000 734-455-6000

•298 South Old Woodward, Birmirigham/Bloomfield.Hills . . . • 248-6.44:6300 • 7285 Orchard Lake Road . West Bloomfield/Farmington Hills . • 248-851-5500 • 1205 West University Drive. Rochester/Rochester Hills • 248-651-3500 • 500 South Main Street Piymouth/NorthviHe/Canton/Novi . ' •734-455-6000 •325 East Brown Street. National/International Relocation « 800-662-1950

These are the Observer &

Eccentric-area residential

reai-estate closings recorded

the week of May 7-11, 2001,

at the Wayne County

Register of Deeds office.

Listed below are cities,

addresses, and sales prices.

42452 Proctor Rd

44033 Proctor Rd

39626 Randall St

45355 Rudgate Rd

41628 Sevan Dr

301 Sutten Dr .

6518 Weatherfield Way

6608 Weatherfield Way

5879 Wedgewood Rd










Canton 46351 iar t le t t Dr

46449 Bartfett Dr

7105 Becky Ct

1645 Bennington Ct

6952 Carriage His

1200 Crowndale Ln

41420 Cumberland Dr

1072 E Lemont Ct

47448 Glengarry Blvd

47592 Glengarry Blvd

7502 Haverhill Ln

45145 Horseshoe Cir

4306 Hunters Clr W

4564 Hunters CirW

44825 Kirk Ct

42727 Liiley Pointe Dr

2290 N Woods Ct

41377 Northwind Dr

6205 Porteridge Ln

1971 Preserve Cir E

1995 Preserve Cir £



















$210,000 $250,000


i City 32211 Alvln St

32920 Barton St

7010 Burnly St

32610 Cambridge St

33510 Florence St

149 Greenwood St

32950 Hennepin St

652 Henry Ruff Rd

31979 Kathryn St

6841 Mansfield St

32258 Maplewood St

634 Michelle Ct

29725 Rosslyn Ave

28945 Sheridan St









$ 1 2 2 , 0 0 0


$116,000 $138,000

$110,000 $70,000

Livonia 15121 Alexander St $126,000

16302 Alpine Dr $250,000

35176 Banbury Rd $358,000

29225 Barkley St $180,000

30571 Bobrich St

12157 Caveli St

•29500 Clarita St

14250 Oeetlng St

14129 Ellen Dr

18540 Flamingo Blvd

11055 Garden St

18504 Gillman St

29516 Grandon St

29732 Greenland St

19413 Inkster Rd

36518 Joanne St

37039 Ladywood St

31755 Middleboro St

29740 Minton St

19926 Myron Dr

37436 N Laurel Park

37504 N Laurel Park

37728 N Laurel Park

34244 Navin Dr

37813 Northland St

37813 Northland St

33910 Orangelawn St

16818 Parklane St

15827 Penn Dr

9242 Pere Ave

29602 Puritan St

16660 Quakertown Ln

29884 Richland St

34827 Six Mile Rd

18298 University PrkDr

$200,000 $95,000

$100,000 $158,000



$152,000 '














$110,000 $100,000 $115,000









28028 W Chicago St $148,000

19467 Weyher St $121,000

Plymouth 11417 Aspen Dr $175,000

252 Blanche St $190,000

13333 Cambridge Ct $315,000

48033 Colony Farms Cir$205,000

45817 Denlse Dr $310,000

40610 E Ann Arbor Trl $139,000

10033 Eckles Rd $197,000

1354 Elm St $438,000

46107 Litchfield Dr $365,000

45520 Moonlight Dr $319,000

9601N Canton Ctr $269,000

47594 Norton Ct $460,000

40740 Orangelawn Ave $164,000

1062 Palmer St $175,000

304 Pinewood Cir $117,000

311 Pinewood Cir $114,000

1045 Sutherland St $140,000

50983 Weston Dr . $408,000

19923 Beech Daly Rd $85,000

11392 Grayfield

9209 Hemingway

12096 Hemingway

19210 Indian

14116 Inkster Rd

25510 Keeler

15634 Kinloch

18267 Lennane

9583 Lenore

15773 Leona Dr

25533 Lyndon

14029 Mercedes

9589 Norborne

18617 Norborne

19718 Olympia

14075 Seminole

26954 W Davison'










$80,000 $179,000

$101,000 $143,000





8910 Brady

16808 Centralis

12896 Fenton

14211 Garfield

19663 Garfield

17619 Gaytord







6641 Caribou St

7330 Deering St

8105 Donna St

8264 Flamingo St

7518 Floral St

7708 Manor Cir

37859 Marquette St

2027 N Crown St

8425 Rickie Ln

38573 Sycamore PI

27744 Trailbrooke Cir

7370 Woodview St #3





$160,000 $83,000




$160,000 $118,000


Home sales unexpectedly strong WASHINGTON - Despite slowing

economic conditions, existing single-family home sales rose in May, according to the National Associa-tion of Realtors.

Existing-home sales increased 2.9 percent to a seasonally adjusted annual rate of 5.37 million units in May from an upwardly revised pace of 5.22 million units in April. Last month's sales activity was 3.5 per-cent above the 5.19-million unit pace in May 2000.

Sales activity is exceeding some expectations, said David Lereah, NAR's chief economist.

"With slightly higher mortgage interest rates in a slowing economy, some forecasters have been expect-ing a sales slowdown," he said. "However, demand is still very high, interest rates remain close to his-toric lows and many people are confi-dent about the i r own economic future.

"Some of the current rise in home sales may result from 'fence-jumping5

as people take advantage of good interest rates before they move any higher, but any way you cut it, this is an exceptionally strong housing mar-ket," Lereah said.

The national average commitment

r a t e for a 30-year, conventional, fixed-rate mortgage was 7.15 percent in May, up from 7.08 percent in April; it was 8.52 percent in May 2000, according to Freddie Mac.

The current level of home sales underscores the importance of home-ownership in achieving the American dream, NAR President Richard A. Mendenhall said.

"Record high levels of homeowner-ship translate into stronger commu-ni t ies as more f i r s t - t ime buyers make the transition from renter to

. owner, establishing their own eco-nomic foundation - this helps to fos-ter deeper commitments and com-munity involvement," he said.

"At the same time, we need to focus on the fact many families still can't afford decent housing, and it's important to expand opportunities for those at the bottom rung of the housing ladder," he added.

The na t iona l median existing-home price was $145,500 in May, up 5.7 percent from May 2000 when the median price was $137,600. The median is the midpoint, which is a typical market price where half of the homes sold for more and half sold for less.

Housing inventory levels at the

end of May dropped 6.1 percent from April to a total of 1.53 million exist-ing homes available for sale, which represents a 3.4-month supply at the current sales pace; there were 1.63 million homes available at the end of April.' However, the May inventory level is 2.7 percent higher than May 2000, when 1.49 million homes were on the market.

Regionally, the existing-home sales pace in the South rose 3.8 percent in May to an annual rate of 2.19 mil-lion un i t s , and were 7.4 percent above May 2000. The median price of an existing home in the South was $138,200, which was 9.2 percent higher than a year ago.

In the Midwest, existing homes were selling at an annual ra te of 1.18 million units in May, up 3.5 per-cent from April; the pace was 0.9 percent above May 2000. The median price in the Midwest was $124,000, up 3.9 percent from May 2000.

Home resales in the West rose 2.3 percent in May to an annual rate of 1.36 million units, and were 0.7 per-cent above May 2000. The median existing-home price in the West was $196,000, up 6.8 percent from the same month a year earlier.

v v v w v . p r e m f f i t e

Truth in

j ^ ^ R a t e ^ s H ^ l a n c ^ ^

30-yr. fixed mortgage 7.21%

15-yr. fixed mortgage 6.78%

Adjustable mortgage 6.29%

FHA-insured mortgage 7.25%

Fed. funds 3.77%

Michigan Mortgage Reality Check 4 Consumer Mortgage Advisory #10:

Know all of the fees. I Lender mortgage fees typically run $600 to $800, plus the (cost of title insurance. However, some companies may charge $2,000 to $4,000 or even more. Higher fees should

{buy you a lower interest ra te . Know what your t rue costs are; what you're gett ing for your money and whether it 's

I worth it. Always check at least three lenders to know the I market .

Finance Rates Prime Rate

Discount Rate Q O - H a v T - R i l l

6-mo. T-Biil

1 -yr. T-Bill

2-yr. T-Note

10-yr. T-Bond

30-yr. T-Bond-



3 5 5 %






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800-888-4622 (GMAC) Tsrm/ Int. Pts J Appl. Min % Pymt' lype naie UNY ree UUWN s i u ^

30/fix 6.500 6.800 2/1 SO 15/fix 5.875 6.360 2/1 $0 1/arm 5.000 7.803 2/1 SO 5/1 /arm 5.625 6.373 2/1

5% $6,321 5% $8,371

5% $5,368 5% $5,757

Ask about "Family First" Special rates, terms, and loan qualifications for:

GMAC family members and their extended families.

ECONOMIC CALENDAR This week's releases:

1 July 2 7 - Department of Commerce, Gross Domestic Product

I j u i y 27 - Federal Reserve Board, Bank Credit (H.8)

I July 27 - Department of Commerce, 1 Selected Economic Indicators

! July 3 0 - Department of the Treasury, 1 13 and 26 Week Treasury | Auction Results

1 July 30 • Federal Reserve Board, j . Selected U.S. Interest Rates

j Juiy 31 - The Conference Board, I Consumer Confidence

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800-869-6852 Term/ Type

Int. Rate APR

30/f!x 7.000 7.190

15/fix 6.500 6.760

30/fix/FHA 7.250 7,310

5/1/arm 6.500 6.770

Pts./ Appl. Min. % PymV $1000





d o w n

S300 0%

$300 0%

5300 0%

S300 0%





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Term' Int. Pts./ Appl. Min. % Pymt/ lype Hate «rn urig. ree cowri »ivvu

30/flx 6.875 6.999 M S325 • 5% $6,569 15/fix 6.500 6.700 1/0 $325 5% $8,711 30/fix^umbo 7.000 7.109 1/0 $325 5% $6,653 7/balloon 6.375 6.617 1/0 $325 10% $6,239

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800-292-0098 Term/ Int. Pts./ Appl. Min. % Pymt/ Type Rate APR Orig. Fee down $1000

6.875 6.945 00 S295 5% $6,569

6.375 6.485 0/0 $295 5% S8.643



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Since 1984: LS2.5 bil

R a t e s a s of 7 / 2 4 / 0 1 a n d s u b j e c t t o c h a n g e w i t h o u t n o t i c e . Not®: Ra tes s h o w n a r e b a s e d o n 8 0 % l o a n s of $ 1 0 0 , 0 0 0 w i t h ra te l o c k s of 4 5 - 6 0 d a y s u n l e s s o t h e r w i s e no ted . S m a l l e r d o w n p a y m e n t s m a y r e q u i r e p r i v a t e m o r t g a g e i n s u r a n c e , w h i c h w i l l r a i se A P R . h t t p : / / w w w . M e y e r s N e t w o r k . c o m L E N D E R S : To i e a r n h o w t o p a r t i c i p a t e in th i s f e a t u r e ca l l 8 4 7 - 2 0 5 - 9 2 2 2 .

M i c h i g a n A v e r a g e s

Th is week : Avg. Avg. Disc. Orig. Mo. income

Program Rate* . APR* pts. fee pmt. reauired 30-Yr. fixed 6.94% 7.07% 0% 0% $661 $26,444 15-Yr. fixed 6.44% 6.62% 0% 0% $867 $34,707 5/1-Yr. ARM 6.50% 6.77% 0% 0% $632 $25,282

SOURCE: The Meyers Report. .1-847-205-9222



: It 's another refinance I boom. And, as with every * refinance boom two things t happen, more people want ; new mortgages and are pre-l pared to to lay out cash for t them and more mortgage z companies spring up to take • that cash. While most will < provide reasonably priced : products that work, too ; many don't. The problem J for consumers is that they : can' t tell difference until ; they are committed. No pun • intended. * This week The Meyers : Report begins a new series I of the "rules" for wise mort-* gage hunting and what can i go wrong is you choose : badly. - (RULE #1) PICK THE : RIGHT LENDER FIRST. * Before you look for the low-» est interest rate, choose a • lender that you know will be ; there at the closing table : with enough money to close, I at the promised rate and : with the promised closing I costs. "You also want to I know that, in the event of j problems, the lender will be ; there when you need them I today, tomorrow and next • year," said Peter Boomer, I vp/regional manager for J Chase Manhattan Mortgage.

(RULE #2) CHOOSE THE : RIGHT MORTGAGE PRO-; GRAM. All mortgages are J not alike. Even in the com-: puter age, we are * still : unique. Some of us need I smaller down payments, or I higher income ratios to ; qualify. Perhaps you need to jj rehab or upgrade your new

dream house to increase its value. Different lenders have different programs to meet those needs. Choose the lender who has the best program for you. If the lender* is honest, the mort-gage rate will be competi-tive and the fees will be rel-atively low.

(RULE #3) THE TRUST RULE. Don't just follow the lowest rate advertised. The wise borrower should first find out if, "they can trust the loan officer and their their company? And, can they help you?" Unless you are absolutely assured of a yes to both of those ques-tions, the lowest advertised interest rates are irrelevant, or worse, dangerous to your financial health.

But there is a problem with Rule #3, the trust rule. There is no local, state, or federal agency that will tell you if a lender is in trouble, has numerous complaints against them or is under investigation for anything, even criminal activity.

"We are prohibited by law from releasing any informa-tion about any mortgage licensee who has complaints against them or is under investigation. We can release information only if there is an indictment, con-viction, revocation or sur-render of licenses, because only at that point is the issue public record," said Dea Brennan, a director of mortgage banking for an Office of the Commissioner

of Banks and Real Estate. The sad fact is this: A

state license to do business in a state is no guarantee of performance, strength or integrity. However, banks, thrif ts credit unions, and insurance companies are heavily regulated and rou-tinely examined by state and federal agencies, such as the FDIC, the U.S. controller oi tne Currency and the SEC if they are publicly traded. The longer a company is established, the more it is tied into the community and the more it must be responsive to good and bad press.

Our advice for con-sumers: Stay with name brand lenders, who have been around for a long time. These companies have a lot to lose if any of their employees behaves badly. They also have the finan-cial strength to correct mis-takes made by their employees, others do not.

Does this mean that all mortgage brokers are bad? Absolutely not. Just be sure to know with whom you are dealin and know what is a fair price, including closing costs. Above all, remember, if the offer is too good to be true, be very carefull.

Gary S. Meyers is President and CEO of Meyers Communications Group Inc. and Founder of The Meyers Report. He is a Nationally Syndicated Columnist and Economist. Mr. Meyers can be reached at [email protected]. (c) 2001 Meyers Communications Group inc. 847-205-9222

The Observer & Eccentric!THURSDAY, J U L Y 2 6 , 2 0 0 1 * 6 3


Real estate briefs features news and notes on professional associations, office activities, upcoming meetings and seminars, new services I products and consumer publications.

Write: Real estate briefs, Observer & Eccentric Newspapers, 36251 School-craft, Livonia, 48150. Our fax number is (734) 591-7279. Our e-mail address is bjensen@ homecomm. net

C O N T I N U I N G E D The sales and marketing council of

the Building Industry Association of Southeas te rn Michigan sponsors a continuing education seminar to fulfill a n n u a l s t a t e r e a l e s t a t e l i cense renewal requirements.

The class goes 8:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. Wednesday, Aug. 8, at BIA headquar-ters, 30375 Northwestern, Suite 100, Farmington Hills.

Cost, which includes cont inental breakfast and lunch, is $50 for sales

and marketing council members, $55 for Apar tment Association of Michi-gan and BIA members and $80 for others.

To register, call (248) 862-1033.

C A R E E R O P E N H O U S E Real E s t a t e One presen ts a f ree

class on how to get into residential rea l e s t a t e sales noon to 1:15 p.m. Wednesdays , Aug. 8 and 22, at i t s West Bloomfield office, 7499 Middle-belt at 14 Mile.

Topics include licensing, t ra in ing and evaluating a broker.

To register, call Steve Leibhan at (248) 851-4100 Ext. .105.

M O R T G A G E C O N V E N T I O N The Michigan Mortgage Lenders

Association presents its 23rd annual convention Sunday-Tuesday, Aug. 12-14, at Shanty Creek Resort in Bel-laire.

For information, call Brian Ludtke at (248) 945-5239 or Joanne Misuraca at (248) 356-6857.

U L I G O L F O U T I N G The four th annua l Univers i ty of

Michigan Rea l E s t a t e F o r u m and Urban Land I n s t i t u t e Golf Out ing takes place Monday, Aug. 20, at the U-M Golf Course in Ann Arbor.

Cost, which includes golf, prizes, lunch, beverages and a hot hors d'oeu-vres reception, is $150. Corporate sponsorship , $1,500, inc ludes one foursome and a hole sponsorship.

To register, call Beverly Lyons at (248) 360-9515.

B I A U P D A T E S The Building Industry Association

of Southeastern Michigan now pro-vides weekly upda tes of news and information affecting the construction industry to members via e-mail.

Contact Rosalie Lamb at the associ-ation, (248) 737-4477 for details.

C O N T A M I N A T I O N S I T E S VISTAinfo, a publicly owned com-

pany based in San Diego, has a Web site that offers a free overview of envi-ronmental conditions - contaminated waste sites, hazardous waste locations, and landfills - by ZIP code.

T h e I n t e r n e t a d d r e s s is www. NearMyHome. com

More specific reports are available for a fee.

P L A Y G R O U N D S A F E T Y A book available from the Commu-

nity Associations Inst i tute can help community association managers and b o a r d member s e n s u r e t h a t t h e i r playgrounds and tot lots are as safe as possible.

Detailed information is provided on safety inspections and implementing

an effective maintenance plan. "Playgrounds for Young Children"

is available for $40 by calling (70Sj 548-8600, or ordering through www| caionline. org > *

MEMBERSHIP DRIVE !' •-T h e F a i r H o u s i n g C e n t e r o i

M e t r o p o l i t a n De t ro i t cont inues , a membership drive. Categories include individual membership ($15), f a m i $ ($25) and organizational ($50) ;

For info, call (313) 963-1274. - ;

SALES WEB SITE ; Curious as to what houses are sell-!

ing for in your neighborhood? ) S t e v e Wiese of S o u t h e a s t e r n !

Appraisal Corp. in Farmington Hills; has updated maps on a community-', by-community basis with that infor-mation on the Internet. And it's free. •

Ju s t dial up www. homevaluemap.-com <

Features include:


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Two Bedrooms Full Basement Private yard Private Drive Brick exterior NO association fees

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•Payments based upon a 30 yr.. 8 .2% f ixed imerest loan w i th 2 0 % down payment, inc luding principals, interest, taxes and insurance,-

W H Y R E N T W H E N Y O U C A N O W N ! Call Now

(734) 728-5195 35015 Ford Rd.

I Wes t land MI 48185 L S I

O t h e r p r o g r a m s a v a i l a b l e f o r a s l i t t le a s $ 5 0 0 . D o w n O p e n Dai ly 12-6

LIVONIA. Beautifully maintained home in popular Windridge Village. Spacious kitchen overlooks Family Rm w/Rreplace, berber carpet. Home has been updated w/new roof, furnace, flooring & windows. Mstr. Ste. w/access to full bath. 1st floor laundry w/cabinets. All situated on a beautiful lot w/mature trees. Finished basement w/bar. $259,900 (L17Pol)

PLYMOUTH. Move in to this very nice upper end unit condo before summer is gone. Newer carpet, neutral colors, all appliances included. Private deck over-looking wooded area. Lots of storage in shed off deck. Walk to the park or downtown Plymouth. $93,900 (L67Ply) REDFORD. Nature habitat in the city! 2-3 Bdrm., 1267 sq. ft. home sits on a 60x296 private lot w/deck, patio & pond. Newer furnace & AC, 2% mechanic s garage, 220' extra wide drive. Close to all amenities. Redford Union schools, low taxes, home warranty included. $149,900 (L39Gay)

WIXOM. A little Garden of Eden on a private cul-de-sac, end unit condo. 2 Bdrms. & 2 baths, Mstr. Bdrm. w/bath, 2nd bdrm. w/adjacent bath. Great room w/high ceilings & fireplace. Neutral decor, great kitchen w/open eating area patio {appliances stay). 14x24' rec room, 2 car garage. Home warranty included, $204,900

LJVONIA. This is a home that has been completely remodeled from the main floor to the basement including ceramic f loor in kitchen, bathroom & basement. Hardwood f loors in living room & hall. Newer roof, windows, carpet in bedrooms and CA. Must see ail other improvemen ts to appreciate. $164 ,900 (L99Cav)

WESTLAND. Great 3 Bdrm. brick ranch w/vinyl gables & alum. t r im. Updates include vinyl windows '93, front & side entry doors '92, 200 amp & box 7/01. Natural fire place in family room, hardwood floors, remodeled main bath, huge finished basement w/1/2 bath. $149,900 (L67Mar)

VAN BUREN. Ali the major work h a s been done l Newer roof, furnance, C A & water heater. Electrical & most p lumbing has been updated. Stove, refrigerator, d ish washe r & disposal, all about 2 yrs. old, s tay w i th the house. Two car heated garage & large utility room. $119,900 (L75Jac)

REDFORD. Handy person special-needs TLC. Updates after 1993 include roof replaced, hot water heater, furnace, & electrical panel. 3 Bdrm., 1 bath, dining room & basement. Home to be sold "As is". $78,900 (L95Nor)

m Quality

37699 Six Mile (Suite 200), Livonia



j NOVI. Picture perfect! This home has it all! 2-story foyer, dual staircases, 9' ceilings, hardwood floors, gourmet island kitchen, full finished basement w/bedroom, bath, rec room and prepped for kitchen, master suite w/vaulted ceiling, 2 walk-in closets and sunken whirlpool tub and it's located on an oversized lot with Northville schools! S610,000

I. '

NORTHVILLE. Queen Anne Victorianl New home has never been lived in, features an authentic Victorian paint scheme, wide plank hickory flooring, extra wide tread stairs, custom wood trim thru-out, gourmet kitchen w/granite counter & top of the iine appliances, Marvin windows, wrap around porch & located within walking distance to shopping, entertainment & more. $775.000

! • NOVI. Awesome wooded lot! Located on aft extensively landscaped lot and features an opeg floor plan, hardwood floors, Kohler plumbing fixtures, three fireplaces (living room, family room and master), master suite also has Jacuzzi tub, spacious rooms, large patio and is tastefully decorated. 8525,000

I NOVI. Look no further! This home has tons o{ amenities including a fully finished walk out basement with 5th bedroom, full bath, exercise room, kitchen & fireplace. Home also features duai staircases, gourmet island kitchen w/oak firs & corian counters, extensive molding & is located ori an oversized lot. $640,000

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100,1ns. &




BEAUTIFUL RAMBLEWOOD SUB. Hard to find custom home in a gated community. Great floor plan with exceptionally large rooms and beautiful decor. Niceiy updated home with a 3 car garage and newer landscaping. $349,000 (290AP)

UPDATED 3 BEDROOM RANCH. Beautifully remodeled kitchen w/new dishwasher, sink, counters, Merillat cabinets with space for kitchen table. Hardwood floors throughout. Large basement w/dry bar. Ceiiing fans in all bedrooms. Large, private yard. $112,000 (580LE)

THIS HOME HAS CHARM. This 3 bedroom bungalow is airy, spacious, and very weil maintained. This home offers a library/office, Florida room, central air, appliances, and 2 car garage on a huge lot. Updates include: furnace '99, windows '98, and roof'97. $149,000 (25IQU)

RIDGEWOOD HILLS. Updates on this immaculate brick colonial include roof, windows, furnace, A/C, HWH, siding, all sinks and faucets, stove and microwave, dishwasher, disposal, countertop, hardwood floor, crown moldings, carpet, landscaping, insulated garage door, sprinklers, security, warranty, and so much morel $375,000 (779HI)

GREAT 5 ACRE VIEW. Come see -come love this open, country estate on % acre - backs to 5 acres of open green country, Close to city and country. Great home! $284,900 (190BU)

NICEST HOUSE ON THE STREET! Newer carpet, paint, furnace, windows, glass block windows, copper plumbing. Remodeled kitchen, remodeled bath, nice neighborhood, and gorgeous yard. Hurry, it won't last! $76,000 (7650A)

m i

-i M P A i n • n i 9 M i n i M t i f i


CAPE COD IN WEST LIVONIA. Park-like .77 acre setting for this 2700 sq. ft. cape cod. Features include 4 bedrooms, 2'A baths, den, 1 st floor master w/updated bath, family room w/fireplace, huge kitchen, formal dining room, 1st floor laundry, full basement, attached 2!4 car garage w/ attic storage, brick paver patio and walkways, 20x16 storage. $349,900 (420BA)

L W U f u n u r w n I N E H B S V M I B< IUEAL LUWMIIWN. uo iyeous uape w>u » * « . . . - - - - -- close to the chain of lakes and golf bedroom brick ranch with Florida room and Light, bright, airy and in move-in condition, striking Cambridge built custom colonial to courses. Unique great room with wood 2 car garage. Nicely maintained and Three bedroom detached condo 2Vi baths, 0 f fg r o n a n elevated lot. Generous use of plank ceiling. Beautiful finished basement updated. Move right in! Cal! today, basement and garage. High ceilings. c u 8 t o m wood and glass presents this that could be in-laws quarters. $319,900 $132,900 (706MC) Neutral decor and clean. Deck overlooking beauty in its best light. Come see - come (214CO) woods (protected). This is real nice! enioy! $829,000 (482ST)

$224,900 (661 SL)

R E T T E R t

Located in the heart of Westland, this spacious ranch offers an updated kitchen, newer furnace with central air and a huge back yard. Great starter home or retirees dream. $129,900 (962CO)

NO HONEY DO LIST HERE New kitchen w/all appliances. Andersen windows, 30 yr. shingles and hi-eff. furnace. Three bedrooms, w/double door entry. Full ceramic bath w/new fixtures and paint. Finished basement w/washer and dryer. Fenced yard w/mature landscaping and covered porch w/BBQ grill. Immediate occupancy! $204,999 (099WQ)

THE CURB APPEAL DOESN'T STOP AT THE CURB! This charming 3 bdrm. ranch is beautiful inside and out. With new siding and garage door, a newer roof, windows, bathroom & kit. with oak cabinets, the updates have been tastefully completed. Add a separate dining room and office and this home becomes a must see! $117,900 (560HA)


* I I

1 * > # • !

ITS Well kept 3 bedroom bungalow on a corner Spacious tovvnhouse, 2 large bedrooms lot near schools and shops. Gorgeous with large bath and closet area. Family hardwood floors, carpeting '98, complete room or den area with fireplace - full tear off roof '98, Andersen windows (except basement, all appliances, and 2 decks, family room), newer high efficiency furnace $235,000 (345P1) & air conditioning. 2 car garage with additional workshop. Immediate occupancy. $184,900 (505GA)

HOME FOR GROWING F A M I L Y . Recent updates include: windows, roof, A/C & furnace, driveway, basement waterproofed, glass block windows. Ready for your finishing touches. $129,900 (714WA)

NEW LAKEFRONT CONSTRUCTION. New colonial features 3 bedrooms, 2]A .baths, family room, fireplace, 2 car attached garage and full basement. Occupancy available for a season of lakeside activities. South/southeast exposure located on 7 mile long waterway, Don't delay! $367,500 (895194SE)

NOVI'S BROOKLAND FARMS. Located on .8 acre, lushly landscaped wooded lot, this 2,323 square foot ranch offers hardwood floors, family room with fireplace, Andersen windows & French doors. Updated baths, central air, roof and more! Northville schools. $359,000 (428CO)

ALL THE UPDATES! Looking for newer windows, siding, roof, furnace/A/C, HWH, plumbing, electrical and a big newer kitchen with all the appliances? Then you want to see this 3 bedroom Westland ranch.$132,900 (074BE)

YOUR SEARCH IS OVER. Immaculate 3 bedroom brick ranch! Numerous updates include windows, roof, HWH, electrical and block windows, new shed 2000, and partially finished basement. Huge deck overlooks beautiful yard. Move in & enjoy! $125,000 (102TE)



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The Observer & Eccentric!THURSDAY, J U L Y 2 6 , 2 0 0 1

n Q u a I i t y . f tG M A C


PLYMOUTH PLYMOUTH-LAKE POINTE. Perfect locat ion! Original owner home on famous .4 acre lot, 4 bedrooms, 2 baths, family room w/natural fireplace, newer roof, furnace, C/A. No traffic, court location. Price reflects need for updating. (P32CRA) $229,900

CANTON BEAUTIFUL PULTE COLONIAL. This Colonial has all the premium upgrades, a dramatic 2 story foyer, 4 bedroom, 2Vt baths. Vaulted ceilings, garden tub in master suite w/walk-in closet. Professionally landscaped, large brick patio, 2 car attached garage. (P52PON) $285,900

CANTON WONDERFUL HOME, GREAT LOCATION. This 4 bedroom, 21/2 bath Colonial has rich cherry wood floors and molding in elegant dining room, family room w/firepiace & berber carpeting. Master suite has 3 space closets. Large deck for entertaining, 2 car attached garage. Show & Sell! (P47MET) $284,900

GARDEN CITY BETTER THAN NEW TRI-LEVEL. Built in 1996, this 3 bedroom, 1 bath, has plenty of room. Large master bedroom, lower level partially finished. C/A and lots of storage.(P41BRI) $144,900

451-5400 * . f # G M A C ITIES INC. I 1 - i f e R e a l E s t a t e


This column highlights promotions, transfers, hirings, awards won and other news within the real estate, con-struction, architecture and mortgage communities.

Send a brief summary including town of residency and black and white photo to Real Estate Movers and Shak-ers, Observer & Eccentric Newspapers, 36251 Schoolcraft, Livonia, 48150.

Our fax number is (734) 591-7279. Our e-mail address is bjensen@ homecomm. net

D a v i d B e n e -t e a u joins Etkin S k a n s k a Con-s t r u c t i o n Co. in Fa rming ton Hills as business devel-opment manager . He wi l l concen-t r a t e on i n s t i t u -tional clients.

Beneteau, who Beneteau

has 30 years experience in the con-s t ruc t ion and a r c h i t e c t u r a l / engi-n e e r i n g i n d u s t r y , p r e v i o u s l y was director of business development and marketing for Walbridge Aldinger.

Beneteau ha s a bachelor of sci-ence degree in architecture from the University of Windsor. He lives in Canton.

R i c h a r d B o r -r e l l i , AIA, j o i n s t h e s t a f f a t T M P A s s o c i a t e s , a n architectural/ engi-n e e r i n g f i r m in Bloomfie ld Hi l l s , as a senior associ-ate.

He formerly was director of design at MAS Associates in F a r m i n g t o n


Hills. B o r r e l l i r ece ived a b a c h e l o r ' s

d e g r e e in a r c h i t e c t u r e f r o m Ba l l State University. He's a member of the American Institute of Architects.

Borrelli lives in Berkley.

J a m e s F. M e r e d i t h , AIA, j o i n s Gens ler , a n a r c h i t e c t u r a l , de s ign and p lan-n i n g f i r m in Detroit.

Meredi th , wi th 25 y e a r s exper i -ence , p r e v i o u s l y served as a mem-ber of the board of directors of Giffels Associates. He also started and served as chief oper-a t i n g officer for Giffels S t r a t e g i c Consultants, a subsidiary firm.


Meredith is chairman of the urban policy advisory team for AIA-Detroit and is a member of the Urban Land I n s t i t u t e a n d t h e I n t e r n a t i o n a l Development Research Council.

S i g n a t u r e A s s o c i a t e s - O N C O R I n t e r n a t i o n a l , a c o m m e r c i a l r e a l e s t a t e f i r m in Southf ie ld , recent ly was recognized as t he top income-producing company in t he ONCOR organiza t ion for t he year 2000. I t was Signature ' s second consecutive year for the honor.

Steve Gordon, president, and Dave Miller, manager, accepted the award.

Last year, Signature leased or sold 18.4 mi l l ion s q u a r e fee t inc luding $90 million in investment sales, sold 1,800 a c r e s of l a n d a n d m a n a g e d properties totaling 5.3 million square feet.

Real Property Law Section helps build home The Real Proper ty Law Section of the

S ta te Bar of Michigan raised $50,000 to sponsor a "House Build" for Hab i t a t for Humanity-Detroit.

A real-estate themed gift was contributed to the city's land and community develop-ment. The money for the construction of the house were provided primarily by the follow-ing law firm, bank and business project sponsors:

Miller, Canfield, Paddock and Stone; Stan-

Q u a l i t y W i T

PROPERTIES INC. I TsifeReaiEsMe 1365 S. Main. P lymouth

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w w w . q u a l i t y b h g . c o m 2

CUSTOM BUILT H O M E Overlooking nature preserve on % acre. Professionally designed landscaping with gorgeous 2 tier deck and pavers. Four bedrooms, 2 '/> baths, formal living room & dining room. Spacious oak kitchen with island. Basement under entire house. (21055812-Q $449,900


dard Federal Bank; Butze l Long; Dykema Gossett; Michigan Bankers Association; Flagstar Bank; Clark Hill; Kemp, Klein, U m p h r e y & E n d e l m a n ; F i r s t Amer i can Ti t le In su rance Co., F ide l i ty Nat iona l Title Insurance Co., Trott & Trott; Dickinson Wright; TCF Bank; Stein-hardt Pesick & Cohen; and Karoub Associates

Several individual council mem-bers also provided financial support for the project. In addition, many section members, friends and fami-lies worked on-site to build the house in Detroit's Core City Neighborhood Development in southwest Detroit. The site was a mile from Tiger Stadi-um on Roosevelt between Michigan Avenue and M.L. King Jr. Boulevard.

Section members worked during the section's four designated "Build" days in June, constructing the floor, walls and roof.

For Miller, Canfield, Paddock and Stone, J u n e 16 was t he Sa turday designated for their 24 volunteers to work together "to wall" the house.

Unde r the d i rec t ion of sect ion member Scot Nor r i s , t h e group worked to make a house appear on the floor they built the prior Satur-

day, also under his direction. Stan-dard Federal 's Legal Depa r tmen t worked June 23 to bring their 36 vol-unteers to "roof" the house and to do ground work on other H F H lots . S t a n d a r d Fede ra l also p rov ided lunch that day for all of the volun-teers working on the house.

The house is 1,150 square f ee t with a full basement and three bed-rooms. The land was provided by the city of Detroit via the Michigan State Housing Authority. MSHDA and the Federal Home Loan Bank Board each provided $10,000 grants for the construction of the house, in addition to the section's $50,000.

Prior to becoming the new home-owner and taking on the responsibil-ity of the monthly interest-free (20-year) mortgage payments, the new homeowner must contribute "sweat equity" to qualify for the ownership of the house. Homeowner Mavis Street worked with section volun-teers June 9 and 23. She is the sin-gle mom of Stephanie, 11, and is working as a clerk at the Detroi t Medical Center.

Both Robert Dewaelsche, executive director of Habi ta t for Human i ty Detroit, and Kenneth Benson, presi-

den t and f o u n d e r of H a b i t a t for Humanity Michigan, joined the sec-tion volunteers on the work site June 9 and 16. Benson was interested in par t ic ipat ing in the ra is ing of the house walls.

The walls of the home were built t h r o u g h Michigan 's Pr i son Build Program. The program's more than 100 m i n i m u m s e c u r i t y i n m a t e s frame walls, build cabinets and mill trim on prison grounds for the hous-es built by HFH in Michigan.

Prisoners earn $1.75 a day work-ing a t prisons in Ionia, Freeland, Lapeer, Plymouth, Kinross and St. Louis and can learn skills they can use w h e n they a re re leased . The T h u m b C o r r e c t i o n a l Fac i l i ty in Lapeer provided the walls for the section's house.

The program has already received national recognition as a finalist in the Council of State Governments' Innovations Awards Program. The walls are delivered to the construc-tion sites by the Michigan National Guard. On two of the section "Build" days, volunteers unloaded walls from Michigan National Guard trucks for other HFH houses under construc-tion on nearby lots.


CANTON $399,900 4 bedroom, 2.5 bath Brick Colonial. in Pheasant View. 3 car garage. Fab master ste w/jac tub, vaulted clg & fash bath. Gourmet kitchen & nook w/hdwd

• firs & dbi oven. Gigantic open FR. Must see! Hurry! (BGP-070ve) 734-453-6800

CANTON $158,900 Nearly New Condo Offers Immediate Occupancy! Why rent? This beauty has attached garage, basement, 1 st floor laundry & dynomite master suite w/glamour bath. Hurry!! (BGN39HUN) 248-347-3050

DETROIT $64,900 Affordable, Weli Maintained Bungalow! W/many updates including windows, furnace, air, hwh & morelHome sits on double lot, basement is finished w/bar & daylight windows, 2.5 car garage & more. (BGN22MAR) 248-347-3050

LATHRUP VILLAGE $162,900 Locat ion, Locat ion, Locat ion! Wonderful Brick Tudor located on a fabulous large lot w/wooded view.3 brs, finished basement, 2 car & more. Hurry on this one! (BGN40SAN) 248-347-3050

LIVONIA $229,900 Ranch Condo. This lovely 2 bed 2 full bath ranch style condo has over 1500 sq. ft. 2 car attached garage. Full basement, large great room with gas f i r ep lace and much more! (BGN28LAU) 248-347-3050

NORTHVILLE $1,025,000 Bellagio!! Phenomenal Cambridge-built estate home. Situated on almost an acre. Gated comm. True gourmet kit & nook. Granite cntrtps. Luxurious mstr suite w/sitting area. Hurry! (BGP-70Rav) 734-453-6800

PLYMOUTH $193,500 Extra Clean - Inside & Out! Totally new kit, refinished hardwood floors, freshly painted, large heated garage (24x26), half acre lot, newer roof & furnace, CA, close to Downtown. (BGP-30Gol) 734-453-6800


7834 Moonwood Pi, Westland (North of Cowan, East of Wayne

«417 Krtft I iwrxMiA CANTON $399,000 NEARLY NEW! Hurry! This 4 bedroom 2.5 bath w/ 3 car garage on quiet cul-de-sac in beautiful golf community. Many upgrades throughout. Lavvish master w/huge w.i.c a real beauty! (BGN04CYP) 248-347-3050

DfcAHBUKN SZJSf.auu Fabulous Jewel! This Tudor has been completely redone from top to bottom. Just move in & enjoy this beauty. 4 br, finished bsmt, private yard & updates throughout! (BGN40ROS) 248-347-3050

Ufc > K U I I

Super Investment In Great Location Across From Park! Updates include new roof, carpet, furnace, kitchen floor, storms & screens. Hurry on this great deal! (BGN47CHA) 248-347-3050

Ciean & Sharp! Describes this 3 BR 2.5 bath brick colonial. FR w/FP & cathedral ceiling. Doorwall in FR & BFT nook leading to deck overlooking wooded ravine, 2.5 car garage, 1 yr HW. (BG-L-82BRE) 734-462-1811

Rosedale Gardens-Livonia! Touch of Greenfield Village best describes this mint condition 3 BR brick colonial. LR w/FP, vinyl windows, C/A, formal dining room, 1 yr H.W. & much more. Must see. (BG-L-09WES) 734-462-1811

O I V M O I I T M S R W f l O n

Magnificent 5 bedroom & 3.5 bath Home.... Dramatic 2 story foyer & living rm. Granite island, elevated master ste. Finished basement w/kitchen, fitness rm & bedroom 2 furnaces & air. Lg deck! Prem wooded lot. (BGP-44MN) 734-453-6800

W E S T L A N D $ 9 3 6 , 9 0 0

Beautiful Colonial! Move in condition 4 BR, 2.5 bath. Huge master BR w/vaulted ceiling, mstr bath & WIC, family rm w/fireplace, formal dining rm, 1 st floor laundry, appliances stay. (BG-L-34MOO) 734-462-1811

31142 Schoolcraft Rd. (W. of Middlebelt. N. side of

w CANTON $258,500 Sharp & Ciean 3 Br, 2.5 Ba Colonial....

i n Sunflower Village. Master BR w/master bath. Formal dining rm. Breakfast nook. Spacious fam rm w/nat fp. Neutral decor T /O . 1st fir laundry, brick patio. Hurry! (BGP-13Car) 734-453-6800

DETROIT $75,000 First Time Buyers Delight! Great colonial for 1 st time buyer, Updates are new window, carpet, completely redone bathroom w/whirlpool tub, freshly painted through out. Home warranty. (BG-L-65KEN) 734-462-1811

GENOA $1,900,000 Magnificent 5 br, 6 bath Three Level Brick Home! Boasts over 8500 sq. ft of living space. Gorgeous waterfront home features a huge patio & deck out back, Complete w/finished walkout. (BGN47LAK) 248-347-3050

LIVONIA $249,900 Super Location. E-way access are yours in this 2 BR, 2.5 bath condo, cathedral ceiling, great rm, forma! dining, eat in kitchen, master BR w/soaking tub, separate shower. Warranty. (BG-L-20LAU) 734-462-1811

LIVONIA $145,900 Attractive L ivonia Ranch! This desirable 3 BR home has large rooms w/hardwood floors. Updated kit. & lav, newer vinyl windows, partial fin. bsmt. w/rec room. Rear privacy fence. (BG-L-42SCH) 734-462-1811

PLYMOUTH $339,000 Plymouth...Nestled behind an aged, ivy-covered brick wall this barrier free ranch is a very special offering. Quality T/O w/gourmet kit. Oak flrng T/O kitchen & nook. 3 season room. Full finished bsmt. (BGP-01Ann) 734-453-6800

WESTLAND $133,500 immediate Occupancy! Looking for a well maintained home-here it is. Finished bsmt. w/fuil bathroom for office or 4th bdrm. Roof 3 yrs., furnace, A/C, newer covered patio, & hardwood floors. (BG-L-27MAR) 734-462-1811

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homvtownni'vw spcipivs.ni f

E s t a t e

300 Homes

$0 D O W N Homes! No Credit OK! HUD, VA, FHA. Call For Listings. 1-800-964-9777 ext. 9854

303 Open Houses

A U G U S T A TWP. - Open Sun. 1-5pm. 11401 Butler Rd. 10 yr. old 2000 sq. ft. custom built ranch o n 14.5 acres. Hickory cabinets, 2 full baths, hardwood fioors in kitchen, dining area & foyer. 2x6 construction, extra insulation, Andersen windows anu two Mnoersen aoorwaits, 25x24 attached garage with opener plus detached 24x36 garage. 1.5 acre building sites 1 5 0 x 3 3 0 a l s o a v a i l a b l e . $395,000 tor house & 14.5 a c r e s o r $ 4 5 0 , 0 0 0 t o t a l package. Calf

BEN DENNY, (734) 459-3600 Re/Max Execut ives West,


O P E N SUNDAY 1-4PM 1450 Sodon Lake Rd.

S. off Lone Pine, W. of Telegraph

Spectacular ranch in beautiful setting backing to t reed ravine. Most everything updated in 1997. 3 bedroom, 2.5 bath, family room. $899,900.

Jane Kasapis Max Broock Realtors Inc.

(248) 318-5552

303 Open Houses


668 Sedgef ield (North of Square Lake, East

off of Opdyke) 5 bedroom, 2.5 bath colonial with furnace & C/A replaced. Hardwood floors throughout . Great locat ion & lovely park- l ike yard. Wonderfu l sub with pools 6 tennis courts, plus Bloomfie ld schools! $269,900.

Cai l Karen Remy 248-901 -3111

Prudential Chamberlain-St iehl

- B L O O M F I E L D - -O P E N SUNDAY 1-4 PM

Country Club Condo with great location! Large rooms, hard-wood under carpet ing, large patio. Associat ion fee inc ludes inground pool, heat/air, water and grounds maintenance. Oak-land Hilfs Country Club next door. Plan to see 4041 W . MAPLE (S. off Maple, E. of Tele-graph). $159,900.

( H I H A N N E T T - W I L S O N

i i 2 & W H I T E H O U S E D -

(248) 646-6200 WIN UWLWINIML.

2 story house built in 1999 approx 23Q0 sq. ft. 4 bedroom+ l ibrary, 2 .5 bath, 2 .5 s ide garage, deck, Plymouth Canton schools. Sale by owner, pr iced for $309,900 negotiable. O p e n Sun. 1 -5. 42519 Woodw ind Lane. . 734-397-8827.

FARMINGTON D O W N T O W N By owner . 3 bedroom, VA bath, large fami ly room, full base-ment , new hardwood f ioors, t i led f i replace, corner lot o n l o v e l y q u i e t c u l - d e - s a c . $219,900. Open Sunday 2-5, 3 3 8 0 8 G l e n v i e w C o u r t


FARMINGTON HILLS - O p e n Sun., Noon-3pm. Brick ranch, complete updates. 30238 Astor. $159,000. (248) 474-3197


- % » •

B e l i e v e d t o b e or ig ina i ly bu i l t in t h e 1870's , th i s C a n t o n h o m e w a s c o m p l e t e l y rebui l t in t h e m i d 1990's. N e s t l e d o n a half a c r e lot, this f ine h o m e f e a t u r e s 3 b e d r o o m s , 2 ful l ba ths , b a s e m e n t & t w o c a r g a r a g e . H u g e al l w h i t e k i t chen w i th skyl i te, c a t h e d r a l ce i l i ng , p lan t shel f & i s l and counter . S ix p a n e l d o o r s & c u s t o m t r im t h r o u g h o u t . D o o r w a l l t o beau t i f u l b r i c k p a v e r pa t i o . L a n d s c a p e d t o p e r f e c t i o n w i t h sp r ink le r s y s t e m . A b s o l u t e l y g o r g e o u s ins ide & ou t l A t rue A m e r i c a n c l a s s i c h o m e .

O n l u p ^

" C h a l e t


Cali Thomas Gross (734)305-0177

303 Open Houses

F A R M I N G T O N H ILLS - O p e n Sun. 1-4. 28335 Kenda i lwood , N. of 12 Mi le , E. of Fa rm ing ton . 3 bed room, 1 Vfe bath , 1700 sq.ft . ranch. $239 ,900 .

2 4 8 - 4 8 9 - 7 0 7 7

LIVONIA - Open Sun. July 29, 1-5. 2 bedroom condo , upper level, swimming pool, carport, in-unit laundry with appl iances, new carpet, Parkway Condos, 35992 A n n Arbor Trai l , #221. $112,000. Eves: 734-748-3926.


( 7 - 2 9 ) 1 - 6 P . M .


B Y O W N E R 9 9 1 0 D A V I S B U R G R O A D

D a v i s b u r g , M l 4 8 3 5 0 ( 2 4 8 ) 6 2 5 - 9 1 5 9

Farmhouse (circa 1853) on 1.5 acres with extensive mature l a n d s c a p i n g . U p d a t e s throughout. Good f loor plan. Spacious l iving room and din ing room. 2 fuli baths. S tone fire-place and enclosed screened porch. New furnace and water heater. Enc losed garden with

garage, tool shed and storage barn.

P L Y M O U T H D O W N T O W N Open Sat -Sun 1-4, Inside like new 4 bedroom $199,900 See www.hno .com ID#13003 or Call (734)455-0256

Redford Duplex 24611 W. C H I C A G O 2 bed room brick, full

basement, garage, appl iances, new windows/ furnace, fenced. Immediate occupancy. Low down payment, $84,500. 313-535-0525

ROCHESTER HILLS - Imme-diate occupancy. 5 bedroom, 5 bath, gorgeous 2 yr. old immacu-late cblonial. $620,000. Open Sat. & Sun. 12-6. 3479 Blue Heron. W. of Adams, S. of Avon.


303 Open Houses

ROCHESTER HILLS - Open Sun. 12-5. 4 Bedroom, 2.5 bath, waik-out basement , move- in cond. T reed lot. 742 Mil lstone Dr., Walton/Livernois. $268,000.

T R O Y C O N D O - Open Sun. 12-3pm. 5822 Northfield. North-f ield Hills complex. N of Long Lake, E. of Coolidge. 3 bed-room, 23A baths, f inished base-ment. $149,500. (248) 253-0340


3000 sq. ft., 4 bedrooms, 2 ful l /2 half baths, European whi te ki tchen, built-ins throughout , marble foyer, wood floors, fin-ished basement, updated air, roof, gutters, Wal ls ide w indows, d o o r n a i l s , d r i v e w a y , l and -scaping. Cable surround sound, computer network ready, secu-rity alarm, community pool . Open Sun. 1-4. 6636 Alaerley Way (S. of Maple/W. of Middle-belt). $349,900. (248) 855-4842

WALLED LAKE O P E N SUN. 12-4. 1480 S. Dover Hill. Car-riage style ranch condo, close to everything. 2 bedroom, at tached garage, 1003 sq. ft. $124,900. Homeward Bound. 248-767-7411.

W . BLOOMFIELD Condo 3 bed-rooms or 2 bedroom w/den. 3 full baths, cathedral ceil ings, spec-tacular view. 1875sqft. A must seel $209,900. 248-788-9383

6525 Maple Lakes Ct. OPEN SUN. 12-5.

W. BLOOMFIELD Open Sun 12-5. 6896 Tamer lane, S. of Maple E. of Orchard Lake, quad 3 bedroom, 3 bath, huge yard, f inished basement , By owner, $258,000. (248) 932-2131

W . BLOOMFIELD - O p e n Sun., July 29, 1-4pm. Contemporary home, about 4 ,000 sq.ft . on ^ acre, 4 car garage, 4 bedroom, 2 full/2 half baths, f in ished base-ment w/cedar closet, mus t see. 6364 Ramwyck Ct. (Maplewood North Sub - 15 Mile & Orchard Lake - take Orchard Lake to Maple (15 Mile), go W1 /4 mile to Pinecroft - turn right, go to Pine-hurst • turn left, then left on Ram-wyck Ct. Foi low Estate Sale signs. $539,000. (248) 855-2146

JL f t

1468 Andover Hart I and, Mi

C o m m u n i t y Pa rk w i t h a l i t h e e x t r a s . T h i s h o m e o f f e r s 4 b e d r o o m s ,

f o r m a l d i n i n g r o o m , 2 s t o r y g r e a t r o o m w i t h g a s f i r e p l a c e , 1 s t f l o o r

m a s t e r s u i t e w i t h w h i r l p o o l t u b , s e p a r a t e s h o w e r a n d w a l k in c l o s e t ,

c e n t r a l a i r , d i s h w a s h e r , c e r a m i c f l o o r s in b a t h s , a n d 2 ca r a t t a c h e d

g a r a g e . A Q u a l i t y M c G a h e y H o m e . O t h e r S i t e s A v a i l a b l e ! $293,900

S. M 5 9 fr o f f O l d U S - 2 3 . T u r n w e s t o n B e r g i n R d .

fOrossroads lybeal Estate

Rhonda Fackert Cell 810-599-6418 Office 810-227-3455 www. brightonrealestate. com

\ LU/*4*gl

3 Floor Plans to Choose From

• Andersen W i n d o w s • M e r i l l a t Cus tom Cabinets

« Highest Efficiency Amana Furnace

• Expansive Kitchen and Master Baths • Oak Trim Throughout

• Centra! A i r • Stone And Brick Facias • Three Dimensional Roofing

• Walkouts * Wooded Sites * Low Month ly Association Fee • Water and Sewer

RE^1K®AII Stars 810.229.8900

D a n Mulv ih i l l


CLOSED THURSDAY ' prices subject to change by

developer wi thout notice

O n t u ^ .

Chalet Tii i i McCarlhy>& lel iv KciiDk i u

H I S T O R I C F A R M H O U S E C o m p l e t e l y rebu i l t in 1 9 9 6 . 1 9 0 0 s q . f t .

h o m e w / 3 b e d r o o m s . 2 ba ths , b a s e m e n t & 2 ca r ga rage . Beau t i f u l 14 acre lot ,

a b s o l u t e l y g o r g e o u s ins ide & ou t . A t r u e c lass ic .

P R I C E R E D U C E D 3 b e d r o o m , 2 b a t h Quad. Has la rge n e w k i t c h e n , n e w e r w i n d o w s , w / m a r b l e s i l l s ,

oak f l o o r s t h r o u g h o u t en t i r e h o u s e . F a m i l y r o o m w / f i e l d s t o n e f i rep lace , f i n i s h e d

o a s e m e n t , an o n la rge lo t . $179,900

F A R M I N G T O N H I L L S 4 b e d r o o m , T h b a t h b r i ck r a n c h , h u g e lo t ,

1s t f l o o r l a u n d r y , New k i t chen , r oo f , f u r n a c e s w i n d o w s and e lec t r i c ,

Tota l ly u p d a t e d t h r o u g h o u t ,

f t


NOVI 3 b e d r o o m , 2 f u l l ba t i i b u n g a l o w w i t h

b a s e m e n t , c o m p l e t e l y upda ted t h r o u g h o u t , n e w k i tchen, ba ths , f u r n a c e , C /A , elec.,

ca rpe t , s i d i n g , g u t t e r s a n d roo f . L i s t goes on. . .

rmI L I V O N I A

Br i ck ranch o n beau t i f u l lo t . 3 b e d r o o m s , 2 ba ths , f i n i s h e d b a s e m e n t ,

la rge 2% ca r ga rage . Upda ted k i tchen, f u m a c e , C/A '95.

u v o n i a s c n o o i s . w i t n i s t o r S184,900

W E S T L A N D W H Y R E N T , W H E N Y O U C A N O W N ! 2

b e d r o o m , VA bath c o n d o . L o a d s of cab ine ts in k i t chen , u p d a t e d c a r p o r t i n

f r o n t of c o n d o . S tove , w a s h e r & d r y e r stay. $99,500


3 b e d r o o m b u n g a l o w w i t h L i v o n i a s c h o o l s C h a r m , cha rac te r & a n e w ga rage . 3 r oo f , w i n d o w s , f u r n a c e , b e d r o o m , 1 A ba th co lon ia l . New k i t c h e n &

h o t w a t e r hea te r and C/A. H u g e lo t . c a b i n e t s , f l o o r & bu i l t i n m i c r o w a v e . New 1 yea r h o m e w a r r a n t y i n c l u d e d . d o o r w a l l t o deck , one pane l d o o r s , coved

§139,900 ce i l ings , na tu ra l f i r ep lace , C / A a n d m o r e . $314,900

Ask About Exclusive Buyer Representation

Century Plaza Corner Five Mile & Newburgh

37290 Five Mile Road Livonia, Ml 48154

( 7 3 4 ) 4 3 2 - 7 6 0 0


FREE Pre-Approvals " A H f t W M " PAUL RICHER

V l / V V V n AVP/Branch Manager-

Call TodaV For More Information! Pager: (810) 595-6700 (734) 462-2771 J

6 E ( * ) C lass i f i ca t ions 3 0 0 to 3 3 5 O&E T h u r s d a y , J u l y 2 6 , 2 0 0 1

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Wartlann Garden City


1 Bi rds feather

4 Engl ish r iver 8 Spar r ing hit

11 Mutua l at t ract ion

13 Met r ic measu re

14 H a h n l u m symbo l

15 Table sc rap 16 TV f rog 18 D O E

o p p o n e n t 20 Unc le — 2 2 — Chi 23 Soc ia l

ou tcas t 2 5 Man ' s n a m e 27 S u b s t a n c e 30 Suf f ix 3 2 Bu lgar ian

cu r rency 3 4 C o m m i t a

c r ime 35 S y m b o l for

m a n g a n e s e 37 D is regard 4 0 M o u n t a i n

(abbr.) 41 Frequent ly


43 S lende r f in ia l 4 4 Out f i t 4 6 Tell t a les 48 "A l ley — " 50 Cul t 5 3 Padd le 5 5 B o r n (Fr.) 57 H o u s e h o l d

g o d 58 R o u n d T a b l e

m e m b e r 61 H a w a i i a n

w r e a t h 6 3 No te of s c a l e 64 R o m a n

b r o n z e 6 5 D i re n e e d s 6 8 — d e p l u m e 69 F o r m e r

B r o a d w a y mus ica l

70 W o r k e r s ' assn .


1 W i n d y C i ty a i rpor t

2 I ron s y m b o l 3 La t in I w o r d 4 Is

Born" 5 Mon tpe l i e r is

its cap .

Answer to Previous Puzzle

6 Mork ' s h o m e 7 Russ ian 's

"no" 8 Foxx , et al. 9 G r e e k

m a g n a t e 10 W a g e r 11 Jack ie — 12 Fed. agcy . 17 Dr ive in to 19 — Lanka

21 "You ' re o n e in a — "

24 Fami ly r o o m 2 6 S o - s o g r a d e 28 "Ready , — ,

f ire" 2 9 Exp los i ve

abbr. 31 F e m a l e ruff 33 T V accesso ry 35 C r o w d 36 Footba l l o rg . 38 Mai l cen te r

abbr. 39 — t h e s e a s o n

to b e . . . 42 Eas te rn



45 T h i c k e n 4 7 Con ta ine r 49 Mar t in ique

v o l c a n o 51 S t o n e cu t in

52 M a n ' s n a m e 54 B a b a a u — 56 E v e n (poet . ) 58 Sou th of Neb. 59 N e w (pref . ) 6 0 S ing ing

sy l lab le 62 Here (Fr.) 66 Met r i c m a s s

(abbr.) 67 Nega t i ve

pref ix

important Deadlines for Classifications

# 3 0 0 ' s and #400 's

SUNDAY ISSUE: • Real Estate &

Apartment Display ads 3:00pm Thursday •

• Real Estate & Apartment Liners 5:00pm Thursday

THURSDAY ISSUE: • Real Estate Display

3 :00pm Monday •

• Apartment Display 3:00pm Monday •

• Real Estate & Apartment Liners 5:00pm Tuesday

F A R M I N G T O N HILLS - By owner. 3 bedroom, home war -ranty, pre-approved buyers by appointment only. 21223 Waf-dron. $139,000. 248-442-0495

FARMINGTON HILLS - Open Sun. 1-4. 3 Bedroom, 2 bath brick ranch, 2V6 garage, completely updated. Hardwood floors, fin-ished basement, family room w/fireplace. 23142 Cora, E. of Orchard Lake, N. off Shiawassee. $191,900. 248-478-4602

FARMINGTON HILLS - 3 Bed-room brick ranch on 1 acre. 1700 sqft. w/family k i tchen, 2 bath, at tached garage. Imme-d ia te occupancy , $ 1 8 7 , 5 0 0 .


NICE 3 bedroom brick home with a spacious ki tchen, newer roof and steei entry doors. Over 1,700 sq. ft. - $129,900 NEWLY L ISTED - 4 bedroom brick ranch with a fami ly room, 2 fuil baths, central air, f inished basement , nice back yard with covered patio - $149,900

F A R M I N G T O N HILLS - 4 bed-room, 3.5 bath colonial, beaut i fu l p r i v a t e s e t t i n g . U p d a t e d throughout, newer w indows, 2 newer furnaces & c.a., f in ished b a s e m e n t , l a r g e d e c k , $329,900. 29641 Gladstone, N. 13 Mile, W. Orchard Lake Rd.


FARMINGTON HILLS - O p e n Sun, 1-5 cus tom brick 4 ,445 sq.ft in Copperwood E. Sub , o n 3rd green. 4 bedroom, 4.5 bath, 3 car garage, f in ished base-ment, $619,000. (248) 553-7607

G m u i y -

C A S T E L L I 7 3 4 - 5 2 5 - 7 9 0 0

319 Hamburg


CAPE C O D in quiet sub. 3 bedrooms, 2 Baths, 1700Sqft. New in 95, oak throughout.

Loft overlooks great room with vaulted ceilings, Fieldstone fire-place, Sprinklers, deck & much More! $227,000 734-844-3674

308 Canton

m REALTOR® Compliments of the BBRSOAR

303 Open Houses

O P E N SUN. , 12-3. West land, Livonia Schools, brick ranch, 1100 sq. ft., 3 bedroom, 1.5 bath, 1.5 garage, newer roof, new drive, deep lot, Fla. room, f inished basement . Complete ly updated thru-out. New kitchen, appliances, air, w indows, land-scaping. Updated ful l bath. Immediate Occupancy. 8728 Ingram. (734) 223-1028.

West land

O P E N SUNDAY, 1-4 34962 Col lege

E/Wayne, N/Cherry Hill Spacious Ranch on a large lot in the heart of West iand. This 1264 sq.ft. home includes a newer roof, furnace, A/C & water heater. Retiree: el iminate the stairs, or great way for a newer family to bui ld some equity. $129,900.

J O H N A. L U C E R O

305 Birmingham/ Bloomfield

$ 2 2 4 , 9 0 0 Wonder fu l 2 bedroom, 2.5 bath Ranch on large lot offers spac ious kitchen (all appli-ances included) & formal d in ing room. Family room w/doorwal ! to patio, huge living room, f inished base-ment & attached garage. Many updates! (BR265)

O r U u ^ j l

C E N T U R Y 2 1 T O D A Y ( 2 4 8 ) 6 4 7 - 7 3 2 1


S T U M P E D ? Ca l l f o r A n s w e r s • T o u c h - t o n e o r R o t a r y p h o n e s

95C p e r m i n u t e • 1 - 9 0 0 - 4 5 4 - 3 5 3 5 e x t . c o d e 7 0 8

| j*


C A R R I A G E HILLS - All updated w/neutral colors, hottub, gazebo & paver patio. 4 bedroom, 2.5 bath quad. (734) 981-4457

L A R G E 5 bedroom colonial, 3 baths, 2:A car garage. New fur-nace/air, new windows, new carpet, new roof, fenced yard. Move- in condit ion. 41905 Old Bridge (near Liiley & Palmer). $204,900. 734-765-2885

O P E N S U N 12-4pm. 3 bed-room, brick ranch, 2!£ car garage. VA bath, family room, f i r e p l a c e , f u i l b a s e m e n t . (734)981-6032; (734)673-7111


P R E F E R R E D (734)392-6034

305 Birmingham/ Bloomfield •

BINGHAM F A R M S - O p e n Sun, 1 -4 . A lmost 2 acres of woods , 4 bedroom, 2V4 bath , 2 way f ire-p lace in l iv ing/ fami ly rooms, 2 way f i rep lace in mas te r b e d & bath. H a r d w o o d f loors , k i tchen nook & d in ing room, New: roof, 6 Andersen doorwa l l s , & carpet in 3 bedrooms. H o m e warranty . B i r m i n g h a m S c h o o l s . $585,000. 248-642-3282 www, homeinbinghamfarms.com


Spac ious 4 bedroom 2V6 bath br ick colonia l with full walk-out back ing to river ravine a n d woods . Price reflects need for TLC. G o o d investment property. $349 ,500 . (HIG226) I B HANNETT-WILSON MAT & WHITEHOUSEIW

( 2 4 8 ) 6 4 6 - 6 2 0 0

BEAUTIFUL W A L K O U T ranch on 2.5 acres, many updates, in nice Sub. Immediate occupancy. $299,900. (810) 229-8116

BY O W N E R . Spac ious colonial, 4 bedroom, 2 'A bath, Florida room, lake privi leges, many u p d a t e s . B r i g h t o n schoo ls . $249,000. (810) 227-6896

S U N F L O W E R SUB 1989 ranch. 3 bedrooms, 3 baths, great room, gas f i replace, d in ing room, partially f inished base-ment, c.a, sprinklers. $265,900 ask ing 734 207-6235


I M M A C U L A T E 1994 2 S T O R Y 3 bedroom, 2.5 bath, 1.25 acres. Open Sat. 12-3pm. Main Street Realty. 248-620-9333.

311 Dearborn-Dearborn

% HISTORIC H O M E in the city. 5 bedrooms, 2 baths, new roof. Comer or Third & Madison. $235,000 (810) 229-6098

B IRMINGHAM - Quarton Lake Estates; walk to 2 B i rmingham schoo ls or d o w n s i z e to a charming 3 bedroom, 1400 sq.ft. 2 car garage, on qu ie t dead-end street. $399,000. Take Maple to Chesterf ield to 1880 Fairview,

a g e n t K e l l y o r F r a n k 248-644-6300

B IRMINGHAM S C H O O L S 3986 W . Orchard Hil l D r „ Bloom-field Hilis. Open Sun 1-5. N. of Watt les, W . of Adams , W. on Hickory Heights. Sharp 3 bed-room, 3rd bedroom has built-in book shelves, p r e m i u m wooded lot 150x160, f ireplace, C/A, 2 car side entry garage. $309,900. Bloomfield Realty 248-647-8080.

L IGHT & BRIGHT COLONIAL O n e of the best cul-de-sac sites in th is popular sub. 4 bedrooms, 2 ful l & 2 half baths w/wal is of w i n d o w s & sky l igh ts , cozy l ibrary & covered patio. The k i tchen addi t ion provides a huge enter ta in ing space. $599,900. 2 1 0 3 8 0 6 9 P A D D .

N E W E R BUILT 3 Bedroom brick ranch 1800 sq. ft. w/finished walkout another 1600 sq.ft., 3 full baths, attached garage, loaded w/extras, acre. Access to all sports lake. $234,900.

C a i l L a r r y V a n Z a n d t 2 4 8 - 4 7 3 - 6 2 0 5

Re/Max Great Lakes

• PINE C R E E K RIDGE * Cus tom 3,500 sq. ft. 5268 River Ridge Dr.

Shown by appt. only -$629,000

(810) 383-0766 www.r iverr idgehom.com


A P P T .

New to the market. Picture per-fect in and out . Newer roof, win-dows, furnace, C/A, remodeled kitchen in this 3 bedroom, 2 bath brick Ranch, great f in ished basement , large 2 car garage. Drive by, 7711 HazeHon, N. of Ann Arbor Trai l , E. of Telegraph. $144,900

M A R L E N E KLiMECKI R E / M A X 100, inc.

(248) 348-3000 x261 (248) 933-7655 cell

( 2 4 8 ) 6 2 6 - 8 7 0 0 .

L IVE I N T E R N E T T O U R of a Bir-m i n g h a m home located at 736 Southf ie ld Rd. To receive tour of this h o m e go to: hht : / /www.Class icOlderHomes.

com/736southf ie ld. ^

Rober t Wel tman, Real Estate One , 248-626-8888.

'Priced at $479,000

T E R M S A V A I L A B L E on charming country home. 3 bedroom, centra l air, deck, 2.5 car garage. Low down payment. $165,000 Hurry!

(248) 252-6787

• * W A L N U T HILLS • • 5058 Walnut Hills Dr. Custom 2,900 sq. ft. contemporary, 3 bedroom, 2.5 baths, walkout. Appt. only. $444,900.

(313) 845-5030

GREAT VALUE! 3 bedroom, 1.5 bath, 1 story brick ranch, f inished basement w/bar. Good size eat- in kitchen w/built in d ishwasher. Nice deck in back yard, 2 car garage and much more!! ! . A must see!

- $126,900

O n t u r ^

C A S T E L L I & L U C A S

( 7 3 4 ) 4 5 3 - 4 3 0 0

45500 F O R D RD. - C A N T O N



$ 3 6 9 , 9 0 0 O n nicely landscaped corner lot, 1995 built, 3,000 sq.ft., 4 bedroom, 7>A bath colonial . Ceramic foyer, formal l iving & d in ina rooms, library, fami ly room's / f i rep lace & built-ins. Mas te r ste. w / 2 w a l k - i n closets, vanity area & garden tub. C/A. 1st floor laundry. Basement. Sprinkler system.

car garage. (CH294)

$ 2 9 9 , 9 0 0 O n serene "country in the city" lot, lovely broadfront brick ranch has been updated to perfection w/new roof, win-dows , furnace, baths & more! H o m e has 4 bedrooms, 2 full baths, great room w/f ireplace, dining roofti, library, f in ished basement & 2 car garage. C/A. (WI280)

$ 2 5 4 , 0 0 0 In sub w /ac res & ac res of park land, very n ice 4 bed -room, 3V6 bath co lon ia l s ty le home. Living & din ing rooms, fami l y room w/ f i rep lace & b e a u t i f u l k i t c h e n w/break fas t room. F in i shed basemen t w/ l ib rary or pos-s ib le 5th b e d r o o m w / w a l k - i n c loset . All app l i ances s tay Deck . 2 car ga rage . M a n y updates . ( B U 3 5 0 )

$ 1 3 4 , 9 0 0 Great starter homel Adorab le 3 b e d r o o m C a p e C o d w/partially f in ished basemen t & garage. Appl iances stay, h a r d w o o o d f l o o r s u n d e r carpet, newer roof & furnace Sol id home in need of a few updates. ' (VI232)

C E N T U R Y 2 1 T O D A Y ( 2 4 8 ) 8 5 5 - 2 0 0 0


320 Hartland

GOLF C O U R S E LIVING New construct ion. 2700 sq.ft., 4 upstairs bedrooms, 2V£ baths, library, family r o o m w/fireplace, great room, d in ing room + nook, 3V6 car garage, Vf> acre lot. Gen-erous use of hardwood & ceramic f looring. $319,000. 5 - y r f r e e f a m i l y go l f m e m b e r -s h i p w i t h u n l i m i t e d g o l f a t H a r t l a n d G l e n G o l f C o u r s e .


323 Howell

ARCHITECT 'S 3 bedroom, 1.5 bath, new kitchen. Walk to lake, park, downtown. Wal led garden. $167,900. Open July 29, 12-4. 310 Summit . (517) 552-9366

3 BEDROOM, 1.5 bath, walk-out b a s e m e n t , a l l a p p l i a n c e s included, XA ac re iot, 4134,900/ offer. Realtor. (810) 491-8489

O P E N SUN. JULY 29, 1 -4pm O P E N DOORS! • Breathtaking v iews with this exceptional build-e r ' s h o m e o n 2 w o o d e d sec luded acres. Cus tom ameni-ties and quality throughout. Open feeling this 3507 sq. ft. 5 b e d r o o m , 3 . 5 b a t h h o m e includes beautiful white kitchen with island, wood f loors and large dining area lead to great room and 3 season sun porch, Den could be formal dining room, separate living quar ters in walkout lower level with ki tchen, living room, bedroom and bath, 2 car attached garage and paved drive. Hart iand Schools. $ 4 9 5 , 0 0 0 . T a k e C o m m e r c e Road Between Pleasant Val ley and Hickory Ridge road to North o n Wilderness Lake Drive then fol low open signs to 48 Wi lder-ness Lake Court.

O P E N SUN. JULY 29, 1 -4PM O P E N , OPEN, OPEN! - Str ik ing "new" three bedroom, 2.5 bath home nestled on 2 wooded acres in a well located neighbor-hood just outside the smal l town of Hartiand! Spacious kitchen with Homecrest hickory cabinets open to great room with cathe-dra l ceil ing and beautiful natural f i replace, good Sized family/ activity room great for pool table or large TV. This wonder fu l 2432 sq. ft. home also includes a 2 car attached garage and a separate detached garage! Hart-land Schools $299,500. Take Hart land Road North of M-59 to East on Maple/Hibner to left on Country Way fol lowing open signs to 4232 Country Way .

JUST LISTED! - Outstanding 3 bedroom, 2.5 bath ranch situ-ated on 3 rolling acres. Spacious home offers formal living and din ing rooms, family room with vaul ted ceiling, natural f i replace and doorwal l to deck which extends across back of home! Nice kitchen and breakfast nook. Master bedroom has pri-vate bath, walk-in closet and door to deck. Full basement , 2

garage, wonderfu l 10x24

FOUR B E D R O O M , bath, 1st floor laundry. N e w 600 sq.ft. great room w/vau i ted cei l ing, 2 skyl ights & canyon s tone f ire-place. New w indows , siding, high ef f ic iency furnace, c /a & water heater. F in ished base-ment. Quiet court lot. 6 Mile & Wayne $346 ,000 .734-464-4351

H U G E B A C K Y A R D 4 Bedroom, 2.5 ba th Colonial . 2 doorwal ls off fami l y room/d in ing room open to covered patio area, newer roof, s id ing, gutters,

C U S T O M 1997 built ranch on 1.2 acre w o o d e d hil l top sett ing, 3300 sq.ft . , 4 bedroom, 3 full baths, large great room (21 x20), ha rdwooa f loors, neutral decor , year round Florida room, fin-i s h e d w a l k o u t b a s e m e n t w / b a t h , a t t a c h e d g a r a g e . $389,900. (248) 676-2206

c e n t r a l (04SUM)


i i r . $ 2 1 8 , 9 0 0 .

( 7 3 4 ) 4 6 4 - 7 1 1 1

I M M E D I A T E O C C U P A N C Y 3 Bedroom, 1600 sq.ft . home. Spacious rooms, many updates. Florida room p lus large yard. Home war ran ty . M L # 2 1 0 5 2 5 1 9 . $169,900. Nancy Drabicki , Century 21 Row (734) 464-7111 or (810) 403 -9202

BY O W N E R - 7791 Summer Breeze. 3 bedroom, 2 bath ranch .56 acres, country kitchen, Hart iand Schools. Built 2000. $213,000. 810-423-4310.

C O L O N I A L 1 ,560 sq.ft., built in 1998, 3 bedrooms, VA baths, fin-i s h e d l o w e r l eve l . A s k i n g $204,900. (517) 540-9508

H O W E L L - Full Walk-out ranch on 1.75 acres on water (no swimming, f ishing only). 4 bed-rooms, 2 bath, 2V6 car, , 1,160 sq.ft. F in ished basement w/900 sq.ft. l iving area/1 bedroom/ful l bath. Howel l Schools. $178,000. (517) 546-5466. See internet. Forsalebyowner.com for photos.

Listing #10008937 Immediate Occupancy

L A R G E yard w/shed. 3 bedroom bungalow, wood stove. Farm-ington schools! $137 ,000 HELP-U-SELL (248)348-6006

3 B E D R O O M brick ranch, 2 car detached, f in ished basemen t w i t h m a n y u p d a t e s . P r i ce reduced to $167,000.

C a l l L a r r y V a n Z a n d t 2 4 8 - 4 7 3 - 6 2 0 5

Re/Max Great Lakes

STRIKING - "Newly" buiit coun-try-Victorian style 4 bedroom, 2.5 bath home with lovely 1.25 acre cul-de-sac sett ingl Home includes great room with fire-place, deluxe ki tchen, beautiful oak hardwood floors in foyer, l iving room, d in ing room, kitchen and bath! Master suite with pr ivate bath that has both a shower and a Tara whir lpool tub! The walkout basement has radiant heat a n d is ready for f in-ishing! 2 car at tached garage is drywal led and painted! Howel l Schools. $269,900.

E N G L A N D R E A L E S T A T E ( 2 4 8 ) 4 7 4 - 4 5 3 0 .

W A L K T O D O W N T O W N Charming 3 bed room Dutch colonial. Fireplace over looks the l iving room & dining area. Hard-w o o d floors, f in ished basement , deep lot p lus newer roof. Home warranty. $199,999. (19BRO)

312 Detroit

308 Canton

BIRMINGHAM W A L K to town, new build, 1850 sq. ft., ali ammen i t i es . $ 4 2 0 , 0 0 0 . 2 4 8 577-0290 or 674-3230 Let's deal!

B IRMINGHAM - $668,900 Move right in updated home. Granite counters, Jacuzz i tub.

First f loor laundry. Alt appl iances. Land contract

at 6 % interest rate. C A S H PRICE $639,900. CHOICE PROPERTIES


BLOOMFIELD HILLS- Kirk in The Hills 3.5 acre contemporary estate, 4 bedrooms, 2 gourmet kitchens, 6 baths, stereo & alarm system, marble granite and wood throughout, 1 acre pri-vate spring fed pond, much more. $2,000,000. Land contract available. (248) 538-4227

N E W O N T H E MARKET! - 6800 C res tway Dr., Bloomfield Hills. Don' t miss this one - won' t last! Beaut i fu l ly landscaped, updated 2 4 0 0 sq. ft. ranch home, 2 bed-rooms w/opt ional 3rd bedroom/ study, 2 baths, 3 f i replaces, h a r d w o o d floors, 3 car garage. Move-in condition. Bloomfield Hills schools. $425,000. Shown by appt. only. By owner. (248) 932-3763.

S P A C I O U S RANCH - 4 bed-rooms, 2 full & 3 half baths, f i re-p laces in the living room & l ibrary. Great floor plan w/Flor ida room, fami ly room, 1st f loor laundry , f in ished waik-out lower level. In an area of mult i-mil l ion d o l l a r h o m e s . $ 5 9 5 , 0 0 0 . 21058118MAC.

A L M O S T FEELS new, 6-year old 2100 sq. ft. inviting coiomai. Large t reed setting, shaded landscape. Interior exudes quiet l u x u r y . 3 B e d r o o m s , 2 . 5 designer baths, open and neu-tral. Asking $279,900. OneWay Realty 248-473-5500.

BY O W N E R - immacuiate, 1560 sq.ft home, walk-out, 2.11acres. $325,000. Mus t see! 48240 Gyde. 734-223-2119

( 2 4 8 ) 6 2 6 - 8 7 0 0 .

BLOOMFIELD HILLS/TWP Bloomfield Hills Schools under $280,000! 4 bed room colonial w /many updates including pro-fessionally f in ished basement. Great storage, neutral decor, hardwood f ioors under carpet, 1st floor laundry. Larae deck off

W A L K T O D O W N T O W N B i r m i n g h a m . Q u a r t o n L a k e ne ighborhood. Charming 4 bed-r o o m English cottage. $629,900. 6 8 4 Lakev iew. Open Sun, 12-4.


W. B L O O M F I E L D - N e w subdivi-s ion. W o o d e d lots w/walk-outs. Design/bu i ld f rom $575,000. H o w a r d S t a n l e y C u s t o m H o m e s . 248-851 -9950, 248-683-9950, 248-330-5850.

CAPE C O D IN EXCELLENT cond! 4 bedroom, 2V4 bath, built in 1 9 9 1 . P l y m o u t h - C a n t o n schools. Oak, ceramic & carpet throughout, 21A car garage, Many, many upgrades! Won-derful Subdiv is ion. $245,000 Cali (734)844-9445


This home shows the pride of ownership! Refinished floors, freshly painted throughout, ail season sunroom, huge country k i tchen w/newer cupboards and island. Master bedroom is large w/w indow seats and large bath w/ jacuzzi and shower. Profes-sionally landscaped - very pri-vate Manv uDdates: roof '00, electric, p lumbing, deck, pool. Presently has 2 bedrooms, can be expanded.

Call Pam at (248) 505-3084. C O L D W E L L BANKER

Schwei tzer Real Estate 12516 T e n Mile, South Lyon.

G n t u i f c -


( 7 3 4 ) 4 6 4 - 7 1 1 1

W A L K T O T O W N f rom this 2050 sq.ft . br ick home with 2 car at tached garage. Wa lkou t l ower leve l o n a wooded 150x150 lot. T o o many updates to list. Cal l for details. $249,960. Cal l Karen Brown,

RE/MAX 100 (248)348-3000

325 Livonia

A T L A S T ! "Sh i res of L ivon ia" . T h e s e "Coun t r y Eng l ish" d e t a c h e d Ranch condos contain 1400 to 1900 sq.ft. Have extra deep basements , a t tached 2 car g a r a g e s a n d a r e l o c a t e d N/Schoolcraf t between Farm-ington Rd. & Levan. Pr iced f rom the Mid $200's. For more infor-mat ion call: BRIAN D U G G A N AMERICAN CLASSIC REALTY

(734) 591-1900.

car , laundry/mud room, neutral decor and many updates. Hart land Schools. $258,000.

SCENIC SETTING! - Appeal ing 5 bedroom, 3.5 bath home designed for comfortable living on an outstanding 5+ acre parce! with large picturesque pond for swimming and f ishingl H o m e features beautiful full wal l stone fireplace in fami ly room, 35x16 deck off l iving room for entertaining and v iewing the pond, f inished basement with 60x30 recreation room, Pergo f loors in kitchen, newer w indows

• and more! 32x30 pole barn with cement floor in insulated, 2 car at tached garage and Hart iand Schools. $297,000.

IDEAL SPOT T O RELAX! -Comfortable 3 bedroom, 3 bath ranch In wonderful area of f ine homes with easy M-59 & US-23 access! Good floor plan features c o n v e n i e n t k i t chen , f o r m a l d in ing room, great room wi th wood burning f ireplace, large d e c k for e n t e r t a i n i n g a n d enjoying the beautiful yard. Par-tially f inished walkout lower level includes bedroom, full bath and fami ly room with wet bar. 3 car attached garage and Hart land Schools. $229,000.

CLASSIC COUNTRY HOME! -Exceptional 2 story Colonial situ-ated on 1.17 acres in Hartland! This wonderful home has so much to offer including 6 bed-rooms, 4 baths, larg< room, formal living room, kitchen, formal d in ing room, f loor den, 2nd floor off ice wi th adjacent work area and dark room. The weli p lanned home also includes a partially f in ished basement and 2 car at tached garage! The list goes on! Hart-land Schools. $469,000.


$ 2 6 4 , 9 0 0 Just l ike coun t r y . N ice la rge lot s u r r o u n d s t h i s 4 bed-room, 2 .5 ba th c o n t e m p o -rary. N ice s ize m a s t e r su i te . L iv ing r o o m w i t h beaut i fu l marb le f i rep lace . C o n v e -n i e n t s i d e - e n t r y 2 c a r garage . ( P U 3 1 1 )

$ 1 9 4 , 9 0 0 Don' t m iss th i s recent ly reduced c h a r m i n g home wi th over 1300 sq.f t . of l iving space. N e w e r k i tchen, w in-dows & roof. Th ree bed-rooms, 1.5 bath o n .45 acre lot. (GR291)

$ 8 9 , 9 0 0 Great investor 's property or f irst t ime h o m e owners . Three b e d r o o m Ranch in good locat ion. Newer roof & windows. F e n c e d yard. All a p p l i a n c e s s t a y . N e e d s some T.L .C. (HU903)

M I L F O R D - 7 acres of nature 's paradise; woods, s t ream, rock gardens, 1991 cus tom brick/ cedar home, 3 bedroom, 2 bath, cathedra l cei l ing, skyl ights, 2>A car a t tached garage, furnished. $299,000. (248) 684-4747

328 Northville

FIVE + acres & pond, VA s to iy , 3 bed rooms , 1.5 baths, fami ly room, f i replace, 3 season room & hottub, 2Vfe car de tached garage, fenced for horses & dogs . $340,000. By appointment only. (248) 349-1687

C E N T U R Y 2 1 T O D A Y ( 7 3 4 ) 4 6 2 - 9 8 0 0

www.cen tu ry21 today .com

G O R G E O U S 1989 Ranch, 3 bedrooms, new kitchen, great r o o m / d r a m a t i c w i n d o w s . Hardwood/Berber/ceramic f loors, first f loor laundry, 2 car at tached

arage, basement . $314,900 ;ealty U S A 734-667-3000

N O R T H V I L L E - NOVI - Design/ bui ld f rom $675,000-$2,000,000. W o o d e d lo ts w / w a l k - o u t s . H o w a r d Stanley Cus tom H o m e s 2 4 8 - 8 5 1 - 9 9 5 1 2 4 8 - 6 8 3 - 9 9 5 0


329 Novi

A B S O L U T E L Y L O A D E D w i th e x t r a s . 4 5 5 8 4 F r e e m o n t (Yorksh i re Place Sub.) . 10 Mi le / Taf t . 4 Bedroom, 2 .5 bath Tudor co lonia l . 2700 sq.ft . F in ished basement , $379,900. Cal l for appt . 248-348-9195

N. W. L IVONIA - Comple te ly updated 3 b e d r o o m brick ranch. F i n i s h e d b a s e m e n t , 2 c a r at tached garage o n quarter acre lot. Just l isted. $189,900.

C a l l L a r r y V a n Z a n d t 2 4 8 - 4 7 3 - 6 2 0 5

Re/Max Great Lakes

B E A U T I F U L 2,100 sq.ft . , 4 bed-room, 2 .5 bath, pr ivate wood-lands. Novi Schools. Built in 1992. $289,000.

(248) 344 -0272

B R I C K 4 bedroom colonia l , coo l C /A, p remium private court set -t ing wi th trees a n d creek. Rec r o o m in b a s e m e n t , 2 c a r a t tached garage, fami ly room, fo rma l d in ing room, al l easi ly a f fordable at $229,900. S. of 10 Mi le , E. of Meadowbrook, O p e n S u n . 2 - 5 . O n e W a y R e a l t y


LIVONIA - O p e n Sat-Sun., Noon-5pm. 2 0 5 0 sq.f t . t r i - level , 3 bed -r o o m s , 1 8 x 2 7 g r e a t r o o m w/f i replace, VA baths, C/A, 2V6 car garage. $185,000. Eight Mi le & Middlebel t . 248 -427 -1527

Livonia ranch - 3 bedroom, 1 1 / 2 bath, a t tached 2 car garage, central air, newly f in ished base-ment. Everything is new & remod-eled. $193,500. 734-464-8614.

i ueu-

es m, 1st

L O V E L Y BRICK R A N C H on quiet t ree- l ined street. C o m -pletely r emode led 3 bed room, VA bath light a n d bright h o m e w/ful l f in ished basement . Mint ! Garage inc luded on beauti ful Vi acre t reed lot! On ly $177,777.

T h e F i r e s t o n e T e a m , Re/Max 100 248 -348 -3000

317 Garden City

314 Farmington/ Farmington Hills

CAPE COD- 3 bedroom, 2.5 bath, basement , 2 car garage. $269,900



H O M E T O W N (734) 459-6222

BEAUTIFUL Farmington Hills colonial tudor features family r o o m w / f i r e p l a c e . T o t a l l y updated gourmet lovers kitchen. 3 bedrooms, 2V6 baths, f in ished b a s e m e n t , m a n y u p d a t e s , at tached garage, c lose to free-ways, fast occupancy. $319,900

MICHELLE MICHAEL Re/Max Classic (248)737-6800

F A R M I N G T O N FOR sale by owner 3 bedroom, 1.5 baths tn-level, maintenance free alu-minum siding, Pella windows, and more. £186,900. Call for appointment (248) 426-0371

BY O W N E R • 2 8 4 1 0 Rush. Large corner lot, beaut i fu l 3 bed-room ranch w/2 1^ a t tached ycuay®. * 101 • iww^is— newer b a t h r o o m , w i n d o w s , carpet, partially f in ished base-ment , many updates . $144 ,500 . For appt: (734) 425-7364,

BEAUTIFUL brick ranch in out-standing location. Complete ly updated 3 bedroom, VA bath, on large lot. Open floor plan, c/a, fuil f in ished basement , 21A car heated garage. Home warranty.

H N O . c o m l .D.#13169. 15391 Woodr ing. $185,900.

734-421-7089 O P E N SAT. 10-4, SUN. 1-4.

BR ICK 4 Bedroom ranch, 2 baths, basement , 2 car garage, u p d a t e d w i n d o w s , f u r n a c e , p lumbing roof. Needs interior and exter ior facelift. Ask ing $ 1 3 8 , 9 0 0 . O n e W a y R e a l t y


CUTE AS A BUTTON Stop renting, you can buy this Garden City 2 b e d r o o m home fo r jus t $ 8 6 , 5 0 0 . U p d a t e s include some w indows , furnace, copper p lumb ing , d r i veway , shingles, steel doors & remod-eled bath. Plus one year home war ran ty ! L o w , low m o n e y down. Cal l today l

Cal l J im, Mike & Chuck Anderson

Cen tu ry 21 D y n a m i c (734) 7 2 8 - 7 8 0 0

F A R M I N G T O N HILLS BRICK quad, 3 bedrooms, 1.5 baths, $246,900. (248) 553-0219 www.hno .com ID# 12919

family looks

laundry. Large d room w/f ireplace large t reed rear

$279 ,900 J IM LEAHY

(248) 646-8606 RE/MAX in the Hills


ENGLISH T U D O R home in Historic Franklin Vil lage. 5 bed-rooms, 5V* bath, on approx. 2 acres. 7500 sqft of l iving space. $1,995,000. This home has everything! For more into, call:

(248) 593-1442.

W O O D L A N D R I D G E Wonder fu l open f loor p laf l w /4 bedrooms, 2.5 baths, mahogany f loor ing, granite bar in teh fami ly room, f i replaces in teh l iving r o o m & fami ly room, huge Palla-d i um w indows in the great room, 2 s t r o y f o y e r & m a s t e r w/ca thedra l ceil ing. $499,000. T O R .


( 2 4 8 ) 6 2 6 - 8 7 0 0 .



Peaceful setting in quiet area

on 1/2 acre!

Features formal dining room, country kitchen with isiand work center also includes stove, dishwasher and microwave, 4 bedrooms, 21/2 baths, master bedroom with whirlpool tub, gas fireplace in family room, and 2 1 / 2 car garage.Open, spacious f loor plan ali in mint condition. Exceilent Location! $274,900

F H A / C O N V

G a r d e n C i t y , n i c e 3 b e d -r o o m , l a r g e g a r a g e . S e l l e r w i l l p a y $ 3 0 0 0 t o w a r d s d o w n p a y m e n t o r c l o s i n g c o s t s . A s k fo r L i z 7 3 4 - 4 6 4 - 6 4 0 0 x . 2 3 1 . 2 4 H o u r r e c o r d e d i n f o a t 8 8 8 - 9 1 0 - 2 2 4 0 X 4 C 0 5 ,

BR ICK RANCH 3 bedroom, ivs oatn, rmisneu basement w i th V4 bath, Kimber ly O a k s S u b d i v i s i o n . F r e s h .

734-427-1306, 248-363-0838

BY O W N E R - O p e n Sun 12-5, 4 1 7 4 6 Tamara . S. 10 Mile, W . Meadowbrook . 3 bedroom, 1.5 ba th br ick ranch. Large fami ly r o o m , u p d a t e d t h r o u g h - o u t . N e w e r w indows. C lean neutra l i n t e r i o r , 2 . 5 c a r g a r a g e , $190 ,000 . (248) 349-7272

L IGHT-BRIGHT-A IRY 4 b e d r o o m b r i c k c o l o n i a l w/ re lax ing v iew of pond a n d C o m m o n s f rom sapc lous cedar deck ! Mint , open f loor p lan, most ly remodeled l Ful l base-ment , 2 car garage o n over 1A acre! (21057011)

The Firestone Team, Re/Max 100 248 -348 -3000

BY O W N E R . 36524 Marler 3 bedroom, 2 .5 bath, f in ished b a s e m e n t , 2 car a t t a c h e d garage, new furnace & hot water heater, Anderson windows, 2 pat ios, $235,000. Appointment only (734) 464-3313

C A S T L E G A R D E N S - Total ly Remolded 3 bedroom, tri-level w/ 2 baths, deck, sprinklers, 2.5 car. $195 ,900 (734)464-6470

fOrossroads lyReal Estate

Rhonda Fackert Cell 810-599-6418 Office 810-227-3455 www.brightonrealestate.com

C O U N T R Y SETTING Clean 3 bedroom Ranch, 2 full baths, large family room w/wood burner, c/a, Florida room over looks acre iot, LARGE 2 car g a r a g e . J u s t l i s t e d o n l y $149,900. T rade in your other property or E -Z terms, Cal l Dave R e a r d o n , R E / M A X C l a s s i c


A W A R M C O M F O R T A B L E HOME! - Spacious 3250 sq. ft. 2 story farmhouse on 1.80 acres! Th is wel l ca red for home includes 4 bedrooms, 2 .5 baths, family room with f ireplace and hardwood floors, formal dining room with hardwood f loors ana cove ceiling, large kitchen with cozy breakfast nook, covered deck off master bedroom, 1st floor laundry, 2 car at tached garage & small barn! Hart land Schools. $249,900.

COUNTRY INFLUENCE! - This beautiful "new" 2600 sq. ft. home situated on 2 acres has everything you could ask for! Loaaed with many f ine quality amenit ies this 3 bedroom, 2.5 bath home includes a formal dining room, great room with gas fireplace and doorwal l to large deck. ' Other fea tu res include a 1st f loor laundry, 20x16 f inished bonus room, walkout lower level & 2 car attached garage! Call for your own private v iewing of this


A P E R F E C T V I E W O F NATURE! - Peaceful v iews come with this home situated on 10 acres and des igned for com-fortable living, This beauti ful 4 b e d r o o m , 2 . 5 b a t h h o m e includes a fully equipped kitchen with oak cabinets, natural brick f ireplace in family room, formal living & dining rooms, 1st floor library. & 1st f loor laundry. Master suite includes an impres-sive bath with whir lpool tub and separa te shower . Spac ious bonus room is located 3+ car garage. 10' cei l ings in walkout lower level, enter ta inment s ized deck, beautifully landscaped & large 32x62 gambrel barn with cement floor and surround car-p o r t ! H a r t l a n d S c h o o l s . $668,000.

E N G L A N D R E A L ESTATE 248-474-4530.

M E C H A N I C ' S G A R A G E 3 bedroom, 3 bath br ick ranch s i tua ted on t ree- l ined street has loads of potential. 1,488 sq.f t . w i th large fami ly room. Part ly f in ished base-ment a n d Insulated / ven ted garage w i th 80 A M P 220 ser-v ice & natura l gas. Ask ing $161 ,000 (21059308)

M A R Y M c L E O D R E / M A X C l a s s i c

( 7 3 4 ) 4 3 2 - 1 0 1 0 P A G E R : ( 3 1 3 ) 9 9 0 - 7 6 4 9

w w w . m a r y m c i e o d .com

P L Y M O U T H , W. of Farmington

3 b e d r o o m br ick ranch, base-ment, f i rep lace in living room, hardwood f loors, updates: roof, w indows, 2 car garage. O n l y $168,900. (24MIC).

Cal! B A R B M A R T I N

NOVI R A N C H 3 b e d r o o m VA ba th ranch, 1 ,600 sq. ft. on .7 acre . N e w paint , carpet & ceramic t i le in bath. Open, neutral f loor p lan wi th large is land k i tchen. Exemplary Nov i schools . .

C A R O L C O P P I N G „ (248) 873-0001 *

• R b b I Ratals B o b . . -

O P E N 3 bedroom, 1.5 bath town-house. Central air, 1300 sq.ft. 1 car attached, airy! $159,900 HELP-U-SELL (248)348-6006

333 Pinckney

R O L L I N G 2.9 acres (sec luded) , 4 bedroom, 2 ,990 sq. ft. br ick ranch walk-out, %" oak cabinets, cent ra l air. $269,900.

(734) 878-2137

334 Plymouth


INTEGRITY R E A L T O R S 734-525-4200


Immedia te occupancy . S tunn ing 3 bed room, 3 bath brick Ranch built in 1987 on sec iuaea IOT. Fabulous interior. Beauti ful al l white k i tchen (4 yrs. old), f in-ished b a s e m e n t w /2nd k i tchen, a t tached 2 car garage plus city says addi t ional 2 car can be added. Take , a virutal tour on: r e a l t o r . c o m N o w ! $ 2 4 9 , 9 0 0


R E / M A X 100, Inc. (248) 348-3000 x261 (248) 933-7655 cell

3 B E D R O O M , upstai rs bed room ve ry large 26x12 plus storage area. 225 Parkview. By owner .

• 4 6 4 - 5 $164 ,000 . 734- -3430

O P E N SUN., 1 - 5 . 1 5 0 4 6 Robin-wood , W. of Hagger ty , S. of 5 Mi le t o Lakewood. Wel l main-ta ined Lakepointe quad. 1560 sq.ft . , 4 bedrooms, updated k i tchen & 2 baths w/Jacuzz i , fin-ished basement , we t plaster. A la rm system, Anderson win-dows. $254,900. 734-420-3430

P L Y M O U T H - Supremely quiet cour t locat ion wi th unr iva led pri-vacy. Archi tect des igned colo-nial wi th 4 or 5 bedrooms, &A b a t h s , 2 f i r e p l a c e s , i s l and

MIMIBII, yoai-atuuiiu oui'I i*OCi,., Pel la windows, walk-out f in ished lower level, fault lessly updated & mainta ined! 3V4 car garage. Original owner h o m e wi th every ameni ty ! $539,000.

B O B BAKE (734) 797-7300 C O L D W E L L B A N K E R S C H W E I T Z E R - B A K E

(734) 453 -6800

C O V E N T R Y G A R D E N S Cape C o d . 1 5 7 1 8 S o u t h a m p t o n . Updated 3 bedroom, 3 bath. 1450 sq.ft. $229,000. Cal l for appointment . 734-793-0111

S H A R P 3 bedroom, 1.5 bath house, many updates inc lud ing ki tchen, roof, w indows, fu rnace & c a r p e t i n g . 1.5 d e t a c h e d garage. W a l k out basement . C/A. Not a dr ive by. . .$159,900.

Cal l T O M R E Y N O L D S , R E / M A X 100, at

(248)360-3900 for direct ions.


North of Eight Mile. West of Halstead

An Exquisite Brick Ranch In Farmington Hills. Custom ceramic entry with meticulous woodwork throughout.

0Neutral decor, breath taking atr ium off family room. Two fireplaces, central air, two-car attached garage. Rear porch over-looks beautiful wooded estate sized lot. Farmington schools. Convenient access to tennis

courts, shopping, dining and freeways. 8249,900

"FARMINGTON HILLS" Over 2200 sq. ft. of l iving space, 4 bedrooms, 2.5 baths. Living room, family room w/f ireplace, 2.5 car garage w/carport. Almost 2 acres of land. Open Sun. 12-3. $214,900.

2 Homes for the price of 1. Main home 3 bedrooms. A t t a c h e d g a r a g e . M a n y updates. 2nd Home, 1 bed-room. Separate Entrance. Open Sun 1-4. $229,900.

Century 21 Hart ford North (734) 525-9600

S P E C T A C U L A R - Custom buiit 1988, 1704 sq. ft. great room ranch, 1st floor library & laundry, full partially finished basement prepped for 3rd bath, 2 baths. $249,900. C A L L KEN GENTILE

ERA Al l iance 248-426-7064.

335 Redford

A M U S T S E E IN REDFORD! Pr iced to sel l - $126,800. T o o many updates to list.

3 bedroom, VA bath, bungalow. VA car garage with carport, f e n c e d , d o u b l e c o r n e r lot! V iewing starts July 29. By appt. O p e n Houses July 29 & A u g 5, 2 -5pm. Please drive by for details. Info pack. 15546 Winston

(N. of 5 Miie, E. of Beech).

S T U N N I N G 4 B E D R O O M , 3.5 bath colonial is 3147 sq. ft. of cus tom upgrades, 2 n d f loor study, 2 n d f loor laundry, pr ivate lot with deep backyard, 8 Mile & Haggerty. C lose to I -275 access approved buyers oniy pr iced below market for quick c lose $409,900. (734) 748-9032.

326 Milford

REALTY LTD. O P E N SUNDAY 2-5 • (248) 473-5500

LIVONIA - laurel park area -37595 Malory, 3 bedroom ranch, Ready to move-in. $275,000. Must see. 734-432-9926

BY O W N E R - Updated 3 bed-room ranch h o m e situated in t h e Vi l lage of Mi l ford within walk ing d is tance to downtown, shop-p ing , s c h o o l s & rec rea t i on areas. Perfect home for retire-ment of just start ing out. Th is h o m e also has a huge addi t ion that doubles t h e living space of the average home in the neigh-borhood. $147,000. (248)685-9342, (517)404-2877

BRICK RANCH Maintenance free 3 bedroom, wet plaster home. Newer roof on house & garage. Base-ment w/lots of storage. Cov-ered porch over looking large yard. Mechanic 's dream 2.5 car garage. Home warranty. $124,900 (RI234)

C E N T U R Y 2 1 T O D A Y . ( 7 3 4 ) 4 6 2 - 9 8 0 0

C H A R M I N G R A N C H - 3 bed-rooms, VA baths, hardwood f loors thru out, partially f in ished basement , beauti ful ya rd & deck, nice quiet area of S. Reef-ford. $135,000. 313-537-7213 '

IF Y O U want a 3 bedroom brick ranch in a quiet neighborhood then this is the home for you l Large county k i tchen w/ parquet f loor , loads of cabinet space! Al l a p p l i a n c e s s t a y . G a r a g e . ' $99,000. N, off 6 Mi le Rd & W, of Beach Daily.

N a n c y B o c k ; 810-457-1790' RE/MAX Classic'

Thursday, July 26, 2001 O&E

(Dbsertrer fa Eccentric REAL ESTATE Classifications 300 to 375 (*)7E

Your HomeTown Classified ad is automatically posted on the internet!

Visit us today.

CHARMING! Beauti ful 4 b e d r o o m Bun-galow. Updates inc lude win-dows , fu rnace, A /C , hot water heater, e lectr ical & plumbing. Double lot & 2V4 car garage. Al l app l iances stay. $119,000. (PU246)

LOCATION! LOCATION! LOCATION! 4 bedroom brick ranch in great neighborhood. Gas fire-place in f inished basement . Large living room w /wood burning stove. C/A. Lots of storage room. 2 car garage. $169,900. ( D 0 2 4 7 )

CENTURY 21 TODAY (313)538-2000

www.centu ry21 today .com

L A R G E H O M E $174,900

5 bedroom, 2 bath h o m e in great sub. near schools . 1800+ sq.ft. M o v e right in.

D E B R A D e M O S S Coldwel l banker Preferred


Open Sun 12-5. N of 5, E. ink-ster. 15518 Fox. 3 bed room brick ranch w/futl f in ished base-ment w /2 bedrooms, fami ly room w/bar , overs ized 2 .5 car garage, $144,900.313-790-8937

RELAX & ENJOY! Th is very nice 1,280 sq. ft. 4 bedroom, 2 bath bunga low in n ice area! Updates in the past 5 years inc lude centra l air, k i tchen, water heater a n d w indows . Home also incudes a part ial ly f in ished basement and a 2+ car d e t a c h e d g a r a g e ! R e d f o r d Union Schools. $128,800.

ENGLAND REAL ESTATE (248) 474-4530.

R O C H E S T E R HILLS 3 bedroom ranch, cathedral cei l ing, walkout f a m i l y r o o m , 2 f i r e p l a c e s , acreage$270,000.248-651-7895

R O C H E S T E R HILLS - Open Fri, Sat, Sun. 3763 sq.ft . o n best lot avai lable. $ 5 7 5 , 0 0 0 , 2 8 0 0 River Trail. E /Adams bet. Avon/Haml in

R O C H E S T E R HILLS - Vintage Estate, 4 bedroom, 3 .5 bath, 2 story brick. 3500 sq.ft . , new 1998, $539,900, (248) 601-3217

Royal Oak/Oak Park-Huntington Woods

B E R K L E Y - 2 F U L L B A T H S 3 or 4 bedrooms, new hickory k i tchen w i t h c e r a m i c f loor . Berber, hardwood, new win-dows, rec room, 2 car and spot-less. Hurry, $182,500,

A L V A N A C K E R (248) 646-5000

R E / M A X in the Hills

BERKLEY/St . John W o o d s B e a u t i f u l l y r e n o v a t e d b r i ck home wi th huge master suite; 3 bedroom, 2 baths, f i replace;

-$239,900. Appt . 248-545-6182

.PLEASANT RIDGE Tudor 3 bed rooms , 1.5 baths, ful i base-m e n t remodeled k i tchen, wood

' f loors, cus tom c losets, sun 'porch, balcony, deck , 2.5 car garage, f i replace, c .a, many e x t r a s , w a r r a n t y i n c l u d e d . $219,000. See a t w w w . h n o . c o m proper ty* 13002, By appoint-ment at 248-414-3751

W A L K T O P A R K 4rog) this n ice 3 bed room home w/ful l basemen t & detached garage. C lose to schoo l and bike to town. $149,900. Cal i -Karen Brown, R E / M A X 100, (248) 348-3000

A DREAM HOME!! Like new 4 bedroom, 3.5 bath colonial o n approx. 2 0 acres. Awesome master suite, w /6 pe rson hot tub, d r e a m kitchen, e legant d in ing room, walk-out lower level w/ful l bath, garage and many wonder fu l extras!


CASTELLI & LUCAS (734) 453-4300

45500 F O R D RD. - C A N T O N

M C!\\l r.f riraanfiolH

3 bed room brick ranch, with 2 car carport , c.a., all appl iances, $129,900. 248-738-4226

fl Southfield-Lathrup

LATHRUP V ILLAGE RANCH Home of the Year Award '99, Home/Garden Tour Award '98. Professionally decorated interior & exterior. 3 bedrooms, living room w/f i replace, new recessed lighting, new furnace & roof. Move right in! $199,900.


(248) 626-8700


Cute 4 bedroom, 2 full bath ranch wi th f in ished base-ment. Al l new kitchen, roof, windows, all hardwood under carpet. Built 1971. Large fenced yard. Great home for first t ime buyers. $129,900


Four bed room colonial , open floor plan wi th neutral colors. Al! appl iances stay. Profes-sionally f in ished basement. • H o m e W a r r a n t y *

$192,900 (248) 851-6700


340 South Lyon

BUILDER'S H O M E 4 Bedroom Cape Cod with 3 baths plus 2 lavs, massive walkout basement , year round sunroom & full bonus room over garage. Numerous upgrades. Semi-pr ivate lot backs to nature preserve. $699,900. Mike Wickham, Century 21 Row (734) 464-7111

QUIET C O U N T R Y road ranch on 2.31 acres. South Lyon schools, 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, 2 car at tached garage, f ireplace, fuil basement , 1,392 sq.ft., 2.5 mi les f rom US-23. $176,900. Eves/weekends (734)449-4171 Weekdays (734)222-2286


FRESH & PRETTY! Sweet fami ly home in great ne ighborhood of h igher priced homes. Pride of ownership is reflected. Spot less, lots of win-dows , fami ly room w/doorwal l to patio In large private fenced yard, 4 bedrooms, large laundry room. Extensive updates thru-out. $146,900. Cal!

SANDY L A D D (248) 646-8616

RE/MAX in the Hills

N W TROY: Birmingham schools, 3 bedroom, 2.5 oaths, family room/fireplace, freshly painted in/ o u t . I m m e d i a t e . $ 2 7 9 , 0 0 0 . 248-644-2770 248-219-7542

Waterford/Union Lake/White Lake

W A T E R F O R D 3 bedroom, 1300 sq. ft., ha rdwood f loors, 2 car garage, extra lot, partially fin-ished basement , greenhouse, big deck. $175,000.

(248) 673-1684

W. Bloomfield Orchard Lk-Keego

S P E C T A C U L A R H O U S E FOR SALE W. BLOOMFIELD. A -must see" 4 bedroom, 2V£ bath, contemporary home on beauti ful t reed lot o n quiet street, with nearby park. Total ly refurbished, many upgrades, full basement , ca thedra l cei l ing, formal dining, ce ramic tile.

5848 Perrytown. $272;900. Cal l for appt . (248) 661-0084


Loaded wi th upgrades & extras. Cus tom qual i ty 4 bed room colo-nial, 2.5 bath. B ig lot backs to trees. Sidewalks, water & sewer.

A ® 2 4 8 ® 4 £ ^ o ? , B " " " e


Walnut Lake pr iv i leges. Spec-tacular contemporary ranch. Approximately 5053 sq. ft.

$625,000. Cal i Bever ly Kent, C-21 Hal lmark Wes t (248) 842-1194 or 248-698-2111


of Great


in your


344 W. Bloomfield-Qrchard Lk-Keego

W E S T BLOOMFIELD $ 2 6 9 , 9 0 0

Classic 4 bedroom, 2.5 bath Colonial o n huge park-like lot features 26x15 master ste. w/f ireplace & whirlpool bath. Formal dining room, family room w/f ireplace & living room w/i ight wood floors, fin-ished basement , large wood deck & newer aluminum siding. (KI513)

O r r t u p ^ l

CENTURY 21 TODAY (248)647-7321

A A A A A A M O R T G A G E S fig SERVICES I P " Buy the home of yourB - dreams. $0-$2495 down. m

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I John Toye, Broker/Owner I

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B E IN BY FALL 3 bedroom, VA bath Tri- level w/2 car garage, family room w/fireplace, p lus newer furnace & central air. $158,900

T O N Q U i S H SUB 3 bedroom brick ranch with new roof, doors, w indows, central air, b a s e m e n t , and 2 car garage. $154,900

C e n t u r y 2 1 T o w n e P r i d e ( 7 3 4 ) 3 2 6 - 2 6 0 0

B E S T B U Y - S T A R T E R O R RETIREE - Oniy $3591 to own. Lots of updates. All brick, base-ment & garage. Good area. Call G E R T (734) 459-3600. REALTY EXECUTIVES W E S T

GREAT BUY - Only 7 yrs. o ld "custom" 3 bedrooms, VA baths, f i n i shed b a s e m e n t , neu t ra l decor. Move right in. Spotless. Oniy $148,700. Call G E R T (734) 459-3600. REALTY EXECUTIVES W E S T

NEWLY updated home located in Wayne. 4 Bedrooms, huge chef 's kitchen w/skylights & plenty of storage. Finished base-ment, spac ious yard w/shed. E lemen ta ry & Jun io r H igh Schools wi th in walking distance. Freeways just minutes away. Many other extras. $128,700.

(734) 721-2233


SUBI I m m a c u l a t e 3 b e d r o o m ranch. Newer roof, furnace, central air, most windows, garage door, exterior steel doors, plus fenced yard! Close to shopping, sports arena, schools & morel Move in before school starts!!

GAIL TURNER (248) 873-0087

J J R s b I B s i o i b fine... 4355 Main St. #2300


RANCH- 3 bedroom, 2 bath, b a s e m e n t , 2 c a r g a r a g e . $174,900.



H O M E T O W N (734) 459-6222

STUNNING 4 bedroom, 3 bath home. 2270 sq.ft., 3-car garage. C O M P A R E PRICE! $235,500. Christ ine Craig, 248-624-3015 Prudential Chamberlain-Stiehl.

W A Y N E / W E S T L A N D S C H O O L S

3 bedroom brick ranch with an up-dated kitchen & bath, newer fur-nace, first floor laundry, only

- $67,900


CASTELLI 734-525-7900

W E S T L A N D - Beautiful 3 bed-r o o m , 2 . 5 b a t h C o l o n i a l w/f inshed walk-out, extra deep lot in desirable Westland Woods. $199,900. 734-765-1026

W E S T L A N D SHARP house, sharp price. 3 bedroom, brick ranch, has new roof, new v t i . p i i , v'liijn, pwmt, v m IN

kitchen, fenced yard, 2 + car garage, won' t last. $124,900.

(734) 741-8810

Prudential W v Accent Realty, Inc. 37569 5 Mile « LIVONIA, Ml 48154

PLYMOUTH • 734-455-8400 LIVONIA • 734-591 -0333 Website: prudentialaccent.realtor.com

WEIGH THE BENEFITS Scafes tip in favor of this 1400+ sq. ft. ranch on a 1/2 acre lot. Special features include a 2 car attached garage plus an additional garage for storing your classic car and a finished basement complete with wet bar. Updated kitchen, bath & windows. Quality built with wet plaster, cove ceilings and hardwood floors. New to market! $189,500

LIVONIA RANCH WITH WALKOUT BASEMENT built in 19$9, features 2 car attached garage, 3 bedrooms and 2.5 baths. Master bedroom includes full private bath and walk-in closet. Spacious floor plan and priced for quick sale! $189,900 WONDERFULLY UPDATED COUNTRY RANCH where relaxing is easy, yet minutes from major roads. Features 3 bedrooms, 1.5 baths and 2 car a t tached garage. Updated bath, newer oak cabinets in kitchen and most windows replaced. Take a refreshing break & see it today! $169,900

READY FOR YOUR COLOR CHOICES 2800 sq. ft. colonial with side entry garage features oak foyer, living room plus family room with f i repiacf , Jack & Jill bath, plus cathedral master suite with whirlpool tub. Located on a spectacular pond setting! $324,900

LOCATED ON LOW-TRAFFIC STREET South Redford ranch offers 1,000+ sq. ft. with plenty of closet and storage space, including a finished basement with newer furnace/central air, updated windows, doors, roof & electricity. For more reasons to buy , call today! $129,900

LAKEPOINT VILLAGE QUAD-LEVEL Spacious & sparkling 4 bedroom home has been thoroughly maintained, with updated kitchen, baths, roof, furnace/central air. Features living room & family room with fireplace, eat-in kitchen with doorwall to deck, plus dining room with built in china cabinet. Piymouth-Canton school district, priced for quick sale! $249,975

QUALITY UPDATES and maintained to perfection! Six paneled doors, oak cabinetry and brick paver patio make this 3 bedroom, 1.5 bath tri-level a perfect choice for you. $149,900

CONDOMINIUM ON GOLF COURSE SETTING located in South Lyon and built in 1999. Includes 2 car attached garage, 1st floor master suite, great room with f ireplace, vaulted cei l ings, huge daylight basement and plenty of extras. Quality upgrades throughout. See the best first! $439,800

l i o m c f o w i i n c w & p a p o i s . n c t

345 Westland/Wayne

W E S T L A N D - Brick ranch, 1244 sq. ft., 2V6 car at tached garage, f in i shed basement , upda tes throughout, above average con-dit ion. 7415 Hawthorn, N. of W a r r e n O p e n S u n . 1 - 5 . $158,900 Cal l for appointment :

(734) 421-3169

W E S T L A N D • Canton Border ( H i x / C h e r r y H i l l A r e a ) a l l updated brick ranch, 3-5 bed-rooms, 2 baths, coo l C/A, fin-ished basement, 2 car garage, larger tot. Ask ing $144,900, 3 % d e p o s i t . O n e W a y R e a l t y 248-473-5500.

n Wixom/Walled Lake/ Commerce

DAZZLING 3 bedroom, 2 yk bath colonial, w/ home warranty . To many amenit ies to list! 5221 Huron Hilis Dr. $310 ,000 Call (248) 363-1504 or visit w e b site www.hno.com ID #12420

GO S W I M M I N G across the street at Lake Sher-w o o d from this 2300 sq.ft . home w/fui l f in ished basemen t & 2 car s ide entry garage. A round the co rne r f r o m e l e m e n t a r y & middle schools a n d minutes f rom xway & malls. $284,900. Cal l Karen Brown, R E / M A X 100, (248) 348-3000

IMMEDIATE O C C U P A N C Y ! Lovely custom newer colonial w /4 bedrooms & 5 baths! 3,468 sq.ft . plus 1,135 sq.ft. in f in ished b a s e m e n t . L u s c i o u s l a n d -scaping Includes waterfall! Gated community. Luxurious master ste. w / f ireplace! (21044316)

T h e F i r e s t o n e T e a m , Re/Max 100 248-348-3000

& LAKE S H E R W O O D , all sports lake & dock pr iv i leges. Beaut i fu l ranch, 4 bedroom, 3 bath, 2 car garage. * Must seel * www.hno .com ID# 12548 $285,900 © (248)684-1753

W A L L E D LAKE - Pr ice reduced. 4 bedroom, 2 baths, city sewer & water, Wal led Lake schools. $162,000. (248) 669-2536

W I X O M RANCH 1000 sq. ft. 3 bedroom, 1.5 bath, wi th partially f in ished walk-out basement , on 1 ac re , p r i va te d e a d e n d dr iveway, central air. $164,900. (248) 624-6011 248-981-7368

349 Ypsilanti/Belleville

YPSILANTI W A T E R & W O O D S : New, move in August 1st, Exclu-s ive lot, elegant sub, p remium elevation, 3 car site entry, Hard-w o o d floors, and lots of win-dows, 1st floor laundry, full basement , f i replace, $309,950. 734 416-9394

Livingston County

BRIGHTON A R E A - New Con-struction. 1800 sq. ft. Colonial $179,900 - $210,000. Hardwood f loors, f i replace, 3 bed room, 2.5 bath, 1st f loor laundry, acre lot, paved roads & sewers . C l o s e t o t o w n . I m m e d i a t e Occupancy, 810-225-8944.

W H I T M O R E LAKE 9015 Posey Dr., Eag le Gardens Sub, 1998 Colonia l , 3 bedroom, 1.5 bath, f inished basement , a/c, i n g r o u n d s p r i n k l e r s , l a r g e fenced yard w/deck & gazebo. Beaut i fu l l a n d s c a p i n g w /ko i pond, very c lose to all sports lake, $187,000. 313-909-7706.

Macomb County

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SHELBY T W P . $154,900 4 Bedrooms, ' 2 baths To see this f ine h o m e

And ail of our propert ies

Visit our Websi te www.hal landhunter .com

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Oakland County

3 BEDROOM ranch, basement , garage, Flor ida room, o n 2 scenic acres wi th s tocked pond. Price reduced to $204,900. A s k for Kathy: 248-672-1657

or pager: 810-898-1307 Coldwel l Banker Schwei tzer

2685 Union Lake Rd.

357 Wayne County

TAYLOR N E E D to relocate. 3 -4 bedroom home, sale or lease/ opt ion with large d o w n payment . Home needs updated. Nice area. $85,000 (313) 292-1407

A L G E R - Home o n all sports lake. 120ft lakefront. 3 bed room 2 bath 1725sqf t „ large garage w / loft. At 175 exit 190. $210,000 (989)836-2214

C O M M E R C E TWP. - Lakeside, Long Lake. 2.5 bedroom, 1 acre, A u g 27-July 1 lease, 2 baths, decks, full basement , fenced, pets ok. Security, $895 mo.


G O N E FISHING! In your own backyard. Newer 1800 sq.ft. ranch on Black River, St . Clair Cty. $219,000. 810-966-9369

K E E G O H A R B O R - Sandy Sunset iot w / 2 houses, 1892 & 1896, Cass Lake Front. West Bloomfield schools. Reduced $459,000. 231-549-3077

L INDEN - lakefront 2 ,700 sq.ft., 3 bedrooms, 3 baths, c lose to U S - 2 3 . $ 3 8 0 , 0 0 0 .


M A D I S O N LAKE - wi th 3 bed-rooms 2 bath large garage , 130 ml . f rom Detroit. Must see to appreciate. Wil l negotiate. Open Sun. 8776 W . Shore Dr., Cold-water area. 519-253-4998 or 519-944-2317.

PORT S A N I L A C 100 ft. water-front min i -mansion, by owner. 3000' brick, pi l lered, colonial on Mil l ionaires row-mint in & out. $499,000. (810) 327-6736

QUIET LAKEFRONT Tempt ing 4 bedroom, 2 bath White Lake 2 story wi th cov-ered porch for swing o n 3 acres wi th pole barn. Family room, basement & study. $279,900.

(248) 887-6900 .FIRST AMERICAN.

Out of State Homes/ Property

ARIZONA WEST VALLEY. 2 bed-room, 2 bath, gated golf commu-ni ty . G r e a t ren ta l i n c o m e . $153,900. 623-536-5680

Farms/ Horse Farms

S O U T H E R N C O L O R A D O RANCH 40 A C - $32 ,900 Enjoy country l iving yet c lose to city ameni t ies, parks, recreat ion, wildlife & more l Roll ing f ields & Rocky Mounta in v iews. Only one avai lable. Cal i now toi l- free 1-877-676-6367.

Real Estate Services

BEAUTIFUL H O M E S Avai lable in West land & Sur round ing Areas!!


Bankruptc ies, short te rm emp loyment OK.

CALL T O D A Y : 800-312-2785 S H A U N H A D S A L L Mac-Cla i r Mortgage

370 New Home Builders

MODULARS- F R O M 1200-3000 sq. ft. C a p e cods, colonials, ranches. Al l of Ml . Grand opening specia l $100 under builder who lesa le when deliv-ered by Oct. 30, 01. Crest Housing 800-734-0001

372 Condos

BEST BUY!! T w o Wes t l and condos avai lable with immedia te occupancy. T w o bedrooms, updated ki tchens, ceramic baths, doorwal! to bal-cony, app l iances stay - $81 ,000 - $104,000. Cai l Chris Peterson for appo in tment -

CHRIS PETERSON (734) 513-4563



IN F O U R S E A S O N S Backing to woods with unusual privacy. Upper level unit. Beau-tiful c lubhouse w/pool , tennis. Spacious room sizes, 2 bed-rooms, 2 baths, washer/dryer in-unlt. complex looks like a park -acres of lawn & t rees. Under-ground park ing. Large storage

J I M L E A H Y (248) 646-8606

RE/MAX in the Hills

B L O O M F I E L D HILLS - Tele-. graph/Square Lake. 2 bed-rooms, 2 ba ths , lake access, carport, pool. Completely remod-e l e d . B e a u t i f u l l o c a t i o n . $130,000. 248-431-7375

B L O O M F I E L D HILLS secluded 3 bedroom 2 story end unit walk-out basement , open f loorplan, f ireplace, sunroom, mint cond $324,900, 248-433-1474

B L O O M F I E L D HILLS Open Sun. 12-4. Beaut i fu l Heathers de tached condo. 3 bedrooms, 2 .5 baths w/view of water & golf course. Move- in cond. Many upgrades. By owner. $599,000. 248-338-0363


R A N C H C O N D O Lovely g round level end unit w 2 bedrooms, 2 baths, fuil base-ment, 1st f loor iaundry & 2 car at tached garage. $204,900. Cal l Karen Brown, RE/MAX 100 (248) 348-3000


FA IRLANE W O O D S Absolu te ly s tunn ing 3 bed room, 2 bath + 2 lav condo. Located on cu l -de-sac. Beauti ful s tone exterior. 1st f loor laundry, 1st floor den. Wind ing oak stair-case. super private! $610,000. (17CUM)


(734) 464-7111

F A R M I N G T O N - 1 bedroom w/carport, 1st f loor unit, open f loor plan, $82,900. ShareNet (248)' 642-1620.

DETROIT N e w Lof t C o n d o ' s

in a spec tacu la r se t t i ng .

This is your opportunity to l ive a rare lifestyle in the city of Detroit. New Luxury Condo's set wi th in a four story, 1920's era building. With stunning river v iews and cit-yscapes, we offer the very best in downtown living. Features inc lude dramatic 12' high cei l ings, woodbeams, rooftop baiconies, exposed br ickwork & interior parking. Prices start in the low $200's.

Century 21 Associates (800) 678-0406

Email us at www.detroi t lof t .com

Ask for Mark, Bonnie, Br ian


W O R L D That 's how this condo feels. Large, lovely, c lean. Upper ranch-style end unit wi th big screen porch. Sit in easy chair and watch sunsets over the tree-tops. Located in wel l mainta ined gated community near Drake & 14 Mile. Garage plus carport. T w o bedrooms, two baths. Lots of storage. Only $184,900.

SANDY LADD (248) 646-8616

RE/MAX in the Hills


24460 Walden Woods, Drakes Crossing Condos N. of Grand River Between Drake & Halsted. 2 story, 3 bedroom, 3 bath, great r o o m , d i n i n g r o o m , l a r g e ki tchen, fireplace, C/A, full base-ment , large deck, end unit, over-looking golf course. Vacant $274,900 (734)699-6850

Looking for pre-approved prospects oniy.


IN COPPER CREEK Brick Cape Cod, 4 spacious bed-rooms, 3'A baths, 1st floor master suite, fireplace & cathedral celling in great room, formal dining room, library, island kitchen w / l a r g e b r e a k f a s t r o o m w/doorwail to patio & wooded backyard. Finished basement, attached 2 car garage. $469,000.

IN P INEWOOD W E S T Brick ranch, 2 bedroom, 2 bath, open floor plan, great room w/fireplace, 1st floor laundry, formai dining room, large kitchen w/breakfast room, basement, attached 2 car garage. $248,000.

CENTURY 21 Nada, inc. 248-477-980G

FARMINGTON HILLS - Stun-ning 2 bedroom, 2.5 bath Town-h o u s e i n p r e s t i g i o u s Greenpointe at Cooper Creek wi th beautiful f inished base-ment, view of goif course, imme-diate occupancy. $205,000. By owner . 38587 Glanstonberry. Call for appt. (248) 848-0158.


1 bedroom, 3rd floor, furnace & air condit ioning new in 1997. New tile f loors, carpet, 3rd floor laundry, pool. By appointment. Pr ice Reduced! MUST SELL!

$68,900 MARILYNN D U K E

(248) 348-6430 ext. 249

N. W. L IVONiA 1, 2 & 3 bedroom units avail-able. Priced from $84 ,000 to $122,000. Cheaper than Rent.

C a l l L a r r y V a n Z a n d t 248-467-1000

Re/Max Great Lakes

NOVI - 2,200 Sq. ft. 2 Bedrooms, 2 baths. Chefs kitchen w/granite countertops and breakfast nook. Format living and dining room. Separate den, plus a year-round sun-room filled with natural light. Spectacular wooded and water view®. From $305,000. Contact Bob Bowden w/The Faibman Group @ 248-348-8866.

NOVI - Stonehenge. By owner . Haggerty, between 9 & 10. $126,900. Work: 734-722-0808,


O P E N Newer 2 bedrooms, 2.5 bath, basement , 2 car at tached, very open, bright! $226,900 HELP-U-SELL (248)348-6006



Just listed! Fabulous 2 bed room townhouse condo w/private front and back entry. Large master bedroom w/walk-in closet, main bath has skvlioht w/senarata tub & shower, 2nd f loor laundry. Fireplace in living room, base-ment & garage. Immediate occu-pancy. $164,900, •


(248) 348-3000 x261 (248) 933-7655 cell ,

" -V of Van Buren Condominiums

Starting at 692,900

Now Taking Reservations Act Quick For Choice Locations!

' Large Mas te r Bedroom w i t h

W a l k - I n - C l o s e t

• O p e n Floor P l a n -

approx imate ly 1 ,100 sq. f t .

' O p e n K i t chen wi th O a k

Cab ine t ry

» L a u n d r y R o o m

» D o o r W a l l to 14 ft, covered deck

' Central Air

» V i n y l T h e r m o W i n d o w s

» Br ick and Vinyl Exterior

» 1 or 2 Fu l l Ba ths Available

» C h o i c e of F loor ing Colors

• O v e r 1 ,200 sq. ft . wi th Vaulted

Cei l ings

• Large Master Bedroom w i t h

Walk- In-Closer

• O p e n Oak Ki tchen wi th Pantry

• 1 1 / 2 Car At tached Garage w i t h

Electr ic

• Br ick and Vinyl Exterior

• Full Size Laundry wi th U t i l i t y T u b

• Ceramic Foyer & Baths - Color O p t i o n s

• O p t i o n a l Fireplaces & Decks

• Cent ra l Air

• Choice of Flooring Colors


As Low As $92,900 As Low As $138,900

Located on the south side of Tyler Road, west of Belleville Road.

OPEN DAILY! 1-6pm • Closed Thursdays

(734) 699-8980 Allied Network Real Estate Service

S'/ir i0-0/>i'rti//i/^ with l)//yrr.\ i'i roi-ci':-. (.it!I S<//rv Offit,

372 Condos

P L Y M O U T H - P inewood Vi l lage upper level condo . App rox 10OOsqft. 2' bedrooms, very clean. Walking distance to Down-town. $137,900. 734-453-5619

SHARP- 2 bedroom, 2.5 bath, basement , ce ram ic f loor ing, desireable, wow! $165,900. HELP-U-SELL (248)348-6006

SOUTHFIELD - spac ious 2 bed-room, gorgeous v iew of woods & river, large balcony, br icked carport, $75,000. 248-356-0136

SOUTHFIELD-Spac ious 2 bed-room, 2 bath one-level end unit w/heated garage. Low mainte-n a n c e f e e i n c l u d e s h e a t , wooded setting. $164,900. Ask for Marjor ie Manns, Century 21 Row (734) 464-7111

SOUTH L Y O N - Downtown, 2 bedroom, 1 bath, new kitchen appl iances, upper unit, t i led entry. $86,000. 248-446-0633

TROY - Fai rways Sub, 2 bed-room, 2M> bath luxury condo, fin-ished basement & many extras! $240,000 248-813-0371

TROY - Northf ield Hills. King-ston Model . 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, den, complete ly remod-eled. New ki tchen w/Corian, Pergo, new carpet, f in ished basement , garage, pool, tennis, etc. Seller mot ivated. Open Sun 1-5. Reduced $234,000. 1768 Brentwood. 248-641 -1869

W A T E R F O R D A D A M S Landing Condo. Lake privi leges. 2 bed-room. $153 ,900 . Immed ia te occupancy. (248) 674-0919

W A T E R F O R D - $169,900 Luxury condo of fers carefree

living. Backs to wooded commons with stream. Great

room has vaul ted ceil ing, fire-place & doorwal! to deck. T w o car garage. Walk-out

basement can oe finished for 3rd bedroom, addit ionai bath

and fami ly room. CHOICE PROPERTIES


W. BLOOMFIELD - By owner. Bright spacious, 2 bedroom, 2.5 bath, 2 car a t tached garage, f in-i s h e d i o w e r - l e v e l , u p d a t e d t h r o u g h o u t . $ 1 7 7 , 0 0 0 . 248-892-5962 248-644-7156

W. BLOOMFIELD Condo 3 bed-rooms or 2 bedroom w/den, 3 full baths, cathedral ceil ings, spec-tacular view. 1875sqft. A must see! $209,900. 248-788-9383

6525 Mapie Lakes Ct. O P E N SUN. 12-5.

WESTLAND O P E N Juiy 29, 11-3 .36481 Black Oak, on Cen-tral City Pkwy. at Hunter . Detached, 2 bedroom, 2 bath, 1st floor laundry, deck. All extras! One Owner! (734)397-5861

W H I T M O R E L A K E - 2 bedroom, 2 bath, main f loor laundry, 2 car g a r a g e , b a s e m e n t , e x t r a s . $175,900. Cail after 4pm,

(734) 449-4965


Custom end unit ranch condo w / 2 b e d r o o m s , 3.5 ba ths , ki tchen w/hardwood floors, 4 doorwalls to a private deck, master w/his & hers baths, study w/a wal l of built-ins. f inished lower level w/wet bar, bedroom & b a t h . $ 3 2 4 , 9 0 0 . 21035425WOO.

(248 626-8700

Duplexes & Townhouses

Wal led Lake SPARKLING T W O

B E D R O O M Townhouse beauty with VA baths, full basement , 2 bedroom private entrance & door wall to patio. Only $113,900.

J O A N M U R P H Y (248) 684-4595 ext. 132

O n o . . ^

FARMINGTON HILLS manufac-t u r e d home 1994 Century 2 bedroom, 1 bath, cheap-cheap lot rent. (248) 442-7462

Observer & Eccentric

Classifieds Work!

374 Manufactured Homes



$ 4 6 5 / m o . includes house

paymen t & lot rent.

248-474-6500 1 0 % down, $287/mo.

for 360 mths. @ 11% A P R

little felfey



5 bed room 3 bath homes in 3

d i f ferent commun i t i es .

Immed ia te occupancy .

Call Today 248-380-9550


PLUS as low as $99/mo. site rent

2 years $199/mo. site rent - 3rd year

Hew Pnteed ?W tfo$30'4,

• 3 bedrooms • 2 baths

• Deluxe GE appliances



On Grand River I-96 to exit 153 Across from

Kensington Metropark

Call Erin (248) 437-2039


New Phase! O v e r 15 New H o m e s

o n Display!

$ 3 9 9 / m o si te rent w i th 2 year lease

• 3&4 bedrooms • Deluxe GE appliances

• Stone fireplaces • Central air

Starting at $58,800

Am Adoi SdtwU Open 7 Days


on corner of Mich. Ave. and

Carpenter Rd.

Call Annette or Krista


Manufactured Homes


N E W 3 bed room homes

in 3 di f ferent

communi t ies ,

immedia te occupancy. !

Call Today 248-380-9550

375 Mobile Homes

C A N T O N O P E N SUN 1-5 ;

Move in condi t ion! quiet Cul-de-sac, w / large k i tchen & dining area, beauti ful l iv ing room, 2 b ig bedroom & iauncfry. $11,900 Must sell! (734)728-281 £

L O A D E D 28X60 3 bedroom, 2 bath, drywal l , f i replace, Jacuzzi , formal dining!! Mobi le Home Brokers 734-697-2433.

.NEW FAMILY wanted for h o m e in West land. 3 bed-room, 2 bath, New carpet,

f resh paint, p r ime lot, air, plus more, mus t sell! $22,000/be£t

(734)495-1788 i

IN WIXOM up to $3,000 CASH BACK

PLUS $99/mo. site rent

2 years $199/mo. site rent • 3rd year



• 3 bedrooms • 2 baths

• Deluxe GE appliances • Skylights



3.5 miles N. of I-96

Call Kathy



PLUS $99/mo. site rent •

for 3 years

m m t it -/

iS fe & 0 ' *

• 3 bedrooms • 2 baths

• Deluxe GE appliances

Wayne-Westland Schools at

Sherwood Village on southeast corner of

Michigan Ave. & Haggerty Rd.

Cal l Bernie


Your Right,

Our Business

As members of the NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS®, the Western Wayne Oakland County Association of REALTORS® is proud of our contributions in support of the Fair Housing Act and other Fair Housing Compliance programs.

Our REALTORS© have led the housing industry in promoting fair housing and are committed to opening the door of your choice.


8E(*) Classifications 374 to 400

Observer , csentric

O&E Thursday, Ju ly 26 ,2001


EAL ESTATE homctownncwspapcrs.m't

Mobile Homes

C A N E W H U D S O N ^ I - ^ ^ ^ - 1 4 6 Kens ington S. I I (off I-96). 1999 3 • • f ^ bedroom, 2 bath, ' | al! appl iances stay + m a n y | • ext ras! Must m a k e dea l now l • I Pr ice reduced. Must see . •

N O R T H V I L L E B E A U T I F U L 1996 Friendship, 28x70, 3 bed-room, 2 bath, moving, m u s t sell now. Call to see. (248) 486-4046

NOVI - double wide, 24x64 , 4 bedroom, all appl iances, cent ra l air, must see. $28,000.

(248) 705 -0547

NOVI FOR only $600 per Mo . , 2 bedroom, 2 bath mobi le home, at tached covered deck, near 12 Oaks. Call: 248-872-6397

NOVI MEADOWS. 3 bed room, 2 baths, newly carpeted. $9,000/ best. After 3pm,

(248) 348 -3819

NOVI, 1 4 X 7 0 , 2 bedroom, large closets, mint condit ion. N e w carpet, air. South Lyon schools . $14,000/best. (734)612-2641

• 1 Lake/River Resort M Property

HUNTER 'S PARADISE -160 acres, 4000 ft. lakefront. Only pr ivate land in pristine wil-derness. 140 Mi les E. of Sit. Ste. Marie. Ask ing $54,900.

(248) 349-1380

n Northern Property

A BEAUTIFUL 2 bedroom knotty-pine cabin near Hale. Eastern end of a private all sport lake. Gorgeous sun-sets, sandy bottom, new well, septic, carpet ing,

Perfect cond! $135,000 248-628-0339 517-257-5268

O N L Y $ 5 , 0 0 0 - 1 4 x 7 0 W / E x p a n d o . Vacant . Mob i l e Home Brokers 734-697-2433.

O P E N SAT. 12-6. 1998 60x16 ' Dutch 2 bedroom, appl iances, shed. South Lyon W o o d s , 227 Whitt ier. $22,500/best.

(248) 4 8 6 - 9 2 5 9

SENIOR PARK- 14x60 beaut i fu l ret i rement communi ty . 2 bed-rooms, vacant. Must sell. Mobi le Home Brokers 734-697-2433.

W E S T L A N D - K i rkwood 1987. Maintained spacious 2 bedroom, 2 bath, iaundry room, air, appl i-a n c e s , shed, d e c o r a t e d & updates. $11,900 or best of fer .

(734) 5 2 2 - 4 8 9 4

Lakefront Property

1 0 , 0 0 0 A C R E L A K E ! Boat to Black l a k e ! Sunse t v iews, a park-l ike sett ing, a n d year-round access. $49 ,900

15 A C R E L A K E F R O N T

W o o d e d acreage with s a n d beach, great boat ing, f ish ing a n d a d j o i n s S t a t e l a n d . $159,900. 8 a m - 9 p m ,

Loon Lake Realty, T O L L FREE: 888 -805 -5320

www. loon lakerea l ty .com

C O L D W A T E R 12X50 M O B I L E H O M E on 7 lake chain, docks available. Permanent year round site. $17,500 or best offer (734) 953-9525 or 734-260-9203

L A K E H U R O N / H U R O N C O U N T Y - 7.44 Acres a n d over 745 fee t of Lake Huron f r on tage in Rubicon Estates. Dr i veway a n d b u i l d i n g s i t e a l r e a d y instal led. $225,000 with L a n d Con t rac t Te rms Nego t i ab le . Northern Land Company .

1-800-968-3118 • www.nor ther landco.com

/ •

A C R E A G E / L A K E F R O N T

(25 mi, W. of I75, Grayling) 1.71 acres, with 150' water-front o n private, no motors lake. $35,000, $2500 down, $350/mo.


231-331-4227. www.great lakes land.com

O P E N W E E K E N D S !

CADILLAC/LAKE CITY 12.29 acres, sec luded, 5 miles south of Manistee River and thou-sands of acres of state forest, beautiful, roll ing, very scenic v iew for cot tage of home, mostly wooded, mapTe. T h e Land Com-pany, 231-258-0350 $25,900, $2,000 down at 10% Land Contract .

F I F E L A K E / K A L K A S K A C O U N T Y - 4 . 9 Beaut i fu l l y Wooded Acres in Spruce Lane. Ideal home site or recreation spot. Dr iveway a n d c leared site a l ready instal led. C lose to State Land., Man i s tee River a n d s n o w m o b i l e t ra i ls . $25 ,900 , $500 down, $320/mo. , 11% land contract. Northern Land Com-pany 1-800-968-3118 w w w . n o r t h e r n l a n d c o . c o m for photos a n d survey.

F iFE LAKE Mich. 10 roil ing acres, (6 acre field, 4 acre woods) , Has Wel l & ready to bui ld. Walk ing d is tance to 2 Al! sports lakes, many tral lheads in area. $39,900. (734) 844-3811

G A Y L O R D An opportuni ty to o w n a vaca-t ion home, investment home, or year around living. 3 bedroom, 3 bath condo wi th basement . Black Bear Resor t . PR ICE R E D U C E D T O $139,900. Ask for KRIS: 248-889-9959,

810-308-1942 (pager) Coldwel l Banker Schwei tzer

2685 Union Lake Rd.

TAWAS - OSCODA - Lake Huron and inland lake properties, homes and cottages, vacant acreage, business opportunities. Cal! Best Choice Realty, Inc. toil free

1-888-786-5700. www.all-northern-michigan.com.

P E 4 P L I N E S s

tor Placing, of finer ails. ^ 0 ^

Publication Day Deadline " Estate ..5:00pm Thursday

Issue S:00pm Friday Thursday..... 6:00pm Tuesday


Open Thur sday , J u l y 26

4 - 8 p m

9 Models on Display

3 Year Site Rent Special $99/mo. site rent - 2 years $199/mo. site rent-3rd year

UP TO $ 3 0 0 8 CASH BACK

"Hew *2fame4. Thiced

• 3 bedrooms • 2 baths

»Deluxe GE appliances

• Skylights

Huron Valley Schools at


E S T A T E S Ait en ~e

Bogie L a k e R d .

Ca l l

Joyce Hed (248) 887-1980



$99/mo. site rent - 2 years • $199/mo. site rent - 3rd year

Jtea* UKM. T^niced

$30 &

• 3 bedrooms • 2 baths

• Deluxe GE appliances

Great Selection Pre-Owned Homes

Scfoafo at


on Wixom Rd. 4 miles N of 1-96

Call Kathy Snoek (248)684-6796

Q n a l i


up to $3000 CASH BACK

PLUS as low as $99/mo-site rent

2 years $199/mo. site rent - 3rd


Heut Triced 0?*9m t&e $30'4

• 3 bedrooms • 2 baths

• Deluxe GE appliances




1 mile S. of Grand River,

1 mile W. of Wixom Rd.

Call John

( 2 4 8 ) 3 4 4 - 1 9 8 8

IN NOVI $199/IIIO. site rent

2 years On New Hons



* 3 B e d r o o m s • 2 Full B a t h s

• D e l u x e G E A p p l i a n c e s • C e n t r a l Air

o n l y $ 4 3 , 8 0 0

Pre-Owned Homes From $ 1 4 , 5 0 0



N. of Grand River bet. Meadowbrook & Haggerty Rds.

C a i l J o a n n e

(248) 474-0320 or (248)474-0333

[ © J Lots & Acreage/ Vacant


Across f rom St. Dunstan's Play-house & adjacent to the magnifi-cent Cranbrook Educat ional Communi ty on a private cui-de-sac. Bui ld your dream home. $1,495,000. 21026183BER.

(248) 626-8700.

A N N ARBOR AREA Lakefront/Lakeview Properties. 1 acre lots, private beach. All lots have lake rights. Open Sat-Sun, 12-4pm. For directions call o r visit: www.miragelake.com

M B A Realty Group Inc. Patty 1-734-260-7076


Low Down Payment Gent le rolling, 2-V& acre sites some w/walkout basement, your builder. Easy access to western suburbs and Ann Arbor. Financing Terms Available. J A B I o c h & Co./Gach Realty

(248) 559-7430

BLOOMFIELD HILLS LOT - The last buildable lot in prestigious Cari l lon Hiiis, across f rom Kirk In The Hil ls Church. In an area of m u l t i - m i l l i o n d o l l a r h o m e s . Bloomfie ld Hills schools. Build your dream home! $409,900. 20083880CAR.


(248) 626-8700.


acre, building site 60x400ft. , s loping, treed, southern expo-sure, l a n d contract terms. 20 m i n s . f r o m B i r m i n g h a m . $349,000 RE/MAX 100, Cal i R.W. Watson (248)736-3000

BUILD YOUR O W N H O M E Save $1,000's. Pierson-Gibbs bui lds the shell, you finish it. Financing. (800) 799-7417

CITY O F BLOOMFIELD HILLS This is a unique opportunity to build your dream home on this pristine setting in the City of Bloomfie ld Hills. Just under an acre wi th mature t rees and within walking distance to the Cranbrook Educational Commu-nity. $1,195,000.21012128YAR.

(248) 626-87(30

C O U N T R Y RETREATS, 10-22 Acres with Woods, E -Z Terms, Pr ime Area, Close to W. Sub-urbs. J.A. Bloch & Co. /Gach Realty. (248)559-7430

EXCLUSIVE NORTHVILLE Last chance to purchace 1 acre streamside lot On Shel ley Pond Court. $325,000 734-455-3765

F O R S A L E Five developed lots in

Commerce Twp. 248477-0189

G A R D E N CITY - For Sale By Owner . Investor's Dream, 80 X 120 lot. Zoned R-3, able to bui ld duplex, lot has 2.5 car garage, dr iveway & utilities at footprint of o ld house which burned down and has been cleared since. $64,900. 248-446-9886

HIGHLAND • Prestwick Vil lage. Prime building site with pan-oramic v iew of course and pond. Includes golf membership. Price reduced to $129,900. Ask for Kathy: 248-672-1657 or pager:

810-898-1307 Coldwel l Banker Schweitzer

2685 Union Lake Rd.

HILLS O F LONE PINE - Water-fall lot in a fabulous gated com-munity w/pool & tennis courts, jogging paths & putt ing green. Lusn landscaping, total privacy, pond, lake & morel Build your d r e a m h o m e . $ 1 9 9 , 9 0 0 .


(248) 626-8700.

H O W E L L - COMMERCIALLY Z O N E D vacant land. 4.71 acre corner site on D-19, just south of Howel l . Zoning al lows many uses. Utilities on site. W a s $1,000,000 - now $795,000. Call Gary Lillie and Assoc. , Realtors. (800) 3 4 5 - 6 6 9 4 or go to: www.garyl i l l ie.com

H O W E L L SCHOOLS - 10 acre parcel . 4 0 % mature hardwoods. Excel lent perc. Ask ing $98,000.



Located at end of Cul-de-sac near park & lake access to Thompson Lake. City sewer & water at street. Walkout site pos-sible. $72,000.

C A L L CHRIS PATRICK (734) 455-5600 ext. 2901


LOTS FOR SALE Residential lots for sale in

Canton Twp. Gorgeous wooded homesltes,

side-entry garages, paving complete by 7-31-01. For infor-mat ion contact: Judy Kindree, S ingh Development Co., Ltd.

248-866-6307 jk indree@singhmai l .com



Natura l park-l ike set t ing of nearly 11 acres with spring fed lake a n d many trees. Premium Upper Straits Lake beach and boat privileges. Build your o w n estate or parcel may be split into 2 lots. Smal l house on iot to be t o r n d o w n . $ 1 , 2 0 0 , 0 0 0 .


S B f l H a n n e t T ' W i l s o n

m m & W H I T E H O U S E & . -

(248 ) 6 4 6 - 6 2 0 0

N E W DEVELOPMENT. U S 23 & 9 Mile Rd. Lakefront & lake access, wooded walk-out sites. 1/& to 3 acres with paved streets, 10 acre park & Brighton schools. Other sites available. B u i l d e r s w e l c o m e . O w n e r .


W I N G LAKE SHORES SITE Lake privi leges and Birmingham schools are here on 115x110' bui ld your 4000 sq. ft. new home. Convenient to Maple and Telegraph. $192,500.


Lots & Acreage Vacant

N O R T H V I L L E S C H O O L S , mailing! 15 spi i t table acres. Pavec f road. Across f rom high end subdivision.

Northville mailing, South Lyon schools. 19 acres. Spiittable. Near Tangiewood Golf Course. Area of appreciat ing valuesl

Farmington Hilis 1.4 acres in Woodcreek Sub. Water & sewer available. Farmington schools. Beautiful !ol!

JOHN O ' B R I E N (810) 970-7568

(248) 349-2929 ext. 270


Gorgeous, huge parcel in West Bloomfield. Approximately 5.65 acres of lusn, t reed property. Build your dream home wi th a long drive entering the property. Bi rmingham schools. Close to country clubs and shopping. $849,000. 20082968BLQ.

(248) 626-8700.

$500-$50,000 C A S H G R A N T S ( U N S E C U R E D L O A N S -I N T E R E S T F R E E ) B A D C R E D I T O K . P E R S O N A L DEBT, C O L L E G E TUIT ION, B U S I N E S S , M O R T G A G E D O W N PAYMENTS, INVEN-T I O N S . T O L L F R E E 1-800-825-4725 EXT. 300.

DOCTOR LOANS M O N E Y O N REAL ESTATE A N D BUYS L A N D C O N T R A C T S . F a s t closing, immediate cash. Deal directly with Doctor Daniels & S o n , 1 - 8 0 0 - 8 3 7 - 6 1 6 6 , 1-248-335-6166

5 0 0 F A S T C A S H . C 0 M - Short Term Loans up to $500.00! W e want your business! To Apply: 1 - 8 8 8 - 9 9 0 - 2 2 7 4 L o a n s b y County Bank, Rehoboth Beach, DE. (?DIC), Equal Opportuni ty Lender

H O M E O W N E R G E T C A S H Fast! Credit Prob lems? We can help! Debt Consol idation. "Pay off all bills ' H o m e improvements 'Foreclosures 'Qu ick closings. All ied Mortgage Capita! Corp.

(800) 611-3766

" L A N D C O N T R A C T S " * " If you're receiving payments o n a Land Contract, G E T A BETTER CASH PRICE IN O N E DAY. Argo Realty (810) 569-1200, Toll-Free 1-800-367-2746.

" " M O R T G A G E L O A N S " " Refinance & use your home's equity for any purpose: Land Contract & Mortgage Payoffs, Home Improvements, Debt Con-solidation, Property Taxes. Cash available for Good , Bad or Ugly Credit. 1-800-246-8100 Anyt ime United Mortgage Services.

WHY RENT. O w n your own home. 0 to 3% down. Short te rm employment OK, credit prob-lems OK, bankruptcy OK. Call Randy Lesson Met ro Finance 248-610-9576

Real Estate Wanted


CA$H! Any Condition, Any Price.

(734) 5 0 2 - 4 5 7 2 www. reoptions .com

m Cemetery Lots

CREMAIN NICHE (1) available at beautiful Glen Eden 's mauso-leum in Livonia. $1000. Call Pat: 248-477-1153 x 104

LAWN CRYPT FOR 2 at Chris-tian Memorial in Rochester Hills. $ 3 0 0 0 . ( 9 4 1 ) 5 4 3 - 4 2 6 6 ([email protected])

WHITE chapel cemetery lots: 4 lots near main entrance. Chapel priced at $1450 each - will sell at $725 each. (864) 944-7447

WHITE C H A P E L in Troy, 1 plot, section good samar i tans, $900/ best (248)683-0283

W H I T E C H A P E L M e m o r i a l Cemetery, in Troy 2 plots, sec-tion 622 in Garden of Gethse-mane. $1800 (989)644-2754

m m m



Sale or



LIVONIA DELI Turn Key - Everything stays. $35,000. Eat in, carry out, del ivery, tray cater ing. Owners have out grown locat ion. Wou ld l ike to upsca le & e x p a n d cater ing business. Contact Rick or Patti after 2pm. 734-513-2218

392 Com/Retail Sale/ Lease

CLAWSON - space for lease, excellent location. W . 14 Mile Rd. bet. Crooks & Main Sts.

(248) 435-9277

UP TO 15,000 sq. ft. in profes-sional off ice on Main Street in Plymouth. Avai lable immedi-ately. Contact T i m Reil ly

(734) 737-2900.

UP T O 15,000 sq. ft. in profes-sional office on Main Street in Plymouth. Avai lable immedi-ately. Contact T i m Reilly

(734) 737-2900.

Warehouse Sale/ Lease

F E N T O N W A R E H O U S E & off ice for lease. US 23 and Thompson Road corr idor, up to 6000 sq. ft. avai lable, wi th 4600 sq. ft. of 2 story warehouse, 12x14 b a y d o o r , n e g o t i a b l e terms. (810) 750-2328 mobi le 810-295-8219

T R O Y lease 1000-1600 sq. ft. off ice/ storage/industrial. Best location & price. (248) 338-1939

©bsenrer Eccentric APARTMENTS / l o r r i i ' / n w i i f i i wspapt i s . i i c t

j ¥ | IndJWarehouse


• 3 Mos. FREE RENT • Immedia te Occupancy

Can ton & Novi areas call: (734) 454-2460

Also, in the W ixom area call: (248) 347-6680

W I X O M A R E A - New 8000 sq.ft. bui ld ing, 10 'x14' overhead door, 8 'x10' t ruck dock, 17' clear. Off ice to suit. Be low market lease rate. (734) 462-2238


Office Business Space Sale/Lease

A M E R I C E N T E R S • Furnished, Windowed Off ices • Conference Rooms • High-Speed Internet Access

Troy, Livonia, Southfield & Bloomfield Hills. 734-462-1313

ANNOUNCING: Single o f f i ces f rom 150 sq. ft. Inc ludes T1, secretary, confer -ence rooms . Class A of f ices in Novi, Farming ton Hills, A n n A r b o r , S te r l i ng H e i g h t s or D o w n t o w n Detroit .

Cal l T a m a r a 248-344-9510. International Business Centers, Inc.

B I R M I N G H A M - Downtown. 167 sqft . Single off ice in

private sui te, view, $500/mo. Cal! 9 -4pm: (248) 646-0418.

E X P R E S S W A Y E X P O S U R E Month-to-Month Available

480 sq.ft . to 1800 sq.ft .

I -275 Expressway J. A . B L O C H & CO. /

Gach Realty (248) 559-7430

F A R M I N G T O N Downtown, on Grand River, nice 3 room, 450 sqft, 2 n d f loor suite, low gross rent, park ing. (248) 476-2050.


On Orchard Lake Rd. Just S. of 10 Mile Rd.

Medica l or General Off ice. 1100 sqft avai lable. Ma in floor location.

Inc ludes all utilities.

CERTIFIED REALTY, INC. v 248-471-7100.

F A R M I N G T O N HILLS Professional off ice space avai l-able 500-750sqf t . O n e sui te can be bui l t ou t to meet your needs. Securi ty/conference room. Great locat ion. Gross rent includes everyth ing including janitorial serv ices. (248) 477-9112

F A R M I N G T O N 1 room off ice p lus furn ished wait ing room. G o o d for psychiatr ist,, psycho lo-gist a n d etc. 825 sq. ft. a lso avai lable. (248) 649-2848

G A R D E N CITY - Ford & Middle-belt. S ing le & mulit iple room off ice space . 230-1,500 sq.ft . Start ing at $250/mo. including ut i l i t ies . Exce l l en t , p a r k i n g . Cal l 734-422-2490


AN brick, 1300 sq.ft. p lus 1300 sq.ft . l ower level, ready to f inish. Built in '91, new carpet, beauti ful condi t ion, great medical/off ice. Land contract terms avai lable. RE/MAX 100. $239,900. Cal l R.W. W a t s o n (248) 736-3000

LIVONIA - For Lease. 8 Mi le & Farmington Rds. Medica l or Genera l Off ice. 4690 sq.ft . Free standing bui ld ing. Full basement .

CERTIFIED REALTY, INC. l 248-471-7100.

LIVONIA - 806sqf t - 2 Off ices, k i tchen, bathroom w/shower . Schoolcraf t , W. of Newburgh.

(734) 462-0770 ext 4518


2 unit o f f ice bui ld ing in high traffic a rea w/ loads of parking. Approx. 1500 sq.ft. total. Both

' "es vacant . Great condit ion, great pr ice $90,000. Land con-tract t e r m s avai lalbe. MAYFAIR REALTY (734) 522-8000

O F F I C E S P A C E A V A I L . 200 -800 sq. ft. Farmington Rd & Jeffr ies Fwy. Attractive bldg. Cal l Joe, (734) 762-4800.

P L Y M O U T H Downtown - 1200 & 2 4 0 0 s q . f t . o f f i c e in Wes tches te r Square . A m p l e park ing. Denny 810-229-7474.

P L Y M O U T H D O W N T O W N indi-v idual of f ice suites avai lable be tween $450 & $550/month. Contact Chr is Hoehn. Sup-port ing Real ty (734) 459-7100

P L Y M O U T H - Main Street loca-tion. 7 room off ice for lease, immed ia te occupancy.

Days : 734-453-6190 Eves: 734-453-5561

R E D F O R D T W P . Off ice Space.

400 -1250 sqft. 2 locations. All beaut i ful ly redecorated.

Inc ludes all utilities.

CERTIFIED REALTY, INC. 248-471-7100.

2 9x13 s i zed rooms in Chiro-practic of f ice for lease, comes w/wa i t ing r o o m & rest room Call for more info 248 373-0570

397 Investment

P L Y M O U T H A P A R T M E N T , 4 1 bed room units, excel ient rental r e c o r d , l o w m a i n t e n a n c e . $295,000. (248) 349-2713

Real Estate for Rent


l i n g s


Coventry Place Apar tments seeks Sen ior Cit izens for 1 bed-r o o m a n d e f f i c i e n c y a p t s . Laundry r o o m facil it ies, appl i-ances, carpet ing & many other

m e n i t i e s . P l e a s e c a l l t o s c h e d u l e a n a p p t . a t :


I A L L E N P A R K |


I $530 Moves Y o u in* | | Storage & laundry I • in your bui lding .

J Spac ious 1 & 2 J • Bedrooms J I Huge walk- in closets I

I Southf ie ld /Outer Drive I


I ( 313 ) 2 7 4 - 3 6 7 5 |

H " o n s e l e c t e d un i ts . . b M n a a M N o i H H r t

BLOOMFIELD - Spacious 1 bed-room, very c lean, washer /dryer , carport, ext ra storage. Great location. $850/mo. 810-977-5775

C A N T O N - A B E A U T I F U L condo style 1 b e d r o o m apt. wi th sound proof wal ls & laundry hook-up! MOVE- IN SPECIAL.

H E A T H M O O R E APTS. 734-981-6994.




spacious 1 & 2 Bedroom Apts. Small, Quiet, Safe Complex

Ford Road near i -275

STARTING A T $585 (734) 981-1217

C A N T O N - 1 bedroom, stove, fr idge, carpet, bl inds, heat & water included $525/mo. Year lease. 734-455-0391







(734) 728-1105 EHO.

FARMINGTON - furnished 1 bed-r o o m , w a s h e r / d r y e r , h e a t included, no pets, 1/yr lease. $625/ mo + security. 248-960-9926

400 ffiSed


C a r r i a g e C o v e L u x u r y A p t s .

(LILLEY & WARREN) W e take pr ide in of fer ing the fol-l o w i n g s e r v i c e s t o o u r tenants.

• Private entry • Maid service available • Emergency maintenance • Beautiful grounds with pool &

picnic area with BBQ's • Special handicapped units • Restfui a tmosphere • Cable avai lable • Many more amenit ies


• 1 bedroom $655; 900 sq.ft. • 2 bedroom $725; 1100 sq.ft. • Vertical bl inds & carport

included • Ceramic bath & foyer • Professional on-site

management • 23 plus years experience • Near x-ways, shopping, airport

Rose Doherty, Property Manager:

(734) 981-4490

Canton T O W N H O U S E S

Spacious 2 Bedroom.

$640 * $200 Rebate for new residents only, call for detai ls


^ (734) 455-7440. J

Count ry Corner Apts. Spacious 1, 2 & 3 bedroom apar tments & townhomes

From $795 Heat included. Formal d in ing r o o m , c a r p o r t , b a l c o n y , health club, pool, close to Bir-mingham Let us fax you our brochure. 248-647-6100


{ • J 30300 Southfield Rd

w ~ " Between 12 & 13 M l

4 0 0 ' s R e a l E s t a t e F o r R e n t

40 0 Apartments/Unfurnished 40 1 Apartments/Furnished 40 2 Condos/Townhouses 40 3 Duplexes 40 4 Fiats 40 5 Homes 408 Lakefront/Waterfront

Homes Rental .407 Mobil Homes Rentals 40 8 Mobil Home Sites 40 9 Southern Rentals 41 0 Time Share Rentals 41 1 Vacation Resort/Rentals 41 2 Living Quarters To Share 414 Rooms

42 0 Halls/Buildings 42 1 Residence To Exchange 430 Garage/Mini Storage • 44 0 Wanted To Rent 44 1 Wanted To Rent-

Resort Property 450 Furniture Rental 45 6 Rental Agency 4 5 7 Property Management 45 8 Lease/Option To Buy 45 9 House Sitting Service 46 0 Convaiescent /Home

Health Care 46 1 Foster Care 464 Misc. To Rent


$ 560 • 24 -Hour

Ga tehouse • D i s h w a s h e r • Ve r t i ca l B l i nds • Air C o n d i t i o n i n g • F i t ness C e n t e r « Tennis C o u r t s • S w i m m i n g Poo l • Fu rn i shed A p t s .

ava i lab le Open 7 Days - Mon-Fri 9:00am-9:00pm

Sat * 9:00am-5:00pm - Sun • 12noon-5:OOpm ^

B E E C H D A L Y , S O U T H O F C H E R R Y H I L L S S I

Canterbury WOODS J


FARMINGTON HiLLS Luxury one and two bedroom

Apar tments Available. Call: 810-254-9511

Westland's Best Value...


CANTON Close to Work! Convenient to Shopping!

Our Value Package Includes: Heat and Water A v a i l a b l e . . .

• Balconies • Cable TV • Air Conditioner • Special Pet Units

Laundry facil it ies in each building

S P A C I O U S 1 & 2 BEDROOM Fashionable updated apartments Dishwashers Mini Blinds Large, secure private storage room with each apartment Pool and Clubhouse

Washer/Dryer hook-up Self-cleaning oven

• Vertical Blinds Swimming Pool

• New Fitness Center • Pets Welcome

Furnished Apts. Available RENTS

F R O M Cherry Hill at i-275

734-397-1080 Cherry Hill We're proud to offer the most value for your money In Westland Cherry Hill near Merriman

734-729-2242 O p e n 7 D a y s fir Mon-Fri 9am-9pm

Sat 9am-5pm •Sun 12-5pm

ADAMS CREEK 1 & 2 bedroom

apartments 2Par^ment home? Spacious 2 & 3 bedroom C J X I f Y D 1 7 D D / V » i r C apauuua &


Attached garage in select homes

Excellent Novi schools

Washer and Dryer

Close to shopping/dining

and en te r t a inment From s 7 3 5 . w a month F rom S 1195.™ a m o n t h

(248) 471-7470 Rd. be tween South Blvd. a n d Auburn Rd. Located o n Hagger ty Rd. South of 10 Mile Rd.

Luxury 1,2 & 3 bedroom a p a r t m e n t homes

Attached 1 or 2 car garage

Plymouth/Canton schools

2 & 3 bedroom townhomes

Finished w a l k o u t in select homes

8 7 3 3 w Close to Twelve O a k s Mall

a n d Novi Tbwn Cente r From s 1 2 9 5 . ° ° a m o n t h

/ n 4 exfofq Fini



From 8 1 0 9 5 . w a month

(734) 398-5300 Located o n Canton Center Rd. North of Mich. Ave.

(248) 669-1050 At t h e c o m e r of Novi Rd. a n d 13 mi le Rd.

Spacious 2 & 3 bedroom townhomes and aparments

1,2,3 & 4 bedroom

MAIN STREET a P a r ^ m e n ^ s a n d townhomes

v i l l a g e At tached U2 ca r ga rages

Close to Twelve O a k s Mall,


Plymouth/Canton Schools F r o m 6 1 2 9 5 . a mon th

(734) 844-2400 Northeast corner of t h e m Hili & Haggertv Rd

FVom s 1250 .™ a m o n t h Novi Town Cente r a n d Vic's Market

(248) 349-8400 Located off Grand River at Novi Rd.

1,2 & 3 bedroom apa r tmen t homes

1 & 2 bedroom terraced

a p a r t m e n t s a n d townhomes

Fireplace in select homes

Close to downtown Rochestei

From 9 760.°° a m o n t h

(248) 651-1091 L o a d e d o n Avon Rd. b e t w e e n Rochester Rd. a n d Livernois Rd.


O F R O C H E S T E R 1/2 car a t tached garages

Close to Novi Town Center

From $ 1 1 9 5 . ° ° a month and Twelve Oaks Mall

(248) 669-5900 O n 14 Miie Rd., East of Novi Rd.

m a i n c e n t r e ^ e n S 2 b e d r o o m & l o f t Luxury 2 bedroom a p a r t m e n t homes

Attached garage

Easy access to 1-696 & M-5 connector Close to shopping/dining and en te r t a inmen t

From HKiO.®0 a month Located in downtown Northvil le

(248) 347-6811 At t h e c o r n e r of Main a n d Center Streets . Nurthvil

From s 1 2 2 5 . ° ° a m o n t h

(248) 661-S870 In 14 MUe Rd. Just West of Hals ted

l i' •.uti'tj/i f;/ / vr ihiut


T h u r s d a y , J u l y 2 6 , 2 0 0 1 O&E

( O b s e r v e r fa lEccen t r i c APARTMENTS C l a s s i f i c a t i o n s 4 0 0 t o 4 0 4 ( * ) 9 E

| Y o u r H o m e T o w n C l a s s i f i e d a d i s

a u t o m a t i c a l l y p o s t e d o n t h e i n t e r n e t !

V i s i t u s t o d a y .


Unfurnished nmrnished

1 1 1 Dearborn Heights j

I D e a r b o r n I

j C l u b A p t s . | P One Bedroom Apts. ' | Two Bedroom Townhomes j

| Spacious Floor Plans J

kTons of Closet Space j Heat included in Rent J

• | B B Q Grills & Picnic Tablesj Patios & Balconies i

Sparkling Swimming Poo! J

J (888) 348-7431 |

B Located on Inkster Rd., i just North of Ford Rd. '

j j j open Mon.-Sat. 9 C a l l or S top In! S s j a f I



$560/mo. 1 large bedroom unfurnished

WALNUT CREEK APTS. 248-473-1395.

FARMINGTON HiLLS - 9 Mile/ Middlebelt. 1 bedroom at $495 includes heat, appliances car-peting. 248-478-7489

Farmington Hills HAPPINESS IS . . .

Moving tnto a cozy, i bedroom apartment. Verticals & Carport included. Starting at $570.

Cedarbrooke Apts. 248-478-0322.

FARMINGTON HILLS - sub-lease, 1 bedroom Aug. free. $599/MO. 248-478-3537 email

[email protected]

FARMINGTON - LlVONIA Special rate on charming 1 bed-room apt. Huge floor plans. Heat/ water included. White kitchens. From $675. Call 248-477-5755

GARDEN CITY One bedroom, totally updated. $550/mo. Call Dennis Smith,

Remerica Hometown III, (313)793-8643

ROCHESTER HILLS -1 bedroom, $550 mo.

(248) 652-4461

'^l-Uso •Vertical blinds

•Cathedral ceilings

Individual entrances

Birrglar/iire alarm system

Spacious 2 Beriroom/2 Bath

(1300 sq.lt.)

Gas lireplace w/mirrored wall

•GE washer/dryer and appliances

TR€fiT VOURSCLF ROVRUY! Moo. thru Fri. 10-4 • Closed Tuesday • Sett, fit Sun. 12-5

* Located on Orchard lake Rocid between 13 fit 14 Mile floods*


5 MILE RD. j j j


I f l W K l l \ < Q L \ R I

Cv H R M v o r r i a

" Celebrate the


and VALUE at

2 2 2 5 0 & w a n R o a d

Nine Mile Road just west of Pontiac Trail

C h o o s e a n a p a r t m e n t h o m e w i t h :

^ - S p a c i o u s F l o o r P l a n s

^ P r i v a t e B a l c o n i e s

i l r B r a n d N e w F i t n e s s C e n t e r

it: A P e t - F r i e n d l y E n v i r o n m e n t

( 2 4 8 ) 4 3 7 4 2 2 3

F a x : ( 2 4 8 ) 4 3 7 - 1 1 0 0

e - m a i l : b r o o k d a l e @ b l e z n a k . c o m

w w w . b r o o k d a l e a p a r t m e n t s . c o m

C oncml lowers M A D I S O N H E I G H T S / T R O Y / R O Y A L O A K

Experience the




Affordability of

Concord Towers


W e ' r e m i n u t e s f r o m O a k l a n d M a l l , m o v i e t h e a t e r s , s e v e r a l r e s t a u r a n t s a n d 1-75 a n d 1-696. O u r s p a c i o u s a n d a f f o r d a b l e a p a r t m e n t h o m e s h a v e p l e n t y o f r o o m f o r e v e r y o n e t o b e v e r y c o m f o r t a b l e . O u r d i s t i n c t i v e o n e a n d t w o b e d r o o m f l o o r p l a n s o f f e r c e r a m i c t i l e b a t h s , l a r g e l i v i n g a r e a s a n d a l l c o n c r e t e c o n s t r u c t i o n f o r q u i e t l i v ing .

C o m e H o m e t o C o n c o r d T o w e r s f o r

L o c a t i o n , Q u a l i t y a n d A l f o r c l a b i l i t y .

6 Month Leases Available

O n e b e d r o o m f r o m S 3 5 5

T w o b e d r o o m s f r o m S 6 1 5

e Centra l air • 24-hour emergency

main tenance • L ighted carports • Intercom entry system

• Elevators

»Storage in each apar tment • Ful ly equ ipped ki tchen wi th d ishwasher & disposal

' F u l l y carpeted > Cable TV avai lable • L a u n d r y on each f loor

DIRECTIONS: W e a re l o c a t e d a t 14 M i l e a n d I -75 , nex t to t h e

A b b e y T h e a t e r a n d d i rec t l y a c r o s s f r o m O a k l a n d Mal l .

OFFICE HOURS: M o n - F r i 1 0 - 5 • S a t 1 0 - 1

( 2 4 8 ) 5 8 9 - 3 3 5 5 m 32600 Concord Dr. • Madison Heights

; BEST ; • L O C A T I O N S , •

• V A L U E S , •

! L I F E S T Y L E I


APARTMENTS Near PiymouWHaggeriy Rosds Spacious 1 & 2 bedrooms From$605 Incl. Heat • Near Hines Park • Sparkling Pool • Renovated Apartments Available

888-221-2898 M - F 9 -5 :30 , (c loset) 1 - 2 ) SAT 10 -3 , SUN 112-3


THE HILL On Ann Arbor Trail, west of irfcter land2Bedroom apartments Fm$580 Incl. Heat • Near Hines Park «Central air/C«iling Fans • Dishwasher »Swimming Pool

888-221-2504 M - F 9 -5 :30 , SAT 10-2 , SUN CLOSED


Enter ( ton! Pontiac Tiai l bswreen W e s t 6 Beck 1 ani2Betlrooms From $540

• B y Walled Lake • Patios/Balconies • Pool

888-221-2425 M - F 9 - 6 , S A T 1 0 - 2 , S D N 1 2 - 3


A P A R T M E N T S On Palmer between Ulley & Sheldon

Spacious 1 & 2 bedrooms STARTING AT $575

FREE HEAT 734-397-0200 M-F 9-6„ SAT 10-2, SUN 12-3


2 4 8 - 5 6 ? - 8 8 8 0 g r .

NORTHVILLE 1 bedroom apt., $620/mo.

$200 off 1st mo. rent 1/year lease. 248-348-9250

Farmington Hills





A Cut A b o v e T h e Res t Except iona l ly s p a c i o u s o n e a n d t w o b e d r o o m

a p a r t m e n t h o m e s

» Individual entrance • in-home washer/dryer • window blinds • fully equipped kitchen with

dishwasher & microwave • cathedral ceilings • patio/balcony • covered parking • running track, pool,

jacuzzi, tennis courts.


2 3 1 4 0 Ha ls ted R o a d between Nine Mile & Grand River, 1 miie east of 1-275

Hours: Mon.- Fri.10-7, Sat. 10-5, Sun. 12-5

( 2 4 8 ) 4 7 1 - 4 8 4 8

Email: diamondforest @ bleznak.com

WWW. d iamondf o restapa rtme nts. co m




• Cleanest & brightest apts around

• We pay your heat & water • All white kitchens • Resident business center • Enormous floor plans

C A L L T O D A Y 2 4 8 - 4 7 7 - 5 7 5 5

Whispering Woods Apartments On Merriman Rd-1 blk S. of 8 Mi.

Livonia 1 4 9 5 0 Fair f ie ld

Betwn Farmington & Merriman

1 Bedroom at $605 2 Bedroom at $705

• Heat & water * Private patio/balcony

7 3 4 - 7 2 8 - 4 8 0 0

•St,, NORTHVILLE - Down-town Spacious 2 bed-

room heat/water included no pets $850/mo (734)997-7888

NOVI, DOWNTOWN. Private 2 bedroom w/yard, air, appliances, basement, washer/dryer, private parking. $805/mo. includes heat. No pets. (248) 348-1250



$ 6 0 5

Orchard Lake & Middlebelt

. K L G D M F I E L D


• 1 & 2 B e d r o o m A p t s .

• Air Cond i t i on i ng

• Pets W e l c o m e

• D i s h w a s h e r

• M i c r o w a v e

• Ver t ica l Bi inds

• C a r p o r t s Ava i l ab le

• 2 P o o l s

• F i tness C e n i e r

• Fu rn i shed Ap ts .

Ava i lab le

2 4 8 - 6 8 2 - 2 9 5 0 OPEN 7 DAYS • MON-FRI 9am-9pm • SAT 9am-5pm • Sun 12-5pm

A r m e n i a n S e n i o r C i t i z e n T o w e r

l o c a t e d i n D e a r b o r n o f f e r s :

Spacious (1) Bedroom Apartments for

Immediate Occupancy!

Located off Ford Road near the southfield



• Heat & Water included • .New ly renovated kitchens & baths

• Cable ready units • Wall to wall carpet

• Security entrance • Elevator

• Bus service to & from shopping area

• Community room & Activities • Senior (62 or older) program

( 3 1 3 ) 3 3 6 - 7 4 0 4 C a l l b e t w e e n 1 0 a m & 4 p m , M o n d a y - F r i d a y


IHMill H ft A P A R T M E N T S

$ 3 0 0 O f f

F i r s t M o n t h ' s R e n t on select apartments

N e w m o v e - i n s o n l y p r i o r t o 7 / 3 1 / 0 1 w i t h 12 m o n t h l e a s e .

• Olympic Size Indoor Heated Pool

• Attached Garages

• Fully Renovated Apartments Available

• Microwave

• Central Air

C A L L N O W ,

( 8 6 6 ) 2 0 7 - 5 3 2 8 t o l l f r e e

W A Y N E W O O D A p a r t m e n t s

1 Extra Large Floorplans 1 2 Bedrooms Have 1 1/2 Baths! • Heat and Water Included 1 Convenient Laundry Facilities • Additional Srorage • Great Location • 24 Hour Emergency Maintenance 1 Professional Management 1 Equipped Kitchen

Includes Dishwasher 1 Vertical Blinds

•Private Patio or Balcony • Two Swimming Pools • Model Open 7 Days! • Plus Much More!


7 3 4 - 3 2 6 - 8 2 7 0


H U R R Y , H t J R R Y !


L E F T ! ! • 2 Bedroom/2 Bath • Large V Bedroom • Extra Storage

in Apartment • Pet Friendly • Lighted Carports Incl. • Glittering Pool • 24/hr Fitness Center • Quiet, Secluded Area


A P A R T M E N T S (Middlebelt Road

Between 6 & 7 Mile)

( 2 4 8 ) 4 7 7 - 6 4 4 8 E-mail

[email protected] www.woodridgeapartments


L I V O N I A ' S F I N E S T


Merr iman Rd. corner of 7 Mile. Near Livonia Mall

Deluxe 1 & 2 Bedrooms, 2 Baths S t a r t i n g a t $ 6 9 5

Includes: Patio or balcony, carpeting, vertical blinds, deluxe appliances, poo!

M E R R I M A N W O O D S A P T S .

248-477-9377, 810-775-8206.

Madison Heights

\ l * *

* l l l f M K > I V

* * G R I . \ T * *

L O j

Rent Inc ludes H e a t a n d Vert ica l B i inds

6 mon th or 1 yea r lease We i l m a i n t a i n e d N e w l y d e c o r a t e d


* Air condi t ioning * Refr igerator and range * Smoke detectors * Laundry facil i t ies * Extra s torage * Swimming pool

* Cable avai lable

1 & 2 B e d r o o m A p t s .


From $540 1-75 and 14 Mile, opposite

Oakland Mall 248-585-4010

P R E S I D E N T M A D I S O N A P T S .

From $585 1 block east of John R, just

south of Oakland Mall 248-585-0580

H A R L O A P T S . From $555 Warren, Ml

West side of Mound Rd., just north of 13 Mile. Opposite

GM Tech Center



G R E A T L O C A T I O N • 1 & 2 bedrooms & townhouses • Private entrances • Full size washer/dryers • Fireplaces « Vertical mini blinds • Small pets welcome • Carports • Poo!/jacuzzi/tennis court

Jogging trail

C E D A R L A K E A P T S . 2 4 8 - 3 4 8 - 1 8 3 0

Office Hrs Mon - Fri 9-6 Sat. 11-3.

Located on 6 Miie 2 miles W. of I-275 m

Northville Novi Road North of 8 Mile


• Stunning 1 bedroom w/den • Carport Included • Washer/Dryer Included • Wooded Streamside Setting • From $825 Heat Included.

For an appointment please call: 248-347-1690 EHO

Come home to elegance and style at our


Novi Rid

I m

(10 mile between Novi Road and Meadowbrook)

• Sensational 1, 2, and 3 bedrooms

• Park like setting

• Pet friendly atmosphere

• Novi Schools and


(248) 349-8200 e-mail : novir [email protected] w w w j i o v i r i d g e t o w n h o m e s . c o m

NOV) - 2,200 Sq. ft. 2 Bedrooms, 2 baths. Separate den, plus a year-round sun-room filled with na tu ra l l ight . S p e c t a c u l a r wooded and water views. Short-term leases available. Great opportunity for corporate stay as weii. From $1,900/M0. Contact Cheri ©248-348-7595.


1 Bedroom Apartments Starting @ $570.734-455-1215.






Newly Renovated

1 & 2 Bedrooms


PLYMOUTH OLD VILLAGE: small 1 bedroom, hardwood floors, ceiling fans, cable ready, storage & laundry. Very clean & cute. $125 weekly includes all utilities. 1 year lease required. (248) 669-5623 Broker.


40325 Plymouth Rd. near I-275

1 bedroom from $580

• Heat & water • Walk-in closets

7 3 4 - 4 1 6 - 5 8 4 0


Spacious 1 Bedroom from $625. C/A. Off Ann Arbor Rd, 1 blk. W. of Sheldon. 734-455-6570





W i t h fea tures l ike: • Modern fitness center

& poo! • Minutes from I-96/I275

interchange • Plymouth/Canton Schools

• Pet Friendly

M O V E - I N S P E C I A L $600 O F F

1 B E D R O O M A P T S . (734) 453 -2800

E-mail: twinarbors @ bieznak.com


i S l

ROCHESTER - Downtown. 2 bedroom, 1 bath. New carpet & paint. $850/mo. 248-299-3650

or Cell* 248-701-4297

Rochester Hills


O N 2 B E D R O O M / 2 B A T H

A P A R T M E N T S *


On Our Spacious 1 & 2 Bedrooms

• Private entrances • Cathedral ceilings • Full-size washer &

dryer included. • Oversized closets • Carports available • Clubhouse with pool,

sundeck, tennis court & sand volleyball.

1 BEDROOMS from $790 2 BEDROOMS from $890

V i l l a g e P a r k

of R o c h e s t e r H i l l s

{ 8 8 8 ) 3 5 5 - 7 1 0 5 On Dequindre

just North of M-59 Weekdays 10-6

Saturday 9-5 OPEN SUNDAY 12-5

'Some restrictions apply EOE


R o c h e s t e r

S q u a r e A p t s .

Located in Downtown Rochester

1 & 2 Bedrooms Avai l

• Heat included • Dishwasher • A/C & Ceiiing Fans • Picnic area on

Paint Creek

( 2 4 8 ) 6 5 2 - 0 5 4 3 Mon-Fri 9:30-6, Sat 10-2

R E N O V A T I O N B L O W O U T !

1 M O N T H F R E E 1 & 2 B e d r o o m s

5 Min. from Metro Airport. Beautiful interiors featuring new carpet, tile floors, blinds, light fixtures, countertops Reserved covered parking Sparkling Pool

•Curbside Airport Shuttle Service 24 Hour Fitness Club


Gated Entry

i i u u/rvi i i

9 9 6 0 S . W a y n e

734 - 9 4 1 - 7 0 7 0

ROYAL OAK - Near Main. 2 bedroom upper. Charm/location/ h a r d w o o d / s t o r a g e . $ 7 8 0 inc ludes ' h e a t / a p p l i a n c e s / laundry/backyard.

(248) 641-7207


L O C A T I O N Terrific apartments

Fantastic!! Our apartments are sec-

onds from major highways, shopping and night life. Come see why we're

almost full. Rent Include free heat and so much

more. Cail today 248-356-8020

P.S. Ask about our y manager's special! j



©California Style Apts.

• 1 bedroom from $550 • Heat & water included • Cathedral ceilings -• Balconies • Carport • Fully carpeted • Vertical blinds

• Great location to malls • Livonia school system

(734) 261 -5410 TROY: Large 1 & 2 bedroom apt homes available. Great location. Appliance package. Heat & water Included. Call today for your appt. (248) 362-1940

WALLED LAKE Area - Hawk Lake Apts. 1-2 Bedrooms and townhouses. Lake privileges, fishing, balconies, central air, free storage, cable ready. Ask about our specials. 248-624-5999.

* WAYNE - 1 bedroom, heat & water included, no pets, $500 + $750 deposit. 734-595-3580




• Spacious 2 & 3 bedroom Townhomes

• Large eat-in kitchen • Fireplace • Basement • Security system • 2 car attached garage • Secluded wooded

setting • Convenient location


29600 Franklin Rd. Northwestern across from

Franklin Racquet Club OPEN 7 DAYS

% m mm • » ••m m J



WATTLES (17 Miie) Btwn. Crooks & Livernois

248-362-4088 • All electric Kitchen • Neutral Carpet • Vertical & Mini Blinds • Storage Room • Free Carport • Pool, Fitness Room & • Tennis Courts • Security Deposit - $400


1 & 2 Bedroom Apts. 1 Bedroom Starts at $535 2 Bedroom Starts at $665


WAYNE FOREST APTS. (734) 326-7800

WAYNE - Upper level, 3 room unit. N. of Michigan Ave., 1 Mo. deposit required. 248-478-6439

WEST BLOOMFIELD Pine Lakefront. 1 bedroom

apartment. Utilities included. Cail 248-682-8914

Summer Fun! LARGE

One & Two bedroom apartments.

PLUS • 2 Outdoor Heated Pools • 2 Tennis Courts • 24 Hr. work-out facility • Sauna • Clubhouse • Beautifully Landscaped

Grounds & Much, Much More


(734) 459-6600 On Joy

btwn. Hix & Newburgh

Westland Barclay House Apts. Extra large 1 bedroom. Quiet, clean. Air, heat, appliances included. $500. 810-229-8748.

WESTLAND - 1 bedroom. Clean, quiet adult bldg. Heat & water included. $495/mo + secu-rity. Available now. 248-553-4522

Westland Estates On Wayne Rd. S. of Warren

Spacious 1 bedroom 700 sq.ft. - $540

Price shown is for 1 yr. lease Shorter leases available

Great location/heat/water/pool Blinds/air/no pets

& much more

(734) 722-4700

Westland FINALLY! I

Ridgewood Apts. One Bedroom Apts.

From $579 734-728-6969

Westland Forest Lane Apartments

Studio - $500 1 Bedroom - $560

2 Bedrooms - $600 Heat & water included

On Wayne Rd. between Ford & Hunter


APARTMENTS On Merriman, between Ann Arbor Tr/Warren

1 & 2 bedrooms

F r o m $ 5 8 0 , incl. heat

• Livonia School District • Air Conditioning • Pet section available

888-221-2978 Mon-Fri, 9-6 (closed 1-2), Sat-Sun 10-4


LOW! LOW! Prices

$300* off *on select units

Woodland Villa Livonia Schools 2 Bedroom Apts Super Closets

Breakfast Bar - Appliances Pool - Laundry Facilities Lock Doors - Intercom

Cable Ready Central Heating & Air Conditioning Security Deposit


734-422-5411 Warren Rd between Wayne & Newburgh



1 Bedroom Apts. From $559. 734-728-6969.

Westland Park Apts. Across frpm

Garden City Park Spacious 2 bedroom, VA bath, 936 sq. ft. - $615.

Large 1 bedroom, 700 sq. ft. - $540.

Very clean apartments Appliances include dish-washer. Intercom/central air/heat/vertical blinds.

No pets. (1 year lease)

. (734) 729-6636 „



- 1 & 2 bedroom apts. some with fireplace


IN WESTLAND (734) 261-7394


• Gas Heat-No Charge • Air Conditioning » Laundry Facilities



(734) 721-0500. fit


Western Hills Apts. $399 Moves You In

12 Month Lease Only 1 BEDROOM FROM $540 2 BEDROOMS FROM $585

FREE Heat & Water

734-729-6520 We're located on Cherry Hill, betweenWayne & Newbur SL

401 Apartments Famished

Birmingham • Novi Royai Oak • Troy

Furnished Apts. Monthly Leases Immediate Occupancy Lowest Rates Newly Decorated

SUITE LIFE 248 549-5500

BLOOMFIELD. FULLY fur-nished 1 bedroom condo in Sioomfieid. Ali utilities. Washer/ dryer. Pool. No pets/smoking. Call Cindy at (248) 641-9339

Hall & Hunter Realtors


Furnished 1 & 2 bedroom apts. in small, quiet complex. Includes dishes, linens, etc. Cleaning services available. Beach privileges. Rents from $800. Heat & water included, tw 248-681-8309 J

FARMINGTON - Furnished apartment available for short-term lease. Utilities included. (248) 474-2884. Farmington Oaks Apts. On Farmington Fid. South of 9 Mile.

FOWLERVILLE: Private upp«r efficiency with separate beo1-room & bath. Quiet, country's lakefront setting. Month to\ month. 1st & last month. $500.


FARMINGTON HILLS - 2 bed-room, VA bath, private court-yard, fireplace, all appliances. Garage, basement, tehnls, pool. $1195/mo. (248) 626-0240

LIVONIA • Beautiful large 3 bedroom, 3 bath condo. Family room, enclosed porch, pool & garage. $1600/mo. 734-464-8221 or 734-254-1952

NORTHVILLE - 2 bedroom, 1300sqft. Utilities, cable & appli-ances. No pets, no smoking, $1100/mo 248-348-6399

NORTHVILLE - 2 bedroom end-unit ranch, appliances, garage, basement. Heat included. Pool/ tennis. $1,500/mo. 734-462-1050

NOVI - 2 bedroom, attached garage, all appliances, dogs, negotiable. No credit check. $1095+ Vk security. Work: 734-722-0808, 810-229-8526

NOVI SCHOOLS - 2 bedroom, attached garage, appliances and pool. (248) 767-4849,

(248) 349-7631, available Aug. 15.

NOVI - Walled Lake, 1 bedroom iakefront unit, immediate occu-pancy, garage, all appliances, $650. Meadowmanagement Inc.


PLYMOUTH - Condo apt-style,: 2 bedroom, pool, laundry, , storage, heat included. No pets. -$775/mo. 734-522-8957

ROCHESTER HILLS - TrHevel, 3 bedrooms, VA baths, 1 car garage, appliances. Available now. $1,100. 248-348-8189, #735


SOUTHFIELD - Beautiful 1,600 sq. ft. 2 bedroom, 2.5 bath condo, 2 car attached garage,

. atio, 1st dry,

$1,200/mo. Call Weekdays 9-5 floor laundry, full basement.

(248) 855-8110.

Southfield 5000 TOWNCENTER

1 & 2 bedroom luxury condos, $1100 to $1850 per mo. RE/MAX 100, Call R.W. Watson


TROY-NORTHFIELD HILLS 2 bedroom, 1.5 bath, pool, tennis, washer, dryer. $1200/mo.

(248) 745-5815

| Troy


Fully furnished studio apartment in quiet secured complex.

$500/mo. plus security deposit. You pay electric, we pay heat.

No pets. Laundry facilities. Off-street parking available.

Gainfully employed, w/mininum income $30,000/yr.

(248) 258-6200

402 Condostfownhouses

ANN ARBOR - 1579 Long Meadow, Weatherstone condos. 2 possibly 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, air, appliances, family room w/fireplace. Overlooking pond. Club house. $1195/mo. Avail-able Aug. 1. Shown Sat. & Sun. 7pm. Office: 248-593-0064

Mobile: 313-920-5966

AUBURN HILLS - 1 bedroom condo, apt. style, great location, $550/mo. Call: 248) 348-6912

BIRMINGHAM - 1 bedroom near downtown. Sharp contem-pora ry c o n d o . $750 /mo. includes carport, heat, water, air & appliances. ShareNet Realty 248-642-1620 or 248-855-9655.

BIRMINGHAM CONDO - 2 bed-room, 1.5 baths, hardwood floors. Spotless. Pool. $1000/ mo. Call Lynne 248-901-0246.

BIRMINGHAM TOWNHOUSE Available now. Sharp, smaller, 2 bedroom, hardwood floors, great area. $1050/mo. 248-320-6700

BIRMINGHAM - Very sharp 2 bedroom + den. Pool.

$l,200/mo. includes water. Bloomfield Realty 248-647-8080.

BLOOMFIELD HILLS Heathers. 2 bedroom, 2 baths, on golf course, fireplace, garage, $1,975 per month. (248) 646-3399

BLOOMFIELD HILLS - Updated 1 bedroom condo. Washer/ dryer, pool. No pets/smoking. $950/mo. Call Pat at

(248) 641-9339

BLOOMFIELD'S WILLOWAY 2 bedroom, 2 bath condo with easy access to freeways and shopping. Storage and laundry in basement. Pool to enjoy this summer. Freshly painted and ready to move into. $1,200/mo. (LON801)


BLOOMFIELD TWP. - 3 bed-room, great room to private patio, garage, $2395/mo. ShareNet (248) 642-1620.

BLOOMFIELD TWP. - 2 bed-room 2 bath condo. Kitchen appliances, central air, carport, pool. Available now at $750. G O O D E (248) 647-1898 REAL ESTATE

CANTON - Beautiful 2 bedroom, 1 V& bath condo w/ full basement, washer/dryer. Attached garage. $1250/mo 734-394-0302

CANTON - Upper condo. 2 bed-room, 2 bath, balcony, washer/ dryer, carport. $925/mo. Cali work before 4pm734-246-4349



Brand New - Available for Immediate Occupancy Phase II • 48% Pre-feased • 1, 2 & 3 bedroom floor

plans, up to 2500 sq. ft., optional custom finishes

• Underground parking w/private elevators

® Full-time concierge and valet service

• Classic Georgian architecture, gated community with state-of-the-art systems

• Formal English gardens and ponds Rentals from.$1200 Model & Clubhouse

Tours Available by Appointment

Regents Park Elegant Aparlrnentf,

Adjacent to Somerset Collection

regentspark.com Village Green Community


CI TY OF Walled Lake - 2 bed- • roo-m, single bath, air, 1 c a r :

garage, $830/mo. plus security. I No .oets. (248) 486-1631 ;

WAL LED LAKE - 1 st floor ranch s style condo, 1 bedroom, living ! room\w/doorwall to private patio, ; laundry room, 1 car garage & > l a k e " p r i v i l e g e s . $ 7 1 5 . <

248-348-8189, #730 1


WALiiED LAKE - $875 J Two bisdroom townhouse. i

Basement1 & garage. Updated. ' Ali appliances. Free gas &

wat»9r. Pets O.K. CHOIClr PROPERTIES

246'-681 -0880.

W. BLOOMFIELD - Drake at Walnut Lake ' Rd. 5611 Drake Hollow, 2 bed rooms, 2V6 baths, finished walk out lower level, attached gar* \ge, completely remodeled, whi te decor, imme-diate occupanicy, $l795/mo

MeadowMa magement 248-346 5-5400

W. BLOOMFIEL.D - Pebble Creek Condo. 240t 0 sq.ft., 2 bed-room w/3rd bedroc as walk-in closet, fireplace, 2 car garage, gated community £M/hrs. $1980/mo. 80* 0-452-4983.

WEST BLOOMFIEL .D/KEEGO Harbor, 2 bedroom i Condo, w/ lake privileges (Cass & Sylvan Lakes) heat & water Included. $840/mo (248)090-8620

403 Duplexes

BIRMINGHAM - Downto wn, 2 bedroom, no pets, ali appli-ances, garage. Available S ep 1. $1000 /mo + u t l l l t i e . s ,

(248)334-£ 5418

BIRMINGHAM DUPLEX 2 b -ed- . room, 1.5 baths, targe l iving room, dining room & sunpor< oh, 2 car garage, very sharp. 1 ye 'ar lease. $125Q/month. No pet * . (248) 644-3185

WAYNE - 1 bedroom in quie t ' area. Fenced yard. Available1

now. $575,248-348-8189, #728 , RICHTER & ASSOC.

WESTLAND - 2 Bedroom, full •; basement, partially finished. ; New furnace with central air. ' Ultra ciean, move right in. Large deck, $775/rno. 734-721-8111 -

404 Flats

DEARBORN- Michigan & Monroe. Sharp upper 1 bed- '< room, basement. $700/mo„ . 22247 Tenny, 734-432-1606 *

PLYMOUTH - Downtown. Charming 1 bedroom upper. Refinished hardwood floors, new paint. No pets, $595/mo. i with gas/water. 734-354-1957.

ROCHESTER - Close to town. Nice area. Upper & lower 1 bed-

allabie. U rooms avallac Lower $575.

Upper $525. 248-608-9214

10E(*) Classifications 405 to 500 O&E Thursday, July 26,2001


Buy the H o n e of YourJ Dreams. $0-$2495 down, a

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Call CRAIG LESCOE I 734-5044551 I

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* FREE Moving Boxes I (A $100 Value!!) .

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www.toyehornes.com |


BAD CREDIT Buy the home

of your dreams for $0-$2,850 down!



1-877-997-1608 Fairway of Amer ica, Inc.

ALL AREAS, 2 ,3 ,4 ,5 b e d r o o m h o m e s in al l a reas s tar t ing a t $400 . Ready to m o v e in. Ca l l now!

e - ren ta l homes . com 3 1 3 - 5 3 8 - 2 9 8 9

A N N ARBOR - Beautifui 4 bed-, room home w/ 3 bath, f ireplaces, 3000+sqft . , full basement . Avail-a b l e S e p . 1 s t . $ 2 8 0 0 / m o 734-913-2043 248-788-3416

A U B U R N HILLS - 2 bedroom b u n g a l o w , app l i ances , C/A, basement , garage, $700. RENTAL P R O S (248)373-RENT

1 -3 B E D R O O M homes f rom $199/mo., 4 % down, 30 years @ 8.5 APR. For listings,

800-719-3001 ext. H695.

BEVERLY HILLS - 3 bedroom VA bath brick ranch. Fireplace, CA, basement , 2 car garage. Avai lable Sept . 1 at $1100. B I R M I N G H A M - 3 bedroom 1 bath VA story o n nice street, basement , centra l air, 2 car garage. Avai lable now at $1200. B L O O M F I E L D T W P . - {Orchard Lk. /Te legraph area) 3 bedroom, VA story on quiet street, C/A, k i tchen appl iances, basement. Avai lable Aug 1 at $800. C L A W S O N - 3 bedroom VA story. Newer carpet, k i tchen appl iances, basement , garage. Avai lable Aug. 11 at $850. W A T E R F O R D - Large 4 bed-room 3 bath 2 story. Fireplace, appl iances, 2 car garage. Avail-able now at $97£T TROY (Oak River Sub) - 3000 sq. ft. 4 bedroom 2V6 bath colonial. Family room w/fireplace, library, CA, a t tached 2 car garage. Avai lable Aug. 8, $3000/mo. GOODE (248) 647-1898 REAL ESTATE.



ShareNet Realty Leas ing-Management -Sa les

248-642-1620 725S. Adams, #19, Birmingham

B IRMINGHAM - 3 bedroom ranch. Clean, updated doll-house, 1300 sq. ft. $1500/mo. ShareNet Realty (248) 842-1620

B IRMINGHAM - 2 bedroom colonial , clean, updated, neutral decor, $1275/mo. ShareNet Realty 248-642-1620

BIRMINGHAM - Brick 3 bed-room, fireplace, air, basement , all appliances, central air. Nice. $1350/mo. 248-626-3848.

B IRMINGHAM Cape cod, 4 bedroom, 2XA bath, walk ing distance to Quar ton School . Available Aug 15th. $2600. 248-594-1747

B IRMINGHAM-charming 3 bed-room, VA bath. Wa lk to town. C/A, new kitchen, fenced, hard-wood. $2500. 248-540-6155.

B IRMINGHAM - Darl ing 2 bed-room, walk to town, appl iances, wood floors, rec room, fenced ya rd , garage, dogg ie door $1300/Mo 248-649-0425

B IRMINGHAM - Gorgeous 2 b e d r o o m t o w n h o u s e s , $1000-$1250/mo. Available now. ShareNet Realty (248) 642-1620

BIRMINGHAM • 960 Hazel. $1500/mo. 4 Bedrooms, 2>A baths, C/A. Pets negotiable. Near downtown. (248) 496-1572.

B IRMINGHAM - Home on Eton Park, 3 bedrooms, basement , 2V£ car garage, C/A, neutral inte-rior. $1,250. 248-642-6390

B IRMINGHAM - Nice 2 bed-room ranch, new kitchen, hard-wood floors, $1100/mo. ShareNet 248-642-1620.

B I R M I N G H A M - Remode led bungalow, all appl iances, air, oak f loors, carport. $850. RENTAL PROS (248)373-RENT

B IRMINGHAM 1100 sq. ft. 3 bedrooms, 2 fuil baths, c.a., 2 car garage, patio, f inished recre-ation room & basement . $1350/ month. (248) 644-9223

BLOOMFIELD - 3 bedroom VA bath w / island kitchen, all appli-ances, large deck, dining, l iving, & fami ly rooms. 2 car at tached g a r a g e , C /A , B i r m i n g h a m schools. $1990/mo (248)966-6469 (248)851-0956

BLOOMFIELD - 4 bedroom, 2<A bath 3000 sq. ft., 3V& car garage, $2795/mo. ShareNet Realty (248) 642-1620

BLOOMFIELD HILLS - Updated 3 bedroom ranch, large private lot, $1975/mo. ShareNet (248) 642-1620.

BLOOMFIELD HILLS - In the heart of the city. Charming Euro-pean style, 3 bedroom, 2.5 bath. $2,950/mo. (248) 421-2226

BLOOMFIELD - Square Lake/ Te legraph area. 3 bedroom, 2 bath, 2 car garage, f ireplace, all appl iances, fenced yard, nice home. $1500. 248-620-2292

BRIGHTON - 4 bedroom, 2 .5 baths, appliances, basement, 2 car garage, option to buy. $1050. R E N T A L PROS (248)356-RENT

BRIGHTON - New executive brick, 3000 sq. ft,, all custom, go rgeous sett ing, 3 car, appl iances & lawn serv ice . $2,200. 810-227-2552

BRIGHTON - execut ive rental, 2800 sq. ft. 4 bedrooms, 3>A baths, 4 car garage, $2995.

MeadowManagement 248-348-5400

CANTON - 4 bedroom, PA bath, 2,700 sq.ft., fenced yard, C/A, garage, basement , f ireplace. A v a i l a b l e n o w . $ 1 , 8 2 5 .

248-348-8189, #708 R I C H T E R & A S S O C .

CANTON - 3 bedroom, Opt ion to buy. VA baths, 2 car garage. Available Sept. 1. $1475/mo. (734) 455-2953

CANTON COLONIAL- 3 bed-rooms, 2.5 baths, basement , 2 car garage, all appl iances. Aug. occupancy. $1895/mo. OneWay Realty 248-473-5500.

CANTON- Execut ive 3 bed-room, 2V$ bath colonial , fami ly room w/f ireplace, formal dining room, all appl iances, 1st f loor iaundry, basement , c/a, 2 car attached garage, non smoker, no p e t s . P l y m o u t h / C a n t o n schools. 1 yr, lease, credit report & e m p l o y m e n t v e r i f i c a t i o n required. $1900/mo. Plus VA mo. security. Immediate occu-pancy. 734-416-0174,

David Beardsley, Coldwell Banker Preferred,

C A N T O N - $1,900 Four bedrooms, 2 .5 baths. Newer home. Appl iances.

Family room, basement , garage.


CANTON - OPEN Sat. & Sun. July 28 & 29, 1-4. 41532 Heritage Court. 3 Bedroom colonial, 1.5 bath, C/A, appliances, 2 car garage, basement. No pets. 1 Mo. security. $1575/mo„ 1 yr. lease. Available Aug. 1. 248 374-1774

C O M M E R C E - Lakefront ranch, appl iances, f i replace, 2 car garage, many updates. $1000. RENTAL PROS (248)373-RENT

D E A L D I R E C T w / ! a r i d ! o r d . Houses & duplexes. No fee. Renta l Sea rch 313 -438 -4241

DEARBORN - 3 b e d r o o m brick bungalow, f in i shed basement . Garage, Sec t ion 8. E-Renta ls 313 -538 -2989

DEARBORN - 2 bedroom bun-galow, 114 car garage, basement, C/A, sunroom. Available now. $950, 248-348-5100, #744

R I C H T E R & A S S O C .

DEARBORN - 3 bedroom, par-tially f in ished basement , C/A. A v a i l a b l e n o w , $ 1 , 1 2 5 .

248-348-8189, #718 R I C H T E R & A S S O C .

DEARBORN - 3 bedroom, 2 baths, garage, f in ished base-ment, appl iances, $850. RENTAL PROS (734)513-RENT

D E A R B O R N H E I G H T S - 2 bed-room brick. 2 baths, basement, garage. $700. E-Rentafs


DEARBORN H G T S - Avai lable now, af fordable 2 bedroom, car-peted, $650. RENTAL PROS (734)513-RENT

405 Homes

D E A R B O R N HGTS. - C a p e Cod, 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, garage, f i replace, C/A, jacuzzi . A v a i l a b l e n o w . $ 1 , 3 4 5 .

248-348-8189, #710. RICHTER & ASSOC.


T E N A N T S & L A N D L O R D S 248-642-1620

F A R M I N G T O N HILLS 2, 3 & 4 bed room brick homes.

Avai lab le now. E-Renta ls 313-538-2989

F A R M I N G T O N HILLS - 22020 Spr ingbrook. 3 Bedroom, 1 bath, fenced yard , $595. Immediately o c c u p a n c y . M e a d o w M a n a g e -ment 248-348-5400.

F A R M I N G T O N HILLS 3 bed-room, on 2 .3 acres, ready Sept 1st. $1200 /mo . Secur i ty depos i t No pets. 248 661-6669

F A R M I N G T O N HILLS - 3 bed-room, d in ing room, f in ished basement , fenced. $750. R E N T A L P R O S (248)356-RENT

F A R M I N G T O N HILLS - 3 bed-room, 2 bath , in beautiful Wood -c r e e k . S u n r o o m , c a r p e t e d basement w/extra bedroom. Net-worked. $1950 . 248-855-3736

F E R N D A L E - 3 bedroom, all appl iances, dining room, fenced,

$700 . RENTAL P R O S (248)356-RENT

F E R N D A L E - Cute 2 bed room ranch, non-smokers only. $700 / mo. ShareNet (248) 642-1620.

G A R D E N CITY - 3 bedrooms, C/A. Large yard, deck. $680.

E-Renta ls 313-538-2989

G A R D E N CITY- 3 bedroom brick ranch, f inished basement, good schools, nice lot. 734-697-1321 or 734 941-8051

G A R D E N CITY - 3 bed room ranch. K i tchen appl iances, c/a. basement . $800/mo. & credit check. 248-476-3081

G A R D E N CITY - 2 bedroom, basement , air, garage, appl i-ances, $750 . R E N T A L P R O S (734)513-RENT

G A R D E N CITY - b e t w e e n Cherry Hil l & Ford, neat & c lean 2 bedrooms, basement , 2 car garage, C/A, all appl iances. No pets, $750/mo. 313-278-8462

G A R D E N CITY - Bungalow, 4 bedroom, large kitchen, 2 car garage. Avai lable now. $975.

248-348-8189, #717 RICHTER & ASSOC.

G A R D E N C I T Y , W A Y N E , W E S T L A N D , Rental homes . I m m e d i a t e o c c u p a n c y . $950 -$1 ,250 /mo . Cra ig , RE/ M A X Home team 734-722-7244

G A R D E N CITY- W H Y RENT. Own your own home. 0 to 3 % down. Shor t te rm emp loyment O K , credi t problems OK, bank-ruptcy O K . Cal l Randy Lesson Met ro F inance 248-610-9576

G R O S S E ILE - Large 4 bed-room, 1 ,750 sq.ft., big yard, garage, basement , all appli-ances , C/A. Avai lable now. $1,375. 248-348-8189, #730.


RENT TO OWN INKSTER - Cherry Hill & Middle-belt. 3 bedroom ranch, base-ment, no garage. $875/mo + security. Section 8 OK. Wayne Westland Schools. 313-278-6745

LIVONIA-Avai lable immediately, great area. 2 bedroom, all appli-ances +A/C. $850/mo. 18972 Fi lmore, S/7 Mi, W/Farmington. Drive by 1st, then call Al Thomas, 248-348-3000, Re/Max 100

LIVONIA - 3 bedroom brick. Fenced yard. Sect ion 8 wel-come. $600. e-rentalhomes.com


LIVONIA - 3 bedroom, VA bath ranch w/ large kitchen, C/A, par-tially f in ished basement , fenced yard, 2 car de tached garage. $1,225. 248-348-8189, #725


LIVONIA - 3 bedroom, 2 bath b r i c k r a n c h , f a m i l y r o o m w/f lreplace, f in ished basement, fenced yard, C/A, deck, 2 car a t t ached g a r a g e . $1 ,245 .

248-348-8189, #726 RICHTER & ASSOC.

LIVONIA - 3 bedroom, VA bath, C/A, f in ished basement , storage shed, $1,095; 248-348-8189, #728


LIVONIA • 3 bedroom, garage, appl iances, newly remodeled, fenced, $825. RENTAL P R O S (734)513-RENT

LIVONIA 3 bedroom ranch, 2 bath, f inished basement , c/a, 21A car garage. Fenced yard. Cov-ered patio. Non-smoker. No pets. $ l 2 0 0 / m o . References, security, 1yr lease. Available approx. Aug. 15 248-474-2446

LIVONIA - Colonial, 4 bed-rooms, 2>A baths, C/A, family room w/f i replace, garage, base-ment. Avai lable 9-1. $2,025.

248-348-8189, #722 RICHTER & ASSOC.

LIVONIA - Cozy 2 bedroom, garage, basement , air, f ireplace, fenced yard, patio, $1000/mo. Avai lable Sept. 810-225-6299

LIVONIA - Cute brick ranch, cathedral cei l ings, 3 bedrooms, cool C/A, f in ished basement, 2 car garage. Immediate occu-pancy . $ 1 3 5 0 / m o . O n e W a y Realty 248-473-5500.

L IVONIA-20250 Fremont, 8 mile & Middlebelt area. 4 bedroom. $1200/mo. + utilities. Please call

John All ie 248-477-4434

LIVONIA - Tri- level, 3' bed-rooms, VA baths, 2 car garage, C/A, f enced yard. Avai lable 8-1. $1,195. 248-348-8189, #723.


LIVONIA - W H Y RENT. Own your o w n home. 0 to 3 % down. Short t e rm employment OK, credi t p rob lems OK, bankruptcy OK. Cal l Randy Lesson Metro Finance -248-610-9576

MADISON H E I G H T S - 3 bed-room, 1 bath ranch. Updated. All appl iances. Lamphere Schools. $975/mo. (248) 643-8439.

NOVI - 3 Bedroom, 3 bath ranch, 2 c a r garage, ail appliances stay. $1800/mo. Immediate occu-pancy. Nice area. (248) 348-6333

405 Homes

N. DEARBORN Heights • 3 Bed-room, 1.5 bath ranch, l iving/ family room, iarge kitchen, full basement , g o o d location, Crest-w o o d School district. No pets. 248-626-4222 or 248-980-4901

NOVI- 24712 Christina. 4 bed-rooms, 21A baths. $2200/mo. Call Randy the Realtor, Re /Max 100, (313)320-5810

P L Y M O U T H - 3 bedroom, 1 bath, C/A, partially f in ished basement , 21A car garage . $1,295. 248-348-8189, #720


PLYMOUTH- 4 bedroom home w/basement , 2 car garage on 9A acre lot. Beautiful historic farm-house. $1650/mo.

Mark Demers, Re/Max 100, (248)348-3000 X 280

PLYMOUTH - 3 bedrooms, large family room w/fireplace, VA car garage. $1200/mo. + 1A utilities. Non-smoking. 734-451-1055

PLYMOUTH - 2 bedrooms. Country in the City. $850/mo. includes utilities. Non-smoking.


PLYMOUTH -unique 2 bed-room, oak f loors, porch. Avail-able Sept . 1, $975. No smokers. 734-591-6530/ 455-7653

R E D F O R D - 3 Bedroom brick, 2 bath, sun room, 2 car garage. $1200/mo. + security. No pets.


R E D F O R D - 3 bedroom bun-galow, newly redone, appli-ances, basement , garage. RENTAL P R O S (248)356-RENT

R E D F O R D - 3 to 4 bedrooms. Basement . Pool. $640/mo.

e-renta lhomes.com 313-538-2989

R E D F O R D T W P 2 bedroom - $865

3-4 bedroom - $1150/mo Dave - 313-255-5678

REDFORD- WHY RENT, Own your o w n home. 0 to 3 % down. Short te rm employment OK, credit p rob lems OK, bankruptcy OK. Cal l Randy Lesson Metro Finance - 248-610-9576

ROCHESTER HILLS - Beauti ful Executive home on 2 acres. 5 bedrooms. $2500/mo. Avai lable Mid August . 248-656-2333

ROCHESTER HILLS - Ranch w/dption to buy, air, appl iances, can be furnished! $1025. RENTAL P R O S (248)373-RENT

R O Y A L O A K A b s o l u t e l y charming 2 bedroom lower flat near downtown. Hardwood floors & wet-plaster walls. All appli-ances, washer & dryer. Pets ok. $1200/mo. 248-589-7590




ROYAL OAK 3 bedroom, 2 bath, bungalow, air condit ioning, all appl iances, carpeied, $1100/ month. (248) 642-6342

ROYAL O A K - 3 bedroom, air, all appl iances, d in ing room, basement . $950. RENTAL P R O S (248)356-RENT


ROYAL OAK- updated 2 bedroom, VA bath, hardwood floors, C/A, fin-ished basement, all appliances, water. $1200. 248-705-5840.

S O U T H F I E L D - 3 bed room br ick. 2 baths. 2 car garage. $630. e - ren ta lhomes.com


S O U T H F I E L D - 2 bed room, 1 bath, new w indows & appli-a n c e s , qu ie t n e i g h b o r h o o d . $725. 248-348-8189, #731


S O U T H F I E L D - 2 bed room, 1 b a t h , l i v ing r o o m , c a r p o r t , f e n c e d y a r d . $ 6 2 0 .

248-348-8189, #732 RICHTER & ASSOC.

S O U T H F I E L D - 2 bed room, car-peted, fenced, water pa id ,

on ly $775! RENTAL PROS (248)356-RENT

S O U T H L Y O N - 1 4 6 Universi ty. 3 Bedroom, VA ba th , 2 car garage. Immediate occupancy . $1100 . M e a d o w M a n a g e m e n t


ST. CLAiR S H O R E S - 2 bed-room, basement , 2'A car garage, f i replace, C/A. Ava i lab le now. $1,100. 248-348-8189, #736.


H A N D Y M A N - L E A S E O P T I O N T r o y ! 1 2 0 0 s q . f t . h o m e w/f i replace & ha rdwood floors. Beautiful yard in desirable neigh-borhood. Buy o n t e r m s & reap t h e rewards of do ing t h e work! $1195/mo. 2k down. Mi l lennium Realty 248-628-MILL

T R O Y - 3 bed room 3 b a t h Cape Cod. 1 acre lot. 2 1 0 0 sq, ft. $1395/mo. ShareNet Realty (248) 642-1620

T R O Y - 3 bedroom ranch, appli-ances + d ishwasher , dining room, pets yes! $900 . RENTAL P R O S (248)373-RENT

T R O Y 1050 sq. ft. ranch, 2-3 bed rooms , 1.5 car freshly renovated, landscap'ed yard, Troy school distr ict . $950/ month . (248) 210-3631

W A T E R F O R D - 3 b e d r o o m tri-level, many updates, sunporch, opt ion to buy. $950. RENTAL PROS (248)373-RENT

W A Y N E - 2 bed room near school , appl iances, f e n c e d yard for pets. $725. RENTAL PROS (734)513-RENT

W . BLOOMFIELD - 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, 2 car a t tached garage, ful l basement. 1800 sq.f t . Par-t i a l l y f u r n i s h e d . $ l 7 0 0 / m o . 248-788-4111 248-788-2224

W , BLOOMFIELD • Lake privi-leges. 3 bedrooms, fami ly room, garage, basement. 3 5 8 4 Wood-v iew. $1150/mo. 248-360-1818

W E S T BLOOMFIELD - $2000 Three bedroom, 2 .5 ba th

ranch. Remode led k i tchen. Finished basement .

W E S T BLOOMFIELD - $1500 3-4 bedrooms, 2.5 baths.

Family room with f i replace, garage and storage shed.

Other homes/condos f rom $875-$3,500

CHOICE P R O P E R T I E S 248-681-0880.

405 Homes

W E S T L A N D - 3 bedroom, VA bath ranch. Basement, garage, deck. Tonquish Sub. Available 8-1. $1,125,248-348-8189, #715


W E S T L A N D - 3 bedroom, VA bath w/basement , garage, C/A, eat- in k i tchen. Avai lable now. $1,050. 248-348-8189, #724


W E S T L A N D - 3 bedroom brick ranch, basement , centra l air, fenced, $750 . RENTAL P R O S (734)513-RENT

W E S T L A N D - N. of Warren. 1,200 sq.f t . 3 bedroom, large yard, $1 ,195 . John Toye, RE/ M A X H o m e t e a m . 734-729-8693

W E S T L A N D - Ranch. 3 bed-rooms, 2 c a r garage, C/A, base-ment . Ava i lab le 8-1. $1,145.

248-348-8189, # 7 1 6 RICHTER & ASSOC.

W E S T L A N D - W H Y RENT. O w n your o w n h o m e . 0 to 3 % down. Short t e rm employment O K , credi t p r o b l e m s OK, bank rup tcy OK. Cal! R a n d y Lesson Met ro F inance 248-610-9576

W H I T E L A K E - Sugden Al l Sports Lake . 2 Bedroom, f ire-place, basemen t , porch $1195 / month 734-459-4294

H A R T L A N D . ALL spor ts lake-front (non canal ) , skyl ights, % bedroom, 2 full baths. F rench doors l ead t o large master bed-room w/pr iva te full bath, cent ra l air, la rge k i tchen w / c u s t o m stove & oven . Central to Flint, Lansing, A n n Arbor, Detroi t . Pr iced to se l l quickly. $169 ,900 / offer. (810) 206 -4849

407 Mobile Home Rentals

F A R M I N G T O N HILLS 1 bed room, appl iances, w i n d o w t reatments , air. No dogs .

Cal l : (248) 474-2131

Vacation Resort Rentals

ARIZONA W E S T VALLEY. 2 bed-room, 2 bath, golf community. Monthly or long term. Available Sept-Dec. 623-536-5680

C A L L T H E BEST, Don't Use The Rest ! Wor ldw ide Vacat ions , A #1 Marke te r of T imeshares A n d C a m p g r o u n d s . Se l l i ng , Buying, Or Rent ing? Cal l U S 1 -800-423-5967 .

EAST T A W A S - Stoney Shores Resort. T h r e e 3 bed room cot -tages & o n e 2 bedroom co t tage on Lake Hu ron . 517-362-4609

"FLORIDA DISNEY Area Mini -Vacat ion Sa le " Get 4 days & 3 Nights Hote l Accommoda t ions for only $79 .00 . Cal l now for your S u m m e r R e s e r v a t i o n s 1 (800 ) 7 4 9 - 4 0 4 5 e x t . 5 1 9 www.who lesa le - t rave i .com

H A R B O R S P R I N G S Area. - 3 bedroom, 2 bath, hot tub, A /C, large deck , sec luded set t ing. Golfer 's parad ise l 810-996-1511

Vacation Resort Rentals

H A R B O R S P R I N G S - Deluxe^ condo, s leeps 6, fully equ ipped, pool , jacuzzi , f i replace, cable. Near gol f /shop. 248-644-7873 ;

H I L T O N H E A D 2 bed room, 3 „ bath condo in Pa lm Meadow-Dunes on golf course no pets, owner rates. (248) 813 -9585 -

LAKE C H A R L E V O I X Sandy bot tom near State Park. N e w 4 bedroom, 2 bath home. $1300 a week . 734-675-1563.

NAPLES monthly Golf condos w / golf, tennis, pools, & Club house . ' Some w/ no greens fees, Season going fast! Blue Hearon Realty of Naples 800-470-2583

S U T T O N BAY condo o n beach & mar ina/2 bedroom, 2 bath, weekly, Aug-Oct . Unit at pond-wi th waterfall. (313) 561-7782-

Living Quarters to Share

A L L CITIES S I N C E 1976 ' " Q U A L I F I E D "



248-642-1620 725 S. Adams, B i rm ingham

C A N T O N - 2 bedroom/2 bath apt to share w/s ingle female, age 20-30. 6 mo. lease. $355/ mo. plus utilities. (734) 737-9082

C A N T O N - Great newer h o m e on 5 acre t reed lot, large room, $350 includes uti l i t ies, cable, laundry. -(734) 325-2799

S O U T H F I E L D - H o m e t o s h a r e s Quiet ne ighborhood in South-f ield. $350 inc ludes uti l i t ies. "

Call: 248-593-6392

W E S T L A N D - Basement unit 1 -or 2 person, non-smoker . Al l util- • i t ies & phone $350 /mo + deposi t " (734)-729-8010 (813)495-3637

F E R N D A L E & R E D F O R D - Ai r , -Jacuzz i in rooms, ma id sen/ ice, •

HBO, Low dai ly /wkly rates. Te l -96 Inn 313-535-4100 Roya l inn 248-544-1575.

S O U T H F I E L D - U r g e room, pr ivate entrance, qu ie t w o o d e d area. No smokers.

(248) 352 -4528 . .

Garages/ Mini Storage

G A R A G E IN Plymouth, locked, sa fe area. $75 /mon th Cal l (248) 380-7644 ask for Nancy.

440 Wanted to Rent

C A N T O N O R P L Y M O U T H , n e e d home/apt . t o sub lease for', 3 -6 mo. start ing Sept . 1 s t ..


G E R M A N CO. is look ing for a Sunny 2 to 3 bed room house or condo in mint condi t ion for. German Employee (no pets, non smoker) (313) 5 9 2 - 7 3 9 6 '

(Dbseruer fa Eccentric EMPLOYMENT Your HomeTown Classified ad is automatically posted on the internet!

Visit us today. homvtownnev/spapers.net

500Ps Employment 500. .. Help Wanted-General : 532.. ..Students

sm ..HetpWanted- 534 ..Jobs Wanted Computer/info Systems' r6rnal6/lvial6

502. .. Help Wanted-Office 536.. ..Childcare Services Clerical Licensed

Hfl3 ..HelpWanted 537 ..Childcare/Babysitting Engineering Services

504 .. Help Wanted-Dental, 533 ..Childcare Needed 506. ..Help Wanted-Medir ,-al 540 ..Elderly Care Services 508 ..HelpWanted- 550 ..Summer Camps

Food/Beverage 560 ..Education/Instruction 51(1 ..HeipWanted- 562.. ..Business &

Healtti & Fitnesf •> Professional Services 512.. ..HelpWanted-S ales 564 ..Financial Services R?n ..HelpWanted- 566 ..Secretarial Services

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Employment/ Instruction Services

I Help Wanted General

ABLE T O T R A V E L - Protek Chemical has openings for 8 people. No exper ience neces-sary. All t ransportat ion and lodging furnished. Expense paid training program, work / t rave l entire USA wi th unique young bus iness g roup . Cal l L isa, 1-800-319-0874.

ACCOUNTANT Farmington Hiils property man-agement company seeking an inquisitive individual wi th 2-3 yrs. of experience as a f inancial ana-lyst. Analyt ical & spreadsheet analysis skil ls a must . Benefi ts include competi t ive saiary, med-ical/dental benefits & 401K.

Forward resume to: Financial Analyst Position

P.O. Box 339687 Farmington Hills, Ml 48333

Fax: 248-737-1457


POTENTIAL Immediate opening for rapidly expanding account ing firm. 2-5 yrs. min imum public account ing experience. Knowledge of Profx, Creative Solut ions & Excel helpful. Pleasant work ing envi-ronment as wel l as exceilent sa ia ry & bene f i t p a c k a g e . Signing bonus. Fax resume to:

(248) 855-0099

Advertising Sales Representatives Enthusiastic abou t sales? We are looking for special sales

people t o sell advert is ing programs to retail businesses

located in Western Wayne County. We offer base salary plus

commiss ion, excel lent benefits and generous t ime off


To qualify, you ' l l need a bachelor's degree or equivalent

and experience in advertising, market ing or business w i t h

m i n i m u m of 1 year sales experience. Must be highly

mot i va ted w i t h great customer service skills. We w o u l d like

to talk to you! 9

Piease submi t resume to :

The Observer & Eccentric Newspapers 36251 Schoolcraft Road Livonia, Mi 48150 e-mail: [email protected] Fax: 734-953-2057

Must include job code: ORS

500 Help Wanted General

A C C O U N T EXECUTIVE H o m e T o w n Newspapers has a fuil t ime sa les posit ion avai lable for an outgoing, energet ic t eam player t o j o i n our outs ide adver-t is ing sa les staff in our Hoily locat ion. Qual i f ied candidates wi l l possess a n Associate 's degree, prior sales exper ience, excel lent cus tomer service skil ls and compute r knowledge. Must have dependab le transportat ion. W e offer base salary plus com-miss ion a n d excel lent benef i t package . Please mai i or fax resumes wi th job code: Sales to:

H o m e T o w n Newspapers 3 2 3 E. Grand River

Howel l , Mi 48843 Fax: (517) 548-5545


mbar t le t t@ht .homecomm.net


ACCOUNTING Excellent compensat ion and pro-fess ional growth. Seek ing gen-eral account ing skills to mainta in Genera l Ledger, per form bank reconcil iat ions and related fol low-up. Attract ive benefit package!

(248)344-6700 Fax(248)344-6704 See www. jobsdrc .com


Entry- level Account ing/ mar-ket ing assistant for air freight uuii ipeti iy. cxue i iem veruai a

wr i t ten ski l ls. Computer experi-ence required. Send resume to Personnel : 29101 Airport

Drive, Romulus 48174

A D M I N I S T R A T I V E A S S I S T A N T Immedia te posit ion avai lable in casual L ivonia off ice. Experi-ence preferred. Exc. salary/ benef i ts package avai lable. 313-363-5363; Fax 734-421-5410

No exper ience needed. Fuli/part t ime. 313-976-2030.

A GAINEY DRIVER Makes More $$$ . W e e k l y bonus . Tuit ion re imbursement. We train s t u d e n t s . T r a i n e r s needed . Comple te benef i ts Package. Local W e s t Michigan Company. Call Dwayne 1-800-326-8889.

A NEW CAREER! 400+ Drivers Needed in July. Experienced Drivers 1-800-958-2353. Need your CDL? W e offer 14 Day CDL/Co. Paid Tuit ion. Lifetime Job Placement. Region & OTR. Cail Today! 1-800-865-7284.

A P A R T M E N T MANAGER For Detroit or Southf ie ld proper-ties. Must have experience In property management . Please fax resume to 248-352-2837 EOE


For apartment communit ies in F a r m i n g t o n . P l e a s e c a l l 248-474-2884 or fax resume to


A R E Y O U C O N N E C T E D ? INTERNET U S E R S WANTED! $ 2 5 - $ 7 5 / h r . P T / F T www.BeBossFree .com

ARTISAN Bread Maker

Wanted for Hol iday Market bread house. Full t ime, experi-ence preferred, Cal i John or Jeanne (734) 844-2200

A S P H A L T PAVING FOREMAN Exper ienced in all phases of

Health, d e n t a i , 4 0 1 K & c o m p a n y v e h i c l e . S ta r t i m m e d i a t e l y .



Stable Novi company . Full-time, Day shift, Mon. - Thurs. , 10hrs/ day. $10 + per hour to start. Excellent benefits. Full retire-ment fund. Send resume to: PO Box 8025, Novi, Ml 48376

A S S I S T A N T P R E - S C H O O L teacher, Bloomfie id Hills. Morn-ings only. $10/hr. References 248-644-5210 Ext. 40

IMAGINE THIS SALES CAREER • Customers want your help

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RC Resumes, D.B. 28557 Woodward Ave. • Berkley, Ml 48072 Fax:248-414-9557 Email: dbretz @ ApartmentSearch.com


8 Metro Area Locations

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500 HelpWanted General



Morning & af ternoon data Pro-cessing Supervisor. Both posi-t ions are ful i t ime. Candidate wil l c o o r d i n a t e t h e s c h e d u l i n g , training) a n d daily activit ies for a group of Da ta Processing asso-ciates tota l ing 40 on each shift. Appl icants must be able to manage a large number of asso-ciates, s h o w abil ity to mot ivate and coach, and strictly enforce our company standards and pol-icies consistently. Candidates wil l have the ability to work inde-pendently, a n d meet quotas.


24 Full t ime Customer Pro-cessing Associates needed for day a n d af ternoon shift help. Candidates wil l operate a per -sonal computer to record or verify a var iety of standard and/ or complex coded or encoded business a n d statistical source data into a computer . Must be able to type 45-50WPM with less than 5 % error rate.


6 Fuil t ime af ternoon shift Cus-t o m e r So lu t i ons A s s o c i a t e s needed. ' W e also need- 9 full t ime day shift Customer Solu-t ions Associates. W e would like 2 of the candidates to be bilin-gual (Spanish). Candidates wil l process orders, prepare corre-

s p g n u s n w s , a n u I ' lmi i i u u s i u i n e i

needs t o ensure c u s t o m e r satisfaction.

MAIL R O O M ASSOCIATES 5 Full t ime day Mall Room Asso-ciates needed. Candidates wi l l distr ibute and collect incoming mail a n d p rocess outgo ing mai l . Responsibi l i t ies include deter-mining, aff ixing, and recording postage o n registered mai l ana packages. Candidates must be accustomed to work ing in a fast paced environment. Must be very accurate in all work,

Fax resume to: 734-397-7357 Attn: Scott Langohr or. E-mai l

s l angohr® icrservices.com


If you' re not making $600/wk. Call: (313) 832-7759.


(734) 421-5700


INCLINED If you enjoy using your cre-at ive abi l i t ies s u c h as: painting, ceramics, nai l art, f loral a r rangements , and other types of crafts etc., then come down a n d app ly for a chance to wo rk in a job that wil l cha l lenge you! W E WILL TRAIN . $ 8 . 0 0 per hr. to start. Over t ime and Sa tu rday w o r k r e q u i r e d d u r i n g p e a k s e a s o n s . Ra ises a n d p r o m o t i o n s based on job per formance. We offer a good benef i ts p a c k a g e a s w e l l a s a d v a n c e m e n t p o t e n t i a l . Casual attire.

Apply in person: North Amer ican Pho to

27451 Schoolcraf t N ^ M n k s t e r ^ i v o n i a ^ M i c l j ^ ^


Great Oppor tun i ty ! No exper ience necessary .

Must be wi l l ing and able to learn. 401 benef i ts son-ask Car Care Coll ision, 6 3 7 5 Hix Road, West land, Mi 48185 .


China / S Gifts

wil l possess st rong leadersh ip abil i t ies & retail background.

$24,000 t o start . Fax resumes: 248-344-4342

or mai l to: Hes lop 's 22790 Hesl ip Dr. Novi, Ml 4 8 3 7 5 Attn: Personnel .


Part-t ime. Some cler ical and main tenance involved. N o exp. necessary, wil l train. App ly in person: Fort Knox Self Storage, 39205 Ford Rd., Wes t land .


#ATTENTION! Ideal for anyone who cannot get out to wo rk . Work par t - t ime s c h e d u l i n g

p ick-ups for Purple Hear t . Cal l Mon-Fri . , 9am-5pm.

734-728-4572 or fax: 734-728-0008

lull Carrie] Needed for deliyery of the

Observer & Eccentric in Oakland County

Troy & Rochester Area

• Twice Weekly Delivery • Must Have Reliable Transportation

• Good Profit Plan

For further information call:

(248) 901-4716

A U T O B O D Y PAINTER. T o p pay, pa id benefi ts. No Satur-days. Nice c lean shop. Co l lex -Novi - Br ighton. (248) 3 4 4 - 4 3 0 0 o r a p p l y o n l i n e :

@ www.cof lexco l l i s ion .com

A U T O Body T E C H . M u s t be l-car cert i f ied. N e w air cond. shop. Benef i ts /401 K. C o n -

tact B o b Mos te i ko Cen tu ry Dodge 1 3 5 0 0 Te legraph Tay lor .



Paid benef i ts . App ly in person: 2 4 4 5 5 Telegraph Rd., Southf ie ld or fax resume to:



Busy d i rect repair facil i ty tak ing appl icat ions for Au to Body Techs . 401K, medica l ,

denta l benef i ts avai lable. App ly in person, ask for

Dennis. Wes t iand Car Care Col l is ion 6375 Hix Road

Wes t l and Ml 48185

Auto Certified Technician Will pay top dollar. Call for details. (313) 278-3610


Busy co l l is ion shop in Farm-ington Hil ls look ing for Est imate/ Qerv/lrft Wr i t e r fi/Ii let ho f n n icftri

on giv ing excel lent cus tomer service. Wi l l answer phones,

give es t imates, take cus tomers ome, run for parts, o rgan ize

par ts a n d oversee returns. Knowledge of auto repair & com-p u t e r s a p l u s . F u l l - t i m e w/medica l benefits. Must be very mot iva ted to learn al l aspects of repair. Cal l or Fax resume to: 810-229-2419

A U T O DEALER Due to o u r cont inued g row th Dwyer & S o n s Volvo Subaru has open ings for two techni-c ians, one serv ice advisor, a n d one detai ler/porter. Great pay and benef i ts ! BC/BS, 401K, C S I bonus. Ext remely busy shop. App ly in pe rson at 3055 E. W e s t Map le C o m m e r c e Twp. or fax resume to Dwyer & Sons Volvo Subaru Serv ice Department at.


A U T O DEALERSHIP Looking t o f i l l the fo l lowing full-t ime Se rv i ce posi t ions: Appo in t -ment Clerk a n d Porter. Apply in person Sunsh ine Honda, 1205 A n n Arbor Rd., Plymouth.

A U T O DEALERSHIP Looking to fill the fol lowing Parts posit ions: Parts Counter Person and Parts Deliver Driver. Apply in person: Sunsh ine Honda, 1205 Ann Arbor Rd., Plymouth.

AUTO DE TAILER Looking for hard-working individ-uals to jo in our growing team. Must have exper ience in com-plete auto recondit ioning. Com-peti t ive w a g e s & benefits.

App ly in person:

DAVIS A U T O CARE, INC. 807 Doheny Dr.

Northvi l le, Ml 48167 ( 2 4 8 ) 3 4 9 - 3 5 0 9 .

A U T O M E C H A N I C - Full-t ime, day shift, 8am-5pm, Mon-Fri. Apply at: 36300 Five Mile, c o r n e r o f L e v a n , L i v o n i a .


AUTOMOTIVE Certified Mechanic Call: (734) 427-7776

A U T O M O T I V E Gordon Chevrolet has imme-diate full t ime open ings for ser-v ice porters. M - F no weekends , over t ime over 40 hours, health a n d life insurance, un i forms pa id for . Call Rick at (734) 427 -6200 or apply in person at 31850 Ford Rd., Garden City. ; .


Candidate must have excel lent ' cus tomer service skills. Previous"' exper ience in automot ive s e r -v ice and computer order p ro- ' c e s s l n g h e l p f u l . B e n e f i t ^ ' inc luding pa id vacat ion, 401k , insurances, a n d morel N o weelt-> e n d s r e q u i r e d . A p p l y ftv person:

DAVIS A U T O C A R E , I N C , - " 807 Doheny Dr. . _

Northvil le, Ml 4 8 1 6 7 (248) 349-5115.


Service Consu l tants . J Aggress ive-Progress ive Multi--f ranch ise Impor t dea le r , ts seeking appl icants for the above posit ion.

Th is is a very h igh vo lume facil i ty that offers a very compel - -i t ive incent ive a n d benef i ts package that inc ludes 401K, Medical , Dental a n d signing" o o n u s e s r o r e n g i o i e candidates.

Please contact Mark E. Rigby at (248) 8 2 1 - 7 8 7 6 or f o r w a r d ' resume to 37911 G r a n d River , Ave. , Farmington Hills, Mich igan 48335 . ,, >

. cookauto@amer i tech.net '

A U T O M O T I V E T E C H N I C I A N S -W A N T E D

L a r g e C h e v r o l e t d e a l e r is seek ing to add exper ienced , technic ians in ali a reas to mee t ' our increasing vo lume n e e d s / Top pay and benefits. W e offer" 5 day work week, pa id vacation,^ hol idays and uni forms. Signing* bonus for the right individual. -Must be dedicated to excel lent-customer service. Contact R ick . © G o r d o n Chevro le t , 3 1 8 5 0 , Ford Road, Garden City,

(734) 427-6200

A U T O M O T I V E - T ransmiss ion Shop needs exper ience trans-m iss ion instal ler. T o p pay / ' benef i ts/bonuses. Cal l Rob ;

(810) 229-7878 i

A U T O M O T I V E - T r a n s m i s s i o n Shop needs exper ience t rans- ' mission rebuilaer. T o p pay/" benef i ts/bonuses. Cal i Rob - '

(810) 229 -7878 '

Oil change/t i re technic ian. Full, o r p a r t - t i m e . No S u n d a y s , requ i red . Benef i t s inc lud ing* insurance, paid vacat ion, uni-< forms & 401 k. Earn up t o $ 1 0 / h r ' to start. Apply in person: 1

DAVIS AUTO C A R E , INC. ] (248) 349-5115.

A U T O PARTS Counter Persons No nights or Sun. Exp. neededr Nov i Auto Parts, 43131 Grar f t f River. (248) 349-2800;


Benefi ts. Flexible hrs. Wi l l train. Advancement potent ial , ret i rees we lcome. Full and p a r t - t i m e . " . Napa Auto Parts, 248-478-2224;

500 Help Wanted General

.. AUTO PORTER Large Westside Ford deafer looking for the right individual. We offer excellent pay plan and benefit package, Biue Cross, dental , prescription, vision, matching 401K, life and dis-ability insurance, paid vacation

and a five day work week. . Contact Steve Shipley at

Pat Milliken Ford 9600 Telegraph, Redford,

AUTO REPOSSESSOR No experience necessary. No sub-contractors. Good driving record-no felonies. Self motived, organized & dedicated. Able to work changing shifts & overtime. Excellent commission, paid vacation, health, dental & 401 (k) available. Very interesting & exciting job. 734-595-0220

AUTO SERVICE CONSULTANT QM Dealership is searching for customer oriented Service Con-sultant. Must have dealership or previous sales experience. Ben-efits include Blue Cross/Blue Shield, Life Insurance, 401K, Vacation & more.

Box #1194 Observer & Eccentric

Newspapers 36251 Schoolcraft Rd.

Livonia, Ml 48150




SERVICE ADVISORS Join an awarding winning team. Contact Service Manager at

(248) 799-3547

AVON Looking for higher income? More flexible hours? Indepen-dence? AVON has what you're

looking for. Let's talk. 888-561-2866.


What are your past e m p l o y e r s s a y i n g

about you? Livonia Civic Center Library, ail for reservations!



BANK Oakland Commerce Bank is cur-renlty accepting applicatons for the following positons: Tellers, Receptionist & Credit Analyst. Oakland Commerce Bank offers very competitive wages as well as a very competitive benefits package.

Please apply in person or send resume to Oakland Commerce Bank, 31731 Northwestern Highway, Farmington Hills, Ml 48334 Attn: Human Resources. EOE M/F


Will train starting at $9/hr. with raises or will pay experienced man according to experience.


BRICK LAYERS & Laborers needed immediately. Experi-ence necessary. Excelient pay. Pjease cail (248) 318-6881


Minimum 10 years experience, AFTERNOON SHIFT, top pay, overtime, and excellent benefits. Call (248) 374-1995. Novi.


Minimum 10 yrs. experience, experienced in the new and repair of indexable tooling, days or^afternoon shift. Top pay, over-time and excellent benefits. Call (248) 374-1995. Novi area.

BUSY OFFICE looking for a full time Optical Technician. Bene-fits, vacation & holiday.

(248) 887-3737

; CABINET MAKER High end cabinet company seeks experienced cabinet builder. Must be self motivated and experi-enced in all areas of cabinet con-struction. We offer excellent benefits, insurance, 401 k, com-petitive wages. 248-288-4100

QALL CENTER REPS farmington Hills home improve-ment co. is hiring appointment setters. Fuil-time, 12-9pm. Part-time, 5-9pm. Both shifts Mon. thru Thurs., with rotating Fri. & Sat. schedules. $8 - $10 per hr. plus bonus, depending on expe-rience. Professional attitude, team player, desire to maximize income & utilize sales skills.

Call Sandy 248-478-8600

CAREER OPPORTUNITY! Earn excellent income processing medical claims for local doctors. Full training & support provided. Home-computer required. Call Physician & Healthcare Devel-opments toll-free:

1-800-772-5933 ext. 2072

CAREGIVERS - TEACHERS for Livonia pre-school & extended day fall programs. Mon.-Fri. Full &. Part-time. 734-422-3308

CARE LEADER for before & fii+nr nnr* mkilH

gram. Minimum 60 college semester hours required. Experi-ence working with elementary age children preferred. $13.01 to $14.07 per hr. 28 to 30 hrs. per week. Apply with tetter of interest and resume to: Judy Pahl, Novi Community Schools. 25345 Taft Rd., Novi, Ml 48374. Call (248) 449-1714


Experienced part-time Car-Ipenter needed for apart-m e n t and T o w n h o u s e

- communities in Wayne, Oakland and Macomb coun-ties. Flexible day & evening hours. Competitive wage. Interested applicants call Roy at 248-356-4060

CARPENTER HENRY FORD MUSEUM & GREENFIELD VILLAGE has an opportunity for a Jour-neyman Carpenter. Respon-s i b l e fo r t he g e n e r a l maintenance, exhibit con-struction and non-historic construction in the Museum Jk Village. Rough and finish -work and wood and steel •construction. Minimum 3 'years experience as a jour-neyman carpenter. Resume .with salary requirements: Employment Office, 20900 Oakwood Blvd, Dearborn, Ml 48124. FAX: (313) 982-6226. www.hfmgV.org. EOE.

CARPENTERS - 2-5 yrs. experi-ence, busy residential rough framing crew. Great pay/benefits! 248-763-1965 248-763-1964

• CARPENTERS • Decking crews, top pay.


CARPENTERS HELPER, willing to' learn all building trades.

(313) 410-5879

500 Help Wanted General

CARPENTERS / FRAMERS If you like working alone, $600 to $900 weekly potential, have own truck/tools/experience, iet Hartland Ind. show you how!


CARPENTERS - Inside Work 3 years experience.

•Beginning carpenter positions available.

• 100% medical & dental • Paid Holidays • Pension Plan

• Time & 'A for overtime Call (248) 446-8503

CARPENTERS NEEDED All levels of experience.

Top pay, benefits. Call Dave 734-728-7250

CARPENTERS-ROUGH Very good work ethic & attitude a must. Exec, benefits, time & V6 over 40. SkyTraks, crane. Cell: (248) 921-8273 or

(734) 878-0507

CARPENTERS WANTED, min-imum 1 year e x p e r i e n c e needed. Good pay, benefits.

(810) 220-3907

CARPENTRY CREWS Rough Framing. Hiring crews of 6 or more for residential & apart-ment complexes. Prompt pay-ment & continual work. Call

(734) 944-1011


Crew leader, commercial, some residential. Fuil & part-time, day & evening. Health insurance. Confidential interview.

3 1 3 - 9 3 7 - 1 8 7 1 .

CARPET COMPANY in Novi needs experienced VINYL & WOOD INSTALLERS. Call Cherokee Carpet: 248-735-8405

CARPET INSTALLERS- West side contractor looking for

experienced crews. Call Dave 734-425-8860

CASHIER for large hardware store in Wayne. Full or part-time. Com-petitive wages. 734-721-7244


Upscale Catalog seeking weil spoken individual(s) to take incoming phone orders in Novi. Full-time and Part-time positions available for day or night shift.

Includes weekends. $8/hr. Call Marie for interview/

application: (248) 348-7050.

TODDLER TEACHER Full time for Northville childcare center. Associate degree in Early Childhood needed. Also seeking ASSISTANT for 2 to 6pm. (248) 347-6580

C H I L D C A R E C E N T E R DIRECTOR - Livonia/Plymouth area. 60 credits with 12 hours in child development, child psy-chology or eariy childhood edu-cation. Calf 734-459-9494 Or Fax resume: 734-632-0141

C H I L D C A R E G I V E R Needed full & part-time. Paid ben-efits. Will train. Farmington Hills Nursery Schoof. 248-476-3110

CHILD-CARE PROVIDERS for infants, toddlers & pre-schoolers. 248-471 -1022

CLERK FOR ARCHITECTS This is NOT a filing or data entry job. We are busy but friendly Architects looking for a "pro gofer". Must have reliable trans-portation for deliveries. MUST be organized. $18,700/yr. + ben-efits + mileage reimbursement. Send resume to: CDPA, 26600 Telegraph Rd., Suite 450, Southfield, Ml 46034 or fax to (248) 354-4214 EOE

CNC Full time lathe/mill available. Candidate must have a min-imum of 3 yrs. exp. doing own set-ups & programming. We offer health & dental insurance, 401k, & tuition reimbursement. Call (313) 937-3350 ext. 169

FOREMAN - retaining wall com-pany. Exp helpful, will train. Opportunities & holiday pay. Fax resume to: 248-366-9855 Call: 248-640-1086 / 248-366-9850

CONSTRUCTION HISTORIC TIBETAN TEMPLE. Beautiful CA Coast. Bronze Art Casting. V o l u n t e e r R M / B o a r d 707-785-1901 www.odiyan.org

CONTROLLER Full time for construction/real estate development company. Responsibilities include bud-geting, preparation of financial statements, monthly account reconciliations and payroll. Can-didate should have 3+ years of a c c o u n t i n g . P l e a s e s e n d resume & salary requirements: Attn. Controller, 27950 Orchard Lake Rd., Suite 100, Farmington Hills, Ml. 48334 or fax to:

FAX: (248) 538-6490

INSTRUCTOR OF COSME-TOLOGY - For Brighton Institute of Cosmetology. Ask for Miss Pat (810) 229-5066.

COST ESTIMATOR For Meta! Stamping Co. in Mad-ison Heights. Strong tool & die

VCLMUjIUUtlU lO^UItOU Benefits. Fax resume and salary requirements to: ANN DENNIS (248) 577-5954

C O S T E S T I M A T O R For Metal Stamping company in Madison Heights. Strong tool & die background required. Excel-lent Benefits. Fax resume & salary requirements to: ANN DENNIS (248) 577-5954

COUNTER DELI - Fuil or part-time. $8/hr. Apply in person: Villa Bakery, 6237 Middlebelt, Garden City (between Warren & Ford). 734-425-6245

COURIER Part-Time tor South-field office. Use of company truck. Must be able to drive a stick shift. (248) 559-0200 ext 10

SHOOT IPIX.COM virtual home tours, coverage area: Western Wayne County. Job require-ments inc lude, schedul ing appointments with Realtors ana shooting houses for display on the Internet. Complete training & equipment provided. Please fax or email resume 248-204-1497 image, ml 1 @ VlrtualtmaglngCorp.com

CUSTOMER SERVICE -Full/part-time. Great for Homemakers. No eves/Sundays. Apply: 143 S. Center, Northville. 248-344-1980.

CUSTOMER SERVICE REP Good people skills a must. Fuil time w/benefits. Livonia area. Fax resume to: 248-442-9470.

DATA ENTRY FT/PT, No. Exp. needed. Training Provided! Med-icai Billing! Computer Required. Up to $60K. 1-800-240-1548 Dept. 700 www.epsmed.net

DELIVERY DRIVER Delivery of auto parts & supplies to customers in & around metro Detroit area. $7.25/hr. Benefits. No weekends. Must have good driving record & exp with driving a manuai transmission. No CDL required. 734-591-2410.

D E L I V E R Y D R I V E R Local, CDL required. B & B Pools, 313-274-3242.

500 Help Wanted General

DELIVERY DRIVERS Swing Drivers Sub Carriers

Am shift, VA to 2 hours, 7 days per week. No billing, no col-lecting. Earn over $550. mo.

Call: (313) 565-9122

D E T E C T I V E A G E N C Y LOOKING FOR - 1 full time & 1 part time Investigator. Previous exp. helpful but not necessary. Send resume to: RDA, P.O. Box 5 1 4 0 5 , L i v o n i a , M l 48151-5405.

OAK PARK Live-in SIP Good Pay



Assist and support consumers in more independent settings, must be a qualified driver, trained preferred, good wages and benefits. Cail 734-326-5320

or 313-563-6893.

DIRECT CARE, part-time. Will train. Westland area.

Call Laurice. 734-595-3253.

DIRECT C A R E Reliable & caring individuals to care for elderly residents In a retirement facility. Cali Marilyn for interview at (248) 471-9141.

DIRECT CARE STAFF Dependable & serious for full & part-time positions in Livonia with Everest, inc. Eligible for 100% company paid benefits in 30 days. Certification through CLS preferred, but will train. Cali for immediate interview, Mon-Fri, 10am-2pm: 734-524-1361

D I R E C T C A R E S T A F F Will train qualified persons to work in the care giving field. $7.70-$8.20 hourly wage with excellent benefits. Call pro-grams listed below:

L I V O N I A 734-522-6428 734-591-9239 248-478-3856 248-474-6996


R E D F O R D 313-535-8605 313-255-7639

W E S T L A N D 734-467-5667 734-513-5347 R O M U L U S

313-255-6295 734-942-1959

W A Y N E 734-721-8419

Flexible Part Time Positions, $9 Per Hour

For further information call 313-255-6295

DIRECT CARE STAFF - For homes in Garden City & Canton. New home opening soon in Red-ford. Must be 18. Valid driver's license, HS diploma or GED. Salary negotiable depending on experience & references. Flex-ible hrs., benefits. Please call Mon. - Fri. 8-3pm. 734-513-5121

DIRECT CARE STAFF needed for group homes. Fully trained $8/hr. Untrained $7.50/hr. Call: 734-422-4012, 734-397-9556

or 248-471-5013.

DIRECT CARE - Work with people with developmental dis-abilities in community homes in Wayne County. Must be 18; diploma/G.E.D; Michigan driv-er's license; CLS, lnc./MORC training preferred but will pay for training. Call: (734) 728-4201.

DOG GROOMER E x p e r i e n c e d . L o c a l boarding kennel in Farm-ington Hills. 248-474-2027.

DRAIN CLEANER with exp. wanted. Full benefits available. We supply truck & m a c h i n e s . P l u m b i n g t y p e training offered. 734-427-3110


Growing service business seeks motivated individuals to operate company owned equipment, night shift, including weekends. Full time. Excellent benefits, 401K, overtime. $10-$12/hr. entiy level. Will train. Clean driving record a must. Previous equipment related experience a plus. A drug free workplace.

Call Mon-Fri., 8-5 313-937-7933 Redford.

DRIVER Experienced truck drivers with CDL Class A for established asphalt co. Benefits & paid holidays. 734-722-5660

DRIVER • OWNER OPERA-TORS - up to $1.55 per loaded mile! Tractor, Cargo Van and 18-24 ft. Straight Truck owners needed,. Call Panther II Trans-portation today! 800-640-7055.

DRIVERS: BIG MONEY No Experience. Let us train you in our quick Class-A CDL program. Job placement. Tuition assis-t a n c e a v a i l a b l e . C a l l 1-877-855-8424. Experienced Drivers Call 1-800-958-2353.

DRIVER-SEMI OTR Expeditor needed, home every few nights. Class A CDL required.

ffiOm 548-1 fi14

D R I V E R S G U A R A N T E E D HOME TIME! Great Pay. Call SMX! 1-800-234-5400. Veterans Start .32cpm - Flatbed and .31cpm - Van. www.smxc.com

DRIVERS Moving company looking for

CDL A & B Drivers & Helpers. (248) 442-9410.

DRIVERS....OTR, REGIONAL, Short Haul & Dedicated, Com-pany, Owner Operators & Approved Student grads Wel-come. No Exp? MSC Academy. 800-231-5209 Call Mia ext. -2945, 7 Days/Week!

DRIVERS Pharmacy company deliveries. Part-time early evenings. Mod-erate lifting & valid drivers l icense. Students welcome.


DRIVER....SWIFT TRANSPOR-TATION is hiring' experienced and inexperienced drivers and O/O. CDL training is available. We offer great pay, benefits and consistent miles. 800-284-8785 (eoe-m/f.)

500 Help Wanted General

T h u r s d a y , J u l y 2 6 , 2 0 0 1 O&E

j j l l Help Wanted General

C l a s s i f i c a t i o n s 500 t o 500

DRIVER/TEAMS - Straight truck and tractor team drivers needed. Excellent opportunity for hus-band and wife teams. Must be CDL qualified. Call Panther II T r a n s p o r t a t i o n t o d a y ! 800-640-7055

D R I V E R T rac to r Tra i le r - C D L A

Competitive salary & benefits. Steel & building supply deliv-eries in the tri-county area. Apply or send resume: SMEDE-SON STEEL, 12584 Inkster Rd, Redford, Ml 48239.

DRIVER WITH experience for Semi-Dump Trailer. CDL Class A & DOT. Competitive pay & benefits. Call (248) 474-5543.

DRY CLEANER PRESSER Experience preferred, will train. Full time. Benefits.

Livonia locations. 734-591-6166

EARN $25,000-$50,000/YR. Medical Insurance Billing Assis-tance Needed Immediately! Use your Home Computer, get FREE Internet, FREE LONG DISTANCE, Website, Email. 1-800-291-4683 ext. 407.

ELECTRICIAN JOURNEYMAN, exp. Residen-tial & Commercial. Good pay, benefits. Fax resume to:

(248) 437-9977

ELECTRICIAN/JOURNEYMAN or equivalent for residential wi r ing. Exce l len t benef i ts .



We are a rapidly growing dynamic restoration Com-

pany seeking a highly qual-ified individual with the

following skills and Experience:

• Exp. with insurance claims, assessing damages and writing estimates. • Computer Skills: Microsoft Office 200 and Xactimate exp. helpful. • Excellent Communication and organizational skills required.

Salary Commensurate with Experience & excellent ben-efits package. Please Fax Resumes to (313)277-4867

Or E-mail to [email protected]

Equal Opportunity

E S T I M A T O R Thriving insulation, siding and gutter company in Wixom requires person experienced in reaching commercial and resi-dential blue prints and doing estimates. Benefits, 401K, paid vacations and Holidays. Fax resume to 248-669-0661

or send to: Estimator - JN, P.O. Box 930559

Wixom, Ml 48393

EXPERIENCED CONCRETE finishers, fuil time. Calf

(248) 669-0700


wanted ful l - t ime. Apply In person. Monday-Saturday 10 am-3 pm Garden City Florist, 30028 Ford Rd. Garden City

E X T R U D E R / P R E S S O P E R A T O R

Experienced or will train. Bene-fits. Apply in person: 5899 Exec-utive ur., west land.



No experience necessary. Elec-trical & mechanical knowledge. W i l l t r a i n . B e n e f i t s .


FULL-TIME MAINTENANCE P E R S O N & P A R T - T I M E HOUSEKEEPER Senior high-rise is looking for an experi-enced full-time maintenance person and a dependable part-time housekeeper. Apply in person at 29477 Cherry Hill Road, Inkster.

GENERAL HELPER General helpers needed to handle light maintenance, apart-ment prep and grounds. Call Mon.-Fri., 9am-5pm. EOE Detroit 313-341-2466 Farmington 248-851-0111 Westiand 734-425-0052 Bloomfield Hills 248-642-6220 Beverly Hills 248-646-9880 Waterford 248-681-6880 Southfield 248-355-5123


Looking for serious workers for light assembly. We offer full time long-term employment. Start $l0/hr. with scheduled pay raises & benefits. Drug screen required. 20775 Chesley Drive, Farmington. 248-478-7788

GENERAL LABORERS Retaining wall co. Landscape experience helpful, will train. Opportunity/holiday pay. Fax resume to 248-366-9855, Call 248-640-1086. 248-366-9850

' GENERAL LABORERS/ ( Porter/Janitor to wash cars & | • clean shop. Full-time/Part- • * time. $9/hr. to start. Fuli b e n - 1

| e f i t s . A d v a n c e m e n t ! I opportunities. Retirees wel- • »come. Brighton/Livonia 1

V * — J&fmL ^46^2000 J

GUTTER INSTALLER - Experi-enced. Join Gale-seamless gutter team. Specializing in new construction. Top wages-full benefit package. For appoint-ment, cali Vince @ 248-476-7010.


GENERAL LABORER - Semi skilled laborer for plastics recy-cling plant. All shifts. Vacation, holidays, good wages & health plan. Industrial maintenance a plus. 6 Mi. E. of Livonia on 96. Apply in person between 10am & 2pm, National Recycling Plas-tics, 13700 West Buena Vista, Detroit, Schaefer & 96. EOE.

GENERAL LABORER - Wanted for wood shop. Exp. not neces-sary. $9 per hour. Good bene-fits. Burry Millwork, 32730 8 Mile Rd. 248-474-3300.

GENERAL LABOR Steel manufacturing co. in Wayne is looking for a few good workers. These are full time nositions with on the lob trainlna. Some heavy lifting required. Benefits include: medical, life insurance, prescription, optical, dental & 401K.

Call 734-326-1602

GLAZIER - for commercial glass & door repair - Redford area. BOARDING. - Glazier needed for emergency boarding & door repair. (313-381-1994 Mon.-Fri.)

GOLD STAMPER WANTED. Will train. Clean job.

No weekends. Great benefits. Apply at: Tyndell Photographic,

13035 Wayne Rd., Livonia.

GROUNDS KEEPER Immediate opening, fuli time

Village Squire Apts. 734-981-3888 E.O.E.

RECEPTIONIST Full & part-time. Downtown Northville hair salon. Smiling faces need only apply in person: 330 N. Center St.

PART TIME RECEPTIONIST Needed for busy Plymouth hair salon. 734-459-0640,


FRONT DESK - Mature person needed part-time for busy Garden City salon. Call 734-422-6420

GOT TALENT? Yram Management looking for professional talent: R & B, rap, gospel, jazz, actors, actresses etc. Only serious need apply. Fee required. Ask for Mary: 248-663-3494 or 248-663-3495 web: yram.micronpcweb.com'

email: [email protected]

G R O U N D S K E E P E R Position immediately available for Farmington apartment com-munity. Full time with benefits.

Please call Midge at (248) 476-8080.

GROUNDS PERSON full-time, for Canton apartment community. Great opportunity for right person. Please call

(734) 3971080.

G R O U N D S P O S I T I O N For apartment community in Southfield, full time hours, gar-dening, pool, painting and other duties. Call Paragon Properties

Ask for Richard 248-646-9600 x 328

GROWING BUSINESS NEEDS HELP! Work from home. Mail-order/E-Commerce. $ 5 2 2 + / w e e k P a r t - t i m e $1000-$4000/week FullTime. W w w . C a r e e r R i g h t N o w . c o m

(800) 336-9744

HAIR CARE John Ryan Associates is looking for friendly, outgoing stylists to service our growing clientele. Advanced training for all levels of stylists. Base + commission, paid vacations, insurance, 401K.

Call 800-552-4870

HAIR DRESSER - Full/part-time. Up to $9/hr. to start + exc. tips. All equipment supplied. Paid holidays & vacations. Insur-ance available. 734-421-3331.

H A I R S T Y L I S T $15/hr. guaranteed. Full or part-time. Day or night shift. Busy Canton salon. 401 (k), paid vaca-tion, flexible schedule, no Sun-days. 734-459-5528

HAIR STYLIST/BARBER Full/part-time. Mainly walk-ins. Livonia area. Contact Don, Share Our Hair 734-524-9016


FLEXIBLE HOURS Duke's Family Hair Shop

Redford/Uvonia. 313-531-6597.

H A I R S T Y L I S T Full time. Clientele waiting. Livonia salon. Hair Concepts, ask for Paul 734-422-5730.

HAIR STYLIST & NAIL TECH for Farmington salon. Fuli or Part time. Clientele waiting


HAIRSTYLIST NEEDED for rare opening at busy Fantastic Sam's in Plymouth. Start making great money today!

Call Steve 734-595-6003

H A I R S T Y L I S T S N E E D E D How would like to work 1-2-3 days a week and make great money! Fantastic Sam's located in Westland is now hiring.

Call Steve Today 734-595-6003

HAIRSTYLISTS NEEDED Full or part time positions avail-able in Westland, Plymouth, Livonia, Garden City, Wayne, Allen Park, Taylor & Farmington. Guaranteed $10/hr. plus tips. Call Steve @ Fantastic Sams.


HAVE YOU HOPED to work in Northwest Michigan, the heart of summer and winter sports and activities? The Petoskey News-Review, a 5-day daily, is looking for a beat reporter with experi-ence. The standard applies: Wages commensurate with experience, health, dental and vision, a 4'01k pension plan matched by the company. Com-bined with the amenities of Emmet and Charlevoix counties, this is a dream job. Resume to managing editor Kendall P. Stanley, P.O. Box 528, Peto-skey, Mich. 49770.

HAWTHORN SUITES Ann Arbor's premier extended stay facility Is looking for excep-tional people to fill the following positions:

• Housekeeping Supervisors • Front Desk Staff • Housekeepers

We offer a full benefits package. Apply at 3635 Green Court or call: (734) 327-0011

HELP WANTED: 14 positions in journalism, advertising, manage-ment with Michigan's 300 news-p a p e r s . V i s i t www'.michiganpress.com


Is currently seeking pleasant outgoing people for the following positions:

• Housekeepers • Housekeeping Supervisors We offer a full benefits package. Apply at: Holiday Inn North Campus, 3600 Plymouth Rd., Ann Arbor. 734-769-9800 Fax 734-761-1290

HOME MANAGER To work hands on with and oversee scheduling of other staff for two ladies with disabilities in their lovely (non-smoking) home in Livonia. $10 per hour. Cali Patty (734) 453-9405 or Neva

(248) 477-5209

HOST PERSON Builders New Model Homes

3-4 days per weeK. Noon to 6pm.

Weekends Necessary Northville Hills Golf Club

(734) 667-3400.

HOUSEKEEPERS Full time days with benefits. Apply in person: Independence Village of Plymouth, 14707 Nortnville Rd.


TheraMatrlx, a national physical company,

assistanl to become involved in all aspects of the HR depart-ment. Must have 1 -2 years expe-rience, flexibility, knowledge of recruitment and benefits a plus. Competitive compensation. Call: 248-333-3335, Fax resume to: 248-333-0276 or email to: [email protected]

An Equal Opportunity Employer

(Human Resources)

Benef i ts C le r k

Fiagstar Bank has a Benefits Clerk position in our Troy headquarters for an indi-vidual with excellent commu-n ica t ion and c u s t o m e r service skills. Responsibili-ties include processing bene-fits enrollment, maintaining benefit supplies, assisting employees with benefit ques-tions and problems, filing, copying, and assembly of benefit information. Skills required including MS Excel and Word, ability to handle multiple tasks and work well in a team environment.

We offer excellent benefit including medical, dental, and life insurance. Company matching 401 (k), paid vaca-tions and holidays as well as tuition reimbursement are also offered. Please send or fax your resume and salary requirements to:

Fiagstar Bank, FSB Attn: Human Resources -

MP 5151 Corporate Drive

Troy, Ml 48098 Fax: 248-312-6842 www.flagstar.com

Equal Opportunity Employer

HEATING & COOLING TECH Make a smart career move. Good benefits. Call for specifics.



Benefits. Holiday pay. 313-561-1572

HVAC Duct Work Installers

New Construction. Top pay, benefits. 734-655-1360

H V A C & R & P lumbe rs

Commerc ia l / Indus t r ia l Serv ice & M a i n t e n a n c e

T e c h s & Sa les /Es t ima to rs (Several positions available)

Full time, BC/BS, Dental, 401K, Vacation, Holidays, School,

Vehicle, Fuel & Maintenance* $1,000 Bonus after 90 days

Call 313-535-4400, 8AM-2PM Ask for Michael or Beth

$15-S32 + PER HR. Plenty of W o r k Ava i lab le


Need great attitude office help, Mon.-Fri. 9-4, Redford area. ACT files, phone answering, customer sen/ice. Potential for growth. Call Mr, Keith: 313-537-2451.


Full time. Dearborn. Woodwind or brass. (313) 278-0100

Insurance COMMERCIAL LINES CSR Large commerc ia l agency. Livonia area. Experienced CSR. Excellent salary & benefits. Must be knowledgable in agency management system & various c o m p u t e r s y s t e m s . S e n d resume to Box #1206

Observer & Eccentric Newspapers

36251 Schoolcraft Rd. Uvonia, Ml 48150


Westside agency seeking quali-fied individual to manage staff of approximately 10 employees. P & C license required. Manage-ment experience preferred. Must be knowledgeable in agency management system & various computer systems. Excellent salary & benefits to include 3 weeks vacation, 8 holidays, health, dental, life, 401 k. Send resume to: Box #1206

Observer & Eccentric Newspapers

36251 Schoolcraft Rd. Livonia, Ml 48150


Positions open with multi-location agency. Exp. preferred.

Call Dave 734-459-9797


Major property insurer is looking for an experienced claims exam-iner. Minimum 5 years exp. in residential and commercial prop-erty claims and must have an associates degree. Competitive oaiaiy a ucueius. Mail resume and salary require-

ments to: HR Director P.O. Box 86, Detroit Mi 48231 Or Fax to: 313-568-4720

J A N I T O R I A L CHURCH in Plymouth. Week-

ends. (734) 453-5280

JANITORIAL Full or part time. Eves. Northville (810)759-3700

Northville Public School District

Teacher Applicants Look No Further The Northvi l le Public School District is a teacher fr iendly

distr ict with easy access to Detroit, Ann Arbor a n d

Ypsi lant i . We have the fol lowing certif ied posi t ions

available for the 2001-2002 schooi year:

• 1.0 Integrated Technology/Curriculum Facilitator Elementary Certified

• 1.0 Resource Room Teacher-Silver Springs Elementary School • 0.3 Spanish Teacher-Meads Milt Middle School • 0.4 Life Skills Teacher-Meads Mill Middle School

• 1.0 Gifted & Talented Elementary Teacher • 1.0 Social Studies Teacher-High School

Application procedure: Send letter of interest, current

resume and student issued transcripts. Upon receipt of

these materials, a district application will be sent to you.

Send application material to:

Ms. Kat ie Doerr Parker Director of Human Resources

Northville Public Schools 501 W. Main Street • Northville, Ml 48167

Visit Our Website: www.northville.k12.mi.us Our Job Hotline Number is: 248-349-3400

in addit ion, substi tutes are needed in the fo l lowing areas:

•Teachers • Custodia l

• Paraprofessionais • Bus Drivers

• Food Service • Clerical

500 Help Wanted General


Experienced person wanted for upscale residential interiors firm. Must be capable of construction supervision, project manage-ment, design ancl execution of interior millwork packages and custom furnishings as well as client sales and communication. Must be design obsessed, self-motivating, able to work on mul-tiple projects simultaneously. Send resume to Interior Archi-tect Position 320 E. Maple Rd. PMB 315, Birmingham, Ml 48009.



Flexible Hours Exper ienced Help


Call: (248) 344-1030

425 N. Center St. Northville



LAUREL PARK RETAIL LOCATIONS Kellermeyer Building Services, Inc. has

immediate openings for part-time 5:30-6am starts.

Great starting pay of $8.00/hour, advancement

opportunities & benefit options. Apply by calling

1-800-537-1376 Ext. 644 and leave

a voice mail message. EOE www.kbs-clean.com

JANITORIAL Evenings. Competitive wages. Health insurance available.

(734) 524-5674

JOBS! JOBS! JOBS! Howell/Brighton area. Must have Diploma/GED. transportation, and be drug free. Call Q-Temps today for details! 1-800-483-7400

500 Help Wanted General

LAND CLEARING Co. in S.E. Michigan seeks Truck Driver CDL, Field Mechanic, Welder, Equipment Operators. Prior log-ging experience helpful. $10 -$14/hr. based on experience. Call 1 -800-677-7683 9am - 4pm, Mon. - Fri.

L A N D S C A P E C O M P A N Y needs hard workers for year-round work. Experience deter-mines pay. (734) 276-9379

LANDSCAPE OR Brick Paver Foreman wanted for Plymouth based landscape company. Pre-vious experience required. Pay based on experience. Rapid a d v a n c e m e n t is poss ib le . Looking for career oriented indi-vidual. Serious inquiries cail

Bill at 734-748-2050

LANDSCAPING POSITIONS Available. Full time with benefits. 18 yrs or older. 734-762-0521 or fax resume: 734-524-9079.

LATHE O P E R A T O R - #3 Warner & Swasey Turret Lathe Operator/Set-Up. Experienced oniy. Ail around Machinist. 401k, profit sharing, Blue Cross/Blue Shield. (313) 592-4011.

LATHE- V.T.L. Operator- to machine large prototype parts. Must have minimum 8 yrs. expe-rience. Full-time, days, benefits. Apply to 33100 Capitol, Livonia, Ml 48150 (734)427-8550

LAWN SERVICE - Landscape & Sprinkler Foreman & Laborers wanted. Competitive wages, plus bonuses paid to foreman for running crews. Southfiefd based co. 248-354-3213 or 248-866-0283.

LABORERS NEEDED Good pay. Chance for advance-ment. $8 to $14 to start. Own transportation. (734) 261-9612

LABORER The Char ter Townsh ip of Canton is accepting applications for the position of full-time Laborer. Applicant must provide copy of Commercial Drivers L i c e n s e ( C D L ) G r o u p B endorsement N, including air brakes (or copy of Learner's Permit) from the State of Mich-igan at the time of application. Must successfully pass road test, at applicant's own expense, within 60 days after employ-ment. Must possess a current, valid Michigan Drivers License with a driving history that does not create liability concerns; i.e. convictions of reckless driving, careless driving, suspended license, or convictions involving drinking and impaired driving. Rate of pay: $13.34/hr. plus excellent benefits. Applications are available at the Canton Township Personnel Division, 1150 S. Canton Center Rd., Canton, Mi 48188 or make request in writing, along with a self-addressed stamped busi-ness size envelope, to above address for application form (please specify Laborer applica-tion). An application form is also available on the Canton Town-ship website at www.canton-mi.org. Job description will be posted at the Township Adminis-tration Building. Applicant MUST attach a copy of their CDL Group B Endorsement N with the completed written Canton Township application form and be received by the Personnel Division in its entirety by 4pm, Aug. 10, 2001. The Charter Township of Canton does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, religion, age or disability in employment or the provision of services. An Equal Opportunity Employer.

LEARN THE Art and Science of Physical Vapor Deposition

coating. Exciting opportunities with a global organization certi-fied to IS09002 standards. Very clean - climate controlled envi-ronment. We are seeking candi-dates for the following positions:

Incoming Inspector Coating Technician Outgoing Inspector Van Driver Part-time.

Training is provided, no previous experience is required. Benefits include medical, dental, 401k, and tuition reimbursement. Fax resume to 248-960-4626 or in person at Balzers, Inc., 46947 West Road, Wixom, Ml 48393

500 ( • ) 1 1 E

Help Wanted General

Machine Operators FENDT BUILDERS

SUPPLY A leader in the manufac-turing of concrete products since 1924, has a position open at our Farmington Hills Plant. This position would consist of working in our Pro-d u c t i o n F a c i l i t y w /mechan ica l , hydraul ic , electrical & pneumatic equip-ment. Exp. w/a forklift and other related equipment helpful. This open position is on our 2nd shift (3:00pm-2:30am). Competitive wages & full benefits. Call Ron for info. (248) 474-3211

MAINTENANCE Industrial Mechanic needed. Second/third shift. Skills required power transmission, hydraulics, electrical, weiding, plumbing, general machine repair. Must have own tools. 40 hrs plus over-time. Benefits. 401 (k). Apply in person or send resume to: Pure Tech Plastics, Attn: Ian

31764 Enterprise Drive Livonia, Ml 48150 Fax 734-522-8770

Phone 734-522-9615 EOE

I MAINTENANCE! I Apartment community S | seek ing exper ienced g I cand ida te , inc lud ing • I plumbing, heating, elec- * | trical & air conditioning. | I This is not a live-in posi- • I tion. Benefits including • | 401 (k), medical & dis- | i ability insurance. Fax • I resume: 248-352-6737 • | or send to 25505 W. 12 1 l Mile, Ste. 2600, South- • I field, Ml 48034. *


Singh Management is seeking to fill a PART-TIME Leasing position for Wexford Town-homes of Novi. Must be able to work some weekends. We offer competitive wages and commis-sions. EEO. Fax resume to:

Fax: 248-669-6540 or call 248-669-1050

LEASING CONSULTANT Part-time, evenings for

Canton apt. community. 734-397-1080.

LEASING CONSULTANT Full time temporary, must be available weekends. Excellent pay + commission. Looking for enthusiastic team player to join our team to provide outrageous customer service. Apply in person:

The Kensington Apts. 18335 W. 13 Miie

Southfield ' EOE.

LEASING PERSON needed for apt. community in Southfield. Part-time-rotating weekends. 401K and AFLAC available. Please call (248) 355-0770 or fax resume to (248) 355-5761

LEASING POSITIONS for apartment communities in Southfield & Westland. Part time positions, weekends, experience preferred or will train.

Call Paragon Properties Ask for Richard

2 4 8 - 6 4 6 - 9 6 0 0 X 3 2 9


Friendly Ann Arbor Travel agency Call (734) 994-6204

MACHINE SHOP LEADER Position available for a qualified candidate in a modern progres-sive high-tech machine shop. Competitive wages and a great benefits package, interested par-ties please send resume and salary requirements to: PO box 23091 Detroit Ml 48223


M A I N T E N A N C E / B U I L D I N G S K I L L S

Clean cut, experienced in sev-eral trades, own tools, & trans-portation. Full t ime & full benefits. Kramer-Triad Home Services


M A I N T E N A N C E Building/grounds maintenance positions immediately available for Rochester apartment com-munity. Experience a plus. Fuil time with benefits. Cali Renee at

(248) 569-8880.

M A I N T E N A N C E " 1

(Exper ienced Ma in tenance !

(Technician needed for a p a r t - , ment community in Nor th- "

|v i l le . Compet i t ive h o u r l y j •wage and full benefits. M u s t . I be able to work in a team™ (environment and have prior J j maintenance experience, g

I If you are interested in th isa •position, e-mail your resume" | to : | j [email protected] • [Call 248-349-6844 or fax y o u r ! presume to: 248-349-6336 • l i s B B i B B m a i a i a i B B J I

MAINTENANCE Experience. Tools. Live on site. Suburban apt. complex. Refer-ences. Good pay. 248-352-2220.


Full-time with overtime, paid vacation, health insurance. Our Lady of Good Counsel Church. Apply at : 1062 Church Street, Plymouth between 8-4 Monday-Friday

MAINTENANCE MECHANIC exp. in electrical & welding,-1st & 2nd shift. Dave Mitchell

(248) 437-1001 ext. 109

This Classification Continued on

Page 2F.


i • J ( \HU l o w I O !U l ) l ' C

e w r v r o o m \ < > u c i i i c r .

\ w I m w 11 i f pj m r < i job f o r \ o u

Do what you love in a work

environment that's lots of fiia and

brand-new to Novi Introducing The

Great Indoors. It's an exciting new

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remodeling. Offering everything

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to a complete kitchen makeover. Ail

within one huge store.

If decorating and remodeling ;—

your passion and customer sods/act

is your priority, you'll feel right .

home here. The compensation a

benefits are excellent, the hours are

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. creative expression and perso:

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Immed ia te oppor t t i ruue* a ie avai

W i - m i i ( j i ' i i i t . i i \ 1 DpciAtion* Merchandise

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12E* The Observer & Eccentric/THURSDAY, J U L Y 2 6 , 2 0 0 1

A i u s n


HERE'S A GOOD ONE! Affordable solid brick Ranch beautiful ly main-tained. Impressive finished basement. Everything in fabulous condit ion! Kitchen has separate eating area. Nice Florida room. Newer furnace, windows & ceramic ti ie in baths. $149,900 (05BEE) 734-455-5600

CUSTOM-BUILT RANCH WITH CHARM! Prime location 3 bed, 1'/a bath, hardwood floors, wet piaster, coved ceilings, natural fireplace, \ bath off master. Back covered porch easily enc losed for Florida room. Many updates, Two car attached garage. $184,900 (29BLO) 734-455-5600

CANTON GOLF COURSE COMMUNI-TY! Pheasant Run, large Cape Cod with first floor master, vaulted ceilings, walk-in closet, garden tub. Large open kitchen, oak cabinets. Great room with 2-way f i replace. Full basement. $255,900 (15KIL) 734-455-5600

YOU WONT BELIEVE YOUR EYES! Four bed, 27a bath Colonial . Large screened-in room, plus deck overlook-ing area of green & woods. Master with large walk-in closet. Each bedroom has 2 closets. Newer windows, 2 doorwalls. Garage with storage. Updated kitchen. $214,900 (61ROU) 734-455-5600

WELL MAINTAINS jroom, 1 % bath Colonial on a nice treed lot with circular drive. Finished basement with wet bar & rec. room, Enjoy the 3-sea-son Florida room with sights & sounds of the trickling fish pond. Concrete patio with built-in BBQ. $186,900 (85REE) 248-349-5600

HOUSE WITH OVER 3 ACRES. Three bedroom, 11/2 bath Colonial with large master bedroom with walk-in closet and bath. Formal dining room and 3 car garage. Great kitchen with break-fast nook and first floor laundry. Horses are allowed. $349,000 (20HAA) 248-349-5600

PERFECTION THROUGHOUT. Awe-some executive home features first floor master suite, 4 bedrooms, 3 fuil & 2 half baths, 2 story great room, cherry & granite kitchen. $649,900 (6OPOI) 248-349-5600

WONDERFUL CAN. _ J lONIAL! Attractive family room, knotty pine cathedra! ceiling, hearth, gas fireplace, French doors to patio. Newer: vinyl win-dows, furnace. Awesome kitchen, snack counter. Main bath has cherry wood. 3 BR, 2 BA. Finished basement. $219,899 (Q5MOR) 734-455-5600

EXCELLENT RANCH! This home is in excellent condition with many updates throughout. Recessed & track lighting, wood burning f i rep lace. Loads of extras. Home sits on approximately 7* acre lot. Two car garage. $149,900 (19SHE) 734-455-5600

PERFECT STARTER HOME. This adorable 2 bedroom home is move-in ready. Freshly painted, newer carpet, kitchen floor, updates include furnace, roof, hot water heater. Includes refriger-ator, stove, washer, fenced yard and detached garage with e ectr ic i ty. $80,000 (48WIL) 248-349-5600

ADULT CO-OP RANCH. Two bedroom Condo with cathedral ceilings with sky lights, 1 ceramic bath, Florida room, patio - front & back, neutral decor, car-pet & huge basement . $95,000 (05HER) 248-349-5600

GOLFER'S DELIGHT IN NOV!. Detached Condo buiit in '95 located w/custom upgrades. 4 BR, 37s BA, fami-ly room w/fireplace, finished lower level with possible in-law suite, wet bar, spa-cious master bedroom, 42" cabinets in kitchen & tastefully decorated through-out. $289,000 (48TAN) 248-349-5600

r *

"HOME & GARDEN AT IT'S BEST!" Three bedroom, 1V2 bath with over 1,400 square feet. Newer furnace, cen-tral air, windows, roof, storm doors. Updated bathrooms, Bay Window, 2,5 car garage w/220, Work bench. $159,000 (67CAN) 734-455-5600

THIS HOUSE HAS IT ALL & MORE! Four bed, 2\ bath, large kitchen with cherry cabinets, first floor laundry, 3 fireplaces, finished basement, glass block windows. Newer Andersen win-dows. Beautiful back yard & large deck leading to wooded commons. $414,900 IQNOm 734-455-5600

21 Town & Country

BEAUTIFUL DETACHED CONDO in Hickory Creek. Four bedrooms, 37a baths with first floor master suite with Jacuzzi tub & ceramic floor. Profession-ally finished basement with daylight windows, huge family room with custom wet bar. $434,900 (61LAK) 248-349-

WOODED PARADISE, Four bedroom, 2/4 bath Colonial with beautiful fireplace in family room. Finished walk-out base-ment with second fireplace, Great loca-tion, Pool, hot tub and sun room. $324,900 (40WiN) 248-349-5600

PLYMOUTH 705 South Main St.


NORTHVILLE 175 CadyCentre 248-349-5600

ONE OF A KIND/MANY POSSIBILI-TIES! Multi-family or single family resi-dence. Many updates. Beautiful peren-nial garden with pond, paver walkway. New roof, privacy fence, large country porch. Indoor spa, shed, three bed-rooms, 3/2 baths, $199,000 (05CHE) 734-455-5600

NICE OVERSIZED LOT! Three bed-room, 1% bath Colonial. Doorwall to large deck, Open floor plan. Almost like new, Enjoyable oak kitchen. Immediate occupancy. Large shed for extra stor-age. $174,105 (75NOR) 734-566-5600

America's #1 Century 21 Firm!

FANTASTIC 1989-BU1LT COLONIAL that is totally neutral inside & out & ready to move into. The 4 bedroom, 27s bath home is located at the entrance of a cul-de-sac setting, Finished lower levei with play room & separate office/exercise room. $379,900 (60L1T) 248-349-5600

UPDATED CONDO. Very clean 3 bed-room, 172 bath 2-story Condo. Nice patio backs to a commons, neutral decor,heating & cooling & all appli-ances are approximately 2 years old. $139,900 (45WFR) 248-349-5600

BEST "BETTER HOMES & GAR-DENS"! Upgraded 4 bedroom, 2% bath Colonial with great curb appeal, Many updates. Family room with extra large doorwall to covered patio, treed iot. Spacious master & bath, walk-in closet, partially finished basement. $224,000 (45COP) 734-455-5600

PLENTY OF ROOM TO GROW! Four bedroom, 27s bath Colonial with fifth bedroom in basement. Freshly painted. Newer: carpet in family room, vinyl win-dows, circuit breakers, steei entry door, doorwall to large deck. Home protection plan. Bring offers! $170,000 (03PRI) 734-455-5600

BEAUTIFUL WESTLAND CONDO! Two bedrooms, two baths, move-in condition. Neutral decor. Newer carpet and windows. Wood trim, central air, masier bedroom with waik-in closet, ceramic and oak. In-unit laundry. Freshly painted. $107,900 (57SHO) 734-455-5600

LIVONIA - Completely remodeled. Three bed, three full bath Colonial. Granite counters in kitchen, hardwood floor in lower level, roof, vinyl siding, windows & ceramic baths, First floor laundry, extra deep 2V2 car garage & double lot. $179,900 (51FRE) 248-349-5600

OAKS OF NORTHVILLE, Private street and yard. Five bedroom, 37s bath, dual stairs, first floor master bedroom with waik-in cioset and garden bath. Great room with fireplace and wet bar. Sunny breakfast room. Gourmet kitchen with all appliances. $789,900 (920AK) 248-349-5600

DREAM LOT. Duke-built 4 bedroom, 2 bath, walk-out Ranch on an incredible 1+ acre lot with stream in Woodcreek Farms. Custom home needs renova-tion, $279,000 (84WEL) 248-349-5600

SUPER MAINTAINED RANCH! Three bedroom, 2 bath picture perfect home with Florida room & hot tub! Many updates: landscaping,"sprinklers, vinyl windows, bow window, Finished base-ment! Great neighborhood. Newer roof, circuit breakers, $154,900 (80FER) 734-455-5600

CUSTOM-BUILT NEWER HOME! On beautiful oversized lot, Three bed, 2)2 bath, Many updates: cathedral ceilings, sky lights, ceramic tile bath, granite counter tops, open floor plan. All appli-ances. Livonia schools. Lower level family room. Price decrease. $249,900 (25RAV) 734-455-5600

AFFORDABLE 3 BED PLYMOUTH RANCH! 1 >8 bath. Updated kitchen overlooks family room w/fireplace & built-in shelves. Newer: roof, baths, Andersen windows, doorwall to deck. Fin basement & bar. Immed occupan-cy. $2,000 toward closing for purchas-er. $179,500 (00TAV) 734-455-5600

UNDER $80,000 PLYMOUTH. Can't live better for less. Walk to Plymouth. Two bedroom, newly carpeted. Beauti-ful decor, 55+ age restriction. Lower level family room, move-in condition. $79,900 (33SHE) 248-349-5600

DETACHED CONDO with first f loor master, Four bedrooms, 2\ baths, for-mal dining room, study, living room with fireplace and vaulted ceilings, crown moldings, island kitchen with ceramic tile, neutral decor and walk-out base-ment. $342,900 (52RAM) 248-349-5600

CHARMING OLDER HOME. Three bedroom, 2 bath Bungalow with base-ment, attached garage, dining room, family room, hardwood floors, original wood doors, bay window, large master with waik-in closet, nice corner lot, well-mainta ined, appl iances inc luded. $124,900 (18SUM) 248-349-5600


OWNER PRIDE PERSONIFIED! Four bedroom Colonial, beautifully land-scaped & tastefully decorated. First floor laundry, Update, spacious yard. Great neighborhood. Home warranty! Warmth & charm guaranteed!! Come see for yourself!!! $221,900 (21HAR) 734-455-5600

PLYMOUTH TOWNHOUSE! Walking distance to downtown. Spacious & on corner lot. All kitchen appliances stay. Separate dining area. Living room gas fireplace. Full finished basement. 2 large bedrooms with built-in California Closets. $143,500 (05RIV) 734-455-


JUST LISTED! Walk to downtown Plymouth, parks & schools from this 1912 2-story with newer windows & vinyl siding, Updated kitchen with oak cabinets, newer flooring, library, formal dining room, 26x7 sun porch. Two car garage. $205,500 (68VIR) 734-455-5600

BEST VALUE IN TOWN. This spacious 4 bedroom, 2\ bath Colonial features a remodeled kitchen & bath. Elegant decor throughout, Spacious master with Jacuzzi tub & walk-in closet. Approxi-mately .41 acre lot backs to woods. $309,000 (30SCE) 248-349-5600

ALMOST AN ACRE OF COUNTRY LIVING. Totally updated ranch with 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, hardwood floor in kitchen, dining room & hall, French doors, quality baths, jetted tub & fire-place in living room & dining room, $274,900 (21STO) 248-349-5600

STAY COOL WITH THIS RED-HOT LIVONIA RANCH. Three bed, 2 bath & finished basement. Close to shopping, schools & park. Updates include: hi-effi-ciency furnace, central air, windows & paint. Great lot + 2 car garage. Updated ki tchen with appl iances, $174,900 (60QAK) 248-349-5600

SHARP UPDATED CANTON TOWN-HOUSE! End unit overlooks park-like commons area, Enjoy private entry and relax on brick patio. Fuil basement. Great location! Washer and dryer included. Great buy! $^17,900 (37HAR) 734-455-5600

4820 Rochester Road, Troy 248-524-1600

WONDERFUL NEW NORTHVILLE-CONDO! Ready for personal touches. Many upgrades. Fireplace with gas logs, ceramic tile baths. First floor laun-dry. Great room, master & main bath with sky lights. Upgraded kitchen appli-ances, Two bed, 2:A baths. $253,625 CfiQRIVA 7a4-4fiS.f iRr


AH CLEAN! CLEAN! CLEAN! All the updates you dream about: furnace, central air, hot water heater, windows, exterior doors & storms, 1 \ bath, newer oak kitchen & floor. All new carpet, fresh paint, Just move in! $151,900 (14WIL) 734-455-5600

1991 -built Ranch. Nice & clean 3 bed-room ranch features 2 baths, ceramic tiles & maple cabinets in kitchen. Gas fireplace, hardwood floors, cathedral ceiling in living room & dining room. $149,900 (05FLQ) 248-349-5600

EXTRA ORDINARY custom-built 3 bed, 3 bath home. Owner has spared no expense. Kitchen with all appliances. Large master, finished walk-out with full kitchen, billiard room, bar & wine cellar. Too many extras to mention. $599,000 (15WAD) 248-349-5600

LIVONIA-STEVENSON at this price! It's true the 4 bed home has 2 full baths including a master bath, country kitchen with doorwall to the pool & targe corner lot, Ali appliances included. One year home protect ion plan is inc luded. $149,900 (91 WOO) 248-349-5600

294 E. Brown, Birmingham 248-642-8100

722 W. University, Rochester 248-652-8000

39750 Garfield, Clinton Twp. 810-286-6000

2600 Union Lake Road, Commerce Twp. 48680 Van Dyke Avenue, Shelby Twp. 248-363-1200 810-731 -8180

7125 Orchard Lake, West Bloomfield 4301 14 Mile Rd., Sterling Hts. 248-626-8800 810-939-2800

E-mail: [email protected] Web site:

http:/ /www.century21town-country.com

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