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Visual projections in larval Ichthyophis kohtaoensis (Amphibia: gymnophiona)

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Developmental Brain Research, 23 (1985) 201-210 201 Elsevier BRD 50295 Visual Projections in Larval Ichthyophis kohtaoensis (Amphibia: gymnophiona) BERND FRITZSCH, W. HIMSTEDT and M.D. CRAPON de CAPRONA University of Bielefeld, Bielefeld and Technische Hochschule, Darmstadt (F. R. G.) (Accepted May 14th, 1985) Key words: gymnophiona -- larval visual projection -- ipsilateral visual projection -- amphibia The visual projection patterns of retinal efferents were studied in larval lchthyophis kohtaoensis by means of anterogradely trans- ported HRP. Our results show in all larvae a projection contralateral to a thalamic terminal field, a pretectal terminal field, and a basal optic neuropil, but only a sparse innervation of the contralateral tectum. In addition, all larvae possess an uncrossed projection to a thalamic and a pretectal terminal field. The fibers are bilaterally almost confined to the medial optic tract with only a few fibers run- ning in the marginal and basal optic tract. The ipsilateral and contralateral tracts and terminal fields seem to enlarge during larval life. Comparison with other amphibian orders reveals that larval Ichthyophis are unique in that they develop the medial optic tract and the related thalamic and pretectal terminal fields very early in larval life. In addition they possess only a very sparse tectal projection, though it is the largest projection in larval urodeles and anurans. This suggests a selective phylogenetic loss of those ganglion cells or collaterals which project mainly to the tectum in other amphibian orders and a change in the ontogenetic program leading to an earlier development of the medial optic tract in Ichthyophis as compared to urodeles and anurans. INTRODUCTION It has long been believed that non-mammalian ver- tebrates possess completely crossed visual projec- tions, whereas only mammals have developed an ad- ditional uncrossed (ipsilateral) projection 1. In recent years, this view has been challenged by findings of bi- lateral projections in lampreys 33,34,68, selachians30, 48, polypteriformes 51, ray-finned fishes10.11.49.52. 60, dip- noans 47, amphibians t5.39.67, and some sauropsidi- ans 2,21,57,64. These discoveries have led to the as- sumption that bilateral retinal projections may repre- sent the primitive or plesiomorphic state among ver- tebrates 12. However, within a group of vertebrates such as the agnathans and the lungfish, those species with a more reduced visual system lack the uncrossed component of the visual projection37. 46. On the other hand, among teleosts both bilateral and completely crossed retinal projections have been reported 52, from which it was concluded that the ipsilateral pro- jection seems to disappear within the teleostean lineo age 49,52. Thus, both reductive phenomena of the whole visual system (lungfish,agnathans) and elab- oration of the visual system (teleosts, sauropsidians) seem to be linked with the reduction of the ipsilateral retinal projection. Moreover, among reptiles, reduc- tion of the visual system seems to be linked with in- creased bilateral projection21,~5. Among mammals, reduction of the ipsilateral projection coincides with albinism 19.31. The same holds true for catfish 10 but not for salamanders20. In the latter case, however, the animals studied have been artificially produced albinos zT. During development of mammals and birds a4,4°.65 a transient ipsilateral projection becomes reduced or is 10st14,28,5 o. Enucleation of young or lar- val animals enhances the ipsilateral projection in anurans, chickens and mammals26, 29,32,63,66, presum- ably by reducing some sort of competition14. 40. Thus the ipsilateral projection poses a number of as yet un- solved questions about its phylogeny as well as onto- geny. Questions with respect to the ipsilateral projection are especially obvious in amphibians: different devel- opmental patterns have been reported for the ipsilat- eral projections of anurans and urodeles. Among frogs the development of the ipsilateral projection is Correspondence: B. Fritzsch, University of Bielefeld, Faculty of Biology, Postbox 8642, 4800 Bielefeld 1, F.R.G. 0165-3806/85/$03.30 © 1985 Elsevier Science Publishers B.V. (Biomedical Division)

Developmental Brain Research, 23 (1985) 201-210 201 Elsevier

BRD 50295

Visual Projections in Larval Ichthyophis kohtaoensis (Amphibia: gymnophiona)


University of Bielefeld, Bielefeld and Technische Hochschule, Darmstadt ( F. R. G.)

(Accepted May 14th, 1985)

Key words: gymnophiona - - larval visual projection - - ipsilateral visual projection - - amphibia

The visual projection patterns of retinal efferents were studied in larval lchthyophis kohtaoensis by means of anterogradely trans- ported HRP. Our results show in all larvae a projection contralateral to a thalamic terminal field, a pretectal terminal field, and a basal optic neuropil, but only a sparse innervation of the contralateral tectum. In addition, all larvae possess an uncrossed projection to a thalamic and a pretectal terminal field. The fibers are bilaterally almost confined to the medial optic tract with only a few fibers run- ning in the marginal and basal optic tract. The ipsilateral and contralateral tracts and terminal fields seem to enlarge during larval life. Comparison with other amphibian orders reveals that larval Ichthyophis are unique in that they develop the medial optic tract and the related thalamic and pretectal terminal fields very early in larval life. In addition they possess only a very sparse tectal projection, though it is the largest projection in larval urodeles and anurans. This suggests a selective phylogenetic loss of those ganglion cells or collaterals which project mainly to the tectum in other amphibian orders and a change in the ontogenetic program leading to an earlier development of the medial optic tract in Ichthyophis as compared to urodeles and anurans.


It has long been bel ieved that non-mammal ian ver-

tebrates possess comple te ly crossed visual projec-

tions, whereas only mammals have deve loped an ad-

ditional uncrossed (ipsilateral) pro jec t ion 1. In recent

years, this view has been chal lenged by findings of bi- lateral project ions in lampreys 33,34,68, selachians30, 48,

polypter i formes 51, ray-f inned fishes10.11.49.52. 60, dip-

noans 47, amphibians t5.39.67, and some sauropsidi-

ans 2,21,57,64. These discoveries have led to the as-

sumption that bi lateral ret inal projec t ions may repre-

sent the primit ive or p les iomorphic state among ver-

tebrates 12. However , within a group of ver tebra tes

such as the agnathans and the lungfish, those species

with a more reduced visual system lack the uncrossed

component of the visual projection37. 46. On the o ther

hand, among teleosts both bi la teral and complete ly

crossed retinal projec t ions have been repor ted 52,

from which it was concluded that the ipsi lateral pro-

jection seems to d isappear within the te leos tean lineo

age 49,52. Thus, both reductive phenomena of the

whole visual system (lungfish,agnathans) and elab-

orat ion of the visual system (teleosts, sauropsidians)

seem to be l inked with the reduct ion of the ipsilateral

retinal project ion. Moreover , among reptiles, reduc-

tion of the visual system seems to be l inked with in-

creased bilateral projection21,~5. A m o n g mammals ,

reduction of the ipsilateral projec t ion coincides with

albinism 19.31. The same holds true for catfish 10 but

not for salamanders20. In the lat ter case, however,

the animals studied have been artificially produced

albinos zT. During deve lopment of mammals and

birds a4,4°.65 a transient ipsilateral project ion becomes

reduced or is 10st14,28,5 o. Enucleat ion of young or lar-

val animals enhances the ipsilateral project ion in anurans, chickens and mammals26, 29,32,63,66, presum-

ably by reducing some sort of competition14. 40. Thus

the ipsilateral projec t ion poses a number of as yet un-

solved questions about its phylogeny as well as onto- geny.

Quest ions with respect to the ipsilateral project ion

are especially obvious in amphibians: different devel-

opmenta l pat terns have been repor ted for the ipsilat-

eral project ions of anurans and urodeles. Among

frogs the deve lopment of the ipsilateral project ion is

Correspondence: B. Fritzsch, University of Bielefeld, Faculty of Biology, Postbox 8642, 4800 Bielefeld 1, F.R.G.

0165-3806/85/$03.30 © 1985 Elsevier Science Publishers B.V. (Biomedical Division)


induced by thyroxine changes during metamorpho- sis >. Among salamanders the ipsilateral retinal pro- jection starts to develop prior to metamorphosis 5~, but increases in extent during and after metamorpho-

sis, presumably under the influence of thyroxine~,:. In adult anurans and urodeles, the size of the ipsilateral projection coincides roughly with binocularity3S.39-5<

This seems not to be true for the third amphibian or-

der, the gymnophionans. Here, the adult specimens show almost no binocular visual field but have an ex- tensive bilateral retinal projection 4.24. Likewise, al- most identical bilateral retinal projections, but no ob- vious binocular visual field is found in adult lam- preys 3<~s and in blind snakes 2t.

The present study was designed to investigate the

following questions about visual projections of larval Ichthyophis: (1) does the development of an ipsilat- eral projection in Ichthyophis coincide with meta-

morphosis, as in anurans, or is this projection already formed in the larvae, as is the case in urodeles?; (2) is the development of ipsilateral projections in lchthyo- phis a gradual process, as in urodeles or does it in- volve excessive embryonic projections with subse- quent reduction, as in birds and mammalslT?; and (3) is there any connection in Ichthyophis between bin- ocular vision and the development of the ipsilateral projection, as there is in both anurans and urodeles?


Eleven larval Ichthyophis kohtaoensis (6.7-14.5 cm total length) were collected near Chiang Dao,

northern Thailand. The animals were anaesthetized in tricaine methanesulfonate (MS 222, Sigma) and unilaterally enucleated. Crystallized horseradish peroxidase (HRP, Boehringer Grade I) was applied to the cut nerve. Care was taken to avoid bleeding and to apply the HRP within 1-2 min following nerve transection. After 2-4 days at room temperature (about 28 °C in Thailand), the animals were deeply anaesthetized and perfused through the ventricle with 2.5% glutaraldehyde in 0.1 M phosphate buffer (pH 7.4). The brains were removed, washed several times in 0.1 M phosphate buffer and reacted with the chromogen diaminobenzidine (DAB) as whole- mounts ~6. Seven brains showing label in the optic nerves and tracts were stored in fixative, transferred to our laboratory in Germany, embedded in epoxy

resin, sectioned and viewed with a microscope ~.~sin~ a blue filter (wavelength: 472 nml. In addition, Nissl stained sections of the di- and mesencephahm ol .! Boulengerula houlengeruli. 2 Scoh'comorl~houv kir- kii, and 5 adult lchthyophis kohtaoensis ~crc exam-



Description of the di- and mesencephalon This description is based on the results obtained on

the larger specimens of our study. Kuhlenbeck 35,3~ has provided the only available description of the di-

and mesencephalic cell masses of the gymnophionan brain. As in urodeles and lepidosirenid lungfishZ3.4~,, few sulci may indicate different cell masses in the periventricular gray of these brain areas (Fig. 1 ). In accordance with Kuhlenbeck 35, we found 3 majm

sulci along the third ventricle which separates the ep- ithalamus with the almost symmetric habenulae (h) from the dorsal thalamus (dt), the ventral thalamus (vt), and the nucleus preopticus/hypothalamus (np: nomenclature follows Northcutt46). A sulcus limi- tans 35 was not found in our preparations. The separa-

tion of the periventricular gray implied by the sulci was not always accompanied by cytoarchitectural changes. At some places, however, the cells of the

ventral thalamus were smaller than those of the adja- cent dorsal thalamus, or especially the nucleus pre- opticus. In the latter, some larger cells are scattered

inbetween the smaller cells. Gymnophionans posses,, an unusually large subcommissural organ extending from the caudal end of the epiphysis to the posterior commissure (Fig. 6). Further caudally the thala- mus/pretectum (pt) is separated from the tectum me- sencephali by the fiber tracts of the posterior com- missure. No difference in the cytoarchitecture of tha- lamic and tectal neurons appears to separate the thal- amus and tectum. In none of the gymnophionan spe- cies studied (which belong to 3 out of 5 familiesl could we find any indication of the cell layers de- scribed in the tectum by Kuhlenbeck3S. The ventral boundaries of the tectum/tegmentum neurons could not be established with certainty. We assume that the tectal/tegmental junction may extend as far laterally as the most laterally spread retinal efferents. In sum- mary. the periventricular cell masses of the di- and mesencephalon of larval and adult Ichthyophis koh


Fig. 1. These line drawings show the visual projection patterns of a larval Ichthyophis kohtaoensis as revealed by anterograde transport of HRP from the right eye. Insets indicate the section levels (A is most rostral) and the position of the eyes. Tracts are indicated by lines, terminal fields by dots, periventricular cell masses by broken lines, and groups of cells by dotted lines. The retinal efferents cross underneath the nucleus preopticus (np) to form superficial and deep fiber tracts. The uncrossed ipsilat- eral fibers run predominantly in a subpial position. Fibers on both sides form a large thalamic neuropil (TN) adjacent to the ventral/dorsal thalamus (vt/dt). Note the few collaterals to the periventricular cells of the dorsal thalamus. Further caudal is a terminal field visible bilaterally underneath the medial optic tract (MeOT). In the pretectum (pt) at the posterior commis- sure (cp) this field (PN) extends laterally underneath the fibers of the marginal optic tract (MaOT). In the tectum opticum (to) only few fibers lateral to the MeOT fibers are found. The basal optic tract (BOT) forms only on the contralateral side a termi- nal field around the entrance of the nervus oculomotorius (BON, n III). Only the contralateral tectal projection extend to the level of the nervus trochlearis (n IV). See list of abbrevia- tions.

taoensis are about as undif ferent ia ted as those of lepi-

dosirenid lungfishes 46 and urodeles 23.

Fiber tracts and terminal fields On enter ing the brain, the ret inal efferents pass

beneath the caudal border of the nucleus preopt icus

(np, Fig. 1). Some collaterals enter the periventr icu-

lar cell masses of the nucleus preopt icus predomi-

nantly on the contra la tera l side. The crossing optic fi-

bers run in superficial and deep fiber bundles within

the ventral white mat ter of the thalamus. The deep ,

per iventr icular fibers may be referred to as the axial

optic tract , whereas the subpial fibers could be called

the tractus opticus marginalis. The ipsilateral fibers

form a loop at the nucleus preopt icus and are almost

exclusively confined to the tractus opticus margina-

lis. On the contra- and ipsilateral sides the fibers pass

through a cluster of cells at the te lencephal ic/dience-

phalic border . Few collaterals enter this cell group.

The marginal and the axial fibers come together on

the contra la tera l side at the level of a thalamic termi-

nal field, the thalamic neuropi l (TN, Figs. 1, 5). This

terminal field is s i tuated lateral to the sulcus medial is

(sm), extending in a dorso-caudal direction. A few fi-

bers form a fiber plexus medial to this terminal field

and reach as far as the per iventr icular cells dorsal to

the suicus medialis (Figs. 1, 5). The thalamic terminal

field is almost equally prominent on the ipsi lateral

side (Figs. 1, 4). However , fewer collaterals to peri-

ventr icular cells were found. No evidence was found

of a segregation of ipsi- and contra la tera l fibers in the

thalamic terminal field.

Dorsal and poster ior to the thalamic terminal field,

the layer of terminals undernea th the fiber tracts be-

comes restr icted to a narrow terminal layer ad jacent

to the more medial fibers of the optic tract. These

medial fibers are t e rmed the medial optic tract

(MeOT) . The more lateral fibers have only few ter-

minals underneath them and are referred to as the

marginal optic tract (MaOT) . Even further lateral ly

a few scat tered fibers form the basal optic t ract

(BOT, Fig. 1). Thus all fibers merge at the thalamic

neuropi l and give rise to 3 tracts: the M e O T (which is

the most prominent) , the MaOT, and the BOT. On

the ipsilateral side the M e O T with its nar row layer of

terminals beneath is clearly present (Fig. 1). The

more lateral fibers of the M a O T , however , are much

sparser than on the contralateral side; only one single

fiber was found in one specimen at the location of an

ipsilateral BOT.

In the dorsal thalamus, alongside the pos ter ior

commissure, an enlargement of the terminal layer

underneath the M e O T forms a pretectal terminal

field, the pretectal neuropi l (PN, Fig. 1). This termi-

nal field extends from the caudal dorsal thalamus,



Figs. 2.3 Dorsal views of the brains of an 7.2 cm hmg and a 3.4 cm long lchthyophis lar'~ac In both casc~ t tRP \~a> ,m,'nl~c¢~ " - tht right nervus opticus 72 h prior to sacrifice. The contralateral projection m the prctcctal ncuropil ~ PN t and the tccmm r T,, ,~, ~.¢1 ~, th~ bilateral curse of the retinal efferents in the medial optic tract are revcaled. Note the difference in ipsilater~d pn~lcction~ ~¢, thu tucmn (arrowheads) and the restricted tectal projections. Bar indicates 1 ram.

Figs. 4, 5. The thalamic terminal fields (TN) formed by crossed (Fig. 5) and uncrossed (Fig. 4) retinal cfferent~ are sho~ n in thin curo- hal section. The terminal field is larger on the contralateral side (Fig. 5), receives both subpial and peri~cntricular fibers as ~ell ant shows some collaterals to periventricular cells (arrowhead). Note the label in the ependymal layer (double arrowheadl, Ichttnophi~ larvae, 14.5 cm long, 72 h postoperative survival time.

Fig. 6. The subcommissural organ with the Reisner fibre (arrowhead) of a larval lchthyophis is shown. Compared to other amphibia; orders, gymnophionans possess an unusually large subcommissural organ. Bar indicates 0.1 mm in Figs. 4-(~.

Figs. 7, 8. The pretectum with the ipsilateral (Fig. 7) and the contralateral (Fig. 8) retinal projections are shown in these micrograph~ The pretectal neuropil (PN) underneath the MeOT-fibers is large and bends laterally under the few terminals formed by the MaOT fi. bets. Both tracts and terminal fields are larger on the contralatcral side. Larval lchthyophi~. 14.5 cm Icngth. 72 h postoperative ,ur~ ix. al time, coronal section. Bar indicates 0.1 mm in Figs. 7.8.


Figs. 9, 10. These two consecutive cross-sections show the basal optic neuropil (BON) of a larval Ichthyophis (14.5 cm long, 72 h post- operative survival time). Only a very small subpial terminal field surrounds the few fibers. Bar indicates 0.1 mm in Figs. 9, 10.

i.e. the pretectal area, to the rostral tectum. Under-

lying the MeOT fibers, this terminal field extends lat- erally in a sickle shape beneath the MaOT (Figs. 1, 8). On the ipsilateral side, the organization is very similar. The MeOT with the pretectal terminal field is smaller and the MaOT is represented by only few

fibers (Figs. 1, 7). Caudal to the posterior commissure, the pretectal

terminal field becomes less prominent bilaterally be- neath the MeOT fibers. The number of fibers in the MaOT and the MeOT seems to decrease within the tectum in a posterior direction. The MeOT extends

caudally in the tectum, albeit less so on the ipsilateral side (Figs. 2, 3). Compared to the thalamus/pretec- tum, the tectum is almost devoid of terminals from the retina.

At about the level of the entrance of the oculomo- tor nerve, the few fibers forming the BOT on the con- tralateral side turn in a ventral direction to form a narrow, subpial terminal field, the basal optic neuro- pil (BON, Figs. 9, 10). The BON is larger than the tectal terminal field at this level of the brain. No BON was found on the ipsilateral side.

Differences among larvae Only those specimens that showed a dark brown

label on the contralaterai thalamic and pretectal ter- minal fields were used for this study. Three of these specimens were between 6.7 and 7.2 cm long and 4 between 12.5 and 14.5 cm long. All larval Ichthyo- phis may possess an overlapping visual field in the dorsal and rostral direction (Figs. 1, 11). Since the in- testine of the smaller specimens was completely filled with yolk, we conclude that they were posthatching larvae which had not yet started feeding. The larger

specimens were presumably early transformers,

since the smallest fully metamorphosed specimen we collected was 16.5 cm long. In the field, Ichthyophis larvae of about 12-14 cm length stay outside the wa- ter in moist soil during daytime but enter the water for feeding during the night (Himstedt, unpublished observations) thereby resembling the adult in their

life style 7. All larvae examined had well developed bilateral thalamic and pretectal terminal fields and a bilateral MeOT (Figs. 2, 3). The extension of the MeOT within the tectum seemed to be slightly short- er in the caudal direction in the smaller larvae. The MaOT was smaller on the contralateral side and ab- sent on the ipsilateral side of the brains of the smaller larvae. A BOT and a very small BON were found only on the contralateral side.

Artificial labelling Throughout the thalamic projection of retinal fi-

bres, the ependymal cells around the ventricles showed sparse but consistent bilateral labelling with the HRP reaction product (Fig. 5). Since many reti- nal fibers showed signs of degeneration, with fibers being represented only by chains of particles, we as- sume that this ependymal labelling is due to transcel- lular labelling as described in the visual system of anurans TM and teleosts 6.


Reliability of the technique Despite earlier reports that HRP cannot migrate in

an anterograde direction, many recent studies sug- gest that this type of labelling is extremely sensitive compared to anterograde degeneration studies and










Fig. 11. The heads with the eyes and the brains with the visual projections (black) from the right eye of adult (A) and larval (B) amphibians are shown in this drawing. In Ichthyophis koh- taoensis both adult (A 0 and larval (Bl) specimens may possess a small dorsal binocular field and show almost identical bilater- al projections of the MeOT. Adult urodeles (A2) and adult anu- rans (A0 show a frontal and a dorsal binocular field, an almost identical contralateral projection to the tectum and a bilateral projection of the MeOT to thalamic and pretectal terminal fields. Posthatching urodeles (B2) but not posthatching anurans (B3) may possess a binocular visual field, which gradually in- creases during larval life in urodeles but develops only around metamorphosis in anurans. The contralateral tectal projection enlarges throughout larval life in both urodeles and anurans (B2,3). However, a small ipsilateral projection develops in uro- deles already in larvae, but enlarges following metamorphosis, Anurans develop an ipsilateral projection only around meta- morphosis. Both binocularity and ipsilateral projections seem to co-vary among anurans perhaps due to thyroxine changes.

even t ransport of radioact ive amino acids 43. In fact,

wholemount prepara t ions using an terograde ly trans-

por ted H R P allows visual projec t ion pa t te rns to be

studied with unsurpassed acuity 16.44. Thus we are

confident that our data reflect quite accurately the

visual project ion pat terns of larval Ichthyophis.

Comparison with adult gymnophionan,~ Our results confirm the finding of a bilateral tha-

lamic project ion in adult lchthyophis 24 and adu[~

Typhlonectes 4. In contrast to the case of adult Typh.. lonectes 4, adult 24 and larval Ichthyophis possess bilat-

eral pretectal and tectal project ions as well as a con-

tralateral project ion of the BON which lies rostral to

the entrance of the oculomotor nerve. In addit ion,

we found a small terminal field at the telencephalic/

thalamic border which may correspond to the nucleus

ovoidales of anurans 67. We also found a small bilater-

al projec t ion to the periventr icular neurons around

the dorsal /ventral thalamus as previously described

in adult urodeles and anurans 15,39 but not in any adult

gymnophionan, plus a very sparse project ion in the

ipsilateral B O T of one specimen. The extent (~f the

larval project ions is even more striking if we consider

that instead of D A B , Himstedt and Manteuffel :a

used the more sensitive chromogen te t ramethyle

benzidine (TMB, ref. 43). This together with the al-

most complete absence of fibers within the M a O T of

adult Ichthyophis 24 suggests that those fibers may be

lost during or following metamorphosis . Loss of fi-

bers has been repor ted in studies dealing with un-

crossed project ions to the super ior colliculus of mam-

malsS,40. Cell death seems to be the major factor un-

derlying this loss in mammals14,28.41

Comparison with urodelian and anuran larvae The most impor tant finding of this comparison is

that in larval Ichthyophis the M e O T with its thalamic

and pretectal terminal fields develops bi lateral ly very

early; compared with the MeOT, the M a O T and its

terminal fields in the tectum are ra ther undifferen-

t iated. In contrast , in both urodeles and anurans the

MaOT develops early, especially to the tectum. The

MaOT increases the tectal terminal field throughout

the larval stage 53.~s, whereas the ipsilateral tract and

terminal areas increase ei ther late in the larval stage

(urodeles, 53) or develop at metamorphos is (anu-

rans, refs. 9, 25, 61). In some amphibians , as with mammals , the deve lopment of the ipsilateral projec-

tion shows some coincidence with binoculari ty, a

state of affairs in contrast to that in reptiles45: (1)

gymnophionans: binocular i ty has not been disproved

and bilateral project ions are present in posthatching

h'hthyophis: (2) urodeles: binoculari ty and bilateral

project ions increase during late larval life. most

prominent around metamorphosis53,59; (3) anurans:

binocularity and bilateral visual projections develop only around metamorphosis (Fig. 11; refs. 9, 25).

We assume this coincidence to represent a co-vari- ance of both binocularity and bilateral projections caused by the same reason, e.g. changes in thyrox- ine25,62. In this context it appears noteworthy that metamorphic changes are only small in Ichthyo- phis 69, and both habitat and life style differ little be- tween larval and adult Ichthyophis 7.

In all amphibians studied to date, the bilateral pro- jections are largely confined to what we have called the MeOT and its related thalamic and pretectal ter- minal fields (presumably homologous to the neuropii of Bellonci and the uncinate field of anurans and uro- deles; refs. 15, 56). The contribution of fibers run- ning in other tracts like the MaOT to the ipsilateral projection seems to be more variable54,55. In anu- rans3S, urodeles (Rettig, in preparation), and mam- malsS, 26, the ipsilateral fibers derive predominantly from the ventro-temporal part of the retina. Whether this is true for gymnophionans as well remains to be examined. In both anurans 56 and urodeles 15 the tha- lamic neuropil of Bellonci shows some segregation between ipsilateral and contralateral fibers; this has been more elegantly demonstrated recently using double labelling techniques 13. No such segregation was found in the presumably homologous thalamic terminal field of Ichthyophis. We assume that this lack of segregation reflects a new acquisition by cae- cilians related to the small number of retinal ganglion cells (Himstedt, in preparation) rather than repre-

sents a primitive character stage 12. The retinal effer- ent-free lateral neuropil of urodeles and anurans15,56 was not observed in Ichthyophis. Since the lateral neuropil is known to be a part of the retino-tectal- thalamic-telencephalic pathway56, its absence may relate to the indistinct tectum. A reduction of retino-

tectal projections and of the retino-tectal-thalamic- telencephalic pathway has been reported in blind snakes 21.

Comparison with other vertebrates A complete absence of contralateral retinal pro-

jections of the tectum has been described to date only in hagfish 37. However, a rather small contralateral projection to the tectum was reported in some lung- fish 46, snakes 21, and in Necturus, a urodele with very


small eyes 3. Absence or restriction of tectal terminal fields seems to be a consistent feature of almost all ip- silateral visual projections of vertebrates (selachi- ans3°; polypteriformesS1; ray-finned fisheslO, ll.49.52,60; lungfish47; amphibianslS.24.39.67; turtles2; birds64;

mammalsS,44). Moreover, ipsilateral fibers seem to be confined to the rostro-medial part of the optic tract (MeOT, urodeles and gymnophionans, this study, ref. 15; anterior optic fascicle, birds64; rostral margin of the optic tract, mammals44; medial aspect of the ipsilateral optic tract, reptiles2; tractus opticus dorsomedialis, chondrostei52; fasciculus dorsalis trac- tus opticus, teleosts60). In lampreys, however, the ip- silateral fibres to the tectum are extensive, but not confined to a medial subdivision of the optic tract 33, 34,68. Thus agnathans seemingly lack that bilaterally projecting medial subdivision of the optic tract which appears to be the most strongly developed bilateral tract in all gnathostome vertebrates 2,15.30,47,51,52,e0. Whether this reflects a primitive or a derived condi- tion of agnathan visual projections is not clear at present.

Despite differences in the order of magnitude in numbers of retinal ganglion cells among the 3 am- phibian orders (about 480,000 in anurans42; about 48,000 in urodeleslS; about 4000 in Ichthyophis, Himstedt et al., in preparation) the projections of urodeles and anurans are quite comparablelS.56,67. Similarity of anuran and urodelan visual projections is also implied by recent xenoplastic experiments in which anuran eyes were grafted onto urodeles, and vice versa 22. The almost complete absence of the MaOT as compared to the MeOT in larval and adult Ichthyophis may be due to a selective phylogenetic loss of ganglion cells or collaterals which project in the MaOT. Among amphibians, loss of ganglion cells or collaterals may have led to a comparative enlarge- ment of the bilaterally projecting MeOT, presum- ably by reducing the competition 14 between MaOT and MeOT fibers. A similar trend seems to occur among reptiles, in which the comparatively largest uncrossed thalamic and pretectal projections were reported in the blind snake Typhlops 21. Further stud- ies on tetrapods with a reduced visual system are nec- essary to allow a generalization of this trend at least for tetrapods. This proposal is consistent with the view that nocturnal life style may lead to increased bilateral projections45,57 and the proposed role of the


ipsilateral, uncrossed projections in intensity dis-

crimination 5,21,24. In contrast to tetrapods, data on

lungfish 4" and hagfish 37 indicate that numerical re-

duction of retinal ganglion cells is not necessarily cor-

related with a relative enlargement of the uncrossed

retinal projection, but may lead to a complete loss of

the ipsilaterally projecting ganglion cells or collate-

rals as compared to other species of these groups3a.47.

In summary, lchthyophis kohtaoensis larvae are

unique among amphibians in possessing a very early

bilateral retinal projection which shows little in-

crease during the larval stage. They may undergo a

selective loss of retinal axons in the MaOT around or

following metamorphosis. As in other amphibians,

there may be some coincidence between binocularity

and bilateral projections in the larvae, but hin,~culzt~.

ity of the dorsal visual field remains to be pr~wcn.

Whether the ipsilateral projection derives ~.'xclusivc-

ly from the temporal retina as in other amphibians

and mammals 2(' remains to be studied.


We wish to express our sincere thanks to Dr. D.

Forsythe for her help with the English and to Drs.

Marvalee H. Wake, G. Manteuffel, G. Rettig, and

Mr. H. Wicht for helpful suggestions on an earlier

draft of this manuscript. This work was supported by

the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, Grants SFB

45, D1 and Fr 572.


BON BOT dt e fr h hc MaOT MeOT np

basal optic neuropil basal optic tract dorsal thalamus epiphysis fasciculus retroflexus habenula habenular commissure marginal optic tract medial optic tract nucleus preopticus

n III nucleus oculomotorius n IV nucleus trochlearis pc posterior commissure PN pretectal neuropil pt pretectum sh sulcus hypothalamicus sm sulcus medialis tel telencephalon tm tegmentum TN thalamic neuropil to tectum opticum vt ventral thalamus


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