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Warta Kerajaan - Intellect Worldwide

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M A L A Y S I A Warta Kerajaan S E R I P A D U K A B A G I N D A DITERBITKAN DENGAN KUASA HIS MAJESTY’S GOVERNMENT GAZETTE PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY 9hb Jun 2016 TAMBAHAN TMA No. 34 Jil. 60 No. 12 No. TMA 90. AKTA CAP DAGANGAN 1976 (Akta 175) PENGIKLANAN PERMOHONAN UNTUK MENDAFTARKAN CAP DAGANGAN Menurut seksyen 27 Akta Cap Dagangan 1976, permohonan-permohonan untuk mendaftarkan cap dagangan yang berikut telah disetuju terima dan adalah dengan ini diiklankan. Jika sesuatu permohonan untuk mendaftarkan disetuju terima dengan tertakluk kepada apa-apa syarat, pindaan, ubahsuaian atau batasan, syarat, pindaan, ubahsuaian atau batasan tersebut hendaklah dinyatakan dalam iklan. Jika sesuatu permohonan untuk mendaftarkan di bawah perenggan 10(1)(e) Akta diiklankan sebelum penyetujuterimaan menurut subseksyen 27(2) Akta itu, perkataan-perkataan “Permohonan di bawah perenggan 10(1)(e) yang diiklankan sebelum penyetujuterimaan menurut subseksyen 27(2)” hendaklah dinyatakan dalam iklan itu. Jika keizinan bertulis kepada pendaftaran yang dicadangkan daripada tuanpunya berdaftar cap dagangan yang lain atau daripada pemohon yang lain telah diserahkan, perkataan-perkataan “Dengan Keizinan” hendaklah dinyatakan dalam iklan, menurut peraturan 33(3).


Warta KerajaanS E R I P A D U K A B A G I N D A



9hb Jun 2016 TAMBAHANTMA No. 34

Jil. 60No. 12


(Akta 175)


Menurut seksyen 27 Akta Cap Dagangan 1976, permohonan-permohonan untuk mendaftarkan cap dagangan yang berikut telah disetuju terima dan adalah dengan ini diiklankan.

Jika sesuatu permohonan untuk mendaftarkan disetuju terima dengan tertakluk kepada apa-apa syarat, pindaan, ubahsuaian atau batasan, syarat, pindaan, ubahsuaian atau batasan tersebut hendaklah dinyatakan dalam iklan.

J ika sesuatu permohonan untuk mendaftarkan di bawah perenggan 10(1)(e) Akta diiklankan sebelum penyetujuterimaan menurut subseksyen 27(2) Akta itu, perkataan-perkataan “Permohonan di bawah perenggan 10(1)(e) yang diiklankan sebelum penyetujuterimaan menurut subseksyen 27(2)” hendaklah dinyatakan dalam iklan itu.

Jika keizinan bertulis kepada pendaftaran yang dicadangkan daripada tuanpunya berdaftar cap dagangan yang lain atau daripada pemohon yang lain telah diserahkan, perkataan-perkataan “Dengan Keizinan” hendaklah dinyatakan dalam iklan, menurut peraturan 33(3).


Notis bangkangan terhadap sesuatu permohonan untuk mendaftarkan suatu cap dagangan boleh diserahkan, melainkan jika dilanjutkan atas budi bicara Pendaftar, dalam tempoh dua bulan dari tarikh Warta ini, menggunakan Borang CD 7 berserta fi yang ditetapkan.

TRADE MARKS ACT 1976(Act 175)


Pursuant to section 27 of the Trade Marks Act 1976, the following applications for registration of trade marks have been accepted and are hereby advertised.

Where an application for registration is accepted subject to any conditions, amendments, modifications or limitations, such conditions, amendments, modifications or limitations shall appear in the advertisement.

Where an application for registration under paragraph 10(1)(e) of the Act are advertised before acceptance pursuant to subsection 27(2) thereof, the words “Application under paragraph 10(1)(e) advertised before acceptance pursuant to subsection 27(2)” shall appear in the advertisement.

Where written consent to the proposed registration of the registered proprietor of another trade mark or of another applicant has been lodged, the words “By Consent” shall appear in the advertisement, pursuant to regulation 33(3).

Notice of opposition to an application for registration of a trade marks may be lodged, unless extended at the discretion of the Registrar, within two months from the date of this Gazette, on Form TM 7 accompanied by the prescribed fee.



2013013694 02 October 2013

The trade mark is limited to the colours as shown in the representation on the form of application.

Registration of this trade mark shall give no right to the exclusive use of the word “fertilizer”

Organic fertilizer included in Class 1.

Kulim Nursery Sdn Bhd; 1st Floor, Wisma KNSB, No 416, Jalan Kenanga 29/10, Indahpura 81000, KULAIJAYA, JOHOR MALAYSIA


2014052565 24 February 2014

SONY CORPORATION; 1-7-1 Konan, Minato-ku, Tokyo Japan. 108-0075, JAPAN

AGENT: Mohana Murali A/L Kodivel, Adastra Intellectual Property Sdn Bhd A-39-10, Penthouse, Menara UOA Bangsar No. 5, Jalan Bangsar Utama 1 59000 Kuala Lumpur

Acetate of cellulose, unprocessed; acetates; acetic anhydride; acetone; acetylene; acetylene tetrachloride; acid proof chemical compositions; acids; acidulated water for recharging accumulators; acidulated water for recharging batteries; acrylic resins, unprocessed; actinium; activated carbons; additives, chemical, to drilling muds; additives, chemical, to fungicides; additives, chemical, to insecticides; additives, chemical, to motor fuel; adhesive preparations for surgical bandages; adhesives for billposting; adhesives for industrial purposes; adhesives for paperhanging; adhesives for wall tiles; agar-agar; agglutinants for concrete; aggressor repellent chemicals; agricultural chemicals, except fungicides, weedkillers, herbicides, insecticides and parasiticides; albuminized paper; alcohol; aldehydes; algarovilla (tanning material); alginates (gelling and inflating preparations)other than for alimentary purposes; alkalies; alkaline iodides for industrial purposes; alkaline metals; alkaline-earth metals; alkaloids; alum; alumina; aluminium acetate; aluminium alum; aluminium chloride; aluminium hydrate; aluminium iodide; aluminium silicate; americium; ammonia; ammonia alum; ammonia (volatile alkali)for industrial purposes; ammoniacal salts; ammonium aldehyde; ammonium salts; amyl acetate; amyl alcohol; anhydrides; anhydrous ammonia; animal albumen (raw material); animal carbon; animal carbon preparations; animal charcoal; anti-boil preparations for engine coolants; antifreeze; anti-frothing solutions for accumulators; anti-frothing solutions for batteries; anti-incrustants; anti-knock substances for internal combustion engines; antimony; antimony oxide; antimony sulphide; anti-sprouting preparations for vegetables; antistatic preparations, other than for household purposes; anti-tarnishing chemicals for windows; antranilic acid; argon; arsenic; arsenious acid; artificial resins, unprocessed; artificial sweeteners (chemical


preparations); astatine; auxiliary fluids for use with abrasives; bacterial preparations other than for medical and veterinary use; bacteriological preparations for acetification; bacteriological preparations other than for medical and veterinary use; balm of gurjun (gurjon, gurjan)for making varnish; barium; barium compounds; barium sulphate; baryta; baryta paper; barytes; bases (chemical preparations); basic gallate of bismuth; bate for dressing skins; baths for galvanizing; bauxite; beer preserving agents; beer-clarifying and preserving agents; bentonite; benzene derivatives; benzene-based acids; benzoic acid; benzoic sulphinide; berkelium; bicarbonate of soda for chemical purposes; bichloride of tin; bichromate of potassium; bichromate of soda; biochemical catalysts; biological preparations (other than for medical or veterinary purposes); birdlime; bismuth; bismuth nitrite for chemical purposes; bleaching preparations (decolorants)for industrial purposes; blood charcoal; blueprint cloth; blueprint paper; bone charcoal; borax; boric acid for industrial purposes; brake fluid; brazing fluxes; brazing preparations; brickwork preservatives, except paints and oils; bromine for chemical purposes; by-products of the processing of cereals for industrial purposes; caesium; calcined soda; calcium carbide; calcium cyanamide (fertilizer); calcium salts; californium; camphor, for industrial purposes; carbide; carbolineum for the protection of plants; carbon; carbon black for industrial purposes; carbon for filters; carbon sulphide; carbon tetrachloride; carbonates; carbonic acid; carbonic hydrates; casein for industrial purposes; cassiopium (lutetium); catalysts; catechu; caustic alkali; caustic soda for industrial purposes; caustics for industrial purposes; cellulose; cellulose derivatives (chemicals); cellulose esters for industrial purposes; cellulose ethers for industrial purposes; cement for boots and shoes; cement for mending broken articles; cement for pneumatic tires (tyres); cement (metallurgy); cement preservatives, except paints and oils; cement-waterproofing preparations, except paints; ceramic compositions for sintering (granules and powders); ceramic materials in particulate form, for use as filtering media; cerium; chemical intensifiers for paper; chemical intensifiers for rubber; chemical preparations for facilitating the alloying of metals; chemical preparations for scientific purposes (other than for medical or veterinary use); chemical reagents (other than for medical or veterinary purposes); chemical substances for analyses in laboratories (other than for medical or veterinary purposes); chemicals for forestry, except fungicides, herbicides, insecticides and parasiticides; chimney cleaners, chemical; china slip; chlorates; chlorides; chlorine; cholic acid; chromates; chrome alum; chrome salts; chromic acid; chromic salts; chromium oxide; cinematographic film, sensitized but not exposed; citric acid for industrial purposes; clarification preparations; coal saving preparations; cobalt oxide for industrial purposes; collodion; color-brightening chemicals for industrial purposes; colour-brightening chemicals for industrial purposes; combusting preparations (chemical additives to motor fuel); compositions for the manufacture of phonograph records; compost; concrete preservatives, except paints and oils; concrete-aeration chemicals; condensation-preventing chemicals; coolants for vehicle engines; copper sulphate (vitriol); corrosive preparations; cream of tartar, other than for pharmaceutical purposes; creosote for chemical purposes; crotonic aldehyde; cryogenic preparations ; cultures of microorganisms other than for medical and veterinary use; curium; currying preparations for leather; currying preparations for skins; cyanides (prussiates); cymene; damp proofing preparations, except paints, for masonry; decolorants for industrial purposes; defoliants; degreasingpreparations for use in manufacturing processes; degumming preparations; dehydrating preparations for industrial purposes; detergent additives to petrol (gasoline); detergents for use in manufacturing processes; dextrine size; diagnostic preparations, other than for medical or veterinary purposes; diastase for industrial purposes; diatomaceous earth; diazo paper; dioxide of hydrogen; disincrustants; dispersions of plastics; distilled water; dolomite for industrial purposes; dressing and finishing preparations for textiles; dressing, except oils, for skins; drilling muds; dry ice (carbon dioxide); dysprosium; earth for growing; emollients for industrial purposes; emulsifiers; enamel-staining chemicals; engine-decarbonising chemicals; enzyme preparations for industrial purposes; enzymes for industrial purposes; epoxy resins, unprocessed; erbium; ethane; ethyl alcohol; ethyl ether; europium; fat-bleaching chemicals; fatty acids; ferments for chemical purposes; fermium; ferrocyanides; ferrotype plates (photography); fertilizing preparations; filtering materials (chemical preparations); filtering materials (mineral substances); filtering materials (unprocessed plastics); filtering materials (vegetable substances); filtering preparations for the beverages industry; finishing preparations for use in the manufacture of steel; fireproofing preparations; fissionable chemical elements; fissionable material for nuclear energy; fixing baths (photography); fixing solutions (photography); flashlight preparations; flocculants; flour for industrial purposes; flower preservatives;

CLASS : 1—cont.


flowers of sulphur for chemical purposes; fluids for hydraulic circuits; fluorine; fluorspar compounds; formic acid; formic aldehyde for chemical purposes; foundry molding (moulding)preparations; foundry sand; francium; fuel for atomic piles; fuel-saving preparations; fuller's earth for use in textile industry; fulling preparations; fulling preparations for use in textile industry; gadolinium; gallic acid for the manufacture of ink; gallium; gallnuts; gallotannic acid; galvanizing baths; galvanizing preparations; gambier; gas propellents for aerosols; gas purifying preparations; gelatine for industrial purposes; gelatine for photographic purposes; getters (chemically active substances); glass-frosting chemicals; glass-staining chemicals; glucose for industrial purposes; glucosides; glue for industrial purposes; gluten (glue), other than for stationery or household purposes; glutinous tree-banding preparations; glutinous tree-grafting preparations; glycerides; glycerine for industrial purposes; glycol; glycol ether; gold salts; grafting mastic for trees; grafting wax for trees; graphite for industrial purposes; grease-removing preparations for use in manufacturing processes; guano; gum arabic for industrial purposes; gum solvents ;gums (adhesives) other than for stationery or household purposes; heavy water; holmium; hormones for hastening the ripening of fruit; horticulture chemicals, except fungicides, herbicides, insecticides and parasiticides; humus; humus top dressing; hydrates; hydrazine; hydrochlorates; hydrochloric acid; hydrofluoric acid; hydrogen; hydrogen peroxide; hypochlorite of soda; hyposulphites; industrial chemicals; iodic acid; iodine for chemical purposes; iodine for industrial purposes; iodised albumen; iodised salts; ion exchangers (chemical preparations); iron salts; isinglass other than for stationery, household or alimentary purposes ; isotopes for industrial purposes; kainite; kaolin; ketones; kieselgur; krypton; lactic acid; lamp black for industrial purposes; lanthanum; lead acetate; lead arsenate; lead oxide; leather glues; leather-dressing chemicals; leather-impregnating chemicals; leather-renovating chemicals; leather-waterproofing chemicals; lecithin (raw material); lime acetate; lime carbonate; lime chloride; limestone hardening substances; liquid rubber; liquids for removing sulphates from accumulators; liquids for removing sulphates from batteries; lithia (lithium oxide); lithium; litmus paper; loam; lutetium (cassiopium); magnesite; magnesium carbonate; magnesium chloride; magnetic fluid for industrial purposes; malt albumen; manganate; manganese dioxide; mangrove bark for industrial purposes; manure for agriculture; masonry preservatives, except paints and oils; mastic for leather; mastic for tires (tyres); meat tenderizers for industrial purposes; mercuric oxide; mercury; mercury salts; metal annealing preparations; metal earths; metal hardening preparations; metal tempering preparations; metalloids; methane; methyl benzene; methyl benzol; methyl ether; milk ferments for chemical purposes; mineral acids; moderating materials for nuclear reactors; moistening (wetting)preparations for use in bleaching; moistening (wetting)preparations for use in dyeing; moistening (wetting)preparations for use in the textile industry; mold-release preparations; mordants for metals; mould-release preparations; must-fining preparations; naphthalene; neodymium; neon; neptunium; nitrate of uranium; nitrate paper; nitrates; nitric acid; nitric monoxide; nitrogen; nitrogenous fertilisers; nitrogenous lime (manure); nitrous oxide; oenological bactericides (chemical preparations used in wine making); oil dispersants; oil-bleaching chemicals; oil-purifying chemicals; oils for currying leather; oils for preparing leather in the course of manufacture; oils for tanning leather; oils for the preservation of food; oil-separating chemicals; oleic acid; olivine (chemical preparations); opacifiers for enamel or glass; organic-bleaching chemicals; oxalates; oxalic acid; oxygen; palladious chlorides; paper pulp; peat (fertiliser); peat pots for horticulture; pectin (photography); perborate of soda; percarbonates; perchlorates; persulphates; persulphuric acid; petroleum dispersants; phenol for industrial purposes; phosphates (fertilisers); phosphatides; phosphoric acid; phosphorus; photographic developers; photographic emulsions; photographic paper; photographic sensitizers; photographic sensitizers;gelatine for photographic purpos sensitized photographicplates; potash; potash water; potassium; potassium dioxalate; potato flour for industrial purposes; potting soil; power steering fluid; praseodymium; preservatives for pharmaceutical preparations; preservatives for tiles, except paints and oils; priming putty; protactinium; protective gases for welding; protein (raw material); prussiates; purification preparations; pyrogallic acid; pyroligneous acid (wood vinegar); quebracho for industrial purposes; radiator flushing chemicals; radioactive elements for scientific purposes; radium for scientific purposes; radon; rare earths; reducing agents for use in photography; refrigerants; refrigerating preparations; renovating preparations for phonograph records; rhenium; rock salt; roentgen films, sensitized but not exposed; rubber preservatives; rubber solutions; rubidium; saccharin; sal ammoniac; sal ammoniac spirits; salicylic acid; salpetre; salt for preserving, other than for foodstuffs; salt, raw; saltpeter; salts (chemical

CLASS : 1—cont.


preparations); salts (fertilisers); salts for coloring (colouring)metal; salts for galvanic cells; salts for industrial purposes; salts from rare earth metals; salts of alkaline metals; salts of precious metals for industrial purposes; samarium; sauce for preparing tobacco; scale removing preparations, other than for household purposes; scandium; sea water (for industrial purposes); seaweeds (fertilizers); sebacic acid; seed preserving substances; selenium; self-toning paper (photography); sensitized cloth for photography; sensitized films, unexposed; sensitized paper; sensitized photographic plates; sensitized plates for offset printing; separating and unsticking (ungluing)preparations; silicates; silicon; silicones; silver nitrate; silver salt solutions for silvering; size for finishing and priming; sizing preparations; slag (fertilisers); soap (metallic)for industrial purposes; soda ash; sodium; sodium salts (chemical preparations); soil-conditioning chemicals; soldering chemicals; soldering fluxes; solidified gases for industrial purposes; solvents for varnishes; soot for industrial or agricultural purposes; sorrel salt; spinel (chemical preparations); spirits of salt; spirits of vinegar (dilute acetic acid); stain-preventing chemicals for use on fabrics; starch for industrial purposes; starch paste (adhesive), other than for stationery or household purposes; starch size (chemical preparations); starch-liquifying chemicals (ungluing agents); stearic acid; strontium; substrates for soil-free growing (agriculture); sulphates; sulphides; sulphonic acids; sulphur; sulphuric acid; sulphuric ether; sulphurous acid; sumac for use in tanning; superphosphates (fertilisers); surface-active chemical agents; synthetic resins, unprocessed; talc (magnesium silicate); tan; tannic acid; tannin; tanning substances; tan-wood; tapioca flour for industrial purposes; tartar other than for pharmaceutical purposes; tartaric acid; technetium; tellurium; tensio-active agents; terbium; test paper, chemical; tetrachlorides; textile-brightening chemicals; textile-impregnating chemicals; textile-waterproofing chemicals; thallium; thiocarbanilide; thorium; thulium; tire repairing compositions; titanite; titanium dioxide for industrial purposes; toluene; toluol; toning baths (photography);toning salts (photography); toxic gas neutralizers; tragacanth gum for use in manufactures; transmission fluid; tree cavity fillers (forestry); tungstic acid; tyre repairing compositions; ungluing agents (chemical preparations for liquifying starch); ungluing preparations; unsticking and separating preparations; uranium; uranium oxide; vine disease preventing chemicals; vinic alcohol; viscose; vitriol; volatile alkali (ammonia)for industrial purposes; vulcanisation accelerators; vulcanising preparations; wax-bleaching chemicals; welding chemicals; wetting preparations for use in bleaching; wetting preparations for use in dyeing; wetting preparations for use in the textile industry; wine finings; witherite; wood alcohol; wood pulp; wood vinegar (pyroligneous acid); xenon; x-ray films, sensitized but not exposed; ytterbium; yttrium; zirconia; all included in Class 01.


2014053515 11 March 2014

Unprocessed plastics included in Class 1.

Techno Polymer Co., Ltd.; Shiodome Sumitomo Bldg. 9-2Higashi Shinbashi 1-chome, Minato-ku, Tokyo 105-0021, JAPAN

AGENT: Charmayne Ong Poh Yin, Skrine Unit No. 50-8-1, 8th Floor, Wisma UOA Damansara 50 Jalan Dungun, Damansara Heights 50490 Kuala Lumpur

CLASS : 1—cont.



2014058474 09 June 2014

Fertilizers to provide nutrients needed by plants to improve plant growth; all included in Class 1.

FARMCOCHEM SDN BHD; A-05-07, Empire Office, Empire Subang, Jalan SS 16/1, SS16 47500, Subang Jaya,SELANGOR MALAYSIA


2015053482 09 March 2015

Registration of this trademark shall give no right to the exclusive use of the word “activator”

Fertilizers; fertilizing preparations; fertilizer compositions; multi-nutrient fertilizers; natural fertilizers; fertilizer concentrates; all included in Class 1.

BIO PLUS SS SDN. BHD.; No. 20-2, Jalan Klang Sentral 4/KU5, Bandar Bukit Raja, Meru, 41050, Klang, SELANGOR MALAYSIA

AGENT: Tan Hing Hong, IP Gennesis Sdn Bhd L-07-01, Solaris Mont Kiara No. 2, Jalan Solaris, Mont Kiara 50480 Kuala Lumpur


2015056745 30 April 2015

Chemicals used in industry and filler in gloves; all included in Class 1.

Universiti Malaya; Universiti Malaya, 50603, Kuala Lumpur, KUALA LUMPUR MALAYSIA

AGENT: Chong Chun Mun, Longwood Assets Sdn Bhd Suite 5-1-2, Block F, Jalan 4/101C Cheras Business Centre, Cheras 56100 Kuala Lumpur



2015060128 26 June 2015

Gases for manufacturing semiconductors, solar panels, and flat panel displays, as provided in gas vessels; all included in Class 1.

Entegris, Inc.; 129 Concord Road, Billerica, MA 01821,UNITED STATES OF AMERICA

AGENT: Adhuna Binti Kamarul Ariffin, Bustaman Lot C9-3, Jalan Selaman 1 Dataran Palma 68000 Ampang


2015067250 13 October 2015

Coolants used in the cutting or grinding process; auxiliary liquids used in the cutting or grinding process; auxiliary preparations used in the cutting or grinding process; finishing preparations used in the cutting or grinding process; ceramic filtering materials; carbon filtering materials; filtering materials [chemical preparations]; chemical substances or compounds used in the field of ceramics, chinaware, pottery and porcelain; ceramic catalyst carriers; ceramic compounds in the form of paste; ceramic compounds; ceramic basic materials; metal-plating solutions; unprocessed artificial resins; chemical additives for food; chemical substances or compounds used for industrial purposes; chemical substances or compounds used for scientific purposes; chemical substances or compounds used to manufacturing ceramics; all included in Class 1.

NORITAKE CO., LIMITED; 1-36, Noritake-Shinmachi 3-chome, Nishi-ku, Nagoya, JAPAN

AGENT: Linda Wang Chaw Ling, Zaid Ibrahim & Co. Level 19, Menara Milenium Jalan Damanlela, Pusat Bandar Damansara 50490 Kuala Lumpur



2015067500 19 October 2015

Industrial chemicals; antioxidants; chemical additives and chemical intermediates for general industrial use in the manufacture of a wide variety of goods; specialty chemicals, namely, chemical additives and intermediates for general industrial use in the manufacture of a wide variety of goods; all included in Class 1.

SI Group, Inc.; 2750 Balltown Road, Schenectady, New York 12309, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA

AGENT: Karen Navamani Abraham, Shearn Delamore & Co. 7th. Floor, Wisma Hamzah-Kwong Hing No. 1, Leboh Ampang 50100 Kuala Lumpur


2015067504 19 October 2015

Industrial chemicals; antioxidants; chemical additives and chemical intermediates for general industrial use in the manufacture of a wide variety of goods; specialty chemicals, namely, chemical additives and intermediates for general industrial use in the manufacture of a wide variety of goods; all included in Class 1.

SI Group, Inc.; 2750 Balltown Road, Schenectady, New York 12309, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA

AGENT: Karen Navamani Abraham, Shearn Delamore & Co. 7th. Floor, Wisma Hamzah-Kwong Hing No. 1, Leboh Ampang 50100 Kuala Lumpur



2015070314 01 December 2015

International priority date claimed : 18 June 2015,Republic Of Korea

The trade mark is limited to the colours as shown in the representation on the form of application.

Glycerine for industrial purposes; chemicals for industrial purposes; silicon; silicates; glycol; glycol ether; naphthalene; wetting agents; acetone; acetylene; ethers; ethyl ether; auxiliary fluids for use with abrasives; adhesives for industrial purposes; silicone resins; unprocessed plastics; polybutylene terephthalate resins; argon; helium; neon; carbide; alumina; ceramic compositions for sintering (granules and powders); compositions for the manufacture of technical ceramics; all included in Class 1.

Mitsui Chemicals & SKC Polyurethanes Inc.; 255, Yongjam-ro, Nam-gu, Ulsan, REPUBLIC OF KOREA

AGENT: Shireen Ngan Yuet Keng, Abasan Sdn Bhd No. 5, 1st Floor, Jalan Solaris 2 Solaris Mont Kiara 50480 Kuala Lumpur


2016001365 11 February 2016

Bonding agents for concrete, chemical additives for concrete, chemicals additives for use with concrete, chemical compositions for curing or hardening concrete, chemical preparations for forming coatings on metals (steel), chemical preparations for inhibiting corrosion, chemicals for the surface treatment of metals (steel), coatings to protect concrete, compositions for preserving concrete, concrete curing agents, resins, micro-fibre infused resin (mir); all included in Class 1.

Philip Charles Tomlinson Mack; 7 Bligh Crescent Seaforth, NSW 2092 , AUSTRALIA

AGENT: Yong Chee Kong, Azhar Yong & Co. No. 37A, Jalan Jejaka 9 Taman Maluri, Cheras 55100 Kuala Lumpur



2016050524 13 January 2016

Fertilizer included in Class 1.

Auasia Agrotech Sdn. Bhd.; No. 9, Jalan Zarib 1, Zarib Industrial Park, 31500, Lahat, Ipoh, MALAYSIA

AGENT: Lok Choon Hong, Pintas IP Group Sdn. Bhd.No. 19, Jalan SS1/36 47300 Petaling Jaya


2014064695 29 September 2014

Paints, varnishes, lacquers; preservatives against rust; anti-corrosive oils; anti-corrosive preparations; anti-rust greases; anti-rust oils; all included in Class 2.

ROWE MINERAL?LWERK GMBH; Langgewann 101, 67547 Worms, , GERMANY

AGENT: Goh Mei Ling, Henry Goh & Co. Sdn. Bhd. 217, Jalan Imbi 55100 Kuala Lumpur


2015067512 19 October 2015

Paints, varnishes, lacquers; hardeners, driers, thinners, colouring matters, all being additives for paints, varnishes and lacquers; preservatives against rust and against deterioration of wood; priming preparations (in the nature of paint); colorants; mordants; raw natural resins; putty; wood stains; all included in Class 2.

KCC PAINTS SDN BHD; Lot 13, Jalan Anggerik Mokara 31/54, Seksyen 31, Kota Kemuning 40460, Shah Alam,SELANGOR MALAYSIA

AGENT: Ng Su Lim, SIRIM Berhad 1, Persiaran Dato’Menteri Section 2 40000 Shah Alam



2011006435 07 April 2011

Registration of this trade mark shall give no right to the exclusive use, separately, of the words "botanical" and "effects".

Cologne; cosmetics; eau-de-toilette; essential oils for personal use; fragrances for personal use; hair care preparations; non-medicated skin care preparations; non-medicated toiletries; perfumes; skin cleansers; soaps for body care; sun care lotions; sun screen preparations; sun-tanning preparations; all included in Class 3.

Mary Kay Inc.; 16251 Dallas Parkway Addison, Texas 75001, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA

AGENT: Charmayne Ong Poh Yin, Skrine Unit No. 50-8-1, 8th Floor, Wisma UOA Damansara 50 Jalan Dungun, Damansara Heights 50490 Kuala Lumpur


2012058917 09 November 2012

Registration of this trade mark shall give no right to the exclusive use of the words “double serum”.

Cosmetic preparations for face and body care; cosmetic creams for face and body care; cosmetic lotions for face and body care; all included in Class 3.

CLARINS; 4, rue Berteaux Dumas, 92200, Neuilly-Sur-Seine, FRANCE

AGENT: Wong Sai Fong, Shearn Delamore & Co. 7th Floor, Wisma Hamzah-Kwong Hing No. 1, Leboh Ampang 50100 Kuala Lumpur



2013059420 06 September 2013

Cosmetic preparations for skin care; cosmetic products for skin care; cosmetic skin care products; essences for skin care; non-medicated products for skin care; non-medicated skin care beauty products; non-medicated skin care products; powders for skin care (not for medical use); skin care creams (cosmetic); skin care lotions (cosmetic); skin care oils (cosmetic); skin care preparations (cosmetic); sun skin care products (cosmetics); all included in Class 03.

BIO-PHARMACEUTICALS SDN BHD; 48-2, Jalan Sungai Burong AA32/AA Section 32, Bukit Rimau 40460, Shah Alam, SELANGOR MALAYSIA

AGENT: Tee Lin Yik, Tee IP Sdn Bhd Suite 32-2, Jalan Dwitasik, Dataran Dwitasik Bandar Sri Permaisuri 56000 Kuala Lumpur


2014008468 30 July 2014

Skin care and body care preparations; beauty products in this Class; cosmetics; skin soaps, non-medicated toiletries, perfumes, essential oils for personal use and aromatherapy; preparations for the hair including shampoos and conditioners; hand lotions and body lotions; bath preparations in this class; potpourris; all included in class 3.

Jurlique International Pty. Ltd.; 52-54 Oborn Road Mount Barker South Australia 5251 , AUSTRALIA

AGENT: Chew Kherk Ying, Wong & Partners Level 21, Suite 21.01, The Gardens South Tower Mid Valley City, Lingkaran Syed Putra 59200 Kuala Lumpur



2014053420 07 March 2014

International priority date claimed : 12 February 2014,New Zealand

Registration of this trade mark shall give no right to the exclusive use of the words “manuka health” and “New zealand”.

Non-medicated personal care and body care products, namely essential oils for body and skin care; skin care preparations and balms; oral care products, namely throat spray, nasal spray and breath-freshening spray; soaps for personal use; hair care preparations including hair lotions, shampoo and conditioner; all included in Class 3.

Manuka Health New Zealand Limited; 66 Weona Court TE Awamutu 3800, NEW ZEALAND

AGENT: Lim Yean Yean, Wong Jin Nee & Teo 13A - 5 Level 13A, Menara Milenium 8, Jalan Damanlela, Bukit Damansara 50490 Kuala Lumpur


2014055578 17 April 2014

Registration of this trade mark shall give no right to the exclusive use of the word “Tokyo”

Soaps; detergents; cosmetics; toiletries; perfumes; dentifrices; all included in Class 3.

Happy Price Co., Ltd.; 1-38-12 Nihonbashi-Kakigara-cho, Chuo-ku, Tokyo 103-0014, JAPAN

AGENT: Lok Choon Hong, Pintas IP Group Sdn. Bhd. No. 19, Jalan SS1/36 47300 Petaling Jaya



2014056581 07 May 2014

Bath salts, not for medical purposes; cosmetic preparations for baths; beauty masks; cosmetics; cotton sticks for cosmetics purposes; cotton wool for cosmetics purposes; cosmetic creams; skin whitening creams; deodorant soap; dry shampoos; dry-cleaning preparations; eyebrow cosmetics; eyebrow pencils; adhesives for affixing false eyelashes; cosmetic preparations for eyelashes; false eyelashes; hair colorants; hair dyes; hair lotions; hair spray; hair waving preparations; lip glosses; lipsticks; lotions for cosmetic purposes; tissues impregnated with cosmetic lotions; make-up; make-up powder; make-up preparations; make-up removing preparations; mascara; beauty masks; oils for cleaning purposes; oils for cosmetic purposes; oils for perfumes and scents; cosmetic pencils; perfumery; perfumes; cosmetics preparations for skin care; cosmeticpreparations for slimming purposes; sunscreen preparations; toiletries; creams for whitening the skin; all included in Class 3.

Nhan Loc Manufacturing and Trading Limited Company;50 Ky Hoa Street, Ward 11, District 5, HO CHI MINH CITY, VIETNAM

AGENT: Lok Choon Hong, Pintas IP Group Sdn. Bhd. No. 19, Jalan SS1/36 47300 Petaling Jaya


2014056583 07 May 2014

Registration of this trade mark shall give no right to the exclusive use of the words "black" and "white".

Nhan Loc Manufacturing and Trading Limited Company;50 Ky Hoa Street, Ward 11, District 5, HO CHI MINH CITY, VIETNAM

AGENT: Lok Choon Hong, Pintas IP Group Sdn. Bhd. No. 19, Jalan SS1/36 47300 Petaling Jaya

Bath salts, not for medical purposes; cosmetic preparations for baths; beauty masks; cosmetics; cotton sticks for cosmetics purposes; cotton wool for cosmetics purposes; cosmetic creams; skin whitening creams; deodorant soap; dry shampoos; dry-cleaning preparations; eyebrow cosmetics;


eyebrow pencils; adhesives for affixing false eyelashes; cosmetic preparations for eyelashes; false eyelashes; hair colorants; hair dyes; hair lotions; hair spray; hair waving preparations; lip glosses; lipsticks; lotions for cosmetic purposes; tissues impregnated with cosmetic lotions; make-up; make-up powder; make-up preparations; make-up removing preparations; mascara; beauty masks; oils for cleaning purposes; oils for cosmetic purposes; oils for perfumes and scents; cosmetic pencils; perfumery; perfumes; cosmetics preparations for skin care; cosmetic preparations for slimming purposes; sunscreen preparations; toiletries; creams for whitening the skin; all included in Class 3.


2014062381 21 August 2014

Registration of this trade mark shall give no right to the exclusive use of a letter "n".

Cosmetic products, namely non-medicated skin care preparations, namely, facial scrubs, body scrubs, hand scrubs, skin creams, facial creams, cleansing creams, night creams, anti-aging creams, anti-wrinkle creams, hand lotions; skin moisturizers, skin emollients, eye creams; masks, namely, beauty masks, facial masks, skin masks; face and body lotions; body oils; non-medicated lip balms; hard and liquid soaps for hands, face and body;all included in Class 03.

Nerium International, LLC; 4004 Belt Line Road, Suite 112, Addison, Texas 75001, , UNITED STATES OF AMERICA

AGENT: Goh Mei Ling, Henry Goh & Co. Sdn. Bhd. 217, Jalan Imbi 55100 Kuala Lumpur


2014065314 10 October 2014

LG HOUSEHOLD & HEALTH CARE LTD.; 58, Saemunan-ro, Jongno-gu, Seoul, REPUBLIC OF KOREA

AGENT: Karen Navamani Abraham, Shearn Delamore & Co. 7th. Floor, Wisma Hamzah-Kwong Hing No. 1, Leboh Ampang 50100 Kuala Lumpur

Cosmetics; skin milk lotion; perfumes; cleansing cream; bath soaps; hair shampoos; hair rinses; hair spray; hair mousse; eye shadows; toothpaste; false nails; pre-moistened cosmetic tissues

CLASS : 3—cont.


impregnated with cosmetic lotions; liquid soaps; sun screen lotion; foundation cream makeup; cheek colors, namely blush; nourishing cream [cosmetics]; beauty masks; facial moisturizer; lipsticks; lip gloss; lip pencils; shaving foam; nourishing skin cream; sunscreen creams; eye make-up removers; cold creams, other than for medical use; solid powder for compacts; skin whitening creams; make-uppowder; cleansing foams; cleansing lotions; cosmetic tooth whitener; pencil for tooth whitening purpose; non-medicated dental rinses; preparations for cleaning dentures; all included in Class 3.


2014068722 12 December 2014

Non-medicated skin care preparations included in Class 3.

Erno Laszlo, Inc.; 129 West 29th Street, New York, NY 10001, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA

AGENT: Charmayne Ong Poh Yin, Skrine Unit No. 50-8-1, 8th Floor, Wisma UOA Damansara 50 Jalan Dungun, Damansara Heights 50490 Kuala Lumpur


2014069578 23 December 2014

International priority date claimed : 25 November 2014,European Union (Office For Harmonization In The Internal Market) - OHIM

Shampoo; gels, powders, sprays, mousse, balsams, creams, lotions, serums (for cosmetic purposes), masques, oils and waxes for the hair styling and haircare; hair colouring and hair decolorizing preparations; protective preparations for coloured hair; hair waving preparations; all included in Class 3.

L’OREAL ; 14 rue Royale, 75008 Paris, FRANCE

AGENT: Chew Kherk Ying, Wong & Partners Level 21, Suite 21.01, The Gardens South Tower Mid Valley City, Lingkaran Syed Putra 59200 Kuala Lumpur

CLASS : 3—cont.



2015000983 26 January 2015

The trademark is limited to the colour as shown in the representation on the form of application.

Registration of this trade mark shall give no right to the exclusive use of the word "international".

By consent of the registered proprietor of the trade mark nos: 02004965, 02004966 and 06017440.

Toilet soaps; soaps; disinfectant soap; shampoo; hair shampoo; hair colorants; hair spray; hair waving preparations; hair lotion; hair dyes; hair conditioners; cosmetics; cosmetics for animals; cosmetic kits; toiletries; perfumery; eye make-up; essential oils; aromatics [essential oils]; ethereal oils; geraniol; cosmetics creams namely day creams, night creams, non-medicated nutrient creams, hand creams and breast firming creams; shower gels; non-medicated lotions; cosmetics namely skincare, body care and make-up products; beauty masks; lipsticks; powder compacts (cosmetics); preparations for personal toilet hygiene (non-medicated); cosmetic preparations for skin care, body care and baths; sunscreen preparations; sun-tanning preparations [cosmetics]; deodorants for human beings; washing preparations; incense; dentifrices; breath freshening sprays and strips; cleaning preparations for household purposes; laundry preparations; antistatic preparations for household purposes; all included in Class 3.

Nefful International Holdings Pte. Ltd.; 1 Kim Seng Promenade #10-07 Great World City 237994, SINGAPORE

AGENT: Fiona Teresa Jeffrey, Marks & Clerk (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd P. O. Box 11182 50738 Kuala Lumpur



2015003876 08 April 2015

It is a condition of registration that the device of cross appearing in the mark shall not be used in the colour red or white on a red background or silver on a red background or in any similar colour or colours.

Skin lotions; skin creams; cosmetics; sunscreen; perfumery; tissues impregnated with cosmetic lotions; cotton wool for cosmetic purposes; adhesives for affixing false hair; cosmetic soap; shampoos; facial washes; soaps for personal use; tooth cleaning preparations; dentifrices; shampoos for pets; toiletries; cleaning/polishing/scouring and abrasive preparations; essential oils; polishing preparations; soaps for household use; soaps for toilet purposes; laundry soap; laundry preparations; tooth paste; all included in Class 3.

HUCARE CO.,LTD.; 2F, Handeul Bldg., 33-4, Eonju-Ro 167-Gil Gangnam-Gu, SEOUL , REPUBLIC OF KOREA

AGENT: Winnie Tham Wai Yee, Amica IP Services (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd 164B-1, 1st Floor, Wisma Sekiong Jalan Ngee Heng 80000 Johor Bahru


2015007849 31 July 2015

Registration of this trade mark shall give no right to the exclusive use of the words "beauty amplifier"

Perfume; cosmetics; make-up preparations; make-up removing preparations; soap for personal use; depilatories; hair lotion; dentifrices; bath and shower gels, not for medical purposes; false nails and eyelashes; all included in Class 3.

Sephora; 65 avenue Edouard Vaillant 92100, BOULOGNE BILLANCOURT, FRANCE

AGENT: Zaharizan Ahmed Meah, Drewmarks Patents & Designs (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd 9th Floor, Bangunan Getah Asli (Menara) 148 Jalan Ampang 50450 Kuala Lumpur



2015012570 08 December 2015

Cosmetics, soaps, perfumery, essential oils; all included in Class 3.

De Suci Kosmetik Sdn. Bhd.; No. 26C, Tingkat 3 Jalan Tengku Ampuan Zabedah D9/D, Seksyen 9 40100, SHAH ALAM, SELANGOR MALAYSIA


2015050107 05 January 2015

Cosmetics, toiletries and perfumery, soaps, deodorants, talcum powder, hair lotions and dentifrices; all included in Class 3.

McNROE CONSUMER PRODUCTS PRIVATE LIMITED;16, Netaji Subhas Road, 3rd Floor, Kolkata - 700 001, WEST BENGAL, INDIA

AGENT: Caroline Anne A/P Francis Xavier Money, RamRais & Partners


2015054815 30 March 2015

International priority date claimed : 23 October 2014,France

Registration of this trade mark shall give no right to the exclusive use of the words "skin care".

Soaps; perfumes, essential oils, cosmetics, hair lotions; all included in Class 03.

LA COLLINE INTERNATIONAL; 71 rue de Provence, 75009, Paris, FRANCE

AGENT: Lee Shy Tsong, Donaldson & Burkinshaw I.P. Sdn. Bhd.



2015055732 14 April 2015

Cosmetics; cosmetic creams; cosmetic preparations for skin care; lotions for cosmetic purposes; skin whitening creams for cosmetic purposes; cosmetic kits; make-up powder; perfumes; essential oils; all included in Class 03.

COTDE Inc.; 19-3, Ugakgol-gil, Susin-myeon, Cheonan-si, Chungcheongnam-do, 330-882, REPUBLIC OF KOREA

AGENT: Goh Mei Ling, Henry Goh & Co. Sdn. Bhd. 217, Jalan Imbi 55100 Kuala Lumpur


2015055917 16 April 2015

Beauty masks; cleansing milk for toilet purposes; aloe vera preparations for cosmetic purposes; cosmetic kits; cosmetic creams; cosmetic preparations for baths; cosmetics; dentifrices; depilatory wax; false eyelashes; lip glosses; lotions for cosmetic purposes; make-up preparations; oils for toilet purposes; oils for cleaning purposes; perfumes; make-up removing preparations; skin whitening creams; sunscreen preparations; tissues impregnated with cosmetic lotions; facial cleansers; astringents for cosmetic purposes; mouthwashes, not for medical purposes; air fragrancing preparations; body milks; facial lotion(cosmetic); beauty gels/ beauty creams; moisturisers (cosmetics); body masks; hair care products; hand cream; household cleaning products; ethereal oils; night cream (cosmetics); nourishing creams (cosmetics); preparations for the skin (cosmetic); skin care lotions (cosmetic); skin care products (cosmetic); skin emollients (non-medicated); skin lightening compositions (cosmetic); skin whitening creams; anti-wrinkle cream; bath shampoo; breath freshening sprays; fragrance sachets; cosmetics for animals; all included in Class 03.

EILEEN GRACE COMMERCIAL COMPANY; 9F., No.14, Ln. 83, Sec. 1, Guangfu Rd., Sanchong Dist., New Taipei City 24158, TAIWAN, PROVINCE OF CHINA

AGENT: Clara Yip Choon Foong, Marqonsult IP Sdn. Bhd. B706, Level 7, Block B, Kelana Square Jalan SS7/26, Kelana Jaya 47301 Petaling Jaya



2015055920 16 April 2015

Registration of this trade mark shall give no right to the exclusive use of a letter "e".

Beauty masks; cleansing milk for toilet purposes; aloe vera preparations for cosmetic purposes; cosmetic kits; cosmetic creams; cosmetic preparations for baths; cosmetics; dentifrices; depilatory wax; false eyelashes; lip glosses; lotions for cosmetic purposes; make-up preparations; oils for toilet purposes; oils for cleaning purposes; perfumes; make-up removing preparations; skin whitening creams; sunscreen preparations; tissues impregnated with cosmetic lotions; facial cleansers; astringents for cosmetic purposes; mouthwashes, not for medical purposes; air fragrancing preparations; body milks; facial lotion(cosmetic); beauty gels/ beauty creams; moisturisers (cosmetics); body masks; hair care products; hand cream; household cleaning products;ethereal oils; night cream (cosmetics); nourishing creams (cosmetics); preparations for the skin (cosmetic); skin care lotions (cosmetic); skin care products (cosmetic); skin emollients (non-medicated); skin lightening compositions (cosmetic); skin whitening creams; anti-wrinkle cream; bath shampoo; breath freshening sprays; fragrance sachets; cosmetics for animals; all included in Class 03.

EILEEN GRACE COMMERCIAL COMPANY; 9F., No.14, Ln. 83, Sec. 1, Guangfu Rd., Sanchong Dist., New Taipei City 24158, TAIWAN, PROVINCE OF CHINA

AGENT: Clara Yip Choon Foong, Marqonsult IP Sdn. Bhd. B706, Level 7, Block B, Kelana Square Jalan SS7/26, Kelana Jaya 47301 Petaling Jaya


2015056910 06 May 2015

Perfumery, essential oils, cosmetics, hair lotions; all included in Class 3.


AGENT: Karen Navamani Abraham, Shearn Delamore & Co.



2015058249 29 May 2015

Advertisement of a series of two trade marks

The first trade mark in the series is limited to the colours as shown in the representation on the form of application.

Registration of this trade mark shall give no right to the exclusive use of the words “blanc therapy color care cushion”.

Perfume, eau de toilette; gels, salts for the bath and the shower not for medical purpose; toilet soaps, body deodorants; cosmetics namely creams, milks, lotions, gels and powders for the face, the body and the hands; sun care preparations (cosmetic products); make-up preparations; shampoos; gels, sprays, mousses and balms for the hair styling and hair care; hair lacquers; hair colouring and hair decolorant preparations; permanent waving and curling preparations; essential oils for personal use; all included in Class 3.


AGENT: Chew Kherk Ying, Wong & Partners Level 21, Suite 21.01, The Gardens South Tower Mid Valley City, Lingkaran Syed Putra 59200 Kuala Lumpur


2015059734 21 June 2015

The transliteration of the Chinese characters of which the mark consists is “tian tian wang” which has no meaning.

Incense joss stick, incense coils, perfumed paper, scented oils; all included in Class 03.

KEK TIAN HUAT ENTERPRISE SDN BHD; No. 2, Jalan Emas Jaya, Taman Perindustrian Emas Jaya, Tongkang Pecah 83010, Batu Pahat, JOHOR MALAYSIA



2015059739 21 June 2015

Incense joss stick, incense coils, perfumed paper, scented oils; all included in Class 03.

KEK TIAN HUAT ENTERPRISE SDN BHD; No. 2, Jalan Emas Jaya, Taman Perindustrian Emas Jaya, Tongkang Pecah 83010, Batu Pahat, JOHOR MALAYSIA


2015059840 23 June 2015

Essential oils; soap; incense sticks; incense; oils for the body [cosmetics]; deodorants and antiperspirants; makeup; conditioners; hair balms; fixing hair oil; shampoos; bath gels; bath salts; shaving products; shower creams; cologne; extracts of perfumes; perfumes; preparations for the care of the skin; preparations for shaving and hair removal; bath preparations; shower gels; toothpaste; cosmetics; massage oils; fragrances; fragrances for ceramic diffusers and animals for cosmetics; all included in Class 3.

Sunshine Ocean Holdings Investment Limited; P.O. Box 957, Offshore Incorporations Centre, Road Town, Tortola, BRITISH VIRGIN ISLANDS

AGENT: Chew Kherk Ying, Wong & Partners Level 21, Suite 21.01, The Gardens South Tower Mid Valley City, Lingkaran Syed Putra 59200 Kuala Lumpur



2015059846 23 June 2015

Essential oils; soap; incense sticks; incense; oils for the body [cosmetics]; deodorants and antiperspirants; makeup; conditioners; hair balms; fixing hair oil; shampoos; bath gels; bath salts; shaving products; shower creams; cologne; extracts of perfumes; perfumes; preparations for the care of the skin; preparations for shaving and hair removal; bath preparations; shower gels; toothpaste; cosmetics; massage oils; fragrances; fragrances for ceramic diffusers and animals for cosmetics; all included in Class 3.

Sunshine Ocean Holdings Investment Limited; P.O. Box 957, Offshore Incorporations Centre, Road Town, Tortola, BRITISH VIRGIN ISLANDS

AGENT: Chew Kherk Ying, Wong & Partners Level 21, Suite 21.01, The Gardens South Tower Mid Valley City, Lingkaran Syed Putra 59200 Kuala Lumpur


2015060226 29 June 2015

Shampoo; bath / shower gel; hand soap; conditioner; hand & body lotion; body bath & scrub; make-up remover; laundry detergent; floor cleaner; kitchen cleaner; all included in Class 3.

KEN-RICH CHEMICAL PRODUCTION SDN BHD; Lot 3, Jalan Halba 16/16, Seksyen 16, 40200, Shah Alam,SELANGOR MALAYSIA

AGENT: Yip Jiun Hann, TRADEMARK2U Sdn Bhd No. 1, Block C, Jalan Dataran SD 1 Dataran SD PJU 9, Bandar Sri Damansara 52200 Kuala Lumpur



2015062257 29 July 2015

International priority date claimed : 05 June 2015,United States Of America

Registration of this trade mark shall give no right to the exclusive use of the words “dirty detox”.

Non-medicated exfoliating preparations and facial masks; all included in Class 3.

Bare Escentuals Beauty, Inc.; 71 Stevenson Street, 22nd Floor San Francisco, California 94105, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA

AGENT: Patrick Mirandah, Mirandah Asia (Malaysia) Sdn. Bhd. Suite 3B-19-3, Plaza Sentral Jalan Stesen Sentral 5 50470 Kuala Lumpur


2015064308 27 August 2015

Cosmetics; cosmetic preparation for skin care; skin creams for cosmetic use; lotions for cosmetic purposes; toilet water; beauty masks; make-up cosmetics; mascara; lipstick; blushers; solid powder for compacts (cosmetics); eyeliner; eye shadow; hair care preparations; hair shampoos; hair conditioners; make-up removing preparations; nail varnish for cosmetic purposes; beauty soap; false eyelashes; perfumes; all included in Class 03.

JUNG SAEM MOOL; 49, Dosan-daero 83-gil, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, REPUBLIC OF KOREA

AGENT: Lee Lin Li, Tay & Partners 6th Floor, Plaza See Hoy Chan, Jalan Raja Chulan 50200 Kuala Lumpur



2015066822 08 October 2015

The transliteration and translation of the chinese characters appearing in the mark is “bai yin zih” meaning “white factor”.

Registration of this trade mark shall give no right to the exclusive use of the symbol of “+”.

Perfumes; cosmetics; make-up; toiletries; deodorants for personal use [perfumery]; disinfectant soap; hand cleansers; body soaps; bathroom cleaning preparations; cleansers for household purposes; mouth washes (gargles), not medical purposes; deodorants for pets; air fragrancing preparations;all included in Class 03.

White Factor Limited Company; 4F., No.19-13, Sanchong Rd., Nangang Dist., Taipei City 115, TAIWAN, PROVINCE OF CHINA

AGENT: Mohana Murali A/L Kodivel, Adastra Intellectual Property Sdn Bhd A-39-10, Penthouse, Menara UOA Bangsar No. 5, Jalan Bangsar Utama 1 59000 Kuala Lumpur


2015067536 20 October 2015

Cosmetics and skin care products, namely facial cleansers, cream cleansers, facial oil, facial milk, skin creams, cleansing creams, hand creams, sunburn creams, facial washing powder, skin moisturizers; sunscreen lotions and sprays, moisturizing lotions and sprays, skin lotions, hair lotions and sprays, body lotions, toners, cosmetic masks, skin masks, facial masks, facial strips for removing clogs from pores on the skin; all included in Class 03.

Fancl Corporation; 89-1 Yamashita-cho, Naka-ku, Yokohama, Kanagawa, , JAPAN

AGENT: Goh Mei Ling, Henry Goh & Co. Sdn. Bhd. 217, Jalan Imbi 55100 Kuala Lumpur



2015068064 27 October 2015

The transliteration of the chinese characters of which the mark consists is "hua lian ji" which has no meaning.

Cleansing milk for toilet purposes; essential oils; amber [perfume]; baths (cosmetic preparations for -); lipsticks; cotton sticks for cosmetic purposes; whitening the skin (cream for -); nail polish; colorants for toilet purposes; cosmetics; oils for cosmetic purposes; skin care (cosmetic preparations for -); make-up powder; shaving preparations; dyes (cosmetic -); cosmetic preparations for slimming purposes; deodorants for human beings or for animals; tissues impregnated with cosmetic lotions; henna [cosmetic dye]; colour cosmetics for the eyes; all included in Class 03.

MIHO INTERNATIONAL COSMETIC CO., LTD.; 1F., No.89, Xizang Rd., Zhongzheng Dist., Taipei City 10069, TAIWAN, PROVINCE OF CHINA

AGENT: Mohana Murali A/L Kodivel, Adastra Intellectual Property Sdn Bhd A-39-10, Penthouse, Menara UOA Bangsar No. 5, Jalan Bangsar Utama 1 59000 Kuala Lumpur


2015068243 29 October 2015

Advertisement of a series of three trade marks

NooTrees Pte. Ltd.; 10 Science Park Road, #04-01 The Alpha, Singapore Science Park II, 117684, SINGAPORE

AGENT: Chew Kherk Ying, Wong & Partners Level 21, Suite 21.01, The Gardens South Tower Mid Valley City, Lingkaran Syed Putra 59200 Kuala Lumpur

Cleaning, polishing, scouring and abrasive preparations; non-medicated toilet products; paper tissues impregnated with cosmetic preparations; perfumed tissues; tissues impregnated with cosmetic lotions; tissues impregnated with make-up removing preparations; tissues impregnated with non-medicated preparations for personal use; tissues impregnated with perfumed preparations; tissues impregnated with preparations for cleaning; tissues impregnated with toilet preparations; wipes (tissues) impregnated with cleaning or polishing preparations; wipes (tissues) impregnated with cosmetic lotions; facial wipes impregnated with cosmetics; paper wipes impregnated with cosmetic


preparations; paper wipes impregnated with toilet preparations; wipes for toilet use impregnated with cosmetic preparations; wipes incorporating cleaning preparations; wiping preparations; impregnated paper for removing make-up; paper face towels impregnated with a cosmetic preparation; paper face towels impregnated with a toilet preparation; paper hand towels impregnated with cleaning agents; paper hand towels impregnated with cosmetics; paper hand towels impregnated with toilet preparations; paper towels impregnated with cosmetic preparations; perfumed paper; toilet napkins of paper impregnated with cosmetics; toilet napkins of paper impregnated with toilet preparations; towels (paper) impregnated with cleaning preparations; towels (paper) impregnated with non-medicated preparations; all included in Class 3.


2015068547 04 November 2015

Perfumery; skincare preparations other than for medical purposes; bath soaps; bath and body care preparations namely shower gel, bath gel, bath oils, bath pearls; allincluded in Class 03.

Christian LOUBOUTIN; 1 rue Volney 75002 PARIS,FRANCE

AGENT: Patrick Mirandah, Mirandah Asia (Malaysia) Sdn. Bhd. Suite 3B-19-3, Plaza Sentral Jalan Stesen Sentral 5 50470 Kuala Lumpur


2015068856 06 November 2015

Perfume, eau de toilette; gels, salts for the bath and the shower not for medical purpose; toilet soaps, body deodorants; cosmetics namely creams, milks, lotions, gels and powders for the face, the body and the hands; sun care preparations (cosmetic products); make-up preparations; shampoos; gels, sprays, mousses and balms for the hair styling and hair care; hair lacquers; hair colouring and hair decolorant preparations; permanent waving and curling preparations; essential oils for personal use; all included in Class 3.

L’OREAL; 14 Rue Royale, 75008 PARIS, FRANCE

AGENT: Chew Kherk Ying, Wong & Partners Level 21, Suite 21.01, The Gardens South Tower Mid Valley City, Lingkaran Syed Putra 59200 Kuala Lumpur

CLASS : 3—cont.



2015069336 17 November 2015

Registration of this trade mark shall give no right to the exclusive use of the letter "k" and the words "beauty treasure".

Skin whitening creams; cleaning chalk; almond soap; antiperspirant soap; cosmetics; cosmetic kits; beauty masks; essential oils; cosmetic preparations for skin care; all included in Class 3.

KM WORLDWIDE (ASIA) SDN. BHD.; 58, Jalan Puteri 12/3, Bandar Puteri, 47100 , Puchong, SELANGOR MALAYSIA

AGENT: Chung Chee Yien, NBS Intellectual Sdn. Bhd. I-3-3, Block I, Setiawalk, Persiaran Wawasan Pusat Bandar Puchong 47160 Puchong


2015070306 01 December 2015

Cosmetics; facial powder; cosmetic preparations for baths; cosmetic preparations for skincare; massage gels other than for medical purposes; perfumes; mask pack for cosmetic purposes; sunscreen preparations; cosmetic kits as a setcomprised of lipstick, lip gloss, skin lotions, skin creams and make-up preparations; hair care products, namely, shampoos, conditioner, gel, mousse, spray, wax, balsam, hair essences, hair care lotion, hair care cream and tonic; allincluded in Class 03.

Jennyhouse Co., Ltd; 424, Apgujeong-ro, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, REPUBLIC OF KOREA

AGENT: Soh Kar Liang, Ella Cheong IP Services Sdn BhdA-31-3, Level 31, Menara UOA Bangsar No 5, Jalan Bangsar Utama 1 59000 Kuala Lumpur



2016000654 21 January 2016

The trade mark is limited to the colours as shown in the representation on the form of application.

Body care products (non-medicated), herbal remedies for body care products, non-medicated beauty preparations, non-medicated cosmetics, products for beauty care, slimming products (cosmetics), other than for medical use; all included in Class 3.

Anidanita binti Kanapi trading as Danita Haris Resources; 37, Jalan TPS 1/15 Taman Pelangi 43500, SEMENYIH, SELANGOR MALAYSIA


2016000959 01 February 2016

The trade mark is limited to the colours as shown in the representation on the form of application.

Cosmetics included in Class 3.

Nor Azlin binti Usman trading as My Lovely Scent Trading; 231 Jalan Permai Taman Dato Shahbandar 70400, SEREMBAN, NEGERI SEMBILAN MALAYSIA



2016001773 24 February 2016

The trade mark is limited to the colours as shown in the representation on the form of application.

It is a condition of registration that the mark shall be used only in relation to goods with both/all the applicants are connected in the course of trade.

Perfumes included in Class 3.

Amer bin Omar and Omar bin Salleh trading as Amer Dan Omar Enterprise; No. 777 Jalan Kesidang Kampung Lapan 75200, BACHANG, MELAKA MALAYSIA


2016002935 23 March 2016

Cosmetics skin care products and beauty care products included in Class 3.

Nora Adila binti Md Noor trading as Nora Adila Marketing & Services; No. 4 Jalan Serambi U8/25A 40150, SHAH ALAM, SELANGOR MALAYSIA


2016050310 11 January 2016

Ethereal oils / essential oils; cosmetics; make-up; toiletries; bases for flower perfumes; cake flavourings [essential oils]; oils for perfumes and scents; perfumes; perfumery; flavorings for beverages [essential oils]; oils for toilet purposes; make-up preparations; all included in Class 03.


AGENT: Mohana Murali A/L Kodivel, Adastra Intellectual Property Sdn Bhd A-39-10, Penthouse, Menara UOA Bangsar No. 5, Jalan Bangsar Utama 1 59000 Kuala Lumpur



2016050534 13 January 2016

International priority date claimed : 07 October 2015,Republic Of Korea

Laundry preparations; toiletries; essential oils; antistatic preparations for household purposes; fabric softeners for laundry use; bleaching preparations (laundry); cosmetics; aromatics for household purposes; beauty masks; cakes of soap(not for personal use); detergents other than for use in manufacturing operations and for medical purposes; cleaning preparations; shampoos; hair nourishers; hair styling preparations; cosmetic cleansing creams; soaps for personal use; dentifrices; all included in Class 3.

THEFACESHOP CO., LTD.; 58, Saemunan-ro, Jongno-gu, Seoul, (Sinmunno2-ga) REPUBLIC OF KOREA

AGENT: Indran A/L Shanmuganathan, Shearn Delamore & Co. 7th. Floor, Wisma Hamzah-Kwong Hing No. 1, Leboh Ampang 50100 Kuala Lumpur


07025325 26 December 2007

Oils and oil based fluids for transmissions; oils; greases and lubricants; gear oils; industrial oils and greases; lubricants; dust absorbing, wetting and binding compositions; fuels (including motor spirit) and illuminants; candles and wicks for lighting; all included in Class 4.


AGENT: Zaharizan Ahmed Meah, Drewmarks Patents & Designs (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd 9th Floor, Bangunan Getah Asli (Menara) 148 Jalan Ampang 50450 Kuala Lumpur



2015056178 22 April 2015

Belts (grease for -); diesel oil; industrial oil; lubricants; lubricating oil; all included in Class 04.

Solid Corporation Sdn Bhd; No. 7, Jalan Dataran 5, Taman Kempas, 81200, Johor Bahru,, JOHOR MALAYSIA

AGENT: Goh Mei Ling, Henry Goh & Co. Sdn. Bhd. 217, Jalan Imbi 55100 Kuala Lumpur


2015058454 03 June 2015

Lubricants; lubricating oil for motor vehicle engines; engine oils; industrial oils and greases; all included in Class 04.

Lancer Corporation Sdn Bhd; 25, Persiaran Industri, Bandar Sri Damansara, 52200, KUALA LUMPUR MALAYSIA

AGENT: Goh Mei Ling, Henry Goh & Co. Sdn. Bhd. 217, Jalan Imbi 55100 Kuala Lumpur


2015059735 21 June 2015

The transliteration of the foreign character(s)/script of which the mark consists is “tian tian wang” which has no meaning.

Candles, wicks and illuminants; all included in Class 04.

KEK TIAN HUAT ENTERPRISE SDN BHD; No. 2, Jalan Emas Jaya, Taman Perindustrian Emas Jaya, Tongkang Pecah 83010, Batu Pahat, JOHOR MALAYSIA



2015059740 21 June 2015

Candles, wicks and illuminants; all included in Class 04.

KEK TIAN HUAT ENTERPRISE SDN BHD; No. 2, Jalan Emas Jaya, Taman Perindustrian Emas Jaya, Tongkang Pecah 83010, Batu Pahat, JOHOR MALAYSIA


2015059842 23 June 2015

Scented candles; table candles; candles night lights and lighting candles; all included in Class 4.

Sunshine Ocean Holdings Investment Limited; P.O. Box 957, Offshore Incorporations Centre, Road Town, Tortola, BRITISH VIRGIN ISLANDS

AGENT: Chew Kherk Ying, Wong & Partners Level 21, Suite 21.01, The Gardens South Tower Mid Valley City, Lingkaran Syed Putra 59200 Kuala Lumpur


2015059847 23 June 2015

Scented candles; table candles; candles night lights and lighting candles; all included in Class 4.

Sunshine Ocean Holdings Investment Limited; P.O. Box 957, Offshore Incorporations Centre, Road Town, Tortola, BRITISH VIRGIN ISLANDS

AGENT: Chew Kherk Ying, Wong & Partners Level 21, Suite 21.01, The Gardens South Tower Mid Valley City, Lingkaran Syed Putra 59200 Kuala Lumpur



2015068152 29 October 2015

International priority date claimed : 17 June 2015,Japan

Mineral oils and greases for industrial purposes [not for fuel]; automotive engine oils; automotive gear oils; additives, non-chemical, to motor-fuel; automotive lubricants; fuels; solid lubricants; leather preserving oil and grease; non-mineral oils and greases for industrial purposes [not for fuel]; wax [raw material]; candles; brake oils for automobiles; all included in Class 04.

AISIN SEIKI KABUSHIKI KAISHA (also trading as Aisin Seiki Co., Ltd.); 2-1 Asahi-machi, Kariya-shi, Aichi-ken, JAPAN

AGENT: Helen Huang, Peter Huang & Richard 368-3-1 & 2 Bellisa Row Jalan Burma 10350 Penang


2012058785 06 November 2012

Advertisement of a series of two trade marks

The first trade mark in the series is limited to the colours as shown in the representation on the form of application.

Registration of this trade mark shall give no right to the exclusive use of the word "active".

By consent of the registered proprietor of the trade mark nos: 2010001600 and 2010001601.

International Nutrition Co. Ltd. A/S.; Rormosevej 2A, DK-3450 Allerod, DENMARK

AGENT: Chew Kherk Ying, Wong & Partners Level 21, Suite 21.01, The Gardens South Tower Mid Valley City, Lingkaran Syed Putra 59200 Kuala Lumpur

Dietetic substances adapted for medical use; nutritional supplements; food for babies; food and drinks for babies with special nutritional needs; cereals for infants; pharmaceutical preparations; pharmaceutical preparations for pregnant, lactating and breast feeding woman; dietetic food and beverages adapted for medical use or medical purposes; dietetic food and beverages for pregnant, lactating and breast feeding woman adapted for medical use or medical purposes; all included in Class 5.


2013057946 02 August 2013

International priority date claimed : 03 June 2013,Hong Kong

Advertisement of a series of two trade marks

The transliteration of the Chinese characters of which the mark consists is “fu wei” which has no meaning.

Pharmaceutical and veterinary preparations; disinfectants for medical use; dietetic food and substances adapted for medical or veterinary use, food for babies; nutritional supplements; plasters, materials for dressings; material for stopping teeth, dental wax; disinfectants; all included in Class 5.

Valdimir Pte. Ltd.; 50 Raffles Place, # 35-01 Singapore Land Tower, SINGAPORE

AGENT: Pauline Khor Hong Ping, Rahmat Lim & Partners Suite 33.01, Level 33, The Gardens North Tower Mid Valley City, Lingkaran Syed Putra 59200 Kuala Lumpur


beverages adapted for medical use or medical purposes; dietetic food and beverages for pregnant, lactating and breast feeding woman adapted for medical use or medical purposes; all included in Class 5.


2013057946 02 August 2013

International priority date claimed : 03 June 2013,Hong Kong

Advertisement of a series of two trade marks

The transliteration of the Chinese characters of which the mark consists is “fu wei” which has no meaning.

Pharmaceutical and veterinary preparations; disinfectants for medical use; dietetic food and substances adapted for medical or veterinary use, food for babies; nutritional supplements; plasters, materials for dressings; material for stopping teeth, dental wax; disinfectants; all included in Class 5.

Valdimir Pte. Ltd.; 50 Raffles Place, # 35-01 Singapore Land Tower, SINGAPORE

AGENT: Pauline Khor Hong Ping, Rahmat Lim & Partners Suite 33.01, Level 33, The Gardens North Tower Mid Valley City, Lingkaran Syed Putra 59200 Kuala Lumpur



2013058486 16 August 2013

International priority date claimed : 10 May 2013,Hong Kong

Advertisement of a series of three trade marks

The first and second trade mark in the series are limited to the colours as shown in the representation on the form of application.

Pharmaceutical and veterinary preparations; disinfectants for medical use; dietetic food and substances adapted for medical or veterinary use, food for babies; nutritional supplements; plasters, materials for dressings; material for stopping teeth, dental wax; disinfectants; all included in Class 5.

Valdimir Pte. Ltd.; 50 Raffles Place, # 35-01 Singapore Land Tower, 048623, SINGAPORE

AGENT: Pauline Khor Hong Ping, Rahmat Lim & Partners


2013058503 16 August 2013

International priority date claimed : 10 May 2013,Hong Kong

Advertisement of a series of three trade marks

The first and second trade marks in the series are limited to the colours as shown in the representation on the form of application.

Valdimir Pte. Ltd.; 50 Raffles Place, # 35-01 Singapore Land Tower, 048623, SINGAPORE

AGENT: Pauline Khor Hong Ping, Rahmat Lim & Partners

Pharmaceutical and veterinary preparations; disinfectants for medical use; dietetic food and substances adapted for medical or veterinary use, food for babies; nutritional supplements; plasters, materials for dressings; material for stopping teeth, dental wax; disinfectants; all included in Class 5.



2014011509 15 October 2014

The transliteration of the Chinese characters appearing in the mark is “hao yan zao” which has no meaning.

Pharmaceutical preparations and substances; herbal preparations and medicines for human purposes; vitamin preparations and nutritional food supplements, all containing edible bird nest extracts; all included in Class 5.

SHIRIN CHEONG SINN MING; No: 7, Jalan Ros Merah 2/2 Taman Johor Jaya 81100, JOHOR BAHRU, JOHOR MALAYSIA


2014012157 02 November 2014

Foodstuff for babies; supplements for foodstuffs for babies, for medical use; fats and oils for medical and therapeutic use including human fat replacers for use in baby; all included in Class 5.

Loders Croklaan B.V.; Hogeweg 1 1521, AZ WORMERVEER, NETHERLANDS

AGENT: Winnie Tham Wai Yee, Amica IP Services (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd 164B-1, 1st Floor, Wisma Sekiong Jalan Ngee Heng 80000 Johor Bahru



2014054484 26 March 2014

The trade mark is limited to the colours as shown in the representation on the form of application.

Health food supplements for persons with special dietary requirements; health food supplements made principally of minerals; health food supplements made principally of vitamins; all included in Class 05.

JR Life Sciences Pte Ltd; 2 Bukit Batok Street 24, #08-20 Skytech, 659480, SINGAPORE

AGENT: Goh Mei Ling, Henry Goh & Co. Sdn. Bhd. 217, Jalan Imbi 55100 Kuala Lumpur


2014055871 23 April 2014

Pharmaceutical preparations; health supplements for medical purposes used in immunity adjustment, detoxification, prevention and treatment of atherosclerosis, neurodegenerative diseases, metabolic diseases, joint degeneration, arthritis, chemotherapeutic toxity, pains and aches, exhaustion, depression, adhs (hyperactivity syndrome); all included in Class 05.

Dr. Fred Fändrich; No. 7, Jalan Pakat, Ukay Heights, Ampang, 68000, KUALA LUMPUR MALAYSIA

AGENT: Goh Mei Ling, Henry Goh & Co. Sdn. Bhd. 217, Jalan Imbi 55100 Kuala Lumpur



2014055872 23 April 2014

Pharmaceutical preparations; health supplements for medical purposes used in immunity adjustment, detoxification, prevention and treatment of atherosclerosis, neurodegenerative diseases, metabolic diseases, joint degeneration, arthritis, chemotherapeutic toxity, pains and aches, exhaustion, depression, adhs (hyperactivity syndrome); all included in Class 05.

Dr. Fred Fändrich; No. 7, Jalan Pakat, Ukay Heights, Ampang, 68000, KUALA LUMPUR MALAYSIA

AGENT: Goh Mei Ling, Henry Goh & Co. Sdn. Bhd. 217, Jalan Imbi 55100 Kuala Lumpur


2014056692 08 May 2014

The transliteration of the Chinese characters appearing in the mark is “jia” which has no meaning.

Dietetic substances adapted for medical use namely bird’snest, essence of chicken, Chinese medicinal and other tonic preparations; royal jelly; minerals (food supplement); mineral dietary supplements for humans; vitamins; vitamin preparations; health food supplements; pollen extracts; bee pollen as health food supplements; food and dietary supplements; amino acids and nutritional supplements; fiber and enzyme products (supplement); all included in Class 5.

Siew Kin Seng trading as GGL Supreme; 52, Jalan Ayu 37, Taman Pelangi Indah, 81800, ULU TIRAM, JOHOR MALAYSIA

AGENT: Lok Choon Hong, Pintas IP Group Sdn. Bhd. No. 19, Jalan SS1/36 47300 Petaling Jaya



2014060989 25 July 2014

The trade mark is limited to the colours as shown in the representation on the form of application.

The transliteration and translation of the Chinese characters appearing in the mark is “tai wan zhi” meaning “manufacture in Taiwan”.

Registration of this trade mark shall give no right to the exclusive use of the Chinese characters meaning “manufacture in Taiwan” and the device of “map of Taiwan”.

Acaricides; amino acids for veterinary purposes; animal washes; antibiotics; anticryptogamic preparations; antiparasitic preparations; antiseptics; bacterial preparations for medical and veterinary use; biocides; biological preparations for veterinary purposes; chemical preparations for veterinary purposes; chemical reagents for medical or veterinary purposes; cultures of microorganisms for medical and veterinary use; disinfectants for hygiene purposes; enzyme preparations for veterinary purposes; fly destroying preparations; herbicides; iodides for pharmaceutical purposes; lotions for veterinary purposes; medicines for veterinary purposes; preparations for destroying mice; preparations of microorganisms for medical and veterinary use; mothproofing paper; mothproofing preparations; preparations for destroying noxious animals; pesticides; pyrethrum powder; slug exterminating preparations; soil sterilising preparations; sulphonamides [medicines]; preparations of trace elements for human and animal use; vaccines; veterinary preparations; vitamin preparations; chemical preparations to treat wheat blight [smut]; all included in Class 5.

CORPORATE SYNERGY DEVELOPMENT CENTER; 3F., No. 15-1, Sec. 1, Hangzhou S. Rd., Zhongzheng Dist., Taipei City 100, TAIWAN, PROVINCE OF CHINA

AGENT: Goh Mei Ling, Henry Goh & Co. Sdn. Bhd. 217, Jalan Imbi 55100 Kuala Lumpur



2014064852 01 October 2014

Advertisement of a series of three trade marks

Meal replacement protein powder drink- mix ( dietary supplements), nutritional supplements, amino acids for medicinal purposes, dietetic foods and beverages adopted for medicinal purpose, nutritional bars dietary supplements, remedies for detoxification, remedies for diabetes management, remedies for blood sugar regulation, remedies for improving cognitive function, remedies for anti-aging,antioxidants pills, enzymes dietary supplements, fiber dietary supplements, lecithin dietary supplements, minerals food supplements, vitamins preparation, medicinal oils , oils (medicinal), sugar for medicinal purposes, milk ferments for pharmaceuticals purposes, medicinal herbs, herbal teas for medicinal purposes , herbs (medicinal extraction),medicinal infusion, medicinal tea, slimming pills, medical preparation for slimming purposes, tonics (medicinal), trace elements (preparation for human & animal use), skin care pharmaceutical; all included in Class 5.

BEYOND WELLNESS SDN BHD; No 27, Jalan 4/47, 46050, Petaling Jaya, SELANGOR MALAYSIA


2015004600 27 April 2015

Pharmaceutical preparations included in Class 5.

IX BIOPHARMA LTD; 77 High Street Suite #3-11/12 HIGH STREET PLAZA 179433, SINGAPORE

AGENT: Winnie Tham Wai Yee, Amica IP Services (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd 164B-1, 1st Floor, Wisma Sekiong Jalan Ngee Heng 80000 Johor Bahru



2015004603 27 April 2015

Pharmaceutical preparations included in Class 5.

IX BIOPHARMA LTD; 77 High Street Suite #3-11/12 HIGH STREET PLAZA 179433, SINGAPORE

AGENT: Winnie Tham Wai Yee, Amica IP Services (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd 164B-1, 1st Floor, Wisma Sekiong Jalan Ngee Heng 80000 Johor Bahru


2015007913 04 August 2015

Advertisement of a series of two trade marks

The second trade mark in the series is limited to the colours as shown in the representation on the form of application.

Pharmaceutical preparations for human use, namely, for the treatment of hematological malignancies, cancer, auto-immune diseases and disorders and inflammatory diseases and disorders; pharmaceutical preparations for the treatment of cancer; all included in Class 5.

Millenium Pharmaceuticals, Inc.; 40 Landsdowne Street,Cambridge Massachusetts 02139, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA

AGENT: Zaharizan Ahmed Meah, Drewmarks Patents & Designs (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd 9th Floor, Bangunan Getah Asli (Menara) 148 Jalan Ampang 50450 Kuala Lumpur



2015010225 06 October 2015

Registration of this trade mark shall give no right to the exclusive use of the word "bright".

Dietetic substances adapted for medical use; pharmaceutical and dietary food supplements; natural healthcare preparations; health drinks; nutritional food supplements containing vitamins, amino acids, natural substances of plant; enzymes; edible fibres and herbs in the form of capsules; tablets; powders and liquids: all included in Class 5.

SKINSENSE SDN. BHD.; Lot 2-1-2, 1st Floor, Block 2 Api-Api Centre, Jalan Centre Point 88000, Kota Kinabalu,SABAH MALAYSIA


2015012036 23 November 2015

Registration of this trade mark shall give no right to the exclusive use of the letter “v” and the words “beauty & health”.

Vitamin supplements included in Class 5.

Wan Suzila binti Wan Ziat trading as Suzy Inspirations;No. 17, Jalan PP 7/21 Taman Putra Perdana 47100, PUCHONG, SELANGOR MALAYSIA


2015050287 09 January 2015

Pharmaceutical products included in Class 5.

SANOFI; 54 rue La Boétie 75008 Paris , FRANCE

AGENT: Karen Navamani Abraham, Shearn Delamore & Co. 7th. Floor, Wisma Hamzah-Kwong Hing No. 1, Leboh Ampang 50100 Kuala Lumpur



2015052672 24 February 2015

Ophthalmic preparations included in Class 5.

Novartis AG; 4002, Basel SWITZERLAND

AGENT: Timothy Siaw, Shearn Delamore & Co. 7th Floor, Wisma Hamzah-Kwong Hing No. 1, Leboh Ampang 50100 Kuala Lumpur


2015054954 31 March 2015

Pharmaceutical preparations for human included in Class 05.

Johnson & Johnson; One Johnson & Johnson Plaza, New Brunswick, New Jersey, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA

AGENT: Karen Navamani Abraham, Shearn Delamore & Co. 7th. Floor, Wisma Hamzah-Kwong Hing No. 1, Leboh Ampang 50100 Kuala Lumpur


2015056132 22 April 2015

Human pharmaceutical preparations included in Class 5.

Johnson & Johnson; One Johnson & Johnson Plaza, New Brunswick, New Jersey, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA

AGENT: Karen Navamani Abraham, Shearn Delamore & Co. 7th. Floor, Wisma Hamzah-Kwong Hing No. 1, Leboh Ampang 50100 Kuala Lumpur



2015056702 30 April 2015

Compresses; pads; plasters; surgical dressings; medical dressings; bandages for dressings; wound dressings; materials for dressings and vulnerary compresses coated with aluminium; materials for dressings and vulnerary compresses coated with aluminium applied by spraying; dressings comprising vulnerary compresses coated with aluminium; dressings comprising vulnerary compresses coated with aluminium applied by spraying; all included in Class 5.

Lohmann & Rauscher International GmbH & Co. KG;Westerwaldstra?e 4, 56579 Rengsdorf, GERMANY

AGENT: Goh Mei Ling, Henry Goh & Co. Sdn. Bhd.217, Jalan Imbi 55100 Kuala Lumpur


2015061644 20 July 2015

Pharmaceutical preparations and substances for use in gynecology; pharmaceutical and medical preparations for the treatment and the prevention of gynecological diseases and disorders; sanitary preparations for medical purposes; all included in Class 05.

LO.LI. PHARMA S.R.L.; Via dei Luxardo, 33, 00156 Roma,ITALY

AGENT: Goh Mei Ling, Henry Goh & Co. Sdn. Bhd.217, Jalan Imbi 55100 Kuala Lumpur



2015065022 09 September 2015

Advertisement of a series of two trade marks

Pharmaceutical preparations for dermatological use; pharmaceutical preparations; all included in Class 5.

Hyphens Pharma Pte Ltd; 138 Joo Seng Road, 3rd Floor, Singapore 368361, SINGAPORE

AGENT: Charmayne Ong Poh Yin, Skrine Unit No. 50-8-1, 8th Floor, Wisma UOA Damansara 50 Jalan Dungun, Damansara Heights 50490 Kuala Lumpur


2015066025 27 September 2015

Pharmaceutical and sanitary preparations; dietetic substances adapted for medical use, food for babies; plasters, materials for dressings; disinfectants; all included in Class 5

AJ Pharma Holding Sdn. Bhd. ; Level 4, Menara Atlan, 161B, Jalan Ampang 50450, KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA

AGENT: Foong Cheng Leong, Foong Cheng Leong & Co. B-5-8 Plaza Mont Kiara, Mont Kiara 50480 Kuala Lumpur


2015067255 13 October 2015

Insect repellent incense; insect repellents; all included in Class 5.

GAN WIL SON (NRIC NO: 660825-04-5435) TRADING AS PEST BUYR TRADING; No. 18, Jalan 2/137b, Resources Industrial Centre, Off Jalan Klang Lama, 58200, KUALA LUMPUR MALAYSIA

AGENT: Chung Chee Yien, NBS Intellectual Sdn. Bhd.



2015067741 21 October 2015

The transliteration and translation of the Chinese characters appearing in the mark is bai yin zih" meaning "white factor".

Registration of this trade mark shall give no right to the exclusive use of the symbol of "+".

Germicides; sterilising preparations; antiseptics; bactericides; fungicides; disinfectants for chemical toilets; deodorants, other than for human beings or for animals; air deodorising preparations; disinfectants; disinfectant swabs; disinfecting handwash; disinfectant washes (other than soap); disinfectant dressings; disinfectants [other than disinfectant soap]; disinfectants for chemical toilets; sanitizers for household use; disinfectants for contact lenses; sanitizing preparations for hospital use; disinfectants for medical instruments; disinfectants for hygiene purposes; sanitizing wipes; cleaning cloths impregnated with disinfectant for hygiene purposes; solutions for disinfecting contact lenses; all included in Class 05.

White Factor Limited Company; 4F., No.19-13, Sanchong Rd., Nangang Dist., Taipei City 115, TAIWAN, PROVINCE OF CHINA

AGENT: Mohana Murali A/L Kodivel, Adastra Intellectual Property Sdn Bhd


2016050259 08 January 2016

GROUPE SOLACTIS; 6 Rue des Abbesses 75018 PARIS , FRANCE

AGENT: Patrick Mirandah, Mirandah Asia (Malaysia) Sdn. Bhd.

Food ingredient with health benefit; prebiotic food ingredient; pharmaceutical and dietetic preparations; lactose for pharmaceutical purposes; dietary and nutritional supplements for humans and animals; dietary and nutritional supplements with a galactofructose or a lactulose base; dietary and nutritional supplements with prebiotic effect; nutritional and dietary additives, namely, a prebiotic for use in food and dietary supplements for human and animal consumption; all included in Class 05.



2012011930 12 July 2012

Building materials, namely, aluminum faced modular panel wall and slab form system for the use in poured-in-place concrete structures; all included in Class 6.

Aluma Systems Inc.; 55 Costa Road Concord, Ontario L4K 1M8 , CANADA

AGENT: Soh Kar Liang, Ella Cheong IP Services Sdn Bhd A-31-3, Level 31, Menara UOA Bangsar No 5, Jalan Bangsar Utama 1 59000 Kuala Lumpur


2012055282 12 July 2012

Galvanized steel plates and sheets; steel plates and sheets; all included in Class 6.

SHIN NIPPON SEITETSU KABUSHIKI KAISHA (also doing business as NIPPON STEEL CORPORATION); No. 6-1, Marunouchi 2-chome, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, JAPAN

AGENT: Linda Wang Chaw Ling, Zaid Ibrahim & Co. Level 19, Menara Milenium Jalan Damanlela, Pusat Bandar Damansara 50490 Kuala Lumpur



2014000176 03 January 2014

Common metals and their alloys; metal building materials; transportable buildings of metal; materials of metal for railway tracks; non-electric cables and wires of common metal; ironmongery, small items of metal hardware; pipes and tubes of metal; safes; goods of common metal not included in other Classes; ores; all included in class 6.

Green Point Marketing Sdn. Bhd.; No. 35-1, (Room A) Jalan Dato Hj. Hassan 84000, MUAR, JOHOR MALAYSIA

AGENT: Peter Ooi Su Seng, PSSO Professionals Sdn Bhd No. 15, 1st Floor, Jalan Othman 84000 Muar


2014054522 27 March 2014

The transliteration and translation of the chinese characters appearing in the mark is “ya zhi; ji cheng fang wu” meaning “exquisiteness; integrated houses”.

Registration of this trade mark shall give no right to the exclusive use of the Chinese characters “ya zhi; ji cheng fang wu” and the words “modular house”.

Buildings, transportable, of metal; fittings of metal for building; building materials of metal; doors of metal; pipework of metal; wire of common metal alloys, except fuse wire; reinforcing materials of metal for machine belts; signs, non-luminous and non-mechanical, of metal; rods of metal for welding, props of metal; all included in Class 6.

Yahgee Modular House Co. Ltd.; 5/F, Jiuzhou Electric Building, South 12th Rd., High- Tech Industrial Park NanShan District, ShenZhen, P.R. China 518057, PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CHINA

AGENT: Ng Chee Weng, Gateway IP Services Sdn. Bhd.A-30-3, Tower A, Level 30 Menara UOA Bangsar No. 5, Jalan Bangsar Utama 1 59100 Kuala Lumpur



2014058100 03 June 2014

Building fittings of metal; furniture fittings of metal; all included in Class 6.

Aksesori Setia Sdn Bhd ; Plot 32, Lengkok Rishah 1, Kawasan Perindustrian Silibin, 30100, Ipoh, PERAK MALAYSIA

AGENT: Goh Mei Ling, Henry Goh & Co. Sdn. Bhd. 217, Jalan Imbi 55100 Kuala Lumpur


2014058639 11 June 2014

Advertisement of a series of two trade marks

The second trade mark in the series is limited to the colours as shown in the representation on the form of application.

Registration of this trade mark shall give no right to the exclusive use of the words "power up your world".

Aluminium, boxes of common steel; panels of metal (building); all included in Class 6

Gathergates Switchgear Pte. Ltd.; 29, Tai Seng Avenue 07-01, 534119 Singapore , SINGAPORE

AGENT: Goh Joo Seong, Cheang & Ariff 39 Court @ Loke Mansion No. 273A Jalan Medan Tuanku 50300 Kuala Lumpur



2015006335 16 June 2015

The transliteration and translation of the Chinese characters appearing in the mark is "tai ming" meaning "tranquilly bright".

Alloys of metal; bar for metal railings; common metal drawer pulls; door bolts; door fitting of metal; doors and windows frame of metal; fitting of metal for furniture; guard rails of metal; hinges of metal; hook of metal for clothes rails; knobs of metal; metal slides for furniture; nails; nut of metals; padlocks; rails of metal; screws of metal; all included in Class 6.

Dragonway Furniture Fitting Sdn. Bhd.; No. 1 & 3, Lintang Teratai Taman Lean Fung 13400, BUTTERWORTH, PULAU PINANG MALAYSIA


2015006392 17 June 2015

Common metals and their alloys; metal building materials, transportable buildings of metal; materials of metal for railway tracks, non-electric cables and wires of common metal; ironmongery, small items of metal hardware; pipes and tubes of metal; safes; goods of common metal not included in other Classes; ores; all included in class 6.

Syamille Agro Farm Sdn. Bhd.; No. 35, Jalan USJ/11 UEP Subang Jaya 47600, SUBANG JAYA, SELANGOR MALAYSIA

AGENT: Puteri Intan Nurul Arzian Bt Abdul Aziz, Sharifah & Associates A7-2 (Block A) Jalan Selaman 1/1 Dataran Palma (Ampang Point) 68000 Ampang



2015006439 18 June 2015

Welding rods, metal inert gas wires [welding], alloyed steels, alloys of common metal, aluminum wires, cast steel, chrome ores, chromium, coils made of common metal, cold rolled steel rods, cold rolled strip steel, flux coated metal rods, flux coated rods for welding, flux coated wires, iron, metal wire [common metal], metallic moulds for ingots, molybdenum, ores of metal, special metal alloys, stainless steel, stainless steel in strip form, steel alloys, steel coil, steel in coil form, steel in strip form, steel strips, steel wire, welding (rods of metal for-), welding metal, welding steel, welding wire of metal, wire rod, welding wires including metal inert gas wires; metals and metal alloys; fold rolled metal rods for brazing and welding; fold rolled strip steel; metal wire rod. gouging carbon, aluminum mig wire, silicon bronze electrode, tubular hardfacing electrode, aluminum bronze electrode, pure copper electrode, silicon bronze tig rod, pure copper mig wire, silicon bronze mig wire, stainless steel mig wire, aluminum tig rod; all included in Class 6.

Ace Weld Sdn. Bhd.; Plot 5075, Jalan Jangur 28/43 Seksyen 28 40400, SHAH ALAM, SELANGOR MALAYSIA


2015009882 28 September 2015

Common metals and their alloys; metal building materials, transportable buildings of metal; materials of metal railway tracks; non-electric cables and wires of common metal; ironmongery, small items of metal hardware, pipes and tubes of metal; safes; goods; of common metal not included in other Classes; ores; metal roofing, gallvanished steel purlin, stainless steel hollow, furbine rentilator, accessories, purlin, light weight truss, i-clip; all included in class 6.

KHP Steel Product (M) Sdn. Bhd.; Lot 9512, Jalan Yong Peng Mukim Sri Medan 83400, BATU PAHAT, JOHOR MALAYSIA



2015050378 13 January 2015

Registration of this trade mark shall give no right to the exclusive use of the word 'mini'.

LAU WEE SIONG; No. 298, Taman Indah, Jalan Indah 12, Sungai Abong 84000, MUAR, JOHOR MALAYSIA

AGENT: Chong Han Song, Cimage Sdn. Bhd. DT. 3658-1, Jalan Angkasa Nuri 21 Taman Angkasa Nuri 76100 Melaka

Common metals and their alloys; small items of metal hardware; angle irons; binding screws of metal for cables; bindings of metal; bins of metal; boarding stairs of metal, mobile, for passengers; boxes of common metal; brackets of metal for building; branching pipes of metal; building boards of metal; building materials of metal; building or furniture fittings of nickel-silver; building panels of metal; buildings of metal; ceilings of metal; common metals, unwrought or semi wrought; door cases of metal; door closers [non-electric]; door fittings of metal; door frames of metal; door handles of metal; door knockers; door openers, non-electric; door panels of metal; door scrapers; door springs [non-electric]; door stops of metal; doors of metal; fittings of metal for furniture; fittings of metal for windows; frames of metal for building; framework of metal building; furniture casters of metal; horseshoes nails; identity plates of metal; insect screens of metal; iron ores; iron slabs; iron strip; iron wire; ironmongery; jets of metal; ironwork for doors; ironwork for windows; joists of metal; outdoor blinds of metal; paint spraying booths, of metal; palings of metal; pilings of metal; pillars of metal for buildings; pipes of metal; partitions of metal; roof coverings of metal; roof flashing of metal; steel alloys; silicon iron; staircases of metal; steel buildings; steel masts; steel pipes; steel sheets; steel strip; steel tubes; steel, unwrought or semi-wrought; steel wire; steps [ladders] of metal; strap-hinges of metal; wall hooks of metal for pipes; wall plugs of metal; washers of metal; water-pipe valves of metal; water-pipes of metal; white metal; wire of common metal; window casement bolts; window fasteners of metal; window frames of metal; window pulleys; window stops of metal; windows of metal; works of art of common metal; wrapping or binding bands of metal; zinc; zirconium; all included in Class 6.


2015060132 26 June 2015

Metal gas vessels holding gases for manufacturing semiconductors, solar panels, and flat panel displays; all included in Class 6.

Entegris, Inc.; 129 Concord Road, Billerica, MA 01821,UNITED STATES OF AMERICA

AGENT: Adhuna Binti Kamarul Ariffin, Bustaman Lot C9-3, Jalan Selaman 1 Dataran Palma 68000 Ampang



2015064391 28 August 2015

International priority date claimed : 12 May 2015,United States Of America

Threaded fastening devices included in Class 6.

Acument Intellectual Properties, LLC; 6125 Eighteen Mile Road, Sterling Heights, Michigan 48314, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA

AGENT: Goh Mei Ling, Henry Goh & Co. Sdn. Bhd.217, Jalan Imbi 55100 Kuala Lumpur


2015065117 10 September 2015

Advertisement of a series of two trade marks

Registration of this trade mark shall give no right to the exclusive use of a letter "s".

Solex International (Thailand) Co., Ltd.; 315/1-3 Soi Wat Chan-nai, Charoenkrung Road, Bangkorlaem, Bangkok 10120 , THAILAND

AGENT: Chew Kherk Ying, Wong & Partners Level 21, Suite 21.01, The Gardens South Tower Mid Valley City, Lingkaran Syed Putra 59200 Kuala Lumpur

Brass padlocks; glass door clamps, of stainless steel; glass door hinges, of metal; glass door handles, of metal; hanging wheels and roller sets for glass doors, of metal; rail sets for sliding glass doors, of metal; roller sets for sliding glass doors; shower cabinet frames, of metal; aluminum shower cabinet frames; keys; key blanks; padlocks; locks (other than electrical) of metal; deadlocks; bicycle locks; spare tyre locks; handle lock-sets; car door locks; cylindrical door locks; door locks and door closers; component parts of door locks; locks for vehicles namely: shock absorber locks, gear locks, brake-clutch locks, steering wheel locks; safes and cash boxes; metal parts for attaching to or assembling furniture; parts of furniture handles (made of metal); parts of furniture hinges (made of metal); furniture handles (made of metal); metal hubs fixed under furniture legs for friction reduction; furniture hinges (made of metal); metal plates for furniture; furniture casters of metal; fittings of metal for slide rails; furniture locks (made of metal); handle door locks (made of metal); furniture slide railing (made of metal); bolts and nuts (made of metal); cabinet support (made of metal); clothes hangers (made of metal); alloys of common metal; parts and fittings thereof; all included in Class 6



2015065119 10 September 2015

Registration of this trade mark shall give no right to the exclusive use of the word "padlock".

Brass padlocks; glass door clamps, of stainless steel; glass door hinges, of metal; glass door handles, of metal; hanging wheels and roller sets for glass doors, of metal; rail sets for sliding glass doors, of metal; roller sets for sliding glass doors; shower cabinet frames, of metal; aluminum shower cabinet frames; keys; key blanks; padlocks; locks (other than electrical) of metal; deadlocks; bicycle locks; spare tyre locks; handle lock-sets; car door locks; cylindrical door locks; door locks and door closers; component parts of door locks; locks for vehicles namely: shock absorber locks, gear locks, brake-clutch locks, steering wheel locks; safes and cash boxes; metal parts for attaching to or assembling furniture; parts of furniture handles (made of metal); parts of furniture hinges (made of metal); furniture handles (made of metal); metal hubs fixed under furniture legs for friction reduction; furniture hinges (made of metal); metal plates for furniture; furniture casters of metal; fittings of metal for slide rails; furniture locks (made of metal); handle door locks (made of metal); furniture slide railing (made of metal); bolts and nuts (made of metal); cabinet support (made of metal); clothes hangers (made of metal); alloys of common metal; parts and fittings thereof; all included in Class 6

Solex International (Thailand) Co., Ltd.; 315/1-3 Soi Wat Chan-nai, Charoenkrung Road, Bangkorlaem, Bangkok 10120, , THAILAND

AGENT: Chew Kherk Ying, Wong & Partners Level 21, Suite 21.01, The Gardens South Tower Mid Valley City, Lingkaran Syed Putra 59200 Kuala Lumpur



2015068153 29 October 2015

International priority date claimed : 17 June 2015,Japan

Door locks for automobiles; door hinges for automobiles; trunk room locks for automobiles; trunk room hinges for automobiles; automobile hood locks; automobile hood hinges; metal hardware; railings of metal; shutters of metal; metal materials for building or construction; metal pulleys, springs and valves [not including machine elements]; containers of metal for transport; loading and unloading pallets of metal; turn-tables for load handling; traversers for load handling; joinery fittings of metal; metal safes; metal junctions for pipes; metal flanges; nonferrous metal; all included in Class 06.

AISIN SEIKI KABUSHIKI KAISHA (also trading as Aisin Seiki Co., Ltd.); 2-1 Asahi-machi, Kariya-shi, Aichi-ken, JAPAN

AGENT: Helen Huang, Peter Huang & Richard 368-3-1 & 2 Bellisa Row Jalan Burma 10350 Penang


2015070461 03 December 2015

International priority date claimed : 05 June 2015,Switzerland

Rack supports, in particular rack supports with suspension fittings for clothes shops; price and size markers (signs); poster racks; partitions, in particular for shop fittings and shop fitting elements; all the aforesaid goods of metal, included in this class; all included in class 06.

Vitra Patente AG; Klünenfeldstrasse 22, Muttenz, Birsfelden, 4127, SWITZERLAND

AGENT: Soh Kar Liang, Ella Cheong IP Services Sdn BhdA-31-3, Level 31, Menara UOA Bangsar No 5, Jalan Bangsar Utama 1 59000 Kuala Lumpur



2011016085 08 September 2011

Registration of this trade mark shall give no right to the exclusive use of the word 'dry'.

Laundry washers and laundry dryers, machines and parts and fittings therefor; all included in Class 7.

Alliance Laundry Systems LLC; Shepard Street, Ripon State Of Wisconsin 54971-0990, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA

AGENT: Wong Sai Fong, Shearn Delamore & Co. 7th Floor, Wisma Hamzah-Kwong Hing No. 1, Leboh Ampang 50100 Kuala Lumpur


2011017154 27 September 2011

National Automotive Parts Association; Circle 75 Parkway, Atlanta Georgia 30339 , UNITED STATES OF AMERICA

AGENT: Patrick Mirandah, Mirandah Asia (Malaysia) Sdn. Bhd. Suite 3B-19-3, Plaza Sentral Jalan Stesen Sentral 5 50470 Kuala Lumpur

Automobile oil pans; belts for engines; fan belts for motors and engines; timing belts for engines for land vehicles; engine bearings; alternators; distributors for vehicles; generators for land vehicles; motor starters; catalytic converters; trims for engine exhausts; exhaust manifold for engines; automotive exhaust pipe; engine exhaust systems comprised of pipes, collector and muffler; engine mufflers; vehicle parts, namely, carburetors; emission reduction units for motors and engines, namely, egr valves; fuel filters; engine parts, namely, electronic fuel injection modules; fuel pumps for land vehicles; turbochargers for {land vehicles}; vacuum pumps; compressors for air conditioners; pumps and compressors as parts of machines, motors and engines; electric fans, ventilators and blowers for motors and engines; gaskets for internal combustion engines; radiators for motors and engines; water pumps for land vehicles; air filters for automobile engines; oil filters; fuel filters; paint spray guns; multi-purpose high pressure washers; vacuum cleaners; automotive parts, namely, engine seals; lathes; cordless power tools, namely, screwdrivers, drill-drivers, hammerdrill-drivers, multi-impact drill-drivers, impact drivers and impact wrenches; kits containing combinations of cordless power tools, namely, drills, hammerdrills and flashlights; car lifts; pneumatic drills [hand-held]; pneumatic hammers [hand-held]; distributors for vehicles; ignition devices for motors of land vehicles; glow plugs; ignition wires; spark plugs; winches; windshield wiper motors for marine or land vehicles; all included in Class 7.



2013013221 23 September 2013

Machines and machine tools included in Class 7.

Shee Tiong Swee Trading As Delta Industrial Commercial & Agricultural Enterprise; No. 8, Jalan Kurau 7 Taman Sg. Abong 84000, MUAR, JOHOR MALAYSIA


2013061298 25 October 2013

Drainage machines, machine tools and installations; centrifugal pumps; pumps [parts of machines, engines or motors]; lubricating pumps; pumps [machines]; pumps for heating installations; vacuum pumps [machines]; beer pumps; compressed air pumps; hydraulic pumps; suction pumps; compressors [machines]; compressed air machines; all included in Class 7.


AGENT: Charmayne Ong Poh Yin, Skrine Unit No. 50-8-1, 8th Floor, Wisma UOA Damansara 50 Jalan Dungun, Damansara Heights 50490 Kuala Lumpur


2014059112 20 June 2014

Vacuum cleaners included in Class 7.

SENUR-EUROPE Haushaltsger?te Vertriebs GmbH;Schleissheimer Strasse 263, 80809 M?nchen, , GERMANY

AGENT: Goh Mei Ling, Henry Goh & Co. Sdn. Bhd. 217, Jalan Imbi 55100 Kuala Lumpur



2015005340 18 May 2015

Machines and machine tools included in Class 7.

NGAN WOON MUN; No 6, Jalan Menglembu Jaya 3 Industri Menglembu Jaya 31450, Ipoh, PERAK MALAYSIA


2015005342 18 May 2015

Machines and machine tools included in Class 7.

NGAN WOON MUN; No 6, Jalan Menglembu Jaya 3 Industri Menglembu Jaya 31450, Ipoh, PERAK MALAYSIA


2015006600 22 June 2015

Mechanical, pneumatic, hydraulic control apparatus for machines or engines; actuators [engines] with electronic control for control and regulation of operation of mobile equipment and mechanisms, including control and regulation of operation of valves, motorized blocking devices and similar mechanisms for use in pipelines and ducts; all of the aforesaid goods in particular for industries in the field of power plants and district heating power stations, water supply and sewage water, chemistry and petrochemistry, pharmacy, food, heating engineering, ventilation engineering and air conditioning, paper and cement, ship building and submarine industry as well as in generation of energy; parts and accessories for all goods mentioned here, as far as they are part of Class 7; all included in class 7.

AUMA Riester GmbH & Co. KG; Aumastr. 1, D-79379Mullheim GERMANY

AGENT: Zaharizan Ahmed Meah, Drewmarks Patents & Designs (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd 9th Floor, Bangunan Getah Asli (Menara) 148 Jalan Ampang 50450 Kuala Lumpur



2015008184 11 August 2015

Machines and machine tools; motors and engines (except for land vehicles); machine coupling and transmission components (except for land vehicles); agricultural implements other than hand-operated; incubators for eggs; automatic vending machines; all included in Class 7.

Amsaw Solution Sdn. Bhd.; No. 11, Jalan PDR 9 Kawasan Perniagaan Desa Ria Balakong 43300, SERI KEMBANGAN, SELANGOR MALAYSIA


2015051053 28 January 2015

Advertisement of a series of two trade marks

Embroidery machines, cutting machines, presses machinis, sewing machines; all included in Class 7


AGENT: Lim Hong Yeu, Accession Assets Advisory Sdn Bhd


2015059678 19 June 2015

International priority date claimed : 22 December 2014,Germany

ThyssenKrupp AG; ThyssenKrupp AG, ThyssenKrupp Allee 1, 45143 Essen, GERMANY

AGENT: Charmayne Ong Poh Yin, Skrine

Drives for machines; transmission shafts, other than for land vehicles; construction machines; mechanical apparatus and mechanical devices and equipment consisting thereof for manufacturing precursors or products for the medicines and food industry, chemical industry, manures industry, plastics industry and cosmetics industry, including fittings for the aforesaid equipment; mechanical


synthetic gasifiers, other than gasifiers for motor vehicles; machines for the food industry, including fittings; installations consisting of machines for the chemical industry for reforming steam, including fittings; installations consisting of machines for the chemical industry for producing manures, including fittings; gas treatment machines, including fittings; compressors (machines); pressure intensifiers; fluid treatment machines, including fittings; machines for the textile industry; fittings for engine boilers; lifts, included in Class 7, mechanical escalators and moving walkways, platform lifts, lifting platforms for people, passenger bridges, moving staircases, stair lifts; parts for lifts, escalators, moving walkways, platform lifts, lifting platforms for people, passenger bridges (machines), moving staircases, stair lifts, included in class 7; fluidisers, namely apparatus for fluidising bulk material using gas flows to promote flow properties, including fittings; generators for generating energy to drive machines; machines for obtaining energy; electric generators; industrial robots (machines); machines for processing metal, wood and plastics; machine tools; drilling machines and parts therefor; machines for positioning, aligning and holding components; machine-driven elevating apparatus and machines for lifting goods; machines for securing, obtaining, processing and breaking off mineral substances, earth, stone, excavated material, used materials, ores, scree and masonry; machines for loading bulk material and piece goods; machines for producing mortar and concrete, and prefabricated parts made therefrom; excavators; conveying machines; machines for handling molten metals; electric and laser welding apparatus; welding electrodes; flaming machines; gas-operated cutting blow pipes; mixers (machines); mills (machines); presses (machines); pumps (machines), including fittings; electric beaters; motors and engines and parts therefor, other than for land vehicles; turbines and parts therefor, other than for land vehicles; gear boxes and parts therefor, other than for land vehicles; gate drives; tools (parts of machines); piston rods (parts of machines); bearings (parts of machines); centrifuges (machines); railroad constructing machines; drums (parts of machines); electric starter apparatus for motors and engines; electric cold-start systems for motors and engines; ship and aeroplane engines and parts therefor; all included in class 7.


2015060499 02 July 2015

Pumps [machines]; pumps for machines (parts of -); pumps [parts of machines, engines or motors]; hydraulic pumps; vacuum pumps [machines]; centrifugal pumps; rotary pumps; axial pumps; high pressure rotary positive displacement pumps; submersible pumps; all included in Class 7.


AGENT: Yip Jiun Hann, TRADEMARK2U Sdn Bhd No. 1, Block C, Jalan Dataran SD 1 Dataran SD PJU 9, Bandar Sri Damansara 52200 Kuala Lumpur

CLASS : 7—cont.



2015064394 28 August 2015

International priority date claimed : 12 May 2015,United States Of America

Heading machine punches included in Class 7.

Acument Intellectual Properties, LLC; 6125 Eighteen Mile Road, Sterling Heights, Michigan 48314, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA

AGENT: Goh Mei Ling, Henry Goh & Co. Sdn. Bhd. 217, Jalan Imbi 55100 Kuala Lumpur


2015065228 11 September 2015

Registration of this trade mark shall give no right to the exclusive use of the letters 'gt'.

Exhausts for motors and engines; exhaust apparatus for internal combustion engines; exhaust apparatus for land vehicles; exhaust bypasses; exhaust manifold for engines; exhaust silencers; all included in Class 7.

GRAND TAN PROGRESSIVE SDN BHD; No. 3840 Lot 8641, Jalan Telok Mengkuang, Mukim Telok Panglima Garang, 42500, KUALA LANGAT, SELANGOR MALAYSIA

AGENT: Yip Jiun Hann, TRADEMARK2U Sdn Bhd No. 1, Block C, Jalan Dataran SD 1 Dataran SD PJU 9, Bandar Sri Damansara 52200 Kuala Lumpur



2015068154 29 October 2015

International priority date claimed : 17 June 2015,Japan

Water pumps for automobile engines; oil pumps for automobile engines; filters for automobile engines; pistons for automobile engines; fan couplings for automobile engines; fans for automobile engines; cylinder head covers for automobile engines; intake manifolds for automobile engines; crankcases for automobile engines; pistons [parts of machines or engines]; pistons for cylinders; gas engines [not for automobiles]; gas turbines [not for automobiles]; feed water heaters with cogeneration function [for non-electric prime movers and engines]; feed water heaters [for non-electric prime movers and engines]; non-electric prime movers [not for automobiles] and parts thereof; machine elements [not for automobiles]; power generating devices for cogeneration systems; power generators; power supply control panels and power regulating panels for use in power generating devices for cogeneration systems; power supply control devices and power regulating devices for power generators; gas engine driven power generates; starters for motors and engines; ac motors and dc motors [not including those for automobiles but including "parts" for any ac motors and dc motors]; ac generators [alternators]; dc generators; pumps [not for specified purposes]; vacuum pumps; pneumatic or hydraulic machines and instruments; sewing machines; parts and fittings for sewing machines; textile machines and apparatus; metalworking machines and tools using laser beam; laser welding machines; metalworking machines and tools; plastic processing machines and apparatus; stone working machines and apparatus; glass-working machines and apparatus; ceramic processing machines and apparatus; rubber processing machines and apparatus; laser beam machines for manufacturing semi-conductors; electrically operated shutter automatic opening and shutting devices; all included in Class 07.

AISIN SEIKI KABUSHIKI KAISHA (also trading as Aisin Seiki Co., Ltd.); 2-1 Asahi-machi, Kariya-shi, Aichi-ken, JAPAN

AGENT: Helen Huang, Peter Huang & Richard 368-3-1 & 2 Bellisa Row Jalan Burma 10350 Penang



2016051613 29 January 2016

Excavators; hydraulic excavators and attachments for excavators; earth moving machines; earth working machines; construction vehicles (other than for transportation purposes); recycling machines; planting and agricultural machines; waste extraction machines; tunnelling machines; forestry machines; all included in Class 7.


AGENT: Chung Chee Yien, NBS Intellectual Sdn. Bhd. I-3-3, Block I, Setiawalk, Persiaran Wawasan Pusat Bandar Puchong 47160 Puchong


07017858 11 September 2007

Hand operated steel and wire brushes, and replacement parts, adapters, and fittings therefor; all included in Class 8.

JASON INCORPORATED; 5401 Hamilton Avenue, Cleveland, OHIO 44114-3997, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA

AGENT: Goh Mei Ling, Henry Goh & Co. Sdn. Bhd. 217, Jalan Imbi 55100 Kuala Lumpur



2015007765 30 July 2015

Registration of this trade mark shall give no right to the exclusive use of the word “mychef”.

Household knives, potato peeler, mincing knives (hand tools), choppers (knives), scaling knives, cleavers, fleshing knives (hand tools), kitchen knives, vegetable knives, thin-bladed kitchen knives, vegetable choppers, forks (cutlery), knife sharpeners, knives*, paring knives, household shears, scissors for kitchen use, sugar tongs, ladles (hand tools), slicers, table cutlery (knives/forks and spoons), silver plate(knives/forks and spoons), table forks, table knives, spatulas (hand tools), vegetable slicers, vegetable shredders, forks, spoons; all included in Class 8.

Dorco Co. Ltd.; (Golim-Dong), 350 Kyungahnchoen-Ro Cheoin-Gu, Yongin-Si Kyunggi-Do, REPUBLIC OF KOREA

AGENT: Soh Kar Liang, Ella Cheong IP Services Sdn BhdA-31-3, Level 31, Menara UOA Bangsar No 5, Jalan Bangsar Utama 1 59000 Kuala Lumpur


2015062457 31 July 2015

Teoh Swee Hoe; No. 18, Jalan Bertam 5, Taman Daya, 81100, Johor Bahru,, JOHOR MALAYSIA

AGENT: Lok Choon Hong, Pintas IP Group Sdn. Bhd. No. 19, Jalan SS1/36 47300 Petaling Jaya

Augers [hand tools]; axes; choppers [knives]; crimping irons; cutting tools [hand tools]; drawing knives; drill holders [hand tools]; files [tools]; fleshing knives [hand tools]; forks; fullers [hand tools]; gimlets [hand tools]; emery grinding wheels; grindstones [hand tools]; hammers [hand tools]; hand drills [hand tools]; hatchets; hoes [hand tools]; mallets [hand instruments]; nail files; nail files, electric; nail nippers; nail punches; needle files; nippers; numbering punches; pickaxes; pickhammers; picks [hand tools]; pin punches; pincers; pruning shears; hand pumps; punch pliers [hand tools]; ratchets [hand tools]; reamers; saw blades [parts of hand tools]; saw holders; sharpening steels; sharpening stones; sharpening wheels [hand tools]; shear blades; shearers [hand instruments]; shears; shovels [hand tools]; sledgehammers; spatulas [hand tools]; insecticide sprayers [hand tools]; squares [hand tools]; stone hammers; tap wrenches; taps [hand tools]; tool belts [holders]; trowels; trowels [gardening]; vices; wire stretchers [hand tools]; wire strippers [hand tools]; all included in Class 8.



2015064397 28 August 2015

International priority date claimed : 12 May 2015,United States Of America

Drive components for hand operated tools, namely, bits, sockets and driving heads; all included in Class 8.

Acument Intellectual Properties, LLC; 6125 Eighteen Mile Road, Sterling Heights, Michigan 48314, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA

AGENT: Goh Mei Ling, Henry Goh & Co. Sdn. Bhd. 217, Jalan Imbi 55100 Kuala Lumpur


2015066916 08 October 2015

Axes; cutting bars; bits [hand tools]; blade sharpening instruments; blades [hand tools]; bow saws; branding irons; breast drills; budding knives; skinning appliances and instruments for butchers? animals; can openers, non-electric; cheese slicers [non-electric]; choppers [knives]; cutlery; cutters; pizza cutters [non-electric]; drawing knives; egg slicers [non-electric]; fleshing knives [hand tools]; forks; fruit pickers [hand tools]; garden tools [hand-operated]; grindstones [hand tools]; hand pumps; ice picks; knife steels; knives; meat choppers [hand tools]; milling cutters [hand tools]; mincing knives [hand tools]; oyster openers; picks [hand tools]; pruning knives; pruning scissors; scissors; sharpening instruments; sharpening steels; shaving cases; appliances and instruments for slaughtering butchers? animals; spoons; sugar tongs; table cutlery [knives, forks and spoons]; table forks; tin openers, non-electric; vegetable choppers; vegetable knives; vegetable shredders; vegetable slicers; all included in Class 8.

Ni Hsin Corporation Sdn Bhd; 45 Jalan Taming Dua, Taman Taming Jaya, 43300, Seri Kembangan, SELANGOR MALAYSIA

AGENT: Lok Choon Hong, Pintas IP Group Sdn. Bhd. No. 19, Jalan SS1/36 47300 Petaling Jaya



2015068580 04 November 2015

Abrading instruments [hand instruments]; bush hammers;garden tools, hand-operated; hand tools, hand-operated; nail clippers, electric or non-electric; spanners [hand tools]; screwdrivers; pliers; cutting tools [hand tools]; scraping tools [hand tools]; scissors; ratchets [hand tools]; tweezers; daggers; ladles [hand tools]; all included in Class 8.

SHANGHAI XINGOU INDUSTRIAL CO.,LTD.; Room 151, A Zone 1, Building 2, No.1, Hexiang Road, Baihe Town, Qingpu District, SHANGHAI CITY, PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CHINA

AGENT: Lok Choon Hong, Pintas IP Group Sdn. Bhd. No. 19, Jalan SS1/36 47300 Petaling Jaya


04013434 09 September 2004

International priority date claimed : 19 March 2004,Australia

Registration of this trade mark shall give no right to the exclusive use of the word “bluechip”.

Gaming machines, namely electronic gaming machines, slot machines with or without a video output, video gaming machine; parts and fittings for gaming machines; games for gaming machines including electronic gaming machines, poker machines; all included in Class 9.


AGENT: Patrick Mirandah, Mirandah Asia (Malaysia) Sdn. Bhd. Suite 3B-19-3, Plaza Sentral Jalan Stesen Sentral 5 50470 Kuala Lumpur



2011020901 25 November 2011

NHK Enterprises, Inc.; 4-14 Kamiyama-cho Shibuya-ku Tokyo 150-0047 , JAPAN

AGENT: Patrick Mirandah, Mirandah Asia (Malaysia) Sdn. Bhd. Suite 3B-19-3, Plaza Sentral Jalan Stesen Sentral 5 50470 Kuala Lumpur

Downloadable video and images; electronic publications; arcade games (apparatus for-) adapted for use with an external display screen or monitor; laboratory apparatus and instruments, namely, laboratory experimental machines and apparatus, air-gas producers, constant temperature incubators, constant humidity incubators, glassware for scientific experiments in laboratories, porcelain ware for scientific experiments in laboratories, furnaces for laboratory experiments, scientific models and specimens; photographic instruments and apparatus, namely, tilting heads [for cameras], cameras, range finders [for cameras], photo-developing, printing, enlarging or finishing machines and apparatus, tripods [for cameras], shutters [for cameras], bellows [for cameras], spools [for cameras], slide projectors, self-timers [for cameras], photographic flash units [for cameras], flash lamps [for cameras], viewfinders [for cameras], lens filters [for cameras], lens hoods [for cameras], flash guns [for cameras], film magazines [for cameras], shutter releases [for cameras], lenses [for photographic apparatus], exposure meters; cinematographic instruments and apparatus, namely, movie projectors, transparencies for overhead projectors, movie film developing or finishing machines and apparatus, cinematographic cameras, projection screens for movie films, editing machines [for movie films], sound recording apparatus and instruments [cinematographic apparatus]; electric flat irons; electric hair-curlers; straps for mobile phones; telecommunication devices and apparatus, namely, telephone apparatus, intercoms, mobile phone, automatic switching apparatus [for telecommunication], manual switching apparatus [for telecommunication], telephone sets, wire communication machines and apparatus, teletypewriters, automatic telegraph apparatus, phototelegraphy apparatus, manual telegraph apparatus, repeating exchange machines, facsimile machines, transmission machines and apparatus [for telecommunication], audio frequency transmission machines and apparatus, cable transmission machines and apparatus, power-line transmission machines and apparatus, open-wire transmission machines and apparatus, transmission and repeating machines and apparatus, broadcasting machines and apparatus, television receivers [tv sets], television transmitters, radio receivers, radio transmitters, radio communication machines and apparatus, portable radio communication machines and apparatus, aeronautical radio communication machines and apparatus, multichannel radio communication machines and apparatus for fixed stations, single-channel radio communication machines and apparatus for fixed stations, vehicular radio communication machines and apparatus, marine radio communication machines and apparatus, radio application machines and apparatus, navigation apparatus for vehicles [on-board computers], radio beacon machines and apparatus, radio direction finders, radar machines and apparatus, loran navigation machines and apparatus, remote control telemetering machines and instruments, audio frequency machines and apparatus, public-address systems and instruments, compact disc players, juke boxes, tape recorders, electric phonographs, record players, sound recording machines and apparatus [audiofrequency apparatus], video frequency machines and apparatus, digital cameras, videocameras [camcorders], videodisc players, videotape recorders; dvd players, dvd recorders, parts and accessories for telecommunication machines and apparatus, antennas [aerials), cabinets [for telecommunication apparatus], coils [for telecommunication apparatus], magnetic tape erasers, magnetic tape cleaners, magnetic head erasers, magnetic head cleaners [apparatus], loudspeakers, connectors [for telecommunication apparatus], stands and racks [for telecommunication machines and apparatus], dials [of telecommunication apparatus], electric capacitors [for telecommunication


apparatus], fuses [for telecommunication apparatus], electric resistors [for telecommunication apparatus], blank magnetic tapes for tape recorders, change-over switches [for telecommunication apparatus], plugboads, pickups [for telecommunication apparatus], blank video tapes, indicator lights [for telecommunication apparatus], electrical phonomotors, headphones, electrical transformers [for telecommunication apparatus], protectors [for telecommunication apparatus], microphones [for telecommunication apparatus], cleaning apparatus for phonograph records, blank record disks, sprays for phonograph records; computer programs; electronic machines, apparatus and their parts, namely, geiger counters, high frequency welders, cyclotrons [not for medical purposes], industrial x-ray machines and apparatus [not for medical use], industrial betatrons [not for medical use], magnetic prospecting machines, magnetic object detectors, shield cases for magnetic disks, seismic exploration machines and apparatus, hydrophone machines and apparatus, echo sounders, ultrasonic flaw detectors, ultrasonic sensors, electrostatic copying machines, electronic door closing systems, computers, electron microscopes, electronic desk calculators, hard disk drives, word processors, electron tubes, x-rays tubes [not for medical use], photo-sensitive tubes [phototubes], vacuum tubes, rectifier tubes, cathode ray tubes, discharge tubes, semi-conductor elements, thermistors, diodes, transistors, electronic circuits [not including those recorded with computer programs], integrated circuits, large scale integrated circuits, computer programs; spectacles [eyeglasses and goggles], namely, goggles for sports, contact lenses, sunglasses, swimming face masks, swimming goggles, pince-nez, ordinary spectacles, dust protective goggles and masks, parts and accessories for spectacles, containers for contact lenses, spectacle temples, pince-nez mountings, pince-nez chains, pince-nez cords, spectacle cases, spectacle wipes, spectacle glasses, spectacle frames; consumer games (apparatus for-) adopted for use with an external display screen or monitor; electronic circuits and cd-roms recorded with programs for hand-held games with liquid crystal displays; phonograph records, namely, ep records, lp records, sound recorded magnetic cards, sheets and tapes, recorded compact discs; metronomes; electronic circuits and cd-roms recorded with. automatic performance programs for electronic musical instruments; downloadable music files; recorded compact discs; exposed cinematographic films; exposed slide films; slide film mounts; downloadable image files; recorded video discs and video tapes; recorded dvds; all included in Class 9.


2012054442 18 June 2012

Registration of this trade mark shall give no right to the exclusive use of the letters "sw" and the device of globe except as shown in the representation on the form of application.

SYAWAL WARISAN SDN. BHD.; No.71, Jalan Tambun Indah 1, Taman Tambun Indah, S.P.S 14100, SIMPANG AMPAT, PULAU PINANG MALAYSIA

AGENT: Loh Yen Pheng, Intellect Trademark Sdn Bhd IPeople House 7A Clove Hall Road 10050 Pulau Pinang

Electrical cable; electrical circuit components; electrical testing instruments; apparatus for lighting control; ballasts for electrical lighting fittings; electrical, electronic and fibre optic cables, cable assemblies, subassemblies, and harnesses; power cords, plugs, terminators, adaptors, power distribution units, and connectors; batteries for lighting; computer controllers for operating lighting apparatus; control consoles for lighting; dimming apparatus for electric lighting; electrical cables for lighting installations; electrical control units for lighting installations; electrical energising apparatus for

CLASS : 9—cont.


lighting appliances; electrical starting devices for discharge lighting; electrical transformers for use with lighting; programmable controls for lighting installations; remote control apparatus for lighting units; starters for fluorescent lighting; suspension rails (electrified) for electrical lighting fixtures; all included in Class 09.


2013011852 23 August 2013

Registration of this trade mark shall give no right to the exclusive use of the word "technology".

Data storage device, namely, nonvolatile memory drive, flash drive, solid state drive or embedded memory storage drive; all included in Class 9.

SanDisk Enterprise IP LLC; 951 SanDisk Drive Milpitas, California 95035-7933 , UNITED STATES OF AMERICA

AGENT: Soh Kar Liang, Ella Cheong IP Services Sdn Bhd A-31-3, Level 31, Menara UOA Bangsar No 5, Jalan Bangsar Utama 1 59000 Kuala Lumpur


2013057951 02 August 2013

International priority date claimed : 03 June 2013,Hong Kong

Advertisement of a series of two trade marks

The transliteration of the Chinese characters of which the mark consists is “fu wei” which has no meaning.

Valdimir Pte. Ltd.; 50 Raffles Place, # 35-01 Singapore Land Tower, SINGAPORE

AGENT: Pauline Khor Hong Ping, Rahmat Lim & Partners Suite 33.01, Level 33, The Gardens North Tower Mid Valley City, Lingkaran Syed Putra 59200 Kuala Lumpur

Acoustic [sound] alarms / sound alarms; aerials / antennas; electronic agendas; alarms; fire alarms; altimeters; amplifiers; answering machines; anti-dazzle shades / anti-glare visors; anti-glare glasses; anti-interference devices [electricity]; anti-theft warning apparatus; audiovisual teaching apparatus; bags adapted for laptops; barometers; battery chargers; alarm bells, electric; signal bells; bells

CLASS : 9—cont.


[warning devices]; binoculars; bullet-proof vests; bullet-proof waistcoats; calculating disks; calculating machines; camcorders; cinematographic cameras; cameras [photography]; encoded magnetic cards; animated cartoons; eyeglass cases / pince-nez cases; cassette players; cell phone straps; eyeglass chains / pince-nez chains; chargers for electric batteries; chips [integrated circuits]; chronographs [time recording apparatus]; time clocks [time recording devices]; clothing for protection against accidents, irradiation and fire; mechanisms for coin-operated apparatus; coin-operated mechanisms for television sets; electric apparatus for commutation; commutators; compact disc players; comparators; compasses [measuring instruments]; directional compasses; computer memory devices; computer programmes [programs], recorded; computer keyboards; computer operating programs, recorded; computer game software; computers; printers for use with computers; containers for contact lenses; cosmographic instruments; cyclotrons; darkrooms [photography]; data processing apparatus; magnetic data media; optical data media; detectors; smoke detectors; diagnostic apparatus, not for medical purposes; dictating machines; digital photo frames; compact discs [audio-video]; compact discs [read-only memory]; optical discs; disks, magnetic; distance measuring apparatus; distance recording apparatus / apparatus for recording distance; diving suits; dosage dispensers / dosimeters; downloadable ring tones for mobile phones; downloadable music files; downloadable image files; disk drives for computers; electric door bells; electronic pocket translators; electronic tags for goods; magnetic encoders; enlarging apparatus [photography]; eyeglass cords / pince-nez cords; editing appliances for cinematographic films / apparatus for editing cinematographic film; filters for respiratory masks; fire extinguishers / fire extinguishing apparatus; fire beaters; clothing for protection against fire; fire pumps; fire blankets; flashlights [photography]; floppy disks; food analysis apparatus; garments for protection against fire; global positioning system [gps] apparatus; gloves for protection against accident; gloves for divers; headphones; heat regulating apparatus; protective helmets; protective helmets for sports; riding helmets; holograms; encoded identification bracelets, magnetic; identity cards, magnetic; quantity indicators; speed indicators; integrated circuits; integrated circuit cards [smart cards] / smart cards [integrated circuit cards]; intercommunication apparatus; interfaces for computers; juke boxes, musical / coin-operated musical automata [juke boxes]; juke boxes for computers; hands free kits for phones; knee-pads for workers; optical lanterns / optical lamps; magic lanterns; laptop computers; lasers, not for medical purposes; lifesavingapparatus and equipment; life buoys; life jackets; life belts; life-saving rafts; light dimmers [regulators], electric / light regulators [dimmers], electric; light-emitting diodes [led]; locks, electric; logs [measuring instruments]; loudspeakers; magnetic tapes; magnetic wires; magnets; decorative magnets; magnifying glasses [optics]; marine compasses; protective masks; divers' masks; material testing instruments and machines; measures; measuring apparatus; measuring devices, electric; measuring instruments; mechanical signs; meteorological instruments; microphones; microprocessors; milage recorders for vehicles / kilometer recorders for vehicles; modems; money counting and sorting machines; monitoring apparatus, electric; monitors [computer hardware]; monitors [computer programs]; mouse [data processing equipment]; nautical apparatus and instruments; naval signalling apparatus; navigational instruments; neon signs; nets for protection against accidents; safety nets / life nets; notebook computers; electronic notice boards; observation instruments; optical fibers [fibres] [light conducting filaments] / light conducting filaments [optical fibers [fibres]]; mouse pads; pedometers; electronic pens [visual display units]; computer peripheral devices; periscopes; phonograph records / sound recording discs; photocopiers [photographic, electrostatic, thermic]; phototelegraphy apparatus; dvd players; pocket calculators; light-emitting electronic pointers; portable media players; precision measuring apparatus; automatic indicators of low pressure in vehicle tires [tyres] / automatic indicators of low pressure in vehicle tires / automatic indicators of low pressure in vehicle tyres; pressure indicator plugs for valves; pressure gauges / manometers; pressure measuring apparatus; pressure indicators; printed circuits; printed circuit boards; probes for scientific purposes; processors [central processing units] / central processing units [processors]; computer programs [downloadable software]; projection screens; projection apparatus; protection devices for personal use against accidents; electronic publications, downloadable; punched card machines for offices; radar apparatus; radio pagers; radiological apparatus for industrial purposes; radios; vehicle radios; radiotelegraphy sets; radiotelephony sets; railway traffic safety appliances; bar code readers; optical character readers; readers [data processing equipment]; telephone receivers; audio- and video-receivers; record players; reflecting discs for wear, for the prevention of traffic accidents; regulating

CLASS : 9—cont.


apparatus, electric; relays, electric; electric installations for the remote control of industrial operations; electro-dynamic apparatus for the remote control of signals; remote control apparatus; respirators for filtering air; respiratory masks, other than for artificial respiration / respirators, other than for artificial respiration; rheostats; road signs, luminous or mechanical; rods for water diviners; rulers [measuring instruments]; saccharometers; safety tarpaulins; salinometers; satellite navigational apparatus; satellites for scientific purposes; scales; scanners [data processing equipment]; shoes for protection against accidents, irradiation and fire; signal lanterns; signalling panels, luminous or mechanical; signalling whistles; transmitters of electronic signals; signals, luminous or mechanical; signs, luminous; sirens; apparatus for measuring the thickness of skins; slide projectors / transparency projection apparatus; slope indicators / clinometers / gradient indicators / inclinometers; socks, electrically heated; computer software, recorded; sound recording carriers; sound transmitting apparatus; sound recording apparatus; sound reproduction apparatus; sound locating instruments; sounding lines; spectacle lenses; spectacle frames; spectacle cases; spectacles [optics]; speed checking apparatus for vehicles; speed measuring apparatus [photography]; speed regulators for record players; spirit levels; goggles for sports; sprinkler system for fire protection; steering apparatus, automatic, for vehicles; personal stereos; stereoscopes; stereoscopic apparatus; sound recording strips; stroboscopes; sunglasses; tape recorders; magnetic tape units for computers; demagnetizingapparatus for magnetic tapes; teaching apparatus; telephone apparatus; telephone transmitters; portable telephones; teleprinters / teletypewriters; teleprompters; television apparatus; automated teller machines [atm]; temperature indicators; temperature indicator labels, not for medical purposes; terminals [electricity]; theft prevention installations, electric; thermometers, not for medical purposes; thermostats; thermostats for vehicles; ticket dispensers; time switches, automatic; time recording apparatus; totalizators; traffic-light apparatus [signalling devices]; transmitters [telecommunication]; transmitting sets [telecommunication]; transparencies [photography] / slides [photography]; transponders; urinometers; usb flash drives; navigation apparatus for vehicles [on-board computers]; video recorders; video cassettes; video game cartridges; video screens; video telephones; videotapes; viewfinders, photographic; voltmeters; voting machines; wafers for integrated circuits; walkie-talkies; vehicle breakdown warning triangles; weighing machines; weighing apparatus and instruments; wind socks for indicating wind direction; masts for wireless aerials; telephone wires; wrist rests for use with computers; x-ray tubes not for medical purposes; x-ray apparatus not for medical purposes; x-ray photographs, other than for medical purposes; apparatus and installations for the production of x-rays, not for medical purposes; protection devices against x-rays, not for medical purposes; computer hardware, firmware, peripherals and software; software applications for mobile phones, tablet computers, hand held devices and computers; computer software supplied on the internet; automatic answering apparatus for communications apparatus; code generators; apparatus for coding and decoding signals; audio cassettes, floppy discs, cd roms and dvd roms; data storage programs; servers; cases for computers; apparatus and instruments for recording, receiving, transmitting and/or reproducing data, information, pictures, images, and/or sound; electronic and computer apparatus and instruments for debiting and/or crediting financial accounts and/or for paying for goods or services; parts and fittings for all the aforesaid goods; all included in Class 9.

CLASS : 9—cont.



2013062198 14 November 2013

Eyeglass chains; eyeglass cases; spectacles [optics]; spectacle frames; eyeglass frames; contact lenses; spectacle cases; sunglasses; all included in Class 9.


AGENT: Charmayne Ong Poh Yin, Skrine Unit No. 50-8-1, 8th Floor, Wisma UOA Damansara 50 Jalan Dungun, Damansara Heights 50490 Kuala Lumpur


2014007895 11 July 2014

Fire extinguisher included in Class 9.

Peace World Fire Industry Sdn. Bhd.; No. 2455E, Tingkat 1 Bangunan Kedai KM28 Jalan Kuang 48050, SG BULOH, SELANGOR MALAYSIA


2014009500 25 August 2014

Cable, wire, copper trunking bar, cut out unit, electrical connection insulation apparatus namely neutral link heat shrink, termination kit, arm cable jointed kit, pvc connector, abc connector, commando plug, commando socket, plug top, adaptor, training socket, cable lug, cable link, bimetal lug, fuse, switches, holder, fitting, ballast, transformer for apparatus and instruments in conducting, switching, transforming, accumulating, regulating or controlling electricity; all included in Class 9.

G & H Electrical Trading Sdn. Bhd.; No. 24, Lorong Yap hin Off Jalan Pasar 55100, KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA

AGENT: Lee U Kong, Lee Brothers IP Consulting 8B (2nd Flr), Jalan Greentown 3 Greentown Nova 30450 Ipoh



2014011490 14 October 2014

Digi Telecommunications Sdn. Bhd.; Lot 30, Jalan Delima 1/3 Subang Hi-Tech Industrial Park 40000, SHAH ALAM, SELANGOR MALAYSIA

AGENT: Tai Foong Lam, Gan Partnership Unit A-35-3A, Menara UOA Bangsar 5 Jalan Bangsar Utama 1 59000 Kuala Lumpur

Telephones and mobile phones; downloadable applications [software]; apparatus and instruments for recording, processing, logging, storing, transmission and reception of sound, images and data; installations, apparatus, instruments and circuits for telecommunications, data communications, electronic communications, microwave communications and optical signal transmission; cables and ducts, all for electrical, telecommunications and optical cable transmission; computers, computer peripheral devices; computer software; optical fibers and cables; aerials; antennas; attenuators; waveguides being electronic or telecommunications products; discs, tapes, card and wires, all being electronic, magnetic, electro-magnetic optical and/or electro-optical data carriers; encoding and decoding apparatus and instruments; facsimile and telex communication machines; signalling instruments and devices; signal decoders; electronic prompting apparatus; remote access on-line information apparatus and instruments, all being electronic; parts and fittings for all the aforesaid goods; all included in Class 9.


2014052516 21 February 2014

The transliteration and translation of the Chinese characters appearing in the mark is "wan mei shi jie" meaning “perfect world”.

Mouse [data processing equipment]; optical discs; dvd players; computer programs [downloadable software]; sunglasses; electronic publications, downloadable; computer game programs; computer software, recorded; spectacles [optics]; animated cartoons; all included in Class 9.

Beijing Perfect World Digital Technology Co., Ltd; A801, Floor 8, #1 Building, #1 Shangdi East Road, Haidian District, Beijing, PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CHINA

AGENT: Charmayne Ong Poh Yin, Skrine Unit No. 50-8-1, 8th Floor, Wisma UOA Damansara 50 Jalan Dungun, Damansara Heights 50490 Kuala Lumpur



2014058379 06 June 2014

Registration of this trade mark shall give no right to the exclusive use of the letters "tv".

Kabushiki Kaisha Sony Computer Entertainment (also trading as Sony Computer Entertainment Inc.); 1-7-1Konan, Minato-ku, Tokyo ,, JAPAN

AGENT: Karen Navamani Abraham, Shearn Delamore & Co. 7th. Floor, Wisma Hamzah-Kwong Hing No. 1, Leboh Ampang 50100 Kuala Lumpur

Electrical connectors, wires, cables, and adapters; universal serial bus [usb] cables; high definition multimedia interface cables; battery chargers for home video game machines; cellular phone; cell phone straps; set-top boxes; earphones for mobile computer terminals; digital cameras; video cameras; headphones; microphones; earphones; smartphones; video disc players; video recorders; dvd players; dvd recorders; optical disc players; optical disc recorders; compact disc players; compact disc recorders; television receivers; modems; webcams; downloadable computer game programs for cellular phones, mobile computer terminals, set-top boxes, dvd players connected to network and television sets connected to network; downloadable computer game software; downloadable video game software; downloadable game programs for computer and video games online and via mobile computers, mobile communication devices, digital televisions and set-top boxes; computer programs for document management; computer screen saver software; computer software for encryption; computer software for organizing and viewing digital images and photographs; computer software for processing digital images; computer software for processing digital music files; computer software for use in relation to digital animation and special effects of images; music-composition software; software to control and improve audio equipment sound quality; virtual reality game software; computer software for editing and compositing digital still images and videos; computer programs for creating, editing and processing images, videos, illustrations, characters and graphics; computer software for processing digital images and videos; integrated circuit memory cards; mobile computer terminals; keyboards for mobile computer terminals; mouse for mobile computer terminals; memory cards for mobile computer terminals; remote controllers for mobile computer terminals; computer joysticks; game programs for home video game machines; game programs for hand-held games with liquid crystal displays; downloadable or installable computer and video game programs for home video game machines; downloadable or installable additional image data for home video game machines; downloadable or installable computer and video game programs for hand-held games with liquid crystal displays; downloadable or installable additional image data for hand-held games with liquid crystal displays; memory cards for video game machines; game programs for arcade video game machines; prerecorded audio compact discs; downloadable ring tones for mobile phones; downloadable music files; downloadable game character images featuring video games and computer games; downloadable image file containing artwork, text, audio, video, games and internet web links relating to sporting and cultural activities; exposed cinematographic films; exposed slide films; slide film mounts; downloadable images for cellular phones and mobile computer terminals; prerecorded video discs, video tapes, cd-roms, dvd-roms and optical discs featuring entertainment in the nature of action adventure, drama, comedy, romance, science fiction, horror and mystery; downloadable standby image for cellular phones; downloadable electronic publications in the nature of books, manuals, magazines, newspapers in the field of video games, game software, music and video movies; earphones for home video game machines; headphones for home video game


machines; microphones for home video game machines; keyboards for home video game machines; mouse for home video game machines; webcams exclusively for use with home video game machines; earphones exclusively for use with hand-held games with liquid crystal displays; headphones exclusively for use with hand-held games with liquid crystal displays; microphones exclusively for use with hand-held games with liquid crystal displays; keyboards exclusively for use with hand-held games with liquid crystal displays; mouse exclusively for use with hand-held games with liquid crystal displays; all included in Class 9.


2014058640 11 June 2014

Advertisement of a series of two trade marks

The second trade mark in the series is limited to the colours as shown in the representation on the form of application.

Registration of this trade mark shall give no right to the exclusive use of the words “power up your world”.

Alarm belts, electric; ammeters; bells (alarms-), electric; bells (signal-); branch boxes [electricity]; buzzers, electric; cables, electric; circuit breakers; circuit closers; clocks [time-][time recording devices]; coils, electric; collectors, electric; connectors [electricity]; control panels [electricity]; copper wire, insulated; counters; couplings, electric; current rectifiers; distribution boards [electricity]; distribution boxes [electricity]; distribution consoles [electricity]; ducts [electricity]; gauges; indicators [electricity]; inductors [electricity]; inverters [electricity]; junction boxes [electricity]; lightning arresters; limiters [electricity]; measuring devices, electric; measuring instruments; meters; protectors [voltage surge-]; push buttons for bells; reducers [electricity]; regulating apparatus, electric; relays, electric; signal bells; sirens; switchboxes [electricity]; switches, electric; temperature indicators; terminals [electricity]; wire connectors [electricity]; wires, electric; all included in Class 9

Gathergates Switchgear Pte. Ltd.; 29, Tai Seng Avenue 07-01, 534119 Singapore, SINGAPORE

AGENT: Goh Joo Seong, Cheang & Ariff 39 Court @ Loke Mansion No. 273A Jalan Medan Tuanku 50300 Kuala Lumpur

CLASS : 9—cont.



2014059521 27 June 2014

It is a condition of registration that the star device or devices appearing in the mark shall not be used in the colour red or any similar colour or colours.

Cinematographic apparatus and instruments; optical apparatus and instruments; apparatus for recording; recording discs; all included in Class 09.

STARGOLD ELECTRONICS LTD; 15-B, Satabdi Centre, G.P.O. Box-72, 292 Inner Circular Road, Fakirapool, 1000, DHAKA, BANGLADESH

AGENT: Yip Jiun Hann, TRADEMARK2U Sdn Bhd No. 1, Block C, Jalan Dataran SD 1 Dataran SD PJU 9, Bandar Sri Damansara 52200 Kuala Lumpur


2014066079 28 October 2014

Registration of this trade mark shall give no right to the exclusive use of the letter "m".

Grupo Massimo Dutti, S.A.; Avenida de la Diputación,Edificio Inditex, Arteixo (A Coruña), 15142, SPAIN

AGENT: Adhuna Binti Kamarul Ariffin, Bustaman Lot C9-3, Jalan Selaman 1 Dataran Palma 68000 Ampang

Scientific, nautical, surveying, photographic, cinematographic, optical, weighing, measuring, signalling, checking (supervision), life-saving and teaching apparatus and instruments; apparatus and instruments for conducting, switching, transforming, accumulating, regulating or controlling electricity; apparatus for recording, transmission or reproduction of sound or images; magnetic data carriers, sound recording discs; compact discs, dvds and other digital recording media; mechanisms for coin-operated apparatus; cash registers, calculating machines, data processing equipment and computers; fire-extinguishing apparatus; computer peripheral devices; anti-glare glasses; eyeglasses (pince-nez); optical lenses; eyeglass chains (pince-nez chains); contact lenses; eyeglass cords (pince-nez cords); dressmakers' measures; spectacles (optics); spectacle glasses; spectacle cases; spectacle and eyeglass frames (pince-nez frames); sunglasses; eyeglass cases (pince-nez cases) and contact lenses cases'; shoes for protection against accidents, irradiation and fire; bullet-proof waistcoats; life jackets; garments and clothes for protection against fire; gloves for divers; gloves for protection against accidents; diving suits; magnetic encoded cards; clothing for protection against


accidents and irradiation; protective suits for aviators; electronic agendas; telephone apparatus; weighbridges; directional compasses; accounting machines; protective helmets; protective helmets for sports; telescopes; chronographs (time recording apparatus); measuring spoons; pedometers; compact discs (audio-video); compact discs (read-only memory); mirrors (optics); binoculars; temperature indicators; computer game programs; cassette players; bar code readers; signal, magic and optical lanterns; magnifying glasses (optics); dictating and invoicing machines; mechanisms for counter-operated apparatus; weights; electric, galvanic and solar batteries; computer programs (recorded); electronic pocket translators; transistors (electronics); thermometers, not for medical purposes; intercommunication apparatus; video cassettes; animated cartoons; portable radio-telephones (walkie-talkies); electronic publications (electronically downloadable); egg timers (sandglasses); acoustic (sound) alarms; anti-theft warning apparatus; fire alarms; mouse pads; loudspeakers; amplifiers; aerials; anti-glare visors (anti-glare shades); telephone receivers; music headphones; answering machines; false coin detectors; teeth protectors; money counting and sorting machines; apparatus for measuring the thickness of skins and leather; electronic tags for goods; goggles for sports; magnets; light-emitting electronic pointers; portable telephones; enlarging apparatus (photography); apparatus and instruments for astronomy; thermionic valves (radio); coin-operated musical automata (juke boxes); scales; life-saving rafts; tape recorders; head cleaning tapes (recording); videotapes; magnetic tapes; demagnetizing apparatus for magnetic tapes; barometers; ticket dispensers; machines for calculating; heat regulating apparatus; cinematographic cameras; camcorders; video game cartridges; magnetic encoders; graduated glassware; revolution counters; slides (photography); slide projectors; dynamometers; reflecting discs for wear, for the prevention of traffic accidents; hemline markers; dosimeters; covers for electric outlets; radiotelephony sets; scanners (data processing equipment); close-up lenses; flash-bulbs (photography); photocopiers (photographic, electrostatic, thermic); holograms; compact disc players; luminous signs; neon signs; video recorders; electric measuring devices; speaking tubes; computer memories; microphones; microprocessors; modems; breathing apparatus for underwater swimming; objectives (lenses) (optics); ozonisers; projection screens; electric switches; dog whistles; push buttons for bells; radios; audio-receivers and video-receivers; wrist rests for use with computers; lever scales (steelyards);television apparatus; record players; word processors; video telephones; carrying cases for mobile computers, tablet computers, mobile telephones, smartphones, electronic book readers, and digital electronic devices; personal stereos; all included in Class 9.


2014067377 21 November 2014

Computer software, recorded; computer hardware; computer programmes [programs], recorded; measuring and testing machines; measuring and testing instruments; all included in Class 9.

NIPPON STEEL & SUMITOMO METAL CORPORATION; 6-1, Marunouchi 2-chome, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, JAPAN

AGENT: Linda Wang Chaw Ling, Zaid Ibrahim & Co. Level 19, Menara Milenium Jalan Damanlela, Pusat Bandar Damansara 50490 Kuala Lumpur

CLASS : 9—cont.



2015006441 18 June 2015

Registration of this trade mark shall give no right to the exclusive use of the word “weld”

Protective helmets; face shield, face-masks, respiratory masks, all for workmen’s protection; respirators for filtering air; protective eyeshades, spectacle frames, spectacle glasses, spectacle optics, safety spectacles, safety goggles, lens (optical); ear protection devices; gloves and clothing for protection against accident; safety belts and nets for arresting the fall of workmen or climbers; body harness (safety harness); life jackets; apparatus for personal use against accident or injury; articles of leather clothing for protection against accident or injury; electric welding apparatus; electric arc welding apparatus; welding electrode; electric arc cutting apparatus; apparatus for the welding of materials; electrodes, welding lens shade, cutting torch, cutting nozzle, dinse connector, rotary ground earth clamp, chipping hammer; all included in Class 9.

Ace Weld Sdn. Bhd.; Plot 5075, Jalan Jangur 28/43 Seksyen 28 40400, SHAH ALAM, SELANGOR MALAYSIA


2015006564 22 June 2015

Advertisement of a series of two trade marks

The trade mark is limited to the colours as shown in the representation on the form of application.

Liquid crystal display screens; advertising display apparatus; audiovisual apparatus; computer controlled installations of liquid crystal display screens; electric or electronic control screens; electric or electronic display screens; television screens; touch sensitive electronic screens; flat screens for electronic data processing apparatus; computers; monitors; all included in Class 9.

Simfoni IDM Sdn. Bhd.; 7, Lorong Datuk Sulaiman 7 Taman Tun Dr Ismail 60000, KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA



2015006599 22 June 2015

Electric control apparatus for regulation and control of industrial apparatus and equipment; electronic assemblies, computer hardware and computer software for control and regulation of industrial processes; electric/electronic control apparatus and control equipment for control and regulation of the operation of mobile equipment and mechanical systems, including control and regulation of operation of valves, blocking devices and similar mechanisms for use in pipelines and ducts; analysers [not for medical purposes] for the measurement of physical characteristics and chemical compositions of solid, liquid, and gaseous components; all of the aforesaid goods for the use in industrial processes, particularly in the chemical, pharmaceutic, petrochemical industries and process engineering in the field of production of food, paper, and cement; analysers [not for medical purposes] for emissions monitoring, particularly for the excitation of actuators; parts and accessories for all goods mentioned here, as far as they are part of Class 9; all included in class 09.

AUMA Riester GmbH & Co. KG; Aumastr. 1, D-79379Mullheim GERMANY

AGENT: Zaharizan Ahmed Meah, Drewmarks Patents & Designs (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd 9th Floor, Bangunan Getah Asli (Menara) 148 Jalan Ampang 50450 Kuala Lumpur



2015007353 14 July 2015

Advertisement of a series of two trade marks

The first trade mark in the series is limited to the colours as shown in the representation on the form of application.

Computer software; application software; downloadable software applications (apps); computer application software for mobile telephones; games software; computer game software for use on mobile and cellular phones; all included in Class 9.

8Excite Sdn. Bhd.; 898, Jalan Utara Taman Kepong 52100, KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA

AGENT: Yeong Zihao, B L Yeong & Associates 17-B, Jalan 54, Desa Jaya, Kepong 52100 Kuala Lumpur


2015008792 25 August 2015

International priority date claimed : 26 February 2015,Japan

The transliteration and translation of the Japanese characters of which the mark consists is “gojira” meaning “godzilla”.

TOHO CO., LTD; 1-2-2, Yurakucho, Chiyoda-Ku TOKYO 100-8415 , JAPAN

AGENT: Geetha Kandiah, KASS International Sdn. Bhd. Suite 8-7-2, 7th Floor, Menara Mutiara Bangsar Jalan Liku, Off Jalan Riong 59100 Kuala Lumpur

Memory cards for video game machines; cellular phones; smartphones; cordless telephones; video telephones; answering machines; facsimile machines; phototelegraphy apparatus; audio- and video-receivers; sound transmitting apparatus; walkie-talkies; video baby monitors; navigation apparatus for vehicles [on-board computers]; radar apparatus; global positioning system [gps] apparatus; electric installations for the remote control of industrial operations; sound reproduction apparatus; dvd


players; digital photo frames; camcorders; video recorders; electronic notice boards; aerials; masts for wireless aerials; cell phone straps; telephone receivers; telephone transmitters; hands free kits for phones; coils, electric; holders for electric coils; head cleaning tapes [recording]; loudspeakers; horns for loudspeakers; cabinets for loudspeakers; transponders; video screens; headphones; microphones; megaphones; tone arms for record players; needles for record players; speed regulators for record players; acoustic couplers; magnetic encoders; magnetic wires; amplifiers; floppy disks; disks, magnetic; computers; computer peripheral devices; pocket calculators; encoded identification bracelets, magnetic; electronic tags for goods; electronic pocket translators; electronic agendas; electronic book readers; teleprompters; identity cards, magnetic; x-ray tubes not for medical purposes; vacuum tubes [radio]; triodes; thermionic tubes; electric discharge tubes, other than for lighting; semiconductors; integrated circuits; wafers for integrated circuits; printed circuit boards; computer operating programs, recorded; cyclotrons; apparatus and installations for the production of x-rays, not for medical purposes; sonars; betatrons; metal detectors for industrial or military purposes; lasers, not for medical purposes; marine depth finders; particle accelerators; eyeglasses; goggles for sports; contact lenses; anti-glare glasses; divers” masks; containers for contact lenses; eyeglass cords; spectacle lenses; eyeglass chains; eyeglass cases; eyeglass frames; video game cartridges; phonograph records; compact discs [audio-video]; downloadable music files; animated cartoons; downloadable image files; cinematographic film, exposed; x-ray films, exposed; x-ray photographs, other than for medical purposes; frames for photographic transparencies; all included in Class 9.


2015012040 23 November 2015

The trade mark is limited to the colours as shown in the representation on the form of application.

Satellites; satellites for scientific purposes; satellite apparatus; satellite broadcasting antennae; satellite broadcasting apparatus; satellite communications equipment; satellite dishes; satellite imagery photo-interpretation software; satellite navigational apparatus; satellite receivers; satellite receiving aerials; satellite receiving apparatus and satellite signal receiving antennae; all included in Class 9.

MEASAT Satellite Systems Sdn. Bhd.; MEASAT Teleport & Broadcast Centre 63000, CYBERJAYA, SELANGOR MALAYSIA

AGENT: Geetha Kandiah, KASS International Sdn. Bhd. Suite 8-7-2, 7th Floor, Menara Mutiara Bangsar Jalan Liku, Off Jalan Riong 59100 Kuala Lumpur

CLASS : 9—cont.



2015012043 23 November 2015

The trade mark is limited to the colours as shown in the representation on the form of application.

Satellites; satellites for scientific purposes; satellite apparatus; satellite broadcasting antennae; satellite broadcasting apparatus; satellite communications equipment; satellite dishes; satellite imagery photo-interpretation software; satellite navigational apparatus; satellite receivers; satellite receiving aerials; satellite receiving apparatus and satellite signal receiving antennae; all included in Class 9.

MEASAT Satellite Systems Sdn. Bhd.; MEASAT Teleport & Broadcast Centre 63000, CYBERJAYA, SELANGOR MALAYSIA

AGENT: Geetha Kandiah, KASS International Sdn. Bhd. Suite 8-7-2, 7th Floor, Menara Mutiara Bangsar Jalan Liku, Off Jalan Riong 59100 Kuala Lumpur


2015050498 14 January 2015

BOE TECHNOLOGY GROUP CO., LTD.; No. 10 Jiuxianqiao Road, Chaoyang District, BEIJING 100016, PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CHINA

AGENT: Caroline Anne A/P Francis Xavier Money, RamRais & Partners Level 31, Menara TH Perdana 1001, Jalan Sultan Ismail 50250 Kuala Lumpur

Computers; electronic displays; computer peripheral devices; computer software applications, downloadable; electronic book readers; tablet computers; computer programmes [programs], recorded; computer operating programs, recorded; computer programs [downloadable software]; computer game software; downloadable ring tones for mobile phones; downloadable music files; downloadable image files; smartphones; 3d spectacles; laptop computers; computer keyboards; computer software, recorded; integrated circuit cards; readers [data processing equipment]; notebook computers; cameras; integrated circuits; integrated circuit modules; radio tubes; electric switches; x-ray tubes not for medical purposes; semiconductor devices; indicators; computer peripherals; cameras [photography]; transistors [electronic]; fluorescent screens; television sets; liquid crystal display televisions (lcd tv); semi-conductors; batteries, electric; electronic card readers; computer software for use in database management; computer mouse; computer monitors; television displays;


thin film transistor liquid crystal display (tft lcd) panel/module; liquid crystal display (lcd) monitors; personal digital assistants (pda); plasma display panel (pdp); organic light-emitting diode (oled) display panel; television screens; projection screens; data processing apparatus; navigational instruments; battery chargers; accumulators, electric; solar batteries; inverters [electricity]; television set-top boxes; network communication equipment; electronic notebooks; electronic sounding devices with books; electronic books (handheld readers); digital photo frames; audio-video players; photovoltaic inverters; backlights (electronic elements); liquid crystal display backlights (electronic elements); portable media players; mini notebook computers with wireless internet capability; all included in Class 9.


2015050776 22 January 2015

Computer software; downloadable software for creating, assessing, tracking, monitoring, managing, and analyzing educational learning progress and results for use by students, teachers, administrators, and parents; downloadable computer software for generating lesson plans; all included in Class 09.

GrapeSeed Media Ltd.; 33 Garden Rd 6th Floor, St. John`s Bldg Central, HONG KONG

AGENT: Soh Kar Liang, Ella Cheong IP Services Sdn BhdA-31-3, Level 31, Menara UOA Bangsar No 5, Jalan Bangsar Utama 1 59000 Kuala Lumpur


2015050965 27 January 2015

Logitech International S.A.; Les Châtagnis, CH-1143Apples, SWITZERLAND

AGENT: Karen Navamani Abraham, Shearn Delamore & Co. 7th. Floor, Wisma Hamzah-Kwong Hing No. 1, Leboh Ampang 50100 Kuala Lumpur

Computer and electronic equipment, namely, computer hardware; computer hardware for use with mobile phone and computer tablet applications; computer peripherals, namely, keyboards, mice, trackballs and wireless electronic controllers all for use with consumer electronic equipment; decoding boxes, set top boxes; computer software for Classifying, transmitting, receiving, processing, reading and watching, and controlling applications, texts, electronic data, images, audio and video files; computer software for reproducing, processing and streaming audio, video and multimedia content

CLASS : 9—cont.


and for audio calling, video calling and remote collaborating; computer software for controlling the operation of audio and video apparatus and for viewing, searching and/or reading sound, video, television, films, photographs and other digital images and other multimedia content; computer game programs; computer software for multimedia sharing, media-share computer software for computers; digital electronic apparatus for recording, classifying, transmitting, receiving, processing, reading and viewing, and examining texts, data, images, audio and video files, namely, computer software and computer hardware; video game control devices, namely, remote controls, joysticks, video game steering wheels, headsets, keyboards and mice all for use with computer and video game console platforms; computer peripherals, namely, controllers and gamepads for mobile gaming; wireless mice, keyboards, and remote controls for use with televisions, computers, and set-top boxes; computer cursor control devices, namely, digitizer tablets, light pens, and trackballs; touch pads; electronic drawing and sketching boards; computer whiteboards; computer keyboard controllers; video devices, namely, software and hardware for audio and video enhancement sold as an integral part of web cameras and video cameras; digital cameras and web cameras; wearable cameras, mobile cameras, security cameras; audio and sound system devices, namely, audio speakers, mobile speakers, wireless speakers, headsets, headphones, earbuds and microphones; audio conduit, amplification and monitoring units; acoustic separation units; audio mixers; telephony equipment, namely, headsets, headphones, earbuds and microphones for use with computers and telephones, telephones, mobile phones, videophones; video-conferencing equipment, namely, video-conferencing cameras, speakerphones, computer monitors, televisions, and other audio-visual components; digital writing systems for computers and mobile phones primarily composed of digital light pen and computer software; remote controls for controlling tvs, video players, video recorders, stereos, speakers, amplifiers, entertainment systems, home lighting systems, personal computers; protective cases for computer peripherals; protective cases for mobile phones, battery charging cases for mobile phones, car dashboard mounts for mobile phones; mobile phone accessories; keyboards for mobile phones; mobile keyboards and control devices for mobile platforms; protective cases for tablet computers; keyboards for tablet computers; computer peripherals for accessing and transmitting data and content among consumer electronics devices, televisions, and displays; computer peripherals for digital watches; computer software and computer programs for use in connection with providing an interface between a computer and a peripheral device; computer software and computer programs for manipulating and controlling images from web cameras and digital cameras; computer software and computer programs for producing sound; computer software and computer programs for handwriting and character recognition; computer software and computer programs for use in connection with electronic transmission of video, audio and data across local area, wide area and global computer networks; remote control devices for home automation and control of sensors, locks, switches, lights, radios, televisions, stereos, audio-visual equipment, household appliances, window coverings, climate control, and other home electronics; downloadable software for programming a remote control for sensors, locks, switches, radios, television, stereos, audio-visual equipment, household appliances, window coverings, climate control, lighting and other home electronics; computer monitors; audio, video and radio transmitters; audio, video and radio receivers; stereo tuners and radio signal tuners; audio and video recorders; audio and video players, namely, cd, dvd and mp3 players; radios; microphones; wireless presenters in the nature of wireless remote pointers; notebook computer stands; notebook computer docking stations; computer docking stations; number keypads, namely, number keypads on computer keyboards; battery packs; electric and electronic cables; wearable electronics to measure fitness, self-improvement and data-gathering; electronic temperature sensors; lighting control systems comprised of motion-sensitive security lights and computer hardware and software for use in activating and deactivating electrical lights; andinstruction manuals sold as a unit with the aforementioned goods; all included in class 9

CLASS : 9—cont.



2015051697 09 February 2015

Video surveillance cameras, surveillance cameras, charge coupled device cameras, complementary mos cameras, touch panel systems consisting of touch panel controllers and touch sensor sheets; touch panel controllers; touch sensor sheets and hard disk drive recorders; all included in Class 9.

SHARP KABUSHIKI KAISHA also trading as SHARP CORPORATION; 22-22, Nagaike-cho, Abeno-ku, Osaka 545-8522, JAPAN

AGENT: Yvonne Ong Toon Mein, Raja, Darryl & Loh 18th. Floor, Wisma Sime Darby Jalan Raja Laut 50350 Kuala Lumpur


2015052858 26 February 2015

Tablet computer; notebook computers; computer peripheral devices; computer memory devices; usb flash drives; pedometers; chronographs; smart phones; telephones (portable -); navigational instruments; telephone apparatus; portable media players; receivers (audio- and video-); batteries, electric; chargers for electric batteries; all included in Class 9.

Shenzhen Sang Fei Consumer Communications Co., Ltd;Sangda Industrial Building, Science and Technology Industrial Park, Shenzhen, Guangdong, PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CHINA

AGENT: Karen Navamani Abraham, Shearn Delamore & Co. 7th. Floor, Wisma Hamzah-Kwong Hing No. 1, Leboh Ampang 50100 Kuala Lumpur



2015053323 06 March 2015

Spectacles and sunglasses included in Class 9.

Orlebar Brown Limited; Great Western Studios, Studio 101, 65 Alfred Road, London W2 5EU, UNITED KINGDOM

AGENT: Goh Mei Ling, Henry Goh & Co. Sdn. Bhd.


2015053923 16 March 2015

International priority date claimed : 16 September 2014,United States Of America

Computer application software for mobile phones and devices, for viewing, editing and creating electronic files and content for business or personal productivity purposes;downloadable mobile applications for viewing, editing and creating electronic files and content for business or personal productivity purposes; all included in Class 9.

BlackBerry Limited; 2200 University Avenue East Waterloo, Ontario N2K0A7 , CANADA

AGENT: Shireen Ngan Yuet Keng, Abasan Sdn Bhd


2015054188 19 March 2015

Computer software; downloadable software; all included in Class 9.

Fuji Xerox Kabushiki Kaisha (Fuji Xerox Co., Ltd.); 9-7-3, Akasaka, Minato-ku, Tokyo, JAPAN

AGENT: Linda Wang Chaw Ling, Zaid Ibrahim & Co. Level 19, Menara Milenium Jalan Damanlela, Pusat BandarDamansara 50490 Kuala Lumpur



2015055238 02 April 2015

Intercommunication apparatus; video telephones; set top boxes; television apparatus; teaching apparatus; satellite navigational apparatus; portable media players; projection apparatus; spectacles (optics); portable telephones; all included in Class 9.


AGENT: Lok Choon Hong, Pintas IP Group Sdn. Bhd. No. 19, Jalan SS1/36 47300 Petaling Jaya


2015057110 08 May 2015

Registration of this trade mark shall give no right to the exclusive use of the word “optimize”.

Techninier Sdn Bhd; No 201, Block A, Damansara Intan, No 1 Jalan SS20/27 47400, Petaling Jaya, SELANGOR MALAYSIA

AGENT: Yvonne Ong Toon Mein, Raja, Darryl & Loh 18th. Floor, Wisma Sime Darby Jalan Raja Laut 50350 Kuala Lumpur

Computer software; computers; computer peripheral devices; computer application software for mobile phones, mobile devices, portable media players, and handheld computers; computer software for use in searching, reviewing, purchasing, and downloading electronic games and software applications; computer software development tools; computer software development tools for social networking, building social networking applications and for allowing data retrieval, upload, access and management; application programming interface (api) for third party software and online services for social networking, building social networking applications and for allowing data retrieval, upload, access and management; software to enable uploading, posting, showing, displaying, tagging, blogging, sharing or otherwise providing electronic media or information over the internet or other communication network; video games for all electronic platforms (mobile devices, personal computers, consoles, tablets); electronic game programs; downloadable electronic game programs; interactive game programs; interactive game software; computer operating system software; data synchronization software; computer application development software; computer programs for personal information management; computer software for authoring, downloading, transmitting,


receiving, editing, extracting, encoding, decoding, displaying, storing and organizing text, graphics, images, audio files, video files, electronic games, and electronic publications; database management software; character recognition software; electronic mail and messaging software; mobile telephone and devices software; computer programs for accessing, browsing and searching online databases; computer and electronic games; downloadable electronic publications; user manuals in electronicallyreadable, machine readable or computer readable form for use with, and sold as a unit with, all the aforementioned goods; all included in Class 9.


2015057114 08 May 2015

Registration of this trade mark shall give no right to the exclusive use of the word “games”.

Techninier Sdn Bhd; No 201, Block A, Damansara Intan, No 1 Jalan SS20/27 47400, Petaling Jaya, SELANGOR MALAYSIA

AGENT: Yvonne Ong Toon Mein, Raja, Darryl & Loh 18th. Floor, Wisma Sime Darby Jalan Raja Laut 50350 Kuala Lumpur

Computer software; computers; computer peripheral devices; computer application software for mobile phones, mobile devices, portable media players, and handheld computers; computer software for use in searching, reviewing, purchasing, and downloading electronic games and software applications; computer software development tools; computer software development tools for social networking, building social networking applications and for allowing data retrieval, upload, access and management; application programming interface (api) for third party software and online services for social networking, building social networking applications and for allowing data retrieval, upload, access and management; software to enable uploading, posting, showing, displaying, tagging, blogging, sharing or otherwise providing electronic media or information over the internet or other communication network; video games for all electronic platforms (mobile devices, personal computers, consoles, tablets); electronic game programs; downloadable electronic game programs; interactive game programs; interactive game software; computer operating system software; data synchronization software; computer application development software; computer programs for personal information management; computer software for authoring, downloading, transmitting, receiving, editing, extracting, encoding, decoding, displaying, storing and organizing text, graphics, images, audio files, video files, electronic games, and electronic publications; database management software; character recognition software; electronic mail and messaging software; mobile telephone and devices software; computer programs for accessing, browsing and searching online databases; computer and electronic games; downloadable electronic publications; user manuals in electronically readable, machine readable or computer readable form for use with, and sold as a unit with, all the aforementioned goods; all included in Class 9.

CLASS : 9—cont.



2015057117 08 May 2015

Registration of this trade mark shall give no right to the exclusive use of the word “social”.

Computer software; computers; computer peripheral devices; computer application software for mobile phones, mobile devices, portable media players, and handheld computers; computer software for use in searching, reviewing, purchasing, and downloading electronic games and software applications; computer software development tools; computer software development tools for social networking, building social networking applications and for allowing data retrieval, upload, access and management; application programming interface (api) for third party software and online services for social networking, building social networking applications and for allowing data retrieval, upload, access and management; software to enable uploading, posting, showing, displaying, tagging, blogging, sharing or otherwise providing electronic media or information over the internet or other communication network; video games for all electronic platforms (mobile devices, personal computers, consoles, tablets); electronic game programs; downloadable electronic game programs; interactive game programs; interactive game software; computer operating system software; data synchronization software; computer application development software; computer programs for personal information management;computer software for authoring, downloading, transmitting, receiving, editing, extracting, encoding, decoding, displaying, storing and organizing text, graphics, images, audio files, video files, electronic games, and electronic publications; database management software; character recognition software; electronic mail and messaging software; mobile telephone and devices software; computer programs for accessing, browsing and searching online databases; computer and electronic games; downloadable electronic publications; user manuals in electronically readable, machine readable or computer readable form for use with, and sold as a unit with, all the aforementioned goods; all included in Class 9.

Techninier Sdn Bhd; No 201, Block A, Damansara Intan, No 1 Jalan SS20/27 47400, Petaling Jaya, SELANGOR MALAYSIA

AGENT: Yvonne Ong Toon Mein, Raja, Darryl & Loh 18th. Floor, Wisma Sime Darby Jalan Raja Laut 50350 Kuala Lumpur



2015058422 02 June 2015

Eyeglasses, sunglasses, contact lenses, contact lens cases, containers for contact lenses; all included in Class 09.

Ercan Saat Sanayi Ve Ticaret Limited Sirketi; Tahtakale Cad No: 70 Fatih Istanbul, TURKEY

AGENT: Mohana Murali A/L Kodivel, Adastra Intellectual Property Sdn Bhd A-39-10, Penthouse, Menara UOA Bangsar No. 5, Jalan Bangsar Utama 1 59000 Kuala Lumpur


2015059679 19 June 2015

International priority date claimed : 22 December 2014,Germany

Physical, optical and electronic apparatus, included in Class 9; nautical, surveying, signalling and monitoring apparatus; simulators for the steering and control of vehicles for civil and military applications; apparatus and instruments for conducting, switching, transforming, accumulating, regulating or controlling electricity; apparatus for recording, transmission, processing or reproduction of sound, images or data; data carriers; data processing apparatus and computers; computer software; included in class 9; electric cables; fire-extinguishing apparatus; checking (supervision) apparatus and instruments; magnets; measuring apparatus and instruments; photovoltaic elements, namely solar collectors for generating electricity; electric/electronic control and regulating apparatus, included in class 9; lifesavingapparatus and equipment; sonars; all included in class 9.

ThyssenKrupp AG; ThyssenKrupp AG, ThyssenKrupp Allee 1, 45143 Essen, GERMANY

AGENT: Charmayne Ong Poh Yin, Skrine Unit No. 50-8-1, 8th Floor, Wisma UOA Damansara 50 Jalan Dungun, Damansara Heights 50490 Kuala Lumpur



2015060153 26 June 2015

Vehicles (navigation apparatus for -) [on-board computers]; anti-interference devices [electricity]; radar apparatus; remote control of signals (electro-dynamic apparatus for the -); video telephones; network communication equipment; alarms; telephones (portable -); theft prevention installations, electric; radiotelephony sets; all included in Class 09.

Shenzhen Chaoshang Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd.;Unit 05-1, Floor 9, Changhong Technology Building, No. 18, 12th Road, South of Science and Technology Park, Nanshan, Shenzhen PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CHINA

AGENT: Karen Navamani Abraham, Shearn Delamore & Co. 7th. Floor, Wisma Hamzah-Kwong Hing No. 1, Leboh Ampang 50100 Kuala Lumpur


2015060632 06 July 2015

Advertisement of a series of two trade marks

The first trade mark in the series is limited to the colours as shown in the representation on the form of application.

eBahn Solutions Sdn. Bhd.; No. 7 Level 2, Jalan SS15/4B, 47500, SUBANG JAYA, SELANGOR MALAYSIA

AGENT: Foong Cheng Leong, Foong Cheng Leong & Co. B-5-8 Plaza Mont Kiara, Mont Kiara 50480 Kuala Lumpur

Computer software; computer software used to enhance the capabilities and features of other software and non-downloadable online software; computer software for accessing information on a global computer network; computer programs for use in or enabling the searching, identification, Classification, and storage of recorded sound or images; computer software to enable uploading, posting, showing, displaying, sharing or otherwise providing electronic media or information over the internet or other communications network; software applications for use in connection with mobile wireless devices, cellular and mobile phones, and other handheld computer or communications devices; games software for mobile devices; computer application software for mobile phones, handheld computers, and mobile electronic devices; digital content delivered via the internet; computer databases; downloadable software via the internet and wireless devices; downloadable software in the nature of a mobile application; data processing equipment, namely, central processing


units for processing information, data, sounds or images; computer software and telecommunications apparatus to enable connection to databases, computer networks, global computer networks and the internet; apparatus and instruments for transferring, receiving and storing sound, images and data, both in digital and analog form; computer software for enabling, controlling or monitoring users of high speed internet access (hsia) and/or internal network access to high speed internet access (hsia); computer software for enabling, controlling, monitoring or facilitating internet procotol television (iptv); computer software for enabling, controlling, monitoring or facilitating digital signage or dynamic signage; all included in class 9


2015061645 20 July 2015

Registration of this trade mark shall give no right to the exclusive use of the letter “g” and word “skill”.

Mouse [computer peripheral]; keyboard; random access memory (ram) electronic discs; solid-state devices; blank flash memory cards; secure digital (sd) memory cards; headphones; earphones; memory cards; computer software; electric power supply units; computer hardware; computer memory devices; electrical devices for storage of data; blank usb flash drives; central processing units (cpu); hard disk drives (hdd); motherboards; portable power supply apparatus (batteries); shaped flexible covers for keyboards; mouse pads [computer peripheral]; dynamic random access memory (dram); headsets for computer; internal cooling fans for computers; wireless computer mice; computer programs [downloadable software]; all included in Class 09.

G.SKILL International Enterprise; 8F, No.69, Dongxing Rd., Xinyi Dist., Taipei City, TAIWAN, PROVINCE OF CHINA

AGENT: Mohana Murali A/L Kodivel, Adastra Intellectual Property Sdn Bhd A-39-10, Penthouse, Menara UOA Bangsar No. 5, Jalan Bangsar Utama 1 59000 Kuala Lumpur

CLASS : 9—cont.



2015062170 28 July 2015

International priority date claimed : 15 February 2015,People's Republic Of China

Registration of this trade mark shall give no right to the exclusive use of the symbols “+” and the numerals “1” and “0”.

Data processing apparatus; encoded identification bracelets, magnetic; tablet computers; modems; smartphones; global positioning system [gps] apparatus; sleeves for laptops; loudspeakers; headphones; electronic book readers; television apparatus; remote control apparatus; electrical adapters; eyeglasses; batteries, electric; all included in Class 09.

Shenzhen Oneplus Science & Technology Co., Ltd.;A201, Administration Office Building of Qianhaishengang Cooperative Zone, No.1 Liyumen Street, Qianwan 1st Road, Qianhaishengang Cooperative Zone, Shenzhen, Guangdong, PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CHINA

AGENT: Lee Lin Li, Tay & Partners 6th Floor, Plaza See Hoy Chan, Jalan Raja Chulan 50200 Kuala Lumpur


2015064593 02 September 2015

Computer hardware; compute servers; storage servers; networking servers; computer hardware and software, namely, data storage and retrieval apparatus, comprising processors, networks, memories, operating software and data storage units; computer software for data management, data storage, networking and virtualization; all included in Class 9.

VCE Company LLC; 1500 North Greenville Avenue, Suite 1100, Richardson, Texas 75081, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA

AGENT: Goh Mei Ling, Henry Goh & Co. Sdn. Bhd. 217, Jalan Imbi 55100 Kuala Lumpur



2015065750 22 September 2015

Advertisement of a series of two trade marks

The first trade mark in the series is limited to the colours as shown in the representation on the form of application.

Alibaba Group Holding Limited; Fourth Floor, One Capital Place, P. O. Box 847, George Town, Grand Cayman, CAYMAN ISLANDS

AGENT: Chuah Jern Ern, Advanz Fidelis Sdn. Bhd. Suite 609, Block D, Phileo Damansara 1 No. 9, Jalan 16/11 46350 Petaling Jaya

Scientific, nautical, surveying, photographic, cinematographic, optical, weighing, measuring, signalling, checking (supervision), life-saving and teaching apparatus and instruments; apparatus and instruments for conducting, switching, transforming, accumulating, regulating or controlling electricity; apparatus for recording, transmission or reproduction of sound or images; magnetic data carriers, recording discs; mechanisms for coin-operated apparatus; cash registers, calculating machines, data processing equipment and computers; computer programs; software for processing electronic payments to and from others; authentication software; computer software supplied on the internet; computer software for interactive entertainment, which allows users to customize the viewing, listening, and playing experience by selecting and arranging the display and performance of audio, video and audiovisual elements; downloadable audio, visual, and audiovisual files and recordings, featuring multimedia entertainment programs and content; on-line electronic publications (downloadable from the internet or a computer network or a computer database); instant messaging software; file sharing software; communications software for electronically exchanging data, audio, video, images and graphics via computer, mobile, wireless, and telecommunication networks; computer software for processing images, graphics, audio, video, and text; downloadable computer software to facilitate the electronic transmission of information, data, documents, voice, and images over the internet; downloadable computer software which allows users to participate in web-based meetings and Classes, with access to data, documents, images and software applications through a web browser; downloadable computer software for accessing, viewing, and controlling remote computers and computer networks; downloadable electronic publications in the nature of articles, papers, and instructional materials in the fields of telecommunications, the internet, training, business, sales, and marketing; computer software, computer peripherals; notebook computers; laptop computers; portable computers; handheld computers; personal digital assistants; personal media players; mobile telephones; smart phones; digital cameras; batteries, battery chargers; computer workstations; computer servers; computer and telecommunications networking hardware; computer network adaptors, switches, routers and hubs; wireless and wired modems and communication cards and devices; laptop holders, computer bags; fire-extinguishing apparatus; computer hardware and firmware; computer software (including software downloadable from the internet); compact discs; digital music (downloadable from the internet); telecommunications apparatus; mouse mats; mobile


phone handsets; mobile phone accessories; downloadable games, pictures, motion pictures, movies and music; alarm systems; security cameras; mobile radio and television broadcasting units; television broadcasting equipment; cameras; video cameras; headphones; telephone ear pieces; speakers; global positioning system (gps) apparatus and equipment; computer, electronic and video games programmes and software (including software downloadable from the internet); liquid crystal displays for telecommunications and electronic equipment; set top box; remote control; data storage programs; spectacles and sunglasses; electronic signboards; encoded or magnetic bank credit, debit, cash and identification cards; automatic teller machines, cash dispensers; computer software applications, downloadable; electronic book readers; toner cartridges, unfilled, for printers and photocopiers; baby monitors; video baby monitors; lens hoods; tablet computers; encoded key cards; 3d spectacles; memory cards for video game machines; all included in class 9.


2015066014 25 September 2015

Coordinate input devices for computers; digitizers; input tablets for computers; electronic pens [visual display units]; touch panels for computers; electronic whiteboards; input devices for computers; data processing apparatus; software for computer input; computer software for recording and processing input information; applied electronic machines, apparatus and their parts; computer hardware and software for recording hand-written digital signature and drawings; computer programs; computers; telecommunication machines and apparatus; personal digital assistants; computer programs [downloadable software]; data media on which computer programs are recorded; portable telephones; computer software; image processing software; software for computers; television apparatus; digital cameras; liquid-crystal displays; optical discs, magnetic discs; calculating machines; electronic circuits and cd-roms recorded with programs for hand-held games with liquid crystal displays; touch panels for pda [personal digital assistants]; computer peripheral devices; mouse [computer peripheral]; computer software applications, downloadable; computerized personal organizer; laptop computers; smartphones; tablet computers; stylus pen; cases especially made for tablet computers; electronic stationery; all included in Class 9.

WACOM CO., LTD.; 2-510-1 Toyonodai, Kazo-shi, Saitama 349-1148, JAPAN

AGENT: Charmayne Ong Poh Yin, Skrine Unit No. 50-8-1, 8th Floor, Wisma UOA Damansara 50 Jalan Dungun, Damansara Heights 50490 Kuala Lumpur

CLASS : 9—cont.



2015066051 28 September 2015

Advertisement of a series of three trade marks

The transliteration of the Chinese characters of which the mark consists is “tian mao” which has no meaning.

Alibaba Group Holding Limited; Fourth Floor, One Capital Place, P. O. Box 847, George Town, Grand Cayman, CAYMAN ISLANDS

AGENT: Chuah Jern Ern, Advanz Fidelis Sdn. Bhd. Suite 609, Block D, Phileo Damansara 1 No. 9, Jalan 16/11 46350 Petaling Jaya

Scientific, nautical, surveying, photographic, cinematographic, optical, weighing, measuring, signalling, checking (supervision), life-saving and teaching apparatus and instruments; apparatus and instruments for conducting, switching, transforming, accumulating, regulating or controlling electricity; apparatus for recording, transmission or reproduction of sound or images; magnetic data carriers, recording discs; mechanisms for coin-operated apparatus; cash registers, calculating machines, data processing equipment and computers; computer programs; software for processing electronic payments to and from others; authentication software; computer software supplied on the internet; computer software for interactive entertainment, which allows users to customize the viewing, listening, and playing experience by selecting and arranging the display and performance of audio, video and audiovisual elements; downloadable audio, visual, and audiovisual files and recordings, featuring multimedia entertainment programs and content; on-line electronic publications (downloadable from the internet or a computer network or a computer database); instant messaging software; file sharing software; communications software for electronically exchanging data, audio, video, images and graphics via computer, mobile, wireless, and telecommunication networks; computer software for processing images, graphics, audio, video, and text; downloadable computer software to facilitate the electronic transmission of information, data, documents, voice, and images over the internet; downloadable computer software which allows users to participate in web-based meetings and Classes, with access to data, documents, images and software applications through a web browser; downloadable computer software for accessing, viewing, and controlling remote computers and computer networks; downloadable electronic publications in the nature of articles, papers, and instructional materials in the fields of telecommunications, the internet, training, business, sales, and marketing; computer software, computer peripherals; notebook computers; laptop computers; portable computers; handheld computers; personal digital assistants; personal media players; mobile telephones; smart phones; digital cameras; batteries, battery chargers; computer workstations; computer servers; computer and telecommunications networking hardware; computer network adaptors, switches, routers and hubs; wireless and wired modems and communication cards and devices; laptop holders, computer bags; fire-extinguishing apparatus; computer hardware and firmware; computer software (including software downloadable from the internet); compact discs;digital music (downloadable from the internet); telecommunications apparatus; mouse mats; mobile phone handsets; mobile phone accessories; downloadable games, pictures, motion pictures, movies and music; alarm systems; security cameras; mobile radio and television broadcasting units; television broadcasting equipment; cameras; video cameras; headphones; telephone ear pieces; speakers; global positioning system (gps) apparatus and equipment; computer, electronic and video games programmes and software (including software downloadable from the internet); liquid crystal


displays for telecommunications and electronic equipment; set top box; remote control; data storage programs; spectacles and sunglasses; electronic signboards; encoded or magnetic bank credit, debit, cash and identification cards; automatic teller machines, cash dispensers; computer software applications, downloadable; electronic book readers; toner cartridges, unfilled, for printers and photocopiers; baby monitors; video baby monitors; lens hoods; tablet computers; encoded key cards; 3d spectacles; memory cards for video game machines; all included in class 9.


2015066818 08 October 2015

International priority date claimed : 08 April 2015,United States Of America

Computer operating software, computer browsing software, namely, software for browsing the global computer network and private networks, computer software for providing access to the internet, computer hardware, computers, desktop computers, laptop computers, tablet computers, mobile phones, personal handheld devices; all included in Class 9.

Google Inc.; 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, California 94043, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA

AGENT: Karen Navamani Abraham, Shearn Delamore & Co. 7th. Floor, Wisma Hamzah-Kwong Hing No. 1, Leboh Ampang 50100 Kuala Lumpur


2015068155 29 October 2015

International priority date claimed : 17 June 2015,Japan

AISIN SEIKI KABUSHIKI KAISHA (also trading as Aisin Seiki Co., Ltd.); 2-1 Asahi-machi, Kariya-shi, Aichi-ken, JAPAN

AGENT: Helen Huang, Peter Huang & Richard 368-3-1 & 2 Bellisa Row Jalan Burma 10350 Penang

Measuring or testing machines and instruments for detecting various information on performance of automobiles; measuring and testing machines and instruments; electronic locks; electronic control devices for automobiles; computer programs [recorded or downloadable]; electronic machines, apparatus and their parts; navigation apparatus for automobiles; automatic control and remote monitoring apparatus for gas engine heat pumps; telecommunications devices, apparatus and

CLASS : 9—cont.


instruments; solar cells; solar panels (solar battery panels); solar battery power generation devices; fuel cells; fuel-cell power generation devices; automotive batteries and battery chargers; electric controlling and regulating machines and apparatus for automobiles; batteries and cells; power distribution or control machines and apparatus; rotary converters; phase modifiers; intruder detecting apparatus for security systems; fire alarms; gas alarms; anti-theft warning apparatus; electronic publications; all included in Class 09.


2015068502 04 November 2015

International priority date claimed : 08 May 2015,European Union (Office For Harmonization In The Internal Market) - OHIM

Apparatus and instruments for conducting, switching, transforming, accumulating or controlling electricity; all included in Class 9.

HeSaLight A/S; Lykkegårdsvej 9, DK-4000 Roskilde, DENMARK

AGENT: Charmayne Ong Poh Yin, Skrine


2015068803 06 November 2015

The trade mark is limited to the colours as shown in the representation on the form of application.

Registration of this trade mark shall give no right to the exclusive use of the words “performing arts language learning”.

Teaching apparatus; cds; media for the storage of audio and visual data; musical recordings; video recordings; audio recordings; downloadable music and video files; all included in Class 09.

Jazzitup Kids Limited; HealthAid House 1 Marlborough Hill, Harrow Middlesex HA1 1UD, UNITED KINGDOM

AGENT: Mohana Murali A/L Kodivel, Adastra Intellectual Property Sdn Bhd

CLASS : 9—cont.



2015068825 06 November 2015

Advertisement of a series of two trade marks

Cameras; camcorders; eyepieces; eyepieces cases; batteries; battery chargers; computer software; computers; computer peripheral devices; laptops; tablets; smartphones; mobile phones; mobile phone cases; headphones; speakers; all included in Class 9


AGENT: Tang Yee Ling, C. S. Tang & Co. Suite 2.01, 2nd Floor, Straits Trading Building No. 2, Lebuh Pasar Besar 50050 Kuala Lumpur


2015068832 06 November 2015

Teaching apparatus; cds; media for the storage of audio and visual data; musical recordings; video recordings; audio recordings; downloadable music and video files; all included in Class 09.

Jazzitup Kids Limited; HealthAid House 1 Marlborough Hill, Harrow Middlesex HA1 1UD, UNITED KINGDOM

AGENT: Mohana Murali A/L Kodivel, Adastra Intellectual Property Sdn Bhd A-39-10, Penthouse, Menara UOA Bangsar No. 5, Jalan Bangsar Utama 1 59000 Kuala Lumpur



2015068990 11 November 2015

International priority date claimed : 26 October 2015,United States Of America

Earphones and headphones; all included in Class 9.

Skullcandy, Inc.; 1441 W. Ute Blvd., Suite 250, Park City, Utah 84098, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA

AGENT: Patrick Mirandah, Mirandah Asia (Malaysia) Sdn. Bhd.


2015070398 02 December 2015

Computer software; computer hardware; computer apparatus; computer software for manufacturing and system; all included in Class 9.

MicroChannel International; Suite 602 Level 6, 781 Pacific Highway, Chatswood, New South Wales 2067, AUSTRALIA

AGENT: Shireen Ngan Yuet Keng, Abasan Sdn Bhd


2015070464 03 December 2015

International priority date claimed : 05 June 2015,Switzerland

Vitra Patente AG; Klünenfeldstrasse 22, Muttenz, Birsfelden, 4127, SWITZERLAND

AGENT: Soh Kar Liang, Ella Cheong IP Services Sdn Bhd A-31-3, Level 31, Menara UOA Bangsar No 5, Jalan Bangsar Utama 1 59000 Kuala Lumpur

Electric cables, wires, conductors and connection fittings therefor, and commutators; brightness regulators; electric components, included in Class 9, namely switches, resistors, batteries, plugs and sockets; parts for all the aforesaid goods; power strips; cable runs; fluorescent tubes starter; cable connection box, fuse boxes, power distribution, namely systems to distribution of electricity to lights and outlets; electric energy distribution boxes, control installations for switching lights on and off, and for reducing the power of lights, control boxes, electronic installations for reducing the power of lights, ballasts, transformers; all included in class 09.


2015070477 03 December 2015

International priority date claimed : 27 July 2015,European Union (Office For Harmonization In The Internal Market) - OHIM

Photographic, cinematographic and optical apparatus and instruments; apparatus for recording, capturing, storing, processing, editing, displaying, transmission, reproduction and play back of sound or images; digital and optical recording media; audio, video, imaging, virtual-reality and presence-capture software; cameras; audio, video, imaging, virtual-reality and presence-capture sensors; head-mounted displays; spectacles (optics); downloadable sound and image files; audio, video and images encoder/decoder (codec); algorithms for the compression, decompression, encoding, decoding and processing of audio, video and imaging data; electronic publications; chips [integrated circuits]; microprocessors; parts, fittings and accessories of all the aforementioned goods; all included in Class 09.

Nokia Technologies Oy; Karaportti 3, Espoo, 02610, FINLAND

AGENT: Soh Kar Liang, Ella Cheong IP Services Sdn Bhd A-31-3, Level 31, Menara UOA Bangsar No 5, Jalan Bangsar Utama 1 59000 Kuala Lumpur


connection box, fuse boxes, power distribution, namely systems to distribution of electricity to lights and outlets; electric energy distribution boxes, control installations for switching lights on and off, and for reducing the power of lights, control boxes, electronic installations for reducing the power of lights, ballasts, transformers; all included in class 09.


2015070477 03 December 2015

International priority date claimed : 27 July 2015,European Union (Office For Harmonization In The Internal Market) - OHIM

Photographic, cinematographic and optical apparatus and instruments; apparatus for recording, capturing, storing, processing, editing, displaying, transmission, reproduction and play back of sound or images; digital and optical recording media; audio, video, imaging, virtual-reality and presence-capture software; cameras; audio, video, imaging, virtual-reality and presence-capture sensors; head-mounted displays; spectacles (optics); downloadable sound and image files; audio, video and images encoder/decoder (codec); algorithms for the compression, decompression, encoding, decoding and processing of audio, video and imaging data; electronic publications; chips [integrated circuits]; microprocessors; parts, fittings and accessories of all the aforementioned goods; all included in Class 09.

Nokia Technologies Oy; Karaportti 3, Espoo, 02610, FINLAND

AGENT: Soh Kar Liang, Ella Cheong IP Services Sdn Bhd A-31-3, Level 31, Menara UOA Bangsar No 5, Jalan Bangsar Utama 1 59000 Kuala Lumpur



2015071717 18 December 2015

The trade mark is limited to the colours as shown in the representation on the form of application.

LG CORP.; 20 Yeouido-dong Yeongdeungpo-gu Seoul 150-721 , REPUBLIC OF KOREA

AGENT: Charmayne Ong Poh Yin, Skrine Unit No. 50-8-1, 8th Floor, Wisma UOA Damansara 50 Jalan Dungun, Damansara Heights 50490 Kuala Lumpur

Cameras; digital cameras; motion recognizing sensors; pressure sensors; 3d spectacles for television receivers; electric battery chargers for smart phone [with wireless charging function]; power supplies for smart phones; mobile phone battery chargers; battery compensation chargers; battery charge devices; remote multi switches; light switches; electric power distribution apparatus; apparatus for improving power efficiency; apparatus and instruments for conveying, distributing, transforming, storing, regulating or controlling electric current; lighting control apparatus; inverter used in solar power generation; electric control devices for heating and energy management; electric connectors; electrical adapters; batteries; batteries for mobile phones; auxiliary batteries for mobile phones; rechargeable batteries; modules for photovoltaic power generation; solar batteries; crystalline silicon solar power cells; solar cell plates; solar cell panels; solar panels for the production of electricity; accumulators for photovoltaic power; apparatus for measuring/monitoring/analyzing electricity consumption; apparatus for diagnosing electrical power installations; electric wires and cables; light conducting filaments (optical fibers); electric cables; digital signage; televisions; television monitors; television receivers; displays for television receivers; display modules for television receivers; radios; radio receivers; audio component system composed of surround sound speakers, loudspeakers, tuners, sound mixers, equalizer, audio recorders, radio receivers; apparatus for recording, transmission or reproduction of sound and images; digital versatile disc [dvd] players; optical disc players; portable multimedia players; portable cd players; digital audio interface apparatus; wireless audio and video receivers; electric audio and visual apparatus and instruments; sound recording and reproducing apparatus; mp3 and other digital format audio players; digital audio and video recorders and players; digital audio recorders; digital video recorders and players; audio cassette recorders and players; video cassette recorders and players; compact disc recorders and players; digital versatile disc recorders and players; digital audio tape recorders and players; audio, video, and digital mixers; audio receivers; audio decoders; car audio apparatus; audio amplifiers; earphones; headphones; audio speakers; auxiliary speakers for mobile phones; speaker systems; smart phones; portable communications apparatus; displays for mobile phone; display modules for mobile phone; wearable smart phones; mobile phones; telephones; tv remote controls; remote controllers; remote controllers for controlling electronic products; digital set top boxes; set top boxes; wireless headsets; headsets; wireless headsets for mobile phones; liquid crystal protective films for smart phone; cases for mobile phone; flip covers for mobile phone; global positioning systems (gps) apparatus; navigational instruments; home network devices; electronic security systems for home network; home automation devices; wireless communication devices for voice, data or image transmission; telecommunication machines and implements; electronic communication apparatus and instruments; telecommunications apparatus and instruments; microphones; modems; network communication apparatus; facsimile machines; radio transmitters; wireless routers; antennas for wireless communications apparatus; telecommunication converters; electric installations for the remote control of industrial operations; apparatus for wireless transmission of acoustic information; computer


software; application software; tablet computers; computers; wearable computers; portablecomputers; laptop computers; monitors for computer; commercial monitors; printers for computer; led displays; oled displays; cases for tablet computer; flip covers for tablet computer; mouses; keyboards; universal serial bus [usb] devices; usb dongle [wireless network adapters]; interfaces and peripheral devices for computers; network attached storage [nas]; transmitters and receivers of electronic signals; cloud servers; server for home network system; server for home automation; computer hardware modules for use in internet of things electronic devices; digital electronic controllers; solar power panel for generation; solar panels for electricity generation; semiconductor chips; application processors; integrated circuits; chips for recording computer program and software; wafers for integrated circuits; semi-conductor wafers; solar cell wafer; solar wafers; plugs; plugs, sockets and other contacts [electric connections]; smart phones for wrist; displays in meters for automobiles; all included in Class 9.


2016000140 06 January 2016

Advertisement of a series of two trade marks

The first trade mark in the series is limited to the colours as shown in the representation on the form of application.

Apparatus and instruments for conducting, switching, transforming, accumulating, regulating or controlling electricity; apparatus for recording, transmission or reproduction of sound or images; electric cables; data cables; cable modems; computer cables; audio cables; usb cables; usb flash drives; usb modems; computer apparatus; computer data storage apparatus; data processing equipment; electronic apparatus for reading information; electronic apparatus for transmitting information; computer controlled sound apparatus; magnetic information carriers; compact discs, dvds and other digital recording media; audiovisual apparatus; apparatus for use in audio-visual communication; audio amplifiers; electric doorbells; telephone apparatus; apparatus for televisions; lightings; earphones; alarms; headsets for use with computers; adapter plugs; electrical adapters; plugs, sockets and other contacts [electric connections]; all included in Class 9.

Sound Tech & Newstar Pte Ltd; 101 Kitchener Road #01-07/08/09 Jalan Besar Plaza 208511, SINGAPORE

AGENT: Winnie Tham Wai Yee, Amica IP Services (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd 164B-1, 1st Floor, Wisma Sekiong Jalan Ngee Heng 80000 Johor Bahru

CLASS : 9—cont.



2016000686 22 January 2016

Registration of this trade mark shall give no right to the exclusive use of the words “made reliable”.

Digital music player/fm radio included in Class 9.

Great Mind Enterprise Sdn. Bhd.; No. 10, Lorong Haji Taib 5 Off Jalan Raja Laut 50300, KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA


2016002277 07 March 2016

The trade mark is limited to the colours as shown in the representation on the form of application.

Contract administration and tracking software included in Class 9.




2016051574 29 January 2016

Scientific, nautical, surveying, photographic, cinematographic, optical, weighing, measuring, signalling, checking (supervision), life-saving and teaching apparatus and instruments; apparatus and instruments for conducting, switching, transforming, accumulating, regulating or controlling electricity; apparatus for recording, transmission or reproduction of sound or images; magnetic data carriers, recording discs; compact discs, dvds and other digital recording media; mechanisms for coin-operated apparatus; cash registers, calculating machines, data processing equipment, computers; computer software; fire-extinguishing apparatus; electronically recorded data (downloadable); information technology and audiovisual equipment; magnets, magnetizers and demagnetizers; optical devices, enhancers and correctors; safety, security, protection and signalling devices;diving equipment; navigation, global positioning system tracking and location devices; downloadable electronic maps; measuring, detecting and monitoring instruments, indicators and controllers; educational apparatus and simulators; computer games (software); computer game software; computer game entertainment software; downloadable software; downloadable electronic games; video game software; interactive multimedia computer game programs; games software for use on mobile phones, tablets and other electronic mobile devices; games software downloadable to mobile phones, tablets and other electronic mobile devices; soft-ware for use on mobile phones, tablets and other electronic mobile devices; software downloadable to mobile phones, tablets and other electronic mobile devices; applications software featuring computer games; cases and covers for mobile phones, tablets, laptop computers and netbooks, portable media players, cameras and other photographic equipment; laptop bags; lanyards(straps) for mobile phones; eyewear; eye glasses; summer glasses; sunglasses; mobile phone covers; radios incorporating alarm clocks; all included in Class 9.

King.com Limited; Aragon House Business Centre Dragonara Road St. Julians STJ 3140 , MALTA

AGENT: Charmayne Ong Poh Yin, Skrine Unit No. 50-8-1, 8th Floor, Wisma UOA Damansara 50 Jalan Dungun, Damansara Heights 50490 Kuala Lumpur


CLASS : 10

2014066170 29 October 2014

Registration of this trade mark shall give no right to the exclusive use of the words " golden beauty bar"

Beauty devices for household use; massage devices; handheld power beauty devices for household use in the form of vibrating bars; handheld power beauty devices for household use in the form of micro-current stimulator for skin, and handheld power beauty devices for household use in the form of ionic skin enhancer and extractor; all included in Class 10.

Mary Kay Inc.; 16251 Dallas Parkway, Addison, Texas 75001, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA

AGENT: Charmayne Ong Poh Yin, Skrine Unit No. 50-8-1, 8th Floor, Wisma UOA Damansara 50 Jalan Dungun, Damansara Heights 50490 Kuala Lumpur

CLASS : 10

2014069969 31 December 2014

The Chinese characters appearing in the mark is the phonetic equivalent of the word “tau ben”.

Apparatus for use in massaging; appliances for massaging feet; deep heat massage apparatus; esthetic massage apparatus; heat wrap massage apparatus; instruments for massage; manual massage apparatus; manual massage instruments; massage apparatus [for medical purposes]; massage apparatus for use as marital aids; massage appliances; massaging apparatus for personal use; therapeutic apparatus incorporating massaging facilities; vibration generating apparatus for massage; apparatus for medical and therapeutic stimulation of the body; all includedin Class 10.

FULLY WEALTH SDN. BHD.; 15A, Kledang Permai 1, Taman Kledang Permai, 31450, Menglembu, PERAK MALAYSIA

AGENT: Foo Kit Sin, Unireno Associates Sdn. Bhd.


CLASS : 10

2015012465 04 December 2015

The trade mark is limited to the colours as shown in the representation on the form of application.

Surgical and medical instruments and apparatus; all included in Class 10.

Gramedic Sdn. Bhd.; No. 18-5-1, Jalan 5/101C, Blok A Cheras Business Centre Batu 5, Jalan Cheras 56100, KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA

CLASS : 10

2015050500 14 January 2015

Dental apparatus; galvanic therapeutic appliances; electrodes for medical use; feeding bottles; non-chemical contraceptives; surgical implants [artificial materials]; orthopaedic belts; suture materials; medical apparatus and instruments; nursing appliances; physiotherapy apparatus; hearing protectors; gloves for massage; pacifiers for babies; artificial limbs; orthopaedic articles; all included in Class 10.

BOE TECHNOLOGY GROUP CO., LTD.; No. 10 Jiuxianqiao Road, Chaoyang District, BEIJING 100016, PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CHINA

AGENT: Caroline Anne A/P Francis Xavier Money, RamRais & Partners Level 31, Menara TH Perdana 1001, Jalan Sultan Ismail 50250 Kuala Lumpur


CLASS : 10

2015063455 14 August 2015

The trade mark is limited to the colours as shown in the representation on the form of application.

Registration of this trade mark shall give no right to the exclusive use of the word “travelrest”

It is a condition of registration that the mark shall be used only in relation to goods with which all the applicants are connected in the course of trade

Inflatable pillows for medical use; inflatable mats for medical use; inflatable pillows for insomniac; all included in Class 10.

Teresa Marie Mittelstadt; 20 Val Vista Road, Mill Valley, Ca 9491 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA


John Robert Mittelstadt; 20 Val Vista Road, Mill Valley, Ca 9491 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA

AGENT: Charmayne Ong Poh Yin, Skrine Unit No. 50-8-1, 8th Floor, Wisma UOA Damansara 50 Jalan Dungun, Damansara Heights 50490 Kuala Lumpur

CLASS : 10

2015068156 29 October 2015

International priority date claimed : 17 June 2015,Japan

AISIN SEIKI KABUSHIKI KAISHA (also trading as Aisin Seiki Co., Ltd.); 2-1 Asahi-machi, Kariya-shi, Aichi-ken, JAPAN

AGENT: Helen Huang, Peter Huang & Richard 368-3-1 & 2 Bellisa Row Jalan Burma 10350 Penang

Electric lift chairs for nursing care; sleep analyzers for medical purposes; medical beds; equipment for holding, moving and handling people for nursing care purpose; bathing apparatus for nursing care


[for medical use]; medical machines and apparatus; ear plugs for sleeping; ear plugs for protection against noise; urinals [for medical purposes]; plug-in bedpan for invalids; pacifier clips; ice bag pillows for medical purposes; triangular bandages; supportive bandages; surgical catgut; feeding cups [for medical purposes]; dropping pipettes [for medical purposes]; feeding bottle teats; medical ice bags; medical ice bag holders; baby bottles; nursing bottles; finger guards [for medical purposes]; electric massage apparatus for household use; esthetic massage apparatus for industrial use; ear picks; all included in Class 10.

CLASS : 10

2015069367 17 November 2015

Registration of this trade mark shall give no right to the exclusive use of the numeral "2".

Anaesthetic masks; medical apparatus and instruments; hearing protectors; sphygmotensiometers; respirators for artificial respiration; apparatus for artificial respiration; thermometers for medical purposes; stents; masks for use by medical personnel; ear plugs [ear protection devices]; sterile sheets, surgical; physiotherapy apparatus; teething rings; feeding bottles; breast pumps; dummies [teats] for babies; feeding bottle valves; feeding bottle teats; surgical implants comprised of artificial materials; dental apparatus, electric; all included in Class 10.

MEHOW INNOVATIVE LTD; Block B, Ncbc Industrial Park, 6th Baolong Road, Longgang District, SHENZHEN 518116. , PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CHINA

AGENT: Gan Wai Kwang, Tiger Intellectual Sdn Bhd Suite 2.16, Desa Complex Jalan Kepong 52100 Kuala Lumpur

CLASS : 10

2015069371 17 November 2015

MEHOW INNOVATIVE LTD; Block B, Ncbc Industrial Park, 6th Baolong Road, Longgang District, SHENZHEN 518116. , PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CHINA

AGENT: Gan Wai Kwang, Tiger Intellectual Sdn Bhd Suite 2.16, Desa Complex Jalan Kepong 52100 Kuala Lumpur

Anaesthetic masks; medical apparatus and instruments; hearing protectors; sphygmotensiometers; respirators for artificial respiration; apparatus for artificial respiration; thermometers for medical purposes; stents; masks for use by medical personnel; ear plugs [ear protection devices]; sterile sheets, surgical; physiotherapy apparatus; teething rings; feeding bottles; breast pumps; dummies [teats] for babies; feeding bottle valves; feeding bottle teats; surgical implants comprised of artificial materials; dental apparatus, electric; all included in Class 10.

CLASS : 10

2016001204 05 February 2016

Surgical; medical; dental and veterinary apparatus and instruments; artificial limbs; eyes and teeth; orthopedic articles; suture materials; all included in Class 10.

UNIVERSITI MALAYSIA SABAH; Centre For Research And Innovation Universiti Malaysia Sabah, Jalan UMS 88400, Kota Kinabalu, SABAH MALAYSIA

CLASS : 11

2011011680 27 June 2011

The trade mark is limited to the colours as shown in the representation on the form of application.

It is a condition of registration that the mark shall be used only in relation to goods with which all the applicants are connected in the course of trade.

Alto Co., Ltd.; 826-26, Yoksam-dong, Kangnam-ku Seoul , REPUBLIC OF KOREA


Altek Technologies Co., Ltd.; 826-26, Yoksam-dong, Kangnam-ku Seoul , REPUBLIC OF KOREA

AGENT: Wong Sai Fong, Shearn Delamore & Co. 7th Floor, Wisma Hamzah-Kwong Hing No. 1, Leboh Ampang 50100 Kuala Lumpur

Lamps; lamp globes; lampshade holders; chimneys (lamp-); lamp reflectors; burners for lamps; lamp glasses; lighting apparatus and devices [non-electric]; lighting apparatus and devices for ships; lights for aircrafts; lighting apparatus and devices for aircrafts; air vehicles (lighting installations for-); lights for railway vehicles; lighting apparatus and devices for railway vehicles; anti-glare devices for railway vehicles [lamp fittings]; lights for motorcycles; automobile lights; headlights for automobiles; lighting apparatus and devices for automobiles; lamps for directional signals of automobiles; anti-dazzle

CLASS : 10—cont.


[teats] for babies; feeding bottle valves; feeding bottle teats; surgical implants comprised of artificial materials; dental apparatus, electric; all included in Class 10.

CLASS : 10

2016001204 05 February 2016

Surgical; medical; dental and veterinary apparatus and instruments; artificial limbs; eyes and teeth; orthopedic articles; suture materials; all included in Class 10.

UNIVERSITI MALAYSIA SABAH; Centre For Research And Innovation Universiti Malaysia Sabah, Jalan UMS 88400, Kota Kinabalu, SABAH MALAYSIA

CLASS : 11

2011011680 27 June 2011

The trade mark is limited to the colours as shown in the representation on the form of application.

It is a condition of registration that the mark shall be used only in relation to goods with which all the applicants are connected in the course of trade.

Alto Co., Ltd.; 826-26, Yoksam-dong, Kangnam-ku Seoul , REPUBLIC OF KOREA


Altek Technologies Co., Ltd.; 826-26, Yoksam-dong, Kangnam-ku Seoul , REPUBLIC OF KOREA

AGENT: Wong Sai Fong, Shearn Delamore & Co. 7th Floor, Wisma Hamzah-Kwong Hing No. 1, Leboh Ampang 50100 Kuala Lumpur

Lamps; lamp globes; lampshade holders; chimneys (lamp-); lamp reflectors; burners for lamps; lamp glasses; lighting apparatus and devices [non-electric]; lighting apparatus and devices for ships; lights for aircrafts; lighting apparatus and devices for aircrafts; air vehicles (lighting installations for-); lights for railway vehicles; lighting apparatus and devices for railway vehicles; anti-glare devices for railway vehicles [lamp fittings]; lights for motorcycles; automobile lights; headlights for automobiles; lighting apparatus and devices for automobiles; lamps for directional signals of automobiles; anti-dazzle


devices for automobiles [lamp-fittings]; vehicles lights; bicycle lights; lighting apparatus and devices for bicycles; street lamps; safety lamps for underground use; germicidal lamps for purifying air; miners? lamps; neon lamps; lanterns; dynamo lamps; implements for discharge lamps; incandescent lamps; incandescent lamp implements; ultraviolet ray lamps, not for medical purposes; germicidal lamps; chandeliers; miniature light bulbs; lighting devices for showcases; water surface lamps; mercury lamps; aquarium lights; spotlights; acetylene flares; are lamps; carbon for are lamps; safety lamps; lamps for outdoor use; projector lamps; overhead lamps; diving lights; decoration lamps; infrared lamps; electric lamps; filaments for electric lamps; filaments, electric (heating-); pocket torches, electric; electric lighting apparatus; electric lighting devices [other than for vehicles]; sockets for electric lights; lanterns for lighting; filaments (magnesium -) for lighting; luminous tubes for lighting; tubes (discharge-), electric, for lighting; light diffusers; discharge tubes, electric, for lighting; lighting apparatus and installations; torches for lighting; fish gathering lamp; ceiling lights; fairy lights for festive decoration; christmas trees (electric lights for-); christmas trees (electric bulbs for-); standard lamps; searchlights; artificial solar lamp; floodlights; fluorescent lamps; fluorescent lamp tubes; flashlights [torches]; lighting apparatus for vehicles; lights for vehicles; reflecting mirrors for vehicles; headlights for vehicles; anti-glare devices for vehicles; air deodorising apparatus; air sterilizers; chinese lanterns; curling lamps; laboratory lamps; soldering lamps; house numbers (luminous-); oil lamps; gas lamps; all included in Class 11.

CLASS : 11

2014059114 20 June 2014

Air-purifying apparatus included in Class 11.

SENUR-EUROPE Haushaltsgeräte Vertriebs GmbH;Schleissheimer Strasse 263, 80809 München, GERMANY

AGENT: Goh Mei Ling, Henry Goh & Co. Sdn. Bhd. 217, Jalan Imbi 55100 Kuala Lumpur

CLASS : 11

2014068512 09 December 2014

International priority date claimed : 07 November 2014,Singapore

Registration of this trade mark shall give no right to the exclusive use of the words “toilet fresh”.

Air deodorising apparatus included in Class 11.

The Procter & Gamble Company; One Procter & Gamble Plaza, Cincinnati, Ohio 45202, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA

AGENT: Chew Kherk Ying, Wong & Partners

CLASS : 11—cont.


CLASS : 11

2015010656 21 October 2015

The trade mark is limited to the colours as shown in the representation on the form of application.

Instruments, installations and apparatus, all for air conditioning, air freshening, air filtering, hygiene or ventilation; apparatus and instruments, for drying, cooling and heating, and for imparting motion to gases; heat transfer apparatus; fans, blowers and impellers; parts and fittings for all the aforesaid goods; all included in Class 11.

T.E.M. Engineering Sdn. Bhd.; No. 8, Jalan TPP 6/7 Taman Perindustrian Puchong 47100, PUCHONG, SELANGOR MALAYSIA

CLASS : 11

2015050501 14 January 2015

BOE TECHNOLOGY GROUP CO., LTD.; No. 10 Jiuxianqiao Road, Chaoyang District, BEIJING 100016, PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CHINA

AGENT: Caroline Anne A/P Francis Xavier Money, RamRais & Partners Level 31, Menara TH Perdana 1001, Jalan Sultan Ismail 50250 Kuala Lumpur

Illuminating lamps; lamps; incandescent burners; stage luminaires; illuminator; light bulbs; discharge tubes, electric, for lighting; lighting apparatus and installations; luminous tubes for lighting; planar cold cathode fluorescent lamps; lighting installations for air vehicles; lighting apparatus and installations for aircraft; electric lamps; daylight fluorescent lamp tubes; pocket torches, electric; ceiling lights; laboratory lamps; ultraviolet ray lamps, not for medical purposes; safety lamps; fairy lights for festive decoration; miners' lamps; luminous house numbers; searchlights; torches for lighting; street lamps; aquarium lights; diving lights; lights for vehicles; lighting apparatus for vehicles; led (light emitting diode) lamps; led (light emitting diode) light bulbs; led (light emitting diode) illuminating lamps; led (light emitting diode) lighting fixtures; led (light emitting diode) lighting apparatus and installations; oled (organic light-emitting diode) lamps; oled (organic light-emitting diode) light bulbs; oled (organic light-emitting diode) illuminating lamps; oled (organic light-emitting diode) lighting fixtures; oled(organic light-emitting diode) lighting apparatus and installations; all included in Class 11.


CLASS : 11

2015066914 08 October 2015

Air cooling apparatus; air purifying apparatus and machines; air reheaters; alcohol burners; autoclaves [electric pressure cookers]; bakers? ovens; lava rocks for use in barbecue; barbecues; bath fittings; heaters for baths; beverages cooling apparatus; boilers [other than parts of machines]; bread toasters; burners; coffee filters, electric; coffee machines, electric; coffee percolators, electric; coffee roasters; cookers; cooking rings; cooking utensils, electric; deep fryers, electric; filters for drinking water; extractor hoods for kitchens; heaters, electric for feeding bottles; freezers; fruit roasters; grills [cooking appliances]; hot plates; hot water bottles; ice boxes; ice machines and apparatus; kettles, electric; kitchen ranges [ovens] microwave ovens [cooking apparatus]; milk cooling installations; pasteurisers; pressure cooking saucepans, electric; refrigerators; sauna bath installations; sinks; sterilizers; stoves; toasters; waffle irons, electric; walk-in refrigerators; warming pans; wash-hand bowls [parts of sanitary installations]; water heaters; all included in Class 11.

Ni Hsin Corporation Sdn Bhd; 45 Jalan Taming Dua, Taman Taming Jaya, 43300, Seri Kembangan, SELANGOR MALAYSIA

AGENT: Lok Choon Hong, Pintas IP Group Sdn. Bhd.

CLASS : 11

2015067487 19 October 2015

Pocket torches, electric; pocket searchlights; safety lamps; flashlights [torches]; spot lights; diving lights; lanterns for lighting; bicycle lights; lighting apparatus and installations; miners? lamps; light diffusers; street lamps; aquarium lights; light-emitting diodes [led] lighting apparatus; lighting installations for air vehicles; lights for vehicles; lighting apparatus for vehicles; ultraviolet ray lamps, not for medical purposes; flares; all included in Class 11.

OLIGHT TECHNOLOGY CO., LIMITED; East of 2/F, 1st Building, Fuhai Industrial Park, Fuyong, Bao'an District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CHINA

AGENT: Mohana Murali A/L Kodivel, Adastra Intellectual Property Sdn Bhd


CLASS : 11

2015068015 26 October 2015

Advertisement of a series of two trade marks

Apparatus for water supply; portable and non-portable hydrogen gererators; apparatus for water treatment, apparatus for water with hydrogen generators, apparatus for water purification, ionic water generators, portable and non-portable ionic water generators, water filters, water purifier, water treatment filters, water treatment; hydrogen generator;water treatment and sanitary purposes; all included in Class 11.

H2O BIOTECH SDN. BHD.; 18D, Jalan Ayer Itam, MK 13, 11400, Ayer Itam, PULAU PINANG MALAYSIA

AGENT: Patricia Chung Wei Leng, Chung Chambers B303-4-15, Krystal Point 1 Jalan Sultan Azlan Shah, MK 12 11900 Bayan Lepas

CLASS : 11

2015068017 26 October 2015

Advertisement of a series of two trade marks

Apparatus for water supply; portable and non-portable hydrogen gererators; apparatus for water treatment, apparatus for water with hydrogen generators, apparatus for water purification, ionic water generators, portable and non-portable ionic water generators, water filters, water purifier, water treatment filters, water treatment; hydrogen generator;water treatment and sanitary purposes; all included in Class 11.

H2O BIOTECH SDN. BHD.; 18D, Jalan Ayer Itam, MK 13, 11400, Ayer Itam, PULAU PINANG MALAYSIA

AGENT: Patricia Chung Wei Leng, Chung Chambers B303-4-15, Krystal Point 1 Jalan Sultan Azlan Shah, MK 12 11900 Bayan Lepas


CLASS : 11

2015068157 29 October 2015

International priority date claimed : 17 June 2015,Japan

Bathing apparatus for nursing care, not for medical purposes; bath fittings; toilet stool units with a washing water squirter; disinfectant dispensers for toilets; toilet bowls; seating for use with japanese style toilet bowls; air-conditioning apparatus bygas engine heat pumps for industrial purposes; heat pumps; air conditioning apparatus and fittings thereof [for industrial purposes]; space heating and cooling apparatus and fittings thereof [for industrial purposes]; air-conditioning apparatus by gas engine heat pumps for household purposes; cooling and heating devices and fittings thereof [for household purposes]; air conditioning apparatus and fittings thereof [for household purposes]; household electrothermic appliances; feed water heaters with cogeneration functions [for non-electric prime movers and engines]; hot water storage type hot water supplying apparatus using heat from gas engines [for industrial purposes]; gas hot water suppliers for industrial purposes; gas engine heat pumps and their parts; boilers, not for parts for non-electric prime movers, and not for engines; hot water storage type hot water supplying apparatus using heat from gas engines [for household purposes]; gas hot water suppliers for household purposes; gas water heaters for household purposes; hot-air space heating apparatus [for household purposes]; stoves for household purposes [non-electric]; toilet bowls and seats sold as a unit; prefabricated bathrooms sold as a unit; prefabricated shower baths sold as a unit; portable toilets for nursing care; portable toilets; all included in Class 11.

AISIN SEIKI KABUSHIKI KAISHA (also trading as Aisin Seiki Co., Ltd.); 2-1 Asahi-machi, Kariya-shi, Aichi-ken, JAPAN

AGENT: Helen Huang, Peter Huang & Richard 368-3-1 & 2 Bellisa Row Jalan Burma 10350 Penang


CLASS : 11

2015068506 04 November 2015

International priority date claimed : 08 May 2015,European Union (Office For Harmonization In The Internal Market) - OHIM

Apparatus for lighting, including street lighting, school lighting, office lighting, industrial lighting, outdoor and indoor lighting, and lighting control systems for reducing energy consumption and reducing harmful co2 pollution; all included in Class 11.

HeSaLight A/S; Lykkegårdsvej 9, DK-4000 Roskilde, DENMARK

AGENT: Charmayne Ong Poh Yin, Skrine Unit No. 50-8-1, 8th Floor, Wisma UOA Damansara 50 Jalan Dungun, Damansara Heights 50490 Kuala Lumpur

CLASS : 11

2015071737 18 December 2015

Lamps for automobiles; rear lamps for automobiles; light emitting diode lights for automobiles; interior lights for automobiles; fog lamps [lights] for automobiles; headlamps for automobiles; lighting apparatus and devices for automobiles; brake light for automobiles; led luminaries; light emitting diodes [led] bulbs; led lighting apparatus; led flash; organic light emitting diodes [oled] lighting devices; electric lighting apparatus; lighting apparatus and installations; vehicle dynamo lamps; all included in Class 11.

LG CORP.; 20 Yeouido-dong Yeongdeungpo-gu Seoul 150-721, REPUBLIC OF KOREA

AGENT: Charmayne Ong Poh Yin, Skrine Unit No. 50-8-1, 8th Floor, Wisma UOA Damansara 50 Jalan Dungun, Damansara Heights 50490 Kuala Lumpur


CLASS : 12

2012050290 17 January 2012

Advertisement of a series of two trade marks

The first trade mark in the series is limited to the colours as shown in the representation on the form of application.

Registration of this trade mark shall give no right to the exclusive use of the words “kl - Kuala Selangor” and “expressway”.

Vehicles; motorcycles; vehicles (electric); motorcycle (electric); vehicles for patrolling highway and expressway; vehicles for emergency response on highway and expressway; trucks tractors and trailers for loading and hauling; parts and fittings for all the aforesaid land vehicles; all included in Class 12.


AGENT: Chen Sung Fang, Gazel Chen & Partners No. 10A (1st Floor), Jalan SS 21/58 Damansara Utama 47400 Petaling Jaya

CLASS : 12

2013063704 16 December 2013

Automobiles and structural parts therefor; all included in Class 12.

Tesla Motors, Inc.; 3500 Deer Creek Road, Palo Alto, California 94304, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA

AGENT: Timothy Siaw, Shearn Delamore & Co. 7th Floor, Wisma Hamzah-Kwong Hing No. 1, Leboh Ampang 50100 Kuala Lumpur


CLASS : 12

2013063728 16 December 2013

Automobiles and structural parts therefor; all included in Class 12.

Tesla Motors, Inc.; 3500 Deer Creek Road, Palo Alto, California 94304, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA

AGENT: Timothy Siaw, Shearn Delamore & Co. 7th Floor, Wisma Hamzah-Kwong Hing No. 1, Leboh Ampang 50100 Kuala Lumpur

CLASS : 12

2014052571 24 February 2014

SONY CORPORATION; 1-7-1 Konan, Minato-ku, Tokyo Japan. 108-0075, JAPAN

AGENT: Mohana Murali A/L Kodivel, Adastra Intellectual Property Sdn Bhd A-39-10, Penthouse, Menara UOA Bangsar No. 5, Jalan Bangsar Utama 1 59000 Kuala Lumpur

Aerial conveyors; aeronautical apparatus, machines and appliances; aeroplanes; air bags (safety devices for automobiles); air balloons; air vehicles; aircraft; airships; ambulances; amphibious airplanes; anti-dazzle devices for vehicles ; anti-glare devices for vehicles; anti-skid chains; anti-theft alarms for vehicles; anti-theft devices for vehicles; automobile bodies; automobile chains; automobile chassis; automobile hoods; automobile tires (tyres); automobiles; axles for vehicles; bands for wheel hubs; baskets adapted for cycles; bells for bicycles, cycles; bicycle brakes; bicycle chains; bicycle frames; bicycle handle bars; bicycle pumps; bicycle rims; bicycle saddles; bicycle spokes; bicycle stands; bicycle tires (tyres); bicycles; boat hooks; boats; bodies for vehicles; bogies for railway cars; brake linings for vehicles; brake segments for vehicles; brake shoes for vehicles; brakes for bicycles, cycles; brakes for vehicles; buffers for railway rolling stock; bumpers for automobiles; cable cars; cable transport apparatus and installations; caissons (vehicles); camping cars; caps for vehicle petrol (gas)tanks; caravans; carriages (railways); carrier tricycles; cars; cars for cable transport installations; carts; casings for pneumatic tires (tyres); casters for trolleys (vehicles)(carts (am.)); casting cars; chairlifts; cleaning trolleys; concrete mixing vehicles; couplings for land vehicles; covers for baby carriages; covers for vehicle steering wheels; crankcases for land vehicle components, other than for engines; cranks for cycles; cycle bells; cycle brakes; cycle cars; cycle chains; cycle frames; cycle handle bars; cycle hubs; cycle mudguards; cycle pumps; cycle rims; cycle saddles; cycle spokes; cycle stands; cycle tires (tyres); cycles; davits for boats; delivery tricycles; dining cars; dining cars (carriages); dinner wagons (carriages); direction indicators for bicycles; direction signals for vehicles; dirigible balloons (airships); disengaging gear for boats; doors for vehicles; dredgers (boats); dress guards for bicycles, cycles; driving chains for land vehicles; driving motors for land vehicles; ejector seats for aircraft; electric vehicles; elevating tailgates (parts of land vehicles); engines for land


vehicles; fenders for ships; ferry boats; flanges for railway wheel tires (tyres); fork lift trucks; frames for bicycles, cycles; freewheels for land vehicles; funiculars; funnels for locomotives; funnels for ships; gear boxes for land vehicles; gearing for land vehicles; gears for cycles; golf carts; hand cars; handle bars for bicycles, cycles; handling carts; headlight wipers; head-rests for vehicle seats; hoods for baby carriages; hoods for vehicle engines; hoods for vehicles; horns for vehicles; hose carts; hub caps; hubs for vehicle wheels; hydraulic circuits for vehicles; hydroplanes; inclined ways for boats; inner tubes for bicycles, cycles; inner tubes for pneumatic tires (tyres); jet engines for land vehicles; kick sledges; ladle carriages; ladle cars; launches; lifting cars (lift cars); locomotives; lorries; luggage carriers for vehicles; luggage nets for vehicles; luggage trucks; masts for boats; military vehicles for transport; mine cart wheels; mopeds; motor buses; motor cars; motor coaches; motor homes; motorcycles; motors, electric, for land vehicles; motors for cycles; motors for land vehicles; mudguards; non-skid devices for vehicle tires (tyres);non-electric prime movers for land vehicles (not including "their parts"); oars; omnibuses; paddles for canoes; panniers adapted for cycles; pedals for cycles; pneumatic tires (tyres); pontoons; portholes; power tailgates (parts of land vehicles); prams (baby carriages); propulsion mechanisms for land vehicles; pumps for bicycles, cycles; pushchair covers; pushchair hoods; pushchairs; railway couplings; rearview mirrors; reduction gears for land vehicles; remote control vehicles, other than toys; repair outfits for inner tubes; reversing alarms for vehicles; rickshaws; rims for vehicle wheels; rims for wheels of bicycles, cycles; rolling stock for funicular railways; rolling stock for railways; rowlocks; rudders; sack-barrows; saddle covers for bicycles or motorcycles; saddles for bicycles, cycles or motorcycles; safety belts for vehicle seats; safety seats for children, for vehicles; scooters (vehicles); screw-propellers; screw-propellers for boats; screws (propellers)for ships; sculls; seaplanes; seat covers for vehicles; security harness for vehicle seats; ships; ships' hulls; ships' steering gears; shock absorbers for automobiles; shock absorbing springs for vehicles; shopping trolleys (carts (am.)); side cars; ski lifts; sleeping berths for vehicles; sleeping cars; sleighs (vehicles); sleighs and sleds (vehicles); snowmobiles; space vehicles; spare tire covers; spare tyre covers; spare wheel covers; spars for ships; spikes for tires tyres); spoilers for vehicles; spoke clips for wheels; spokes for bicycles, cycles; sports cars; sprinkling trucks; stands for bicycles, cycles (parts of bicycles, cycles); steering gears for ships; steering wheels for vehicles; stern oars; stroller covers (pushchairs); strollers; studs for tires (tyres); sun-blinds adapted for automobiles; suspension shock absorbers for vehicles; tailboard lifts (parts of land vehicles); telpher railways (cable cars); tilt trucks; tilting-carts; timbers (frames)for ships; tipping apparatus, parts of trucks and wagons; tipping bodies for lorries (trucks); tires for bicycles, cycles; tires for vehicle wheels; tires, solid, for vehicle wheels; torque converters for land vehicles; torsion bars for vehicles; traction engines; tractors; traction engine; trailers (vehicles); tramcars; transmission chains for land vehicles; transmission shafts for land vehicles; transmissions, for land vehicles; treads for retreading tires (tyres); treads for vehicles (roller belts); treads for vehicles (tractor type); tricycles; trucks; tubeless tires tyres) for bicycles, cycles; turbines for land vehicles; turn signals for vehicles; two-wheeled trolleys; tyres for vehicle wheels; tyres, solid, for vehicle wheels; undercarriages for vehicles; unloading tipplers (for tilting railway freight cars); valves for vehicle tires (tyres); vans (vehicles); vehicle bumpers; vehicle chassis; vehicle covers (shaped); vehicle running boards; vehicle seats; vehicle suspension springs; vehicle wheel rims; vehicle wheel spokes; vehicle wheel tires (tyres); vehicle wheels; vehicles for locomotion by land, air, water or rail; waggons; water vehicles; all included in Class 12.

CLASS : 12—cont.


CLASS : 12

2015012067 24 November 2015

Registration of this trade mark shall give no right to the exclusive use of the word "premier".

Motor vehicles and parts thereof; all included in Class 12.

General Motors Llc; 300 Renaissance Center City of Detroit State of Michigan 48265-3000 , UNITED STATES OF AMERICA

AGENT: Zaharizan Ahmed Meah, Drewmarks Patents & Designs (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd 9th Floor, Bangunan Getah Asli (Menara) 148 Jalan Ampang 50450 Kuala Lumpur

CLASS : 12

2015050235 08 January 2015

Vehicles; apparatus for locomotion by land, air or water, motorcycles; all included in Class 12.

FITES; 1720 Chemin de la Cigale, 30900 NIMES, FRANCE

AGENT: Caroline Anne A/P Francis Xavier Money, RamRais & Partners Level 31, Menara TH Perdana 1001, Jalan Sultan Ismail 50250 Kuala Lumpur


CLASS : 12

2015059681 19 June 2015

International priority date claimed : 22 December 2014,Germany

Vehicles, apparatus for locomotion by land, air or water; parts for vehicles and apparatus for locomotion by land, air or water, included in Class 12; bodies of metal for vehicles and apparatus for locomotion by land, air or water; engines for land vehicles; parts for vehicle motors and engines; all included in class 12.

ThyssenKrupp AG; ThyssenKrupp AG, ThyssenKrupp Allee 1, 45143 Essen, GERMANY

AGENT: Charmayne Ong Poh Yin, Skrine

CLASS : 12

2015068158 29 October 2015

International priority date claimed : 17 June 2015,Japan

Non-electric prime movers for land vehicles [not including ?their parts?]; vehicles for the physically handicapped and those of reduced mobility; automobiles and their parts and fittings; two-wheeled motor vehicles, bicycles and their parts and fittings; self-propelled electric vehicles; electrically operated personal mobility type scooters and automobiles; electric vehicles; wheelchairs for nursing care; electric wheelchairs; wheelchairs and their parts and fittings; rickshaws; sleighs and sleds [vehicles]; hand trucks; carts; bicycle trailers; machine elements for land vehicles; anti-theft alarms for vehicles; anti-theft devices for automobiles; ac motors or dc motors for land vehicles [not including "their parts"]; adhesives rubber patches for repairing tubes or tires; baby carriages [prams]; all included in Class 12.

AISIN SEIKI KABUSHIKI KAISHA (also trading as Aisin Seiki Co., Ltd.); 2-1 Asahi-machi, Kariya-shi, Aichi-ken, JAPAN

AGENT: Helen Huang, Peter Huang & Richard 368-3-1 & 2 Bellisa Row Jalan Burma 10350 Penang


CLASS : 12

2015069353 17 November 2015

Vehicle tires; inner tubes for tires; all included in Class 12.


AGENT: Caroline Anne A/P Francis Xavier Money, RamRais & Partners Level 31, Menara TH Perdana 1001, Jalan SultanIsmail 50250 Kuala Lumpur

CLASS : 12

2015069573 19 November 2015

Advertisement of a series of two trade marks

The first trade mark in the series is limited to the colours as shown in the representation on the form of application.

Registration of this trade mark shall give no right to the exclusive use of a letter “v”.

Bicycles, bicycle saddles, bicycle saddle covers, bicycle frame, bicycle grips, bicycle grip tapes, bicycle handle bars and bicycle handle bar tapes; all included in Class 12.

VELO ENTERPRISE CO., LTD.; No.1012, Sec.1, Jhongshan Rd., Dajia Dist., Taichung City, , TAIWAN, PROVINCE OF CHINA

AGENT: Goh Mei Ling, Henry Goh & Co. Sdn. Bhd. 217, Jalan Imbi 55100 Kuala Lumpur


CLASS : 12

2016001064 02 February 2016

Air freshner, fragrance, door visor, sun visor cover, dashboard cover, wiper, mats adapted, seat cover, car alarm system, steering wheel cover, horns; all included in Class 12.

POWER ZONE MARKETING SDN BHD; Lot 7195, No 1E,Yung Kong Garden, Foochow Road No. 1, 93300 Kuching,SARAWAK MALAYSIA

CLASS : 12

2016001147 04 February 2016

Land vehicles, motor vehicles, motor car, its parts and fitting for the above mentioned goods; all Included In Class 12.

Edaran Badang Sdn Bhd; No. 1 & 3, Jalan Kemajuan 2, Kawasan Perindustrian Kota Tinggi Kota Tinggi 81900, JOHOR MALAYSIA

AGENT: Norizan Binti Tarmeze @ Ghazali, Norizan Tarmeze & Associates,

CLASS : 12

2016051148 22 January 2016

Bicycles; chains for bicycles, cycles; cranks for cycles; frames for bicycles, cycles; inner tubes for bicycles, cycles; bicycle bells; trolleys; stands for bicycles, cycles [parts of bicycles, cycles]; handle bars for bicycles, cycles; bicycle saddles; pushchairs; repair outfits for inner tubes; upholstery for vehicles; brakes for vehicles; mudguards; rims for wheels of bicycles, cycles; mopeds; motorcycles; vehicles for locomotion by land, air, water or rail; pumps for bicycles, cycles; all included in Class 12.

Format (Guangzhou) Bicycle Co., Ltd.; West Dongfeng Avenue, Port Industry Park, Huadu District, Guangzhou City, Guangdong Province, PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CHINA

AGENT: Tan Sin Su, Quality Oracle Sdn. Bhd


CLASS : 14

2015009692 22 September 2015

Jewellery, precious stones, precious metals and their alloys, good in precious metals or coated therewith; horogical and chronometric instruments; all included in Class 14.

LEE SAN SAN; No. 1585, Chen Lian Garden, Airport Road, 98000 Miri, SARAWAK, , SARAWAK MALAYSIA

AGENT: Zaharah Malim Binti Sidik Malim, Mindswitch Sdn Bhd Lot 1232, 2nd Floor, Miri Centrepoint Commercial Centre Jalan Melayu 98000 Miri

CLASS : 14

2015009696 22 September 2015

Jewellery,precious stones, precious metals and their alloys,goods in precious metals or coated therewith, horological and chronometric instruments; all included in Class 14.

LEE SAN SAN; No. 1585, Chen Lian Garden, Airport Road, 98000 Miri, SARAWAK, , SARAWAK MALAYSIA

AGENT: Zaharah Malim Binti Sidik Malim, Mindswitch Sdn Bhd Lot 1232, 2nd Floor, Miri Centrepoint Commercial Centre Jalan Melayu 98000 Miri


CLASS : 14

2015053691 12 March 2015

The transliteration and translation of the Chinese characters of which the mark consists are “zhuan yuan xiang long”meaning “fortune dragon”.

Precious metals and their alloys; jewellery, costume jewellery, precious stones; horological and chronometric instruments, clocks and watches; all included in Class 14.

Persatuan Memperbaiki Akhlak Che Ann Khor Yong Peng, Johor; Lot HS 2677, PT 2446, Jalan Kota Impian 1, Taman Kota Impian, 83700 Yong Peng, Johor, Malaysia. 83700, JOHOR MALAYSIA

AGENT: Low Chee Keong, 24, Jalan E/H 33 Taman Evergreen Heights 83000 Batu Pahat

CLASS : 14

2015058424 02 June 2015

Watches; chronometrical instruments; chronographs (watches); clockworks; cases for clock and watchmaking; movements for clocks and watches; watch straps; imitation jewelry; necklaces (jewellery); and rings (jewellery); all included in Class 14.

Ercan Saat Sanayi Ve Ticaret Limited Sirketi; Tahtakale Cad No: 70 Fatih Istanbul, TURKEY

AGENT: Mohana Murali A/L Kodivel, Adastra Intellectual Property Sdn Bhd A-39-10, Penthouse, Menara UOA Bangsar No. 5, Jalan Bangsar Utama 1 59000 Kuala Lumpur


CLASS : 14

2015068829 06 November 2015

Advertisement of a series of two trade marks

Horological articles and goods; chronographs; jewellery; artifical jewellery; craft kits for jewellery construction; clocks; watches; clothing ornaments of precious metals or precious stones; hat ornaments of precious metals or precious stones; precious metals; semi ?precious metals; threads of precious metals; alloys of precious metals; precious stones (gems); artificial precious stones (artificial gems); pearls; diamond; all included in Class 14


AGENT: Tang Yee Ling, C. S. Tang & Co. Suite 2.01, 2nd Floor, Straits Trading Building No. 2, Lebuh Pasar Besar 50050 Kuala Lumpur

CLASS : 14

2015069352 17 November 2015

Precious metals and their alloys; jewellery, precious stones; watches; horological and chronometric instruments; all included in Class 14.

TRILLION TOP COMPANY LIMITED; 13/F, Harbour Commercial Building, 122-124 Connaught Road Central, SHEUNG WAN. HONG KONG

AGENT: Gan Wai Kwang, Tiger Intellectual Sdn Bhd Suite 2.16, Desa Complex Jalan Kepong 52100 Kuala Lumpur


CLASS : 14

2015071732 18 December 2015

The trade mark is limited to the colours as shown in the representation on the form of application.

Watchband incorporating sensors; watches; parts and fittings for watches; wrist watches; watches with the function of wireless communication; watches that communicate data to personal digital assistants, smart phones, tablet computers, and personal computers through internet websites and other computer and electronic communication networks; watchbands that communicate data to personal digital assistants, smart phones, tablet computers, and personal computers through internet websites and other computer and electronic communication networks; bracelets that communicate data to personal digital assistants, smart phones, tablet computers, and personal computers through internet websites and other computer and electronic communication networks; watches incorporating cameras and mp3 players, and that communicate data to smart phones and pda; all included in Class 14.

LG CORP.; 20 Yeouido-dong Yeongdeungpo-gu Seoul 150-721 , REPUBLIC OF KOREA

AGENT: Charmayne Ong Poh Yin, Skrine Unit No. 50-8-1, 8th Floor, Wisma UOA Damansara 50 Jalan Dungun, Damansara Heights 50490 Kuala Lumpur


CLASS : 16

2013050195 09 January 2013

Paper, cardboard and goods made from these materials, not included in other Classes and related to motorsports, motor racing, racing tracks; printed matter related to motorsports, motor racing, racing tracks; bookbinding material related to motorsports, motor racing, racing tracks; photographs; stationery; adhesives for stationery or household purposes; artists' materials; paint brushes; typewriters and office requisites (except furniture); instructional and teaching material (except apparatus) related to motorsports, motor racing, racing tracks; plastic materials for packaging (not included in other classes); printers' type; printing blocks; all included in class 16.

UEM LAND BERHAD; 16-1, Mercu UEM, Jalan Stesen Sentral 5, Kuala Lumpur Sentral, 50470, KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA

AGENT: Su Siew Ling, Zaid Ibrahim & Co. Level 19, Menara Milenium Jalan Damanlela, Pusat Bandar Damansara 50490 Kuala Lumpur

CLASS : 16

2013056909 15 July 2013

Advertisement of a series of four trade marks

The second and third trade marks in the series are limited to the colours as shown in the representation on the form of application.

Registration of this trade mark shall give no right to the exclusive use of the word “group”.

LEAP Associates Consultancy Sdn Bhd; A-3-5 Mont Kiara Pelangi, Jalan Kiara 1, 50480, KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA

AGENT: Wong Huei Niang, Huei & Co. 16-3A, Jalan PJU1/3A Sunwaymas Commercial Centre 47301 Petaling Jaya

Printed matter, books, booklets, business books, workbooks, manuals, reference manuals, user guides in the form of printed matter, handbooks, instruction manuals, written articles, written columns, training guides, user guides, white papers, charts, tables, handouts and pamphlets, all in the fields of improving personal, team, organizational, and business skills, abilities and performance; concert programs, diaries, discussion notes, documentation, cards, guides (printed matter), membership certificates, music scores, newsletter relating to personal health risk assessment, newsletter relating to risk management, discrete input forms for information technology, manuals relating to information technology, stationery, photographs, instructional and training material (except apparatus); all included in Class 16.

CLASS : 16

2014003004 18 March 2014

Advertisement of a series of two trade marks

The first trade mark in the series is limited to the colour as shown in the representation on the form of application.

Advertisement materials of paper or cardboard; banners and signboards of paper and cardboards; posters and buntings of paper and cardboards; paper and paper articles; cardboard and cardboard articles; cards, forms; labels; office requisites, except furniture; pens, pencils, stationery-type portfolios, clipboards, desk sets, mounted and unmounted photographs, posters, memo pads, binders, paperweights, paper coasters, calendars, notebooks, portfolios, book covers, sticker books; greeting cards; flyers and informational flyers, printed matter and publications; stickers; newsletters, pamphlets, magazines, periodicals; books, instructional manuals, user guides and reference guides, all in the field of telecommunication systems, software and services including computer networks, wireless networks and the internet and access and equipment therefore; all included in Class 16.

Altel Communications Sdn. Bhd.; E-11-08, No. 2, Jalan PJU 1A/7A Oasis Square, Oasis Damansara 47301, PETALING JAYA, SELANGOR MALAYSIA

AGENT: Adhuna Binti Kamarul Ariffin, Bustaman Lot C9-3, Jalan Selaman 1 Dataran Palma 68000 Ampang


programs, diaries, discussion notes, documentation, cards, guides (printed matter), membership certificates, music scores, newsletter relating to personal health risk assessment, newsletter relating to risk management, discrete input forms for information technology, manuals relating to information technology, stationery, photographs, instructional and training material (except apparatus); all included in Class 16.

CLASS : 16

2014003004 18 March 2014

Advertisement of a series of two trade marks

The first trade mark in the series is limited to the colour as shown in the representation on the form of application.

Advertisement materials of paper or cardboard; banners and signboards of paper and cardboards; posters and buntings of paper and cardboards; paper and paper articles; cardboard and cardboard articles; cards, forms; labels; office requisites, except furniture; pens, pencils, stationery-type portfolios, clipboards, desk sets, mounted and unmounted photographs, posters, memo pads, binders, paperweights, paper coasters, calendars, notebooks, portfolios, book covers, sticker books; greeting cards; flyers and informational flyers, printed matter and publications; stickers; newsletters, pamphlets, magazines, periodicals; books, instructional manuals, user guides and reference guides, all in the field of telecommunication systems, software and services including computer networks, wireless networks and the internet and access and equipment therefore; all included in Class 16.

Altel Communications Sdn. Bhd.; E-11-08, No. 2, Jalan PJU 1A/7A Oasis Square, Oasis Damansara 47301, PETALING JAYA, SELANGOR MALAYSIA

AGENT: Adhuna Binti Kamarul Ariffin, Bustaman Lot C9-3, Jalan Selaman 1 Dataran Palma 68000 Ampang


CLASS : 16

2014053423 07 March 2014

Registration of this trade mark shall give no right to the exclusive use, separately of the numerals “360” and the words “hotel urban resort”.

Paper; printed matter; stationery; posters; promotional materials; cardboard and goods made from these materials; photographs; books; stickers; instructional and teaching materials (except apparatus); entry forms and coupons; tickets; explanatory notes; prize lists; paper coasters; paper table napkins; stickers and labels; all the aforesaid goods included in Class 16 but not including adhesive tapes for stationery purposes; all included in class 16.

360 Hotels & Residences Sdn. Bhd.; 21, 1st Floor, Pannovel Commercial Centre, Jalan Simpang Tiga, 93300, Kuching, SARAWAK MALAYSIA

AGENT: Lok Choon Hong, Pintas IP Group Sdn. Bhd.

CLASS : 16

2014057960 30 May 2014

Advertisement of a series of two trade marks

The second trade mark in the series is limited to the colours as shown in the representation on the form of application.

Registration of this trade mark shall give no right to the exclusive use of the words "i love Penang" except as shown in the representation on the form of application.

Gift bags; gift cards; gift stationery; gift boxes; gift packaging; wrapping materials made of paper; booklets; posters; artists' materials; paper crafts materials; engravings; photo albums; printed matter; stationery; all included in Class 16.

ARCH COLLECTION SDN BHD; 27, Jalan Raja, Dataran Merdeka, 50050 , KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA

AGENT: Chung Chee Yien, NBS Intellectual Sdn. Bhd.


CLASS : 16

2014064784 30 September 2014

Paper, cardboard and goods made from these materials, not included in other Classes; printed matter; bookbinding material; photographs; stationery; adhesives for stationery or household purposes; artists` materials; paint brushes; typewriters and office requisites (except furniture); instructional and teaching material (except apparatus); plastic materials for packaging (not included in other classes); printers` type; printing blocks; books; soft books; cloth children`s books; publications in the fields of pregnancy, labor, childbirth, breastfeeding, and early parenting for expectant parents, new parents, and their families; books andmanuals regarding pregnancy, labor, childbirth, breastfeeding, early parenting, and related issues for childbirth professionals and childbirth educators; printed instructional, educational, and teaching materials regarding accreditation, certification, and the continuing education of childbirth professionals and childbirth educators; printed charts and posters regarding pregnancy, labor, childbirth, breastfeeding, early parenting, and related issues; brochures to assist expectant parents in locating childbirth professionals and childbirth educators; printed achievement certificates for the purpose of certifying that expectant parents have completed educational seminars and programs; newsletters, care practice papers, position papers, brochures, and journals regarding topics of interest to childbirth professionals and childbirth educators; note cards; all included in class 16.

Lamaze International, Inc.; 2025 M Street, N.W., Suite 800, Washington, D.C. , UNITED STATES OF AMERICA

AGENT: Karen Navamani Abraham, Shearn Delamore & Co. 7th. Floor, Wisma Hamzah-Kwong Hing No. 1, Leboh Ampang 50100 Kuala Lumpur


CLASS : 16

2014069917 30 December 2014

Adhesive materials for stationery purposes; self-adhesive films and self-adhesive tapes for stationery or household use; adhesive film for stationery purposes; articles of stationery; binding materials for stationery use; business forms (stationery); cabinets for stationery (office requisites); cases for stationery; computer stationery; containers for protecting documents (stationery); gift stationery; wrappers (stationer); office stationery; stationery; paper articles of stationery; paper stationery; school supplies (stationery); trays for stationery use; paper; cardboard; cardboard articles; books; book binders; books covers; photo albums; albums; banner of cardboard or paper; signboards of paper or cardboard; brushes for writing; paint brushes; bags of plastics for packaging; bags made of paper for packaging; glue for stationery or household purposes; all included in Class 16.

LIM POH HOON & PANG SEE SENG TRADING AS TSON ENTERPRISE; Plot 5, 7 & 8, Jalan Penaga 1 Taman Penaga, 08000, Sungai Petani, KEDAH MALAYSIA

AGENT: Loh Yen Pheng, Intellect Trademark Sdn Bhd IPeople House 7A Clove Hall Road 10050 Pulau Pinang

CLASS : 16

2015006566 22 June 2015

Advertisement of a series of two trade marks

The trade mark is limited to the colours as shown in the representation on the form of application.

Logo (company-); signboard; printed matters; brochures; magazines; advertising materials; receipts; invoices; paper products; name cards; labels (not of textiles); stickers; signboards of paper of cardboard; placards of paper or cardboard; advertisement boards of paper or cardboards; papers; newsprint paper; pamphlets; catalogues; stationery; newspaper; periodicals; posters; newsletters; paper boxes; packaging boxes; printed forms; all included in Class 16.

Simfoni IDM Sdn. Bhd.; 7, Lorong Datuk Sulaiman 7 Taman Tun Dr Ismail 60000, KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA


CLASS : 16

2015006933 01 July 2015

Paper, cardboard and goods made from these materials, not included in other Classes; printed matter; bookbinding material; photographs; stationery; adhesives for stationery or household purposes; artists’ materials; paint brushes; typewriters and office requisites (except furniture); instructional and teaching material (except apparatus); plastic materials for packaging (not included in other classes); printers’ type; printing blocks; all included in class 16.

KAF Investment Bank Berhad; Level 14, Chulan Tower No. 3, Jalan Conlay 50450, KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA

AGENT: Syed Naqiz Shahabuddin bin Syed Abdul Jabbar, Naqiz & Partners No. 42A, Lorong Dungun, Damansara Heights 50490 Kuala Lumpur

CLASS : 16

2015006938 01 July 2015

Paper, cardboard and goods made from these materials, not included in other Classes; printed matter; bookbinding material; photographs; stationery; adhesives for stationery or household purposes; artists’ materials; paint brushes; typewriters and office requisites (except furniture); instructional and teaching material (except apparatus); plastic materials for packaging (not included in other classes); printers’ type; printing blocks; all included in class 16.

KAF Investment Bank Berhad; Level 14, Chulan Tower No. 3, Jalan Conlay 50450, KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA

AGENT: Syed Naqiz Shahabuddin bin Syed Abdul Jabbar, Naqiz & Partners No. 42A, Lorong Dungun, Damansara Heights 50490 Kuala Lumpur


CLASS : 16

2015006943 01 July 2015

The trade mark is limited to the colours as shown in the representation on the form of application.

Paper, cardboard and goods made from these materials, not included in other Classes; printed matter; bookbinding material; photographs; stationery; adhesives for stationery or household purposes; artists’ materials; paint brushes; typewriters and office requisites (except furniture); instructional and teaching material (except apparatus); plastic materials for packaging (not included in other classes); printers’ type; printing blocks; all included in class 16.

KAF Investment Bank Berhad; Level 14, Chulan Tower No. 3, Jalan Conlay 50450, KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA

AGENT: Syed Naqiz Shahabuddin bin Syed Abdul Jabbar, Naqiz & Partners No. 42A, Lorong Dungun, Damansara Heights 50490 Kuala Lumpur

CLASS : 16

2015007352 14 July 2015

Advertisement of a series of two trade marks

The first trade mark in the series is limited to the colours as shown in the representation on the form of application.

8Excite Sdn. Bhd.; 898, Jalan Utara Taman Kepong 52100, KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA

AGENT: Yeong Zihao, B L Yeong & Associates 17-B, Jalan 54, Desa Jaya, Kepong 52100 Kuala Lumpur

Paper, cardboard and goods made from these materials, not included in other Classes; printed matter; printed publications; letterheads; notebooks; information booklets and leaflets; magazines; publications; periodicals publications; books; brochures; catalogues; stationery; pens (writing instruments); pencils; envelopes; newsletters; posters and pamphlets; stickers; car stickers; greeting cards; name cards; paper articles for packaging (wrapping purposes), cardboard or plastics; diaries; calendars; advertising and promotional material; advertisement boards of paper or cardboard; document files and holders; plastic gift bags; paper bags (wrapping materials); towels of paper; tissues of paper for removing make-up; all included in class 16.

CLASS : 16

2015008791 25 August 2015

International priority date claimed : 26 February 2015,Japan

The transliteration and translation of the japanese characters of which the mark consists is 'gojira' meaning 'godzilla'.

Boxes of cardboard or paper; conical paper bags; wrapping paper; hygienic paper; tissues of paper for removing make-up; towels of paper; table napkins of paper; handkerchiefs of paper; paper; stationery; song books; calendars; magazines [periodicals]; printed timetables; books; newspapers; geographical maps; pamphlets; trading cards other than for games; posters; graphic prints; pictures; engravings; photographs [printed]; photographs stands; all included in Class 16.

TOHO CO., LTD; 1-2-2, Yurakucho, Chiyoda-Ku TOKYO 100-8415 , JAPAN

AGENT: Geetha Kandiah, KASS International Sdn. Bhd. Suite 8-7-2, 7th Floor, Menara Mutiara Bangsar Jalan Liku, Off Jalan Riong 59100 Kuala Lumpur


document files and holders; plastic gift bags; paper bags (wrapping materials); towels of paper; tissues of paper for removing make-up; all included in class 16.

CLASS : 16

2015008791 25 August 2015

International priority date claimed : 26 February 2015,Japan

The transliteration and translation of the japanese characters of which the mark consists is 'gojira' meaning 'godzilla'.

Boxes of cardboard or paper; conical paper bags; wrapping paper; hygienic paper; tissues of paper for removing make-up; towels of paper; table napkins of paper; handkerchiefs of paper; paper; stationery; song books; calendars; magazines [periodicals]; printed timetables; books; newspapers; geographical maps; pamphlets; trading cards other than for games; posters; graphic prints; pictures; engravings; photographs [printed]; photographs stands; all included in Class 16.

TOHO CO., LTD; 1-2-2, Yurakucho, Chiyoda-Ku TOKYO 100-8415 , JAPAN

AGENT: Geetha Kandiah, KASS International Sdn. Bhd. Suite 8-7-2, 7th Floor, Menara Mutiara Bangsar Jalan Liku, Off Jalan Riong 59100 Kuala Lumpur


CLASS : 16

2015009693 22 September 2015

Paper, cardboard and goods made from these materials, not included in other Classes; printed matter; bookbinding material; photographs; stationery; adhesives for stationery or household purposes; artists' materials; paint brushes; typewriters and office requisites (except furniture); instructional and teaching material (except apparatus); plastic materials for packaging (not included in other classes); printers' type; printing blocks; all included in class 16.

LEE SAN SAN; No. 1585, Chen Lian Garden, Airport Road, 98000 Miri, SARAWAK, MALAYSIA

AGENT: Zaharah Malim Binti Sidik Malim, Mindswitch Sdn Bhd Lot 1232, 2nd Floor, Miri Centrepoint Commercial Centre Jalan Melayu 98000 Miri

CLASS : 16

2015009697 22 September 2015

Paper, cardboard and goods made from these materials, not included in other Classes; printed matter; bookbinding material; photographs; stationery; adhesives for stationery or household purposes; artists' materials; paint brushes; typewriters and office requisites (except furniture); instructional and teaching material (except apparatus); plastic materials for packaging (not included in other classes); printers' type; printing blocks; all included in class 16.

LEE SAN SAN; No. 1585, Chen Lian Garden, Airport Road, 98000 Miri, SARAWAK, MALAYSIA

AGENT: Zaharah Malim Binti Sidik Malim, Mindswitch Sdn Bhd Lot 1232, 2nd Floor, Miri Centrepoint Commercial Centre Jalan Melayu 98000 Miri


CLASS : 16

2015011273 05 November 2015

Registration of this trade mark shall give no right to the exclusive use of the words “steel centre (m)”

Labels, not of textile; letters [type]; magazines [periodicals]; pamphlets; pictures; posters; printed matter; all included in Class 16.

STEEL CENTRE (M) SDN BHD; PLO 61, Senai III Industrial Area Senai 81400, JOHOR MALAYSIA

AGENT: Nora Lam Siew Wan, Nora S. W. Lam & Associates Suite 18.01, Level 18, Johor Bahru City Square (Office Tower) No.106 - 108, Jalan Wong Ah Fook 80000 Johor Bahru

CLASS : 16

2015012038 23 November 2015

The trade mark is limited to the colours as shown in the representation on the form of application.

Announcement cards; advertisement boards of paper or cardboard; calendars; envelopes; films; forms; manuals; note books; office requisites; writing pads and stationery; all included in Class 16.

MEASAT Satellite Systems Sdn. Bhd.; MEASAT Teleport & Broadcast Centre 63000, CYBERJAYA, SELANGOR MALAYSIA

AGENT: Geetha Kandiah, KASS International Sdn. Bhd. Suite 8-7-2, 7th Floor, Menara Mutiara Bangsar Jalan Liku, Off Jalan Riong 59100 Kuala Lumpur


CLASS : 16

2015012042 23 November 2015

The trade mark is limited to the colours as shown in the representation on the form of application.

Announcement cards; advertisement boards of paper or cardboard; calendars; envelopes; films; forms; manuals; note books; office requisites; writing pads and stationery; all included in Class 16.

MEASAT Satellite Systems Sdn. Bhd.; MEASAT Teleport & Broadcast Centre 63000, CYBERJAYA, SELANGOR MALAYSIA

AGENT: Geetha Kandiah, KASS International Sdn. Bhd. Suite 8-7-2, 7th Floor, Menara Mutiara Bangsar Jalan Liku, Off Jalan Riong 59100 Kuala Lumpur

CLASS : 16

2015012308 01 December 2015

The trade mark is limited to the colours as shown in the representation on the form of application.

Paper, cardboard and goods made from these materials, not included in other Classes; printed matter; paper and paper articles; newspaper, pamphlets, magazines, printed matter, paper, articles made from paper and stationery; plastic materials for packaging; letterhead; bills; invoices; brochures; advertising/promotional materials; signboard of paper/cardboard; cardboard and goods made from these materials; folding boxboard, corrugated board and goods made from these materials, processed paper and board products, packaging materials made of paper and cardboard; all included in class 16.

Aragon Food E Tech Industries Sdn. Bhd.; No. 103, Block 4 Jalan Stulang Laut 2 80300, JOHOR BAHRU, JOHOR MALAYSIA


CLASS : 16

2015012803 15 December 2015

The trade mark is limited to the colours as shown in the representation on the form of application.

Paper, cardboard and goods made from these materials, not included in other Classes, printed matter, book binding materials, stationery, adhesives for stationery (ie. for thermal roll receipt, fax paper, plan printing); all included in class 16.

Waltvest Sdn. Bhd.; Lot 9673/D, Taman Desa Aman Batu 11, Jalan Kuala Selangor 47000, SUNGAI BULOH, SELANGOR MALAYSIA

CLASS : 16

2015056526 28 April 2015

Paper, cardboard and goods made from these materials, including letterhead and call cards; printed matter; photographs; stationeries; instructional and teaching materials including work sheets and handouts (except apparatus); brochures, pamphlets, journals, publications including proceedings of conferences, seminars and workshops; compilations; souvenirs; all included in Class 16.

Persatuan Ahli Sains dan Teknologi Minyak Malaysia (MOSTA); C-3A-10, Tingkat 4, Blok C, Damansara Intan, No. 1, Jalan SS20/27, 47400, PETALING JAYA, SELANGOR MALAYSIA

AGENT: Ong Chui Koon, Quality Oracle Sdn Bhd L5-07,Level 5,Wisma BU 8 No. 11, Lebuh Bandar Utama, Bandar Utama 47800 Petaling Jaya


CLASS : 16

2015058199 29 May 2015

The transliteration and translation of the chinese characters of which the mark consists is “zhi sh”' and”'bao” meaning “knowledge” and “newspaper”.

Registration of this trade mark shall give no right to the exclusive use of the Chinese character meaning “newspaper”.

Books; printed publications; comic books; booklets; publications (printed); magazines (periodicals); educational materials in printed form; periodical publications; printed periodical publications; promotional publications; poster magazines; music magazines; all included in Class 16.

CHEE SZE POH (MALAYSIA) SDN BHD; No. 38. Jalan Metro Perdana Barat 12, Sri Edaran Industrial Park, Off Jalan Kepong, 52100, KUALA LUMPUR MALAYSIA

AGENT: Yip Jiun Hann, TRADEMARK2U Sdn Bhd No. 1, Block C, Jalan Dataran SD 1 Dataran SD PJU 9, Bandar Sri Damansara 52200 Kuala Lumpur

CLASS : 16

2015059736 21 June 2015

The transliteration of the Chinese characters of which the mark consists is “tian tian wang” which has no meaning.

Printed matter and publication, paper articles, name cards, letterhead, printed materials for advertising and promotional purposes, brochures, catalogues, magazines, pamphlets, labels, stickers, invoices, envelopes, receipts, display signs, plastic materials, boxes, cartons, containers for packaging, wrapping paper, adhesive materials; all included in Class 16

KEK TIAN HUAT ENTERPRISE SDN BHD; No. 2, Jalan Emas Jaya, Taman Perindustrian Emas Jaya, Tongkang Pecah 83010, Batu Pahat, JOHOR MALAYSIA


CLASS : 16

2015059741 21 June 2015

Printed matter and publication, paper articles, name cards, letterhead, printed materials for advertising and promotional purposes, brochures, catalogues, magazines, pamphlets, labels, stickers, invoices, envelopes, receipts, display signs, plastic materials, boxes, cartons, containers for packaging, wrapping paper, adhesive materials, all included in Class 16

KEK TIAN HUAT ENTERPRISE SDN BHD; No. 2, Jalan Emas Jaya, Taman Perindustrian Emas Jaya, Tongkang Pecah 83010, Batu Pahat, JOHOR MALAYSIA

CLASS : 16

2015064105 25 August 2015

International priority date claimed : 02 March 2015,United States Of America

The trade mark is limited to the colours orange as shown in the representation on the form of application.

Magazines featuring developments in technology included in Class 16.

Flextronics International Ltd.; 2 Changi South Lane, Singapore 486123, SINGAPORE

AGENT: Karen Navamani Abraham, Shearn Delamore & Co. 7th. Floor, Wisma Hamzah-Kwong Hing No. 1, Leboh Ampang 50100 Kuala Lumpur


CLASS : 16

2015065863 23 September 2015

Advertisement of a series of two trade marks

The first trade mark in the series is limited to the colours as shown in the representation on the form of application.

It is a condition of registration that the mark shall be used only in relation to goods with which all the applicants are connected in the course of trade

Paper, cardboard and goods made from these materials, not included in other Classes; printed matter; bookbinding material; photographs; stationery; adhesives for stationery or household purposes; artists' materials; paint brushes; typewriters and office requisites (except furniture); instructional and teaching material (except apparatus); plastic materials for packaging (not included in other classes); printers' type; printing blocks, stockform;all included in class 16.

Pt. Purinusa Ekapersada; Jl. M. H. Thamrin No. 51 Jakarta 10350, INDONESIA


Pt. Pabrik Kertas Tjiwi Kimia Tbk; JI. M. H. Thamrin No. 51, Jakarta 10350 , INDONESIA

AGENT: Lim Yean Yean, Wong Jin Nee & Teo 13A - 5 Level 13A, Menara Milenium 8, Jalan Damanlela, Bukit Damansara 50490 Kuala Lumpur


CLASS : 16

2015066055 28 September 2015

Advertisement of a series of three trade marks

The transliteration of the Chinese characters of which the mark consists is “tian mao” which has no meaning.

Newspapers; magazines; periodicals; journals; paper, cardboard and goods made from these materials, not included in other Classes; printed matter; bookbinding material; photographs; stationery; adhesives for stationery or household purposes; artists' materials; paint brushes; typewriters and office requisites (except furniture); instructional and teaching material (except apparatus); plastic materials for packaging (not included in other classes); printers' type; printing blocks; books, pamphlets, posters, printed cards, circulars, catalogues, calendars, price tags, price labels; carry bags of paper, cardboard and plastic; printed telephone, facsimile, electronic mail and website directories; cards in the form of debit cards, credit cards, charge cards and telephone cards other than encoded and magnetic cards; marketing and promotional materials being printed matter; printed advertisements; user manuals; packaging materials made of paper, plastic or cardboard; tissues; handkerchiefs made of paper; models and figurines made of paper; paper party bags for packaging; page holders; all included in class 16.

Alibaba Group Holding Limited; Fourth Floor, One Capital Place, P. O. Box 847, George Town, Grand Cayman, CAYMAN ISLANDS

AGENT: Chuah Jern Ern, Advanz Fidelis Sdn. Bhd. Suite 609, Block D, Phileo Damansara 1 No. 9, Jalan 16/11 46350 Petaling Jaya


CLASS : 16

2015067539 20 October 2015

Papers for cosmetic use, namely, papers for removing facial oil included in Class 16.

Fancl Corporation; 89-1 Yamashita-cho, Naka-ku, Yokohama, Kanagawa, JAPAN

AGENT: Goh Mei Ling, Henry Goh & Co. Sdn. Bhd. 217, Jalan Imbi 55100 Kuala Lumpur

CLASS : 16

2015068247 29 October 2015

Advertisement of a series of three trade marks

NooTrees Pte. Ltd.; 10 Science Park Road, #04-01 The Alpha, Singapore Science Park II, 117684, SINGAPORE

AGENT: Chew Kherk Ying, Wong & Partners Level 21, Suite 21.01, The Gardens South Tower Mid Valley City, Lingkaran Syed Putra 59200 Kuala Lumpur

Paper, cardboard and goods made from these materials, not included in other Classes; printed matter; office paper products; packing products in the nature of bags (envelopes) of paper; absorbent paper tissue products; face tissues of paper; facial tissue made principally of paper; facial tissues of paper; kitchen rolls of absorbent tissue; kitchen tissues; paper tissues; paper tissues for cleaning (other than those impregnated with cleaning preparations); paper tissues for wiping; tissues being disposable articles of paper for personal use; tissues of paper for removing make-up; toilet tissue; toilet tissue made of paper; toilet tissue made of paper derivatives; toilet tissues; towel rolls of tissue paper; wipes made of tissue (other than impregnated or for medical use); disposable wiping materials of paper; facial wipes of paper for cosmetic use; make-up removal wipes (paper) other than impregnated with cosmetics; make-up removal wipes (paper) other than impregnated with toilet preparations; paper for wiping; paper wiping cloths; rolls of paper for wiping purposes; wipes for toilet use (other than impregnated with cosmetic preparations); wiping materials of paper (other than impregnated or for medical use); wiping paper for household use; wiping paper for industrial use (other than impregnated or for medical use); wiping rolls of paper for use in dispensers; articles of paper for hygiene purposes; disposable hygienic articles of paper for personal use; drying towels of paper; face towels of paper; hand towels of paper; hygienic paper; kitchen paper; kitchen rolls (paper); kitchen rolls of paper;; kitchen rolls of re-usable absorbent paper; kitchen towels (paper); napkin paper; napkins of paper for removing make-up; napkins of paper for toilet purposes; non-medicated disposable paper products; non-medicated paper towels; non-medicated toilet paper; paper for cleaning purposes (other than those impregnated with cleaning preparations); paper for household purposes; paper hand towels; paper kitchen towels; paper napkins; paper roller towels; paper serviettes; paper serviettes for


removing make-up (other than those impregnated with toilet preparations); paper tissues for removing make-up (other than those impregnated with toilet preparations); paper towels; rolls of paper (not sensitized); serviettes of paper; table napkins of paper; toilet covers (paper); toilet napkins of paper; toilet paper; toilet paper in roll form; towels (paper) for kitchen use; towels (paper) for the beach; towels made of paper derivatives; towels of paper; two-ply base papers; paper rolls for drying purposes; towel rolls of paper; all included in class 16

CLASS : 16

2015068805 06 November 2015

The trade mark is limited to the colours as shown in the representation on the form of application.

Registration of this trade mark shall give no right to the exclusive use of the words 'performing arts language learning'.

Books and other publications including books and publications for children and/or concerning the performing arts, languages and communication; instructional and teaching materials; all included in Class 16.

Jazzitup Kids Limited; HealthAid House 1 Marlborough Hill, Harrow Middlesex HA1 1UD, UNITED KINGDOM

AGENT: Mohana Murali A/L Kodivel, Adastra Intellectual Property Sdn Bhd A-39-10, Penthouse, Menara UOA Bangsar No. 5, Jalan Bangsar Utama 1 59000 Kuala Lumpur

CLASS : 16

2015068836 06 November 2015

Books and other publications including books and publications for children and/or concerning the performing arts, languages and communication; instructional and teaching materials; all included in Class 16.

Jazzitup Kids Limited; HealthAid House 1 Marlborough Hill, Harrow Middlesex HA1 1UD, UNITED KINGDOM

AGENT: Mohana Murali A/L Kodivel, Adastra Intellectual Property Sdn Bhd A-39-10, Penthouse, Menara UOA Bangsar No. 5, Jalan Bangsar Utama 1 59000 Kuala Lumpur

CLASS : 16—cont.


CLASS : 16

2015070648 05 December 2015

Paper, cardboard and goods made from these materials; calendars; diaries; folders and files (stationery); greeting cards; announcement cards (stationery); magazines; printed teaching and educational materials; periodicals; photographs; poster; banners and badges, printed awards, printed certificates; printed invitations; printed publications; printed advertising, promotional and display materials; office requisites (except furniture); instructional and teaching/training materials (except apparatus); letterheads; envelopes; complimentary slips; mailing labels; business cards; brochures; pamphlets; printed programmes; guides; catalogues; charts; signboards and advertisement boards of paper or cardboard; drawings (graphic); printed products for packaging purposes; advertisement circulars; publicity leaflets (flyers); address stamps; bags (envelopes, pouches) of paper or plastic for shopping and packaging; booklets; bookmarkers; clipboards; covers (stationery); coasters of paper or plastic; forms (printed); handbooks (manual); newsletters and textbooks; paperweights; stationery; pictures; postcards; prospectuses; seals (stamps); stickers (stationery); bumper stickers; car stickers; tickets; wrapping paper; writing materials; writing instruments; all included in Class 16.

ONG EE WEE; No.11, Jalan Equine 9b, Taman Equine Bandar Putra Permai 43300, Seri Kembangan, SELANGOR MALAYSIA

AGENT: Vannesse Lee Pei Eng, Drexworld Management PLT No.1-9-13, Block Chempaka Taman Desaminium, Jalan Flora 43300 Seri Kembangan


CLASS : 16

2016000054 06 January 2016

The trade mark is limited to the colours as shown in the representation on the form of application.

Registration of this trade mark shall give no right to the exclusive use of the words “dolce” and “music”.

Publisher of piano music books, music colouring books and manuscript books for young beginners; all included in Class 16.

Dolce Music Sdn. Bhd.; 24-2, Jalan USJ 1/1B Regalia Business Centre USJ 1 47620, SUBANG JAYA, SELANGOR MALAYSIA

CLASS : 16

2016000245 11 January 2016

Registration of this trade mark shall give no right to the exclusive use of the word “craft” and the letter “m”.

Paper, cardboard and goods made from these materials, printed matter, bookbinding material, photographs, stationery, adhesive for stationery or household purposes; plastic materials for packaging, printing blocks; all included in Class 16.

Momoyo Sdn. Bhd.; 42, Jalan 17/155 C Bandar Bukit Jalil 57000, KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA


CLASS : 16

2016000368 14 January 2016

Paper, cardboard and goods made from these materials, not included in other Classes; printed matter; bookbinding material; photographs; stationery; adhesives for stationery or household purpose; artists” materials; paint brushes; typewriters and office requisites (except furniture); instructional and teaching material (except apparatus); plastic materials for packaging (not included in other classes); advertisement board; printers' type; printing blocks; all included in class 16.

AL-IKHSAN SPORTS SDN BHD; No. 90-92, Jalan Pendidikan 4 Taman Universiti 81300, Skudai, JOHOR MALAYSIA

CLASS : 16

2016001833 24 February 2016

Staples; office staplers; staplers namely, heavy-duty staplers; office staplers namely flat-clinch staplers; electric staplers for offices; office staplers namely staple-free staplers; paper hole punches; paper hole punches namely power-assist paper punches; paper hole punches; correcting tape for type; obliterating stamps; ink stamps; stamp inks; adhesive tape dispensers for household or stationery use; adhesive tape for decorative purposes; stamps for decorative purposes; stamping inks; adhesive tape for stationery purposes; correcting tapes [office requisites]; fine paper; printing paper; document files; folders namely camouflage folders, folders with dividers, folders with clipboards and folders with writing pad; boxes made of paper; notebooks; rubber erasers; clips for offices; writing grips; all included in Class 16.

Plus Corporation; 4-1-28, Toranomon Minato-ku, Tokyo 105-0001 , JAPAN

AGENT: Geetha Kandiah, KASS International Sdn. Bhd. Suite 8-7-2, 7th Floor, Menara Mutiara Bangsar Jalan Liku, Off Jalan Riong 59100 Kuala Lumpur


CLASS : 16

2016050996 21 January 2016

The transliteration of the Chinese characters appearing in the mark is “dao ma qie” which has no meaning

It is a condition of registration that the mark shall be used only in relation to goods with which all the applicants are connected in the course of trade

Booklets, manuals, periodicals for the used in conducting training workshops; instructions manuals relating to training seminars; educational materials, manuals, guides both in written and printed form; teaching materials used or educational purpose; stationeries; envelopes; letterheads; name cards; all printed matters; all included in Class 16.

TANG MUN FEI AND LOW FONG YING; No.21, Ground Floor, Jalan BPU 2, Bandar Puchong Utama 47100, Puchong, SELANGOR MALAYSIA

AGENT: Vannesse Lee Pei Eng, Drexworld Management PLT No.1-9-13, Block Chempaka Taman Desaminium, Jalan Flora 43300 Seri Kembangan

CLASS : 16

2016053477 01 March 2016

Paper; printed matter; printed publications; newspapers; pictures; stationery; writing instruments; drawing instruments; drawing materials; modelling materials; all included in Class 16.


AGENT: Tee Lin Yik, Tee IP Sdn Bhd Suite 32-2, Jalan Dwitasik, Dataran Dwitasik Bandar Sri Permaisuri 56000 Kuala Lumpur


CLASS : 17

2015002421 04 March 2015

Registration of this trade mark shall give no right to the exclusive use of the words 'solar window film'

Anti-dazzle films for windows (tinted films); sheet and film, primarily of plastic, not for wrapping; plastic sheet and plastic film, not for wrapping; polyester plastic film, not for packaging; plastic sheet and plastic film, for application to building windows and automotive windows; plastictransparent or translucent film for anti-graffiti protection of underlying surfaces; laminated film, ultraviolet absorbent film, heat reflective film, solar film, break-resistant film, reinforcing safety and security film, all being primarily of plastic; solar control plastic window film, being either laminated, tinted or reflective; adhesive-backed protective plastic film for application to painted surfaces; films, primarily of plastic, for use in minimizing or filtering acoustic transmission through windows; all included in Class 17.

RIKEN AUTOMOTIVE FILMS (M) SDN BHD; No.7, Jalan Ros Merah 2/2 Taman Johor Jaya 81100 Johor Bahru, JOHOR MALAYSIA

CLASS : 17

2015013195 22 December 2015

Rubber, gutta-percha, gum, asbestos, mica and goods made from these materials and not included in other Classes; plastics in extruded form for use in manufacture; packing, stopping and insulating materials; flexible pipes, not of metal; semi-finished synthetic resins and plastics; semi-finished thermoplastic elastomer resins; expanded or foamed synthetic resins and plastics for packing, cushioning, stopping or insulating; synthetic rubber; all included in class 17.

Asahi Kasei Kabushiki Kaisha; 1-105, Kanda Jinbocho Chiyoda-ku Tokyo 101-8101 , JAPAN

AGENT: Geetha Kandiah, KASS International Sdn. Bhd. Suite 8-7-2, 7th Floor, Menara Mutiara Bangsar Jalan Liku, Off Jalan Riong 59100 Kuala Lumpur


CLASS : 17

2015059682 19 June 2015

International priority date claimed : 22 December 2014,Germany

Goods of plastic, namely wire, included in Class 17; semi-finished products of plastic, in particular plastic mouldings for vehicle construction and house building; packing, stopping and insulating materials; plastic film, other than for wrapping; adhesive tapes, included in class 17; plastic welding fillers in the form of wire, being powders or granules, included in class 17; seals for windows; all included in class 17.

ThyssenKrupp AG; ThyssenKrupp AG, ThyssenKrupp Allee 1, 45143 Essen, GERMANY

AGENT: Charmayne Ong Poh Yin, Skrine Unit No. 50-8-1, 8th Floor, Wisma UOA Damansara 50 Jalan Dungun, Damansara Heights 50490 Kuala Lumpur

CLASS : 17

2016051476 28 January 2016

Rubber, raw or semi-worked; rings of rubber; cords of rubber; canvas hose pipes; hoses of textile material; flexible hoses, not of metal; connecting hose for vehicle radiators; watering hose; insulating materials; stuffing of rubber or plastic; all included in Class 17.

Jinhua Chunguang Rubber & Plastic Hose Co., Ltd.; No. 420# Anwen Road, Jinhua City, Zhejiang Province,PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CHINA

AGENT: Lok Choon Hong, Pintas IP Group Sdn. Bhd. No. 19, Jalan SS1/36 47300 Petaling Jaya


CLASS : 17

2016051480 28 January 2016

Rubber, raw or semi-worked; rings of rubber; cords of rubber; canvas hose pipes; hoses of textile material; flexible hoses, not of metal; connecting hose for vehicle radiators; watering hose; insulating materials; stuffing of rubber or plastic; all included in Class 17.

Jinhua Chunguang Rubber & Plastic Hose Co., Ltd.; No. 420# Anwen Road, Jinhua City, Zhejiang Province,PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CHINA

AGENT: Lok Choon Hong, Pintas IP Group Sdn. Bhd. No. 19, Jalan SS1/36 47300 Petaling Jaya

CLASS : 18

2012000180 05 January 2012

International priority date claimed : 22 December 2011,European Union (Office For Harmonization In The Internal Market) - OHIM

Autumnpaper Limited; Chalegrove House 34-36 Perrymount Road Haywards Heath West Sussex RH16 3DN,UNITED KINGDOM

AGENT: Patrick Mirandah, Mirandah Asia (Malaysia) Sdn. Bhd. Suite 3B-19-3, Plaza Sentral Jalan Stesen Sentral 5 50470 Kuala Lumpur

Leather and imitation leather; handbags; travel cases; luggage; holdalls; backpacks; school bags; beach bags; travelling bags; suitcases; trunks; haversacks; bags for campers; fur; fur-skins; collars for animals; covers for animals; boxes of leather or leather board; attaché cases; wallets; school satchels and briefcases; key cases; briefcases; canes; card cases; leather shoulder bags; parasols; purses; pouches; rucksacks; sling bags; shopping bags; tote bags; travelling trunks; valises; vanity cases, not fitted; umbrellas; umbrella covers; parasols; walking sticks; walking stick handles; walking stick seats; whips, harness and saddlery; toilet bags; backpacks; bum-bags; sports bags; casual bags; music cases; satchels; beauty cases; carriers for suits, for shirts and for dresses; tie cases; credit card cases and holders; leather belts (shoulder); carrying cases; leather straps; envelopes of leather; bands of leather; clothing for pets; leather leads; leather leashes; furniture coverings of leather; hat boxes of leather; all included in Class 18.


CLASS : 18

2012006995 26 April 2012

Backpacks; briefcases; card (notecases); handbags; key cases; parasols; pocket wallets; purses; shopping bags; suitcases; travelling bags; travelling trunks; trunks (luggage); umbrellas; vanity cases (not fitted); all included in Class 18.

Sungpentse International Corp.; 9F.-2, No. 8, Ln. 609, Sec. 5, Chongsin Rd. Anchong Dist., New Taipei City 241,TAIWAN, PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CHINA

AGENT: Mohana Murali A/L Kodivel, Adastra Intellectual Property Sdn Bhd A-39-10, Penthouse, Menara UOA Bangsar No. 5, Jalan Bangsar Utama 1 59000 Kuala Lumpur

CLASS : 18

2014012452 10 November 2014

The trade mark is limited to the colours as shown in the representation on the form of application.

Bag pack, slingbag, totebag and small pouch bag; all included in Class 18.

Ng Hang Chong; 59, Jalan Sri Aman 2 Taman Sri Aman 82000, PONTIAN, JOHOR MALAYSIA


CLASS : 18

2014054120 20 March 2014

Registration of this trade mark shall give no right to the exclusive use of the word "products"

Bags; backpacks; rucksacks; duffle bags; bags for climbers; travelling bags; Boston bags; beach bags; briefcases; shopping bags; shoulder bags; suitcases; travelling trunks; messenger bags; waist bags; purses; fanny packs; bags for campers; hiking bags; satchels; school knapsacks; handbags; hip sacks; toiletry bags (sold empty); umbrellas; parasols (sun umbrellas); animal leashes; cases for keys; cases for credit cards; passport cases; business card cases; cheque holders; commuter ticket cases; wallets; sling bags; sling bags for carrying infants; infant carriers worn on the body; diaper bags; all included in Class 18.

ITOCHU Corporation ; 1-3, Umeda 3-chome, Kita-ku, Osaka, 530-8448, , JAPAN

AGENT: Goh Mei Ling, Henry Goh & Co. Sdn. Bhd. 217, Jalan Imbi 55100 Kuala Lumpur

CLASS : 18

2015003777 06 April 2015

Egistration of this trade mark shall give no right to the exclusive use of the word “bootmaker”.

Leather goods (not included in other Classes) and bags included in class 18.

LIM CHIN VOON T/A KCS ASIA TRADING; 27, Jalan Canggih 10 Taman Perindustrian Cemerlang 81800, Ulu Tiram, JOHOR MALAYSIA


CLASS : 18

2015004156 14 April 2015

Bags, bags for use by cyclists, back packs for use by cyclists, travel bags, back packs, bags with rollers, pouches (bags), waist bags, sports bags; all included in Class 18.

Shimano Inc.; 3-77 Oimatsu-cho Sakai-ku, Sakai City Osaka 590-8577, JAPAN

AGENT: Yew Woon Chooi, Rodyk & Davidson I.P. Services Sdn. Bhd. T109, 3rd Floor, Centrepoint Bandar Utama No. 3, Lebuh Bandar Utama 47800 Petaling Jaya

CLASS : 18

2015006934 01 July 2015

Leather and imitations of leather, and goods made of these materials and not included in other Classes; animal skins, hides; trunks and travelling bags; umbrellas and parasols; walking sticks; whips, harness and saddlery; all included in class 18.

KAF Investment Bank Berhad; Level 14, Chulan Tower No. 3, Jalan Conlay 50450, KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA

AGENT: Syed Naqiz Shahabuddin bin Syed Abdul Jabbar, Naqiz & Partners No. 42A, Lorong Dungun, Damansara Heights 50490 Kuala Lumpur


CLASS : 18

2015006939 01 July 2015

Leather and imitations of leather, and goods made of these materials and not included in other Classes; animal skins, hides; trunks and travelling bags; umbrellas and parasols; walking sticks; whips, harness and saddlery; all included in class 18.

KAF Investment Bank Berhad; Level 14, Chulan Tower No. 3, Jalan Conlay 50450, KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA

AGENT: Syed Naqiz Shahabuddin bin Syed Abdul Jabbar, Naqiz & Partners No. 42A, Lorong Dungun, Damansara Heights 50490 Kuala Lumpur

CLASS : 18

2015006944 01 July 2015

The trade mark is limited to the colours as shown in the representation on the form of application.

Leather and imitations of leather, and goods made of these materials and not included in other Classes; animal skins, hides; trunks and travelling bags; umbrellas and parasols; walking sticks; whips, harness and saddlery; all included in class 18.

KAF Investment Bank Berhad; Level 14, Chulan Tower No. 3, Jalan Conlay 50450, KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA

AGENT: Syed Naqiz Shahabuddin bin Syed Abdul Jabbar, Naqiz & Partners No. 42A, Lorong Dungun, Damansara Heights 50490 Kuala Lumpur


CLASS : 18

2015063442 14 August 2015

Leather and imitations of leather; wallets, briefcases; animal skins, hides; bags, namely, all-purpose carrying bags, tote bags, travel bags, beach bags, clutch bags; bags for sports; small bags, namely small all-purpose carrying bags, small tote bags, small travel bags, small handbags, small beach bags, small clutch bags; handbags; envelopes of leather for packaging; school bags; trunks; attaché cases; leather cases; pocket wallets; luggage, namely, trunks and suitcases; umbrellas; parasols; walking sticks; key cases; all included in Class 18.

Kelma International B.V.B.A.; Constant Neutjensstraat 43, B2900 Schoten, BELGIUM

AGENT: Charmayne Ong Poh Yin, Skrine Unit No. 50-8-1, 8th Floor, Wisma UOA Damansara 50 Jalan Dungun, Damansara Heights 50490 Kuala Lumpur

CLASS : 18

2015064187 26 August 2015

The trade mark is limited to the colours as shown in the representation on the form of application.

Registration of this trade mark shall give no right to the exclusive use of the letter "i".

Baby carriers with belts on which babies sit down, carriers/hipseats for babies, sling for carrying infant; all included in Class 18.

I-ANGEL Co., Ltd.; 10, Geongeon 2-gil, Sangnok-gu, Ansan-si, Gyeonggi-do 15521, , REPUBLIC OF KOREA

AGENT: Patrick Mirandah, Mirandah Asia (Malaysia) Sdn. Bhd. Suite 3B-19-3, Plaza Sentral Jalan Stesen Sentral 5 50470 Kuala Lumpur


CLASS : 18

2015067716 21 October 2015

Pocket wallets; school satchels; rucksacks; handbags; briefcases; bags for sports; shopping bags; umbrellas; trimmings of leather for furniture; leather laces; tool bags of leather, empty; valises; travelling sets [leatherware]; purses; all included in Class 18.

Dongguan Dior Leather Co., Ltd.; South West Industrial Zone, ShiJie Town, DongGuan, Guangdong Province,, PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CHINA

AGENT: Mohana Murali A/L Kodivel, Adastra Intellectual Property Sdn Bhd A-39-10, Penthouse, Menara UOA Bangsar No. 5, Jalan Bangsar Utama 1 59000 Kuala Lumpur

CLASS : 18

2015068160 29 October 2015

International priority date claimed : 17 June 2015,Japan

Bags and the like; pouches and the like; industrial packaging containers of leather; vanity cases [not fitted]; umbrellas and their parts; walking stick seats; walking sticks; canes; metal parts of canes and walking-sticks; handles for canes and walking sticks; handbag frames; purse frames; leather and fur (unworked or semi-worked); all included in Class 18.

AISIN SEIKI KABUSHIKI KAISHA (also trading as Aisin Seiki Co., Ltd.); 2-1 Asahi-machi, Kariya-shi, Aichi-ken, JAPAN

AGENT: Helen Huang, Peter Huang & Richard 368-3-1 & 2 Bellisa Row Jalan Burma 10350 Penang


CLASS : 18

2015068833 06 November 2015

Advertisement of a series of two trade marks

Mountaineering sticks; alpenstocks; animal skin- related products; pelts; leather and imitation of leather products including but not limited to bags, baby carriers (slings or harnesses); umbrella; all included in Class 18


AGENT: Tang Yee Ling, C. S. Tang & Co. Suite 2.01, 2nd Floor, Straits Trading Building No. 2, Lebuh Pasar Besar 50050 Kuala Lumpur

CLASS : 18

2016000366 14 January 2016

Leather and imitations of leather, and goods made of these materials and not included in other Classes; animal skins, hides; trunks, shoe bags, sports bags and travelling bags; umbrellas and parasols; walking sticks; whips, harness and saddlery; all included in class 18.

AL-IKHSAN SPORTS SDN BHD; No. 90-92, Jalan Pendidikan 4 Taman Universiti 81300, Skudai, JOHOR MALAYSIA


CLASS : 18

2016053479 01 March 2016

Leather, unworked or semi-worked; handbags; fur; umbrellas; canes; collars for animals; pocket wallets; travelling bags; shopping bags; gut for making sausages; all included in Class 18.


AGENT: Tee Lin Yik, Tee IP Sdn Bhd Suite 32-2, Jalan Dwitasik, Dataran Dwitasik Bandar Sri Permaisuri 56000 Kuala Lumpur

CLASS : 19

2015066355 01 October 2015

Skim coat, render and plaster additive system; adhesive and grout system; range of waterproofing system; concrete repair system; cementitious flooring system; all included in Class 19.

CORPORATE EXCELSIOR (M) SDN BHD; No. 5A, Jalan Ss4d/2, 47301, Petaling Jaya, SELANGOR MALAYSIA

AGENT: Yip Jiun Hann, TRADEMARK2U Sdn Bhd No. 1, Block C, Jalan Dataran SD 1 Dataran SD PJU 9, Bandar Sri Damansara 52200 Kuala Lumpur


CLASS : 19

2015070467 03 December 2015

International priority date claimed : 05 June 2015,Switzerland

Partitions, in particular for shop fittings, shop fitting elements; advertisement columns (not of metal); all the aforesaid goods included in this Class; all included in class 19.

Vitra Patente AG; Klünenfeldstrasse 22, Muttenz, Birsfelden, 4127, SWITZERLAND

AGENT: Soh Kar Liang, Ella Cheong IP Services Sdn BhdA-31-3, Level 31, Menara UOA Bangsar No 5, Jalan Bangsar Utama 1 59000 Kuala Lumpur

CLASS : 20

2014058103 03 June 2014

Furniture fittings, not of metal included in Class 20.

Aksesori Setia Sdn Bhd ; Plot 32, Lengkok Rishah 1, Kawasan Perindustrian Silibin, 30100, Ipoh, PERAK MALAYSIA

AGENT: Goh Mei Ling, Henry Goh & Co. Sdn. Bhd. 217, Jalan Imbi 55100 Kuala Lumpur


CLASS : 20

2015052668 24 February 2015

Advertisement of a series of two trade marks

The first trade mark in the series is limited to the colours as shown in the representation on the form of application.

Furniture; cabinet work; joints for furniture; goods (not included in other Classes) of wood, cork, reed, cane, wicker, horn, bone, ivory, whalebone, shell, amber, mother-of-pearl, meerschaum and substitutes for all these materials, or of plastics, made by carpenter; panels being parts of furniture; cabinet; mirror tiles; lockers; all included in class 20.

Hume Furniture Industries Sdn Bhd; Level 9, Wisma Hong Leong, 18 Jalan Perak, 50450, KUALA LUMPUR MALAYSIA

AGENT: Timothy Siaw, Shearn Delamore & Co. 7th Floor, Wisma Hamzah-Kwong Hing No. 1, Leboh Ampang 50100 Kuala Lumpur

CLASS : 20

2015053699 12 March 2015

The transliteration and translation of the Chinese characters of which the mark consists are “zhuan yuan xiang long”meaning “fortune dragon”.

Furniture, mirrors, picture frames; articles made of wood, cork, reed, cane, wicker, horn, bone, ivory, whalebone, shell, amber, mother-of-pearl, meerschaum or plastic which are not included in other Classes; garden furniture; pillows and cushions; all included in class 20.

Persatuan Memperbaiki Akhlak Che Ann Khor Yong Peng, Johor; Lot HS 2677, PT 2446, Jalan Kota Impian 1, Taman Kota Impian, 83700 Yong Peng, 83700, JOHOR MALAYSIA

AGENT: Low Chee Keong, 24, Jalan E/H 33 Taman Evergreen Heights 83000 Batu Pahat


CLASS : 20

2015068162 29 October 2015

International priority date claimed : 17 June 2015,Japan

Beds; bed bases; furniture; care beds; hospital beds; mattresses; cushions [furniture]; Japanese floor cushions; pillows; mattresses for care beds; cushions for wheelchairs; mattresses, cushions, Japanese floor cushions or pillows for automobiles; locks for vehicles [not of metal]; locks [non-electric, not of metal]; indoor window blinds [shade] [furniture]; blinds of reed, rattan or bamboo; bead curtains for decoration; window shades; partition screens; oriental folding partition screens; cradles; infant walkers; air mattresses for recreational use; sleeping bags [for camping]; bathroom stools(furniture);all included in Class 20.

AISIN SEIKI KABUSHIKI KAISHA (also trading as Aisin Seiki Co., Ltd.); 2-1 Asahi-machi, Kariya-shi, Aichi-ken, JAPAN

AGENT: Helen Huang, Peter Huang & Richard 368-3-1 & 2 Bellisa Row Jalan Burma 10350 Penang

CLASS : 21

2014066172 29 October 2014

Registration of this trade mark shall give no right to the exclusive use of the words " golden beauty bar"

Handheld power-operated skin cleansing brushes included in Class 21.

Mary Kay Inc.; 16251 Dallas Parkway, Addison, Texas 75001, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA

AGENT: Charmayne Ong Poh Yin, Skrine Unit No. 50-8-1, 8th Floor, Wisma UOA Damansara 50 Jalan Dungun, Damansara Heights 50490 Kuala Lumpur


CLASS : 21

2015007166 08 July 2015

Kitchen utensil, kitchenware; all included in Class 21.

Eco Home Marketing Sdn. Bhd.; No. 11 G Jalan PP 2/4 Taman Putra Prima 47100, PUCHONG, SELANGOR MALAYSIA

CLASS : 21

2015007766 30 July 2015

Registration of this trade mark shall give no right to the exclusive use of the word 'mychef'.

Gas rice cookers, heatproof earthenware pans, pot lids, earthenware saucepans, non-electric heating pots, non-electric pots, non-electric sauce pans, non-electric egg poachers, non-electric stew-pans, cooking pans (non-electric), non-electric cooking pots and cauldrons, cooking pots and pans (non-electric), non-electric casserole pans, non-electric cauldrons, stew-pans, non-electric cooking pots, non-electric rice cooking pots, non-electric kettles, non-electric autoclaves (pressure cookers), non-electric teapots, jugs, non-electric cooking steamers, non-electric coffeepots, non-electric frying pans, non-electric deep fryers, frying pans, hot pots (not electrically heated), non-electric cooking pot sets, graters (household utensils), chopping boards for kitchen use, cutting boards for the kitchen, mixing spoons (kitchen utensils), spatulas (kitchen utensils), knife rests for the table, knife blocks, scoops (tableware), non-electric whisks for household purposes, non-electric mixers for household purposes; all included in Class 21.

Dorco Co. Ltd.; (Golim-Dong), 350 Kyungahnchoen-Ro Cheoin-Gu, Yongin-Si Kyunggi-Do, REPUBLIC OF KOREA

AGENT: Soh Kar Liang, Ella Cheong IP Services Sdn Bhd A-31-3, Level 31, Menara UOA Bangsar No 5, Jalan Bangsar Utama 1 59000 Kuala Lumpur


CLASS : 21

2015053683 11 March 2015

Advertisement of a series of two trade marks

Household or kitchen utensils and containers; combs and sponges; brushes; brush-making materials; articles for cleaning purposes; steel wool; articles made of ceramics, glass, porcelain or earthenware which are not included in other Classes; electric and non-electric toothbrushes;all included in class 21.

Persatuan Memperbaiki Akhlak Che Ann Khor Yong Peng, Johor; Lot HS 2677, PT 2446, Jalan Kota Impian 1, Taman Kota Impian, 83700 Yong Peng, Johor, Malaysia. 83700, JOHOR MALAYSIA

AGENT: Low Chee Keong, 24, Jalan E/H 33 Taman Evergreen Heights 83000 Batu Pahat

CLASS : 21

2015062458 31 July 2015

Electric devices for attracting and killing insects; boxes of metal, for dispensing paper towels; soap boxes; brooms; brush goods; brushes; electric brushes, except parts of machines; clothing stretchers; soap dispensers; metal boxes for dispensing paper towels; dustbins; gardening gloves; painted glassware; gloves for household purposes; toilet paper holders; horse brushes; insect traps; electric devices foir attracting and killing insects; nozzles for sprinkler hose; nozzles for watering cans; polishing gloves; polishing leather; polishing materials for making shiny, except preparations, paper and stone; rat traps; soap holders; sprinklers; sprinklers for watering flowers and plants; sprinkling devices; steel wool for cleaning; toilet paper dispensers; all included in Class 21.

Teoh Swee Hoe; No. 18, Jalan Bertam 5, Taman Daya, 81100, Johor Bahru, JOHOR MALAYSIA

AGENT: Lok Choon Hong, Pintas IP Group Sdn. Bhd. No. 19, Jalan SS1/36 47300 Petaling Jaya


CLASS : 21

2015068249 29 October 2015

Advertisement of a series of three trade marks

Household or kitchen utensils; articles for cleaning purposes; cleaning wipes; cloths for wiping tableware; disposable cloths for wiping; wiping articles for cleaning; wiping cloths for cleaning; wiping cloths for household use; wiping materials; all included in Class 21.

NooTrees Pte. Ltd.; 10 Science Park Road, #04-01 The Alpha, Singapore Science Park II, 117684, SINGAPORE

AGENT: Chew Kherk Ying, Wong & Partners Level 21, Suite 21.01, The Gardens South Tower Mid Valley City, Lingkaran Syed Putra 59200 Kuala Lumpur

CLASS : 21

2015070332 01 December 2015

Advertisement of a series of two trade marks

Household or kitchen utensils, kitchenware and containers,combs and sponges brushes except paint (brushes), articles for cleaning purpose and steel wood, glassware, porcelain and earthenware; cleaning instruments, hand operated apparatus/instruments, cleaning tow, containers for household or kitchen use, trays; all included in Class 21.

TKS VENTURE SDN BHD; No 235, Lebuh Pantai 10300, Georgetown, PULAU PINANG MALAYSIA

AGENT: Patricia Chung Wei Leng, Chung Chambers B303-4-15, Krystal Point 1 Jalan Sultan Azlan Shah, MK 12 11900 Bayan Lepas


CLASS : 24

2014052237 19 February 2014

International priority date claimed : 19 August 2013,Australia

Registration of this trade mark shall give no right to the exclusive use of the word 'best'

Textiles and textile goods; bed linen, including sheets, pillow slips, quilt covers, comprising comforters, matching ruffle and pillowcases, bed ruffles, comforter sets, bed spreads, bed covers, blankets, cushion covers, quilts; table cloths, napkins; bath linen, towels, including beach towels face towels and bath towels; furniture covers; curtains and other Manchester goods; all included in Class 24.

Retail Holdings S.a.r.l.; 58 Rue Charles Martel, L-2134, LUXEMBOURG

AGENT: Michael Soo Chow Ming, Shook Lin & Bok 20th Floor, Ambank Group Building 55 Jalan Raja Chulan 50200 Kuala Lumpur

CLASS : 24

2015013446 30 December 2015

Textile, fabric; all included in Class 24.

Gerobok Kain Sdn. Bhd.; 59-61, Jalan Nautika B U20/B Seksyen U20 Pusat Komersial TSB Sg. Buloh 40160, SHAH ALAM, SELANGOR MALAYSIA


CLASS : 24

2015053684 11 March 2015

Advertisement of a series of two trade marks

Textiles and textile goods; bed and table covers; travelers’rugs, textiles for making articles of clothing; duvets; covers for pillows, cushions or duvets; all included in Class 24.

Persatuan Memperbaiki Akhlak Che Ann Khor Yong Peng, Johor; Lot HS 2677, PT 2446, Jalan Kota Impian 1, Taman Kota Impian, 83700 Yong Peng, Johor, Malaysia. 83700, JOHOR MALAYSIA

AGENT: Low Chee Keong, 24, Jalan E/H 33 Taman Evergreen Heights 83000 Batu Pahat

CLASS : 24

2015053703 12 March 2015

The transliteration and translation of the Chinese characters of which the mark consists are “zhuan yuan xiang long”meaning “fortune dragon”.

Textiles and textile goods; bed and table covers; travellers' rugs, textiles for making articles of clothing; duvets; covers for pillows, cushions or duvets; all included in Class 24.

Persatuan Memperbaiki Akhlak Che Ann Khor Yong Peng, Johor; Lot HS 2677, PT 2446, Jalan Kota Impian 1, Taman Kota Impian, 83700 Yong Peng, , JOHOR MALAYSIA

AGENT: Low Chee Keong, 24, Jalan E/H 33 Taman Evergreen Heights 83000 Batu Pahat


CLASS : 24

2015071382 15 December 2015

Advertisement of a series of two trade marks

Textiles and textile goods, not included in other Classes; bed, chair and table covers, curtains, linen, cloths for household purposes, table and bedding linen; bed, chair and table covers; handkerchiefs of textile; kitchen towels; table linens; towels; place mats not of paper; dish towels for drying; fabric for drying purposes; fabric napkins; fabric tablecloths and chaircloths; table and chair cloths not of paper, and ensembles of same all included in class 24.

TKS Venture Sdn. Bhd.; No. 235, Lebuh Pantai 10300 , Georgetown, PULAU PINANG MALAYSIA

AGENT: Patricia Chung Wei Leng, Chung Chambers B303-4-15, Krystal Point 1 Jalan Sultan Azlan Shah, MK 12 11900 Bayan Lepas

CLASS : 25

08007856 23 April 2008

Clothing, footwear, headgear; all included in Class 25.


AGENT: Caroline Anne A/P Francis Xavier Money, RamRais & Partners Level 31, Menara TH Perdana 1001, Jalan Sultan Ismail 50250 Kuala Lumpur


CLASS : 25

08015522 06 August 2008

Clothing, headgear, men's clothing, ladies clothing, children clothing, baby clothing, footwear; all included in Class 25.

TAN JEK FERN; 21, Fort Road, Fort Gardens, #13-03, 439089, SINGAPORE

AGENT: Patrick Mirandah, Mirandah Asia (Malaysia) Sdn. Bhd. Suite 3B-19-3, Plaza Sentral Jalan Stesen Sentral 5 50470 Kuala Lumpur

CLASS : 25

2013054839 21 May 2013

Belt [clothing]; leather belts [clothing]; camisoles; coats; combinations [clothing]; frocks; jackets [clothing]; jeans; jerseys [clothing], jumpers (shirt fronts); knitwear [clothing], leggings; linen (body-) [garments]; outer clothing; pants; pullovers; ready-made clothing; ready-made linings (parts of clothing); scarves; shirt fronts; shirt yokes; shirts; shoulder wraps; skirts; stuff jackets [clothing]; tights; trousers; vests; waistcoats; clothing; footwear; headgear; all included in Class 25.

CITY BLUE BOUTIQUE PTE LTD; 10P Enterprise Road, Enterprise 10, 629840, SINGAPORE

AGENT: Chew Phye Keat, Raja, Darryl & Loh 18th Floor, Wisma Sime Darby Jalan Raja Laut 50350 Kuala Lumpur


CLASS : 25

2014052238 19 February 2014

International priority date claimed : 19 August 2013,Australia

Registration of this trademark shall give no right to the exclusive use separately of the word “best” and the word “less”

Clothing; footwear; headgear; all articles of clothing included in this Class; clothing, clothing accessories; fashion accessories; clothing for men; clothing for women, including leisure wear, active wear, outerwear, sleepwear, swimwear, beachwear, underwear and lingerie; maternity clothing; baby clothing and baby accessories; children’s clothing including children’s leisurewear and sleepwear; socks, underwear, underwear accessories; exercise clothing; all included in class 25.

Retail Holdings S.a.r.l.; 58 Rue Charles Martel, L-2134, LUXEMBOURG

AGENT: Michael Soo Chow Ming, Shook Lin & Bok 20th Floor, Ambank Group Building 55 Jalan Raja Chulan 50200 Kuala Lumpur

CLASS : 25

2014053429 07 March 2014

Registration of this trade mark shall give no right to the exclusive use of the numerals “360”.

Clothing; footwear; headgear; uniforms; ties and aprons; all included in Class 25.

360 Hotels & Residences Sdn. Bhd.; 21, 1st Floor, Pannovel Commercial Centre, Jalan Simpang Tiga, 93300, Kuching, SARAWAK MALAYSIA

AGENT: Lok Choon Hong, Pintas IP Group Sdn. Bhd. No. 19, Jalan SS1/36 47300 Petaling Jaya


CLASS : 25

2014054121 20 March 2014

Registration of this trade mark shall give no right to the exclusive use of the word "products"

Aprons [clothing]; belts [clothing]; brassieres; caps [headwear]; clothing; coats; cuffs; dresses; footwear; gloves [clothing]; hats; jackets [clothing]; leggings [trousers]; neckties; pajamas (am.); pants; parkas; ponchos; sandals; scarfs; shirts; shoes; suits; swimsuits; trousers; underclothing; underwear; uniforms; vests; all included in Class 25.

ITOCHU Corporation ; 1-3, Umeda 3-chome, Kita-ku, Osaka, 530-8448, , JAPAN

AGENT: Goh Mei Ling, Henry Goh & Co. Sdn. Bhd. 217, Jalan Imbi 55100 Kuala Lumpur

CLASS : 25

2014057128 19 May 2014

Registration of this trademark shall give no right to the exclusive use of the word “foot”

Clothing, footwear, headgear; soles, insoles, inserts and supports for footwear; insoles, inserts and supports for sandals; insoles, inserts and supports for footwear used in sports; insoles, inserts and supports for boots; insoles, inserts and supports for bootees; insoles, inserts and supports; insoles, inserts and supports for gymnastic footwear; insoles, inserts and supports for pumps; insoles, inserts and supports for sneakers; insoles, inserts and supports for overshoes; sport shoes; boots, bootees, sandals, gymnastic shoes, pumps, overshoes; socks; stockings; all included in Class 25.

Footbalance System Ltd. ; Valimotie 5, 01510 Vantaa, FINLAND

AGENT: Goh Mei Ling, Henry Goh & Co. Sdn. Bhd. 217, Jalan Imbi 55100 Kuala Lumpur


CLASS : 25

2014057964 30 May 2014

Advertisement of a series of two trade marks

The second trade mark in the series is limited to the colours as shown in the representation on the form of application.

Registration of this trade mark shall give no right to the exclusive use of the words "i love Penang" except as shown in the representation on the form of application.

Article of clothing, footwear and headgear; all included in Class 25.

ARCH COLLECTION SDN BHD; 27, Jalan Raja, Dataran Merdeka, 50050 , KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA

AGENT: Chung Chee Yien, NBS Intellectual Sdn. Bhd. I-3-3, Block I, Setiawalk, Persiaran Wawasan Pusat Bandar Puchong 47160 Puchong

CLASS : 25

2014060423 16 July 2014

Registration of this trade mark shall give no right to the exclusive use of the word "premier".

School uniforms; uniforms; apparel, articles of clothing for men, women and children including jeans, uniforms, shirts, blouses, skirts, t-shirts, pants, shorts, stockings, trousers, sweaters, pullovers, knitwear (clothing), jerseys (clothing), jumpers (pullovers), jumpers (sweaters), cardigans, jackets (clothing), swimming costumes, underwear, sleepwear, pyjamas, gowns and sportswear; socks, belts (clothing), caps (headwear) and ties (for wear); raincoat; footwear and headwear; all included in Class 25.

KS MENG TRADING (M) SDN BHD; 105, Jalan Rajawali, Taman Berjaya, 14300, Nibong Tebal, PULAU PINANG MALAYSIA

AGENT: Loh Yen Pheng, Intellect Trademark Sdn Bhd IPeople House 7A Clove Hall Road 10050 Pulau Pinang


CLASS : 25

2014065258 09 October 2014

Clothing; footwear; headgear for wear; hosiery; gloves [clothing]; sports jerseys; scarfs; neckties; shawls; outer clothing; all included in Class 25.

YE JUN; 2303, Building A3, WanKe JinYuHuaFu, No. 334, Middle Kangwang Road, Liwan District, Guangzhou, Guangdong, , PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CHINA

AGENT: Foo Kit Sin, Unireno Associates Sdn. Bhd. No. 62, Persiaran Kledang Timur 19 Bandar Baru Menglembu 31450 Ipoh

CLASS : 25

2015002436 05 March 2015

Shoes, bags, belt; all included in Class 25.

Tageoronnie Shoe Maker Sdn. Bhd.; No. 3A-2, Jalan Medan PB3A Medan PB Sek 9 43650, BANDAR BARU BANGI, SELANGOR MALAYSIA

CLASS : 25

2015003778 06 April 2015

Registration of this trade mark shall give no right to the exclusive use of the word “bootmaker”.

Men's footwear, leather footwear; all included in Class 25.

LIM CHIN VOON T/A KCS ASIA TRADING; 27, Jalan Canggih 10 Taman Perindustrian Cemerlang 81800, Ulu Tiram, JOHOR MALAYSIA


CLASS : 25

2015005494 21 May 2015

Registration of this trade mark shall give no right to the exclusive use of the word "scarf".

Scarf, dress, abaya, blouse, pants/skirts, clothing; all included in Class 25.

HALAWATI BINTI ABU BAKAR TRADING AS BUTIK HALENA; No.6 Jalan Flora Utama 6 Taman Flora Utama 83000, Batu Pahat, JOHOR MALAYSIA

CLASS : 25

2015006935 01 July 2015

Clothing, footwear, headgear; all included in Class 25.

KAF Investment Bank Berhad; Level 14, Chulan Tower No. 3, Jalan Conlay 50450, KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA

AGENT: Syed Naqiz Shahabuddin bin Syed Abdul Jabbar, Naqiz & Partners No. 42A, Lorong Dungun, Damansara Heights 50490 Kuala Lumpur

CLASS : 25

2015006940 01 July 2015

Clothing, footwear, headgear; all included in Class 25.

KAF Investment Bank Berhad; Level 14, Chulan TowerNo. 3, Jalan Conlay 50450, KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA

AGENT: Syed Naqiz Shahabuddin bin Syed Abdul Jabbar, Naqiz & Partners No. 42A, Lorong Dungun, Damansara Heights 50490 Kuala Lumpur


CLASS : 25

2015006945 01 July 2015

The trade mark is limited to the colours as shown in the representation on the form of application.

Clothing, footwear, headgear; all included in Class 25.

KAF Investment Bank Berhad; Level 14, Chulan TowerNo. 3, Jalan Conlay 50450, KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA

AGENT: Syed Naqiz Shahabuddin bin Syed Abdul Jabbar, Naqiz & Partners No. 42A, Lorong Dungun, Damansara Heights 50490 Kuala Lumpur

CLASS : 25

2015007351 14 July 2015

Advertisement of a series of two trade marks

The first trade mark in the series is limited to the colours as shown in the representation on the form of application.

Shirts; t-shirts; all included in Class 25.

8Excite Sdn. Bhd.; 898, Jalan Utara Taman Kepong 52100, KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA

AGENT: Yeong Zihao, B L Yeong & Associates 17-B, Jalan 54, Desa Jaya, Kepong 52100 Kuala Lumpur


CLASS : 25

2015007354 14 July 2015

Shirts; t-shirts; all included in Class 25.

8Excite Sdn. Bhd.; 898, Jalan Utara Taman Kepong 52100, KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA

AGENT: Yeong Zihao, B L Yeong & Associates 17-B, Jalan 54, Desa Jaya, Kepong 52100 Kuala Lumpur

CLASS : 25

2015007499 21 July 2015

Hats, shirts, pants, shorts, sweaters, vests, dresses, skirts, coats, jackets, scarves, gloves, bathing suits, hosiery, bras, underwear; all included in Class 25.

Heart And Mind Apparel Co., Ltd; 23/395 Moo 8, Soi Phongsrichai 1 Phetkasem Rd. Oomyai, Sampran Nakhonpathom 73160 , THAILAND

AGENT: Syed Naqiz Shahabuddin bin Syed Abdul Jabbar, Naqiz & Partners No. 42A, Lorong Dungun, Damansara Heights 50490 Kuala Lumpur

CLASS : 25

2015007614 27 July 2015

Clothing, footwear, headgear; all included in Class 25.

Cadeon Marketing Sdn. Bhd.; Lot 2552, kawasan Perindustrian Krubong 75250, MELAKA MALAYSIA


CLASS : 25

2015007882 03 August 2015

Clothing, footwear, headgear; all included in Class 25.

Norsam Sinah binti Jalil, Nur Izzati Liyana binti Jalil & Muhammad Farhaqqi bin Ab Manaf trading as Red Lax;The Trillium @ Lake Field No. 12-1 Jalan Tasik Utama 5 Medan Niaga Tasik Damai, Sungai Besi 57000, KUALA LUMPUR MALAYSIA

CLASS : 25

2015008000 06 August 2015

Registration of this trade mark shall give no right to the exclusive use of the letter “q”.

Clothing, footwear, headgear; all included in Class 25.

Roszilalita Binti Abdul Rahim; No. 6-1-A, Jalan PP 25 Putra Walk 43300, SERI KEMBANGAN, SELANGOR MALAYSIA

CLASS : 25

2015008098 10 August 2015

Clothing, footwear, headgear; all included in Class 25.

MOHD FAHMI ABU TALIB; 02-14, Blok H, Jalan Susur Barli 3 Bandar Baru Uda Johor Bahru 81200, JOHOR MALAYSIA


CLASS : 25

2015008790 25 August 2015

International priority date claimed : 26 February 2015,Japan

The transliteration and translation of the Japanese characters of which the mark consists is “gojira” meaning “godzilla”.

Clothing; garters; sock suspenders; braces for clothing [suspenders]; belts [clothing]; footwear; masquerade costumes; ski boots; ski gloves; headbands [clothing]; wet suits for water-skiing; all included in Class 25.

TOHO CO., LTD; 1-2-2, Yurakucho, Chiyoda-Ku TOKYO 100-8415 , JAPAN

AGENT: Geetha Kandiah, KASS International Sdn. Bhd. Suite 8-7-2, 7th Floor, Menara Mutiara Bangsar Jalan Liku, Off Jalan Riong 59100 Kuala Lumpur

CLASS : 25

2015009694 22 September 2015

Clothing, footwear, headgear; all included in Class 25.

LEE SAN SAN; No. 1585, Chen Lian Garden, Airport Road, 98000 Miri, SARAWAK, MALAYSIA

AGENT: Zaharah Malim Binti Sidik Malim, Mindswitch Sdn Bhd Lot 1232, 2nd Floor, Miri Centrepoint Commercial Centre Jalan Melayu 98000 Miri


CLASS : 25

2015009698 22 September 2015

Clothing, footwear, headgear; all included in Class 25.

LEE SAN SAN; No. 1585, Chen Lian Garden, Airport Road, 98000 Miri, SARAWAK, MALAYSIA

AGENT: Zaharah Malim Binti Sidik Malim, Mindswitch Sdn Bhd Lot 1232, 2nd Floor, Miri Centrepoint Commercial Centre Jalan Melayu 98000 Miri

CLASS : 25

2015011768 17 November 2015

Clothings, footwear, headgear; all included in Class 25.


CLASS : 25

2015050345 12 January 2015

Shirts, underwear, tee-shirts, child cloth, clothing, footwear, caps [headwear], hosiery, scarfs, girdles; all included in Class 25.

TCY COSMETICS CO.; 7F, No.130, Songshan Rd., Xinyi Dist., Taipei City 11090, TAIWAN, PROVINCE OF CHINA

AGENT: Goh Mei Ling, Henry Goh & Co. Sdn. Bhd. 217, Jalan Imbi 55100 Kuala Lumpur


CLASS : 25

2015053685 11 March 2015

Advertisement of a series of two trade marks

Clothing, headgear and footwear; all included in Class 25.

Persatuan Memperbaiki Akhlak Che Ann Khor Yong Peng, Johor; Lot HS 2677, PT 2446, Jalan Kota Impian 1, Taman Kota Impian, 83700 Yong Peng, JOHOR MALAYSIA

AGENT: Low Chee Keong, 24, Jalan E/H 33 Taman Evergreen Heights 83000 Batu Pahat

CLASS : 25

2015053707 12 March 2015

The transliteration and translation of the Chinese characters of which the mark consists are “zhuan yuan xiang long”meaning "fortune dragon”.

Clothing, headgear and footwear; all included in Class 25.

Persatuan Memperbaiki Akhlak Che Ann Khor Yong Peng, Johor; Lot HS 2677, PT 2446, Jalan Kota Impian 1, Taman Kota Impian, 83700 Yong Peng, Johor, Malaysia. 83700, JOHOR MALAYSIA

AGENT: Low Chee Keong, 24, Jalan E/H 33 Taman Evergreen Heights 83000 Batu Pahat

CLASS : 25

2015056751 30 April 2015

Clothing, footwear, headgear; all included in Class 25.

TARGET AUSTRALIA PTY. LTD.; Wesfarmers House, 11th Level, 40 The Esplanade, Perth, WA 6000, , AUSTRALIA

AGENT: Karen Navamani Abraham, Shearn Delamore & Co.


CLASS : 25

2015063453 14 August 2015

Clothing, namely, sweatshirts, sweaters, t-shirts, blouses, shirts, pullovers, skirts, trousers, jackets, coats and overcoats; gloves, shawls, socks, stockings, underwear, bathing costumes, dresses and suits; footwear; headgear, namely, hats, caps, berets; all included in Class 25.

Kelma International B.V.B.A.; Constant Neutjensstraat 43, B2900 Schoten, BELGIUM

AGENT: Charmayne Ong Poh Yin, Skrine Unit No. 50-8-1, 8th Floor, Wisma UOA Damansara 50 Jalan Dungun, Damansara Heights 50490 Kuala Lumpur

CLASS : 25

2015064988 09 September 2015

FAST RETAILING CO., LTD.; 717-1, Sayama, Yamaguchi City, Yamaguchi 754-0894, JAPAN

AGENT: Charmayne Ong Poh Yin, Skrine Unit No. 50-8-1, 8th Floor, Wisma UOA Damansara 50 Jalan Dungun, Damansara Heights 50490 Kuala Lumpur

Clothing; jackets; down jackets; wind resistant jackets; coats; overcoats; jumpers; rainwear; sweaters; pullovers; knitwear [clothing]; cardigans; vests; waistcoats; shirts; polo shirts; layettes [clothing]; waterproof clothing; wedding dresses; trousers; stretch pants; jogging pants; sweatshirts; sweat pants; suits; skirts; dresses; leggings [trousers]; beach clothes; swimwear [bathing suits]; night gowns; dressing gowns; negligees; sleepwear; Japanese sleeping robes [nemaki]; pajamas; bathrobes; underwear; undershirts; corsets [underclothing]; combinations [clothing]; chemises; drawers (clothing) and underpants; slips; panties, shorts and briefs; trunks; brassieres; petticoats; hosiery; camisoles; tee-shirts; tank tops; frocks; jerseys [clothing]; Japanese traditional clothing; jeans; gloves and mittens [clothing]; scarves [scarfs]; ties; neckties; shawls; bandanas [neckerchiefs]; girdles; mufflers [clothing]; ear muffs [clothing]; headgear; hats; caps [headwear]; socks; stockings; garters; sock suspenders; suspenders [braces]; waistbands; belts for clothing; chasubles; sashes for wear; wimples; maniples; shower caps; sleep masks; footwear; fittings of metal for footwear; Japanese style wooden clogs [geta]; Japanese style sandals [zori]; slippers; sandals; shoes and boots; sports shoes; boots for sports; masquerade costumes; clothes for sports; football boots; wristbands [clothing]; tights; anoraks [parkas]; all included in Class 25.


CLASS : 25

2015067757 22 October 2015

The trade mark is limited to the colours as shown in the representation on the form of application.

Registration of this trade mark shall give no right to the exclusive use of a letter "s".

Clothing; footwear; headgear to wear; all included in Class 25.


AGENT: Loh Yen Pheng, Intellect Trademark Sdn Bhd IPeople House 7A Clove Hall Road 10050 Pulau Pinang

CLASS : 25

2015067758 22 October 2015

Registration of this trade mark shall give no right to the exclusive use of a letter "s".

Clothing; footwear; headgear to wear; all included in Class 25.


AGENT: Loh Yen Pheng, Intellect Trademark Sdn Bhd IPeople House 7A Clove Hall Road 10050 Pulau Pinang


CLASS : 25

2015068134 28 October 2015

Socks, hosiery; all included in Class 25.

Payless ShoeSource Worldwide, Inc.; Jayhawk Towers, 700 SW Jackson Street, Suite 202, Topeka, KS 66603,UNITED STATES OF AMERICA

AGENT: Charmayne Ong Poh Yin, Skrine Unit No. 50-8-1, 8th Floor, Wisma UOA Damansara 50 Jalan Dungun, Damansara Heights 50490 Kuala Lumpur

CLASS : 25

2015068835 06 November 2015

Advertisement of a series of two trade marks

Clothing; footwear; headgear; all included in Class 25

SHANGHAI SHI JIE FASHIONS CO LTD; 6th Floor, Metro Plaza, No. 555 Loushanguan Rd, 200051, SHANGHAI, PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CHINA

AGENT: Tang Yee Ling, C. S. Tang & Co. Suite 2.01, 2nd Floor, Straits Trading Building No. 2, Lebuh Pasar Besar 50050 Kuala Lumpur


CLASS : 25

2016000422 14 January 2016

The trademark is limited to the colours as shown in the representation on the form of application

Clothing, footwear, headgear; all included in Class 25.

Saudagar Legasi Sdn. Bhd.; No. 11, Lorong 1M 15/11 Taman Astana View Bandar Indera Mahkota 25200, KUANTAN, PAHANG MALAYSIA

CLASS : 25

2016001508 16 February 2016

Clothing, headgear, footwear; all included in Class 25.

Soonaru Sdn. Bhd.; B-21-5 Verve Suites No. 8 Jalan Kiara 5 50480, KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA

CLASS : 25

2016001629 19 February 2016

Registration of this trade mark shall give no right to the exclusive use of the words “butik cafe” and “keanggunan muslimah sejati”.

Clothing, footwear, headgear; all included in Class 25.

As Sufi Yah Collection Sdn. Bhd.; 35, Jalan Serdang Jaya 1 Taman Serdang Jaya 32000, SITIAWAN, PERAK MALAYSIA


CLASS : 25

2016050454 12 January 2016

Clothing, footwear, headgear; all included in Class 25.

Goo Chuan Hee and Goo Wen How Trading as Mei Ing Garment Enterprise; No. 170, 170A, 172A & 174A, Jalan Rotan Batu Taman Sri Jaya 83000, BATU PAHAT, JOHOR MALAYSIA

AGENT: Lim Hong Yeu, Accession Assets Advisory Sdn Bhd No. 6A, 1st Floor, Jalan Kundang Taman Bukit Pasir 83000 Batu Pahat

CLASS : 25

2016050995 21 January 2016

The transliteration of the Chinese characters appearing in the mark is “dao ma qie” which has no meaning

It is a condition of registration that the mark shall be used only in relation to goods with which all the applicants are connected in the course of trade

Articles of clothing; caps (headwear); bandanas; scarves; hats; visors; headbands; clothing of imitation leather; clothing of leather; motorists clothing; paper clothing; peaks (cap); pockets for clothing; ready-made clothing; shirts; skull caps; socks; footwear; belts; suspenders; vests; wristbands; armbands; waistcoats; neckties; sweatshirts; sweaters; overalls; uniforms; aprons; gloves; jackets; jerseys; jumpers (shirt fronts); article of clothing for sports and leisure; headgear; t-shirts; all included in Class 25.

TANG MUN FEI AND LOW FONG YING; No.21, GroundFloor, Jalan BPU 2, Bandar Puchong Utama 47100, Puchong, SELANGOR MALAYSIA

AGENT: Vannesse Lee Pei Eng, Drexworld Management PLT No.1-9-13, Block Chempaka Taman Desaminium, Jalan Flora 43300 Seri Kembangan


CLASS : 25

2016053482 01 March 2016

Clothing; footwear; headgear for wear ; layettes [clothing]; swimsuits; shoes; hats; hosiery; gloves [clothing]; neckties; wedding dresses; clothing of leather ; belts [clothing]; all included in Class 25.


AGENT: Tee Lin Yik, Tee IP Sdn Bhd Suite 32-2, Jalan Dwitasik, Dataran Dwitasik Bandar Sri Permaisuri 56000 Kuala Lumpur

CLASS : 26

2015009695 22 September 2015

Lace and embroidery, ribbons and braid; buttons, hooks and eyes, pins and needles; artificial flowers; all included in Class 26.

LEE SAN SAN; No. 1585, Chen Lian Garden, Airport Road, 98000 Miri, SARAWAK, MALAYSIA

AGENT: Zaharah Malim Binti Sidik Malim, Mindswitch Sdn Bhd Lot 1232, 2nd Floor, Miri Centrepoint Commercial Centre Jalan Melayu 98000 Miri


CLASS : 26

2015009699 22 September 2015

Lace and embroidery, ribbons and braid; buttons, hooks and eyes, pins and needles; artificial flowers; all included in Class 26.

LEE SAN SAN; No. 1585, Chen Lian Garden, Airport Road, 98000 Miri, SARAWAK, MALAYSIA

AGENT: Zaharah Malim Binti Sidik Malim, Mindswitch Sdn Bhd Lot 1232, 2nd Floor, Miri Centrepoint Commercial Centre Jalan Melayu 98000 Miri

CLASS : 26

2015059737 21 June 2015

The transliteration of the Chinese characters of which the mark consists is “tian tian wang” which has no meaning.

Lace and embroidery included in Class 26.

KEK TIAN HUAT ENTERPRISE SDN BHD; No. 2, Jalan Emas Jaya, Taman Perindustrian Emas Jaya, Tongkang Pecah 83010, Batu Pahat, JOHOR MALAYSIA

CLASS : 26

2015059742 21 June 2015

Lace and embroidery; all included in Class 26.

KEK TIAN HUAT ENTERPRISE SDN BHD; No. 2, Jalan Emas Jaya, Taman Perindustrian Emas Jaya, Tongkang Pecah 83010, Batu Pahat, JOHOR MALAYSIA


CLASS : 26

2015068133 28 October 2015

Hair ornaments, namely, barrettes, scrunchies, bows, elastic ribbons, hair clips, hair bands, ponytail holders, hair pins, non-electric hair rollers, twisters; all included in Class 26.

Payless ShoeSource Worldwide, Inc.; Jayhawk Towers, 700 SW Jackson Street, Suite 202, Topeka, KS 66603,UNITED STATES OF AMERICA

AGENT: Charmayne Ong Poh Yin, Skrine

CLASS : 27

2015012754 11 December 2015

Rugs, carpets, wall paper; all included in Class 27.

Bagus Curtain Sdn. Bhd.; No. 56 & 58, Jalan 8/62A Bandar Manjalara, Kepong 52200, KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA

AGENT: Neoh Eng Kee, No. 1, 11th Floor, Wisma Havela Thakardas Jalan Tiong Nam, Off Jalan Raja Laut 50350 Kuala Lumpur

CLASS : 27

2015068178 29 October 2015

International priority date claimed : 17 June 2015,Japan

Floor coverings; wall hangings [not of textile]; toilet mats; wallpaper; bath mats for wash places; bath mats; tatami mats and the like; artificial turf; gymnastic mats; all included in Class 27.

AISIN SEIKI KABUSHIKI KAISHA (also trading as Aisin Seiki Co., Ltd.); 2-1 Asahi-machi, Kariya-shi, Aichi-ken, JAPAN

AGENT: Helen Huang, Peter Huang & Richard


CLASS : 28

06000031 03 January 2006

Advertisement of a series of two trade marks

Golf apparatus, namely, golf balls; all included in Class 28.


AGENT: Timothy Siaw, Shearn Delamore & Co. 7th Floor, Wisma Hamzah-Kwong Hing No. 1, Leboh Ampang 50100 Kuala Lumpur

CLASS : 28

2014010888 26 September 2014

Registration of this trademark shall give no right to the exclusive use separately of the words “ok and fish” and the words “happy fishing”

Fishing rods, reels and fishing accessories; all included in Class 28.

BL Tackle Sdn. Bhd.; 91M, Room 1, Jalan SS 21/37 Damansara Utama 47400, PETALING JAYA, SELANGOR MALAYSIA


CLASS : 28

2014058382 06 June 2014

Registration of this trade mark shall give no right to the exclusive use of the letters "tv".

Coin-operated arcade video game machines; arcade video game machines; amusement machines and apparatus for use in amusement parks; toy action figures; cards for trading card games; mini-car toys; toy model rockets; astronaut-shaped toys; battery-powered computer game with lcd screen; electronic games for the teaching of children; electronic targets for games and sports; electronic action toys; home video game machines; handset cradles for home video game machines; game controllers for home video game machines; joysticks exclusively for use with home video game machines; protective carrying cases specially adapted for handheld video games; thin film for protecting displays of hand-held games with liquid crystal displays; hand-held games with liquid crystal displays; support stands exclusively for use with hand-held games with liquid crystal displays; model toys; radio control receivers and transmitters for model toys; motor controllers for model toys; video game consoles for use with an external display screen or monitor; video game interactive remote control units; dolls; dice games; game cards; game equipment; chess games; checker sets; playing cards; trading card games; dominoes; conjuring apparatus; billiard equipment; chest expanders; golf ball markers; golf clubs; golf bags; surf boards; ski cases; ski bindings; golf tees; paragliders; bowling bags; boxing gloves; rackets for tennis or badminton; guts for rackets for tennis or badminton; racket cases for tennis or badminton; roller skates; stationary exercise bicycles and rollers therefor; waterskis; baseball gloves; archery bows; fishing rods; fishing tackle; all included in Class 28

Kabushiki Kaisha Sony Computer Entertainment (also trading as Sony Computer Entertainment Inc.); 1-7-1Konan, Minato-ku, Tokyo, JAPAN

AGENT: Karen Navamani Abraham, Shearn Delamore & Co. 7th. Floor, Wisma Hamzah-Kwong Hing No. 1, Leboh Ampang 50100 Kuala Lumpur


CLASS : 28

2014065767 20 October 2014

International priority date claimed : 21 April 2014,Japan

Toys; dolls; fairground ride apparatus (except video game machines for institutional use); toys for domestic pets; parlor games; go games; Japanese chess games; dice; cups for dice; chess games; draughts; conjuring apparatus; dominos; playing cards; Japanese playing cards; mah-jong; playing apparatus; apparatus for billiard; machines for physical exercises; butterfly net; construction toys; all included in Class 28.

KAWADA CO., LTD.; 5-25, Okubo 2-Chome Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo, 169-8558, JAPAN

AGENT: Karen Navamani Abraham, Shearn Delamore & Co. 7th. Floor, Wisma Hamzah-Kwong Hing No. 1, Leboh Ampang 50100 Kuala Lumpur

CLASS : 28

2015053686 12 March 2015

Advertisement of a series of two trade marks

Games and playthings; playing cards; gymnastic and sporting articles; decorations for christmas trees; childrens' toy bicycles;all included in Class 28.

Persatuan Memperbaiki Akhlak Che Ann Khor Yong Peng, Johor; Lot HS 2677, PT 2446, Jalan Kota Impian 1, Taman Kota Impian, 83700 Yong Peng, Johor, Malaysia. 83700, JOHOR MALAYSIA

AGENT: Low Chee Keong, 24, Jalan E/H 33 Taman Evergreen Heights 83000 Batu Pahat


CLASS : 28

2015056909 06 May 2015

Golf clubs; golf bags, with or without wheels; golf gloves; golf balls; golf tees; golf club shafts; golf club grips; golf club heads; fitted head covers for golf clubs; fishing lines; fishing reels; fishing rods; fishing rod cases; fish hooks; fishing floats; lures for fishing; fishing rod holders; fishing weights; bags adapted to hold fishing tackle; cases adapted to hold fishing tackle; gloves made specifically for use in playing sports, specifically fishing; all included in Class 28.

GLOBERIDE, Inc.; 3-14-16, Maesawa, Higashi Kurume 203-8511, Tokyo, JAPAN

AGENT: Charmayne Ong Poh Yin, Skrine Unit No. 50-8-1, 8th Floor, Wisma UOA Damansara 50 Jalan Dungun, Damansara Heights 50490 Kuala Lumpur

CLASS : 28

2015066087 28 September 2015

Alibaba Group Holding Limited; Fourth Floor, One Capital Place, P. O. Box 847, George Town, Grand Cayman, CAYMAN ISLANDS

AGENT: Chuah Jern Ern, Advanz Fidelis Sdn. Bhd. Suite 609, Block D, Phileo Damansara 1 No. 9, Jalan 16/11 46350 Petaling Jaya

Games and playthings; gymnastic and sporting articles and apparatus not included in other Classes; decorations for christmas trees; figurines being toys; plush novelty figurines; stuffed toy figurines; board games; balls for games; dolls; dolls' beds, clothes, feeding bottles, houses and rooms; doll accessories; doll playsets; mah-jong; skateboards; soap bubbles (toys); toy mobiles; teddy bears; carnival masks; electronic games and amusement apparatus other than those adapted for use withan external display screen or monitor (apparatus for -); home video game machines and hand held video game machines, none being for use with television receivers; toys; action skill games; action figures and accessories therefor; card games; children's multiple activity toys; badminton sets; balloons; basketballs; bath toys; baseballs; beach balls; bean bags; bean bag dolls; toy building blocks; bowling balls; bubble making wands and solution sets; chess sets; children's play cosmetics; christmas stockings; collectable toy figures; crib mobiles; crib toys; disc toss toys; electric action toys; equipment sold as a unit for playing card games; fishing tackle; golf balls; golf gloves; golf ball markers; hand held unit for playing electronic games; hockey pucks; inflatable toys; jigsaw puzzles; jump ropes; kites; magic tricks; marbles; manipulative games; mechanical toys; music box toys; musical toys; parlor games; party favors in the nature of small toys; party games; playing cards; plush


toys; puppets; roller skates; rubber balls; soccer balls; spinning tops; squeeze toys; stuffed toys; table tennis tables; target games; tennis balls; toy action figures; toy bucket and shovel sets; toy vehicles; toy scooters; toy cars; toy model hobbycraft kits; toy figures; toy banks; toy trucks; toy watches; wind-up toys; toys with spinning tops and spinning discs; paper party favors; paper party hats; marionette, puppetry articles; toy models; ball pitching machines; masks [playthings]; parts and fittings for all the aforesaid goods; all included in class 28.

CLASS : 28

2015068179 29 October 2015

International priority date claimed : 17 June 2015,Japan

Toys; plush toys; plastic toys; stress relief toys; dolls; toys for domestic pets; parlor games; go games; japanese chess [shogi games]; japanese playing cards; dice; dice games; dice cups; diamond games; chess games; checkers [checker sets]; conjuring apparatus; dominoes; playing cards; mah-jong; game machines and apparatus; billiard equipment; sports equipment; amusement machines and apparatus for use in amusement parks; fishing tackle; wax for skis; all included in Class 28.

AISIN SEIKI KABUSHIKI KAISHA (also trading as Aisin Seiki Co., Ltd.); 2-1 Asahi-machi, Kariya-shi, Aichi-ken,JAPAN

AGENT: Helen Huang, Peter Huang & Richard 368-3-1 & 2 Bellisa Row Jalan Burma 10350 Penang

CLASS : 28—cont.


CLASS : 28

2015068811 06 November 2015

The trade mark is limited to the colours as shown in the representation on the form of application.

Registration of this trade mark shall give no right to the exclusive use of the words “performing arts language learning”.

Games, toys and playthings; toy figures; all included in Class 28.

Jazzitup Kids Limited; HealthAid House 1 Marlborough Hill, Harrow Middlesex HA1 1UD, UNITED KINGDOM

AGENT: Mohana Murali A/L Kodivel, Adastra Intellectual Property Sdn Bhd A-39-10, Penthouse, Menara UOA Bangsar No. 5, Jalan Bangsar Utama 1 59000 Kuala Lumpur

CLASS : 28

2015068840 06 November 2015

Games, toys and playthings; toy figures; all included in Class 28.

Jazzitup Kids Limited; HealthAid House 1 Marlborough Hill, Harrow Middlesex HA1 1UD, UNITED KINGDOM

AGENT: Mohana Murali A/L Kodivel, Adastra Intellectual Property Sdn Bhd A-39-10, Penthouse, Menara UOA Bangsar No. 5, Jalan Bangsar Utama 1 59000 Kuala Lumpur


CLASS : 28

2016000437 15 January 2016

Apparatus for use in fishing included in Class 28.

Kong Wai Kheong trading as Wins Pro Sport Enterpise;39, Lebuh Pengkalan Barat 12 Taman Pengkalan Barat 31650, IPOH, PERAK MALAYSIA

CLASS : 28

2016000503 19 January 2016

Games and playthings, gymnastic and sporting articles not included in other Classes, decorations for christmas tree; all included in class 28.

E3 Empire Sdn. Bhd.; No. 26, Jalan 4D Ampang Jaya 68000, AMPANG, SELANGOR MALAYSIA

CLASS : 28

2016050042 05 January 2016

The transliteration of the Chinese characters appearing in the mark is “xuan he” which has no meaning.

Playing card shuffling device; apparatus for playing the game of mah-jong; mah-jong; counters [discs] for games; dice; playing cards; games (apparatus for -); amusement machines, automatic and coin-operated; arcade video game machines; dominoes; toys; parlor games; chess games; board games; bladders of balls for games; billiard table cushions; body-training apparatus; stationary exercise bicycles; physical exercises (machines for -); climbers' harness; all included in Class 28.

Zhejiang Xuanhe Electrical Co., Ltd.; Ganlu Village, Jingjiang Sub-District, Xiaoshan District, Hangzhou, Zhejiang, 310000, PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CHINA

AGENT: Mohana Murali A/L Kodivel, Adastra Intellectual Property Sdn Bhd A-39-10, Penthouse, Menara UOA Bangsar No. 5, Jalan Bangsar Utama 1 59000 Kuala Lumpur


CLASS : 28

2016050572 14 January 2016

Advertisement of a series of two trade marks

The transliteration and translation of the Chinese characters appearing in the mark is “ben ling” meaning “ability”.

Registration of this trade mark shall give no right to the exclusive use of the Chinese character meaning “ability”.

SP HOLA INDUSTRIES (M) SDN. BHD.; C-1-7 Sunway Business Park, Jalan Todak 4, 13700, Seberang Jaya, Pulau Pinang MALAYSIA

AGENT: Loh Yen Pheng, Intellect Trademark Sdn Bhd IPeople House 7A Clove Hall Road 10050 Pulau Pinang

Men’s athletic supporters (sports articles); shin guards (sports articles); abdomen protectors (parts of sports suits); abdomen protectors adapted for use in specific sporting activities (parts of sports suits); adhesive grip tape for sports equipment; apparatus for playing sports; apparatus for use in outdoor sporting activities; sporting articles; gymnastic articles; body-building apparatus; body-training apparatus; fitness exercise appliances; fitness exercise machine; stationary exercise bicycles; chest expanders (exercisers); rowing machines for physical exercise (other than for medical use); weight lifting belts (sport articles); toys (playthings); games; playthings; hand held electronic games; all included in Class 28.


CLASS : 29

2010020969 02 November 2010

International priority date claimed : 19 October 2010,Singapore

Advertisement of a series of two trade marks

The second trade mark in the series is limited to the colour as shown in the representation on the form of application.

Meat, fish, poultry and game; meat extracts; preserved, frozen, dried and cooked fruits and vegetables; jellies, jams, compotes; eggs, milk and milk products; edible oils and fats; fritters; seafood products; sausages and sausage products; egg products; potato fritters; instant meals; instant snacks; instant dessert having a milk base; curry (prepared meals with or without rice); prepared meals and snacks consisting principally of meat, fish, game, mushrooms, poultry, fruits, eggs, milk and milk products, vegetables and seafood; butter; fruit desserts; prepared desserts; prepared desserts (fruit based); prepared desserts (milk based); frozen meat, chicken, fish and seafood products; all included in Class 29.

SATS Ltd.; 20 Airport Boulevard Singapore Changi Airport 819659, SINGAPORE

AGENT: Charmayne Ong Poh Yin, Skrine Unit No. 50-8-1, 8th Floor, Wisma UOA Damansara 50 Jalan Dungun, Damansara Heights 50490 Kuala Lumpur


CLASS : 29

2011009461 25 May 2011

Advertisement of a series of two trade marks

Meat, fish, poultry and game; meat extracts; preserved, frozen, dried and cooked fruits and vegetables; jellies, jams, compotes; eggs, milk and milk products; edible oils and fats; all included in Class 29.

Marex Commodities Sas; 60 rue Boursault 75017, PARIS, FRANCE

AGENT: Angeline Chin Yoke Fong, No. 12, Jalan 9/5 46000 Petaling Jaya

CLASS : 29

2012014683 29 August 2012

Frozen chicken chop, frozen lamb chop, frozen fish n chips, frozen beef steak, frozen black pepper sauce, frozen sweet sour sauce; all included in Class 29.

Abd Hakim Bin Awang; Simpang 3 Pauh Lima Jalan Padang Salim 16150, KOTA BHARU, KELANTAN MALAYSIA

CLASS : 29

2013052206 13 March 2013

Hamburger sandwiches included in Class 29

Jollibee Foods Corporation; 10th Floor, Jollibee Plaza, F. Ortigas Jr. Avenue, Ortigas Center, Pasig City 1605, PHILIPPINES

AGENT: Geetha Kandiah, KASS International Sdn. Bhd. Suite 8-7-2, 7th Floor, Menara Mutiara Bangsar Jalan Liku, Off Jalan Riong 59100 Kuala Lumpur


CLASS : 29

2013059386 05 September 2013

The transliteration of the Arabic scripts appearing in the mark is "mani" which has no meaning.

Registration of this trade mark shall not prevent the bona fide use by any person of his own name "mani".

Almonds; peanut butter; fruits, preserved; fruits- based snack food; fruits (crystallized-); fruits (frosted-); fruits, tinned (canned); jams; jellies for food; snack food; nuts, prepared; peanuts, processed; peas, preserved; peel (fruit-); raisins; all included in Class 29.

Mani Foods Industry LLC; DIP- Phase 2, Plot No. 597-579, P.O. Box: 262866, Dubai UNITED ARAB EMIRATES

AGENT: Karen Navamani Abraham, Shearn Delamore & Co. 7th. Floor, Wisma Hamzah-Kwong Hing No. 1, Leboh Ampang 50100 Kuala Lumpur

CLASS : 29

2014011840 26 October 2014

Cooking oil included in Class 29.

TEO BOY TEE AND TEO KOK TONG TRADING AS SENG SENG; No.30, Jalan Abdullah, Buloh Kasap 85010, Segamat, JOHOR MALAYSIA


CLASS : 29

2014069038 17 December 2014

International priority date claimed : 24 July 2014,Singapore

Advertisement of a series of two trade marks

The first trade mark in the series is limited to the colours as shown in the representation on the form of application.

Registration of this trade mark shall give no right to the exclusive use of the words “the French stall”.

Food prepared from meat, pork, fish and poultry products, preserved and cooked fruits and vegetables, eggs, cheese, milk, milk preparations, pickles, desserts including dairy desserts, fruit desserts, yoghurt desserts and desserts made from milk products; all included in Class 29.

Le Zing Pte Ltd; 544 Serangoon Road, 218166, SINGAPORE

AGENT: Lee Lin Li, Tay & Partners 6th Floor, Plaza See Hoy Chan, Jalan Raja Chulan 50200 Kuala Lumpur

CLASS : 29

2015005014 08 May 2015

Milk and milk products, milk beverages (milk predominating); yoghurt, dairy products; snack foods and snack products of potato base; roasted, processed and fresh nuts; edible oils and fats; all included in Class 29.

Pacific Food Products Sdn. Bhd.; Lot 1, Ayer Keroh Industrial Estate 75450, MELAKA MALAYSIA

AGENT: Syed Naqiz Shahabuddin bin Syed Abdul Jabbar, Naqiz & Partners No. 42A, Lorong Dungun, Damansara Heights 50490 Kuala Lumpur


CLASS : 29

2015005956 04 June 2015

Ice cream and ice cream related products; all included in Class 29.

HOT TOAST SDN BHD; No. 1, Jalan Putra Harmoni, 1/4B Putra Avenue, Putra Heights 47160, SUBANG JAYA, SELANGOR MALAYSIA

CLASS : 29

2015005986 05 June 2015

The trade mark is limited to the colours as shown in the representation on the form of application.

Meat, fish, poultry and game; meat extracts; preserved, frozen, dried and cooked fruits and vegetables; jellies, jams, compotes; eggs; milk and milk products; edible oils and fats; butter, cream [dairy products], curd, gelatine, margarine; all included in Class 29.

QSR Trading Sdn. Bhd.; Level 18, Wisma KFC No. 17, Jalan Sultan Ismail 50250, KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA

AGENT: Azmi Mohd Ali, Dato', Azmi & Associates 14th Floor, Menara Keck Seng 203, Jalan Bukit Bintang 55100 Kuala Lumpur


CLASS : 29

2015006236 12 June 2015

The transliteration and translation of the Chinese characters appearing in the mark is "qian li ma" meaning "a thorough bred horse (with stamina)".

Mushroom, dried; fungus, dried; show fungus, dried; all included in Class 29.

Ben Mart Trading Sdn. Bhd.; No. 15, Jalan CJ 1/2A Cheras Jaya Kawasan Miel Jalan Balakong 43200, CHERAS, SELANGOR MALAYSIA

CLASS : 29

2015006718 25 June 2015

Registration of this trade mark shall give no right to the exclusive use of the words “nuts about coconuts”

Meat, fish, poultry and game; meat extracts; preserved, frozen, dried, and cooked fruits and vegetable; jellies, jam, compotes; eggs, milk and milk products; edible oils and fats; all included in Class 29.

Sangkaya (M) Sdn. Bhd.; B-17-5, Eastlake Residence Taman Serdang Perdana Section 3 43300, SERI KEMBANGAN, SELANGOR MALAYSIA


CLASS : 29

2015008073 07 August 2015

It is a condition of registration that the star device or devices appearing in the mark shall not be used in the colour red or any similar colour or colours.

Meat, fish, poultry and game; meat extracts; preserved, frozen, dried and cooked fruits and vegetables; jellies, jams, compotes; eggs, milk and milk products; edible oils and fats; all included in Class 29.

Chong Chee Soon; 124, Jalan 5D Taman Intan Baiduri 52100, KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA

AGENT: Lee Swee Siang, No. 29-1, Jalan 46A/26 Taman Sri Rampai 53300 Kuala Lumpur

CLASS : 29

2015008466 19 August 2015

Registration of this trade mark shall give no right to the exclusive use of the words “minyak masak” and “halal, bersih & berkualiti”

Cooking oil included in Class 29.

Nik Mohd Fadir Bin Abdullah Trading as Arena Optima Enterprise; Lot 1431, Belakang Balai Polis Kok Lanas, 16450, Kota Bharu, KELANTAN MALAYSIA


CLASS : 29

2015011512 11 November 2015

The transliteration and translation of the Chinese characters appearing in the mark is “ma”, “zhong” and “qiao” meaning “horse”, “middle” and “bridge” respectively.

Registration of this trade mark shall give no right to the exclusive use of the letters "m.c.".

Bird’s nest, meat extract, jellies, jams, compotes, eggs, milk and milk products, edible oils and fats, preserved fruits and vegetables; all included in Class 29.

Mah Zong Enterprise (Lu) Sdn. Bhd.; Plo 81, Jalan Cyber 5 Kawasan Perindustrian Senai III 81400, SENAI, JOHOR MALAYSIA

CLASS : 29

2015012309 01 December 2015

The trade mark is limited to the colours as shown in the representation on the form of application.

Registration of this trade mark shall give no right to the exclusive use of the word "coconut".

Virgin coconut oil; coconut milk powder, coconut extract, coconut milk [uht (ultra-heat-treated), frozen, chilled and pasteurised], dessicated coconut [high and low fat]; coconut cream; coconut cream powder; coconut milk for cooking; coconut butter; coconut fat; coconut flakes; coconut milk for cooking; coconut oil; coconut desillated; dried coconut; grated coconut; fresh coconut contains jelly; jelly for food; edible oils and fats; all included in Class 29.

Aragon Food E Tech Industries Sdn. Bhd.; No. 103, Block 4 Jalan Stulang Laut 2 80300, JOHOR BAHRU, JOHOR MALAYSIA


CLASS : 29

2015052864 26 February 2015

Dates (palm) [buah kurma]; dried fruits; all included in Class 29.

YUSUF TAIYOOB SDN. BHD.; Suite 11.08, 11th Floor Plaza MWE, 8 Lebuh Farquhar, 10200, PULAU PINANG MALAYSIA

AGENT: Helen Huang, Peter Huang & Richard 368-3-1 & 2 Bellisa Row Jalan Burma 10350 Penang

CLASS : 29

2015052865 26 February 2015

Dates (palm) [buah kurma]; dried fruits; all included in Class 29.

YUSUF TAIYOOB SDN. BHD.; Suite 11.08, 11th Floor Plaza MWE, 8 Lebuh Farquhar, 10200, PULAU PINANG MALAYSIA

AGENT: Helen Huang, Peter Huang & Richard 368-3-1 & 2 Bellisa Row Jalan Burma 10350 Penang


CLASS : 29

2015066176 29 September 2015

Registration of this trade mark shall give no right to the exclusive use of the word “telur”.

Meat, fish, poultry and game; meat extracts; preserved, dried and cooked fruits and vegetables; jellies, jams; compotes; eggs, milk and milk products; edible oils and fats; all included in Class 29.

TELUR MEGAH SDN BHD; Lot No.G11, Smart Building, PTD 68948, Batu 7 1/2, Jalan Kota Tinggi, 81100, Johor Bahru, JOHOR MALAYSIA

AGENT: Lok Choon Hong, Pintas IP Group Sdn. Bhd. No. 19, Jalan SS1/36 47300 Petaling Jaya

CLASS : 29

2015067024 09 October 2015

Advertisement of a series of two trade marks

The second trade mark in the series is limited to the colours red, orange, blue, green, dark green, white, black and grey as shown in the representation on the form of application.

The transliteration and translation of the foreign character appearing in the mark is "da dieu" meaning “ostrich".

Frozen ostrich meat; fresh ostrich meat; processed ostrich meat; canned ostrich meat; ostrich eggs; all included in Class 29.

KHANH VIET CORPORATION; 84 Hung Vuong Street, Loc Tho Ward, Nha Trang City, Khanh Hoa Province, , VIETNAM

AGENT: Charmayne Ong Poh Yin, Skrine Unit No. 50-8-1, 8th Floor, Wisma UOA Damansara 50 Jalan Dungun, Damansara Heights 50490 Kuala Lumpur


CLASS : 29

2015067146 13 October 2015

The transliteration of the Chinese characters appearing in the mark is “hui de an” which has no meaning.

Registration of this trade mark shall give no right to the exclusive use of the device of “ying yang” symbol.

Food products made from preserved fruits; food products made from preserved vegetables; food products made from preserved nuts ;food products made from cooked fruits ; food products made from cooked vegetables; food products made from cooked nuts; food products made from dried fruits; food products made from dried vegetables ; food products made from dried nuts; processed vegetables ; processed fruits; processed nuts; preparations for making soup; soup mixes; canned fruits; canned vegetables ; abalone (not live); alimentary preserves made of fish; alimentary preserves made of meat; alimentary preserves made of poultry; fish, preserved; fruit preserved in alcohol; meat, preserved; preserved sausages; preserved seafood; preserved soya beans; frozen fruits ; frozen vegetables; frozen meat products; frozen seafood products; jellies; raisins; edible birds” nests; dates; figs; pickles; crustaceans (not live); sea-cucumbers (not live); scallops (not live); crystallized fruits; peeled fruits; almonds, ground; fruit chips; fruit based snack food; prunes; toasted laver; prepared nuts; processed peanuts; preserved bean; processed sesame seeds; all included in Class 29.


AGENT: Loh Yen Pheng, Intellect Trademark Sdn Bhd IPeople House 7A Clove Hall Road 10050 Pulau Pinang


CLASS : 29

2015067261 13 October 2015

International priority date claimed : 28 September 2015,Singapore

The transliteration of the Chinese characters appearing in the mark is “jin jin yu yuan” which has no meaning.

Meat, game (not live), fish (not live), poultry (not live); meat extracts, pork extracts; edible oils and fats; preserved food products of fish, fruits, game, meat or poultry; bacon; cooked pork meats, pork; sausages; processed meat products; grilled meat, salted meats; beef products, chicken products, dried fruit products, egg products, fish products, game products (meat); ham products, lamb products, meat products, pork products, poultry products, seafood products; barbecued pork, barbecued meat; pork floss, meat floss, beef floss, chicken floss, fish floss; grilled pork; all included in Class 29.

KIM JOO GUAN PTE. LTD.; 15 Woodlands Loop, #02-27/28, 738322, SINGAPORE

AGENT: Mohana Murali A/L Kodivel, Adastra Intellectual Property Sdn Bhd A-39-10, Penthouse, Menara UOA Bangsar No. 5, Jalan Bangsar Utama 1 59000 Kuala Lumpur

CLASS : 29

2015068407 03 November 2015

The transliteration of the Japanese characters appearing in the mark is “ni chi re i” which has no meaning.


AGENT: Charmayne Ong Poh Yin, Skrine Unit No. 50-8-1, 8th Floor, Wisma UOA Damansara 50 Jalan Dungun, Damansara Heights 50490 Kuala Lumpur

Meat including fresh, chilled, frozen, frozen pre-cooked and frozen processed meat; fish (not live) including fresh, chilled, frozen, frozen-precooked, and frozen processed fish; shellfish (not live) including fresh, chilled, frozen, frozen pre-cooked and frozen processed shellfish; poultry and game (meat) including fresh, chilled, frozen, frozen pre-cooked and frozen processed poultry and game;


vegetables including chilled, frozen, frozen pre-cooked and frozen processed vegetables; fruits including chilled, frozen, frozen pre-cooked and frozen processed fruits; processed soya beans, namely processed edamame beans and frozen processed edamame beans; food products made from meat including frozen and chilled meat products; hamburgers (meat patties) including frozen hamburgers (meat patties); food products made from fish including frozen and chilled fish products; food products made from shellfish including frozen and chilled shellfish products; food products made from poultry and game ( meat ) including frozen and chilled poultry and game products; fried chicken including frozen fried chicken; food products made from seafood including frozen and chilled seafood products made from shrimps, prawns, crabs, short-necked clams, octopus and scallops; food products made from vegetables including frozen and chilled vegetable products; food products made from fruits including frozen and chilled fruits products; food products made from eggs including frozen and chilled egg products; croquettes including frozen croquettes; omelettes including frozen omelettes; fried egg rolls including frozen fried egg rolls; prepared meals including frozen prepared meals consisting principally of meat, fish, shellfish, poultry, vegetables or eggs; curry (prepared meals) including frozen, instant and pre-cooked curry; stews including frozen, instant and pre-cooked stews; soups including frozen, instant and pre-cooked soups; bouillons including frozen, instant and pre-cooked bouillons; prepared meals including frozen prepared meals made principally of cheese or dairy products including gratin; fruit juice extracts for cooking, fruit juice for cooking; all included in Class 29.

CLASS : 29

2016000716 26 January 2016

Cooking oils included in Class 29.

Ginto Resources Sdn. Bhd.; No. 5, Jalan Permata 2/KS9 Taman Perindustrian Air Hitam 41200, KLANG, SELANGOR MALAYSIA

CLASS : 29

2016003506 06 April 2016

Dried and cooked fruit and vegetables, food products and preparations made from vegetables, fruits, potatoes, fish and/or poultry, crisp snack food products made from fruits, vegetables and/or seafood; all included in Class 29


CLASS : 29—cont.


CLASS : 29

2016050366 11 January 2016

Registration of this trade mark shall give no right to the exclusive use of the words “Perak duck Malaysia”.

Poultry products; poultry, not live; chilled foods consisting predominantly of poultry; cooked meals consisting principally of poultry; fresh poultry; prepared poultry; preserved poultry; canned poultry; frozen prepared meals consisting principally of poultry; roasted meat; dried meats; food products derived from meat; all included in Class 29.

PERAK DUCK FOOD INDUSTRIES SDN. BHD.; 1220, Jalan Bagan Lallang Satu, Kawasan Perusahaan ACKU, 13400, BUTTERWORTH, MALAYSIA

AGENT: Loh Yen Pheng, Intellect Trademark Sdn Bhd IPeople House 7A Clove Hall Road 10050 Pulau Pinang

CLASS : 29

2016050508 13 January 2016

The transliteration of the Chinese characters appearing in the mark is “jin lyu zhan” which has no meaning.

Edible birds’ nest included in Class 29.

Dynamic Transforms Sdn. Bhd.; No. 6M, Kompleks Selayang, Batu 8 1/2, Jalan Ipoh, 68100, Batu Caves, SELANGOR MALAYSIA

AGENT: Lok Choon Hong, Pintas IP Group Sdn. Bhd. No. 19, Jalan SS1/36 47300 Petaling Jaya


CLASS : 30

04000539 15 January 2004

The transliteration of the chinese characters appearing in the mark is “yi”, “ke” and “tie” which has no meaning.

Dietary and nutritional supplements not for medical purposes, including nutritional capsules not for medical purposes, weight-reducing tea not for medical purposes, herb tea not for medical purposes, ginseng tea not for medical purposes, honey and cereal products; all included in Class 30.


AGENT: Zaharizan Ahmed Meah, Drewmarks Patents & Designs (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd 9th Floor, Bangunan Getah Asli (Menara) 148 Jalan Ampang 50450 Kuala Lumpur

CLASS : 30

09000381 12 January 2009

Sauces (condiments); spices; soya sauce; oyster sauce; all included in Class 30.



CLASS : 30

2013056320 01 July 2013

Registration of this trade mark shall give no right to the exclusive use of the word “cookie”

Tea; coffee; cocoa; coffee beverages with milk; cocoa beverages with milk; cookies; biscuits; crackers; chocolate; pies; and other confectionery; bread; buns; cereal preparations; all included in Class 30.

Sapporo Holdings Limited; 789 Main South Road, Templeton, Christchurch, NEW ZEALAND

AGENT: Tay Beng Chai, Tay & Partners 6th. Floor, Plaza See Hoy Chan Jalan Raja Chulan 50200 Kuala Lumpur

CLASS : 30

2014056987 16 May 2014

Rice, wheat, sugar and foodstuffs made principally from any of the aforesaid goods; spices; roasted or ground sesame seeds; cereals and preparations made from cereals; processed cereals and cereal based snack foods; bread, pastry and confectionery; snack foods consisting principally of grains, rice, bread, pastry, confectionery, cereals, pasta, corn, potato flour, soya or muesli; rice snacks; sesame snacks; processed maize for human consumption and maize based snack products; Indian sweet and salty snacks; wheat flour; pounded wheat, processed wheat and wheat-based snack foods; flavourings for snack foods; all included in Class 30

AMIRA PURE FOODS PRIVATE LIMITED; 54, Prakriti Marg, M.G. Road, New Delhi - 110030, INDIA

AGENT: Karen Navamani Abraham, Shearn Delamore & Co. 7th. Floor, Wisma Hamzah-Kwong Hing No. 1, Leboh Ampang 50100 Kuala Lumpur


CLASS : 30

2014057025 16 May 2014

Registration of this trade mark shall give no right to the exclusive use of the words "gourmet popcorn".

Popped popcorn; flavored popped popcorn; all included in Class 30

Pop Gourmet LLC; 7645 S. 180th Street, Kent, Washington 98032, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA

AGENT: Timothy Siaw, Shearn Delamore & Co. 7th Floor, Wisma Hamzah-Kwong Hing No. 1, Leboh Ampang 50100 Kuala Lumpur

CLASS : 30

2014058522 10 June 2014

Registration of this trade mark shall give no right to the exclusive use of the words "original stuffed crust".

Pizza; pizza dough; pizza pie crust; pizza sauce; all included in Class 30.

Pizza Hut International, LLC; 14841 N. Dallas Parkway, Dallas, Texas 75254, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA

AGENT: Liew Shie Ying, Wong Jin Nee & Teo 13A-5 Level 13A, Menara Milenium 8, Jalan Damanlela, Bukit Damansara 50490 Kuala Lumpur


CLASS : 30

2014059296 24 June 2014

Registration of this trade mark shall give no right to the exclusive use, separately, of the words “original”, “golden”and “mix”.

Confectionery, chocolate, chocolate products, pastries, ice-cream, preparations for making the aforementioned products; all included in Class 30.

August Storck KG; Waldstrasse 27 13403 Berlin,GERMANY

AGENT: Charmayne Ong Poh Yin, Skrine Unit No. 50-8-1, 8th Floor, Wisma UOA Damansara 50 Jalan Dungun, Damansara Heights 50490 Kuala Lumpur

CLASS : 30

2014065365 10 October 2014

The transliteration of the Chinese characters of which the mark consists is “nuan lu” meaning “heater”.

Bread; sandwiches; hamburger sandwiches; filled buns and sandwiches; coffee, tea, cocoa and artificial coffee; pastry and confectionery; ices; ice cream; all included in Class 30

Potbelly Sandwich Works, LLC; 111 N. Canal Street, Suite 850 Chicago, IL 60606, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA

AGENT: Chew Kherk Ying, Wong & Partners Level 21, Suite 21.01, The Gardens South Tower Mid Valley City, Lingkaran Syed Putra 59200 Kuala Lumpur


CLASS : 30

2015001379 04 February 2015

Registration of this trade mark shall give no right to the exclusive use of the words “you’ll become a true lover”

Registration of this trade mark shall not prevent the bona fide use by any person of his own name, ”Sarimah”.

Tapai made form glutinous rice included in Class 30.

Sarimah Binti Kesip @ Rashid Trading as Perusahaan Makanan Dan Pengawetan Istimewa; Lot 7129A Kampung Air Hitam Pantai 78300, MASJID TANAH, MELAKA MALAYSIA

CLASS : 30

2015001772 12 February 2015

The trade mark is limited to the colours as shown in the representation on the form of application.

Coffee, tea, cocoa, sugar, rice, sago, bread, honey, ice, sauce, salt, flour, pastry, yeast, backing powder, spices, vinegar, sweetener, preparation made from flour, candy; all included in Class 30.

Marzilah binti Omar & Mohd Rashidi bin Ab Lah trading as Sama Cahaya Enterprise; Batu 22, Kampung Solok Jauh Pengkalan Balak 78300, MASJID TANAH, MELAKA MALAYSIA


CLASS : 30

2015002107 24 February 2015

Registration of this trade mark shall give no right to the exclusive use of the word “slender”

Coffee, tea, cocoa and artificial coffee containing proteins; tapioca and sago containing proteins; flour and preparations made from cereals containing proteins; cereal bars; high protein cereal bars, ready to eat cereal derived food bars; all included in Class 30.

Ascot TM Limited; Kingfisher House, Restmor Way Hackbridge, Surrey SM6 7AH , UNITED KINGDOM

AGENT: Patrick Mirandah, Mirandah Asia (Malaysia) Sdn. Bhd. Suite 3B-19-3, Plaza Sentral Jalan Stesen Sentral 5 50470 Kuala Lumpur

CLASS : 30

2015005987 05 June 2015

The trade mark is limited to the colours as shown in the representation on the form of application.

Coffee, tea, cocoa and artificial coffee; rice; tapioca and sago; flour and preparations made from cereals; bread, pastry and confectionery; edible ices; sugar, honey, treacle; processed grains, starches, baking preparations and yeasts, noodles / ribbon vermicelli, instant noodles; all included in Class 30.

QSR Trading Sdn. Bhd.; Level 18, Wisma KFC No. 17, Jalan Sultan Ismail 50250, KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA

AGENT: Azmi Mohd Ali, Dato’ Azmi & Associates 14th Floor, Menara Keck Seng 203, Jalan Bukit Bintang 55100 Kuala Lumpur


CLASS : 30

2015006391 17 June 2015

Honey, coffee, tea, cocoa, sugar, rice, tapioca, sago, artificial coffee; flour, and preparations made from cereals, bread, pastry and confectionery, ices; treacle; yeast, baking powder, salt, mustard; vinegar, sauces (condiments); spices; ice; all included in Class 30.

Syamille Agro Farm Sdn. Bhd.; No. 35, Jalan USJ/11 UEP Subang Jaya 47600, SUBANG JAYA, SELANGOR MALAYSIA

AGENT: Puteri Intan Nurul Arzian Bt Abdul Aziz, Sharifah & Associates A7-2 (Block A) Jalan Selaman 1/1 Dataran Palma (Ampang Point) 68000 Ampang

CLASS : 30

2015006717 25 June 2015

Registration of this trade mark shall give no right to the exclusive use of the words “nuts about coconuts”

Coffee, tea, cocoa and artificial coffee; rice; tapioca and sago; flour and preparations made from cereals; bread; pastry and confectionery; ices; sugar; honey; treacle; yeast; baking powder; salt; mustard; vinegar, sauces (condiments); spices; ice; all included in Class 30.

Sangkaya (M) Sdn. Bhd.; B-17-5, Eastlake Residence Taman Serdang Perdana Section 3 43300, SERI KEMBANGAN, SELANGOR MALAYSIA


CLASS : 30

2015007063 06 July 2015

Instant coffee; instant tea [other than for medicinal purposes]; cappuccino, white coffee, coffee mixture bags, namely packets of combined coffee and sugar, ground and whole bean coffee, favouring additives for coffee beans, instant nutritious cereal, instant coarse rice; cereal preparations including breakfast cereals; corn flakes; muesli; oatmeal; coffee and coffee extracts; tea and tea extracts; chocolate and cocoa based beverages; coffee and tea based beverages; foodstuffs having a base of rice, of flour or of cereals, also in the form of ready-made dishes; bean meal; biscuit; pastry; confectionery; condiments; spices; vinegar, salt, pepper; sugar; honey; mustard; rice and noodle; all included in Class 30.

Lepaq Lepaq Food Concept Sdn. Bhd.; C-6-12, Street Mall, One South Jalan OS, Taman Serdang Perdana Seksyen 6 43300, SERI KEMBANGAN, SELANGOR MALAYSIA

CLASS : 30

2015008688 24 August 2015

Registration of this trade mark shall give no right to the exclusive use of the words "organic & natural food supplies".

Coffee, tea, cocoa and artificial coffee; rice; tapioca and sago; flour and preparations made from cereals; bread, pastry and confectionery; edible ices; sugar, honey, treacle; yeast, baking-powder; salt; mustard; vinegar, sauces (condiments); spices; ice; all included in Class 30.

MADY WHOLEFOODS SDN BHD; Lots Lg-03, 04, 05, 129 Lorong Lapangan Terbang 2, 93250 Kuching, SARAWAK MALAYSIA


CLASS : 30

2015009790 23 September 2015

Registration of this trade mark shall give no right to the exclusive use of the words “honey” and “ premium gelato”

Ice cream; honey; all included in Class 30.

Naturale Honey Sdn. Bhd.; Suite 1212, 12th Floor Plaza Permata No. 6, Jalan Kampar 50400, KUALA LUMPUR MALAYSIA

AGENT: Narayanan a/l Arunachalam, Nara’s Secretarial Services No. 24, Jalan Desa 3/8 Taman Desa Country Homes 48000 Rawang

CLASS : 30

2015010124 05 October 2015

It is a condition of registration that the star device or devices appearing in the mark shall not be used in the colour red or any similar colour or colours.

Coffee, tea, cocoa and artificial coffee; rice; tapioca and sago; flour and preparations made from cereals; bread, pastry and confectionery; ices; sugar, honey, treacle; yeast, baking-powder; salt; mustard; vinegar, sauces (condiments); spices; ice; all included in Class 30.

Junaidah binti Shaari trading as Bio Cottage Industry; Lot Pt 1144, Perumahan PKINK Jalan Padang Tembak 16100, KOTA BHARU, KELANTAN MALAYSIA


CLASS : 30

2015010904 27 October 2015

The trade mark is limited to the colours as shown in the representation on the form of application.

Cocoa malt drink included in Class 30.

NS Naga (M) Sdn. Bhd.; 15, Jalan Bagan Terap 26/11 Seksyen 26, Hicom Industrial Estate 40400, SHAH ALAM, SELANGOR MALAYSIA

CLASS : 30

2015011510 11 November 2015

The transliteration and translation of the Chinese characters appearing in the mark is “ma”, “zhong” and “qiao” meaning “horse”, “middle” and “bridge” respectively.

Registration of this trade mark shall give no right to the exclusive use of the letters "m.c."

Coffee, tea, cocoa and artificial coffee; tapioca and sago; flour and preparations made from cereals; ices; sugar, honey, treacle; spices; all included in Class 30.

Mah Zong Enterprise (Lu) Sdn. Bhd.; Plo 81, Jalan Cyber 5 Kawasan Perindustrian Senai III 81400, SENAI, JOHOR MALAYSIA


CLASS : 30

2015012688 10 December 2015

Coffee, tea, cocoa and artificial coffee; rice; tapioca and sago; flour and preparations made from cereals; bread, pastry and confectionery; ices; sugar, honey, treacle; yeast, baking-powder; salt; mustard; vinegar, sauces (condiments); spices; ice; all included in Class 30.

MOHAMAD ALUIS HAMRI; No.5, Jalan Seacom, Kampung Sungai Kilong, Sematan, 94500 Lundu, SARAWAK MALAYSIA

CLASS : 30

2015012868 15 December 2015

Instant food pastes (asam pedas) included in Class 30.

Siti Virnawaty Laily Binti Zamanuri Trading As Asam Pedas JR; No. 27, Lorong 2A Jalan Seri Emas 60 Taman Seri Telok Emas 75460, TELOK EMAS, MELAKA MALAYSIA

CLASS : 30

2015051908 10 February 2015

The transliteration and translation of the Thai characters appearing in the mark is “mae” and “pranom” meaning “mother” and “the name of Thai women” respectively.

Sauces [condiments]; cooking sauces; chili sauces; chili paste; chili in oil for tomyam; tomyam paste; all included in Class 30.

Phiboonchai Maepranom Thai Chili Paste Co., Ltd.; 68/10 Moo 12 Boromrajchonnee Rd., Salathammasop, Taweewattana, Bangkok 10170, THAILAND

AGENT: Su Siew Ling, Zaid Ibrahim & Co. Level 19, Menara Milenium Jalan Damanlela, Pusat Bandar Damansara 50490 Kuala Lumpur


CLASS : 30

2015052010 11 February 2015

Advertisement of a series of two trade marks

The second trade mark in the series is limited to the colours as shown in the representation on the form of application.

Registration of this trade mark shall give no right to the exclusive use of the words "tid bit" except as shown in the representation on the form of application.

Chocolate, dairy chocolate, chocolate biscuits, chocolate wafers, chocolate waffles, chocolate covered cakes, chocolate pastries, chocolate chips, chocolate confectionery, chocolate fudge; all included in Class 30.

URC Snack Foods (Malaysia) Sdn. Bhd.; PLO 370, Jalan Perak Tiga, Kawasan Perindustrian Pasir Gudang, 81700, Pasir Gudang, JOHOR MALAYSIA

AGENT: Yvonne Ong Toon Mein, Raja, Darryl & Loh 18th. Floor, Wisma Sime Darby Jalan Raja Laut 50350 Kuala Lumpur

CLASS : 30

2015055670 14 April 2015

Rice included in Class 30.

KRBL LTD.; 5190, Lahori Gate, DELHI - 110 006, INDIA

AGENT: Chuah Jern Ern, Advanz Fidelis Sdn. Bhd. Suite 609, Block D, Phileo Damansara 1 No. 9, Jalan 16/11 46350 Petaling Jaya


CLASS : 30

2015059275 16 June 2015

The transliteration and translation of the Jawi script appearing in the mark is “candik” meaning “fishing net” and the Chinese characters appearing in the mark is “mi fen”meaning “rice noodles”.

Registration of this trade mark shall give no right to the exclusive use of the word “bihun” and the Chinese characters meaning “rice noodles”.

Vermicelli, rice noodles, noodles, paste, spaghetti, rice flour, corn flour, wheat flour, macaroni, tapioca flour; flours; laksa; laksa noodles; all included in Class 30.


AGENT: Tan Keok Lay, Edmund Tan & Co. Suite B19 1st Floor, Plaza Pekeliling Jalan Tun Razak 50400 Kuala Lumpur

CLASS : 30

2015065624 18 September 2015

Candy; caramels [candy]; chewing gum; chocolate; confectionery; confectionery for decorating Christmas trees; fondants [confectionery]; fruit jellies [confectionery]; liquorice [confectionery]; lozenges [confectionery]; pastilles [confectionery]; peanut confectionery; sugar confectionery; natural sweeteners; sweetmeats [candy]; peppermint sweets; all included in Class 30

DRAGON RICH PROFITS LIMITED; Flat /Rm A, 17/F., Chiap King Industrial Building, 114 King Fuk Street, San Po Kong, KL, HONG KONG

AGENT: Tan Sin Su, Quality Oracle Sdn. Bhd. L5-07, Level 5, Wisma BU 8 No. 11, Lebuh Bandar Utama, Bandar Utama 47800 Petaling Jaya


CLASS : 30

2015067501 19 October 2015

The transliteration of the Chinese characters of which the mark consists is “yu yan su” which has no meaning.

Tea; tea-based beverages; confectionery; sugar; cereal-based snack food; farinaceous foods; coffee; pastries; tarts; propolis [bee glue] for human consumption; all included in Class 30.

NewSOKA INTERNATIONAL LTD.; 2F. No.52, Ln.44, Hexing Rd., Wenshan Dist., Taipei City, TAIWAN, PROVINCE OF CHINA

AGENT: Mohana Murali A/L Kodivel, Adastra Intellectual Property Sdn Bhd A-39-10, Penthouse, Menara UOA Bangsar No. 5, Jalan Bangsar Utama 1 59000 Kuala Lumpur

CLASS : 30

2015067506 19 October 2015

The transliteration of the Chinese characters of which the mark consists is “yu zhi fang” which has no meaning.

Tea; tea-based beverages; confectionery; sugar; cereal-based snack food; farinaceous foods; coffee; pastries; tarts; propolis [bee glue] for human consumption; all included in Class 30.

NewSOKA INTERNATIONAL LTD.; 2F. No.52, Ln.44, Hexing Rd., Wenshan Dist., Taipei City, TAIWAN, PROVINCE OF CHINA

AGENT: Mohana Murali A/L Kodivel, Adastra Intellectual Property Sdn Bhd A-39-10, Penthouse, Menara UOA Bangsar No. 5, Jalan Bangsar Utama 1 59000 Kuala Lumpur


CLASS : 30

2015068413 03 November 2015

The transliteration of the Japanese characters appearing in the mark is “ni chi re i” which has no meaning.

Ices; edible ices; noodles including frozen noodles; pastas including frozen pasta; sushi including frozen sushi; bread including frozen bread; buns including frozen buns; pizzas including frozen pizzas; rice based products including frozen rice based products; rice including frozen rice; toasted rice balls including frozen toasted rice balls; pilaf including frozen pilaf; fried rice including frozen fried rice; rice casseroles including frozen rice casseroles; porridges including frozen, instant and pre-cooked porridges; spring rolls including frozen spring rolls; confectionery including frozen confectionery; fruit jellies (confectionery) including frozen fruit jellies; puddings (confectionery) including frozen puddings; dessert mousses (confectionery) including frozen desert mousses; Japanese rice cakes including frozen Japaneserice cakes; muffins including frozen muffins; pancakes includigng frozen pancakes; waffles including frozen waffles; dumplings including frozen dumplings; Chinese stuffed dumplings including frozen Chinese stuffed dumplings; gyoza including frozen gyoza; shumai (steamed buns stuffed with minced meat) including frozen shumai (steamed buns stuffed with minced meat); pasta sauces including frozen pasta sauces; prepared meals including frozen prepared meals consisting principally of rice; prepared meals including frozen prepared meals consisting principally of pasta; all included in Class 30.


AGENT: Charmayne Ong Poh Yin, Skrine Unit No. 50-8-1, 8th Floor, Wisma UOA Damansara 50 Jalan Dungun, Damansara Heights 50490 Kuala Lumpur


CLASS : 30

2015071407 16 December 2015

Coffee, tea, cocoa, sugar, flour and preparations made from cereals; tapioca, sago, artificial coffee; pasta and pasta products; noodles; rice and rice products; bread, pastry, confectionery; ices; honey, treacle, yeast, baking-powder; seasonings, salt, mustard, vinegar, sauces (condiments), savoury sauces; chutneys; relishes (condiments); vegetable purees (sauces); herbs and spices in this Class including preserved herbs, prepared foods in this class; tinned, preserved, prepared, frozen and dried foods and meals in this class; salad dressings; all included in class 30.

J R Simplot Company; One Capital Center, 999 Main Street, Suite 1300, PO Box 27, Boise Idaho 83707-0027, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA

AGENT: Mary @ Merry A/P T. Valliyaparambil T., Spruson & Ferguson (M) Sdn. Bhd. A-32-3A, Level 32, Menara UOA Bangsar 5, Jalan Bangsar Utama 1 59000 Kuala Lumpur

CLASS : 30

2016000193 08 January 2016

Coffee, tea, cocoa and artificial coffee; rice; tapioca and sago; flour and preparations made from cereals; bread, pastry and confectionery; ices; sugar, honey, treacle; yeast, baking-powder; salt; mustard; vinegar, sauces (condiments); spices; ice; all included in Class 30.

JAMAHARI BIN MATSANI; No. 20, Kampung Tanah Hitam, 94500 Lundu, SARAWAK MALAYSIA


CLASS : 30

2016000420 14 January 2016

The transliteration of the Chinese characters appearing in the mark is “ba ba sheng hou hou jie qing cheng sheng jie” which has no meaning.

Registration of this trade mark shall give no right to the exclusive use of the words “Klang back street”.

Bak kut teh included in Class 30.

Tee Kooi Sen; 35-2B, Jalan Bandar Dua Belas Pusat Bandar Puchong 47160, PUCHONG, SELANGOR MALAYSIA

CLASS : 30

2016000715 25 January 2016

Coffee, coffee powder; all included in Class 30.


CLASS : 30

2016001735 23 February 2016

Coffee; tea; cocoa and artificial coffee; all included in Class 30.

YAP YU TRADING SDN BHD; No. 29, Jalan Kilang, Sedco Industrial Estate Kolombong, Inanam, 88450 Kota Kinabalu P O BOX 11449 88450, KOTA KINABALU, SABAH MALAYSIA


CLASS : 30

2016050311 11 January 2016

Aromatic preparations for food; seasonings; condiments; spices; sauces [condiments]; flavorings [flavourings], other than essential oils, for cakes; food flavorings, other than essential oils; flavorings [flavourings], other than essential oils, for beverages; relish [condiment]; garden herbs, preserved [seasonings]; all included in Class 30.


AGENT: Mohana Murali A/L Kodivel, Adastra Intellectual Property Sdn Bhd A-39-10, Penthouse, Menara UOA Bangsar No. 5, Jalan Bangsar Utama 1 59000 Kuala Lumpur

CLASS : 30

2016050988 21 January 2016

The transliteration of the Chinese characters appearing in the mark is “dao ma qie” which has no meaning

It is a condition of registration that the mark shall be used only in relation to goods with which all the applicants are connected in the course of trade

Sugar, rice, flour and preparation made from confectionery, honey, baking powder, salt; all included in Class 30.

TANG MUN FEI AND LOW FONG YING; No.21, Ground Floor, Jalan BPU 2, Bandar Puchong Utama 47100, Puchong, SELANGOR MALAYSIA

AGENT: Vannesse Lee Pei Eng, Drexworld Management PLT No.1-9-13, Block Chempaka Taman Desaminium, Jalan Flora 43300 Seri Kembangan


CLASS : 30

2016053214 25 February 2016

Natural sweeteners; sugar; cereal based snack food; farinaceous foods; cooking salt; soya sauce; condiments; sauces (condiments); relishes (condiments); essences for foodstuffs (except etheric essences and essential oils); all included in Class 30.


AGENT: Tee Lin Yik, Tee IP Sdn Bhd Suite 32-2, Jalan Dwitasik, Dataran Dwitasik Bandar Sri Permaisuri 56000 Kuala Lumpur

CLASS : 31

2010020944 02 November 2010

International priority date claimed : 19 October 2010,Singapore

Advertisement of a series of two trade marks

The second trade mark in the series is limited to the colour as shown in the representation on the form of application.

It is a condition of registration that the words appearing in the mark shall not be used as a varietal name.

Agricultural, horticultural and forestry products and grains not included in other Classes; live animals; fresh fruits and vegetables; seeds, natural plants and flowers; foodstuffs for animals; malt; all included in class 31.

SATS Ltd.; 20 Airport Boulevard Singapore Changi Airport 819659, SINGAPORE

AGENT: Charmayne Ong Poh Yin, Skrine Unit No. 50-8-1, 8th Floor, Wisma UOA Damansara 50 Jalan Dungun, Damansara Heights 50490 Kuala Lumpur


CLASS : 31

2014068572 10 December 2014

Pet food included in Class 31.

WellPet LLC; 200 Ames Pond Drive, Tewksbury, Massachusetts 01876-1274, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA

AGENT: Goh Mei Ling, Henry Goh & Co. Sdn. Bhd. 217, Jalan Imbi 55100 Kuala Lumpur

CLASS : 31

2015058753 08 June 2015

Live fish, live shrimp, live shellfish, live crustaceans; foodstuffs for shrimp, fish, shellfish, crustaceans; all included in Class 31.

THAI UNION FEEDMILL COMPANY LIMITED; 89/1 Moo 2, RamaII Road, Tumbon Kalong, Amphur Muang, Samutsakorn 74000, THAILAND

AGENT: Su Siew Ling, Zaid Ibrahim & Co. Level 19, Menara Milenium Jalan Damanlela, Pusat Bandar Damansara 50490 Kuala Lumpur

CLASS : 31

2015066728 07 October 2015

KIM TECK CHEONG BRANDS SDN. BHD.; Lot 73, Jalan Kilang, Sedco Light Industrial Estate, Miles 5 ½ , 88450, Kota Kinabalu, SABAH MALAYSIA

AGENT: Yip Jiun Hann, TRADEMARK2U Sdn Bhd No. 1,Block C, Jalan Dataran SD 1 Dataran SD PJU 9, Bandar Sri Damansara 52200 Kuala Lumpur

Abalone (live); agricultural, horticultural and forestry products (not included in other Classes); algae for human or animal consumption; almonds (fruits); artichokes, fresh; bamboo shoots; barley; barley


for use in brewing beer; beans, fresh; beet, fresh; berries, fresh fruits; bran; bushes; bushes (shrubs); capsicums, fresh; cashew kernels; cereal seeds, unprocessed; chestnuts, fresh; citrus fruit, fresh; cocoa beans, raw; coconut shell; coconuts; cola nuts; crayfish (live); crustaceans (live); cucumbers,fresh; edible nuts (unprocessed); edible seeds (unprocessed); edible sesame, unprocessed; eggplants; fish spawn; fresh apples; fresh asparagus; fresh beans; fresh berries; fresh carrots; fresh cherries; fresh chillies; fresh citrus fruits; fresh courgettes; fresh culinary herbs; fresh fruit; fresh garden herbs; fresh grapes; fresh herb preparations (other than for medicinal purposes); fresh herbs; fresh legumes; fresh mandarins; fresh mushrooms; fresh nuts; fresh olives; fresh oranges; fresh peas; fresh pulses; fresh seaweed; fresh soya beans; fresh squash (vegetables); fresh strawberries; fresh sweet corn; fresh tangerines; fresh tomatoes; fresh tropical fruits; fresh truffles; fresh vegetables; fresh zucchinis; fruit, fresh; garden herbs, fresh; garlic, fresh; germ grains; grains (cereals); grape vines; grapefruits; grapes, fresh; hazelnuts; juniper berries; kernel fruits (fresh); kola nuts; kumquats; leeks, fresh; legumes; lemons, fresh; lentils, fresh; lettuce, fresh; lobsters (live); locust beans, raw; macadamia nuts, unprocessed; maize; malt for brewing and distilling; malt germs; malt grains (unprocessed); malted barley; marrows, fresh; melons; mint, fresh; mixed fruits, fresh; mushroom spawn; mushrooms, fresh; mussels (live); nuts (fruits); oats; oil cake; olives, fresh; onions, fresh vegetables; oranges, fresh oysters (live); peanuts, fresh; peanuts, unprocessed; pearl barley (in the husk); peas, fresh; pineapples, fresh; pomegranates; potatoes, fresh; potted fresh herbs; poultry; prawns (live) raw berries; raw cereals (unprocessed); raw grain; raw nut kernels; raw popcorn; rhubarb, fresh; rice, unprocessed; salad vegetables, fresh; salmon, live; sardines, live; sea-cucumbers (live); seed potatoes; shellfish (live); shrimps (live); smolt (live); spinach, fresh; spiny lobsters (live); squashes, fresh; squid (live); sugarcane; sunflower seeds; truffles, fresh; tuna, live; tunny (live); turkeys (live); unprocessed agricultural produce; unprocessed apples; unprocessed asparagus; unprocessed barley; unprocessed bee pollen; unprocessed berries; unprocessed cereal; unprocessed cereal grains; unprocessed cereal seeds; unprocessed cherries; unprocessed chillies; unprocessed cocoa beans; unprocessed corn; unprocessed nuts; unprocessed quinoa; vegetables, fresh; vine plants; watermelons; wheat; wheat bran; all included in class 31.

CLASS : 31

2015066729 07 October 2015

KIM TECK CHEONG BRANDS SDN. BHD.; Lot 73, Jalan Kilang, Sedco Light Industrial Estate, Miles 5 ½ , 88450, Kota Kinabalu, SABAH MALAYSIA

AGENT: Yip Jiun Hann, TRADEMARK2U Sdn Bhd No. 1,Block C, Jalan Dataran SD 1 Dataran SD PJU 9, Bandar Sri Damansara 52200 Kuala Lumpur

Abalone (live); agricultural, horticultural and forestry products (not included in other Classes); algae for human or animal consumption; almonds (fruits); artichokes, fresh; bamboo shoots; barley; barley for use in brewing beer; beans, fresh; beet, fresh; berries, fresh fruits; bran; bushes; bushes (shrubs); capsicums, fresh; cashew kernels; cereal seeds, unprocessed; chestnuts, fresh; citrus fruit, fresh; cocoa beans, raw; coconut shell; coconuts; cola nuts; crayfish (live); crustaceans (live); cucumbers,fresh; edible nuts (unprocessed); edible seeds (unprocessed); edible sesame, unprocessed; eggplants; fish spawn; fresh apples; fresh asparagus; fresh beans; fresh berries; fresh carrots; fresh cherries; fresh chillies; fresh citrus fruits; fresh courgettes; fresh culinary herbs; fresh fruit; fresh garden herbs; fresh grapes; fresh herb preparations (other than for medicinal purposes); fresh herbs; fresh legumes; fresh mandarins; fresh mushrooms; fresh nuts; fresh olives; fresh oranges; fresh peas;

CLASS : 31—cont.


fresh pulses; fresh seaweed; fresh soya beans; fresh squash (vegetables); fresh strawberries; fresh sweet corn; fresh tangerines; fresh tomatoes; fresh tropical fruits; fresh truffles; fresh vegetables; fresh zucchinis; fruit, fresh; garden herbs, fresh; garlic, fresh; germ grains; grains (cereals); grape vines; grapefruits; grapes, fresh; hazelnuts; juniper berries; kernel fruits (fresh); kola nuts; kumquats; leeks, fresh; legumes; lemons, fresh; lentils, fresh; lettuce, fresh; lobsters (live); locust beans, raw; macadamia nuts, unprocessed; maize; malt for brewing and distilling; malt germs; malt grains (unprocessed); malted barley; marrows, fresh; melons; mint, fresh; mixed fruits, fresh; mushroom spawn; mushrooms, fresh; mussels (live); nuts (fruits); oats; oil cake; olives, fresh; onions, fresh vegetables; oranges, fresh oysters (live); peanuts, fresh; peanuts, unprocessed; pearl barley (in the husk); peas, fresh; pineapples, fresh; pomegranates; potatoes, fresh; potted fresh herbs; poultry; prawns (live) raw berries; raw cereals (unprocessed); raw grain; raw nut kernels; raw popcorn; rhubarb, fresh; rice, unprocessed; salad vegetables, fresh; salmon, live; sardines, live; sea-cucumbers (live); seed potatoes; shellfish (live); shrimps (live); smolt (live); spinach, fresh; spiny lobsters (live); squashes, fresh; squid (live); sugarcane; sunflower seeds; truffles, fresh; tuna, live; tunny (live); turkeys (live); unprocessed agricultural produce; unprocessed apples; unprocessed asparagus; unprocessed barley; unprocessed bee pollen; unprocessed berries; unprocessed cereal; unprocessed cereal grains; unprocessed cereal seeds; unprocessed cherries; unprocessed chillies; unprocessed cocoa beans; unprocessed corn; unprocessed nuts; unprocessed quinoa; vegetables, fresh; vine plants; watermelons; wheat; wheat bran; all included in class 31.

CLASS : 31

2015069319 17 November 2015

It is a condition of registration of that word appearing in the mark shall not be used as a varietal name.

Fresh fruits; unprocessed fruits; fresh vegetables; unprocessed vegetables; unprocessed potatoes; lettuce, fresh; unprocessed olives; agricultural produce (unprocessed -); raw cereals [unprocessed]; fresh pulses; grains [cereals]; peas, fresh; truffles, fresh; mushrooms, fresh; malt; fresh soya beans; natural seeds; all included in Class 31


AGENT: Goh Mei Ling, Henry Goh & Co. Sdn. Bhd. 217, Jalan Imbi 55100 Kuala Lumpur

CLASS : 31—cont.


CLASS : 32

2010020945 02 November 2010

International priority date claimed : 19 October 2010,Singapore

Advertisement of a series of two trade marks

The second trade mark in the series is limited to the colour as shown in the representation on the form of application.

Beers; mineral and aerated waters and other non-alcoholic drinks; fruit drinks and fruit juices; syrups and other preparations for making beverages; all included in Class 32.

SATS Ltd.; 20 Airport Boulevard Singapore Changi Airport 819659, SINGAPORE

AGENT: Charmayne Ong Poh Yin, Skrine

CLASS : 32

2012013942 15 August 2012

By consent of the registered proprietor of trade mark no: 2012050671.

Non-alcoholic drinks; aerated water; beverages consisting of a blend of fruit and vegetable juices; other preparations for making beverages; beverages containing added trace elements; beverages enriched with added minerals; vitamin enriched non-alcoholic beverages [vitamins not predominating]; beverages (non-alcoholic) containing cordyceps and fungi, not for medical purposes; mixed plant drinks; drinks flavoured with herbs; syrups and other preparations for making beverages; soda water; fruit extracts (non-alcoholic); isotonic beverages; collagen drink (non-alcoholic) not for medical purposes; herbal beverages (other than for medicinal use); all included in Class 32.

Oni Global (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd; No. 8, Jalan 6/91 Taman Shamelin Perkasa Batu 3 1/2, Jalan Cheras 56100, KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA

AGENT: Patrick Mirandah, Mirandah Asia (Malaysia) Sdn. Bhd.


CLASS : 32

2013015201 04 November 2013

Registration of this trade mark shall give no right to the exclusive use of the words “heaven of tea”.

Non-alcoholic beverages with tea flavor; fruit and juice based beverages; fruit concentrates and purees used as ingredients of beverages; beverage concentrates and syrups for making frozen blended fruit based beverages; sparkling fruit and juice based beverages and soda beverages; powdered beverage mixes for making fruit based beverages; soda pop beverages; energy drinks; soy-based beverages not being milk substitutes; nut juice; all included in Class 32.

Teavana Corporation; 3630 Peachtree Road NE Suite 1480, Atlanta Georgia 30326, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA

AGENT: Winnie Tham Wai Yee, Amica IP Services (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd 164B-1, 1st Floor, Wisma Sekiong Jalan Ngee Heng 80000 Johor Bahru

CLASS : 32

2014013442 02 December 2014

International priority date claimed : 19 September 2014,Australia

Beers; mineral and aerated waters and other non-alcoholic beverages; fruit beverages and fruit juices; syrups and other preparations for making beverages; all included in Class 32.

Sushi Train (Australia) Pty Ltd; PO Box 721 Beenleigh Qld 4207, AUSTRALIA

AGENT: Geetha Kandiah, KASS International Sdn. Bhd. Suite 8-7-2, 7th Floor, Menara Mutiara Bangsar Jalan Liku, Off Jalan Riong 59100 Kuala Lumpur


CLASS : 32

2015001891 17 February 2015

The trade mark is limited to the colours as shown in the representation on the form of application.

Registration of this trade mark shall give no right to the exclusive use of the words "Asia" and "for a better performance".

Beers; mineral and aerated waters and other non-alcoholicbeverages; fruit beverages and fruit juices; syrups and other preparations for making beverage; all included in Class 32.

Imperia Asia Resources; No. 24 & 24-1 Jalan Klang Sentral 2/KU5 Klang Sentral 41050, KLANG, SELANGOR MALAYSIA

AGENT: Mohamed Hj Abd Hamid, Nik Saghir & Ismail Block 1, 15-B, 2nd Floor, Worldwide Business Park Jalan Tinju 13/50, Seksyen 13 40675 Shah Alam

CLASS : 32

2015005016 08 May 2015

Beers; mineral and aerated waters and other non-alcoholic beverages; herbal beverages (not for medicinal purposes); botanical beverages (not for medicinal purposes); fruit beverages and fruit juices; syrups and other preparations for making beverages; all included in Class 32.

Pacific Food Products Sdn. Bhd.; Lot 1, Ayer Keroh Industrial Estate 75450, MELAKA MALAYSIA

AGENT: Syed Naqiz Shahabuddin bin Syed Abdul Jabbar, Naqiz & Partners No. 42A, Lorong Dungun, Damansara Heights 50490 Kuala Lumpur


CLASS : 32

2015005461 21 May 2015

Variety flavor cordials and juices included in Class 32.

RASHIDIN BIN AHMAD TRADING AS UMZ BIOLINE INDUSTRY; No.7, Jalan Tiram 6 Taman Perindustrian Tiram 81800, Ulu Tiram, JOHOR MALAYSIA

CLASS : 32

2015011511 11 November 2015

The transliteration and translation of the Chinese characters appearing in the mark is “ma”, “zhong” and “qiao” meaning “horse”, “middle” and “bridge” respectively.

Registration of this trade mark shall give no right to the exclusive use of the letters "m.c.".

Mineral and aerated waters and other non-alcoholic beverages; fruit beverages and fruit juices; syrups and other preparations for making beverages; all included in Class 32.

Mah Zong Enterprise (Lu) Sdn. Bhd.; Plo 81, Jalan Cyber 5 Kawasan Perindustrian Senai III 81400, SENAI, JOHOR MALAYSIA


CLASS : 32

2015061359 15 July 2015

The transliteration and translation of the Chinese characters appearing in the mark is “ma ma” meaning “mother”, “zhu”meaning “cook”.

Registration of this trade mark shall give no right to the exclusive use of the Chinese characters meaning “cook”

Vegetable juices (beverages); non-alcoholic fruit extracts; non-alcoholic fruit juice beverages; fruit juice; non-alcoholic beverages; isotonic beverages; fruit nectars, non-alcoholic; whey beverages; ginger ale; aloe vera drinks, non-alcoholic; all included in Class 32.


AGENT: Mohana Murali A/L Kodivel, Adastra Intellectual Property Sdn Bhd A-39-10, Penthouse, Menara UOA Bangsar No. 5, Jalan Bangsar Utama 1 59000 Kuala Lumpur

CLASS : 32

2015066574 05 October 2015

Mineral and aerated waters and other non-alcoholic beverages; aerated mineral waters; mineral water (beverages), natural mineral water (not for medical purposes); spring water; preparations for making mineral water; beers; still or sparkling water (mineral or non-mineral); fruit or vegetable juices; fruit or vegetable drinks; lemonades; sodas; ginger beer; sorbet drinks excluding dairy-based sorbet drinks; drink preparations; syrups for drinks; alcohol-free fruit or vegetable extracts; all included in Class 32.

LUMIN SPRING INTERNATIONAL GROUP SDN BHD;Menara Mudajaya, Unit 2-3, No. 12A, Jalan PJU 7/3, Mutiara Damansara, 47810, Petaling Jaya, SELANGOR MALAYSIA

AGENT: Charmayne Ong Poh Yin, Skrine Unit No. 50-8-1, 8th Floor, Wisma UOA Damansara 50 Jalan Dungun, Damansara Heights 50490 Kuala Lumpur


CLASS : 32

2015066785 07 October 2015

Registration of this trade mark shall give no right to the exclusive use of the word "nira".

Mineral and aerated waters and other non-alcoholic beverages; fruit beverages and fruit juices; syrups and other preparations for making beverages; all included in Class 32.

Roslina Mat Junoh; 62, Jalan Tasik Prima 3/1 Taman Tasik Prima 47100, Puchong, SELANGOR MALAYSIA

AGENT: Nur Azrina Abdul Aziz, No. 26-08-01, Apartmen Desa Tasik Jalan 2/146, Bandar Tasik Selatan 57000 Kuala Lumpur

CLASS : 32

2015067434 16 October 2015

The transliteration of the Chinese characters of which the mark consists is “da bei” which has no meaning.

Beer; waters [beverages]; mineral water [beverages]; aerated water; preparations for making beverages; preparations for making mineral water; essences for making beverages; soda water; lemonades; non-alcoholic beverages; all included in Class 32.

SHENZHEN TANGKA INTERNATIONAL CULTURECOMMUNICATION CO., LTD.; Room 201, Building A, No.1, Qianwan 1st Road, Shengang Cooperation Zone, Qianhai, Shenzhen, GUANGDONG, PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA

AGENT: Gan Wai Kwang, Tiger Intellectual Sdn Bhd Suite 2.16, Desa Complex Jalan Kepong 52100 Kuala Lumpur


CLASS : 32

2015068377 02 November 2015

Advertisement of a series of two trade marks

The first trade mark in the series is limited to the colours as shown in the representation on the form of application.

Non-alcoholic beverages; fruit beverages and fruit juices; whey beverages; all included in Class 32.

KANEKA CORPORATION; 2-3-18, Nakanoshima, Kita-ku, Osaka, JAPAN

AGENT: Lee Lin Li, Tay & Partners 6th Floor, Plaza See Hoy Chan, Jalan Raja Chulan 50200 Kuala Lumpur

CLASS : 32

2016000958 01 February 2016

The transliteration and translation of the Chinese characters appearing in the mark is “ziran sexi” meaning “natural colour”.

Registration of this trade mark shall give no right to the exclusive use of the words “natural tone” and the chinese characters meaning “natural colour”.

Beer, essences for making beverages, fruit juices beverages (non alcoholic-), fruit estracts (non-alcoholic, ginger beer, honey-based beverages (non- alcoholic -), mineral water (preparations for making -), syrups and other preparations for making beverages, tomato juice (beverage), vegetable juices (beverages); all included in Class 32.

Shee Tiong Swee; No. 11, Jalan Cengal Off Jalan Junid 84000, MUAR, JOHOR MALAYSIA


CLASS : 33

05016320 29 September 2005

The transliteration and translation of the Japanese characters of which the mark consists is "hyakujyu" meaning "one thousand year’s longevity".

Registration of this trade mark shall give no right to the exclusive use of the Japanese character meaning "longevity".

Sake included in Class 33.

Asahi-Shuzo Sake Brewing Co., Ltd.; 880-1, Asahi Nagaoka-shi, Niigata , JAPAN

AGENT: Adhuna Binti Kamarul Ariffin, Bustaman Lot C9-3, Jalan Selaman 1 Dataran Palma 68000 Ampang

CLASS : 33

2015052681 24 February 2015

International priority date claimed : 04 November 2014,European Union (Office For Harmonization In The Internal Market) - OHIM

The trade mark is limited to the colours as shown in the representation on the form of application.

Registration of this trademark shall give no right to the exclusive use of the word “royal” and the device of “bottle”.

Alcoholic beverages (except beers) included in Class 33.


AGENT: Patrick Mirandah, Mirandah Asia (Malaysia) Sdn. Bhd. Suite 3B-19-3, Plaza Sentral Jalan Stesen Sentral 5 50470 Kuala Lumpur


CLASS : 33

2015053641 11 March 2015

International priority date claimed : 13 October 2014,France

The trade mark is limited to the colours as shown in the representation on the form of application.

Alcoholic beverages, except beers; alcoholic cocktails; allincluded in Class 33.

MARTELL & CO; Place Edouard Martell 16100 COGNAC, FRANCE

AGENT: Michael Soo Chow Ming, Shook Lin & Bok 20th Floor, Ambank Group Building 55 Jalan Raja Chulan 50200 Kuala Lumpur

CLASS : 33

2015060025 25 June 2015

The transliteration of the Chinese characters of which the mark consists is “yi bin jiu” which has no meaning.

Baijiu [Chinese distilled alcoholic beverage]; cocktails; wine; brandy; rice alcohol; alcoholic essences; fruit extracts, alcoholic; aperitifs; whisky; alcoholic beverages, except beer; all included in Class 33.


AGENT: Gan Wai Kwang, Tiger Intellectual Sdn Bhd Suite 2.16, Desa Complex Jalan Kepong 52100 Kuala Lumpur


CLASS : 34

2013057605 29 July 2013

Advertisement of a series of two trade marks

The first trade mark in the series is limited to the colours as shown in the representation on the form of application.

Registration of this trade mark shall give no right to the exclusive use of the word and numerals “since 1905”.

Cigarettes; tobacco; smokers” articles; matches; all included in Class 34.

Nanyang Brothers Tobacco Company Limited; 9 Tsing Yeung Circuit, Tuen Mun, New Territories, HONG KONG

AGENT: Chuah Jern Ern, Advanz Fidelis Sdn. Bhd.

CLASS : 34

2013057606 29 July 2013

Advertisement of a series of two trade marks

The first trade mark in the series is limited to the colours as shown in the representation on the form of application.

The transliteration and translation of the Chinese characters appearing in the mark is “nan yang xiong di yan cao shi chuang yu” meaning “south sea brothers tobacco (cigarette) established in”.

Registration of this trade mark shall give no right to the exclusive use of the numerals “1905”.

Cigarettes; tobacco; smokers’ articles; matches; all included in Class 34.

Nanyang Brothers Tobacco Company Limited; 9, Tsing Yeung Circuit, Tuen Mun, New Territories, HONG KONG

AGENT: Chuah Jern Ern, Advanz Fidelis Sdn. Bhd.


CLASS : 34

2014051853 11 February 2014

The trade mark is limited to the colours as shown in the representation on the form of application.

By consent of the registered proprietor of trade mark no 2013050966

Cigarettes; tobacco; tobacco products; lighters; matches; smokers’ articles; all included in Class 34.

Rothmans Brands Sdn Bhd; Virginia Park, Jalan Universiti, 46200 Petaling Jaya, SELANGOR MALAYSIA

AGENT: Karen Navamani Abraham, Shearn Delamore & Co. 7th. Floor, Wisma Hamzah-Kwong Hing No. 1, Leboh Ampang 50100 Kuala Lumpur

CLASS : 34

2014065279 09 October 2014

International priority date claimed : 14 April 2014,Switzerland

Tobacco, whether manufactured or unmanufactured; smoking tobacco, pipe tobacco, hand rolling tobacco, chewing tobacco, snus tobacco; cigarettes, electronic cigarettes, liquid for electronic cigarettes, cigars, cigarillos; snuff; smokers” articles included in Class 34; cigarette papers, cigarette tubes and matches; all included in class 34.

JT International SA; Rue Kazem-Radjavi 8, 1202 Geneva,SWITZERLAND

AGENT: Yvonne Ong Toon Mein, Raja, Darryl & Loh 18th. Floor, Wisma Sime Darby Jalan Raja Laut 50350 Kuala Lumpur


CLASS : 34

2014065281 09 October 2014

Tobacco, whether manufactured or unmanufactured; smoking tobacco, pipe tobacco, hand rolling tobacco, chewing tobacco, snus tobacco; cigarettes, electronic cigarettes, liquid for electronic cigarettes, cigars, cigarillos; snuff; smokers” articles included in Class 34; cigarette papers, cigarette tubes and matches; all included in class 34.

JT International SA; Rue Kazem-Radjavi 8, 1202 Geneva,SWITZERLAND

AGENT: Yvonne Ong Toon Mein, Raja, Darryl & Loh 18th. Floor, Wisma Sime Darby Jalan Raja Laut 50350 Kuala Lumpur

CLASS : 34

2014069965 31 December 2014

The arabic script appearing in the mark is “mazaya” meaning “priviledge”.

Registration of this trade mark shall give no right to the exclusive use of the Arabic script meaning “priviledge”.

Raw tobacco; manufactured tobacco; cigarettes; hookah tobacco; molasses tobacco; substances for smoking (none being for medicinal or curative purposes); smokers” articles; lighters; matches; electronic cigarettes; electronic hookahs; electronic smoking pipes; hookah parts, namely, bowls,heads, rope hoses, bases, mouth tips, filters, mouthpieces, hose mouth, steams, bags, cases and vase; smokers”articles, namely, hookah charcoal; all included in Class 34.


AGENT: Loh Yen Pheng, Intellect Trademark Sdn Bhd IPeople House 7A Clove Hall Road 10050 Pulau Pinang


CLASS : 34

2015060152 26 June 2015

Electronic cigarettes; tobacco; cigarettes; pipes (tobacco -); cigarette cases; ashtrays for smokers; snuff boxes; matches; matchboxes; lighters for smokers; filters (cigarette -)”;all included in Class 34.

ALISHAN GROUP LIMITED; Flat/Rm A 13/F Hang Seng Tsuen Wan Building 289 Sha Tsui Road Tsuen Wan Nt HONG KONG

AGENT: Karen Navamani Abraham, Shearn Delamore & Co. 7th. Floor, Wisma Hamzah-Kwong Hing No. 1, Leboh Ampang 50100 Kuala Lumpur

CLASS : 35

2011003185 22 February 2011

Registration of this trade mark shall give no right to the exclusive use of the word "research".

Advertising; business management; business administration; office functions; all included in Class 35.

Cornet Research Sdn Bhd; Suite 2.01, 2nd Floor Straits Trading Building No. 2, Lebuh Pasar Besar 50050, KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA

AGENT: Tang Yee Ling, C. S. Tang & Co. Suite 2.01, 2nd Floor, Straits Trading Building No. 2, Lebuh Pasar Besar 50050 Kuala Lumpur


CLASS : 35

2013005643 18 April 2013

The transliteration and translation of the Japanese words written in combination of katakana characters are “kamu in Hokkaido” meaning “come in Hokkaido god in Hokkaido”.

Registration of this trade mark shall give no right to the exclusive use of the katakana characters meaning “Hokkaido” and the word “Hokkaido”.

Retail services or wholesale services for foods, beverages, cosmetics, toiletries, dentifrices, soaps, detergents, toys, dolls, game machines, apparatus, printed matter, paper and stationery; organization or management of trade fairs for advertising purposes; advertising; planning of advertising; promoting the goods and services of others through the issuance of trading stamps; marketing research; providing information concerning commercial sales; business management analysis or business consultancy; all included in Class 35.


AGENT: Winnie Tham Wai Yee, Amica IP Services (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd 164B-1, 1st Floor, Wisma Sekiong Jalan Ngee Heng 80000 Johor Bahru

CLASS : 35

2013014093 09 October 2013

PEDRO GROUP PTE.LTD.; 6 Tai Seng Link Charles & Keith Group Headquaters 534101 , SINGAPORE

AGENT: Winnie Tham Wai Yee, Amica IP Services (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd 164B-1, 1st Floor, Wisma Sekiong Jalan Ngee Heng 80000 Johor Bahru

The bringing together, for the benefit of others, of a variety of goods, enabling customers to conveniently view and purchase those goods in a retail store, in a wholesale outlet or from a general merchandise catalogue by mail order or from a general merchandise website on the global or local telecommunications networks; compilation of mailing lists; ordering services by means of mail,


telephone and all other communication and telecommunication, direct mail advertising, business advisory and business management services, advertising services, display services for merchandise, publicity services, marketing and promotional services, market analysis and research, import/export services, procurement and buying of goods on behalf of a business, window dressing; organization and supervision of incentive schemes, loyalty schemes and bonus schemes; business services for franchises; provision of assistance [business] and business supports in the operation and establishment of franchises; management of business projects [for others] relating to franchise; marketing and business developments of franchise; provision of business information relating to franchise; all included in Class 35.

CLASS : 35

2013060880 14 October 2013

Philanthropic services, namely, coordinating, organizing and conducting strategic project services using wireless technology for the benefit of society at large; all included in Class 35.

Qualcomm Incorporated; 5775 Morehouse Drive, San Diego, CA 92121, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA

AGENT: Tay Beng Chai, Tay & Partners 6th. Floor, Plaza See Hoy Chan Jalan Raja Chulan 50200 Kuala Lumpur

CLASS : 35

2014002605 10 March 2014

The trade mark is limited to the colours as shown in the representation on the form of application.

Registration of this trade mark shall give no right to the exclusive use of the words “growth mart”.

Rental services provided by supermarket; business management and business administration; all included in Class 35.

Tan Kian Boon; No. 12, Jalan Resak 2 Taman Cempaka Selatan Jalan Junid 84000, MUAR, JOHOR MALAYSIA

CLASS : 35—cont.


CLASS : 35

2014012499 11 November 2014

Registration of this trade mark shall give no right to the exclusive use of the letters "ws".

Advertising, business management, business administration, office functions; all included in Class 35.

Wah Sang Roller Shutter Sdn. Bhd.; PT 2139, Sri Senawang Light Industrial Centre 70450, SEREMBAN, NEGERI SEMBILAN MALAYSIA

CLASS : 35

2014052239 19 February 2014

International priority date claimed : 19 August 2013,Australia

Registration of this trademark shall give no right to the exclusive use separately of the word “best” and the word “less”

Retailing and wholesaling services including such services provided through department or specialty stores, by means of catalogues and direct mail or on-line via a global computer network or the internet; promotional services in this Class including by way of incentive schemes and loyalty programmes; business consultancy services in relation to establishing and operating retail outlets and retail outlet group purchasing and advertising; all included in class 35.

Retail Holdings S.a.r.l.; 58 Rue Charles Martel, L-2134, LUXEMBOURG

AGENT: Michael Soo Chow Ming, Shook Lin & Bok 20th Floor, Ambank Group Building 55 Jalan Raja Chulan 50200 Kuala Lumpur


CLASS : 35

2014053419 07 March 2014

Registration of this trade mark shall give no right to the exclusive use, separately of the numerals “360” and the words “hotel urban resort”.

Business management of hotels; advertising services; all included in Class 35.

360 Hotels & Residences Sdn. Bhd.; 21, 1st Floor, Pannovel Commercial Centre, Jalan Simpang Tiga, 93300, Kuching, SARAWAK MALAYSIA

AGENT: Lok Choon Hong, Pintas IP Group Sdn. Bhd. No. 19, Jalan SS1/36 47300 Petaling Jaya

CLASS : 35

2014057023 16 May 2014

Registration of this trade mark shall give no right to the exclusive use of the words "gourmet popcorn".

Retail store, on-line retail store and catalog ordering services featuring popcorn; ordering and distributorship services in the field of popcorn; retail and on-line gift shop services featuring corporate gift packages; all included in Class 35

Pop Gourmet LLC; 7645 S. 180th Street, Kent, Washington 98032, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA

AGENT: Timothy Siaw, Shearn Delamore & Co. 7th Floor, Wisma Hamzah-Kwong Hing No. 1, Leboh Ampang 50100 Kuala Lumpur


CLASS : 35

2014057967 30 May 2014

Advertisement of a series of two trade marks

The second trade mark in the series is limited to the colours as shown in the representation on the form of application.

Registration of this trade mark shall give no right to the exclusive use of the words "i love Penang" except as shown in the representation on the form of application.

Advertising, marketing and promotional services relating to Malaysian tourism, printed materials, gifts and souvenirs; distribution of publicity materials to tourists and visitors; business administration; office function; all included in Class 35.

ARCH COLLECTION SDN BHD; 27, Jalan Raja, Dataran Merdeka, 50050 , KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA

AGENT: Chung Chee Yien, NBS Intellectual Sdn. Bhd. I-3-3, Block I, Setiawalk, Persiaran Wawasan Pusat Bandar Puchong 47160 Puchong

CLASS : 35

2014059482 26 June 2014

Registration of this trade mark shall give no right to the exclusive use of the word “France”.

Société Air France; 45 rue de Paris, 95747 ROISSY-CHARLES-DE-GAULLE, FRANCE

AGENT: Charmayne Ong Poh Yin, Skrine Unit No. 50-8-1, 8th Floor, Wisma UOA Damansara 50 Jalan Dungun, Damansara Heights 50490 Kuala Lumpur

Advertising, advertising by mail order, radio advertising, television advertising, advertising via internet, intranet and extranet networks; business management, business administration; office functions; marketing and promotion services for airline companies; arranging newspaper, magazine, periodical,information letter subscriptions for others; business management consultancy, business organization consultancy; professional business consultancy; efficiency experts; business information, business inquiries; outdoor advertising; business appraisals; commercial information agencies; cost price analysis; dissemination of advertising matter; office machines and equipment rental; transcription;


book-keeping; personnel management consultancy; personnel recruitment; publicity columns preparation; direct mail advertising; commercial or industrial management assistance; updating of advertising material; document reproduction; organization of exhibitions for commercial or advertising purposes; organization of competitions (advertising and sales promotion); compilation and systemization of information into computer databases; computerized file management; computerized file management, namely on internet, extranet or intranet networks; updating and maintenance of data in computer databases, namely on internet, extranet or intranet networks; rental of advertising space; opinion polling; business management assistance; sales promotion for others; publication of publicity texts; public relations; drawing up of statements of accounts; secretarial services; statistic information; auditing; management of promotional premiums; development of customer and personnel loyalty through promotional and advertising actions; business management of loyalty schemes, namely in the field of air transport; administrative and commercial processing of purchase orders via internet, intranet and extranet networks; auctioneering, namely via the internet, intranet and extranet networks; shop window dressing; demonstration of goods; marketing studies; marketing research; economic forecasting; modelling for advertising or sales promotion; administrative or commercial management of fidelity points for a customer loyalty scheme; commercial information, advertising and sales promotion for others through the management of trade websites; retail servicesof jewellery, luggage, luggage labels, leather goods, clocks and watches, glasses, clothes, shoes, hats, table and bath linen, writing articles and instruments, office requisites (except furniture), games and toys, cameras, apparatus for the transmission of data, sound and/or images, data carriers, razors, current adapters, umbrellas, parasols, tableware, glassware, cutlery, candles, printed matter, stationery, tobacco and articles for smokers; all included in Class 35.

CLASS : 35

2014062383 21 August 2014

Registration of this trade mark shall give no right to the exclusive use of a letter "n".

Multilevel marketing business services, namely, providing marketing and income opportunities to others through the sale of personal care products, and through the development of marketing organizations; distributorship services in the fields of personal care products; phone and mail order retail services, catalog retail services, and online retail store services, in the field of fields of health, beauty and skin care; online ordering service via computer networks and global communication networks featuring general merchandise, namely beauty and skin care products, cosmetics and toiletries; business management and business consultation services provided to multilevel marketing distributors and retail customers of such distributors; and business information services in the nature of providing information on small businesses and small business opportunities via online electronic computer networks; all included in Class 35.

Nerium International, LLC; 4004 Belt Line Road, Suite 112, Addison, Texas 75001, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA

AGENT: Goh Mei Ling, Henry Goh & Co. Sdn. Bhd. 217, Jalan Imbi 55100 Kuala Lumpur

CLASS : 35—cont.


CLASS : 35

2015002211 26 February 2015

Supermarket, advertising business management business administration office functions; all included in Class 35.

Shee Kok Leong; No. 21-2, Jalan Daud 84000, MUAR, JOHOR MALAYSIA

CLASS : 35

2015005195 13 May 2015

Registration of this trade mark shall give no right to the exclusive use of the words "cheese", "crispy yummy chips" and "caution: please do not leave this jar on someone else’shand".

Retailing of snack food included in Class 35.

Muhamad Hazim bin Hassan trading as Saudagar Global Resources; B-T15-V04, Blok B SUB Presint 14-12 Presint 14 62050, PUTRAJAYA, MALAYSIA


CLASS : 35

2015006565 22 June 2015

Advertisement of a series of two trade marks

The trade mark is limited to the colours as shown in the representation on the form of application.

Providing services as advertising; advisory services relating to advertising; billboards advertising; business consultation relating to advertising; consultancy relating to advertising; outdoor advertising; pay per click advertising; provisions for advertising space; radio advertising; television advertising; business management; all included in Class 35.

Simfoni IDM Sdn. Bhd.; 7, Lorong Datuk Sulaiman 7 TamanTun Dr Ismail 60000, KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA

CLASS : 35

2015006579 22 June 2015

Advertising, business management, business administration, office functions and retailing; all included in Class 35.

H&F Global Trading (M) Sdn. Bhd.; 25-1, Jalan PUJ 3/10 Taman Puncak Jalil Bandar Putra Permai 43300, SERI KEMBANGAN, SELANGOR MALAYSIA

CLASS : 35

2015006936 01 July 2015

Advertising; business management; business administration; office functions; all included in Class 35.

KAF Investment Bank Berhad; Level 14, Chulan Tower No. 3, Jalan Conlay 50450, KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA

AGENT: Syed Naqiz Shahabuddin bin Syed Abdul Jabbar, Naqiz & Partners No. 42A, Lorong Dungun, Damansara Heights 50490 Kuala Lumpur


CLASS : 35

2015006941 01 July 2015

Advertising; business management; business administration; office functions; all included in Class 35.

KAF Investment Bank Berhad; Level 14, Chulan TowerNo. 3, Jalan Conlay 50450, KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA

AGENT: Syed Naqiz Shahabuddin bin Syed Abdul Jabbar, Naqiz & Partners No. 42A, Lorong Dungun, Damansara Heights 50490 Kuala Lumpur

CLASS : 35

2015006946 01 July 2015

The trade mark is limited to the colours as shown in the representation on the form of application.

Advertising; business management; business administration; office functions; all included in Class 35.

KAF Investment Bank Berhad; Level 14, Chulan TowerNo. 3, Jalan Conlay 50450, KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA

AGENT: Syed Naqiz Shahabuddin bin Syed Abdul Jabbar, Naqiz & Partners No. 42A, Lorong Dungun, Damansara Heights 50490 Kuala Lumpur


CLASS : 35

2015007011 03 July 2015

The trademark is limited to the colour as shown in the representation on the form of application.

Registration of this trade mark shall give no right to the exclusive use of the letters “l” and “w”.

Retailing of industrial chemical (battery acid, battery water, detergents, degreasers, super seven, silver dip, teepol); all included in Class 35.

Lien Wah Chemical (M) Sdn. Bhd.; No. 5 & 7, Jalan Meranti Permai 6 Taman Meranti Permai Industrial Park 47100, PUCHONG, SELANGOR MALAYSIA

CLASS : 35

2015007608 27 July 2015

Advertising; business management; business administration; office functions; all included in Class 35

ISTANA AYAM TUA; Lot 1, Lorong Tembaga 3 Kawasan Miel KKIP, KKIP Selatan Menggatal 88450, Kota Kinabalu, SABAH MALAYSIA


CLASS : 35

2015008061 07 August 2015

Advertisement of a series of three trade marks

The first trade marks in the series is limited to the colours as shown in the representation on the form of application.

Registration of this trade mark shall give no right to the exclusive use of the words “centre” and “Malaysia expatriate talent service centre”.

Advertising purposes related to employment of expatriate; all included in Class 35.

Talent Corporation Malaysian Berhad; 6th Floor, Surian Tower No. 1, Jalan PJU 7/3 Mutiara Damansara 47810, PETALING JAYA, SELANGOR MALAYSIA

AGENT: Masleena Binti Zaid, Masleena, Yee & Partners Suite B-10-3A, Gateway Kiaramas No. 1, Jalan Desa Kiara, Mont” Kiara 50480 Kuala Lumpur

CLASS : 35

2015008689 24 August 2015

Registration of this trade mark shall give no right to the exclusive use of the device of "globe" and the word "wholefoods".

Advertising; business management; business administration; office functions; all included in Class 35.

MADY WHOLEFOODS SDN BHD; Lots LG-03, 04, 05, 129 Lorong Lapangan Terbang 2, 93250 Kuching, SARAWAK MALAYSIA


CLASS : 35

2015008934 01 September 2015

Registration of this trade mark shall give no right to the exclusive use of a letter "a" and the word "holding".

Commercial administration of the licensing of the goods and services of others; professional business consultancy; business information; business inquiries; business research, demonstration of goods; commercial or industrial management assistance; marketing; sales promotion for others; all included in Class 35.

Acolite Holding Sdn. Bhd.; 41A, Jalan Kenari 21 Bandar Puchong Jaya 47100, PUCHONG, SELANGOR MALAYSIA

CLASS : 35

2015010224 06 October 2015

The trade mark is limited to the colours as shown in the representation on the form of application.

Registration of this trade mark shall give no right to the exclusive use of the ordinary letters "ed" except letters "ed" presented in a special manner as shown in the representation on the form of application.

Retailing services for office function, furniture, stationery, food and beverage, learning materials, make-up, health and beauty, food, clothing, scarves, and other office equipment; all included in Class 35

Rohayah Binti Mustafa Trading As Empayar Danish Enterprise; No. 9, Jalan DG 2/1 Taman Desa Gemilang Gombak 53100, KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA


CLASS : 35

2015010310 08 October 2015

Registration of this trade mark shall give no right to the exclusive use of the words "serving entrepreneur'sneeds".

Business consultancy (professional), business management consultancy; all included in Class 35.

Nadira Binti Mohd Yusoff; 1-6A & 1-6B, Jalan PJU 8/3A Perdana Business Centre Damansara Perdana 47820, PETALING JAYA, SELANGOR MALAYSIA

CLASS : 35

2015010340 09 October 2015

Discount services (retail, wholesale, or sales promotion services); management of a retail enterprise for others; presentation of goods on communication media, for retail purposes; retail services; distribution of goods (not being transport services) (agent, wholesale, representative services, by any means); administration of the business affairs of franchises; business advisory services relating to the operation of franchises; business assistance relating to the establishment of franchises; provision of assistance (business) in the establishment of franchises; provision of assistance (business) in the operation of franchises; commercial administration of the licensing of the goods and services of others; administration relating to marketing; conducting of marketing studies; consultancy relating to marketing; design of marketing material; marketing; marketing information; planning of marketing strategies; planning services for marketing studies; preparation of marketing plans; preparation of reports for marketing; product marketing; promotional marketing; all included in Class 35.

Red Kettle Sdn. Bhd.; 37, Jalan Bukit Desa 5 Taman Bukit Desa 58100, KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA

AGENT: Ooi Yeong Boon, Exy Intellectual Property E2-19-16, Parklane OUG, Jalan 1/152 58200 Kuala Lumpur


CLASS : 35

2015011761 17 November 2015

Business management; business administration; office functions; all included in Class 35.

CORAMAX F&B SERVICES SDN BHD; L3-030, Level 3, Vivacity Megamall, Jalan Wan Alwi, 93350 Kuching,SARAWAK MALAYSIA

CLASS : 35

2015011855 19 November 2015

Business marketing services, business administration, business management; all included in Class 35.

Get Doc Technologies Sdn. Bhd.; D-09-07, Menara Mitraland Jalan PJU 5/1, Kota Damansara 47810, PETALING JAYA, SELANGOR MALAYSIA

CLASS : 35

2015013440 30 December 2015

Business consultancy services relating to marketing and advertising, design of marketing material; business management; business administration; office function; all included in Class 35.

Sun-Yang Marketing Sdn. Bhd.; No. 8, Jalan semenhyih Integrated 1 Semenyih Integrated Industrial Park 43500, SEMENYIH, SELANGOR MALAYSIA


CLASS : 35

2015050639 21 January 2015

Registration of this trade mark shall give no right to the exclusive use of the device of a globe.

Business management and administration; commercial or industrial management assistance; cost-price analysis; computerised file management; compilation and systemisation of information into computer databases; arranging exchanges between buyers and sellers; exporting services (purchasing and exporting goods for others); import-export agencies; marketing and promotional services; the bringing together, for the benefit of others, of a variety of goods (excluding the transport thereof), enabling customers to conveniently view and purchase those goods by operation of retailing and wholesaling services specialising in metallic and non-metallic products and building products; and operation of internet and e-commerce sales services featuring metallic and non-metallic products and building products; data processing, storage and retrieval services; all included in Class 35.

Promark Steel Sdn. Bhd.; 16, Jalan Impian Emas 4, Taman Impian Emas, 81300, Skudai, JOHOR MALAYSIA

AGENT: Lok Choon Hong, Pintas IP Group Sdn. Bhd.No. 19, Jalan SS1/36 47300 Petaling Jaya

CLASS : 35

2015056535 28 April 2015

Persatuan Ahli Sains dan Teknologi Minyak Malaysia (MOSTA); C-3A-10, Tingkat 4, Blok C, Damansara Intan, No. 1, Jalan SS20/27, 47400, PETALING JAYA, SELANGOR MALAYSIA

AGENT: Ong Chui Koon, Quality Oracle Sdn Bhd L5-07,Level 5,Wisma BU 8 No. 11, Lebuh Bandar Utama, Bandar Utama 47800 Petaling Jaya

Arranging of exhibitions for advertising purposes, business purposes, commercial purposes, trade purposes; arranging exhibitions for advertising purposes, business purposes, commercial purposes, trade purposes; conducting exhibitions for advertising purposes, business purposes, commercial purposes, trade purposes; organization of exhibitions for commercial, or advertising purposes; organization of exhibitions for commercial or advertising purposes; advertising; business management including e-business and e-marketing; business administration including on-line registration of participants and exhibitors; trade shows and exhibition events to advertise and promote products and services needed by the oil and fats industries, office functions; all included in Class 35.

CLASS : 35

2015059692 19 June 2015

International priority date claimed : 22 December 2014,Germany

Personnel management consultancy; temporary employment agencies; business management and organisation consultancy; professional business analysis of business processes; business management; business administration; business investigations; accounting; office functions; online service providers, namely compilation of data relating to business matters, repair, installation and assembly of goods, entertainment and providing of training using computer databases; statistical services, namely compilation of statistics; arranging and concluding of commercial transactions, for others; auctioneering; marketing; advertising; marketing studies and analyses; opinion polling; organisation of trade fairs and exhibitions for industrial purposes or for advertising purposes; office machines and equipment rental; compilation of information into computer databases; media consultancy, namely organisational consultancy in the field of press and public relations; all included in Class 35.

ThyssenKrupp AG; ThyssenKrupp AG, ThyssenKrupp Allee 1, 45143 Essen, GERMANY

AGENT: Charmayne Ong Poh Yin, Skrine Unit No. 50-8-1, 8th Floor, Wisma UOA Damansara 50 Jalan Dungun, Damansara Heights 50490 Kuala Lumpur


registration of participants and exhibitors; trade shows and exhibition events to advertise and promote products and services needed by the oil and fats industries, office functions; all included in Class 35.

CLASS : 35

2015059692 19 June 2015

International priority date claimed : 22 December 2014,Germany

Personnel management consultancy; temporary employment agencies; business management and organisation consultancy; professional business analysis of business processes; business management; business administration; business investigations; accounting; office functions; online service providers, namely compilation of data relating to business matters, repair, installation and assembly of goods, entertainment and providing of training using computer databases; statistical services, namely compilation of statistics; arranging and concluding of commercial transactions, for others; auctioneering; marketing; advertising; marketing studies and analyses; opinion polling; organisation of trade fairs and exhibitions for industrial purposes or for advertising purposes; office machines and equipment rental; compilation of information into computer databases; media consultancy, namely organisational consultancy in the field of press and public relations; all included in Class 35.

ThyssenKrupp AG; ThyssenKrupp AG, ThyssenKrupp Allee 1, 45143 Essen, GERMANY

AGENT: Charmayne Ong Poh Yin, Skrine Unit No. 50-8-1, 8th Floor, Wisma UOA Damansara 50 Jalan Dungun, Damansara Heights 50490 Kuala Lumpur


CLASS : 35

2015059738 21 June 2015

The transliteration of the Chinese characters of which the mark consists is “tian tian wang” which has no meaning.

Retail services, marketing and promotional services, distributing of samples and wholesale services in respect of incense joss stick, joss paper and joss coils, candles, scented oil use for chinese worship, figurines and statues , ash catches, joss paper burner, joss stick pot holder, lantern, hanging decorative, brass ware, iron ware, wooden carving; enabling customers to conveniently view and purchase those goods in a retail store, retail outlet or through a catalogue or via a website;all included in Class 35.

KEK TIAN HUAT ENTERPRISE SDN BHD; No. 2, Jalan Emas Jaya, Taman Perindustrian Emas Jaya, Tongkang Pecah 83010, Batu Pahat, JOHOR MALAYSIA

CLASS : 35

2015059844 23 June 2015

Retail, on-line retail, distribution and wholesale of essential oils, soap, incense sticks, incense, oils for the body [cosmetics], deodorants and antiperspirants, makeup, conditioners, hair balms, fixing hair oil, shampoos, bath gels, bath salts, shaving products, shower creams, cologne, extracts of perfumes, perfumes, preparations, for the care of the skin, preparations for shaving and hair removal, bath preparations, shower gels, toothpaste, cosmetics, massage oils, fragrances, fragrances for ceramic diffusers, animals for cosmetics, scented candles, table candles, candles night lights and lighting candles; import/export services; advertising; business management; business administration; office functions; all included in Class 35.

Sunshine Ocean Holdings Investment Limited; P.O. Box 957, Offshore Incorporations Centre, Road Town, Tortola, BRITISH VIRGIN ISLANDS

AGENT: Chew Kherk Ying, Wong & Partners Level 21, Suite 21.01, The Gardens South Tower Mid Valley City, Lingkaran Syed Putra 59200 Kuala Lumpur


CLASS : 35

2015059848 23 June 2015

Sunshine Ocean Holdings Investment Limited; P.O. Box 957, Offshore Incorporations Centre, Road Town, Tortola, BRITISH VIRGIN ISLANDS

AGENT: Chew Kherk Ying, Wong & Partners

Retail, on-line retail, distribution and wholesale of essential oils, soap, incense sticks, incense, oils for the body [cosmetics], deodorants and antiperspirants, makeup, conditioners, hair balms, fixing hair oil, shampoos, bath gels, bath salts, shaving products, shower creams, cologne, extracts of perfumes, perfumes, preparations, for the care of the skin, preparations for shaving and hair removal, bath preparations, shower gels, toothpaste, cosmetics, massage oils, fragrances, fragrances for ceramic diffusers, animals for cosmetics, scented candles, table candles, candles night lights and lighting candles; import/export services; advertising; business management; business administration; office functions; all included in Class 35.

CLASS : 35

2015062171 28 July 2015

International priority date claimed : 15 February 2015,People’s Republic Of China

Registration of this trade mark shall give no right to the exclusive use of the symbols “+” and the numerals “1” and “0”.

Advertising; on-line advertising on a computer network; rental of advertising time on communication media; marketing studies; provision of commercial and business contact information; sales promotion for others; provision of an on-line marketplace for buyers and sellers of goods and services; systemization of information into computer databases; updating and maintenance of data in computer databases; rental of vending machines; all included in Class 35.

Shenzhen Oneplus Science & Technology Co., Ltd.;A201, Administration Office Building of Qianhaishengang Cooperative Zone, No.1 Liyumen Street, Qianwan 1st Road, Qianhaishengang Cooperative Zone, Shenzhen, Guangdong, PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA

AGENT: Lee Lin Li, Tay & Partners


CLASS : 35

2015064989 09 September 2015

FAST RETAILING CO., LTD.; 717-1, Sayama, Yamaguchi City, Yamaguchi 754-0894, JAPAN

AGENT: Charmayne Ong Poh Yin, Skrine Unit No. 50-8-1, 8th Floor, Wisma UOA Damansara 50 Jalan Dungun, Damansara Heights 50490 Kuala Lumpur

Retailing, wholesaling and distribution services (not being transportation services) including in respect of clothing, footwear, headgear, hosiery, belts for clothing, gloves and mittens [clothing], scarves [scarfs], diapers, bags, pouches, backpacks, all-purpose carrying bags, briefcases, travelling trunks, sports bags, suitcases, wallets, purses, business card cases, key cases, cosmetic bags sold empty, vanity cases not fitted, umbrellas, parasols, cosmetics, toiletries, dentifrices, soaps, detergents, perfumery, eyeglasses, spectacles, sunglasses, goggles, clocks, watches, jewellery, personal ornaments of precious metal, semi-wrought precious stones and their imitations, furniture, cushions, bed linen, futon and quilts cases [linen], woven textile goods for personal use (not for wear), face towels of textile, handkerchiefs of textile, towels of textile, woven fabrics, beddings, table linen of textile, toys, dolls, kitchen equipment, cleaning tools, washing utensils, household equipment, personal articles, paper, stationery, sports goods; sales promotion for others including in respect of clothing, footwear, headgear, hosiery, belts for clothing, gloves and mittens [clothing], scarves [scarfs], diapers, bags, pouches, backpacks, all-purpose carrying bags, briefcases, travelling trunks, sports bags, suitcases, wallets, purses, business card cases, key cases, cosmetic bags sold empty, vanity cases not fitted, umbrellas, parasols, cosmetics, toiletries, dentifrices, soaps, detergents, perfumery, eyeglasses, spectacles, sunglasses, goggles, clocks, watches, jewellery, personal ornaments of precious metal, semi-wrought precious stones and their imitations, furniture, cushions, bed linen, futon and quilts cases [linen], woven textile goods for personal use (not for wear), face towels of textile, handkerchiefs of textile, towels of textile, woven fabrics, beddings, table linen of textile, toys, dolls, kitchen equipment, cleaning tools, washing utensils, household equipment, personal articles, paper, stationery, sports goods; advertising; internet advertising; circular advertising; magazine advertising; newspaper advertising; television advertising; radio advertising; traffic advertising; advertising on the inside and/or outside of vehicles; outdoor advertising; street and shop window dissemination of advertising materials; publicity material rental; demonstration of goods; providing business information on commodity sales; import-export agencies; direct mail advertising; organization and production of advertising materials; planning of advertising; marketing; marketing research; business management; business management analysis; business consultancy; commercial and industrial management assistance; business administration; organization of fashion shows for promotional purposes; organization of exhibitions and trade fairs for commercial or advertising purposes; office functions; shorthand services; transcription; document reproduction; secretarial services; advertising copy writing; arranging newspaper subscriptions; shop window dressing; administrative processing of purchase orders; statements of accounts; franchising services (group purchasing, group advertising); franchising consultancy and business support services; organisation, administration, promotion and management of loyalty programmes and incentive schemes; procurement services, including procuring technology, goods and services for other businesses; inventory planning; compilation of business statistics; accountancy services; business research, analysis and information services; auctioneering; personnel recruitment services; reception for visitors in buildings; rental of typewriters and copying machines; providing employment information; rental of vending machines; all included in Class 35.


CLASS : 35

2015065499 17 September 2015

Registration of this trade mark shall give no right to the exclusive use of letters “bh” and the words “bh air-cond & engineering s/b”.

The bringing together, for the benefit of others, of a variety of goods (including but not limited to air conditioning apparatus), enabling customers to conveniently view and purchase those goods in a retail stores, wholesale outlets, or from a general merchandise web site provided on the global communication network; advertising, marketing and promotional services relating to air conditioning apparatus and installations; import-export agencies; demonstration of goods; business inquiries; business management; business administration; office functions; all included in Class 35.

BH AIR-COND & ENGINEERING SDN. BHD.; No.20, Jalan Indah 1, Taman Bukit Indah, 81200 , Johor Bahru, JOHOR MALAYSIA

AGENT: Chung Chee Yien, NBS Intellectual Sdn. Bhd. I-3-3, Block I, Setiawalk, Persiaran Wawasan Pusat Bandar Puchong 47160 Puchong

CLASS : 35

2015065594 18 September 2015

Registration of this trade mark shall give no right to the exclusive use of the words “Thai dining from the heart”.

BAAN KUN YA SDN. BHD.; S12A, 2nd Floor, Centrepoint, 3 Lebuh Bandar Utama, Bandar Utama, 47800, Petaling Jaya,SELANGOR MALAYSIA

AGENT: Chung Chee Yien, NBS Intellectual Sdn. Bhd.

The bringing together, for the benefit of others, of a variety of goods (including but not limited to organic foods and alcoholic drinks), enabling customers to conveniently view and purchase those goods in a retail stores, wholesale outlets, or from a general merchandise web site provided on the global communication network; presentation of goods on communication media, for retail purposes; advertising; distribution of samples; import-export agencies; marketing; publicity; demonstration of goods; business inquiries; business information; on-line advertising on a computer network; all included in Class 35.


CLASS : 35

2015065752 22 September 2015

Advertisement of a series of two trade marks

The first trade mark in the series is limited to the colours as shown in the representation on the form of application.

Alibaba Group Holding Limited; Fourth Floor, One Capital Place, P. O. Box 847, George Town, Grand Cayman, CAYMAN ISLANDS

AGENT: Chuah Jern Ern, Advanz Fidelis Sdn. Bhd. Suite 609, Block D, Phileo Damansara 1 No. 9, Jalan 16/11 46350 Petaling Jaya

Advertising; business management; business administration; office functions; organisation, operation and supervision of loyalty and incentive schemes; advertising services provided via the internet; production of television and radio advertisements; accountancy; auctioneering; organization of trade fairs; opinion polling; data processing; provision of business information; advertising agency services; advertising services provided for others; database management; compilation of information into computer databases; business consulting services; business consulting services in the field of web based events, conferences, training programs, learning programs, and seminars; business consulting services in the field of delivering web-based knowledge; business consulting services in the field of online collaboration and collaboration technologies; business consulting services in the fields of salesand marketing; business project management services; business project management services relating to development, set up, staging, production, recording, monitoring and follow-up for web based events, conferences, training programs, learning programs, and seminars; market research and business consulting services; business consultancy services relating to facilitating the transaction of business via local and global computer networks by locating and providing referrals for the delivery of a wide variety of business and consumer products and services; dissemination of business information of goods and services of others via local and global computer networks; business consultancy services relating to providing a web site on a global computer network by which third parties can offer and source goods and services, place, determine the status of and fulfill trade leads and orders, enter into contracts and transact business; providing computerized online ordering services; advertising of goods and services of others via local and global computer networks; international import and export agency services; rental of advertising space on communication media; online trading services relating to electronic auctioneering and providing online business evaluation relating thereto; online retail services of consumer products; providing a directory of third party web sites to facilitate business transactions; business consultancy services relating to operating an electronic marketplace for the buyers and sellers of goods and/or services on a global computer network; business assistance relating to facilitating business transaction via local and global computer networks; corporate management consultancy services; marketing and promotion services; publication of publicity materials; marketing of vacant premises; dissemination of advertising materials, updating of advertising materials, compilation of advertisements for use as web pages on the internet; rental of advertising space; computer data processing; sales, business and promotional


information services; telephone answering (for unavailable subscribers); telephone answering (for others); auctioneering provided on the internet; personnel management; provision of sales, business, advertising and promotional information through a global computer network and via the internet; presentation of goods on communication media for retail purposes; the bringing together, for the benefit of others, of a variety of goods, enabling customers to conveniently view and purchase those goods from a general merchandise internet web site and in a wholesale outlet; the bringing together, for the benefit of others, of a variety of goods, enabling customers to conveniently view and purchase those goods from a general merchandise catalogue by mail order or by means of telecommunications; the bringing together, for the benefit of others, of a variety of goods, enabling customers to conveniently view and purchase those goods from retail outlets; retail and wholesale of telephones, mobile phone handsets, mobile phone accessories, electronic and telecommunications goods, computer hardware and computer software, batteries, battery chargers, apparatus and instruments for recording, receiving, transmitting and/or reproducing data, information, pictures, images and/or sound, precious metals, jewellery, precious stones, printed matter, stationery and magnetic and non magnetically encoded cards, furniture, picture frames, household and kitchen utensils, glassware, porcelain and earthenware, textiles, clothing, footwear, headgear, laces and embroidery, buttons, ribbons, pins and needles, artificial flowers, carpets, rugs, games and electronic toys, chemicals used in industry, science, photography and agriculture, paints, varnishes and lacquers, personal hygiene products, soaps, perfumery, cosmetics, hair and body lotions, essential oils, cleaning and bleaching preparations, lubricants, fuels, candles, pharmaceutical, veterinary and sanitary preparations, ironmongery and small items of metal hardware, machines and machine tools, cutlery, razors and hand tools, computers, calculating machines, electrical, photographic, cinematographic and optical apparatus and instruments, spectacles and sun glasses, surgical and medical apparatus and instruments, apparatus for lighting, heating, steam generating, cooking, refrigerating, drying, ventilating, water supply and sanitary purposes, vehicles, firearms, fireworks, silverware, horological and chronometric instruments, musical instruments, magazine, cards, paper and cardboard products, picture, typewriters and office requisites, packaging materials, rubber and plastics for manufacture use, packing and insulating materials, leather and imitations of leather and goods made from these materials, handbags, purses, wallets, leather holders, bags, luggage, umbrellas, mirrors, ropes, string, nets, tents, yarns and threads for textile use, coat hangers, place mats, dressmaker”s articles, bed and table covers, playthings and sporting articles, foodstuffs and beverages, meat, fish, poultry, preserved, dried and cooked fruits and vegetables, jams and fruits sauces, eggs, milk and milk products, edible oils and fats, coffee, tea, cocoa, sugar, rice, flour, bread and cakes, condiments, fresh fruit and vegetables, beer, mineral water, fruit juices and other non-alcoholic drinks, alcoholic beverages, floral products, tobacco, smokers” articles and matches; direct mail advertising; buying and selling agency services for others; selection of goods and procurement of goods for individuals and businesses; ordering services [for others]; department store retailing services; supermarket retailing services; secretarial services; provision of business statistical information; organisation of exhibitions for commercial or advertising purposes; business assistance services relating to compilation and rental of mailing lists; business investigation; business administration services for the processing of sales made on the internet; business referral services and personnel placement; import-export clearance agencies (import-export agency services); agency for newspapers subscriptions; document reproduction; transcription (including stencil-paper writing); rental of office equipment; customer relationship management; business management services relating to electronic commerce; business management and administration services relating to sponsorship programmes; accounting services; charitable services, namely business administration relating to organizing and conducting volunteer programmes and community service projects; rental of sales stands; provision of commercial and business contact information; search engine optimization; web site traffic optimization; pay per click advertising; commercial intermediation services; business management for freelance service providers; negotiation and conclusion of commercial transactions for third parties; updating and maintenance of data in computer databases; business project management services for construction projects; providing business information via a web site; consultancy, information and advisory services relating to the aforesaid services; all included in Class 35.

CLASS : 35—cont.


CLASS : 35

2015065926 23 September 2015

Advertising; business marketing; business management; office function and retailing services connected to the sale of stationeries; all included in Class 35.

JB Yew Seng Stationery Sdn Bhd; 118, Jalan Seroja 39, Taman Johor Jaya, 81100 Johor Bahru, JOHOR, MALAYSIA

AGENT: Low Chee Keong, 24, Jalan E/H 33 Taman Evergreen Heights 83000 Batu Pahat

CLASS : 35

2015066727 07 October 2015

Registration of this trade mark shall give no right to the exclusive use, separately of the words “inbox” and “your life”.

Advertising; retailing of goods (by any means); retailing of goods via a vending machine; administration of the business affairs of franchises; business advisory services relating to the establishment of franchises; business advisory services relating to the operation of franchises; business assistance relating to the establishment of franchises; provision of assistance (business) in the establishment of franchises; provision of assistance (business) in the operation of franchises; the bringing together, for the benefit of others, a variety of goods (excluding the transport thereof), enabling customers to conveniently view and purchase the goods via a vending machine; all included in Class 35.

SEL CONCEPT SDN BHD; 38, Jalan SR 8/9, Taman Putra Indah, Serdang Raya, 43300, Seri Kembangan, SELANGOR MALAYSIA

AGENT: Lim Tian Lui, Intellect Front C6-1 Putra Indah Condo Jalan SR 8/6 Taman Putra Indah 43300 Seri Kembangan


CLASS : 35

2015067263 13 October 2015

International priority date claimed : 28 September 2015,Singapore

The transliteration of the Chinese characters appearing in the mark is "jin jin yu yuan" which has no meaning.

Provision of business advice relating to franchising; business consultancy relating to franchising; business assistance relating to franchising; management and administration of business affairs of franchises; retail store services in relation to food and beverage products; the bringing together, for the benefit of others, of a variety of goods namely food and beverage products (excluding the transport thereof), enabling customers to conveniently view and purchase those goods in a retail store; the bringing together, for the benefit of others, of a variety of goods (excluding the transport thereof), enabling customers to conveniently view and purchase those goods from a general merchandise web site in the global communications network; advertising, marketing, promotional and publicity services; all included in Class 35.

KIM JOO GUAN PTE. LTD.; 15 Woodlands Loop, #02-27/28, 738322, SINGAPORE

AGENT: Mohana Murali A/L Kodivel, Adastra Intellectual Property Sdn Bhd A-39-10, Penthouse, Menara UOA Bangsar No. 5, Jalan Bangsar Utama 1 59000 Kuala Lumpur


CLASS : 35

2015068016 26 October 2015

Advertisement of a series of two trade marks

Wholesale, outlets, kiosks, booths, retail store/ shop services featuring products in relation to water supply; supply, install and maintenance of apparatus for water supply; portable and non-portable hydrogen generators; apparatus for water treatment, apparatus for water with hydrogen generators, apparatus for water purification, ionic water generators, portable and non-portable ionic water generators, water filters, water purifier, water treatment filters, water treatment; hydrogen generator; water treatment and sanitary purposes; the bringing together, for the benefit of others, of a variety of goods (excluding the transport thereof); enabling customers to conveniently view and purchase those goods and services mentioned herein; all included in Class 35.

H2O BIOTECH SDN. BHD.; 18D, Jalan Ayer Itam, MK 13, 11400, Ayer Itam, PULAU PINANG MALAYSIA

AGENT: Patricia Chung Wei Leng, Chung Chambers B303-4-15, Krystal Point 1 Jalan Sultan Azlan Shah, MK 12 11900 Bayan Lepas

CLASS : 35

2015068018 26 October 2015

Advertisement of a series of two trade marks

H2O BIOTECH SDN. BHD.; 18D, Jalan Ayer Itam, MK 13, 11400, Ayer Itam, PULAU PINANG MALAYSIA

AGENT: Patricia Chung Wei Leng, Chung Chambers B303-4-15, Krystal Point 1 Jalan Sultan Azlan Shah, MK 12 11900 Bayan Lepas

Wholesale, outlets, kiosks, booths, retail store/ shop services featuring products in relation to water supply; supply, install and maintenance of apparatus for water supply; portable and non-portable hydrogen generators; apparatus for water treatment, apparatus for water with hydrogen generators, apparatus for water purification, ionic water generators, portable and non-portable ionic water generators, water filters, water purifier, water treatment filters, water treatment; hydrogen generator; water treatment and sanitary purposes; the bringing together, for the benefit of others, of a variety of goods (excluding the transport thereof); enabling customers to conveniently view and purchase those goods and services mentioned herein; all included in Class 35.


CLASS : 35

2015068065 27 October 2015

The transliteration of the Chinese characters of which the mark consists is "hua lian ji" which has no meaning.

Demonstration of goods; advertising; on-line advertising on a computer network; presentation of goods on communication media, for retail purposes; import-export agencies; sales promotion for others; procurement services for others [purchasing goods and services for other businesses]; marketing; licensing of the goods and services of others (commercial administration of the “); compilation of information into computer databases; business information; telemarketing services; distribution of samples; direct mail advertising; rental of advertising space; radio advertising; television advertising; publicity; management (advisory services for business “); business inquiries; all included in Class 35.

MIHO INTERNATIONAL COSMETIC CO., LTD.; 1F., No.89, Xizang Rd., Zhongzheng Dist., Taipei City 10069, TAIWAN, PROVINCE OF CHINA

AGENT: Mohana Murali A/L Kodivel, Adastra Intellectual Property Sdn Bhd A-39-10, Penthouse, Menara UOA Bangsar No. 5, Jalan Bangsar Utama 1 59000 Kuala Lumpur

CLASS : 35

2015068181 29 October 2015

International priority date claimed : 17 June 2015,Japan

AISIN SEIKI KABUSHIKI KAISHA (also trading as Aisin Seiki Co., Ltd.); 2-1 Asahi-machi, Kariya-shi, Aichi-ken, JAPAN

AGENT: Helen Huang, Peter Huang & Richard 368-3-1 & 2 Bellisa Row Jalan Burma 10350 Penang

Referral of career, housekeeper, care worker and nurse; employment agencies; personnel exchanges; information and consulting services relating to placement and introduction of staff; reception for visitors in buildings; retail or wholesale services for beds, nursing care beds or furniture; retail or wholesale services for cushions, bed clothes, woven fabrics, beddings or mattresses; retail or wholesale services for toys; retail or wholesale services for sewing machines; intermediary services relating to sales of beds or furniture; intermediary services relating to sewing machine sales; providing information on commodity sales; advisory and information services for consumers relating to commodity purchase; all included in Clas

CLASS : 35

2015068275 30 October 2015

Business; retail; secretarial services; business secretarial services; company office secretarial services; provision of secretarial employment service; provision of initial company secretarial services on company formation accounting; management accounting; accounting services; administrative accounting; business accounting advisory services; business advice relating to accounting; consulting and information concerning accounting; consultancy and information services relating to accounting; all included in Class 35.


AGENT: Lok Choon Hong, Pintas IP Group Sdn. Bhd. No. 19, Jalan SS1/36 47300 Petaling Jaya

CLASS : 35

2015068838 06 November 2015

Advertisement of a series of two trade marks

SHANGHAI SHI JIE FASHIONS CO LTD; 6th Floor, Metro Plaza, No. 555 Loushanguan Rd, 200051, SHANGHAI, PEOPLE”S REPUBLIC OF CHINA

AGENT: Tang Yee Ling, C. S. Tang & Co. Suite 2.01, 2nd Floor, Straits Trading Building No. 2, Lebuh Pasar Besar 50050 Kuala Lumpur

Retailing, supermarket, franchising and wholesale services connected with the sale of all electrical products, beauty products, household products, fashion accessories, stationeries; departmental store services; import and export services; office function; business management; business administration; personnel management; import-export agency services; marketing and promotional services, marketing management services; arranging and conducting trade shows and exhibitions; advertising services; direct mail advertising; display services for merchandise; information, advisory and consultancy services relating to all the aforesaid services; all included in Class 35

WARTA KERAJAAN PERSEKUTUAN8654 [9hb Jun 2016or wholesale services for toys; retail or wholesale services for sewing machines; intermediary services relating to sales of beds or furniture; intermediary services relating to sewing machine sales; providing information on commodity sales; advisory and information services for consumers relating to commodity purchase; all included in Clas

CLASS : 35

2015068275 30 October 2015

Business; retail; secretarial services; business secretarial services; company office secretarial services; provision of secretarial employment service; provision of initial company secretarial services on company formation accounting; management accounting; accounting services; administrative accounting; business accounting advisory services; business advice relating to accounting; consulting and information concerning accounting; consultancy and information services relating to accounting; all included in Class 35.


AGENT: Lok Choon Hong, Pintas IP Group Sdn. Bhd. No. 19, Jalan SS1/36 47300 Petaling Jaya

CLASS : 35

2015068838 06 November 2015

Advertisement of a series of two trade marks

SHANGHAI SHI JIE FASHIONS CO LTD; 6th Floor, Metro Plaza, No. 555 Loushanguan Rd, 200051, SHANGHAI, PEOPLE”S REPUBLIC OF CHINA

AGENT: Tang Yee Ling, C. S. Tang & Co. Suite 2.01, 2nd Floor, Straits Trading Building No. 2, Lebuh Pasar Besar 50050 Kuala Lumpur

Retailing, supermarket, franchising and wholesale services connected with the sale of all electrical products, beauty products, household products, fashion accessories, stationeries; departmental store services; import and export services; office function; business management; business administration; personnel management; import-export agency services; marketing and promotional services, marketing management services; arranging and conducting trade shows and exhibitions; advertising services; direct mail advertising; display services for merchandise; information, advisory and consultancy services relating to all the aforesaid services; all included in Class 35


CLASS : 35

2015070315 01 December 2015

International priority date claimed : 18 June 2015,Republic Of Korea

The trade mark is limited to the colours as shown in the representation on the form of application.

Retail services for electric lighting apparatus (fixtures); sales arranging of semi-processed artificial resins or plastic; wholesale services for industrial chemicals; wholesale services for furniture; wholesale services for bed clothes; wholesale services for footwear; wholesale services for clothing; wholesale services for car seat; wholesale services for automobile headrest; wholesale services for industrial adhesives; wholesale services for building sealant; wholesale services for building elastomer; wholesale services for heat insulating materials for buildings; wholesale services for interior and exterior materials(architecture or building); advertising and commercial information services via the internet; advertising; business management; business administration; wholesale services for transparent and pigmented coatings in the form of paints; wholesale services for building polyurethane foam (adhesive); all included in Class 35.

Mitsui Chemicals & SKC Polyurethanes Inc.; 255, Yongjam-ro, Nam-gu, Ulsan, REPUBLIC OF KOREA

AGENT: Shireen Ngan Yuet Keng, Abasan Sdn Bhd No. 5, 1st Floor, Jalan Solaris 2 Solaris Mont Kiara 50480 Kuala Lumpur


CLASS : 35

2015070342 01 December 2015

The transliteration of the Chinese characters appearing in the mark is "chun huang" which has no meaning.

Registration of this trade mark shall give no right to the exclusive use of the word “royal”.

Retail or wholesale services for pharmaceutical, veterinary and sanitary preparations and medical supplies; import-export agency services; sales promotion (for others); al included in Class 35.


AGENT: Loh Yen Pheng, Intellect Trademark Sdn Bhd IPeople House 7A Clove Hall Road 10050 Pulau Pinang

CLASS : 35

2015070404 02 December 2015

Providing information about commercial business and commercial information via the global computer network; business management; business consultation; business advice and information; business administration; business management consultation in the fields of project management, strategic planning, cost analysis, program justification, and business process improvement; all included in Class 35.

MicroChannel International; Suite 602 Level 6, 781 Pacific Highway, Chatswood, New South Wales 2067, AUSTRALIA

AGENT: Shireen Ngan Yuet Keng, Abasan Sdn Bhd No. 5, 1st Floor, Jalan Solaris 2 Solaris Mont Kiara 50480 Kuala Lumpur


CLASS : 35

2015070469 03 December 2015

International priority date claimed : 05 June 2015,Switzerland

Shop and shop window dressing services; consulting services relating to shop and shop window dressing; allincluded in Class 35.

Vitra Patente AG; Klünenfeldstrasse 22, Muttenz, Birsfelden, 4127, SWITZERLAND

AGENT: Soh Kar Liang, Ella Cheong IP Services Sdn Bhd A-31-3, Level 31, Menara UOA Bangsar No 5, Jalan Bangsar Utama 1 59000 Kuala Lumpur

CLASS : 35

2015071645 17 December 2015

Registration of this trade mark shall give no right to the exclusive use of a letter “w”.

WANGLEE BAGS COLLECTION SDN. BHD.; 52-L, Lorong Intan B/6, Taman Intan, 08000, Sungai Petani, KEDAH MALAYSIA

AGENT: Loh Yen Pheng, Intellect Trademark Sdn Bhd IPeople House 7A Clove Hall Road 10050 Pulau Pinang

The bringing together, for the benefit of others, of a variety of goods, enabling customers to conveniently view and purchase the goods in a retail services; provision of an on-line marketplace for buyers and sellers of goods and services; ordering services (for others); business information services provided online from a global computer network or the internet; dissemination of advertising matter online; providing a web site featuring product ratings of the consumer goods and services of others in the field of (indicate field of goods and services); advertising and advertisement services; customer loyalty services and customer club services for commercial, promotional and or advertising purposes; online advertising on a computer network; sales promotions at point of purchase or sale for others; discount services (retail, wholesale, or sales promotion services); placing advertisements (for others); promoting the goods and services of others; all included in Class 35.


CLASS : 35

2016000365 14 January 2016

Advertising including advertisement board, billboard, signboard for outlet; business management; office functions; all included in Class 35.

AL-IKHSAN SPORTS SDN BHD; No. 90-92, Jalan Pendidikan 4 Taman Universiti 81300, Skudai, JOHOR MALAYSIA

CLASS : 35

2016000419 14 January 2016

The transliteration of the Chinese characters appearing in the mark is “ba ba sheng hou hou jie qing cheng sheng jie” which has no meaning.

Registration of this trade mark shall give no right to the exclusive use of the words “Klang back street”

Retail services for bak kut teh included in Class 35.

Tee Kooi Sen; 35-2B, Jalan Bandar Dua Belas Pusat Bandar Puchong 47160, PUCHONG, SELANGOR MALAYSIA

CLASS : 35

2016000953 31 January 2016

Registration of this trade mark shall give no right to the exclusive use of the words “kedai serbaneka” and “care for you”.

Supermarket retailing; included in Class 35

ALWEE BIN OTHMAN TRADING AS OVIRA; 53, Jalan Bayu 1/2, Nusa Bayu, Nusa Jaya Johor Bahru 79200, JOHOR MALAYSIA


CLASS : 35

2016001819 24 February 2016

The trade mark is limited to the colours as shown in the representation on the form of application.

Advertising; business management; business administration; office functions; all included in Class 35.

Lai Onn and Lai Kok Ching trading as Sky Fox Trading;No. 29, PM1 Taman Perindustrian Merdeka 75350, BATU BERENDAM, MELAKA MALAYSIA

CLASS : 35

2016002132 02 March 2016

Registration of this trade mark shall give no right to the exclusive use of the words “business events”, “Sarawak” and “communicating. educating. awarding”.

Advertising; business administration; office function; all included in Class 35.


CLASS : 35

2016002634 16 March 2016

Advertisement of a series of two trade marks

The second trade mark in the series is limited to the colours as shown in the representation on the form of application.

Mohd Yusof Bin Md Sharif Trading As Beyond Rich Enterprise; F14 Jalan U10/49 Sunway Villa Suria 40170, SHAH ALAM, SELANGOR MALAYSIA

Advertising, marketing and promotional services; business management, particularly of retail and/or trade services; business administration; accounting; office functions; publication, dissemination and distribution of samples, advertising and promotional materials, prospectuses; direct mail advertising;


market research and analysis; business administration; advertising or promotional purposes; personnel management; collection of data and information; compilation of information into computer database; business monitoring, appraisals and research; data analysis; cost price analysis; enabling customers to conveniently view and purchase those goods and services in a retail department store, supermarket, from a general merchandise internet website, or from a general merchandise catalogue by mail order, telephone or other means of telecommunications; retail trade; retail services or wholesale services of goods; all included in Class 35.

CLASS : 35

2016050277 08 January 2016

The trade mark is limited to the colours as shown in the representation on the form of application.

Registration of this trade mark shall give no right to the exclusive use of the words “fireworks business information”.

The bringing together, for the benefit of others, of a variety of goods (including but not limited to variety of magazines, printed materials, printed publications and promotional publications); enabling customers to conveniently view and purchase those goods in a retail stores, wholesale outlets, or from a general merchandise web site provided on the global communication network; presentation of goods on communication media, for retail purposes; advertising; distribution of samples; import-export agencies; marketing; publicity; demonstration of goods; business inquiries; business information; on-line advertising on a computer network; all included in Class 35.

FBI PUBLICATIONS (M) SDN. BHD.; Suite 2, C3A-11, Centre Wing, Metropolitan Square, No.2, Jalan PJU 8/1, Damansara Perdana, 47820, Petaling Jaya, SELANGOR MALAYSIA

AGENT: Chung Chee Yien, NBS Intellectual Sdn. Bhd. I-3-3, Block I, Setiawalk, Persiaran Wawasan Pusat Bandar Puchong 47160 Puchong

CLASS : 35—cont.


CLASS : 35

2016050997 21 January 2016

The transliteration of the Chinese characters appearing in the mark is “dao ma qie” which has no meaning

It is a condition of registration that the mark shall be used only in relation to goods with which all the applicants are connected in the course of trade

Business organisation, management and facilitation of sales of products and services via a global computer network; advertising of goods and services of others via local and global computer networks; computerized ordering via telephone and computer terminals for a wide variety of goods; online advertising and promotion on a computer network; the bringing together, for the benefit of others, of a variety of goods (excluding the transport thereof), enabling customers to conveniently view and purchase those goods from a retail outlet or a general merchandise web site in the global communications network; arranging, conducting or organizing exhibitions and trade fairs related to sale of goods for commercial or advertising purposes; planning, management or operating exhibitions and trade fairs of goods for commercial or advertising purposes; demonstration, arrangement and display of goods and merchandise for advertising, business and commercial purposes; arranging of displays for advertising purposes at spaces for exhibitions and events; rental of advertising space; business administration services for the processing of sales made on the internet; compilation of advertisements for use as web pages on the internet; business information services provided on-line from a computer data base or the internet; business inquiries, management, administration and information services relating thereto; all included in Class 35.

TANG MUN FEI AND LOW FONG YING; No.21, Ground Floor, Jalan BPU 2, Bandar Puchong Utama 47100, Puchong, SELANGOR MALAYSIA

AGENT: Vannesse Lee Pei Eng, Drexworld Management PLT No.1-9-13, Block Chempaka Taman Desaminium, Jalan Flora 43300 Seri Kembangan


CLASS : 36

2010023378 06 December 2010

Registration of this trade mark shall give no right to the exclusive use of the word "international".

Financial services, namely, banking, credit card services, debit card services and point-of-sale transactions; financial advisory services pertaining to security methodology for the encryption of payment information and related data; purchaser and merchant authentication services for financial transactions; all included in Class 36.

Diners Club International Ltd; 2500 Lake Cook Road Riverwoods, Illinois 60015, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA

AGENT: Charmayne Ong Poh Yin, Skrine Unit No. 50-8-1, 8th Floor, Wisma UOA Damansara 50 Jalan Dungun, Damansara Heights 50490 Kuala Lumpur

CLASS : 36

2014011439 13 October 2014

Advertisement of a series of two trade marks

The first and second trade marks in the series are limited to the colours as shown in the representation on the form of application.

Registration of this trademark shall give no right to the exclusive use of the word “capital markets Malaysia financing the future”

The Capital Markets Promotion Council Malaysia; 14-6, Level 14 Wisma UOA Damansara II 6, Changkat Semantan, Bukit Damansara 50490, KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA

AGENT: Patrick Mirandah, Mirandah Asia (Malaysia) Sdn. Bhd.

Financial advisory services including financial investment; capital investments; fund management for the purpose of promoting the Malaysian capital market, marketing Malaysia as an investment destination for investment and fund raising, advertising and distribution of information materials in promoting the opportunities of the Malaysian capital market including such services provided online or via the internet, all included in Class 36.

CLASS : 36

2014012902 19 November 2014

Financial feasibility studies; asset management services; project financing and finance package services including financial risk management; investment analysis; consultancy services relating to finance, including in relation to the buying and selling of businesses; financial consultancy in the energy sector; financing of energy projects (other than debt financing); financial cost analysis services; funding of projects; financial planning of projects; project cost control; financial value management; vendor management services (brokerage of real estate); consultancy services in relation to all of the aforesaid services; all included in Class 36.

Amec Foster Wheeler Plc; Booths Park Chelford Road Knutsford Cheshire WA16 8QZ , UNITED KINGDOM

AGENT: Karen Navamani Abraham, Shearn Delamore & Co. 7th. Floor, Wisma Hamzah-Kwong Hing No. 1, Leboh Ampang 50100 Kuala Lumpur

CLASS : 36

2015006937 01 July 2015

Insurance; financial affairs; monetary affairs; real estate affairs; all included in Class 36.

KAF Investment Bank Berhad; Level 14, Chulan Tower No. 3, Jalan Conlay 50450, KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA

AGENT: Syed Naqiz Shahabuddin bin Syed Abdul Jabbar, Naqiz & Partners No. 42A, Lorong Dungun, Damansara Heights 50490 Kuala Lumpur


promoting the opportunities of the Malaysian capital market including such services provided online or via the internet, all included in Class 36.

CLASS : 36

2014012902 19 November 2014

Financial feasibility studies; asset management services; project financing and finance package services including financial risk management; investment analysis; consultancy services relating to finance, including in relation to the buying and selling of businesses; financial consultancy in the energy sector; financing of energy projects (other than debt financing); financial cost analysis services; funding of projects; financial planning of projects; project cost control; financial value management; vendor management services (brokerage of real estate); consultancy services in relation to all of the aforesaid services; all included in Class 36.

Amec Foster Wheeler Plc; Booths Park Chelford Road Knutsford Cheshire WA16 8QZ , UNITED KINGDOM

AGENT: Karen Navamani Abraham, Shearn Delamore & Co. 7th. Floor, Wisma Hamzah-Kwong Hing No. 1, Leboh Ampang 50100 Kuala Lumpur

CLASS : 36

2015006937 01 July 2015

Insurance; financial affairs; monetary affairs; real estate affairs; all included in Class 36.

KAF Investment Bank Berhad; Level 14, Chulan Tower No. 3, Jalan Conlay 50450, KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA

AGENT: Syed Naqiz Shahabuddin bin Syed Abdul Jabbar, Naqiz & Partners No. 42A, Lorong Dungun, Damansara Heights 50490 Kuala Lumpur


CLASS : 36

2015006942 01 July 2015

Insurance; financial affairs; monetary affairs; real estate affairs; all included in Class 36.

KAF Investment Bank Berhad; Level 14, Chulan Tower No. 3, Jalan Conlay 50450, KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA

AGENT: Syed Naqiz Shahabuddin bin Syed Abdul Jabbar, Naqiz & Partners No. 42A, Lorong Dungun, Damansara Heights 50490 Kuala Lumpur

CLASS : 36

2015006947 01 July 2015

The trade mark is limited to the colours as shown in the representation on the form of application.

Insurance; financial affairs; monetary affairs; real estate affairs; all included in Class 36.

KAF Investment Bank Berhad; Level 14, Chulan Tower No. 3, Jalan Conlay 50450, KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA

AGENT: Syed Naqiz Shahabuddin bin Syed Abdul Jabbar, Naqiz & Partners No. 42A, Lorong Dungun, Damansara Heights 50490 Kuala Lumpur

CLASS : 36

2015010911 27 October 2015

Online payment services included in Class 36.

LAZOEMPIRE INTERNATIONAL GROUP SDN BHD; 23, Jalan Molek 3/20 Taman Molek 81100, Johor Bahru, JOHOR MALAYSIA


CLASS : 36

2015010912 27 October 2015

The transliteration and translation of the Chinese characters of which the mark consists is “long hu bao” meaning “dragon tiger treasure”.

Online payments included in Class 36.

LAZOEMPIRE INTERNATIONAL GROUP SDN BHD; 23, Jalan Molek 3/20 Taman Molek 81100, Johor Bahru, JOHOR MALAYSIA

CLASS : 36

2015053688 12 March 2015

Advertisement of a series of two trade marks

Insurance; financial services; real estate agency services; building society services; banking; stockbroking; financial services provided via the internet; issuing of tokens of value in relation to bonus and loyalty schemes; provision of financial information; fund raising for charity; financial sponsorship; all included in Class 36.

Persatuan Memperbaiki Akhlak Che Ann Khor Yong Peng, Johor; Lot HS 2677, PT 2446, Jalan Kota Impian 1, Taman Kota Impian, 83700 Yong Peng, JOHOR MALAYSIA

AGENT: Low Chee Keong, 24, Jalan E/H 33 Taman Evergreen Heights 83000 Batu Pahat


CLASS : 36

2015053719 12 March 2015

The transliteration and translation of the Chinese characters of which the mark consists are “zhuan yuan xiang long” meaning “fortune dragon”.

Insurance; financial services; real estate agency services; building society services; banking; stockbroking; financial services provided via the internet; issuing of tokens of value in relation to bonus and loyalty schemes; provision of financial information; fund raising for charity; financial sponsorship; all included in Class 36.

Persatuan Memperbaiki Akhlak Che Ann Khor Yong Peng, Johor; Lot HS 2677, PT 2446, Jalan Kota Impian 1, Taman Kota Impian, 83700 Yong Peng, JOHOR MALAYSIA

AGENT: Low Chee Keong, 24, Jalan E/H 33 Taman Evergreen Heights 83000 Batu Pahat

CLASS : 36

2015062320 29 July 2015

The transliteration and translation of the Chinese characters of which the mark consists is "an da ren shou" meaning "ace life"

Insurance; actuarial services; insurance underwriting; health insurance underwriting; life insurance underwriting; accident insurance underwriting; insurance brokerage; fire insurance underwriting; insurance consultancy; insurance information; consultancy, advisory services and provision of information relating to all the foregoing; all included in Class 36.

ACE Limited; Bärengasse 32, 8001 Zurich, SWITZERLAND

AGENT: Linda Wang Chaw Ling, Zaid Ibrahim & Co. Level 19, Menara Milenium Jalan Damanlela, Pusat Bandar Damansara 50490 Kuala Lumpur


CLASS : 36

2015065753 22 September 2015

Advertisement of a series of two trade marks

The first trade mark in the series is limited to the colours as shown in the representation on the form of application.

Alibaba Group Holding Limited; Fourth Floor, One Capital Place, P. O. Box 847, George Town, Grand Cayman, CAYMAN ISLANDS

AGENT: Chuah Jern Ern, Advanz Fidelis Sdn. Bhd. Suite 609, Block D, Phileo Damansara 1 No. 9, Jalan 16/11 46350 Petaling Jaya

Insurance; financial affairs; monetary affairs; real estate affairs; clearing and reconciling financial transactions via a global computer network; online banking services and financial services; credit card services, processing and transmission of bills and payments thereof, and providing insurance for financial transactions; funds transfer services; transmission of funds by electronic means for others; transfer of payments for others via the internet; financial services in the nature of billing and payment processing services; arrangement and management of leases and tenancy; renting and leasing of real estate; real estate appraisal; real estate valuation, real estate financing, real estate investment; real estate brokerage services; real estate agency services; housing agency services; actuarial services; real estate management and consultancy services; rent collection; rental of offices (real estate); rental of apartments and flats; provision of financial information via the internet; safety deposit and issuing of travel vouchers services; capital investments; financial evaluation [insurance, banking, real estate]; financial and asset management services; insurance and financial services; financial services provided by telecommunication means; financial consultancy and advisory services; online banking; banking services provided on-line from a computer databases or the internet; securities brokerage services, stock exchange quotation services; stocks and bonds brokerage, financial analysis; debit card services, charge card services and cheque guarantee services; banking, savings account and investment services; financial clearing services; credit verification via global computer information network; electronic credit risk management services; electronic purchase payment and electronic bill payment services; financial accounts debiting and crediting services; electronic banking services; issuance of stored value cards, charge cards and debit cards; telephone credit cards services; information services relating to finance and insurance, provided online from a computer database or internet; agency for collection of gas and electricity fees; antique appraisal; art appraisal; jewelry appraisal; used car appraisal; tax information supply (financial services); charitable fund raising; organizing of charitable collections; charitable collections; rental of paper money and coin counting or processing machines; rental of cash dispensers or automated-teller machines; online payment services; safe deposit services; arranging finance for construction projects; import-export clearance agencies (custom clearance); consultancy, information and advisory services relating to the aforesaid services; all included in Class 36.


CLASS : 36

2015068182 29 October 2015

International priority date claimed : 17 June 2015,Japan

Management of buildings; agencies or brokerage for renting of buildings; leasing or renting of buildings; purchase and sale of buildings; agencies or brokerage for purchase and sale of buildings; real estate appraisal; land management; agencies or brokerage for leasing or renting of land; leasing of land; purchase and sale of land; agencies or brokerage for purchase or sale of land; rental of building space; providing information on buildings or land [real estate affairs]; asset management for retired people; financial management of employee pension plans; advisory services relating to asset buildup; charitable fund raising; charitable fund raising for volunteer and welfare activity; charitable fund raising for environmental protection; information services relating to customs duties; information services relating to tax consultancy or tax agency; used automobiles appraisal; information and consulting services relating to used automobile appraisal; used automobile parts appraisal; all included in Class 36.

AISIN SEIKI KABUSHIKI KAISHA (also trading as Aisin Seiki Co., Ltd.); 2-1 Asahi-machi, Kariya-shi, Aichi-ken, JAPAN

AGENT: Helen Huang, Peter Huang & Richard 368-3-1 & 2 Bellisa Row Jalan Burma 10350 Penang

CLASS : 36

2015071367 15 December 2015

AIA Company Limited; AIA Building, No. 1, Stubbs Road, HONG KONG

AGENT: Chew Kherk Ying, Wong & Partners Level 21, Suite 21.01, The Gardens South Tower Mid Valley City, Lingkaran Syed Putra 59200 Kuala Lumpur

Accident insurance underwriting; actuarial services; banking; brokerage; business liquidation services (financial); capital investment services; capital management services; clearing, financial; credit card services; financial affairs; financial analysis; financial consultancy; financial evaluation [insurance,


banking, real estate]; financial information; financial management; financial planning, investment analysis, portfolio allocation services, provision of information relating to financial planning, investment analysis, portfolio allocation and recommendations for selecting financial instruments via a global computer network; financial services, financial advisory services; financing services; fire insurance underwriting; fiscal assessments; fund investments; health insurance underwriting; insurance; insurance brokerage; insurance consultancy; insurance information; insurance services; insurance underwriting; issuance of credit cards; lease purchase financing; leasing of real estate; life insurance underwriting; monetary affairs; mutual funds; real estate affairs; real estate appraisal; real estate broker; real estate management; rent collection; rental of offices [real estate]; renting of apartments; renting of flats; retirement payment services; consultancy, advisory services and provision of information relating to all the foregoing; all included in Class 36 .

CLASS : 36

2015071378 15 December 2015

Advertisement of a series of two trade marks

The first trade mark in the series is limited to the colours as shown in the representation on the form of application.

AIA Company Limited; AIA Building, No. 1, Stubbs Road, HONG KONG

AGENT: Chew Kherk Ying, Wong & Partners Level 21, Suite 21.01, The Gardens South Tower Mid Valley City, Lingkaran Syed Putra 59200 Kuala Lumpur

Accident insurance underwriting; actuarial services; banking; brokerage; business liquidation services (financial); capital investment services; capital management services; clearing, financial; credit card services; financial affairs; financial analysis; financial consultancy; financial evaluation [insurance, banking, real estate]; financial information; financial management; financial planning, investment analysis, portfolio allocation services, provision of information relating to financial planning, investment analysis, portfolio allocation and recommendations for selecting financial instruments via a global computer network; financial services, financial advisory services; financing services; fire insurance underwriting; fiscal assessments; fund investments; health insurance underwriting; insurance; insurance brokerage; insurance consultancy; insurance information; insurance services; insurance underwriting; issuance of credit cards; lease purchase financing; leasing of real estate; life insurance underwriting; monetary affairs; mutual funds; real estate affairs; real estate appraisal; real estate broker; real estate management; rent collection; rental of offices [real estate]; renting of apartments; renting of flats; retirement payment services; consultancy, advisory services and provision of information relating to all the foregoing; all included in Class 36

CLASS : 36—cont.


CLASS : 37

2010020948 02 November 2010

International priority date claimed : 19 October 2010,Singapore

Advertisement of a series of two trade marks

The second trade mark in the series is limited to the colour as shown in the representation on the form of application.

Cleaning services; aircraft cleaning services; disinfecting services; provision of laundry and dry cleaning services; provision of services for the washing, pressing and ironing of linen; information, advisory and consultancy services relating to all the aforesaid services; all included in Class 37.

SATS Ltd.; 20 Airport Boulevard Singapore Changi Airport 819659, SINGAPORE

AGENT: Charmayne Ong Poh Yin, Skrine Unit No. 50-8-1, 8th Floor, Wisma UOA Damansara 50 Jalan Dungun, Damansara Heights 50490 Kuala Lumpur


CLASS : 37

2012050311 18 January 2012

Advertisement of a series of two trade marks

The first trade mark in the series is limited to the colours as shown in the representation on the form of application.

Registration of this trade mark shall give no right to the exclusive use of the letter and numerals “e25” and the words “expert” and “expressway patroling & emergency response team”.

Highway maintenances; cleaning of site roads; construction of foundations for roads; construction of railway roadbeds; construction of roads; building of roads; custom construction of roads; marking of roads; road pavment; road marking; road surfacing; road sweeping; surfacing of roads; hire of road making apparatus; hire of road working machinery; lubrication of road vehicles; rental of road sweeping machines; traffic flow management in respect of road construction work and maintenance work; maintaining road structure; road repair and maintenance; maintenance and cleaning of toll plazas and buildings (interior and exterior); building maintenance including cleaning and grounds-keeping work; vehicle cleaning, vehicle polishing, vehicle wash, vehicle repair and maintenance; upholstering, upholstery repair; all included in Class 37.

KL-KUALA SELANGOR EXPRESSWAY BERHAD;Kompleks Operasi Lebuhraya KL-Kuala Selangor, KM 12, Lebuhraya KL-Kuala Selangor, 45600, Bestari Jaya, SELANGOR MALAYSIA

AGENT: Chen Sung Fang, Gazel Chen & Partners No. 10A (1st Floor), Jalan SS 21/58 Damansara Utama 47400 Petaling Jaya


CLASS : 37

2014053862 14 March 2014

The transliteration and translation of the Chinese characters appearing in the mark is “lv di”, “ji tuan” meaning “greenland”, “group”.

Registration of this trade mark shall give no right to the exclusive use of the word “group” and Chinese characters meaning “group”.

Construction of commodity housing; building construction supervision; electric appliance installation and repair; construction, namely, construction of buildings, construction of airports, residential and commercial building construction; upholstering; cleaning of buildings; motor vehicle maintenance and repair; vehicle gas station, namely, service station services; retreading of tires; mining extraction; all included in Class 37.


AGENT: Caroline Anne A/P Francis Xavier Money, RamRais & Partners Level 31, Menara TH Perdana 1001, Jalan Sultan Ismail 50250 Kuala Lumpur


CLASS : 37

2014058641 11 June 2014

Advertisement of a series of two trade marks

The second trade mark in the series is limited to the colours as shown in the representation on the form of application.

Registration of this trade mark shall give no right to the exclusive use of the words “power up your world”.

Electric appliance installation and repair included in Class 37.

Gathergates Switchgear Pte. Ltd.; 29, Tai Seng Avenue 07-01, 534119 SINGAPORE

AGENT: Goh Joo Seong, Cheang & Ariff

CLASS : 37

2015067336 15 October 2015

The trade mark is limited to the colours as shown in the representation on the form of application.

Building construction; construction, installation, assembly, maintenance and repair of power generation apparatus, heating devices, boilers and burners; construction of plants for combined heat and power and block-type thermal power stations; installation, maintenance and repair of fuel cells, fuel cell heating appliances, machinery for power and energy, motors (except for land vehicles), measuring, regulating and control devices, apparatus and instruments for conducting, switching, transforming, accumulating, regulating or controlling electricity or gas; conducting of building projects, namely construction of turnkey ready buildings for transmission, distribution and generation of energy; installation and maintenance of computer hardware; installation work and assembly services; all included in Class 37

LichtBlick SE; Zirkusweg 6, 20359 Hamburg, GERMANY

AGENT: Clara Yip Choon Foong, Marqonsult IP Sdn. Bhd.


CLASS : 37

2015068186 29 October 2015

International priority date claimed : 17 June 2015,Japan

Reform work; installation of security systems and facilities; installation of toilet stool units with a washing water squirter; construction work; repair or maintenance of toilet seats [including toilet stool units with a washing water squirter]; repair or maintenance of chamber pots; remote monitoring of running situation of building facilities including air-conditioning, heating or plumbing sanitary facilities; operation, check or maintenance of building; repair or maintenance of air-conditioning apparatus [for industrial purposes]; burner maintenance or repair; repair or maintenance of boilers; repair or maintenance of pumps; repair or maintenance of freezing machines and apparatus; repair or maintenance of gas engine heat pump type air-conditioning apparatus [for industrial purposes]; repair or maintenance of air-conditioning apparatus by cogeneration systems; repair or maintenance of gas engine heat pump type air-conditioning apparatus for household purposes; repair or maintenance of household electrothermic appliances; repair or maintenance of electric motors; repair or maintenance of power distribution or control machines and apparatus; repair or maintenance of power generators; repair or maintenance of gas engine driven power generators; repair or maintenance of power generators with cogeneration functions; repair or maintenance of sewing machines; all included in Class 37.

AISIN SEIKI KABUSHIKI KAISHA (also trading as Aisin Seiki Co., Ltd.); 2-1 Asahi-machi, Kariya-shi, Aichi-ken, JAPAN

AGENT: Helen Huang, Peter Huang & Richard 368-3-1 & 2 Bellisa Row Jalan Burma 10350 Penang


CLASS : 37

2015068508 04 November 2015

International priority date claimed : 08 May 2015,European Union (Office For Harmonization In The Internal Market) - OHIM

Installation, maintenance and repair of lighting installations; all included in Class 37.

HeSaLight A/S; Lykkegårdsvej 9, DK-4000 Roskilde,DENMARK

AGENT: Charmayne Ong Poh Yin, Skrine Unit No. 50-8-1, 8th Floor, Wisma UOA Damansara 50 Jalan Dungun, Damansara Heights 50490 Kuala Lumpur

CLASS : 37

2015069634 20 November 2015

Advertisement of a series of two trade marks

The first trade mark in the series is limited to the colours as shown in the representation on the form of application.

Leasing of lifting apparatus and elevating apparatus, construction machines and earth-moving machines, aerial work platforms and scissor lifts, and parts therefor; all the aforesaid services also provided via the internet; allincluded in Class 37.

Lisman Forklifts Group N.V.; Techniekweg 1, 3401 MH IJsselstein, NETHERLANDS

AGENT: Pauline Khor Hong Ping, Rahmat Lim & Partners Suite 33.01, Level 33, The Gardens North Tower Mid Valley City, Lingkaran Syed Putra 59200 Kuala Lumpur


CLASS : 37

2016001367 11 February 2016

Anti-corrosion treatment services (for concrete and steel), anti-rust treatment services (for steel infrastructure), application of protective coatings, application of surface coatings, repair of concrete, sewer pipe renovation, resurfacing and relining of concrete and steel; all included in Class 37.

Philip Charles Tomlinson Mack; 7 Bligh Crescent Seaforth, NSW 2092 , AUSTRALIA

AGENT: Yong Chee Kong, Azhar Yong & Co. No. 37A, Jalan Jejaka 9 Taman Maluri, Cheras 55100 Kuala Lumpur

CLASS : 37

2016050920 20 January 2016

Installation, maintenance and repair services in relation to building automation system (bas), fan coil units (fcu), air handling units (ahu), pumps, and cooling towers (ct);all included in Class 37.

Barghest Building Performance Pte. Ltd.; 150 Cantonment Road, #01-06 089762, SINGAPORE

AGENT: Clara Yip Choon Foong, Marqonsult IP Sdn. Bhd. B706, Level 7, Block B, Kelana Square Jalan SS7/26, Kelana Jaya 47301 Petaling Jaya

CLASS : 38

06001003 23 January 2006

Telecommunications included in Class 38.

Spotlight Pty Ltd ; Level 6, 111 Cecil Street, South Melbourne, VIC, 3205 , AUSTRALIA

AGENT: Charmayne Ong Poh Yin, Skrine Unit No. 50-8-1, 8th Floor, Wisma UOA Damansara 50 Jalan Dungun, Damansara Heights 50490 Kuala Lumpur


CLASS : 38

2014003837 06 April 2014

By consent of the registered propreitor of the trade mark no: 00005156.

Amazon Technologies, Inc.; 410 Terry Avenue North Seattle, Washington 98109, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA

AGENT: Winnie Tham Wai Yee, Amica IP Services (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd 164B-1, 1st Floor, Wisma Sekiong Jalan Ngee Heng 80000 Johor Bahru

Telecommunications; electronic transmission of voice, data and images through a global communications network; communication services for transmitting, caching, accessing, receiving, downloading, streaming, broadcasting, sharing, displaying, formatting, mirroring and transferring text, images, audio, video and data via telecommunications networks, wireless communications networks, and the internet; providing an internet forum; providing access to auxiliary devices or electronic devices in the nature of providing telecommunication connectivity services for the transfer of images, messages, audio, visual, audiovisual and multimedia works among e-readers, handheld and mobile digital electronic devices, portable electronic devices, portable digital devices, tablets, or computers; streaming of audio, visual and audiovisual material via the internet or other computer or communications network; providing online chat rooms, internet forums and online communities for the transmission of photos, videos, text, data, images and other electronic works; transmission of podcasts; transmission of webcasts; providing an online network that enables users to access and share content, text, visual works, audio works, audiovisual works, literary works, data, files, documents and electronic works; providing on-line network services that enable users to share content, photos, videos, text, data, images and other electronic works relating to entertainment, including, movies, television, audiovisual works, music, audio works, books, theatre, literary works, sporting events, recreational activities, leisure activities, tournaments, art, dance, musicals, exhibitions, sports instruction, clubs, radio, comedy, contests, visual works, games, gaming, festivals, museums, parks, cultural events, concerts, publishing, animation, current events, fashion, multimedia presentations, history, language, liberal arts, math, business, science, technology, hobbies, culture, sports, arts, psychology, and philosophy; providing a web site that gives computer users the ability to transmit, cache, receive, download, stream, broadcast, display, format, transfer and share content, text, visual works, audio works, audiovisual works, literary works, data, files, documents and electronic works; providing a web site that gives computer users the ability to transmit, cache, receive, download, stream, broadcast, display, format, transfer and share photos, videos, text, data, images and other electronic works; providing on-line portals for entertainment in the field of movies, television, audiovisual works, music, audio works, books, theatre, literary works, sporting events, recreational activities, leisure activities, tournaments, art, dance, musicals, exhibitions, sports instruction, clubs, radio, comedy, contests, visual works, games, gaming, festivals, museums, parks, cultural events, concerts, publishing, animation, current events, fashion shows, and multimedia presentations; broadcasting; communications and telecommunications; transmission, broadcast, reception and other dissemination of audio, video, still and moving images, text and data whether in real or delayed time; electronic mail services; interactive broadcasting services; rental of radio and television broadcasting facilities; providing access to and leasing of access time to a computer database; provision of information and advisory services relating to any of the aforesaid services; communication services namely transmitting, receiving, downloading, streaming, broadcasting, text, images, audio,


video and data via telecommunications networks, wireless communications networks, and the internet; online chat rooms and online communities for the transmission of messages among computer users concerning topics of general interest; providing access to online directories, databases, current events websites and blogs, and on-line reference materials; providing access to electronic devices in the nature of providing telecommunication connectivity services for the transfer of images, messages, audio, visual, audiovisual and multimedia works among e-readers, handheld and mobile digital electronic devices, mobile devices smart devices, portable electronic devices, portable digital devices, tablets, or computers; streaming of audio, visual and audiovisual material via the internet or other computer or communications network; providing online chat rooms, internet forums and online communities for the transmission of photos, videos, text, data, images and other electronic works; transmission of podcasts; transmission of webcasts; communication services for transmitting, caching, accessing, receiving, downloading, streaming, broadcasting, sharing, displaying, formatting, mirroring and transferring text, images, audio, video and data via telecommunications networks, wireless communications networks, and the internet; providing an internet forum, online chat rooms and online communities for the transmission of messages among computer users; providing access to online directories, databases, current events websites and blogs, and on-line reference materials; providing access to auxiliary devices or electronic devices in the nature of providing telecommunication connectivity services for the transfer of images, messages, audio, visual, audiovisual and multimedia works among e- readers, mobile devices, smart devices, portable electronic devices, portable digital devices, tablets, or computers; streaming of audio, visual and audiovisual material via the internet or other computer or communications network; providing online chat rooms, internet forums and online communities for the transmission of photos, videos, text, data, images and other electronic works; transmission of podcasts; transmission of webcasts; providing an online network that enables users to access and share content, text, visual works, audio works, audiovisual works, literary works, data, files, documents and electronic works; providing on-line network services that enable users to share content, photos, videos, text, data, images and other electronic works relating to entertainment, including, movies, television, audiovisual works, music, audio works, books, theatre, literary works, sporting events, recreational activities, leisure activities, tournaments, art, dance, musicals, exhibitions, sports instruction, clubs, radio, comedy, contests, visual works, games, gaming, festivals, museums, parks, cultural events, concerts, publishing, animation, current events, fashion, multimedia presentations, history, language, liberal arts, math, business, science, technology, hobbies, culture, sports, arts, psychology, and philosophy; all included in Class 38.

CLASS : 38

2014011489 14 October 2014

Digi Telecommunications Sdn. Bhd.; Lot 30, Jalan Delima 1/3 Subang Hi-Tech Industrial Park 40000, SHAH ALAM, SELANGOR MALAYSIA

AGENT: Tai Foong Lam, Gan Partnership Unit A-35-3A, Menara UOA Bangsar 5 Jalan Bangsar Utama 1 59000 Kuala Lumpur

Telecommunications services; radio broadcasting; cellular telephone communication; communications by computer terminals; communications by telephone; computer aided transmission of messages and images; electronic mail; facsimile transmission; information about communication; message sending; rental of communication equipment; rental of telephones; rental of message sending apparatus; information about telecommunication; telephone services; consultancy, information and advisory services included in this Class; news agencies; news agency services (transmission of news); all included in class 38.

CLASS : 38—cont.


CLASS : 38

2015012039 23 November 2015

The trade mark is limited to the colours as shown in the representation on the form of application.

MEASAT Satellite Systems Sdn. Bhd.; MEASAT Teleport & Broadcast Centre 63000, CYBERJAYA, SELANGOR MALAYSIA

AGENT: Geetha Kandiah, KASS International Sdn. Bhd. Suite 8-7-2, 7th Floor, Menara Mutiara Bangsar Jalan Liku, Off Jalan Riong 59100 Kuala Lumpur

Broadcast and transmission of financial information, motion pictures and programmes by satellite; communication of information by satellite; communication services by satellite; rental of broadcasting time by satellite; rental of satellite broadcast receiving aerials; rental of satellite broadcast receiving antenna; rental of satellite broadcasting sets; satellite broadcasting services; satellite broadcasting services relating to business, entertainment, sporting events and business users; satellite telecommunications services; satellite transmission; satellite video conferencing services; cellular telephone services; telephone communication; data and voice communication; electronic e-mail services; electronic voice messaging, namely the recording, storage and subsequent transmission of voice message by telephone, facsimiles, mobile radio communication; telecommunication services; rental of telecommunication equipment namely, telephones and facsimile machines; videotext services; all included in Class 38.

CLASS : 38

2015012041 23 November 2015

The trade mark is limited to the colours as shown in the representation on the form of application.

MEASAT Satellite Systems Sdn. Bhd.; MEASAT Teleport & Broadcast Centre 63000, CYBERJAYA, SELANGOR MALAYSIA

AGENT: Geetha Kandiah, KASS International Sdn. Bhd. Suite 8-7-2, 7th Floor, Menara Mutiara Bangsar Jalan Liku, Off Jalan Riong 59100 Kuala Lumpur

Broadcast and transmission of financial information, motion pictures and programmes by satellite; communication of information by satellite; communication services by satellite; rental of broadcasting time by satellite; rental of satellite broadcast receiving aerials; rental of satellite broadcast receiving antenna; rental of satellite broadcasting sets; satellite broadcasting services; satellite broadcasting services relating to business, entertainment, sporting events and business users; satellite telecommunications services; satellite transmission; satellite video conferencing services; cellular telephone services; telephone communication; data and voice communication; electronic e-mail services; electronic voice messaging, namely the recording, storage and subsequent transmission of voice messages by telephone, facsimiles, mobile radio communication; telecommunication services; rental of telecommunication equipment namely, telephones and facsimile machines; videotext services; all included in Class 38.

CLASS : 38

2015065756 22 September 2015

Advertisement of a series of two trade marks

The first trade mark in the series is limited to the colours as shown in the representation on the form of application.

Alibaba Group Holding Limited; Fourth Floor, One Capital Place, P. O. Box 847, George Town, Grand Cayman, CAYMAN ISLANDS

AGENT: Chuah Jern Ern, Advanz Fidelis Sdn. Bhd. Suite 609, Block D, Phileo Damansara 1 No. 9, Jalan 16/11 46350 Petaling Jaya

Telecommunications; telecommunication services, namely, data transmission and reception services via telecommunication networks; providing web-based multimedia teleconferencing, videoconferencing, and online meeting services that allow simultaneous and asynchronous viewing, sharing, editing, and discussion of documents, data, and images by participants via a web browser; providing customers with online access to online reports regarding the performance, effectiveness, and status of web-based applications, teleconferences, videoconferences, and meetings; providing users with secure remote access via the internet to private computer networks; providing information in the fields of secured transmission of data and information; consulting services in the fields of secured data and information transmission services; providing online collaboration services (telecommunication services) allowing users to access applications, platforms, jointly-shared documents, data, task lists, and discussion forums; internet broadcasting services, providing an online database of information regarding web-based broadcasting complaint submission platform; provision of telecommunication access and links to computer database and to the internet; electronic communication services; interactive telecommunications services; telecommunication of information (web pages), computer programs and data; providing telecommunications connections to the internet or data bases; provision of telecommunication access to world-wide web facilities and structures; communication by computer terminals; communication by fibre optic networks; computer aided transmission of messages and images; facsimile transmission; message sending; paging services; rental of modems; data communication services by electronic means; rental of telecommunication equipment; electronic message sending, receiving and forwarding services; providing telecommunication services for collection, transmission and delivery of data by electronic means; electronic exchange of voice, data, audio, video, text and graphics accessible via computer and telecommunication networks; instant messaging services; mobile phone communication services; providing telecommunication services for collection, transmission and delivery of mail messages, still picture and/or moving picture information such as characters, messages, music and images,

WARTA KERAJAAN PERSEKUTUAN8680 [9hb Jun 2016services; electronic voice messaging, namely the recording, storage and subsequent transmission of voice messages by telephone, facsimiles, mobile radio communication; telecommunication services; rental of telecommunication equipment namely, telephones and facsimile machines; videotext services; all included in Class 38.

CLASS : 38

2015065756 22 September 2015

Advertisement of a series of two trade marks

The first trade mark in the series is limited to the colours as shown in the representation on the form of application.

Alibaba Group Holding Limited; Fourth Floor, One Capital Place, P. O. Box 847, George Town, Grand Cayman, CAYMAN ISLANDS

AGENT: Chuah Jern Ern, Advanz Fidelis Sdn. Bhd. Suite 609, Block D, Phileo Damansara 1 No. 9, Jalan 16/11 46350 Petaling Jaya

Telecommunications; telecommunication services, namely, data transmission and reception services via telecommunication networks; providing web-based multimedia teleconferencing, videoconferencing, and online meeting services that allow simultaneous and asynchronous viewing, sharing, editing, and discussion of documents, data, and images by participants via a web browser; providing customers with online access to online reports regarding the performance, effectiveness, and status of web-based applications, teleconferences, videoconferences, and meetings; providing users with secure remote access via the internet to private computer networks; providing information in the fields of secured transmission of data and information; consulting services in the fields of secured data and information transmission services; providing online collaboration services (telecommunication services) allowing users to access applications, platforms, jointly-shared documents, data, task lists, and discussion forums; internet broadcasting services, providing an online database of information regarding web-based broadcasting complaint submission platform; provision of telecommunication access and links to computer database and to the internet; electronic communication services; interactive telecommunications services; telecommunication of information (web pages), computer programs and data; providing telecommunications connections to the internet or data bases; provision of telecommunication access to world-wide web facilities and structures; communication by computer terminals; communication by fibre optic networks; computer aided transmission of messages and images; facsimile transmission; message sending; paging services; rental of modems; data communication services by electronic means; rental of telecommunication equipment; electronic message sending, receiving and forwarding services; providing telecommunication services for collection, transmission and delivery of data by electronic means; electronic exchange of voice, data, audio, video, text and graphics accessible via computer and telecommunication networks; instant messaging services; mobile phone communication services; providing telecommunication services for collection, transmission and delivery of mail messages, still picture and/or moving picture information such as characters, messages, music and images,


telegrams, information and data by mechanical, electronic, telephone, telex, cable, computer and satellite means; transmission, broadcast and reception of audio, video, still and moving images and data whether in compressed or uncompressed form and whether in real or delayed time; electronic messaging, conferencing and order-transmission services; video conferencing services; communication by electronic bulletin board that enables users to perform a real-time interactive talk between a computer terminal and an electronic bulletin board containing still picture and moving picture information and voice information such as characters; providing electronic bulletin boards and message boards for transmission of messages; provision of online discussion forums; streaming of audio material on the internet; streaming of video material on the internet; television broadcasting services; pay-per-view television transmission services; video broadcasting services, broadcasting and transmission of radio and television programmes; music broadcasting; transmission of music, films, interactive programmes, videos, electronic computer games; transmission of information relating to on-line shopping and general retail services; video-on-demand transmission services; news agency services; providing access to computer database on the global computer network for searching and retrieving information, data, web sites and resources available on computer networks; providing user access to a computer database containing electronic publications, bulletin boards, database and information accessible via computer; operation of chat rooms (chat room services); multiple user access to global computer information networks for the transfer and dissemination of a wide range of information; providing access to a website on a global computer network by which third parties can offer goods and services, place and fulfill orders, enter into contracts and transact business; providing access to an interactive website on a global computer network for third parties to post information, respond to requests and place and fulfill orders for products, services and business opportunities; communication services, namely, text and numeric digital messaging services; transmission of information by data communications for assisting decision making; transmission of information through video communication systems; web conferencing services; electronic communication services for establishing virtual chatrooms via text messaging; providing electronic bulletin boards for the posting and transmission of messages among and between computer users concerning products, services and business leads and opportunities; providing an online interactive bulletin board for the posting, promotion, sale and resale of items via a global computer network; providing electronic mail and electronic mail forwarding services; audio and video communication via computers and computer networks, and via a global communications network; providing computer access and leasing access time to online interactive bulletin boards and databases; providing access to electronic bulletin boards for the posting and transmission of messages among and betweencomputer users concerning products, services and business opportunities; providing access to electronic calendar, address book and electronic notebook, via local and global computer networks; providing distant video and/or telephone conferencing access and facilities; providing computer links to third party web sites to facilitate e-commerce and real world business transactions; consultancy, information and advisory services relating to the aforesaid services; all included in Class 38.

CLASS : 38—cont.


CLASS : 38

2015066073 28 September 2015

Advertisement of a series of three trade marks

The transliteration of the chinese characters of which the mark consists is "tian mao" which has no meaning.

Alibaba Group Holding Limited; Fourth Floor, One Capital Place, P. O. Box 847, George Town, Grand Cayman, CAYMAN ISLANDS

AGENT: Chuah Jern Ern, Advanz Fidelis Sdn. Bhd. Suite 609, Block D, Phileo Damansara 1 No. 9, Jalan 16/11 46350 Petaling Jaya

Telecommunications; telecommunication services, namely, data transmission and reception services via telecommunication networks; providing web-based multimedia teleconferencing, videoconferencing, and online meeting services that allow simultaneous and asynchronous viewing, sharing, editing, and discussion of documents, data, and images by participants via a web browser; providing customers with online access to online reports regarding the performance, effectiveness, and status of web-based applications, teleconferences, videoconferences, and meetings; providing users with secure remote access via the internet to private computer networks; providing information in the fields of secured transmission of data and information; consulting services in the fields of secured data and information transmission services; providing online collaboration services (telecommunication services) allowing users to access applications, platforms, jointly-shared documents, data, task lists, and discussion forums; internet broadcasting services, providing an online database of information regarding web-based broadcasting complaint submission platform; provision of telecommunication access and links to computer database and to the internet; electronic communication services; interactive telecommunications services; telecommunication of information (web pages), computer programs and data; providing telecommunications connections to the internet or data bases; provision of telecommunication access to world-wide web facilities and structures; communication by computer terminals; communication by fibre optic networks; computer aided transmission of messages and images; facsimile transmission; message sending; paging services; rental of modems; data communication services by electronic means; rental of telecommunication equipment; electronic message sending, receiving and forwarding services; providing telecommunication services for collection, transmission and delivery of data by electronic means; electronic exchange of voice, data, audio, video, text and graphics accessible via computer and telecommunication networks; instant messaging services; mobile phone communication services; providing telecommunication services for collection, transmission and delivery of mail messages, still picture and/or moving picture information such as characters, messages, music and images, telegrams, information and data by mechanical, electronic, telephone, telex, cable, computer and satellite means; transmission, broadcast and reception of audio, video, still and moving images and data whether in compressed or uncompressed form and whether in real or delayed time; electronic messaging, conferencing and order-transmission services; video conferencing services; communication by electronic bulletin board that enables users to perform a real-time interactive talk between a computer terminal and an electronic bulletin board containing still picture and moving


picture information and voice information such as characters; providing electronic bulletin boards and message boards for transmission of messages; provision of online discussion forums; streaming of audio material on the internet; streaming of video material on the internet; television broadcasting services; pay-per-view television transmission services; video broadcasting services, broadcasting and transmission of radio and television programmes; music broadcasting; transmission of music, films, interactive programmes, videos, electronic computer games; transmission of information relating to on-line shopping and general retail services; video-on-demand transmission services; news agency services; providing access to computer database on the global computer network for searching and retrieving information, data, web sites and resources available on computer networks; providing user access to a computer database containing electronic publications, bulletin boards, database and information accessible via computer; operation of chat rooms (chat room services); multiple user access to global computer information networks for the transfer and dissemination of a wide range of information; providing access to a website on a global computer network by which third parties can offer goods and services, place and fulfill orders, enter into contracts and transact business; providing access to an interactive website on a global computer network for third parties to post information, respond to requests and place and fulfill orders for products, services and business opportunities; communication services, namely, text and numeric digital messaging services; transmission of information by data communications for assisting decision making; transmission of information through video communication systems; web conferencing services; electronic communication services for establishing virtual chatrooms via text messaging; providing electronic bulletin boards for the posting and transmission of messages among and between computer users concerning products, services and business leads and opportunities; providing an online interactive bulletin board for the posting, promotion, sale and resale of items via a global computer network; providing electronic mail and electronic mail forwarding services; audio and video communication via computers and computer networks, and via a global communications network; providing computer access and leasing access time to online interactive bulletin boards and databases; providing access to electronic bulletin boards for the posting and transmission of messages among and between computer users concerning products, services and business opportunities; providing access to electronic calendar, address book and electronic notebook, via local and global computer networks; providing distant video and/or telephone conferencing access and facilities; providing computer links to third party web sites to facilitate e-commerce and real world business transactions; consultancy, information and advisory services relating to the aforesaid services; all included in Class 38.

CLASS : 38

2015066126 28 September 2015

Advertisement of a series of four trade marks

Alibaba Group Holding Limited; Fourth Floor, One Capital Place, P. O. Box 847, George Town, Grand Cayman, CAYMAN ISLANDS

AGENT: Chuah Jern Ern, Advanz Fidelis Sdn. Bhd. Suite 609, Block D, Phileo Damansara 1 No. 9, Jalan 16/11 46350 Petaling Jaya

Telecommunications; telecommunication services, namely, data transmission and reception services via telecommunication networks; providing web-based multimedia teleconferencing, videoconferencing, and online meeting services that allow simultaneous and asynchronous viewing, sharing, editing, and discussion of documents, data, and images by participants via a web browser;

CLASS : 38—cont.


providing customers with online access to online reports regarding the performance, effectiveness, and status of web-based applications, teleconferences, videoconferences, and meetings; providing users with secure remote access via the internet to private computer networks; providing information in the fields of secured transmission of data and information; consulting services in the fields of secured data and information transmission services; providing online collaboration services (telecommunication services) allowing users to access applications, platforms, jointly-shared documents, data, task lists, and discussion forums; internet broadcasting services, providing an online database of information regarding web-based broadcasting complaint submission platform; provision of telecommunication access and links to computer database and to the internet; electronic communication services; interactive telecommunications services; telecommunication of information (web pages), computer programs and data; providing telecommunications connections to the internet or data bases; provision of telecommunication access to world-wide web facilities and structures; communication by computer terminals; communication by fibre optic networks; computer aided transmission of messages and images; facsimile transmission; message sending; paging services; rental of modems; data communication services by electronic means; rental of telecommunication equipment; electronic message sending, receiving and forwarding services; providing telecommunication services for collection, transmission and delivery of data by electronic means; electronic exchange of voice, data, audio, video, text and graphics accessible via computer and telecommunication networks; instant messaging services; mobile phone communication services; providing telecommunication services for collection, transmission and delivery of mail messages, still picture and/or moving picture information such as characters, messages, music and images, telegrams, information and data by mechanical, electronic, telephone, telex, cable, computer and satellite means; transmission, broadcast and reception of audio, video, still and moving images and data whether in compressed or uncompressed form and whether in real or delayed time; electronic messaging, conferencing and order-transmission services; video conferencing services; communication by electronic bulletin board that enables users to perform a real-time interactive talk between a computer terminal and an electronic bulletin board containing still picture and moving picture information and voice information such as characters; providing electronic bulletin boards and message boards for transmission of messages; provision of online discussion forums; streaming of audio material on the internet; streaming of video material on the internet; television broadcasting services; pay-per-view television transmission services; video broadcasting services, broadcasting and transmission of radio and television programmes; music broadcasting; transmission of music, films, interactive programmes, videos, electronic computer games; transmission of information relating to on-line shopping and general retail services; video-on-demand transmission services; news agency services; providing access to computer database on the global computer network for searching and retrieving information, data, web sites and resources available on computer networks; providing user access to a computer database containing electronic publications, bulletin boards, database and information accessible via computer; operation of chat rooms (chat room services); multiple user access to global computer information networks for the transfer and dissemination of a wide range of information; providing access to a website on a global computer network by which third parties can offer goods and services, place and fulfill orders, enter into contracts and transact business; providing access to an interactive website on a global computer network for third parties to post information, respond to requests and place and fulfill orders for products, services and business opportunities; communication services, namely, text and numeric digital messaging services; transmission of information by data communications for assisting decision making; transmission of information through video communication systems; web conferencing services; electronic communication services for establishing virtual chatrooms via text messaging; providing electronic bulletin boards for the posting and transmission of messages among and between computer users concerning products, services and business leads and opportunities; providing an online interactive bulletin board for the posting, promotion, sale and resale of items via a global computer network; providing electronic mail and electronic mail forwarding services; audio and video communication via computers and computer networks, and via a global communications network; providing computer access and leasing access time to online interactive bulletin boards and databases; providing access to electronic bulletin boards for the posting and transmission of messages among and between computer users concerning products, services and business opportunities; providing access to

CLASS : 38—cont.


electronic calendar, address book and electronic notebook, via local and global computer networks; providing distant video and/or telephone conferencing access and facilities; providing computer links to third party web sites to facilitate e-commerce and real world business transactions; consultancy, information and advisory services relating to the aforesaid services; all included in Class 38.

CLASS : 38

2015067338 15 October 2015

The trade mark is limited to the colours as shown in the representation on the form of application.

Telecommunications; providing access to measured values of measuring and controlling devices via telecommunications; electronic transmission of computer software over the internet and other computer and electronic communication networks; transmission and distribution of data or audio visual images via a global computer network or the internet; all included in Class 38

LichtBlick SE; Zirkusweg 6, 20359 Hamburg, GERMANY

AGENT: Clara Yip Choon Foong, Marqonsult IP Sdn. Bhd. B706, Level 7, Block B, Kelana Square Jalan SS7/26, Kelana Jaya 47301 Petaling Jaya

CLASS : 38

2016053501 01 March 2016

Radio broadcasting; television broadcasting; radio communications; message sending; communications by telephone; communications by computer terminals; information about telecommunication; communications by fibre optic networks; providing telecommunications connections to a global computer network; videoconferencing services; all included in Class 38.

COUNTRY GARDEN ESTATE DEVELOPMENT CO., LTD.; Beside Bijiang Bridge, Beijiao Town, Shunde District, Foshan City, GUANGDONG , PEOPLE”S REPUBLIC OF CHINA

AGENT: Tee Lin Yik, Tee IP Sdn Bhd Suite 32-2, Jalan Dwitasik, Dataran Dwitasik Bandar Sri Permaisuri 56000 Kuala Lumpur

CLASS : 38—cont.


CLASS : 39

2013002063 06 February 2013

Packaging of goods services included in Class 39.

Ankerprint Malaysia Sdn. Bhd.; No. 668A, Laluan Simee 1 Kampung Simee 31400, IPOH, PERAK MALAYSIA

CLASS : 39

2014053414 07 March 2014

Registration of this trade mark shall give no right to the exclusive use, separately of the numerals “360” and the words “hotel urban resort”.

Arranging or operation of cruises and tours, travel reservation, booking agency services for travel, ticketing services, provision of transportation information, transport of travellers, escorting of travellers, vehicle rental, car parking services, advisory and consultancy services relating to travel and transportation, sightseeing services, handling storage and transport of baggages for travellers, chartering of aircraft, ships and/or vehicles, boat rental; all included in Class 39.

360 Hotels & Residences Sdn. Bhd.; 21, 1st Floor, Pannovel Commercial Centre, Jalan Simpang Tiga, 93300, Kuching, SARAWAK MALAYSIA

AGENT: Lok Choon Hong, Pintas IP Group Sdn. Bhd.No. 19, Jalan SS1/36 47300 Petaling Jaya


CLASS : 39

2014056803 12 May 2014

International priority date claimed : 14 November 2013,Germany

Leasing and renting of container filling systems, filling machines for containers, aseptic filling machines for containers, filling machines for containers, aseptic filling machines, packaging and packing machines, depalletisers, devices for loading and unloading pallets; filling of fluid media into plastic container products, in particular containers, ampoules and bottles, in particular which are manufactured by a blow form-, fill- and sealing process; leasing and renting of machines for filling and sealing of plastic containers; leasing and renting of labeling machines; all included in Class 39.

kocher-plastik Maschinenbau GmbH; Talstrasse 22-30 74429 Sulzbach-Laufen , GERMANY

AGENT: Charmayne Ong Poh Yin, Skrine Unit No. 50-8-1, 8th Floor, Wisma UOA Damansara 50 Jalan Dungun, Damansara Heights 50490 Kuala Lumpur

CLASS : 39

2014059485 26 June 2014

Registration of this trade mark shall give no right to the exclusive use of the word "France".

société Air France; 45 rue de Paris, 95747 ROISSY-CHARLES-DE-GAULLE, FRANCE

AGENT: Charmayne Ong Poh Yin, Skrine Unit No. 50-8-1, 8th Floor, Wisma UOA Damansara 50 Jalan Dungun, Damansara Heights 50490 Kuala Lumpur

Transport, packaging and storage of goods; passenger transport, transport of travellers, transport of animals; arranging of tours; escorting of travellers; air hostess services (escorting of travellers); air transport; freighting; tourist agencies (except for hotel reservation and boarding houses booking); travel agencies; bus transport, car transport; chauffeur services; parcel delivery; packaging of goods; message delivery; delivery of newspapers, magazines, leaflets or security notices in airports or on board airplanes; delivery of luggage, meals, beverages and goods; wrapping of goods; storage


information; freight forwarding; freight (shipping of goods); transportation information, travel information or vehicle rental information; information relating to passenger, goods and animals transportation; vehicle rental; courier services (messages or merchandise); car parking; reservation of travel tickets, transport tickets or airplane tickets; storage; taxi transport; sightseeing (tourism); transport reservation; reservation for passengers, goods and animals transport; reservation for travels and car rentals; guarded transport of valuables; car shuttle services; checking of baggage, goods and passengers; loading and unloading of airplanes; putting airplanes at disposal (rental); representation of airlines and vehicle rental companies, namely services of transport, travel reservations, escorting of travellers, checking and tracking of luggage in the field of transports sold in the name or on behalf of an airline company or of a vehicle rental company, or within a partnership with such a company; public transport of passengers; vehicle breakdown assistance (towing); car rental; rental of storage containers; freight brokerage; transport brokerage; rental of warehouses; garage rental; rental of wheelchairs; putting wheelchairs at disposal of passengers in airports (rental); parking place rental; piloting; salvaging; rescue operations (transport); loaning, rental and putting at disposal of air vehicles or airplanes; professional consultancy in the field of air transport; forwarding of foodstuffs, beverages, meals or tray meals; loading and unloading of goods on board airplanes for the fitting-out of cabins, cockpits and holds; handling of goods and luggage, namely in airports; handling of embarkation ramps and gangways; organisation of transfer and transit of passengers, crew, flying personnel and luggage from an airport or airplane to another airport or airplane; distribution of energy, namely on board airplanes; reservation of transport tickets, airplane tickets, travel tickets, car rental tickets, namely via the internet, intranet or extranet networks; all included in Class 39.

CLASS : 39

2015053689 12 March 2015

Advertisement of a series of two trade marks

Transport; packaging and storage of goods; travel arrangement; distribution of electricity; travel information; provision of car parking facilities; all included in Class 39.

Persatuan Memperbaiki Akhlak Che Ann Khor Yong Peng, Johor; Lot HS 2677, PT 2446, Jalan Kota Impian 1, Taman Kota Impian, 83700 Yong Peng, Johor , Malaysia. 83700, JOHOR MALAYSIA

AGENT: Low Chee Keong, 24, Jalan E/H 33 Taman Evergreen Heights 83000 Batu Pahat

CLASS : 39—cont.


CLASS : 39

2015059907 24 June 2015

Registration of this trade mark shall give no right to the exclusive use of the words “ask” and “.com”.

Transport; packaging and storage of goods; delivery of goods; all included in Class 39.

Freshening Industries (M) Sdn Bhd; 22A, Jalan PJU 3/46, Sunway Damansara Technology Park, 47810,Petaling Jaya, , SELANGOR MALAYSIA

AGENT: Goh Mei Ling, Henry Goh & Co. Sdn. Bhd.217, Jalan Imbi 55100 Kuala Lumpur

CLASS : 39

2015060892 09 July 2015

Packaging of materials for transportation, and advisory services related thereto; services for packaging and consignment, packaging of goods, including composition of packaging systems for transportation of goods; all included in Class 39.

Pregis Innovative Packaging LLC; 1650 Lake Cook Road, Suite 400, Deerfield, Illinois 60015, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA

AGENT: Goh Mei Ling, Henry Goh & Co. Sdn. Bhd.217, Jalan Imbi 55100 Kuala Lumpur


CLASS : 39

2015065764 22 September 2015

Advertisement of a series of two trade marks

The first trade mark in the series is limited to the colours as shown in the representation on the form of application.

Alibaba Group Holding Limited; Fourth Floor, One Capital Place, P. O. Box 847, George Town, Grand Cayman, CAYMAN ISLANDS

AGENT: Chuah Jern Ern, Advanz Fidelis Sdn. Bhd. Suite 609, Block D, Phileo Damansara 1 No. 9, Jalan 16/11 46350 Petaling Jaya

Gps (global positioning system) navigation services; provision of information relating to travel and tourism through the internet or through telecommunication networks; providing an interactive online database featuring roadway, travel, navigation, traffic and point-of-interest (travel) information; providing information to travellers regarding fares, timetables and public transport; travel and tourism information and guide services; route guidance and planning services; travel arrangement; travel agency services; travel ticket agency services; arranging travel and information therefor, all provided on-line from a computer database or the internet; yacht and/or boat trips; providing driving directions for travel purposes; rental of navigational systems; transport; providing road and traffic information; providing navigation and information services, namely information relating to traffic and traffic jams; transport of goods and passengers; car transport; air transport; vehicle rental; car rental services; chauffeur services; transport by pipeline; transport services in the nature of transport management; providing flying areas, namely providing access to airstrips, landing strips and runways; packaging; packaging and storage of goods; physical storage of electronically-stored data or documents; message delivery; delivery of goods by mail order; courier services [messages or merchandise]; ship brokerage; loading and unloading of cargo; freight brokerage; removal services; brokerage for rental, leasing, selling, purchasing and/or chartering of ships and/or boats; salvage and refloating of ships and/or boats; piloting; gas distribution and supply; electricity distribution and supply; heat distributionand supply; water distribution and supply; mooring facility services; rental of warehouses; rental and/or leasing of wheelchairs; rental and/or leasing of airplanes; rental and/or leasing of bicycles; rental and/or leasing of cars; rental and/or leasing of ships and/or boats; rental and/or leasing of man-powered vehicles; rental and/or leasing of mechanical parking systems; management of parking spaces; car parking services; providing toll road; rental and/or leasing of containers; rental and/or leasing of pallets; rental and/or leasing of packaging or wrapping machines; rental and/or leasing of refrigerator; collection of domestic waste and trash; collection of industrial waste and trash; consultancy, information and advisory services relating to the aforesaid services; all included in Class 39.


CLASS : 39

2015068193 29 October 2015

International priority date claimed : 17 June 2015,Japan

Vehicle transport; vehicle-driving services; rental of automobiles with drivers; vehicle rental; rental of wheelchairs; rental of electric wheelchairs; rental of wheelchairs for nursing care; rental of walking aid vehicles; parking services; management of parking places;distribution of energy and providing information relating thereto; distribution of energy for space heating and cooling of buildings; storage; warehousing services of deposited automobiles; all included in Class 39.

AISIN SEIKI KABUSHIKI KAISHA (also trading as Aisin Seiki Co., Ltd.); 2-1 Asahi-machi, Kariya-shi, Aichi-ken, JAPAN

AGENT: Helen Huang, Peter Huang & Richard 368-3-1 & 2 Bellisa Row Jalan Burma 10350 Penang

CLASS : 39

2015069621 20 November 2015

Advertisement of a series of two trade marks

The first trade mark in the series is limited to the colours as shown in the representation on the form of application.

Leasing of vehicles, apparatus for locomotion by land, air or water, fork lift trucks, trucks, and parts therefor; all the aforesaid services also provided via the internet; allincluded in Class 39.

Lisman Forklifts Group N.V.; Techniekweg 1, 3401 MH IJsselstein , NETHERLANDS

AGENT: Pauline Khor Hong Ping, Rahmat Lim & Partners Suite 33.01, Level 33, The Gardens North Tower Mid Valley City, Lingkaran Syed Putra 59200 Kuala Lumpur


CLASS : 39

2015070327 01 December 2015

International priority date claimed : 26 November 2015,New Zealand

Travel agency services; arranging, operating and organising excursions, expeditions, tours, travel and transportation; booking and reservation services for travel, excursions, expeditions, tours and transportation; escorting travellers; travel guide services; tourist office and agency services; chartering of aircraft; rental, hire or leasing of vehicles including motorhomes and campervans; information and advisory services relating to all the foregoing services; all included in Class 39.

WORLDWIDE HOLIDAYS LIMITED; 89 Anzac Avenue, Auckland Central, Auckland 1010, NEW ZEALAND

AGENT: Lim Yean Yean, Wong Jin Nee & Teo 13A - 5Level 13A, Menara Milenium 8, Jalan Damanlela, Bukit Damansara 50490 Kuala Lumpur

CLASS : 39

2015070331 01 December 2015

International priority date claimed : 26 November 2015,New Zealand

Travel agency services; arranging, operating and organising excursions, expeditions, tours, travel and transportation; booking and reservation services for travel, excursions, expeditions, tours and transportation; escorting travellers; travel guide services; tourist office and agency services; chartering of aircraft; rental, hire or leasing of vehicles including motorhomes and campervans; information and advisory services relating to all the foregoing services; all included in Class 39.

WORLDWIDE HOLIDAYS LIMITED; 89 Anzac Avenue, Auckland Central, Auckland 1010, NEW ZEALAND

AGENT: Lim Yean Yean, Wong Jin Nee & Teo 13A - 5Level 13A, Menara Milenium 8, Jalan Damanlela, Bukit Damansara 50490 Kuala Lumpur


CLASS : 39

2016000468 18 January 2016

Travel agency included in Class 39.

Oriental Grace Travel Sdn Bhd; No. 39, Ground Floor Jalan Melaka Raya 8 Taman Melaka Raya 75000, MELAKA MALAYSIA

CLASS : 39

2016053504 01 March 2016

Transport; packaging of goods; marine transport; car transport; air transport; chauffeur services; arranging of travel tours; water distribution; storage of goods; courier services [messages or merchandise]; all included in Class 39.

COUNTRY GARDEN ESTATE DEVELOPMENT CO., LTD.; Beside Bijiang Bridge, Beijiao Town, Shunde District, Foshan City, GUANGDONG , PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA

AGENT: Tee Lin Yik, Tee IP Sdn Bhd Suite 32-2, Jalan Dwitasik, Dataran Dwitasik Bandar Sri Permaisuri 56000 Kuala Lumpur


CLASS : 40

2014012906 19 November 2014

Treatment of materials, namely land decontamination, soil treatment services, soil redemption services, decontamination of nuclear waste, decontamination of hazardous materials, decontamination of sub-surface soil sites, chemical decontamination of nuclear plants, waste water reprocessing, reprocessing of nuclear fuels, conversion of nuclear fuels, air treatment, water treatment, treatment of waste materials, fuel treatment services, treatment of natural gas, treatment of flue gas, treatment of hazardous materials and substances, industrial treatment of effluents, treatment of industrial waste, chemical treatment of exhaust gases from fossil fuel combustion; recovery of hydrocarbons from gas; custom manufacture of replacement parts for use in utility power and industrial facilities, including acid gas burners, rotary kilns and flue gas cleaning equipment; recycling and waste treatment; recycling of nuclear fuels; processing of fuel materials; all included in Class 40.

Amec Foster Wheeler Plc; Booths Park Chelford Road Knutsford Cheshire WA16 8QZ , UNITED KINGDOM

AGENT: Karen Navamani Abraham, Shearn Delamore & Co. 7th. Floor, Wisma Hamzah-Kwong Hing No. 1, Leboh Ampang 50100 Kuala Lumpur

CLASS : 40

2014055177 08 April 2014

By consent of the registered proprietor of trade mark no 09001640

Tailoring or dressmaking; tailoring [custom manufacture]; sewing services, namely custom construction, stitching, tailoring of custom clothing and costume items; all included in Class 40.

BAK TAILORING SDN BHD; 1876, Jalan Taman Harmonis Batu 6 ¼, Gombak 53100, KUALA LUMPUR MALAYSIA

AGENT: Lim Hui Qi, Lim Chong Chuan & Associates Sdn Bhd 3-1, Jln 3/116D, Kuchai Entrepreneurs' Park Off Jalan Kuchai Lama 58200 Kuala Lumpur


CLASS : 40

2014058642 11 June 2014

Advertisement of a series of two trade marks

The second trade mark in the series is limited to the colours as shown in the representation on the form of application.

Registration of this trade mark shall give no right to the exclusive use of the words “power up your world”.

Metal plating; plating (metal-); all included in Class 40

Gathergates Switchgear Pte. Ltd.; 29, Tai Seng Avenue 07-01, 534119 SINGAPORE

AGENT: Goh Joo Seong, Cheang & Ariff

CLASS : 40

2015059704 19 June 2015

International priority date claimed : 22 December 2014,Germany

Treatment of materials, namely processing of workpieces, production of profiles, production of slit coils, cutting of sheets and plates of metal, boards or trapezoids, curing of materials and surface finishing, in particular by means of hot dip galvanising, hot dip aluminising, zinc plating or organic coating; custom manufacture of bodies for vehicles, chassis parts, components for vehicle undercarriages and components for vehicle drives, in particular internal combustion engines, for others; toolmaking in the form of custom manufacture, for others; waste, waste water and pollutant treatment, recycling of waste, waste water, scrap and trash; print shops, namely printing; locksmiths (metal treating); carpentry (woodworking); all included in Class 40.

ThyssenKrupp AG; ThyssenKrupp AG, ThyssenKrupp Allee 1, 45143 Essen, GERMANY

AGENT: Charmayne Ong Poh Yin, Skrine Unit No. 50-8-1, 8th Floor, Wisma UOA Damansara 50 Jalan Dungun, Damansara Heights 50490 Kuala Lumpur


CLASS : 40

2015068196 29 October 2015

International priority date claimed : 17 June 2015,Japan

Metalwork; processing of rubber; processing of plastics; ceramic processing; processing of automobile parts; custom manufacturing services relating to automobiles and their parts and fittings; surface processing of building and construction materials; rental of knitting machines; rental of sewing machines; recycling of waste; collection, sorting and disposal of waste and trash; collection, sorting, disposal and recycling of recycled products and second-hand goods and agency services thereof; providing information or technical advice on collection, sorting, disposal or recycling of recycled products or second-hand goods; providing information on recycling of used automobiles based on the act on recycling, etc. of end-of-live vehicles; rental of air-conditioningapparatus [for household purposes]; rental of humidifier [for household purposes]; rental of air purifiers [for household purposes]; rental of electric power generators; rental of electric power generators with cogeneration functions; rental of humidifier [for industrial purposes]; rental of air purifiers [for industrial purposes]; rental of air-conditioning apparatus [for industrial purposes]; rental of air-conditioning apparatus with cogeneration functions [for industrial purposes]; tailoring or dressmaking; embroidery [embroidering]; consultancy or agency services for tailoring, dressmaking and embroidering; rental of textile machines and apparatus; all included in Class 40.

AISIN SEIKI KABUSHIKI KAISHA (also trading as Aisin Seiki Co., Ltd.); 2-1 Asahi-machi, Kariya-shi, Aichi-ken, JAPAN

AGENT: Helen Huang, Peter Huang & Richard 368-3-1 & 2 Bellisa Row Jalan Burma 10350 Penang


CLASS : 40

2015068263 29 October 2015

Metal fabrication and finishing services; cutting of metal; cutting of precious stones; metal cutting; steel cutting; shearing of metals; metal treatment services; welding services; treating [forming] of metal; all included in Class 40.

LASERTEC SDN. BHD.; 2E, Jalan Wangsa Utama, Taman Wangsa Permai, 52100, Kepong, KUALA LUMPUR MALAYSIA

AGENT: Gan Wai Kwang, Tiger Intellectual Sdn Bhd Suite 2.16, Desa Complex Jalan Kepong 52100 Kuala Lumpur

CLASS : 40

2016001378 11 February 2016

Registration of this trade mark shall give no right to the exclusive use of the words "solutions".

Treatment of materials; all included in Class 40.

YII KWONG KEH; No. 144, Lot 4999, Lorong 13, Taman Samarax, 94300 Kota Samarahan, SARAWAK MALAYSIA


CLASS : 41

2010024558 22 December 2010

The trade mark is limited to the colours as shown in the representation on the form of application.

Registration of this trade mark shall give no right to the exclusive use, separately, of the words “efficient” and “building”.

Education; arranging and conducting of training workshops; organization of events for cultural, educational and training purposes related to sustainable construction, construction methods, respect for the environment and energy saving in the field of building materials; all included in Class 41.

Lafarge; 61 Rue Des Belles Feuilles 75116, PARIS, FRANCE

AGENT: Timothy Siaw, Shearn Delamore & Co. 7th Floor, Wisma Hamzah-Kwong Hing No. 1, Leboh Ampang 50100 Kuala Lumpur

CLASS : 41

2013056911 15 July 2013

Advertisement of a series of four trade marks

The second and third trademarks in the series are limited to the colours as shown in the representation on the form of application.

LEAP Associates Consultancy Sdn Bhd; A-3-5 Mont Kiara Pelangi, Jalan Kiara 1, 50480, KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA

AGENT: Wong Huei Niang, Huei & Co. 16-3A, Jalan PJU 1/3A Sunwaymas Commercial Centre 47301 Petaling Jaya

Training, consultancy and related development services in respect of all of the following namely top management team development training, senior executive and extended leadership teams development training, strategy development, alignment and implementation training, production and service delivery teams development training, collaborative team skills development and focused results delivery training, coaching for individual performance and development training, skills training in groups on employee engagement and motivation management; leading change skills training for


senior leaders, skills training on learning organization, engagement skills and systems thinking, skills training on envisioning, transitioning, planning and implementation, skills training for individuals on leadership challenges and personal development, training in workplace disciplines, progression and capacity development; training in mentoring disciplines, progression and capacity development; training in methodology and application of ancient wisdom and extreme peace-making, training in methodology and application in multi-generational workplace relationships, training in methodology and application of paradigm-shifting for marketplace and societal transformation and reconciliation, training related to education management, early-child development, curriculum development, curriculum transfer and exchange (training); teaching skills management, teacher development and management, training on information technology development, training on sales and marketing, training on e-commerce, training on event management, training (leadership) and consultancy in production of music show and stage performances, training related to music performance, development and production management, education services for health, physical movement and therapy, training (leadership) and consultancy in relation to media communications, media services, client and customer relations, training of organisation brand and reputation; publishing services namely publication of journal articles, periodicals, magazines, personal blogs, and works of others featuring user created information and multimedia content in the fields of time management, organization, leadership, communication, health, business strategy and management, and personal and professional assessment, development and improvement; all included in Class 41.

CLASS : 41

2014002451 05 March 2014

Arranging and conducting of seminars, conferences, congresses, symposiums and courses relating to wholefood supplements formulation, nutrional indology consultation health seminars and talks, providing of educational and training services for environmental awareness support, safety and health care, and quality care methods; provision of training, education, information and courses relating to bio energetic nutrional courses; all included in Class 41.

Chan Choong Leong; No. 19, Jalan SP 2 Taman Seri Putra 47000, SUNGAI BULOH, SELANGOR MALAYSIA

CLASS : 41

2014011488 14 October 2014

Digi Telecommunications Sdn. Bhd.; Lot 30, Jalan Delima 1/3 Subang Hi-Tech Industrial Park 40000, SHAH ALAM, SELANGOR MALAYSIA

AGENT: Tai Foong Lam, Gan Partnership Unit A-35-3A, Menara UOA Bangsar 5 Jalan Bangsar Utama 1 59000 Kuala Lumpur

Education; providing of training; entertainment; sporting and cultural activities; arranging and conducting of conferences; arranging and conducting of congresses; arranging and conducting of

CLASS : 41—cont.


seminars; arranging and conducting of symposiums; arranging and conducting of workshops [training]; digital imaging services; education information; entertainment information; game services provided on-line [from a computer network]; organisation of competitions for education or entertainment; providing on-line electronic publications [not downloadable]; recording studio services; rental of sound recordings; all included in Class 41.

CLASS : 41

2014012904 19 November 2014

Training services; training programs; operational training and qualification; preparation of operating manuals; publication of technical operating manuals; consultancy services in relation to all of the aforesaid services; all included in Class 41.

Amec Foster Wheeler Plc; Booths Park Chelford Road Knutsford Cheshire WA16 8QZ , UNITED KINGDOM

AGENT: Karen Navamani Abraham, Shearn Delamore & Co. 7th. Floor, Wisma Hamzah-Kwong Hing No. 1, Leboh Ampang 50100 Kuala Lumpur

CLASS : 41

2014014601 31 December 2014

Advertisement of a series of two trade marks

Registration of this trade mark shall give no right to the exclusive use, separately, of the words “petroleum academy”and “Malaysia”.

Arranging and conducting of seminars, arranging and conducting of workshops [training], education information, educational services, information (education-), publication of texts [other than publicity texts], vocational guidance [education or training advice], workshops (arranging and conducting of-) [training]; all included in Class 41.

Prestariang Systems Sdn. Bhd.; 70-73, NeoCyber Lingkaran Cyber Point Barat 63000, CYBERJAYA, SELANGOR MALAYSIA

AGENT: Syed Naqiz Shahabuddin bin Syed Abdul Jabbar, Naqiz & Partners No. 42A, Lorong Dungun, Damansara Heights 50490 Kuala Lumpur

CLASS : 41—cont.


CLASS : 41

2014014602 31 December 2014

Advertisement of a series of two trade marks

The first and second trade marks in the series are limited to the colours as shown in the representation on the form of application.

Registration of this trade mark shall give no right to the exclusive use, separately, of the words “petroleum academy”and “Malaysia”.

Arranging and conducting of seminars, arranging and conducting of workshops [training], education information, educational services, information (education-), publication of texts [other than publicity texts], vocational guidance [education or training advice], workshops (arranging and conducting of-) [training]; all included in Class 41.

Prestariang Systems Sdn. Bhd.; 70-73, NeoCyber Lingkaran Cyber Point Barat 63000, CYBERJAYA, SELANGOR MALAYSIA

AGENT: Syed Naqiz Shahabuddin bin Syed Abdul Jabbar, Naqiz & Partners

CLASS : 41

2014052519 21 February 2014

The transliteration and translation of the Chinese characters appearing in the mark is "wan mei shi jie" meaning “perfect world”.

Beijing Perfect World Digital Technology Co., Ltd; A801, Floor 8, #1 Building, #1 Shangdi East Road, Haidian District, Beijing, PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CHINA

AGENT: Charmayne Ong Poh Yin, Skrine

Organization of competitions [education or entertainment]; publication of electronic books and journals on-line; providing on-line electronic publications, not downloadable; modeling for artists; film production, other than advertising films; production of radio and television programs; production of music; scriptwriting services; game services provided on-line from a computer network; animal training; all included in Class 41.


CLASS : 41

2014053570 11 March 2014

Advertisement of a series of two trade marks

The second trade mark in the series is limited to the colours as shown in the representation on the form of application

Arranging and conducting of conferences; arranging and conducting of seminars; language translation and language interpretation services; sign language interpretation; workshops (arranging and conducting of-) [training]; all included in Class 41.


AGENT: Charmayne Ong Poh Yin, Skrine Unit No. 50-8-1, 8th Floor, Wisma UOA Damansara 50 Jalan Dungun, Damansara Heights 50490 Kuala Lumpur

CLASS : 41

2015007441 16 July 2015

Advertisement of a series of two trade marks

Entertainment; arranging contests; provision of on-line entertainment; publication of texts, other than publicity texts; organisation of competitions [education or entertainment]; all included in Class 41.

Beetalk Private Limited; 1 Fusionopolis Place #17-10, Galaxis 138522, SINGAPORE

AGENT: Michael Soo Chow Ming, Shook Lin & Bok 20th Floor, Ambank Group Building 55 Jalan Raja Chulan 50200 Kuala Lumpur


CLASS : 41

2015010637 20 October 2015

Advertisement of a series of two trade marks

The first and second trade marks in the series are limited to the colours as shown in the representation on the form of application.

Registration of this trade mark shall give no right to the exclusive use of the words “quranic mastery academy”.

Education, providing of training and personal development; all included in Class 41.

QOMARY LEARNING CENTRE SDN BHD; No 47-01, Jalan SS 2/6 Taman Sri Saujana 81900, Kota Tinggi, JOHOR MALAYSIA

CLASS : 41

2015053690 12 March 2015

Advertisement of a series of two trade marks

Education; providing of training; entertainment; sporting and cultural activities; all included in Class 41.

Persatuan Memperbaiki Akhlak Che Ann Khor Yong Peng, Johor; of Lot HS 2677, PT 2446, Jalan Kota Impian 1, Taman Kota Impian, 83700 Yong Peng, JOHOR MALAYSIA

AGENT: Low Chee Keong, 24, Jalan E/H 33 Taman Evergreen Heights 83000 Batu Pahat


CLASS : 41

2015053724 12 March 2015

The transliteration and translation of the Chinese characters of which the mark consists are “zhuan yuan xiang long”meaning “fortune dragon”.

Education; providing of training; entertainment; sporting and cultural activities; all included in Class 41.

Persatuan Memperbaiki Akhlak Che Ann Khor Yong Peng, Johor; Lot HS 2677, PT 2446, Jalan Kota Impian 1, Taman Kota Impian, 83700 Yong Peng, JOHOR MALAYSIA

AGENT: Low Chee Keong, 24, Jalan E/H 33 Taman Evergreen Heights 83000 Batu Pahat

CLASS : 41

2015056045 20 April 2015

Registration of this trade mark shall give no right to the exclusive use of the words "asiapro" and "chef".

Advisory services relating to training; arranging and conducting of workshops (training); practical training (demonstration); providing courses of training; provision of training; provision of training facilities; training; coaching; cooking Classes; cooking instruction; workshops (arranging and conducting of cooking class) training; online electronic publishing of books and periodicals; academies (education); publishing of books; all included in class 41.

ASIAPRO CHEF SDN. BHD.; No. 39-40, Persiaran PM 2/3, Pusat Bandar Seksyen 2, 32040, Seri Manjung, PERAK MALAYSIA

AGENT: Foo Kit Sin, Unireno Associates Sdn. Bhd. No. 62, Persiaran Kledang Timur 19 Bandar Baru Menglembu 31450 Ipoh


CLASS : 41

2015056543 28 April 2015

Education and education activities; providing training; organizing and conducting conferences, workshops and seminars; organizing and conducting in-house seminars, training and workshops; all included in Class 41.

Persatuan Ahli Sains dan Teknologi Minyak Malaysia (MOSTA); C-3A-10, Tingkat 4, Blok C, Damansara Intan, No. 1, Jalan SS20/27, 47400, PETALING JAYA, SELANGOR MALAYSIA

AGENT: Ong Chui Koon, Quality Oracle Sdn Bhd L5-07,Level 5,Wisma BU 8 No. 11, Lebuh Bandar Utama, Bandar Utama 47800 Petaling Jaya

CLASS : 41

2015058401 02 June 2015

Registration of this trade mark shall give no right to the exclusive use of a letter “x”.

Entertainment services, namely production and distribution of motion picture films for viewing through the media of television, cinema, physical media, and other media; production of motion picture films, videotapes, blu-ray discs, dvds, and other optical media, featuring audio content; multimedia entertainment services, namely recording, production, and post-production services in the fields of music, video, and films; film distribution and film services, namely the encoding of motion picture soundtracks; movie theaters; motion picture theaters; all included in Class 41.

DTS, Inc.; 5220 Las Virgenes Road, Calabasas, CA 91302, , UNITED STATES OF AMERICA

AGENT: Goh Mei Ling, Henry Goh & Co. Sdn. Bhd. 217, Jalan Imbi 55100 Kuala Lumpur


CLASS : 41

2015058404 02 June 2015

Registration of this trade mark shall give no right to the exclusive use of the letter “x”.

Entertainment services, namely production and distribution of motion picture films for viewing through the media of television, cinema, physical media, and other media; production of motion picture films, videotapes, blu-ray discs, dvds, and other optical media, featuring audio content; multimedia entertainment services, namely recording, production, and post-production services in the fields of music, video, and films; film distribution and film services, namely the encoding of motion picture soundtracks; movie theaters; motion picture theaters; all included in Class 41.

DTS, Inc.; 5220 Las Virgenes Road, Calabasas, CA 91302, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA

AGENT: Goh Mei Ling, Henry Goh & Co. Sdn. Bhd. 217, Jalan Imbi 55100 Kuala Lumpur

CLASS : 41

2015062432 30 July 2015

Registration of this trade mark shall give no right to the exclusive use of the word "museum".


AGENT: Loh Yen Pheng, Intellect Trademark Sdn Bhd IPeople House 7A Clove Hall Road 10050 Pulau Pinang

Display of works of art (exhibitions, shows, museums, galleries); museum exhibitions; museum services; providing museum facilities (presentation, exhibitions); arranging of exhibitions for cultural purposes; arranging of exhibitions for educational purposes; arranging of exhibitions for training purposes; art exhibition services; conducting of exhibitions for educational purposes; art gallery services; cultural activities; cultural information; management of cultural events; publication of books; publication of magazines; publication of newspapers; publication of multimedia material online; publication of posters; publication of texts (other than publicity texts); publication of electronic books and journals online; providing online electronic publications (not downloadable); all included in Class 41.


CLASS : 41

2015064107 25 August 2015

International priority date claimed : 02 March 2015,United States Of America

The trade mark is limited to the colours orange as shown in the representation on the form of application.

Providing on-line magazines featuring developments in technology included in Class 41.

Flextronics International Ltd.; 2 Changi South Lane, Singapore 486123 SINGAPORE

AGENT: Karen Navamani Abraham, Shearn Delamore & Co. 7th. Floor, Wisma Hamzah-Kwong Hing No. 1, Leboh Ampang 50100 Kuala Lumpur

CLASS : 41

2015067124 12 October 2015

Organising of sports events; arranging of sports competitions; rental of sports equipment; education services relating to sports; organising community sporting and cultural events; ticket reservation and booking services for entertainment, sporting and cultural events; all included in Class 41.

MANTRA EXPERIENTIAL SDN. BHD.; C-3A-33A Camilia Block, 10 Boulevard, Lebuhraya Sprint, PJU 6A, 47400,Petaling Jaya, SELANGOR MALAYSIA

AGENT: Chung Chee Yien, NBS Intellectual Sdn. Bhd. I-3-3, Block I, Setiawalk, Persiaran Wawasan Pusat Bandar Puchong 47160 Puchong


CLASS : 41

2015067342 15 October 2015

The trade mark is limited to the colours as shown in the representation on the form of application.

Education; training; entertainment; publication of from texts (other than publicity texts) and/or printed matters with images and/or movie production works, in particular multimedia works, included in this Class, in each case also for transmission digital data networks; all included in class 41

LichtBlick SE; Zirkusweg 6, 20359 Hamburg, GERMANY

AGENT: Clara Yip Choon Foong, Marqonsult IP Sdn. Bhd. B706, Level 7, Block B, Kelana Square Jalan SS7/26, Kelana Jaya 47301 Petaling Jaya

CLASS : 41

2015068197 29 October 2015

International priority date claimed : 17 June 2015,Japan

Educational and instruction services relating to arts, crafts, sports or general knowledge; arranging, conducting or organization of seminars; amusements and entertainment; providing amusement facilities; organization, arranging or conducting of sports events and competitions; providing sports facilities; providing electronic publications; reference libraries of literature and documentary records; book rental; providing facilities for movies, shows, plays, music or educational training; providing facilities for lectures, workshops, seminars and symposiums; exhibitions of data and documents relating to automobiles; organization of exhibitions for scientific, economic and cultural purposes; all included in Class 41.

AISIN SEIKI KABUSHIKI KAISHA (also trading as Aisin Seiki Co., Ltd.); 2-1 Asahi-machi, Kariya-shi, Aichi-ken, JAPAN

AGENT: Helen Huang, Peter Huang & Richard 368-3-1 & 2 Bellisa Row Jalan Burma 10350 Penang


CLASS : 41

2015068817 06 November 2015

The trade mark is limited to the colours as shown in the representation on the form of application.

Registration of this trade mark shall give no right to the exclusive use of the words “performing arts language learning”.

Education; entertainment; cultural activities; publishing (including online publishing); organising Classes, courses, theatrical performances and other events; including all the aforesaid aimed at children and/or concerning the performing arts, languages and/or communication; advisory, consultancy and information services in relation to all the aforesaid; all included in class 41.

Jazzitup Kids Limited; HealthAid House 1 Marlborough Hill, Harrow Middlesex HA1 1UD, UNITED KINGDOM

AGENT: Mohana Murali A/L Kodivel, Adastra Intellectual Property Sdn Bhd A-39-10, Penthouse, Menara UOA Bangsar No. 5, Jalan Bangsar Utama 1 59000 Kuala Lumpur

CLASS : 41

2015068845 06 November 2015

Education; entertainment; cultural activities; publishing (including online publishing); organising Classes, courses, theatrical performances and other events; including all the aforesaid aimed at children and/or concerning the performing arts, languages and/or communication; advisory, consultancy and information services in relation to all the aforesaid; all included in class 41.

Jazzitup Kids Limited; HealthAid House 1 Marlborough Hill, Harrow Middlesex HA1 1UD, UNITED KINGDOM

AGENT: Mohana Murali A/L Kodivel, Adastra Intellectual Property Sdn Bhd A-39-10, Penthouse, Menara UOA Bangsar No. 5, Jalan Bangsar Utama 1 59000 Kuala Lumpur


CLASS : 41

2015070478 03 December 2015

International priority date claimed : 27 July 2015,European Union (Office For Harmonization In The Internal Market) - OHIM

Audio, video and images editing and production services;all included in Class 41.

Nokia Technologies Oy; Karaportti 3, Espoo, 02610, FINLAND

AGENT: Soh Kar Liang, Ella Cheong IP Services Sdn Bhd A-31-3, Level 31, Menara UOA Bangsar No 5, Jalan Bangsar Utama 1 59000 Kuala Lumpur

CLASS : 41

2015071371 15 December 2015

Arranging and conducting of workshops [training]; arranging and conducting cookery Classes in groups and for individuals; education; providing of training; entertainment; sporting and cultural activities; consultancy, advisory services and provision of information relating to all the foregoing; all included in class 41

AIA Company Limited; AIA Building, No. 1, Stubbs Road,HONG KONG

AGENT: Chew Kherk Ying, Wong & Partners Level 21, Suite 21.01, The Gardens South Tower Mid Valley City, Lingkaran Syed Putra 59200 Kuala Lumpur


CLASS : 41

2015071379 15 December 2015

Advertisement of a series of two trade marks

The first trade mark in the series is limited to the colours as shown in the representation on the form of application.

Arranging and conducting of workshops [training]; arranging and conducting cookery Classes in groups and for individuals; education; providing of training; entertainment; sporting and cultural activities; consultancy, advisory services and provision of information relating to all the foregoing; all included in class 41

AIA Company Limited; AIA Building, No. 1, Stubbs Road,HONG KONG

AGENT: Chew Kherk Ying, Wong & Partners Level 21, Suite 21.01, The Gardens South Tower Mid Valley City, Lingkaran Syed Putra 59200 Kuala Lumpur

CLASS : 41

2016000135 06 January 2016

Fullpoint Enterprises Limited; P.O.Box 3152 Road Town, Tortola British Virgin Islands , BRITISH VIRGIN ISLANDS

AGENT: Winnie Tham Wai Yee, Amica IP Services (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd 164B-1, 1st Floor, Wisma Sekiong Jalan Ngee Heng 80000 Johor Bahru

Publication, searching, subscription, and translation of books, magazines and periodicals; rental of books and magazines; providing information services in the field of fitness; providing information services in the field of fitness via global computer networks; publishing of online electronic publications (non- downloadable); publishing of online e-books and publications (non-downloadable); yoga studios; dance education; gymnastics education; education services; fitness education; yoga teaching services; aerobic training; fitness training; organization of seminars; arranging and conducting of conferences; conducting of fitness competitions; conducting yoga competitions; yoga training camps; sport training camps; gyms; provision of yoga equipment; rental services for sporting equipment; live performances (presentation of - ); production of films, videos, and audio tapes; planning and production of radio entertainment programs; planning and production of television entertainment programs; all included in Class 41.


CLASS : 41

2016000136 06 January 2016

Registration of this trade mark shall give no right to the exclusive use of the words “moved by music”.

Publication, searching, subscription, and translation of books, magazines and periodicals; rental of books and magazines; providing information services in the field of fitness; providing information services in the field of fitness via global computer networks; publishing of online electronic publications (non-downloadable); publishing of online e-books and publications (non-downloadable); yoga studios; dance education; gymnastics education; education services; fitness education; yoga teaching services; aerobic training; fitness training; organization of seminars; arranging and conducting of conferences;; conducting of fitness competitions; conducting yoga competitions; yoga training camps; sport training camps; gyms; provision of yoga equipment; rental services for sporting equipment; live performances (presentation of -); production of films, videos, and audio tapes; planning and production of radio entertainment programs; planning and production of television entertainment programs; all included in Class 41.

Fullpoint Enterprises Limited; P.O.Box 3152 Road Town, Tortola British Virgin Islands , BRITISH VIRGIN ISLANDS

AGENT: Winnie Tham Wai Yee, Amica IP Services(Malaysia) Sdn Bhd 164B-1, 1st Floor, Wisma Sekiong Jalan Ngee Heng 80000 Johor Bahru

CLASS : 41

2016000472 18 January 2016

Event management consultant, corporate marketing consultant, (organisation of education, entertainment, sporting or cultural events; all included in Class 41.

ARD MANAGEMENT SDN BHD; No. 28/01, Jalan Setia Tropika 1/27 Taman Setia Tropika Johor Bahru 81200, JOHOR MALAYSIA


CLASS : 41

2016001133 03 February 2016

Educational; providing of training; entertainment; sporting and cultural activities; all included in Class 41.

FARADALE MEDIA-M SDN BHD; Menara MAA Suite 10-6B& 10-7, Level 10, Jalan Ban Hock, 93100 Kuching,SARAWAK MALAYSIA

CLASS : 41

2016002137 02 March 2016

Registration of this trade mark shall give no right to the exclusive use of the words “business events”, “Sarawak” and “communicating. educating. awarding” .

Education; providing of training; all included in Class 41.


CLASS : 41

2016051405 28 January 2016

Arranging, conducting and organization of events; all included in Class 41.

LOW BOON HENG; 2-45, The Scott Garden, 289, Jalan Klang Lama, 58000, KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA

AGENT: Lim Hui Qi, Lim Chong Chuan & Associates Sdn Bhd 3-1, Jln 3/116D, Kuchai Entrepreneurs' Park Off Jalan Kuchai Lama 58200 Kuala Lumpur


CLASS : 41

2016051577 29 January 2016

Education; providing of training; entertainment; sporting and cultural activities; publishing and reporting services; translation and interpretation; electronic games services, including provision of computer games on line, on social networks, or by means of a global computer network; providing electronic games for use on mobile phones, tablets and other electronic mobile devices; providing enhancements within online computer and electronic games; providing electronic games for download to mobile phones, tablets and other electronic mobile devices; providing interactive single and multi-player electronic games via the internet, electronic communication networks or via a global computer network; publishing of computer game software, electronic games and video game software; all included in Class 41.

King.com Limited; Aragon House Business Centre Dragonara Road St. Julians STJ 3140 , MALTA

AGENT: Charmayne Ong Poh Yin, Skrine

CLASS : 42

2010024559 22 December 2010

The trade mark is limited to the colours as shown in the representation on the form of application.

Registration of this trade mark shall give no right to the exclusive use, separately, of the words “efficient” and “building”.

Lafarge; 61 Rue Des Belles Feuilles 75116, PARIS, FRANCE

AGENT: Timothy Siaw, Shearn Delamore & Co. 7th Floor, Wisma Hamzah-Kwong Hing No. 1, Leboh Ampang 50100 Kuala Lumpur

Industrial analysis and research services relating to sustainable construction, construction methods, respect for the environment and energy saving in the field of building materials; surveying, drafting of plans, technical project studies and professional consultancy relating to sustainable construction, construction methods, respect for the environment and energy saving in the field of building materials; material testing; laboratories for the study and development of building materials; all included in Class 42.


CLASS : 42

2013005321 11 April 2013

Registration of this trade mark shall give no right to the exclusive use of the word "it".

Scientific and technological services, computer hardware and software; all included in Class 42.

KAO SHENG DISTRIBUTION SDN BHD; No.6, Jalan Setia Tropika 1/1, Tmn Setia Tropika 81200, Johor Bahru, JOHOR MALAYSIA

CLASS : 42

2013056908 15 July 2013

Advertisement of a series of four trade marks

The second and third trade marks in the series are limited to the colours as shown in the representation on the form of application.

Registration of this trade mark shall give no right to the exclusive use of the word “group”.

Grading and Classification of efficiency and effectiveness of business, education and other organisations; grading and certification of competency level of business counsellors, coaches, trainers and consultants; all included in class 42.

LEAP Associates Consultancy Sdn Bhd; A-3-5 Mont Kiara Pelangi, Jalan Kiara 1, 50480, KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA

AGENT: Wong Huei Niang, Huei & Co. 16-3A, Jalan PJU 1/3A Sunwaymas Commercial Centre 47301 Petaling Jaya


CLASS : 42

2014006578 12 June 2014

International priority date claimed : 13 December 2013,United States Of America

Design and development of computer game hardware and software and virtual reality hardware and software; all included in Class 42.

Oculus VR, Inc.; 19800 MacArthur Boulevard Suite 450 Irvine California 92612 , UNITED STATES OF AMERICA

AGENT: Charmayne Ong Poh Yin, Skrine Unit No. 50-8-1, 8th Floor, Wisma UOA Damansara 50 Jalan Dungun, Damansara Heights 50490 Kuala Lumpur

CLASS : 42

2014051217 28 January 2014

Computer security services (design and development of secure computer hardware, software and systems); network security services (test and risk assessment of electronic networks); technological consultation services; product monitoring services; monitoring of computer systems by remote access; modifying of computer programs; installation, repair and maintenance of firmware; installation and maintenance of computer software; electronic data storage; data storage (other than physical storage); compilation of data-processing programs; advisory services relating to computer software; information technology (it) consultancy; all included in Class 42.

PEGASUS AUTOMATION SDN BHD; No. 29, Jalan Utara, 46200, Petaling Jaya, SELANGOR MALAYSIA

AGENT: Tee Lin Yik, Tee IP Sdn Bhd Suite 32-2, Jalan Dwitasik, Dataran Dwitasik Bandar Sri Permaisuri 56000 Kuala Lumpur


CLASS : 42

2014063422 09 September 2014

Design and development of computer hardware and software; computer programming; installation, updating and maintenance of computer software; conversion of data or documents from physical to electronic media; rental of computer software; rental of web servers; all included in Class 42.

Q3 AURELIA SDN BHD; No.43, Jalan 3/108C, Taman Sungai Besi, 57100, KUALA LUMPUR MALAYSIA

AGENT: Goh Mei Ling, Henry Goh & Co. Sdn. Bhd. 217, Jalan Imbi 55100 Kuala Lumpur

CLASS : 42

2014066416 03 November 2014

Registration of this trade mark shall give no right to the exclusive use of a letter “a” except as shown in the representation on the form of application

Providing temporary use of on-line non-downloadable software for use in managing, measuring, and serving advertising of others; application service provider featuring application programming interface (api) software for managing, tracking, reporting and measuring media planning, media buying and advertising of others; all included in Class 42.

Atlas Solutions, LLC; 1601 Willow Road, Menlo Park, California 94025, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA

AGENT: Charmayne Ong Poh Yin, Skrine Unit No. 50-8-1, 8th Floor, Wisma UOA Damansara 50 Jalan Dungun, Damansara Heights 50490 Kuala Lumpur


CLASS : 42

2014068395 08 December 2014

Scientific and technological services and research and design relating thereto; industrial analysis and research services; design and development of computer hardware and software; all included in Class 42.

TOYOTA JIDOSHA KABUSHIKI KAISHA (also trading as TOYOTA MOTOR CORPORATION); 1, Toyota-cho, Toyota-shi, Aichi-ken, JAPAN

AGENT: Charmayne Ong Poh Yin, Skrine Unit No. 50-8-1, 8th Floor, Wisma UOA Damansara 50 Jalan Dungun, Damansara Heights 50490 Kuala Lumpur

CLASS : 42

2015007350 14 July 2015

Advertisement of a series of two trade marks

The first trade mark in the series is limited to the colours as shown in the representation on the form of application.

Computer software consultancy; computer software design; computer software development; computer software engineering; maintenance of computer programs; modifying of computer programs; testing of computer programs; all included in Class 42.

8Excite Sdn. Bhd.; 898, Jalan Utara Taman Kepong 52100, KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA

AGENT: Yeong Zihao, B L Yeong & Associates 17-B, Jalan 54, Desa Jaya, Kepong 52100 Kuala Lumpur


CLASS : 42

2015007440 16 July 2015

Advertisement of a series of two trade marks

Computer programming; computer software design; computer systems integration services; data conversion of computer programs and data [not physical conversion]; data encryption and decoding services; design and development of computer programs for mobile phones; design and development of computer software for computers; diagnosis of faults in computer programs; hosting of software as a service (saas); maintenance of computer software relating to computer security and prevention of computer risks; providing temporary use of on-line non-downloadable authentication software for communications with computersvia global communication network; server hosting; software as a service [saas]; technological consultancy; telecommunications technology consultancy; troubleshooting of computer software problems [technical support]; updating of computer software relating to computer security and prevention of computer risks; all included in Class 42.

Beetalk Private Limited; 1 Fusionopolis Place #17-10, Galaxis 138522, SINGAPORE

AGENT: Michael Soo Chow Ming, Shook Lin & Bok 20th Floor, Ambank Group Building 55 Jalan Raja Chulan 50200 Kuala Lumpur

CLASS : 42

2015009913 28 September 2015

Providing technical advice and technical consultation services in the field of lubricants, namely providing expertise to customers regarding product selection, establishing customized lubrication programs and providing relevant lubrication industry knowledge; all included in Class 42.

Chevron Intellectual Property LLC; 6001 Bollinger Canyon Road San Ramon, California 94583 , UNITED STATES OFAMERICA

AGENT: Zaharizan Ahmed Meah, Drewmarks Patents & Designs (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd 9th Floor, Bangunan Getah Asli (Menara) 148 Jalan Ampang 50450 Kuala Lumpur


CLASS : 42

2015010425 13 October 2015

Engineering consultant services included in Class 42.

SELVEM A/L RAMAN; No 42-02, Jalan Setia Tropika 1/1 Taman Setia Tropika 81200, Johor Bahru, JOHOR MALAYSIA

CLASS : 42

2015011687 13 November 2015

Design and development of computer hardware and software; all included in Class 42.

Omnimatics Sdn. Bhd.; 48, Jalan Kemuja Bangsar Utama 59000, KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA

CLASS : 42

2015012895 16 December 2015

Registration of this trade mark shall give no right to the exclusive use of the words “online system management solution”.

Programming of software for inventory management, design and development of software for inventory management; all included in Class 42.

MTECH HOLDINGS SDN BHD; 34-02, Jalan Molek 1/10, Taman Molek, Johor Bahru 81100, JOHOR MALAYSIA


CLASS : 42

2015052585 18 February 2015

Felda Global Ventures Holdings Berhad; Level 42, Menara Felda, Platinum Park, No.11, 50088, KUALA LUMPUR MALAYSIA

AGENT: Karen Navamani Abraham, Shearn Delamore & Co. 7th. Floor, Wisma Hamzah-Kwong Hing No. 1, Leboh Ampang 50100 Kuala Lumpur

Scientific, industrial, technical and technological research; scientific, industrial and technical project studies; laboratory testing in the areas of the environment, microbiology, food industry, palm oil, pesticides, chemical solvents pharmaceutical products; engineering; quality control; chemical research; mechanical research; industrial design; architectural consultation; construction drafting; biological research; computer system analysis; computer system design; computer virus protection services; computer software design; updating of computer software; computer software consultancy; computer programming; conversion of data or documents from physical to electronic media; consultancy in the design and development of computer hardware and software; duplication of computer programs; hosting computer sites [web sites]; information technology [it] consulting services; maintenance of computer software; web site design consultancy; server hosting; research and development of new products for others; all included in Class 42.

CLASS : 42

2015059537 18 June 2015

Advertisement of a series of two trade marks

Consulting services in the field of design, selection, implementation and use of computer software and computer software systems for others; consulting services in the field of testing computer software systems for others; maintenance of computer software systems for others; migration of application software from one operating system to another for others; and consulting services in the field of information technology, namely software architecture and design; information technology consultation services; information technology integration services; all included in Class 42.

UST Global (Singapore) PTE Limited; 31 Cantonment Road Singapore 089747 , SINGAPORE

AGENT: Charmayne Ong Poh Yin, Skrine Unit No. 50-8-1, 8th Floor, Wisma UOA Damansara 50 Jalan Dungun, Damansara Heights 50490 Kuala Lumpur


CLASS : 42

2015059538 18 June 2015

Advertisement of a series of two trade marks

Consulting services in the field of design, selection, implementation and use of computer software and computer software systems for others; consulting services in the field of testing computer software systems for others; maintenance of computer software systems for others; migration of application software from one operating system to another for others; and consulting services in the field of information technology, namely software architecture and design; information technology consultation services; information technology integration services; all included in Class 42.

UST Global (Singapore) PTE Limited; 31 Cantonment Road Singapore 089747 , SINGAPORE

AGENT: Charmayne Ong Poh Yin, Skrine

CLASS : 42

2015059540 18 June 2015

Advertisement of a series of two trade marks

Consulting services in the field of design, selection, implementation and use of computer software and computer software systems for others; consulting services in the field of testing computer software systems for others; maintenance of computer software systems for others; migration of application software from one operating system to another for others; and consulting services in the field of information technology, namely software architecture and design; information technology consultation services; information technology integration services; all included in Class 42.

UST Global (Singapore) PTE Limited; 31 Cantonment Road Singapore 089747 , SINGAPORE

AGENT: Charmayne Ong Poh Yin, Skrine Unit No. 50-8-1, 8th Floor, Wisma UOA Damansara 50 Jalan Dungun, Damansara Heights 50490 Kuala Lumpur


CLASS : 42

2015059709 19 June 2015

International priority date claimed : 22 December 2014,Germany

Architecture; town planning; structural engineering; mining engineering; chemistry services; computer science; engineering; design of interior decor; media consultancy, namely technical consultancy in the field of press and public relations; physics (research); software programming; stress analysis (construction planning); technical drawing; surveying, included in Class 42; research, construction of prototypes for research purposes and for technical product development, and research in the field of technology for ships; design and development of computer software in the field of ships; material testing; conducting of technical measurements, inspections and calculations in the field of ships, surveying in the context of data analysis in the field of ships, technical consultancy, technical planning and development, and technical project management in relation to shipbuilding projects; engineering for calculation, dimensioning and design in relation to ships; providing of technical information in relation to ships; technical condition monitoring for ships, included in class 42; technical consultancy in the field of computing; installation and maintenance of computer software; rental of data processing installations and computers; technical analysis of it infrastructures; technical design and technical planning of installations and apparatus for telecommunications; contaminated site management, namely technical design of property decontamination projects; computer rental; all included in class 42.

ThyssenKrupp AG; ThyssenKrupp AG, ThyssenKrupp Allee 1, 45143 Essen, GERMANY

AGENT: Charmayne Ong Poh Yin, Skrine Unit No. 50-8-1, 8th Floor, Wisma UOA Damansara 50 Jalan Dungun, Damansara Heights 50490 Kuala Lumpur


CLASS : 42

2015064594 02 September 2015

Computer services, namely, computer consultation, customization of computer hardware and software, computer hardware and software design and development, deployment and installation of computer software; all included in Class 42.

VCE Company LLC; 1500 North Greenville Avenue, Suite 1100, Richardson, Texas 75081, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA

AGENT: Goh Mei Ling, Henry Goh & Co. Sdn. Bhd. 217, Jalan Imbi 55100 Kuala Lumpur

CLASS : 42

2015065867 23 September 2015

Registration of this trade mark shall give no right to the exclusive use of the word “biosains”.

Consultation and research services in the field of structural and functional genomics and related technology applications, including but not limited to gene mapping, sequencing, cloning and bioinformatics; all included in Class 42.

Orion Biosains Sdn. Bhd.; Suite 21.02 & 03, Menara Haw Par, Jalan Sultan Ismail 50250, KUALA LUMPUR MALAYSIA

AGENT: Mohana Murali A/L Kodivel, Adastra Intellectual Property Sdn Bhd A-39-10, Penthouse, Menara UOA Bangsar No. 5, Jalan Bangsar Utama 1 59000 Kuala Lumpur


CLASS : 42

2015067876 23 October 2015

International priority date claimed : 05 June 2015,Japan

Design of machines, apparatus and instruments, and their parts, as well as systems composed thereof, and consultancy relating thereto; architectural services; engineering; consultancy in the field of energy-saving; technical consultancy in the field of energy saving and energy efficiency; energy auditing; design of power plants, anddrafting of construction plans relating to power plants, and consultancy relating thereto; engineering services relating to energy supply systems; design and development of energy distribution networks; all included in Class 42.

The Tokyo Electric Power Company, Incorporated; 1-3, Uchisaiwai-Cho 1-Chome, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, 100-8560, JAPAN

AGENT: Chuah Jern Ern, Advanz Fidelis Sdn. Bhd. Suite 609, Block D, Phileo Damansara 1 No. 9, Jalan 16/11 46350 Petaling Jaya

CLASS : 42

2015068198 29 October 2015

International priority date claimed : 17 June 2015,Japan

AISIN SEIKI KABUSHIKI KAISHA (also trading as Aisin Seiki Co., Ltd.); 2-1 Asahi-machi, Kariya-shi, Aichi-ken, JAPAN

AGENT: Helen Huang, Peter Huang & Richard 368-3-1 & 2 Bellisa Row Jalan Burma 10350 Penang

Technical testing services; vehicle roadworthiness testing; testing and research on automobiles and their parts; testing or research services relating to health equipment; testing or research on machines, apparatus and instruments; testing, inspection or research of computer systems; quality control; research and development of products; providing information in the field of product development; planning and design of automobile test driving courses and testing facilities; design and development of nursing care equipment; design of fuel cells; design of machines, apparatus and instruments, and their parts, as well as systems composed thereof; furniture and interior decoration design; bedding design; design of new products; designing; rental of computers and computer software; providing computer programs; providing application software utilizing telecommunications networks; computer programming and consultancy relating thereto; technological advice relating to computers, automobiles and industrial machines; technical advice relating to performance and operation of machines and apparatus; all included in Class 42.

CLASS : 42

2015068509 04 November 2015

International priority date claimed : 08 May 2015,European Union (Office For Harmonization In The Internal Market) - OHIM

Design and development of apparatus and instruments for conducting, switching, transforming, accumulating or controlling electricity and apparatus for lighting, including street lighting, school lighting, office lighting, industrial lighting, outdoor and indoor lighting, and lighting control systems for reducing energy consumption and reducing harmful co2 pollution; all included in Class 42.

HeSaLight A/S; Lykkegårdsvej 9, DK-4000 Roskilde, DENMARK

AGENT: Charmayne Ong Poh Yin, Skrine

CLASS : 42

2015068841 06 November 2015

Advertisement of a series of two trade marks

Apparel designing; jewellery designing; packaging design; cosmetic research; graphic arts design; design and development of computer hardware and software; software as a service (saas); cloud computing; quality control; all included in Class 42

SHANGHAI SHI JIE FASHIONS CO LTD; 6th Floor, Metro Plaza, No. 555 Loushanguan Rd, 200051, SHANGHAI, PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CHINA

AGENT: Tang Yee Ling, C. S. Tang & Co.


their parts, as well as systems composed thereof; furniture and interior decoration design; bedding design; design of new products; designing; rental of computers and computer software; providing computer programs; providing application software utilizing telecommunications networks; computer programming and consultancy relating thereto; technological advice relating to computers, automobiles and industrial machines; technical advice relating to performance and operation of machines and apparatus; all included in Class 42.

CLASS : 42

2015068509 04 November 2015

International priority date claimed : 08 May 2015,European Union (Office For Harmonization In The Internal Market) - OHIM

Design and development of apparatus and instruments for conducting, switching, transforming, accumulating or controlling electricity and apparatus for lighting, including street lighting, school lighting, office lighting, industrial lighting, outdoor and indoor lighting, and lighting control systems for reducing energy consumption and reducing harmful co2 pollution; all included in Class 42.

HeSaLight A/S; Lykkegårdsvej 9, DK-4000 Roskilde, DENMARK

AGENT: Charmayne Ong Poh Yin, Skrine

CLASS : 42

2015068841 06 November 2015

Advertisement of a series of two trade marks

Apparel designing; jewellery designing; packaging design; cosmetic research; graphic arts design; design and development of computer hardware and software; software as a service (saas); cloud computing; quality control; all included in Class 42

SHANGHAI SHI JIE FASHIONS CO LTD; 6th Floor, Metro Plaza, No. 555 Loushanguan Rd, 200051, SHANGHAI, PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CHINA

AGENT: Tang Yee Ling, C. S. Tang & Co.


CLASS : 42

2015070408 02 December 2015

MicroChannel International; Suite 602 Level 6, 781 Pacific Highway, Chatswood, New South Wales 2067, AUSTRALIA

AGENT: Shireen Ngan Yuet Keng, Abasan Sdn Bhd

Information technology (it) services (computer hardware, software and peripherals design and technical consultancy); providing information, including online, about design and development of computer hardware and software; computer security services (design and development of secure computer hardware, software and systems); computer consulting relating to computer hardware analysis, architecture, design, management and adjustment, to computer software analysis, architecture, design, management and adjustment, to computer networking analysis, architecture, design, management and adjustment, to computer systems analysis, research relating architecture, project management (design), business process improvement and e-commerce; technical support services, consultancy in the field of computer hardware and installation, maintenance and repair of computer software and computer systems analysis; computer services; creating and maintaining web sites for others; hosting computer sites (web sites); all included in Class 42.

CLASS : 42

2015070480 03 December 2015

International priority date claimed : 27 July 2015,European Union (Office For Harmonization In The Internal Market) - OHIM

Audio, video, imaging, digital media, multimedia and virtual reality technology services and research and design relating thereto; design, engineering and development of audio, imaging, video, digital media, multimedia and virtual reality hardware and software; technological analysis, research, development, support, technical troubleshooting and consultancy services in the field of audio, imaging, video, digital media, multimedia, virtual reality and presence capture technologies; data encoding and decoding services; software as a service [saas]; platform-as-a-service (paas); rental of audio, imaging, video, digital media, multimedia, virtual reality and presence capture software and hardware;all included in Class 42.

Nokia Technologies Oy; Karaportti 3, Espoo, 02610, FINLAND

AGENT: Soh Kar Liang, Ella Cheong IP Services Sdn BhdA-31-3, Level 31, Menara UOA Bangsar No 5, Jalan Bangsar Utama 1 59000 Kuala Lumpur


CLASS : 42

2016000328 13 January 2016

Advertisement of a series of two trade marks

The trade mark is limited to the colours as shown in the representation on the form of application.

Registration of this trade mark shall give no right to the exclusive use of the word “mark it”.

Mobile application (android, ios) which features: sharing ofupcoming events - with friends and contacts from phone numbers, email address or facebook; daily promotional events - users are given a notification of events happening nearby and can decide to mark it into their schedules in the app calendar; all included in Class 42.

Sim Tze Liang trading as Lansson Enterprise; A-16-3A, Blok A Pangsapuri Suria Mas 46000, PETALING JAYA, SELANGOR MALAYSIA

CLASS : 42

2016000497 18 January 2016

Research in the field of environmental protection, water analysis; all included in Class 42.

Environmental Health And Safety Alliance Sdn. Bhd.; No. 73, Jalan Selasih 16 Taman Selasih Fasa 2 68100, BATU CAVES, SELANGOR MALAYSIA


CLASS : 43

2013005644 18 April 2013

The transliteration and translation of the Japanese words written in combination of katakana characters are “kamu in Hokkaido” meaning “come in Hokkaido god in Hokkaido”.

Registration of this trade mark shall give no right to the exclusive use of the katakana characters meaning “Hokkaido” and the word “Hokkaido”.

Providing foods and beverages; providing information concerning providing foods and beverages; all included in Class 43.

THE HOKKAIDO INTERNATIONAL TRADE & INDUSTRY PROMOTION ASSOCIATION; Hokkaido Keizai Center Bldg Kita 1-Jo Nishi 2-Chome, Chuo-Ku Sapporo, HOKKAIDO 060-0001 , JAPAN

AGENT: Winnie Tham Wai Yee, Amica IP Services (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd 164B-1, 1st Floor, Wisma Sekiong Jalan Ngee Heng 80000 Johor Bahru


CLASS : 43

2014005757 25 May 2014

Advertisement of a series of two trade marks

The first trade mark in the series is limited to the colours as shown in the representation on the form of application.

The transliteration and translation of the Japanese characters appearing in the mark is "ta-chi-gui-yi-su-shi" meaning "standing to eat" and "sushi".

Registration of this trade mark shall give no right to the exclusive use of the Japanese characters meaning "ta-chi-gui-yi-su-shi" meaning "standing to eat" and "sushi" and the word "standingshushibar".

Arranging for the provision of drink; arranging for the provision of food; arranging for the provision of meals; bar services; cafe services; cafes; catering services; cocktail lounge services; consultancy, advisory and information services in relation to the provision of food and drink; food and drink catering; hospitality services (food and drink); preparation of food and drink; providing food and drink; providing information, including online, about services for providing food and drink, and temporary accommodation; provision of information relating to restaurants; provision of information relating to the preparation of food and drink; restaurant services; restaurant services for the provision of fast food; restaurants; self-service restaurants; snack bars; takeaway food and drink services; wine bar services; all included in Class 43.

HOWARD SHAN LO; 141 Middle Road, #04-04B GSM BUILDING 188976, SINGAPORE

AGENT: Winnie Tham Wai Yee, Amica IP Services (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd 164B-1, 1st Floor, Wisma Sekiong Jalan Ngee Heng 80000 Johor Bahru


CLASS : 43

2014009594 27 August 2014

The transliteration of the Chinese characters appearing in the mark is “tang” meaning “tang dynasty”.

Registration of this trade mark shall give no right to the exclusive use of the words "roast" and "Hong Kong" except as shown in the representation on the form of application

Restaurants; food and drink catering; cafeterias; canteens; snack-bars; bar services; takeaway food services; all included in Class 43.

Hong Kong Roast Sdn. Bhd.; A-12-15, Residensi Unggul Kepong No. 5, Jalan Vista Mutiara 1 Kepong Baru 52000, KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA

AGENT: Tai Foong Lam, Gan Partnership Unit A-35-3A, Menara UOA Bangsar 5 Jalan Bangsar Utama 1 59000 Kuala Lumpur

CLASS : 43

2014011962 29 October 2014

The trade mark is limited to the colours as shown in the representation on the form of application

The transliteration of the Chinese characters appearing on the mark is "yii siang hainan ngiu chap". meaning of "nostalgic aroma Hainan beef noodles”

Registration of this trademark shall give no right to the exclusive use of the Chinese characters meaning “aroma Hainan beef noodles”

Services for providing food and drink; temporary accommodation: included in Class 43

KEVIN LING SIANG CHUNG; Lot 6, No. 82, Jalan Damai Dah Yeh Villa Taman Sinar Baru 88100, KOTA KINABALU, SABAH MALAYSIA


CLASS : 43

2014013428 02 December 2014

Hospitality, buildings, (accomodation); all included in Class 43.

ELEGANT INTEGRATE SDN BHD; No.6, Jalan Kempas Utama 1/1, Taman Kempas Utama 81300 Johor Bahru, JOHOR , JOHOR MALAYSIA

CLASS : 43

2014014191 22 December 2014

The trade mark is limited to the colours as shown in the representation on the form of application.

Registration of this trade mark shall give no right to the exclusive use of the words “cafe”, and "grill bar".

Cafes; cafeterias; food and drink catering; restaurants; self-service restaurants; snack-bars; all included in Class 43.

THE AMERICAN BISTRO SDN. BHD.; No. 202, Jalan Sri Pelangi Taman Pelangi 80400, Johor Bahru, JOHOR MALAYSIA

AGENT: Nora Lam Siew Wan, Nora S. W. Lam & Associates Suite 18.01, Level 18, Johor Bahru City Square (Office Tower) No.106 - 108, Jalan Wong Ah Fook 80000 Johor Bahru


CLASS : 43

2014053406 07 March 2014

Registration of this trade mark shall give no right to the exclusive use, separately of the numerals “360” and the words “hotel urban resort”.

Catering services for the provision of food and drink; cocktail lounge, temporary accommodation; hotel services; accommodation services; restaurant services; provision of conference facilities; bar services; snack bars; wine bar services; preparing of take-away and fast food; rental of rooms for social functions; all included in Class 43.

360 Hotels & Residences Sdn. Bhd.; 21, 1st Floor, Pannovel Commercial Centre, Jalan Simpang Tiga, 93300, Kuching, SARAWAK MALAYSIA

AGENT: Lok Choon Hong, Pintas IP Group Sdn. Bhd. No. 19, Jalan SS1/36 47300 Petaling Jaya

CLASS : 43

2014056269 30 April 2014

Restaurants; cafes; providing food and drink; preparation of food and drink; food and drink catering; bar services; all included in Class 43.

Joo Bar Pte. Ltd.; 28 Binchang Rise 579895, SINGAPORE

AGENT: Clara Yip Choon Foong, Marqonsult IP Sdn. Bhd. B706, Level 7, Block B, Kelana Square Jalan SS7/26, Kelana Jaya 47301 Petaling Jaya


CLASS : 43

2014061790 13 August 2014

The trade mark is limited to the colours as shown in the representation on the form of application.

The Jawi script appearing in the mark is the phonetic equivalent of the words "mama noura".

Cafés, cafeterias, canteens, catering of food and drinks, restaurants, self-service restaurants, snack-bars; all included in Class 43.

Mama Noura Trading Est; P.O. Box 60403, Riyadh 11545,SAUDI ARABIA

AGENT: Karen Navamani Abraham, Shearn Delamore & Co. 7th. Floor, Wisma Hamzah-Kwong Hing No. 1, Leboh Ampang 50100 Kuala Lumpur

CLASS : 43

2014069044 17 December 2014

International priority date claimed : 24 July 2014,Singapore

Advertisement of a series of two trade marks

The first trade mark in the series is limited to the colours as shown in the representation on the form of application.

Registration of this trade mark shall give no right to the exclusive use of the words “the French stall”.

Services for providing food and drink; food preparation; restaurant services; all included in Class 43.

Le Zing Pte Ltd; 544 Serangoon Road, 218166, SINGAPORE

AGENT: Lee Lin Li, Tay & Partners 6th Floor, Plaza See Hoy Chan, Jalan Raja Chulan 50200 Kuala Lumpur


CLASS : 43

2015005167 13 May 2015

The trade mark is limited to the colours as shown in the representation on the form of application.

Registration of this trade mark shall give no right to the exclusive use of the words “budget hotel” and “murah.selesa.mesra”.

Registration of this trade mark shall not prevent the bona fide use by any person of his own name, ana.

Temporary accommodation, hotel; all included in Class 43.

REHANA BINTI AHMAD T/A ANA BUDGET HOTEL; 72-1Susur Larkin Perdana 2 Taman Larkin Perdana 80350, Johor Bahru, JOHOR MALAYSIA

CLASS : 43

2015006438 18 June 2015

The transliteration and translation of the Chinese characters appearing in the mark is “ma zi shao la” meaning “ma chi bbq”.

Registration of this trade mark shall give no right to the exclusive use of the word and Chinese characters meaning “bbq”

Services for providing food and drink; all included in Class 43.

Choong Wee Kong; No. 25, Jalan Taming Indah 2 Taman Taming Indah Bandar Sungai Long, Cheras 43000, KAJANG, SELANGOR MALAYSIA


CLASS : 43

2015007066 06 July 2015

Bakery services; bar services; bistro services; catering services; cafe services; cafes; cake baking; coffee bar and coffee house services (provision of food and drink); coffee shop services; cooking services; food cooking services; food and drink catering; food preparation; preparation of food and drink; preparation of take-away and fast food; providing food and drink; restaurant services; restaurants; take away food and drink services; all included in Class 43.

Lepaq Lepaq Food Concept Sdn. Bhd.; C-6-12, Street Mall, One South Jalan OS, Taman Serdang Perdana Seksyen 6 43300, SERI KEMBANGAN, SELANGOR MALAYSIA

CLASS : 43

2015010883 26 October 2015

The transliteration and translation of the Chinese characters appearing in the mark is “nai nai” “fu” “jian” “mian” which has no meaning when read it together.

Registration of this trade mark shall give no right to the exclusive use of the words “restaurant” and “hokkien mee”

Restaurants, snack bars, cafes, canteens and restaurant services for the provision of fast food; catering services; services for providing food and drink: all included in Class 43.

Kee Lay Har; 730C Jalan Sungai Dua Taman Lip Sin 11900, BAYAN LEPAS, PULAU PINANG MALAYSIA


CLASS : 43

2015011568 12 November 2015

Registration of this trade mark shall give no right to the exclusive use of the words “room” and “London-Kuala Lumpur”.

Food and beverages (service for providing food and drink); all included in Class 43.

The Magician Brothers Sdn. Bhd.; M-11, Mahogany Villas Taman Kelab Ukay Bukit Antarabangsa 68000, AMPANG, SELANGOR MALAYSIA

CLASS : 43

2015011632 12 November 2015

Temporary accommodation included in Class 43.

COSMOSTOUCH SDN. BHD.; Lot 1, Bandaran Berjaya Lorong Berjaya 2 88000, Kota Kinabalu, SABAH MALAYSIA

CLASS : 43

2015012660 09 December 2015

Services for providing food and drink; temporary accommodation; all included in Class 43.

YEO TECK HUI TRADING AS TEH TARIK FOOD TERRACE; Lot 13365-13366 Jalan Merdeka, Off Jalan Tun Abdul Rahman Yaakub, 93050 Petra Jaya, SARAWAK MALAYSIA


CLASS : 43

2015012869 15 December 2015

Restaurants; providing of food and drink included in Class 43.

Siti Virnawaty Laily Binti Zamanuri Trading As Asam Pedas JR; No. 27, Lorong 2A Jalan Seri Emas 60 Taman Seri Telok Emas 75460, TELOK EMAS, MELAKA MALAYSIA

CLASS : 43

2015065853 22 September 2015

The transliteration and translation of the Chinese characters of which the mark consists is “bongchu” meaning “a young oriental phoenix”

Canteens; restaurants; self-service restaurants; snack-bars; restaurant and catering services; restaurant chain stores; bakery services (other than retailing); cafés; coffee house services; carry-out restaurants; bar services; tourist homes; accommodation services that require memberships; providing camping gear at camp site; rental of transportable buildings; operation of welfare facilities for the elderly; day-nurseries [crèches]; boarding for animals; rental of meeting rooms; rental of cooking apparatus; all included in Class 43

BONG CHU FOOD SYSTEM CO., LTD.; (147, Michelan, Samsung-dong) Bongeunsa-ro 516, Gangnam-Gu, 06163, Seoul, REPUBLIC OF KOREA

AGENT: Goh Joo Seong, Cheang & Ariff 39 Court @ Loke Mansion No. 273A Jalan Medan Tuanku 50300 Kuala Lumpur


CLASS : 43

2015068199 29 October 2015

International priority date claimed : 17 June 2015,Japan

Providing temporary accommodation; preschooler and infant care at daycare centers or nursery centers; providing information on preschool and infant care at daycare centers or nursery centers; providing nursery centers; providing daycare centers; providing automobile driving test courses; providing automobile performance and endurance testing facilities; rental of care beds and their fittings; rental of care chairs; rental of furniture; rental of mattresses, quilts and bedding for nursing care; rental of quilts; rental of pillows; rental of blankets; retirement homes and providing information and consultancy relating thereto; providing conference, exhibition and meeting facilities; rental of meeting rooms; rental of facilities for exhibitions; all included in Class 43.

AISIN SEIKI KABUSHIKI KAISHA (also trading as Aisin Seiki Co., Ltd.); 2-1 Asahi-machi, Kariya-shi, Aichi-ken, JAPAN

AGENT: Helen Huang, Peter Huang & Richard 368-3-1 & 2 Bellisa Row Jalan Burma 10350 Penang

CLASS : 43

2015068279 30 October 2015

Room booking; tea rooms; temporary room hire; rental of rooms; providing conference rooms; rental of meeting rooms; hiring rooms for social functions; rental of rooms for social functions; all included in Class 43.


AGENT: Lok Choon Hong, Pintas IP Group Sdn. Bhd.No. 19, Jalan SS1/36 47300 Petaling Jaya


CLASS : 43

2015068343 02 November 2015

The transliteration of the chinese characters of which the mark consists is “dong fang gong” which has no meaning.

Accommodation services; accommodation bureaux (hotels, boarding houses); cafes; cafeterias; canteens; catering services; hotel reservations; hotels; motels; rental of temporary accommodation; restaurants; snack-bars; tourist homes; restaurants (self-service);all included in Class 43.

MA XUEHAI; B-20-02, Kompleks Danau Kota, Taman Zeta, 67 Jalan Taman Ibu Kota, 53300, Setapak, KUALA LUMPUR MALAYSIA

AGENT: Yip Jiun Hann, TRADEMARK2U Sdn Bhd No. 1, Block C, Jalan Dataran SD 1 Dataran SD PJU 9, Bandar Sri Damansara 52200 Kuala Lumpur

CLASS : 43

2015069839 24 November 2015

The transliteration of the Chinese characters appearing in the mark is “ru di lao” which has no meaning.

Restaurants; cafes; hotel; wine bars; providing food and drink; tea rooms; mobile catering services; all included in Class 43.

LIN, CHIH-PING; 6F., No.67, Ln. 135, Fuqian St., Xinzhuang Dist., New Taipei City 242, TAIWAN, PROVINCE OF CHINA

AGENT: Mohana Murali A/L Kodivel, Adastra Intellectual Property Sdn Bhd A-39-10, Penthouse, Menara UOA Bangsar No. 5, Jalan Bangsar Utama 1 59000 Kuala Lumpur


CLASS : 43

2016000401 14 January 2016

Registration of this trade mark shall give no right to the exclusive use of the words “Korean bbq & steamboat buffet”.

Services for providing food and drink, bar services; cafes; cafeterias; canteens; catering (food and drink-), restaurants; self-service restaurants; refreshment and tae rooms, bistro services, fast food outlets & restaurant, milk and snack-bars, preparation of food for take-away services, all included in Class 43.

GOGIGO BUFFET SDN BHD; No. 29-01 & 31-01, Jalan Austin Height 8/1 Taman Mount Austin 81100, Johor Bahru, JOHOR MALAYSIA

CLASS : 43

2016000683 22 January 2016

The trade mark is limited to the colours as shown in the representation on the form of application.

Registration of this trade mark shall give no right to the exclusive use of the numeral “1966”.

Restaurants; restaurant services; coffee bar and coffee house services (provision of food and drink); cafeterias; snack bars (provision of food and drink); bar services; bistro services; catering services; café; public house services; tea room services; provision of facilities for conferences, convections and exhibitions; all included in Class 43.

Scenic Prima Hotels Sdn. Bhd.; Unit D-3-5, Level 5, Block D Setiawalk, Persiaran Wawasan Pusat Bandar Puchong 47160, PUCHONG, SELANGOR MALAYSIA

AGENT: Narayanan a/l Arunachalam, Nara' s Secretarial Services No. 24, Jalan Desa 3/8 Taman Desa Country Homes 48000 Rawang


CLASS : 43

2016000878 28 January 2016

The transliteration and translation of the Chinese characters appearing in the mark is “a ma lu rou fan” meaning “grandmother braised pork rice”.

Services for providing food and drink; temporary accommodation; included in Class 43.

CHAN SHIU NYENG; 2, Jalan Cermat Taman Maju Jaya Johor Bahru 80400, JOHOR MALAYSIA

CLASS : 43

2016001210 05 February 2016

Registration of this trade mark shall give no right to the exclusive use of the words “steamboat n” grill”.

Services for providing foods and drinks; all included in Class 43.

Norhidayah binti Abdul Rani trading as Work Rich Resources; No. 99 Jalan Tanjung Gorah 2 01000, KANGAR, PERLIS MALAYSIA


CLASS : 43

2016050893 19 January 2016

The transliteration of the Chinese characters appearing in the mark is “dao ma qie” which has no meaning

It is a condition of registration that the mark shall be used only in relation to goods with which all the applicants are connected in the course of trade

Services for providing food and drink; bar services; cafes; cafeterias; canteens; food and drink catering; hotels; restaurants; self-service restaurants; snack-bars; banqueting services; tea houses; fast food services; cocktail bar services; provision of information relating to restaurants and eateries, culinary affairs, enjoyment and appreciation of food and drink; all included in Class 43.

TANG MUN FEI AND LOW FONG YING; No.21, Ground Floor, Jalan BPU 2, Bandar Puchong Utama 47100, Puchong, SELANGOR MALAYSIA

AGENT: Vannesse Lee Pei Eng, Drexworld Management PLT No.1-9-13, Block Chempaka Taman Desaminium, Jalan Flora 43300 Seri Kembangan

CLASS : 43

2016053064 24 February 2016

Bakery services; bar services; bistro services; cafe services; cafes; cake baking; coffee bar and coffee house services (provision of food and drink); coffee shop services; cooking services; food cooking services; food preparation; preparation of food and drink; preparation of take-away and fast food; providing food and drink; restaurant services; restaurants; takeaway food and drink services; all included in Class 43.

LOVEJOYPEACE KITCHEN SDN BHD; No. 100, Jalan Metro Perdana Barat 2, Taman Usahawan Kepong, 52100, KUALA LUMPUR MALAYSIA

AGENT: Tee Lin Yik, Tee IP Sdn Bhd Suite 32-2, Jalan Dwitasik, Dataran Dwitasik Bandar Sri Permaisuri 56000 Kuala Lumpur


CLASS : 44

2014013148 25 November 2014

Registration of this trade mark shall give no right to the exclusive use of the words “clinic” and “healthy skin prescription”.

Medical aesthetic services, clinical services (medical services); included in Class 44.

Beau & Hans Sdn Bhd; 6, Jalan Molek 1/5C Taman Molek 81100, JOHOR BAHRU, JOHOR MALAYSIA

CLASS : 44

2014063095 05 September 2014

Registration of this trade mark shall give no right to the exclusive use, separately, of the word "hair" and the symbol "+".

Beauty salons; hairdressing salons; hair implantation; hair care and hair treatment salon; manicure and pedicure services; massage; all included in Class 44.

A - Saloon Sdn. Bhd.; D-6-6, Block D, Level 8, UE3, Menara Uncang Emas, 85, Jalan Loke Yew, 55200, KUALA LUMPUR MALAYSIA

AGENT: Tan Hing Hong, IP Gennesis Sdn Bhd L-07-01, Solaris Mont Kiara No. 2, Jalan Solaris, Mont Kiara 50480 Kuala Lumpur


CLASS : 44

2015006849 29 June 2015

Providing medical; hygienic; beauty care; health care; massage; medical assistance; physical therapy and physiotherapy services; physical therapy clinics services; physiotherapy clinics services; clinics services; hospitals services; aromatherapy services; beauty salons; chiropractics; depilatory waxing; health centers; health counseling; health spa services; manicuring; sauna services; solarium services; visagists’ services; all included in Class 44.

CHUEN JEOU DAY ENTERPRISE CO., LTD.; 3f-12, No. 26, Yuan-Luh Rd., Yuan-Lin Town, Chaung-Hwa County,TAIWAN, PROVINCE OF CHINA

AGENT: Geetha Kandiah, KASS International Sdn. Bhd. Suite 8-7-2, 7th Floor, Menara Mutiara Bangsar Jalan Liku, Off Jalan Riong 59100 Kuala Lumpur

CLASS : 44

2015007262 10 July 2015

Medical clinics; stem cell treatment services and therapy; all included in Class 44.

Era Estetika Sdn. Bhd.; 7 & 7A, Tingkat Taman Ipoh 12 Taman Ipoh Selatan 31400, IPOH, PERAK MALAYSIA

AGENT: Lee U Kong, Lee Brothers IP Consulting 8B (2nd Flr), Jalan Greentown 3 Greentown Nova 30450 Ipoh


CLASS : 44

2015012855 15 December 2015

Registration of this trade mark shall give no right to the exclusive use of the words “day spa & beauty lounge”.

To provide aromatherapy services, beauty salons, hairdressing salons, health care, health spa services, hygienic and beauty care for human beings, manicuring, massage, physical therapy, physiotherapy, public baths for hygiene purposes, salons (beauty-), salons (hairdressing -), sauna services; all included in Class 44.

URBAN ESCAPE SDN BHD; Hotel Granada, No.55, 2ndFloor, Jalan Indah 15/2 Taman Bukit Indah, Johor Bahru81200, JOHOR MALAYSIA

CLASS : 44

2015050504 14 January 2015

Hospitals; health care; rest homes; food nutrition guidance; beauty salons; massage; animal grooming; gardening; opticians’ services; rental of sanitation facilities; chiropractics; medical clinic services; medical assistance; medical nursing; pharmacy advice; services of a psychologist; telemedicine services; pharmacists’ services to make up prescriptions; therapy services; physical therapy; dentistry; aromatherapy services; health centres; health counseling; orthodontic services; rental of therapy apparatus; all included in Class 44.

BOE TECHNOLOGY GROUP CO., LTD.; No. 10 Jiuxianqiao Road, Chaoyang District, BEIJING 100016, PEOPLE’SREPUBLIC OF CHINA

AGENT: Caroline Anne A/P Francis Xavier Money, RamRais & Partners Level 31, Menara TH Perdana 1001, Jalan Sultan Ismail 50250 Kuala Lumpur


CLASS : 44

2015068135 28 October 2015

The transliteration of the Chinese characters appearing in the mark is "wang ling an" which has no meaning

Chiropractics; massage; beauty salons; physiotherapy / physical therapy; visagists’ services; aromatherapy services; manicuring; all included in Class 44.

IDOE SPA CO., LTD.; 3F., No.27, Jianzhong Rd., Sanmin Dist., Kaohsiung City 807, TAIWAN, PROVINCE OF CHINA

AGENT: Mohana Murali A/L Kodivel, Adastra Intellectual Property Sdn Bhd A-39-10, Penthouse, Menara UOA Bangsar No. 5, Jalan Bangsar Utama 1 59000 Kuala Lumpur

CLASS : 44

2015068200 29 October 2015

International priority date claimed : 17 June 2015,Japan

AISIN SEIKI KABUSHIKI KAISHA (also trading as Aisin Seiki Co., Ltd.); 2-1 Asahi-machi, Kariya-shi, Aichi-ken, JAPAN

AGENT: Helen Huang, Peter Huang & Richard 368-3-1 & 2 Bellisa Row Jalan Burma 10350 Penang

Rental of mobile lifts for nursing care; rental of medical instruments for nursing care; rental of medical machines and apparatus; nursing care (including by home-visiting); providing information and consultancy relating to nursing care; health advisory; dietary advisory; nutritional and dietetic consultancy; medical services; providing medical information; physical examination; dentistry; preparation and dispensing medications; integration and management of medical information and health information; health care services and providing information relating thereto; beauty salons; hairdressing salons; providing bath houses; rehabilitation advisory; massage and therapeutic acupressure massage; chiropractics; moxibustion; treatment for dislocated joints, sprain, bone fractures or the like; acupuncture; rental of bath fittings for nursing care; rental of prefabricated bathrooms sold as a unit; rental of prefabricated shower baths sold as a unit; rental of chamber pots; rental of portable toilets; all included in Class 44.


CLASS : 44

2015070311 01 December 2015

Jennyhouse Co., Ltd; 424, Apgujeong-ro, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, REPUBLIC OF KOREA

AGENT: Soh Kar Liang, Ella Cheong IP Services Sdn Bhd

Beauty salon services; health spa services, namely, cosmetic body care services; services for the care of the skin; depilatory treatment; hair salon services; day spa services, namely, nail care, manicures, pedicures and nail enhancements; beauty consultancy; make-up services; tattooing; massage services; all included in Class 44.

CLASS : 45

2013058151 06 August 2013

Edentiti Pty Limited; Level 2, Suite 202, 220 George Street Sydney NSW2000 , AUSTRALIA

AGENT: Charmayne Ong Poh Yin, Skrine

Identity verification; identity validation services; providing user authentication services in e-commerce transactions; providing user authentication of electronic funds transfer, credit and debit card and electronic check transactions via a global computer network; identification verification services, namely, providing authentication of personal identification information; identification verification services, namely, providing authentication of personal identification information via secure storage and transmitting such information via the internet; electronic banking verification services; providing authentication of identity; all included in Class 45.

CLASS : 45

2014012895 19 November 2014

Advisory services relating to regulatory affairs and compliance; site safety and safety management; information, advisory and consultancy services relating to the aforementioned services; all included n Class 45.

Amec Foster Wheeler Plc; Booths Park Chelford Road Knutsford Cheshire WA16 8QZ , UNITED KINGDOM

AGENT: Karen Navamani Abraham, Shearn Delamore & Co. 7th. Floor, Wisma Hamzah-Kwong Hing No. 1, Leboh Ampang 50100 Kuala Lumpur


CLASS : 45

2014012900 19 November 2014

Legal services; licensing services; licensing of technology; granting of licenses on intellectual property; administration of the licensing of the goods and services of others; conveyancing services; security services for the protection of property and individuals; advisory and consultancy services relating to health and safety; fire prevention consultation; advisory; and consultancy services relating to intellectual property licensing and the licensing of technology; information and consultancy services relating to the aforesaid; all included in Class 45.

Amec Foster Wheeler Plc; Booths Park Chelford Road Knutsford Cheshire WA16 8QZ , UNITED KINGDOM

AGENT: Karen Navamani Abraham, Shearn Delamore & Co. 7th. Floor, Wisma Hamzah-Kwong Hing No. 1, Leboh Ampang 50100 Kuala Lumpur

CLASS : 45

2014012905 19 November 2014

Legal services; licensing services; licensing of technology; granting of licences on intellectual property; administration of the licensing of the goods and services of others; conveyancing services; security services for the protection of property and individuals; advisory and consultancy services relating to health and safety; fire prevention consultation; advisory and consultancy services relating to intellectual property licensing and the licensing of technology; information and consultancy services relating to all the aforesaid; all included in Class 45.

Amec Foster Wheeler Plc; Booths Park Chelford Road Knutsford Cheshire WA16 8QZ , UNITED KINGDOM

AGENT: Karen Navamani Abraham, Shearn Delamore & Co. 7th. Floor, Wisma Hamzah-Kwong Hing No. 1, Leboh Ampang 50100 Kuala Lumpur


CLASS : 45

2015007439 16 July 2015

Advertisement of a series of two trade marks

On-line social networking services; all included in Class 45.

Beetalk Private Limited; 1 Fusionopolis Place #17-10, Galaxis 138522, SINGAPORE

AGENT: Michael Soo Chow Ming, Shook Lin & Bok 20th Floor, Ambank Group Building 55 Jalan Raja Chulan 50200 Kuala Lumpur

CLASS : 45

2016052978 23 February 2016

Advisory services relating to intellectual property rights; enforcement of intellectual property rights; establishment of intellectual property rights; exploitation of intellectual property rights; industrial property (intellectual property) consultation services; industrial property (intellectual property) management; intellectual property consultancy; intellectual property licensing services; intellectual property watching services; licensing of intellectual property; monitoring intellectual property rights for legal advisory purposes; prosecution of applications for intellectual property rights; protection of intellectual property; research relating to intellectual property; all included in Class 45.

LYMESOL SDN. BHD.; Suite D7-2-8, Bangunan Perdagangan D7, 800, Jalan Sentul, 51100, KUALA LUMPUR MALAYSIA

AGENT: Lim Shook Yee, Lymesol Sdn. Bhd. Suite D7-2-8, Bangunan Perdagangan D7 800, Jalan Sentul 51100 Kuala Lumpur



(List Compiled on 26 May 2016)

No Registration Class Owner1 96013834 25 CHAI WOON LEE TRADING AS WIN'S ENTERPRISE

No. TMA 91.




APPLICATIONS FOR AMENDMENT OF THE REGISTERED TRADE MARK Notice is hereby given that under Regulation 78(2), any person who has grounds of opposition to the amendment of the following Registered Trade Mark may within 2 month from the date of this gazette, lodge notice of opposition on form TM 22, which should accompanied by the prescribed fee.

03010590 (Advertised Date: 30 March 2006) Class 9 APPLE COMPUTER, INC. This Trade Mark has been altered to the following form under section 44 (1) of the Trade Marks Act 1976

06022026 (Advertised Date: 19 June 2008) Class 9 LACOSTE This Trade Mark has been altered to the following form under section 44 (1) of the Trade Marks Act 1976

06022027 (Advertised Date: 19 June 2008) Class 14 LACOSTE This Trade Mark has been altered to the following form under section 44 (1) of the Trade Marks Act 1976

No. TMA 92.


85001805 (Advertised Date: 19 December 1996) Class 24 LACOSTE This Trade Mark has been altered to the following form under section 44 (1) of the Trade Marks Act 1976

2013004947 (Advertised Date: 31 July 2014) Class 36 ORC Risk Consulting Sdn Bhd This Trade Mark has been altered to the following form under section 44 (1) of the Trade Marks Act 1976



2014059498 (Advertised Date: 09 June 2016) Class 41 FremantleMedia Limited & Simco Limited The name of applicant should have been added: Simco Limited 9 Derry Street, London W8 5HY, UNITED KINGDOM

The following clause should have been added:-

It is a condition of registration that the mark shall be used only in relation to goods with which all the applicants are connected in the course of trade

The following clause should have read:-

The mark is limited to the colours as shown in the representation on the form of application.

2011001292 (Advertised Date: 09 June 2016) Class 9 SATS Ltd. The following clause should have been added:-

International Priority date claimed: 27 October 2010, Singapore.

No. TMA 93.

ABDUL AZIZ BIN ISMAIL b.p. Pendaftar Cap Dagangan Malaysia

Hakcipta Pencetak H PERCET AKAN NASIONAL MALA YSIA BERHAD Semua Hak T erpelihara. T iada mana-mana bahagian jua daripada penerbitan ini boleh diterbitkan semula atau disimpan di dalam ben tuk yang boleh diperolehi semula atau disiarkan dalam sebarang bentuk dengan apa jua cara elektronik, mekanikal, fotokopi, rakaman dan/ atau sebaliknya tanpa mendapat izin daripada Per cetakan Nasional Malaysia Berhad (Pencetak kepada Kerajaan Malaysia yang dilantik ) .

