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1887, 1911, 2011... DECODING HKU 解碼港大

A Conversation with Professor Wang Gungwu


Be part of the HKU’s Centenary Celebrations, share your stories and

explore more details on all upcoming activities





Unveiling of the Centenary Logo

December 15 2010

The Next 100 Years

One hundred years ago, this University was born.

In 1911, The University of Hong Kong was incorporated by Ordinance. A group of visionaries founded the first university in Hong Kong from which generations of leaders across the region could come forth. For the past century, the University has lived up to its promise, growing with Hong Kong and intertwined with its destiny as it re-defines its position on the global landscape of education.

The University of Hong Kong was to be for China and the World.

We are indebted to the community – to our predecessors who had the foresight, who were determined to make this University a reality, and who believed in education and the values of university. We are indebted to our friends and partners who, generation after generation, have lent the University their unrelenting support.

We have upheld the University© s motto Sapientia et Virtus, Wisdom and Virtue, and in Chinese, 明德格物. HKU is defined by freedom, liberty and diversity. Students and academics of more than seventy nationalities have come together in this great citadel of knowledge. Our graduates help define the community they live in. We lead with groundbreaking discoveries in medicine, science, culture and humanities. We create and construct new knowledge. And this is how we contribute, and lead.

With the community at large we humbly share our achievements. Taking stock of our rich heritage, now is the time to reflect and articulate boldly the values we so cherish.

With excellence, we serve. We are determined to build a better world of compassion, justice and dignity.

The Celebrations will span two years, commencing January 2011 and concluding in the autumn of 2012 with the introduction of the new four-year curriculum and the opening of the Centennial Campus. Indeed it was in 1912, one hundred years ago, that this University admitted its first cohort of students.

The next hundred years for the University is a journey not to be missed.

History is but made by people. As we celebrate our past, we shall join hands to transform the future. The myriad of Celebration activities in the ensuing two years will present great opportunities to share our mission with the community worldwide.

We are one hundred years young and the torch of excellence, which lights our journey, burns brighter and stronger today than it has ever before.

Professor Lap-Chee TsuiVice-Chancellor & President

“HKU is defined by freedom, liberty and diversity.”





對社會大眾,我們是無盡的感激 ― 感激前人,因他們的遠見,以及對教育的信念、對成立大學的堅持與執著,港大才可以順利誕生;我們也感激一直扶助我們的友好和夥伴,因他們從不間斷的支持,港大才有今天的卓越成就。

港大校訓「明德格物」,彰顯光明皎潔的德性,窮究事物的原理,追尋無盡的知識。自由、開放、多元,這一直是港大的傳統。我們匯聚了全球七十多個國家的學生與學者,在這知識堡壘中切磋砥礪,我們的校友在不同的領域推動社會發展。 醫療、科學、人文關懷 ... 我們上下求索,建構新知識、開創新思維,以此回饋 社會,領導群倫。






「自由、開放、多元, 這一直是港大的傳統。」

True to the Latin motto “Sapientia et Virtus”, Wisdom and Virtue, the University as an intellectual hub and leading institution of higher learning will share with the community the joy of creating knowledge and knowledge exchange.

• Centenary Distinguished Lectures Delivered by Nobel Laureates and other world-renowned

scholars, the Lectures will bring the most brilliant minds to HKU. The speakers will also share their wisdom with both university and secondary school students.

• Association of Commonwealth Universities (ACU) Conference of Executive Heads

HKU has been entrusted by the Association of Commonwealth Universities to co-host the annual international conference and the Strategic Leaders Global Summit. It is expected to draw the participation of around 250 vice-chancellors and senior staff from over 100 overseas and local universities.

• President Summit and Student Summit Presidents and student representatives from some 30 top

universities worldwide will come to Hong Kong to discuss global issues and present advocacy resolutions.

• International conferences and academic activities on various themes will also be held at faculty and departmental levels throughout the year.


• 百周年傑出學人講座 由諾貝爾獎得主及國際著名學者主講,與港大師生及中學


• 英聯邦大學協會首腦會議 香港大學將合辦英聯邦大學協會的周年會議及策略領袖環


• 世界大學校長論壇及學生峰會 來自三十多所世界頂尖大學的校長及學生代表將雲集香港


• 國際會議及學術活動 香港大學多個學院及學系將舉辦不同主題的國際會議及學



As we reflect upon our legacy, we project our vision for the second century.

• “1887, 1911, 2011… Decoding HKU” (see also back cover for details) A Conversation with Professor Wang Gungwu [Jan 11, 2011] Prof Wang Gungwu will share his insight on how history could inform the 2011 celebrations

and HKU© s role in a globalized and fast changing world. He will also explore HKU© s future development in the context of China© s rise to become the second largest economy in the world.

• History Publications Publications planned include a monograph on HKU’s history, in English and Chinese versions (by

Dr Peter Cunich and Mr K W Fung), an anthology (by Prof Wang Gungwu and Prof Ying Chan), and a project on HKU stories (by Prof Lung Yingtai).

• Impact Study The monograph will document the contribution made by our graduates over the last century,

and explore the impact the University and its graduates will be making in the next decades, as Hong Kong continues to serve China and the World.

• Commemorative Stamps & Philatelic Products [Sept 2011] A special stamp to commemorate HKU’s Centenary will be issued by Hongkong Post.

• University Archives Exhibit [Oct 2011 – Feb 2012] Co-organised by the University Archives and the University Museum and Art Gallery, the

exhibition will feature stories of HKU in the Beginning, the Treasures of HKU, HKU Goes to War, Rebuilding HKU, and HKU grows up.

• Heritage Trail As part of Hong Kong’s culture and heritage, the University campus welcomes the community

to experience its historical architecture and take a walk in its literary footsteps.

• Songs CD Project The songs on campus today reflect a living aural tradition. The reconstruction of the old HKU

anthem will also bring into a new light a work composed 100 years ago.


• 1887、1911、2011—解碼港大 與王賡武教授對談【2011.1.11】 港大邁進第二個百年之際,全球化浪潮澎湃,中國躍升為世界第二大經濟體系,王賡武教授


• 歷史、文獻、港大故事 計劃出版的包括分別由中文學院馮錦榮先生及 Peter Cunich博士主編的港大校史,王賡武教


• 大學貢獻:回顧及前瞻 輯錄港大畢業生過去一世紀的貢獻,並探索怎樣繼續服務香港、中國與世界。

• 香港郵政發行紀念郵票 香港郵政將公開發行港大百周年紀念郵票。

• 大學歷史檔案藏品展 展覽由香港大學檔案中心與香港大學美術博物館合辦,從港大之初到二次大戰,以至戰後重


• 史蹟漫遊 港大校園乃香港文化遺產的一環,透過導賞及標記,讓公眾人士細味港大歷史建築的文化,


• 港大采風歌集 憶古思今,港大采風歌集既重塑百年前的港大校歌,亦收錄反映當代傳統的流行校園歌曲。


Service 100 reaffirms HKU’s commitment to building a better world. Students, staff, alumni and friends will engage in hundreds of community service projects worldwide, mobilising the HKU Family locally as well as across the globe. The Service 100 e-platform will provide new initiatives and service opportunities, support experience sharing, and investigate into the new trends of service-learning and social enterprise.






• HKU 100 Kick-off Ceremony [Jan 9, 2011] A HKU Family Day for staff, students, alumni and their

family/friends to gather together for a fun-filled fiesta. Residents from the neighbourhood and community centres will also be invited to join.

• Centenary Marathon Team [Feb 20, 2011] Another record breaker as over 2,700 HKU staff, students,

alumni and friends will continue the Marathon spirit. • HKU 100 Gala Dinner [Dec 18, 2011] This once-in-a-lifetime occasion will be a memorable

event. Some 4,000 local and overseas alumni, friends, staff, students, community leaders and international guests will gather to share the University’s missions at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre.

• Centenary Private Label Wines A selection of premier wines bearing the Centenary

Wine Label will be on sale as a fundraising initiative to support community projects.

• Evgeny Kissin in Concert [Nov 23, 2011] Kissin, who was awarded Doctor of Letters honoris

causa by HKU in 2009, will be featured at the Centenary concert on at the Hong Kong Cultural Centre.

• Open Days The community will be invited to visit HKU’s vibrant

campus. The Open Days in 2012 will coincide with the opening of the Centennial Campus.

Other Highlights

• 香港大學百周年啟動禮【2011.1.9】 一個讓港大學生、教職員、校友及家人歡聚共樂的活動,


• 百周年馬拉松隊【2011.2.20】 歷年參加人數最多,超過2,700港大學生、教職員、校友


• 港大百周年校慶晚宴【2011.12.18】 世紀盛會,超過4,000名本地及海外校友、教職員、學


• 百周年特選葡萄酒 透過發售限量的特選佳釀,以資助多項社會服務計劃。

• 鋼琴家祈辛音樂會【2011.11.23】 港大2009年名譽博士祈辛將假香港文化中心演奏名曲。

• 大學開放周 歡迎社會大眾參觀體驗充滿活力的港大校園。2012年大




HKU has always relied on community support, even before the first brick was laid On the occasion of the University’s Centenary, a thoughtful alumnus presents a unique part of HKU’s history to the University: a donation receipt for the sum of $600, dated 1909. The donor was one of Hong Kong’s first Chinese entrepreneurs. It was so uncertain that the University would be built the receipt includes a promise of repayment should Hong Kong© s first university never be realised.


在回顧這一百年的時刻, 最難忘的, 便是社會各界對大學的支持和信任。像這張捐款收據, 便是一位校友計劃送給大學珍藏的一件很有價值的文物。一百年前, 港督盧嘉力促在香港興建大學, 但財政非常緊絀, 於是成立不同的籌款委員會募集捐款。這張收據, 便是向捐款人表明, 「如本大學興建不成, 攜回此收條將原款送復」, 反映當時一方面籌委會用盡各種方法勸捐, 另一方面, 對大學終於能否成事, 仍無百分百的把握。 但歷史證明了, 香港、廣東以至東南亞, 都有很多社會人士支持在香港建立第一所大學, 最終在集腋成裘的情況下, 一起將不可能變成可能。


1887 Hong Kong College of Medicine inaugurated Sun Yat-sen was one of its first students 1910 Foundation Stone of Main Building laid 1911 The University of Hong Kong incorporated by Ordinance 1912 The first cohort of students admitted, with the College of Medicine formally incorporated into the University

2010 Foundation Stone of Centennial Campus laid 2011 Centenary Celebrations commence 2012 Opening of Centennial Campus and implementation of New Curriculum; Conclusion of Centenary Celebrations


1887 香港西醫書院成立,孫中山為首屆學生之一 1910 本部大樓奠基 1911 『香港大學條例』生效,大學正式成立 1912 首屆學生入學,香港西醫書院歸併入香港大學

2010 百周年校園奠基 2011 百周年校慶活動展開 2012 百周年校園啟用,新學制開始 百周年慶祝活動幕下


圓形圖案象徵圓滿。內藏兩款風格炯異的字體︰斜體英文字母「HKU」的Swash字款,呼應大學本部大樓建築的古典線條;數目字「100」的Sans Serif字款展示現代氣息。而「HKU 100 」亦不甘停留在圓框之內,不斷求突破。



The “HKU 100” logo

The “HKU 100” logo is the main visual element of the HKU Centenary Signature.

The circular shape, symbolising fulfilment and perfection, features two distinctly different typefaces: an historical swash italic for the letters ‘HKU’, echoing the classical architecture of the Main Building, and a very contemporary sans serif for the numerals ‘100’. The typefaces strive to reach out beyond the circular confine, ever wanting to achieve more. Dark green is the traditional University colour. A more vibrant and dynamic shade of green is selected as the primary colour for the Centenary Signature.

The University of Hong Kong boasts of a proud heritage and embraces the challenging future. The counter-play of tradition and modernity reflects the excitement of this very historic moment.

Designer Mr Tommy Li: “This is an exciting project and I am honoured to have been involved. The Centenary of HKU represents the centenary of tertiary education in Hong Kong. HKU has grown with Hong Kong. HKU is also a brand that Hong Kong people have grown up with, and we are proud of it. I believe the signature, which I see as more than just a logo, reaffirms the uniqueness of HKU.”

Logos of the 80th and the 90th Anniversaries八十周年及九十周年的標誌

1887 香港西醫書院成立,孫中山為首屆學生之一 1910 本部大樓奠基 1911 『香港大學條例』生效,大學正式成立 1912 首屆學生入學,香港西醫書院歸併入香港大學

2010 百周年校園奠基 2011 百周年校慶活動展開 2012 百周年校園啟用,新學制開始 百周年慶祝活動幕下

On CampusP.12 HKU in Shanghai

Shanghai Study Centre – an icon for

learning and knowledge exchange

P.14 Alumni in Shanghai

P.16 Advanced Cultural Leadership


P.18 Home-grown Scientist Honoured for

Research in Sustainable Energy

P.20 Swire Hall 30th Anniversary

P.22 Social Service Group, HKUSU –

60th Anniversary

P.26 Honorary University Fellowships

P.32 Mentorship ProgrammeCelebrating the 14th year with

music and songs

ConvocationP.40 A Message from Chairman

of Convocation





Corrigenda (Summer Issue, 2010)

Professor Tam Sheung-wai 譚尚渭教授 (BSc 1958; BSc(Hon) 1959; MSc 1961) (P.34)

Wong Chi-shing 黃志成 (BSc 1957; BSc(Hon) 1958; MSc 1961)

Leung Shau-king 梁秀瓊 (BSc 1957; BSc(Hon) 1958) (P.67)

Convocation Newsletter(香港大學畢業生議會通訊) is a university magazine for alumni, teachers and friends.

Advisory Committee:Professor Lee Chack-fan 李焯芬 (BScEng 1968; MScEng 1970) (Chairman)

Professor Cheng Kai-ming 程介明 (BSc 1966; BSc(Sp) 1967; CertEd 1981; AdvDipEd 1982; MEd 1983)

Professor Ying Chan 陳婉瑩 (BSocSc 1970)

Mr Andrew Fung 馮可強 (BA 1969; DipEd 1972)

Mr Lawrence Fung 馮紹波 (BSocSc 1972)

Mr Man Cheuk-fei 文灼非 (BA 1987)

Mr Poon Kai-tik 潘啟迪 (BA 1975)

Managing Editor:DirectorDevelopment & Alumni Affairs Office

Published by: Development & Alumni Affairs Office The University of Hong Kong

Circulation: 110,000

Graphic Design: trinity & co.

Views expressed in the Newsletter do not necessarily represent those of the University or Convocation. Please acknowledge source when any part of the Newsletter is quoted or reproduced.

We welcome your articles, letters, updates and news. For pictures, we welcome prints, colour slides or computer graphics in JPG format (350 dpi and 15cm x 10cm), and digital photos (500 kb or above).

All correspondence and address changes should be directed to:

Managing Editor, Convocation NewsletterDevelopment & Alumni Affairs OfficeThe University of Hong KongPokfulam Road, Hong KongTel: 2859 2603; Fax: 2517 6351;E-mail: [email protected]: www.hku.hk/alumni

Convocation (香港大學畢業生議會) is a statutory body of the University comprising all graduates and teachers of the University.E-mail: [email protected]: www.hku.hk/convocat

P.33 HKU 100 Mooncakes

P.34 Rendezvous @ Vancouver

Simon K Y Lee Hall HKU-UBC House

40th Anniversary

HKUAA, British Columbia Chapter

P.37 Centenary Distinguished Lectures and

Lunches with Nobel Laureates

P.38 Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh –

Happiness is Here and Now

Alumni NetworksP.42 Central USA, Lady Ho Tung Hall,

Old Halls, St John’s College…

ReunionsP.48 Class of 1985, Social Sciences

Pioneer Class of 1967-70, Master

of International and Public Affairs,

Geography Class of 1962, The Swire

Institute of Marine Science…

Class NotesP.55 Look up familiar faces! Glance the latest

alumni news and share yours for the

next issue!

P.65 Alumni & Books

P.67 In Memoriam

HKUinShanghaiHKU has increased significantly its academic collaborations and projects on the Mainland in recent years and has also built a much wider network of partner universities for student exchange and academic collaboration.

With the opening of the HKU Shanghai

Study Centre in 2008, HKU has

strengthened its Mainland presence and

the Study Centre is becoming an icon for

learning and knowledge exchange.

The Shanghai Study Centre is a four-

storey building located at the historical

Post Office Building at No. 298, Beisuzhou

Road, Hongkou District (上海虹口區北蘇州

路298號), at the north end of the Sichuan

Road Bridge, which spans Suzhou Creek.

It houses the Faculty of Architecture,

Faculty of Business and Economics, and

the Journalism and Media Studies Centre.

It was made possible with the generous

support of Mr Chung Kin-kwok 鍾健國

in 2007.


On Campus


The Faculty of Architecture occupies two floors of the Study Centre for use as a teaching venue. Every Architecture undergraduate in Hong Kong will go to the Study Centre for a semester in order to learn the culture and architectural designs of Shanghai. The Faculty also plans to arrange for students to participate in community projects in Shanghai.

The Journalism and Media Studies Centre aims to pursue excellence in journalism and fostering Asian voices in the international media. With the facilities at the Study Centre, it can hold academic conferences and forums to nurture future media professionals.

The Faculty of Business and Economics opened its office to students in November 2010. Since the launch of the Master of Business Administration (International) programme (IMBA), co-organised by HKU and Fudan University 12 years ago, the programme now has more than 2,600 graduates. The Study Centre will be an exclusive dynamic platform for the Faculty’s alumni, students and teaching staff to interact and to learn; to confront new facts; break new grounds; and find creative ways to solve problems. The Centre can be a place for lectures, seminars, exhibitions, study groups and social events too.







摘自《上海教育》2010 07A期



Shanghai RendezvousJune 25, 2010

Over 400 alumni came from the United States, Canada, Hong Kong and different cities in China gathered at the HKU Shanghai Study Centre.

Mainland alumni representatives from different cities, including Beijing, Xi’an, Zhengzhou and Guangzhou, at the Shanghai Rendezvous.

Mr Xu Lejiang 徐樂江 (IMBA 2000) (middle), Chairman of Baosteel Group Corporation, visits the Architecture studio at the Centre and is introduced by Vice-Chancellor and President Lap-Chee Tsui and Mr Jason Carlow (1st right), Assistant Professor of Architecture, to an overseas student who is on summer exchange with HKU.

Professor Zhong Xiangchong 鍾香祟 (BA 1941), Fellow of Chinese Academy of Sciences, who is 89 years old, was the most senior alumnus at the party.

Over 3,500 alumni in Shanghai including those who:

• Came to HKU before the War in 1940 and returned to the Mainland;

• Came to HKU after the War, for postgraduate or research studies, from late 1970s to 1990s;

• Graduated from HKU joint degree programmes and universities on the Mainland, such as IMBA, Master of Social Work/Postgraduate Diploma in Social Work;

• Studied Undergraduate programmes under the Mainland Admission Scheme; an average of 300 students per year. Some of them returned to the Mainland or continued their studies after graduation;

• Came for studying postgraduate studies, such as Master of Common Law; and

• Are alumni from around the world who are now working and residing on the Mainland.

On Campus


Gathering with alumni and friends in Shanghai.

Class of 1977 alumni from Hong Kong.

IMBA alumni with Professor Eric Chang 張介, Faculty of Business and Economics.

Year 0 students: they are Mainland students who have been admitted to HKU and are taking a preparatory year studying (委培學習) at one of the following universities: Fudan, Peking, Shanghai Jiatong, Tsinghua or Zhejiang. After that, they will come to HKU to start their Year 1.

Year 0 students met Pro-Vice-Chancellor Professor S P Chow 周肇平 (MBBS 1968; MS 1988) (standing right) and Director of Development & Alumni Affairs Office Ms Bernadette Tsui 徐詠璇 (BA 1980; MPhil 1984) (sitting left) and shared the experience of their preparatory year studies.


The First Cultural Leadership Programme in Asia

Hong Kong is experiencing a cultural awakening, reflected in both the concern for the safeguarding of the past (heritage) and the forging of future infrastructure (West Kowloon Cultural District). But the region lacks sufficient numbers of cultural leaders to stimulate, steer and shape what could be an unprecedented burgeoning of cultural knowledge.

The Advanced Cultural Leadership Programme (ACLP) at The University of Hong Kong commences in January 2011 to help nurture leaders for the new challenges facing the cultural sector in Hong Kong.

In association with the Clore Leadership Programme, the ACLP aims to provide outstanding cultural leaders with the practical skills, intellectual perspectives and global networks needed to seize new opportunities, strengthen their organisations and deliver a world-class vision.

“Hong Kong is like Cinderella – she’s beautiful, although she may not realise it. Instead of complaining about the Ugly Sisters, we need to find the Prince who will bring out Cinderella‘s beauty. The cultural leaders are the Prince.”

Professor Daniel K L Chua 蔡寬量 Head of the School of Humanities

On Campus


A total of 100 cultural leaders are

expected to be trained over the

next five years to meet the urgent

demand in Asia.

Jan 21Presented by In Partnership with

Leading ChangeA Forum on Cultural Leadership


10.00 a.m. – 5.00 p.m.

Wang Gungwu Theatre, Graduate House,

The University of Hong Kong

More details:



The Leader as Change AgentSir John TusaChair of the Clore Leadership Programme PRESENTATIONS AND DISCUSSIONS

Risk and Accountability: Striking a balanceSue HoyleDirector of the Clore Leadership Programme From Small to Big: Manging Growth for a Cultural OrganisationJohn NewbiginCultural Entrepreneur The Artist as Leader of Change: An outward-looking prespectiveFearghus O’ConchuirIndependent Choreographer and Dance Artist

Change as organic process: Recognising the human realities of changeDick RobertsonDirector, Ideas Unlimited Resilience: Leading a team through major changeErica WhymanChief Executive Northern Stage, Newcastle

ACLP Funding Partners ACLP in Assoication with

West Kowloon Cultural District Authority


On Campus


“I firmly believe that regardless of one’s gender, as long as one has the passion, dedication and determination to pursue research wholeheartedly, one can excel and produce results of world-class quality.”

Professor Vivian Yam 任詠華 (BSc 1985; PhD 1988), Philip Wong Wilson Wong Professor in Chemistry and Energy, was chosen as the 2011 L’Oréal-UNESCO Women in Science Awards Laureate for the Asia/Pacific region for her work on light-emitting materials and innovative ways of capturing solar energy.

Professor Yam obtained her Bachelor and Doctoral degrees from HKU and was a Swire Scholar (1985-1988). She then joined HKU’s Department of Chemistry in 1990 and has been dedicated to teaching and research at the University ever since. At the age of 38, she was elected a Member of

the Chinese Academy of Sciences as the youngest member of the Academy. She was also the first Chinese scientist to be honoured with the Royal Society of Chemistry Centenary Lectureship and Medal for 2005-06.

Every year, the L’Oréal Foundation and UNESCO recognise five exceptional women scientists, one from each continent, and honour them for the contributions of their research, the strength of their commitments and their impact on society.

Professor Yam’s main area of research is in inorganic / organometallic syntheses and photochemistry related to luminescence and solar energy conversion. The major focus is on the molecular design and synthesis of novel inorganic and organometallic metal complexes that may find potential applications as functional metal-based molecular materials.

Professor Vivian Yam with her State Natural Science Second-class Award. She was also elected a Member of the Chinese Academy of Sciences in 2001 at the age of 38, the youngest member of the Academy.


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Stephen Schwarzman, Chairman, CEO and co-Founder of the Blackstone Group, drew a packed audience at Loke Yew Hall with his speech, entitled “Global Growth Prospects and Financial Services Post-Regulatory Reforms”.

Schwarzman gave a positive outlook on the Asia economy, which has on the whole weathered the great recession much better than the US and Europe. The 21st century belongs to Asia, especially with China’s fast-growing economy, remarked Schwarzman.“In 10 years, nearly 50 percent of the global GDP will come from the developing world”, he said.

The “Edward K Y Chen Distinguished Lecture Series” was initiated in 2007 by a group of former HKU students of Professor Edward Chen 陳坤耀 (BA 1967; MSocSc 1971; Hon DSocSc 2008) as an accolade to their fine scholar and loving teacher.



Previous speakers of this lecture series include Mr Jack Ma 馬雲, founder of Alibaba Group, and Lin Yifu 林毅夫, Chief Economist of the World Bank.

For a full report, please visit: www.fbe.hku.hk/News/FBELectureInsight/

The exhibition Zest to Dunhuang presents the paintings and calligraphy of the eminent scholar and artist, Professor Jao Tsung-I, which were inspired by the ancient oasis town of Dunhuang in north-western China.

Dunhuang lay at the junction of the trade routes known collectively as the Silk Road, and became a significant site in the development of Buddhism in China.

A scholar of extraordinary and broad talent, Professor Jao has written over 80 books, and his paintings and calligraphy have been displayed around the world.

Among Professor Jao’s many awards includes an honorary degree in humanities from the Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes in France and the Prize for Special Contributions to the Protection of Dunhuang Relics.

An additional sixty works, including paintings of heavenly figures such as apsaras and bodhisattvas, and earthly subjects such as lohan, will be on display alongside Professor Jao’s calligraphy.

The exhibition will take place at the HKU University Museum and Art Gallery until February 6, 2011.


We are not the other one.

The establishment of Swire Hall not only provided accommodation for students, it also saw the campus’ first high-rise student residential hall in the University’s history.

Swire Hall provides more than 300 residential places to both undergraduates and postgraduates.

1980 2010

“Swire’s have featured in many ‘firsts’ in the University’s history and its latest endowment of $2,500,000 for an undergraduate hall of residence takes another special place. The long absence of an undergraduate hall in the University’s building programmes in recent decades merely underlines the priority that it enjoys in University thinking today. This is the kind of provision that is germane to university life and probably more so in Hong Kong than anywhere else in the world is it, and has it become, also a need.”

Professor W E Cheong 張榮洋 Second Warden, Swire HallFrom the Programme of Swire Hall Opening Ceremony 1980

Swire Hall 30th AnniversaryWhen Swire Building officially opened on November 11, 1980, it represented a new concept of student accommodation at HKU which combined a co-residential hall and an amenities centre. Thirty years on, Swire Building remains a popular meeting place for residents and non-residents.

An article reporting the Opening of the Swire Building. (Picture on top, from left) Mr J A Swire, Chairman of J.S. & S. Ltd., Dr Rayson Huang, Vice-Chancellor of HKU (1972 – 1986) and Mr J H Bremridge, former Chairman of J.S. & S. (H.K.) Ltd. (Quote from Swire News Volume 8 Issue 1 1981)

On Campus


Just be a SWIRIAN.“When then-Swire Group Chairman, Sir John Swire CBE, officially opened Swire Hall in November 1980, he was continuing a tradition of Swire support for the University of Hong Kong that is as old as the university itself.”

Christopher Pratt Chairman, John Swire & Sons (H.K.) Ltd.

“The past 30 years have seen the shaping of Swire Hall culture that is firmly rooted in our spirit of Unity and Sincerity. Swirians in recent years have been cultivating their passion in social services locally and internationally.”

Dr Sam Chu 朱  華Warden, Swire Hall

One of the first batch of Swirians, Chung Chuen-ming 鍾全明 (BSc 1983; PCEd 1987), joined Swire Hall in 1980.


Patrick Yeung 楊偉添 (BSocSc 1980, MSc(ECom& IComp 2002)), Director, Chief Representative of John Swire & Sons (China) Ltd.

Anniversary Dinner

「我們見證了太古堂其獨特的歷史任務,亦賦予她繼續向前走的 力量。儘管太古堂將會面對更多困難,宿生亦會面對更大挑戰,


Dean Chan Wai-him 陳維謙 BSc 2001; MSc(SportsScience) 2006

Chairperson, Swire Hall 30th Anniversary Dinner Organising Committee


Sixty years ago, on Christmas Eve, the laughter of children broke the silence and spread across the University campus. A group of University students were determined to set up a club school for poor children.

The Social Service Group (SSG) was born.

The logo of the Social Service Group symbolises the strong link between Students and Society.




回自己的象牙塔  去。可是有更多的人卻強項地站起來,找尋了在認識過

程中與自己有同樣勇氣的青年,手  手地,在這場改革社會的充滿荊棘道


各位參加團活動的同學也不應該怕討論問題,思考問題。把現在團  薄弱

的研究風氣,糾正過來。跟  就是把理論所得,時時刻刻牢記,盡可能地

施諸實行,那怕是極高的自我要求。無論在團  或將來對國家民族的任


James Lau 劉大鈞 (MBBS 1969; MPhil 1999) 摘自社會服務團1968年年報











Au Pak-kuen 區伯權 (BA 1971; DipEd 1972;

AdvDipEd 1978; MEd 1980) 摘自社會服務團1968年年報

We call our Group the Social Service Group because we live with people in the community. We are all members of the human family in which each of us plays our part and contributes something of value to others.

Rev A J Deignan, S JPresident, Social Service Group

Former Warden of Ricci HallAt the Annual General Meeting 1973

The next stage will be the development of increasing skills, on the part of the Social Services Group, in involving the people themselves–in villages and clubs–in the planning and carrying out of projects in which their own aspirations can be fulfilled through their own efforts.

Professor J M Robertson President, Social Service Group From SSG Annual Report 1970

University education should serve two purposes; to learn a special ability to sustain a better livelihood; and to improve upon the general ability to cope with society. For the former, I learned in the lecture rooms; for the latter, I acquired by working with the Social Service Group.

Wong Kai-sang 黃繼生(MBBS 1972) Chairman, Social Service Group 1969 -1970

From SSG Annual Report 1969



At the 60th Anniversary Dinner

Past and current SSG members met with Rev John C Coghlan, S J who spoke on the history and mission of SSG which was originated from a social service programme organised by the Jesuit Fathers.

Volunteer works in early days include:• Children’s Club 兒童會 was a Club School for poor boys and girls,

established in 1950. The school was transformed into a Children’s Club in 1968. It was divided into a Kindergarten and a Recreational Club taking care of children between the age of four and fourteen.

• Work Camps 工作營 (Junk Bay, Wong Chuk Hang) were organised annually in villages in the New Territories during summer. Projects included the construction of roads, footpaths, houses or the laying of pipes for the villagers.

• Workers’ Club 工人小組 was established in 1968 and aimed to create co-operation between the workers and the student body, helping the workers to develop a sense of self-consciousness, giving them a basic academic and cultural training and providing recreational activities.

• The Corps for the Blind 盲人文娛組 provided recreational activities for the blind workers such as quizzes, singing, playing musical instruments, outings and evening parties during festivals.


How I became an SSG

Soon after start of the first term of my first year at HKU back in 1961, I was approached by a stranger in the Main Building who enquired whether I would be free to teach underprivileged school students on campus for one hour each Tuesday afternoon. That was my introduction to the Social Service Group (SSG), a student society that promoted social consciousness and had been running a primary school in two classrooms on campus.

I and a few dozen University students each taught for an hour a week on voluntary basis. Curriculum planning was non-existent; organisation flexible and professional standards never mentioned; we just did the best we could. We also organised class picnics, Christmas parties and a Red Cross uniform group.

During one Christmas break, I joined a work camp led by James Wong 黃霑, the then Vice-Chairman of SSG. We cleaned up a pigsty which became our ‘bed’ at the camp. We helped build and repair roads and bridges for the poor villagers.

Later, I took up the positions of vice-chairman and chairman, and it was my job to keep the primary school running, raise funds to build our premises and organise work camps in summer. The primary school closed after 1964 when all children in Hong Kong were able to receive a primary education in regular schools.

In the same year, the graduates who served as teachers in the primary school decided to set up a full-fledged evening secondary school for those who left school after their primary education but wanted to pursue their studies. With the same spirit and methods used in running the primary school, the secondary school was put into operation as a Jesuit run college six weeks after decision was made with no funding of any form. All teachers and staff were volunteers who contributed however they could. In the second year, a volunteer decided to quit her job to take up the full-time post of headmistress. Many University undergraduates took up part-time teaching and received a modest sum of income to cover the cost of studies and living. (In the early 1960s, no government grants and loans were available.) The school closed in the late 1970s when nine years of education was made mandatory.

By 1990s, Hong Kong people were benefitting from the economic growth and more people were able and willing to give. In 1991, a few SSG alumni decided to set up an Outstanding Student Service Award to encourage students from higher education institutions to work together to develop service programmes that would meet the changing needs in Hong Kong. Service programmes on the Mainland were also organised. The award recipients, 20 per year, formed a group to continue their community service after graduation.

In his latest policy speech, the Chief Executive of the HKSAR put forward a plan to encourage young people to take up volunteer service work on the Mainland. I am sure this will nurture a spirit of caring for and serving the needy with a national and broader perspective, a spirit that is essential for future leaders in the global community.

Luke Wong 黃兆光 (BA 1964; MA 1969)

SSG六十歲生日的反思 ── 從參與SSG至傑出義工獎

今年是社會服務團六十歲生日了。在這六十年,服務團為不計其數的大學生的義工路打下良好基礎。為改善社會上弱勢社群的 狀況,為勞苦大眾發出聲音,服務團都貢獻良多。

和許多現在仍然秉承服務精神的「老柴」們一樣,我從踏進HKU,參加了SSG的第一天已決定了義務工作是我的終身事業。 在服務團的三年時間,曾經組織工人活動、工作營、兒童活動等等。在工商界打拼了三十年,最後我都回到了義務工作。當義務

攝影師,義務培訓員,青年義工計劃顧問,社會企業顧問,以至08京奧馬術,09東亞運動會,及其他林林總總的義務工作都有 我的足印。今年,義務工作發展局頒給我一個「傑出義工獎」。這個榮譽都是在服務團的三年時間打下基礎而來。


Dr Li Ying-hung 李應鴻 (BSc(Eng)1979; MSc(Eng) 1984)


On Campus

Honorary University Fellowships

Biographies and citations: www.hku.hk/honfellows

Photos: Communications and Public Affairs Office, HKU

“They are true examples of commitment, determination, generosity and leadership, because they themselves lead by example. This relationship with society is an important part of the University’s heritage and the Fellowships are an enduring symbol of this partnership.”

Professor Lap-Chee TsuiVice-Chancellor

Chan Wai-nam 陳偉南Mr Chan is a prominent and long-time leader of the Chiu Chow business community. He is also an Honorary President of the HKU Foundation and the Founding President of ‘Friends of the Jao Tsung-I Petite Ecole’.

Mabel Cheung 張婉婷 (BA 1973) Alexander Law 羅啟銳 (BA 1976)

The creative partnership of Ms Cheung, one of Hong Kong’s finest film producers and directors, and Mr Law, a great advocate of the Hong Kong film industry, has led to numerous awards, including the Crystal Bear for Best Film at the 2010 Berlin International Film Festival.

Richard Hui 許晉義 (left)Mr Hui participates actively in community service. He has been, inter alia, a member of the Advisory Committee on Legal Education and the Hong Kong Council for Academic Accreditation, and is an honorary member of the Hua Xia Foundation.

Lam Chiu-ying 林超英 (BSc 1971; BSc(Sp) 1972)

Mr Lam, former Director of the Hong Kong Observatory, was made an Honorary Fellow of the Royal Meteorological Society in 2010, and an Honorary Fellow of the Chartered Institution of Water and Environmental Management in 2009.

Lee Man-ban 李文彬 (left)

Mr Lee is a lifelong advocate of rehabilitation and community service. He is the Chairman of The Hong Kong Society for Rehabilitation; Honorary President of the Hong Kong Arthritis and Rheumatism Foundation; Honorary Councillor of Rehabilitation Services of the Hong Kong Council of Social Service and Honorary Advisor to the Association for Engineering and Medical Volunteer Services.

Edwin Leong 梁紹鴻

Mr Leong founded the Tai Hung Fai Charity Foundation in 2005, through which he established the Henry G Leong Mobile Integrative Health Centre to provide free health screening and monitoring services to disadvantaged senior citizens throughout Hong Kong.

Edmund Leung 梁廣灝(BSc(Eng) 1967)

Ir Mr Leung has lent his experience and leadership to the Engineering profession, and has served as President of the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers, Chairman of the Hong Kong Branch, and Council Member of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers.

Stanley Ho Alumni Challenge

You’ve Made It!Thank you!


Over 100 departments and programmes - from student development to pioneering research, from cultural and humanities programmes to the new Centennial Campus - have benefitted.

0.17% 10M or above

0.39% 2M to < 10M

1.18% 200K to < 2M

6.73% 20K to < 200K



1,000 to < 20K

Below 1,000

Student Development0.68%

Scholarships /Bursaries /




General Purposes19.68%

Professorships /Fellowships


Academic Research 13.16%

DepartmentalDevelopment / Activities

6.06%Conferences /Workshops


Percentage of Donors vis-à-vis Donation Amounts (HK$)

Purpose of Donations

You’ve begun a new Giving CultureFrom November 1, 2005 to September 15, 2010

• >14,000 alumni donated• > 67% were first-time donors• Gifts ranged from HK$20 to over HK$1M• Donors aged from 19 to over 90• > 52% of donors are below 30 years old

Honorary University Fellowships

A-BMr David Au Chi WaiDr Au Kam TungMr Ricky Au Kwok CheongMr Au Wai KitMiss Au Wan TungDr Au Wing HoiMr Lawrence Au Yip KanDr Au Yiu KaiMs Pappy Au Yuk YingMr Herbert Au Yeung Ho WingMs Bao Yun JuanMrs Vivian BaramMr Vincent BeiMrs Annie BentleyThe Hon Mr Justice BharwaneyCMr John ChaiDr the Hon Anson ChanMr Chan Chak ChungDr Chan Chin YingMs Doris Chan Ching MeiMiss Mandy Chan Ching YiMiss Chan Chiu HungMr Stephen Chan Chun HungMr Otto Chan Chun ShingMr Chan ChungMr Elvin ChanMiss Chan FongDr Chan Fun TingMr Chan Hau WingMr John Chan Hin ChungMr Robert Chan Hing CheongMs Vivien Chan Hoi WeiIr Dr Chan Hon FaiDr Chan Hon MingProfessor Johannes ChanMr K C ChanMr Chan Kai BunDr Chan Kai ChungMr Chan Kai TonMr Chan Kan KamMr Chan Kor ShuDr Chan Kow TakDr Chan Kwan MingMr Chan Kwok CheungMr Divion Chan Kwok KeungDr Phyllis Chan Kwok LingMr Stephen Chan Kwong YiuDr Chan Lai KiuMr Gary Chan Lap TakMr Chan Lik SunMr Chan Lo HungMs Chan May YamMiss Maggie Chan Mee KieMiss Annie Chan Nga YeeMiss Chan Oi ChunDr Chan Ping CheungDr Ann Chan Sau YeeDr Chan Shu WingDr Andrew Chan Shun HungProfessor Sophia Chan Siu CheeMr Charles Chan Siu KeungMr Chan Siu NingMr Dominic Chan Siu TongDr Sue Chan Siu YuenDr Sarah Chan So ChingMr Chan Tat YeungMr Chan Tsz FungMr Vincent ChanMr Rico Chan Wai KwokMr Keith Chan Wai LuenMr Philip Chan Wai TakMiss Lily Chan Wing Kwan Ms Elle Chan Wing SzeMr Kenneth Chan Wong OnMr Y K ChanMiss Chan Yee LaiMiss Maggie Chan Yee ManDr Edward Chan Yiu CheungMr Chan Yiu KeeDr Chan Yuen ChiProfessor Chan Yuen YingMrs Karen Chan Lak Kung Mei Mrs May Chan Yeung Mei HayMr Chau Hing WahMr Chau Kin WangDr Chau Pui HingMs Sheila Chau Siu LaiMr Kenneth Chau Tak HoMr Lawrence Chau Yat CheungDr Cheang Hing WahMs Caroline CheeMiss Agnes ChenProfessor Albert ChenMiss Chen FengMiss Corina Chen HingMs Chen Mee JinMr Aaron Cheng Chung HangMr Raphael Cheng Hing HoMr Cheng Hon Kwong

Dr David Cheng Hung FaiProfessor Jack ChengMr Cheng Kai SunProfessor Cheng Kar KeungProfessor Cheng Kin FaiMr Clement Cheng Kit ManMr Cheng Kwai WaiMiss Cheng Lai KuenMs Cheng Lei WanMiss Cheng Mei LingDr Peter Cheng Ming ChuenDr Moses Cheng Mo ChiDr George Cheng Pak ManDr Constant Cheng Po KongMiss Cheng Pui LaiMiss Daisy Cheng Siu LingMr Cheng Sze HimProfessor Patrick Cheng Yiu ChungMiss Michelle Cheong Un LamIr Cheuk Wai FunMiss Cheuk Wing ChongMr Richard C L CheungMiss Cheung Ching WanMr Roger Cheung Cho WahDr Eric Cheung Fuk ChiDr Andrew Cheung Hee TaiMr Cheung Ho MingMr Cheung Hung-wahMr Cheung Ka MingMr Benny Cheung Ka NangDr Cheung Kai ShuenMr Cheung Kam ToMr Anthony Cheung Kwok KeungDr Annie Cheung Lai ManMs Cheung Lai MingMs Laura CheungDr Edmund M T CheungMs Cheung Man HaMiss Cheung Mei YeeMiss Margaret Cheung Sau LingMs Jenny Cheung Shui YeeIr Morris Cheung Siu WaMs Lucy T P CheungMr Jack Cheung Tai KeungMr Eric Cheung Tat MingDr Cheung ToDr Paul Cheung Wai KeungMr Ronald Cheung Wai KingDr Cheung Wai LamMiss Cheung Wing ManMiss Faith Cheung Yin FaiMr Charlie Cheung Yiu WingMrs Cheung Chan Yuk LinMrs Peggy Cheung Lui Po YeeDr Chiang ChenMr Robert ChiangMr Allan Chiang Yam WangDr Chin Chu WahDr Chin Kim FaiMiss Ching Ka YinProfessor Ching Wai YimMrs Michelle Chin Lai Chih HuaDr Johnnie Chiu Chap FaiDr James ChiuIr Dr Peter P K ChiuMr Alfred Chiu Wing FaiMr Thomas Chiu Woon LamDr George W S ChoaMr Choi Chu FanMr Aaron Choi Pui WahMr S Y ChoiMs Annie Choi Suk HanMr Dennis Choi Sung KiMiss Choi Wing KamDr Choi Yim PingMs Michel Chong Kei KeiMr Alfred Chow Cheuk YuDr Chow Chun BongMr Gary ChowMr James ChowMiss Cecilia Chow Lai PingMr Chow Leung SamMiss Chow ManMr Chow Luke Pye SunMr Ronald Chow Sai HungMr Chow Sai KuenMrs Selina ChowMr Shody ChowMr Vincent ChowMr Raymond W K ChowMr Stephen Chow Wai KitMr Chow Wai KwokMr Joseph Chow Wing SangMs Martina Choy Man ShunMiss Vera Choy Shuk MeiMs Dana Chu Dan NorMr Anthony Chu Hon YuMr Paul Chu Ka LokMr Winston Chu Ka SunDr Samuel Chu Kai WahDr Francis Chu Kin ChiuDr Patrick Chu Lap Sun

Miss Chu Mei TakMs Chu TanMs Betty Chu Wah HingDr Ronald Chu Wai SunMs Chu Wai YingDr Chu Yip SunMr Stanley Chu Yu LunMr Albert Chuck Chung YinMiss Chui Miu LingMr Norman Chui Pak MingMrs Chu Li Chan KuenMr Peter Chung Hung SekDr Chung Kim WahMs Chung Pui LingDr Timpson Chung Shui MingMr Michael Chung Tze KeiDr Margaret Chung Wai LingMs Kathy Chung Wai YinMrs Hannah Chung Ng Lai KuenD-G

Dr Robert B K DanMr Antonio Mario Da RozaMrs Ruqaiya EbrahimDr James Fan Chi SunMr Henry FanDr Fan Man HinProfessor S T FanMrs Tammy FanMr Fan Wing KeiProfessor David FangMr Fok Tung LiongMs Elaine Fok Yee MeiMiss Elizabete Fong Chong MeiMr Jeffrey Fong Tse WeiDr Christopher James FraserMs Idy Fu Chui YukMr Anthony Fung Kat LeeMiss Fung Lin FoonMiss Mickey Fung Mei KiMiss Fung Mei MeiMr Fung Ping CheungDr Lawrence Fung Siu PorMiss Fung Suk ChingMiss Vicky Fung Wai KeiMs Wendy K S GanDr Andy Gao Xue SongHMr Michael HaDr Billy Hau Chi HangMiss Jeanna Hau Nang ManMr Ho Che ManMr Ho Cheuk YuetMr Ivan Ho Chi ChingDr Billy Ho Chi OnMr Barrie Ho Chow LaiMr Edward HoDr Robert H N HoMr Bosco Ho Hin NgaiMiss Ho Kar LokMiss Dora Ho Lai SheungMs Ho Man LingMr Edmond Ho Man LungMiss Ho Mei FunMs Celine Ho Ming WaiMiss Pauline Ho Po LinDr Catherine Ho Shuk YeeDr Rainbow Ho Tin HungMr Ho Wai KinMr Argon Ho Wai KwokMr Raymond Ho Wai WingMr Ho Wai YiuDr Gallant Y T HoMiss Julian Ho Yin FongMr Sanly Ho Yiu CheongIr Martin Ho Yue TungMr Martin Hon Man TakMr Kevin Hong Kam WaiDr Hong Kwai WahDr Laurence L T HouMr Bernard Hui Mr Hui Chi HoiMr Hui Chi ManDr the Hon Rafael HuiMiss Hui So OnMr Daniel Hui Wah YingMr Stephen Hui Woo BunDr Hui YauDr Hui Choi Wai HingMs Teresa Hung Chi WahMr Gabriel HungMrs Hung Chan Sau LaiI-JMr Ip Chun ChungMr Ip Iu PongMr Ip Kam TimMs Ip Kung SauMr Ip Pak LunDr Patrick IpThe Hon Mrs Regina IpMr Peter Ip Tak KeungDr Raymond Ip Wei Chung

Professor Jao Yu ChingDr Henry Joeng Kin MingKDr the Hon Sir Michael KadoorieMr Vinco Kan Wing LokMrs Helen Kan Ng Chau YukMr Keung Ming KwongMr Keung Sui LunMs Cecilia Keung Wing YanMr Khadinn Sharaz Mahmood KhanMr Danny Khoo Lung YanMs Leonie KiDr Albert I KingDr Ko Hon SumMr Henry Kong Hin KeeMs Kou Yee FungMr Ku Wai KeungDr Paul KuaMrs Liliana KungMs Adah Kwan Boon OnMr Kwan Chuk FaiMs Locinda Kwan Ming LeungMs Clara Kwan Mo HaDr Simon S M KwanMr Kwan Sai PingMr Dennis Kwan Shun KinDr Kwan Yat WahDr Kwok Chi ChiuMs Matris Kwok Man YiMiss Kwok Wai SzeMr Kwok Wing ChungDr Willis Kwok Wing HongMiss Kwok WunDr Jeremy Kwok Yam TatMr Kwong Ki ChiMr Kwong ShanLMr Gordon Lai Cheung ShekMr Henry Lai Chi Leung Professor Lai Ching LungMr Lai Alex Chun HungDr Lai Fung MingMr John Lai Hon HungMr Lai Ming KaiMr Lai Ming OnMr Patrick Lai Shu HoMr Lai Siu CheungMr Lai Suk MingDr Stephen Lai Wai YanMs Agnes Lai Yuen KwanMr Albert C C LamMr Lam Che LeungMr Lam Cheuk FanDr Lam Chi MingMr Lam Chiu YingMr Jackson Lam Cho HungMr John Lam Choi Fat Mr Lam Hoi ChingDr Lam Jo HingMs Connie Lam Ka WaiMr Gary Lam Kar YanMr Dominic Lam Kwong KiMr Lam Kwong LeungMr Lam Man MingDr Pansy Lam Mi YingMr Bernard Lam Moon TimMiss Judy Lam Sau ChuDr Lam Siu KeungDr Olivia Lam Suk YeeMr Lam Sum CheeProfessor T H LamMr Lam Tat ShingMr Lam Tsz YanMr Lam Wo HeiMiss Christine Lam Yin HungMiss Lam Yin YuMr Victor Lam Ying KwongMr Francis Lam Yuen ChiDr Lam Sui Yue Dr Lau Chi PangMiss Angela Lau Chi YingProfessor Lau Chu PakMr Lau Chung HonMr Lau Hon KitMr Joseph Lau Hon YiuMr Ted Lau Ka LeungMr Lau Kin KwongMr Alex Lau Kwok YauMiss Michele Lau Lai WanMs Mary Lau Mun YeeDr Lau Ping TungMr Lau Siu ChuenDr Lau Siu PongDr Lau Suet TingMiss Lau Sum YinMr Dennis W K LauDr Michael W M LauMrs Ruth Lau Wing MunDr Johnny Lau Yiu Wing Miss Lau Yuen ManMiss Noeline Lau Yuk Kuen

Mrs Katy Lau Suen Ka PokMrs Lau Wong Lai LinDr Law Chi ChingDr Robert Law Chi LimMrs Fanny LawDr Law Ka ChungMr Law Ming ChiMr Ryan Law Wai KwongMr Kent Law Wing KinMiss Law Yee KiProfessor C F LeeMr John Lee Che TatMr Jason Lee Chi YeungMr Lee Ching KongMr Lee Ching YiuMr Joseph Lee Chiu PownDr Lee Chok HungMr Edmond LeeMr Andrew K F LeeMr Lee Kam MingMr Philip Lee Kar FaiMr Lee Kwok HungMr Lee Kwok TungMs Frances Lee Lai LanIr Alex Lee Lung YanMs Fanny Lee Man LimMiss Lee Mui SheungDr Natalie Lee Ngar YeeDr Louis Lee Nim WangMs Esther Lee Nyet MeeMr Patrick Lee Mr Ricky LeeDr Ernest S W LeeDr Lee Sheung SunDr Miranda Lee Siu YuenMiss Hilda Lee Siu YukDr Lee So LunMiss Phoebe Lee Suet ChingMiss Lee Suet KamMs Lee Suet YingProfessor Lee Sum PingMr Lee Tsz LeungDr Leo Lee Tsz OnMs Helen Lee Wai ChongProfessor Will Lee Wai MingMs Winnie Lee Wan YuMr Lee YuetMrs Lee Shum Shuk YuenMrs Janie Lee Tham Oi ChunDr the Hon Leong Che HungMr Leung Cheuk TongProfessor Leung Chi KeungDr Henry Leung Chi MingDr Leung Chi WaiDr Ronald D B LeungMs Leung Fung KingMs Leung Hing YeeMiss June Leung Ho KiIr Edmund K H LeungMr Philip Leung Kar HungMr Leung Kin CheongMr Leung Kong YuiMr Leung Lit OnMiss Leung Mei YinMs May Leung Mei YukMiss Tina Leung Mi LingDr Deborah Leung Nim NoMiss Pian Leung Oi KiMiss Leung Po ChingMr Leung Sair KiMiss Christina Leung Sau YueMiss Susan Leung So WanMr Leung Tak ShunMr Jackie Leung Wai BongMr Bernard Leung Wai HongMr Edwin Leung Wai KeiMr Leung Yat HangDr Leung Yau KuenDr Angela Leung Yee ManMr Leung Yiu PongMr Raymond Leung Yu ChiuDr Victor Li Kai ShunMiss Li Kam LinDr William Li Kin ShingDr Li Lai FungMiss Li Mui ChiuDr Raymond LiMr Albert Li Siu LokMs Catherine Li Yan YingMr Li Yat HungMiss Jennifer Li Yuet FongMiss Li Yun MoiMr Donald LiaoProfessor Marcel Soe Fa Lie Ken JieMrs Nancy Li Ip Sau FongProfessor Bernard LimMr David LimDr Etrian LimDr Albert Lim Heng PohMs Teresa Lin Mei FaiMiss Liu Pui YeeDr Kelvin Liu Sau Yu

Stanley Ho Alumni ChallengeFrom May 16, 2010 - September 15, 2010


Mr Tommy Liu Tai YumMr Liu Wing CheongMs Yvonne Liu Yik TungMr Lo Chan LamDr Alex Lo Chi TaiDr Lo Chor ManMr Lo Chung HinDr Ronald Lo Joy WahMr Philip Lo Kai WahMr Lo Kar ChunMr Lawrence Lo Nang SingMs Eileen Lo Po LingProfessor Daniel Lo Sai HuenIr Dr Lo Wai KwokMs Lo Wai SzeMiss Esther Lo Wing SzeMr Simon Lo Yat ManMr Lo Yuk ShunMr Lo Yuk SuiMrs Margaret Lo Choy Yin FonMrs Ninson Loh Mr Benny Lok Chung KitMs Rosa LokMrs Fanny Lok Fong Siu LingMr Loong Ming TakMiss Lui Chui ChiMr Lui Ka WahDr Lui Wing YeeMr Luk Kwok ChingMr Raymond Luk Nai ManDr Luk Shing CharkDr Luke Koon HungMMr Ma Chi FaiDr Gordon Ma Fong YingMs Ma Kar KarMr Francis Ma Kwok LeungProfessor Frederick Ma Si HangDr Teresa Ma Wei LingMiss Stephanie Ma Wing YeeMiss Ma Yee KiMrs Linda Ma Wong Pui KeeMr Sidney Mak Fai ShingMr Richard K C MakMiss Lilian Mak Pui YuMrs Sandra MakMs Daisy Mak Wai HanMs Winda MakDr Mak Woon KwongMr Man Shun ShingMs Irene Man Yee ChingMiss Eva Man Yuen WahMiss Elley MaoMiss Betty Mark Shun HanDr Christina Maw Kit CheeMr Raymond Mok Chi MingMs Emmeline MokDr David L F MokMiss Mok Sau KingMs Elizabeth Mok Tik ShanMr Peter Mok Wah FunIr Danny Mok Yick FanMiss Mok Yin MungMr Steven Mong Kar KeungNMr Gareth Ng Chi KwongMr Anthony Ng Heung HungMr Eddie Ng Hin SingDr Ernest Ng Hung YuMr Ng Kai WingDr Ng King TungMr Ng King YinMr Ng Kuen ToMr Ng Leung ChoiDr Lawrence M NgMr Keith Ng Man KeungDr Ng Ngai SingMr Ng Ping SumDr Ng Ping WingMr Gary Ng Pui WahMiss Janet Ng Siu ChingIr Ng Siu KwanMiss Ng Suet YanDr Ng Sze WaiMr Ng Tang KeiMr Simon Ng To HanMr Anthony Ng Wai MingMr Anthony Vincent Ng Wing ShunDr Angela Ng Wing YingMr Ng Yat WaiMs Elanie Ng Yin LingMr Ng Yook ManDr Kenneth Ng Yu KinDr Ng Yuk LanMr Ngai Wing LungMr Donald Ngan Lai TongDr Elly Ngan Sau WaiProfessor Hextan Ngan Yuen SheungDr Henry Ngan Yuk TungO-PDr O Wai Sum

Miss Patricia Ong Suet ChuMr Jeff Pak Sai WaiDr Pan Jia YanMr Lawrence PangMr Patrick Pang Man ChungMr Pang Shu WingMr Pang Yau PingDr Pau Wing FooDr Gordon Y L PeiDr Pong Man ChiDr Poon Kin HungDr Kenneth Poon Kwong TatDr Alice Poon Pui WahMrs Rachel PoonDr Poon Shek CheongDr Michael Poon Sui LunMr Walter Poon Tak WoDr Poon Yeuk FooDr Pun Kwok ShingMiss Tracy Pun Mei MeiMs Maggie Pun Wai MingSMiss Lily SeetMiss May Seto Mei YeeDr Connie Sham Fung TingMs Sham Miu WahProfessor Jonathan Sham Shun TongDr John Sham Tak CheongMr Thomas Sham WanMr Sheir Wing KeeMiss Emily Shek Pui YukDr Elizabeth S C ShingMr Shum Kwan YingDr Shum Ping ShiuDr Bobby Shum Shui FungMr Shun Chi MingMiss Elizabeth Sinn Yee ManMr Kenneth Sit Hoi WahMr Simon Sit Poon KiDr Siu Hin HoProfessor Siu Man KeungMs Allison Siu Man YingMs Siu Oi LingDr Siu Shing ChungMr Siu Yan KitMr Siu YipMiss So Lai KuenDr Kathleen P H SoDr So Sing ChoMs Pollyanna So Siu MeiMr Thomas SoMr Christohper So Ting KwongMs Rita So Wan SeeMs So Yuen NamMr Soo Hung ShamMr Nicholas Alexander StockDr Su Kai LeungMr Suen Kwong HoiThe Hon Michael SuenMiss Sum Wai HungDr Sun Yiu KwongMs Sung Hai YenMs Irene SzetoTMiss Tai ChingMr Tai Keen ManMs Lianne Tai Yau YeeMs Sylvia Tam Chau MingMr Joseph Tam Hin ChoMr Eric Tam Ka KeiProfessor Paul Tam Kwong HangMr Tam Kwong LimMiss Tam Sake MingMiss Rosita Tam Shuk WahDr Edward Tam Wai ChauDr Wilson Tam Wai SanDr Alfred Tam Yat CheungMr Hezek Tang Chi LikMr Tang Chi MingMr Michael Tang Chung PakProfessor Tang FaiMr Tang Kwok KiMr Dennis Tang Kwok LeungMr Tang Lap KwongMiss Vanessa Tang Sau HanDr Tang Sek YingDr Tang Tin WuProfessor Grace W K TangMs Violet Tang Wai ChuMr Jackson Tang Wai KuenMiss Pauline Tang Wai ManMiss Tang Wai MingMiss Tang Wing KiMrs Angeline Tang Yiu Ching FunMr David Tao Ying FaiMs Pearl Tie Ji XiMiss Helena To Hiu MingDr Michael To Kai TsunMr To Yiu KwanMr Tong Chun WanMrs Teresa L C Tong

Dr Patrick Tong Pak ChuenMr Peter Owen TongDr Lily Tong Sui MingMr Tong Yiu ChungMr Tsang Kwok HoMs Judy Tsang Lai LunMr Tsang Wai HingMr Peter Tsang Wai MingMs Christina Tsang Woon PuiMiss Lucia Tsang Yee HaMr Tse Ching KanMr Aloysius Tse Hau YinMr Colin Tse Kwok ChuenMr Tse Sik YanMr Tse Wing HongMrs Clara Tse Wong Yuen BingMr Tso Ming HonDr Tso Shiu ChiuMr Tsoi Shiu ManMiss Tsoi Yuk LinMs Bernadette TsuiProfessor Amy Tsui Bik MayMrs Cecilia TsuiDr Sunny Tsui Hing ChungIr Dr Paul TsuiMr Rick W K TsuiMr Edward Y C TsuiWDr Veronica Y C WaiMiss Wai Yuen SzeMrs Aouda WanMiss Agnes Wan Ho YingMr Wan Kwong YiuDr James Wan Wai HungMr Tony Wan Wai ManMr Paul Wan Yat MingDr Wang YaohuiMr William Wat Chi HungMr Willis Wei Lok LumMr Barry Fegan WillDr Wong Chit MingDr Wong Fook YeeDr Wong Ka YiuMr Wong Kai FanMr Wong Kam ToDr Philip Wong Kin HangMr Wong Kin MingDr Peter Wong King KeungMiss Phyllis Wong King ShuiMr Chris Wong Kong ChuMr Jason Wong Koon MingMr Wong Kun KauMr Chris Wong Kwok KiMiss Emily Wong Lai YungMr Allan Wong Nai KwongMs Annie Wong On YeeMiss Patsy Wong Pat ShunMs Priscilla WongMr Wong Sek CheungMs Shirley Wong She LaiDr Wong Siew HuaMr Bill Wong Sin YungDr Alice Wong Sze TsaiProfessor T M WongDr Wong Tai Wai Mr Julius Wong Tak FungMr Wong Tak LeungMiss Linda Wong Tsz KwanMr Wilkie W G WongMr Rex Wong Wai ChungMiss Anna Wong Wai KwanMiss Vivian Wong Wai ManMiss Wong Wai YeeMr Raymond Wong Wan MingMr Wong Wing SingDr Wong Wing TakProfessor Wong Wing TakMr Wong Wing YiuDr Gary Y F WongMr Wong Yim WahMr Wong Yiu MingMiss Janet Wong Yuen Ha

Mr James Wong Yuk LoiMs Brenda Wong Cheung Ching YeeMrs Elizabeth Wong Chien Chi LienMrs Corina Wong Ko Mee WanMrs Agnes Wong Li Shuen PuiMrs Wong Mak Kit LingMr Lawrence Woo Man YiuMrs Simmy Edith WooMr Wu Chung WaiDr Peter Brendan Wu Hin TingMs Sarah Wu Po ChuDr Philip Wu Po HimProfessor Rudolf Wu Siu SunDr Alfred Wu Yin NinMr Daniel Wun Lo ShingYThe Hon Mr Justice YamProfessor Vivian Yam Wing WahMr Victor Yan Pui HungMr Yan Siu CheongMr Yan Tak FaiDr Serena Yang Hsueh ChiMs Effie YaoMr Yao Te HwaiMs Chloe Yau Ching ManMs Lynn F C YauMiss Yau Hoi ManMs Helen Yau Kit LingMiss Christina Yau Sau WaiMs Fiona Yau Wai KiMs Lucy Yen Shang WenDr Yeoh Kian HianMiss Shirley Yeung Chui WanMr Yeung Chun TongMs Jeny Yeung Mei ChunDr Yeung Ming HonMrs Monica YeungMr Yeung Pak SingProfessor William Yeung Shu BiuMr Yeung Shu KwanMiss Patricia Yeung Shuk KwanMs Cecilia Yeung Sze SzeDr Yeung Sze YuenMr Yeung Tak KeungMiss Yeung Wai ShanMr Philip Yeung Wai YuenMiss Eirene Yeung Yat Chi

Miss Mary Yeung Ying HaMr Gensan Yim Ho ManMr Rocco Yim Miss Yim Shuk YeeMs Amy YingMs Joan Yip Chau NgaMr Yip Chi Wing, FrederickDr Jeremy YipDr Yip Ka CheeMr Raymond YipMiss Yip Sau WahDr Shirly C YipMiss Yip So HaMiss Meg Yip Wai YanDr Elaine Yiu Yin LingDr Felix You YeungProfessor Edwin C L YuMr Gabriel Yu Chi MingMrs Helen YuMiss Yu Kwan MeiMr Benjamin Yu Kwan ShunDr Philip Yu Leung HoMiss Yu Po ManMiss Pauline Yu Wah LingMiss Perlie Yu Wan TungMiss Susan Yu Yim BingMr Alan Abel Yu Ying ChoiProfessor Peter Yu YoundDr Donald Yu Yu ChiuDr Frank Yu Yu KaiProfessor Richard Yu Yue HongMrs Yu Chan Siu HingMr George YuenMiss Carol Yuen Yuet SheungDr Alice YukMiss Cindy Yung Chi PingMr Leo Yung Chor HoMr Yung Ka CheongMr Jason Yung Kei YauDr Raymond Yung Wai Hung Dr Connie Yu Siu MayDr Gloria Yu Tsou Sheung MeiZMr Zhang DiDr Zhang WeiDr Zhu Ying Hua

In MemoriamDr Cheng Hung YueDr Cheng Siu YueDr Ching Man ChuekMr Li Kui Wai

GroupsAlumni at Belilios Public SchoolDr Ellen Li Charitable Foundation LimitedHistory Society, HKUHKU 1978 Civil Engineering Graduates AssociationHKU Alumni Association New South Wales Chapter Australia IncHKU Class of 1977 Jubilee Core TeamHKU Engineering Alumni AssociationHKU Industrial Engineering Class of 1976HKU Law Alumni Charity LimitedHKU MACHS Alumni AssociationHKU MSc in E-Commerce & Internet Computing Alumni AssociationHKU Old Halls Alumni Association LimitedHKU ScienceHKU Science Class (Biological Stream) of 1972HKU Science Class of 1973Hong Kong University Alumni AssociationHong Kong University Alumni Association of New Zealand IncHong Kong University Graduates AssociationLi Shu Fan Medical Foundation Limited, ThePeter Vine Charitable FoundationSimon K Y Lee Foundation LtdUniversity Hall Alumni LimitedUniversity of Hong Kong Medical Alumni Association, The Yu Chun Keung Charitable Trust Fund

And other Anonymous Donors

29Thank you!

“I want to join my fellow alumni in developing a spirit of giving.I hope that, come the Centenary in the year 2011, we will come up with a birthday gift ofat least $1 billion for our alma mater.”

Dr Stanley Ho


HONORARY PATRONS 榮譽會長* Mr Andrew K F Lee 李景勳先生 Hong Kong Cancer Fund 香港癌症基金會 Modern Dental Laboratory Co, Ltd 現代牙科器材 有限公司 HONORARY PRESIDENTS 名譽會長 Ms May Chan Suk Yee Miss Celine Ho Ming Wai 何明惠小姐 Professor Hextan Ngan Yuen 顏婉嫦教授 Sheung Mr Yeung Sai Hong 楊世杭先生 K C Wong Education Foundation 王寬誠教育 基金會 Wai Hung Charitable 慧洪慈善基金 Foundation Ltd 有限公司

HONORARY DIRECTORS 名譽董事 Dr Chan Lai Yam Aileen 陳麗音博士 Dr Chan Sui Kau 陳瑞球博士 Dr Gordon Ching Wai Kit 程偉傑醫生* Professor David Fang 方津生教授 Ms Adah Kwan Boon On 關本安女士 Professor Lam Tai Hing 林大慶教授 Dr Lee Nim Wang 李念弘醫生* Mr Lo Yuk Sui 羅旭瑞先生 Ms Winnie Mak Luke Him Sau Charitable Trust The Robert H N Ho Family 何鴻毅家族基金 Foundation

HONORARY ADVISORS 名譽顧問 Anonymous 無名氏 Madam Fong Tam Yuen Leung 方譚遠良女士 Ms Wendy Gan 顏金施女士 Mrs Pong Hong Siu Chu 龐康少珠女士* Dr Elizabeth S C Shing 成小澄博士 AECOM DCH Logistics Company Limited 大昌行物流 有限公司 Mayer Brown JSM 孖士打律師行

VOTING MEMBERS 遴選會員 Ms Natalie Chan Man Se 陳敏斯女士 Mr Adrian Cheng Chi Kong 鄭志剛先生 Dr David Cheng Hung Fai 鄭雄暉醫生 Dr Chow Chun Bong 周鎮邦醫生* Mr Stanley Chu Yu Lun 朱裕倫先生* Dr Robert B K Dan 鄧秉鈞醫生 Miss Grace Fung Shuk Yun 馮淑恩小姐 Mr Ho Wai Man 何偉文先生 Dr Hong Kwai Wah 康貴華醫生* Dr Kwok Chi Chiu 郭志超醫生 Mr Lee Yu Cheung 李宇祥先生* Professor Bernard Lim 林雲峰教授 Mr Lo Chung Hin 盧仲顯先生 Ms Lilian Mak Pui Yu 麥沛瑜女士 Mrs Anne Marden 馬登夫人 Dr Ernest Ng Hung Yu 吳鴻裕醫生 Airport Authority Hong Kong 香港機場管理局 HKU Law Alumni Charity Limited * Wong & Ouyang Group of 王歐陽集團屬下 Companies 公司

SENIOR MEMBERS 資深會員 Anonymous 無名氏* Mrs Annie L Bentley 梁安妮女士 Mr Kenneth Chau Tak Ho 周德灝先生 Mr Jack Cheung Tai Keung 張泰強先生 Professor Paul Cheung Ying Sheung 張英相教授 Professor Choi Yu Leuk 蔡宇略教授 Ms Dana Chu Dan Nor 朱丹娜女士 Mr Barrie Ho 何周禮先生 Mr Bosco Ho Hin Ngai 何顯毅先生 Mr Richard Ho Kim Pui 何劍培先生 Mrs Regina Ip 葉劉淑儀女士 Ms Lai Wai Hing 黎慧卿女士 Mr Dominic Lam 林光祺先生

* Mr Dennis W K Lau 劉榮廣先生 Mr Philip Lee Kar Fai 李嘉輝先生 Mr Lee Yin Mei 李賢美先生 Dr Henry Hongyu Leung 梁匡宇醫生 Dr Lo Chor Man 盧礎文醫生 Mr Philip Lo Kai Wah 羅啟華先生 Ms Elley Mao 茅以麗女士 Mr Anthony Vincent Ng Wing Shun 吳永順先生 Mr Allan Wong Nai Kwong 黃乃光先生 Ir Billy Wong Wing Hoo 黃永灝先生 Dr Yip Ka Chee 葉嘉池醫生 Ms Ruby Yu Yee Luen 余綺鑾女士 Mrs Yuen Chan Suk Yee 阮陳淑怡女士 Azeus Systems Limited 中環電腦系統 有限公司 Camelpaint Chemicals Co Ltd 駱駝漆化工有限 公司

Dah Sing Bank Limited 大新銀行 The Hong Kong Council of 香港社會服務 Social Service 聯會 The Hong Kong Institute of 香港測量師學會 Surveyors Hybribio Limited 凱普生物科技 有限公司 Powersun Century Limited Ronald Lu & Partners (HK) Ltd 呂元祥建築師 事務所(香港)

有限公司 Royal Institution of 英國皇家特許 Chartered Surveyors 測量師學會 The Thomas Melvin Laffin Charitable Foundation Ltd Tiostone Environmental Limited 天奧環保有限 公司 Wong Tung & Partners Limited 王董建築師事務 有限公司 ORDINARY MEMBERS 普通會員 Anonymous 無名氏 Mr David Au Chi Wai 區志偉先生 The Hon Mr Justice Bharwaney 包華禮法官 Mr John Chai 蔡新榮先生 Mr Otto Chan Chun Shing 陳鎮成先生 Mr John Chan Hin Chung 陳顯中先生 Ir Dr Chan Hon Fai 陳漢輝博士 Dr Chan Hon Ming 陳漢明醫生 Mr K C Chan 陳嘉展先生 Dr Chan Kai Chung 陳介宗醫生 Mr Chan Kwan Ching 陳君正先生 Professor Johannes M M Chan 陳文敏教授 Dr Johnny Chan Ping Hon 陳秉漢醫生 Mr Joe Chan Sye Hon 陳仕宏先生 Mr Rico Chan Wai Kwok 陳偉國先生 Mr Y K Chan 陳炎光先生 Dr Chan Yuen Chi 陳遠止博士 Mr Chang Ka Mun 張家敏先生 Mr Lawrence Chau Yat Cheung 周日昌先生 Dr Cheang Hing Wah 張慶華博士 Dr Alfred Cheng 鄭俊仁醫生 Mr Allan Chiang Yam Wang 蔣任宏先生 Dr Chin Kim Fai 錢劍輝醫生 Ir Dr Peter P K Chiu 趙炳權博士 Mr S Y Choi 蔡秀煜先生 Mr Chong Hok Shan 莊學山先生 Mr Alfred Chow Cheuk Yu 周卓如先生 Ms Cecila Chow Lai Ping 周麗屏女士 Mr Ronald Chow Sai Hung 周世雄先生 Mr Chow Sai Kuen 周世權先生 Mr Raymond W K Chow 周偉淦先生 Dr Chu Ping Sun 朱炳新醫生 Madam Marianne Chua Mr Fung Man Sum 馮民森先生 Dr Allen Fung Yuk Lun 馮玉麟博士 Dr Anthony Keith Harris 夏健安醫生 Mr Simon Ho Che Leung 何子樑先生 Mr Ho Cheuk Yuet 何綽越先生 Mr Davy Ho Cho Ying 何祖英先生

Mr Edward Ho 何承天先生 Ms Jessie Ho Kar Sheun 何嘉璇女士 Ms Eunice Ho Yuk Ling 何玉玲女士 Mr Bernard Hui 許文博先生 Dr the Hon Rafael Hui 許仕仁博士 Ms Teresa Hung Chi Wah 熊芝華女士 Ms Ip Kung Sau 葉孔修女士 Dr Raymond Ip Wei Chung 葉衛忠醫生 Mr Keung Sui Lun 姜瑞麟先生 Mr Danny Khoo Lung Yan 邱龍恩先生 Dr Paul Kua 柯保羅博士 Dr Samuel Kwok Kim Kwong 郭劍光博士 Dr Willis Kwok Wing Hong 郭永康醫生 Mr Kwong Ki Chi 鄺其志先生 Ms Grace Lai Chui Yee 黎翠兒女士 Mr Lai Ming Kai 黎明楷先生 Mr Lam Man Ming 林文明先生 Mr Bernard Lam Moon Tim 林滿甜先生 Dr Lam Siu Keung 林兆強醫生 Mr Adam Lau 劉家健先生 Mr Joseph Lau Hon Yiu 劉漢耀先生 Mr Alex Lau Kwok Yau 劉國友先生 Ms Ruth Lau Wing Mun 劉穎雯女士 Mr John Lee Che Tat 李志達先生 Mr Gary Lee Chia Ning 李家寧先生 Mr Joseph Lee Chiu Pown 李超鵬先生 Dr Lee Chok Hung 李作雄博士 Dr Natalie Lee Ngar Yee 李雅兒醫生 Mr Patrick Lee 李伯榮先生 Mrs Janie Lee Tham Oi Chun 李譚愛珍女士 Mr Leung Cheuk Tong 梁卓堂先生 Mr Leung Kong Yui 梁剛銳先生 Mr Leung Pak Kui 梁伯鉅先生 Mr Li Chuen 李銓先生 Ms Li Mui Chiu 李梅昭女士 Mrs Helen Liang Dr York Liao 廖約克博士 Professor Marcel Soe Fa Lie Ken Jie 李素華教授 Dr Wallance Lim Boon Leong 林文量博士 Mr David Lim 林泗維先生 Dr Etrian Lim 林一盈醫生 Dato’ Allan Lim Kim Huat Dr Lo Chi Tai Alex 羅志泰醫生 Dr Ronald Lo Joy Wah 羅佐華醫生 Ms Eleanor Lo Shuk Yee 羅淑懿女士 Ms Angel Cara Ma Lai Ying 馬麗英女士 Dr Christina Maw Kit Chee 繆潔芝醫生 Mr Ng See Cheung 伍時鏘先生 Mr Anthony Ng Wai Ming 伍偉明先生 Mr Donald Ngan Lai Tong 顏禮唐先生 Ms Lily Seet 薛麗麗女士 Dr May Seto Mei Yee 司徒美儀博士 Dr Connie Sham Fung Ting 岑鳳廷醫生 Mr Shum Kwan Ying 岑昆英先生 Mr Thomas So 蘇鎮昌先生 Mr Christopher So Ting Kwong 蘇定光先生 Dr Su Kai Leung 蘇啟亮博士 Ms Tai Ching 戴晴女士 Ms Alice Tai Yuen Ying 戴婉瑩女士 Mr Wilkie Tam Chun Hung 譚振雄先生 Mr Tam Kwong Lim 譚廣濂先生 Dato Tan Hoe Pin Dr Michael To Kai Tsun 杜啟峻醫生 Mr Peter Owen Tong 唐永鴻先生 Mr Stephen Tsang Chi Pon 曾志本先生 Mr Andy Tsang Mo Chau 曾慕秋先生 Mrs Clara Tse Wong Yuen Bing 謝王婉冰女士 Mr Benjamin Tsui Yiu Ming 徐耀明先生 Mrs Mary Ann Elizabeth Wei 韋許維明女士 Dr Wong Chit Ming 黃淅明博士 Mr Wong Kin Ming 黃堅明先生 Dr Wong Siew Hua 黃秀花醫生 Mr Bill Wong Sin Yung 黃善榕先生 Mr Rex Wong Wai Chung 黃偉忠先生 Mrs Elizabeth Wong Chien Chi Lien 黃錢其濂女士 Mr Lawrence Woo Man Yiu 胡文耀先生 Ms Yao Jingmiao 姚晶淼女士

HKU Foundation Members with new or elevated membership from May 16, 2010 to November 15, 2010


Professor Anthony G O Yeh 葉嘉安教授 Professor William Yeung Shu Biu 楊樹標教授 Mr Rocco Yim 嚴迅奇先生 Dr Yip Yu Lap 葉汝立醫生 Mr Benjamin Yu Kwan Shun 余君信先生 Ms Somali Yu Siu Wa 余筱華女士 Dr Yu Wai King 余維敬醫生 Dr William Yu Yan 於仁醫生 Dr Yuk Tak Fun 郁德芬博士 Mr Jason Yung 容基祐先生 Dr Connie Yu Siu May 於蕭美醫生 Mr Zhang Lei 張磊先生 The “Star” Ferry Company, Limited 天星小輪有限 公司

Alpha Solution Limited 創生科技有限 公司

Archiplus International (HK) 亞設貝佳國際 Limited (香港)有限 公司

Asian Patent Attorneys 亞洲專利代理人 Association Hong Kong Group 協會香港分會 BinjaiTree F Zimmern & Co 施文律師行 Haitong International 海通國際 HKU Industrial Engineering 香港大學工業工 Class of 1976 程系一九七六 年畢業生

HKU Old Halls Alumni 香港大學明原堂 Association Limited 舊生會 HKU Science Class 香港大學理學院 (Biological Stream) of 1972 (生物系)一九

七二年畢業生 HKUAA of Victoria, Australia 澳洲維省香港大 學分會

Hogen Lovells 霍金路偉律師行 Hong Kong Institute of Certified 香港會計師公會 Public Accountants The Hong Kong Institution of 香港工程師學會 Engineers - Geotechnical - 岩土分部 Division The Hong Kong Mathematical 香港數學學會 Society Hong Kong University Alumni 香港大學校友會 Association Hong Kong University Alumni 新西蘭香港大學 Association of New Zealand Inc 校友會 Hong Kong Young Industrialists 香港青年工業家 Council 協會

LWK & Partners (HK) Limited 梁黃顧建築師 (香港)事務所 有限公司

Mercedes-Benz Hong Kong Ltd 梅賽德斯 - 奔馳 香港有限公司

Orea Dental Centre Limited 皓柏牙科診所 有限公司 Southeast Asian Press Alliance Victor Li & Associates Limited 李啟信工程顧問 有限公司

Yayasan Iskandar

Categories of Membership Donation 捐款會員類別 (HK$ 港幣)Honorary Patrons 榮譽會長 $5,000,000Honorary Presidents 名譽會長 $2,000,000Honorary Directors 名譽董事 $1,000,000Honorary Advisors 名譽顧問 $500,000 Voting Members 遴選會員 $200,000Senior Members 資深會員 $100,000Ordinary Members 普通會員 $20,000

* Founding Member 創會會員


Our students and researchers are

our greatest assets and your belief in them

is what makes HKU a great university.


“I served as a teacher in a remote village

school in Cambodia. It was a unique

experience where I came to fully realise

my responsibility as a global citizen

through helping and understanding those

who are less fortunate.”

Kwok Po-yee 郭寶儀 (BSocSc, Year 3)

First-in-the-Family Education Fund recipient


Celebrating the 14th year of the Mentorship Programme with music and songs

Mentee Yuki Nagame 永目裕紀 (BEcon&Fin, Year 3) sang the Japanese song Best Friend.

A Mentor-Mentee rendition of the song 月亮代表我的心. Mentor Ms Yvonne Pang 彭塋   accompanied by Mentee Sally Wang’s 王一帆 (BBA(Acc&Fin), Year 2) Pipa.

The Wynner’s “L.O.V.E.” by Mentor Dr Fok Wing-huen 霍穎壎 (MS(Eng) 1992).

Over 600 pairs of mentors and mentees, local and overseas, for 2010-2011.



Celebrating the 14th year of the Mentorship Programme with music and songs

HKU 100 MooncakesSeptember 18-19, 2010

“The senior citizens we visited reminded me that if it were not their generation, we would not have had this great city to live in – after all, they built it.”

Jacob Anderson Postgraduate student

Department of Social Work and Social Administration


Over 1,000 volunteers, including alumni, staff, students and friends, celebrated the Moon Festival with over 2,000 senior citizens who are living alone.


Rendezvous @ Vancouver

Simon K Y Lee HKU-UBC House October 8, 2010

Gift from Professor Jao Tsung-I

饒宗頤 for the Simon K Y Lee HKU-UBC House

The opening of the Simon K Y Lee HKU-UBC House on October 8, 2010 strengthens the long-standing partnership between The University of Hong Kong (HKU) and The University of British Columbia (UBC), and helps generate joint academic and research opportunities.

The House, made possible by a gift from Hong Kong-based philanthropist Dr Simon K Y Lee, incorporates 100 residence

spaces in Marine Drive Student Residences and includes the Global Lounge and Resource Centre, and the Simon K Y Lee Hong Kong Ballroom.

The University of Hong Kong Chamber on the ground floor is an office and meeting room which can be available for use by members of HKU.


“I have long envisioned a residence at UBC that would deepen the friendship between UBC and HKU. With the establishment of the HKU-UBC House on the UBC Vancouver campus on this side of the Pacific, this vision of a joint residential facility and a shared home with HKU – offering abundant opportunities for the development of rich and lasting friendships – became a reality.”

Dr Simon K Y Lee 李國賢 (Hon DSocSc 2006)

The following alumni contributed their Chinese calligraphy and paintings as gifts to mark the opening of the Simon K Y Lee Hall HKU-UBC House and HKU Chamber:

Henry Lo 盧漢耀 (BA 1979; PCLL 1988) • Dr Ambrose So 蘇樹輝 (BSc 1973) • Dr Chan Kow-tak 陳求德 (MBBS 1972) • Irene Chow 周立平 (BSc(Eng) 1974) • Alan Kwan 關其禎 (BSc(Eng) 1974) • C F Lee 李直方 (BA 1961; MA 1965).

“My father supported partnerships between these two world-class institutions, hoping to lay the foundation for academic and research advancement. It is incredibly gratifying to see my father’s gift come to fruition.”

Philip Lee 李嘉輝 (LLB 1974) Dr Simon Lee’s eldest son

Presidents of the two Universities, Professor Stephen Troope and Professor Lap-Chee Tsui at The University of Hong Kong Chamber.

Students from HKU and UBC. Students from UBC School of Music.


Rendezvous @ Vancouver

40th Anniversary HKU Alumni Association, British Columbia

October 9, 2010

Over 220 alumni and friends from Vancouver, Toronto, California, the UK and Hong Kong celebrated this milestone anniversary on October 9 in Richmond.

Past and present Presidents of HKUAA BC:

FRonT Row: Alfred Tsang 曾憲漢 (BA 1963) (1st left), Lau Man-pang 劉文鵬 (MBBS 1959; MD 1966) (6th left), Vincenta Ko 高愷琳 (BA 1981) (6th right), Catherine Yuen 袁黃潔玲 (BA 1973) (5th right), Catherine Yeung 馮金屏 (LLB 1972) (4th right), Rosanna Wong 黃麗娟 (LLB 1972; PCLL 1973) (3rd right), Anissa Kwong 鄺梅莉 (BSc 1974) (2nd right).

BACK Row: Harry Lee 李賢明 (MSc(Eng) 1988) (1st left), Laurence Chan 陳廣   (BA 1971) (4th left) and Arthur Lo 盧煜軒 (BSc(Eng) 1982; MSc(Eng) 1992) (3rd right).

FRonT Row: Irene Man 文綺貞 (BA 1968) (2nd left), past president of the HKUAA UK Chapter.

BACK Row: Teresa Au 李宛雲 (MBBS 1972) (1st left) and Catherine Yuen, directors of HKUAA BC, and David Lai Chuen-yan 黎全恩 (BA 1960; MA 1964) (3rd right).

Alumni from Canada, the United States and Hong Kong took the opportunity to witness the magnificent salmon run, which only happens at such large scale once every four years.

Salmon Run 2-day Tour October 10-11, 2010



Centenary Distinguished Lectures and Lunches with nobel Laureates

Professor Gary S BeckerRecipient of Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences in 1992 “Causes of the Worldwide Boom in Higher Education, Especially of Women”.

September 20, 2010

Professor Françoise Barré-SinoussiRecipient of 2008 Nobel Prize in Physiology and Medicine “HIV/AIDS – a Scientific and Human Adventure in Response to an Emerging Epidemic”

November 22, 2010

20 secondary and HKU students and Professor Gary S Becker discussed various social issues including education and poverty.

Professor Françoise Barré-Sinoussi discussed various issues including the AIDS epidemic and the latest advancement in AIDS treatment with students from secondary schools and HKU.


Happiness is Here and now 幸福是此時此地Zen Master Thich nhat Hanh in Hong Kong 2010一行禪師 喜悅之旅二零一零

Public Talk at HKCEC with 8,000 participants November 14, 2010


Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh is a poet, scholar and peace activist based in France. In the early 1960s, he founded the School of Youth for Social Services in Saigon to rebuild villages, set up schools and medical centres, and resettle families left homeless by the Vietnam War. He has published more than 100 books and continues to be active in the peace movement.

Calligraphic Meditation: The Mindful Art of Thich nhat Hanh墨觀禪書 一行禪師的靜觀藝術at the University Museum and Art GalleryNovember 3, 2010 – January 9, 2011


As the new term of the Convocation Standing Committee starts it is timely for us to share with members our thoughts for the future directions of the Convocation. We think it is our duty to let every member know about what Convocation is and what role it could play in our University, especially now that our Centennial celebration is round the corner.

The word “Convocation” comes from the Greek ecclesia which, translated from Latin, means ‘calling together’ or ‘a group of people formally assembled for a special purpose’. In the academic arena it generally means a formal assembly or celebration in honour of the commencement of students’ academic careers.

Under the University’s Ordinance and Statutes, the Convocation is a body established officially (i.e., a statutory body) from members comprising all graduates, teachers and senior administrators of the University. Membership of Convocation gives our graduates an official channel to convey to the University their views about the University and participate in matters relating to its development. As all HKU graduates are members of the University for life, they are automatically members of the Convocation.

Over the years the functional role of our Convocation has evolved. At the moment our Standing Committee works through a number of sub-committees which focus separately on “University Affairs”, “Alumni and Community Affairs” and on “Communications”. At this defining moment on the eve of the University’s 100th Anniversary Celebration, we feel it is time for us to take stock of what we have achieved, re-examine our present situation and explore our directions for the future.

As the graduates of our University, we are proud of its accomplishments and contributions to society. At the same time it is also our duty to explore better ways of facilitating our Alma Mater to elevate onto new grounds. We feel it important for Convocation to play a supportive role in helping the development of our University. We have an official capacity to marshal valuable inputs from members in times of need of our University, and we envisage a partnership relation with the University rather than playing a monitoring role.

To better understand the University so we could provide constructive ideas from time to time, we shall initiate more interaction between Convocation and the University senior management in future. We have recently started to invite senior University academics to brief the Standing Committee on university development and other topics of common interest. This opportunity could also be extended to other alumni leaders in future.

Convocation could also launch large-scale forums and seminars from time to time to explore on issues of significant impact to our University, alumni and community at large. This has been done in the past and a notable example is the recent 2010 Convocation Forum on “HKU’s Development in the Mainland – Opportunities and Challenges”, which has attracted a lot of support from members. We intend to have more of these in future.

Convocation’s role to act as a bridge between the University and our graduates will always be an important part of our agenda. We now have over 140,000 Convocation members whom we need to reach out to enhance their connectedness

A Message from Chairman of Convocation


Convocation 香港大學畢業生議會


with the University. As a first step, we shall work towards establishing a closer link with our more than 100 alumni bodies, and collaboratively cultivate a stronger sense of belonging and ownership within our alumni community.

The contemporary challenge to our new generations of students alters with the changing needs of society. Likewise, there will also be corresponding aspirations from our graduates and also expectations from society for our University to excel. What then should be the forward direction of the University for the next few decades? This is getting more crucial in the wake of the new 4-year curriculum of the University and the change in the economic structure locally, regionally and globally. As such, we need a wider platform for Convocation members to share and exchange ideas on the future development of our University, and to bring about a closer link between ‘town and gown’ through more active involvement of our alumni.

In 2009 we conducted an Alumni Survey and it is time to take a closer look at its detailed findings, monitor the present and project into the future. More light would then be shed on the future development of both the Convocation and the University in their interaction with alumni. On this same line of thought, Convocation will plan a series of alumni events during the year, which are intended to complement rather than compete with what alumni bodies have already been doing. We may also explore the possibility of a more formal alumni benefits programme in future. To help reach out to our rapidly expanding membership, we will need a more comprehensive network of communication. We intend to contribute more actively to the publication of the Convocation Newsletter and the Convocation website. We shall input more constructive ideas, contribute articles, share contacts and comment on issues of significant impact to our University, alumni and the community. All these will not be possible without your constructive ideas and active participation. It is gratifying to see positive responses to our earlier call for volunteers to join our sub-committees, and we hope to see more in the future.

As the Centenary celebration is drawing near, let us not just sit on our laurels of 100 years of academic excellence. Our University needs you, as Convocation members, to join hands to shoulder the historical responsibility to make our University a better place to learn, our community a better place to live in, and our graduates the future pillars of Hong Kong.

To all of you, may we wish you a Happy New Year!

S Y ChoiChairman of Convocation


Convocation Standing Committee (as at November 15, 2010)

ChairmanMr Choi Sau-yuk 蔡秀煜 BSocSc 1972

Deputy ChairmanMr Tse Sik-yan 謝錫恩 BSc 1973; DipEd 1974; AdvDipEd 1979; MEd 1980

ClerkMr John wan Chung-on 溫頌安 BSc 1970; MBuddhStud 2007

MembersMr Chan Ka-chin 陳嘉展 BEng(Mech) 1992

Mr Ian Chu wai-nung 朱位能 BSc 1976

Dr wilton Fok wai-tung 霍偉棟 B(Eng) 1993; MSc(Eng) 1996; MSc(EnvMan) 1999

Mr Andrew Fung Ho-keung 馮可強 BA 1969; DipEd 1972

Mr Gary Ko Man-hon 高文翰 LLB 2004

Mr Andrew Kuet Shun-cheong 闕順昌 BSocSc 1987

Mr Peter Kwan Pak-ming 關伯明 FDipM 1994; MBA 1997

Mr Alex Lai Chun-hung 賴振鴻 BSc(Eng) 1985

Professor Lee Kin-hung 李健鴻 MBBS 1958; MD 1971

Mrs Mabel Lee wong May-bo 李黃眉波 LLB 1974

Ms Betty Leong Sin-ling 梁羨靈 BA 1987

Mr Jimmy Lo Chi-ming 盧志明 BSc 1969; CertEd 1978

Dr Francis Lung Ka-kui 龍家駒 BSc(Eng) 1982

Mr Man Cheuk-fei 文灼非 BA 1987

Dr Evelyn Man Yee-fun 文綺芬 BA 1971

Dr Victor ng Hon 吳瀚 BEng(EEE) 1999

Ms Vivien Pau wai-yee 鮑慧兒 BSocSc 1977

Mr Tong Chun-wan 唐振寰 BA(AS) 1975; BArch 1977

Mr Patrick Tsang Kwong-hoi 曾廣海 BSc(Eng) 1973

Mr Jeffrey Tse Hoi-shing 謝海成 BBA(Acc&Fin) 2003; MEcon 2004

Dr Kenneth Tse Kam-tim 謝錦添 BSocSc 1973; DipManStud 1980; MBA 1986


Lady Ho Tung Hall 60th Anniversary

LHTH Hall History Corner Thanks to alumni’s sharing of their hall life, our collection expands and we have a clearer picture of LHTH’s history. Before the Hall History Corner opens, let’s have a look of hall life in different decades!

Sharing by Jane Yuen Ka-man 袁家文 (MBBS 1958)

Sharing by Joyce Chan Siu-ha 陳少霞 (BSocSc 1980)


Alumni Networks

Here is only part of the sharing. Much more will be at Hall History Corner. If you want to enrich our database with your memorable hall life, please feel free to contact Ms Pel wong at 9186 9643 or email [email protected]!

Hall CommitteeDecember 1, 1962

Freshmen welcome Partyoctober 9, 1961

Sharing by Selina Siu Wong Sau-fong 蕭黃秀芳 (BA 1964; DipSocSt 1965)

Sharing by Tracy Pun Mei-mei 潘美美 (BA 1988)

open DayDecember 2, 1961 in the Dining Room



Old Halls Alumni Association

Annual Dinner: Good Memories at old Halls

Professor Chan Yuen-ying 陳婉瑩 (BSocSc 1970), Old Hallite 1967-70, Director of the Journalism and Media Studies Centre, HKU and world-renowned veteran journalist, shared her memories and knowledge of the history of Old Halls 明原堂.

Although Old Halls were closed in 1992 and Lugard Hall was demolished in 1993, the “Old Halls Spirit” is deeply rooted in the hearts of its alumni and demonstrated by the attendance of over 100 alumni and family members at the annual dinner.

In her speech, Chan recalled her fond memories of university life at Old Halls and introduced the latest development of Eliot and May Halls, which currently house the Journalism and Media Studies Centre, the General Education Unit and the Centre of Buddhist Studies.

Over the past few years the idea of reviving Old Halls has been a hot topic among alumni. To get the ball rolling, the Alumni Association took the initiative to establish an “Old Halls Revival Team” and form an advisory panel comprising representatives from HKU, well-established hall alumni, experienced journalists, past resident tutors and wardens, as well as executive committee members from the Alumni Association.

Professor Vincent Kwan, President of the Alumni Association, pointed out that the revival of Old Halls, if it ever happens, would be a continuation of the hall spirit and a development consistent with HKU’s vision.

Dr Albert Chau 周偉立 (BSc(Eng) 1983; CertPsych 1984), Dean of Student Affairs, shared the new direction of residential education at HKU in order to meet the needs of the four-year curriculum starting in 2012 and the internationalisation of the student population: four residential colleges in Kennedy Town. Given the proximity of the HKU campus and its colleges with Western District,

this new “Town-Gown” relationship will revitalise the neighbourhood through students’ community services and social responsibility.

Old Halls alumni were delighted to learn that one of the four new colleges could be named “Old Halls” if funding resources can be identified through the “Old Halls Revival” initiative. The dinner was, therefore, just a beginning. The hard work now starts and the Executive Committee and all alumni members face big challenges in the years to come.

Members of the Executive Committee for 2011, elected at the Annual General Meeting, are as follows: Vincent Kwan (President), Chickita Law, Eddie Lee, Evelyn Man, Rex Wong, Alex Lai, Simon Lee, Chelsea Mak, Laura Lee, Phyllis Cheuk and John Wu.

More information: www.hku.hk/oldhalls/

If you would like to voice your opinion or support the Old Halls Revival, please complete the questionnaire: http://www.hku.hk/oldhalls/Q_HKUOHA.pdf or send an email to the Old Halls Alumni Association at [email protected].

Alumni Networks


St John’s Alumni Association

Formation of Shanghai Chapter

As part of the traditional Shann’s Lectures of St John’s College, three seminars, conducted by Professor Scherpe Jens of Cambridge University, followed by reunion dinners were held in Beijing, Shanghai and Shenzhen in August 2010.

St Johnians who work, live in or visit these cities are welcome to contact the co-ordinators.

BEIJInG CHAPTER InAUGURATED In 2008 Paul Lee 李天帆 (BSc 1995) ([email protected]) Philip Yu ([email protected] )


Jay Wu 吳怡頡 (MSc(RealEst) 2008) ([email protected])

Hong Kong Medical Alumni Association


Jean Chan Oi-chun 陳愛珍 (BSocSc 1986) ([email protected]) James Lam Ho-yeung 林浩揚 (BEng(CE) 2004) ([email protected])

10th Anniversary Dinnerat Loke Yew Hall

Magical Encounter: Qin & Teaat Lock Cha Tea House

An introduction and Qin recitals by Tse Chun-yan 謝俊仁 (MBBS 1973).

A tea talk and demonstration by Wayne Hu 胡興正, Honorary Clinical Assistant Professor of the Department of Medicine and son of our late medical alumnus, Hu Shih-chang 胡世昌 (MBBS 1952).

Young Graduates Afternoon Tea Partyat the Hong Kong Golf Club


HKU Graduates Association Education FoundationMarks its 10th Anniversary

Dedicated to the promotion of quality education

The two sponsored schools under the Direct Subsidy Scheme and the 'through-train model', HKUGA Primary School and HKUGA College have become reputable quality schools, popular among parents and recognised by educators.

In order to enhance community discussion on local education development, the Foundation organised the following conferences:

HKUGA Primary School and HKUGA College Anniversary Highlights:

Global EducationTrip to Palma de Mallorca: P5 and P6 students participated in the “Knowledge Building International Project”.

Life Education – Egg Protection projectTraining students to be responsible, considerate and caring towards others.

Enquiry Learning – Humanities DayPresented their research findings to their schoolmates and parents.

whole-person Development – Basketball Competition ChampionshipThe C-Grade Girls Basketball Team claimed the Inter-school Basketball Competition championship for Hong Kong District Division Two.

Global & national Education – Learning TripsFace-to-face exchanges with Mainland students during the Huang Shan Study Trip.

The 1st Conference of “Learning for the Future” Series – “Ten Years of Education Reform: Review and Prospect” was co-organised with the Education Bureau and the Faculty of Education, HKU.

The 2nd Round-table Conference on the “Education Hub” was co-organised with the Business & Professionals Federation of Hong Kong, Hong Kong Ideas Centre, HKUGA, Governance in Asia Research Centre of the City University of Hong Kong, the Hong Kong Policy Research Institute and The Roundtable.

Dr the Hon Leong Che-hung 梁智鴻 (MBBS 1962; Hon DSc 2006), HKU Council Chairman and Guest of Honour at the 10th Anniversary dinner, delivered a speech entitled “Shaping the Education Landscape – HKU Beyond its First Centenary”.

The Foundation would like to express its sincere gratitude to HKU, fellow alumni, and the many other people and organisations for their unwavering support all these years. Alumni and friends are welcome to join or give further support to the Foundation. Please contact Andrew Fung 馮可強 (BA 1969; DipEd 1972), Executive Director, at Tel: 2240 6902, 2240 6913 or Email: [email protected]

Alumni Networks

HKUGA Education Foundation: www.hkuga-ef.org.hk

HKUGA Primary School: www.hkugac.edu.hk

HKUGA College: www.hkugaps.edu.hk


Central USA based in Chicago

Meeting the Vice-Chancellor


James Yeung 楊國雄 (MBBS 1967), Chen Jiening 陳劼寧 (BSc 2009), Jiang Tingting 蔣婷婷 (BEng(EComE) 2007), Luo Guannan 羅冠南 (BSc 2007), Bradley Butterfield 白必烈 (MUrbanDesign 2010), Professor Chung Yip-wah 鍾業華 (BSc 1971; MPhil 1974), Hu Zixuan 胡子軒 (BSc 2007), Todd Ing 吳兆濤 (MBBS 1957) and Steve Wong Man-fai 黃文輝 (BSc 1990)


Paul Wong 黃永幹 (MBBS 1958), Beatrice Yeung, Vice-Chancellor Lap-Chee Tsui and Iris Yau, exchange student 2007

Alumni in the central US region had a great time talking to the Vice-Chancellor in Chicago on October 4 and learning more about the recent and future developments of the University.

“HKU 90” car plate – a special way for Steve Wong to express his gratitude to HKU.

Please contact Steve Wong ([email protected]) if you are interested in joining the network.

Another gathering of the network earlier this year.


Iris Yau, 2007 exchange student, Mrs Yeung, Teoh Phaik Loui Kwaan 張碧蕊 (MBBS 1958), Mrs Mabel Ing and Mrs Wong.


Steve Wong 黃文輝 (BSc 1990), Todd Ing 吳兆濤 (MBBS 1957), Margaret Li 馬百靈 (BA 1974), Bradley Butterfield 白必烈 (MUrbanDesign 2010), Kwaan Hau-cheong 關孝昌 (MBBS 1952; MD 1958), Laurence Chan 陳光輝 (MBBS 1972), Paul Wong 黃永幹 (MBBS 1958), James Yeung 楊國雄 (MBBS 1967)

Class of 1985 Silver Jubilee

Close to 200 alumni and their family members were thrilled by the talk show of Dr Tsang Fan-Kwong 曾繁光 (MBBS 1985), the singing of the Hon James To 涂謹申 (LLB 1985; PCLL 1986), and the exciting quiz game conducted by the masters of ceremonies, Ms Carmen Poon 潘麗瓊 (BA 1985; MA 1991) and Mr Michael Wong 黃偉綸 (BSocSc 1985).

Diploma in Education Class of 1960 Golden Jubilee

LawAnne Chen 陳慧蕊

MedicVictor Hsue 徐成之

ScienceKaren Poon 潘玉  James Wong 黃鈺來

Standing, from left: Dr Li Yuet-ting 李越挺 (BA 1959; DipEd 1960), Chan Wai-leung 陳煒良 (BA 1959; PhD 1971), Cheng Kam-tong 鄭錦棠 (BSc(Hon) 1958; BSc 1959), Timothy Ha Wing-ho 夏永豪 (BA 1960), Dr S K Cheuk, Lucas Chan Kwok-hei 陳國熙 (BA 1959), Ho Siu-kong 何紹剛 (BSc(Hon) 1958; BSc 1959).

Sitting, from left: Eleanor Lai Sito Suk-may 司徒淑   (BA 1959), Lillian Ha Wu Lai-lin 吳麗蓮 (BA 1959), Professor Frederick Leung 梁貫成 (BSc 1977; CertEd 1980; AdvDipEd 1983), Mrs Gennie Lee 李林建華 (MPhil 1974), Elizabeth Wong Chien Chi-lien 黃錢其濂 (BA 1959; DipEd 1960), Angela Cheung Wong Wan-yiu 黃韻瑤 (BA 1959; DipEd 1960), Ruby Cheuk Yu Yee-luen 余綺鑾 (BA 1958).

The Class celebrated its 50th Anniversary on November 18,

2010 with Mrs Gennie Lee, former teacher, and Professor

Frederick Leung from the Faculty of Education. Most of them had taken up education as their life-long career while

some branched out into public administration and the

legal profession.

Committee memberS

ArtsLawrence Leung 梁偉強

DentEdward Lo 盧展民

EnggRaymond Chan 陳禮健Alex Lai 賴振鴻 (Chairman)Wilson Lee 李衛榮

SocScEmily Shum 岑幗慧Jason Mak 麥志豪



Social Sciences FacultyThe Pioneer Class of 1967-70 40th Anniversary

Mechanical Engineering Class of 1980 30th Anniversary

The Reunion on November 25 was attended by classmates and departmental teaching staff including Professors G Greene, N Ko, B Duggan and S C Kot.

The Class met the Vice-Chancellor and Professor Lui Tai-lok 呂大樂 (BA 1981;

MPhil 1984), Associate Dean of Faculty of Social Sciences, at University Lodge.



Master of International and Public Affairs (MIPA) 10th AnniversaryTo mark the 10th anniversary of the founding of the MIPA programme, the Department of Politics and Public Administration and MIPA alumni jointly organised a reunion dinner on November 6, 2010 at the Hong Kong Football Club. The Head of the European Union Office in Hong Kong, Ms Maria Castillo Fernandez, delivered a keynote speech on the EU and Asia at the event.

The highly successful and competitive MIPA was the first taught postgraduate programme focusing on international affairs offered in Hong Kong. According to Professor James Tang, the programme’s founding director, the programne is designed for mid-career professionals and has so far attracted candidates from almost 30 countries around the world to study at HKU.

Education Research Degrees Alumni Forum

from left:

Dr Zhang Lifang 張麗芳, Associate Dean (Research Higher Degrees), Faculty of Education, HKU

Professor Wen Qiufang 文秋芳 (PhD 1995), Director of National Research Centre for Foreign Language Education, Beijing Foreign Studies University

Professor Mok Mo-ching 莫慕貞 (PhD 1988), Chair Professor of Assessment and Evaluation, The Hong Kong Institute of Education

Professor Mark Bray, Chair Professor, Faculty of Education, HKU

Dr Chan Ka-ki 陳嘉琪 (BA 1980; CertEd 1982; AdvDipEd 1987; MEd 1991: PhD 1998), Deputy Secretary for Education, Curriculum and Quality Assurance Branch, Education Bureau

Professor Sun Miantao 孫綿濤 (PhD 2003), Director of Research Institute of Educational Economics and Administration, Shenyang Normal University

Professor Stephen J Andrews, Dean, Faculty of Education, HKU

Over 100 alumni and students joined the first large-scale event organised for graduates of MPhil, PhD and EdD degrees of the Faculty of Education. Four graduates shared with fellow alumni their experiences.



Geography Class of 1962Celebrating 50 Years of Friendship

“The Class of ‘62 in Geography met in December 2009 under the theme of “50 Years of Friendship” as the class entered HKU in September 1959. The class should note that the Univesity’s Centenary Gala Dinner will be held on December 18, 2011 and foreign classmates should note this and that our reunion dinner shall be held shortly before then.”

Professor Yeung Yue-man 楊汝萬 Class Rep of ’62

Classes of 1965, 1966 and 1967Certificate in Social Study and Diploma in Social Study

“On November 10, 2010, our classmates and spouses took a campus tour. We were received by the Department of Social Work and Social Administration and were given a presentation on Social Work Education by Professor Sandra Tsang. We had our Reunion Dinner in the Senior Common Room and had a happy reunion with classmates and our teachers Mrs Veronica Choy, Mrs Shirley Cheung, Mrs Esther Mak and Professor Sandra Tsang.

On November 11-13, 2010, we visited the Hong Kong International Social Service, the Hong Kong Christian Family Service Centre and some scenic spots in Hong Kong.

We had a very happy reunion and were able to re-establish our association with each other. We learnt many new things. We are very glad that Social Work has had tremendous improvements in Hong Kong.”

Dominic Tang 鄧守正 (CertSocSt 1966)



Academic conference held in the Hong Kong Museum of Medical Sciences on November 5.

Medical Class of 1970 40th Anniversary

The Class celebrated its 40th anniversary with a 5-day programme of academic meetings, dinner gatherings and an overnight outing to nearby Panyu on the Mainland. Sixty-eight graduates took part and, with their spouses and families, a total of 110 participants spent quality time together to exchange recent news and share past memories.

Outing to Panyu on November 7 with family members.



Medical Class of 1965 45th Anniversary

Trip to the Pearl River Delta

Welcome dinner in Hong Kong

Medical Class of 1980 30th Anniversary

Engineering Class of 1970 40th Anniversary



Dental Class of 1985 Silver Jubilee

Dental Class of 1990 20th Anniversary“This 20th anniversary reunion was well attended by 31 classmates. Some of them returned from overseas and some brought along their family members.”

Dr Alex Chan 陳維國 (BDS 1990; MDS 1993)

The Swire Institute of Marine Science20th Anniversary




Clive Lee Ka-lun 李家倫 (BEng(EEE) 2000)

Liu hongjin 劉紅進 (MPhil 2001)

Maggie Tang Ho-yan 鄧可欣 (BSc 1996)

Clive founded the Envision Hong Kong 香港智營, an NGO established in 2009, to support sustainable development by engaging young professionals in youth development activities. He believes that “Envision Hong Kong shall gather, inspire and empower young leaders to create a strong impact to change the world”.

Clive has participated actively in various types of community service since 2005, including the Dragon 100 Outstanding Chinese Leaders Forum「龍匯100」華人青年領袖論壇 where he met many outstanding young leaders from all over the world who inspired him to contribute to youth exchange.

Sharing the same vision as Clive is Liu and Maggie Tang. Maggie, who also has rich volunteer experience, said that “Being a volunteer with different associations all these years allows me to give something back to the community. I encourage young people to enjoy what they do and do their jobs well”.

Nelson Chang Wai-man 張偉文 (MBBS 2003)

Nelson, who was inspired by a friend working in the aviation industry, made a decision some years ago to turn from a doctor to a cadet pilot. To realise his dream, Nelson even spent a year studying aviation knowledge and flew to Australia for aviation training before he applied to the Cadet Pilot Programme at Cathay Pacific.

By the end of this year, Nelson will receive a Hong Kong Commercial Pilot’s Licence and will become a Second Officer on the Flight Deck if he successfully passes the necessary examinations. It is never too late to chase your dream!

Founder of Envision Hong Kong: (from right) Maggie Tang, Honorary Treasurer; Philip Liu, Honorary Secretary; Clive Lee, President and Ji Ji Luk, Vice-President.

Simon Hui Sai-man 許細文 (BA 1992; LLB 1998)

We salute Hui who donated part of his liver to save the life of his fellow Customs officer, Yuen Wai-cheung.

Although Hui said publicly that he is “no hero”, his heroic and altruistic act has won great applause from Hong Kong citizens. We wish Hui and Yuen a full and speedy recovery.


o: M




o: M






David Lue Wei 呂衛 (IMBA 2001)

Song Yu 宋玉 (IMBA 2003)












Leung Wai-sze 梁慧思 (BSocSc 2004)Press Officer, Spain Pavilion

“Working at the Spain Pavilion of the 2010 Shanghai World Expo was so far the most interesting and adventurous experience in my life.

As a non-Spanish speaker, I managed to work very well with my Spanish and non-Spanish colleagues at the press department, one of the busiest departments at the Pavilion, in spite of the language barrier. Google Translator helps a lot!

My everyday life at the Expo: Witnessing Chinese visitors squeezing on to the Pavilion like sardines, being bombarded

by journalists for interviews and easy access to the exposition, and being driven nuts by the busy schedule of various regional activities and media events…Every day was tough, but fruitful.

Not only has the Expo broadened my horizons and knowledge about other countries, but it also improved

my Spanish, Mandarin and Shanghaiese proficiency. My EQ has improved drastically also, especially when I had to be one

of the sardines on the subway train.”

at expo 2010 Shanghai China ...

Wai-sze got a chance to take photo with Pau Gasol, the well- known Spanish basketball player who now plays for the Lakers!

Dai Liu 戴柳 (IMBA 2001) Chairman, Shanghai World Expo (Group) Co Ltd.

Shanghai World Expo (Group) Co., Ltd. was responsible for the construction of World Expo Park and World Expo Village. As the Chairman of the Group, Dai is the representative of the company who looks after the operation of various departments including Public Relations and Liaison Department, Engineering and Construction Department. He has been President of HKUAA of Chinese Mainland since 2006.



Class of 1977 Core Group and their families“The Shanghai trip has taken our gathering ritual to new form and new heights!”

From the Chinese Mainland

From Hong Kong

Wong Chi-chung 黃志淙 (MPhil 1997; PhD 2010)

Dr Wong and a group of Hong Kong’s singer-songwriters performed at the “Generation Singer-Songwriters Concert”, one of the Hong Kong Week programmes, in October.



Editorial Board of The 85 Years of Caduceus: (From left): Ann Choi, So Kin-wai, May Wong, Wong Lok-yu, Kwok Ka-man and Hung Shuk-ling

David Gregory Muller (BBA 2005)

David currently works for Saigon Express Agency Limited and is based in Ho Chi Minh City, or Saigon as the locals call it. He is witnessing the vibrant growth of the city where many construction projects are underway. The building behind him in the photo is the Bitexco Financial Tower, Vietnam’s tallest building.

David still has fond memories of his time at HKU and of staying in Simon K Y Lee Hall. He hopes to meet other alumni and possibly start up an HKU Saigon network. If you or your alumni friends live in Vietnam, please kindly send him an email to [email protected].

Marie So Tze-kwan 蘇芷君 (MIPA 2003)

Marie, who worked with the United Nations Development Programme in Suva, Fiji on a rural banking and gender land rights project, was named a Young Global Leader by the World Economic Forum in 2009.

Diana Tsui Tan 徐丹 (MIPA 2002)

Diana, Director of Corporate Social Responsibility and CEO of the KPMG Foundation, was appointed a Yale World Fellow 2010 by Yale University. She was previously a managing director of Mercy Corps and the head of community affairs in the Asia Pacific region for Nike.

Ann Choi 蔡穎敏 (MBBS, Year 4)

Hung Shuk-ling 洪淑鈴 (BNus, Year 4)Kwok Ka-man 郭嘉敏 (BNus, Year 4)Victor Lee 李煒崑 (MBBS, Year 4)So Kin-wai 蘇建偉 (MBBS, Year 4)Wong Lok-yu 黃樂孺 (MBBS, Year 4)May Wong 王艷萍 (MBBS, Year 4)

The 85 Years of Caduceus, one of the oldest student publications which offered readers more than a glimpse into the changing society through its records of the lives of medical students and important events in the local medical community.








To request an anniversary copy or make enquiries, write to: [email protected]



Julia Lemee 李裘莉 (BA 1967)Winsome Fung 馮善盈 (BSocSc, Year 3)Daisy Huang 黃文怡 (BBA(Acc&Fin), Year 2)Helen Law 羅嘉慧 (PCAdvEdStud 2004; MSc(ITE) 2005)

”I just want to thank Mrs Lemee for proposing such a traditional French Restaurant! The wooden models for architecture is very special and the French cuisine was great, with good wine and good food, the most important thing is good companions. I really appreciate Mrs Lemee for her sharing of ideas in French history and culture. It was a very nice gathering.”

- Helen Law

A cosy gathering of mentor and mentees in Paris!

Lawrence Ng Ming-loy 吳銘來 (MBBS 1965)

Dr Ng (centre) is always happy to tell people that he has 20 mentees, the most in Northern California! Over the past five years, he has given his “Concern and Care” to all his mentees.

When he learnt from his first batch of mentees that the hardest thing for them was to find their way to the University or dormitory when they first arrived, Dr Ng tried to pick up every mentee from the airport. Sometimes he even takes care of those students on exchange too.

Concern always wins reward. This year, when he visited Shanghai, Zhuhai and Shenzhen, Dr Ng was warmly received by some of his mentees’ parents. Some gave him Expo tickets to the China Pavilion and Taiwan Pavilion; one mentee parent even paid for his hotel! Dr Ng was amazed: “You never know what’s going to happen with mentees. We are a family!”

lifelong friendships and Care


Annie Ng Wenh-in 吳詠嫣 (BA 1958; MA 1960)

Dr Ng was conferred an honorary degree of Doctor of Divinity by Victoria University in the University of Toronto to acknowledge her commitment and contributions to theological education, as well as for her work on social justice and intercultural consciousness, both in the academic community and the church in national and international faith settings.

Dr Ng’s sisters from Hong Kong and San Francisco had a reunion with her in Toronto. (From left) : Stella Ng 吳詠瑜 (BA 1966), Julia Ng 吳詠琪 (BA 1965), Annie Ng 吳詠嫣 and Dr Rosaline Ng 吳詠璇 (MBBS 1963).


Woon Tsui Yuen-fong 徐婉芳 (BA 1966; MA 1969)Estella Chan Cheung Wai-yee 張慧怡 (BA 1966; CertEd 1972)Lily Ho Shiu-hing 何韶興 (BA 1966)Violet Tang Wai-chu 鄧惠珠 (BA 1966)Esther Yeung Shuk-wah 楊淑華 (BA 1966)

“This highly readable collection of memoirs captures the voices of six former classmates of diverse family backgrounds, who spent five formative years (1956-61) studying in a government-run secondary school for girls in Hong Kong. The poignant details fill the gap in the existing literature on the cohort of women growing up in immediate post-War Hong Kong, with its initially low living standards, over-crowdedness, severe water rationing, poor sanitation and epidemic of infectious diseases. Scattered like seeds of the banyan tree to different parts of the world (Hong Kong, Australia, United States, Canada) since secondary school graduation in 1961, these university-educated women gather together in cyberspace half a century later to share their life stories. Each takes centre stage to describe how she, armed with the resilience and work ethics learnt in childhood and early adulthood, struggled to overcome obstacles including racism and sexism, and carve out a niche for herself in Hong Kong or abroad amidst drastic social, economic, and technological changes in the late 20th and early 21st century.”

Abstract from The Spreading Banyan: Memoirs of Hong Kong Women

At the 40th Anniversary of the HKU Alumni Association, British Columbia, Dr Woon, Professor Emeritus, Department of Pacific and Asian Studies, University of Victoria, Canada, shared with us a recent publication The Spreading Banyan: Memoirs of Hong Kong Women. The book was written by five alumnae and Ms Suen Lee Yun-ling, all former classmates at Belilios Public School.



Professor Leong Che-kan 梁子勤 (BA(Hons)1957; MA 1965)

Myrna Poon Siou See-mun 潘蕭師敏 (BA 1965)

Myrna, a retired social worker, has turned sorrow into might. In her new book, Stepping Out of Sorrow, she chronicles her journey through the loss of a loved one after the death of her husband Dr Peter Poon Yui-chee 潘睿智 (MBBS 1966), who was head of Diagnostic Imaging at the British Columbia Cancer Agency ‘s Vancouver Centre 1992–2000.

“As a professionally trained social worker, I feel that I should share my personal experience from a social work perspective to help and support others experiencing the same.”

- Myrna Poon


Professor Leong is currently Research Professor Emeritus, Department of Educational Psychology and Special Education, University of Saskatchewan, Canada and Honorary Professor of Educational Psychology, CUHK.

A veteran in educational psychology and special education, a Board member of the International Dyslexia Association for over ten years, and editorial board member for a number of research journals in reading and literacy, Professor Leong

Lau Kwok-ching 劉國楨 (BA 1937)

Mr Lau, a 95-year-old graduate, resided at May Hall Room 12 when he studied at HKU. He is fond of sports, having played badminton for over 50 years and was a member of a basketball team.

Mr Lau devoted much of his time to education by joining the Education Department. He was the first Chinese Senior Principal in Hong Kong, and was Principal of Victoria Government School and Kowloon Technical School. Lau retired in 1970 and remained in Hong Kong.

Accompanying him on his return to the HKU campus were Dr John Lau 劉偉華 (BA 1985; MA 1987; PCEd 1990; MEd 2005; EdD 2010), Education Officer of Kowloon Technical School, and Doris Mak 麥麗瓊 (BA 1972; CertEd 1978) who was a school principal before her retirement.

Mr Lau devoted much of his time to education by joining the

(BA 1972; CertEd 1978) who was a school principal before

admits that his first love is English literature. He owes much to his English teachers at HKU, in particular Chair Professor Edmund Blunden, Professors Alan Green, Renaldo Oblitas, Mary Visick and Alec Hardie. Professor Leong remembers at the time classes were small and students were invited by teachers to their homes on University Drive to enjoy tea or sherry while reading papers.

Even in his technical “retirement” in 1998, Professor Leong continues to contribute his expertise in special education. He works closely with the Hong Kong Society of Child Neurology and Developmental Paediatrics under the leadership of Dr Chan Chok-wan 陳作耘 (MBBS 1971) and Dr Catherine Lam 藍芷芊 (MBBS 1978), both paediatricians and HKU alumni, to promote research and good practice in dyslexia and advocacy for these individuals and their families. A frequent visitor to HKU, he collaborates with Professor Tse Shek-kam 謝錫金 (BA 1972; MPhil 1978), HKU Faculty of Education, and his team to conduct research on Chinese reading literacy and also works with colleagues in Psychology and Linguistics at HKU and CUHK.


Adrian Law Wing-keung 羅永強 (BSc(Eng) 1984)

Dr Law, an Associate Professor at the School of Civil and Environmental Engineering Nanyang Technological University (NTU), Singapore, was invited by the HKU Department of Civil Engineering to deliver a talk on “Mechanics of Starting Buoyant Jets” in October.

Before joining NTU, Dr Law was a practicing hydraulic engineer in the United States and was awarded the Wesley Horner Award by the American Society of Civil Engineers, and two Outstanding Technical Paper Awards by the Bechtel Corporation, USA.

Oliver Chou Kwong-chung 周光蓁 (PhD 2003)

Dr Chou, Senior Writer, Culture with the South China Morning Post, received an award from The Secretary for Home Affairs’ Commendation Scheme for his outstanding contributions to the development of arts and culture. He spent more than ten years conducting research for the book 《中央樂團史(1956-1996)》, which was named by Yazhou Zhoukan as one of the 10 best books for 2009.

Dorothy Ng 吳鳳平 (PhD 2005)

Congratulations to Dr Ng (4th right) and her team whose publication “The Art of Leung Sing-boh”, published by ET Press under the Leung Sing-Boh Biography Publication and Research Project, won the 22nd Hong Kong Print Awards Distinguished Publishing Award. The project was funded by the HKU Culture and Humanities Fund to commemorate the 100th birthday of the famous artist in 2008.


Allan Chiang Yam-wang 蔣任宏 (BSc 1972; DipEd 1973; DipManStud 1981; MBA 1983; MSocSc 1986; PCLL 2010)

In August, Mr Chiang took office as the Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data.

Helen Wong Pik-kuen 黃碧娟 (BSocSc 1983)

With many years of commercial and investment banking experience in Greater China and the Asia-Pacific region, Ms Wong has been appointed President and Chief Executive Officer China of HSBC Bank (China)

Company Limited.

Agnes Allcock 鍾小玲 (LLB 1980, MHousMan 1995)

In October, Mrs Allcock became the Director General of the Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office in London. In taking up this new role, she says she is looking forward to helping to build upon the long-standing economic, business and cultural ties with the United Kingdom and many other countries.



o: M




Mark Tso On-man 曹安民 (MBBS 1961; DSc 1994)

Professor Tso (left), Founder and first Director of the Peking University Eye Centre, received the Friendship Award from the State Administration of Foreign Experts Affairs of the People’s Republic of China. He is also Professor of Ophthalmology and Pathology at the Wilmer Ophthalmological Institute at Johns

Hopkins University in the United States.

Michael Tsang Wai-yin 曾偉賢 (BA(AS) 1982; BArch 1985)

Michael’s architectural project “Boutique Cinema@Windsor” won three awards in 2010 including the Asia Pacific Interior Design Awards - Gold Award and China’s Most Successful Design Awards.

Lynn Yau Foon-chi 邱歡智 (BA 1981; MEd 2006)

Congratulations to Lynn who was awarded the Hong Kong Scholarship for the Clore Leadership Programme (CLP) for the period September 2010 – July 2011.

Together with 20 other potential leaders from across the world, Lynn will participate in a leadership programme which includes residential courses, extended secondment to overseas cultural institutions, original research, individually selected training, mentoring and coaching in the United Kingdom and elsewhere.

Lynn is the Chief Executive Officer of The Absolutely Fabulous Theatre Connection, an actress and a qualified simultaneous interpreter. She is currently an examiner for arts criticism, drama and literary arts for the Hong Kong Arts Development Council, and an advisor to Radio Television Hong Kong.

Li Xia 黎夏 (PhD 1996)

Professor Li (left) has just been awarded the Yat-sen Chair Professorship “逸仙學者  講座教授 by Sun Yat-sen (Zhongshan) University for his distinguished contributions to geoscience.

Professor Li is a Professor and Director of the Centre for Remote Sensing and Geographical Information Sciences at SunYat-sen University. He is one of the earliest scholars to reveal the problems of rapid land development in the Pearl River Delta internationally.

Professor Li got his doctorial degree at HKU under the supervision of Professor Anthony Yeh Gar-on 葉嘉安 (BA 1974).

Lai Kar-neng 黎嘉能 (MBBS 1975; MD 1983; DSc 1994)

Congratulations to Professor Lai (left), Yu Chiu Kwong Chair of Medicine, who received the Priscilla Kincaid-Smith Award and the Ross Bailey Lecture Award given by the Asian-Pacific Society of Nephrology in 2010 for his outstanding contributions to science in the region.


Phoebe Kwan 關家有 (BSc 1999)

Congratulations to Phoebe on the arrival of her

second baby, Tang Mong-mong 鄧望望.64

Joy Yang 楊婕 (BEcon&Fin 2002)

Fiona Law 羅婉琪 (MEcon 2003)

Alice Fu 傅樂怡 (BA 2005; MPhil 2008)

Kenneth Lam 林肇基 (BEng(CE) 2004)

Rainbow Wong 黃海盈 (BBA 2005)

Henry Wong 黃宇軒 (BEng(CE) 2005)

Pang Wai-kay 彭偉基 (BSc(CSIS) 2001)

Chow Yuen-yi 周婉儀

(BNurs 2005; MNurs 2010)

Mak Kin-wah 麥健華

(BSc(CSIS) 2005; MSc(ECom&IComp) 2010)

Ely Lee 李儀莉 (BEd(LangEd) 2005;

MA(AppliedLinguistics) 2009)

Albert Ko 高永賢 (MPhil 2004; PhD 2006)

Cheryl Chui 徐曉君 (PhD, Year 1)


Alumni & Books

The Book of Changeauthor: Eileen Chang 張愛玲 (Arts 1939–1941)Publisher: Hong Kong University Press

The Book provides a first-hand account of life in wartime Hong Kong following the Japanese invasion, with scathing details of widespread cowardice, as well as inspiring examples of human resilience. “Anyone who walks on HKU campus, particularly students in the humanities, should feel the presence of Chang’s ghost.”

- Professor Leo Lee Ou-fan 李歐梵, Muse Magazine

Governance and Planning of Mega-City Regions: An International Comparative Perspectiveeditors: Xu Jiang 徐江 (PhD 1999) and Anthony Yeh 葉嘉安 (BA 1974)Publisher: Routlege

The book provides a comparative treatment and examination of how new approaches in governance and planning are reshaping mega-city regions around the world. Case studies, written from a variety of theoretical and political perspectives by world leading scholars, are also included.

East River Column: Hong Kong Guerrillas in the Second World War and Afterauthor: Chan Sui-jeung 陳瑞璋 (BA 1959)Publisher: Hong Kong University Press

The Chinese guerrilla forces that harassed the Japanese throughout the occupation played a crucial part in the escapes from Hong Kong's prisoner of war camps and in rescuing Allied airmen. The stories of this neglected part of Hong Kong's war in this pioneering book were related to the author by those who were participants in the guerrilla warfare.

University Autonomy, the State, and Social Change in Chinaauthor: Pan Su-yan 潘甦燕 (PhD 2004)Publisher: Hong Kong University Press

By drawing on a vast literature of higher education theories, the book offers original insights into the university-state relationship and provides a new understanding of the complexities China faces in an era when the country is becoming a key global actor.

China’s Mongols At University: Contesting Cultural Recognitionauthor: Zhao Zhenzhou 趙振洲 (PhD 2007)Publisher: Lexington Books

The book explores and discusses an intrinsic connection between marketisation and globalisation, and the disadvantages faced by minority groups. It argues that China must move from a policy of preferential treatment for minorities to ethnic recognition.

Lupus Nephritis Second Editioneditors: Chan Tak-mao 陳德茂 (MBBS 1985; MD 1995), Edmund J Lewis, Melvin M Schwartz and Stephen M KorbetPublisher: Oxford University Press

This new edition reflects the updated methods of classification and advances in treatment options for systemic lupus erythematosus, and covers recent clinical trials to help treat patients using the most up-to-date knowledge available.

Strategic Language Learning: The roles of Agency and Contextaythor: Andy Gao Xuesong 高雪松 (PhD 2008)Publisher: SLA

This monograph reports on a longitudinal inquiry into Chinese Mainland undergraduates’ language learning experiences at an English-medium university. The inquiry reveals the dynamic interaction between agency and contextual conditions underlying the participants’ strategic learning efforts in a multilingual setting.

Taking Confucian Ethics Seriously: Contemporary Theories and Applicationseditors: Julia Tao Lai Po-wah 黎寶華 (BA 1969; MSW 1975), Yu Kam-por and Philip J IvanhoePublisher: SUNY Press

Discussing both the strengths and weaknesses of Confucian ethics, the volume’s contributors reflect on what this tradition offers that we cannot readily learn from other systems of ethics. This book offers both new perspectives and resources for the ongoing consideration of how we should live.

Frames of Anime: Culture and Image-Buildingauthor: Gigi Hu Tze-yue (PhD 2002) Publisher: Hong Kong University Press

The book shows how dialectical aspects of anime are linked to Japan’s unique experience of modernity and its cultural associations in Asia, including its reliance on low-wage outsourcing.

Canto Geography – Fengshuiauthors: Paulus Lee 李國寶 (BA 2003) Julius TsePublisher: Asia Education Times Limited

Traditional Fengshui Guru and Modern Architect teach you how to work on feng shui yourself. The book is tailor-made for the feng shui beginner and includes a feng shui compass, the “luopan”. The author, together with Herman Ng 吳瀚文 (BA 2005) and others, also wrote A Survival Guide to Canto Bar Game.

between agency and contextual conditions underlying



作者:Po Chung 鍾普洋 (Hon Fellow 2008)出版:快樂書房



不同的活動,做真正的自己,朝  善美人生進



My Humble Struggle 作者:The Hon Albert Ho 何俊仁 (LLB 1974; PCLL 1975)出版:香港大學出版社







- 陳弘毅,香港大學法學院教授


作者:Tony Lam Chung-wai 林中偉 (BA(AS) 1982; BArch 1984; MSc(Conservation) 2005) 出版:文化葫蘆








作者:Joe Tang Yiu-cho 鄧耀祖 (MSocSc 2002), Alfred Chan Chi-wah 陳志華 (MSocSc, Year 1) 等出版:突破出版社





解賭博的真相,幫助賭徒及其家人面對賭博的 問題。


作者:Dung Chau-hung 董就雄 (PhD 2008)出版:北京中華書局








《80± ─ 80後眼中的80後》作者:Mary Lee Wan-ling 李挽靈 (BA 2004)





編者:Zhang Xianchu 張憲初、 Gu Weixia 顧維遐 (MCL 2004; SJD 2009)出版:中國評論學術出版社






International Organizations and Educational Development作者:Zhang Minxuan 張民選 (PhD 2001)出版:上海教育出版社






作者:Ho Hon-kuen 何漢權 (MA 2007)出版:文化會社






作者:Anthony Yeh 葉嘉安 (BA 1974), Song Xiaodong 宋小東,Niu Xinyi 鈕心毅出版:科學出版社






作者:Chow Sin-ming 周倩明 (MBBS 1987; MD 2007)出版:健康動力







Alumni & Books


Hui Wai-Haan 許慧嫻 1906 - 2010 (BA 1932; MSc 1954; Hon LLD 1981)

Her life is chemistry and chemistry is her life.“Dr Hui has left behind a very real legacy, a legacy of research,

teaching and generosity that we are fortunate to inherit and we are committed to carry forward. We, Department of Chemistry, students

and staff, past and present, are the living legacy of Dr Hui and the founding members of HKU Chemistry. Dr Hui lives on through us.”

Professor Guanhua Chen, Head, Department of Chemistry





金,資助化學系、圖書  ,以及研究生獎學金。




In Memoriam

Mok Hing-yiu 莫慶堯 1923 – 2010(MBBS 1947; Hon DSocSc 2009)

Dr Mok Hing–yiu was admitted to HKU in 1939 as a King Edward VII Scholar, a Scholarship awarded annually to the top matriculating students. He commenced his own practice in 1953 and finally hung up his stethoscope in his 70s.

Dr Mok was a tireless and generous supporter of education, religion and social welfare. In 2007, he endowed the Mok Hing Yiu Professorship of Respiratory Medicine and in 2008,

established the Mok Hing Yiu Distinguished Visiting Professorships at his alma mater.

William Mong 蒙民偉 1927 – 2010(Hon LLD 1994)

“Dr Mong led the way for Japanese consumer products to enter the Hong Kong market when people were still rebuilding their lives after the war. But it was in the rice cooker he saw greatest potential – over the last forty years, he sold eight million pieces in a city of seven million people and became known as the legendary ‘king of rice cookers’ (電飯煲大王).

“In 1984, he established the Shun Hing Education and Charity Fund through which he was able to intensify his personal support of the community, particularly in the areas of education,

medicine, arts, rehabilitation, sports and the environment.”

An excerpt from the obituary by The University of Hong Kong

John Llewellyn 1915 – 2010

“John joined The University of Hong Kong in 1959 as a lecturer in Geography. He was later promoted to senior lecturer and in 1965 he became the University’s Assistant Registrar, a position he maintained until his retirement in 1975.

“More importantly, he was the Warden of University Hall from 1961 to 1972. In this capacity, he was like a caring parent to all U Hallites and staunchly supported them in their studies as well as their extra-curricular activities. He was a great leader and team builder, always there to guide and inspire U Hallites to give their best both at work and at play, and to build up

and sustain the spirit of brotherhood for which U Hall is justly famous. U Hall alumni generally recognise John as the best ever Warden and will fondly remember him forever.”

John Chan 陳祖澤 (BA 1964; DipManStud 1971)


Ken Leung 梁錦榮 1952 – 2010(BSc(Eng) 1977)

Ken and his two daughters, Doris Leung Chung-see and Jessie Leung Song-yi, passed away during the tragic incident in Manila during their travels to the Philippines.

At the time of his passing, Ken was Managing Director of Stadium Asia, a UK-based electronic manufacturing services company. He had worked as industrial engineer and professional manager in Hong Kong, Singapore, Canada and China, and attained a leadership role in the field of his specialty. He was an ardent supporter of industrial education and training at The University of Hong Kong and City University of Hong Kong, respectively.



刻刻都陪伴著我們 —— 天父會眷顧我們。」

梁錦榮太太(梁吳幼媛) 「我以沉痛的心情訃念我的十年同窗,梁錦榮Ken。我跟


系,同宿舍,香港大學利瑪竇堂。他的性格率直,實幹,英文 來形容:he is a doer, not a talker。我們同學叫他花名「牛榮」叫了四十年。今日,有另一個舊同學,叫我不要再稱呼他作 「牛榮」了,因為Ken已變得久經歷練,有涵養及有見地,英文叫seasoned。無論如何,我雖然失去一個好友,但我因有這個朋友而覺得驕傲。




Paul Mak 麥淦岐 (BSc(Eng) 1977) (摘自悼詞)

Chan Kai-yung 陳繼勇 1961 - 2010(BA 1984; PCEd 1988)

A pioneer in the business of second-hand English bookstores in Hong Kong, Kai-yung established “Collectables”, a marketplace for exchanging and recycling cultural collections in Central, in 1992. His keenness towards the bookstore can be best summarised by his remarks made during an interview in 2009: “Money is important, but a meaningful life is my most valuable asset. Hong Kong needs a shop like mine that serves human culture.”

Farida Lai 黎德輝 1958 - 2010(BA 1981; PCEd 1987)

Farida had been a secondary school teacher for 15 years and worked for the Education Bureau from 1996 to 2006. With her enthusiasm and professionalism, she was very well regarded by her students and colleagues.

“Farida had achieved so much because she was a lady of character. She was a righteous person of high principle. When she believed in something, be it anti-smoking or environmental protection, she would never compromise. I sometimes joked with her that she would make a perfect police woman.

She had full confidence in herself and always liked to try new things. Her motto is “if the thing can be done by someone, it is humanly possible, why not give it a try”. This was the momentum behind her endeavours in sports, music, fashion, and painting.”

Peter Pang 彭醒棠 (BSocSc 1979), Farida’s husband

Betty Ho 何美歡 1948 – 2010

Professor Betty Ho, a former member of the Faculty of Law from 1988 to 2002, was most respected by students and colleagues. She was a prolific scholar who published widely in the areas of contract, corporate and securities law.

“Demanding as she is, Betty is also a passionate and considerate teacher. We all prepare case abstracts for students to read. Betty prepared her case abstract in such a way that she left a wide margin where she expected her students to think and to write down their thoughts as they read. Behind her stern and demanding appearance is a warm and kind heart. She knows her students well, and is always generous with her time with students, but mind you, if you want to ask her any question, you had better prepared thoroughly for her piercing cross-examination. One of her students once wrote, ‘I am very glad I made the intelligent choice to study this course. It is as if my eyes were opened; now I know what university studies and legal studies mean.’ This sentiment is shared by many generations of her students.”

Professor Johannes Chan 陳文敏 (LLB 1981; PCLL 1982)

Dean, Faculty of Law(an excerpt from the eulogy)

Edward Mendelssohn Woo 胡凱偉 1978 - 2010(BA(AS) 2002; MArch 2004)

Edward, who worked for an architectural firm in London, passed away during a hiking trip to the High Tatras 2,665-metre Gerlach Peak in Slovakia. A travel blog, written by him, recorded that he had previously hiked in Switzerland and other European countries.

In Memoriam

1916 1st Congregation: 23 graduates2010 183rd Congregation: 7,183 graduates

You are part of a growing family of over 140,000 Alumni106 alumni groups

in Hong Kong and around the worldYou are automatically a Member of Convocation

3 things you must do:* Stay connected

(remember to update your contact details)

* Join the Centenary Celebrations (Jan 2011 – Dec 2012)

* Carry the torch of excellence and contribute to Hong Kong, China and the World

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Welcome, Class of 2010

As HKU begins two years of celebrations marking its Centenary, Professor Wang Gungwu, former Vice-Chancellor and world-renowned historian, will engage in a dialogue with staff, students, alumni and friends on the University’s past and what the future heralds.

Professor Wang will reflect on the significant events in 1887 and 1911 that led to the founding of the University. He will share his insights on how history could inform the 2011 celebrations and HKU© s role in a globalised and fast-changing world. He will also explore HKU© s future development in the context of China© s rise to become the second largest economy in the world. Register at http://100.hku.hk

1887, 1911, 2011... DECODING HKU 解碼港大

A Conversation with Professor Wang Gungwu

Time: 12:00 - 14:00

Venue:Fung Ping Shan Building University Museum and Art Gallery The University of Hong Kong

Language: English
