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World Bank Financed Wuhan Urban Transport Project

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E697 vol. 5 Revised World Bank Financed Wuhan Urban Transport Project Environmental Impact Assessment Report The Fourth Survey and Design Institute of China Railways Class A Certificate Holder with the No. GHPZJZ No. 2605. May 2003, Wuhan, P.R.China FILE Y Public Disclosure Authorized Public Disclosure Authorized Public Disclosure Authorized Public Disclosure Authorized

E697 vol. 5Revised

World Bank Financed

Wuhan Urban Transport Project

Environmental Impact Assessment Report

The Fourth Survey and Design Institute of China Railways

Class A Certificate Holder with the No. GHPZJZ No. 2605.

May 2003, Wuhan, P.R.China



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Table of Contents

1. Introduction .................................................. 11.1 Project Background .................................................... 11.2 Planning and Strategic Considerations .................................................... 21.3 Objectives of Environmental Assessment .................................................. , , , .,51.4 Implementation Process of Environmental Impact Assessment ................................................. 51.5 Components of Environmental Assessment Documents ................................................. 71.6 Bases of EIA .................................................. 71.7 Assessment Scope, Assessment Standards and Assessment Phases ............................................. 101.8 Classification of EIA and Assessment Factors .................................................................. 121.9 Focus of Assessment .................................................................. 131.10 Determination Principles of Environmental ProtectionTargets ................................................. 131.11 Techniques and Methods to be Adopted for This Assessment .................................................... 131.12 Screening of the Safeguard Policies of the World Bank ............................................................. 14

2. General Description and Analysis of the Project . .................................................1 62.1 Name, Features and Location of the Project ................................................................... 162.2 Project Components .................................................................. 162.3 Existing and Projected Traffic Volumes .................................................................. 282.4 Construction Methods and Raw Materials .................................................................. 332.5 Identification and Screening of Environmental Impacts of the Project ........................................ 332.6 Analysis of Main Environmental Impact Characteristics ............................................................. 36

3. Analysis of Alternatives ................................................................... 393.1 Road Alternatives .................................................................. 393.2 Comparison of Road Engineering Designs .................................................................. 413.3 Alternatives to Qinghua Road ................................................................... 423.4 Analysis of Environmental Impacts with or without the Project .................................................. 43

4. Environmental Baseline of the Project Area ............................................................ 454.1 Urban Natural Environment .................................................................. 454.2 Urban Socioeconomic Setting and Community Distribution ....................................................... 464.3 Environmental Protection Targets .................................................................. 484.4 Air Quality Baseline ................................................................... 534.5 Acoustic Environment Baseline ................................................................... 644.6 Assessment on Current Situation of Vibration Environment ........................................................ 764.7 Baseline Sunshine Environment ................................................................... 804.8 Baseline Surface Water Environment .................................................................. 854.9 Water & Aquatic Life .................................................................. 894.10 Soil and vegetation .................................................................. 1004.11 Culture property .................................................................. 100

5. Impacts Assessment and Mitigations for Construction Phase .. 1 025.1 Noise Impact and Mitigation .................................................................. 1025.2 Vibration Impact and Mitigation .................................................................. 1065.3 Air impact and mitigation .................................................................. 1085.4 Surface Water Impacts and Mitigation ................................................................... 1115.5 Aquatic Life Impact and Mitigation .................................................................. 1135.6 Vegetation Impacts and Mitigation .................................................................. 1155.7 Community Impacts and Mitigation .................................................................. 1175.8 Traffic Impact and Mitigation ................................................................... 1185.9 Solid Waste Disposal .................................................................. 1195.10 Impact to Cultural Relics and Mitigations During Construction .............................................. 1215.11 Contractor Management .................................................................. 121

6. Environmental Impacts Assessment and Mitigations during OperationPhase ............................................... 123

6.1 Air impact assessment and mitigation .123

1. Introduction

1.1 Project Background

Wuhan, known to the country as a "hub of passageways for nine provinces", is the largest

industrial base, trade centre and transportation hub in central China. As the provincial capital

of Hubei, Wuhan is also a famous cultural city with a long history. Its location is of a

particular strategic significance and development potential as Wuhan is a gateway city to the

China's vast west which is under the country's ambitious Develop China's West program(Figure 1. 1-1 "Geographic Location of Wuhan").

As one of the most important cities in central China, Wuhan has seen a rapid economic

development and urbanization in the past 20 years. However, its urban transportation system

has lagged behind the overall development pace, limiting continued urban development and

improvement of standard of living for urban residents. Many bottlenecks in the city core and

around the city have formed due to the poor road conditions and/or the lack of maintenance,

seriously affecting the efficiency of the city's transportation system and adversely impacting

urban environmental quality. The lack of infrastructure in the suburb areas has impeded the

overall urban development and expansion. These deficiencies and under-development in

Wuhan urban transport system have affected the city as a regional economic center andfrontier in developing China's west. This proposed urban transport system upgrading project

(the Project), to be partially financed by the World Bank, represents a major effort inalleviating transportation bottlenecks and improvement of transport system efficiencies.

The preparation work of the Project began in 1998. At the end of 1998, the Municipal

Construction Commission of Wuhan and relevant municipal agencies compiled and finished a"Proposal for Wuhan Urban Transport Project Using a World Bank Loan", which as submitted

to the State Development and Planning Commission (SDPC) in 1999, (re-structured as State

Development and Reform Commission since March 2003). In February 1999, key Wuhangovernment agencies, such as the Construction Commission, Planning Commission, Finance

Bureau, Planning Bureau, Municipal Administration Bureau, Public Utilities Bureau,

Environmental Protection Bureau, Transport Administration Bureau, Planning Design

Institute, Municipal Administration Design Institute, and Transport Design Institute, began to

conduct a project preliminary feasibility study. On April 11, 2000, under the direct leadership

of the Municipal Government, these key agencies jointly set up a Leading Group for Wuhan

Urban Transport Project Using a World Bank Loan, to take the responsibility for organization

and coordination work for the project. Under the Leading Group, an Foreign CapitalUtilization Management Office for Wuhan Urban Transport Project or the Project

Management Office (PMO) has been created and is responsible for the day to day preparationand implementation work of the Project. Since then, substantial preparation work has beenconducted and completed, including Preparation Plan, data collection, and Pre-feasibility

Study Report, as well as series of consultation with municipal congress and various

government agencies. From Maarch 15 to I 1, 2002, engaged by the SPDC, China International

Engineering Consulting Corporation conducted site evaluation and investigation for the

Pre-Feasibility Study Report on Wuhan Urban Transport Construction Project, resulting in a

revision of the Pre-feasibility Study Report. This report was later officially approved by the

SPDC, in December 2002.

At the same time, a series of World Bank missions also visited Wuhan providing guidance,

assistance and evaluation of Project preparation. The project pre-appraisal by the World Bank

was held from December 2 to 10, 2002.

Based on "Management Regulations on Environmental Protection for Construction Projects"

promulgated by the State Council's Decree No. 253 (1998) and the official document HJ 324

(93) entitled "Notice on Strengthening Management Work of Environmental Impact

Assessment for the Construction Projects Using International Financial Institutions Loans"

jointly issued by the State Environmental Protection Bureau (SEPA), SPDC, Ministry of

Finance (MOF) and the People's Bank of China, as well as relevant World Bank operational

policies, a detailed environmental assessment (EA) is required for the Project. The PMO has

entrusted the Fourth Survey and Design Institute of Railways (FSDIR) to carry out the

environmental assessment (EA) for the Project. The Wuhan Academy of Environmental

Sciences also participated in the EA, together with the FSDIR form the EA team. A terms of

reference (TOR) for the EA was prepared by the EA team, which was reviewed by a SEPA's

expert committee on November 14, 2002 and its comments have been incorporated into the

revised TOR. An official approval of the revised TOR was given by SEPA's Project

Environmental Evaluation Centre in its official review opinion letter on December 9, 2002.

On March 27, 2003 a SPEA designated expert panel reviewed the draft final EIA report and

the review comments have been incorporated into the final EIA report in Chinese, as well as

this English version of the EA documents (EIA, EMP and EA Summary).

This environmental impact assessment (EIA) report is prepared on the basis of the EA TOR

and the review comments from both the expert review panels for TOR and draft final report,

as well as November 2002's version of the Project Feasibility Study Report by the PMO. The

World Bank's Operational Policy OP 4.01 "Environmental Assessment" and other relevant

safeguard policies also form a very important basis for this EA report. Various municipal

government agencies and professional institutions also provided data and information during

EA team's effort of baseline environmental study, impact assessment and mitigation measure


1.2 Planning and Strategic Considerations

The Municipal Govermment of Wuhan has recently initiated a strategic study for the city's

transportation system, in preparation for an urban transport project using a World Bank loan.


The study was based on the State Council's replies to "Wuhan Urban Master Plan"

(1996-2020), as well as the city's social and economic conditions. It is also based on the

principle of sustainable improvement, development of the city's economy, increase of

standards of living for the residents of Wuhan City and improvement of the urban

environmental quality. The results of Wuhan urban transport development strategy study

demonstrates the urgent need for upgrading the city's transportation system through various

physical works and policy initiatives, including road construction, road maintenance, traffic

control, public transit and transport environmental protection. Bulk of the study results, as

well as the priority components in the transport master plan, form this Wuhan Urban

Transport Construction Project (the Project), to be partially financed by a World Bank loan.

According to Wuhan Urban Master Plan (1996-2020), the Wuhan city proper will be

expanded from 3.9 million population in 1998 to 4.5 million in 2020 and the urban areas from

240 km2 to 427.5 km2 over the same period. By 2020, Wuhan will form two downtown core

areas, to be located on both sides of Changjiang river, respectively. The two downtown cores

will each be surrounded by 10 central areas which, in turn, will be surrounded by additional

10 suburb areas. The population density at 600-800/ha will be the highest in the downtown

core areas and gradually reduced towards the suburb areas at 300-500/ha. The current World

Bank supported project includes road upgrading and widening components in the downtown

core areas, as well as new road components in four central areas where there is a lack of road


According to Wuhan's master urban transport plan, the urban trunk road network will consist

of three ring roads and ten major "radial" roads which extend from the city center towards the

suburb in different directions. The plan also includes development of secondary and branch

road networks, as well as systems for public transit, bicycles, pedestrians and parking. By

2010, the total road length in Wuhan will be 1872 km and the total road area, 34.7 kM2,

average of 9 m2 per resident. By 2020, these parameters will be 2443 km, 71.3 km and 16 M2

per resident. All intersections along the express roads (the ring roads) will have interchanges

to achieve grade separate, non-stop crossing. The Master Plan also puts public transport a

priority in the urban transportation system. By 2020, the public transportation system will

include three light rail lines, a total of 790 km public transportation routes, 16 bus

maintenance facilities, 34 bus terminals, and 79 bus parking lots.

Based on the urban topography, location and built-up conditions, Wuhan urban transport

system faces three major issues: river crossing (Changjiang and Hanjiang rivers which

divided the city into three sections), urban transportation and transit motor vehicles. The

World Bank financed Wuhan urban transport project includes components to address the

priorities in all three issues.

The Wuhan master urban transport plan calls mainly for seven crossings over Changjiang

river and six for Hanjiang river. This World Bank financed project will include construction


and upgrading of several ramps to the existing bridges to maximize the role of bridges in the

transportation network. The World Bank financed project will have major components in

solving the urban or city core transportation issue. Relevant project components to address

this issue will include improvement or roadi network by construction of new roads and

opening the dead ends and the increase of road transport capacity by road widening,

upgrading, construction of interchanges and road maintenance. In addition, the project will

also support a major public transport component, as well as other components such as

intersection optimization and control, motor and non-motor vehicle separation, transport

safety education, and motor vehicle emission control strategy development. Within the project,

several project components and roads are on the inner and mid ring roads. The completion

and upgrading of the ring road systems will help address the issue of transit motor vehicles

through detouring such vehicles from downtown and city core areas.

Clearly, the proposed World Bank financed project will address all three key strategic

transport issues in Wuhan, The project is in full compliance with the Wuhan Urban Master

Plan and Wuhan Urban Transport Master Plan. In fact, the project roads and other project

components are among the top priority in the plans in addressing the urgent issues in the

Wuhan urban transport system. As such, the project will be a critical step in fully

implementing the plans and play an important role in Wuhan's effort to build the city a

regional center in central China and key gateway to the China's west. By alleviating the

transport congestion and bottlenecks and improving the transport efficiency, the project will

support the city's sustainable economic development, improvement of standards of living, and

enviromnental upgrading.

Wuhan Environmental Master Plan (1996-2020) sets short term (2005) targets for ambient air

quality to meet Class I in East Lake and other scenery sites, Class III in the industrial zones of

the city and Class II in other areas. The targets for Changjiang and Hanjiang rivers and East

Lake water quality is Class III and noise targets is 70 dB(A) for trunk roads and other areas

average noise level is 56 dB(A). The long term goal (2010 and beyong), target for the ambeint

air quality city wide is Class II or better, for water quality in Changjiang and Hanjiang rivers

and East Lake, Class II, and for noise, 85% of the urban areas reach applicable standards.

The World Bank financied project will contribute to air qaulity improvement targets through

improved motor vehicle efficiency and reduced unit vehicle emission. Construction and/or

operation of the project will however, adversely impact the water quality and noise

environments in general. Effective mitigation will be needed to reduce the adverse impacts in

order to comply with requirements from the environmental master plan. The actual levels of

impacts as well as specific mitigation measures are included in the later chapters of this



1.3 Objectives of Environmental Assessment

The primary objective of the EA is to conduct a quantitative and qualitative analysis of

various environmental impacts from the Project by investigating and monitoring of

physical-chemical, biological and socio-economic environments of the Project area, and by a

broad public participation. More specifically, the objectives of the EA are to:

A Provide an environrnental protection basis for the project designer and project

decision-maker, ensure the implemented project with environmental rationality and

environmental sustainability;

AC Identify and evaluate the negative environmental impact at the preliminary stage of the

project so as to adopt environmental protection measures including alternatives to mitigate or

minimize the negative environmental impact to an acceptable level;

X Provide environmental compensation measure when the negative environmental impactcannot not avoided or effectively mitigated.

X Provide a basis for the implementation department and relevant governmental agencies tocomply and implement environmental management, mitigation and monitoring plan.

1.4 Implementation Process of Environmental Impact Assessment

Based on the "Management Procedures of Environmental Protection for ConstructionProjects" promulgated by the SEPA in June 1990, the environmental assessment of this

project is divided into two stages. Preparation of the Terms of Reference for Environmental

Assessment and then the actual impact assessment and EA documentation preparation. Thefull procedures for the two stages are shown in Figures 1.4-1.


Construction PMO WBDepartment of NEPA t

l l Trust

Ch Ieck F - EA unitChecklll


Project environmental impact identification, environmental current situation

investigation, and first roInmd of public participation

| Preparation of Terms of Reference of EA l

Reply of TREA


Social, economic, physical and Current situation of acoustic Engineering design data studybiological environmental environmental, ambient air and

background data investigation vibration environment

Environmental current situation assessment

I~~Environmental impact

asses 1ment

EnvironmentalSecond round ofpublic o o mitieation measure

participation \ f /

Evo eaC pabtrat of EA report l

Alternative options l;analysis

- | ~~~~~~~Comprehensive analysis and |Submissionassessment l

Check | Compilation of environmental management plan and Submission>.§ ~~~~abstract of EA reponrl

Figure 1.4-t Procedures of Environmental Impact Assessment


1.5 Components of Environmental Assessment Documents

The environmental assessment documents consist of three parts, Environmental Impact

Assessment (EIA) report, Environmental Assessment Summary (EA summnary) andEnvironmental Management Plan (EMP), which are collectively called EA documentation.

According to the requirements of World Bank Operational Policy OP 4.01 "Environmental

Assessment", EIA report is required for a Class A project. It focuses on deternining andassessing the potential environmental impacts of the project, and developing proper mitigation

measures and management and monitoring measures. The EA Summary is a concise summary

of the key findings and results of the EIA report. An EMP is to describe in detail the

mitigation measures and other environmental management measures to be adopted during inProject implementation. The implementation of the EMP is to as to eliminate, mitigate,

minimize or otherwise compensate the adverse environmental impacts and bring the impacts

to the acceptable level.

As the Project EA team, FSDIR ensure that, excepting the different expressions between

Chinese and English languages, and the economic analysis required by the SEPA what is not

included in the English version, the contents in both versions of the EA documentation have

no difference of substance. Furthermore, the section on resettlement in the English version isa concise summary from the findings and conclusions of the Resettlement Action Plan (RAP)

prepared by the Project Resettlement Office in November 2002.

1.6 Bases of EIA

This environmental assessment report is prepared based on the relevant environmental

protection law, regulations and standards of the People's Republic of China (PRC), safeguard

policies of the World Bank, relevant regulations and planning documents of Hubei Provinceand Wuhan city, Project design documents, technical specifications and international

environmental agreements signed by China, etc.

More specifically, the basis of the EA is:

Environmental Protection Laws and Regulations of the PRC

X "Environmental Protection Law of the People's Republic of China", approved by the 11"

meeting of the Standing Committee of the 7th National People's Congress on December 26,

1989, enforcement on December 26, 1989.AR "Prevention and Control Law of Environmental Noise Pollution of the People's Republicof China", approved by the 22nd meeting of the Standing Committee of the 8tt' NationalPeople's Congress on October 29, 1996, enforcement on March 1, 1997.X "Prevention and Control Law of Atmospheric Pollution of the People's Republic ofChina", approved by the 15th meeting of the Standing Committee of the 9 th National People's


Congress on April 29, 2000, enforcement on September 1, 2000.

X "Prevention and Control Law of Water Pollution of the People's Republic of China",

approved by the 5h meeting of the Standing Committee of the 6 'h National People's Congress

on May 11, 1984, enforcement on November, 1, 1984, and amended by the 19 th meeting ofthne8th Standing Committee of the National People's Congress on May 15, 1996"

A "Management Regulations on Environmental Protection for, Construction Projects"

promulgated by the State Council's Decree No. 253 (1998), approved by the 1 0 th standing

meeting of the State Council on November 18, 1998, and enforcement on November 18,


N The Official Letter No. HJ 324 (93) titled "Notice on Strengthening the Management

Work of Environmental Impact Assessment for the Construction Projects Using International

Financial Institutions Loan" jointly issued by the National Environmental Protection Bureau,

State Planning Commission, Ministry of Finance and the People's Bank of China.

Requirements of the World Bank

The requirements of the World Bank are included in ten safeguard policies, procedure and

operational guidance. They are:

X Environment Assessment (OP/BP/GP 4.01)

AX Forestry (OP/GP 4.36)

AS Natural Habitats (OP/BP 4.04)

AX Safety of Dams (OP/BP 4.37)

AX Pest management (OP 4.09)

A Involuntary Resettlement (OD 4.30)

AR Indigenous people (OD 4.20)

A Cultural Propenty (OP 4.11)

A Projects in Disputed Areas (OP/BP/GP 7.60)

X Projects on International Waterways (OP/BP/GP 7.50)

Environmental planning documents of Hubei Province and Wuhan

AR The Official Letter No. EZBF 74 (2000) titled "Reply on Relevant Issues on the

Regulations of the Environmental Function Classification and Integrated Water Sources

Protection Areas Classification of Surface Water and Drink Water of Wuhan City Issued by

the General Office of the People's Government of Hubei Province"

X The Official Letter No. WZB 245 (1995) titled "Notice on Classification Report on

Surface Waters Function, Atmospheric Environmental Quality Area and Environmental

Acoustic Area in Part of Districts and Counties of Wuhan City Transmitted by the General

Office of People's Government of Hubei Province to Environmental Protection Bureau of

Wuhan City" issued by the People's Government of Wuhan City

X The Official Letter No. WH 21 (1995) titled "Notice on Classifications of Environmental

Acoustic Areas in Caidian District and Wuhan Economic and Technical Development Zone


Issued by the Environmental Protection Bureau of Wuhan City"

AX The Official Letter No. WH 113 (1995) titled "Notice on Adjusting Part of Environmental

Acoustic Classifications in Wuhan City Issued by the Environmental Protection Bureau of

Wuhan City"

AX The Official Letter No. WZ 24 (1995) titled "Notice on Prevention and Treatment of

Environmental Noise Pollution in the Construction Working Site in City Proper" issued by the

People's Government of Wuhan City

A The Official Letter No. WZ 40 (2002) titled "Notice on the Implementation Plan for the

Action Plan of Blue Sky and Clean Water in Wuhan Issued by the People's Government of

Wuhan City"

AX The Order No. 115 of the People's Government of Wuhan City titled "Prevention,

Treatment and Management Methods for Pollution of Urban Drink Water Sources of Wuhan"

X "Regulations of Lake Protection of Wuhan City" approved by the 2 9 th meeting of the

Standing Committee of People's Congress of Hubei Province in 2002

X The Official Letter No. WH 133 (2000) titled "Notice on Issuing Classification of

Functional Area of Wuhan Urban Ambient Air Quality Issued by the Environmental

Protection Bureau of Wuhan City"

Engineering design document

AR "Feasibility Study Report of Wuhan Urban Transport Construction Project Using World

Bank Loan", organized and compiled by PMO

Technical specifications

At "Technical Guidelines for EIA * General Principles Air Environmental Surface Water

Environment"(HJ/T 2.1-2.3-93), issued by SEPA.

AR "Technical Guidelines for EIA * Acoustic Environment"(HJ/T 2.4-95), issued by SEPA.

AR "Technical Guidelines for EIA * Non-Polluted Ecological Environment Impact"(HJ/T

19-1997), issued by SEPA.

Relevant study reports and literatures

A "Resettlement Action Plan of Wuhan Urban Transport Project", prepared by the project

Resettlement Office.

XC "Bulletin of Environmental Status of Wuhan City" (2001), compiled by the Wuhan

Environmental Protection Bureau.

X "Statistic Yearbooks of Wuhan City" (2001), compiled by the Wuhan Statistic Bureau

International environmental agreements signed by China

A United Nation Climatic Change Frame Agreement

X Biological Variety Treaty, signed on December, 29. 1993

3A Ozonosphere Protection Vienna Treaty, signed on December, 30, 1989

AX Montreal Protocol on Minimizing Harmful Matters Discharged into Ozonosphere


(revision) signed on August 20, 1992.

1.7 Assessment Scope, Assessment Standards and Assessment Phases

1.7.1 Assessment Scope

Based on the environrnental impact assessment experiences of the similar projects in China

and abroad and the relevant environmental impact assessment guidelines, considering the

existing environmental status of the Project area, the assessment scopes for the Project EA

have been proposed by the EA team and approved by the SEPA. The scopes are shown in

Table 1.7-1.

Table 1.7-1 Environmental Impact Assessment Scope

Assessment topics Assessment scopesSoil and vegetation Area 50-100 m within the both sides of the centreline of road and around the crossing viaduct and

Soil and vegetation mass transit station

Acousticenvironment The first row of building at both sides of road, crossing viaduct and the mass transit station

Vibration 60 m within the area at both side of the centreline of roadenvironment

According to the emission condition of tail gas, the ambient air impact assessment scope along theAmbient air road and around the mass transit station is the area 50-300 m at both sides of the road and the mass

Ambient air transit station; the integral ambient air impact assessment scope of Wuhan City is the area within themiddle ring line.

Water environment Sewage from mass transit station, preliminary rainwater discharging entrance from road to municipalsewer or affected receiving water body

Sunshine First row of houses without sunshade wall at its front and neighbouring street at both sides of viaductMainly including community, landscape, traffic, cultural relic protection, weak group, demolishment

Social economy and resettlement, public participation, and economic development; the integral assessment scope isthe area 300 m within the both sides of the centreline of road, crossing viaduct and mass transit

._____________________ station, and that for special assessment factor can be wider.

1.7.2 Assessment Standards

According to the environmental functional zoning of Wuhan, the latest local laws and

regulations, relevant technical policies and the requirements of the World Bank,

environmental standards applied for this assessment are determined as Table 1.7-2.


Table 1.7-2 EA Standards of Wuhan urban transport project

Environmental Standards Standard value or class Remarksfactors

GB 3096-93 "Urban Regional Daytime: Leq55 dBA All sensitive receptors such asEnvironmental Noise Standards" Nighttime: Leq 45dBA (Class I) schools, hospitals, kindergartens,

Acoustic environment __________________seniors home, etc.

GB 12523-90 "Standardfor Noise at The detailed standard values are shown in At boundaries of constructionBoundaries of Construction Sites" Table 1.7-3 sites

Executing Class IlI standard for sewagedischarged into Lurban sewvage treatment planit

Water GB 8978-1996 'Sewvage for further treatment, executing Class Sewage discharge generalpollutants CnpeesvDicage standard for the sewage discharged into the

t discharge water source area (Class s1 protective area); entrances o all te sewaeStandards" discharging units

E standard executing Class II standard for the othersewage (detailed standard values are shownin Table 1.7-5)

u~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~i a Wuhan reaches of YangtzeClass IIl water body (detailed standard values Rvran HanjiangRie

'AhiSter are shown in Table 1.7-6) East Lakeennretal GB 32QualityiStandardsforSurface Water" Class IV water body (detailed standard values Shahu Lake, Moshuihu Lake,

standard are shown in Table 1.7-6) South Lake, Nantaizihu LakeClass V water body (detailed standard values Fuhe Riverare shown in Table 1.7-6) (Huanghualao-Yangtze River)Executing the standard for Clasn 11 area Alteaesecp o

Ambient air GB 3095-1996 "Antbient Air Qzality (deailed standard values ar hown in abe Qingshan industrial areasa ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~1.7-4)

quality Standards" (revised on January 6, Executing the standard for Class 111 area

standard 2000) (detailed standard values are shown in Table Qingshan industrial area1.74)

Vibration environment GB 10070-88 "Urban Regional Daytime: 75 dB, Whole vibration assessmentVibrtio envronent Environmental l'thratron Standards" Nighttime: 72 dB scopeBased on the sunshine environrmentalcurrent situation and economic Te"ehia euain fUbnPann

Sunshinestandard curntttuation, referring to the relevant M g nt of Shahaf' stipuiates detailed Surrounding of viaduct, bothstandards of Shanghai whose winter snhine standardsh to see Table 1.7-7 sides of elevated roadsunshine percentage is similar to that sunin Wuhan

Table 1.7-3 Standard for Noise at Boundaries of Construction Sites unit: Leq (dBA)

Noise limited valueConstruction stage Main noise sourcesNoslitevau

Daytime Nighttime

Earthwork and stonework Bulldozer, excavator, and shovel loader, etc. 75 55

Construction isPiling Various piling machines 85forbid n

. . ~~~~~~forbiddenStructure Concrete mixer, vibration bar, and electric saw, etc. 70 55

Fitment Crane and elevator, etc. 65 55

Table 1.7-4 Ambient Air Quality Standards

Standard of concentration (mg/Nm3) Sources of standardsPollutant Sampling time

Class 11 Class III

TSP Annual average 0.20 0.30daily average 0.30 0.50

Annual average 0.10 0.15 GB3095-1996 "Ambient AirPM5 O daily average 0.15 0.25 Oualitv Standards" (revised on

Annual average 0.08 0.08

NO 2 daily average 0.12 0.12 January 6,2000)

hourly average 0.24 0.24

co Daily average 4.00 6.00hourly average 10.00 20.00

THC Daily average 0.16 0.16 Referring to USA Nationalihourly average 0.16 0.16 Ambient Air Quality Standard

Table 1.7-5 Sewage Comprehensive Discharge Standard (GB 8978-1996) (unit: mg/L)

Class of standard I SS I COD [ BODs Oil

Classl j 70 j 100 20 5

Class ii 150 1 !50 3 10

Class ill 400 | 500 [ 300 20

Table 1.7-6 Environmental Quality Standards for Surface Water (GB 3838-2002) (unit: mg/L)

Class of Index of D BOD Ammonia Total Total Vlolatile . Fecalstandard permanganate nitrogen phosphors nitrogen phenol (oneiL)

Class III 6 20 4 1.0 0.2 1.0 0.005 0.05 10,000

Class IV 10 30 6 1.5 0.3 1.5 0.01 0.5 20,000 0.1

Class V 15 40 10 2.0 0.4 2.0 0.1 1.0 40,000

Table 1.7-7 Sunshine Reference Standards

Region Sources Scope of application Sunshine time Remarks. . . . . ~~~~Continuous 1 hours on

Technical Residential building Winter SolsticeRegulations of UrbanWitrSlic

Shanghai City Planning and Kindergarten, middle Continuous 3 hours on Full-window sunshineManagement of school, primaiy school Winter Solstice timeShanghai City Hospital, sanatorium, Continuous 3 hours on

ward Winter Solstice

1.7.3 Assessment Phases

This EA focuses on three key years to predict and assess potential environmental impacts.

These key years are 2007, 2012 and 2020, representing three project phases of Project

completion, short operation term and long operation term, respectively. The Project is

scheduled to complete in 2007, which is selected as the first full operation year for impact

assessment. The year of 2012 is selected to reflect the impact on environment of the project at

short term after the project is in service and the year of 2020 is selected to reflect the impact

of the Project at long term after the project is full operation.

1.8 Classification of EIA and Assessment Factors

1.8.1 Classification of EIA

Based on the relevant clauses in the Official Letter No. HJ 324 (1993) entitled "Notice on

Strengthening the Management Work of Environmental Impact Assessment for the

Construction Projects Using International Financial Institutions Loan" jointly issued by the

SEPA, MOF, SDPC and the People's Bank of China, and SEPA's "Technical Guideline of

Environmental Impact Assessment", this Project is determined to be a Category A project.

This is because that the Project is expected to cause significant impacts (including positive

and negative impacts) on air, acoustic and other natural environmental systems and

communities in Wuhan city proper after it is implemented, both in the construction and

operation stages.


1.8.2 Assessment Factors

The key environmental assessment factors are

A The assessment factors of current ambient air state and forecast include CO, NO 2, PMIo

and THC.

AR The assessment factor of acoustic environrment current state and forecast is continuous

equivalent A sound level.

NA The assessment factors of vibration environmental current state and forecast is vertical Z

vibration level (VLz) of the sensitive receptors at both sides of road.

AX The assessment factors of water environmental current state and forecast are SS, BOD5,

COD and oils.

A The assessment factor of sunshine current state and forecast is the sunshine time of full

windows on the Winter Solstice.

1.9 Focus of Assessment

The implementation of every sub-component of a transport project will cause impact on

various urban environmental systems. Considering the actual impacts and depth of the

environmental assessment work, the EA for this Project will focus on the sub-components

with physical and civil works including new roads, road upgrading and widening, and road

maintenance as well as the public transit component. Other components such as transport

management system, etc. which will not involve physical works and thus little impacts to the

natural environments, are not covered in the EA.

1.10 Determination Principles of Environmental Protection Targets

Some public services and institutions such as schools, hospitals, kindergartens and welfare

centres at roadside are particularly vulnerable to adverse air, noise and other impacts. They

will be considered as the key environmental sensitive receptors and the protective targets, and

thus the focus of the EA. The first row of residential buildings at roadside is also

environmentally sensitive receptors, although in some aspects, the assessment standards are

not as stringent as the schools and hospitals. Besides, part of a national-level scenery and

wetland site what is listed in the China Wetland Protective List (the East Lake), is on the

Project site. The East Lake, particularly the area where the project is going to go through is

also regarded as a sensitive receptor in this EA.

1.11 Techniques and Methods to be Adopted for This Assessment

The EA work of a transport project is conducted in accordance with the working procedure

stipulated in the "Technical Guideline of Environmental Impact Assessment" issued by the

SEPA. This assessment conducts current environmental baseline investigation and monitoring

work after the EA TOR was approved. The baseline assessment is conducted using the


applicable standards listed above. The EA then forecasts by using relevant mathematical

models and assessment methods of potential environmental impacts from Project construction

and operation by the same standards. Based on the understanding of the impacts against

applicable standards, efectlive and feasiblc mtritigation measures have been proposed in the EA

to mitigate and minimize adverse impacts to the levels in compliance with the applicable

standards as well as in compliance with requirements of relevant operational policies of the

)World BanK.

1.11.1 Techniques and Methods for Current Environmental Qualitv Assessment

AC Identify the key pollutants according to the current state investigation and monitoring

results of environmental quality and in accordance with GB 3095-1996 "Ambient Air Quality

Standard" (revised on January, 6, 2000), and express the pollution degree by overproof time

AR Conduct assessment for current states of acoustic environment and vibration environment

according to the current states investigation and monitoring results of environmental quality

and in accordance with GB 3096-93 "Urban Environmental Noise Standard" and GB

10070-88 "Urban Environmental Vibration Standard"

X Adopt the recommended standards for building design for sunshine assessment, express

current state of sunshine by identifying whether it is up to the recommended design standard1.11.2 Techniques and Methods for Environmental Impact Forecast

AR For motor vehicle emission intensity, the MOBILE5 model from USA EPA is used in the


AR For diffusion of atmospheric pollutants along the roads, CALINE4 model is applied in the


AX From the city wide perspective, impacts on ambient air quality in Wuhan city is

forecasted by ISCST3 atmospheric forecast model.

X Sunshine forecast adopts a formula from the relevant EA technical specifications

AR For the forecast and analysis of other environmental factors, general techniques and

methods for environmental impact assessment such as system analysis method, analogue

investigation method and empirical assessment methods are applied in the EA.

1.12 Screening of the Safeguard Policies of the World Bank

Of all the safeguard policies of the World Bank, OP 4.01 "Environment Assessment" is a basic requirement.

OP4.01 is also the key content of the EA documentation. The other safeguard policies are also screened in

this assessment and applied if triggered. The screening is based on detailed a site investigation of the

physical, biological and socio-economic environments where the Project is located and the environmental

impact features of this project. Relevant government agencies are also consulted during the screening.

The results of screening are shown in Table 1. 12-1.


Table 1.12-1 Screening Results for World Bank Safeguard Policies

World BankSafeguard Policies Screenng results Remarks

OP 4.01 It is the important basis of this assessment document, and it is reflected inEnvironmental Relevant the documents of EIA, EA summary and EMP.

AssessmentOP 4.04 Natural Relevant The East Lake which is in the project area is wetland, as such,

Habitats requirements of OP 4.04 Natural Habitat will apply in the EAOD 4.20 Indigenous relevant There is no any indigenous people residential area within the impact area

People Not of this project, and thus this issue is not relevant to this project.Has no concern with The impact scope of this project is mainly within the city proper of

OP 4.36 Forest this assessment Wuhan, most of the land is developed and utilized. and there is no forest.OP 4.09 Pest Has no concern with This project does not purchase or use the disinsection agentia listed in OPManagement this assessment 4.09 Disinsection Agentia Management

OP 4.11 Cultural Two cultural properties are located within the impacted area and thisProperties Relevant policies will apply in the EA

OD 4.30 Involuntary The project involve a large scale relocation and resettlement in urbane.3 Involuntary Relevant areas and a Resettlement Action Plan (RAP) will be prepared and its key

contents included in the EA reportOP 4.37 Dam Safety Not relevant This project does not involve water damOP 7.60 Disputed Not relevant The project involved no disputed areas as defined in OP 7.60


Waterway Not relevant This project involves no international waters as stipulated in OP 7.50


2. General Description and Analysis of the Project

2.1 Name, Features and Location of the Project

Key features of the project are:

AR Project name: Wuhan Urban Transport Construction Project39 Project nature: new road construction, existing road upgrading, and road expansionAt Total investment of the project: the static total investment at the construction phase of thisproject is 4.936 billion Yuan, it is proposed to use 0.2 billion USD loan from the World Bank.A Scope and location of the project: all the contents of the project are distributed over thearea within the scope of the city proper of Wuhan (within the middle ring line). Thegeological position of this project is shown in Figure 2.2-1 and 2.2-2.

2.2 Project Components

Wuhan Urban Transport Construction Project is a complex system consisting of severalsub-projects or components. The components will include physical works as well asimprovement and upgrading of relevant management systems and software. According to thecommon characteristics of various components, the project may be divided into fivecategories: road infrastructure construction, traffic control and safety, public transitimprovement, road maintenance and environmental protection components. A summarydescription of the contents of Wuhan Urban Transport Construction Project is shown in Table2.2-1 and a more detailed and specific description for each of the components are provided inthe following sections of this chapter.Table 2.2-1 Description of Wuhan Urban Transport Construction Project

Components Contents of construction thousand Yuan)

Trunk roads 6 roads with a total length of44,658 mInterchange and intersections 13 new interchanges

Road network Main roads 18 roads and I viaduct over passing railwaydevelopment Branch_ road_ network with a total length of 45,436 m 405025

Branch road network 3 roads with length of 2,755 m

Pedestrian viaduct engineering 9 pedestrian bridges and 8 underpasses

Traffic Improvement of pedestrian system; improvement of bicycle transport system; prioritymanagement of mass transit; intersection channelization/optimization; road transport regional 27456

and road safety control system (ATC) of city proper; road transport safety; propagation and educationof users of roadSet up modernized mass transit dispatching and information management system;technical aid project; mass transit system reform; adjustment of public transit lanesConstruction of integrated bus terminals (major bus stations integrated with 11

Public transport train or long distance bus stations) 26078Construction of regular bus terminals (starting/finishing bus stations for one 12or several routes of buses)Reconstruction of bus stops 14

Road Road maintenance engineering 8 roads and I bridge with 42,783 mmaintenance Reform municipal maintenance institution, upgrade municipal maintenance 29360

equipment, raisin scientific degree of road maintenanceEnvironmentalmanagement Motor vehicle emission monitoring system and traffic noise automatic display system 1449

493634Total cost (Including TA



1 42662) =

Compared with the city's Master Plan for the transportation network (discussed in Section 1.2

of this report), the above components are among the priorities of the planned roads for the city.

The World Bank financed roads will help completing the three ring roads and ten "radial"

roads, which the backbone and main framework of road network, as outlined in the Master

Plan. Several road components in this project (see details in Section 2.2.1 below) will also

supplement the river crossing for both Changjiang and Han rivers, which is also a major task

in the Master Plan, as they will serve as ramps and/or connecting roads/extension roads of

river crossing bridges. The Master Plan calls for development of two downtowns in Wuhan

and sufficient road density (e.g., 9 m2 of road surface/person by 2010 and 16 m2 /person by

2020). The road upgrading and widening in the downtown area, particularly in Hankou will

support achieving these goals for formation and further development of the two downtown

core areas in the city. All the interchanges in the project are to meet the Master Plan demands

for interchanges of all intersections of express roads in the urban areas. The Master Plan

requires construction of 34 bus terminals and the total of 23 bus terminals proposed in this

project are among the 34 planned.

2.2.1 Road Network Development

The road infrastructure construction is a main physical works component and thus a focus of

the EA. This component consists of the construction of trunk roads in the urban city areas (6

roads and 13 viaducts), urban main roads (18 roads and 1 viaducts), branch roads

improvement (3 roads), and pedestrian street crossing (8 underpasses and 9 pedestrian

bridges). The geological location of the road infrastructure construction component is shown

in Figure 2.2-1. Main engineering details and specifications are shown in Table 2.2-2.


Table 2.2-2 Details of Road Infrastructure Construction Components

IWidth of red line (m)IC t ii iClass No. T Description of Engineering Length of road (m) ofored Constructio Remarksass ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Before After a year

project project I _ I

RD I. I Northem section of middle ring line 15,000 0 50(Etouwan-Sanjintan)

RDI.Ial Main trunk road engineering 2,920 0 50 2003

RDI.Ia2 Main trunk road engineering (Gutian Rd 1,885 0 50 2003________ ~2-Changqing Rd)__ _ _ _ __ _ __ _ _ _ _

RDl1Ia3 Main trunk road engineering (Changqing 790 0 50 2004RD _ I .I a3Rd-Gusaoshu) 790 0_0 20

RD 1.1a4 Main trunk road engineering 5,805 0 50 2005 NewvRD_I_._I_a4 (Gusaoshu-Sanjintan) I_000 N

Half-cloverleaf double-deck 2004Q RDl.lb Xindun viaduct interchange bridge 2004

. D1.1c Changqing viaduct Cloverleaf double-deck interchange_ RD I. I c Changqing viaduct brde2005

__________ ~~~~~~~~~~~~bridgeCloverleaf double-deck interchange

n RDI. Id Gusaoshu viaduct (Xinhuaxia Rd) bridge2004

RDI.le Sanjintan viaduct Cloverleaf double-deck interchange 2005bridge

RDI.2 Northem section of middle ring line 3,600 0 50 2007 New(Sanjintan-Hanshi Highway) I

RDI.3 Southern section of middle ring line(Qingling-South Luoshi Rd)

RDI.3a Main trunk road engineering 7,200 0 50 2005

RDI.3b Qingling viaduct Interchange bridge 2005 New

a RD I .3c Lizhi viaduct Partial-cloverleaf simple interchange 2004_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ~bridge _ _ _

RDI.3d Yezhi viaduct Elevated disc-type simple interchange 2005bridge

c RD2.1 Ramps connect Zhongshan Avenue with ________0 _ _7 2003_ Yangtze River Highway Bridge l 0

Under-passing simple interchange 20 e. RD2.6 Xunlimen under-passing subway brid ge2003 New

cY ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~bridgef RD2.7 Xianggang Rd viaduct Three-deck interchange bridge 2003

RDI.4 Qinghua Rd (Yuejiazui-Highway 21) New

RDI.4a Qinghua Rd (Yuejiazui-Donghu Port) 4,480 0 40 2003 NewRDI.4b Qinghua Rd (Donghu Port-Highway 21) 8,520 2006 Rebuilt

cs RDI.5 Huangpu Rd (Fazhan Ave-middle ring 4,610 17 40 2003 Rebu iltline) _ _ _ _

' RDI1.6 Old Hansha Highway 1,248 7 50 2005 Rebuilt.° (Biandanshan-middle ring line)

X RD2.3 Qiaokou Rd viaduct Elevated simple interchange bridge 2007 New

RD2.4 Zhalankou viaduct Under passing Zhongshan Road 2004 New

RD2.5 Guocikou viaduct Under-passing simple interchange 2005 Newbridge

Total length of

Suibtotal 6 roads, 13 viaduicts 44,658 m(excliuding thratof viadricts) .


Figure 2.2-1N

Roads and Interchangs and Roads Maintainance of WuHan.brbA 'Transport PLO'

RT~Road to be onsitaruce \ fr ,lke jt ,/.

ai t 1i + < b X < ~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ ,o1 ,S 5 o

3~~~~~~~~ ~ ~~~~~~~~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ ---- ---- M , @ ihcy )

Table 2.2-2 Details of Road Infrastructure Construction Components

Length of road Width of red line (m) ConstructionClass No. Description of Engineering (m) Before After year Remarks

project project

North Xianggang Rd (JiansheRD 1 .8 1,978 20 40 2003 Extension

Ave-Xinhuaxia Rd)

RD1.9 Dazhi Rd (JiefangAve-JinghanAve) 340 16 30 2005 Extension

RDI.I0 Jianshe Ave (Huangpu Rd-Erqi Rd) 1,498 16 40 2005 Extension

RDI .11 Jianshe Ave (Erqi Rd-Houhu Rd) 1,654 0 40 2004 New

_ RD I.12 Youyi Rd (Zhongshan Ave-Jiefang Ave) 1,060 1 1 35 2003 Extension

cli Nanniwan elevated bridge (Changfeng AveRD I.13 1,370 0 17 2004 New

over passing railway)

RDI.14 Houhu Rd (Huangpu Rd-JiefangAve) 5,130 0 40 2004 New

RDI .15 Zhongshan Ave (Lugouqiao Rd-Huangpu Rd) 498 10 40 2004 Extension

RDI.16 Hanxi Rd 2 (ChangfengAve-JiansheAve) 2,657 0 30-40 2006 New

RDDI .17 Yanhe Ave (Jianghan Bridge 2-Main Gutian Rd) 4,741 0 30 2006 Newv

Industrial Ave (Third Wuqing Trunk2 RD I.18 2,630 0 50 2006 New

Road-Qinghua Rd) _.

South Luoshi Rd (Haogou-middle ringRD I. 19 2,461 0 50 2005 New


North Zhongshan Rd (Fourth WuqingRD1I.20 1,300 0 50

Trunk Road-Shahu Ave)2005 New

-< North Zhongshan Rd (Shahu Ave-East= RDI.21 1,000 0 50


RD 1.22 Qinyuan Rd (Heping Ave-Zhongbei Rd) 2,280 0 30 2005 New

RDI.23 Jinshui Rd (Zhongshan Rd-South Shouyi Rd) 327 5 40 2005 Rebuilt

RDI.25 Shipailing Rd (Xiongchu Street-Jisan Rd) 1,440 0 30 2006 New

RDI.26 Jisan Rd (Wuxian Highway-Xunsihe Rd) 1,240 0 40._ 2006 New

RDI.27 Jisan Rd (Xunsihe Rd-Shipailing Rd) 2,250 0 30

o RDI.28 Meizi Rd (Qintai Rd-Hanyang Ave) 1,085 0 40 2003 New

>z RDI .29 Sixin Rd (Shisheng Rd-Yingwu Ave) 6,546 0 28.5 2007 New

_ RDI.30 Maying Rd (middle Jiangdi Rd-YingwuAve) 1,960 0 30-35 2003 New

Subtotal 18 roads, one viaduct (Nanniwan Elevated Bridge as a Length of

viaduct) 45,436 m

RDI.31 Taibei Rd I (Taibei Rd-Sanyang Rd) 1,500 0 20 2004 New

>m ': RDI.32 Hanxi Rd (Jiefang Ave-Yanhe Ave) 430 0 60 2004 New

RDI.33 Lugouqiao Rd (JiefangAve-YanjiangAve) 825 10 30 2004 Extension

Length ofSubtotal 3 roads Length nr

2,755 n2 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Table 2.2-2 Details of Road Infrastructure Construction Components

. | | ~~Width of red line (m)|Class Nlo. Descripf;nn nf1'naijLength of road WIn ) ConstructionC Before I After Remarks

project project ya

RD3.1 Wuhan Plaza underpass 1rc2.5 Ct r 2003 New

Jinghan Avenue-Wusheng Rd pedestrianRD3 .2 35 0 4 2004 New


RD3.3 ~ 1Xin-ualu Stadium pedestrian bridge 39.2 Q 4 2004 New

Zhongshan Avenue-Duofu Rd. pedestrian 3 0 4 2P D3.4 30 | 4 | 2005 |New

______ bridge

Jianshe Avenue-Qingnian Rd pedestrian 4 0 4 2 NRD3.5 b 46 0 4 2005 New~~bridge __ _ _ _ _ _ ___|_|__

RD3.6 Gongnongbing Rd pedestrian bridge 43 0 4 2003 New

RD3.8 Jialefu footunderpass 60 0 8 2007 New

115 RD3.9 Qingnian Rd-Shuili Rd pedestrian bridge 55.2 0 4 2005 New

>r Zhongbei Rd-Qinyuan Rd pedestrian 4 0 4 2 NRD3.10 43.5 0 4 2005 New


RD3.11 Wuluo Rd-Changchunguan pedestrian 57 0 4 2003 Newbridge

RD3.12 Zhongbei Rd-Shuiguohu underpass 93 0 5 2004 New

RD3.13 Yuejiazui foot underpass 30 0 5 2005 New

RD3.14 Fujiapo footunderpass 140 0 7 | 2007 New

RD3.15 Xudongpingjia underpass 97 0 5 2003 New

RD3.16 Wenhuagongunderpass 56 0 5 2006 New

Wenhuagong (approach of Yangtze River> RD3.17 B 67.4 0 5 2006 New

Bridge) underpass ______

RD3.18 Meiguiyuan Rd pedestrian bridge 41 0 4 2005 New

Subtotal 8 underpasss, 9 pedestrian bridges 1,035.8 |

93,884.8 m

Total (excluding lengths

| of viaduct) |

Table 2.2-3 Details of Road Infrastructure Components Constructing in 2003

No. Description of EngineeringRDl.l Northern section of middle ring line (Etouwan-Sanjintan)

RDI. lal Main trunk road engineering (Etouwan-Gutian Rd. 2)RDI .1 a2 Main trunk road engineering (Gutian Rd 2-Changqing Rd)

RD2.1 Ramps connect Zhongshan Avenue with Yangtze River Highway BridgeRD2.6 Xunlimen under-passing subwayRD2.7 Xianggang Rd viaductRDI.4 Qinghua Rd (Yuej iazui-Highway 21)RDI .4a Qinghua Rd (Yuejiazui-Donghu Port)RD 1.5 Huangpu Rd (Fazhan Ave-middle ring line)

RDI .8 North Xianggang Rd (Jianshe Ave-Xinhuaxia Rd)

RD 1.12 Youyi Rd (Zhongshan Ave-Jiefang Ave)

RD1.28 Meizi Rd (Qintai Rd-Hanyang Ave)

RD1.30 Maying Rd (middle Jiangdi Rd-Yingwu Ave)

RD3.1 Wuhan Plaza underpass

RD3.6 Gongnongbing Rd pedestrian bridge

RD3. 11 Wuluo Rd-Changchunguan pedestrian bridge

RD3.15 Xudongpingjia underpass

Table 2.2-4 Details of Road Infrastructure Components Constructing in 2004

RDI. 1a3 Main trunk road engineering (Changging Rd-Gusaoshu)RD I. lb Xindun viaductRD1.1d Gusaoshu viaduct (Xinhuaxia Rd)RDI.3c Lizhi viaductRD2.4 Zhalankou viaduct

RD 1.11 Jianshe Ave (Erqi Rd-Houhu Rd)

RDI .13 Nanniwan elevated bridge (Changfeng Ave over passing railway)

RD 1.14 Houhu Rd (Huangpu Rd-Jiefang Ave)

RD 1.15 Zhongshan Ave (Lugouqiao Rd-Huangpu Rd)

RD1.31 Taibei Rd I (Taibei Rd-Sanyang Rd)

RD 1.32 Hanxi Rd (Jiefang Ave-Yanhe Ave)

RD1.33 Lugouqiao Rd (Jiefang Ave-Yanjiang Ave)

RD3.2 Jinghan Avenue-Wusheng Rd pedestrian bridge

RD3.3 Xinhualu Stadium pedestrian bridge

RD3.12 Zhongbei Rd-Shuiguohu underpass

Table 2.2-5 Details of Road Infrastructure Components Constructing in 2005

RD 1.i a4 Main trunk road engineering (Gusaoshu-Sanjintan)RDI. Ic Changqing viaductRDI. le Sanjintan viaduct

RDI 3a Main trunk road engineeringRD1.3b Qingln .. iadcRD1.3d Yezhi viaduct

RDI.6 Old Hansha Highway (Biandanshan-middle ring line)

RD2.5 Guocikou viaduct

RDI1.9 Dazhi Rd (Jiefang-Ave-Jinghan Ave)

RD I.10 Jianshe Ave (Huangpu Rd-Erqi Rd)

RDI. 19 South Luoshi Rd (Haogou-middle ring line)

RD 1.20 North Zhongshan Rd (Fourth Wuqing Trunk Road-Shahu Ave)

RD 1.21 North Zhongshan Rd (Shahu Ave-East Lake)

RD 1.22 Qinyuan Rd (Heping Ave-Zhongbei Rd)

RDI.23 Jinshui Rd (Zhongshan Rd-South Shouyi Rd)

RD3.4 Zhongshan Avenue-Duofu Rd. pedestrian bridge

RD3.5 JiansheAvenue-Qingnian Rd pedestrian bridge

RD3.9 Qingnian Rd-Shuili Rd pedestrian bridge

RD3. 10 Zhongbei Rd-Qinyuan Rd pedestrian bridge

RD3.13 Yuejiazui underpass

RD3. 18 Meiguiyuan Rd pedestrian bridge

Table 2.2-6 Details of Road Infrastructure Components Constructing in 2006

RD1.4b Qinghua Rd (Donghu Port-Highway 21)

RD 1.16 Hanxi Rd 2 (Changfeng Ave-Jianshe Ave)

RD 1.17 Yanhe Ave (Jianghan Bridge 2-Main Gutian Rd)

RD 1.18 Industrial Ave (Third Wuqing Trunk Road-Qinghua Rd)

RD1.25 Shipailing Rd (Xiongchu Street-Jisan Rd)

RD 1.26 Jisan Rd (Wuxian Highway-Xunsihe Rd)

RD3. 16 Wenhuagong underpass

RD3. 17 Wenhuagong (approach of Yangtze River Bridge) underpass

Table 2.2-7 Details of Road Infrastructure Components Constructing in 2007

RD 1.2 Northern section of middle ring line (Sanjintan-Hanshi Highway)RD2.3 Qiaokou Rd viaduct

RD 1.29 Sixin Rd (Shisheng Rd-Yingwu Ave)

RD3.8 Jialefu underpass

RD3.14 Fujiapo underpass

It should be indicated that the above poject components will be constructed over a period of S

years from 2003 to 2007. Because of the rapid changes in Wuhan, not only in urban and

economic development but also in demands of its citizens for transportation services as well

as understanding of traffic planning by relevant government agencies and city planners, it is

likely that some of the components listed in the above tables may change in the later years


(e.g., 2004-207) of the project. If this occurs, further environmental assessment for the

changes will be conducted and appropriate mitigation measures for the new components

developed and included in the EMP.

2.2.2 Traffic Management and Road Safety

The objective of this traffic control and safety engineering is to rationally use the existing

road facilities. The primary considerations and design principles for this component is to put

people as the basis and priority of the transportation system, to smoothly organize the

same-directional and cross transport among pedestrians, non-motor vehicles and motor

vehicles. The details are described as follows.

Improvement of pedestrian system:

X 18 new pedestrian bridges and underpasses will be built.

A New signal lamps will be installed in 53 points of crosswalk; and

A Street crossing measures for pedestrians are considered in the proposed

chanalized/optimising intersections and proposed transport area control system, it will provide

safe and ordered guarantee for cross transport between pedestrian transport and road transport.

Pedestrians separating installation will be installed on the main roads in the downtown area to

connect sidewalks into pedestrian walking network system, and 5 sidewalks with severely

damaged surface will be rebuilt to the same-directional transport disturbance between

pedestrians, motor vehicles and non-motor vehicles.

Improvement of bicycle transport system:

3g Bicycle will be highly encouraged inside the three towns of Wuchang, Hanyang and

Hankou, according to the city's transportation master plan.

X Physical separated lanes will be created to support bicycle traffic.

X Street crossings will have provisions to allow safe and easy bicycles crossing (together

with thep pedestrians), to be built in the proposed canalized intersections.

AR Three roads will be designated as special roads for bicycles and 8 roads for motor

vehicles, in the Traffic Management and Road Safety component of the project.

Public transit priority:

A Nine road sections with a total length of 35 km will be configured for public transit; and

X The traffic control policy of mass transit priority is worked out.

9 Crossing transport chanalization:

AX 46 intersections will be chanalized with engineering measures,

A 34 intersections will be chanalized with management measures in traffic management

component, and

AC 182 intersections will chanalized simply with management measures in the traffic

management component.

Transport area control (ATC) system for roads in city proper: three transport area control

systems will be constructed. They are Wuchang and Qingshan transport area control system,

Donghu New and Advanced Techniques Development Zone transport area control system and

Hanyang transport area control system. The specifics of the areas are:

AR The Wuchang and Qingshan transport area control system controls 138 intersections with

a control area of 125 kM2.

X The Donghu New and Advanced Techniques Development Zone transport area control

system controls 40 intersections with a control area of 12 km2 .

A The Hanyang transport area control system controls 49 intersections with a control area

of 20 km2.

X At the same time, 18 new single control intersections will be built in theses three control


A Within the scope of the Second Ring Line, 56 monitoring crossings with close circuit

television (CCTV) system will be added, 40 dynamic traffic indicating plates and 8 static

traffic indicating plates will be installed respectively.

Road transport safety:

XC Road safety installation will be improved; new GPS satellite position system will be


3X Equipment for accident surveying, obstacles removal and help will be improved; and

XC Traffic control comprehensive information system will be set up.

Public education programs for the road users:

A Traffic safety education bases will be set up in 9 primary schools; and

A Traffic safety knowledge shall be propagated through some media such as billboards,

newspaper, television, broadcasting and books to raise traffic safety consciousness of the road


2.2.3 Public Transport

Public transit improvement engineering will include the following specific components

A Modernized dispatch and information management system for public transit, and

reconstruction of 11 integrated bus terminals which are terminals of several routes of city

buses integrated with train or long distance bus terminals,

3X Construction of auxiliary facilities for 12 regulatur bus terminals which are

starting/finishing bus stations of one or several routes of city buses,

X Reconstruction of 14 bus stops, and

9 Technical assistance and training.

It is proposed to reform the management system and operation system of mass transit,

adjusting and optimizing mass transit line network and improving equipment. The scales of


the mass transit terminals and head-end stops are shown in Table 2.2-8, the distribution of

public transport terminals is shown in Fig.2.2-2.

Table 2.2-8 Distribution of Public Transit Terminals and Head and End Bus Depots

Land Oeainl Quantities of QuantitiesNo. Name of station occu ied l operational of buses Construction Remarks

(m ) lines buses stopping at yea rnight

PT2.1 Wujiashan 10,000 9 230 55 2003 Newly builtPT2.2 Yong'antang 5,000 2 115 28 2004 Newly builtPT2.3 Guanshan Road I 10,000 6 230 55 2003 Newiv builtPT2.4 Qingling 5,000 3 115 28 2005 Newly builtPT2.5 Zhonghua Road 5,000 6 115 28 2003 Newiv builtPT2.6 Taipingyang 4,000 4 92 22 2004 Newly builtPT2.7 North Liji Road 3,200 5 73 18 2005 Newly builtPT2.8 Sanyang Road 4,500 6 103 25 2003 Newly builtPT2.9 Yongqing Street 10,000 8 230 55 2003 Newly builtPT2.10 Guqintai 10,000 18 230 55 2003 Newly builtPT2.11 Yuejiazui 10,000 7 230 55 2004 Newly builtPT3.1 Qilixincun 5,000 3 115 28 2004 Newly builtPT3.2 Baibuting 4,000 6 92 22 2003 Newly builtPT3.3 Erqiaoxiqu 4,000 3 92 22 2004 Newly builtPT3.4 Nanhuhuayuan 8,000 7 184 44 2003 Newly builtPT3.5 Chenjiadun 10,000 7 230 55 2005 Newly builtPT3.6 Jiang'anxizhan 5,000 4 115 28 2005 Newly builtPT3.7 Gusaoshu 3,600 5 83 20 2005 Newly builtPT3.8 Houhu 5,000 6 115 28 2004 Newly builtPT3.9 Xiangyangcun 9,730 5 223 54 2003 Newly builtPT3.10 Xudonglu 4,748 3 108 26 2003 Newly builtPT3.11 Guanshan 7,312 3 167 40 2003 Newly builtPT3.12 Tiejicun 8,858 8 202 49 2003 Newly built

2.2.4 Road Maintenance

Status of Existing Roads in Wuhan City

The "Wuhan Urban Infrastructures Investigation Report 2000" was prepared by Wuhan

Municipal Management Bureau in June 2000 about the technical status of transport

infrastructures of Wuhan city. Some of the key findings in this report are presented in Table



Table 2.2-9 Status of the Existing Roads in Wuhan City

Clasix Trunk road Secondary Value stipulated in CJJ36-90 "Technical SpecificationsClassification of index Trunk road____ _ trunk road for Urban Road Maintenance"

Ratio of road comprehensive 65. F2-3integri (%f) .

Damage ratio of roadway 23.0 22.0 2-3

Damage ratio of bicycle 21.8 21.3 2-3

Damage ratio of footway 22.1 8.3 2-3

Damage ratio of urainage 28.0 31.6 2-3facilIities I%2. 316 I-

Surface structure 28 per cent bituminous pavement, 72 per cent cement-concrete pavementDescr. pt on ofpavement Multiple cracks on the bituminous pavement; depressions and settlement as structural damage.

Descrption of pavement Cement-concrete pavement dislocation, resulting in expansion and hunching up, losing ofdamage status jointing material, and rupture of angle or edge. Incomplete drainage

Overload use and lack of maintenance. For cement-concrete pavement, it is classified into twodamnage categories: for road built before 1950, the design load is lower and the design year exceeds its

ddesign use year; for pavement built after 1980, daily maintenance can not be guaranteed.

Table 2.2-9 shows that the existing road of Wuhan city have been damaged seriously and are

in poor conditions. In order to make fully utilize the transport of the roads, it is necessary to

upgrade the existing roads and maintain them in good conditions.

Road Maintenance

According to the actual status of road damages in Wuhan city and Wuhan Urban Transport

Development Strategy, this road maintenance component using a World Bank loan will

include nine roads that need heavy maintenance. It will also includes reforming municipal

maintenance organization; upgrading municipal maintenance facilities; improving the

utilization efficiency of the existing equipment; and establishing maintenance and

management system for roads, bridges and drainage. All these measures will make road

maintenance more scientific. The road maintenance engineering includes 9 sub-components.

Table 2.2-10 and Fig.2.2-1 shows main road maintenance engineering projects.



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Table 2.2-10 Schedule of Road Maintenance Component

No. Description Road section Length of width of road (m)No. of project Road section (in)ad o before after Construction year

project projectRoad drainage rebuilding

RMI .1 from Gutian Rd 4 to 5.900 60 60 2005Xianggang Rd

Jiefang Road drainage rebuildingRM1.2 Anug from Xianggang Rd to 5.700 60 60 2003

Avenue ~Huangpu RdRoad pavement rebuilding

RM 1.3 from Huangpu Rd to Chama 3.500 60 60 2007_____________ R d

RM 1.4 Wusheng Rd Jiefang Ave-Jinghan Ave 1,920 50 50 2005

RMI.5 Jianghan Whole line 322.37 26 26 2005. . - ~~Bridge I

RM1.6 South Jiefang Whole line 1,140 15 15 2005Rd__ _ _ _

RMI .7 Wangqing Yejin Ave-Qinghua Rd 13,140 16 16 2003Highway ______

RM1 .8 Hanyang Zhongjiacun-old Hansha 5,540 50 50 2004Avenue Highway

RMI.9 Heping Ave Qinyuan Rd-Yangtze River 1,329 50 50 2004Bridge 2 _ _ _ _ _

RMLIO Main Gutian Gutian Rd l-Gutian Rd 3 1,735 7-16 30 2004

RMI.II Zhongshan Yiyuan Rd-Lugouqiao Rd 2,422 20 20 2005________ Avenue I

Total Total length of 4l,508!37 m

2.2.5 Environmental Management

This component will include with motor vehicle emission control program and establishment

of automatic motor vehicle emission and traffic noise monitoring system in the city. The

detailed projects and investments for environmental protection component are shown in Table


Table 2.2-11 Schedule of Environmental Protection Component

Item Investment (xlO,000 Yuan)Automatic motor vehicle emission monitoring system 1449

Automatic traffic noise indicating systemTotal 1449

This table only shows that project environmental components which are roadside noise and

ambient air quality monitoring system in this project. Environmental protection works and

mitigation measures will also be part of the project implementation. The details and specifics

of the impact mitigation measures and other environmental works, including the estimated

costs for these measures are presented in Chapters 5 and 6, as well as Environmental

Management Plan (EMP) for this project.

2.2.6 Project Implementation Plan

It is planned to begin project construction from the beginning of 2003. A five-year

construction has been planned according to the priority of the project components. The

detailed yearly construction schedule for road infrastructure component, public transit

component and road maintenance component are shown in Table 2.2-2- 2.2-8 and Table


2.2-10, respectively.

2.3 Existing and Projected Traffic Volumes

2.3.1 Increase Trend and Forecast of Motor Vehicles Fleet in Wuhan

The motor vehicles fleet sizes in Wuhan City from 1992 to 2001 are shown in Table 2.3-1.

According to the "Wuhan Urban Transport Development Strategy" compiled by the Wuhan

Urban Comprenensive Transport Planning Design and Research Instituite, the existing and

design traffic volumes forecasts of road and viaduct of the Wuhan Urban TransportConstruction Project by Using World Bank Loan are shown in Tables 2.3-2-2.3-7 .

Table 2.3-1 Statistic Table of Reserved Quantities of Motor Vehicle in Wuhan

Year 2001 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996 1995 1994 1993 1992

Total447505 354609 305837 284305 246598 193294 179904 157169 137793 122734


Motor bus 10303 14138 14029 14899 14318 13843 8491 7851 6999 6490

Mini bus 95450 76452 66592 59972 56249 50136 46415 38879 29924 22829

Truck 28660 26840 25798 25140 27892 23413 31382 28267 24803 26896

Buggy 36049 32111 29350 25747 24480 21040 23930 20277 18295 18879

Motorcycle 233403 171564 137714 127481 95962 55536 46486 39489 33709 28970

Motortriw.ee 33544 20448 19881 19243 17545 13963 11332 9617 7727


Motor135852 107588 78216 70047 52644 36734 29943 25118 21781


Trail bike 43528 43582 39617 38191 25773 4839 5211 4754 4201

Electric car 451 454 423 423 383 309 333 283 275

Tractor 19593 16593 16593 16593 16593 16593 16593 16593 16593 16280

Farm19122 9892 8962 7788 7303 6808 2489 2480 3422


Specialized 1346 1388 1426 1590 1607 1449 1340 1246 1211car

Special car . 3781 3514 3356 1140 3267 1603 1577 1856

Other cars 24953 1438 1474 1480 688 742 733 133 671 1179

Bus on

ordinary 876 943 1041 2852 1590 1100 387 1274 1704


Bus on4312 4294 4190 3055 2284 1300 846 802 500

special line

Electric car203 203 220 233 251 309 333 283 275


Taxi 12268 12250 12028 11497 11497 12060 10600 9761 6100

Downtown388229 307638 260542 229101 214689 153821 152692 134836 107020 97472


Faraway59276 46971 45295 55204 31909 39473 27212 22333 30773 25262

city proper

Table 2.3-2 Existing and Projected Traffic Volumes on Roads

Existing Design traffic flow (pcu/d)DESCRIPTION OF ENGINEERING traffic flow 2007 (with 2007 (withou 2012 = 2020 -

(pcu/d) this project) this project)

Northern section of middle ring line 0RDI.l 1 0 83500 108348 105938

(Etouwan-Sanjintan) (new road)

Northern section of middle ring line 0ROl. 2 (Sanjintan-Flanshi Highway) (newv road)

Southern section of middle ring line 080 1.3 0 19787 25064 28891

(Wu-Xian Highway-Southern Luoshi Rd) (new road)

RD2. I Ramps connecting Zhongshan Avenue with 0 0 19787 25064 28891Yangtze River Highway Bridge (new road)

RD1. 4 Qinghua Road (Donghu Port-Highway 21) 0 0 34600 45500 57000(new road)

Huangpu Road (Fazhan Avenue-middle ring 0 0 46300 59000 116400801. U line) (new road)

RDI. 6 Old Han-Sha Highway 23800 10600 17000 14400(Biandanshan-middle ring)

RDl. 8 Xianggang Road (Jianshe 26000 38700 37100 35400 20300Avenue-Xinhuaxia Road)

RD1. 9 Dazhi Road (Jiefang Avenue-Jinghan 13000 14400 16313 20424 28679Avenue)

RDl. 10 Jianshe Avenue (Huangpu Road-Kejiguan) 0 63700 40300 50000 50700

RD1. 11 Jianshe Avenue (Kejiguan-Houhu Rd) (new road) 0 16900 26800 33500Youyi Road (Zhongshan Avenue-Jiefang

RIM. 12 27000 53900 40600 41700 34800Avenue) I

Nanniwan Viaduct (Changfeng Avenue over 0801. 13 . .44700 36800 23591 31000

passing railway) (new road)

Houhu Road (Huangpu Road-Jiefang 0RDI. 14 A 0 18000 18900 10200

______ Avenue) (new road)

RDI. 15 Zhongshan Avenue (Lugouqiao 20800 27500 26700 24800Road-Huangpu Road)

RDI. 16 Hanxi Road 2 (Changfeng Avenue-Jianshe 0 38700 32600 27800 29600Avenue) (new road)

RDI. 17 Yanhe Avenue (Hanjiang Bridge 2-Gutian 37700 32200 30700 26100Trunk Road)

RD1.18 Industrial Avenue (Wu-Qing Third Trunk 0 0 12200 13000 13700Road-Qinghua Road) (new road)

Southern Luoshi Road (Haogou-middle 0 0 15900 24000 26200ring) (new road)

RDIl 20 Northern Zhongshan Road (Wu-Qing 0 40700 40000 47200ROI. 20 Fourth Trunk Road-Shahu Avenue) 0

801. 211 Northern Zhongshan Road (Shahu (new road) 10000 15300 21600 41100Avenue-East Lake)



Existing Design trafric flow (pcu/d)

DESCRIPTION OF ENGINEERING traffic flow 2007 (with 1 007(withouf |20i2 $ 2020

(pcu/d) this project) this project)

Qinyuan Road (Heping Avenue-Zhongbei 0RD1. 22 I n0 17500 18000 19300Road) (new road)

Jinshui Road (Zhongshan Road-Southern 0RD1. 23 0 22000 22100 14600

Shouyi Road) (new road)

Shipailing Road (Xiongchu Avenue-Jisan 0

Road) (new road) 0 2600 5500 9400

Jisan Road (WU-Xian Highway-XunsiheRD1. 26 0 8700 9700 17700

Road) 0

Jisan Road (Xunsihe Road-Shipailing (new road)RD1. 27 0 8300 10900 11000


Meizi Road (Qintai Road-Northern 0RD1. 28 0 34400 44500 54300

Moshuihu Road) (new road)

Sixin Avenue (Shisheng Road-Yingwu 0

Avenue) (new road) 4800 7000 7900 9100

RDI. 30 Maying Road (Middle Jiangdi 0 7100 9600 21000

Road-Yingwu Avenue) (new road)

0RDI. 31 Taibei Rd I (Yunlin Street-Sanyang Rd) 6600 4700 9200 12200

(new road)

Hanxi Rd (Jiefang Avenue-Yanhe 0RDI. 32 0 19800 20600 28400

Avenue) (new road)

Lugouqiao Rd (Jiefang Avenue-Yanjiang1RD1. 33 12100 10100 12100 32300


RM1. I Jiefang Avenue 107999 95270 114183 116514

RM1.4 Wusheng Rd 124900 81200 86200 87300

RM1.5 Jianghan Bridge I 187900 128100 130900 136000

RMl. 6 Southem Jiefang Rd 10800 12800 24400 32100

RM1.7 Wangqing Highway 26800 32000 17700 6700

RMI.8 HanyangAvenue 51300 45600 47300 41600

RMl. 9 Heping Avenie 45100 32000 33000 32300

RMl. 10 Gutian Main Rd 33800 21100 20200 19400

RMI. 11 Zhongshan Avenue 43000 38100 39200 40800

Table 2.3-3 Existing Traffic Volumes at Crossing with Viaduct

(Current Situation in 2002)

Flow volume (pcu/rush hour) East South West North Totalentrance entrance entrance entrance

RDl. lb Gutain Rd 2-middle ring line entrance 0exit . 0

entrance 0RDl. Ic Changqing Rd- middle ring line e n

exit 0

RDI. Id Xinhuaxia Rd-middle ring line entrance 0exit O

RDI. le Sanjintan- middle ring line entrance 0__________________ ~~~~~~~~exit _ _ _ _ __0

RDI. 3b Wuxian Highway-middle ring entrance 0line exit 0

RDl. 3c Middle ring line-Lizhi Highway enxt rance == 0

RD1. 3d Middle ring line-South Luoshi entrance 0.________________ Rd exit 0

RD2. 3 Qiaokou Rd entrance 2107 3438 2221 1808 9574exit 3196 2251 1472 2655 9574

entrance 1926 1910 1859 5695RD2. 4 Zhalankou

exit 2369 1859 1467 5695

RD2. 5 Guocikou entrance 0exit 0

entrance 2398 1594 2116 1220 7328RD2. 6 Xunlimen

exit 2671 728 2615 1314 7328

RD2. 7 Xianggang Rd entrance 1912 2749 1676 6337exit 1824 1413 1831 1269 6337

Table 2.3-4 Design Traffic Volumes at Crossing with Viaduct

(2007, without World Bank Project)

Xinhuaxia Rd-middle ring line Entrance 276 25788 5332 19439 50835Exit 144 24224 6734 19735 50837

RDI. le Sanjitan iddlrinEntrance 5894 17628 1863 10646 36031RDl. le Sanjintan- middle ring lIneExit 6082 17546 1875 10528 36031

RDl. 3b Wuxian Highway-middle ring Entrance 14778 9006 18522 17273 59579line Exit 13019 9003 20634 16924 59580

RDI. . Middle ring li i H y Entrance 14755 3425 13019 4799 35998Exit 13401 3425 14778 4395 35999

RDI. 3d Middle ring line-South Luoshi Rd Entrance 8901 1000 13401 5241 28543Exit 7636 1000 14755 5151 28542

RD2. 3 Qiaokou Rd Entrance 53731 17579 39067 15105 125482Exit 54068 15616 40834 14964 125482

RD2. 4 Zhalankou Entrance 34539 25396 4t471 101406Exit 29458 24625 47323 101406

RD2. 5 Guocikou EntranceExit

RD2. 6 Xunlimen Entrance 50100 18344 41304 12279 122027Exit 39522 31781 40039 10683 122025

RD2. 7 Xianggang Rd Entrance 43294 468 46829 18645 109236RD2.7_________ Xianggang________________ RdExit 30952 13906 45305 19073 109236


Table 2.3-5 Design Traffic Volumes at Crossing with Viaduct

(2007, with World Bank Project)

Flow volume (pcu/d) IEas South West North Totalentrance entrance entrance entrance

Gutain Rd 2-middle ring line entrance 40993 20754 42257 5111 109i i5RDI. lb exit 42516 21563 41315 3722 109116

entrance 39742 30328 425. 128448RDI. Ic Changqing Rd- middle ring line e 1586

._________________________ _ cexit 39051 32104 40993 16298 128446

RDIl.d Xinhuaxia Rd-middle ring line entrance 40436 23770 39051 39508 142765.,_________ & _ exit 40939 22337 39742 39746 142764

RDI. le Sanjintan- middle ring line entrance 20339 29236 40741 7186 97502__________________________ _ eexit 20114 30022 40240 7126 97502

RDI. 3b Wuxian Highway-middle ring line entrance 10071 9012 21289 21266 61638exit 9716 9009 22650 20262 61637

RDI. . Middle ring lineLizentrance 6954 4155 9716 4572 25397RDl. 3c Middle ring line-Lizhi Highway exit 6597 4147 10071 4606 25421

RD1. 3d Middle ring line-South Luoshi Rd entrance 6103 479 6597 8022 21201exit 5831 487 6954 7929 21201

entrance 48255 26298 29941 15549 120043RD2. 3 Qiaokou Rd exit 47015 29108 29424 14497 120044

entrance 20801 31412 23453 75666RD2. 4 Zhalankou e exit 23693 25568 26405 75666

RD2. 5 Guocikou entrance 4421 40978 5776 48761 99936exit 3850 39823 5815 50447 99935

RD2. 6 Xunlimen entrance 35667 23876 29722 17804 1107069exit 34717 26871 27434 18045 107067

Xianggang Rd entrance 32209 518 38884 22318 93929RD2.7________ _____________________________ exit 25888 15145 34025 18872 93930

Table 2.3-6 Design Traffic Volumes at Crossing with Viaduct (2012)

1 Flow volume (pculd) East South West North TotalFlow volume Ipcu/) Ientrance entrance entrance entrance Tt

RDII lb Gutain Rd 2 .middle ring line entrance 45495 19382 44369 5727 1149731 RDl. lb G1tain Rd 2-middle ring line exit 43066 18842 46647 6419 114974I DL le Cha.gqing Rd .middle ring lIne entrance 52084 23646 53024 16602 145356RD1 ic 1 Changqing Rd-middlerinmgline |exit 50801 28390 55324 10840 145355

I RDI Id | Xinhuaxia Rd-middlering line entrance 56011 20289 50801 47166 - 174267RIl. *d XInhuaxia Rd-middle ring line exit 63827 23349 52084 35007 174267RDI le Sanjintan. middle ring line entrance 42459 18363 47079 5332 113233RIM. *e Sanjintan- middle ring line exit 37994 19579 50891 4769 113233

| RD1 3 | WuxianHighway-middle ringline |entrance 13819 11580 29728 29190 84317RD1. 3b Wxian Highay-middlering line exit 11467 111746 31976 29128 84317

RDI. Ic Middle ring line.Lizbi HIghway entrance 11018 6113 11245 16088 44464RD1. 3c Middle ring ine-Lizhi Highway | exit 9223 4925 13819 16497 44464

RDI |d Middle ring line-South Luoshi Rd entrance 8279 489 9223 8608 26599RDl1 3d Middle ring ine-South Luoshi Rd |exit 5711 631 11018 9239 26599RD2I 3 Qiaokou Rd entrance 59190 31i1O 29468 19283 1390511 D2. 3 Qiaoou Rd Iexit 1 54993 1 34314 31311 18432 139050RD2I 4 Zhalankou entrance 20679 33099 23324 77102I D2. 4 Ihalankou exit 22442 27251 27410 77103

RD2. 5 tGuocikou | entrance 8219 36761 8152 49122 102254RD2. * Guociku {exit 5622 38149 6795 51688 102254I RI2. 6 Xunlimenentrance 41367 22820 32995 19263 116445I D2.6 *unIimen exit 38519 1 30008 29878 18041 116446RD2I 7 X.anggang Rd entrance 30657 1656 38428 30344 101085RD2. 7 X Yianggang Rd | exit 27275 | 16789 34884 22138 101086


Table 2.3-7 Design Traffic Volumes at Crossing with Viaduct (2020)

East South West NorthFlow volume (pcu/d) Es Sot Wet Nrh Totalentrance entrance entrance entrance

Gutain .2 .middle rig l entrance 51267 17073 42286 11948 122574RDI. lb Gutain Rd 2-middle rng line exit 54671 19646 34819 13437 122573

Changqin Rd .mide rg l entrance 46223 17815 54671 7218 125927RDI. Ic Changqing Rd- middle ring line exit 44955 20587 51267 9119 125928

Xinhuaxi Rd-middl ring lin entrance 46657 15909 44955 19995 127516RD1. Id Xinhuaxia Rd-middle rng line exit 43549 16361 46223 21384 127517

Saninan-midlerig ln, entrance 35333 7343 31393 9375 83444RDI. le Snitnmidernlne exit 33114 11639 33162 5527 83442

Wuxian Highway-middle ring entrance 16790 16566 23563 9539 66458RDI. 3b line exit 12101 17000 26703 10652 66456

Middle ring line.Lizhi Hig entrance 14930 5489 12101 5910 38430RDL. 3c Middle rng line-Lizhi Highway exit 10516 5336 16790 5789 38431

Middle ring line-South Luoshi entrance 14902 2700 10516 3759 31877RDi. 3d Rd exit 9853 2330 14930 4765 31878

entrance 57194 26953 32191 25979 142317RD2. 3 QiaokouRd exit 59330 24740 31486 26760 142316

entrance 27694 42602 37579 107875RD2. 4 Zhalankou exit 27189 42385 38301 107875

Guociou .entrance 3973 36512 5643 41105 87233RD2. 5 Guocikou exit 3949 35067 5591 42627 87234

Xunlimn .entrance 37292 16792 31730 10721 96535RD2. 6 Xunimen exit 34644 16760 33836 11295 96535

RD2. 7 Xianggang Rdentrance 30792 16489 27769 11816 86866RD2. 7 Xianggang Rd exit 30565 15045 29503 11753 86866

2.4 Construction Methods and Raw Materials

Baffles or barriers will be adopted to isolate and surround the construction sites physical

works such as road infrastructure facilities, road maintenance and mass transit station, etc.

In order to minimize disturbance of construction to transport, road upgrading will be

conducted segments at a time. For key roads the upgrading will be constructed half of the road

at a time so that the road will still open for traffic, even though it will be open at a reduced

capacity. Road semi-closed construction mode will be adopted for construction of the

foundation, pier and abutment of viaduct. The full road closure will have to be adopted for the

construction of superstructure, however.

Main raw materials of construction this project needs are gravel, cement, cement-concrete,

lime, bituminous mixer, steel and flash, etc. All of these materials can be found within the

local markets in Wuhan City.

Bituminous mixer and commercial concrete will be supplied by the qualified professional


2.5 Identification and Screening of Environmental Impacts of the Project

Wuhan Urban Transport Construction Project consists of five sub components. The

environmental impact extent and scope of each component are different from that of the other

components, so the key points of environmental impact assessment may also be different. In


order to minimize the negative environmental impacts and strengthen the positive influence

from this project, environmental impact assessment will be conducted in quantitative a

Mannen ,At the same time, quantitative assessment or qualitative assessment will be conducted

for evaluating positive environmental impacts to demonstrate the environmental benefits to

the city by this project. The environmental impact identificationi anld screening results of each

items of each component are shown in Table 2.5-1. The comprehensive identification and

screening results of environmental impact from this project are shown in Table 2.5-2.


Table 2.5-1 Identification and Screening of Environmental Impactsfrom Components of Wuhan Urban Transport Construction Project

Sub-item Identification and screening of environmental impactproject

Road main It is basically located in the jointing area between city and country; it belongs toframework agricultural ecological environment or half-agricultural and half-industrial mixed

environment. Environmental sensitive receptors include natural habitats and ecosystemsuch as the East Lake and engineering quantity is large, so the scope and extent of

Road joint environmental impact is wider and deeper. During the period of construction, it will causeinterchange stronger impact on vegetation, water environment, ambient air (construction dust) and

acoustic environment. During the period of operation. it raises higher requirements forRoad planning of two sides of road.infrastructure Urban trunk It mainly is located in the established area of the city with more environmental sensitivefacilities road receptors and ordinary engineering quantity, medium scope and extent of environmental

Branch net impact. During the periods of construction and operation, it will cause stronger impact onerfectinet ambient air and acoustic environment. At the same time, it causes a certain impact on

perfecting community, transport, landscape and vegetation.

Environmental impact is mainly at the construction stage, which is in the aspects ofPedestrian construction dust, construction noise, spoil. Engineering quantity is small, and impactviaduct scope and extent is limited. During the period of operation, it has bigger function for

improving pedestrian transport.For some projects, such as improvement of pedestrian transport system, improvement of bicycle transportsystem, optimization of mass transit, canalization of crossing traffic, road traffic area control system (ATC)

Traffic in city proper, road transport safety, propaganda and education of road users, the civil constructionmanagement engineering quantities of these projects are small and they cause small disturbance to environment.and road Environmental impact during the process of construction mainly is disturbance to transport. During thesafety process of operation, it has great function for ordered and scientific urban transport and for realizing

rational configuration of road resources, at the same time; it is of great advantage for improving of urbanenvironmental quality.Setting up modernized mass Civil construction engineering quantity is small, but after it istransit dispatching and implemented, it will take active function for organizing mass transit lineinfornation management scientifically and providing better service for passengers; it cansystem; technical aid project; minimize congestion of mass transit vehicles, maintaining smoothmass transit system reform; running of mass transit vehicles, which is of great advantage formass transit line adj sting improving environmental quality of Wuhan city.Construction and

Public rebuilding of mass Some are located in the jointing area betwveen city and village, some are located intrasnport transit hubs the established area of city with fewer environmental sensitive receptor, ordinarycopmonent Auxiliary facilities engineering quantity; during the processes of construction and operation, it mainly(bus construction for cause impact on ambient air, acoustic environment, water environment, landscapeterminals) head-end station of and solid wastes.

mass transitThey are mainly set up along street, the lines that new stop and rebuilt stop use the

Rebuilding of same stop are no more than 12, the frequency bus passing every hour at each stop isport-type stops of no more than 80,. It improves the congestion problem with many stopping lines andmassotrt-tyesitos o stopping frequencies at the existing stop effectively. There are many commercialmass transit shops around the stops, so environmental sensitive receptor is fewer, and it has small

impact on environment.Environmental impact is mainly at the construction stage, it mainly causes impact on

Road maintenance ambient air (construction dust), acoustic environment (construction noise) andengineering vibration environment. At the operation stage, the improvement of pavement quality

Road has improvin Y function for acoustic environment and vibration environment.maintenance Reforming municipalengineering maintenance organization, Without civil construction engineering quantity, it does not cause

upgrading municipal maintenance ipt on environmt.equipment, raising scientific roadmaintenanceAutomatic motor Sub-item of environmental protection includes automatic motor vehicle tail gas

Environmental monitoring system, monitoring system and automatic traffic noise indicating system. Its implementationprotection miautoa tic tf is of great advantage for improving environmental quality of Wuhan city, and it is

engineering ma obvious, so this assessment will not conduct further discussion for these positive

system gIbenefits.

According to the contents of this project, the project works can be classified into two

categories, physical construction works and non physical construction works. Physical


construction works includes all the road infrastructure facilities, public transit including bus

terminals and stops, canalization of intersections, traffic control and safety engineering. Non

physical works includes management systems for public transit improvement and road

maintenance, some contents of traffic management and safety system, and environmentalprotection. According to the identtification and screening results in Table 2.5-1, physical

construction works will cause negative, as well as positive, impacts to the environment, while

non physical works will cause obvious positive benefits. In the physical works, the negative

environmental impact from road infrastructure engineering, road maintenance engineering,

public transit including terminals will have most of the adverse environmental impacts.

However, bus stops, and intersection canalization in traffic control and safety engineering will

also have some minor adverse impacts. Because of the nature for each component with regard

to their relationships to environmental impacts, this EA will focus most of its effort on road

infrastructure, road maintenance and bus terminal components as these are physical works

which would have adverse impacts to the natural and socio-economic environments. For bus

stops and intersections canalization in traffic control and safety components as well as non

physical works components, this EA will discuss only in relevant chapters where necessary

but will not take them as a focus. The project could also bring positive impacts to the

environment, including community development and air quality improvement from the

city-wide perspective. The EA will also include assessment of positive impacts from the

project implementation.

In order to clearly show identification and screening of environmental impacts for each

project components, a analysis and identification is made as shown in Table 2.5-2 based on

the assessment results of the similar projects and the work experiences of EA team.

Table 2.5-2 shows that road infrastructure engineering; road maintenance engineering and

public transit improvement engineering will have great impacts on the environment. These

areas will be the key points of this EA. Traffic control and safety engineering and

environmental protection engineering will have very limited adverse impacts to the

environment at the construction stage. To the contrast, these components will generate mostly

positive influence at the operation stage. Therefore, the focus of the impacts assessment for

these components will be mostly on the positive side.

2.6 Analysis of Main Environmental Impact Characteristics

This project will cause impact on natural, biological and social-ecological environments

during the construction and operation stages. Table 2.6-1 lists main environmental impacts

caused by this project according to affected environmental classification, pollution sources

and pollution characteristics.


Table 2.5-2 Identification and Screening of Environmental lmpacts of the Wuhan Urban Transport Construction Project

Identification of Environmental Impact

Acoustic Vibration WaterSub-item Project Ambien Solid Communit Cultural

environmien environmen environmen traffic Sunshine vegetation Landscape Aquatics economy societyt air wastes y relics

t t t

Road infrastructure --- --- --- O--- --- ... 0 ---

engineering _/++ /+a / -- + + -1+ -/+ -/+ +++ ./++

Tratfic conitrol and - - 0 0 0

safety engineering .- /+ -/+ 0 0 + 0 + -/+ 0 0 +++ -++

Mass transit-- -- - -- -- - - ~~~~~ ~ ~~~~ ~ ~~ ~ ~~~~0 0- I--

improvement _ + +++ + -/+ -/+ +++ /++


Road maintenance --- --- --- --- --- --- 0

engineering -/+++ -+ -1+ - -1+ -1+++ 0 ++ -1+ -/+ 0 +++ I++

Environmental protection 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

engineerinig ... +++ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Notes:(I )ln each cell, the upper symbol expresses the identification and screening result of environmental at construction stage, the lower symbol expresses the identification and screening result ofenvironmental at operation stage.(2)±+...: stronger positive environmental impact; ++: ordinary positive environmental impact; +: weak positive environmental impact;

stronger negative environmental impact; --: ordinary negative environmental impact; -: weak negative environmental impact; 0: without impact.

"-/+ means that there might be both positive and negative impacts, in different project roads.


Table 2.6-1 Main Characteristics of Environmental Impactfrom Wuhan Urban Transport Construction Project

Kinds of Environmental impact [ Positions of environmental | Characteristics of environmentalenvironment sources I impact sources I impact

Road motor vehicle New roads, extended road, rebuilt Average equivalent sound level of roadAcoustic produces traffic noise and road, and maintenance of road, traffic up to 70-75dBA; vertical Zenvironment vibration viaducts and mass transit stops vibration level up to 70-8OdBenvirOnment . .Xvand vibration Construction machinery and Strength of sound source up to 70-IOOdBA,environment transportation vehicles Working sites and accesses to the equivalent sound level at site boundary up

produce traffic noise and sites to 55-75dBA. Max vertical Z vibrationvibration level from construction up to 90-95dB.Cleaning, maintenance and... .- Mass transit hubs and head-end Sewage mainly conteflts COD, SS,repair of mass tranisit sosLASvehicles and taxies

Water . . . New roads, extended road, rebuiltenvironment Ranwater snk flowing on road, and maintenance of road, Main pollutants are SS and COD.

new road viaductsSewage and waste water Working sites and camps for Mainly containing SS, COD and animalfrom construction construction units and vegetable oils

Tail gases from motor New roads, extended road, rebuilteTal gases from motor road, and maintenance of road, It mainly is NO2, CO, PM1O and TCH.

Ambvent a hr viaducts, and mass transit stopsWaste gases and dust from Working sits and accesses to the They are mainly PM1O; besides,construction machinery sites including NO2, CO and TCH.Garbage and dust producedfrom new roads extended new roads extended road, rebuilt Skins of melon and fruit, package ofroad, rebuilt road, and road, and maintenance of road, food and drink, waste residue of foodmaintenance of road, and and mass transit stops and other pollutants

Solid wastes mass transit stopsBuilding garbage, construction spoil

Solid wastes and domestic Working sits and camps for and domestic refuse; skins of melonrefuse from construction construction units and fruit, package of food and drink,

waste residue of foodSunshine Sun light shading by Shading the light of the adjacentand viaducts, and inharmony of Viaducts and mass transit stations buildings; leading to inharmony oflandscape landscape regional landscapes

Road, bridge and masstransit station around water

Terrestrial bodies; waste, water from . . Increasing SS content in water bodies;plants and construction and station around water bodies decreasing content of dissolved oxygenaquatics construction garbage; in water bodies

rainwater and garbage at theinitial operational stageConstruction of civil Working sites of civil construction

Cultural construction engineering engineering such as road bridge Potential impacts to above andrelics such as road, bridge and and mass transit station underground cultural relics

mass transit station

Social Mainly cause impact on community,economy Entire project Entire project traffic, migrants resettlement, weakeconomy group and economic development


3. Analysis of Alternatives

3.1 Road Alternatives

All the proposed roads of this project are from the "Road Network Planning for Main City

Proper of Wuhan". These road sections are priority roads and have been selected according to

the principles of meeting the requirements of economic development and traffic increases,

benefit to the city's development as well as good for environmental upgrading in the urban

area. The locations of the middle ring road (MRR) and major radial roads have been

determined in the city planning, and land development at both sides of the roads have been

controlled in according with the urban transportation and master plans. As such, the locations

and sites of road sections associated with the MRR and radial roads have basically

rationalized and fixed. The project includes upgrading of several sections on the MRR.

Compared with the parallel or other roads in the same transport corridors, those on MRR are

better planned, with sufficient clearance (the planning red line areas) on both sides. Upgrading

of those roads will fully comply with the city's Master Plan and transportation plan and

significantly help improve the transport and motor vehicle operation efficiency.

The objective of construction of trunk road and branch in city proper is to improve the city's

road network and solve the traffic bottlenecks what affect urban transport efficiency, standard

of living and urban and economic development in Wuhan. Most of the project components are

expansion, connecting the missing sections, extension and upgrading of the existing roads.

Clearly, selection of road alignments in the components is very limited as locations of these

roads have been determined in the previous planning. As the land development activities at

both sides of the existing roads have been controlled, environmental impacts of upgrading

existing roads are expected to be smaller than those from constructing new trunk roads in

adjacent sites.

The Sixin and Houhu areas are new large residential areas developed and constructed in

Wuhan city in the recent years. This project has included new roads linking the two areas. The

road alignment selection -is very important because that these two areas are newly developed

as the new roads will not only provide transportation links to the new areas, but also have

consequences to the existing natural and socio-economic environments, as well as future

developments along the new roads. Following a careful study of the areas, two road

altematives from east to west to the Sixin area, two additional road alternatives to the Houhu

area have been proposed in this project (see Figure 3.1-1 and Figure 3.1-2 for details). The

comparison of environmental impacts among the different alternatives is shown in Table 3. 1-1

and Table 3.1-2 respectively.


Table 3.1-1 Comparison of Alternative New Roads to the Sixin Area

Options Sixin Avenue North Moshuihu RoadImpact factors______________________________________________

Road planning Road is planned as a main urban road. Road is planned as an urban through road.Advantageous to solving regional transport Advantageous to solving transpori pfoblerm

Transport problem; as a new road, no disturbance to the of the wvhole city; as a new road noexisting traffic disturbance to the existing traffic

Environmentally 4 6sensitive receptor

4 villages and 4 enterprises will be located in the 6 villages and 4 enterprises; it will be theCommunity central area of Sixin area; help the development important component of the MRR of Wuhan

of the area; more convenience _-As a local road servicing only the new Sixin area, As part of the MRR, traffic volume is

Motor vehicle emission there will be less traffic resulting in less air expected to be high, resulting in higher airemission to the area. emission.As a local road servicing only the new Sixin area, As part of MRR, there will be more traffic

Traffic noise there will be less traffic resulting in lower noise resulting in higher noise in the area.in the area.

eMore, as North Moshuihu road is a built-upLess, as there are currently small amount ofResettlement houses and other facilities along sixin Avenue area wvith a higher density of housing and

housesIand other facilities along Sixin Avenue other facilities.

Table 3. 1-1 shows that from a traffic network point of view, North Moshuihu road seems to be

a better alternative, as it will help strengthen the trunk road network in the city. But Sixin road

will better serve the new community what currently does not have adequate road connection

with the city. In addition, there will be less sensitive receptors along the Sixin Avenue and less

requirements for resettlement, the overall environmental impacts from the project are

expected to be smaller compared with the North Moshuihu road. With all factors considered,

particularly the fact that the primary objective of this road segment is to provide a badly

needed transport service to a newly developed community, Sixin Avenue is considered a better

alternative. This conclusion has been accepted by the design engineers and the project owner,

the PMO.

Table 3.1-2 Comparison of Alternative New Roads to Houhu Area

Houhu Road Xinfu AvenueImpact factorsRoad planning Road is planned as a main urban road. Road is planned as a main urban road.

Advantageous to connecting the existing road Not well connected with existing network;Transport into a network function cannot be fully materialized

Traffic As a new road, no impacts on existing traffic As a new road, no impacts on existing trafficsensitive receptors 7 6

Community 7 villages and 3 enterprises 6 villages and 3 enterprisesMotor vehicle tail gas Similar to the other altemative Similar to the other alternative

Traffic noise Similar to the other alternative Similar to the other alternativeResettlement Similar to the other alternative Similar to the other alternative

Table 3.1-2 shows that Houhu Road and Xinfu Avenue are very similar in many aspects, and

in particular, in potential'impacts to the environment. The difference in environmental impacts

between the two alternatives is so small that it can be considered similar. The final selection is

therefore based on considerations about the overall city road network. As a main urban road,

Houhu Road wouiild be better connected with the existing roads and better integrated into the

city road network. Houhu Road is therefore selected as the preferred alternative in this

transport corridor. The design engineers and the PMO have adopted this alternative, with EA


as well as other considerations.

3.2 Comparison of Road Engineering Designs

The most of the new road and existing road upgrading in this project is on the ground. Roads,

which are determined by the urban topography and landforms of Wuhan City. Surface roads

do not have many different configurations or engineering design on its cross sections, and

thus project does not have any alternative engineering design for the roads. However, for

interchange and elevated viaducts there could be different engineering design, configurations

and this EA compares three engineering alternative for Nanniwan interchange (Changfeng

Avenue over passing a railway), pedestrian pass by Hanyang Cultural Place and Donghu

Viaduct on Qinghua Road. The details are shown in Table 3.2-1.

Table 3.2-1 shows that the environmental impact of Nanniwan Interchange or over pass above

the railway line is less than that of an underground tunnel to cross the railway; therefore this

project selected over pass alternative. For the pedestrian by the Hanyang Cultural Place,

clearly there will be higher environmental impacts from an under pass, particularly impacts on

landscape and environmental aesthetics in the surrounding area which is located the Tortoise

Hill and sensitive scenery such as Ancient Lute Pavilion and Hanyang Cultural Place.

Following the considerations of all factors, the EA team recommended under pass for the

pedestrian crossing what has been accepted by the PMO and the project engineering team.

On the other hand, if an elevated viaduct design is to be adopted, it would solve the concern

and the lake water body would continuously connected underneath the elevated viaduct, and

the reduction in water surface would be minimized (to only columns). The EA strongly

recommended the elevated viaduct design and against the original design using the surface

road, based on the environmental impacts of the two alternatives. Finally, the EA team's

opinion was accepted by the PMO and the project design engineers, despite the elevated

viaduct alternative would cost more to build than the original design, which has been rejected

based on the environmental considerations.

Table 3.2-1 Comparison of Engineering Design Options

Engineering Option I Option 11Advantages of elevated bridge: Advantages of underground tunnel:I. minimize removal of underground pipeline; I. smaller traffic noise impact;2. not impacted by waterlogging in rainy season; 2. smaller impact on landscape

Nanniwan 3. convenient for liaison between communities; Disadvantages of underground tunnel:Interhange 4 save construction cost; i. more constructionl cost;

5. advantageous for dispersing of tail gases 2. greater disturbance to underground pipeline;Disadvantages of elevated bridge: 3. waterlogging in rainy season;1. impact on landscape; 4 disadvantageous for dispersing of tail gases2. stronger traffic noise impactAdvantages of foot subway: Advantages of pedestrian bridge:

Pedestrain 1. smaller impact on landscape; 1. save construction and operation cost;passn frt 2. accord with objective conditions in site: 2. without waterlogging impact in rainy season:pass ront 3. smaller limitation (height) for running vehicle Disadvantages of pedestrian bridge:

of HYang on road, 1. greater impact on landscape;Cultural Disadvantages of foot subway: 2. can not use the topography condition in the site:

Place 1. difficult to drain in rainy season, 3. has limitation for height of running vehicles on

2. more construction and operation cost road


3.3 Alternatives to Qinghua Road

Qinghua road is very special as it would go through the East Lake Scenery Site and part of theroad will even go across the lake water surface. This is a highly sensitive area not only it is anationial scene r site, it is also a wetland area and natural habitat for birds and water fowls.

The proposed new Qinghua Road will be located above the East Lake. Although the lake atthis road alignment is not on water surface and is at the core of the scenery and wetland, it isstill part of the lake and in fact, a quiet area with bird and water fowl activities. It is likelywhen the East lake is restored and reclaimed, the area where the Qinghua road will be locatedwill be fully flooded (currently partially reclaimed as farmland). In addition, the Wuhan East

Lake Protection Regulations requires that no construction activities or projects will beallowed if they cause loss of water surface in East lake. If a surface road is to be used, asoriginally designed, the lake would be cut and separated, and the other side would be verydifficult to be an integral part of the overall lake ecosystem. The surface road would affect therestoration and reclamation of the lake and limit the potential future expansion of the lakesurface. In fact, it would result in the reduction of water surface of the lake, a directnon-compliance with the application local regulations.

Two design alternatives have been proposed for Qinghua road: ground level road which willrequire filling and dam the lake to provide a road and its bases and elevated viaduct of about 2m above the highest water level. The comparison of the two alternatives are provided in Table3.3-1.

Table 3.3-1 Comparison of Two Design Alternatives for Qinghua RoadImpact Ground level road Elevated viaduct

1028 m of cofferdam method, Cofferdam only in columns/piles with relativelyConstruction impacting the East Lake and smaller area impacted. No permanent separatoiondamage to the aquatic life on of lake water.

both sides of the roadConstruction Require more concrete and other Require relatively less materials

materials materialsLow visual impacts as it is on Visually outstanding and eye-catching; certain

Visual impacts ground levels and can be better conflict with surrounding viewshide behind trees

Severe lake water and loss ofSeverelake water and los of No severance of lake. But traffic flows, noise,

Wetland lake surface; surface runoff from road will have the sameimpacts Noise, traffic, surface runoff impacts as with the surface road option to birds

affecting birds, water quality and wite suace ad optio tbid______________ aquatic life water quality and aquatic life

Although elevated viaduct design has less adverse impacts compared with ground level roadon the balance, both designs will have significant adverse impacts particularly impacts to thelocal ecosystem. East Lake is both a national level scenery site and an important part ofJianghan lake area wetland. High level and effective protection is needed to the lake area.In addition, although Qinghua road complies with the both the Wuhan Master Plan

(tarnsportation section) and East Lake Scenery Development Plan, it will have adverse effects


91 . -Iff it E2t21-D£1!X M ; !Em'- I gj) e 79z~Attached Drawing 3.1-1 Road Alternatives in Sixin Area

Existing Road

Planning Road

Alternative Road

~3. 1-2 ,;titLSt h;ZRAttached Drawing 3.1-2 Road Alternatives in Houhu Area

Existing Road

Planning Road

Alternative Road

towards meetings the goals in the Environmental Master Plan. In the Environmental Master

Plan, the East Lake area is targeted for the short term (2005) to meet Class I ambient air

quality and Class III surface water quality standards. Over the long term (2010 and beyong),

the air quality will be continuously in compliance with Class I while surface water quality

will need to meet the more stringent Class II standards. For noise, although the Environmental

Master Plan indicates the goal of 70 dB(A) for trunk road such as Qinghua road, it also

stipulates that for scenery sites and other sensitive areas the nosie level shall not exceed 55

dB(A). The construction and operation of Qinghua road, regardless of surface road or elevated

viaduct, will not contribute to meeting these environmental targets in the master plan.

A "no road" may also be a potential option, in which Qinghua road will not be built. With this

option, none of the potential impacts identified above would occur and the scenery as well as

the natural habitats would be well preserved. However, Qinghua road is one of the ten major

"radial" roads which is part of the backbone of the Wuhan road network. The road is to serve

the east side of the city, where there is a major steel mill (one of the largest in the country) and

a large population. One way or the other, a trunk road is needed in the direction of the city.

There may be options to use another alignment, around the scenery and the lake area. Given

the steel mill located immediately north of the scenery site, identification of another

aligr-nent within the limited time for preparation of this project is not an easy task. Much

more time would be required to evaluate the no road option and/or alternative alignment.

Based on the current environmental assessment, given the limited time and limited available

information, it is not completely clear on the exact level of impact from construction and

operation of Qinghua road particularly to the local ecosyste, although the road itself legally

complies with relevant plans and regulations. Furthermore, the above mitigation measures

may not be effective and are likely not able to address the adverse impacts already identified.

In conclusion, the available informnation and environmental assessment are inconclusive and

further and more detailed assessment is required to deternine the level of impacts of Qinghua

road to finally determine whether the current alignment is environmentally acceptable. As

Qinghua road is scheduled for construction in year 2006 in the current construction plan, the

EA recommends further study and impact assessment for this particular road component. The

further study will also allow the PMO and design team, as well as EA team more time to

explore the possibility and feasiblity of a different alignment which does not traverse the

scenery area and the lake itself. This additional study may be complete well ahead of the 2006

construction schedule and thus will not affect the construction plan.

3.4 Analysis of Environmental Impacts with or without the Project

In the Section "6.1 Ambient Air Impact Forecast, Assessment and Mitigation Measures", a

detailed comparison of with and without project scenarios is made. This comparison describes

the extent and scope of impact on ambient air quality under the condition with or without this

project. In the Section "Road Traffic Noise Impact Forecast, Assessment and Mitigation


Measures", a similar comparison has also been made, with consideration of the extent and

scope of impact on the environment at both sides of project roads in with or without this

project scenario.

The overall conclusions of the "with and without project" comparison is that from the city

wide perspective, the air quality would improve. Over the long term, the air quality would not

deteriorate as fast as in the scenario of without the project. This is because the project will

significantly improve the motor vehicle efficiency through increased average speeds, less

congestion and traffic jams, less start/stop and acceleration/deceleration, particularly in the

intersections. The improved motor vehicle operation efficiency, particularly reduced start/stop

and acceleration/deceleration would reduce motor vehicle emission, which is one of the major

contributor to the air contamination in the city.

Similarly, the improved road conditions, such as intersection improvement and channelation

and interchanges construction, will reduce the needs for stop/start, as well as the current wide

spread homing practices by Wuhan's drivers. These are some of the major high level noise

sources in the city.

On the project streets, however, the air emission and noise levels are expected to increase with

the project. Clearly, the significantly increased traffic volumes in the project streets after the

upgrading offset the efficiency improvement and reduced horning.


4. Environmental Baseline of the Project Area

This section describes environmental and socio-economic baseline of the project areas. The

baseline description includes two parts: general description of the project region focusing on

macro environmental and socio-economic characteristics and detailed description of the areas

where the project will be located. The detailed description will also be based on

environmental monitoring programs conducted during this EA, to supplement the baseline

information collected from publicly available sources.

4.1 Urban Natural Environment

Topography and Landforms

Wuhan City is situated in the Changjiang River Middle and Lower Reaches Alluvial Plain.

The terrain in the urban area is smooth with fewer eroded residual hills in the southeast of

Hubei Province. The landform is basically plain in the center of the urban area, surrounded

with hilly lands and hillocks in the north and south directions. Along the two banks of the

Changjiang River and Hanjiang River, there are abundant lakes, ditches, creeks and channels

as well as other surface water bodies. Along these natural water bodies, there also are many

artificial lakes and fish ponds. Low hills are in the suburb areas with fluctuating heights. The

difference in relative altitudes in the city is no more than 50 m. The area where the project

roads are located basically belongs to established and built up area, with densely distributed

institutional and commercial establishments, urban utilities, public facilities, residential

houses and roads, as well as limited industrial enterprises. Part of the MRR and the Qinghua

Road will pass through water surface and/or agricultural lands. .

The project region has abundant surface water resources and a dense network of rivers and

lakes. There are 10 rivers and 140 large and small lakes with a total water catchment area of

2,187 kM2, which is 25.6% of the total. Particularly in Wuchang district, about 70% the city's

lakes are located here. The Changjiang River and Hanjiang River flow through the city proper,

with a flow rate of up to 710.7 billion in3 . Some large and middle lakes distribute over the

area within the MRR where project roads are located, such as the East Lake, South Lake,

Shahu Lake, Moshuihu Lake, Yanxihu Lake, Longyanghu Lake, Yuehu Lake and North Lake,

etc. Among surface water area, lakes take about 65%, or 27% of the land area of the city

proper (within the MRR).

Engineering Geology and Hydro-geology

The geological structure of the project located area is mainly neo-cathaysian structural system

that almost controls the profile of the geological structure in the whole city area. Main

stratums in the city proper include Silurian System sand shale, Devonian System sand shale

interspersed with clay-stone, quartz-sandstone and conglomerate, carbonate, Permian System

limestone, siliceous limestone and sand shale. Along the two banks of the Changjiang River


and Hanjiang River, there is mainly Quaternary System with river facies and lacustrine facies

sedimentary and alluvial stratums. The surface soil mainly is clay interspersed with sand soil,chisley soil, sludge sediment, and silt and pudding soil. Groundwater is abundant in the

project area. It mainly is Quaternary System pore water interspersed with part of bedrock

crevice water.

Climate Conditions and Meteorological Conditions

The climate in Wuhan is characterized by the following:

AX Wuhan is situated in the middle and lower reaches of the Changjiang River, which

belongs to subtropical humid monsoon climate zone with distinct seasonal changes. The

average frost-free period is about 240 days, and sunshine, heat and rainfall are abundant.

AR The annual average rainfall is 1,214 mnmr,448 mm. Rainfalls mainly happen between

April and July of each year, which account to about 60% of the yearly total.

A The annual average temperature is 16.8°C with big difference in temperature between

winter and summer. The highest temperature on the record is 41.3°C, and the lowest, -18.1 'C.

A The wind direction is predominantly from southeast between June and August with the

maximum wind intensity of 7-8 degree. Northern and northeast winds prevail in other months

with the maximum wind intensity of 9 degree. The highest frequency of storms happens in


XC The annual average sunshine time is 2,058 hours, and the sunshine percentage is 46%.

4.2 Urban Socioeconomic Setting and Community Distribution

Urban Social Economy

Wuhan City is situated in the center of continental China, in the east of Hubei Province and

the intersection of the Changjiang River and Hanjiang River. It is an important

communication and transportation hub in China, an extra-large city, the provincial capital of

Hubei as well as the economic, science and technology, education and cultural center in the

central China and the middle and lower reaches of the Changjiang River. The municipal

jurisdictions of Wuhan are divided into four levels including municipal, district, street and.

community levels. There are 11 urban districts in Wuhan, including Jiang'an, Jianghan,

Qiaokou, Hanyang, Wuchang, Hongshan, Qingshan, Jiangxia and Caidian, Huangpi, and

Xinzhou and two suburb districts: Hannan and Dongxihu.


According to the latest census, the total population of the whole city was 7.5823 million

persons at the end of 2001. Of which, male population was 3.9024 million and female was

3.6799 million. Agricultural population was 3.0934 million and non-agricultural population

4.4889 million. Based on the location, about 7.2441 million population is in the urban districts

and 0.3382 million in suburbs. The birth rate of the whole city was 7.85 %o, with 4.97 %o of

mortality and 2.88 %o of natural growth rate.

The population density of Wuhan was 895.5 person/ km2 in 2001, which was the third

highest in the ten largest cities in China. Of which, the population density in Hankou district

was the highest, that in Jianghan District was up to 13,760 person/ km2 , Qiaokou up to 11,581

person/ kM2, and Jiang'an District up to 9,795 person/ km2.

Wuhan is a city inhabited by predominantly Han Chinese. There are 42 other ethnic minorities

in the city but the total number of them is only about 40,000, which is 0.55% of the total

population of about 7.8 million. These ethnic minorities spread among the general population

and there is no any collected residential area where any of the ethnic minorities are

concentrated or living together or any area with distinct ethnic minority features or culture.

These 42 minorities have lived in harmony and amity with the dominant Han Nationality for a

long history.


In thle year of 2001, the GDP of the whole city was 134.780 billion Yuan, increasing by 12%

compared with the previous year. Of which, the total output of the first industry was 8.503

billion Yuan, an increase of 5.3% on the year to year basis; that of the secondary industry was

59.484 billion Yuan, an increase of 12.9% and the tertiary industry, 66.793 billion Yuan, an

increase of 12.1%.

Scenic and Historical Sites

Wuhan is the place of origin of the Chu Culture. Chu Culture is a regional cultural founded in

Chu State by the ancient Chu people. The culture is well known for its bronze smelting

technology, silk weaving technology, literature, art, music and dance, etc. Other regions or

culture are also practiced in the city including Buddhism, Taoism, Islam, Catholicism and


Wuhan is a famous historical and cultural city in China with a recorded history of more than

2500 years. Within the Wuhan municipal jurisdiction, there are 135 cultural sites protected by

the state, province and city respectively. Within the project impacted areas, there are two

national-level cultural relics protective sites. These are the historical site of the Arrmed

Government of the Revolution of 1911 and the historical site of the "August 7 Meeting" of the

Chinese Communist Party (CCP). Except these two, other sites however, are located far away

from the project roads and will not be affected by the project construction and/or operation.

Wuhan City was listed as the national-level historical and cultural city in 1986.

People's Standard of Living

In 2001, the disposable per capita personal income of the urban residents was 7,305.05 Yuan

on average, while that of the rural resident was 3.100 Yuan, which was increased by 8.1 % and

5.0%compared to the previous year respectively. The proportion (Engel index) that food


expenditure takes consumption expenditure of the urban resident decreased to 3 8.1% and that

of the rural resident decreased to 50.8%. The living conditions of both urban and rural

residents were improved from the previous year. The living space per capita of the urban2resident was 9.65 m , which was increased by 0.85 m2 from a year ago. The living space for

the rural residents was 31.95 m2, increased by 0.13 in2, and the housing quality were alsoimproved.

Distribution of Community

This project is distributed over the eight urban districts (Jiang'an, Jianghan, Qiaokou,

Hanyang, Wuchang, Qingshan, Hongshan and Jiangxia) and one suburb district (Dongxihu) of

Wuhan City. The project directly impacted areas include 35 streets (towns) and 125

communities (villages).

4.3 Environmental Protection Targets

Environmentally sensitive receptors, which are the primary environmental protection targets,

mainly are schools, hospitals, sanatoriums, and residential buildings at the both sides of the

newly built and upgraded roads.

Based on the type of environmental impacts which may be caused by this project and the

environmental characteristics of the areas along the roads, and through a thorough

investigation of the project roads, the EA team identified all sensitive receptors within the

impacted areas. The identification and determination of sensitive receptors were based on

Sections 1.10 "Determination Principles of Environmental Protection Targets" in this report.

The investigation included the distance of each of the sensitive to the proposed roads and the

number of the affected persons. The details are shown in Table 4.3-1 and Figure 4.3-1.

Besides those listed in Table 4.3-1 which are primarily environmental receptors sensitive to

noise, air emission, construction activity and socio-economic and community impacts, there

are other types of sensitive receptors. These other sensitive receptors, disucssed in other

sections, include water bodies (Sections 4.8), natural habitats/wetlands (Section 4.9), and

cultural properties (Section 4.11).


Table 4.3-1 Summary Statement of Environmental Sensitive Targets

0 General description of sensitive receptorRelative Nearest

No. Name of sensitive receptor location horizontal Directly Executivto line distanc to red No. of stories affected standard¢: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~to line distance to red ..

line of road (m) populationI Changhang Staff's University South 3.5 4 1000-odd

2 Dormitory of Third Municipal North 3 4-6 250-oddI Administerial Co.

3 Baodao Mansions North 3 7 200-odd

4 Changhang office building South 2 6 500-odd5 Dormitory of Business Orders North 3 8-12 600-odd

____ Bank

6 Dormitory of Foods Factory North 5 7 200-odd7 Dormitory of Education South 2 5-7 200-odd


8 Jiang'an District Court North 7 8-9Junior Middle School of No.6 South 3 6 2000-oddMiddle School of Wuhan

- 10 Gaoxiong residential area North 2.5 8 500-odd

X 11 New Hong Kong Building South 5 18 430-odd12 Redbud Garden North 3 8 200-odd

13 Qiuyan Building South 2 21 construction

14 Mofalu Primary School South I 6 700-odd

15 New Mofan Village North 5.5 8 1500-odd

16 No.2 Mofan Village South 8 8-9 500-oddDormitory of Chemical Industrial North 2 79 600-odd Daytime:1 7 C.Nrh279 60od Leq55dB(A)

18 Xiangyu Middle School South 15 4 600-odd Nighttime:Leq45dB(A)19 Wuhan Financial and Trade South 23 4-6 2000-odd (class 1)

Vocational School20 Hubianfang Village South 6 7-8 800-odd

21 No. 1 1 Wuhan Hospital North 6 7 300 beds

22 Hehuayuan Residential Area North 8 7-8 construction

23 First Chinese Medical Clinic North 8 2

24 Dormitory of Metal Co. South 0 5 120-odd

25 No. 279 Xianggang Road South 0 8 250-odd

26 Dormitory of Production Goods South 1 6 200-odd- ___ Co.

27 Suifeng Garden South 4 16 250-oddC4 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Undera 28 Pengfei Garden North 6 8 cnstr= ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~construction

c 29 Xiangtian Mansions South 4 7 600-odd

- 30 Xima Residential Area North 3.5 8 1500-oddWuahn Foreign Economic STrade Commission

32 Ziteng Garden South 10 6 400-odd

33 Zhongyuan Dormitory South 18 5 200-odd34 Studio of Wuhan Television South 3.3 2-3


35 Changfu Mansions north 2.8 13 300-odd

Notes: 1. 0 m expresses that the edge of the sensitive building is located on the red line of road.



Relative General description of sensitive receptorNo. Name of sensitive receptor location to Nearest horizontal Number of storey Directly Executive

Il cj line distance to red line of of building facing affected standardroad (o..; street pop-liatlon

to r 36 Huashi Commercial Co. north 19 6 Under

_ 37 Commercial Bank north 5 8Co Dormitory of Material

Department South 0_ 2 7 350-odd

3 Dormitory of Hubei People's South 6.8 8 400-oddICou rt Sot_.__0-d

40 Hubei People's Court north 17 20 \41 Hubei Colour Television Center South 35 1742 Shahu Mansions north 6 6 360-odd43 Jiangying Hotel north 12 9

o 44 Dormitory of 6803 Plant South 2.9 4 -5 250-odd- 45 Hongling Primary School north 7.4 4-5 1000-odd

Dormitory of HubeiComputation College South 5-6 300-odd

es 47 Huatai Mansion north 7.5 19Dormitory of Hubei South 4 6-19 600-odd48 Suh461 0-do Administerial Bureau

N Dormitory of Wuhan Heavyo 49 north 3.4 6 300-oddt! Mechanical plant0Z 50 Tianyong Mansions South 5.1 18 300-odd

51 Hubei Aquatic Production north 9 5Research Institute Daytime:52 Dormitory of Hubei Aquatic north 3 8 500-odd Leq55dB

Production Bureau (A)53 Guangyuan Mansion South 3 23 600-odd Nighttim54 Office building of provincial South 7.5 8 1500-odd e:

Party committee _______Leq45dB

c- 55 Huiyu Garden South 7.5 7 1000-odd (A)56 Dormitory of Plastic Plant north 2.1 7 400-odd (class

. 57 Qinyuan Garden South 50 7-14 350-odde 58 Clinic of Wuhan SciTech Univ north 14.3 3~-5R 59 New Tuanjie Village north 21 7 500-odd

Under0 60 Shiji caicheng north 19 10 construction

X 61 Dormitory of 665 Warehouse north 10 7-8 300-odd62 Gutianlu Primary School East 12 7 500-odd

= =- 63 Primary School of Automobile63 Factory weSt 71 1-3 600-odd

" 64 Aimin Primary School north 3.8 4 230-odd= 65 Sanxing Mansions north 1.8 7 280-odd

n 66 Jianshe Road I north 0 6 400-odde 67 Cuijiadun north 22 1-7 1000-odd

68 Youyilu Middle School West 8 2 30-oddr- 69 Minyi Hospital west 0~-82 2-4 1000-odd

70 Yuan'an Mansions West 10 5- 7 1000-oddz 71 Duowen Community West 10 9 400-odd*0 - _____ ____

72 Wutai Community East 10 13 500-oddUnder

>0 73 Anshun Garden East 10 High rise construction

74 Tianren Communit) East 10 17- 20 I 000-odd



Relative General description of sensitive receptorRoad section No. Name of sensitive receptor location to Nearest horizontal Number of storey Directly Executive

line distance to red line of building facing affected standardof road (m) street population

Meizi 75 Xiongjiawan East 12 1- 6 300-oddRd(RDI.28) 76 District Welfare Center West 2 1-2 120-odd

77 Yuhua Mansion East 5 19-21 800-oddDazhi 78 Yazhi Community East 5 6 600-odd

Rd(RD 1.8) -

79 Rongxing Mansion West 5 14 400-oddZhongshan 80 Hankou Railway Middle East 150 4 1000-odd

Avenue(RDI.15) 80 School

81 Orient Star Garden South 10 11 - 17 construction

Houhu 82 Jiahai Huayuan North 10 3 Underpx4bDNl AX .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~cosruto

Rd(RD .14) 83 Lodging School of No.6 South 10 4 1000-oddMiddle School of Wuhan

84 Baibuting Garden South .10 7 1000-odd

85 Changhang cadres' West 10 7 300-odddormitorvLugouqiao - Red Cross Hospital of Daytime:

Rd(RDI.33) 836 Jin'nWest 5 3 20-odd Leq55dB(A)

87 Hubei Education College East 40 5 1000-odd NighttimeUnder Leq45dB(A)

88 Zizhuyuan East 50 6 construction (class I)

Huangpu 89 Jiahai mingyuan East 50 3 Under

Rd(RDI.5) 90 Century Garden East 50 construction

91 Urban Field Garden East 50 4 Underconstruction

92 Ya'an Garden South 20 12 UnderI ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~construction

Jianshe 9 Luochang Residential South 20 6 1200-oddAvenue Area

(RD I.10) 94 Changhang dormitory South 20 17 500-odd95 Science and Technology North 40 11 /

Palace96 Lujialing Primary School South 20 1 200-odd

97 No.2 Staffs Hospital of WS South 60 4 500 beds

Qinghua Rd 98 Caijiawan Middle School North 110 4 500-odd(RDI .4) Daytime:

Donghu Agedness Leq5OdB(A)99 Mons South 60 2-3 100-odd Nighttime:Mansions Leq40dB(A)

(class 0)Industrial 100 Dazhou Village West 0 2--3 500-oddAvenue - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

(RD 1. 18) 101 Wufeng Village West 0 2'-3 300-odd

Luoshinan Rd 102 Agricultural Cadres' West 100 6 800-odd(RD1.19) 12 College

Shipailing Rd 103 Diya Garden West 10 6 200-odd(PDI 25) __________________________Daytime:

Jisan Rd Both Leq55dB(A)(RDI .26) 104 Nanhu Garden sides 10 6-7 2000-odd Nighttime:-Jinsui Rd Leq45dB(A)(RDi .23) 105 Minglunjie Primary School SoLIth 5 5 1000-odd (class e )

Hanxi Rd Without sensitive receptor There is Changzheng Primary School at present, but it is planned to(RD1.32) Wremove because of Wuhan Urban Rail Transit Project

Sixin Avenue Without sensitive receptor(RDI .29)Old Hansha Without sensitiveHighway receptor(RD1.6) re ep o



General description of sensitive receptor

Roadstion No. Name of sensitive location hn eetb Number of Directly Executive

to line distance to red building facing populationline of road (m) street PP

106 Yunhe Residential Arca South l Of -ICA1500

Nanniwan viaduct 107 Miaoyi Kindergarten North 30 2 -200(RDi.13) Both(RD ___13 108 Fazhan Village sides 20 6-7 -2000

Gutian Rd 2 Without sensitiveviaduct --- -

(RDI .1 b) receptorChangqing Rd

viaduct 109 Huangjiadawan South 0 2-3 -300(RD 1. Ic) ._

XinhuaxiaRd 110 Gusaoshu's Primary Right I 12 5viaduct Sho eo

(RDI .d) III Gusaoshu Rtght 0 - 5 -300_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ below

Sanjintan viaduct 112 Houhu Primary School North 0 1 -2 -500e)R....e)

Guocikou viaduct Without sensitive West Daytime:.(RD2.5) receptor Leq5I

Zhalankou 113 Changtai Mansion East 20 8 -200 dB(A)viaduct 114 Ezhou Mansion West 20 9 -200 Nighttime:(RD2.4) 115 Fangtai Real Estate Co. West 50 8 -300 Leq45

Qingling viaduct Without sensitive dB(A)(RDI.3b) receptor I(class )

Southern Luoshi Without sensitiveRd viaduct(RDI1d) receptor

Lizhi viaduct 116 Liqiao Primary School West 10 3-4 500

Yujiawan viaduct Without sensitivereceptor

Qiaokou Rd Without sensitiveviaduct(RD2.3) receptor

XagagdXianggang Rd 500viaduct 117 Xiarggang Rd West 10 8-12 faile(RD2.7) residential area families

Xunlimen viaduct Without sensitive(RD26) receptor

Ramps of Chartiang Without sensitiveHighmiv- Bndge

(RD2.1) receptorWujiashan Without sensitive / /

(PT2.1) receptorYonganutang Without sensitive I(PT22) receptor /_ /_/__

Guanshan Rd Without sensitive /I(PT2.3) receptor Daytime:

Qingling Without sensitive / / Leq55dB(A(PT2.4) receptor _ _)

Zhonghua Rd 118 Zhonghua Rd residential North 6 Nighttime:(PT2.5) 18 area Not 20 Leq45dB(A

Taipingyang 1 Dormitory of Knitting surounding 2-6 -200(PT2.6) ~~Plant (class 1)

North Liji Rd(PT2.7) 120 Grain Industrial College South 1 4-6 -500

SanyangRd 12 No. 8 Wuhan Middle East ..4 -1000(PT2.8) 121 Schlool Es 10

Yongqing Stree 122 Xinjian Village South I 6-7 -300



General description of sensitive receptor

Road Name of sensitive Relative Nearest Number of Directly Executivesection No. receptorive location horizontal storey of affected standardsection receptor ~~~~~~to line distance to red building facing pplto

line of road (m) street populationNew Qili 123 Taohuadao residential Eat 1 6 300-odd

(PT3.1) areasaubut2g Without sensitive receptor 1 / /

Erqiaoxiarea Without sensitive receptor

(PT3.3)NanhuGarden Without sensitive receptor I 6-7 -300(PT3.4) _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Chenjiadm _ Without sensitive receptor(M _

Jiang'anxizhan Without sensitive receptor / / /


Gusaoshu 124 Gushaoshu residence Surroundi 3-4 -100(PT3.7) n

Houhu Without sensitive receptor / / -200

XiangyangVillage Without sensitive receptor / / /(PT3.9)

XudongRd 125 Tuanjie residential area North 1 7-8 -500

(PT3. 1 0) _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Guanshan Without sensitive receptor / / /

TiejiVillage 126 Tiejie residential area south 1 6-7 -500

(PT3.12) .

4.4 Air Quality Baseline

According to the EA TOR and the review comments from the SEPA TOR review experts, the

baseline air quality is assessed based on the existing urban air monitoring data. In addition, a

supplementary air quality monitoring program was conducted during the EA which provides

additional air quality baseline information particularly along the project roads and sensitive

receptors identified through site investigation.

4.4.1 City wide air quality

During the Nineth Five-year Plan (1996-2000) period, the monitored air quality from the

monitoring network Wuhan passed the relevant air quality standards set by SEPA. According

to those monitoring results, the average values of five monitoring substations (Wuchang

Ziyang, Hanyang Yuehu, Hankou Huaqiao, Qingshan Changqian, East Lake Liyuan, see

Figure) may represent the city wide air quality of Wuhan urban area. In these monitoring

locations, Wuchang Ziyang, Hanyang Yuehu, Hankou Huaqiao and East Lake Liyuan belong

to the Class II air quality zone while Qingshan Changqian is in the Class III zone. As this

project is widely distributed and basically covering the entire Wuhan City proper, this baseline

description utilizes the average values of monitoring results of the existing monitoring

network to represent the current level of air quality. The monitoring results of SO2, NO2 /NOx,

PMl 0/TSP and CO between 1996 and 2000 for Wuhan City are shown in Table 4-1 to Table


4-4 respectively, in which, the results for East Lake Liyuan monitoring point in 1996 is a lab

analysis of 24-hour continuous sampling. Table 4-5 is the NO2 automatic monitoring result in


Table 4.4-1 S02 Monitoring result (mg/Nm3) in Wuhan City proper (1996-2000)

Daily average value Sirgle monitoring results


E E~u

L% > z W S 4. u .

.1996 914 1 2 1.31 0.223 0.043 44715 14 0.03 1.340

1997 1408 26 1.85 0.272 0.042 67616 43 0.06 ] .223City

pro. 1998 1547 22 1.42 0.312 0.044 0.041 72247 28 0.04 0.991

pro. -~~~~-

1999 1488 21 1.41 0.350 0.039 55422 30 0.05 0.830

2000 1654 16 0.97 0.408 0.037 51853 27 0.05 ] 195

1996 182 0 0.00 0.15 0.056 8534 0 0.00 0.4891997 278 4 1.44 0.209 0.046 12990 12 0.09 1.223

1998 281 4 1.42 0.240 0.053 0.048 13040 4 0.03 0.613

1999 256 4 1.56 0.200 0.043 11990 4 0.03 0.575

2000 316 1 0.32 0.178 0.043 9741 0 0.00 0.453

r , 1996 212 0 0.47 0.158 0.040 9951 0 0.00 0.336

1997 291 10 3.44 0.272 0.047 13642 12 0.09 0.793

1998 328 2 0.61 0.153 0.042 0.037 15494 I 0.00 0.991


1999 307 2 0.65 0.223 0.027 14382 4 0.03 0.393

2000 338 0 0.00 0.144 0.029 10642 0 0.00 0.413

1996 197 0 0.00 0.134 0.036 9249 0 0.00 0.3361997 280 1 0.36 0.157 0.032 136163 2 0.02 0.793

1998 327 2 0.00 0.143 0.032 0.034 15407 1 0.00 0.991

c 1999 283 2 0.35 0.157 0.037 13287 0 0.03 0.393

2000 312 0 0.00 0.131 0.031 9358 0 0.00 0.413

1996 177 11 6021 0.223 0.074 8394 0 0.13 1.340uo 1997 299 1 I 3.68 0.254 0.068 14028 14 0.10 0.903x 1998 316 16 5 06 0.312 0.063 0.067 14572 22 0.15 0.811

1999 348 1 4 4.02 0.350 0.070 15763 2 2 0.14 0.830

CY 2000 350 1 5 _4.29 0.408 0.059 11233 2 7 0.24 I1.195

Ew 1996 146 0 0.35 0.015 0.037 8 0 00

1997 260 0 0.00 0.182 0.019 8587 3 0.03 0.741

< -1998 295 0 0.00 0.088 0.026 13793 3 0.02 0.713

m 1999 294 0 0.00 0.104 0.018 13834 0 0.00 0.456


[ 2000 1 338 I 0 1 0.00 1 0.091 1 0.025 1 1 10879 1 0 1 0.00 1 0.408 ]


Table 4.4-2 NO, Monitoring result (mg/Nm3) in Wuhan City proper (1996-2000)

Daily average value Basic monitoring resul


21 ~ ~ ~

1996 924 209 22.62 0.485 0.076 45189 5203 11.59 1.017

C 1997 1499 419 27.95 0.553 0.084 71908 9659 13.43 1.383

City 1998 1567 452 28.84 0.671 0.094 0.082 72737 11110 15.27 1.388pr. 1999 1516 413 28.24 0.557 0.088 57018 9431 16.54 1.929

2000 1654 239 14.45 0.365 0.066 49836 // 0.823

X 1996 196 108 55.10 0.485 0.133 9153 2679 29.27 1.017aN 1997 294 195 66.33 0.429 0.145 13782 4767 34.59 1.336

c 1998 303 226 74.59 0.614 0.172 0.140 14056 5816 41.38 1.3633 1999 264 193 73.11 0.421 0.160 12378 4679 37.80 1.141

2000 320 95 29.69 0.266 0.088 9611 0.823

1996 203 54 26.60 0.335 0.082 9526 1218 12.79 1.004

1997 326 99 30.37_ 0.553 0.096 15261 2371 15.54 1.383

C* 1998 330 128 38.79 0.671 0.IIB 0.101 15538 3025 19.47 1.388

cc 1999 305 121 39.67 0.557 0.118 14336 2963 20.67 1.929

2000 339 88 25.96 0.365 0.089 10068 0.747

1996 206 26 12.62 0.323 0.061 9731 697 7.16 0.980

1997 316 48 15.19 0.319 0.062 14900 1149 7.71 1.052

o 1998 323 59 18.27 0.388 0.069 0.065 15224 1465 9.62 1.365_E 1999 3 15 64 20.32 0.341 0.067 14842 1377 9.28 1.324

2000 322 43 13.35 0.258 0.066 9597 // 0.788

1996 178 1 6 8.99 10.201 0.067 8433 317 3.76 0.357

_ 1997 301 69 22.92 0.173 0.085 14124 632 4.47 0.398

' 1998 315 12 3.81 0.121 0.063 0.064 14505 294 2.03 0.459

-A 1999 343 2 1 6.12 0.201 0.056 15462 412 2.66 0.362

:> 2000 342 5 1.46 0.130 0.047 10480 // 0.324

_ 1996 141 5 3.55 0.182 0.036

1997 262 8 3.06 0.172 0.034 8346 292 3.50 0.471998 296 27 9.12 0.236 0.050 0.040 16841 740 5.35 0.881

1999 289 134 4.84 0.243 0.041 13414 510 3.80 0.832

2000 331 8 29.42 0.170 0.039 10080 / / 0.869


Table 4.4-3 TSP Monitoring result (mg/Nm3) in Wuhan City proper (1996-2000)

Daily average value Basic monitoring results

Cu ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~E42 > u C

eCu ~~~~ Max ~ ~ ~Maxo .Ij Cu ~value >- value

1996 778 139 17.87 0.740 0.195 48039 / / 1.921

1997 1458 395 27.09 0.854 0.241 70235 / / 4.089city

1998 1526 487 31.91 1.158 0.258 0.232 71110 / / 4.347pro.

1999 1504 485 32.25 0.927 0.259 56995 / / 3.830

2000 1626 249 15.31 0.845 0.210 54655 6/ I .663

c 1996 185 87 47.03 0.740 0.313 15669 1.921


X~ 1997 306 175 57.19 0.854 0.341 14363 / / 4.089

1998 287 182 63.41 1.006 0.358 0.304 13467 / / 2.404

1999 264 122 46.21 0.777 0.299 12408 I / 1.9542000 308 37 12.01 0.561 0.212 10162 / / 1.033

1996 176 22 12.50 0.598 0.184 8000 / I 1.348

< 1997 321 61 19.00 0.832 0.223 14960 / / 1.550

o 1998 312 86 27.56 1.158 0.236 0.213 14533 I / 4.347

cu 1999 298 58 19.46 0.643 0.225 13848 I / 2.2132000 325 41 12.62 0.552 0.200 10932 / / 1.663

1996 189 20 10.58 0.443 0.166 8659 // 1.157

:: 1997 295 103 34.92 0.635 0.272 13784 / / 1.910

U 1998 334 87 26.05 0.787 0.243 0.221 15591 2 / 2.674

.> 1999 3 10 79 25.48 0.639 0.234 14303 / / 3.830

2000 332 40 12.05 0.584 0.192 11013 / / 1.090

c 1996 158 8 5.06 0.434 0.194 7476 I 1.170

1997 294 48 16.33 0.650 0.320 13804 0.945

1998 305 118 38.69 0.904 0.303 0.271 14426 / / 1.638

1999 345 212 61.45 0.927 0.354 16436 / / 1.004

CY 2000 339 109 32.15 0.845 0.277 1 1601 // 0.995

1996 70 2 2.86 0.345 0.119/ / II

l5 99- 242 8 3.31 0.447 0.14 8235 I/ 0.854

. 199% 288 14 4.86 0.682 0.151 0.153 13324 / / 1.3 14

1991' 287 14 4.88 0.532 0.183 13073 / / 1.165

200) 322 22 6.83 0.563 0.1169 10947 / / 1.000


Table 4.4-4 CO Monitoring result (mg/Nm3) in Wuhan City proper (1996-2000)

li 1 _ _ __ Daily average value | Basic monitoring results jDI~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~f

i '^X > ' > -' '


Max ~~~~~~ C ~~ Max

199 839 109 221. 15.3151 2.960 39332 360 4.0 37.392199 1397 2168 155.3 11.666 2.462119 658 109 15. 38.106

ciy 99 1400 173 12.4 l1I1359 2.449 4.161 65491 839 1.3 31.503199 2520 125 40.3 8.782 2.2059 696489 435 07 30.719

0 211 09 51.7 6.708 4.370 984 81 40. 237.2

it, 304 168 55.3 1.66476 4.46 1418957 27 9 0.6 Z16

i ~~~~331 22 6.7 9.349 2.295 2.334 15583 149 I .0 24.602E 312 14 4.5 5.608 1.873 14608 68 0.5 19.870

o ~~~~226 1 5 6.6 8.331 1.978 10525 125 1.2 25.150mc 268 1 5 5.6 8.779 2.079 12562 95 0.8 38.106

196 26 13.3 7.877 2.576 2.015 9233 199 2.2 26.793

c: ~~~308 5 _1.6 6.499 1.428 14416 49 10.3 1992

o ~~~~176 2 1 119 4.742 ==

301 1o0 3.3 4.286309 4 1.3 6.865

X346 3 0.9


Table 4.4-5 NO2 Monitoring result of automatic monitoring station in 2001

Monitoring point 1'V quarter 2nd quarter 3rd quarter 41h quarter Annual average

Wuchang Ziyang 0.054 0.047 0.042 0.064 0.051

Hangyang Yuehu 0.067 0.060 0.050 0.073 0.062

Hankou Huaqiao 0.062 0.052 0.042 0.057 0.053

Qingshan Changqian 0.042 0.039 0.038 0.047 0.041

East Lake Liyua 0.042 0.030 0.027 0.038 0.047

City proper 0.053 0.046 0.040 0.056 0.048

Between 1996 and 2000, the daily average value of S02 in the urban area is 0.037-0.044

mg/Nm3, five days' average value is 0.041 mg/Nm3 , in 2000, the daily average value dropped

13.95% in comparison with 1996. It can be seen form Figure 4.4-1, in nearly 5 years

(1999-2000), the annual average value of Wuhan City proper had reached to Class II

standards, and the daily average values within five years basically decreased except slightly

increase in 1998. The improved was largely due to the relocation of coal burning industrial

operations from the city center to outside, reducing the S02 emissions in the urban areas.

The annual average value of NO2 in the city proper is 0.066-0.094 mg/Nm3 , the daily average

value within five years is 0.082 mg/Nm3 , and the daily average value within the city proper in

2000 dropped 13.16% in comparison with 1996. Meanwhile, from Figure 4.4-2, it can be seen

that within 6 years, the annual average values in 1997, 1998 and 1999 slightly exceed the

specified standards but since 1999, the concentrations have been through an obvious decrease.

Based on the available information, the NO2/NO, ratio differs from monitoring station to

monitoring station. The average annual concentrations show that the ratio is about 0.36 to 1.

The TSP, instead of PM1O values were used for the most part for baseline assessment is

because until very recently, the country had used TSP as an indicator for air borne particulate.

All monitoring program had been about TSP and only TSP data are available. As a result, this

EA will use TSP for its city wide baselilne assessment but will use PM1 o for roadside

monitoring program and for impact assessment in compliance with the recent change

standards by SEPA. The annual average value of TSP in the city proper was 0.195-0.259

mg/Nm3, the daily average value per year within five years is 0.232 mg/Nm 3. From Fig 4.4-3.

it can be seen that within 5 years, the annual average values of TSP in the city proper exceed

the specified standard for all the years except that in 1996.

Between 1996 and 1999, the daily average concentration value of CO in the city proper was

2.205-2.960 mg/Nm3, and the daily average value per year within four years was 2.561

3. Meanwhile, from Fig 4.4-4. it can be seen that within 4 years, the annual average

values per year within 4 years can meet the standard and it has obviously been decreased.

According to the collected analysis of air monitoring result for trunk roads recently in Wuhan

City proper, presently, for absorbable particles (PMIO) in Wuhan City proper, the primary

daily average concentration value severely exceeds the applicable standard.


i :

on I.efnlLraLtIOln( mgiNm ) -, *1 -,

.0 6


LI -OO't_2!F ' L J Li D ver o LS t - -

Standazd 1996 1*997 1 999Y8 1 999 9 '_-6 20

Fig a 443 The annual average value _ TSP_ in _ the past fie year_s


0. .

,0 -25 , , ,,, 20, ,

L ..; 4;|. r;d 19% .199 7 1998 * l ;- .b-19992n

i .4- The anua avrg valu of TS in theast fsive yerst

Concentration(mgfNm 3) ;n -. h.. C-t prope -(.g--N--.

0. 2

0. 15


0.05 -. _)

0 ----- 11 ......Standard 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000


Standard 1996 1997 1998 1999

.,,~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ _1[ ,,, '

4.4.2 Project roads air quality baseline

In order to better understand baseline air quality on both sides of the project trunk roads of

Wuhan City, this EA conducted roadside air quality monitoring from September 10-13, 2002,

which is a non-heating season. In general, Wuhan does not have a heating season as the city

generally does not provide space heating in the winter. In central city area, with consideration

of the project scope and traffic flows, 16 monitoring points are selected along 15 selected

trunk roads. Sulfur dioxide, nitrogen dioxide, absorbable particles, total hydrocarbon and

traffic flows are synchronously measured during the two days. The monitoring results provide

baseline air quality information on the project trunk roads and at the same time, provide a

cross reference with the monitoring results of the city wide monitoring network. The

monitoring locations and air quality monitoring results (daily averages) of this monitoring

program are shown in Table 4.4-6.

Table 4.4-6 Monitoring result of air quality along project roads (average value) Unit: mg/Nm3

Object of reference for monitoring Total Car flowNo. Name of roads point SO, NO, PM,o hydro (cars/h)

CarbonI Fazhan Ave Hongsheng Auto Repair Factory 0.024 0.105 0.149 1.4 4431/4194

2 Riverside Ave On the opposite of Wuhan Foodstuff 0.026 0.149 0.241 1.5 3016/3196Factory

3 Zhongshan Ave Sunshine Hotel 0.041 0.159 0.222 1.4 2009/25424 Jianshe Ave Qinglian Hotel 0.002 0.126 0.204 2.0 3858/36495 Riverside Ave At the gate of No. 27 Secondary School 0.030 0.169 0.191 1.4 1872/1698

6 Wusheng Rd In front of China Indstrial and 0.031 0.130 0.160 1.4 2523/2074Wusheg Rd Commercial Bank ___

7 Hanvang Ave branch our teau 0.019 0.119 0.286 1.4 3016/2523

8 Yingwu Ave In front of Yeweixiang Restaurant 0.014 0.071 0.184 1.5 2631/23029 Wuluo Rd In front of No. 15 Secondary School 0.009 0.088 0.135 1.0 4525/4934

10 Zhong nan Rd In front of Hubei Water Conservancy 0.018 0.084 0.318 1.0 3255/3685Buireau

H Heping Ave In front of Wugang Staff Collee 0.064 0.058 0.223 0.8 1525/161112 YeJin Ave Wugang Technical Center 0.057 0.056 0.206 0.7 1838/190513 Xudong Rd Timber Store 0.037 0.090 0.324 1.6 5505/490214 Luoyu Rd Luxiang Agricultural Bank 0.026 0.107 0.251 1.0 2958/3233


15 Jiefang Ave At the west of Zhongshan Park gate 0.017 0.070 0.287 1.7 3525/3982

16 JiefangAve On the opposite of old power supply 0.021 0.077 0.309 2.1 3782/4023bureau

Concentration limit (mg/Nm 3) 0.15 0.12 0.15

Note: car flow is 11:00 am/17:00 pm

It can be seen form Table 4.4-6 SO2 daily average concentration value of one monitoring for

the trunk road is up to the Class II concentration standard for air quality. NO2 daily average

concentration values for monitoring points meet the Class II concentration standards, except

Sunshine Hotel on Zhongshan Avenue and No. 27 Secondary School gate on Riverside

Avenue, where the measured values were slightly exceeded the applicable standards.

PM1 O daily average concentration value for all monitoring points exceeds the Class II

concentration standards. The air born particulate pollution the monitored region is serious,

except Hongsheng Auto Repair Factory on Fazhan Avenue and No. 25 Secondary School gate,

where exceedance is mild.

4.4.3 Existing air pollution sources

The existing air pollution source of Wuhan City includes mainly industrial pollution sources,

domestic pollution sources, motor vehicle emission and air born dust pollution by

construction and road traffic. According to information provided by Wuhan Environmental

Monitoring Station, in 1998, the SO2 emission by domestic activities in Wuhan City proper

accounted for less than 3%. With the gradual improvement of domestic fuels, the proportion

of the emission from domestic sources in the city proper will further drop gradually in the

whole city. Moreover, although there is severe air born dust by construction (see Table 4.4-6),

it is characterized by short-time, randomness in location and difficulty in control. Therefore,

the analysis of existing air pollution source mainly focus on industry and transport, with the

emphasis on the motor vehicle emission.

Industrial air pollution sources

The industrial enterprises which generate air emissions in Wuhan City can be divided into 37

industrial sectors. According to information provided by Wuhan Environmental Protection

Bureau and Wuhan environmetnal status annual reports, gas emissions of the following five

sectors are among the highest: ferrous metal smelting and manufacturing, power, steam and

hot water generation and supply, non-ferrous and mineral manufacturing, chemical raw

materials and goods manufacturing. Together, these industries account for about 90% of the

total industrial gas emissions in the city. The emission of the seven largest SO2 emission

sectors accounts for about 93.4% of the total industrial emission.

Motor vehicle emission sources

It is seen from Fig 4.4-5: between 1997 and 1999. with the increase of the total number of

motorcycles in Wuhan City, the NO2 annual average concentration in Wuhan City shows an


increasing trend. Since 1998, however, Wuhan City has commenced a control of the motor

vehicle emission. In the first year (1998), the government of Wuhan City issued


resulting in a ban of leaded gasoline use in cars. In 1999, 396 gas stations in the city proper

were strictly rechecked and no leaded gasoline has been allowed to enter Wuhan. Meanwhile,

in order to carry out No. 106 Ordinance by Wuhan Government, 100% of the motor vehicles

owned by government organizations at the provincial and the municipal levels were strictly

tested and inspected. The exhaust and emission standards on motor vehicles were strictly

tested and enforced. As a result of this inspection program, over 90% complied with the

standards in 2000. With a government instruction, Wuhan Public Security's Traffic

Management Division in conjustion Wuhan Environmental Protection Bureau conducted

emission testing program aimed at 10-15% of the motor vehicles in use in the city or newly

added to the fleet in a year. The program was basically a roadside test, where motor vehicles

in use are randomly selected at the road side and tested for NO2 and CO emissions. Standards

used in the testing and compliance program are similar to Euro2. The actual number of motor

vehicles tested for 2001 was 72,588 and the standard conformity rate was 75.9%. The testing

results showed that about 20,000 motor vehicles tested had emission exceeding the standards.

These vehicles were requested for repair and rectifying. The after repair air emission

conformity rate for motor vehicle in use reached 90.8% and that for new vehicles reached

100%. Although there is a limited roadsie, idling mode based I/M program in the city, as well

as several other programs such as banning of leaded gasoline, 100% government owned

vehicle inspection, etc., motor vehicle emission control strategies in the city are mostly

fragmented. The municipal EPB is still working with the other relevant agencies to develop

such an integrated motor vehicle emission control strategy.

The decrease in motor vehicle emission seen in Fig 4.4-5 in 1998 and 1999 may be mainly

attributed to the changes in copmosition of the motor vehicle fleet in the city over the three

years period. Many new motor vehicles enter into the fleet which had much higher emission

standards. At the same time, a large number of the old, heavily polluting motor vehicles were

retired from the fleet. The avereage motor emission intesity was therefore reduced as a result.

In addition in 1999, the city commenced the motor vehicle emission inspection programs

which also contributed to the decrease. The annual average concentrations of NO2 decreased

since 1998 steadily, despite the increase in motor vehicle fleet size in the city every year.

Therefore, it is clear from the above analysis that the concentration value in the city proper

has a certain correlation with the total number of motor vehicles. However, if an attention is

paid to enforce emission standards on motor vehicles, both the new vehicles and those in use,

the air pollution emission from this source can be effectively controlled.


No2 concentration

Motorcycle number

4.5 Acoustic Environment Baseline

4.5.1 General Description of Acoustic Environment

According to the Environment Bulletin of Wuhan City, the average value of environmental

noise in urban area was 54.7 dB(A) in 2001. This value however, does not indicate acurate

acoustic environment quality as it averages off the day and night, and urban center and suburb

noises, except it does provide a year to year copmarison of the change in noise levels. The

sound sources included 61.9% of domestic noise, 16.7% of traffic noise, 2.8% of construction

noise and 11.9% of other noise. Traffic and industrial noise decreased by 0.2 dB(A) and 1.7

dB(A) respectively compared to that in the previous year; while construction, domestic and

other noises increased by 1.4 dB(A), 0.3 dB(A) and 0.9 dB(A) respectively over the same

period. The populations who lived under sound level of 60 dB(A) were 84.41% of the total

populations and its covering area was 190 square kilometers, or 90.48% of the total. A more

meaningful noise level indicator is the average noise value of urban transport trunk roads

which was 70.6 dB(A) in 2001. This was again a decrease of 1.9 dB(A) compared to that in

the previous year. The length of road sections where noise exceeded the standard value was

64.36% of the total length of roads, indicating that the majority of the residents by city trunk

roads living in an acoustic environment which exceeding the applicable standards. The

average traffic flow of road in the whole year was 2194 vehicle/hour.

In order to further reflect the current situation of environmental noise at the environmentally

sensitive receptors on both sides of the proposed roads, this EA conducted a noise monitoring

program. implemented by the FSDIR's EA team.

4.5.2 Monitoring of Existing Environmental Noise

Monitoring of existing environmental noise was implemented in accordance with the relevant


stipulations in GB/T 14623-93 "Measuring Method of Environmental Noise of Urban Area".

The details about this program are as follows:


During the process of this monitoring program, RIONNL-11 type integral sound level meter

and HS6280D type noise spectrum analyzer shall be adopted. All the instruments used for this

monitoring underwent a metrical calibration by the metrical calibration department. They

were calibrated before and after each time of measurement by using ND 9 sound source

corrector that has been calibrated.

Time, Method and Quantity

The measurement for existing environmental noise was conducted in accordance with GB/T

14623-93 "Measuring Methods of Environmental Noise of Urban Area". The nosie was

measured continuously a sound level by selecting the time period in daytime (8:00-18:00)

and nighttime (22:00-6:00). The noise levels thus recorded were taken as the quality of

existing acoustic environment.

Principles of Monitoring Point Selection

Main objective of monitoring for existing environmental noise is to completely understand the

current situation of acoustic environment along the project roads and provide basic data for

environmental noise forecast. The monitoring points need to set up at the place 1 m outside

the windows of the first row of buildings outside the red line on the roads. It was proposed

that typical environmental sensitive receptors be selected at the two sides of new roads and

upgrading roads for monitoring of existing environmental noise. The methods of monitoring

point arrangement are as follows.

A Set up noise monitoring points in all of the schools, hospitals, sanitariums and special


X For the residential area in the same road section and with same structure, select a typical

residential building to monitor noise; and the monitoring results stand for the existing

environmental noise of all the buildings in the section.

4.5.3 Monitoring Results of Existing Environmental Noise

Based on the above-mentioned monitoring point selection principles, requirements in the EA

TOR, and based on GB/T 14623-93 "Measuring Method of Environmental Noise of Urban

Area", existing noise levels were measured twice from September 16 to November 18, 2002

and again from December 10 to 30. 2002, respectively. The noise monitoring program

covered a total of 126 environmentally sensitive receptors at both sides of new road, extended

road, viaducts and public transport facilities, as well as selected sites on the roads for new

surface pavement. The detailed positions of the monitoring points and the monitoring results

are shown in Tables 4.5-1 and 4.5-2. the locations of the environmental noise monitoring


points are shown in Figure 6.2-1 to Figure 6.2-8.


Table 4.5-1 Monitoring Results of Current Situation of Environmental Noise

os Nr Name of sensitive receptor Reliltivr dHorizontal Noise monitoring . Overproof valueRelative dsacto results

No Name of sensitive receptor Position (dB(A)) U tolne re in f(d()

road (in) ,~~~Nighttimemt e road (m) Daytime Nighttime Daytime e

I Changhang Staff's University South 3.5 71.1 16.1

2 Dormitory of Third Municipal North 3Administerial Co.

3 Baodao Mansions North 3

4 Changhang office building South 2 73.4 67.8 18.4 22.8

5 Dormitory of Business Orders North 35 Bank

6 Dormitory of Foods Factory North 57 Dormitory of Education South 2 66.1 56.5 11.1 11.5

Committee8 Jiang'an District Court North 7 64.8 I 9.8 1C Junior Middle School of No. 6 South 3 66.1 11.1

M Middle School of Wuhan Suh 36./1.1

-0 10 Gaoxiong residential area North 2.5 65.5 55.8 10.5 10.8

e 11 New Hong Kong Building South 5

. 12 Redbud Garden North 67.6 64.5 3 12.6 19.5

a 13 Qiuyan Building South 2 71.7 69.5 _ 16.7 24.5

14 Mofalu Primary School South 1 61.6 / : 6.6 /

15 New Mofan Village North 5.565.8 57.5 e 10.8 12.5

16 No.2 Mofan Village South 8

17 Dormitory of Chemical Industrial North 60.5 58.5 E 5.5 13.5Co.

18 Xiangyu Middle School South 15 56.4 1 I .4 /19 Wuhan Financial and Trade Sot 236.I 65/

Vocational School S25620 Hubianfang Village South 6 57.6 46.5 : 2.6 1.5

21 No. 11 Wuhan Hospital North 6 72.9 69.7 k 17.9 24.7

22 Hehuayuan Residential Area North 8 70.5 67.5 i 15.5 22.5

23 First Chinese Medical Clinic North 8 71.5 / E 16.5 /

24 Dormitory of Metal Co. South 0

25 No. 279 Xianggang Road South 0 74.3 69.4 19.3 24.4

26 Dormitory of Production Goods SouthCo.

e 27 Suifeng Garden North 6 72.2 71.2 17.2 26.2

28 Pengfei Garden South 4

29 Xiangtian Mansions South 4 71.4 70.8 16.4 25.8

en 30 Xima Residential Area North 3.5C:

X 31 Wuahn Foreign Economic Trade SouthCommission 72.1 71.0 17.1 26

32 Ziteng Garden South 10

33 Zhongyuan Dormitory South 18 68.5 65.0 13.5 20

34 Studio of 'uhanl Television South 3.3Station 72.5 71.3 17.5 26.3

35 Changfu Mansions North 2.8

Notes: I. 0 m expresses that the edge of the sensitive building is located on the red line of road:2. If the overproof value is positive number. it stands for that the noise is higher than the standard value: if it is

negati'c. it is lower than the standard value.



1-I| Relatie |Horizontal Noise monitoring | Overproof valueIdistance toi reut(d A)

- No. Name of sensitive receptor position red line of (dB(A)I

|to line |road (m) daytime Niglttim | S Daytime NightCZ_ __ _ _ _ _I e _ _e

, R 36 Huashi Commercial Co. North 19 = 20 37 Commercial Bank North 5 72.5 19 27.5

38 Dormitory of Material South 0 73.2 71.5 18.2 26.538 Department__ _ ___ _ __ _ _ _ _

Dornitory of Hubei People's39 CutSouth 6.8 48. i 40.5-69 4.___ Court

40 Hubei People's Court North 17 49.8 -5.2

41 Hubei Colour Television Center South 35 63.1 8.1 /

42 Shahu Mansions North 6 53.6 43.5 -1.4 -1.5

o.. 43 Jiangying Hotel North 12 61.5 54.5 6.5 9.5

_ 44 Dormitory of 6803 Plant South 2.9 63.3 56.2 8.3 11.2

45 Hongling Primary School North 7.4 50.7 / -4.353 ~~Dormnitory of Hubei_._ _

X 46 Domitor of South 0 61.6 54.6 6.6 9.6Computation College

47 Huatai Mansion North 7.5 60.0 56.1 5 11.1onDorrnitory of Hubei48 mitorya o Hubei South 4 67.9 59.5 12.9 14.5

-Administerial BureauN Dormitory of Wuhan HeavyF 49 ofcWahanlHeavytNorth 3.4 63.7 51.1 8.7 6.1

Mechanical plant ____

t:: 50 Tianyong Mansions South 5.1 68.6 53.8 > 13.6 8.8Z Hubei Aquatic Production N.

Research InstituteDormitory of Hubei Aquatic NProduction Bureau 63.5 56.5 - 8.5 11.5

53 Guangyuan Mansion South 3 .Office building of provincial . 94

54 Party committee ~South 7.5 64.4 55.7 . 9.4 0.754_ Party committee94

55 Huiyu Garden South 7.5 57.5 51.5 _ 2.5 6.5

_ 56 Dormitory of Plastic Plant North 2.1 53.5 45.5 : -1.5 0.5

57 Qinyuan Garden South 50 54.5 48.5 n -0.5 3.5

c 58 Clinic of Wuhan SciTech Univ North 14.3 53.4 / -1.6 _

o 59 New Tuanjie Village North 21 48.1 41.0 E -6.9 -4

60 Shiji caicheng North 19 56.0 51.5 . 1 6.5

s 61 Dormitory of 665 Warehouse North 10 59.2 41.5 4.2 -3.5X-

62 Gutianlu Primary School East 12 53.5 47.5 -1.5 2.5X 6 Primary School of AutomobileCC > 63 Factory West 71 66.1 11.1

64 Aimin Primary School North 3.8 62.7 7.7< n e ' 65 Sanxing Mansions North 1.8 61.5 57.5 6.5 12.5

.,Y~ 66 Jianshe Road I North 0 59.3 48.5 4.3 3.5@ <, i 67 Cuijiadun North 22 51.2 43.0 -3.8 -2

68 Youyilu Middle School West 0 72.5 / 17.5 /

69 Minyi Hospital West 8 70.5 / 15.5 /

70 Yuan'an Mansions West 10

o 71 Duowen Community West 10

< 72 Wutai Community West 10 70.2 68.5 15.2 23.5

> 73 Anshun Garden East 10

74 Tianren CommunitY East 10



Horizontal N esulto > . Overproof valueRelative results .distance to O ()Q No. Name of sensitive receptor position rd line to (dB(A)) _dB(A))

to ine road () daytime Nighttim Daytime NighttimI e e

N n _ 75 Xiongiawan East 12 58.4 52.5 3.4 7.5

2 r 76 District Welfare Center West 2 57.5 43.5 2.5 -1.5. 77 Yuhua Mansion East 5_ 78 Yazhi Community East 5 72.3 65.8 17.3 20.8: 79 Rongxing Mansion West 5

O :,_ 80 Hankou Railway Middle East 150 59.5 / 4.5 /School

81 Orient Star Garden South 10 63.0 61.3 -, 8 16.3= 82 Jiahai Huayuan North 10_ Lodging School of No.6 Middle 55.8 51.5 < 0.8 6.5

School of Wuhan Suh 284 Baibuting Garden North 10 65.3 58.5 . 10.3 13.5

g 85 Changhang cadres' dormitory West 10 67.4 64.3 . 12.4 19.3X0 D 86 Red Cross Hospital of Jiang'an West 5 68.0 / E 13 /

' 87 Hubei Education College East 40 63.5 / . 8.5 /Z

88 Zizhuyuan East 50

m _ 89 Jiahai mingyuan East 50 c

g 90 Century Garden East 50 64.5 61.2 9.5 16.2

91 Urban Field Garden East 50o 92 Ya'an Garden South 20 66.8 64.0 E 11.8 19

tf i 93 Luochang Residential Area South 20 164.4 61.6 9.4 1.

= 94 Changhang dormitory South 20. 95 Science and Technology Palace North 40 58.0 3 /

96 Lujialing Primary School South 20 56.9 / 1.9 /

t 97 No.2 Staff's Hospital of WS South 60 53.5 45.5 -1.5 0.5

98 Caijiawan Middle School North 110 57.5 / 2.5 /

r~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 0

.E 99 Donghu Agedness Mansions South 60 51.2 41.5 E Eg 1.2 1.5

; 2 00 100 Dazhou Village West 0

u 3 101 Wufeng Village West 0 62.9 52.8 7.9 7.8

102 Agricultural Cadres' College West 100 56.8 / _ 1.8 /

_: 103 DiyaGarden West 10 64.9 62.0 " 9.9 17

Both n 104 Nanhu Garden sides 10 64.8 59.9 z 9.8 14.9

105 Minglunjie Primary School 40 5 63.5 8.5

es 63.5 56.5 f -6.5 1.5



[ I NR..,,pnfdgm 1 Re|lativ [Horizontal Noise monitoring OverproofvalueRNo Naeofsnsitive poiin distance to I I (dB(AVl)

section No. receptor red line of (dB(A) I r __ toline road (m) daytime Nighttim 3 [ Daytime Nighttim

Sixin EAvenue 58.5 46.8 * ) -11.5 -8.2

(RDI.29) 2

Old HanshaHighway 68.5 61.5 . r -1.5 6.5(RDI .6) .2


106 Yunhe Residential Area South 30Nanniwan

viaduct 107 Miaoyi Kindergarten North 30 67.8 59.5 12.8 14.5(RDI 13) . Both _

108 Fazhan Village sides 20Changqing _Rdviaduct 109 Huangjiadawan South 0 65.9 64.5 _ 10.9 19.5(RDI .I c) I:

Xinhuaxia 110 Gusaoshu's Primary Under 0 5 =Rd viaduct School 69.5 a 14.5(RD .Id) III Gusaoshu Under 0 65.8 3 20.8Sanjintanviaduct 112 Houhu Primary School North 0 61.8 / , 6.8 /

(RD). I e) _

Guocikou Guocikou Residential West 20 67.7 63.5 co 12.7 18.5viaductWet 2677 65127 8.(RD2.5) Area

Zhalankou 113 Changtai Mansion East 20 7viaduct 114 Ezhou Mansion West 20

(RD2.4) (RD2.,) 115 Fangtai Real Estate Co. West 50 72.5 71.5 3 17.5 26.5

Lizhiviaduct 116 Liqiao Primary School South 10 48.5 / _ -6.5 /

(RDI .3c) ... ._ _

XianggangRd viaduct 117 Xianggang Rd residence West 10 73.5 70.5 18.5 25.5

(RD2.7) _Gutian Rd 2

viaduct Without sensitive receptor 1 63.5 59.5 . -6.5 4.5(RDi 3b) uQinglingviaduct I m to road side 1 73.5 68.5 < 3.5 13.5(RD2.5) _Southern

viaduct I m to road side 1 59.5 47.5 5 -10.5 -7.5(RDi 3d)Yujiawanviaduct I m to road side 1 65.5 57.5 _ -4.5 2.5(RDI.3) az >

Qiaokou Rd .viaduct I m to road side 1 72.5 71.5 2.5 16.5(RD2.3)

Xunlimen _viaduct I m to road side I 71.5 69.5 o 1.5 -0.5

.(RD2.6) _____Ramps of

ChangjiangHighway I to road side 1 67.5 59.6 -2.5 4.5Bridge >

(RD2. ) _


Table 4.5-2 Monitoring Results of Current Situation of Noise from Road Boundary

Position of Current situation ofWidth monitoring noise at the boundary > .: Overproof value

of road (dB(A))Road section of road point

Cm) (distance to_____

road (m)) Daytime Nighttime Daytime NighttimIA__________________ e

JiefangAvenue(RMl.1-RMI.3) 60 1 75.5 73.8 E 5.5 18.8

Hanyang Avenue(RM 1.8) 50 1 73.8 70.2 • _ 3.8 15.2Zhongshan Avenue(RMI .I 1) 20 1 76.5 73.5 6.5 18.5

HepingAvenue(RM1.9) 60 1 74.5 70.5 > 4.5 15.5

Wangqing Highway(RM 1.7) 16 1 68.5 61.5 X c Up to standard 6.5

Souther Jiefang Rd(RMI.6) 15 1 70.9 58.5 E X 0.9 3.5

Gutian Main Rd(RMI.10) 30 1 71.1 56.5 a 1.1 1.5Wusheng Rd(RMI.4) 50 1 75.2 72.5 Z 5.2 17.5

4.5.4 Assessment of Baseline Environmental Noise

According to the monitoring results of current situation of environmental noise, the existing

environmental noise is as follows.

Noise Levels at New and Upgrading Roads

Except that eight sensitive receptors (dormitory of the Hubei Provincial People's Court, Hubei

Provincial People's Court, Shahu Mansion and Hongling Primary School beside Zhongbei

Road, clinic of Wuhan Science and Technology University and New Tuanjie Village beside

Qinyuan Road; Cuijiadun residential areas and Liqiao Primary School) which met Class I

standards in GB 3096-93, all other 117 environmental sensitive receptors exceeded Class I

standards. This is equivalent of 93% of all the sensitive receptors. Basically, the noise was

very high in the urban built up areas, such as Taibeiyi Road, Hong Kong road, Lugouqiao

road, Xihuaxialu intersection, and Lianshankou intersection. The monitored noise levels at

these areas exceeded the applicable standards by as much as 21 dB(A) during the day time

and over 30 dB(A) at night. In less developed areas such as Qinyuan road, Hanxier road,

Qinghua road, the noise levels either met the standards or exceeded only slightly. Clearly, the

main noise sources are urban traffic. This further indicates that the city wide whole day

average noise levels published in the environmental bulletin do not fully reflect the actual

noise conditions in the city. The specific road side noise levels for each of the sensitive

receptors are better indications of the actual noise baseline in the city particularly roadside


Noise Levels along the Roads in A'Iaintenance Components

In the road maintenance component of this project, noise in daytime and at nighttime at

Jiefang Avenue, Hanyang Avenue. Heping Avenue, Gutian Main Road, Wusheng Road and

Southern Jiefang Road all exceeded the applicable standards. Roadside noise of Wangqing

Highway met the standard in the daytime but exceeded at night. The main noise sources are

again urban traffic.


Environmental Noise at Key Sensitive Receptors

The important environmental sensitive receptors along the project roads include 19 schools,

one kindergarten, six hospitals and two seniors homes. As seen in Table 4.5-3, noise levels

Changhang Unversity, Youyinlu Middle School, No.11 Hospital, First Chinese Mechin

Hospital and Minyin Hospital had all exceeded 70 dB(A). Under the current conditiosn,

because of the high noise background at these sensitive receptors, education and health care

activities at these must be conducted behind the closed windows; otherwise these activities

cannot be carried out properly in the high noise environment. The table shows noise levels at

eleven sensitive receptors were at the levels between 60-70 dB(A). When windows are closed,

the indoor nois e would be below 60 dB(A) but noise levels can be up to 65 dB(A) if the

windows at these locations are open. Depending on the situation of the time, these sensitive

operations may or may not have to close their windows during classes or medical care

activities. Noise levels at seven sensitive receptors were between 55-60 dB(A) and normally

the indoor noise would be at or less than 55 dB(A) and normal classes and other noise

sensitive activities can be carried out without disturbance at these levels. For the remaining

five sensitive receptors, noise levels were very low and indoor noise was typically below 50

dB(A). There is an excellent acoustic environment around these sensitive receptors.


Table 4.5-3 Environmental Noise at Key Environmental Sensitive Receptors

Nearest Monitoring resultshorizontal of noise

Name of Sensitive distance (dB(A)) Current situation analysis of environmental noiseReceptor to red line

of road daytime NighttimeCm)

Changhang Staff's Univ 3.5 71.1 IJunior Middle School ofNo.6 Middle School of 3 66.1 Exceed standard Class I in GB 3096-93, but indoor noiseWuhan is lower than 60 dB(A) after closing windows; accordingMofanlu Primary 1 61.6 / to investigation, it can meet basically the requirements ofSchool normal teaching environment at present.

Xiangyu Middle School 15 56.4 /

Wuhan Financial and 23 61.5Trade Vocational SchoolHongling Primary 7.4 50.7 It can meet basically the requirements of normal teachingSchool environment at present.Primary School of 71 66.1 /Automobile Factory Exceed standard Class I in GB 3096-93, but indoor noise

Aimin Primary School 3.8 62.7 / is lower than 60 dB(A) after closing windows; according

Youyilu Middle School 0 72.5 / to investigation, it can meet basically the requirements ofHankou Railway Middle normal teaching environment at present.School 150 59.5

Lodging School of No. ~~~~~It can meet basically the requiirements of normnal teaching6 Middle School of 20 55.8 51.5 environment at present.WuhanHubei Education School 40 63.5 /

Lujialing Primary 20 56.9SchoolCaijiawan Middle 110 57.5 /

Agricultural Cadres' Exceed standard Class I in GB 3096-93, but indoor noiseAgricultural Cadres' 100 56.8 I is lower than 60 dB(A) after closing windows; accordingCollege Primato investigation, it can meet basically the requirements ofMinglunjie Primary 5 63.5 / normal teaching environment at present.SchoolMiaoyi Kindergarten 30 67.8

Gusaocun Primary 0 69.5 /SchoolHouhu Primary School 0 61.8 /

No. 11 Hospital of 6 72.9 69.7 Exceed standard Class I in GB 3096-93, but indoor noiseWuhan is lower than 60 dB(A) after closing windows; accordingFirst Clinic of Chinese 8 71 to investigation, it can meet basically the requirements ofMedical .5 normal hospital environment at present.Liqiao Primary School 10 48.5 /

Clinic of Wuhan It can meet basically the requirements of normal hospitalScience and Technology 14.3 53.4 environment at present.University _____

Minvi Hospital 8 70.5 / Exceed standard Class I in GB 3096-93, but indoor noiseis lower than 60 dB(A) after closing windows: according

Red Cross Hospital of 5 68.0 / to investigation, it can meet basically the requirements ofJiang'an District normal hospital environment at present.

NO.2 Staff's Clinic of 4 It can meet basically the requirements of normal hospitalWS 60 53.5 4.5 environment at present.

District WarareCenerIt can meet basically the requirements of normalsanatorium environment at present.Exceed standard Class 0 in GB 3096-93: it can meet

Donghu Agedness 60 51.2 41.5 basically the requirements of normal sanatorium

M ienvironment at present.


Comparison of Environmental Noise with Other Areas in the City

According to the Environmental Bulletin of Wuhan City and noise monitoring results in thisEA, the comparison between baseline environmental noise in the project areas and that inother urban areas is snown in TaiDe 44.5- 4.

Table 4.5-4 Comparison of Baseline Environmental Noise with Other Urban Areas

Type of Average rName of road | gType ofin environmental I Main noise sources I Road/Traffic conditioinsengineering noise dB(A)

Taibei Rd I Rebuilding of 65.9 Automobile noise impact Road hasn't be through, less trafficexisting road flow

Xianggang Rd Rebuilding of 70.9 Automobile noise impact More traffic flow, frequent tootingexisting road

Northern New road 580 Automobile noise impact Road hasn't be through, less trafficZhongshan Rd flow

Qinyuan Rd New road 51.7 Without obvious norse Without obvious noise source

Hanxi Rd 2 New road 54.6 Without obvious noise Without obvious noise sourcesourceMaying Rd New road 60.6 Domestic noise Domestic noise

Yanhe Avenue New road 52.0 Without obvious noise Without obvious noise sourcesource

Youyi Rd Rebuilding of 69.6 Automobile noise impact Road narrow, less traffic flowexisting road

Meizi Rd New road 54.6 Without obvious noise Without obvious noise sourcesource

Dazhi Rd Rebuilding of 70.1 Automobile noise impact Road narrow, less traffic flowDazhi Rd existing road

Road hasn't be through, less trafficHouhu Rd New road 58.4 Automobile noise impact flow

Lugouqiao Rd Rebuilding of 65.6 Automobile noise impact Road narrow, less traffic flow______ ______ existing road

Huangpu Rd Rebuilding of 63.4 Automobile noise impact Road narrow, less traffic flowexisting road

Jianshe Avenue New road 63.0 Automobile noise impact Road hasn't be through, less trafficflow

Qinghua Rd New road 51.0 Without obvious noise Without obvious noise source

Industrial New road 59.5 Domestic noise Domestic noiseAvenue

Soutli Luoshi New road 52.9 Without obvious noise Without obvious noise sourceRd _ Road source

Shipailing Rd New road 63.9 Automobile noise impact Road hasn't be through, less trafficShipailing ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~flowRebuilding of Automobile noise impact Road hasn't be through, less trafficJisan Rd existing road 62 Auo bien c flow

Jinshui Rd Rebuilding of 61.3 Automobile noise impact Road hasn't be through, less trafficexisting road flow

Hanxi Rd New road 61.2 Constrzction of light rail Road hasn't be through, lithoutvehicle

Sixin Avenue New road 54.6 Without obvious noise Without obvious noise sourcesourceOld Hansha Rebuilding of 66.2 Automiobile noise impact Road narrow. less traffic flow

Highway existing road

Nanniwan Newv viaduct 65.0 Aiutorlobile noise inipact Road hasn't be through, less trafficviaduct flowViaduct on Road hasn't be through, less trafficGutian Rd 2 New viaduct 62.2 Automobile noise impact flow

Chanigqing Rd Road hasn't be through, less trafficChavlginguc d New viaduct 65.4 Automobile noise inpact Rlowviaduct flow



Type of.AverageName of road Type of environmental Main noise sources Road/traffic conditions

engineering noise dB(A)

Xinhuaxia Rd New viaduct 68.3 Automobile noise impact Road hasn't be through, less trafficviaduct New viaduct 6.3 Automobile noise impact o

Sanjintan New viaduct 59.9 Automobile noise impact Road hasn't be through, less trafficviaduct flow

Guocikou New viaduct 66.3 Automobile noise impact Road hasn't be through, less trafricviaduct flow

Zhalankou New viaduct 74.1 Automobile noise impact More trafficflow, frequent tootingviaduct __________________

Qingling New viaduct 71.8 Automobile noise impact More trajfic flow, frequent tootingviaduct _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

South Luoshi New viaduct 55.5 Without obvious noise Without obvious noise sourceRd viaduct source

Lizhi viaduct New viaduct 45.8 Without obvious noise Without obvious noise sourcesource

Yujiawan N Railway crossing, people Road hasn't be through, less traffic

Bridge New viaduct 62.8 stream large flow

Qiaokou Rd New viaduct 72.2 Automobile noise impact More trafficflow, frequent tootingviaduct

Xianggang Rd New viaduct 72.5 Automobile noise impact More traffic flow, frequient tootingviaduct

Xunlimen viaduct New viaduct 70.8 Automobile noise impact M1fore traffic flow, frequent tootingRamps of

Changiang New viaduct 64.8 Automobile noise impact Road narrow, less traffic flowhighway Bridge

Jiefang Avenue maintenance 74.9 Automobile noise impact Mor-e trafficflow, frequient tootingHanyang Roadneac

Hanyang Road 72.6 Automobile noise impact More trafficflow, frequent tootingAvenue maintenance

Zhongshan Road 75.5 Automobile noise impact More trafficflow, frequent tootingAvenue maintenance

Heping Avenue Road 73.2 Automobile noise impact More trafficflow, frequent tootingmaintenance

Wangqing Road 66.2 Automobile noise impact Road hasn't be through, less trafficHighway maintenance flow

South Jiefang Road 66.8 Automobile noise impact Road narrow, less traffic flowRd maintenansce

Gutian main Road 66.2 Automobile noise impact Road hasn't be through, less trafficRd maintenance 662 Atmbl os mat flow

Wusheng Rd Road 74.3 AuItomobile noise impact .Miore trafficflowv, frequent tootinigmaintenance

Notes: 1. The italics in the table express the cause of environmental noise higher than that in the other areas, and the blockletters in the table express the cause of environmental noise lower than that in the other areas:2. 0 m expresses that the edge of the sensitive building is located on the red line of road.

The above table shows that in all intersections as well as busy roads in the city center such as

Hong Kong road, Jiefang road, Zhongshan road, Heping road and Wushn road, noise levels

typically exceed the 70 dB(A) standard, significantly higher than other parts of the city and

the city avereage noise level. This is because these project roads and intersections are narrow

and among the busiest in the city with high traffic flows. Traffic jams occur often and vehicle

homing is frequent and wide spread. In other project roads such as Taibeiyi road,

Zhongshanbei road, etc. however, noise levels are on average below 70 dB(A). Although

these roads are in the urban built up areas but because the roads are not well connected and

integrated with other roads and the network, the traffic is relatively low, resulting in relatively

low noise levels. For the remaining project sections, since the roads are still in proposal, there


is no or little traffic. Thus the noise levels are significantly lower than other part of the city.

Clearly, noise levels in the project areas are closely related to traffic volumes which in turn

primarily related to the road conditions. The project would extendrin all tyical areas in terms

of noise baseline in the urban areas, from high noise zones to the relatively quiet zones.

4.6 Assessment on Current Situation of Vibration Environment

4.6.1 General Description of Baseline Vibration

According to the characteristics of this project and the type of vibration it may generate, main

vibration of this project are from construction and operation of the road infrastructure,

particularly elevated viaduct and interchanges.

The road infrastructure component proposes to construct and upgrade 27 new or existing

roads, 14 new viaducts, 8 new pedestrian underpasses and 9 pedestrian overhead bridges. Of

which, the proposed upgrading roads have the characteristics of narrow roads and broken

surface. The surrounding environment of this kind of road is mainly impacted by traffic

vibration. Since the road standard is relatively low and the traffic volume is small, the current

environmental vibration meets the requirements of GB 10070-88 "Standard of Environmental

Vibration of Urban Area". The surrounding environment of the new roads belongs to the

urban undeveloped area. In this area, there are no existing roads or existing roads are not fully

integrated with the road network. As such most of this areas are not disturbed by traffic

vibration and the environrnental vibration meets the standards for mixed residential and

commercial center area.

The road maintenance component includes eight roads and one bridge. These roads are the

trunk roads of the city and as such traffic vibration is relatively high and exceeds the

applicable standard.

4.6.2 Vibration Environment Monitoring

In order to understand the baseline vibration conditions at the project area, a vibration

monitoring program was proposed and conducted during this EA. The details of this programs

are as follows.

Monitoring Standard and Specification

The measurement of environmental vibration is based on GB 10070-88 "Standard of

Environmental Vibration of Urban Area".

il"easuring Instruments

This measurement of environmental vibration used HS5933A environmental vibration

analyzer. Before being used, the measuring instrument was calibrated which has passed the

annual test by the metrological and calibration department. The measurement of road traffic

vibration used Denmark B & K 3560 multi-passageway noise and vibration analyzer and


4507B type acceleration sensor.

Measuring Time, Method and Assessment Value

Measurement of environmental vibration was conducted in daytime from 6:00 to 22:00 and at

night from 22:00 to 6:00. One measurement was taken at daytime and one time at night

respectively. The measuring time for each measurement was no less than 1000 seconds.

Measurement of environmental vibration was conducted in accordance with the "random

vibration" measuring method in the "Measuring Methods of Environmental Vibration of

Urban Area". The measurement value of environmental vibration was Z vibration level at

plumb direction, and accumulated percentage Z vibration level VLzlo was regarded as the

assessment value.

For vibration speed, vertical and horizontal vibration speeds were recorded. The peak values

of the vibration speed were regarded as the assessment values.

Measuring Point Selection and Description

The principles of vibration monitoring point selection are mainly for selecting sensitive

receptors such as residence, school, hospital. These sensitive receptors had been identified and

determined through the detailed site investigation during an earlier stage of this EA. Typical

and representative such sensitive receptors were selected for vibration baseline monitoring. In

addition, monitoring points would also help in vibration impacts forecast and assessment.

Based on the distribution of the sensitive receptors around the project roads, as well as the EA

TOR, the vibration monitoring program selected baseline vibration monitoring points in

sensitive receptors. The detailed distribution and positions of the monitoring points are shown

in Table 4.6-1 and in Figures 4.6-1 through 4.6-16.

4.6.3 Monitoring Results of Baseline Vibration

The vibration monitoring results at selected vibration sensitive receptors and monitoring

points around the new and upgrading roads of this project are shown in Table 4.6-1.


Table 4.6-1 Main Vibration Sensitive Receptors and Monitoring Results of Current Situation of Their Environmental Vibration

1 | Sensitive receptor Monitoring results

Name of Name of Nearest No. of Distance Distance (VL,1 0) FigureNo. of 'm to the to the Position of the Maiui Nariation number

scon sensitive corresponding distance to red Numnber Building masonog proposed existing measuring pointsore(nsectionl receptor road line oftlse Structure ong ingt Daytime Nighffime sources (in

proposed road yeir road (i) road (i) appendix)

Dormitory of Cak m re side Crowd activity, 4.6-1

VI Third Municipal Taibei Road I 0 6 Brick concrete 1977 VI 0 4 residential building 58378rodtafc (peix

Junior Middle School 05motietahnV2 of No6 cWhan Taibei Road I 3 6 Brick concrete 1995 V2 3 / building 48.5 / Crowd activity 4.6-1

___________ Middle School bin

V3 Newv Mofan Tatbei Road I 5.5 7-8 Brick concrete 1980s V3 5.5 0.5 m outside 52.0 51.3 Crowvd activily 4.6-2_________ \Village __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ residential building _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

V4A 6 21 ~~~~~~~~0.5 m outside clini'c Crowd activity,V4-1 6 21 and inpatient 67.3 67.5 road traffic 4.6-3

V4 NoI I Wuhan Xianggang Rd 6 8 Framework 2001 fodepartment buildings i e_ rHospital floor inside Crow ciiy

V4-2 8 21 seventh-floor of 60.5 61.8 rowd activity 4.6-3

______________ .______ ._________ __________ inpatient department road traffic

VS Dormitory of Wuhan Xanggang Rd Bnck concrete 1978 V5 0.5 m outside 65.0 64.5 Road traffic, 4.6-3_____ Materials Bureau XtngaR nkcnrt 98 V 3 residential building -___ crowmd activity_ 46

V6 Yortsan 0.5 m outside 6040Road traffic, 464V6 Commumty Youyi Rd 0 5 Bnck concrete 1954 V6 0 S r siden64 0 64b crowd activity 4.6-4

V7 CoWrutay Youyi Rd 3 13 Framework 1996 V7 3 14 residential building 60.5 60.8 crowd activity 4.6-5Nom2uJianhtrety. re ousidenilbidncrwatvi

V8 No 2 Jianshe Street Yanhe Aveisuc 4 6 Plate 1979 V8 4 17 5 m outside 60.0 57.0 Road traffic 4.6-6__residential building _crowd activiy

V9 ARea Jianshe Avenue Brick concrete 1980s V9 0.5 m outside 52.8 51.5 Crowd activity 4.6-7

Vi 0 Social Warfare Center Mcizi Rd 2 2-3 Brick concrete 1992 VI1 2 0.5 m outside 50.3 49.3 Crowd activity 4.6-8of tlaayang District _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __dorm itory building_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Vil Sanitng Mayihng Rd 2 7 Brick concrete 1999 Vesi2 0.5 m outside 55.3 55.0 Crowd activity 4.6-9Mansions VI] T residential building


Fig.4.6-1: Sketch Maps of Distribution of Vibration Monitoring Points and Results N

1: 2000

Ih , 'n Atr v;tA

Vl 0.5m outside roomDanritory of Foods Faetory 8

Wraitory of Third oM BuunWs

4 < ~~~Chw*ngo \>\ /

V2 0.5m outside room


A Monitoring Points

Vx Nomber of Monitoring Points

m~ lMonitoring Results, dB

Fig.4.6-2: Sketch Maps of Distribution of Vibration Monitoring Points and Results

1: 2000


V3 0.5m outside room

A Monitoxing Points

Vx Nomber of Monitoring Points

\ mj Monitoring Results, dB

Fig.4.6-3: Sketch Maps of Distribution of Vibration Monitoring Points and Results

1: 2000


V4- 1 0.5m outside room G-I W.

|~~~ ~~~ N 16705 .5tierom/ >ly,aX>.,:-

V4-2 0.5m outside room

|D 1605|V V5 0.5m outside room Sample

D; 65.0P|T~~~~ ~~ ~~~~~ 64.5wi v b Poil

Fig.4.6-4: Sketch Maps of Distribution of Vibration Monitoring Points and Results

1: 2000


5 d-| /



V6 0.5m outside room Sample

| N | 64.0 *A Monitoring Points

Vx Nomber of Monitoring Points

3D Monitoring Results, dB

Fig.4.6-5: Sketch Maps of Distribution of Vibration Monitoring Points and Results

1: 2000



V7 0.5m outside room/A Monitoring Points

I~7y~] D 60.5 | \Vx Nomber of Monitoring Points|Nj~~j | Monitoring Results, dB

Fig.4.6-6: Sketch Maps of Distribution of Vibration Monitoring Points and Results

1: 2000


J / ~~~~V8 0.5m outside room


A Monitoring Points

Vx Nomber of Monitoring Points

r.. 1__ 1

Fig.4.6-7: Sketch Maps of Distribution of Vibration Monitoring Points and Results

1: 2000


Jianshe Avenue .

Wilfaq Rwdtatl

V9 0.5m outside room

S ampleA 5 onitoring Point

lVx Nomber of Monitoring Points

FI)T.--l lMonitoring Results, dB

Fig.4.6-8: Sketch Maps of Distribution of Vibration Monitoring Points and Results

1: 2000


V10 0.5m outside room

/ ~ ~ /__


A Mcrtring Points

Fig.4.6-9: Sketch Maps of Distribution of Vibration Monitoring Points and Results

1: 2000 N


Maying Rd X

Sample/ Vl 0.5m outside room

VA Monitoring PointsD 55.3

Vx Nomber of Monitoring Points

N 55.0 Monitoring Results, dB

Fig.4.6-10: Sketch Maps of Distribution of Vibration Monitoring Points and Results

1: 2000 N

fl r t d ul of I'lat,ilc M 1

V12 0.5m outside roomSample

N 56.8 A Monitoring Points

Vx Nomber of Monitoring Points

Monitoring Results, dB


Fig.4.6-11: Sketch Maps of Distribution of Vibration Monitorin, P^ints C,nd RE.- Its

1: 2000

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ /1

of f~~tJi3 PhiY4ot 2



A Monitoring Points 6

Vx Nomber of Monitoring Points

F43± Monitoring Results, dB

Fig.4.6-12: Sketch Maps of Distribution of Vibration Monitoring Points and Results

1: 2000 N

Qinghua Rd

_~~~ t L IZI

V14 0.5m outside room


Lm~iI1 1 2 A Monitoring Points

Vx Nomber of Monitoring Points

m Monitoring Results, dB

Fig.4.6-13: Sketch Maps of Distribution of Vibration Monitoring Points and Results

1: 2000 DN

Jisan Rd

V15 0.5m outside room

Sample3 NA Monitoring Points

Vx Nomber of Monitoring Points

mDT-~ lMonitoring Results, dB

Fig.4.6-14: Sketch Maps of Distribution of Vibration Monitoring Points and Results


V16 Floor inside room N

\ Miaei hil . ________

Changf en Avenue

- L --1-- 1- 2 1E a

V17 0.5m outside room Sample

A Moiltoring PointS

Vx Nomber of Monitoring Points

m-T---l mlonitoring Results, dBtFl- I

Fig.4.6-15: Sketch Maps of Distribution of Vibration Monitoring Points and Results

1: 2000

k%o V18-2 Floor inside building

V18-1 0.5m outside building

pN 48.01//

/ ~~~~~~y/ ~~~~~Sample_

A Monitoring Points

Vx Nomber of Monitoring Points

/ / m l Monitoring Results, dB

Fig.4.6-16: Sketch Maps of Distribution of Vibration Monitoring Points and Results

1: 2000

V19-1 0.5m outside room

Lugouqiao Rd co

MoDerNL-- of Ue~ques ;L4Aa

V19-2 0.5m outside room e

Sample[ 59.5 A Monitoring Points

Vx Nomber of Monitoring Points

mDT-~ YMonitoring Results, dB

(continute d)

Sensitive receptor Monitoring results(VL,,)0

Distance Distance FigureNo. of Snsitie o oresoning Ners itacesrng to thle to the Position of the Mlain variation ntimber

section simentoi creondding to ret liot ce Number Structure Building meporing proposed existing measuriing point Daytime Nighttime sources (inreceptor road ~~~~~~~proposed road of storey year pit road (mn) road (mn) appendix)


VI1 Dorinitor2 ol Q)inyuan Rd 2 7-8 Brick concrete 1986 V12 2 / residential building 63.8 56.8 road construction (ap4p6endix)First Plastic Plantireietilbidnrodcisrton (pnix

Burt mtory ot

V13 I LbrviiTechnoal Ngorticn R) 5 -6 Brick concrete 1975 V13 0 / residential uilding 56.5 53.3 Crowd activity 4 6-11


V 14 No 2 Stall's Qfilgliua Rd 55 4 f5 Brick concrete 1980s V14 55 0.5 m outside clinic 50.2 Traffic vibration, 4.6-12Clittic ofWS QigaRd54- Brccocee 18s V4 5/ building 502/crowd activity

V15 Na'lihui Gardeni Jisain Rd 5 6-7 Brick concrete 1990s V15 0 rs5 m outside 52.7 51.3 Crowd activity 4.6-13

V I ( MMiaoyi 3 7 Framework 1999 V16 3 floor inside 578 SS.S Crowd activity 4.6-14k kiuo cdrgartetn Nanniiiwai second-floor ward

V17 S ide Fazha viaduct 0 6 Brick concrete 1986 V17 0 / 0.5 m outside 59.0 59.3 Crowd activity 4.6-14Village ______residential buiilding ______

191 VI8-1 25 50 0.5 m outside gate 52.8 48.0VI 8 Wuchang Jitisihni Rd 25 3 Bick concrete 1981 tower Crowd activity 4.6-15

WUprhsng Gaerebuilt V18-2 30 55 ground within gate of 48588________________ __________ ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~tower4858.

Old site of Newt V19-I 0 0 0 5 m outside building 66.8 64.3________ ________ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Trafficvibratiots, 461

V 19 Folrth Arny in Lugouqiao Rd 0 2 Brick wood 1930s V19-2 0 0 floor inside building 64 8 59.5 crowd activity 4 6-16


4.6.4 Analysis of Baseline Environmental Vibration

As can be seen in Table 4.6-1, at the points impacted by traffic vibration, the VLz1o value was

50.2-67.3 dB in daytime and 57.0-67.5 dB at night. At these levels, vibration meets the

standard for transport trunk roads as stipulated in GB 10070-88 "Standard of Environmental

Vibration of Urban Area". For the points without traffic vibration disturbance at present such

as those proposed road alignment sites, the VLzio value of environrmental vibration was

45.8-63.8 dB in daytime and 48.0-59.3 dB at night, meeting the standard for the mixed

residential and commercial zones.

For the roads covered by this baseline environmental vibration monitoring program, only

Xianggang Road and Youyi Road have been in full operation and well connected with the

road network. Taibeiyin Road is an dead-end road while Yanhe Avenue was under

construction for part of the section. Jianshe Avenue, Meizi Road, Maying Road, Qinyuan

Road and Qinghua Road are to be built roads during this project. Donghu Road to Donghuyin

Road section of Northern Zhongshan Road has been completed, the Zhongshan Road to

Zhongbei Road section is to be built. Based on the above-mentioned road conditions and

.orresponding monitoring results of environmental vibration, in some those roads with large

raffic volumes, the environmental vibration value at the sensitive receptors was over 60 dB.

But those with smaller traffic volumes, the environmental vibration value of the sensitive

receptors is between 57 dB and 60 dB. In road sections under construction, the vibration value

caused by construction in daytime was up to 63.8 dB, which is higher than that in the other

sections without construction activities. the environmental vibration in most of proposed road

alignment sites was mostly lower than 55 dB, indicating a good vibration environment.

Clearly, the vibration is primarily caused by traffic volumes and construction activities.

In the above-mentioned sensitive receptors, the Uprising Gate (VI 7) and Old Site of New

Fourth Army in Hankou are provincial-level protective units. Of these sites, the Old Site of

New Fourth Army is located in the intersection of Lugouqiao Road and Shengli Street. At this

busy location, the site is disturbed by traffic vibration. Since the traffic volume is small

however, the present environmental vibration in and outside the building is about 64.8-66.8

dB and 59.5-64.3 dB in daytime and at night respectively. At these levels, vibration meets the

applicable standard. The Uprising Gate is located in the end of the Shouyi Road. Since the

road is a dead-end, the current situation is not disturbed by traffic vibration, the environmental

vibration is 48,5-52.8 dB and 48.0-48.8 dB in daytime and at night respectively. It is lower

than the standard for the mixed residential and commercial zone.

4.7 Baseline Sunshine Environment

4.7.1 General Description

This sunshine baseline assessment, as well as environmental impact forecast and assessment

in a later chapter. mainlv tocuses oni the sunshade impact of the newiy built elevated


interchanges and viaduct on the buildings at both sides.

For the buildings such as residence, school, kindergarten and hospitals, sufficient sunshine

not only is of great significance to health, but also can increase indoor temperature in winter,

and improve the quality of living environment. Therefore, baseline and impact forecasting of

the elevated structure of this project on the sensitive receptors on both sides is of great

significance for planning and controlling the buildings.

Since there is no sunshine standard in China at present, this assessment adopts the standard on

sunshine provided by Shanghai City and the relevant foreign architecture laws and regulations,

as shown in Table 4.7-1.

Table 4.7-1 Adopted Sunshine Standards

Region Sources Scope of application Sunshine time RemarksResidentia .buildi Continuous I hours on

Technical Regulations of Residential building Winter SolsticeShanghai Urban Planning and Kindergarten, middle Continuous 3 hours on Full-window sunshineCity Management of Shanghai school, primary school Winter Solstice time

City Hospital, sanatorium, Continuous 3 hours onward Winter Solstice

Recommended by theUSA American Public Health Residential houses Coninuous t -2 hours on Sunshine time at noon


Berlin Berlin Architecture Laws All of living area 2 hours everv day At least 250 da)s eachand Regulations year

Since building density in the city proper of Wuhan is high, the baseline quality of sunshine

environment is poor. Based on the current situation of sunshine environment in Wuhan City

and the economic condition, the baseline description selects the sunshine percentage in winter,

which is similar to the relevant regulation of Shanghai City, for the assessment. This

parameter measures the full-window sunshine time of a building on Winter Solstice. The

applicable standards are 1 hour minimum for normal buildings and 3 hours minimum for

sensitive buildings such as kindergarten, schools and hospitals.

This sunshine environmental assessment factor is full-window sunshine time AT, the Winter

Solstice (December 22) is the day with least astronomical sunshine time in a year. So this day

is regarded as the representative day for sunshine environmental baseline and for impact


4.7.2 Astronomical Parameters of Wuhan Region

The geological location and astronomical parameters of Wuhan region are shown in Table



Table 4.7-2 Geological Location and Astronomical Parameters of Wuhan Region

| Item | Value Remarks

Latitudc (p North latitude 30 °38'

Longitude k East longitude 114°17'

Solar declination o -23027'

Sunrise time on the Winter Solstice Tsunise 06: 59 16 h=0°,A=62°30'

| Sunset time on the Winter Solstice Tsunse, 17: 00: 44 h=00,A=62030'

Astronomical sunshine time on the Winter Solstice in Wuhan:

`T=Tsunrise-Tsunset=l0.02 h

Sunshine time and sunshine percentage of Wuhan City are shown in Table 4.7-3.

Table 4.7-3 Sunshine Time and Sunshine Percentage of Wuhan City

Item Whole year December January February

Sunshine time (h) 2058.4 137.1 124.6 111.7

Percentage (%) 46 43 39 36

4.7.3 General Situation of Building Density in Wuhan

The building density in Wuhan City can be described by using sunshine spacing coefficient

percentage 4. The sunshine spacing coefficient percentage C is the ratio between the actual

statistical value of sunshine spacing coefficient of a city and the theoretical value of sunshine

spacing coefficient calculated by the astronomical parameters of the city. This coefficient

percentage, defined below, stands for building density of a city.


where, lo is the actual adopted statistical value of sunshine spacing coefficient;

1o' is the theoretical value of sunshine spacing coefficient.

Based on the attached figure in the architecture design specifications issued to the public, the

statistical values of sunshine spacing coefficient percentage of main cities in China are listed

in Table 4.7-4.

Table 4.7-4 Sunshine Spacing Coefficient Percentage of Main Cities

Region Latitude 10' 1 (%) Sunshine percentage in winter (%)Wuhan 30°38' 1.30 I .100-1.20 84.6-92.3 39Beijing 39057' 2.00 1.80-2.00 90.0 100.0 67

Nan jing 32004' 1.46 I.00-1.50 68.5~-102.7 46Tianjin 39008' 1.93 1.70 88.0 62

Chengdu 30040' 1.35 1,00-1.30 74.0-96.3 21

Chanchun 43053' 2.39 2.00 83.7 66Xi:an 34015' 1.58 1.50 95.0 43

Fuzhou 1 26005' 1.10 ( 1.20 109.1 36

Shanghai 31012' 1.40 1.00 1.10 71.4-78.6 43

the above table shows that, the percentage of actual statistical value of sunshine spacing


coefficient of Wuhan City in the theoretical value is low among the listed cities. It shows thatthe building density of Wuhan is high. The sunshine percentage in winter is 39%; it also takesthe middle or lower level in the whole country. Therefore, the quality of sunshine environmentis poor.

4.7.4 Sunshine Baseline of the Project Area

General baseline of the environmental sensitive buildings around the proposed elevatedstructures of this project is shown in Table 4.7-5.

Table 4.7-5 Sunshine Sensitive Buildings around Proposed Elevated Structures

General situation of sensitive buildingCoresondngWidth Drcl

Name of engineering Corresponding ofroad Relative Nearest horizontal Storey DirectlyRoad (m) Name location to distance to red line of affected

road of road (m) building polaonQinghua Rd (Donghu

Port-Wangqing Newly built Without sensitiveHighway) Elevated road building


Xindun Viaduct Gutian Rd 2 40 Without sensitie

Changqing Rd viaduct Changqing Rd 50 Huangjiadawan South side 0 2-3 300-oddGusaoshu vaGusaoshu Primary School North side 0 1-2 500-odd

Gusaoshu viaduct Xinhuaxia Rd 50Gusaoshu North side 0 1-5 300-odd

NewSanjintan viaduct Daihuang 50 Houhu Primary School North side 0 1-2 500-odd

HighwayWuxian Without sensitiveQingling viaducr Highway 50 building

Yujiawan viaduct Railway 40 Without sensitive

Yunhe residential area South side 30 7 1500-oddNanniwan viaduct Railway 40 Miaoyi Kindergarten North side 30 2 200-odd

I Fazhan Village Both sides 20 6-7 2000-odd

4.7.5 Assessment of Basline Sunshine Environment

This project proposes to build Xindun (Gutian Road 2) viaduct, Changqing Road viaduct,Sanjintan (New Daihuang Highway) viaduct, Qingling (Wuxian Highway) viaduct, Yujiawanviaduct and Nanniwan viaduct. The sites of these viaducts are located in the jointing area ofdistrict and suburb of Wuhan where the existing building density is not high. As the spacingcoefficient of building is near to the theoretical value, the sunshine environment is good.

The site for proposed Gusaoshu (Xinhuaxia Road) viaduct is located in the downtown areawith dense population, the building density at both sides of road is higher than most parts ofthe city, and the spacing between the buildings is small. Most of spacing between thebuildings in this area is 1.5-2.0 m.

Based on the trend of road, this sunshine environmental baseline assessment plots sunshinetime drawinv for the Winter Solstice. Based on the sunshine time calculated drawing, widthsof planned red line of the roads and the heights of the houses at both sides of the roads,sunshine time of the buildings at both sides of roads on Winter Solstice is calculated. An


assessment is made for the baseline situation of sunshine according to the assessmentstandard.

All the sunshine sensitive buildings of this project are located at both sides of the roads witheast-west trend. They face south or north basically with buildings on the north side having the

sunshine time AT=I 0. 02 hours. The sunshine time AT of the north wall of the south buildingsis 0 hour. Therefore, the sunshine time of the north-faced room of the house at the south sideof the eas -,est roads can not meet the corresponding sunrshine standard. The current sunshine

baseline of the bottom-window house at the north side of the east-west roads is related withthe width of road red line. The relation between the baseline sunshine of the first floorwindows at north side of the roads on Winter Solstice and the width of the red line of road is

shown in Table 4.7-6.

Table 4.7-6 Relation between Baseline Sunshine of the North Housewith First Floor Windows and the Width of the Red Line of Road

Width of the planned red Limited height of the front building Limited height of the front building when itW hfe pan when it meets that sunshine time is more meets that sunshine time is more than I

than 3 hours on Winter Solstice (m) hour on Winter Solstice (m)

60 36 41

50 29 33.5

40 24 29

25 14 18

Note: the above limited height of the front building includes the height of 1.0 m windowsill.

Based on calculation, the current sunshine time of the first floor windows of the houses of thesunshine environmental sensitive buildings at the project roads is shown in Table 4.7-7.

Table 4.7-7 Baseline Sunshine of the First Floor Window of the Sensitive Buildings

. ~~~~~~Current sunshineName of Name of sensitive Relative location to time of bottom Sunshine Whether up to

engineering receptor road window on Winter standardSolstice (h) (h)

Changqing HLagidia ot ie01Not up toRoad viaduct Huangsiadawan South side 0tandard

Gusaoshu Gusaoshu Primary North side 10 3 Up to standardviaduct School

Gusaoshu North side 10 I UP to standardSanjintani Houhu Primaryviaduct School North side Up to standard

Yunhe residential South side 0 l Not up toarea standard

Nanniwan Miaoyi Kindergarten North side 10 3 Up to standardviaduct South side: not up

Fazhan Villaae Both sides South side: Oh: I to standard:North side: 10 h north: up to

Table 4.7-7 shows the following baseline sunshine conditions:

A All the sensitive buildings of near the project sites are not impacted by the nearby

building witlh respect to sunshine.

A The sunshine time AT of the north windows of buildings at the south side of roads is nil.The north windows of the sensitive buildings such as Huangjiadawan and Yunhe residential


areas and Fazhan Village (south side) cannot meet the corresponding sunshine standards.

These locations are not suitable for the houses with the functions of medical treatment,

recreation or living.

A The sunshine time AT of the south windows of buildings at the north side of roads is

about AT=10.02 hours. For the south windows of the first row of houses (neighboring the

roads) of the sensitive buildings such as Gusaoshu Primary School, Gusaoshu, Houhu Primary

School, Miaoyi Kindergarten and Fazhan Village (south side), the sunshine time of the bottom

windows on Winter Solstice is more than 3 hours. The baseline can meet the corresponding

sunshine standard.

4.8 Baseline Surface Water Environment

4.8.1 General Description of Drainage System in Wuhan City

There are many rivers and lakes in Wuhan City. With Changjiang River and Hanjiang Rive as

dominant water bodies there is extensive network of rivers, creeks, channels, lakes and ponds.

The water area of Wuhan city is 2143.6 ki 2, which is about a quarter of the total area of the

city. At present, drainage in Wuhan city proper mainly depends on natural terrain. Storm water

is drained into rivers or lakes through se-wers, culverts, ditches, water gates or pump stations.

The topography of Wuhan region is low lying and flat, except a few foothills in Wuchang and

Hanyang. The ground elevation of the most plain area is 22-26 m, which is lower than the

water levels of the Changjiang River and Hanjiang River at the flood season. All the water

gates along the rivers are closed during the flood season and as such, storm water and sewage

need to be pumped into the rivers through pump stations except a few lakes which can still be

drained directly. At non-flood season, rainwater and sewage can flow into rivers, as well as

the lakes, through gravity.

The drainage area of Wuhan city is divided into Wuchang, Hanyang and Hankou three

sections, which forms 22 drainage systems with a total catchment area of 198 kM2 . In the

main city proper, such as Hankou, Hanyang and in the old towns of Wuchang, the drainage

system is combined sewers. In the Shuiguohu district in Wuchang section, Qingshan district

in Hankou section and the Zhuankou and Donghu Development Zone in Hanyang section, the

drainage system was established after the 1990s which are separate systems. There is no

systematical drainage system in Luojialu district in Wuchang section, Northern district, Tijian

and Liuhegou districts in Hankou section. Drainage in these districts depends on the ditches

for agricultural irrigation. Details of the drainage svstem can be seen in Figure 4.8-1.

Main storm sewer systems within the scope of this project are as follows:

X Changktng Nanbeiviian Systemn: it is located within the area wvest of Wangjiadun Airport.

east of Etouwan. north of Hanshui River bank and south of Zhanggongdi with a catchment

area of 30.2 km2. Collected water in this system is pumped into rivers through the Lijiadun

Pump Station in the suburb.

A Jichanghe System: it is located within the area east of Wangjiadun Airport, west of

Xinhua Road, north of Yanjiang Avenue and south of Zhanggongdi, with a catchment area of

26.9 km2 . Collected water in this system flows into the Jichanghe box culvert and then

pumped into Fuhe River through the Changqing Pump Station.

At Huangxiaohe River System: it is located within the area east of the Jichanghe System,

west of Dijiao, north of the Changjiang River system and Along-river system and south of

Zhanggongdi, with a catchment area of 49.3 km2 . Collected water in this system flows into

the Jichanghe box culvert and open canal and then pumped into Fuhe River through the

Houhu Pump Station.

# Along-river System: it is located within the area east of Minzu Road in Zhongshan

Avenue, west of the Changjiang River, north of Yanhe Avenue and south of Huangpu Road,2with a catchment area of 5.4 km . Collected water in this system is pumped into the

Changjiang River through 4 pump stations.

A Yuehu River System: it is in charge of drainage for the Hangang district and Sixiaozha

district, with a catchment area of 4.8 kM2. Collected water in this system is pumped into the

Hanjiang River through the Sixiaozha and Hangang Pump Stations.

X Yingwu System. it is located within the area east of Lanjiangdi, west of the Changjiang

River, north of the Third Ring Line and south of Hanyang Avenue, with a catchment area of

9.8 km2. Collected water in this system is drained into Moshuihu Lake through Wanjiaxiang

water gate and into the Nantaizihu Lake through Liantongxiang, and finally it is pumped into

the river through the Dogfeng Pump Station and Yingwu Pump Station.

g Wuchang Shahu District: the catchment scope is from Shanhu Port to the bank of the

Changjiang River and from the Snake Hill to the Qingshangang district, with a catchment area

of 54.0 kM2. Collected water in this system is pumped into the Changjiang River through the

Qianjinlu Pump Station, Xinshenglu Pump Station, Luojialu Pump Station and Gangxi Pump


4.8.2 Receiving Waterbodies of Drainage from this Project

Main receiving water bodies concerned with this project are the Changjiang River, Hanjing

River, Fuhe River, Donghu Lake, Shahu Lake, Nanhu Lakte, Moshuihu Lake and Nantaizihu

Lake. Naturally, these waterbodies are subject to the potential impacts from project

construction and operation activities. The detailed drainage flows from the project roads are

shown in Table 4.8- 1.


M!Ffi 4. 8-1 :Q-RZ I NAttached Drawing 4.8-1 Map of Distribution of Drainage Engineering Projects in Wuhan City

ChungqrignS Pumunm, 51;11 iin uha Tls..huImn St-ianO Nou Pump Station

nlagqi ng Pu,0, SIn' . P 4, ..


~~~~~~ I.~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~x

N- 3C

F 8 -1 0kmI I l

, / S X 1 , W S~~~~~~~ '1 4' -"-* k,I.*L!0; ,,_,

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. 7!

- \U ,/ - ~~~Wacisang-BIaxsjNlazhou Systenl o;

Table 4.8-1 Drainage Whereabouts of Rainwater from the Roads of This Project

Item Location Draina e WhereaboutsNorth section of Etou%van-Hanshi Highway Current: dispersed drainage; planning: from second ChangqingMiddle Ring Line Pump Station to the Changjiang RiverChangfeng Avenue Changfeng Nanbieyuan System, to Changjiang RiverHuangpu Road Fazhan Avenue-Middle Ring Line Huangxiaohe System, from second Houhu Pump Station to Fuhe River

Xianggang Road Jianshe Avenue-Xinhuaxia Rd Current: Jichanghe System, from Changqing Pump System toFuhe River; Planning: from Huangpu Rd to Changjiang River

Dazhi Road Jiefang Avenue-Jinghan Avenue From Huangpu Road to Changjiang RiverJianshe Avenue Huangpu Rd-Houhu Rd Jichanghe System, from Changging Pump Station to Fuhe River

Youvi Road Zhongshan Avenue-Jiefang Avenue Yanjiang System, from Huangpu Rd to Changjiang RiverHouhu Road Huangpu Rd-Jiefang Avenue Jichanghe System: from Changqing Pump Station to Fuhe River

Zhongshan Avenue Lugouqiao Rd-Huangpu Rd Yanjiang System: from Huangpu Rd to Changjiang River

Hanxi Road 2 Changfeng Rd-Jianshe Avenue Jichanghe System, from Changging Pump Station to Fuhe RiverYanhe Avenue No.2 Jianghan Bfidge-Gutian Main Rd Jichanghe System, from Changging Pump Station to Fuhe RiverTaibei Road I Yunlin Street-Sanyang Rd Yanjiang System: from Huangpu Rd to Changjiang RiverHanxi Road Jiefang Avenue-Yanhe Avenue Jichanghe System, from Changging Pump Station to Fuhe River

Lugougiao Road Jiefang Avenue-Yanhe Avenue Yanjiang System: from Huangpu Rd to Changjiang RiverEast section of New Wuhuang Highwav-Third Donghu Lakemiddle ring line Wuging Trunk RdQinghua Road Donghu Port-Highwar 21 Donghu Lake

Old Wuhuang Highway Jiufeng-Gedian industrial Garden Donghu LakeIndustrial Avenue Third Wuqing- Trunk Rd-Qinghua Rd Wuchang Shahu district, from Luojia Rd Pump Stationl to Changjiang RiverSouth Luoshi Rd Haogou-middle ring line Donghu Lake

North Zhongshan Rd Fourth Wuqing Trunk Rd-Shahu Wuchang Shahu district, from Luojia Rd Pump Station to Changjiang RiverAvenue

Norih Zhongshan Rd Shahu Avenue-Donghu Donghu LakeQinyuan Road Heping Avenue-Zhongbei Rd Wuchang Shahu district, from LuQiia Rd Pump Station to Chang&iang RiverJinshui Road Zhongshan Rd-South Shouyi Rd Changjiang River

Shipailing Road Xiongchu Street-Jisan Rd Nanhu LakeJisan Road Wuxian Highway-Xunsihe Rd Changjiang RiverJisan Road Xunsihe Rd-Shipailing Rd Changliang River

Old Hansha Highway Biandanshan-middle ring line YingNvu System, to Moshuihu LakeNIleizi Road . Qintai Rd-North Moshuihu Rd Yuehu System, to Hanjiang River

Sixin Avenue Shisheng Rd-Yingwu Avenue Current: Nantaizi Lake: planning: from Yangsigang Pump Stationto Changjiang River

Mvlaying Road Middle Jiangdi Rd-yingwu Avenue Yingwvu System: to Moshuihu Lake

4.8.3 Baseline Quality of the Receiving Waterbodies

The "Environmental Quality Bulletin of Wuhan City in 2000" contains monitored water

quality for all major water bodies in Wuhan, which are monitored by Wuhan Environmental

NMlonitoring Station on a regular basis. Those water quality information for receiving water

bodies from the project roads, such as the Changjiang River, Fuhe River, Donghu Lake,

Shahu Lake, Nanhu Lake, Moshuihu Lake and Nantaizihu Lake are used for water quality

baseline description in this report. Details of water quality assessment against applicable

standards are presented in Table 4.8-2


Table 4.8-2 Baseline Water Quality of Water Bodies PotentiallyImpacted by the Project| Class of 1

Name, of Applil e Main functions of water Standard Exceedingwater sta I bodydIParameters (Exceeding, Results analysis

body (GB3838T2002 times) The of theOne of the key water Changjiang River is polluted

Wuhan sources of drinking water Total phosphors (0.4), mainly by nitrogen, phosphor andreaches of and industrial water supply total manganese (0.02). fecal coliform bacteria. The waterChangjiang in Wuhan, and key Fecal coliform bacteria quality is better in general, but it

River receiving water body of .7) forms several bank pollution beltsdrainage in Wuhan because of impact of the sewage

drainagentrances along the bank.Receiving most domesticsewage and industrialwastewater from Hankou BOD5 (1.2) ammonia Fuhe River is the key

Fuhe River 11 district, key nitrogen (5.1), sewage-receiving body of Wuhan;sewage-receiving and Total phosphors (3.5). its pollution situation is seriouswaterlogging -drainage Oil (1.6), COD (0.6) day by day.river way for main cityproper of Hankou

Since the sewage is drained intoOne of the sources of the lake from the districts arounddrinking water for Wuhan Ammonia nitrogen(2.8), it, the lake body is polluted by

Donghu city, with the function of total nitrogen (10.5), organic oxygen-consuming matterLake 11 fishery and landscape, . and the nutriments such asLake connected with the (8.7). fecal coliform nitrogen and phosphor, theChangjiang River through bacteria (122) eutrophication of lake is serious,water gate in Qingshan port and the ecological balance is

damaged.BODs (0.7). arnmonianitrogen (3.7).

Totl ntrgen( 4.5)> Shahu Lake received part ofShahu Total nitrogen 14.5) domestic sewage and industrialLake 11 Fishery, sewage receiving total phosphors ( 1.0 wastewater from Wuhan district,

COD ( 1.2). pollution of lake body is seriousVolatile hydroxybenzene


Nanbu . . . Ammonia nitrogen( 1.0), Water quality of Nanhu lake isLake 11 Fishery, sewage receiving total nitrogen (4.1 ), better.Total phosphors ( 1.5)BOD5 (0.6) , ammonia Since most domestic sewage andnitrogen (9.5). industrial wvastewater fromLkoshuihe I Fishery, sewage receiving Total nitrogen (21.7), Hanyang city proper is drained

total phosphors (4.9). into the lake, the lake body isCOD (0.2) polluted seriouslyIndex of potassium Nantaizihu Lake is the receivingpermanganate ( 0.9 ) v water body of the WuhanBOD5 (2.7). ammonia Economic and l1echnicalNantaizihu 11 Fishery, sewage receiving nitrogen ( 43.2 ) . total Development Zone. its wvater

Lake nitrogen (73.0). quality is polluted by indtustrialTotal phosphors (9.1). vastewater and domestic sewaee.

_ COD ( 1.0) so it is worse.

In general. water quality in the project area is poor and many parameters cannot meet theapplicable standards. In particular, the lake water quality is worse since lakes have a limitedassimilative and dilution capacitv. The existing sources of water pollution are primarilyuntreated sewage and industrial effluents. Lfrban area runoff. include those from the roadsurface also contribute to the poor water qualitv in the receiving water bodies.


4.9 Water & Aquatic Life

4.9.1 Concerned water bodies

Wuhan is located in the hinterland of the Jianghan Plain, crisscrossed by numerous rivers,

creeks, lakes and ponds that may be inter-connected forming a network of water bodies. This

project extends over all three sections of Wuhan City involving the Wuhan section of the

Yantze River, Wuhan section of the Hanjiang River, Wuhan section of the Fuhe River and the

various lakes such as the Nanhu Lake and the East Lake. Off these water bodies, Yangtze river

is a national landmark of China while the East Lake is a national scenery site and has been

listed on the national wetland conservation list. The locations of the concerned waters in the

three sections of Wuhan to be directly affected by this project and sensitive to the project

construction and/or operation are described following section:

Wuchang Section

The water bodies relevant to this project include the East Lake, Nanhu Lake and Shahu Lake.

East Lake

The East Lake is the biggest inland lake in the urban area of Wuhan City. It has a broad lake

area and a beautiful landscape. The water area of the lake is 31 km2, with a lake shoreline of

111.5 km and an average water depth of 2.65 m with the deepest point of 4.5 m.

The East Lake embraces many functions, including sightseeing attractions, water sports,

support to aquatic and other wild life, water retaining and storage, flood control, and micro

climate regulation due to its favorable natural conditions and abundant water resources.

Furthermnore, as a national level scenery site in Wuhan, as well as a wetland (although it is not

included in any o the state wetland conservation lists), it has a very important position in

Wuhan and is one of the most significant fresh water bodies in mid China, particularly in

urban areas.

Because of its importance, there will be a dedicated section below to provide further details of

the baseline information about East Lake, including its scenery, ecosystem and values as a


Nanhu Lake

The Nanhu Lake belongs to the Tangxunhu Lake water system. The elevation of the lake

bottom is 18.0 m. controlling water surface. 21.0 m! water conservation area, about 12 km2

and the total holding capacity, about -4.700,000 mi3. Nanhu lake is a site for aquatic life and


The Shahu Lake

The Shahu Lake has a water area of about 4.5 kIr;. It is a small lake with shallow water and

oriinallv was conniected with the East Lake. Over the vears. the lake has shrunken and


dis-connected with the East Lake as the city is becoming increasingly urbanized.

Hanyang Section

Water bodies relevant to the project in this section lof the city include the Hanjiang River, the

Mosnuihu Lake, Longyaanghu Lakc and tie Moon Take.

The Hanjiang River is the biggest tributary that flows into the Yangtze River at the Wuhan

section. It enters into Wuhan from Hanchuan County, cutting into the urban area of Wuhan at

8.5 km of the upper stream of the Qingduankou and stretching till to the Longwangmiao

where it flows into the Wuhan section of the Yangtze River with a inner-urban length of about

27 km. Its breadth within Wuhan City is from 100 to 400 m, average gradient, 0.09%o, average

flow rate, 1220 m3/s, average annual radial flow volume, 539,000,000 m3 and annual average

flow velocity is 1.12 m/s. The Wuhan section of the Hanjiang River is the one of the drinking

water resources of Wuhan City with 3 tap water intakes

The Moshuihu Lake is a small-sized shallow lake of the Hanyang East Lake water system. It

has a surface area of about 3.4 m2 , an average depth of 1.7 m, a water capacity of 4,400,000

m3, a strandline of 36 km and a water catchment area of about 21.9 km2 . Over years, Moshihu

lake has gradually developed into a tourist attraction and recreation area in Wuhan City.

The Longyanghu Lake stands at the southeast of Wuhan City and is located within Hanyang

section. It has a water area of 1 m2, average depth of 1.4 m, lake capacity, 400,000 m3 and the

catchment area of about 12.0 kM2. The Longyanghu Lake supports tourism and aquatic life.

The Moon Lake has a water area of 0.29 m2 and the major function is tourism. The Hanyang

Moon Lake Natural Conservation Area with the Moon Lake is located in the core area of the


Hankou Section

Water bodies relevant to this project in this section of Wuhan include Yangtze River Wuhan

section, Fuhe River Wuhan section and the Jiqidangzi (lake).

Yangtze is the largest river of China and at Wuhan section, watercourses, tributaries and lakes

are interconnected to form the urban water system. The Yangtze River and the Hanjiang River

converge at Hankou, contributing to generate a special geographic position of the three

sections of Wuhan.

The anniual average water level of this section of Yangtze river is 19.16 m, average flow rate.

3.500m3,"s, annual average flow volume is 741.100.000 m3 and average sedimenit

cotncentration is 0.61 kg per m'.

T-his section of Yanptze river is also onie of the major drinking water resources of Wuhan Citv

and there are five tap-water intakes.

This section of Fuhe river is located at the northern edge of the Hankou section and its lower


General Palann of the East Lake ScennicZone (

Figure 4.9-1 L anhe

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segment is known as Zhujiahe that converges with the Yangtze River at Chenjiaji. And it

stretches about 48 km within Wuhan City and has an average annual flow volume of

4,710,000,000 m3 , average river width of 50.70 m, average depth of 2.5 m, average flow rate

of 198 m3/s and average flow velocity of 0.38 m/s. The Wuhan section of the Fuhe River is

mainly functioned as agricultural irrigation source. .

Jiqidangzi (lake)

The Jiqidangzi Lake has an area of 0.12 kM2, primarily functioning as flood holding body and

a tourist attraction.

4.9.2 Aquatic life

The major aquatic species within the waters of this project can be refereed to in Table 4.9-1,

which have been gathered according to a survey.

Table 4.9-1 The major aquatic species within waters of this project

[ Name of _______________________________________ Aquatic Species

Waters Fish Phytoplankton p tn Higher AquaticZooplankto I Flora

Carp, Grass Carp, Silver Carp, Shoat Carp,

Wuhan Section Herring, Elopichthys Bambusa, Bighed Diatom, Chrysanthemum, Protozoof The Y.'angtze Leiocassis Longirostris, Changchun Bream a

Kiver Ochewobius Elongatus, Crucian Carp, ZFish, White FishCarp, Grass Carp, Silver Carp, Shoat Carp,

Wuhan Section Herring, Elopichthys Bambusa, Bighead,of Hanjiang Leiocassis Longirostris, Changchun Bream, Cyanophyceae Protozoa, Copepoda

River Ochetobius Elongatus, Crucian Carp, ZongFsisb, 'V,hite Fish.

Wuhan Section Carp, Grass Carp, Silver Carp, Shoat Carp, Cyanophyceae,lnoffensive Protozoa,Copepoda Commonof Fuhe River Herring, Elopichthys Bambusa, Bighead CynpyeeIofniePooo,oeoa Waterrhacinth

Silver Carp,Bighead,GrassSueirscesoEast ake Siver arp,BgheadGrassChlamydomonas,Selenastrm,Cr Superior species of Alga,CommonEast Lake Carp,Herring,Carp,Cnucian Carp.White ~ eiChlamydomonas,eeasrmC protozoa is dwarf AlaterrtmacntFish.etc. worms

Nanhu Lake Silver Carp, Bighead, Grass Carp, Herring, Cyanophyceae Common_____ ____ ____ Carp, Crucian Carp, W hite Fish. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ ____________ Watenrthacinth

Shahu Lake Silver Carp, Bighead, Grass Carp, Herring CommonWaterrthacinthMoshuihu Silver Carp, Bighead, Grass Carp, Herring green Algae, Cyanophyceae, Common

Lake SleCapBied,GasCr,Hrng Diatom waterrthacinthWild Celery,

Longyanghu Silver Carp, Bighead, Grass Carp, Herring, curly pondweed,Lake Carp, Crucian Carp, Common


Moon Lake Silver Carp, Bighead, Grass Carp, Herring CommonwatmerrthacinthJiqidangzi Silver Carp, Bighead,

(Lake) Crucian Carp, Carp

Table 4.9-1 shows that the fish species in these rivers are basically natural species and those in

the lakes are mostly artificial breeds with the Silver Carp, Bighead, Crucian Carp, Carp as the

leading population. And there is no rare or endangered species in the lakes or rivers related

with the project.

There are many kinds of large aquatic population in the water body of the Yangtze River.

Among them, Chinese Sturgeon, Cowfish, etc. occasionally travel through the Wuhan section

as migration fishes. The White Flag Dolphin is one of the 5 fresh water capybaras in the world

that only exists in the middle-lower reaches of the Yangtze River and it is the species under

the country level protection. The Yangtze cowfish is unique sub-specie of the fresh water

capybaras and is at the present the specie under the second national protection level. The

Chinese Sturgeon is primarily living in the main stream of the Yangtze River and waters of the

continental shelf of the East Sea and the Huanghai Sea. It is one of the species under the

country level protection. However, the resource state of the above mentioned species are

aggravating day by day, their distribution range are narrowing steadily and the stock sizes are

declining dramatically due to the affects of the human activities in recent years. The migration

route of the White Flag Dolphin are mainly in the 3 to 5 m deep water channels, close to the

locations of the navigation beacon set by the navigation authority. Chinese Sturgeon and the

Cowfish usually swim around the trunk river lines as there are many boats running along the


4.9.3 Waters and Aquatic Life

The lake areas in the urban Wuhan are gradually declining due to citv construction and


urbanization. What is worse, many of these lakes are heavily polluted by the industrialwastewater and the domestic sewage. Some of the lakes are developing toward eutrophication.The area shrinking and pollution situation of the water bodies are summarized in Table 4.9-2and 4.9-3.

Table 4.9-2 Lake occupation concerned in this project (till 1997)

Districts Lakes 1950s Area The current The shrinking(mu) area (mu) area (mu) ShrinkingRate (%)

Hankou Jigidangzi (Lake) 248.05 174.61 73.44 29.6Moon Lake 762.00 430.00 332.00 43.6

Hanyang Moshuihu Lake 4528.50 4239.00 289.50 6.4Longyanghu Lake 2061.00 2061.00 0 0

East Lake 49500.00 49475.70 24.30 0.05Nanhu Lake 12243.00 12038.48 204.52 1.8

Wuchang Inner Shahu Lake 780.00 321.00 459.00 58.8Outer Shahu Lake 7008.00 5793.45 1214.55 17.3

Table 4.9-3 Water quality standard-exceeding factors & the multiplesof the waters concerned in this project

Functions Waters Standard-exceeding factors (Standard-exceeding multiples) 2000Wuhan section of the Total Phosphorus (0.4), Total Mangenese (0.02), Coliform Bacteria Colony

Yangtze River (0.7)

Wuhan section of the Total Phosphorus (0.2), Coliform Bacteria Colony (14.3)

Coliform group (122), Total Phosphorus (8.7), Total Nitrogen (10.5).Ammonia Nitrogen, Chlorophyll (5.6)Chemical Oxygen Demand (0.2), Biochemical Oxygen Demand (0.6),

Moshuihu Lake Total Phosphorus (4.9), Ammonia Nitrogen (9.5),Total Nitrogen (21.7), Chlorophyll (0.7)

Nanhu Lake Total Phosphorus (0.7), Ammonia Nitrogen (1.0), Total Nitrogen (4.1)

Wuhan section ofthe Fuhe Biochemical Oxygen Demand (1.2), Total Phosphorus (3.5), KarstWu sectionvoher F Nitrogen (1.1), Chemical Oxygen Demand (0.6),

River Ammonia Nitrogen (5. 1), Petroleum (1.6)

The water bodies to be potentially impacted by the project are located in the urban Wuhan andare polluted by the industrial waste and the domestic sewage. The lakes are shrinking

gradually and now they all become the isolated that are separated from each other. Suchisolation results in water stagnation and weakens the water self-purification ability and anobvious tendency toward eutrophication and functional degradation. Some small lakes orsurface water bodies have begun to disappear. General speaking, all the waters have taken onthe nutrition pollution represented by high nitrogen and phosphorous concentrations and theorganic pollution represented by COD and BOD, as well as the lack of biodiversity.

4.9.4 Detailed Description of East Lake

As the East Lake is a national level scenery site as well as a wetland, the EA team has paid aspecial attention to the baseline description, impact assessment and mitigation planning toEast Lake. This section provides further details of the baseline information of the lake. East Lake Scenery Zone

The East Lake Scenery Zone was firstly established in 1950 originally. In 1993, East LakeScenery Administration (ELSA) prepared Wuhan East Lake Scenery Master Plan. Accordingto this Master Plan, the scenery is lake based natural scenery with Chu cultural features. As a


state level scenery site, the main functions of the lake include tourist sightseeing, vacationing,

education and youth recreation base. The lake is characterized by its location within an urban

center, large lake surface, hills on the south side and crisscrossed lakes and creeks with a long

waterfront line.

According to the Master Plan, the control area for the East Lake scenery site is 88.2 km2. Of

this area, 73.24 km2 is under the control and management of ELSA, and 14.95 km2 as

surrounding protective zone. The planned lake surface 33 km2 with a total shoreline of 111.5

km. The Master Plan site for East Lake is shown in Figure 4.9-1.

Based on its natural settings, East Lake is divided into scenery and attractiion sections:

Tingtao (Wave Singing) section, Moshan (Moshan Hill) section, Louyan (Wild Goose

Lingering) section, Baima (White Horse) section and Chuidi (Fluting) section. Each of

sections has a different tourist scheme. For exarnple, water recreation for Tingtao section, Chu

culture and botany observatory for Moshan section, folks recreation for Louyan section, wild

forest and country leisure for Chuidi section and health recovery and rehabilitation areas for

Baima section. The Tingtao, Moshan and Louyan sectons are defined as the core area of the

scenery site.

As seen in Figure 4.9-1, a proposed project road, Qinghua road woud pass the boundary of

Baima and Tingtao sections. Tangling lake is located to the south of the road alignment and

Xiaotan lake to the north. The Master Plan includes the proposed road as an urban trunk road. Aquatic Life of the East Lake

From the regional perspective, East Lake is one of the major lakes in the Jianghan lake zone,

with wetland functions. Although not included in the national wetland conservation list, East

Lake is listed in the Asian Wetland Directory of 1998, as part of the Wuhan wetland which

includes all the lakes in the Wuhan area. The Hanjiang lake zone is located in the Wuhan and

adjacent areas, starting from Hong lake in the west and extending east bound along the

Changjiang river for about 250 km.. The zone consists of a series of lakes and marches along

the both sides of the Changjiang river, including 80 lakes with areas larger than 250 ha. and

many more smaller ones and inter-connected creeks and waterways. Among the lakes in the

zone, the largest is Hong lake and most visited by migrating birds are Zhangdu lake north of

the East lake and Chen lake to the southwest.


The East Lake was originally an open lake bordering on the Wuhan section of the Yangtze

River and comnected with the Yangtze River through the Qingshan dock with a natural dyke

filled up by canal mud between the River and Lake. Within the dyked area was originally a

'iilted valley from which the accumulated water could not discharge whenever the water level

is above the surrounding land during the flood period. This would result in the extension of

the lake surface thus formation of what is the current East Lake.


After the construction of Wufeng gate at the Qingshan dock in early 1960's, the East Lake

began to become an inland lake under human control from the natural lake conditioned by the

fluctuations of the water level of the Changjiang River. The artificial dykes built during the

years that followed gradually cut the Lake into 6 sections, i.e. the Shuiguohu & Guozhenghu

section, the Tanglinhu section, the Miaohu section, the Niuchaohu (Xiaotanhu & Tuanhu)

section, the Houhu section and the Shaojidouhu section. Off these sections, the Guozhenghu

Lake is the main water body of the East Lake with a water area of 13.6 km 2. These lakes are

independent from each other though connected by bridges and are actually operated by

several different fishing units.

The current East Lake is a representative shallow lake at the middle reach of the Yangtze

River. The surface area of the Lake will be about 33 m2 and the water holding capacity is

72,500,000 m3 when the water is at the highest level of 21 m. Its water level is stable around

the year; with average depth of 2.46 m in the middle July and 2.11 m in October. The East

Lake has more than 120 firths in different sizes and the strandline is 111.5 km according to a

site survey and the Master Plan.

Aquatic Life

The East Lake Zoology Testing Station of the China Academy of Sciences has been

conducting a long and in-depth study about the aquatic life of the Lake since 1950s. The

Wuhan Environment Monitoring Station has set up five monitoring stations in each of the lake

sections, doing the monitoring work on the aquatic life community of the Lake from the

ecology view both in spring and autumn. The monitored items include zooplankton,

phytoplankton and nutrition. These five monitoring stations are the Tanglinhu Lake (1#), the

Moshan Hill (2#), the Water plant of Wuhan University (3#), the Shuiguohu Lake(4#) and the

Miaohu Lake(5#).

The following is a brief description of aquatic life species, quantities and succession of the

East Lake based on the above-mentioned study.


The study of the East Lake Zoology Testing Station of the China Academy of Science is

indicated in table 4.9-4

Table 4.9-4 Genus number of the East Lake phytoplankton from 1956 to 1986

Period 1956-1957 1962-1963 1973-1975 1979-1986Total genus number III 74 68 76

Green algae 53 36 3 1 40Cyanophvceae 16 10 13 12

Inoffensive 5 5 6 3Diatom 20 13 9 12

Chrvsanthemum 10 5 6 3Euglena 5 3 3 4

Yellow alga 22 0 0

Belonging to the Belonging to the Belonging to theCryptomonas la'll ph\ u Inoflagellate Inoflageilate 2

phvlum phylum

Among the 76 alga genuses found between 1979 and 1986, 18 genuses are present through the

four seasons rendering them as the prevailing algas. They include the Scenedesmus,

Selenastrum, Cruci genia, Ch.amydom'onas, Chlorella, Ankistrodesmi-us; Oocvstis, Pediastrum;

Melosira, Cyclotella, Synedra, Navicula, Merismopedia, Anabaena, Oscillaroria, Euglena,

Chroomonas and Cryptomonas. The genuses of the Chlamydomonas, Anabaena and

Oscillaroria are the largest in terms of their popultion.

The prevailing alga population of the East Lake is led by Microcapsule Alga and Anabaena

and Oscillaroria before 1979. The above mentioned populations decreased from 1979 to 1986

replaced by the small sized ones with a diameter of 1.5 to 12 mms such as Merismopedia,

Ankistrodesmus and Cyclotella, and the small Oscillaroria with a diameter of 1.5rmms and the

pointed tailed Chroomonas. It can be inferred from the succession of the species numbers of

the phytoplankton of the Lake that the eutrophication of the Lake is developing toward the

smaller ones.

The study also shows while the species of the phytoplankton in the Lake are decreasing, the

quantities are increasing dramatically. From 1956 to 1957, there are 1000 per ml, which had

grown into 25,000 in each ml in by the year of 1986, which means it increased by one time

each year. At the same time, however, the some species of alga and fish found in the earlier

days are not present any more and the overall bio-diveristy seems to decrease in the lake area.

The monitoring results by the Wuhan Environment Monitoring Station in recent years is

indicated in table 4.9-5

Table 4.9-5 Genus number & the density of the East Lake phytoplankton between 1996 and 2000

Year 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000

Total genus number 30 36 35 37 36

The genus percentage of the Blue-green algae65 66 67 67 65

individual in the total (%)

Averagedensity 1.09XI07 1.74x10 j 1.48gx 07 1.77X107 1.41X107

The phytoplankton genus number and the density of the Lake were in a rather stable state

between 1996 and May 2000 and the prevalent species changed little. The East Lak-e belongs

to a typical Bluegreen algae eutrophication lake according to the analysis on the population

structure of the phytoplankton.


Zooplankton species of the East Lake is rather rich. 203 zooplankton species have been found

among which there are 84 Protozoe species, 82 rotifers, 23 cladocerans and 14 copepodas on

the basis of a survey done from April 1962 to May 1963. The aquatic weed in the Lake is on

the brink of extinction and the water is turning to muddy as the water body of the Lake is

slipped into eutrophication. This trend has been accelerated as large volume of urban sewage

lhas been pumped into the Lake since l 970s. which has brought considerable changes to the

zooplankton structure and population. General speaking, the zooplankton species are

diminishing and the sewage species are on the rise.

The changes of the quantities of the East Lake zooplankton from 1960s to 1980s are indicated

in table 4.9-6.

Table 4.9-6 Comparison on the East Lake (Guozhenghu Lake) zooplankton quantities(number in each ml)

Year 1962-1963 1974-1975 1979-1985

Protozoa 4329 5594 8980

Rotifer 332 853 1998

Cladocerans 24 21 45

Copepoda 20 35 80

Total 4705 6503 11103

It can be inferred from the table that the total quantities of the East Lake zooplankton in 1980s

is about 3 times of that in 1960s and the growth rate between 1970s and 1980s is larger than

that between 1960s and 1970s.

The quantities changes of the East Lake zooplankton in recent years is indicated in Tables

4.9-7 and 4.9-8.

Table 4.9-7 Quantity structure of the East Lake (Tanglinhu Lake) zooplankton in autumn(number in ach ml)

Year 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000

Protozoa 3600 2700 11000 10200 3300

Rotifer 180 270 590 540 210

Cladocerans 0.12 1.56 3.10 2.96 0.60

Copepoda 0.24 1.44 3.82 2.64 0.56

Total number 3780.36 2973 11596.92 10745.6 3511.16

Table 4.9-8 Genus numbers & density of the zooplankton

Year 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000

Total genus number 55 47 44 40 45

Average (lensity 5.59x0i4 4.49x104 1.79X104 9.82X103 1.54x104

The population of the East Lake zooplankton in the above mentioned 5 years in the table

declined a little from the point view of the individual quantities. Protozoa takes up a large

proportion in the zooplankton followed by rotifer and then by crustacean (cladocerans and



The water nutrition of the East Lake in 2000 measured by the Wuhan Environment

Mvlonitoring Station is indicated in Table 4.9-9.


Table 4.9-9 Nutrition of each of the measuring spots of the East Lake in 2000


Assessment Poor in Moderate in Rich in East Tanglinhu Moshan Wuhan Shuiguohu LaiLaokhudata nutrition nutrition nutrition Lake Lake (I#) Hill(2#) University (4) (5#)

Zooplankton <1000 1000-2000 >2000 154x10I 3 12xO 3 1.24>l04 | 1.30x104 | 2.28X104 2.57x104

Phytoplankton <3x 10' 3x 105-3X106 >3x10 6 1.41x10' 4.06x 1o6 5.53x 1 o6

9,13x106 1.45xl0] 3.72xl07

Totalbacteria <102 12o, l > 10' 1.23x10' 1.9x103 4.8xi0' 3.3x103 2.1 x IO' 3.9x 105num ber _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Chlorophyll a <0.004 0.01-0.03 0.03-0.065 0.102 0.006 0.042 0.061 0.158 0.273

Total nitrogen <0.04 0.15-0.7 0.7-1.2 3.51 0.63 1.91 2.73 5.76 6.53

Phosphorus 0. 002-0 .025 0.025-0.06 0.06-0.12 0.207 0.059 0.139 0.198 0.359 0.277(mgIL)I

Transparency >5 1-5 < I <1 2 1.5 < I < I < I

Final Rich in Moderate-rich Rich in Rich in Extremely Extremelyassessment nutrition in nutrition nutrition nutrition richtin richtin

_____ ____ ____ _____ ___ _ ____ ___ _ _____ ____ nutrition nutrition

The monitoring index of the East Lake hydrobiont of all the measuring points has reached or

even exceeded the lake eutrophication standard from the monitoring results of 2000. Of all the

lakes, the water quality of the Shuiguohu Lake and the Miaohu Lake is the worst because of a

very serious eutrophication problem.


The East Lake and the Wuhan section of the Yangtze River have been separated from each

other since the water regulating gate was built at the Qingshan Dock. However, some fish can

still enter the Lake from the River every year when the Gate is open. Therefore, the fish

species structure of the East Lake are similar to those of the most shallow lakes at the

middle-lower reach of the Yangtze River. According to a survey done in 1972 there were 18

fish families and 67 species in the East Lake, among which there were 42 species in the Carp

Family accounting for 63% of the total and 1 to 4 other families. Nearly 20 species of these

fish have economic value, such as the Carp, Crucian Carp, Ochetobius elongatus, Elopichthys

bambusa, Silver Carp, Bighead, Mandarin fish, Grass Carp, Herring, Bream, the Spanish Red

Mlackerel and the Xenocypris argentea.

The Silver Carp and the Bighead are the prevalent species in the East Lake flora followed by

Grass Carp after the artificial breeding. The breeding species include the Herring,

Bream,Crossed Carp and Xenocypris argentea. The non-breeding species at the lower level

include the Carp, Crucian Carp and small-sized wild rough fish (e.g. the Blue Mackerel) that

also account for a certain proportion. The fierce species include the Mongolia Red Mackerel,

the Spanish Red Mackerel, Elopichthys bambusa and the Manderin Fish, among which the

two Red Mackerels account for the largest proportion and are the most dangerous fish.

The fish species of the East Lake are divided into the middle-upper level, the sub-bottom and

the bottom level according to the vertical distribution. The middle-upper species include the

Silver Carp. Bighead. Elopichthys bambusa. the Mongolia Red Mackerel and the Spanish Red

Mackerel. The sub-bottom species include the Grass Carp, Herring, Bream, the Mandarin Fish

and the Black Fish. The common bottom species include the Carp, Crucian Carp, the Crossed

Carp, Xenocypris argentea and color argentea.

In summary, there are significant fisheries resources in East Lake, most of which are ecnomic

fish harvested regularly for the local market. There is no endangered or otherwise protected

fish species in the lake area. The fish population, even the species, is to a large extent

controlled by the East Lake management authority as the authority regularly places juvenile

and harvest fish as needed.


Since the winter climate in Wuhan is suitable for birds migrating southward, lots of migrating

birds have gathered at East Lake in winter in the recent years. It is known that in the East

Lake area, tens of thousands migrating such as white swan, while marabou, black marabou

from Siberia and goose from Mongolia will fly here in November of each year and leave

Wuhan in March of the next year. The birds in daytime do some activities at the center booths

and islands of Guozhen Lake, Tuan Lake and Tanglin Lake, and inhabit mostly at Moshan

Hill area at night (See Figure 4.9-1)

Areas near the Proposed Qinghua Road

The proposed Qinghua road will be located on the location of the existing dyke currently

separating Tangling lake to the south and Xiaotan lake to the north. According to the site

investigation during this EA, Qinghua road will pass the protective area for about 500 m,

which is currently a narrow farm land (Photo 1). On the side of Xiaotan lake, there is natural

lake body, with small pieces of weeds (Photos 2). The existing dyke is about 1 m wide and

500 m long (Photo 3).

Tangling, Xiaotan and Yangchun (further to the north) lakes have limited influences from

human activities, with relatively good water quality. There is also a small area of weeds, the

only area in East lake, as well as aquatic plants. This lake area has been used by migrating

birds as habitats to spend winters and reproduce. In particular, Yangchun lake has zigzagged

lake waterbodies with thick plant growth, being a good wetland habitat for migrating birds.

According to an investigation during the EA, there are about 30 species of waterfowls

frequently observed in the area, taking in-water and floating plants as well as zooplankton and

fish as their food sources. The main migrating bird species in the area include:

9 Stork family: Ardeola bacchus. Bubulcus ibis coromandus, Egretta alba, Nycticorax

nycticorax, Ixobrychus sinensis. Leurhythmus, Lcinnamomeus, Dupetor stellaris, etc.

• Goose family: Anas falcata. A. platrhynchus. A. Strepera, etc.

• Pecker family: Rallus aquaticus indicus. R. Striatus gularis, R. Fusca erythrothrax.

Amauornis phoenicurus chinensis. Gallicrex cinerea. Gallinula chloropus indica, Fulica atra.



P. Others: Vanellus, Charadrius hiaticula placidus, Tringa achropus, Capalla stenura, C.

Megala, C. Gallinago, Giareola maldivarus, Alcedo atthis bengalensis, Halcgon pileata,

Podiceps ruficollis pggei, P. Cristatus, etc.

Brief summary on ecology of the East Lake

To sum up, because of mankind activities, the East Lake waters gradually become rich in

nutrition, and species and structure of hydrophytes and water life adapt with such conditions.

The anuatic hiomass in the lake becomes increasingly simple and diversity declines. Over the

recent years with sewage and wastewater control, water quality of the East Lake has become

stable and improved gradually and ecological environment of the waters begins to recover

steadily. The Tangling and Yangchun lakes areas still have small areas of weeds and floating

plants, becoming winter habitats for migrating birds. This also shows the gradual

improvement of the ecosystem in the East Lake area.

4.10 Soil and vegetation

4.10.1 Soil

Wuhan City has many kinds of soils containing rich nutrients that are suitable for different

kinds of plants. There are 303 kinds of soil, in 56 categories. Of these soil types, rice field is

the largest with 45.2 % of total land. Yellow-brown soil accounts for 24.8 % of the total,

fluvo-aquic soil 17 %, red soil 11.2 % and others such as soil lime, purple soil, meadow soil

and bog soil totally accounts for 1.8 %.

4.10.2 Present status of vegetation

Plants of Wuhan City belongs to the section transiting from evergreen broad-leaf forest of the

intermediate subtropical zone to deciduous broad-leaf forest of north subtropical zone.

According to incomplete statistics, citywide peridophyta and spermatophyte include 1066

species, 607 genus, and 106 families with the plants of the south and north plant floras. Mixed

wood lands consisting of evergreen broad-leaf trees and deciduous broad-leaf trees are the

typical vegetation of Wuhan City.

Vegetation in the project area is mainly man-planted vegetation, which include camphor,

bamboo, cunninghamia sinensis, oil-tea camellia, tea, privet, masson pine, metasequoia,

chinar and bald cypress. etc. Trees such as chinar. masson pine and metasequoia are widely

planted on the roads of the urban areas.

4.11 Culture property

In this EA, cultural properties are first identified through a site investigation, or a site

walk-through. for the entire project roads and other facilities such as public transport

terminals. Those which are located within 200 m from the project roads or project sites. will

be deemed as to be potentially impacted by the project construction and/or operation

I N0

Figure 1. 1-1 Geographic Location of Wuhan

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-pi ~ ~ A

I -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~L

~~~~~~~1 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1OOM

~if`7 --

5. Impacts Assessment and Mitigations for Construction Phase

5.1 Noise Impact and Mitigation

5.1. 1 Noise Source during Construction Phase

The construction noise sources of this project include the following two catalogues.

Construction Machinery

The construction machinery and equipment in the work site include shovel loader, excavator,

bulldozer, concrete mixer, heavy came and piling machine, etc. These kinds of machinery is

the main construction noise source. Based on many previous construction site monitoring data,

the noise source intensity of common construction machinery is shown in Table 5.1-1.

Table 5.1-1 Measured Noise Values of Construction Machinery for Road Construction

Distance between Maximum noiseNo. Machinery Type monitoring point and level Lma.

machinery (m) (dB)I Wheeled shovel loader ZL40 5 902 Wheeled shovel loader ZL50 5 903 Road grader PY I 60A 5 904 Vibration pavement roller YZJIOB 5 865 Two-wheeled double-vibration pavement CC21 5 81

roller6 Three-wheeled pavement roller 5 817 Wheeled pavement roller ZL16 5 768 Bulldozer T140 5 869 Wheeled hydraulic excavator W4-60C 5 84

10 Paver (U.K.) fifond311AG 5 82

11 Paver (Germany) VOGELE 5 8712 Generator sets (2) FKV-75 1 9813 Impact drill Tvpe 22 1 8714 Cone self-dumping concrete mixer JZC350 1 79

Transport Vehicles

During the construction, some work such as earthwork and stonework preparation, equipment

and materials transport will demand a lot of transport vehicles. These transport vehicles,

especially heavy-duty trucks, have high noise intensity and could cause great disturbance to

the environments around the working site and transportation routes, including both temporary

construction access and existing roads. The noise source intensity of heavy-duty trucks is also

shown in Table 5. 1-1.

5.1.2 Noise Impact during in Construction Phase

The impact of noise on environrment during the construction phase depends on the intensity of

noise sources, and it has relation with the locations of surrounding sensitive receptors

including the distance between the sensitive receptors and the noise sources.

According to the analysis made at other similar cvnstruction projects, the most serious period

of construction noise disturbance is in the foundationi of viaduct bridges, and the main noise



Based on the results of the site investigation, two cultural properties have been identified:

Xe Wuhan Office of the New Fourth Army, which is located at the Lugouqiao road in the

Hankou section. In 1921, the INew rourL Il-ny, which is one o I tle W;11-i iuen. Udal al II y

groups in the modem Chinese revolutionary history, has its headquarters located in this

building. The building is now classified as a provincial level cultural property and currently

services as a memorial and revolutionary museum.

A Xinghai Revolutionary Gate, which is located about 150 m from the project road Jinshui

road. This, originally known as Zhonghe Gate, is one of the ten city gates for ancient

Wuchang and the only surviving one. In the revolution which overthrew the Qing Dynasty,

the revolution army first attacked the Zhonghe gate and from there entered Wuchang section

of the city and thus marked as the beginning of the victory. The Xinghai revolution is one of

the most significant milestones in the Chinese modem history and its success ended the five

thousand years of the feudal society in China and marked the beginning of the public China

and modem Chinese history. The revolutionary gate was re-built in 1981 and categorized as a

provincial level cultural property.

The exact locations of these two cultural properties, as well as their relationships to the

project roads are shown in the map in Figure 4.10-1.

Besides the above ground cultural properties described above, the EA team also investigated

potential presence of underground archaeological relics. The investigation was primarily

through collection and review of available information such as archaeological property list

and other documents for Wuhan and interview of and consultation with relevant agencies

(Cultural Bureau) and professional archaeologists in the province. Based on the results of this

study, there are no known archaeological sites within the project impacted areas in Wuhan.


Chief Composer of this report:

Environmental Engineering Research and Design Department of FSDIChief Engineer: Chen Fangrong (Senior Engineer)


Wuhan Academy of Environmental Sciences

Namelist of composers:

Project Manager:Wang Zhonghe (Senior Engineer) (Certificate No: HPGZZDE No. 04239)

Main participants:Lei Bing (Senior Engineer) (Certificate No: HPGZZDT No. 0757)

Tian Chao(Senior Engineer) (Certificate No: HPGZZTY No. 0059)

Liu Jia(Engineer) (Certificate No: HPGZZBJ No. 0069)

Zhang Weihong (Engineer) (Certificate No: HPGZZDT No. 0756)

Deng Ming (Senior Engineer) (Certificate No: HPGZZDE No. 04289)

Yu Yuming (Engineer) (Certificate No: HPGZZDE No. 04288)

Xu Weibing (Senior Engineer) (Certificate No: HPGZZDE No. 04286)

Gao Yan (Engineer) (Certificate No: HPGZZD No. 10113)

Li Li (Assistant Engineer) (Certificate No: HPGZZD No. 10112)


sources are piling machine and heavy-duty trucks. According to the analysis of previous

actual noise monitoring results in similar construction sites, it is expected that noise would

exceed the applicable standards as stipulated in GB 12523-90 "Standard for Noise at

Boundaries of Construction Sites", particularly during piling and at the busy time of

construction. However, some construction sites will occupy a large area and noise at its

boundary in normal construction periods may comply with the standards because of the less

noisy machinery and longer distances to the boundaries.

Noise during the process of construction is mainly from construction machinery and

construction transport vehicles and noise from equipment of construction machinery is most

disturbing. Construction machinery mainly includes excavator, bulldozer, pavement roller,

and mixer and shovel loader. It is a temporary action, although the impacts can be great on the

surroundings. The maximum impact scope can be up to 50 m in daytime and 100-150 m at

night, assuming no piling at night (strictly banning of night time piling is part of the

mitigation measure, see Section 5.1.4).

The actual impacts are clearly dependent on the distance of noise sensitive receptors to the

construction sites, and in particular to the noisy construction machinery. In addition, the areas

along the major construction transportation routes as the heavy-duty trucks traffic will

increase significantly in certain periods of construction (excavation, pavement, etc.). Any

sensitive receptors located within 50 m from the construction sites and the transportation

routes will be impacted by the increased noise. Some such as residential areas which are

sensitive at night time will be impacted even they are located up to 150 m from the sites.

Within these areas, there are many sensitive receptors, particularly many residential buildings

such as those listed in Chapter 4 of this report. These residents will be impacted at busy

night time construction periods.

5.1.3 Night Time Construction Impact

The construction of this project is divided into road construction in the city proper and middle

ring road construction outside the city proper. Within the city proper, the proposed new roads

and upgrading of the existing roads will be mainly busy transport trunk roads. In order to

avoid or shorten the traffic disruption, safety hazards, inconvenience to the communities, as

well as the construction schedule itself, construction at night will be inevitable, particularly

in the city built up areas. Since viaduct construction period is long and it needs more

construction machinery, night time construction is mostly likely to take place in elevated

viaduct sites. Therefore, sensitive receptors located near elevated viaducts will be most

likely subject to great noise impact during night construction. These sites are: Nanniwan

Viaduct, Changqing Road Viaduct. Zhalankou Viaduct, Xinhuaxia Road Viaduct. Snajintan

Viaduct. Xianggang Road Viaduct and Lizhi Viaduct.

Main environmental sensitive receptors expected to be impacted by nighttime construction

noise are shown in Table 5.1-2 and Figure 5.1- 1.


Table 5.1-2 Main Sensitive Receptors Impacted by Nighttime Construction Noise

l] j General description of sensitive receptors

Road Name of sensitive Rotie horizontal of storey Directly Applicablesection N.receptor positione hoizotalc o e of affected standard

line of road Duiiding popula-ilOn(m) facing (persons)

_____ ____ ____ road _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

106 Yunhe Residential Area South 30 7 About 1500Nanniwan 107 Miaovi Kindergarten North 30 2 About 200

viaduct ,Both108 Fazhan Village sides 20 6-7 About 2000

Rd viaduct 109 Huangjiadawan South 0 5 About 300

Xinhuaxia 110 School Under 0 1-2 About 500 Daytime:Rd viaduct Gusaoshu Under 0 1-5 About 300 Leq55dBA

Sanjintan Nighttime:viaduct 112 Houhu Primary School North 0 1-2 About 500 Leq45dBA

(Class 1)113 Changtai Mansion East 20 8 About 200

Zhalankou 114 Ezhou Mansion West 20 9 About 200viaduct

115 Fangtai Real Estate Co. West 50 8 About 300

viaduct 116 Liqiao Primary School 10 3-4 About 500Xianggang 117 Xianggang Rd residential West 10 8-12 500 familiesRd viaduct area

The above table shows that there could be substantial number urban residents who will be

likely to be impacted by the night time noise from construction sites of this project. The

increased noise levels could affect their night sleep, particularly to the elderly, children,

students, ill people and other vulnerable groups. The schools may not be impacted as there is

normally no classes at night time.

5.1.4 Mitigation Measures

The following mitigation measures have been proposed and will be taken during

construction to reduce and minimize the noise impacts:

A The contractors will be requested to adopt effective measures to reduce noise caused

during the construction, and minimize the noise impacts. During the construction,

Construction modes and construction time will be rationalized to reduce or avoid noise

construction activities occurring during the most sensitive time, such as night time, class

times and hospital operation time wherever possible. Use of piling machines at night (from

22:00 to 6:00) will be strictly forbidden and other noisy activities including heavy truck

transportation. loading/unloading, beam lifting and stockpile of the materials will be carried

out during the day time. If other noisy machinery and activities have to be used, they will be

located to areas as far away from sensitive receptors as possible. If nighttime construction is

absolutely necessarv, the contractors will be requested to report the local environrnental

protection bureau as well as the PMO for approval.

X Although three rounds of public consultation at the sensitive receptors have been


conducted during the EA for concerns of project impacts including night time construction,

contractors will be requested notice well ahead of time the impacted public and commnunities

and consult with the public for their concerns and opinions. The continued public consultation

will be included in the tendering documents and made part of the contract obligations to the

contractors, in order to receive public understanding and listen to their concerns and

suggestion for mitigation. These mitigation measures, including public consultation for

construction arrangement and night construction activities will be implemented prior to the

start of the construction at the site to allow the public to express concern and the time to

further design mitigation measures if needed.

A The construction in the residential and school areas will stop one week prior to the annual

national examination time (first week in July but the actual time may change in the next few

years). All construction activities, including materials transportation and preparation, will stop

during the actual exam time (3 days) to provide the best possible acoustic environment during

this highly sensitive period.

X For some components with a real long construction period, such as Nanniwan Viaduct,

Changqing Road Viaduct, Xinhuaxia Road Viaduct, Sanjintan Viaduct, Zhalankou Viaduct,

Xianggang Road Viaduct and Lizhi Viaduct, special measures will be taken for the sensitive

receptors nearby. There are several noise sensitive receptors around the sites, including Yunhe

Residential Area, Miaoyi Kindergarten, Fazhan Village, Liqiao Primary School, Changtai

Mansion, Ezhou Mansion, Fangtai Real Estate, Huangjiadawan, Xianggang Road residence

and Gusaoshu. Besides those required in the above mitigation, the contractors will be

requested to stop working two hours after noontime and during the holidays. For Gusaoshu

Primary School and Houhu Primary, it will be arranged to construct during the school

vacation to the extent possible.

A For particularly vulnerable groups of people such as young children, elderly and ill

people, some noise mitigation measures such as double glazed windows will be installed

before the construction begins.

A Contractors will select and use the construction machinery with low noise as far as

possible. Temporary generators will be banned in principle and the utilities will be requested

to supply additional power to meet the construction needs. In case such arrangement with the

utilities cannot be made, generator sets along the roads will be equipped with sound-insulation

cover and located to be away from the sensitive receptors. Contractors will be requested to

provide good maintenance to all their construction machinery so that they can be kept in good

shape and best working conditions to minimize noise.

A Construction time and construction sites will be rationalized. Working site with high

noise will be far away from the noise sensitive receptor if possible. The access for

construction transport vehicles in and out the site will be arranged at the side far away from

the residential area. For individual construction site with serious impacts and near highly

noise sensitive receptors. temporary sound-insulation enclosing structure or sound-insulation


barrier will be set up. Alternatively, temporary noise barriers at the side near sensitive

receptors will be built. For earthwork, contractors will arrange multiple excavators and trucks

to work at the same time, and thus shorten the impact time.

AR Full time supervision staff will be retained by the PMO to supervise construction

activities, particularly night time construction. Hand held noise mieters will be used to

measure noise levels at sensitive receptors such as hospital wards and residential buildings

during the night construction periods.

9 With the close supervision of the PMO, the contractors wiii be requested to place a

c2signated person for night time traffic management for construction vehicles. If necessary,

proper training and instruction from traffic police will be provided to minimize night time

traffic congestion and hooting.

X At each construction site where night time construction will be carried out, a public

notice board will be put on display in a highly visible place. On this board, telephone number

and contact number will be shown for the public to vent their concerns and complaints about

the night time construction. All such complaints will be recorded, and investigated as needed,

and then appropriate actions will be taken to address the concerns and complaints.

9 All these mitigation measures will be included in the project Environmental Management

Plan (EMP) which is a stand alone document used during the construction phase to enforce

and supvervise the implementation of the proposed mitigation measures. And all which

require the actions of the contractors will be included in the bid documents and later the

contracts to ensure that these mitigation measures and actions will become contractual

obligations for the contractors which can be enforced by the PMO and the environmental

monitoring team.

5.2 Vibration Impact and Mitigation

5.2.1 Vibration Source during Construction

The vibration sources in construction phase mainly are from various construction machinery

and transport vehicles. Table 5.2-1 lists intensities of vibration sources of typical construction



Table 5.2-1 Vibration Levels of Typical Construction Machinery

No. Name of construction plant Reference vibration level (plumb direction Z vibration level, dB)10 m away from vibration source 30 m away from vibration source

_ Excavator 80 712 Bulldozer 79 693 Heavy transport vehicle 74 644 Pavement roller 82 715 Driller-grouter 63 /6 Air-pressure machine 81 717 Pneumatic pick 85 738 Diesel piling machine 98 839 Vibration piling machine 93 83

5.2.2 Vibration Impact

The data in Table 5.2-1 show that the vibration level of common construction machinery and

equipment is 63-85 dB at the point 10 m away from the vibration source, and equal to or less

than 72 dB 30 m away from the vibration source. It can be expected that construction

vibration will cause impacts to sensitive receptors within 10-20 m of the working areas. As

vibration impact scope of piling operation can be up to 80-100 m, it may cause a certain

impact on the surroundings of the 14 viaducts, which are surrounded by schools and

residential areas.

According to the characteristics of road construction, contractors usually conduct the

pavement work for road maintenance components at night. Vibration intensity from the

paving machine, vibration bar and transport machinery, they will cause vibration disturbance

on the sensitive buildings such as residential buildings and hospitals within the scope of

10-20 m away from the vibration sources, affecting sleeping and rest of residents.

5.2.3 Mitigation Measures

In order to reduce the vibration impact in the construction phase from this project, the

following measures will be taken together mitigation measures for noise control.

9 Arrange layout of the construction site, make the vibrating equipment far away from the

sensitive buildings to the extent possible;

n Strengthen construction management, with orderly construction activities, and arrange

working time reasonably and sensitively.

H Avoid conducting construction operation with strong noise and vibration at night

wherever possible;

# Use the construction equipment with lower noise and vibration as much as possible

during construction;

9 Where possible. use hole digging and grouting pile methods for the foundation of the

viaduct, and avoid using piling machinery for the foundation; and

S Request the contractors to consult the public regularly and ahead of the high vibration

operation to receive public understanding and public opinions.


5.3 Air impact and mitigation

5.3.1 Air pollution sources during construction

The following will be the main air pollution sources during construction:

X During building demolition, a large amount of dust will be air born and, based on the

experience from similar projects elsewhere, the dust impact may last for about 30 minutes and

PM10 remain air born for a longer period of time. This is a main factor that causes air

pollution during construction. According to an environmental air monitoring result recently

conducted for the urban transport trunk roads, PM1O concentrations can significantly from

this type of sources exceed the applicable standards and may last for a long period of time.

AC Besides demolition, materials storage/piling handling, bare or disturbed soil, excessive

materials disposal sties, and bulk materials transportation all could result in air born dust near

the sites. Once again, the heavy particulate may precipitate within about 30 minutes but PMl 0

or finer particles may remain air born for much longer time and thus impacted bigger areas far

away from the sties of origin.

XI During the construction period, the transportation vehicle causes the secondary escaping

dust. And the impact scope may reach about 50m from the origins. A dust monitoring program

for a typical construction site and its surrounding areas by Wuhan Environmental Monitoring

Center Station on July 20, 1995. The monitored site was well managed and site was kept wet.

Dust sources were mainly the entry and exit of earth loading trucks which bring dirt along

with their tires. Monitoring result (TSP concentration value in the air with different distances

to the construction site) is shown in Table 5.3-1 and Fig 5.3-1.

Table 5.3-1 TSP concentration (mg/m3) change in the air near the construction site

_ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Concentration averageNo. Distance Concentration scope ave


I Site boundary 1.259-2.308 1.784

2 10 m in leeward direction of site boundary 0.458-0.592 0.525

3 30 m in the leeward direction of site boundary 0.544-0.670 0.607

If the above data is plotted into a curve, the impacted scope on average was about 80-90 m to

the site boundary. Therefore, it will bring impacts to air quality and the surrounding residents.

No. i 2 3 4 5 6

Distance (m) 10 20 30 40 50 100

Concentration (mg/nn3) 1.75 1.30 0.780 0.365 0.345 0.330


Fig 5.3-1 TSP concentration change in the air nea rfthe construction site (Spring)


1. -

1.2 . -

0. .

1 2 3 4 5 6

It can be seen from Fig 5.3-1 that within 40 m of the surrounding areas to the construction site,

the TSP concentration value shows an obvious descending trend. Outside the 50 m scope, the

TSP concentration values are basically stable.

N During the construction, the activities such as material mixing and stirring and loading

and unloading, all will cause dust air born. In addition, due to the construction of roads and

interchanges, it will add the workload of the existing concrete and asphalt stirring sites and

stations, increasing correspondingly pollutant emission from these mixing statsions.

At As theTe is some closute for construction sections, it will increase the car flow in other

roads, easily causing traffic congestion and jarn, lengthening the idle time of motor vehicles

and lowering the motor vehicle operating efficiency, and thus increasing the air emission and

making the air pollution more serious. Experience from other urban transport projects show

that large urban transport projects could cause major and city wide traffic jams as construction

activities occupied and reduced the capacity of trunk roads. Air pollution, from air born to

motor vehicle emissions were worsened compared with the pre-construction time. This

phenomenon could occur in Wuhan as the current project components will mostly take place

in major urban roads.

5.3.2 Mitigation measures

The following mitigation measures will be taken to address the air quality impacts during


A According to a survey on various construction sites in Wuhan, virtually all construction

sites are fenced with sheet metals or other solid fences to reduce dust from escaping the sites.

Similar measures will be taken in this project where possible. The height of the solid fences

will be in accordance with the ordinance No. 109 (1999) by the People's Government of



BUILDING CONSTRUCTION OF WUHAN CITY. The city regulations says: "'...for the

construction site of the building structures which is near the trunk road, sightseeing road,

landscape, airport, harbor, station square, etc, the fencing height shall not be less than 2.4 m.

For other sections of the construction site of the building structures, the enclosure height shall

not be less than 2 m. The fence shall be firm, clean and good appearance.". This requirements

will be fully complied in this project. In addition, demolition near sensitive receptors such as

schools, hospitals, residential areas, the enclosure height will not be less than the height of the

demolishing structures.

A For each construction section, one dedicated staff member will be engaged to water the

construction site to prevent dust from air born. The number of times for watering will depend

on the weather. But in general, watering will take place in the morning (7:00-8:00), at noon

(12:00-13:00) and in the evening (17:30-19:00). When the wind velocity is greater than

grade 3 in a dry day, watering will be conducted every 2 hours. According to analogy

investigation, there is a large difference for construction sites with watering practice and those

without. Details are shown in Table 5.3-2.

Table 5.3-2 Air born dust (TSP) concentration (mg/m3) near construction site

Distance (im) Site without sprinkling Site with sprinkling

I 0 1.75 0.437

20 1.30 0.350

30 0.78 0.310

40 0.365 0.265

50 0.345 0.250

100 0.330 0.238

X The vehicles which transport cement, building materials and construction wastes will

strictly follow No. 24 ordinance (1990) of the People's Government of Wuhan, TENTATIVE


WUHAN. Article No. 10 of this regulations indicates. "while transporting construction

refuse, loss or spill or fly of the waste materials is forbidden. Vehicles transporting

construction refuse shall bear no dirt to pollute the road surface". Canopy canvas will be

provided in this project to trucksk locaed with bulk and powdering materials to prevent the

materials from air born. Before exiting the loading sites, water will be used to flush the trucks

bodies and particularly tires;


TRANSPORT MANAGEMENT OF WUHAN. Article No. 7. "the route for transporting

construction ref'use will be determined by the environmental protection bureau together with

the public security and traffic management department. The transport unit and individual for

transporting conistruction refuse will strictly follow the pre-approved routes". While

determining the route for transporting the construction refuse, urban centers and sensitive

receptors will be avoided where possible.


AC For each construction section, one special environmental protection and managementstaff member will be provided. His duty is to direct and control the disposal, transport and

storage of construction refuse, construction waste building materials, site restoration, removal

of the excessive materials, spoil and on the road in and out of the construction sites and mud

on the tires.

A According to the investigation of TSP impacted scopes, the distance of supplies yard,cement and asphalt mixing stations and other temporary supply sites to the residential areas

and environmental sensitive receptors will not be less than 200 m.

A The above mitigation measures will be enforced through dedicated supervision staff fromPMO who will tour the constructin sites regularly and by inclusion of the above measures into

the construction contracts so that the measures will be contractual obligations to contractors.

5.4 Surface Water Impacts and Mitigation

5.4.1 Water Impact

The wastewater produced during the construction phase of this project is mainly from theslurry water produced by construction excavation operation, cleaning water from constructionmachinery and transport vehicles, domestic sewage produced from construction camps, and

the surface runoff water produced from disturbed soil. According to past road construction

experience in Wuhan city, there are about 150 workers for each segment of road construction.

Assuming water consumption per capita is 0.04 m3 every day, domestic sewage from each

construction camp is about 4.8 m3/d. The main pollutants in the domestic sewage are COD,oil and SS. Construction camps also discharge wastewater from equipment and machinerymaintenance and cleaning. The wastewater discharged from the construction camps is shown

in Table 5.4-1.

Table 5.4-1 Discharge Volume of Construction Wastewater at Each Segment

Class of wastewater Discharge Item COD oil SSVolume (m3Id) ______

Concentration of 200-300 <5.0 20-80

Domestic sewage 4.8 pollutant (mglL)Whether up to Overproof 0.3'-1.0 Up to

standard time standard Up to standard

Discharged water Concentration of 20-30 50-80from road 2 pollutant (mgIL) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ______

maintenance Whestandard Up to standard Up to standard

Discharged water Concentration of 50- 80 1.0--2.0 150---200from cleaning of 5 pollutant (glconstruction site Whether up to Up to standard Up to Overproof 0.3-

standard standard 1.0 time

Discharged water Concentration of 10-20 0.5-1.0 10-15from equipment 4 pollutant (mg/L)

cooling Whether up to Up to standard Up to Up to standard-Z51ass ~~~11 stan standard standard

Class 11 standard in GB 8978-1996 "Standard of Comprehensive 150 10 150Discharge of Sewage (mg/L)

Table 5.4-1 shows that during the construction phase, COD in domestic sewage and SS in


other wastewater will exceed the discharge standards. As most construction activities will be

in the urban built up areas, domestic sewage and other wastewater from the camps areexpected to drain into municipal sewer system nearby. In the sewer system, wastewater will

increase the content of silt in the municipal drainage pipe, which could cause clog the pipeline

affecting the wastewater and flood discharge capacity. When there is no municipal sewer suchas the road segments in the suburb areas, sewage will flow into the neighboring surface water

bodies. Such direct discharges could cause increases in COD and SS content in the receiving

water bodies and pollution of the surroundings.

When the East Lake section of the Qinghua Road is constructed, the construction wastewater

will be discharged into the Lake directly. According to the standard Class I in GB 8978-1996

"Standard of Comprehensive Discharge of Sewage", the concentration of COD in the

domestic sewage discharged from the construction camps will exceed the standard by 1.0-2.0

times. Since the discharge volume of domestic sewage is smaller, which is only 4.8 m3 /d, the

sewage discharge is expected to impact only a small area near the discharge outlet in the East


Another major source of impacts to surface water bodies is the surface runoff and wastewater

from in-water construction activities such as those to occur for Qinghua road. Typically,

surface runoff will contain high concentrations of silt or suspended solids, and sometimes oil

from construction machinery. In the urban areas, the surface runoff would discharged to the

storm or combined sewers as discussed above, but in the suburb such as the Qinghua road

area, the surface runoff will be discharged to the nearby lake directly. The increased SS in the

receiving water may deplete dissolved oxygen and impacts the water as habitats for fish,

plants or other aquatic life or migration birds.

The wastewater impacts in the construction phase is expected to last for a certain period of

time. Once construction activities complete, the pollution source will no longer exist.

However, the receiving wter, the lakles, is very stagnant and water exchange is very slow. As a

result, the assimilative capacity of the lakes is very limited and any contamination of the

water body would take a long time to recover, and as such the impacts, if occur, may last a

long time.

5.4.2 Protective and Mitigation Measures

The following mitigation measures will be taken to minimize the impacts to the water


X Strictly carry out orderly construction activities and construction site management as

required by Wuhan government. Random discharge of sewage will be forbidden. In the urban

built up areas with proper infrastructure. all sewage from construction camps will be

discharged to the municipal sewers. In the suburb areas. particularly in the sensitive water

bodies such as East Lake and Mushui Lake. construction camps will be requested to build

I 12

septic tanks to provide a certain levels of treatment before it is discharged to the lakes. The

sludge in the septic tanks will be cleaned by municipal services regularly and will be strictly

banned to discharged to the receiving waterbodies.

X Clause 18 in the "Ordinances of Lake Protection of Wuhan City" stipulates that, "if the

construction project needs to discharge water temporarily into the municipal public drainage

facilities, it will obtain a "License of Temporary Drainage" issued by the relevant water

department in advance. Before it is discharged, a deposit in advance is required. For discharge

without the approval and without deposition in advance, it will not be discharged into the

urban public drainage facilities directly." This project will comply with this requirement and

obtain the temporary permit ahead of time.

kg In sensitive surface waterbodies, such as East Lake and Mushui Lake, where surface

runoff could drained to the lakes directly, interception ditches and holding tanks will be built

to collected the runoff. Following the settling, the cleaner supernatant will be allowed to

discharged to the lakes. In smaller areas, filters will be provided to the runoff before it is

drained to the lakes.

X The section of East Lake Port-Wangqing Highway of Qinghua Road will be built as an

elevated viaduct over East Lake. Its construction will increase the contents of SS in the lake.

Cofferdam construction methods will be used to minimize the disturbance to the surrounding

water. The slurry produced from drilling will be pumped settling tanks on shore before


5.5 Aquatic Life Impact and Mitigation

5.5.1 Impacts


The wastewater in the construction phase consists of domestic sewage and construction

related wastewater. The main pollutant in construction wastewater are sand, silt and

sometimes oil, while the main pollutant in domestic sewage are COD, oil, SS and NH4-N.

In each urban area construction site, existing houses will be rent temporarily as construction

camps. Domestic sewage will be drained into the urban underground sewer system and then

into the final receptor. A temporary living quarter will be built in each suburban construction

camp. The domestic sewage will be collected and discharged to nearby receiving waterbodies.

which will cause adverse impacts to water quality and aquatic life in the waterbodies. In

addition, construction wastewater from sites near water such as Qinghua road could drain

directly into the receiving waterbody. Such discharges will force fish to move away or even a

fish kill near the wastewater sources.

Qinghua road

The most potentially affected water body is East Lake near Qinghua road. The area is


sensitive since as a wetland it serves as a habit to many aquatic lives. Any wastewater

discharge would affect water quality and thus the conditions for these lives. As the aquatic

flora, plankton, fish and other lives are also food sources for migrating birds in these areas,any impacts to the aquatic life could also affect the habit for the birds. Furthermore,

construction noise and other massive construction activities wouid also affect the otherwise

quiet area as a habitat for migrating birds.

Qinghua road will pass East Lake water surface for about 1000 m. While complete, this will

be a 1028 m elevated viaduct, to be located between Tangling lake and Xiaotan lake. At

present, this area includes about 500 m narrow farmland and the reminder is about 500 m

narrow (1 m wide) dyke, separating the two lakes. On the Xiaotan lake side, it has a small

area of weeds which has relatively good water quality and is a habitat for about 30 species of

water fowls.

The road construction will occupy part of the lake shore areas, removing the vegetation which

could be the habit and food sources for birds. As described above, the discharge of domestic

and construction wastewater could affect the water quality and the aquatic life which, in turn,

support the migrating birds. The most apparent impacts would be to drive away fish, water

fowls and migrating birds away from the impacted area.

The site investigation and consultation with wetland and biodiversity specialists of Wuhan

University during the EA show that the core areas of the East Lake wetland are mainly in the

crisscrossed, shallow water areas in Yangchun lake and Xiaotan lake. The proposed Qinghua

road alignment is about 1000 m to the closest core area. The road site itself is in buffer or

peripheral zone of the wetland. While the road construction will affect the wetland, it will be

unlikely to directly impact the wetland cores. But the construction noise and other

construction activities near at the road site will make this arae unsitable as habitat for water

fowls and birds. These wildlife will be driven towards other areas of the lake.

5.5.2 Mitigation measures

General mitigation measures

The following mitigation measures will be taken during construction:

A Install holding and settling tank in each construction site near the waterbody to intercept

surface runoff from construction site and other sources of construction wastewater. The runoff

must be settled first before the supematant may be drained to the nearby waterbody such as

East Lake.

A The construction site will be cleaned timely, with good housekeeping. Debris and

construction waste will be stored properly and away from direct contact with rain water.

These waste materials will be timely removed from the site.

At No construction material or debris will also be stacked near wastewater outlets. Sludge

from the holding tanks will be cleared timely to prevent it from building up.


X For construction camps set up in suburb areas where are not serviced by the municipal

sewer systems, septic tanks with sufficient capacity will be installed at each camp. All

domestic wastewater will be drained to the septic tanks first before discharged to the receiving


X Contractors will be trained for common knowledge about environmental protection to

enhance their environmental awareness and specific practices for protecting water quality,

aquatic life and other parts of the ecosystem.

V1itigation specific for Qinghua road

X The construction will strictly comply with the Wuhan Lake Protection Regulations. More

specifically, the road construction must ensure it will not cause lake area and water depth

reduction, and damage to weeds and other higher aquatic lives. Any damage to aquatic life,

flora or otherwise, will be restored and recovered after construction. The Regulations require

that no activities shall reduce the amount of the aquatic vegetation and water fowls habitats

and the construction will ensure a full compliance with this requirement.

X Cofferdam methods will be used for construction of column for the elevated viaduct for

Qinghua road, to isolate the in-water construction activities from the surrounding main

waterbody of the lake. All slurry from the construction site, as well as other wastewater

generated during in-water construction will be pumped into the holding ponds at shore for

treatment before discharge. No direct discharge into the lake will be allowed.

X In addition, heavy and noisy construction activities for Qinghua road will be scheduled in

the time of year when migrating birds are back to the north (spring to fall) to minimize the

impacts to the birds. However, this will also be the rainy season and certain construction

activities will be affected and even restricted. So the effect of this measures in mitigating the

noise impacts will be limited. Modern construction technologies will be applied to shorten the

construction time, thus the impacting time, as much as possible.

X All slurry and sludge from the in-water construction activities, as well as other

construction waste will be strictly forbidden to disposed into the lake. They will be hauled

away and disposed in landfills.

AX Near water construction will be closely supervised by the PMO, in addition to the normal

construction supervision practices. The PMO will send dedicated and well trained

environmental staff at the key construction stages of Qinghua road to ensure appropriate

mitigation measures are actually taken and effective. Any successive impacts and those

exceeding predicted by this EA will be promptly reported to the PMO and the contractor.

Additional mitigation measures will be proposed, designed and implemented to addressed the

newly identified impacts.

5.6 Vegetation Impacts and Mitigation

5.6.1 Impact

I I s

Road widening, construction material stacking and new road construction will invade

roadside vegetation such as grass, trees and bushes. The roadside vegetation will be impactedto various degrees. In particular, a number of trees will be cut to give a way to road widening

and new road construction. The exact number of trees to be lost to the project is summarized

in Table 5.6- i .

Table 5.6-1 Vegetation Impacts

| No. | Road Sections No. of Trees to be Cut No. of New Trees to be PlantedI MRR-north 388 2402 MRR-south 52 4003 Qinghua road 48 20004 Huangpu road 64 6505 Hansha road 56 1006 Lanshankou interchange(Jinshui road) 0 1007 Guocikou interchange 0 1008 Youyi road 112 1409 Hongkong road 198 (one side) 38010 Hongkong road interchange 0 301 1 Hanxier road 46 26512 Hanxi road 0 5013 Nanniwan interchange 84 14014 Jianshe boulevard 448 30015 Zhongshan boulevard 132 5016 Houhu road 50 52017 Yanhe boulevard 23 14018 Lugougiao road 50 10019 Taibeiyi road 64 18020 Meizi road 64 12021 Maying road 38 20022 Sixin boulevard 55 20023 Zhongshanbei road 24 20024 Jisan road 23 30025 Loushinan road 180 26026 Shibeiling road 46 18027 Qinyuan road 54 26028 Gongye boulevard 32 30029 Erqiao ramp 20 50

Total 2351 10115

The above table shows that more trees will be planted than cut and the total number of trees

will be increased after the construction, resulting in a positive impacts to the urban vegetation.

However, as it will take several years for the young trees to grow and have the same green

coverage and sizes of the shape as those cut by the project, there will still be impacts of lost

green areas in the first several years after project completion.

5.6.2 Mitigation

The following mitigation will be taken during construction:

A The green belt occupied in the construction phase will be restored when the construction

is finished.

AX According to the principle of "cut one tree and re-plant two", new trees will be planted to

make up for the lost. Table 5.6-1 shows the actual tree compensation. The table shows that

except Jianshe boulevard and Zhongshan boulevard, along all other project roads the newly

planted trees will be near or more than twice as many as those cut. In total, 2351 trees will be


cut, but 10,15 new trees should be planted, more than four times as many. On the balance,

there will be net positive impacts on vegetation.

A The existing vegetation layout was taken into adequate consideration in the design phase

and various designs will be implemented to protect the existing vegetation to the maximum

extent possible. For example, the Hong Kong road expansion/widening will be one-sided such

that all trees on the other side will be saved.

5.7 Community Impacts and Mitigation

5.7.1 Impact

The project construction will require a complete closure of Hongkongbei road, MRR north,

Qinghua road and Maying road. As these roads will be totally blocked for traffic during the

construction phase, and it will adversely impact the living of the communities near the roads.

The main impacts are as follows:

V. Communities will be separated, it will cause adverse influence to living, outing, work,

study and access to services of the residents. The facilities along the closed roads will also be

affected. In particular, the road closure will affect the access to hospitals and schools located

on these roads, as the motor vehicle traffic will be completely suspended during the

construction period. Table 5.7-1 shows the affected hospitals.

Table 5.7-1 The main community hospitals to be affected by the construction

Roads Hospitals/Schools locations Impacts scale

Youying road Youyi road middle school west 1000 teachers/students

Hongkong road No. 11 Hospital/Ward north 300 bed

Hongkong road No. II Hospital/Clinic north I

39 Normal commercial activities of shops and stores on both sides of the roads will be

affected by the construction. The shoppers will feel the inconvenience and the business may

thus be reduced during this period.

A To and from factories and institutions along the roads will be affeeted because of the

inconvenience. People may take longer time on the road to and from their work.

AC Besides above roads, construction for other roads will require partial closure or

occupation of the roads. The partial-closure will cause traffic jam as well as access to the

road side facilities on the side which is closed to traffic and under construction.

X Construction safety will be concern. The construction sites, in the downtown and often

crowded areas, will have many machine in movement posing potential risks to the local

residnets. In addition. the elevated vaiduct, interchanges and overhead activities during house

dismantling will pose a safety issue of falling objects which could hurt people on the street


5.7.2 Mitigation measures


The following mitigation will be taken during construction:

S Temporary passageways and overhead protection walkways will be constructed ahead of

the construction to provide safe and convenient access to and from the affected communities

and key road side facilities. Construction around sensitive receptors will be speeded up to

reduce the impact duration.

N Public transport such as bus routes will be carefully re-routed for the construction period.

The new routes will be as close to the existing one as possible to minimize the impacts.

A Where construction requires demolition of the fence of walled communities and

institutions, temporary fences will be erected within one month of the demolition to reduce

the chances of public security incidents.

AR The hospitals and schools which will be affected by the construction, temporary new

gates on other streets will be created to avoid the impacts on access. Particular measures such

as temporary access roads etc. will be created with considerations for the need of olderly,

patients, children and other as sach.

AR All the construction materials will be handled and stored properly. Contractors will be

requested in their construction contracts not to store any construction materials in areas other

than those designated for construction. PMO's full time environmental supervision staff will

have regular visits to the sites to enforce the requirements. All waste will be removed from the

site in a timely manner.

X The above mitigation measures will be coordinated with other relevant government

agencies and organizations, including public security or the traffic police, municipal services

companies, environmental protection bureau, environmental sanitation bureau, school and

hospital authorities, etc.

X The PMO will conduct continued public consultation during construction to solicit public

concern and opinions about the on-going construction activities. In every construction site,

large, eye-catching boards will be erected on the sites showing contact name, position and

telehpone numbers for easy public access to vent their concerns. Prior to major construction

activities or those which could have significant impacts such as night time construction or

piling, etc, local communities will be visited and consulted for their concerns and opinions.

PMO will take prompt actions to address any concerns raised from the public.

5.8 Traffic Impact and Mitigation

5.8.1 Impact

In the construction phase, the project roads will be closed or partially closed. On the

completely closed roads, motor vehicles will be not allowed to pass. In some cases, even

bicycle traffic and pedestrian can be restricted for safety reason. The current bus line will be

temporarily re-routed and all other motor vehicle traffic, detoured. On the partially closed

roads, one side of the road will remain open to traffic while the other side under construction


will be fully closed. While motor vehicle traffic, pedestrians, bicycle will continuously be

allowed to pass, the road traffic capacity will be substantially reduced during the construction

period. Because of these road closure and semi-closure, the traffic volumes on other roads

will increase, their speeds, decrease, resulting in congestion and traffic jam.

5.8.2 Mitigation measures

The following mitigation measures for impacts on traffic:

X The traffic management department will make traffic plans for construction phase, withconsiderations of potential impacts to traffic which in turn, to residents and local communities,access to services, outings, etc.X The construction will be conducted in a partially-closed manner where possible,particularly in busy and critical roads. Namely, half of the sheets will be open to traffic whilethe other half is under construction.AX Strengthening traffic management and organization. All transit motor vehicles will berequested to use the outer-ring road and not allowed to enter into the urban center, to reducethe traffic volume on the urban roads.A The semi-closed roads will be converted temporarily to one-way streets to avoid trafficjams. In some roads, the semi-closed roads may be closed to other traffic except bus, taxi andbicycles.

X The transportation of materials and solid waste will not be conducted in the traffic peak


5.9 Solid Waste Disposal

5.9.1 Volume of solid waste produced during construction

The planned project is a transportation project in Wuhan City, composed by various works

including civil construction, for road network building, urban truck roads improvement,

pedestrian bridges and public transport facilities. Upon demolition of the existing old

buildings and clearing the construction site, there will be a large amount construction solid

waste such as waste earthworks and construction debris, demolished materials, etc. from

construction and foundation excavation.

According to information offered by the designer, during construction excavation of about

2,690,000 m3 earthwork will be produced and filling of 2,090,000 m3 will be needed. In

addition, it is estimated that waste stonework will be about 600,000 m3 . Since the entire

project needs large number of fill, available suitable backfill earthwork fails to meet the needs

of construction, the constructors is planned to borrow earthwork from other places

(environmental impact caused by borrowing pits from other places is included in the chapter

on ecological impact assessment). Total earthwork and stonework excavated during

construction period is shown in Table 5.9-1.

In addition, demolition and construction will be generate a large amount of solid waste. It is

estimated that during construction period there will be demolition waste of 1,100,000 mi3 and

construction waste of 600,000 m3.


According to information offered by the design engineers, Wuhan Municipal EngineeringDesign Institute, the estimated solid waste produced during the construction period is shown

in Table 5.9-1.

Table 5.9-1 Volume of solid waste produced durina the construction period (unit: ton)

Designation Demolition waste Construction Earthwork

Middle Zone (San Jintan-Dijiao) ---- 125000

Yanhe Avenue (Gutianerlu Road-Jianghan Second Bridge) 794 ---- 52680-Lugouqiao Road (Jiefang Avenue-Yanjiang Avenue) --- 4520

Wuzhi Road (Jisan Road to Centerline) 1725 43435Youyi Road of Hankou (Jiefang Avenue-Zhongshan Avenue) 29237 34618

Luoshinan Road 22936 29279 116169Gongye Avenue 40000 143840

Dazhi Road ---- 3477

Meizi Road 38014 7240 42195Qinyuan Road 120952 47200 103976Taibeiyi Road 32299 5579 9006

Huangpu Avenue 108763 ---- 68350

Shi Pailing 52560 2046Hanxi'erlu Road 89329 2780 71872

Maying Road 60305 5060 60827Jianshe Avenue (Huangpu Road-Ergi Road) 127252 53701 ----

Qinghua Road 129504 549162Project of the both approaches of Second Bridge 12895 360 2460

Zhongbei Road 1800 29784 56629Houhu Road 1665 160000 477330

Sixin Avenue of Hanyang (Shisheng Road-Yingwu Avenue) 230223 24316 464045Xianggang Road 102736 ---- 42721

Jisan Road (Wuxian Road-Xunsi River) 52080 85666

Jisan Road (Xunsi River-Shi Pailing) 67500 22500 135503Total 1100505 609863 2695527

5.9.2 Solid waste disposal

The construction period will generate a large amount of solid waste such as earthwork, silts,

waste concrete, demolition waste and household rubbish. Contractors will not be allowed to

random dump the waste which will occupy valuable land, causing pollution to the

environment, and impact the landscape.

As for disposal, complying with relevant regulations by the govemment, contractors will be

requested to dispose of the solid waste generated to dedicted landfill sites. Where possible, the

excavated earthwork and other construction waste may be used for backfilling. Those which

may be recycled, such as demolished building materials will be delivered to relevant recycling,

companies for re-use. The PMO will enter into agreement with relevant authority in the city

as to how and where to dispose the construction waste. It is necessary to make sure that the

urban construction waste disposal site will be available for construction and demolition waste.

Proper procedures for environment control will be taken at disposal sites, including dailv

cover, trees planting, site reclamation after completion. etc.

During the construction period all household rubbish produced by the contractors will be first


stored properly on site and sent to dedicated municipal landfills for final disposal in an

environmental sound manner.

5.10 Impact to Cultural Relics and Mitigations During Construction

5.10.1 Impacts

The vibration from construction machinery and heavy duty construction vehicles will affect

the New Fourth Army Headquarters and the Xinhai revolutionary gate. These are basically

wood and brick structure, which can be affected by heavy vibration. But, since these cultural

relics are relatively new (1920's and 1980's, respectively), and there is no heavy vibration

operation such as piling near these facilities, the vibration impacts are limited.

In addition, the dust and noise from construction activities will also impact these cultural

relics, primarily for cultural relics maintenance and visitors to the sites.

Besides the known cultural relics, there are possibilities that chance finds may occur during

construction for underground archaeological sites. In particular Wuhan is a city with a long

history (over 800 years recorded history for the city) and many archaeological finds have been

uncovered in and around Wuhan in the past, such possibilities do exist. If not protected

properly during construction, archaeological chance finds could be damaged during


5.10.2 Mitigation

The following mitigation measures will be taken:

39 All heavy duty trucks will be slowed down near the cultural relics sites to minimize the

vibration and noise.

X Construction machinery will be well maintained to be in good conditions before allowed

to enter the sites.

X All construction sites will be watered regularly during the dry and windy days to reduce

air born dust. All trucks containing bulk materials will be covered.

3g If an archaeological chance find is uncovered, the construction activities will be halted

immediately. The contractors will be requested to provide the maximum protection possible to

such finds. The cultural authority and archaeological professionals will be called promptly to

the site to make an evaluation. The construction may only be resumed with the approval of the

cultural authority, after their evaluation.

5.11 Contractor Management

It is recognized that contractors working on the project will be a key in environmental

management. pollution control and impact mitigation during construction. A number of

measures will be taken to ensure that the contractors will be aware of their responsibilities and

obligations in environmental protection. These measures include


At All contractors and construction supervision will be required to participate in a mandatory

environmental training program prior to the start of construction onsite.

X The above mitigation measures will be, where appropriate, included in the tendering

documents for contractors and eventually in the construction contracts so that they will be the

contractual requiremenirts foIr contractors working oth project.

A Contractors will be requested to monitor their environmental activities and provide a dairy

on environmental performance on a daily or weekly basis. These records will be subject to

supervision and review- by the rPMvOi and construction monitoring teams.

X All contractors will be requested to provide a dedicated, full time environmental staff on

each section of the project roads. These environmental staff will be trained by the training

program first to be qualified for their job. No contracts will be deemed effective and started

priort to completion of the environmental training.

AS The contractors will be requested to communicate and consult the communities where they

work. An eye-catching public notice board will be erected in each road section to notice the

public of the main construction activities at this particular site and construction duration. At the

same time, the board will provide contact names and telephone numbers to the public to express

their concerns and complaints about the construction activities.


6 . Environmental Impacts Assessment and Mitigations duringOperation Phase

6.1 Air impact assessment and mitigation

6.1.1 Methodology

Air quality impacts will be predicted for both sides of the project roads, surrounding areas of

project interchanges, surrounding areas of bus terminals, as well as air shed for the Wuhan


To forecast emission levels from motor vehicle fleet in Wuhan and potential impacts to air

quality by operation of this urban transport project, a series of mathematical models are used

in the EA, All these models have been successfully applied in the past in other urban transport

projects in China, including those financed by the World Bank. These models and their main

purposes are:

AR MOBIL5, to calculate the automobile emission intensity and quantity. The model,

originally developed by the US EPA, was modified by Qinghua University to fit with the

motor vehicle fleet composition and operation conditions in Wuhan. This model has been

widely applied in several cities in China and showed a good modeling results and gained

extensive experience. As China's motor vehicle emission study and control are still in the

beginning stage without extensive statistical data, using the US EPA model with appropriate

modifications made based on local conditions have been the most effective approach for

modeling the motor vehicle emission factor or intensity.

X ISCLT3, to forecast potential impacts of the project to the regional air shed in the project

area. This model was again promoted first by the US EPA to predict air quality in an air shed

with considerations for point, area, liner and other sources of air emissions in a region. It

requires limited data import and is suitable for areas where there is a lack of comprehensive

data and/or high accuracy of the data. The application of this model helps understand project

impacts from the city wide perspective; and

X CALINE4, the Gaussain equation based model is to forecast potential impacts of the

project to air quality adjacent to the project roads. Extensive application of this model by the

US EPA as well as successful application of this model in Tianj in, Beijing and Shijiazhuang of

China have demonstrated the suitableness of this model in the relatively simple topography

urban areas for predicting dispersion of emissions from motor vehicles. This model helps

understand the dispersion of the air pollutants from motor vehicle emissions to the

surrounding area and as such understand project impacts from project area perspective.

The actual modeling work was completed by Qinghua University, a leading environmental

school in China. The Qinghua's modeling team has been involved in numerous urban

transport projects and air quality sector studies in China which were financed by the World

Bank. This team has also been assisting SEPA on setting national policies and standards for


motor vehicle emissions.

As motor vehicle traffic along project roads will increase over years, potential project impacts

would also change with time. To understand short, medium and long term_ imnacts from the

project operation, the above models have been applied for the years 2007 (the year when all

project construction is scheduled to complete and all project roads will be operational), 2012

and 2020.

Meteorological conditions are critical factors affecting dispersion of motor vehicle emission

dispersion, and thus the level of potential impacts of these emissions to the surrounding air

quality and surrounding environments. These conditions are also key parameters or

coefficients in the ISCLT and CALINE4 models. In this EA, the meteorological information

involved in the forecast of the urban regional environmental air quality comes from the

conventional meteorological data for the latest three years (1999-2001) in Wuhan City. The

data are provided by Hubei Meteorological Environment Assessment Center.

6.1.2 Meteorological characteristics

Main meteorological characteristics in the latest three years (1999-2001) of Wuhan City are

preseted in Table 6.1 -1 through 6.1-6.


Table 6.1-1 Seasonal average wind velocity (m/s) and direction frequency

Wintn, year Spring Summer Fall Winter Year

N Frequency 4 4 6 7 5Wind velo. l.9 1.5 1.7 1.6 1.6

NNE Frequency 7 8 12 10 9Wind velo. 2.0 1.9 2.0 1.8 1.9

NE Frequency 8 I I I1 14 11Wind velo. 1.7 1.7 1.8 1.6 1.7

ENE Frequency 6 6 6 5 5Wind velo. 1.5 1.7 1.6 1.5 1.6Frequency 5 5 3 3 4Wind velo. 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.2 1.3

ESE Frequency 6 6 2 1 4Wind velo. 1.6 1.4 1.6 1.7 1.5

SE Frequency 5 6 3 2 4Wind velo. 1.6 1.4 1.4 1.3 1.5

SSE Frequency 3 3 1 1 2Wind velo. 1.5 1.7 1.4 1.3 1.6

S Frequency 3 3 1 1 2Wind velo. 1.4 1.4 1.4 1.2 1.4

SSW Frequency 2 2 1 1 .Windvelo. 1.6 2.1 1.6 1.3 1.8SW Frequency 2 4 1 1 2

Wind velo. 1.5 1.8 1.6 1.3 1.7WSW Frequency 4 3 1 1 2

Wind velo. 1.5 1.6 1.3 1.5 1.5_ Frequency 5 6 1 2 4

Wind velo. 1.3 1.4 1.2 1.3 1.4WNW Frequency 2 2 1 2 2

Wind velo. 1.5 1.9 1.4 1.5 1.6

NW Frequency 5 5 7 5 5Wind velo. 1.7 1.5 1.4 1.3 1.5NNW Frequency 5 3 8 5 5

Wind velo. 2.1 1.7 1.7 1.8 1.8C Frequency 31 24 33 40 32

Table 6.1-2 Average value of meteorological elements in Wuhan City

Seasons, Year Item Spring Summer Fall Winter YearAir pressure (hPa) 1011.2 1002.0 1015.6 1023.4 1013.1Precipitation (mm) 336.0 426.0 237.1 154.4 1153.4

Temperature (C) 18.0 28.3 18.6 6.2 17.8

Humidity (%) 71 75 75 75 74Wind velocity (m/s) 1.2 1.2 1.1 1.0 1.1

Table 6.1-3 Seasonal atmospheric stability frequency (%) in Wuhan City

Stability lt& A B C D E FSpring 1 17 11 29 28 14

Summer l 14 12 30 29 14Fall 0 15 9 30 27 19

Winter 0 10 5 35 31 19Year 0 14 9 31 29 17


Table 6.1-4 Monthly average temperature in the recent three years in Wuhan City C )

Month 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 I I 12

Avera2etemperaure 7.5 12.3 18.0 j 23.6 j 26.4 30.3 28.2 25.7 18.4 11.7 6.5

Table 6.1-5 Average mixed iayer height o' each stability in W'luhan (i)

Type of stability A-B C D E-Ft lixed layer height (im) 730 630 300 220

Table 6.1-6 Combined frequency of wind direction and velocity and atmospheric stability (%)

ind velocity <2 2.0-2.9 3.0-4.9 5.0-5.9 >6.0Stability _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

A-B 0.547 0.023 0.023 0.000 0.000C 0.000 0.342 0.274 0.000 0.000ND 1.163 0.707 0.456 0.000 0.023

E-F 1.232 0.547 0.046 0.000 0.000A-B 0.525 0.205 0.000 0.000 0.000C 0.000 0.616 0.456 0.000 0.000NNED 1.232 1.597 1.323 0.091 0.000

E-F 1.642 1.072 0.228 0.000 0.000A-B 1.118 0.205 0.046 0.000 0.000

C 0.000 1.026 0.342 0.000 0.000NE...D 2.144 1.437 1.095 0.091 0.023

E-F 2.258 1.300 0.023 0.000 0.000A-B 0.662 0.274 0.023 0.000 0.000

C 0.000 0.662 0.205 0.000 0.000ENED 1.141 0.570 0.297 0.023 0.000

E-F 1.163 0.433 0.023 0.000 0.000A-B 0.958 0.091 0.000 0.000 0.000

C 0.000 0.297 0.046 0.000 0.000ED 1.004 0.297 0.046 0.000 0.000

E-F 1.186 0.205 0.000 0.000 0.000A-B 0.570 0.251 0.023 0.000 0.000

ESE C 0.000 0.456 0.182 0.000 0.000D 0.456 0.342 0.068 0.000 0.000

| E-F 0.890 0.297 0.023 0.000 0.000A-B 0.639 0.228 0.000 0.000 0.000

t SE 1- C 0.000 0.753 0.137 0.000 0.000D 0.684 0.274 0.046 0.000 0.000

E-F 1.118 0.228 0.000 0.000 0.000A-B 0.365 0.251 0.023 0.000 0.000

SSE C 0.000 0.205 0.091 0.000 0.000D 0.205 0.182 0.068 0.000 0.000

E-F 0.502 0.091 0.000 0.000 0.000A-B 0.570 0.160 0.000 0.000 0.000

s C 0.000 0.205 0.068 0.000 0.000D 0.251 0.046 0.023 0.000 0.000

_______ | E-F 0.411 0.068 0.000 0.000 0.000



Wind velocityWiX dir <2 2.0-2.9 3.0-4.9 5.0-5.9 >6.0


A-B 0.205 0.068 0.091 0.000 0.000

C 0.000 0.228 0.137 0.000 0.000SSW

D 0.114 0.114 0.023 0.000 0.000

E-F 0.228 0.046 0.000 0.000 0.000

A-B 0.433 0.319 0.114 0.000 0.000

C 0.000 0.205 0.160 0.000 0.000SW

D 0.205 0.137 0.023 0.000 0.000

E-F 0.388 0.114 0.000 0.000 0.000

A-B 0.456 0.137 0.000 0.000 0.000

C 0.000 0.411 0.114 0.000 0.000WSW

D 0.228 0.205 0.023 0.000 0.000

E-F 0.525 0.160 0.000 0.000 0.000

A-B 0.547 0.091 0.000 0.000 0.000

C 0.000 0.137 0.114 0.000 0.000W

D 0.707 0.411 0.046 0.000 0.000

E-F 1.232 0.251 0.000 0.000 0.000

A-B 0.114 0.205 0.000 0.000 0.000

C 0.000 0.114 0.046 0.000 0.000WNW

D 0.388 0.274 0.046 0.000 0.000

E-F 0.411 0.251 0.000 0.000 0.000

A-B 0.662 0.205 0.000 0.000 0.000

C 0.000 0.342 0.091 0.000 0.000NW

D 1.232 0.776 0.160 0.023 0.000

E-F 1.232 0.525 0.000 0.000 0.000

A-B 0.342 0.091 0.023 0.000 0.000

C 0.000 0.547 0.205 0.000 0.000NNW

D 0.981 0.958 0.753 0.000 0.000

E-F 0.776 0.616 0.023 0.000 0.000

A-B 2.600

C 0.000C..

D 5.794

E-F 23.518

The above table shows that in general, the average wind speed in Wuhan, based on the latestthree vears meteorological data, is 1. I m/s and average temperature. 17.8 "C. The atmosphericstability is primarily D and E. with frequencies of occurrence of 31% and 29%, respectively.This indicates that the local climate is in general tends to be stable. not a favorite condition for


air pollutants to be dispersed and diluted once emitted from motor vehicles and other sources.

6.1.3 Air impacts forecast results and assessment

Emission factor/intensity Modeling results

Motor vehicle emission factor/intensity is forecasted based on the composition and conditions

of existing motor vehicle fleet in Wuhan. The model also considers relevant pollution control

laws and regulations for motor vehicle emissions as well as further emission control standards

phanning= Basically Euro3 emission standards for motor vehicles will be implemented in

Wuhan City in 2010 and Euro4 in 2015, according to relevant city and environmental plans.

MOBILE5 mode is based on the average running speed of motor vehicles in the city. This

mode classifies motor vehicles into eight categories: small passenger vehicle (LDGV),

light-duty gasoline vehicle (LDGT1), medium-duty gasoline vehicle (LDGT2), heavy-duty

gasoline vehicle (HDGT), light-duty diesel vehicle (LDDV), light-duty diesel truck (LDDT),

heavy-duty diesel vehicle (HDDV) and motorcycles. As the light-duty diesel vehicle and

light-duty diesel truck presently are very limited in number in the city, they are ignored in the

modeling for this project.

Table 6.1-7 through Table 6.1-11 presented respectively the emission factor modeling results

for 2007, 2012 (apply Euro3 control standards and not apply, respectively) and 2020 (apply

Euro4 control standards and not apply the standards, respectively).

Table 6.1-7 Emission factor under several average running speeds in 2007 (g/km)

Average running SmallLight-duty Medium-duty Heavy-duty Heavy-duty

speed* passenger Motorcyclegasoline vehicle gasoline vehicle gasoline vehicle diesel vehicle

km/h vehicle


2.39 2.91 3.19 7.79 3.37 6.56

21.56 22.04 30.60 96.15 16.51 25.33

1.45 1.29 1.80 4.47 22.22 0.10


1.72 2.07 2.25 5.00 2.56 5.02

15.78 16.47 22.86 61.62 10.94 14.59

1.37 1.22 1.70 4.75 18.36 0.10


0.86 1.10 1.18 1.93 1.28 3.70

6.03 6.93 9.63 25.89 4.59 5.71

1.43 1.20 1.68 5.70 14.65 0.13

* Assumed speeds, not necessarily the actual motor vehicle speeds in the city


Table 6.1-8 Emission factor under several average running speeds in 2020 (g/krn)

Average running SmallLight-duty Medium-duty Heavy-duty Heavy-duty

speed passenger Motorcyclespee pas gasoline vehicle gasoline vehicle gasoline vehicle diesel vehicle

km/h vehicle


0.64 0.77 1.48 2.19 1.85 3.69

6.33 6.46 13.59 18.75 9.50 9.43

0.44 0.38 0.91 1.24 10.36 0.09


0.48 0.57 1.05 1.46 1.40 3.13

4.64 4.82 10.15 12.02 6.29 5.43

0.41 0.36 0.86 1.31 8.56 0.09


0.29 0.36 0.58 0.67 0.70 2.65

1.77 2.03 4.27 5.05 2.64 2.13

0.44 0.36 0.85 1.58 6.83 0.13

Modeling results show that motor vehicle emission factor or intensity will be reduced in 2012

compared with 2007. This is because more stringent emission standards (Euro3) will be

applied in the city. In fact, even if Euro3 is not to apply, the emission intensity for individual

vehicles will still be reduced with other control measures the city plans to implement, such as

I/M program which Wuhan has started in a small scale and will be expanded for the entire

fleet gradually, and the old and high polluting vehicle retirement over the years. Similarly, if

Euro3 and Euro4 are to be applied as scheduled, motor vehicle emission factor will have a

substantial decrease in 2020, compared with 2007. Figure 6.1-1 shows NOx emission from a

typical LDGT2 in the city with an average speed of 35 km/h under the Euro standards

implementation and non implementation conditions, predicted by the model.

Forecast results of air quality on both sides o'project roads


Based on motor vehicle emission factor predicted by the above model and the forecast road

traffic volumes from project engineers, simulation is made for the atmospheric quality on both

sides of the roads and the main sensitive receptors. CALINE4 I used in the simulation for

pollutant (CO, NOx) concentrations in 3, 5, 10, 25 and 50 m to the road under general and

most unfavorable conditions, respectively. The points of predietions are all assumed to be 1.5

m above the ground. The background concentration input in the CALINE4 model was the

average concentration of the state designated reference area. The most unfavorable conditions

refer to the motor vehicle traffic flows at peak hours and the most unfavorable meteorological

conditions (calm wind, unfavorable wind direction, high stability and high mixing layer). As

CALINE4 cannot directly be used for modeling NO2 and is lack of accuracy in its output for

this parameter, some modifications have been made in modeling. These modifications,

primarily about urban topography and motor vehicle characteristics, are similar to those made

in other World Bank financed urban transport projects.

The dispersion modeling results for both sides of project roads are shown in Table 6.1-8 and



Table 6.1-8 Forecast result of air quality on both sides of road is shown in.

2007Distance to 2020 (with project)

Road section Without project With projectroadside


m mg/mr mg/mr3 mg/m3 mglm3 mg/m3 Mg/m3

3 0 0 2.4 0.289 1.8 0.150Zhonghuanxian North

Zl.oghuaxia Nort5 0 0 2.4 0.276 1.8 0.144section

10 0 0 2.3 0.252 1.6 0.130(Etouwan-Sanjintan)s

25 0 0 2.0 0.200 1.6 0.104

50 0 0 1.9 0.157 1.5 0.083

3 0 0 4.3 0.749 2.4 0.328

Zhonghuanxian North 5 0 0 4.1 0.728 2.4 0.319

section 10 0 0 3.9 0.652 2.3 0.283

(Etouwan-Sanjintan)h 25 0 0 3.1 0.492 2.0 0.211

50 0 0 2.8 0.379 1.9 0.166

3 0 0 1.8 0.170 1.5 0.091

Zhonghuanxian North 5 0 0 1.8 0.163 1.5 0.088

section (Sanjintan-Hanshi 10 0 0 1.8 0.149 1.5 0.081

Highway) s 25 0 0 1.6 0.124 1.5 0.068

50 0 0 1.6 0.102 1 .5 0.058

3 0 0 2.1 0.278 1.8 0.177

Zhonghuanxian North 5 0 0 2.1 0.270 1.8 0.173

section (Sanjintan-Hanshi 10 0 0 2.0 0.248 1.8 0.162

Highway) h 25 0 0 1.9 0.196 1.6 0.120

50 0 0 1.8 0.159 1.6 0.098

3 0 0 1.6 0.118 1.5 0.068

5 0 0 1.6 0.114 1.5 0.067Zhonghuanxian East

10 0 0 1.6 0.106 1.5 0.062section s

25 0 0 1.5 0.092 1.4 0.055

50 0 0 1.5 0.077 1.4 0.048

3 0 . 0 2.1 0.289 1.6 0.121

5 0 0 2.1 0.280 1.6 0.118Zhonghuanxian East

Zhonghuanxia East10 0 0 2.1 0.256 1.6 0.107section h

25 0 0 1.9 0.204 1.5 0.086

50 0 0 1.8 0.163 1.5 0.073



2007Distance to 2020 (with project)

Road section roadside Without project With project

CO NOx co NOx cO Nox

3 0 0 2.1 0.161 1.8 0.102

5 0 0 2.1 0.153 1.6 0.097

Qinghua RD s 10 0 0 2.0 0.137 1.6 0.087

25 0 0 1.9 0.108 1.6 0.070

50 0 0 0.087 1I5 0.058

3 0 0 3.0 0.457 2.5 0.232

5 0 0 2.9 0.437 2.4 0.222

Qinghua RD h 10 0 0 2.8 0.373 2.3 0.186

25 0 0 2.3 0.272 2.0 0.136

50 0 0 2.1 0.211 1.9 0.106

3 0 0 2.9 0.190 2.1 0.132

5 0 0 2.8 0.182 2.0 0.125

Huangpu Rd s 10 0 0 2.6 0.165 2.0 0.112

25 0 0 2.3 0.133 1.8 0.090

50 0 0 2.0 0.106 1.8 0.072

3 0 0 5.8 0.512 3.5 0.295

5 0 0 5.6 0.494 3.4 0.286

Huangpu Rd h 10 0 0 5.1 0.434 3.1 0.246

25 0 0 4.0 0.326 2.6 0.180

50 0 0 3.4 0.252 2.3 0.141

3 3.4 0.15 1.5 0.067 1.4 0.049

5 3.4 0.146 1.5 0.065 1.4 0.048

Old Hansha Highway s 10 3.4 0.141 1.5 0.063 1.4 0.047

25 3.4 0.128 1.5 0.057 1.4 0.043

50 3.4 0.112 1.5 0.050 1.4 0.041

3 4.3 0.311 1.9 0.139 1.5 0.073

5 4.3 0.312 1.9 0.137 1.5 0.072Old Hansha Highway h 10 4.0 0.283 1.8 0.126 1.5 0.067

25 4.0 0.238 1.8 0.106 1.5 0.058

50 3.6 0.20 1.6 0.089 1.5 0.052

3 4.5 0.20 4.3 0.192 2.5 0.122

5 4.3 0.192 4.1 0.184 2.5 0.116Hongkong Rd s 10 4.0 0.174 3.8 0.167 2.4 0.105

25 3.2 0.141 3.1 0.135 2.1 0.083

50 2.7 0.111 2.6 0.106 1.9 0.068

3 10.5 0.538 10.1 0.515 4.9 0.268

5 10.3 0.518 9.9 0.496 4.8 0.260Hongkong Rd h 10 9.2 0.458 8.8 0.439 4.4 0.225

25 7.1 0314 6.8 0.330 3.5 0.165

._____________________ 50 5.6 (.265 5.4 0.254 { 3.0 0.131



2007Road section Distance to Without project With project 2020 (with project)roadside

CO NOx CO NOx CO NOx3 1.8 0.070 2.0 0.077 1.6 0.0525 1.8 0.067 2.0 0.073 1.6 0.052

Dazhi Rd s 10 1.8 0.064 1.9 0.069 1.5 0.04825 1.7 0.055 1.8 0.059 1.5 0.04450 1.5 0.048 1.6 0.052 1.5 0.0403 3.3 0.168 3.6 0.182 2.1 0.0885 3.2 0.162 3.5 0.176 2.1 0.085

Dazhi Rd h 10 3.0 0.143 3.3 0.155 2.0 0.07525 2.4 0.111 2.6 0.120 1.9 0.06150 2.2 0.090 2.4 0.098 1.8 0.054

3 3.8 0.245 2.4 0.155 1.6 0.066

JiansheAve 5 3.8 0.235 2.4 0.149 1.6 0.064(Kejiguan-Huangpu Rd) 10 3.6 0.219 2.3 0.139 1.5 0.061

s 25 3.2 0.180 2.0 0.114 1.5 0.05450 3.0 0.148 1.9 0.094 1.5 0.0483 6.8 0.614 4.3 0.389 2.0 0.115

Jianshe Ave 5 6.8 0.598 4.3 0.379 2.0 0.113(Kejiguan-Huangpu Rd) 10 6.2 0.543 3.9 0.344 1.9 0.102

h 25 5.2 0.423 3.3 0.268 1.8 0.08350 4.6 0.333 2.9 0.211 1.8 0.0713 0 0 1.8 0.085 1.5 0.0655 0 0 1.8 0.083 1.5 0.064

Jianshe Ave(Kejiguan-Houhu Rd) s 10 0 0 1.8 0.077 .5 0.060

25 0 0 1.6 0.069 1.5 0.05350 0 0 1.5 0.061 1.5 0.0473 0 0 2.5 0.192 1.9 0.1125 0 0 2.5 0.186 1.9 0.110

Jianshe Ave(Kejiguan-Houhu Rd) 10 0 0 2.4 0.172 1.9 0.101

25 0 0 2.1 0.141 1.8 0.08150 0 0 2.0 0.116 1.6 0.0693 3.7 0.239 2.8 0.180 1.8 0.0925 3.5 0.228 2.6 0.172 1.8 0.087

Youyi Rd s 10 3.3 0.203 2.5 0.153 1.8 0.08025 3.1 0.162 2.3 0.122 1.6 0.06550 2.7 0.130 2.0 0.098 1.5 0.0553 7.4 0.657 5.6 0.494 2.8 0.1945 7.2 0.628 5.4 0.473 2.6 0.187

Youyi Rd 10 6.5 0.517 4.9 0.412 2.5 0.16025 5.2 0.422 3.9 0.303 2.1 0.11950 4.4 0.312 3.3 0.235 2.0 0.096



. 2007

Road section Distance to Without project | With project 2020 (with project)

CO NOx CO NOx CO NOx3 2.8 0.206 2.3 0.170 1.6 0.093

5 2.8 0.196 2.3 0.161 1.6 0.088

Nanniwan Interchange s 10 2.6 0.176 2.1 0.145 1.6 0.079

25 2.3 0.138 [.9 0.114 1.5 0.064

50 2.2 0.108 1.8 0.089 1.5 0.055

3 5.3 0.586 4.4 0.482 2.4 0.202

5 5.2 0.560 4.3 0.461 2.4 0.195

Nanniwan Interchange h 10 4.6 0.478 3.8 0.393 2.1 0.16425 3.8 0.349 3.1 0.287 1.9 0.121

50 3.2 0.269 2.6 0.221 1.8 0.096

3 0 0 1.9 0.094 1.6 0.062

5 0 0 1.9 0.092 1.5 0.061

Houhu Rd s 10 0 0 1.9 0.085 1.5 0.05725 0 0 1.8 0.073 1.5 0.050

50 0 0 1.6 0.063 1.5 0.045

3 0- 0 3.1 0.231 2.0 0.109

5 0 0 3.0 0.223 2.0 0.106Houhu Rd h 10 0 0 2.9 0.202 1.9 0.095

25 0 0 2.5 0.159 1.8 0.076

50 0 0 2.3 0.128 1.6 0.065

3 3.0 0.112 3.9 0.149 2.3 0.085

5 2.9 0.107 3.8 0.141 2.1 0.081

Zhongshan Ave s 10 2.6 0.095 3.5 0.126 2.0 0.074

25 2.2 0.)76 2.9 0.100 1.9 0.061

50 1.8 0.061 2.4 0.081 1.8 0.052

3 7.4 0.308 9.8 0.408 4.1 0.182

S 7.1 0.294 9.4 0.389 4.0 0.174

Zhongshan Ave h 10 6.1 0.251 8.0 0.332 3.6 0.147

25 4.5 0.184 6.0 0.243 2.9 0.110

50 3.7 0.142 4.9 0.188 2.5 0.088

3 2.9 0.177 2.4 0.149 1.8 0.094

5 2.7 0.168 2.3 0.141 1.8 0.090Hanxierlu s 10 2.5 0.152 2.1 0.128 1.8 0.082

25 2.4 0.123 2.0 0.104 1.6 0.067

50 2.1 0.101 1.8 0.085 1.5 0.056

3 5.2 0.478 4.4 0.402 2.6 0.201

5 5.1 0.458 4.3 0.385 2.5 0.194Hanxierlu h [0 4.6 0.399 3.9 0.336 2.4 0.166

25 3.6 0.30 3.1 0.252 2.1 0.23

50 3.3 0.233 2.8 0.196 1.9 0.l99



2007Road section Distance to Without project With project 2020 (with project)roadside


3 3.4 0.193 2.9 0.165 1.8 0.071

5 3.4 0.184 2.9 0.157 1.8 0.068

Riverside Ave s 10 3.0 0.165 2.6 0.141 1.6 0.063

25 2.7 0.131 2.3 0.112 1.6 0.053

50 2.3 0.104 2.0 0.089 1.5 0.047

3 5.6 0.393 4.8 0.315 2.1 0.106

5 5.3 0.352 4.5 0.301 2.1 0.102

Riverside Ave h 10 4.7 030 4.0 0.256 2.0 0.090

25 3.6 0.217 3.1 0.186 1.8 0.072

50 3.0 0.162 2.6 0.139 1.6 0.058

3 0 0 1.5 0.071 1.4 0.046

5 0 0 1.5 0.069 1.4 0.045

Gongye Ave s 10 0 0 1.5 0.067 1.4 0.044

25 0 0 1.5 0.059 1.4 0.042

50 0 0 1.5 0.052 1.4 0.039

3 0 0 1.9 0.153 1.5 0.065

5 0 0 1.9 0.149 1.5 0.064

GongyeAve h 10 0 0 1.9 0.139 1.5 0.061

25 0 0 1.8 0.116 1.5 0.053

50 0 0 1.6 0.098 1.5 0.048

3 0 - 0 1.8 0.081 1.6 0.071

5 0 0 1.8 0.079 1.6 0.069

Luoshinanlu s 10 0 0 1.6 0.075 1.5 0.067

25 0 0 1.6 0.067 1.5 0.059

50 0 0 1.5 0.059 1.5 0.052

3 0 0 2.5 0.184 2.0 0.145

5 0 0 2.5 0.178 2.0 0.143

Luoshinanlu h 10 0 0 2.4 0.165 1.9 0.131

25 0 0 2.1 0.135 1.8 0.108

50 0 0 2.0 0.112 1.8 0.0893 0 0 2.5 0.157 1.8 0.092

5 0 0 2.5 0.153 1.8 0.089Zhongshanbeilu 2.4 0.141 1.8 0.082

(Wuqingdao-Shahudao) . .25 0 0 2.1 0.116 1.6 0.069

50 0 0 1.9 0.096 1.6 0.0583 0 0 4.6 0.397 2.6 0.180

5 0 0 4.5 0.387 2.6 0.176Zhongshanbeilu I0 0 0 4.3 0.350 2.5 0.176

(Wuqingdao-Shahudao)ht 10 0 0 4.3 0.350 2.5 0.I5825 0 0 3.5 0.272 2.1 0.122

50 0 0 3.0 0.215 2.0 0.099



2007Road section Distance to 2007 2020 (with project)

Rods nroadside TOx pO XcNOx Wt P NOx

3 1.2 0.052 1.8 0.079 1.8 0.086I "A~'1 1I (OCIQ2

5 i .2 0.051 i i.8 0.077 1.0 O.OS3Zhongshanbeilu 10 1.2 0.048 1.8 0.073 1.6 0.077

( Shahudao-East Lake ) s .__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _

25 1.1 0.042 1.6 0.065 1.6 0.065

50 1.1 0.037 1.6 0.056 1.5 0.056

3 1.7 0.121 2.6 0.184 2.5 0.176

5 1.6 0.116 2.5 0.176 2.4 0.166Zhongshanbeilu 1.6 0.106 2.4 0.161 2.3 0.147

(Shahudao-East Lake) h25 1.5 0.087 2.3 0.133 2.0 0.118

50 1.3 0.074 2.0 0.112 1.9 0.097

3 0 0 2.0 0.102 1.6 0.073

5 0 0 2.0 0.098 1.6 0.070

Qinyuan Rd s 10 0 0 1.9 0.089 1.6 0.064

25 0 0 1.8 0.075 1.5 0.054

50 0 0 1.6 0.063 1.5 0.048

3 0 0 3.6 0.268 2.4 0.145

5 0 0 3.5 0.258 2.4 0.140

Qinyuan Rd h 10 0 0 3.3 0.223 2.1 0.119

25 0 0 2.6 0.170 2.0 0.091

50 0 0 2.4 0.135 1.8 0.075

3 0 0 2.1 0.114 1.6 0.073

5 0 0 2.1 0.108 1.6 0.070

Jinshui Rd s 10 0 0 2.0 0.100 1.6 0.065

25 0 0 1.9 0.085 1.5 0.056

50 0 0 1.8 0.071 1.5 0.049

3 0 0 3.8 0.287 2.3 0.137

5 0 0 3.5 0.276 2.3 0.134

Jinshui Rd h 10 0 0 3.4 0.248 2.1 0.118

25 0 0 2.9 0.192 1.9 0.092

50 0 0 2.5 0.153 1.8 0.077

3 0 0 1.5 0.044 1.4 0.037

5 0 0 1.5 0.042 1.4 0.037Shipailing Rd s 10 0 0 1.4 0.042 1.4 0.036

25 0 0 1.4 0.040 1.4 0.036

50 0 0 1.4 0.038 1.4 0.036

3 0 0 1.6 0.075 1.5 0.044

5 0 0 1.6 0.073 1.5 0.043

Shipailing Rd h 10 0 0 1.6 0.069 1.5 0.042

25 0 0 1.6 0.061 1.4 0.039

._____ _ ._____________ 50 0 0 1.5 0.055 1.4 0.038




Road section Distance to Without project With project 2020 (with project)roadside _____


3 0 0 1.6 0.071 1.4 0.039

5 0 0 1.6 0.067 1.4 0.039

Jisan Rd (Wu-XCun) s 10 0 0 1.6 0.063 1.4 0.038

25 0 0 1.5 0.055 1.4 0.036

50 0 0 1.5 0.048 1.4 0.036

3 0 0 2.6 0.180 1.5 0.049

5 0 0 2.5 0.172 1.5 0.048

Jisan Rd (Wu-Xun) h 10 0 0 2.3 0.145 1.5 0.045

25 0 0 2.0 0.112 1.5 0.041

50 0 0 1.9 0.092 1.4 0.039

3 0 0 1.6 0.065 1.4 0.040

5 0 0 1.6 0.063 1.4 0.040

Jisan Rd (Xun-Shi) s 10 0 0 1.6 0.059 1.4 0.039

25 0 0 1.5 0.052 1.4 0.037

50 0 0 1.5 0.048 1.4 0.036

3 0 0 2.4 0.149 1.5 0.052

5 0 0 2.3 0.145 1.5 0.052

Jisan Rd (Xun-Shi) h 10 0 0 2.1 0.128 1.5 0.048

25 0 0 2.0 0.104 1.5 0.043

50 0 0 1.8 0.087 1.5 0.041

3 0 0 2.0 0.149 1.5 0.045

5 0 0 1.9 0.143 1.5 0.044

Meizi Rd s 10 0 0 1.9 0.131 1.4 0.042

25 0 0 1.8 0.106 1.4 0.040

50 0 0 1.6 0.087 1.4 0.039

3 0 0 3.1 0.391 1.6 0.063

5 0 0 3.1 0.377 1.6 0.062

Meizi Rd h 10 0 0 2.9 0.334 1.6 0.058

25 0 0 2.5 0.254 1.5 0.050

50 0 0 2.3 0.198 1.5 0.046

3 1.0 0.042 1.5 0.061 1.4 0.042

5 1.0 0.042 1.5 0.061 1.4 0.042

Sixin Ave s 10 1.0 0.040 1.5 0.057 1.4 0.040

25 1.0 0.035 1.5 0.050 1.4 0.038

50 1.0 0.032 1.4 0.046 1.4 0.037

3 1.3 0.10 1.9 0.143 1.5 0.060

5 I.3 0.096 1.9 0.137 1.5 0.058

Sixin Ave h 10 1.3 0.084 1.8 0.120 1.5 0.053

25 1.1 0.068 1.6 0.098 1.5 0.047

50 1.1 0.057 1.6 0.081 1.4 0.042



2007Road section Distance to ithot project With project project)

roadside I

CO NOx co NOx CO INOx-

3 0 0 1.4 0.040 1.4 0.036

5 0 0 1.4 0.040 1.4 0.036

Maying Rd s 10 0 0 1.4 0.038 1.4 0.03625 0 0 1.4 0.038 1.4 0.03550 0 0 1.4 0.036 1.4 0.034

3 0 0 1.6 0.061 1.4 0.039

5 0 0 1.5 0.059 1.4 0.039Maying Rd h 10 0 0 1.5 0.057 1.4 0.039

25 0 0 1.5 0.052 1.4 0.037

50 0 0 1.5 0.048 1.4 0.036

3 2.6 0.082 1.9 0.059 1.6 0.049

5 2.5 0.079 1.8 0.057 1.5 0.048

Taibeiyilu s 10 2.5 0.076 1.8 0.055 1.5 0.045

25 2.2 0067 1.6 0.048 1.5 0.041

50 2.1 0.061 1.5 0.044 1.5 0.039

3 4.7 0.198 3.4 0.143 2.3 0.083

5 4.6 0.187 3.3 0.135 2.1 0.079Taibeiyilu h 10 4.0 0.164 2.9 0.118 2.0 0.068

25 3.5 0130 2.5 0.094 1.9 0.056

50 3.2 0.068 2.3 0.049 1.8 0.049

3 0 0 1.8 0.087 1.5 0.047

5 0 0 1.8 0.085 1.5 0.046Hanxi Rd s 10 0 0 1.8 0.081 1.5 0.045

25 0 0 1.6 0.073 1.4 0.042

50 0 0 1.6 0.063 1.4 0.040

3 0 0 2.6 0.194 i.6 0.065

5 0 0 2.6 0.190 1.6 0.064Hanxi Rd h 10 0 0 2.5 0.178 1.6 0.061

25 0 0 2.3 0.147 1.6 0.054

50 0 0 2.0 0.122 1.5 0.049

3 2.4 0.080 2.0 0.067 1.6 0.050

5 2.3 0.078 1.9 0.065 1.6 0.048Lugouqiao Rd s 10 2.3 0.071 1.9 0.059 1.5 0.045

25 2.2 0.062 1.8 0.052 1.5 0.04250 1.9 0.055 1.6 0.046 1.5 0.039

3 4.3 0.193 3.6 0.161 2.3 0.086

5 4.2 0183 3.5 0.153 2.1 0.082Lugouqiao Rd h 10 3.7 0.157 3.1 0.131 2.0 0.071

25 3.1 0.122 2.6 0.102 1.9 0.058

50 2.8 0.10 2.3 0.083 1.8 0.050

Note: "s" after the road section name represents the whole year's average meteorological condition and "h" represents theunfavorable meteorological condition.

As shown from the above tables. for years 2007 and 2012, the exceedance of applicable air


quality standards always occur in the most unfavorable meteorological conditions. In contrast,

under the average annual meteorological conditions, air quality is expected to be in

compliance with the applicable standards. If Euro4 standards are enforced prior to 2020 and

assuming all motor vehicle at the year meet the Euro4 standards, then at all meteorological

conditions, the air quality standards will be met in 2020 on both sides of the project roads.

According to the modeling results, in 2007, air quality (NOx) at MRR north section, Qinghua

road, Huangpu road, Hongkong road, Youyi road, Nanniwan intersection and Hanxier road

will exceed the applicable standards. The impacted area (area where the standard is exceeded)

is in general less than 10 m except MRR north section where the impacted area is about 25 m.

If the project is not built (the without project scenario), Jianshe avenue, Hongkong road,

Youyi road, Nanniwan intersection and Hanxier road will have NOx exceeding the standards

and the impacted aera is less than 25 m. In addition, CO at Hongkong road will also exceed

the standard and the impacted area is less than 5 m. In general, in the with project scenario,

there will be more areas where applicable air quality standards will be exceeded than without

project scenario. This is mainly due to the substantially increased traffic volumes on the

project roads after the road widening and upgrading are complete and road traffic capacity


In 2012 and assuming Euro3 will have been implemented, MRR north section will exceed the

NOx standard but the impacted area is less than 10 m. On the both sides of Jiefang Avenue,

CO will exceed the standard and the impacted area is less than 5 m. For Jiangha Yiqiao, both

NOx and CO would exceed the standards and the impacted areas will be about 5 and 25 m,


Within the impacted area, there are residential and other sensitive receptors. These sensitive

receptors will be exposed to higher than standards air quality for NOx and in some cases, CO.

However, in several road sections, the air quality will exceed the standards even without the


Forecast of air quality in Wuhan City air shed

In the ISCLT model, the Wuhan city air shed is divided into a 3 x 3 km grid. The modeling

results (Table 6.1-9) show that after the project is in operation, CO will meet applicable

standards in all forecast years, which represents an improvement from the current air quality.

NOx concentrations, if the more stringent motor vehicle emission control standards are

implemented as planed, will also meet the applicable standards. The overall concentration

levels are very similar to the current levels, despite the substantial increase in motor vehicle

fleet in the future years. If assuming the motor vehicle emission standards are not applied,

then three grids will exceed the applicable standards in 2012 and seven in 2020, with the

maximum exceedance of 26%. Considering the fact, that the motor vehicle fleet in Wuhan

will increase substantially over the next 20 years while the air quality is not expected to


deteriorate at the same rate, the project can be seen to contribute significantly to slowingdown the air quality worsening trend through the reduced unit air emissions. This is becausethat the urban road project will substantially improve the road conditions and traffic capacity,and thus improve greatly motor vehicle operation efficiency in the urban area, compared withthe without project scenario. Air quality is expected to worse significantly if there is no thisurban transport project.

Table 6.1-9 NOx concentration forecast for Wuhan City air shed in 2007

Fixed source 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 101 0.005 0.007 0.008 0.011 0.035 0.044 0.028 0.044 0.040 0.1162 0.006 0.006 0.008 0.013 0.022 0.019 0.017 0.025 0.041 0.0213 0.007 0.009 0.010 0.015 0.017 0.016 0.022 0.030 0.052 0.0524 0.008 0.008 0.010 0.014 0.016 0.014 0.022 0.034 0.033 0.0275 0.008 0.011 0.013 0.015 0.016 0.018 0.025 0.035 0.032 0.0246 0.027 0.025 0.016 0.016 0.015 0.017 0.021 0.019 0.022 0.0357 0.036 0.028 0.013 0.016 0.014 0.014 0.015 0.014 0.015 0.035

Mobile source 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 101 0.007 0.013 0.014 0.015 0.041 0.037 0.019 0.024 0.019 0.0102 0.008 0.013 0,016 0.032 0.054 0.035 0.019 0.028 0.019 0.0113 0.008 0.012 0.016 0.044 0.045 0.024 0.032 0.037 0.019 0.0094 0.009 0.014 0.021 0.043 0.036 0.019 0.045 0.045 0.025 0.0155 0.009 0.015 0.025 0.039 0.027 0.019 0.048 0.041 0.030 0.0216 0.008 0.015 0.022 0.026 0.020 0.030 0.044 0.030 0.024 0.0197 0.008 0.012 0.014 0.017 0.014 0.026 0.028 0.015 0.014 0.012

Total 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 101 0.012 0.020 0.022 0.026 0.076 0.081 0.047 0.068 0.059 0.1262 0.014 0.020 0.024 0.046 0.076 0.054 0.036 0.053 0.060 0.0323 0.015 0.020 0.026 0.059 0.062 0.040 0.053 0.067 0.072 0.0614 0.017 0.022 0.032 0.057 0.052 0.033 0.067 0.079 0.058 0.041

5 0.017 0.025 0.038 0.054 0.042 0.037 0.072 0.076 0.061 0.045

6 0.035 0.040 0.037 0.042 0.035 0.047 0.065 0.049 0.046 0.055

7 0.044 0.040 0.027 0.033 0.028 0.040 0.043 0.028 0.029 0.048

Air quality forecast on interchanges

Simulation of air quality on project interchanges used CLINE4 model. The modeling results(Table 6. 1-10) show that at the annual average meteorological conditions, air quality will meetapplication standards at all interchanges. But under the unfavorable meteorological conditions,the air quality standard exceedance will be common. Compared with the road sections, theexceedance at intersections will be more serious and farther away from the sources.

In 2007, except two intersections all other will exceed the applicable standards if there is nothis urban transport project. In some intersections (proposed interchange sites) located in thebusy urban centers, such as Qiaokou road, Xunlimen, and Hongkong road, the area whereNOx exceeding the standard can be more than 50 m while CO, more than 25 m. With thisproject. the air quality is forecast to be improved although both parameters will still exceed


the standards. The construction of interchanges will greatly improve traffic conditions at these

intersections, minimize or eliminate many stops/startups. The smooth traffic through the

intersections, and thus the reduced air emissions from motor vehicles is the biggest factor

contributing to the air quality improvement.

In 2012 and 2020, with the implementation of more stringent emission control standards, air

quality in the interchange surrounding areas will continue to improve, according to the

modeling results. There are still air quality standards exceedance in some of the interchange

locations, particularly for NO,. In 2012, only two interchanges can meet the standards for

NO,, but in 2020, the interchanges where air quality exceed the NO, standard will be reduced

to two.


Table 6.1-10 Forecast result of air quality on traffic crossings

2007 2020Name of crossings CO NO CO Nox

s h h S O h s I h s H3 4.5 11.3 0.235 0.631 2.3 4.8 0.125 0.3145 4.5 10.9 0.235 0.612 2.3 4.6 0.125 0.302Zhonghuan 10 44 9.8 0.229 0.545 2.2 4.3 O.Ai9 0.277

Xian Etouwan 25 } 3.8 7.6 0,192 0.417 2 3.6 0.101 0.223

50 3.1 6.2 0.150 0.332 1.7 3 0.083 0.1803 4.8 11.1 0.253 0.618 2.1 3.7 0.107 0.235_ 4.7 1.8 0.247 0.600 2.1 3.7 0.107 0.229Zhonghuan 10 4.6 9.6 0.235 0.533 2 3.4 0.107 0.204

XianGutianerlu 25 3.9 7.6 0.198 0.417 1.8 2.8 0.089 0.168

50 3.2 6.2 0.156 0.332 1.6 2.4 0.077 0.1373 6.1 15.2 0.326 0.856 2.1 3.7 0.107 0.235

Zhonghuan 5 6 14.7 0.320 0.831 2.1 3.6 0.107 0.223XianChangqinglu 10 5.8 13.1 0.308 0.740 2 3.3 0.107 0.204

Kou 25 4.8 10.2 0.253 0.570 1.8 2.8 0.089 0.16850 3.9 8.2 0.192 0.448 1.7 2.4 0.077 0.1373 6.8 18 0.369 1.026 1 1 1 1 15 6.7 17.4 0.363 0.990

Zhonghuani 10 6.6 15.4 0.357 0.874Xian Xinhuaxialu 25 5.5 11.8 0.290 0.661

50 4.3 9.3. 0.223 0.509 _ _ _ _ _

3 4.2 9 0.217 0.497 _ _ __

5 4.1 8.7 0.211 0.478 _ TZhonghuan 10 3.9 7.9 0.198 0.436 | ______.

Xian Sanjintan 25 3.3 6.5 0.168 0.351 -I | _r

50 2.8 5.3 0.131 0.284

3 2.4 4.5 0.113 0.235 1 1 i I 5 2.4 4.4 0.107 0.229

Xian Laohansha 10 2.4 4.1 0.107 0.204 _ _ _ _ _

25 2.1 3.4 0.095 0.16850 1.9 2.9 0.077 0.137 _ _______

3 3.2 6.8 0.156 0.369 - _____

5 3.2 6.6 0.156 0.357 _______Zhonghuan 10 3.1 6 0.156 0.320 _ _____

Xiani Wanigjiazui l l ll 25 2.7 4.9 0.131 0.253 1 1 __

50 2.3 4.1 0.107 0.2043 3.7 10.2 0.186 0.570

Zhonghua 5 3.7 9.9 0.186 0.551 _ _ _ _

Xian Wuxian 10 3.6 9 0.186 0.497 | __r -_

Highway 25 3.1 7.1 0.156 0.38750 2.6 5.8 0.125 0.308

3 2.1 4.9 0.095 0.2595 2.1 4.7 0.095 0.247 1 1 1 1 1

Zhonghuan 10 2.1 4.4 0.089 0.22925 1.9 3.7 0.083 0.186

S0 1.7 3.1 0.071 0.156 _ _ _ _



2007 2020Name of crossings CO NOx CO Nox

s h s h s h s H3 1.8 3.5 0.077 0.174

5 1.8 3.4 0.077 0.168Zhonghua 10 1.8 3.2 0.077 0.156

Xian Minzu Ave25 1.7 2.8 0.064 0.131

50 1.5 2.5 0.058 0.113

3 1.3 1.7 0.046 0.071

5 1.3 1.7 0.046 0.064Zhonghuan xian 10 1.3 1.6 0.046 0.064Guanshan Erlu

25 1.2 1.5 0.040 0.058

50 1.2 1.4 0.040 0.052

3 4.7 11.1 0.247 0.618

5 4.7 10.7 0.247 0.594

Guocikou 10 4.5 9.3 0.235 0.515

25 3.8 7.1 0.192 0.387

50 2.9 5.7 0.144 0.302

3 6.3 17.5 0.338 0.996

5 6.3 16.7 0.338 0.947

Qiaokoulu 10 5.9 14.5 0.320 0.819

25 4.9 II 0.259 0.612

50 3.7 8.5 0.186 0.466

3 6.3 15 0.338 0.850

5 6.2 14.4 0.332 0.813

Xunlimen 10 5.9 12.6 0.314 0.710

25 4.9 9.5 0.259 0.521

50 3.7 7.5 0.186 0.405

3 4.1 10.5 0.211 0.582

5 4.1 10 0.211 0.557

Hongkong Rd 10 3.9 8.9 0.198 0.491

25 3.3 6.9 0.162 0.375

50 2.6 5.5 0.125 0.290

Note: "s" represents the whole year's average meteorological condition and "h" represents the unfavorable meteorologicalcondition.

6.1.3 Mitigation measures for air quality impact

Since 1998, Wuhan government has adopted an strategy to control air quality deteriorationcaused by urban traffic. The strategy calls for total air pollution load reduction, reasoningtraffic distribution, disperse the air pollutant loads to reduce the impact through implementingthe protection strategy of reducing the total amount, rational distribution, dispersing the loadto alleviate the environmental impact by urban transport. A series of control measures such aslimited scaled random roadside I/M program have been taken by the government with a focuson motor vehicle emissions control and total emission load reduction. With theimplementation of this project and increased motor vehicle fleet as well as increased traffic


flows, air quality may deteriorate at least along the project roads, as demonstrated by the air

quality impact modeling results discussed in the above section. Therefore, further mitigation

will be needed to minimize the adverse impacts of the project, described as follows:

Continuously implement existing air quality control measures

According to the baseline environmental assessment, Wuhan City has already made great

efforts to control the urban motor vehicle emission pollution. Main such measures are:

X Enhance the management on new car sales, tnrough periodically sarmlpling and testing of

new cars on the market, to ensure emission control standards for new vehicles are conformed;


VEHICLES IN WUHAN CITY, to ensure motor vehicle emission control in conformity with

the law and standards;

A Strictly observe NATIONATL AUTO EMISSION STANDARD on vehicle rejection and

retirement programs. All the rejected and retired motor vehicles shall be called back and

disposed without further sales and transferring;

A Strengthen the emission control of motor vehicles in use and comprehensively carry out

the annual inspection program and sample testing for emission. For motor vehicles with

emission exceeding the specified standards, it is required to retrofit to meet the standard

within a deadline. Since 2000, the city has been implementing gradually the motor vehicle

inspection program using double idle speeds;

AR Control motor vehicle fleet size, especially the increase of newly added taxi, motorcycles

and Motor bicycles; now Wuhan has already stopped the issuance of licensee for motorcycles.

As part of mitigation for this project, all above measures will be followed and implemented in

the project during the construction and operation stages, where appropriate. All construction

related vehicles will be requested to followed the above requirements for motor vehicles and


Research for a Motor Vehicle Emission Control Strategy (MVECS)

During the operation stage, with the increase in motor vehicle fleet size and the traffic

volumes on roads, the total motor vehicle emission could increase resulting in deteriorating

urban air quality. Control of motor vehicle emissions is a complex tasks involving policies,

technologies, urban infrastructure, fuel supplies, and regulations as well as governments,

manufacturers, industries, consumers and other interest groups and stakeholders. Therefore, it

is necessary for the city to conduct research and studies to develop an Motor Vehicle Emission

Control Strategy (MVECS) for Wuhan city. The main content of the research of the control

strategy on auto emission pollution includes:

A Through investigations, analysis. research and studies on motor vehicle emission, city's

urban topography, meteorological conditions, industry sector policies (both national and local)

and existing air pollution conditions in Wuhan City, develop a strategy and a scheme which


are realistic and practicable for motor vehicle emision control in the city;

9 In the selection, design and implementation of transport project, rational distribution and

assessment will be made to the new environmental issues which may be possibly caused by

the project itself and the scheme optimization shall be made from the viewpoint of

environmental protection;

X Taking prevention as the major means, and through analysis and justification, selecting

environmental protection measures which are economically rational and technically feasible;

9 Setting up city wide automatic ambient air quality monitoring system particularly those

related to motor vehicle emissions to better understand the changes in air quality and its

relations to motor vehicle emissions standards, traffic, etc.; This is actually part of the project

component in this World Bank financed project. In the Environmental Protection component,

a city wide automatic road side ambient air quality monitoring network will be established to

closely monitor the air quality along the city's trunk roads.

A Under the consolidated leadership of the government, enhance the cooperation of

inter-organizations in the effort of motor vehicle emission control and reduction, further

develop relevant legislation, regulations, policies, and standards. Enforce and supervise the

implementation of the regulations and standards;

X Strengthen scientific research to provide a scientific basis for the government to

determine the transport pollution control measures and emission standards, improve the

transport molds, improve fuel quality, etc.

AR Establish a complete inspection and maintenance (I/M) program in the city for all motor

vehicles, to enforce the motor vehicle emission standards and help maintain the motor

vehicles fleet in good conditions with respect to minimum emissions. Currently, the city has a

limited scale, road side I/M program which is administered jointly by the traffic police

department and the EPB. The program is mainly roadside random tests of about 10-15% per

year of the motor vehicle fleet in the city for NOx and CO. The program will be gradually

expanded to cover the entire fleet as new equipment and staff are added and policy/legal

framework for the tests are developed.

X As a techinical assistance, a study will be initiated during the project implementation to

develop some of the key elements of a MVECS for the city. In particular, the study will

develop a plan to established a city wide I/M system including the goals, program scale,

equipment needs, institutional arrangement, relevant policy development, implementation

schedule, estimated costs and expected air emission reduction. This project will contribute

toward the initial phases of the proposed I/M system (see details below)

X Study of the possibility of using alternative fuels such as CNG and LPG which are

cleaner and friendlier to the environment, compared with gasoline and diesel which are

currently used by most of the motor vehicles in Wuhan.

X Enhance public transport and encouraging the use of the public transportation systems to

reduce motor vehicles trips and volumes.


This project will contribute to the development of MVECS. The project design have given

considerable considerations to the need of public transport, pedestrians, and non-motor

vehicle traffic. In addition, there is a dedicated component on public transport which includes

new and upgrading bus terninals and bus stops, public transport management system

improvement, new bus services to newly development areas, etc. This component will

strengthen the existing public transport system in Wuhan, which will be the part of the


In addition, this project will contain an environmental improvement component which is

mostly dedicated to ambient air quality in urban Wuhan area. A city-wide road side ambient

air quality automatic monitoring system will be established, as a part of the project. The

system will provide real-time information on air quality and, as the information is gathered

from road, can provide an indication of the traffic impacts to the ambient air quality. Such a

system will provide valuable data for city to set up its motor vehicle emission control

standards and policies, and help establish and implement the MVECS.

Develop and implement motor vehicle emission control strategy (MVECS)

While carrying out the research on MVECS, the city is also implementing stage-by-stage

measures and actions in or to be included in the MVECS. These measures may include:

X Improve the urban road transport conditions, raise urban auto running speed, reduce

pollutant emission (such as rational diversion, strengthening management and road network

upgrading, etc);

X Make rational arrangement to re-route the excessive traffic flow volume (especially the

transit traffic volume passing through the central urban district presently) in the urban center

to the outside of the central district, and alleviate the transport pressure of the trunk roads;

AR Carry out more stringent motor vehicle emission standards. The city already has the plan

to apply Euro3 before 2010 and Euro4 before 2020. The city's monitoring and inspection

system will ensure that these standards be enforced when introduced.

AR Improve motor vehicle emission monitoring system; currently, a limited I/M system

covers about 10-15% of the total motor vehicles in Wuhan per year. This system will be

gradually improved and upgraded to cover the entire fleet.

A The project will include the development of a motor vehicle inspection and maintenance

(I/M) program as part of the air quality mitigation measures. More specifically, this mitigation

nmeasure may include (1) a study for planning and feasibility of an I/M system including test

centers, procedures, locations of inspection stations, applied standards, institutional

requirements, priority vehicle determination, phased implementation plan, and expected

results/benefits/air emission reduction from the I/M program, (2) procurement of I/M

equipment to upgrade the current inspection capabilitv in accordancen with the I/M

implementation plan, and (3) other necessary facilities such as buildings for inspection

stations and/or laboratory/test center facilities. A terms of reference (TOR) for the study and


the I/M phase one implementation to be financed by this project will be developed during the

project appraisal stage. This TOR will outline in detail the goal, scope of the study and I/M

system at the project stage, needs for technical assistance and estimated costs for both the

planning study and the first phase I/M system implementation.

A Afforestation and landscaping along the roads. Through the rational afforestation to the

areas along the roads, mitigating various environmental impacts brought about by the road

construction to the areas along the roads.

Many of the mitigation measures in this project will support the above measures. These

include air quality monitoring system and landscaping along the project roads.

6.2 Noise Impact Assessment and Mitigation Measures

6.2.1 Analysis of Noise Source in Operation Phase

After the completion of this project, road infrastructure facilities will be improved greatly,

traffic control will be more scientific and modernized and distribution of traffic flow will be

more rational. As a result, traffic flows along the project roads will increases accordingly and

vehicle speeds will increase, increasing traffic noise along the project roads. In general,

environmental noise impact along project roads will increase, but in some local areas, noise

impact will decrease because of reduced acceleration and, particularly, horning as a result of

smoother traffic (Wuhan currently has no horning control program). As traffic has been

attracted to project roads, the parallel road traffic is expected to decrease, reducing noise

levels in these adjacent roads.

In order to predict the traffic noise after the project completion, this EA selects some open

sections of typical roads in Wuhan to conduct a noise monitoring of different types of motor

vehicles most frequently seen on Wuhan streets. The monitoring results are shown in Table

6.2-1. Although data presented in the table are those measured on site, but the road where the

measurements were taken has relatively good conditions. In most other roads and streets in

the city where the traffic is typically much more congested, the average motor vehicle speeds

are much lower than those indicated in the Table.

Table 6.2-1 Noise Monitoring Results of Source Intensity of Typical Motor Vehicles

Truck Bus Car Remarks

Average running speed (km/h) 50 40 60 Measured road: Zhongbei Road: 15 m

Average instantaneous noise level (dBA) 74.6 72.1 67.7 away from the vehicle lane

6.2.2 Forecast Method of Noise Impact

Noise enviromnental impact forecast adopts the monitored data and mathematical modeling.

For modeling, the US FHWA model is used which has been modified according to local

conditions in China and the actual circumstances of the roads, and with reference to JTJ


005-96 "Environmental Impact Assessment Specifications for Road Construction Project".

This model, including the modifications, has been successfully applied for predicting noise

levels irn several urban transport projects, including those partially financed by the World

Bank in the past.

The Model

The hourly equivalent noise levels are calculated based on motor vehicle classification by the

following cquatio-:

Leq(h)i = (LO)Ej +loIgt S T )+ g( D ) [ + ]



Leq(h)i is the hour equivalent sound level of Class i vehicle, dB(A);

(L O)E, is the average attenuation sound level of reference energy of Class i vehicle, dB(A);

N, is the traffic flow of Class i vehicle passing a certain forecasting point within the

specified time T(lh);

Do is location distance for measuring attenuation sound level of vehicle, Do=1 5m;

D is the plane distance between centerline of lanes to the forecasting point, m;

Si is average running speed of Class i vehicle, km/h;

T is time for calculating equivalent sound level, lh;

A is ground covering coefficient, it depends the ground condition in site, a=0 or


0a is the correction function of the road section with finite length; of which, VI,, T2 is

the flare angle from the forecasting point to the both ends of the road section with finite length


AS is the attenuation induced by the road surface conditions, dB(A);

)a (T¾,''2) = | (cos T)-dI

where, - 2 ' <T '22 2

If the nearest distance between the predicting point and the both ends of the proposed road is

more than 15 m, then the forecast formula can be expressed as follows.

r ~ ~ ~ 1- 1+a

Leq(h) (Lo ) 1i I 01 (\gf T 10 +a - R D30 (6.2-2)

Of which, R0, Rf is the distance between the forecasting point and the two ends of the lane

respectively, R, is the distance to the nearer end, and Rf is the distance to the farther end. Only

under the condition that Rn is equal to or more than 15 m, Formula 6.2-2 will apply.

The definitions and units of(L O)Ei, Ni, Do, Si, T and a are the same as that in the


above-mentioned formula. When a truck goes up the slope, it will cause increased noise from

its motor and road surface. This increased noise can be corrected according to Table 6.2-2.

Table 6.2-2 Upslope Correction of Truck

Gradient (%) Correction (dBA)

:~~~~~~~~2 ~~~~~~~03-4 +2

5-6 +3

>7 +5

The equivalent sound level of a combined traffic flows (traffic with mixed types of vehicles)

is the aggregate of the equivalent sound levels of individual classes of the traffic flow. If a

traffic flow is divided into large, medium and small three classes, then the total equivalent

sound level of traffic flow can be calculated by the following formula.

(LAeq)t = lOg[100 lleg(h)l + IOIleg(h)2 + 1 0 0.leg(h)3 1 (6.2-3)

The forecast value of daytime or nighttime environmental noise at the forecasting point can be

calculated according to the following formula.

(LAeq)f = 1lg1i0 (L ̂ )± + 10 I(L*q)b j (6.2-4)


(LAeq)f is the daytime or nighttime environmental noise forecast value of the forecasting

point, dB(A);

(LAeq)b is the background noise value of the forecasting point. The current environmental

noise monitoring value of the forecasting point presented in Section 5.2.2 is used for this

value, dB(A)

Forecast Error

Based on the past model application and calibration experience, the forecast error of the

model is generally within +2.5 dB(A).

Forecast Contents and Assessment Value

The forecast contents include daytime and nighttime equivalent continuous A sound levels,

which are values for impact assessment, with a unit of dB(A).

Forecast Period

Noise levels along the project roads in years 2007 (the year when all project components are

scheduled to complete), 2012 and 2020, will be predicted by the model, respectively. These

years represent potential noise impacts of the project over the short, medium and long terms.

Modeling Parameters

The traffic flow and running speed on the road concerning with this noise environmental

impact assessment can be referred to the Section of General Description of the Project.


6.2.3 Noise Modeling Results

The road infrastructure component of this project includes newly built roads, extended and

widened roads, interchange and viaduct construction. This component is the focus of this

noise impact assessment. This noise impact assessment covers all sensitive receptors along the

project roads by predicting noise levels at each of these sensitive receptors. In the road

maintenance component of this project, project work will include mainly new pavement of the

existing roads, without any widening or re-built. Therefore, this EA includes a general

comparison of the noise levels before and after the project on the road maintenance


The noise modeling results are presented in Table 6.2-3 for each individual sensitive receptors

along the roads of infrastructure component. The general comparison of road side noise levels

before and after the road maintenance component is presented in Table 6.2-4, and maps of

distribution of environmental noise forecasted values are shown in Figure 6.2-1 through

Figure 6.2-8, respectively. The red letters stand for the roads and sensitive receptors whose

environmental noise will increase after the completion of this project, the green letters stand

for the roads and sensitive receptors whose environmental noise will decrease or maintain at

the current levels after the completion of this project.


Fig.6.2-1: Sketch Maps of Distribution of Current and Forecasted Noise

Gutian Rd 2 viaductAm Zhonghuan Raod

* ,, \_

_*w *-~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ O'S b *

Samp I es W-.h-S i j f kw W 1- Am. To \ 8

aota ~ro tata. .-a 0~ Han t * i( $ t

R.od ltOh Noo MOtl0.. lo- -.. Aft. Thl. PoJ.t A

Mgt.- Id YU o Aol- .N o.W .. Afto. rht. P'.ot A ei-d. b.; M. M. Id.U Rd viaduct

() AR Do I rI d WrtVilt,-abl 1W ol )r far tIl ar t 0j. H r a

_-A-. iO i.!l i o i oy,looo . D- o -

d Ao... F-Aold 1i l A id for /. , rt Aloh io./

N ob. -AU Aifor Dll... B ho i &U. 00 , u k u r@ Nolro!teerl2DC7,*thoulWprolro] ,AIoCrrLL7.RforNihUlmc*t o

Fig.6.2-2: Sketch Maps of Distribution of Current and Forecasted Noise


/ * ~~~~~~~~~~Ramps of Changjiang Highway Bridge

"v~~~~vXanggang Raod viaductA

P w- *-o-, 13W3 } ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Samp I es

/~~~~~~~~~~~~~~L . ,t I d Vt Ne 1 . m E. , Thl P.--- B

P3@~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~" < <'l I" N ."T.'. !^-+ ..-.. I" lYrd., W. 1

e 8~ / / <1D,& sD.Bf

* N * ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~t~ h.A With bth.,,.t. No.I. 1--A T. .o

COo.&ot Nd.. 0 dotim.


~~~ / / Not.. ?oo.oo.tUOtt ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~A t.dy.. Bt.t .. N ptoNiabttm

/ ~~~~~~~~~Nd.. Foooot(tNl2 A too DoYU.. N oIimhitim.

N.... O.O..... ) A t$ ..Afrliih.

Fig.6.2-3: Sketch Maps of Distribution of Current and Forecasted Noise


Changqing ROd viaduct

I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Sm I esjC7 CloAo M od Nb o ol- N o. I .- A ft PoW

ttodoo 1T. A o. .d ,.... Al-o, Thi. r N i..

N.I.lto. l- MD . I.f . D ..JB Sn. Sfl,h .

t Nodr. oo t AtI N t, l S or. RirhUt

3 9 dnSh|Nb. Srr.D..AIANUI A t. $t.... B fo., NhAtt..

Fig.6.2-4: Sketch Maps of Distribution of Current and Forecasted Noise

Sanjintan viaduct



t\* *\/ /Samples

* ' f h.dWWalu 11 th h,,n. lot. 1or Alh . Thi P r, l.ot44~~~~~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - I,'l M -i- 'l

\/ 13 3 Sel Wol, tor~~r m 1- -1 s s B r u.B.h lta ,.o .s. hd 11th . rth N-t. U . A . p*.-

0 lidr hnw"f70r. , A hr DyUw- .B hc b-

NW.tr-. I.o.too.2 olA . btar Nyt.. !4 0U.ClOtN ot.. A 10(2 , i lt. .Y.. a 0 .lAhtO W,

Fig.6.2-5: Sketch Maps of Distribution of Current and Forecasted Noise


Maying Rd

Samp I es

bd thi lIL h,r i I , . -. Alr.. jb TMi. P,o.,tA

/ -, -

/ S 7, / .S am p Id e

/ 5,4, N .]fr.., A t 4' Dy ll« B 1 14 tttlt

.ti.. Fi-F.,,llItl A 1r D.yi.~.. H f.r Njthtd-

Fig.6.2-6: Sketch Maps of Distribution of Current and Forecasted Noise

'7 1 13 13 13 + t S--d'lrs P^^"rl r.,East Lake

/7/ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~SamplIes

Zh b~~~~~~~~~~~~~~frotd u, h.d With h, R d~.. I!. Inn.-. Aft r l. Pn.,'d

t: $ t t 888 $ i rrtfI72 2 Rllth .. nt'" 1. I11.

8e a n.. $ot.. - rA t DoYt=.. B Fnr W &1Itu.

WA~ o. n'.!1t A n f.ytDoU.. f. InnlilHltI

Fig.6.2-7: Sketch Maps of Distribution of Current and Forecasted Noise


t3,,,%, A1

bi Rd /

, ss :- -*_ i*/

Zhalankou viaduct

/ D / - U ~~~~~Jisan Rd _

Qingling vaduct <,Smle/ / °49egjl I \ 8 * | >¢tto3nd nun=Bi~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~j SmpI es hAra~

Olvd / 4 7 l \ + | _ t;r-!n ^fis r- w^ d 5 ; tti 7o bWhrt.l11rI7bllrl

110-17 RC7 0 *, am iv. h%" bbw Southern Luoshi Rd viaduct * Vdb.4 Wt;b wlb oe._,"s '. . t

Yujiawan viaduct 11t OW, F s-t ''

UZhonghuan Raod .......11 zhi viaduct * R9

th,,e.I 1,1.. fA I.. dytile. 9 lo. NlbWM

Q7P 3 No r tF-2012) ,A f., Dqu.1 d 9 fo, NellbttIrh r

Nb t701rr2D rtAtt, bf DyU- B lr Y4ibttU--

Fig.6.2-8: Sketch Maps of Distribution of Current and Forecasted Noise

Qinghua Rd * 1

Samp I es

W-t. t- Rt With , -mtht.I I lh,. tMi, Thlt

9 tt .R, , ..... . t

\ot 8 N .h - W.oo I d.yorh. rt, Ilg tUr ,

nl,i-t Fo-,,.I(OItI ,N. -

hi,. Voot(o~. At. DEqAl)dM:. tohNW.. fo..t-WEoot) it fto, tit.. Bt,. tllahtth..


ruble 6.2-3 Environmental Noise Forecast ResultsNearest Current environmental Environmental noise forecat value by Envir~snnsertaolnnose for ecist value by Environmental noise forecast value by Environm,ental noise forecast value by

, 8 O. Name, of sensitive receptors ho.ri-otal noise value (dRA) 2007 (dBA) (,vithout tis project) 2007 (dIBA) 2012 (dBA) 2020 (dBA)

lineofroadt(in) Daytinme Nighttime Daytime Niglcttime Rshor Daytime Nighttinme Rusth hoor Daytime Nighttime Rush hour Daytime Nighttime Rush boor

I Cbnoghoog Scsffs Uoiscrs,iy 3 3 71 I 679 I 69.4 66 5 /681 69.4 /70.9 / 67 6 72 1

2 Adormito osthrird Moolip3 68.1 65.1 69.6 66.7 63.7 68.2 69.6 66.6 71 1 70.8 67.8 72.3

3 B8aodao Mansions 3 68 1 65.1 69.6 66.7 63 7 68 2 69.6 66.6 71.1 70 8 67 8 72.3

4 Clhanghang office building 2 73.4 67.8 68.6 65.6 70.1 67.2 64 2 68.7 70. 1 67.1 71.6 7 1.3 68.3 72 8

5 Dorantory of Bsioess Orders 3 68.1 65.1 69 6 66.7 63.7 682 69.6 66.6 71.1 70.8 67.8 72 3Bank

6 Dorository of Foods Factoiry 5 67.3 64.3 68.8 65 9 .62.9 67.4 68.6 65. 78.3 70 67 71.5

Dornntnry nfEdncaoto 2 66 1 5635 68 6 65.96 70.1 67 2 64.2 68.7 78.1 67]1 71.6 71.3 68.3 72.8

8 Jin'o,oeCnt7 64 8 / 66 5 /68 654 / 66.6 68 /6985 69.2 /79 79 A,,iarfddleSrhooloaftVnh. 6 3 66) / 68.1 /69 6 66.7 '68 2 69 6 /71.~1 7088 72 3

I 18 Ganeosog residentiinn, 2 5 65.5 53 8 68 4 65 4 69.9 67 64 68.5 69.9 66.8 71.4 71]] 68]1 72 6

F ItI NessI long Kong Building 5 67 45 67.3 64.3 68.8 65.9 6296 6. 67.4 68.8 65.8 78.3 70 67 71.512 Redlsod Gardeo 3 ~~~~ ~~68.1 65I 696 667 63.7 68.2 69.6 66.6 7)8.6.8723

~ 1 3 Qsoyan Buoildiog 2 71.7 69.5 68.6 65.6 78.) 67.2 64.2 68 7 78.) 67.) 71.6 71)3 68.3 72.8

,.,,,,fqouP 2 Sh. 16 66 70.4 67 5 '69 7094 /71 9 71 6 /73]1

IS5 Al-s Ain/e VIdllge 5 56. 75 67.4 6464 68.9 66 63 67 5 68 9 65.9 70.4 76 1 67.] 71.6

16 Ao 2 Alf-fa Kllge 8 66 2 63 2 67. 7 64.8 61.8 66 3 67.7 64.7 69.2 68 9 65.9 7114

1 7 D-enoiec o Chesna I/oial 2 60 i 58 5 68 6 65 6 79 1 67.2 64 2 68 70.) 67.1 71 6 71 3 68 3 72 8

18 Xaogyu Middle School 15 56.4 / 64.6 /66.1 63.2 /64 7 66 1 /67.6 67 3 /68.8

19 lVocataFi-.1 choolnTd 23 61.5 / 63.2 /64.7 61.8 /63.3 64.7 /66.2 65.9 /67.4

28 Hubianfang illWage 6 57.6 46.5 66.9 63 9 68 4 65.5 62.5 67 68.4 65.4 69.9 69.6 66.6 71.1

2 1 No.1H Wuhan, Hospital 6 72.9 69.7 71.4 68.4 72.9 71.2 68.2 72.7 7 1 68 72.5 68.6 65.6 70.1

22 Hehuayuan Residential Area 8 78.5 67.5 7 1 68 72 5 78.8 67.8 72.3 78 6 67.6 72.1 68.2 65.2 69.7

23 First Chinese Medical Cloiri 8 71.5 I7 1 / 72.5 701 1 72.3 78.6 /72 1 68.2 /69.7

24 Doranit-ty of Metal Co. 8 72.5 69 5 74 72 3 69.3 73 8 72.1 69.1 73.6 69.7 66.7 71.2

25 No. 279 Xianggang Road 8 74.3 69.4 72.5 69.5 74 72.3 69.3 73.8 72.1 69.1 73.6 69.7 66.7 71.2

-26 ornitnry ofProd.ction Goods 72.4 69.4 73.9 72.2 69.2 73.7 72 69 73.5 69.6 66.6 71.1

K 27 S.ifesg Gardent 6 72 2 71.2 71.4 68 4 72.9 71.2 68.2 72.7 7)1 68 72.5 68.6 65.6 78.)

F 28 Pengfei Garden 4 7. 68732 7.568.5 73 71.3 68.3 72.8 68.9 65.9 78 4

F 29 Xiarg)ian Manisisons 4 71.4 70)8 71.7 68.7 73.2 71.5 6115 73 71.3 69 3 72.8 68.9 65 9 70')

F 38 Xiosa Resisdential Area 35 I 71.8 68.8 73.3 71.6 68.6 73.1 71 4 6114 72.9 69 66 70.

W<Iualin Foreign Econontiic 71.5 6115 73 71.3 68.3 72.11 7).) 68.1 72.6 68.7 65.7 70.231 Trade Commtission 72.1 71.8

32 Zitesig Garde,, tO 78 7 67.7 72.2 78.5 67.5 72 76.3 67.3 71.8 67 9 64.9 69.4

33 Zlsnagyuant Doailtor) 18 68 5 65 69 6 66.6 7).)I 69 4 66.4 70)18 69 2 66 2 70.7 66.8 63.8 68.3

34 Sistdio of WLlanaTele,isiona 3 72 5 71.3 71.8 68.8 73.3 71.6 68.6 73)1 71)4 611.4 72.9 69 66 70.5

35esI Ch]Vlangfui Ma ......s 2 8 172 19 1 73 5 71.8 1 6868 735 37)01 68.6 1 73.) 69 2 66.2 1 76.7N ho tlctes etbeeIrestt ni ottna cstiercpir ls)seesiensitsa) os s isenn, this project is higher than, thte ctir-ni ioise and corresponsding ersiro-o-enia) noise valiues:

2 1 Onie,pressesth tlsas liedgeofthese sissiis,ebhuilding isl)oeac,d ionthe,red luteof road:3 There aire bslunk, iii the farni:s its cuoise is thiat ssc hisecinst got deicailed desigis datsa at present.


Iconstitituetl)Nearet Curren euirott....ental Ensiros-stal noise (orect v-l- by Enviromental noise forcast vaist by) Ens'ironsttt1 to.ise forecast salt- bsy Enviromental to.ise foreasvlu by

tIosi-ontt noseIaue (dtRA) 20107 (dBA) (,,tithout ttti ro.cs) 2007 (dBA) 2012 (dBIA2 2020 (dtBA)- No. Naus- f sso,iti-ereceptors distance to red

4 f~~~~~~~~~~~~ine of road Daytise Nighttint, Doyti-n Nighttits Rusts h.or Daytin- Nighsttin- Rush sour Wtytios- Nigthttin- Russ Ion.r Daytin- Nightttisn- lush soar

316 1 lo-1,, coas-sercial C. 1 9 ' 28 69A4 ,6 4 709q 692 - 62 7017 691 66 701 _ 6. 63.6 68A1E 37 Cmoetmcoal Batik 5 ____ ____ _ 7 1.5 6802 73 7/ 5 68.3 72.8 71 68 I 72 6 68. 65 7 70 2

6 Domsrtisossft Material 0 73.2 7 1 5 72.5 69.5 74 72.3 69.3 73 8 72 1 69.1 731, 69.7 66.7 71.2Dcpassto t ________c____

39 ISoooa,7 ,ssbc, Peopleh 631 4801 40.5 70 6 67 6 72 1 7065 67.5 72 71.2 68.2 72 7

46 hl, IoeP-oplh, C.sss 3 7 49.0 / __________ _ 6963/ 70 8 692 70 7 69.9 /71 44 1 lk,bcs Colas,- Mlct... on 35 63.1 67 7 69 2 67.6 69 685 3 6908

42 Salt, ho At-ososs 6 53 6 43.5 70.7 67.7 72 2 70.6 67 6 72 /71 3 68 3 72.833 Jioa~~~~~issg Hotel 12 63.5 ~~~~~~~~ 54 5 63.1 60.1 64 6 64.9 61.9 66 4 66.4 63 4 6769 69.2 6 0

44 D-ot,itay of 6800 Plans 2 9 63.3 56 2 64. 7 61 7 66.2 66.5 63.5 68 68 65 69 5 70.8 67 8 72.34 5 11-mglitsg PsutySchtool 7 4 50 7 63.8 _______ 65.3 62 6 /67 1 67.1 /68 6 69.9 /71 4

o 6 D.,,tsttos3' offssbei46 stoss Clee0 61.6 54 6 65.2 62 2 66.7 67 64 68.5 68.5 65.5 70 73.3 68.3 72.8

47 Hoan, asllo,ion 7 5 60 56.1 63 8 60.8 65.3 65 6 62 6 67.1 67.1 64.3 68 6 69.9 66.9 71 4

48 ADc,,,sittiytetilBtost 4 67 9 59.5 64.5 63 5 66 66.3 63.3 67.8 67.8 64.8 69 3 70.6 67.6 72 1

E. 49 Ousttrolt/atloy 3.4 63.7 53 1 64.6 61.6 66.1 66 4 63.4 67.9 67.9 64.9 69 4 70.7 67.7 72.2

so5 Tiassvetg l-uoien 5.1 68.6 53 8 64. 3 61 3 65 8 66.1 63.1 67.6 67.6 64.6 69 1 70 4 67.4 71.9z I HubeiAqssatic Poaschcian 9 58.9 / 63.5 /65 65.3 /66.8 66.8 /68.3 69.6 /71.1

52 3ot 63s.5Hub 565ti 364.7 61.7 66.2 66.2 63.2 68 68 65 69.5 70.8 67.8 72.3Psu,tt,tion Bssuo 6.5 5653 G-snsgvstan Af-ti-t 3 64.7 61.7 66.2 66.3 63 5 68 68 65 69.5 70.8 67.8 72.35 4 Office bssduisg ofpc-vioci.1 7.5 64 4 55.7 63.8 60 8 65.3 65.6 62.6 67.1 67.1 64 1 68 6 69. 9 66 9 71.4

Por-t, IOt-tttt55 fhstiyt Ga-d-, 7 5 57.5 53.5 70.1 67 1 73.6 7/02 67.2 71 7 70.5 67.5 72

i 6 D-,rttta ' fP/,otic P/-ts 22 53 5 45.5 .72.5 68.5 73 71.6 68 6 73.1 71.9 68.9 73.457 03,, t-atG.,-dest 50 54 5 48 5 65.1 62.1 66.6 65.2 62.5 66.7 65 5 62.5 67s8 Clittr of//,hsan SiTe,h Us,,, 14.3 53.4 /68 8 /70.3 68 9 /70 4 69.2 / 70.59 Nets ftattjie. Hil/age 2 1 4831 41 67 8 64.8 69.3 67 9 63.9 69.4 68.2 65 2 69.7

S/it/s ca,c/seot, 3~/9 56 51.5 68.1 65 1 69.6 68.2 65.2 69 76. 557a 6 1 D-wt,-tot of(665 llltte/haose 10 59 2 41.5 72.5 69. 3 74 71.8 68.8 73.3 7131 68.1 72 6 71.4 68 4 72.9

62 Gs,tss,/u Pti,,a- Schsol 12 5335 47 5 72 3 69 3 73 8 71 6 68 6 73.1 70.9 67.9 72.4 71 2 68.2 72. 7

:E 63 P,itttaty School ofAusto,,sbi/e 73 66.1 / 67.5 /69 66.8 /68.3 66.1 /67.6 66.4 /67.9Factyts 64 Ainfin Pviaay Schooal 3.8 62.7 //68.9 /70.4 70.2 /71.7 73.6 I75.1

65 Sa,stgh/af-osan 1 8 61.5 57 5 69 5 66.5 71 70 8 67.8 72.3 74.2 71.2 72.7

66 Ji-sh/eRood I 0 59.3 48 5 75.1 72 1 76 6 74.9 71.9 76.4 74.2 71.2 75. 7

67 Cst9tadtt 22 51.2 43 70.8 67.8 72.3 70.6 67.6 72.1 69.9 66 9 73.4

68 Yacogi/u Aiiddla Sc/tool 0 72 5 / 76 2 /77. 7 75 /76.5 75.1 /76.6 74.3 /75.8vt 69 Alo slotul875 / 74.3 /75 8 73 1 /74.6 73.2 /74 7 72.4 /73.9

70 -. Too- an -Onons 1071 Dsooset Canasms,s 20

72 llssot.,Ct.....tni4,t 10 70.2 68 5 73.9 70 9 75 4 72. 7 69.7 74.2 72 8 69 8 74 3 72 69 73.5_ 73 .Anslssn Garden 10

74 Toa,se,s Cas...ssomitv 10


iOo:iit Nssoe otsesssitiic soricotital ~~~~~Corr-t coionell Ensiror-nteotl noise forecst calne by E-itr--netal toite for -ot val-s by Euts,i-oonteat -oise foeatsueIy tu-ictosncnta nosue forecast al.uby sscotiod N'o. Na-cet-iors dist.O ~~t -oises- tse dA) 2007 (dBlA) (itos isprec)2007 (sBlA) 2012 (dBA) 2020 (tIBA)

rood 0 5 I)t~ unto Niglsttiote I)o titttr Nigltitiote Rot,h I-or Dasttiis Nighttes-t fasts Utor yfla'ino Ralttt (tsh tour Dayf'iot- Niglsttitsr Rust hsor

KL..tz 7 A.65sgls"i'o, 12 58 4 52 5 76 8 74j8 7823 79 2 76 2 40 7 79.9 76 9 8/ 4OR/S/,t 8 76 Dwst,ot C//Jte (tso 2 574 43 5 78 6 '5 6 80.1 8/ 78 8245 81 7 78 7 83 2

77 Vuh-ti'a MotiooDiXtAs 70 'tzt osoiy - 72.3 6150 60 7 68.7 7(0.2 69 66 70 5 6900 66,0 7 1.3 67 7 64 7 ,9 2

//d(RIR/ .91 78 y_ __ ___ __ __ __

_79 Ro-g,it, Mans=u ______ ______

A. ..... (8ZDI IS 0// SRhaIta)t 1511 59.5 / 57.8 3 9.3 59 60.5 50.9 /6064 50.6 I60 1

0 1 /S-est Stri Gwtid- 10 63 - 63____I 0-h 2 JiaIhai //otsan /

I/ilRD13 I1) 8s Lodg,ttgSc/too/ of8No 6 0 55869.5 66 5 71 6907 60 7 71 2 67 64 68 53 A1ts, Scht-l of 1 i/tts25 h

04 Boibstssg Gard-s 10

85 Ch-uigltatg adre' I19 6734 64 3 66 8 6348 68 3 67 6 6466 69 1 71.8 68 8 73 3

Rd/(kDl.33) 06 Jiottgistm 68 /68.3 69.8 691 /70.6 73 3 74 8

807 fhtbct Edscasion College 40 63.5 / 62.5/ 64 63.3/ 64.0 67.5/ 6960 Ztrzhoy-.o 50

Iissangpu Rd 89 Jto/toittist ts- 30 64.5 61.2 69 1 66.1 70.6 70.1 67.1 71.6 73.1 70.1 7436(RDIS5) .90 Ceittis Garden 3

91 Urban F/rd Garden 3092 loot- Garden 20 66.8 64

ht-hsh 93 Liioc/hatg Reoidentsal 20 644 66 72 4 69.4 73 9 70.4 67 4 71 9 7/ 3 68.3 72 8 71.4 68 4 72. 9

M/5 10/ - '1tI /ssi (it tttt, 20 -

93 S....t.'o-a -dJssoog 40 58 / 7. 6.7 22 68.7 , 702 60.6 /7/ 1 69.7 /71.2

96 Lsq,ia,isg_Pri-isvSrctoo 20 56 9 /73 2 74. 7 74 4 /75.9 73 4 /76.9

97 A'o 2.Stqff6 llo-paIio/ 60 53.5 45 5 68.7 65 7 70 2 68.0 669 71.4 70 9 67 9 72.4Qttghuit Rkd II'sI

(RDSIA4 90 Cai1iai't . 1.....A dIe Sc/tool 110 57 5 /56.5 . 58 37 7 5 9.2 58. 7 .6102

99 o,tgh,iAgcdtseoo 60 3/ 2 41.5 68.7 65.7 7032 60.9 66.9 71.4 70 9 6709 72.4:ndustnal zh- f'~.iattiottgs

Ao-tts/ 0 aoss 8/ae064.7 61.7 66.2 65 62 66 5 65.2 62.2 66 7RD/I 18/ ) iiet i/g 0 62.9 52.8

Litoshinanu 02 A.g,mdf-lssroCor/IV' /00 56 8 /60.9 /6254 62.7 /64.2 63 / 64 6

SRI o5) S D/itw Garos /0 64.9 62 66.3 63 3 67 3 69 5 66 5 7/ 71 9 68.9 73.4

J/isan) R 104 NMIst/G-ri- /10 64.8 59.9 67 6 64 6 69 / 68 8 65 8 70 3 68.8 63.8 70.3

Itishmti Rd .tliigh/iies P--yta5' 5 63.5 /70.3 71.8 70 3 71.8 68 5 /7s810RD/ 231 0 Sc/ ,too _ _ _ _

Ilanxi Rd ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 33 565 63.5 565 65 6.4 70 690667 71.2 71.1 65 1 72.6

1I1D1 29) / ins /te roadside I 585 46. 633 60.3 64 8 64.9 61.9 66 4 65624696.63075(Old Iloosha

I ligh,uay 68.5 615 7. 672 71 7 667 63 7 68.2 6. 5 0 8t 5 9(R DSI_6/ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _



(coitttintted)Ne-rst Carrent eavir-ont-nta Enviromenal. noise forecast valtue Iy Ett'ronnsentat anoise forecast value by Eisvironment.1at,toe forecast -aine by 2012 En-irmonetal noise forec-st color by

Itoad section N ~Name, of -esitive hori-ntval aInioc saloc WdBA) 2007 (dBA lsthoat tt ths projec,t) 200 7 (dBA) (dBA) ___-- 20120 (dBA)

reetos Id line of Daytimne Nighttime Daytifite Nighttime Rush tonea Dioti,nte Nightetimne Rotit hoar Daytime Nighttime RosIh hone, Daytime Nighttlime Roth hooro ad Cot )

106 7011 1 ?-1 1 7 67.6 7!.]1 67 1 71.9Y 611 71- 71 4 70. 1 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~69.8H

0R13)1 107 3hof' 30 6 76 359

160 FochoI Vl//go 2(0 7235 69.5 71 71 7 6921 73. 2 71.5 68. 5 7.3 70 9 67.9 72.*1

Gw moR6[d2l I m lrosolddsido 50 6315 59 5 6093 57.3 61.58 72 6 6966 71. 1 71.65 6859 73. 4 72.~1 6,9.4 73.1Ch,.,gq,ng RdI01Ilaniawa ,65.9 64. 5 55 6 67.~6 5 7 1 67 4 64 4 66'. 9 66. 6 631.6 68. 1 66. 3 93.3 675'

X,,Inh--a 6'.ld-,,s I I(l1 52.4 956.9 64.2 60.7 63. 4 67. 9 63.1 67.6(RD] 1,I) - )4h001 0____ _ 995 05.8 55.4 67.2 66. 4 66.

Ill Gosaoe6h 0

.51, ,1oo ooooO 1 l,/-o, 'ooo 6196 56.2 52.1 49. 1 53.6 66. 7 63 7 115.3 66. 1 63. 1 6 7.6 6-1.4 61.'1 65.11

G-0k3-d R uocidentiaAe 20 67 7 03 5 67.7 04. 7 69. 2 64.9 61.9 66. 4 04.) 01.)3 65.68 64. 2 61. 2 05. 7

I 13 Choengle Motnsiotn 20 36 2 75.6 7 1.9 658. 9 73.4 74.1 71.1 75.6 0,2. 3 69.13 73.08 74. 3 731.) 75.68

Lolokoe cr00 114 IEzhoti Mansion 20

115 Finigta, Real Estile 50 72.5 71.5 69.7 66. 7 71.2 71.6 68.6 73. 1 76. 7 67. 7 72.2 73. 1 70. 1 74. 6Co. __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Qo,ghog .adee las, to road side 1 73.5 60.5 70 4 67.4 71.9 73.9 76.9 75. 4 72. 4 66.4 73.6 71. 4 68.4 72. 9(RD] 36) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Soe,oe- L-osh, Rd-d-Re Iins to coed side I 59.5 47.5 66.1 63. 1 67.6 70 5 67.5 72 67.1 64. 1 68.6 63. 5 65.5 65

(RD0I 3d) IILihRtD1o3t 116 Schoaolrmn 00 48.5 / 60.7 / 62.2 63.9 /65. 4 62. 4 /63. 9 61. 4 /62. 9

Yesos- siadact i Oslo road side 10 73. 5 70. 5 72. 5 69. 5 74.60 73. 0 76. 0 74. 5 72. 8 69.08 74. 3 70. 5 67. 5 73. 0

QiaotketlRd23 I m to road side 1 72.05 69. 5 71. 5 68.05 73. 0 72. 0 60. 0 73. 5 71. 8 08. 8 73. 3 69.6 0 6. 5 72. 0

llfh-y indsOfI in11 to 1 oad sl 1 65.5 57.5 7064 67.4 71.69 73 9 70.9 75. 4 72. 1 69.41 73. 9 71. 4 68. 4 72. 9116D2 1)_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I__ _ __ _ _ I__ _ __ _ _ _ _I__ _

Table 6.2-4 Analogue Results of Road Boudary Noine

farneu-tiog Current environmental Envir,onmental noise forecast valut by Environmenital noise forecast value by Environmental noise forecast value by . Environmental noise forecast value byMaintentance Width of pnintle-rwa noise value (dBA) 2007 (dBA) (ssithout this project) 2007 (dBA) 2012 (dBA) 2626 CdBA)

Road section enierig ra m) mreoe.gi-cring "rod no distanc to red

Hun strand Daytime Nigbttime Daytime Nighttime Rash hour Daytime Nighttime Roth hour Daytime Niglittime Rotdihboor Daytime Nighttime Ruth hoarInn) I

Jo,fang A-eone P,mashl 60 1 75.5 73.8 71.7 68.7 73.2 71.2 68.2 72.7 71.~5 68.5 73 71.5 68.5 73(Rh] I. Il-RNI1.3) Pcoapal 6

H RSyang Ave acin-g asphalt 36 I 73.8 70.2 73.8 70.8 75.3 73.3 70 3 74.8 73.5 711.5 75 73.1 70.1 74.6

Zhngh Avenu Pavsing asphalt 26 I 76.5 73.5 75 9 72.9 77 4 75.4 72.4 76 9 75.5 72.3 77 75.7 72.7 77.211RM1118 seuIReiti 9vnu Posing asphalt 50'-60 I 74.5 70.5 72.5 69.5 74 7 1 68 12.5 71.1 68.1 73.6 7 1 68 72.5

(6410.7 ahg nsn P .... g -phlor 9 -16 I 68.5 60.1 77. 7 74.7 79.2 78 5 75.5 80 75 9 7239 77 4 70.7 68.7 73.2

SoRte,I 6if1gR Pesomg ooplh.l 13 1 70.9 58 5 70 8 67.8 72.5 71.6 68.6 73.0 74.4 71.4 75 9 73.6 72.6 77 1

(0ti, fle/ Rd 30cooecee 1 71.1 56 5 7468 71 8 76 3 72.8 69.8 7453 72 6 69.6 74.1 7234 69 4 73 9

IVosheg RdRMI .) PacngosheltI 50 75.2 72 5 76.1 73.1 77.6 74.2 71.2 75.7 74 5 71.5 76 74.3 71.5 76

Notes: I lThe italics an the table express the romod tIata ilim boundary, noise alter this pcojcct is higliec Ithan the currceot noise and corresponding hoordary noise vahoes.


6.2.4 Analysis of Environmental Noise Modeling Results

The above modeling results show that noise levels in all sensitive receptors will exceed the

Class I standards in the GB3096-93. As the traffic flows increase over the years, the noise

levels and thus the exceedance over the applicable standards will further increase in 2012 and

2020. In some other roads, as the traffic becomes smoother and sometimes diverted away, the

noise levels will decrease, although they may still exceed the applicable standards.

Noise Modeling Results at the Sensitive Receptors

In all sensitive receptors along the project roads, noise levels exceed applicable standard and

in East Lake Boai Seniors House on Qinghua Road where Class 0 applies, the noise will

exceed the standards as well.

The baseline noise values of all the sensitive receptors along the project roads, predicted noise

values for 2007, 2012 and 2020 after the project and changes in noise levels after this project

are shown in Figure 6.2-1 through Figure 6.2-8 respectively. Noise levels in the maps are

color coded: red stands for the sensitive receptors where noise levels will increase after the

project, while green stands for decrease or unchanged after the project.

Compared to baseline environmental noise, sensitive receptors where environmental noise

will increase after this project and the causes of increase are presented in Table 6.2-5.


Table 6.2-5 Sensitive Receptors with Noise Increase and Cause

Baseline Forecast noise for C o

ID Name of sensitive environmental noise 2007 (dBA) Cause of increase of environmentalNo. receptor (dBA) 20 . noise after this project

Daytime Nighttim Daytim Nighttime

Donnitory of Education C e A ICommittee VU. I

8 Jiang'an District Court 64.8 / 65.1 /Junior Middle School of

9 No. 6 Middle School of 66.1 / 66.7 63.7______ Wuhan .

10 Gaoxiong residential area 65.5 55.8 67 64 Traffic flow mncreases after the road14 Mofalu Primary School 61.6 / 67.5 64.5 is through15 New Mofan Village 65.8 57.5 66 6316 No.2 Mofan Village . . 64.8 61.817 Donmitorv of Cheical lndustial Co. 60.5 58.5 67.2 64.218 Xiangyu Middle School 56.4 63.2 60.2

Wuhan Financial and19 Trade Vocational School 61.5 61.8 58.820 Hubianfang Village 57.6 46.5 65.5 62.539 Dormitory of Hubei People's 48.1 40.5 70.6 67.6

_____ ~~~Court_ _ _ _ _

40 Hubei People's Court 49.8 69.3 66.341 Hubei Colour Television 63.1 / 67.7 64.7

Center Traffic flow on the existing road is42 Shahu Mansions 53.6 43.5 70.7 67.7 fewer; traffic flow increases after the43 Jiangying Hotel 61.5 54.5 64.9 61.9 road is through44 Dormitory of 6803 Plant 63.3 56.2 66.5 63.545 Hongling Primary School 50.7 / 65.6 62.646 Dormitory of Hubei 61.6 54.6 67 64

Computation College47 Huatai Mansion 60 56.1 65.6 62.648 Dormitory of Hubei 67.9 59.5 66.3 63.3

Administerial Bureau49 Dormitory of Wuhan 63.7 51.1 66.4 63.4

Heavy Mechanical plant50 Tianyong Mansions 68.6 53.8 66.1 63.151 Hubei Aquatic Production 58.9 / 65.3 62.3 Traffic flow increases after the road

Research Institute is throughDormitory of Hubei

52 Aquatic Production 63.5 56.5 66.5 63.5Bureau

53 Guangyuan Mansion 66.5 63.5Office building of

54 provincial Party 64.4 55.7 65.6 62.6committee

55 Huiyu Garden 57.5 51.5 70.1 67.156 Dormitory of Plastic Plant 53.5 45.5 71.5 68.557 Qinyuan Garden 54.5 48.5 65.1 62.1 Traffic flow on the existing road is58 Clinic of Wuhan SciTech 53.4 / 68.8 65.8 fewer; traffic flow increases after the

Univ road is through59 New Tuanjie Village 48.1 41 67.8 64.860 Shiji caicheng 56 51.5 68.1 65.161 Dormitory of 665 Warehouse 59.2 41.5 71.8 68.862 Gutianlu Primary School 53.5 47.5 71.6 68.6 Traffic flow increases after the road63 Primary School of 66.1 66.8 63. is through

Automobile Factory64 Aimin Primary School 62.7 68.9 65.965 Sanxing Mansions 61.5 57.5 69.5 66.5 Traffic flow increases after this66 Jianshe Road 1 59.3 48.5 75.1 72.1 project67 Cuijiadun 51.2 43 70.8 67.8



Current situation of Forecast value ofenvironmental noise environmental noise Cause of increase of environmental

No. receptor (dBA) by 2007 (dBA) noise after this projectDaytime Nighttim Daytim Nighttime

e e68 Youyilu Middle School 72.5 / 75 7269 Minyi Hospital 70.5 / 73.1 70.170 Yuan'an Mansions Traffic flow increases after71 Duowen Community rebuilding of road72 Wutai Community 70.2 68.5 72.7 69.773 Anshun Garden74 Tianren Community

75 Xiongjiawan 58.4 52.5 76.8 73.8

76 District Welfare Center 57.5 43.5 78.6 75.6

81 Orient Star Garden 63 61.3 There is no existing road; traffic flow82 Jiahai Huayuan increases after this project83 Lodging School of No.6 55.8 51.5 69.5 66.5

Middle School of Wuhan .84 Baibuting Garden

85 Changhang cadres' 67.4 64.3 66.8 63.8dormnitory __

86 Red Cross Hospital of 68 / 68.3 65.3Jiang'an

87 Hubei Education College 63.5 / 62.5 59.588 Zizhuyuan89 Jiahai mingyuan 64.5 61.2 69.1 66.1 Traffic flow increases after90 Century Garden rebuilding of road91 Urban Field Garden92 Ya'an Garden 66.8 6493 Luochang Residential 70.4 67.4

_____ ~~~Area 64.4 61.6 704 6.94 Changhang dormitory95 Science and Technology 58 / 68.7 65.7

_____ Palace _

96 Lujialing Primary School 56.9 / 73.2 70.297 No.2 Staff's Hospital of 53.5 45.5 68.7 65.7

_ ~~~~~WS Traffic flow increases after98 Caijiawan Middle School 57.5 / 56.5 53.5 rebuilding of road99 Donghu Agedness 51.2 41.5 68.7 65.7

Mansions I

100 Dazhou Village 62.9 52.8 64.7 61.7 There is no existing road; traffic flow101 Wufeng Village 6 increases after this project

102 Agricultural Cadres' 56.8 / 60.9 57.9College

103 Diya Garden 64.9 62 66.3 63.3 Traffic flow increases after104 Nanhu Garden 64.8 59.9 67.6 64.6 rebuilding of road

105 Minglunjie Primary 63.5 70.3 67.3School106 Yunhe Residential Area107 Miaoyi Kindergarten 67.8 59.5

108 Fazhan Village 71.9 68.7 Traffic flow increases after

109 huangjiadawan 65.9 64.5 67.4 64.4 rebuilding of road

112 Houhu Primary School 61.8 66.7

116 Liqiao Primary School 48.5 / 63.9 /

The above table shows that the construction of the new road and road upgrading will result ina substantial increase in noise levels at sensitive receptors. In general, the high noise increasesoccur in areas where there is no road at present or the existing road is so narrow or poorly


connected with other roads, there is not much traffic. In some of these roads, as well as the

sensitive receptors located there, the noise levels are expected to increase by up to about 30

dB(A) or more at night time. Such huge increases in noise levels will make significant

differences in the environment in which these sensitive receptors are located. The currently

quiet villages or schools will become noisy followving the project coMpletion, affecting their

daily life, sleeps and classes. So, while the new or upgraded roads will bring convenience,

better connection to other parts of city and opportunities to villages/neighborhood

development, berelfiting the local residents, the increased noise will deteriorate the

environmental quality in which they live and some aspects of quality of life they currently


To many other sensitive receptors located on currently busy streets, noise levels are already

very high, often exceeded the applicable standards substantially. The above table shows that

the noise increases at these sensitive receptors will be marginal. The residents will

continuously live in noise environment. While the noise upgrading near these sensitive

receptors will result in much increased traffic, but at the same time, the currently chaotic

traffic will become smoother which will reduce noise caused by constant homing,

accelerating, braking, etc. So on the balance, the noise levels will increase only slightly,

according to the noise model.

For yet still other sensitive receptors in some other project roads, the noise levels will

decrease according to the modeling results, although they would still exceed the applicable

standards. The primary reason for the decrease is the present noise levels are very high due to

the dis-orderly traffic. The project will provide an opportunities to alleviate the congestion

and chaotic on the roads particularly the intersections, e.g. channelization of the interfecfions.

These areas are major sources of traffic noise. The smoother traffic resulting from the road

upgrading and construction of interchanges can offset any noise increase brought in by the

increase traffic volumes at these locations. As shown in Table 6.2-6, many of the noise

decreases will occur at presently busy intersections and busy streets. The reduced noise levels

indicate one of the positive impacts of this project to the environment and urban communities.

However, the areas received positive impacts are limited only to some project roads and

intersections and the noise levels will still exceed the applicable standards after the levels will

be reduced by the smoother traffic.


Table 6.2-6 Sensitive Receptors with Noise Decrease and Cause

Current situation of Forecast value ofName of sensitive environmental noise environmental noise Cause of decrease of environmental

No. receptor ( (dBA) by 2007 (dBA) noise after this projectDaytime Nighttim Daytim NighttinieDaytime ~e e Nihte

I Changhang Staff's University 71.1 / 66.5 63.5Dormitory of Third

2 Municipal Administerial 66.7 63.7Co.

3 Baodao Mansions 66.7 63.7

4 Changhang office building 73.4 67.8 67.2 64.25 Dormitory of Business 66.7 63.7

Orders Bank6 Dormitory of Foods 65.9 62.9

Factory _

11 New Hong Kong Building 67.6 64.5 65.9 62.912 Redbud Garden 66.7 63.713 Qiuyan Building 71.7 69.5 67.2 64.2

21 No.l1 Wuhan Hospital 72.9 69.7 71.2 68.2

22 Hehuayuan Residential 70.5 67.5 70.8 67.8Area__ _ _ _ _

23 First Chinese Medical 71.5 70.8 67.8Clinic

24 Dormitory of Metal Co. 72.3 69.3

25 No. 279 Xianggang Road 74.3 69.4 72.3 69.3 Road condition will be improved and26 Dormitory of Production 72.2 69.2 traffic congestion and tooting will

Goods Co. decrease after this project.27 Suifeng Garden 72.2 71.2 71.2 68.2

28 Pengfei Garden 71.5 68.5

29 Xiangtian Mansions 71.4 70.8 71.5 68.5

30 Xima Residential Area 71.6 68.6

31 Wuahn Foreign Economic 71.3 68.3Trade Commission 72.1 71.032 Ziteng Garden 70.5 67.5

33 Zhongyuan Dormitory 68.5 65 69.4 66.4Studio of Wuhan Television

Station 72.5 71.3 71.6 68.635 Changfu Mansions 71.8 68.836 Huashi Commercial Co. 74 72.5 69.2 66.237 Commercial Bank . 71.3 68.338 Dormitory of Material 73.2 71.5 72.3 69.3

Department77 Yuhua Mansion78 Yazhi Community 72.3 65.8 69 6679 Rongxing Mansion

80 Hankou Railway Middle 595 / 59 56School _ _ _ _ _

110 Gusaoshu's Primary School 69.5 65.8 65.8III Gusaoshu113 Changtai Mansion 71.1 Road condition will be improved and114 Ezhou Mansion 76.2 75.6 72.3 traffic congestion and tooting will115 Fangtai Real Estate Co. 72.5 71.5 66.3 decrease after this project.117 Xianggang Rd residence 73.5 70.5 73.0 70.0

Noise at Road Boundary in Road Maintenance Component

All the daytime and nighttime noises at road boundaries in the road maintenance component


of this project, such as Jiefang Avenue, Hanyang Avenue, Zhongshan Avenue, Heping Avenue,

Gutian Main Road, Wusheng Road, Southern Jiefang Road and Wangqing Highway, exceed

the applicable standards, Class IV in GB 3096-93.

Comparison with the baseline noise levels, predicted road boundary noise after the project is

complete, and the cause of increase and decrease are preseted in Table 6.2-7.

Table 6.2-7 Cause Analysis of Increase and Decrease of Road Boundary Noise

Current situation of Forecast value of Causes of increase andMaintenance environmental noise environmental noise by

Road section engineering (dBA) 2007 (dBA) environmental noise

Daytime Nighttime Daytime Nighttime after this project

Jiefang Avenue Paving asphalt 75.5 73.8 71.2 68.2(RMI.1'-RMI.3) ing asp a Road condition will be

Hanyang Avenue(RMI.8) Paving asphalt 73.8 70.2 73.3 70.3 improved and tooting

Zhongshan Avenue(RM 1.I 1) Paving asphalt 76.5 73.5 75.4 72.4 will decrease after

Heping Avenue(RMI.9) Paving asphalt 74.5 70.5 71 68

Wangqing Highway(RMI. 7) Paving asphalt 68.5 61.5 78.5 75.5

Southern Jiefang Rd(RMI. 6) Paving asphalt 70.9 58.5 71.6 68.6 Trafficflow will increase. ~~~~~~~~~~~greatly after this project.Gutian Main Rd(RMI. 10) Maintenance of 71.1 56.5 72.8 69.8

____ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ cem ent pavem ent_ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Road condition will beWusheg Rd(MI.4) Paving asphalt in 72 725 42 712 improved and tooting

Wusheng Rd(RMI .4) part75.2 72.5 74.2 71.2 will decrease after_________ _________ ____ ____ ________ _ _______ ________ ______I_rebuilding of road.

Notes: 1. The italics in the table express the road that the boundary noise after this project is higher than the current noise andcorresponding boundary noise values.

Similar to road infrastructure component, noise levels after the completion of road

maintenance project are predicted to increase in some sections and decrease in other, although

the reduced noise levels still exceed the applicable standards. The increase noise will be due

to the increased traffic while the decrease is due to the reduced horning and smoother traffic

after the road have been paved with asphalt by this project. Again although the traffic volume

will increase in these project roads as well, the reduction in noise levels will be sufficient to

offset the increased noise from increased traffic. Although not on all the sections, the noise

reduction in some of the road maintenance sections demonstrated once again the positive

impacts the project will bring.

Key Sensitive Receptors

Schools and hospitals are extremely sensitive to environmental noise and considered the key

sensitive receptors in this EA. There are 20 schools, one kindergarten, six hospitals and two

senior houses along the project roads. The environmental noise baseline of these receptors and

predicted noise levels after the project completion are in Table 6.2-8.


Table 6.2-8 Baseline and Predicted Noise at Key Sensitive Receptors

Current situation of Forecast value ofenvironmental noise environmental noise Environmental noise situation and impacted

No. Name of sensitive receptor (dBA) by 2007 (dBA) situation

Daytime Nighttime Daytime Nighttime

Environmental noise will be lower than the currentI Changhang Stafrfs 71 / 66.5 / noise after the project, and indoor noise is lower than

University . . 60 dBA after closing windows; it can meet basicallythe requirements of normal teaching environment.

Junior tiddle School of No. 6 66.1 66.7Middle School of Wuhan 66.1 _ 6.7_

14 J 4/ofanlt Primary School 61.6 67.5 /18 Xiangya Middle School 56.4 / 63.2 /19 [Vuhan Financial and Trade Environmental noise will be higher than the current

Vocational School 61.5 61.8 noise after the project, but indoor noise is lower than45 Hongling Primary School 50.7 65.6 60 dBA after closing windows; it can meet basically63 Primary School ofAtomobile 8 the requirements of normal teaching environment.

Factory64 Aimin Primary School 62.7 / 68.9 /68 Youyilu Primary School 72.5 .' 75

Environmental noise will be higher than the current80 Hankou Railway Middle I noise after the project, but indoor noise is lower thanRaiSchool 5idl I 5 60 dBA after closing windows; it can meet basically

the requirements of normal teaching environment.83 Lodging School of iVo. 6 55.8 51.5 69.5 /Middle school of Wuhan87 ffubei Education College 63.5 / 62.5 /96 Lufialing Primary School 56.9 / 73.2 / Environmental noise will be lower than the current98 Caijiawan Mfiddle School 57.5 56.5 noise afler the project, and indoor noise is lower than98 Cii idecol 575 / 5.5 / 60 dBA after closing windows; it can meet basically

102 Agricultural Cadres'College 56.8 / 60.9 / the requirements of normal teaching environment.105 Minglunjie Primary School 63.5 / 70.3 /107 Miaoyi Kindergarten

Environmental noise will be lower than the currentnoise after the project, and indoor noise is lower thanIll Gusaoahu Primary School 69.5 65.8 65.8 I 60 dBA after closing windows; it can meet basicallythe requirements of normal teaching environment.

116 Ligiao Primary SchoolEnvironmental noise will be higher than the current

113 Hoithu Primtary School 61.8 56.2 62 / noise after the project, but indoor noise is lower than113 Hou PrimaySchoo 61.8 5.2 6260 dBA after closing windows; it can meet basicallythe requirements of normal teaching environment.

21 No. 11 Wuhan Hospital 72.9 69.7 71.2 68.2 Environmental noise will be lower than the currentClinic of First Chinese noise after the project, and indoor noise is lower than

23 Clnic of First Chiese 71.5 / 70.8 67.8 60 dBA after closing windows; it can meet basically.edical HospitalIthe requirements of normal hospital environment.

58 Medical College of IVuhan 53. / 68.8 /Science and Technologv Univ Environmental noise will be higher than the current

69 Minyi Hospital 70.5 / 73.1 70.1 noise after the project, but indoor noise is lowver than86 Red Cross Hospital of 68 68.3 65.3 60 dBA after closing windows; it can meet basicallyJrang'an Distr6ct . the requirements of normal hospital environment.97 No. 2Staffs Clinic of WVS 53.5 45.5 68.7 65.776 District Warfare Center 57.5 43.5 78.6 75.6 Environmental noise will be higher than the current

noise after the project, it can not meet the99 Donghu Boai Agedness 51.2 41.5 68.7 65.7 requirements of recuperate environment even ifMansions windows are closed.

Notes: 1. The italics in the table express the environmental sensitive receptors that the environmental noise after this projectis higher than the current noise and corresponding environmental noise values; The bold letters in the table express theenvironmental sensitive receptors that the environmental noise after this project is lower than the current noise andcorresponding environmental noise values.

The table shows that except five key sensitive receptors where the noise levels will be reducedslightly due to the smoother traffic, at all other sensitive receptors noise levels will increase.In some places, the increase in noise levels will be increased substantially (up to 24 dB(A) atnight in some places). At all sensitive receptors, the noise levels will exceed the applicablestandards and in most cases, significantly. This indicates the project will have significantnoise impacts and normal operations at most key sensitive schools along the project will beaffected.


Comparison of Noise along the Project Roads with and without the Project

At the environmental sensitive receptors along the project roads, the noise levels would be

substantially different under the conditions corresponding to scenarios of w ith and without the

project. Table 6.2-9 shows the baseline noise values at the sensitive receptors for road

infrastructure component, predicted noise values without this project and the predicted noise

values with this project, Table 6.2-10 shows the same information for road boundaries for the

road maintenance component.


Table 6.2-9 Comparison of Noise at Sensitive Receptors with and without the Project

Current situation Forecast value ofCurrent situation environmental noise Forecast value of Comparative

Name of sensitive of environmental by 2007 (dBA) environmental noise analysis ofNo. receptor noise (dBA) (without project) by 2007 (dBA) environmental noise

Dayfim Nighttim Daytime Nighttim Daytime Nighttime e e e_

Changhang Staff's 71.1 67.9 64.9 66.5 63.5University2 Dormitory of Third Municipal 68.1 65.1 66.7 63.7 With project <Administerial Co. _____without project,3 Baodao Mansions 68.1 65.1 66.7 63.7 without project <4 Changhang office building 73.4 67.8 68.6 65.6 67.2 64.2 current situation; this

Dormitory of Business Orders project improves5 Bank 68.1 65.1 66.7 63.7 environmental noise6 Dormitory of Foods 67.3 64.3 65.9 62.9Factory

7 Dormitory of Education 66.1 56.5 68.6 65.6 67.2 64.2 With project <Committee withot_prject8 Jiang'an District Court 64.8 I 66.5 / 65.1 xvithout project >9 Junior Middle School of No. 6 66.1 68.1 65.1 66.7 63.7 current situation; this

Middle School of Wuhan ~~~~~~~~~~~~project will improveenvironmental noise,

10 Gaoxiong residential area 65.5 55.8 68.4 65.4 67 64 but it will be higherthan current noise

-1 New Hong Kong 67.6 64.5 67.3 64.3 65.9 62.9 without project,

12 Redbud Garden 68.1 65.1 66.7 63.7 without project <current situation; this

13 Qiuyan Building 71.7 69.5 68.6 65.6 67.2 64.2 project improvesenvironmental noise

14 Mofalu Primary School 61.6 68.9 65.9 67.5 64.515 New Mofan Village 67.4 64.4 66 63 With project <16 No.2 Mofan Village 65.8 57.5 66.2 63.2 64.8 61.8 without project,

Dormitory of Chemical 6 without project >17 Industrial Co. 60.5 58.5 68.6 65.6 67.2 64.2 current situation; this18 Xiangyu Middle School 56.4 64.6 61.6 63.2 60.2 project will improve

Wuhan Financial and ~~~~~~~~~~~~~environmental noise,19 Trad V inal Sho 61.5 / 63.2 60.2 61.8 58.8 but it will be higherTrade Vocational School than current noise20 Hubianfang Village 57.6 46.5 66.9 63.9 65.5 62.521 No.11 Wuhan Hospital 72.9 69.7 71.4 68.4 71.2 68.222 Hehuayuan Residential 70.5 67.5 71 68 70.8 67.8Area..

23 First Chinese Medical 71.5 . 71 68 70.8 67.8_ ~~~Clinic24 Dormitory of Metal Co. 72.5 69.5 72.3 69.325 No. 279 Xianggang Road 74.3 69.4 72.5 69.5 72.3 69.3

26 Dormitory of Production 74 694 22 692 With project <26 Goods Co. 72.4 69.4 72.2 69.2 without project,27 Suifeng Garden 72.2 71.2 71.4 68.4 71.2 68.2 without project <28 Pengfei Garden 71.7 68.7 71.5 68.5 current situation; this29 Xiangtian Mansions 71.4 70.8 71.7 68.7 71.5 68.5 project improves

_ ___________ .___._ environmental noise30 Xima Residential Area 71.8 68.8 71.6 68.631 Wuahn Foreign Economic

Trade Commission 72.1 71.0 71.5 68.5 71.3 68.332 Ziteng Garden 70.7 67.7 70.5 67.533 Zhongyuan Dormitory 68.5 65 69.6 66.6 69.4 66.4

34 Television Station 72.5 71.3 71.8 68.8 71.6 68.6



- Current situation | Forecast value of Forecast value ofCurrent situation environmental noise environmental

Name of sensitive of environmental by2007 (dBA) noise by 2007 Comparative analysisNo. I aeo'snitv os dA) b 07,dof environmentalreceptor noise (dBA) (without project) (dBA) noise. Nighttim | Nighttim Daytim f Nighttime e ay tim e e e e

35 Changfu Mansions 72 69 71.8 68.8 With project < without36 Huashi Commercial Co. 74 72.5 69.4 66.4 69.2 66.2 project, without project37 Commercial Bank 71.5 68.5 71.3 68.3 < current situation; this38 Dormitory of Material 73.2 71.5 72.5 69.5 72.3 69.3 project improves

i Department _5_69_5 environmental noise

39 Peoileos Court 48.1 40.5 70.6 67.6 With project > current

40 Hubei People's Court 49.8 / 69.3 66.3 situation; this project41 Hubei Colour improves

Television Center 63. I 67.7 64.7 environmental noise42 Shahu Mansions 53.6 43.5 70.7 67.743 Jiangying Hotel 61.5 54.5 63.1 60.1 64.9 61.944 Dormitory of 6803 Plant 63.3 56.2 64.7 61.7 66.5 63.545 Hongling Primary School 50.7 / 63.8 60.8 65.6 62.646 Dormitory of Hubei 61.6 54.6 65.2 62.2 67 64

Computation College .2

47 Huatai Mansion 60 56.1 63.8 60.8 65.6 62.6

48 Dominitori of Hubeu 67.9 59.5 64.5 61.5 66.3 63.3 With project > without

Dormitory of Wuhan Heavy project, without project49_ ecaialln 63.7 51.1 64.6 61.6 66.4 63.4 > current situation; this50 Tianyong Mansions 68.6 53.8 64.3 61.3 66.1 63.1 project improves51 Hubei Aquatic Production 58.9 63.5 60.5 65.3 62.3 environmental noise51search Institujte 5. 35 6. 53 6.52 Dorrnitory of Hubei Aquatic52__ Production Bureau 63.5 56.5 64.7 61.7 66.5 63.553 Guangyuan Mansion . 64.7 61.7 66.5 63.5

Office building of54 provincial Party 64.4 55.7 63.8 60.8 65.6 62.6

committee55 Huiyu Garden 57.5 51.5 70.1 67.156 DormitoryofPlastic Plant 53.5 45.5 71.5 68.557 Qinyuan Garden 54.5 48.5 65.1 62.1 With project > current

Clinic of Wuhan ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~situation; this project58 ScliTech Univ 53.4 68.8 65.8 improves

59 New Tuanjie Village 48.1 41 67.8 64.8 environmental noise60 Shiii caicheng 56 51.5 68.1 65.1

61 Dormitory of 665 59.2 41.5 72.5 69.5 71.8 68.8 With project <without___ -Warehouse ____ ____project, without project

62 Gutianlu Primary 53.5 47.5 72.3 69.3 71.6 68.6 > current situation; this6 School project will improve

63 Primary School of 66.1 / 67 5 64.5 66.8 63.8 environmental noise,Automobile Factory 66.1 67.5 64.5 66.8 63.8 but it will be higher

than current noise64 Aimin Primary School 62.7 . 68.9 65.9 With project > current65 Sanxing Mansions 61.5 57.5 69.5 66.5 situation; this project66 Jianshe Road I 59.3 48.5 75.1 72.1 improves67 Cuijiadun 51.2 43 70.8 67.8 environmental noise68 Youyilu Middle School 72.5 / 76.2 73.2 75 72 With project < without69 Minyi Hospital 70.5 74.3 71.3 73.1 70.1 project, without project70 Yuan'an Mansions > current situation; this71 Duowen Community project will improve72 Wutai Community 70.2 68.5 73.9 70.9 72.7 69.7 environmental noise,73 Anshun Garden but it will be higher74 Tianren Community than current noise



Current situation Forecast value of Forecast value of

of environmental bye2007 (dBA) environmental noise Comparative analysisNo. Name of sensitive noise (dBA) by 2007 WBA) by 2007 (dBA) of environmentalreceptor (without project) noise

Daytime Nighttim Daytime Nighlttim Daytim NighttimI ~~~~~~~e e I e e75 Xiongjiawan 58.4 52.5 76.8 73.8 With project > current

situation; this project76 District Welfare Center 57.5 43.5 78.6 75.6 increases

environmental noise77 Yuhua Mansion With project > without78 Yazhi Community 72.3 65.8 68.7 65.7 69 66 project, without79 Rongxing Mansion project < current

Hankou Railway situation; this project80 Hankou Railway 59.5 57.8 54.8 59 56 improves

Middle School environmental noise81 Orient Star Garden 63 61.382 Jiahai Huayuan With project > current

Lodging School of 69.5 66.5 situation; this project83 No.6 Middle School of 55.8 51.5 . . increases

Wuhan environmental noise84 Baibuting Garden

85 Changhang cadres' 67.4 64.3 66.8 63.8dormitory Environmental noise

86 Red Cross Hospital of 68 / 68.3 65.3 will maintain currentJiang'an situation basically.

87 Hubei Education 63.5 62.5 59.5College 88 Zizhuyuan With project > current89 Jiahai mingyuan 64.5 61.2 69.1 66.1 situation; this project90 Century Garden increases91 Urban Field Garden environmental noise92 Ya'an Garden 66.8 64 With project < without93 Luochang Residentialt 72.4 69.4 70.4 67.4 project, without

Area 64.4 61.6 7. 694 04 6.4 project > current94 Changhang dormitory . situation; this project

will improve95 Science and 58 70.7 67 7 657 environmental noise,

Technology Palace . .7 68. 65. but it will be higher_____ ____________________ _____ _ _than current noise

96 Lujialing Primary 5697. 02 With project > current96 School 56.9 = 73situation; this project97 No.2 Staff's Hospital 53.5 45.5 68.7 65.7 increases

of WS 5. 4556. 6.7 environmental noise

Caijiawan Middle Environmental noise98 School 57.5 / 56.5 / will maintain currentSchool situation basically.

99 Donghu Agedness 51.2 41.5 68.7 65.7____ ~Mansions ____

100 Dazhou Village 64.7 61.7101 Wufeng Village 62.9 52.8 With project > current102 Agricultural Cadres' 56.8 60.9 57.9 situation; this project

102 ~~College 568 /6. 79increases103 Diya Garden 64.9 62 66.3 63.3 environmental noise

104 Nanhu Garden 64.8 59.9 __67.6 64.6

105 MingSunjie Primary 63.5 70.3 67.3School _______ ________ _________ ____165


(continued)_ . . ~~~~~~~~~~~~~Forecast value of

Current situation Forecast valu no Forecast value of

Name of sensitive of environmental by a 2007 (dA) environmental noise Comparative analysisNo. noisAreceptor ne (B) (without project) by 2007 (dBA) of environmentalreceptor_(withou project)__ noise

Daytim Nighftim Daytime Nighttim Daytim Nighttim

106 Yunhe Residential With project < without106 Area 71.4 68.4 70.6 67.6 project, without project >

107 Miaoyi Kindergarten 67.8 59.5 current situation; this. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~project will improve

108 Fazhan Village 72.5 69.5 71.7 68.7 environmental noise, but itwill be higher than current109 Huangjiadawan 65.9 64.5 55.6 52.6 67.4 64.4 noise110 Gusaoshu's Primary With project > without110 ~~~School project, without project >

- 69.5 65.8 55.4 52.4 67.2 64.2 current situation; this111 Gusaoshu project will increase

._________ .environmental noiseWith project > without

project, without project >112 Houhu Primary School 61.8 56.2 52.1 49.1 66.7 63.7 current situation; this

project will increaseenvironmental noise

113 Changtai Mansion With project > without114 Ezhangta Mansion 76.2 75.6 71.9 68.9 74.1 71.1 project, without project <114 Ezhou Mansion current situation; this

Fangtai Real Estate ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~project will improve115 Cog 72.5 71.5 69.7 66.7 71.6 68.6 environmental noise

With project > withoutproject, without project >

116 Liqiao Primary School 48.5 / 60.7 / 63.9 / current situation; thisproject will increase

I_environmental noiseWith project > without

Xianggang Rd ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~project, without project117 Xeiangtalg Rd 73.5 70.5 72.5 69.5 73.9 70.7 <current situation; this

project will improve._____________________ _________ _________ _________ environm ental noise

Table 6.2-10 Comparison of Road Boundary Noise with and without This Project

Current situation Forecast value of F vof jrenvironmnta environmental noise evroenst valu noi

Road section | noise (dBA) by 2007 (dBA) e Comparative analysis of roadRoad sectio n(without project) by 2007 (dBA) boundary noise

Daytim Nighfim Daytim Nighttim Daytim Nighttim_e e e e e

Jiefang Avenue 75.5 73.8 75.7 68.7 71.2 68.2 With project <without project.

Hanyang 73.8 70.2 73.8 70.8 73.3 70.3 Environmental noise will maintainAvenue current situation basically.

Zhongshan 76.5 73.5 76.9 72.9 75.4 72.4Avenue _ With project < without project.

Heping Avenue 74.5 70.5 75.5 69.5 71 68

Wangqing 68.5 61.5 77.7 74.7 78.5 75.5 With project > without project,gh6. 674y I 8 75.5 without project > current situation;

Southern Jiefang 709 5. 708 68 716 86 this project increases environmentalRd 70.9 58.5 70.8 67.8 71.6 |68.6 n ise

Gutian Main Rd 71.1 56.5 74.8 71.8 72.8 69.8 With project < without project,without project > current situation;this project will improve

Wusheng Rd 75.2 72.5 76.1 73.1 74.2 71.2 environmental noise, but it will beIl_ _ l_l_ |_|higher than current noise

Regardless whether there will be the project, the traffic volume on the project roads will


increase over time although with the project the traffic volumes on project roads will increase

more because of the much improved conditions and transportation capacity. The impacts on

noise levels would be different. With the project, traffic jams and congestion will be alleviated,

resulting in less homing, acceleration and braking and thus low noise levels. From Table 6.2-9,

it can be seen that of all the sensitive receptors, 62 will experience lower noise levels after the

project completion compared with the scenario of without the project. However, 55 remaining

sensitive receptors, noise levels are expected to increase indicating the increased traffic

volumes will generate high enough noise levels to offset the noise reduced by the better road

conditions and smoother traffic. Table 6.2-10 shows a similar trend for the road maintenance

component. Noise levels will have both increases and decreases with the project when

compared the without the project scenario.

6.2.7 Mitigation Measures for Noise Control Management Measures

To mitigate the increased noise, considering the actual environmental sensitivities in areas

surrounding the project roads, the following management measures have been developed and

will be taken for noise mitigation.

Rationalized Urban Planning and Buildings Layout

Along the project roads, the planning department will follow strictly the stipulations in Clause

11 of Chapter 2 in "Prevention and Treatment Method for Environmental Noise Pollution of

the People's Republic of China". The clauses indicate, "During the process of determnining the

buildings layout, the urban planning department shall delimit the noise-insulation distance

between buildings and transport trunk rationally in accordance with national quality standard

of acoustic environment and the design specifications for civil architectures, it shall present

corresponding planning and design requirements". While planning on land and areas along the

project roads, the planning authority will consider the results of noise modeling in this EA to

determine the functions of land and areas. In principle, in the area neighboring project roads,

no new sensitive buildings such as schools, hospitals, senior houses and collected residential

buildings area will be permitted. The first row of buildings neighboring the roads will be

planned as non noise-sensitive facilities such as department stores and other commercial uses

to reduce impact of road traffic noise on quality of acoustic environment.

Control of Motor Vehicles Horning

The sound level of motor vehicles homing is high and homing is wide spread in urban Wuhan

areas, particularly the urban center and congested busy streets. In fact, homing has been found

to be one of the major factors for excessive environmental noise and its exceedance over the

standard. So controlling homing will play a role for improving acoustic environment in the

urban area including the project impacted areas. Therefore, traffic control department will

strengthen organization and management, maintain road conditions, and reduce unnecessary


homing. Wuhan EPB and traffic police authority are currently studying the plan for homing

bans and the city will pass by-law to completely ban homing in urban areas in the near future.

At the same time, the city will launch a campaign to enhance the environmental consciousness

of drivers, while driving within the urban area to reduce noise from such practices as horning.

Landscape Both Sides of the Roads

The open areas along the road will be used as much as possible for appropriate landscaping,including tree npanting. Where possible, thick and multi-layers of trees will be planted along

the project roads. During the process of selecting tree species, planting and row spacing, the

requirements of sound absorption and noise attenuation will be considered, so that

landscaping will play a role, although very small, in noise reduction as well as beautify the


Control of Noise from Vehicles

Motor vehicle maintenance measures will be required for all motor vehicles in the city

according to relevant local stipulations of vehicle management and national standard of"Standard of Allowable Noise for Motor Vehicles". Motor vehicles with excessive noise will

be forbidden to run on urban roads, to control some of the traffic noise from sources. Specific Noise Mitigation Measures

Principles of Noise Mitigation

According to the basic principles of environmental protection of "prevention first, prevention

and mitigation together, and integrated mitigation" and "polluters pay" as well as the strategic

policy of "unified social, economic and environmental benefits", the following main

principles will be taken while developing noise mitigation measures in this project.

X For new project roads, noise levels will increase substantially following the project.

Specific mitigation measures such as double glazed noise isolation windows will be taken for

all sensitive receptors

XC For road upgrading roads, where noise levels will be reduced or maintained more or less

at the existing baseline levels, double glazed windows will be installed in key sensitive

receptors (schools hospitals, kindergartens and seniors homes) where noise level will still

exceed the applicable standards. No specific mitigation measures will be taken for other

receptors where noise levels are projected to decreased from the current levels.

X For road maintenance components, again the improved road surface in most cases will

help reduce or maintain noise levels along the project roads. No specific noise mitigation

measures will be taken.

Specific Noise Mitigation Measures

Based on the above-mentioned principles for specific noise mitigation measures, considering


the noise modeling results presented in Table 6.2-3, specific noise mitigation measures will be

taken at sensitive receptors. These measures include:

x Double glazed windows at sensitive receptors. Wuhan is very hot in the summer and

completion closure of windows without air conditioning is not practical nor acceptable.

However, based on the site survey during this EA, over 90% of urban residents and most of

the institutions including hospitals and schools are currently equipped with air conditioning.

In this project where double glazed windows will be installed as noise mitigation measures,

air conditioning will be provided to those sensitive receptors where there is currently no air

conditioning facilities; The locations and sensitive receptors as well as the effect and residual

impacts are summarized in Table 6.2-11.

a Higher quality asphalt will be applied for entire project roads which will reduce the

frictions with motor vehicle tires and reduce the level of noise thus generated;

a The joints on elelvated viaduct and interchanges will be carefully designed and

constructed to reduce the noise originated from the joints;

a Through traffic will be banned for urban center. In general, heavy trucks which are high

noise sources will be banned for urban areas. Special permits will be needed if such trucks

must enter into the urban areas. In all circumtances, such trucks will be banned in the urban

center at night.

X Motor vehicle fleet will be requested to conduct regular maintenance to keep the vehicle

in good conditions to minimize noise levels from motors and other vehicle parts.

X As indicated above, the city is currently studying a ban for motor vehicle homing in

urban Wuhan area. According to Wuhan EPB, such a ban will be introduced to the city in the

near future.


Table 6.2-11 Noise Prevention and Treatment En ineering Measures for Environmental Sensitive Receptors and the ResultsCurrent Eniomna Environmental Environmental Main engineering

environmenta f nos oo.os oepofResults and analysis of noise Quantijties andN Name of sensitive 01os2orcs ale nie vrro osiue ober2ro0 Noise prevention and treatment measures andantrtmn vonenetiaeo Rmrs,v4 e by 200 7 vaidBA01 vlo byae mpe020aio preventionv.tonan0 ~~~~~~receptor (dAd BA BA) (daA) (dB)rtaevmpemnttinola masu res tmnoise pre-s'ontia. o f andrk

Dnysime Nigtsaims Sayfi-s Nighltioc D.yfine Nigb5ai., Osysios Nightsoc treatment

I Chu,glu.g Salt's U--vtey 71.1 66.5 / 69.4 / 70.6 /

2 D-teiosyofThusd Mac-cpal67 6.7 6.166 08 6.Ad.i-wi.l C. 66 7 63.7 69.6 66.6 70.8 67.8 ~ ~~~~~~~~~~After stir in,pl-ieetaun of thi, projec, theniomna nos at(ho En Iomna noise is bese than corvet

3 Baodao M-ni-n 66.7 63.7 69.6 66.6 76.8.8 8 -onifive rcptoas both sies of rod wIl he lowe shoecurnt -wituoltO '--

4 Ch.pglmol.bshsld,sg 7. 6.8 67.2 64.2 70.1 67.1 71.3 63 o as,i ilaat vhce tcto,bsssilocoonodr ln

5 D-mioi,yolfB.- nOsdu,ltrntk 66.7 63.7 69.6 66.6 70.8 6.

6 OonniwoyofFoodFwcoy 65.9 62.9 68.8 65.8 70 6 _____

7 Do-vioqptd Ed..Cwaiisn 66.1 56.5 67.2 64.2 70.1 67,1 71.3 68.3 120ro. 60 tLtous-d Yos

liJngan. Dfiwict Coon 64.81 I 65.1 / 68 / 69.2_ fi,mtllig -uslation sndro.in-rdoceindasdaning thn prac-f 130m.'.65thOv-an Y...

.2 MiddleSdhol ofWN. 6 66.1 / 66.7 / 69.6 / 70.8 ipmplewntaion ofthis rod engi-ree,g vp so stndsrd Class I 8.,14 h.dY

1908 Ga00iong-eid-nsia are 65.5 55.8 67 64 69.9 66.9 71.1 68.1 640.5.320 thousad Y..n

Is N-i Hong Kong B.ddie5 65.9 62.9 68.8 65.8 70 67 After the implemetation of this prjec, the b,mmet of o-in-eean Enviemoantu noise MIl maintai the leve67.6 64.5 nos t the sensitive recptor mill be less than 2.5 dBA is (boo sea; ofuatret iatito.se in shOw non. tIl heo 1 2 Rrdbod G,nrde 66.7 63.7 69.6 66.6 70.8 67.8 adopstingvootsltatr nod noise-vdooomrase in longletm op to standard Clans t in lent lein

After the impl-morha- of this pjnel, the nneasmoa.tat noise atitheso y~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-te recptorwa bath ~,sides ilb l- h et ,si. f~i t i sbea .u~ 1 3 Q3oyn B.,ld,,,g 71.7 69.5 67.2 64.2 70.1 67.1 71.3 68.3 ofnsini i 1dpanm,ofraduohibitio.oft-acmng-ssitato.o ttsnimmWmitsoea-berurdhad Comet

1- ve~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I~hiclms.14 Mofat Primary School 61.6 I 67.5 I 70.4 / 71.6 /336m., 168 ithouasnd Yarn

IS N- M.faa Village 65.8 57.5 66 63 68.9 65.9 70.1 67.1 768m5, 384 thoosad Year

1 6 No 2Mofan Wilag 64.8 61.8 67.7 64.7 68.9 659968m., 484 thousand Year

17 D-aasllfCk..dsssidWC. 60.5 58.5 67.2 64.2 70.1 67.1 71.3 683 onotiegve-titntiaaaadsois-redaarwindtdo-dring the prarsf ap tostandad Clars I240m5, 120 thousand Yeaimpleme,ntoion of this mad engineering

I58 Xiangya Middle School 56.4 I 63.2 I 66.1 I 67.3 /330m.' 160 thouanod Y..r

509 WOsi,IsfatldlshbTsdhhoalR 61.5 I 61.8 I 64.7 / 65.9 /480Oni, 240 thou-ad Yoo

20 Hebisefhag Vitta8 57.6 46.5 65.5 62.5 68.4 65.4 69.6 66.6 448m', 224 th-asad Yost

2 1 Na Il Wahoo Haspia 72.9 69.7 I71.2 68.2 71 I68 68.6 65.622 Hebyu.R,udfteidmlAsrn 78.5 67.5 70.8 67.8 70.6 67.6 68.2 65.2

23 Hot ClinemMd,.ntCtet 71.5 / 78.8 / 70.6 / 68.2 /24 Do-inniy of'Mets1Co. 72.3 69.3 72.1 69.1 69.7 66.7

25 Na 279 X-agpg nRoad 74.3 69.4 72.3 69.3 72.1 69.1 69.7 66.720 W.,ottsyotPidoitis8Gd,Co 72.2 69.2 72 69 69.6 64.6

- 27 SuithngOaGde 72.2 71.2 71.2 68.2 71 68 68.6 I65.6

28 Pengfei Garde 71.5 68.5 71.3 I68.3 68.9 65.90 29 Xinngtinn Martians 71.4 70.8 71.5 ~68.5 71.3 68.3 68.9 65.9 _eaiiinev_pu tborthoshidesofrasdiill ho I-w,rtharc-rnnsssusi- ew nliaton.buiitsill-noedssadar

30 Xi..oRasidrsfietA-e 71.6 68.6 71.4 68.4 69 66 of noise,sad patsafnaietnill iar.-; ahsdI1adoptmonnof Clans!.W.ag - prahuihioso of tooting solar bans vhictlasss.31 Wd.stsigio.a-.n&tlC-- 721 1m 71.3 68.3 71.1 68.1 68.7 65.7

-2 ZiientfjGrdea 70.5 67.5 70.3 67.3 67.9 64.933 Zhoegy..a Dnailtoy 68.5 65 69.4 66.4 69.2 66.2 66.8 63.8

3d StaooWs6an.Tsl'i"'onfta5a 71.6 68.6 71.4 68.4 69 672.5 71.3

30 Ch-gfbiMumsoa 71.8 68.8 71.6 68.6 69.2 66.2

36 H-atoi Cammo-io Ca., 74 72.5 69.2 66.2 69 66 66.6 63,637 CommerciaBark 71.3 68.3 71.1 68.1 68.7 65.7

30 DasnsioyotfMaislddDepwnmt 73.2 71.5 72.3 6~9.3 7. 691 69.7 66,7


(continued) -niopna

o ~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~Current Environmental nie Environmentalo . environmental noise forecast noiserof noise ove,proof .Rslsadnlyiofose Main cngineeringo. N Name of sensitive oos au aleb 07 valerpboo 202 vley22 Noie prevention and treatment measures and stage Rslsadnlyiofose Quantities aad investment Rmak

receptor (dBA) (dBA) (dAB(dAl implementation pla prevention and treatment etmt fos4. - -cl (dBA) ~ ~~~~~~~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~measures prevntsoa ond ireatinent0 N.gie husiam aytime nighttim- Daytime Nigisu ayieN-Nt

39 aD.ieoeyafHuhoi P-aPle' 48.1 40.5 70.6 67.6 70.5 67.5 71.2 68.2 60Otne 304 ihau-nd Ya-

40 Huh1,t P-opies Coon 49.8 / 69.3 I 69.2 / 69.9 6 40mo,. 320 iho-snd Yua

4 1 Hlabe.C.alcurTel--.uaCe,ie, 63.1 / 67.7 I 67.6 / 68.3 /776.,, 388 th..oad Yuan

42 Shtoha M-n-Os 53.6 43.5 70.7 67.7 70.6 67.6 71.3 68.3 740.', 370 th-anand Yuan

a. 43 5ianying Hi4a 61.5 54.5 64.9 61.9 66.4 63.4 69.2 66.2 40m0, .24 thu-and Yuan

44 Douaniiiyof`6803 Pl.an 63.3 56.2 66.5 63.5 68 65 70.8 67.8 908.5, 454 thousad Yua

45 Hungl,ng Prionaty 5bha1 50.7 / 65.6 I 67.1 / 69.9 /2520,', 12 6 thous,and Yua0

C4 46 CDO0,=uaoCollna 1 4. 7 6 68.5 65.5 71.3 683 480m5

40t.-dY0, insta~~~ei 6 5. 6 4 ,lling v-tfltaiao and noie-rduce w-dow d1riog the pro-e or47 Huatai M-nlo 6 5.1 56 626 67.1 64.1 69.9 669-pl-nmtita,io of this rad eutngono.ung nsadr CasI56

528 huadY

48 D.nwiat.yortlH.i 67 59.5 66.3 63.3 67.8 64.8 70.6 67.6 1 20,'. 236 th-uand Yu-

N 49 Do -htiiosowtd ianlti 63.7 51.1 66.4 63.4 67.9 64.9 70.7 67.7 672tna. 336 itto-od Yusn

at 50 T,enyong Manions 68.6 53.8 66.1 63.1 67.6 64.6 70.4 67.4 5 12.m .256 th-asod Yaan

- I 4tn qaiePaato 58.9 I 65.3 / 66.8 I 69.6 2I0 so0 thoatand Yuanz - R-sari initiue____20,

52 Domt.ntay.fHaheiAq,atiiu 66.5 63.5 68 65 70.8 67.8 14 0. ,a 70 thouand YuanPmdtiioo B....o 63.5 56.5

33 Gtangyno Mansion 66.5 63.5 68 65 70.8 67.8 480rea. 240 thoausand Yaae

54 Offt.hbuddi.jtafpsvisuia1 64.4 55.7 65.6 62.6 67.1 64.1 69.9 66.9 19 64 .,a,98 2 thoosand Y-.sPansy annteiiso

53 Hlsiya Gsde, 57.5 51.5 70.1 67.1 78.2 67.2 70.5 67.5 13 44 0 ,a,6 72 th-aad Yua

36 DosoitosyofrPtai, inPa 53.5 45.5 73.5 68.5 71.6 68.6 71.9 68.9 444nsa. 222 thousan-d Y..e37 Qinyaseflarden 54,5 ~~~48.5 65.1 62.1 652 6. 55 6. o0lonniaiseionsnosdnotet,mf3g5m', 190 thoanod yans

5 8 ClinicofWuh SiTnub0 Univ 53.4 I 68.8 I 68.9 / 69.2 / nplnrwnntaiao.rthiseoadnn 1nn pasadnCae 44t.S 2 tho-aod Y-

9 5-9 N-T-aoji. iltlage 48.1 41 67.8 64.8 67.9 64.9 68.2 65.2 15sogna, 754 thousandM Y.an

65 60 81,ijiuoitheng 56 51.5 68.1 65.1 68.2 65.2 68.5 65.5 t44tn'. 72 thousan Yua

6 1 Doeilotyof665 W-rhou- 59.2 41.3 71.8 68.8 71.1 68.3 71.4 68.4 lnStalfingconttilti- aadeo-se-d..e,iodo.nsda...ng th p- ato 144m., 72 ths-unsd Yuan

-62 chuienla1 Priioay school 53.5 47.5 71.6 68.6 70.9 67.9 71.2 68.2 iotpl-tetation ofthis-nad enginen-g ap ta-,hd sCl-n I I fo4~.' 572 thoasad YuanAsen the implementaion of this pnoleut the i-numnio of-nvionm-tal Envromental nos ainase the tenet of

Pni0,ary Schan1 fA.tawohite 66.31 66.8 I 66.1 / 66.4 / oise a the-aeaiivn meptan ,JIlt be les than 2.5 dBA inao..ee.curn sift,oatios hbicotty, butit stilt~~~ 63 ~~~Fatosy ad.pti.g -seihasia and noi-rdace neanun in Iong ieee enanda stdadnd Clans 1.

64 Anttai Patnoy Suhol 62.7 / 68.9 / 70.2 / 73.6 / A8te, thn lempt-snnttios afthia psject, the inuneaet ofe...in-oaetal Environstentl noise wilt he b,anr than theonien as the sooitive scpwar wilt he tan than 23 dBA is shoe noo; tene of-tsen sieeuani in shoet- tae.i

65 Oaeming M-aoa 63.5 57.5 69.5 66.5 70.8 67.8 74.2 71.2 adopting vetilation and noia-rnd-c measur in m ~ lb~u tongen tituep isadrd CtseaIi.i..gntt-e

- 66 Jiashe Road 1 59.3 48.5 75.1 72.3 74.9 71.9 74.2 71.2 tal,t-ii. d.i--wio-di. t p -. p stnWC. I7m,38touadY

67 C.ijiad.n 51.2 43 70.8 67.8 70.6 67.6 69.9 66.9 impt.Metaiioeofthismndllengi-seing 700a.' 350 tho.tualn Yuan

68 Yaayila Mdoddle Suhoot 72.5 / 75 / 75.3 74.3 /

69 Miaiyi Hopital 70.5 / 73.1 73.2 / 72.4 I

70 Y.noa Mnaioan A6te, the impln-eita,n ofthis project, the i-temolo en1on-oo-l E...... ate.tal noise maintains the level of

71 Du.w- Carewunity noise a1 the Senmiti-ceceptor wil h teas than 2.5 dBA in short tee; conset situatia banically. hal t still

ce 72 Wotai Community 70.2 68.5 72.7 69.7 72. 69.8 72 69dpinvetltoadnisndu mnminogmonceasaadCasI

;-. 73 AMOha G2ade

L 74 Tinonna Community


(continued) ________ ______

Current Envirnetl Environmnental Envirormental Main engineeringNamne of sensitive environmental noise forecast noiseeResultsoandanalysis of noise Quantities anod iavesiment

to N noise value vasoverproof nievepof Noise prevention and treatment measures and stage peeto n ramn siaro os eakreceptor (dBA) (iro~vaue b 200 value by 2012 vatue by 2020prvninadtetet esmteonieRmrkin (dBA) reepo (BAWB )(dBA) implementation planmesrspeeiaan______________ _______________________ nti- Nighu-n Doyfiiw, N lgtin- t yi-ni Nighlio- nyon- Nighai.,iea m n

Mei.ti tRd 75 X-gneatn- 58.4 52.5 76.8 73.8 79.2 76.2 79.9 76.9 teushltto vet,ilaunn and nois-redone Minow daruing the procssf opo et.undard Cl-n t 480nsi, 240 th-oand Y.an(RDOt 28) 76 DiiseiWtIWetfrCentrs 57.5 43.5 78.6 75.6 8t 78 81.7 78.7 iwpleo,nntionofthis rndeognineoing tMmt', 72 thnos-d Y-n

77 Yutin Mansin A5ter ihe mple,eototion of hi projrot the ein-iewntat noie it theDonut; Rd en-vionmen1 sensiive reeptors nboth sides frod wilt he I-thtoer,e En-iremnoa noise mitens the level of(ROt9) 78 Yszhi Coinwonity 72.3 65.8 69 66 69.8 66.8 67.7 64.7 the .corsts ioni , inhoesen e-nd higher in tog soon, hat she~ rOte sitain hbsinatly, hot it suit

79 linp. M-nion --wet wit) he les than 2 5 dnA; it wit) adopt weart ofprohibhiiin e-ced sandend Ct-sI______________________ _______ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ofttoi,,g enise frow vhictes

Zhosgshon After the iwyew-notion. of shin ponJert, theeniwwno-ta oni- asOs Enrowntnis tna the lv)oAenuen 85 a,. alyMdl 955 895. e-ustin rocptor et boih sides of road wilt he town tthain eosnflstans-s --On .mwua te1-

(RI 5 Honko oitryhsdel/ 5 89 / 5. of.nois, it witt adops --es ofptirhihitian of too tsg sni a frow.- roitnatsitsas tiooi.olty.but it stilt

8t Onsent SnroGsvde 63 61.3

H.O.h Rd 82 iilhai Ht.aina There are edeneopod res estat prajeta at boh sides of.ead; theLdgi.g S6.1 .(N..6 ~~69.5 66.5 69.7 66.7 67 64 s-od-isotsati.. peopesny afdoor-nd,wintdow is heter, noise wit) up to mtndard Ctans bt,hai,,tly(RDt 4) 83 Modging Soheo ofWN.6 55.8 51.5 deorea.ne ahout 20 dBA atter elsig ,idows

64 Bashoting Garden

85 Chsngh.ngesdnes' 67.4 64.3 66.8 63.8 67.6 64.6 71.8 68.8 Wahan wauicipslLogoaqina Rd doneit.sy - - Coaidening integeted noise prevenion ad teenteens meanars by gone-ninet ptan so86 ne Cross hA tsiotf 68 I 6...96 33 / cibisi,,g with the Yegqing Streert Inegeste Rebuilding Pojec of e-d.ee i.mgated(RDt .33) ____ Dn an6.36.17 Wahoo Csy behilding foe hibis

87 Huobei Edocotion Cotleget 63.5 / 62.5 I 63.3 I 67.5 / ta

Ht...sgpu Rd 99 Isohas wins-o Tewamse d-ortopd no rotot poojcaM aothat sides ofsand, the.(RDt 5) o Ce.ntysGOa-den 64.5 61.2 69.1 66.1 70.1 67.1 73.1 70.1 sond-i-oiotionprnopeoyofd-orandw~isdows ishnanr .saie itl up t. M.dni rCtosI bt hsirlty

90 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~decr,ease about 20 dBA sftr etosing windows.

91 Usha Fietd Gorden

92 Wasn Garden 66.8 64

iiv~eA- 9 LoohongttRsidetiotl 70.4 67.4 71.3 68.3 71.4 68.4106,54 hadY_i _ AeseAre 64.4 61.6 nestlingvtit -tihan end noie-redoce windows dosing the proes of t9s

50 hondvn

(RDt 1s) 94 Chenublang donwttiy ieptew-ossion ofthis rod eginoi-ing upi s. tandard Clans

95 S. nThtlg 58 / 68.7 / 69.6 I 69.7 /52w', 26 th-annd Yonn

96 Ljoiising P,,.ssiShOot 56.9 I 73.2 / 74.4 I 75.4 tostalting netitatios and noise-rdoa nwiadow daring the procss of 72w', 36 thoanad Yan

No2 WnSs Wtspda of 53 45.5 68.7 65.7 69.9 66.9 70.9 67.9 inpeeato ftisns niern 29tre 64 th-eod YowQsngbon Rd After the inpmettnofhoPoceisemteninwstnos ni otstadrCtn

(RDtIA) 98 Coiji-wn Middte Sachot 57.5 / 56.5 / 57.7 587 / at the e-nrenot- sensitie reaptiorwit) ha 2.5 dBA shoe cret E-neon aitosti-n haslt, o i.~th stilt58.7 1 ~~itntos i it)M adopt snesnee efpwhib.tion of oosig noise mow .. iat .u1y bti fl

nehicte eccend standard Ctans 1Dongha Agedns n, ,6. tIsnlis,g vetilation ad nas-ruede windows doing the praness ofensoddCtsn25i.t6thondYa

M99sn 51.2* 41.5 68.7 65.7 6. 6.9 70.9 67.9 insptdsneeiCion of2thin roa2engineeringYot



Current Environmental Envirotimental Environmental M-i enigineeringName of sensitive environmental noise forecast noise Results and analysis of noise Qoartities and invstmentNaefesiiv nvionsenvalu vaine foeat overprof noise acerproof Noise prevention and treatment measures and stage peeto n ramn siaeo os eakre. etor byA( 2007n vau byoo 202 In 2020 etmt fos

_____________ ~ ~ reeptr dBAtn dAdalebyA20 (dBAt implementation plan measures prveaetia,n andtreatment

____________________ ~ ~ ~ ~ Dayt., Nisitiar nairine Nightlime Maytm Nghfli.e Dafi-im Nghnm-IOU D-h.. AvsanV.llage Eoo-n-tigl

3am wtn aniotetatio,t eltsfat oth-edesofroad1dringmth

tOO Ombon 62.9 52.8 64.7 61.7 65 62 65.2 62.2 -nirnnons non Wniiins the i 2v0tII .i..seto bel Y25n pjt,tifl tt o Wuf-ng Vitiage proes ofrood ne,a,onog -oed riadord Cl-s I ivsmn

Luorhines, Id 02 Agi-lca,ni Cadent 56 8 60.9 / 62.7 63.1 instatiinn -nnittijon and notn-red-c d- oidoa- iig Ihn procsso opt inadCm Rt i9 boodYaDgti, _____ CotIngo inip-etoeai-n ofih,s-toa eng.ne-eI ng-fdCl 8.. 9f-dY

theaiDn 25d 03 Oto Gordon 64 9 62 66.3 63.3 69.5 66.5 71.9 68.9 Aftea niotmneino bsIic, the-pnr-enoiorniottlastot Enn--nmnis noim einis-n- she mot oRdt 21 -nise ats tesensitive reept-or mit b less tha. 25 dBA, in eh ,nate; curet situation ba-iniy. built sitl

tRt261 104 Naohu Garden 64.8 59.9 67.6 164.6 68.8 65.8 68 8 65.8 adopting -esita-to sod nois-red-c m-as-n in. t-ninr e-cds standaid Cl-sttJi,shat 84 10 minutunjie Priar.y 63.5 / 70.3 / 70.3 83 / installing cenilsij.an sd nois-red-ce-td-c dur-g the p-aes of(ROt 23) S___ Ohool 68___.___ m5 mnito oie ro eosnnn p so sandarad Clas t 288m , 144 thouand Yuan

tROt32 63.5 56.5 69.5 66.5 69.7 66.7 71.1 68.1S.... nAv,s 58.5 46.8 64.9 61.9 65.4 62.4 66.0 63.0

1 6) ~~~~~~~68.5 61.5 66.7 63.7 68.7 65.7 68.0 65.0

N.atinitrs3iaduc 10.-.. -- ia . 70.6 67.6 70.4 67.4 69.8 66.8 -finslig sega foldd-plate type soun.d honinrot both sides ofrod 300m tong waond homier107 Mi..y, Ku,&,gaat~~~~. 67____59_5_darn.g an procss of.rod eniengup so siond.id Class 1 3000 thousnd Yoso p5035c Figur 6.2-9

508 Foahan Vittge ___ 71.7 68.7 71.5 68.5 70.9 67.9 __________

G,ut-n Rd 2nisda. 09 63.5 59.5 72.6 69.6 71.9 68.9 72.4 69.4

Chea.qing 84 Afte, the impteseenaios ofthis pujens the,.. enir-meta noie at the Essionmuanut noise is boner than abe, in-evid-a itO MIarlgysdsrn 65.9 64.5 67,4 64.4 66.6 63.6 66.3 63.3 -essintreepsarasbothsIidnsofeoadwill be I.-eethsnciirent afcorensitation, but it stillasueed

(RDIttut sisnoti.n of neie; it mili adapt meou ofpeahibifion atwtootin nois stnadCas

Xiehb.a.ia Rd il Gusansho's Primary Env-une,aI naisn is be.ttehis the eve1niadact ______ neboot~ ~~ 69.5 65.8 67.2 64.2 66.4 63.4 66.1 63.1 at.tcaeritai. bates stililsed

(RDt Id) 1i2 Gusaosh lettudtieg nettsinad noised-radue inos dorieg the praes of Standaed Clms 1. 586m., 234 thoansod Yam

S.,yuu.. ~ ~ ~ - -- mpeenda t hiioodegnerigE-vimeesen nois is beftte thee the teeI-aetsvetrn(RD]ota viauc 13 1Houhu Primty chani 61.8 56.2 66.7 63.7 66.1 63.1 64.4 61.4 bfarn iato ut it trill -xcnd

(ROt tel ston~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~mdard CtsaI

After the-iplemenation oft, Airpoet. the envirnmenta noise at the Peinecsa nani is bonter thon fthle mx

GociRvD2tc itResireiat 67.7 63.5 64.9 6t.9 64.3 61.3 64.2 61.2 SCetit.f.ine renetoraillbsdeptrmu,oadsnibitibe faweribncutern of.cu-et situotion, boris ntil excedsfr m_ehictes. __ t__ ___ dad__ __C __ __ ____I

Zhotokou viaduct Robo Mansion 76.2 75.6 74.1 71.1 72.3 69.3 74.3 71.3 Anessiutecnp- fimobothistpdesorwt, beih e rlnares' otth E-cane-l oiastion bur, ihs slil lesId(8D2 4) Eh.,staio.f os; rwltsopMaueo poiito f tootng noise stnad ls

117 F.gasgRo 1 itoEitiC.. 72.5 71.5 71.6 68.6 70.7 67.7 73.1 70.1 fromne hicies

Qingiegniaducs 73.5 68.5 73.9 70.9 72.4 69.4 71.4 68.4(ROt .3bt

Seuthnem LushiRdviadact 59.5 47.5 70.5 67.5 67.1 64.1 63.5 60.S(RDI.2.3d)1

Liahi viadac.o ,rn -n s C t tootefligneo-tdatun sod nis-,ed-t nurdoi doting she p_ss of E- - ' .s sb,t. h ,l 30'10thoas-d Y..e(1Ot13r1e Liqiso Primary Sboo 48.5 639 62. i 61 i impiementatian ofthis rood engineeinofcretiasin bat it stili e.setd project "invesee

g ~~~~~~~~steedsrd Class 1.Anne, the bepiemessatian frthis peaject, the envirnm,esrai nois at the nieem os sbnres h ee

XiRnD2o 7iuu 73. 705 73.0 70. 72 69.8 70.5 67.5 esi-imw reeptor as both sides af d wiii betoe than crent or --ent sitootio. has is sttil e-reds(RD2 2) ''' aitoaiion of seine; it witl adopt measure of prohibition of tooting noiseat standardit.. ftwnit .i. stad.CdoCass1.

XanimeRiD2 u 672.5 69.5 72.0 69.0 71.8 68.8 69.5 66.5

YjjiowanOisdar 65.5 57.5 73.9 70.9 72.4 69.4 71.4 68.4Qisnhou Rd

,i,doct 72.5 71.5 76.6 73.6 75.3 72.3 75.3 72.3

Btasidegtigha 67.5 59.5 71.4 68.4 71.3 68.3 70.9 67.9


It should be indicated that the vast majority of households in urban Wuhan have already

installed air conditioners to fight off the extreme heat in Wuhan's summers. With the

ventilation design of the double glazed windows, these households therefore should have no

problems to keep their windows closed for noise mitigation.

With the specifically designed double glazed noise isolation windows, the noise levels are

expected to reduce by about 25-28 dB(A). Those sensitive receptors for which such windows

will be installed, the indoor noise levels will be reduced to below the applicable standards and

the residual impacts will be insignificant and acceptable.

Estimated of Mitigation Cost

According to the mitigation plan, the project will have following noise mitigation measures

and estimatd costs:

X A total of 25,348 m2 ventilation and double glazed windows with a total estimated cost of

12,184,400 Yuan.

AR A total of 300 linear meters sound barriers with a total estimated cost of 3,000,000 Yuan;


AX A total of 12,000 m2 landscaping with a total estimated cost of 240,000 Yuan.

In total, the estimated costs for noise mitigation for this project are estimated to be 15,424,400


After taking the noise management and specific mitigation measures, the noise at the sensitive

receptors along the project roads will basically be up to the corresponding environmental

standards, as well as better than the baseline levels at the present time. So the project will not

generate significant noise impacts should the proposed mitigation measures will be taken


6.2.8 Summary of Noise Environmental Impact Assessment

Based on the modeling results of environmental noise, the main noise impacts may be

summarized as follows:

AC After the implementation of this project, compared to the baseline environmental noise,

the noise at both sides of some project roads, interchanges and viaducts will be improved or

maintained at basically the same the level, due to the improved road conditions, transportation

capacity, improved intersection arrangements and the resulting much smoother traffic. The

improvement is expected to occur in about nine road sections and five multi-layer


AR After the implementation of this project, compared to the baseline environmental noise

before the project, the noise at both sides of other project roads and intersections will increase,

some significantly. This increase is due mainly to the substantially increased traffic volumes

on project roads. The noise increases will occur in 17 road sections and two interchanges.


* Noise impacts to schools, hospitals and seniors houses in the project impacted areas are

expected to be significant. is as follows. At virtually all these key sensitive receptors, the

predicted noise levels after the project completion will higher to significantly higher than the

applicable standards set at 55 dB(A) for day time and 45 dB(A) at night.* For the road maintenance component in which the existing roads wlr!l be re-paved, noise

levels are mostly expected to reduced in 2007, although in some sections, noise may still be

increased slightly.

* As mitigation, this project will install a total of 24,176 m2 ventilation and double-glazed

windows, 300 linear meters of sound barriers and 12000 m 2 noise-reduction landscaping, with

a total cost of 15.19 million Yuan. Following the noise mitigation measures, the noise at the

sensitive receptors will basically be up to applicable standard and/or better than the baseline

levels for environmental noise.

6.3 Vibration Impact and Mitigation Measures

6.3.1 Methodology

Vibration in the construction phase of this project is mainly caused by pavement vibration

induced by vehicles running. During the operation phase, the traffic will also a certain levels

of vibration particularly in multi-layer interchanges and elevated viaducts. This vibration

assessment uses a model issued by the Construction Department of Japan to predict vibration

levels from the project.

Traffic Vibration Model

The traffic vibration model is as follows:

VLziot = alg(lgQ*) + b + 20 + a, + af+ a, (Formula 6.3- 1)


VLziot is accumulated 10% Z vibration level of traffic vibration, (in dB);

alg(lgQ*) + b + 20 is forecasted basic value, (in dB);

Q* is the equivalent traffic volume, (in vehicle/500s/lane);

az is the pavement plane correction, (in dB);

(if is the pavement vibration dominant frequency correction, (in dB);

ax is the distance attenuation correction, (in dB).

Environmental Vibration Model

VLZ0Ot = lOlg0|410° ±lO° +lo 'VZIOb| (Formula 6.3- 2)


VLziot is the environmental vibration value at the forecasting point, (in dB);

VLZIOb is the background vibration value at the forecasting point under the condition without

traffic vibration disturbance of this project, (in dB).


Key Model Parameters

* Equivalent Traffic Volume Q* is the traffic volume per lane per 500 s, it can be calculated

by the following formula.

Q* = 500 x-(Q 1 +2Q2 ) (Formula 6.3-3)3600 M


Ql is the flow volume of small vehicle, (in vehicle/hour);

Q2 is the flow volume of large vehicle, (in vehicle/hour);

M is the number of lanes including up lane and down lane.

* Parameters a and b, referring the relevant engineering design data at home and abroad,

parameters a and b are adopted as: a = 58.3, b = 29.7.

* Pavement Plane Correction

Pavement plane correctiona, can be calculated by the following formula.

az = 4x(z-2.2) (Formula 6.3-4)


z is the pavement plane, (in mm).

* Pavement Vibration Dominant Frequency Correction, aW can be calculated by the

following formula.

af = -201g(f/8)+5.5 (8<f<90) (Formula 6.3-5)


f is pavement dominant frequency when large vehicle is passing through the point, (in


* Distance Attenuation Correction al can be calculated by the following formula.

al = (-3.31gl+1.8)03 (Formula 6.3-6)


I is the distance between the forecasting point and the effective vibration source, (in m);

13 is the distance multiplication attenuation value, (in dB).

6.3.2 Technical Conditions for the Model

Modeling Year

The forecast years of vibration assessment of this project is the year of 2007 (the year this

project is scheduled to complete and operational), 2012 and 2020, respectively, to reflect short,

medium and long term impacts.


Traffic Volume

In the modeling years, projected traffic volumes on the road infrastructure component roads

and road maintenance component roads are shown in Table 2.3-2.

Afo.tor ,Plehicl7 Jo .drl

AR Expressways: 60-80 km/h;

At Main trunk roads: 5060 km/h;

X Secondary trunk road: 30-40 km/h;

39 Minor roads: 20-30 km/h;

A Ramp: 30-50 kmi/h.

6.3.3 Modeling Results and Assessment

New Roads

The forecast results of traffic vibration at the red lines of 28 main new roads of this project at

different forecast years are shown in Table 6.3-1.


Table 6.3-1 Vibration Forecast Results at Red Line of New Extended Road

StandardVibration forecast value

limited value Analogue resultsNo. Name of road and project Forecast VL,,,, (dB) (dB)

year Nightfim rushdaytime d3vtime nightfime daytime nighttime rush hour


North section of middle 2007 71.3 67.0 73.2 \OT orERpRoor NOT OVERPROOF Not overproof

RDI .I ring line-west part 2012 72.0 67.8 73.8 75 72 \OT OIERPROOF NOT OiERPROOF Not overproof

(Etouwan-Sanjintan) 2020 71.8 67.6 73.7 \or OOR1ROOF NOT OVERPROOF Not overproof

North section of middle 2007 66.8 61.6 69.0 \OT OtFRPROOF NOT OVERPROOF Not overproof

RDI.2 ring line-east part 2012 69.8 65.2 71.8 75 72 \OT OIERPROOF NOT OMERPROOF Notoverproof(Sanjiitan-Hanshi

Highway) 2020 70.3 65.8 72.2 NOT OV ERPROOF NOT OtERPROOF Not overproof


LINE (WUtX[IN HIGHWAY-SOLTH 2012 64.4 58.6 66.8 75 72 NOT OrERPROOF Nor OMERPROOF Not overproof

LUosHI RD) 2020 67.8 62.8 69.9 NOT O%ERPROOF NOT OVERPROOF Not overproofRDI .3


LIXE (SOUTH LuosHi 2012 59.6 52.5 62.5 75 72 NOT OVERPROOF NGT OVERPROOF Not overproof

RD-WRuUANXG HIGHIWAY) 2020 63.3 57.3 65.8 NOT O%ERPROOF NOT OiERPROOF Not overproof

2007 68.4 63.7 70.4 NOT OXERPROOF NOT O\ERPROOF NotoverproofQinghua Rd (Donghu

RDI.4 2012 70.0 65.6 71.9 75 72 NOT O%ERPROOF NOT OVERPROOF Not overproofPort-Highway 21 )_

2020 71.3 67.1 73.1 NOT OvERPROOF NOT OVERPROOF Not overproof

2007 65.8 60.9 67.8 NOT OIERPROOF NOT OVERPROOF Not overproofHuangpu Rd (Fazhan

RDI.5 2012 67.3 62.7 69.2 75 72 NoT OvERPROOF NOT OVERPROoF Not overproofAvenue-Middle Ring Kd).

2020 71.0 67.2 72.7 NOT O%ERPROOF NOT OVERPROOF Not overproof

Old Hansha Highway 2007 55.4 47.0 58.7 NoT OVERPROOF NOT OVERPROOF Not overproof

RDI.6 (Biandanshan-Middle Ring 2012 59.9 53.0 62.8 75 72 NoT OkERPROOF NoT O%ERPROOF Not overproof

Rd) 2020 58.4 51.0 61.4 \OT o r Ruooor NOT ovERPROOF Not overproof

2007 58.4 51.3 61.2 NOT OERPROOF NOT OVERPROOF Not overproofXunsihe Rd (Wuxian

2012 61.5 55.4 64.1 75 72 NOT OEFRPROOF NOT OVERPROOF Not overproofHighway-South Nanhu Rd)2020 57.3 49.9 60.3 NOT O l1.RPROOF NOT OVERPROOF Not overproof

2007 66.2 61.6 68.2 \or OD'RPROOF NOT O'ERPROOF Not overproofXianggang Rd (Jianshe.

RDI.8 2012 66.0 61.3 67.9 75 72 NOT Or:pRPROOF NOT OVERPROOF Not overproofAvenue-Xinhua Rd)

2020 62.3 56.8 64.6 \oT (AORPROOF NOT OVERPROOF Not overproof

Dazhi Rd (Jiefang 2007 62.2 56.3 64.7 NOT oTroRPRooF NOT OVERPROOF Not overproof

RDI.9 Avenue-Zhongshan 2012 63.7 58.1 66.0 75 72 NOT OtERPRGOF NOT OiERPROOF Not overproof

Avenue) 2020 59.8 53.2 62.5 NOT orIiRPROOF NOT OVERPROOF Not overproof

2007 65.4 60.9 67.3 Not OTVRPROOF NoT OiERPROOF Not overproofJianshe Avenue_

RDI.IO 2012 66.6 62.3 68.5 75 72 NOT UURPROOF NOT OiERPROOF Not overproof(Kejiguan-Huangpu Rd)

2020 66.7 62.4 68.5 NOT s oRPROOF NOT OVERPROOF Notoverproof

2007 61.0 55.1 63.4 NOT (1\1I RROOF Not OVERPROOF Not overproofJianshe Avenue

RD I.I I 2012 64.2 59.1 66.3 75 72 No r I oRPROOF \oT oERPROOF I Notoverproof(Kejiguan-Houhu Rd)

2020 65 6 60 9 67.6 \or (r%! RROOF NoT O-ERPROOF Not overproof

2007 67.6 63.1 69.5 \o0 \i Rl'ROOF \oT O\ERPROOI: NotoverproofYouyi Rd (Zhongshan

RDI 12 2012 67.8 63.3 69.7 75 72 \N1 K tlROOF \OT O\ERPROOF Not overproofAvenue-Jiefang Avenue) .

2020 66.7 62.0 68.7 \o1 R.0Ru50OF NoT O\ERPROOI: Not overproof

2007 61 8 56.1 64.2 \0- \o , ROOI: NoT MERtPRrOO: Not overproofHouhu Rd (Huangpu

RDI 14 2012 62.2 566 64.5 75 72 Nor V. rROOF Not O\'ERPROOI Not overproofRd-J elfang Avenue) .

2020 57.2 502 60.0 \.1 Al PI.ROOFP Nor oERPROor Not overproof



Vibration forecast value Standard limited

Name of road and Forecast VLzln (dB) value (dB) Analogue resultsNo. project year rush F

rdavlia nighnime r datime oight'tite daytirnc ototrT100 ruJh ho.rhour

Zhongshan Avenue 2007 64.3 59.3 66.4 NOT OVERPROOF NOT OVERPROOF Not overproof

RDI.15 (Lugouqiao Rd-Huangpu 2012 64.1 59.1 66.3 75 72 NOT OVERPROOF NOT O%ERPROOF Notoverproof

Rd) 2020 63.6 58.5 65.8 NOT OVERPROOF NOT OVERPROOF Not overproof

2007 67.3 62.6 69.4 NOT O%ERPROOF NOT OVERPROOF Not overproofHanxi Rd 2 (Changfeng _

RDi.16 2012 66.3 61.3 684 75 72 NOT O%ERPROOF NoT O%ERPROOF Not overproofAvenue-Jianshe Avenue)

2020 66.7 61.8 68.8 NOT OIERPROF NOT OVERPROOF i Not overproof

Yanhe Avenue (No. 2 2020 68.0 63.2 70.0 NOT OVERPROOF NOT OVERPROOF Not overproof

RDI.17 Jianghan Bridge-Gutian 2012 67.7 62.8 69.7 75 72 NOT OVERPROOF NOT ovERPROOF Not overproof

Main Rd) 2020 66.6 61.5 68.8 NOT OVERPROOF NOT OVERPROOF Not overproof

Industrial Avenue (Third 2007 59.6 53.1 62.3 NOT OVERPROOF NOT OVERPROOF Not overproof

RDI.18 Wuqing Trunk 2012 60.1 53.7 62.8 75 72 NOT OVERPROOF NOT OVERPROOF| Not overproof

Rd-Qinghua Rd) 2020 60.6 54.3 63.1 NOT OVERPROOF NOT OIERPROOF Not overproof

Southern Luoshi Rd 2007 59.3 53.3 61.7 NOT OVERPROOF NOT OVERPROOF Not overproof

RD 1.19 (Jisan Rd-Middle Ring 2012 62.2 57.0 64.4 75 72 NOT OVERPROOF NOT OVERPROOF Not overproof

Line) 2020 66.4 61.1 68.6 NOT OVERPROOP NOT OVERPROOF Not overproof

North Zhongshan Rd 2007 65.4 60.9 67.4 NoT OVERPROOF NOT OVERPROOF Not overproof

RDI.20 (Fourth Wuqing Trunk 2012 65.3 60.8 67.3 75 72 NoT OVERPROOF NOT OVERPROOF Not overproof

Rd-Shahu Avenue) 2020 66.3 62.0 68.2 NOT OVERPROOF NoT OVERPROOF Not overproof

2007 60.2 54.1 62.6 NoT OVERPROOF NoT OVERPROOF NotoverproofNorth Zhongshan Rd

RDI.21 2012 62.7 57.3 64.9 75 72 NOT OvERPROOF Nor OVEWpROOF Notoverproof(Shahu Avenue-Donghu) .

2020 66.8 62.3 68.7 NOT OVERPROOF NoT OVERPROOF Not overproof

2007 62.9 57.2 65.3 NoT OVERPROOF NOT OVERPROOF Not overproof

RDI.22 AinyuanZRdngHepiRd) 2012 63.1 57.4 65.5 75 72 NoT OvERPROOF NOT OVERPROOF| Not overproofAvenue-Zhongbei Rd)

2020 63.6 58.1 66.0 NoT OVERPROOF NOT OVERPROOF Notoverproof

Jinshui Rd . Zhongshan 2007 62.9 57.5 65.1 NoT OVERPROOF NOT OVERPROOF Not overproofJinshui Rd (Zhongshan

RDI.23 2012 62.9 57.5 65.1 75 72 NOT OVERPROOF NOT OVERPROOF NotoverproofRd-South Shouyi Rd)

2020 59.8 53.7 62.3 NOT OVERPROOF NOT OVERPROOF Not overproof

2007 42.1 <40 47.2 NOT OVERPROOF NOT OVERPROOF Not overproofShipailing Rd (Xiongchu_I

RDI.25 2012 52.3 43.0 55.8 75 72 NOT OVERPROOF NOT OVERPROOI Not overproofStreet-Jisan Rd)

2020 57.7 50.5 60.6 NoT OVERPROOF NoT OVERPROOF Notoverproof

2007 55.4 47.9 58.3 NoT OVERPROOF NOT OVERPROOF Not overproofJisan Rd (Wuxian_.

RDI.26 . 2012 56.4 49.2 59.2 75 72 NOT OVERPROOF NOT OVERPROOF NotoverproofHighvway-Xunsihe Rd)I

_______ 2020 61.3 55.5 63.6 NOT OVERPROOF NOT OVERPROOf Notoverproof

Jisan Rd (Xunsihe 2007 56.6 49.0 59.6 NOT OVERPROOF NOT OVERPROOF Not overproofJisan Rd (XunsiheI

RDI.27 2012 59.0 52.2 61.8 75 72 NOT OVERPROOF NoT OVERPRoOl NotoverproofRd-Shipailing Rd)_

2020 59.1 52.3 61.8 NOT OVERPROOF NOT OVERPROOF Not overproof

2007 68.2 63.5 70.2 NOT OVERPROOF \OT OVERPROII Not overproofMeizi Rd.

RDI.28 2012 69.8 65.4 71.7 75 72 NoT OVERPROOF NOT O%ERPROAiI Notoverproof(Qintai -Zhuankou)_I

_ _ .______________ . . . 2020 68.4 64.2 70.2 NoT OVERPROOF NOT O%ERPRo"l Not overproof

Maying Rd (Middle 2007 55.7 47.5 58 9 NOT 0 ERPROOF \Of OEOPRP,I| Not overproof

RDI.29 Jiangdi Rd-Yingwu 2012 58.6 51.4 61 4 75 72 N\OT O\ERPROOF \OT oVERPR(F Notoverproof

Avenue) 2020 64.8 59.4 67 1 NOT OVERPROOF \NOr O\ERPROtV Not overproof



Vibration forecast value Standard limited Analogue results

,No. Name of road and Forecast VLz0 o (dB) value (dB)

project year rushdavtime nighttime hou da\time nighttime daytime N IGHTTIME rush hour


2007 60.2 51.7 63.5 NOT O\ERPROOF NOT OMERPROOF Not overproofRDI .3 S ixin Avenue (Shisheng

2012 61.5 53.4 64.6 75 72 NOT OX ERI'ROOF \OT O ERPROOF Not overproof0 Rd-Yingwu Avenue)

2020 62.8 55.3 6265.9 NOT O\ERPROOF \OT OVERPROOF Not overproof

2007 59.9 52.7 162.8 NOT OV ERPROOF NOT O%ERPROOF Not overproofRDI1.3 Taibei Rd I (Taibei.

2012 65.4 59.7 67.7 75 72 \OT OVERPROOF NOT O\ERPROOF NotoverproofI Rd-Sanyang Rd)

2020 67.4 62.2 69.5 NOT OVERPROOF NOT OVERPROOF Not overproof

Hanxi Rd-west (south) 2007 62.4 56.9 64.7 NOT OVERPROOF NOT OVERPROOF Not overproof

side (Jiefang 2012 62.7 57.3 65.0 75 72 NOT OVERPROOF NOT OVERPROOF Notoverproof

RDi.3 Avenue-Yanhe Avenue) 2020 64.9 59.9 67.0 NOT O\ERPPOOF NOT OMERPROOF Notoverproof

2 Hanxi Rd-east (north) side 2007 57.8 52.3 60.1 NOT OU ERPROOF NOT O\ERPROOF Not overproof

(Jiefang Avenue-Yanhe 2012 58.1 52.6 60.3 75 72 NOT OVERPROOF NOT O\ERPROOF Not overproof

Avenue) 2020 60.2 55.3 62.3 \or O\ERPROOF NOT OVERPROOF Not overproof

2007 63.7 58.2 66.0 NOT OVERPROOF NOT OVERPROOF Not overproofRDI.3 Lugouqiao Rd (Jiefang. .

2012 65.0 59.8 67.1 75 72 NOT O\ERPROOF NOT O\ERPROOF Not overproof3 Avenue-Yanjiang Avenue)

2020 70.9 66.9 72.6 NOT OVERPROOF NOT OVERPROOF Not overproof

The forecast results in Table 6.3-1 show that, after the completion of this road infrastructureconstruction project, the daytime traffic vibration forecast values at the red lines of the mainroads will be between 42.1 dB-72.0 dB, the nighttime traffic, between 40 dB-67.8 dB. Thevibration will be higher during rush hour, at the 47.2-73.8 dB range. The modeling resultsshow that the traffic vibrations can meet the applicable standards (75 dB for day time and 72for the night) as specified in GB 10070-88 "Standard of Environmental Vibration of UrbanArea". Since the vibration standard for the mixed commercial, residential and industrial areais the same as the trunk road standard, it can be concluded that that vibration outside the redlines can also meet the applicable standard. This indicates that in general, vibration caused byincreased traffic will not have significant impacts to the area surrounding the project roads.

The forecast results in the table also show that, the scale of traffic vibration mainly related tosuch factors as traffic volume, number of motor vehicle lanes, motor vehicle running speedand proportion of each type of vehicles. Generally speaking, road sections with narrow lanesand large traffic volumes have high vibration impact. As the upgrading component widens theexisting roads and improve the road conditions, vibration levels in areas surrounding

upgrading roads are expected to alleviate. However, for the new roads where there is very lowbaseline vibration, the incremental increase of traffic vibration and thus the impact, will beapparent.

Traffic Vibration at Interchanges and Viaducts

The forecast results of traffic vibration at the main new interchanges and viaducts of thisproject at different forecast years are presented in Table 6.3-2.


Table 6.3-2 Forecast Results of Traffic Vibration at tbe Main Interchanges and Viaducts

Vibration forecast value Standard limitedName of road and Forecast VLzi1 (dB) | value (dB) Analogue results

No. project year r u datiXme Nighttime h | dwstime nightfime daytime NIGHTTIME rush hour

Gutian Rd22007 66.3 61 7 6S.31 NOT OVERPROOF NOT OVERPROOF Not overproofGutian Rd 2 ViaductRD I. I b (southwest) 2012 66.8 62.3 68.7 75 72 NOT OVERPROOF NOT OmETPROOF Not overproof

2020 67.0 62.6 69.0 NOT OVERPROOF NOT OVERPROOF Not overproof

Changqing Rd 2007 68.1 63.1 70.3 NOT OVERPROOF NOT OiERPROOF Not overproofRD I .; c Viaduct (southwest) 2012 69.7 65.0 71.6 75 72 NOT O%ERPROOF NOT OVERPROOF Not overproof

! 2020 69.4 64.8 71.4 | | OT OERPROOF NOT OVERPROOF Not overproof

Xinhuaxia Rd Viadut . 2007 67.4 62.4 69.6| NOT OVERPROOF NOT OVERPROOF Notoverproofmihuaxia Rd Viaduct_ RDI.ld (southwest) 2012 69.2 64.6 71.2 75 72 NOT OVERPROOF NOT OvERPROOF Notoverproof

2020 68.0 63.3 70.1 NOT OVERPROOF NOT OVERPROOF Not overproof

Sanjintan Viaduct 2007 70.9 65.7 73.1 NOT OVERPROOF NOT OVERPROOF Not overproofSanjintan Viaduct _..l.RDI.Ie (northeast) 2012 75.4 71.0 77.3 75 72 OVsERPROOF 0. 4 NOT OVERPROOF OVERPROOF 2.3

2020 74.3 69.9 76.3 No| OVERPROOF NOT OVERPROOF OVERPROOF 1. 3Qingling Viaduct 2007 72.8 67.5 75.0 NOT OVERPROOF NoT OVERPROOF NOT OVERPROOF

RD1.3b (northwest) 2012 74.9 70.0 76.9 75 72 NOT OVERPROOF NoT OVERPRooF OVERPROOF 1.9

2020 75.3 70.5 77.3 OVERPROOF 0. 3 NOT OvERPROOF OVERPROOF 2. 3

l Wuzhi Highway 2007 61.8 54.4 64.8 NoT ovERPRooF NOT OVERPROOF Not overproofP RD1.3c Viaduct(northeast) 2012 71.1 65.0 72.1 75 72 NOT OIERPROOF NOT OVERPROOF Not overproof

2020 65.8 59.7 68.3 NOT OVERPROOF NOT OVERPROOF Notoverproof

2007 58.5 50.8 61.5 NOT OVERPROOF NoT OVERPROOF NotoverproofRDI.3e Sou th weshi 2012 62.0 55.5 64.6 75 72 NOT OVERPROOF NoT OVERPROOF NotoverproofViaduct (northwest)

2020 64.0 58.1 66.5 | | NOT OVERPROOF NOT OVERPROOF Notoverproof

Ramps up and down 2007 73.1 69.2 74.6 NoT OVERPROOF NoT OVERPROOF Not overproofRD2.1 No. 2 Changjiang 2012 72.4 68.6 74.1 75 72 NOT OVERPROOF NOT OVERPROOF Not overproof

Bridge (southwest) 2020 71.5 67.5 73.3 NOT oVERPROOF NoT OVERPROOF Notoverproof

Qiaokou Rd Viaduct 2007 65.3 60.9 67.2 NoT OVERPROOF NOT OVERPROOF NotoverproofRD2.3 (northeadt) 2012 66.5 62.3 68.3 75 72 NoT OVERPROOF NoT OVERPROOF Not overproof

2020 67.8 63.8 69.5 NOT OVERPROOF NoT OVERPROOF Not overproof

Zhatankou Viaduct 2007 66.9 62.6 68.8 NOT OVERPROOF NOT OVERPROOF Not overproofRD2.4 (north side of 2012 66.9 62.5 68.8 75 72 NOT OVERPROOF NoT OnERPROOF Notoverproof

passageway) 2020 68.5 64.6 70.3 NOT OVERPROOF NOT OVERPROOF Not overproof

2007 70.5 66.4 72.2 NOT OVERPROOF NoT OVERPROOF NotoverproofGuocikou Viaduct I RD2.5 (northwest) 2012 61.5 55.5 64.0 75 72 NOT OVERPROOF NOT OVERPROOF Notoverproof

2020 59.2 52.5 61.9 NOT OVERPROOF NOT OOF Not overproof

Nannrwan Viaduct 2007 68.8 64.2 70.8 NoT OVERPROOF NoT OVERPROOF Not overproofNanniwan Viaduct RDI.13 2012 66.0 60.8 68.2 75 72 NOT OVERPROOF NOT OVERPROOF Notoverproof(both sides)

... ____ . 2020 67.8 62.9 69.8 NOT OVERPROOF NoT ovERPRooF Notoverproof

Xianggang Rd 2007 68.0 63.5 69.9 NOT OVERPROOF NoT OvERPROOF Not overproofRD2.6 Viangcangrd 2012 69.1 64.8 70.9 75 72 NOT OVERPROOF NoT OVERPROOF NotoverproofViaduct (northwest)

_________ 2020 65.0 60.0 67.1 NOT OVERPROOF NOT OVERPROOF Notoverproof

l Xunlimen Viaduct 2007 70.9 66.8 72.6 NOT OiERPROOf NOT oVERPROOF Not overproofRD2.7 (northwest) 2012 71.2 67.2 72.9 NOT OiERPROOF NoT OVERPROOF Not overproof

__________ ______________________ 2020 68.9 64.4 70.8 NoT OVERPROOF NOT OVERPROOF Not overproof

The forecast results in Table 6.3-2 show that, after the completion of this road infrastructureproject, the daytime traffic vibration forecast values at the main viaducts/interchanges will bebetween 58.5 dB-75.4 dB, the nighttime, between 50.8 dB-71.0 dB. At rush hour, vibration


will inrease to the range of 61.5-77.3 dB. Clearly, traffic vibrations partially exceed theapplicable standards. For the traffic vibration in rush hour, vibration at the Sanjintan andQingling interchanges will exceeds 1.9-2.3 dB and 1.3-2.3 dB by the year of 2012 and 2020respectively.

The baseline investigation shows that there are mostly open rural areas around the Sanjintanand Qingling interchanges where vibration is expected to exceed the standards by the year2012 and 2020. There is no sensitive receptor such as residences and schools around theseareas. If the future plan and development can consider the potential increase in vibration andnot to approve any development sensitive to vibration within the impacted areas, the vibrationwill not have impacts specific facilities.

Maintenance Roads Vibration

Forecast vibration, as well as measured baseline vibration for the eight main roads under theroad maintenance component, are presented in Table 6.3-3.

Table 6.3-3 Measured and Forecasted Vibration at Red Lines of the Maintenance Roads

Current value VLzjo Forecast valueVLzialue: Standard value ForecastedNo. Name of road Forecast| ( dB) ( dB) current value (dB) overproof valueNo. Name of road Foeat (B d)(dB) Cd)(dB)

year Ngtidaytime Nighttim Daytime Nighttime dayme nighttime dayIime nigbffime dtiyne nighttime

2007 65.0 60.5 -1.5 -5.0 / /RMI.3 iefanuge 2012 66.5 65.5 65.3 61.0 -1.2 -4.5 75 72 /

2020 65.3 61.0 -1.2 -4.5 / /2007 69.2 65.4 -6.1 -0.1 / /

RMl.4 WRoad 2012 75.3 65.5 69.5 65.8 -5.8 0.3 75 722020 69.6 65.8 -5.7 0.3 / /

South 2007 69.1 64.0 9.6 6.0 /RM1.6 2012 59.5 58.0 73.1 68.8 13.6 10.8 75 72 / /

JiefangRd 2020 74.6 70.6 15.1 12.6 / /

2007 71.9 67.1 9.9/4.3 171/2 2.3 1.3

RM17 WWangqing 2012 620- 50.0- 67.9- 62.2- 5.9/0.9 12.2/-2 75 72Highway 73.0 71.3 73.9 69.3 .0

2020 594- 51.0-- -2.6/-5. 1.0/-10 / /_______ ~~~~~ ~ ~~~67.1 60.8 9 .5 _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _

Hany-, 2007 66.2 61.8 -2.1 -1.7 / /RM 1 .8 Hyg 2012 68.3 62.5 66.4 62.1 -1.9 -0.4 75 72AvenUe

2020 65.7 61.2 -2.6 -1.3He pi 2007 63.8 59.0 -5.5 -8.3 / /

RM1 .9 2012 69.3 67.3 64.0 59.3 -5.3 -2.0 75 72 / /_ Avenue 2020 63.9 59.1 -5.4 -8.2 / /

2007 70.8 66.2 5.3 2.7 / /RMl.10 Zhongshan 2012 65.5 63.5 70.9 66.4 5.4 2.9 75 72 /Avenue.

2020 71.2 66.7 5.7 3.2 / /Gutian Main 2007 64.4 59.0 0.9 3.0 / /

RMI .11 Rd 2012 63.5 56.0 64.1 58.6 0.6 2.6 75 72 / /, 2020 63.8 58.3 0.3 2.3 / /

Table 6.3-3 shows that, except that daytime and nighttime traffic vibration at the double-lanesection of Wangqing Highway which will exceed the standard value by 2.3 dB and 1.3 dBrespectively, all other roads will meet the applicable standards. The differences betweenforecasted and existing vibration show that, traffic vibration of Southern Jiefang Road,


Zhongshan Avenue, Gutian Main Road and Wangqing Highway will increase with the

increasing traffic volume from the short term. Traffic vibration at Wangqing Highway, Jiefang

Avenue, Wusheng Road, Hanyang Avenue and Heping Avenue will be reduced from the

improved road surface and road conditions.

Vibration at Main Sensitive Receptors

Based on the relative locations between main sensitive receptors and the project roads, and

based on the technical conditions of vibration model, environmental vibrations at the main

sensitive receptors are forecasted. The results are presented in Table 6.3-4.


Table 6.3-4 Vibration Forecast Results at Main Sensitive ReceptorsNO Ur Name Of NlOeo1 NO. of Distance Heit FOrCaS value VLz U (dB) Current value Forecast value: Standard value OverproofVn ueNNeof.aeu on (o red difrneigto Forcatralcast dB VLzio1 (dB) current value (dIB) (dB)Ovroovau

No.o sensitive correspondia forecasting line of dfeec o Frcs ____________

section receptor gVrad paint road PaVement year daYtime Nigbem RuSh daytime nighttime daytime nighttime daytime nighttime daytime niglhttime RhouCm) (m _hor_ou

Dormitory of Taibei 2007 59.9 52.7 62.8 1.6 -5.1 / / /VI Third MuInicipal VI 0 0 2012 65.4 59.7 67.7 58.3 57.8 7.1 1.9 75 72 / / /

Road I Co. 2020 67.4 62.2 69.5 9.1 4.4 / / /

JUmOr Middle 2007 58.8 / 61.5 10.3 / / /School oI No.6 Taibei 2012 61.0 / 63.5 12.5 / / /

V2 V2 3 0 48.5 /75 72Wuhian Middle Road I

SchMaCnhoMolIddie ROad I 2020 65.9 / 68.0 17.4 / / /

2007 58.5 53.8 60.8 6.5 2.5 / / /New Mofan Taibei

V3 Village Road I V3 5.5 0 2012 63.2 58.2 65.4 52.0 51.3 11.2 6.9 75 72 / / /

2020 65.0 60.2 67.1 13.0 8.9 I I /

2007 65.3 60.9 67.1 -2.0 -6.6 / / /

V4-1 6 0 2012 65.1 60.6 66.8 67.3 67.5 -2.2 -6.9 / / /

V4 No. I I Wuhan Xianggang 2020 62.2 57.4 64.0 -5.1 -10.1 75/ / /

Hospital Rd 2007 59.1 55.2 60.9 -1.4 -6.6 / / /

V4-2 6 20 2012 58.9 54.9 60.6 60.5 61.8 -1.6 -6.9 / / /

2020 56.0 51.7 57.8 -4.5 -10.1 / / /

2007 65.9 61.3 67.9 0.9 -3.2 / / /V5 MOerialUrYoWUhs n Xiranggaag V5 I 0 2012 65.6 61.0 67.6 65.0 64.5 0.6 -3.5 75 72 /

MaterialS Earcau Rd .___.__.2020 62.0 56.5 64.3 -3.0 -8.0 / / /

2007 67.6 63.1 69.5 3.6 -0.9 / / /Yousan

V6 Community Youyi Rd V6 0 0 2012 67.8 63,3 69.7 64.0 64.0 3.8 -0.7 75 72 / / /2020 66.7 62.0 68.7 2.7 -2.0 / / /

2007 66.6 62.1 68.5 6.1 1.3 / / /Wutai

V7 COinUIty Youyi Rd V7 3 0.5 2012 66.8 62.3 68.7 60.5 60.8 6.3 1.5 75 72 / / /

2020 65.7 61.0 67.7 5.2 0.2 / / /

No.2 Jianshe Yanhe 2007 66.7 62.7 68.5 6.7 5.7 / / /

V8 Stree Yanue V8 4 0 2012 66.4 62.5 68.3 60.0 57.0 6.4 5.5 75 72 / / /2020 65.5 61.6 67.4 5.5 4.6 / /

2007 65.6 61.3 67.4 12.8 9.8 / / /

V9 Luochang Residential Jianshe V9 0 0 2012 66.8 62.7 68.6 52.8 51.5 14.0 11.2 75 72 / / /Ajea Avenue

2020 66.9 62.8 68.6 14.1 1 1.3 / / /


Table 6.3-4 Vibration Forecast Results at Main Sensitive ReceptorsDistanc lleight Forecast value VLzjo (dB) Current value Forecast value: Standard value Overproof value

Name of Nameof Na. of e to red VLzgo (dB) current value (dB) (dB)No. of difference to Forecast

section pavemcnt year nighlttim Rush nighttimn nighitito nighttim Rushreceptor g road point road Cm) daytime hour daytime day hne hdaytire , daytime NIGHTTIME

_ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ (n ___ ___ _____________ _

Social Warfare 2007 64.4 59.2 66.6 14.1 9.9 / / /

VI () Ceater of Meizi Rd V10 2 0 2012 68.0 63.4 69.9 50.3 -49.3 17.7 14.1 75 72 _ / /

Hanyag .2020 66.5 62.1 68.3 16.2 12.8 / / /District __

2007 58.1 55.6 59.9 2.8 0.6 / / /

VHI Sanxing Maying Vil 2 0 2012 59.7 56.3 61.7 55.3 55.0 4.4 1.3 75 72 _Mansions Rd ___ _

2020 64.5 60.1 66.5 9.2 5.1 __/ _ I /Dormitory of 2007 66.1 59.6 67.2 2.3 2.8 / / /

Qinyuan_V12 First Plastic Rd V12 2 0 2012 66.1 59.7 67.3 63.8 56.8 2.3 2.9 75 72 / / /

RdPlant 2020 66.4 60.1 67.5 2.6 3.3 / _ /

Dormitory of Nonhern 2007 61.7 56.8 63.6 5.2 3.5 / / /

V 13 Hubei Tecinical Zhongshan V13 0 0 2012 63.6 58.8 65.5 56.5 53.3 7.1 5.5 75 / / /

Supervision Rd 2020 67.2 62,8 69.0 10.7 9.5 / _ _B ureau I_ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ I_ __ _ _ __ _ _ I_ _ _ _

2007 60.9 / 62.7 10.7 / /V14 CNo. 2 Staffs QRnghu V14 55 0 2012 62.4 / 64,2 50.2 / 12.2 75 72

CiiofW Rd2020 63.6 / 65.3 13.4 / /2007 56.9 52.7 59.0 4.2 1.4 / / /

V15 Nanhu Garden Jisan Rd V15 5 0 2012 52.7 53.9 60.8 52.7 51.3 0 2.6 75 72 / _ /

2020 58.6 54.0 60.8 5.9 2.7 I_ / _ /

2007 66.9 62.7 68.7 9.1 7.2 / / /V6 M iaoyi Nanniwan _____

V 16 Mindrarten Nniwaducl V16 3 0 2012 66.7 62.4 68.5 57.8 55.5 8.9 6.9 75 72 / / /

2020 66.0 61.7 67.8 8.2 6.2 / / /

No. 2 Fazhan Nanniwant 2007 69.3 65.4 71.1 10.3 6.1 / / /V17 Village Viaduct V17 0 -3 2012 69.0 65.2 70.8 59.0 59.3 10.0 5.9 75 72 / / /

2020 68.3 64.5 70.2 9.3 5.2 / / /


Table 6.3-4 Vibration Forecast Results at Main Sensitive ReeptorsDistanc Current value Forecast value: Standard value

No. of Name of Namcof No.of e to red diferenceto Forecast - - VLzio (dB) current value (d8) (dB)No f sensitive correspoodin forocasliog line of dfcce o Frcssection pavement year nighttim Rush nighttim nighttim nighttim Rush

receptor g road point road (m) daytime daytime daytime daytime daytime NIGHTTIME

(in) e hour et e hou r

2007 59.1 53.9 60.9 6.3 5.9 / / /

V18-1 25 8 2012 59.2 54.0 61.0 52.8 48.0 6.4 6.0 75 72 / / /

Wuchang Jinshui 2020 57.0 51.5 58.7 4.2 3.5V18

Uprising Gate Road 2007 57.9 53.7 59.9 9.4 4.9 / / /

V18-2 30 8 2012 57.9 53.7 60.0 48.5 48.8 9.4 4.9 75 72 / / /

2020 55.4 51.5 57.4 6.9 2.7 / / /

2007 63.7 58.2 66.0 -3.1 -6.1 / / /

V19-t 0 0 2012 65 0 59.8 67.1 66.8 64.3 -I 8 -4.5 75 72Old Site ot' New

Lugouqiao 2020 70.9 66.9 72.6 4.1 2.6 / / /V19 Fourth Army in

Rd 2007 66.7 61.2 69.0 1.9 1.7 / / /I lankou

V19-2 0 0 2012 68.0 62.8 70.1 64.8 59.5 3.2 3.3 75 72 / / /

2020 73.9 69.9 75,6 9.1 10.4 / / 0.6


Table 6.3-4 shows that vibration at 19 main sensitive receptors along the project roads will be

57.9-69.3 dB, 51.1-65.4 dB and 59.0-71.1 dB, for day time, night and rush hours,

respectively in 2007. Corresponding vibration levels for 2012 will be 52.7-69.0 dB,

53.7-65.2 dB and 60.6-70.8 dB, respectively and for 2020 55.4-73.9 dB, 51.5-69.9 dB and

57.4-75.6 dB, respectively. The modeling results show that the forecast vibration will mostly

meet the applicable standards except at very few sensitive receptors where vibration will

exceed the standards slightly during rush hour over the long term.

From the above table it can be seen that at sensitive receptors such as No.11 Wuhan Hospital

(V4) and the dormitory of the Wuhan Materials Bureau (V5) that are located near Xianggang

Road, vibration levels will decrease due to the improved road conditions and limited increase

in traffic volume. For sensitive receptors at the rest road sections, since the traffic volumes

will increases significantly, environmental vibration will increase by up to 17.7 dB for day

time and 0.2-14.1 dB at night respectively, compared to the baseline levels. Eve with these

increases, the vibration levels after the project will still meet the applicable standards as

discussed above.

Vibration at Cultural Relics

According to the site investigation during the EA, there are two provincial-level cultural relics:

Wuchang Revolution Gate (V18) and the Old Site of New Fourth Army in Hankou within the

scope of this assessment. There is no specific standards for cultural relics buildings. In order

to conduct an appropriate assessment, the EA team evaluate different practices in other

projects in China and overseas. Typically, peak vibration values are used in these other

assessment so this EA also uses peak values. The assessment standard used is also the most

stringent: JB 16-88 "Stipulations of Environmental Protection for Mechanical Industry",

10-30 Hz limiting speed vibration value is 1.8 mm/s.

Jinshui Road where Wuchang Revolution Gate (V 18) is located is a new road and there is no

traffic at present. Lugouqiao Road where Old Site of the New Fourth Army (V19) is located is

an existing road which will be widened during the project, but traffic volume is small at

present. In order to assess the impact of traffic vibration to the cultural relics buildings after

project completion, Ziyang Road is selected to conduct analogue study as the number of lanes,

traffic volume and passing vehicle type and speeds at existing Ziyang road are very similar to

those expected on Jinshui Road and Lugouqiao Road. The comparions results are presented in

Table 6.3-5, and the frequency distribution spectrogram is shown in Figure 6.3-1, Figure 6.3-2

and Figure 6.3-3 respectively.


Table 6.3-5 Analogue Study Results of Traffic Vibration Speed in Ziyang Road

Flow . . . Peak value of Peak value ofNo. volume Analogue site Descripton of locaton vibration frequency Remarks

(vehicle/h) of test point speed (mm/s) (Hz)

0.1473 20 Horizontal directionl Ziyang Rd 0.2 m at the side of road 0.0579 20 Vertical direction

1210 Outside the gate of

2 Ziyang Rd Ziyang Park, 24 m to the 0.00343 20 Vertical directionI_I I running lane I I I

The analogue results in Table 6.3-5 show that, there is a different order of magnitude between

the traffic vibration and the vibration limiting value. The traffic vibration is far lower than the

limiting value. So, the roads will not cause significant impacts on the cultural relics buildings

after the project.

[nys] Autospectrmvibl) -InputWorlkng Input: Input: CPOAnatyzer

60u__ __. ___ _ _ __ _______ _____ X I _____

14 0 u -_i__--~--------------

12ou- L__----t-10ou- i

2uu -.

40u t " |*~

20u ___ _ _ _=

31.5 63 125 250 500 lk 2k 4k 8k 16k[Hz]

Figure 6.3-1 vibration speed frequency spectrogram in horizontal direction at the point 0.2 m away from theroad

[nYs] Autospectrun(vibl) -InputWorking: Input: Input: CPO AnaIyzer


5Ou - - -- - .

t---_ X__ ~4

31 5 63 125 250 500 1k 2k 4k 8k 16k[Hz ]

Figure 6.3-2 vibration speed frequency spectrograwm in vertical direction at the point 0.2 m away from the road


In's] Autospectnrw(vibl)- InputWorig: Input: Input: CB Analyzer

4u 7



28u- - -- ------ - - ----

31.5 63 125 250 500 lk 2k 4k 8k 16k[1-k]

Figure 6.3-3 vibration speed frequency spectrogram in vertical direction at the gate of the Ziyang Park

6.3.4 Mitigation Measures

According to the mechanism with which traffic vibration is generated from the roads,important factors in traffic vibration include traffic volume, motor vehicle running speed,vehicle types and the road conditions. In order to mitigate the impact of traffic vibration to thesurrounding areas and buildings after the project, with considerations of the vibration forecast

results above as well as technical feasibility, effectiveness and costs, the following mitigation

measures have been proposed and will be taken during the project implementation.

X Compared to the common concrete pavement, the asphalt-concrete pavement can reduce

the vibration from the road. This project will use asphalt concrete as the paving material in the

road sections with sensitive buildings in the surrounding areas.

AC The correction coefficient of road smoothness can be up to 3-5 dB. As such quality of

pavement is directly related to the scale of traffic vibration. Therefore, as a mitigation

measure, the pavement construction will be carefully carried with full attention on quality

details. After project completion, a full maintenance program will be developed and

implemented to maintain all project roads in good conditions to ensure that any vibration

caused by road surface will be kept to the minimum.

AC The planned red line of new roads of this project will be up to 40-50 m for main

framework roads, 25-50 m for urban trunk roads, and 20 m for branch or minor roads. Setting

aside sufficiently wide red line can guarantee the attenuation distance of traffic vibration, and

minimize traffic vibration impacts on sensitive buildings at both sides of the roads. Although

the existing sensitive receptors may not be removed from the impacted areas, the planning

department of the city will consider in the future the results of the impact assessment during

this EA in its approval for development proposals. No vibration sensitive developments will

be approved in the future within the impacted areas near the project roads.


6.4 Sunshine Impact and Mitigation Measures

6.4.1 Methodology

Sunshine impact assessment mainly considers the sunshade impact of the front (first row of)

buildings along the elevated road structures. This project will construct new Qinghua Road

elevated viaducts and numerous interchanges. The Qinghua Road is constructed over the East

Lake, so there is no sunshine sensitive building around it. The interchanges are mostly located

in urban areas and some in well built regions and these structures may cause sunshade impact

on the houses around them. This assessment takes the sensitive houses around the

interchanges as the assessment objects. Based on the actual distance between the interchanges

and the side line of the buildings, sunshine time is forecasted through a sunshine chart for the

interchanges on Winter Solstice, the shortest day and thus least sunshine hours of the year. On

this basis, sunshade time of the interchanges over the sensitive houses along the roads will be

determined. At the same time, it will calculate the sunshine time of the bottom windows at

both sides on Winter Solstice and compare it with the applicable assessment standards. Based

on whether actual sunshine hours can meet the standards, the level of sunshine impacts on

these houses is determined.

6.4.2 Sunshine Assessment

The proposed interchanges of this project are mostly in south-north direction. According to

the sunshine time forecasting chart on Winter Solstice, when the viaduct is located in

south-north direction and the houses at both sides of it are facing east or west, the

interchanges will cause a certain sunshade impact on the bottom windows of the houses.

Sunshine impacts to sensitive buildings after the completion of each elevated structure of this

project are shown in Table 6.4-1.


Table 6.4-1 Sunshine at Sensitive Buildings at Both Sides of the Elevated Structures

Widt Relative Forecast value of SunshineName of h I Height Name of sensitive location to sunshine time of Stndard Whether up to

engineering (m) (m) Receptor the elevated bottom window on standa standardengineering (in) (in) Receptor structure Winter Solstice (h)

Changqing 50 <l0 Huangiiadawan Both sides 0 Not up toRoad viaduct I fndard

Gusaoshu ~~~~~~Gusaoshu Primary due below 0 3 NotdudtGusaoshu 50 <10 School due below standardviaduct Gusaoshu due below 0 standard

Sanjintan 50 <10 Houhu Primary east side 4 3 up to standardviaduct School

Yunhe residential West side Not up toareaWet id 01 standard

Nanniwan 40 <10 Miaoyi West side 5 3 Not up toNaniwanuc 40 <10 kindergarten Wssie5standard

south: 0 ~~~South: not up toFazhan Village Both sides north: 4 standard; north:

_____ _____ ___ _ _____ ____ _____ _____ _ ___ _____ ___ _ _____ _____ ____up _to standard

After the completion of the elevated structures of this project, these elevated structures will

cause impact on sunshine time of bottom windows of the sensitive buildings at both sides of

them on Winter Solstice. The details are shown in Table 6.4-2

Table 6.4-2 Summary Statement of Sunshine Impact of the Elevated Structureson the Sensitive Buildings at Both Sides of Them

Current situation of sunshine Forecast of sunshine ChangingName of Name of sensitive environment environment value of

engineering Receptor Sunshine time Whether up Sunshine Whether up sunshine(h) to standard time (h) to standard time (h)

Changqing H .d 0 Not up to 0 Not up to 0Road viaduct uangiaawan standard standard

Gusaoshu Primary 10 up to standard 0 Not up to -10Gusaoshu School standard | _ lviaduct Gusaoshu 10 up to standard 0 Not up to -10

p ~~~~~~~standardSanjintan Houhu Primary to up to standard 4 up to standard -6viaduct School _ , ,_. __

Yunhe residential 0 Not up to 0 Not up to 0area standard standard I _ I

Nanniwan Miaoyi kindergarten 10 up to standard 5 up to standard -5viaduct th O south: not up to I th o south: not up to south: 0

Fazhan Village north: 10 standard; north: standard; north: north -6_________________ ___north:_____ up to standard no.t: up to standard not:6

According to the above calculation and analysis, the project interchanges will shorten the

full-window sunshine time of the bottom windows of the first row of the houses at the side

neighboring the road on Winter Solstice by 5-10 hr. In particular, buildings such as

Gusaoshu Primary School, Houhu Primary School, Miaoyi Kindergarten and Fazhan Village

will receive less sunshine hours and significant impacts because of their sensitivity. Such a

reduction will cause in-compliance with applicable standards at Gusaoshu Primary School and

Gusaoshu. As such, the first floor rooms in these buildings shall not be used as classrooms or


As mitigation, the planning department of the city will not permit development of sunshine

sensitive facilities within the impacted areas in the future.


6.5 Surface Water Impacts and Mitigation Measures

6.5.1 Drainage Plan of Wuhan City (2001-2005)

Understanding of the Wuhan drainage system and drainage plal are very important to the

assessment of potential impact of the roads to the surrounding water environment. For the

period of the "Tenth Five-Year Plan" (2001-2005), the principle of drainage planning of

Wuhan City is that, for the old city proper, the combined storm water and sewage system will

be maintained temporarily. The sewage will be intercepted at the proper position at the lower

reach of the system by sewage treatment plants. For the new city area, separated system for

storm water and sewage will be adopted. Some larger lakes, such as East Lake, Shahu Lake,

Nanhu Lake, Tangsunhu Lake and Moshuihu Lake, are to be used collection and storage of

storm water in the suburb areas directly (Tenth Five-Year Construction Plan for Municipal

Infrastructure Facilities in Main City Proper of Wuhan).

There are two integrated sewage treatment plants in Wuhan at present, that is, Wuchang

Shahu Sewage Treatment Plant (50,000 t/d, secondary treatment) and Hankou Huangpulu

Sewage Treatment (100,000 t/d, primary treatment), and additional sewage treatment plants

are under construction or preparation. The sewage treatment ratio of these two plants is

presently about 6%, far lower than the average sewage treatment ratio of 30% of all cities in

the country. With the new Wuchang Erlangmiao Sewage Treatment Plant (180,000 t/d,

primary treatment), Longwangzui Sewage Treatment Plant (150,000 tld, secondary treatment)

and Hanyang Nantaizihu Sewage Treatment Plant (100,000 t/d pretreatment), as well as the

expansion of the Shahu Sewage Treatment Plant within the year of 2001 (details are shown in

Figure 6.5-1: Layout of Main Sewage Treatment Plants in Wuhan City), the treatment ratio

will be increased substantially. By the time these new and expansion projects are complete,

scheduled for the next 3-5 years, most sewage from the urban centers will be able to go

through at least pre-treatment prior to discharges to the receiving environment.

Clearly, by the time this project is complete, there will be substantial sewage treatment

capacity in the city. Surface runoff from the roads in downtown areas will be collected and

treated (as this area will still be serviced with the combined sewer system), although such

treatment may not be necessary In the areas outside of the downtown area or city core, the

surface runoff will be collected by storm sewer and discharged directly to the lakes around


6.5.2 Water Pollution Sources

This transport project will not produce wastewater by itself. However, after this project is in

service, the pollutants emitted by motor vehicles, oil leaks, the silt brought by vehicles tires

and dust precipitation to the road surface will be enter the surface runoff during rains. Such

runoff, particularly within the first hour of the rain can be contaminated containing COD, SS

and oil and grease. The concentrations of the pollutants in a typical surface runoff from urban


roads, based on experience from other projects, are shown in Table 6.5-1.

Table 6.5-1 Concentrations of Pollutants in Initial Urban Road Runoff

oncentrations of pollutants at each period of time at l lConcentrations ~~~~Average Standardinitial rain stage (mg/L) Whether up to

Item I I IIvalue value0-15 160-120 >i20 vle alestandard

15-30 min 30-60 min (mg/L) (mg/L)Imin min min

COD 170 130 110 97 72 120 150 Up to standard

BODs 28 26 23 20 12 20 30 Up to standard

oil 3 2.5 2 1.5 1 2 10 Up to standard

SS 390 280 190 200 160 280 150 Exceeded by 0.8 time

Table 6.5-1 shows that, the average value of content of SS in road surface runoff at two hours

exceeds the applicable standard by 0.8 time (Class II in GB 8978-1996 "Integrated

Wastewater Discharge Standards". However, the first 15 minutes to first 30 minutes (the first

flush) of surface runoff is expected to have much higher concentrations and COD could also

exceed the applicable standard.

6.5.3 Receiving Water Impact

According to the Wuhan drainage plan described briefly above, surface runoff from areas

within the downtown core will be collected and routed to sewage treatment plants for

treatment prior to discharge. However, runoff from outside city core areas will be discharged

to the lakes directly without any treatment. The lakes will be impacted with particularly with

increased suspended solids. But as the lake water move very slowly, the impacted areas will

be limited to those neaer the storm water discharge outlets. For other contaminants, the

impacted may only be limited to the first 15-30 minutes of a rain event as concentrations in

storm runoff will quickly be reduced as the road surface will be "flushed clean" as the rain

continues. The lasting storm water will help dilute the contaminated runoff in the first half


With the completion of the new Wuhan urban sewage treatment plants, more sewage and

other wastewater wich currently discharged to the environment directly will be treated before

discharge and as a result, water quality in all the surface water bodies in the city is expected to

be significantly improved. The improved water quality will provide additional assimilative

capacity for receiving contaminated surface runoff and help maintain water quality in the

lakes at their dedicated surface water quality categories.

6.5.4 Mitigation Measures

Motor vehicles fleet in Wuhan will be requested to operating in good conditions to minimize

oil leaking and other problems which may result in leaking of liquids to the road surface. This

is a very general measure, which cannot be enforced by the project alone. But the road

management authority will support and promote any initiatives in the city which will

contribute towards this goal. According to relevant city by-laws, all vehicles carrying bulk and


Wfi1 6. 5-1Attached Drawing 6.5-1 Layout of Main Sewage Treatment Plants in Wuhan City

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contaminated materials must be well covered to prevent any dripping or spills on city roads.

In addition, the motor vehicles entering the city and leaving construction sites will be required

to clean their tires to minimize the dust they could bring to the city roads. These by-laws will

be strictly enforced. As the storm sewer in the suburb will be discharged to the lakes directly

which could impact the lake waters close to the outlets, the locations of the outlets will be

reviewed when roads and their supporting systems are designed. PMO will invite the EA team

and other environmental expert to participate in the engineering design review. Those which

are located in sensitive areas such as recreational sites, fish habitats, drinking water intakes,

etc. will be re-located to avoid the direct impacts.

6.6 Ecosystem impacts and mitigation

6.6.1 Vegetation protection measures

Urban road construction usually has a certain impact on areas around the road and damages

vegetation in some areas. This urban road project consists of new road construction,

expansion and upgrading of existing roads and construction of interchanges in the city as well

as construction of supporting facilities for the road.

The road construction will require new land areas and removal of vegetation on this land.

While the design and construction will try their best preserve the trees and green areas, the

removal of some vegetation cannot be avoidable. As described in Chapter 5, in total, 2351

trees will be cut for road construction and expansion. A substantial compensation program

have been developed and will be implemented which includes a massive landscaping along

the project roads and open space. A total of 10,1 15 new trees will be planted in this program,

more than four times of the trees lost to the project. The tree planting program will be part of

the this project and its cost included in the project construction budget. Therefore, the project

will result in a net increase in green areas in the project areas, although it may take about three

to five years for the juvenile trees to mature and form the same amount of green areas and

shades of the old trees cut by the project.

According to city plan, 100 m wide green belts consisting of lawns, bushes and trees, will be

planted along the trunk roads, 50 m wide green belts along the radial roads and 10 m wide

green belts along other city roads where possible. The landscaping program will provide the

city with large green areas, contributing to the urban ecosystem as well as the city landscape

and beautiful views in the city and the communities.

6.6.2 Impact on wetland of East Lake and corresponding protective measures Legal and Planning Status of Qinghua Road

In this project, Qinghua road with its total length of 8520 m, will pass part of the East Lake

scenery site. In the Wuhan road network, Qinghua road is one of the ten major radial roads

connecting inner ring roads (IRR), mid ring road (MRR) and outer ring road (ORR). As such


it is a key transportation corridor in the city which connecting Wudong area with the city core.

Qinghua road will be 40 m wide, partially on green fields which are farmland and East lake

water surface, and partially on an existing road of about 12-16 m wide. According to the

current design, the road length passing the East lake will be 1026 m, as an elevated viaduct

with 2 m clearance above the water surface.

The "East Lake Scenery Site Master Plan" of 1993, which is the latest version of the Plan has

given considerable considerations to requirements for urban roads from Wuhan city Master

Plan. Within the road plan for the East Lake area, Qinghua road as proposed in this project has

been included in the East Lake plan as an urban trunk road (see Figure 4.9-1 which is the East

Lake Master Plan map). Based on the alignment selection and the current design, the

proposed Qinghua road in this project complies legally with both city and East Lake master


Another legal document related to the East Lake is the "Wuhan City Lake Protection

Regulations". Article 9 of the Regulations stipulates that "for urban center lakes and adjacent

green areas, no structures will be allowed to construct except discharge pump stations,

wastewater treatment facilities, landscaping and other municipal structures and facilities as

included in relevant city plans." As Qinghua road is a municipal facility in the road network in

both City Master Plan and East Lake Scenery Site Plan, the road construction complies with

the regulations. Impact on East Lake Scenery Site

Qinghua road will be 40 m wide. From Donghuxiang to Wangqing road (the east section of

the road), the current alignment areais primarily the lake and some farmland. From Wangxing

road to No.21 highway, the current alignment is a 12-16 wide road. Based on the current

proposal, once complete, Qinghua road will be Class I urban trunk road with a designed speed

of 60 km/hr, and predicted traffic volume of 22,617 pcu/d in two directions by 2007. The

1028 m section of the road which will cross the lake water is currently designed as an elevated

viaduct, with the designed height 2 m above the highest water level in the lake.

The EA team visited the East Lake Scenery Site Administration Authority and review the the

East Lake Master Plan. In general the Qinghua road complies with the Master Plan and the

relevant authority has no objection to it. However, as a trunk road and a busy transportation

corridor, the expected large traffic on Qinghua road will generate high noise to the presently

quiet environment zoned for health recovery and recreation. In addition, while the design

takes the EA suggestion to revise the design and build the Qinghua road East lake section as

an elevated viaduct structure for the reason of protecting the East lake wetland areas and

water body continuity, the above ground/water structure will be eye-catching and conflicting

with the surrounding scenery. There is not much mitigation options available for the scenery

impacts except demanding the design and architectural styles of the viaduct to be in harrnony

with the surrounding environment as much as possible.


The Baima Zone where Qinghua road will be located (See Figure 4.9-1) is a primarily health

recovery zone according to the East Lake Scenery Site Master Plan where the highest noise

standard (Category 0) applies. At present, the part of existing Qinghua road which traverses

the scenery site is 5 m cement road in the west 2000 m section with farmland of Donghu

village on both sides. The 1000 m east section is farmland and deserted land of Xianfeng

village. The 1028 m middle section is a narrow dam in the middle of the lake. The lake area

traversed by Qinghua road is between Tangling and Xiaotan lakes featured with flat and open

lake areas and country views.

Because of the zoning in this area, as well as its ecological nature, a high quality and quiet

environment is needed. However, as an urban trunk road with expected freight dominated

traffic, Qinghua road, once built will create noise levels of 70 dB(A) or higher at the day time

and about 65 dB(A) at night. This will significantly exceed the applicable noise standards

(Category 0) for this area, affecting the health functions planned for this area, as well as the

area ecosystem (details in the section below). In addition, although the elevated road structure

traversing the lake water will avoid permanent severing of the lake water, the outstanding

structure will create a conflict with the surrounding countryside view and environment.

Therefore, there will be a significant impacts to the scenery in the area. East Lake Ecosystem Impacts

Roughly 1000 m Qinghua road will pass through the East lake where there are substantial

birds and aqua-life activities. The road alignment is presently quiet with little human activities

and disturbance. The construction and operation of Qinghua road will bring to this natural

area motor vehicle emissions, noise, and surface runoff, affecting the birds and the growth of

aquatic plants. The contaminated road surface runoff containing oil etc. could damage the

water plants while the worsening air quality and, in particular, noise, could drive away water

fowls and birds.

The site investigation by the EA team also shows that the core area of the East Lake Wetland

is located in the crisscrossed water/marsh area in the Xiaotan lake and Yangchun lake, which

has a certain distance to the Qinghua road alignment. The closest point of the wetland core

area to the alignment is about 1000 m. Because of the distance, the impacts of the road

operation to the wetland and key natural habitats are expected to be limited.

According to EA modeling results, during Qinghua road operation period, area within 20 m

from the road will have noise levels ranged 73.2 to 75.4 dB(A) during the day and

74.4-76.9dB (A) during the peak hours. Even at 60 from the road, the day time noise will still

be 68.7 to 70.9dB(A), 65.7 to 67.9dB(A) at night and 70.2-72.4 dB(A) during peak hours.

Clearly, there will be a large bend area within which there will be high noise levels which will

affect bird activities and drive birds away from this area.

The design engineers have adopted the EA proposal to change the Qinghua road to an

elevated viaduct structure. The entire section at the East lake will be 2 m above the water


surface with a 30 column span. The columns will be built on existing farmland or dykes and

as such, the road will not create new separation between lakes. With this design, the

continuity of the ecosystem in the lake areas, nrimarilv the continuity of the water body will

not be affected. Although elevated viaduct design has less adverse impacts compared with

ground level road on the balance, both designs will have significant adverse impacts

particularly impacts to the local ecosystem. Mitigation

There are not many mitigation measures which may be designed and implemented to address

these adverse impacts of Qinghua road. Those which may be taken to minimize the potential

impacts of Qinghua road to the East lake national scenery site and wetland are presented as


X The traffic will be controlled and in principle only Wuhan registered motor vehicles may

use this road while outside vehicles, through traffic and heavy trucks will be banned to use

Qinghua road East lake section. Warning signs about this requirement will be erected at the

closest intersections on the both ends of the Qinghua road East lake section.

AX East Lake Scenery Site Administrative Authority will be invited to participated in the

design of the elevated viaduct to maximize the harmony of the structure with the surrounding


At The elevated viaduct will include a close-loop surface runoff collection system. The

collected runoff will be directed to less sensitive area for discharge instead of discharging to

the site directly.

AX High quality pavement will be used for this section of the road to ensure minimum noise

from road surface/tire friction. The entire Qinghua road will be banned for homing and

warning sign to that effect will be erected along the road.

X The planning department will strictly control the development of this area. No facilities

will be permitted to be built in the East Lake area if not complying with the East Lake Master

Plan and approved by the East lake authority.

However, it must be pointed that the effectiveness of the above mitigation measures is limited.

Despite all these measures, an eyes-catching and intruding structure would erected in the

completely natural environmental setting for the time being and the significantly increased

noise levels will disturb the birds and their habitats and could potentially drive the birds and

waterfowls away from this area. Other measures such as banning of homing along the road

and traffic control, even future developments along the roadside, would be difficult to enforce.

Furthermore, the actual impacts to the ecosystem of the East Lake particularly to wildlife and

fisheries resources, after all the above mitigation measures implemented, are not completely

known due to the limited time available to the current EA. Given all these considerations, it is

uncertain as to whether or not the construction of the Qinghua road is environmentally

acceptable. Further, considerable studies are needed to determine the potential impacts of, as


well as to identify alternatives to Qinghua road. Summary and Conclusions of Qinghua Road Impact Assessment to East Lake

In summary, East Lake is both a national level scenery site and an important part of Jianghan

lake area wetland. High level and effective protection is needed to the lake area. Based on the

current environmental assessment, given the limited time and limited available information, it

is not completely clear on the exact level of impact from construction and operation of

Qinghua road particularly to the local ecosystem, although the road itself legally complies

with relevant plans and regulations. Furthermore, the above mitigation measures may not be

effective and are likely not able to address the adverse impacts already identified.

In conclusion, the available information and environmental assessment are inconclusive and

considerable further and more detailed assessment is required to determine the level of

impacts of Qinghua road to finally determine whether the current alignment is

environmentally acceptable. As Qinghua road is scheduled for construction in year 2006 in

the current construction plan, the EA recommends further study and impact assessment for

this particular road component. The further study will also allow the PMO and design team, as

well as EA team more time to explore the possibility and feasiblity of a different alignment

which does not traverse the scenery area and the lake itself. There would be the alternative of

not building Qinghua road if the network capacity is proven by further study sufficent to

service this area without qinghua road. This additional study may be completed well ahead of

the 2006 construction schedule and thus will not affect the construction plan. In light of the

possibility of changing the Qinghua road alignment or not building it at all, Gong Ye avenue

which links to Qinghua road, may also need to change or delete. Construction of Gong Ye

avenue was originally scheduled for year 2004. The PMO has accepted EA team's proposal to

re-schedule the construction of Gong Ye avenue to 2006 to allow the time for further studies.

6.6.3 Environmental Aesthetics

According to the locations of the project areas, the general landscapes and surrounding areas

may be characterized as follows:

AX Urban built up areas with high density of various types of buildings such as Hong Kong

Road and Meizi Road,

X Low density buildings, such as the north section of Centerline, Huangpu Road and Houhu

Road, and areas are mainly narrow roads and scattered residential quarters.

Ac Suburb areas such as Qinghua Road, the east section of Centerline and Sixin Avenue, and

the areas are mostly farmland and water bodies.

Clearly, the areas where impacts to environmental aesthetics may potentially occur are the

suburb areas. In addition, the multi-layer interchanges will also affect the view of people and

the overall environmental setting. Such elevated structure could also block the view of

residents in the nearby buildings. The design will be required to include these factors into


considerations. The architecture styles of interchanges will be such that they can harmonize

with the surrounding areas to the maximum extent possible. For surface roads, landscaping

will be carefully designed to minimize the impacts of the roads on environmental settings and

improve environmental aesthetics where possible.

6.7 Community Impacts and Mitigations

6.7.1 Community Impacts and Mitigation

The new and widened roads where traffic volume and speed will increase, will separate some

communities. Some of the roads will have central separating fences or media. In addition,

wider streets, fast moving vehicles and large traffic volume could also be a safety concern to

the communities, dwellers, students and enterprises located nearby. In particular, Taibei Road,

Hong Kong Road, North Zhongshan Road, Qinyuan Road and several other roads have

schools and hospitals on the road sides. Community severance impacts will be apparent

causing inconveniencen to access these education or public facilities.

For the safety of the residents and efficient traffic movement and traffic order, the road

fencing is often necessary. To mitigate the community severance, pedestrian and bicycle

passing will be built. According to the design, 12 new pedestrian street crossing will be

included in the project and the residents now only need to walk a short distance to find either

a intersection with traffic control lights or street crossing facility. These crossings are

summarized in Table 6.7-1.


Table 6.7-1 Establishments for pedestrians in the project

Works Place Structure Function

Under crossing in front of Wuhan Hangkong Road of Jiefang Under For the conveniece of shoppingplaza Avenue crossing people and students of Huapo Road

Primary School

Under crossing in front of Wuhan Head of First Jianghan Road in Under For people to pass over the streetsHangyan and west foot of and for the senary and to ensure freeWorkers' Culture Palace Guishan Mountain crossing traffic in the inn

Jinghan Avenue - Wusheng Road At the place of Wushan Road For people to pass over Wushengover- crossing overcrossing and Hangkong Overcrossing Raod

Road InterchangeQinyuan Road Overcrossing Zhongbei Road Overcrossing Ensure free traffic

Changchun Taoist Temple on Changchun Taoist Temple on Provide a safe passage to cross theWuluo Road Wuluo Road Overcrossing road for the tourist of Changchun

Taoist TempleZhongbei Road - Shuiguohu To the east side of Hongshan Under Provide a safe passage to cross theunder- crossing Plaza crossing road for tourist of Hongshan Plaza

Southeast to the cross of Provide a safe passage for people goXudong Parity Plaza Xudong Overcrossing to Xudong Parity Plaza and theOvercrossing Road and Third Avenue of buildin supermarkets

Qingshan District sOvercrossings at the intersection At the cross of Qingnian Roadof Qingnian Road and Shuili and Shuili Road (West Beihu Overcrossing Improve the safety for the pedestrianRoad Road)Overcrossings on Shisheng Road At the cross of Meiguiyuan Overcrossing For the safety of people crossing theand Meiguiyuan Road Road and Shisheng Road roadOvercrossing on and East East of the cross of Jianshe Take the place of cross walk andHorizontal Branch of Qingnian Avenue and Qingnian Road Overcrossing improve the traffic and the safety ofRoad of Jianshe Avenue the pedestrians

Overcrossing on Duofu Road of At the cross of Zhongshan Provide a passage for pedestrians ofOvercrossing Decoration Market of Duofu RoadZhongshan Avenue Avenue and Duofu RoadanHnhegSrt

and Hanzheng StreetXinhua Road Stadium In front of Xinhua Road Overcrossing Provide a safe passage forOvercrossing Stadium pedestrians of Xinhua Road Stadium

In addition, traffic lights control crossing, cross walks and speed limits will also be includedin the project design throughout the project roads.

6.7.2 Commercial activities impacts

The planned roads will not involve any removal of markets. In general, this project will havebeneficial effects to the commercial activities of the project areas. For example, in the areas inHanyang and Wuchang where there is road or transportation service, the project will bringmore comnmercial activities. In addition, more efficient transportation, better road conditions,more convenient public transport and wider coverage of the road network will provideconvenience to the outings of the residents in all parts of the city. As such, the coimnercial indowntown as well as other areas could see more customers and increased commercialactivities. The potential impacts to commercial establishment will be basically positive andbeneficial.

6.7.3 Community development

Construction of Sixin Avenue, Xinfu Avenue, Houhu Road, Industrial Avenue, and QinghuaRoad will promote development of Sixin area, Houhu area and Qingshan area, whichcurrently do not have sufficient road infrastructure and transportation services. In fact, thepoor road conditions have been the major factors affecting the development of these


communities and one of the factors for the poor standard of living for the residents in these

communities. The new or improved road connection to these areas will help attract investment

to these areas and promote the economic activities and growth as well as convenience for the

residents there.

At the same, well developed communities in these currently inactive communities will help

attract more residents and businesses to relocate, alleviating the pressure on the downtown

areas and the city core. For areas where there are villages at the present, the road connection

will help them integrated into the city as most of these villages have lost land to the urban

development and are in transition from rural zoning to urban zoning. The uniformed

community development will contribute to the development of entire Wuhan municipality in

its effort for sustainable economic development, continued improvement of standards of

living for its residents and building it as a modem livable city.

6.8 Analysis of Risks due to Accidents

6.8.1 Risks on storage and transportation of dangerous cargo

Definition of dangerous cargo

Dangerous cargo or materials are those that are characterized with flammable, explosive,

eroding, contaminating and radio active and can cause personal and property damages if not

handled properly. Such materials, if released, could also cause significant harm to the

environment. Because of these natures, dangerous cargo and dangerous materials require

special protection during handling, loading, storage and transportation, including special

package specification, temperature control, inhibitors and radiation shielding and assembling


According to their nature, there could be three kinds of potential risks, namely, fire and

exploration, human body harm and radiation. There are numerous external factors which

could trigger risks to occur during transportation, as shown in Table 6.8-1:

Table 6.8-1 Risks characters for various transportation risks

Risk Types Harm Cause analysis

Crash and turnoverPolluting land and surface water

Leakage Failure of loading equipmentFire and blast


Fuel leakagePropert,v loss, personnel casualty,Felakg

Fire and blast Pvropert person , There are mechanical, electric and chemical factors, highenvironment pollution

temperature and fire sources.

Probability of accidents

After the project is in operation, the accidental risks will come mainly from vehicles carrying

the above defined dangerous goods. Most of these tank trucks will not pass through the down


town area. But if vehicles loaded with such dangerous substances are involved in traffic

accidents, there could be a potential for fires and/or spills threatening the safety of urban

communities and for environmental contamination. In particular, if such accidents occur near

a water body, the released dangerous chemicals may be discharged to near rivers or lakes with

potential serious consequences.

According to relevant Wuhan motor vehicle statistics, the whole city has registered vehicles

of 154,621. Among these vehicles, 1186 or 0.76% are tank or cargo trucks which could carry

dangerous goods defined above. According to the motor vehicles accidents statistics, the 30

year average accident rates in Wuhan is about 0.1%. Based on the above statistics, it may be

calculated that the probability of accidents involving hazardous materials, thus potential risks

to the people of the city and the environment will be 1.lx10-5 per year.

Impacts of the accidents

There are several sensitive receiving water bodies, such as the East Lake which is a national

level scenery and wetland, and Yangtze river which is a national landmark water way. The

risks of accidental releases of hazardous chemicals to the environment from traffic accidents

are expected to be mostly to lakes, as in Wuhan runoff from the road surface is pumped to the

rivers allowing reaction time stop such release. There is no bridge crossing the Yangtze and

other area rivers and therefore no risks from this project of truck falling into the rivers


Such accidents could however pose much higher threat to lakes because of the following


AC Several roads are located adjacent to lakes;

AX The storm water sewers are typically discharged to the lakes directly, without going to

pump stations;

A Lake water is more stagnant and lack of sufficient dilution and assimilation capacity.

A Some of the lakes are sensitive, because of their functions as scenery sites and/or natural


However, by the same reason for stagnation and the lack of dilution capacity, any pollution to

the lakes, if occur, would disperse relatively slowly. As the roads are typically far from the

cores of these lakes including core areas of scenery and natural habitats, it would take a long

time for the pollutants to reach the core and the most sensitive areas of these receiving water

bodies. This slow movement of pollutants would provide reaction time for cleanup and

remediation if necessary.


There will be several agencies involved in control and emergency response to such accidents.

For example, traffic and public security will be responsible to secure the accident site and

maintain social security. The transportation authority will be responsible to ensure permitting


and inspection of trucks containing dangerous goods. The environmental authority will be

responsible for cleanup any contaminants released to the environment and minimize any

potential damages to the receiving water and other natural habitats.

Other mitigation measures include:

9 Dangerous articles transportation will be requested to strictly conducted according to

relevant specification of Rules on Conveying Dangerous Cargo (TT3130; Traffic police and

environmental authority have the right to inspect conveying transportation trucks hazardous

materials to determine compliance. Any violations found on Wuhan's roads will be ordered

off the road and fined as appropriate according to the Rules.

X Packages and containers for dangeous articles will be fastened and sealed, on which

special marks and designation plate will be stamped according to Packaging Mark for

Dangerous Cargo. As for flammable and blasting dangerous chemicals data (flash point and

melting point) of physical-chemical and toxics and precautions concerning fireproofing,

flameproof, fire extinguishing and safety conveyance will be described in the instruction,

otherwise, it is not allowed to deliver from the manufacturer.

XC Relevant certificates will be offered when consigning dangerous articles. Procedures at

designated transportation authority will be gone through, the consigned articles will be in

accordance with what listed on the check. When consigning dangerous articles unlisted the

catalog of the state, attached authentication certificate approved by the senior authority

through examination will be submitted.

AX Personnel in charge of loading and conveying dangerous articles will wear corresponding

protective articles as per characters of dangerous articles loaded or conveyed; The articles will

be loaded or unloaded gently, and no throwing, dragging, heavily pressing and scrubbing are

allowed. Package and containers as well as the marks will never be destroyed, but piled


3R Any transportation of hazardous materials within the urban will need to apply for special

permits before hand. The traffic police will assign specific routes for transportation, avoiding

where large population and other sensitive areas looate.

X, An emergency response team will be established. This team will be basically included

into the municipal emergency service team which is already in operation in the city taking

care of municipal emergency such as water mains breaks and storm sewer clogging. This team

will be trained to handle the environmental emergency such as spills of hazardous materials

and equipped with appropriate materials and equipment such as personal protection

equipment, aborbent, berms, pumps, and others as may be needed. An emergency procedures

will be established and relevant authorities such as EPB, public health, police, etc., will be

informed when such environmental emergency occurs.

In summary, in order to guarantee conveyance of dangerous cargo it is necessary to do a good

job of analyzing risks, commanding its nature and laws of changing, packaging, conveying,


loading, storing and safeguarding, go through consignment undertakings and documentation,

take measures to control and prevent all environmental conditions during conveyance and

make corresponding schemes in advance. Practice argues that if the said specifications are

well observed, dangerous cargo can be conveyed safely.


7. Impact Assessment of Public Transport Project

7.1 Forecast of air quality

The public transport fleet is considered as a diffused source when assessing its impact on airquality.

The following table shows the average emission factor of Wuhan buses at idle speed by means

of MOBILE5 model (see Table 7.1-1).

Table 7.1-1 Emission factor of buses at idle speed (g/hr) unit: g/hr.

Year CO NOx

2007 271.6 56.4

2020 104.9 20.5

Assuming that in rush hour, the buses on each route will travel at an interval of 5 minutes, and

each bus will stop for 2 minutes at each bus stop, then it is able to estimate the emission

intensity at each public transport station, which is shown in Table 7.1-2.

Table 7.1-2 Emission strength in the bus terminals (g/hr)

2007 2020Junction station name


Zhonghua Rd (PT2.5) 651.9 135.5 251.9. 49.2

Taipingyang (PT2.6) 434.6 90.3 167.9 32.8

Lijibeilu (PT2.7) 543.2 112.9 209.9 41.0

Sanyanglu (PT2.8) 651.9 135.5 251.9 49.2

Yongqinglu (PT2.9) 869.2 180.6 335.8 65.7

Guqintai (TP2.10) 1955.6 406.4 755.6 147.7

Yuejiazui (PT2.11) 760.5 158.0 293.8 57.5

As the height of the emission pipe of the bus is low, in the calculation of the impact on air

quality at bus terminal, box mode is adopted. The mixing height is assumed to be 2.5 m. The

average concentration of pollutant at each public transport station in rush hour calculated

using box mode is shown in table 7.1-3:

Table 7.1-3 Average concentration of pollutant at bus station (mg/mi)

Name of station 2007 2020CO Nox CO NOx

Zhonghua Rd (PT2.5) 2.03 0.227 1.46 0.104Taipingyang (PT2.6) 1.79 0.178 1.37 0.086

Lijibeilu (PT2.7) 2.07 0.236 1.47 0.107Sanyanglu (PT2.8) 2.08 0.238 1.48 0.108

Yongqinglu (PT2.9) 1.98 0.216 1.44 0.100Gugintai (PT2.10) 3.08 0.444 1.86 0.183Yuejiazui (PT2.11) 1.87 0.194 1.40 0.092

According to the forecasted result, concentration of CO and NOx under normal operational

conditions at each bus station at rush hour can all meet the Class 2 standard.


7.2 Acoustic Environmental Impact and Mitigation Measures

7.2.1 Assessment Scope

The assessment covers 100 m within the boundary of the publictransport terminal station; and

focuses on the boundary noise of the terminal station and the first row of environmental

sensitive receptors facing the termninal station.

7.2.2 Assessment Standard

According to the requirements of the World Bank and the stipulations of environmental

functional zoning of Wuhan City, the assessment standards applicable to the acoustic

environmental impact are shown in Table 7.2-1.

Table 7.2-1 Applicable Assessment Standard

Environmental Standard Standard value and class Scope of application Monitoringfactors analysis method

Daytime: Leq55dBA Environmental sensitive receptors GB/T 14623-93GB 3096-93 Nighttime: Leq45dBA such as school, hospital and "Measuring

Acoustic "Urban Regional (Class I) residential area Method ofenvironment Environmental Daytime: Leq5OdBA Zone Class 0 in the stipulation of Environmental

Noise Standards" Nighttime: Leq4OdBA environmental functional zoning Noise of Urban(Class 0) of Wuhan City Area"

7.2.3 Environmental Sensitive Receptors

This environment assessment is focused on sensitive receptors around the bus terminals and

the surrounding sensitive receptors. For the publictransport terminal station that has no

sensitive receptor around it, this assessment only provides the forecasted results of boundary


The scale of publictransport terminal station and the environmental protection targets within

the assessment scope are summarized in Table 7.2-2.


Table 7.2-2 Scale of Bus Terminal and Environmental Protection TargetsGeneral description of sensitive receptor X

Numnber of N'o ofIncca Nubied ro plier ol ame Name of sensitive Nearest Number of Population ,Terminal station (a) operating deositoc receptor horizontal storey of the impactedbuses receptor distance to building facing directly 2

._______________ ______ _______ ________ ________ ________________ boundary (mn) street (personsons!Wujiashan (P12 1) 10000 230 55 Without sensitive i

Ya1 n ftP 2I 5000 115 28 Without sensitive i ; __________________ _ _______ _________ __________ receptorGuanshan Rd 10000 230 55 Without sensitive / / /

I (PT23) __ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ receptor __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Qingling(PT2.4) 5000 115 28 Without sensitive_____ ____ _____ __ _ ____ ____ ____ ____ _____ ____ ____ receptor _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Zhonghua RoadZhonghua Rd(PT2.5) 5000 115 28 118 residential 1 6 200-odd

buildingTaipinoyan,(P12.6 4000 92 22 119 Dormitory of 26 200-odd

_______ _______ KnittingMill2-20-dNorthe. Liji 3200 73 18 120 Grain Industrial r 4-6 500-oddRd(PT2.7) ____College

No. 8 WuhanSanyang Rd(PT2.8) 4500 103 25 121 Midd School 1 4 1000-odd

YongqingT29) 10000 230 55 122 New village I 6-7 300-odd <Street(PT2.9) __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Guqintai(PT2.10) 10000 230 55 Without sensitive /__________________ ~~~~~~~~~receptor

Yuejiazui(PT2.I1) 10000 230 55 Without sensitive__________________ _________ _________ ~~~~~~receptor E

NlilagewPTQili 5000 115 28 123 Residen til 6 300-odd |Village(PT3.1) Residen tial Area 10

Baiburing(PT3.2) 4000 92 22 124 Wthout sensitive -7 1 000-oddGarden(PT3.4) 8000 134 44 receptor | _ _Erqiaoxi residenTiall 000 2 Without sensitive /

area(PT3.3) 3600 83_ 20_Gusareceptor / | /100-odd |Nanhu(PT3.8) 8000 184 44 Without sensitive _ . 300-oddGarden __ _ __ __ __ __PT3__ _ ___4 __ __ _ receptor16-30 od

CheojiodunnV(F13.S) 10000 223 55 125 Without sensitive /Cbd(PT3_10) 4748 23 106 2 1256 Tu receptorJiang'anxi 5000 115 28 Without sensitive /

staticin(PT3.6) ______ ______ 28 receptr

Gusaoshu(PT3.7) 3600 83 20 Gusaoshu 00-oddresidential area

Houhu(PT3.8) 5000 115 28 Without sensitive t e 200-oddaround the 28it receptor September 16 _02t_ oebr1,20

Xianu Villways9) 9730 223 54 Without sensitive e s rboth .__ s receptor in Iaccordance_ wth_GB/T_14623-9

Xudong 4748 108 26 126 Tuanjie residential A 7b-8 500-oddRdiPT3.er sound l m n8o areaGuanshan(PT3.1 c) 7312 167 4 Without sensitive p i

_______ _________ _________receptor _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Tieji 8858 202 49 127 Tieji residential 16 -7 500-odd1_ Village(PT3. 12) I _ _ _ _ _ _area__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

7.2.4 Assessment of Current Acoustic Quality

In order to understand the existing acoustic quality at the environmental sensitive receptorsaround the publictransport terminal station, from September 16, 2002 to November 18, 2002and December 10, 2002 to December 30, 2002 respectively, the Fourth Survey and DesignInstitute of China Railways conducted monitoring at the environmnental sensitive receptors atboth sides of the publictransport terminal stations in accordance with GB/T 14623-93"Measuring Methods of Environmental Noise of Urban Area" by using RIONNL- 11 typeintegral sound level meter and H-S6280D type noise spectrum analyzer. That is, measuredequivalent continuouS A sound level by selecting the time period in daytime (8:OOA 8:00) andat nighttime (22:00-6:00) in the operating time of publictransport terminal station, and itstands for the level of current situation of acoustic environment. The monitoring points wereset up at the boundaries of publictransport terminal stations and the first row of environmental


sensitive receptors facing the publictransport terminal station. The monitoring results areshown in Table 7.2-3.

Table 7.2-3 Monitoring Results of Current Acoustic Quality at Bus TerminalsTerminal No. of Noise monitoring results Executiv Overproof value (dBA)

station and sensitiv Name of sensitive IdBA) ehead-end e receptor Daytime Nighttime standard Daytime Nighttimestation receptor

Wujiashan(P2.l) Without sensitive 65.5 57.5 10.5 12.5receptor 62.551._7._6.

Without sensitive 62.5 51.5 7.5 6.5receptorIGuanshan Rd Without sensitive 63.5 58.5 8.5 13.5

1(PT2.3) receptor _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Qingling(PT2.4) Without sensitive 67.5 64.5 12.5 19.5___________ __ ________receptor_ _ _ _ _ _ _

Zhonghua 118 Zhonghua Road 61.8 56.5 6.8 11.5Rd(PT2.5) residential buildig 685.5.815Taipinavang(PT2.6) 119 Dormitory of Knitting Mill 69.2 63.5 14.2 18.5Northern Liji 120 Grain Industrial College 70.1 67.6 15.1 22.6

Rd(PT2.7)Sanyang 121 No. 8 Wuhan Middle 66.5 62.6 11.5 17.6

Rd(PT2.8) 11School _____

Street(Pg2.9) 122 New village 68.4 59.5 = 13.4 14.5

Guqintai Without sensitive 67.5 64.5 12.5 19.5(PT2.10) receptor

Without sensitiveYuejiazui(PTF2.11) W_ i to 51.5 43.5 -3.5 -1.5

recePtor l0New Qili 123 Taohuadao Residential 62.5 48.5 E 7.5 3.5

Village(PT3.1) Area -_.Without sensitiveBaibuting(P13.2) 124 61.8 51.5 .P 6.8 6.5receptor 5 3 5 45.5_m_I_5_0_

(PT3.4? ~~~Without sensitive 6. 99E981.

Eriaogax saio Withot sestv 19 65691.

residential area o e.e 45.5 -1.5 0.5(PT3.3) receptor

Nanhu Garden Without sensitive 64.8 59.9 9.8 14.9(PT3.4) receptor

Without sensitiveChqijiadun(PT3.5) 125 66.8 53.6 11.8 8.6receptorGiangami station Without sensitive 61.9 56.5 6.9 11.5(P1T3.6) receptor

Gusaoshu Gusaoshu residential area 62.8 53.5 7.8 8.5(PT3.7)

Houhu(PT3.8) Without sensitive 58.6 48.5 3.6 3.5receptorTlanl.ang Village Without sensitive 65.7 56.5 1. 11.5

(PT3.9) ~~~~~~receptor657651071.Xudong Rd 126 Tuanjie residential area 65.5 62.5 10.5 17.5(PT3. 1 0)

Guanshan Without sensitive 6.5851.53.(P1T3.1 1) receptor 66__5_ _____ ______ _13_5

PTiej Vilag 127 Tieji residential area 54.5 45.8 -0.5 0.8

Note: the overproof value is positive number expresses that it is higher that standard, negative expresses lower.

Table 7.2-3 shows that, the current acoustic quality at the environmental sensitive receptorsaround the proposed pub lictransport terminal stations has exceeded the standard of 11 .5~-22.6

dBA due to impact by existing traffic noise and domestic noise.

7.2.5 Acoustic Quality Forecast and Assessment


Forecast Methods

Forecast of environmental noise impact adopts the combined method of analogue monitoring

and modeling

Forecast of environmental noise impact for publictransport terminal station adopts analogue

monitoring method.

For the forecast of environmental noise impact at publictransport terminal station and

head-end station, America FHNWA model is adopted, but has been modified to fit the actual

circumstances in China and the road, in accordance with Chinese JTJ 005-96 "Environmental

Impact Assessment Specifications for Road Project". The detailed method is discussed in

Section 6.2.3.

Noise Analogue Monitoring Bus Terminal

This assessment selects the Xinhualu Long-haulage Bus Station for analogue monitoring for

foreign transport hub, and the monitoring results are shown in Table 7.2-4.

Table 7.2-4 Noise Analogue Monitoring Results at Foreign Transport Hub

Daytime Nighttime RemarksEqialent continuous A sound level (dBA) at

Equivalent continuous A sound level (dBA) at 62.5 53.5 Xinhualu Long-distance Bus Stationthe point 1 m outside the boundary

Forecasted Result at PublicTransport Terminal Station

The details are shown in Table 7.2-5.


Table 7.2-5 Forecasted Results of Current acoustic Qualityat Public Transport Terminal Station

Forecast results of

Current situation operational noise of Analysis ofthe forecastTertninal station and No of ~~of noise (dBA) publictransport Anayssulfthefrcshead-end station sensitive Name of sensitive receptor tral resultsreceptor (dBA)

Daytime Nighttime Daytime Nighttime

Wujiashan(M12 I) Without sensitive receptor 62.5 53.5

lioreP1U21 Without sensitive receptor 62.5 53.5

Guanshan Rd Il(PT2.3) Without sensitive receptor 62.5 53.5

Qiagling(PT2.4) Without sensitive receptor 62.5 53.5

Zhonghua Rd(PT2.S) 118 Zhonghua Road residential 61.8 56.5 55.6 55.6buoldig Transport1operat1onal nose

Taipingyang(PT2.6) 119 Dornitory of Knitting Mill 69.2 63.5 54.5 54.5 is lower than currentsituation of environmental

Northemn Liji Rd(PT2.7) 120 Grain Industrial College 70.1 67.6 53.7 53.7 noise; the level ofenvironmental noiseSanyang Rd(PT2.8) 121 No. 8 Wuhan Middle School 66.5 62.6 55.1 55.1 maintains current basically,

YongqingStreet(PT2.9) 122 New village 68.4 59.5 58.5 58.5 but it exceeds standardClass 1.

Guqintai(PT2. 10) Without sensitive receptor 67.5 64.5 58.5 58.5

without sensitive receptor,Yuejiazui(PT2.11) Without sensitive receptor 51.5 43.5 58.5 58.5 but it exceeds standard

Class INew Qili Village(PT3. 1) 123 Taohuadao Residential Area 62.5 48.5 55.6 55.6 Transport operational noise

is lower than currentsituation of environmental

noise; the level ofBaibuting(PT3.2) 124 Without sensitive receptor 61.8 51.5 54.5 54.5 environmental noise

maintains current basically,but it exceeds standard

Class 1.

Erqiaoxi residential area without sensitive receptor,(PT3.3) Without sensitive receptor 53.5 45.5 54.5 54.5 but it exceeds standard

Class ITransport operational noise

is lower than currentsituation of environmental

Nanhu Garden(PT3.4) Without sensitive receptor 64.8 59.9 57.5 57.5 noise; the level ofenvironmental noise

maintains current basically,but it exceeds standard

Class LChenjiadun(PT3.5) 125 Without sensitive receptor 58.5 58.5

Jiang'anxi station(PT3.6) Without sensitive receptor 55.6 55.6

Gusaoshu(PT3.7) Gusaoshu residential area 54.1 54.1

Houhu(PT3.8) Without sensitive receptor 55.6 55.6

Xane angaVillaRe(PT3.9) Without sensitive receptor 58.4 58.4

Transport operational noiseis lower than current

situation of environmental

Xudong Rd(PT3. 10) 126 Tuanjie residential area 65.5 62.5 55.3 55.3 noise; the level ofenvironmental noise

maintains current basically,but it exceeds standard

Class 1.Guanshan(PT3. 1 ) Without sensitive receptor 57.1 57.1

Transport operationai noiseis higher than current

situation of environmentalTieji Village(PT3.12) 127 Tieji residential area 54.5 45.8 58.0 58.0 noise, it exceeds standard

Class 1, the level ofenvironmental noise


Notes: I. Environmental standard implements standard Class I in GB 3096-93, that is, daytime. Leq55dBA, nighttime: Leq45dBA.

2. There are some blanks in the form; the cause of it is that we have not got detailed designdata.


Table 7.2-5 shows that, during operation phase the noise at the bus terminals is usually lower

than the current level of noise, therefore the noise will remain at the current level, but will

exceed the Class I standard. The main cause is other noises around the bus terminals.

(1) Analysis of Mitigation Measure

Since main cause of environmental noise at the sensitive receptors is that it is induced by

other higher environmental noises around the public transport terminal station, this

environmental impact assessment considers that the overproof problem of environmental

noise at the sensitive receptors around the public transport terminal station can be unified

solved by combining the urban planning of Wuhan City.

7.3 Surface Water Environmental Impact and Mitigation Measures

7.3.1 General Description of Drainage

According to the design documents, this project will construct 13 integrated terminals and 12

regular terminals. These terminals basically are bus parking and bus dispatching facilities.

There is no regular repair and maintenance activity at these terminals except minor as needed

repair work. Some bus washing will be provided to keep the buses clean. But there are no

dorms or living quarters in any of these bus tenninals. The wastewater will be primarily from

washrooms of the terminals during the day time and a certain amount of bus wash water.

The bus terminals constructed by this project are mainly used for parking of public transport

vehicles, and for cleaning of vehicles and temporary emergency repair. Maintenance and

overhaul of buses will be conducted in other dedicated maintenance stations not included in

this project. The project bus terminals do not conduct regular maintenance or overhaul.

Wastewater from the terminals mainly consists of cleaning effluent and domestic sewage

produced by the drivers and terminal staff, and there is no industrial wastewater. In the design,

night soil and sanitary sewage will be discharged to on-site septic tanks first and then to the

municipal sewers.

7.3.2 Forecast of Water Quality and Water Flow

For each terminal, based on the designed parking volume and operation characteristics, and

based on the analogue investigation, this assessment forecasts the sewage flow and quality

from the bus terminals against relevant standards.

Forecasted results of quality of sewage discharged from the terminals are shown in Table

7.3-1; water flow, drainage whereabouts and applicable standards are shown in Table 7.3-1.

Table 7.3-1 Forecast Results of Water Quality of Sewagefrom Bus terminals

Pollution source SS (mg/L) BODs (mg/L) COD (mg/L) Oil (mg/L)

Cleaning wastewater (including initial rainwater) 50 20 100 10

Domestic sewage 50 70 180 /


Table 7.3-2 Water Flow of Sewage from Bus Terminal and DischargeDischarge Executive standard

Number volum (m3/d) of sewage discharge- Descriptio of (GB 89781996a ns operatin Cleanin Domestic Drainage whereabouts Standard of

~ .oprai ClomprehDomesfig vehicle g sewage sewage Comprehensive

Discharge of

Wujianshan 230 115 220 Without municipal drainage system; dispersed Class 11(PT2.1) discharge of sewage; flow into Fuhe River finally

Yong'antang Without municipal drainage system; dispersed.1 (PT2.2) 15 58 110 discharge of sewage; flow into Hanjiang River Class IE finally

v Guanshanvihi Discharged into municipal drainage system; sewage230 115 220 is collected by Longwangzui Sewage Treatment Class III

v~ PT2.3) Plant

Discharged into municipal drainage system;Qingling 115 58 110 rainwater and sewage flow into Yangtze River at Class I(PT2.4) present; it is planned that sewage will be collected

by proposed Huangjiahu Sewage Treatment PlantZhonghualu 115 58 110 Discharged into municipal drainage system; sewage Class III

(PT2.5) is collected by Erlangmiao Sewage Treatment PlantDischarged into municipal drainage system;

Taipingyang 92 46 88 rainwater and sewage flow into Fuhe River at Class 11(PT2.6) present; it is planned that sewage will be collected

by proposed Hanxi Sewage Treatment Plant

Lijibeilu Discharged into municipal drainage system; sewage_ (PT2.7) 73 37 70 is collected by Huangpulu Sewage Treatment Plant Class 11(ET2.7) at present

Discharged into municipal drainage system;o Sanyanglu 103 52 99 rainwater and sewage flow into Fuhe River at Class 11i' (PT2.8) present; it is planned that sewage will be collected

by proposed Sanjintan Sewage Treatment PlantX Yongqingjie Discharged into municipal drainage system; sewage

> (PT2.9) 230 115 220 is collected by Huangpulu Sewage Treatment Plant Class IIat present

Guqintai 230 115 220 Without municipal drainage system; dispersed Class I(PT2.10) discharge of sewage; flow into Yangtze River finally

Discharged into municipal drainage system;Yuejiazui 230 115 220 rainwater and sewage flow into Yangtze River at Classl(PT2.11) present; it is planned that sewage will be collected

by proposed Erlangmiao Sewage Treatment Plant

Qilixinqu Without municipal drainage system; dispersed(PT3. I) 115 58 110 discharge of sewage; flow into Moshuihu Lake Class II

o vT. finallyDischarged into municipal drainage system;

- Baibuting 92 46 88 rainwater and sewage flow into Fuhe River at Class 11v (PT3.2) present; it is planned that sewage will be collected

by proposed Sanjintan Sewage Treatment Plant

c Erqiaoxiqu Without municipal drainage system; dispersedo P3 ' 92 46 88 discharge of sewage; flow into Hanjiang River Class I(PT3.3) nal

c v , ~~~~~~~~~~~~finallyDischarged into municipal drainage system; sewage

Nanliuhuayuan 184 92 177 is collected by Erlangmiao Sewage Treatment Plant Class III(I4) at present



Discharge Executivevolume (m3/d) standard of sewage

Number discharge (GBDescriptio of Drainage whereabouts 8978-1996

iin operatin Standard of_veile Cleanin Domesti Comprehensive

g sewage c stwage Discharge of


Cheniiadun Discharged into municipal drainage system;Ch u 230 115 220 rainwater and sewage flow into Fuhe River at Class It

(PT3.5) present; it is planned that sewage will be collectedby proposed Hanxi Sewage Treatment Plant

Discharged into municipal drainage system;g 11a 58L1izhan rainwater and sewage flow into Fuhe River at Class 1I(PT3.6) present; it is planned that sewage will be collected

by proposed Sanjintan Sewage Treatment Plant

Discharged into municipal drainage system;Gusaoshu 83 42 80 rainwater and sewage flow into Fuhe River at(PT3.7) present; it is planned that sewage will be collected Class II

by proposed Hanxi Sewage Treatment Plant

Discharged into municipal drainage system;Houhu rainwater and sewage flow into Fuhe River at115 58 110 Class II(PT3.8) present; it is planned that sewage will be collected

by proposed Hanxi Sewage Treatment Plant

Discharged into municipal drainage system;Yiangyangcu 223 112 214 rainwater and sewage flow into Fuhe River at Cl II

(MP9) present; it is planned that sewage will be collected assby proposed Hanxi Sewage Treatmnent Plant

Discharged into municipal drainage system;Xudonglu 108 54 104 sewage flow into Yangtze River at present; it is Class I(PT3. 10) planned that sewage will be collected by proposed

Erlangmiao Sewage Treatment Plant

Guanshan Discharged into municipal drainage system;167 84 160 sewage is collected by Longwangzui Sewage Class III

(PT3.11) Treatment Plant

.iejicun Discharged into municipal drainage system;Tielicun 202 101 193 sewage flow into Yangtze River at present; it is Class I(PT3.12) planned that sewage will be collected by proposed

Erlangmiao Sewage Treatment Plant

Total 1750 3341

7.3.3 Assessment of Pollution Source

Pollution source assessment is conducted based on the forecasted water quality againstvarious standards in GB 8978-1996 "Standard of Comprehensive Discharge of Sewage". Theassessment results are shown in Table 7.3-3.


Table 7.3-3 Forecast and Assessment Results of Sewa e from Bus TerminalsPollution Item SS BODs COD Oil

sourceForecast value of water quality (mg/L) 50 20 100 10

Standard Class I in GB 8978-1996 70 20 100 5Cleaning Overproof multiple N N N 1.0

wastewaten Standard Class 11 in GB 8978-1996 150 30 150 10Overproof multiple N N N N

Standard Class II[ in GB 8978-1996 400 300 500 20Overproof multiple N N N N

Forecast value of water quality (mg/L) 50 70 180 /Standard Class I in GB 8978-1996 70 20 100 5

Domestic Overproof multiple N 2.5 0.8Standard Class 11 in GB 8978-1996 150 30 150 10

sewage Overproof multiple N 1.3 0.2

Standard Class III in GB 8978-1996 400 300 500 20Overproof multiple N N N /

Note: N stands for it does not exceed the standard.

Table 7.3-3 shows that, if sewage is not treated, the oil will exceed Class I standard, while

the concentrations of other pollutants can meet Class I standard; water quality of domestic

sewage will exceed Class I standard, the excess multiples of BOD5 and COD are 2.5 and 1.3

respectively; water quality of domestic sewage will meet Class II standard basically, and it

will meet the requirements of Class III discharge standard all the time

Domestic sewage from Wuhan district is discharged directly into water body at present. The

domestic sewage volume from the public transport terminals and head-end stations of this

project is very small, accounting for minor fraction of the total sewage volume from Wuhan

city, so it will not cause serious impact on water quality in the sewage. By the year of 2005,

Wuhan City will gradually construct 7 urban sewage treatment plants in Luobuzui,

Huangjiahu, Sanjintan, Miaoshan, Nantaizihu, Hanxi and Huangjiadawan respectively.

Sewage produced by the public transport terminals and head-end stations of this project will

flows into the urban sewage treatment plant together with urban sewage, to be treated in these

plants. It is suggested that domestic sewage in the public transport terminals and head-end

stations of this project shall be discharged directly into the urban sewerage. With the

completion of urban sewage treatment plant, it will be collected to the urban sewage treatment

plant for treatment.

Pollutant load from public transport terminals and head-end station are shown in Table 7.3-4.

Table 7.34 Statistics of pollutant load from Bus Terminals

Publictransport terminals and Wastewater volume Pollutant load (tla)

head-end stations (m3/d) COD Oil

Total 5091 283.4 6.4

7.3.4 Sewage Treatment Measures and Suggestion

In the wastewater produced by cleaning operation of the public transport terminals and

head-end stations, the oil exceeds Class I standard, the concentrations of other pollutants can


meet any Class I standard; water quality of domestic sewage exceeds Class I standard, while it

meets Class II discharge standard basically, and it meets the requirements of Class III

discharge standard all the time.

This assessment suggests that it shall collect the cleaning sewage from some publictransport

stations where the water quality meets the Class I standard in GB 8978-i996 "Standard of

Comprehensive Discharge of Sewage", these stations include Yong'antang Foreign Terminal,

Qingling Foreign Terminal, Guqintai Terminal, Yujiazui Terminal, Erqiaoxiqu Head-end

Station, Xudonglu Head-end Station and Tiejicun Head-end Station. The collected sewage

shall be discharge after being treated by oil-water separating treatment facility.

In light of current situation of local domestic sewage discharge, the volume of domestic

sewage after the completion of this project will be less. Directly discharging domestic sewage

into water bodies or the urban sewage will not cause change of water quality in the sewage,

and its finial impact on the receiving water body is minute. This assessment considers that the

designed domestic sewage treatment deepness is in accordance with the urban drainage

planning, and it is economical and feasible.

7.4 Measures of treating or disposing solid waste

To prevent solid waste from impacting the environment, precautions or countermeasures as

follows shall be taken.

1) Entering into agreement with each subcontractor specifying how and where to treat the

construction refuse by high standard and supervising his or her execution.

2) Providing enclosure and retaining wall when removing the old houses and handing over

the removed construction materials to certain recycle authority for treating.

3) When forwarding the construction refuse and earthwork, covering them with certain cloth

to avoid scattering along the road.

4) Assigning fulltime personnel to control the waste or refuse treatment site and compost it.

5) Making sure the treatment system can withstand pouring and dissolving of rainwater or

underground water.

6) Placing household waste produced by the constructors collectively to be treated by

environment protectors.

7) As for treatment of all solid waste from the project located in city proper, besides what

mentioned above, watering the section on which conveying vehicles often run so as to prevent

the dust impacting the environment.

7.5 Analysis on Risk of Ges Station

7.5.1 Analysis on gas station risk

Environmental impact offire and blasting at oil depot and gas station


Oil depot and gas station are top-grade fireproofing units, burning or blasting of oil depot will

lead to grave consequence causing personnel casualty and property loss. Moreover leakage

and burning of lots of oil will severely pollute air, surface water and soil, especially the

pollution on surface water and soil will last quite a long period, all lives growing in the

polluted water and soil will die. And rehabilitation or recovery shall take scores or even

hundreds of years. Practice in Wuhan City indicates that as the good implementation of

fireproofing there has been no accident of fire or blasting at oil depot and gas station for years.

While such dangers still exist, what's more, the project is located too close to residential

quarters. Thus the developer shall attach prime importance on flame-proofing and

fireproofing of oil reserving facilities, implement all fireproofing rules and measures

according the Fireproofing Law and ensure there is no fire disaster happened at oil depot and

gas station.

Environmental impact of oil tank accidental leakage

Accidental leakage of oil reserving facility refers to that leaking of petroleum caused by

natural disasters such as earthquake, flood and landslide or other non-artificial factors. It is

hard to estimate the consequence of pollution caused by natural factors, and the worst

consequence is that all petroleum enters into the environment and cause destructive pollution

to the rivers, soil and creatures. Typically such pollution will lead to grave consequence with

wide extension and large area. It takes long to recover them completely. The optimum choice

controlling pollution of oil depot and gas station caused by natural disaster is to take

precautionary measures: firstly to attach full importance to the process of site selection,

design and construction. For instance, the site far away from the river shall be selected so as

to reduce the potential impact of flood; and secondly to perform reconnaissance on geologic

structure, avoiding building oil depot on rupture section, and for normal operation of oil depot

and gas station embedding oil tank and pipe laying without leakage under natural disaster.

Accident control measures of gas station

Accident precautions of reserving system

Flameproofing: on the top of oil tank flammable-proofing equipment such as safety

membrane, flammable-proofing monitoring systems and alarming system as well as

fireproofing system shall be established.

Preventing oil from overflowing and diffusing: the drain valve and drain pipe and materials

against oil infiltrating and diffusing for oil depot shall be provided by high standard according

to design specification, and special system for treating oily wastewater as well as auto

safeguard facilities for switching valve shall be provided.

Antistatic: Oil tank transporting vehicle shall be provided with antistatic and run at

appropriate speed and the oil tank equipment shall be well grounded and

permanent-grounding devices shall be provided.


Control of oil tank storing zone: all pumping tanks shall be in accordance with Specification

of China on Pressure Vessel and liquid-level meter, pressure gauge, thermometer, fire

extinguisher and relief valve and the like shall be provided completely.

Within the zone reserving tanks for flammable and combustible liquor and combustible gas,

there shall be no pipe and cable concerning tanks passing through. Drainpipe for fireproofing

in tank zone shall be provided with corresponding oil separation tank and watertight well.

And cutoff valve shall be provided on the exit pipe or the exit shall be blocked with soil in

case of no drainage.

Thunder-proof and antistatic grounding system for oil tanks shall be provided in accordance

with Oil Depot Design Specification (GBJ74)

Around the sensitive point, in consideration of people's health and security of life and

property, the gas station shall be located far away from residential quarters, schools and


After the project is put into operation, sufficient buffer zone shall be considered when locating

the gas station on both sides of the road. According to Design Specification Small Oil Depot

and Automobile Gas Station, safety distance to the important public buildings shall be 50m,

that to civil buildings of Grade IV Fireproofing shall be 20m, and a fireproof and flameproof

wall 2.2m high or above shall be built on the side of the gas station closer to the building,

safety distance to open flame and sparkle shall be 30m. At the gas station caution plates of

"no smoking" shall be provided. It is necessary to stop oil filling at high temperature,

fulminating and lightning strike. Daily operation shall be executed by high standard according

to relevant specification so as to avoid oil leakage, fire, and blasting and safeguard inhabitants


Oil depot and gas station are top-grade fireproofing units, burning or blasting of oil depot will

lead to grave consequence causing personnel casualty and property loss, moreover leakage

and burning of lots of finished oil will severely pollute air, surface water and soil, especially

the pollution on surface water and soil will last quite a long period, all lives growing in the

polluted waters and soil will die. And rehabilitation or recovery shall take scores or even

hundreds of years. Thanks to better implementation of fireproofing there has been no accident

of fire or blasting at oil depot and gas station for years, while such dangers still exist, what's

more, the project is located much closer to residential quarters. Thus the developer shall

attach prime importance on flame-proofing and fireproofing of oil reserving facilities,

implement all fireproofing rules and measures according the Fireproofing Law and ensure

there is no fire disaster happened at oil depot and gas station.


8. Resettlement

8.1 Resettlement Scope

The social economy survey conducted during preparation of Resettlement Action Plan (RAP)

for this project provided a comprehensive background of the areas to be impacted by the

project and basis to determine the scope of the resettlement. This survey follows the World

Bank safeguard policies on Involuntary Resettlement (OP4.12) as well as relevant state or

local government regulations and policies. The survey results provide the information for

preparing the RAP, at the same time will reference for carry monitoring a monitoring

independently in the future during project implementation.

The scope of the resettlement, based on the survey result, is presented in Table 8-1. According

to this table, the project will span across eight districts in Wuhan, including 125

neighbourhood communities or villages. Table 8-1 also shows that the total relocated and

resettled units will be 3061, including 2699 families/households, 301 enterprises and 1 village.

The total affected population of will be 11,919 and the permanent land occupation will be

214.4 ha. The project will also need to demolish and relocate residential buildings totalling

284,391 m 2 and industrial and commercial buildings totalling 303,919 mn2 .

According to OP4.12, the most sensitive people in resettlement must to be paid the special

attention; these include elderly, women, children, ethnic minorities and urban population who

live below the poverty line. The government plans to offer special helps and support to these

fragile or otherwise disadvantaged population during the resettlement.

Basic of the survey, the population in the disadvantaged categories to be affected by the

project are as follows:

AX Elder people of no family support: 16 people between 60-64 years old, 26 between 65-70,

44 between 70-80 and 15 above 80 years old;

AR Families headed by a women: 9

AX Families with no labour or income earners: 13

AR Families with no labour or income earner and having children under 14 years old or

elderly above 65 years old: 9

X Average living space below 5 m2 and average income under the minimum living


39 Residents of ethnic minority: none

8.2 Policy Framework and Compensation Standards

8.2.1 Policies and regulations related to resettlement.

The main policies and regulations applied to the resettlement in this project include the



Policies and regulations of state government

AR Land Management law of the People's Republic of China (issued in January, 1999)

• Implementing regulations of Land Management of the People's Republic of China (issued

in February, 1999)

X Detailed Rules and regulations of Urban Households resettlement Mvfanagement (issued in

13th June, 2001)

Policies and regulations of Hubei Government

AX Implementing Method of Land Management in Hubei (issued in 22nd Mar, 1999)

• EJFDZ (1995) No.44 Notice of collecting the land managenment expense issued by Hubei

Price Bureau and Hubei Finance Government

A• No.84 Implementing Method of Land reclaiming issued by Hubei Government

• No.182 Management Method of the collection of Water conservancy funds in Hubei

issued by Hubei Government

Policies and regulations of Wuhan Government

X Methods of Compensation for the State construction land expropriation in Wuhan issued

in 30th Mar 1994.

AR Urban Households Resettlement Management Regulations in Wuhan issued in Mar 2002.

AR WZ (1994) No.30 Policy of the collection for the developing founds of the new vegetable

garden issued in 14 th Apr 1994.

AX Implementing Method of the collection of tax for cultivated land issued in 1 8th Sep, 1987

X WZC (1994) No.002 Compensation Standards of Fry and other establishments

X WJF (2002) NO. 75 Notice of Compensation Standards in Resettlement

8.3 Resettlement Methodology

Resettlement will be carried out with a well-structured approach and following an effective

methodology. The key elements in this approach include:

Establishment of Resettlement Organizations

A Resettlement Office for the project will be established to oversee the overall

resettlement activities, including scope determination, site surveys, policies and

compensation standards setting, monitoring and evaluation, consultant engagement, and

actual implementation of various resettlement work.

As the project will cover a very large area in virtually all urban districts of Wuhan, branchoffices will also be established under the Resettlement Office, to be responsible for districtresettlement work..

Socio-economic survey

The socio-economic survey is very important to understand the socio-economic baseline ofthe impacted as well as to determine the scope and extent of resettlement. The survey is also


be a basis to determine the compensation budget. The mainly contents of the survey are asfollows:

AC Prepare the Planning Report of Social Economy Survey and a questionnaire to be used inthe survey, by the Resettlement Office and Wuhan University Resettlement Centre;.St Conduct the training of investigators and surveyors;A Road Map supplied from the reconnaissance department and the resettlement scope beconfirmedAR Conduct a door to door survey for affected people within the scope of the resettlementAX Data analysis.

Preparation of RAP

A RAP is then prepared based on the results of socio-economic survey. This document is themain guide for implementing land acquisition, relocation and resettlement and compensation.The main contents of RAP are to:

X Establish the resettlement policies of this projectAX Classifies the impact situations according to the surveyAC Establish the resettlement methods according to the classified situationAX Summarize Cost and Budget of the project according to the resettlement methods andscheduleAX Collect the suggestions of the public and related departments for the RAP. At same time,listen to the opinions from the resettlement experts and to revise, complement and perfect theRAP.AR Provide information and reference for evaluation and monitoring by the World Bank.

Resettlement Compensation

Compensation will be provided to the following affected entities:

X Residential householdsAC Enterprises and commercial establishmentsX InstitutionsAR Land acquisitionX Other items, including utilities, urban infrastructures, and other properties, occupied bythe or otherwise damaged by the project.

Compensation Contracts with the affected people are signed according to the resettlementpolicies and negotiation with the affected people, if needed. The compensation will be in theform of cash and replacement of buildings and properties. Where replacement is required bycompensation, buildings will be built for relocated people.

Replacement buildings and communities will be carefully selected and constructed. To theextent possible, the affected residents will be given choices on where relocated and what typesof buildings to move into. The resettlement communities have been given full considerationsto environmental protection and landscape, and supporting facilities including services,commercial facilities and other conveniences. The surrounding environment of thecommunities is well planned and transportation convenience in the new communities will beprovided. The standards of the resident's living, working, studying, medical services, nurseryand outing all same as before or better.

Public Consultation

Public consultation will be conducted to ensure the affected public will understand processand can voice their concerns and opinions. Public consultation will include the following:


A The local news media are used to present project background, the resettlement policiesand resettlement and compensation procedures, and to improve the transparency of theproject.A A public survey is conducted to understand Social Economy and Living Standard of thepublic, as well as the public wills, opinions, concerns, and suggestions about the resettlementpolicies and procedures;AR Public meetings are held in project affected especially heavy resettlement areas to furtherand directly learn the public opinions on resettlement.AX When compensation agreements are signed, further consultation will be conducted toensure that the affected public are satisfied with resettlement arrangements.

8.4 Impacts of Resettlement

The impacts of the resettlement is mixed, both positive and negative. In many of the resettled

areas, such as the Lugouqiao area, the residents' living conditions are extremely poor. These

are the very old housing, extremely crowded, with virtually very municipal services. Typically

there is no tap water or toilets in individual houses and some of the areas do even have sewer

connection and the municipal wastewater is in open ditches. In other areas the housing

conditions are so poor they may not be safe to live in. The residents from these houses will be

relocated and resettled either through cash compensation in which case they can choice any

new areas to live as they wish or housing compensation in which case they will be moved to

new housing prepared by the government. As described above, the new housing for resettled

residents are typically multi-stories buildings with modern design which includes tap water, in

apartment washroom and other convenience. Furthermore, the new areas are located in much

open space with well designed landscape, quieter environment and fresher air. Such

relocations for many of the residents represent a significant improvement of living conditions

and quality of life. It is in this sense that the resettlement will bring the affected residents

positive impacts in their life.

However, the new resettled areas are typically in the suburb. While the areas will have all the

services and convenience, it still differs from the downtown living. Many residents have

probably lived downtown or urban centers for years and even generations and have used to

the lifestyle characterized by all the convenience, the closeness, and simple and quick access

to all the services and facilities. People will have to leave such environment and try to get

used to the new environment and new neighborhood, not necessarily by choice. In addition,

the moving and relocation itself will be interruption of daily normal life and may cause

inconvenience to the residents. These adverse impacts will occur during the project. The PMO

is prepared to handle it through regular consultation, providing necessary support to those

who need helps and to accommodate the demands to the extent allowed by the resettlement

policies and procedures.

8.5 Resettlement Costs and Budget

The resettlement and land acquisition cost is included in the general budget of this project.


According to the current price, the total cost of land expropriation and resettlement is

RMB239,422,640. The cost project is divided into Land Compensation, House Compensation,

Utility Compensation, House-moving Compensation, Clearing fee and Other Costs. The cost

of resettlement and compensation is presented in Table 8-2.


Table 8-1 Statistics of the Social Economy Survey Results

Expropriation of House Resettlement EnterprisesNumber of Household Collectively-Owned Area (M2) Resettlement area Area total

NO. Name People LandResidents Enterprises villages Tota Ha Area with AREA WILL Sum Nil m2Household Cards BUILT


North section of the Mid-loop-line(Ertou 142 4 12 158 737 73.67 26521 0 26521 11214.99 37735.99village-Wuhan to Enshi Highway)

2 ast section of the Mid-loop-line (Guanshan 70 6 4 80 463 45 16007.81 1821.78 17829.5 2000 19829.59No.2 road-Old Wuhan to Huangpi Highway'

Inner-loop-line _ _ 0 0

3 Zlhongshan Avenue to the circle road of the 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Second Bridge of Changjiang River I__

4 Pedestrian overbridge of the Hongkong 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Road _

5 Pedestrian overbridge of the three arterial 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0highways of Wuqing ___

6 Pedestrian overbridge of Fujiapo 0 4 0 4 0 0 215 0 215 2339.12 2554.12

Radioactive rays

7 Qinghua Road (Eastlake Road-No.21 48 11 5 64 706 18.07 7543.9 3922 11465.9 1740.8 13206.7Highways) . _ _ .

8 Huangpu Road (Fazhan 6 4 5 15 149 5.34 896.77 198.62 1095.39 61419.1 7244.49Avenue-Mid-loop-line) _ _

9 Pedestrian overbridge of fence 50 9 0 59 300 0 3848.75 772 4620.75 258:36.63 30457.38

10 Pedestrian overbridge of Guocikou 4 9 1 14 69 2.8 292.24 3003.65 3295.89 12967.9 16263.79

Total 0 0

11 Hongkong Road (Jianshe Avenue 183 33 0 216 665 0 16043.84 2087.69 18131.53 269,53.2 45084.73-Xinhuaxia Road) 48_________------_I__ 8_8__ 42___ ___03_69

12 Jianshe Avenue (Huangxiaohe Road - 694 48 3 745 2285 1.8 54065.98 1018.8 55084.7 42103.69 97188.47Science and Technology Center) I_I



Number of hlousehold of llouse Resettlemciit Enterprises Area totalNO. Name People oletvyO Area (MI) Resettlement area

ned_Land__ _ _ _ _

Residents ERnterprises Collectivity Totl Ha Residents En terprises Collectivity

liouschold ses villages l__ousel__old_villages

13 Youyi Road (Zhongshan Avenue-JianfangAvenue) 179 22 0 201 482 0 11322.85 0 11322.85 8229.73 19552.58

14 Pedestrian overbridge ofNanniwan (Pass the Railway 15 2 1 18 95 1.26 2156.47 786.46 2942.93 841.29 3784.22from Changfeng Avenue)

15 Houhu Road (1Huangpu Road-Jiefang Avenue) 18 3 6 27 106 13.48 4912.43 2145.8 7058.23 3114.26 10172.49

16 Zhongshan Avenue(Lugou Bridge Road- Huangpu Road) 277 19 0 296 1041 0 13060.84 3013.96 16074.8 9429.28 25504.08

17 The second Road of Hanxi (ChangfengAvenue-Jiangshe 73 7 3 83 737 3.71 7564.08 2361.36 9925.44 9715 19640.44Avenue)

18 Yanhe Avenue (Jianghan Bridge- Gutian Road) 47 0 0 47 440 0 4189.86 1207.53 5397.39 8832.46 14229.85

19 Gongye Avenue (the third arterial highways of Wuqing 25 4 5 34 205 13.49 3409.08 1522.58 4931.66 1109.66 6041.32-Qinghua Road) 2094.

20 Fuxin Road (PengliuyangRoad-HighwaysofWuhanto 225 7 0 232 787 0 12435.71 2183.26 14618.97 6143.2 20762.17Xianning)

21 South way ofLuoshi (Haogou-Mid-loop-line) 2 5 1 8 0 2.46 513.72 60 573.72 2476.92 3050.64

22 orth way of Zhongbei Road (the fourth arterial highway 33 8 2 43 162 5.43 3448.93 5585.4 9034.33 16144.3 25178.63____ of Wuging--Eastlake) I._

23 Qingyuan Road (HepingAvenue-Zhongbei Road 19 7 2 28 1 1.13 2027.86 905.13 2932.99 19342.7 22275.69

24 Jiangshui Road (Zhongshan Road-Fuxing Road) 136 4 0 140 414 0 7773.49 5488.98 13262.47 2997.3 16259.77

25 Shipailing Road (ChuxiongAvenue-Jishan Road)) 0 0 1 1 0 4.83 0 0 0 0 0

26 Jishan Road (Highway from Wuhan to Xianning- 64 0 0 64 205 0 8797.66 2968.71 11766.37 0 11766.3726__ Shipailing Road) I657 9636

27 Meizi Road (Qingtai Road-Hanyang Avenue) 53 13 1 67 182 1.27 3680.12 719.27 4399.39 16400.44 20799.83


ContinudedExpropriation of House Resettlement Enterprises

Number of Household People Lopriatind ofy-OwseArea (M) Resettlement Area totalNO. Name Land___area

Residents . Collectivity Total Ha Residents . CollectivityHousehold Enterprises villages I Household villages

28 SixinAvenue (Shisheng Road-Yingwu 85 3 4 92 324 15.9 8467.88 3055.43 11523.31 13981.7 25505.01Avenue)

29 Qingtai Road (the second bridge of 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Hanjiang river-Shuixian Road)

30 Maying Road (Mid way of Jiangdi 35 9 4 48 321 4.36 3741.19 249.46 3990.65 5226.21 9216.86Road-Yingwu Avenue)

31 No.l Taibei Road (Yunling Street-Sanyang 106 29 0 135 417 0 2619.98 356.67 2976.65 3162.14 6138.79R oad) _______ ________________ _________

32 Hanxi Road (Jiefang Avenue-Yanhe 13 0 0 13 80 0 1411 442.2 1853.2 6266.6 8119.8Avenue) _

33 Lugouqiao Road (Jiefang Avenue- Yanhe 61 14 0 75 209 0 2451.97 1690 4141.97 20769 24910.97Avenue)

East way of ziyang Road (Zhongshan34 Road-Saihu Road) 36 16 1 53 337 0.42 4401.07 3002.37 7403.44 17042.93 24446.37

East way of ziyang Road (DingziqiaoRoad-Shipailing Road) _



1 Underpass of Wuhan Plaze 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1388.5 1388.5

2 Jinghan Avenue-Pedestrian overbridge of 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Wusheng Road) _

3 Pedestrian overbridge of Xinhua Road 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Palaestra _

4 Pedestrian overbridge of Duofu Road 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Crossing in Zhongshan Avenue

5 Pedestrian overbridge of East way of 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0Qingnian Road in Jianshe Avenue . _


continudedExpropriation of House Resettlement Enterprises

Number of Household People Land Area (M ) Resettlement Area total

NO. Na me LadareaResidents Enterprises Collectivity Total Hla Residents Enterprises CollectivityHousehold villages Household villages

6 Pedestrian overbridgc of Shuili Crossing in 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0_ Qingniani Road _

7 Pedestrian overbridgc of Wuzhong Road 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

8 Pedestrian ovrbridge of Chuangchunguan 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0street _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

9 Shuiguohu Underpass of Zhongbei Road 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

( Huashida Pedestrian overbridge of Luoshi 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0I Road

Wenihuagong Pedestrian overbridge 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

12 Pedestrian ovcrbridgc olfMeiguiyuan Street 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

3 underpass and 9 pedestrian overbridge 0

lotal 2699 301 61 3061 11919 214.4 233821 50569 284391 303919 588310


9. Public Consultation

Public consultation is an integral part of the environmental assessment for major

infrastructure projects including those financed by the NWorld Bank. Its principle isconsultation with the NGOs, general public and particularly the public which will be affectedby the projects. Public consultation is an important part of EIA and an important channel toidentify public concerns. As such it would help evaluate engineering designs, develop

mitigation measure and obtain public consent and support to the project.

9.1 Purposes

The overall objective of the public consultation is to leam and understand the opinions andconcerns of the public about the project, particularly from those to be directly impacted by theproject construction and operation. On this basis, these concerns can be addressed properlyduring project planning, alternatives selection, engineering design and mitigation measures

development. More specifically, the public consultation is to:

AR Provide a description of the potential impact, mitigation measures already designed and

the residual impact to the residents, institutions and organizations that would be impacted by

the implementation of the project;

3X Conduct on-site surveys, interviews and public meetings/hearings to obtain public

opinions and concerns about the project, particularly on concerns on direct impacts to their


At Improve the decision making process which may impact to the environment;

St Give the chance to the public for them to express and hear the suggestions of the project;

X Improve the public acceptability of the various kind of mitigation measure;

X Intercede the public's different suggestions or conflicts on the environmental questions

and dispel the resistance which to the implementation planning of the government;

AX Confirm the rationality and legitimacy of the government decisions;

X Meet various kinds of legal requests of citizen; make the exchange of suggestions

between citizen and the government; and

At Understand the main problems which citizen pay attention and their values;

9.2 Approach and Methodology

There were three rounds of the public consultation. The first round of public consultation was

conducted at the stage when the ENs terms of reference (TOR) were prepared. The purposes

of the first round of public consultation were to provide the concerned public a project

description and explain the potential impacts of the project to the environment and the

communities. The second round of public consultation was conducted after the draft EA

report was prepared. The purposes of the second round of public consultation were to explain

the levels of the impacts and conclusions of the impact assessment. In particular, the second


round of public consultation was to explain to the public how the significant impacts

including all those raised from the first round of the public consultation were to be addressed.

This round of the public consultation was to determine whether the residual impacts would be

acceptable to the concerned public following the implementation of the mitigation measures.

The third round of the public consultation was conducted following the initial review of the

draft EA report. The objective was to consult wider public for their opinions, comments and

suggestions, particularly those public members who will be affected most (e.g., areas of

possible night time construction) and those pulbic members who have substantial concerns

over potential impacts of project construction and operation. This round of public consultation

was to supplement the first two rounds of public consultation to reach a larger number of

public members in wider project areas so that to help decision making and for EA team to

design effective mitigation measures.

According to the requirements of the World Bank OP4.01 and State Environmental Protection

Administration (SEPA), consultations were conducted with affected residents, schools,

kindergartens, enterprises, hospitals, restaurants, institutions and service sectors along the

roads of the project, as well as the general public in the city. More specifically, the public

consultation was conducted through (more specific information about these methodologies

such as dates, locations, scales, etc., will be provided in later sections):

AX Hotline telephones: Establishment of Hotlines telephones in the World Bank Project

Office and the environmental assessment team.

A Public meetings: The environment assessment staff held the public meeting participated

by representatives from the National People's Congress and CPPCC of 7 areas in Wuhan.

Held the meeting at the meeting room on the 3rd floor in the Municipal designing institute.

A On-site survey: The time and place of the meeting were published in newspapers such as

Yangzi Paper and Wuhan Evening Post ahead of time. The place should be selected in the

representative district and the public place.

AR Sites visits and public opinion questionnaire questionnaires: Survey questionnaires were

distributed during the site visits. The site visits and survey questionnaires were conducted

covering all the road sections of the project.

9.3 Results of First Round Public Participation

9.3.1 Public Meeting

On September 4,2002, the EA team conducted a consultation meeting in the meeting room of

World Bank Project Management Office (PMO), participated by representatives from the

areas around the project roads. The total of 17 representatives from the National People's

Congress in Wuhan, CPPCC in Wuhan and Young Volunteer's Association, which is a NGO,

of Hongshan district. Qingshan district, Jianghan district, Jiangan district, Qiaokou district.

Hanyang district and Wuchang district.


The topic discuss in the meeting include:

AR Which impact do you think the construction of the project will be produced to the

environment and social development?

AC What should the project be pay attention to in the environmental protection during the

construction phase and operation phase?

A What suggestions to the mitigation measures?

AX Any suggestions and requirements for the projects?

AC Support or Object of the Project?

AS Public Opinions as they know.

The PMO and the EA team introduced the project contents, planned construction schedule,

anticipated adverse environmental and community impacts, resettlement policies to the

meeting with emphasis on the potential impact and mitigation measures. The meeting went

well and the meeting participants were actively involved in the discussion. The opinions

raised during the meetings were collected as follows:

AX The representatives showed their understanding of positive impacts of the project to the

city's traffic system and social development, and expressed their support to the project.

A The representatives were satisfied with relevant proposed mitigation measures in the

construction phase and the operation phase.

AR The representatives held the point of view that it was necessary to layout planning and

implement step by step, with emphasis on the management of the construction phase and the

government management,

St Construction should be well organized and carried out to protect lake, greenery space and

the communities.

9.3.2 Public meetings

Three public meetings were carried out around the project area. The locations and time of

these meetings are:

AR Changqing community garden at 7 pm on September 6, 2002 by the EA team and

Changqing committee, attended by several hundreds of men, women and teenagers; the

meeting lasted about 2 hours.

X Plaza of Heping Garden from 9.00-11.00 am on September 7, 2002 by the EA team and

the management department of Heping Garden, attended by about 60 people; the meeting

lasted for 2 hours; and

X Baibuting community at 3 pm on September 7, 2002 by the EA team, attended by about

100 local residents; the meeting lasted for 2 hours. The public meeting was well supported by

the local Neighborhood Committee which helped organize the meeting. As many of the

participants had been well informed of this meeting ahead of the time, they came prepared

with questions, concerns and suggestions collected from their neighbors, friends and



The above public meetings all went well. Many districts residents were actively involved in

the meetings and raised their comments and opinions on various issues about the project. Main contents of the meetings

During these meetings, the PMO introduced the project contents and the EA team explainedanticipated potential impact. Following the presentations, the public opinions were collected. Results of the meetings

The main concern and opinions raised during the meeting are:

AX Nearly everybody ask the question about environmental protection during project;

A The traffic and traffic management are a concern in Wuhan. For example, light rail

construction, interchanges, pedestrian passes are not enough and the height of 4.3 m of

underpass of the Hongshan Plaza is not high enough;

At Lack of consideration of bicycles and pedestrians pass through in lots of roads;

A Dedicated bus lanes in the traffic system;

AR not enough greens on both side of the road, for example, Jiefang Avenue and Wuluo


3X Motor vehicle emissions and air quality is not up to the standars

AR More buses.

AR Concerns of dust and noise during the construction phase;

X Should build more underpasses;

X The traffic lights should show second;

AR All participants showed their understanding of and support to the project;

X Better co-ordination between the government departments and agencies during


A Strengthen the pollution control for noise, dust and waste water.

X Increased traffic noise, especially from vehicle horning;

AR Should built a pedestrian bridge at the crossing of Danshuichi Street;

AR Pedestrians safety.

9.3.3 Random questionnaire survey Survey Time

From September 13 to 20. 2002, the kEA distributed the Wuhan urban Traffic Project Survey

Questionnaires in 7 areas in Wuhan randomly. In total, 1200 copies of the questionnaires were

handed out and 1 135 completed copies returned. Survey Questionnaires Contents

Survey Questionnaires mainly includes the traffic situation, the environmental problem and

the mitigate measures etc. The questionnaire is presented in Table presented at the end of this


chapter. Survey Questionnaires Results

The EA team received a total of 1135 copies of completed public opinion survey

questionnafare. The results were classified and analysed as follows:


AR Sex Composition: Male 614 or 54%; Female 521 or 46%

AX Age: 20-50, 827 or 73%, older than 40, 27%

X Occupation: career people: 29%; small business owners and employees: 30% and others:


X Education: college or above: 59% and below college: 41%

AX Area: seven different districts to be impacted by the project.

The results of questionnaire survey

X Among them 956 survey questionnaires thought the traffics in Wuhan is well and need to

improve, which made up 84.2% of all returned forms,.

AX Among them 87.4% of people who responded to the survey questionnaires thought the

traffic in Wuhan need unified planning.

X Most of survey questionnaires thought the main environmental issues caused from noise

and vibration and should pay more attention to relevant mitigation measures.

At Among them over 90% survey questionnaires supported the resettlement.

X Among them over 80% survey questionnaires thought relevant mitigation measures for

the air pollution must be adopted.

AR Among them over 94% survey questionnaires thought road broadening and greenbelt

must be made.

AR Among them over 94% survey questionnaires thought the mitigation measure are


X Most survey questionnaires thought the project can beautify the appearance of the city

and also can make the development for the urban traffic and economy.

9.3.4 Information Disclosure News Media

The EA team invited a reporter from Wuhan Evening Post on September 4, 2002 to participate

in the public consultation program for the day. The report was introduced of the project

contents, development, the environmental assessment contents and the meaning and contents

of the public consultation. Wuhan Evening Post, which is the most popular newspaper in

Wuhan and oriented towards local news and with a circulation of above 500,000 per day. The

Wuhan evening post dated September 9,2002 reported this on the public meetings and

published the time and location of EA TOR, as well as the hotline number and Email address


of the EA team. A copy of the advertisement/public notice is presented in this report.

On September 6, 2002 a reporter from Changliang Newspaper (another main news media in

Wuhan) consulted the project contents and the public consultation activities. Changliang

Newspaper on September 7,2002 reported the public meetings on the front page.

A reporter from the Wuhan Music Radio, a popular local radio station, attended the public

meeting on September 9, 2002 and subsequently reported the meeting in its news program.

China Environmental Newspaper reported a public meeting on its September 20,2002 issue.

At same day Central People's Broadcasting Station reported this meeting in the News and

newspaper summary program. Hotlines

About 50 phone calls from the public were received and most of them supported the project.

9.4 Second Round of Public Consultation

The second round of public consultation was conducted when a draft EIA was preapred (the

last ten days of December 2002). The second round of public consultation was conducted

through survey meetings and on-site surveys.

9.4.1 On-site meetings

An on-site public meeting was conducted at the Gate of ZhongShang Market at 10 pm on

December 28, 2002 by the EA team. About 100 person participated in the meeting in which

the they raised their comments and opinions about the findings of the environmnental impact

assessment and mitigation measures proposed, as well as other issues of the project. The

meeting lasted about 1.5 hours.

On same day another public meeting was held at the plaza of Xibeihu Lake Garden at 3 pm

which lasted about 1.5 hours. About 80 persons participated in the meeting and raised their

comments and opinions on EA findings and mitigation measures.

The PMO introduced the project contents during the public meetings and the EA team

explained the main results of environmental impact assessment and mitigation measures

already proposed and included in the EA report.

The main opinions raised during these meetings are:

X Want to know more details of the project EA results as well as the project itself.

especially any components in the Qingshan area;

g The participators reflected some problems of the traffic construction and environment,

such as: has traffic jam at Zhongnan road, Zhongbei road and Xudong road; virescence not

enough; the vehicle emission not up to the standards; the traffic lights not show the second

and delay the traffic instead: manage improperly of traffic etc.


AX The greenbelt should be broaden and more tree be planted; reduce dusting and noise

during the construction phase; more underpass must be built; the special passway of the bus

must be built; the traffic lights should show the second.

3A At same time most participators showed their understanding and supports to the project

and thought the project can beautify the appearance oI the city and also ca me the

development for the urban traffic and economy.

3R The situation was serious that traffic blocks up at the crossroad of Qushui Road and

Xinhuaxia Road, should solve as soon as possible; pay attention to the coordination with

interdepartmental function; strength the management of traffic; strength the control of the

pollution of noise, dusting and wastewater.

9.4.2 Survey Questionnaires at random

From December 26, 2002 to January 3, 2003, the EA team distributed the Wuhan urban

Transport Project Environmental Questionnaires in 7 areas in Wuhan at random. The

questionnaires includes mainly basic project information, environmental assessment results

and mitigate measures proposed.

In total, 1000 copies of the questionnaires were distributed and 947 completed copies were

returned, the results were classified and analysed as follows:


AR Sex Composition: Male: total 498 for 54%; Female: total 449 for 46%

AX Age Composition: 20-50, 731 for 73%, older than 50, 27%

X Occupation: Career people: 31%, business owners and employees, 30%, others: 29%

A Education: college or above: 60%, below college: 40%

A Areas: from seven urban districts

The results of questionnaire survey

XC Among them 842 survey questionnaires thought the traffics in Wuhan is well and need to

improve, which made up 89% of all returned forms,.

AR Among them 85.6% survey questionnaires thought the traffic in Wuhan need unified


AR Most of survey questionnaires thought the main environmental issues caused from noise

and vibration and should pay more attention to relevant mitigation measures.

A Among them 90% survey questionnaires thought the implementation of the project will

bring some inconvenience for travelling.

AX Among them over 90% survey questionnaires supported the resettlement.

A Among them over 80% survey questionnaires thought relevant mitigation measures for

the air pollution must be adopted.

3R Among them over 93% survey questionnaires thought road broadening and greenbelt

must be made.


AX Among them over 95% survey questionnaires thought the mitigation measure are


X Most survey questionnaires thought the project can beautify the appearance of the city

and also can make the development for the urban traffic and economy.

9.4.3 Information Disclosure

Wuhan Evening Post reported the public meeting on December 20, 2002. In addition, Wuhan

and Hubei TV stations reported the public meetings in prime time news on December 28 and

29, 2002. The Wuhan Environmental Newspaper has reported the public meeting in January


9.5 Responses to Public Concerns

For public concerns raised in the two rounds of consultation including public meetings,

consultation meetings, and public opinion questionnaire, the EA team, together with the PMO

has provided response either directly at the time of consultation or later included in the EIA

and EMP. The main such responses are:

X Regarding the lack of information on the project, the PMO and the EA team will further

enhance the effort of public disclosure. Project EA documentation will be released in public

places such as city libraries and other publicly accessible places for public review. In addition,

such disclosure will be advertised in local media such as major newspaper so that residents

will have the knowledge as to when and where to find these documents and other project

information. The public information hotline and website will continue to provide different

forms of public information sources.

AR Regarding urban road planning, the PMO will take the public concern into considerations

when developing the Wuhan transport strategy. In particular, the strategy will give sufficient

considerations to needs of pedestrians, bicycles and public transport. The PMO will further

convey the public comments concerning the transport planning to the Planning Bureau and

senior government agencies,

X Regarding lost of trees and green areas to the project, the EA team will include in its EMP

a detailed mitigation and compensation figure. In total, 10,115 new trees will be planted along

the project roads to compensate the roughly 2300 trees to be cut for the project construction

and upgrading.

AR Regarding the noise and dust issues, the EA team has conducted a detailed modeling for

noise and air quality for both the construction and operation phases. The results show that in

most cases, noise is to increase at the sensitive receptors such as residential housing although

in some very busy and noisy intersections the noise will decrease. Double glazed windows

will be installed at the sensitive receptors which will have high incremental increases in noise

levels such as those in new project roads. Construction dust will be controlled through regular

site watering and other dust control measures.


3R Regarding traffic signaling and lighting, the PMO will have careful considerations in the

project design for these issues.

AR Regarding deteriorating air quality and motor vehicle emission, the EA team has

conducted a detailed air quality modeling. With the more stringent motor vehicle emission

control standards (Euro 3 and Euro 4) in place in the future, 'ule individual motor vchicle

emission intensity will decrease. However as the traffic volume will increase substantially

along the project roads, the road side air quality in many of the project roads will deteriorate

as the project is in operation. However, from a city wide perspective, the total air emission

will decrease and air quality will improve as motor vehicle average speeds will increase and

will be operate more efficiently after the project completion.

9.6 Third Round of Public Consultation

In order to more widely collect public opinions and comments particularly those who have

deep concerns about the project and in order to supplement the insufficient number of public

members consulted, a third round of public consultation was conducted following the review

of the draft EA report.


The modes of this round of public consultation included randomly distributed public opinion

questionnaires and a stakeholder meeting. The areas were focused on potentially impacted

areas and areas not covered by the first two rounds of the public consultation.

The time of the third round of public consultation was March 20 to April 10, 2003. The areas

covered by the consultation included East Lake Scenery Site Management Bureau in

Wuchang district, Meiguiyuan area and Carriffer area of the Hanyang district and several

areas in Hankou district.

On March 17, 2003, the EA team together with the PMO organize a stakeholders meeting to

consult their opinions on Qinghua road within the East Lake Scenery site. Representatives

from East Lake Scenery Site Management Committee, local EPB, planning bureau, and Urban

Administration Bureau attended the consultation meeting.

Between March 28 to April 6, 2003, a total of 2000 copies of a public opinion questionnaire

were distributed to people from all three districts of Wuhan. A total of 1977 copies of the

completed copies were received. The 1977 people consulted are summarized as follows:

X 1107 or 56% males and 870 or 44% of female, with male higher than female;

: the vast majority of the people consulted, 1783 or 75% to be exact, were between 20-50;

a about the occupation. 31% were public servants were, 28% private merchants and much

smaller percentages in virtually wall walks of life;

X with regard to education, higher school or higher education: 811 or 41%; while 59% of

the surveyed had lower education;


x the people surveyed were from all parts of project areas.


During the stakeholders meeting, the various parties concerned discussed the project in great

details and major concern about the Qinghua road was raised. Virtually all parties felt that

although the proposed Qinghua road does not contradicting with the city's Master Plan and

Wuhan Lake Protection Regulations, the proposed alignment, particularly the 1000 m above

the Xiaoertan lake, is on a quiet area with least outside impacts where aquatic ecosystem is

among the best in the East Lake area. Furthermore, East Lake is a national level scenery site

and one of the important lakes in the Jianghan lake wetland area. The meeting attendees

believed that as the major function of the Qinghua road, the freight transportation and traffic

on the road will affect the activities and habitats for birds in the areas. As such, the meeting

hopes that any decision on Qinghua road will need very careful study and thorough

consideration. In the future study on environmental impacts of the proposed Qinghua road,

other alignment going around the lake area may be proposed and considered if possible. In

fact, the PMO has decided that further study on Qinghua road will be initiated and if needed a

new proposal road alignment may be suggested and evaluated before Qinghua road is to be

constructed currently scheduled for 2006.

Based on the returned copies of the public opinion survey questionnaire, the main opinions

expressed from the third round of the public consultation may be summarized as follows:

x About 95% of the people surveyed had some knowledge about this World Bank financed

urban transport project, primarily through newspaper, television and other mass media;

a The majority of the people surveyed (87%) thought that while the Wuhan urban

transportation conditions have been improved over the recent years, the traffic congestion is

still very serious and the current transportation conditions are still poor and cannot meet the

demands of the city's citizens and economic development;

se The surveyed people are widely concerned about noise and to a lesser extent vibration of

the project construction and operation. They hoped that such concerns shall be raised to

relevant authorities so that they can be addressed in the project planning, design and

construction implementation;

x An overhead pedestrian bridge at the intersection of Hanyang Second Brdge road and

Meiyuan road was requested by many of the surveyed particularly those who live in the

nearby Meiguiyuan residential area (an X shaped overpass in this location has been designed

and included in the project);

u About 88% of the surveyed were concerned about airborne dust from both construction

and operation phases and demanded measures be taken to control it;

: About 96% of the surveyed were concerned about construction and operation noise.

particularly night time construction noise for those who live near the project roads. The

surveyed suggested to minimize night time construction and they want ot be noticed ahead of


time if night time construction must be done. For operation noise, the surveyed public

suggested to have separation area from the area where possible. This separation areas shoud

be well landscaped to help attenuate the traffic noise on the roads;

X The vast majority of the people surveyed (95%) are confident that following the

mitigation measures explained to them in the questionnaire, the environmental pollution and

impact can be effectively controlled.

x Virtually all respondents supported the project and deem it a major improvement of

Wuhan urban transport system and promotion of the city's economic development. They

expressed the wish to see the project starts as soon as possible.

9.7 Public Consultation Summary

The public consultation for the Wuhan urban transport project included expert interviews,

stakeholder meetings, public meetings and public opinion surveys of the people who would be

affected the most by the project. In three rounds of public consultation, there were about 500

people in total attending public and stakeholder meetings. A total of 4200 copies of a public

questionnaire were distributed in the three rounds of public consultation and 4059 copies

completed questionnaire returned. The public consultation activities and public information

disclosure during this EA for the Wuhan Urban Transport Project may be summarized in the

following tables.

Table 9.7-1 Public Consultation Summary

Stage Form By whom and for whom Time location WB policy

Consultation By PMO and EA team for SFyr.4 3d F. Conference roommeeting local People's representative 2002 Wuhan Municipal OP4.01meeting and Youth Volunteers Design Institue

EA TOR Public meeting By PMO and EA team for Sept.6-7, Changqing, Qingshan OP4.01First round affected local residents 2002 park, and Beibuting

By PMO and EA team forPublic opinion randomly selected Sept.13-20, Project road areas OP4.01

survey individuals in the project 2002area

By PMO and EA team for Dec.28, Xuping DepartmentPublic meeting affected residents 2002 store; 0P4.01

Draft EA Xibeihu Plazareport Public opinion By PMO and EA team for Dec.26

survey opmlonrandomly selected 2002 to Project road areas OP4.01individuals Jan.3, 2003

By PMO and EA team fortagencies and organizations March 17 East Lake Scenery Site

Draft EA Stakeholder meeting related to East Lake 2003 Management OP4.01report _ management Commission officereview P o By PMO and EA team for March 28

Public opinion randomly selected to April 6. Project road areas OP4.01individuals of project areas 2003 1


Table 9.7-2 Information Disclosure Summary

Information Date Location/media WB policyNotice to the public about the Sept.5, 2002 Wuhan Evening Newspublic meetings and locations Sept.5, 2002 Changjiang Daily uP4.01and contents

informabton Sept. 9, 2002 Wuhan Communications Radio OP4.01Notice to the public on second Dec. 28, 2002 Wuhan TV stationsround of public consultation Dec. 29, 2002 Wuhan Evening News OP4.01including locations and contentsAdvertisement on draft EA report Feb.19,2003 Wuhan Evening News 0P4.01locations

Wuhan public libraryDraft EA report and EMP SINCE FEB. 1 8,2003 Fourth Railway Design Institute OP4.01

Wuhan Academy of Environmental SciencesWuhan public libraiy

Final EA and EMP (planned) from Fourth Railway Design Institute OP4.01Wuhan Academy of Environmental Sciences

The Wuhan Traffic Urban Project Survey Questionnaires

Item: Name: Sex::( male or


Age: (Under 20 years old, 20-40,40-60, Over 60 years old)

Occupation: Cadres, Workers, Farmers, and Businessmen

Education: Over junior college; Senior high school; Junior high school; Elementary school

Dwelling Place: Units:


l)What is your attitude towards the present situation of traffic in Wuhan?

a) Good

b) .Commonly, need to improve

c) Insufferable

2)Which kind of methods do you think can solve the traffic problems?

a) Reduce Cars

b) More roads

c) Strength the planning of the traffic

3)What is your view will be the main environmental issues caused in the construction phase

of the project?

a) Air pollution, dusting and vehicle emission

b) Noise and vibration

c) Night time construction

d) Solid pollution

e) Others

4)What is your view will be the main environmental issues caused in the operation phase-of

the project?


a) Damage on vegetation and landscaping

b) Inconvenience for travelling

c) Air pollution, dusting and vehicle emission

d) Noise and vibration

5)What is your view will be the impact of resettlement?

a) Support

b) No comments

c) Opposition

6)What is your view on the mitigation measures on the air pollution?

a) Control of vehicle emission, more Green Car

b) Reduce dusting and sprinkle water regularly

c) Without any measures

7)What suggestions do you have concerning the controlling of noise?

a) Control the vehicle emission and noise

b) Installing Double-windows to the building on both side of the traffic road

c) Plant trees on both side of the road

d) Without any measures

8)What is your view on the mitigation measures on the ecological disruption?

a) Could

b) Could not

c) No comments

9)What is your attitude toward the Wuhan Urban Traffic Project, the reason is:

a) Improve the traffic situation and develop the economy

b) Beautify the appearance of the city

c) Convenience for travelling

d) Do not know

1 0)What is your attitude toward the implementation of the project?

a) Support

b) Opposition


i'-' ~idde ing Roa LI ThI m. Changg,ingSoPark

10. Environmental Management and Monitoring Plan

10.1 Environmental Management Plan

10.1.1 Responsibility and Function of the Management Institutions

The environmental management institutions of this project at construction phase and

operation phase consist of the Wuhan Urban Transport Construction Management Leading

Group, the Foreign Capital Utilization Management Office for Wuhan Urban Transport

Construction Project, Component Office, and relevant governmental departments. The

following chart shows the relationship between these institutions.

Wuhan Urban Transport Construction 1Management Leading Group


Leading Group of Wuhan Urban TransportProject Using World Bank Loan


Foreign Capital Utilization Management Office forWuhan Urban Transport Construction Project

Road infrastructure t Traffic Control and Public transport Road maintenance Environmentaloscas ce d Safey offijce cofneic,e uti protiction ofn ce

goals. E.i.


I unit I o

.| Design unit || Environmental impact assessment uinit

|Wuhan environmental monitoring station|

Wuhan Urban Transport Construction Management Leading Group: As the top

decision-making and leading institution, it makes decision for the whole process of the project,

such as the detei-mination of the project content, the utilization of capital, and project strategyic


Leading Group of Wuhan Urban Transport Project Using World Bank Loan: As the

leading and organizing unit, it makes guidelines concerned with this project, alignment

selection, construction scale, and exterior cornmunications and coordination between different



Foreign Capital Utilization Management Office for Wuhan Urban Transport

Construction Project: under tlhe direction of the Leading Group of Wuhan Urbarn Transport

Project Using World Bank Loan, it is responsible for the implementation of the guidelines and

goals set by it, and for the daily management of the project. It has a project construction office,

in which there are two full-time environmental coordinators, one with a senior professional

title and the other with a middle-level professional title, whose salaries are paid by the project

construction office. They will be responsible for the environmental protection management in

the design and construction phases.

The detailed environmental management responsibilities of the Foreign Capital Utilization

Management Office for Wuhan Urban Transport Construction Project are as follows.

a. Ensuring that the mitigation measures provided by the Environmental Impact

Assessment Repost are incorporated into the engineering design.

b. Ensuring that the construction unit constructs in accordance with the environmental

mitigation measures in the engineering design.

c. Amending, adjusting or adding environmental mitigation measures against the

complaints from the residents and units within the area this project located.

Road Infrastructure Facilities Office: it is responsible for the management of environmental

protection for the road infrastructure facilities during the operation phase, and for the

cooperation with the Wuhan Environmental Protection Bureau, it will make response to the

traffic accident that may cause environmental pollution (such as the leakage of dangerous and

chemical materials), and conduct effective treatment.

Public transport Office: it is responsible for the environmental protection management for

the public transport facilities during the operation phase.

Traffic Control and Safety Office: it will cooperate with the Wuhan Environmental

Protection Bureau to conduct rational control for the flow of motor vehicles on road within its


Environmental Protection Office (Wuhan Environmental Protection Bureau): as the

administrative authority under the Wuhan Municipal Government responsible for

environmnental protection, it guides to implement motor vehicle tail gas automatic monitoring

system and noise automatic monitoring system; it will conduct supervision and management

of the environmental protection work of this project in accordance with the laws, regulations

and policies concerning environmental protection at the municipal, provincial and state levels.

Wuhan Environmental Monitoring Station: under the authorization of the Foreign Capital

Utilization Management Office for Wuhan Urban Transport Construction Project, it is

responsible for regular monitoring of environmental impact during the construction and

operation phases of this project, and the preparation of the monitoring report, which will


provide basis for the leading department to conduct environmental management. It is

equipped with many monitoring and analyzing instruments at international levels, and can

undertake the inspection of some items such as ambient air quality, water environmental

quality, acoustic environmental quality, soil quality, vegetation situation and ecological

environment. Its main responsibilities are as follows.

a. The environmental monitoring during the construction and operation phases of this

proj ect.

b. Regular monitoring of the urban air quality, acoustic environment and vibration

environment to assess the environmental efficiency of this project.

c. Cooperating with the Traffic Control and Safety Office to conduct the monitoring of

motor vehicle tail gas and to implement I/M plan.

d. Responding to the contingent polluting accidents occurring within the scope of this

project, determining the pollution type and extent and proposing corresponding mitigation


10.1.2 Training Plan

The staff training of this project on environmental management is a part of the environmental

management plan; it includes oversea and domestic training.

The Wuhan Urban Transport Construction Project Using World Bank Loan is the sixth similarproject in China financed by the WB, but the development of transport pollution prevention

and treatment technology and motor vehicle pollution control is not advanced, so it needs to

appoint relevant personnel to study and investigate in the countries with relative mature

experience at these fields (such as America and Canada). The detailed arrangement is shown

in Table 10.1-1.


Table 10.1-1 Schedule of Domestic and Oversea Trainingin Environmental Protection Technolo ies

Contents of training Number of persons Country Year Duration

Urban traffic environmental management method i 2

Traffic pollution prevention technique 2

Environmental policies, analysis and assessmentCanada 2003 4 weeks

Monitoring and assessment of urban traffic pollution

Urban traffic risk assessment methodShanghai.

Motor vehicle tail gas control and prevention 6 2003 6 weeksGuangzhou

Pollution control method in construction period I

Training cost (ten thousand Yuan RMB) 40.00

In order to impel the environmental management staff of the construction unit to mitigate or

prevent the environmental impact during the construction phase effectively, and in order to

impel the environmental management staff of the public transport terminals and head-end

stations to mitigate or prevent the environmental impact during the operation phase effectively,

it is necessary to train these staff. The training work will be organized by the Wuhan

Environmental Protection Bureau and the Project Construction Office; they will retain some

experts from relative fields of environment to prelect.

The training plan of the contractors' environmental management staff:

Trainees: 3 persons from each contractor.

Duration: the contractor shall provide relevant staff for the training within two weeks of bid

award. The training time will last for 5 days.

Contents of training:

a. Environmental protection laws, regulations and corresponding rules;

b. Basic knowledge of urban environmental protection;

c. Main contents of the Environmental Impact Report on Wuhan Urban Transport

Construction Project;

d. Harn of air-borne pollutants and noise and prevention and control measures;

e. Monitoring technologies of air-borne pollutants and noise and pattems of monitoring


f. Environmental mitigation measures and environmental management knowledge

during the construction phase;

g. Reporting and handling procedtures of public opinions.

Exams and certifications: the trainees can get environmental protection certificates if they are

proven qualified in the exams at the end of the training. Only after they get the certificates can

they start working and the contractor may be allowed to start construction. These

requirements will be written into the bidding documents.

Training plan of the environmental management staff from the public transport terminals and


head-end stations:

Trainees: 2 persons for each public transport terminal or head-end station.

Duration: within 2 months before the trial operation of the public transport terminal and

head-end station, the station shall send environmental management staff for training, the

training will last for 5 days.

Contents of training:

a. Environmental protection laws, regulations and corresponding rules;

b. Basic knowledge of environmental protection for public transport system;

c. Main contents of the Environmental Impact Report on Wuhan Urban Transport

Construction Project;

d. Harm of air-borne pollutants and noise and prevention and control measures;

e. Motor vehicle tail gas control technology;

f. Operation and management knowledge of sewage treatment facilities;

g. Reporting and handling procedures of public opinions.

Exams and certifications: the trainees can get environmental protection certificates if they are

proven qualified in the exams at the end of the training. Only after they get the certificates can

they start working and their public transport terminal or head-end station may be allowed to

start trial operation.

10.1.3 Environment Management in Construction Phase of This Project

Since the environmental impact in the construction phase is significant and will last for long

time (5 years), the environmental management in the construction phase is very important.

The construction activities of this project mainly include ground building, underground

pipeline, resettlement of the removed units and residents, construction of road, bridge and

station, removal of trees, rehabilitation of afforestation belts (vegetation), and the daily living

of the construction staff.

Environmental management plan during the construction mainly include tlhe mitigation

measures for preventing environmental impact (to see Chapter 5) and the environmental

protection requirements for the contractors (contained in the construction biding documents,

to see Appendix 1).

10.2 Environmental Monitoring Plan

In order to ensure the effectiveness of the mitigation measures to be taken during the

construction and operation phases, to respond to the unanticipated environmental issues at the

early stage and to verify the accuracy of the environmental impact predictions, it needs to

work out some environmental monitoring plans. The environmental monitoring plans will be

specifically developed for both the construction and operation phases of this project; the


contents shall include monitoring point, monitoring items, time, frequency, and collection,

analysis and reports of various monitoring data.

10.2.1 Monitoring Contents

a. The impact of this project on urban environmental quality during the construction and

operation phase;

b. Follow-up investigation on tne socio-economical impact of this project;

c. Implementation and effectiveness of the mitigation measures during the construction and

operation phases;

d. Providing improvement and remediation measures for the mitigation measure with adverse

results and new environmental problems, and tracing and monitoring.

10.2.2 Monitoring Sites and Arrangement

a. The environmental monitoring will be undertaken during the construction and operation


b. The environmental monitoring during the construction phase includes regular monitoring

and supervisory monitoring. The regular monitoring is conducted according to the relevant

laws, regulations of the State as well as the policies of the World Bank. The supervisory

monitoring is conducted for enhancing the environmental management during the

construction, and supervising the construction action of the construction units concerning with


c. The environmental monitoring during the operation phase include sectional monitoring

and overall monitoring. The monitoring on cross section is the specific monitoring conducted

on each road section 3 months after the completion of the construction of each road section as

scheduled. The overall monitoring is conducted on city-wide scale after the completion of this

project by the year of 2007.

d. Based on the forecasted results for this project, the ambient air quality and acoustic

environment monitoring will be conducted during the construction and operation phases.

Water environmental quality monitoring will not be conducted during the operation phase.

And motor vehicle tail gas and motor vehicle noise will be monitored regularly each year

during the operation phase.

e. The overall arrangement of the environmental monitoring plans are shown in Table


f. The environmental monitoring plans of the new (rebuilt, expanded) road and road

maintenance during the construction and operation phases are shown in Table 10.2-2.

g. The detailed environmental monitoring plans for public transport terminals and head-end

stations during the construction and operation phases are shown in Table 10.2-3.

Table 10,2-1 Overall Arrangement of Environmental Monitoring Plans


iE No.0 Monitorino Monitoring Monitoring

Phase . Items Monitoring time f 9C-) factor frequency

sites institution

PM,, Once each 0:00-24:00 c

Ambient quarter, 5 Daily average value: 0:00-24:00; hourly

air NO2 . CO continuous days average value: 4 sampling per day, 4 hours

each time interval c

E Noise Leq(A) Once each 0:00-24:00Ea quarter, 2 E

Vibration VLZ1o continuous days 0:00-24:00

each time C

Water One day eachSS 3 times monitoring per day

quality quarter

One time of random noise monitoring for each road section under construction each

. Daytime day, sight estimate of the flying dust, and one additional vibration monitoring when

E hospital, school or kindergarten are involved. o

a One time of noise monitoring for each road section under construction each night,Nighnime

and one additional vibration monitoring when hospitals are involved.

PM10 Once each 0:00-24:00

Ambient quarter. 5 Daily average value: 0:00-24:00; hourly

00 air NO2, CO continuous days average value: 4 sampling per day, 4 hours

each time interval

E Noise Leq (A) Once each 0:00-24:00

o quarter, 2

Vibration VLz1o continuous days 0:00-24:00

each time o

Water One day eachSS 3 times monitoring per day

quality _______ quarterEE

PM1, Once. each 0:00-24:00 2

Ambient quarter, 5 Daily average value: 0:00-24:00; hourly C

air NO2, CO continuous days average value: 4 sampling per day, 4 hours S

each time interval

Once each

> ~~~~~~~~~quarter. 2c O noise Leq (A) 0:00-24:00a continuous days

each time


Table 10.2-2 Overall Arrangement of Environmental Monitoring during Operation Phase

Monitoring Monitoring DetailedMonitoring site Road section Property

item time arrangement

Northwest of Regular ambient airWuchang Ziyang Arnbient air

Jinshiui Rd monitoring point

Northeast of Regular ambient airHanyang Yuehu Ambient air

Meizi Rd monitoring point

Southwest ofRegular ambient air

Hankou Huaqiao Huangpu Rd Ambient airmonitoring point

and Houhu Rd

Regular ambient air

North of monitoring point,Qingshan Changqian Ambient air

Qinghua Rd representative of Ambient: one time

industrial area per quarter, 5

Regular ambient air continuous days

South of monitoring point, one time. Dai.yDonghu Liyuan Ambient air

Qinghua Rd representative of scenic average value:

spot 0:00-24:00:

One ambient air . Using by cooperating hourly average. ~~Moving in the 2007.6-2009.6

mobile monitoring with the automobile tail Ambient air value: 4 samplingwhole city

vehicle gas monitoring vehicle per day with

Front of Qinglian Jianshe Ambient air, interval of 4 hours.

(Taibai) Wineshop Avenue noise Noise: one time

Front of Yeweixiang Yingwu Ambient air, per quarter, 2

Wineshop Avenue noise continuous days

West side of the gate Jiefang one time.Noise

of Zhongshan Park Avenue

Opposite of the old JiefangNoise

power-supply bureau Avenue

Timber shop Xudong Rd Noise

Front of Hubei

Irrigation Works Zhongnan Rd Noise


Luxiang AgricultureLuoshi Rd Noise



Table 10.2-3 Detailed Arrangement of Regular Monitoring during Construction Phaseand Cross Section Monitoring durin Operation Phase

Road section Regular monitoring during construction phase Sectional monitoring during operation phaseMonitoring time Monitoring site Item Monitoring time Monitoring site Item

Main truck road

engineering of north 2003.3-2005.3, one f 2005.6-2006.6, onesection of middle ring time per quarter, constry o Noise time per quarter, total I m to road side Noise. . ~~~~~~~~~~~~construction siteline total 8 times 4 times


2003.3-2005.3, one 20.-066 nXindun (Gutian Rd 2) Boundary of 2005.6-2006.6, onetime per quarter, . Noise time per quarter, total I m to road side NoiseViaduct toa 8'ie construction sitetotal 8 times 4 times

2003.3-2005.3, one 2005.6-2007.6, oneChangqingRdViaduct) time per quarter, Huangjiadawan Noise, time per quarter, total Huangjiadawan Noise,

total 8 times 8 times

2003.3-2005.3, one 2005.6-2007.6, oneGusaoshu (Xinhuaxia . Gusaoshu Primary Noise, Gusaoshu Noise,Rd) Viaduct time per quarter, School ambient air time per quarter, total Primary School ambient air

total 8 times 8 times

Sanjintan (New 2003.3-2005.3, one .u. 2005.6-2007.6, oneDaihuang Highway) time per quarter, Hol ambiery air time per quarter, total Hol ary ie,Viaduct total 8 times School ambent air timesSchool ambent air

Main trunk road

engineering of north 2007.3-2007.12, one 2007.6-2008 6, onesection of middle ring time per quarter, constry of Noise time per quarter, total I m to road side Noise.. . ~~~~~~~~~construction siteline (Sanjintan-Hanshi total 3 times 4 times


Main trunk road

engineering of southengineerin of souh 2004.3-2005.3, one 2005.6-2006.6, one

section of middle ring . Boundary of 2 o. - . time per quarter, . . Noise time per quarter, total I m to road side p7Yline (Wuxian construction site

Highway-Sout Luoshi total 4 times 4 timesHighway-South LuoshiRd)

2004.3-2005.3, one205606. on...Qingling (Wuxian time u.ate Boundary of 2005.6-2006.6, one

Highway)Viaduct time per quarter, construcNoise time per quarter, total I m to road side NoiseHighway) Viaduct total 4 times construction sitetotal_______ 4 times . 4 times

South Luoshi Rd 2004.3-2005.3, one 2005.6-2006.6, oneSouth Luoshu Rd . ~Boundary of 20.-066 ntime per quarter, Noise time per quarter, total I m to road side NoiseViaduct . construction sitetotal 4 times 4 times

2004.3-2005.3, one 2005.6-2007.6, oneLiahi Viaduct time per quarter, Liqiao Primary Noise, time per quarter, tota Liqiao Primary Noise,

total time s perquane School ambient air bme School ambient airtotal 8 times 8 times ________

Ramps of Changjiang 2003.3-2003.12, one 2004.3-2005.36, oneHighway Bridge from time per quarter, constry of Noise time per quarter, total I m to road side NoiseZhongshan Avenue total 3 times 4 times

Lujialing Primary Noise, Lujialing PrimaryQinghua Rd 2003.3-2003.12, one School, noar ambien 2004.3-2005.126, one School, No.2 Noise,(Yuejiazui-Highway time per quarter, Schol No 2 aien time per quarter, total Wuhan ambient air,21) total 3 times . 7 times Vocational vibration

Hospital vibration. . ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Hospital

Huangpu Rd (Fazhan 2003.3-2003.12, one Ji hamgvuan, e. 2004.3-2005.126, oneAvenue-Middle Ring time per quarter, Urban Field ambien time per quarter, total UrbanhFieldgya Noise,Line) total 3 times 7 times

Old Hansha Highway 2005.3-2005.12. one 2006.3-2007.36, one(Biandanshan-middle time per quarter. constru st Noise time per quarter, total I m to road side Noisering line) total 3 times 4 times

Zhalankou Subway 2005.3-2005.12. one 2006.3-2006.126, one(below passing time per quarter. Ezhou Mansion time per quarter, total Ezhou Mansion orseaZhongshan Rd) total 3 times a 4 times



Regular monitoring during construction phase Sectional monitoring during operation phaseRoad sectionMonitoring time Monitoring site Item Monitoring time Monitoring site Item

2007.3-2007.12, one '2008.3-2008.126, oneQiaoou R Viauct ime er qarte, Boundary of 83U81b nQiaokou Rd Viaduct time per qua3t er,econsTuction site Noise time per quarter, total I m to road side Noise

total 3 timnes 4 times

Guocikou underground 2005.3-2005.12, one 2006.3-2006.126, onetime per quarter, site Noise time per quarter, total I m to road side Noisetotal 3 times 4 times

No. 11 Wuhan No. I WuhanXianggang Rd (Jianshe 2003.3-2003.12, one Hospital, Noise 2004.3-2005.126, one Hospital, Noise,

time per quarter, Xiangtian ' time per quarter, total XiangtianAvenure-Xinhuaxia Rd) . ambient air ,amnbient airtotal 3 times Mansions, Huifeng 7 times Mansions,Garden Huifeng Garden

YazhiDazhi Rd (Jiefang 2005.3-2005.12, one Y 2006.3-2007.12, one Yazhi, Yazhi Community, Noise,. Cmuit osAvenue-Zhongshan time per quarter, , time per quarter, total Commuity, Noie,. , ~~Rongxing Mansion ambient air , Rnxn min iAvenue) total 3 times 7 times Rangin. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Mansion

Luochang Noise, LuochangJianshe Avenue 2004.3-2005.12, one , 2006.3-2007.12, one residential area, Noise,(Huangpu Rd-Houhu time per quater, eSienta ara aien time per quarter, total Science and ambient air,Rd) total 7 times requarterPSclence and air, 7 times Technology vibrationTechnology Palace vibration

PalaceYouyilu Middle Noise, Youyilu MiddleYouyi Rd (Zhongshan 2003.3-2003.12, one . . . 2004.3-2005.12, one . . Noise,. . ~~~~~School, Minyi ambient . School, MinyiAvenue-Jiefang time per quarter, hosl, . . time per quarter, total . . ambient air,.Hospital, Wutai air, Hospital, WutaiAvenue) total 3 times 7 times . vibrationCommunity vibration CommunityHanxi Branch of Noise, Hanxi Branch ofNanniwan Viaduct 2004.3-2004.12, one No. I Wuhan ambient 2005.3-2006.12, one No. IWuhan Noise,

(Changfeng Avenue time per quarter, Hospital, Fazhan air, me per quarter, total ospital, Fazhan bent air,over passing railway) total 3 times . 7 tmes vibration__ __ _ __ __ _ __ _ _ __ _ __ __ _ _ _ Vlillage vibration __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Vlillage

Lodging School of Lodging School2004.3-2004.12, one L o2005.3-2006.12, oneHouhu Rd (Huangpu . No.6 Wuhan Noise, time per quarter, tota of No.6 Wuhan Noise,Rd-JiefangAvenue) time pes Middle School, ambientair time Middle School, ambient airtotal 3 times 7 times

Baibuting Garden Baibuting GardenZhongshan Rd 2004.3-2004.12, one 2005.3-2006.12, one

(Lgu.s tie pr qatr Hankou Railway Noise, tieprqatr.oa Hankou Railway Noise,(Lugouqiao time per quarter, Middle School ambient air time per quaner, total Middle School ambient airRd-Huangpu Rd) total 3 times 7 times

GutianluHanxi Rd 2 Gutianlu2006.3-2006.12, one residential area, Noise 2007.3-2008.12, one residential area,Avenue-Jianshe time per quarter, PnmarySchoolof ambient time per quarter, total Primary School Noie,total 3 times 7 times of AutomobileAvenue) Automobile Plant

_______ _______ ______ plant

Yanhe Avenue (No. 2 2006.3-2006.12, one No'ise, 2007.3-2008.12, one Noise,Jianhan Bridge-Gutian time per quarter, No.] Jianshe Street aie time per quarter, total 1ambent air.Main Rd) total 3 times air, 7 times vibration

vibrationIndustrial Avenue 2004.3-2004.12, one 2005.3-2006.12, one

Noise, .Noise.(Third Wuqing Trunk time per quarter, Wufeng Village ambient air time per quarter, total Wufeng Village ambient airRd-Qinghua Rd) totail 3 times 7 timesSouth Luoshi Rd 2005.3-2005.12, one . . 2006.3-2007.12, one .. . ~~~~~~Agricultural cadre' Noise, giutrl Nle(Haogou-middle ring time per quarer,. time per quarter. totalline).time 3 times College ambient air cadre' College ambient airline) total 3 times 7 times



Road section Regular monitoring during construction phase Sectional monitoring during operation phaseMonitoring time Monitoring site Item Monitoring time Monitoring site Item

Dormitory of Donmitory ofHubei People's Hubei People'sCourt, Hongling Court, HonglingPrimary School, Noise. Primary School,

North Zhongshan Rd 2005.3-2005.12, one 2006.3-2007.12, one dormitory of Noise,, donmitory of ambient.(Fourth Wuqing Trunk time per quarter, Aquabc P o air time per quarter, total Aquatic Products ambient air,

Rd-Donghu Lake) total 3 times Aquatic Products air, 7 times Bureau, vibrationBureau, dormitory vibrationof Hubei Technical dormitory ofSuper-vision Hubei TechnicalSupervision SupervisionBureau Bureau

Dormitory of Dormitory ofPlastic Plant, No'ise, Plastic Plant,

Qingyuan Rd (Third 2006.3-2006.12, one Plan Plance Noie, 2007.3-2008.12, one Plan Plance Noise,Wuqing Trunk time per quarter, an S a, time per quarter, total ambient air,Rd-Zhongbei Rd) total 3 times and Technology air, 7 times and Technology vibration

University, Huiyu vibration University, HuiyuGarden Garden

Minglunjie. Noise, Minglunj'ieJingshui Rd 2005.3-2005.12, one Pr ie Noie, 2006.3-2007.12, one Mmglunjie Noise,(Zhongshan Rd-South time per quarter, Wuchang Uprising air, time per quarter, total P ng ambient air,Shouyi Rd) total 3 times . . 7 times WUcrang vibrationGate vibration Uprising Gate

Shipailing Rd 2006.3-2006.12, one 2007.3-2008.12, one(Xiongchu Street-Jisan time per quarter, Diya Garden Noie, time per quarter, total Diya Garden Noie,Rd) total 3 times 7 times abniJisan Rd (Wuxian 2006.3-2006.12, one 2007.3-2008.12, oneHighway-SHipailing time per quarter, Nanhu Garden Noie, time per quarter, total Nanhu Garden Noise,Rd) total 3 times 7 times ambient air

Meizi Rd (Qintai 2005.3-2005.12, one Warfare ambent 2006.3-2007.12, one Noise,Rd-North Moshuihu time per quarter, Center air, time per quarter, total Center ambient air,Rd) total 3 times .r. 7 times vibration

___________________ ~~vibrationvi r t oSixin Avenue 2007.3-2007.12, one 2008.3-2008.12, one(SHisheng Rd-Yingwu time per quarter, constry of Noise time per quarter; total I m to road side Noise. ~~~construction siteAvenue) total 3 times 4 times

Maying Rd (Middle 2003.3-2003.12, one Aimin Pnrmary Noise, 2004.3-2005.12, one Aimin Primary Noise,amnbient

Jiangdi Rd-Yingwu time per quarter, School, Sanxing air, time per quarter, total School, Sanxing ambient air,Avenue) total 3 times Mansions atr, 7 times Mansions vibrationvibration ....

Donnitory of No. Donmitory of No.3 Municipal Co., 3 Municipal Co.,Junior Middle Junior Middle

2004.3-2004.12, one School of No.6 Noise, 2005.3-2006.12, one School of No.6 Noise,Taibei Rd I (Taibei ambient 20532012 on Scol fNo6 oieRd-Sanyang RdTi) time per quarter, Wuhan Middle air; time per quarter, total Wuhan Middle ambient air,

total 3 times School, New 7 times School, New vibrationvibrationMofan Village, Mofan Village,Xiangyu Middle Xiangyu MiddleSchool School

Hanx Rd (Jiefang 2004.3-2004 12, one 2005 3-2005.12, oneHanxi Rd (Jiefang .Boundary Of

time per quarter. c Noise time per quarter, total I m to road side NoiseAvenue-Yanhe Avenue) .construction site

A total 3 times 4 times

Red Cross Red Cross

Lugouqiao Rd (Jiefang 2004.3-2004 12. one Hospital Of Noise, 2005 3-2006.12. one Hospital of Noise... . ~~~~~~Jiangoan District, ambiesi .JaganDsntAvenue-Yanjiang time per quarter. Jite oftNew air, time per quarter. total Jiangtan District, ambient ar

Avenue) total 3 times . . . 7 times vibrationFourth Armv in vibration Fourth Army in vHankou. Hankou



Road section - Regular monitor ng during construction phase Sectional monito ing during operation phaseRoad_____section______ Monitoring time Monitoring site Item Monitoring time Monitoring site WItem

Wujiashan Public t_ime 20 per quarer Boundary of Nie 2003.12-2004.12, one Sewvage discharge WalterWuganstan Public time per quarter, counstryi o Noise time per quarter, total point quality oftransport Terminal total 2 times c t ste 4 times sewage

2004.3-2004.9, one 2004.12-2005412 one WaterYong'antang Public time per quarter, Boundary of . o Sewage discharge Waetransport Terminal total 2 times construction site Noise time per quarter, total w quality oftotal 2 times 4 times sewage

Guanshanyilu Public 2003.3-2003.9, one rBoundaiy of 2003.12-2004.12, one Sewage discharge watertransport Terminal time per quarter, Knstrtmg site Noise time per quarter, total point quality oftransport Terminal total 2 times cntcioste4 times pntsewage

Qinglng Pblic 2005.3-2005.9, one Boudar of 2005.12-2006.12, one eaedshre Watertranspog t Terminal time per quarter, Co e site Noise time per quarter, total S quality oftransport Terminal total 2 times 4 timnes pitsewage

2003_3-2003.9, one Zhonghua Rd 2003.12-2004.12, one Sewage discharge WaterZhonghualu Public time per quarter, rhoidenghl R , time per qua2rter, total point, Zhonghua quality of

tranportTermnal total 2 times building ambient air 4timesprqatr oa Rd residential sewage,4.times building noise

2004.3-2004.9, one . 2004.12-2005.12, one Sewage discharge WaterTaipingyang Public time per quaer, Dormitory of Noise, time per q ta pit quality oftransport Terminal tKnitting Mill ambient air time per noisewage,total 2 times 4 times of Knitting Mill noise


Qilieincun Public 2005.3-2005.9, one Gainuadao Noise, 2005.12-2006.12, one Sewage discharge quality ofLransport Head-end time per quarter, raint ial Noie, time per quarter, total point, Grain quage,transport Terminal College amnbient air sewage,total 2 times 4 times Industrial College noise

Sewage discharge WaterSaibutang Public 2003.3-2003.9, one No. o 2003.12-2004.12, one No. 8iqualitya oftransport T eadnlic time per quarter, Moi strchioo amb Noisen time per quarter, total point Middl sewage,Stransportio Termin total 2 times 4 times School noise

Erngqiagxie Public 2003.3-2003.9, one Nudre 2003.12-2004.12, one Sewage discharge Watertransport Terminal time per quarter, Xinjian Village Noie time per quarter, total point, X quality of

Station total 2 times _ _ . 4 times Village noise

Guqanhuhuayu Public 2003.3-2003.9, one Boundary of 2003.12-2004.12, one Sewage discharge Watertransport Terminal time per quarter, construction site Noise time per quarter, total point quality ofStation_______________ total 2 times 4 times sewage

YuCejiazui Public 2004.3-2004.9, one Boundary of 2004.12-2005.12, one Sewage discharge Watertransport Head-na d time per quarter, c to Noise time per quarter, total quality oftotal 2 times 4 times sewage

Qilixincun Public 2004.3-2004.9, one d Ns 2004.12-2005.12, one Sewage discharge Watertransport Head-end time per quarter, Bouary Noise time per quarter, total point Taohuadao quality ofStation total 2 times residential area ambient air 4 times residential area sewage,


Gusaoshut Public 2003.3-2003.9. one GBoundaroh of 2003.12-2004.12, one Sewage discharge Watertransport Head-end time per quarter; construction site Noise time per quarter, total point quality ofStation total 2 times 4 times sewageErqiaoxiqu Public 2004.3-2004.9, one Boundary of 2004.12-2005.12, one iWatertransport Heded time per quarter, . . Noise time per quarter, total .quality ofStation toal 2 timesconstruction site 4 times point sewage

Nanhuhuayuan Public 2003.3-2003.9,' one Budr 2003.12-2004,'12,one Svaedshre Watertransport Head-end time per quarter; cntru5ction site c) Noise time per quarter, total point quality ofStation total 2 times 4 times sewageChenj iadun Public 2005.3-2005.9, one Bonay f 2005.12-2006 .12, oneWaetransport Head-end time per quarter; Bond. .o Noise time per quarter; total Seag dshre quality ofStation total 2 times construction site 4 times point sewageliang'atxizhan Public 2005.3-2005.9,' one Bonay f 2005.12-2006.'12,one eaedshre Watertransport Head-end time per quarter; Noise time per quarter, total .quality ofStation total 2 timnes construction site 4 times point sewage

Gusaoshu Public 2005.3-2005.9, one 20us1oos612hoe ewgNoise,g Wtetransport Head-end time per quarter. residentia ara omisentai time per quarter, total point, Gusaoshu qeuaget.oStation total 2 times reieta ra abetar 4 times residential area nose%.ae



Road section Regular monitoring during construction phase Sectional monitoring during operation phaseMonitoring time Monitoring site Item Monitoring time Monitoring site Item

2004.3-2004.9, one 2004.12-2005.12, one . WaterHouhu Public transport . Boundary of .0. Sewage dischargeHea-en Statime per quarter, . . Noise time per quarter, total quality ofHead-end Station construction site point

total 2 times 4 times sewageXiangyangcun Pubiic 2003.3-2003.9, one 2003.12-2004.12, one . Watertransport Head-end time per quarter, ; o Noise time per quarter, total quality of. ~~~~~~~~~construction site , pointStation total 2 times 4 times sewage

WaterXudonglu Public 2003.3-2003.9, one Tuanjie residential Noise, 2003.12-2004.12, one Sewage discharge quality oftransport Head-end time per quarter, time per quarter, total point, TuanjieStation total 2 times 4 times residential area

noiseGuanshan Public 2003.3-2003.9, one 2003.12-2004.12, one . Watertransport Head-end time per quarter, B o Noise time per quarter, total S quality of, construction site, ponStation total 2 times 4 times point sewage

WaterTiejicun Public 2003.3-2003.9, one Tieji residential Noise, 2003.12-2004.12, one Sewage discharge quality oftransport Head-end time per quarter, time per quarter, total point, TiejiStation total 2 times area ambient air 4 times residential area sewage,

noise2003.3-2003.12, 2003.12-2004.12,

. ~~~~2005.3-2005.12, one . . 2005.6-2006.6, one.Jiefang Avenue . I m to road side Noise . I m to road side Noisetime per quarter, time per quarter, total

total 6 times 8 times

2005.3-2005.6, one 2005.6-2006.6, oneWusheng Rd time per quarter, I m to road side Noise time per quarter, total I m to road side Noise

total I time 4 times

2005.3-2005.6, one 2005.6-2006.6, oneSouth Jiefang Rd time per quarter, I m to road side Noise time per quarter, total I m to road side Noise

total I time 4 times

2003.3-2003.12, one 2003.12-2004.12, oneWangqing Highwvay time per quarter, I m to road side Noise time per quarter, total I m to road side Noise

total 3 times 4 times

2004.3-2004.9, one 2004.12-2005.12, oneHanyangAvenue time per quarter, I m to road side Noise time per quarter, total I m to road side Noise

total 2 times 4 times

2004.3-2004.6, one 2004.12-2005.12, oneHeping Avenue time per quarter, I m to road side Noise time per quarter, total I m to road side Noise

total I time 4 times

2005.3-2005.6, one 2005.12-2006.12, oneZhongshan avenue time per quarter, I m to road side Noise time per quarter, total I m to road side Noise

total 2 times 4 times

2004.3-2004.9, one 2004.12-2005.12, oneGutian Main Rd time per quarter, I m to road side Noise time per quarter; total I m to road side Noise

total 2 times 4 times

10.2.3 Environmental Monitoring Instruments and Equipment

In order to conduct effective and accurate monitoring of ambient air, noise, vibration andwater environmental quality during the construction and operation phases, it is necessary topurchase coiresponding monitoring instruments and equipment. The details are shown inTable 10.2-4.


Table 10.2-4 Monitoring Instruments and Equipment to be Purchased

Descriptions of monitoring Unit price (RMB 104 Total value (RMB 104No. Qty (set)

instruments and equipment Yuan/set) Yuan!)

I PM1O automatic detector 3 15 45

2 502 automatic detector 3 8 24

3 NOX automatic detector 3 10 30

4 CO automatic detector 3 7 21

5 03 automatic detector 3 7 21

6 HC automatic detector 3 15 45

7 Multi-component gas calibrator 3 12 36

8 Zero gas source 3 7 21

9 Data collector 3 7 21

10 Fittings of air monitoring equipment 3 7 21

Motor vehicle tail gas remote1I I1 260 260

measuring system

12 Automobile tail gas monitoring vehicle 1 30 30

13 Ambient air quality mobile monitoring I 200 200

vehicle _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

14 Noise automatic detector 20 4 80

15 Fittings of noise monitoring equipment 8 3 24

16 Traffic flow automatic detector 8 6 48

17 Display screen 8 30 240

18 Computer communications software 2 10 20

19 Computer control center 1 20 20

20 6-parameter atmospherium 8 6 48

21 Monitoring station house 2 7 14

22 Suspension station house 5 2 10

Total 1279

10.2.4 Monitoring Institutions and Monitoring Reports

The Wuhan Environmental Monitoring Station will be responsible for the environmental

monitoring work during the construction and operation phases of this project. The Wuhan

Environmental Protection Bureau and the Traffic Management Bureau of the Wuhan Public

Security Bureau are the administerial institutions in charge of guiding and implementing of

monitoring of this project.

The Wuhan Environmental Monitoring Station is one of the national environmental

monitoring network stations; it passed the certification made by the Hubei Metrological

Bureau in 1992. It also is a national environmental monitoring laboratory with high quality. It

can conduct many kind of monitoring such as water, air, sound, vibration, solid wastes,

biology, soil, electromagnetic radiation, and crop. It has conducted more than 300 various

monitoring, so it is a national three-class environmental monitoring station with rational

arrangement of section offices, advanced monitoring means, and rich technical strength.


According to the monitoring plans, the Wuhan Environmental Monitoring Station will provide

monitoring reports to the relevant departments periodically. The details are shown in Table


Table 10.2-5 Description of Environmental Monitoring Reports

Category of Contents of report Submitting time of Submitting Accepting Remarksreport report unit of report unit of report

Quarterly Monitoring results and overproof Within one monthmonitoring values of all the monitoring indexes I time/quarter Wuhan after the accepting

report during the construction and operation Environmental unit receives thephases, monitoring points, monitoring Protection monitoring report, it

Annual time, analysis and assessment of Prection make reply Itcomprehensive monitoring results, implementation and I time/quarter Wuhan Bureau, shall make reply and

report effectiveness of the mitigation Environmental Projecti an the contents of themeaures Monitoring COnstructionl thepontent ofnthCause, process and extent of accident Station Office, World demonstrate andand handling measures; impact scope, . . .

Emergency extent and aftereffect on envirornment Within one month after environmental mitigation measuresaccident report and mitigation measures, prevention the accident occurring unitss e to he adopted, and

and protection measures to be adopted unt ne thein the future the nest stage

10.3 Public Participation Plan and Complaint Channel

10.3.1 Public Participation

a. Within three years after the construction and operation phases, it shall conduct one time

random follow-up visit and investigation each quarter for the environmental sensitive targets,

and one time of public participation and site investigation meeting shall be held per year in

the area where environmental sensitive targets are located.

b. Based on the quarterly investigation and annual investigation results, assessing the

satisfied degree of the public, and analyzing the relevant opinions, improving environmental

mitigation measures if it is necessary.

10.3.2 Complaint Channel

a. Establishment and Components of the Complaint Institutions

In order to further guarantee the legal rights of the affected persons, it will install a complaint

mechanism to provide the affected persons with a convenient, clear, fair and effective

complaint channel. So an environmental impact complaint acceptance leading group for this

project comes into existence. Its leader is the director of the development and supervision

department of Wuhan Environmental Protection Bureau, and its members are from some units

such as the Project Construction Office, the Wuhan Environmental Monitoring Station and the

environmental assessment units. There is a complaint acceptance office under the

environmental impact complaint acceptance leading group; it is in the Wuhan Environmental

Monitoring Station; it is in charge of collecting and recoding the regular complaints, and

provides response after consultation with the relevant responsible units.

b. Complaint Procedures

The complaint acceptance leading group and office will begin to accept the complaints within

one week after the commencement of the project, and complaint telephones and complaint


mail boxes shall be opened at the same time. The detailed complaint procedures are as


The affected persons may complain in written or oral form to the complaint office if they

think that their rights in the aspect of environmental protection is violated. If it is oral

complaint, the member of the complaint office shall make detailed record and sorting out, and

provide response within two weeks.

If the complainant is not satisfied with the response from the complaint office, he may

complain to the Wuhan Environmental Protection Bureau in written form within one month

after receiving the response. The Wuhan Environmental Protection Bureau shall give a

response within three weeks.

If the complainant still is not satisfied with the response given by the Wuhan Environmental

Protection Bureau, he may file to the local people's court according to the "Law of Civil

Procedure of the People's Republic of China"; it shall be accepted and adjusted by the court.

11. Summary and Conclusions

11.1 Outline of the project

Urban transport project is a system consisting of several integral comnponents, which includeconstruction of hardware and upgrading of software. According to their natures, they aredivided into five components, i.e. road infrastructure construction component, trafficmanagement and safety component, public traffic improvement component, road maintenancecomponent and environmental protection component. General static investment of this projectis RMB 4.77386 billion with construction period of five years. They are expected to put intooperation in 2007.

11.2 Evaluation of the Present Status of Environment quality

11.2.1 Environmental air quality

For 1996 -2000, daily mean value of SO2 in the urban zone is 0.037-0.044 mg/Nm3 and meanvalue of five days is 0.041 mg/Nm3. Yearly mean value of 2000 in urban zones is 13.95%

lower than 1996. In addition, it can be seen in Fig. 4-1 that yearly mean value of recent fiveyears (1999-2003) in the urban zones of Wuhan City can all reach calss II standard. Yearlyand daily mean values for five years, except for that in 1998 with a bit ascending, basicallydescended.

SO2 daily mean concentration value on main traffic arteries primarily monitored conformedthat it meet the class II of air quality standard. NO2 daily mean concentration value, except forthat that of the points of both sides of Yangguang Hotel of Zhongshan Avenue and Wuhan No.27 Muddle School of Yanhe Avenue slightly exceeds standard, that of other measuring pointsconformns to Calss II of air quality standard. PM1o daily mean concentration value, exceptfor that that of the points of both sides of Hongsheng Vehicle Repair Factory of FanzhanAvenue and Wuhan No. 15 Middle School, that of other measuring points is far beyond ClassII of air quality standard.

11.2.2 Quality of acoustic environment

According to the monitoring result of present status of current noise status, environmentalnoise status of environment sensitive points and main impacted conditions are as follows:

(I ) Analysis of current acoustic quality of environment sensitive points affected by theroad upgrading

For environmnent sensitive points affected by this project. except for that 8 points such asdormitory of Provincial People's Court, Shanhu Apartment and Hongling Primary School ofZhongshanbei Road. Hospital of Wuhan University of Science and Technology andTyanjiexin Village of Qingyu Road, Chuijiadun of Yanhe Avenue and Liqiao Primary Schoolof south section of intermediate ring line conform to Class I standard of GB3096-93. other


117 all exceed Class 1 standard of GB3096-93, which account for more than 93% of all

sensitive points.

(2) Analysis of current road boundary noise of road maintenance section

At the road maintenance section of this project, road boundary noise of Jiefang, Hanyang

Avenue, Zhongshan Avenue, Heping Avenue, Gutianzheng Road, Wusheng road and

Jiefangnan Road are beyond class 4 standard of GB3096-93. Road boundary noise of

Wangqing Highway conforms to class 4 standard of GB3096-93 in the day and is beyond

standard at night.

11.2.3 Environment vibration quality

It can be known from the monitoring result of the percent status that at the points affected by

traffic vibration, the environmental vibration value VL, 1o is 50.2-67.3dB in the day and

57.0-67.5dB at night; Compared with GB10070-88 Environmental Vibration Standard of

Urban Zone, they conform to the standard; at the points without traffic vibration, the

environmental vibration value VL, 1o is 48.5-63.8dB in the day and 48.0-59.3dB at night,

which conform to the standard of mixed zones and conmmercial center zones.

11.2.4 Sunlight

It can be seen from the evaluation result of current sunlight conditions that the sensitive

buildings are not impacted by the buildings at opposite side. Current sunlight conditions of

rooms towards the north at the south side of the road oriented east to west can't meet the

corresponding sunlight standard. Sunlight time of north windows of the houses at the south

side of the roadsAT is 0 hours. In the sensitive buildings of Huangjiadawan, Yunhe Resident

Quarter and Fanzhan Village (south side), north-toward windows of the first row of houses

can't reach the corresponding sunlight standard at present, which shall not used for the

purposes of teaching, curing, recuperating and residence, etc. Sunlight time of houses without

umbrageous wall at the right ahead of the north side of the road AT is from the sun rising to

sunset; AT=lOh, in the sensitive buildings of Gushaoshu Primary School, Gushaoshu, Houhu

Primary School, Miaoyi Kindergarten and Fanzhan Village (sough side), sunlight time of the

first floor of north windows of the first row of houses facing the road on Midwinter day is

,above 3 hours, which conform to the corresponding sunlight standard and be used for schools,

kindergarten and residence.

11.2.5 Water environment

In general, all water areas show nutrient pollution that takes N and P as the indicator and the

organic pollution that takes COD and BOD as the indicator. Biological diversity in the water

areas is poor.

11.2.6 Soil and vegetation

Wuhan City has many kinds of soils containing rich nutrients that are suitable for plants


growth. Flora system of Wuhan City belongs to the section transiting from evergreen

broad-leaved forest of intermediate subtropical zone to deciduous broad-leaved forest of north

subtropical zone. Vegetation in the project area is subject to the man-planted plants, which

mainly include camphor, bamboo, cunninghamia sinensis, oil-tea camellia, tea, privet, masson

pine, metasequoia, chinar and bald cypress, etc. Trees such as chinar, taxodium, masson pine

and metasequoia are widely planted on the roads of the urban zones.

11.2.7 Cultural relic and historic site

According to the investigation, there are two cultural relics around the project, which are

Gude Temple and Liu Shaoqi Former Residence.

Gude Temple dated from xx year and located to xx, which is of brick-concrete structure and

about 200m away from the construction site of the project. It used to be the temple where the

nuns lived, now it doesn't open to the public and only maintained as the cultural relic.

Shaoqi Former Residence is located tin the alleyway across the Culture Bureau, on xxx road,

which was built in xyear for memorializing Comrade Liu Shaoqi. which is of brick-concrete

structure and above 200m away from the construction site of the project. Now it doesn't open

to the public and only maintained as the cultural relic.

11.3 Evaluation of Construction Environmental Impacts

During construction, because expropriation, relocation of residents, excavation of the ground,

laying pipes, material transporting and road construction will produce noise, vibration,

air-bome dust and solide waste and sewage, a certain impact to ambient air, acoustic

environment and water environment, traffic, safety, society and residents' life will be brought.

According to the characteristics of environmental impact, necessary environment mitigation

measures shall be taken to minimize and eliminate the adverse impact.

11.4 Forecast and Evaluation of Environmental Impacts during OperationPeriod

11.4.1 Ambient air

A Analysis of the forecasted result of ambient air quality

Considering discharge standards for different motor vehicles, CO and NO, concentration at

both sides of the road in 2020 will be lower than 2007. Therefore executing strict tail gas

discharge standards of the motor vehicle can effectively improve quality of ambient air at

both sides of the urban roads.

According to the forecasted results, in the yearly mean terms, CO and NOx concentration at

both sides of the roads in urban area in 2007 and 2020 can reach hourly mean concentration of

national Class 2 standard. In the unfavorable weather conditions, except for the concentration


at 3m of Xianggang Road edge in 2007 will be slightly beyond the standard, on other sections

CO will fall within the standard. After NO, concentration is converted into NO2 concentration

at the ratio of 60%, its condition beyond the standard will be worse than that of CO. In

Xianggang Road, Huanpu Road, and Youyi Road of downtown of Hankou, intermediate ring

line (from Etouwa_n to Sanjintanq) Qinghua Road of Wuchang with heawv traffic and dense

buildings, NO2 concentration in 2007 will be beyond hour mean concentration of state grade 2

standard in the unfavorable conditions, which is mainly in the range of 1 Om from the road

edges. But by 2020, NO2 concentration will not be beyond the standard. In addition, accordingto the comparison of environmental air quality at both sides of the roads with the project and

without the project, in 2007 total 18 roads with be of newly-built ones. When the project is in

construction, CO and No, concentration of 9 roads such as original Hankou-Shanshi Highway,

Xianggang Road, Jianshe Avenue, (Science and Technology Museum - Huanpu Road), Youyi

Road, Nanniwan Overcrossing (Changfeng Avenue), Huanxier Road, Yanhe Avenue,

Taibeiyi Road and Lougouqian Road will increase to a certain extent; that of Dazhi Road,

Zhongshan Avenue, Zhongshanbei Road (Shahu Road - Eastlake) and Sixin Avenue will

decrease to a certain extent.

X Analysis of forecasted result of environmental air quality

According to forecast NOx concentration of the urban zones, after the project is put into

project, NOx concentration of the urban zones in 2007 is 0.045mg/m3 , which will not be

beyond the standard and approach the current level of Liyuan of the Eastlake and Changqian

of Qingshan District. In five automatic monitoring stations in the urban zones of Wuhan City,

their NOx concentration value is lower. Therefore it shows it is positively significant to

improve ambient air quality of the urban zones of Wuhan City that this project is put into


11.4.2 Acoustic environment

(1)Analysis of current environmental noise conditions of environment sensitive points

affected by reconstructing and expending road

Noise level at the environment sensitive points affected by road upgrading will exceed Class 1

standard of GB3096-93, of which Eastlake Laoni Boai Apartment will be beyond Class 0

standard of GB3096-93. With the varying vehicle flow rate oo different roads, in 2010 and

2020, environmental noise of both sides of road sections will further increase and that of other

roads will gradually decrease.

Compared with environmental noise before this project, the roads where the enviromnental

noise will increase include: Gaoxiong Road to Sanyang Road section of Taibeiyi Road, Youyi

Road section, Zhongshanbei Road, Qingyuan road, Houhu Road, Hanxier Road, Maying

Road, Yanhe Avenue, LugouqiaO Road, Huangpu Road, Jianshe Avenue, Qinhua Road, Meizi

Road. Gongye Avenue, Luoshinan Road. Jinshui Road, Shipailing section, Jisan Road, Sixin


Avenue, Original Hann-Shashi Highway, Hanxi Road, overcrossing of Gutianer Road,

overcrossing of Changqiong Road, overcrossing of Sanjintan, overcrossing of Qiaokou Road,

Ramps of No/2 Bridge, overcrossing of Nanniwan, overcrossing of Qingling, overcrossing

ofYujiawan, overcrossing ofLizhi and overcrossing of Luoshinan Road. After this project,

because road conditions is improved, traffic jam and horning are decreased, sections where

environmental noise will decrease or remain include Taibei Road to Goaxuong Road of

section of TaiveiYi Road, Xianggang Road, Zhongshan Avenue Dazhi road, overcrossing of

Xinhua Road, overcrossing of Xianggang Road, overcrossing of Xunlimen, overcrossing of

Luochikou and overcrossing of Zhalankou.

On the road sections to be repaired, such as Jiefang Avenue, Hanyan Avenue, Zhongshan

Avenue, Heping Avenue, Gutian Proper Road, Wusheng Road, South Jioefang Road and

Wangqing Road, the road-side noise will exceed Class IV Standard of GB3096-93. However,

because of rebuilding of these roads, the present noise along Jiefang Avenue, Hanyan Avenue,

Zhongshan Avenue, Heping Avenue and Wusheng Road; because flow will increase after the

project, the noise along Gutian Proper Road, South Jiefang Road and Wangqing Road will


29 schools, hospitals and welfare houses and so on will be affected by the project, the noise

level at 23 of them after the project will be higher than the present value, and the noise level

of the other six is lower than the present value.

Among 117 schools, hospitals, welfare houses and sensitive residential communities, 73 of

them, which has World Bank loans have a lower noise impact than those without World Bank

projects, but some of them have higher noise level than the present value, and it can be

concluded than the World Bank project will reduce the noise effect in these areas; 44 projects

with World Bank loans have higer noise impact than those without World Bank loans.

11.4.3 Vibration impact

After this project, the forecasted day-time vibration value at the red lines of the main roads is

between 42.1-72.OdB, the value at night is <40-67.8dB, the value at rush hours is

between 47.2-73.8d, all of which conform to the requirements on both side of roads

according to GB10070-88 Environmental Vibration Standardfor Urban Areas. Because the

standard to mixing area, commercial area and industrial area is the same as that on both side

of the roads, it can be deduced that regional environmental vibration conforms to the standard

for mixing area, commercial area and industrial area, and after the construction, the traffic

vibration will have no obvious effect to the surrounding environment. The forecasted ambient

vibration along the 19 main sensitive spots in 2007 is between 57.9-69.3dB in the day,

between 51.1-65.4d at night, and between 59.0-71.1dB at the rush hours; in 2012, the

value is between 52.7-69.0dB in the day, between 53.7-65.2dB at night and between

60.6'70.8dB in the rush hours: in 2020. the value is between 55.4-73.9dB in the day.

between 51.5-69.9dB at night and between 57.4-75.6dB in the rush hours. The value in


different forecasted periods conform to the standards for both sides of arterial roads, mixing

areas, commercial areas and industrial areas according to GB10070-88.

After the upgrading works, except that the traffic vibration of the day and night at the 2nd lane

of Wangqing road surpass the standard by 2.3 and 1.3dB, the red lines of the other roads all

conform the requirements on both sides of arterial roads according to GBI0070-88, and the

area out of the red line also conform to the sandard for mixing area, commercial area, and

industrial area.

According to the investigation to the site, this assessment includes two protected buildings of

cultural relic: Wuchang Uprising Gate (VI 8) and Hankou Old Military Headquarters of New

Fourth Army (V19), so there is a quantitative difference between the analogical comparison

result and the limit of vibration, i.e. the traffic vibration is far more below the standard.

Therefore, after the road is completed, there are no damage to the cultural relics.

The forecasted traffic vibration value at the red line of the overcrossing is between 58.5-

75.4dB in the day, between 50.8-71.0dB at night, and between 61.5-77.3dB at rush hours,

all of which conform to the standard on both side of the arterial roads according to

GB10070-88 Environmental Vibration Standardfor UrbanAreas;; the ambient vibration at

rush hours, except that the value at Sanjintan Overcrossing and Qingleng Overcrossing

surpass the standard by 1.9-2.3, 1.3-2.3dB in 2012 and 2020, conforms to the standard.

Through an investigation, the areas around Sanjintan Overcrossing and Qingleng

Overcrossing are open country, which is far away from sensitive spots such as residential

quarters and schools, and after range attenuation, the ambient vibration to the sensitive spots

conform to the requirements for mixing area, commercial area and industrial area. Therefore,

the traffic vibration after the construction is not obvious to the environment.

11.4.4 Sunshine

According to the caculation and assessment, the high structures of this project will block

some sunlight on the houses along the two sides of the roads, which will shorten 5-l 0 hours

of sunlights on the windows of the lower story and all the windows in winter in Gushaoshu

Primary School, Gushaoshu Village, Houhu Primary School, Maoyi Kindergarten and Fazhan

Village so that flat houses along the road in Gushaoshu Primary School and Gushaoshu

Village. Therefore, it is necessary to rebuilt these houses.

11.4.5 Hydrologic environment

After the project, only the initial rainfall will be polluted, and the main pollutants are SS, but

the concentration is low, which will not pollute the receivingwater body.

11.4.6 Vegetation

In the project, some street trees and green belts along the new roads, upgraded roads in the

downtown will be destroyed, some agriculture vegetation along the middle ring line and the


secondary lines will be destroyed due to the construction.

11.4.7 Communities and urban life

To build or expand the roads will separate some communities along the alignment which

affects the people's passes of the both sides. After the project, the transportation will be

improved, which will promote the development of the city's commerce. Some roads are being

built or planned to build by some residential quarters, which will improved the dweller's

living environment and their living quality.

11.4.8 Risk analysis

After the project, vehicles carrying dangerous materials will probably have leakage accident,

which will cause adverse effect on the water, soil, vegetation and the people along the roads.

However, restrict transportation management and good post-accident measures will reduce

such adverse impact to minimum level.

11.5 Forecast Assessment of the Bus Junction Station and Start/EndStation

11.5.1 Environment and air

According to the forecast result, content of CO and/or Nox at each bus station in normal

status conform to the minimum value to the Class 2 according to national environment

standards for ambient air.

11.5.2 Aoustic environment

Noise made by buses at each bus station and the first/end station is lower than the ambient

noise, and the noise level will remain the present value, but still surpassing class 1 Standard.

The main reason is the higher noises made by other factors at the bus stations or at first/end


11.5.3 Water environment

For wastewater from car washer, except that oil content surpasses discharging standard I,

concentration of other pollutants can conforn to any discharging standard; however,

household sewage surpass discharging standard I, and BOD and COD surpass the standard by

2.5 and 1.3 times; it generally conforms to discharging standard II, and comes up to

discharging standard III.

domestic sewage in Wuhan is directly discharged, however, sewage from bus stops and

first/end stations along the road of this project which takes a very small proportion of the total

sewage volume in these areas, so the sewage will not affect the performance of existing drain

system. Furthermore. by 2005, 7 urban sewage treatment plants will be built at Luobuzhui,

Huangjiahu, Sanjintan, Maoshan, Nantaizihu, hanxi and Big Huanjia Village in Wuhan.

Sewage made by the project at each bus station and first/end stops will join the urban


sewerage system to the sewage plants for treatment. It is suggested that the sewage at the busstations or first/end stops be directly discharged to the drain, which connect to a centralized

treatment in the comprehensive sewage plants as the plants are built.

11.5.4 Solid wastes

Solid wastes at the bus stops are mainly refuse produced by the passengers. After they are

collected and treated by the urban environmental facility, there will be no adverse effect.

11.6 Analysis of resettlement

For the construction of this project, it is unavoidable that there are some houses to be

demolished and some people relocated. However, according to the relative expropriation laws,regulations and rules, these people or units shall be compensated, and from the past removing

and resettling experience, the houses of these people or unit shall be as good as or even better

than before.

11.7 Environmental Effects and the Mitigation Measure

Construction of this project will execute Environment Protection Act for Construction Project,

No. 253 order (1998) of People's Republic of China, so that measures for environment

protection and the main construction can be designed, constructed and implemented at the

same time.

To safeguard against the adverse effect of the project, the following actions shall be taken in

each stage of the construction and operation.

AX In the period of engineering design, various potential effects shall be analyzed, and

the best measures shall be designed to reduce the adverse impact to the environment.

39 During the construction of a work, environmental mitigation measure shall be taken

for the involved units or people, for example, to set accounstic barrier, and double-layered

sound insulated window, so as to reduce the noise effect to the sensitive places.

Ag During the construction, it is necessary to carry out long-tern plan to improve the

urban environrnental quality, such as traffic control, limits of downtown traffic, vehicle end

gas control strategy and rational planning of the city's layout.

11.7.1 Design stage Noise

(I ) Alignment selection, site selection and layout for road station and bus stops

Alignment selection and site selection for new roads, rebuilt roads and expended

roads shall avoid the sensitive spots as possible.

X ILarge-replacement expansion joints, manual expention devices, heavy-duty pot

rubber bearings and spherical cap rubber bearings shall be used for joints between


prefabricated slabs of the overcrossing and the piers, so that the noise of traffic impacting can

be reduce.

X The roads are designed to have 3 or 4 lanes to separate the motor vehicles,

non-motor vehicles and the pedestrians effectively, furthermore, the center isolated area and

non-mortor vehicles can reduce the noise to some extent.

X Try best to use the green belt along the center and both sides of the road to abate

traffic noise. It shall set 1 2000m2 green belt to reduce the noise.

(2) Acoustic screen design

At those elevated roads (overcrossing) badly effected by the noise, there shall be

500-linermeter acoustic screen. At the initial designing period of the project, the acoustic

screen shall be studied and designed in details.

The acoustic screen shall be made of transparent materials to reduce visual and sunlight

disturbance after the installation. However, it shall be cleaned periodically.

( 3 ) Design for protection of noise-receiving spots

The first row of buildings along the new road is not proper to be used as classrooms, wards of

hospitals and kindergartens, because these places have high requirements for acoustic

environment quality. However, it can be used as commercial buildings or multi-storied

parking lots. Wuhan Master Plan has included these measures, and Wuhan Planning Office

will supervise the implementation.

The first-row buildings along the road badly effected by noise and the noise-sensitive

buildings near overcrossings shall be equipped with double -layer glass windows for quite

indoor activities. There are altogether 23876 m2 of noise-insulating windows to be installed. Vibration

We will take the following measures in engineering design to reduce the potential impact by

vibration on environment.

Adopt expansion joint, embed manual expansion and contraction unit (expansion and

contraction joint without seal) as well as large basin rubber support and ball rubber support

between the prefabricating plates of overcross and between the piers to reduce the vibration

influences due to the travelling vehicle.

Greater improvement in the materials spread on the pavement of the road and the levelness of

the road will be made. The materials spread on the pavement of the road is import advanced

asphalt. The levelness of the road will be controlled below 4mm since the vibration degree

will reduce 4dB when the levelness reduces 1mm.

Arrange the use of land at both sides of the road reasonably. Within 40m at both sides of the

road, no vibrating or sensitive buildings will be built and this measure has been taken into the

overall urban planning of Wuhan City and it will be supervised and performed by Wuhan

Planning Bureau. Ambient air

In order to control the emission of waste gas from the vehicle, the new buildings at both sides

of the road will be planned 20m fiom the red line of the road. Water environment

The rainfall on the road will be drained into the municipal pipeline. The domestic waste waterfrom the public traffic stations, the starting stations and the terminations will be drained after

treatment in the septic tank. Landscape design

Considering environmental beautification and landscape design in engineering design, makethe road, overcross and bus stations coordinate with each other to the utmost.

In the design of road reconstruction and expansion, make utmost efforts to protect the trees

and the green belt at both sides of the road; as for the place that must be occupied, the trees

that must be planted as much as possible.

According to Urban Green Regulation in Wuhan, as for the ratio that green area in this project

accounts for in the total area of the land, the road with the width of under 40m is not less than

20%, the road with the width between 40-50m is not less than 25%, the road with the width of

over 50m is not less than 40% and the bus stations is not less than 25%. As for the

arrangement of the green belt at the center of the road and the both sides, see the follows:

60m wide road: 2x5m green belt at the outer side of vehicle track; 2x5.5m green belt at the

outer side of non-vehicle track; Sm wide road: 2x5m green belt at the outer side of vehicle

track; 2x3.5m green belt at the outer side of non-vehicle track;

40m wide road: 2x3.5m green belt at the outer side of non-vehicle track; 2x3m green belt at

the outer side of pedestrian;

35m wide road: 2x2m green belt at the outer side of non-vehicle track; 2x2m green belt at the

outer side of pedestrian;

3Gm wide road: 3m central green belt; 2x2m green belt at the outer side of pedestrian;

25m wide road: 2x2m green belt at the outer side of pedestrian;

2Gm wide road: 2x2m green belt at the outer side of pedestrian;

1 5m wide road: 2x2m green belt at the outer side of pedestrian; Sun light

Deternine the width of the red line at the elevated section according to the design principle of

controlling the sun light disturbance into the minimum degree and control the distance

between the red line of elevated section and the sensitive buildings that is minimum at 3.5m,

and this measures will be supervised and performed in the urban planning and during

construction and development of the road at both sides of elevated section by Wuhan Planning

Bureau. Land aquisitioni and resettlement


During site selection and design of newly-constructing, reconstructing, expanding road and

bus stations, it is an important guideline for the project decision-making department to

minimize the land acquisition and resettlement.

11.7.2 Construction stage

The construction of this project will have impacts on the acoustic environment, vegetation,

community, traffic, municipal facilities and cultural and historical sites and so on. Although

most of the impacts are instant and recoverable, thorough attention must be paid to the

estimation on environmental impacts. The responsibilities of the contractor to protect the

environment have been taken into the tendering documents of the project to ensure that they

can understand their responsibilities thoroughly. Acoustic environment

Although the noise produced in construction can not be avoided entirely, the noise impacts on

the environment around it can be mitigated to some degree. The contractor must abide by

WZ(1995) No. 24 Notice on Preventing Environmental and Sound Pollution in Construction

Site issued by the People's Government of Wuhan and make the noise in construction site

meet the requirements of GB12523-90 Limit Value of Noise in Construction Site.

The following measures to reduce the noise will be performed by the contractor:

Prohibit using the equipment with high noise at night(22:00-6:00), such as pile driver,

crusher, bulldozer, excavator, compactor, generator, electric sew, concrete electric vibrator and

so on.

Use the machinery with low noise or the equipment installed noise eliminator or noise

insulation cover for example, generator used in construction site will be supplied with noise

eliminator or according to the environmental situation around the construction sites.

Arrange construction time and equipment reasonably to make the construction which may

produce larger noise level avoid the sensitive points and time of sound environment and

maintain equipment regularly to keep its good working state. As for the construction sites

with a little larger noise, install temporary acoustic screen.

As for the large construction structures, especially those used in many overcrosses in this

project, they will be prefabricated outside the construction sites and then will be transported to

the construction sites to erect.

As for the construction which is necessary to be performed at night, the contractor must

submit it to the People's Government of Wuhan City for approval in advance of construction;

the project construction office will install sound insulation windows at the influenced

sensitive points according to the requirements of this environment management plan ahead of

l15 days before construction and release its construction report on the newspaper before 2 days.

The telephone for complaint will be given on the newspaper and in the construction sites. Ambient air


The contractor will take charge of performing the following relief measures to prevent the

dust pollution.

According to the requirements of the People's Government of Wuhan City, the contractor

must use protection materials to prevent the flying dust in removing the buildings and

constructing road and buildings.

Appoint a worker in charge of water spray to each construction contract section to take

charge of spraying the construction sites and the construction passages. The spraying

frequency will be determined by the weather. In common weather, spraying will be carried out

four time a day, namely in the morning (7:30-8:30), at noon( 12:00-13:00) and in the evening

( 17:30-19:00) as well as the peak time. In dry and windy weather(wind power exceeds grade

3), spray once per two hours.

The viehicle transporting cement, construction materials and construction rubbish shall be

covered with tarpaulin to reduce falling; wash the carriage and the tyre with water before the

vehicles go out of the loading or unloading sites; the truck shall avoid to pass through the

central area of the city and try to avoid the resident area as well as the sensitive points.

Appoint one full-time managerial person of environment protection to each construction

contract section, whose responsibilities is to guide and manage the disposal, transport and

storage of waste from the project, construction rubbish and construction materials, recover

and harden the sites, clear the mud, waste materials on the road in construction site as well as

the mud on the tyre to prevent the second flying of the dust.

According to the investigation on the PMIO density change around the construction site, the

material factory, mixing station and other temporary materials factories in construction must

be over 50m away from the resident area and sensitive points of environment.

During construction, traffic administration will do well in traffic management in urban area.

According to construction plan, set warning signs at the entrance to the city to remind the

vehicles of traveling from the external roads around the city. Do well in traffic management

on external roads to ensure the unblocking of the roads and prevent the traffic jar so as to

reduce the influences from the waste gas of the vehicle on the environment and air.

If the vehicles is blocked due to the road construction in urban area, the traffic management

department can set down the instant vehicle traveling managemenit method, for example,

regulating the traveling route for the taxi with odd and eVen date, prohibiting turning left at

the main crossing and setting one-way lane and so on. Water environment

The contractor will take the following measures to reduce the influences from construction

activities on water environment to the min degree.

Prohibit draining and flowing waste water from construction randomly.

Clear the construction site in time, only when the waste water from construction is treated in

'he temporary sand settlement bank can it be drained into the drains to prevent some little

matters such as sands and some sundries such as some construction rubbislh from being


draining into drain pipeline.

Prohibit storing construction materials and rubbish at the place where the waste water from

the construction sites enter the drains and pay attention to clearing the accumulating mud to

prevent drain pipeline from jar.

The toilet for contractors in construction site shall set temporary cesspool and the dejecta

sewage will be drained into the drain after pretreatment in cesspool.

Besides enforcing management on the drainage of living waste water, the contractor shall

offer training to the contractor on basic environmental protection to improve the

consciousness and responsibility of environmental protection. Recovery of vegetation

As for the green belt occupied by the contractor due to storing raw materials, construction

passage and construction sites, it shall be recovered after completing the project.

As for the trees in the place where the raw materials for construction are stored, on the

construction passage and in the construction sites, if they can be planted in another place, take

protective measures to plant them in another place.

As for the trees in the place where the raw materials for construction are stored, on the

construction passage and in the construction sites, if it is necessary to cut them due to the

construction need while they can not be planted in another places, they will be compensated

according to the principle of "cutting one, compensating two". There will be 4542 trees to be

cut within the range of the project and 9084 trees will be planted as the compensation after the

project is accomplished. Community

The following measures will be taken to reduce the bad influences on the community from the

construction of the project.

All of the roads under reconstruction in urban area will be constructed in self-closed manner

and leave passages for the walkmen, bicycles and buses.

Build temporary roads and temporary bridge for the units and the residents along the line and

set necessary safe measures to ensure the unit and the residents can go out conveniently and

safely; at the same time perform centralized construction and quicken the construction

progress to reduce the influences on the communities.

As for the section where some schools is located, carry out construction in the summer

holiday or in the holidays to reduce the influences on the going of the students.

All of the construction materials will be placed in the special sites in order according to the

classification and type, clear and transport the waste from the construction in time to reduce

the influences on the land occupied by the materials and the traffic.

As for the resident areas and the units that are separated due to being removed, rebuild the

fence within one month after accomplishing removing to reduce the influences from the

external environment on the community security.


During the construction of ramp of Changjiang Second Bridge and the over cross at Qiaokou

Road, build safety passage and take safe measures to ensure the safety of the pedestrians.

The hospital can anew establish its gate, so does the school; at the sarne time, set some

facilities such as gangway and guard fence. Traffic

During construction, the traffic flow on the neighbor or related sections will increase and the

vehicles will be crowd and the traveling speed will slow due to the of the construction

sections or prohibiting the traveling of the vehicle, as a result, the traffic jam will become

from bad to worse. The following measures will be taken to reduce the traffic pressure.

When setting down road construction plan, pay attention to planning and reasonable

arrangement; at the same time perform construction in different period to reduce the traffic

jam due to the same direction of the vehicles.

In order to prevent the cut of traffic due to road construction so as to have influences on the

going of the units and the residents, this project will be constructed in self-closed manner and

allow the buses and the bicycles to travel while prohibit the traveling of the vehicles through

Hubei Province to ensure the unblocking of the buses.

In the busy section, the crossing of the road can not be constructed in fully closed manner, but

in semi-closed manner, at the same time set one-way street to ensure the unblocking of the


Enforce traffic management and organization

All of the vehicles through Wuhan shall travel along the external ring route and it is

prohibited to cross the urban area to reduce the traffic pressure of the roads in urban area.

Control the variation and the type of the passing vehicles, set lane on the special sections and

increase the change circle of traffic indication light to try to reduce the traffic flow on the

main truck.

Organize circumambulating line and bicycle line.

Perform scientific management and improve the quality of the traffic policemen to enforce

traffic management ability; emphasize on improving the quality of the drivers to reduce the

traffic jar due to the man-made factors.

Set iron separation fence at both sides of the tracks of the roads for vehicles in main urban

areas to wam the walkmen not to cross the road. Enforce the management on the anchoring

vehicles on the road and make it leave as quickly as possible to avoid the influences on the

normal passing of the vehicles so as to increase the passing ability of the traffic of the roads. Vibration

fiu the construction duration, we'll take the following measures to reduce the vibration


Prohibit using steam, internal combustion or hammer pile driver, reconimend to use bored



Unless there is emergencies(emergent repair, emergent rescue), at night (22: 00-6: 00) we will

not use any construction equipment with great vibration influences. However, if the

equipment that is necessary due to the continuous production, it shall be submitted 3 days

ahead to Wuhan Bureau of Environmental Protection and it will be ready for approval from

the People's Government. Meanwhile, the influenced units and persons should be informed

through media or other channels. The contractor must set signs at striking sites and give the

telephone for complaint, names of the project, the contractor and the building unit.

Select construction equipment with low noise and vibration, and maintain it regularly. Municipal facilities

2 days before the construction, the contractor releases public notice on newspaper or

television to the public to make preparations.

If the water is cut off over 2 days, we'll use water supply truck to supply the influenced people

with water.

Stoppage of power, gas or water that may be caused by construction will be arranged at night

(22: 00-6: 00) as much as possible. Cultural and historic sites

This project contains no construction activities within the state's, provincial and municipal

protection and construction of relics-protecting units released by riles-protecting departments

of Wuhan. Moreover, the other construction activities also have slight effects on them, so this

environmental management plan suggests no reducing measures to the already released

relics-protecting units.

According to Practice Measures of Protection of Wuhan Riles, in the period of removal and

construction, if any underground relics is discovered, the contractor must stop construction

immediately, inforn the relics-protecting departments in Wuhan, and arrange construction

activities according to the suggestions from the departments. The contractor will release the

news to the public through the media. If the water must be cut off over two days, we'll use

water supply truck to supply water to the influenced people and turn on power supply and gas,

or we'll cut off power supply and gas at night(22: 00-6:00).

11.7.3 Operation stage Noise control and quality improvement in urban acoustic environment

Wuhan Bureau of Environment Protection takes charge of the sustained improvement of noise

standard of vehicle. The Traffic Administration of Wuhan Bureau of Public Security, together

with Wuhan Environment Monitoring Station, is in charge of the regular inspection of the

vehicle noise and monitoring of improvement of vehicles out of standard. Vehicles that are far

out of standard will be rejected. The noise-controlling plan and objectives of each vehicle will

be established to reduce its noise values step by step.

The department of traffic police is in charge of enforcing rules and regulations of urban traffic


management, such as prohibiting overload or overlarge vehicle to travel on the viaduct and

limiting the traveling speed of vehicle especially at night.

Wuhan Urban Administration is in charge of reducing the road vibration and maintaining the

sound insulation (acoustic screen) equipment regularly, repairing and maintaining the road

surface. Vibration

During operation, under the condition of unchanged ratio of vehicle type and speed, the

vibration degree at both sides of the road will increase with damage degree of the road surface

day by day; If the condition of the road surface remains intact, the vibration degree ascent

with the increase ratio of the vehicle type (especially the ratio of large and mediate vehicles),

and with the increase of traveling speed. If the road surface is more deeply damaged and the

ratio of vehicle type (especially the proportion of large and mediate) and traveling speed are

increase, the vibration degree at both sides of the road will also be largely increased.

To prevent and reduce the influences on the vibration environment at both sides of the road

during the operation and to make it in accordance with the requirement of GB10070-88

Vibration Standards of Urban Regional Environment, we must take the corresponding

measures of traffic management.

The department of traffic police is in charge of establishing the urban road and traffic

administration system, for example, it rigidly limits the overload traveling on the

vibration-sensitive road at night and prohibits high speed traveling in the urban area especially

the heavy and mediate vehicle.

Wuhan Urban Administration is in charge of maintaining the road according to the related

regulations. Ambient air

To constantly improve the environment and air quality of Wuhan city, this project invests

partly in controlling the waste gas from the vehicle. Continue to perform the existing measures on controlling the waste gas from the


Wuhan has made very much progress in controlling the waste gas from the vehicle, in the

coming future it will continue to perform and enforce these measures to control the waste gas

from the vehicle.

Enforce management on the sales of new-type vehicles, make sample inspection regularly on

all kinds of new ones in the market, and carry on the sale rules of standard waste discharge.

Reject the vehicle strictly according to the state Vehicle Rejection Standard. All of the rejected

vehicles must be recycled and mustn't be reselled or transferred.

Reinforce controlling the waste gas from the vehicle, perform the regulations on the annual

and random inspection on vehicle discharge in all round, make the vehicle that's out of


standard up to the standard in a limited period, gradually take the measures of double idling

inspection of waste gas from vehicle from 2007, and perform the measure of I/M inspection.

Control the increasing speed of the vehicle, especially the newly increasing taxis, motorbikes

and mini motorbikes. Controlling the waste gas from vehicle

The research on optical measures of controlling waste gas from vehicle will be included in

this project. The project will review and evaluate the effect of the existing measures,

technology and policies of controlling the waste gas from vehicle, and take lessons from other

cities to set down the action scheme to control the waste gas from vehicle in Wuhan.

Two measures of controlling the waste gas from vehicle will be listed ahead of the above

action scheme and carried out during the construction of this project. They are:

Purchase and use a movable ambient air monitoring minibus and a movable tail gas

monitoring minibus to enforce the I/M system.

Increase 2 fixed automatic air monitoring stations and a central control room to promote the

environment and air quality inspection system in Wuhan. Improve the public traffic

Establish the information management and dispatch system of urban public traffic in Wuhan

to improve the level of public traffic management and service; Establish 11 public traffic

junction stations, 12 public traffic starting stations and terminations, 14 public traffic midway

harbor stations; Take policy of placing public traffic in priority; In the next five years optimize

and readjust 117 public traffic lines and newly opened 53 lines. The implementation of these

measures will effectively reduce the pollution of waste gas from vehicle in Wuhan and have

positive significance in improving the enviromnent and air quality of Wuhan. Road improvement

The two sub-projects of road maintenance as well as traffic management and security in this

project aim at taking full advantage of road resources, improving road and traffic conditions,

and increasing the flat level of the road surface through managing and engineering measures,

such as establishing area traffic control system (ATC, intersection channelization, set separate

belt of vehicle and non-vehicle. They also aim at decreasing vehicle start-stop frequency and

increasing vehicle traveling speed. The implementation of these measures will largely relieve

the pollution of waste gas from vehicle in Wuhan. Landscape

This project will protect the trees and green belts along the sides of the road reconstructed and

expanded to the utmost, as well as plant trees and grass by the two sides of the newly built

road according to the different structures of the roads. The work will be carried out by Wuhan

Landscape Bureau.

The principle of compensating the vegetation damaged due to this project is "cutting one,


compensating two". The project totally cut 4542 trees in all construction sections. Therefore,

it will have to compensate 9084 trees in all according to this principle. Sunlight

Continue to strictly control the height of the buildings by the two sides of the roads as well as

the distance between the sunlight sensitive buildings and the red line on the road. water environment

Further improve the layout of drain pipe line all over the city, enforce the management on the

sewage disposal equipment in the public traffic stations and start-stop stations to make the

discharge of sewage up to the standards.

11.8 Evaluation and Conclusion

The construction duration and operation period of this project will inevitably cause a number

of adverse effects, which may be mitigated or minimized by some corresponding measures.

Besides, the construction of this project can improve the infrastructure and management level

of traffic as well as the environment and air quality in Wuhan. All in all, the implementation

of this project is consistent with the principle of the combination of social, economic and

environmental benefit, therefore, this project construction is feasible.


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