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Writing scientific application in Python

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Writing scientific application in Python K.I.A Derouiche June 03 th 2013

Writing scientific application in Python

K.I.A Derouiche

June 03 th 2013

Introduction Basics Python Modules for Science Faster Python and Glueing Summary


1 Introduction

2 Basics

3 Python Modules for Science

4 Faster Python and Glueing

5 Summary

Introduction Basics Python Modules for Science Faster Python and Glueing Summary

Me !

Membre in AADEMTIDeveloppeur-Maintainer in NetBSD ProjectFree Software Research EngPromise Theory

Introduction Basics Python Modules for Science Faster Python and Glueing Summary


1 Introduction

2 Basics

3 Python Modules for Science

4 Faster Python and Glueing

5 Summary

Introduction Basics Python Modules for Science Faster Python and Glueing Summary

Who uses...

We all use computers to generate or process data

Question to the audience: who uses...



Introduction Basics Python Modules for Science Faster Python and Glueing Summary

What is Python?

Python is/has...

a scripting languagegeneral purposeinterpretedeasy to learnclean syntax

multi-paradigmopen-sourceavailable for all majorplatformsgreat community

Introduction Basics Python Modules for Science Faster Python and Glueing Summary

The best of all:

Python comes...... with batteries included!

Libraries available for...

daily IT needs...

networksOS interactiontemporary fileszip filesweb API


efficient array operations (NumPy)general numerical algorithms (SciPy)2D visualization (matplotlib)3D visualization (Mayavi, Paraview)special problems (e.g. finite elements withFEniCS, SfePy,quntum optics with QuTiP,EMpy)symbolic math (SageMath, SymPy)

Introduction Basics Python Modules for Science Faster Python and Glueing Summary


1 Introduction

2 Basics

3 Python Modules for Science

4 Faster Python and Glueing

5 Summary

Introduction Basics Python Modules for Science Faster Python and Glueing Summary

Scientific Hello, World!

import sysfrom math import sin, pi

def sincSquare(x):"""Return sinc(x)^2."""if(x <> 0.0):

return (sin(pi*x)/(pi*x))**2else:

return 1.0

x = sys.argv[1]y = sincSquare(float(x))print("sinc(%s)^2 = %s"%(x, y))

cmp. H.-P. Langtangen,"Python Scripting forComputational Science"

run with:

python HelloWorld.py 0.0

Introduction Basics Python Modules for Science Faster Python and Glueing Summary

Control structures

# if statements:if(divisor == 0):

...elif(divisor > 1E20):



# loops:for i in range(10): # i = 0, 1, ..., 9

print("i = %s"%i)

# while loops:while(True):


Introduction Basics Python Modules for Science Faster Python and Glueing Summary


# functions:def f(x, a=1.0, b=2.0):

"""Return a/x and a/x^b"""

return a/x, a/x**b

# somewhere else:y1, y2 = f(x, 5.0)y3, y4 = f(2, b=3.0)

Introduction Basics Python Modules for Science Faster Python and Glueing Summary

Functions (cont)#def sentence(**words):

print(’Receve %d word(s)’ %len(words))print(’List of words: %s’ % ’ ’.join(words.values()))print(’Parameter name: %s’ % ’ ’.join(words.keys()))

sentence(word1=’word1’, word2=’word2’, word3=’word3’)

#Combine parameter:def sentence(name, firstword=’none_word’, **words):


#Arbitray parametresdef sum (sentence, *args):

print(sentence % args)format(’%d more the %s at possible’, 2, ’combinaison’)

Introduction Basics Python Modules for Science Faster Python and Glueing Summary

Example: λ − calculs!

c = lambda x, y: x**2 + y**2print c(3,4)

Introduction Basics Python Modules for Science Faster Python and Glueing Summary

Enumerate, Itertools

from itertools import chain

import numpy as np

lst = np.arange(7)for idx, ele in enumerate(lst):

print idx, ele

list(chain(xrange(11), xrange(15, 21), xrange(30, 46)))

Introduction Basics Python Modules for Science Faster Python and Glueing Summary

Data types: List, Tuple

a = 2 # integerb = 2.0 # floatc = "3.0" # stringd = [1, 2, "three"] # liste = "1"print(a*b) # valid, upcastingprint(a*c) # valid, but probably not desired: ’3.03.0’print(b*c) # invalidprint(d[1]) # prints 2for item in d: # lists are "iterable"

print(item)for character in c: # strings are iterable

print(character) # prints 3\n.\n0f = e + c # + joins strings: f = ’13.0’g = d + [someObj, "foobar"] # + joins lists

Introduction Basics Python Modules for Science Faster Python and Glueing Summary

Data types: Stacks, Queues, Dictionariesstack = [3, 4, 5]stack.append(6)stack.append(7)stack.pop()

from collections import dequequeue = deque(["1", "2", "pi"])queue.append("Terry")queue.popleft()

pole = {’j’: 40.98, ’s’: 41.39}pole[’g’] = 41.27; pole[’j’]40.98del pole[’s’]pole.keys()’g’ in pole

Introduction Basics Python Modules for Science Faster Python and Glueing Summary


readFile = open("infile", mode="r")writeFile = open("outfile", mode="w")

for line in readFile: # iterate over file’s linesxString, yString = line.split() # split the linex = float(xString); y = float(yString)print("x = %s, y = %s"%(x, y))writeFile.write("%s * %s = %s\n"%(x, y, x*y))

readFile.close(); writeFile.close()


1.0 2.03.0 4.0


1.0 * 2.0 = 2.03.0 * 4.0 = 12.0

Introduction Basics Python Modules for Science Faster Python and Glueing Summary

Class, Method, Composition, Polymorphisme,Inheritancee

import random

class sales_normal(object):def __init__(self):


def A(self):"""This commente """return random.randint (0, 1)

def B(self):s = 0for i in range(0, 100):

s += self.A ()return s

Introduction Basics Python Modules for Science Faster Python and Glueing Summary

Class, Method, Composition, Inheritancee

class false_device(sales_normal):def A(self):

t = random.randint(0, 10)if t >=3 :

return 1else:

return 0

if __name__ == "__main__":p = sales_normal()print p.B()p2 = false_device()print p2.B()

Introduction Basics Python Modules for Science Faster Python and Glueing Summary

Reusing code: modules

Place code to be reused in Module.py:

"""A Python module for illustration."""

def printData():print(data)

data = 2

In somewhereElse.py, do something like:

import Module

Module.data = 3Module.printData()

Introduction Basics Python Modules for Science Faster Python and Glueing Summary

Some Python magic

x, y = y, x # swapping

print(1 > 2 > 3) # prints False

# filtering (there is also reduce(), map())numbers = range(50)evenNumbers = filter(lambda x: x % 2 == 0, numbers)print("All even numbers in [0; 50): %s"%evenNumbers)

# list comprehensions:squares = [x**2 for x in numbers]

a += 2 # a = a + 2

print("string" in "Long string") # prints True

Introduction Basics Python Modules for Science Faster Python and Glueing Summary


☇ Common pitfalls:

slicing: last index is exclusive, not inclusive as in e.g. Fortranx = [1, 2, 3, 4]print(x[0:2]) # prints [1, 2], not [1, 2, 3]

What looks like performing an assignment is actually setting areference:a = []b = aa.append(2)print(a) # prints [2]print(b) # prints [2], not []!

Introduction Basics Python Modules for Science Faster Python and Glueing Summary


1 Introduction

2 Basics

3 Python Modules for Science

4 Faster Python and Glueing

5 Summary

Introduction Basics Python Modules for Science Faster Python and Glueing Summary

Scientific Python Application Stack

Introduction Basics Python Modules for Science Faster Python and Glueing Summary

The IPython shellIPythonAn interactive shell - may replace MatLab [tm] for interactive work

SyntaxhighlightingTabcompletionInline docu-mentationEasyprofiling,timing...IPython ≥


Introduction Basics Python Modules for Science Faster Python and Glueing Summary

NumPy: Python meets an array data type

NumPyFast and convenient array operations

Lists: + does join, not add!NumPy array: basic vector/matrix data typeConvenience functions (e.g. linspace(), zeros(),loadtxt()...)Array slicingelement-wise operationsCode using NumPy reads and writes very similar to modernFortran (slicing, vector valued indices...)

Introduction Basics Python Modules for Science Faster Python and Glueing Summary

NumPy by examples(1)

import numpy as np

a = np.array([1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0])b = np.array([4.0, 3.0, 2.0, 1.0])for item in a: # arrays are iterable

print(item)c = a + b # c = [5, 5, 5, 5]print(a[0:3:2]) # 1.0, 3.0; last element not included!a[0:3] = b[0:-1]

print(a*b) # prints [4, 6, 6, 4], not the scalar product!

Introduction Basics Python Modules for Science Faster Python and Glueing Summary

NumPy by examples(2)

import numpy as np

#Creation:a = np.arange(10)a = np.zeros((2, 4), dtype=’f’)a = np.ones((3, 5))*np.nana = np.identity(3)a = np.mat([1, 0], [0, 1])a = np.indices((2, 5))c = a.flat # view

# Dimensiona = np.array([0.1, 0.0, 0.2]) #a.ndim; a.dtype; a.sizeb = np.array([1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]) #b.ndim; b.dtype; b.size

Introduction Basics Python Modules for Science Faster Python and Glueing Summary

NumPy by examples (3)#shapeimport numpy as np

a = np.ones((3, 5, 7)).shapenp.shape(a)# reshape change shapea = np.arange(105).reshape((3, 5, 7))# Fortran implementationa = np.ones((2, 3, 4), order=’Fortran’); np.isfortran(a)#Transpos:a.T#index:a = np.arange(24).reshape(2, 3, 4)a[0][2][1]a[0][0:-1]a = np.arange(24).reshape(2, 3, 2, 2)a.tolist()##

Introduction Basics Python Modules for Science Faster Python and Glueing Summary

NumPy by examples (4)

import numpy as np

a= np.arange(6).reshape(3, 2)1+np.sin(a)*1/2a>3a.max() #max valuea.sum() #sommea.mean # Moyenne#Matrixb = np.matrix(a); b[0]

Introduction Basics Python Modules for Science Faster Python and Glueing Summary


SciPyNumerical algorithms using NumPy arrays

Wrappers around well-established libraries


linalg: linear algebra(lapack)io: MATLAB FILE, NetCDF,HDF5 futur managersparse: sparse matricesfft: FFT (fftpack)optimize: optimization,zeros (minpack)

integration: integration(quadpack, odepack)special: special functions(amos...)signal: signal processing

Introduction Basics Python Modules for Science Faster Python and Glueing Summary

p(x) = x4

5 + 3x2− 7x + 5

#derivationfrom scipy import poly1dq = poly1d([0.5, 0.3, -7, 5])q.deriv()poly1d([ 1.5, 0.6, -7. ])print q

#integrationfrom scipy import *q.integ()poly1d([0.1, 0., 1., -3.5, 5., 0.])

Introduction Basics Python Modules for Science Faster Python and Glueing Summary

Van der Pol oscillator:

import scipy as spfrom scipy.integrate import odeintimport pylab as plt

def vdp1000(y, t):dy=sp.zeros(2)dy[0] = y[1]dy[1] = 1000.*(1.-y[0]**2)*y[1]-y[0]return dy

t0 = 0 ;tf = 3000; N = 300000dt = (tf-t0)/Ntgrid=sp.linspace(t0, tf, num=N)y= odeint(vdp1000, [2., 0.], tgrid)plt.plot(tgrid, y[:, 0])plt.show()

Introduction Basics Python Modules for Science Faster Python and Glueing Summary

d2x(t)dt2 − εω0(1 − x2(t))

dx(t)dt + ω

20x(t) = 0

Already used here: Matplotlib

Introduction Basics Python Modules for Science Faster Python and Glueing Summary

SymPy: CAS pure Python

Introduction Basics Python Modules for Science Faster Python and Glueing Summary

Matplotlib(mostly) 2D plots

Pylab: MatLab alternative for interactive work

Introduction Basics Python Modules for Science Faster Python and Glueing Summary

Lorenz system


dx(t)dt = σ(y(t) − x(t))

dy(t)dt = ρx(t) − y(t) − x(t)z(t)

dz(t)dt = x(t)y(t) − βz(t)

Introduction Basics Python Modules for Science Faster Python and Glueing Summary


1 Introduction

2 Basics

3 Python Modules for Science

4 Faster Python and Glueing

5 Summary

Introduction Basics Python Modules for Science Faster Python and Glueing Summary

Using Python as glue

Python can wrap different different other programming languages


compiled, typed Python - interface C/C++ code


Fortran wrapper, included in NumPy

Why do that?

Python can be slowPython loops are slowcalling Python functions isslow

Wrap external C/Fortran...librariesHappily/unfortunately (?)there is legacy code

Introduction Basics Python Modules for Science Faster Python and Glueing Summary

Problem: sinc(x)2import numpy as npfrom math import sin, pi

def sincSquare(x):"""Return the sinc(x) = (sin(x)/x)**2 of the arrayargument x."""retVal = np.zeros_like(x)for i in range(len(x)):

retVal[i] = (sin(pi*x[i]) / (pi*x[i]))**2

return retVal

#b = np.random.uniform(-10, 10, size=1000)#sincSquare(b)106 array elements: 1 loops, best of 3: 4.91 s per loop

Introduction Basics Python Modules for Science Faster Python and Glueing Summary

Problem: sinc(x)2import numpy as npfrom math import sin, pi

def sincSquare(x):"""Return the sinc(x) = (sin(x)/x)**2 of the arrayargument x."""retVal = np.zeros_like(x)for i in range(len(x)):

retVal[i] = (sin(pi*x[i]) / (pi*x[i]))**2

return retVal

#b = np.random.uniform(-10, 10, size=1000)#sincSquare(b)106 array elements: 1 loops, best of 3: 4.91 s per loop

Introduction Basics Python Modules for Science Faster Python and Glueing Summary

First attempt: use NumPy array operations

import numpy as np

def sincSquareNumPy1(x):

return (np.sin(np.pi*x[:])/(np.pi*x[:]))**2

def sincSquareNumPy2(x):

return np.sinc(x[:])**2

106 array elements: first function: 10 loops, best of 3: 73 msper loop, second function: 10 loops, best of 3: 92.9 msper loop

Introduction Basics Python Modules for Science Faster Python and Glueing Summary

First attempt: use NumPy array operations

import numpy as np

def sincSquareNumPy1(x):

return (np.sin(np.pi*x[:])/(np.pi*x[:]))**2

def sincSquareNumPy2(x):

return np.sinc(x[:])**2

106 array elements: first function: 10 loops, best of 3: 73 msper loop, second function: 10 loops, best of 3: 92.9 msper loop

Introduction Basics Python Modules for Science Faster Python and Glueing Summary

How Cython works

Cythoncompiled, possibly typed Python:

.pyx fileCythonÔ⇒ .c file

C compilerÔ⇒ .so/.dll file

various levels of typing possibleC output and Cython’s opinion on code speed can easily beinspected (optional .html output)interfacing C libraries is easy

Introduction Basics Python Modules for Science Faster Python and Glueing Summary

sinc(x)2 - Cython, Version 1

cdef extern from "math.h":double sin(double)double pow(double, int)

def sincSquareCython1(x):

pi = 3.1415926535897932384626433retVal = np.zeros_like(x)

for i in range(len(x)):retVal[i] = (sin(pi*x[i]) / (pi*x[i]))**2

return retVal

106 array elements: 1 loops, best of 3: 4.39 s per loop

Introduction Basics Python Modules for Science Faster Python and Glueing Summary

sinc(x)2 - Cython, Version 1

cdef extern from "math.h":double sin(double)double pow(double, int)

def sincSquareCython1(x):

pi = 3.1415926535897932384626433retVal = np.zeros_like(x)

for i in range(len(x)):retVal[i] = (sin(pi*x[i]) / (pi*x[i]))**2

return retVal

106 array elements: 1 loops, best of 3: 4.39 s per loop

Introduction Basics Python Modules for Science Faster Python and Glueing Summary

sinc(x)2 - Cython, Version 2

cimport numpy as np # also C-import types

cpdef np.ndarray[double] sincSquareCython2\(np.ndarray[double] x):

cdef int icdef double pi = 3.1415926535897932384626433cdef np.ndarray[double] retVal = np.zeros_like(x)

for i in range(len(x)):retVal[i] = pow(sin(pi*x[i]) / (pi*x[i]), 2)

106 array elements: 10 loops, best of 3: 49.1 ms per loopThat’s a speedup by a factor ≈ 100!

Introduction Basics Python Modules for Science Faster Python and Glueing Summary

sinc(x)2 - Cython, Version 2

cimport numpy as np # also C-import types

cpdef np.ndarray[double] sincSquareCython2\(np.ndarray[double] x):

cdef int icdef double pi = 3.1415926535897932384626433cdef np.ndarray[double] retVal = np.zeros_like(x)

for i in range(len(x)):retVal[i] = pow(sin(pi*x[i]) / (pi*x[i]), 2)

106 array elements: 10 loops, best of 3: 49.1 ms per loopThat’s a speedup by a factor ≈ 100!

Introduction Basics Python Modules for Science Faster Python and Glueing Summary

How f2py works

f2pywrap Fortran code in Python:

.f/.f90 filef2pyÔ⇒ .so/.dll file

f2py is included in NumPyexposes NumPy arrays to Fortran codeonce ’Fortran space’ is entered, you run at full Fortran speed

Introduction Basics Python Modules for Science Faster Python and Glueing Summary

sinc(x)2 - f2py, Version 1

subroutine sincsquaref2py1(x, n, outVal)implicit none

double precision, dimension(n), intent(in) :: xinteger, intent(in) :: ndouble precision, dimension(n), intent(out) :: outValdouble precision, parameter :: pi = 4.0d0 * atan(1.0d0)

outVal(:) = (sin(pi*x(:)) / (pi*x(:)))**2

end subroutine sincsquaref2py1

106 array elements: 10 loops, best of 3: 47.4 ms per loopAgain, a speedup by a factor of ≈ 100!

Introduction Basics Python Modules for Science Faster Python and Glueing Summary

sinc(x)2 - f2py, Version 1

subroutine sincsquaref2py1(x, n, outVal)implicit none

double precision, dimension(n), intent(in) :: xinteger, intent(in) :: ndouble precision, dimension(n), intent(out) :: outValdouble precision, parameter :: pi = 4.0d0 * atan(1.0d0)

outVal(:) = (sin(pi*x(:)) / (pi*x(:)))**2

end subroutine sincsquaref2py1

106 array elements: 10 loops, best of 3: 47.4 ms per loopAgain, a speedup by a factor of ≈ 100!

Introduction Basics Python Modules for Science Faster Python and Glueing Summary

Techniques for faster Scripts

After you have written a prototype in Python with NumPy andSciPy, check if your code is already fast enough. If not,

profile your script (IPython’s run -p or cProfile module...)to find bottlenecksif a large numbers of function calls is the bottleneck, typing andusing Cython’s cdef/cpdef for C calling conventions speedsyour code up at the cost of flexibilityloops greatly benefit from typing, tooconsider moving heavy computations to Fortran/C completely -f2py and Cython will help you wrapping

Introduction Basics Python Modules for Science Faster Python and Glueing Summary


1 Introduction

2 Basics

3 Python Modules for Science

4 Faster Python and Glueing

5 Summary

Introduction Basics Python Modules for Science Faster Python and Glueing Summary

Python in teaching

Python/Pylab should be used in teaching because

it is easy...and yet powerful;it may be used specialized to numerical computing...and also serve students as a general purpose language;it is safe;and best of all, it is free!

Take home message 1Python is ideal for teaching

Introduction Basics Python Modules for Science Faster Python and Glueing Summary


We have...

introduced basic Python scriptingshown some basic modules for scientific computingdemonstrated how to wrap other languageslearned how to speed Python up

Take home message 2Python is a very valuable tool for Physicists

Slides, LATEX and Python Sources available athttp://github.com/aeberspaecher
