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XTRAC 6.9 Release Notes

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XTRAC 6.9 Release Notes Copyright © 1996-2013 XTRAC, LLC. All rights reserved. Page 1 of 29 XTRAC 6.9 Release Notes May 3, 2013 Version 3.0

XTRAC 6.9 Release Notes

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XTRAC 6.9 Release Notes

May 3, 2013

Version 3.0

XTRAC 6.9 Release Notes

Copyright © 1996-2013 XTRAC, LLC. All rights reserved.

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Contents Contents .............................................................................................................................................. 2 Introduction ......................................................................................................................................... 3 Release Components ......................................................................................................................... 4 Requirements for XTRAC Servers ...................................................................................................... 5 Requirements for XTRAC Desktop Clients ......................................................................................... 6 Desktop Certification Summary .......................................................................................................... 7 Important Information .......................................................................................................................... 8 Enhancement Requests...................................................................................................................... 9 Usability Requests ............................................................................................................................ 11 Incidents Fixed .................................................................................................................................. 13 Known Issues .................................................................................................................................... 20 XTRAC Installation ............................................................................................................................ 24 XTRAC Web Site .............................................................................................................................. 25 XTRAC Customer Support................................................................................................................ 26

Severity 1 and 2 Problems ............................................................................................................ 26 Non-Severity 1 or 2 Problems ....................................................................................................... 26

Build Numbers .................................................................................................................................. 27 Revision History ................................................................................................................................ 29

XTRAC is a trademark of XTRAC LLC.

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XTRAC 6.9 Release Notes

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Introduction These release notes covers the XTRAC 6.9 release.

The following list provides an overview of the major release highlights for XTRAC 6.9:

COM Replacement

Deep Linking

Disable Operator

FileNet Integration

Records Management

Web service Publishing

Workbench Usability Enhancements

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Release Components XTRAC is comprised of the following components:

XTRAC Activity Monitoring (XAM)

XTRAC Administration (.NET client)

XTRAC Application Server (including batch processing)

XTRAC B2B Services

XTRAC Database Server

XTRAC Desktop Integration (client) - Work Manager

XTRAC Event Notification (XEN)

XTRAC Viewer (client)

XTRAC Web Services

XTRAC Work Manager (java desktop client)

XTRAC Workbench (web client)

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Requirements for XTRAC Servers For details about XTRAC servers, see the 6.9 Spec Sheet on the XTRAC Web site at http://xtrac.fmr.com/XTRAC_Releases.htm.

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Requirements for XTRAC Desktop Clients Note: XTRAC was not designed to support multiple monitor configurations; it supports only single monitor configurations for its desktop clients. For example, you should not have XTRAC Work Manager on one monitor and XTRAC Viewer on another monitor. Using more than one monitor is currently unsupported and untested.

For details about XTRAC desktop clients, see the 6.9 Spec Sheet on the XTRAC Web site at http://xtrac.fmr.com/XTRAC_Releases.htm.

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Desktop Certification Summary XTRAC 6.9 is certified to work with:

FISC Windows XP SP3 and Microsoft Word 2010

Windows 7 Enterprise SP1 with Microsoft Word 2010

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Important Information

The XTRAC 6.9 clients work only with the XTRAC 6.9 server.

Records Management 1.0 feature is certified to only work with XTRAC 6.9.

Thin Client (Workbench) Correspondence is not available for this release.

To eliminate a Denial of Service potential that exists in Websphere v7, we are running a patch in any external-facing environments. For technical details about the problem and its resolution, see the wiki page at: http://appservices.fmr.com/confluence/display/eias/CVE-2011-3414+--+HashTable+Collision+Vulnerability

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Enhancement Requests

For more details about any enhancement, contact XTRAC Customer Support. The following table lists the enhancements included in this release:

Enhancement ID

Feature Description

Customer: CE Ops

393572 Workbench -

Single Sign On

Fidelity internal users on the Fidelity network login to their machines/domain using the LAN credentials and would like a single sign on process into Workbench.

Customer: COLT


Queue Groups

As an XTRAC administrator I need an easier way to configure work list and work selection rules for Virtual Work Lists. I also need a way to use the same rule for different virtual queues. I would like to configure these rules at one central point (like node) which will give me the ability to have a single default rule.

20848 Workbench - Search

Advanced Search – Value Group Fields to have drop downs that are populated with the define values.

Customer: FIL

356507 Workbench - Deep Linking

As a third party application user I need to deep link in to the viewer and open a document so I can view it. The work item and user information is passed from the third party application to XWB.

Customer: PWI

468389 Administration

Correspondence Generation Rules

Correspondence Generation Rules now support the After Received event.

251033 XTRAC System Automatic disable of operator profile in XTRAC System

XTRAC System will supply a way to automatically disable an XTRAC Operator Profile so that the disabled operator cannot perform any activities within XTRAC Applications (Workbench, Work Manager, XAM, XTRAC Admin, and B2B).

250221 Administration


As an XTRAC Administrator I have the ability to immediately disable an XTRAC Operator Profile from the Administration client so that the disabled operator cannot perform any activities within XTRAC Applications.

Customer: XTRAC

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Enhancement ID

Feature Description

388559 Administration -Dependency Checker

As an XTRAC administration I need the ability to find dependent components to determine a delete strategy.

16317 Administration - Work Item Rules

Need to easily distinguish when Subtypes use Fields and Parties in a Wi Rule.

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Usability Requests Several changes were made to the Workbench UI for usability concerns that have been raised.

ID Feature Description

153260 Administration Cannot resize the field Queue Completion Target Date in a UD work item rule. The other fields can be resized and FIL would like this one to behave as the others.

250221 Administration - Operator

Manual disable operator profile in Administration tool.

As an XTRAC administrator I have the ability to immediately disable an XTRAC operator profile from the Administration client so that the disabled operator cannot perform any activities within XTRAC applications (Workbench, Work Manager, XAM, XTRAC Admin and B2B).

164079 Workbench Would like count of open window in side bar "Open Windows" pane.

164082 Workbench Would like status bar on bottom of screen with number of windows opened.

164239 Workbench Highlight bar when tabbing in XTRAC Workbench is not clear.

167906 Workbench Color scheme is difficult to work with.

167907 Workbench Icon grays out when hovering over.

189380 Workbench Create work item function should be in a more visible area of XTRAC Workbench.

193682 Workbench The Refresh icon in the 'suspended items' window is not easy to find.

193747 Workbench Include milestones icon on menu bars.

193751 Workbench Information bar should not appear if no message is there.

209469 Workbench It is hard to distinguish between active and inactive windows.

435221 Workbench Need Required Field Check button.

448072 Workbench Display number of milestones next to icon on the tool bar.

166843 Workbench - Shortcut Keys

Shortcut keys are cumbersome to workflow.

As a XTRAC Workbench user I need the ability to use short cut keys so that I can do my job faster.

13563 Workbench - Search

Value Group drop down within Advanced Search.

193662 Workbench - Search

Do not want the search date to be pre-filled in the basic search screen.

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ID Feature Description

238249 Workbench - Security

Security function for XTRAC Workbench preferences.

160842 Workbench - Work Item

Do not highlight the work item if there is only one in the work list.

189380 Workbench - Work Item

Create work item function should be in a more visible area of XTRAC Workbench.

As the XTRAC Workbench user I need the “Create Work Item” function to be listed next to the work list, work feed options so that I don’t have to scroll to find it.

161540 Workbench - Work List

Work List Refresh button is greyed out after first refresh.

193693 Workbench - Work List

I want to be able to double click columns in work list configuration window.

As an XTRAC Workbench user I need the ability in the work list configuration window to select the fields by double clicking on them as it is done on the Search window.

193693 Workbench - Work List

Want to be able to double click columns in Work List Config window to choose columns.

193739 Workbench - Work List

Work list preferences screen is not user friendly.

193767 Workbench - Work List

Work list count should only show the count of items in work list.

194837 Workbench - Work List

Work list is refreshing after a transfer of work item.

259058 Workbench - Work List

Queue groups are showing in Work List drop down even though user has no access to the queues.

409912 Workbench -Work List

Work list preference filter on the Work List screen.

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Incidents Fixed

For more details about any fix, contact XTRAC Customer Support. The following table lists the incidents fixed for this release:

Incident No. Feature Description

Customer Incidents: C&E Ops

373491 Administration - Admin History

Vague History for Date Display Mask Changes

The application shows display masks as a two character code instead of full names.

313250 Administration - Dynamic Field Rules

Error verbiage

Error message for Required fields that are hidden are not consistent in DFR.

345847 Administration - Work Item Rule

Protected on Update and Resolution for the Status field must have a default value

403484 Server - Search Work Item Search allows access to cross org work items

405656 Workbench - Description Field

Work Item Description field scrolling issues when user goes to the top of the field after the scroll bars are displayed.

After entering data in the field, if the user scrolls to the top of the field to edit contents at the top, the view automatically jumps down to the bottom of the field. As a result, user is unable to see the edits being made at the top of the field.

Customer Incidents: COLT

67685 Administration - Common Field Group

When a Common Field Group is in use - no information on which work item rules are using it is displayed.

68681 Administration - Field Mapping

Drop down menu in “Field Mappings Form” in split rules.


Administration - Packages

Inconsistency w/Package Detail screen "Current Package" check box ticked

669992 Server - Admin Migration

PBM - After migration Super Access Group association is removed.

274570 Server - External Services

Consecutive error count not resetting to “0”.

75329 Web Services - Work Item

Insufficient permission to update work item.

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Incident No. Feature Description


Workbench - Dynamic Field Rule

Multi-line field did not change color when required (TD: 1014).

In Dynamic Field Rule, when Multi-line field is set as protected on update and resolve, the field on the work item is protected, meaning you cannot edit but the field does not change to the color gray to indicate it is protected.

29138 Workbench - Work Item

Window Close button hidden

71201 Workbench - Work Item

No item type when copying work item.

61805 Workbench - Work List

Work List Personal Queue


Workbench - Work List

Column width resets after refreshing work list.

Customer Incidents: DPS

313989 Server - Login Operator ID in multiple organizations. Can’t log in.

407735 Server - Logging XEN - Delivery Response Not Logging Work Item Number

259158 Web Services - Dynamic Field Rule

Dynamic Field Rule error handling.

348952 Workbench - Metadata fields

Cannot edit meta data

Customer Incidents: FASS

587571 Server - History Transaction time stamp needs greater granularity- to micro second

16274 Work Manager - History

Can enter in a mixed case queue and in history shows the mixed case queue.

16277 Workbench - Transfer

Work list not reflecting a transfer of a work item when using Transfer To in the Tasks menu

16112 Workbench - Work List

Work item changes that affect the work list are not updated in the work list.

Customer Incidents: FI

16217 Administration - Entitlement Sets

New entitlements not available to add to operators.

91794 Administration - Entitlement Sets

Security Group/Ent-Set.

82217 Administration - Split

Cannot add more than 20 IT/ST child rules work item rules on manual event.

274830 Server - Feed Mode Session Lock Error in Workfeed Mode

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Incident No. Feature Description

344727 Work Manager - Transfer

Unable to use space bar when typing name of queue.

Customer Incidents: FIC

16117 Administration - Options

In Admin > Options, changes to the grid settings or alternating style are not saved beyond the session.

15119 B2B - Work Item Able to update a protected field through B2B.

Customer Incidents: FIL

161458 Administration - Navigation

Error when opening recent items from the menu bar.

78045 Server - Dynamic Field Rules

Deleted field values are showing in work item field after Dynamic Field rule is activated.

165537 Server - Business Calendar

Default holidays following incorrect rules.

16026 Server - Work Selection

Wildcards are not working as expect and not being able to set up 2 actions within a condition of != status as per the user guide.

46536 Work Manager - Online Help

Help search function hangs.

43702 Workbench - Correspondence

More descriptive error message requested when a work item is locked.

497565 Workbench - Doc Attachments

Checked out documents have enabled action buttons.

A user can check in the document which is checked out by some other user. Example: User A checks out a document and closes the work item. The system will allow user be to check in the document again. The check-out functionality should restrict any other user to update or check in the document except the user who has performed the previous action.

39720 Workbench - Link/Unlink

Sorting in linked items tabs is inconsistent.

202886 Workbench - Online Help

Online help does not work after changing entitlement set in Administration tool.

160668 Workbench - Refresh

Hitting F5 to refresh the screen takes you back to the login page.

193690 Workbench - Reset Working Node

Reset working node window does not close after saving.

215014 Workbench - Suspend

The Suspend window does not have a title.

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Incident No. Feature Description

189506 Workbench - Work Item Screen

No indication of notes or attachments on work items.

There is no indication when you are in the general screen on a work item, that there are any attachments/notes etc. included in the work item.

41111 Workbench - Work List

Work list is not indicating a change to the work item if correspondence is attached.

Customer Incidents: FILI

15934 Administration - Parties

Party name cannot be blank. The message can be annoying.

15927 Work Manager - Correspondence

MS Word stays open after user submitted correspondence

Customer Incidents: PSS

507801 B2B Small correction requested in B2B error message for Retrieve Work Item

Customer Incidents: PWI

76438 Server - Admin Migration

PWI email addresses are migrating from QA to PROD. Since PWI sets up email notify directly in Prod, they don't want it to migrate.

80942 Web Services - Work List

Work list highlighting is not clearing after adding a note.

84870 Workbench - recent items list

Can't copy work item number from recent items list.

Customer Incidents: XTRAC

342016 Administration - Business Calendar

Administration tool’s Business Calendar Legend is incorrect for "Working day“.

271628 Administration - Correspondence

In Administration too, the template content in an Internal Letter Template/Letter Template is not copied during a copy.

672694 Administration When updating a rule from or to an AC event type the history is displayed incorrectly.

79654 Administration - Admin History

History Button does not become active on a new Metadata Field Selection Rule.

37475 Administration - Admin History

History details are not exported in the excel sheet.

16146 Administration - Duplicate Search

Duplicate search doesn’t display the name of the rule in the detail screen title bar.

315766 Administration - Dynamic Field Rules

[NO VALUE] is not displayed for blank values in condition tab for DFR.

351193 Administration - Fields

Message will pop up incorrectly indicating an unsaved custom field when the custom field has no modifications.

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Incident No. Feature Description

341123 Administration - Operator

Window issues with Operator Summary and Operator Detail windows in the Administration tool.

When any operator is selected from the list on a maximized Operator Summary window, the Operator Summary window automatically gets resized, but the image of the maximized Operator Summary window remains in the background. When the Operator Detail window is maximized or resized, the fields are not repositioned accordingly, and there is a large amount of white space.

18421 Administration - Other

Maximized windows behave unexpectedly.

678860 Administration - Records Management

Copying an inactive records management rule will create a rule that is also inactive.

680964 Administration - Rules List Groups

On Rule List Group Detail screen, when clicking the Dependencies button an incorrect error is displayed.

367946 Administration - Split

It is possible to get the split child detail to lose a just-added child rule.

148314 Administration - Suspend

Suspend Rule Detail window asks for a confirmation of the close when no edit is made.

690999 Administration - Work Item Rule

Cannot create a WI if the create state of the Status field is set to protected, without a default value.

341587 B2B - Login Work Manager doesn't seem to be able to login completely when the current Eset has an ampersand (&).

671809 FUSE - Records Management

BIG-IP doesn't distribute load as expected.

679621 FUSE - Records Management

Purging causes deadlock.

492502 Server Merge Queue Group Changes.

81951 Server - Business Calendar

Business Calendar Package Missing 01/01/2012 (Sunday).

141458 Server - Work Item Rule

Additional logging added to Work Item Rule package to help with diagnostic.

662867 Web Services Marked for delete E-set showing up for multi org operator.

576065 Web Services - Feed Mode

UpdateRetrieveNextWorkItem web service not returning last item updated.

275302 Web Services - Organization ID

Organization.retrieve service is checking incorrect security code.

283110 Web Services - Work Item Rule

Required field on Resolve is not enforced through web services. This is a web services specific defect.

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Incident No. Feature Description

16142 Web Services- Correspondence

If the correspondence is printed at the time the rule is processed, then the status gets updated correctly. However, if the correspondence needs to go to an approval process and back to the user before it is printed, We have lost the context of which rule generated the correspondence and are unable to update the status.

341495 Workbench - Doc Attachment

Unable to view attachments.

670819 Work Manager Custom Field: Length of custom field "decimal" is different in XTRAC Workbench and XTRAC Work Manager.

649061 Work Manager DFR_Phone/DFR_AndOr - Rules are not triggering in XTRAC Work Manager.

670548 Work Manager Undo/Redo button Not working properly in notes tab if last line contain only single letter.

673835 Workbench Access to sort even though function has been removed in admin tool.

660194 Workbench Error displayed when user tries to edit the Parties Information for a work item which is in 'Awaiting Rendezvous' status.

645476 Workbench Error is thrown when the enabled Doc Vault icon is clicked on.

668786 Workbench Error message is not user friendly.

674064 Workbench Priority field reversal not happening for the first time.

660285 Workbench User can see the Sub Type values of previous node after reset working node to some other node.

651841 Workbench User can set a date field to 1 digit and the date is corrupted when saved.

662996 Workbench Work list -Transfer button enabled.

339725 Workbench - Doc Attachment

Keyboard shortcuts not working for Viewer.

618561 Workbench - Feed Mode

SingleQueue work feed not working properly.

235113 Workbench - History

When a work item is manually split using a MA event Split Rule, the split child work item includes a 'CopyWorkItem' Action in the work item history.

54389 Workbench - Merge Merge does not populate proper fields for certain UD work item.

341887 Workbench - Merge Work item Status does not get merged.

248451 Workbench - Other Work item got closed while using the shortcut to save.

87305 Workbench - Parties

Error occurring after clearing party fields and saving.

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Incident No. Feature Description

41396 Workbench - Search

Advanced search - the Reversed date is improper.

84978 Workbench - Search

Database persistence error while searching with field FCTD/QCTD using comparison “is within”.

284245 Workbench - Search

Unable to select the customer id using Shift+home shortcut.

254973 Workbench - Search

Value in Status and Priority field does not get reversed.

679872 Workbench - SSO While clicking Logout, the XTRAC Workbench application is navigating to the login screen for SSO user.

620607 Workbench - Work Item

Change Item Type from open work item shows incorrect list.

87306 Workbench - Work Item

Deleting item type from a work item in update mode does not throw the correct error message.

46793 Workbench - Work Item

With work item Copy, work item parties are not always applying the work item rule at the current node.

425563 Workbench - Work Item Screen

Field highlight not displaying.

304191 Workbench - Work Item Screen

Unable to save work item and Required fields are empty message displays. This is an improper error message as the required fields contain a value.

286417 Workbench - Work List

While printing from work list, the printout displays 'Null' and Work List Print dialog box is not getting closed after clicking on the OK button.

583895 XAM Merge / Roll-Forward XAM 6.5.3 defects to 6.9.

667324 XAM Web Client Drill-up/down Unfriendly system behavior.

722745 XAM Web Client - XAM Dashboard Watch

XAM Web Client times out after every 5 minutes.

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Known Issues The following table provides details about unresolved XTRAC issues.

AppType - Feature

Description Incident Number

Administration - Admin History

When updating a rule from or to an AC event type the history is displayed incorrectly.


Administration - Common Field Groups

CFGA layout should throw an error when the fields are placed outside the boundary.


Administration - Database Migration

Unable to open Data Migration Scheduler Detail when last migration done by different admin group.

Workaround: Put all administrators that will be scheduling migrations in the same admin group.


Administration - Source System

Source System History button not enabled on a newly created source system.

Workaround: Close and reopen the new source system to enable the history button.


Administration - Suspend

Unhandled exception on save of suspend rule with missing values in Longer than.

Workaround: Input values before saving the rule.


Administration - Trigger Rules

Changing a rule condition operator clears the field value. 678878

Administration - Work Item Rule

CH53 displays as 3323 in WIR screen in Admin.

Workaround: This only occurs when the field has been marked for delete but is still on the rule. Either remove the field from the rule or reactivate it.


Administration - Work Item Rule

No error when Work Item Rule created where status field is protected on all three states and no Default value is selected.

Workaround: When protecting the status field on create, be sure and set a default value.


Administration -Split

Close before saving message should appear after adding child work item rules on Split Action tab.


Viewer - Doc Attachments

External viewer conditions make attachments disappear.

Workaround: Set repository type to Documentum, FileNet Is or FileNet CS.


Web Services - Entitlement Sets

Marked for delete E-set showing up for an operator that is defined in multiple organizations.

Workaround: If the deleted e-set is selected, the user will get an error. They should pick another e-set.


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AppType - Feature

Description Incident Number

Web Services - Work Item Update Rules

Workitem.update web service allows invalid data in integer field when the field is not on the work item rule.

Workaround: Use the fields defined in the work item rule when calling this service.


Work Manager - Dynamic Field Rules

Dynamic Field Rules are not triggering when work item is resolved and update state is required and resolved state is protected.

Workaround: When defining these rules, be aware that Required on Update takes precedence when a work item is being resolved.


Work Manager - Work Item Notes

Undo/Redo button does not work properly in the Notes tab if last line contain only single letter.


Workbench - Defined Search

Defined Search - Item type drop down doesn't populate item type values on the search screen.

Workaround: The user will need to enter the values before doing the search.


Workbench - Doc Attachments

"Add Attachment" wizard opens when we delete an attachment from the work item which has only one attachment.


Workbench - Feed Mode

Work Feed Queue Drop Down List Not Active After Active Work Feed Session is Completed.


Workbench - Fields

If a user enters too few numbers in an Integer CorrectLength field and tabs out, commas will be inserted in the number and will then count toward the correct length requirement.


Workbench - Fields

When a user resets their working node to a node without work item rules, the user can see the Subtype values of previous node. A work item cannot be created because the item type list is empty.


Workbench - Other

“Required” not taking precedence over “Protected” when a work item is created.


Workbench - Parties

Customer Id field does not recognize first character typed after the "Home" key is pressed.


Workbench - Password

"Change password" link is active for SSO user in XTRAC Workbench.


Workbench - Preferences

Access to sort even though security function has been removed from the users security group.


Workbench - Reset Working Node

Reset Working Node combo does not select value when typed and the user doesn’t tab out of the field.

Workaround: Tab of the field before selecting the “Reset Working Node” button.


Workbench - Search

Advanced search is not returning values while giving wild card character '%'.

Workaround: None. Now that value groups fields can be selected from a dropdown, wild cards are not allowed.


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AppType - Feature

Description Incident Number

Workbench - Search

Cannot search a work item from the WI Task option with customerID as search criteria.

Workaround: Remove the customer Id display mask value that was added to search in the account number field.


Workbench - Search

Data not getting populated in character data type fields with a display mask of Account Number in Advance search screen. The correct display mask is not shown to the user.

Workaround: Check with your XTRAC administrator for the correct format.


Workbench - Search

Priority field reversal not happening for the first time a search is requested when the user types in 0 in Value 2 field.

Workaround: Use the controls to select the values


Workbench - Split

Error displayed when user tries to edit the Parties Information for a work item which is in 'Awaiting Rendezvous' status.

Workaround: Don’t attempt to edit data on this type of work item. Dismiss the error and continue.


Workbench - Transfer

Whenever the user tries to transfer the work item to the destination queue which is same as work item queue, 'One or more of the items being transferred have failed. See transfer status for more details' error will be displayed. But the message in Transfer Status column is not user friendly.


Workbench - Viewer

Daeja Bug - Stamps are not saved in the stamp list. 643123

Workbench - Viewer

Default Stamplist is not displayed under the Stamp Annotation in the viewer.


Workbench - Viewer

Reorder pages button is not in the viewer until the view is changed to something besides Thumbnail or 2 page.


Workbench - Viewer

When we maximize the Zoom window and then restore to normal size, it loses its focus.


Workbench - Work Item

Format of Customer Id is not retained on Create or Update when it is changed from the original entry.

Workaround: When changing the format, delete the value and re-enter it with the new format.


Workbench - Work Item

Work Item does not close when choosing Yes on Close before saving dialog.


Workbench - Work Item Screen

Unable to save the work item having 'Transfer To' field as required field even after selecting a value in the dropdown.

Workaround: Do not set the Transfer To field as required.


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AppType - Feature

Description Incident Number

Workbench - Work List

When two work list windows are open, it is possible that the Configure Display settings of one window get applied to the other window incorrectly.

Workaround: When configuring display settings, only have one work list open.


Workbench - Work List

Work list -Transfer button enabled after a work has been transferred out of the queue.


Workbench -Logout

Daeja Viewer is able to open even after the XTRAC Workbench Time sessions out.

Workaround: Log out of Workbench when the error “annotations failed to load” is displayed during an inactive session.


XAM Web Client - XAM

In XAM Web Client, hierarchy Description is displaying wrong. Hierarchy Description should be display according to the Description "Setup" in XAM Admin Client.


XAM Web Client - XAM

User with XAM dashboard hierarchy browse security privilege but without Drill-down or Drill-up privilege can attempt to browse data in the activity detail, drill-down tab. The user will get an access error exception message and their only option is to return the XAM home page.


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XTRAC Installation For details about installing XTRAC, see the “Installation Notes” on the XTRAC Web site:

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XTRAC Web Site The XTRAC Web site (http://xtrac.fmr.com/) contains XTRAC information, including the XTRAC release documentation.

XTRAC 6.9 Release Notes

Copyright © 1996-2013 XTRAC, LLC. All rights reserved.

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XTRAC Customer Support Customers who encounter a problem with XTRAC should follow the procedures detailed in the following sections, depending on the severity of the XTRAC problem.

Severity 1 and 2 Problems

Severity 1 problems are those that impact multiple business units and threaten Fidelity Investments business continuity. Severity 2 problems are those that affect multiple users at a business unit and require immediate action to reestablish normal business operations. If you experience a problem that requires immediate attention at any time (problems that cause a severe business outage or render a significant number of workstations unusable), call the Fidelity Customer Support Center at 1-800-525-3274, option 2, to report the problem. Customer Support Center personnel will contact the XTRAC primary on-call person. The on-call person then contacts the XTRAC CSE assigned to your business unit. Severity 1 or 2 problems are treated as the highest priority work of the XTRAC Support group.

Non-Severity 1 or 2 Problems

Use your normal procedure for reporting non-critical XTRAC problems, which generally means contacting your local XTRAC administrator. The administrator is trained by the XTRAC product team to answer questions about XTRAC and diagnose and debug potential problems. Your XTRAC administrator will contact the applicable CSE, when necessary, to help resolve any issues.

XTRAC 6.9 Release Notes

Copyright © 1996-2013 XTRAC, LLC. All rights reserved.

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Build Numbers

The following is a list of the build numbers for this release:

Product Version Build Number

XTRAC Server

B2B 6.9

xtrac69-AUTOBUILD.635 Web Services 6.9

XEN 6.9

XPM 1.0 1.0-70-FuseFeature-xpm

XRM 1.0 1.0-92-FuseFeature-xrm-rc0

CWIS 1.0 1.0-94-FuseFeature-ciws-rc0

XTRAC Desktop Client Software

Administration (Admin) 6.9

XtracClient69-Build_434 Archive 6.9

Integration 6.9

Work Manager (XWM) 6.9

PL/SQL 6.9 6.9_release_files

Workbench 6.9 xwb69-AUTOBUILD.660

XTRAC Activity Monitor

XAM Administration Client

6.9 XamAdmin69AUTOBUILD.17

XAM PLSQL 6.9 xam6.9_release_files

XAM Server 6.9 xam69-AUTOBUILD.12

End Client Portal (ECP) NA NA





FDPS Tombstone NA NA

Marcom Email NA NA

XTRAC 6.9 Release Notes

Copyright © 1996-2013 XTRAC, LLC. All rights reserved.

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Product Version Build Number

OSG Integration NA NA

XTRAC 6.9 Release Notes

Copyright © 1996-2013 XTRAC, LLC. All rights reserved.

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Revision History

Version Change

3.0 Added an item to the Important Information section about the patch for the Denial of Service potential that exists in Websphere 7.

2.0 Removed several items from the known issues list. The query that was used to identify the issues picked up several items that were found in 6.5.x, 6.8.1 and everything targeted for 6.9.x regardless of what version they were found in. These did not need to be included in the 6.9 issues list. Only include items found in 6.9 that have been deferred and then not all of them.

Removed issues relating to Correspondence (not delivered) and Records Management (beta testing only).

Added workarounds for the defects where they could be identified

Enhanced some of the descriptions.

1.0 New release notes document for XTRAC 6.9.
