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your partner in sweet creations - Villa Dolce Gelato

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your partner in sweet creations 2019 B E P A R T O F T H E R E V O L U T I O N catalog

yourpartner in sweetcreations




Catalogo 2019Catalogue 2019

Coppette Gelato e YogurtIce Cream and Yogurt Cups

pp. 10 – 29

Bicchieri e CannucceGlasses and Straws

pp. 46 – 53

Coppe DessertDessert Cups

pp. 84 – 87

Palette e CucchiaiIce Cream and Sundaes Spoons

pp. 30 – 33

Esposizione e ConfezionamentoDisplay and Packages Solutions

pp. 66 – 75

GelatiereIce Cream Tubs

pp. 54 – 57


pp. 88 – 101

Linea BioHappyBioHappy Collection

pp. 34 – 45

Forme e ContenitoriContainers and Cake Holders

pp. 76 – 83

Contenitori Asporto GelatoTo Go Containers Solutions

pp. 58 – 65

Linea Coffee WayCoffee Way Collection

pp. 102 – 107

Linea Finger Food Mini Mon AmourFinger Food Collection

pp. 108 – 137

Microonde Microwave safe Forno Oven safe Personalizzabile Customize Nuovo prodotto New productNEW



Storia e Produzione

Founded by Aldemaro Casebasse in the early 60s, the company soon developed in the pastry making and ice cream confectionery proposing innovative products in plastic. The originality and innovation began by A.C. ( to him is attributed the invention of the zuccotto basin still largely used) has been further developed during the recent years presenting plastic as hygienic, solid and aesthetically ductile material, capable of satisfying the defects of those products in paper, cardboard and aluminium.

The care taken by Alcas, marked by a strong concern for the environment, has brought to the creation of the 02 Bioplastic Line out of corn, made in ecocompatible material, which has received important international rewards as the best product in its category for the respect for nature.The continuous development of the productive lines and the accurate choice of raw materials has enabled Alcas to have the best quality products available on the market.

L’attenzione di Alcas, caratterizzata da una forte attenzione per l’ambiente, ha inoltre portato alla creazione della linea 02 Bioplastica di Mais, realizzata in materiale ecocompatibile, che ha ricevuto importanti premi internazionali come miglior prodotto della sua categoria per il rispetto della natura.

Fondata da Aldemaro Casebasse nei primi anni ‘60, l’azienda si è sviluppata ben presto nel settore della pasticceria e gelateria proponendo prodotti innovativi realizzati in plastica. L’originalità e l’innovazione iniziata da Aldemaro Casebasse (è sua l’invenzione del contenitore zuccotto ancora in uso) è stata ulteriormente sviluppata negli annipiù recenti proponendo la plastica come materiale igienico, robustoed esteticamente duttile, capacedi sopperire alle carenze dei prodotti in carta, cartone e alluminio.

History and Production

DAL MERCATO ALL’IDEA,DALL’IDEAALLA FORMA.From the market to the idea, from idea to shape.


Il continuo sviluppo delle linee produttive e la scelta accurata delle materie prime, ha portato Alcas ad avere la migliore qualità degli articoli reperibili sul mercato. Per ottenere ciò la scelta dei siti produttivi è ricaduta sugli stabilimenti italiani dove si produce circa il 95% degli articoli. Tutto ciò gli ha permesso di qualificarsi come una fra le più interessanti realtà europee e mondiali del suo settore, con 225 distributori esteri e oltre 5 mila clienti nazionali.

Alcas è oggi un punto di riferimento per gli operatori del mercato, testimoniato anchedai numerosi tentativi di imitazione delle sue nuove proposte.

This has been possible thanks to the location of the industries which are based in Italy and where 95% of the items are produced. Alcas has therefore been able to qualify itself as one of the most interesting European and Worldwide companies in this field with 225 foreign distributors and over 5 thousand national customers.

Today Alcas is a point of reference for the market operators testified by the numerous attempts of imitation of its new proposals.

La crescita dell’azienda è legata al miglioramento continuo dei propri standard. Per fornire un prodotto garantito ai consumatori finali, Alcas si attiene in ogni fase della filiera alle normative più avanzate in materia di gestione della sicurezza e dell’igiene alimentare. Grazie a questo impegno costante, l’azienda ha ricevuto la certificazione per quanto riguarda le importanti norme internazionali UNI EN ISO 22000:2005 e BRC Global Standard for Packaging.Alcas, inoltre, è stata certificata AEO (operatore economico autorizzato). Importante riconoscimento dato alle aziende che rispettano le condizioni e i criteri definiti dalla legislazione doganale dell’Unione Europea.

The importance of certificationIl valore delle certificazioni

Company growth is tied to ongoingimprovement of its standards. To provide end users witha guaranteed product, at everystep, Alcas adheres strictlyto the most advanced standards of safety and food hygienemanagement. Thanks to this constant commitment, our companyis certified under such importantinternational standards as UNI ENISO22000:2005 and BRC Global Standard for Packaging.Moreover, Alcas has been certified AEO (authorized economic operator). Important recognition given to companies that comply with the conditions and criteria defined by the European Union’s customs legislation.


Our color is our way of being

Il nostro coloreè il nostro modo di essere

Il nostro impegno per il rispetto e la tutela dell’ambienteè un obiettivo concreto

Our commitment to respect and protect the environment is a concrete goal

La tutela dell’ambiente in cui viviamo e l’attenzione agli effetti generati su di esso dai prodotti e dai servizi che acquistiamo ogni giorno rappresenta ormai una responsabilità comune. Per questo anche la nostra produzione non può prescindere da questo principio fondamentale.

The protection of the environment in which we live and the attention to the effects generated on it by the products and services we buy every day is now a common responsibility. This is why our production cannot ignore this fundamental principle.


Noi siamo il nostro futuroWe are our future

Ricerca, dedizione e costanza hanno permesso di realizzare la linea ecocompatibile BioHappy, con prodotti che durante il loro ciclo di vita garantiscono la massima affidabilità nel completo rispetto dell’ambiente.

Inoltre, circa il 90% dei prodotti Alcas sono completamente riciclabili, potendo così tornare a nuova vita sotto altre forme. Perché la tutela della natura è un modo di agire quotidiano. E noi di Alcas sosteniamo tutte le attività volte ad una corretta raccolta differenziata dei rifiuti. Piccoli gesti per grandi risultati.

Research, dedication and perseverance have allowed us to create the eco-friendly BioHappy line, with products that guarantee maximum reliability during the whole life cycle in complete respect for the environment.

In addition, about 90% of Alcas products are completely recyclable, thus being able to return to new life in other forms. Because the protection of nature is a daily way of acting. And we at Alcas support all activities aimed at the separate collection of waste. Small acts for great results.

Responsabilità totale a favore della naturaTotal responsibility for nature

L’attenzione ecologica di Alcas si traduce, oltre che nei prodotti, anche attraverso processi e attività pianificate all’interno della nostra politica ambientale.Recupero e riciclo dei materiali di scarto, riduzione degli imballaggi per garantire la minore quantità possibile di materiale in eccesso, riciclaggio completo di carta e cartone, risparmio energetico mediante l’utilizzo di tecnologie all’avanguardia sono solo alcuni esempi pratici dell’operato Alcas per il rispetto ambientale.

Alcas ecological care focuses not only on products, but also through processes and activities planned within our environmental policy. Recovery and recycling of waste materials, reduction of packaging to ensure the least possible amount of excess material, complete recycling of paper and cardboard, energy saving through the use of forefront technologies are just a few practical examples of Alcas engagement for the environmental respect.



Il Packaging non serve solo a contenere e a preservare ma è sempre più uno strumento di legittimazione e potenziamento del prodotto, la sua esistenza concreta è messa al servizio di quest’ultimo con il quale spessosi fonde connotandosi come un veroe proprio “artefatto comunicativo”,che attraverso la propria integrazione con il contenuto, determina il prodotto.

Il prodotto è confezionato nella sua comunicazione

Packaging is not only meant to contain and preserve but is increasingly an instrument to legitimize and strengthen the product, its concrete existence identifies the item often blending together representing itself as a truly “communicative artifact”, and through its integration with the content, determines the product.

Packaging is able to articulate its own language. It represents the point of contact between the consumer and the product which on one hand is trying to protect and on the other to enhance its characteristics and to show it in the best light.

The product is packaged in its communication

Il Packaging è capace di articolare un linguaggio proprio. Rappresenta il punto di contatto tra il consumatore e il prodotto che da un lato cerca di proteggere e dall’altro di esaltarne le caratteristiche e di mostrarlo sotto la luce migliore.

IMMAGINARE UN FUTUROImagine the future



Design is a breaking point and creation,innovation and novelty, production and market.

La somma di tecnica, scienza, sociologia e umanistica per andare oltre l’estetica dell’arte.Bello, ma funzionale.Ergonomico, ma innovativo. Pratico, ma di tendenza.

The design is awarenessIl design è consapevolezza

The sum of technique, science, sociology and humanities to go beyond the aesthetics of art.Beautiful, but functional. Ergonomic, but innovative. Practical, but trendy.



Grazie ad un impegnativo lavorodi ricerca ed a importanti investimenti tecnologici, Alcas può offrire ai suoi clienti un servizio di personalizzazione dei suoi prodotti. Questo permetterà di far diventare i prodotti Alcas veicoli di immagine e di comunicazione contribuendo alla costruzione della personalità e dell’identità del tuo punto vendita.

Thanks to an ambitious research and important technological investments, Alcas can offer its clients a customization of its products. This will allow the Alcas products to become image and communication media contributing to the construction of the personality and identity of your store.

Personalizzale con il tuo Marchio Customize with your brand

Cerca la matita e comunica la tua identità Da oggi è possibile personalizzare con il tuo Marchio una serie di prodotti.

Find the pencil and communicate your identityNow you can customize a range of products with your own brand.

RENDI PIÙ TUOI I PRODOTTI ALCAS.Make Alcas products your own.


Personalizzalecon il tuo MarchioCustomize with your brand

EtichettepersonalizzabiliCustomizable labels


017 Vassoio Medoro N.T.021 Vassoio Medoro V.T.018 Vassoio Medoro Rett.019 Vassoio Kadò Dorato101 Vassoio Trinato Tondo N.T.107 Vassoio Decorato100 Vassoio Trinato Tondo096 Vassoio Rett. V.T.114 Vassoio Cerimonia093 Vassoio Profitterol095 Vassoio Paperino Liscio


Dimensioni: 56 X 33 mm Fondo Trasparente, Fondo Oro Scritta: Rosso, Blu, Verde, Nero, OroSize: 56 X 33 mmClear Base, Gold BaseText: Red, Blue, Green, Black, Gold.


Dimensioni: 50 X 28 mm Fondo TrasparenteScritta: Rosso, Blu, Verde, Nero, OroSize: 50 X 23 mmClear BaseText: Red, Blue, Green, Black, Gold


Dimensioni: 56 X 33 mm Etichetta TrasparenteScritta: Nero, Blu, Rosso, VerdeSize: 56 X 33 mmLabel: ClearText: Black, Blue, Red, Green



ICE BAGVASETTO GELATOIce bag Ice cream jar





COPPE & ACCESSORICups & Accessories

083 Spumone112 Coppa Stefania Grande121 Coppa Susanna Med./Grande139 Flute


132 Tiramisù Crist./Fumé137 Vaschetta Fantasia090 Trancio V.T. Fondo Fisso089 Trancio N.T. Fondo Mobile103 Zuccotto086 Torta Tonda Cop. Alto087 Torta Tonda Cop. Basso

Coppette Gelato e Yogurt – Ice Cream and Yogurt Cups10

CoppetteGelatoe Yogurt

Una linea multicolore per ogni esigenza in gelateria. Un mondo fatto delle migliori coppe, coppette, vaschette e accessori per il gelato artigianale.

A multicoloured collection for your ice-cream parlor suitable to meet any requirement. Cups, containers and accessories for homemade ice-cream.

ICE CREAM AND YOGURT CUPSCoppette TypoCoppette ScoopCoppette Joy Mix Coppette Yo MixCoppette Smeraldo Coppette JoyCoppetta Joyoso CircusEspositori Coppette Gelato

Coppette Gelato e Yogurt – Ice Cream and Yogurt Cups


Personalizzazionecon maschera

Personalizzazione libera1 colore

Generiche Personalizzazione liberaGeneric Customization at will

9 maschere9 layout

Template customization Customization - 1 color

10 misure disponibili10 sizes available

42 colori disponibili42 colors available

7 colori disponibili7 colors available

7 colori disponibili7 colors available

IL TUO LOGOyour logo

IL TUO NOMEyour name


LA TUA FANTASIAyour pattern

L’importanzadi essere unici!The importance of being unique!

Da sempre, Alcas mette a vostra disposizione i contenitori e gli accessori migliori per il vostro gelato. Qualità, design e praticità per esaltare la bontà dei vostri prodotti.Oggi, Alcas vi propone la possibilità di farvi riconoscere ovunque. Come? Grazie al servizio Typo, un sistema di personalizzazione in grado di rendere le vostre coppette uniche, originali e seducenti.

Ever since it began, Alcas has been providing you with the best containers and accessories for your ice cream. Quality, design and handiness bring out the goodness of your products. Today, Alcas is now offering you the possibility of letting yourself be recognized everywhere. How? Thanks to the Typo service, a customization system which can make your cups unique, original and attractive.

Perché scegliere Typo?Possibilità di ordinare non a multipli dell’ordine minimo.Es: ordine minimo 5000 pz, posso ordinare tranquillamente 6000 pz.Possibilità di effettuare riordini in stagione.Ottimizza il tuo spazio, con Typo risparmi più del 50% d’ingombro rispetto alle coppette tradizionali.

Why choose Typo?Possibility of ordering not based on multiples of the minimum order. For example: minimum order 5000 pieces, one may order 6000 pieces.Possibility of carrying out re-orders during the season.Optimise your space, with Typo you save more than 50% in volume compared to that of traditional cups.

Coppette Gelato e Yogurt – Ice Cream and Yogurt Cups12

Personalizzazionecon mascheraTemplate customization

Per soddisfare le esigenze di tanti gelatieri e rispondere al meglio anche a piccoli ordini, Alcas ha studiato una serie di maschere predefinite da applicare alle coppette per una personalizzazione semplice ed efficace.

Desideri una grafica elegante, una tradizionale o una divertente?Basta scegliere una fra le 9 basi a disposizione e le tue coppette parleranno di te!

Taking into account the needs of many ice cream sellers and in order to respond in the best way to small orders as well, Alcas has designed a series of standard templates you can apply to the cups to customize them in a simple and effective manner.

Do you want an elegant, a traditional or a fun look?Just choose one of the 9 available bases, and your cups will tell everyone about you!

CONFIGURAla tua coppetta Typo

It’s easy to put your name on your ice cream cups

Mettere il tuo nome sulle coppette è semplice

Coppette Gelato e Yogurt – Ice Cream and Yogurt Cups



Tropical OPTICAL


SocialItalian Vintage



Typo Cup - Template customizations

Coppetta TYPOPersonalizzazione con maschere

art. FRESH 200 cc802009M200 cc \ 6,76 fl oz Ø 9,2 cm H 5,1 cmØ 3,62 in H 2,01 inPz/Crt Pcs/Box 500PS

art. OPTICAL 200 cc802009M200 cc \ 6,76 fl oz Ø 9,2 cm H 5,1 cmØ 3,62 in H 2,01 inPz/Crt Pcs/Box 500PS

art. FRUITY 200 CC802009M200 cc \ 6,76 fl oz Ø 9,2 cm H 5,1 cmØ 3,62 in H 2,01 inPz/Crt Pcs/Box 500PS

art. FRESH 250 cc802509M250 cc \ 8,45 fl oz Ø 10,1 cm H 5,1 cmØ 3,98 in H 2,01 inPz/Crt Pcs/Box 500PS

art. OPTICAL 250 cc802509M250 cc \ 8,45 fl oz Ø 10,1 cm H 5,1 cmØ 3,98 in H 2,01 inPz/Crt Pcs/Box 500PS

art. FRUITY 250 CC802509M250 cc \ 8,45 fl oz Ø 10,1 cm H 5,1 cmØ 3,98 in H 2,01 inPz/Crt Pcs/Box 500PS

art. FRESH 300 cc803009M300 cc \ 10,14 fl oz Ø 10,8 cm H 5,3 cmØ 4,25 in H 2,09 inPz/Crt Pcs/Box 500PS

art. OPTICAL 300 cc803009M300 cc \ 10,14 fl oz Ø 10,8 cm H 5,3 cmØ 4,25 in H 2,09 inPz/Crt Pcs/Box 500PS

art. FRUITY 300 CC803009M300 cc \ 10,14 fl oz Ø 10,8 cm H 5,3 cmØ 4,25 in H 2,09 inPz/Crt Pcs/Box 500PS

art. FRESH 400 cc804009M400 cc \ 13,53 fl oz Ø 12,1 cm H 5,6 cmØ 4,76 in H 2,2 inPz/Crt Pcs/Box 500PS

art. OPTICAL 400 cc804009M400 cc \ 13,53 fl oz Ø 12,1 cm H 5,6 cmØ 4,76 in H 2,2 inPz/Crt Pcs/Box 500PS

art. FRUITY 400 CC804009M400 cc \ 13,53 fl oz Ø 12,1 cm H 5,6 cmØ 4,76 in H 2,2 inPz/Crt Pcs/Box 500PS

art. FRESH 500 cc805009M500 cc \ 16,91 fl oz Ø 13,3 cm H 5,8 cmØ 5,24 in H 2,28 inPz/Crt Pcs/Box 500PS

art. OPTICAL 500 cc805009M500 cc \ 16,91 fl oz Ø 13,3 cm H 5,8 cmØ 5,24 in H 2,28 inPz/Crt Pcs/Box 500PS

art. FRUITY 500 CC805009M500 cc \ 16,91 fl oz Ø 13,3 cm H 5,8 cmØ 5,24 in H 2,28 inPz/Crt Pcs/Box 500PS

art. FRESH 60 cc800609M60 cc \ 2,03 fl oz Ø 7,2 cm H 3 cmØ 2,83 in H 1,18 inPz/Crt Pcs/Box 1000PS

art. OPTICAL 60 cc800609M60 cc \ 2,03 fl oz Ø 7,2 cm H 3 cmØ 2,83 in H 1,18 inPz/Crt Pcs/Box 1000PS

art. FRUITY 60 cc800609M60 cc \ 2,03 fl oz Ø 7,2 cm H 3 cmØ 2,83 in H 1,18 inPz/Crt Pcs/Box 1000PS

art. FRESH 80 cc800809M80 cc \ 2,71 fl oz Ø 7,2 cm H 3,6 cmØ 2,83 in H 1,42 inPz/Crt Pcs/Box 1000PS

art. OPTICAL 80 cc800809M80 cc \ 2,71 fl oz Ø 7,2 cm H 3,6 cmØ 2,83 in H 1,42 inPz/Crt Pcs/Box 1000PS

art. FRUITY 80 CC800809M80 cc \ 2,71 fl oz Ø 7,2 cm H 3,6 cmØ 2,83 in H 1,42 inPz/Crt Pcs/Box 1000PS

art. FRESH 100 cc801009M100 cc \ 3,38 fl oz Ø 7,5 cm H 4,1 cmØ 2,95 in H 1,61 inPz/Crt Pcs/Box 1000PS

art. OPTICAL 100 cc801009M100 cc \ 3,38 fl oz Ø 7,5 cm H 4,1 cmØ 2,95 in H 1,61 inPz/Crt Pcs/Box 1000PS

art. FRUITY 100 CC801009M100 cc \ 3,38 fl oz Ø 7,5 cm H 4,1 cmØ 2,95 in H 1,61 inPz/Crt Pcs/Box 1000PS

art. FRESH 130 cc801309M130 cc \ 4,4 fl oz Ø 8 cm H 4,6 cmØ 3,15 in H 1,81 inPz/Crt Pcs/Box 1000PS

art. OPTICAL 130 cc801309M130 cc \ 4,4 fl oz Ø 8 cm H 4,6 cmØ 3,15 in H 1,81 inPz/Crt Pcs/Box 1000PS

art. FRUITY 130 CC801309M130 cc \ 4,4 fl oz Ø 8 cm H 4,6 cmØ 3,15 in H 1,81 inPz/Crt Pcs/Box 1000PS

art. FRESH 170 cc801709M170 cc \ 5,75 fl oz Ø 8,6 cm H 5 cmØ 3,39in H 1,97 inPz/Crt Pcs/Box 1000PS

art. OPTICAL 170 cc801709M170 cc \ 5,75 fl oz Ø 8,6 cm H 5 cmØ 3,39in H 1,97 inPz/Crt Pcs/Box 1000PS

art. FRUITY 170 CC801709M170 cc \ 5,75 fl oz Ø 8,6 cm H 5 cmØ 3,39in H 1,97 inPz/Crt Pcs/Box 1000PS

1 colore 1 colour

1 colore 1 colour

1 colore 1 colour


9 Layout.




Coppette Gelato e Yogurt – Ice Cream and Yogurt Cups


art. TROPICAL 200 cc802009M200 cc \ 6,76 fl oz Ø 9,2 cm H 5,1 cmØ 3,62 in H 2,01 inPz/Crt Pcs/Box 500PS

art. SWEET 200 cc802009M200 cc \ 6,76 fl oz Ø 9,2 cm H 5,1 cmØ 3,62 in H 2,01 inPz/Crt Pcs/Box 500PS

art. OCEAN 200 cc802009M200 cc \ 6,76 fl oz Ø 9,2 cm H 5,1 cmØ 3,62 in H 2,01 inPz/Crt Pcs/Box 500PS

art. TROPICAL 250 cc802509M250 cc \ 8,45 fl oz Ø 10,1 cm H 5,1 cmØ 3,98 in H 2,01 inPz/Crt Pcs/Box 500PS

art. SWEET 250 cc802509M250 cc \ 8,45 fl oz Ø 10,1 cm H 5,1 cmØ 3,98 in H 2,01 inPz/Crt Pcs/Box 500PS

art. OCEAN 250 cc802509M250 cc \ 8,45 fl oz Ø 10,1 cm H 5,1 cmØ 3,98 in H 2,01 inPz/Crt Pcs/Box 500PS

art. TROPICAL 300 cc803009M300 cc \ 10,14 fl oz Ø 10,8 cm H 5,3 cmØ 4,25 in H 2,09 inPz/Crt Pcs/Box 500PS

art. SWEET 300 cc803009M300 cc \ 10,14 fl oz Ø 10,8 cm H 5,3 cmØ 4,25 in H 2,09 inPz/Crt Pcs/Box 500PS

art. OCEAN 300 cc803009M300 cc \ 10,14 fl oz Ø 10,8 cm H 5,3 cmØ 4,25 in H 2,09 inPz/Crt Pcs/Box 500PS

art. TROPICAL 400 cc804009M400 cc \ 13,53 fl oz Ø 12,1 cm H 5,6 cmØ 4,76 in H 2,2 inPz/Crt Pcs/Box 500PS

art. SWEET 400 cc804009M400 cc \ 13,53 fl oz Ø 12,1 cm H 5,6 cmØ 4,76 in H 2,2 inPz/Crt Pcs/Box 500PS

art. OCEAN 400 cc804009M400 cc \ 13,53 fl oz Ø 12,1 cm H 5,6 cmØ 4,76 in H 2,2 inPz/Crt Pcs/Box 500PS

art. TROPICAL 500 cc805009M500 cc \ 16,91 fl oz Ø 13,3 cm H 5,8 cmØ 5,24 in H 2,28 inPz/Crt Pcs/Box 500PS

art. SWEET 500 cc805009M500 cc \ 16,91 fl oz Ø 13,3 cm H 5,8 cmØ 5,24 in H 2,28 inPz/Crt Pcs/Box 500PS

art. OCEAN 500 cc805009M500 cc \ 16,91 fl oz Ø 13,3 cm H 5,8 cmØ 5,24 in H 2,28 inPz/Crt Pcs/Box 500PS

art. TROPICAL 60 cc800609M60 cc \ 2,03 fl oz Ø 7,2 cm H 3 cmØ 2,83 in H 1,18 inPz/Crt Pcs/Box 1000PS

art. SWEET 60 cc800609M60 cc \ 2,03 fl oz Ø 7,2 cm H 3 cmØ 2,83 in H 1,18 inPz/Crt Pcs/Box 1000PS

art. OCEAN 60 cc800609M60 cc \ 2,03 fl oz Ø 7,2 cm H 3 cmØ 2,83 in H 1,18 inPz/Crt Pcs/Box 1000PS

art. TROPICAL 80 cc800809M80 cc \ 2,71 fl oz Ø 7,2 cm H 3,6 cmØ 2,83 in H 1,42 inPz/Crt Pcs/Box 1000PS

art. SWEET 80 cc800809M80 cc \ 2,71 fl oz Ø 7,2 cm H 3,6 cmØ 2,83 in H 1,42 inPz/Crt Pcs/Box 1000PS

art. OCEAN 80 cc800809M80 cc \ 2,71 fl oz Ø 7,2 cm H 3,6 cmØ 2,83 in H 1,42 inPz/Crt Pcs/Box 1000PS

art. TROPICAL 100 cc801009M100 cc \ 3,38 fl oz Ø 7,5 cm H 4,1 cmØ 2,95 in H 1,61 inPz/Crt Pcs/Box 1000PS

art. SWEET 100 cc801009M100 cc \ 3,38 fl oz Ø 7,5 cm H 4,1 cmØ 2,95 in H 1,61 inPz/Crt Pcs/Box 1000PS

art. OCEAN 100 cc801009M100 cc \ 3,38 fl oz Ø 7,5 cm H 4,1 cmØ 2,95 in H 1,61 inPz/Crt Pcs/Box 1000PS

art. TROPICAL 130 cc801309M130 cc \ 4,4 fl oz Ø 8 cm H 4,6 cmØ 3,15 in H 1,81 inPz/Crt Pcs/Box 1000PS

art. SWEET 130 cc801309M130 cc \ 4,4 fl oz Ø 8 cm H 4,6 cmØ 3,15 in H 1,81 inPz/Crt Pcs/Box 1000PS

art. OCEAN 130 cc801309M130 cc \ 4,4 fl oz Ø 8 cm H 4,6 cmØ 3,15 in H 1,81 inPz/Crt Pcs/Box 1000PS

art. TROPICAL 170 cc801709M170 cc \ 5,75 fl oz Ø 8,6 cm H 5 cmØ 3,39in H 1,97 inPz/Crt Pcs/Box 1000PS

art. SWEET 170 cc801709M170 cc \ 5,75 fl oz Ø 8,6 cm H 5 cmØ 3,39in H 1,97 inPz/Crt Pcs/Box 1000PS

art. OCEAN 170 cc801709M170 cc \ 5,75 fl oz Ø 8,6 cm H 5 cmØ 3,39in H 1,97 inPz/Crt Pcs/Box 1000PS

1 colore 1 colour

1 colore 1 colour

1 colore 1 colour




art. VINTAGE 200 cc802009M200 cc \ 6,76 fl oz Ø 9,2 cm H 5,1 cmØ 3,62 in H 2,01 inPz/Crt Pcs/Box 500PS

art. ITALIAN 200 cc802009M200 cc \ 6,76 fl oz Ø 9,2 cm H 5,1 cmØ 3,62 in H 2,01 inPz/Crt Pcs/Box 500PS

art. SOCIAL 200 cc802009M200 cc \ 6,76 fl oz Ø 9,2 cm H 5,1 cmØ 3,62 in H 2,01 inPz/Crt Pcs/Box 500PS

art. VINTAGE 250 cc802509M250 cc \ 8,45 fl oz Ø 10,1 cm H 5,1 cmØ 3,98 in H 2,01 inPz/Crt Pcs/Box 500PS

art. ITALIAN 250 cc802509M250 cc \ 8,45 fl oz Ø 10,1 cm H 5,1 cmØ 3,98 in H 2,01 inPz/Crt Pcs/Box 500PS

art. SOCIAL 250 cc802509M250 cc \ 8,45 fl oz Ø 10,1 cm H 5,1 cmØ 3,98 in H 2,01 inPz/Crt Pcs/Box 500PS

art. VINTAGE 300 cc803009M300 cc \ 10,14 fl oz Ø 10,8 cm H 5,3 cmØ 4,25 in H 2,09 inPz/Crt Pcs/Box 500PS

art. ITALIAN 300 cc803009M300 cc \ 10,14 fl oz Ø 10,8 cm H 5,3 cmØ 4,25 in H 2,09 inPz/Crt Pcs/Box 500PS

art. SOCIAL 300 cc803009M300 cc \ 10,14 fl oz Ø 10,8 cm H 5,3 cmØ 4,25 in H 2,09 inPz/Crt Pcs/Box 500PS

art. VINTAGE 400 cc804009M400 cc \ 13,53 fl oz Ø 12,1 cm H 5,6 cmØ 4,76 in H 2,2 inPz/Crt Pcs/Box 500PS

art. ITALIAN 400 cc804009M400 cc \ 13,53 fl oz Ø 12,1 cm H 5,6 cmØ 4,76 in H 2,2 inPz/Crt Pcs/Box 500PS

art. SOCIAL 400 cc804009M400 cc \ 13,53 fl oz Ø 12,1 cm H 5,6 cmØ 4,76 in H 2,2 inPz/Crt Pcs/Box 500PS

art. VINTAGE 500 cc805009M500 cc \ 16,91 fl oz Ø 13,3 cm H 5,8 cmØ 5,24 in H 2,28 inPz/Crt Pcs/Box 500PS

art. ITALIAN 500 cc805009M500 cc \ 16,91 fl oz Ø 13,3 cm H 5,8 cmØ 5,24 in H 2,28 inPz/Crt Pcs/Box 500PS

art. SOCIAL 500 cc805009M500 cc \ 16,91 fl oz Ø 13,3 cm H 5,8 cmØ 5,24 in H 2,28 inPz/Crt Pcs/Box 500PS

art. VINTAGE 60 cc800609M60 cc \ 2,03 fl oz Ø 7,2 cm H 3 cmØ 2,83 in H 1,18 inPz/Crt Pcs/Box 1000PS

art. ITALIAN 60 cc800609M60 cc \ 2,03 fl oz Ø 7,2 cm H 3 cmØ 2,83 in H 1,18 inPz/Crt Pcs/Box 1000PS

art. SOCIAL 60 cc800609M60 cc \ 2,03 fl oz Ø 7,2 cm H 3 cmØ 2,83 in H 1,18 inPz/Crt Pcs/Box 1000PS

art. VINTAGE 80 cc800809M80 cc \ 2,71 fl oz Ø 7,2 cm H 3,6 cmØ 2,83 in H 1,42 inPz/Crt Pcs/Box 1000PS

art. ITALIAN 80 cc800809M80 cc \ 2,71 fl oz Ø 7,2 cm H 3,6 cmØ 2,83 in H 1,42 inPz/Crt Pcs/Box 1000PS

art. SOCIAL 80 cc800809M80 cc \ 2,71 fl oz Ø 7,2 cm H 3,6 cmØ 2,83 in H 1,42 inPz/Crt Pcs/Box 1000PS

art. VINTAGE 100 cc801009M100 cc \ 3,38 fl oz Ø 7,5 cm H 4,1 cmØ 2,95 in H 1,61 inPz/Crt Pcs/Box 1000PS

art. ITALIAN 100 cc801009M100 cc \ 3,38 fl oz Ø 7,5 cm H 4,1 cmØ 2,95 in H 1,61 inPz/Crt Pcs/Box 1000PS

art. SOCIAL 100 cc801009M100 cc \ 3,38 fl oz Ø 7,5 cm H 4,1 cmØ 2,95 in H 1,61 inPz/Crt Pcs/Box 1000PS

art. VINTAGE 130 cc801309M130 cc \ 4,4 fl oz Ø 8 cm H 4,6 cmØ 3,15 in H 1,81 inPz/Crt Pcs/Box 1000PS

art. ITALIAN 130 cc801309M130 cc \ 4,4 fl oz Ø 8 cm H 4,6 cmØ 3,15 in H 1,81 inPz/Crt Pcs/Box 1000PS

art. SOCIAL 130 cc801309M130 cc \ 4,4 fl oz Ø 8 cm H 4,6 cmØ 3,15 in H 1,81 inPz/Crt Pcs/Box 1000PS

art. VINTAGE 170 cc801709M170 cc \ 5,75 fl oz Ø 8,6 cm H 5 cmØ 3,39in H 1,97 inPz/Crt Pcs/Box 1000PS

art. ITALIAN 170 cc801709M170 cc \ 5,75 fl oz Ø 8,6 cm H 5 cmØ 3,39in H 1,97 inPz/Crt Pcs/Box 1000PS

art. SOCIAL 170 cc801709M170 cc \ 5,75 fl oz Ø 8,6 cm H 5 cmØ 3,39in H 1,97 inPz/Crt Pcs/Box 1000PS

1 colore 1 colour

1 colore 1 colour

1 colore 1 colour




Coppette Gelato e Yogurt – Ice Cream and Yogurt Cups


Typo Cup - Customization at will - 1 color

Coppetta TYPOPersonalizzazione libera1 colore

Difendi la tua identità. Con Typo puoi inserire il tuo logo e i tuoi elementi identificanti in modo che la coppetta parli di te. In questo modo la tua immagine sarà riconoscibile anche fuori dalla tua gelateria.

Puoi scegliere fra 10 misure di coppettae 7 colori di stampa.

Defend your identity. With Typo you can insert your logo and identifying elements so that the cup speaks about you. In this way your image will be recognizable even outside from your gelateria.

You can choose from 10 cup sizesand 7 print colors.

10 misure disponibili10 sizes available

art. 802009P200 cc

art. 802509P250 cc

art. 803009P300 cc

art. 804009P400 cc

art. 805009P500 cc

art. 800609P60 cc

art. 800809P80 cc

art. 801009P 100 cc

art. 801309P130 cc

art. 801709P170 cc

Coppette Gelato e Yogurt – Ice Cream and Yogurt Cups18

Coppette Gelato e Yogurt – Ice Cream and Yogurt Cups


art. 80200A 200 cc \ 6,76 fl oz Ø 9,2 cm H 5,1 cmØ 3,62 in H 2,01 inAzzurro Sky BluePz/Crt Pcs/Box 500PS

art. 80080A80 cc \ 2,71 fl oz Ø 7,2 cm H 3,6 cmØ 2,83 in H 1,42 inVerde GreenPz/Crt Pcs/Box 1000PS

art. 80100A100 cc \ 3,38 fl oz Ø 7,5 cm H 4,1 cmØ 2,95 in H 1,61 inFucsia FuxiaPz/Crt Pcs/Box 1000PS

art. 80130A130 cc \ 4,4 fl oz Ø 8 cm H 4,6 cmØ 3,15 in H 1,81 inOrange OrangPz/Crt Pcs/Box 1000PS

art. 80170A170 cc \ 5,75 fl oz Ø 8,6 cm H 5 cmØ 3,39in H 1,97 inViola VioletPz/Crt Pcs/Box 1000PS

art. 80200C200 cc \ 6,76 fl oz Ø 9,2 cm H 5,1 cmØ 3,62 in H 2,01 inAzzurro Sky BluePz/Crt Pcs/Box 500PS

art. 80080C80 cc \ 2,71 fl oz Ø 7,2 cm H 3,6 cmØ 2,83 in H 1,42 inVerde GreenPz/Crt Pcs/Box 1000PS

art. 80100C100 cc \ 3,38 fl oz Ø 7,5 cm H 4,1 cmØ 2,95 in H 1,61 inFucsia FuxiaPz/Crt Pcs/Box 1000PS

art. 80130C130 cc \ 4,4 fl oz Ø 8 cm H 4,6 cmØ 3,15 in H 1,81 inOrange OrangPz/Crt Pcs/Box 1000PS

art. 80170C170 cc \ 5,75 fl oz Ø 8,6 cm H 5 cmØ 3,39 in H 1,97 inViola VioletPz/Crt Pcs/Box 1000PS

art. 80200B200 cc \ 6,76 fl oz Ø 9,2 cm H 5,1 cmØ 3,62 in H 2,01 inAzzurro Sky BluePz/Crt Pcs/Box 500PS

art. 80250B250 cc \ 8,45 fl oz Ø 10,1 cm H 5,1 cmØ 3,98 in H 2,01 inVerde GreenPz/Crt Pcs/Box 500PS

art. 80300B300 cc \ 10,14 fl oz Ø 10,8 cm H 5,3 cmØ 4,25 in H 2,09 inFucsia FuxiaPz/Crt Pcs/Box 500PS

art. 80400B400 cc \ 13,53 fl oz Ø 12,1 cm H 5,6 cmØ 4,76 in H 2,2 inArancio OrangePz/Crt Pcs/Box 500PS

art. 80500B500 cc \ 16,91 fl oz Ø 13,3 cm H 5,8 cmØ 5,24 in H 2,28 inViola VioletPz/Crt Pcs/Box 500PS

art. 80060B60 cc \ 2,03 fl oz Ø 7,2 cm H 3 cmØ 2,83 in H 1,18 inAzzurro Sky BluePz/Crt Pcs/Box 1000PS

art. 80080B80 cc \ 2,71 fl oz Ø 7,2 cm H 3,6 cmØ 2,83 in H 1,42 inVerde GreenPz/Crt Pcs/Box 1000PS

art. 80100B100 cc \ 3,38 fl oz Ø 7,5 cm H 4,1 cmØ 2,95 in H 1,61 inFucsia FuxiaPz/Crt Pcs/Box 1000PS

art. 80130B130 cc \ 4,4 fl oz Ø 8 cm H 4,6 cmØ 3,15 in H 1,81 inOrange OrangPz/Crt Pcs/Box 1000PS

art. 80170B170 cc \ 5,75 fl oz Ø 8,6 cm H 5 cmØ 3,39in H 1,97 inViola VioletPz/Crt Pcs/Box 1000PS

Typo Cup - Generic

Coppette TYPOGeneriche




Coppette Gelato e Yogurt – Ice Cream and Yogurt Cups20


You’ll put your logo on it.

Coppette Gelato e Yogurt – Ice Cream and Yogurt Cups


Typo Cup - Customization at will

Coppetta TYPOPersonalizzazione libera

La tua coppetta è uno strumento importantissimo per comunicare. Con Typo, il tuo marchio può uscire dalla gelateria per farti riconoscere ovunque. Grazie al sistema di personalizzazione libera puoi creare una grafica ad hoc, unica e accattivante, nella quale il tuo marchio sarà ben visibile sulla coppetta e sulla paletta. Typo è il modo migliore per esprimere tutta la tua personalità e dare il giusto valore al tuo gelato.

Your cup is a key communication tool. With Typo, your brand will come out from your ice cream parlour and you will be recognized everywhere. This customization system allows you to create your own layout, unique and captivating, your brand will be clearly visible on your cup and ice cream spoon. Typo is the best way to express all your personality and give proper value to your ice cream.

10 misure disponibili10 sizes available

art. 802009P200 cc

art. 802509P250 cc

art. 803009P300 cc

art. 804009P400 cc

art. 805009P500 cc

art. 800609P60 cc

art. 800809P80 cc

art. 801009P 100 cc

art. 801309P130 cc

art. 801709P170 cc


LIBERALA TUA VOGLIADI ESSEREPROTAGONISTA.Give free rein to yourdesire to be a star.

Coppette Gelato e Yogurt – Ice Cream and Yogurt Cups2222

art. 044002110 14 X 56,5 cm H 26 cm5,51 X 22,24 in H 10,24 inTrasparente ClearPz/Crt Pcs/Box 1PLEXIGLASS

art. 244201110Ø 7,6 cm H 3 cmØ 2,99 in H 1,18 inTrasparente ClearChiude Close:Typo 60 cc e 80 ccPz/Crt Pcs/Box 500PET

art. 244201130Ø 8,5 cm h 3,7 cmØ 3,35 in H 1,46 inTrasparente ClearChiude Close: Typo 130 ccPz/Crt - Pcs/Box 500PET

art. 244201140Ø 9 cm h 3,9 cmØ 3,54 in H 1,54 inTrasparente ClearChiude Close: Typo 170 ccPz/Crt - Pcs/Box 500PET

art. 244201120Ø 8 cm h 3,5 cmØ 3,15 in H 1,38 inTrasparente ClearChiude Close: Typo 100 ccPz/Crt - Pcs/Box 500PET

art. 244201150Ø 9,6 cm h 4,2 cmØ 3,78 in H 1,65 inTrasparente ClearChiude Close: Typo 200 ccPz/Crt - ClearPcs/Box 500PET

art. 244201160Ø 10,5 cm h 4,5 cmØ 4,13 in H 1,77 inTrasparente ClearChiude Close: Typo 250ccPz/Crt - ClearPcs/Box 500PET

art. 244201170Ø 11,2 cm h 4,8 cmØ 4,41 in H 1,89 inTrasparente ClearChiude Close: Typo 300 ccPz/Crt - Pcs/Box 500PET

art. 244201180Ø 12,7 cm h 5,3 cmØ 5 in H 2,09 inTrasparente ClearChiude Close: Typo 400 ccPz/Crt - Pcs/Box 500PET

art. 244201190Ø 13,8 cm h 5,8 cmØ 5,43 in H 2,28 inTrasparente ClearChiude Close: Typo 500 ccPz/Crt - Pcs/Box 500PET

CoperchioCoppetta Typo

Espositore Typo

Lid for Typo Cup

Display for Typo Cups


AREASTAMPAprint area

Personalizzazione liberaCustomization at will

1. Possibilità di creare liberamente la grafica della coppetta, avendo a disposizione 42 colori pantone. 2. Nella grafica potrà essere incluso il proprio nome o logo.1. Possibility of freely creating the graphic design of the cup, having 42 pantone colours available. 2. One’s own name or logo can be included in the design.









500 cc400 cc300 cc250 cc200 cc170 cc130 cc100 cc80 cc60 ccMASCHERAmask

Personalizzazione con maschereTemplate Customization

1. Possibilità di selezionare una delle 9 maschere a disposizione. 2. La personalizzazione prevede la possibilità di stampare il proprio nome.3. Ogni misura può essere stampata del colore desiderato (da scegliere fra gli 7 disponibili) 1. Possibility of selecting one of the 9 available templates. 2. Customization allows the possibility of printing your own name.3. Each size can be printed in the colour among the selection of 7 options available)










Coppette genericheGeneric Cups


187x26 mm


194x32 mm


204x37 mm


224x41 mm


241x42 mm


271x42 mm


290x42 mm

dimensione size

330x46 mm


364x48 mm

500 ccviola violet

400 ccarancio orange

300 ccfucsia fuxia

250 ccverde green

200 ccazzurro sky blue

170 ccviola violet

130 ccarancio orange

100 ccfucsia fuxia

80 ccverde green

60 ccazzurro sky blue


GEN. 1

GEN. 2

GEN. 3

500 cc400 cc300 cc250 cc200 cc170 cc130 cc100 cc80 cc60 ccARTICOLOcod.art.



189x21 mm

Il si


a d

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em fo

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7 colori disponibili7 colors available

Coppette Gelato e Yogurt – Ice Cream and Yogurt Cups24

Perfect for scoop gelato


Si chiama Scoop ed è la nuova, vivacissima coppetta di Alcas. Il suo nome non è stato certo scelto a caso. Scoop si distingue infatti per la sua originale forma squadrata che ne semplifica il riempimento ed è impreziosita da un’elegante texture satinata a pois che crea un’originale gioco di contrasti con il fondo trasparente. Realizzata con un materiale plastico di ultima generazione, si rivela particolarmente morbida e gradevole al tatto, rendendo così ancora più piacevole gustare un buon gelato. Nello stesso tempo, è anche molto resistente, con evidenti vantaggi sia per il confezionamento da asporto che per l’esperienza d’uso da parte del cliente.

It’s called Scoop and it’s the new, brilliant cup from Alcas. Its name was certainly not chosen at random. In fact, Scoop is distinguished by its original squarish shape that makes it easy to fill, and is decorated with an elegant satin polka dot texture that creates an original play of contrasts with the transparent bottom. Made with the latest generation of plastic material, it is particularly soft and pleasant to the touch, making the enjoyment of a good gelato an even more delightful experience. At the same time it is also very durable, with obvious advantages both in practicality for takeout packaging and usefulness for the customer.

La coppetta ideale per il gelato in palline


Everything easier, everything more delicius.


Coppette Gelato e Yogurt – Ice Cream and Yogurt Cups

Coppetta ScoopScoop Cup

art. 140005030170 cc \ 5,75 fl oz 8 x 8 cm H 5 cm3,15 X 3,15 in H 1,97 inVerde Smeraldo Emerald GreenPz/Crt Pcs/Box 600PP

art. 140022020130 cc \ 4,4 fl oz 7,4 X 7,4 cm H 4,6 cm2,91 X 2,91 in H 1,81 inFuxia FuchsiaPz/Crt Pcs/Box 1050PP

art. 140019070400 cc \ 13,53 fl oz 10,5 X 10,5 cm H 6,6 cm4,13 X 4,13 in H 2,6 inVerde GreenPz/Crt Pcs/Box 400PP

art. 140012010100 cc \ 3,38 fl oz 6,8 x 6,8 cm H 4,4 cm 2,68 X 2,68 in H 1,73 inGiallo YellowPz/Crt Pcs/Box 1200PP

art. 140016060300 cc \ 10,14 fl oz 9,7 X 9,7 cm H 6 cm3,82 X 3,82 in H 2,36 inRosa PinkPz/Crt Pcs/Box 600PP

art. 140069050250 cc \ 8,45 fl oz 9,2 x 9,2 cm H 5,6 cm 3,62 X 3,62 in H 2,2 in Viola PurplePz/Crt Pcs/Box 640PP

art. 140018040200 cc \ 6,76 fl oz 8,5 x 8,5 cm H 5,3 cm3,35 X 3,35 in H 2,09 inBlu BluePz/Crt Pcs/Box 900PP

art. 140030080500 cc \ 16,91 fl oz 11,2 X 11,2 cm H 7 cm4,41 X 4,41 in H 2,76 inArancio OrangePz/Crt Pcs/Box 450PP

art. 140001120400 cc \ 13,53 fl oz 10,6 x 10,6 cm H 6,5 cm4,17 X 4,17 in H 2,56 inTrasparenteCrystal TransparentPz/Crt Pcs/Box 400PS

art. 140001110300 cc \ 10,14 fl oz 9,6 x 9,6 cm H 6 cm3,78 X 3,78 in H 2,36 inTrasparenteCrystal TransparentPz/Crt Pcs/Box 600PS

art. 140001130500 cc \ 16,91 fl oz 11,3 x 11,3 cm H 7 cm4,45 X 4,45 in H 2,76 inTrasparenteCrystal TransparentPz/Crt Pcs/Box 450PS

art. 2400010609,8 X 9,8 cm H 4,5 cm3,86 X 3,86 in H 1,77 inChiude Close: 300ccTrasparente ClearPz/Crt Pcs/Box 400PET


art. 24000107010,7 X 10,7 cm H 4,5 cm4,21 X 4,21 in H 1,77 inChiude Close: 400ccTrasparente ClearPz/Crt Pcs/Box 400PET

art.24000108011,5 X 11,5 cm H 4,5 cm4,53 X 4,53 in H 1,77 inChiude Close: 500ccTrasparente ClearPz/Crt Pcs/Box 400PET


art. 140000500Ø 24,5 cm H 33,3 cmØ 9,65 in H 13,11 inPz/crt Pcs/Box 1PlexiglassBase nera con divisioni in plexiglass trasparente Black base and clearplexiglass dividers

Contiene:art. 140012010art. 140022020art. 140005030art. 140018040art. 140069050


OLTRE LE SOLITE COPPETTE.Beyond the usual cups.

Coppette Gelato e Yogurt – Ice Cream and Yogurt Cups26

Coppetta Yo MixYo Mix Cup

art. 050001000100 cc \ 3,38 fl oz Ø 10,5 cm H 4,5 cmØ 4,13 in H 1,77 inStriscia Gialla Yellow StripesPz/Crt Pcs/Box 800 PSMS

art. 248201050 Ø 10,6 cm H 4 cmØ 4,17 in H 1,57 inChiude Close: art. 050001000art. 050001100art. 048002100Trasparente ClearPz/Crt Pcs/Box 400 PET

art. 048002100 210cc/ 7,10 fl ozØ 10,6 cm H 4,8 cmØ 4,17 in H 1,89 inStriscia Arancio Orange StripesPz/Crt Pcs/Box 800 PSMS

art. 050001020200 cc \ 6,76 fl oz Ø 13,5 cm H 5 cmØ 5,31 in H 1,97 inStriscia Rossa Red StripesPz/Crt Pcs/Box 600 PSMS

art. 248201180Ø 13,5 cm H 5 cmØ 5,31 in H 1,97 inChiude Close: art. 050001020Trasparente ClearPz/Crt Pcs/Box 300 PET

art. 048002080130cc/ 4.40 fl ozØ 9 cm H 4,2 cmØ 3,54 in H 1,65 inStriscia Verde Green StripesPz/Crt Pcs/Box 1200 PSMS

art. 248201030 Ø 9 cm H 4 cmØ 3,54 in H 1,57 inChiude Close: art. 048002080 Trasparente ClearPz/Crt Pcs/Box 600 PET

art. 050001100100 cc \ 3,38 fl oz Ø 10,5 cm H 4,5 cmØ 4,13 in H 1,77 inTrasparente ClearPz/Crt Pcs/Box 800 PET

art. 048002070100 cc \ 3,38 fl oz Ø 8,3 cm H 4 cmØ 3,27 in H 1,57 inStriscia Azzurra Pale Blue StripesPz/Crt Pcs/Box 1200 PSMS

art. 248201020Ø 8,3 cm H 3,5 cmØ 3,27 in H 1,38 inChiude Close: art. 048002070 Trasparente ClearPz/Crt Pcs/Box 600PET

art. 050001110 150 cc \ 5,07 fl oz Ø 11,6 cm H 5 cmØ 4,57 in H 1,97 inTrasparente ClearPz/Crt Pcs/Box 600 PET

art. 04800206080 cc \ 2,71 fl oz Ø 7,8 cm H 3,5 cmØ 3,07 in H 1,38 inStriscia Gialla Yellow StripesPz/Crt Pcs/Box 1200 PSMS

art. 248201010Ø 7,8 cm H 3 cmØ 3,07 in H 1,18 inChiude Close:art. 048002060Trasparente ClearPz/Crt Pcs/Box 600 PET

Coppetta Joy MixJoy Mix Cup

art. 050001010150 cc \ 5,07 fl oz Ø 11,6 cm H 5 cmØ 4,57 in H 1,97 inStriscia Verde Green StripesPz/Crt Pcs/Box 600PSMS

art. 248201160Ø 11,8 cm H 5 cmØ 4,65 in H 1,97 inChiude Close: art. 050001010 art. 050001110Trasparente ClearPz/Crt Pcs/Box 300 PET

art. 048002090170cc/ 5,75 fl ozØ 9,8 cm H 4,5 cmØ 3,86 in H 1,77 inStriscia Rossa Red StripesPz/Crt Pcs/Box 1000 PSMS

art. 248201040Ø 9,8 cm H 4 cmØ 3,86 in H 1,57 inChiude Close: art. 048002090 Trasparente ClearPz/Crt Pcs/Box 500 PET





Coppette Gelato e Yogurt – Ice Cream and Yogurt Cups


Smeraldo Cup

art. 138005030250 cc \ 8,45 fl oz Ø 10,5 cm H 5,5 cmØ 4,13 in H 2,17 inVerde Mare Sea GreenPz/Crt Pcs/Box 600PP

art. 13801200090 cc \ 3,04 fl oz Ø 7,6 cm H 4 cm Ø 2,99 in H 1,57 inGiallo YellowPz/Crt Pcs/Box 1000PP

art. 138017010150 cc \ 5,07 fl oz Ø 9 cm H 4,5 cmØ 3,54 in H 1,77 inRosso RedPz/Crt Pcs/Box 1000PP

art. 138069020200 cc \ 6,76 fl oz Ø 10 cm H 5 cmØ 3,94 in H 1,97 inViola VioletPz/Crt Pcs/Box 1000PP

art. 138019060550 cc \ 18,6 fl oz Ø 14 cm H 7,5 cmØ 5,51 in H 2,95 inVerde GreenPz/Crt Pcs/Box 400PP

art. 138024050 450 cc \ 15,22 fl oz Ø 12,5 cm H 7 cmØ 4,92 in H 2,76 inArancio OrangePz/Crt Pcs/Box 600PP

art. 138013040350 cc \ 11,83 fl oz Ø 11,5 cm H 6 cmØ 4,53 in H 2,36 inCeleste Sky BluePz/Crt Pcs/Box 600PP



art. 13800100090 cc \ 3,04 fl oz Ø 7,6 cm H 4 cm Ø 2,99 in H 1,57 inSatinato FrostedPz/Crt Pcs/Box 1000PP

art. 138001010150 cc \ 5,07 fl oz Ø 9 cm H 4,5 cm Ø 3,54 in H 1,77 in Satinato FrostedPz/Crt Pcs/Box 1000PP

art. 138001020200 cc \ 6,76 fl oz Ø 10 cm H 5 cm Ø 3,94 in H 1,97 in Satinato FrostedPz/Crt Pcs/Box 1000PP

art. 138001030250 cc \ 8,45 fl ozØ 10,5 cm H 5,5 cm Ø 4,13 in H 2,17 in Satinato FrostedPz/Crt Pcs/Box 600PP

art. 138002040350 cc \ 11,83 fl oz Ø 11,5 cm H 6 cm Ø 4,53 in H 2,36 inSatinato FrostedPz/Crt Pcs/Box 600PP


art. 138001040350 cc \ 11,83 fl oz Ø 11,5 cm H 6 cm Ø 4,53 in H 2,36 inTrasparente ClearPz/Crt Pcs/Box 600PS

art. 138001050450 cc \ 15,22 fl oz Ø 12,5 cm H 7 cm Ø 4,92 in H 2,76 inTrasparente ClearPz/Crt Pcs/Box 600PS

art. 138001060550 cc \ 18,6 fl ozØ 14 cm H 7,5 cm Ø 5,51 in H 2,95 inTrasparente ClearPz/Crt Pcs/Box 600PS

Coppetta Smeraldo


art. 140000500Ø 24,5 cm H 33,3 cmØ 9,65 in H 13,11 inPz/crt Pcs/Box 1PlexiglassBase nera con divisioniin plexiglass trasparente Black base and clearplexiglass dividers

Contiene:art. 138012000art. 138017010art. 138069020art. 138005030

Coppette Gelato e Yogurt – Ice Cream and Yogurt Cups

art. 048102020100 cc \ 3,38 fl oz Ø 8,3 cm H 4 cmØ 3,27 in H 1,57 inInt. Bianco/Est. CelesteInt. White/Ext. Sky BluePz/Crt Pcs/Box 1200PS


art. 04810201080 cc \ 2,71 fl oz Ø 7,8 cm H 3,5 cmØ 3,07 in H 1,38 inInt. Bianco/Est. GialloInt. White/Ext. YellowPz/Crt Pcs/Box 1200PS

art. 048102050210 cc \ 7,1 fl oz Ø 10,6 cm H 4,8 cmØ 4,17 in H 1,89 inInt. Bianco/Est. ArancioInt. White/Ext. OrangePz/Crt Pcs/Box 800PS

art. 048102040170 cc \ 5,75 fl oz Ø 9,8 cm H 4,5 cmØ 3,86 in H 1,77 inInt. Bianco/Est. RossoInt. White/Ext. RedPz/Crt Pcs/Box 1000PS

art. 048102030130 cc \ 4,40 fl oz Ø 9cm H 4,2 cmØ 3,54 in H 1,65 inInt. Bianco/Est. VerdeInt. White/Ext. GreenPz/Crt Pcs/Box 1200PS


art. 248201010Ø 7,8 cm H 3 cmØ 3,07 in H 1,18 inTrasparente ClearPz/Crt Pcs/Box 600PET

art. 248201020 Ø 8,3 cm H 3,5 cmØ 3,27 in H 1,38 inTrasparente ClearPz/Crt Pcs/Box 600PET

art. 248201030Ø 9 cm H 4 cmØ 3,54 in H 1,57 inTrasparente ClearPz/Crt Pcs/Box 600PET

art. 248201050Ø 10,6 cm H 4 cmØ 4,17 in H 1,57 inTrasparente ClearPz/Crt Pcs/Box 400PET

art. 248201040Ø 9,8 cm H 4 cmØ 3,86 in H 1,57 inTrasparente ClearPz/Crt Pcs/Box 500PET

Coppetta JoyJoy Cup

100% RICICLABILERecyclable


Coppette Gelato e Yogurt – Ice Cream and Yogurt Cups

COPPETTA JOYOSO CIRCUS(Con Paletta Bicolore)Joyoso Circus Cup with bicoloured spoon

art. 013002090120 cc \ 4,06 fl oz Ø 8,6 cm H 4,5 cmØ 3,39 in H 1,77 inAssortiti AssortedPz/Crt Pcs/Box 50PS

CoppettaJoyoso CircusJoyoso Circus Cups


Palettee Cucchiai

Cucchiai e Palette personalizzabili

Palette PastelloPalette TrasparentiPalette IncartateP.Box Dispenser e PalitaMini BoxCucchiai GranitaForchettina 2 punte

Ergonomica e resistente, assortita o incartata, scegli il colore e la modalità di consumo che più soddisfa le tue esigenze.

Ergonomic and resistant, assorted or wrapped, choose the colour and usage most suitable for your needs.


Palette e Cucchiai – Ice Cream and Sundaes Spoons

Cucchiai e Palette personalizzabili

Palette PastelloPalette TrasparentiPalette IncartateP.Box Dispenser e PalitaMini BoxCucchiai GranitaForchettina 2 punte

Colori Palette Spoons ColourGiallo, Verde, Fuxia, Bianco, NeroYellow, Green, Fuchsia, White, Black

Colori InchiostroBianco, Nero, Rosso, Blu, Verde, Giallo, MarroneWhite, Black, Red, Blue, Green, Yellow, Brown

Palette e Cucchiaipersonalizzabili


art. 07700002018 X 3 cm H 1,3 cm7,09 X 1,18 in H 0,51 inAssortiti AssortedPz/Crt Pcs/Box 3000PS


art. 07700104015 X 2,6 cm H 1,8 cm5,91 X 1,02 in H 0,71 inAssortiti Trasparenti Assorted TransparentsPz/Crt Pcs/Box 4000PS


art. 0880000009,5 X 2,1 cm3,74 X 0,83 inAssortiti AssortedKg/Crt Kg/Box 10PS


art. 088002000C9,5 X 2,1 cm3,74 X 0,83 inBianco WhiteKg/Crt Kg/Box 10PS


art. 088020000B9,5 X 2,1 cm3,74 X 0,83 inNero BlackKg/Crt Kg/Box 10PS

Customizable Ice Cream and Sundaes Spoons

32Palette e Cucchiai – Ice Cream and Sundaes Spoons

Palette GelatoIce Cream Spoons

PALETTA GELATOINCARTATAIndividual WrappedIce Cream Spoon

art. 0880011609,5 X 2,1 cm3,74 X 0,83 inMateriale busta: CartaWrap material: PaperColore Colour:Assortite TrasparentiAssorted ClearPz/Crt Pcs/Box 5000PS


art. 0880010009,5 X 2,1 cm3,74 X 0,83 inAssortite TrasparentiAssorted ClearKg/Crt Kg/Box 10PS


art. 088002000C9,5 X 2,1 cm3,74 X 0,83 inBianco WhiteKg/Crt Kg/Box 10PS


art. 088001000T9,5 X 2,1 cm3,74 X 0,83 inCristallo ClearKg/Crt Kg/Box 10PS


art. 0730010308,4 cm3,31 inAssortiti AssortedPz/Crt Pcs/Box 20000PS


art. 088020000B9,5 X 2,1 cm3,74 X 0,83 in Nero BlackKg/Crt Kg/Box 10PS


art. 0880000009,5 X 2,1 cm3,74 X 0,83 inAssortiti AssortedKg/Crt Kg/Box 10PS

PALETTE GELATO IMBUSTATEIndividual WrappedIce Cream Spoon

art. 0780000609,5 X 2,1 cm3,74 X 0,83 inAssortiti AssortedPz/Crt Pcs/Box 5000PS


Palette e Cucchiai – Ice Cream and Sundaes Spoons

P.BOX - DISPENSERPER PALETTE PALITAP.Box - Dispenser for Palita Spoons

art. 080001010Dispenser trasparenteTransparent DispenserTasti trasparentiTransparent buttonsCapacità Capacity:510 Palette 510 SpoonsPz/Crt Pcs/Box 1ABS

art. 080001020Dispenser trasparenteTransparent DispenserTasti blu e verdiBlu and green buttonsCapacità Capacity: 510 Palette 510 SpoonsPz/Crt Pcs/Box 1ABS

art. 080001030Dispenser trasparenteTransparent DispenserTasti Viola e fuxiaPurple and fuxia buttonsCapacità Capacity: 510 Palette 510 SpoonsPz/Crt Pcs/Box 1ABS


art. 078000080Contenuto Content:400 Palette Gelato078000060400 WrappedIce Cream Spoons078000060PS

Dimensioni Dimension:24,5 X 10,5 cm H 18,5 cm9,65 X 4,13 in H 7,28 inPz/Crt Pcs/Box 4000Cartone


art. 07700103012,5 X 2,7 cm4,92 X 1,06 inAssortiti Trasparenti Assorted TransparentsPz/Crt Pcs/Box 5000PS


art. 07700104015 X 2,6 cm H 1,8 cm5,91 X 1,02 in H 0,71 inAssortiti Trasparenti Assorted TransparentsPz/Crt Pcs/Box 4000PS


art. 07700002018 X 3 cm H 1,3 cm7,09 X 1,18 in H 0,51 inAssortiti AssortedPz/Crt Pcs/Box 3000PS


art. 07700102018 X 3 cm7,09 X 1,18 inAssortiti trasparentiAssorted TransparentsPz/Crt Pcs/Box 3000PS

Cucchiai GranitaSundae Spoons


art. 1800000009,5 X 2 cm3,74 X 0,79 inMagenta, Verde,, Azzurro /Magenta, Green, BluePz/Crt Pcs/Box 7650PS

LineaBio Happy

BIOHAPPY COLLECTIONBioHappy è la prima linea di prodotti ecocompatibiliper gelateria e pasticceria realizzati in bioplastica di mais, un innovativo materiale più ecologico della carta, più trasparente del vetro, flessibile e resistente come la plastica. Con BioHappy non vengono consumate risorse scarse o difficilmente rinnovabili, come gli alberi o il petrolio. Inoltre, i prodotti realizzati in bioplastica di maissi biodegradano completamente. Il risultato è: niente rifiuti e massimo rispetto dell’ambiente.

BioHappy is the first line of environmental friendly products for gelato shops and pastry shops. They are made of bio-plastic coming from corn. This material is very innovative and more ecological than paper, more transparent than glass and as flexible and resistant as plastic. BioHappy doesn’t need resources difficult to find or hard to renew, like trees or oil. Moreover, these products are 100% biodegradable. Result is: no more waste and respect for environment.

CoppettePalette e CucchiaiBicchieriCannucceVassoi


New life to nature

36Linea Bio – BioHappy Collection

Un grande impegnoper il futuro di tuttiA great commitment for everybody’s future

Nasce dalla natura, ritorna nella naturaIt comes from nature, it goes back to nature

I prodotti realizzati con il nuovo materiale prima si riducono in frammenti poi si trasformano in molecole di dimensioni così piccole da poter essere aggredite dai batteri e trasformate in anidride carbonica ed acqua.

Una coppetta prodotta con il materiale proveniente dal mais si degrada in 47 giorni in un impianto di compostaggio a 60 gradi.

The products made from the new material first break down into fragments, which are then transformed into molecules of such small size that can be attacked by bacteria and transformed into carbon dioxide and water.A cup made from maize degrades within 47 days in a composting system at 60 degrees.

La felicità nasce anche da un rapporto positivo con l’ambiente che ci circonda. Per questo è nata BioHappy, la prima linea di prodotti ecocompatibili per gelateria e pasticceria realizzati in bioplastica di mais. Questo innovativo materiale, più ecologico della carta, più trasparente del vetro, flessibile e resistente come la plastica, consente la produzione di coppette, palette, cucchiai e bicchieri in grado di rispettare la natura.Con BioHappy, infatti, non vengono consumate risorse scarse o difficilmente rinnovabili, come gli alberi o il petrolio. Inoltre, i prodotti realizzati in bioplastica di mais si biodegradano completamente. Il risultato è: niente rifiuti e massimo rispetto dell’ambiente.

Happiness also comes from a positive relationship with the environment around us. This is why BioHappy was born, the first line of eco-compatible products for ice cream and pastry made of bio-plastic produced from corn. This material is very innovative and more ecological than paper, more transparent than glass and as flexible and resistant as plastic. BioHappy doesn’t need resources difficult to find or hard to renew, like trees or oil. Moreover, these products are 100% biodegradable. The final result is: no more waste and total respect for the environment.

Negli anni, la linea BioHappy si è ingrandita, andando a rispondere al nostro desiderio di realizzare sempre più prodotti che avessero un impatto ambientale minore rispetto a quelli tradizionali. Perché la natura ha bisogno di essere trattata con cura, e BioHappy dona un sorriso al nostro pianeta.

Over the years, the BioHappy line has expanded, responding to our desire to make more and more products with a minor environmental impact compared to the traditional ones. Because nature needs to be treated with care,and BioHappy donates a smile to our planet.





Linea Bio – BioHappy Collection

Valore compostabileValore compostabile

La linea BioHappy, così come tanti altri prodotti Alcas che nasceranno, è compostabile. Cosa significa? Che, oltre a disgregarsi naturalmente, può essere essa stessa di aiuto per lo sviluppo di piante e alberi. La compostabilità è infatti la capacità di un materiale di trasformarsi in compost mediante il processo di compostaggio. Il compost maturo assomiglia ad un terriccio fertile e per la sua ricchezza in sostanze organiche è impiegato come fertilizzante. Un ritorno alla natura con il quale il cerchio si chiude. Ma noi, più che di cerchio, preferiamo parlare di abbraccio. Alla natura, al domani, a ciò in cui abbiamo da sempre creduto.

The BioHappy line, as well as many other Alcas products that will follow, is compostable. What does this mean? Besides disintegrating naturally, it can itself be of help for the development of plants and trees. In fact, compostability is the ability of a material to turn into compost through the composting process. The mature compost resembles a fertile soil and because of its richness in organic substances is used as a fertilizer. A return to nature with which the circle is closed. But rather than circle, we prefer to consider it an embracement. Towards nature, the future and what we have always firmly believed in.




NATURALEnatural cycle

38Linea Bio – BioHappy Collection

Coppetta BioBio Cup

art. 14501201080 cc \ 2,71 fl oz Ø 7,8 cm H 3,5 cmØ 3,07 in H 1,38 inBianco Trasparente Clear WhitePz/Crt Pcs/Box 1200PLA

art. 145019020100 cc \ 3,38 fl oz Ø 8,3 cm H 4 cmØ 3,27 in H 1,57 inVerde TrasparenteClear GreenPz/Crt PcsBox 1200PLA

art. 145030030130 cc \ 4,4 fl oz Ø 9 cm H 4,2 cmØ 3,54 in H 1,65 inArancio Trasparente Clear OrangePz/Crt Pcs/Box 1200PLA

art. 145012040 170 cc \ 5,75 fl oz Ø 9,8 cm H 4,5 cmØ 3,86 in H 1,77 inBianco Trasparente Clear WhitePz/Crt Pcs/Box 1000PLA

art. 145019050210 cc \ 7,1 fl oz Ø 10,6 cm H 4,8 cmØ 4,17 in H 1,89 inVerde Trasparente Clear GreenPz/Crt Pcs/Box 800PLA

art. 145030060300 cc \ 10,14 fl oz Ø 11,8 cm H 5,1 cmØ 4,65 in H 2,01 inArancio Trasparente Clear OrangePz/Crt Pcs/Box 400PLA

art. 145012070400 cc \ 13,53 fl oz Ø 12,5 cm H 5,8 cmØ 4,92 in H 2,28 inBianco Trasparente Clear WhitePz/Crt Pcs/Box 300PLA

art. 145019080500 cc \ 16,91 fl oz Ø 13,5 cm H 6 cmØ 5,31 in H 2,36 inVerde Trasparente Clear GreenPz/Crt Pcs/Box 300PLA

art. 250201050 Ø 10,6 cm H 4 cmØ 4,17 in H 1,57 inChiude Close: art. 145019050Art. 056001000Trasparente ClearPz/Crt Pcs/Box 400 PLA

art. 250201030Ø 9 cm H 4 cmØ 3,54 in H 1,57 inChiude Close: art. 145030030Trasparente ClearPz/Crt Pcs/Box 600 PLA

art. 250201020Ø 8,3 cm H 3,5 cmØ 3,27 in H 1,38 inChiude Close: art. 145019020Trasparente ClearPz/Crt Pcs/Box 600PLA

art. 250201010Ø 7,8 cm H 3 cmØ 3,07 in H 1,18 inChiude Close:art. 145012010Trasparente ClearPz/Crt Pcs/Box 600 PLA

art. 250201060Ø 11,8 cm H 5 cmØ 4,65 in H 1,97 inChiude Close: art. 145030060art. 056001010Trasparente ClearPz/Crt Pcs/Box 300 PLA

art. 250201040Ø 9,8 cm H 4 cmØ 3,86 in H 1,57 inChiude Close: art. 145012040Trasparente ClearPz/Crt Pcs/Box 500 PLA




Linea Bio – BioHappy Collection

PALETTE BIOBio Ice Cream Spoon

art. 08800009K9,5 X 2,1 cm3,74 X 0,83 inColori assortitiAssorted colorsKg/crt Kg/box 10PS+additivo Poly-Bi


art. 07700014015 X 2,6 cm H 1,8 cm5,91 X 1,02 in H 0,71 inColori assortiti Assorted colorPz/Crt Pcs/Box 3000PS+additivo Poly-Bi


art. 25700101010,5 X 1,9 cm4,13 X 0,75 inTrasparenteClearPz/Crt Pcs/Box 2400PLA

art. 056001000100 cc \ 3,38 fl oz Ø 10,5 cm H 4,5 cmØ 4,13 in H 1,77 inTrasparente ClearPz/Crt Pcs/Box 800 PLA

art. 056001010 150 cc \ 5,07 fl oz Ø 11,6 cm H 5 cmØ 4,57 in H 1,97 inTrasparente ClearPz/Crt Pcs/Box 600 PLA



art. 0880120109,5 X 2,1 cm3,74 X 0,83 inColor CremaCream colorKg/crt Kg/box 10PLA


art. 07701223012,5 X 2,7 cm4,92 X 1,06 inColor CremaCream colorPz/Crt Pcs/Box 3000PLA


art. 07701224015 X 2,6 cm H 1,8 cm5,91 X 1,02 in H 0,71 inColor CremaCream colorPz/Crt Pcs/Box 3000PLA


art. 07701222018 X 3 cm H 1,3 cm7,09 X 1,18 in H 0,51 inColor CremaCream colorPz/Crt Pcs/Box 3000PLA


art. 07700012018 X 3 cm H 1,3 cm7,09 X 1,18 in H 0,51 inColori assortiti Assorted colorPz/Crt Pcs/Box 3000PS+additivo Poly-Bi


art. 07700013012,5 X 2,7 cm4,92 X 1,06 inColori assortiti Assorted colorPz/Crt Pcs/Box 3000PS+additivo Poly-Bi

DALLA NATURA PER LA NATURAFrom nature for nature


Linea Bio – BioHappy Collection


art. 27101224024 X 24 cm H 1,7 cm9,45 X 9,45 in H 0,67 inColor CremaColor CreamPz/Crt - Pcs/Box 50PLA


art. 25610111070 cc \ 2,37 fl oz Ø 5 cm H 5 cmØ 1,97 in H 1,97 inTrasparente TransparentPz/Crt Pcs/Box 480PLA

art. 256101130110 cc \ 3,72 fl oz Ø 6 cm H 5,6 cmØ 2,36 in H 2,2 inTrasparenteTransparentPz/Crt Pcs/Box 360PLA

art. 256101150160 cc \ 5,41 fl oz Ø 7 cm H 6,5 cmØ 2,76 in H 2,56 inTrasparente TransparentPz/Crt Pcs/Box 360PLA

Coppa Uau BioBio Uau Cup


Linea Bio – BioHappy Collection

Mini Medoro Tondo BioBio Round Mini Medoro Tray

art. 014001040Ø 6 cmØ 2,36 inTrasparenteClearPz/Crt Pcs/Box 600PLA

art. 014001030Ø 9,5 cmØ 3,74 inTrasparenteClearPz/Crt Pcs/Box 600PLA

art. 014001010Ø 12 cmØ 4,72 inTrasparenteClearPz/Crt Pcs/Box 600PLA


Linea Bio – BioHappy Collection

Cannucce BioBio Straws




Linea Bio – BioHappy Collection

BIO FLESSIBILEBio Flexible Straws

art. 071100410Ø 5 x 24 cmØ 1,97 x 9,45 inAssortiti AssortedPz/Crt Pcs/Box 8000PLA

BIO RIGIDABio Straight Straws

art. 071100420Ø 6 x 25 cmØ 2,36 x 9,84 inBianca WhitePz/Crt Pcs/Box 2250PLA

BIO RIGIDABio Straight Straws

art. 071100440Ø 6 x 21 cmØ 2,36 x 8,26 inNero BlackPz/Crt Pcs/Box 3450PLA


art. 071100450Ø 5 x 24 cmØ 1,97 x 9,45 in(Incartate Wrapped)Verde Assortito Green AssprtedPz/Crt Pcs/Box 6400PLA

BIO GRANITABio Slush Straws

art. 071100460Ø 6 x 21 cmØ 2,36 x 8,26 inNero BlackPz/Crt Pcs/Box 6000PLA

BIO RIGIDABio Straight Straws

art. 071100430Ø 6 x 21 cmØ 2,36 x 8,26 inBianca WhitePz/Crt Pcs/Box 3450PLA

BIO COCKTAILBio Cocktail Straws

art. 071100470Ø 8 x 15 cmØ 3,15 x 5,90 inNero BlackPz/Crt Pcs/Box 3000PLA


Linea Bio – BioHappy Collection



Linea Bio – BioHappy Collection

Bicchiere BioBio Glasses



COPERCHIOLid for Glass

COPERCHIOLid for Glass

art. 059101120250 cc \ 8,45 fl oz Ø 7,8 cm H 9 cmØ 3,07 in H 3,54 inTrasparente ClearPz/Crt Pcs/Box 1000PLA

art. 059101140400 cc \ 13,53 fl oz Ø 8,5 cm H 11,5 cmØ 3,35 in H 4,53 inTrasparente ClearPz/Crt Pcs/Box 1000PLA

art. 059101110200 cc \ 6,76 fl oz Ø 7,8 cm H 8 cmØ 3,07 in H 3,15 inTrasparente ClearPz/Crt Pcs/Box 1000PLA


art. 059201140Ø 8,7 cm H 4,5 cmØ 3,43 in H 1,77 inTrasparente ClearChiude Close:Pz/Crt Pcs/Box 500PLA

art. 059201110Ø 8 cm H 4 cmØ 3,15 in H 1,57 inTrasparente ClearChiude Close: art. 059101010art. 059101020Pz/Crt Pcs/Box 500PLA


Bicchieri eCannucce

GLASSES AND STRAWSColorate satinature alternate a giocosi riccioli trasparenti; mood coordinati e giochi di colori in materiali resistenti per bere in libertà drink, granite e frappè ovunque tu voglia.

Coloured satin finish with lively transparent ringlets, coordinated styles with interplay of colours in resistant materials for soft drinks, icy drinks and milk shakes whenever you feel like it.

Drink Mix






Colored, Resistant.


Bicchieri e Cannucce – Glasses and Straws

Drink Mix

art. 049001050500 cc \ 16,91 fl oz Ø 10,6 cm H 13,5 cmØ 4,17 in H 5,31 inStriscia Arancio Orange StripesPz/Crt Pcs/Box 400PSMS

art. 049001040400 cc \ 13,53 fl oz Ø 9,8 cm H 12,2 cmØ 3,86 in H 4,8 inStriscia Rossa Red StripesPz/Crt Pcs Box 500PSMS

art. 049001030300 cc \ 10,14 fl oz Ø 9 cm H 11,2 cmØ 3,54 in H 4,41 inStriscia Verde Green StripesPz/Crt Pcs/Box 1000PSMS

art. 049001020250 cc \ 8,45 fl oz Ø 8,3 cm H 9,5 cmØ 3,27 in H 3,74 inStriscia Azzurra Blue StripesPz/Crt Pcs/Box 1000PSMS

art. 049001010200 cc \ 6,76 fl oz Ø 8,3 cm H 8 cmØ 3,27 in H 3,15 inStriscia Gialla Yellow Stripes Pz/Crt Pcs/Box 1000PSMS

art. 249201050Ø 10,6 cm H 3,3 cmØ 4,17 in H 1,3 inChiude Close: art. 049001050Trasparente ClearPz/Crt Pcs/Box 400PET

art. 249201040 Ø 9,8 cm H 3 cmØ 3,86 in H 1,18 inChiude Close: art. 049001040Trasparente ClearPz/Crt Pcs/Box 500PET

art. 249201030Ø 9 cm H 2,6 cmØ 3,54 in H 1,02 inChiude Close: art. 049001030Trasparente ClearPz/Crt Pcs/Box 1000 PET



art. 249201020Ø 8,3 cm H 2,2 cmØ 3,27 in H 0,87 inChiude Close: art. 049001010 art. 049001020Trasparente ClearPz/Crt Pcs/Box 1000 PET

Drink Mix Glasses

PACK COORDINATO.Coordinated pack.


Bicchieri e Cannucce – Glasses and Straws

Everyday Glasses Bicchiere Everyday


art. 059101020250 cc \ 8,45 fl oz Ø 7,8 cm H 9 cmØ 3,07 in H 3,54 inTrasparente ClearPz/Crt Pcs/Box 1000PET

art. 059101040400 cc \ 13,53 fl oz Ø 8,5 cm H 11,5 cmØ 3,35 in H 4,53 inTrasparente ClearPz/Crt Pcs/Box 1000PET

art. 059101050500 cc \ 16,91 fl oz Ø 8,5 cm H 13 cmØ 3,35 in H 5,12 inTrasparente ClearPz/Crt Pcs/Box 1000PET

art. 059101060575 cc \ 19,44 fl oz Ø 9,5 cm H 13 cmØ 3,74 in H 5,12 inTrasparente ClearPz/Crt Pcs/Box 800PET

art. 059101070630 cc \ 21,3 fl oz Ø 9,5 cm H 14 cmØ 3,74 in H 5,51 inTrasparente ClearPz/Crt Pcs/Box 800PET

art. 059101030300 cc \ 10,14 fl oz Ø 7,8 cm H 10,1 cmØ 3,07 in H 3,98 inTrasparente ClearPz/Crt Pcs/Box 1000PET


art. 059201040Ø 8,7 cm H 4,5 cmØ 3,43 in H 1,77 inTrasparente ClearChiude Close:art. 059101040art. 059101050Pz/Crt Pcs/Box 500PET

art. 059201060Ø 9,7 cm H 4,5 cmØ 3,82 in H 1,77 inTrasparente ClearChiude Close:art. 059101060art. 059101070 Pz/Crt Pcs/Box 400PET

art. 059201010Ø 8 cm H 4 cmØ 3,15 in H 1,57 inTrasparente ClearChiude Close: art. 059101010art. 059101020art. 059101030Pz/Crt Pcs/Box 500PET

art. 059101010200 cc \ 6,76 fl oz Ø 7,8 cm H 8 cmØ 3,07 in H 3,15 inTrasparente ClearPz/Crt Pcs/Box 1000PET



Bicchiere LoopLoop Glasses



SATINATIFrosted Colours


art. 063112030300 cc \ 10,14 fl oz Ø 8,8 cm H 10 cmØ 3,46 in H 3,94 inGiallo YellowPz/Crt Pcs/Box 500PP

art. 063102030300 cc \ 10,14 fl oz Ø 8,8 cm H 10 cmØ 3,46 in H 3,94 inSatinato Trasparente FrostedPz/Crt Pcs/Box 500PP

art. 063169050580 cc \ 19,61 fl oz Ø 10,3 cm H 12,5 cmØ 4,06 in H 4,92 inFucsia FuxiaPz/Crt Pcs/Box 400PP

art. 063119040420 cc \ 14,2 fl oz Ø 9,4 cm H 11,8 cmØ 3,7 in H 4,65 inTurchese TurquoisePz/Crt Pcs/Box 500PP

art. 063102040420 cc \ 14,2 fl oz Ø 9,4 cm H 11,8 cmØ 3,7 in H 4,65 inSatinato Trasparente FrostedPz/Crt Pcs/Box 500PP

art. 063102050580 cc \ 19,61 fl oz Ø 10.3 cm H 12,5 cmØ 4,06 in H 4,92 inSatinato Trasparente FrostedPz/Crt Pcs/Box 400PP

art. 063201030 300 ccØ 9,1 cm H 3 cmØ 3,58 in H 1,18 inTrasparente ClearPz/Crt Pcs/Box 500PET

art. 063201050580 ccØ 10,6 cm H 3,7 cmØ 4,17 in H 1,46 inTrasparente ClearPz/Crt Pcs/Box 400PET

art. 063201040420 ccØ 9,7 cm H 3,5 cmØ 3,82 in H 1,38 inTrasparente ClearPz/Crt Pcs/Box 500PET



Bicchieri e Cannucce – Glasses and Straws

art. 2384200106 X 6 cm H 4 cm2,36 X 2,36 in H 1,57 inNero BlackPz/Crt Pcs/Box 480PS

art. 236101020130 cc \ 4,4 fl oz Ø 6 cm H 15 cmØ 2,36 in H 5,91 inCristallo ClearPz/Crt Pcs/Box 480PS

art. 2384010106 X 6 cm H 4 cm2,36 X 2,36 in H 1,57 inCristallo ClearPz/Crt Pcs/Box 480PS




Flute DiamondDiamond Flute

art. 239101020130 cc \ 4,4 fl oz Ø 6 cm H 14,6 cmØ 2,36 in H 5,75 inCristallo ClearPz/Crt Pcs/Box 480PS

art. 234420010Ø 6,6 cm H 2,6 cmØ 2,6 in H 1,02 inNero BlackPz/Crt Pcs/Box 480PS

art. 234401010Ø 6,6 cm H 2,6 cmØ 2,6 in H 1,02 inCristallo ClearPz/Crt Pcs/Box 480PS


Bicchiere FluteFlute Glass



art. 071000170Ø 7,6 x 24 cmØ 3 x 9,45 in(Non Incartate Unwrapped)Assortiti AssortedPz/Crt Pcs/Box 5000PP


art. 071100320Ø 7 x 21 cmØ 2,75 x 8,27 in(Incartate Wrapped)Assortiti AssortedPz/Crt Pcs/Box 5000PP


art. 071100310Ø 5 x 24 cmØ 1,97 x 9,45 in(Incartate Wrapped)Assortiti AssortedPz/Crt Pcs/Box 5000PP


art. 071100210Ø 5 x 24 cmØ 1,97 x 9,45 in(Non Incartate Unwrapped)Assortiti AssortedPz/Crt Pcs/Box 5000PP

CANNUCCE DRITTENERAStraight Straws - Black

art. 071000140 Ø 7 x 21 cmØ 2,75 x 8,27 in(Non Incartate Unwrapped)Nero BlackPz/Crt Pcs/Box 5000PP


art. 071100220Ø 7 x 21 cmØ 2,75 x 8,27 in(Non Incartate Unwrapped)Assortiti Assorted Pz/Crt Pcs/Box 5000PP


Bicchieri e Cannucce – Glasses and Straws

CANNUCCE COCKTAIL NERA - 13 CMBlack Cocktail Straws - 13 cm

art. 071100150Ø 7 x 13 cmØ 2,75 x 5,12 in(Non Incartate Unwrapped)Nero BlackPz/Crt Pcs/Box 10000PP


art. 071100250 Ø 10 x 19 cmØ 3,94 x 7,48 in(Non Incartate - Unwrapped)Assortiti Assorted Pz/Crt Pcs/Box 5000 PP


art. 071100230Ø 6,5 x 20,5 cmØ 2,56 x 8,07 in(Non Incartate Unwrapped)Assortiti AssortedPz/Crt Pcs/Box 5000PP


ICE CREAM TUBSLe gelatiere Alcas garantiscono un’ottima tenuta termica e sono l’ideale sia per la conservazione che per l’esposizione in vetrina.

Alcas ice cream items guarantee an excellent thermal capacity and are ideal both for preservation and for window display. Available in a range of colours and sizes.

Gelatiere 4200 cc.Gelatiere 4750 cc.Gelatiere 5 Lt.Gelatiere 5,5 Lt.Gelatiere 2,5 Lt.


At the service of the quality

56Gelatiere – Ice Cream Tubs

COPERCHIOGELATIERA4200 CCLid For Ice Cream Tub 4200 cc

GELATIERA4200 CCIce Cream Tub 4200 cc

COPERCHIO BOMBATOGELATIERA 4750Dome Lid For Ice Cream Tub 4750

art. 28420108034,5 x 16,3 cm H 6 cm13,58 X 6,42 in H 2,36 inTrasparente ClearPz/Crt Pcs/Box 150PET

COPERCHIOGELATIERA 4750Lid For Ice Cream Tub 4750

art. 28420101034,5 x 16,3 cm H 1,3 cm13,58 X 6,42 in H 0,51 inTrasparente ClearPz/Crt Pcs/Box 150PET

GELATIERA 4750Ice Cream Tub 4750

art. 0840080204400 cc \ 148,78 fl oz 34,7 X 16,5 cm H 11,6 cm13,66 X 6,5 in H 4,57 inGrigio GreyPz/Crt Pcs/Box 150PSMS

GELATIERA 4750Ice Cream Tub 4750

art. 0840020204400 cc \ 148,78 fl oz 32 X 13,3 cm H 11,2 cm12,6 X 5,24 in H 4,41 inBianco WhitePz/Crt Pcs/Box 150PSMS

Gelatiera 4200 ccIce Cream Tub 4200 cc

Gelatiera 4750 ccIce Cream Tub 4750 cc


art. 28420205034,3 X 15,5 cm13,5 X 6,1 inBianco WhitePz/Crt Pcs/Box 150PSMS

GELATIERA 4750NUOVO TIPOIce Cream Tub 4750 New Type

art. 0840020504400 cc \ 148,78 fl oz 32,2 x 13,5 cm H 11,8 cm12,68 X 5,31 in H 4,65 inBianco WhitePz/Crt Pcs/Box 150PSMS

art. 084002030Cont. 4200 cc - 142 fl oz22,5 x 13 cm H 15,3 cm8,86 X 5,12 in H 6,02 inBianco WhitePz/Crt Pcs/Box 150PSMS

art. 28420103024,3 X 14,8 cm9,57 X 5,83 inBianco WhitePz/Crt Pcs/Box 150PSMS

art. 28420102034,5 x 16,3 cm H 2 cm13,6 X 6,41 in H 0,79 inBianco WhitePz/Crt Pcs/Box 150PS


Gelatiere – Ice Cream Tubs


art. 0840092105000 cc \ 169,07 fl oz 36 x 16,5 cm H 12 cm14,17 X 6,5 in H 4,72 inGrigio Metallizzato Metallic GreyPz/Crt Pcs/Box 90PSMS

COPERCHIOGELATIERA 5,5 LTLid for Ice Cream Tub 5,5 L

art. 28420119037 X 26 cm H 7,5 cm14,57 X 10,24 in H 2,95 inTrasparente CleanPz/Crt Pcs/Box 80PET


art. 0840081905500 cc \ 185,98 fl oz 36 X 25 cm H 7,5 cm14,17 X 9,84 in H 2,95 inGrigio GreyPz/Crt Pcs/Box 80PS

COPERCHIOGELATIERA 2,5 LTALTO 3 CMLid For Ice Cream Tub 2,5 Lt 3 cm high

art. 28420114016,5 x 18 cm H 3 cm6,5 x 7,09 in H 1,18 inTrasparente ClearPz/Crt Pcs/Box 300PET

COPERCHIOGELATIERA 2,5 LTLid For Ice Cream Tub 2,5 Lt

art. 28420813017,9 X 16,4 cm H 1,4 cm7,05 X 6,46 in H 0,55 inGrigio GreyPz/Crt Pcs/Box 300PSMS

GELATIERA 2,5 LTIce Cream Tub 2,5 Lt

art. 0840081302400 cc \ 81,15 fl oz 16,2 X 17,4 cm H 12,8 cm6,38 X 6,85 in H 5,04 inGrigio GreyPz/Crt Pcs/Box 150PSMS

Gelatiera 5 Lt Gelatiera 5,5 LtIce Cream Tub 5 Lt Ice Cream Tub 5,5 Lt

Gelatiera 2,5 LtIce Cream Tub 2,5 Lt


art. 28420107035,8 x 16,4 cm H 5 cm14,09 X 6,46 in H 1,97 inTrasparente ClearPz/Crt Pcs/Box 150PET


art. 28420906035,8 X 16,4 cm H 1,4 cm14,09 X 6,46 in H 0,55 inGrigio GreyPz/Crt Pcs/Box 150PSMS

GELATIERA 5 LTIce Cream Tub 5 Lt

art. 0840090605000 cc \ 169,07 fl oz 34,8 X 15,8 cm H 12,8 cm13,7 X 6,22 in H 5,04 inGrigio GreyPz/Crt Pcs/Box 75PSMS


art. 28420121037 X 17,5 cm H 1,3 cm14,57 X 6,89 in H 0,51 inTrasparente ClearPz/Crt Pcs/Box 180PET


TO GO CONTAINERS SOLUTIONSVasetti, vaschette e soluzioni in polistirolo espanso isotermico, la giusta soluzione per soddisfare ogni esigenza di asporto e porzionatura del gelato.

Ice-cream jam, tubs and expanded polystyrene isothermal containers, the right solution to satisfy any takeaway need and ice cream servings.

Vasetto Gelato

Ice Bag

Vaschetta Gelato Porzionabile

Vaschetta Gelato Termoformata

YetiVaschette isotermiche in polistirolo espanso

YetiGelVaschette isotermiche in polistirolo espanso


Contenitori Asporto Gelato - To Go Containers Solutions


Now like once upon a time

ICE BAG VASETTO GELATOIce bag Ice cream jar

art. 15100811026 x 32 cm10,24 X 12,6 inContiene Contains:art. 046001030 - 046001060Pz/Crt Pcs/Box 75MULTIMATERIALE

Vasetto GelatoIce Cream Jar

Alcas presenta il nuovo Vasetto Gelato, una nuova opportunità per il tuo punto vendita. Due confezioni da 500 cc e 1000cc da riempire secondo i gusti della tua clientela in modo pratico veloce e dal gusto artigianale di un tempo.La gioia di portare sulla tavola un buon vasetto di gelato artigianale come accadeva una volta.

Alcas is presenting the new Ice Cream Jar, a new opportunity for your point of sale. Two containers – one 500 cc and one 1000 cc – which you can fill according to your customer’s taste, in a practical and quick way, with the hand-made touch of the past. The joy of being able to put a good jar of hand-made ice cream on the table, like once upon a time.”


art. 046001030500 cc \ 16,91 fl oz Ø 9,7 cm H 10 cmØ 3,82 in H 3,94 inPz/Crt Pcs/Box 150MULTIMATERIALE


art. 0460010601000 cc \ 33,81 fl oz Ø 12 cm H 12 cmØ 4,72 in H 4,72 inPz/Crt Pcs/Box 150MULTIMATERIALE


art. B6098831000 ccØ 12 cm H 12,1 cmSatinato Trasparente Matt TransparentPz/Crt Pcs/Box 150MULTIMATERIALE


Contenitori Asporto Gelato - To Go Containers Solutions

In the chosen test condition the sample whiteldpe film for ice bag is suitable to be used in contact with aqueous,acidic and oily or fatty foodstuffs.

Adatto al contatto con alimentiSuitable for food stuff

Ice BagIce Bag

art. 15101906041 X 24 cm16,14 X 9,45 inVerde GreenPz/Crt Pcs/Box 100MULTIMATERIALE

Termicone BustaTermicone Bag

art. 15100804045 x 45 cm17,72 X 17,72 inArgento SilverPz/Crt Pcs/Box 100MULTIMATERIALE

art. 15102407052 x 27 cm20,47 X 10,63 inArancio OrangePz/Crt Pcs/Box 100MULTIMATERIALE

art. 15101200035 x 22 cm13,78 X 8,66 inGiallo Yellow Pz/Crt Pcs/Box 100MULTIMATERIALE

Reusable Keep it frozen



art. 15100805055 x 55 cm21,65 X 21,65 inArgento SilverPz/Crt Pcs/Box 100MULTIMATERIALE


Contenitori Asporto Gelato - To Go Containers Solutions

Ice Cream Tubs





Vaschette Gelato

art. 24220103019,4 X 12 cm H 2 cm7,64 X 4,72 in H 0,79 inTrasparente ClearPz/Crt Pcs/Box 200PET

art. 24220105025 X 15,3 cm H 2 cm9,84 X 6,02 in H 0,79 inTrasparente ClearPz/Crt Pcs/Box 100PET

art. 24220104017,4 X 14,9 cm H 2 cm6,85 X 5,87 in H 0,79 inTrasparente ClearPz/Crt Pcs/Box 150PET

art. 24620104030 x 21 cm H 2,2 cm11,81 X 8,27 in H 0,87 inTrasparente ClearPz/Crt Pcs/Box 100PET

art. 24620103026,5 x 18 cm H 2,2 cm10,43 X 7,09 in H 0,87 inTrasparente ClearPz/Crt Pcs/Box 100PET

art. 24620105023 x 15,3 cm H 2,2 cm9,06 X 6,02 in H 0,87 inTrasparente ClearPz/Crt Pcs/Box 150PET

art. 24620102021 x 14,3 cm H 2 cm8,27 X 5,63 in H 0,79 inTrasparente ClearPz/Crt Pcs/Box 200PET

art. 24220101015,2 X 11,1 cm H 2 cm5,98 X 4,37 in H 0,79 inTrasparente ClearPz/Crt Pcs/Box 200PET

art. 0470020201000 cc \ 33,81 fl oz 20,3 x 13,5 cm H 5 cm7,99 X 5,31 in H 1,97 inInt. Bianco Int. WhiteEst. Celeste Ext. Sky BluePz/Crt Pcs/Box 200PSMS

art. 043002050750 cc \ 25,36 fl oz 17,5 X 10,5 cm H 4,6 cm6,89 X 4,13 in H 1,81 inInt. Bianco Int. White Est. Celeste Ext. Sky BluePz/Crt Pcs/Box 200PSMS

art. 0470020402500 cc \ 84,54 fl oz 29 x 20,5 cm H 5,5 cm11,42 X 8,07 in H 2,17 inInt. Bianco Int. WhiteEst. Arancio Ext. OrangePz/Crt Pcs/Box 100PSMS

art. 0430020802000 cc \ 67,63 fl oz 22,5 X 13,5 cm H 8,3 cm8,86 X 5,31 in H 3,27 inInt. Bianco Int. WhiteEst. Verde Ext. GreenPz/Crt Pcs/Box 100PSMS

art. 0470020301750 cc \ 59,17 fl oz 25,7 x 17,5 cm H 5 cm10,12 X 6,89 in H 1,97 inInt. Bianco Int. WhiteEst. Rosa Ext. PinkPz/Crt Pcs/Box 100PSMS

art. 043002070 1500 cc \ 50,72 fl oz 22,5 X 13,5 cm H 5,3 cm8,86 X 5,31 in H 2,09 inInt. Bianco Int. WhiteEst. Arancio Ext. OrangePz/Crt Pcs/Box 100PSMS

art. 0470020501420 cc \ 48,02 fl oz 22,3 x 14,5 cm H 5 cm8,78 X 5,71 in H 1,97 inInt. Bianco Int. WhiteEst. Verde Ext. GreenPz/Crt Pcs/Box 150PSMS

art. 0430020601000 cc \ 33,81 fl oz 15,5 X 13,5 cm H 5,5 cm6,1 X 5,31 in H 2,17 inInt. Bianco Int. WhiteEst. Rosa Ext. PinkPz/Crt Pcs/Box 150PSMS

art. 043002010500 cc \ 16,91 fl oz 13,2 X 9 cm H 5,8 cm5,2 X 3,54 in H 2,28 inInt. Bianco Int. WhiteEst. Arancio Ext. OrangePz/Crt Pcs/Box 200PSMS

art. 047002010650 cc \ 21,98 fl oz 17,4 x 11,5 cm H 4,5 cm6,85 X 4,53 in H 1,77 inInt. Bianco Int. WhiteEst. Giallo Ext. YellowPz/Crt Pcs/Box 200PSMS

art. 24620101018 x 12 cm H 2 cm7,09 X 4,72 in H 0,79 inTrasparente Clear Pz/Crt Pcs/Box 200PET


Contenitori Asporto Gelato - To Go Containers Solutions

Rivisitata nella forma e nei materiali, da oggi Yeti offreancora una maggiore resistenza in fase di spatolatura e porzionamento e garantisce al contempo un’eccellente tenuta termica.Caratteristiche: Presa ergonomica - Originalità del sistema di misura (S, M, L, XL, XXL, MAX).

Revised in shape and materials, from today onward Yeti still offers a more resistance by filling the containers and portioning the ice-cream inside while, at the same time, ensuring an excellent thermic insulation.Technical details: Ergonomic holding - Original system of closing (S, M, L, XL, XXL, MAX)

La vaschetta perfettaper il gelato d’asportoThe perfect container for take away ice cream

Contenitori Asporto Gelato - To Go Containers Solutions

LA BONTÀ LASCIA IL SEGNOGoodness nerver fades


Contenitori Asporto Gelato - To Go Containers Solutions


S - 350 CCYeti Container S - 350 cc

art. 310002010350 cc \ 11,83 fl oz14,3 X 10,9 cm H 7,45 cm5,63 X 4,29 in H 2,93 incon coperchio with LidBianco WhitePz/Crt Pcs/Box 50EPS + PS

M - 350 GRYeti Container M - 350 gr

art. 310002070500 cc \ 16,91 fl oz18,9 X 10,9 cm H 7,45 cm7,44 X 4,29 in H 2,93 incon coperchio with LidBianco WhitePz/Crt Pcs/Box 50EPS + PS

L - 500 GRYeti Container L - 500 gr

art. 310002080750 cc \ 25,36 fl oz20,8 X 12,3 cm H 7,7 cm8,19 X 4,84 in H 3,03 incon coperchio with LidBianco WhitePz/Crt Pcs/Box 50EPS + PS

XL - 750 GRYeti Container XL - 750 gr

art. 3100020901000 cc \ 33,81 fl oz23,3 X 13,6 cm H 8,75 cm9,17 X 5,35 in H 3,44 incon coperchio with LidBianco WhitePz/Crt Pcs/Box 50EPS + PS

MAX - 1500 GRYeti Container MAX - 1500 gr

art. 3100021102000 cc \ 67,63 fl oz30,3 X 15 cm H 11,55 cm11,93 X 5,91 in H 4,55 incon coperchio with LidBianco WhitePz/Crt Pcs/Box 25EPS + PS

XXL - 1000 GRYeti Container XXL - 1000 gr

art. 3100021001500 cc \ 50,72 fl oz25,7 X 14,8 cm H 9 cm10,12 X 5,83 in H 3,54 incon coperchio with LidBianco WhitePz/Crt Pcs/Box 50EPS + PS

Yeti Container

M - 500 CCYeti Container M - 500 cc

art. 310002020500 cc \ 16,91 fl oz18,9 X 10,9 cm H 7,45 cm7,44 X 4,29 in H 2,93 incon coperchio with LidBianco WhitePz/Crt Pcs/Box 50EPS + PS

L - 750 CCYeti Container L - 750 cc

art. 310002030750 cc \ 25,36 fl oz20,8 X 11,1 cm H 9 cm8,19 X 4,37 in H 3,54 incon coperchio with LidBianco WhitePz/Crt Pcs/Box 50EPS + PS

XL - 1000 CCYeti Container XL - 1000 cc

art. 3100020401000 cc \ 33,81 fl oz23,3 X 13,6 cm H 8,75 cm9,17 X 5,35 in H 3,44 incon coperchio with LidBianco WhitePz/Crt Pcs/Box 50EPS + PS

XXL - 1500 CCYeti Container XXL - 1500 cc

art. 3100020501500 cc \ 50,72 fl oz25,7 X 14,8 cm H 10,55 cm10,12 X 5,83 in H 4,15 incon coperchio with LidBianco WhitePz/Crt Pcs/Box 50EPS + PS




Contenitori Asporto Gelato - To Go Containers Solutions

YETI GELL - 1000 Yeti Gel Container L - 1000

art. 3150020401000 cc \ 33,81 fl oz25,3 x 15,2 cm H 8,7 cm9,96 X 5,98 in H 3,43 incon coperchio with Lid Bianco WhitePz/Crt Pcs/Box 90XPS

YETI GELXL - 1500 Yeti Gel Container XL - 1500

art. 3150020501500 cc \ 50,72 fl oz28,3 x 15,5 cm H 9,5 cm11,14 X 6,1 in H 3,74 incon coperchio with Lid Bianco WhitePz/Crt Pcs/Box 52XPS

Yeti GelYeti Gel Containers

YETI GELM - 750Yeti Gel Container M - 750

art. 315002030750 cc \ 25,36 fl oz25,3 x 15,0 cm H 7,4 cm9,96 X 5,91 in H 2,91 incon coperchio with Lid Bianco WhitePz/Crt Pcs/Box 90XPS

YETI GELXS - 350 Yeti Gel Container XS - 350

art. 315002010350 cc \ 11,83 fl oz19,3 X 12,8 cm H 6,7 cm7,6 X 5,04 in H 2,64 incon coperchio with Lid Bianco WhitePz/Crt Pcs/Box 120 XPS

YETI GELS - 500Yeti Gel Container S - 500

art. 315002020500 cc \ 16,91 fl oz19,2 x 12,7 cm H 7,8 cm7,56 X 5 in H 3,07 incon coperchio With Lid Bianco WhitePz/Crt Pcs/Box 120XPS


Contenitori Asporto Gelato - To Go Containers Solutions

La vaschetta ultraleggera che non teme il caldo


Massima qualità, minimo ingombroYeti gel è la vaschetta perfetta per il gelato da asporto.Polistirolo espanso all’esterno e pellicola termosaldata all’interno offrono la massima resistenza con una leggerezza mai vista.Disponibile in numerosi formati, grazie al suo ingombro ridotto Yeti gel consente una grande facilità di imballaggioe stoccaggio.

Highest quality, minimum calliperYetiGel is the perfected container for take away ice cream. The exsternal styrofoam and the internal heat-seal offers the greatest resistant with a never saw light weight.Available in different size, thanks to its minimum calliper, YetiGel allows a very easy way to package and stockpile.

Freschezza sempresotto controllo.

Il gelato si mantiene alla temperaturaideale in ogni stagione, anche in quelle più calde dell’anno.


Light, resistant and filled with internal heat-seal film.

Esposizionee confezionamento

DISPLAY AND PACKAGES SOLUTIONTradizionali e Innovative. Eleganti o divertenti.Rigide o flessibili. Con Alcas puoi spaziare con tantissimesoluzioni per l’esposizione e il confezionamento di tuttele tue creazioni.

Traditional and innovatory. Elegant or funny. Stiff or flexible. Alcas offers you a multitude of products for shop display and for the packaging of all your creations.

Easy PackPorta MacaronMacaron FlyMacaron CubePirottini Babà e SavarinBlister MignonSweet Love and SweeteggValigetta NumeriAlzata Torta

CON ALCAS È SEMPRE FESTA.Let’s party with Alcas


Esposizione e Confezionamento – Display and Packages Solutions

Il modo più semplice per confezionare le tue dolcezzeÈ un sistema di confezionamento rapido e flessibile.Scatole a spazio “zero” da realizzare secondo necessità.Composto da rotoli in PET saldati in continuo per realizzare scatole di forma quadrata o rettangolare.Dotati di preincisione con piega morbida per una facile realizzazione della scatola.La lunghezza della scatola può essere decisa in base alle necessità.

Easy Pack

The easiest way to package your sweets A quick and flexible packaging system.Boxes taking up “zero” room which you can make when you need.Made up of continuous welded PET rolls which can be used to make square or rectangular boxes.Pre-cut and with a soft bend so boxes can be made easily.The length of the box may be tailored to need.

In diverse misure per soddisfare ogni vostra esigenza.It comes in several sizes to satisfy every need.

I coperchi dorati chiudono la confezione donandole un tocco elegante..The gilded lids cover the package, adding an elegant touch.

Il PET viene tagliato a misura e piegato per formare un piacevole e funzionale parallelepipedo.The PET is tailor cut and folded to make a pleasant and useful rhomboid.





Istruzioni per il confezionamentocon EasypackHow to make easy packages

Easy Pack Boxes

EASYPACK è un colorato e comodo dispenser di nastro in PET, perfetto per creare in pochi attimi confezioni semplici e originali.EASY PACK is a colorful and handy PET tape dispenser, just right to quickly make simple and original packages.

IN POCO SPAZIO IL VOSTRO PACKAGING.Your packaging takes up little room.


Esposizione e Confezionamento – Display and Packages Solutions



art. 0282000102,9 X 1,3 cm1,14 X 0,51 inOro GoldPz/Crt Pcs/Box 200CARTA

art. 0281000102,0 x 6,0 cm1500 X 6 cm H 2 cm590,55 X 2,36 in H 0,79 inTrasparente ClearPz/Crt 1 per 15 mtPcs/Box 1 for 15mtPET

art. 0282003004,5 X 4,5 cm1,77 X 1,77 inOro GoldPz/Crt Pcs/Box 200CARTA

art. 0281003003,0 x 3,0 cm1500 X 3 cm H 3 cm590,55 X 1,18 in H 1,18 inTrasparente ClearPz/Crt 1 per 15 mtPcs/Box 1 for 15mtPET

art. 02820005013 X 6,2 cm5,12 X 2,44 inOro GoldPz/Crt Pcs/Box 200CARTA

art. 0281000503,2 x 10,0 cm1500 X 10 cm H 3,2 cm590,55 X 3,94 in H 1,26 inTrasparente ClearPz/Crt 1 per 15 mtPcs/Box 1 for 15mtPET

art. 0282004806,3 X 6,3 cm2,48 X 2,48 inOro GoldPz/Crt Pcs/Box 200PPBO/SMCARTA

art. 0281004804,8 x 4,8 cm1500 X 4,8 cm H 4,8 cm590,55 X 1,89 in H 1,89 inTrasparente ClearPz/Crt 1 per 15 mtPcs/Box 1 for 15mtPET

art. 0282006508 X 8 cm3,15 X 3,15 inOro GoldPz/Crt Pcs/Box 200CARTA

art. 0281006506,5 x 6,5 cm1500 X 6,5 cm H 6,5 cm590,55 X 2,56 in H 2,56 inTrasparente ClearPz/Crt 1 per 15 mtPcs/Box 1 for 15mtPET

art. 0281008508,5 x 8,5 cm1500 X 8,5 cm H 8,5 cm590,55 X 3,35 in H 3,35 inTrasparente ClearPz/Crt 1 per 15 mtPcs/Box 1 for 15mtPET

art. 02810010010,0 x 10,0 cm1500 X 10 cm H 10 cm590,55 X 3,94 in H 3,94 inTrasparente Clear Pz/Crt 1 per 15 mtPcs/Box 1 for 15mtPET

art. 02820010011,5 X 11,5 cm4,53 X 4,53 inOro GoldPz/Crt Pcs/Box 200CARTA

art. 02820085010 X 10 cm3,94 X 3,94 inOro GoldPz/Crt Pcs/Box 200CARTA

EASYPACKAlveolo 150 fori150 Camera Boxes


art. 02800148019,2 X 17,7 cm H 2,5 cm7,56 X 6,97 in H 0,98 inTrasparente ClearPz/Crt Pcs/Box 200PET

art. 0280001502,8 x 3,3 cm5,3 X 4 cm H 1,5 cm2,09 X 1,57 in H 0,59 inOro GoldPz/Crt Pcs/Box 10PPBO/SM

70Esposizione e Confezionamento – Display and Packages Solutions


art. 023109060Pz. 619 x 12,8 cm H 4,2 cm7,48 X 5,04 in H 1,65 inArgento SilverPz/Crt Pcs/Box 200PP_PET


art. 02320112023,5 x 16 cm H 2 cm9,25 X 6,3 in H 0,79 inChiude Close:art. 023109120art. 019002120 KadòTrasparente TrasparentPz/Crt Pcs/Box 150PET


art. 023109120Pz. 1223,5 x 16 cm H 4,2 cm9,25 X 6,3 in H 1,65 inArgento SilverPz/Crt Pcs/Box 150PP_PET


art. 023109090Pz. 919 x 12,8 cm H 4,27,48 X 5,04 in H 1,65 inArgento SilverPz/Crt Pcs/Box 200PP_PET


art. 02320106019 X 13 cm H 3 cm7,48 X 5,12 in H 1,18 inChiude Close:art. 023109090art. 023109060 art. 019002110 KadòTrasparente TrasparentPz/CrtPcs/Box 200PET


Elegante contenitore in plastica porta macarons. Facile da impilare, esporre, trasportare. Il modello trasparente può essere accoppiato, fungendo sia da vassoio che da coperchio. Il modello argento è perfetto per il take away e come confezione regalo. In versioni da 6-9-12 per asporto e da 36 per stoccaggio/vetrina.

Smart take-out container for macarons Easy to stack, to display and to take out. The clear version can be match together. The container is also a lid. Silver version is perfect for taking out and as a gift idea. Different sizes are available: 6, 9 and 12 pieces for take-out, 36 pieces for display/workshop.


art. 023001360Pz. 3628,5 X 20,5 cm H 4,8 cm11,22 X 8,07 in H 1,89 inTrasparente TrasparentPz/Crt Pcs/Box 100PET

OGNI MACARON AL POSTO GIUSTO.Every macaron in its right place.


Esposizione e Confezionamento – Display and Packages Solutions


art. 023001160Pz 6 / Pcs 6Ø 14 cm H 2,5 cmØ 5,51 in H 0,98 inTrasparente TransparentPz/Crt Pcs/Box 360PET

Macaron Cube

Macaron Fly

Giocoso e divertente espositore per colorare e valorizzare in maniera dinamica e stravagante i biscotti più famosi del mondo.

Charming display stands to brighten and evaluate your special sweets in a dynamic and extravagant way.

Pratico ed innovativo contenitore porta macaron. La base è anche coperchio ed è perfettamente impilabile per gestire al meglio gli spazi senza rinunciare ad un asporto unico e divertente.

Handy and innovative container for Macarons. The base is also a lid and it is perfectly stackable to manage the spaces better without giving up an original and funny take away.

art. 02300201039 X 39 cm H 32,5 cm15,35 X 15,35 in H 12,8 inIngombro massimo Ø 42,5 cmmaximum size 16,73 inPz/Crt Pcs/Box 1MULTIMATERIALE*

* Gli alimenti, una volta esposti negli appositi alloggi in PVC, non possono essere consumati

* The food, once placed in PVC containers,cannot be consumed.


GIOCA CON I SAPORI,GIOCA CON I MACARON.Play with the flavors, play with Macarons.


Esposizione e Confezionamento – Display and Packages Solutions


art. 023001200Pz. 1230,5 x 10,5 cm H 4,5 cm12,01 X 4,13 in H 1,77 inTrasparente TrasparentPz/Crt Pcs/Box 100PET

Blister Mignon

Vantaggi Ottimizzazione degli spazi.Pensato per sfruttare al meglio lo spazio all’interno di una scatola per una eventuale spedizione.Studiato per massimizzare il carico in base alle misure del pallet.Realizzato per essere facilmente impilabile.Crea un’esposizione ordinata e moderna in vetrina o sul banco.

AdvantagesYou won’t need a baking paper cup.Best use of available room. Designed to make the best use of the space inside a box in case of shipping.Designed for maximum load according to the size of the pallet.Easy to stack.An orderly and modern way of showing your products behinda glass or on the counter.


art. 278001020Ø 7 x cm H 2,5 cmØ 2,76 in H 0,98 inTrasparente ClearPz/Crt Pcs/Box 1000PET


art. 278001030Ø 9,5 x cm H 3,5 cmØ 3,74 in H 1,38 inTrasparente ClearPz/Crt Pcs/Box 600PET


art. 2770010107,2x4,5 cm H 2,3 cm2,83 X 1,77 in H0,9 inTrasparente ClearPz/Crt Pcs/Box 1500PET


art. 27700104012,5 X 7 cm H 3,05 cm4,92 X 2,76 in H 1,2 inTrasparente ClearPz/Crt Pcs/Box 1000PET


art. 27700105014,5 X 7,5 cm H 3,45 cm5,71 X 2,95 in H 1,36 inTrasparente ClearPz/Crt Pcs/Box 750PET

Babà e Savarin

Pratici e funzionali pirottini ideali per contenere babà e savarin monoporzione. Facili da impilare e ideali per il take away, garantiscono la massima permeabilità per ogni bagna e ripieno.

Practical and functional fluted cases ideal to contain babà and savarin individual serving portions. Easy to pile up and ideal as take away, they ensure maximum permeability for any dipping or filling.

Babà and Savarin Wrappers

Blister Mignon

UN CONCENTRATO DI BONTÀ.A package of goodness.



Esposizione e Confezionamento – Display and Packages Solutions

Sweetlove SweeteggSweetlove


art. 2680010409,5 x 5 in H 9 cm3,74 x 1,97 in H 3,54 inTrasparente ClearPz/Crt Pcs/Box 80PS


art. 2680010506,5 X 6,5 cm H 10 cm2,56 X 2,56 in H 3,94 inTrasparente ClearPz/Crt Pcs/Box 80PS


L’UOVO DELLE DOLCEZZE.The sweetness egg.

OGNI BATTITOÈ UN MOMENTO SQUISITO.Each heartbeat is an exquisite moment.

74Esposizione e Confezionamento – Display and Packages Solutions


art. 054002020Piani 2 Levels 21º Ø 34 - 13,38 in2º Ø 25 - 9,84 inBianco White Pz/Crt Pcs/Box 10PS

Cake StandAlzata a Vite

art. 054002030Piani 3 Levels 31º Ø 34 - 13,38 in2º Ø 25 - 9,84 in3º Ø 20 - 7,87 inBianco White Pz/Crt Pcs/Box 10PS

art. 054002040Piani 4 Levels 41º Ø 34 - 13,38 in 2º Ø 32 - 12,6 in 3º Ø 25 - 9,84 in 4º Ø 20 - 7,87 inBianco White Pz/Crt Pcs/Box 10PS

art. 054002050Piani 5 Levels 51º Ø 44 - 17,32 in 2º Ø 40 - 15,75 in 3º Ø 32 - 12,6 in 4º Ø 25 - 9,84 in 5º Ø 20 - 7,87 inBianco White Pz/Crt Pcs/Box 5PS


Esposizione e Confezionamento – Display and Packages Solutions

Anniversary CaseValigetta Numeri

VALIGETTA CUOREAnniversary Case (Heart)

art. 108014020Candele rosa Pink candles36 x 31 cm H 9 cm14,17 x 12,2 in H 3,54 inVerde GreenPz/Crt Pcs/Box 5VARI

art. 108002020 Candele biancheWhite candles36 x 31 cm H 9 cm14,17 x 12,2 in H 3,54 inVerde GreenPz/Crt Pcs/Box 5VARI

art. 108013020 Candele celesti /Sky Blue candles36 x 31 cm H 9 cm14,17 x 12,2 in H 3,54 inCeleste Blue SkyPz/Crt Pcs/Box 5VARI

VALIGETTA OVALEAnniversary Case (Oval)

art. 108014010Candele rosaPink candles36 x 31 cm H 9 cm14,17 x 12,2 in H 3,54 inVerde GreenPz/Crt Pcs/Box 5VARI

art. 108002010Candele bianche White candles36 x 31 cm H 9 cm14,17 x 12,2 in H 3,54 inVerde GreenPz/Crt Pcs/Box 5VARI

art. 108013010Candele celesti /Sky Blue candles36 x 31 cm H 9 cm14,17 x 12,2 in H 3,54 inVerde GreenPz/Crt Pcs/Box 5VARI


art. 081002000Bianco White Pz/Crt Pcs/Box 100PS

art. 081013000Celeste Sky bluePz/Crt Pcs/Box 100PS

art. 081014000Rosa PinkPz/Crt Pcs/Box 100PS


art. 058002000Ø 0,8 cm H 7 cmØ 0,31 in H 2,75 inBianco WhitePz/Crt Pcs/Box 100CERA

art. 058013000Ø 0,8 cm H 7 cmØ 0,31 in H 2,75 inCeleste Sky bluePz/Crt Pcs/Box 100CERA

art. 058014000Ø 0,8 cm H 7 cmØ 0,31 in H 2,75 inRosa PinkPz/Crt Pcs/Box 100CERA


art. 276508010Cuore HeartOro GoldPz/Crt Pcs/Box 100PSMS

art. 276408010Ovale OvalOro GoldPz/Crt Pcs/Box 100PSMS

NUMERI OROGold Numbers

art. 276000000Numeri assortiti da 0 a 9 Assorted numbers from 0 to 9Oro GoldPz/Crt Pcs/Box 100PSMS

art. 276108000Numero 0 Number 0Oro GoldPz/Crt Pcs/Box 100PSMS

art. 276108010Numero 1 Number 1Oro GoldPz/Crt Pcs/Box 100PSMS

art. 276108020Numero 2 Number 2Oro GoldPz/Crt Pcs/Box 100PSMS

art. 276108030Numero 3 Number 3Oro GoldPz/Crt Pcs/Box 100PSMS

art. 276108040Numero 4 Number 4Oro GoldPz/Crt Pcs/Box 100PSMS

art. 276108050Numero 5 Number 5Oro GoldPz/Crt Pcs/Box 100PSMS

art. 276108060Numero 6 Number 6Oro GoldPz/Crt Pcs/Box 100PSMS

art. 276108070Numero 7 Number 7Oro GoldPz/Crt Pcs/Box 100PSMS

art. 276108080Numero 8 Number 8Oro GoldPz/Crt Pcs/Box 100PSMS

art. 276108090Numero 9 Number 9Oro GoldPz/Crt Pcs/Box 100PSMS

100 NUMERI.100 Numbers.

Formee contenitori

Le vaschette ideali per realizzare, conservare e trasportare ogni tipo di semifreddo e di dolce al cucchiaio.

The perfect bowls to create, preserve and carryany sort of semifreddo and soft mousse.


Vaschetta Primavera

Vaschetta Fantasia


Vaschetta Gran Galà

Torta TondaCoperchio Alto

Torta TondaCoperchio Basso






Keep and transport

78Forme e Contenitori - Containers and Cake Holders

Vaschetta PrimaveraPrimavera Container

Vaschetta FantasiaFantasia Container

art. 137001010Porz. Port. 6950 cc \ 32,12 fl oz 27 x 14 cm H 7 cm10,63 X 5,51 in H 2,76 inCristallo ClearPz/Crt Pcs/Box 50PS

art. 137001020Porz. Port. 91200 cc \ 40,58 fl oz 30,5 x 15,5 cm H 7 cm12,01 X 6,1 in H 2,76 inCristallo ClearPz/Crt Pcs/Box 50PS

art. 137001030Porz. Port. 121600 cc \ 54,1 fl oz 35 x 17,5 cm H 7 cm13,78 X 6,89 in H 2,76 inCristallo Clear Pz/Crt Pcs/Box 50PS

art. 23320101036,5 x 22,5 cm H 3,5 cm14,37 X 8,86 in H 1,38 inCristallo ClearPz/Crt Pcs/Box 50PET


art. 233101010 Porz. Port. 142300 cc \ 77,77 fl oz Int. 30 x 19 cm H 5 cmint. 11,81 x 7,48 in H 1,97 inEst. Ext. 36,5 X 22,5 cm H 5 cm14,37 X 8,86 in H 1,97 inCristallo ClearPz/Crt Pcs/Box 50PS




Forme e Contenitori - Containers and Cake Holders

Vaschetta Gran GalàGran Galà Container

art. 0310010102700 cc \ 91,3 fl oz 37 x 23 cm H 4,5 cm14,57 X 9,06 in H 1,77 inCristallo ClearPz/Crt Pcs/Box 70PS

art. 0310030102700 cc \ 91,3 fl oz 37 x 23 cm H 4,5 cm14,57 X 9,06 in H 1,77 inOro GoldPz/Crt Pcs/Box 70PS

ZuppierinaTrifle Container

art. 117001030 Porz. Port. 122000 cc \ 67,63 fl oz Ø 26,5 cm H 5,5 cmØ 10,43 in H 2,17 inCristallo ClearPz/Crt Pcs/Box 100PS

art. 117001010Porz. Port. 6930 cc \ 31,45 fl oz Ø 20 cm H 5,5 cmØ 7,87 in H 2,17 inCristallo ClearPz/Crt Pcs/Box 100PS

art. 117001020 Porz. Port. 91300 cc \ 43,96 fl oz Ø 23,5 cm H 5,5 cmØ 9,25 in H 2,17 inCristallo ClearPz/Crt Pcs/Box 100PS


ZUPPIERINATrifle Container


Forme e Contenitori - Containers and Cake Holders

Torta Tonda Coperchio BassoRound Container - Shallow Lid

art. 087002040 Porz. Port. 4 Base650 cc \ 21,98 fl oz Ø 15 cm H 6 cmØ 5,91 in H 2,36 inFascia Base:Bianco White Coperchio Lid:Cristallo ClearPz/Crt Pcs/Box 50PS

art. 08700210S Porz. Port. 10 Base1580 cc \ 53,43 fl oz Ø 23,5 cm H 6 cmØ 9,25 in H 2,36 inFascia Base:Bianco White Coperchio Lid:Cristallo ClearPz/Crt Pcs/Box 50PS

art. 087002120Porz. Port. 12 Base2000 cc \ 67,63 fl oz Ø 26 cm H 6 cmØ 10,24 in H 2,36 inFascia Base:Bianco White Coperchio Lid:Cristallo ClearPz/Crt Pcs/Box 50PS

art. 087002060Porz. Port. 6 Base870 cc \ 29,42 fl oz Ø 17 cm H 6 cmØ 6,69 in H 2,36 inFascia Base:Bianco White Coperchio Lid:Cristallo ClearPz/Crt Pcs/Box 50PS

art. 08700208SPorz. Port. 8 Base1120 cc \ 37,87 fl oz Ø 20 cm H 6 cmØ 7,87 in H 2,36 inFascia Base:Bianco White Coperchio Lid:Cristallo ClearPz/Crt Pcs/Box 50PS

Torta TondaCoperchio AltoRound Container - Deep Lid

art. 086002060Porz. Port. 6 Base870 cc \ 29,42 fl oz Ø 17 cm H 9 cmØ 6,69 in H 3,54 inFascia Base:Bianco White Coperchio Lid:Cristallo ClearPz/Crt Pcs/Box 50PS

art. 08600210S Porz. Port. 10 Base1580 cc \ 53,43 fl oz Ø 23,5 cm H 9 cmØ 9,25 in H 3,54 inFascia Base:Bianco White Coperchio Lid:Cristallo ClearPz/Crt Pcs/Box 50PS

art. 086002120Porz. Port. 12 Base2000 cc \ 67,63 fl oz Ø 26 cm H 9 cmØ 10,24 in H 3,54 inFascia Base:Bianco White Coperchio Lid:Cristallo ClearPz/Crt Pcs/Box 50PS

art. 08600208SPorz. Port. 8 Base1120 cc \ 37,87 fl oz Ø 20 cm H 9 cmØ 7,87 in H 3,54 inFascia Base:Bianco White Coperchio Lid:Cristallo ClearPz/Crt Pcs/Box 50PS


Forme e Contenitori - Containers and Cake Holders

TiramisùTiramisù Container

art. 132001000Porz. Port. 3490 cc \ 16,57 fl oz16 X 10,8 cm H 5,5 cm6,3 X 4,25 in H 2,17 inCristallo ClearPz/Crt Pcs/Box 50PS

art. 132001010 Porz. Port. 6950 cc \ 32,12 fl oz20 X 12,5 cm H 5,5 cm7,87 X 4,92 in H 2,17 inCristallo ClearPz/Crt Pcs/Box 50PS

art. 132001020 Porz. Port. 91280 cc \ 43,28 fl oz23,5 X 15 cm H 5,5 cm9,25 X 5,91 in H 2,17 inCristallo ClearPz/Crt Pcs/Box 50PS

art. 132001030 Porz. Port. 121800 cc \ 60,87 fl oz27,5 X 18 cm H 5,5 cm10,83 X 7,09 in H 2,17 inCristallo ClearPz/Crt Pcs/Box 50PS

art. 132004000Porz. Port. 3490 cc \ 16,57 fl oz16 X 10,8 cm H 5,5 cm6,3 X 4,25 in H 2,17 inFumè SmokedPz/Crt Pcs/Box 50PS

art. 132004010 Porz. Port. 6950 cc \ 32,12 fl oz20 X 12,5 cm H 5,5 cm7,87 X 4,92 in H 2,17 inFumè SmokedPz/Crt Pcs/Box 50PS

art. 132004020Porz. Port. 91280 cc \ 43,28 fl oz23,5 X 15 cm H 5,5 cm9,25 X 5,91 in H 2,17 inFumè SmokedPz/Crt Pcs/Box 50PS

art. 132004030 Porz. Port. 121800 cc \ 60,87 fl oz27,5 X 18 cm H 5,5 cm10,83 X 7,09 in H 2,17 inFumè SmokedPz/Crt Pcs/Box 50PS




Forme e Contenitori - Containers and Cake Holders

TrancioRectangular Container

art. 089001040Porz. Port. 4600 cc \ 20,29 fl oz 12,5 X 11,5 cm H 6,5 cm4,92 X 4,53 in H 2,56 inCristallo ClearPz/Crt Pcs/Box 75PS

art. 089001100 Porz. Port. 101570 cc \ 53,09 fl oz 28 X 11,5 cm H 6,5 cm11,02 X 4,53 in H 2,56 inCristallo ClearPz/Crt Pcs/Box 50PS

art. 089001060Porz. Port. 6900 cc \ 30,43 fl oz 18 X 11,5 cm H 6,5 cm7,09 X 4,53 in H 2,56 inCristallo ClearPz/Crt Pcs/Box 50PS

art. 089001080Porz. Port. 81220 cc \ 41,25 fl oz 23 X 11,5 cm H 6,5 cm9,06 X 4,53 in H 2,56 inCristallo ClearPz/Crt Pcs/Box 50PS

art. 089001120 Porz. Port. 121850 cc \ 62,56 fl oz 33 X 11,5 cm H 6,5 cm12,99 X 4,53 in H 2,56 inCristallo ClearPz/Crt Pcs/Box 50PS

art. 090001040Porz. Port. 4600 cc \ 20,29 fl oz 11,6 X 9,4 cm H 7 cm4,57 X 3,7 in H 2,76 inCristallo ClearPz/Crt Pcs/Box 75PS

art. 090001100Porz. Port. 101570 cc \ 53,09 fl oz 29,6 X 9,4 cm H 7 cm11,65 X 3,7 in H 2,76 inCristallo ClearPz/Crt Pcs/Box 50PS

art. 090001060Porz. Port. 6900 cc \ 30,43 fl oz 17,4 X 9,4 cm H 7 cm6,85 X 3,7 in H 2,76 inCristallo ClearPz/Crt Pcs/Box 50PS

art. 090001080 Porz. Port. 81220 cc \ 41,25 fl oz 23,2 X 9,4 cm H 7 cm9,13 X 3,7 in H 2,76 inCristallo ClearPz/Crt Pcs/Box 50PS

art. 090001120Porz. Port. 121850 cc \ 62,56 fl oz 35,5 X 9,4 cm H 7 cm13,98 X 3,7 in H 2,76 inCristallo ClearPz/Crt Pcs/Box 50PS

TRANCIO NUOVO TIPO FONDO MOBILENew Rectangular Container - Movable Base

TRANCIO VECCHIO TIPO FONDO FISSOOld Rectangular Container - Fixed Base


Forme e Contenitori - Containers and Cake Holders



art. 083001010 500 cc \ 16,91 fl oz Ø 11,2 cm H 8,5 cmØ 4,41 in H 3,35 inCristallo ClearPz/Crt Pcs/Box 200PS

art. 103001020Porz Port. 2265 cc \ 8,96 fl oz Ø 9,3 cm H 5 cmØ 3,66 in H 1,97 inCristallo ClearPz/Crt Pcs/Box 100PS

art. 103001030Porz Port. 3320 cc \ 10,82 fl oz Ø 10,9 cm H 6 cmØ 4,29 in H 2,36 inCristallo ClearPz/Crt Pcs/Box 100PS

art. 103001040 Porz Port. 5600 cc \ 20,29 fl oz Ø 13,3 cm H 7 cmØ 5,24 in H 2,76 inCristallo Clear Pz/Crt Pcs/Box 50PS

art. 103001050 Porz Port. 8860 cc \ 29,08 fl oz Ø 14,9 cm H 8 cmØ 5,87 in H 3,15 inCristallo ClearPz/Crt Pcs/Box 50PS

art. 103001060Porz Port. 101070 cc \ 36,18 fl oz Ø 16 cm H 8,5 cmØ 6,3 in H 3,35 inCristallo ClearPz/Crt Pcs/Box 50PS

art. 103001070Porz Port. 121350 cc \ 45,65 fl oz Ø 17,4 cm H 9 cmØ 6,85 in H 3,54 inCristallo ClearPz/Crt Pcs/Box 50PS

art. 103001080Porz Port. 141740 cc \ 58,84 fl oz Ø 18,7 cm H 9,3 cmØ 7,36 in H 3,66 inCristallo ClearPz/Crt Pcs/Box 50PS




Da asporto e da esposizione grazie al pratico coperchioche funge anche da base, la maggior parte delle coppe dessert di Alcas sono l’ideale per contenere ogni tipodi gelato, semifreddo o dolce al cucchiaio.

For takeaway and for display thanks to the practical lid which also serves as a base, the majority of Alcas dessert cups are ideal to contain any sort of ice cream, semifreddo or mousse.


Coppetta Gelato

Coppa Apollo

Coppa Stefania

Coppa Gemini

Coppa Susanna

Zuppierina Monoporzione

Banana Split


Coppe Dessert – Dessert Cups

LA BASEDIVENTACOPERCHIO.The base turns into a lid.


art. 112001020Grande Large200 cc \ 6,76 fl oz Ø 10 cm H 6,3 cmØ 3,94 in H 2,48 inCristallo ClearPz/Crt Pcs/Box 500PS


art. 112001010Media Medium180 cc \ 6,09 fl ozØ 8,5 cm H 7 cmØ 3,35 in H 2,76 inCristallo ClearPz/Crt Pcs/Box 500PS

Coppetta GelatoIce Cream Cup

Coppa StefaniaStefania Cup

Coppa ApolloApollo Cup


art. 067001010 120 cc \ 4,06 fl oz Ø 7,5 cm H 7 cmØ 2,95 in H 2,76 inCristallo ClearPz/Crt Pcs/Box 500PS


art. 055001010 160 cc - 5,41 fl ozØ 7,5 cm H 9 cmØ 2,95 in H 3,54 inCristallo ClearPz/Crt Pcs/Box 500PS


Coppe Dessert – Dessert Cups

Susanna CupCoppa Susanna


art. 121024030400 cc \ 13,53 fl oz Ø 10 cm H 17 cmØ 3,94 in H 6,69 inCristallo ClearArancio OrangePz/Crt Pcs/Box 200PS


art. 121013020240 cc \ 8,12 fl oz Ø 7,5 cm H 14 cmØ 2,95 in H 5,51 inCristallo ClearTurchese TurquoisePz/Crt Pcs/Box 500PS


art. 121023010150 cc \ 5,07 fl oz Ø 6,5 cm H 11 cmØ 2,56 in H 4,33 inCristallo ClearGiallo YellowPz/Crt Pcs/Box 500PS


art. 074001010 200 cc \ 6,76 fl oz Ø 7,5 cm H 12,5 cmØ 2,95 in H 4,92 inCristallo ClearPz/Crt Pcs/Box 500PS

Gemini CupCoppa Gemini


Coppe Dessert – Dessert Cups

LA BASEDIVENTACOPERCHIO.The base turns into a lid.


Coppe Dessert – Dessert Cups


art. 217201000Ø 13 cm H 4 cmØ 5,12 in H 1,57 inTrasparente ClearPz/Crt Pcs/Box 500PET

Individual Dessert ContainerZuppierina Monoporzione


art. 12600101021 X 12 cm H 3 cm8,27 X 4,72 in H 1,18 inCristallo SatinatoClear SatinPz/Crt Pcs/Box 500PS

Banana SplitBanana Split

ZUPPIERINATrifle Container

art. 117001000300 cc \ 10,14 fl oz Ø 12 cm H 5 cmØ 4,72 in H 1,97 inCristallo Clear Pz/Crt Pcs/Box 500PS


ORO: Materiali esclusivi, design ed eleganza. Una linea di vassoi ed accessori per ogni creazione in pasticceria. NERO: Un modo per offrire ai clienti la possibilità di esporre e servire le loro creazioni in modo ancora più raffinato e moderno. BIANCHI E TRASPARENTI: Vassoi bianchi e trasparenti, lisci o trinati in un’ampia gamma di formati.

GOLD COLLECTION: Exclusive materials, design and elegance. A collection of trays and accessories for any pastry creation. BLACK: A way to offer to our customers the possibility to suggest and to display their own creations in a modern and noble way. WHITE AND TRANSPARENT COLLECTION:A Wide range of trays, in white and clear colours, with plainor lace trim.




Vassoi Medoro

New Charlotte

Medoro Fetta Torta

Mini Medoro


Vassoi Medoro

Mini Medoro


Vassoi Trinati

Vassoio Paperino Liscio

Vassoio Paperone Trinato

Vassoio Cerimonia

Vassoio Esposizione


Vassoio Bavarese

Vassoio Stellino

Vassoio Profitterol

Vassoio Stella


Design and elegance


Vassoi - Trays

art. 01900218040X 30,3 cm H 2,8 cm15,75 X 11,93 in H 1,1 inOro GoldPz/Crt Pcs/Box 50PP_PET

art. 01900217037,8 X 28,3 cm H 2,4 cm14,88 X 11,14 in H 0,94 inOro GoldvPz/Crt Pcs/Box 100PP_PET

art. 01900213027 X 19 cm H 2,1 cm10,63 X 7,48 in H 0,83 inOro GoldPz/Crt Pcs/Box 300PP_PET

art. 01900216034,5 X 25,3 cm H 2,4 cm13,58 X 9,96 in H 0,94 inOro GoldPz/Crt Pcs/Box 100PP_PET

art. 01900211019,3 X 13,3 cm H 1,9 cm7,60 X 5,24 in H 0,75 inOro GoldPz/Crt Pcs/Box 400PP_PET

art. 01900219046 X 35,3 cm H 2,8 cm18,11 X 13,90 in H 1,1 inOro GoldPz/Crt Pcs/Box 50PP_PET

art. 01900214029,3 X 21 cm H 2,2 cm11,54 X 8,27 in H 0,87 inOro GoldPz/Crt Pcs/Box 200PP_PET

art. 01900212023,8 X 16 cm H 2 cm9,37 X 6,30 in H 0,79 inOro GoldPz/Crt Pcs/Box 400PP_PET

art. 01900220051,3 X 37 cm H 2,8 cm20,20 X 14,57 in H 1,1 inOro GoldPz/Crt Pcs/Box 50PP_PET

art. 01900215032,3 X 22,3 cm H 2,3 cm12,72 X 8,78 in H 0,91 inOro GoldPz/Crt Pcs/Box 150PP_PET



KadòTray and Lid

Il comodo coperchio trasparente pensato per Kadò, il vassoio per mignon e pasticceria secca. In 6 misure, trasforma Kadò in una splendida idea regalo o in pratico contenitore da asporto.

A functional lid is now available for Kadò trays. Kadò trays are the perfect solution to take-out soirée creations and individual portion cakes. It is available in 6 different sizes. Kadò is a perfect gift idea and a functional take-out tray.

art. 01920103027 X 19 cm H 5 cm10,63 X 7,48 in H 1,97 inTrasparente ClearPz/Crt Pcs/Box 150PET

art. 01920106034,5 x 25,5 cm - h 5 cm13,58 X 10,04 in H 1,97 inTrasparente ClearPz/Crt Pcs/Box 100PET

art. 01920101019,3 X 13,3 cm H 5 cm7,60 X 5,24 in H 1,97 inTrasparente ClearPz/Crt Pcs/Box 200PET

art. 01920104029,3 X 21 cm H 5 cm11,54 X 8,27 in H 1,97 inTrasparente ClearPz/Crt Pcs/Box 100PET

art. 01920102023,8 x 18,7 cm H 5 cm9,37 x 7,36 in H 1,97Trasparente ClearPz/Crt Pcs/Box 200PET

art. 01920105033 X 23 cm H 6 cm12,99 X 9,06 in H 2,36 inTrasparente ClearPz/Crt Pcs/Box 100PET


Vassoi - Trays

Premi e apriPush and open

Permette di sovrapporrepiù dolci in vetrinaSuperimposable lid

art. 017008240 Ø Est. Ext. 24 cm - Ø 9,45 inOro Gold Pz/Crt Pcs/Box 120PP_PET

art. 021008240Ø Est. Ext. 24 cm - Ø 9,45 inOro GoldPz/Crt Pcs/Box 120PP_PET

art. 017008300Ø Est. Ext. 30 cm - Ø 11,81 inOro Gold Pz/Crt Pcs/Box 100PP_PET

art. 021008300Ø Est. Ext. 30 cm - Ø 11,81 inOro GoldPz/Crt Pcs/Box 100PP_PET

art. 017008320 Ø Est. Ext. 32 cm - Ø 12,6 inOro GoldPz/Crt Pcs/Box 100PP_PET

art. 021008320Ø Est. Ext. 32 cm - Ø 12,6 inOro GoldPz/Crt Pcs/Box 100PP_PET

art. 017008340Ø Est. Ext. 34 cm - Ø 13,39 inOro GoldPz/Crt Pcs/Box 60PP_PET

art. 021008340Ø Est. Ext. 34 cm - Ø 13,39 inOro GoldPz/Crt Pcs/Box 60PP_PET

art. 017008360Ø Est. Ext. 36 cm - Ø 14,17 inOro GoldPz/Crt Pcs/Box 60PP_PET

art. 021008360Ø Est. Ext. 36 cm - Ø 14,17 inOro GoldPz/Crt Pcs/Box 60PP_PET

art. 017008380Ø Est. Ext. 38 cm - Ø 14,96 inOro GoldPz/Crt Pcs/Box 60PP_PET

art. 021008380Ø Est. Ext. 38 cm - Ø 14,96 inOro GoldPz/Crt Pcs/Box 60PP_PET

art. 017008400Ø Est. Ext. 40 cm - Ø 15,75 inOro GoldPz/Crt Pcs/Box 40PP_PET

art. 021008400Ø Est. Ext. 40 cm - Ø 15,75 inOro GoldPz/Crt Pcs/Box 40PP_PET

art. 021008420Ø Est. Ext. 42 cm - Ø 16,54 inOro GoldPz/Crt Pcs/Box 40PP_PET

art. 017008200Ø Est. Ext. 20 cm - Ø 7,87 inOro Gold Pz/Crt Pcs/Box 125PP_PET

art. 017008260Ø Est. Ext. 26 cm - Ø 10,24 inOro Gold Pz/Crt Pcs/Box 120PP_PET

art. 021008260Ø Est. Ext. 26 cm - Ø 10,24 inOro GoldPz/Crt Pcs/Box 120PP_PET

art. 017008220Ø Est. Ext. 22 cm - Ø 8,66 inOro Gold Pz/Crt Pcs/Box 125PP_PET

art. 021008220Ø Est. Ext. 22 cm - Ø 8,66 inOro GoldPz/Crt Pcs/Box 125PP_PET

art. 022008200Ø 20 cm H 4,2 cmØ 7,87 in H 1,65 inOro e Marrone Gold and BrownPz/Crt Pcs/Box 120PP_PET

art. 022008220Ø 22 cm H 4,2 cmØ 8,66 in H 1,65 inOro e Marrone Gold and BrownPz/Crt Pcs/Box 120PP_PET

art. 017008280Ø Est. Ext. 28 cm - Ø 11,02 inOro Gold Pz/Crt Pcs/Box 100PP_PET

art. 021008280Ø Est. Ext. 28 cm - Ø 11,02 inOro GoldPz/Crt Pcs/Box 100PP_PET

MedoroMedoro Tray

New CharlotteNew Charlotte

art. 022008240Ø 24 cm H 4,2 cmØ 9,45 in H 1,65 inOro e Marrone Gold and BrownPz/Crt Pcs/Box 120PP_PET

art. 022008260Ø 26 cm H 4,2 cmØ 10,24 in H 1,65 inOro e Marrone Gold and BrownPz/Crt Pcs/Box 120PP_PET

art. 022008280Ø 28 cm H 4,2 cmØ 11,02 in H 1,65 inOro e Marrone Gold and BrownPz/Crt Pcs/Box 100PP_PET

art. 022008300Ø 30 cm H 4,2 cmØ 11,81 in H 1,65 inOro e Marrone Gold and BrownPz/Crt Pcs/Box 100PP_PET

art. 021201240Ø 24 cm H 8 cmØ 9,45 in H 3,15 inTrasparente TransparentPz/Crt Pcs/Box 60 PET

art. 021201300Ø 30 cm H 8 cmØ 11,81 in H 3,15 inTrasparente TransparentPz/Crt Pcs/Box 50PET

art. 021201320Ø 32 cm H 8 cmØ 12,6 in H 3,15 inTrasparente TransparentPz/Crt Pcs/Box 50 PET

art. 021201340Ø 34 cm H 8 cmØ 13,39 in H 3,15 inTrasparente TransparentPz/Crt Pcs/Box 60PET

art. 021201260Ø 26 cm H 8 cmØ 10,24 in H 3,15 inTrasparente TransparentPz/Crt Pcs/Box 60 PET

art. 021201220Ø 22 cm H 8 cmØ 8,66 in H 3,15 inTrasparente TransparentPz/Crt Pcs/Box 60 PET

art. 021201200Ø 20 cm H 8 cmØ 7,87 in H 3,15 inTrasparente TransparentPz/Crt Pcs/Box 60 PET

art. 021201280Ø 28 cm H 8 cmØ 11,02 in H 3,15 inTrasparente TransparentPz/Crt Pcs/Box 50PET












Vassoi - Trays

Mini Medoro OttagonaleOctagonal Mini Medoro Tray

art. 015008090vØ 9 cm H 1,3 cmØ 3,54 in H 0,51 inOro GoldPz/Crt Pcs/Box 1000 PP_PET

art. 015008060Ø 6 cm H 1,2 cmØ 2,36 in H 0,47 inOro GoldPz/Crt Pcs/Box 1000 PP_PET


Le tre sfere sul fondo permettono un’inclinazione verso il consumatore valorizzando maggiormente il prodotto. Il particolare profilo facilita la disimpilazione.

Three round supports in the base make the product user friendly. The unique shape makes an easy takingand handling.

Medoro RettangolareRectangular Medoro


art. 01800800020 x 15 cm7,87 X 5,91 inOro GoldPz/Crt Pcs/Box 150PP_PET

art. 01800801025 x 15 cm9,84 X 5,91 inOro GoldPz/Crt Pcs/Box 150PP_PET

art. 01800802030 x 15 cm11,81 X 5,91 inOro GoldPz/Crt Pcs/Box 150PP_PET

art. 01800803035 x 15 cm13,78 X 5,91 inOro GoldPz/Cr Pcs/Box 100PP_PET

art. 01800804040 x 15 cm15,75 X 5,91 inOro GoldPz/Cr Pcs/Box 100PP_PET

art. 01820100020 x 15 cm H 9,5 cm7,87 X 5,91 in H 3,74 inTrasparente ClearPz/Crt Pcs/Box 75PET

art. 01820101025 x 15 cm H 9,5 cm9,84 X 5,91 in H 3,74 inTrasparente ClearPz/Crt Pcs/Box 75PET

art. 01820102030 x 15 cm H 9,5 cm11,81 X 5,91 in H 3,74 inTrasparente ClearPz/Crt Pcs/Box 75PET

art. 01820103035 x 15 cm H 9,5 cm13,78 X 5,91 in H 3,74 inTrasparente ClearPz/Crt Pcs/Box 50PET


Mini Medoro RettangolareRectangular Mini Medoro Tray

art. 01420121016 X 12 cm H 8 cm6,3 X 4,72 in H 3,15 inTrasparente ClearPz/Crt Pcs/Box 400PET


art. 01400821013,5 x 8,5 cm 5,31 X 3,35 inOro GoldPz/Crt Pcs/Box 800PP_PET



Vassoi - Trays

Mini Medoro TondoRound Mini Medoro Tray



art. 014008040Ø 6 cmØ 2,36 inOro GoldPz/Crt Pcs/Box 1000PP_PET

art. 014008180Ø 18 cmØ 7,09 inOro GoldPz/Crt Pcs/Box 300PP_PET

art. 014008150Ø 15 cmØ 5,91 inOro GoldPz/Crt Pcs/Box 500PP_PET

art. 214201010BØ 12 cm H 6 cmØ 4,72 in H 2,36 inTrasparente ClearPz/Crt Pcs/Box 250PET

art. 214201010Ø 12 cm H 8 cmØ 4,72 in H 3,15 inTrasparente ClearPz/Crt Pcs/Box 250PET

art. 214201030Ø 9,5 cm H 5 cmØ 3,74 in H 1,97 inTrasparente ClearPz/Crt Pcs/Box 600PET

art. 214201150Ø 15 cm H 8 cmØ 5,91 in H 3,15 inTrasparente ClearPz/Crt Pcs/Box 250PET

art. 214201180Ø 18 cm H 8 cmØ 7,09 in H 3,15 inTrasparente ClearPz/Crt Pcs/Box 150PET

art. 014008030Ø 9,5 cmØ 3,74 inOro GoldPz/Crt Pcs/Box 1200PP_PET

art. 014008010Ø 12 cmØ 4,72 inOro GoldPz/Crt Pcs/Box 1000PP_PET

Medoro Fetta TortaMedoro Cake Slice Box


art. 01400833016 X 12 cm6,3 X 4,72 inOro GoldPz/Crt Pcs/Box 400PP_PET


art. 01420133016 x 12 cm H 8,5 cm6,3 x 4,72 in H 3,35 inTrasparente TransparentPz/Crt Pcs/Box 400PET

art. 01420133A16 X 12 cm H 12 cm6,3 X 4,72 in H 4,72 inTrasparente TransparentPz/Crt Pcs/Box 400PET

Piccoli capolavoriSoluzione di packaging essenziale, ma allo stesso tempo elegante, funzionale e resistente. Medoro fetta torta è un pratico cofanetto da asporto che nasce per facilitare ed esaltare il confezionamento delle singole porzioni di torta,ideale sia per valorizzare l’esposizione in vetrina che per il take away.

Small MasterpieceEssential packaging solution at the same time elegant, functional and resistant. Medoro cake slice is a pratical take away box which is made to simplify and enhance the packaging of the single cake portions, ideal both to optimize the showcase and for take away.


Vassoi - Trays

Medoro NeroBlack Medoro

Alcas amplia la propria offerta con una variante di Medoro realizzata totalmente in colore nero. Un modo per offrire ai clienti la possibilità di esporre e servire le loro creazioni in modo ancora più raffinato e moderno. Sinonimo di classe, gusto e distinzione, il colore nero dei nuovi prodotti Medoro segna un’evoluzione di stile per gelateria, pasticceria e Ho.re.ca. Disponibile per Medoro NT, Medoro Rettangolare e Mini Medoro, la variante nera dona carattere ed eleganza alla presentazione dei dolci al banco, in vetrina ed in tavola.

Alcas enlarges its own offer with a version of Medoro made in Black. A way to offer to our customers the possibility to suggest and to display their own creations in a modern and noble way. Synonym of class, taste and delicacy, the new products of Medoro range in black color emphasizes the evolution of style for gelato shops, pastry shops and Ho.re.ca.Available in Medoro NT, Medoro rectangular and Mini Medoro, the black version gives peculiarity and elegance to the presentation of the pastry to the desk, showcase and to the table.


art. 017020220Ø Est. Ext. 22 cmØ 8,66 inNero Black Pz/Crt Pcs/Box 125PET

art. 021201220Ø 22 cm H 8 cm Ø 8,66 in H 3,15 inTrasparente ClearPz/Crt Pcs/Box 60PET

art. 017020240Ø Est. Ext. 24 cmØ 9,45 inNero Black Pz/Crt Pcs/Box 120 PET

art. 021201240Ø 24 cm H 8 cmØ 9,45 in H 3,15 inTrasparente ClearPz/Crt Pcs/Box 60PET

art. 017020260Ø Est. Ext. 26 cmØ 10,24 inNero Black Pz/Crt Pcs/Box 120 PET

art. 021201260 Ø 26 cm H 8 cmØ 10,24 in H 3,15 inTrasparente ClearPz/Crt Pcs/Box 60PET

art. 017020280Ø Est. Ext. 28 cmØ 11,02 inNero Black Pz/Crt Pcs/Box 100 PET

art. 021201280 Ø 28 cm H 8 cmØ 11,02 in H 3,15 inTrasparente ClearPz/Crt Pcs/Box 50PET

art. 017020300Ø Est. Ext. 30 cmØ 11,81 inNero Black Pz/Crt Pcs/Box 100 PET

art. 021201300Ø 30 cm H 8 cmØ 11,81 in H 3,15 inTrasparente ClearPz/Crt Pcs/Box 50PET


STILEED ELEGANZAStyle and elegance


Vassoi - Trays


art. 014020010 Ø 12 cmØ 4,72 inNero BlackPz/Crt Pcs/Box 600 PET

art. 014020030 Ø 9,5 cmØ 3,74 inNero BlackPz/Crt Pcs/Box 600 PET

art. 214201010 Ø 12 cm H 8 cmØ 4,72 in H 3,15 inTrasparente ClearPz/Crt Pcs/Box 250PET

art. 214201030Ø 9,5 cm H 5 cmØ 3,74 in H 1,97 inTrasparente ClearPz/Crt Pcs/Box 600PET

art. 214201010BØ 12 cm H 6 cmØ 4,72 in H 2,36 inTrasparente ClearPz/Crt Pcs/Box 250PET


Medoro NeroRettangolareRectangular Black Medoro Tray


art. 018020010 25 x 15 cm9,84 X 5,91 inNero BlackPz/Crt Pcs/Box 150 PET

art. 01820101025 X 15 cm H 9,5 cm9,84 X 5,91 in H 3,74 inTrasparente ClearPz/Crt Pcs/Box 75 PET

art. 018020020 30 x 15 cm11,81 X 5,91 inNero BlackPz/Crt Pcs/Box 150 PET

art. 018201020 30 X 15 cm H 9,5 cm11,81 X 5,91 in H 3,74 inTrasparente ClearPz/Crt Pcs/Box 75 PET

art. 01802003035 x 15 cm13,78 X 5,91 inNero BlackPz/Crt Pcs/Box 100PET

art. 01820103035 X 15 cm H 9,5 cm13,78 X 5,91 in H 3,74 inTrasparente ClearPz/Crt Pcs/Box 50 PET


Mini Medoro NeroMini Black Medoro


Vassoi - Trays



art. 107092220Ø 22 cm H 1,5 cmØ 8,66 in H 0,59 in70 gr \ 2,47 ozLarghezza Trina 4 cmWidth Of The Lace 1,57 inBianco WhiteKg/Crt Kg/Box 10PS

art. 100092230Ø Est. Ext. 23 cmØ 9,06 in63 gr \ 2,22 ozLarghezza Trina 2,6 cmWidth Of The Lace 1,02 in Bianco White Kg/Crt Kg/Box 10PS

art. 107092320Ø 32 cm H 1,5 cmØ 12,6 in H 0,59 in159 gr \ 5,61 ozLarghezza Trina 4 cmWidth Of The Lace 1,57 inBianco WhiteKg/Crt Kg/Box 10PS

art. 100092380Ø Est. Ext. 38 cmØ 14,96 in 281 gr \ 9,91 ozLarghezza Trina 2,6 cmWidth Of The Lace 1,02 inBianco WhiteKg/Crt Kg/Box 10PS

art. 107092420Ø 42 cm H 1,5 cmØ 16,54 in H 0,59 in322 gr \ 11,36 ozLarghezza Trina 4 cmWidth Of The Lace 1,57 inBianco WhiteKg/Crt Kg/Box 10PS

art. 107092240Ø 24 cm H 1,5 cmØ 9,45 in H 0,59 in86 gr \ 3,03 ozLarghezza Trina 4 cmWidth Of The Lace 1,57 inBianco WhiteKg/Crt Kg/Box 10PS

art. 100092260Ø Est. Ext. 26 cmØ 10,24 in 92 gr \ 3,25 ozLarghezza Trina 2,6 cmWidth Of The Lace 1,02 inBianco WhiteKg/Crt Kg/Box 10PS

art. 107092260Ø 26 cm H 1,5 cmØ 10,24 in H 0,59 in98 gr \ 3,46 ozLarghezza Trina 4 cmWidth Of The Lace 1,57 inBianco WhiteKg/Crt Kg/Box 10PS

art. 100092290Ø Est. Ext. 29 cmØ 11,42 in 136 gr \ 4,8 ozLarghezza Trina 2,6 cmWidth Of The Lace 1,02 inBianco WhiteKg/Crt Kg/Box 10PS

art. 107092280Ø 28 cm H 1,5 cmØ 11,02 in H 0,59 in121 gr \ 4,27 ozLarghezza Trina 4 cmWidth Of The Lace 1,57 inBianco WhiteKg/Crt Kg/Box 10PS

art. 100092320Ø Est. Ext. 32 cmØ 12,6 in 170 gr \ 6 ozLarghezza Trina 2,6 cmWidth Of The Lace 1,02 inBianco WhiteKg/Crt Kg/Box 10PS

art. 107092300Ø 30 cm H 1,5 cmØ 11,81 in H 0,59 in138 gr \ 4,87 ozLarghezza Trina 4 cmWidth Of The Lace 1,57 inBianco WhiteKg/Crt Kg/Box 10PS

art. 100092350Ø Est. Ext. 35 cmØ 13,78 in 188 gr \ 6,63 ozLarghezza Trina 2,6 cmWidth Of The Lace 1,02 inBianco WhiteKg/Crt Kg/Box 10PS

art. 107092340Ø 34 cm H 1,5 cmØ 13,39 in H 0,59 in184 gr \ 6,49 ozLarghezza Trina 4 cmWidth Of The Lace 1,57 inBianco WhiteKg/Crt Kg/Box 10PS

art. 100092400Ø Est. Ext. 40 cmØ 15,75 in 382 gr \ 13,47 ozLarghezza Trina 2,6 cmWidth Of The Lace 1,02 inBianco WhiteKg/Crt Kg/Box 10PS

art. 107092360Ø 36 cm H 1,5 cmØ 14,17 in H 0,59 in224 gr \ 7,9 ozLarghezza Trina 4 cmWidth Of The Lace 1,57 in Bianco WhiteKg/Crt Kg/Box 10PS

art. 100092420Ø Est. Ext. 42 cmØ 16,54 in 329 gr \ 11,6 ozLarghezza Trina 2,6 cmWidth Of The Lace 1,02 inBianco WhiteKg/Crt Kg/Box 10PS

art. 107092380Ø 38 cm H 1,5 cmØ 14,96 in H 0,59 in247 gr \ 8,71 ozLarghezza Trina 4 cmWidth Of The Lace 1,57 inBianco WhiteKg/Crt Kg/Box 10PS

art. 100092450Ø Est. Ext. 45 cmØ 17,72 in 420 gr \ 14,81 ozLarghezza Trina 2,6 cmWidth Of The Lace 1,02 inBianco WhiteKg/Crt Kg/Box 10PS

art. 107092400Ø 40 cm H 1,5 cmØ 15,75 in H 0,59 in276 gr \ 9,74 ozLarghezza Trina 4 cmWidth Of The Lace 1,57 inBianco WhiteKg/Crt Kg/Box 10PS

art. 100092480Ø Est. Ext. 48 cmØ 18,9 in 431 gr \ 15,2 ozLarghezza Trina 2,6 cmWidth Of The Lace 1,02 inBianco WhiteKg/Crt Kg/Box 10PS

art. 107092440Ø 44 cm H 1,5 cmØ 17,32 in H 0,59 in384 gr \ 13,54 ozLarghezza Trina 4 cmWidth Of The Lace 1,57 inBianco WhiteKg/Crt Kg/Box 10PS

art. 107092480Ø 48 cm H 1,5 cmØ 18,9 in H 0,59 in489 gr \ 17,25 ozLarghezza Trina 4 cmWidth Of The Lace 1,57 inBianco WhiteKg/Crt Kg/Box 10PS

Vassoio DecoratoDecorated Tray

Vassoio Tondo TrinatoLaced Round Tray


Vassoi - Trays



art. 09609201025 X 17 cm H 1,4 cm9,84 X 6,69 in H 0,55 in90 gr \ 3,17 ozLarghezza Trina 2,5 cmWidth Of The Lace 0,98 inBianco WhiteKg/Crt Kg/Box 10PS

art. 101092200Ø Est. Ext. 20 cm Ø 7,87 in 58 gr \ 2,05 ozLarghezza Trina 1,5 cmWidth Of The Lace 0,59 in Bianco White Kg/Crt Kg/Box 10PS

art. 09609202030 X 17 cm H 1,4 cm11,81 X 6,69 in H 0,55 in106 gr \ 3,74 ozLarghezza Trina 2,5 cmWidth Of The Lace 0,98 inBianco WhiteKg/Crt Kg/Box 10PS

art. 101092220Ø Est. Ext. 22 cm Ø 8,66 in 69 gr \ 2,43 ozLarghezza Trina 1,5 cmWidth Of The Lace 0,59 inBianco White Kg/Crt Kg/Box 10PS

art. 09609203036 X 17 cm H 1,4 cm14,17 X 6,69 in H 0,55 in120 gr \ 4,23 ozLarghezza Trina 2,5 cmWidth Of The Lace 0,98 inBianco WhiteKg/Crt Kg/Box 10PS

art. 101092240Ø Est. Ext. 24 cm Ø 9,45 in 85 gr \ 3 ozLarghezza Trina 1,5 cmWidth Of The Lace 0,59 inBianco White Kg/Crt Kg/Box 10PS

art. 09609204036,5 X 21 cm H 1,4 cm14,37 X 8,27 in H 0,55 in132 gr \ 4,66 ozLarghezza Trina 2,5 cmWidth Of The Lace 0,98 inBianco WhiteKg/Crt Kg/Box 10PS

art. 101092260Est. Ext. 26 cm Ø 10,24 in 92 gr \ 3,25 ozLarghezza Trina 1,5 cmWidth Of The Lace 0,59 inBianco White Kg/Crt Kg/Box 10PS

art. 09609205041,5 X 24,5 cm H 1,4 cm16,34 X 9,65 in H 0,55 in205 gr \ 7,23 ozLarghezza Trina 2,5 cmWidth Of The Lace 0,98 inBianco WhiteKg/Crt Kg/Box 10PS

art. 101002280Ø Est. Ext. 28 cm Ø 11,02 in 109 gr \ 3,84 ozLarghezza Trina 1,5 cmWidth Of The Lace 0,59 inBianco WhiteKg/Crt Kg/Box 10PS

art. 09609206039,5 X 27,7 cm H 1,9 cm15,55 X 10,91 in H 0,75 in207 gr \ 7,3 ozLarghezza Trina 2,5 cmWidth Of The Lace 0,98 inBianco WhiteKg/Crt Kg/Box 10PS

art. 101092300Ø Est. Ext. 30 cmØ 11,81 in 121 gr \ 4,27 ozLarghezza Trina 1,5 cmWidth Of The Lace 0,59 inBianco WhiteKg/Crt Kg/Box 10PS

art. 09609207044,7 X 27 cm H 1,8 cm17,6 X 10,63 in H 0,71 in222 gr \ 7,83 ozLarghezza Trina 2,5 cmWidth Of The Lace 0,98 inBianco WhiteKg/Crt Kg/Box 10PS

art. 101092320Ø Est. Ext. 32 cmØ 12,6 in 152 gr \ 5,36 ozLarghezza Trina 1,5 cmWidth Of The Lace 0,59 inBianco WhiteKg/Crt Kg/Box 10PS

art. 101002340Ø Est. Ext. 34 cmØ 13,39 in 143 gr \ 5,04 ozLarghezza Trina 1,5 cmWidth Of The Lace 0,59 inBianco WhiteKg/Crt Kg/Box 10PS

Vassoio Rettangolare Vecchio Tipo

Vassoio Tondo Trinato Nuovo Tipo

Old Rectangular Tray

New Laced Round Tray


Vassoi - Trays

Vassoio Paperone TrinatoLaced Paperone Tray


art. 09509204050 X 39,5 cm H 1,2 cm19,69 X 15,55 in H 0,47 in747 gr \ 26,35 ozLarghezza Trina 1,5 cmWidth Of The Lace 0,59 inBianco White Kg/Crt Kg/Box 10PS

art. 09509205054,5 X 41,5 cm H 1,2 cm21,46 X 16,34 in H 0,47 in701 gr \ 24,73 ozLarghezza Trina 1,5 cmWidth Of The Lace 0,59 inBianco WhiteKg/Crt Kg/Box 10PS

Vassoio Paperino LiscioSmooth Paperino Tray


art. 095092010 40 X 30 cm H 1,5 cm15,75 X 11,81 in H 0,59 in294 gr \ 10,37 ozBianco WhiteKg/Crt Kg/Box 10PS

art. 09509202047 X 36 cm H 1,25 cm18,5 X 14,17 in H 0,49 in439 gr \ 15,49 ozBianco WhiteKg/Crt Kg/Box 10PS

art. 09509203050,5 X 39,5 cm H 1,25 cm19,88 X 15,55 in H 0,49 in546 gr \ 19,26 ozBianco WhiteKg/Crt Kg/Box 10PS


Vassoi - Trays

Vassoio CerimoniaCeremony Tray


art. 11409201040 X 30 cm H 1,8 cm15,75 X 11,81 in H 0,71 in348 gr \ 12,28 ozBianco WhiteKg/Crt Kg/Box 10PS

art. 11409204066 X 46 cm H 1,8 cm25,98 X 18,11 in H 0,71 in1178 gr \ 41,55 ozBianco WhiteKg/Crt Kg/Box 20PS

art. 11409202048 X 36 cm H 1,8 cm18,9 X 14,17 in H 0,71 in485 gr \ 17,11 ozBianco WhiteKg/Crt Kg/Box 10PS

art. 11409203053 X 43 cm H 1,8 cm20,87 X 16,93 in H 0,71 in715 gr \ 25,22 ozBianco WhiteKg/Crt Kg/Box 10PS

Vassoio EsposizioneShowcase Display Tray


art. 10409201027,5 X 20 cm H 2,2 cm10,83 X 7,87 in H 0,87 in118 gr \ 4,16 ozBianco WhiteKg/Crt Kg/Box 10PS

art. 10409202031,5 X 22,5 cm H 2,2 cm12,4 X 8,86 in H 0,87 in166 gr \ 5,86 ozBianco WhiteKg/Crt Kg/Box 10PS

art. 10409203036,5 X 25 cm H 2,2 cm14,37 X 9,84 in H 0,87 in227 gr \ 8,01 ozBianco WhiteKg/Crt Kg/Box 10PS


Vassoi - Trays

Vassoio BavareseSvasatoLarge Bavarian Container

art. 105001160500 cc \ 16,91 fl oz Ø 16 cm H 4,2 cmØ 6,3 in H 1,65 in43 gr \ 1,52 ozCristallo ClearKg/Crt Kg/Box 10PS

art. 105001260 1450 cc \ 49,03 fl oz Ø 26 cm H 4,2 cmØ 10,24 in H 1,65 in114 gr \ 4,02 ozCristallo ClearKg/Crt Kg/Box 10 PS

art. 105001180650 cc \ 21,98 fl oz Ø 18 cm H 4,2 cmØ 7,09 in H 1,65 in56 gr \ 1,98 ozCristallo ClearKg/Crt Kg/Box 10 PS

art. 1050012801750 cc \ 59,17 fl oz Ø 28 cm H 4,2 cmØ 11,02 in H 1,65 in136 gr \ 4,8 ozCristallo ClearKg/Crt Kg/Box 10 PS

art. 105001240 1250 cc \ 42,27 fl oz Ø 24 cm H 4,2 cmØ 9,45 in H 1,65 in95 gr \ 3,35 ozCristallo ClearKg/Crt Kg/Box 10 PS

art. 105001200 800 cc \ 27,05 fl oz Ø 20 cm H 4,2 cmØ 7,87 in H 1,65 in69 gr \ 2,43 ozCristallo ClearKg/Crt Kg/Box 10 PS

art. 1050013002100 cc \ 71,01 fl oz Ø 30 cm H 4,2 cmØ 11,81 in H 1,65 in161 gr \ 5,68 ozCristallo ClearKg/Crt Kg/Box 10 PS

art. 1050012201050 cc \ 35,5 fl oz Ø 22 cm H 4,2 cmØ 8,66 in H 1,65 in71 gr \ 2,5 ozCristallo ClearKg/Crt Kg/Box 10 PS

art. 105001320 2600 cc \ 87,92 fl oz Ø 32 cm H 4,2 cmØ 12,6 in H 1,65 in179 gr \ 6,31 ozCristallo ClearKg/Crt Kg/Box 10 PS

Vassoio StellinoStellino Tray


art. 123001010Ø 12 cm H 1,7 cmØ 4,72 in H 0,67 in17,7 gr \ 0,62 ozCristallo ClearKg/Crt Kg/Box 10PS

art. 123001020Ø 14,5 cm H 2 cmØ 5,71 in H 0,79 in26,7 gr \ 0,94 ozCristallo ClearKg/Crt Kg/Box 10PS



Vassoi - Trays

Vassoio ProfitterolProfiterole Tray

art. 09300101025 X 12,5 cm H 2,6 cm9,84 X 4,92 in H 1,02 in46 gr \ 1,62 ozCristallo ClearKg/Crt Kg/Box 10PS

art. 09300102028,5 X 14,5 cm H 3 cm11,22 X 5,71 in H 1,18 in59 gr \ 2,08 ozCristallo ClearKg/Crt Kg/Box 10 PS

art. 09300103033 X 16,8 cm H 3,4 cm12,99 X 6,61 in H 1,34 in90 gr \ 3,17 ozCristallo ClearKg/Crt Kg/Box 10 PS

art. 09300104038 X 19,7 cm H 4 cm14,96 X 7,76 in H 1,57 in110 gr \ 3,88 ozCristallo ClearKg/Crt Kg/Box 10 PS

art. 09300105045 X 23 cm H 4,6 cm17,72 X 9,06 in H 1,81 in153 gr / 5,4 ozCristallo ClearKg/Crt Kg/Box 10 PS

art. 093001060 53,3 X 27 cm H 5,3 cm20,98 X 10,63 in H 2,09 in243 gr \ 8,57 ozCristallo ClearKg/Crt Kg/Box 10 PS



art. 106001000 Ø 18 cm H 2,4 cmØ 7,09 in H 0,94 in47 gr \ 1,66 ozCristallo ClearKg/Crt Kg/Box 10PS

art. 106001020Ø 24,5 cm H 2,4 cmØ 9,65 in H 0,94 in92 gr \ 3,25 ozCristallo ClearKg/Crt Kg/Box 10PS

art. 106001040Ø 30,5 cm H 2,4 cmØ 12,01 in H 0,94 in150 gr / 5,29 ozCristallo ClearKg/Crt Kg/Box 10PS

art. 106001050Ø 33,5 cm H 2,4 cmØ 13,19 in H 0,94 in271 gr \ 9,56 ozCristallo ClearKg/Crt Kg/Box 10PS

art. 106001060Ø 36,5 cm H 2,4 cmØ 14,37 in H 0,94 in273 gr \ 9,63 ozCristallo ClearKg/Crt Kg/Box 10PS

art. 106001010Ø 21,5 cm H 2,4 cmØ 8,46 in H 0,94 in65 gr \ 2,29 ozCristallo ClearKg/Crt Kg/Box 10PS

art. 106001030Ø 27,5 cm H 2,4 cmØ 10,83 in H 0,94 in106 gr \ 3,74 ozCristallo ClearKg/Crt Kg/Box 10PS

Vassoio StellaStella Tray

LineaCoffee Way

Coffee Way è la linea di prodotti Alcas destinata al mondodella caffetteria e delle bevande calde da asporto.Praticità e qualità dei materiali sono le parole chiavedi questi articoli in grado di soddisfare le necessitàdi tutti i clienti che desiderano consumare in un secondo momento caffè, cappuccini e molto altro ancora.

Coffee Way is the product line made by Alcas for coffee shops and take-away hot drinks. Practicality and quality are what distinguish the materials and are the key words that describe these items, designed to meet the needs of anyone who has to enjoy their coffee, cappuccino, and any other hot drink a while after it was made.




Contenitori per l’asporto


Linea Coffee Way – Coffee Way Collection


art. 3550011208,8 cm 3,46 inMateriale busta Envelope material:Carta PaperTrasparente ClearPz/Crt Pcs/Box 10000 PS

art. 35500116010,5 mm - 4,13 inMateriale busta Envelope material:Carta PaperTrasparente ClearPz/Crt Pcs/Box 10000 PS


In vari formati e con soluzioni diverse, i prodotti Coffee Way sono la risposta semplice ed efficace per tutte le esigenzedi asporto. Perché con Coffee Way ognuno è libero di bere a modo suo.

Made in different formats and with various solutions, Coffee Way products are the easy and efficient answer to all take-away needs. Because with Coffee Way, everyone is free to enjoy their beverage in their own way.

Coffe Way






Caffè ristretto

Caffè latte

Caffè lungo


Linea Coffee Way – Coffee Way Collection

Practicality and quality are what distinguish the materials and are the key words that describe these items, designed to meet the needs of anyone who has to enjoy their coffee, cappuccino, and any other hot drink a while after it was made.

Praticità e qualità dei materiali sono le parole chiave di questi articoli in grado di soddisfare le necessità di tutti i clienti che desiderano consumare in un secondo momento caffè, cappuccini e molto altro ancora.

COPERCHIO 250 CCCOFFEE WAYCoffee Way Lid 250 cc

art. 355201070Ø 8,2 cmØ 3,23 inBianco WhitePer For art. 355002070Pz/Crt Pcs/Box 1000 PS

Qualità Take AwayTake Away Quality

COPERCHIO 130-200 CCCOFFEE WAYCoffee Way Lid 130-200 cc

art. 355201050Ø 7,3 cmØ 2,87 inBianco WhitePer For art. 355002030 e 355002050Pz/Crt Pcs/Box 1000PS

BICCHIERE 130 CCCOFFEE WAY Coffee Way Glass 130 cc

art. 355002030130 cc \ 4,4 fl ozØ 7,4 cm H 6 cmØ 2,91 in H 2,36 inBianco WhitePz/Crt Pcs/Box 1000 EPS

BICCHIERE 250 CCCOFFEE WAYCoffee Way Glass 250 cc

art. 355002070250 cc \ 8,45 fl ozØ 8 cm H 9 cmØ 3,15 in H 3,54 inBianco WhitePz/Crt Pcs/Box 1000EPS


art. 355201010Ø 5,75 cmØ 2,26 inBianco WhitePer For art. 355002010Pz/Crt Pcs/Box 1000PS

BICCHIERE 80 CCCOFFEE WAY Coffee Way Glass 80 cc

art. 35500201080 cc \ 2,71 fl ozØ 5,8 cm H 5,7 cmØ 2,28 in H 2,24 inBianco WhitePz/Crt Pcs/Box 1000EPS

BICCHIERE 200 CCCOFFEE WAYCoffee Way Glass 200 cc

art. 355002050200 cc \ 6,76 fl ozØ 7,4 cm H 9 cmØ 2,91 in H 3,54 inBianco WhitePz/Crt Pcs/Box 1000EPS

QUALITÀTAKE AWAY.Take Away quality


Linea Coffee Way – Coffee Way Collection

Tutto il gusto è da asportoAll the pleasure of take-away


art. 355002210Contiene 2 bicchieri Contain 2 glasses80 cc18,8 X 15,2 cm H 3,2 cm7,4 X 5,98 in H 1,26 inMarrone BrownPz/Crt Pcs/Box 540PET


art. 355002250Contiene 2 bicchieri Contain 2 glasses130 / 200 / 250 cc25,1 X 20,4 cm H 4,8 cm9,88 X 8,03 in H 1,89 inMarrone BrownPz/Crt Pcs/Box 240PET


art. 355002220Contiene 4 bicchieri Contain 4 glasses80 cc31,2 X 15,2 cm H 3,2 cm12,28 X 5,98 in H 1,26 inMarrone BrownPz/CrtPcs/Box 240 PET


art. 355002260Contiene 4 bicchieri Contain 4 glasses130 / 200 / 250 cc40,4 X 19,8 cm H 4,8 cm15,91 X 7,8 in H 1,89 inMarrone BrownPz/Crt Pcs/Box 180PET


Convenient and functional.


Linea Coffee Way – Coffee Way CollectionN


COPERCHIO 350 / 450 CC COFFEE WAYCoffee Way Lid 350/450 cc

art. 355201090Ø 9,4 cm H 1,8 cmØ 3,7 in H 0,7 inNeutro NeutralPz/Crt Pcs/Box 1000PS

BICCHIERE 450 CCCOFFEE WAYCoffee Way Glass 450 cc

art. 355002110450 cc \ 15,22 fl ozØ 8,8 cm H 13,3 cmØ 3,46 in H 5,24 inBianco WhitePz/Crt Pcs/Box 500 EPS

BICCHIERE 350 CCCOFFEE WAYCoffee Way Glass 350 cc

art. 355002090350 cc \ 11,83 fl ozØ 8,8 cm H 11 cmØ 3,46 in H 4,33 inBianco WhitePz/Crt Pcs/Box 1000EPS


Milk shake


IL PIACERE IN LIBERTÀ.Rhe pleasure of freedom.




It’s time to makeyour originality blossom.

Linea Finger Food Mini Mon Amour

Linea Finger Food Mini Mon Amour

La vera tendenza si chiama Mini Mon Amour: la collezione ispirata alle caratteristiche di raffinatezza e design nella portabilità e nell’esposizione. Creazioni che si distinguono per il forte impatto estetico in pasticceria ed in gelateria.La collezione Mini Mon Amour è completata con una gamma di accessori (cucchiai, forchette e spiedini) dallo stile inconfondibile.

Trend is named Mini Mon Amour. This finger food collection is inspired by design and versatility in its use. Creations that distinguish for their strong design impact both in gelato shops as well as in pastry shops. Mini Mon Amour collection is completed by a new range of accessories (spoons, forks, skewers) with a unique style.


ExaLilyAlzata Stone LightGogoUAUCharmeGlamour BijouxScrigno Bijoux Alzatina FingerCoppa VoilàCoppa Decò Coppa Scoop Stone Bon Ton


Attractive shopes.


Linea Finger Food Mini Mon Amour

art. 257101230C120 cc \ 4,06 fl oz Ø 5,7 x 6,6 cm H 6,3 cm2,24 X 2,6 in H 2,48 inCristallo Crystal TransparentPz/Crt Pcs/Box 450PS

art. 257101210C60 cc \ 2,03 fl oz Ø 5,1 x 5,8 cm H 3,8 cm2,01 X 2,28 in H 1,5 inCristallo Crystal TransparentPz/Crt Pcs/Box 600PS

art. 257101250C180 cc \ 6,09 fl oz Ø 6,2 x 7,1 cm H 8,6 cm2,44 X 2,8 in H 3,39 inCristallo Crystal TransparentPz/Crt Pcs/Box 360PS

Exa CupCoppa Exa



Linea Finger Food Mini Mon Amour


Be inspired and start creating.


Linea Finger Food Mini Mon Amour


art. 257101290C 160 cc \ 5,41 fl oz Ø 7,1 cm H 8 cmØ 2,8 in H 3,15 inCristallo Crystal TransparentPz/Crt Pcs/Box 480PS

art. 257101270C100 cc \ 3,38 fl oz Ø 6,1 cm H 6,8 cmØ 2,4 in H 2,68 inCristallo Crystal TransparentPz/Crt Pcs/Box 360PS

Lily CupCoppa Lily


Linea Finger Food Mini Mon Amour

FAI SBOCCIARE LA TUA ORIGINALITÀ.It’s time to make your originality blossom.


Linea Finger Food Mini Mon Amour


Linea Finger Food Mini Mon Amour


Alzata Stone Light

Il freddo della pietra e il colore della luce danno vitaad una linea di prodotti unica ed esclusiva nel suo genere.

La pietra naturale, proveniente da cave selezionate, crea un oggetto raffinato e ricercato, impreziosito da una striscia di luci che illumina le venature della struttura con un gioco di chiaro-scuri elegante e sensuale.

Due forme, tonda e quadrata e sei diverse misure, compongono la linea Stone Light. Le innovative alzate di Alcas create per arredare e valorizzare con gusto il tuo negozio.

The coldness of the stone and the colour of light give life to a line of products which are unique and exclusive.

The natural stone, which comes from selected pits, gives origin to a refined and elegant object, made precious by a ray of light that brightens the veins of the strcture with an interplay of light-dark effects.

The Stone Light design is available in two shapes, round and square and in six different sizes. The innovative Alcas cakestands are created to decorate and enhance your shop with a touch of class.

art. 05700205032 x 32 cm H 30,5 cm12,6 X 12,6 in H 12,01 inMULTIMATERIALE

art. 05700206032 x 32 cm H 45,5 cm12,6 X 12,6 in H 17,91 inMULTIMATERIALE

art. 05700204032 x 32 cm H 15,5 cm12,6 X 12,6 in H 6,1 inMULTIMATERIALE

art. 057002020Ø 35 cm H 30,5 cmØ 13,78 in H 12,01 inMULTIMATERIALE

art. 057002030Ø 35 cm H 45,5 cmØ 13,78 in H 17,91 inMULTIMATERIALE

art. 057002010Ø 35 cm H 20,5 cmØ 13,78 in H 8,07 inMULTIMATERIALE

Stone Light Stand








Linea Finger Food Mini Mon Amour


Decorate and brightenyour taste.


Linea Finger Food Mini Mon Amour


Linea Finger Food Mini Mon Amour



art. 2700011108,7x8,7 cm H 3,73,42X 3,42 in H 1,46 inCristallo Crystal TransparentPz/Crt Pcs/Box 480PS

I piattini Chapeau sono l’ideale per contenere ed esporre piccoli assaggi e monoporzioni.La loro leggera inclinazione, valorizzando al meglio l’esposizione del prodotto verso il consumatore, li rende perfetti per allestire catering e vetrine sia dolci che salate.

The Chapeau small plates are ideal to contain and display small food tastings and single portions. The slight inclination enhances the exposure of the product for the consumer and makes them perfect to arrange catering and dress sweet and savory showcases


Linea Finger Food Mini Mon Amour


art. 2700012109,6x9,6 cm H 2,63,78X 3,78 in H 1,02 inCristallo Crystal TransparentPz/Crt Pcs/Box 480PS


Amazing touch of class.


Linea Finger Food Mini Mon Amour


Disponibilein tre raffinate formeAvailable in three refined shapes


Gogo è il nuovo vassoio monoporzione di ALCAS dal design minimale e innovativo. La sua originale “onda” permette di impugnarlo in maniera semplice e funzionale, per avere una presa perfetta con due sole dita. In un elegante colore nero, GoGo è disponiblie tondo, quadrato e rettangolare, ed è pensato per sostenere e valorizzare monoporzioni sia dolci che salate.

Gogo is the new individual tray by Alcas with a minimal and innovative design. Its original “wave” allows to hold it in an easy and functional way, in order to get a firm grip with only two fingers. In a smart black colour, Gogo is available round, square and rectangular and it has been created to carry and enhance individual portions both sweet and savoury.


art. 27202001010,5 X 9,5 cm H 15 cm4,13 X 3,74 in H in(area utile Ø 8,5 cm useful area Ø 3,35 in)Nero BlackPz/Crt Pcs/Box 400PS


art. 2720200309 X 10,5 cm H 15 cm3,54 X 4,13 in H in(area utile 8,5 x 8,5 cmuseful area 3,35 x 3,35 in)Nero BlackPz/Crt Pcs/Box 400PS


art. 27202005014 X 5,8 cm H 15 cm5,51 X 2,28 in H in(area utile 13 x 4 cm useful area 5,12 x 1,57 in)Nero BlackPz/Crt Pcs/Box 400PS


The tray with the wave.

FACILE DA IMPUGNAREE DA SERVIRE.Easy to hold and to serve.


Linea Finger Food Mini Mon Amour


Linea Finger Food Mini Mon Amour


Sposta gli equilibridel gustoMoving the balance of taste

La base diventa coperchio. La coppa UAU di Alcas per presentare e valorizzare ogni prodotto. UAU Asimmetricacon un design innovativo per rendere originale ogni creazione. UAU Inclinata pensata per mostrare in modo tridimensionale e più attraente ogni tuo capolavoro.

The base turns into a lid. The UAU Alcas cup to present and enhance your product. UAU Asymmetric with an innovative design to make any creation original. UAU Inclined made to show your creation in a three dimensional and appealing way.

LA BASE DIVENTA COPERCHIO.The base turns into the lid.


Linea Finger Food Mini Mon Amour



art. 25610101070 cc \ 2,37 fl oz Ø 5 cm H 5 cmØ 1,97 in H 1,97 inTrasparente TransparentPz/Crt Pcs/Box 640PS

art. 25620201070 cc Ø 5 cm H 2,1 cmØ 1,97 in H 0,83 inSatinato FrostedPz/Crt Pcs/Box 160PSart. 256202030110 cc Ø 6 cm H 2,5 cmØ 2,36 in H 0,98 inSatinato FrostedPz/Crt Pcs/Box 120PS

art. 256202050160 ccØ 7 cm H 3 cmØ 2,76 in H 1,18 inSatinato FrostedPz/Crt Pcs/Box 120PS

art. 256101030110 cc \ 3,72 fl oz Ø 6 cm H 5,6 cmØ 2,36 in H 2,2 inTrasparenteTransparentPz/Crt Pcs/Box 480PS

art. 256101050160 cc \ 5,41 fl oz Ø 7 cm H 6,5 cmØ 2,76 in H 2,56 inTrasparente TransparentPz/Crt Pcs/Box 480PS

Coppa UAU

UAU Asimmetrica


UAU Asymmetric

art. 25630201070 cc Ø 5 cm H 2,1 cmØ 1,97 in H 0,83 inSatinato FrostedPz/Crt Pcs/Box 160PS

art. 25630901070 cc Ø 5 cm H 2,1 cmØ 1,97 in H 0,83 inMarrone BrownPz/Crt Pcs/Box 160PS

art. 25620901070 ccØ 5 cm H 2,1 cmØ 1,97 in H 0,83 inMarrone BrownPz/Crt Pcs/Box 160PS

art. 256302030110 cc Ø 6 cm H 2,5 cmØ 2,36 in H 0,98 inSatinato FrostedPz/Crt Pcs/Box 120PS

art. 256309030110 ccØ 6 cm H 2,5 cmØ 2,36 in H 0,98 inMarrone BrownPz/Crt Pcs/Box 120PS

art. 256209030110 cc Ø 6 cm H 2,5 cmØ 2,36 in H 0,98 inMarrone BrownPz/Crt Pcs/Box 120PS

art. 256302050160 cc Ø 7 cm H 3 cmØ 2,76 in H 1,18 inSatinato FrostedPz/Crt Pcs/Box 120PS

art. 256309050160 ccØ 7 cm H 3 cmØ 2,76 in H 1,18 inMarrone BrownPz/Crt Pcs/Box 120PS

art. 256209050160 ccØ 7 cm H 3 cmØ 2,76 in H 1,18 inMarrone BrownPz/Crt Pcs/Box 120PS

UAU InclinataUAU Inclined

Pensata per mostrare in modo tridimensionalee più attraente ogni tuo capolavoro.

Made to show your creation in a three-dimensionaland appealing way.

Con un design innovativo per rendere originaleogni creazione.

With an innovative design to make any creation original.






Linea Finger Food Mini Mon Amour

LA BASE DIVENTA COPERCHIO.The base turns into the lid.


Linea Finger Food Mini Mon Amour


Coppa con coperchio monoporzioneIl gioco di luce e le trasparenze rendono questa coppa particolarmente adatta a creazioni dolce e salate con decorazioni.

Individual portion cup with lidThis cup is perfect for decorated sweet or savoury creations, enhanced by its shape and transparency which make possible an unbelievable presentation and multiple light plays.

art. 257101180180 cc \ 6,09 fl oz 7,2 x 7,2 cm H 7,6 cm2,83 X 2,83 in H 2,99 inVerde AcquaLight GreenPz/Crt Pcs/Box 480PS

art. 257201180180 cc7,8 x 7,8 cm H 1,4 cm3,07 X 3,07 in H 0,55 inVerde AcquaLight GreenPz/Crt Pcs/Box 480PS

art. 257101170 120 cc \ 4,06 fl oz 6,5 x 6,5 cm H 6,8 cm2,56 X 2,56 in H 2,68 inVerde AcquaLight GreenPz/Crt Pcs/Box 480PS

art. 257201170120 cc6,7 x 6,7 cm H 1,2 cm2,64 X 2,64 in H 0,47 inVerde AcquaLight GreenPz/Crt Pcs/Box 480PS

art. 270101030C10,5 cm / 4,13 inTrasparenteTransparentPz/Crt Pcs/Box 2400PS

art. 257001000C 10,5 cm / 4,13 inTrasparenteTransparentPz/Crt Pcs/Box 2400PS





art.257101170C120 cc \ 4,06 fl oz 6,5 x 6,5 cm H 6,8 cm2,56 X 2,56 in H 2,68 inCristalloCrystal TransparentPz/Crt Pcs/Box 480PS

art. 257200070120 cc6,7 x 6,7 cm H 1,2 cm2,64 X 2,64 in H 0,47 inCristalloCrystal TransparentPz/Crt Pcs/Box 480PS

art. 257101180C180 cc \ 6,09 fl oz 7,2 x 7,2 cm H 7,6 cm2,83 X 2,83 in H 2,99 inCristalloCrystal TransparentPz/Crt Pcs/Box 480PS

art. 257200080180 cc7,8 x 7,8 cm H 1,4 cm3,07 X 3,07 in H 0,55 inCristalloCrystal TransparentPz/Crt Pcs/Box 480PS

IL PIACERE DELLE DECORAZIONI.The pleasure of decorations.


Linea Finger Food Mini Mon Amour


Vaschetta con coperchioUn’originale forma poliedrica fa risplendere le vostre creazioni, proponendosi come vetrina nella vetrina. Dopo l’apertura il coperchio si trasforma nella base della vaschetta.

Container with lidA very original and poly-hedrical shape that will make shine your creations. A magnificent diamond to exhibit in your showcase. The lid can be used as the base of the container.

art. 2591010202 Porz. 2 Port. 350 cc \ 11,83 fl oz11,7 x 11,7 cm. H. 5,4 cm.4,61 X 4,61 in H 2,13 inVerde Acqua, Light GreenPz/Crt Pcs/Box 360PS


art. 2592010202 Porz. 2 Port.11,9 x 11,9 cm. H. 2,1 cm.4,69 X 4,69 in H 0,83 inVerde Acqua, Light GreenPz/Crt Pcs/Box 360PS




Linea Finger Food Mini Mon Amour

art. 25920112012 Porz. 12 Port.21,5 x 21,5 cm. H. 3 cm.8,46 X 8,46 in H 1,18 inVerde Acqua, Light GreenPz/Crt Pcs/Box 50PS

art. 2592010909 Porz. - 9 Port.18,7 x 18,7 cm. H. 3 cm.7,36 X 7,36 in H 1,18 inVerde Acqua, Light GreenPz/Crt Pcs/Box 100PS

art. 2592010606 Porz. 6 Port.16,7 x 16,7 cm. H. 3 cm.6,57 X 6,57 in H 1,18 inVerde Acqua, Light GreenPz/Crt Pcs/Box 100PS

art. 25910112012 Porz. 12 Port.1700 cc \ 57,48 fl oz 21,3 x 21,3 cm. H. 6 cm.8,39 X 8,39 in H 2,36 inVerde Acqua, Light GreenPz/Crt Pcs/Box 50PS

art. 2591010909 Porz. 9 Port. 1250 cc \ 42,27 fl oz 18,5 x 18,5 cm. H. 6 cm.7,28 X 7,28 in H 2,36 inVerde Acqua, Light GreenPz/Crt Pcs/Box 100PS

art. 2591010606 Porz. 6 Port. 950 cc \ 32,12 fl oz 16,5 x 16,5 cm. H. 6 cm.6,5 X 6,5 in H 2,36 inVerde Acqua, Light GreenPz/Crt Pcs/Box 100PS



UNA FORMA ORIGINALE.An original shape.


Linea Finger Food Mini Mon Amour


Monoporzioni. Geometrie fuse in sorprendenti forme perdar vita a piccoli ed irripetibili capolavori. Quattro variantiche permettono di creare presentazioni originali per ogni idea di finger food.

Small Individual portion cups. Geometrical shapes mixed with an amazing style, give life to small but unrepeatable masterpieces. 4 different versions give a great possibilityto make original presentation for any finger food creations.

art. 25710116070 cc \ 2,37 fl oz Ø 4,8 cm H 7,7 cmØ 1,89 in H 3,03 inVerde AcquaLight GreenPz/Crt Pcs/Box 600PS

art. 25710014060 cc \ 2,03 fl oz 5,5 x 5,5 cm H 5,5 cm2,17 X 2,17 in H 2,17 inCristalloCrystal TransparentPz/Crt Pcs/Box 600PS

art. 257101160C70 cc \ 2,37 fl oz Ø 4,8 cm H 7,7 cmØ 1,89 in H 3,03 inCristalloCrystal TransparentPz/Crt Pcs/Box 600PS



art. 25710114060 cc \ 2,03 fl oz 5,5 x 5,5 cm H 5,5 cm2,17 X 2,17 in H 2,17 inVerde AcquaLight GreenPz/Crt Pcs/Box 600PS


Linea Finger Food Mini Mon Amour

art. 25710115070 cc \ 2,37 fl oz Ø 4,8 cm H 7,7 cmØ 1,89 in H 3,03 inVerde AcquaLight GreenPz/Crt Pcs/Box 600PS

art. 257101130C60 cc \ 2,03 fl oz Ø 4,5 cm H 6,3 cmØ 1,77 in H 2,48 inCristalloCrystal TransparentPz/Crt Pcs/Box 600PS

art. 257101150C70 cc \ 2,37 fl oz Ø 4,8 cm H 7,7 cmØ 1,89 in H 3,03 inCristalloCrystal TransparentPz/Crt Pcs/Box 600PS



art. 25710113060 cc \ 2,03 fl oz Ø 4,5 cm H 6,3 cmØ 1,77 in H 2,48 inVerde AcquaLight GreenPz/Crt Pcs/Box 600PS


Linea Finger Food Mini Mon Amour

Scrigno Bijoux

Contenitore da asporto per BijouxDisponibili in colore oro, in forma tonda per 4 e 8 pezzi ed in forma rettangolare per 12 pezzi e corredati naturalmente di praticissimi coperchi. L’espositore Expo completa la gamma per un’elegante esposizione sul banco o nella vetrina frigo.

Take-out container for Bijoux cupsIt is available in gold colour and in two different shapes: round for 4 and 8 cups and rectangular for 12 cups. Of course a practical cover is also available. Expo display is completing this range and makes possible an elegant presentation in your showcase.

art. 258201030Ø 26 cm H 5 cmØ 10,24 in H 1,97 inTrasparenteCrystal TransparentPz/Crt Pcs/Box 100PET

art. 258201020Ø 18 cm H 5 cmØ 7,09 in H 1,97 inTrasparenteCrystal TransparentPz/Crt Pcs/Box 150PET

art. 01920105033 X 23 cm H 6 cm12,99 X 9,06 in H 2,36 inTrasparenteCrystal TransparentPz/Crt Pcs/Box 100 PET

art. 258108030 Ø 26 cm H 5 cmØ 10,24 in H 1,97 inOro GoldPz/Crt Pcs/Box 100PP_PET

art. 258108020Ø 18 cm H 5 cmØ 7,09 in H 1,97 inOro GoldPz/Crt Pcs/Box 150PP_PET

art. 25810812032,5 x 22,5 cm H 5 cm12,8 X 8,86 in H 1,97 inOro GoldPz/Crt Pcs/Box 100PP_PET




SCRIGNO BIJOUX8 PZRound Bijoux Case 8 Pcs

SCRIGNO BIJOUX4 PZRound Bijoux Case 4 Pcs

SCRIGNO BIJOUX12PZRectangular Bijoux Case 12 Pcs

Bijoux Case



Linea Finger Food Mini Mon Amour


art. 269002110Ø 29 cm H 37 cmØ 11,42 in H 14,57 inPz/Crt Pcs/Box 1PLEXIGLASS

AlzatinaFingerLittle Cake Stand

CHIC E DI TENDENZAPER VALORIZZARELE TUE MINI CREAZIONI DOLCI E SALATE. Glamour and design to make your sweet and salt creations.


Linea Finger Food Mini Mon Amour

Coppa Voilà

Coppa monoporzioneRotonda e abbracciata da un’armonica spirale satinata. Un abile incontro tra linee morbide e profili spigolosi. Perfetta per impreziosire ogni vostra minicreazione dolce o salata.

Round individual portion cupThe cup is round and surrounded by an harmonic frosted colour spiral. A smart mix between smooth and sharp shapes. A perfect packaging to enhance and make precious your sweet or savoury creations.

art. 260101070C100 cc / 3,38 ozØ 8,3 cm H 3,5 cmØ 3,27 H 1,38 inTrasparente TransparentPz/Crt Pcs/Box 400PS

art. 260101080C150 cc / 5,07 ozØ 9,5 cm H 4 cmØ 3,74 H 1,57 inTrasparente TransparentPz/Crt Pcs/Box 400PS

Voilà Cup

art. 2612011807,5 x 7,5 cm H 2,3 cm2,95 x 2,95 in H 0,91 inTrasparente TransparentPz/Crt Pcs/Box 400PET


art. 261100180200 cc7,1 x 7,1 cm H 7 cm2,8 x 2,8 in H 2,76 inTrasparente TransparentPz/Crt Pcs/Box 400PS


Coppa monoporzioneLa bellezza delle forme pulitee regolari. Una coppa elegante e decisa allo stesso tempo, con due lati opposti finemente satinati, in grado di esaltare ogni sorta di prelibatezza da voi creata.

Individual portion cupThe beauty of clean and regular shapes. This is an elegant cup but sophisticated at the same time, with the two sides finely frosted finished, able to enhance every kind of creation.

Decò CupCoppa Decò


COPPA MONOPORZIONE.Individual portion cup.


Linea Finger Food Mini Mon Amour




Coppa ScoopScoop Cup

art. 140001210100 cc \ 3,38 fl oz 6,8 x 6,8 cm. H 4,4 cm2,68 X 2,68 in H 1,73 inTrasparenteCrystal TransparentPz/Crt Pcs/Box 450PS

art. 140001220130 cc \ 4,4 fl oz 7,5 x 7,5 cm. H 4,7 cm2,91 X 2,91 in H 1,81 inTrasparenteCrystal TransparentPz/Crt Pcs/Box 450PS


FORMA ACCATTIVANTE.Attractive shape.


Linea Finger Food Mini Mon Amour


Design e praticità danno vita ad un vassoio unico che richiama la forza della pietra. Estremamente comodo da impugnare, offre una soluzione originale e seducente in grado di far risaltare qualsiasi creazione dolce o salata.

Design and functionality make this tray unique in its style, which recalls the strength of stone. The tray is extremely easy to handle and it offers a very original and appealing solution which will enhance all the presentation of your creations.

art. 27103211011 x 11 cm 4,33 X 4,33 inPerla Pearl White Pz/Crt Pcs/Box 320PS

art. 27103220020 X 20 cm H 1,6 cm7,87 X 7,87 in H 0,63 inPerla Pearl White Pz/Crt - Pcs/Box 100PS

art. 27103224024 X 24 cm H 1,7 cm9,45 X 9,45 in H 0,67 inPerla Pearl White Pz/Crt - Pcs/Box 80PS

art. 27100811011 x 11 cm 4,33 X 4,33 in Grigio GreyPz/Crt Pcs/Box 320PS

art. 271008200 20 X 20 cm H 1,6 cm7,87 X 7,87 in H 0,63 inGrigio GreyPz/Crt Pcs/Box 100PS

art. 27100824024 X 24 cm H 1,7 cm9,45 X 9,45 in H 0,67 inGrigio GreyPz/Crt Pcs/Box 80PS


art. 27103228028x28 cm H 1,7 cm11,2x11,2 in H 0,67 inPerla Pearl White Pz/Crt Pcs/Box 60PS

art. 27100828028x28 cm H 1,7 cm11,2x11,2 in H 0,67 inGrigio GreyPz/Crt Pcs/Box 60PS






Linea Finger Food Mini Mon Amour

art. 27103203030 X 14 cm H 1,7 cm11,81 X 5,51 in H 0,67 inPerla Pearl White Pz/Crt Pcs/Box 80PS

art. 27100803030 X 14 cm H 1,7 cm11,81 X 5,51 in H 0,67 inGrigio GreyPz/Crt Pcs/Box 80PS


IL NUOVO STANDARDDI BELLEZZA E QUALITÀ.The new standard of beautyand quality.


Linea Finger Food Mini Mon Amour

Piattino, cucchiaio da assaggio e spiedino/cucchiaio. Le linee delicate e sinuose del piattino Bon Ton sembrano sciogliersi nei quattro angoli di sostegno. Il supporto ideale per far splendere le vostre dolci gemme di gusto. Il raffinato cucchiaio da assaggio con manico ricurvo e l’esclusivo spiedino/cucchiaio permettono alla vostra fantasia di non avere limiti.

Small tray, tasting spoon and skewer/spoon. Delicate and sinuous shape of Bon Ton small tray seems to melt down into its four angles at the base. This tray is a perfect support to make shine your sweet creations. A refined tasting spoon with a curved handle and an exclusive skewer/spoon give no limits to your imagination for a perfect presentation.

Bon Ton

art. 27010002012,5 cm - 4,92 inTrasparente TransparentPz/Crt Pcs/Box 3000PS



Linea Finger Food Mini Mon Amour

art. 2701010408,8 x 8,8 cm H 1,2 cm3,46 X 3,46 in H 0,47 inVerde Acqua Light GreenPz/Crt Pcs/Box 600PS

PIATTINOBON TONBon Ton individual portion tray

art. 27010001011,6 x 4,2 cm H 2,9 cm4,57 x 1,65 in H 1,14 inTrasparente TransparentPz/Crt Pcs/Box 500PS

CUCCHIAIO BON TONBon Ton Tasting Spoon

Da oggi Alcas offre a tutti i suoi clienti la possibilità di avere un confezionamento personalizzato delle referenze presenti a catalogo.Scegli in base alle quantità e ai prodotti che megliosia addicono alla tua attività.Il confezionamento flow-pack o termoretratto può essere personalizzato con la grafica o le etichette più idoneeai tuoi scopi commerciali.

Lotti minimi, quantitativi di confezionamento e tempistiche sonoda concordare con l’area manager o con l’agente di zona.

M.o.q., customized packaging and delivery time have to be agreedwith the area manager or district sales agent.

From today onwards Alcas offers you the possibility to have personalized packaging of items included in the catalogue.Choose according to quantity and functions (items) that best suit your business activity.Flow-pack or shrink-wrapped packaging can be customized with the graphic design or labels most convenient for your commercial purposes.


Le immagini sono solo a scopo esemplificativo.The Images are being used for illustrative purposes only.

Personalizzale con il tuo Marchio Customize with your brand

Alcas S.p.A. Sede legale Via Livorno, 21/23 - 50142 Firenze, Italy

Uffici e logisticaVia dell’Industria, 13/15 - 50056 Montelupo F.no (Fi), Italy T +39 0571 59561 – 6 linee r. a.F +39 0571 992201F +39 0571 591050 – export. dep.

www.alcas.it — [email protected]

Iscrizione Regione Sociale Tribunale di FirenzeR.E.A. n. 246185Capitale Sociale Eur. 520.000,00 int. vers.C. fisc / P.Iva 00786080481

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T +1 (305) 591-3325 F +1 (305) 591-3325

www.alcas.us - [email protected]

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