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Exam's Night Revision( Situations:1. One of your friends eats food with too much fat in it. What do you say to him or her? You mustnt eat too much fat. Its bad for you.2. A friend who has been ill asks for advice about food. Suggest fruit.In my opinion, you should eat more fruit.

3. One of your friends says he is always tired. You think he needs more exercise.You need to get/ do more exercise.

4. A friend of yours has poor teeth. Tell her to drink milk regularly.

Make sure you drink milk regularly.

5. You see a friend reading a book. Ask your friend what the book is called and who wrote it. Whats the name of the book youre reading and who wrote it?6. A friend asks if you are enjoying your book. Say that you are and recommend it to your friend. Yes, Im really enjoying this book and I recommend it to you.7. Your friend asks why you would recommend the book. Give a reason.I recommend it because its so easy to read.

8. You have just bought a new CD by your favourite singer. Recommend it to a friend.

You really should listen to this CD its great.

9. You want to know where your friend would really like to live. What is your question? Where would your dream house be?10. Your friend asks you whether your dream house would be modern or traditional. What do you answer?My dream house would be modern. I like big windows and modern materials.

11. You want to know what type of home your friend would choose. What do you ask?What type of house would you like to live in?

12. Your friend wants to know where your dream house would be. What do you answer?It would be in the countryside.

13. You think your friend likes fish, but you want to check. You like fish, dont you?14. You have just bought a new DVD about space travel. Recommend it to a friend.I really recommend the new DVD I bought about space travel.

15. Your friend asks why you would recommend this DVD. State a reason.The main reason is that it is full of lots of new and interesting information.

16. A friend wants to know where your dream holiday would be to. You really enjoy beach holidays. What do you say?

My dream holiday would be a beach holiday in a nice warm country.17. You have just read a magazine story. You understand the story, but you are not sure what its real subject is. What do you say? Whats the story really about?18. Your class has read a short story. You are not sure what it shows. What do you ask your teacher? What does this story show?19. Your friend asks what the film you have just seen together is really about. You think its about helping people. What do you say?I think its about helping people.

20. You have to phone a friends mother and tell her that her child is ill. What do you say?

Im sorry to say that your child is ill.

21. A friend tells you about King Solomons Mines. Say that you did not know the book before last week. Id never heard of the book before last week.22. You are making the family meal. You would like some help from your sister. What do you say? I wonder if you could help me with the cooking.23. You have missed school because you were ill. You would like some help from your teacher. What do you say?Would it be possible for you to help me because I was ill?24. A friend asks if you can help him or her with a computer problem. You are happy to help, but you want to know what the problem is. What do you say?

Yes, of course. Whats the problem?

25. A friend is trying to persuade you to visit a place you have never heard of. Youd like more information about this place. What do you say? Can you tell me more about this place?26. You are trying to persuade a foreign friend to visit an interesting place which is off the beaten track. You think your friend will regret it if he or she doesnt go. What do you say? It would be a pity if you didn't see it.27. A travel agent is trying to persuade you to go to a newly discovered tourist site. You want to know why this place is better than another. What do you ask?What is special about it?28. You have met a foreign tourist who does not know your town. You think he or she would like this place even though it is off the beaten track. What do you say to persuade him or her? You must visit the town. It's beautiful.

29. Your train leaves in five minutes. It takes at least four minutes to get to the station. We must leave now. The train leaves in five minutes.30. Your friend offers to go to the dentist with you, but you tell her not to worry, you can go on your own. I can go on my own. You dont need to come with me.31. You dont have any tea left. Explain why you are going to the shop. Im going to the shop because I need to buy some tea.32. You are at your friends house. Your parents have told you to be home at five oclock. Your friend asks if you want to stay until eight oclock. No, Im sorry, I cant. I have to be home at 5 O'clock.33. You have just agreed to see a film at the cinema with two friends. You are quite happy, but you did not choose the film. What do you say? Id prefer to see Asal Aswad, but Im happy to see the dealer instead.34. You and three friends have just decided which film to see at the cinema. You are happy that the decision has been made. What do you say?That's good. We all agree to see that film then.35. You chose a holiday to Spain, but your friends all chose Italy, which was cheaper. You think their idea is probably better. What do you say?

Id like to go to Spain, but its probably better to go to Italy.

36. You have just seen the film of a book you like. You did not enjoy the film as much as the book. A friend asks you what you thought of the film. If you ask me ( = In my opinion ), the film was not as good as the book.37. Someone asks you to compare books and films. You dont think its possible to compare the two. Films are much more exciting for you. What do you say?You can't compare films and books. Films are much more exciting than books.38. A friend asks your opinion about a film director he or she likes. You dont agree with your friend. I don't agree. In my opinion, he is not a very good director.39. You want to know what your friend likes about this directors films. What do you say?

What do you like about his films?40. You are doing a project on public transport. You want to find out information from a friend. What do you ask? Can I ask you some questions?41. A friend asks if they can interview you to find out your opinions on the environment. You are happy about this. What do you say?Yes, of course. / Yes, that's fine.42. You are doing a project on your local environment. You want some information from an important person in your town. What formal question do you ask? Would you mind answering some questions about climate change?43. Someone asks if they can interview you. Unfortunately, you have too much to do. What do you say? No, Im sorry. Im busy at the moment.

44. Your pen friend has just arrived. You meet him or her at the airport. What do you say?Welcome to Egypt.45. You have just read a new magazine for young people. Recommend it to a friend.You should read this magazine.

This magazine is great. Would you like to read it?46. Your friend tells you the magazine is good, but you want to make sure. Does the magazine discuss issues that I'm interested in?

47. You want to tell a friend not to eat too much fat.

You shouldn't eat too much fat. Or You should eat less fat.48. A friend wants to know what your dream job would be and why.I'd like to be a surgeon to help the patients.49. You are standing in a queue and someone steps in front of you without permission. Comment politely. Excuse me, Could you stand in the line , please?50. You are looking for a magazine you have lost. Ask a friend about it.Have you seen my magazine? I can't find it anywhere.51. Your cousin suggests spending the weekend at Helwan. Politely refuse, giving a reason.

Sorry I can't. I have a lot of homework to do.52. Someone asks your opinion about good holiday weather. I enjoy cool autumn weather.

I like going to the beach when it's hot and dry.53. A friend thinks that travelling by plane is dangerous. Express your opinion.Actually, travelling by plane is safer than travelling by car.54. You are going to interview someone you dont know. What do you say?Would you mind answering some questions, please?55. Someone stops you in the street and wants to ask you questions about when and where your family goes shopping. You do not have time to answer any questions.Sorry, but I'm very busy right now.

( Places & Speakers

1- A- The teachers are doing their best and need a salary increase .

B- The budget is limited .

Place : Speaker A: Speaker B:

2- A- What's the matter with you ?

B- I have a very bad cold and I can't sleep .Place : Speaker A: Speaker B:

3- A: So how do you see the protestors at Al- Tahrir Square now?

B: The situation here is dramatic. There are People charged into the square on horses and camels.

Place : Speaker A: Speaker B:

4- A-May I see your ticket, please?

B- Here you are.

A-Seat 20A. The first row.

B- Thank you.. What time does the film start?

A: At 6.30

Place : Speaker A: Speaker B:

5- A- I'd like to deposit 20,000 pounds into my account, please.

B-Ok. First fill in this form.

Place : Speaker A: Speaker B:

6- A- Excuse me. W hat are you doing here?

B- I came to this square to demonstrate.

A- For What?

B- For more freedom.

Place : Speaker A: Speaker B:

7- A: What do you think of this statue?

B: Really. great.

A: This is why we should protect our heritage

B: Thats right.

8- A: And how did you feel when you were awarded the Nobel prize?

B: I was proud of myself and my country.

A: Thats all we have time for. Thanks a lot.

Place : Speaker A: Speaker B:WB (Units 1 - 9)

1. A: Good morning, Mr Mohamed. Please sit down. First of all, could you tell me why you are interested in working for us?

B: Well, Ive done this kind of work before and I have always enjoyed working with people.

Place : Speaker A: Speaker B:2. A: That shirt is 50 pounds, sir.

B: Can I pay by credit card?

A: Yes, certainly.

Place : Speaker A: Speaker B:3. A: Hello. Id like to join, please. Im particularly interested in basketball and football.

B: Do you have any friends who already belong here?

A: Yes, three or four of my school friends are members.

B: OK. Could you tell me your name and age, please?

Place : Speaker A: Speaker B:

4. A: Good afternoon. Welcome to Radio 9 and todays World of Science.

B: Thanks. Its good to be here.

A: I wonder if you could introduce todays subject to our listeners?

B: Well, Im going to talk about the research Ive been doing recently.

Place : Speaker A: Speaker B:

5. A: For homework, please do Exercises A and B on page 20.

B: Could you repeat that, please?

A: Certainly. Do exercises A and B on page 20.

Place : Speaker A: Speaker B:

6. A: How would you like to pay for it, sir?

B: By credit card, please.

A: Thats fine, sir. Shall I put it in a bag for you?

B: No, thank you. Its starting to rain, so I think Ill wear it now.

Place : Speaker A: Speaker B:

7. A: Im sure our listeners would like to hear how you first became interested in heart surgery.

B: Well, my father was a surgeon so I grew up watching him save peoples lives. But I really became interested in heart

surgery when my aunt died of a heart problem.

A: And why do you continue to work today, even though you can take lots of time off?

B: Well, I believe that I can really make a difference in peoples lives.

A: Well, thats all we have time for. Thank you very much, Professor.

Place : Speaker A: Speaker B:

8. A: How long have you been feeling unwell?

B: Since Thursday.

A: I see. Well, you need to go to bed, keep warm and rest for a few days. Take one of these tablets three times a day.

B: Thank you.

Place : Speaker A: Speaker B:

9. A: Helwan, please.

B: Certainly, sir. But it will take a long time. A: Yes, I understand.

B: (after an hour) Here we are, sir. That will be twenty pounds.

A: Thank you. Here you are.

Place : Speaker A: Speaker B:

10. A: Welcome to this famous Egyptian site. It was built by Salah El Din Al Ayyoubi.

B: When was it built?

A: It was built in 1176. It was built to protect Cairo from enemies.

B: Its amazing!

Place : Speaker A: Speaker B:

WB (Units 10 - 18)

1. A: Could you tell me what our homework is, please?

B: You have to finish the exercise we started in class today.

A: Thank you. When do you want to see it?

B: I need it on Thursday, please.

Place : Speaker A: Speaker B:

2. A: When exactly do you want to travel?

B: I have to leave on June 17. Id like two tickets, please.

A: OK, theres a flight at 14.55 on the seventeenth.

Place : Speaker A: Speaker B:

3. A: Youre working very hard this evening, Ali.

B: Yes, Ive got an important test tomorrow.

A: Well, dont go to bed too late. You dont want to be tired for your test.

Place : Speaker A: Speaker B:

4. A: We learned about giant pandas at school last year; do you remember?

B: Yes, but I dont really like seeing them in cages like this. Its not easy to see them in China though, is it?

Place : Speaker A: Speaker B:

5. A: Passport and tickets, please.

B: Here you are.

A: Window or aisle seat?

B: Window seat, please.

A: Thank you. Ive given you a window seat, 24A. Heres your boarding card. Boarding will be at 10 oclock from Gate 17.

Place : Speaker A: Speaker B:

6. A: Which tooth seems to have a problem?

B: The one at the front left. It always hurts when I chew on it.

A: Right. Would you open your mouth, please. Yes, it seems you have a slight problem, but I can fix it right away.

Place : Speaker A: Speaker B:

7. A: May I take your order, sir?

B: Yes, Ill have fish, please.

A: How would you like it, sir?

B: Fried, please.

A: Certainly, sir. Any vegetables?

Place : Speaker A: Speaker B:

8. A: May I have your attention, please? I hope you are enjoying the beautiful view of the Sinai desert. We will soon be

arriving at the monastery of St. Catherine.

B: When was the monastery built?

A: It was built in the sixth century by the Roman Emperor Justinian.

B: Thank you.

Place : Speaker A: Speaker B:

9. A: Your tickets, please, sir.

B: Here you are. What time do we arrive at Banha?

A: In half an hour or so.

B: Will we stop at Tanta ?

A: No. We are going straight to Alexandria after that.

Place : Speaker A: Speaker B:

10. A: Thank you for rescuing me. I could have died.

B: Youre going to be OK. This oxygen mask will help you breathe.

A: Where are we going?

B: Were on our way to Kasr Al Aini Hospital. The doctors will take care of you there.

Place : Speaker A: Speaker B:( Vocabulary and StructureUnit 10: Where today's food comes fromNew Vocabulary

fertileingredients / genetically modified


non-organic rottenpesticide

seedsspraystarvation /

agriculturestarve fertilizer


chemicals genetics genes

carbohydrategenetic / fat

genetic engineering protein

Prepositions, Idioms & Expressions

resistant to depend on harmful to

spray with go upin favour of

bring down / poisonous for save .. from ....

put genes into protect from opinion on / about

provide with ...... bad for do damage to

get worsepass from .. to ..... over time

end with do exercise put on soil

bring a disease an example of method of

disadvantage of protect (sb) from worried about

advantage of bad for / spray ....with ...

harmful to come out of / form of

resistant to die of find out

good / better for / plenty of / write down /

Unit 11: Moby Dick

New Vocabulary

ashore / crew / primitive

determined / aheadharpoon

abovepurposeaboard /

ram (v) abroadwhenever

remote / recommend remoteness

destroyserious / destruction

seriousness / ambitionwhaling

ambitious / armeddangers

continentattack /

Prepositions, Idioms & Expressions

work on a ship hunt for armed with

fall to his death / at firston the third day

at the beginning hold onto at the time of

pull outattached to send out / /

be bored with win his fight with born into a .. family ...

live with come out ( / )essential to

essential for / to life at sea live on an island

on his voyage look for at the weekend

play a vital role in work in ordinary jobs put...down

write about start with part of

think of stop from work on a novel

by accidentwork on farms crash into

Unit 12: A place to live

New Vocabulary

balconyconduct (v)block (n) /

flat (adj)a block of flatshigh-tech

a block of wood insulatea block of concrete

insulateddetached house lock (v) / /

semi-detached unlockoutskirts/

slopingoverlook / slope


multi-storey concreteskyscraper

Prepositions, Idioms & Expressions

protect from close / near to keep out ( / )

proud of on the first floor excited about

suitable for on cool evenings turn on

fall offturn offgive up

fall downon business by mistake

belong to / wash awayat one end

work out a sum get in( )park on the road

get into ( )bring upget out ( )

move into get out of ( )live with

made of look after = take care of

value of

way of

suitable for

fall on /

on the outskirts of break his promise

/ sit on the balcony

Unit 13: Wise WordsNew Vocabulary



inclusion / chat / meaningless /

conductormeaningful / inform

pour / paramedicsilent

regret /

Prepositions, Idioms & Expressions

on a school day filled with take out

have an accident shake his head ()on the beach

inform of / about take to arrange for + n.

instead of have an operation thank for + v. + ing

ask forbreak downask about

give importance to call forfull of

call to ()nod his head ()have difficulties

become friends with phone on the mobile

half an hour from

revise for exams

cut himself off from others

Wise Sayings

(The road to success is not straight.

( Good friends are hard to find, harder to leave, and impossible to forget.

( Some people are lonely because they build walls instead of bridges.

( Life is not a race. It's a journey.

( It's not what you do that you should regret, it's what you don't do.

( If you do good things in your life, you will be remembered for these things.

( If you don't succeed, try, try and try again.

Unit 14: King Solomon's Mines

New Vocabulary

civilisationeventually reform /

fortunately opposepoet

explorerbehaviour / adventure

trapbehave / battle

best-seller adviser advisor / go missing /


Prepositions, Idioms & Expressions

at the same time collect money for

have a bath popular with

give advice about on their way to

across the desert move from to ... ...

die of thirst search for

get out of ask for help

say goodbye totolerant of

aware of wait a minute

live in isolation send into ...

an adviser on make a meal

an adviser to make pollution

opposition to make him rich /

disagree with be against

Unit 15: Off the beaten track

New Vocabulary

abandon = leave / monasterybeauty


persuade tombspersuasion /

templessettle down / irrigate


supplies / oasislandscape



/ off the beaten track

supply = provide


Prepositions, Idioms & Expressions

get to give attention to

far away from home to

for surein the centre of

all over Egypt attractive to

reach a settlement a centre for

at any time over time

be cut into hills consist of

supply with settle down

provide with famous for

the furthest from on the east bank

above sea level

Unit 16: Tourism TodayNew Vocabulary

accommodationpackage holiday culture

fixed price essential / mass tourism

pretenddestination reputation /

coaststaff wear away

value for money currencytake it easy = relax /

holiday makers package tour customer

Prepositions, Idioms & Expressions

add to at its best

at particular times benefit from

bring money into cause damage to

compared to cut trees down

different from do damage to

enquire about essential for

for/ at a fixed price get up

go on visits with important for /

in a short time in time

knock downlearn about

look after make money out of

next toon the beach

on the Mediterranean coast on the Red Sea coast

popular with stay in / at a hotel

take a trip to the cost of

thousands of type of

wear away / work on

" Wear " as a phrasal verb

( wear away: - The inscription on the coin wore away.

( wear down: = to make (sb) weaker, / / - She was worn down by overwork.

- In the second half, we wore down the other team and won the match 3-2.

( wear off: = disappear completely . - The pain in my knee is slowly wearing off.

( wear on: = (of time) to pass slowly, () - As the week wore on, she discovered that she didn't do anything useful.

- It was hard work, and as the day wore on, I became more and more tired.

( wear out: = to become damaged,

- My boots wore out. I need to buy a new pair.

- These shoes are going to wear out soon. I'll have to buy some more.

Unit 17: Jurassic Park

New Vocabulary

anthropology fence / award (v)

survivorset up /

director / billionaire producer

alarm interfereproduce

interferencecreate / / / mainland /

remarkable / / cautionary tale /

Prepositions, Idioms & Expressions

a great deal of a group of

a pack of ()at a particular time

attack on award medals to

be put in prison begin with

belong to / bring back /

compared to die in ...

escape from full of

get involved in give instructions to

go back to go wrong

have effects on in a short time

in danger in general

interfere with / It's too late

Keep out / knock over /

make improvementsoff the coast

put in danger ..... refer to

related to set up /

take placetalk about

tell the truth threatened with extinction

turn off ()turn over

wake upwarn .. of / against .....

write about

Unit 18: Global IssuesNew Vocabulary

ban / / / greenhouse effect demand /

melt / dependenceissue

hungergreenhouse gases reduce

surprisingly run out of / pollution

solveglobal warming oil /

oil crisis carbon dioxide ability

volcanopermission / / erupt ()


Prepositions, Idioms & Expressions

ban . from ..... do a project on

increase in make way for

demand for be planted with

answers to / by public transport

on certain days cut down on

dependence on cut down trees

on a big scale turn off

escape from break down /

breathe inlast for

breathe out on the road

take insend .. into .....

come out of make matters worse

add to go up /

at the poles reason for

all around the world worried about

1- Choose the correct answer: (Units 10 - 18)

1. As ( long - far - much - soon ) as I'm concerned, there are too many cars in modern cities.

2. Lisa, ( who - who's - whose - that ) in my class at school, is very good at English.

3. Rice is the main ( food - crops - fruit - ingredient ) of tonight's dish.

4. Ahmed had a very busy morning. By the time he stopped for lunch, he ( had made - made - has made - had been making )17 phone calls.

5. That's the person ( whose - who's - which - who ) phone I borrowed when I lost mine.

6. How long ( had you wait - had you been waiting - have you been waiting - have you waited ) before your train arrived?

7. We all went ( aboard - abroad - ashore - ahead ) when our ship came to port.

8. Children sometimes hurt ( them - themselves - himself - ourselves ) when they are playing.

9. They're building hundreds of new houses on the ( outskirts - centre - roads - blocks ) of the city.

10. My friend lives in a flat which ( sees - watches - overlooks - looks ) the market. It's always very noisy.

11. We ( sorry - regret - disappointed - apologise ) to inform passengers that Flight 659 will be an hour late.

12. My ( want - announcement - ambition - purpose ) is to become a children's doctor.

13. He was naughty as a child, but now his ( behave - behaviour - behaving - behaved ) is much better.

14. While waiting for the train to leave, the passengers ( said - told - chatted - conversation ) to each other.

15. He writes great poems. He's my favourite ( poet - sound - stress - singer ) .

16. If the train ( didn't break - doesn't break - hadn't broken - won't break ) down, I wouldn't have been late.

17. The stones they used to build Stonehenge ( were - was - is - are ) brought from Wales.

18. If you had put the water in the freezer, it ( turned - turns - would turn - would have turned ) to ice.

19. It is believed that the Temple of Edfu was ( start - starts - starting - started ) in the year 237 BC.

20. The ( paramedics - engineers - patients - directors ) took the injured man into the emergency room.

21. The company my father works for has a ( group - staff - crew - population ) of 250 people.

22. That man should stop ( disagreeing - saying - interfering - discussing ) . It has nothing to do with him.

23. Crichton ( produced - acted - wrote - built ) some fantastic books.

24. We would all be healthier if cars were ( stopped - banned - driven - refused ) from city centres.

25. We could ( save - reduce - help - make ) global warming if we used more energy from the sun.

26. If they want to book a flight to London, they ( must - could - need - could ) to do it soon. Flights to London are very busy.

27. It's difficult to get into a good university. You ( need - should - can - must ) work really hard.

28. The information you are looking for can ( find - be found - be find - found ) on the internet.

29. At school, we are ( being taught - teaching - been taught - been teaching ) how to revise for our exams.

30. I wonder if I ( borrows - borrow - could borrow - would borrow ) your camera this afternoon?

31. People who ( borrow - lend - bring - steal ) money should go to prison.

32. Most people are ( honest - nice - kind - intelligent ) . If they find something, they give it back to the owner.

33. John doesnt get paid for playing football. Hes ( a professional - a player - an amateur - a career ) .

34. Im really enjoying this dessert. Can you tell me what the ( goods - ingredients - crops - foods ) are?

35. If you need more ( sugar - fat - protein - carbohydrate ), eat more meat, fish and eggs.

36. In the story of Moby Dick, Captain Ahab is absolutely ( determined - sure - serious - primitive ) to catch the white whale.

37. When the boat sank, the ( staff - group - crew - employees ) were saved by a passing ship.

38. My sister and her husband live on the ( top - outskirts - side - outside ) of the town.

39. The people ( which - who - what - where ) have just moved into the next flat are from Tanta.

40. Where ( were - did - had - was ) you going when I saw you in town yesterday?

41. The Nile is ( longest - long - the longest - longer ) river in the world.

42. Those are the people ( who - whose - which - whos ) car has been stolen.

43. Ali has had to go to hospital because he hurt ( herself - him - his - himself ) while playing football.

44. We arrived late and by the time we sat down, the film ( has started - had started - is starting - starts ) .

45. In my opinion, its warmer now ( as - so - than - that ) it was this morning.

46. My clothes were dirty because I ( had been repairing - had repaired - repaired - am repairing ) the car all morning.

47. Most houses in countries where it rains a lot have ( straight - sloping - flat - long ) roofs.

48. If you want to keep fit, go running. Its a very good form of ( exercise - practice - food - work ) .

49. My friends father is the ( politician - diplomat - man - editor ) of our local newspaper.

50. This CD was a ( cheap - bargain - credit - value for money ) . It cost less than two pounds.

51. Our cat has ( missed - come - gone missing - abandoned ) . We havent seen him for a week.

52. We ( suggest - announce - refuse - regret ) to inform passengers travelling to Cairo that their train will be 20 minutes late.

53. There is no airport on the island, so boats ( sail - supply - give - carry ) food and other goods.

54. My ( ambition - hero - idea - announcement ) is to be a journalist for an international news magazine.

55. As soon as I met him, I knew I ( had seen - saw - have seen - see ) him somewhere before.

56. I didnt realise it was late ( if - and - because - but ) I was concentrating so hard on what I was doing.

57. I ( have cleaned - clean - am cleaning - have been cleaning ) my brothers car all morning and he says its still dirty.

58. Many cars ( made - are made - is made - make ) in Egypt.

59. If it was cold in the evening, you ( will need - needed - would need - would have needed ) warm clothes.

60. Im not very good ( in - at - with - on ) remembering peoples names.

61. The Colossus of Rhodes was destroyed ( from - to - by - at ) an earthquake.

62. It ( know - known - is known - has known ) that people have lived here for centuries.

63. The shop in our city was completely ( hurt - injured - destroyed - flooded ) by fire last night.64. I can really ( recommend - build - admire - wish ) this book. I couldnt put it down.65. I hope I ( pass - succeed - win - do well ) the maths test at school tomorrow.66. Last year, we visited the ( place - view - area - site ) of an ancient settlement in the desert.67. If you pour hot water onto ice, it ( runs - melts - floods - freezes ) .

68. You cant enjoy your holiday if you dont have good ( hotel - room - accommodation - stay ) .

69. My favourite holiday destination is a small fishing village on the ( sea - edge - ocean - coast ) .

70. When I was a child, I remember reading a/an ( dangerous - warning - advising - cautionary ) tale about a lazy student.

71. Banks are places ( which - where - that - when ) you can keep your money safe.

72. Before the invention of cars, people ( used - use - are used - have used ) to walk more.

73. She looked at ( she - her - herself - himself ) in the mirror to see what the new dress was like.

74. So far today, I ( wrote - am writing - have been writing - have written ) e-mails to six of my friends to tell them the good news.

75. Ive decided that I ( am going to apply - applying - am applying - apply ) for that job as soon as I can.

76. I have an idea: we ( have to - need - could - would ) all go in one car. That would save us money.

77. There are always children near the school, so you ( can - must - mustnt - need ) drive very carefully.

78. Survivors of this mornings accident ( have been taken - have taken - took - have been taking ) to the citys main hospital.

2-Find the mistake in the following sentences, then write them correctly: (Units 10 - 18)

1. In organic farming, fruits are sprayed with chemical pesticides.

2. The stems of all living things control what they will be like.

3. When tomatoes ripen, after a while they will starve and have a bad smell.

4. That pepper is genetically modified, doesnt it?

5. If I felt tired, I usually go to bed early.

6. If I found any money at school, Ill take it to one of the teachers.

7. Ill tell you if I saw anything unusual.

8. If you havent taken those photos, I wouldnt have remembered our holiday.

9. My brother was never very good for playing basketball.

10. Dont worry for your exam. Im sure you will pass.

11. Ive lost one of my school books. Can you help me look at it?

12. Holidays in Egypt are popular for all kinds of tourists.

13. We must find an answer for the problem of climate change.

14. Many visitor to Egypt are interested in the history of the Pyramids.

15. Water from the Nile are used to irrigate farmers fields.

16. A monastery is a building where monks lives.

17. Historical land is used for growing crops and keeping animals.

18. Dakhia Oasis have a population of 75,000 people.

19. If we didnt run fast, we wouldnt have caught the train.

20. I'll tell you if I heard from Hassan.

21. Have you decided whether to apply from that job?

22. In Ancient Egypt, waterwheels were use to irrigate fields.

23. If I dont find my keys, I wouldnt be able to get into my car.

24. There would have been an accident if you havent seen the cyclist in time.

25. You should apply to this job. Im sure youd be good at it.

26. The Alexandria Library was open by the President in 2002.

27. You dont have to take things that dont belong to you

28. You mustnt go to bed early tonight. There is no school tomorrow.

29. That film has already seen by more than five million people.

30. I broke my leg three years ago and now I couldnt run very fast.

31. You must to eat lots of fresh fruits because theyre very good for you.

32. When I was born, my parents have been living in their flat for three years.

33. You say its very expensive to live in the city, and I dont agree.

34. I hope I find myself a flat thats not too cheap so that I can afford it.

35. Asia is the biggest country in the world.

36. We couldnt get into the car because our keys were opened inside.

37. If the film hadnt been funny, I wouldnt laugh.

38. I enjoy history, but Im not so keen in geography.

39. My fathers lost glasses was found in the garden.

40. We will keep out of oil in twenty years.

41. The trains pilot asked for my train ticket.

42. Two farmers ran out of the ambulance and carried my sick friend into the hospital.

43. You neednt take things that dont belong to you.

44. Today, almost any information you need must be found on the internet.

45. When we arrived home, we saw that our lights have been left on.

46. When a volcano disappears, it sends dust into the atmosphere.

47. Ice at the Antarctic and the Arctic is freezing because of global warming.

48. Michael Crichton wrote a book about phonetic engineering.

( Gulliver's Travels

A) Questions with model answers by:

1- Why didn't Gulliver get hurt when the baby dropped him? Because he landed on a soft blanket.2- The giant farmer and his wife were kind to Gulliver after the fall. What did they do with him? They made sure he wasnt hurt and they let him rest on their bed.3- What did the farmer's daughter Glumdalclitch do for Gulliver?

She helped prepare a small bed for him. She made clothes for him and taught him their language and took care of him.

4- What did Glumdalclitch call Gulliver? What does this name mean? She called him Grildrig, which means puppet5- What happened to Gulliver when he was in the bedroom? Two rats the size of large dogs attacked him.6- Who suggested that the farmer take Gulliver to the market and have people pay to see him? Why did he say this?

The farmers friend (an old man) said this. He said it because he was angry that Gulliver laughed at him.

7- Why did the farmer take Gulliver to the capital city? The farmer took him to make money by having people pay to see him.8. For how long did Gulliver travel around the country with the farmer and his daughter? He travelled for ten weeks.9. Why did Gulliver become ill and tired? He had to perform many times a day for the people who came to see him. 10. Do you think the farmer treated Gulliver well? Explain your answer.

No, because he took Gulliver to the market to show him to the people who would pay for watching Gullivers performance.

11. What did the King think when he saw Gulliver? Why did he not believe Gulliver's story?

He thought Gulliver was a toy. He did not believe Gullivers story because it did not agree with what the King already knew.

12. How was Gulliver able to hurt the giant rat that attacked him? He used his knife to defend himself.

13- What tricks did Gulliver do to entertain the people at the inn?

He welcomed people when they entered the inn and walk up and down when he was asked to do so. He named things too.14- What was the one request that Gulliver asked of the Queen? He asked to keep Glumdalclitch as his teacher.15- Why did the farmer sell Gulliver to the Queen? Why was the farmer so willing to sell Gulliver to the Queen?

He thought that Gulliver would die soon so he wanted to get rid of him.

16- How did Gulliver feel towards the farmer and towards his daughter? Why?He didnt like the farmer because he made Gulliver work very hard and only wanted to make money from him. But he liked Glumdalclitch because she took good care of him, and he asked the Queen to let her stay as his teacher.

17- Why didn't Gulliver say goodbye to the farmer as he was leaving?

Because he had bad feelings towards the farmer, who had overworked him and used him to make money.

18- Was the farmer a Selfish and greedy man? Explain. Yes, because he only cared about making money for himself.19-What did the King think of Gulliver at first? What made him decide that Gulliver wasn't telling the truth?

The King could not believe that such a small person could live and that there could be a whole country of such small people. 20- Where did Gulliver stay in the palace? Describe it.

The carpenter made him a home. It was a box with a door and large windows. The walls were soft and the roof was lifted up.

21- Who did Gulliver eat with?He ate with the Queen, her daughters, Glumdalclitch, and on Wednesdays the King joined them.22- Why hadnt the people of Brobdingnag ever travelled to other countries?

There were high mountains in the north and the seas around the country were too rough.

23- Why did the King of think that Gulliver was lucky to have left England and come to the land of Brobdingnag?

Because he believed that Gulliver had escaped to a better place, where there were no weapons or wars.

24- Gulliver thinks at one point, "My country, which I was so proud of, suddenly seemed small, unimportant and badly run." What made Gulliver think like this? Gulliver began to see his country through the eyes of the King, who was very critical of the weapons England had and the many wars it fought.25- After being punished for dropping Gulliver in a bowl of cream, what other tricks did the servant do to Gulliver?

He put him into the hole of a meat bone, and he made apples fall on him in the garden.

26- How do you think travelling to other countries might make a person see his own country differently?

They might get ideas that help them think their country is better or worse.

27- Why did the servant who was looking after Gulliver leave him? To search for birds eggs on the beach.28- Why did Gulliver ask the captain of the ship if he had seen any enormous birds?

To prove to him that he lived with giants and that it was an enormous bird that had carried his box to the sea.

29- What were some of the bad things that happened to Gulliver at the palace?

1- One servant dropped him into cream. Later he made apples fall off a tree onto Gulliver. 2- A dog caught him in its mouth.

3- He fell into a hole made by an animal. 4- Once some bees attacked him into his house.

5-A monkey carried him up to the top of the roof.

30- After Gulliver was picked up by the dog, Glumdalclitch promised never to leave him alone again. Gulliver was not pleased to hear this. Why was that so?

Perhaps he wanted more privacy, some time to be alone with his thoughts.

31- Where did the monkey take Gulliver? It took him to the top of the roof of the palace. Then it left him there and ran away.32- Why did the King of Brobdingnag ask for advice from scholars when he saw Gulliver?

Because he thought the farmer had tricked the Queen. / He couldnt understand how such a small person could be real.

33- Was everyone in the palace friendly to Gulliver? No, there was one servant who tried to hurt him.34- What did Gulliver learn from his talks with the King? He learned his country was not as good as he thought it was.

35- Why did the music from the concert sound like thunder to Gulliver? How was he able to solve this problem? What did Gulliver think of the music of Brobdingnag?

The noise from the concert was extremely loud. His box was moved to a room at a far corner in the palace, with the doors and windows closed. He liked the music.

36- What did Gulliver learn about the geography of the country?

There were mountains to the north and no one had ever crossed them. No one knew what was on the other side. There were no harbours, so no ships came from other lands. They got their fish from rivers and didnt go out to sea. There were fifty-one cities.

37- How was Gulliver rescued from the roof and what happened to the monkey?

A brave servant reached him from his ladder and carried him down in his pocket. The monkey was sent away from the palace.

38- What did the King think of Gulliver's country? The legal system was very weak and the government was very strange. 39- What were some of the questions that the King of Brobdingnag asked about England?

He asked about its legal system, where it got its money from, and why they had so many wars.

40- What was the King's reaction when Gulliver offered to show him how make weapons like his?

The King was horrified. He couldnt believe that anyone would want such terrible things. He didnt want to hear about them again.

41- How was Brobdingnag different from Gulliver's country? The people never travelled outside the country. They didnt need weapons. They didnt have wars with other countries. They didnt have many books.42- How was the King of Brobdingnag different from the King of Lilli put? Which do you think was a better king? Why?

The King of Brobdingnag was very learned. But he was not interested in making weapons and he did not want wars.

The King of Lilliput was war against Blefuscu. He wanted to be fashionable by wearing low heels. 43- Why does the King think that Gulliver is lucky to have come there?

The King thinks his land is better because the people dont want to make war.

44- Do you think Gulliver is lucky to be in Brobdingnag? Do you think he is treated well?

He is treated like an animal in a cage and is not given his freedom or is not treated as a human being.

45- How did Gulliver read the books in the King's library?

He climbed up a ladder to see the top of the page and then climbed down slowly to read the page.

46- Why did Gulliver decide he wanted to leave Brobdingnag?

He wanted to talk with people who shared his ideas and not to worry about a giant stepping on him or a bird carrying him away.

47- How did he leave Brobdingnag? Was his escape planned?

A large bird carried it away and then dropped it in the sea. His escape was not planned.

48- Why were the walls of Gullivers home made soft? so that he wouldnt be hurt when someone carried the house.49- Why was it important for Gulliver to be able to lock his door from inside? To prevent any rats or insects from entering.50- Why didnt Gulliver want to keep his key with Glumdalclitch? He thought she would lose it as it was so small to her.51- How did the Queen punish the servant who threw Gulliver in the bowl of cream?

She made him wash all the cream from Gullivers clothes.

52- What did Gulliver do to get people's attention?

He put a handkerchief on a pole and raised it through a small hole in the box. He waved the handkerchief and shouted.

53- How did Gulliver get rescued and out of his box?

A ship saw the box floating. They tied ropes to it and pulled it to the ship. They made a hole in the roof for him to get out.

54- Why did Gulliver tell the sailors to lift the roof? Why did they laugh?

He thought they were giants who could lift the roof easily. They laughed because they thought he was joking or mad.

55- Why did the sailors look small and strange to Gulliver?

He had been living with giants for two years and he was not used to seeing people his own size.

56- Why did the sailors let the box fall back into the sea after they had taken the things out?

The box was the size of a small house and it was very heavy for the ship to carry.

57- What did the captain think Gulliver might be? What did he want to do with him?

He thought he might be a criminal who was put in the box as a punishment. He wanted to leave him at the nearest port.

58- The captain first thought the box was a boat. Why did he send a boat to it?

He wanted to ask if he could buy some sea biscuits because his ship was low on food.

59- Why did the captain laugh at the first sailors who went to look at the box?

They came back and said there was a house floating on the sea. He did not believe them.

60- Name two or three things that Gulliver showed the captain to prove his story was true.

A comb made from a dried leaf, the sting of a bee that was the size of a knife, a ring that was big enough to wear on his head.

61- Why did Gulliver speak in such a loud voice?

He is used to talking loudly to the giants because their heads were so far away. 62- Why did Gulliver ask to go to the sea? He wanted to get some fresh air .63- How did Gulliver escape from Brobdingnag? A large bird picked up his box and carried him away.64- Why did the captain ask if the people of Brobdingnag were a little deaf? Because Gulliver spoke in a loud voice.65- The ship stopped at a few places on its way back to England, but Gulliver did not want to leave the ship. Why?

He felt safe there.

66- Back home, why did Gulliver keep yelling to the people, "Look out! Here I come!''? How did the English people react?

He got used to people being very big, and he was afraid he would step on the people of his country, whom he felt looked very small. The English people thought Gulliver was being rude to them.

67- Why did Mary think that her husband Gulliver was acting strangely?

Gulliver told her that she hadnt fed the children enough and they were too small. He found it strange to have to look down to them because he was used to looking up at people to talk to them. She thought his long journey at sea had made him mad.

B) Read the following quotations and then answer the questions:

1-"Well if he's so clever, you should make him work so that you can earn some money from him.

1. Who said this to whom? The farmers friend/An old man said this to the farmer.

2. Who is he talking about and what is his suggestion for earning money?

He is talking about Gulliver. The farmer will make people pay to see him.

3. Do you think this was a good idea for the farmer and for Gulliver? Why?

It was a good idea for the farmer because he made some money.

It was not a good idea for Gulliver because it was uncomfortable and he had to perform a lot.

2-Theyll want to pick him up and play with him. They might break his arms or drop him! I dont want him to perform to strangers.

1. Who said this? Glumdalclitch/The farmers daughter said this.

2. To whom was this said? It was said to her father, the farmer.

3. What do these words tell us about the speakers towards Gulliver?

These words show that she cared about him and didnt want him to be hurt.

3-Whats this? Why have you brought me a toy?

1. Who said this? The King said this. 2. What was the toy? The toy was Gulliver.

3. Why did the speaker get angry? He was angry because he thought the Queen had been tricked by the farmer.4-"I cannot believe that people who are so small can have houses and cities, clothes and jobs, rewards and prizes, arguments and fights!"

1. Who said this to whom? The King said this to one of his advisers.

2. How did Gulliver feel when he heard this? He began to feel angry because the King was laughing at Gullivers country.3. What else did Gulliver realize when he heard this? He realised that the Kings country was like Gullivers only much bigger.

5-"I've always been very interested in science, but I cannot believe that anyone would want to have such terrible things. "1. Who said this to whom? The King of Brobdingnag said this to Gulliver.2. What are the "terrible things"? The terrible things are weapons that can easily kill people and destroy buildings.3. How did the listener feel after hearing these words? Gulliver thought his country was small, unimportant and badly run.6-If my soldiers find another ship like yours, Ill ask them to bring it at once to the capital. Id like to find you some friends of your own size.

1. Who said this to Gulliver? The King of Brobdingnag said this.

2. What was Gullivers opinion of these words? He thought it was a kind offer, but he did not want more people to live like him .3. What did Gulliver want to do as a result of these words? He decided that he wanted to go home to his country.7- It seems my scholars are wrong and what you tell me about your own country is true.

1. Who said this? The King of Brobdingnag said this. 2. To whom was it said? It was said to Gulliver.

3. What did the scholars say that was wrong? They said it was impossible that there was a land full of such small people.8-"You're very lucky because you've escaped to a better place, where people want to grow food rather than make war"

1. Who said this to whom? The King of Brobdingnag said this to Gulliver.

2. What did the listener think about his own country? He began to think that it was small, unimportant, and badly run.3. Do you think the listener had escaped to a better place? Why? Students opinions will vary.

9-"That's not necessary. Just ask one of your sailors to pick up the box and carry it onto your ship, where you can lift up the roof "

1. Who said this to whom and where was he? Gulliver said this to a sailor. Gulliver was still in his house/box.

2. What did the listener do when he heard this? Why? He (and others) laughed. They thought Gulliver was joking or mad.3. Why had the speaker said this? Because he didnt realize that the sailors were the same size as he was.10-I think youre a criminal, whod been put inside the box to be punished.

1. Who said this to Gulliver? Captain Thomas Wilcocks.

2. Where were they when this was said? They were in the captains room on the ship.

3. Why did the person say this? He couldnt believe Gullivers story about Brobdingnag.

11- "The sailors said this was very difficult and they'd only raised it a little when I saw your handkerchief appear through the hole in the side. We realised that someone or something was locked inside the box."

1. Who said this to whom? The captain (Thomas Wilcocks) said this to Gulliver.

2. What was difficult? Lifting the house/box to the ship.

3. When was this said? When the captain was telling Gulliver how they had seen his box/house and brought it to the ship.

( Paragraphs

"Global Warming"Most people now accept the fact that the world's climate is changing. The carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is increasing mainly because we burn fuels such as oil and gas. The fact that we continue to destroy the rainforests (which take in carbon dioxide and produce oxygen) makes matters worse. How will global warming affect the world? It is now known that the ice at the Arctic and the Antarctic is melting. If this continues, sea levels will rise and some parts of the world will be flooded, making many people homeless. So what can be done? Countries must stop destroying the rainforests and produce less carbon dioxide. And, as individuals, we must all reduce the carbon dioxide we produce. This can be done by people using cars only when they have to or by turning down air conditioning in the summer.

"Healthy food"

Healthy food is very important for a healthy life. We must pay attention to the food we eat and the water we drink. Healthy food should be clean. You must wash the vegetables and fruit well before eating them. You must cover the food to prevent flies and insects from touching it. Healthy food should also be natural and organic. It is not good to eat food that was made by using dangerous additives. Organic food is better than inorganic ones. Foods which are prepared at home are better than fast foods. The most important thing about healthy food is that it must contain all the vital substances like vitamins, proteins, carbohydrates and fats.

Modern house

Today, technology affects how buildings are designed. Modern houses can be very high-tech. Some buildings can be controlled from a mobile phone. So if the owners are out, they can lock or unlock their doors, turn their lights on and off and even cook their meals without being there themselves. Modern skyscrapers sometimes have fantastic views from all the windows. Modern houses have air-conditioning, so it's cool inside. Modern houses have a balcony, where you can sit out to read or have a cup of tea. On the other hand, some prefer the traditional houses. These houses don't have air-conditioning but the walls are thick, so it's cool inside.

Tourism in Egypt

Most travellers to Egypt visit the famous sites in Cairo and Upper Egypt, but the country has many other interesting historical places. Sinai has some of the most beautiful landscapes in Egypt. The monastery of St Catherine is located in the centre of Sinai. Today, tourism is a huge business. Egypt makes a lot of money out of tourism. Alexandria and Hurghada attract millions of tourists every summer! The tourist industry employs thousands of people such as travel agents, hotel staff and building workers. New hotels and roads will have to be built and new parks and resorts will need to be planned.

The internet

The fastest-growing areas of computer use are online shopping and internet banking. To attract customers, many online shops and companies now have interesting, user-friendly websites which make buying things easier than traditional ways of shopping. With just a few clicks of the mouse, you can order almost anything you can find in ordinary shops. As well as being easier for people with busy lives, internet shopping also helps people to look for things they cannot find in their own area and to find them at the cheapest prices. You can get some really good bargains on the internet. People are changing to internet banking. Now, many people are doing all their banking activities online.


Reading is one of the pleasures of life and of the best ways of spending 1 our spare time. 'A good book is a good friend'. This is true because reading makes us forget our troubles and cares of everyday life. Besides, reading widens our knowledge. It also makes us acquainted with many things we ignore about life and human nature. Reading provides us with a background about various subjects that help us in our practical life. A person who has a lot of knowledge attracts people's attention to him when he speaks or discusses any subject. Thus he becomes a prominent personality in his society and gets the respect of all people. We cannot do without books which you refer to whenever you like.

How a youth serves his country

The progress of any nation depends on its youth. They work for the good of their country. A youth can take part in the industrial and agricultural projects. They can also help stamp out illiteracy. They sacrifice their lives for their country in time of wars. In fact, the youth must avoid bad habits. They should avoid smoking and practise sports to ' become fit. They should not waste their time sitting at cafes all the time. They should read and log onto the internet to get useful information. The youth are tomorrow's leaders, so the government is greatly interested in them.

The best things in life are free

We have been blessed with a lot of free things like air, water and education. Without air, we would die. Air surrounds us. It never stops. It provides us with oxygen necessary to continue living. Water is as important as air. Without water we cannot live. The Nile provides us with the water necessary for drinking and irrigation. The Nile water has been running and generations have been living. Agriculture cannot grow without water. Besides these natural resources, education is given free. The government is interested in given everyone the right share in education. In this way, education is free just like air and water.

The Road to success is not straight

The road to success is not straight. You will have obstacles on the way. But, if you have determination, you will go to a place called success. Nothing succeeds like success. This is a true saying because we all work for success whose joy can be felt by successful people and their families and close friends. To succeed in life, you must do your best in achieving you goal. Once you have reached your goal, you must work harder to keep it. But does success have enemies? Yes, the enemies of success are those who know to how succeed but do not have the enthusiasm and hard work to achieve it. Such people must be avoided.

Good friends are hard to find harder to leave impossible to forget

Friendship is to be bought only by friendship. A man may have authority over others, but he can never have their hearts but by giving his own. A good friend is someone we can depend on. A friend is someone with whom we can relax and have fun and share our thoughts-deep secrets, noble goals, or our hopes, joys, and fears. A good friend allows you a safe space to share your deepest thoughts and needs--without worry of being made to feel silly for feeling the way you do. Friends cheer each other on, laugh and cry together, and just sympathize and listen to each other. That's why friends are hard to find, harder to leave, and impossible to forget.

Some people are lonely because they build walls instead of bridges

People who put up "walls" and do not let anyone really get close to them or understand them make themselves lonely. But if they put up "bridges" which means let someone get to know them and understand them, then they will have a chance of having a new friend. By building a wall you are closing yourself in. By building a bridge you are extending your relationships. Since nations are globally interested in common issues such as pollution and overpopulation, they must get together and break walls that separate them. They must discuss global issues openly without any barriers among them.

Life is not a race it is a journey

Life can be enjoyable or miserable. It is up to you. Do not belittle your value by comparing yourself with others. We are so different that each of us is special. Do not set your goals by what other people consider important. You must know only what is best for you and do not give up when you still have something to give. Do not be afraid to run into risks. It is by taking chances that you learn how to adapt. Knowledge is a treasure you can always have easily. The quickest way to receive love is to give love. You should not dismiss your dreams. To be without dreams is to be without hope. Do not run through life so fast that you forget not only where you are, but also where you are going to.

If you do good things in your life, you will be remembered for these things

People will be remembered for the good things they do in their lives. Professor Magdi Yacoub was part of the team which did the first British heart transplant operation. A civil engineer is proud to be helping to build a modern country. Our roads, bridges and dams will help to make Egypt richer. Louis Pasteur showed that people could catch diseases from other people who were carrying germs. He discovered ways of preventing diseases from passing from person to person. Thanks to his discoveries, more people live healthy lives and fewer people die from common diseases. Omar Samra's climb to the summit of Everest was the most important sporting event of 2007.

( TranslationTranslate into Arabic:

A skyscraper is a very tall building with many floors, usually built in cities where the cost of land is high. The first skyscraper was built in New York in 1868, and now there are lots in other cities. Can building skyscrapers in our cities be possible and will it help to solve the serious problem of housing?

. 1868 .

Today tourism has become a huge business. It is a good source of national income for countries on the Mediterranean coast. Hence, we have to attract more and more tourists to visit Egypt all year round by building more comfortable hotels and making all tourist facilities available.


The worlds climate is changing. Scientists believe that this is due to a number of natural reasons, like heat from the sun, volcanoes and the increase in carbon dioxide. Global warming will cause ice in some regions to melt, sea levels will rise, there will be floods and lots of people will be homeless.

. .

Some people believe that genetically modified food may bring new diseases in the future. Others are in favour of this type of food. They think GM crops can improve agriculture and protect people from starvation in poor countries.

. .

Lots of people admire Jules Verne. He was a French writer who was born in 1828 and died in 1905. He wrote many novels in which he introduced scientific technological marvels such as the submarine, space travel and television.

. 1828 1905. .

Ice cream is frozen sweet food made of milk or cream and sugar. The Chinese were the first people to invent ice cream in the fourth century BC. It is surprising that the amounts of ice cream eaten in cold European countries are more than those eaten in hot countries.

. . .

Translate into English: ,

Putting a lot of sugar, salt and fat in our food is bad for our health, isn't it?


Feel yourself at home and help yourself to any food or hot drink you want.

.Lots of Africans starve because of shortage/lack of water and food and the spread of diseases.


The Egyptian economy has greatly improved in recent years.

.I advise you to always tell the truth and never tell lies.


The problem of climate change and global warming is a major threat to the environment.


The police chased the thieves and managed finally to arrest them.


Many think that traveling by plane is a great fun.


The city of Hurghada, a wonderful touristic resort, is situated on the Red Sea coast.


Car drivers are not allowed to wait here because it is a no-parking area.

.All the information you need is (available) on the internet.


You cannot drive without (getting / having ) a driving license. / PAGE 11Mr Waleed El_Sayed 01007226621 - 0122 75 14 260

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