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Chapter 9Chapter 9Business Business

Ethics and Ethics and TechnologyTechnology

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Learning OutcomesLearning Outcomes

1.1. Discuss the role that technology plays in our business lives.Discuss the role that technology plays in our business lives.2.2. Gain an understanding of the technological environment and Gain an understanding of the technological environment and

the characteristics of technology that influence business the characteristics of technology that influence business ethics and stakeholders.ethics and stakeholders.

3.3. Identify the benefits and side effects of technology in Identify the benefits and side effects of technology in business.business.

4.4. Gain an appreciation of society’s intoxication with Gain an appreciation of society’s intoxication with technology and the consequences of this intoxication.technology and the consequences of this intoxication.

5.5. Learn to differentiate between information technology and Learn to differentiate between information technology and biotechnology and their ethical implications for biotechnology and their ethical implications for management.management.

6.6. Identify the ethical issues involved in biotechnology and Identify the ethical issues involved in biotechnology and present arguments on both sides of the issues.present arguments on both sides of the issues.

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Chapter OutlineChapter Outline

• Technology and the Technological EnvironmentTechnology and the Technological Environment• Characteristics of TechnologyCharacteristics of Technology• Technology and EthicsTechnology and Ethics• Information TechnologyInformation Technology• BiotechnologyBiotechnology• SummarySummary• Key TermsKey Terms

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Business Ethics & Technology

• We live in an age dominated by advancing technology. Each new generation experiences technological advances that were not seen by previous generations.

• The new generation of young people is called the iGeneration. Technology is part of their DNA, and they have no “off-switch.”

• Technology is at the core of most businesses, but it is a two-edged sword.

• Despite many positive advances, there are new problems and challenges.

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Technology and the Technological Environment

Technology - •The totality of the means employed to provide objects necessary for human sustenance and comfort.•A scientific method used to achieve a practical purpose.

Technological environment -•The total set of technology-based advancements or progress taking place in society.

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Characteristics of Technology

Benefits of Technology - •Increased production of goods and services•Reduced amount of labor needed to produce goods and services•Made labor easier and safer•Results in a higher standard of living.

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Side Effects of Technology -

Technology has some unanticipated side effects: •Environmental pollution

•Depletion of natural resources

•Technological unemployment

•Creation of unsatisfying jobs

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Challenges of Technology -

• New technologies present many challenges to managers, organizations and society.

• Some side effects cannot be forecast or overcome.

• Overcoming technological determinism that seems to be driving society today would be helpful.

• New technology is primarily available in the developed world. Developing nations enjoy few of the benefits of technology available in developed nations.

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Technology and Ethics

• Our perspective is to raise ethical questions that may be related to business development, and the use of technology.

Two Key Issues -• Technological determinism -• The idea that what can be developed will be


• Ethical lag -• Occurs when the speed of technological

change far exceeds that of ethical development.

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Society’s Intoxication with Technology

The symptoms of Society’s intoxication -1.We favor the quick fix.

2.We fear and worship technology.

3.We blur the distinction between what is real and what is false.

4.We accept violence as normal.

5.We love technology as a toy.

6.We live our lives distanced and distracted.

The solution - Find the right balance.

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Information Technology

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E-Commerce as a Pervasive Technology

Electronic Commerce -•Also called e-commerce, e-business, or Web-based marketing.•The Internet has reshaped the way business is conducted.

Ongoing Issues in E-Commerce Ethics -•Access•Intellectual property•Privacy and informed consent•Protection of children•Security of information•Trust

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Invasion of Consumer Privacy via E-Commerce

Cookies - •Identification tags that Web sites drop on our personal computer hard drives so they can recognize repeat visitors the next time we visit their Web sites.Spam -•Unsolicited commercial e-mail. It is sent through "open-relays" to millions of persons.Identity Theft -•Tampering with one’s financial accounts.

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Business Initiatives with Consumer Privacy Protection

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The Workplace and Computer Technology

Surveillance at work raises issues about privacy:Computers -•Monitoring website connections•Storing and reviewing employee computer files•Blocking access to inappropriate websitesTelephone -•Monitoring time spent, numbers called•Taping phone conversationsVideo -•Video surveillance against theft•Surveillance to monitor employee performance

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Ten Commandments of Computer Ethics

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Biotechnology -•Involves using biology to discover, develop, manufacture, market, and sell products and services. Biotechnology is striving to healheal, fuelfuel, and feedfeed the world.

Bioethics -•A field that deals with the ethical issues embedded in the commercial use of biotechnology.•Proceduralism is the primary tool for bioethicists. It is using protocols to ensure that classical safeguards are not violated.

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Realms of Biotechnology


Genetic Engineering

GeneticallyModified Foods

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Genetic Engineering

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Genetically Modified Foods (GMFs)

• Also referred to as genetically engineered foods (GEFs).

• Fear over health and environmental effects; critics call them “Frankenfoods.”

• Many U.S. crops are genetically modified:• Sugar beets (95%)• Soybeans (91%)• Cotton (88%)• Corn (85%)

• Most Americans consume genetically modified foods every day.

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Labeling of GMFs -

• Safety of GMFs is not in question, according to scientific research.

• But one of the most frequently discussed issues with GMFs is labeling.

• FDA does not mandate GMF labeling in the U.S.

• The Non-GMO Project believes that people have the right to make informed choices about whether they consume GMF products.

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• Big Data• bioethics • biometrics• biotechnology• botnet scam• chief privacy officer• cloning• cookies• electronic commerce• embryonic stems cells• ethical lag• genetic engineering• genetic profiling• genetic testing

• genetically engineered foods (GEFs)

• genetically modified foods (GMFs)

• identity theft• information technology• online scams• phishing• social networking sites• spam• technological determinism• technological environment• technology• therapeutic cloning

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Key Terms Key Terms

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