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التكنولوجيا واملجتمع: مساق

Chapter 2:

Winners and Losers: The Differential Effects of Technological


: 2الفصل

اآلثار المتفاوتة للتغير التكنولوجي: الفائزون والخاسرون


2016/2015الفصل الدرايس الثاين


Traditional factors of production

Land, Labor, and Capital

did not adequately explain the actual record of economic


There is no denying technology’s positive consequences:

Technological change is a major source of economic growth

organization and skill are integral parts of technology

Technological development has:

Boosted the production of goods and services

Created new products

Improved the quality of existing ones


Technology as a Subversive Force

Technological development has not been cost-free.

Myths about technology:

it can work its wonders without altering existing social


technological solutions to problems are less painful than political or

social solutions

It is a truism that a particular technology can be used for either good

or evil purposes:

explosives to build a road good

terrorist uses them for roadside bombs evil

Technological change is often a subversive process that results in themodification or destruction of established social roles, relationships,

and values


Technology as a Subversive Force (cont..)

Disruptive مدمر effects of technological change:

Can be either small in scope or massive

For example: in economic field

can lead to the destruction of obsolete firms: Pony Express:

Telegraph wires & Telephone

Typesetting vs. Computers

Internet Phone vs. Telephone

Many new industries and individual firms owe their existence to

the emergence of a new technology (rapid growth of computer manufacturing)


Technology as a Subversive Force (cont..)

Concerns about the disruptive effects of technological change are

not new:

fulminations against the first railroads in 1835

could easily criticize this reactionary view by noting how the railroad stimulated economic development and produced

many social benefits

Technological changes, both major and minor, often lead to a

restructuring of power relations, the redistribution of wealth and

income, and an alteration of human relationships


Some examples of the Effects of

Technological Change

The experiences of the Yir Yoront,

a group of Australian aboriginals (Paleolithic people)

highest technological achievement was the stone axe

a considerable amount of materials and skill went into their production

Axe tied to gender identity—only men possessed axe.

Axe had an important symbolic value

Introduction of steel axe by missionaries- men, women & children got axes

Men lost distinct identity, culture began to disintegrate

Demise of Yir Yoront not only tied to the axe, BUT the axe is a good symbol for the

new world and technology imposing itself on traditional aboriginal peoples


Some examples of the Effects of

Technological Change

Technological advance has fatally disrupted modern communities and the

people living in them:


Many places of employment have closed down as new products and processes

have replaced old ones.

Technological advances may have benefited society as a whole, but at

great cost to the people who were immediately affected.

Technological changes do not always result in the destruction or modification

of an existing social order; sometimes they may help to preserve it:




Groups can and do defend themselves against technological change:


Silk industry: (pre 1850’s) manually unwound silkworm cocoons.

Jardine Matheson trading company (Britain) seeks to use steam powered

machinery to reel silk.

Although faster, not successful because of opposition from Silk Makers



The Luddites:

England- Ned Lud a stocking maker who smashed stocking frames.

Luddites- different groups who smashed machines, but began in

hosiery trade.

Hosiery trade- wanted to use wider frames to make more hosiery for

less money.

Allowed for use of less skilled (cheaper) labor. Workers objected.

Also—bad harvest led to increase in food costs. Workers pay wasn’t

meeting their basic needs: Rebellion تمرد.

Fear of unemployment because of technological change, not

intrinsic fear of machinery.

Machinery was target for aggression (عنف/عدوان).

Worker Protest(معارضة) eventually took more peaceful forms—e.g. unions were established.

Luddite: anyone opposed to modern technology and its extensions.


What Technology Can and Cannot Do

Why is there such a gulf between social progress and technological


"If we can put a man on the moon, why can’t we…?"

The Technological Fix

Technology used to attempt solutions for many problems.

Heroin addiction: development of Methadone and now "cocaine


Car Accidents: seat belt and air bags.

Graffiti on public property: stronger chemicals to resist paint.

YET, none of these technological solutions address underlying social



Why Can’t Technology Fix It? Social problems are fundamentally different from technological problems.

Goals for technology usually clear and unambiguous: how do you assemble a car.

Goals for society : many different ways to "solve poverty."

Social problems- causes are manifold, human motivation and behavior are key


Technological solutions work best in closed system—no outside factors to interfere.

When problem cannot be easily isolated: technological solution less likely to be


BESIDES, No problem, technological or otherwise is ever really solved.

"Solution" to one problem creates new problems.

Artificial hearts help sustain life BUT:


aging population needs to be cared for

issues of morality

Internet security


The Appeal of Technocracy

Despite limitations, groups (Technocrats) still attempt to convert social problems into technological ones.

Scientific Management Theory (Early 20th Century).

Frederick Taylor- Metallurgical engineer. (2)

Time and motion study: how many motions should it take to complete a job?

Managers determine amount of motions needed and workers follow unreservedly.

Workers benefit because they don’t waste time & managers benefit from higher yields.

Workers paid piecemeal, not wages & since workers are efficient they’ll earn more.

Taylor: extend this theory everywhere, homes as well as workplaces.

Lenin (Russia) – Taylor admirer.

Work and Monopoly Capitalism: Critique


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