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Page 1: ...Cable (B) to switch Cable (C) to on batte-y Cable (D) to ta-nperature sensor Instructions prima 10 Use an 18-cable to connect it to mass, to the sensor. to the ignition switch.
Page 2: ...Cable (B) to switch Cable (C) to on batte-y Cable (D) to ta-nperature sensor Instructions prima 10 Use an 18-cable to connect it to mass, to the sensor. to the ignition switch.
Page 3: ...Cable (B) to switch Cable (C) to on batte-y Cable (D) to ta-nperature sensor Instructions prima 10 Use an 18-cable to connect it to mass, to the sensor. to the ignition switch.
Page 4: ...Cable (B) to switch Cable (C) to on batte-y Cable (D) to ta-nperature sensor Instructions prima 10 Use an 18-cable to connect it to mass, to the sensor. to the ignition switch.
Page 5: ...Cable (B) to switch Cable (C) to on batte-y Cable (D) to ta-nperature sensor Instructions prima 10 Use an 18-cable to connect it to mass, to the sensor. to the ignition switch.
Page 6: ...Cable (B) to switch Cable (C) to on batte-y Cable (D) to ta-nperature sensor Instructions prima 10 Use an 18-cable to connect it to mass, to the sensor. to the ignition switch.

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