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Page 2: agricoop.nic.in (CC... · 2021. 6. 4. · agricoop.nic.in

No. t2o23 t Os 1 2s2s -r.r,fl]Til F{XFr{ / GOVERNMENT OF' INDIA



gfrar+a, nSkilrtKRISHI BHAWAN, NEW DELHI.Datea/Eaiq-: L9,h Novembe r,2O2o


Eligibility conditions: Deputation (including short term contract):

(i)' officers of the central Government or state Governments or UnionTerritory Administration ".

-p"uri" sector undlrtakings or Autonomous or

|.:T;H:lnment or statutory org"nizations ""a .,at6nai l;;;i cooperative

Srgl,f.':|1:.u""'osous posts on a regular basis in the parent cadre or

(II) with 3 years'service in the grade rendered after appointment theretoa regular basis in Level 7 0f tie -pay

matrix (pre-revised; pay Band_2 :

:jf,:r,tj:ff w.ith Grade Pavn" +obo7-t ;;a;i""rent in the parent cadre

(III) with g years'service in the grade rendered after appointment theretoa regurar basis in Level 6 0f the pay matrix (pre-revised; pay Band _2 :

3ff:.,'J::3 with Grade Pav R

''+zbci t ) ;; a;ivarent in the parent cadre

(B) possessing the fo[owing educational quarifications and experiences:Essential:-




Vacancv CircularFilling up one post of Assistant

-Director (Cooperation/Creditl(General centrar. selvic-e, c;;;;:,A, c.r"ll" al-iJrr_*ir,isteriarf inthe Department-^of eiri""ltire:__co-operation and Farmer,swetfare in Lever-ro (Rs.t61oo:izzsooti;i;; pay Matrix (prerevised pB-s Rs.ts6oo-egrooT--yitl d;q; *; Rs. s4oo l_l ondeputation (including short a"; contractf basis.

It is proposed to fill(cooperatio"tSr.aitt (Generai -'".,i,1", "S:'*,9%.llo_f;.,.t8,#l*ir.i,".,::

ministeriat) in the bepa.t-."t :ltg^":"la;;;,'co-operation and Farmer,swelfare in Level-10 (Rs. soroo-r zzsdo/-) ;il; pay Matrix (pre revised pB_

3.5i; ftrt "t;*33J.

with Graae eav i": s46a)-) o,, d.p,,dii;, (incruding

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() Master's Degree in Agriculture or Agricultural Economics or Economics orcommerce or statistics from a recogniZed university;(ll) one years' experience in the field of cooperation or credit in aGovernment or a recognized cooperative or credit organization.Desirable: Diploma in cooperation from a recognized institution.

Note:- The Departmental officers in the feeder category, who are in thedirect line of promotion shall not u. .rigiUr. for consideration forappointment on deputation. similarly, deputati-Snists shall nor be eligible forconsideration for appointment by promotion.

3' List of duties/ responsibilities attached to the post of essistant aireaor(Coooeration ';t) is as und.er:_

I. Formulation of poricies, plan and programme relating to cropInsurance & risk mitigation of farmers, agricultural credit andcooperatiy. ^

development, Administration of Murti statesCooperative Societies Act (MSCS),Registration of Multi state cooperative Societies as office of theRegistrar of Multi-state coop..atiue Societies, cooperativeeducation & training,Agricurtural marketing, storage and processing throughcooperative sector

II. planning & monitoring for improving the qualitative &quantitative flow of credit to agriculture, Innovation, development& imoplementation/ operationalisation of farmer-friendly cropinsurance programme to address diverse needs of farmers for allagricultural & allied risk.III. Processing of proposars received from state Governments,cooperative, organization, nr"rr"iJ institutions, companies andfield study visits concerned with the atove items of work.ry. Development and Monitoring "f i;;;;ioning of Apex cooperativeInstitutions/ federations.

4' Regulation of pay and other terms of deputation: -The pay of the serected candidate will be regulated under theprovisions contained in the DoP&T o.M. r,ro. o7s72oo9-Estt.(pay-Il) dated17 /0612010 as amended time to time.

5. Age-limit:-

The maximum age_limit for appointment byshort term contract) srritt be not exceeding 56 yearsof receipt of applications.

6. Period of deputation: _

deputation (includingas on the closing date

Period of deputtlto' (including short-term contract) including period ofdeputation (including short-terin contract) in another ex-cadri post held

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immediately preceding this appointment in the same or some otherorganization or department of the central government shall ordinarily notexceed four years.

7. Application (in triplicate) only in the prescribed proforma (Annexure-I)of the eligible candidates whose services can be spared immediately onselection, together with the certificate from the Forwarding Authority (inproforma Annexure-ll) along with the following documents:

(il cadre clearance; (iif Integrity certificate (iiif List of major/ minorpenalties imposed if any, on the official during the last 10 years; (if nopenalty has been imposed a 'Nil' certificate should be enclosed). (ivlVigilance clearance certificate. (vl Attested photocopies of the ACRs forthe last five years (attested on each page by an officei not below the rank ofan Under Secretary to the Govt. of India).

Complete advertisement, Bio-data format (Annexure-l) and certilicatecc, IC, vc & MMP (Annexure-Il), etc. can be downloaded from theDepartment of Agriculture, Cooperation and Farmers Welfare's website:-www.agricoop.nic.in (Link-Recruitment -Vacancies).

The application alongwith required documents, may be forwarded toSmt. Renu Mehra Under secretary (pers.-Il), Room No. i7, G.ornd Floor,Krishi Bhawan, New Delhi - 110001, within 60 days of the publication of thecircular in the Employment News f Rozgar Samachar. .ipplications not

8. The candidates who apply for the post will not be allowed to withdrawtheir candidature subsequently.

-trW(Renu Mdhrh)Under Secretary(Pers. -II)

Department of Agriculture, cooperation & Farmers welfare.Tel. No. 011-23382Ot3


Copy forwarded to:-

1' All Ministries/Departments of Govt. of India. It is requested that thevacancy may please be given wide publicity in their subordinate andattached offices and Regional Research Institutions under theiradministrative control.

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The Secretary, Indian council of Agricultural Research, KrishiBhawan, New Delhi.

Principal secretary/secretary (Agriculture), All state Governments/Administration of all Union Territories.chief Managing Directors of all public sector Undertakings.Autonomous and Statutory Organizations.JS(Admn.)/ JS(Crops)/Director(p) /US(Crops) / US(p.r)credit/cooperation Division, Facilitation centre, DAC&FWCopy to NIC for uploading the above circular in Ministry of Agricultureand Farmers Welfare,s website.

S.O. (E.ll.) /Guard file/ Notice Board







*#ffi;Under Secretary to the Govt. of India

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Proforma for application for the post of Assistant Director(Cooperation/Credit) on Deputation (including short term contractlbasis in the Department of Agriculture, Cooperation & Farmers Welfare.


1. Name and Address (in Block Letters)with telephone number

2. Date of Birth (in Christian era)3.i) Date of entry into serviceiil Date of retirement under Central/StateGovernment Rules4. Educational Qualifications5. Whether Educational and otherqualilications required for the post aresatislied. (If any qualification has beentreated as equivalent to the one prescribedin the Rules, state the authority for thesame)Criteria Qualifications/ Experience

requiredQualification I Experiencepossessed by the officer

Essential Master Degree in Agriculture orAgricultural Economics orEconomics or Commerce orStatistics from a recognizeduniversity;

(lI) One years'experience in thefield of cooperation or credit in aGovernment or a recognizedcooperative or creditorganization.

Desirable Diploma in Cooperation from arecogntzed institution. .

Holding analogous posts on a regular basisin the parent cadre or department;(iil With three years' regular service inthe grade rendered after appointmentthereto on regular basis in level-7 (Rs.449OO-|424OO I -l in the Pay Matrix orequivalent in parent cadre or department;or

(iii) With eight years' regular service inthe grade rendered after appointmentthereto on regular basis in level-6 (Rs.35400- ll240o I -l in the Pay Matrix orequivalent in parent cadre or department;

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6. P1ease stateof entries made by you above, you meet therequisite Essential eualifications andexperience of the post.

7' Details of Employment, in chronological order. Enclose a separate sheetduly authenticated by your signature, if the space below is insufficient.



Period ofservice

*Pay Band andGrade Pay /Payscale of the postheld on regularbasis

Nature ofappointmentwhetherregular/ ad-hoc/deputation


From To PayinPB

G.P. BasicPay

*Important: Pay band and Grade pay granted under MACP/ACP arepersonal to the officer and therefore, -.rroJa

not be mentioned. only payband and Grade Pay/ Pay scale or irre post held on regular basis to bementioned. Details of ACp/MACp with piesent pay Band and Grade paywhere such benefits have been drawn Uy tfre canaiaate, may be-indicated asunder:


Pay, Pay Band and Grade pay-drawn under ACP/MACp Scheme

S.Nature of present employffiTemporary or Quasi-permanent or permanent


y. ln case the present employment is held ondeputation/contragt basis, please statea) The date ofinitialappointment

b) Period ofappointment ondeputation/contract

c) Name of theparent office/organization towhich theapplicantbelongs.

d) Name of thepost and Pay ofthepost held insubstantivecapacity in theparentorganization.

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9.1Note:Incaseofofficersa1readyondeputation,officers should be forwarded by the parent cadre I nepartment along withcadre clearance, Vigilance clearance and Integrity certificate.

9.2 Note: Information under Column 9(c) & (d) above must be given in all caseswhere a person is holding a post on deputation outside the cad're f organizationbut still maintaining a lien in his parent cadrel orsanization.10.theder

If any post held on Deputation in tfre past Uyapplicant, date of return from the lasttation and other details.

11. Additional details aboutemployment:

Please state whether working undername of your employer againstcolumn)

a) Central Governmentb) State Governmentc) Autonomous Organizationd) Government Undertakinge) Universities

(indicate thethe relevant

12. Please state whether yousame Department and are in

are working in thethe feeder grade or

feeder to feeder grade.13. Are you in Revised scat@the date from which the revision took pir".


also i{rdicate the pre-revised scale.14.Total emoluments per month now drav.rnBasis Pay in the PB Total Emoluments

15. In case the applicant b.lo.rS"central Government pay-scales, the latest salary srip issued by thenization showing the following details may be enclosed.Basic Pay with Scale ofPay and rate ofincrement

Dearness Pay/interimrelief lother Allowancesetc., (with break-up

Total Emoluments

l6.A Additional informati@the post you applied for in support of yoursuitability for the post.(This among other things may provide informationwith regard to (i) additional academicqualifications (ii) professional training and (iii)work experience over and abov" pr..".ibed in iheVacancy Circular/ Advertisement

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sheetr if the sPace isinsufficientl16.8 Achievements:The candidates are requested to indicateinformation with regard to; (i) Researchpublications and reports and special projects(ii) Awards/ Scholarships/ Official Appreciation(iii) Affiliation with the professionalbodies/institutions/societies and; (iv) Patentsregistered in own name or achieved for theorganization(v) Any research/ innovative measure involvingofficial recognitionvi) any other information.

(Note: Enclose a separate sheet if the space isinsufficientl17. Please state whether you are applying fordeputation (ISTC)/Absorption/Re-employmentBasis.#(Officers under Central/State Governments are

only eligible for "Absorption". Candidates of non-Government Organrzations are eligible only forShortTerm Contract)


# (The option of 'STC' / 'Absorption'/ 'Re-

employment' are available only if the vacancycircular specially mentioned recruitment by "STC"

or "Absorption" or "Re-employment").18. Whether belongs to SC/ST

I have carefully gone through the vacancy circular/advertisement andI am well aware thaithe information furnished in the Curriculum Vitae dulysupported by the documents in respect of Essential Qualification/ WorkExpirience iubmitted by me will also be assessed by the Selection

Committee at the time of selection for the post. The information/ detailsprovided by me are correct and true to the best of my knowledge and nomaterial fact having a bearing on my selection has been suppressed/withheld.

(Signature of the candidatef




(Employer I Cadre Controlling Authority with Seal)

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certification by the Employerl cadre controlling Authority

The information/ details provided in the above application by theapplicant are true and correct aJ per the facts available on records. He/shepossesses educational qualifications and experience mentioned in thevacancy circular. If selected, he/she will be relieved immediately.

2. Also certified that;

i) There is no vigilance or disciplinary case pending/ contemplated againstShri/Smt.

ii) His/ Her integrity is certified.

iii) His/ Her cR Dossier in original is enclosed/photocopies of the ACRs forthe last 5 years duly attested by .n officer of the rank oi U.rd., secretary ofthe Govt. of India or above are enclosed.

ivl No major/ minor penalty has been imposed on him/ her during the last10 years OrA list.of major/ minor penalties imposed on him/ her during the last 10years is enclosed.(as the case may be)


(Employerl Cadre Controlling Authority with Seal)


Name & Designation:Telephone No.:Fax No.:Office Seal:

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