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Page 1: ชื่อผลงานวิจัย Code-switching from English language to Thai language in…

ชื่อผลงานวจิยั Code-switching from English language to Thai language in EFL (English as a Foreign Language) Classrooms

ชื่อผู้วจิยั นางสาวศิรวิรรณ ศรแีดง

Page 2: ชื่อผลงานวิจัย Code-switching from English language to Thai language in…

Background of the studyCode-switching, one of the unavoidable consequences of

communication between different language varieties has long existed as a result of language contact widely observed especially in multilingual and

multicultural communities. Over the past decades, increasing interest in code-switching has triggered a variety of investigations and theoretical discussions,

which have shed light on our understanding of bilingual speech behavior. Code-switching as a specific phenomenon and strategy of foreign language teachers received attention in the 1980s. From then on, there has been the

heated debate between different views on whether it is helpful or impeding to switch back and forth between the target language and the native language in the foreign language learning classroom. Faced with conflicting opinions, the

author of the present paper holds a positive attitude towards L1 use in foreign language classrooms. The study gives empirical evidence regarding the positive influence of teachers’ use of code-switching in foreign language classrooms by investigating the general situation of code-switching in English classrooms. The

paper attempts to prove that the use of code-switching contributes to teachers’ teaching of English as a Foreign Language (EFL) in Thai classrooms.

Page 3: ชื่อผลงานวิจัย Code-switching from English language to Thai language in…

Purpose of the study

1. To investigate on the use of code-switching to Thai language (L1) in EFL classrooms.

2. To test the role of Thai language (L1) in teaching and learning the English language.

3. To analyze the attitudes of teachers and students towards code-switching to Thai language (L1) in

the EFL classroom .

Page 4: ชื่อผลงานวิจัย Code-switching from English language to Thai language in…

Scope of the study

1. (Population) The subjects were chosen among the students in the Lower 1st year level and the teachers who were teaching English to these students and who are native speakers of L1.2. (Sample) 261 Lower 1st year students with English classes were randomly chosen from different majors and 60 English teachers who use code-switching to L1 were involved in the study.

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Feedback on Frequency of Code-switching to Thai Language

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The present study is meant to report on an investigation of the general situation of code-switching to Thai language. It

finds that code-switching to Thai language is a prevalent phenomenon in EFL classroom, and that it plays a significant

role in English learning and teaching process.The study provides a detailed description and analysis on the

general situation and positive role of code-switching to Thai in EFL classroom. However, there are admittedly still some

limitations which may give some directions for further studies.

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