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+Dealing with Our Fears!

والقلق؟ الخوف ماوراءSt. George & St. Joseph Coptic Orthodox Church, Montreal, QC

Family Meeting – September 23, 2015

Yousry Armanios, M.D.

[email protected]

احباءي يا لكم :اقول

وبعد الجسد يقتلون الذين من تخافوا الذلك ...


Worries & Fears!

“Therefore I say to you, do not worry about your life, … Are you not of more value than they? Which of you by worrying can add one cubit to his stature?”

(Matthew 6:25-27)

Faith vs. Worrying!

“Therefore, do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about its own things. Sufficient for the day is its

own trouble.” (Matthew 6:34)

What Can Worrying Do to Us?

• Sleep Irregularities - Nightmares

• Physical Suffering: Cardiovascular, GIT …

• General Anxiety

• Panic Attacks

• Impact on School, Job, Family Life … etc.

• Making Wrong Decisions

• Depression

On Top!القمة ! على

العالم قمة على جلست

صرت :عندما

“I have sat on top of the world when I desired nothing and

feared nothing!”)Saint Augustine(

) امثلة ) القلق أمراضExpressing Our Worries!

القلق + مرضالفزع + مرض

الكمالية + مرضالوسواس + مرض

+ When worrying becomes a disorder!Anxiety Disorders: Anxiety; Panic Attacks;

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder; Perfectionism;PTSD … etc

Our Fears & Worries:How We Develop the “W-word”!

Our Early Childhood Years

Our Fears & Worries:How We Develop the “W-word”!

+ Anyone in Your Family was a Worrier?

+ Were You the Caring Family Member?

+ Worried about Things in Your Life Today:

1. Health (Life in General)?

2. Your Significant Others?

3. Finances – Job – Career …

4. Role of the Media!

The Stereotype: “I am so Scared”!

• Adolescents & Teenagers

• Young Adults

• Getting Married

• After Marriage

• Parents

• Empty Nests

• Seniors

Are These Real Issues?

1. Role of Magnifying vs. Minimizing

2. Role of Reality!

3. Role of Guilt & God’s Punishment!

4. Forgiveness!

Dealing with Fears & Worries

• Faith & Spirituality

• Support

• Assurance: “Do Not Worry!” )360+ times(

• “Systematic Desensitization”

• “Reconditioning”

• Repentance & Communion!

• Fearing God?!

No Fear in Love!

“There is no fear in love; but perfect love casts out fear, because fear involves

torment. But he who fears has not been made perfect in love.”

(1John 4:18)

Worried about Your Own Salvation?

Are You?!

Finally:“Do Not Be Afraid,” 366 Times

“Do not fear, for those who are with us are more than those who

are with them.”(2 Kings 6:16)

And, Never Be Afraid!

“Do not be afraid, little flock, for your Father has been pleased to

give you the kingdom.”(Luke 12:32)


The Other “Twin”!

Sorrow & Depression

What is the Difference Between Depression and

Sadness or Sorrow?

What is Depression?

Profound or Deep Sadness

PlusLoss of Interest or Motivation

How Does Depression Hurt?

• "I feel sad all the time"

• "I just don’t like myself"

• "I don't enjoy being with friends or others”

• “I no more love the things I used to enjoy"

• "I've had a lot of trouble sleeping"

• "I’m having aches, and I don't know why."

• "I feel like my life is not worth of anything"

Depression Occurs Because of:

• Things Inside Us )Intrinsic – Genetic Factor(

Primary Depression: Serious and needs Medical Attention for Life!

• Things Outside Us )Extrinsic – Acquired(

Secondary Depressions: Sometimes Very Serious and Counseling )and sometimes Medical Attention( till Complete Recovery!

Body Language

Secondary Depression:How Does It Start?

Childhood:1. Child Abuse & Bullying )Low Self-worth( 2. Exposure to Child Neglect )Insecurity(3. Miscommunication & Lack of Validation4. Build-up of Guilt & Anger 5. Exposure to Family Disruptions )Fear(6. Exposure to “Depression-at-Home”7. “My Child is Like an Angel”!

Later in Life

• Loneliness

• Introversion & Withdrawal

• Anger, Resentment & Depression

• Addiction & Depression (Emotional Pain)

• Dysfunctional Life Aspects

Dopamine, Serotonin (Endorphins)

How Do They Work?

Acting Out Depression & Anxiety

1. Hyperactivity & Restlessness )Children(

2. Indulgence in Pleasurable Activities: Drugs; Alcohol; Sex; the Internet; Eating; Shopping; Gambling … etc.

3. Engagement in Negative Relationships

4. Withdrawal from Social Interactions

The Outcome

• Avoiding negative feelings doesn’t work

• Suffering more emotional pain

• More loneliness, anger and self-pitying

• Believing that “No one understands!”

• Blaming self or others for all problems

• Losing Interest in Life gradually

• May think that death solves problems

The Solution!

• Hope & Support

• Faith in a Better Future, in Christ

• Forgiveness: Confession & Communion

• Healthy Spirituality & Spiritual Attitudes

• Non-Judgmental Social Approaches

• Appropriate Intervention: Counseling

• Medical Treatment )whenever needed(


“Rejoice in the Lord always. Again I will say, rejoice!”

(Philippians 4:4)

Thank You

Questions & Answers

Dr. Yousry Armanios

[email protected]

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