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Page 2: Тема урока:  “Easter in Britain”

Тема урока: “Easter in Britain”

Page 3: Тема урока:  “Easter in Britain”

Russian symbols of Easter

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Hot cross buns

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Morris Dancing is a traditional English dance.

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Symbols of Easter in Britain

Many of the symbols and traditions of Easter are connected with birth and good luck. It is a Christian festival. One of the main symbols is a cross, often on a hill. The week of Easter begins on Palm Sunday in Britain.

In Roman times it was a custom to welcome royalty by waving palm branches. Today, on Palm Sunday, people carry Palm branches in parades. English people eat Hot cross buns on this day and sing a song “Hot cross buns”.

Another symbol of Easter is an Easter Tree. There are 12 eggs on the Easter Tree. Easter comes and the people are happy. They dance and sing. Morris dancing is a traditional English dance. Easter symbols are also eggs and lambs. Easter Bunny is a children’s favourite symbol.

Lamb is a traditional Easter meal. Eggs are the symbols of new life. Nowadays Easter eggs are usually made of chocolate, marzipan and sugar.

Children get presents on Easter. They think Easter Bunny prepares these presents. In the morning Easter Bunny leaves baskets with decorated eggs for them. Other symbols are hens and chickens.

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Symbols of Easter in Britain

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Easter Tree

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