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1915 – International Women’s Association 1926 – Constitution 1956 – Changed name to International

Association of Women Police (I.A.W.P.) 1957 – First bi-annual meeting of I.A.W.P. 1963 – First I.A.W.P Annual Training

Conference 1976 – I.A.W.P. Actively recruited males.

Board of Directors IAWP training

conferences. Affiliate organisations. Members in 55 countries. 1994 – Constitution

rewritten & updated. 1998 – Adopt a member

programme created. 2006 – Strategic Plan


To strengthen, unite and raise the profile of women in criminal justice internationally

Our VisionWe want women’s lives to be free from

discrimination, valued for their contributions, and treated with respect and dignity. We will contribute by being an example of excellence in sourcing a safe, harmonious workplace and society as partners in safety in the criminal

justice system.

Our Mission

Our guiding values: Embracing Diversity Being, Open, honest and fair Listening to our members Operating professionally Changing to improve

Our Values

1. To raise the profile of the IAWP. o 1.1        by improving external

communications o 1.2        by improving internal

communicationso 1.3        by improving on-line communicationo 1.4        by pro-actively marketing IAWP

Our Strategic Aims

2. To improve women’s ability to excel within criminal justice o 2.1 by ensuring that the achievements of

women and their contributions to criminal justice and to society are recognized.

o 2.2 by raising the profile of gender issues to organizations and government

o 2.3 by encouraging networking and peer support

Our Strategic Aims

3. To optimize stewardship of IAWP   o 3.1       by operating professionally o 3.2       by ensuring continuous improvement of policies

and procedures o 3.3       by increasing membership to broaden our

resource base and strengthen networks o 3.4       by providing value for money for the membership o 3.5       by capturing a record of the historical

development of IAWP

Our Strategic Aims

4. To embrace diversity o 4.1       by reflecting the needs of differing interest groups

within IAWP o 4.2       by ensuring that membership categories reflect the

changing environment in criminal justice o 4.3       by encouraging Affiliate and Regional Coordinators

to raise issues with local, regional, and global perspectives.

Our Strategic Aims

18 Regions each with a regional co-ordinator. Regions 1 to 10 – USA Regions 11 & 12 – Canada Region 13 – Europe Region 14 – Australasia Region 15 – Asia Region 16 – Middle East Region 17 – South America & Caribbean Region 18 - Africa

IAWP Regions

Membership fees Conference surplus Sponsorship IAWPF donations


Global network for women in law enforcement Recognised annual training conference Annual awards program Quality publication Informative web site Affiliates Successful collaborations/campaigns International Recognition & Scholarship Award Adopt an officer program I.A.W.P. Foundation


2000 – Toronto, Ontario, Canada 2001 – Edmonton, Alberta, Canada 2002 – Canberra, Australia 2003 – San Francisco, California, USA 2004 – Boston, Massachusetts, USA 2005 – Leeds, Yorkshire, England 2006 – Saskatoon, Saskatchewan,

Canada 2007 – Denver, Colorado, USA 2008 – Darwin, Northern Territories,

Australia 2009 – Seattle, Washington State, USA 2010 – Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA 2011 – Lexington, Kentucky, USA 2012 – St. John, Newfoundland,

Canada. 2013 - Durban, South Africa.

IAWP Training Conferences

Officer of the Year Valour Excellence in

Performance Leadership Mentoring Community Service Civilian Achievement

IAWP Annual Awards

For an outstanding police officer employed outside North America

Winner receives up to $3000 (US) in expenses to attend annual training conference

Evidence of policing skills, the ability to increase awareness and understanding of role of women in law enforcement and ability to market the objectives of IAWP

International Scholarship & Recognition Award

Members gain confidence and learn new skills

Are more likely to speak up for and fight for what is fair and equitable

Share common interests, experiences, problems and goals

Discover they are not alone

Membership Benefits

Sustainability – Members & funding Expenses Volunteers Magazine Communications Raising Profile Based on US rules for non profits/not for profit Reliance on volunteers


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