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ARCHBISHOP OF MIAMIMost Reverend Thomas G. Wenski

PASTOR:Rev. Francis A. Akwue, CSSp.

PASTOR EMERITUS:Msgr. James B. Reynolds

DAILY MASS:8:00 a.m.

SATURDAY VIGIL MASSES:4:00 p.m. (English)

SUNDAY MASSES:8:00 , 10:00, & 11:30 a.m. (English)1:30 p.m. (Spanish)


HOLY DAYS MASSES:8:00 a.m., 12:00, and 6:00 p.m.

ST. JUDE NOVENA:Every Monday following the 8:00 a.m.Mass

MIRACULOUS MEDAL NOVENA:Every Saturday following the 8:00 a.m. Mass

LEGION OF MARY DEVOTIONS:Every First Saturday following 8:00 a.m. Mass

HOMEBOUND:Contact the Parish Office forSacraments.

PARISH OFFICE:Phone: (954)785 2450Fax: (954) 785 6958

PARISH OFFICE HOURS:Monday Friday9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.

SACRAMENT OF MARRIAGE:Six Month Preparation Period Required. Parishioners should contact the Parish Office at least sixmonths in advance to make appt.

SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM:Parishioners should contact the Parish Office to make an appointmentwith the pastor three months prior to BaptismEnglish Baptism First Sunday of the MonthSpanish Baptism Last Sunday of the Month

CONFESSION:Before every Saturday Vigil andSunday Mass and by appointment

RELIGIOUS EDUCATION (C.C.D.):Sundays September to May9:45am English & 11:45am Spanish


Page 2: - sainthenrys.orgsainthenrys.org/Content/Image/Bulletin/pdf/Dec-24-17.pdf · MIRACULOUS MEDAL NOVENA: Every Saturday following the 8:00 ... medio de la Virgen se había convertido

December 24, 2017December 24, 2017Fourth Sunday of AdventFourth Sunday of Advent

December 25, 2017December 25, 2017The Nativity of Our LordThe Nativity of Our Lord

From the Pastor

“I bring you news of great joy, a joy to be shared by the whole people. Today in the city of David a Savior has been born to you: he is Christ the Lord” (cf. Luke 2: 10 11).

An Angel from heaven appeared to the shepherds who were tending their sheep in the dead silence of the night with the news that a great mystery had tak-en place. What was foretold by the prophets about the birth of the Son of God by the Virgin had become an accomplished fact. More Angels descended from heaven and joined the bearer of the glad tiding and together they sang in exultation: “Glory to God in the highest heaven, and on earth peace to people of good will”. The shepherds hurried to Bethlehem, and seeing everything in conformity with the description given by the Angel, worshipped the newborn Christ. Then they went to announce and share the good news with all the people.

As we celebrate the mystery of the birth of Jesus the Christ, let us worship Him after the example of the shepherds. After the celebration in church, let us go and share the good news of our salvation in Christ with all the people we meet not only today but as long as we remain in him.

I seize this opportunity to welcome all who join us in celebration this weekend and also a warm welcome back to our “snowbirds” who are arriving little by little. I also want to take this opportunity to express my gratitude to all the priests who celebrate Masses for us during the year Fr. Bill Muniz, Fr. Joseph Sileo, Fr. Ronald Brohanner, Msgr. John Glorie, and Msgr. James Parizek. They join me in offering the intentions of all parishioners and guests to the Father through Jesus Christ. I gratefully acknowledge the services of Amy Cumming and Lauretta Brennen for the smooth running of the parish. A special Thank You to all who contributed to the well being of St. Henry Parish and to all who have done many good things for the Church.

I am delighted to introduce to you a wonderful book by Scott Hahn, “ It is my Christmas gift to you. Please take a copy home with you today. Wishing each and everyone of you a very Blessed Christmas.

Father Francis

24 de Diciembre, 201724 de Diciembre, 201744 Domingo de AdvientoDomingo de Adviento

25 de Diciembre 201725 de Diciembre 2017La Natividad del SeLa Natividad del Se

Del Párroco

Os doy nuevas de gran gozo, que serán para todo el pueblo: que os ha nacido hoy, en la ciudad de David, un Salvador, que es Cristo el Señor. (Lucas 2: 10 11)

Un ángel del cielo se les apareció a los pastores quienes cuidaban sus ovejas en el silencio de la noche y con la noticia de lo que encierra el misterio de lo que sucedía en ese lugar. Aquello predicho por los profetas acerca del nacimiento del Hijo de Dios por medio de la Virgen se había convertido en un hecho. Mas Ángeles descendieron del cielo y se unieron a los portadores con la buena nueva y juntos cantaron en la exaltación “Gloria a Dios en las alturas y en la tierra paz a los hombres de buena voluntad”. Los pastores corrieron a Belén, y viendo todo lo que sucedía como lo había descrito el Ángel, adoraron al recién nacido Cristo. Entonces ellos fueron a anunciar y llevar la buena nueva a todos los otros.

Mientras celebramos el misterio del nacimiento de Jesucristo, sigamos el ejemplo de adorarlo como lo hicieron los pastores. Y después de celebrarlo en la iglesia, vayamos a compartir la buena nueva de nuestra salvación en Cristo con todos los que encontramos no solo hoy, sino durante el tiempo que permanezca él en nosotros.

Aprovecho la oportunidad para darle la bienvenida a todos los que celebran con nosotros este fin de semana y además una calurosa bienvenida a los temporaditas que pasan el invierno con nosotros y que están llegando poco a poco. También quiero aprovechar esta oportunidad para expresar mi gratitud a todos los sacerdotes que celebran Misas durante el año Pr. Bill Muniz, Pr. Joseph Sileo, Pr. Ronald Brohanner, Msgr. John Glorie y Msgr. James Parizek. Se unen a mí para ofrecer las intenciones de todos los feligreses e invitados al Padre a través de Jesucristo. Agradezco los servicios de Amy Cumming y Lauretta Brennen por el buen funcionamiento de la parroquia. Las Gracias especialmente a todos aquellos que han contribuido con el bienestar de la

han hecho muchas cosas buenas por la iglesia.

Me alegra mucho anunciarles un libro maravilloso de Scott Hahn “ ””. Es mi regalo de Navidad para usted. Por favor llévese una copia a su casa hoy mismo. Deseándoles a cada uno de ustedes una muy Bendecida Navidad.

Padre Francis

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F o u r t h S u n d a y o f A d v e n t ~ C h r i s t m a s P a g e 3

Saturday, December 23rd St. John ofKanty

8:00 am † Cosmo MonteleoneBy Mary Monteleone

4:00pm Smitas Family By Mary† Federico Moleiro By Family

Sunday, December 24th Fourth Sunday of Advent8:00 am † Tom Santa Lucia By Auntie10:00 am (L) Lucy Panzera

By Lauretta Brennen11:30 am † James Forte

By Fr. Francis & St. Henry parishioners1:30 pm Felipe Mijares familySunday, December 24th Christmas Vigil Masses4:00 pm De Paola & Whitford families

By their children6:00 pm* † Nilza Pereira Casta Silva and

† Teresa VaudreuilBy Lucia & John Vaudreuil

Monday, December 25th The Nativity of the Lord8:00 am (L) Barry A. Fiedel

By Grace & Chick Pallotta10:00 am In honor of the birth of Jesus

By Grace & Chick Pallotta11:30 am In honor of the Nativity of Our Lord Jesus

Christ & in thanksgiving & special intentionsBy Rose Masters

Tuesday, December 26th St. Stephen8:00 am † Eudosia Gonzalez

By daughter & granddaughter† Elizabeth Bocco By Luisa Paez

Wednesday December 27th St. John8:00 am † Gerald & Gean Bartos

By Rev. Kris A. BartosThursday, December 28th The Holy Innocents8:00 am (L) For the intentions of Fr. Francis

By the Cumming FamilyFriday, December 29th St. Thomas Becket

8:00am † Norbert & Rene BartosBy Rev. Kris A. Bartos

Saturday, December 30th St. Sabinus8:00 am † Ralph & Helen Stanek

By Rev. Kris A. Bartos4:00pm † Louise DiPretoro By Pat CardacinSunday, December 31st The Holy Family of Jesus,

Mary and Joseph8:00 am † Sam Fata By Bob Zimmermacher10:00 am † Tom Santa Lucia by Auntie & Uncle Hank11:30 am † Nilza Pereira Casta Silva

By Lucia & John Vaudreuil1:30 pm † For the Deceased members of the Bajares

Family By family(L) Familia Pernia by familia

* EspañolTabernacle Lights for themonth of December In memory of Paul Meli Jr.

Wine & hosts for the month ofDecember in memory of Thomas Byrne

Please pray for the sickRobert Wright, Marilyn Smith, Laura Fassig, Marie Martes, Dee DeeCoughlin, Anthony De Michele, Mayra Morales, Rebecca Zung Clough,Yvonne Yaksic, Peggy Meyer, Sarah Pena, Jay Brennen, Paul Bren-nen, Rita Tracht, Sophia DePaola, Marion DeFazio, Edgar Breenen,Msgr. James Parizek, Michael Bierman, Jimmy Chadsey, Doug River,David Zwiercan, Anna Vaccaro, Gregory Rallo & Joseph Haines.

2018 Calendars are Here!¡ 2018 calendarios están aquí!

The 2018 Church Calendars are now available in the church. Please, one calendar per family.Los calendarios de la iglesia de 2018 están ahora disponibles en la iglesia. Por favor, un calendario por familia.


St. Henry Church would like to extend a specialthank you to those who helped decorate the in-side of the church last weekend, especially ac-knowledging the following individuals: Anita Ziegler, Abelardo Perez, Emerson Aguirre, Alex& Sara Martinez and family. We also take thisopportunity to thank parishioners and otherswho have sent goodwill messages and gifts.

A Christmas Gift Un regalo de Navidad

Fr. Francis is happy to provide a copy ofScott Hahn’s book, “ as aChristmas Gift. Books are available in thechurch. Please take a copy home with you

today and if you would like todonate something to help cov-er the cost, a donation boxhas been set up on the table .Merry Christmas to you and your loved ones.

Pr. Francis se complace enproporcionar una copia del

libro de Scott Hahn, "Alegría a la Palabra"como un regalo de Navidad. Los libros están disponibles en la iglesia. Llévese una copiaa casa hoy y si desea donar algo paraayudar a cubrir el costo, se ha establecidouna caja de donación sobre la mesa. FelizNavidad para ti y tus seres queridos.

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Why Catholic schedule with facilitators Madeline Zung and Dolores McBride 6:30pm on the 1st & 3rd Tuesdays of the month: The next meetings are scheduled for January 16, February 6 & 20, March 6 & 20, and April 3 & 17.

The next meeting with Diane Valek and Bess Fassig Bayer is scheduled for Tuesday, January 9th at 2:00pm in the parish hall.

Our offertory collection for the weekend of December 16th & 17th is broken down below. Thank you for your support.

Nuestro ofertorio para el fin de semana del 16 Deciembre y 17 se desglosa a continuación. Gracias por su apoyo.

Fourth Sunday of Advent ~ Christmas page 4

Adoración Eucarística. Primer Viernes después de 8:00 Misa hasta 12:00 en la igle-sia .

Eucharist AdorationFirst Fridays after the 8:00 am Mass until 12:00 noon in the church.

Church Air Condition

Please consider bringing a sweater or jacket with you to church, in case it is too cold for you inside the church.

2018 Church Giving Envelopes Have Arrived

St. Henry registered parishioners may find their 2018 box set of church envelopes on the tables in the church. The envelopes are located on separate tables in the west end of the church, sorted alphabetically by last name. If you do not find your enve-lopes, please call the church office.

2018 la iglesia que da sobres ha llegado

Los feligreses registrados en St. Henry pueden en-contrar su caja de sobres de la iglesia 2018 en las me-sas de la iglesia. Los sobres están ubicados en me-sas separadas en el extremo oeste de la iglesia, or-denados alfabéticamente por apellido. Si no encuen-tra sus sobres, llame a la oficina de la iglesia.

¿ Es usted un miembro registrado de la Igle-sia de St Henry? Razones para registrarse…

1.Para bautizar a miembros de la familia.2.Para recibir cartas de padrinos o madri-

nas para el Bautismo o la Confirmaci3.Para poder calificar para recibir becas pa-

ra estudiantes. 4.Para recibir el Sacramento de Matrimonio5.Para un recibo de donaciones a la Iglesia.

Are you a Registered Parishioner at St. Henry Church?

You have to be a registered member:1. To baptize a member of the family2. To receive a sponsor letter for Baptism or Confir-

mation3. To qualify for student scholarships4. To get married in the church5. To receive donation statements at the end of the

yearRegistration forms are located on the tables & shelves in the church or in the church office.

St. Coleman Catholic School is now enrolling new stu-dents for the 2018 2019 School year for grades Prek3 through 8th grade. The placement test for all grades will take place on Saturday, January 20, 2018. For infor-mation please contact Susan Jaen at the school office at (954) 942 3500 or [email protected].

Wedding Anniversary Mass 2018For couples married in the Catholic Church celebrating their First, Twenty Fifth, Fiftieth & plus anniversaries

February 3, 20184:00pm Photo with Archbishop Wenski

5:30 pm MassSt. Mary Cathedral

7525 NW 2 Ave, Miami, FL 33150

Page 5: - sainthenrys.orgsainthenrys.org/Content/Image/Bulletin/pdf/Dec-24-17.pdf · MIRACULOUS MEDAL NOVENA: Every Saturday following the 8:00 ... medio de la Virgen se había convertido

Fourth Sunday of Advent ~ Christmas page 5

Council of Catholic WomenThe Council of Catholic Women will be hosting their Christmas Luncheon on Monday, January 8, 2018 at Gianni’s Italian Restaurant located at 1601 East At-lantic Blvd, Pompano at 11:30am. Please RSVP no later than December 29th if you plan on attending. Hope to see you there!

Consejo de la Mujer Católica

El Consejo de las mujeres católicas será el anfitrión de su almuerzo de Navidad el lunes, 8 de enero de 2018 en el restaurante italiano de Gianni, ubicado en 1601 East Atlantic Blvd., a las 11:30. Por favor RSVP a más tardar el 29 de diciembre si planeas asistir. ¡ Espero verlos allí!


CONFESSIONS - Grace of the Sacrament ofReconciliation Saturday, December 16th Before 4pm Mass Sunday, December 17th before each Mass

(8am, 10am, 11:30am & 1:30 pm) Week of Dec 18th - 22nd after 8am Mass Saturday, December 23rd After the 8am Massand Before the 4pm Mass

CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEAR’S Day MASSES Sunday, December 24th Christmas Eve VigilMasses 4pm (English) & 6pm (Spanish) (Toydistribution masses)

Monday, December 25th Christmas Day: 8am,10am, & 11:30am (English)

Monday, January 1st Mary Mother of God:8AM (English)

The church office will be closed on Monday and Tuesday, December 25th & 26th, in observance of Christmas. The office will re open on Wednesday, December 27th at 9am.

La oficina de la iglesia estará cerrada los lunes y martes, 25 y 26 de diciembre, en conmemoración de la Navidad. La oficina volverá a abrir el Miércoles, 27 de Diciembre a

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