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CARTMay 16-18, 2012

These times,

they are a changing . . .

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Wednesday Agenda

• Changing For Good• The Power of Habit• The Valve Employee Handbook• Lie to get what you want

__________________________________• Prep for tomorrow’s live sessions

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Changing for Good

• Addictive Behaviors? • Stages of Change Codified• Specific Actions depending on Stage• The Change Spiral

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Change CodifiedStage Characteristics Strategies for Success


Resist change, change the subject, ignorance is bliss, problems come from outside of self, demoralized,

Consciousness Raising, Enabling/Helping relationships, Social liberation,

Contemplation Search for absolute certainty, waiting for magic moment, wishful thinking, premature action – not well considered, each mini-failure makes action harder

Emotional Arousal, Return to consciousness, Self re-evaluation*149 Helping-enabling relationships,

Preparation Even sufficient warnings don't seem to motivate until something dramatic occurs, Action requires preparation, planning is key

Self re-evaluation Commitment*154 Helping Relationships

Action Take preparation too lightly, reliance on a single technique, must have a well considered plan specific to your environment

Counter thinking *181, Environmental Control Reward

Maintenance Even negative habits become our friends, we assume we will succeed the first time, over-confidence, The Spiral of change, zero tolerance

• Self efficacy• Recycling – mini decisions lead to

maxi decisions

Termination Life-long change doesn’t come without ongoing temptation • Free Will vs. Determination

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The Power of Habit by Charles Duhigg

• Riots in the streets of Kufa– Major observed a pattern– Pattern interrupt applied– Riots ended

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“Habits aren’t destiny. Habits can be ignored, changed, or replaced. . . When habits emerge the brain stops fully participating in decision making. It stops working so hard and diverts focus to other tasks. So unless you deliberately fight a habit – unless you find new routines the pattern will unfold automatically.”

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The habit loop

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Keystone Habits

• Self regulation; recognizing the cues/triggers

• Having a plan for dealing with the cues• Modifying the routine for more desirable

outcomes• Relishing in the new rewards

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Applying the Process

• One issue in your firm that needs changing

• What stage are you at right now? • What strategies are needed to succeed?

• How will you maintain the change?

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How does this apply?

• Partners who are stuck in old paradigm• Team members who aren’t progressing• Clients who loose focus and fail to

implement• Ourselves . . .

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Changing for Good


Objective: What words or phrases stood out?

Reflective: How do you feel about this?

Implications: What meaning does this have for you?

Decisional: How will you use this going forward?

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Est. 1974Gross: $525K

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Business Demo #2

• The Estheticians – Sky Hill

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Discovery Process

• Background• Current State• $COPE Assessment• $COPE IT! Analysis• Business Model Review• $COPE Analysis Worksheet

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• Behavioral Style• Discoveries???• Financial Trends• Habits that may be impeding growth

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• Rapid Improvement Projects• Mini-dashboard• Habit reengineering

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Franchise“Green Seal Certified” Detail & RotationWeb presence Social Media

Gross: $935K

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Jennifer Young Janelle Kam

Business Demo #1• The Cleaning Authority

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Business Building BlocksKey Partners;

Who Helps You

Key Activities;

What You Do

Key Resources


Costs; Direct and Indirect Revenue and Benefits

Value Provided;

What Customers get


Who You Serve

Customer Relationships

How You Interact


How You Service Customers

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Decision Support Loops










End Goals




Long Term





How do you make decisions?

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$COPE Analysis Worksheet

$Finance Customers Operations People End In Mind



Ideal Outcomes


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