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NEW PUBLICATIONS.______! ANn THEIR MF.AN1NO. A book for the

curioiw. Hy Lwpold Waajucr. V.'nio, pp. :_0.<.;. P. I*utnani's SonsThls Is a curiouK, and. In many re-spccts, n iiscful

boo_. The iiuthor has devoted himself to explainlnptfee meaiilng. of name*. nnd It requlre*. no more thann Kupcrtldal cx_.11ln_t.1m of Iris Bflfft to show how~ide t- tlie fleld to bc ocenpled. and what a multltudeof words conimonly u-cd erc habltually employedwithout any liaapiahtnM-fl flf thelv ortf-lnal mennlna.Mr. MBflaat divlde- lils flflfl|flfll -ystemntirally. in-

riurlni- Into tha flMflnlng ot the name- of thc ce-nntrlesof the world. the month- nnd flfll- of the week. croed-,ercts _r.d flaaoa_M~taMt, tavcin MflBfl, roynl -ur-

iinmes, nntlonnl nichnnnies, namr* of Mrds, BfapflBfloitler-, paper and ptUitin.. political niefcnames. namfs

or flawflre, the Ettfeh), wbMfl, litcrary BpflB-tflflBfl. Mflcounties of Kncland and Walrs. carriiiaes. danre*. ptf-nicut- aml <!>'-. London district- and -uburbs, battle-,notable days and fe-(iv..l-, t- \tlle-, e-mbt-derlcs and

Inre, lltcriiry ji-e u.'.otiynis, co^ltl_erfe^. prreentmont-.London inns and p-rden-. -out i-i.|iie»s and Bfl-fl-MMB,Ibe Inns of (ourt. LflBfl. cliurrhe- and t,iilldin_..class flflflflfla aud fllC-BBMtfl. mr.lt liquors. dl-tnond-, nnd

prcnotis. st.uie-. naval an.l inilitery soubii<|iiot-,monev splrlts. nr>ndoii fll flflM and flfl-flflBB. U wlll

bo secn from thi- M Of s.ibjerts thnt the. IBBjjfll (Bflfl

of the mithor have r-v-n carried far and wi.ie, and that

a very gr-it aaaeaal of Mflflfl has b«sen expended upon

tlic book. which i- thns adapted to the us_- i.f a Bflflhof refercfice. 8flflM of the inf.rniatioii eonveyed is

lfkelv to be new lo flMflt edurated people, nnd nll of lt is

put ln a fJlBlm-Tl form. The one defect i- an

BflflflBflfl of anthorities tn dotihtfnl flflflflfl, thotiph to

have glven them mii*ht '»-'ve extended tho -ire of

the b«~k Inconvcrilently. and _o far as our examina-

.,i<in has tone. Mr. Wapner has been very careful. aud

Is seWom wronff In his derlvntlon-.A few example* of his method- Mflrf be found lu-

MtaflMBff. The (-hnpter- BB Iflflflflfl flfejM supplies many

¦flfltflflB _aiat._U.lfl __r IflMflflaa: "IB the mldland< laatMa there ls no slgn so common flfl 'The Rear

nnd Raeged MaflV whleh was thc coiftil-snre of the

Earl of Warwlrk. thc Klng Mflflflr. Hmllarly. 'The

Boar'.- Head' was the rognl_aiiee ol ihe Oordon-;.The Klark fiull' that of tbe hflBflfl <>f (__.; and "Thc

Ta'lrOt' that rt the hou-e of Shrcw-bury. Another

oft-to be met-wlth slgn I- 'Tfefl Cflflfljaflrfl.* Whleh-flflfl-prl->d the arms of HM Knrl of Fit-wnrrcn, who in

line tlmc nf the V oitagenet- held the right flf granlincthe vintners their llcen-e-,. I/vter lu our liistoty t.he

same flflflfl-IBBCfl Wflfl adoptcd by the -flBflUfl " Here

ar- BflflBfl BMBC latt-BBfl blt-: " Where the. Innkeepcrwa- not bound by tmy tics of pr.ititude or repard to

thc pround l.-indloi-d he cvinced hi- b-yulty to

the retgtilng monanh hy adoptlng a porth.n of tho

roval arms. As cxamples M thi- dflfll! -Tlic flTMtflflwaa1 wns the bndpe flf MdWfll- III and of llomy IV;-TUe flrhtM Bwan aad _a__tota- af Bfl-BT Vi ThaWhlte II-art.' nnd -The Sim.' troth of Ittchnrd II;'The White l.ion' of aWStmli IV as Earl of March.

nnd 'The Three BflBfl' of F.dwnnl IV as Klng of

Knpland: 'The Ka-le' of Queen Mnry: 'The Hflflflr.oar- fll Klrhnrd III -The Ked Drapon' thnt of Henry

VII rlio.ii for hl- ftandard nfter the bnttle of

posworrti Fleld. nnd 'The Greyhound.' his origUialbtulge as Klnp " Perhaps everybody does not know the

meaninp of thoae tavarfl sipns which on thclr Iflflfl

appear onlv pi-ote-ou'- or fanta-tic -M'hief amonp theaeare 'Tlic Ofll and Kiddle,' fl perver-lon of *( at.m

l'e nflfllfl ' in honor of CBtOB. the MtUul (.overnor of

Calnls; 'The Hap o' KaUfl,1 of 'The BM-ftBBB-.1 ln

refereneo to I-an and tfee Sityt-: Ihfl G at and

f-ompa*se<.' of the Purltan m.tto. T.-hI BBeCflBBBMK; -The Iron DeviT of -The lliiondelle' or swallow:

Tiie ntill am! Month- and .The Hull and Ofltfl,'cf tlw* -Honlopi-.e MOfltfe' und -The Houlopne fiate' iu

complinieiit |0 11h.iv VIII. wfefl fl_BD_d _. -__» of

iioulophe and Its harhor in 1844! 'The l.icn and Key.'of 'The l.ion on the Qnny.- mennlng a BflflBfl beanng

flflfl fltffl of -Th- l.ion.' nnd situnted by the water side.

ln order to IMtt-gatoh lt __¦ other . l.ions' in the

aame port. "Thc Ofll and Whoel.' of 'The (MtharlBflWheel.' the instrument of St. Cfltfeflriafl. niartyrdom \Tbo F.uiiy R-fl-o,1 of "The __nerepk-B,- the veaadon b'-«rd of which Napoleon suirendcrcd his sword to

Captfl-fl __l.-Bd aft«r lils defeat at Waterloo; nndThe Blue Pig.' a nH-re ni'idlficatlon of Tlie Illue

lionr.' 'Tfefl I'.g n"d \\'hl*tle' ls a very old slgn,¦¦ -errli -whl-ll.' li'.np corruptlon of 'waH.sail,.

and 'plg' the old F.ngllsli for fl bowl or cnp. Surelv

there could bc no more fittlng sign for a tnvern than

that which suggested the drlnkltig of healUi*."Mr. Watrner has brauglit together a mnss of equally

curlous lnformation In tno-t ol tlie other departmentsof lils book. Tlic elucidntion of old .ol.rlquets and

nlrhnnmes wlll bc found pnrtlcularly fraitiul. and

t-iere ls no subject tr~ted wl.lch does not offer some

cnlightenment. Sometimes a piven nicnnlng mny

appear questlonnble. but Mr. Wagner has usuallytaken pr.ln* to verlfy his dellnitlons, and as a rule,he ls t.-u'-twn:thy. Altopether his bflflfl ls ¦ servi.e-

ablo one, and must tahe its plnre among thc work,

of referenee which profi-s-ion«l writer*.. lawyers. elerpv-men, and many fltflatfl. feel 8 frcquent need for.

II_\-U) pnblicalions.




Mr-. STOWl.s _oi-ld-Ia*.ii BM story, luilv .IflMlflkd _8KEMBLL. - ni*. ioiiio. !.4.0\.i.


Helidiiy Bd-tofl M Mr. in.v.'i'i.l.-'^ rt<-ii_iitfui wMk,with A.ti-tin:, Htvstratlona S ___-_! vflh.e*. a.....

SNOW BOUND.Xew Hcl.d-.y EdltMn uf Mr. WII1TTI F.l'.-S most popu-

lar paaaa, wflfl a pflfltralt aad Pkot-fiavar _. Iftaa, blueand whit'.-, »l._.

THE OXK-HOSS S1IAV.TV'lth t~o aflhO IBMMB IflMM. 9j -*.'. MOLMF.S, lllflfl.

trat by HOW.W.n PYL.1.. $'...0.


11 BAflT 1TTH-ST._..iiiii CHAUKCEY.H


BAAC H. BROMLEY.AfMaflflMM lhymes dellvered ut tho annu.l fl.MM of

t!;c- flaw-Tarh v_> -Jflflaal AaaaaMfl-M, Jflaflfliy 23, Iflfll,»t D.lnioiilco'-. Rerlflfld flfll fie-lir-aed flfth n.-C- by UieAuthor. ___e-TJf and ainusliigly


PAN BKARD and C. D. (ilBSON.

The book contalns an uxcellen. portnlt of Mr. Depew.H-i.d-ome tinted paper; P*ge» abjut 8x9 luches; decoratedboard MB . -.

_U___-T about MMCMMMMM l.*>.

Price, al pet copy. peaMffl iwld. Can ho orderedMrough any baahaalliT ai dlraM tnm th«- p-MMhera.


MB-Mfl i:;.m,.i.-'s'i.. mpa-.TC-tfl._F"ai._i- :i-)i Kditlon. po-t i*l_ for -*-'. or .._r.ip-.rpM HlMAX HAIR; Why It Falls Off;

I __raa <.-¦«" .'". ''.' K-imili «v _*W~ -lAIl-i-t4..RKFR. A. M 1-ON'G * CO.. 1.013 Anh-at., Phlla.. Pa.

..ivrrv one should r--d __>!.. little book "-AUienaeuin.


For Yoitii'; Ladies.( .tj*.

A (____¦ IK _1T.IU '.!¦- !-.* l-d'--. ¦v'-1 Dr- DodE*-.of (.oiuiLbi.. ao* lermial M tttV.flfl. A» Ml_.

CHAKW-S 11. ..Al'l'M.K> >'.AlOOL. *0, -th-a-re.

D" kcai.n li-\; nn-.' ri:t SCHOOL -OU _:iu_s.i.o WEBT .'.7iil-_«T.

__i,!h_i. Kr*i._ and ("laaai. -I Dfparr.'.enUk.

}..\il.i.: -. B4 HtXjL FOK TO-MO LADIES toLl oulflt, healihy Mwn m C-aBBilkat Eierj eou.lori

ai.d ad\ -.._*_. Ca'.-c*.. prepara'.ry and ieueral aoiia_.._. laris .j_ », CU:. App.i lo^7 MlltlA-l COYRIl-Zgg 1-0 »lh__ Xew.Torfl.

WiiAHDXICKS SCHOOL. FOft (.lK_.S.-I-rin~rvaml aflvaii-id. ClBflflflfl f"f Hoy-. Mlll.Tjr Urill for

Vi.i.-.ix I.-.'_. and Del_ar_9 _y.aaatica._18 Eaat 131at-at.

THE MlflSE. WKEAKS _._,Board ns and Uay 8-h_l fcr ycuas 1-dlca aad chlld__.

Wlth Klndcr.arten. 37 t_at ._-al.

tHP, MISSFJS MOSi'-S 047 Ma<ii*aii-av.lioard.-..-. an. l_v »*l._l fcr Yount Ladiaa aad

C-__i->- _'i.;._r-» lo I'.aruaid _..(l olioi coll _.<-PrlCbt- ycat_

V"" a:> K-__1aX 1X8TITUTE fl.un.ad lB.*i7).-H_ma_j_v fl-ih.' Medaia I'arta I.-poaltion, lfe-s». -«0 aad

__C 71at---. a.id We-t I'.u4«vc :_j.n. a-ljolnlne).Ume. VAX XORMAX. PnaelpaL

uFor Boya and Young Men.City.

MIVXItfllTT flRAMMAfl SCHOOL, 1.478 Broadway,near 4 .u-.i. All d'oiartucnu.


i'or BflHi -B-Bfl.f'ity.

C1JU1 I.A.'N »<i._i». botn _ic. clty and country.-';ripi..d vriuh rareful _-vi<-« io paraata. mikiaM

COYRIEKI H--A liiil-liiK- l->0 Wfta-Vi i'i"':_.0__';__:APj-V.'.i Ik. _;Hia.I. O.' LAiraUAUEB. 1_- Mftlvt.ve..ler.i.K al auy tlu..-. Mtdirate r»v.-«. .ih;..

A___-UAYMOXD P. A. PE TRAMA-...U-. Prlnelrxl-.m EXD S'iAMP for the '-Pi-v-y Trpi-wrltor" toH SB0IU~_A_.I> A.-CB TYPF.WkVWit* COIXEOE,

BIO fli aad way, ti. Y.

Inetrnrtion.Muaical iostructlou.


I.EADI.N.. MIMUI, UMTTITUTIoa OF AMERICA.l'Mno-forte taacber* certlnrate*. E\«iulr.cra, Willlaru

Ma»ot.. Mua Doc. A. C. M.. a..d Ali.-it Ilo. l*nr.-oua,A. C. M. Pudl.y Hu<k. pr.aldeul ll R Paim.r, E.As.-rai»onte. H. R.Sheflv and C. II. 1I««I y are am.)..-* thoduttngulahad BMMbera ol the Bwtitty.

A feat'.re in .onne.-tlnn wlth th. ..l!e«e la tlie ReaidenceDeiarttieut for ladica, where puplla fiom a dl«tance are «<..

comn.ndated wlth board aiid every farilltv for practlcc and»tudr-

plrpn_s ADMITTt-D AT ANY TIME.For partlciils>r* arnd for .'v.lp-jrp Aum.al.

Addie-s H. \V oitl'.RVE, -"-rotary,19 and 21 East llth-st. city.

LFor VniiDj; Ijulies.Country.

IV1NG5TON PARK SEMINARV, Rocheater, N. T_Home church BcBeu for tha eare, laanasement iqi*.

uiltur© of voung ladiea, 35th year bcjlns Sept. lo, lMDI.Wrlte fer lflu_...t d eircular. Mm. C. ll. QurtH. Principal.

r"_jTrTC!.ON-HrD''f)N.-n<>ar«ic_-acho.i Mr 8waa_r4M*> tjirl_. terwa, 8500. Add.o*


ST. HILDA's BCHC8L PMB OlftLb. Morrlstewn.New-J-is.eT.-S.nlor. Junior and l'rin,ar> Depart¬

ment*. Terwa froin *^50. CIrt-ulars on arpikation.

BFor R'.ys nn<l Young Men.Country.


LIEl'T. T. D. LANBu.V CO.MMA1.PAAT._f_.A3T_.AB Bt'islNESS COLLEUfc, fauguueuale, N.Y.Yj open all tlie vear. Thorouak liistru-. tiwi ln HooKacepliig.B»nklng. tomoiercial Eaw.peata_.isr.ip. c~rrespo.iden.i-e.ANibii.elicft.. Tcl. jrraphy, St--.olfr-phy. Typcwrl.lng.4c.Buainesa men »u#pli> A with ciimpetefit auwUtinta on ahortnotlce. No char;:* for sltuationa furulaiv-ii. Kcnd for cat'l gc.

^^ltFF.IlOE_>"INSTITI'TE, JNlMMB. Bf. 9.} «BM year.flaflagl preparatlon a -i>ecialty; busine--, hlgh achool

and clawlcal eour«.e*._ _|

P~f5T-.IKl.EPME MILITARY INSTITI'TE, Twentv.nlnth year. Preiwre* for college, scientillc .chools

sud bi.Mn -w. FRANK HOLLAND. C. E.. Principal,Poeghkerpsle, N. Y._SVMMER 8CHOOT. FOR BOYS. __._,.

AT THE BRYANT fcCHOOL, Roalyn. L I.. B. *.

Ovcrlookin.-_L. E Sound. Send fnr tlluatrat*A eaUlogue.

TBB IM«. BLANDMILITARY Af'ADEMY. Worrcatcr,Ma» .-Easter Term begln* Jan. 4th. Clt -d'al, Sclen-

tlllc. BuidnehR. Primary nepartmenta. Athlettca eneouMg'd.r.reful tralnlna: home coinfort*. Patron and vlaltnr, theIU. Rev. Phlllips llrooks. I). U.

__ ___, _,Head >la->tei. JOfiEPH ALDEN SHAW, A. M.

Miseellaneous.DVICE AROVT SCHOOLS aad clreulara free M par-

State ii) alitv, arlce deairtd, pupll'. a«* and ».i.SSOON. American Schoo. Uureau. 2 W. U'-h at.

A ci UP. V. HUYS-

Zcat\)cxB.A^^YOVlio MAN DEBIREK lcrt.ii.- aa rc.nunf raUon for

tulUon Ui L*Mn, l.rni.an and elenMitary colkglatebiaii.h.*. EATINI.. 'Iiibune Oflice.A JltlilUX AND l-ul.i.i'.^ Lt_ClAHBA_ AUENCT.A s.ipullea P.oteaaors. leaebara, lliiors Ooveweanea._c. to Colleges, Schools aud I'aii.ill_». Apply to

Mr-. M J. YOU.NOFILTON. 23 Unjon Souare.lEACHElt in <_u« ot u.e be»t pHraM achaeU UxJS,i.t. (i-ad.wte S.uith Collefe. receir.lv r»-turued Irom

\ear'a tor .gn itudy and travei, de'ir-a julvate pvipllaaud cjagaw. _A_ddiew sUCTESS. 1,227 Broadway.

AYALE graduate, cxpcrloaced tutor, wrUhas prlvatepuplls; llltl.ig for college a apecialty high'at refcr-

enca Addresa YALE.Bax^j^Jrribune Oftice,

K*T TEACHKRB supidled for all bronchea, In anylocalitv. NO FEE for re«W»,rat.lon. Form for.eUaiM

P V. HUY8S00N. American School Uureau, 2 W. I4th-»t.

T! Tcl'-S, Prcfe.sofa. Teacncra, OorerneaiBa of allbrantnes aupplicd to uiiiversitles. colleK^. achool* and

fam.'lea l-.'..l"'r« acl.oola M pafents. Mod-rn langti_g»sivpok'en. MIRIAM C0YR1ERE. 150 fith-iive.. cor. S8th-4

T HE BOOK OF OPEN-AIR SPORTS, o<t_.vo, 500 nagea.» lliustratcd. The standard mithorltv on Aieericai. open-

air amua.-ineiits. Kul.s tor nUing, swluunuic hall plar-inc. shootinp. hois.ii*ck rdlng, Ac._ {.<¦ In lull. BiPei.ouv Pubttabed by Tl.e Tribune, New-Yor:.. EntcrUln-i..g and unlveraaUv cempllmcnted by tbe preaa._(T MON TEACttEKS' AllLM Y auppltt*"aebool oflieeia

J with tfuebfr.; tiachers with pyjitianv11. M HARBlXOTOX. I'n.p.. No. 44 Fa.'t 14th-at.. N. Y.

WxNTF.D.Teacher o, nokke.-pin^ and I-Jicllali. v

teaoh irecix'.'is. BMte experleac- and tunagaspoke... FVVNTN.. _M HOOL, Bol IBB, Trlbaae Offlee.

Ui nii.ii QoveineM ipeabtng Freneh, .ierman andli.^-ii-h fluentlr. «ith plano tei two voung ladiei..;

citv tamllj t>.._ sgiary. Freneh govrneaa, one glrl_7"a,,.»,. aw-ar fiom citv. North (i.nntui Protesiai.t Kii'-.cTJnrten fer famlly nea> elty. MIRIAM COYR1ERE,Book Bnlldlnfl, i".o :,th-:iv.... eeraer 20tb-*t_

Bandnf -Acabcmico.

A I.EXANDER MAOORXOOB'B, _ mm_M .ld'lssohu Rooms 108 ^V. r,..th-»t.

Privatc Irnoni and >." »ea ln dan.lng eveiy day.

J? ERNANDO'S ACA' .:M1', 1B3 BaM ,.__h-sl. Claiscaiow foriiiiiiK- Prlvate leaaons »ny hou.. All the new

and faahlouablc dances (Might rapidly. Send for cu-cularFrrt i;OEOSaE DODWORTH,

681 FIFTH-AVE..Claaa and Prlvate Maaaa.

Men's Cl,« corr.mences Dec. 7th.

iUusical Unstrunicnts.

EMERSON.lf you would puirlia^e ;.t a vciy modcrate price ano on

verv aagy term* ao Elerant Plano, brilliant. mualcul, aym-nathetlc'and durAble, matie of the beat materiala by th.-most s;tilled workmin. .»mc to our warernoins, *X2 5T1I-AVENt'E, NTiAR 14TH-ST., or w.ite for our lllUftraVdcatalogue,_

AN ASSORTMENT of aecond-hand rrand. nprifhl and.quare plano* of our own make, ia perfect cendltior.

and fully warranted; also a number of second-hand planosot other prominent makcra at very low pilce*.

WM. KNAUE ft CO..148 Bth-ave.. near 20th-bt.. New-Yorh.

^nttion Solcs.


ABSOLUTE AUCT10N SALEChina. Glassware and Bric-a-Brac atGUMFRECHT & CO.'S,

40 an 43 We^t 38d.it.Havtng nisposei el aar leaaa aod

Being compelled to vacate our Storewe berewltB aoaoanee to the pnblle au abeolnte AueUoiisaP- of eur ci.tir-' Import-Uona, ronalatlnr ot ebolcc BH-Hri.-. line i hina. eut 'r. «'.-ii and ornamental («laaawai -,aelected «iti. apetdal ean thia aummer Iw oot retall trade.

The siic biiny paiattlveli without any i .>. v" whateveri,o h.-tt.T ehanee could i-- oifti <l to Bayere to eeenrestri.tlv line poods nt tleii ..... prieea, __.__EVEliV ARTK I.E i.i-A1IA.V .. EJB Afi REPBESENTED

iwie takei place Tueaday aafl .feBaetday, Ueeembei^th and t>tn, at 10:3'. a. m.

OVMPBKCHT A CO.,IB nnd Vi Weal i'AA ft-. Nevv-Yorii.

'aI'ARIS. V9XX 3. 18'.»1.*




BY J. II FREM Tl, BVCTIONEBH.ln fliimiMiirn wi*. above lenaergtory eaeta, on Tsaetey

aaa. M U a'elaeB a. **., and eo.-h day iBereaftei nntilM*4 at our rr.al.i -l;.blVh-i 'nt fp,.n..|iil *OOt% IS Eaat:.-:_.st., flltaetly aivaaltfl MMtaMara, uud th.-r.after at

our lUlflliaH. II la-t L'3'l- (tivn C.oi-. BB8shall ji.oeel to aell abaolutelv Hbout ltn.lt or l.-M.

this unequalied .ollc.tlon of hl?hest elBM aaWB i" MdMagiilflcent Clnck.s and Flo^k Set* M BBViaa, Dreodea,

Onaata, I labigra MarMe, Oay~, IMaaaM, tiryetal,RenaiH-liire. Louls Qulnze. LeatM BetW, E.i.pii'.', l a:

liage, Sc., 4c.Superb (Vramics and Kaience.. n.odern and aaeleat,

in Capo-dl-Motite, Nevers. Cl.ol-.v-lc-R_. l'l'inTsh I). Ift,".oyai Banaa. iMportal vienna. Royal Woreaeter, Caabport, Mlnton, Bonn, QegelJIBd, We.lgwood, LtflMgea,BpaB. CBtlM Doulton, 4,-c., ftc.

Complete uud pait aervleea fo; BaB, gaaaa ttaant, mt-l..e, t cho-olat", Ute-a-tete, 4c., and twenty-*lx com-

p.i. Dinner Se:\lcsSets of Platea, F.ipa and Saueer", A-e., aervlcea and

s..siimen» of rlch cut sU«* ot the Baeat de-v ilption;.V.'bb'.s F.nyllt-h Ro. k CryMal, Wehb'a Cumeo, &.., i.nis.had aad Vienna Jenelled <.i.--, V. I-li.ie-'rie Rro.-adCK,Draperiea, Furnlturc, lu Chlppeiidale, BBentM, Fr-nchoak, aud thousai.ils of o.ld- aml enda.

D. I.INJJKMl.iRN \ (O..(Flhlll AVi.MT. IIAC.vAl.N BOOCIE),

18 Eaat '_*3d--t.. di.e.-th opposlt. MadlaBB 8T8.N. B..Our MgaMl hi.slne.s will continuc a. uaual

d»i;!nc ihe sale in baaflBMM ttoeae.


U<VAT], HOLIDAY GIFT8i'll..- lower tha.. .-in be (ooad elaewBere f..r rarpet-laga, Mattlnga, it...-- .. La.ding.

A line of 1'lui.li S.a.e. I'.... k.-r-. Table.. .,¦.. for thenoii'.:i.vs bi ahout luir prlre, ..... 1- ..elected now ean Im..vt/.ri.-d ;..-.- of eBarge ;i!-.t dellvered ^i am time,

ANDRI'.W _J_8TF,R'N SONS,New hlx-htory Building,

..::... 'ni. oi8, B43 .ti .\¦..,Neat ,'i.ithst.

}3nblir Xoticco.FINAN. E DEPAKXMENT,

BURl'-At POB II.!. I 01.1,1.. 'I KiN i>F TAXl.S,No. 67 C'hai.ib.-i'k--t. (Mowarl BuHdln|

Bew-1...... Dac. ...ix-r ., loyi

voTICH Tu TAXPAYEBS.ri..- r.iniM-r oi i;, ,¦. oi Um I \ty ..i JCew-Tarb hei ¦by

_,i\.s notlee ... all petaaa* w_i have omitted ... no) tr-irUxea I'.r th'- >eai lattl, U. pa\ the sam. .o lun, i.i li - oulreiu or be.'.^' UM l.i«l -ln 01 .I.i.im. IS'...' a- |iiom.1..| l,\bectlon hi «.' -,'.. Kow-York Clti Cona> IdaUou a.-i ol 188J.

Upon any auch tax retnalalnr unpald ur. ihe ...-' dai ..f.. r i. .'I, ...ic pei cent nu anl t,.- eharged, re. ¦.

and .ollevtcd In adlltlnn p. the iu.ou.it tbereol anfl >.|k,iikiich tav .eiiialiiliii' unpal.l on lh.- II -t dav oi .Iiui.i ,rv,188^*, inti-icfct *l.l b<- eharged reeelved aud coileeted uponlie UBOaat theieot al UM ...t" ..' - \. pe. iituin iK-raiilium, U) b« cal. ulaled in.ln the tlltli flai . i..e. I---I.aa »iii.r. da) Uw aaa.imenl rolla ani wurianu .... tn..U\_l of 1H81 w.ire d. m«-i._ u. the -aiu RecelVM »f lavto the date of pal.i.ent. iiiii»uai.t lo .--«¦ ti..n 8111 ol aa'd

_,t. * liEOROE u M. f.i; \\Keeelver ..f T»«. a.

.p lll. BOOK OF OPEIT-AIU BPOATB, o. tav. &00 iat->».1 Illuatrated. The utandard authority on An.cnciti opeu-ai; ainu>ei'i. nt-. Rule« for milllna. -«iri...,iHL- ball pl«,h.a thootlog, hws. I». i rldiiiir, *c. te.. ln full. 81 jierrmpy. PublNhod by 'Ot* T.it.uiu, New Yoti. EntcrtaUi-Uig aod unlveraaily comBUtf.etited by the k ii.

JJropc-iils.PBOFOttALS ___. MOV1NG .UME nnj_D-

IX<»S-Li.-iii.' Qinii.'n.-u-er a .Ullc I_.vid* laland.X. Y. 11.. I)c*...r>er :i IrC.'l. - -lflfl pi«J.';->K ta tr.'ii.-

cat-, H.ibjert t«, ti..- -MM eo.idi~.~a. *-'.1,*-l"r'..'."' "'

AKY -'. 18B2. ai.d <>|i. i.-d lninii-iil-«-ly th-i. .' ln '-

en,-. ..f Mdden, f.,r t-h- Mertai Bf BM tnm* flalMtoBfl

Plao-. dbawtafl 'hc pr -'ttt and n-w 1o-j_i.ii-.. ,p"clfl._-UflflM (or fi.iuidatlou*. etY.tr*. -nm..;.<;. flM.. tafltrflcttenite Mdd-n u.rt blaok laaaM oi B_fl> ai- a_ to raraMMB'"

___w_rk-i ihoviiik tiie Mt-fltofla to aaaaaaaM a« soon

ii. thia .iui- haaThe !_*, rniacul rlidil to r leet Mfl all

.MMWM_U l'_l\-elODea ICIlflinill'-- III.J|r.r..||r., r-4l-.ll' trfl.¦Pii. r-i-'r-.r Movlivj B-l.tWa," aod :¦.).:ma -l

_., Uu ii-M _..-i. J. *».«. myi.k. ..-«:.mt QflMtor-naater, V. H. -rmjr. ___,,, . ....,

nTROPO-UL- FTXR .MII.ITAI.V sr.M-L.Ks-I l-ll I,\UH.I'M1A DEPOT '.I I'ltr. QCARTER-_A«i___R_. Il-PAIITMEXT. No 1438 ..RCII STKKET,'ll_,UuI.l'lllA V.v. D_.1*1 I8B1 Bealed Pro-,._, .n trii-U-aie, will bv received here .,i,tl| 11 o'clockam n'K.si.iV Januarr. 6 IM- foi f iirni-blBB theI-;,.-,..[' amirt Q-_rtermMter- Department, th- followlnaartlelea M be ddlM-i"! al Mfl QaartermaMert Deflrt atl'hilad.lphla. Pe. HelmeU, caini-.-i. lla>- Porafle Cap4,...,.., rj.d..,-l..r-- BeMin l-tov_. Ual Bboej, Ce.va-l.i-.ln- M.islli. __ir-.,Tru_-P_t- Battoua. Baeklea, D. 1i i..th lim.U. ri. B. Koraey, ti. B. __e_la, C-ttocandsi-idl <!»t_--. BI*. '. 'Iii' '¦ at olher polnto wUlalao be-onaidered. BMdera mu«t -t.'-t;. ear 11 ¦-t d..t -

when tbe. »ill ran..¦.. a.id e_mpl' t- d-::\.ri. - TheUovernmeat n-em- Um rtfhl M r.je.1 aajr >i all tiid-.Pr.-fi-rrioe mi] bc -l\m n artlolea al dotruwtl produrtlonor inaiiiif.i' ture. ."iiriitli'ii- i.t qua IItj and price iloeludini|-.| ,. I,,).-.. .,f fi...-ii.il ii't.-lui t'liii- OF ______ tur.- ili.- (lutvth'r.iiii, l.elii. r-qnal. K.ir copic.s nf print. il liistriietlon- lot ;i!d 11. blauk.- fni propoflflla, etc. appi- Bl th:- i.nii-i-.Envelopea cootilntaf pi-poaal' tn be Indoraed '.Prop_»al-fu Military Supptlefl" nnd nrt'tri-.-r-d t" the tuMerelRned.

('. ii. SAWTELf.E.Deptity QiiarU>rma-ter-<>ii< ral, U. S. A.. ln etarflfl of Depot.

_>i.an Stciitncrfl.-THOl-JC-AL TOUR-.

Novel and lnter^tlng trlp* to tha beautiful En«H_hlaland of Jamalca and the many BM>fl.rM t-"na of MIKpaui-h Maln, ece-pr-. two w>ek< or lonper, by tn.


defraya all nereasary exp'-naca of a vlnit to Jarr.ilca. -tavtl.Colombla, Nicarjf.ni and (oili flica. O'.iy PMM Cablapttaacng^ra. l-'or liliifurnted pamphlrt ndJr.f*.PIM, rOHWOOD 4 CO.. A.ents. Stata-.t.. Xew York._or T1IOS. t'OUK fli flflflfl, -(il and 1_EM Broadway._,QAV£ MONEY HV BUYING TEUNKS, Va-0 U_ea, I-'-'-, ,su-_mfr i'l»ilr». Ruas and Tr.vfU.nB nu_--In p. i.'-ral of K. il. MAOT i 00_, __-_.. SMO t* I-lfeM-.


1 |. i.tln.liee. 1-. 3 p. m. Auiiina.... laii*., 0 :30 a. m.Servla.Dec. 19, 7:30 a. __ Batfefl...*>! 9- 1 P- BVEtrurla.Dee. 2(1, 2 p. m >C__T_ .Im.. 10, 7 a. m.

1'rom Pier 40, Nufth Itlver, foot 4r? (Jlar.-i. n_-Cabln pa-aajftf. .00 ajid upnaro isf-oud -alim, *3S

Str>ft-<?'. tltkets to aod rr.tn all parU 'if F.urot-- at verylow rate.. lor frel.ht and pa*~f*e arp'T at tho com-uaay's ofllce, Xo. i Br.w1l.i2 Orflen, New-York.

Vl.RXOX 11. BROWN k CO., i.e-ifral A___N____t_7lXE, l'. S. .Maii Steaai-hip-.

POli ».t,ASUOW vla lrOXIKiXDIiRKV.From Pier 54 N. R.. Ma. of Wot -.-4U--1.

llinhaifl TtTir 12, 2 p. m.iF.tliIopla....Dee. 20, 2 p. n..Clre_ala.--.De.. 19. 8 a. n_l ."inne-sla. Jau. -.'. 7 a. in.

balooo, a'iO anu nnward. S».o,-id '-abin r:tO. St.-'-rajre. BIS.For book of ton._ aod furiher infonnatlon, upply to

H-_NDKR~OX BRBTHERS, 7 Baxrllnfl (ir-.-n. .N. Y^_


HIN'A A.N'U JAI'AXfrom V.\M OU VI.li. .'.. C tu


(100 M(les thf -herta-t rout".Lgwer ratf4. 8end for lnf.rmafl.n.

Iiit»n_»l m_T-___! from VaacevvM of tha nowSf.-ci Bxpreti Stemniflliipfl

EMPRKSS OF CMIXa.D'c. 16, '91.KMpREf-8 of ix_ii..Jaa. 18, -'.»2.EMPRE_§ Ot' japax.F.i>. 10, ".r2.

E. V. BKINNER, BVEKETT i;.-./..«.K.Gen'l Eaifn AM., Cbina and .'aimii 1 rt. Aat-..

85. proad .. x. Y._121 \v_ter-at.. X. T.

CU \Kl.KSTON, 9. C, tfee bouth South Mflflfl.JACKS.'NVII.I.F. AND _t.L KLORIDA i'Ul.V__.

TUi: CLY11E STEAM8HIP .OMPAITT.Kron. lier 29 (E. R., toot _U~fl m !i -i- al A \t. ni.

IROoC'cis. cii-i:.. -!..n :iinl .1. :<-u:i. .¦!. -.. .Mnn.. Dee, 7.ALOONQl'IN. h-ir '--t'-.-i and J.n-k-onvll'e .Wed. DM. 9uEROKl E, Charlcai n and Jackaonvill* r... Dee, ILau _-.ean.ers ha\ e fir-t-ilass paaaeaser icconimodatioo*.

In'urance .iiidL-i- open uolicjr .it--'*a :.- one-Bfth -.- _¦. perccot. WM. P. Cl-YBt- A io Ocneral Apeaai.

6 Bowllnfl Qn en, M. Y.T. O. EOF.R. ri-n'l Act- <*¦ S- '-t Mne. X47 Broadwuy.

r^lOMPAGNIi- QEXBBAL- Traiisatiantique,_. FRKXi'H LIM'- TO UAVRfl flVERY SATUIUTaT

LA BRETAI-XE, CeHtM.Sat., Dee. 12. l2:Mp. m.LA BOUlf-OGNE, Ij< buenf.Sat., Dec. 19. 5 :_0 a. fll.LA liAMdONF. isant'-lli BBfc, Da_. 28, BOOfl.

A. IXIRiiET, QfiiCJ-nl A.fDt. N-. Buwliny Ur-rn.


FOR QUEE.VSTOWN AXu LIVERPOOL.Leav* Pi-r 38. X. V... f..ot of K_J__-ABT8SINIA.Sat.ir_.iv. Deeembe; 18, 2:30 p. m.

WTOMIRO. Saturday. Deeeiat'er 18. 11 a. m.

WISCONSIN.batui-ay. Deeember 26, 30 p. m.M'S'M.A .Sat'irdav. Janoarv '-. 0 a. __,

VBYSSINIA. SaturJaar, J«_iaan 19, fl:ao a. ¦_,Uablu ¦as-Ji" fl60. B4__ S-0 a.id -H'O (a.-C'._ina tu

SltSr AYM. USDERHILL A CO., 85 Broadway._j j .MHUBU-AMERICAN PACKET UU.I 1 EXPRESS SERVICE to I.onitou ai.d llanibura.N.r-'innia .Nov. 10 luer-t Bi.niaiek ...Dec. 10

Al»o RFOfLAU -TERVICE dlrc-t to llainbur..Rhacila. ..l>ec. 12, 2:80 p. ro Jranla.Dee. 17, 7 a. m.

Bohemla Dec. 1".. (I «. m I R.ir'a.I"-'-. 24 18 _.

Flr-l ^nbln. $45 and upward a"-ordln_ tn lo.-ation.HAMBURO-AMERICAM lUE.V'L PAB8AO-. OFFICE,PACKET coMPAinr o. b. richard ft co..

87 n'roadivay MflW-TM-. I 61 Broad.-av. Ne>»York.

INMA-^ LINJ-. U. 8. flnd Royai Ma]I St.-amer-,1011 .L'hl-N.STOWN AM) LIVERPOOL.

l ITY (JF PARIS .Wi.ni sday. _a_~~fll '.», 11 .30 a. m.ITY OF CHICAGO.... Wfiini-1-,, h.mber 10, ti a. b_

CITY r<y < III STl.i. Wfldaeada., D_eio_i r 23. II a. m.

cii"Y OF PAitls.Wedne-dBj*, Janoarr S, 10:30 a. m.Krom V r 4S X. R. add;i.lri!ni cnrl«tc.,.her-*t. Kerry.nflST ARIX. S-'.O ind .ipward, a c >rdlD8 lo at aniei

and locatlui. tf rooiii. SECOND ( AI1IN'. _0 a.id .5:w"..aia $?V STKERAHE 820. FI-TER WRIOHTSOXS. (Ji.i-ral Afnta, (i M'jwilii!; l.Tacn. X. V.


Bteaa.cr. leave fean I'ra.itlico as foiiona:BELGIC.Saturday. Dece.-.-.b r 19. 3 p. m.

(jCI'.aXK.Tueadar. -'amiarv 12, 3 p. n_r.AELIC (wlll tail at Honolnlu Thuradar ttb. i. 3 i>. m._ii_i..;i(-.Toeaday, MarM I, 8 p. ro.

Sniir-rbly appolnfted.-nperl'ir Aceon-.n.odat.ona._»eseivatioiis can b: mad.- by Itfltfl. 'ji '«.--_._pu co and

fibln ulan- i.«*n at -87 and 313 BroBdwa'f, Xeiv-Yurk, orRoom .4, iUi.road «-iiaiiiy. San Franclnco.

LLLaNIj SiAM-oiUJ. Presldeat.T. H. (100DMAX, OMMfll Paa eii,er Aflrnt.

OMEDYS S ltAN l-A N LINE._Tl I ,'.- r->- PM flOE r s:«aii..-r Scrvlee.

Net* Y"r. t. («ei o;. ln lefl* than Uorea Day*.Xor.niiF.t' I-' HER LLOYD s s. -.')

DIREC1 ROVTE i" BOt ili OF I I'.AXCE.RiyiER-, A.Mj IT m.v.

Toui-hlnit Oibraltar. ie liad paeaei tet* to Siuln.Avoldiij. Uie N'orilifri. LaUtudc. of Atuntic, th. Chann.-l

.ro- ii-,; aml Lon- R- R. Ridf*._»EPARTur._-:

Kulda.Kar,., .un. 2^ 2 i'.m. werra .Sat., Jao. 9, 2 p.m.K_lfla..l_-. Kflfe. .. I p .in W-rri.r-at.. 1 .1..'.'J, 'J |..n_i'ni.ii sj-.., Mar. 12, 11 .io. werr.i BaB. Apr. 2, 2 i>.___.\Vei-a..Tnur De-. 10. 2 p.B. ___________

l'aasase Blfo. 91 .-> * *'° * ''. h, Fir^t Cabin.Qw ...nn.Ttions fur I.dYlT bv MOItDDE.T_.HER

LLOYD STEAMERS Ko». '.i anl (.v.r.v fortnight tliere-aftfr from lit.'.'oA t'. ISMAILI v.

OELRICH8 9 (".. 2 Bewliri Otaafl._t\V-YOBK &: Cli;.\ Mail SfcaaHM-ip Ca

Hfg» Ifl and 17. Bflat RlVflf...aturda** St.inJrii at 1 p. m., and oth m at 3 p. m,fcr Bavana, Proflioao, t axopei he, I i- au ra, Lafl~na,

TaiiiiiVo. TikXf.an. lud Vi ra Cri.J.Matantai CflMnaa, Bafloa, Caii*rlen.

Nos.-u, haniugo ifl C'i!~- Ouaatanatn aad Cieafoeg..mai.mia Havana. 9tjpm and Calbarlen .Wi I.. Dec. 9.C ui v.'A-iiixi.Tox. Ilav. v Mes. porai .Sat., Dec. 18.sARiTOuA. liiMoni aad Card.a-.Wed., Dee. Ifl.\ m \ Havana and Mexlean Porto bat., Dee. R*.CIl-'.NFl E'.OS N'.i---.ii i.ui _-.,.»:: o. .~. Ihy.,

*t Cflba a..- Cianfaeflofl. .Thui .. DM. 17.Tni' leie ha« dir ct cuinif-it.on «il!i ar.d laanea throu.h

Btils of 1.rtlne to i.'.l vointa oi. MesleM IL W. Co..Mevi'an <. entmI U. w. Co., Ltd., and tbfl M«ate_r andMextcan (J'.lf Rallroad.

For full particular^. f.clttht nr io-««ce, »pp-7 toJAMi'M K. VVARI. t 190 lll Wall-at.

^IOI_DD£UT8C____B LLOYD & 8. CO.~~

I .SHOR-i l;i)!"ii. ro LONDON.XKW.YPT-.K, 80CTHAMPT0N AND BREMEM,Stea_.fr. »all froni pi.r fo.-.t nf Cd-flt., Uflbokea.

FAST E.\'PRI>S 8TEAMJ t_S.iravcTues.. D>-c. 8. 10 a. ml .ir.-.'i n - ti.. 22. 10 a. m.r'ii». _t., Dfe. \x, i j,. in. iiavfi Tne-. Dee. -"». .- p.m.Slu..- Toea.. Dee u.vam.IT_v_.Ta_a. jnn .*.. 10

First cabln. BV5 and .ip«ard a l.'rtli. Seepafl at.in. |.0 abirtb. Stei rarf at lowest rit-<. 0 lrlms k Co., z Bawl. _Fa


.EXTRAL A.-T) MOL'TII AMERICA AXU MKXICO,1-rom Xiw-York, p|. r foot ot Canal -t., \. Y.,

for Ba,. l-'raiiii-i ij. vu U¦'. latbmoa of pfmfna,NEWPORT aailfl Thniaday, D i-ember 10, nooo.l-'roni .i rr:incl«'-o, 1st ai.d Bi-noaa.-t.,

KOR JAI'AX A.VI. CIIIN \.f'HIXA nuis Ihnr-daj. Decembei 10, .') p. m.

For fr>-iFht, pasaa.'' and leni-i-i Infoi.latiott. apptv toeomwny's ofld-r on Ihfl pur, fout of C.i.al-.'... :-,'. R.

B. J. BUT.LAT Oeneral .Su|yr.t>nd_t


.ii" AND H IRACAIUO,PlerSd, _ul i.h.i

ss. PifiLADELPIllA. Wedaeadar. Dee. n, 1 P. M.KS. CARACAS.sat-iMav, Dec. 19. 1 p. M.__, Vi,M-:/.l -'.I.\ .Widiieaday. Dec. _0 1 I'. M.

Thn-'- .merlcan SUrainalilpa, ape.*l«li- b.ilK fui Lii« ttti*.ha\a \cry .-iipericr accortrn _. pa-> ii-er..

boulton um-- \ n.-.i.i. rr,TourlaU' Agfiita. iVnet-l Uanaear 71 \v.]|.»t.

¦| HOS OOK SOJJ. -.-.il ai.d I.L..*, Bl_<!way.


Sailliiir fir ft* YorK a-,d AntT77,, _*flekl_>.wr-'i fr.M \M> u.n.-i.i. Deeenher fl, 4:8_ a. m.NOORDLAKD IVedneadejr, Deeroiber Ifl fla tn

Cabln rat.>i: Fir-r. Cfltrtn BSO and upi-.rd. Exenraloo».. and iijwird. Beeornl Cablo, flfl. Excai-loa. *05 tu

¦ at v-rv io» r-i,-.PEII.I. WRIOHT < 80X8. <-i-rrT AsU.. 0 BoirlliiK OflflflB

CAVANNAfl UNB-FOUB STEAMERS__ WU_KLV iron. New Pier 35 X. R.. tol ol Bi.rii.g-flv._. S. CllATTAlIOOCHEl ¦;..:... :i ,*. bi.m.K. b. '. \. <. .< il 1 '' V». !.. -":.-. I).-.-. 0 :i P. M.8. S. CITY OP B1KMINI-1IAN Fl -II .1 p \|^. s. Cl'l V "|- \; "I BTA 12. a P. M.

« onnrrlin. «"., I' IL R CfOfl |i)d S. '. VV I'.vfirMl noh .1 A. II. R1DA. SOI Tli AHOLINAAI ABAMA ar.d LO'TSIANA. I'n-ur a.ael a.'....i!in__-(Kin-. I'lm lMflfl taiilc d hi.tc. For fr.lfh; and i.a«-a,-»

jf_. HA8MAOKX, E, AuL ff, II RliriT Ofn'l Act.S.F. il W. r.'v. -_v,i B'v.»7. til'l I; R ;ii: n'way.

r. l. Walker. A__nt o.*-. st n.h » coO. M. 80RRE_ MaJ.fl-rfr. .\>v» P|_r 35. Xrtn Rivft.

bb______~-_-_r i-1 nELHnr.anm.D"-. tt. 11:80 ». B. I ".'-.niaiil.-....J:ui. 0. II a. ni.

B_. ib .jJi.ni. loiiatli Jan. ll |a __.

iiriuiiniic. .Ijcc. -_. ll a. m. ( IVuienicJaa. 20 10 3'. am.siaj.-ti Dee. kfl S |). iu.| l.l.l_.iii:. Iui, _7 _¦ in.

From s\ l..t~. hut Bt..._, t.ii i.i \\ i lijtn »i.Second iali.ii ou lh_« atxaii.-ra. S_l,..ti tiU". 4kd4

and opwhid. a.iordtjjf tu atean.rr _mi i., atlon of iwrth.Sf.oi.il ( -hin. 110 and »4_. Exeural... tlckaM iai favur.abla u mu; «flrcrai,-f from or to u_» c!_ . in.ntry. fl'-'O.4Jan.])aiiv'» Ofljrf No. _. R/naa**!-, New-York. P_tl_-i__ii_l» Ottcc. 40. Walavt.t. ll. aiaii._i.-i Ktrtar. a_-*»_


n< .» \<>c*. iB*turday, Dee. a.

waaBMB848B (___, |)K aI(;TI(,ns.


fiIM_ft__ib aod Tttiry dweiUna, Mo J07 M_.i,atu...l.t, .0. ii\.«i, ."..',',. \ |.t gfixloo... -md a-atory riit.V' ^i'sV . .. h-st . lU U w of l.u.ave I plotofr", l«Ui _» s ¦m. sjx g-atory dwelllog., N.e. IM toW*W««2.: a^Mi <- " ... A.-;-"»).--ave: J |.MlotUU il-- llX»n aml four .. story Ilat-, Ne- 1...^ to I..I1

EE' --.l ii'm," oi n.llls-.ve, n m .oi of _H-th*l PubUcL.__lo_f_..*#ia** Swa«'«« Biaok-ava, UMk iM l'J8dVl.ni ..-'iv.'. Mt Bapa, EaM IlMMBl and .-spuytei,


IblflllHJII -al-- I.,'. s'OxSO .....I :tv dw.lline No

|(W .V K.,.l-:.ve. ,. -. 83.S tt s of H..III-' 1 '».;-'£..*,a,,,! i-M (IweUiBg. S'o ..... l..-v.l..L'to..-aV o tBttBot3Ui .1 1 lot, 17*90 II >..d a-aty uwclK.ig. Sot» WOel;,.... V 78 ft .,1 13th-..ve; 1 lot, WXB».11. and

... flwelllug NO -¦ W.-t I .tli--.. s -. .11 K 8 tt,..,,.; 1 lot. 21X8B.I1. »nd 3-.y dwelUBg, Nl B,.'.ni.,- above'; 1 lot, IBaiqail. and 3-sty da ellog,

No ua -.--¦ ii:..i.--t. .. .. ¦'.-'"* » «* "' **'_**> K\;" ""!),,(- ia.8_.82.fc. and 3-sty mii'd.m Boa Ilo aad

n_Ave C e > in.-.. ft n of 7fh-_: public auetloa, 1 Mt,j-,..,,. . :,..>¦ bolMiaf. t* ** DflM.y-si, B 8ot Cennea *

WF.DNESDAY, DI.'I MHER 9.Foreeloau..- sale. 1 ls. 1'JxlOO.H, and 4-atory building,

No 31 West I.IU-M. II ... 118 ll .. of '.'h-avo 1 !<.». -<>*10.1.8. a-.d l-st.uy dw.-llli.c, Bo M We .'.Hith-.., » ..220 »e of t_J,-ave: 1 lot, 2::\'.<2. and B-etoH building, Bo 213Eaat -X»tli-t, * «, 131 ft w of -<l-avc; 1 MMof Iiuid, 10O.h\IO0, and four .Vatory bu.lil.ne-. HOII bus to L811 -d-ave, - .. eoruer ol tuth-st: 1 i>:..t ol laiw,.KlOO.l1. Md three ..._to;y Rata, BM 88. ... 808 WeMiL-uih-st. - a, ii'.'. ft w of (.tb-ave. PubUeauetloo,1 Joi

.nd 4-stnrv buildl.iK. No 08 W.-t I.Bd-ave, ., .0 ft* el <i7tli--i; I lo'. -_¦>. l.\ln-'.-. aad l-story tlat, No _-_>

Eaat 80ih-_, n -. **** B 8 ... 'Jl-iv

BBOOBLYB I'ROl'ERTY.i:\eciIor-' -a.e. :: lot-. L'-.M'JO. aud t-atorv dwclllnB

No .1.17 \\ 11 ouphov-ave. ii -. Vib ft -. of Throop-ave; I MM.I h.i.d, l.llxIOo, and 3-story d».MIIngH, Noa ,18 to ,.i

DcKall.-iN... l *, J'>) It ( ef M.ir.y-a\e; 7 plota, 24x100,u s Jvoselusko-Ht, I'oO ft <. .f Many-ave; lots 88 Marcy-1V-, B B co.ner of KoM-!lMko-»t.

Till ItSDAV. I.I. F.MIIER 10.Foi-«-clo-."r.' aal.-. I plot M land l'..'J.10x75.4, and

.V»t*rv bulHlug-. Woa _V»1 o i.CiO'.t fltt-ive w a, b.o< Ufront, betwi.-n 138th and lHtilh _u. TruaU-ea' aa.e, l pl«iof land, l48.lXlW__tW_g-.124, aud 0-story building, H8fl050 U. 00- l.-t-uve. a .- ron.e. M IWth-at.

friuay, i.i:.'E.mhi:r 11.BBiaeleaara *»!?. i plot <>f land, 18B*78, and 5-»tory

buliding», Koa io 14 II..i.e-st, u " eamar <>f loinp-ki!i>-at: 1 i»l, 1 ix.i:i. 11. and U-s.o.v dwelllag. No IIEaat I30th-H, * r..3.7 ft m ot MadUouMtve; 2 wta, -.>.

100.11 and .',-«t<.rv flntH, Nos 210 ai.d '.'l- Weat lo.ith-at,a I 100 It * ol 'lOth-ave 1 plol of land, 44x10^.1', a »

\V--t 7r.i..-'., B00 it m of W.-t End-ave.

Kl.COIlDKD BEAL KSTATI'. Ti'.A NSI'ERS-N.Y. CITY.teunl, No BOB Baa. Baaei Bdw ond 1* BMflflfl

to .las lliady ._____....-s 8',7....".am- pi..|..-rt\ leiuseliolrt for. slos.ire; Iho- I'

Klt.lnui.on_ ref, to r'al SteeM. 1007f)-;.\. e s, .17.H> ft n lL'nth-at. I.i. 1x77; BaiBB.

«if. li Ada.n. to <.....- S ir.un.Exchaiiir..'Ottth-at, n », \2b ft » AmatertUun-ave, loo..">\j'.\

ii 1<H>... to a7th^tx200xl00.ax76xlb0.fl to ...-

s-\..)0\li'.i. >\J."i\,.'..\l... ti. Weat l.n.l-av.ixloOflIOOn.'V.'i to 80th-atxe .',7..'. Aiiiat.-rd-iiii-a\e,w s "¦"> .'> ii ...lt'.to.t. ...IvlOO; ulao Atii»ferdaiiMive.W a 2.', ¦'. II - f.7thst. 23x100 iRob-Tl Rltchloiind Henry Henrickaen t.. John Buek.¦.... 1

,-,Jd-*t. .- s. 180 f. m uth-iive. 20x76.8*20.6x80.5',Kutherfor. w Forreat to \ v ¦> lur."_.l

t'0th-*f, - - 100 fl '. Columbua-ave, :.n.l"<i^:I-. .Ila .1 und Edward L Foghlll to Thos U

taa ¦."... .._.Kultou-ave, * <. eot 17"th.l. runs ^ e lll.iv- m

108 ii .1 w liaJl to avexa . ioi.o; Jalla aCom to .<¦ Sln |. ..-..¦.. I

tveni.c .. No ll">. w -. 78.7 it n 7th--t. lit.JxWx 18.11x03; Adolph .mon lo Jos llMlhrui.ii. 13.-00

s\,... i.nii.iN.- n e eoi l.mn-st. lOailxIMiDenald MlUbell to Invld farli .e. .0,000

Delancer-al s 50 ft w ..f Oosrcfc-at, 26x78;,,...; H_4me- I- Franfl V M.aIII-i. r.... 1-4.000

USth-at, .. i, 17.'. tt .- of Bth-ave, SSxBB.11 Wm.i cillmore to Th..- Loaghran.i,ow«c

Sth-ave So 7 77. » ~ .-.uu.-st. n or 4ith-«t, 26Xmo: .;.... r Jaekson to Samuel M Jackaon l A1'

115th at, i s. I'.:, it c ..f Bth-ave, ".0\I..0.11 .....T Ja.-ks..n t, Barauel 11 Ja kaoo ..... ...... i v1-'

I3-'.--;. ii -. '.'-'"> It a of Oypreaa-ava, iwoJB!I.vuc.n ll Dl tO I' 1 !".» ..... .

Wo h t. N.. li. I.o .llaril Sp-n.-r aml win__,___,

p, M ii-.i!l l.-id . . 80200|42d-»( - i, lun rr m 4 Mli-.ive, ,-,0\'..'...l 1 Wm

tt ui t.u ii BehaefM. "^00

UEC'ORDKD MOBTOAOBB.r.al*man. B-Ile, U, W 1 ;.on.|»"i., I I IM 888, » CUn¬

ton Place, l ".,;. (80,000.. ¦..!-.].¦, Diul.l. to l» Mir.-h.-U, Weat I-j.d-ave., n e

rori:».r llMth--!.. 2 yeara, *46,500.roaemao. Charlea, to >> Adam, e » 7th-ave, n 120th-at.

1 year, 81.760, . _____'.,.... iii'lce. . har.ut.e M, to th.. (...;man Sa\ln?a Hank,n . :'.>ii.-\ ... Broadway, i fair, f.io.ooo.H -Ibrann. Jullu to ti Btman, m - Avenue (.', n 7th-at,

Inatalls, 86,700.Jackaon, hamBal M, t<> a i Jackaaa, w s 8th-ave, n

<7th-_. 1 vear. 82 000.Jeaklaa, Tbwnaa .1 to '» B Hjatt. 9th-ave, a e corner

l-j'th-si, demand, *.'>,01X».Rseraert, f-.nll, U> M Klefcr, n a 90th-_t, * 2d-avc, 2

veara, 81,600. . J

schaefci. lleorge lf. t.> W B Cranc, a I 1 E'd- ., w

fsth.i.ve. 1 y.*r .2 intr-i. WO.0.K).Ti.iii.i.u. 'l.n v, to 11 V Borgea, w a llth-av ,

n otlth--t, :, yeara, 8,000.

Zerhar. Marie >'. tc. J -I Jonea, e a Lcnox-ave, a 12,th-tt -. rears, 826,000.

Ucal Cstntc.

What isan Abstract of Title?lath.-An ah>tract of title ia what n. had when he

bought hla baaaa -0 year> ago. The ab«tr_ct was .are.

fully and flflflts. tiy prciared, and eaat hlm a roiu.d _m of

money. He houeht thc pro|_rty subject W a mortgaae,

und when thc _M__Ma "88 due he. was ask*A Vt pay lt.

He dld .so hy _il81.81 lllg a loan on thc MBBfl pr«.|»-rt.v .!-"-

wh.re. hl abetaact of tttta, of eaaiaa, waa aM bmb*1.1....1 ly the lender's attonuy. althoueh he dld not, g_.teud to he n ore cmhient or rcputahlo than n.'a <-o-i.i«<-l.

and R. had to p»V I.01" BaaM for a new abattBIlt and

opinion aa Bm UUe, hnaMBad by thfl l.u.i.r's ataweey tethe latter. Aftarward it. i»aH o.r this BwatgagBi aad IMu, time ata baaaa ...- IMa and atear, hut M Bm paak .<f

|_g}4 h- .... .1 nio'i- v in hU teisliiess. uu.l M Bad r-.m-

to i lo-ii. u|K.n hl- h'.u-e. ThU tiu..- i. bad Mra abatra. Mof iiti... bath l.v .....ii.nt eaniMel, hut. ti.<- baah aaaM not

,,r tbeae, aad M paM agaM for a thini ai.-

-tri.-t and oplnl. aad ae M win keep on, onttl M BMoraattxe UUe le Ma beaae wlth a eea^aajr tl.at ., its out gaau.im- title inaaiaaee for tbe beaaflt >.f Bm am»i r, aad ie mw -

li ia a .:...-. n aaeeeaMva leadera, if aaeeaaaiy, for a bobB.,,-,i r, .. «iiho.it aeadlag lt araaad tBraagB a dozen law-ofllc-s in sii .¦--,,.-i |0 BMke ll'" l;.» f.'"--. n-lt of It.


55 E1QERTV sr.. 28 <'«jMM'S1'..CAPITAL NA_DKSURPLUS, $2,500,259^JOHN W. Mt'RRAV. C. II. KF.ESEY.

['reatdaat. Vlcc-l'reald-nt.r.nwAitu B. BTBAOOK. BaUettar._CChavlcs A fvPira.

FNTIRF, M iN Ml ''.MENT ^-^ " '.i * ''s1'*"'MIJ.N_,V EOANED ON BONU AND htURTUAUE.


REAL F.sTATF..1 lleek.i.aii ">trcel.

Mi.Le a ape.-inlly ol' .uu.. uisinu. -.-IIiiik. rentiiifl nndui n.ii lor


DnsincGG jJropcvtn for 0olf tiub ilo Cet.STUDIOS, ile- m..st couipl.;. i;, tl..- clly. North llijht._ elevator Mrvtee, iteam heat, hat aad .old water, m,moderate renta, lu the new Iiuii.iii.l-. HtA-ave. ai.d Mth-at


TO i.i r M. M A. FACTORY,M\ - _>BI i> BIOH, 76x82,

NBAK Ullls'l'., BAST RIVER,»ith stean. imiv.-r. rlevatma nnd aii MoBera bapravaaMaBjiwill let eaUie ii.iiid.nK «>r L.tts leganitaly.

Applv InlUlIIMNKAMI' V HOIIBEIOEB.8 Ka-t Hth-st., tuar .'.Ihaw.

(Jrooklnn Ucul Qrotatc.

AIIA.M.-so.MI-. nouse, ;io ii.iuBBM f "in New-Vork. onplot >.! BMunfl, OOslVO; ca-, hot aud cold water:

turnace in eellar; t.-nis ea->. Apply to mtu, C.CCKlIEf, I'JO M ...ti_ua-s; il.oakl_rii.F>v.,. s.vl.1. I..-- ii, pels v.f .K.-CKI.. nr laruer'; \.-ry

e,.,,s; -treet. und -.laewalks made. water, EUs,»-.d ihade l '. a thart dlitaaea irom New-York cityHall. Ajip'.y to Hil U. C. COCIIKU. IBB MontaflUe-tt.,

iTomilrn |Jrojjcrtn Sox Galc aab Ho Ld.

F* OB BAL1 "Be.b," Btaaley, M-.rris .',,..niv,Kew-Jera » ii. realdeaea .r Uearga Bbeparfl

conaiatiua ol .-ii ¦" .. l» ." '. -.- WBlM ajei .ulbdi-rn ronvenl neea; (uralahed .. uafuraiahad M .¦

of i-'roui.i:- klghlj Imarovcd; -t.M... eai..hauaeahenue y, wat-r pouda :u..i baaaea the (amoo* deerbauadaml girybouud keenela, deer pnk »ith fiiio.i deer, s.no-

..... \, orcharda, vlneyard and aaMll trulta,klrkory, plae :u.d ck«o<k1 treaa, vartety »i

ntirui.- f nu. he. ea il...- J.-.-.-i cm,.. four ca rl..-.-.-harneaa, tt Alao ..Camp Paa ale." Uu r<*creatlon flrouudaa '.- ....iv ol lh Htaulej m n -..,,<i. ii,.- poad i. ioBdlee loag, between tbe Htanlej l.im aod Mllliogioa, caw-taii.i. Maei baaa, np, t.....t, and goMflah. The -i

are (<> be loflnd u. ti.i«M.-lnit., quail,i. ducka, ibMla \.Th- la.t Kr.iiii. ui M r reiwiU ln "An

Apply lu H <¦. r..lii;i'. oppualte aUUon,Nunmlt, X l._

f, .ii: s \ t.i

BOIaDBBOBB n:..\, t.\ i.om; i.si.and 801 nu.a t. imI..C-. plot ol ii..).. |eu a. !¦.» beauUfull] |.e-et>4

at Hy-. ou tne ti..1. ... tha .ielnlt. of lumt om- real.fleneaa I- auaeejitihle of .luisio.i (tnto l. ii aad Br.si«\ tor li.uiiellaie iiuprovemctit, (l.e roada; iMautlfnlviewa; i.o'.i.i i. ta eooipai. wlth ti.i- prapertj lu zenemlatir».Ai\ene<M .au l»e had ... N.-»- Vo.k Ktate; (Na fro.nohjo. tioualln I. alur.-s of all \iinl-

Aiuilv to..I.O. R. Itltll.

(i,3*ji) AiiToi; iiLiiii, i tJumet,

flatfl to £-t. Itnfnrnifllicb.A.-A.-i

O Madlamflavf. ai- Md«_

To iet ~.e M__aal aaflM of is room.. two Maafl* 3 ;..in. fl_--.BlB-.dl Mflfl BflflflM -Bfl MflflBflV

° ,", ..u.ed. iioth aafllM IBflfl . d.r..-t aad,,.., furnlahod. U-th ...lf* "Wfl . -ro.-- . ."

a. -ted r*'e.lor vlfw ,,f '.'.-'O ffft. flflflflfl »~prl-floo Thf a-flBM «or_ flfld ._-_-*. -- "ot

_r. ,y hou_ in the clty. P..tir..l.., on pr-n --. bBMW »¦¦' *"'

j. D. DRflOKfl. S"l>erl.i'.e..d nC_




The S.enio Line to the West,THII>- ..EAV-T-TATIO .S, faot .#i»-.iiiussis anil .'oitl___i Mtreeta,

us follawa: .

Ot% and after Dcccutbcr /st, 1991*THK EAST ______

9i00 A. .11. -Pullinan V-i-tibule fcit-cpmg tot Parlor Car*.Arrivea Cleveland .:_« a. fl).. -olumbua 5 _o a. .....Ind an.i|K.IS 11 40 a. Bfl., Clil.egc --> P- _»-. -"d ¦"»»

Loula 7 :00 p. ni. next day. Connecta alao for -u._o.


10:00 A. AI. -< on.po .3 _a.liMl.aijr of p .___.. \--i.h-iia.r.au.s and __te R-joui, sleeplng, i.io:n_. i_ii.o_.iiigand Ubsi-rvatlon Car.. prefleaflnfl Unaiiclal repurta.at'-nographer. aod tyiif-r.i. r». halflreoBi* B_ ootnaexea, ladies' maid, MlJM .BflB Hbr-ry and all the con-venlenee.-i of home or ofll.e. Llpht- by -tatlonary audroovable eleetrlo light*. Arrivea t'iiirinnott 41: »0 ». ni..

Indlanapoll. 11:40 a. m., and Chlcaflo 9 415 a. m. oflxlday.

ST. I.OITS ..NDCINFIXNATI ___.¦____-_.',i00 P. .11. -Puiluian VflMiu'ii.; Bl.jflBf nn from New-

Y_._, and DlnliiK Car- from N.w-Yor- to Mt. Loul. anatlnclnnati. Paaa-u .er coach New-York to Colunibua.Arrlves Clnrlnuotl 10:45 a. m., and bt. Loula 7-0p. in n>-..'. d.y.

THK COLCMHI.1Ifl ________

!_i00 P. Al.-Piillman Veatibu.e Bloeplng. DlnLog. __--_.

liig, and Fmiir.ylva.iia Rallroad Veaubuio I'a.H-.i.gerCoachfji from Neir-York to Chicago. Arrivfl, ln Chl-cago 3:16 p. in. mxt day.

THE WKSTKKN EXPKESS.«i_0 P. AI.-Pullinan VctU-'J". .*»'- l""_ l** New-York Ut

PltUburg, bt,. Loula, Chicago, CiaulnaaU, Clcveliuid andMemphia. Dlning Car. N.«-Yurk to i'hiladelphla, flndPltMMM U> Rirhn.-iid ar.d ChlCB«0. AiriVOfl it < love-land 11:40 a. Bl., lolimbii-. I :'.". p. _.. ' liieliiini'l.5:80 p. in.. Chlca.o ft:_0 p. m. ne\l dav. and st. Loulfl7:00 a. in. se..U iioinlng. Cfl-llflftfl for TBIflflfl daily,BBBBflfl Satuidav.

PAGH-C EXPRESS.SiOO P. AI.-Pulln.an Buifft Slee-jiug Car New.York tfl

Chlca(-.. N-*w-YorK to Mcinphl* vii the ShenandoahValloy;'arrivea .eck-days at Columbua 7:16 p. m.,Clevoland 0:3.*i p. .... n -t dav. and dally »t(.h-a.o7 00 a m. second morning. Conm-cta for Toledo ualiy,and for Clevoland and Columbns. exrept Saturday.

,.:00 P. Al.-Slienandoah Valley __pr_- wlth ThrousiiHufT-t sieepcr to flev-Orleaaa.

H'l.i'MK.itK. ITAflBraOTON AND THE SOUTH.Hi.-liinalou l.linilrd E.xprpsa" of i'ulln.ai. Parln. Cura

i-uh uwliig Cai lo Ua.iiiu.in'), dailv, exeept ftund...10:10 A. H., arrlv W:i»lnn_lon 3-0 P. M.| and" Con_rrraHloi.nl Liinilrd " dailv iwith DWing tar) at3:_o p. M irrlvfl Wa«..gton 8 :_.. P. M.; rtj-ular e\.

pr-ss, 0:_(>, ftOO. fl :30 and 11:00 A. M., --10, 4 :.«),I OO. and 0:00 _». M. ai.d 1_ 15 nl-ht. lor Baltl-¦ora onlv, 1:08 1*. M. t>nn_ar 0:1S .md 8 :.i0 A. M.,4:30, 5.00. iiiii D_M P. II.. and I'-'l-. B_f-_.

For ATLA.NTIC CITY, 1 :00 P. M. flflflfl flfll-i a'thThro-flb Daj C.i. a

For CAPK. MAV, 1 no I*. M. »e'kday«.Fo- BROWN _ MILI.s IN-TIIE PIXF.S, wlth Througa

i'oach, 1 :00 P. M. tn k la)I'OK PHIL.%DEt.PIHA.

i__pross 6 :20, 7 :_o, 6 UM, H .30, 'J .00 (10 :00 penn.ylvanlaLiniiteil, aitb Jj.nli.. Car. jnd 10.Io \V_,~ni)-l<Jii Um-lt. ii, with Dlning *ir, and 11:00 a. ti... 12:20. 1:00.

.l6. 3 :00, 3 30. 4 :00. i :30, .". :00. 0 :00, 0 :_0, & :00 aml8100 p. in- .¦"(! ll l_ I'l-lit- Ac.-Oliiin-dl.lOti. II 1" a.

m. 4:40 and 7:00 p. m. SUB-Mra, _~preM: 0.15. 8 :M)..IUI, 10.00 l.i..iiti(l and 10:00 a. in., _:O0. 4 .00, I :30,5.00, 0:30, 8:00 jnd 0:00 p. n... and 1_ :1 j Bifl._¦ At-rommodatlon. 7:00 p. m.

Eor Time-luble* 4 11 ilna to loflal point' on thc Tenn-yl.vanla R.ii;rnl Sv-t.m. nnplv at tho fol.o-vina lii-itetOacea: Noa. 435. 8t»and 044 Rroad^av. 1 A-tor Hoaafl,and foot of DeflbrofljflBfl and C._.fldt ata. , 4 Court-st,8''.0 l-nlt-.i- -.. aml Broaklyn Anr.ex Statlon, foot ofFult.ui-.Ht, llruoklyu; 75 Hud~n-_., Haflefl.ll btatlon,li'TSfV OttV.The S'e.v-York Transfer Company wlll rail for and chock

baL-ctt.f from hot^ls :md re-ldeucea through to d"»tln»tlon.ciiAS. e. pt.'rif. r, R- wood.

O'-neral Manaier. _Oenfral Pa--.'. Aeenl._



Dlrfct IflflU to Pa»«lc. PaUirson. Tuxedo, Newburg,Middletown. Port Jt-rvla, Mont.i-ello, Whlte Lak(», llonm-dale, S. ran-jii, Bliighaiu-m. Elmlra, Omlng", Watkln.(.Iin. Hath, llainiiionds|iort. A\ou Sprlngs, Iloch-kW,llornellavlllf, Buiralo. Nlagara 1-lls, Toronto. ChautauquaLake, Clevoland. Clneinnatl, St. r.onls. Cblcaso and allpolnts West. Traln« IflBTfl N'ew-York, foot of ChamN-rs-st., as follow* and flve flflaflMa earllor from W._t 23d-at:


9f\f\ A. M. I'aily-VIa Nla.ara Fallt and Chauta.iqua.\t\t I-ko. Parlor Car New-York to nuffalo. SleeiwrHornellsvllle to Clneinnatl. Connecta at Port JervU launlon atatlon, e_ce|.t .Sun4-_r, far Moutlrello.

VESTIIHLED I.I.1IITED.4> flll P- M. Dally.Solid train for Chicago, vla Chaiita.*-.J.'JU qua Lake, with dlning car to Chicago. bleeper.. Clilcaso, Clev.-laiid and Clneinnatl.

MOFNTAIN EXPKESS.P. M.. f.\i-'-pt Suinlay.For Blnshamton, Honesdalfland MontLrjlib.


^4*/! P. .. IMflT flalM triln to Chicago _B Niagara. .11 F_lh and Urand Trunk Ralliray. bleeper* to

Buftaio, Rochester. Tor4.to and Chlcuro.PAOI1.C EXPKESS.

a o/i P M. Dally.Via Chautauqua Lake and NiagaraO.oU Falls. BeUd traiu to Chicato. Sjleepcrs to llurfalo.Chiea.o and Cincinnatl.

IDIt I'ORT .IERVIS.F.F.IC DAYS-S a. m.. 0 a. m.. 10:30 a. tn.. 1 p. ni.

3 30 D. ni., 1:30 p. m., 0:30 p. tn., 7 p. m.. 8:30. JMbdara t a. ;;,., :t ja. ¦., -30 p- aa.. 8:80 p. aa

lim NEwiiima.TMMM DATfl.8 a. ¦.¦ 8:41 fl. M, 4:45 p. m., 0:30

fl, ni. Baafl-TI--'¦. a. Bk, '_ p. m., 0:30 p. MantCI-L 1NKOR1IATI4IV.

II Al'S ANL) TIME-TABLES njv be obMiaed tnmllltickel oillos. Ai-o -pi'-s of ..Sui-imer Ilnme*," con-

tainliiR select Llat of botela u..d boarding-houae* ''BuMitaaUoniflfl," dmcriblug vlclnliy of New-Torkj "ChautauquaLake .Souven'.r'' and --SummiT F.xeiirlons."

TICKSXfl ANU PILLMAN ACCOMMUDATION. at401 517. and 'J'i7 Broadway, Chambcri aud \\V-t

"Idst. Ferrlea, New-YarBi 3;>3 Puitou..t., Drookivn;107 Broad_-j, Wllllamaburg: eonai Nawark and Uudaou.t~ KobOkea, and J'rsev Cltv bta'.ion. Brle Tranafi-roii'ipnnv .-flll- for and ebeekfl bagqage from hotels aaid re-,1-

deuces through to deattaaBoa.W. C. RINEAR80N, QflflBfl PlBfleafei Ag-nt.




WINTEK RFSORTScan be ...-. iiie-'l ou appin ation 10

THOfl. COOK St »ON, 201 and 1 .'-.'.'i Broadway,I EHIOH VAl.I.KV RAILROAD.

)'\ssi'.N(iI'R TRAlNs leave fjot flf Cortlandt «nd Dcs.bro^»..s sts.. aa follow a:

7 a 111 for Mauch Chiink and Inter.-iii-diate v-.n.t-.8:10 a. 1.1. f.r Qen-va, Lyon*, Lll nra Roeheabar. Rnf.

fll., and the Weat, PotUvllU and prteelpal local polnt«.Chalr Oa* to Lraofl and Pullrnaii 1 ar to Soflpeaflleo Ilndg..'.

0 i m. tur Maueh Ohunk ar.d Intermedlate polnta.11 a in. 'or Si.ntJi Plaintlelil and all lntenindlate poi.iU.li;.0 p. 111. for Eln.ira aud Inr.-rii._iau. points; chalr

car to Wllki-nbarre.1 p m. for Tunkliannnek ond Intermi-dkite pointa. con-

nection to Ri'tnllue aud llarrlflbura,,-|il n ii,. fur Bound Bmok ajid all Intermedutp noniM.

»:40 >. m. for L. and B. JflflCOon aml prlnripal lnter-nnsiiale ijolu-'. Chalr Car to L. a:id R. .Iiinetlon.

4 :60 |J. iu- for PotHvlllfl and _.fl___lalfl polflM. ChnlrCar t" Pott'illle.

5:-.'0 p. m. tor M.i'i'h CnuoR aud Interinediat.! poln>.Coun-ctloii to R'*_iing and Harrlnbiirg.

ii-r.0 p, m. f.r neaalBfl.a flfld all Intermedlate polnts.r, -so p. in. for Qeaeva, Lyooa, F.innra, RocbflBtar. iiuf-

falu arid thr> West. Pullinan .Sloep' r to Lvona and Sua-pen-lon Brldgp.

I'raius ieavlng at 8:10 a. 111.. 12:30 p. m., 1 p. m. and.(¦10 fl. m. '.otnirct for o'.l polnts lu Mahanoy aud lla.el-Ma coal reg.ons. ^.^^ ..^^8 TO and 11 a. m. for Mauch Chiink, Ila/.elton, Shenandoahaud interiia'dlat..- iiolnt*. .

5 1.'. 11 ni. for Mauch Chunk and inti'mipitiab* i>olnt_.7 :S0 p. m. for Qeaeva. Lrona, Elmlra, EtoehesMr, itif.

falo and the Weat. Pnl.MB BMaflei to Lvona and Su..lienstou llride--

Qenerol Fai t»rn 0(tV», "i.-ir, Rrnadwav.Th<* New-York Tran.f.-r Co wlll eall IM **m cherk

ba-e_« f_m hnt-1 o*- r_-M-¦"...> thmn,- to d»-tltiaMon.


Wat.-rhurv. N--" lii.iaii. llart.ord, WililmauUe, Pataoaa,HOLID PULIMAn' VEHT-Bi'LVllTRAiNS WITH.

Ol T t HAM.l.i.a\.- lirnuklvii lPlatbuah-ave. .m.i .i_ikllu_vi'. btauoua,I, I. K. R.I II i..i, .nd U-fl Islai.d 4. ,t. .il lll. p. ,,,.dally (Incl-dlafl Banday) due la R.^tuu at 3o u ....

Coi'i.-siHi.idlii. train letiimlii-.Tnk'ta aud al_eulng_rar berth* f~__U lu \i\.y,,.

foot i:_t M-_, .1- 3.*.3, 115. .'-'.o, ll. and 1318i:r i-t«,i\ Bro-klyn, -_>:( l-lton-at.. loT 11 ..|-.-,Loofl laland Exprea. itla lor ai.d cbecka bflfl,.«. i..mie-.id..|i.-i! t.. destlnation.

WEST SHORE RAILROAD.i.s. \ ( \ it. R fl. ft. Oa., Uu ,.i

Tiauis I im- iJd Bi (Nor-th BUverl station. Ne»-Ynrk,o« follows, and _0 n_iDU_ea a:ll'-r froaa t....t J..y-st., N. 11._::J0 %. >l.__I»*(lv lor [ uii.r.. hi, 1..11, Albany,

iiaih, M'pt Miii.i.. -..'. of oevman'fl JuiniioiiI'li8 A. _C I'aiiy iui Alba. y; diiiy. exeept Bundajr, Mon¬

treal.lOiiin .%. MV.Dally. t*- Xewburf, ahwiv, tti.-a, Svra-

etiafl, Roeheator, Butlalo, N'lagaifl l-'alt-, rll.t^.lt, Chl-,,.,,. iniiv. exeept Batvrdar, f.r To.anto.

II 1:1.. %. >L Bfllly. exeept oundaj*. for Albaar flflfl flflaa4:0 P. 11. i'-a:i>. evcejM Handaj t.ir Albuiiv.811.1 P. ML-Dfllly, foi Albany, Montreal, t*ti_, 8y_.

euaa, FtoelM-ter, Buffalo Klagara PalM, ToMnto. D*.trolt, Chlea/o. Bt. Loulfl

Sill P. .11. Dalll f.»r Ail.iinv, t t.-.i Sira- .!>... flflfl.Bfla1 r. lliiiijio Nlauara lall., Itetrolt, Chicago, St. LOUIS.Iiaih .-.. "i-t Si'.ar.la. fo- TbroOtO.

llAVKTtflTRAW LOCAIJS, -_:4.-.. >fl ij |'. M.M.WIH'lti. I,..' \ I.s. I ii, -10 15 A. M. ¦ll.'.,- 4:30.1:18, *(i30 .1 ¦«_ P. M.

sb-'plng _BI- (or IliiiTal". N.i.'i-a KilM, Toronto, lic-tiolt, Chicago, st Loulfl a. -U Mi ~gfl tralna.

* IJally. For tlok-ta, t.n.eial. -. i_rl .r and aleeplng<_r tcconimudatloiia or liiforuiatien apply al orticea: ltrook-lyu. »t* Waahin.ton »t.. 7_« Fultui-at, Ann. \ offlc-. f.oiPu;toii-st. N"_York (lt>, 271, 3B3. .ti'.. 94«_ llruadway.148 liowery, PJ I _rk 1*1.1.«. 5.1 Y''-t l-ftlb-at., -..- at ata-Uoua. C. E. LAMBEKT, Oeneral Paaaenger Ag.nL






Operating the fatteat and mott "*-P' .L (_\f '

Reachm* bY l» throoflh cara tha

pnrfect through traln aarvica in

the world Itfemost lmporte.nt looaroerelel castara of tba \^^»United Btataa and Canada, and tba areetaet ^- g*ot Amar.ca'e Health and Pleeaure reaorta.

DIRECT LINE TO NIAGARA* TALUBy way of tba bUtorle Uudaoa Rlvar aod th__r_ t_Baa tt hai atohawk Valley.

AU Ira. na arrt-.* nt and depart M8BI ORAWD CaWTg^BTATTOIT 4th Ana.i. aro' 43d Btreet. Naw Tor8.o_a_,of HoU-l and Reeidence flocUon.


Trnliia lraro aa Followa:


9-nfl A M _ i* .).'. s"..da « i .-¦ t uwin ta -_

,UU #. m. Wl.r|d; »40 nii ..» |i ... «"rl.llilf time M 1-1 n.:,.-. . ,.,,r. g4aaflra

FA»T ______

9.in a || Bai f..r P»naBh-**¦_, alhaa-. t*_.1X1 r\. m, n, 14-nae PuyboMt Rau i m_Ma,

VEW.VOIth A\0 I llll AI.O I.MMTEIl

10:00 A. M.. 9*B ¦ ¦ ». .«»OIV KM'IIK-

in.on A M _Baeaafl BaM day mmIU.OUM. Ifl. ,.ot ,.,, ,,,. , | n-tJJJtO* THUK-sTFItS I.I MITFII.

1.Q_*| O Bfl _Hailv .1. . li.. ir.naU 11 l| a. ra la..OVr, 19. ,]:.,;,_.. || V. s- _,,,,, Jj.p. in ne\t daj Vo e ,'ra fi .

woici.ps. i iu $nt m..

I.Ofl D II _ t*tf ** m nMtte.ou r. m. N. .Ni ~a

ALBANY. TKOV AM) BBllfffIB -I'l'.IUL1*2-911 D M i v. .|,t S'li.Jiy Daa Afbaflf ;aa.lO.OU r. m. ir,,. ; ;r. -_ ,..-, - .,., _, m



4:50 P. M. -VJi,-; .'¦; <' » ¦ -1 ¦¦. <*««fa>t w iwi bbb sxrmaa.

6-flO P M '" lv *** 9*91 \ia__, j__.UU T. I»l..;-___, nev.and lo .:, t ," t£S1:10, Ckkaga '.» 00 ,.. m.. «. u5

ADIROMMCK AM> WOSTKKtl. EYPKga_,6:25 P. M.. t'aiiv. du.- MaaBfaH 7 Ila ».

Kl FFAI.O AM> MAiaKA 9AAAM BTMU__7. Of) P M _l',|l( ,1"' I' '<" 7 M m N'.aua.«ju r. m, |, ,. ., ,,, .,

< INCTNNATI AMI -1\ I.OIT-. EVI'REM.8>fin P II Dally, <>'..- Clnelnnatl 7 10 ii. ¦.uu r. m. ,t,:i. H.. , i.i ,o ii. bu, st. i_w_'7_5

a. in.

EIMITKD tAAtt MAIL9-nfl P M _Omlly, . paa .aaaia _Ba_.UU r . m- d 00 U»li lrain f.r K .

-. M a. iii.*

CmCAIIO Mi;ilT BKPBM.9,ie p aa _i"iv. for BaBbla, OaaVaaban D»tr*_

. i«j r. in. ., ,,] chicago, a for tap. ViaeaTdally rzeept Saturdav.FlhllKII.E t.M.V.i., ,;..,. .... UMK__1 l-.li:, RHLVa.

CEII I-' IKINUSTON), (AImKIEI. blAllON . Ala.Kil.l., AND IU DSON-17:80, 110:80, 14 30 a M13:*). A 'tb. 0:21 1'. M. ; also f.^r l'u<.ghkr»___ _flta. lt., i ;io. 12:14, :* v... ..;oo. 7 1>. n.oo, 9 3P. M. for Oafrlaooa (Weat 1'oluti. '7 jo. j ;j _l jaA. M.. 12:16. 18:80 3 M. '. '.-.. >i n P. M

ALBANY AND TROl U 10 10 (.., !10 JO.III JO a. lf.. |:|B, 18:80, :i .'..., 4 .0 .' 00. 7 ¦»:00. 8:11, :il .yj 9, M. aL_o tol Troy .! 'JJ F. H.

«.\K \ i.i.. v IB.-flO, :-.» io. :n jo A. M., .* :in 9^'lt BB r

UTICA AND SYRAC'SE-:- 30. I!) 00. 8 10. 10:08.110 30, :il:30 A. M. 1:30. 4 50. 0 00, 7 W. 8.38:15. !11 :b» P M. ^

EOCUESTER AM) BL'FFALO-19.00, 9 10, 10 08,11040 a. BL, 1 :10. 4 ',.., ¦; ihj. IM. s .>o, »:i£111 .,:. p, II.; ni»o tor Bocbeater. 0 "-. r. M

BIAOARA FAl.ES-:0 00 0.10, 1000, 110:80 A. IL,4 :".0. 0:00, 7 30, '.»: 1 .*. 1'. M.

ADIRoNIi'.. K V..' VT.i'Vi AXD Ifl 'VTl'.K \L- 8 0.10:10 A. M., 0';J5 P. M.

CAI'B Vl\< \T AND [iATTOB-B II P. M IU ¦M. alao fo. Ogdenaburg, B U '' M '¦' IBf M.

OSWEGO.10:00, 110:30 A. M.. S..X1. *> 14, lll ¦I' M.

AUBt'RN. OF.NEVA AND QAlTAXDAIOt. A-8dft10:0O '10:30 \ M. - :_0 8^0 " 1- 111 ¦ P. ¦


.Vla ll.i.lein DiM.lon .

Tno tia.a-1 witli turuu^u Utawjug-Uuaai cars to I'lttaS*!*,10 0i a. di., due 1'itutlala 1 :.".. N'oru AUam. 2 m 9. Wm18 00 |.. m., due Plt, -Ue 11I fc.U). North Adam. W.lOc. m.For tlcketa and sp_ce lu s;e»:i):ni:-i ir« apply al Grud

Central Statlon, or at 413. 784, ttU Uioadnar, 12 l"ar«Place, 53 Weat 124th-st., and 188thtt., .tatlon. »...York; 334 Wa-hli._to.i-st., 728 raltoa-a. aad s>S M>lord-ave., E. D., Biooklyn.

vVeat ott's Bxptaaa ^alla for and ehooks haegagt tr*hotel.s and re»idetiee. tl.ruugli to deallnulof.1 Dally except Sunday. IDally except Saturday. 0'A«traln. run d.i.y.

Above tralna, except those leavt.-.j at 9 00, 1:10 a m.2:15. 8:30, 8 o0, 8:55, 4:50, t-U and 1150 p. 10. atofliat 1.IS'.!. sution.JOHN M. TOt'CEY. OF.OROF, H DANIELS.

Oeneral Macager. Oei.-ral NaaaaaM Axant.

-jBILTO.&0KI0R. R.I'Hir.Vi.' i-'iia


ST. LOU1S.._r_


Laave m',w\oi;k. foot id E.i.it. _i., »- f.....»s;l'.r t lll" Ai.o. I'll l'"i" W>. I M 9. tt., 1- I. A »_

A'.eV!; iINriN'NATI. ST. I.Ot'IS. 0:00 A. BL, 5 P B.Fo- WASUISCFIOS;. BA1_TM..RF.. »:00 « B »1

A M "l* ." . :»r 1 .30 (8180 P. M. BMlOg U), 4 08P "M 1- 15 A. M All tr.l:.» r'.n dally

For NOlimi.k rla Bay Line, 1 30 p. U \\<>*-4*jo.T.-ki-t oill.e- 172. 281, tli and lll" BroMway_fiM

York and i_ Broadway, Brooklyn hTATlON FOOt 0»Illll'ltlVSl' .<'e.itr.l 11. R. of N. J.)

Ne» York Tfinaf. I ..n.pany will call for and check t_hirage frou. hotel or rcsid-uce to destlatUon.


Tlm.- T.il,--- oi Now-ii.im r -'.:.. B*l, ,1 ¦_ _,. 1. . .....--wrr*

BeiBBtoa, 'lleadiaK. HatrNburg. Ta:i.a-.ua, Fu'.uwuc, *L*a.

oauT, bunbury, Viiliau.-po.t. On bundaya tol Li.ua.Mauch inuriK. Wllh. -'.arr; aad bcraatou.

K 0.1 a iii fo is- 11 aod MIv.ilowii.7 :00 »' w.' for E__.too and Ma... I. ChUBfc On Suclayfl.

Ea-to,., Mauch Chunk BIAniokin aurt Wi.i.ar .-

h ti a in f>r a--..... Mauch Chunk, -v

BenAtoa, Raadlng IlmUburg, Potuville, T*...»4jua .^m^-T.wn*. "u.'.b... art. KBrMajB caaelte WUBMi*°l-.m a. ... mr Ba MaaaB £«*. naaduifl Marrijliurn. l»0ttt. siJK2On ISuil.t tol Eu-.oi. Man -n Chunh, laiM<l'i». I'***\iil-. iteiJii.- and llarnsb.ir;. ., ,", r. k.. ..:. 1...- i.a.t..n Mauch Fhonk f_^ltl_tu___>ni-._. Wll_as_ir:e. BflflaatBB, Tn..:»!'.«. 1'. U1..II, f*

;.'.. ... m. (bt BaaBn and Aiienui«.. _^_h;4. 111. f l.aa'on. Mauch Chunk. Readiof. Harfli.bur.:. .t.. Sundaj «e 5 30 u. m.

;;*¦¦ .,^,,-^.^,,,.00,4 1.

5:V^.ervX^r^»WoSb !»=%y._l:, Ji" 1:00 HO. -'30. 3.;-.. 1 80 5 ¦ "*

10 ..... II 80 u J*,- ,.,. -. 0... 10:80 a ... 1 C, 8:14, 1 '." 1 M '.> w>

Bo2o«Br«*aaj 18.8508.7:00 J ,;,- ," ^^V_. -.V ':.,.r...J.''.:. .'.-:'

7 80' 8:80 B ' " '''¦ '" '"'¦ " JP V. i'io«

,2!rfa"_fiia8 -d .1 .30. .;,-). 7,^ 7:Jl 8* tjJ''

lor Shi^eMand fBaalw HlghljaliJttdl| 88*11 15 a n 1:30. 4:80. 0:00 p. ni. Suuda>a ,a»i«w»

old B 00 i>. tn., 1 00 p. rn.-_ p__a

l-vir Rod Bank. Eons Bran. n uid po'n'-' ^.""SJ BaaBl'leaaant. at 4:80, 8 15. 11:1* a. m. ¦..so, *?,?!_0.1. i:f0, 4:80, 00.) V- bi. t.iind«r», -^"i* "*

.r« nn.l Ast.-irv PBI*, !l 10 1 ' OO l>. ".¦

FOIt I.AKKWIIIMI. a,H_bT_.\. 1 30. 8:14 ... ..... 1 3... 1:44, l M 8JJ- aaaa .

0:30 a. m. i'« ..'¦ >ar_ aifl t)aa9****o:: a .. 1:80 p. m. Bundaya, '.» M .. .1. ,_..-,». 4 W.

I.r 'lo.:,- River, lUi.i.-i-at l'.» k and Har« a«

8:14 >. ... . 20 e\|...ss _,. ..._._.___, it 4 38I-ot AtUatl City, Vlneland and Brldgetoo « .*.

a. .11.. 1 80 p. .11. ., ,. 1 M 3:14,l-o- Maaaaaatb Re^-h aal seabright « «..",-

11:1.. a. ¦., 1 88, 4 0>>. 1:20 p. ni.

IOU I'lilEAOt i.i'iiu BkVtlttBBB *B*\\ \«.«iivi;tov.


1 J0, 2A,, JU. 4 00, »1W. .;.>-_ :3° .». ,''VA s »0.i.;_ .. bi M-Ai.-s, .0. 10 J'. U .88 aaa. !*.«4:00. 8:00 p- ..... ,, .-.«n 11 M allB

ft&vtagai y^JULVSI

M0.V;«H for r.,d check ht^cai;.. fn.ui ho'.i or raatlaaaa.


P"J__,V-M Hall. Likcs Mohonk ai.d Mini.a.

3*&2 rwassriSbija&aK.,f..d" (. .ego. 1 .l.-.er. N la - !'.''' _> «fr^ii2Sr_a W -'.-¦ I'ullmaJi -!. -'. ra; r -llnln< «bal_*a» 8«B

S^Suajm^w ""<.*'.. :lUllv' -111 othBr ,r.l,,,*dl r'

'"pullmi-'drawtng rocm^ ae.t^ aad .eeolnt «.» b«t*dobi'ied at 828 Broadwaf, New-Tork. J. 0. Antotot**u P. A.. 1« Ei.chauga Pl*.e. New-iu-B.

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