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Rehabilitation for Traditional Centers of Arab Cities

Lebanese Experiment – Case Study

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Email: [email protected]

Mob. / 009613679195 - Fax / 00961818402


Traditional centers in Arab cities play a crucial role in emphasizing their historic

background where they represent the tradition origin of the shape and formation of the

Arab city as well as shedding the light on the concept and shape if their urban fabric with

all its aspects and its reflection on the social, cultural and economical environment of the

cities’ community.

The political and economic changes which the Arab cities have been through in the

twentieth century has had its negative effect on traditional city centers, where new centers

have been located away from the traditional ones attracting different activities with them.

Some Arab cities have had some trials to save their traditional centers and stop their

decline by using different ways to rehabilitate them.

The paper aims at finding solutions and alternatives to fight the decline of the traditional

city centers highlighting the significance of rehabilitation. Unique project in the same field

are examined concentrating on the Lebanese experiment as a case study and studying the

negative and positive aspects of three Lebanese cities: Beirut, Sidon, Tripoli, Reviewing

the reasons behind the formation of new city centers, and the treatments which have been

made to face this problem.

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“A Checklist for Sustainable Development “in source guide for Building Connection: Livable,

Sustainable Communities,” American Institute of Architects, Washington, DC.

� iL!����*­ �SQ�� ��A� )���� ( WT0#� � ��M�� ��� �� 0��� V� M &x?���� � D�� Q�� �[ !�� �����_G�� � #� �� 0% V��6 &B�2 n0��� De,8A � �����_G��­ � ^�l� n":�¯�� �����&���¨ >S.

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- Heyat Salam-Liebich.1983.The Architecture of the Mamluk City of Tripoli. The Aga Khan Program

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