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Sumathy. World Journal of Pharmaceutical Research


Dr. V. Judia Harriet Sumathy*

Assistant Professor, Post Graduate and Research Department of Biotechnology, Women’s

Christian College, Chennai – 600 006.


Plastics have transformed everyday life; usage is increasing and annual

production is likely to exceed 400 million tonnes by 2020. It is evident

that plastics bring many societal benefits and offer future technological

and medical advances. However, concerns about usage and disposal

are diverse and include accumulation of waste in landfills and in

natural habitats, physical problems for wildlife resulting from ingestion

or entanglement in plastic, the leaching of chemicals from plastic

products and the potential for plastics to transfer chemicals to wildlife

and humans. There are solutions, including material reduction, design

for end-of-life recyclability, increased recycling capacity, development

of bio-based feedstocks, strategies to reduce littering, the application of

green chemistry life-cycle analyses and revised risk assessment

approaches. Such measures will be most effective through the

combined actions of the public, industry, scientists and policymakers. There is some urgency,

as the quantity of plastics produced in the first 10 years of the current century is likely to

approach the quantity produced in the entire century that proceeded. The present study is a

collaborative work with Samarpan Foundation, an NGO which aims in converting this

menace into a useful material and thereby reduce its hazardous impact on the environment.

KEYWORDS: Plastics, Menace, Usage, Samarpan Foundation and Environment.


Plastics have been with us for more than a century, and by now they’re everywhere, for good

and for ill (Anastas P. T. and Beach E. S., 2007). Plastic containers and coatings help keep

food fresh, but they can also leave behind neurotoxins such as BPA in the human body

(Hopewell J, et. al., 2009). PVC is used for everything from pipes and flooring to furniture

World Journal of Pharmaceutical Research SJIF Impact Factor 6.805

Volume 5, Issue 11, 641-648. Review Article ISSN 2277– 7105

*Corresponding Author

Dr. V. Judia Harriet


Assistant Professor, Post

Graduate and Research

Department of

Biotechnology, Women’s

Christian College, Chennai

– 600 006.

Article Received on

08 Sept. 2016,

Revised on 29 Sept. 2016,

Accepted on 20 Oct. 2016

DOI: 10.20959/wjpr201611-7349

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Sumathy. World Journal of Pharmaceutical Research

and clothes, but it contains compounds called phthalates that have been implicated in male

reproductive disorders (Koch H. M. and Calafat A. M., 2009). Studies have also shown that

childhood exposure to environmental pollutants can have significant negative effects later in

life, including reduced labour force participation and even earnings (Andrady A. L. and

Neal M. A., 2009).To reduce plastic waste and negative effects, recycling programs have

been implemented in many parts of the World, but remain underutilized (Barnes D. K. A. et.

al., 2009). Much is due to the nature of plastic itself, which often can only be ―downcycled‖

rather than recycled — a torn plastic bag might eventually be transformed into a lunch tray,

but it will never be a plastic bag again. Many cities and states have begun more serious

efforts to restrict their use, but the subject remains a matter of considerable debate (Teuten E.

L., et. al., 2007). While plastics also contain substantial energy, the vast majority ends up in

landfills. Immense quantities of plastic are also sent to the developing world together with e-

waste, where ―recycling‖ frequently involves open-air burning (North, et. al., 2014). What

do we do with this mounting non – biodegradable Menace?


Samarpan Foundation a non - profit charitable trust is run entirely by volunteers and was first

established in Delhi in 2006. It carries out activities in 16 cities across the country and has

started its branches in Dubai, America, Italy and in Chennai from 2010. Their vision is to

expand network globally and to provide help and assistance of any kind when there is a

humanitarian, ecological or environmental need and strive to restore our environment.

Samarpan Foundation has chosen to transform and repurpose this overlooked and

environmentally harmful plastic bottle considered as a menace into one that is a useful



Discarded PET (Polyethelene Terephthalate) bottles can be collected, manually sorted by

size, compactly filled with mud and sealed. Then these bottle bricks can be cemented

together to construct the floor, walls and roof of the dwelling. The idea was conceived by

Patrick San Francesco, founder of the organisation. A mud filled bottle is as strong as a brick

and has many other advantages.

It forms a valuable alternate building material.

Low cost and maintenance, along with its long life, make it an excellent value for money.

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Sumathy. World Journal of Pharmaceutical Research

PET provides very good alcohol and oil barrier properties and generally good chemical


The orienting process of PET serves to improve its gas and moisture barrier properties.

PET bottles are non biodegradable. Therefore any structure made with it can last a couple

of hundred years or more. And then at the end of its life, the structure may be recycled and

reused once more!

Plastic has high tensile strength to weight ratio which makes it strong, durable and


Samarpan Foundation has used this concept to reinforce walls of dams and wells in Goa. Mud

filled PET bottles are non brittle and can therefore withstand heavy shock loads without

fatigue or failure. In earthquake prone and flood affected areas plastic bricks structures with

its high impact resistance can prevent large scale damage to properties and washing away of

homes. Thus replacing conventional bricks with plastic bottles will help the environment in

many ways. Waste creation will be greatly reduced as bottles become a resource and attract

value. Furthermore improved sustainable management of plastic bottle waste will greatly

reduce pollution of land and water bodies. It will help reduce carbon emissions during baking

of bricks and also considerably lower the demand for conventional construction materials.

These innovative bricks are easy to use and build. In rural areas this can lead to the creation

of new jobs especially for women and youth (www.samarpanfoundation.org). Women’s

Christian College community was privileged to partner with Samarpan in constructing Green

Benches using these PET Bottles through a Project sanctioned by the United Board for

Christian Higher Education in Asia.


Samarpan's first PET bottle project was a school made of 6,000 bottles in Delhi instead of

conventional bricks.

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Samarpan Foundation (SF) a global Charitable Trust registered in New Delhi is carrying out

activities nationwide, wherever there is a humanitarian, ecological or environmental need.

Their other facets include orphanages, aged homes, tree planting drives, rainwater harvesting,

eradication of mosquitoes, food kitchens for the poor, free schools for slum children, housing

for victims of natural disasters, building free hospitals, rehabilitation of bonded labourers,

revival of tribal arts and cultures and vocational training centres among other social causes.

Unique to the Foundation, is its Waste Management Programme, where a school building has

been constructed in New Delhi using PET water bottles and PET Bottle benches in Women’s

Christian College, Chennai. Thus it is possible to foresee a growing role for industrial process

biotechnology in the near future as implementation of bio-innovative and eco-friendly

approaches is the need of the hour. We are at a cross roads with the future in our hands.

The decisions taken today will redefine the kind of environment the present and future

generations will enjoy.


1. Anastas P. T. And Beach E. S. Green chemistry: the emergence of a transformative

framework. Green Chem. Lett. Rev. 2007; 1: 9–24.

2. Andrady A. L. and Neal M. A. Applications and societal benefits of plastics. Phil. Trans.

R. Soc. B 2009; 364: 1977–1984.

3. Barnes D. K. A., Galgani F., Thompson R. C. and Barlaz M. Accumulation and

fragmentation of plastic debris in global environments. Phil. Trans. R. Soc. B 2009; 364:


4. Hopewell J., Dvorak R. and Kosior E. Plastics recycling: challenges and

opportunities. Phil. Trans. R. Soc. B 2009; 364: 2115–2126.

5. Koch H. M. and Calafat A. M. Human body burdens of chemicals used in plastic

manufacture. Phil. Trans. R. Soc. B 2009; 364: 2063–2078.

6. Teuten E. L., Rowland S. J., Galloway T. S. and Thompson R. C. Potential for plastics to

transport hydrophobic contaminants. Environ. Sci. Technol. 2007; 41: 7759–7764.

7. North, Emily; Halden and Rolf. Plastics and Environmental Health: The Road

Ahead, Reviews on Environmental Health, 2014; 28(1): 1-8.

8. www.samarpanfoundation.org

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