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To find out what Jesus would say to people who are persecuted?

Think about what you have learnt about persecution in this topic.

Who can…Explain what the word, ‘persecution’ means?

Talk about a Christian in the Bible who was persecuted for his faith?

Talk about a Christian more recently who was persecuted for his faith?

Talk about a Jewish woman in the Tenakh who was persecuted for her faith?

Talk about a Jewish teenager more recently who was persecuted for her faith?

Christians believe in Jesus & try to live their lives following his teaching.Jesus said some things about what to do to people who persecute you – one of the most famous ones you will know well! This is a modern version of it…

O God, our father, in heaven,Your name is holy.

Come make your kingdom here and now

So everything can be the way you would want it, like it is heaven.Give us today our daily bread.Forgive us when we do wrong,

And help us forgive others who do wrong to us.

Help us do good and keep us safe.Because everything good is yours and

from you,Now and forever, Amen.

What part of this Lord’s prayer tells us what Jesus says Christians should do to people who persecute others?

What does Jesus say to people who are persecuted?

Give quotations from the Bible as evidence for your answer

To help you answer this question, you need to look up these quotations in the Bible & write them on your brainstorm…

Matthew 6:14 Matthew 5:44 Mark 11:25 Luke 6:37 Luke 23:34 Luke 6:35 Ephesians 4:32 Colossians 3:13

After you have looked up all of the quotations, remember to use them to answer the question & to give

evidence for your answer.

As a class can you answer the question:What does Jesus say to people who

are persecuted?Give quotations from the Bible as

evidence for your answer

Look at these pictures about forgiveness – what do they say about forgiveness?

Your aim for this lesson was to be able to answer the question: what would Jesus say to people who are persecuted?Think about the things that you have looked at this lesson – how would you answer this question?

Design a picture, a slogan or a piece of graffiti that shows what you think forgiveness is.If you need some ideas, you could think about the things that we have talked about in this lesson, or you could have a look at some ideas on the internet.

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