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Page 1: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Idaho...Weather Forecast ^krtiiar cWodr toBlffbt will Tues «sj'. W*mier tonight. HIch yw- .tMday 31.

Weather Forecast^ k r t i i a r cW odr toBlffbt will Tues

« sj'. W *m ier ton igh t. H Ich yw - .tMday 31. low 3. Low th b m orn -

i n r »•

N in e I r r iR i te d Id ah o C o u n tie s

T O D A Y ’S

N E W S -


V O L. X X III . N O . 310— 5 C E N T S . S«rTiM of lt« Uoll«d 1‘r. T W IN F A L L S , ID A H O , M O N D A Y , D E C E M B E R 16, 1940. O F F IC IA L C ITY N E W S P A P E R '


Foes Back in , Africa Drive

H> I*H n.lI’ TAYl.Olt C A IR O , Dec. IG (U.R)— A j 'c n c ra l ln.-iiiiqU!irl.Ts c o m m u n iq u e

lodiiy s a id H rilish juivjiiice fo rce s w e re now "w i'll a c ro s s iho L ibynn f ro n t ie r " in a sm asliin> r de so rl o ffe n s iv e a u a in s t th e F a s c is ts ill n o r th A fr ic a . ,

T h e B r i t is h ad v a n c c in to I ta lia n le rril< jry . liow evcr. w as p re sse d w h ile F a s c is t t ro o p s s ti l l held o u t a t t lie E ^ryptiiin b a se o f Soilnm , on th e M e d ite rra n e a n c o a s t n e a r th e L ih y a ii

E N G L i PUNES RAIN B O iS ON ■ B ie m y BASE

b o rd e r .Tlio Drlllsli olfcii

had cloarcU Itnllni polnte they licld <m b u t a t S o llu ia tli(

live previously from olhPi'

Egyptlim soil, t'ascl-sl.s Kllll

5 stronRly tlcfcm llnc tlie lr forll' lied pMilloiis.

T lie Brltl.sli o ttcnslvc, linw.pvcr. sw epl firouiKl-imd pa.sl Solhmi.

T lic Invasion of Libya th rew the H rlilsh do.'jcrt n riiilci—uldod by lii- tcii'slve ncrlnl and iiuvnl bom bard­m en t of llic I ia l ln as aloiig the

ro a d s -a g a ln s t stronRly 'do- /ended posltloti.i In I ta l ian du.scrt te rritory.

« Im pregnable I.lne" For fccvcral years Fa.scLsU liavr

reported th a t a n Inipreg iinb li Hue of desert forts was constructed on the fron tier of Libya, and It was ORalnst th a t scctor th a t Uic m odern B rltlsb m echanized iinll.s. inchidliiB broad-tlrcd arm ored c ars b u ilt lor desert flghtliiK. un.s rejw rted ad vanclng.

Po rt Cupuzzo, key Itn llan fo rt on th e Libyan .■ildc o f th e bordi one of th e m ain o b je c tiv e ,• PlRhllng continued today In n sand

storm- in th e neighborhood of P o rt Hftlfaya. a feur m iles In land from Solium, a n d a t aonie p o in ts B ritish U o«w hfcd crow ed In to U b y a

WIW W eil Twrtl4aiT he advance B ritish troops were

reported u iln ^ w ild w est U ctlca In consoUdatlns positicns to be lh « t&TVtt o{ axiy I ta l ia n w vtntor* a t t ic k - f o n n ln * tb e n w e l* ^ I n t o

. ; a •'•H U 4V W -M -Jrtl- 'A nlcri’can pionecra ag a in s t In d ian s . Ir. o rd e r to m eet a n a ssau lt from any of four sides.

Thouw inds, or lU illan prlsonera ^ have now reached th e In terio r of W E gypt by ra ilroad und lilghwiiy, and

have been pu t In eam ps.T h e B ritish fleet com m and

noimced a heavy bom bardm ent of Bnrbla, th e biK Italli Libyan side of llii- fron tier , de.splie nttnclis o f Ita lian m otor to rpedo bnnts. T lie I ta lian Hubmarlnji' NqIr ade, 787 tons, which n tte m p tM to pvcvciit th u luiinbartlm vnl, K\»nk by IJrill.sli ilrstroyers, Itp(l.


!>.•.S-niUClA, J iikc.Mi -A inrsMii;e (o 11m Ji'oiit

«iil(i O rrek advani-.' ui A loiiKhl Ihelr way w ltli liavi

— ’ pnrt of Tepcllnl while tiiiin rriK’rIi'illv o<-i'ii|i1<'(1

II of CliliTiiirii. on II

in (II r) • tcxlay n hi«t


UC A iito . U' 16 (U P)—LoilK' nxe Drili.sh boinber.s w iti- reported

o llltia lly loclay lo have ru ined high :plosi\i's on a co iicem ration of alliin war.--hlii.s m Napli'^ harbor, oriiiK live diiLTi h its on criil.scrs id dcsirpyers a n d dum ping h

bombs IV.O \y,ilUrsi\iiv.,Plane.s maklni,’ the "heavy,

cc.s.sful" a ttiick Sa tu rday nliih t— .second bi« .sc'aiu loyal a ir fo iee raid on thp Fa.icl.it lleei—also bombed nillroad Juiicllon.s and n lrdrc cau-slng cxDlo'.lotis innd firca, commui>l(|tiP said

T lie raid on Naples ai)]x;are<l bo com parable to th e Brltlsli a ir altaclc on the big Ilflllan base Tor' a n to . w here th ree fcalU cshlps, two cru lscrs and two aux ilia ry sh ip s were reporte<l h it.

"Bombs burst ou a Je tty lo which tw o batUc.shlps n c rc m oored , cau.s> Ing fires which b tm ied lo r a consld- erab \o tontin 'un ique saU-

alrcrr»(J‘e n u re ix>mo a^ad clo«e to a o a ld e - sh ip .’*

(Tlie raid on Naples followed Rom e preM repo rts th a t two b a ttle ­sh ips d a m aie d In ih c T n ro n to raid were a lm ost'rep ftlred a n d rea d y for action again . T lie I ta l ian com nuin i- tjtio adm itted tlip ra id on Najdes and »ald one ni<‘d ium -slzcd w arship waii \»tt unit -suttered 60 casunlUo.st.

T he royal u lr force cominiinlqiie SJiW the raid on N aplas w as heavy a n d wa.i highly successful.

"Hallway sta tio n Junctlon.s were a ttacked ri'-iillliiK In th ree la rn c cx- plosluns, Idllowert by a num ber of llres," It, addl'd.

"All of our lU reiaft rcturneO sa fe ­ly."

Christmas Gift™Goose Rcplacoil hy^team Train!

wm ypHOEDSF E ff iH A lM E ll

Replacem ent of Ibe ‘'G aliop ln i; G oose" by . a slr.-im Ira ln today cam c as a C hris tm as p r r t r n l ' t o th e sonlh ^ide iro m PrealdenM M IIIam Je ffers of th e U nion Pa rlf lr. The ‘'Goose.” show n a t top. th e sw ayinr. b u m p y -rld ln t diesel pow ered tra in , th a t ha* been th e ta rc e t of elvifl iro u p a fo r yearn. Onltom pholo, th e Kteam tra in w hich Improves service on th e Duhl and T w in K alis .to roea te iio run . The "Gooaa'' had been used only on th e afternoon schedule since s ta r t of th e m o m ln c a n d evening Meam tra in Herviee snrae tim e aco. (Times Phonos and F .nc tav ln itl

NKGIIO GDAHDKI)O FX inO K l’OWN, H. C.. I>ec. 1(1

(UPi-l'- lllv natlcma! guardsniM i were gnrrlHincil Bl IIkj counti' Jail today, proleclliiK Keverai NeKro<s from arm ed clvlllan.t wiio liad tried all tiny lo fluestSon tiifmUin rape H atiirday nf ft a i-y cn r-o l<1 w hile wfimiin.


SA L T LAKK CITY, Dcc. 16 iU.W— Tlie w eatiie r today proinU edrc.sldcnus ol llie tlielr f irs t relief from Uie abnorn: ally cold w eather w h k h se t in

i-a-sL for to n ig h t Incilcaltxl warmer ucalhcr In Utah.Iilalio fliKl Montana, atTompanlcdIn many sL'ctlon.t by llKlil miow.

I'Xiii-ciistcrs to a sUiviH<','ni,u',l at present aU .v^ the P ad -III: iHi'atl wcsL of Ill rn u ic 1.'*:owlilili (liey said wa.s innving cii.sl-wnid. Light .' now atui .I'loudlncas Inthe inoiinlaln areas « might wouldhe c.iu>,fit by olfihoot- cUii'v AHid,

>r Hint storm.

TiniiXTstiires ttiie ex|>i'cii-(l lo.^lllv lu-ai IT noi mai. alt rr a Megc ofn>Ul v.rntl'iM' thirwi! •fthlrl! llii-y<lro|i|ii'l from io lo 'if< (llllUUlll.

li'Kn-e.n below

. 1.

c|X.rt 1 (lie O rrrk.'i • f r i> Iiii1ll<' 01 uiumSe^t lh« 1 itlcf imin1-(.i- 'In of th e tciw


UrlnUts whti'h (nl vlllnKO iiiui liiiHle In the 111

('iiliiian i h oboiil :!. it III Valoiia oil (h r ol.l n wlilcii fiillown the Adiliillc- along -ivlilrh Itahiiii ton riiim PiiKO Kclda liiive llralhiK .

•riie Ti'l.i'l llil hull If ■I ilC!.

w ard Ihe liii|H>tl Ini) town Ilf Ill'll

.m r

Mrs. R o o h c v c K

Favors (iifts to Assist England

W AHHlNtvrON. J).T, 1(1 11)11) ^ Vrnnkllii l>. ito<wnveii Mdd mhIiiv fiivor/i (lUlrlKht glftn i>f cash tci (li illK alli Milliei IhMii lixiuh.

Ankeil hI a preu.'i riiiite(<'uri< It \M'ir wllllliK lo »t<il<i n e t Vlewr>

"I think It’A ahoii ed lo Klve i.oiiii'll: iiilintxT .if ix'opl.1 s iho hnpicniiliin wu n drill. l':nHliiiid liar nIUKle IhliiH. U h

, laiKi'lv, III"

rill Id lin l n llWhttt a piiUI fur <

lined <1 I'lipii> 1( has III pKnlilie.

" 'H ie rr In ■ >.lk nlHiiit hiiiiiii. Till- lliii'i him conio tc. l«lk III.,Hit ,|llI^. Canh. IfIM'ceMnry, I t In lirK rr lo l.i- rrnlln- llc. Hlld no t rrl>eiil (lie lulnlakrn iifIh r pi,«t. W lilil v „ |u„ liiive « r |(«tDill of Iho limiifl III (Up l»M w u lV

^ tilio WIIS llleii nnkrd w hen ' d im e '▼ oiln.niunild ciiiiio r i„„ i.

•■Out of your [XH-krln niiil itilnr. III fine way or .niotlier," nhe ««l<l. Hii« ludlcnled dim n iean i guvcniiifuiit

IWl UM »«lV USB lilB WUKlfl lieinelf.

S I m 'M I l I i K ' l c S i n i i ( J e l i h r U o v h

i i e i r ’. * r« .e yi.u’ll I.e .e rluK „fl Yollk iiitMlel, h I>» ha* b rri i •,«>|rr|i Din Aiiny" iHiiirrn, M il l Haaiifll lU plla l MilliUlrr.

(NKA TelepUolo) -II, liilriidiK ills ['.luliir lla iM lI, New •«l l« piMM* fiir Untied niaCr* "Jn ln U lh« d a u fh l t r or k l)alia>,

Knudsen Orders Speed-up In Machine Tool Building

W A S H IN G T O N . Dec. 16 (U.R)— W illiam , S. K inu isen , pro- (h ic tion c h ie f o f th e n a tio n a l defeiiHe eomini.-^.sion, lias d is ­p a tch ed lo tte rr t to m ach in e tool m a m ifa c tu re r s a tu i t lu 'ir ‘inp loyes telliilK th e m lh a t ‘‘d e liv e ry m u s t b e spt-t'ilei! m i”

hccaiise o f t l l(^ ‘■le^rible iir>.rency o f Ih e .s i tu a tio n ."'Ill- K iu id so n le t te r s w ere d a tu d Dec, .!). M a iiu l'a c tu rc rs 1- iiiK ed lo cli.splay (he ajipca l p ro m in e n tly so th a t ilie ir tloyes m i j 'h t see it.

iiwpwti'h o f th e k t te i s V.i\f, dlsili>-i-«1 (fKliiy n inld s [K'ciiIhi loii

I'lesldeiit. Roo.sevelt nmK-m- pliiii", n ]>ro('lami>tlon o f iinlliiiliiil

"mi'iKeney lo jilve renrm- Ikiycholotflcnl sh o t In llie

II,1m ' iiig ra tiiln led tin Ki'TH.-llUM, H er Cliwrluiftl.- ;stiiiilc'y Hiirlicr• .............^ ’hlm.-'ell In the

r .SjM-ed Anhec

Ud.seli huld.

1 I lin r. T h e < lia

III' linw r]liollii) Hr.’ (Ii-llvi'rv, ’ f,|i.'«'d,-<l lip,


Ith Wl'lll' •no rilU' II


-Siimlvii H uy, th ree - y e a r - «U' imiKhter of Mr. and Mrs. I.. W, iluy [-\^ln Falls, was In tlie county gen­ia l iiosplUil th is aflernooii under- ;fi1iig tr e a tm e n t for severe biiini .iilferrd w hen h e r elolliUig eaiiKli ir« Hi ih e family home tlili iiornlhg.

II Is iiiKlersl'KHl tiie girl opened lie iltKir of the Uvliin viK>i» hviUluii a.ive and iier clothing e a ii g h i ililazr. H er m ollier wili oiit-sldr ilu u)ii;,(- ni, th e Iline mid, hearing hei laugh ter s rrc an i. ru ilied Into il;i K'liM- iinil rxtliiH iihhi'd Die flniiiev

T he a((eii,lhig |> h v i . | r l n i i llii .{ t.rnoon s.ilil (he girl i., s , if tn im

liliil degn11,11110 I'al.

B ritish Forces Pound Ahead on

Ita lian FrontsST1U <;.\, J u to \ la \U . Dee. 16 lUP — Repiirls from the froiilie r loniKhl

sa id firei-k Iroops oeeupled the u tralexie town of Tepellni. on the cen tra l Albsnlati from , a t i p. m.

u \ iliipalrh from a. I 'n ited I*re«« eorrekpandenl nu liide TcpeU nl said G reek truopt yexlerday «>cre on th e oulxkirLi of the town.)

Greek iniops fo iith t th e ir way in to p a rt of the town th is m orninc a f te r a bayonet ehatKe. D u rln j th e d.'«y they pushed th ro u eh the s tre e ts and from house-(o-houite the Ita lian s resUled b ltleriy .

I .ate ih li a fternoon. It was reported , the oeeupalion wa» com pleted.At th e sam e tim e a n o th e r C.teek eoiumn on the A flrlatlc ro ast was

sa id to have oreupled C h lm ara .Ita lian Iroops were repo rted r e tr e a tln j northw ard from Tcpellnl

a lont: a secondary road th a t leads Ih ro u ih llie Trebe*lna m ^ n ta ln s .

By JO E AI.KX A lO llltlS T iiiled P ress »'orci{n News Editur

G re a t ‘H rita in a n d h e r G reek a llies sm ash ed heav ily a t I ta ly today , b lasting ' an I ta l ia n f lee t co iice iitra tio n a t N ap le s , d riv iiiK in to L ib y a a n d pre.ssiiiK ftn w ard in A lb an ia a.H G er­m a n y h in te d p o ssib le r« 'p n sa ls a K a in s t-F ran ce fo r - th e o u s te r o f P ie r re L ava l. '

T h e H ritish m idd le e a s t co n in ian d re iw rled fiv e d i r e c t hil.s o u -a c o n c e n tra tio n o f I ta l ia n w arsh ip s in th e h a rb o r o f

N ap le s w h ich w a s a t ta c k e d b y n jw w erfu l sq u a d ro n o f ro y a l a i r fo rce borfibera S a t u r ^ y niifh t.

Tlio raid npiMrcntJy was alm ost as :vere ax tile a tta c k at. T a ia n to

which the BriltOj claim ed p u t a t least tliree ItAllan d rea d n au g h ts ou t of com m k-lon. At N aples. B rltlsli bombs wore said to h av e fallen clase to two I ta l ian ou ttlesh ip s and upon a F ascist c ru iser and destroyer fleet w hich was concen tra ted In tha Ji arbor.

Score D lreet H itIta ly odm ltlw l th e B ritish had

scored a d irec t h it o n a "medium* fcl»e«l” w arship a t N aples. In flict­ing 50 ca.sualUes on Its personnel.

In tiie w e.ttem d u e r t Brltlsli ad* ran e e forces drove "well over” tha L ibyan border, b u t I ta l la n a s ti ll held Uw low n pf SolJum on Uie E gyptian side of th e fron tier , a n d w ere re lis t­ing vigorously.

F ro n tier repo rts from A lbania aaid G reek Iroopa h a d anxBShed 1 tow ns of C hlm ara, on th e T * a ^ and. TepfeUnl oa ^ the .

Repetcusslona o f tb « s t ^ i n c ' i 8 « In P rance sp re a d th ro o g h o u t: rope while B r itish forces—oo oire*alve aa never before atnce s ta r t o f th e w ar—sm ashed across border o f L ibya an<l hu rled punl Ing a ttoclct a t B erlin and N aple

Today’s liln t a s to O erm any's tllude tow ard Uie F re n ch develop­m en ts was th e f irs t to come from U eillii where news of U v a i 's ouster was received in official silence.

N'o H in t o t Fu tu re ■Ilie com m ent o ffered In Berlin

le tt MuicU to b« x\iew,c(i a t . H em - p tiaslieil G erm any Is “£1111 a t Wor

: w ith F rance '' niui th a t rela tions be­tween (Jio two co im trics a re govern­ed by an ormlstlce.

In view of tJiR in ipo iU nce of Uio chiiiige in V'rance. a Nnal s|)okc»- nnn added, (he question is raised 'w hether IJie p resen t s ta te of affaliS '

sJiall 1)0 cool Inued."Tlie C irnnan sU le n ic iit o ffered po

h in t of wliat th a n g ii m ig h t be cnn- •rnplaieil. If, liowcver. L av u l 's 'fs ll I linked In any m a n n er w ith Ita l- in \' <llfflcullles and ii G erm an de- rv lo »Kl I t i i ly -n s KOine diplom utic ■jHirla have suggl'sU ^l-U lo Nazis liiv lie ciiijslilrnrig m i-iipnlhm Dt Ulti ■Imle oJ Manci- and liie wiping out t ih r flO-ciillr<i "iiiic)C<-liplf«tl

ilrr (he

W ASHINGTON. Dec. 18 (UR>—T he U. jS ^ u p rD in e court today upheld co iistltu iionality of the federa i w ater pow er a c t in a decision broadening th e federal governm ent's auU iorlty lo regula te dcvelonm ent of h yd ro ­e lec tric power resources.

T h e decision. In th e governm ent’s .,ise agDimt the A ppalachian E3ec' tr ie Co. held Iho federa l govern­m e n t had power to reguta le such re- sources regardless of w h eth er the source of Itie power was a n»vlgatjle s t te a ta <ir n o t. N av ljab lU tt o t % stre am heieiofore h a s been a d e - ( .a ln a u l^ « e t v i m In imiita.-i> c ra l power.

Upholds W lneensln l^ w T h e suprem e court xiphehl a W ls

consin la x law levying on incom e pained by ou t-o f-s ta te corporations o |)eratlng wlUiln W lscoailn. In a

to four decision Ihe high court n b road extension to th e realm

of s ta te taxation , "nie constitutlo a t llm ils of a s ta le tax , Ju il lce F ilx F ra n k fu r te r said In th e m a jo rity opinion, a re se t by (he state',s ability M) give a service in reliirn .

ti» th e power c iw , tUe govei in r iil sought a declnrHlloii l i ia t i ApiMilat-iilan Electric i ’ower co pdiiy had violated th e taw by c< stru c tln g a power dam on the New river near R adford. Va.. w ithout o'Ulrtiiilng a ledernl imwer coniml.i sloii license, txiwcr rourt.s hnil held no license neces,sniv,

.Iii.stlre H lonlry K. H erd w io le the nm jorllv opinion fioin « h l ih Ju sllce O ttrn J , K obetts mill Ja rne t C .-M c- Iteynolils dlssenti-d. C lilrf Ju.stlcea m rle .i « Hiitrties

Spud, Onion Week Publicity Starts


HlMI. Mill Wollhl llll,|l'l'-ti, 1r|r llM< ,'Ulll|l|lH;,|„h I', llli ijm i'al III yon Id pu l I'vnI liave, Willioilt miiK. II Diilv l>y th e ciiopcuKliiii

111 llils iiu llim u l <1111II ih e dofeiinr (n»k Hr i1,

( v h r i s t m a s

tic 111 m s

lirUiiUn, n .i-«i; uMii ii'tii-.liiiinilH (liHt « rr m ip ri'p ilitlr j e l lne» |'n i

l l i r I triU iif l l i i i r i lirl|M ii»i lililll >>Mii iiirnix frir ilie liiill.Uv ■ ii>li .eiixi.ti III ^)•r•l.ll *<-i|r> m llrlrn l>i-|ltMlll<K nil Ihe mhIiiI |>nRe liie . iln , . H r,, 17. H rrr'n n lia l ymi h IM IIkiI th l- x r ih :

■|'iie.,li,r- -•|ii..lll|iiii# l, ( l.il> |.

VVcdlVCHllAT -* llftW t (v>tllie ( 'li ililin itn li^M^ ^

’lhiii>di>y-~l'rNiilil»iirtrili-w«-ii> far r h r l . ln i .n U*’

Mntiirilay—.('hrUlinHii r ie piii

^en( i,|M','ial ilhpln

inlrii,lr<l (hl.s pov>ri

II iirl.l 1hi- N,'v

FlU Leader Savs H<‘<ls SlioiiKI n«‘ Ousted, liri<l««“s Deported

MIAMI III'rACM. Mil , Ik , '

nliliiiilM> llllll

((I'll t

gW T'llllll (;iiaiiiiiN >||(I|> iH ei, I ) . 'i-rK, lit Hip i,„i„ immim-e un-Aiiieinil iictlvltli-s h a d licliherulely iliwit a t III* r u i "for lio ry of \ l

r Vli hy .lA val In Custody

■ly auirm m dcd Laval',^ ihis- l 11 was ii|H)nrriit l(. was ril dh e ftlv w llh h is ainbl-

M ontanans Hold Up Wrong Bus in Wild W est Fake

1. II l l i r l r w,iiK

U llilil’ui'S nii,1 Ihe 0,1ll-|Mllt

kM>n. Inn nulil tie ilitrv H enrial wiiiililk UlV tlANlS »{ ll\e

Mial lie-' Kalil ih e FD I's

ie,-i>Kt-i <li<l no t ro iitalii a a in ite ' ’r(in,«>rle<l avt of M Uilna"." e n d Re w as liilormeil no *in)i cases litd been tetiorlMt ell her In C anw la o r U ro a t llrllain .

l>ec. 18 --If you

laKr llie woid of five t l r e a t Fulls men U no t so ho t. As a result, th rv w i'ir h iding o u t UMlay from Ih rli liieiidn. n o t th e iMlIre,

I'hr iiulntel cimneived th e idea n1 VlslVlllBoigiiiil«nl1»ii iHixeis fiom (IhU'ngii II ii'a l "wild west" wrl,<omn wlieit lliiy niilvcit iiere, Ho tho Jokois

lilghwny lo ’ tinidI- t:iiu i’ im

iltclv. T ilt jiike.Merii held up th a wrong Imi iiiul had i<> iiinlie iirofuse and red- lix ril niKilogies. ilien w ait for th a |iu>i>er Inis, 'O ie second "Ito ldup ' Vi<N'ee<le<l siiuMAIily eaecp t for on» th ing A ssistant C oach Louis ' Hnitsieiida of th e OYO grou|k had not been notified In advance, as iif>d been Coach Paddy K ane and f a t h e r W illiam O entlem aii.

fthea,iiiiu>e<l. Hhea sw uiiv and d idn ’t. Ho lliere had lo be m o n apdlogiw .

Tlie Chicago boxer* w«r« im* p re s se d -b u t U i t jokestara thaV Ihe whole tM >i| « u noV w orm th e It (heir frientii

Page 2: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Idaho...Weather Forecast ^krtiiar cWodr toBlffbt will Tues «sj'. W*mier tonight. HIch yw- .tMday 31.

Weather ForecastI ekwdjr U m ifb t u d T nes-

W an n er ton igh t, i l l f h y n - Im 4v s i. low t . Lo«^ thU m«>n>- I t t f .

N in e Irr iR a le d W ah o C o u n tie s

T O D A Y ’S


V O h . X X III . N O . 810— 6 C E N T S . T W IN F A L L S , ID A H O , M O N n A Y , U H C E M B E E IG , 1910. O F F IC IA L C IT Y N E W S P A P E R

GREEKS CAPTURE STRATEGIC CITYBritish Push Foes Back in Africa Drive

Christmas Gift—Goose Rc])Iaco(l hy Steam Train!

»>• riU L H * TAYI.OKC A IR O . Ucc. IG (UP.)— A vic-i>«val h c a ili iu u r le is cotiiniuni(i,ac

to d a y sa id B r it is h a d v an ce fo rc e s w e re now ’‘well a c fo s s lh e L ib y an f ro n t ie r " in a sm a.shinj,' d e s e r l offeii.'^ivt; ak 'a iiis t th e F a s c is ts in n o r th A fr ic a .

T h e B r i t is h lu lvance in to I ta l ia n tc-rriUn-y. how p re s se d w h ile Fa.sx’is t troupe s t i l i h ek i o u t u t th o K ^:yp lia» b a se o f Solium , on th e M e d ite r ra n e a n c o a s l n e a r th e L ib y an b o rd e r.

T he Brltlsli offctislvp prcviou.sly h a d c lcared Itnlliiiis Irom oUicr points they licld oti Egyptlftti soli, b u t a t SoUum tliu l-Vscl-sLs still •jfCYf; BlTongly ticIcmllnR Oitiv JotlU lied poslUoiis.

T lic BrltU li olti'ii-slvc. howovcr. sw ept oroiiiid am i i>;iai SoUuiii.• T he liivaiion of Libya tlircw ihe BrItLsh dc.sert armlc:,—allied by In- Icuslvo ncrlftl a n d naval bom bard­m e n t of llie I ta l la m oIodb the coiuilal roads—ftgalii.st strongly de- Iciidcd poilU oi« In I la l la n dvscvl tc rh to ry .

Im pregnable l.iiie

}'’o r kcveral years Pascl-M-'i have reported th a t a n Im pregnable lliic o f dcfi«rt forts was c o n s tru c te d on th e fron tier o f Libya, ntid It wati again st th a t scclor (h a t th e n iodeiii B illU h nwthttHlxed uuU s. includlv^a b road -tired arm ored cnr.s bu ilt d esert ligh ting , wag reported vanclng.

Po rt Capuizo, key Itallun lo r t th e U b y an side of tlie border, one of th e m ain objectives.

Pllfh ting conthiued today in a sand s lo n n in th e neighborhood of P o rt RtLKtL^A, « few m iles Inlar.d Irom Soljum, ■ ■


G m BASECAIHO. EKVpt, Dec. 1Q-(URi—Long-

raiiKe Brlllsli bojiiber.s were reported lally today to Imvp ruiiieti h igh

cxplcpsiws a fo iitv n u m io n of lU llu n war&hliX'. In Nu)>U> harbor, sto rliii; live tiii'ocl hlt-s fin crul.scrs and destroyers iiiul dum ping heavy boiub.s u roum l two battlrililiv .,

Plaiic.i m aking tiic "liravy, .suc­cessful” o ltnck Salurciuy nlghL— second bl« .scal.e royul a ir fo ire raid on Lhe Fa.sclst lii'c l—al-so bombwi ra ilro a d junclloiLs and a irdrom es, c au iln g explosions and fire.s, the coiiiinuilliiue MiUi.

T lie fnld on Naple.s appeared to bo com parab le to Uic BrU lili air

; 'w id a t some p ^ t s big I ta l ia n base T a r -troo ja h a d crow ed balU eshlps, two

c ru ls crs and two auxiliary sh ip s wereW ild W o t T ^U o *

T h e aflrancB B ritish trtw p# reported using w ild w est ttc tlc a In cttisoU dftting podU ons likely t o be th « ta rs e t of I ta l ia o countcr* a tt(tck—form lnc U u tiuelves i Q t o

,, r r l f " . - . . iI ltf’‘AnVcrI-ean p loneert agaln&l I n d l iu ^ ''l i i o rd e r to m eet a n a u a u l t from any of fou r sides. .* ‘

T housands of l ia lln n p risoners ^ have now rencJied th e in te rio r of

E gypt by ra ilroad and highw ay, and have been pu t In canip.s.

T lie B rltW i flee t commaiijl nounced a heavy bom bardm ent of Barblo, th e big I la llan base on tiic L ibyan side of the fron tier, de.spltc a ttac k s of I ta l ian m otor to rpedo bonts. T h * UhUnn hubm arlne N al- nde, 787 toiw, wliich a ttem p ted to preven t th e bonibnrdm m t, wa.s Himk by Drili.sll dMlroyer.i. U wa,^ ».v ed.

B ritish Forces Pound Ahead on I ta lian Fronts

S T K H ; \ D «-. l« Oj"— Reports from lh e fronUef loninhtui<l ( i r rv i (Tw>p% th e M raleclr tn « n n( Trpelinl, on thet*ntra) Mts*nUn 41 < |v. nv

<.\ f r » » • rrt-v.» ro rre iponden l outside TepelinI u idOtTvk w ttT nn th e out^klrt.ii ot ( h r lJ(wn.l

t i n r k t tw p i foR tltl th e ir ««> Inin TVtrt nf th e (o»n IhLi morning ih e a»T they pushed th ro u jh the

frvsB* hA aw ^to-hosse th e Ita lian s resitted bltlerly.L ate li ib anrrm >*tt. i t «»» rrpo rted . the (x^tspatlon was complcled. -»t Ibe tiB»e attA ther t>r«-k ro lam n on th e A driatic c o n t wm

iMii l« hiVT •rv«T«N4 CMmat*.llaU aa t i w ^ » ^ rr ’ rejw>rlMJ r r l r r a t in r no rthw ard from Tepetlnl

aloac a « tv«ndari t<>*d th a t leads th rauxh lhe Trebe*lna m ountains.


KTRUOA, J ilgo-'lav iii.IK r. ill — A me^sflKp to Itin ( ro n i irr today Raid O reek iidvani''' tinll.s Imil

I fought l i i r l r way w ith huyiuifUi liuo one p a rt of Tei>'‘llnl wiilit- an roluiiiiLreiMirlcdly orfU]ilc(l lhe la l lowii nf Clilinai'ii, nn lln- rniid In VInnu.

’H ip rriKirtu miW tli r lirrrk :) drove In to (;iiln iara a fl 'T a In illl '' on th» lielHhU whlc'li n lirroundrti llm rniin- tid vIllnHe and » l>rli't hiiii<l-lo-luitid Imltle In Ihe Ktirrln <if lhf> l<iwn.

Chlnm ra in ixlmiil niJf''i noiiMi (>r Viilmia on d ll' (lid niiili' lii iik

'w hich foiloWA dll' Aclrliillr cnaM iind alcinK whli'ii iliillun drlvi'iiJvwH Vnrt.i V'.iU n have h r rn i r - IrralluH .

•ilir 'I'rpcllnl

repo rtod hit,b u rs t on a Je lly lo which

tw o tja ttlesh lp s were m oored, caus­in g fires w hich bu rned lo r a consid- erab lo tim e,''jih ff com m unique said."Qrw'-' »lrcr«ti enLire uomo ii>ad close to a o o i a e ' eh lp ."

(T lie ra id on NHpIea foUowed R om e p ress i-eports th a t tw o b a ttle ­sh ip s dam aged It) th e T u ra iito raid were a lm o st repaired and ready for ncUon iigaln. T lie I ta l ian com m unl- quo iidm ltted tJie raid on Noples tind sa ltl one m «lium -stzcd w arship wa.s h i t and suffered 60 casualtle .si.

T h e royal a ir force coninuinlfiue sa id th e raid on N aplw wu« heavy a n d w as hlgiily successful.

"R ailw ay sliilion Junctions were n ttjick rd re.^iilting In th ree large cx- ple.slon.-i. followed by a num ber of Ilrc.s," It a<lil.'<l.

"A.U (tt our a lrrc ttd reU iriw l safe­ly.’'

N K (iltO (lUAItDKI)O EO nciF7IX)WN, H. C.. l>of, lf|

(U .D -ri lly nailoim i guardhincn were Karrisoiii'ti a t tlio cminly Jnli today, protei'liuR nrve.nil NrHrrx'N from iirmed civilians who had lil r i l all tiny auiHliiy to cnicsUcm th v w ahovil Uin ra|>r HaLiirdny of n w hite woman.

R eplacem ent of th e “C a llop ln r Goose" by a steam tra in today cam e as a C h rU tm as present to th e so a th *lde f r e n Prenident J r fT e n“ "■ - - - • ay lnc . bum py-rld inc diesel po\Tercd tra in th a t h a i been The U rf « l o f cW kof th e Union rsc lfic . T he •'Goose.” show n a t lop. is th e . _

fo r y e a n . Boltiim pholo, th e steam tra in w hich Improves scrviee on th e Buhl a n d Tw in Falls lo r o c a tr lio run. only on the afte rnoon schedule since s ta r t of th e m orn ing a n d evening sleam tra in service some tim e ago.

I I | | [ F S E N )N Knudsen Orders Speed-up B H O COLD SNAP ‘ In Machine Tool Building

SA L T LAKR CITY . Dec. 16 lUI-.t— T he w eather bureau today promUed re.sldeni>^ of th e in tc rm oun tu in a rea th e ir Mist ic llc f from tlie abnonu - ally cold w ealher w hich se t In a week ai:o. T'’o reca-'t fo r t ^ g h t In- dlL'Bte<I w nnncr w cathi-r In Utnlu Idatio anti M onla tiu , acrum panli-d In iiiiiny seciioii.i by IIkIiI Know.

l\>rci'asliTs |x>lnti'<l lo ft siorni (I'liti 'm l a t pre.sent aix)M' th e Pacl- Uv. wes^ ol S’AH Fri\ncW-ow hiili Ihpy sn id wa.s m oving ea.M- w aid LlKht snow an<i cloudincss Uj tin- tiiounlAln arca.s tonlKlit would hr,i:«UM'(l by ofl.iliooih of ih a t storm, Uic\- AaKl,

TiniiXTAtuieK ■ wi'li- . exiM'ctnl lo •Miiv iitMicr no in ia l, i if in a .slcm- of roltl wriMhi'f utiW h \liry<li.>p|ji (I /rnm 10 lo 'Ji <lrKic<-s Ix-low

W A S H IN G T O N . D ec. 16 (U,R)— W illiam S. K iiiidsen, pn>- iclion c h ie f o f lh e n a tio n a l d e fe n se comini.-^sioii, .lias d is ­

p a tched ie tte rf t to in ac liin e too) m a n u fa c tu re r s a n d ( lie ir ■iniilnyes te llinR th e m th a t ‘‘deh’v e ry n u is t be sin 'edcd up"

l)eiaiisi* o f t lie " te iT ib lo iirnpiicy o f U ie .sitiiatiu ii."Till" iv n tid sen l e t t e r s w ere d a te d Dec. 9. l\lum if;u 'liir iT s

.•eto to d ia p lu y th e a\ipeu l p ro m in e n tly t liu l t lu iiijilnyes niiKlU so e i t . ------------------------------------ ----------Tlic (IhpaU-h of th e le tir

lbc|o',-<l to<lay am id api'ciilaliini Ihrtl i ' l r s ld r m lloa.M «ell ronli-m- p laii^ 11 proclam ation of unlliuitctl

iiml emei gcnry to jilvo i il n iwycholoBlcal .shot 1


O IN G A F i , GIRL,3

K inulsrn congrfttn ln ted th e nmnii- ,ctur«T?i on ih e ir •'reinarkahlc ■hlrvrmi'nt ■ as i r iw lc d In liicir ns. K'llltlcm.^ ii-<rni rc|w)rt on cxpiui-

S I O l FA lA t m G A L E f f i y i l U OK tTTcnu.M , 1V 0 . in i;s |.r.ii.i)

8 liMilcy Jlalin 'i', :!(). a rrldc iila liv ^||llt liUnsc'K In ilic u iouth v nu'iillUK w lih It 3i)-:in I |i. ni, H atiirdiiy . lu rorillim i llowes, IlLihu- county .slii-rlfl

'n il- iMxly w a .1 found in Ih. th e (Jiilcna ;<lorc, a t llii' hlii

lidcna Aiinnnll. lie wm lli dr, iiiKl Ml.-,. (niK ill's IlKitin

ol the Ktoic, and n-sl^li-hl-..um v U.r iiu-' ,,aM Hhi-rllf Howc,-., 1)1'. r-r am i 'r ia flli- O u l r i '

i i l l lr . ' of Argvii>ki>hir<iii <> w ard [h r lni|xitl'>ni Inn tow n nf HrinI,

1 II.-;

Mrs. ll(»()Hcvclt FavorH (Jifts to

AssihI Kii)i;lan(I

fi(\orn nu triuh t Kt>i'> of rasli i lr lia ln r a th e r Ilian Ioann.

Asked n t i« p irhs c im lrrcn virie wlllintt to "iiini her lonnn to Utlliilu, »iin replied:

" l, lh ln k lf« HliiHil tim n we 4*d jo give MiiiirthhiK, A < niin iltrr of i>ni)iln nt-rin to lni th e tmpren.'lon wp are giving n deni. ICnglaiKl h as paid -fur alngin th ing . II lian been for oiii hennllt, liirgr'ly, t>rniil;,n It hah In cranned oilr rm iiu llv lo ptodiiiT.

•"n irrn In not inui-ii ii-anoii now K (uU nixml liiiiiin. T he liinn hm come to lulk bIh>iiI H>i<» (^mh, If necessnry. I t is tie llrr to lir rcatl«- Ui\ nnd/lloV re|)ci«l Ihn nilMakca o Iho p.i»(. W hat vuliio have wr ko o u t of tlie lonnn In tlir lant waiV "

lilie was then ii*k<‘d whnin tlirm ▼,<lftA should coiiin fnm i.

. ' (Jul of your |KM;k4iia a n d m ine, In Dim way or anh ther,” nlm nnld. lilm Indicotcd uho ineun i govn iniirnl KifU, b lit <lid h o t unn tlin words hMSf-ll,

Ry JO E A l> ;X M O R R IS I n«te^ r r r u Fofrign News t^dltor

G rvjtl H iilA in »n»i h e r G reek allio.s sn ia s iie d heavily a t Ilal>- tiHl.-i), I 'la s t in u » n I ta lia n fle e t c o n c e n tra tio n a t N aples, d riv iuv : xutv» L ib y a uuvl vrvs-sinj; (ovw aril in A lb am a a s G er­m a n y hint«Hl rx 'j'ris itls a p a in s l F ra n c e f o r th e o u s te r o f H eri\> U tv a l.

T h e UritL-ih m id d le e a s t c\'iiimHml re jw r te d fiv e d ire c t h its o n » cor.v:entr;ition o f I ta l ia n w ars liip s in th e h a rb o r o f

N ap les w h ich wa.s a tta c k e d b y {towcrfiil sq u a d ro n o f ro y a l r fo rce b o m b e rs S a tu rd a y

n is l i t .TMe raid apparen tly was alm ost as

rvere as lite a ttack a i T a ra n to h irh th e B ritW i c laim ed p u l a t

2ea:.t th ree I ta l ia n d rea d n au sh ts o u t of commLvlon. At Naples. Britisli t>ombs wYre sa id to have fallen d a s e to i«-o I ta l ia n battlesh ips and upot\ a F a sc \s t c ru iser and d» U o y er f]tel w hich w as concentra ted In the l»an » r.

Scor* D lreet li l t ItaJy a d m itte d Uie British had

scored a d ir e c t h it on a ••medium* .vised” w arsh ip a t Naples, in flict­ing SO castisiU es w i Its personnel.

In th e w estern desert British ad* ■niiic* lo rcea drtive "w ell mrer" Uie L ibyan bon ie r, b u t lU lla n t s till held th e (own nf Solium oh th e EBTptlan ^ide of th e fro n t ie r , a n d w cr t resist* ing Ttgorously.

P ro iitie r rep o r ts from A ibao ltuU d G reek troopa h a d sm u h e d in to tiij to w m of Chlm atm . on

a n d T ^peU ai _ .

R e p err io s la n s o f th e s tiu titng -'>H tn Pr»rK-e e p re ad th ro o ilio u t ~ rope w bue B rltlah forces—on otfe»sl\-e a s n e v e r before altKc S ta n of th e w a r—w nashed across

S a n d ra Hay, th ree - y e a r - el duunhter of Mr a n d M rs. I . W. H» 'I'v.lH Falls , -ft’as in th e cmviity g-rn- e n d ho.spltai Uils a lte rn o o ti under going trea tm e n t for severe bum .'iiillcred w hen he r c io tlilng caugh t fire a t Uif fam ily hoctJ* inornlng.

It h uiulersltKKl th e girl <H>eiie\l th e door of th e UvIuk too iu lwwt,u\s .’ilcive a n d h e r c lo th ing c a ti i iililnzr. H er m o the r w iu outside liou.se n t th e tim e and . h ra r tn x lie; •daUKhter ,'cream , ru \h e d Inti* ili ho ii'e a n d cxllnK U l'hed (he {taIn^^

'H ie a tten d in g p l i v a t c l a n tlm iiftcrinKin Mild Ihe Kirl is M i(friin< MTonil iiiill tlilKl <lrKrrc l)urn% aiul lh a t h r r I'onililltm U rrHH'nl

Spud, Onion W eek Publicity Starts

IlDIHt-;, Dei- in lUH' -Hie l.l.il o nlu•l (l. ln^ m inrnl'M on liw c.uni'l'-- 1(1 III I iiiiKcinrnl.s lor |iioni<>li«ii <.[

Uliilio poliito niiit (inliiii Hcek Jttn 17 lo J, . (riiulrniiin K N »Vit,» • jiiiM' sjilii loiliiy

'I'Ue niimiits-vliiu %eul vwil U-l li'i.s oulllnliig th e pioiiiotloii i’(>, 4IIUU a n d has nn it ,')>eclnl ili-viil.kt iiiiili-rlal ill ;’.00<rT{ro«ers. joWx-ti ind ilia lli Aloir o |>eralois lh iou(l> . m u lh e co iintiy .


W .^smSOTCVN. DW l« ( l 'r> -T h e . S. su p m n e c ou rt to d a y ^ l^heM

vC Vhe le Je ra l w ater po i e r a r t m a tJfciacw broartenmB th e federa l ivxTTTiwent^ au tho rity lo r e s u m e dexeloamewt c t h 'd ro * elec tiK pow er m w m w . '

T h e decisxsx. m th e tw venim rnt'S case skgatns: th e AfSMtschkax^ Bee- tr ie C » heJd th e ft>i«r*l t a tn l h » 'i pow rr lo 4® *v T»-s o - i im r e t a n t t t a o f w h t ib * ' th e 50uree of th e pow er w as a nikvigabte s tream r.ot. N axisabditj^ « f *i stxeam h e te ta Jo n h a s a

t r i o t tn' e n l p e w .

V fk M t W tM M ttte U wT ti* to o r t N ^ e '.d a V.'VS'

c cm tn ta x law c a incomegamevl b r c * it-^ -* ta ie f\->epc«ii»ftni i>t)er«tuvs wxthta W 'rsfv««i^ In a f u e (a tvuir lievtwon th e high eourt K»»e a b rc«d e-rten>>vW to th e realm c ! s ta te taxatK'ix. T^.e <v>;-.iU»uUi-«j- a t I ttu ts o i a sta.le t a t J.isU.-e I n FTsuikluner vas,! UJ th e niajvV.iiy

as-e se t t t abiluyto gut* a s e r t « In »r;u;Ti

In lh e power i;-.e o ^ e iu -en l jou^ h t a H u t the

A ivaU chu ;^ KlevtX).- IVw ivu tt had XKiUtevl tl-.e ikw s t r w im r a pew rr (!»m cci th e New r u e r r e a r Radtv«\i. Ya » itJ jcut ( 'it jU iln ^ a lev*.e;at s-timmts-

V-ft-iv-*. Li'-atr no license neet-vsaiv.

S»an!e> K »?eevl m ma)vxitv Oa'iUT-0 » e a J Kc*>e!-.-v »!..! .*s:r,rx C Mc- JteMioivb ClMef .UiMlce

lO sn s o;,i n .

lB«atWt •.! K uh ti

fNKA Telfplioi«)l le r r 's a farn yaii'll |ir serlilg n lien, In iro d iiiln i K la li^ lla iM tl, New

Vnrk m adrt, whn has iirrn neirileil In |i<(i>e hir tli illed H talM "Join I h f Arin>>" iMuirrn. Mia* n a u e l l la ilin d a u |ii(e r of a Uallaa, T t s ,

m inister.

Hliv llie <li-Iciir.i> co inn ilis Ing tliln ap if-a l lo you |o pu t ev Ihliiu >1)11 linvp, wlU im it ntliil. your |<ii> o iilv liy Ih e moTK>rnti'<i flverylKHlv in Ih h n n tlm ia l <-i)i g e iuvV nn tU'In lliiie '

• l : t r i i l i i ( 'illiira i>rl|H >011 1>U|| >r>ut' rnrul* (»r Uie liulltUv

I In a ->i|>ri'liil u rilrs of il lr< lirKlMlilns on llir Koi liil

TliciiiUr, I'ec, II. Ilrrr 'ii H hal you will find lliln n e rk :

I i m d n r —'I'l biIIIIiiiuiI 4 In 1st - ■iiun uirwls.

W riliirvduv l)riiiinllcMi« (or l lir C liilsliim o <«lilr,

Ti i ut oday— t U»r t l » for C’h iis liiU s,

K riday—C hrU liiiaa ijin iieu . N alitrday—ChrU iiiia* e«e |Mr-

Ue defetVMt ta s k d«i>

ins a i ta c ts TViday’s l i l n t a s to G erm any'

th u d e tow ard Uie F rench develop- mrni.s was U ie f irs t to come from

w here new s of Laval's ouster wa.^ rev'flved Ui Tjfflclal silence.

S « H in t U Fv tura T lie com m en t rfffercd in Berilrt

left m uch to be guease<I a l. I t em- )>haMted O e n n a n y Is "aUli a t wor

iUi F tan c e" BiKl th a t relations be- aee n th e l a o ccm ntrles are goveni-

wl by A n arm i.'tlce.'flew of tJie Im portance of Uie

change m F ra n ce , a Nasi ^iwkea- nn adiipiV U ie qiiesUon is raised heihftr Uie p resen t s ta te of affairs

shall be co«>Unued.'^Tlie G erm an s ta irm e n t offered no

h im ol whAt changn m igh t be con- lemplAlevl If, However, Laval's fsll ts linkett in a n y m an n er wlUi Ila l- isn s ' difflciiltle.s and a G erm an de- -Mi» lo nhl lii ily —as some diplomatic jTliIvi* h a > r hiiK«esic<l—Uin Nazis nim t>e caiiNUIrrinK occupation of Um w lmlr of r 'ln n c r and tile wiping out •■t Uie *o-c«IIn1 •■unoccupiixl rone" «M rii |> m uter liie nonilnni rvile of llie Vlihy governm ent

iJ tv a l In Cu*tody MvMciy suircnm dcd Lavnl's ous-

i n bu t II w as aiHinrenl II whs t,M illia rd ilirfv llv w ith his iimljl- llu iu l« bc«»>in«‘ till- Mipicmc |wjwer i;i Kinni-i' tclriiiiiinK .Mantinl ilun>H l*lllUl.i>r I 'r ti.li i 10 the i>ri»1tlon Of

olllallirO flM>utnnii«liii

I' Bl l^eader Savs Ueds Slioiiltl l{(^ ()iist<‘<K Hri<l«rs l)« ‘|H H ie d

MIAMI IlKAtril Kill D llei'liir .1 M.IkoI' ll<><>\e>


In lciv ihe III)

idliivicO I

■'.-•lltiutlxii IIKl •s Aliii'lld tic il- 'o iiuniinl''! I' >ci

• lh ii;c


ril a t n local luxel » l,e i | s lc<'ll|M'liinnK iKxn liilliKix.t n U (lllri'loi nMUl llir etlilri.v.

WiM conlallii-il ill II J M)0 -i>ugr............led to Allnjni-v tie h r ru l U.-t,e i l II .Inck.Hon and aiiv a.iliN i .ui l Wiillld liuvc lo laken l>v JackH o

"II llv?,* miiM »>r |a im -0 th e t'lu u lilllllLht iKillv M-rli'< III o \e i llliKw lln Ihlllc^l lilaic.s K »^clnulelll l» (>Mte lir< ^alll I bcllevo (he l a d s »liU> wo (iiilMiillled lo (he a lto rney yenei ■ti Ml ])rove "

iliK>vei- cliatKCil U ia t C tia lim au Mai lln D lc r 1).. Tes., o t tiM Imum ciinim lllco liiveHllKntlnc im -A tuer- Ivan arUvmei* h a i l d e n b rra te ty

isn liw d a( (he n t l "(o r f lu ry o( th « U i m i B itia tn

' ; x

M >.if ««wen.-elUhtvT-' a:>vt Uie <N'n*mini

l « .vxiU tr.M ;n Cie «ri»Mlh.ii fca>.i 1.1

l<(T"un>r\> I .F ^m nalw TniMlu'M Ila v ;« jueo\;»i»s<

Um ua lM ual «Se- le iu e i x kaU Ui* PVI'atecoi«ii d U o u t ' »»K»alu '\u w M V st M

M nqtonans Hold Up W rong Bus in Wild W est Fake

(IH FA T KAi.t.M, McJlt., Pec. 18 ir- 1 1 \e h n n d tt b iu ln e ss -U you

of live G re a t Falls> not •suit.

h id in g o u t today from tliMi liicnd.s. lio t th e pollee,

n>n <4iiinte( conceived th e Idea oT RiMng vi.>lting Catholic youth

tu«»v Ohlrago a ir a l -u lid w est" weli'onip when they atTi'-ed here , flo Iho Jokers tiu i iiM to th e highway' t« "holdii|V Uii' rh lca g m tn s ' hu.i.

n m th e ie was a h itch. Xh* joVrvieis he ld up tho wrong bu i aii.i iiad to m ake profuse a itd red* la ieti a|>oln«iea. (hea w all for lhe

liws, T t » *ec.wid "hoW up’• fo r one,

ih tng A ksu tan l Ooaeh Louis Hi^dsienda a t th e OYO group had iioi been noU fied In advanoe, >• had been O oaeh fa d d y K ane end F a t h e r W illiam O entleroau. B adsleiida took a iw ing » i Bill Shea, one o f th e ’’iMndlU.’' and uvUm4 . t t w a a « U t« Wtd d ld n t. t)<s th e re h a d u> tw m ere epologtee,

UMi th e w hole U iin t « M not w «rth th e te h ln g tttey «ti» trom th e tr frtem li

Page 3: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Idaho...Weather Forecast ^krtiiar cWodr toBlffbt will Tues «sj'. W*mier tonight. HIch yw- .tMday 31.

Page Two IDAHO EVENING TIMES, TWIN- FALLS, IDAHO Mondw, Oecemb«r 16,1810


EID IN P B N F O l W l l F l

n v RALPH HEINZENVICHY. F ra n « e .-D « . 16 lUPJ -

P lrrrc l.nval. ousted os vlce-premlpr by M arsliiil PlUllppr PeUiln, liwl n l- trm plcd to w ldrn his •w n power In the Kovornm rnt nml Ix-come pro- iiilcr Instead nt nirrcly vlcp-prr- m lrr under Pctn ln , 11 was reiw rted In ri'ilnbiP qim rtrr* today.

(Autlioiuic udvlcps to n p m r f,ald Lnvni luid bcrti tnk rn Into cvi.stoily.

(T lirfiit of ^c;rlOlIS UiTmaii rep fr- ciisslons to Lnvul's suniitiBry dUmls- sjil u a s ImpliPd In Berlin w hen ou- tlin rlriil Nnzl sovirccs snld G rrm nny and F ranco were sllll nt w w , and any cliunnc In (lie F rench govern- n ifn t of m a jo r Importance ralr.cd the ritic.sUon w hetlicr tlie « tatc of arm istice should be contlnut>(li.

An au tho rised spoltesnmn denied officially rrportfl thu t M arshal r e ­ta in hud re jecled a Qennivn bid to send troops to U bya and A lbania via F rnnre.

Denies PlotHe denied also reports LtiviU l)ad

(/lonrd !o ovci Oirow Pctnln JncJdfnl 10 tlie re ln lerm en l o f the rem ala i of 1’Alnlone—Napoleon’# w n, In Uin Invalld fs of P a r is beside his fa ther ycbtcrday.

TJie spokesm an saJd LjivnJ w aj r e ­moved for purely Internal reasons which h a d no th ing to do w ith tho I'limored G erm an desire or a ttem p t to move troops acroM unoccupied F rance to he lp Italy .

I t w as n fd rm cd olllcliUly O er- m any never h a d a.ilced perml.s.flon to send troops acrow unoccuplcd F rance and never had a ttem pted to lorce n pn.'saRe. No G erm an trooixs had passed, th e npokesman added.

I t was aald th e re wa» considerable d lffcrencc betw een a known deslro by L avnl to m ake Wmself prem ier, under P c ta ln . and any a ttem p t to overthrow P c ta ln . T here was no tru th in th e overthrow rum or. U waa said, althoiiR h It was know n th a t La­val h a d tr ied to improve his position.

R«(Dm From P arliA dm iral FrancoU D arlan, navy

m in ister, a n d Oen. Faure; P e ta ln ’a a ide, rc lu n ie d today from P aris w here th e y represen ted F ranca yea- te rday a t th e rein term en t or N a- poleon'8 son, "L'A lgloh." Prom ulga- Uon o{ a decree Inaugurating a con- BUlUtlve n a tio n a l assembly to a d ­vise Pptn ln "an d sha re certain re- 6pon5lbUltles" w ith h im was aw aited today a l te r th e Laval ousting.

P e ta in announced hla in ten tion y u lc rd a y , a fte r a s p ^ la l cab inet m eeting, o f Inaugurating th e new assem bly, w hich would replace tho old p a rliam e n t and would be o r- Bonlied a long corporative lines, w ith repre.tentAtlves o t various elem ents flt th e na tio n al life repre& enli^ by groups.

40 Forlunet Coafbcated, l t w as no t knoTO w hether Pe ta in

lid nom ina te members o f th e o r they would bo elM

_ rem m en t published tri :lo] Jou rnal a series o f orders IscatlnB th e fortunes of 40 ich m en a n d women who ILwas ;ed h o d fled Prance be lo w th e istlce.:hided w ere Alexis Legcr, fo r- genera l secretary and key m on

^ 0 fore ign office; Rene Cfalre. P ra n ce ’s g rea tes t movie direc tor; C era K orena, movie sta r; .H enry T orres, fam ous lawyer, and Paul LouM W elller, a irp lane m otor m a n ­u fac tu rer.

In tlolseW cek-ctuI vMlor-s In Boise from

Tw in F^lls liK luded W. E. Hawley, C. W, 'I.ro K liurtllff, Mr. iimlMr.v. Hivrry U rnolt, Mr, and Kirs. N. Johnson antf Wnlfcrr F . BerC'ch.

S tiid ftit l le lu r tiiM1S.S VlrKlnla T ober, stu d e n t nt

PepiH 'rdln'' I'ollpRe, Los AnReles, re- tnrnpri Wni'irdiiy cvonlnR t/i rix'ikI the hnlliliivs with he r parcntfl. Mr niicl M rs r . U. Taber,

CpUrflAiu BackBob HnaR- Twin F^lls. and I 'e tr

l.nrif. K rti'lu im , re tu rned Haturtlrxv from th e U niversity ot Cflllfornin »t Lew Aim’eles. planning to spend the linlldiiys w ith th e ir parcnta.

I News of Record It A fa rriag e L tccnscs

• ---------------------------------------------- «

DEC. 14Jam es O , M cCargur. 20, Palo Alto,

Calif., a n d H elen Ilaakell, 30, Dalboa, Calif.

DEC. le W. J . D oughty. M. and G ertrud*

M arshall. M, Ijotti o f Kimberly, Adolph H. RhiK. ID. and Alice M.

O ra U u . n . bo th ol Tw in Falla,

- •IV -------------------------- ----------------

T o Mr. and Mra Rlnnr tiande, a boy, D«v. IS n t the ir home, 4J7 Thlrrt avvnui West.

B ir th s

1 ‘Temperatures |

ii.ii t H... ril.irl.

K e r p th<i W h U fl F ld p 0 / S a /e tu F llf l’iff

n v t c o n ie o u U v e rt a |/ a t o i t f t o u t a f a t a l t r a / f i o - a c ­c i d e n t i n o u r .M u f f lo V a l ie v .

News in Brief

Couple M arried M hs M arR aret Hotik and Frank

We.sl, bo th of Buhl, w ere unlte<i iii inarrin«e a t 10:30 a. m. S a tu rday iit Die C h ris tian rh u rc li parsontiiii'. Rev. M ark C. C roncnberger offici­ating.

S heriff Return*S heriff L. W. Hawking returne<l

from Lo«an, U tah, Sunday night In comi)iiny w ith (5. R. M orrb . tn u k opera tor who fiicra a T w in Fulls county cliari;u of o b u ln ln g a load of pcnche.-i under false pretenses.

From D enverMiss AUi:e Reed and Mls.s D orh

Reetl, TA'lii F a lls ; MKs Lois Olln nnd Miss H elen Ja n e Olln, Kimberly, nnd M f.« ,Elol.se M oreland and Miss Helen Jam ersnn , Filer, a ll students a t Colorado w om an 's college. Dcn-

•. re tu rned to th e ir hom e Sa tu r- for holiday vacations, T licy will ^Jan. 0 for Colorado.

lolrn1. driver for th e McCann

told police Sunday ni h a t a nearly new re<l and

black b lanket, w rapped In brown wrai>pInK paper, had been stolen Irom his truck . At noon Sinidiiy

HuKhes reportw l U ia t a pair w black s llp -on rubbers had

been stolen from hl.i m achine.

Aimwrr A larmFirciueri. Sunday a t 2:50 a . m ,

^e.^p<>ndcd to a n a la rm a t th e Don lliik in a n hom e on R tim a«e s tre e t, records show. D am ogc w as sm all.

To KealtleAndrew M cQ uaker, local o rch l-

te d . Is p lann ing to leave T uesday for S ea ttle to spend th e ho lidays wiili m('rnl)ers of h is fam ily.

Tn U’el*er.Mr. a tul Mrs. A llan L angenw alter

lu iv re lurn t'd to WeLser. following ji w .ek-end visit w ith D f. a n d Mrs, ,1. F: L nngenw alter, p a re n ts of Uiniienw altcr.

Tran»acU Bu*lne»iM ilton L. Powell, c h a irm a n of th e

iiviailon com m lttec of he T w in F a lls C liam ber of O otnm ercc. r titu rn ed la s t week-end f ro m 'n . business t r ip to S a it Lflke-CJty,

Smllom V lilt Home P e te r D uLstermars, se am a n firs t

rlas-s, l3 v isiting hH s is ter . M rs, Jack Post, Tw in Fulls. D ulst«rm ar* h servlnR aboard th e U. 8 , 8 . C a li­fornia. w hich Is now In th e B re m er­ton navy ya rd fo r dem affnellzntlon iisnlnst m agnetic m ines. F re d R cd- <>ye. m a ch in is t’s m a te f i r s t class. Is vLiltlntt h is -p a ren ts , Mr. a n d Mrs. C hester Redeye, G ooding. H e hrts been on subm arine d e ta c h m e n t In Hawaii.

P a rk e n FinedT en persoiui today w ere listed

th e police b lo tter a s hov ing paid ?)ne.« of 13 enc)i on charffp.^ o t c tim e park ing e lU ier S a tu rd a y a f te r ­noon and evening o r th is m orn ing . T liose listed Include E. E. B ishop, BUI Pct«rson . C ccll B row n. Noble Palm er, H . L . C an fie ld , H ow ard Schw ab, W endell iJ iw ren ce , C. D u.imann, F o rrest K . W alke r and H arry A. Cohan.

N acarcnr R«vivalR evival services will con tinue thLs

week n t 7:30 p. m . each cventnR ni th e C hu rch of (Jie N ararene, in c harge of R«v, EllU Teasdale and ' M rs. R u th T easdale, evongellst.s, w ho received th e ir tra in ing a t G od’s Bible School and College. C incinnati. O. T lie re w ere 18 responses' to Ihe evangelists’ inv itation for prayer S u nday n ig h t, according to Rev. L.

S m ith , pastor, who Invites the public to a tte n d th e revival services.


, retired T w in Falls rcAl e sla l« dpa ler and re.sldent he re since 1008, were conducted th is a lternoon n t th e Tsyln Falls m ortuary chapel.

TUv. H, G . M cCalllster, pastor of th e M e th o d is t church . 6fflclated, and M rs. R ussell P o tte r luing "Tlin O ld Rugged Cravs" and "Crossing the B a r.” requM t num bers by members of th e fam lfy.

P a llb e a re rs were Howard M cKray. Lou H eller, F ra n k O etty.^ C, F., S a l­lee. 'F r a n k Cogswell and Sidney Craig.

M r. P a rka dltnl Ratiirdny a f t / r - noon a t h is home, 5H3 M ain avenue w est. His condition had been c ritica l fo r a week.

M r, P a rk s re tired nlwut five years ago, h a v in g been actively enSAKed In th o reo l e st« te buslne^s here slncn 1008. H e w as born May IH. 1854, a t K eene, M ich. In 1D30 he was m a r­ried to M rs. C lara Noble, T w in Falls.

S u rv iv ing a lio are one son, C. V. P a rk r, Boise, nutoniohlle dciOer; two granddaUKht^'rti, Mrs, C harles Hlmp- son, P o rtlan d . Ore., nnd Mrs. W(I- llam S k llle rn . Seattle , and tw o itr ra t- ItranddaUKhtei.i He uIm> leaves tlireo nl.iters. M rs Ixivedii H iuiter, Mrn. C lara Jepnoii iind Mi.i. Amy Stcblilns', a ll of Sa ranac , MIrh.

M O T e i D s e nIN IU R E D IN m S H

JFU O M K , Dec. Ifl (Hpet:lall — A Je rom e woiiiiin itnil her Atm wern In lnred ancl two nintor ears were hcwtvl))' <luliiitnr<l n t #-n iii. Iirlti (lay In a iu iaIi nt llir lii letsertlon of IClKhih and i'niili>r ntierts.

D rlvrrti .. ...... A rthur 'rhoinp«onnnd R obert M iller, bu th of Jerom e. Tho form er wuti drivlnti west and M iller wnn going noiilli n t th e tim e, ■nuiinpson's m achine overt urned neveral tim es,

Min. I. W. •nioriipMiii niiffeied ver« U ceiiillonn of iorehend nml Die hack of tie r liniil, and A)intalne<t it cut over th e ilKht eye. tlt ir nlno nut- te ird a Vtien inn irv and nhoek. H er Aon wan liellcved le -l M'llmislv hurt llo lli w rie ta k n i to a iloctnr.

M iller wa« mil h u it.DiiniiiKi’ to the 'n ioni|vtoii au tn

wna KlK)Ut I4()(). nm iulInK to I’nllcn (■)i)e/ JlrowDir J>«nin«o toUia M iller c a r wan tllKI.

Driver Kiu'ch CliarKc Of Knilure to Stop Diirinj? Kirc Hittnnl(;harg«d w ith fulluin to ktop n

hic.Ifl oil nfgnnf o f n file dn|Hir1nient vehicle, Ctii'n ler l.oMch«. tlilver for th e W nrlw rg llro th e is Coal 'I t a n i f e r roniixniy, was to appear In probnln I'ourt (Ills afleiiiiMin (o answ er to tlin rnm plnliit, lecord i <>{ Prohat« Judge <), A. Itallev nlinwed,

TJia ro iilp la liit agiiliiAl th e d ilv rr was signed by I'n troliunu M, K. HcMinliee, of the clly iMillcn furco, and grew o u t nf an nccUlriit w tildi Involved th e fli'a (ruek in d th e W ar- beru truck Im t 'H iu n d a y while (lin oily eiiu ltnu rn t wns resixm dlng (<i a a a la rm . Tlio c riu li oocurted n t th e ln t« rsen ||(in of Hhonhoiia s tre e t ai)(1 fledonrt aveiuis Boiith,


A fter securing e x tra d itio n papers from Gov. C. A . B o tto lfsen , a M is­souri she riff le ft hero th is a f te r ­noon w ith a w est end fa rm worker who m a st facq-felony c harges In tho m idw estem s ta te .

T lie she riff was L . M. B a rn es. Avo. Mo, Hla p risoner Is L aw rence H a r t ­ley, w ho w as a rre s ted la s t week by D eputy ’C laude W iley a f te r She riff B nrnes tcJephoiicd fro m MlasourJ.

T lie v isiting o fflecr sa id H artley is accused of m o rtg a g in g p roperty he did no t own. T lie o ffense, if proved, would c o n s tlh ite pa ro le vio­lation . he sa id , since H ar tle y Is now on parole from th e Ml.vsourl .st.ite p rison. He wns s e n t to th a t penl- te n tln rj' on a charge of m a n sla u g h ­ter,

W llboni D ew hurt, ‘A va. Mo., a ■ cousin of S heriri B arnes, nccom pan- led th e official here .


A fter calling of a sjx;clal venire of 10 ad ditional m en , choice of a Jury wns expccted to be com pleted and te?itlmony go tte n underw ay th is afternoon In d is tric t co u rt tr ia l of an action ag a in s t S h e riff L. W. Hawkins as' re.sult o f p roperty sale under an execution of c ou rt Judg-

lent.T he c u rren t ptm el o t ven irem en

wn-1 exhausted sho rtly before noonrl Dr, A. A. N ew berry, coroner,5 ordered by Judge J , W. Po rte r .lecure 10 m ore m en . D r. N ew ­

berry-, acting because th e sh e riff Is a party to the suit, subpoenaed these 10 to nppenr In co u rt; W illiam Howe Beaver, L. N. Ja m es , C. W. Cose, Amas H oward. Bob L ynard . Don HutchlnR.^, W illiam B aker, t/conard Ellis, Clyde Jo h n so n a n d Rale igh Da via.

PU ln llffThe p la in tiff Is M . C. M etz, a n d

intervcnor U tho T h le « c n - L and company, Lew iston, u n der w hose judgm ent Uie p roperty a t Issue was sold following an e arlie r su it by th a t concern .a g ain st th e M e u U v e- stock company.

Mr. MeU seeks re tu rn of p ro p er­ty or I ti volue. am o u n tin g to s lig h t­ly more th a n $4,000. D efense teiitlon Is th a t th e she riff . In rylng ou t th e execution of Judgm ent, levied on personal p roperty of Mr. M cti and n o t on th a t ow ned by the Metz corporation.

Since th e T h lessen concern po st­ed a bond pro tec ting th e sheriff, (ho dam apo ac tion I.t dircc tcd against th a t bond.

T h ird P a r ty C laimMetz had filed a th ird p a rty clolm

a fte r the o rig ina l su it, protesting th a t the p roperty involved

Chapm an and C hapm ah and Jam es T . M urp h y rep resen t the. pla in tiff; Ja m es R . B othw ell is a t ­torney for th e de fendan ts .



HOW!O ur Clirlalnmn ( i l f t llaert <;ar Hmlf If (h r b f n m l »»le,r r le r ii a rn lirlow nex t y r a r 'i p r le t nnit >>ni lavc a year 's de- p rrr la d o n . Come In. look Iheni nvrr. Tnn'll li<i aurprliied In rili<| how eoi.y II 1. |„ hhii «n R A <1 e a r from Itie I 'n io n M otor <'o,

37 DodKr l>«'lii*e H rdan lUftO J7 H rd«n IXW37 Chevrolet Mn.ster Deluxe Hediin »3ft03U PlyjiKiiitli lli 'liixe Cinipe IIVIVO 3U Htudebnker C om m iinderCoupe 30 Ford l)lx (Nnipr 3fl Ford n ix I 'o rd Kordoi no KoKl n ix I 'ou lor ;iD Htuclr ('cniini, lleilKll 40 HiiilMin I'cmpi*, I'J.tMHi lilllrs

,..»fl7ft .. M7B

»flin , »mift

lAflO .. »3(10

»;nn .. »:ii»ri t m

31 Konl (XiiiiMi . ..31 For.l Tutliiv fl.'dn n I-iiid n ix I'ciKlDi ao M ern ity Hedmi an (Jhev. MiiAtrr Dlx tiediill dUA 3(1 <Mieviolrt T iiwn Kednn . I'iM 3» Mlililebaker H edaii . ...3(1 Ford 'l liilo r H eilaii .......ISOS34 Plyrnniith Coupn llOft34 Ford Dlx Coupe IIOA(11(1, T ru rh C o m m rrrln l HprelaU 37 F<ird Plekiip MJli37 C!lleviolet •1‘llick ............ I33S31 Fo ld T lii ik ........ •SI'O38 Iiite rnn llonn l 'f ru c k ........ I4M)3« l^>rd P ickup ................ »:n(i46 Ford P ickup . . ■

Many other*, a ll m ahra , a ll m od. r l i . V aym rnla a t low aa IIS mnnllily. No { larm rn ta u n til February. Heri yiiur F o rd li r a la r J l n t |i>r reiinoiiileal I ra iu p o r t- alluti.

COSTLYCHICAGO, Dec. 18 (y.R) - T h e

m an-V ho h i t W«neS)!ll W lllkle w ith eggs w hen th e R epub lican p re s i­den tial c a n d id a te .visited here O ct. 22. was fined $ K today.

C harles M u lra ln , S3, pleaded guilty a n d Judge M atthew H a r- tlgan fined h im $20 for a ssau lt and b a tte ry and tS fo r d iso rde r­ly conduct.

M ulraln lo st hU Job as a relief a dm in istra tion eng inee r because of the Incident.

sv/C M ifsm A S sm s


In to custody a s well a s ousted and it appeared he m ay have been c jn - flned In th e sa m e ancien t chateau In which he , h liuM lf, had Impri.s- oned the politica l and m ilita ry flg- urc.s connected w ith the F rench effort—G en. M aurice G am elln. Prem ier Pau l R eynaud and ex -P ie- m )rr E douard D alad ler,

Tlie a ttitu d e o t th e B ritish tow ard Lavnl'.? dow nfall w as non-com m ittal. T lio British view appeared to bo U jal Laval’s successor as fo re ljn m inister. P lerro E tienne Flandln . w as no t m uch im provem ent i Ills predecessor a s hla pro-N azi len tatlon Is- well know n. However. F land ln w as n o t th o u g h t to be p a r­ticularly an tl-B ritt^ h a n d In tlie p a s t had been a decided Anglophile, Lavftl. on Uie o th e r h a n d , coupled h is O erm un lean ings w ith the deep­e s t antlpftU>y tow ard BrltAln.

O n th e w ar fro n t th e British forcM were d riv ing ah ead or fronts-


No Inquest will be he ld In tjie d e a th of F ra n k Bgana, 45. residen t o f Tw in F a lls fo r th e p a s t several years w ho died S i tu rd a y afte rnoon as a re su l t of a self-InfU cted bullet wound In the head . D r. A. A, New­berry. county coroner, sold today.

Fgana. a Spaitlsh Basque, was found on th e sleeping poi-ch bed of h is hom e by h la 's tep -dough ter. Miss Nieves C aU acorta. 15, w ho cam e to p repa re lunch. She he ard hU labored b rea th in g and . looking Uiroiigh a window, saw blood s ta in s on th e quilt w hich covered h im . S h e called a neighbor who In tu rn called the police. O fficers said th e m an dead w hen they arrived.

One cartr id g e h a d been fired from 1 au tom atic pistol w hich E gana

held In h is r ig h t h and , Dr. Newberry said. T lie m an 's wife died abou t 18 m onths ago as a resu lt of a n au to ­mobile a cc id e n t -

D uring recen t m o n U ^ E gana had been employed a t th e R eno club. He resided In an a p a rtm e n t over the office of th e McCoy C oal com pany. Second avenue south. S ince h is wife's dea th h e had made h is hom e w ltli two step -daugh te rs , inc lud ing the girl w ho found th e body and oUo L illian CalsBCorta, 12.

T h e body rests a t Uie W hite m or­tua ry In T w in Falls. F unera l ar^ rangem enta a re pending.


JEROM E. Dec. 18 (Special) — D eath cam e early todoy to R ichard F rank Olodow skl. th ree and one- ha lf m onth In fa n t son of Mr. and M rs. Jam es E. Glodow skl. Jerom e.

Tlic child , w ho auccumbcd of sud­den IJJnesi, was bom Jast.S ep l, 1. Burylvors Include the paren ts, the grandm other, M rs. V eronica EJir- m an trou t. Jerom e,' a n d several uncles nnd aun ts .

Pending fu n e ra l services which had no t ye t been a rranged today, th e body rests a t the Jerom e funeral chapel.


BO ISE. Dec. 18 W.R)—F our Idaho D em ocrats m e t in th e office o f Oov, C. A. B otto lfsen today and cas t four votes for FYanklln D, Roosevelt for P residen t and H en ry A. W al­lace fo r vlce-prealdent.

T h ree sessions were required by s ta te a n d federa l law before the e lec to r* , could reg is ter th e will of 127,842 Id ah o an s w ho picked the D em ocratic Hat. T h e e lectors m et yesterday a t 9 a, m . to te ll th e gover­n o r th e y were ready to vole. A t 10 0 . m , they appeared a g a in a n d asked th e governor to p repa re th e ballots, an d a t noon th e votes w ere c as t and counted.

E lectors were S . Ben D unlap. Caldw ell; A sher B . W ilson. Twin Falls ; Mrs, Alice Lydon. Lewiston, and G eorge £ . B ill, Rigby.

BROKENWlUi 0 fo recast calling for

w arm er w ea the r ton igh t, w ith pw tla lly cloudy skies ton igh t and Tuesday, - th is section of Idaho today seemed, to have .•'snapped out" of an caMv Bfl*dn cold speU which has c o n ^ a tlf id -^ e p ast few days, w ea the r recordsfshow .

A fter h ltU ng a lo w ^ f zero S a t­urday m orn ing . Uie tem pera ture went .to th re e above -Sunday m orning and to n ine above Uils m orning. H igh yesterday was 31 above.


O O OD IN O. Doc, 1»—P^mcral ser­vices for Isaac A lphonso K night, 88, retired pioneer co n tra c to r of G ood­ing, Were held today a t 2:30 p. m. o t th e TJ2omp.5on m ortua ry . Rev. C. H. N orthrup officia ting . In term e n t

as In E lmwood cem etery.Mr. K n igh t, w ho cam e to-O oodlng

in 1910 from Pueblo. Colo., died S un­day m orning. H e w as bo rn Ju n e 18. 1852. a t Evan.svllle. Ind , He lived In K ansas from 1B79 to 1890 and In Pueblo from 1850 to 1910, w hen he came to G ooding,

A fter engaging fo r a num ber of years as a building con tracto r, Mr. K night r e ti re d In 1010. a n d moved to on acreage east of Ooodlrtg. A sl-ster. Miss E^mlco K n igh t, had mode h e r hom « w ith h im fo r several years.

Mr. K n ig h t m arried Miss M ary Emma K urtz O ct, 8. 1875. She p re ­ceded h im fn d e a th In IB24. B un'lv- Ing a re one dau g h ter, M rs, J . J. Burris, O rdw ay, Colo., and three sons. Dnn. A r t h u r and Myron K night, a ll of Gooding.

Also surviving Is a n o th e r sister, living In F lorida, a n d 21 grand­children and 11 g rea t-grandchildren .


B(Sy Scouts from Shoshone. G ood­ing a n d Je rom e today aliared In advajjcem ent and m c rtt badge ap ­provals given a t th o council offices here. It was announced by G ordon A, D ay. executive of th e Snake river a re a council,

T lie aw ards, as officially approved, follow:

Shoshone: troop 57: Buddy H an - en, m erit badge In cam ping; Don- ild T , H anscn_ m e rit badge In

cam ping; BIU>’ M abbllt, coniplng; Laverp- F rldgen. poultry keeping; Eugene Hooper, f irs t aid and public health . Scoutm a.ster of th e troop la I. L. Johnson.

O ooding: tVoop 32: Second c la is • advancement.'? to Billy Hill, F rank Cram blet a n d Jlm;.,,y R nby; troop 31: S ta r ran k ad v an c .m en t to Dale Chcrtey. Scoiiimn-sior.v o f th e two troo|M are W lUord A vcrett and E u ­gene G ibbons.

Jerom e; troop , 40: Sectrnd class a dvancem ent to C h a r le k Brown, Scoutm nstcr is Sam H a tm a W ;

Books suitab le fo r a ll a { rs and t u l e i « t CIos Book Store. Can be safely m ailed for U ^c p e r Ib.—Adv.

ANOTHER SPECIALO n your photographa for Chriiim aa

9 8 —3x4 • M ounted Portra its.

rolnJaJure w ilh f n m e a n d coloring.

$ 6A O V alued a t $9.00

■ Good " r i l X m as

Young’s StudioD ow nstairs N e i t to Idaho Power

1 5 ^ to 2 P . M.—2 0 t to 8 P .M . K iddles Anytime

E venlnes 2 5 C > I’lu* 3 « i T ax UNCLE JO E -K ’S

Sprge A ir C onditioned


k l O V t . . .d r iv e n Into \ th » ih o d o w t of th*

m idn igh t tu n l

CAMELS• f o r (h o se w h o p r e f e r c iffa rc n c s , f{iv«s C a m e U a n d jm u r a n b e su re y o u r g i f t w il l Im a p p re c ia te d . T o r m o re a m o k cra p r e f e r a l(iw e r* h u rn ln g ( j f i i c J j (hu rt a n y o t h e r c J g a w ic . 'J 'hcj- e r e t h e c Jg a re f le o f a m l l c r l o lm c o s ilio t n lv e * m o r e p lc a i i i r c h i e v ery pu ff. Y o u r d e a le r is fca tu r- i n g C am cia f o r C h r l i d i u u h t y o u r d i o k v o f ll ie tw o h a n d io m e |u c k - 0KC* ih o w i i alK)ve. P .u y tn } (c i~ i> c r fc c i m rc re lv c . Y ci. t h e r e 'i n o th in g l ik e C a m c ta t o aay : " H a i^ p y h o lli lay s u iul hu |>py a m o k ln g ,“

PRINCE ALBERT• N o p r o b le m a b m u ih o e e p lp e - im o k e r f o n y o u r g i f t l la il Y o u Iiiat c a n 't m iw .w h o D y o u g iv e th e m « b ig , lo n g d a i t ln g oiic-{M)imd t i n o f th e w o rJ d ’* m o i t po [» } la r tn tQ k in g i o b « c < * - P r ln r o A J lw r ll (O r b n iM 'p o u n d r e a l g U u h u m id o r , ) P lp e - im o k c n c a ll P r in c e A ll>erc th e N a t io n a l J o y S m o k e , l l i c y la y : ' 'T h e r e '* n o o th e r to b a c c o U ko h i ’* Y o u r lo c t l d e a le r h u P r in c e A lb c f t ’i C h r la tm a s* w ra p p ed ''»i>eclaU’* o n d U p la y n o w l G e t y o u r P r in c e A lb e r t g i f t i


Page 4: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Idaho...Weather Forecast ^krtiiar cWodr toBlffbt will Tues «sj'. W*mier tonight. HIch yw- .tMday 31.

Monday, Dccem bcr 16. 1940 IDAHO EVENING TIMES, TWIN FALLS, IDAHO Page Thfee



Prpslcioiil HoV.pvfll re tu rn s toclny frnm Ills tour of M'n biisps.lii tin- nilclM of .■.pocuUmnii coiiri-nilm: w hat hr' m.-iiiil lli .silUKCstUiS lliat Dip world mlslU Up fti nil curt by M arrh.

'D lls tilrt- imtl Kloomy rfm ark rpuclicd itu- ciiiillnl whllp rrpo rlJ tti'rc cltciilatliiR of th e l)Os.^lblllt tim t lie miKlil p roclaim an iin llnillcd naUom il rinerKency lo rKt the rearm nm riU proRram n t>sycho-lo«lcal slio l 111 llie nrni.

To tli'p pa tlctita of- tlir Wm SprliiKs. Oil., iiifan ille paraly com m unity, Mr. nooscvelt said: "I linpr; to 1)1' down h r rc next M arcli. w lttioul any tiup.stloii. If Hip world •survive;;, io r m y iisiml t ’AO weeks spring visit."

U earlion CotifU’iedT here w as no basts here for an

oxiensu 'ii of tlia t rem ark iiiid Mr. fioospvpR did n o t e lucidate li. Did he ImvP liilo rm atlon not avallablP to the press luul p\jl)llc? No one he re rouki say on w hnl situation tlic

nd theI’reslcli-nt would do lo avert w hat he nppare iitly thlnk.s would be n c a ta ­clysmic event.

Concri's^lonaV rrartim i to Mt . Roospvelt'.'i •wdrld'.-; piid” rem ark was coiifiise<l. K rn. I'roderlck Van Ntiys, D - Ind., said he wns conll* d p r l tlir w orld was not KolnK to end. Ib a t 11 w ould '( 'o tne out be tter In llic end." Sen. P a t M cCnrrau, D.. Nev., said th e U niled S ta le s would survive "if It k i'cp i ou t ol w ar— and It's Kolng lo keep ou l o f w ar." Sen. W illiam H. KliiR, D.. U tah,, look the remnrjc as a w arning, say- InK the Prc.sldeiil ‘'sen.spd" th e clan-' Kers nicnnclni: a ll tiemocrnclcs “In- cludlnR tlie U iilt.'d S lates."

P o in t a t E ulurer ro m sourci's ii.siially Informed

- reRnrdinn na tio n a l drfeiLse ndvL^or^• romml.Hslon m a tte rs . It wn.'i learned I li a t ConmiLs.slorer W illiam Ktiiidseii'R hlHH'fh in New York F r i­day niR lil be In terp re ted n.s a fore-

• runner of n finU ier na tional Renry p roclam ntlon by Mr. Roase- vplt, A p roclam ation»flf " lim ited ”

' n a tional em ergency alroiidy Is In ef­fect.

I’roc\nm nUon o l unllm U cd nallOH' a l cm erRtncy a t llii.s lim e would be p rim arily fo r tlie p.sychologlcnl ef feet It. w ould have on indiistrj' nnd labor but wntild have little direct bcnrlnR on th e activ ities of Rovcni- m ent or cxercl.-ie o f presiden tia l

■ powers, th e U nited Press wns told.



C. A. Edmonson, o fficer In chargc : ihc navy tfrrijllliiR .■•Intloil n t II' federal building In I V ln Falls, s., iklurnim n. cliiriiiR nn in te r- icu. explalnr<l the iHTsoniiel rc-

) |u irem eiils for the comliiK “ two- oci'dii" niivy and huld th a t th e te rm liH.s bei-n used so ofiPii th a t "ll-s ir .il Rlnnlfkanc-e h a s been en tirely It.si,"

•How iiMvny vfuU/.e "Khata iwo-pcenn navv rea lly tn e an s? ” th e recn ilte r Hskixl, "W e've boon rliliiiK aruuiul in ii nni.'-cK'-’a t ' i’::''v atui an efflclcnl one . too. fo r 80

'lu; tlm t I t's kind of h a rd lo look hnu l' 10 1345 and see w liat's neod- d to niiike thl.i double ocriin ou t- 11 work."

N rrtl ^00,000 Men J^lx-iikiiiK of the required pcr-

nniiPl. hp .Kald:"At the prr.sent '^imp tliere a re

ouuhly :t>0.000 m rii In th e navy. II Just lour ymrr.. however, we're :olni; lo n.-cd at leu.M :)00.000 m en. icit liiw rr'cn iiis. but trained m en

Joii.%. to handle N1 be ili coinmls-ships

ainw thc\r w hich wfn

t l i / m t \ v hn"t'l) until Ill'll III! TPcrultlnny plus unci nnval ri-srrv.'s, to fill It.s <lMirvm>nis. Hinvi- The restrves Jii‘ 1 about u.spd up. th is m eans th a t fill' DilK'r 300.000 nipn m ust be ob- liim rd by rccniltliiR. Kven thouRh tlicri' l.s l it tle doubt th a t such

cniltlnR will ix' .Miccp.ssful, th a t lan’t tlie whole story by any means.

Congress M u 't Act -B efore th e imvy <'«n Increase Jts

IKTsonnel to luiywhinc uear the num ber required for lliat iw otoccan navy. coiii;r<'ss im isl.au lU otlze thl.s Increase and .nppiD U Jliitj’ i.-uUlcJent fvinds lo piiy. 'nil-i leKlMatloii m tist be p a 's rd ni jm early da te s( th f tt the navy w on'l be c;iUKht sh o rt ftt tlie la.sl m lniite tho 'o R ray-dod un its of the Ilret : !nrt slldlnK dow n Ihe ways After a ll. von r a n 't Ju st round up ii lew Ira in loads Of crult.s just bi'Ini,- 11 new ship ro cs Into romiiil-. ,inn. 'n n ' h lchly m ech- lin l jr tl—*iipiT -|)(iurr 111CI1 - of - w t i i n m l UiP'!' day.', rpQUlrc skilled

....... und rnm petent ,'piunen.the mold of rlKld naval

nur Rroal n rm ada, b u t th a t Is only the DeRlunJiiK. I n Uic la s t analysis. I ts the m en w ho JlRlit the.se .ships, no t the xhlp.s thcm - ficlves, which make a g re a t navy . I t


W ASH IN G TON . Doc. 18 lU.P.'- P ro m ln etit senate Republicans p ro - po-'-.wl today th e ir pa rty decla re a m o rato riu m on presidentia l jmUUcs m u ll a f te r 1942 nnd co n ccn tra tc on pnlnlnK con tro l of the house of rep - ro.sonlatlves In the nex t co tigres- .slonal elec tion In th a t year.

Sen.^. R obert A. T aft. O.: A rthu r H. Vandeiibcrtf. Mich.; W arren R. Atuitm. v t , and A rtnnr C.ii>por. K un .. a ll lu rce d now Ls not th e tim e to be th in k in g iibout a 1944 p resi­den tia l cand ida te . Tliey believed su c h a m oratorhm i would keep u n it­ed th e e lem ents opposed to P resi­d e n t R oosevelt's udmlntsiriiU on.

T h e ir views were expre.'v'etl w hile W endell L . Wlllklp. the 1940 R epub ­lic an s ta n d ard bearer, w as a v lilto r In W aylih islon . Tlipy said tlielr op ln- lon.s h a d no rplatlon to Ills position O.S a poN'lblo repeat candidate y e a rs hence.

CRAHII KII.I.S niKE IllDER ^ ID A H O FALL.S, l> c . 16 tU Pi-A

iJlcycle-tn ick collision here resu lted y esterday In death of H. T . Nielson, 45. Idalio F a lh . AccordliiR lo city pohce, Nielson rcxle h is bicycle Into a de llveo ' truck niid suffere<l n f ra c ­tu red skull when throw n to the pavem ent. He died in an Id ah o F a lls lio-spltnl.

F ra n ce reports non of i .Mio brldRcs the O en n a u Invnsion

e been rc-bulU,

FOR SALEO ne L ntln nnd Knullsh C atholic P ra y e r Book, published In 1899, O c t 13. Im p rim atu r; M ichael AURUstlne. A rchbishop" of New Y ork; poor Ip.ither blndliiR, 216 pages, to th e h ighest bidder. O ne Book of M ormon, one se t of Ju n io r H arvard Clas.slcs. one H U tory of th e W orld W’ar, 1918 a n d also Dook. o f KnowledRO. Box 33. NcR-j-Times.

F irs t form al p rescn ta lion by e ltlic r the sen ior o r Junior hand of T w in Falls hlnh school will be the

' ChrLslnms hinid concert, lo be held a t 8 p. ni'. W ednesday, Dec. 18, a t Ihe hlRli school Rym. w here a new .set-up ha.s been nrraiiRed for the bjind.

T h e Jun ior hiititr.s 79 meiiilierH will a ppea r In Hie old inind unllorm.s, and th e 72 iiiem bi'is of the .senior band will w i'ar th e new xnll.s.

T he proitraiii presen ted by Ihe jun ior biinil will Ij-;

'n i l ' m'IiodI m arch . C henette; “ Pa- clMi: M'Kili O verltire." JolitiMin: ■'T<'ddy D ear's I 'lrn lc ,” Yo<ler; "R as-

re." Thnma.s, nnd "Hlll- h ," Yoder,

■ tiua rl.'t, Hill fiteplirns. Clleii T r n y and C:iUf

1 pluv •■Two P a h s of Kllii- lin s ." Dr. C K. I’lilnuin.

Numt>|•I.^ <>I th e ^eIllllr hmid will 111' "Kl r ii 'x 'l l i 'io . '’ O llvm lrll; "Arlane O v i'ih ii ' '. ' HiiM't; •'.Miivlair (■intlri'- rllii," (•ruurrl W alt/, Ketelliey; •'Iii- I' l iM i'//''."^i> li'rldt;e-T nyl(ir; "Im le- l i.n c |i 'iilla " in a rrh . R. 11. Hull; •'.‘Uimnv W nillie r ," A rlrn -lle n n ctt; ‘•|>r:.. l l (Hdiii;," UcinibeiH -llelinelt; •;;u iie 111 ]•; I ’lm ," <i, lio lst; "Chrh.t- iniwillde < )vei till e ,” E. d r U imiiler. and "I'lDildly Wu H all," ' coiu'e il m n lrh , Clive. .s •

T he e o n c ril wlil i>e eUvinl wllli Ihe niillonal a iith i'iu .

Nil lulinlsslon will lir ehiirijrd but nil nrii'IIIlK will be taken.

tmirlii O veili topper’s Mill

A I niiii'ion l)<iii Ni'llseii W alls. >UI

A favorite beverage before dinner

PKOPLK w h o e n t c r t a ia o f t e n a rc d i s c o v e r in g

ihtft — l>cfor<5 dinner moro and morts giic«U nT>wa<laya prefer a moderate iKsvcmgo Uk.0 wine. Ooldcn>tfmbcr Sherry, tem pting w ith ita,, n u d ik o fln vor , is n r * - widely »en-od w ith ai nppclixera. Slierry ia u>o perfect invitation to a goo<i d in n e r . It’s ensy to aervc. An<i unnatially thrifty. Set out A Imillc next tim e giicats com n to your hoiiAr.

mplo I tho



jJia could Mwwt luu»•JU E A S Y W A IN E R

Gl»* iU lody 6| fCw Wort n on lim» lot r>« “"<1 lotaUf - wItK on tASY Bpttd nMMk; Wn>l>«i ll’i mo^ •acnln? hou**> Now lU r ^ . KITlTIIEHCABmET UiaiQN , . .Oi:»M K1U.INQ ullta lump pnilll«« cWh** , . . AUTO­MATIC TIMClt-pr«v*nu o»*i . . . TllcnMAL<H)1DB l«IU prop«c w « « tamiMinlui* . , , IIKATEH bold* wol*t l.r.p.t<rtut» eoiulnnt , . , VIIIOMATIC BArKTY WWNQCT - .■utotnoUe p m u i* . PUJS -rAMOtia BrWAlATOR WASH- INO ACTION tof a whim wx»h in W kM ll»*l


Glva on UABY Atitomotk tionvr ■ «h« t*<il at-AMODR QirTI Nn m<n« hncl< ht*nklnq hour* wtih a homHion -•h«'ll liort In m<*li»* »ITDOWN mm-Joill I’ojIiiwnUo ONIY liliswn) liona

A p p liu itro S lo r rn In

T w in Kalin a n d H urley


s has aiilhorlzi'd the shlp.s

Iji up to congress to provide fo r th e s o . m en now bo th a t th e navy will hnvo sufficient lliiic In w hich to tr a in them properly,” E dm onson- con ­cluded.


W o h iiv o fn r yiiv ir a p p r o v a l i>nc o f I h c m o s t K o rn c o u ii m ullo^:iln ,v (linill^r s iiite .-i y o u lu iv e c v i-f 's rv ‘n ( I ’ll h c t c h u ) . S h ie ld (li'sij-iK 'd c h n i r s c o v e r e d w iU i bh 'ic b r o c a lo l a n d m u s .s iv e l ii if f ii i . l l c K i i la r S27.'), b i i l fo r K put c a s h . $ 1 7 5 .

HAKKY MUSGRAVE’S MDSE. MARTO il D is f ila y I n O ur W iiuiow

Sensible, Useable Gifts For Anyone

Q u a lily D in n e r S e ts u p f ro m ...................................... $ 2.98

F am o u s iT u .sfy , C a m b rid g e a n d T if f in (ila.ssw nre

Colori'd P o t lc r y u p f ro m ..................... ..............2 i)c E ach

I’y rcx (;ias.sw arc up from ................................20c E ach

F am o u s “ R e v e re ” S tain!cs.s S tee l W a re

C orn P<ippcr.s u p f ro m ......................................................l{)cFood C h o p p e rs u p f ro m .................................................{18cW hisUinK T e a k e t t le s u p fro m ................................... ,75)cC arp e t S w e e p e rs fo r on ly ......................................... S2 .A8U alh room S c a le s , p riced low a l ..................... ......... ?:{.7r>F lcx-Scal, t h e s e n s a t io n a l new co o k e rsW enr-K ver A lu m in u m u p f ro m ......................riOc E achC lo thes H n n ip e rs up fro m A lum inum B un W a rm e rs ....H ot C ake G rid d le s only ........E lec tric I le n tln K P ad sAlum inum P erco la tors up f r o m ...........................Copper T ea k ettle s , Chrome P lated ..................Electric M antle Clocks up from .......................Complete A s.sortm enls S ilverw are up from .Ko.seville P o tte r y uii from ............................. 50c EachCard T ah les by Sam pson from ................................S2.1HChromium T ahlew are from ..........................................$ 1.0(1Tahle L am ps priceil low a l ......................................Sl.fiOP ressure C<M>ker« tip from ............................................ Sr»,',mDeroratod K ilch en Wart* and ( ’(Kulinu'nl S etsHulcher K n ives for us lit lle a s ............................•. .'iOcCundy Thermonu'terH only ........................ .............Sl,2,"iFirei)lacc S c reen s ui> from ............................................$2.'llSCookie JarH for only ........................................................TTu!HanKe C ondim ent S cis ...................................................... fideMexican W ater P itd u r s ...............................................KefriKeral(»r S e ts ...............................................................ride.I.aryo Enutt\el U oastets .............. ...................................',ir»c.Chicken F ry er w ith Itoast Kark .........................(■'alloa ( ila a s Churn.s ......................................................K irn KuttejL.Srls.'Mirs ......................................................Sl.ItTiWIss P inklnff Shcnr« .................................................I'llfflric CtirlinK Iroii.s iiii front .................................. llli'E li'iir ic UcKim MvatiT.s up front .................................. !iSc(iood A larm C locks up Irom ................... *,.................. S5rlllrd CatceH for on ly ............................................S I .18Vln« Ekh Hciviers \\y> Irum ....................................... :.. :ificCun OpenerH up from .....................................................r)llrFohllnK IronlnK: HoanK for «inly ................................!iHcllonckel I’arlnjf Knl^«'M for only .................................... iru-I\lix M asters w llh o u l J u icer .......................Other E lectr ic l\llx i r.-< a» low n « .............ToiiNtmiiMter W affle IJiiker ....................E lcctrlc W a fflo Ir.iiiH low hh ...........I'lli'ctric S a n d w ich 'I'oimters a s low oh .I' h’ctrlc H and Irons iim low a s ......................................... 5tScI'ho S lice Urend 'I'oa.'^leis im low a s ...................... 8ilcI'lno M enckel C arving Sets a s low aM ...................?l2.ri(>I'lleclrlc C o ffeo M akers as h»w a s .......................... tl.TiOIJeuutlful CarvluK S ets iis low n« .........................>1.0(1lliilversn l K leclr lc PeicolaforM a s low hn ...........l.iidivs* WrlHt W atches «« low a s ................... ......... f2.!>8JohuHon’fi FhM>r Pollhliers .......................................Jltl.fiO


D u x -B ak W a te rp ro o f IIu n lin K C o a ts ' ............... ....$9.50O th e r H u n tin g C o a ts u p fro m ............ ...................S2.98S h ak esp y ire . B am h o o F ly R ods up fro m ............$3 .9 8 .T elescope S tee l R o d s u p f r o m .......................................9 5 cFly, B ooks p riced low f r o m ..........................3 5 c t o S3.50

. L ite -N -T u ff F is h in g B o o ls .......................................$ 5.98Level W indinK R e e ls u p f r o m ....................................,.75cA u to m a tic FLshlnR R e e ls u p f r o m ^ „ ............. . ' . . $ 2 .98C o m p le le ,A sso r lm e n t o f F ly L ln w up f r t m ..-.....'.SOc'Icfi S k a te s , H o ck ey a n d F ip u re , up f ro m .............. $3.15F is h ln p B a s k e ts o f a ll k in d s up f r o m ................... $ 1.00F in e Q u a lity S leep in g B ag s u p f r o m ................... $5.95W ilson G olf C lu b s a t a ll price.<iG olf B ag s f ro m ..............................................$3.50 lo $ 10.00G olf BalU , p e r dozen , f r o m ....................... $ 1.25 to $ 8.50.22 A u to m a tic P is to ls up fro m ...... ................. $ 19.75.22 R evolverH u p f ro m ................................................ $9 .50M en 's C lam p On S k a te s up from ...........................$ 1.15H o ckey S lic k s fo r h o y s up from ............................... ? 5cG ood S tu rd y N a il H a m m e rs up f r o m ........................ 35c(■'o<id A s.so rtm en l o f W(mh1 P lanes up fro m ......... <{5cH an d S aw s o f n il k in d s p riced up f r o m ..............$ !.0 0F in e R a tc h e t B ra c e s u p fro m ................................ :$ 1.00P ip e W ren ch es In all size s up frtm i ..........................15cA n v ils and V ises fo r th e m an on th e fa rmF ie ld ( i la s s fs . B in o c u la rs up frim i .......................... $ 1.50N tirth lan tI S k is w ith m e la l c d ^ c s .........................$ 2 (5.05(Ju a lily R idge 'l o p Skl.s, A rea l v a lu e ...............$ 12.95B eg in n e rs p ine s k is In all k -nglhs up f ro m .........$ 1.35Ski W ax f(»r e v e ry sn o w rondllltm .C om plete a s so r t m e n t o f Ski I’oles. P e rP a ir up f r o m ...................................................................... ?l..'iOS tu rd y Ski C a r r ie r fo r y o u r c a r lo p ........................$(}.75M etal E ilges. I 'j t l ih e m oa y o u rse lf, per s e t ..... $ 1.95F lex ib le Fl.ver, S p lltsk e in lam in a ted S k is .........$ 25.00C oloretl Ski M itte n s , p e r p a ir ......................................Ski Boots. R e g u la r SH.IKl, reih ireil •(<» ............... $5.75'I h e new est S k i B in d in g . Conies loo.se w lu n you fall .........................O th e r Ski B in d in g s u p from ...................C han iphm O u tb o a rd M olor, ;i,2 h.|».S .A .E . r a t i n g ..............................................................See u s fo r D u n p h y B o a ls , th e fin e st lo be hud .K apoc L ife P re s e rv e r s , on ly ...................................... $3.50A com ple te a s .so r tn ie n t o l w orkable , p lay ah io to y s .B4)v s ‘ o r (J lrls ’ B icyc les ............... S21.95 to $29.75W ell b u ilt T r ic y c le s In all sl/.e.s, up f ro m .............$ 2 .9 KD aisy A ir R ifh-s fo r a s ll l l le a s ................................ $ 1.00C o a s te r W agons In e v e ry si/.e ytiii m ay w an t.L a rg e l<'arm W ag o n com |>lele la ev e ry d e ta i l . ..$ 8.95 I 'lree to r S e ts fo r th e boy wlio likes lo bu ild ,np from ................................................................................. $ 1.00Puneliltig IhiKS fo r fu n a n d exerc ise , up fr(»m.. $ 1.05 li'oolhalls a l a n y p r ic e ytni w iint to pay u p fn jm i)8c22 R ifles fo r n ten a n d hovs .................. $ 3,50 lo $ 22.50Sleds all siz e s a n d w ell h i i l l t ................... $ 1.25 to $ 4 .WB oxing (iloves, Ih e i<leal g i f t fo r hoys $2.50 to $ 9.50F irep lace ( J ra le s f ro m .............................. $(i.lK to $I-1.9 HF lre p la c r A n d iro n s ...................................... $2 .9 K lo $ 10.98C om plele I 'lre p la c p S e ts ...... ................ $3,115 lo $ 12.50T h v b e s t ntakeH o f n iio lg tm s la douhlo a n d HiiiKle b a rre l.B row ning A tilo ijm tlc SholgtniH b e s t p r ic e s .

y lu luid

. ,$ 3 .9 5 . $ 2 .5 0

. S 3 9 ;9 5

P o ck e t K n iv es in e v e ry s ly h ^ n y prlco*



Page 5: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Idaho...Weather Forecast ^krtiiar cWodr toBlffbt will Tues «sj'. W*mier tonight. HIch yw- .tMday 31.

Page Four IDAHO EVENING TIMES, TWIN FALLS, IDAHO M onday, Decem ber 16, 1S40

T E L B P H U N iJ ? 8 -

KuU Wlr» S»r»1c« Un1l*i Prf

M AKond CI*m

;.in I'alti. Idihu. 1.

Apiil 11. 1819. UnJ.

POTS h o t s

The Gentleman in the Third Row

L oo k in g A liead onTile firsti six m onths of o u r defonse e ffo r t l^einp

past, the U nited S ta te s can look hack w ith o u t e ither complacency o r discouragem ent.

We have laid th e foundatinn>i of an a rm y ; we have begun to geai- e x is tin g in d u s try (o su p p o rt i t ; we have s ta rted to build a m u n itio n s industry .

Let no m an th in k th a t u-e have m ade m ore th an a beginning. T he i-eal e f fo r t is to come. Only about h a lf of the n a tio n a l g u a rd has been called up fo r t r a in ­ing. Selective sei’vice has called up a m ere trick le. A fte r the f ir s t of the y e a r the real m ass a rm y w ill be­gin to assem ble. v

¥ ¥ ¥L et no one fool h im se lf th a t we can now m erely rock

along on a "b u sin ess as u s u a l” basis. I t is sim ply not in the cards. W h a t do w’e face in the com ing m onths as the defense e f fo r t g a th e rs speed and m om entum ?

More and m ore hom es w ill feel the d ire c t im p act of the drive.a5_mo_re and m ore men a re inducted into service— the to ta l w ill be a m illion and a h a lf by ne.xt m idsum m er. M ore an d m ore offices and in d u str ia l p lan ts w ill feel the e ffec t o f p roductive w orkers w ith d raw n fo r th e a rm y .

E v er-in c reasin g dem ands fo r m a te ria ls w ill u n ­cover shortages. That^w ill m ean th a t some a u th o r ity m u st decide, a s d u r in g th e W orld w a f , which in d u stry is to g e t th is sh ip m en t o f steel, th a t sh ip m en t o f cop­p er. I f th ere is n o t enough steel fo r th e w a r e ffo rt, l o r instance, th e re a re only tw o so lu tions: use less s teel in no rm al c iv ilian life, o r increase p roductive facilities. Y ou m ay n o t like the th o u g h t of increas­ed cen tra lized contro l, b u t a s sh o rtag es a p p e ar i t w ill be either- t h a t o r slow dow n on the p ro g ram . You know w hich the people w ill choose.

In creasin g p ressu re is g o ing to be applied to both labor an d m an ag em en t to p u t as id e personal advan­tag e fo r the n a tio n a l debt.

The only possible w a y to avoid centra lized control o f both is fo r both to cooperate in every reasonable w ay w ith o u t com pulsion.

L onger w o rk in g hours m ay come. In d u str ia l leaders like Sloan o r G en era l M otors and Robertson o f W estinghouse believe th ey a re not now neccssary,

, as long as th e re is a lab o r pool o f unem ployed. B u t when a m ath em atica l fo rm u la o f fac ilities available time.s m en w ork ing th ree e ig h t-h o u r sh if ts fails to produce w h a t is needed in five days, then si.x days m ust be worked, a t lea s t u n til ad d itio n a l facilities can be provided. I t is a lm ost a m a tte r of pure matho m atics.

P rices will be su b jec t to g re a t e ffo r ts tn koop them from r is in g in the face o f every tendency to rise. T axes a re certa in to increase, not only fo r the w ealthy, b u t fo r every m an, w om an and child.

In short, we have Heen only the p re lin iin a iy l)ogin nings o f o u r defense e ffo r t. We have no rea.son to be d iscouraged w ith w h at ha.s beiMi accoinpllHlied. B ut every m an n u ist realize (h a t i(. is only a beginning. A g rea t defensive foree c an n o t he Iniill w ilh “ Inisine.^j^ as u.^ual,” no r w ith " life as u su a l,” e ither.

Sad Tale in Few Words

T rrs r s l ta le of wor Po l Shots hm> hrarci la tely cam e from a gen t who subm itted n Job appllcaMon lo lh a t O . O. P. cotnnilttee appoin ted to receive >ame In Twin F a lli county, prior la th e Inaa in ira tlon i come Ja n . 13.

Said Ihi-H app lican t m nurnfully;"W hen th e « if tln | commlllee

. i / t rd , I fell th ro u th ."

WANT AD DEPT.r o a 8ALI':— D ill clicni>, ca-sli oiilv

la t) fairly well iwcd billy cliibs Apply a o y tu ilp r iitul A rt SlKor shrrlff '.s o fd re .


SH E’LL snow h e r ;D cnr P o l Shots;

Dolly hftd 5Q ceuU . She aUo liail n C hrU tm ns Klft list w hich liicluilcd 'fiom cUilim (or two grnndmn.i nnd 511* papa,"

She w en l *)iopplnB th e o th e r dnv w ith h e r m other, ‘'I w nnl th ree pairs )f silk hose for one grttnclma and a lel of dishes fo r the other," she said

bllUiply.l i l t you c a n 't buy pre^em.s like

w llti the money you hnve. Y ou’ll ! to wait un til you're a bl« Kiri

l.tiv r A Kood Job to buy Mich glfl.s. Now here 's ^r)mell^lnl{ nice— ’' e x p la liw l hor inolhcr.

M l rlKht— Ihen Ml kHi' nil mv ry to llii' atilvtillnii A nnv," «»lcl

Dolly, ruid .-tliL' .starlcd o tf In Hcnrch a aalvB tlon Army kcttli-.

M o the r retrlevisi h r r Ix'fori' she to iind 11, Itowrvc

—H im I H»i

SANTA BKTTETt n i l lN t i HKK A D U m O N A K Y !

D ear P o lio Sholno:M et ■ i l r l «hn llilnks con-

R rrip te ri l i the name nf n new n l |h t rlu b a rt. Hnu' run Khe Im>

.he lped , P, S.7—P, 0.w »ld H rhtuuli


AI re<iurm .)f niindry I’nl Hhol.i rendern, lurludliiK oue o t oiir rs tlm -

• S E R IA L S T O R Y



'T 'H E m nn w ho h o d com o ov niMr th e nockinR R n .in c h had

iln y e d in t h e t s r w h en th e worn le ft h im . T h e c a r hod show ed lig h ts fo r th e la s t m llo o r *o. \ j u i t ro lled slow ly o v e r th e fl co m p ara t iv e ly b a rre n Jond. T he m on sn t In i t qu ieU y now , w aitin e h is m om ent. H e w ou ld hnve to tim e hlin-'plf w ell, th e n a c t sw iftly » r d um cieiitly.

H e could sec a w indow ligh t tw o w hich ho kn e w w as th e ran housu. Ill hiinBors to th e le ft th e house’ h e could see lig h ts also, iind knew thfit th e nrm y offlcei iind m ccliiinics w ou ld bo the re— th e y oven -■ lept w ith in n le w U o f tlic ir p lin e s .

W hen hu lf iin h o u r lind passed h o n u ic tly le ft h is c ar. In a sm all cnriviis pa ck h e c :irrlcd tooLs- pow iT fu l p a ir o r stee l cu tlers, l,,.ck sa w w ilh e x tra bijides o f t: liiirdc'st m e ta l, a sh o r t stubby c ro w b ar, fou r sizes o f flies.

U n d er h ts co at w as a b e ll hold- in« an au to m atic p isto l. A scco rd ;.n<l .sm aller p isto l w as s lu n g in a i.tiou lder h o ls te r o u t o f s ig h t u n der Uir. lo ft a rm .

O u tw ard ly , th e m an ’s cloUiinR w as n e a t a n d of e x ce llen t fjuality fo th a t if by chance ho shou ld bo t i 'c n a n d recogn ized ho w ou ld c x - c ite no susp ic ion . S im p ly by d ro p ­p ing h is b a g o l too ls o u t of s ig h t h e cou ld w e ll a ssum e a norm al ro le w ith no one th e w ise r. W ilh no houses sa v e those a t th e ranch, tliough , a p d no ro ad o r tra i l along Oiis f la t m esa a re a , h e d id n ’t e x ­p ect to e n co u n te r anyone.

H e w a lk ed ciiutiou.sly to w ith in 100 y a rd s of th e h a n g ars . T here , jit th e edRo of th e c lcared landinK field, h e lu rk e d in th e foliage of a m e sq u ite ^h rub , w aiting .

T h e field w as a long sm ooth p ^ in fro m w hlc li even th e sm all /o e k s h a d be en rem oved', b u t its b o u n d a rie s w ere m a rk e d by Span* ish d a g g er grow U is, m caquite, g reasew ood , sa g eb ru sh , a n d a tew s c a tte re d bo u ld e rs . R ecen tly , too, a f lv e -s tra n d b a rb e d w ire fence ^ a d been b u il t a ro u n d it to keep lOfT roam ing ealU e, horses a/id

O v er Uie ra n c h hou.<;c roof D fludden lic k of (lam e. I t d ied dow n, sp ra n g up a g a in btill iiigher. A lm ost a t once o th e r flume tongues show ed. H e g lanced a t th e h a ng - cirs, a n x io u s ly w aiting .

p lan ted h is In flam m able m a te r ia l .vi'll. H e cou ld h e a r th e co n stan t iound of m usic and la u g h te r th e re ij he h a d h e a rd s ince h e firs t leijrcd the p lace , b u t s till nobody

had discovered th e fire,I !it once, though , h e h e a rd a

shout.•■O h-O -O -O-0, H E L P i- Som e­

body yelled, th e n c am e a sc ries of .'kings, a n d In th e m ounting

glow the re h e cou ld see people

technJcaL B u t h e d id know enough to ap p re cia te th e im por­ta n ce of them , a n d of co u rse any sca led m e ta l bousing cou ld be easily opened la te r a n d th e p a rts la id b a re fo r • m in u te acien tinc analy sis a n d copying. H is cue, h e to ld h im self w ith sa tisfac tio n , sim ­ply w as to ta k e th e w hole U iin |. H e s e t to w ork .

;, lo u d e r andF iirllie r shoi more fran tic .

V door In a n a irp la n e h a n g ar popped open a n d som ebody looked out. A t once th e p e rso n tu rn ed bnck inside, co lled loud ly , a n d ra n lo tlie oUier h a n g a rs n e a rb y a n d sounded th e o lorm . M en cam e stream ing o u t a n d r a n to w a rd th e ranch house.

W hen h e saw th e la st person leave th e h a n g a rs , th e m a n con­cealed n e a r th e fence g r in n ed In elation.

•'P erfec t! '' h e b rea thed , w hole p lace deserted!^ .

He sped acro ss th e open ing and slnpped n t th e first h a n g ar . T here , lo be doub ly su re , h e pa u sed a n d w aited a m om en t. H e looked in the h a n g ar a n d c a lle d ou t. N o­body cam e, nobody a n sw e red . H« w en t to Dio b ig ship,

■ h.id e x p ec ted th e com part- I used by th e ch ief bom ber to

be lucked, b u t lo h is deliK hl h' dn’t have to use h is too ls here no strong p u ll th re w b la tch an< tencd Uie tin y cnb ln door. W ith s pocket f la s h lig h t; then .-ycd the scenc ." A h -h -h -h !” h e b rea lh ed in a ilta tion .T here before

w hnt h e w an

TN Ju s t tw o o r th re e m ■*’ fire g rew to aslon ish ii

iut6s Ui<

in ii h o u s in g no bigger I sm a ll ov e rn ig h t bag, rie “K adget” w hich n a - w illin g to sacrifice lives ICS to ow n. T h e re w as m o st v a lu ab le m ilita ry .

■secret!H e w

in strum en t w h en heard a no ise o f n i r nearby.

"T w o in each h a n g ar shouted.

T he m an crouched , gi iiand. rea d y to k ill , ] d.iri-d b rca tiic w h ile a fo rm dashed into the h a n g a r a n d look fli tiiifiuishers fro m th e w alls , b u t 60 seconds In te r h e k n e w h e wai aloiic again . H e rch o ls te red hli pisiols and re.sunjed h is ta sk .

.H e knew tlie bom b s ig h t wai in m e ta l so th p t h e could

s k n e e lin g to in sp e c t th e suddenly Ing fee t

■ ha rd ly

not feasib ly now. B u t th a t d id him. H e w o u ld n 't hnv Uiem anyw ay , fo r h e

P I R S T , a m e U l a rm os b ig as h is m idd le finger w as found w eld­

ed to^ the aide fram e . H e tr ie d hia p o -fe rfu l n ip p e rs on lh a t and m a8e litU e Im pression. B u t th e h a o lu aw d u g In n t once. H e sw ung he sh o rt b lade ba ck a n d forth -apidly, glancing u p a n d o u t tho w indow often . N o th ing in te r ru p te d h im . In h a rd ly 10 m in u tes th e m e la l a rm w a i la w e d in tw o.

S u p p o r t from th e bo ttom w as.-a.i he h a d a lre ad y ob se rv ed w hen in ­specting th e a irp lan e s h e re , th in ­n e r p ieces o f s tra p m e ta l , p ro b ab ly a lum inum o r a lloy . H e dug h is c ro w b ar u n d e r o n e r iv e t and pried . I t b roke loose a t once. A second and th ird su p p o r t cam e fre e w ith equal case . H e w as e la ted , in fact, a t th e case of th e w ho le ope ra tion . Shou tings a n d c rack lings of fire, m u m e d by d is­ta n c e a n d th e h a n g ar w alls , to ld h im th a t h e s till h a d tim e.

W ith a sh o rt s tee l ta p e ilrvder h ia f lash ligh t beam , Uien, he m easu red ex ac tly e v e ry d e ta il o f liie bom b s ig h t’s insta lla tion . T h e d is tance acro ss th e c om partm en t. T he h e ig h t o f th e s ig h t fro m th e fioor. T he size of th e open ing in the floor itse lf . T he d is tance of th e ch ief bom ber's se a t from th e b a se o f th e s ig h t a n d from th e eye piece. T he h e ig h t o t th e co m p artm e n t celling. E very th ing h e co u ld see to m eas­u re . T hese figures h e p u t dow n w ith pencil on a n o te pad.

T h en w ith o u t fu r th e r ado h e took h is tools a n d th e prec ious bom b sig h t and ba ck e d o u t of thi c o m p a r t m e n t . T h e load w a h e av ie r th a n h e -an lic ipa ted , fo r the th in g w as of m e ta l , b u t evt so i t cou ld b e c a rried in. one han H e sa t e v e ry th in g on th e cemei door, w e n t back In a m om ent ar w iped a ll th e In te r io r w ith an oili r a g from h is pocket to leave J f ingerp rin ts .

T h en he g a th e red h is th ings a g a in a n d calm ly d e p ar ted . N o­body else w as a ro im d th e hangars y e t n o r w ould lik e ly b e soon, fo r th e B a iley house n o w w as ro arin g and flashing so th a t h e h a d to ducic dow n in th e low shadow s to avo id possib ility o f be ing seen.

E ven a s h e fled, though , he srk ings looked a t th e b u rn in g house w ith in te rest sa tisfac tion . T he w om an w ho cam e

inde rs tood w ith h im had do n e h e r job w ell, s n o t th a t (T o Be C on tinued )

Bruce Catton in Washington

E feninc T im es W ashlnfton Correspondent

WASHINGTON, Dee. 10- E n ­forcem ent of llie Wii«e*liour law l.s

ling in to one of the oddesi prob- Icm.s U iat ever vexed a governm ent iigeiicy. T he penalty ord liyirlly used

iforcing Lhe law U «eltliiK too,llff t

rcQUircmpenalty is the n employer w ho ho.s been pay* lb -standard wages pay up all

buck wages due h is wdrkers. So far It h as been th e chief d u b In the

lids of th e w age-hour -division's .pectors.But now th e law has been In e f-

fcc l (or over two years. Suppose aii ii.si>eclor discovers a sm all buslnes.s nan who has been below lh e m ln l- luim e ^ since th e law w enl in to ■ffect.-fle c an require th is m an to ive up to th e law from now on—- )ui It he m ade h im pay up th e ac- •um ulatfd wages h is w orkers should iftve been ge tllng for two yeur.i he

m lglii simply pu t h im out of buiil- « s s by hand ing him a bill he ;ouJdn'l pay.

i la rd production due early nex t year. ' A good p a r t o t Uie soybean crop l.«

i.sed in m aking ^ la rg a r li ic s and :ooklng ollK. D rop In Inrd iiroUuf- llon hence m eans a bigger field lor soybean oils..

A g rku ltu re departm en t experts doubt th a t the defense boom is p u t­ting the price up. Only uboui i j per cen t of the crop goes to Indus- ir la l u.ses. Besides, tlic w ar has p iac-

illy killed the export dem and.


Dl-scourU liia 'c p redictions Hint Secretar>- of Labor Prnnce-«^ Pcrkiii.s Is going to rcplace Paul M cN utt as edcral .set:urlty adm inistra to r,

.Madame Secre tary Is due to leave h e r p resent posf. bul (rill probably <rliid up w ilh a dipla- m alic Job If one can be found. <)nly h lleh (here Is th a t most d ip ­lom atic Jobs open now are In L a t­in A m erl;a. and th e L atins still figure w oman’s place is In the home.


T h e division Ls a lready v.iilving rcslllu tlon In some case.s. By w aiv­ing It, tlie cooperiillon of a num ­ber of iriuie Bs.sociallons l.s ob ta in ­ed. A w age-hour official, for in- slunce. Will tell trad e a.s.soclatlnn rx- ecuUve.? som eth ing like th is :

•'We haven 't been able lo liibjiecl your f(eW yet and probably w on't lo r some inonllis lo come. Meui: while, we know perfetU y well th i some of your people a rc n 'i paying th e wage.s th is law requires, O Uiem Into line 'now ; In re tu rn , win we do m ake our liisi»ctlon*, at m a n who Is m eeting th e law 's r qu lrem cnts a t th e tim e of th e li specllon will be okay, even Uiougli

,y ha'In Lhe pa-st.”

T h is doesn’t mei hou r dlvl.slon ha:Idea of ge tting ri wages. In O ctobei. . . . b rought Bboul paym en t of upw ard of $1,000,000, W hat Is hap p en in g Is sim ply th a t th e Jpb of ge lling versul observance of lh e law U ing pu t flrs'l-.-

a rd lng U

. th a t thi abaiidor

.Itu tlon of back for Instani


H I S T O R Y Of Twin Falls City & County

7.5 Y E A R S AGODKC, 16, 1A2S

T lie dliiniT imil ciUi'itaUia Klvrn by th r DaiiKhlcrs .if th r Ai l.'iin Revoluilon a t th e Iliisinev^ m en'a club rooms In linnor o( i husbftnds wn.s rh a rm ln g as fac ts and livndes ui.soclated 'thowere reralleil in lhe iiu: lUtiBrain. Ml:,.s A\letn Miss D orolhv nink.-liiel

1i.1 (lay.'

leh liv MIm ro le o t a


27 )7;.1A*.S AGO

H o n o r M i m m i ^ I i f o r A l l

A faint llHlll^io()n. i-vcii if not a tcmpc.sl,HL'CJiiH to liavf hccn in a Icapot liy llio dt'si^-nalitin of I’an A in c rican 'A v ia tio n day on Doc. 17, (he a n n iv ersary of tin* W riKlit l)r()lh(‘i\4. C erta in n riv a li' inlercHl.s n>'tu-iircil paH saf'eof a join); resolut ion l)y con-

autliorii'.iiiK clioice of lliis flnle. They failed to nu'iilion ihi' Soiidi AiiuM'icaiiH who m adi' .such splendid contrilnitimiH to the l)irth of hum an flif'hl.

W hul was inleiulcd as a ^-tiod-will n’e.stiirc, th u s t)f- fonded H ra/.ilians wlu) htm or SantoH-DumonL and (Ju/.- mao, aiul P e ru v ia n s wlio eelelirate Chavez, C an h 'n as and Hiolovuclc. 'I’he S la te d e p a rtn im l has had (o U‘- nilnd the.se Hponsor.s <tf Iheir nnii.Hsiini,

S ui’oly in so f^reat a fiehl. th ere i \ etidUKdi honor fo r all. W e a re oblij^ed for lhe ri'inindi'r.s th at oainc Itibtaiitly to eall a lle iilio n ter the serviee.n uf these South A m pricnn pioneers. It, is one of the th in g s that unlte.4 peo j)le.s~ lhe w ay in which nicii of ^I'liliis in diverso crtuntrieH h r in ^ diver.se talent.^ to hear on a sinKli-' problp in ,.an(l all e o n tr ih u te a sh a re in a .siiif^le Hoiution. H onor to an y o f llu-sr a ir pinnccrs only briH'hteiJH the hm ter o f otliorH.

^•:,l)«|irr 1

I’o r I

StiitiHticH h I i o w that muoii of the time a careor IcudH lo u atript-d Huil.

iT i:^ i ON m i ; N K H it;'MSI In Mill

(lie |,hr<.r,n,l,.|,v h.-tliK Mr.nt

Further raUotiiiiK in likely for lirilons after lhe holldayft— but thor^MI bu no hilch in lhe heltM they’r(> b ind ing tht Germans.


niilr 'I’MAT many ih o p iiin f r t i r i l e f i T . . . "


T he k llc h ea im

T o m H o j lm a n c KN anuM l b y (irai)}<e


IrkreiHU-. Ohriil. in W, r . Colini

M IrirI r ; r io r


'W e Challenge Y ou." th e ora tion ' w hich he won f irs t' p lace a t th e

Doi.se oratorv and debate m eet, was given by Kills Bo<len during stu d e n t body a.s.seml)ly W ednesday a fte r -

Albloii slu d e n ls who paVtlclpatecl in (he m eet were In ­troduced by Alvln M, K einplon, Tliey all took imi I In debate a n d are Mary Lam bert, Burley, a n d D erm a-

OehrlK, Ull.si.. ill the lower dlvl- uiiil I.liivcl D rury. B ulil. and

Ctiarle* Ileiiworlli, Albion, In the vi.siuii. At tliB close of the

WuJrtUiia.s caro ls were 1 by C liltnrd M ulllklnV ac- ■il bv llptiy l’ixt«rtv,~lMirlcy,

o fM u O m eg iOmlci sponsor, M ■niei.day i-\

d liinei

m et r s hn e of theli k Johnson

eiijov a Chrl.it' Ih r losing .sidi

ive, w hich WAJ •ear. Chrl.itmai >(l retreslm ienl.

Jaycees at BuhlName Candidates

BUHL. Dec, 16 (Special) — uhl Jun ior C ham ber of Coi

merce. w ith O ienn B iickendorf :ha lrm an, announces th e following nominees for th e 1041 election Dlllcers;

Prc iiden l, W aller T ann lcr, H arold Pueker; lirs t vice iirc.ildcnt, Holmes, Charles S hadduck; second

presldfiit, Tom Newbry. S heldon eu llty ; necreUry, B ern ard S ta n w niton C ra y ; treasurer, K u rt K erp

il Hov Heyer,llreeiors, Ihree lo be elected for n-vpar term s, are Joe H uber,

Ilu llBVB. Holand T lilbadeau , M nrlo^ brose, Ralph I*i|)er, W aller I fe r- n i e annual elec1l9n will be held

I. H.

Ehnt Kly. Ncv ; Hill Matlliewh, ley; tlra ee HikmIkiii.sr, Albion; tljM'adlliiK. (:i>.'>iletouI; Itiilph ham , Yukliiiii. Wn.ili ; Hnllv

I l»\eliui(1, Yr>:

■iile), Mr.s. I). I'

J n ir^ r ll ,M.iiv Iasi H atuiday


W hen soybeans lii t a do llar i bushel in the Chicago m arket- r e ­cently. th e departm cn l of ag ricu l­tu re realized lh a l a n o th e r crop had —so to speak—come of age. Soybeans have become an Im p o rtan t c r o p jn Uie mldwesl, rising from a n acreage of a round 3,000,000 fifleen years ago

10,000,000 acres Uxlay. Production ' th is year is figured a t about 70,-

000.000 bu.shels.eu,son for th e rl.se in p r ic e - i t iped 25 cen ts from Septem ber to 'e m b e r-U probably th e d rop in

Australia Summons More Men to Arms

' CANBERRA. A ustralia. Dec, 10 (U.R)—U nm arried m en 19 ye a rs ’ old ond between 25 a n d 33 years old In ­clusive were called lo th e colors to- diiy 111 order (o m a in ta in th e defense forces ill A ustralia a t 250.000 men.


Sclenc,e seUs a te riific pnce In this m odem e ra bu l science books. [>op- u lnr and otherw ise, seem lo keep up w ith il. T lie y cai-end brings a d e ­luge. .- ome of w hich undoubtedly a re ou tdated by the labora tory a l ­m ost before they a re published. Not so. however, w ith five Im portant, readable volumes.

T lie f irs t two are Roy C hapm an Andrews' "T his A niaalng P lane l''^ . (P u tn a m '.s: »2i and F ra n k T hone's '•Microscopic W orld" (Ju lian Mess- n e r: $3). N either a re over-technical a n d both arc Im m ensely in te re s t­ing.' As direc tor of th e A m erican M useum of N atu ra l H islory .^ A n­drew s (rem em ber "On th e ' I « l l of A ncient M an"?) has m ade a round ­u p of th e hund reds of h is long , career, such as "po tatoes a re to ­m atoes" and th a t fHh have the ir h itchhikers.

As a leading p o p u la rlie r of m odern science. Dr. T hone delves in to h is own special Held, blolog>'. and comes up w ith some (ac ts as

ige or stranger th a n Andrews'. Sam ple chap te rs a re "Digestion W ithou t SlomaclLs” (th e story of germ feeding). "P astu res of th e Sea"

•he story of a lg ai.O utstanding fea tu re o t th e T hona

book is th e inclusion of m ore th a n 100 graphic -p ic tu re s o f th e woh- • • - >f little^ living th ings th a t

,, , "microscopic w orld," The book, Incldentallv , is adap tab le to Juveniles o r adults.

T ack ling an o ld '(juestlon . D r. H. Spencer Jones w rites an In terest­ing book, "U fe on O U ier W orlds" M acm illan; »3). Presen ting a mas.'

j f evidence, ho concludes; " Il is idle to try to Ruesn w h at form s life m ig h t ta k e in o th e r w orlds. . . . N either the Investigations o f th e a stronom er nor th e investiga tions of

b io log ist, c an h e lp i

Woodmen ElectBUHL. Dec. Ifl (S pccla li—H. P.

Atkhfi was elected con.Mil of the Buhl camp of M odern. W oodmen i America last week. O th e r offleei a re R. Cecil Johnston , advLsor; 1 L. Atkins, banker; A nlone Sediv escort; Or. J, W. W urster. physlrlni Klvln-O. Noh, w atchm an ; F. C, Si (llvy sentry, and D, A. Eggleslo liiistee for th ree years. An. oysti supjier was served a fte r th e soci

latter. I t m ust i la in fore\;aled book. B u t it U unlikely th a t ' volution has followed a para lle l ju rse on anv two w orlds." W liy It I unlikely Is Dr. Jone.n' story and goo<l one.r in a lly , there Is Edwin Wnv

'eale'fi absorb ing , and extrem ely eU -illaslraU d book .on the life of ees, "T lie G olden T lirong" (Dodd.

which, if you a re a.Htudeiit a t a ll, Is i

: E ,irth"b<»k; and "O ur TremblhH by Joseph U ’n th (Dodd. M ead: the. story ot eartirfiuakes, w hat causes them , how they are recorded and w hat value It Is to science to record them .


r P.-T. A. will ha>

usic was fu rn lsh - iikI t ia ra lt K eu rn i 'Inrlh rlln W nleolt ig n re i l ‘r a l l wan



oisiAnt K

; purcfiatlng agant.

c:i.llle May I..'v lrn-tw esldent, Mrs,

. Mr

lumia III muo R iKmallon to the ( lh a l r itv . 'H ie ell Pd hy a |K i|.|ii.l tnem bera and Ui K guest. sralMl,

. Ken..... . . .a rd , M is

(ihrlM iiiaa pnok- III Mildlnra »l Uii

well a s a r a i l illilrfii'n hom e o Mion w as prered

d in n e r wUh 10 . U lara K opp, u

rhoaen. Mrnil>e rs of the>l In the play are

sdlngs.spluu 1•lub p.c:.rn led nilIHDgraiiII Thur»( lay a l the.'chool aiu.rmbl)iHo K)l iiirdt gii vr a des-■i.u Th u n d a y 1lor inuiii-MaroA lltldHO .club. Mrs.was ai 1 addltUi nal guest.

Ik Hiken en tert a lned the1 Itililge club •riiiiisdav«llh a de tae rl lun rheon .Idge fc)r high core w en l

<1 Mir. A, A. Da vU: second liighIII MII. C II, Hhalf. a n d low toMm , HiUui D. Vh iceiil. A dditional

< w rrr Mr 11 /k. A, n a v is , Mrs.Kil«.i, n , Vinern l and M rs, I , n.

Mb.1 M sijorv III aslo<'k. Miss B31-Mias Eloulse M ore-

Ml-..> Wll’i WUnon and Mh.il.illla n Tricaii, all s lu d e n ls a t th e(.'iiliii ncio W(«nikn's college. D enver,iillU iril hunm Hal.uiday (0 s|>endIh r 1M>IUIny sea.on w ith rrla llves ,

W.1■mnfi'n flij.■lelv■ (if Hoelal Herv-Ill m m Wediiiesday u lleriioon .

Drc 1", 'Mill Mis. J F, Oullok, As-sMiil aro M rs E. M.XllVll(iiii. Mis. Mlaude H ouse andM u rre d Helrltiert

Ml s K<Ui.iiII llrlggs, form erlyMIm AiiiKilte Ja r iibson. Instructo r111 IIIf n i n f,.. t_ .iiral higti school, en

Ain.iU:un U kU. and (aiiilllr*, give iiiliv ■

I Ixw A ngrles, ivra a t lloUn, --n igh t guest s G ailsoil.

a n d p«ilul I

iirnday dnllghtlul B llnlr. F tfty

iienin aiteniled and were M ated •r d inn rr i t oiie luiig lab le w hich u« iiivarrd with O lirlstm aa deco ra- mui. Danrlng and gam es follow ed.


A naw er (o P re v lo tti P t iu le

13 School of whales.

14 Sycophant.ISS iiletd .Ifl E xpectations.18 Three. lO U ls It slnnd.21 Kmboldened.23 Nay.2B01d garm ent.20 M easure of

area. 44 Doggy.27 Ita lian s tream . <0 C o m p a ii po in t 20 Child (H bbr.).

d H lc a te d to 47 H reiikfnst food

p«,co. 51 Uoy.3.1 Notch. &2 M ole iheep .:i4 G arre t. 64 S w im m ing SflM are. fow ls.97U Brler«d. S3 ro rtu g u « i«30 Chopping tool. coin.40 Uehold. 60 H e h a i —42 K not of sh o rt • f ro m active

ha ir. ae tv lce .

■ o rthodoxy .11 F rosled .12 A lm ond.10 H e h as had 1

l o n g ------c a ree r as • so ld ier. ’

17 T o close. lO Crispnes.1.20 C urta iled .22 Pa rad ise .34 D eath notice.27 W rites. 2B D ulld lne s l l t i 31 M etal s tring . 3BC oagulum .

17111s na tiv e 90 Rabbit, land . 30 F u n e ra l long .

« ax .C A t U S S r - " ' -2 Self. u n tru th .3 D ick of neck. 4V D anana.« Im provem ent. 43 N ew spaper 0 Preposition . pa ra g ra p h .8 B urbo t (flsh) 40K eU h .7 Y oung salm on. 48 0 u n .OTo p rep a re lo r SO Com m on ve rb

B1 R um an ian ‘ coins.

tt3 M usical notei 03 R a ilroad

(a b b r .) .

Page 6: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Idaho...Weather Forecast ^krtiiar cWodr toBlffbt will Tues «sj'. W*mier tonight. HIch yw- .tMday 31.

Monday. Decem ber 16, 1910 IDAHO EVENING TIMES, TWIN FALLS, IDAHO Page Five

Grange GleaningsB y A . H A R V E ST E R

B lO tN T A IN IIOCKMoiintJilii ncK-k GrniiRe m et on

Dec.. 4 w ltli Pom ona O ninSf' oIJlc- r r s os tliPlr Kiicst.'., O nly routliic nirttUTs c lalm rd Ih r a ltc tillo ii of jhp O rn iiif iliirli\u tlip rrR ulur srs - MOii- Pnmiiim M nslrr E r lf Jontfs Kftvr ft tiilk on work of H 'c J’o- nioiiir* ftiKl Mrs, O rlrvo , Pom ona lrca?,>irrv. saim l« o solos, " In (.he Oloi.mlm:'’ iind ••Trees," w ltli Ml.ss Sticnliord nrcoinpniiylim tinpintii)

Mi:>. t i l Alilm iif Ucc-p Creek, a; Ih r only woiiiiiti niu-strr In tlic coun tv. ttu.', i-iillcd upon iind Kftvc n very Inlrir.sllilK <«lk. K. L. Mctj: uli callfcl on for u inim biT , told " b rh rv r 11 Or no t" la ic . A coinlc Mint:. -I Am .1 Oiiv C abollrro ." in lull i-osttnne iind nmk<'up. fillerort l>y FrunK B ccr und Krle Joiip;;. lUc (lr^l .spa.sm by M r, Bofr nii(! tlir nex t by Erie, nnd th e n tliry brrnino iin epidem ic nnd »tin[r the rn ro rr toRi'tlier.

T h rrc « i i ' u ver.v Inrtie ultoiirtfHirc' ot vl.sliors nnd lo tn l m em bers nearly every O nin ije In T w in Falls coimty was reprc.sent/'d. 1 very fine mcetini; iiiul probably the

o t the 5.tcles wUictt lu is tiiken the Pom ona OrtviiKe o tf lre rs Into nearly every G raiilie In th e county to present the ease lo r th e Pom ona G range iitid Us ri'latlon to th e sub- oiflinate and s ta te C rannes. I t Ls felt th a t the plan h a s been w orth- whilc and has resu lted In [he (jrowth o( InlrresI In the Pom ona O ranpc. We U) ;,t'f ^o1nl' plmiIn cipcrniloii nexi year. No doubt many have Joined th i' Pom ona be- rallsr ol llie prOKiam th a t Illesp visitors advaiued aiuoiiR ilie .Mibor- (liiiate OrajiKe''.

lA lllV IK WFiiirvir'v G ran iif met on th e Gth

ol O orrm bcr wlili a ' koo<1 turnout and held a short btislncs.^ .so,s.slun. A coiiim ltter on cana l n tfa lrs wii.s ap|X)uiled and S ister B rooks a n -

• tiouiicotl the upixUMUncnl oS Mrs. Jack Cmniibell nntl G race Baxter ns C hnslrnas com inlttec . anil Mr. and Mrs. l!!ii;:cr and Mr. and Mrs. Ctie.Kter Niih as tree couiliilttee. *A liarvc.M bull com m ittee, Riulolph I’etcr,'-on. IClvIn Noh and Jtow ard Cobb, »as nppolnfed lo a n th^ affair.

A in n l :.h»v.ev by ilip lad les to r •Sister Hudson, who \u is re()orled t be In the eom iiy hosp iln l. wn m anned. The rcsiKnation of Mi

. R alph Ihix-r as ai.slstiint accepted a tn l T linlne

ind Chacc IJaXtor ' fill llie olfier.s. L ittle

] K ram er frit moved to .'liig "Oo(i Dle.v. A nieilcu" a n d a lte r much pcrsua.slon nnd aided by D on­nie she very sweetly p u l It

l l i e tm d party , w hich h a d been arranftert honor oC th e K vkU.oiv., Was held n t th e rUi'.r of th e m eet- Inc bill withotll th e hoiiorocs, a.s JSlMer H udson was cotiflned lo th e

, h(ih|iital. T v rlv e tab les wore n t plav nnd low for women w ent to Riitli H anllni; mid for the m en to Soren .lensen. hlRli for th e women to Mr-

, Anton su c lia n and for th e m en tc C.pcrRe liaxtcT. 'I 'r iuc-U iis prl/^- ,u cu t to Mr.s. Cam pbell nnd Mr, Dciiticy. L unch whm .served

cltise of ho.stf!ltle'. Tlie ChrI.stma.s ram and tree will leaVurc th e mcelliiK, on Dec. 20,

KIMIIKKI.YTvlnibcriy G range held the ir t W -

tlon of oMlcers la.st M onday e In g ,' M r, and Mr,-.. W, n . Chase nnd Rci'; S . D, T refren were Initiated n.s

m em bers ol th e G range. Tlic otflcer.’i elected were as follows: M nster. F rank Beer; overseer. FYcd T rim ble : lectiircr. Mrs. tYed Beer; stew ard. W alter Bccr; a;.sL.tant stcw nrd, Staey D ietz; chaplain. Mr.s. C arrie Jones; treasurer, Floyd Jone.s; secretary . Mrs, O. S, S a rtln ; sn te keejxT, A lbert I’lill; Ceres, Mrs, WUbtir tw ucks; rom niw , ElUi Beer; Florn. Mrs. W. R. Chase; lady s ls tan t stew ard. Mr.s, .'itacy D ie t/; executive lom m ltteem an , Jo h n Q rie-

A short proRram by the children followed the elccllon, as follows: "T he Silly Snow M an,” little Cieorge Rcer; 'T eachliiK a Call to IM nk,"

,Dce U nverlnnd; p iano solo. "Counlrv G nrdens." F.sther Beer; "JilsI Be- f> e C h ristm as,” John Beer b'alad, cookie- and cotfce were scrvod and the nex t m eeting will be Dec, 23, A t« t luck and a i|uarterly p ro ­

ram put on by a special commlitcc ill be the features.

iielB liborhood knowti as the M erry- riuiikcrs to p u l on the proRracii, T heir p rogram wiw prr.senteil in ihc torm^ of a rad io proifram. UIck B rannon b^lng llie announccr. "Aloha" byBewWft n n d M»T«ir Jacebsen; ah is to ry of the Mrrrymlikrr:. bv F ra n k Sum mer:.. Jr.; Imrtuoiilca soltt by Clyde Jucobveti; rraduiE. -B a re ­foot Boy w ith Boots on." by Miir- th a t su m m ers , blliboiird In Don-

B ra n n o n : duet by [irulila M argie Jn iobson ;Suninier.s; piaim ,:.n Brnniinii. a l te r whirl view of th e play whie

by th e chih was F ra n k a n d Mnrtim M arjorie Routil\\>'k.

T lie nex t mei'iiiu:111 be Dei- J7. iliie tr le school hotisr will

F riday nltJht b fforr


ia srrnm m m nism m m m - ^— ----------- |

and Mrs stew ards \ Roberts a elected

SH O U T COIJKSK iKrictiltural com m ittee of

the I’omona GraiiRe will have churRC of the sho rt coursc this w inter nnd pliins will be m ade shortly to. th a l

PomoDn Mn,ster KrJe Jo/ie.' announces ' th e appoliitm ent of tlu ■arlous PoiiiDna cornmltlee.s ns fol

lows;Resohitlon. Karl Johnson, Ber

O 'H urrow , .M, SaiulKren, Haroltl Mc- KnlRht. Dole K tinkle nnd Bill Wise-

F lnnn re , K, L, M et/. Uoii Spcnccr. A nton S uchan , Mrs, Fred B tcr, Mrs, Ed Ahlm a n d Stan ley W nllcrs,

LeRLslallve, F ian k Alkln.s, Roy Dvvrk iiiul Ot'UTKu H art.

AKrIi'iilture, I, E. Stan.M'll, I, G. Cobb, F, F .'K outhw lrk . F ratik t:n.U-

lan and C. V. Jones.Home ceonom ks, Mrs, 1,, G . Cobb.

M aurice CurrhiRton, O O, Brooks, l- 'iank E as tm an and Mrs. W. A.


appointed Inter,

n r iii.Buhl G ram ;.’ held it.s aiitmal

C h rtsiiw is cxchiiuse TuvMii;y Due to .■-0 ruany culds

nelRliborhood the attendance up to th e m ark they ii.sually have. ’lliC niiUilcr uiiiw liitrd on Instiillatlon lOmiKisctI of l>aiik Soutliwlek. W aller T anler and Mrs. Klva Mason. B ro ther J . P, Hun; talked on the weed sltuntlon.

C hinese liit-ekfrs and cards were enjoyed durlnt: Ihe social hour. Hosts for the I'venmi; were Mr. and Mrs. .S. C. O rr, .\Jr. and Mrs. H arry Davis nnd M rs, I. E. StauspU. As th e ncM m retln i; iilRht. falls on D cr. 24, It will l)C omllted.

NORTHVIKWN ortluiew h a d somethlii« d llle r-

r n l In tlw lr p ro m m i wheii iiipy called on th e yoiiiiK pcoi>le of the

o iher coimmtlc

Bargain Hunting?T h e llrs l nlriilani' llmlii

1P03 was Ir.'.s tluu i a mile IB m a jo r a lr l liid s in tin S la te spa .w H ger nd lc . i n seiifter.^ ntid cnime nuftlly.

Important Spot'KeystODP of CarKidii” is a

nntne for Wlnrili>eu. Manitoba. All tra f f ic acrtiss th e l)(jmlmnii C anada , eUher dvnHViini, pa,sscs tlirotigh It

C O M E TO I ^ I N G ^ S

^ I G X M A S S A L E !T his Diillar S a v in g Salt' lon u 's .jus( :il t h e r i«h t lim e to make yi)ur ('liristm ii.s m oney j(‘* farth iT . \Vc havi- liiruc s ltn k s tif th e merchan- (lisu li.><t(;(l'hcl(>\v and mu,sl turn i t into cash licfort* Jan u ary inventory.<tct yotir .share o f th e siivinus. Huy niiw!

A New Location > f o r

WltSON-BATE$Twin Falls—130 Main Avenue North

W c liavr jii.-i* ini>\i'.i to tmr lurRf .storel)iiil(liiiK a' l-!ii .Main A veiiuo Nurlli - - iii-xt lo th e Oi-pluHini th i’atrr, Sco ii,s a.s somi a.s |Ki.-;.sj|)|(> in th is

con ven ien t ‘I'win hfinl«iuartcr.s fnr ;i|»|iliuii‘eos o fall kind.s.

• Philco• Ma.vtas• L & H• Kslatc

• I n i n r i t c

• Sunbeam• Toaslmaster• Oaldand

Wilson-Bates Appliance Co.I WIN F.\L LS

That’s a grand idea ive Mm a SUIT!a d d




IV niK iiKAi) Yunutlic’ .siiil h c ’.s wriiniiK way licyiuKl i ls nuj niiil

''.\]u'i'taiii'y. Ihii nf llii' la iiiily iiiln n liml-

illi- anil nivi- hiiii Ihr Ki'andi'Ml o f k II*<'' . . . in'"

suit. It'.-’ ii ^.||lali jili'ii anil iiiic .iiiit' wii\' in iiialvr

lii;i ('hriMliiiiri. and yoinji, tlraiiialii'jilly Minii-.- d

Mmiy I tJir lildiit nf rtlrcIflllllK "Ml lil'


T m -. SM A U T K S'l C U T F o i l IIIIM


l.iiy iiw uy, o f (Imirno

(JU T vvKAPnoi)


lifi' ol' lii.'< II t'lol In'S SI)111- m il ;d I'clrli hl.> luiiiK

m il III riillill th e ili’.'dri's o f lln> n>.>i| nl' |)n ' hi

So ln‘1'1' i:< y u i i r chiuiri’ lo |i ln y Sim la in a

Talk it u vn mnniiK y .im n clvrs . . . iticn .nini- in

aili\ n;i lii-tli. N o Ih-t-tl In fiiH,, iditnit tlir 111 iiiiil

nlylrs . , . we'll laki- n irc of all Ihr ilotaij... Hoi,lilnim- finiii- in rarly and avoid | | io Innl ...... .



Where Women I’rofer to .Shop

:12-1*1I-;C,1C DINNUlt SHTS •'iJ ^lli^ li ijiia lily , Anii'i'icaii m ade. 'I'lirsi! w crr iJiii'uliuhnl ^ .'i|ir('ially for Ihis (llii'ittlmaH $ 2

Im. H . m e CO.

IDAHO'S OWN 5^: TO ^1 STORESe e w 0 * 6 w w 6 * m e i w i * @ w f f l * 0 w 3 e 0 3 i i 0 3 e s * * t o * t o » t o * i 9 i i i s < i i 0 a 6 a « » i ;

Page 7: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Idaho...Weather Forecast ^krtiiar cWodr toBlffbt will Tues «sj'. W*mier tonight. HIch yw- .tMday 31.

Fage Six IDAHO EVENING TIMES, TWIN FALLS, IDAHO M onday, December 16, 1040

E m n y N i iE sESILDUCE

LONDON, Dec. 16 (U.R>—Italy Is Bfpklng m eans of cvacuRllns some women and c lilldrcn from EthloplR brcniise of growing native unrest. e,s|>eclnlly am ong th e OoJJam tribes­m en of th e Lokc T bbur aren , H wns rcporled today—Uiough how niiy rpfuRees could get bnck • to Italy tlirouKl) th e British blockadp wns n m ystory.

nnn .sh avitJiorlllcs liave iin liilor- nm tlon to lo»(l th rm to rxiioct in

bl« scale revolt In Rihlo- • iilii Dut coiitltniMl deiprlorntlon Af

JiiOy'R i>f«ltU)ii In A frica wtiuUl make It Inipos.'.lblr for Miis;;olinl in niiy tffvip.'i from D lilopln, w tierr lie Ls ■ rsllmntecl to htive m ore 1'- - lOO.fXMl of h is own trDOiis. or to them nunln.-it tlip U rlttsh In Siitliiii o r In Kenya,

T lie (act th a l Mii.isolliil 1in,s (nllcd to exploit h is hold on Etliloplii for nil n ttnck on the llglitly defciKlr<l Sudftn ts .taken ft.s r l r a r rv iilenre th f Itallnns h a v r su lfU len t w orries In E llilopla to keep them bii.sy

Rrport-s recur perslstonlly of rebH a rtlv lty , and 11 Ls believed llm t thi Eini)eror Httlle Sela isie , nnw In tin Stidnn. Is o rgnnlzln^ revolt ns he

BUHLM rs. N ina PorU ors, O rollno, p res

Ident of th e R ebckah As.scmbly of Tdnho. paid her official visit to the R ebekah lodge F riday evening. A b anquet a t th e M ercer cafe preceded the m eeting. Covers were m arked for 30 guM te a t th e Jong tabic cen te'red w ith n large m irro r reflect I'ntr S a n ta C laus a n d h is reindeer draw ing a sleigh. Twelve red ta p ­ers bu rned during th e d in n e r hour. At th e lodge m eeting In th e I. O. O. F. h a ll Mr<- N ina Portfo rs gave th e Instruction* for th e new year nnd com plim ented th e c h ap te r on th e ir work.

Buhl P.P.A. boys, u n d e r th e df- rec tlon of Leslie Jaclcson, agricul­tu re Instructo r In th e h igh school, drove to th e tim ber scellon above K etchum th e first o f the week and cu t some 80 Chrlstm aa tree s to hcll In th is area. T he boys some time ago solicited th e donation of d is­carded toys for r e p a ir In th e ir ag. ahop for d is tribu tion by chu rch o r­ganizations- T he funds ropdvcd from the sa le of th e trce.i will be used to add checr to th e C hrlbtm as of needy fam ilies o f the w est end. Tliose who m ade th e tr ip w ith a truck and tra i le r Into the m ounta in section 18 m iles above K etchum were M arvin Jagels. Cyrus T aylor. H enry H artl. Jo h n Carlson and M r. Jnck -

Jo h n H arm s a n d h is sister. Mrs. A nna Loontjer, received news IhLs week. oC th e r« c tn t d e a th i>t th e ir b ro ther. Dick H arm s, a t Los A n­geles.

T h e Double M, C on tract club m et W ednesday w ith M rs, V ernon Prast. M rs. R ichard Lynch. W aterloo, In. « houBO gueat of M rs. Em ll Borrie- wick, was a guest. H onors for piny were given Mrs. H arry W ebber a n d M rs. Rollo B ra n n aa .

In com plim ent to M r. and Mrs. 8, L. T h u rm an , who celebra ted th e ir 42nd ann iversary W ednesday, Mr. and M rs. Cecil D enney en terta ined a t pinochle. Honors w ent to Mrs. 6chooley and Mr. T Jiurm an. Mr. and M rs. T h u n n a n were m arried a t B urke . T enn ,. and moved to th e west end In 1018.

J . P . H u n t led th « diwvisslon i>i th e e rad ica tion of weeds a t (h:. meeUng of Uie Ruhl O rnnge last week In th e Rock liall. D uring the Boclnl hour Ihe niinuni Chrlslnui.s exchange of gifts wns m ade, rard gam es followed, Mr. and Mrs, a . C, O rr. Mr. and Mr*. H nrry D«vls and M rs, I . E. S tansell were hosl.i for th e evening, serving rcfrcshnicnl.s a t a la te hour.

M r. anti Mrs, J . Haillpy Barker ehtertfllned the emplgyr.s of the Idaho n r s t N ational bank a t a key d inne r Inst week,

Tlie members of th r Ih ih l pop club nnil Mlu< B urva B hott. Mln.f Botty JcHii Illgb lr nnd Mr, , Ji H, Shield* were e n trr tn ln rd nl the hutnc M l. inut M rt. J, C. HanilV Ion Inst week with Ihclr ilnuKlilrr MIm M argarol, as hoslexs.

Rev. R ichard J , T r rte r , pn»tnr of the Buhl AMombly of <lo»l rliu rrh , and Mrs, T celcr have unnc to O n- tarlo , Ore.. where they will lake over Uie du ties oa iM itorn of th e rhiircli of th e AMfmbly of a rn l, Itpv, iiiul Mrn. l-:nrl R. Ilndford, In iin n pnn tflrh c'l I’ocalello anti vicinity, ni rived h ''tP Inst week lo tnkn ovci the woik In th li d ls tr in .

Huhl AMierlcau ly |!loii inrmhi'i, and lliv nuxlllury will kIvc llir nn niiiil I 'lilldrrirn Chrlnluiiiv pa ilv a 7:Jn p. in., O oc.'il.kn Mir tinh l I / kIoi ............... will he hppclal Uralfor I L-iyitn and I . willJuiy liU iiltld ttl vlMl Hiiinpli' l i In charKo of (he r<inuii1l nn luiaiiKcrnrnt.i.

M r, and Mrs. K iank I’liwrll I r a la st wvrk for n visit a t Ravmnwood. Mo,

Mr, and Mts, K tchanl WiilcitcK), In., were Ihjuno Kup.^u la .iweek m il.i! Knill llo id iw i.'k 1........

I 'a l M nn re lu incd tn Han 11I<-ki lust wrck w h n o lip In n talloiinl will MlP navv. lie niH'iil hl.'i l>iilinii;liw ith n-lallvrn In Uiihl,

Y D cparliiion l A n d A f ; , S I i u I < - i i I h

H ave Toy I’roji-clniJH I,, l><'. Id (Hi*cclall In

. <>|>en>tl<in w llli Ih r Ihilil flu- purl4licnt, (h r V fralloniil iih iUu

rliinn lil (lir l lu h l liluh «ii<Mil will c o lln l ranlaw uy Ujyn In W ent l^riiil, and , iif lrr vet'onclllloiiInK Lheni. redlalributK tiiom iim rlii. firen nf (hii roininuiilty,

P lro C hief R. M. Mlewart hn «Mre«Hl to le t the high w^honl Ak clHta m e lh a fire a lutlon m head- q u a rle rs fo r tiie rnlleoltoi) of the liiyji, T lie rrtiniidltliinlng and le - ]>alrln|{ will l>ii done In Ihn liigh M^hool ag ahop u iid rr arruniirinentA w ith prinolpiil o f th e aoliool, Moyd Dowora, and I.e«lte Jackson, agrl c u llu w ln» tructor.

Anydn* h a v ln i dlnoarde<l loys t<» d(HUt« U ukM l lo leave Uiem a t U is r i n lU U on whertf th e lilati •ohool «Um will oatl fo r Utem. Dur>

. . , Inc UM O ld ttm u weak Uw d iu ro liO tnntaM iM U 'wW O hU lbut* moat Of t«gr>. M r. Jaokaon «nnounce<|.

SID E G L A N C E S B y G a lb ra i th

1 wiiui.c acc iden t in surance policy ha

Gifted Child Has Bad Time, Nc v York Clinic Discovers

NEW YO RK . Doc. 10 (U.Pi--Tliu 'Klflc<l ch ild ," w ho plnys hookey from k ln d c rn a rtn i bcfau.-,<' of bore­dom m akes clellbernte low grades so the rest of ihc chllU rcn w on't rail h im an applc-pollslicr. w orried Col­umbia unlver.Hlty officials today.

I'w eniy of ihc.fe form er child 'geniuses," now grown, re tu rn e d for

a sem inar n t Colum bia’s teachcrs college lf> Klve account,s of them - Bclvcs, None recalled childhood with pleasure. T hey told of being ostra- cl/ed as --gulm'a plus a n d irtak ;. '; of being th row n In to .study with

dulUs A l h ' i t ' l l w earing i-lior pan ts ; ^ bciuiinderlng th e ir .Mud: tim e to let o th e r ch ild ren cnteh up

•llh them.Ul* l^rolilem

T lie lr p lig h t moved D r. Nlchola.s M urray B utler, Colum bia jirt'sUlinit, to w arn th a t th is wb.s the c h id problem of dem ocrncy n t a time w hen dem ocracy Is "on tn a l for It life ." E>cmocracy'.s test, he said. Is “th e abllltj’ to tm tn lUi nrlsiocracy, and "the a rlito cracy w hich a deino- crncy produces li n o t one of title, lid ierltance or w ea lth —It Is one ol cxcellonce."

T lie 20 spcclnu 'iis, who.se nvcrnRp bitclllBence quo tien t was 1 5 5 -" ' points above the genius r a tin g —h eluded a young m an , who w ithheld


At th e W nshlnglon fcrade school P ,-T . A. nieetliiK tonlK hi a timely ta lk on "T lic F ifth Colutnnl-sl.s'' will be presen ted by Enrl tiniall, stjite traffic pa lro linan . O the r lealuri- will be Chrlstma-s m usic by the high school glee d u b . Paren i:, a re urged to a ttend .

M iss Molly McMiiliQiv^ttas elected honore<l <iueen of Je io inc brilipl of Job 's D aughters, O the r new (iftlcerit elccted w ere Ml;.s llm b ara Knillh, «enlor p rincess; MLsk M arR aret W at- lltiKton. Jun ior iirlnccs.s; Mis.s Mary ■f^cM'iidly. guide, mid Ml.-ri M argar­e t H albert n.i m arshal. Insla lln tlon cerernoides will take |)lace Dee. J(l,

Mrn, Vlrull A. L lnlngcr. Di'iiver, Is a hou.M- guest a i llie hom e ol her pareiils, M r. nnd Mr.K. A I,. i“yle, sr. Mrs, l.InlngiT Is Iln- fornuT Ml.-- I’eRBy Pyle, Iin<l will leave for hr home w llh in the nrx( few duv^,

Mr. *ii\tt M rs. f r t 'd I':ilok.M,iu iiud son anil dn iig h lrr . Hall l.ak>- Clly, a r r VIsKliiK l " l ' ’ w ” li "Id lilelids. T h ry am fo n n er resWleni.s of .)ci-'


hl.s Iden tity , w ith th is com plaint. "I've decided I don ’t belong urnoiig th e people w ho de.servc lo be tra in ­ed lo r leadership. I d o n 't th in k I'lr

m oron, b u t I feel I 'm Ju st a high- grade mc<ilocrlty So I 've qu it-m y Job and I 'm Joining th e a ir force, "

V aried T ra in in g Some of th e 20 had been trained I a s])cclal school for th e gifted.

O thers served as "gulncn p ig s ' by going th ro u g h th e regu la r public school courses, a e rg e l S. Z llnkoff, 25. an a tto rney , w ho w en t th e la tte r route, ,-'ald: " If they (th e geniuses) iry lo pursue th e ir In terests they ure called grUjds a n d ap p le pollsherh. Tliey have to try for low grades II they w an t th e ir c lassm ates to trea t them ns equals. I know, because It hnppened to m e. I w en t to the Unlvcnslty of A rizona a n d 1 found

th a t th e re th e th ing lo do was to study , b u t lo go for m oonlight

rlclcs on th e desert."Allen R osin, 26. a com m erclnl

p ho tographer, who w en t to a ‘'g ifted" school, told h is side of It: " I felt like som ething o u t of Q ulllver's T ravels. I was 10 year.s old, w alking a round In knee b ritches, and all a round m e were boys w ho could ch in nine or 10 tim es, 1 got I ra n away from school fo r three weeks."

A recap ltu ln tlon show ed m ost of Uic •'geniuses" h a d gone In to profes­sional work.


BUHL, Dec. 18 (Specia l)—D r, F. A. K allusky. local ilentl.-it. w as fo r­mally Installed 'a s deputy K lw anls distric t governor la s t w eek-end a t the o fficers' school n t O gden. At- tending the school w ith Dr. K nl- Itfsky wa-s Ja ck W inkler, new presi­den t of th e B uhl club.

T cnlntlve p lans a re being made for a special m eeting here ' Dec. 30 when new officers fo r th e Buhl. Filer and T w in F a lls clubs will be ln.stnlled In Join t exercises.

TliP B uhl c lub 's a n n u a l boys' C hristm as p a rty will be held th e eve­n ing of Dec. 18 a t th e M ercer cafe. T lirre will be a program , tre a ts and g lfti for a ll boys w ho come o.s guest* of club m embers.

H arry H fll^r. F iler, showed eral re.'ls of colored movie pic tures h r hnri taken In Mexico of bull flghls. Included In th e p te tures .^evrrul fl.-lilng scenes and an plane tr ip from T w in F a lls to Cape Horn. .

“ *

I« ---------------------------------------------

Funeral services were held T h u rs ­day afternoon a t th e B u rd e tt fu ­neral hom e for Angelo Sem ltos, &8, rnllrond w orker and re.sldent of L in ­coln county lo r m any years. In te r ­m ent was In th e Shoshone cem e­tery.

Mrs. Clnu<le WlLson and Mrs. Oeorgp H arrison J^nterlalned a t des.»ert bridge a t th e W ilson home Tuesday, Prizes were won by Mrs, W H. M urphy and Mrs. W, GrOs.sc,

W nlnesdny n igh t M rs. Wll.son nnd Mrs. H arrison rn terU ilned n t bridge, w ith prlre.s being won by Mrs, L, T. D olphin and M rs. K , P . M cGuire.

At a m eeting hold In th e office of Counly T ic n su re r O rayce Pease, of­ficers were elected to hend th e new ­ly organized Lincoln counly chap te r of the N ational Foundnilon of In fnntlle Paraly.sls, T hose e lec t« l wen Mrs. H. a. HfUght, c hairm an ; G en­eva H ickm an, vice C hairm an: W. W. U ansen. UwjsUTer. a n d Gvftycc PetiiC. srcre tno '. H. P . W lllm orlh will be In charge of p la n s for th e P resi­den t's b ir th d a y bnll.

Wor<l 1ms been retc lved he re thfit Don H opper hn.s enlisted In ' the navy for a slx -yen r iierlod. Pau l G ran t, a n o th e r Shashoiie boy. re ­cently e n listed In ih e nrmy.

Mrs. Don G arn e r en tertn lned the Y. N, L , bridge club a t l i r r home W ednesday evening. Pllzes wore won by Mrs. F re d B lacker and Mrs. C harles A lexander.

Mr. nnd M rs. P ra n k Dice, Jr.. O m aha. Neb„ a rc visiting here w ith Mr. and Mr*. T . W Dice,

Hantien G rangers E lec t Pattei-son

HANbEN, Dec. 16 ( S p e c la l) -^ f - :crs of the Excelsior G rani;e were

phctod ns follows: Mnster. D. A. Pir'< rso ii, nver.srer: W. W. l.owery.' ("Tin-r. Mi's-H •M inerva SSIiobe,

.Mr.s. Clyde Kd M lnbler. rr-.i:,iirur: Clyde M M inbter. c h ap - .111. .Mrs. W. M. H aynes: gntekcep-,I, J.;.- O b h : n.s.sl5tant stew;

H '-niy; la<ly a.s.sLstuni sn ril. .Mr:. G cor«e Henry.Plaii.s for n'plenbhliiK the trc

r\' u i ' i r m ade wllli three ir Viun-n Lowery. Cllfl H arkins and ,'lMic 1- i M inister, cliosen to ncl c 1,.- cotnnillti'c .

IF.Cooks Preferred

IJUflHAM, N, (U.fi)--nie Unlvc ty of N r l H am pshire appoin tm ent iin au sayX gentlem en prefer cooks p bldtuls. T he bureau offers ns proof survey showing th e averane homo

rniHniiics te ac h er m arries w ith in , lire yenrs.

Rtal Relief h r Miseries of

HEAD COLDSP u t 3-purpo88 V ft-tro -no l up e tch nostril. . . ( f) I t Bbrlnlu swollen m e a - branes; (3) Soothca Irrlta tlani (3) Helps flush ou t nasal passages, clear* >ng clogging mucus-


We undoubted ly will be unloading the bliigcst carload of wall Ixiard we hftve ever unloaded In Tw in pulls. Wc w ere about o u l of tlie Allas pebbled Ivory color w all board. In spite nf the raw m nterlnl going .sky hluh, we'll be able to give you a price ol U>9 a thousand on th is niarveloiw byurd — It usually brlnns S40 or more. As th e veneer plywood Is tied up In th e defence procrnin and sUlkes, th is A tlas board ra n bo used In m any p laces for Interior walls w here you were using the veneer plywood,

I also expect one more c ar of Ut;th slove lum p coal It may !><• In by the lliiie you read th is a<l — $".93 a Ion nut o f th e c a r door, haul II voursell—If you have n mi'inbcr- .shlp card.

We re jilnnnlng on ciilnij;lng our buililinu m a teria ls depurtm cni. I want to he lp H arry Barry all 1 can In tci nctiiialntod w ith the place ol n iiioasand ba rga ins, A good siuiv would Ix- lo p u l on th e oiit.side of this |)lacc . . . "K eep your hand on your iKx kctbook. dangeroiLs bargains InsiileV

Pratt Gas & Glass, Lumber, Oil & Coal Co,

"On th e iinad to th e Hospital"

t. K. Blirjdie

ly luiusrd till- lie I-,. M is. H 1pi ictoi.

Mt^s Mi.iKiii (-.1 t» llii- lu>n MiUi. l Uvvit, t>

Dull' I’l'h i/m .John rrlc-i,-,.)nvrr-Illy .)f Mah >1, K'tlU lli’il l'hiii>-<1ny (roin M<km-ciw ami Will MX'IUIllu- (Ihrlntiiia.i vaciilliiii hi-ii1- Wllllliln IMUriii.v Wii<yii'\ 'I'lii lllljl ,1III ii Imilia,'. i«(ililii'<l to njX'lKlu llh lil’i im ii'iit'I. IliilJi 1li'iii IIIlK n' liuol at IlK ' nil IVI'I r.|U ami1 m •Uni !•', V A M'lii>l<<i;<lll|> 1lAllllIx

All all-<l..v 11irrlliiK III l‘• miiiiinli)l<' Itlrmlx'l .1 will Inki- II

llir- 1. I), () 1', hull III !1- rill.11 Mlav,1 III' 111, veili n ' t■Irclli.ii 1.Vlll l>'• iii-M.

<>l-lil.'k ilhili rr Will 1II' M l vnl al11. M iiM rr (It (hn ii'ii Ih r.1ilr l-i.-

mill la K .fohli '1:'ii).'ii.lty . All (ourlh<1''H.irr iiii'liilx'i-i liH' llivl(r.l.

Mln.1 O rla .hihnKciii, ihiuiihtri- (it Mr. anil Min 1 rn it. ,l<i)iiir.iiti. iiiilv - » l H alurday ln>in ( oIdiikIu to nj>rnil ( lill/ilniin. w llh hi-i pairnl-s, D ila h iu hci-n iilK-nOliiK idlk-He in (.'olo. laili)

Mr. iiikI Min. Hiiiuir l.nnKer nrn III!' paiPiil.. uf a M>n 1h>mi 'nn lm - ‘Iiiv, Mr. nnd M rs Wiivnn llarclay aio |iiiii-nin uf u KOI) liiiiii 1>» i nl Ml, ValrnllnrVi liik.pltal In W emlrll, 'I 'h r linby hai. Iierii naincil Wayne A.liuii, Jr,

(’atliolic DanceJKHOMI';, Dec. HI in jin lali Thn

Cntholl'r yunng |in>|>|i' uf Jn o m n pa rish iMkvn breii Inv lln l lo n lln u l th e h j n i.riJrs oi ihincrii■ponu red hy thn young proplen’ orgaiilM lloi) a t Ulu>sh<in<-. i>rt:. ■j's. 'I lia daJuMi will bo li«ld In Lhiioln kchool audlU irluni, inv ltu tlu n s have alw> l>*«n M n i m il by (he Hhoahonn iw rlah to nUmr niirro tm dlng pnrlsliea of W riidelt. Hiilley an d .lJu u d u ii,



M < ih c a l l i l W i l l i O u t-< > f-S la l) ' I ' r i c i i d s — A i k I A d i ' t ' i l i s v h l i t l i o !

i'Yi( ii<iH nnd reliilivcn will npi'rcrlato n nf .world-fiimdun Idiklto I'liliktoen. A ltrnctlvfl ^ ift hoxoH packed w ith ln|>- qiinllty potiitnea will nino cnntnin r<i1dnrfl fiirniH>ic<l hyllip Idaho Advertlalng CommiBnion, tiloii^' w ith your iH-ntuiml Ki«'>'llnK curd.

T lic tic p n ik a g M mfikr a d d lg l t t f i i l l y pp fB o n iil , d i f i t i in i iv o g in . i in d Hlinw prld« In y m ir lio m e i i ta te .

New low c x p r c u r fttfi t(i Aliy in thfl U. S.A. O nlrr now to bo iiiire nl di'llvery In time to onjiiyed for Chrl«lmnii <Hni»‘r.

G U T H OXICS Idaho t'n tntocN

- 10 I'ouiicU hi d i r t C arton l.% ......... In d i r t C arlan KIM

.10 rt.uiiiU In W ooden l iu i Ii.ru

TWIN FALLS CHAMBER ot COMMERCEI'I.ACJE Y o m i OUnKUH A'l‘ , . , t tv 0*iwmvivv, orVtigol’a, Wiley IJnig, tA}hWplekhni<ll'ii HakPiy, <iiiiuiiiiner'a M m h-i,P o tte r lU a lty , L iberty M ark rl, D unuih-W iniipi Miwlo Htore, Kliu hIp'A Hiii>er Utrvlce, M eComb’a M aikel. m p a I iiakery , /.Ip-W av M arket, M arkoterla, liungalow ( lu x r iy , Ind cp m d n n t M eat «'•>.

th e b est th in g s in l i f e are F R E E , then ydur Idaho D e­partm ent S tore is ■ tru ly a C hristm as shopper’s parad ise — for w e h ave m ade a s p e c ia l , e f fo r t to fea tu re su ch aer- v ices a s w e fee l w ill be a

distinct aid to you in you r C hristm as Kift se lection . A nd be- cau.se w e hold th em a d e fin ite p a r t o f our program of .service to oiii' cu.stom crs. w e o f fe r th em w ith ou t charge— ab so lu te ly F R E E !

T i

8 DISTINCT FREE,Special Servicesto make your shopping easierfrom tlie store with the Christnms spirit!

C lF T 'W R A P PIN G . T h is free serv ice in- c lades the ex p ert w ra p p in g of y o u r g i f t packages by g ir ls especially tra in e d in th is

w ork. A sc‘])arate d e p a rtm e n t is m ain tain ed d u r in g th is ho liday season fo r tliis e x tra service.


FREE M A IL IN G S E R V IC E . T h is serv ice includes n o t only w ra p p in g y o u r package rea d y fo r g iv in g — b u t we shall w ra p them rea d y for__

m ailin g and m ail them fo r you. P o stag e is com puted in o u r w ra p ­p in g d ep artm en t an d is the only cost involved. Y o u r g i f ts w ill tra v e l safely, well w rap p ed . T h ree m ailings n\ade each d ay .

FREEd elivery and wo shall d e liv er as specilied. D eliveries m ade a s late a s C h ristm as Eve w hen desired . We deliver i

P A R C E L D E L IV E R Y . Y o u r pu rch ases w ill b ? d e liv e red efficiently by o u r tw o ])anel de livery trucks. You desig n a te the d ay of

f an yw here in th e city .

FREE LA Y -A W A Y SE R V IC E . You m ay p u r ­chase on o u r Lay-A w ay p lan a t an y season o f the y e a r, though it is p a rtic u la rly he lp fu l

' ju s t now. All p u rch ases a r« ca re fu lly catalogueci u n til a d a te spe- ciiied when delivery is m ade.

FREE E X C H A N G E SE R V IC E . W e’ve a ll e x p e ri­enced the d isappo in tm en t o f g iv in g a g i f t to find th a t i t does not fit o r is n o t th e exact

shade for the rec ip ien t. H ow ever, you m a y ^ u y safely a t th e I. D. S tore w ith the know ledge th a t y o u r g if t m ay be exchanged if size o r color is n o t correct.

FREE GOLD IN IT IA L IN G ; L ea th e r goods, such a.s luggage, w allets, lea th e r jack e ts, h and- bag.s, etc., m ay he stam ped w ith th re e in ­

itia ls of 2 2 -k a ra t gold. I 'liey w e a r well, and help to d is tin g u ish y o u r g i f t by th o ro u g h ly personali'zing it.

FREE M A IL O R D ER SE R V IC E . I f you find it inconvenlCTK to v isit o u r sto re fro m y o u r ou t-of-tow n home, ju s t w rite us te llin g us

yiMir nci'ds. W e shall bo g lad to fill y o u r o rders p rom ptly , ca re fu lly and intcliigiintly.

FREE S A N T A CLA U S SU IT S . T h is serv ice is of p a r t ic i i ia r in te re s t to lodges, (Jranges, clulis and o th er o rg an iza tio n s of a public o r senii-

public n a tu re . W e w ill loan these ftu tlits free of ch arg e com plete witii mask and ' w hisk iT s. Make y o u r ri'servations a t o u r ( l i l t .W rapping Ihioth.

2 additional Christmas ' ^^^opp/jig Se/-vices

C R E D I T C O U P O N S'• 'T thfl * rn „ i.l yi."hf)|i|),.r;i II ...... ..'■"iir i;l(( lu t,

TtH.y'‘iiywhrrn in for • lmv>

" .... ...... .

I' "i.iall ra iry h i,, .i.a i ,; .

C E R T I F I C A T E ?.......... . ........... ........"•'■IllllTlI .,f „ ,'■I <i'ir h tu .„ |(„>»>"«' cxarlly

' (n a cc'iiKioiiltui (If Mir nl(t

lirr way („- A*k Hiiy milr,,i„.r,,cin.

(he"<'k I 'tM riirn l ....... <l..l.t


“Your Christmas Store"







Page 8: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Idaho...Weather Forecast ^krtiiar cWodr toBlffbt will Tues «sj'. W*mier tonight. HIch yw- .tMday 31.

M onday, December 16, 1940 IDAHO EVENING TIMES, TWIN FALLS, IDAHO Page Seven,


NEW YORK (U.Pl— T lie Pan - A nifrlcan lilichwiiy. moved (x s lf l’

•m -aicr r .jtp lo tlcm wUh llie nil- tiouncpm riiV liiiit ihp E xport-Im port Bunk linft viiiiiird ih e Kovernnient o! Co.-Krv ilir.i a loim of $' ,600,000, to b r ir rO r.'.i-liL.tvTlv to iln a n c r con- •;iriic:!cn of tiu 't nn llo n ’5 Kcctlon of till' lonuur.v C o n ' . t > l " U . i u o f t l i c UtRliway ttin n ii;i Co-.i.T Rlc.» will leave Tour ,-.rc“ orv- r'T.uilnliii: to bo 'su rveyed nn<l <o!,:,tmrtPii—th e Cnnndn-

1-.:1 rf;;lon, S o u lh rrn Mrxlco, tlie Juiislf.’ bolwecn th e coiial

i'IhI Uir Colombian border, cind tlie i . i 'd In i-o m h trn Ecui»nor ImhUiik

Ihr hwnmpy cox-itnl plnlns t'l iho bnrdri' o f P rn i.i n r f r c i i i t h e I n n n t o C o s t f t R i c a , t i l l ' U i i l i r d S i a t r . i n l . s o l . i h c l p l n K t o f i n . ' n r r w o r k o n t l i r c o R e c l l o n s o f t h e r r ) ; ' < h v r . y b r t w r r a T c x n s f t t i d P a t m - i . i n . S f v r r n ! r o t m t r l e s n r e d o i n g i | - r r : . ; d e a l o i w o r k o n t h e i r r e s I ' f ' t K r s r c t i n n ^ o f t h e l i l K h w n y . I n o f o u l * i t l o n . s . s l . s l a n c e .

' l i i e t c i t : ; l c o m r i b i i t l o n o f t i n U i i l t i d S t a t c . i t o t h e P a n - A m c r l c a n i ' ' . " ' . u v u v p r o l c s : t . I n c l u i l l i i R o r l R l n i i l ; ’ i r v i - > ; i i l l 1P 20. I s * 1.234.000 f i i i r l n ( T l l i r 10 v e a r s . I t I s e ^ t l m l l I e ( l a t t i l l . - ' t i m e i l : a t S f l O . 000.000 w o u l d p u t t l K - e n t i r e h l K l ) v . n y I n R o o d c o i u l l - t l o i i .

O n tr n i A m rrira Lari^rPit.,■•in Intltciitions nrc th n t tlic

ooulli AincTlr;iii mtiIom nf Ihc hlt;h- '.vill he coini>lclP(i to

T’i'.nnma-Colninbtan border iiiiif before ih r C en tra l A nirrlcnn .•;'c;lon Is finished. I t Is e;,llmated U \ < ‘ l i U i h w a y t s , a s j w r c n ^ l c o m ' i l c l t 'o r clrv-wpiithi‘r and 6H p e r c cDiiiplcie for nll-v .ci,ihcr drlvlni:.C o i n i ) ! f t l o i i o f t h ? h i g h w a y w o u l d r i m h l e m o t o r i s t ; ; t o d r i v e f r o r t i A l a s ­k a < l o w n t h e w r . s t c o n S l o f N o r t h ■ " a m i f i o u i l i A n i c r l c r . o n c l n c r o s . s t h e A u d r s t o B i i e n o : ! A i r e ? . — u d l s t n n c e o f I ' . n o o m l l r ; ; . A n o t h e r 1.600 n i l l c s • , i p I I ’ ' ’ f o a s t o f S o u l l t A m e r i c a f r o m n u . ' u n . s A l r c s w o u l d t n k e t h e t f - ' - . v d i T t o n t o d e J n n c l r n .P c n c l i i i i ; r o m p l o t l o n o f t h e u n - f l n l : ' ' ^ r d - r e c t l o a s . m o t o r t r n n s p o r t n n i r l h e i r e d b e t w e e n A l a s k a a n d t h e U i i l t r r i K t a t r . ’ i . I l o n c U i r s . ' i a n d K < ; i : u t n r , a n d P e r u .A l l A u i e r l r a n t o i i r l . s t , d r l v l n i ? r , o i i l h w i i r d f r o m t h e U t i l l o < l S t n t o . s , u f i i i l d cm:, i h c M e x i c a n b o r d e r n t l A t o d o , T c : ; . n i \ i l t v i \ v c \ n l O H x a \ v ( ' I I - e m ; l i i e e i e d r o a d t h a t e x t e n d ' , t o r . ^ o x l c o C i t y n n c l 8 n i l l f . s b e y o n d . \ v l i . r c c a r t i o ^ k I h i M ' c h i . F a i r l y k o < m 1 r i ' ; u i : i a u a i n a r c c n c o u n l e r e d n t t h e M e x l c c . n - O u a t e l a n i a h o l d e r a n d I h c y r u n s o u t h t o H o n d u r t i s , b e ­y o n d w h i c h p o i n t a r c o n l y t r a i l s u n * : , u l ' . a b l e f o r n u t c n i o b l l e s . , A R o o d r i ' . ' d r u n s n c r o . ^ s n o r t h e r n P r . n a m n , b u t a r , y e t n o a t t c i i i p l h a s b e e n m r j l e

t n p i e r c e t l i c J u n g i c . s s o u i h o f t h e c a n a l .I . o t v R S I c t U U C o m p l t W

T h i o i i B h w e s t e r n V c i i e z u e l . i , n i T O . s s C o l o m b i a a n d t h r o i i K h F c u a - d n r a s f « r a , s G u a y a q u i l o n t h e P a - c l f l r , i r . t h e K l m o n B o l i v a r h l K h w a y — a 2. 3'50- n i l l e d r i v e m a d e u p l a r R c l y o f h a r d - s u r f a c e d r o a d . s w h l - h k e p i ^ e l l d r a i n e d a n d l e v e l .F r o m G u a y a q t i l l t h e m o l o r l . s t i h a v e h i s m a c h i n e f e r r i e d t o T r u ­j i l l o , P e r u , : ; l n c o n o r o a d s e x i s t b e - t v . ' c e i i t h e s e | » i n t . ^ . F r o m t h e l a t - l . ’ r i ) o l n l t h e r e a r e a l l - w e a t h e r r o a d s a l - i n r ; t h e c o a s t t o L t i i i a o i i d ( I n w n t o S a n t l a K O , C l i l l e .' I ' h n r o - . d f r o m S a n t l a R O t o H u e i i o s A l i i s l i c o i n i i l c l e a n d 0 ] ) e n t o t r a f - I i'x t ’ l c y e a r a r o i u u l e x r c p t f o r I h o p ' r l ' K l v l i i ' i i I h e U . ^ j i a l l a t a P a s s — : n r > i . - l l T . i i r j O ( K ) f e . ' t a b o v e 5' ' v , ' . - \ i y M i n w . F r o m t h e! l u i * r i O ' . A t r i ' s ( h e r e 1. ' *

, i i l ) i i ) v i ' : l I ' l i i i d v l r t u i i l l y H i e

G h r iistin a s P l e a


m u l e I h eI l o l l v l :I T c i i s l f v n s l r i | ) r o f t h e A l l ' t i l l ' / \ i t ; i ' n i l i i r i m u i j m . ' ! i i n (A I M . ’ I ' l i l ' . n i u i r - ! • > i i i i ' . - i -i l v d u i h i K i l i e d r v s r a . s o n f i . i i i i M a v i c . N ( i v c ' i n b . T , . h : r l . l w l ' - h i i i R t o d r i v e f r o m A l i i " i t o H i l l d > ' . I t u i i ' l t o ;iiiid iiuul, III nilt n i i C i i l r i n l i i w l i i ' i e I h ' ' U l v


AI50U N 0(ItO


D i r e c t o r s o f t h e I d a h o S t a t e P o ­t a t o G r o w e r s a s s o c i a t i o n l o < l a y h a d j i l a c e d t h a t o r R n n l w i l l o n o n r e c o r d f a v o r l i n ; a I c R l i l a U v c a p p r o p r U * t l a n t t ' i i l c i i » o u l < l i i r o v i d e f o r — b . i d - l y n e e < ! e d " r e . s e a r c h d e a l i n g w i t h i w l a t o c r o p d l i c a i c j a : i i i p i u d u t u o ; ; p i o b U ' i n s .T h e w o r k a d v o c a t e d , U w i u s s t n v . - . - I a t t h e c t c i s j n a s c ' . v . i o i i s o f t h e c l i - r e c t o r a U ; h e l d h e r e S a t u r d a y a l t o r - 1 , w o u U l b e c u r r i e d o n t h i u u x h u n l v e i s l l y e x i y r i i n e n l s t . i l i o i i s . T h e f i i ) i ) r o p r i a l l o i i w o u l d c o m e t o M 5. 000.

A b u d g e t r c q u c i l l o r U i L s p a r - i x i s e " 1 1 1 b e c o i n i i k ' U H i b y a r o i n n i i t i e e o f i i i o w e i s w h o w i i l c o i i * f o r w i t h t h e c o l l c g e o f n g r k u l i u r e a n d c x p e r m i e n L . s n U l o n . ^ . T i i t " - e n a K i e c l i » l t h e s i i e c t n l I n c l u d e H e n r y S c h w a b . K . i r i i i H U i i i i i e y , D u r l e y ; F u n d l i o h ’ l i l L ' i ; H e n r y J i ' i i . s e i i . P . « ' . a n d G e o r g i ' H o r . s l e y , l i i i i i n > V i M .

A n n l h e r c o n i m l l t e v w a . s n . i m i d . l l l e l r p u i | ) 0 ^ i e b e h l K t o f x i i n - . s , m , . a p p r o v a l o f n o n - p r o f i t i i o i j . : , i ■ .

Ux I iv tr J O ln U IV i.JtTNx ^

who »rxs M rw Lra m ilh jm x im Ii - f » » In N in u »if. S M . M>d h r» u (b t hvf<r. •Wocr. h j ' cua<^ r J i r *m.N h<r d»vlof %ji»J vjvr it"sum r lilni « 't k «<thi» Ji f r« d* '-vS h ^ - i r u i t n t r t v l A ' r > » £ h »« h i l « i t ) ) > 1. A T A i i M 4U N np lr lu rr pn -m iftr.

M c a i b c ; . V fW. H ; \ ' .V - . '- I - . - . ; - . . . . , Hor.rv j . . . : iw ti tv ,•

M r H i : - - .T-r.e-. .•••.

' uicl\i.'-try today ti tiic ;,;vr <>i ii'^uests fo r c lia r

I'.v l>v iilm s ta rs , E.'-iu^Lry h a d ra ised

n v r t!-,nn J i m ' . W th e p a s t jT a r ,oT ,1 :.>:ni announcem ent

',i;p . 'i .i. '! ' tu ild and th e pro- :i -s.'ilrt l i rn c c lo n h <t.s miLsl b e pa.s.sed

au tho rity . T h is . It «h- i-v;':..;;!!',!. Mo ».s.sun> c h u r-

Uie m a st e ffic ien t v . f o: iiilriit.s. nnd St- the

-.'leci ac to rs Iroiii . on th e ir lim e.”

W iUiam T. iRiT m il) T llden planned to a p p ra r in movlen

• t» in (nr ih r firNi tim e in a lm ost I t >T«rv \V a m rr I t r o th r n « n -

U TtW«n toT av r w r-f \h o r ts dem onM rallnc t r n n l ' ^^ntv


FE Il LINKEDM e< ’ I N C I N N A T 1. O . ' U P ' - Incrcas- i i i i ; h \ i , i i t u i ' r t r n i i H ' r a t u r e . s i h r o u g h -

mi; t i l e ^<iri(t iii;iy ' itriKiuce A trend t D w . i i i ! (iii'iaioiuil Ri>vcnimcnl.s. In i l i r . . p l u i i . n ( > l D r . C l a r e n c e A . M i l l s ,< • ( r \ [ > e r t i u e n t a l m e d i c i n e I ' t i i i c U n l ^ e l . ^ l l v o l C i n c l i u i a U .I n I . u t , H r M i l l s b e l i e v e s t h a t t h e r i M I . . i K . u r r o f A d i i l f H i t l e r I n < M ' : u u u \ v «xul BviMtis M uf*oUul lu l i ; . : - , i n . i v ! ) . • l i n e 1 1 1 p a r t K r . u n i : i ! l v w . i n i i l n t ; t i ' m j x ' r a t u ' e . s n f t h > ' ' i d r l c l P i - n p i i - i i r i > m o r e d o c i l e m i l l r . i ' . i i v i c i I n w i u i n w c a t l i c r t h a n in n i Mills liisM-s.D i M i l K I K a i i l h o r o f n U i e o r y t h a t ■ ' i i i i i . M * ' l i a - . a m a r k e d e f f e c t o n l i i i i n . i i i . ' . t a t u r e , M ' x d e v e l o p -i a . n l H i i i l < l i ' e « s p i ^ s l s t n n C T . H e h n . s u r i i i r n i i i i e e i x x i k s o n t h e . s u b j e c t .

Old \ r m n r C itedr h i r t i i K t h e D a r k A n e s , w h e n W i n e i ? r . q » s K i e w I n l ^ n l a u d n i \ d c e r c R K 111 I i e l a n d , m i ' l l w e r e . • ^ m a l l a n d sluR- k l i K l i \ V ; i r r i i ' i s w o r e a r m o r , n o w l i . i n ^ i i u - i n f r i i ^ l i s l i m u s e u t n - s , w h i c h V . C - 1 1 1 I 1 I ( I I a n a v e r a g e A m e r i c a n b o y o f n . D r M H 1. S . s f t i d .V W n H i e r a l s o l i a s A m a r k e d e f f e c t o n K T « s ' i h i T o m y e a r l o y e a r . D r . M i l l s < - o n t i ' n i U , I n t h e h o t s i i n u n e r n ( 1P 34, f o r m . - i n n c c . b o y s a n d Rlrls j o l 13 w e r e h t j h t c r I n w ' c l g h t ' a n d ^ l l n r t e r i n • ' l a t u r e t h a n 13- y e a r - o l d * o f t h e p r e v i o u s r e a r .D r . M i l l - b e l i e v e . ' t h a t t h e p r e s e n t t i c i u l t o w a r d w i i r m e r a v c r a g o t e m - P r r a t u i - . ' , - « i l l c o n t i n u e f o r 800 t o 900 ' c a r s D i i n i i K t h b i x ' r l o d , I w y . s a n d t l r l s w i l l m a t u r e l a t e r , t h e y w i l l b e h i ^ h t o r a n d s t i o i i e r . a n d t h e y w i l l h a v e l e ^ . s r i - i ' t n n c c t o I n f e c i l o n , D r . M i l l s p r e i U c t . ' i .Vil.'imlii^ Are SUulied

H i ' e x i i c r i m e n t . s w i t h t h i a m i n , . w i - \ e r , h a v e l e < l D r . M i l l s t n b o - ' v e t h a l t h i s v l l a m l n m a y p l o y I i n i i K i r t a n t p a r t I n I h e r e t e n l l o n o f h u m a n v i i n l i i y d u r i n g t h e w n r m - ■ [ y r l o d s o n e a r t h T h e I l K v i r y t h a t m e n a n d women l a t i i r e p h y ^ ' r n l l y m o r e r a p i d l y I n a r m r l t m a t c s I s t e r m e d f a l s e b y D r . M i l l s , w h o h a . - - f i g u r e s to p r o v e h i s f o n t r n t l o i i G i r l s b o r n i n t h e c o o l e r c l l i n n t i r o f C i n c i n n a t i i n 1900 r e a c h e dl o x l a t I h e a i ; r o f 11, h e s h o w - w h i l e R h ' l ' . h o r n I n t l i c s a • i n N o n t i C a r i i l l n a m a t u r e d , a v e r a g e , a l m o r e I l i a n 14 y e a r s

Study in E ffect Of H igh Altitude

May H elp Army*D A Y T O N , p . . D e c . 16 ( U R ) — R e ­s e a r c h e x p e r t s a t W r l R h t f f i e l d d l . s - e l o s e d t o d a y t h e y a r e m c f t * u r l n g " b r a i n w c k v e s " t o s t u d y e f f e c t o f h l K h a l l U u r i v s o n l u n c t l o n l n g o l V h e h u m a n b o d y .

B y m e a n s o f a d c l l c a t c I n s t r u ­m e n t c a l l e < l t h e e l e c i r o - e n e c p h a l o - R r a p h . t h e e x i X T i m e n t e r . i h o p e t o f i n d a n e w m e i h o r l t o m e i L s u r e b r a i n l a t U K u e I n a i r p l a n e p i l o t . i u n d e r v a r y i n g a t m o s p h e r i c c o n d i t i o n s . T l i e

a p p a r a t u s r e c o r d s e l e c t r i c I m p u b e s o r " w a v e s ' e m a n a t i n g f r o m t h e b r a i n .D r . R i c h a r d B , L y m a n o f t h e D u k e u t U v e v s U y m e d i c a l s c h o o l h a s d l t M t , - e d a . ■ . e r i c s o l t e s l . s u p o n 12 p e r s o n s c n i ' I r r . r d 1 1 1 I I l o w p r e s s u r e c h a m b c r , K e s i i i i . s n f I h e t e s t . i a r e c h e c k e d i i ' . ' l i i l l v t o M ' e i f t h e y c a n b e u t i l - e d I n u e e d o i l l p i l o t a p p l i c a n t s w h o r i ' u n l i t p h y s i c a l l y f o r t r a i n i n g I n 1 0 r t i n i y i i i r c o r p s .

First in DraftI . U O l ^ W . V t . U . P i - W a l t e r S u i e i h l i i ^ w i i . s I h e f i r s t m a n W i n d s o r r n u i i t y i n d u c t e d u n d e r t h e , s e l i ' O t l v e ! , e r v l i : o a c t .

Ketchum School M ovement F ails

H A I I . B Y . D , ' , - . 16 i S p e c l a l ) — H l i i i n e c o u n t y c o i m n l . s s l o n e r s h a v e r e J u . ' - c d l o l a k e a c t i o n l o w a r i l c h n n R - I n i ; t h e K e t c h u m v o i n n i o n s c l i o o l d i s t r i c L I n i o a n l n d e t > e n d e n l d l S ' t i l c l . '. l a r k I - u i e . l e a d i n g n i e i o h a n t a n d s h e ^ ' P i n a n . I i l e < l p r o t e s t s a t ' a l n . s m o v e a n < i c o m n n . ' ' S i o n c r s « i l d t h a t . p e t i t i o n s o n b o t h ; l ( l e . s o f I h c 1 l e r . s h o w e d t h e . s a m e . ' ■ l ^ j i i e i ' s . i S u l l i v a n , c o u n t y s u p e r i n t e n d e n t o l • h o o l s . o ] > | ) < i . s e < l t h e c h a n g e ‘- s e r l i o i i t h a l K e i c l i u m ( l i s t c , \ J o r V i i x r o m e s i r n i n t h e r n l l T o n d a n d w ' o t i K l b e l n s l I n e v e n t o f K o v - l e n t u v M U ' i . ' . l i i p o l t h a t u t i l i t y

H.v . a n s l o r K i i w a r d C e c i l , . v l c h a r « c l c r n c i o r a n d . . k r \ c : f ; . i n . l o d a y u w a l t M w o r d . - . m r . - . i n - . h r r s o f l i i s l a m l l y . C e c i l . ' . V l . ' u i v l d e . i d I n h i s h o m e o f a • . ‘ i T i r r a i m e n t S a t u r d y - b v a n a c t o r . r ; ; , * . . ^ I ' . r U o n L e w i s )

r.fiu reN . a va rlr tv and w as-n»Me a t rio< BtKik Store.

■ - A d v .

I SHIRT SPECIAL II 1I Now in Piv;4ivss in Our Men's Store |

135H v I ' l i l t r d I ' t v s s

s . \ N I I I A S < I S ( 0- A f i v e . . l a v • U i l s p r l l i b a ( l i n > u i l i t ( o i i i l i l r r -• l > l e . . . . . . . l o ( I I I - r n i l r n l v n l l r v . .icili u lliinil M-<'llciii>i, m i l e i i d r d i > d . t v i i H i t n I 'tlriin lv r r , i l i i N l c i r n i ■ i n w ' i l I I I I r c n i n i l d - f a r l f l e .

l . o N l i (

, \ p t .

N . | - | i ' c l ' , I l f ( I r i i n i . i i i M ' l h J I ^ l l l l l r . l I n .,11 l l l . M ' . ' < i - K c i i j U r d t n i i t o i v w i t h . . I K t i u i c f < 1 | ( l i n a l l i l l l a l l l , I I t i l l t i i i l , i V . a n i l l l i e i e w i i s r i s \ l n - l l i e i I h r ' v w n o b r h i K I I I l l i > l v I I I A l l n i n i a a i K l

n n : .v i r o n rv -- N iu p im i pmm-e im rr- u r r r irp .ir led killed rtnil H!) •n ltirrd In a In ih i wreck near IriiiiIii, >|ii(r <>( (liie rrrro , y r i l r i - .la>,

^i'COCKIIOI.M, tlt tn ie n llejxirt.i fliHii O lio liidiiv Milil Noiweiilnn;i hud Katheif,! <iiils|,|r Ihe ( lein iall lulliliiiv Im uttrks nt, AivW:,muiV mVi- Niii wcKhiii |HM I, drinim nllallnK iiKalnsI Vldkun qiilr,|lnH, NiuweHli.n Nii/I lea.li'i, mill th a l the (Iri'iiia iil had f iird Inlo (he erowd, kllllnM Iw.i

IKIIM K -M fly in r.i of lll'r rrew of » ''nirOliiiii lo iiiia ie" u i, |i o( (|ieKiillitii navy n e rr klllrd nr wmind- rd d u d iii llirro llrllU li a ir raid* nf N iip ln NiiliirdMy iilghl. « M ||,......... ‘and eon.munlqiiB aald,

T h U t y - t . . . . l i n n i i i i d N ' . l e n l l B l n i i n t l i i n a l K t i i l il 'l( lN (ll ':n )N , N, .t

promliii'iii l<"lay UMI••nieiKriic'V ...................................... .lawn "eiiulviilnil to full lnilu«lilal. iiilllliiiy luiil naval tnolilllzallon."

fn n r» a m eon- lltd ilnc Mllh i lln rle ii lln i |>re»iirn Oii'lr ••rrrnxWr whlrh hai il»w le u rl ird ilifi l.lliyan ( ro i itir r iiin r. Iln i«-H a«l dl>i>«<<'l>ea a n trrle d ilin lUUhli iro<>|>.i had iH-rn tr ln f iir .cd h r tliiMiMiida i>r A iia trallan i and Nrw /e a ln n d rra In w h a t appearMl <0 l>r a lliriial luw ard tlia I ta lian naval lia*p a l t'oliruli, IJbya.

I'lNK UAYON( ut:i*K s H iin s


$ | 5 5A m c K Y ('i,()si;-()t T o r




OnlyA b c tu tlfd " p iec e i-o f-

e l |h t" te l with eifh t «ich of th sm o ttn e c e ittry pU cet— and (ir/es e ifb t (e« ipoonil FULLY GUARANTEED by In lem itional Silver Co. - world'* I t r f e i t m tkere ol fis« tilTerware.• DlnatrKolTii iTtbliSpsont■ DlBBitrorkl 1 Butltr Knll*

UTmSpmiu I 5u(i> S»Ma . I D iiitrloi SoupSpMBi

FO R L I M J U O T l M l O HL'fl

4 “ E X Q U ISIT E " i l . O O S a la d F o rk s 1

R»gtJl»r1r >7.*«


R & G Je w e l e r sV E U U \N E H O T E L R L U G .

O P E N Y O U n B U D G ET A C C O U N T NOW !

I C O M PA R E A nyw here!I i I I I I II ID A H O DEPT. STORE pI Mens Stofv |


AIhmiI (hfi t«B< l lU e or a«rn ll>r riili.r. i r you a r r In doubl. Ju-I U ll lilm w here |t »nde i|ila lii io h im th a t If lh« ilif- m ro ln r auU lh a t U .*nl>e r i i h a n i r d a f te r C h rb lm av

V'vilUr Shu\n W,> of <;rr>. llltK', U rrfn , IturKiitxIv, ^

a n d W h i l e ^

■ »T«fl S h itr « \

' l U c N - S h i r t i> t u U S h n m W iin d ( ’n r r lc H t h e ^ ~ K « H S h n m l ( ' 'S l x i n p

' T h rtN « S h i r U A r r S i n c t h K ir « l M m hIH v nn«) ^ lW « u tt(u l fC

' A ll S i l t ^ F m t n U »ip (o IT . ^

A Glorious Gift for A ll the Family!.rwico siox

* 79”

1 'h ls lie iiilifu l CliriMm.ii I'liilm lu iof;i Jim nn v , llirilltn^- r.ulio eujdynirnl I New O vcne.nW ’ive- Ih n .l. Ih iill 'In A n iria ,u i <n>l Overscan A etiil .SyMnii Many Ollicis. O filf i jcm is iiinv!

A X m im H n rK itiii

Select N ow ...m ake small down payment.

No more payments until next year.

Delivery Christmas Cve...anywhere within 2S miles,

liberal Trade-in Allowances.

Models fo r e m y purse and person— up.

N e w T w i l l

LOCATIONKIO M a in A v c . N .

N ext In the’ntentai

Frojn Idaho’s Largest


thp: s e c t io n o f


•peatcr plslol w ith a com bin­a tion of w ater a n d noise. Ju»l like two Runs for th e p r lc t of one. Made by Daisy, a n d th a t m oans a Rood gi'h.




lOcshoo^.i stra lR ht, I t ’s stu rdy

and It has a p a ten ted 'fe a tu re th a t preven ts th e d a r t j Irom la lllng out.

D aisy 's N ew S q u i r t - 0 - M alic




89cT he m etal board m easurea 11x19 inches. T here ore live m e ta l a ir ­p lanes to shoot n t w ith a r e ­peate r cannon th a t shoots sev­e ra l tim es a t one loading. A s tu rd y shooting gam e th a t 's lota o l fun.


89ca big m e ta l boa td 14x23

inches a n d a 21'j - l n c h eun. W hen c e r ta in tnrRcts a re h i t a score Is au tom atica lly run up. 8 lx live n lb b e r vacuum arrow s KO w ith name.


49cHl^e of meLiil Ixiard U I’JxIO

e.s. 'I lie m etal pl.stnl haa four ei-tlpiU'<t tliict*. Kw.ty tim e ceiiter liiillseyr Is h it it l>ell

luKh and th«‘ Aenre Is au tom atic- ally ruiiK up.



23c>re w ith m etal gun Ih tle rcn t IaiK<-t In

'th l i ty d ltfftciit. [ilaytd.


98cMelv^\lve^ IBx’i l lue.lira OJ iiieinl lurRflt litmrd. A stron tt in n will) nix rul)lM-r-ll|)|>e<l darU . •nm wholn ihhiK In on a stand .


The ChrMmat S ton

And FREEA C h r ls lm M g l f l w n p p i n f rtervk« (hut W l n ^ m a n y w h m In ta iM * m o u n ta in c d u n t r / .

\ ,

Page 9: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Idaho...Weather Forecast ^krtiiar cWodr toBlffbt will Tues «sj'. W*mier tonight. HIch yw- .tMday 31.

Page Eight IDAHO EVENING TIMES, TWIN FALLS, IDAHO Monday, uecQrabcr 16. 1949


W A8H1NOTON (U.PJ-The K epub- llc of Panam a. s ituat«d a t “tlic crossroads of Uic w orld," Li consid­e ring th e sdopUon of a new con»tl- tu llon . Copirs of th e docum ent hftvc a rrived In th e U nited Stftt^s nnd vnrlous o the r co im trle s-o f tJie A m ericas, nnd nro bclti« studied keenly by fliitlioriiles pn co iistltii- tloiinl liiw. T hrsp studios n r r ])urrly n ri'dcm lc nnd for Kfiic-rii] liilonnft- tlon.

One of the m ain piwh.lniL*; of the iicik' oi'Kiin of K ovrrnnirnt I.' th a t ilir p irs lde tit of th e rpp'if)!!'' .‘■htill hiivc H trm i of six y^^u^, In itcad of fnur. A r-iicclal traii.slloo nrtlcle. If iidoplrd, would cnu;.e !he t /r in of n r . A niulfo Arias, wlio wns ItiiUiR- u ra tr il on O 't , 1, 1940, to rim u n til

\ F rb . tS, 1347. Thl.-: v,mild Rlvr him (\Ki veiir,'., tivr niKl a ha lf m onlhx loi'Brr th a n Ih r te rm loi w hirh he 5viir. rJcctrd In the June . 1940, elec-

• tlons. ; - .Has IRn ArtlfiM

Tlic new docunu'iii. dn iw u up linm A rU ck 1 Jo Avtlrie ISO, war

; p rfsrn tw l In person lo th e N ational Assembly by' P resident Aria.*!. I t

's e rk s (o rrl 'lacr the cniisMtullon luloptc^l on Fi'b, 13, 1004.' w lilcli was adopted -shortlv a lte r P an a m a se­ceded from Colombia.

n i c original constliu llnn provid­ed th a t n p rrsld rn t \'a,s Inplltlble lor rw lfc llon . U nder the new d ra f t con.stHutlon, he would Ix* Inelujlble for tlir Imiix-dlatc jx-rlml following hl.s i)wn icrm.

A som ew hat nu tho rltiirlun lone Is lmp:irt(Hl to' th e to u s t liu ilo n In Its scrond nrtlcle. w hlrli departs from the theorle.s of Monle.'^quleu, the con.stlmtlon of th e U nited BtAtes and m any o the r d o ru m rn ts w hirl) hold th a t t>ower and Kover-

' olgnty em anate ■ from th e people. T he new Pnnnm anlnn oohstltu tltm hnyb th a t '-public n tilhorlly rests In th e nation whirl) cxcrcUcs It In the roanner w hich th is constUutlotx cx- tnDllslics."

AsMinbljr U 'eutd Be SmaJITJie N ational Assembly will coii-

a lst of about ono deputy fo r every y a m InhRbltfti^u, KV th a t i t wlU be ft body of about 30 m em bers For

,. ordinary’ hosslons. I t will m eet on New Y ear’* D ay even ’ two yew s, and ad jou rn a ft« r fo ilr m onths.

■. A illc le 13 provides “ th e P re s i­d e n t o f th e Republic m ay convoke th e N ational Ajwcmbly to m eet In

’ ex tra sevslons, for th e tlm e-llm lt w hich he will fix. nnd rto s tudy only

. thB B ubjecu w hich h e SrU) subm ll to I t.”

T h e P residen t as well m cab ine t offlcera m ay ipeak In the, N ational AsiemMy, ancl th e la tte r m ust re - apond to InterpellatJans. Cabinet officers m ay also hold th e position

*• o f deputlM .

-r RUPERT I- •

M r. a n d M ri, Jo h n B urnside en< t«cta.lned th e mtttvbere o t the. o . U . R. Club a n d two goiestJi. Mr, a n d M rs. C. W arren D nlsh, W ednesday w ith d in n e r a t th e C aledonian ho te l and bridge a t th e B urnside how e. Prize tOT com bined W gh score •M nl \o M r. a n d M rs. D alsh .

A son w as bom Friday to M r. nnd M rs. E vere tt Petersen, W endell, n t th e hom e of Mra. P e te rsen ’s pn r- • n ts . M r. a n d M rs. M arshaH H . W hltnah , M rs. Petersen was fo r­m erly Miss Ruby W hltnah .

M rs. L ola Hopkins and h e r fiUter, M ra. Pcnrl Sneed, le ft th is week for th e ir old hom e lr» G eorula a n d o the r po lnU In th e sou th w here they «x- p«ct to spend th e w inter.

M tm beni of th e Bid or Bye club e n te r ta in ed th e ir hu.ibands w ith d in ­n e r a t th e Ca)e<lnnlan ho te l and brldBP a t th e hom e of M rs. Floyd F ru it W ednesday cvenlnK, Hluh score p rlrea w rn t to Mrs. K enne th C hcrm ak nnd Floyd F ru it nnd low

• K ore p rlie s to Mrs, M ilton Reeves w id E, J . H nnw l.

M r. nnd M rs. G erald fitajiley were■ ho.1t nnd hostess T iirsdiiy evening■ to m em bers o f th e 300 rtiib w ith illn - n e r n t th e Caledonian ho te l and

bridge n t th e Stan ley home. H onors In th e evenlnB'fl gam es w en t to Mrs, H orace Nelson and W ard WoolfOrd.

Mr. nnd Mrs, H. A. r iaker re liirn M W ednesday from a biislnes.s tr ip to Bol.sc.

M r. and Mrs, W llllnm Kdiiar H u n ­te r le ft by tin ln thn f irs t of Ihn

. week for 81. I/iiiln. wlii've, atiev■ Visit w ith relftllvr.i, tlirv will ink

delivery of a new rn r In w hIrh Ihr. will m ake th e re tu rn trl|) about I)o<

30.Mra. CUirrtmiOaff «;t\tvjtivliwtl \\U li

., (letuiert bridge W mlni'sday for mt-ni- bers of th e rb e l rnhlni< l rliih mid one KUent, Mrs, Royal Hiu-v, Ihxliacore p riro fo r th e nfrcriiixm s Kit......w en t to Mr^. IV nu UmpnMniil, %vtin Will h r th e nnxt club hn.str'.s

R u th Attlesey, who has h rm it a uru lra l pa tlcu t nl Ih r H u|u-it k m>- e ral hruipltal fo r Itie pm t in dny.s. wiiB W rdnrsday nnd lakejito thrt linnir of lier m other Mrs WHlter r.. Alllesey.

U ndnr th e illiiv iion nf M Ki l l f l rn Knillh, Ih r Rupert flrsl w au l M I A. wHl jire sein K n n c -a n |.Uiv, n i- t ll lrd "A Ulgn U nto You." n t ihe Make tabernarlo M onday evrnhiK.

Mra. C. L, A nderson was hastens n t Iho homo of Mra. R. I. O iiiham W rth irsdny In incm brrn of ihn Wr<l ne.sday nfternoon . i liib and un< KUr.il, Mrs, 'n a r y ' Colt, w ith <le.s- ^erl hrlilge. 'I'nblen w n r crnlrH 'cl w ith jKilnjirttlaa an<l chrlnlm n* d e r- ora tions w ere uurd llirm iBhoiu the

i roomn. I lliih score p rl/^ w ent t< M rs, Colt.

I T he W omnn'n (liilld of (he T iin J Ity Kplscopnl church n i r t TuPMiuy u B Ihn O ulld ha ll In a liusltirnn uni.

• work newilon presided over liy ihn V lre-preslden t. Mrs, K. II Aciiff,

Mrn, -Charles II. IhirBhor e n te r , falnw l Ihn m em bers of the Pimsy

,c lu b a n d tw o gtiestn. M rs M aude Mi!- „ >MIUlor unit H elen 'I 'ravlllo, n l hitieh-

7 c an W ednesday, 'l l ie foIlowl|iR O hrls lm as proxram wan |)rrAenle<l <turli>ir th e ■ fte rn (»n : A C hrlctinua

- poem to llio ineml>erg. Mra, Anim •H ite , p resid en t of th e o lub; g roup

aln« lng o f O hrlstm na raro ln ; rend - In i , "O lfta 'm a t C otint." Mrn, lv» ii O etiaineri a paper, '‘Ctttrlnltnfta A round th e W orld," M rs, o , A.

'•B oho lw ; vocal solo, " a o d nieaii A m erkw ,'' J o a n n a u sch ; read ing . *'A

I, liltU o C h ild S h a ll L ead l l i e in ," Mr*.^ H tr b o u r ; paper. "VlktlaUon o l

. UmI O brljU nM Bplrlt," M ra. Ajui« Y M tU l " t y y . " B a ^ U h e m /• M n . J .

ir o o A » u i^ ih a a ^ m o o i t .

Army Hostesses on the Job

The n c» ly -appo ln ted a rm y hoste sie s are r l f h t on th e Jgb. Above. Mni, Ethel K eeeh L o ja n , hostess a t F o r t DI*. w atches a ches-s sam e In the post rec rea tion haJl. P layer* a re Dkvld Allen, le ft, of T ren to n . N. J.. of H eadquarte rs Co.. a n d Gus M anw h. of F lem ln rto n , N. J., Co, V. Both a re in llO th «j\i«U rjn»»ter» co tp i.

Ex-Coiivict’s Loan Plan Aids Other Newly-Freed Prisoners

BY G U S FIELD S (NEA Special C o rrespondentl

TULSA, O kla. — N early 10 years ago the p residen t of a n O klahom a Investm ent com ptiny stood before, PxidctAl Judge Fvank lln E . K tJ\- tinm er and wn.s sc n tcn re d to servo 15 years In p rlion nnd pay n $5,000 fine.

He had been convlctcd of iising th e mails td m is rep resen t o il ro y -' allies to p rospective Investors In th e firm of w hich h e was pre.sl- den t—the Fields In v estm en t Co.

And so Bon- F . F ields wn.s ta k en awny to L eavenw orth . D u rin g h is •■.itretch" he w as trnn-sfcrred to A tlnntn, la te r lo th e m odel p rison a t Lewlsburg, Pciin . T h ere , u n de r th e prisoners’ ficlf-rule se tu p , he becnme comml.s-iloncr of a th le tic s In charge of rccreatlon .

I n those th ree prl.ioiw! Ben Fields did a lo t of th in k in g about hlnvscU Rt\d Itlx fellow convicts. He had h e ard p len ty about how tough It w as fo r a convict once he got ou t, nnd -he vowed . h e ’d try to do som eth ing abou t It.

H e w ta pa ro led April 1. 1038. nnd on J a n , 13 of th is vear was given ft pa rdon by P residen t Roosevelt.

Loans M ade (o K t-C 'onvlrls T oday h e hvM In 'I'u lsn. says

c has enough m oney saved to get a long on. H e devotes a ll his tim e to tlie ta sk of he lp ing o th e r piyolcd. pardoned a n d dl.schnrged cx'-con*lctd rega in a respectab le place 111 society._ .H e has organ ized th e Fields A u n d a tlo n — a chn rte rcd n o n ­p ro fi t Institu tion whose purpose Is to g ra n t loan.s to ex-convlcts from the tim e they nre te lensed u n til they get a Job.

H e p lans to have thn fouiida* tlon rIv* p c rsoua l ttt teu tton to tc - hnbllltatlon of enoh case, l.onns will be m ade w ithou t ir ile rrs t o r a dm inistra tive charges. No se ­

curity cxccjit th e m a n ’s w ord required. T lie revolving fund will

mRlntftlned th ro u g h Invest­m en ts by the fo undation 's board of d irectors, and a con tinuous c&mpalan ' '111 be wafied (or g ifts to th e fum l. ‘

l l i c foundation 's f irs t ca.se th a t of a young m a n w ho carnc back to Tulsa from a fede ra l prls-

a tte r serv ing Ume for a po.stal robbery. W hen h e failed to find

Job, h e bccam e dl.scouraged, n.skcd for rcad m lttan ce to the iK nItcnilorj'.

T lie ca--.c cam e lo Field.',’ nl tlon, nnd hl.i foundation loaned the young m an $55 w hile Fields tried 10 find him a Job. H e Is

ork lng as _a trucker'.s h e lp er nnd paying bnck th e loan.

W an ts to C urb ( rim e 's Cost T lic foundations m ain conccrn w ith f irst o ffenders on Iho lr . .

lease from pclwin. P lai\s cnll for ex tension of the o rgan ization in to o th e r sta tes, a n d for opening offices In W iwhlngton, D, C, An advisory bo a rd of penoloi-t.st.'?, psychlatrlst.n a n d phllnnlVitoplsVs will b e o iftan- Ized.

I'p a ie KoliiK to Irv to re<luce th e $15,000,000,000 an n u al crlm b bill o f th e nntlon," Fleld.s says. "M ore m oney Is In.st th rough crim e th a n Is sp e n t on education In A m erica."


Mis. Dexlr I'afii- an<l Mi;. Wllmii Holjih were ha'plr:.sc;, a t a stork niKiwrr Klven In honor (i[ Mi.s. Hiidle Hii'dr.scl 'I 'hursd»y r \rn iiii ; al Ih r honii' of Mrn, R<il|ili. Invlti'd Kuesln weit' iiK'inlif'ri, d( Ih r Miiii|iv-lil ih li - r r M'Wliin ( lul).

Mrs l .r tt i f 'H v d r wns r r l n i 'r d fromilir Klhr. Ki->irri>l liu>.plh>i Thinsdiiy. Ilhr h nl Ilir home nl hri ilaiiul)- Irr, Mis, Wllilu UumlU-, Wi'llx

[•'inMl Kopii wim telriiM-d fu 'in Ihr V rleia iis ' tKispllal In Mj.1i l.iike Cllv Hint i r h in ir il lo h is Iioiiir in W rils last Week Mr Ko|>|> Im.s r.pnil Insl lv.li iiMisiths in 111.' Vvtfi ho«iilIiil i .ir lv u i t! l in i lm r n t foi e a r itiliii<-nl.

A mls^'liiihiiy ix 'iie lit pruurnm iliiliie wnn Klven hy Ih r W ells W iml til llin l,, 1>, H. ihm ch 'nu'ftrtny rvrnliiK. T hn follow ing |iioKrnin «a.s H 'lu lneil: Ci-llii sold, M ailon llliiir, nreomiMinled bv .lulin D lg rar- I'l; iinnti. lllniK 'hr C litln id ; m ale tllo , Jiiiiirr. (). NIrlMHi. n rc lr r lc k (^•llon. W.tl<lo t, .Iiiiirs; u Chrl.sl- m as sloiv, Diiiotliv 'I'iNiintn. lap d a n rr , 1-Iilrlrl» U 'u i'h

Mr. ami Mis. DnnMg Connolly n ir Ih r |inrriiin nf n iHiy born I>ec. 10 In llin Klko ueiirrn l lioapUnl.

M iihial ]m])rnveineiit ims<M lntU... will hiild Itn nnnuni (.'h ilstm nn pnrty a f ir r Miitiial nex t •Jliesdny. Dec, J1. Uaiii iiiK will |>fl enjoyed,

RDENM is, lin s le n isdey . WeM;i, N e v ,

npenl ih r |i;i-,t week l i r i r WIIJi her m other, Mr* lle rlh ii Hpear.

f^lrii hruUli ctnuieU will u jr r t We<lne»Hlay nltorniHiii In Ih r m aitn iH'tiool building, U In p lanned to liavn Hi) diiIaIiIo Biieukiu'.

t.udlr«’ AUl Miclnly o j iiie I'li-ftliv- te rla u c h u ieh m e t TUmsmIuv n l i r t - ncMin n l Ihn liom r of M is. Kuil BIsoit. Mrs. I,eo IfoK uiilinr prr.s At Ihn Ininlnesa m neiliig . A I'o ltn - tlo(t WHS tn k m w hich wan ncnt to the cliU drtn'ii hom e In JM se,

Mr, and M rs. B enny .......Matl^iflW, Jo h n P nyne n tid Jo h n Rolce arrlvw l h<wn« 'nnuM lny from ik U>i«« weeks' vl^lt In O klnhiuna.

eoyiowEBILLIN G S, M ont. (U R)—I f Uie call

comes ngaln, C apt. H orace W, Biv­ins will go bnck in to a rm y life, bu t Die line en lhuslasm and skill th a t won Ills 32 clKUions as a young m an lias faded n lit tle a t h is p res­ent anf. 74.

Tlic Negro rej.crve officer, a ve t­e ran of th e two C uban cam paigns, th ree Philippine cam palgiw and Ujc Worl.i ft-ar, now engages In the peBccIiil (xrcupatlon of tru ck -g a r- denliiK niul raLies sw eet potatoes as a hobby If he Ls called back Into srrv lre . he snld. he would p refer lo hw vf wiui a ,h o m e guard u n it here while the .M ontana na tio n al guard Is In aeilve .-service. B u t falling In ihl.'i, h e ' added, he w ants to serve under nrlg . O en. B en jam in O. Davis, (he f irs t N esro gen era l In th e h tj- tory of the arm y. C apl. Bivins ami O en DtivU were buddies in Ihe Philippine cam paigns, a n d once held th e eijiial rank of squadron ser­gean t-m a jo r In th e cavalry,

Jleccnily , C ap ta in Bivins compiled wHh th e u'ftT depaTUnenVs request to answ er a q uestionna ire so th e de­pa rtm en t could d e te rm in e ' w hetJier It wanic<l to call h im back Into serv- Ice. He also look th e required physi­cal exnm lnnllon Olid was found to be In fnr be tter cond ition th a n the e rase miin years younger.

B ut where Bivins believes he m ight be of real ;;ervice to the arm y h in In stru tiln g rookies In th e a r t of markimaii.'U ilp. A t various tunes tiie N egro cap ta in led th e aiTny m ark sm an ih ip w ith boili carbine and revolver. H e ho lds w hat he be- lleve.s to b e 'n record nev er equaled in the a rm y—U iat o f wJnnJug live gold me<lals fo r m a rk sm an sh ip in a single year In a rm y cbm petltlon. T ills was In 1894.

In 1806. so wlde.spread was B i­vins’ farm.' as a c ra ck sho t, U iat Col. W. F , (Buffnlo B ill) Cody tried to .sign him to a c o n tra c t w ith the wild w est sl^ow Cody headed . I t was the colonel's p la n to have Blvtns comiwte w ith A nnie Oakley. Ihc show'.s fem inine c rack sho t. B u t al th a t tim e, Blvlns w as in line for pro­m otion lo th e ra n k of o rdnance ser­gean t. and decided to rem ain In the arm y. He becam e a commlsslon- eil officer—o n e of th e few Negroes lo achieve th is r a n k — d u r in g the W orld war.

P cck h a u i Speaks To B n h lL O .O .F .

BUHL, Dec. 16 (S p c c ln D - 'P rln - liilrs of O dd Fellow ship ill P rac-

• was tli r Mibjcct ol th e ol- Ic'Lil ^ Id ress by G rand M aster H. C.

Pcrkl'/tm . W ilder, when he p.-»ld hU iJl visit l() m rinbers of the Buhl h F. niul ne lK kahs and the ir

Buesl •■la.'.t weeK. O ranil U epresentn- tlvc y. n . H uglies and H enry Cleve- land |i:>si depnrCment commander, p re.i'iitrd 1.11 elKht-m :m escort of pa trl'iiir iii llitnn t, OoodlnR, led by nrlgad lrr G enera l A. F . McCloud. Tliry r.'i iirled th e urnnd m o iter and deputy Hrand m uster, George Leth,

lie plutforn i n B lan k cn h lp was In eliarKC

the program w hich opened w ith iiroiip .'InKlng "Ood Dies'.

. iica, - t t i ih M1.S.S Lulu I-eland piano. H nrry Ray enlerlnlnerl icioiip w iih several num bers of

i«-< t jKvtry.,„ h nf th e visitors a fte r formal <i(lui-tioii Kave ?horl talks

irk, and they were followed hy ilw c ra n d master'.^ addres.s

A 'n m m lltee In charge nf Clyde Wli;i:iins served lunch r.fter the clnl hour.

lod r I


HANSEN, I>?c. 16 iS peclftD -H ot .school lunches will begin In Hnnsen s c h o o l 'a s soon a.s the WPA has '•eoijred a cook, nccordliig t< groiiii In c harnc , w ho fu rther sta te thnt the supp ly of food from the WPA is a l th e lunch room. Mrs- R Howell Is c h a irm a n of lUe projec t whliii « ill be .sponsored by the L at- aw ah club.



Increasing Populacel/m d o n 's g row th Is .so rap id . It Is

e.stlmnted, th a t th e re a re a h a lf m il­lion people living on Its borders for whom th e re a re no church ac ­com m odations.

'•Then See H e G ets


I t 's moAt easily digestib le and It's a r e a l rew ard (a t grow ing boy»— nnd g lrlsl

V O U N G 'C■ D A I R Y ^

_________ P h o n e > 4 ___________

C astle G a te C o a l is a m odern fuel! I t 's w a sh e d , sized , (d ried , o f c o u rse ) a n d d u sp ru fe d . T h e c leanest co al y o u ’v e e v e r used! I t keep* y o u r ho m e cleaner; j; iv e » y o u m o e e f o r y o u r m oney. T e le p h o n e y o u r o rder N O W !


HomeLumber & Coal Co.

301 2nd S t . SouthG uy B ym an. M anager


ABOUT THE NJSW DRIVESO ld tm oh ile 's " n o c h itc h " H y d ro - M utlc D rive hw» p ro v ed •n c lv a setiiutliiD id iu ( x e s i ih u t n iu n y rfiiaiiiifuciurera huvo h ro iig h t o u t new devices fur 1041—v^ith Blm- liai KDiiiidlii); niinicn iind w ith r.liiliUB (i> a ln iili ir o ilv iiiit tiK ea , T h e m iirn new Uhi.ti. of ah iria, Iiriv kinds ol iraiiB inisniona, n o w c iiiir .h »y(itfltii». n o w r .n iitro la ,

"d tlv rh ." W h n t IhcBfi d e r V I.rs rrn H f do, in ixn iiparlson w i th l ly < l r» - M a t lc H rlv o , laBhowti i . i t l ie < h ii i t h r l , i .v .t ; i i r , : k

l« . a ie liilly .

Y o u ’ll f in d th la f a c t r c n ia in a :

J i u t o n e k in d o f d r iv e ii com ­p le te ly a u to m a tic . . . h as no c lu ic f i p e d a l a t a l l . . . a n d n e v e r r e q u i r e s a n y m a n u a l s h if t in g , e v e n fo r q u ic k acte l- e r a l i o n . T h a t is th e o r ig in a l H y d ra - M a lic D riv e , builc and b a c k e d b y G e n e r a l M o to r s , in tro d u c e d by O ld sm o b ile sn d n o w p r o v e d m il lio n * o f m ites o f d r iv in ( i tn th e han tU o f n rd rly fifty ih o n sa n d O H iic til

^ ^ , 0 l d ^ 6 b i l eCH AN EY

Mfdn nnti FniirlJi E anlMOTOR CO.

Lasting Enjoyment This Christmas

-For a different gift idea this^Christmas—a gift that will last—give something that will become part of your home, benefitting every member of the family.

Give one gift to the wholes family. It will be an in­vestment in enjoyment and security for years to come

For example we suggest— new lighting fixtures

* water system for the farm home• modem bathroom fixtures

, • kitchen plumbing* water softener• fireplace sets

Visit our store for more ideas in worthwhile home gifts in all price ranges.

You w ill also find hundreds of items for

individual nifts in our hardware lines.

Come in and shop.,


I ' I 1 1 I 1iIi

III.*I1 '


i I I I I f •


Page 10: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Idaho...Weather Forecast ^krtiiar cWodr toBlffbt will Tues «sj'. W*mier tonight. HIch yw- .tMday 31.

M onday, December 16, 19-10 IDAHO EVENING TIMES, TWIN FALLS, IDAHO Pag«Nin«


Barrymore Ambitious to Make Next Picture With W. C. Fields

BERLIN, Dcc. 16 <UP-»—B rllU li aJr r a ld c n set several Ilrcs in B erlin la.M iitghl u td (Um agM severalbiilltlliiss. induditiE hospitals, hlKli tnm jiiand commmiKiur suld todny.

NMinrrtius c\pln,-.ivc and ^nccn - dlnry bombs were dropped e lsew here In G erm any and one fac lorj' In c en - trn l O erminiy wn.i s f l o llre , llie lonim unlquc r.nid.

All rires. In Berlin and cl.sewl were sjild to liavc bren cxUngulslied quickly.

Kour KlUrdTlin com m unique -■'uld four p e r-

(>nn5 were killed and 13 uouTMled In (he nlR hl's ra ld ln j; th s l s e n lc c on one railway Was in te rrup ted te m - porftTlly and th a t a church a l H er- lo rd . W estphalia, wns destroyed by a d irec t bomb h it.

O ne B rltlsli p lane was sJiol dow n In.^t nlRht and no G rm jan plnnes v .crt losV. Ihe sa id .

S aturday , I t said . O erninn bom b­ers u ltncked London and Im p o rtan t m ilita ry objectives In southea.sl E nfi- land . O ne Brltl.sh ha rtw r w as re - m lned, aeeordm g to the com niunl- quc. I t said G erm nn a ir activ ity wa-s llJTiJterl lo recDniiai'i.vtncc yesterday- becau.^e of bad wenther.

Score D irect H itT lio official news agency sa id

B rlilsh bombers icored a d lrcc t Jilt on a subwiiy line nna on n rnllw ey h e re hust nlRht.

E arlier, a communique sa id B r i t ­ish p lanes .'^howcrcd leafle ts over a B e rlin .suburb bu t were preven ted by nnti-H lrcraft fire from renchlng th e cen lcr of the- cHy.

I t was the f irs t raid on B erlin In ID nlghta.

By PAUL H .\K R \S O N NEA S taff Serrlce C o rre iponden l

HOLLYWOOD, Nov, 16 (U.R) — Jo h n B arrj’more is p lnylng th e role o f a somew lmt w acky hclcntlst in U nlversal's com edy-ch ille r, "The Invisible W oiuun," n n d is hav ing a lot of fun a t It.

He assemble.^ an nU rlca le m uchlnc w hich w ith llie nld of nn InJectcd clicm lcal can ren d e r a person In­visible, and he trier. It o u t on Vir­g inia Bnice. nn unh a p p y fashion

NAM ESin the


Jo h n Rarrjrm ore waniN lo make a picture w ith W. C. Kicld.s. . . H eld* *nl*hl like to t ry th a t In- T isibilll/ m achine.

m odel who volunlccr.s fo r th e ex- pc rln icn t becnu.sc she 's llrcd of be­ing s tared n l. She'.s nl.so tired of be­ing i)cr,seciited by he r bo.'-.s, and the firs t th ing she does to celebra tc licr

s la te of IrH nsiiarcncy i.s to give th a t a.sinnished ex-em ployer n good sw ifi kick.

T ills and o the r nsiJccLs of th e p a rt a re likely to do qu ite a b it tow ard a d d in s zip and splcc to th e norm al­ly qu ie t and w holesom e sc reen per-

souiiUly Qt Ml:>b Urvicv. CvtiS Uiuiish aud iences won t be able to

I .some of th e sienesH aving been lrcato<l witli ilu- ruy.s

of Ihc m achine , ll luipiicn.i ih a t she R.' .sunic invL^lblllly w henever she llk e < b y guzzliiiB somi' alcohol, u also hnpiM'ti.s lliai ihc uuii'lUi\c doesn 't work on liiaiUnmte ni.Herial.

In order lo ^ rt romiiletely out of bight MI.S.S Bruce lins in dike off a ll h e r c lo thw . ConMnuenOy th e IniagUlutlons ot audiencrs will be stim u la ted by the ,sURi;rsiion Umt he re Is a p reity ^irl runn in s around sta rk naked and a little dnm k .

Too L ale lo r JohnIt Is a situation to ton lo u n d the

censorsh ip bo;ird,s, nnd it «bo is h igh ly am aslng lo ih a t old sntvr, Barrym ore . D etncen .scenes he tells th e blush ing MIm B v 'ict h e 's w otli- Ing on ft potion which will enable h im to .•-cc th r thiniis w hich Ills m arvelous liiuclune has made nially Invisible.

He says, too. thu t he wishes he had th o u g h t of m aking wcimen in- vi.slble a loiii: lime aRo. I t would have .saved him a lot of trouble.

W lien I vLsHed the set today Miss Bruce was com pletely m nteriallied a n d w orking In n ? .rfnt w hich d is­closes th a t th e m achine hi stolen by ageni.s of an underw orld cznr who Hgurr^i Jnilslbllity would a id h im In .h li iiefiLTious enlerprLHoa.

T he actres-s and the G reat Pro­file—th e la iic r woarliiK a gray nnd m ustache a tui looking very m uch like B ro ther Lionel—com e iiuo ;the Inbonitory nnd fliul It wrecked, ’r iie n they hear a poiitulmg on the dooT o l ft w here the house­keeper, Miirnarc'l H nnillton lias been imprl.siUK'il by the i;unKslcrs. Miss B ruce w».v supposed to rele.i.sc h e r quickly, bu t on the firs t hike th e la tch w ouldn’t woik. Afior struggling w ith it for several

-^ald. '1 c iin 'i 8 f t Ibel ----- -her- -^pen!"

W an ts to W ork w llh W. C. HeW* B arrym ore is looking rem arkably

well tlie.se duy.s—ivirtly, h e says, be- cause h e 1:, obliged to sc rape along

court allow ance of »1.000 a week. T he K w s'to lUs c rtdU ^rs, and from now on the am oun t w ill dc conslderahlc becaiiso a regu la r radio p rog ram lui.s been added to his sc hedulf.

h ^ i T Ket ou t from u nder i d eb ts." h e ^aicl, "I w ant to buy


HONOLULU, Dcc. 16 iU,R>—Twelve ■ lii*enRlJicd con.solidalcd patro l

l>oMibers and six subm arines a re en o th e rh lU pp lne IslAwds Vo

defense of th e com m on­w ealth, It wa.s learned today.

n te plane.', le ft H onolulu lft.si M onday and a rc d u e . to M anila Hundav or MoiidHy. f lying by "easy -iHKes" Via M idw ay., W ake and •tiiam l.slaiuis.

Sailors on Siiikiiijr ^\‘sscl Man Guns anti “Get'" U-Boat

LONDON, Die. 10 n)'’*—Suni’lvlng vuilcrs of cruiser K orlar claim ed today th a t they sank -.i-.e tlielr ship.

T l\c VoTtin- wn‘. lorpedoert In th e u m tli TJie i^Usvrs. th a ts she .siiuk, they um niied h e r giuis and lui ........................

•'got h rr, nil r lc h t .” O ne .sailor said he l;;nl been ic^d th a t dfstrci>fr» In the ci>nvoy which th e F o rfiir h;ul Ih t :; Uvrrv wtherbubnuiriiies. '

'H irce life bnai.s col away from tlie Korlsr in one were 31 MtUAr vrnu rned six tlme.s |ji th e nex t four tiours »Uvl w hen « fre ich ter

iippciivtd to picli them \ip . only six Uie 5V

McMillan Renamed To Grange Office

jm O M E . Dec, 16 (8p«cl*l)—W U- lU rd M cU iU w w u n c lv c U d unM utrc.ot ih f Jerom e tow n O rto ige

evening a t Uie I.O .O .P. hklL OU»*r offlcrra elected were overseer. Leon s to c t t a i ; .lecturer, M n . J o h n S tickel; Hurold- Cook. s«cret*ry; treasu rer, John PM fcinwn; O u i C a l- >en. ttew ard : Noel Q w aitncy . n t e - kee^per; Bob M esw nger. A ssistant Mp'Mird; M rs. Jenn ie C n l s . lady as^lJ.t*n^ stew ard: Mra. V enlt* V ln - tng, CeiTs: Mrs. Leon Stock ton , norm , and M ri. Harold Cook. P o - hioaA.

T h e G reat Profile and th e G re a t B eak m irh t try th e fam ous spanW ng « e n e from ' ^ j Dear CM W rtn,"

bo a t; b u t not a f.tnry big yaclit like I h a d before. Ml be i ta y ln t hcrts Iroiw ttow c ji. a i\d th e t t 's ^ n o m ore s tage engagem ents; I pa id >15,000 to get o u t of my la st com m ltm enl."

H e likes movies a n d . Is especially fond o( radio. ha.s Just been signed for • weekly a ir show, 1 u k e d if he h a d any single am bition Mid he shid ve.s. ttu it he 's anxious lo m ake a p ic tu re w ith W. c . Fields,

" I f d be the screwiest th in g ever film ed." he declared. "W e've been

r U R N I T U R tT h in k o f i t — t v c r y M ng le m c m h « r o f th e fa m ily

w in tk'^ n nd t n jo y th e R ift o f fu rn itu re w h ich

g lo r if ie s th e ir h o m e ! T h e s e « r « s p c c ia l C h rU lm a a

v a lu e s f o r » lim ite d t im e .

" H a p p in e s s IW r i r s a t H o m e."

II. f


onds sh e tu rned to th e c iw iern and tnlkkng lo g c th er >bout It.”

B rU n lte d Press V lrglnlo G ajd u . ed ito r of

Rome news|wii>er O lornale d ’llftliii, categorically den ied today th a t I ta ly in tends to sue for armlsUce In Itu lo - G reek ho.stiUlles nnd w arned th e BrilLsh n o t to deceive them selves

.a b o u t I laly as a com batan t . . .C ha lnn> n S dI Bloom o t th e

hnu»e fore lfn a ffa irs eom m lltee prApo!.e.< th a t th e U nited S ta te s repeal (he neu tra lity Uw in o rd e r (o extend more aid lo B rita in .L F. S tone, W nshinKton e d ito r of

N ation maKarlne. ?ald d e ta ils o f .» plan will be revealed by a D e tro it labor group ne.Kt w eek-end by w hich th e uniLsed capacity of th e a u to ­m obile Industry can be m ade to pro* duce WO plnues » day .

At V atican City, w orkm en a re p u ttin g the flnlah louchea «n u i a ir raid shelter fo r Pope Pins . . . V lc« P m ld e n t Don K epplcr of th e A FL A eronautleal M eehanlea local a t (he Boeing a irc ra f t p la n t in Sea ttle i> faced w llh pou ib lllty o l expuhinn from th e union a n d • S5.000 fine for hU alleged C om ­m unistic affiliations . . .

Uftlboa vejKirts U^al evidence polnt.s to a landslide In yesterday 's C an al Zotu- plebl.sclle for Prfillderft A riiu lfa A rias’s new oonstltu tion w hich would itran t h im ex trao rd i* iia iy executive j ^ v e r a .

Air (-ommtMTlre O. C. P lrie of G re a t Itrllaiii. nnw In W ash ing ton . I), Mtlii th a t sliico th e D rltiihgnve s fo rm ilita ry a lr r r a ll in llie I I . S 7,UQ<1 Mifh a l i r r a t t had heen p ro ­duced In various (aelnrle!^ th r o u ih - ou l the country . . .

W endell Wlllkic told tiie A:vs.x l- ale<l W lllklr cluti.s Unit ilie ir vlt.il niid v ibran t work «lif>uUi be c-on-

. tliiued l)ut nskeil thiil Ills nuiue- )>e k rp l out of Ilielr a c tlu tlc s lest he tx- iiiriii<r<l (if |)(-r|>('iri<tluK a iie rsonal (UKaiilziilloii . . .

iloniliay rrpo rtrd Ih a t M ohandu* R . (iRiMthl'K e » m p » l|n nl Inrtlvld- uitl dlsoi>etllrnie will tie Fiuspenitcil frcini h e r. JO In Juii, .1 f«r th e t'hrK lm it-i hullduys , . ,rivilinhttc.vs Ju a n ita (> 'I 'u iK rr <'I

' CliiI'llmn,s. Kill, whii iinuuiillv pliiy-i.'f itn 'u Cliiii.-I lr>i ,sliinip I'ollrrlor.s. ii'Iio ilrd ly h bii.slcr Hum r v n llil;.


WAtlllAMKN'lX), Dec, in lUP) A uU ioiltlfs tixliiv liivtVillKulecl cletilln of lliiee [lei.Miiia In a n o r th H arriitneiito nulii lu iiip In d e ir r - m ine H iiiev weie nr.|>liv;ilMled a c - r lden ta lly cii died in ii Mihldo pnct.

'H ie (lenil wein lilriilllleil ii.-. Miin- III'- IhiMiibuik. UO; |\U duMUhtrr, Velma. IJ, nnd llelnle Wllsc.ii, 37. I t wan t.elleved iluslnliiirk an<l liln . la u g h te r w rie fii.u i Vnkltiui, W ash., a w l MIm WUrwi Jroin Monnx*, tltn li.

IhM lnliaik irKlntcieii KalurdaV niKht and tnld llin ran i|i <>|>eralnr Hull / ’a lady nud a rlilld ” w eio w llh him 'H ie IhkIIc.s were found lutu vrntciday. Ihinhibaik In hed. th e Klrl on b <<uuli ».u.t WllMinnn th e halhiixiiii fliH>r,

All wiiidiiwn iind dixirn were aliift a n d Ihn h rnhT wim liiinilng. A Juk nf whin iiittiid In Ihe eiililn Ing aiialyr.ed lur |M I»on,

himitrdO ne nuiiit tinv rj In the irftiilc of

C-'iiniTi. alnnMt an ta r Aoulh a» tiuba , I” iiin nun d lie illy ove ih ra .l. I'-Ven lli rn . IL In iNi.'nlliln only In thn m on th of June,


ST. LOUIS (URi — MiiX Polko* un elevator oiK rator a l th e old fed­e ra l bulldlnt; here , ha.s one of the largc.st prlviitely nwutxl coUecUons o f tropical fish In th e m iddle w est— so large, in fact. U m t h e liiis m iui- nged to pu t a bnwl of f ish in iiearlv every olUce o5 \lie bn lldh ic h \ 'which h e work.s and .still m ake lil.s hobby pay for Itself.

Po lkes aouarluin In ih c federal i building, which hoii.'-e.s d ls tr lc l heud- quiirtcrs for such agencies a t Ihc

■national park .service, HOLC, WPA ■and other... was hl!> ow n Idea. He said tha t when h e .started rimniiiB th e elevator he no ticed iniiny -of th e oiilce.s had jw tled plnnt.s and ho'^iC^s.•^v,•Wch h e c™\sVdered ‘T fully messy, w ith leaves d ropping th e floor a ll the tim e.”

H e said he a.sked nn occupant ne o l th e ollices H h e would like ) have a bowl of fish.

Cares for O ffice Fish ‘•T l\6l's th e \vi»y H h lnried ." PtilXe

said. "P re tty .sofin .someone w anted an fl<iuai1um and then o th e r office nnd a n o th e r. 1 limine now there a ie 45 fish bowls In buitdlnR. ! t^ike cure of them m y spare iiiu r. "

In the m il- of hi-, hom e I'nlke luv- b u l l l 'B .strilrliui-, 'JU by -3(1 feet, w hich coiiiahr. t|i-r upon tie r ol concrete and kIiiss IiousIuk all ty|: o{ Tftit nml l>eimllliil I ro p ln ii jl- Ho Jias never considered h is flsli

ler thiin ii liohtjy. hut covi-rs itlim rxiM'iir.r.'i throuK li Mile

surplus r,t(K-k.Piilk.--.s iii|iiiuiiim in iilu liv , h

dre<|-. n( ►iupjilri, blin k ' H'll niliiliow 11:,11, hwiirdlail.s dl uiuns

Distress From Kidney, Stomach Was Relieved

I Am H appy fo r I Fool M ko a Now W ouuiii S iiu o 'ra k ln j; H a y l’rt ( ’om ptm nd S a y s Thin 'I'w in ^’all^l L ady .

MtH. Anna lllu r, Jif) 3iid HI., 'IV In P^ll.s, Idului. sta le s; "I hnvo Buffered from indigestion. iiervoueneM , nnd

tuann. n \ e w ould crow d my

colors, dw arf G ouram ls, Ind ian fl.sh a n d m a n y others.

, ••Fishtlnir P a ir" Priied O ne of hi.s prir.e exhibits I.-- a pair

o f " fislU liie l i^ h ’ til ACiiicwt« \xvwlh bu t side by .side. Polite .snld he hits to keep ft ncw.'paper o r some kind

c u rta in belween the bowl.s to p reven t th e lish im m d a s h i n g themselve.s ngaliist ihc- nla.s.s in an effort to a ttac k eneli oiher.

Polkc said h is fish cau .e h im rel- alively little trouble be<ause a well- balanced iti|iiaritmi will run It.self. H e look up t h r iiobby a fte r tils dl.s- c liarge from th e a rm y foUovktug the close o f the W orld war.

"To m e," he said, "It s a nerve tonic.''

^ A of People'lliB world has an *» iim ,ied lo la l

o r fl83,00(l,OWI O hrl«tla,u , a.liM stliU I to iiu n o»OioUea.

iM'SSS‘222 « « ‘hollo*. «n<t3IW,000,000 I’roleatanta,

First Public BuildingT lie W hile Hou.'.e whs th e first

public bullfiiiiK erecied in W ashing ton, D. C It;, cornerstone wa.s laic Oct. 13, 1732. and its flr.st occupant.s

Eras and PeriodsT lie earlli'.s p.ist is divided in to VC e ras , by sclciilK ts. ThC£« live ras. In tu rn , a re dUided in to a to ta l

of 16 periods, ol varj ing lengUis.

S ta n d a rd Tllarles ana D esk C a l­e n d a rs a re now kept ready a t Clos Booh S lo rt. —Adv.


Y ou'll find a complele • line of new nnd used bicycles a l

( Jlo y s le in C y c le ry 338 .Main South

Platform 1





h e a r t ho badly Mint 1 Irll eveiy Utetith would In' Ihe Uv.l 1 w,i-, iiervou,i and hiul lu iid ile nli'ejiiun. i would Iiave illr>v ii|H-lh an il my k id ­neys gave me iiiiirli lio iib lr .

Now Ahire litking Iliiy f/i c^om- IKiund I feel Hkn n nnw w om an nnd I a m lieUer in every w ay. I lutve no t lind a hign iif liullaeKtli.ui. hnvo no t n iilletrd even iiiicb fu iin tilomai h Ban a n d pain. My nnrvrA nrem n lnuiK tr ntid 1 am nlenplng well all uljiUl. 1 hftvp no t h a d n rilMy (.pell nnd my kldiieyn di> m a l>ollier mn Bt all, I now enjoy m y inral.n nnd do lurf Miller a ltrrw a rd a ,"

'I'liink o f i t ! lli-rc |,>i n w iiy tlm l ytm niiiy d(t nil ymij- ('liri:i(tniift hln)|i|)ini: "ii )» vroitit plun llial. (Ini’sn't. iniilti' Iho fir« t o f | | m> iiKiiith Hcom like II iiiKlilinnrti innlciul n f a lln |ip y N ew Voar! ('K K I)IT C O U P O N S lim y l.o h o u u la li\ Im k n fn iin .?Hl np w ilh no dow n |u»yni«‘Ht Hiiil w ith ;t iiiciiiM ih (o piiy | i |u n a riiiiiill c n n y iin r c lm iK i',

(;<»«! in overy dcparlmpnt at our hilf Hioie. IJkc c«Kh in your iMK-kcl!

A sk at our Credit Dep't.


V... i .

Page 11: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Idaho...Weather Forecast ^krtiiar cWodr toBlffbt will Tues «sj'. W*mier tonight. HIch yw- .tMday 31.


^ o c i a i — C ^ iu l) 6 — o C b d ^ e dI *

H eitm ans E n te r ta in St. Edw ard’s Choir

F a th e r H . E . I le i tm a n und M iss A tu i H e iln iiin cntcrtH tn<‘(l a t th e a n n u a l C h ria tm iis p a r ly fo r n irm b c r s of S t. K d w ard ’s c h u rc h ch o ir , th e i r h u sb n iu is , w ivos iuul p artn erH , hi.st ovo- niiiR a t th e p a r is h ha ll.

A tu rk e y d in n e r w as servocj a t fi trdiK -k, a ll np))<)intnu‘n ls h c in p in kerpinfi" w ilh th e .season. Tal)!e d e c o ra tio n s w ere m in ia tu re & in tn C lau ses an ti r i 'iiu io e r , a n d re d , .silver and Rreon tap(>r.-<. W om en o f tfin'" pariH h s e rv e d th e m eal.

C o v e rs w e re m a rk e d fo r 70 RUestfl. BinKO w a s a d iv e r ­s ion , follow infj d in n e r , w in ­n e r s b e in n p r iv ile g e d to .selecl p r iz e s fro m tw o p iles , onn beinpr a w a rd s fo r th e m en a n d th e o th e r fo r th e w om en.

Girts PiTSClltFllAs lui liiUoducUon lo Uic nilL ex-

clianRp, Mrs. GeorKC Seldol iiiid Mns. F rank O . K leffner plnyrrt m .■■pcclftl duel, WfftrlnR w U l bells. U itr r tlicy plaj-fd "Jingle Bells" a n d llie ns.>;pm- bly sanK the favorite song.

Ml.w H eltm nn tlicn Kt»vi- the .ilnnnl fo r th e apiw arunce of Siinln Clinis ( a t ’orpe SckicU and h(? <Ils{rl6cit«J

• - - ff tv o rs to tlif RUpst.-! from Uie liost.s.H e filso dLslrlbulwl th e kUI cx-

cbflJiRe pflfJtnxM. whJch were o/x-jimJ Blmultimcoiisly, n fte r Mrs! K lr fliir r. cho ir organist, had been prr.sentcil u1U) a down com fort from tlip cliolr. T h e Choir aUo prescntw l a n lfl to MIs8 H cltm nn. d irector.

P r ln a a t bingo were won by Mrs. C lara Pullm an. Mrs. D orothy M lnso, M rs. M yrtle Lopcr, M rs. Mav K lelf- ner, M rj. C. H. B iilchcr. Mr.s. Hill and M rs. Dorothy K leffner.

DInfo W innersMlsa Stella Mac L ang. Ml.v. D or­

othy RcttlnRhouse, MIm Bctiy Piim phrey. Mlsa H elen Gee, Ml.sa B e tty June O am brel, M iss M adeline O arv ln a n d Miss M ary Alice Diich- anan .

Bob Jones. Dick TrobrldRc. Dill Mingo, BUI Hughes. Jo h n K e cm n . V an B ra iec and F ra h k |C lef/ner. sr,

fezaar, Dinner And Dance Set By Relief Society

Klrst w nrd L. D, 8 . R elief mx u ill r iile rliilt i Tiir.<;day.,Dce, 17. n bii/jtiir: A chicken d in n e r p t 6:30 o'clock; a proKrani at. 8 o'ctSck,'nnri

dance n t 0 o ’clock.A nom inal ndm lialon fee adm its

ticket holdcr.s to all of th e evenl.s, ofllrinU nnnoun red today, and the public Is Invited.

Mr.s, I ^ u P o tre Is In cliarge of (irriiiiKcm rtits for the d inner.

■nic proKrani will Incliidc ii pliinci soln, .Mrs, 'Jennie Crowley; duct Mrs. C hrlstlP HoberU nn and Mr::. Miiiicl Mobk'y; diiPl. Mrs. Utnhim Aiiclcr.soti and Mrs, Mo.s.sle K lrk- inun; solo, M rs. Robcrt.'ion, arc panu-d by Mr.s. M nblr' ; <-ci • rc.idUm, Lnvon Hytlc; solo."!. H oward Corli-s.s. ¥ ¥ Presbyterians to

Present CantataPrr.sbyierlan cliua-li cho ir of 40

voices will pro.srnt a can ta tn •s: 111 8 p. in. Ill the c hu rch audl- torliiiii, iiiu ler llie d irec tion of M O ernld W allace.

ChrLsUnas curobi will be muir In add ition to th e c an ta ta . ••Hall, M es­s ia h .'’ by W ilson. AmonR th e »n- tlirm .s will b r I'll old m i i cen tiny F rench •'A lldo lila -

MIsa Ja tm t ^e^c nDl p lay th e orpnn

Evacuee Fipm Manila Tells of Rough Trip

H o m e fo r C h r is lm a s — a n d j?lad o f i t — is M rs. W a lte r W n ite , cv acuce f ro m th o P h illp p iiie iwlHi)<ls.

c lcc tric iu n w ithth e tJ n i te d S ta te s n av y , i.s K'clUnK' a c c lim a te d to Id a h o w in ­te r s , a f t e r a p e n d in g th e p a s t y e a r in M an ila , a n d th e v c a r b e fo re t h a t in H onolu lu . „

r * ^ . W ith 1,342 o th e r cvacuoos, m o.stly w iv es a iul fam ilie s of

%■: 2nd Ward Giving /E v e n i n g Program

Of Yule CarolsA C hris tm as carol service will bo

.■■presented W ednesday evening. Dec. 18. a t tho second w ard L. D. S. c hu rch by th e second w anl. accord­in g to officials. The sliiRcrs will be costm ned for the earol slnRlng, and special ligh ting will be featured.

M rs. Bonnie D, Adams U director, and M rs. Vln?lnla Kolinson. plnnl.st. a n d Jay Bpraeher, orffanbt. will play th e nccompanlinent.-;,

"A nfel Chorus"Mlfts H elen Thom as will be the

rea d e r and th e oi)enlng ficmw.s will be by a n •'angel chorus" of CHraner glrla and J'.,,lor chorvis member.'', "O Come All Ye F a i th fu l ' and "H ark th e HeraUl An#e)a BlDg,"

H em ian Christiansen will ^1uK ."■n»o F irs t Noel," followed bv ‘'Clcxl ;R c»l You Merry O entlenieti" bv a

. m ale (luurtet, Mel C arter, Kviin Clyde. David Sim m ons and U eriiiun Clirlstliuisen.

"Deck llie HalU'- will be mjiir l.y tho tiuartet and eliorus followed liv' •'Jolly Old HI. Nlrhnlas," and "'L'wa.'* th e NiRht Before C hristm as," auiik by O lorla Aclnrun, Yvonne M rllrlde Joyce W hite, Ih.rcdhy MeKi.In, June .I^irk ln , ne lly T a i r and M aillya

MIm VirKlnIa M rHrlde will «1uh ' I t Cam e UiHiu It MhhilKlit C ln ii"

a* a fcolo rollowrcl tiv ' <> Molv NIkIiI" as an orgiui m.Ici by Mr. ( ip n u h er

dli'kTrio N«)r< llnii

A trii). MIm MnvHiirrl ('(Mkirll, Urlrn I.liKl am , M ,.. j-Vi..

I n ey, will bIjir "O I.ltlj,. cfUellilphem ,"

"fillent NlRlil, llcilv NiKlit" will '■'liiB bv the rliii:

lean will Up jn r.seiitrd liyUi cfteniblr i.iul ||n i C(mKr<'Kal

tl 'u le Uin rvetiltiR 's piom .un.

Helen Hafer Mas Music Recital

Min, iiH n , Uixtrr. ph.m . siuclrnt « f Mrn, ( i r .a ld W allan-, iM.-«enle<l » ie<-lul Hiin.lav aflerno-H, tlin )ioin« of h r r piiientA. Mr, and M..., U"r« ■ •''•iHh-

m il l‘c«neroy. Imillnne, was n.wlnt

P W lid a y of a KIuh," "(live • Man

#.."^0" m;,?-"M lM .i u j e r 'a *ele«il..n. w

J-U elU " "W lll-O -th e .W l.p " "I T/Vrjifc * M inor," ••Oonatlna.” " In, J T "Moon flp rlte , •'Halliule,”' S o * “ M n « m - and "V»N* (lllw -

' i; iTouth Affiliation Will Reorganize

In lw -O lm ro h Y uuih A ffliu m n i« t a t th « lia p U il bun«a)ow lUtjr • fU m o o n to dlaotiM p la n t r«0n i« iliatl0 (» , A r ro p o w l con -

lu tton a n d hy-U w a w as p rnw utod

m « lK t-•mporftrjr e h k trm u v » n d Dob •K WM U im porw y

IT. R«v. l u r n i U np raM n t« d , m f U I i M ln U te rU lta M o la r

" r to r ttia iro u p .

One of Washington’s Dehs Langen w aiters ■H a v e R eception fo r Guests

C iim iilim en tary to M r, a n d Mr.s. A llan L a iiK cnw alte r. Wei.-^cr, D r. an d M rs. J . H. L a n K e n w a lte r e n te r ta in e d a t a

on S u n d a y a f te rn o o n a t th e i r h o m e , 218 H tichaiiiin

honoroe.s, th e i r .'^nn a n d d a u g h te r - in - la w , w ore hero w eek-end vi.sit. r e tu r n in p h ts t e v e n in g to W eiser. a n d M rs. LanK’e n w a lte r w e re m u rr io d la s t S ep t. ‘J'.l.

■ M rs . L an K cn w a ltc r w as fu r- m e rly M isa F lo r in e Brace. d au K h te r o f M r. and M rs. F ra n k B race , I r r ip o n . Ori'.

Frien ds of th e LAiiKentfnlH'r f.im- ly, Including form er clii^.sinatc:. of

Allan called du rin g the la llei hmins o f th e oftem oon.

Sca.sonal m otifs featured In the refre shm en t tab le ftpjw lnlm eiits nnd

Mary Washburn Becomes Bride

JE R O M E , Dec. IQ (Special) — M1.S.S M ary W ashburn, Jerom e, w id •Dick Rolce Newby. Exlcn. were m a r ­ried Dec. 8 a l ihe P rr>byterlan c h u rc h In W endell, T lie couple wn.s nlienclcd by Ml.vs Donna H ar t, W en­dell, am i R alph Mc^Ljiln, Eden.

T h e bride wore a rc<l dre.s.s w ith black accr.ssorlc.'i. Mr.s. Newbry Is a

Calendarl'ii\\ii:,i'iicl club No. 1 will m eet

a t 8 p. m .a t th e c ity hall. * * *

Colliix E ncam pm en t. I. O. O. P. ill iiii'c’l today a t 8 p., m. a t Ihe I,111 r-'llow s hall.

Loui.se iillllw tU , comely VVa.OiJiirton deb, U Die dau jrh ler o f Mme. de Kspll. wife of Ihe A rcenlliie Amlia.ssacliir. I)c.spite h e r social popular­ity , she keeps up w ith h e r cooking classes.

n a v a l o ffice r.s and m en in tiu ' is la n d s , M rs. W a ite r e tu rn e d

U ie S . S.- W ji.shinKton, d u c k in g in S an F ra n c isc o on S u n d a y , D ec. 8. T h e pa.ssen- K0I‘ liHt inc luded 509 ch ild ren . In o rd in a ry tim es, th e .steam ­s h ip accom m odate .s 1 ,0 0 0 pa.s- •leiiK'er.s.

O rave Klluallon"IstaiicliTs luo fully ftwaic of tho

navenevs of th e p resent In tern a - lonal sliuatlc.n . No one kiiow.s ju s t *hiit Ui expcYt," Mrs. Wnllc- m iUI In »n Interv iew today,

"How ever, llie returnluK pa.s.sen- Rer.i w e re In k« ik 1 .spirit,-., m ^pU e of Ihe rcnigh w eullirr. Wc- w e re on th e looKolil for Mibinarliu-s, bu t none

ere ^lKhled," .she added.D uring one m mm u h trw -

ardess a n d one „( th e m elnbers of a lned Injurlc.s. P a r t of

Ihe priveed.s fnm i u Ijeiirlii bhow .■'iaKc<l liy the iia.s.sciiKei.s cm hhl]i- lx«ard, w ent to ilii'iii, Mrs. W altc com inrn teil.

A m atenr thentrli'a l.', liel|X'd In keep le wcimrn a n d chllclren clu'ciied ui>.

and a t flr.st u was i.luni'd byJu.st th e "lei-ii itKcTs"

l le n r f ll I'e rlorniaiice !.;>1e r. everym ir wht. hixl ta len t

It anv kind was ciininmnclcerrd Icir hi' h enetll p rriiinuaiiie .

Mi.s. W nlle wi,s I„in irrlv Mln.i Oiml KeUn. 'IV ln I'liils Hri' lius- hiuid. tD unerly of 'I'nin Full',, l.s the

't Mr.-. C. I,. Wall.- til th is cHv.

Bridal Party N am ed F or Holiday W edding

M iss U ohia L o rra in e F a je n an d R o b e rt S. G a m b le have n a m e d Ih e ir a t tc iu la i i ts fo r th e ir C h r is tm a s d a y weddin^r.

T h e m a r r ia g e w ill be so lem nized a l 6 o ’c lock W ed n esd ay oveninK . Dec. 25. a l Im m aiu ic l L tilh e ra n c h u rc h , R e \'. M. II. Zaj^el o ffic ia liiiK -

T h e b r id e -e le c t is th e ilau K h ter o f M r. a n d Mi'.s, H . ? . F a je n a n d th e bride;;ro<nn-lo-be is Ih e so n o f M r. a n d I\lrs.

S am G am ble, a ll o f T w in

A. L. Dance Club Completes Plans For Party Dec. 18

P lan s are completed for th e tn ltl- ii1 dnnclnK party for th e A. 1,. D nnc- hiK club Wc-dnr.'.cluv evenlnK. Dcc. 18, urc'ordliiR ti> A. K. W illiams.

T his will In- tiu- llist of II hc-rli-.s of live iliiiices 111 till- ckitj'.s w in ter .serli-s. mill Ami-rli'aii 1-c'Hlon und n iixlllarv iin-mliers uiul Ihc-lr I rln u ls a re liivitiil li> Jiilii Ihi- c'hib.

A lew mcne .-.casun tlckels are avallnb lr. and nuiv l»- sei-viretl Iiorn th e ho.'it (iiiim iilice, Mr. nnd Mr.-i. W. W. Thoiiiii., Mr and Mi.s, Cecil Jones, Mr, unci Mis. \V. I, .li)hn.snii, Mr. and M is Hciwaid l.ur-.en. Dr. a iul Mrs. O rriii I-\illei. or Ir.im th-- bnllillnK iDnmilltrc-, ol w hirh IV II, T abe r Is cliali man.

'I'hi- I.i'Kliin hall will bi- ib-ecirateil Ihiouiiliout w llli Yiili'ilili^'1 rim s, and G len llntc",- NlHht llji-Aks will Iiir- n lsh jlie liliisli' fur Hir iliinclnK, to beKln a t D::iO (l elcx-k.

Mouiitiilii Vlru Wcilm-Mlay iiiinn liairlieDn a l tlir

cliili Hill iiu-el Icii i> |)cit-liuk liDiiii' i>( Mrs.

Ill'll iiit-inber In lirlim IckmI iilicl tiillle

'IlcilUm I>I Iifllrc'is niulliaiixi' will he Ir.itiil'An

Desif/iieil for H o lid a y Mize


rr .u 'l lc a l . . . Lmclerit , , , Wllh IJ new rcspii'H fm - luicA rt'i 'cimmi'iulcil by leiidlnd hcinie ecciiiomtst*. Will Hivu yciii rru l "A ll- A nivrlran" hc.llcl.iyi every day in the yenr.

A^U abniit C 'P au* to inn tlr fea to ro t an <1 ex tra Kavlnu* in tlm o. food iimt money,

SKK IT NOWThr JtanRfl lin y

o f lli«i Y t'i i r l

Liquid Gas & Appliance Co.4 2 6 M a in 8 o iX h

F alls.Mls-s Dorolhy MKIer wiK be .Mls.s

Fajen 'ii maid of honor.Her. bridesm aids will be Ml.s;, Car-

icn D eW ltl and M Ks D orolliy Ude. Mr. O.nmble h a s n a m ed Cecil Dos-

' t l a.s h is beM m an.U.shers will be A as t ln W alliuu and

L u ther EviwLs.

I'llUTlalnhlK 111 (Ipcii licni.'.c ll lernoon and ev in liu ; iiL ih e ir :104 .South W asliUiclcii, in lim Jim WiiKKni'r, Uu- oicu.iion In ) 7Hlli birllidiiv.

Mr. Wa;;,;ii.'i'. fo r limllV \ . iis k le n l (>l 'J'wlii I'a ll:.. w,i.^ n ploye ol llir AiiuiU;aniiilc'<l factory l<ir a |iiiin\lniul< 'ly Id before h h r ri ire iiien t.

F j 'ln n h itiiil hivllHl 111 lu ll <liiiinu III*' liii Inform al tcc rpi ion. A clhiner t CN-diiibiirK* liimllv ■

will I honor llll.s evi iiHiK.

I'd I

Cminlry W om cii's club will m eet Wc'<llll'^dlly H ftenibon u l th e home 111 Mrs, R. G. D oud. A filU ex- clianKC will be conducted.* * *

1‘rmiro.sc R ebeknh lodge will m iri Tvie.sddy a l 8 p. m . a l tlie Olid Kcllow.s ha ll. 'D ie p rogramI (iiiiiiiittee h a s asked th a t each iiH'iiibi'r brliiK a Rift for a gift cvrlianKe.

* * *l-ic'.t Presldenl'.s club of the

of th e G . A. R, wJll m eet ly. EX-c. 17, In Eden, becnusc

ni illiu's.s. M em bers a re asked to lnc|ulre a t Fnlton^s .store,jp Of op • M ountain Rock G range will m eet

Wi'dne.sday evening n t Com m ii- iiltv church. Ho.st com m llteo will III ''M r. nnd M rs. V ictor Nelson. Mr. and Mr.s. Jo h n D ean ond Mr. iiiid Mrs. R obert DlORman.

* * >(■Acldl.-.on A venue Social club will

iiK'ci a t th e hom e of M rs. Oliver Kuykendall W ednesday a fternoon for ft C hris tm as p a rty nnd Rift I’Nchiiiii’e. Roll call resiwnses will be c u rren t event;..

V *Fulclls chwvs of th e B ap tis t

rhurch will m e et T uesday a l 8II ni .a l th e B a p lls l bunRulow for !i C lirlsim as pa rty . All cbis.s m em ­bers a re Invited lo n ltcnd .

>f. H- *Twin Fall.s G ard en club will

iiirct W ednesday a t 2 p . m . a l th e hmne of M rs. P. R. T aber. 210

'N inth iwunue n o r th , fo r a C h r lit - iiiiti pnrty a n d g i l t exchange.

* * If- Chrislm as p a rty fo r th e Good

Will ehil) m em bers a n d th e ir fam i­lies will be held a t 8 p. m . Thur.s- cl;iv a l Ihe O dd Pcllow s hall. Tlie ililldrcn of club m em bers will present the progrnm ,

H- *ClirUilnn EJideavor society of

the C hris tian c h u rc h will e n te r­tain a t a C h ris tm as p a rty Friday at 7:30 p. m. In th e rec rea tion liulJ. .Ml.-v-, D oro thy C all wlJI be head of the e n te r ta in m e n t com ­m ute r and th e re will be a gift exchanije.

¥ V ¥DlvW on No. l..W om en ',-i S o ­

ciety of C h ris tian Service, will m eet a t the home of M rs. O rrln I-'uller T hiusdiiv for luncheon n t 1:15 p. m Mrs. Ed T in k e r. Mr.s. A llon Yciuiin and MKs Alice B eat- t will bi' iissI.Mant ho.ste%.ses. A CtirlshiiHs Klft exchanRe will bo condurtecl.

>l- V- V- Circle No -t, W. S. C. S . of the

M ethodist .h i in 'h will m eet in u 's - diiy a rtrn ioo ii a l th e c h u rc h p a r- lor.'i for a C lirlstm ns jia rty and » ltl exi'haiiHi' Hoste.ssi-.-i Will bfl Mr;.. Marjorli- M ilner, Mr«. K hlr- ley Peck. Mrs. N adine Row iui. Mrs. (h d l Jelllsfin and M rs. D orolhy S v1mh>.

* * *Amiima c lu 's of ilie H aptlst

church will e iilr tii iln a l n ChrI.sl-ma.s ...........(I Cllsli d in n e r a l 7p. m. today a t the buiiKalow. Hun-

house decorations.

For Oliristmas l ‘HO!

" U uhh” T h o m a t, M a n a g erA mK A Ihm iI O u r D iv id end P n y i’ie n t IMiin

b ands will be ({Uests. Tlio.se a ltcnd - Ing a re e tk ed to bring rolls uii/l n covered d ish of .salad or veg­e tables. T lie co inm lttec will fu r­n ish dcs.scrl. m e a t and drinks, ac ­cording to M rs. R. E. Mnrcliouse, com m ittee chairm an , phone 2^19- W . T here will be no g lfi exchanKc,

Chrlslm M C ards, from Ic to 23< eaeh and In boxes Z5c lo Sl.OO pei bos a t C loi Book Store.—Adv.

gm duate of Jerom e hli;h school'and Is Ihe daUKhter of Mrs. H elen W ash­bu rn . Jerom e,

Mr. Newbry Is a Kradimle of Eden h igh .school- Followlnn th e ccremony th e couple Icfl lo r S a il Uike City a n d retu rned lo Kxlen Tliur:.cl:iy w here they will make th e ir home on a farm . For the p ast .vcverjil monlh.s Mr.-i. NewJjry h as lieen .sec- r t la ry lij tin- ofllcc-H of A ltorncy Henry M. !!all, Jerom e.


It’s Exclusive at

Doss' Exclusive Cleaners• LUSTERKED Cleaning• STA-PRESS Pressing

T he new LUSTfcRlZED prcicr.ss brim;;; back th e ncwne.s.-; of idl niatcrliils. T akes, away the fllni.slncss nnd adds th e luster of newne;.s. FlnLshed wllh ST A -PR ESS they hoUl the prc.'s hnd, shape lonsjer.


Royal Cleaners23.7 Sho. .SI, .S«. rb o iic 279

Drive-In Cleaners232 2»id .SI. K. VUorie 705





R A B H O R R O B ESAs S e a l in "Esquire''

A wiile selection of .smiirl colors, sure to make a h i t w ith him . . Hllk-s . . . F lanne ls . . . Claliixrdliie.s.

,?.i.3r. ici

Scandinavian 'Fypi' SKI .SVVlCATi'lli.S

. An Ideal Chil/itm

\T li tr v A i r 101 ( i i f t Sitf/f/vnHonn

fo r th e M vit on Y o u r U n i a t

R O W L E S - M A G K-

Page 12: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Idaho...Weather Forecast ^krtiiar cWodr toBlffbt will Tues «sj'. W*mier tonight. HIch yw- .tMday 31.

M onday, Decemb«p 16, 1940 roAHO EVENING TIMES, TWIN FALLS, mAHO PtgeEltrwg

o c ia iGirls Learning “Home Defense”

Desert Collegiate Social Life“Amateur Hour” Highlights Party For AAUW GroupWlLh Mrs. W alter J . Dix. sencr&l

proR rain clialrm un, In cliargc. a s ­s isted by Mrs, C. H. K rcngcl ftnd M rs. P ra n k Hnyncs, ein a m ate u r r&dlo p ro « m n ’k m te a tu re d a t th e a n n u a l CbrLstmns piirty for T ^ l n F a lls chnn lcr. Amcrlenn Association o t U niversity W omen, S a turday evc- jilnK n t th e home of M rs, A. J .

^ M r s ^ ’aeorRC N cwburn was th e a n - no im ccr; Mr«. Haynes U>c new s- c iist^r, M rs. TliomBs Pcavey p resen t- rd -T h e Love Life of L au ra D uck- le y " ncivertlJilnii Sonp-ao.K r r n g c l . a s “M a atu n e I,Q ..cd c an d y lo those «nswCTlrgco rrcc tly (he qucatlona Mr.s. E dw ard Boscl, as A rrow s." sfltlrs on M ajor Bowes, p rese n te d th e Ilna! p a rt of th e p ro -

®*^She Introduced Mrs, M aru a re t Peclc. w ho plnycrt num ’peTS OT Rlass tum b lers; Ml.^s Josephine Tlirock- m o rto n , w ho prcsentwl piano n u m ­b e rs; M rs. Harr>- A, Boll, w ho wa; th e '•nnturnll.st." Im m ltallnn bird nnd a n im a l call?;; Mrs. M ichael T h rock - inoTton save ?. scavf dance, a n a M rs. E. M- Jn h n n o n . w ho gave » rrndlnK , Impcr-sonatluf: a young child .

AfpinboM rirrH- "dra/r' rjumbcrs tod e te rm in e tlie lr refreshm ent pa rt- n c rs T h e refreshm ent tab le was ftp- p o ln t« l In th e holiday them e, a n d C hrls tjnns candles burned th ro u g h ­o u t th e home.

M rs, Bose M. North wns hoste.-a c h n lrm an . a.-wl.sted by M rs. rcavcy . M rs J A- Par.sons, M rs. Jo h n sto n nnd MlM Rebecca C urtin .


T w in Fulls Buslnes.s and P ro fes­sional W om en's club will m eet fo r th e an liuftl Christm as pa rty T uesday e vcn ln s. Dcc. 17. n t th e Idaho Pow er ro m p an y auditorium . Mrs. E lm

„ W liltc Is In charge ot a rrnngcm enls. Y ear book Hst.s tlie |>arty for to ­n ig h t. b u t I t h as been changcd to to m o ^ o w cvenlnK.

M em bers of the W ctom nclilck C am p F b e group, w ith M rs. Lol.^ A<inm.son siln rd lan . will be upcclnl i;ucMs, l l i e y nrc each Invited lofer(ng a n o th e r girl a.i a guest.V T he m r ty will begin n t 8 oclock. M em bers a re asked to b ring toys for tlio g ir t cxchanKC. T licsc will la te r be p resen tw l to the SaW atloji A rm y.

W ctom aehlck group la sponsored by Uic B J ’.W . club.

‘ Buhl Pep Club’s Holiday Formal

Set for Dec. 22BU H L. Dec. 16 (Special) — B uh l

Pep club ijiembcrg are m aking ex­tensive pli«n.s for th e ir 11th a n n u a l ho liday form al, Dec. 22. a t th a A m erican Legion hull. P re p a ra tio n s for th e frolic were s ta r ted la.st Nov­em ber. Inv ita tions have been Issued lo 4^5 nlum iil members and guests,

T lic PCP club form al Is a n ou » s ta n d in g social event of epch year.’ ’n i l s season 's decoraUons prom ise to

lie A surprise. Club sponsors w ho will bP hix-Tlul Kucsts nre Mr, nnd M rs. Ja m es ShU'ld.s. sr. Mr, and Mru, J a m e s Bhleld^i, Jr., will nl.so be guesUs., M rs, S h lrltls Is a form er m em ber of th e f lu b uml Is Uils ■ year g roup ndvl.Mjr.

■riu- I'J nu 'iiibrrs ol th e cUib w ho will scrvi' n.s liDslosst.s a re M iss Miirlii'n Wll.wn, llc tly n in g . Joyco .SiiviT, Jnr-klc DiivW, M arjurle U lng. N iin rn c Ciirlson. Mary Jan« Hawley,

Kkltuicr. Hi'lcu Jo a n Stroud , Hivhi'vts, UutU LctU

I 'hv llls PlfkcTi'll.l*i( :.l(lliig III lln- puiii'h tiilile will

1)1' M iirv Ixui Wri;i-UIT, I’hvU's IlrlM- Iciw. D orli IthiK, Kniuri’.i Htrouil, V li^llilii Wivll, Muih'l jD y rrK viun, Mftl'cl lliimlUdii, l-’ciuu'i-H OlipllHcr, Miiiy June I’ulk.'.. V ivian /.iK iil, Hi'Ulrtic FiiiiiM'ij lUKl M uriel

Baptists Offer (Iliristmas Skit

H DHl,. ne i'. in m p c iiu li -O h rU t- ini',:, :.ViU (U'V'U'tlnn tlvc IwUday i.ph ll In Ihc Kiiv 1i;i'n mid P iilltln l -Kouiicl Ml" l'’U--,IO<'’' »iwi glvrn

, l l i r mcrllliK "I 111'- HuiUlst Mliuilc a is ' ^(x•l(•^v 'lliuiMliiv III the hoinn of M im, l li 'ii iy l.«'liini<ii.

l.'liunvrlrir, \vn i' Miii J , M. »<iKrrs, Klini(liiuith<'r; Mi.-.. W, 1,. Kyles, mcillK't, nnd Mlv> Kay UllllnKa. iliiiiiihlrr,

'I 'l ic niiiiiilmcillirr rn td th e f lh r ls t- niiin i.loiy iwi hint wi)ikr<l nn h e r iiiK niK, I'lid the inutiii-r eiircd for he r linliv I'Ci'l wiiiK holl'y th r C lirlnt- BniiM FKHiK' A iiliiiii Inlrodui'lliin <iC 111" pliw mill ' riio Ileiirlli" were H'liil iiv Nt»j,'Mi'vrr, iiiimnim ch iilr- iiutii. Hlie iih.u K'liil Ik rmllo talk Klv- I'li liuit AuKii'l l>y Or. MiiKitry nii Ihe fliO)Jr, l •"riilJi Home.slek ( le i ir ln -

‘l'h« <n>> I n t i i i H l eioidlrllKhllliK rcii'iiiiiiiy Wiiii partlruiiiily etr<llvi> n;i lli« iiiniilx-iA broiiHlit tlieli hull di.v lulln IKIXM for DjK-iiliiH. DiiihiK »li<' vv»f«ii>ny Mvn. .)ohn IV nger liliivi'il h<illly "1 (Itivn My l.llii for ■I'liri'" mill Mm. (I, W. IhiwiilliK rldiii'it ihe nrrvlre » li]i p rnyrr,

Itetn-rihiiiBiila wem served liiln In «(hi- Iifteinnnn In llir l« m einbern

u iid (itiK uue»t. Mlui C utlinilnn UUU iiiKii. lliwiteiisrA with Mm. l^ h n in n w eid Mill, llru ry lU tf itl t l a n d Mrn, M iuillen |)UJilii|i.

¥ ¥ *A M U niN ll tlOVMIH

A c'ievrr lilni tii tiiukfl th e U*o ftf lull. Wilier liiiiilen olHnntlvB to Uia viiiiliu rr Iiieniliein o[ Iho fiimlly U to «ll|i Ihn iKitiln Into II (hick cover Innhlo im i 111 (III) uliiipfi n t n funny iiiilinni, ’JlirAn riiii very ranlly bo I i i i t i to .a t luiiiir I)t heiivy lu rk lih t'lweiliiK, soinrw hiit piiildcd, o r «ny Iliitfy-nnpiK-il. wunluililn m aterln l. II VDii p refer tii buy nun rem ly nim le, iiiie New Yiiik H)fi;lully ftiiop iM"pli»v» n n .in p le l.. hirnpeiislvo net ■oiinlhlliiK nf n yiuturJ«>UI« mill phuhy «iv«r In im Io J.luo n r pink In nhiiiwi of fiiiildle- Bl»nP k it l rn s o r fn>lleMmB bcurn.

B r MARIAN YOUNG NEA Berrlce « t* ff C o rr« p o iia en t'T R O Y , N, y .—If w ar come« to tho

U nited S ta te s , a t le as t one group of w om en will be p repa red to play on active, e ffective p a rt In home defense.

T h e young w om en w ho reg is tered for th e defense prog ram a t Russell Sage college Oct, 10. th e day th a t young m en a ll over th e country w ere required to reg is ter fo r th e d ra f t, a re conscientiously engaged In slT cngthening th o hom e fron t, from every angle.

Lc.ssons In plum bing, elec tric wir­ing, how to fix a b roken gas m ain or rep a ir a telephone line have re ­p laced 30 trad itio n a l b u t m erely RQcltil,.clubs on th e cam pus of th is Im p o rtan t college fo r women.

W hat U -j About O pen forum s to dlscu.ss world

C 'cn ts, th e m ean lnc of democracy, th e fu ll m eaning of w h at It m ight m e an to live u nder to ta lH n tlan ru le. how p ropaganda m oulds public opin­ion a n d equally provocatlvc sub ­jec ts tnke \ip m uch of th e tim e th a t used to be given over to "bull ses­sions,”

T he wool In th e collegiate k n it­tin g bags these days Is dull, dm b groy Instead of b r ig h t a n d gay, p re t­ty a n d chic.

Collection.'* for b irthday jjresents fo r facu lty m em bers, e x tra dances a n d w him sical social a ffa irs arc a th in g of the past. All contribu tions th is year a rc for B ritish w ar relief.A bu tto n w hich s ta te s th a t th e w ear-

; e r h as given som eth ing tow ard p u r ­chase of an am bu lance for E ngland Is w orn as proudly as a sorority or

/e n a fra te rn ity pin.T h e gym nasium . is

every girl on th e Russell Sage cam pus goes to a num ber of ex tra h o u rs pe r m on th , n o t to do exercises a n d play ha n d b a ll o r badm inton sim ply JoK 'T ecientlon tout to d e ­velop h e r m uscles and , In general. Improve h e r h e a lth a n d physical w ell-being. Also u n d e r th is division of h e a lth and physical fitness nrc snow shovelling a n d wood cu tting b rigades and b rigades t l i a t a re being ta u g h t to m assage and streng then f e d .

I^nnguage groups In the censorship nnd m ilita ry Intelligence divisions n re s tudying fore ign broadcasts, r ead ing foreign language m agazines a n d new spapers, fam lllnrlzlng them - (lelves w ith m llltn ry term inology nnd slang ad ep t a t- le le p h o n e con­ve rsa tions ("tapp ing") and lis ten ­ing on 3-wny wires.-

E m ergency nu rsing , elem entary w ork In tfie field of n u tritio n and foods, • e lem entary business know­ledge and skills a^ well a s m echan ­ics, inc lud ing am bulance driving nnd m ino r road repairs, nre Includ­ed in th e program.

School B acks P rog ram ' "T liere is n o th ing of reglm entn-

tlon abou t th e w om en's defense p ro ­g ram a t Ru.sseli Sage,” explains Dr, B em lce Sm ith , facu lty m em ber ^ is cap ta in of th e ak llb division.

■•In a btnsc U expands very sligh tly (he cu rricu lar offerings of th e college, and each stu d en t, ns well a s each' person on th e teaching s ta f f , volunleers to give a m in i- m um of four hours n week to tra in ­in g for some spcclftc. ro k In th e d e ­fense of th e na tion ," the en thusia s­tic D r. S m ith continued .

"Tlie R u.«cll S age program for s tre n g th en in g Uie hom e fron t, is, like th e na tio n al rea rm am e n t polley, bn.scd no t m erely on th e po.s.sil)ilUy th a t th e UnKed S ta le s may be w hlpsnw ed Into t h e spreaihng world war, b u t a im ed rn th e r to he lp assure th a t we sha ll no t be a t ­tacked . I t lays a f inger on n .ipot of alleged na tio n a l decndehre; the Inability of a dem ocratic crmntry to see Its destiny c learly , and to fight fo r It reMiliilrly,"

A nother m em ber of th e facility explnlncd th a t a H oard of P^xeiu))- tloiis was se t up n few days a fte r r rg b ira tlo n ,

•'Hut th iit hoaril hii.s hail rela tive ­ly little bu.'.hH'ss, T h e vast m a ­jo rity of our .stiulenis nre iKihlnd th e defense in-ogriim. bo<ly and soul l l i e y nre de term ined to do more ih n u f h n n t ‘WhaV can I do?' tc llio iiiiie nf kn ittin g needlefl, They know w liat they n in do. and they

(inliig II- In prnrlleB i, dow n- m lh ways they are helping (o

m ake A nieik-a slrm ig a n d are lu r - pu ilnn , if iK.ceiv^ary. lo nlrt in he r

S tudenU In th e e lem enU ry nursing lU U i dlvUloo of th e deteiiM p ro ­g ram » t RowieU Sage college le am how to give f l n t a id t» Tietlma o t a ir raid as well »s road accidents. Em phaals if la id on ih e co rrec t w ay i to pick up and carry an Injured peraon w lihon t a rg rav a tln g th e ln)nrle».

One out of 13 Wins WingsAt U. S. West Point of Air


RANDOLPH FIELD , Tex, - No wcmder fledgling a rm y p ilo ts wear th e ir w ings w ith a certa in conspicu­ous p ride, nnd no w onder San A n­tonio m others flgh t-to ge t the ir de­bu tan te daugh ters on th e lists lo r inv itations to ‘’hops" a t th e W est P o in t o t th e Alrl

Every m an who succeeds In a t ­ta in ing Uiosc wings h a s le ft behind h im 13 w ho tried and failed. For In­stance ; by nex t Ju n e ..th o se wlngJt will be bloivam lng a t th e ra te of 700 every five weeks. F o r every c lass 9.340 will have applied for the c liance to tiy for those wings. Only U 20—one In seven—will be accept­ed lo r th e elem eniory flying .'icliools. Only 770 of th e U 2 0 get to R an ­dolph. A nd only 700 will win the coveled w ings, Tlioso a re Uio per­cen tages in te rm s of p resen t ex­perience.

C vcrytliing a t R andolph moves w ith a qu ie t a n d effortle.'u precision th a t m eans .speed, speed, and more speeU. A p^nne comes slithering, up to th e ru u v ay w ith a cade t con­c luding h is m onit]ig ’s f lig h t p rac ­tice. H e 2>lldcs o u t of tlie cockpit, and wliile h e h m aking o u t h is report, a n o th e r cadet hus a lready slid in on th e o the r side ready to take the plane a lo lt iiguln.

A coursc ihikt th ree years ago took y e a r to com plete, w ith 350 hours

of flying, l.s now qompleUKl In 31 weeks w ith 215 houra th a t a re ciin- slderc<l lo tu rn out, qu ite a s comvKt-

n A pilot,Tl)o 10-week course he re n t Riin-

dolph i« a lm ost nil sp e n t in th e air. Slncc Inst Jn n u a ry 165,000 hours have been flown n t Uiis one field w llh only Uiiee la ta liU es, a n d U\t ccinplete year will see 200,000 hours — m ore Uiuii Uio en tire a ir corps .Hew 10 yejir.s ufio.

U'e.st Po in ters Help In T rain ing Kvi'ry e ffo rt Is being miule i

liiliii? pilot irnlnliiK up lo an evei • ' rule (it 12,000 II year. A bout 7'1'J

hoM- plloU will ira ln a t Rjin- iloljili; llie o th e rs nt M axwell Held, Alii., iiiKl M offe tt field, Collf. Ele- iiu-nlary schools, now 18 In num ber, win soon be Inrrra.sed lo 20,

IJveiy m inu te l.i inado to count. Here's an exam ple; l>erore tlio sue- cr.ssful g rad u a te of n C, A. A, (Clv- lllmi A eronauHos AuU iorliy) course ever gels lo H andolph , h e la mea- Mivwl fnv hlji slntt^-avny rn d e t w il- foiin, Uie la llo r shoj) a t Knndolpli

m okes I t up. and It Is w aitibg fo r h im w hen h e a rrives on th e post.

T he o . A, A, e lem entary fly ing school g radua tes can fly—• little . B u t o ften he h a s h a d no m llil* ry G ain ing a t all. R ando lph o u tu n e a tio h a sn 't , anyway, a n d s ta r ts h im a t th e bottom , rem em bering 11 m u s t tu r n o u t no t only a p ilot, b u t officer.

So snappy young W eat P o in te rs U k e cadeW m ilita ry educa tion Im ­m ediately In chorge and a tte m p t to in still in th em In the f irs t live weeks som eth ing of the m ilita ry tra d i tio n th a t is inculca ted by fou r ye a rs a t •T h e Poin t." F a ilu re to m a k e % l o i - m ation , to shave o r g e t Uie h n lr properly cu t. to polish a shoe oi keep a locker s tra igh t, resu lts In ar im m edia te "gig " o r dem erit. D em er­its m ean punishm ent, usually In th e We&t P o in t style o l lolivg " th a ram p ,”

T h a t m eans w alk ing a c e r ta in poet, w hich doesn 't sound bad , bu t 30 h o u rs of I t taken o u t o f th e few m om enta of free tim e w hen th e re s t qC th e cade ts a re In tow n 'O a peiss o r enjoy ing in frequen t relaxftUon, is n o t so ho t. And too m a n y ‘‘gigs’' m ay end th e hopeful f lyer’s caree r.

G et -Jobs—A nd Q olek tr Active tactica l u n its of th a a ir

jo rp s a n d R andol];^ Held Itself lig h t fo r lU graduates , th e fo rm er c la im ­ing th e ir need is g rea te s t fo ( ill u n l t j (o r com bat p rac tice , th e la tte r c laim ing th a t ^ t h o u t su ffic ien t In­s truc to rs the expand ing prog ram m u st suffer la te r . O ne t&lenlcd 'oung g radua te w as so badly needed M (tn Instructor th a t h e w as se t to th is work Im m ediately on g rad u a ­tion, though h e w as n o t yet 21 and hence n o t ye t ab le to don h is lleii- teu iiu t’s bftTK.' T ra in in g p lanes a re all too scarce, also.

Foresigh t in design ing R andolph field and its buildings have m ade roiifli plne-boiird bnrrncks uiiriires- snry. T lie post suRgosU a nm ntr^ club or runiiiii.s m ore th n n tlu- visiia iiniiy ram p . Q uarte rs for eailet-s, In - •■.liui'ioi's and ground crew m en nre coinmodloiLs and com fortable. T here is room for exi>nmlon. Her place w here Hwncbody, 10 y looked nheiid to th a t futiir is luiw th e u rg en t pre.seiii.

Fox Speedl l i e best , l>e^d of nn avenm e fox

is estim ated n t about 2(1 hou r—lan ler 1>inn u royole, 1ml blow

th a n a Jackrabblt.

SlOLIDiO NAZISBaU SSEL S '(UP.'-Llkc a ev m a n y .

duyiijiiii KftvliiK lim e h a s been pro- IniiKrd In nelRlum so th a t th e clock Is now iwo hours ahead of th e sun . This Is hardly fell In sum m er, b u t the approaching w in ter h a s Uirown boUi iidvaniHKc.s a n d dU advanU ges into .‘J ia rp relief.

The ndvaiitftne.s are ou tnum bered by the dKadvniiU\«es. nc lually . and exist mnlnly In Uie f a c t th a t th e blnekout Is "poitponed" u n til ab o u t 6:30 oelock, leaving business people and workers enough tim e to get home during dn,vllght. Shops and Stores can nlbo keep open U ia t m uch longer.

lii i! greatesi d raw back to th e new tim e bystem b ihe fac t th a t people nel up. dre.ss and go to w ork in com- p le if darkness, as Dec. 31 d raw s cliiscr It Is becoming Increasing ly probable U ial even school ch ild ren will have lo go to th e ir f ir s t m o rn ­ing classes before daw n.

Cycling I* NeeeaaityT lie situation I5 m ade m ore d lf-

flru lt by the huge num ber of b i­cycles on BraweU s tree ts . Everyone cycles,, O ld people and young, w ork­ers, c lerks and studen ts: old w om ­en. short-sk lrtcd girls a n d h o u se ­wives on Uielr uliopplng rounds dll-

: Igeiitly pedal through th e c ity . Cy­cling Ls n o t a fad or a reaw akened sport, b u t actual ,nece*slty. F i rs t , a u ­tos nre baim ed for p rivate u se . a n d even It special permKslon .has b c ^ granted, giuollne Is str ic tly ra tlg ii- ed and expensive. Second, a bicycle

g rea t tlm c-saver. I n Uio m o m - a i noon and a round 8 o 'clock a re so crowded th a t people of­

te n -h a v e \o le t several p a u by b e ­fore there Is one w ith a b it of room. Buses have d ls a j^ a r e d . “n ie y

Studio Films Serial “Western”To Show at First-Run Theaters


HOLLYW OOD—P re tty sbon, now, you w on 't be having lo snoak HI w ith Uie kids on Saturday afte rnoons to see a wexien* serial. U niversal U m ak ing one for ad u lu . At least. I t p lan s to release -R ide rs o f D ea th V alley” In I lrs t-n in th e a te rs a n d on regu la r progroms. tak ing Uie place of second features o r shorts.

I t h a s everything except p eanu ts fo r th e castom er.v T lie •’weenie," o r bone of contention, is a bunch o t gold claim s. Episode O ne e n d s like th is ; •‘Exterior, high cUff. S hooting tow ard top of cliff. S tage plunges over cliff Into lake 100 fee t below," Episode Two concludes w ith a ,s ta m ­pede of wild horses in a canyon. T h e hero 's horse has stum bled and th row n him. ••Jim foreground tr ie s to get (o hU feet and is on one knee as the running h e rd com es ou t of th e background, over h im and ou t of scene over cam era." C ontinued In our next,

“R iders o t D eath Valley" is being called “T he Million D ollar S uper- Serial," bu t th e m ost colossal th ing about It Is th e ca&l; Buck Jonbs, E«ck Foran. Leo C arrillo . C harles B ickford. Lon Chaney, Jr.. B ig Boy WllUnms and l4oah B e ^ . Jr. *Rie hero ine Is blond Jearm e K elly, who m ade a series of P a ram oim t w ith T lio O ulzar and d id n 't need a d ialog cooch because she sp lks th e es-S panU ii very well. B om in Costa R ica , she also splka F rench a n d Q er- m an .

to Ihk ik o f s r e r y th ln i h ln u e U . Bo when a p ic ture la la p rtp ftn tio tf} th a gag m an will f lgurs o u t ft ptoee of business for a sequence a o d s*y to Chaplin:- •'This is a good p lace fo r th a t esca lato r gag you figu red o u t . . . Yes. you did. I t w as ab o u t itac monUis ago, a t lunch ,-and I m ada a no te of IL" T h en h e l l go on to * te - m lnd" Chaplin of th e detalU . a n d th e s ta r 's quick m ind -aUtomatJcftUy will grasp and adop t th e idea.

UnhMior«d DeaUiIn sp ite o f a couple of casualties

am ong the aeries (n o t serial) plc-

‘ which

are now employed for m il ita ry p u r ­poses.

Belgium 's capital is do ing Its b est to resum e Ute old way o l Ufe. C ine ­mas are open from 2 to 10 p. m - b u t th e f ilm s-w ith the excepU on of some new G erm an p roduction*— a re old. T lieaters. th e ope ra a n d th e music h a lls have reopened w ith th e ir old repertoires. Except fcK th e softt* Inee perform ances, Uicy a re ra re ly full. T he increased cost o f liv ing h a s reduced th e audiences' a n d m o s t e l­derly people are re lu c ta n t to v e n ­ture ou t a fte r dusk now th a t th e raid s irens have begun to aound b e ­fore 11 o’clock.

People Seem BewilderedIn general, there &eems to be a

sligh t all-pervading a ir of bew ilder­m en t in Belgium, as I f th e people could &UU quUc rtconc lle th e m ­selves to th is new way of life, "nie o rd inary Belgian, usually ga rru lous, has become silent. T here Is a n u n ­usual stillness about cafes, public p laces and on s tree t cars . N o one c h a ts . A nd now w ith th e a d v e n t of cold w eather, cardplayera w ho used to whUe away th e tim e in th e p u b ­lic pa rk s also have van ished . Any convejsaU on nowadays, w ith PO p e r cen i certain ly , will c en te r on r a ­tioning In general and food in p a r ­ticular.

Because of the d ifference In lang ­uage the re Is virtually n o c o n tac t betw een Uie O erm an sold iers and th e population, a t least in th e towns. Sports, mo.sUy football, a re abou t the only connecUng link . SoIdlerH a n d young Belgians c an be seen oc­casionally amicably kicking a ball a round a park meadow.

B e lrlan i Are RuggedA m ateur psychologists lake g rea t

In terest in noticing Ute c h a rac te r difference between GermaiLs and Belgians. T he Belgians arc Individ- uallsLi a n d a re alw ays ready to p ro ­te st. Some years ago it took ( long lim e to accustom Uiem to tho Idea of crtxvilng the s tre e t betw een th e bu ttons (which rep resen t the Am erican w hite lines). T lie average Delglan .showed a pronounced p ref­erence to cro.'Mlng anyw here b u t be tw een them . He seemingly does no t MndersUxnd Uie w ords *’you miyit,” even If such *{i order Is m ade for h li welfure, jA f’

T im s o ^ lb u ii iT e n t worlds exist s ide ' by .ilile In BelKliim—soldlers' and elvlllans. Tlifs d ifference Is only

■d’liy llift I n r l th a t th e re

tu res . there soon will be m ore of -them th a n ever. W hen th e W ar-

took a look a t •T ugboat A nnie Sails Agaln,^' a long w ith a whlsU e- fihooUng prem iere a t T acom a, they decided 10 m ake a series wlUi the c h a rac te r created by M arie D ressier a n d now revived by M arjorie Ram- beau . ' ' '

B u t th e decision was bad new s for ^e of th e principals In th is f irs t

p ic tu re . B Ir H arry Shannon , w ho p lays th e bibulous C ap 'n Idahoney. h a p p en s (0 be a free-lance c h a rac ­te r ac to r. (He's Lucille B all’s faU ier in "Too Many OlrU" and O raon W elles’ faUier in ■'Cltlien K ane.") So W arner B ro thers were tac«d by th o choice of.putting h im u n der long-

Jeanne K elly . . . she ipiks the e*-Bpanlsh very well-

te rm c o n tra c t so h e 'd be available for fu tu re T ugboat A nnie film s or of m inim ising h is role in th e first flicker so aud iences w ouldn 't miss him in sub-sequent ones,

- C u tters were p u t to w ork chop­p ing o u t som e of h is best acencs. And a s a f in a l Indignity, they killed h im off. S h a n n o n w asn 't even called Ih to d o a d ram a tic d e a th scene; th e stud io m erely gave M iss R am beau an e x tra lin e in w hich she sadly announced th a t M ahoney was dead.

Stooging fo r ChapUn C harlie C h a p lin s ‘'G rea t D ic ta

to r " h a s been released to mingled d isappo in tm en t a n d loyal applause, and th e C haplin stud io has relaxed in to ItA drowsy s ta te . OI th e em ployes w ho rem ain , one is a gag m an w ho has been on th e payroll 18 years a n d probably will rem ain as long a s h e fa lls to c la im any original ideas.

T h is fellow k n o » s C haplin well enough to.renH re th e com edian likes


th e problem of Com m unist ag ita tion am ong workers as a m a tte r o f w ar stra tegy"—British L abor M inister E rn es t Bevln.

“A policy of iwsUtJon tow ard the a ttac k of barbaric and b ru tal forces on a liberal cK illtaU on U a p rofoand lm m orality '’-~D r. Nleh* oU s M urray B ntler . > .

'I c a n Uilnk of n o th ing m ore slDy th a n to ta lk about pretk tenU al c an ­d id a tes now"—A rth u r V andenberg.

"T here is no use tooling ourselves. I f it 's necessary to repeal th e neu ­tra l ity law to help B rita in w in Uils w ar. It should be done"—Rep. Sol Bloom,

Join in endeavors to g va rd a g a la rt tu iw arran ied price Increases w i­d e r th e detenoa prograB *—V . S. C ham ber of Com merce.

b f JO H N C U N T O N • ■ • «

T a le s o ( tb « absent-mioded pro fesso r ax» leg lon-you 've heard tHe ono about die M - ' low who drop­p e d a p e n n y

In the mail box, lo ^ e d up a t ih* courthouie clock and mutteredi “D ev . dew , I've galnad three po u n d ir

« * «* Walt, tttara 's « sav«n1 «

b a d U v tt In Ih s he tfss • « th » MffMr. He had • U««l U r niMiinc f« t e f fM , M t «f a ll , fln4 a t h a v lag ne I4 s« I* Hta « .H d af « h « | *Mta liW a * w as Vi. U m I « a ^ r a g s r M Mm a i ■ tr a s s b a iw a a a • tra lH s

“T h e I ta l ia n forces art in ferio r to th e B ritish forces in Egypt, In some rcapocts, b u t nonetheless th e Ttallnns a re m ak ing a h a rd f t g h f - Vlrglnlo G ayda.

-W age Inereaaea fo r Ihe M.OM w orsted w orkers of tHe nat(a« will be dem anded im m M H ate^’-x-EwU R lere , CIO offleUL

P a ra c h u te s m ode of a silk lubsU- tu tc , m ay soon be placed in fu ll ser- Ties by th a u . S. arm y.

ATTENTIONstock Feeders

F eed O o ld ea B rand Pr»««e1a• llO G TANKAGK• DONE MEAL• MEAT SCRAPS

M anala o la re d by


In q o lrs a t Y o n N ew aat D aalsr O r W rite to Ua j -

M ri. CH ntbo ■ u g g e t t e d t o the p refcjw r’i w ife th a t she ta k e h e r b e - s p e c t s c l e d spouse gen tly in h a n d s n dle s d h im dow n to ou r oo ro ar U nion O il its t lo n a n d le t th e M in u te M en ta k e o v s r tb #seiviclAg o f his o u . - ..........

* • •Ail af'wKldi waricad M t baa« . tifuily a x tap t fM- ana <tew. Unlaa MImire Man, t n a a n a a th , nmw call far fha PraPs trnf ngulm rtr a v a ry th a a ta n d n il la s ,k a a |i It

a t Irftan , aWa H Itap-W aar tiibrScstlan and k a a f It In A-1 candlHan. Pva Fraf doasa’t avaa kava t* far«at ta rantambar. Tk# Mliwta iMan H ad ta «varytkKi>.

I t sU goes to p r o v e t h a t ' w h ile U nion’s M in u te M an Service can do a lm ost every- t h i n g t h e y haven't solved

professorial sbsant-nindednesil

U N I O N O i l C O M P A N * J O H N A . l A I S C H , J L


Royal Neighbore Elect Mr.s. Weedi

- Mis.HANHKN. Dec, IB iHpeclalGloe W en'll Was elected la s .............to hciiil till- Itoyiil N rlglibors lodur for II Mvoiirt term , ih e f irs t lo tw hi-l<l ill Ihe Wdoilinmi linll nliic-n In ,||||„ -

CUt\ev iifllcerR vU««n\ wtve ns vli-i oriicle, Mrfl, Alinn Hall; recorder MIm I,ena llo lirn ; reeelvrr, Mrs, IM- nil ll(illr-y; chaneello r. MIsn M inerva Hhobe; imsl t.riielo, M rs, M innie lie - diiw; nmrnluill, M rs. Blslo H en ry ato lsta iU inarahall. M rs U . Poriw w all; Inner ie n lln e l. Mrs, Mildred Miishllli!; (lUler sentlnoJ, M rs Mary 'ITunliey; itire e-y rn r m anager. Mrn, H lrlla llim hr,i; o iie -y ra r inanaKer, Mrs. Norn I’yn in ; a n d r s miislclan M h i I)<i:ol|iri\ Wofel,

IimtallliiH offliTr, w ho will inntall a t the .Iiimiiiry m eeting will ho Mrn C lara Kopii, w llh Mrn, lliiKhen as h e r rer<'ini)iilal marnliB|, Mrn, (Hoe W eerh mid Mrn. H enry will repro- sen t llii> Imign iis delPKatr *nd a ltrc- iiulo a t the nlaln ro iivenlloii

Mrs, H ither Ziiek, irllrlnH recnril- e r, rujKirlril hakliig inlnoi'd h tu nv„ n ire l ln g s .lii iilde roiineriitlvo yriirn an the ir,-,i,ili'i- of ii ,e i.xigo, the.sn nin'lliiK 'i nlnee having ii,„vr.l to Eden w ith he r tam lly Id n,,, sp ring . Min 7.uv.k Ii»n 13 yn ii» i„ h e r honor as rennrrter,

O n Tuesday, Dec, 17, llin «roiip will m eet a t (he |,„n in of Mrn. Hilna I 'a lley for lliolr a n n u a l Hlft ex 'h a iig e . 'n i ls »neetl»i| will lake 11,0 place of th« Deo, ai meeting, and will be a aooiai affair.

Odd HeaddrcNnWool cords a re woven in to thci,-

h a ir by women of a een lra l < '-d ie t of Me«lro. 'l l ie r rs u l ia n t tiitliiin- llka head dresa serven n* a pillow hy n ig h t and a p ru tec tlon from Uie nun by day.

r iv a thousand m iles o f |>etrnleum plnn lli ir i were biiiil In IDIO, lungeat in llrngn to date.

Page 13: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Idaho...Weather Forecast ^krtiiar cWodr toBlffbt will Tues «sj'. W*mier tonight. HIch yw- .tMday 31.

Page Twelve IDAHO EVENING TIMES, TWIN PALLS, IDAHO f Monilay, December 16,, 1940


Ily JACK f c n r i vB O STO N . D pc. 1G (CJ.R)— ClianHiion .Inc l,(n iis is such n

lopsided f a v o r ite to b o a t A1 McCoy to n iy h t in HosIo ii’h f i r s t •h eav y w e ig h t t i t lc 'f i> :h t. th a t tho hookies q u it quo tinK odds w hen th e y rcachcd . 12 to 1. , . , . . , *

N ev o rtlio li'ss , th is schochiled 15-roiuul b o u t is e x p e c tc d 'to (Inuv u jrro ss R ate o f ab o u t $G5,(I00, so tti«^r u n ew -re c o rd fo r th e .H u b c ity w hore th e prev ious 1uk1> w as $.>6,0(10. e s tab lish ed fo r J a c k SliaN k e y ’ 3 v ic to ry o v e r J im M a­loney in T h a t w as b e ­fo re S h a rk ey b ecam e cham -

VJrlimlly no oni3>ln this New ^ i s ­land ciiHural rciVVr nlve.s McCoy, the Boston dialUuiKcr, a clii\ncc to bcftl the hard -h lltln R Neiiro c h n m -, plon. Yet. Co-promoicrs Mllie J a ­cobs of New York iind R ip Valcnll of Boston a re convinced nearly 18,- 000 fan.'* w in swtu-m Inlo Boston G arden m erely to sec Louis In nc- llon. And IheyTe probably right.

G ot Licked L a il Time Boston, t h e 'c i t y th a t produced

Jo h n L SuUlvnn and developed Cham pions J a c k JoJiiwon and Jack Sharkey. Is in te rested pajtlcu larly In LouLs twcause th e la s t tim e he fought here he go t licked. T lia l wa.s In 1933 w hen Joe, a llKht heavy­w eight, dropped a decision to Max M arek In Uie n a tional am ateurs.

Louis Isn’t w orried abou t the gat*, w hich even If U st-tfl a Boston rec­ord. 8tm will be th e low est Jie h as drawTi In 12 title defenses. F o r Jo lt­ing Joe, UiU l3 Uie first, of five tune -up engagem ents fo r th e de­fense of hLs crow n In a big outdoor show a t Y ankee stad ium In June again st Billy Conn, th e lig h t heavy­w eight king . P rom o ter Jacobs will announce th e L ouls-C onn m atch Im­m ediately a f te r to n ig h t 's fight,

V irtual C ertain ty •n ie Louls-Conn bou t bccnmo a

v irtu a l c erta in ty —unle.M Loul.% gets beat«n m eanw hile — w hen Maxle B aer possed o u t of th e cham ploaih lp p ic tu re S a tu rd ay n igh t, a fte r a s torm y session w ith Prom oter J a ­cobs.

M axle h a d been appearing In Bos- ton In th« tr ia l ru n of a musical comedy, w hich closed Saturday n ight fo r re-w rltlng before shlfUng to New Y ork, Jacobs w an ted Bner to te m a ln In Boston for th e fight, as a ge.v tu re of good will tow ard boxing. B ut B a e r refused a n d departed Buniifty m om big fo r C alifornia, Jacobs wns so furious h e rea d B aer ou t of his p lans. > •>

Hailey Loses To Kimrierly

HAILEY, Dec. 1« (8l>crlnl)--In- f luen tn , p lus a det<>nnln<Hl Imnd of K im berly Bulldogs. com»>lned here Saturriny n ig h t to s m the Hailey W olverines go down to a 20 to 17 d e fe a t In .a h igh soliool bn.iketbnll gam e played before a good crowd.

No second ntring game wna plnynl because too m any of thn Hailey p layers were "laid up" w ith the fjn Likewise, th re« reKulars were abi on th e sick Hut.

T h e gam e was ulow and erratic and m any fouls were rnllrd on Klin- t)erly players. High »<ror«TB were tw o Klml>erly fnrwunlfi, Woodlanil a n d .M urry, who gnihered In six polnt« each.

Browns Lead In American Fieltlinjf Marks

NE^V YO RK . Doc. 16 lU.P) - 'Ilie S t, Loub? Browns, de^pUe Ihclr sixth place stand ing In th e American

le la.st sen.son. landed four plny- in tlie all-lcaR\ic dofen.%lve club

bn.scd on Die official llcUllng iivcr- rtKCs released todny, T lie Clevelan<l Indians placwl tw o m en on the team, aiul th e Boston Red Sox. Chi- ;a«o W lilte Sox and D etro it T igers supplied one encli,

T lie A m erican league's all-Rlar fielding te am follows:

Ib -O e o rg e M cQulnn. S t, Louis Brown.s, .002, ' ^

2b—Bobby D ocrr. B oston Red Sox, ,971.

3W H a rlo n d C lllt, S t. L o Browns. .039.

BS—Lou B oudieau . C leveland In - dlan.i,".0fl8.

LP—B arney ' McCoaky. D etroit Tlgera. .983.

CP—Wnlt<*r Ju d n lc h , S t. Louis Browns. .089.

HP—M i k e K rcevlrh , Chicago W hite Sox. .082.

C—Rolllo Hem sley, Cleveland I n ­dians, .004.

P—V ernon K ennedy, 81- Loul: Browns, 1.000.

A lthough th e Browiw monoi»N. Ued Individual honors In fielding, they did n o t win th e club fielding title. T he Y ankees and Indlan-i tle<l for th a t, each w ith inS , followed by th e Brow ns w ith .074. On the whole fielding In th e American league was b e tter th iu i in 1030. Tlie league percen tage ro.se one point from ,M9 to .070. T here were 22 fewer e rro rs—1,443 In n i l - a n d to ta l chances lncrea,'ic<l by 415 to 48,177.

■ L :,:

8 10 IG 20 PO P r P P T T

1 1 4 3 4 ^ I 10

T ota ls M INNF.SOTi\ (32) Mohr, r .Sm ith , F .L ind. C .D. CnrLson, O ............

■ \m iioi..aMrfcDoiialtl, F - a .....nA ernrr. F ......Ajax, C ............U. C arlson. C ...... ......T lim ie. O .....................Ep|). G

F-G ................

T o l a l s ................... 11 10 19 32Score a t h a lf: Mlnne.>iota IB, Id ah o

0.F ree throw s mi.ssod; H a n ls 3.

T u rn e r 4, H lllon 2. Lj nk. I. H ojiklna, A nderson. T lionipsoii,. M ohr. M ac- D onnld. R. Carlson. D. C a rb o n 2. T liune . W arhol.

R eleree: Rny P ark in s; U m pire Pete Dennovlc,

Jockey Rests After Riding 280 Winners

BAN FR A NC ISCO . Der IH Jockey E arl IVw today luuig ii|) his siring of 380 w inners for the year and .sat b a rk to .ire If W iilirr U-c Tnylor could get 12 w inners bv Dec, 27 and ca tch him for th e in40 n a ­tional ho rsebark lng rhamploiinhip,

Dew ha.s 200 w hiners ih ls y rnr nnd hft.s gone hom e for ttto weeks' v a ­cation w ith h is slrk iiinthiT In Hno City. la . *n»ft Hay Meiitlnws niref- Ing closed H aturdav and he Wiin't put on h is hIIKs again luitll the Gold­en Gain T u rf chib opens a t Albany, north of O akland . Dec. 2H.

Tiiylnr h a s 2t!n w inners as of th is m orning and is rldtiiK iil C harlr^ tnn. W, Va. A fter Charlrs tr.ii cIo' . 'n he'll (Iv to F lorida, and u l ih const aettnn h r has a swell chance wreck Dflw’a lead.

Mac Gets a Look at Dog Catering Service at Work

n j HKNRY Mrt.KMOIlKIIG I.LV O O n, n«<:. fo lui:) Ymi

can coun t on Hi)llywiK>r| to bn differen t.

E veryw here el.se dog is m an's best friend.

O u t here m an Is dog'* best friend.

As proof of m a n ’s Aollrliuile for c a n in n i foiir-Cootun, here whcie tlin ntarn twlnkln dnv iiiul nluht. ronslder th e Pacific Uog (.'u trreis com pany, the I>okk1<'s D lnnrr rom pany. th e Dog 'I'own I’ncklng rom |)any, the Molly-Wllslilre Dug Feeding com pany, llir Hcli'ntllln Dog Feeding eoiiipnnv, nnd a dor.en o the r slm llur ron rn n n .

Kupposfl you nm in io llollywcMKi, lirlnging along w ith you llnver. Spot, Bhep or Je ff , You would hn a lm ost c e rta in to gel u call fro one of llin ronil>unies nieniloiird above MklnK you (o allow them lo c a te r to th e w him s nf your dog a ■ppetltii. Say th a t you reineniliei- «d th e tim e R over frlgh trned away a buT flar w ith a bark a iul do-<

(Wolei.l>MCh Phyaleian

T h * f irs t move on th e iKtrl nf Uie M(«rlnK com pany would bn to M nd • a u r r poooli physlcU ii to ■sKinlne y o u r po t from b ite to ta ll . Thfl dIavnoBti cotnplote, the doc to r, w ould reoom m ond a d ie t th a t would b r lfh t« n (he coal. B liirM n Uia t«eU>. a n d d»f|ten th e back o f o ld H over, l i t e nex t m o rn tn f • un ifo rm ed a tlen d a n l v o u H a n iir* a t you r house In • •m a r t t f t l l w y w »*on a n d d e . U m , u U b M r tn f a g if t from

pliitne to holit In tlie vltntiiinn (rcitii A to /. nnd i.i. sn vc Ihr llnv- or and lioiHlUt'l lluit the riililne ehef had w oikcd no h a u l to ni'lilevn.

I wntched th is ca irrliig nervirn In <iprntll<in while vliltliig a inovie dliei lin 'n lionir, iinil 1 .shonh niv heiid 1)1 Itew llilernitni as I re> railed th e endless finiKTsston of th u s of m y IxiyluxMl, iinil w onder­ed how they m aiiiiged to keeii t»«ly iincl soul together.

To begin w llh, 1 only kiirw U o hliiiln of dogs w hen I ^l|ls n bov. The ones >ou found am t the ones )K-ci|iln Kiivn you. I wiis In New Yoik lUii'e yearn lieloie 1 dls- covereij nnvoiin ever liiiUHht a dog. In niy hiniin town ilie ir wnii nl- w ius n litte r liiiiktng williln e a r ­shot a n d a fellow could a lw ayi have th e run t (or Ih r n.sking,

'I 'n a K inds of Knod•n ie rr wriii only Im . kliuin of

dug food, tiMi, w hen ( wiis m aster of Ihe M i'I.ennur kenneln. 'I'hn (Irst w»n tiihln Kcru|n and Ihe xn-oiid wiin loriige, W hen any of Ihe dogn decided we w eien 't ftet- lliig n good enough table (hoy Just i|id t lhiini|)lng ih e ir tidls on the iKirch and w ent n u t on Iheir own. 'H iey could Hlwny« si'oul n |i a sulinlnntlnl nieiil.

Our [logs ciinld nlw ii\s fiensn when Ihn tiimlly wan having som r- th ing Ihey liked. T hen they would peer th rough Ihn dining room windowa anil liay w hen ilm children asked for a nncond help- Ing. know ing Ihia would rediK'S th e ir scraps, T hey wein partU u- larly fond of chli-keu Ifonrs. not know ing chicken iNinea were lu p - posed to bo bad for them ,

Maybfl th e ie JlolIywiM>d dogs are happier, w llh Ih e ir balanced die ts

'a n d unlialiinoeit ow ners, b u t 1 have m y dotibU.

LOUIS 1 2 - 1 FA VO R ITE TO BEAT AL M 'C O YRecord Crowd to See Champion In Boston Tilt

Vandals Meet (larleton Five On Ca^eTour

.VJINNEAPOLIS. M inn., Dec. 16 1' A fter gelling a ta:.tc of Big rn basketball here on S a tu rd ay

University of Id ah o VTindiiLs tived to N orthflcld , M inn., ta la y kc on tho Carleloil college five In If second to the bust mirnc of th e ir

hiunstorm lnR trip.T lie V andals la'st to th e U niversity

nf M tnncsotn club, coached by Dave M cMillan, form er Idaho m en to r. ,S:ilur<Iay nli;ht by a co u n t of 32-26 n a hnrd-foiiR ht nnd rough contest -111 w hich 3.S fouls were called.

'H ie content .saw th e tw o b lgsest ni'ii on th e V andal fifjiiad, R ay ”n i r - ler nnd O tis H ilton, go ou t on foi

Mlnne.sota hn<l an 18-10 lend he liiilf a n d wa.s never heade<l.

L ineups:DAHO (261 FO F T P F T P

H arris. F .....................1 2 2T urner, F ..................... '0 3 4H lllon, C ....................... 1 0 4Lynk, G . ................ 0 0 lA nderson. O ................. 1 1 CSnyder, F .................. 0 0 (Steele. C ............... 1 0 :1. Hopkln.-!, O ............... 1 1 :Tliomp.son. P .............. 3 3 1

CAGERESULTSInd iana .W, .M arshall 22.I'em . S tair 35. Colgat* 2J. .Mliine\nla 32, Idaho 2fl.(Cornell 57, f .afayette 21. ,

50. Carnegie Tech 46. Nebra-ska 35. M arquette 20. W isrnnsin 44, N oire D im e 43. B risham Young 56, Id ah o Houth-

Nelson Annexes Miami $10,000 Open Meet


MIAMI, Dec. 16 (U.R)— I t is th e .s ta r t o f a new y e a r for Ihe iiitch and p u t t p e r fo r f tie rs ,,a n d K o lfd o m 's w e s te rn niiKTa- tio n .s tarted to d a y a f t e r r in g in jr o u t th e o ld y e a r w ith a p a r ty fo r B y ro n NeI.son, ru d d y -c h e e k e d T e x a n w ho copped th e .^Ifl.OOO M iam i O pen ch a m p io n sh ip .

•'Lord" B yron 's $2,500 prUe check

Derringer, Werber, Frey Signed up

CIN CIN NA TI, Dcc. 16 OJ.PJ — P itch e r P au l D erringer and Inflcld-


Skiing Season Opens ill Utah

ALTA. U tah, Dec. 10 lU.P'—T lic 1040 sca.>ion nf conie.'-t .skiing got o ff to n rousUig .siiirt Sum lay ns 38 m a le and s h women con lesiun is b a ttle d the tricky tu rn s of Collin.s' gulch a t the base of M ount D aldy for Ihe tllle In the fir.st n n n u a l anew cup .slalom ruce. H arney M c­L ean . Hot .Sul])hur .Spring, C o la , r a p tu re d the Iirst leg of th e cup by neKollatliiK the 41“.JU4i‘ cour^c in iwo m inutes, 'j:) hecont^.

A nolher Coloracloaii, Mrs. l)o ti W. Fra.ser, Denver, .‘.trcakcsl down tho 3S gate womi ii’. cour^e lo lend In h e r division. I ! . r 't im e was 2:10,4,

Alf lIliKcn, holder of th e lia tloiiiil com bined ^kl eliumiilon,sliiii, lln lshed four peconils behliul Mcl.euii to pliice second, (lordnn W ren, a niem her nf th e 'i d a i f a t Alla i.kl i.<hool. Win th ird ,

OtherM of Ihe (?1hsh A division to l ln h h In tln ‘ llir.l li) Incliiilrd K nafe E ilg rn , I 'ayette lake.s, Ida., six th ; Held Oinen, ciKhlh, nnd MackM aeser. Ing iin , iitiilh.

Stanford Head Rejects Pay For Grid Men

.STANPOnD U N IV ERSITY , C a lif . Dec. 16 (U.D—T he S tan fo rd un iv e r­sity football team wq.s called back to scrimmage todny a f te r f in a l ex- nniliintlon.'s to learn P re.sldcnl Ray I.yinan W ilbur had declined th e o f­fer of th e Pacific Const conference to compensate p layers for ho liday e iiiploym cnt they m i g h t lose through participa tion In th e Rose bowl gam e Hgaln.'(t Nebra.skn,

Conference facu lty advisers a t tlie m id-w inter m eeting la st week voted a sum not to exceed $50 be pa id to Pacific Coast p layers w ho could prove they would .-iutfer financia l loss In leavlnR Job.i to p rep a re for the Rase howl gam e.

Dr. Wilbur, how ever, declined for S tanford lu the following R tatem ent:. "Stanford will n o t avail Itse lf ol provision.s of th e ru le for th e few m en In the coming R ase bowl gam e WHO m ight have come under It. W e feel any que.stlon regard ing th e con ­ference rule will be en tire ly c learcd up when It.s w ope and th e eafe- gu /ud .\ .surrounding U a re fu lly u n - der.stocKl and con.'ildcred, a n d th a t am ple time should be a llow ed for th a t purpo^ie."

Bowling Schedule

MONDAY, DEC. 16 M erchants' league— Alleys 1-2—

Safew ay vs. Idaho Egg |7 U : alleys 3-4, Gamblrft v*. C. C. A nderson 114); alleys 5-6. TIm es-N ew s vs. In lerm oun la ln i^ e d (28); alleys 7-g, T . F. Bank and T ru s t vs. 20-30 rlub (none).

TUE.SDAV, DEC. 17 C ity league— Alleys 1-2, U N.

neverage vs. N ational L aund ry in a n e ) ; alleys 3-4, K im ble 's vs. Id ah o Power (27); alleys 5-6. ElU* vs, N ews-Tlmes In o n e l; alleys 7-«. T im e Den vs. 7 ,lp -« ’ay (29).

WEDNE.SDAV, DEC. IR Com merelal league— Alleys 1-2,

T . F. Lumber v«. ( oHgrlffs, ( n o n e lr a lley . 3-4. Fred D odds vs. T . F. F Inur Mill (40); alleys 5-6, lU lle 's ('onoeo vs. Delweller's (none); alleys 7-H. Klreslone vs. T . F . (,'oe^ Cola (29).

TIlllK SO A V , DEC. 19 Magic City L adles' league —

Alleys 1-2, Farm eni' Auto In su r­ance vs. Town T avern (5)j alley i 3-4. Consum er's M arket vs. M a­jestic Pharm acy (371; alleys 5-6, S terling Jewelers vs, Itogersnn Coffee ihop C n i; alleys 7-*,

I lalseh Mfllor vs. Blue Arrow cafe (none).




kMteip A U,. IM.. MrWl, M

Prize W inner

ers Billy Werber and L onnie Frey have .signed the ir co n tjac ta for 1941, the Clnclimali N ational league club announced today. T hey a re the first players to come to te m « since th» Reds won th e world series from D e­troit.


Some VariationT liere are a million m illions In a

billion In the Engll.sh m ethod of n u ­m era tion ; in the U nited S ta te s , a billion Is only a thousand m illions.

n o t enough to overcome III Ben H ogan 's lead in the year s to m oney w inn ing colum n, bu t It Jack­ed h im from fo u rth .to .second place. As they c losed o u t Uie book.s for 1940 today, $1,000 was entered op­posite H ogan 's nam e for fiiilshliig th ird In Uie M iam i open, and It hU to ta l to $10,6 3 5 -Ju s t $1,002 i th a n Ncl.wn won.

N elson T akes 70 on FinalFollow ing Uiree .sub-par rounds.

Nelson soa red to a i>ar 70 ye.sttrday 72-holo to ta l of 271. ’Hie pres- w as on because Nelson knew

UiaL C lay ton H eafner. the Linville, N. C., c an d y sale.sman wa.s already Kitting In th e clubhou.se wlUi a long, cool g lass a f te r posting a 68 for 272 ag gregate .

H ea fn e r took second prlzr money of »1,2S0. H is 272 WB.i tluce strokc.s u nde r H ognn 's 275 to ta l a fti 'r Ho­gan sh o t ft 69 ye.sterday. Defending C ham pion S am Snead could do no h o tte r th a n a f in a l round 71 for total of 277 th a t le ft him tl« l in fourth place w llli W illie Ooggln of Miami wlio p layed th e la st 18 holes m 6a. T h e / jipllt fourU i and fifth inonev to g e t $650 each. T his gave Siiead th ird p lace In th e 1940 money win­n in g to ta l w ith $9,206, Jim my Dc- m arel. of H ou.ston. Tex., second lend­ing m oney w inner before the Miami, w ound up f a r dow n Uic lis t wlUi a 265 to ta l th a t w as worth only $31.25.

T ie for AmateurBig J im F e r rle r of Au.stralla and

E arl ChrI.stlnn.sen. M iami’s golllii': po licem an, Ued for am ateur honor.s witvi 287','!, w hile NatlCinal Amateur C ham pion Dick C hapm an of On wdch, C onn .. finished far behind w ith 299. F e rrle r and ChrLstlansen m e et In a n IB-hole playoff for the am a te u r tro iihy today.

Since S nead was the onlv on the 200-m!in field wlUi a ciianr o ve rtake H o^an in the race lor H urry V ardon trophy, mcxst coveterl a w a rd . In profe.ssional golf, Hogun em erged iin eo.sy w inner with 423 polnt-s. Snead flnl.slied second wit 393 a n d N elson Ihlr<l with 337.

T lio -g o lfin g new year will stai J a n . 3 w ith th e Los Angeles ojx-n.

BACK t o W ORKBER KELEY , Calif., Dec. 16 (U.Ri-

C oach I.eonard <Stubi Alll.son callod h is C a lifo rn ia football squad bock to scrim m age today a fte r a two-week vacation w hile th e Dear* completed f in a l exam inations.

C a lifo rn ia meet.i Georgia T ech in a ixvst-joason gam e a t A tlanta Dec, 28.

Y o u r d re a m w ill com c t r u e w h en you ko dow n to G len J e n k in s fo r a h a n d so m e U sed C ar. You’ll fa ll in love w ith I h e v a lu e s h e o f fe rs , a n d you ’ll have a d if f ic u l t t im e dccid lnK ju s l w h ich one you w an t. C om c in to d a y !

1989 P ly m o u th D e lu x e 4 D oor Sedan — M o to r, b ody .fin i.sh , jrood. L a rg e luKKJiRt' spai^L*. h e a le r .............$ 6 4 51939 C h e v ro le t D eluxe S p o r t Sedan — K xcellc iit c o n d i­tio n . h e a te r , l.'i.OOO milc.s .............................................. $ 6 5 019.'5D F o rd D eluxe C oupe — M otor, fin ish , Kood.

h e a t e r ...................................................................................... $ 5 7 519.‘i8 C h e v ro le t D e lu x e S i » r t Sedan — M oto r reco tu li-t io n e d , f in is h , u p h o ls te ry , xood. h e a t e r ......................$ 5 3 5 j j f19.37 P ly m o u th C oupe — Radio,, l i o a l e r ..................... $ 3 9 5.1937 F o rd C oupe — M o to r rcco tid itioncd . rad io ,h e a te r .......................................................................................... $ 3 7 51937 C h e v ro le t T p w n S ed an — M otor recontii-t io n e d , fiiii.<»h, u p h o ls te ry . Kood, h e a te r ................... $ 4 3 5 ■1 936 P ly m o u th D elu x e 4 D oor Sedan ....... ...................$ 3 5 01936 C h e v ro le t S p o r t S ed an .....................................; . .$ 3 5 01 936 D o d se 4 D o o r S edtin — T ru n k , h e a t e r .............. $ 2 7 51933 F o r d 'T u d o r S ed an ............................■........................... $ 9 51932 C h e v ro le t C oach ......................................... ............$ 1 6 51930 C h e v ro le t C oupe — Good coiiditiDii, h e a te r . . . .$ 8 5 .1930 F o rd 4 D oor S ed an ..................................................... $ 7 51929 C h ev ro le t 4 D oor S ed an ........................................... $ 5 01939 C h e v ro le t ■V T o n S ta k e ...................................... $ 5 5 01937 F o rd 1 ' 1; T on T ru c k — L onjj W . 1?.. d i w l s .......$ 3 8 51935 C hev . T on T ru c k — L ong W . B., d u a ls . . . .$ 2 2 5 1937 F o rd 1,1; T on P ic k u p ..............................................$ 3 2 51934 In te rn a t io n a l T on P ickup $ 2 2 5

Gleri G. JenkinsS A L E S & SE H V IC E


PEP88,g a s o l in e

Page 14: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Idaho...Weather Forecast ^krtiiar cWodr toBlffbt will Tues «sj'. W*mier tonight. HIch yw- .tMday 31.

M onduy, Decem ber 16, 1940 IDAHO EVENING TIMES, TWIN FALLS, IDAHO Pagt Thirtoep

Rice Five Strong in Southwest; Kentucky Again Tops in South


T lie aou lh qikI souUjwest don 't p roduce m mutiy cham pions In tw ik e t te l l u (hey rio In football, b u t sever*] o l the ir collegiate q u in ­te ts th is se&son t r e ra ted am ong Uie naU on 's first teBnu5-

B M te tb a ll th roughou t th e sou th h M been handicapped by lack of play ing space, b u t m ore schools every y e a r a re acquiring faclllllca com ­parab le to thOM tn o th e r sections.

A lthough th e re doesn’t a p p ea r to be a po tenda] na tio n al cham p ion In th e sou th , team s like K entucky . Rice, T exas, Tenne«»ee a n d N orth C aro - l ln a will be slrong.

n ic e , defending cham pion In th e fa s t Sou thw est Conference, will bo one of th ree lead ing contender* for th is season 's U tle. B avlor a n d TeKaa e re th e ch ief th reaL i. and S o u th e rn M ethod ist al)ould also be stxonR.

■Die R ice o ffense will be b u ilt nrovind g ian t r e n te r Bob K lnnej-. w ho e arned a ll-conference honors a s a sophom ore la st year. T lie 8-foot, 7-lncl» K lnnev K ored 334 po in ts In

- 37 gam es la st year. A no the r big f la B in Closs. lo ri-ftrd , a t 6

fee t 6 InchM.Baylor, In th ird ^pot la>t .venr,

h a s five le tlom ien bock. Iw t only one rejnilar. B ear th ren ls will be F ra n k Br>'.'-kl, a ll-conference for­w ard , O radV 'V oughn , high-scoring guanJ, Joe Prlvaldsk j', lanky cen ler. a n d Joe T err> \ I rt te - w inn ing fo r­w ard lo r two yeary.

Coach BalpJ) Wolf Is ro u n tJn s c a Rood c rop of sophomores to round o u t his rew rve m ateria!.

T exas a Cotvtender T exas, looked on ns Uie o th e r

ch ief con tender, will s ta r t five le t- tc rin en . Including th ree of la s t year 's regu la rs . Cnptnln Che.slcr O ranvllle a n d D en ton Cooley. boUi 0 fee t 3 Inches, will be fonvortls;(Speedy H oupt. 6 fee t 4, Is cen te r; a n d T h u rm an (Slue> H ull a n d Udell M oore a re a u an ls . H ull Is r a te d th e b est 'f loo r m nn. and O ranvllle the to p scorer. M oore, son of th e o ld- tim e Y ankee p itcher, W llcy Moore. Is being groomed to fill th e shoes of Bobby Moere.

R w erve stren g th Is no t too good. ^ b u t T exas will rely on th e best

bn ll-h a n d lln g In th e conference to m ake U a t h r e a t

W hitev Bacetia a t S ou th ern M ethod ist expects to have ft m uch Im proved team , fea tu ring a speedy offensive . Five le tte rm en a re back,

' inc lud ing V irgil (Country) WIN kerson , 8-foot, 4 -lnch cen ter. L ittle Jo h n n y flebeek w as strong a s a fo r­w ard h la sophom ore year a n d should be Improved.

A rkansas m ay shape, up a; d a rk ho rfc . C ap ta in Jo h n F rc l- berger, e -foo t. 6 -lnch cen te r. Is In h is th ird year a s a varsity p e r­form er. Jo h n Adams, w ho led th e con fe renM a s a sophom ore two Reasons ago, pa irs w ith hLs b ro ther. O 'N eil A dam s, a t forfl.ard.

T exas C h ris tian a n d th e T exas Aggies a re expected to be th e c fcrence 's w eak sis ters again .

Q g h t le tte rm en should r T exas 'W esleyatj th e b est o u tll l In th e T exas Conference.

~ a r u t Q lam ack Back K entucky , a perennial c o n ten ­

d e r. com es up w ith a s tro n g (lu ln te t to de fend Ita S o u th east Conference tit le , w ith T ennM see a n d V ander-

W b li t also po ten t.” L eading th e K entucky offense arc

C ap t. L ee H uber and W alle r W hite , fo rw ards, and J im K ing, cen ter. All t lire e m easu re over 6 feet ta ll and w ere regu la rs on la s t season 's ,faa t ou tfit,

A labam a w on 't he qu ite A5 gcvxl a s In.st y rar, w hen It Itvl ih e loop {hiring th e regu lar ,ieaJ.ot>. Jtirk U rn n tn rr a t fo rw anl Li th e lone rrgTilnr retum liiK . nllhoiiKh th r r i ' nr< ^pvcn^l o th e r I r t te n n rn on hand .

Mississippi, w hich has been weak fo r sevrrnl years, h as a prom ising c i» p of ftophwnweN wlin a re ex- prctP il r« develop a-i th e srason pro- gre.vso.'v. n iipy niiiy m ake OIr MIm i« <'i)iilriidfr. Iliirold Peeples mid H urry Blmivson, forw nnli, and .Iiinle lIovliHi.i, gua rd , qrn key mi

( leorg ia . w ith th ree ou t of live rrKiiliirs ha rk . Isn 't rntccl very h ig h ­ly Aliibnina H also wriik.

Au^nim anrt LouW iina H la te. nJtenA rrlliii' i:on(<‘n tlfra. will l>e Improved.“ N orili C arolina, w ith tlio Rreut

firn run O lam ark , h as a sCHsonwl tiu i lr ii’ . hill lurKi rw r v p ; ' Clln- niiK'k. 0 tee t ( Inclie.i. m orrd 4MI

Four Team s Set In M ontana L eague

HBLKNA, M o n t, Dec. 1« WPJ— T em pora ry officials of th e proposed Copper league, » Class D p ro fession ­a l baseball o rB anlialion, so ld today fo u r M o n tan a c ities p robably w ould h a v e team s In th e league.

T en ta tiv e plans called fo r B u tte . B illings, G re a t F alU a n d M lu o u la te a m s u> open a UO-game schedule e a r ly In M ay. O fficials a n d f ra n ­ch ise ho lde rs w ere to m e et again

Ja n . 13 to perfect a p e n n ao a n t o f- ganlzailon.

f»romotcrs of th e league sa id two additional cltlcs m ay , e n te r team siator,

Oregon State Club Trims Utah A ggies

UDQAN. U lah. Dec. 16 (U.PJ-Orc- goiT Si.ite collogc coinpleloU a sweep of u* vwo-iiRine prcstasoi^ b a sk et- boll schedule w ith U tah S ta te by turiiitiR bock the Utngs. 30-34, S a t ­

urday. C apta in R oland R eading of th e U tah q u in te t sparked a t his guard position to keep h b t«am In f ro n t du ring m ost of th e tl r s t ha lf.

The O regon S ta te offensive, led by Forw ard Ja ck M ulder, began clicking near th e halfw ay po in t, and th e B favcrs led a t Interm ission, 17-14.

T lie U taiis cam e w lih ln two points o f the load Into In the game.

T he Benvcrs- wnn th e f irs t game Frtilny nlt;lU. 43-20.


Old-Time.Big Loop Diamond Star D ies

WORCESTER, Mass.. Deo. 16 (UJll -W il lia m R. (Dllly) H am ilton . 74, Boslou and Plilladclph la NaUonal lcB«uo outfielder o t th e 'W&, died yesterday a t h is home.

W hile playing w ith Philadelphia . H am ilton stole 115 bases In tlie 1891 .waaon. T hree years la te r , h e Scored 1*6 runs. N either record ever been th rfa tened .

In 13 consecutive seasons. H am ll-

nV N TER FINCDCharged w ith u sing & rif le to k ill

ducks, and plead ing gu ilty to th e charge, J . N . UolleQ, 1346 Sovcntli avenue east, today h a d p idd m ,fln« ' t>l t t s a l te r appearance W o r * . Jus,- tice o f the Peace U . M. HoUer, cou rt records show.

T ha m an w as a rre s ted a n d th e charge fUed by O rovet D avIs, a ta ta conservation officer. 'H io offense laalleged to have occurred a 'week agoSunday In Uie Snake riv e r axea. ' -

By Roward Boughner,BUT H 6 IS W T .' m OOIKK3

T O G W e T H E M A W * / . ' CAX> JA C K . MZDST IS O O tW a T O


Page 15: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Idaho...Weather Forecast ^krtiiar cWodr toBlffbt will Tues «sj'. W*mier tonight. HIch yw- .tMday 31.

Pago Fourteen IDAHO EVENING TIMES, TWIN FALLS, IDAHO Monday, December 1 6 ,1040

MARKETS AND FINANCE—-----— —^ By United Press ---------


:\C.O. T>»-, M (U r)-W h r,I J.rkr.


<:nicA«:o I.IVK8CIITCACO-n.'^i: 21.000

hl»h«r; U>[> |6.4i.Cottle: 12,000 ; cilvra 1,1!

NEW YORK STOCKSAir IlrcllK Alasku Ji: Allied c:ii

1 !-<> oliveNo SI

I itiid. A: au iiitl. San.1 IlollliiK Mills . .. . I I .SnicltliiK ^ Itcdning 41 TpIo. .V Trip..............IGI Tobarro B .............. H

Armour i)f. A<rhl;,rm, ToDokii A tinm ir n n


«r; mMtl:y u / ” '!U.JO ; lOc lo 2pchlih-

■Rt; top” ooo': c lwith InilJ

■v« 600; .n cluir. ful-

l i v T r f1 mnil •h»

Knccs ■trone on ilauKh* alock but (rack rather

xoM klUi:r. ; *'»d U> low choir, hfl.l »r«una aKovr: fhoirp Itiht utreni t l2.d nA/t . r.« .I..U.. ...1,. t.I.I.


1 »•« wady; fxl

•; •lAily o hcr

*NHA8 CITY LIVEHTOCK *S CITY-Hoei: l,fiOO: fairly ar-»asa: top 16. IS.

(l«t, una•arll'nfi ’avenly it^a a III.JS;

na .h» .UKk fatrly ar- bulk“.hort/».?i "s'.to'"u)

Hhe»pi 1,009 :.1o


w; nn earir >al<-> ; oi«n- ilauihlrr Jamhi; atliinf

tut Kite') ouUlmndlng m l'lun/t“ Vla'b!ilrh''rrrt'«.«1

Caltlti roun.li; trw R.

few bl'i"1 .lockfr. an.1 Jcr,l,r

*‘ siJJ.pl ■ 7.000 i nl.iIhlns .l.<n. Ntl,.


i I., I'J.An; 1.^1 l»l'l

l,<m ANCKI.I

nnSTtlN-Oiilr ■ I


C o u tlfir <:, I'arii Parldn Krrl(l>( A

I'w tn I^bIU

C«rlo,iil ntilpiiK'ulii of iH-rl«hnl,|, coinmortiMffi t(ir j>tT, H ;

Idnlui n>ll/i itlntrli't -l>oliii<,m fin 'IV lii Knllii «llfllrlcl-»>()l«i(>,.„ jn

Oilniia 3,Oftldwpll rtltililcl Ain>lM II.

><»r lX<o, Ih, wrir; CftWwell cllfllili:t-O iiloiM I, OUwrt—Blank.


HAN riiANOlHCO lluli.ii HI..... ....................

Markets at a G l a n c e

I- Olilo

51. I’ iiill . t Piu

atcd Cni)i« aIo<l K'llsoi alccl Oil . .

lltl Pout ............lii.stiiinii KiKlak . KlPilrlr Power A; Llnlit Eric n. R.FlrcMonc Tin- lluljbcrFreeport Siilpliiir ...........Cleilfral Eloclric ...............Cinu'ral Fotxl.s .................Opiicriil Motors ...............Goo<lrlcli .......................Oo(Klyenr Tiro <k Rubber .Gniliiiia-Pulgc ......... - .....Grenl Northern p f ...........Gn-yliound Cp...................Hoiisloii OilHowe Sound .....................Hudson Day M. & 3..........Hudson Motor ...................Indcpcnrienl. Rflyon..........In.ip. Copper ....................InlcrnnUoniil HarvcslPi ...Iiitcrnullonal Nlckrl .......Intcrnatlonnl Tel, Tel, . Johns Mnnvlllc .................

Kre.>«e.............................LlBBPtt A: Myers D ........LorlllardMnck Trucks ...................Malhlcsou Alkali ...........Mlnml C opper..............MLwoiirl, Kftiwas .V Tcxn

lal III; >al Ca lal Dal

i.^h ll.'KlMPrV Produt

ic.nal D l.sllllrrs .in»ul O yp .sum ..............»-iiul Pow er A: LIkIiL.... i- York C enlrnl V -N. ii . A Hnrlfortl

I Oil

frlca i " rlran j

1 Pacific

A: Klectrlcl M otors .......)m it-Pub.■I'linry Co. . . Ivaiila n . R. ...

,ury Flour Krrcw . t Bolt, c Scrvlco o l New

■•ynrtl(l.i Tobac •nr.s Rofbiick id l U nion Oil

11 .....spKrry C oipora iton ...........S h u jd a rd nriuKls .............Staikliird G i i ! « E lectric . .'S landard Oil of California H iaiidaril Oil o f 'ln d lan a .S tandard Oil of New Jer.sc

.s G ulfs Paclllc C. A: O, ,cn Roller UearliiK ..

Unitedr iir.


Union Wi-.sliiiKlinusp Air lira W estliinliousc Flpclrlc F. W. W oolworth W orthlnK ton Pum p ... .Sunslilnc M lnw ........

N, y. t r u n STOCKS

[ot-omotlve A: 'IV aln.....

A ssoclatDm lllai T r.H u n k er H lll-Sulllvan .. C ities Service C rocker W hreler E le c tric Bnnri . t Share . Fo rd M otor, Llmlled G u lf O il Penn.sylvanla H eclii . ...H um ble Ol!N laBnrn Hudson Power PcnnroadU n ite d G a i Cor|xirntlnn U n ited I.lKht .Ciiil Power, U lllltlc^ Power . t Mfjiu

Salt Lake M ining Stocks


Local Markets

R u u i t t f i P r i c c B

CAU l‘t.A< IIMKN IH Plucfliiciit (.r irrilKiirnl<-<l rnm fci

KIn lo loudliiK (<Klny nh<iwr<l Idnlu lln (U«ttlct fla i.nd 'I'wln Knll" .H»-

trle .l 44. O thp r roniiiHHlltlM, ’IVdi m itn d ln tr lr l oiilonii 1; Cnldwnll dli- U lr l . 9.




nOI.SE, Dee. 18 (UP>—Addltlonnl road facllUlc.s to .serve the army oli ba.so to be located a t Bol.se nlr tef' mlnal have been roqucstrd from federftl aRencle.', Mayor James L. Straight. riLsclosed totld'y,

Straluht, who relumed yciterday from a herle.'i of conferenres It Wa.shlngton. D. C,. .lald a new brldRi and road across (he Bol.se rive would be neces.sary to facllltati tnovrmenl of men and suppllet 1' the new Rlr ba.se, to be located a the .southwest end of the alr]>ort.

HId.s for the inllllon-dollar a ir bas will be received In Washington cn Thursday, and work l.s ex|x-cted 1< start early in Jnniiary. Stralglit de- rlare<l.

Towed Auto H its Parked Machine

One iniiehlne, Ih-Iiik lowed I set'oiHl aulo, iTiished Into it thiitl i-ar will) minor damaK'-.t re.sultInK, liK'al polln- were Informr.l .Sundav fvenliiB by F, I). Hatx-oek. JHfl .lef-

Ihe lap. ]>arked In tio:

of nao lixust htierl.lln .said that his car had Ix-i

stiiic^k l>v n etir i>|i<'n>ted IHli hatd Hehendel, Talti l^ilh, whi. wax bt-hlK lowed l.y amilliri' inachli drUeii liy Art rrlend. 'Hie left rtoi feiKler and hut) iup o» the iiainx'k ear weiu ............... a polU i- hport (ihowH,

Auto CrashcH After Dod^jintf Parked ('ar

I Ho lidltd

•n^ii purket by Muiilee V. (InuUl, Weiulrll n ir wan n»t hll lii Mu' ai i'ldei

DainaKe.i l» flnv'n ma.hlne rd alxail !,%<>.

'fhf w!,to|>plim n lilll lu ihii "iMiillai

>iil« i Jei.i)

lOxpeiislve■ni« nicksl .(.Sllv Hinilirie

atinn, hi |.M.p.„ll„n t„ lu M,r hr reiHiit cif the Wllker. expnl r> Ihr Anlnirtle, I siied bv llm ijveliiliiMil. Tho wiioln h<Kik 1 ,ii» puhllihiil mill iinlv •J.’iii hds mnlrct, Hi n rnfit of ITJII.llll,

S t o r e s O w n W a t e rII . own wnln |.>i u.r In diy «e,i

«onn In «l.iie.l hV lU-i M.Kiiaii., Klnnl «-m'tll». Water is M.eknl u|. I. Ka vnnt r(M)t ^vnlel1l nrai til Hroii.Hl-d niirfi.ec, „n,l .o.iM.|ved I, Uio inilpy ........... of Ihr nmlil plani

C o l d N o H t i n ^ fEni|H'r»r prnuiiliin nr»t mi tlm Imr

ten In trmppmtuirn ulten rnllliiK I Al) or 70 ilmrrrii hri.iw r.eni, I' | dm lolul dnrknenA of iho Anluutl wintrr.

Il io WiirU iiillllnnt •oiiiri from Mllnnrr, nftrr lnlint>ltantA of Mil Ilnly, wlilrli oner wan ii (iieul e l«r (or !pimUv1»« SUk i j ,


■r speaker nt the afternoon s of the Tw in.Palls county fk Marketing ns.soclatlon nn- lectlnK Wedne-sday will be E. -Iiart, extension livestock hpe- County A«enl Bert Bollng-

innuunced this ofternoon,la natherlrii? will be at

ilrKround.s, with luncheon I the Filer Granrc hall,

for 10

Village Moves to Give Space for TJfT Factory

r Ol

atte whichart will speak Is to open fit

roblems of llv county nKent ■rnlnK portionI of tlie all-

St of election ils-slon of the

8T, LOUIS (U.R>—ConstructlL- .. the first hl(!h explosives plant Jo be built wc.st of the Mississippi ' ^ e r under the national defen.se pro«rilm s under way.

A fon-shaped tract of land bc.slde he Missouri'river, 20 miles from icre, has been, cleared. And f .s moll town of HamburK, Mo., In the enter of the tract, has been eviicu- lecl by Its 150 residents. Two bund­ed fanners and projierty owners I’llhlp the la.OOO-ncre area h.ive sold

their land to the Rovcrnmcnl awl noved away.

Peak production of trinitrotoluene ITNTI and dinltrotoluenc fDNT) Is >xpected to l)e reached at the plant •ometlme In 1941, nccordlnK to tle- fmsc fxp^rt,s. “Peak prortiirtlon” nean-s approximately 400,000 [wunds If hiKh explosive dally.

That much concenlrated <le- tructlon will fill thou.-,antis of

I( vronerly dclol aW■(l. It.

will be employed. e u t« n produc­tion lines -ttlll tunJ out explosives. .

Early obstacles ciicounteicd by or department experts ond cn-

, Incers were eliminated quickly. When resldenUs of the area pro­tested aRolnst bcInK ou-sled fromtheir homeipeed In natlonol defense preparr Ions was pointed out to ther

When the que-stlon of pollution < St. Louis city water arose, an It proved sy,stem of wrtste disposal wi designed (or U\e plant.

Rail Facllitir* Ample Problems of raw molerlal .sui

ply were simple, since the pUnt U belHB locate<l near the Juiictli the Mlssls.slppl and Mlsiouri rivers.

Louis Ls a Kreat railway

I of the L-ould det wide a


;cordlnK to Mr. BollnR- showlnf? of the USDA

1 picture cmpha.slzlni{ ed by bruises in han- itock on form.s and In

)f.s Is much hll HR .suppose." Mr. B . "and the departmi ! !Slm -viW preRtr.1 ?

• tlin


W ASHINGTON. Dec, 18 fU.P.)-Two members of o se n ate In tcrstA te com- mcrce subcom m ittee charged today th a t George A. B all, M unclp. Ind.,

T . m an ag ed to obtain $3,000,000,000 w orth of

railroad o.s.sels th ro u g h ownership *15,000 of stock in the Mid-

HlIU C onsidered A u elW ith th e • po ten tia l d e jin lc th f )wer of th e new p la n t’s protItii-i

m ind , eng inee rs have p lannei le p ro jec t carefu lly . All pro<iuC' in llnc.s a n d storehou.sp.s in lh<

p la n t will be located a t least r h a lf from Uib borden

of th e sa fe ty jione. Rolling hills Ir la pro\'lde tuvtural bulWicad; vcnl th e coneasslon of po.s- cploslons from rozlnR the en­

tire p la n t. B u t segreBoted mlxlni ■nters also will be protected by bul- a rk s of e a r th o r concrete.W ith an eye to olr raid protec­

tion, g overnm en t engineers nr< leaving <ree.s stand ing wlierevei possible. B uild ings will be .so con- itruc ted to blend Into the topog­raphy of th e land .

■■ ■ 1 th e c en te r Is finished. t>e- tw een 10,000 a n d 12,000 workmer

explo.slve.s. Both trh iltro to luei_____dln ltro to luene a re producLs of con t1'olle<l reactlQius between n itr ic aclc m d toluene, which Is a derivative o :oal ta r and certain waste product;

of petroleum . A ctual op<;ratlon of tin p lon t will be In th e hand.s o f tin Atlas Pow der com pany, of W llmlng ton , Del., a lthough It Is being built by th e w ar d e p a r tm e n t

A t least one other p lan t a s large » th e S t. Louis c en te r will be con

strue tcd In the tiext year, accord o th e w ar departm ent. Plan, been made for such a p la n t li

n o rth e rn Illinois.

America corpoi Uloi

MIR b,i

B u rton K . W heeler, ind H arry S. T ru m an said erica wa.s a ''m e re portable nee w hich could be taki a biLslne.ssman on a trip,

^elllnjwhlcli ha;

\ds anc . reixjrt-

The subcommli >ren inve.silgatlng ro llr allroad holding ' com panli 'd Mlcl-Atnerica w as set, up as t loldlng com pany by th e V an Swer- iiKCiLs lo siilvage th e ir holdings Ir he A lleghany corpo ra tion , ba.sls o heir vast ra ilro a d em pire. Two

thirds of th e neccssary money for IncorporaUon w as supp lied by Bol' \nd one -th ird by G eorge A. Tomlln- ion, Vnn Sw erlngen a tto rney .

The holding com pany was so ob­viously a "personal b ask et.” the twc ■.enators said, th a t lUs first dl- ■ eclors m eeting waa he ld In a New York hotel room a lth o u g h Mld- \m erlca was Inco rpo ra ted In Ohic md Us only office w as In Cleveland,

The Van Sw erlngen bro thers died lefore they could b e n e f it from the

M id-America se tu p , t pos.sed to Doll, th e two ported.

Lloyd George May Get Post AsU. S. Envoy

LONDON, Dec. 18 nj.P i-Repnrts •Irculated w ithout, official coiiflr.- na tlon to n ig h t tlvat P rim e M lnlsler V lnston C hurch ill has asked David

Lloyd G eorge lo accept the t«.st of B r i lh h am bassado r lo Uic United S ta te s .

L loyd G eorge w«.‘ChurclvlU a t ft cohI noon h e would liki consider th e offer.

N o official s to te b u t th e Idea of n am ing Llovd Ge.irKi to 'th e im p o rtjin t post was llndliig Increased su p p o r t n o t only among L ibera l a n d lA bor groups, bu t in Conservative p a rty circles which lave been cool low ord th e 77-ycar- )ld s ta te sm an for some lim e.

said (o h av e tol reuc.<- th is ftUc5 a lit tle time t

va> r


SH EFFIELD , E ngland , Dec. 16 (U.PJ - G e r m a n planc.s ra in e d Incendiary anti high explosive bom bs on this g rea t steel een ier ta s l n ig h t nnd

! blBge.sllum ber yard.T he Ilres, however, ;

nder contrdl <|ulekly.brought

n o t so g rea t - Addition imelesk, bi o rte il few.


Accused of ob ta in ing $140 w orth o f peaches lu ider fal.sc preten.se.s, G, R. M orris, abo u t 60. r truckm an from lyogan, U ta h , was bound ovei to d is tric t court today by ProboH Judge C, A. na llev . ^

M orris w as brought back from Lo­gan l)y She riff h W. H aw kins or com plain t sinned by Jess O, E a«- m an. lliihl. A rraigned today, thi

waived h is hearing nnd v,ai county Jail for lacll o f 1500

iffense osserlrdly occurred

Filer Man Injured In H ighway Crash

J1:R()MK, Dee lit i.Hpoelal- '

prisoner token tc; bond.

■Hie . lo-st Aiu

to hove $H0 ch<

SDInt, Morris is or th e peache a t ‘'Ixmneed.-



L;vcrull W(«Hll»-

' a t 4:4.1 Hun 1’ II. Itiirhonai

a n d bruise

n . was I

>rl Hiiiall,

th« f-sslty for


erljilnm enl t I as to erlals for lufac ' of



ARLINGTON NATlONAl^ CENt- ETERV, ARLINGTON, Va., Dec. 18 (U.PJ-Tlie aslies of th e morQuess of Lollilan, BrltU h amba,s.sador to tlie U nited S tates, were laid to re s t to- day w ith full mQllary honors In th is hollowed burlol ploce of A merica's m ilita ry and navol heroes.

A 13-gun saliilo revcrocra ted along the mlst-.shrouded hillside th a t over- loots W a.shlngton. on th e o th e r side

the Potomac river, as Uie funeral •tege passed slowly from th e

eterj-'s top m oriol which Is

> th e h lll- urmounte<I

m e r e In th e m em orial th e u rn contalnhig 1-ottitnn's o-shes w a.'i plafM i^intll such tim e a.s h is own or th e Unlte<l S ta te s governm ent d e ­cides to remove them to th e 'hom e­land for which lie labored du ring the first ye.ir of lt.s w ar w ith G er­m any.

NoUibles of the foreign d iplom atic corps. wlUi the exrcptlon of G er- moily and Italy , and rtink lng m em ­bers of the U n lttd S ta te s goveni- n ien t followed the solemn proce.s.slon w hich had os a mllltiiry e sco rt arm y, navy and m arine corp.s un its , com ­prising 500 men,

T lie urn , dra]>cd In D rltn ln 's union Jack, had been placcd on a horse- d raw n cals-son a t Ihe cem etery gate, having been tran spo rted th e re In a hear.se from the F o r t L incoln c re- m otory where It had rem ained since fiineral rlle.s were r o n d i i r te t l f o r Loth ian a t th e cathedro l of S ain ts P e te r and Paul In W ashington.

A T w in P a lls residen t was Mlghtly In jured w hen struck by an autorr

th ree miles n o r th of th e rli to -rlm bridge on the highw ay to J<

locol police were Inform ed early Sunday m orning by Bill S tai '

u te one, who said h e was d r l _ c m nchtac whlcR struck Wic m an . Stan ley said th a t th e m an gave e nam e of C. P . Ja y . Tw in Foils, id said th a t a t the tim e of th e mis-

h a p Ja y contended th a t he h a d left Ills c a r and was wiping h is w ind- ihield w hen struck,

Stanlfty reported th a t Joy d id no t uppcar to be M-riously In jured, bu t isked th a t he be taken to ills hom e. Slnnloy took him there , jwllcc were Inlorm cd.

an ley wa.s ordered to repo rt th e m a tte r to Jerom e county officials because the m ishap occurred In th a t te rrito ry .

Hungary M akes Token Paym ent On Bill to U . S.

■ W ASHINGTON. Dec. 18 (U.R)— T he trca.sury announced today H un­gary had m ade o token paym en t of JD,828.18 on the Dcc. 15 Insta llm en t of US past-W orld w ar debt.

Hungar}- resumetl jiaym eiils on IW debt th ree years oko u n der an a d ­justed program calling for to ta l re- Imburscmenus of J7C.1D0 a year, pay ­able in two liutallmenU i.

H ungary Is the only foreign no tion th a t has ixild an livstiillment on Its deb ts to the UuUcd S ta te s o n Dcc, 15, F inland, traditionally Uie best' payer, took advantage of an a c t of a c t of congre.s.s w hich g ran ted U a siiccliU m oratorium .

"01(1 CInud A in 't M nd."

GOING OUT‘i a ln I c i th e r ! ’'


Thfi biff riiHhitiKHiiIp Ih KoinK to cto.^o . . . t h r r n ’n on ly 12 (Iny.H le f t . A n d th e n H a r ry H arry w ill h av e hi.s feo t i in d f r m y dr.sk n n d (llim d 1‘r i i t l w ill bo abU; to Ko fiHliinjr. I’m phoniiijjr tliis ad in on S a tiird u y , ntul cveryba tiy iinti hi.s uncit; is dow n hcri*.

'I’liD.sn rcn iisy iv jin iH tinvs u ro jim t b.nitiK pack cd o u t wi mlMoralily f a s t t im t it alino.st inak t’,‘t o u r cyi'balLs iiclic. F lo o r c o v e r in g — Kooti land o ’ l iv in '— th c y 'fo biiyin>? It lo c o v < t wlioic rooinH. Som i‘ n ro buyihK th e p r in te d , m nne Ihe in-made-, uiid soiti.: t h e iiiinid. A nd lhi>:^(‘ V okii*> luvtterics iire alt<'> innv- itiL' o u l. I f von Im ve i« tm-inl)cr,slii|) r a n i w h ich only

................................................. I.nd Kondi .y lv a iiia

tii.n, wtieio co.stH voil fiO C'ent.s foi • th e ta il 1•iid of I'MO 11 Jails, rnll- fo r I 'l- ll. y.m Clin 1)iiy t l ie -1 ;r)0x2() I'eniiimI ears ond 111 reported SujH ircraft t in !■ fo r on ly .f 1,H7.

, 11 only 2 ,\,- 4;r)0 X ‘J! ........... S1.I17«,1,0()0 wlili X 17 ;.. ............. S7.2K

ting Ji>b.s on ():00 X Hi. .......... S7.HHriirtiy /tiniv ; iO-pIv S iip e rc ra fI S2-J.HMmniiy, I'flses 1 f,:no X Ifi rcn iK iy lvan l a HX fD.fil

. IKn'ulnllcli HrinK In y<jiir oil c an s , fill np nil thi.'i


• A ( i o o d S e l e c t i o n • I - ' a i r I * r l c e H

102ft D.uIk . S e d a n . ...$

10:i0 I 'o n i < '(u ifh .......

K urd VK <:<iiip«,

l!i;m C h .'v n .l i 't c vo rtlliln C uupe..


lo a f l n .i.iK * I ’iekup ..

IMekiip 4

m \ l I n ln i ia l io im l

r i r k i ip , louK w, b ..



3 18

aes2 9 8

878C - 1

32 8

lIKi;) In le rn iit io n a l I'/ij T- (iood niech iin li’a l cond,, only .............................. 2 8 0

(n lr: I’irlu .li, 1

nil l ) - Z028

, Pi'ieluip, 4

I d v -K I ' ; , T

i n u i Cli.'v, ]i'.. T. 'lliT H..

W M \ I Inline I I,;, Ir ih 'k w ilh rito n ick ........................

10.'!5 C h fv . I I ' . T.

lJi:iH C lK 'vr.ili'l Mil T n tl.ir ..................

2 4 8

i 7 B

NcVey's I N T K R N A T I O N A I , T R U C K S f lA L K H A N D H K U V IC K

fan io:{(l-KJill'A rk a im n iiH>lor oil I'l.r -17 ei'Ul.i a Kfill'm,

I..H . . . ?-V2r. iinl. juMt k . r p in iiiin.l liavi- a ini'rnbt>rMlii|) c u rd lo kcI vu iir dmilih- d iv i- <lrnd, Tliiil.’d n il. y o u r o y H lrr Hhelln <i„wn to an d y o u r CalHl»l(t i-hickcii Kril fo r (5:i cen(,H. V dii eonid alrto Ket y o u r bo ilctl liii»<ecd oil fo r Dflc. in ' th e n iw fo r Or.f. A nd th e m ill-freer.c , 77c ii Kailmi.

W ell. Ih ..lo a |)i(ch fo rk , ki< haiiilleH. fe lt \mnv eloMi'd all d ay N. lu m n -fn l bimy. Tli liiv f iilo ry . an d w< y o n r u ln f f liefore w an t« , bi'i'aiiHii ini H a r ry H arry w ith hit T ra i l m ay look lil»'

i'y th iiiK b en t from nliotKiiii t<hrll:i l.soiiilne an il Wfmh tiib;i, hiiinini'i- riiKM. «tlovelM. W(. c x ih tI to lui

w V eiir’M D ay. hmiUHe w e’ll be iTo'll bo udo^< -iio r i r x if IIS lak iiiK M n ppr« 'c ia te It If you ’d kcI nil ( h a t lim e - -or wall iiiilil a f le r -

t l ie ai-coiiil o f .laiiiiarv , yo u 'll Hei< roail Hnilli', and ol<l C laud lipped pi.ii.

An old 'fr iem l of m in e ............. .. as I wiut h id tlin t;h im Kood-bytr. ''W eU . ( ’.h iud . y w \ old Uvl p u p , I h>v« you jiml. like one o f m y ow n .” Well. \v« 'vc h a d a j iow errn! Kood lim n tn f ie d ie r w ith all you folkti. I'vn iieeii on th e deiid rim fo r th e IiihL nine yearH ainco I Mtarli'il m y huHliieHn in u KniiHas diinoul. a t Clolby, KaiiMiiH. 1 h ad lesH th a n Ifll) |o bcKln w ith nm l wan If-I.nni) iti deb t.

I f I wnN K<dnK (<> !>«' n i t nil In |iicci*tt nn<) Kiven iiwny n plrco nt n lim e . ti» (loiiltl tionu<on« wonhl (•peak up imd ruiy, "JnNt a m lnuU , Ktmtlcmen. I wmild like <« huvc h l« Knll!" I h«vc ntiw 1 nnd five helfiTH niul «v«rylMxly hhln m e KoodnmrninK.

P U A ' r r ( J A S A N D ( i l . A S S L u m b e r , O i l n n d C o n I O o .

"O n th e K ond lo (he HnniiUal.”

Page 16: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Idaho...Weather Forecast ^krtiiar cWodr toBlffbt will Tues «sj'. W*mier tonight. HIch yw- .tMday 31.

M onday, December 16, 1940 IDAHO EVENING TIMES, TWIN FALLS, IDAHO Page Fifteen

Give an unusual g ift chosen from Times-News Christmas gift columnsW A N T A D R A T E S

P ublica tion ifi^bpth U »NEW 8 AND TIMES

B«aed on C eit-Pcr-W ord1 d a y ________________ 8c per word3 d a y s ___ -Ic per word per day.6 d a y s ................ 3c p e r w ord

p e r d ayA m inim um of te n w ords la re ­q u ite d any on# c\&ssllled ad. THeso rfttcs include Uio com bined clrculB,tlons of Iho Ncwj a n d th e TJmea.T erm a (or a ll classified ads ■ .



PH O N E 32 or 38 FO R A D TaK E R IN JERO M E

Leave Ads a t K & W Root B « r D EADLINES

F o r In sertion In 'U ie News 6 p. m.

F o r Insertion in th e T lines11 i m.

ThL'* paper subscribes to th o code of e th ics ol th e Association of News­paper C lassified A dvertising M an- agers a n d reserves th e riR hl to ed it or re jc c t any classified advertising. "B lind Ads” carry ing a Ncws-Tlmes BOX num ber a re s tric tly confiden tia l and no In form ation c an b« given In regard to th e advertiser.E rrors should be reported Im m edi­ately. No allow ance will be m ade (or moro th a n one Incorrect insertion .

S P E C IA L NO TICESCA RPEN TR Y —R epairing , re-ro o f-

Ing, or new struc tu res . F ree e s ti­m ates . O ood w orkm anship. C on­servative prices. C ity o r country .

.P h o n e 1186M or USflJ, T w in Palls.


A PPLES, \ K e a s t on K lm beiiy roftd. D. B . Vosburg, 0385-J2.

OKLAHOMA na tive Pecans, th ree pouiuls — 60c. O row ers M arke t. S eventh M ain.

O RA N O E8. large site , H case, *1.00. M ark e t B asket, F ive Po in ts E as t M ain.

ALL kinds o( sea(ood. C hris tm as g reens (o r decorating. Public M a r­ket.

SCH O O LS A N D T R A IN IN Gy o u get e x p ert tra in in g in ' s teno ­

graphy , bookkeeping, accounting , clvU service In T w in Falla B u s­in ess UnlvcTslty. •

L O S l A N D F O U N D -STR AV ED ; RoAn S lio rth o m mllic

cow. 2V4 years old. Phono 2058-M

L O ST : T h u rsd ay ' m orning,. Jady’ w hite gold, oblong wrl.U w atch , se t w ith d iam ond im d cjneraW s. R e ­w ard I 323 Second avenue n o r th a f te r 8:30, .


TVANTED—T*.'o pa.s.sonKrrs to A rl- ro iia Dec. Ifllli. Kliiire expcnseH, I’hnne 13-R2 H arfltm i.

W ANTED—Pa«.n-nHers to Nebriiska,. I> c . 10, a h n re expenses. 681 T h ird N nrth.

TRAVEL Hureaii sha re expense frlim, Cur KfilnK \.oii r r id n y6 im I'Tmictsco, Hiitunliiy, I'lioiii 3343.

b e a u t y s h o p s

CIIRIS'I'MAH H pfclall P e rm snenU , H .M up. C caw tord B tan iy Baloiv riio jie 1(174.

PFHMANKNT.Hri1, tO. h a lf prlt:e. Mi;i K lml)erly Homl, 1‘ho tir 1747. Mill- iieaiiiiir.

C ilU IS ’l’MAM npprlnln; $4(M), $S. 1(1.00 (ill w n v r\ liiilf iiilcr. Mrs, Nof'lpy, P lione 3,Mi-lt.

I'KUMANKN’l'H ll.Olt. H|H'clnl |>rlf oil KUK<':ii).Niitunil U u u il wuvrs. I’liotio I4fia-J,

n iC K A U n llew jly Hlwp, IVv.Mniwir (ipecUils on imiiOiliio a iut m uctilno- le^Jl pe rn ianenls. Plioiin 1471,

HPKCIAI. »n.(K) wave. |3.ft0; •4.00, IS 00 wiivi'.-i hiiir p rlre. M ulio ! la r - Ih'I' iind lln i iity Hhri|i. Phtiiin

BPKCJIAI. p t l f r s on nil m achlno w aves uiiMl O lirlnlm m. C ujen* lieuu ty Mtudln. P liona AO.

^ S IT U A T IO N S W ANTK I)aiN C lI.E (ixpPilrncnl ftirm hntirt

WttuU viw k. any kind. I'licii 030(1-114,

IIK I.l' W A N T lilV -M liNMAN ovnr 30 for Iricul riiiitfl work

EftuiliiHB averagn | 2n wkly and 17111-lberty, W liuum , M tnu.

MCNK8H route, Mcnr ■I'win KalU oiKii for m an wlUi oar. 2«a AIe»- ftiKlor, rvenluKS.

MAN, w ith tru rk sultabln (o r Jojig <ll«l«nrn hmiDrr liaulliiB, y#U Creek l.un iber Com pany, K im borly Roa<l. l>lional)04.

HUHINEH SO I’PO U TU N ITIK SUEUVICK Hlutlori fur Irrvnn, iw a trd

107 W ent AdillAoii. M rtrr piiiiipn a n d uc«nM) rtm lpn irn t. r iw n ti 1S4.

FO R HA t,K ~nii|>rr flrrvlrn «(iitlou m a in hlvhw uy. (itiH-erlrii, ro-

platfug p lan t,- ‘ If"''#-


NKW (m ir7oo in w w rU iipnt. Innn lre iw irnlngB o r evonlniN, 824-OUi A vsnua N orm .

Hurry, Folks!T h e d ay s ’t il l C h ris tm a s

a re s lip p in g by quickly , —

"a n d if you h a v e n 't begun y o u r g if t buying,

s ta r t now in th ese colum ns.

O REGON non -shed trees and holly. W ash ing ton fe rn cedar. Public M arket,

E L E C T R I C tra in , e x tra trac k .sw itches, Oood condition. 512 Blue Lakes.

■nie color la r ig h t { T h e sUe Is righ t!

and*TH E G IF T 18 R IG H T

W hen you giveG ift C ertifica te s

fromV A N E N G E L E N S

K irst«n pipes ...... .......fS.OO to 110.00Kayw oodle pipes ......... » 3 i0 to *10.00Soslcnl B r ia r ..................................*8,80NEW IM l SC H IC K D RY SHAVERSColonel W hlsket .......................*15.00F lyer W hlsket ............................ *13iOC a p ta in .............. .........*12.5(l,now *9.95Shavem a.ster .... ................. ......... *15 ."B havem oster No. 475 ................... *7.C ard sets,RonsoD—W orld 's g rea ters ligh ter.

H & M C IG A R STO RE 147 M ain Ave. E. Phone 280

C A R P E N T E R tools, mechBnlcs'. p lu m b ers ' and electricians' tools a n d too ls for Uie handy man.


B IC Y C L E S. TRICYCLES, WAGONS C om plete line for your hclectlon. A CCESSO R IE S-R E PA IR JN O

B laslus Cyclery phone 181

T h e G ift E\’crlastlng'G ive her a lifetime

R E P IN IT E WATER S O F T E N m A bbott P l im b ln g Co. ph, 95W

73-PIE C E silverware set In tam U h proof chest. G uaranteed w ithout U me lim it. Regular *36.00. WhUo th e y la s t, *19.95. Buy on our B ud­g e t P la n . *1.00 per week. Oam blo S to re . 331 M ain fVut.

G R E E T IN O CARDS a n d a full selection

o( un u su a l C hristm as gifts > a t the

W INDOW SHOP M ettft Balsch

L o la of parking sirace 802 M ain Avenue South


e d A partm ents.

F U R N IS H E D . A P A R T M E N T S

F O R T Y ACRES, 30,9 Irrlgjiled. *1800. h a lf dow n. J. W, Pink, King HUl, Idaho .

T W O rooms, p riva te b a th , en trance . S team h e a t. F ive P o in t a p a r t­m ents, 130 Addison west.

SM O O TH no rth side 40 a t *35 per a c re . (uU w ater-righ t. See th is . Sw im In v estm en t Company.

D ESIRA BLE, w ith or w ithou t p r i­v a te ba th . R easonable ra te s . J u s t- a m ere Inn .

EX CE L L EN T 40. Improved, near T w in F a lls , 1130.00 per acre. Swim In v es tm en t Company.


E X CELLEN T fam ily s ty le m eals, reasonable. S team h e a t. 120 Sev­e n th no rth .

F IR S T ra te 114 acre suburban tr a c t, w ell improved, close to Tw in P alls , priced righ t. *1000.00 h a n ­d les th la . Swim Investm ent Com ­pany.

F U R N IS H E D ROOMSF O R T Y acre*, good land , no bu ild ­

in g s . '*12.50 acre, cash ren t. Box 32, N ews-Tlmes.

W ELL h im lshed roonj, p riva te lava ­to ry . A djoining ba th . 313 F ou rth E as t.


F IV E rooms, glassed In po rch , base­m en t. stoke r h e a t, g a rage. O x(ord A partm ents.


75-100 to n hay, J im H oward. 2 E ast. I S n o r th K im berly. Phone35-J3 ,

F IV E rooms, stoker, h o t w ater h e a t­e r. well fu rn ished . B lue L akes A d­d ition, *50. Phone 010.


FU LLY equipped U> h a n d le sixty rlK hly nrrM . C rop ren t- R e fer­ences. 04«t!J3.

R E A L E S T A T E L O A N SI 'IR H T morlKage loans, a s low as

4',4%, Bwlm In v es tm en t C om ­pany.

FAIIM «n<l c ity l(«ns. N o rtlirrn I.lfc luMuniKw Co»»iHvuy—P i n l l)nt<-a P hone 1279,

ItPl'fN A N CK your presen t loan wive money. 1-ow liitrri'n i—long tetmn, N atlonaJ F a rm L oan O ffice, 'iV ln Falls.

Wl£ can firtvn you money a n d reduce, your in te rest insU llm enU on firs t mortHBun refinancing . Swim In - venlm eiit Com pany.


Mesl ra te s and lernuil F lro and au tom obile Insurance.

H O M ES FOR SA L E]lEMOI)P;i.KI) B partm ents. G ood In-

roniR. Reasonabln. 127 N lntl)UMfl VWTlh. U7R-W.

NKW infxlern four rtKxna, ba lh , d i- iirlln . Oil F o u r th nveniie e a it. *2.- 5U0. Fedorul loan. W. M ontooth. Phtino 171ft-M.


'l ltA D E eciiilly in good aou liu lde e lglily for forty o r s ix ty acres. Box 31, Now s-Tlm et.

E IU li'I 'Y ucTes. R ichfield. Real liiiy M avanty-foiir ih a ra s w at« r. Phone 1307.

00 A G U pi. noo d land , m i l w ater r ig h t. '80 It) a lfa lfa . E lectrlc lly avallalile. *:«t(H>, Knsy to rm s, 4«'s and BO’i, Kasy d ls lanca (rom 'I 'w in P alls , V arying U rm s a n d p rlrea to su it puixliB(«r, O. A, Robinson. Iliuik and ’l 'h | i t liu lld lng .


80 A. I ml. RE D ie trich , « rm . hse w «all o«t-tvldfa.; elec. eo »hrn w aler. Hulled for sm all slock nr da iry un it, Oloso to aohoolj, W ill sr il on easy te rm s, *3000. U I.. WeAki, NF1.A H ec-T reai. i t O ood- Ing o r Jo h n C orcoran, l<and Bales- n ia n . Box 0«a or P h . »aa Jarom *.



F O R SA LE—B oys' wagons, trle jxles, too t se ts fo r boys and pocket k n ives. K re n g e l’s H ardw are.

H A ND -PO W ER E D elevator ha lf- (on c apacity , 4x6 platform . P . W. H arder.

JU S T a rriv e d —a fre sh bunch over- ahoes. qu ilts, blankets, work ahoes, e tc. Id a h o Ju n k House.

A U TO glass, canvas, canvas repa ir­ing . 'Fhom eU Top a n d Bodj’ W orks

G LA SS—H ave tlia t broken window o r doo r g lass replaced cow a t M oon's.

F O R SA LE — Fairbanks, M o pum ps a n d pressure systems. Well pipe, pum p rod and pum p repalrs- K rengel 's H ardw are.

H U N D R E D foo t lam bing ^ le d on ml C astle fo rd ranch . Also some p a n ­e ling. I n th e way and h as to be m oved. A. L. H ooghtelln. Phone 392-R.

N E W D elco deep well w ater system : c om plete 42-gaUon tank . ho rse ­pow er AC 110-220V. m otor. *90.00. Also used .shnllow well systems. 314 Shoshone east.


N EW Ijed a n d springs. Priced i sonable. R ex Arm s A p t B-1.

LA R G E , a lm o st new, Ray-Boy c ircu­la tin g h e a te r. H alf price, Phone 0385-J3.

D IN IN G room set. table, six chairs, b u f le t . P h o n e 22 or call a t 1412 K im berly Road.

E L E C T R IC M aytag wosher. Balloon w ringers, alum inum tub, ex tra good, *45. Speed Q ueen gas w ash ­er. like new , *45, H orry Musgrave.


A U T O S FOR SA L ESEV ERA L repossessed cars fo r ba l­

a n ce due, Term s. O 'Connor, op­posite P a rk hotel.



AOREAOE, good three-rooih house, close in . T«'ln Falls. W rite Box 187, Shoehone.

EX CELLEN T flye-room mcklem hpme, on two acres, close In. Phone 563. RoberU and Henson.

H A Y , G R A IN , FE E D

W ANTED: Custom liay chopping, Reiusonable price*. Plionc 1427 or li:)D-J,


M ORELAND MILLING BERVIOE Ph . 21B. F iler, Ph. Calls off g rinding

CUSTOM GRINDING 1 TO 3 T O N Be cwt.; over 3 ton , 7c.

H ay chopping. K nife m achhie. F loyd MtUer, T iler, Ph . U JS—C alls off g rind ing .


PJtEHIl U tie rn tey auil llolAtrln rows. 1 H outh, ‘I E as t flimnr Factory. Kloyd H andy. Phone (I3U7J3.

Hl'AN m arrfl. * e lg h t 3.300. New h a r- >ss, w a^on. E, L. . W onucott,

T W O hin id rcd fitly wlilln fnro ewes. Ja n u a ry lam bers. Ueorge H artley, M urtaiigli,

JERHBY cow, frw h December 18 five gallons. Newberry, 7 \ miles noi Uiwest Je rom e, on highway

ClOO n sp ringe r helfera and good sprlnK er cows. noilUi, \ w est of Roynler Service S tation , F iler Liillier Pierce,

B A U O O N tire bicycles, two boys' *15.00 each, one girl’s, *12.50. H a r ­ry M usgrave.


L A R G E trn llc r house, 8x16, (umlah- ed. 1242 K im berly rood. Phone 80-M,

*100.00 BU Y S th e big trailer house a t H om e Service B latlon, one ve«st of T w in Falls.

AU TO P A R T S ^ TIRESREPO SSE SSE D U rei and tubes

Real buys. All sites. Auto Service C en te r. U 4 Second sUteV ca.st.

PIC K -U P box-atlA chm ent for Chev­rolet coupe, Excellent conilltlon Sacrifice. P hone 32 or Inquire N ew s-T im es office,

THIS C tlR IO U S W O R tD -

< 3 e N i e f ? A u


IM i-eX IE R 0»= T tlE -C fM IO fs) F O R C E S IN T H E

C I \ /I L - W A R , W A S S O

U N O R T H O D O X IN H I S O R e s s

T H A T H IS - O W N A \ E M FR E < 3ljE N jn .l> ^ S T O P P E D H IA A ,

M O T R e o o & N i z t N O

H l/A A S A

By W illiam Feriruson

W H A T I S T H E ^ '“ H O T S T C r s /B

«. iM itm ji tiimet. •

i J G i - i rTRAVELS A S R A R IM O N E

( S E C O N D A S s S C > C * X t3 D O e $ IN

ANSW ER: T lia t g rea t aggregation of baseball fans who con tinue to ta lk baseball Uirougho’u t th e wlnleti.

Here’s a Treat-Comed . Beef Pie, Idaho Potatoes



TH AT I. H. L. S trick lin Will, a t th e nex t reg u la r m eeting of th e Id ah o S ta te B oard of Pardons, to be held f»t the S U te House, Boise. Idaho , on the f irs t W ednesday of J a n u ary . 1B41, m ake applica tion for a Pa rdon an d /o r com m uta tion of sen tence from th a t c e rta in Judgm ent o f con ­victions of A ttem pted B urg lary , made a n d e n tered In Uie C ourt of th e lU h Jud ic ia l D l.itrlct o f th e S ta te o f Idaho . In and for th e Coun­ty of T w in Falls, on or ab o u t N o­vem ber 15, 1030.

D ated a t Boise. Idaho , Novem ber 9, IMO.

(Signed) H .L . S trick lin , A pplican t.No, 6080.

Pub. T im es; Dec; 2. 9. 16, 33. 1840,


•MAT I, Ray Hnnby will a t th e nex t regu la r m eeting of th e Id ah o S ta te Board of Pardons, to be held a t th e S ta te House. Boise. Idaho , on th e firs t Wetlnc.sday of Ja n u a ry , 1941. m ake applica tion for a P a rd o n a n d 'o r com m utation of sen tence from th a t certa in JvidRment of c o n ­viction of A ttem pted R obbery m ade and en tered in Uie C o iirt of Uie n t h Jud ic ia l Dl.strlct of th e S ta te o f Idaho, in anti for th e C oun ­ty of Tw in FalU on or abou t A pril 15. 1840.

D ated a t Boise, Idaho , Nov. 13, IMO.

(Signed)' R ay H onby, A pplican t, No. 6152.

Pub. Times: Dcc, 2, 9. 16, 23. 1940.


TH AT I . M ltchel W ylie will, a t tho nex t reg u la r m eeting of th e Id ah o S ta te B oard of Pardons, to be held a t the S ta te Hou5^_ BoLse. Idaho , on th e f i r s t W edne«lay of J a n u a ry , 1941, m ake applica tion for A Pardon and 'O r com m utation of sen tence from th a t certa in Judgm ent o f con ­vic tion of G ra n d L arceny m ade a n d en tered In th e C ourt of th e nth Jud ic ia l D istr ic t of th e S ta te o f Idaho . In and for th e C ounty of T w in P^IU, on o r ab o u t November 16. 1939.

D ated a t Boise, Id aho , November 9, 1940,

(S igned) M ltchel Wylie.Pub. T im es; Dcc; 2, 8, 16, 23, iMO.

A pplican t. No, 6058,


T H A T I, W illiam E dw ards will, a t th e n e x t roRulnr m eeting of th e Id ah o S la te Board of Pardons, to be he ld a t th e S ta te House, Boise. Idaho ,

th e first W ednesiliiy o f J a n u ary , 1941, m ake applica tion for a Pa rdon a n d /o r com m uta tion of Bcntence from th a t c e rta in JudR m nit of con - \lc tlo n of 2nd Degree B urglary m ade a n d en tered In th e C ourt of th e 11th Jud ic ia l D istr ic t of th e S U te of Id aho , in o n d for Uie C oun­ty of T w in Foils, on o r ab o u t O ctober 6. 1930.

D atefl a t Boise, Idaho . Novem ber 11,''1040,

ffilgned) W m. E dw ards. A pplicant,r • No, 0032.

Pub. T im es: Dec. 2, 9, 16, 23.1940,


Business and Professional

DIRECTORYBatha and MasnagcH

flta -W ell, 535 M ain W. Phone 155

M a h fry . 114 M nln n o rth . Plintin n n il

Iticyele Sales & ServicetU*AHIUS CY O L E R y. PH Ifll

ChiropractorttDr. w y n ft . IM 3r<l Ave, N, I'li. 1377,

Or, D. iC Johnson , 635 3d E. I'll. 344

Coal and WoodKxoUislve d e a le r In Royal ai.ti Hprltig

CnnyfUi, UUih. roal, Ph, 187. IJKNHON COAL At HERVlOE

PH O N E 9 or A berdeen coal, moving aiKt

tra i is le r . McCoy Coal ^ 'I’runsirr.

Curta in Shops

ltK (llH 'l'K tlF .O Oueniney heifer, n i'iiilhs old. Also Iw o-unlt Surge m ilker. S% weat of liuh l on Deep Creek to a d . H ay Wilkinson.


W A N IT D —F eeder pigs, BO to 100 jKiiinrls, W illiam Egbert, M iirtaugh,

U IQ H E ST pricea paid for your fa t ohlckena a itd tiirkeya Independ . e n l M eal O otnpiuif.


PICTHtO V E b irds, canaries. All kinds.

C iuaran teed singers. M rs. Sing le­to n 1020-R.

W A N T E D TO UUYB A T n iU E S , oo tton rM a a n d m liad

DitUiia. Sm I tU ho JUnk, Houa*.


O A I.IV PRN IA Redwood C hrlatm M I te m a t l la ro ld ’a M arket, W«at r iv a PoinU .


Floor SandingF r c ^ l 't e in o , 733 Locust. PhrVoOfl'-J

Job PrintingV’jU A L IT Y J o l i~ in r iN T I N ( ;

I.oU erheads . . . M all Plet-rs U iu in e u C arda , . . Ft>ldrrs

. . a ta tlonery r iM B S .a n d NRWH


K ey Shop

M oney to Loan


l ie f ln a m e you^ prM cnt cotilraei - > r«»iico p a y m e n U -c a a ii advanced

I/)cal Gompftny N f x t t<) F id e lity Rank


M oney to Loan

P L A Y S A N TAto yourself,

fiflttle p re-t:tirl«(iiiiin IiiicIhi'I


on only your slKimhire.Enjoy (juiriJ. eiiny. coiiflilrtilnl

loiiti se rv ileC A SH C U H D IT CO M PA N Y

Rms. 1-2, iiu ik lio liln - m ,i« |>|i. 77(5.

$25 to $1000O N Y O U H C A R

U P T O la M O N THS 1X> JIKPAY C on tracta re f in a n ce d —private sulrs

f inanced—cash advame<l

Consumei-B Credit Company

(Owned by Paclflo P Inanro)226 MAIN AVE. N O ll'l ll

M onum ents

Tim e Tablesfl<h«ilul* of pmieniar Iritint (nil m

buiM itirouKli Twin Killi,tINION I’Artl'IC. TWIN f'AI.1.8

nitANCI! (UAILY)No. » rrl.« ....................... SiOO*

.......... .............. ..........8;«» •No. 8«l 1.«y« ............. - ....... I J . t i p

E*>tlxian4 .No. ftSI Im . m ............................ liOO pNo. >»* l.»ve* . . . 7.1)0 p

h iio h m iim ; oon nec tion hi'nriunil lUiia, •niltxmn.l.

F luffy , white, billowy clouds of m ashed j>otatocs so s team ing hoC th a t th e bMlter seepa a ll th e w.ay th ro u g h In no tim e a t a ll—a re Uie trad itio n of (he holiday season , O t course we serve ma.'shed po ta toes the year round bu t they 're even more Im p o rtan t a t this tim e of th e year.

I f they 're to be fluffy a n d w hite th e raw pototoe* m u st b e chosen w ith cnre, Idoho R w sc l po ta toes d re dry , mealy a n d w hite . You'v probably heard them pra ised as "bakers," bu t tlie lr goodness doesn 't sto p w ith baking. T hey 're f l u f f y -

soggy—and they re ta in th e ir w hiteness, when cooked properly. H ere 's how.

W ash , peal and cu t Id ah o Russet po ta toes Into de.Mred sized pieces. S t a r t them cooking in a sm all a m o u n t -of cold w oter. W hen th e w a te r reaches th e boiling po in t, r e ­duce the h eat and co ntinue to cook in a tigh tly covered saucepan u n til te n d er. T lie tim e will depend upon th e size of the pieces of po to tocs.

M ashed potatoes a re a n a ll- A m erican favorite—served p la in and sim ply w ith b u tte r -or gravy . E ven m o /c fun. though, a re th e In te re s t­ing th ings you can accom plish w ith the.^e ma-shed potatoes w h ich s ta y

I w h ite and fluffy.F o r instance, corned beef p ie is dressy looking luncheon or d in ­

n e r d tsu w hich 1? a m e al in lls eu . Y our w ell-seasoned corned beef m ix ­tu re form s the bottom layer, a n d flu ffy Idaho Russet topping w hich form s the n l's t fo r baked eggs, com ­p le tes th e 'd ish—a g ran d way m ak e leftover corned beef or co rn ­e d beef h a sh look a n d ta s te like a specialty.

Id ah o Corned Beef Pie2 cups cooked c o m b e e f '

(12 oz. can)1 cu]) cubed cooked Id a h o 'R u s s e t

potatoes3 tablespoons chopped Id ah o sw eet

Span ish ' onions •4 c u p evaporated milk H teaspoon pepper 3 cups m ashed Id ah o Ru.sset pota toes

(one Idaho R u .w t po ta to yields abo u t 1 cup m ashed)

! cup m ilk1 ‘a tens;x>on.i sa lt3 tnble.ipoons bu tte r4 cRgs

tco5|x>on pepper. M ^ corn beef, cubed potatoes, fh(ii)pcd onions, o iie-hnlf cup nilUc iind pepper. P ack this m ix tu re In n Kreiuied. 0 -lnch layer p a n about2 Inches deep. Com bine m ashed polntocs, bu tter, sa lt, p epper .and nillk w iilch has h e tn scalded. Add ih e m ilk g r a d u a lly - l t m ay no t re- au lre (lie full cup, Add ju s t enough to give them a lig h t cream y con- s lstonry b u t n o t rum iy. A rrange th e po ta toes over th e lop o f th e m e at

m ix ture and m ake IndentaU ons for th e eggs. Place In a 350 degree oven (m oderate) and bako 30 tiUn- utes. T hen drop eggs carefu lly In to nests and re tu rn to oven u n ti l eggs a re set.

T he eggs m ay be om itted if you ;ik e —they give the dish, a n a t t r a c ­tive appearance a n d eggs w ith corned beef Is a n old s ta n d b y w ith m any people, bu t they do a d d to th e cost o f the dish.

WlUi Christm as d in n e r so close, we can 't pass u p "stu ffin g " Ideas. Idaho Russet pota toes m ake a n ex* ceptlonally ta sty d ressing fo r chick* en , turkey, or any o the r fowl. O t— bake It in a g reased bak ing d i ih a n d serve w ith ro b st beef.

Idaho D rt t t ln g K cup bu tter H cup chopped celery 1 Vi cups day o ld bread cubes1 tablespoon chopped, Id ah o sw eet

Spanish onions. hi cup shelled w alnu ts chopped2 Idaho R usset po ta toes (2 cups

mashed)\ U aspoon sage % teaspoon sa lt hi teaspoon pepper \ cup evaporated m ilk

M elt b u tte r lo fry ing p a n : tees celery, onion, nu tm eata a n d breMl In m elted b u tte r tm til b rea d cubei a re golden brown. M ash Id ah o Russet pota toes u In s tru c te d a boM - a n d w hip w ith h eated m ilk, a d d sea­son ir.gs,

s tu f f fowl a n d ro a s t o r bake dress­in g In covered casserole fo r o ie ' h o u r In a m odera te over 350 degrees. ThliS m akes enough dressing for a fou r-pound chicken a n d m ay easily Increased lo r a la rg e r b l ^ ’

■ r« >lil Il,ih1 ati,l llait«it„aii tITIIKIl «ta»;k i .inkh


TWIN rAl.l.H -W K I.lll

Je llison Oo. 43S M ain B. 4S0-W.

Osteopathic PhysicianD r. E. J , M iller. «19 M ain N, P h 1977

Plum bing and HeatingAl)iH)ti P lum bing Co,

Hadlo RepairingPOW KLL iU d lo , 162 2nd Avenue N.

TralleriiO en i 'I 'ra ile r Cu.

TypciorlleraRalee, re n ta ls a n d aervlce, P ho iii S


. I.. WlUi ..............• l.> n i . r *n.l IhiM. !<■ .h,t W.n,|.ll..............•, Iti.n .« .l .I,,)It uii i,iilnll<>« Italt,* I . I

An Aid to GucHtHIn Italy , m em bors of Uie stAffs of

Ilrsl-iilaM hote ls, bare, a n d re s ta u ­ran ts , m u s t spwtk n t le as t tw o of tliren la tiguages (Engllslt, W ench and (io rm an ) in add itio n lo U u ir naUva tongue.


AUBTIN, Tex, (UF*)-Four penslon- Ilf Texiis' wnr for liitlei>enilcnce

vi-ivo »37.flO (jim rterly from the iite. All nro wlilowi n f m en who

|iiiitl('l|>iit«'(l In tlid htruuule th u t re- iiillril In tlm M tnbllfthm rtil of ttio ll<-|mlilic of 'i'exRs more th a n a cen-

A boiiiitv ot (140 acres of land witn vn i t<iN>Iillrin who fin iuh t'lii itiiit n r, will'll tlin new triiubllo look 'IT viint liiiid a reas Ihn t h a d iiosscil

lo Mexico Iriiiii Uie rrow n of Spain .Iieiislniis were g raiited by

npei'lnl nctfl lo m sny of Uie ba ttle liiirtlcliHiiit.'i. H<iine ot Uie g ran ts

111 liiiKl; o ttiers In inonry , U mil un til IH70 (lin t a general

lirii.iloii l ir t fdi' sui vlvdtn of tliii wur uin iJiii„ird; l)y Uien, Texns iiad be- iinn: n ntiitc.

C iiilounly enough tliesn pensions >l>|><-iir Oil Ihn iri'iin ls nn puyulile U> vlilows <jf Aoldlern of Uio "M exican vitr." l-'or tills ri-uAon m iiny have .uiijiosril th rill to be payable lo widows of Nilillers who UMik p a r t In th e w ar botwflpii Uin U nited S la te s nnd Mext<'o. 'Hie “M exlran w ar" re- f i j i r d t(.„huw ever. In U m t betw een Mexleo luid lln^ liciiiibllo o f 'I 'exas,

- of tlie ie iwnslnns goes lo the of a pnrtU 'Ipnni In the ba ttle

of H an Jac ln lo . In whU;ll Uie T exan defeated O en . B niita A nna, Mnry c , D en y of lU lrd . Tex..

Is th e widow of the ,^nn Ja c in to flK htrr, Andrew Jackson Berry. He la ln r served In Uie C onfederate a rm y an il a fte r esrntUng serious h u r t In llieMi two w ars was killed 111 a peace- lliiie ace lden t when a loam of horses ra n away.

'H in husband of Mrs. Ju lln K e rs t‘ Ing lle lla ld ol O lddlngs, waiM ania A nna’s guard . T lie o the r widows paid iw islons fo r U iat w ar


CotnpanU vely IltUe ch an ge h u occurred In condition of m a jo r I d a ­h o h ighw ays duclttg th e p u t week, th e s ta te highw ay b u reau bu lle tin Inform ed Uie T w in P a lls C ham ber of com m erce today.

Snow a n d slippery eond itlons exist In m any areaii. and a ll h ig h passes a re sub jec t to c losure by snow.

Sum m ary:V . S. 30 in good condition but;

shoulders a re so f t In m any secUons^ U. S. 83 good from N evada to K et- chum , gravel from K etchum to S ta n ­ley fair, snow norUi o f K etchum , chain s and shovel u rged fo r cochc ar.

No. 23. Shoalione to RIcIifleld. good' b u t balance only fa ir ; No. !l4. Roos­evelt highw ay, good, e a s t o f D ietrich ' oi>en b u t n o t refon im ended; No. 46.' Gooding to Palrfleld . fa ir ; K ctchiun T rn ll creek, co iu tru ctlo n , snow, in ­qu ire locally.


A M W , la , (u n — T lie presence of ’ a Inriier C o rn-B elt labor supply th a n Is needed Is '‘a t Uie rp o t” d f a num - l>er of serious social problem s. R ay . K. Waki-ly Iowa S ta te college soci-. ologlst. h as re|Mrrte<l. i i '

"In Uie corn belt, from one- th ird to one -ha lf of Uie people Imrn on farm s are n o t needed to m a in ­ta in an adequate w orking force in • agricu ltu re," lie said.

- In recen t ySat». agrlcuU ure h u 1 h a d to absorb a la rg e p a r t o f th is . excess. A s u h e ^ n t|a l Im provem ent ’ In general business aeU vlty will have to occur to siphon o ff th e u n - nee<le(l w orkers now backed up on farm s."

W akely explained Uie sh if t to - w aitl h ired labor h a s InoreM ed Ui« projKirtlon ot ag ricu ltu ra l w orkers dependen t on seasonal einploym enl a n d In need o t public A ssistance a t o lh e r Umes.

He sa id tlie la rge labo r supply keeiw wages low a n d th e acarolly of farm s lo ren t, increases th e "p res- ' su re" m il more, ■

" If A m erican a t r l ^ I tu r e ahoutd be com pletely c u t o ff f r m K u ro p « '‘ aa th e resu lt of Q erm a n (Somina* Uon of U iat con tinen t, Ihe • x o m supply o t labor on A m e r jc w f a m u : ' wo»ild become m ore burd tn iom *."; h e said, i

-O n th e o th e r h and , tii* r»pKI ln« crease In a rm am en t p n x lu f f tu 4Uf* Ing th e n e x t few y m n undoubi<dlf will m ake m any

T o ta l savings In A m erican tw nks Uils yeiir a re 1700,000,tX)0 h ig h e r th a n a t th is tim e task y e w .

Original InventionM oTlni p jo tn m w m i t i n 19

w orld by ^ o m H 'A . S d b M 't a bMie patent ot IMS. WIW venMon o t t n 'b e ‘

Page 17: newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Idaho...Weather Forecast ^krtiiar cWodr toBlffbt will Tues «sj'. W*mier tonight. HIch yw- .tMday 31.

Page Sixteen ’ IDAHO EVENING TIMES, TWIN FALLS, IDAHO Monday, December 16, 1940


Buh! stcppivl Into tlift <lnlry llnie- llKlit today w ith iinnouncem ciit th a t h u l l f o " nio iilh III llieTv,hi FalU -M liil-Cn-vlii D nlrj’ Hrrri Iinprovm u 'iil iv.'ssoclrillnii wils n khkIc J liilstc'lii owned by W . H- Hftlllolcl. Duhl brooiiers also to|H)«l tw o of l i i r Uiri'O hcr<J divisions.

St-coiKl high Tvas n Knitlc G uer­nsey ottiKNl by L. C. Fri'C, Burley, niKl liilrd 'iiw R ri-Kl5torr<l H olslcin In the licrd o f C h arlrs H. Himcr. Kiipcrl.

Londcr.^ In tho vnrloiis hcrtl clns- liUlcntlons u i t p Carl I ln rd rr , Uulil, over 20 cow.':: H aro ' M fCnulcy, Buhl. 10 to 20 cciik-s: G m n t P r r r r , B iifky. under 10 fows.


KELLOOO. Ida,. Dee. 16 (IIP) — n rprcsonU tlvps of fivp no rth M aho towns loday Imd com bined forces to p ro lfs t to fpderal nKi-ncIos the drslRiiatlon of l>olo pa.« highway « a mllllnry route.

Hrpre.-'Pntfltlves o f W nllacc, Kel- loRK, Mullnu. Coeur d 'A lrn i' aiitl Post Fulls went on recortl n t a nicetlns here a--. condcmnlnR activities of Rep, Compton I. W hltp In .scciirlnK de.^lcnatlon for the Lolo hlRliway.

Donald A. Collnhun, R|X)kesman /o r the group, ."jild th e netlon save th e Lolo rou te p a rity w ith U. a . hlRliway No. 10 w hich will link W asljlnRton a n d M onlnnn th rough n o rthern Idnho, C allnhan snid It would cost W.000,000 to com plete the Lolo route th rough no rth Central Idaho , wlillo only $800,000 would be needed to establish No, 10 aa a first clftM m ilita ry highw ay. '


BOISE. Dec. 16 (U.P.)—T h e bureau of the ccii,sus reported today 8,301 o u t of Idaho 's 152,856 dw ellings u r re vaca jit and fo r .sale o r re n t when cnunicro tors toured t h e s la te in April. i

The figures sliowed 5.5,j» r ^ c e n t o f th e dwellings w ere U'noccupled. O f th e to ta l niiinber of dwelling un lU In Idaho . 34.7 per c e n t were located In cltle.'s a n d tow ns of more th a n 3,500 popula tion , and 6SJ per c e n t were In rural.

Areas. Including tow ns of le.ss than 3,500 population. O nly 35 per cen t o f th e city dwelling p laces were va­can t, com pared w ith 65 per cen t of th e ru ra l houses.


BO ISE, Dec. 16 (U.PJ-Idaho city offlclala tod a y p lonned to c a ro ' ou t a leglslMlve program for nm cnd- m en t of. s ta te laws to exem pt m u­nic ipalities from paym en t of nute- gasoline taxes and to allow election o f m ayors a n d councllm cti for four year term .

T he proposaLi w ere ndvnnred a t concluding sesalons of the biennial m eeting of th e Idaho M unicipal O f- fleers' oMoclatlon. Mayor Jam es L. B lra lgh l of DoUc waa ri'e lrcled prc.i- Ident, E. W. Fanning . Idaho Fulls m ayor, was efected first vlcc-prcsl- den t. and J, K . Coc. Coeur d ’Alene m ayor, second vlce-prw ident, O. C. Huebener, E m m ett c ity a ttorney, w as reelected M 'tretury-irea.suri'r,

Pictorial Defiiiilion of “Coventrize”

lly prnrtlr.-illy pulvcrizlnc the city of C oven try u nder th e tnnnl lrrririr> lly c o n rc n tra te d a eria l bom* liardnicnt o f llie war, G erm any pu l the w ord ••Covenlriied" Into th r KnclUh lanr-iac^- W h a t 11 me*n» r;iii l>r seen In th e photo above, which nhows » whole ilr e e t of com plclrly fuU cd bulldinif\_ln__ th e jrc^ V . mldlaixU Itiduslrlal cltf. IVorken have elpjtred J tre e l ot mo»l al J rb rJs and traffic h»» been resum ed.

,ale.s of $1,537,000 for 1039; Rencnil ;nerchan<ll.sc Kroiip came th ird w ith $l,?i2S,000. A nd In fou rth place \ iho fllllnR sla llons, .which did $fllB,000 buslnc.s,s In Twin Foils Inst yc.ir.

A uto I’ayrolls TopA lthough groccry store.s ranked

!;rcnnd In snlc.i. they were only fou rth In to ta l payroll. Automotlv Rtnup w as f irs t h \ thU bracket will $244,000; th e - general m erchandlso stores w ere second u1 th $187,000; reHtnurnnl.s a n d o the r eating places

th ird w ith $04,000, nn<l Rrocory and com bination .stores took fourth position w ith $81,000.

T liere w ere^ ilB actlvc proprietors u iilncorpora tod bu.slnes.ses

T w in F a lls c ity during 1930. T otal re ta il storc.i IW ed by th e cen.sus bu reau reached 251.

NYA Will Select 50 Students for

Southern BranchKlfectlvn Ja n . fl. M ii<ldlilonal

youn« men will Ix- enrollr,! a l ih< res!<lrnt projec t a l ih c U nlvcnli^ of Idaho, sontliiTn hia iich, I’lx iilr i- ]o. It wtifl unnoutu 'cd th is a lle r - noon hy I. Q. Wood. IleUl muh’i f o r t h . ' NVA.

Eiirollro.n will work on NYA work p ro jec t HOllvUlc'.i Ml i.hut Ihcy enrn ISO it m nnth of which li) used lo tlnfruy all expciiM' of bouid and lodKlUK nnil llic icniiiliilii); }ii > m onlli r ry r i ls to llic rn m llr r (<i IK-rnonul net'<ls.

Ititervlrw a Tiirniliiy Y ouths Intcri'filcil ^hoiil.l riiulac

Mr, WiKKl 1.1 (111- h x a l l.ljihti hi„i etupldvnirnl nnv l.i- c illl.c T ihiiiIii

• iiir«'tJic»in. Ill- will !>.• al Ih r cillu III! nttn iiiK in lor llm pin|««e ol InlervlcuhiK rhnH.1.1 ycnitl.s, niTordlUK to W. Clydi' Wllllanih, o l- flco mnniiKrr.

Yoinig tu rn enn.llt-,] at Ihi' ilrn t Iirc)].-ct will he Kl^eii aillia l work I'XiK-iifiicr rin n|.|>r»v<<<| NVA |ili>)<x:U lu iiiir lit n rvriiil flrlcb Vi>- C'lllliinnl Itinlliirlliiji fur III'' |)|i>|i<<'ln niul th e ri'liitcd iruininK iOm> win |><> BVllllullIo.

Work iiro jn ifl In .lii.le nKiklim, caiiM'nlry. wcIiIIiim, |ihiinli|ii|<. iim- Chluu sliu|i Vroik, I 'ii^'lilcnl niid iii- <llo.

Co-op Diirmllciry IlM ldcnt p ro jec t youth «lll he

Jio u w l In Ik nKHXTiiilm <l<piiiiii(iry Kt Ulo utilvei slly, Knch youlh will <li> liU aliarA of ihn nm ln lena iu r v lCB< h ymilh will furnli.li all

. c lo th in g ,fo r liolh work iiiul il ic . '......well a s a ll to ilet Mij.piir.v infurillshe<t by Uiii lenldciit iniijcct,

l l i e iinleetinn of young m en lo cn. roll In tlio m ld e n l pniJecL win im intulo from out-of-M^luxil, uiiemiiloy- ed yuutli iMtween tlin Hgen of 17 mid 34 ItMliulve. 'H io n|)|>li<'unU nnint

, im ueas good jihyslciil und m rn tu l liealU i, Riid UiDli' jMul w ork hl.-ilory aliall (huw (ivldflnee of kixmI work KtUllidaa a n d {wrAonnl ninliltion. A]>- p lloanU (h a ll enroll fo r u jm’i IinI of

, n o t Jd h Ihni) six m oiitli'i.

Twin Falls County Rated 2nd in Idaho’s 1939 Sales

T w ill Fall.-i co iiiity ra n k e d .second in t l ic .stiite o f Idaho fo r iT ta il sa il 's a n d fo r m u n b e r o f rcU iil s to re s in 1931), accprdinjT lo t l i e co m p le ted fiKin'f^^ « f t h e 1)iisines.>i census iis .siib m itled t o th e 'IV in F a lla C h a m b e r o f C om m erce by th e b u re a u o f t h e cen su s.

T w in F a lls c i ty r a n k e d tl i i rd in th e e n t i r e s tiite , not fa r b eh in d P o c a te llo in re ta i l tu rn o v e r a n d $ I ‘M,00() ah ead of Id a h o Fall-s. ■

Am ount of r e ta il kales In Twin Palls cltv la.sl .y c a r reached $11.- 230.QOO.- Bol.^C show ed $10,310,000;Pocatello h a d $11,733,000,

Pre lim inary 1940 figure*, the census b u reau sa id , shpw Twin Kails w ith a 36.2 per r e n t Kahi over 10J9, p la rln g th e clly th ird In the en tire a U le .A.S seco n d -ra n k in g county In tiie

sla te . T w in F a lls county w m top.s In r e ta il sale.s In Miiglc Valley. Sec­ond p lace In t i i a l sou th cen tral Id ah o te rr ito ry w en t to Cn.vila.

M agic V alley Saie^T h e M agic V alley figures for

sales;T w in F a lls county—$14,802,000.Cas.slB c oun ty—$4,485,000.Je rom e county—$2,820,000.Gooding c oun ty—$2,068,000.M inidoka c oun ty—$2,587,000.Blaine county—$2,177,000.Elmore c oun ty—$1,732,000.Lincoln c oun ty—$088,000.Cam as c o u n ty —$29C,000.M f tjy /c ltie s In th e M agic Valley

countfcs p roxldetl th e bulk of the re ta il snles. accordlnR in th e census analysis. I n Ca.vsln county, lor ex ­am ple. B urley actounIe<l for $3,- 870,000.

P ay ro ll lUnklnK^In te rm s of to ta l puyrolls lor

tnll establishnicnt-s h i 1MB, the Magic ViOlev couiUle.s .ihnwcd th e ^ame rankhigs a s In auyregrtto .s.iles, 'Ilio jNivroll flKUros:

•rwln Fnil,s c n u n ty -$ l ,4nil,000,Cas.'ila coiiiily- -$'J7.').<'»>1),Jerom e c o u n ty —$24i.O(M»(io<KllaR f?ouiily- M inidoka coun ty -$ lfi'.’.UiiO

' Klmore co tu ilv—$1W.000,Lincoln county $70,000,Cam as c o u n ty —Jlli.OoO.T h e Minie ntnnihnR iii'pOes also to

to uveniKe n tin iher ol cm|itovM ta ll ^to^es for 103f), 'IV in Vi.ll.'t Iv ^howc<l 1.40H; ('jiv 'lii 412; Jerom e 2(i!i; »l<KHllnK 2:tr.; Mhililokii 3irt; n iitlni' 10^; I'llinori' 171); Lincoln »Q Ciinias 2;i.

T h ird In l‘i.>rnll Amiing c l l i n o t iiii'ie lim n lo.ooh

INiliiiliillini, 'I'Wlii <llv rankedHiIkI 111 lilah o Iiir lh-‘ anicninl of reta il .store l>ayii>lls hi loilll lln^e ]nl « tlh I'-MIM.OIXI; I’ciniK'llii \^a^ Miimil w llh »l.;1 l .(ln(l; 'IV Iu Kiill', m m e n rx l w ith $i.'.viU<M)[i

1..... . ol Ih r ir t.il l siUc'. flw-ure', w ith in T w in Kfllh Itself .oliow^Iliat th r iiu(ciiiio1l \ r U'll all^llh^•r^ w ith »J.:i2«.OI)0. N c 'l came KicK'cjy a n d i'DMilihiallnn n to iri w ith


CHK'AOO, Dcc. 10 lU .Pi-nalii.s or iD.v siriniis.w ere repo tted Kciicral .IT nil i-»tionH of the na tio n ex- •n\ NVw KiiKlnnd, .southern Florida ■ 111 ji.Di.' of tlie Rocky m ounta in

nxlav. Road crew.s labored to r i i bii;hw»y.s as a b llz ja rd .swept nva ami lower Mlnne;ot.-».A >t(iriii movhiR up the MU'-ls-slppl illcv IniMi the gulf broUKhl from ),ir to six Infhes of'Snow lo Iowa

an d '■:i'tcm and sou thern M lnnt.sola. „n<l “••i.s hearing lower tc in iw raturcs4 1,1 II. wake. R a in In th e RUlf area :^nd 111*' lower Mlssl.s.slppl Valley was hciivv

f ,S Kore<'a.slcr A. C. D oiuiel said raliii.ill 111 th e -n i ltU es t a rea would bp (.)llnac<l by slightly colder tem p- eraiiirc-. The d is tu rbance conihiR up th e Mi'.'Kslppl valley turne<l th e C'li'ai lakes, w here slo rm ini:- '.lerc poslcd.

Liiili' iluuiKC was cxpccled In the Rreat iiliiiiis and Rocky m ounta ins .statis today. Skies w ere c lear, but CoU'Kiilo re iio rt« i heavy d r lf ls In mouni.’tln a reas and six dcnlh.s from sno ’.v.siorm.'! and cold In th e past few dny.s Salt Lake City enJoye<l noriiuil temi-)eratures bringlntj lief from a week of the rm om eter reiKliiws'of 10 to 15 degree.s below norinnl.

R:iln borne by a <U.slurbance In Ihc caslem Pacific broke a flve- tliiv roUl spell h i Califo rn ia, where crojvi were dauiuged.


SA LT LA KE CITY . Dec,’ 16 nj.Rl— T h e flepubllcan sla lc 'execu tlve com ­m ittee lia-s abandoned p lans to con - le.'il Uie outcom e of th e N ovem ber K iibcrnatorlal election. S ta te C h a ir ­m an D avid J . W llion announced lollowhiK a m eeting of ih e com m it tee here.

H owever, a s ta te m e n t ra tifie d by tiicmbcr's of Uie comj>ilttce sa id if ■ th e rea l in te n t of a m a jo rity of the elector? be followed . . . Mr. <Don n .i C olton would be our next en ior,"

T lic com m ittee based .such Judg­m en t. a fte r investlgathiR election report.s o f all dl.strict.s of the ' s ln tc . on the fac t lh a t num erous voters scra tched C olton 's na m e wlille vo t­ing an otherw ise s trn lg h t D em o­c ra tic tic k et w ithou t cro.sshm’ oi>l the nam e of G ov.-E lec t H erbert B. Maw,

" O th er Irregu larities have been revealed th ro u g h ou r Inve.stigatlon.’’ th e .sta tem ent snld, " b u t they arc sucli as a rc found In m ost a ll e lec­tions a n d a rc n o t su ffic ien t to a lte r th e resu lt.”


Laval Dismissal Adds to Confusion of French Fate

By J . W. T . MASON U nited P ress W ar Expert

Dl.smis.sal of P ierre Laval from th e F rench governm ent should add fu rth e r confusion to rela tions be­tw een G erm any und France , Inter- ferlhg w ith H err H itle r’s diplom atic offensive" on th e con tinen t. At the sam e tim e, re la tions betw een Franrc and B rita in ough t to recede from th e d anger line to which Uival sougiit to carry them .

Changes of fo reign m inisters In an y E uropean governm ent always m eans changes in de tails of tlie pre­ceding policy. A.'*' L aval's successor a t th e VIcliy fo reign office, Pierre F land ln will h av e h is own ideas for Incorpora tion in negotiations with G erm any. T lia t m eans prolongation of discussions a n d postponem cni of final decisions.

L aval was b lttc n y am agonU tlc to B rita in , believing th e British gov- rn m c n fs re jection of hLs Idea for

am ity w ith I ta ly a t tim e of Mus­

solini's Inva-Mon of Abyssinia WBi a m ajor cause 6f th e p reicn t war. Had h e been given a free haiid In deciding F ra n ce ’s p resent policies, he m igh t even have carried France Into th e w ar on G erm any's side,

F lan d ln w anta b e tter relations w jth G erm any but h e has no t La- viil,'s pe rsona l re.senlment.s aRftln.'Jt Die B ritish a n d before the w ar lit did n o t antagonize the Anglo- F rench e n ten te . Ho Is more am end­able th a n iJayal to cooperaUng w ith M a rsh a ll P e ta ln because he no t th e d ic ta to r type a.s Is Liival,

I t w ould seem Pe ta ln Is developing politica l s tra teg y based on holding off tlie N azi •’peace offensive" as long as passible. However aullinrl- la rian P e ta in ’s Ideas may l>c, lie Ls working for F rance 's future im er- e.sU; a n d a.i a m ilitary’ commander he know s th e ultim ate decision in the w ar yet to be won;

W hen F ran ce surrendered last .summer, it seemed lO' the F rench

srs a s If B rita in , too, were doomed. T h a t conclusion m ust now be changed in Vichy a t least to one of un cerU ln ty , especially slnec G reek and n o r th A /rlcan dcveJop- m ents.

O nly , a B ritish vlc.tory cun i^ve F rance and bvery coilsldoration of political a n d m ilita ry common scn.se .should cause Pc ta in to hold off G erm an dem ands a s long-as lie can do [,0 , L aval apparen tly w anted a c on tra ry policy, blinded by hU Ang­lophobia. H ad- h e succceded in overthrow ing Petuln, as reports cred it him w ith trying to do, ll wquld have been m uch to G erm any's’ advantaga-!, if F rench public opinion could have been held In hand .

Cape Cod PopularSO U TH WELLFLEJET. M ass. (U.P)

—DurhiB Uie pu.sl svimmer 4.282 vLs- itor.s from 41 staU-s luid 12 foreign nution.s clim bed th e fore.st fire ob- siorvatlon tower to view Uie lower Cape Cixl panoram a, fofcstry offi- cliU.s report.

In New York C ity public .whool.s 142.218 .students a re learning Jor- r iun languages. F rench leads wllh 60,000.


Several locations a re under slderatlon for n proposed clubhouse and mectinR hall fo r th e V eteran.i of l-'orclRn V/nrs. according to R. P. B lcliiell, Twin Falls, th e d is tric t coiiiniandcr.

I l ie local pa '.t Is coii-sldcrlng one site on Main avenue nind a n o th e r on Wa.Uilnston s tre e t one-(iim rter mi'e from F l \ t Po in ts w est. F unds from the ChrlHmas dance will bo used to

the ll)catlon, and benefH. p roj- iiext year will supply add itional


Pope Broadcasts Speech on Dec. 24

VATICAN CITY . Dcc. 16 (U.R)- Pope Plus will b roadcast an im por- I tau t .sijcerh th e m orn ing of Dec. 24. the i.eml-otflcial news bu lle tin re ­ported loday, and w ell-lnfonnm l Vallritn sources sa id I t w ould be connected w’lth the w ar.

I t wius doubled, how ever. whoUicr ' the pontiff's speech would con ta in a d lnv t appeal fo r peace, these sourccs said, .

Estcrbrook F o u n ta in pens In a varirly nf co lon a n d p o in ti al * CiM Book Store. — A ir.

I t s 'd amO N N


M l . triw to r from old au to ~ (oM. in o lu d ln i f red p a u u

«■$ WM lift.

Siif?ar Mai’liinery Inventor Passes

fM ll)l:N . Ih-.’, l» III!'' IM nrnil ^^:vl|•l••l will he iirlil 'I’llfs.lilV fnr NclMili A lanscil I.-ick\«oi>.l, 711, Well- kiiciwn Inv rn ln r «f .siimtr l^In(•^^shl|^ Irv ire i Jfo (Hc<l tUittirilny o l n firnU iilliili'nt.

At IlMir o f hi" ilriilh, U).kw.>od lifhl |)ii(i'iil i IrIi Is on liivcii'lrtiis uiw h-ini( i r r d in suiinr i r lln n lc n liiDiiiih th>' lo in iliv .

A Iii'llv r o f Idwii, U 'cKwiuhI caiiir In l l l a h yciiiA a«iii i>. iiinMiltlnK

In rrl fi)l AliiiilHiiUiatrd MilRitl lull ill- held linlil

h1» t PlKhil,4>ikWnn(Vn Mtppivlslnn,

AiniilKiilimtc(r» I'liiiiU III Hiiili'V, i'liul mill 'IV hi Fixlh. IiIk . iinil M h- noiilii mill W hlK'liitll, Mniit , w rio iuil in to o p n al li)ti,

Sinsie N a’/,i ‘Siih’ Sets SinkaKc Marki»i‘:ilM N , D m. in (III'I A C(^u-

niMuUiUP lr|K iili-il liHlny H ull n < irr- miin M ihninlini' iiad i r tu in n l l<i lln Ixihr iitir t ' nliiklng !I4.IIJ. lo in of lli illnh niilpplnu !•> iitliiH llA tiilni iiiiikhiMB nincn k ln it ol ih s v>iii l<> a.13.100 loiin.’ 'I1in h igh niminmMl Aalil Ihn Mih-

m arliin wiui Ih r Jlinl Nnrl iimli'rKeni Wftr^hlll ti> iiilng It.i to la l Kinking^over Ihn ......................... nark.

''17 ir nu iilnn illir «Min coiiiiiiniiilpil by Llout. C uinm dr. O lio K iili ::h m rr ,

<j|i’rN VOHTW A a H IN tn W N . Dr.’, lA )Um -

tie rre tn ry o f I n ln lo r lU iu lii I. IrkM I(nIuv appo in ted F rrdetlck IC B rh n iilt i>f Now York k nIuK i i>ii- ■ullaiil o t Uto,rKlamati(M> IniiMii.

Santa showi good J u d ^ c n l when h» picks a Conn. but oi coutm ho knows lhal Conna oro tbo choice oi th« world's loading artists a s woU oo notloxuil cham ­pionship school muslcloas.

Furthormoro Ihoy aro n o d * by world's )arg«at manuiacturor oi band and orchootra Inslnimants and carry a written guoranloe of absoluto satlslac- Uon. '

Follow the wUo oxamplo oj Santa this Christmas and gWo the porlscl gilt—a New CONNl Wholhw U's a soxophooo.

Cona moliM »iary brawoiwl woodwind tnaliumMil UM<t In buniU unil i ra i In a voiUtr oi ruhI. • U nn>l IlnlihM to m>*(

•» » rr I'»t»»l . . . You QtT m«c« wh«o T®u l*«T a Conn, bul 70U PA r M

com ot clartnsi trumpet—or any of tho other famous Conn Instruments— you'll know that your gilt Is ono that will b« appreciated for moolhs and y e a n to cornel

It will open up the new and thrilling pleasures ol the world ol music— ploy* Ing In the school Irand or orchestral sharing the spotlight at concerts, foot- Ixill gam es, paradesj entertaining Iriends crt [xirlleB; playing In dance bands—countlsis sources oi unending entertalnmenll

Con* In anil mnk* ytnir MUctlon ttom out coa>- ptoM ilorli oi Conn Inslnt- BMnU. A unoU tU|>otll will Im M r ° '» uattjChclilmn* (imi conTinUnl w««li1y |Hifni*iiU mar ^ OilOiivvd II il«ilr«d. We Wtll U i^Uid (o d«no»- ■Irat* anjr Inilnimvnt lor you wlllxiul Ilia «bUi|<lUon.



Extraordinary-Value CHRISTMAS SPECIALS

in the Men’s Store


8 C m"ALL ABOARDFor the last full week, the final wind-up, the whirlwind fin­ish of one of the biggest holiday seasons the Idaho Depart­ment Store has ever had.


fl.s m ad e in llic S o u th e rn C a lifo rn ia m o v i e Ktylc c c n lc r by o ne o f o u r own hiiyerw wliiJe on n l)uylnK tr ip to th a t land o f oriK* ina l desiK ninjf. •

9 8 ^

S lu inpe il for a K iff:’

T licn Kive Idalio D ept.

S(<.re Kirt c e r tif ic a te s ,

Kood an y \vhorft In o u r

.s lo re— luiy tim e!

Ik -a iitiru l m atchod .set.-< o f t ie and Inuu ik e rc liie f in a g lorioua hnvm oiiy o f '. s n ia r lm ’HS.

Som e huiidkoi-cliiof.i a r e p u re «ilk a n d snnu ‘ a re o f fini'H l coU ons.

A t lean t 1pm d il'fi'rc iU p a llp rn « to choose fro m .

T h e y jiro pack('(l in new s i lv e r 1)oX('h lh a t w ere e.Hp«t'ially deslKned fo r Ohri.sliniiH .sets.

A ny iniin i.s flatlei-<‘i] (n bn k Ivoii m ate lied dre:sH ucci’,HH(irie,H. 'I 'hey ndd l l i a t tone , you know .

72 TIE and

HANDKERCHIEF SETS'l lit'tn III iii ilh iiii i i l rr r In biiiril th a t w ere reg u la r .$2 and goods■»iiT»viry KCl* iliitii thp«r. Kvrii ( lir bi.krx lliriixiM vri a r r liPAVliy riiilM n.nl and urn truly In k rr|H h i i III rv rry way w ith llin flnv lliliifM lliry rarilMlii, Tlfi aiiit liaiiilkeri'hli-fa a r r iif purti illk.Coliirn, iia lU riti and m a lrh li> |i a rr rtijiiln llr.

1 '



from a fine Hollywood factory .


_FR EE !^ ---------------------------------------------

A GIFT WRAPPING SERVICElo Hav'(! lire il ClirlHliiiii,-! Hhii|i|ierM d u rin g wei-k n f C liriH tinas

“ inii.Ml" HlioppinjT- 'H ie |u ick»K ''" . o f eoiirne, a re not i|iiil«i iin nii'n nn ym i

Wdiilil <lo yoiirHelf, Inil y o u w ill lu ln iil, w e lielii;ve, tlu il tiu -y n re til*

IH-Xl lliihK to 11.

Kilts H uilding Twill F u lls

The Men’s Store

I IDAHO DEPT. STOREi The Christmas Store

I1111 '


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