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What do you think works better:

nonviolent protests or violent protests?




Black Power Black Panthers


Black Power - Movement that developed in the mid-1960s calling for renewed pride in, and new emphasis on, racial pride in African-American heritage

Black Panthers – A group of African-Americans that fought for Civil Rights

Key Points

The Black Panthers were initially formed to protect local communities from police brutality and racism.

The group also ran medical clinics and provided free food to school children.

Within a couple of years the Black Panthers in Oakland were feeding over 10,000 children every day before they went to school.

One of the central aims of the Black Panthers was to stop abuse by local police departments

Stokely Carmichael

Was a leader of the Black Panthers Believed that African-Americans needed

to organize by themselves without white people in their groups

a uniform of blue shirts, black pants, black leather jackets, black berets, and openly displayed loaded shotguns. In his studies, Newton had discovered a California law that allowed carrying a loaded rifle or shotgun in public, as long as it was publicly displayed and pointed at no one

Watts Riots

During the 1960s violent riots did break out in black neighborhoods in many cities. The African Americans who rioted were angry about violent treatment by police, a lack of jobs, and poor housing.

Compare and Contrast

Compare and contrast Martin Luther King/Nonviolence and the Black Panthers

6 sentence minimum 3 comparisons 3 contrasts

“A lot of people…tell me that they don’t like when Rat Brown tells them he’s gonna burn the country down. But every time he tells them he’s gonna burn the country down, they get a poverty program.” Stokely Carmichael, “We Need a United Black Front,” 1968, Black Panthers

Which best explains what Carmichael means? In order to get what they want, African-Americans must use

only non-violence In order to get what they want, African-Americans should

burn the whole country down In order to get what they want, African-Americans should

threaten to use violence In order to get what they want, African-Americans must leave

the country

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