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Page 1: - y ---- ------- FIRST EDITION ~---. 1 EXCHANGE

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• Monrhly Mag zinc

-PRICE 2'· Cople, Availablo From

Usual NcwsvendorB or

- y --- - -------... . FIRST EDITION




-",' ., .. All Maffen



" ~ ,r.

_ -__ ._ • ..1 -------~.,. ----,---


LEAVE p • I'rid.y .

. The Anglo-Innl'n .i&""!'!~~l' • "'-It. B- Roa, utiviDa ..... __ ... .,.n.y of Br!lOns to leave PI!nia.. aid- ""We t JiiIt' tD tz. hack there enrne day. i _ c.ouwi J au cbr PcrsiaDI cnnml nm the ~: Q b:F tt. hes and they cannot ~ U)'bod, eise to nm f:. ... them," quotes Reuter-

MellnwhUe:, in Abed·D. the Perafan Oil ConwnfwiOQ , announced that ~ has ten C au a Swiss fire preveaUoa ex ..... t _I ') CD bib over vae.nt Britbh S+05" .-

Trains 'to- resume

leave Kdoridna fo: at JU .m. to

Page 2: - y ---- ------- FIRST EDITION ~---. 1 EXCHANGE

und tiunl valley, t"Iestea and &",*m aDd bet­ween Awuo aDd Dunkwa.

• A doUy service wW alJo leave Kofotidua tv.: Accra at 6.2 a.m. and rt'blnI.ed at lOA .m- to KoIoridua.


By a Special ConuJi<lndent , • I London, Friday

ROY ANKRAII, BrItish Empire Featherweight Champion, Is to light the Brit­ish IJgbtwelght ChgmplOD, Tommy MeG 0 v ern, over ten r 0 U D d B. The. 6ght Is to take pia .. Jlex! month at the Emp","" Hall, London.

McGovern Is reputed to be onc of the best boxers In the United. Kingdom today. He recently beat BUly Thompson for the Brilish title.

Ankrnh recently stopped the Belglan Fco.llicrwelghl I""----------.!.. champion. Jean Machtcrllnck, In five rounds. His showing agDlnstl the B~lgian was not ns spcdaculnr IllI when he met mld beat Ronnie Clayton, (or the .Brltlsh Empire Feather­weight championship.

New Lord LONDON'S Ii"" t Lo r d Mayor will be an Austra­lian - tbe orst Hmo that the Commonwealth hall provided the bolder of this hlgb omce.

He IS j Sir barrIstef, who to fight -in with and

MC5SIlgcs I.rnm London slnte Mr. Reg King. the Nol'

promoter, is coger to a bout bet­

Dlld Ronnie • is sold ~


A ,. Rn'n ., a.e Aa::aa TuIf CIIIIt aM at mJa-day, I Pd:Q'. Mao­less the • It! ....

proves at '-we &a"

from Heat .. :.

•• _ .. ' ! "-. .... , , _ .. . -a abo -.I. E nfl, . _po' 'ill ....... Elu:a ...... ~_ fIl • dar Let- ..... _ , Jc a. Ii. ' , n. . n , ~ ... At C 5 • '--..... H.

member and I14t 1IJ3S.

t"CceiVed • on Pili .) \

Dr· Thomas appointed EllSt and

!.he World

-Electrolux .. ' ot the tra-ecromony,

: "You hoye conferred on me the gratetul dlstlnr.tlon oC !xilng the, first Lord Mnyor of LOndon to come (rom OW' 'Empire ovcrlCwa".

Ho wtn end 'of bead·

l ... _---dUe . l~d '

-wE •• "M" •

Page 3: - y ---- ------- FIRST EDITION ~---. 1 EXCHANGE

i , , ,


I I , I , , I I I I ,

I , •

I I • I

a .


0.: tll ,1&1

MB. &. &. ACKOlh.1U I... ., Wh",. wID m '1ft the MIIDa _ 5 7 .. cia,. .

oDd G.~le The delegatton will pitKDt the cieri .... ·, at die 5 r 11.

Takoradi braneh of the ShamA Youtb It • in"'" eI .i, &Jar for U. • C. Governm(!Dt ~i~~ndumy&Dd v ..... t Gown'.'. II ~


I ~1~~::~1;~:S limo u n ted to mUon I J the !uncrnl obse- to deserving or Opllnin ' Kwobcna higher studies

head of the stool Gold CotuIt or In the was pcrlonncd. Kingdom next year.

Ndroh who died ot A spokesman o( the FC!dero--

local branch of tbe forml. These d were Gold Coast Convention taken at a

mi!liDg clabornl. prepar.' _.Uon on of .111. ___ for a DUlSS rnlJy which day. _____ ......

will be hcld h.re .hortly. ' ' pc;T~h:~~cd:~;:~O::f h_ .u. till __ will be' in response to SIWDI. Tbr "",'fare ...

• demand made by a;"'~PI~!'~~~~~~~~I~ ~ ~ , I ~i§.~'~~ cbIefs and peopJe ........ ts on a -staer aDd !be. lie

"-- 1~1~":L,.,.".z. dep I. Jb area. .. said IIr.. E 8UNYANI Vt-A... ...... ...

ab:Jd _ J .'1 Scholarships for 8rongs

next .Jear -

o! 70 tho cx·chld lion who revealed this to the ./

~~=~=i~~:::~.t;~~~~~wns succeeded II Graphic" added tMl an IN Foll. Employment Board h.cts ~ set up to eonslder the


h and ceet ires , r .J' tth ~ool . .. tV .. ~

menl of aU Brong wish to lind work.

, S!lIIlJM ,


Union ... rwtotd Itudenta from lhb

Page 4: - y ---- ------- FIRST EDITION ~---. 1 EXCHANGE

, I I 1


1 i I


I ! I

I I , I I I

1 I I I

• (fUV'" • -

Lux TQUet Soap IQ\lOi )uut dan feding son, cool a J siqe!ling 10 ruee. The IDlher is so . . pW'C gcnllc: that it will Dot~ even "-

baby'u in. Ask for Lux'ToD~l SUl'IP lodny. ,

LUX Toilet Soap. - BBAIJ711IUL WHITE 80D


._ ;;;; ..... ...,... a\.<oIUCU\A IIU1n UUII w met hC'TCI.




~~ ..... prcsIdft;t: S. Addo.

alUr, K. ......... , •

• •

RECORDS -_ The)' are .. -Mid .., ,..

, raVClW'iu ..,h'" Haw,. will 0""'07. bo able 10 hur those tw.ntiiIa: ndcial s • » _ en "His Maste,', VOlc:e." W. IF' dID)' ... c:-

JZ son l it. 0 ... a. 11041 I..., twMl'

• • 11- fIboI o l in .. I .UI ..

I ,..,..; 'M~

• .... SAl a ... .... ...... ... -lit Recoltl." In the CaW Ca I

· tt


Dhu 'billon : THI UN.TID .flut:& COM AMY LT8

~w ________________ .


Page 5: - y ---- ------- FIRST EDITION ~---. 1 EXCHANGE

- - --UAILY UltAPHJC a

WAS ' ~' __ ~ __ ~'~-".'~~' __ ' __ "'~"'~~1 • iIs there any i secular evidence for l Christ's existence 1 • • : a.c rcfa • ..., It it do the. U)GI"b 01 ; Ow Wi;'" ~ .,... 1M Roma. Iai.storiGIt • U"IIIo Ii I J in A. D. 55 to 120. Writing

cp' N.,.. .... 1M """""0 of _ ...... ....... i a.d: ia A. D. 6l, fte ",lOla

work em men,.

dl""veI' • tint de. that lIIe ps nitrous About this tlmo an Ame-

rican deDUIt. had ' SUCCi F fully UIed ether in minor operatfana.

Tben CUI~ YOW1ll tho ola ODd was l81L

Sir Jamca ne

_ N .... II i<d 10 p.. tile b\o1ne frw 1M _e jift c. to ~ 0:riI:ticnta. wifer,o there hi

n. _:"TTI. .... - - of IhoI -, desired to lind OM ~ ... ~ hi the rtigll OJ . help womeD 1'iba'" h..,. 01 tile Athniaidrutut. but be pr.:jp. PiIGc... Tori"" !aim .elf tQGI aot safer thin g Chri,n • kt belkN", GI far aI tDe mible ether. om jwfpr flo& Ilia UliU" "'. ta,. ~ than DavYS so-c: ph •• J ,. lAW ceQed' ...... ,tmiCJri,I1R wlaupm,.l&· a: • • f of I«"'i ... Be A~ h i. "~JE'~-,~ the b a

2'1 II .. if • Ia:hT lI".AHauun I.t IIdI _ 1IOt b 1111




. L ,


• ., • al to


• .,.. ~e:ifi;

gmat cour-Dnd feU to


the anacs-~!:~~~;~h.~ ~~ he he been looking for. Shortl, after thil he succ'CSsfull, adminIstered chloroform to a woman to chlldblrlh. and when the: chUd was born he requstcd

that abe should be named Anaallauia. In later yean a portrait of her ....,.

.tood on Simpson'a d"'k He d.icd 00 May 0, 18'/0.

, , * were the TREASURE TROVE? ewe bote II COld or silver

thatu"' ...... first uses of petrol?

II I. perbopo IIf11\lllcanl thaI was kepI bumlD, _bUy. or the liftcrT' mlnlclca 'n1e oU.weu, at Reb are ac:em to hove happened thought to have been the 8nt

lnquenUy In mY.llU>IOBY,

a .... priuI$ called "F/ZI"""~"

which also oc:c:ur ' In tlie to IUpply petroleum "ben It took plDCe In a part of .. "",liNd It ' rnJabt have •

world that fa ·rlch la commerelal value. depo,lIs.- the

Page 6: - y ---- ------- FIRST EDITION ~---. 1 EXCHANGE



i f ,

! •

, ,

! , ! I

cnfGr'Cl'd s~uy UI _,~

land. ~nnan,., France, Spain ttnd DeIlDW'k.

BIlgJand's ltIoa Edward the conr .... , (1DU-1066) laid It down f.hat: u'!'reUUI'CI from the earth beloni~ to the king. unless they ate found in a church or cembtery, And if they be (oun~erc the l~t,~ belongs to the Idng and tbe silver. half to the church where Jt 11 be foUDd. \,I.·hoover he be, rich or poor, that finds it.... Thia included "wul£ enute, Wl1"« of the sea. ........ • • J,

=·iu~~"D. nnH other Why are. flowers . Any dlsc:ovcry of burled gold

0' alive, min. plnte, 0' bullion unhealthv m· a must Jcgallr be the subject of . nn inq~, If the owner 1.& hedr unknown; It tbo lind II held to oom·' be treasure trove It belongs to • the Crown, unless It hAs ~n U,II.lly bccuUJO they arc found in certain ,cltles p ss- known to .. breathe" ~n the In~ ancient ebaiten. when it aamo way AI W do thot it ~ engs to the lI\\anlclpollty. Ihey absOrb oX:.cn· and glw LA W'S APPLICATION ea,bon dioxide nnd 80 It Is The law w I never been thought they' make the oJr

applied to copper or broucr; Impure lor us to breaUlc. and the treasure must bAve Certalnly th!s breathing of a been hidden, not thrown away plont mJgbt"bo held to be dlt­or lIbnndoned. Nowadays -In advantageous to the all' In a the Unit e d\ KJngdom, the room, but jn tt!olity • condie, Crown usually hinds over ,wJgbt, Or oLber I flame ean, t rCnliure trove to Lbo Brittah In II given time, produce Museum, who may reward. the carbon dlox.ldo at D far IInder. ~ter fI~ than an aU: tree,

A mocIlIkd form of \he And, 1JIf,W4Y tbo qlllnllly 01 BrlUab law rel~ to treuure carbon dJoxldo In a well,vcn­trove cx:lSta ID. dtmocratic U1ated atmDIPhero fo uuUy countrlCSj~ It .. lemiriUy apo only) about four parts lD pIled by '~=I.u.a lb. valoo 10,000. . ~uaUy ceQ1 the ftnder exorelscd berore flUln, a bed' and tho pwaer pI tho land: room' or .slckroom witbr flo~. where ~ II one and the same eri and · At would certalnl, C' ~ the value of the not be aclvJaable to sleep in on

ma.r be allotted to-tbc unveatUited room contalnlog national lrcuury. ' OOWCI'll.

.......... '" -- IV' '-'.' .~ _ . In pagan times, LempJes wa,. wfIb. peb' t m

dedICAted to the gods weJe the 17th ct!fIb:uy. met It . was built over rocka from which a!ao in Ole by ....... h' IDfn 'asuoo "clc!rnal fires," aDd in and 'VU'IIIfIb,:f." I du liP lh1s way UJ.e. &lc:red Oame mgd of tile lIIII. , iJ.

Cue made lor l' UIJ , by


u. Ctto aDd JOG will be +'W'red ID _ ... R mora attrattlw It !DIm ,.... ..... 0. aln. if a aid .... t • ., thai la .dm1rcd. bJ 1i.,bodJ. Oe.t CIJ!' .odq ... - .. ramiCll'.



Page 7: - y ---- ------- FIRST EDITION ~---. 1 EXCHANGE


I .

-October e, 1951 L I


!MISS i ASH ANTI 1951 WHO? •






• In ~Ib. lib. I lib. Tins lid In I<!'- hat-lw.d pakttl

Mdo. I " .

II My government 'is deterI conquer sw6111i!n shoot--f


'l'h. ".w moo


Page 8: - y ---- ------- FIRST EDITION ~---. 1 EXCHANGE




... U" II iii 111 I. !Ib. lib. & lib. Tim "'d In JoI. IlW>1u/1d pKklU

.lIt, all COllI.,.,. • .",.. knooltGut" .. ,.-

o.J..-""" '1M «;t I~

i I

ACROSS II Ver,. aoad look!n,. 7 Not old. a PQ'ment whC'n out of "'Oft. o To ao qulckl,..

II SlrikCII. ........ 11 Boundar,.. II To mmc baclr. II NoUl!n,_ . 20 UN II .pado.

DOWN:· 1 An Idea. :I Thll title of Kina Arthur',

fo llo,,""CfI. 3 To one . Ide • .. Ono of nyc IC~ a A Journey by lea.

10 Land .u~roundl!d Ill' WIItlH' • 12 To tprll\l' trom. 13 In Ullt mldrt ot

The IOhaion uriU appear u.




!FE '

No. S •

• •


'fJ ~ la


Page 9: - y ---- ------- FIRST EDITION ~---. 1 EXCHANGE



• I II., A,chl,

H&JI", , .. Clonl.n.,..

III london.

October e, liSI

Two meet THE MAYOR 01 Freeto/WD. E. R. ~Ior

Connlnp, aud members 01 th\'"' CIty Cotllldl Pft a roaslng reeeption to the l\1Dyor 01 Laps. Dr. A. B. I. Olorun-Nlmbe, when he arrived at Freetown GO a


TIIr It • . 1 ~f' p:1.

·vlslt. • He WtlJ returning from the UnJ~i.d~~KIn~ ... ~~'~m~af~"'::,,!.'~"""'=~:":=~~=====:::::=

ing the FeIU\l1ll of Britain. -adore ftllnin, lbe WIIMrforce

a.t~al II.U. Dr. Olorun· Nlmbe -irupedm II 1IV1n! of honour fonnftl • b~ Ih.a "rfttOWn nnl "ortO Wlder:fi d ... notlJ !,.,:. ... ~m~d' of Comm~'" ' or stur lV oro. W •••

In II brIer lpe«h. tho Mvor of -:/ ~I] uld "loa." II • red· tetra dIU' and nevtT before In the

• hUt0t7 01 thtJ dl.1 had two MIJ'OI"II of WC.'SI Afrlc. met GIl JUth an CK'mIJon III 1111. - ,

TlIO Iot-YOf ot 1 ... 0. In ~ rft. lI l!d . lbe eordl.l ttl .lJon&hlp _hlrh nad !:JIb'" bet .. 'tm UIO pcoplo 01 lAp end F'rftkrlm. lie ~ed. tho ppopl. for the rettp-. . . .

Page 10: - y ---- ------- FIRST EDITION ~---. 1 EXCHANGE

" 'Ii ...... -..-.............. . _ ... . Delore mtCTln. tho WlLbCl rfom!

• fmwrt. l UIII. Dr. Olanan- Hlmbe IrupC'l1C'd • IUlrd of honour lomlCld bJ' tbe f'ffetown nrc FOml uodu the (Ommand, 01 Commandn Tho ....

In II brld .PftCh, lbe M8J'Of 01 Frfttown H id" t odlly b • red· leller daJr IUId neVu bd o", In the twtOl"7 01 thll dl)' had ,wo Jola.ron 0' West Afrln met on .u(h In oms'on III thla".

Tho MI)'Df 01 1.Q1'" In rwpl,. 1'1.'ClIlled . tho cardia rellllloruhlp whll:h had nlrt~ bc!twem IIw peoplll of La.", lind Frfttown. 1111

':~f~~;:;~~~~~~~~~~:~-!.!'''''~ ked the P«IPIe far tile n!'t'a~ • Uon liven him.



.~~,~ I p.' , I que III hl. sisler Mntilda lIell!, DCf:kcr AI hi. dauQhter In London In

:~i ... Ken' In lhll '" Hclo , It ran

yeAI'I and WAJ one o f successful of pos .... war

' ''_!~'' ' 'I.'''Coundl Dromll Group performoncca to the

lind other members Of thc cut be MarGatet Lawson, C III DJolcto, Leo Rlby WUUQrftJ, Sowoh, Enoch Vondcrpuyc Robert Amomoo. Tho ploy will produecd by PAul Hill

• •

for sturdy nrowtb ...

this pure milk Os .. '" j1k is the riabt bid _ he! ' .. __ III ....

bmle. It iI,pure: milt .. idliraD _ ,; ....... "

adr'...t OIwmilk is caitJ " '. it bo'wb nurdJ be r' a.t ...,...,.

" it the milk tha'ulp' . .,

...... "" ...... i!> r- m6-. Anil," ia 1 [b. _

tram Ill' b da IIId ..... '

every baby deserves

.. ' ~"""~,,,.

f • •

Page 11: - y ---- ------- FIRST EDITION ~---. 1 EXCHANGE

DAILY OBAPffiC Ortdu' .-r •

,,1.1i C It. N Fwd Pta·up.

tbouaaad II\lIa wUl. .etIIIP' Ali'teu1ture. , IITUATION VACANT

S"lPPINO Clerk requlred. aoma , e.PftI.n~ IloIlC _f)'. Shorthllnd

llrid tnlrll adnnta... ApplT In. dustri. 1 Development CorponlUan. p.o. DoJr 1116 Aec:ra. ,

obt&la a modmale COllI fII UYIq


~ye~ KU.i, &, CO., Ltd.

-. &t c........... A .... C"b'_.' ...... ... ~"",;~ I j I .- • • I AD nqaIrb alb; ., I

Wrlle P. O. IktI: nt, Acc:ra or PIaoae =11, AllIn.

It's Simply Arn.azing ••• •


how CuleI


n. "-'1, __ PI I 1WI P S ' I •

~~~~~~­OP.ERA CINE A

• AII~


• 1 , .......

o -.. , -,

Page 12: - y ---- ------- FIRST EDITION ~---. 1 EXCHANGE

, I

r,~"LL MATCH ' l~' tonlest Drlandl .f U,K

"'me Leaelt Accna lIurlt-o,·Oak :' .::IWl ,otoridul .Koloko oa SIJ..Q· <by. 7lh I~' 1031 I I Kofocldua.

• M'.NONlaL llAVICS , THE mmiorU! Hn'ke for Mr.

G. t.EYaIU. lala Petl,f Tn.du of Poll: Vtu"le and ' oa.PoIItt. "'hg dl It I'okouo 00 Tue~'J. SeJ)1rm Jl. 10."11 will be held at lM ~D CbUf'th. PlI hrmt Poko&.l! at O. 30 un· on Sunday Oe\obtr 1. 1Hl. RdaUvr., rrlmdJ 111<1 .)'fI1~tb1Rn are IIU lrl\'lIf'11.


.1II/t4LItI£-' • - 8

• • • .' • •


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• • • ',Yo t •

." .,qr ava

• f" 0







Page 13: - y ---- ------- FIRST EDITION ~---. 1 EXCHANGE

, ' , . •

0d0I>cr e, lOSt DAILY GRAPlIlC

• • •


.. CARD TODAY IS'!' ud ' "1I4JIfD()8 STAB's- 15

No. 1Iorse (3n!;" 0". I. 1 ,. 4. ~ • 1. • O.

" .. II .

.......... ........ .. ......... ...... .. .......... ............

• ....... .. .... 1 ... .......... . .

.. .... I . ....

......... .............. . . .. ...... .......... .

.. ......

5. DlUlle ............. . ... .... 0.' I . NuwlIm ............... ... O. 2.

'7 BmIDn, TJuvu.b .~ .......... 0. 1 e ... Ir BIIr,lla •. _ . ... ...... , 0.7 D. Bukn .. ....... .. . , •••• _.. 8. B

10. AmbllDDdOf' •.•.•.••••••••. 9. 7 11. Oh Yes .. ...... " ..... ,..... O. 7 12.. Hope! .... .. .... . ........... .. 10. 2 13: Mlddlo F.on . ...... .. .• o. 1 I... Hollo Do, ... . ... ".... .. 0, a HI. JOy .. ....... ............. ..... D . • III. OIrnlah1o .... ........ . ~ . .. . D. 8 1'1. rtdnhousl •.. " ........ . .. . . 0.13 18. Lomtland .... ......... ..... 10.-19. Thllt'. Thot . ... ........ ... 10.-20. ",Iomo . .... . ....... .... .... 0. " 21 . Alrborno .... ......... . .. ,. O. 3 . ~"! I 22. Brown Jor.. .... ... ... ... .. U. 5

: 3S, ChanitClei ... ............ .. O. 0 24. Cuerrler ........ .. .... .. ". 0,13 25, AutomoUe •• . ...... ....... . 8.10 1m R4.\c..~ . "QTOMFUQ 51'1\1'£5" II'lU~ Funs • No. llano (:!iid : " " " "" "' 0 '"

• • • •• \\'l."llht 1. Comrade . . . . .... . . ... .... . . 0.13 2 I"'nreed •... ............... .. e. :r 3,1 £lvnJ ..... ..... .... ..... . .... 8. e 4. Alit ..... .... .. .. . .......... D. 3 6. HannIbal .. ... . .... . .. .. .. . 0.-e. NDjla .. ............... ....... 8.10

.. 7 AtlentJon Plc"-SC ......... 10. 1 a. Love ' All . ......... ... ..... O. + O. Bilicr SWC'et .......... .. II . ':

hI. l!oles:l:!flllCr ............... 10 ... 11. 8 1uo Palrl,* .. .. ........ 8.13 12. Dobcl . ....... :.... . ....... .. 0. :1

mt~ I

"A8AMAND8£ 'VB8£"" 1 ~ No Jlone un "A~ • -a", 1. Mlroclo .. ................ .. 10. .f

1 NllmrDutl .............. .... " :J 3. Purl. .. .. .. ...... _ ....... I~ " 4. Ru1ll1 Slot .......... ..... 11 •• 5. Yowo .. " .. ............. _ .. 11 .. II. Nylon ..... ..... ..... .. _ .. 10. r. .,. London 1 ..... .. ... _ ... ..... 11 ... a. Slrlc:1. Doy .......... ..... L I 9. "a.0J' ....... .. ........ .. ..... 10.11

Nil : ToP Weight not RCttPtlnI:. well{hll ral. ed 12 Ills.

See Page .8 . lor. · L..~ your t.ps • --WHITBREAD'S


It's from ---~·~·-------------------I BRITAIN

:. 0 U,,\Vt. • - "4WUNAOAt ;rrAK\S'" G Pl"!t.S No- llone ( "0" a,fd 3 ll AI .. ~.9t ~e~il \. 'ttl


Page 14: - y ---- ------- FIRST EDITION ~---. 1 EXCHANGE

I' I

! ,

, ,

• " Kill 1. Dnndl\lJ FC'C!t . . .. . .. ..... U.lt :. Mlramllo~ _._ ............... 1').-J . Ny lIappJllcu ..... .... II, .. .. . Leader ! .. . ....... .. . .. . . ... . II :. So Evc: rest I •• , ............... . II. I a. T!:IlIoo •••.• ' .. ......... .. . 0. " 7. Farfour 'I ...... ............... 8. II a. BJ'b\ct •.•.•••••. , ~ .•.•.• a. It , G""", Jl ScI ......... U.10

10. AliI .• _ . ......... . ... . _ .. 0. :1 I I Wbat'. p . . ...•.. ... . 10.- . I:!. Mlddlr t ...... . ... .... . ' '1. 9 ll. Love AI ...... ... ... .. .. , .. d 14. Nadcoc!m I .. ................. 0. 0 IS. Malek .\ .•••••••. .•...••• '.).12 16. !1(1l1tm1chCl .... .... ..... . . II), U I ,

, , 1 I 1 I

17 Ekabu I .! ................. o. 7 IS. {b~ ~ r-.. .. ..... II . 6 10. Yahllb lbl l 1 .............. U.-

~'O. 'n1IIt'. ~I J ........... , • •• '.1.-11. Ffu • . U. 5


No. Ilona ll)t MD " &. :!nd AI I. 1to And ! You • .... ' .. •. '10. 3 :t Ok'plrm •. ...•.• : 10. 3 1 U,.joio ........... :. I . I 4. Hoor ... .......... 10.11 6. GuldcJ 1'1t'd, e ......... lu. :. O. stuartl . .. ........... 8.1 I 7. Crown Print(! ..... ...... 8.12 8. n oppy Man .......... .... . 10. J 9. Ud.ll Uda .. .... ...... . ... 10. J

10 Blue Clouil .... .... .. ..... 8. 13 11. AbrukuLII .... ... ,...... ... u. "

J ~ Do Or Die II ... ....... .. ... Ill:.! 13 Attdl1i£Jfl J·JtQ!e .. ... ... . 0.6 14. Lotky J nr k ... 10. 7

4TI,1 RACE " WENau h"TAKt'.s" '7 fUlts

No rlonr ( ,nb Ow!..lonl Wehlh t I Not MUl:h ....... ... ........ 8. U 2. Non Slop .. ... .. . .. .... ... . ,u. D

. :t. Good Uvlnll: .... I.. .. ... 1t.l ll I <t. Al4hAndullll ......... ..... . 1.12 .5. "uLllra ........ ... .... n. '7 fl. Dcaut,. _... .... ... ... .. .. II. 11 7. Sdl Ikkl'lCC . ....... .. . . II . U It Nulli • . .. ...... "... ..... U. /I II. EcTad no,. .. ... ......... . 0."

10. AlDbIUon . .......... ...... 8.13 1 11 . B.alntJ ....... .... ...... .. tI. :I

I I ~ So ~ Life! .. : .. .. ........ 10. J 120 l.udl;, Shllrp . .......... . O. D

I JoI . Dalh8llll1 ... " .. ..... .... D. 4 I n-II BACK : · _EPO. aTAkEa~ , MILl! I NfJ" 1I0I'1tr Hire A &. 81 Wel,ht 1 I. loIoal.cnurtra .. ... ... .... .. II. 6

:!. Me Too .. ... .... ............ D. 3 3. AI .. ,. .............. ...... . 10.-4. IDa Olpper ... .. .. ........ 10.-


VOGELEiS cua .. IIYI •

COMPOlllND WIf&NSYU ,. bI.uu.. ekk

,. rind 0111 • • rtw drop III Vasda". 0nalM c::o-~ .w 4Uk1J, IIdp ~ Pc .,.. rdW &ad

, , I crnk _ UIOiI . , III ~"'tnoltd,

hi ,eW. QInl:II Iwtp kI drat lm.

puritID. lOW'p '*-11_. &ad 1f'tM'",

,.u, Wi. .... • d "'ib, ~lIfa. Ftli -.. lban Gel JS" .... s.,.- R I, bat biU4bl Ndr:. JoJ fIIlhiat to I~ I nch,

..t II a. bdp )IOU" IGo.

T..,. ~ to-d.y.

Guaranteed· PRE." WAIl FORMULA

" -

BUT ' ~ , s

, " . " Tasty Pastries


' -A olDY TO UT-, lire made witb SPRY

Spry I •

'Mllroves all IIOlIldnlll .... aD __ '"

Page 15: - y ---- ------- FIRST EDITION ~---. 1 EXCHANGE

8 •

11m. Turf study

of t b e Ash.ntl for London to

' said in an

WEAKER ;~;~r rael~:nl'n'O LOSES R.cc. will .,.,", In

By 'Coucspondent Tonight, the wcaker oC the

two fig"blers, London Kid and Jack Armstrong loses, and grea.t will be the loss~therrof. I um nol counl!ng .the' loss in terms of money but in terms of pbyslcal Slrenglb, if only the reCel'Cf! wOl not stop \he fight before (he ten rounds are ove~

next September ", He, 'said U all went well

another mnn would go to the United Kingdom- to study tho I elcctrlc totnllsntbr, ~


THE Brillsh Am.leur Alhle- "0:" tlc'Soord hns Issued a list of ta

79 men and 22 women who naminated as \, gossJbles " tbe BriUlIb athh!:tic team In

~~;m!0~:l y m p 1 C, Games

Jack Armstrong fs known In the Sekondi·Tnkoradl QfCn as tho Joe, Loul. or Ibe Gqld Coast bECaUSe oC rei.! knock· out an~ tedmical. khocTc~ut vidories,' He is .said to have E.-~~:'~i!~, "met and defeated' every llght famow and welterweight boxer in the who uiJitcd .,-:-WcstC!'fll Province, and hIlS earlier thl. .. longed to meet BWy Wells The Com-

,the triple titled. champion of minces are giving 8 P e c1 a 1 ti1e Gold Coast. coo.chlng. and training . to the

London ' KJd, like '1 a e k atbletes who hnve lx!en ,~!~I'I Annstrong, has the ldek of the €!<I as prospective competitors. bull in hi!! hands- I hovc seen him flg~' On two Octl1llo"'i British Council Tabfe

# and D 't'€!<I his wonderCu Club, Kwnui, defeated stamtruJ. ,He it acclaimed the .. nNII

Page 16: - y ---- ------- FIRST EDITION ~---. 1 EXCHANGE

£:500 ror Joe

for very


flgbL contencb




OLOI. GIM .... fI p.m. lIow -f\ann)' un I _"",,,-"1 len .... .. you·1\ Inlow .t\on " MY FAVOUIUTE". .lfIrrlDl UOPE Dorothy J..o\MOUft LOrutE • LGn eIlANEY. 8510N: 3I.fId. N. C- 0 .'1 II.

'ALLADIVII. Q • uo p.a. Wbea,.. _ ... JoIJr;. Ifda, II ad ., 7 . ,...

..,.. "'IT'S JlAar. p 7 I ~ CanoD., SaDb PaIIt. 0.. DR 'hn' _ AJNlsg.ft; 14..1&. ... ~ 5L

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