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  • 8/13/2019 00 American English - June 2008.docx


    Blue Level

    Lesson One

    Be - Present Tense

    Subject+ Verb

    Singular Plural

    Iam Weare

    Youare YouareHeis




    (Writein your notebook. Whenever you see a chart like this,

    write it outin your notebook.)

    Subjects: I, you, he, she, it, we, and they.

    "You" is singular or plural.

    The verb "be" changes with the subjectto am, is, or


    Iama teacher

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    Heisa man.


    Itisa chair.





    The verb "be" is the most important verb to learnin English. It's also the most complicated. In the

    present tense it has three forms: am, is, are. Inthe past tense, it has two forms: wasand were.The verb "be" is also used to make the passivevoice.

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    Blue Level

    Lesson Two

    Be - Present Tense Negative

    Subject + (be) + notSingular Plural

    Iam not Weare not

    Youare not Youare not

    Heis not

    Sheis not

    Itis not

    Theyare not

    Iamnot astudent.

    Youarenot ateacher.

    Heis not awoman .

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    Sheis not aman.

    Itis nota



    Youarenot afamily.



    I am not

    I'm not

    We are not

    We aren't

    We're not

    You are not

    You aren't

    You're not

    You are not

    You aren't

    You're not

    Heis not

    He isn't

    He's not

    Sheis not

    She isn't

    They are not

    They aren't

    They're not

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    She's not

    It is not

    It isn't

    It's not

    Bad English, but often used, is ain't

    I ain't We ain't

    You ain't You ain't


    She ain't

    It ain't

    They ain't

    Ain't is not recommended for spoken English;however, many Americans use it, especiallyyoung people.

    Lesson Three

    Be - Present Tense


    (Be) + S + ____?

    Singular Plural

    AmI.... Are we...

    Areyou... Are you....

    Is he....

    Is she...Are they....

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    Is it.....

    Yes-No Questions:

    Question: Are you a student?

    Answer: Yes, I am.

    Am I a teacher?

    (Yes, you are.)

    Are you a student?

    (Yes, I am.)

    Is he a student?

    (Yes, he is.)

    Is she a student?

    (Yes, she is.)

    Is this a chair?

    (Yes, it is.)

    Are we students?

    (Yes, you are.)

    Are you workers?

    (Yes, we are.)

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    Are they a family?

    (Yes, they are.)

    Lesson Three Practice

    1. _____ he a good student?

    2. ______ the cars parked in the garage?

    3. ______ I supposed to go to work today?

    4. ______ you in this class?

    5. ______ she from Mexico?


    1. Is 2. Are 3. Am 4. Are 5. Is

    * Be sure to capitalize the first word in a sentence.

    Lesson Four

    Nouns and Pronouns

    Nounsrepresent people, places, things, activities,emotions, and ideas.

    (1) a person

    (2) a place (3) a thing

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    (4) an activity

    (5) an emotion (6) an idea

    Examples of nouns:

    1. That womanis a dancer.

    2. The apartment bui ld ingisold.

    3. I like to listen to the radio.

    4. Playing the gui taris fun.("playing" is a gerund and actslike a noun)

    5. Everyone needs love.

    6. I have an idea!

    Nouns are also divided into two main groups:

    Count Nouns


    Noncount Nouns

    (click on the links above for examples and then come back here)

    Pronounsrepresent nouns: I, you, he, she,it, we, and theyare....

    Subject Pronouns

    Singular Plural

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    I We

    You You




    Iam a teacher.

    Noun: teacher

    Pronoun: I

    Youare a student.

    Noun: student

    Pronoun: You

    Heis a guitar player

    Noun: player

    Pronoun: He

    Sheis a mother.

    Noun: mother.

    Pronoun: she

    Itis a radio.

    Noun: radio

    Pronoun: It

    Weare people.

    Noun: people

    Pronoun: We

    (I + You) = We


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    Youare students.

    Noun: Students

    Pronoun: You

    Note: "You"can besingular or plural

    Theyare a family.

    Noun: family

    Pronoun: They

    "They" is alwaysplural.

    It can be used forpeople or things.

    Theyare woodenchairs.

    Noun: chairs

    Pronoun: They

    "They" is a pluralpronoun for the


    There are also....

    Object Pronouns

    Singular Pluralme us

    you You




    Lesson 5

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    Demonstrative Pronouns


    A thing or a person is close

    This = singular


    A thing or a person is far

    That = singular


    Things or people are close

    These = plural


    Things or people are far

    Those = plural

    Close = x...y

    Thispencil in my hand is yellow.

    Thesepencils are not very sharp.

    Far = x..............................y

    Thatcar across the street is red.

    Thosecars in the parking lot are very nice.

    Take thesestairs to get tothosebuildings.

    Thatblue building in the middle ofthispicture is very tall.

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    That is often contracted with the singular form of the verb "be"

    That is a window. = That's a window.

    That is my friend, Tom. = That's my friend, Tom.

    "That's" usually sounds much better than to say, "That is."

    "That" can't be contracted in the plural form: That're(no!)

    This, these, and thosecan't take contractions.

    Lesson Six



    There is a black cat.

    There is a boy behindthe tree.

    There is a student inthe classroom.


    There are threefootball players.

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    There are twopeople and twodogs.

    There are two littlegirls playing withblocks.

    There is used for information and facts. Sometimes "there is singular, and sometimes "there" is plural.


    There is a clock on the wall. (singular) There's a clock on the wall.

    There is = There's. Most Americans use the contraction, there's

    There are seven days in a week. (plural).

    There are = (no contraction)

    Lesson 7

    The Present Tense

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    Singular Plural

    I learn We learn

    You learn You learn



    It learns

    They learn

    You learnEnglish every day.

    He learnsEnglish at school.

    TheylearnEnglish on Tuesdays and Wednesdays.

    The Present Tense describes the things you doevery day. Note the use of an "s" at the end ofthe verb when describing a man, a woman, or athing.

    Do not confuse the present tense with thesimple form.

    Here's the present tense for the verb "eat."

    I eat

    You eat

    He eats

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    She eats

    It eats

    We eat +

    You eat

    They eat

    Present Tense - Negative

    do + not + verb

    Singular Plural

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    I do not eat We do not eat

    You do not eat You do not eat

    He does not eat

    They do not eatShe does not eat

    It does not eat


    do + not = don't

    does + not = doesn't

    Singular Plural

    I don't eat We don't eat

    You don't eat You don't eat

    He doesn't eat

    They don't eatShe doesn't eat

    It doesn't eat


    1. I ___ to school every day. (go)

    2. She _____ to school every day. (go - negative)

    3. Juan and Martha _____ a large family. (have)

    4. He ______ a car. (have - negative)

    5. You _____ from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. every day (work)

    6. I ______ on the weekends. (work - negative)

    7. It _____ a lot in the winter in Minnesota. (snow)

    8. It _____ in the summer. (snow - negative)

    9. We _____ how to speak English.

    10. We _____ how to speak Italian. (know - negative)

    answers below

    click herefor a quiz on the present tense

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    Lesson 8

    The Present Continuous Tense

    S + (be) + _____ing

    Singular Plural

    I am learning We arelearning

    You arelearning You are learning

    Heis learning

    Sheis learning

    It islearning

    They arelearning

    You arelearningEnglish right now.

    He is learningEnglish at school.

    Theyare learningEnglish.

    The Present Continuous Tense usually

    describes things that are happening now, but itcan also be used to describe important things inyour life, and future activity.

    Do not confuse the present continuous tensewith the "going to" future or with gerunds.

    Contraction: Subject + (be). Example: He + is =He's

    I am eating.

    I'm eating

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    You areeating.

    You're eating.

    He is eating.

    He's eating.

    She is eating.

    She's eating.

    It is eating.

    It's eating.

    We areeating.

    We're eating.

    (You + I = We)

    You areeating.

    You're eating.

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    They areeating.

    They're eating.

    This man is eating soup.

    She is winking at you.

    Here's a quiz for you.Click here.

    Lesson 9


    S + has/have

    Singular Plural

    I have We have

    You have You have



    It has

    They have

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    Haveis usually used for ownership and description, but it's also verypopular a substitute foreat and drink.

    I have a new car.

    I have time to go to the movies.

    She has cereal and coffee for breakfast every morning.

    Haveis also an important helping verb: I have lived in Minnesota forthree years. In this example, (have) + (past participle) makes the presentperfect tense.

    I have glasses.

    You have apencil.

    He has somestrawberries.

    She has apopsicle.

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    The cat hassome water .

    We have time tolearn English.

    They have ahamburger and

    french fries.

    All threechildren have


    Note: To make "have" negative in the present tense, use don'tor doesn't+ have.

    Correct: He doesn't have any money. I don't have any money.

    Incorrect: He hasn't any money.(but okay in British English)

    Lesson 10


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    A / An / The

    Singular Plural

    a / an the

    the ---

    Articles are used in front of Nouns.

    "A" or "An" are always singular.

    "The" is singular or plural.Some plural nouns don't use anarticle.

    When using articles, it's important to also know thedifference betweencount and noncount nouns.

    I have glasses.

    (plural - a /an ) Or....I haveapair ofglasses

    You have a hat.

    (singular count noun) But....thesecond timeyou describe the hat,you say:

    The hat is blue.

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    He has somestrawberries

    (plural count noun) The strawberriesarein his mouth (second mention).

    She has a popsicle.

    (singular count noun)

    The popsicletastes good!


    Popsicles taste good.

    The cat has somewater.

    (Water is a non-countnoun)

    a / an)

    The water is

    in a bowl. The bowl is purple.

    We havetimetolearn English.

    (timeandEnglish arenoncount nouns.Sometimestheis

    used; sometimes itisn't.)

    I + you = we

    They have a goodrelationship.

    (relationshipis a singular count


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    All three childrenhave popsicles.

    The popsiclestastegood.

    (Popsicleis aplural count noun)

    There are a lot of rules for articles:

    1. Don't put an article in front of the name of a place.

    Correct: Minneapolis is a great city.

    Not correct: TheM inneapoli s is a great city.

    But it's correct to use the name of a place as an adjective:

    The Minneapolis skyline is beautiful at night.

    2. Indefinite amounts or general qualities don't take an article.

    Penni es are made of copper.

    The copper in this penny is turning brown.(this is a specificamount)

    Water is good for you.

    The water i n th is glass tastes bad.(this is a specific amount)

    3. Don't use an article with possessive nouns or pronouns.

    This isthePaul 's website.

    Lesson 11


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    Prepositions show location, proximity,and relationships

    He is standing ona pencil.

    She is atthe beach.

    The flower is inthe glass.

    Prepositions are necessary yet somewhat arbitrary. The most importantto learn now arein, at, and on. Most prepositions have very specificapplications as shown below:

    He's puttingstrawberries into

    his mouth.

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    The cat is drinkingfroma bowl.

    There is food onthe table.

    There are hundreds of different prepositions and prepositionalphrases. To learn them all will take years of practice. The best way tolearn them well is by reading books, magazines, and newspapers.Listening to the radio helps as well. You can also learn aboutprepositions in class from a teacher, but it's important to realize that itrequires a lot of practice and memorization. Some commonprepostions are listed below in alphabetical order. I'll add more as Ithink of them.

    about: They read aboutthe car accident in the newspaper.

    above: Planes fly abovethe ground

    across: We walked acrossthe street to get a slice of pizza.

    across from: Acrossthe streetfromthe park is a hospital.

    after: Tom and Sue had some ice cream afterdinner.

    against: She was so tired that she had to lean against the wall.

    along: I noticed a lot of garbage alongthe side of the highway.

    at: He needs to be atwork in the afternoon.

    before: BeforeTom and Sue went out for dinner, they saw a movie.

    behind: What'sbehindthe door?

    below: It was 41 degrees belowzero yesterday. (- 41 degrees!)

    beneath: Getbeneaththe covers and keep warm tonight.

    beside: I put the shovel beside the fence.

    between:B comes betweenA and C.

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    wait waited have had

    As you can see, regular verbs add edto make the pasttense (work / worked) and irregular verbs change their formentirely (go / went). The most important verb to learn first in

    the past tense is "be."

    Be- Past Tense

    Singular Plural

    I was We were

    You were You were

    He was

    They wereShe was

    It was

    I was at school yesterday.

    We were in New York last week.

    It was cold this morning.

    Only the verb "be" changes its form for singular or plural.All the other verbs, regular and irregular use one form inthe past tense, which makes this tense easy to use formaking statements. More practice with this important verbscomes inLesson 16.

    Regular Verb: Learn

    Subject + _____ed

    Singular PluralI learned We learned

    You learned You learned

    He learned

    They learnedShe learned

    It learned

    Irregular Verb: Have

    Subject + ________

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    Singular Plural

    I had We had

    You had You had

    He had

    They hadShe had

    It had

    Irregular verbs must be memorized because theychange their form completely.Click herefor a list ofcommonly used irregular verbs, print it out, andcommit them to memory.


    The Past Tense describes the things you did yesterday, lastyear, back in February, in 1973, or an hour ago.

    Regular verbs, such as learn, take an "ed" ending after thesubject.

    work---worked, learn---learned, visit---visited

    Irregular verbs change their form entirely or not at all.

    eat---ate, go---went, be---was/were, hit---hit, cut---cut

    The form of the past tense is not dependent on the subject.See the example below:

    Regular Verb-work:

    I workedyesterday.

    Irregular Verb - eat:

    I atebreakfast earlier.

    Regular Verb - work:

    You workedyesterday.

    Irregular Verb - eat:

    You atebreakfast earlier.

    Regular Verb

    He workedyesterday.

    Irregular Verb:

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    He atebreakfast earlier.

    Regular Verb

    She workedyesterday.

    Irregular Verb:

    She atelunch an hour ago.

    Regular Verb - like:

    The cat likedher food.

    Irregular Verb- eat:

    She ateher food.

    Regular Verb - arrive:

    We arrivedon time.

    Irregular Verb - be:

    We wereon time.

    Regular Verb - share:

    You shared a milkshake.

    Irregular Verb - have:

    You hada nice lunch.

    Regular Verb - visit:

    They visitedthe beach.

    Irregular Verb - go / eat:

    They wentto the beach and atepopsicles.

    Try this dictation exercise:

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    Lesson 13

    Information Questions


    ...used for thisinformation.

    Who a person

    What a thing / fact

    Where a location / place

    When time / day / year / month

    Why reason

    How method

    Questions using question words follow two basic patterns:

    Question Word+Verb+ Subject

    QW+V + S



    Question Word + Verb + Subject + Verb

    QW + V + S + V

    Where do they live?

    Who am I?

    You're a teacher.

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    Where are you?

    I'm in the classroom.

    What does hehave?

    He has somestrawberries.

    Where is she?She's at the beach.

    Why is the cat

    drinking water?

    It's thirsty.

    When do we haveclass?

    We have class in themorning.

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    How are theydrinking theirmilkshake?

    They're drinking it with astraw.

    What do theyhave?

    They have popsicles.

    Lesson 14

    Possessive Adjectives

    Possessive adjectives show ownership or belonging.They must go somewhere before a noun.

    Iam a teacher.

    You are mystudent.

    Youare a student.

    I am yourteacher.

    Heis playing aguitar.

    It ishisguitar.

    This is a woman.

    Herhair is red.

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    This is a cat.

    Itis eating itsfood.

    Weare eating ourlunch.

    Youare students.

    Youare in yourclassroom.

    Theyare children.

    Theyare eatingtheir popsicles.


    1. I am practicing ___ English.

    2. You are working with _____ teacher

    3. We are doing ______ work.

    4. They are in _______ house.

    5. Open _____ books and turn to the first lesson.

    6. She wants to see ______ father.

    7. It has ______ own food.

    8. ______ name is (your name here).

    9. ______ name is John.

    10. _____ name is Julia.

    Answers below

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    Nouns are also used as possessive adjectives:


    This is her book. / This is the girl'sbook.

    That is his car. / That is John'scar.

    Where are their coats? / Where are the children'scoats?

    1. my; 2. your; 3. our; 4. their; 5. your; 6. her; 7. i ts; 8. My; 9. His; 10. Her

    Lesson 15

    Possessive Pronouns

    Subject Possessive Adjective Possessive Pronoun

    I my mine

    you your yours

    he his his

    she her hers

    it its its

    we our ours

    you your yours

    they their theirs

    A possessive adjectiveis used before anoun.

    A possessive pronounisnotusedbefore a noun.

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    Click herefor a quiz

    Lesson 16

    Be - Past Tense

    The verb "be" has two forms in the past tense: wasand were

    Singular Plural

    I was We were

    You were You were

    He was

    They wereShe was

    It was

    I was hereyesterday.

    You were also here


    He was at a movielast night.

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    Do you havethe time? Sure, it's6:00.

    Do youknowwhat time it is?Sorry, I'mnot wearing awatch.

    What time isit? 5:50

    Can you tellme what time it is,

    please?It'sa quarter after two.

    Important vocabulary

    o'clock = :00

    ( 7:00 = seven o'clock )


    a quarter after = 15 minutes after the hour

    ( 3:15 = It's a quarter afterthree )


    a quarter before = 15 minutes before the hour

    ( 3:45 = It's a quarter beforefour )

    half past = 30 minutes after the hour

    ( 11:30 = It's half past eleven. )


    thirty = 30 minutes after the hour.

    (11:30 = It's eleven thirty.)


    The easiest way to tell someone the time is to use a digitalformat. For example, when someone asks you what time itis, you can say, "It's 5:30." Instead of, "It's half past five."

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    When did you arrive in the U.S.? ---->In 2002.

    When is the next election? ----> In November of 2006.

    Lesson 18Months

    January is the first month of the year.

    The first month of the year is January.

    January comes after December.

    It comes before February.

    This month begins the year.

    February is the second month of the year.

    The second month of the year is February.

    February comes after January.

    It comes before March.

    March is the third month of the year.

    The third month of the year is March.

    March comes after February.

    It comes before April.

    April is the fourth month of the year.

    The fourth month of the year is April.

    April comes after March.

    It comes before May.

    May is the fifth month of the year.

    The fifth month of the year is May.

    May comes after April.

    It comes before June.

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    Juneis the sixth month of the year.

    The sixth month of the year is June.

    June comes after May.

    It comes before July.

    July is the seventh month of the year.

    The seventh month of the year is July.

    July comes after June.

    It comes before August.

    August is the eighth month of the year.

    The eighth month of the year is August.

    August comes after July.

    It comes before September.

    September is the ninth month of the year.

    The ninth month of the year is September.

    September comes after August.

    It comes before October.

    October is the tenth month of the year.

    The tenth month of the year is October.

    October comes after September.

    It comes before November.

    November is the eleventh month of the year.

    The eleventh month of the year is November.

    November comes after October.

    It comes before December.

    December is the twelfth month of the year.

    The twelfth month of the year is December.

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    The last month of the year is December.

    December comes after November.

    It comes before January.

    This month ends the year.

    Lesson 19

    Count and Noncount Nouns

    Count Nouns Noncount Nouns

    a car cars traffic

    a chair chairs furniture

    an apple apples fruit

    a camera four cameras video equipment

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    count nounsusesingular and pluralverbsand pronouns:

    noncountnounsuse onlysingular verbs andpronouns:

    Thereisan apple. (singular)

    There aresome apples. (plural)

    Thereissome fruit. (singular verb)

    I like thatchair. ("that" is singular).

    She likesthosechairs. ("those" isplural)

    I likethatfurniture.

    I like those furniture. (no!)

    A car isan expensive thing to own.Cars arean expensive form oftransportation.

    Trafficwasheavy today. (singularverb)

    Apples tastegood Fruit tastesgood.

    Digital cameras make photographyeasy. Theyare fun to use.

    TV stationshavea lot of videoequipment. Itis expensive.

    The camera is very nice. The equipment are nice. (no!)

    Asking questionsfor an amount or a number:

    Count Nouns Noncount Nouns

    How manychairsare there?

    How manychairs arethere?

    How muchfurniture is there?

    There is one chair There are two chairs There is a lot of furniture

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    How manycameras are there?

    How manycamerasare there?

    How muchequipment is there?

    There's one camera There are four cameras There's a lot of video equipment

    Only count nouns can take a number:

    There is one camera. There are four cameras.

    Noncount nouns don't use numbers:

    There is some equipment. There is a lot of equipment.

    Knowing the difference between count and noncount nouns will make yourEnglish sound much better. Below are words and phrases that can be usedwith count and noncount nouns. As you continue through the next levels,you will probably need to come back to this page.

    count nouns noncount nouns

    a (singular) -- (no article)

    the (singular and plural) the

    some some

    a lot of a lot of

    many (large numbers) much (large numbers)

    a few (3 to 4) a little (small number)

    few (a very small number) little (a very small number)

    not many (a small number) not much (a small number)not any (zero) not any (zero)

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    Lesson 20

    days of the week

    Sunday is the first day of the week.

    The first day of the week is Sunday.

    Sundaycomes after Saturday. SuM T W Th F Sa

    Itcomes before Monday . SuMT W Th F Sa

    Sunday is a weekend day.

    Monday is the second day of the week on thecalendar.

    Monday is also known as the first day of theworkweek.

    Mondaycomes after Sunday. SuMT W Th F Sa

    Itcomes before Tuesday. Su MTW Th F Sa

    (Everyone hates Monday because it's the first day back to work after theweekend!)

    Tuesday is the third day of the week.The third day of the week is Tuesday. It's the second

    day of the work week.

    Tuesdaycomes after Monday. Su MTW Th F Sa

    It comes before Wednesday. Su M TWTh F Sa

    Wednesday is the fourth day of the week.

    The fourth day of the week is Wednesday. It's the thirdday of the work week.

    Wednesdaycomes after Tuesday. Su M TWTh F Sa

    Itcomes before Thursday. Su M T WThF Sa

    Wednesday is the middle of the week.

    Thursday is the fifth day of the week.

    The fifth day of the week is Thursday. It's the fourth dayof the work week.

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    Thursdaycomes after Wednesday. Su M T W ThF Sa

    Itcomes before Friday. Su M T W Th FSa

    Fridayis the sixth day of the week.

    The sixth day of the week is Friday. It's the fifth and last

    day of the work week.

    Fridaycomes after Thursday. Su M T W ThFSa

    Itcomes before Saturday. Su M T W Th FSa

    (Everyone loves Friday because it's the last day of the week. In the afternoon,the weekend begins. T.G.I.F. = Thank God it's Friday!)

    Saturday is the seventh day of the week.

    The seventh day of the week is Saturday.

    Saturdaycomes after Friday. Su M T W Th FSa

    Itcomes before Sunday. Su M T W Th F Sa

    Saturday and Sunday are the weekend.

    SuM T W Th F Sa

    When talking about the weekend, you can use:

    - on the weekend

    - during the weekend

    - this weekend (present and future):

    What are you going to do this weekend?

    - last weekend (past)

    What did you do last weekend?

    - next weekend (future - comes after "this weekend")

    What are you going to do next weekend?

    (Saturday and Sunday, March 4 and 5 arethis weekend; Saturday andSunday, March 11 and 12 are next weekend.)

    There are seven days in a week.

    There are 52 weeks in a year.

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    Learn American English Online

    Blue Level Quiz #1

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    Learn American English Online

    Blue Level Quiz #1 (Answers)

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    Part A.

    Directions: Complete each sentence in the present tense.

    Remember how the verb "be" changes. (10 points)

    1. He is a student. (be)

    2. They are workers. (be)

    3. There is a party at my house next weekend. (be)

    4. John and Sue aren't married. (be - negative)

    5. We are very happy about our new apartment. (be)

    6. In the morning, I am very tired. (be)

    7. You aren't at school right now. ( be - negative)

    8. Is it cold today? (be)

    9. Are they members of the website? (be)

    10. He and I are both cousins. (be)

    Part B.

    Choose among this, that, these,or thoseto complete each

    sentence. Remember: close = x...y; far = x..................y

    (10 points)

    1. This pencil needs to be sharpened. (close)

    2. Are these apples ready to be picked (close)

    3. Is that the building we go to? (far)

    4. Those cars were in an accident. (far)

    5. That office has a lot of windows. (far)

    6. Is this bottle empty? (close)

    7. Those boys broke the window. (far--in time)

    8. This is a very good movie. (close--in time, maybe now)

    9. Are those the best tools for the job? (far)

    10. That makes me very angry. (far)

    Part C.

    Conjugate the verb "be" in the present tense. (8 points)


    singular plural

    I am _ We are

    You are You are

    He is

    She is They are

    It is

    Part D.

    Write two sentences using the verb "be." (2 points)



    Total: 30 points

    Your score: __________

    Clickhereto go back to the quiz.

    Click hereto go back to the Blue Level

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    Learn American English Online

    Blue Level Quiz #2 - Pronouns

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    Part A.

    Directions: Complete each sentence with the correct

    subject pronoun. (10 points)

    1. ______ is a student. (a man)

    2. ________ are students (a boy and a girl)

    3. Is ______ a good car? (a thing)

    4. ________ are at home. (two people)

    5. ______ is from Nicaragua. (a woman)

    6. ________ are not very good computers. (a group)

    7. ______ am at work. (oneself)

    8. Is _______ cold today? (the weather)

    9. Are _______ members of the website? (people)

    10. _____ and I are in the same class. (a woman)

    Part B.

    Directions: Complete each sentence with the correct

    object pronoun. (10 points)

    1. John teaches ______ English every day. (you and I)

    2. There's some mail for _____ in the mailbox. (I)

    3. I like _____ very much. (you--singular or plural)

    4. She works with ______ at that company. (a man)

    5. He likes ________ very much. (a woman)

    6. They like to eat _______ with cream cheese. (a thing)

    7. Sue usually puts _______ in the refrigerator. (things)

    8. Please give it to ________. (I)

    9. They want _______ to work this weekend. (you and I)

    10. I want ________ to do something for me. (you)

    Part C.

    Write the subject pronounsin the singular and plural.

    (5 points each)

    singular plural

    Write the object pronouns in the singular and plural

    singular plural

    Total: 30 points

    Your score: __________

    Click herefor the answers

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    Learn American English Online

    Blue Level Quiz #2 - Pronouns (Answers)

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    Part A.

    Directions: Complete each sentence with the correct

    subject pronoun. (10 points)

    1. He is a student. (a man)

    2. They are students (a boy and a girl)

    3. Is it a good car? (a thing)

    4. They are at home. (two people)

    5. She is from Nicaragua. (a woman)

    6. They are not very good computers. (a group)

    7. I am at work. (oneself)

    8. Is it cold today? (the weather)

    9. Are they members of the website? (people)

    10. She and I are in the same class. (a woman)

    Part B.

    Directions: Complete each sentence with the correct

    object pronoun. (10 points)

    1. John teaches us English every day. (you and I)

    2. There's some mail for me in the mailbox. (I)

    3. I like you very much. (you--singular or plural)

    4. She works with him at that company. (a man)

    5. He likes her very much. (a woman)

    6. They like to eat it with cream cheese. (a thing)

    7. Sue usually puts them in the refrigerator. (things)

    8. Please give it to me. (I)

    9. They want us to work this weekend. (you and I)

    10. I want you to do something for me. (you)

    Part C.

    Write the subject pronounsin the singular and plural.

    (5 points each)

    singular plural









    Write the object pronouns in the singular and plural

    singular plural









    Clickhereto go back to the Blue Level

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    Learn American English Online

    Blue Level Quiz #3 - Count and Noncount Nouns

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    Learn American English Online

    Blue Level Quiz #4 - The Present Tense

    Part A.

    Directions: Complete each sentence with the correct form

    of the verb in the present tense. (10 points)

    1. She _______ to school three times a week. (go)

    2. My father ________ at that restaurant. (work)

    3. I _______ English during the week. (study)

    4. We ______ some time to go to the store. (have)

    5. My car _______ a new set of tires. (have)

    6. John _______ his shopping on the weekend. (do)

    7. They _______ at that table everyday. (sit)

    8. A plumber _______ leaky pipes and toilets. (fix)

    9. You always ______ me good advice. (give)

    10. They ______ very good students. (be)

    Part B.

    Directions: Make each of the above sentences negative.

    (10 points)

    1. She __________ __________to school. (go)

    2. My father _______ ________at that restaurant. (work)

    3. I _______ _________English during the week. (study)

    4. We _____ ________ anytime to go to the store.


    5. My car _______ _________a new set of tires. (have)

    6. John ______ _____his shopping on the weekend. (do)

    7. They _______ ________ at that table everyday. (sit)

    8. A teacher _______ ______leaky pipes and toilets. (fix)

    9. You never _________ me good advice. (give)

    10. They ________ very good students. (be)

    Part C.

    Conjugate the verb "have" in the present tense (5 points)

    singular plural

    Conjugate the verb "have" in the present tense negative

    (5 points)

    singular plural

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    Learn American English Online.com

    Blue Level Quiz #6 - Articles

    Part A.

    Directions: Fill in the blank space with the correct

    article: "a" or "the"

    1. ________ coffee I made isn't very good.

    2. I need to buy ______ new car. (any car)

    3. I can't see ________ sun.

    4. This is _________ first time for me.

    5. Do you want to see ______ movie today? (any


    6. Mary goes to ________ very good school.

    7. I put gas into __________ car. (my car)

    8. _______ bus that I take every day stops right here.

    9. That is _______ very large truck.

    10. Some of ________ apples I got at the store arebad.

    Part B.

    Directions: Fill in the blank with "a" or "an."

    1. She saw ______ friend in class.

    2. ______ apple a day keeps the doctor away.

    3. My teacher has ______ big classroom.

    4. Jose drives _______ hour to and from work every


    5. Is that _______ a fresh apple, or is it _______ old


    6. That is _______ good way to learn English.

    7. Christine is _______ honest person.

    8. We once owned _______ house in Minneapolis.

    Part C.

    Directions: Fill in the blank with "the" or "--" (nothing).

    Some of these sentences don't require "the." (10 points)

    1. There was a lot of _______ rain last night.

    2. _______ rain came down hard last night.

    3. ________ history of Mexico is very intresting.

    4. I like to study ________ history.

    5. _________ medicine I took is making me dizzy.

    6. I got some ________ medicine at the store.

    7. They used to live in ________ United States.

    8. _______ city of Chicago is very big.

    9. I like to study ______ English.

    10. ______ English language is very

    (*Remember that some words in some situations don't use

    an article)

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    9. Do you want to take _______ English class?

    10. There's ______ cracked egg in the egg carton.

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    Learn American English Online.com

    Blue Level Quiz #6 - Articles

    Part A.

    Directions: Fill in the blank space with the correct

    article: "a" or "the"

    1. ________ coffee I made isn't very good.

    2. I need to buy ______ new car. (any car)

    3. I can't see ________ sun.

    4. This is _________ first time for me.

    5. Do you want to see ______ movie today? (any


    6. Mary goes to ________ very good school.

    7. I put gas into __________ car. (my car)

    8. _______ bus that I take every day stops right here.

    9. That is _______ very large truck.

    10. Some of ________ apples I got at the store arebad.

    Part B.

    Directions: Fill in the blank with "a" or "an."

    1. She saw ______ friend in class.

    2. ______ apple a day keeps the doctor away.

    3. My teacher has ______ big classroom.

    4. Jose drives _______ hour to and from work every


    5. Is that _______ a fresh apple, or is it _______ old


    6. That is _______ good way to learn English.

    7. Christine is _______ honest person.

    8. We once owned _______ house in Minneapolis.

    Part C.

    Directions: Fill in the blank with "the" or "--" (nothing).

    Some of these sentences don't require "the." (10 points)

    1. There was a lot of _______ rain last night.

    2. _______ rain came down hard last night.

    3. ________ history of Mexico is very intresting.

    4. I like to study ________ history.

    5. _________ medicine I took is making me dizzy.

    6. I got some ________ medicine at the store.

    7. They used to live in ________ United States.

    8. _______ city of Chicago is very big.

    9. I like to study ______ English.

    10. ______ English language is very

    (*Remember that some words in some situations don't use

    an article)

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    9. Do you want to take _______ English class?

    10. There's ______ cracked egg in the egg carton.

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    Learn American English Online.com

    e Level Quiz #7 - Prepositions

    t A.

    ections: Fill in the blank space with a preposition. (20


    he students walked ________ the classroom.

    had to make a stop ________ New York last night.

    he class starts __________ 7:30 in the morning.

    he cat jumped __________ the fence.

    it __________.

    need to go ________ the store.

    Do you want to go _______ a walk?

    Chicago is __________ seven hours from here.

    he plane is leaving _______ ten minutes.

    The young man climbed __________ the window.

    Airplanes fly __________ the ground.

    Subway trains travel __________ the ground.

    Earthworms live __________ the ground.

    I am standing _______ the ground.

    Did you finish your work ______ time?

    Can I borrow your pencil _________ a minute?

    I woke up ________ 5:30 this morning.

    We haven't been there __________ last year.

    I have lived in Minnesota ________ many years.

    I'll be there ________ an hour.

    ers: 1. into; 2. in; 3. at; 4. on (or over); 5. down; 6. to; 7. for; 8. about (or almost); 9. in; 10.gh; 11. above; 12. under; 13. in; 14. on; 15. in; 16. for; 17. at; 18. since; 19. for; 20 in

    Part B.

    Directions: Fill in the blank with a preposition (20 points)

    1. Don't bother me. I'm _______ a hurry.

    2. Two cars crashed _________ each other.

    3. She has been absent _________ class.

    4. I'll get ______ touch ______ you later.

    5. It's not good ____ me to eat food high ____cholesterol.

    6. Please turn ______ the lights _____ the living room.

    7. The letter "B" comes _________ "A" and "C."

    8. I fell _______ love with her.

    9. What's wrong ________ my cell phone?

    10. Do you want to go ______ bus or ______ car?

    11. Please fill _______ each blank carefully on the quiz.

    12. Mary loves to listen ______ music _____ the radio.

    13. He's very sick. They're taking things day ______ day.

    14. My wife doesn't agree ________ me very often.

    15. The U.S. will elect a new President _____ November.

    16. Would you like to sit here ________ me?

    17. He's leaning __________ the wall.

    18. The car _________ me is following too closely!

    19. Minneapolis is northwest ________ Chicago.

    20. The Twin Cities are _________ the Mississippi


    Answers: 1. in; 2. into; 3. from; 4. in / with; 5. to / in; 6. on /in; 7. between; 8. in; 9. with;10. by / by; 11. in; 12. to / on; 13. by; 14. with; 15. in; 16. by (or with); 17. against; 18.

    behind; 19. of; 20. on

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    Learn American English Online.com

    Level Quiz #8 - Possessive Adjectives and Possessive Pronouns

    A. - Possessive Adjectives

    ctions: Use the correct possessive adjective. The

    ect in each sentence will help you with yourion. (20 points)

    ave a computer on _________ desk.

    ou have a computer on _________ desk.

    e likes to play with _________ dog.

    e don't know __________ neighbors very well.

    he cat doesn't like __________ food.

    he students left _________ classroom very quickly.

    ou all have __________ own ideas about politics.

    eally want to see __________ friends this weekend.

    hey spend __________ money on junk.

    Robert is very happy with __________ new job.

    Mary thinks __________ apartment is too small.

    Where are you going on __________ vacation?

    The city has _________ own fire department.

    You and I are having lunch with _________ teacher.

    Did you finish __________ work on time?

    im and Sal love __________ new house.

    Can I have __________ car back, please?

    ohn can't fix __________ his sink.

    Does Martha have ___________ keys?

    We should bring __________ coats to the game.

    Part B. - Possessive Pronouns

    Directions: Write the correct possessive pronoun in the blank

    space following each sentence or question. (10 points)

    Example: This pen is her pen. hers

    1. This classroom is my classroom. __________

    2. Are these books your books? ____________

    3. He has his own car and I have my own car. _________

    4. Her English is good, and his English is good too. ________

    5. I think this money is her money. __________

    6. Your children are smart, and so are our children. _________

    7. Our work is finished; their work isn't. ___________

    8. Those tickets are his tickets. ___________

    9. Your garden looks great, but my garden doesn't. _________

    10. Her song was good, and I liked your song, too. _________

    Part C. Fill out the chart below with the correct possessive

    adjectives and possessive pronouns. (10 points if all are correct)

    Subject Possessive Adjective Possessive Pronoun









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    Let's have a conversation!

    Meeting someone for the first time:

    Paul: Hi. My name is Paul.

    Mei Yang: Hi. I'm Mei Yang. It's nice

    to meet you.

    Paul: Nice to meet you too. Do youlive around here?

    Mei Yang: No. I live in China.

    Paul: Really? I hear that's abeautiful country.

    Mei Yang: Yes, it is. I really love it.

    Talking about the weather :

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    Lydumila: Is it raining outside?

    Sasa: No, it's sunny.

    Lydumila: Is it going to rain latertoday.

    Sasa: Yes, I think so.

    Lydumila: Then let's see a movietonight. ("let's" = let us)

    Sasa: That's a great idea.

    Talking about your job:

    Angelena: What do you do?

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    Steve: I'm a businessman. I havemy own shop. How about you?

    Angelena: I work in a bank.

    Steve: How do you like your job?

    Angelena: It's interesting because Imeet a lot of different people allday.

    Steve: You're so lucky!

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