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  • 8/10/2019 01 Intro Lab Unix


    Intro Lab 1 Working with a Unix Server


    Prof. Federico Milano

    Email: [email protected]

    Tel.: 01 716 1844

    Room 157a - Electricity Research Centre

    School of Electrical, Electronic and Communications Engineering

    University College DublinDublin, Ireland

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  • 8/10/2019 01 Intro Lab Unix


    Unix Terminal

    Thessh protocol is a cripted tunnel that allows connecting to a Unix terminal.

    A terminal is basically a window where the user inputs instructions through a command


    A Unix terminal is similar but way much powerful than the Windows command prompt.

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    How a Unix Terminal Looks Like

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    SSH Clients

    To connect to a terminal through SSH, we need a SSH Client.

    On Windows, a SSH Client is simply a program that opens a Unix terminal once login

    information are provided.

    There are several SSH Clients for Windows. Some of them are free software.

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    SSH Client: Putty

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    SSH Client: Putty

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    SSH Client: Putty

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    Login using an SSH Client Username

    Write your username.

    The user name is the initial of your first name plus your first surname, all lower case.

    Example: John Smith jsmith

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    Login using an SSH Client Password

    Press enter and then write your password.

    The password is a random sequence of 8 digits:



    Note that, for security reasons, your password will not be displayed while typing.

    Please do not change your password!

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    SSH Client: Putty

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    Limitations of SSH Clients for Windows

    While Unix terminal is a very powerful tool, Windows limits a bit its functionalities.

    For example, no windows can be open from the terminal.

    You are thus limited to the command line.

    This is not really an issue as, Unix, almost everything can be done from the command


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    SFTP Clients

    The terminal allows operating on the server, but it is necessary to be able to exchange

    files from the server to the local system and from the local system to the server.

    This operation can be done using SFTP clients.

    Again, there is plenty of choice of SFTP clients for Windows. Some of them are free


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    SFTP Clients

    On the module website two SFTP clients are available:

    CyberDuck: it provides a user-friendly GUI, but it may not work on desktop

    computers of the lab.

    PSFTP: only command line but it works on desktop computers of the lab.

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    SFTP Client: CyberDuck

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    SFTP Client: CyberDuck

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    SFTP Client: CyberDuck

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    SFTP Client: CyberDuck

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    SFTP Client: PSFTP

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    SFTP Client: PSFTP

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    Create and Editing Files on Unix

    Apart from transferring file to and from the server, it can be useful to edit files directly

    on the server.

    This can be done in several ways, but using a SSH client, you are limited to command

    line editors.

    A possible choice is nano that can be launched from the prompt of the Putty terminal.

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    Command Line Text Editor: Nano

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    Being Efficient with SSH and SFTP Clients

    Some tips to be efficient when dealing with SSH and SFTP clients.

    Open an SSH client. This will be the terminal for main operations (e.g., executing

    power flow)

    Open an SFTP client to move files from and to the server.

    Open another SSH client for auxiliary operations (e.g., editing files on the server)

    Open as many SSH clients are you need and dedicate each one to a specific,simple operation.

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    Hints and Warnings

    Unix does not forgive errors. For example if you remove (delete) a file, that file is lost


    The server is not a backup disk. You may loose everything due to server maintenance


    The server is quite robust and student-proof, but if you mess up the server all other

    users will be affected. Hence, please always think twice before launching a command.

    If your connection is slow, do as much operations as possible on your local computer

    and use the server only for number crunching.

    You can connect to the server from anywhere (e.g., home and Starbucks).

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    Exercises Do all exercises (except for exercises 5.3 and 6.x) of the Unix Tutorial available at


    Moreover, do the following exercises:

    1. Open a SSH connection using your account.

    2. Open a SFTP connection using your account.

    3. Create a text file on your computer and copy it to the server.

    4. Edit the text file on the server using nano.

    5. Copy back your edited text file on your local computer and check that changes have

    been applied.

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    Links Web page of the course:




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