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0.1 Salutations and Introduction 5..2015 1

0.1 Introduction to General Chemistry

Dr. Fred Omega Garces Chemistry 152 Miramar College

0.1 Salutations and Introduction 5..2015 2

Introduction to General Chemistry Chemistry for the Science Majors

Objective: This course will teach you the fundamentals of chemistry so you can be prepared for General chemistry.

One of the goal of this course is to help those who major in the science (pre-med) or engineering field that will be taking general chem.

Those going in sciences are responsible for making important decisions, some are life or death decisions. To make wise-informed decisions when someone’s life is in the balance, or a material needs to be structurally sound, or a drub being synthesized needs the correct properties, it is important to understand the science of the atoms. This course will give you the knowledge to wisely make these important decisions.

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So why are you taking Chemistry ? (… and enrolled in this course)

Most will say It is required for

-For major -For new job -For personal growth

Career in Science ?

(Rarely do I hear the answer that it is a favorite subject) This semester I will try and convince you otherwise.

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Knowledge in science is more than a collection of facts; it involves comprehension, correlation, and an ability to explain established facts, usually in terms of a physical cause for an observed an observed effect.

Science: (Latin) Knowledge

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Science and the Universe How is Science and the Universe related? Science encompasses the Universe. A better understanding of our universe leads to the improvement to our quality of life.

Matter Energy



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Science and Technology How is Science related to Technology

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Today we are in the midst of two technological revolution

Genome Editing Computer chips human brain-like

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Technology doesn’t come without a price. Risk & Benefits of a Technological Society

There are many benefits of a technological society but what sacrifice must be paid. What is the risk ?

1. Pesticide to improve crop yield - (Union carbide) Bhopal India over 2000 dead.

2. Nuclear fission - USSR Chernobyl, hundreds dead, more dying.

3. Space travel - Challenger disaster. 4. Automobile - Leaded fuel

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What is Chemistry ? What are Chemicals ?

Chemistry is the science which deals how material in the universe undergo changes.

Matter (material) are any substance which occupies space and has mass. Click on news article to the right

Chemistry and Chemicals San Diego: Is Any Chemical a Bad Chemical? "Is any chemical a bad chemical?" The San Diego Union-Tribune by Joseph Perkins,, February 19, 1999 Copyright 1999 Remember the dioxin scare? Back in the early 1980s, the Environmental Protection Agency pronounced it the deadliest chemical known to humanity. By 1991, however, the federal government was forced to admit that it was wrong; that dioxin was virtually harmless.

If it (dioxin) is a carcinogen, it's a very weak carcinogen," conceded Dr. Vernon Houk, the federal official who needlessly ordered the evacuation of an entire town in 1983 that was supposedly contaminated by the chemical. How about the radon scare? In the early 1990s, the EPA calculated that the radioactive gas -- to which an unsuspecting individual may be exposed when he or she takes his or her daily shower, the public was warned -- was responsible for as many as 30K lung cancer deaths each year.

Yet, as it turns out, none of the cities or states or regions of the country with high readings of radon (which is produced by decaying natural deposits of uranium) have higher-than-normal rates of lung cancer. Moreover, not one lung cancer patient has ever been identified whose illness has been positively attributed to radon.

Now we have the MTBE scare. Methyl tertiary-butyl ether is a gasoline additive. The chemical has been around since 1979, when it was initially added to fuel to increase octane, but the Exxons and Mobils and ARCOS and Chevrons have greatly increased its use over the past decade.

That's because MTBE is what is known as an "oxygenate." Cars and trucks fueled by oxygenated gas emit less smog-producing compounds from their tailpipes than those using the old-fashioned non-oxygenated gas.

It is for that reason that a 1990 amendment of the Clean Air Act required oxygenated gas to be used in smoggy Los Angeles, in San Diego (which has the misfortune of being downwind from the City of Angels) and eight other metropolitan areas throughout the country reeling which, at the time, were suffering from poor air quality.

And since 1995, when service stations throughout California began selling gasoline reformulated with MTBE, the oxygenate is credited with reducing carbon monoxide pollution by roughly 10 percent in Los Angeles and San Diego, much to the better health of the 10 million or so inhabitants of Southern California's two largest metropolises.

Alas, this does not sit well with the environmental left. Not because they are against cleaner air. But because they simply don't like chemicals, like MTBE, no matter how beneficial they may be. They believe, as an article of faith, that chemicals are bad; are injurious to health. And that the chemical industry is unholy and its executives evil.

leak, the biggest danger to the water supply is not MTBE, but benzene and toluene, two indisputable cancer-causing chemicals.

MTBE has done much to improve air quality in Southern California and other smoggy, car-infested regions of the country. It would be ludicrous for lawmakers to accede to the wishes of scare-mongering environmentalist crusaders who seek to ban the oxygenate, not because it poses a scientifically-proven threat to human health, but simply because these latter day Luddites never met a chemical they liked.

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Everywhere you look Chemistry happens

Realm of- (Power10 Website)* 10 -12 Subatomic - Fission/Fusion

elements particles 10-6 Microscopic - cells, virus,

bacteria, DNA, semiconductors 101 Macroscopic - CD, pen, cars 109 Cosmic - sun, galaxies, comet

* http://micro.magnet.fsu.edu/primer/java/scienceopticsu/powersof10/index.html

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Is it Magic or just Chemistryt? Demonstrations-

1.  A paper worm

2.  Imploding egg

3.  Water to wine

4.  Burning Dollar

5.  Disappearing water

6.  Soda Fizz

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Sound decision comes from knowledge and a good understanding of Science.

Branches of Science Math - Language of Science. Biology - Science of the living. Physics - Science of the way things work. Chemistry - Science of the building block of matter.

As known as Lego Science Chemistry is often called the Central Science.

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The Lego analogy of Matter

What is matter ? Anything which contains substance (occupies space and has mass)

mass is a measure of quantity, weight is the force due to gravity.

Chemistry is Everywhere !!

Since matter is everywhere -

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