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PC Fundamentals

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Why This Module

The objective of this module is to give a strong foundation on Information technologies. Focus is to

expose students to basic hardare architecture and various computing devices. The module also

emphasi!es on operating s"stem architecture and basic des#top maintenance.

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This course% PC Fundamentals introduces the benefits and application areas of computers. The coursealso introduces internal and external parts of a computer. It enables the learner to manage the computer

efficientl" b" performing basic troubleshooting and maintenance related activities. In addition% itexplains ho an operating s"stem manages all activities of a computer.

To cover all the above aspects% this course is divided into four sub&modules% 'or#ing ith PC% (no"our PC% )aintain "our PC% and *perating +"stem ,rchitecture.

Working with PC

This sub module introduces the learner to a computer and its main components. The learner comes to

#no about different t"pes of computers and generations of computers. In addition% this sub&module

enables the learner to perform the basic tas#s on computer such as% creating and managing files andfolders and changing the appearance of the des#top. The learner also learns to use applications for

general use such as Calculator% Notepad and Paint.

Know your PC

In this module learner is introduced to various PC peripherals and storage devices that can be connected

ith the PC. In addition it also covers the range of PCs such as des#top computers and portables. Thismodule also introduces the internal parts of a computer% their functioning and their configuration.

Maintain your PC

This module describes the various methods to maintain "our PC. In this module% learner learns totroubleshoot the common problems faced hile or#ing on the PC. The learner also learns to usevarious tools that help to improve the performance of the PC.

Operating System Architecture

This sub module introduces the architecture of 'indos and -inux operating s"stems. This module also

explains ho the different components of -inux and 'indos operating s"stem function. In addition% italso deals ith the main operations of both the operating s"stems such as file management% I*

management% and memor" management.

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The course is applicable to an"one ho ants to gain the basic #noledge of or#ing on computers. ,student ho registers for the PC Fundamentals module should be able to perform the folloing tas#s0

  Interact in nglish in a classroom environment & The classes ill be conducted in nglish. The

courseare ill also be in nglish. The sessions ill be interactive in nature.

  2andle the computer using #e"board and mouse.

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,fter completing this module% the student should be able to0

  Identif" applications of computers

  4escribe different t"pes of computers in each generation

  Identif" benefits and limitations of computer s"stem

  4efine the components of a PC s"stem

  4efine the components of 'indos xplorer 

  )anage files and folders

  Change the displa" properties of the des#top screen

  5se Calculator% Notepad% and Paint.

  Identif" various input and output devices and their functionalit".

  Identif" the different t"pes of storage media and applications.

5nderstand 6luetooth technolog"

  Identif" the functions of the motherboard components% such as% microprocessor% cloc#% memor"%

and ports

5nderstand the function of a displa" adaptor 

  Troubleshoot some common problems of the s"stem

  Install and uninstall softare

  5se the tools for better computing

  )onitor the s"stem resources

  ,ppreciate the need for operating s"stem

  5nderstand the various functions of operating s"stem.

  (no various files used to startup the operating s"stem.

  (no the steps through hich the *+ starts up

  5nderstand the internal architecture of 'indos $777 operating s"stem

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  5nderstand )ulti&user +"stems

  5nderstand the architecture of the -inux operating s"stem

  5nderstand the features of the -inux operating s"stem

Milestone "o# Foundation Semeste#


Week # CR OCR MR e-Learning

1Intro 9 'or#ing ith PC

:C*; 'or#ing ith PC :'in; 'or#ing ith PC :'in;  

$ C6T Intro )+ *ffice :'ord; )+ *ffice :'ord; Configuring desktop

/ (no "our PC )+ *ffice :xcel; )+ *ffice :xcel;  

3 P-T )+ *ffice :xcel; )+ *ffice :xcel;  

8 P-T PPT Intro :C6T; PPT  

< P-T (no "our PC (no "our PC PPT


Industr" ,areness 9 I+,+&

+eminar allocation )aintain "our PC )aintain "our PC  

> *+ ,rchitecture I+,+ & +eminar Computer Netor#s  

? @46)+ +A- Aui!  

17 @46)+ +A- +A-  

11 @46)+ +A- +A- *+,

1$ +A- +A- +A-  

1/ +A- +A- +A-  

13 I+,+ & +eminar I+,+ & +eminar F61 )T1

18 +A- +A- +A- ff Comm

1< +A- +A- +A-  

1= **P+ **P+ **P+  

1> **P+ **P+ **P+ 2T)-

1? **P+ **P+ **P+  

$7 **P+ **P+ **P+  

$1 **P+ **P+ **P+  $$ @ecap F6$ Collaborative Problem )T$  

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Career Edge Students complete their program at the endof Week 14.

CDS session is an additional activity, within the Semester, for

GNIIT students All students will need to appear for the Behavioral Assessment Eercise, which will !eseparately scheduled !y the Batch "acultye#earnin$ is Self %aced #earnin$, supported !y we! !asedservices on www&niitstudent&com

NO!" For the initial fe batches% please cover = th ee# *C@ and )@ in the <th ee# *C@ and )@ and vice versa%till "ou receive the next TI@) C4. 

Swapping of the chapters should take place as shown below:

Week # CR OCR MR e-Learning

< P-T )aintain "our PC )aintain "our PC PPT

=Industr" ,areness 9 I+,+&

+eminar allocation (no "our PC (no "our PC  

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Wo#$in% &ith PC

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Lesson One


+tart the session ith the /8 & 37 minutes Intro C6T to familiari!e the students ith the semester

content and rules and regulations. +pend about 17 min ansering their Bueries after the C6T session.

,fter the Intro C6T% start the Computer *vervie :C*; C6T. 6efore starting this C6T% introduce the

C6T b" bringing out hat all it covers.

This presentation is divided into four sections% Introduction% 2ardare% +oftare% and 4ata storage. Itstarts ith the objectives and displa"s a )ain menu. ou can clic# on an" topic% present in the )ain

menu to start that topic. Darious buttons given in the interface of this presentation are as follos0

Close menu0 To close the main menu.

@estore menu0 To displa" the main menu again.

)usic onoff0 To start and stop the bac#ground music.

Pause0 To stop the presentation in beteen.

Pla"0 To pla" the paused presentation.

Previous0 To go to the earlier section of the same topic.

 Next0 To go to the next section of the same Topic.

xit0 To come out of the C6T session.

There is a pause after each section. 4uring this pause facult" can handle the Buestions doubts related to

the previous section. +tudents are also provided ith Computer *vervie ritten material% hich is partof Information Technolog" Fundamentals courseare. +tudents can mar# their doubts in the boo# and

as# Buestions at the relevant time.

This C* C6T :Flash presentation; ill run for about /8 E 37 min. The presentation ill run on Facult" Node and students ill see it on their computers through the splitter or can vie the same through -C4


Note1. The facult" node AS to be a multimedia computer to gain the best output of these


$. In case% the Intro 9 C* C6Ts do not get over in to hours% "ou can run the remaining presentation of C* in the Intro to C6TG session in the $nd ee# C@.

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'uestion" 'hat are the hardare reBuirements to run 'indos HP

Answer" Intel Pentium $//)2! or higher processor ith a minimum of 1$> )6 @,) and <87 )6 offree dis# space.

'uestion" 'hat are the different versions of 'indos HP available

Answer" 'indos HP 2ome dition and 'indos HP Professional.

Solutions - (n%uided P#a+ti+e


ou need to ensure that students are able to create and manage the files and folders and change thedes#top appearance according to the Buestions given in the student guide.

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1no& you# PC

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Lesson One


The lesson discusses about the various input and output devices. , mouse allos "ou to randoml" select

coordinates% hich is not possible using a #e"board. , bus mouse is faster than a serial mouse becauseeight bits of information can be transferred at a time but in a serial mouse the information is transferred

onl" one bit at a time. )ouse is classified as mechanical or optical% based on the technolog" used. ,mechanical mouse is connected to the computer b" a ire. In case of optical mouse there is no ire

connecting it to the computer. , mechanical mouse is more idel" used than an optical mouse.

In an impact printer there is a contact beteen the t"peface and the in# ribbon and the paper. , drum

 printer consists of a c"linder hich has characters embedded. ,s the c"linder rotates characters get printed on the paper. In a Non&impact printer there is no contact beteen the t"peface and the paper.

This ma#es the Non&Impact less nois" than the Impact Printer.

In a +erial Printer the transfer of data is one bit at a time but in a Parallel printers data transfer is eight

 bits at a time.

, scanner is used to scan images and store the image on the dis# as a file.

Additional In*uts

Touch screen is ideal for people ho are not familiar ith the #e"board. For example% Touch screens

ere used in 6arcelona *l"mpic games.

*nl" seBuential access of information is possible in a cartridge tape drive hich is similar to that of anaudio tape. Cartridge tape is not an ideal medium for online storage and retrieval. C4&@*) allos "ou

to randoml" access data but no updation is possible.

)emor" stic# can be plugged in the 5+6 port.

+oftare cannot be installed on a Palmtop.

6luetooth can let an" of the eb enabled devices li#e "our des#top% noteboo#% cell phone and P4,

interact ith one another ithout having an" ph"sical connection li#e a 5+6 or an" other port. It or#son the radio signals.

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Lesson T&o


This lesson delves into the intricacies attached to a computer. This module ill help a student in #noing theinternal structure of a computer s"stem.

It tal#s about the various components present in a s"stem unit% the various displa" adaptor cards available in

the mar#et and functions of the mother board components. ,ll peripheral devices are connected to themotherboard. In a I6) PC% the motherboard is called as the s"stem board.

)icroprocessors available in the mar#et other than the Intel series are0 )otorola% ,dvanced )icro 4evices.Cloc# provides timing signal in the form of pulses that are used to s"nchroni!e the components of the


The three main buses found in an" processor are0

4ata bus0 for carr"ing data

,ddress bus0 for carr"ing the addresses

Control bus0 for carr"ing control signals

Additional In*uts

)axtor $87 J6 hard drive is the orldKs highest capacit" hard drive% in hich "ou can store up to0

/>7 interactive games or

<$%877 3&minute )P/ tunes or

$87 hours of compressed digital videos or

$87%777 high&resolution digital photos

Solutions - (n%uided P#a+ti+e

In this session% students ill see the Flash presentation% hich describes all the internal parts of acomputer and their assembling. ,t the end% there is a practice to build a PC.

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Lesson One


This lesson discusses the troubleshooting part. Tell the students about the common problems and the

solutions for the same in an interactive mode.

'hile teaching them about the tools used to enhance the performance% tell them that the options might

 be different in different indos version.

mphasi!e on the need to free dis# space. xplain that the methods given are a a" of troubleshootingthe dis#&space problem. It ill help them in the future% as the" might have to free dis# space often hen

the" are or#ing on the computer. xplain that the 4is# 4efragmenter utilit" consolidates fragmented

files and folders on "our computerKs hard dis#. This ill result in each file occup"ing single contiguous

space on the drive.

There are various methods of freeing dis# space. ou can determine the files "ou ant to remove from

"our hard dis#. 6e sure "ou onl" remove files "ou are certain "ou donLt need. ou can ta#e a bac#up of

the files that "ou need and then delete them. ou can remove files that are above a certain si!e b" using

the Find option to find the files above a certain si!e and then selecting the ones that "ou do not reBuire

and deleting them. ou can free more dis# space b" removing 'indos HP components that "ou do not

use in the ,dd@emove Programs dialog box. The ,dd@emove Programs icon can be accessed using

the Control Panel. ou can create more dis# space b" compressing the NTF+ volume or drive.

Solutions2 (n%uided P#a+ti+e


The steps to install the screen saver are0

1. *pen the C0MTemp folder here the .exe file of screen saver is stored.

$. 4ouble&clic# the .exe :/4@ipples; file to displa" a message box that as#s 4o "ou ish to


/. Clic# the (es button to start the screen saver installation i!ard. The We)come page of the

installation i!ard is displa"ed.

3. Clic# the Ne*t button to displa" the License Agreement page.

8. Clic# the Ne*t button to displa" the Se)ect +estination +irectory page. +elect the appropriatelocation here "ou ant to install the screen saver. 6" default% it ill be installed in C0MProgram

FilesMControl&Oed Jroup folder.

<. Clic# the Ne*t button to displa" the Se)ect Program ,roup page and select the appropriate group

to hich "ou ant to add this screen saverLs icon.

=. Clic# the Ne*t button to displa" the Reay to $nsta)) page.

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>. Clic# the $nsta)) button in the Reay to $nsta)) page. The installation starts and the Setup

Comp)ete page is displa"ed.

?. 4eselect the (es. $ wou) )ike to /iew the R!A+M! 0i)e chec# box and clic# the 1inish button tocomplete the setup program.

To ma#e the screen saver active% "ou need to perform the folloing steps0

1. +elect Settings Contro) Pane) +isp)ay from the Start option to displa" the +isp)ay

Properties dialog box.

$. +elect the Screen Sa/er tab from the +isp)ay Properties dialog box.

/. +elect the 23+2Ripp)es from the Screen Sa/er list box and clic# the App)y button to ma#e the

screen saver active.

3. Clic# the OK  button to close the dialog box.

(./3The steps to perform 4is# defragmentation are0

1. +elect Programs Accessories System oo)s +isk +e0ragmenter from the Start optionto displa" +isk +0ragmenter indo.

$. +elect the drive that "ou ant to defragment and clic# the +e0ragment button in the +isk

+e0ragmenter indo.

The steps to perform 4is# cleanup are0

1. +elect Programs Accessories System oo)s +isk C)eanup from the +tart option to

displa" the Se)ect +ri/e dialog box.

$. +elect the dis# "ou ant to clean from the list.

/. Clic# the OK  button.

The steps to uninstall unnecessar" softare are0

1. +elect Settings Contro) Pane) from the +tart option.

$. +elect A4Remo/e Programs as shon.

/. +elect the program that "ou ant to remove.

3. Clic# the Change4Remo/e button.

The steps to enhance the virtual memor" of a s"stem are0

1. *pen Settings Contro) Pane) System.

$. *n the A/ance tab% clic# the Per0ormance *ptions% and under Dirtual memor"% clic# Change.

/. In the 4rive list% clic# the drive that contains the paging file "ou ant to change. 

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3. 5nder Paging file si!e for selected drive% t"pe a ne paging file si!e in megab"tes in the $nitia) si5e

:)6; or Ma*imum si5e :)6; box% and then clic# Set.

The steps to clean the @egistr" are0

1. +elect Run from the Start option to displa" the Run dialog box.

$. T"pe the @egCleaner in the Open Combo 6ox.

/. Clic# the OK  button to start the cleanup process.

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O*e#atin% System


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Lesson One


This lesson introduces the students to the operating s"stem. 4iscuss the or#ing of an operating s"stem

giving examples. xplain that ithout proper instruction the computer can not run. The softare is a setof instructions. The operating s"stem is a softare% hich runs the computer. Jive examples of different

t"pes of operating s"stem li#e 4*+% 'indos% 5nix% -inux etc.

xplain various functions of the operating s"stem.

xplain ho indos operating s"stem evolved. xplain the difference beteen 'indos ?x and 'in NT operating s"stem.

xplain the function of an operating s"stem. 6riefl" explain the different operating s"stems that areavailable in the 'indos famil". The students should be aare that 'indos HP consists of

'or#station and +erver. xplain the difference beteen the to. 4o not go into details that the studentsdo not understand.

This lesson does not cover all the features of 'indos HP that ma#e it so poerful. ou can provideadditional features. xplain the multithreading concept carefull"% as students find this concept difficult

to understand.

xplain hat internall" happens hen the indos is started. 4iscuss various steps involved during this process. xplain different s"stem files reBuired during startup process.

4iscuss the internal architecture of 'indos $777 operating s"stem.

xplain different modules li#e0

  2ardare ,bstraction -a"er 


  xecutive +ervices

  Protected +ubs"stem

  nvironment +ubs"stem

6riefl" explain the difference beteen multi user and single user operating s"stem. 4iscuss the feature

and architecture of -inux operating s"stem. )ention various shells available in -inux. The studentsshould understand the functions of operating s"stem. xplain the login and the logout procedures of the

-inux operating s"stem. 4iscuss about the histor" of -inux.

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Additional In*uts

6efore teaching the concept of ,dvanced Poer )anagement :,P);% "ou need to ensure that this

feature is coming on "our s"stem :refer to page no. 1.> of *perating +"stem ,rchitecture&+tudentJuide;. ,P) is based on hardare support. The operating s"stem ill support ,P)% onl" if "our

hardare supports ,P). The second thing% this feature should also be enabled in the 6I*+ settings.

'hile enhancing the virtual memor" :refer to page no. 1.1< of *perating +"stem ,rchitecture&+tudent

Juide;% the optimi!ation can be done in to a"s% *ptimi!e performance for ,pplication and *ptimi!e performance for 6ac#ground services. ou can explain this feature b" explaining the folloing


Consider a scenario of a compan"% here to hundred emplo"ees or#. ,ll the computers in the

compan" are connected to a netor#. *ne printer server% hich prints the print reBuests from all theemplo"ees% is connected to the netor#. , shared business node is connected to the netor#% on hich

various applications are running. No% to optimi!e the performance of the printer server% "ou shouldselect the 6ac#ground services radio button from the Performance *ptions dialog box% because the print

service runs as bac#ground process. To optimi!e the performance of the business node% "ou shouldselect the ,pplications radio button from the Performance *ptions dialog box% as a number of

applications are running on the business node.

P*+IH stands for Portable *perating +"stem Interface for 5NIH. It is a set of programming interfacestandards% hich govern ho to rite application source code so that the applications are portable

 beteen operating s"stems. For example% "ou have an legac" application% ritten in C that runs on

5NIH operating s"stem. The application accesses the 5NIH s"stem resources directl". Consider "ouant to run this application on 'indos $777 operating s"stem here applications cannot access

s"stem resources directl"% as 2ardare ,bstraction -a"er :2,-; is implemented in 'indos $777. To be able to or# ith 5NIH applications% 'indos need some environment through hich it can or#

ith 5NIH applications and P*+IH subs"stem provides such an environment.

ou can give an example of 'ord +tar application running on 'indos $777 to the students. 'hen

'ord +tar runs on 4*+% printing ta#es place ith the command that directl" accesses the print device%that is prn. 'hen "ou run 'ord +tar on 'indos $777% the same functionalit" is provided ith the help

of P*+IH subs"stem.

'hile teaching the +tart up process for 'indos $777% "ou need to explain certain terms% such as%

)6@% active partition% and partition table to the students.

)aster 6oot @ecord0 This is a small program that 6I*+ executes after executing P*+T hen a

computer boots up. )6@ resides in the outermost c"linder :sector 7; of the hard dis#. )6@contains the partition table.

Partition table0 The partition table contains the information about all partitions present in the harddis#. It can contain four entries% as a hard dis# can have onl" four partitions% three primar"

 partitions and one extended partition. From the partition table% 6I*+ program comes to #no aboutthe active partition and starts booting the operating s"stem.

,ctive partition0 ,lso called 6oot partition% contains the operating s"stem files.

In the initial startup process% hen the boot sector is loaded into the memor"% the s"stem searches for the

 boot loader. 'ithin the boot loader% it searches for the files% such as% Ntldr% Ntdetect.com% and Ntos#rnl.exe that are necessar" for booting process. The process of loading all these files is #non as

6ootstrap -oader Process.

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Components of a PC sstem 40

!ata Organi"ation #5

$ummar 5

Total 11


Lesson #: Objectives 5

%&p'oring our computer 15

(anipu'ating fi'es and fo'ders 45

Changing the disp'a #0

)he Accessories #0

$ummar 5

Total 11"


CR Lesson 1: Objectives 5

 An introduction to thehard*are


)he PC +ange 40,'uetooth )echno'og 15

$ummar 5

Total 11"



Lesson #: Objectives 5

)he components of thesstem unit


Ports #0

$torage sstem #5

!isp'a Adapters 10

 Add-on cards 10$ummar 5

Total 11



Lesson 1: Objectives 5

)roub'eshooting 40

)oo's for better computing .5

$ecuring the sstem #5

$ummar 5

Total 11"


CRLesson 1: Objectives 5

/ntroduction to O$ 10

indo*s Architecture .5

$tarting up the indo*s .5

(u'tiuser sstems 5

)he Linu& O$ #0

$ummar 5

Total 11

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