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  • 7/22/2019 02. HV Switchgear




    1. TNG QUAN


    Mc ch ca ti liu l cung cp m t chi tit v T ng Ngt Trung Th !c "# $ng ch%

    cng tr&nh n'(

    The aim of this document is to give the detailed description of the Medium Voltage Switchboards

    to be used in the current project.

    1.1. M t

    Functional !"c#i$tion

    )h*m vi cng vic t ng ngt trung th +a% g,m- .hu/n +0 c1c +n v2 thit 3 chi tit4 +n v2

    35 thu6t4 +n v2 ch t*% v !c $u't4 th7c hin c1c 3i8m tra t*i nh m1'4 n9i "n :ut4 cung

    cp4 gia% hng4 lp ;t4 3i8m tra ch*' th v +n gia% "au ci 0nh m?c @ !c chA ra trBn +n v2 liBn Cuan tr%ng 3hun 3hD ca vic

    h%n thnh t%n +E $7 1n @ !c chA ra trBn c1c +n v2 liBn Cuan(

    The Medium Voltage Switchboards Scope of Works includes the detailed design, engineering,workshop drawings preparation and approval, manufacturing, factory testing, supply, delivery,

    installation, testing and commissioning and finally handover to the mployer of the Medium

    Voltage Switchboards rated as shown on the relevant drawing in the framework of entire

    project completion as indicated on the relevant drawings.

    1.2. Tham chi ch!"

    C#o"" #!%!#!nc!"

    .1c 'Bu cFu tDng Cu1t ca phFn cng vic(

    Systems !eneral "e#uirements

    G .1c 'Bu cFu tDng Cu1t ca h thHng iu 3hi8n I phFn cng vic in

    Workstation !eneral "e#uirements of Workstation lectrical $ %ontrol

    G .1c t ng ngt ca% 1p

    Medium Voltage Switchboards

    G .1c m1' +in 1p phJn phHi

    &istribution Transformers

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    G .1c c1p Eng l7c

    'ower %ables

    1.#. Thit $


    TDng Cu1t


    G T ng ngt trung th !c thit 3 ph< h!p v>i c1c +n v2 1p $ng4 v c1c tiBu chu/n @

    nBu trBn(

    The Medium Voltage Switchboards shall be designed in accordance with the above(

    mentioned standards, and applicable drawings(

    G T ng ngt trung th phi c 3h nKng v6n hnh liBn tc t*i in 1pLtFn "H @ !c ni r

    tr%ng ;c tnh 35 thu6t n'(

    Medium Voltage Switchboards shall be capable of continuous duty at rated

    voltage)fre#uency stated in this Specification(

    %&c th'( )* $+ th,tT!c'nical Pa#a(!t!#s

    G in 1p 0nh m?c OP3Q

    "ated voltage * + kV

    G in 1p v6n hnh RS3Q hin hUuV

    -perating voltage * / kV 0e1isting2

    G in 1p v6n hnh OO3Q t9ng laiV

    -perating voltage * ++ kV 0future2

    G TFn "H G SW XY

    3re#uency * /4 56

    G in 1p ch0u !c tFn "H cng "ut 0nh m?c SW 3Q SW XY4 R phZt(

    "ated power fre#uency withstand voltage ( /4 kV ( /4 56, min

    G in 1p ch0u !c :ung "[t 0nh m?c ROS 3Q R(OLSW \"

    "ated lightning impulse withstand voltage ( +/ kV ( ,+)/4 7s

    G ]^ng ct ngn m*ch 0nh m?c OS 3_ giJ'

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    "ated short(circuit breaking current ( +/ k8 ( 9 s

    G ]^ng 0nh m?c thanh c1i `W_

    :usbars rated current * ;948

    G in 1p ch% c1c thit +0 ph RRW Q]. v>i ph*m v0 +Bn Di chp nh6n !c G RSb n


    The au1iliary supply voltage shall be 4 V &% with a permissible variation range of (/i c1c tin ch ngKn ch;n $^ng r^ h, Cuang(

    i8m tra m?c ch?a $^ng r^ h, Cuang ch% t trung th n% @ !c ni r v +t 3k tin ch

    'Bu cFu n% !c nh6n ra v $ c1c vin thng g%V T ng ngt trung th !c th 3

    th% c1ch m tr%ng tt c c1c phFn h!p thnh !c v6n hnh v +% tr& an t%n v 3hng

    !c hin $in +Jt 3k mHi ngu' h*i n% n ng=i ha' gJ' h h*i n c1c thit +0 3h1c(

    Medium Voltage Switchboards design shall incorporate arc fault containment features.

    The level of arc containment test to which the switchboard complies shall be stated and any

    re#uired features 0e.g. vent flaps2 shall be identified. The Medium Voltage Switchboards

    shall be designed in such a manner that all components shall be operated and

    maintained safely and shall not present a ha6ard to personnel or cause damage to other


    G Qj t 3im l%*i +0t 3n v oan t%n 3hi ch*m v%(

    Metal enclosure shall be hermetically sealed and @safe to touchA.

    G Tt c c1c phFn trung th v c1c phFn chu'8n Eng +Bn tr%ng th& 3hng cFn +% tr& tHi

    thi8u RW nKm ha' RW WWW lFn v6n hnh c9 3h(

    MV and internal drive parts shall be maintenance(free for at least 4 years or 4 444

    mechanical operations.

    G )hFn ng ng1t phi !c 3i8m tra r^G h, Cuang(

    Switchgear shall be arc(fault tested

    / t34'hSu*(i""ion

    Nh thFu cung cp nhUng tnh t%1n v +n v2 tri8n 3hai thi cng 8 !c "7 chp thu6n ca 35


    The %ontractor shall submit for the ngineerBs approval the following workshop drawings and


    G 9 , 9n tu'n

    Single Dine &iagram

    G 9 , +% v

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    'rotection &iagram

    G Tnh t%1n c1c ci ;t r= l $7 0nh

    %alculation of prospective relay settings

    G q%*i4 "H m n v 0nh m?c ch% c1c +E ph6n lp r1p

    Types, model numbers and ratings of assemblies(

    G .1c 3ch th>c chi tit

    &etailed dimensions.

    G .1c +E ph6n v6n chu'8n4 "p :p chung4 m;t +dng4 m;t ?ng pha tr>c v m;t ct ca

    tng +E ph6n

    Shipping sections, general arrangement, plan view, front elevations and cross( section of

    each compartment(

    G NhUng che nh ra csa c1c +E ph6n c th8 nh hng n c1c 3h%ng 3hng ha' c1c tha%

    t1c 3hng ch 4 nh mc Cuai4 ta' nm

    'rojections from the assembly that may affect clearances or inadvertent operation, such as

    handles, knobs

    G .hi tit gn v% "n ha' trBn t=ng

    3i1ing details for floor or wall mounting.

    G X thHng "9n v mu "9n +Bn tr%ng v +Bn ng%i

    1ternal and internal paint colours and paint systems(

    G .1c chi tit + m1' v c1c chi tit thi cng4 c1c 'Bu cFu thng gi

    %onstruction and plinth details, ventilation re#uirements

    G 9 , 9n tu'n 3hc gi

    ngraving Mimic &iagram

    G TBn nh ch t*%

    ManufacturerBs name

    G qa chfn l%*i

    Type designation

    G H 9n ;t hng

    'urchaser order number

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    2. %H5T 678NG


    2.1. 6"9i t -i/'S-itc'*oa#" t.$!

    G T ng ngt trung th l l%*i t ;t tr%ng nh !c thit 3 v>i cp E c th8 chp nh6n

    nhj nht ca +% v lHi v% )V ch% c1c thit +0 v c1c $ng c nh l )O:(

    The Medium Voltage Switchboards shall be indoor type unit designed with the

    minimum acceptable degree of ingress protection 0?'2 for electrical e#uipment and

    devices shall be as ?'+1.

    G T ng ngt trung th l l%*i 3hng gi1 4 gn trBn "n4 v tt c v6n hnh ng ngt!c th7c hin t m;t tr>c t v6n hnh(

    The Medium Voltage Switchboards shall be free(standing, floor mounted, and all

    switching operation shall be carried out from the dead(front operating panel(

    G .1c ph9ng tin 3i8m tra =ng $J' ang h%*t Eng !c gn trBn m;t t( .1c c9 cu

    chu'8n Eng v c1c m*ch th? cp ca c1c +in $^ng % l=ng !c 8 t7 $% v c

    th8 tip c6n an t%n(

    Dive line test facilities shall be available on the panel front. &rive mechanism and current

    transformers secondary circuits shall be freely and safely accessible.

    2.2. %&c -;' < h"9t -='(

    Functional unit"

    >'( '(?t t3'( th

    M!iu( Volta&! S-itc'!"

    G .1c ng ngt trung th !v "# $ng 3h w 1p "ut thp ha' chJn 3hng 8 ngt $^ng

    v 3hng 'Bu cFu +% tr&( )hFn ng ngt trung th !c gn th% hng ngang +Bn tr%ng

    t v v0 tr ca c1c tip i8m chnh v tip t !c nh&n th' r rng t pha tr>c t(

    Xi8n th0 v0 tr !c ;t tr7c tip trBn trc v6n hnh tip i8m( T ng ngt trung th c

    tuDi thf phc v t nht `W nKm(

    The Medium Voltage Switches shall use low pressure S3; gas or vacuum for current

    interruption and shall re#uire no maintenance. The Medium Voltage Switches enclosure

    shall be mounted hori6ontally within the cubicle and the position of the main and

    earthing contacts shall be clearly visible from the front of the cubicle. The position

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    indicator shall be placed directly on the contact operating shaft.The Medium Voltage

    Switches shall have a service life of at least 94 years (

    G 7 ch0u 7ng c9 3h ca c1c h%*t Eng c9 3h phi +% m t nht RWWW v6n hnh(

    Eo shall be re#uired over this period.The mechanical endurance of the switch operating

    mechanisms shall ensure at least 444 operations.

    M&@ '(?t B'( tC -='(

    Ci#cuit B#!a/!#"

    G .1c m1' ngt $^ng t7 Eng ca t trung th c +a c7c4 gn cH 0nh ha' l%*i th1% ra

    !c( .hZng 3hng phi +% tr& Hi v>i c1c ngu'Bn tH ng ngt v c1c +E phFn c9 3hh%*t Eng( .1c $ng c ng ngt !c gn trBn c9 cu chu'8n m*ch v 3hng ph thuEc

    v% 3h h6u v mi tr=ng( .1c m1' ngt ca t ng ngt trung th !c thiB 3 ch0u

    !c RW4WWW chu 3k v6n hnh ring +it v SW lFn ngt t*i $^ng 0nh m?c ct ngn m*ch(

    The Medium Voltage %ircuit :reakers shall be of the three(pole, fi1ed mounted ordraw(out

    type. They must be maintenance free as regards the switching element and the operating

    mechanism. Switching devices have to be fitted in the switchgear vessel to be independent

    from climate and environment. The Medium Voltage %ircuit :reakers shall be designed to

    withstand 4,444 mechanical operating cycles sespectively and /4 breaking operations atrated short circuit breaking current.

    G Ngu,n iu 3hi8n ch% m1' ngt ng4 ngKt v n*p in ch% c1i nh' l ngu,n ]. RRWQ(

    Tt c c1c m*ch iu 3hi8n ch% mei m1' ngt !c +% v riBng +it +dng c1c M.x( .1c

    m*ch ng4 ngt "2 !c +% v riBng +it(

    The control power for breaker closing, tripping and spring charging shall be &%4 V.

    8ll control circuits of each %ircuit :reaker shall be separately protected by means of

    M%:Bs. The close and trip circuits shall be separately protected(

    G .1c m1' ngt trung th 9c cung cp t nht hai OV tip i8m ph $7 ph^ng th=ng m

    NyV v hai OV tip i8m th=ng ng N.V4 v !c nHi $J' n c1c 3hHi nHi $J'

    c th8 tip c6n !c ch% vic 3t nHi ng%i( Nu c1c tip i8m ph $7 ph^ng n' 3hng

    c !c4 th& mEt r= l ph "# $ng 8 tKng c1c c1c tip i8m ph $7 ph^ng(

    The Medium Voltage %ircuit :reakers shall be provided with a minimum of two 0+2

    Eormally -pen 0E-2 and two 0+2 Eormally %losed 0E%2 spare au1iliary contacts,

    and wired up(to an accessible terminal block for e1ternal connections. ?f spare au1iliary

    contacts are not available, an au1iliary relay shall be used to multiply the available spareau1iliary contacts.

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    G Ngu,n ngt m1' ngt !c gi1m "1t t*i cuEn ngt ca mei m1' ngt v mEt r= l +1% Eng

    chung !c h%*t ng nu ngu,n ngt m1' m1' ngt n' 3hng $

  • 7/22/2019 02. HV Switchgear


    G .1c +E ph6n h%*t Eng "2 !c trang +0 v>i c1c thit +0 iu 3hi8n v +% v "H ph< h!p(

    .1c thit +0 n' g,m c1c ch?c nKng liBn l*c4 % m4 t7 Eng v +% v(xi v& +E ph6n iu

    3hi8n v +% v !c lp ;t tr%ng t in 3n nBn cFn 3h%ng 3hng gian th% 'Bu cFu 8

    vic +% hnh4+% tr& !c tHt nht4 th% c1c tiBu chu/n z. chu'Bn ngnh "au J'-

    The functional units shall be e#uipped with integrated digital protection and

    controlunits, which include the protection, automation, measurement, counting and

    communication functions. Since the 'rotection and %ontrol unit is integrated as close as

    possible to the switchgear, it must meet the severest environmental withstand

    re#uirements, in particular ?% standards-

    o OSSGP h nKng ch0u in 1p :ung S v

    +//( ?mpulse withstand / kV

    o OSSGOOGR ng in t R MXY cp

    +//(++( M56 wave %lass ???

    o OSSGOOGP 7 cH th%1ng Cua cp Q

    +//(++( 3ast transients %lass ?V

    o OSSGOOG` x?c :* in t tHi thi8u l OW QLm

    +//(++(9 lectromagnetic radiation +4 V)m minimum

    o Nhit E v6n hnh "2 lBn t>i PS{ .

    The operating temperature shall be up to =/G %.

    o .1c +E ph6n iu 3hi8n v +% v "2 !c v6n hnh +i ngu,n in ph- in 1p mEt

    chiu RRWQ4 v c1c +in $^ng- $^ng 0nh m?c l R_| c1c +in 1p-in 1p 0nh m?c l


    The 'rotection and %ontrol units shall be operational by au1iliary power supply

    voltageC 4 V &%, and current sensorsC 8 ( %T, and voltage sensorsC 4 V ( VT.

    G Nh m1' "n :ut c1c +E ph6n +% v @ !c cng nh6n ch?ng chA y }WWR(.1c m?c

    l%gic Fu v% "2 c in 1p 0nh m?c giHng nh in 1p 0nh m?c ngu,n cp ph v "2

    tuJn th% c1c tiBu chu/n z. RRG`OV liBn Cuan n c1c tiBu chu/n l6p tr&nh +dng )q. v c

    $^ng 0nh m?c tHi thi8u l m_(

    The manufacturerBs plant of the 'rotection Hnits shall be ?S- I44 certified.The logic

    input shall have the same voltage rating as the au1iliary power supply and shall comply

    with the standards 0?% (9+2 relative to 'D%Bs and the current shall be at least ; m8

    G Qic ci ;t c1c thng "H "2 !c tin hnh +dng c1ch nh6p tr7c tip c1c gi1 tr0 ca $^ng "9


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    8s a minimum.Setting shall be performed by the direct input of primary current values.

    G ]^ng "7 cH ch*m t "9 cp c th8 *t n RWW m_(

    &etection fault pick(up may reach 44 m8 primaries current

    G .1c +E ph6n n' "2 ch% ph[p $

  • 7/22/2019 02. HV Switchgear


    8ll functional units, which are protecting power transformers shall be e#uipped with

    protection relays be able to perform the following protection functions-

    o x% v Cu1 ti +dng lng 3im

    Thermal -verload

    o x% v Cu1 $^ng


    o x% v ch*m t

    arth fault

    o E lch pha ca in 1p trung tnh

    Eeutral Voltage &isplacement

    o ]ung "ai m1' +in 1p

    Transformer &ifferential

    KC -" L'( EM!a"u#!(!nt

    Mei +E ph6n iu 3hi8n v +% v "2 g,m c1c 3hJu % l=ng cFn thit ch% "7 v6n hnh v

    nghim thu4 chng h*n-Measurement

    o % l=ng $^ng pha

    'hase current measurement

    o % l=ng $^ng pha 'Bu cFu l>n nht

    Ma1imum phase current demand

    o % l=ng $^ng ngt "7 cH tr%ng mei pha

    Measurementof fault current interrupted in each phase

    o % l=ng $^ng ph1t "ing nh $^ng r^ chng h*n

    8dditional measurements such as residual current

    G ]ung "ai ca ph[p % "2 l R b th% tiBu chu/n z. OSSGPV(

    Measurement accuracy shall be < 0according to ?% +//(2

    G xE ph6n n' c^n % l=ng in 1p4 tFn "H v cng "ut(

    The unit shall include voltage, fre#uency and energy measurements(

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    G Hi v>i $U liu % cng "ut v nKng l!ng4 +E n' "2 % gi1 tr0 cng "ut tiBu th v cng

    "ut phn 3h1ng v !c th7c hin t*i c1c v0 tr ngu,n v% ngu,n ra(

    3or power and energy data, the unit shall measure real and reactive values and take into

    consideration the direction of energy safe watchdog changeover contacts.

    Q6n hnh

    xE iu 3hi8n v +% v "2 g,m c1c thit +0 hi8n th0 ch% +it-

    G t Cu % l=ng

    G ]^ng chU +1% c1% tr*ng th1i h%*t Eng +dng ting anh

    G ]^ng chU nhc nh +% tr&(

    G Tr*ng th1i ng L m cFu $a% t7 Eng4 !c hi8n th0 m;t tr>c ca thit +0 nh= hai ~n tnhiu(

    G Qic ci ;t c1c thng "H 35 thu6t !c th7c hin nh= mEt cDng nHi 3hng cH 0nh m c1c

    thng "H ci ;t trBn cDng n' !c l' t tr*m 3t nHi h thHng trung tJm th% $i4 iu

    3hi8n v ghi nh6n c1c $U liu(

    G i1m "1t v iu 3hi8n

    G xE iu 3hi8n v +% v "2 g,m c1c ngu,n v% v c1c m?c l%gic Fu ra th% 'Bu cFu iu

    3hi8n ca cFu $a% t7 Eng(G iu 3hi8n ngLm4 +t 3& l%*i ;c tu'n ngt n% ha' +E iu 3hi8n ngt in cuEn $J'

    in 1p thp

    G Q0 tr ng cng tc tip t(

    G . l6p c1c v0 tr c "7 cH

    G i1m "1t c1c h%*t Eng c9 ca cFu $a% t7 Eng v c1c m*ch t1c Eng ngt ngu,n cp4u

    nHi v Cun $J'V

    G Nh6n +it !c +E ph6n n% ang 3t nHi v>i c1c thit +0 nHi(

    G xE m "H lFn ngt "7 cH4 "H lFn v6n hnh(

    G h w(

    G TDng $^ng ngn m*ch tch t(

    G qu trU c1c thng tin tr%ng "uHt th=i gian ngng cp ngu,n ph tr!V

    G 7 liBn l*c thng tin

    G xE iu 3hi8n v +% v "2 t9ng thch v>i phFn gia% $in thng tin ca thit +0 3i8uMy]x4 GO`OLGPOOLG PS4 tHc E +Ht ROWWG`PWW(

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    G xE n' "2 cung cp th +1% c1% th=i gian ca tng "7 cH th% 9n v0 tnh m"4 v>i Fu v%

    c "n ph< h!p v>i thit +0 +1% gi= ,ng +E +Bn ng%i(

    G E v6n hnh tin c6'

    G xE iu 3hi8n v +% v "2 g,m-

    G MEt c9 cu c9 t7 gi1m "1t c1c ch?c nKng +Bn tr%ng4 "2 3ch h%*t hai tip i8m chu'8n Di

    ln nhau 3hi v6n hnh lZc c "7 cH(

    G MEt thit +0 t7 Eng chu'8n "ang ch E v6n hnh an t%n 3hi "7 cH4 v hu c1c lnh t1c

    Eng Fu ra 3hi mEt lei +Bn tr%ng +0 ph1t hin(

    G .1c +E chA th0 "2 !c ;t m;t tr>c ca thit +0 +i c1c ~n tn hiu v $^ng chU +1%

    tr*ng th1i ang t7 3i8m tra(

    G .1c thng "H cFn %

    G in 1p trBn mei pha qGNLqGqV

    G ]^ng trBn mei pha

    G ]^ng ph $^ng ch*m tV

    G .1c Fu v% "H

    G TFn "H

    G .1c thng "H cFn tnh

    G in 1p hiu $ng giUa $J' phaG trung tnh ch% tng phaV

    G in 1p hiu $ng giUa $J' pha n' v>i $J' pha 3ia ch% tng c;pV

    G ]^ng +t Hi :?ng

    G ]^ng ch*m t

    G .ng "ut t1c $ng ch% tng pha v t%n +EV

    G .ng "ut phn 3h1ng ch% tng pha v t%n +EV

    G .ng "ut +i8u 3in ch% tng pha v t%n +EV

    G .ng "ut 'Bu cFu tHi a

    G .ng "ut 'Bu cFu tnh t%1n ch% tng phaV

    G ]^ng 'Bu cFu ch% tng phaV

    G NKng l!ng t1c $ng v%4 ra4 tng phFn4 tDng cEngV

    G NKng l!ng phn 3h1ng v%4 ra4 tng phFn4 tDng cEngV

    G NKng l!ng +i8u 3in v%4 ra4 tng phFn4 tDng cEngV

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    G X "H cng "ut ch% mei pha v trung +&nhV

    G in 1p v $^ng hi trBn mei pha c t>i `R "ng hiV

    G E m[% $*ng "ng TX]V ch% tng pha in 1p v $^ngV

    N(hi/m th


    xE iu 3hi8n v +% v !c phJn phHi lun "n "ng 8 "# $ng( .hA c vic ci ;t v :1c 0nh c1c

    thng "H ci ;t !c tin hnh t*i cng tr=ng(

    The 'rotection and %ontrol unit shall be delivered ready to use. -nly settings and parameter setting

    specific to the installation will need to be performed on site.

    Tu' nhiBn4 c1c +E n' c $ung l!ng ph< h!p v>i c1c 'Bu cFu th% 9n ;t hng-

    5owever, the unit shall include capacity for customisation and adaptationC

    G H l!ng Fu v%LFu ra l gic m rEng v "au- lBn n OW Fu v% v RW Fu ra(

    1tension of the number of logic inputs and outputsC to +4 inputs and 4 outputs

    G Qic tha' Di ch9ng tr&nh iu 3hi8n "2 c "n th% 'Bu cFu ca 35 "(

    Modification of the control logic program shall be available on the ngineer re#uest

    G x% tr&


    G au 3hi c1c thit +0 phFn c?ng $7 ph^ng !c lp thBm4 h thHng ngh0 !c 3hi Eng

    l*i m 3hng c "7 ci ;t ha' thit +0 ;c +it n%(

    8fter a spare hardware base has been set up, the proposed system shal enable restarting

    without any setting or the use of special e#uipment.

    G .1c gi1 tr0 ci ;t v thng "H 35 thu6t "2 !c lu l*i trBn mi tr=ng ch?a c th8 th1%

    r=i4l mEt phFn ca +E ph6n(

    The parameter and setting values shall be saved on a movable storage medium, which is

    part of the unit

    Tham $h"


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    Nh cung cp +E iu 3hi8n v +% v ngh0 "2 c mEt "H l!ng l>n c1c ti liu tham 3h%

    CuHc t v>i c1c ?ng $ng chu'Bn ngnh v c1c tin ch( ]anh "1ch ca ti liu tham 3h% "2

    !c nh 3~m v>i gii ph1p ngh0

    The proposed 'rotection and %ontrol unit supplier shall have a large number of international

    references with well(known industrialists and utilities.The list of references shall be

    enclosed with the proposal.

    Oi 'Bu cFu ca

    35 " g,m +ng thHng "H ci ;tV th% c1c th=i i8m tHt nht c th8(

    The %ontractor shall carry out network co( ordination studies on the ngineer re#uest

    0including settingsB sheets2 according to the best terms possible.

    G au 3hi lp ;t4 tr1ch nhim ca nh "n :ut l cung cp tt c c1c $0ch v cFn thit( Nh

    "n :ut "2 c mEt tD ch?c c th/m Cu'n v thit +0 !c u Cu'n 8 cFn thit ch% vic

    3i8m tra nhanh chng 0a ph9ng n9i m cng tr&nh hin $in(

    8fter installation, the manufacturerBs personnel shall provide all necessary services.

    The manufacturer shall have a competent organisation and the e#uipment necessary for

    #uick diagnoses locally.

    G ]anh "1ch c1c h*ng mc +% hnhL+% tr& "2 !c nh 3~m th% gii ph1p 35 thu6t(

    The list of maintenance service outlets shall be enclosed with the technical

    proposal.safe watchdog changeover contacts(

    2.. i' B'( -" L'(:

    G xin $^ng $p W4S h%;c tHt h9n(

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    2.. i' &0 -" L'(

    Volta&! t#an"%o#(!#"

    G xin 1p ch% +% v v % l=ng l%*i chia .( .hZng !c lp tr7c tip trBn vj t trung thv>i c1c tip i8m 3i8u cm v% 8 $ $ng th1% ra(

    The Voltage Transformers for protection and measurements shall be of "%(divider type.

    They shall be mounted directly on the medium(voltage enclosure with plug( in contacts to

    allow easy removal.

    G Fu nHi th? cp ca +in 1p !c ;t tr%ng hEp u nHi c nHi t v $ tip c6n trBn +n

    thJn +in 1p( u nHi th? cp phi !c u v $@' Fu nHi tr%ng t iu 3hi8n t*i che(

    The secondary terminals of the Voltage Transformers shall be located in easy

    accessible, grounded terminal bo1es on the voltage transformer itself. The

    secondary connections must be wired to a terminal strip in the local control cabinet. The

    G xin 1p thuEc phJn l>p W4S h%;c tHt h9n(

    Voltage Transformers shall be 4./ %lass or bette

    2.S. %h*'( )!t

    Li&'tnin& a##!"t!#"

    Nh thFu phi th7c hin "7 m phjng v>i c1c $U liu thit +0 th7c t 8 c !c "7 :1c 0nh

    chnh :1c "7 Cu1 1p v 8 thit 3 "H l!ng v v0 tr ca c1c +E chHng "[t(

    The %ontractor shall perform simulation with the actual plant data to give accurate

    determination of the over(voltages and to design number and location of lightning


    2.. %&c ti0 -iFm 0h

    Au0ilia#. contact"

    T in !c trang +0 c1c tip i8m chA th0 ph u nHi v% Fu nHi t*i nh m1'( hHi

    Fu nHi4 nh6n c1c tip i8m ph c "n4 !c ;t tr%ng ngKn h* th(

    The switchgear shall be e#uipped with au1iliary indication contacts connected to

    terminals in the factory. The terminal blocks, which received the available au1iliary

    contacts, shall be located in the low voltage compartment.

    2.. Ti0 -iFm thV0 &0

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    Lo- )olta&! au0ilia#i!"

    X thHng iu 3hi8n v +% v !c trang +0-

    The protection and control system shall also be e#uipped with-Thit +0 th# nghim 8 a $^ng in h%;c in 1p v% m*ch th? cp +in th4 lp ;t

    pha tr>c ca ngKn h* 1p-

    Test units for the injection of current or voltage into the transformer secondary

    circuits, installed on the front of the low voltage compartmentC

    G R thit +0 ch% in 1p L

    unit for voltage

    G R thit +0 ch% m*ch $^ng % l=ng

    unit for measurement current circuits

    G R thit +0 ch% m*ch $^ng +% v

    unit for protection current circuits

    G R thit +0 ch% m*ch $^ng Yr%

    unit for the 6ero current circuit

    G .Fu $a% t7 Eng m*ch +% v in 1p thp ;t tr%ng ngKn thp 1p( x% v cFu ch& 3hng!c chp nh6n(

    Dow voltage protection circuit breakers, located in the low voltage compartment. 3use

    protections are not acceptable.

    G MEt cng tc :%a' chfn 3i8u ot*i cheG t :a !c lp ;t tch h!p v>i mEt h thHng iu

    3hi8n v gi1m "1t t :a(

    8 Flocal(remoteF selector switch shall be installed for integration in a remote

    monitoring and control system.

    G .1c tip i8m thp 1p phi tuJn th tiBu chu/n z. O}4 phFn SGP v z. }P4 3h%ng S4

    phFn S(P(

    The low voltage au1iliaries shall comply with the standards ?% +IJ section /( and ?%

    ;I, article /, section /..

    G .1p h* th phi l l%*i t7 $6p tt4 phJn l>p c1ch in RWWWQ( Xai Fu !c nh6n +it

    he tr! vic 38m tra tr%ng Cu1 tr&nh +% $ng(Hi v>i m*ch $^ng4 tit $in c1p l

    O4SmmO v R4SmmO ch% c1c m*ch 3h1c(

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    The low voltage cables shall be of the self( e1tinguishing, 444 V insulation class. :oth

    ends shall be identified to facilitate checking during maintenance operations. 3or the

    current circuits, the cable cross( section shall +./ mmK, and ./ mmK for the other circuits(

    2.W. XY t


    Qj t 3im l%*i +dng tn tr1ng 32m +dng in $' tHi thi8u Omm( Qj t !c "9n +% v

    chHng Kn m^n( q>p "9n gHc BG pG:' c E $' tHi thi8u SW micr%n v !c "9n hai m;t

    ch% tt c c1c tm 3im l%*i( Mu "9n 1p ?ng th% $i mu !c ngh0(

    Steel enclosuresC minimum + mm thick electro(galvani6ed sheet steel. ?t shall be painted

    to provide protection against corrosion. The epo1y based paint shall have a thickness at

    least /4 microns and shall be applied at both side of all sheet metal. The colour shall

    correspond to the colour range proposed(

    2.1Z. 6?0 3&0


    TDng Cu1t


    G T trung th !c thit 3 thnh tng 3hHi m%un 8 c th8 t7 $% 3t h!p v m rEng(

    The Medium Voltage Switchboards shall be of the modular design for free

    combination and e1tension(

    G .ung cp vj t c?ng4 c thng gi4 c l>i chHng cn tri chiu ca% c1c thit +0 c 'Bu cFu v6n hnh v th# nghim

    th=ng :u'Bn giU m?c thp nht(

    The Medium Voltage Switchboards shall be single tier, floor mounted, free standing

    suitable for tropical indoor application in accordance to the re#uisition specification ( The

    Switchboard shall be designed for ease of maintenance and operation with the height

    of e#uipment re#uiring regular operation and testing being kept to a minimum(

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    G .u trZc ca t trung th ch% ph[p m rEng tr%ng t9ng lai t*i mEt tr%ng hai Fu( Mc

    nJng !c m +%4 !c gn trBn mei phFn nJng chu'8n ca t in(

    The construction of the Medium Voltage Switchboards shall allow for future

    e1tensions at either end. %ertified lifting lugs shall be provided in each shipping sections

    of the switchboard.

    G Tt c 3hHi ca t in !c ch t*% t th[p tm mm c E $' tHi thi8u O(Wmm trBn

    3hung th[p gc ha' trBn c1c th[p 3t cu( .u trZc ca t in chc chn 3hng +0 :%n 3hi

    t in !c nJng lBn +dng cFn trc ha' $i $=i v0 tr trBn nhUng c%n lKn(

    8ll cubicles shall be manufactured from electro(galvanised steel sheets with a minimum

    thickness of +.4 mm.on a framework of folded sheet steelor structural sections. The

    Switchboard construction shall be such that no distortion occurs when it is being lifted byhoist or moved into position on rollers(

    G # $ng c1c thnh phFn h!p thnh l%*i c thit 3 @ !c 3i8m ch?ng v>i E tin c6' ca%

    v $u' tr& tuDi thf lJu $i( T*i nhUng n9i c liBn Cuan4 c1c +E ph6n h!p thnh phi c

    ;c tnh ngKn ch;n l#a lan Cua(

    The components used shall be of proven design with high service reliability and

    maintenance free long life features. Where relevant, components shall have flame

    retardant properties(

    G .1c tm m v c1c tm v1ch ca vj t !c giU +dng inh vt v ai Hc(

    !land plates and enclosure panels shall be provided with captive nuts or screws.

    2.11. N*i -Vt


    G MEt thanh tip t +dng ,ng 3[% nguEi c E $n in ca% !c lp ;t "uHt chiu

    $i t in4 pha $>i( Tt c c1c +E ph6n 3im l%*i 3hng mang in ca t in phi !c3t nHi hiu Cu v chc chn v% thanh tip t n'( Tt c c1c ming m +t !c nHi

    t v% thanh tip Jt n'( .1c t1n ch4 ai Hc4 v^ng m h@m4 +ulng !c cung cp

    t*i Fu cuHi thanh tip t thch h!p ch% vic 3t nHi $J' c1p tip t tit $in OPWmmO

    n l>i tip t chnh +Bn ng%i(

    8n earthing bar of hard drawn, high conductivity copper shall be installed the full

    length of the switchboard in the bottom compartment. 8ll metallic, non( current

    carrying parts of the switchboards shall beeffectively and securely connected to this

    earthing bar. 8ll gland plates shall be earthed to the earth bar. arthing bolts, lugs,

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    nuts and springwashers shall be provided at each end of the bar suitable for the

    connection of1+4 mm+ earthing cables to the e1ternal main earthing grid.

    G Tt c c1c c#a v c1c tm ch ca t in phi !c nHi t hiu Cu "# $ng c1c $J'

    nHi mm(MEt cng tc tip t +a pha !c gn tch h!p4 c 3h nKng th7c hin chu'8n ti

    $^ng ngn m*ch l>n nht c tr%ng t9ng lai4 v ph< h!p v6n hnh +dng ta' t*i che !c

    cung cp t*i c1c pha c c1p ca c1c $ng c ng ngt trung th( .sng phi cung cp c1c

    tin ch tip t ch% vic tip t ca h thHng thanh c1i t*i mei +E ph6n(

    8ll doors and covers of the switchboards shall be effectively earthed using fle1ible

    connections.8n integrally mounted three phase earthing switch, capable of making and

    carrying the full perspective short circuit current and suitable for local manual

    operation shall be provided on the cable side of all Medium Voltage switching devices.

    arthing facilities for the earthing of the busbar system of each section shall also be


    N*i -Vt Li[' tc

    Ea#t' Continuit.

    G .1c thanh tip t gn trBn mei t !c nHi lin v>i nhau +dng thanh c1i4 c1c thanh c1i

    n' c th8 3t nHi +Bn ng%i v m rEng ht chiu $i(Tit $in ca thanh c1i !c :1c

    0nh "a% ch% ch0u !c $^ng ngn m*ch 0nh m?c ca t in th% tiBu chu/n z.


    The earthing bars of each of the cubicles making up the switchboard shall be

    interconnected by a set of busbars which shall be connectable outside the switchboard and

    e1tend over its full width. The cross(section of the busbars shall be determined so as to

    withstand the rated short(circuit current of the switchgear in accordance with ?%

    ;4+IJ recommendations(

    G Thanh tip t !c thit 3 8 3t nHi v% thanh tip t chnh ca tr*m m 3hng phith1% r=i +t 3k thanh c1i n%(

    The earthing bar shall be designed for connection to the main earthing bar of the

    substation without dismantling any of the bars.

    G t nHi hiu Cu thit +0 v c1c 3hung 3im l%*i t in v% thanh tip t +% v( .*% +j

    l>p "9n ph + m;t v l>p "9n chHng Kn m^n nga' tr>c 3hi +t +ul%n v% thanh tip t(

    .ung cp nhUng v^ng m c rKng ca $>i +ulng v ai Hc t*i che @ "9n4 c1c liBn

    3t 3im l%*iGnGcu trZc 3im l%*i(

    ffectively bond e#uipment and assembly cabinet metal frame to the protective earth

    conductor. Strip painted surfaces and coat with corrosion resistant material immediately

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    before bolting to the earth bar. 'rovide serrated washers under bolt heads and nuts at

    painted, structural metal( to(metal joints(

    G Tip t ch% m*ch in Eng l7c

    arthing of the 'ower %ircuit

    G ]J' c1p tip t !c 3t nHi v% cFu $a% tip t c 3h nKng ch0u ngn m*ch th% tiBu

    chu/n z. WRO}( )hi c th8 tha% t1c cFu $a% tip t 3hi cng tc ha' cFu $a% in v0

    tr m( MEt h thHng 3ha mc !c cung cp 8 3h%1 cFu $a% tip t t*i mEt tr%ng hai v0

    tr m ha' ng( Q0 tr ngL m ca cFu $a% tip t !c th' r rng t pha tr>c t


    %able earthing shall be carried out by an earthing switch with short(circuit making

    capacity, in accordance with ?% ;4+I recommendations. ?t shall be possible to operate

    the earthing switch when the switch or disconnector is open. 8 padlocking system shall

    be provided to lock the earthing switch in either open or closed position. The position

    of the earthing switch shall be clearly visible from the front of the cubicle.

    G X thHng 3ha liBn Eng c9 3h !c cung cp nhdm ngKn ch;n c1c tha% t1c nhFm ln nh

    3hi ng tip t 3hi cng tc ha' cFu $a% in v0 tr ng( Qic "# $ng D 3ha

    ch&a ha' 3h%1 in 8 t1c Eng h thHng 3h%1 liBn Eng trBn l 3hng !c chp


    Mechanical interlocking systems shall be provided to prevent incorrect operations such

    as the closing of the earthing switch with the switch or disconnector in closed position.

    The use of keyed or electric locks to actuate the above mentioned interlocking system

    shall not be accepted

    2.12. 6*i " ch" c&0

    Ca*l! !nt#i!"

    .ung cp nhUng iu 3in $ $ng 8 i =ng c1p v% phFn ngKn v% v ngKn ra(

    .ung cp F' 3h%ng 3hng tr%ng t 8 c1p 3hng +0 ch~n [p ha' t1c Eng trBn +1n

    3nh + c%ng( ngh0 chA ra chiu "Ju m9ng c1p v%( .ung cp tm +t phng c vin

    m 8 *t cp E +% v4 v6t liu- th[p $' R(mm4 3h%an tr>c m* in $'(

    'rovide cable entry facilities within incoming and outgoing sections. 'rovide sufficient

    clear space for cables not to be stressed or impose on there bending radius. 'lease specify

    the cable entry trench depth.The gland plates shall be fitted with gaskets tomaintain the

    degree of protection, materialsC pre(drilled .; mm thick electro(galvanised steel.

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    2.1#. \NG %]P


    Nh thFu thit 3 v thi cng nhUng iu 3in $ $ng 8 i =ng c1p v% phFn ngKn v%v ngKn ra( .ung cp F' 3h%ng 3hng tr%ng t 8 c1p 3hng +0 ch~n [p ha' t1c Eng

    trBn +1n 3nh + c%ng(

    The %ontractor shall design and construct cable ducting facilities within the premises of

    Medium Voltage Switchboard %hamber for incoming and outgoing cables. 'rovide

    sufficient clear space for cables not to be stressed or impose on there bending radius

    2.1. N?0 tVm -/m

    Co)!# an &lan $lat!"

    Ming +t phng- .ung cp ming +t phng c vin m 8 *t cp E +% v4 v6t liu-

    th[p $' R(mm m* in $'(

    !land platesC 'rovide removable gland plates fitted with gaskets to maintain the degree

    of protection made from .; mm thick electrically galvanised steel.

    2.1. %^a '?0Doo#" an co)!#"

    G ;t 3h%ng c1ch giUa c1c c#a gFn 3 nhau "a% ch% c th8 m hai c#a }W% c

  • 7/22/2019 02. HV Switchgear


    G qp v% 3hung "=n +dng t nht P che( # $ng ai Hc arc%n chHng Kn m^n nu tm np

    rEng Cu1 WWmm( .1c np c^n l*i th& cJu v% thJn 3hHi t(

    The covers shall be fi1ed to frames with at least fi1ings. 'rovide corrosion(resistant

    acorn nuts if the cover e1ceeds ;44 mm in width. "est cover edges on the cubicle body(

    2.1S. Tha'h c&i


    G .1c thanh c1i cp ngu,n chnh tr%ng c1c t in4 3[% $i t Fu cp ngu,n n thit

    +0 +% v ch% c1c ch?c nKng Fu ra v thit +0 ch?c nKng ch% t9ng lai(

    The main circuit supply busbars within assemblies,e1tending from incoming supplyterminalstothe line side of protective e#uipment for outgoing functional units and for

    future functional units.

    G .1c thanh c1i !c lp ;t tr%ng t riBng +it( hng c +t 3k thit +0 ha' $ng

    c n% gn tr%ng t ch?a thanh c1i( .1c thanh c1i +dng ,ng in phJn 3[% nguEi4 c E

    $n in ca% v c c

  • 7/22/2019 02. HV Switchgear


    2.1. _h"& L`' $h"&

    Tr%ng tDng th84 cung cp c1c tin ch D 3h%1 mc tHi thi8u nhUng che "au-

    ?n general the following minimum padlocking facilities shall be provided-o .#a t in

    'anel door

    o .ng tc ng L ngt t*i che c9 3hL inV

    Docal trip)close switches 0electrical ) mechanical2

    o .ng tc tip t v0 tr ng

    arthing switch in closed position

    Nh cung cp t in gi>i thiu v cung cp chi tit c1c 'Bu cFu v 3ha liBn Eng ch% thanh

    c1i tip t(

    The Switchboard manufacturer shall recommend and provide the details of the interlocking

    re#uired for busbar earthing.

    2.1. %&i $h>a 'ha'h


    G .1c ai Hc v c1c +ulng h m[t th% tiBu chu/n CuHc t yRRRR v yRRRO !c

    "# $ng thi cng t in( Tt c c1c 3h%1 nhanh l l%*i chHng Kn m^n(

    ?S- metric nuts and bolts in accordance with the re#uirements of ?S- and ?S-+

    shall be used in the construction of the Switchboard. 8ll fastening shall be corrosion


    G xulng ch% np ch l l%*i vn $nh trBn np 3hi th1% ra(

    %over bolts shall be retained in place when undone(

    2.1W. N(' O%

    2.2Z. DC $o-!# "u$$l.

    Tt c c1c +E cp ngu,n mEt chiu 8 8 h%n thnh4 8 th% m@n v v6n hnh Ec l6p ch%

    tt c c1c thit +0 ng ngt trung th !c +a% g,m tr%ng h!p ,ng n'( in 1p cp

    ngu,n mEt chiu ch% t in trung th l RRWQ( .ng "ut ca h thHng cp ngu,n mEt chiu

    !c :1c 0nh +i nh thFu 8 thja m@n c1c thit +0 h%*t Eng tHt(

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    8ll &% power supply units necessary for the complete, satisfactory and independent operation of

    all the Medium Voltage Switchgears are to be included in this %ontract. &% supply voltage

    for the Medium Voltage Switchgear shall be 4 volt. %apacities of the &% supply system shall

    be determined by the %ontractor to satisfy the3unctional Hnits correct performance. 8 battery

    test switch and all necessary test components shall be provided to test the discharging capacity

    of the &% supply units.

    bc Ji


    c Cu' l l%*i nic3nGca$mium( M1' "*c hai m?c n*p in ch6mLnhanhV4 amp 34 vn 34

    ~n chA th04 cFu ch& csng !c cung cp( Tt c c1c phFn h!p thnh ca +E cp ngu,n mEtchiu !c gn tr%ng vj ph 3im l%*i c c#a +n l4 ;t trBn "n ha' gn trBn t=ng( .ng tc

    th# nghim c Cu' v tt c c1c thnh phFn h!p thnh !c cung cp 8 th# nghim cng

    "ut in phng in ca +E cp ngu,n mEt chiu(

    :atteries to be nickel)cadmium type. &ual rate 0trickle)booster2 charger, ammeter, voltmeter,

    indicating lamps, fuses must also be provided. 8ll components of the &% supply units shall be

    housed metalclad enclosurewith hinged door floor or wall mounted.

    M&@ )9c ?c Ji

    :attery %harger

    c Cu' ngt c cng "ut 8 cung cp $^ng ngt ch% +a +E h%*t Eng ,ng th=i v !c

    ;t tr%ng vj t ?ng riBng +it +dng tn tr@ng 32m c thng gi( .i c Cu'4 c^n lp ;t

    thit +0 :*c t7 Eng4 cFu ch& ch% c1c m*ch ra4 amp 34 ngu,n ch% ~n chA th04 cng tc th#

    nghim ti 3hng 3h%14 vn 3 v>i in 1p Fu c7c !c ghi mu j r rng trBn thang %

    38 c nh@n hu>ng $n v th7c hin v th=i gian th# nghim(

    The tripping battery shall be of sufficient capacity to supply the tripping current of three units

    simultaneously and housed in a self contained free standing ventilated steel sheet cubicle.

    Together with the batteries, there shall be installed with theautomatic charging e#uipment,

    fuses for outgoing circuits, ammeter mains or indication lamp, non locking load test

    switch, voltmeter with terminal voltage clearly marked in red on scale inclusive of engraved

    instruction label for manner and duration of test(

    2.21. X,' h'h


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    G 8 T trung th 9n gin v an t%n ch% "# $ng4 c1c 'Bu cFu "au phi !c 1p ?ng 3hi

    ch t*%

    ?n order to make the Medium Voltage Switchboard simple and safe to use, the

    following construction re#uirements must be met-

    G .9 cu tha% t1c

    -perating Mechanisms

    G Tt c c1c c9 cu cFn tha% t1c v c1c i8m tip c6n phi ;t pha tr>c ca thit +04 ;c

    +it l u nHi c1p v thanh c1i phi tip c6n !c t pha tr>c(

    8ll operating mechanisms and access points shall be on the front of the

    functional units, in particular, cable and busbar connections must be accessible via the


    G X>ng $n v6n hnh

    ?nstruction !uide

    G Tr&nh t7 tha% t1c ch% hFu ht c1c tha% t1c hin t*i phi !c m t pha tr>c ca mei

    thit +0(

    The operating procedures for the most current operations must be described on the front of

    each functional unit.

    G iu n' !c m t riBng th% mu m@ mu v c1c 3 hiu r rng

    This shall be described e1clusively in the form of e1plicit symbols and colour codes.

    2.22. %h" h'( ch'h

    Main o%%!#

    xng ch% chnh +a% g,m mEt +1% gi1 c-

    The Main -ffer shall comprise a #uotation includingC

    G )h9ng 1n 35 thu6t 8 1p ?ng c1c ui 0nh 35 thu6t

    The technical proposal to meet the Specification

    G .1c 3h1c +it ngh0 Hi v>i ui 0nh 35 thu6t

    'roposed variances with respect to the Specification

    G X, "9 tr&nh phi i 3~m tHi thi8u c1c 'Bu cFu "au

    This document shall be accompanied by at least the followingC

    G Ti liu 35 thu6t ca thit +0

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    Technical documents presenting the e#uipment

    G 9 , 9n tu'n ca tt c c1c t in

    Single(line diagrams of all the switchboards

    G 9 , ch?c nKng t h* th

    Dow voltage functional diagrams

    G xn v2 +H tr v c1c 3ch th>c4 c c1c 3hung gi1 v c1p

    &imensional and layout drawings, with mounting and cable running

    G xn v2 chnh :1c m;t tr>c ca thit +0

    8n accurate representation of the front view of the e#uipment

    G ]anh "1ch c1c gi' ch?ng nh6n th# nghim liBn Cuan n hiu "ut 'Bu cFu

    The list of test certificates related to the re#uested performances

    G .1c h thHng liBn Cuan n cung cp thit +0

    The services associated with e#uipment supply

    G .1c t

  • 7/22/2019 02. HV Switchgear


    Dabel with essentialmarkings shall includeC

    G TBn nh "n :ut

    ManufacturerBs name

    G .hA 0nh l%*i t in

    Switchboard type designation

    G M@ "H ;t hng ca ng=i mua hng

    'urchaser order number

    G TBn t in v m@ "H

    Switchboard title and tag number

    G NKm "n :ut

    Lear of manufacture

    G in 1p h%*t Eng4 tFn "H 0nh m?c

    Service voltage, rated fre#uency

    G ]^ng 0nh m?c ch% h thHng thanh c1i

    "ated current of the busbar system

    G in 1p 0nh m?c ch% c1c m*ch ph

    "ated voltage of the au1iliary circuits

    G 0nh m?c ca% i8m v $^ng ngn m*ch 0nh m?c v th=i gian ch0u $^ng ngn


    "ated peak and short time withstand current and withstand time

    G .p E +% v

    &egree of protection

    G Nh@n tBn- .h% c1c +E ph6n ng%i t chnh4 cung cp c1c nh@n tBn chA ra ngu,n cp

    in( 1nh $u tng phFn riBng ca vj t

    &esignation labelsC 3or other than main assemblies, providedesignation label stating

    source of electrical supply. ?dentify separate sections of enclosures

    #. KeN fU5T


    #.1. Nh )' gVt:

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    T in trung th v c1c ph 3in phi !c "n "ut tr%ng nh m1' c ch?ng nh6n y }WWR

    v>i tHi thi8u RW nKm 3inh nghim tr%ng "n :ut thit +0 Cui 0nh(

    The Medium Voltage Switchboards and their components shall be manufactured in the

    factory0ies2 certified with ?S- I44 certificate with at least 4 years e1perience in the

    specified e#uipment production(

    #.2. _iFm t3a


    Thit +0 !c 3i8m tra tr%ng Cu1 tr&nh "n :ut tr%ng +t 3k nh m1' n% tham gia v% Cu1 tr&nh"n :ut( i1 trZng thFu @ +a% g,m chi ph ch% Nh t vn 8 th7c hin nhUng chu'n i 3i8m

    tra nh v6'(

    The e#uipment may be inspected during manufacturing in any of the plants, which are involved

    in the related manufacturing. The %ontractor shall make provision in his rates to cover the

    ngineer e1penses for such inspection(

    Thit +0 phi !c gia% hng ci tt c c1c ti liu 'Bu cFu ch% lp ;t4 th# nghim4 ch*'

    th# v nghim thu4 v6n hnh v +% $ng(

    The e#uipment shall be delivered with all the documents re#uired for installation, testing,

    commissioning, operation and servicing(maintenance.

    Nh thFu thng +1% ch% Nh t vn "a% ch% vic th# nghim c th8 th7c hin th% c1c +>c "au-

    The %ontractor shall notify the ngineer so that inspections may be conducted at the following


    G X%n tt ch t*% v "9n

    3abrication and painting completed.

    G X%n tt lp r1p t*i :ng4 v>i thanh c1i gn nDi v lp r1p c1c thit +0 h%*t Eng

    3actory assembly completed, with busbars e1posed and functional units assembled.

    G qp ;t "n "ng ch% th# nghim thng l v g#i i

    8ssembly ready for routine testing and dispatch.

    G qp ;t v u nHi :%ng

    8ssembly installed and connected(

    G .hp thu6n v +n gia%

    8cceptance and handover.

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    . TH NGHIM

    TESTS.1. Th^ '(hi/m m`

    T.$! t!"t

    Nh thFu phi tr&nh $u't ch% Nh t vn gi' ch?ng nh6n th# nghim mu t in trung th

    ca nh "n :ut t ph^ng th nghim Ec l6p(

    The %ontractor shall submit for the ngineerBs approval with the proposed manufacturer

    Medium Voltage Switchboards Type Test certificates from independence laboratory(

    Nh thFu phi tr&nh c1c gi' ch?ng nh6n th# nghim mu "au-

    The%ontractor shall present the following type testing certificates-

    G Th# nghim :ung c1ch in

    ?mpulse dielectric withstand test

    G E c1ch in th# nghim tFn "H cng "ut

    &ielectric withstand at power fre#uency test

    G Th# nghim Cu1 nhit

    -verheating test

    G Th# nghim ch0u 7ng $^ng ngn m*ch chp nh6n

    8dmissible short time current withstand test

    G Th# nghim tha% t1c c9 3h

    Mechanical operation test

    G i8m tra m?c E +% v

    &egree of protection check

    G i8m tra tnh t9ng thch in t

    lectromagnetic compatibility check 0M% test2

    G i8m tra cng "ut ngt ca thit +0 tr%ng t

    Switchgear device breaking capacity checks

    G i8m tra cng "ut h%*t Eng ca thit +0 tr%ng t

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    Switchgear device making capacity check

    .2. Th^ '(hi/m th'( th'(Routin! t!"tin&

    Tt c c1c thit +0 +a% g,m tr%ng ti liu 35 thu6t n' tc

    3hi c1c th# nghim !c th7c hin( Th7c hin c1c th# nghim "au-

    8ll e#uipment covered by this specification shall be subject tothe ngineerBs inspection at

    the manufacturerBs works. The manufacturer shall notify the ngineer fourteen 02

    days in advance when the tests are to be performed. %arry out the following testsC

    G .1c t in- .1c th# nghim c9 v in thng th=ng t*i nh m1' +dng c1ch "# $ng c1c

    m*ch in4 c1c thit +0 m h&nh 3t nHi t ng%i

    8ssembliesC lectrical and mechanical routine function tests at the factory using e1ternally

    connected simulated circuits and e#uipment.

    G Th# nghim l>p c1ch in

    &ielectric testing-

    G Th# nghim ch?c nKng- v6n hnh c1c thit +0 c9 3h4 r= l4 +% v4 3ha liBn Eng v thit+0 +1% Eng

    3unctional testingC -perate mechanical devices, relays, protection, interlocking and alarm


    G Th# nghim $^ng v% "9 cp v th? cp

    'rimary and secondary current injection test

    G Th# nghim in tr c1ch in

    ?nsulation resistance test

    G Th# nghim tFn "H cng "utLin 1p :%a' chiu tr%ng mEt phZt

    8% voltage)'ower fre#uency one minute test

    G Th# nghim in 1p :ung

    ?mpulse voltage test

    G Th# nghim "7 liBn tc ca $J'

    Wiring continuity test

    G Th# nghim h%*t Eng c1c +E ph6n h!p thnh

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    3unctional test of all components

    G Tt c c1c gi' ch?ng nh6nL +1% c1% th# nghim !c tr&nh lBn Nh t vn tr%ng

    v^ng RP ng' "au 3hi h%n tt th# nghim

    8ll test reports)certificates shall be submitted to ngineer within fourteen 02 days of the

    completion of such tests.

    G .1c gi' ch?ng nh6n v +1% c1% th# nghim phi !c "7 ,ng ca Nh t vn tr>c 3hi

    thit +0 :ut :ng( Nu 3t Cu th# nghim chA ra +t 3k thit +0 n% th% 'Bu cFu ca

    Nh t vn 3hng *t 'Bu cFu4 th& nh cung cp phi th7c hin c1c chAnh "#a cFn thit 8

    thja m@n Nh t vn tr>c 3hi "7 chp thu6n !c $u't

    Test reports and certificates shall be approved by the ngineer prior to the

    e#uipment leaving the factory.?f the test results show that any e#uipment of the purchase

    order is not met, Supplier shall make necessary correction to the satisfaction of the

    ngineer before acceptance is made(

    . 6?0 -t


    G qp ;t t trung th !c th7c hin th% c1c tin c# ca nh "n :ut v c1c +n v2 liBn

    Cuan v tuJn th c1c Cui 0nh zz v c1c tiBu chu/n 1p $ng ca .z( L?nstallation of the

    Medium Voltage Switchboards shall be carried out according to the manufacturerBs

    recommendations and relevant drawings and in conformity with ? regulations and

    applicable ?% standards.

    G Nh "n :ut t trung th phi c 3h nKng cung cp tt c c1c $0ch v cFn thit4 t % t*%

    nhJn "7 n lp ;t v ch*' th# v nghim thu t%n +E trBn cng tr=ng th% 'Bu cFu ca

    Nh t vn( L The Switchgear manufacturer shall be capable of providing all the services

    necessary, from training of personnel to installation and full commissioning on site if

    re#uired by the ngineer(

    .1. X,' ch@F'


    G Mei thit +0 !c ;t v +t +ul%n ch;t v% mEt "n ge(

    ach functional unit shall be set on and screwed onto a wooden floor

    G Thit +0 phi !c +% v riBng +it chHng ma v +i +dng c1ch +fc p%l'th'ln4 tr%ng c ;t c1c +a% hZt /m(

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    The units shall be individually protected against rain and dust by polyethylene

    wrapping, in which desiccant bags are placed(

    G .1c $i ge !c "# $ng 8 ch0u c1c va ch*m(

    Wooden straps shall be used to protect against impact.

    .2. f0 j L $h"

    Hanlin& an "to#a&!

    G n ge ca thit +0 phi c th8 ch0u!c vic :p $ +dng : nJng(

    The wooden floor onto which each functional unit is screwed should allow for handling by

    a forklift(

    G T in phi c 3h nKng ch0u !c lu 3h% lJu tr%ng 3h%ng th=i gian cFn thit $>i c1c

    iu 3in-

    The switchgear should be capable of being stored for as long as necessary in the following


    G QKng n>c4 gi4 c1t v tt c c1c nhi m h%1 cht tr7c tip

    Splashing water, wind, sand and all direct chemical pollution

    G E /m nh l tr%ng iu 3in h%*t Eng +&nh th=ng th% Cui 0nh

    5umidity in compliance with that defined for normal operating conditions



    G Th# nghim t*i cng tr=ng4 ch*' th# v nghim thu !c th7c hin +i c1c Cui 0nh ca


    3ield testing and commissioning of the Medium Voltage Switchboards shall be

    carried out by the code of ?nterEational lectrical Testing 8ssociation 0ET82.

    G .hA c c1c nhJn "7 tr&nh E "2 th7c hin th# nghim v ch*' th# v nghim thu T in

    trung th

    -nly #ualified personnel shall test and commission the Medium Voltage Switchboards(

    S.1. Th^ '(hi/m t9i c'( t3'(

    Sit! t!"tin&

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    8 gim th=i gian ch*' th# v nghim thu4 thit +i phi !c thit 3 "a% ch% vic ch*' th# v

    nghim thu ca tng thit +0 3hng ^i hji thBm c1c th# nghim riBng +it ca mei tnh nKng +%

    v v % l=ng(Th# nghim phi !c gi>i h*n tr%ng-

    ?n order to reduce commissioning time, the e#uipment proposed shall be designed so that the

    commissioning of each functional unit does not re#uire an additional individual testing of each

    protection and measurement function. Testing shall be limited toC

    G % $^ng $ v in 1p ch% c1c cu h&nh c "# $ng c1c gi1 tr0 n'

    Measurement of residual current and voltage for configurations which use those values

    G i8m tra c1c thng "H ci ;t +dng c1ch fc tr7c tip 3i8m tra c1c u nHi n c1c cm +in

    $^ng v 1p +dng c1ch a v% $^ng th? cp

    %hecking of the connections to the current and voltage sensors by secondary injection,

    checking of the parameter settings by direct reading

    G i8m tra tnh l%gic ca u $J' v% v ra

    %hecking of logical input)output wiring

    G Tha% t1c c1c thit +0 t in +dng c1c nZt nhn

    Switchgear device operation by push( button

    G Th# nghim u nHi $J' th i8m hng c c1c cu h&nh n% cFn c th tc th# nghim3h1c4 "2 !c chp thu6n

    'ilot wire connection test Eo configurations, which re#uire other test procedures, will be


    S.2. %h9@ th^ '(hi/m th


    .1c ci ;t tr%ng Cu1 tr&nh ch*' th# v nghim thu t in trung th chA c l ci ;t thng

    "H m*ch +% v v +1% Eng trBn thit +0 iu 3hi8n v +% v(

    The only settings re#uired during the commissioning of the Medium Voltage

    Switchboards shall be parameter settings of the protections and the alarms on the

    protection and control unit.

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