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RE: MATTER OF PUBLIC POLICY/INTEREST: Filing Of EEOC Charge AGAINST First Heritage Credit LLC and Merchants FoodService Issue



In that it is a matter of PUBLIC Record as well as PUBLIC Interest, you/TempStaff

may or may not know that on MONDAY, 02/09/15, I went to file an EEOC Charge against First Heritage Credit; however, encountered problems (i.e. EEOC alleging their

computer system was down) which prevented the filing of Charge. I was asked to return. Therefore, on FRIDAY, 02/13/15, I returned to file the EEOC Charge against

First Heritage Credit. Pam/TempStaff may recall, 02/13/15 was the date in my

previous WEDNESDAY, 03/11/15 email entitled, “TRANSPORTATION CLERK POSITION - PAY RATE CONCERNS” sent about 8:41 p.m. that I

advised of my conversation with JD and her sharing with me Merchants FoodService’s

(MFS) EXECUTIVE Decision regarding her employment and other things.

On FRIDAY, 02/20/15, the EEOC executed a “Dismissal and Notice of Right” advising

me that my 02/09/15 Charge that could not be filed because of their system being down and received on 02/13/15 was “UNTIMELY” filed. However, it was NOT – i.e.

good faith being made to file it in 180 days or 300 days for ONGOING

Discriminatory practices which are addressed in my 02/09/15 EEOC Charge.

On FRIDAY, 02/27/15, I returned to the EEOC to address this FRIVOLOUS

dismissal at which time, I was advised that the EEOC’s Area Director Wilma Jones Scott advised me to submit a “WRITTEN” request to have the Charge REOPENED!

On I returned to the EEOC and filed document entitled, MONDAY, 03/02/15, “Request To Reopen Case and Request To Be Advised Of Conflict Of Interest.”

On FRIDAY, 03/06/15, it appears that Merchants FoodService IN RETALIATION to

the filing of my 03/02/15 pleading, ABRUPTLY ENDED JD’s employment.

ORIGINALLY, JD’s last day was supposed to be TUESDAY, 03/31/15!

Also, on FRIDAY, 03/06/15, you/TempStaff may recall, I was advised by Merchants

FoodService’s HR Representative (Jan Harkett [sp?]) that it was my last day to be working in the Customer Service Department and that I was being moved to the Transportation Department – i.e. it appears based on LIES and for

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activities (filing of EEOC Charge). It is NOT the first time that those (the Law Firm of Baker Donelson Bearman Caldwell & Berkowitz and those with whom they

conspire) who are DETERMINED to DESTROY my LIVELIHOOD (means of income and etc.) have STOOPED to such levels and CONTACTED my employment,

employers (as Merchants FoodService – YES, under the EEOC GUIDELINES, MFS is considered my employer) for purposes of getting me TERMINATED as done

with MFS! It appears that employers as MFS relies on employment agencies as TempStaff to SHIELD them from LIABILITY; however, there will be NO SHIELDING.

Thanks to my 02/13/15 conversation with JD, other information I was able to

obtain from that conversation, and THEN the BLATANT NEXUS between the ABUPT ending of JD’s employment and then mine approximately FIVE (5) DAYS LATER (when

there were JOB VACANCIES for which I qualified available) that this is relevant/pertinent information. Thank goodness I CONTESTED and/or MADE

KNOWN my OPPOSITION to the Transportation Department move! Thank goodness that the PROFFERED/PRETEXT reason for TERMINATION of my employment

with MFS you/TempStaff GAVE ME via VOICEMAIL on 03/11/15 and that on

03/12/15, are NOT consistent and are based on LIES that CANNOT be substantiated by MFS!

PLEASE BE ADVISED: As you/TempStaff know, I have NOT been sent on an

assignment since MONDAY, 03/16/15. Pam/TempStaff advising me that it could be a

lease THREE (3) WEEKS! While I shared in my TUESDAY, 03/17/15, email the following vacancies:

EXECUTIVE ADMIN ASST (Jackson) - Job ID: 00004VK7



ID: 00004VM5


RECEPTIONIST (Raymond) - Job ID: 00004VN7


I saw POSTED ONLINE by TempStaff and your/TempStaff sharing with me what was

going on with each and the submitting of my Resume to three of them. Let me say (based on conversations I have had with other TempStaff Employees) that I am

AWARE that TempStaff have job VACANCIES and ASSIGNMENTS that do NOT

require submittal of Resumes PRIOR to being sent on an assignment!

PLEASE BE ADVISED: That through the EEOC Charge filed against First

Heritage Credit, I am requesting that the COMMISSION look into FHC’s use of what I

believe to be an UNLAWFUL/ILLEGAL “ANTI-TITLE VII” Disclosure Statement that

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I am seeing being used not only by FHC but other employers and employment

agencies. A copy of FHC’s “DISCLOSURE REGARDING BACKGROUND INVESTIGATION” is attached. Use of such Disclosure Statement is PROHIBITED

under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964! I believe I KNOW who (Baker Donelson Bearman Caldwell & Berkowitz) has been BEHIND the CREATION and

IMPLEMENTATION of such UNLAWFUL/ILLEGAL Disclosure Statements and WHY – i.e. based on the WORDING!


practices that appears have been leveled against me and involve matters of

HOMELAND SECURITY (i.e. an AGENCY CREATED by the Law Firm Baker Donelson Bearman Caldwell & Berkowitz) I have NOTIFIED Mississippi’s United

States Congressman Bennie Thompson of such matters.

I believe that Mississippi Congressman Bennie Thompson may have at his disposal the proper JURISDICTION to ACCESS employer RECORDS as well

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as address DISCRIMINATORY/RETALIATORY practices of the EEOC and those who CONSPIRE with it for purposes of IMPLEMENTING ANTI-TITLE

VII criminal/civil violations!

U.S. v. Jimenez Recio, 123 S.Ct. 819 (2003) - Essence of a conspiracy is an agreement to commit an unlawful act. Agreement to commit an unlawful act, which constitutes the essence of a conspiracy, is a distinct evil that may exist and be punished whether or not the substantive crime ensues. Id. Conspiracy poses a threat to the public over and above the threat of the commission of the relevant substantive crime, both because the combination in crime makes more likely the commission of other crimes and because it decreases the probability that the individuals involved will depart from their path of criminality. Id.

It appears that due to the FAILURE to act CRIMINAL LAW FIRMS as Baker Donelson

Bearman Caldwell & Berkowitz use their POWER/INFLUENCE for purposes of ENGAGING in further CRIMES and using the JUDICIAL PROCESS (Courts,

PRIVATE/SECRET Grand Jury(s), etc.) to further their RACIST/DISCRIMINATORY

practices against myself as well as OTHER Black/African-Americans and people as JD (White) who will NOT and/or are NOT willing to ENGAGE them in EEO violations!

YES, JD is protected under Title VII – she may not know it; however, she IS!

I believe it is also IMPORTANT for Congressman Thompson to see HOW l – African-

American/EDUCATED (B.S. Degree)/Excellent Computer Skills/EXPERIENCE – have NOT been able to get employment when clearly it appears there are jobs available – i.e. NOW the OBSTRUCTING of EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES due to the

ANTI-TITLE VII Disclosure Statement(s) that are unlawfully/illegally being IMPLEMENTED! Now because of PUBLIC INTERESTS and a HOMELAND

SECURITY issue(s) – i.e. with Black/African-American BUSINESSES, BANKS, JOBS, etc. being DESTROYED by the United States Government through ILLEGAL RAIDS,

etc. – there are HIGH STATISTICS among this PROTECTED group of being

UNemployed and NOW their CHILDREN are being GUNNED DOWN and/or BEATEN in the streets by Law Enforcement! BRINGING TO THE LIGHT what so many have

KNOWN but just didn’t have the FACTS/EVIDENCE or didn’t KNOW that the LAWS PROTECTED them from such RACIST/DISCRIMINATORY practices as that of First

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Heritage Credit and Merchants FoodService! Coming AFTER jobs for PURPOSES of

OBSTRUCTING EEOC Investigations and/or attempts to provide the likes of First Heritage Credit and Merchants FoodService with an

UNDUE/UNLAWFUL/ILLEGAL advantage is UNACCEPTABLE! I just believe that if these past employers of mine believed they had VALID grounds OUTSIDE of TITLE VII,

they would not have had to engage in the CRIMINAL/CIVIL violations made KNOWN to me!

The United States Constitution as well as laws passed by the United States Congress will further support the need for the passing of House Report No. 92-238. Congress demonstrated its awareness that claimants might not be able to take advantage of the federal remedy without appointment of counsel. As explained in House Report No. 92-238:

By including this provision in the bill, the committee emphasizes that the nature of . . .actions more often than not pits parties of unequal strength and resources against each other. The complainant, who is usually a member of the disadvantaged class, is opposed by an employer who . . . has at his disposal a vast of resources and legal talent.

H.R. Rep. No. 238, 92nd Cong., 2d Sess., reprinted in 1972 U.S.C.C.A.N. 2137, 2148.

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Pam/TempStaff, thank you for your time and consideration regarding the above issues



Denise Newsome P.O. Box 31265

Jackson, MS 39286 (601) 885-8145

cc: Mississippi U.S. Congressman Bennie Thompson (via email & Facsimile)

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