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  • 8/4/2019 06 Prosess Costing


    PPT 6 -1




  • 8/4/2019 06 Prosess Costing


    PPT 6 -2

    Chapter Six

    Process Costing

  • 8/4/2019 06 Prosess Costing


    PPT 6 -3

    Learning Objectives

    q Describe the basic characteristics and

    cost flows associated with process

    manufacturing.q Defineequivalent units and explain their

    role in process costing. Explain the

    differences between the weightedaverage method and the FIFO method of

    accounting for process costs.

  • 8/4/2019 06 Prosess Costing


    PPT 6 -4

    Learning Objectives (continued)

    q Prepare a departmental production report

    using the weighted average method.

    q Explain how process costing is affected by

    nonuniform application of manufacturing

    inputs and the existence of multiple

    processing departments.

    q Prepare a departmental production report

    using the FIFO method. (Appendix)

  • 8/4/2019 06 Prosess Costing


    PPT 6 -5

    Comparison of Job-Order and

    Process Costing

    Job-Order Costing Process Costing

    1. Wide variety of distinct 1. Homogeneous products


    2. Cost accumulated by job 2. Costs accumulated by

    process or department

    3. Unit cost computed by 3. Unit cost computed by

    dividing total job costs dividing process costs of

    by units produced on that the period by the unitsjob produced in the period

  • 8/4/2019 06 Prosess Costing


    PPT 6 -6

    q Homogeneous units passthrough a series of similar


    q Each unit in each processreceives a similar dose of

    manufacturing costs.

    q Manufacturing costs are

    accumulated for a process

    for a given period of time.

    Characteristics of Process Costing

  • 8/4/2019 06 Prosess Costing


    PPT 6 -7

    Characteristics of Process Costing


    q Manufacturing cost flows and the

    associated journal entries are

    generally similar to job-order costing.

    q The departmental production report

    is the key document for tracking

    manufacturing activity and costs.q Unit costs are computed by dividing

    the departmental costs of the period

    by the output for the period.

  • 8/4/2019 06 Prosess Costing


    PPT 6 -8



    Work in







    Units in


    1,000 units - 20% of materials added;

    60% of conversion costs added

    10,000 units;

    1,500 units - 33% of materials added;

    50% of conversion costs added

    9,500 units

    Units to account for = Units accounted for

    Units in BWIP + Units Started = Units in EWIP + Units Completed

    1,000 + 10,000 = 1,500 + 9,500

    The Concept of Equivalent Units

  • 8/4/2019 06 Prosess Costing


    PPT 6 -9

    The Concept of Equivalent Units(continued)

    Equivalent Units Calculation:

    Direct Materials Conversion Costs

    Units Completed 9,500 9,500

    Ending WIP Inventory 500 750

    Total Units Processed *10,000 *10,250

    Less beginning WIP Inventory 200 600Units Processed

    This Period **9,800 **9,650

    ==== ====

    *Equivalent units for weighted average (total units worked on)

    ** Equivalent units for FIFO (units worked on this period)

  • 8/4/2019 06 Prosess Costing


    PPT 6 -10

    A Cost Analysis

    Cost of

    Units Started

    Work in


    Costs added

    to EWIP

    Cost of Units


    Cost added

    to BWIP

    1,000 units - $5,000 materials added;

    $10,000 conversion costs added

    10,000 units; $23,000

    matl added; $120,175conversion cost added

    1,500 units - $8,000 materials added;

    $13,000 conversion costs added

    9,500 units

    Costs to account for = Costs accounted for

    $158,175 = $158,175

  • 8/4/2019 06 Prosess Costing


    PPT 6 -11

    Steps for Preparing a

    Production Report

    1. Analysis of the flow of physical


    2. Calculation of equivalent units

    3. Computation of unit cost

    4. Valuation of inventories (goodstransferred out and ending work

    in process)

    5. Cost reconciliation

  • 8/4/2019 06 Prosess Costing


    PPT 6 -12

    Weighted Average Costing

    Step 1- Physical Flow Analysis

    Units to account for: Units accounted for:

    Units, BWIP 1,000 Units, Completed 9,500Units, Started 10,000 Units, EWIP 1,500

    Total 11,000 Total 11,000

    ===== =====

  • 8/4/2019 06 Prosess Costing


    PPT 6 -13

    Weighted Average Costing (continued)

    Step 2 - Calculation of Equivalent Units

    Materials Conversion CostsCompleted 500 750

    EWIP 9,500 9,500

    Total Equivalent Units 10,000 10,250

    ===== =====

  • 8/4/2019 06 Prosess Costing


    PPT 6 -14

    Weighted Average Costing (continued)

    Step 3 - Computation of Unit Cost

    Materials CC Total

    Beginning WIP $ 5,000 $ 10,000 $ 15,000Added this period 23,000 120,175 143,000

    Total $ 28,000 $130,175 $158,175

    Equivalent units 10,000 10,250Unit cost $ 2.80 $ 12.70 $ 15.50

    ======= ======= =======

  • 8/4/2019 06 Prosess Costing


    PPT 6 -15

    Weighted Average Costing (continued)

    Step 4 - Valuation of Inventories

    Goods Transferred out (9,500 x 15.50) $147,250


    Materials (500 x $2.80) $1,400

    Conversion Cost (750 x $12.70) 9,525 $ 10,925


  • 8/4/2019 06 Prosess Costing


    PPT 6 -16

    Weighted Average Costing (continued)

    Step 5 - Cost Reconciliation:

    Costs to account for:

    BWIP $ 15,000

    Cost added 143,000$158,175


    Costs accounted for:Goods Transferred out $147,250

    EWIP 10,925



  • 8/4/2019 06 Prosess Costing


    PPT 6 -17

    Nonuniform Inputs: Example

    Materials are added at the beginning of the process.

    Units in process, May 1, 60% complete 2,000

    Units completed and transferred out 10,000

    Units in process, May 31, 40% complete 1,000

    Costs: BWIP Cost Current Cost

    Materials $300 $3,000Conversion Costs 600 4,600


  • 8/4/2019 06 Prosess Costing


    PPT 6 -18

    Nonuniform Inputs: Example


    Step 1 - Physical Flow Analysis:

    Units to account for:

    Units, BWIP 2,000

    Units started 9,000

    Total 11,000


    Units accounted for:Units completed 10,000

    Units, EWIP 1,000

    Total 11,000


    N if I E l

  • 8/4/2019 06 Prosess Costing


    PPT 6 -19

    Nonuniform Inputs: Example


    Step 2 - Calculation of Equivalent units (Weighted Average):

    Materials Conversion

    Units completed 10,000 10,000

    EWIP 1,000 400

    Total Equivalent Units 11,000 10,400

    ==== ====

    N if I E l

  • 8/4/2019 06 Prosess Costing


    PPT 6 -20

    Nonuniform Inputs: Example


    Step 3 - Unit Cost:

    Unit Cost = $3,300/11,000 + $5,200/10,400

    = $0.30 + $0.50

    = $0.80


    N if I t E l

  • 8/4/2019 06 Prosess Costing


    PPT 6 -21

    Nonuniform Inputs: Example


    Step 4 - Valuation of Inventories:

    Goods Transferred Out:

    $0.80 x 10,000 = $8,000


    Ending Work in Process:

    ($0.30 x 1,000) + ($0.50 x 4000) = $500

    N if I t E l

  • 8/4/2019 06 Prosess Costing


    PPT 6 -22

    Nonuniform Inputs: Example


    Step 5 - Cost Reconciliation:

    Costs to account for:

    BWIP $ 900

    Cost added 7,600$8,500


    Costs accounted for:Goods transferred out $8,000

    EWIP 500



  • 8/4/2019 06 Prosess Costing


    PPT 6 -23

    FIFO Costing

    Step 1- Physical Flow Analysis

    Units to account for: Units accounted for:

    Units, BWIP 1,000 Units, Completed 9,500Units, Started 10,000 Units, EWIP 1,500

    Total 11,000 Total 11,000

    ===== =====

  • 8/4/2019 06 Prosess Costing


    PPT 6 -24

    FIFO Costing (continued)

    Step 2 - Calculation of Equivalent Units

    Materials Conversion Costs

    Units started and completed 8,500 8,500

    Units in Beginning WIP x fraction 800 400

    Units in Ending WIP x fraction 500 750

    Total Equivalent Units 9,800 9,650

    ==== ====

  • 8/4/2019 06 Prosess Costing


    PPT 6 -25

    FIFO Costing (continued)

    Step 3 - Computation of Unit Cost

    Materials CC Total

    Beginning WIP $ 5,000 $ 10,000 $ 15,000Added this period 23,000 120,175 143,000

    Total $ 28,000 $130,175 $158,175

    Added this period $ 23,000 $ 120,175 $ 143,000

    Equivalent units 9,800 9,650Unit cost $ 2.3469 $ 12.4534 $ 14.8003

    ======= ======= =======

  • 8/4/2019 06 Prosess Costing


    PPT 6 -26

    FIFO Costing (continued)

    Step 4 - Valuation of Inventories

    Trans. Out EWIP Total

    Units in BWIP:

    From Prior Period $15,000 --- $15,000

    From Current Period:

    Materials (800 x $2.3469) 1,877 --- 1,877

    Labor (400 x $12.4534) 4,981 --- 4,981

    Units Started and Completed

    (8,500 x $14.8003) 125,803 --- 125,803

    Units in EWIP

    Materials (500 x $2.3469) --- $1,173 1,173

    Conversion Costs (750 x $12.4534) --- 9,340 9,340

    Total Costs accounted for $147,661 $10,513 $158,174

    ======= ====== =======

  • 8/4/2019 06 Prosess Costing


    PPT 6 -27

    FIFO Costing (continued)

    Step 5 - Cost Reconciliation:

    Cost to account for:

    BWIP $ 15,000

    Cost added 143,000$158,175


    Cost accounted for:Goods transferred out $147,661

    EWIP 10,513



  • 8/4/2019 06 Prosess Costing


    PPT 6 -28

    End of Chapter 6

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