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Page 1: 09 Atn Inside Outv6

Integrating digital technologies into student assessment and feedback:

How easy is it?

Barbara de la Harpe, Thembi Mason, Ian Wong, Fiona Harrisson, Denise Sprynskyj and Craig


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Feedback on learning is the single most influential factor on student achievement

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What factors work against good feedback in studio

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What did the students think of it?

What did the academics think of it?

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I think it is a really good thing and a great record that you can keep going back to. If we had audio records from first year, it would be amazing to compare where we are now with where we were then.

There was quite a lot said regarding linings, facings etc and I really need to listen to it [the feedback] again before I draft my final pattern

I’m always in a state of fright or panic in my presentation and it is all a bit much…you miss so much at the time because you are so caught up in the angst of it…

The audio equipment was simple to set up, centrally located, and captured all comments and presentations effectively. Students were aware of the equipment and noticed the ‘start/stop’ recording process but overall the setup mirrored usual studio practice and didn’t interfere with the usual process

Not needing to write notes during or complete written feedback post presentations was an obvious benefit

It has been a really efficient way of capturing feedback

This project has not only questioned feedback process for me but also has provided a developed approach to crit sessions and studio teaching.

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25-50%0-25% 50-75% 75-100%

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Only 59% of students reported engaging with it

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I was really reluctant at first because of that whole embarrassment, cringe factor.

In addition to the audio files, I provided written feedback as usual, in part motivated by a misguided notion that more feedback is better and in part a fear that their audio alone may not be received well. This semester I am providing audio feedback alone to see how that works.

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Thank you

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