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You’ll need origami paper cut in neat halves (5), or any paper cut in 1:2 proportion + a bit of glue.

Start by folding lenghtwise - and open.

Now fold over the middle - and open. Fold the left half towards the middle - and open. All in order to get these guiding lines.

Fold the lower left corner like this... ...and fold that left side over. Now fold the lower left corner again - and now it looks like this.

This fold you simply open again - because you are going to ‘reverse’ it, meaning you open it....

...and use the folds you made, but fold inwards this time. See above how it should look now.

Five Petal Cherry BlossomsThese very Japanese cherry blossoms are a super simple modular origami design, made not from squares, but half squares. Easy, and suitable for kids or beginners. Use a bit of glue, otherwise they do tend to fall apart, and that’s just frustrating. Brilliant for Easter or Hanami fun...!


Now, fold the left inner half towards center, and tuck it behind the middle flap you just made (10).

1 2

3 4 5

6 7 8

9 10 11

And press firmly flat. Fold the upper corner, and form a triangle point. And now fold this along the spine.

Flatten and press some more... Make yet another corner fold... And open it again. You’ll need this one for some shape to your petals.

This fold determines the shape of the petal. I like to go a bit over the center line we marked in 17!

AND: this is the first place you’ll need glue. This flap should be glued, for stability.

And here is the finished petal! See how it has a ‘pocket’ left and a ‘flap’ right. Make five petals...

...and simply assemble them - with a spot of glue on the ‘flap’ - by tucking ‘flap’ into ‘pocket’.

Press firmly until dry - and repeat. Until your traditional, Japanese sakura cherry blossom is done. Happy spring!

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use glue here*

use glue here*

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