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Page 1: 1 automobile intro-v5-1

Benz tricycle 1896 Stanley Steam

An IntroductionLondon B type bus - 1910

Jaguar 1955

Pictures taken fr

Ford SLincoln continental 1960s

car 1905 Railton 1935

to AutomobilesFord Model T 1913

rom Smith (2002)

Czech Tatra 1937

Lotus Eclat Sierra 1980s

Page 2: 1 automobile intro-v5-1


I d h idIntroduce the wide rangvehicle design and manuBriefly set the historicalvehicles and their designgIntroduce the vast rangedesigndesign.Demonstrate the interacth d i d f tthe design and manufact


f kill i d fe of skills required for ufacture.l scene and development of n.e of possibilities for vehicle

tivity of processes within t f hi lture of vehicles

Page 3: 1 automobile intro-v5-1

Steps in AutomSteps in Autom

I i d IInnovations and InventMass productionpDevelopment of WorldS li iStreamliningCommercial vehicles

mobile Historymobile History


d Motor Industry

Page 4: 1 automobile intro-v5-1

Inventions anHistory

Inventions an

S ISteam power to InternaSteam engine used tillPetroleum “spirit” usea useless by-product oDr. Gottelib Daimler ipetroleum vapour andproduced tri-wheel car

d InnovationsConstruction

d Innovations

l C b i ial Combustion enginel late 1940sed by Dr. OTTO in 1870s was of naptha used for lampsimproved OTTO engine using

d in parallel Karl Benz also rriage in 1885

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Mass proHistory

Mass pro

C d l d fCars were developed frHenry Ford -> “mass py pT,1909

Concept from rifle maConcept from rifle maModel T first car withE i 2898 bEngine 2898 cc was bindependent bodybuilfamily carsfamily carsHand-built cars to inte

Picture taken from Smith (2002)



f h ifrom horse carriages.production” of Model p

anufacture of civil waranufacture of civil warh design for manufactureb ilt b f d d ibuilt by ford and various lders from buses to elegent

erchangeable parts

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Mass ProHistory

Mass ProM i kMoving workers -> mmaufacture , Highland

Picture taken from Smith (2002)


oductioni hi l d imoving vehicle during

d park Detroit, 1913

Page 7: 1 automobile intro-v5-1

Mass ProHistory

Mass Pro

I 1970 V lk “In 1970s, Volkswagen “numbers though syle wa

Non rusting carMechanically reliaby

Toyota's contribution:P d ti flProduction was flexQuality paramount, Shorter production



“B l ” ld i l“Beetle” was sold in large as antiquated as it was


iblxiblegetting right first time - LEANruns, wide variants

Page 8: 1 automobile intro-v5-1


Motor In1920 1930 ll1920s -1930s : small coalarge companiesBy end of second worldmanufacturers remain –Large conglomerates likCorporation (BMC) BrCorporation (BMC) , Brproblem of large stock A i d JAmericans and Japanesearound the world

Because of export restricover the world

nt of World Construction

ndustryh b ild i i hach builders co-exist with

d war only few specialized Rolls Roycey

ke British Motor ritish Leyland (BL) facedritish Leyland (BL) faced

d t f tie moved parts of operations

ctions and to use facilities all

Page 9: 1 automobile intro-v5-1


Motor InC i D lConstruction Developmen

Till 1930s wooden framused to build coachesLate 1930s onwards preLate 1930s onwards, preMultiple curvature adde

l h d th l dpanels shared the loadRecent cars have shell sstructures

nt of World Construction


me with fabric or wood skin

essed steel plates for skinessed steel plates for skined more strength and body

tructure with aerodynamic y

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Motor InW d / S l h i fWooden / Steel chassis freplaced by stiff floor “By 1950s, “unitary” confollowed for mass produpComposite body for lessfree body – started afterfree body started afterWheels progressed from

k t t l h bspokes to metal hub conAlloy)

nt of World Construction

ndustryf d dframe was done away and

“pan” by spot weldingnstruction was universally uced carsser weight and corrosion r WWII ( Lotus)r WWII ( Lotus)m wooden spokes to metal

t ti t t l k (nstruction to metal spokes (

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Sports car with streamlined composite body , Lotus

Pictures taken from Smith (2002)


Early car evolved from carriage , electric powered Bersley 1897

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Motor InS li D lStyling Development:

Powered versions of horEngine was placed belowhard maintenencehard maintenence1890s, Panhard-Levassoh i i i f thaving engine in front w‘système Panhard’Windscreen was inventespeed of vehicle

nt of World Construction


rse carriagesgw vehicle by Daimler –

or created the concept of ith l t h d bwith clutch and gear box

ed in 1920s with increasing

Page 13: 1 automobile intro-v5-1


Motor InB h 1930 iBy the 1930s, excessivehad become ‘de rigeur’

ti i tisporting aspirations.Luggage was strapped ingg g ppbecame integral in europ'50s,'60s and '70s to largTill '50s “open top” washorse carriageshorse carriages

nt of World Construction

ndustryl l d iely elongated engine covers for powerful cars with

n rear of vehicle and it pean cars. It grew in ger volumes preferred as inspired from

Page 14: 1 automobile intro-v5-1



I 1890 A édé B lléIn 1890s, Amédée Bolléfirst torpedo shaped desAmericans did not like t

Czech Tatra of 1937 V8

Pictures taken from Smith (2002)



é h d dée the younger produced igns with raked windscreenthe air-streamlined design

Chevrolet Air-flow

Page 15: 1 automobile intro-v5-1


StreamAerodynamics was consstyles due to anglesBox type was more cheaypBecame more popular onprices went up & fuel ecprices went up & fuel ecimportant

Ford Sierra 1980

Picture taken from Smith (2002)


mliningsidered impediment to

aper and easier to producep pnly after the 70’s when oil conomy was consideredconomy was considered

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E d f 19th fiEnd of 19th century, firststeam powered – challenThreats of world wars lecommerical vehicle saleIC engine led to the devA t b h i 1930 GAutobahns in 1930s Gerof good road transport aBuses replaced electric tin USA, Britain.

al VehiclesConstruction

al Vehicles

l d kt lorry and trucks were nged by petrol vehiclesed to increase in roads, es and haulage in Europeg pvelopment of motor bus.

l d t d l trmany led to development along with railways.trams, challeged railways

Page 17: 1 automobile intro-v5-1

Construction CoStyl

E i D lEngine DevelopmentTransmission and SystySteeringS iSuspensionBrakesInterior DesignS fSafetyToo much Innovation

onfiguration and ling

tem Layouty

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Engine DevHistory

Engine Dev

Di l d B iDiamler and Benz invenin 1895Diamler developed VeeEttore Bugatti 1910 creaEttore Bugatti,1910 creaOverhead Cam shaft in Machieving 100 kmph speachieving 100 kmph speSide valves were more pImprovements in materidevelopments.



d IC i bilnted IC engine automobiles

twin engines in 1898ated first engine withated first engine with Model13, capable of eed with 1327 cceed with 1327 cc.preferred till WWIIials led to other

Page 19: 1 automobile intro-v5-1

Engine DevHistory

Engine DevDiesel Engine:Diesel Engine:

Main competitor to petrcombustion unlike petrocombustion unlike petroIt eliminated two weak pplugs hence more reliabIt had inferior power to prestricted to heavy enginWith turbo charging andWith turbo-charging andat par with petrol engineand higher efficiencyand higher efficiency.



ol engine – spontaneous ol ignitionol ignitionpoints carburettor and spark

bleweight ratio, hence g ,nes d refinement performanced refinement, performance es with cleaner emissions

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Engine DevHistory

Engine Dev

S h i d T bSuper charging and TurboWhen air is compressedpratio of engine improvedCompressors combinedCompressors combined Used from 1930s in raciCompression with poweturbine is turbochargingg gTurbochargers improve smoother engine runningsmoother engine running



h iocharging:d at inlet, power to weight , p gdto engine shaftto engine shaft

ing carser from exhaust using gg

torque characteristics and gg

Page 21: 1 automobile intro-v5-1

Engine DevHistory

Engine Dev

T S k d UTwo Strokes and UnconveTwo stroke (2S) has one( )revolution, theoretically2S in unsupercharged al2S in unsupercharged alduring scavengingI t k d t b i dIntake needs to be mixedresulting in smoky exhaApplications restricted tcars like three cylinder S



i l l ientional petrol engines:e firing stroke per g py twice efficiencylways has fuel-charge losslways has fuel-charge loss

d ith l b i ti ild with lubricating oil austto motor-cycles and small SAAB car.

Page 22: 1 automobile intro-v5-1

Engine DevHistory

Engine Dev

T k di l i illTwo stroke diesel is stilland railway enginesWankel engine had a semreciprocating type of enp g ypIt had a problem with setwo-stroke emissionstwo stroke emissionsGas turbines had good e

i ht ti b t t ffiweight ratio but not effic



l f d i l il preferred in large marine

mi-rotary than a gineg

eals of rotor and inherent

efficiency and thrust to i t i l dcient in low speeds.

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Engine DevHistory

Engine Dev

El i d H b idElectric and Hybrid propu1899, Jenatzy's “La Jam, yvehicle to cross 100kmpInitial cars restricted toInitial cars restricted to considerably increased iI t i L d AImprovements in Lead-Aallowed increased rangei U b l tin Urban areas on electr



l iulsion:mais Contente” was first phshort distances but hasshort distances but has in recent timesA id b tt t h lAcid battery technology e and even buses to operate i t dric power to reduce smog.

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Engine DevHistory

Engine Dev

Li i i i b lLimitations in battery lepresent day

Ultracapacitors or flSmaller petrol enginp gRegenerative brakin

*Not same as petrol elec*Not same as petrol-elecpure electric operation f



d h b id hi l fed to hybrid vehicles of

lywheel usedne is used ngctric vehicle in past withctric vehicle in past with for step-less operation

Page 25: 1 automobile intro-v5-1


DeveloS f h d b kSome of the drawbacks steam engines were

Non-availabilityof fNoisy operationy pNon -instant stop – r

Clutches have evolved fClutches have evolved fdominantly with plate clG b l d fGear box evolved from mesh with moving dog c

ion System Construction

opmentf l iof petrol engines over

full power at the start

restart from belts and settled prefrom belts and settled pre-lutch.hif ishifting gears to constant

clutches “crash” gear box.

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DeveloF W L h d BF.W. Lanchester and Brepicyclic gear box with Epicyclic gears used in fbuses for ease of operatipIn 1940's, “preselector” with fluid torque converwith fluid torque converVariable Transmission sE li t ti h dEarlier automatics had p

ion System Construction

opmenti i h D i l dritish Daimler created bands and planetary ringsford model T , used in iongearbox was developed

rter becoming a Constantrter becoming a Constant system (automatic)

ffi ipoor efficiency

Page 27: 1 automobile intro-v5-1




r Gear boxConstruction

r Gear box


Page 28: 1 automobile intro-v5-1

Pre selectoHistory


Wilson’s Gearb

Pictures taken from S

or gearboxConstruction

or gearbox


Steeds and Garrett (1983)

Page 29: 1 automobile intro-v5-1

Model T gHistory

Model T g


gear boxConstruction

gear box


Page 30: 1 automobile intro-v5-1

Fluid TorqueHistory

Fluid Torque

Pictures taken from St

e ConverterConstruction

e Converter

teeds and Garrett (1983)

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DeveloF di d h h d fFerdinand porsche had felectric transmission syst d CVTtowards CVTSemi-stepless was achiepconverters in 1940'sDAF variomatic type CVDAF variomatic type CVDAF cars (1959-63)

ion System Construction

opmentfi i 1908 ffirst patent in 1908 for a stem (890299) first step

eved using fluid-torque g q

VT were used in dutchVT were used in dutch

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Porsche traHistory

Porsche traansmissionConstruction


Picture taken from the patent document 890299

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DAF varHistory

DAF var

Double pulleysDouble pulleys




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E li b dEarlier cars borrowed axcarriages with unstable p

t t t t bili tnot present to stabilize tAckerman's arrangemengindividual axes allowed speed during turnTiller was replaced withmajor development cammajor development camFour wheel steering is nto a few modelsto a few models



l i il hxles similar to horse pivoting axles as horse is th hi lthe vehiclent of pivoting wheels about p g

rotation at varied angles /

h steering and linkages and me after power steering.me after power steering.now available but restricted

Page 35: 1 automobile intro-v5-1



Pictures taken from Ste

nn LinkageConstruction

nn Linkage

AckermanAckerman linkages for Independent Suspension

eeds and Garrett (1983)

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Benz tricycle 1896

Pictures tak



Panhard Levassor 1890-95

ken from Smith (2002)

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Elli i i d dElliptic springs adopted during braking and startSpringing developed bypneumatic variable heigp gIndependent wheel suspSi l il iSimple coil springs werealone and then used in rActive suspensions havejacks controlled electron



f blfrom carts – problems ting -need to be restrictedy torsion bars and further by ght suspensionsg ppensions developed

d f f t ie used for front suspension ear alsoe vehicle lifted by power nically

Page 38: 1 automobile intro-v5-1

Elliptic SHistory

Elliptic S

Axle guidance interferes with stee



Mounting to reduce Squat

Mounting to function as anti-roll bar


Pictures taken from Steeds and Garrett (1983)

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Torsioon barConstruction

on bar

Pictures taken from Steeds and Garrett (1983)

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Pneumatic SHistory

Pneumatic S

Flat, non-driven air-suspended Mercedes-B




semi-trailing-arm rear axle of the Benz V class

ture taken from Reimpell et al., (2001)

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I d d l iIndependently moving Independent suspensiop p

Jaguar 3.4 was with independent suspension in '55

Pictures tak



h l i d d iwheels improved road-gripons became popular by 90s.p p y

ken from Smith (2002)

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Wh l d TiWheels and Tires:Wooden spoked wheel wpunsuitable for higher spe1895 Michelin brothers1895, Michelin brotherspeugeot cars for racing aP ti ti h d bPneumatic tires had probLarge tires were good fog groads improving size is



with metal outer was eeds fitted Dunlop tires ons fitted Dunlop tires on and it startedbl f tblems of punctureor poth-rudded roads, with preached to standard size.

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S ll i i dSmaller tires improved rdynamicsWider tires had better roTubeless tires were introTubeless tires were introRadial ply was introduc“Low profile” tires – ratdiameter increased



id d iride and suspension

oad gripoduced after WWIIoduced after WWIIedtio of outer to inner

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I d d i 1947 b•Introduced in 1947 by Goodridge•An air-tight layer to inner layer of carcass•Soft inner layer of highly viscous material to fill in puncturespunctures•Retain air-pressure longer than others vehicles can bethan others vehicles can be controlled longer

ss tiresConstruction

ss tires


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Pictures taken from Steeds and Garrett (1983)

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Si h i l•Since there is no cross ply, lesser heat generated hence more lifemore life•4 to 6 “bracing plies” of metal /rayon provides bettermetal /rayon provides better contact grip and stability against deformation in higher g gspeeds•Stiffer in resisting lateral gloading hence reduces under/over steer.

l TiresConstruction

l Tires

Pictures taken from Steeds and Garrett (1983)

Page 47: 1 automobile intro-v5-1

Low profHistory

Low prof

Wid i f di•Wider tires for same diameter•Improvement of radial tires•Larger chamber allows operation in lower pressure hence smooth ride or increase in comfort•Increased traction as more area in contact


file TiresConstruction

file Tires

ures taken from 65 series off road tire manual of Goodyear

Page 48: 1 automobile intro-v5-1



H iHorse carriages were esDrum brakes with pair opdominantUntil 1920s brakes onlyUntil 1920s brakes onlyWith drum brake proble

h t d di boverheat, emerged disc bDisc brakes were used inrear brakes as they requidrum brakes



i ll d b hsentially stopped by horsesof internal shoes emerged as g

y in rear wheelsy in rear wheelsem of fading due to b k i 1952brakes in 1952.n front wheels and not in ired mounting of parking

Page 49: 1 automobile intro-v5-1



B k d bBrakes operated by mecrequired skilled adjustm1930s hydraulic power a1960s Dual hydraulic c1960s, Dual hydraulic covercome leaksH hi l i dHeavy vehicles requiredVacuum assistAnti Lock Braking introBritish Jensen FF,1960 whave it.



h i l d d blchanical rods and cables ment or cars would “swing”

assisted brakes introducedcircuit introduced tocircuit introduced to

d td servo arrangement -

oduced from aircrafts. was first passenger car to

Page 50: 1 automobile intro-v5-1

Dual hydrauHistory

Dual hydrau

D l li d•Dual master cylinder•Both actuating different circuits•Failure of one is not affecting another •At least one circuit operational

ulic brakingConstruction

ulic braking

Pictures taken from Steeds and Garrett (1983)

Page 51: 1 automobile intro-v5-1

Vacuum AssHistory

Vacuum Ass

Bendix HydrovacBendix Hydrovac

sist brakingConstruction

sist braking

Pictures taken from Steeds and Garrett (1983)

Page 52: 1 automobile intro-v5-1

Anti LockHistory


Ford Escort and

k BrakingConstruction

k Braking

Orion Anti-lock Braking System

Pictures taken from Steeds and Garrett (1983)

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M d f ilModern family cars not performance cars of 193Essential dynamic analyquietenessq

Direct belt between enby intermediate electryVibration isolation Mathematical analysisMathematical analysis

Air conditioning, powerdemisting addeddemisting added.



i hi hsuperior to high 30s.ysis and design to improve

ngine and cooling fan replaced rical

s of the designs of the designr windows, windows

Page 54: 1 automobile intro-v5-1



I i fInvention of motor cars any other invention.

No. of civilian deathsWWII greater than de

1930s “unitary” Chevroconstruction was more ranother car.No significant work tillNo significant work till a selling point



d d d h hproduced more deaths than

per month in USA during eaths due to warlet airflow body resistant to impact with

1950s and 60s as it was not1950s and 60s as it was not

Page 55: 1 automobile intro-v5-1



P h d iPre-war cars had steerinthe heart of drivers in caCollapsible steering intrSeat belts appeared arouSeat belts appeared arouoccupants and slowly spAi b l tAirbags came laterVehicle is now designedgfront, rear and sides.



l likng columns like spears to ase of frontal impactroduced by 1960sund 1950s for front seatund 1950s for front seat pread to rear

d with energy absorbers in gy

Page 56: 1 automobile intro-v5-1

?? Too muchHistory

?? Too much

I i lInnovation not always aAlec Issigonis’s revolsuspension was famouelastic systems Wankel engine

Important to choose winpDisc brakesPower SteeringPower Steering

Innovation ??Construction

Innovation ??

k fi i la key to financial sucesslutionary Mini with rubber bush us but not with advanced hydro-

nners at right timeg

Page 57: 1 automobile intro-v5-1

Further RJ li H i S ith (2002)

Further RJulian-Happian Smith (2002),Vehicle Design,Butterworth-H

N t K St d W d GNewton, K., Steeds, W. and GVehicle (10th edn). Butterworcover) and 0-408-01157-2 (so) (

Jörnsen Reimpell et al (2001)(Second edition), Butterworth

ReadingA I t d ti t M d

Reading, An Introduction to Modern Heinmann (ISBN 0-7506-5044-3)

G tt T K (1983) Th M tGarrett, T.K. (1983), The Motor rths (ISBN 0-408-01118-1 (hard

oft cover)).))

), The Automotive chassis h Heinman (ISBN 0-7506-5054-0)

Page 58: 1 automobile intro-v5-1

Vee THistory

Vee-TBlumfBlumfwith O


Mercedes Benz V6, 199


Twin ield V twin engine 1913 14ield V twin engine 1913-14

Overhead Cam Shaft



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Pictures taken from S

Cam ShaftConstruction

Cam Shaft

Steeds and Garrett (1983)

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Side ValveHistory

Side Valve

Pictures taken from S

e EnginesConstruction

e Engines

Steeds and Garrett (1983)

Page 61: 1 automobile intro-v5-1

Side ValvHistory

Side Valv

“Biefield” Diesel eng


Biefield Diesel eng

ve EngineConstruction

ve Engine

ine of 1930s


ine of 1930s

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Plate cHistory

Plate c





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Plate CHistory

Plate C




ctures taken from “ The Motor Vehicle” – Newton Steeds

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Sliding mesh ->

Pictures taken from S

r boxConstruction

r box

> moving gears

Dog clutch

Steeds and Garrett (1983)

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Gear box CoHistory

Gear box – Co

Pictures taken from Stee

onstant meshConstruction

onstant mesh

eds and Garrett (1983)

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Gearbox SyHistory

Gearbox - Sy

Pictures taken from S


ynchromeshS h hSynchromesh have “synchronizers”synchronizers for smoother gear shifting

Steeds and Garrett (1983)

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