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Page 1: 1 BARNEY WARF October, 2014 Dept. of Geography University of ...



October, 2014

Dept. of Geography

University of Kansas

Lawrence, KS 66045-7613

(785) 218-3173

[email protected]




1985 Ph.D. (Geography) University of Washington

1981 M.A. (Geography) UCLA

1979 B.A. (Geography) UCLA


2008+ Professor, Dept. of Geography, University of Kansas

2006-08 Earl and Sophia Shaw Professor, Dept. of Geography, Florida State University

1996-06 Professor and Chair, Dept. of Geography, Florida State University

1994-96 Associate Professor and Chair, Dept. of Geography, Florida State University

1993-94 Associate Professor, Dept. of Geography, Kent State University

1989-93 Assistant Professor, Dept. of Geography, Kent State University

1986-89 Economic Analyst, Port Authority of New York-New Jersey

1985-86 Visiting Assistant Professor, Dept. of Geography, University of Connecticut

1984-85 Teaching Assistant, Jackson School of International Studies, University of Washington

1981-83 Teaching Assistant, Dept. of Geography, University of Washington

1979-81 Teaching Assistant, Dept. of Geography, UCLA


Books Authored:

In Progress:

Warf, B. Posthuman Geographies.


Warf, B. Human Geography: A Serious Introduction. San Diego: Cognella Publishing.

2012 Warf, B. Global Geographies of the Internet. Dordrecht: Springer.

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2010 Stutz, F. and B. Warf. The World Economy: Resources, Location, Trade, and Development.


ed. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall. (6th

ed. forthcoming; 5th

ed. 2007, 4th

ed. 2004)

2008 Warf, B. Time-Space Compression: Historical Geographies. London: Routledge.

Reviewed in: Journal of Historical Geography 35(3):603-604; Geographical Review

100(4):613-615; Time and Society 19(3):404-416; Canadian Geographer 55(4):521-522.

2004 Bryson, J., P. Daniels, and B. Warf. Service Worlds: People, Organizations, and

Technologies. London: Routledge.

Reviewed in: Economic Geography 81:121-122; Geography 90:106-107; Journal of Economic

Geography 6:246-247; Work and Occupations 34:238-239.

1995 Harrington, J. and B. Warf. Industrial Location: Principles, Practice, and Policy. London:


Reviewed in: Journal of Australian Political Economy 38; Journal of Regional Science

37:157-8; Growth and Change 27:122-124, Cities 13:298-9; Tijdschrift voor Economische en

Sociale Geografie 89:230-231; Progress in Human Geography 26:717-718; Urban Geography

22:383-384; Telecommunications Policy 25:376-377; Urban Studies 38:217-219; International

Journal of Urban and Regional Research 26:435-437.

Books Edited:


Warf, B. (Ed.) Encyclopedia of the Internet. London and Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

2012 Warf, B. (Ed.) Encounters and Engagements between Economic and Cultural Geography.

Dordrecht: Springer.

2011 Warf, B. and J. Leib (Eds.) Revitalizing Electoral Geography. Aldershot: Ashgate.

2010 Warf, B. (Ed.) Encyclopedia of Geography (6 volumes). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

Winner, American Library Association’s Outstanding Reference Source Award.

2008 Warf, B. and S. Arias (Eds.) The Spatial Turn: Interdisciplinary Perspectives. London:


Reviewed in: European Journal of Housing Policy 10(1):92.

2006 Warf, B. (Ed.) Encyclopedia of Human Geography. London and Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

Reviewed in: Bacon’s Nov. 15; Annals of the Association of American Geographers

98:494-505; Progress in Human Geography 32:171-175.

2004 Janelle, D., B. Warf, and K. Hanson (Eds.) WorldMinds: Geographic Perspectives on 100

Problems. Dordrecht: Kluwer.

Reviewed in: Annals of the Association of American Geographers 96:229-230; Geographical

Education 17:49-50.

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2000 Wheeler, J., Y. Aoyama, and B. Warf (Eds.) Cities in the Telecommunications Age: The

Fracturing of Geographies. London: Routledge.

Reviewed in: Urban Geography 22:383-384; International Journal of Urban and Regional

Research 26:435-437; Tijdschrift voor Economische en Sociale Geografie 230-231; Journal of

Regional Research 37:157-158; Cities 13:298-299; Growth and Change 27:122-124; Annals of

the Association of American Geographers 93:521-523; Progress in Human Geography 26:717-

718; Revista Latinoamericana de Estudios Urbanos Regionales 29.

Refereed Journal Articles:

Under Review:

Warf, B. and J. Eichhorst. Using actor-network theory to advance geographic pedagogy.

Journal of Geography

Warf, B. and C. Ferras. Nationalism, identity and landscape in contemporary Galicia.

Territory, Politics, Governance

Fekete, E. and B. Warf. Emerging geographies of cyberterrorism and cyberwar. Polity and


Walker, R. and B. Warf. The jaws of a contradiction: The rise of Amazonian industry. Science


Warf, B. High points: An historical geography of cannabis. Geographical Review

Warf, B. Injecting cosmopolitanism into the geography classroom. Journal of Geography in

Higher Education

Warf, B. The hermit kingdom in cyberspace: Unveiling the North Korean internet. Information,

Communication and Society

Warf, B. Global cities, cosmopolitanism, and geographies of tolerance. Urban Geography

2014 Warf, B. Geographies of e-governance in Latin America and the Caribbean. Journal of Latin

American Geography 13(1):169-185.

Warf, B. Asian geographies of e-government. Eurasian Economics and Geography 55(1):94-


2013 Fekete, E. and B. Warf. Information technology and the “Arab Spring.” Arab World

Geographer 16(2):210-227.

Warf, B. Geographies of global telephony in the age of the internet. Geoforum 45:219-229.

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Warf, B. Contemporary digital divides in the United States. Tijdschrift voor Economische en

Sociale Geografie 104(1):1-17.

Warf, B. Pentagon contracts and Dixie. Southeastern Geographer 53(2):214-232.

2012 Warf, B. Nationalism, cosmopolitanism, and geographical imaginations. Geographical Review


2011 Warf, B. Excavating the prehistory of time-space compression. Geographical Review


Warf, B. Contours, contrasts, and contradictions in the Arctic internet. Polar Geography


2010 Warf, B. and M. Winsberg. Geographies of megachurches in the United States. Journal of

Cultural Geography 27(1):33-51.

Warf, B. Do you know the way to San José? Medical tourism in Costa Rica. Journal of Latin

American Geography 9(1):51-66.

Warf, B. and D. Sui. From GIS to neogeography: Ontological implications and theories of

truth. Annals of GIScience 26(4):197-209.

Warf, B. Teaching time-space compression. Journal of Geography in Higher Education


Warf, B. Geographies of global internet censorship. GeoJournal 76(1):1-23.

Warf. B. Uneven geographies of the African internet: Growth, change, and implications.

African Geographical Review 29(2):41-66.

Warf, B. Islam meets cyberspace: Geographies of the Muslim internet. Arab World

Geographer 13(3-4):217-233.

2009 Warf, B. The U.S. electoral college and spatial biases in voter power. Annals of the Association

of American Geographers 99(1):184-204.

Shaw, I. and B. Warf. Worlds of affect: Virtual geographies of video games. Environment and

Planning A 41(6):1332-1343.

Warf, B. Diverse spatialities of the Latin American and Caribbean internet. Journal of Latin

American Geography 8(2):125-146.

Warf, B. The rapidly evolving geographies of the Eurasian internet. Eurasian Geography and

Economics 50(5):564-580.

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2008 Warf, B. and M. Winsberg. The geography of religious diversity in the United States.

Professional Geographer 60:413-424.

2007 Warf, B. Oligopolization of global media and telecommunications and its implications for

democracy. Ethics, Place and Environment 10:89-105.

Warf, B. Geographies of the tropical internet: An overview. Singapore Journal of Tropical

Geography 28:220-238.

Warf, B. and P. Vincent. Multiple geographies of the Arab internet. Area 39:83-96.

Warf, B. Geopolitics of the satellite industry. Tijdschrift voor Economische en Sociale

Geografie 98:385-397.

Warf, B. and P. Vincent. Religious diversity across the globe: A geographic exploration. Social

and Cultural Geography 8(4):597-613.

2006 Warf, B. International competition between satellite and fiber optic carriers: A geographic

perspective. Professional Geographer 58:1-11.

Warf, B. Religious diversity across the North American urban system. Urban Geography


Warf, B. Do voting technologies discriminate across the urban hierarchy? Evidence from two

presidential elections. Urban Geography 27:664-677.

Vincent, P., M. Winsberg, and B. Warf. Religious diversity in the Southeastern U.S.

Southeastern Geographer 46:79-96.

Warf, B. Voting technologies and residual ballots in the 2000 and 2004 presidential elections.

Political Geography 25(5):530-556.

Ueland, J. and B. Warf. Racialized topographies: Altitude and race in Southern cities.

Geographical Review 96(1):50-78.

2005 Vincent, P. and B. Warf. Claret and couscous: The symbolic townscape of a Moroccan

mountain resort. Geographical Review 95:594-606.

2004 Warf, B. Advancing human geography at the commencement de siecle. Professional

Geographer 56:44-52.

Warf, B. Troubled leviathan: The contemporary U.S. versus Brian Berry’s U.S. Professional

Geographer 56:85-90.

Warf, B. and P. Vincent. Global finance and the Arab world: Bahrain as an offshore banking

center. Arab World Geographer 63:165-177.

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Warf, B. Financial services and inequality in New York. Industrial Geographer 2:111-127.

2003 Warf, B. Mergers and acquisitions in the telecommunications industry. Growth and Change


2002 Warf, B. and C. Waddell. Florida in the 2000 presidential election: Historical precedents and

contemporary landscapes. Political Geography 21:85-90.

Vincent, P. and B. Warf. Eruvim: Talmudic places in a postmodern world. Transactions of the

Institute of British Geographers 27:30-51.

Warf, B. Tailored for Panama: Offshore banking at the crossroads of the Americas.

Geografiska Annaler 84:47-61.

Warf, B. and C. Waddell. Heinous spaces, perfidious places: The sinister landscapes of serial

killers. Social and Cultural Geography 3:323-345.

2001 Warf, B. Segueways into cyberspace: Multiple geographies of the digital divide. Environment

and Planning B: Planning and Design 28:3-19.

Warf, B. Global dimensions of U.S. legal services. Professional Geographer 53:398-406.

2000 Warf, B. New York: The Big Apple in the 1990s. Geoforum 31:487-499.

Warf, B. Regional, inter-regional, and international structures of Southern legal services.

Southeastern Geographer 40:176-192.

Warf, B. and J. Cox. Lots of bull: Regional impacts of the 1990s stock market boom. Review of

Regional Studies 30:331-342.

1999 Warf, B., P. Vincent, and D. Purcell. International collaborative learning on the World Wide

Web. Journal of Geography 98:141-148.

Warf, B. Constructing a dialogue: Geographic education and the geographic research

community. Professional Geographer 51:586-591.

1998 Warf, B. Spatial scale, backward linkages, and economic multipliers. Applied Geographic

Studies 2(1):17-28.

Warf, B. Reach out and touch someone: AT&T's global operations in the 1990s. Professional

Geographer 50:255-267.

Warf, B. Teaching Indonesia: A world systems perspective. Education About Asia 3(3):


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1997 Warf, B. Teaching political economy and social theory in human geography. Journal of

Geography 96:84-90.

Warf, B. and B. Holly. The rise and fall and rise of Cleveland. Annals of the American

Academy of Political and Social Science 551:208-221.

Warf, B. The geopolitics/geoeconomics of military base closures in the USA. Political

Geography 16:541-564.

Warf, B. and J. Grimes. Counterhegemonic discourses and the internet. Geographical Review


Warf, B. and J. Grimes. Southern services in the late twentieth century. Southeastern

Geographer 37:251-267.

1996 Warf, B. and J. Cox. Spatial dimensions of the savings and loan crisis. Growth and Change


Warf, B. Southern landscapes of the financial services crisis. Southeastern Geographer 36:1-


Warf, B. International engineering services in the 1980s. Environment and Planning A 28:667-


Randall, J. and B. Warf. Economic impacts of AAG conventions. Professional Geographer


1995 Warf, B. and J. Cox. U.S. bank failures and regional economic structure. Professional

Geographer 47:3-16.

Warf, B. Telecommunications and the changing geographies of knowledge transmission in the

late 20th century. Urban Studies 32:361-378. Reprinted in: Service Industries in the Global

Economy, P. Daniels (Ed.) Cheltenham, UK: Carfax, 1997; Information Age Anthology, D.

Alberts and D. Papp (Eds.) Washington, DC: National Defense University Institute for

National Strategic Studies, 1997; The American Cities Technology Reader: Wilderness to

Wired City, G. Roberts (Ed.) London: Routledge, 1999. The Economics of Networks. M. Cason

and M. Giusta (Eds.) Cheltenham: Elgar, 2007.

Warf, B. Information services in the Dominican Republic. Yearbook of Conference of Latin

American Geographers 21:13-23.

Warf, B. Separated at birth? Regional Science and social theory. International Regional

Science Review 18:185-194.

1994 Warf, B. and J. Randall. The U.S.-Canada Free Trade Agreement: Impacts on U.S. states and

Canadian provinces. International Regional Science Review 17:99-119.

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Warf, B. Military contracts to water transportation services in the United States. Maritime

Policy and Management 21:125-134.

Warf, B. The third plague pandemic. Ontario Geography 3:13-22.

Warf, B. The Pentagon and the rustbelt. Great Lakes Geographer 1:67-86.

1992 Warf, B. Back office dispersal: Implications for urban development. Economic Development

Commentary 16:11-16.

Warf, B. and J. Cox. The U.S.-Canadian Free Trade Agreement and commodity transportation

services among U.S. states. Growth and Change 24:341-364.

Warf, B. The Pentagon and the service sector. Economic Geography 69:123-141.

Warf, B. Post-modernism and the localities debate: Ontological questions and epistemological

implications; and Embalming the detritus of modernism: Reply to Short, Ley, de Pater, and

Dijkink. Tijdschrift voor Economische en Sociale Geografie 84:162-168 and 181-184.

Gaffikin, F. and B. Warf. Urban policy and the post-Keynesian state in the United Kingdom

and the United States. International Journal of Urban and Regional Research 17:67-84.

1992 Warf, B. and J. Cox. The U.S.-Canadian Free Trade Agreement and North American maritime

trade. Maritime Policy and Management 19:19-29.

Warf, B. International finance, Europe 1992, and Euro-American cities. Landscape and Urban

Planning 22:255-267.

1991 Cox, J. and B. Warf. Wall Street layoffs and service sector incomes in the New York

metropolitan region. Urban Geography 12:226-239.

Cox, J., V. Preston, and B. Warf. The 1987 crash and the spatial incidence of employment

changes in the New York metropolitan region. Urban Studies 28:327-339.

Warf, B. and C. Wije. The spatial structure of large U.S. law firms. Growth and Change


Warf, B. The international construction industry in the 1980s. Professional Geographer


1990 Warf, B. The reconstruction of social ecology and neighborhood change in Brooklyn.

Environment and Planning D: Society and Space 8:73-96.

Warf, B. International automobile trade of the United States during the 1980s. Geographical

Review 80:252-265.

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Warf, B. US employment in foreign-owned high technology firms. Professional Geographer


Warf, B. Deindustrialization, service sector growth, and the underclass in the New York

metropolitan region. Tijdschrift voor Economische en Sociale Geografie 81:332-347.

Warf, B. and J. Cox. A tale of two cities: The Canada-U.S. Free Trade Agreement and

commodity trans-shipments through Buffalo and Detroit. Canadian Journal of Regional

Science 13:179-188.

Wimpffen, J., R. Capelle, A. Oberhauser, J. Randall, and B. Warf. Assessing the early effects

of emerging trade blocs: Research agendas for North America and Europe. Canadian Journal

of Regional Science 13:367-373.

1989 Warf, B. Air and water cargo transport mode substitutions among U.S. customs districts.

Maritime Policy and Management 16:247-256.

Warf, B. U.S. imports of petroleum and related products in the 1980s. Maritime Policy and

Management 16:265-75.

Warf, B. and J. Cox. The changing economic impacts of the port of New York. Maritime

Policy and Management 16:3-11.

Warf, B. and L. Kleyn. Competitive status of U.S. ports in the mid-1980s. Maritime Policy and

Management 16:157-172.

Warf, B. Telecommunications and the globalization of financial services. Professional

Geographer 31:257-271. Reprinted in Service Industries in the Global Economy, J. Bryson and

P. Daniels (eds.) Oxford: Blackwell, 1998.

Warf, B. and J. Cox. Military contracts and taxes in the New York metropolitan region: A

short-run analysis. Regional Studies 23:241-251.

1988 Warf, B. Regional transformation, everyday life, and Pacific Northwest lumber production.

Annals of the Association of American Geographers 78:326-346.

Warf, B. Japanese investments in the New York metropolitan region. Geographical Review


Warf, B. The New York region's renaissance. Economic Development Commentary 12(2):13-


Warf, B. The Port Authority of New York-New Jersey. Professional Geographer 40:287-97.

1987 Warf, B. Comments on “rethinking cultural adaptation." Professional Geographer 39:65-66.

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1986 Warf, B. Restructuring and nonmetropolitan growth: The California evidence. Yearbook of the

Association of Pacific Coast Geographers 48:125-147.

Warf, B. Ideology, everyday life, and emancipatory phenomenology. Antipode 18:268-283.

Book Chapters:


Warf, B. Atheist geographies and geographies of atheism. In The Changing World Religion

Map: Sacred Places, Identities, Practices and Politics. S. Brunn (Ed.) Dordretch: Springer.

Warf, B. The Mediterranean internet. In Connections, Mobilities, Urban Prospects and

Environmental Threats: The Mediterranean in Transition. T. Terkenli (Ed.) Cambridge:

Cambridge Scholars Publishing.

Warf, B. The Electoral College and the 2012 presidential election. In Atlas of the 2012

Elections. K. Martis, F. Shelley, J. Clarke, and G. Webster (Eds.) Lanham, MD: Rowman and


Warf, B. Internet structure and regulation in spatial perspective. In Internet Regulation. U.

Kohl (Ed.) Oxford: Oxford University Press.

2014 Warf, B. E-government in the OECD: A comparative geographic perspective. Handbook of

Research on E-governance and Social Inclusion: Concepts and Cases. S. Baum and A.

Mahizhnan (Eds.) pp. 148-163. New York: IGI Global Press.

Warf, B. E-government in Latin America: History, reach, and effect. In Governance and

Development. A. Robinson and R. Jones-Parry (Eds.) pp. 48-51. London: Nexus Strategic


Warf, B. Deep mapping and neogeography. In Deep Maps and Spatial Narratives. D.

Bodenhamer, J. Corrigan, and T. Harris (Eds.) pp. 134-149. Bloomington: Indiana University


Warf, B. Spaces of the telemediated self. In The Ashgate Research Companion to Media

Geography. P. Adams (Ed.) pp. 291-310. London: Ashgate.

2013 Warf, B. The Central Asian digital divide. In The Digital Divide: The Internet and Social

Inequality in International Perspective. M. Ragnedda and G. Muschert (Eds.) pp. 270-284.

New York and London: Routledge.

Warf, B. Web 2.0, Neogeography, and urban e-governance. In Citizen e-Participation in Urban

Governance: Crowdsourcing and Collaborative Creativity. C. Silva (Ed.) pp. 69-79. New

York: IGI Global Press.

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2012 Warf, B. Introduction: Fusing economic and cultural geography. In Encounters and

Engagements between Economic and Cultural Geography. B. Warf (Ed.) pp. 1-17. Dordretch:


Warf, B. Dethroning the view from above: Toward a critical social analysis of satellite

ocularcentrism. In Down to Earth. L. Parks and J. Schwoch (Eds.) pp. 42-60. Piscataway, NJ:

Rutgers University Press.

2011 Warf, B. Engineering time and space with the world’s fiber optics network. In Engineering

Earth: The Impacts of Megaengineering Projects. S. Brunn (Ed.) pp. 115-129. Dordrecht:


Warf, B. Urban networks: Communications and corporate nodes. In 21st Century Geography:

A Reference Handbook. J. Stoltman (Ed.) pp. 355-366. London and Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

Warf, B. Google bombs, warblogs, and hacktivism: The internet as agent of progressive social

change. In Nonkilling Geography. J. Tyner and J. Inwood (Eds.) pp. 127-148. Honolulu:

University of Hawai’i Center for Global Nonkilling.

Warf, B. Class, ethnicity, religion and place in the 2008 U.S. presidential election. In

Revitalizing Electoral Geography. B. Warf and J. Leib (Eds.) pp. 133-156. London: Ashgate.

2010 Warf, B. The digital divide in the U.S. in the 21st century. In Overcoming Digital Divides:

Constructing an Equitable and Competitive Information Society. E. Ferro, Y. Dwivedi, J.

Ramon Gil-Garcia, and M. Williams (Eds.) pp. 112-130. New York: IGI Global Press.

Warf, B. Electronic funds transfer systems and the landscapes of global finance. In E-Business

Development and Management in the Global Economy. I. Lee (Ed.) pp. 178-186. New York:

IGI Global Press.

Warf, B. US international trade in knowledge-intensive business services. In Knowledge

Intensive Business Services (KIBS): Geography and Innovation. D. Doloreux, M. Freel, and R.

Shearmur (Eds.) pp. 19-42. London: Ashgate.

2009 Warf, B. Spatiality and political economy of the global fiber optics industry. In The Handbook

of Research on Telecommunications Planning and Management for Business. I. Lee (Ed.) pp.

208-221. New York: IGI Global Press.

Warf, B. Teleology, contingency, and networks. Milieus of Creativity. P. Meusburger (Ed.) pp.

255-267. Dordretch: Springer.

2008 Warf, B. From surfaces to networks. In The Spatial Turn: Interdisciplinary Perspectives. B.

Warf and S. Arias (Eds.) pp. 59-76. London: Routledge.

Warf, B. and S. Arias. Introduction. In The Spatial Turn: Interdisciplinary Perspectives. B.

Warf and S. Arias (Eds.) pp. 1-10. London: Routledge.

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2007 Warf, B. Embodied information, actor-networks, and global value-added services. In The

Handbook of Service Industries. J. Bryson and P. Daniels (Eds.) pp. 379-394. London: Elgar.

2006 Warf, B. and T. Chapman. Cathedrals of consumption: A political phenomenology of Wal-

Mart. In Wal-Mart World. S. Brunn (Ed.) pp. 163-178. London: Routledge.

2004 Warf, B., D. Janelle, and K. Hanson. Introduction. In WorldMinds: Geographic

Perspectives on 100 Problems. D. Janelle, B. Warf, and K. Hanson (Eds.) Dordrecht: Kluwer.

Warf, B. Anthony Giddens; Derek Gregory; Nigel Thrift. In Key Thinkers on Space and Place.

P. Hubbard, R. Kitchin, and G. Valentine (Eds.) pp. 129-135, 143-148, and 294-300,

respectively. (2nd ed. 2010). London: Sage.

2002 Warf, B. The way it wasn’t: Alternative histories, contingent geographies. In Lost in Space:

Geographies of Science Fiction. R. Kitchin and J. Kneale (Eds.) pp. 17-38. London: Athlone.

2001 Warf, B. and D. Purcell. The currency of currency: Electronic money, electronic spaces. In The

Worlds of Electronic Commerce. T. Leinbach and S. Brunn (Eds.) pp. 223-240. London:


Warf, B. Resources and economy. In America: The Complete Story. pp. 122-133. Willoughby,

Australia: Global Book Publishing.

2000 Warf, B. Compromising positions: The body in cyberspace. In Cities in the

Telecommunications Age: The Fracturing of Geographies. J. Wheeler, Y. Aoyama, and B.

Warf (Eds.) pp. 54-68. London: Routledge.

Warf, B. Japanese information services in the late twentieth century. In Information Tectonics.

M. Wilson and K. Corey (Eds.) pp. 101-114. Chichester, NY: Wiley.

Warf, B. Telecommunications and economic space. In A Companion to Economic Geography.

E. Sheppard and T. Barnes (Eds.) pp. 484-498. Oxford: Blackwell.

1999 Warf, B. The hypermobility of capital and the collapse of the Keynesian state. In Money and

the Space Economy. R. Martin (Ed.) pp. 227-240. London: Wiley.

Warf, B. Information technology and economic development. In Economic Development

Handbook. G. Harper (Ed.) pp. 15-33. Alexandria, VA: American Chamber of Commerce


1997 Warf, B. and J. Grimes. The distribution of military expenditures in the United States: Spatial,

technological, occupational, and sectoral. In Economics of Conflict and Peace. J. Brauer and

W. Gissy (Eds.) pp. 83-103. London: Avebury Press.

1996 Warf, B. Services and flexible production: Contingent but mutually reinforcing systems. In The

Transition to Flexibility. D. Knudsen (Ed.) pp. 87-110. Amsterdam: Kluwer Academic


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1994 Warf, B. Structuration theory and electronic communications. In Marginalized Places and

Populations: A Structurationist Agenda. D. Wilson and J. Huff (Eds.) pp. 43-58. Westport,

CT: Greenwood.

Warf, B. Vicious circle: Financial services and commercial real estate in the United States. In

Money, Power, and Space. S. Corbridge, R. Martin, and N. Thrift (Eds.) pp. 309-326. Oxford:


1992 Warf, B. Bankers' nirvana and new Calcutta: New York City in the 1980s. In Geographical

Snapshots of North America. D. Janelle (Ed.) pp. 85-89. New Brunswick: Rutgers University


Warf, B. U.S. regions and the global economy. In Revisiting the Americas: Teaching and

Learning the Geography of the Western Hemisphere. T. Martinson and S. Brooker-Gross

(Eds.) pp. 54-59. National Council for Geographic Education.

1991 Warf, B. The internationalization of New York services. In Services and Metropolitan

Development: International Perspectives. P. Daniels (Ed.) pp. 245-264. London: Routledge.

Warf, B. Ohio's population in the late twentieth century. In The Changing Heartland: A

Geography of Ohio. L. Peacefull (Ed.) pp. 123-134. Cleveland: Ginn Publications.

1989 Warf, B. Geographers and government employment. In On Becoming a Professional

Geographer. M. Kenzer (Ed.) pp. 75-85. Columbus, OH: Merrill.

1988 Warf, B. The resurrection of local uniqueness. In A Ground for Common Search. R. Golledge,

H. Couclelis and P. Gould (Eds.) pp. 51-62. Santa Barbara, CA: Santa Barbara Geographical


Encyclopedia Entries


Warf, B. Information and communications technology; Corporations and e-commerce.

International Encyclopedia of Geography. N. Castree, M. Goodchild, W. Liu, A. Kobayashi,

R. Marston, and D. Richardson (Eds.) New York: Wiley-Blackwell and AAG.

Warf, B. Social theory and space. and Geography of networks. International Encyclopedia of

Social and Behavioral Sciences. J. Wright (Ed.) Oxford: Elsevier.

Warf, B. Global digital divide. Encyclopedia of Sociology. New York: Wiley-Blackwell.

Warf, B. Spatial turn. Encyclopedia of Social Theory. B. Turner (Ed.) New York: Wiley-


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2010 Warf, B. Introduction and 90 entries in Encyclopedia of Geography, B. Warf (Ed.) London and

Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

Warf, B. Telecommunications; Alan Pred; Derek Gregory. In International Encyclopedia of

Human Geography. R. Kitchin and N. Thrift (Eds.) pp. 183-189, 426-428, and 644-646,

respectively. Oxford: Elsevier.

Warf, B. Brian Berry. In Encyclopedia of Urban Studies. R. Beauregard (Ed.) pp. 74-76.

London: Sage.

2007 Warf, B. Communicating. In Companion Encyclopedia of Geography: From the Local to the

Global. I. Douglas, R. Huggett, and C. Perkins (Eds.) pp. 965-977. London: Routledge.

2006 Warf, B. Introduction and 54 entries in Encyclopedia of Human Geography. B. Warf (Ed.)

London: Sage.

2001 Warf, B. Space and social theory in geography. In International Encyclopedia of the Social and

Behavioral Sciences. S. Hanson (Ed.) pp. 14,743-14,749. London: Elsevier.

1999 Warf, B. Economic geography. National Geographic Desk Reference. pp. 317-369.

Washington, DC: National Geographic Society.

Non-refereed Publications


Warf, B. Editorial: Cyberwar: A new frontier for political geography. Political Geography

2013 Warf, B. Telecommunications; Time-space compression; Geographies of time. Oxford

Bibliographies Online. B. Warf (Ed). Oxford University Press.

2012 Warf, B. Wikileaks and internet geopolitics. Geopolitics 17:699-702.

Warf, B. Cosmopolitanism and space. Geographical Review 102(3):iii-vi.

2011 Warf, B. Myths, realities, and lessons of the Arab spring. Arab World Geographer 14(2):166-


Warf, B. Religion. In Atlas of the 2008 Elections. S. Brunn, G. Webster, R. Morrill, F. Shelley,

S. Lavin, and J. Archer (Eds.) pp. 229-236. Lanham: Rowman and Littlefield.

Warf, B. and J. Leib. Introduction. In Revitalizing Electoral Geography. B. Warf and J. Leib

(Eds.) pp. 3-8. London: Ashgate.

2008 Warf, B. The geography of religious diversity in Florida. Florida Geographer 38:4-17.

Warf, B. Florida’s permeable labor markets. Florida Geographer 39:4-19.

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2007 Warf, B. The deep historical roots of white Southern cultures of justice. Southeastern

Geographer 47:92-96.

2006 Warf, B. Political economy of the Palm Beach County biotechnology research park. Florida

Geographer 37:4-25.

Warf, B. Commentary on Soja’s Postmodern Geographies. Progress in Human Geography


Warf, B. Neoliberalism and its discontents: Comments on three views of the American empire.

Current Perspectives in Social Theory 24:273-278.

2004 Warf, B. Geographies of patent innovation among Florida’s metropolitan areas. Florida

Geographer 35:13-28.

2000 Wheeler, J., Y. Aoyama, and B. Warf. Introduction: City space, industrial space, and

cyberspace. In Cities in the Telecommunications Age: The Fracturing of Geographies. J.

Wheeler, Y. Aoyama, and B. Warf (Eds.) pp. 3-17. London: Routledge.

Warf, B. New York in the 21st century. In Regional Geography of the United States and

Canada by T. McKnight. pp. 158-159. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall.

Warf, B. Spatial dimensions of Florida’s legal services. Florida Geographer 31:21-32.

1999 Warf, B. I satelliti nel contesto politico. Sistema Terra 8:18-25

1997 Adams, P. and B. Warf. Introduction: Cyberspace and geographical space. Geographical

Review 87:139-145.

1996 Warf, B. and R. Erickson. Introduction: Globalization and the U.S. city system. Urban

Geography 17:1-4.

Warf, B. The Pentagon and the sunshine state. Florida Geographer 27:22-36.

Warf, B. Global cities in the age of hypermobile capital. City 3-4:40-43.

1994 Warf, B. Reply to Jackel: Countenancing caterwauling. Tijdschrift voor Economische en

Sociale Geografie 85:398-400.

1993 Warf, B. and A. Glasmeier. Military spending, the American economy, and the end of the Cold

War. Economic Geography 69:103-105.

Warf, B. Global city: New York in the 1980s. In Regional Geography of the United States and

Canada by T. McKnight. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall.

1991 Warf, B. Power, politics, and localities. Urban Geography 12:563-569.

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Warf, B. Destination Anguilla. Focus 41: fall, 22.

1990 Warf, B. The people and landscapes of Brooklyn, New York. Focus 40(winter):6-11.

Warf, B. Can the region survive post-modernism? Urban Geography 11:586-593.

1988 Warf, B. Bibliography of Telecommunications and Regional Development. Chicago: Council

of Planning Librarians.

Warf, B. The garden of France: History meets geography in the Loire River valley. Focus


Warf, B. Progress report: Locality studies. Urban Geography 10:178-185.

Warf, B. Undiscovered paradise: The faces of St. Lucia. Focus 38: summer, 34-36.

1985 Warf, B. Nonmetropolitan Growth in the United States: A Bibliography. Chicago: Council of

Planning Librarians.

Book Reviews


Crowdsourcing Geographic Knowledge: Volunteered Geographic Information (VGI) in

Theory and Practice. D. Sui, S. Elwood and M. Goodchild (Eds). Journal of Regional


The People’s Network: The Political Economy of the Telephone in the Gilded Age. By R.

MacDougal. Economic Development Quarterly.

Constructing Urban Space with Sounds and Music. By R. Belgiojoso. Geographical Review

2013 Post-Cosmopolitan Cities: Explorations of Urban Coexistence. C. Humphrey and V.

Skvirskaja (Eds). Urban Studies

2012 Economic Geographies of Globalisation. By M. Sokol. Economic Development Quarterly


2010 Geographies of Globalization. By A. Herod. Professional Geographer 62:289-290.

Secularism: The Hidden Origins of Disbelief. By M. King. Tijdschrift voor Economische en

Sociale Geografie 101(4):484-485.

Cosmopolitanism and the Geographies of Freedom. By D. Harvey. Annals of the Association

of American Geographers 100(5):1217-1218.

2009 The Digital Economy. By E. Malecki and B. Moriset. Annals of the Association of American

Geographers 99:219-221.

Digital Citizenship: The Internet, Society, and Participation. By K. Mossberger, C. Tolbert,

and R. McNeal. Environment and Planning A 41:2285-2286.

2008 Haunting the Knowledge Economy. By J. Kenway, E. Bullen, J. Fahey, and S. Robb.

Globalizations 5:329-330.

2007 Spaces of Geographical Thought. P. Cloke and R.J. Johnston (Eds.) Annals of the Association

of American Geographers 97:210-211.

Spaces of Global Capitalism: Towards a Theory of Uneven Geographical Development. By D.

Harvey. Journal of Regional Science 47:394-396.

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2006 Territories of Profit: Communications, Capitalist Development, and the Innovative Enterprises

of G.F. Swift and Dell Computer. By G. Fields. Historical Geography 34:199-202.

A Tale of Two Global Cities: Comparing the Territorialities of Telecommunications

Developments in Paris and London. By J. Rutherford. Progress in Human Geography


2005 Science, Space and Hermeneutics. By D. Livingstone. Political Geography 24:654-656.

The Spaces of Postmodernity: Readings in Human Geography. M. Dear and S. Flusty (Eds.)

Economic Geography 81:435-436.

The Political Mapping of Cyberspace. By J. Crampton. Geographical Review 45:296-298.

2004 Urban Ecological Research Methods Applied to the Cleveland, Ohio Metropolitan Area. By A.

Humphreys and A. Dutt. Journal of Regional Science 44:185-186.

Spying with Maps: Surveillance Technology and the Future of Privacy. By M. Monmonier.

Professional Geographer 56:312-313.

2003 Geography Inside Out. By R. Symanski. Annals of the Association of American Geographers


Splintering Urbanism: Networked Infrastructures, Technological Mobilities and the Urban

Condition. By S. Graham and S. Marvin. Annals of the Association of American

Geographers 93:246-7.

2002 Postmetropolis. By E. Soja, and The Postmodern Urban Condition. By M. Dear. Urban

Geography 22:691-694.

World System History: The Social Science of Long-term Change. R. Denemark, J. Friedman,

B. Gills and G. Modelski (Eds.) Political Studies 20(1):196.

2001 The Cultural Crisis of the Firm. By E. Schoenberger. Annals of the Association of American

Geographers 91:241-242.

New York, Chicago, Los Angeles: America’s Global Cities. By J. Abu-Lughod. International

Journal of Urban and Regional Research 25:915-916.

Mapping Cyberspace. By M. Dodge and R. Kitchin. Geographical Journal 167:381-382.

2000 The Regional World: Territorial Development in a Global Economy. By M. Storper. Economic

Geography 76:101-102.

Global Communications since 1844: Geopolitics and Technology. By P. Hugill. Professional

Geographer 52:579-580.

Developments in Telecommunications: Between Global and Local. By E. Roche and H. Bakis.

Progress in Human Geography 24:332-333.

1999 Defining the National Interest: Conflict and Change in American Foreign Policy. By P.

Trubowitz. Regional Studies 33:187-188.

The Mediterranean Environment and Society. R. King, L. Proudfoot, and B. Smith (Eds.)

Journal of Geography 98:246.

1998 The Myth of Continents. By M. Lewis and K. Wigen. African Studies Quarterly

(http://www.clas.ufl.edu/africa/asq) 1(4).

The Power of Identity. By M. Castells. Environment and Planning A 30:1132-1133.

Consumer Services and Economic Development. By C. Williams. Professional Geographer


1996 Post-Fordism. A. Amin (Ed.) Professional Geographer 48:106.

Logics of Dislocation: Models, Metaphors, and Meanings of Economic Space. By T. Barnes.

Canadian Journal of Regional Science 19:131-133.

Continental Trading Blocs: The Growth of Regionalism in the World Economy. R. Gibb and

W. Michalak (Eds.) Geographical Review 86:129.

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1994 Place, Modernity, and the Consumer's World. By R. Sack. Geographical Review 84:107-109.

Postmodern Contentions: Epochs, Politics, Space. J.P. Jones III, W. Natter, and T. Schatzki

(Eds.) Growth and Change 25:263-266.

1993 The Production of Space. By H. Lefebvre. Journal of Regional Science 33:111-112.

The Pentagon and the Cities. A. Kirby (Ed.) Growth and Change 24:286-288.

Global Finance and Urban Living: A Study of Metropolitan Change. L. Budd and S. Whimster

(Eds.) Progress in Human Geography 17:421-422.

The Changing Geography of Advanced Producer Services. By P. Daniels and F. Moulaert.

Economic Geography 69:101-102.

Atlantic Port Cities: Economy, Culture and Society in the Atlantic World, 1650-1850. F.

Knight and P. Liss (Eds.) Annals of the Association of American Geographers 83:383-385.

1992 Structuration Theory: Anthony Giddens and the Constitution of Social Life. By I. Cohen, and

Social Theory of Modern Societies: Anthony Giddens and His Critics. D. Held and J.

Thompson (Eds.) Environment and Planning D: Society and Space 10:357-359.

Cities of the 21st Century: New Technologies and Spatial Systems. J. Brotchie, M. Batty, P.

Hall, and P. Newton (Eds.) Environment and Planning A 24:1367-1368.

Economic Growth and Fiscal Planning: New York in the 1990s. By R. Bahl and W.

Duncombe. Environment and Planning A 24:1663-1664.

The Corporate Firm in a Changing World Economy. M. de Smidt and E. Wever (Eds.)

Economic Geography 68:102-104.

Lost Words and Lost Worlds: Modernity and the Language of Everyday Life in Late Nineteenth

Century Stockholm and Making Histories, Constructing Human Geographies. By A. Pred.

Geographical Review 82:86-89.

1991 The Condition of Postmodernity. By D. Harvey. Postmodern Geographies. By E. Soja. Journal

of Regional Science 31:100-102.

The Capitalist Imperative. By M. Storper and R. Walker. Journal of Regional Science 31:222-


Cities in a Global Society. R. Knight and V. Gappert (Eds.) Environment and Planning A


New Models in Geography: The Political Economy Perspective, Volumes I and II. R. Peet and

N. Thrift (Eds.) Annals of the Association of American Geographers 81:703-707.

Regional Policy in a Changing World. N. Hansen, B. Higgins, and D. Savoie (Eds.) Economic

Geography 67:369-371.

1989 The Quiet Evolution: Power, Profits, and Planning in New York State. By M. Heiman.

Geographical Review 79:374-375.

1984 Marxism and Geography. By M. Qaini. Soviet Geography 24:198-201.


Under review:

Walker, R. (PI), Y. Galvan, and B. Warf. Linking land change and commodity chains in a

globalizing world. $480,000 for three years. National Science Foundation.

2012 KU Hall Center for Seminar in Cosmopolitanism and the City ($1,000)

2010 KU International Programs ($850): Course development proposal grant

2009 KU Program for Costa Rican Studies ($2,100): Exports of health care services from Costa Rica

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2006 FSU Middle East Studies Center course development grant ($2,000)

1993 Kent State University summer teaching grant ($6,500): The globalization of business and the

business of globalization.

1992 Kent State University summer research grant ($6,500): Back office relocation to the

Dominican Republic

1991 Economic Development Administration ($110,210): The Pentagon and the service sector

1986 AAG research grant ($200): Services in the New England economy


2011 Fulbright Teaching Award, Santiago de Compostela, Spain (summer)

2007 Helen and John Best Fellowship, American Geographical Society Library, Milwaukee

2006-07 Florida State University sabbatical leave

1999 Florida State University Teaching Award

1997 SEDAAG Research Honors Award

1987 Outstanding Employee Award, Port Authority of New York-New Jersey

1985 University of Washington Dept. of Geography Distinguished Graduate Student Award

University of Washington Dissertation Fellowship

1981 U.C.L.A. Dept. of Geography Distinguished Teaching Assistant Award

1979 Magna Cum Laude, U.C.L.A.


2011+ Editor-in-Chief for Geography, Oxford Bibliographies On-Line

2011-2018 Editor, The Professional Geographer

2010+ Co-Editor, Growth and Change

2010+ Co-Book Review Editor, Dialogues in Human Geography

2002+ Editor, Rowman and Littlefield Human Geography in the New Millennium Series

1988-1989 Geographical Review book review editor


2014+ Turkish Journal of Human Geography

2013+ International Journal of E-Planning Research

AAG Review of Books

2010+ Member, SAGE Open Advisory Board

2007+ Southeastern Geographer

2006+ Geographical Review

2006-2011 Annals of the Association of American Geographers

2005-2010 Growth and Change

2003-2004 Oxford Atlas of North America

2002+ Geografiska Annaler B

1996+ International Regional Science Review

1994-1996 Great Lakes Geographer

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1992-1994 Professional Geographer

1990-2006 Urban Geography



Space and Polity, guest co-editor with S. Williams, special issue on drugs, law and place

2012 Geographical Review, guest editor, v. 102(3), special issue on cosmopolitanism

1997 Geographical Review v. 87(2), guest co-editor with P. Adams, special issue on geographies of


1994 Urban Geography v. 17(1), guest co-editor with R. Erickson, special issue on globalization

and the U.S. city system

1994 Economic Geography v. 69(2), guest co-editor with A. Glasmeier, special issue on defense

spending and regional development

1992 Growth and Change v. 22, guest book review editor, special issue on services


2014 External Program Review, University of North Texas Geography Department

2012+ Member, Steering Committee, IGU Commission on the Mediterranean

2011 External Program Review, Western Michigan University Geography Department

2010 Program Chair, Great States-Rocky Mountain AAG Division Annual Meeting

2008 Chair, American Geographical Society Wrigley-Fairchild Award Committee

2007 Latin Americanist Specialty Group Student Paper Competition Award Committee Chair

American Geographical Society Wrigley-Fairchild Prize Selection Committee

2007-10 AAG Honors Committee (elected)

2006 Economic Geography Specialty Group Dissertation Award Committee

Editor Search Committee, Geographical Review

2004-6 Treasurer, Communications Geography Specialty Group

2003 AAG Nystrom Award Committee

2002 Environmental Protection Agency Dissertation Grants Review Panel

AAG Annual Conference Program Committee

2002-04 AAG Urban Geography Specialty Group Board of Directors member (elected)

2001-04 Chair, AAG Book Award Committee

2001-02 NSF Geography and Regional Science Grant Proposal Review Panel

2001 Graduate Program Reviewer, University of Western Ontario

SEDAAG Honors Committee (elected)

1997-04 AAG Centennial Celebration Coordination Committee

1999 Economic Geography Specialty Group Nominating Committee (elected)

1997 SEDAAG Florida representative (elected)

Advisory Board, National Center for the Revitalization of Central Cities

1994-5 AAG Industrial Geography Specialty Group Dissertation Award Committee

1993-4 Project Adviser Committee, Geography Education Standards Project, National Council for

Geographic Education

1990-2 A.A.G. Industrial Geography Specialty Group Board of Directors and Secretary (elected)

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A.A.G. Political Geography Specialty Group Board of Directors member (elected)

Manuscript reviewer: Annals of the AAG; Economic Geography; Political Geography; Urban

Geography; Gender, Place and Culture; Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers;

Historical Geography; Growth and Change; Professional Geographer; Applied Geography; Journal

of Geography; Geoforum; Social and Cultural Geography; Antipode; Geopolitics; Environment and

Planning A; Industrial Geographer; Geography Compass; New Zealand Geographer; Arab World

Geographer; Tijdschrift voor Economische en Sociale Geografie; Urban Affairs Review; Urban

Studies; Telecommunications Policy; Review of International Political Economy; Journal of Rural

Studies; Political and Military Sociology; Political Studies; International Journal of E-planning

Research; Body and Society; Journal of International Communication; National Science Foundation


University of Kansas:

2010-14 Chair, Geography Dept. Curriculum Committee

2014-15 Chair, Africanist Faculty Search Committee

2012-15 Faculty Senate representative

2010-13 Faculty Senate Research Committee

2009-10 Associate Chair, Dept. of Geography

Chair, Geography Faculty Affairs Committee

2009-14 College Academic Misconduct Committee

2008-09 Graduate Studies Committee

Florida State University:

2007-08 Undergraduate Student Advisor

1994-2006 Chair, Dept. of Geography

1997-99 College and University Professional Excellence Award Committees

1995-06 University Chairs and Deans’ Education Committee

1996-2002 University Calendar Committee

1997-98 College and University Promotion and Tenure Committees

1994-97, 2003-5 Faculty Senate representative

Kent State University:

1993-94 Arts and Sciences Tenure and Promotion Committee

Geography Department colloquium organizer

1989-94 Undergraduate and Graduate Studies Committees

Chair, KSU chapter, Gamma Theta Upsilon


2014 Peter Hall, Simon Fraser University

Owen Dwyer, Indiana University-Purdue University at Indianapolis

Stuart Williams, University of Tasmania

2013 Amy Trauger, University of Georgia

Jeff Popke, East Carolina University

Juliana Mansvelt, Massey University

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Josh Inwood, University of Tennessee

Hongmian Gong, Hunter College

David Butler, University of Southern Mississippi

George Henderson, University of Minnesota

Mahtab Lodhi, University of New Orleans

2012 Christopher Lukinbeal, University of Arizona

Jeff Crump, University of Minnesota

Dan Weiner, University of Connecticut

Christian Brannstrom, Texas A&M University

Trina Hamilton, SUNY Buffalo

Mark Welford, Georgia Southern University

Brian Bossack, Georgia Southern University

2011 Jayajit Chakraborty, Southern Florida University

Katherine Hankins, Georgia State University

Carl Dahman, Miami University

Mark DeSocio, Salisbury State University

2010 Martin Dodge, University of Manchester

James Biles, CUNY

Pratyusha Basu, University of South Florida

Murray Rice, University of North Texas

Yuko Aoyama, Clark University

Jason Dittmer, University College London

2009 William Holden, University of Calgary

Robin Leichenko, Rutgers University

Mark Wilson, Michigan State University

2008 Ronald Kalafsky, University of Tennessee

2006 Bill Graves, University of North Carolina, Charlotte

Sanjay Chakravorty, Temple University

James Eflin, Ball State University

James Tyner, Kent State University

Matt Zook, University of Kentucky

2005 Martin Bosman, University of South Florida

Seamus Grimes, National University of Ireland, Galway

Hongmian Gong, Hunter College

2004 Yeong-Hyun Kim, Ohio University

Igor Vojnovic, Michigan State University

Jessie Poon, SUNY Buffalo

2003 Selima Sultana, Auburn University

2001 David Angel, Clark University

Susan Walcott, Georgia State University

1998 Scott Salmon, Miami University

1997 Judith Kenny, University of Wisconsin Milwaukee


2012 Participant, Virtual Center for the Spatial Humanities, University of West Virginia

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2007 Visiting Professor (summer), Friedrich Schiller University, Jena, Germany

2006 Visiting Professor (summer), FSU Panama branch campus

2005 Expert Witness, Palm Beach County regarding Scripps Florida Biotechnology Park

2004 Visiting Professor (summer), FSU Valencia, Spain study abroad campus

2003-07 Instructor, FSU Seniors Academy

2003 Participant, Center for Spatially Integrated Social Sciences, workshop on “Accessibility in

Time and Space: A GIS Approach,” Columbus, OH.

2001 Visiting Professor (summer), FSU Panama branch campus

1996 Florida Study Abroad Program, Florence, Italy, fall semester

1992 Visiting Professor (summer), University of Saskatchewan

1991 Consultant, Brooklyn Historical Society

Consultant, Federal Department of Transportation

1986-89 Adjunct Instructor, Dept. of Geography, Hunter College, CUNY

1985-86 Adjunct Instructor, Eastern Connecticut State University

1984 Consultant, Central Puget Sound Economic Development District, WA


Undergraduate: Graduate:

Human Geography History of Geographic Thought

World Regional Geography World Systems Theory

East and Southeast Asia Urban Geography

New York Metro Region Economic Geography

Europe Representations of Space

The Mediterranean Postmodernism; Poststructuralism

Urban Geography Identity and Place

Economic Geography Social Theory and Spatial Structures

Communications Geography Globalization

Political Geography Modernity, Time, and Space

Geographies of Consumption



Gilley, Jessie (KU, in progress)

Eichhorst, Jean (KU, in progress)

Arif, Diyaree (KU, in progress)

Zhang, Xiang (KU, in progress)

Fekete, Emily (KU, 2014)

Kozak, Stephanie (KU, 2014)

Kim, Kirl (FSU, 2006)

Purcell, Darren (FSU, 2003)


Thorp, Zachary (KU, in progress)

Mudd, Alex (KU, in progress)

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Moss, Brian (KU, Global and International Studies, in progress)

Ding, Jiafeng (KU, joint program in geography-urban planning, in progress)

Mudd, Alex (KU, in progress)

Kent, Richard (FSU, 2007)

Pryce-Jones, Michael (FSU, 2001)

McKay, Tanya (FSU, 1998)

Curtis, James (FSU, 1995)

Burns, Patrick (Kent State, 1994)

Yip, Judy (Kent State, 1993)

Begum, Afroza (Kent State, 1993)

Graduate student committees (member not advisor):


Doctoral Masters

Hartman, V. (KU, in progress) Charron, A. (KU, 2012)

Biersack, J. (KU, in progress) O’Brien, L. (KU, 2013)

Thelen, A. (KU, in progress) Adamz, Z. (KU, in progress)

Campbell, J. (KU, in progress) Lobby, S. (KU, in progress)

Thompson, C. (KU, in progress) Kelly, Meghan (KU, in progress)

Trimbach, D. (KU, in progress)

Mayberry, B. (KU, 2014)

Price, W. (KU, 2013)

Hilburn, A. (KU, 2013)

Putnam, H. (KU, 2013)

Pankl, L. (Kansas State University, 2014)

Gilbreath, A. (KU, 2012) Pabst, E. (KU, 2011)

Hungerford, H. (KU, 2012) Thelen, A. (KU, 2010)

Funke, J. (Clark University, 2011) Golon, D. (KU, 2012)

Jackson, T. (KU, 2011)

McGowin, D. (FSU, 2011)

Lee, H. (FSU, 2009)

Sanchez, L. (FSU, 2008) Conover, G. (FSU, 2007)

Chapman, T. (FSU, 2007) Popescu, G. (FSU, 2006)

Stewart, K. (FSU, 2006) Nicley, E. (FSU, 2000)

Kaya, I. (FSU, 2002) Kelly, R. (FSU, 1996)

Pennock, R. (FSU, 2002)

Walter, A. (FSU, 2004)

Cobb, S. (U. of Florida, 2001)

Grimes, J. (FSU, 2000)

Simmons, C. (FSU, 1996)

Keiffer, A. (Kent State, 1993) Brandt, J. (Kent State, 1992)

Tripathi, S. (Kent State, 1993)

Lopez, E. (Kent State, 1993)

Other Disciplines

Jeter-Holdt, M. (KU History, in progress)

Homan, J. (KU Anthropology, in progress)

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Miller, R. (KU History, in progress)

Clark, A. (KU, American Studies, in progress)

Pautz, J. (FSU Humanities, 2009)

Pando, R. (FSU History, 2008) Pando, R. (FSU International Affairs, 2005)

Petty, S. (FSU Psychology, 2008)

Ekmekci, F. (FSU Political Science, 2008)

Fattore, C. (FSU Political Science, 2006)

Leahy, K. (FSU Communications, 2005)

Portoreal, H. (FSU Modern Languages, 2005)

Paniuki, H. (FSU Psychology, 2005)


Association of American Geographers

American Geographical Society

Conference of Latin Americanist Geographers

Great Plains-Rocky Mountains Division, A.A.G.

International Geographical Union

Economists for Peace and Security

Phi Beta Delta (Honor Society for International Scholars)


2014 Turkish Geographical Association annual conference, keynote address

Internet Jurisdiction Symposium, Aberystwyth University, Wales

2012 University of Tennessee

University of Texas

Brigham Young University Chauncy Harris Memorial Lecture

2011 University of Central Missouri

2010 University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee Center for 21st Century Studies

University College London, distinguished visiting speaker (spring, 2 weeks)

2009 Kansas State University

2007 University of Cincinnati, Howard Stafford Lecture

University of South Florida

University of Maryland

University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee

Friedrich Schiller University, Jena, Germany

University of Kansas

University of Florida

2006 Florida State University, Interdisciplining the Body Conference, keynote address

2005 Kent State University

2004 Indiana State University, Critical Geographies Conference, keynote address

2002 Hunter College

Texas A&M University

2000 Syracuse University

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University of Toledo

1993 Florida State University (also 1995, 1997, 2000, 2008)

University of Florida

1993 Ohio Bureau of Employment Services

Miami University

Youngstown State University

1992 Michigan State University

1991 University of Minnesota

Portland State University

University of Oregon

Oregon Academy of Sciences

University of Illinois

New York Society of Securities Analysts

1990 Portsmouth Polytechnic, Portsmouth, U.K.

University of Akron

University of Kentucky

Ohio State University

1989 California State University, Hayward

Kent State University (also 1992)

Rockefeller Institute, Albany, NY

Capital District Planning Association, Albany, NY

1988 S.U.N.Y. Albany

Wilfrid Laurier University, Ontario

S.U.N.Y. Buffalo

Hunter College, New York

Geographisches Institut, Zurich, Switzerland

Pennsylvania State University

1987 West Virginia University (also 1991)

1986 University of Connecticut

Clark University

Rutgers University

1982 University of Washington (also 1985)

1981 U.C.L.A.


2014 Warf, B. Geographies of e-government in Latin America. CLAG, Panama City, Panama.

Warf, B. The hermit kingdom in cyberspace: Unveiling the North Korean internet. AAG,


2013 Warf, B. Atheist geographies and the geographies of atheism. AAG, Los Angeles.

Warf, B. The cultural geopolitics of cybercafés. International Geographical Union, Kyoto.

Eichhorst, J. and B. Warf. Using actor-network theory to advance geographic pedagogy.

GPRM meeting, Omaha.

2012 Warf, B. Censoring the Latin American internet. CLAG, Morelia, Mexico.

Warf, B. Geographies of global telephony in the age of the internet. AAG, New York.

Warf, B. Middle Eastern youth, social media, and the Arab Spring. Rand Corporation

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conference on New Media and Social Movements, Arlington, VA.

2011 Warf, B. Networks and post-structuralist spaces in Central America. University of Costa Rica-

University of Kansas Symposium “The Many Contexts of Space,” San José, Costa Rica

Warf, B. Do you know the way to San Jose? Medical tourism in Costa Rica. AAG, Seattle.

Warf, B. Dubious geographies of internet freedom in the Middle East. IGU Commission on

the Information Society, Athens.

Warf, B. Habermasian ethics, cyberspace, and the limits to internet speech. World Human

Geography Conference, Lawrence, KS.

2010 Warf, B. Global bubonic plague pandemic in the late 19th

and early 20th

centuries. AAG,

Washington, DC.

Warf, B. The Mediterranean internet. International Geographical Union, Tel Aviv, Israel.

Warf, B. Censoring the Chinese internet. Great Plains-Rocky Mountain Division, AAG,

Lawrence, KS.

2009 Warf, B. Changing geographies of religious diversity in Latin America. Conference of Latin

Americanist Geographers, Granada, Nicaragua.

Warf, B. The prehistory of time-space compression. AAG, Las Vegas.

Warf, B. Geographies of the Latin American internet. Latin American Studies Association,

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

2008 Warf, B. The diffusion of the clock and the remaking of time in late medieval Europe. AAG,


Warf, B. The electoral college and spatial biases in voter power. Miniconference on Electoral

Geography, Tallahassee.

Warf, B. Engineering time and space with the global fiber optics network. Engineering Earth

Megaprojects Conference, Lexington, KY.

2007 Warf, B. Geographic perspectives on religion and the 2004 presidential election. Florida

Society of Geographers, Jacksonville.

Shaw, I. and B. Warf. Warped dioramas: The rhizomatic spatialities of videogames. AAG,

San Francisco.

Warf, B. Fiber optics and the digital world economy: An analytical synthesis. 2nd


Conference on Economic Geography, Beijing.

2006 Warf, B. Political economy of the U.S. biotechnology industry. Political Geography Pre-

Conference, Urbana, IL.

Purcell, D. and B. Warf. The position of minority-owned banks in the U.S. financial

landscape: Recent changes in patterns. AAG, Chicago.

Warf, B. Florida’s biotechnology sector and the Palm Beach County research park. Florida

Society of Geographers, St. Petersburg, FL.

Warf, B. Geographies of religious diversity in North America. Applied Geography

Conference, Tampa.

Warf, B. Religious diversity across the North American urban system. Regional Science

Association, Toronto.

Warf, B. Spatial patterns of religious diversity in the U.S. and Canada. SEDAAG,

Morgantown, WV.

Warf, B. Creativity, contingency, and time-space: A post-structuralist critique. 2nd

Interdisciplinary Symposium on Knowledge and Space, Heidelberg, Germany.

2005 Warf B. Voting technologies and residual ballots in the 2000 and 2004 presidential elections.

AAG, Denver.

Warf, B. The Arab internet. Digital Communities Conference, Benevento, Italy.

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Warf, B. Representations of the Panama Canal in National Geographic. CLAG, Morelia,


Warf, B. Political economy of the Palm Beach County biotechnology park. SEDAAG, West

Palm Beach, FL.

2004 Warf, B. Do voting technologies discriminate against Southern Democrats and minorities?

SEDAAG, Biloxi, MS.

Warf, B. Geographies of patent innovation among Florida’s metropolitan areas. Florida

Society of Geographers, Pensacola.

Warf, B. Neoliberalism, cyberspace, and the hypermobility of capital. Political Geography

Pre-Conference, Atlantic City.

Warf, B. Advancing human geography at the commencement du siecle. AAG, Philadelphia.

Warf, B. Offshore banking in Panama: Globally hypermobile versus locally embedded capital.

Conference of Latin Americanist Geographers, Antigua, Guatemala.

2003 Warf, B. Global finance and the Arab world: Bahrain as an offshore banking center. AAG,

New Orleans.

Warf, B. Geographies of broadband access in the United States. Digital Communities

Conference, Stockholm.

Warf, B. . SEDAAG, Charlotte, NC.

2002 Warf, B. Tailored for Panama: Offshore banking at the crossroads of the Americas. AAG, Los


Warf, B. New York’s competitive advantage in the age of digital neoliberalism. International

Conference on New York and Los Angeles as Models of Development in the 21st Century,

Heidelberg, Germany.

Ueland, J. and B. Warf. Racialized topographies: Altitude and race in Southern cities.

SEDAAG, Richmond, VA.

2001 Warf, B. Spatial dimensions of Florida’s legal services. Florida Society of Geographers,


Vincent, P. and B. Warf. Eruvim. AAG, New York.

Warf, B. Neoliberalism and cyberspace: Simultaneously determinative, mutually

transformative. E*Space Digital Communities Conference, Chicago.

Warf, B. The Kuna indians of Panama: Tradition confronts commodification on the San Blas

Islands. SEDAAG, Lexington, KY.

2000 Warf, B. The way it wasn’t: Alternative histories, contingent geographies. AAG, Pittsburgh.

Warf, B. Mergers and acquisitions in telecommunications. SEDAAG, Chapel Hill, NC.

1999 Warf, B. Haiku for the eyes: The hypnogogic landscapes of Thomas McKnight. Florida

Society of Geographers, Gainesville, FL.

Warf, B. Correlates of internet access in the United States. AAG, Honolulu, HI.

Warf, B. Extraterrestrial eyes: Satellites and the discursive scripting of political space.

Political Geography Pre-conference, Maui, HI.

Warf, B. Competition between satellite and fiber optic telecommunications carriers. E*Space

Digital Communities Conference, Cape Town, South Africa.

Warf, B. and J. Cox. Mergers and acquisitions in the telecommunications industry. Regional

Science Association, Montreal.

Waddell, C. and B. Warf. Historical geographies of gender, race, and power in Tallahassee.

SEDAAG, Tampa.

1998 Warf, B. Compromising positions: The body in cyberspace. Conference on

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Telecommunications and the City, Athens, GA.

Warf, B. New York at the fin de siecle. AAG, Boston.

Waddell, C. and B. Warf. Heinous spaces, perfidious places: The sinister landscapes of serial

killers. SWAAG, Baton Rouge, LA.

Warf, B. Regional, interregional, and international structure of Southern legal services.

SEDAAG, Memphis, TN.

Warf, B. The globalization of legal services. Regional Science Association, Santa Fe, NM.

1997 Warf, B. The rise and fall and rise of Cleveland. AAG, Ft. Worth, TX.

Warf, B. Satellite Geopolitics. E*Space Digital Communities Conference, Singapore and

Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Warf, B. Teaching social theory and political economy in human geography. NCGE, Orlando.

Warf, B. and J. Grimes. Southern services in the late twentieth century. SEDAAG,

Birmingham, AL.

Warf, B. and J. Cox. Lots of bull: Regional impacts of the1990s stock market boom. Regional

Science Association, Buffalo.

1996 Warf, B. The Pentagon and the sunshine state. Florida Society of Geographers, Tallahassee.

Warf, B. The hypermobility of capital and the collapse of the Keynesian state. Conference on

the Crisis of Global Regulation and Governance, Athens, GA.

Warf, B. Reach out and touch someone: AT&T's global operations in the 1990s. AAG,

Charlotte, NC.

Warf, B. Segueways into cyberspace: The geopolitics of the internet. E*Space Digital

Communities Conference, Hikone, Japan.

1994 Warf, B. and J. Cox. Interstate transfers of failed S&L assets and liabilities. Regional Science

Association, Cincinnati.

Warf, B. Separated at birth? What Regional Science can learn from social theory. Regional

Science Association, Cincinnati, OH.

Warf, B. Southern landscapes of the financial services crisis. SEDAAG, Knoxville.

Warf, B. The third plague pandemic. Florida Society of Geographers, Fort Lauderdale.

Warf, B. The geopolitics/geoeconomics of military base closures. AAG, Chicago.

Warf, B. Japanese information services in the age of global capital. E*Space Digital

Communities Conference, Lansing, MI.

1994 Warf, B. and J. Cox. Spatial dimensions of the S&L crisis. Regional Science Association,

Niagara Falls, Canada.

Warf, B. Telecommunications, knowledge transmission, and the new geographies of global

production. IFRESI Conference on Cities and Enterprises on the Eve of the 21st Century,

Lille, France.

Warf, B. The death merchants: The international arms trade in the 1980s. AAG, San


Warf, B. Services and flexible production. Center for Development Strategies Conference on

Flexible Accumulation, Bloomington, IN.

Warf, B. New York in the global service economy. Social Science Research Council

Conference on Global Cities, New York.

Warf, B. and J. Cox. Spatial structure of the savings and loan crisis. Regional Science

Association, Niagara Falls, ONT.

1993 Warf, B. Information services in the Dominican Republic. AAG, Atlanta.

Warf, B. and J. Randall. The U.S.-Canada Free Trade Agreement: Impacts on U.S. states and

Canadian provinces. Regional Science Association, Houston.

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Warf, B. The Pentagon and the Rustbelt. Applied Geography Conference, Toronto.

1992 Warf, B. Urban policy and the post-Keynesian state in the U.S. and the U.K. Korea-U.S. Joint

Seminar on Geographic Dimensions of National Social and Economic Policy, Seoul.

Warf, B. The Pentagon and the service sector. AAG, San Diego.

Warf, B. Pentagon contracts with service firms in the U.S.: Implications for disarmament.

International Peace Science Conference, Rotterdam, Netherlands.

1991 Warf, B. and J. Cox. Bank failures and local economic structures. Regional Science

Association, New Orleans.

Warf, B. The international securities industry. East Lakes AAG, Youngstown, OH.

Warf, B. International engineering services in the 1980s. Southern RSA, Miami.

Warf, B. The international construction industry in the 1980s. AAG, Miami. Co-organizer,

Industrial Geography Specialty Group Plenary Sessions.

1990 Warf, B. The U.S.-Canadian Free Trade Agreement and transportation services. Regional

Science Association, Boston.

Warf, B. U.S. imports of petroleum and related products in the 1980s. Applied Geography

Conference, Charlotte, NC.

Warf, B. Foreign-owned high technology firms in the New York metropolitan region.

Southern RSA, Washington, DC.

Warf, B. International finance, Europe 1992, and Euro-American cities. International

Conference on European Urbanization, Akron, OH.

Warf, B. Consciousness, scale, and the locality debate. AAG, Toronto.

Warf, B. and J. Cox. A tale of two cities: Buffalo, Detroit, and trade impacts of the U.S.-

Canadian Free Trade Agreement. Northeast RSA, Buffalo.

1989 Warf, B. Foreign-owned high technology firms in the U.S. East Lakes/Southeast AAG,

Charleston, WV.

Warf, B. The Wall Street shakeout and service sector incomes in the New York metropolitan

region. Regional Science Association, Santa Barbara, CA.

Warf, B. U.S. port competition with air and land transport services. Applied Geography

Conference/Middle States AAG, Binghamton, NY.

Warf, B. Deindustrialization and the underclass in the New York metropolitan region. AAG,


1988 Warf, B. and J. Cox. After Black Monday: The subregional impacts of the October 19, 1987

stock crash on the metropolitan New York region. Regional Science Association, Toronto.

Warf, B. Telecommunications and the globalization of financial services. Middle States AAG,

Reading, PA.

Warf, B. and J. Cox. The changing economic impacts of the port of New York. Canadian

Regional Science Association, Windsor, Ontario.

Warf, B. The reconstruction of social ecology and the renaissance of Brooklyn. AAG,


1987 Warf, B. Japanese investments in the New York metropolitan area. Middle States AAG,

Atlantic City.

Warf, B. Service sector growth and the New York renaissance. AAG, Portland, OR.

Warf, B. Military expenditures in the New York City region. CAG, Hamilton, Ontario.

1986 Warf, B. Geographers and the Port Authority of New York-New Jersey. Middle States AAG,

New York.

Warf, B. Ideology, everyday life and emancipatory phenomenology. CAG, Calgary, Alberta.

Warf, B. Amoskeag in structurationist perspective. Northeast RSA, Lowell, MA.

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Warf, B. Structuration, uneven development, and the resurrection of local uniqueness. AAG,


1985 Warf, B. Regional transformation, everyday life, and Washington lumber production.

Regional Science Asssociation, Philadelphia, PA.

Warf, B. Structuration and the Wobblies. AAG, Detroit.

1984 Warf, B. Alonso was wrong: Reflections on the rent/commute trade-off. Association of

Pacific Coast Geographers, Cheney, WA.

Warf, B. Empiricism in geographic education. AAG, Washington, DC.

1983 Warf, B. Deskilling in sociospatial perspective. AAG, Denver.

1981 Warf, B. Nonmetropolitan growth in California, l950-1980. AAG, Los Angeles.


Dr. David Wilson

Dept. of Geography

University of Illinois

Urbana, IL 61801

[email protected]

Dr. Stan Brunn, Professor

Dept. of Geography

University of Kentucky

Lexington, KY 40506-0027

[email protected]

Dr. Dan Sui, Professor and Chair

Dept. of Geography

Ohio State University

Columbus, OH 43210-1361

[email protected]; [email protected]

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