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Page 1: 1 Childhood Obesity. a growing problem... 3 Understanding This Disease.


Childhood Obesity

Page 2: 1 Childhood Obesity. a growing problem... 3 Understanding This Disease.

a growing problem...

Page 3: 1 Childhood Obesity. a growing problem... 3 Understanding This Disease.


Understanding This Disease

Page 4: 1 Childhood Obesity. a growing problem... 3 Understanding This Disease.

Michelle Obama’s Let’s Move Campaign

Page 5: 1 Childhood Obesity. a growing problem... 3 Understanding This Disease.

5Your Children...Your Choices

Page 6: 1 Childhood Obesity. a growing problem... 3 Understanding This Disease.


“It’s hard to be a parent these days…”

Page 7: 1 Childhood Obesity. a growing problem... 3 Understanding This Disease.


“…40 percent less likely to be obese...”

Page 8: 1 Childhood Obesity. a growing problem... 3 Understanding This Disease.

Our Township’s Efforts?

How Are We Supporting This


Page 9: 1 Childhood Obesity. a growing problem... 3 Understanding This Disease.


Hands-On Project

Page 10: 1 Childhood Obesity. a growing problem... 3 Understanding This Disease.
Page 11: 1 Childhood Obesity. a growing problem... 3 Understanding This Disease.



Page 12: 1 Childhood Obesity. a growing problem... 3 Understanding This Disease.



Mrs. Ward

Dr. Valenza

Mr. Butler

Mr. Krewson

Mr. Meder

Carol Capone

Zoe Popowcer

David Langlois

Carly Ludwig

Page 13: 1 Childhood Obesity. a growing problem... 3 Understanding This Disease.


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