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Church at Carbondale1990 -2010

Jared and Rachel Careyand Colton

Doug and Ellen Stewart

The Boyles

20 Year Legacy Leadership Awards

20 Year Legacy Leadership Awards

Jay FowlerEllen StewartDan and Debbie ArbaneyDoug StewartSuzy Boyle????????

20 Year Legacy Leadership AwardRebecca Self

Holy Discontent

Church perceived as boring and irrelevant

Christian life experienced as boring rule keeping; Christians

perceived as hypocritical

Church at Carbondale

A fun place to get serious with God

•For people who’ve given up on church but not on God

• where you can build a life transforming relationship with Jesus Christ







Transformation from the inside out

my spiritHoly Spirit





Becoming a Christian

Diamond LifeDiscipleship

Church at Carbondale

Developing your life in Christ thru church,

Bible study/prayer and discipleship relationships.



Lifestyle andserving others

Bringing others to Christ

Four Marks of a Holy Spirit Empowered Church

1. Lives transformed by the power of the Holy Spirit

2. Loving one another as Christ has loved us by the power of the Holy Spirit

3. Healings and miracles by the power of the Holy Spirit

4. More people becoming Christians by the power of the Holy Spirit

Four Marks of a Holy Spirit Empowered Church

1. Transformed lives2. Love for one another3. Healings and miracles4. Lots of new Christians

Base Camp: I’m a Christian who is now, or is working

toward being involved with C@C on Sundays, financially

supporting the church and involved in a ministry.

1) I will feed my soul daily in God’s Word and prayer.

2) I will get together weekly with at least one other person for life discipleship process.

3) Once a month, with my discipleship partner(s) I will do something for someone in the communityfor Christ’s sake.

Transformed livesLove and serve one anotherHealings and miraclesLots of new believers

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