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Page 1: 1 DIG 3134 – Lecture 10: Regular Expressions and preg_match in PHP and Validating Inputs Michael Moshell University of Central Florida Internet Software.


DIG 3134 – Lecture 10:

Regular Expressions and preg_matchin PHPand

Validating Inputs

Michael MoshellUniversity of Central Florida

Internet Software Design

Page 2: 1 DIG 3134 – Lecture 10: Regular Expressions and preg_match in PHP and Validating Inputs Michael Moshell University of Central Florida Internet Software.


Part 1: Regular Expressions

• A "grammar" for validating input useful for many kinds of pattern recognition

The basic built-in Boolean function is called 'preg_match'.It takes two or three arguments:

the pattern, like "cat"the test string, like "catastrophe"

and an (optional) array variable, which we can ignore for now

It returns TRUE if the pattern matches the test string.

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Regular Expressions

• Note; There is also a perl based regular expression

system in PHP called ereg. I used it for years.

But it is now DEPRECATED**

So we will use preg_match in this coursefrom now on.

** BONUS for those who attended today's lecture:Definition of DEPRECATED.

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Regular Expressions

$instring = "catastrophe";

if (preg_match("/cat/",$instring)){

print "I found a cat!";}else{

print "No cat here.";}

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Regular Expressions

$instring = "catastrophe";

if (preg_match("/cat/",$instring)){

print "I found a cat!";}else{

print "No cat here.";}

I found a cat!

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Regular Expressions

Wild cards: period . matches any character

$instring = "cotastrophe";

if (preg_match("/c.t/",$instring)){

print "I found a c.t!";}else{

print "No c.t here.";}

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Regular Expressions

Wild cards: period . matches any character

$instring = "cotastrophe";

if (preg_match("/c.t/",$instring)){

print "I found a c.t!";}else{

print "No c.t here.";}

I found a c.t!

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Regular Expressions

Wild cards: .* matches any string of characters (or the "null character"!)

$instring = "cotastrophe";

if (preg_match("/c.*t/",$instring)){

print "I found a c.*t!";}else{

print "No c*t here.";}

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Regular Expressions

Wild cards: .* matches any string of characters (or the "null character"!)

$instring = "cotastrophe";

if (preg_match("/c.*t/",$instring)){

print "I found a c.*t!";}else{

print "No c*t here.";}

I found a c.*t!

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Regular Expressions

Wild cards: * matches any string of characters (or the "null character"!)

$instring = "cflippingmonstroustastrophe";

if (preg_match("/c.*t/",$instring)){

print "I found a c.*t!";}else{

print "No c.*t here.";}

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Regular Expressions

Wild cards: * matches any string of characters (or the "null character"!)

$instring = "cflippingmonstroustastrophe";

if (preg_match("/c*t/",$instring)){

print "I found a c.*t!";}else{

print "No c.*t here.";}

I found a c.*t!

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Multiple copies of something:

a+ means ONE OR MORE a’sa* means ZERO OR MORE a’sa? means ZERO OR ONE a

a{33} means 33 instances of a

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Backslash means "don't interpret this:"

\. is just a dot\* is just an asterisk.

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The concept:


$t="/a{3}\.b{1,4}/";$s= "aaa.bbb"; this would or would not be accepted?

preg_match($t,$s) – true or false?

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The concept:


$t="/a{3}\.b{1,4}/";$s= "aaa.bbb"; this would or would not be accepted?

preg_match($t,$s) – true or false?

TRUE, because $s matches the pattern string $t.

three a, one dot, and between one and four b characters.

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The concept:


$t="/a{3}\.b{1,4}/";$s= "aaa.bbbbb"; this would or would not be accepted?

preg_match($t,$s) – true or false?

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The concept:


$t="a{3}\.b{1,4} ";$s= "aaa.bbbbb"; this would or would not be accepted?

preg_match($t,$s) – true or false?

TRUE, because there ARE indeed 3 a, a dot, 4 b.(Yes, there are MORE than 4b, but so what?)

As soon as a match is found, the preg_match returns TRUEwithout examining the rest of the string $s.

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Multiple copies of something:

(abc)+ means ONE OR MORE string abc’s(abc)* means ZERO OR MORE string abc’s

like abcabcabcSETS:[0-9] matches any single integer character[A-Z] matches any uppercase letter[AZ] matches A or Z[AZ]? matches null, A or Za{3}\.b{1,4} matches 3 a’s, a dot, and one to 4 b’s.

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Starting and Ending

preg_match("/cat/","abunchofcats") is TRUEbutpreg_match("/^cat/","abunchofcats") is FALSE

because ^ means "must match the first letter.

preg_match("/cats$/","abunchofcats") is TRUEbutpreg_match("/cats$/","mycatsarelazy") is FALSE

So, ^ marks the head and $ marks the tail, for preg_match.

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Sets - Examples

[A-E]{3} matches AAA, ABA, ADD, ... EEE[PQX]{2,4} matches PP, PQ, PX ... up to XXXX

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Write a RE that recognizes any string that begins with"sale".

Here's an example for you to look at, help you remember


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1) Write a RE that recognizes any string that begins with"sale".

Answer: preg_match("/^sale/",$teststring)

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1) Write a RE that recognizes any string that begins with"sale".

Answer: preg_match("^sale",$teststring)

2) Write a RE that recognizes a string that begins with"smith" and a two digit integer, like smith23 or smith99.

Here's an example from your recent past: a{3}\.b{1,4}

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1) Write a RE that recognizes any string that begins with"sale".

Answer: preg_match("/^sale/",$teststring)

2) Write a RE that recognizes a string that begins with"smith" and a two digit integer, like smith23 or smith99.

Answer: preg_match("/^smith[0-9]{2}/",$teststring)

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Sucking Data from a String

Now it gets REALLY useful.Let's say we have an input like smith23 or jones99; could

be ANY name and ANY number. we want to split it into the name and the number. Here's how

preg_match("/^[a-zA-Z]+[0-9]+/",$reg) – this would recognize the pattern, right? (Including roBert, etc.)

if (preg_match("/ (^[a-zA-Z]+) ([0-9]+)/",$in,

$reg) )

{ $name=$reg[1]; $number=$reg[2]; .. // etc $wholething=$reg[0];


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Sucking Data from a String

Now it gets REALLY useful.Let's say we have an input like smith23 or jones99; could

be ANY name and ANY number. we want to split it into the name and the number. Here's how

preg_match("/^[a-zA-Z]+[0-9]+/",$reg) – this would recognize the pattern, right? (Including roBert, etc.)

if (preg_match("/ (^[a-zA-Z]+) ([0-9]+)/",$in,

$reg) )

{ $name=$reg[1]; $number=$reg[2]; .. // etc



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Practice Problems

1) Write a function that

- prints "Good zip code" if the input is of the form 77889 (five integers);

- prints "Great zip code" if the input is ofthe form 33445-9999 (five integers, a dash and four integers)

- prints "Is that foreign?" for all other possible values.

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1) Write a function that

- prints "Good zip code" if the input is of the form 77889 (five integers);

- prints "Great zip code" if the input is ofthe form 33445-9999 (five integers, a dash and four integers)

- prints "Is that foreign?" for all other possible values.

function ziptest($input){

if (preg_match("/^[0-9]{5}\-[0-9]{4}$/",$input))print "Great zip code";

else if (preg_match("/^[0-9]{5}$/",$input))print "Good zip code";

elseprint "Is that foreign?";

} #end ziptest

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2) Write a function that returns the five digit part of any valid zipcode presented, as described above; and returns "invalid" if no zipcode was found in either of the two legal formats.

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2) Write a function that returns the five digit part of any valid zipcode presented, as described above; and returns "invalid" if no zipcode was found in either of the two legal formats.

function zipchopper($input){

if (preg_match("/^([0-9]{5})\-([0-9]{4})$/",$input,$reg))return $reg[1];

else if (preg_match("/^([0-9]{5})$/",$input,$reg))return $reg[1];

elsereturn "invalid";

} #end zipchopper

print zipchopper("32766-0041"); // this returns 32766print zipchopper("32766"); // this returns 32766print zipchopper("32766-"); // this returns "invalid"print zipchopper("3276"); // this returns "invalid"print zipchopper("snortwoggle"); // this returns "invalid"

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2) Write a function that returns the five digit part of any valid zipcode presented, as described above. If we refer to the inputas X, the function returns and returns "X is invalid" if no zipcode was found in either of the two legal formats.

If a valid input of type 1 is found (the 5 plus 4) then the function returns "X is type 1 valid".

If a valid input of type 2 is found (just 5 digits) then the functionreturns "X is type 2 valid".

print zipchopper("32766-0041"); // this returns "32766-0041 is type 1 valid".

print zipchopper("32766"); // this returns 32766 is type 2 valid.print zipchopper("32766-"); // this returns "32766- is invalid"print zipchopper("3276"); // this returns "3276 is invalid"print zipchopper("snortwoggle"); // this returns "snortwoggle is invalid"

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Part 2: Validation

Validation means checking to see if inputs are correctand providing corrective feedback if they are not.

1. MISSING: Required inputs that are not provided2. OUT OF RANGE: out of specified upper/lower limits3. FORMAT: Input data is not formatted correctly4. PATTERN: Input doesn't match a secret pattern5. MATCH LIST: Input doesn't match a stored list6. INCONSISTENT: Inputs don't fit together.

And -- here are many more ways to be wrong ...


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Missing Data

$firstname=$_POST['firstname'];if (!$firstname){

$report.="<li>Please provide your first name.</li>";}// do the same for last name, all other required inputs.

if ($report){ print "Please fix these errors:<ul>$report</ul>";

exit; // ends execution here. (Should print </html> etc);


{ // process the inputs normally }


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Out of range


if ($age<0) // anything here acts like TRUE. { // an empty variable acts like FALSE.

$response.="<li>Are you really $age years old?</li>";}

// do the same for $age>100, and any other inputs.

if ($response){ print "Please fix these errors:<ul>$response</ul>";}

else{ // process the inputs normally }


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Wrong Format

Social Security Numbers: 333-44-6789if (!preg_match("/^[0-9]{3}\-[0-9]{2}\-[0-9]{4}/",$tryssn)){ do your error thang ...}


Sometimes you can tolerate bad formats.but if it's got nine digits, maybe it's right.



Any charnot in [0-9]is replacedby an empty string(that is, twoquotes withno space.)

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A brief commercial interruption



(read all about it…. It can do magic if you use arraysFor the $pattern or the $replacement or both.)


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Wrong Format

Social Security Numbers: 333-44-6789if (!preg_match("^[0-9]{3}\-[0-9]{2}\-[0-9]{4}",$tryssn)){ do your error thang ...}


Sometimes you can tolerate bad formats.but if it's got nine digits, maybe it's right.


UNfortunately, ^ inside the [ ] means NOT,but ^outside the [ ] means 'at the beginning.

Any charnot in [0-9]is replacedby an empty string(that is, twoquotes withno space.)


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Wrong Format

Social Security Numbers: 333-44-6789if (!preg_match("^[0-9]{3}\-[0-9]{2}\-[0-9]{4}",$tryssn)){ // do yo error thang ...}


Sometimes you can tolerate bad formats.but if it's got nine digits, maybe it's right.


if (strlen($cleanssn)!=9) { // do yo error thing again ... }

Any charnot in [0-9]is replacedby an empty string(that is, twoquotes withno space.)


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Enter your promotion code:

$testcode=$_POST['testcode'];if (!preg_match("/^Woody[0-9]{4}/",$testcode)){

$reply="Sorry, that code was not accepted.";} else { //do you acceptance thing .. give them the discount. }


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Match List – e. g. a raffle

This is just like the password problem. VERSION 1: short lists

$try=$_POST['tryinput'];$good['Samclub']=100; $good['Samfriend']=50; $good['Samwitch']=25;

$prize=($good[$try]);if ($prize){

$result="Congrats! You have won $$prize.";} else{ // do whatever you want with this loser }


password prizeSFW345% 100GMA888& 20POObah 5BankleFuz 495OtherJunk 20000

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Match List – e. g. a raffle

Version 2: Long (and changing) lists. Use a DB!

$try=$_POST['tryinput'];$q="SELECT * FROM checklist WHERE checkval='$try' ";$result=mysql_query($q,$connection);if ($result){

$row=mysql_fetch_array($result)$prize=$row[1];$result="Congrats! You have won $$prize.";

} else{ // do whatever you want with this loser }


password prizeSFW345% 100GMA888& 20POObah 5BankleFuz 495OtherJunk 20000

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This example contains a NO – NO.

$try=$_POST['tryinput'];$q="SELECT * FROM checklist WHERE checkval='$try' ";$result=mysql_query($q,$connection);

NOTE: DO NOT TRY THIS AT HOME** because it can be the victim of an

SQL INJECTION ATTACK (see Security Lecture)


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If you gotta try it sooner, here's the prophylactic:

$try=$_POST['tryinput'];$try=mysql_real_escape_string($try);$q="SELECT * FROM checklist WHERE checkval='$try' ";$result=mysql_query($q,$connection);

This will protect your code from anSQL INJECTION ATTACK


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I am a member of the Meatball Fraternity

Member Number


$checkin=$_POST['checkin']; $memnum=$_POST['memnum'];if ($checkin && !$memnum){ $report.='Please provide your member number.';}if (!$checkin && $memnum){ $report.='You did not check the membership box.';}if ($checkin && $memnum) $ismember=1;if ($report) { // do the error thing }

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A basic decision about validation:

OPTION 1: One error ends scanvsOPTION 2: Report all the errors on the current page

To do the 'all errors' technique, accumulate your messagesin a $results variable, then print the messages all at once.

Where we are not going in this course:"Instant validation" – Javascript and AJAX.

It's spiffy but it is hard to maintain and extend.Javascript - does all the work in the client.AJAX – the Javascript gets help from the server.

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What should you do about validation?

*** Any input on Project 2, 3 or 4 that can be validated, SHOULD BE. (Brag about it, so I'll test it!!)

*** There will be questions about validationon the midterm exam.

SO ... practice with Regular Expressionsand TEST them using WAMP or MAMP

and DEBUG them if they don't work.

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