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1 rmonf oniatIorpIm t nta

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12 Acl t nsioatuSi a onti

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17 ito secNgeL la

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18 rmfo a ontinppSu o Irt

1 rmonf oniatIorpIm t nta

Thank you for selecting The Legend of Zelda™:The Wind Waker HD for the Wii U™ system.

Please read this manual carefully before using thissoftware. If the software will be used by children,the manual should be read and explained to themby an adult.

Also, before using this software, please read thecontent of the Health and Safety Informationapplication on the Wii U Menu. It containsimportant information that will help you enjoy thissoftware.

Important Information

2 cced A s iessorntroCon l s aler

This software can be used with any of thefollowing controllers once they have been pairedwith the console.

Pairing the Wii U Pro Controller

From the HOME Menu,select Controller Settingsto display the screenshown to the right.Select Pair, and thenfollow the on-screen instructions to pair thecontroller.

◆ Only one Wii U GamePad controller can be used.

Surround Sound

This game supports 5.1-channel linear PCMsurround sound. In order to experience surroundsound, select (System Settings) from the Wii UMenu, choose the TV item, and then change theaudio-output type to Surround.

◆ In order to experience surround sound with thissoftware, you will need to connect your Wii U consolewith a receiver that has a built-in HDMI™ port using aHigh Speed HDMI Cable. For more information abouthow to configure and connect your receiver, see theinstruction manual for the receiver.

Wii UGamePad

Wii U ProController

3 tae u serFlnO i en

Connecting your system to the Internet lets youenjoy the following feature:

Tingle Bottles

Put messages in bottles and post them to Miiverse™, as well as receive bottles from

others . You can also send pictographs(screenshots) with your messages.

◆ See the Internet Connection Requirements section ofthe printed Wii U Operations Manual for moreinformation about the equipment required to connectto the Internet. Once you have all the requiredequipment, select Internet from (System Settings)in the Wii U Menu to configure an Internetconnection.


4 Gud an ansiards toeNot entr Pa

You can restrict use of the following features byselecting (Parental Controls) from the Wii UMenu.

Item Content


Restricts the exchange of TingleBottles on Miiverse.・Restrict Posting:

Restrict the sending of TingleBottles and use of the Yeahbutton.

・Restrict Viewing and Posting:Restrict the sending and viewingof Tingle Bottles and use of theYeah button.

OnlineInteraction inGames

Restricts the exchange of TingleBottles on Miiverse entirely.

◆ Access to this game (as well as other games) canalso be restricted through the Game Rating item inParental Controls.

5 si G emahobA u T t

The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker HD is anaction-adventure game originally for theNintendo GameCube™ system, now reborn in HDon Wii U!Fight enemies, use items, and solve puzzles asyou make your way across numerous islands andthrough dungeons!

6 atS r det teG t gni

The screen to the rightwill be displayed whenyou select a Quest Logslot. Select NormalMode to adjust thegame difficulty betweenNormal and Hero Mode.

To start a new game,select a Quest Log slotdisplaying New Game.To continue playing apreviously saved game,select a Quest Log slotwith saved data.

File-Selection Screen

First, choose whether to use a Wii U GamePad ora Wii U Pro Controller.

◆ The instructions in this manual refer mainly to theGamePad. The action controls are the same for bothcontrollers .

◆ You can switch between controllers by accessing theOptions menu found on the Items screen .



Once you have entered your name, you can beginthe game by selecting Start from the Quest Log.

◆ Once you have confirmed a name, it cannot bechanged.

Beginning a Game

Menu Controls

The options displayed on the GamePad aregenerally selectable by use of the touch screen.Occasionally, the following controls can be used:




7 D a atgaS v ni

Be careful when overwriting and deleting data.Overwritten or deleted data cannot be recovered.

DeleteSelect a Quest Log slot todelete its data.

CopyCopy data to a differentQuest Log slot, overwritingany data in that slot.

You can perform these actions on the file-selection screen:

Copying and Deleting Data

● On the Items screen ● On the game-over screen

Game data can be saved at the following points:

◆ When you save and then quit the game, you willrestart on the island nearest your save when younext play. If you save and then quit while in adungeon, you will restart at the beginning of thedungeon.



8 rc e neSaG m e

The game screen will be displayed on yourtelevision screen. You can control Link™ toprogress through your adventure.

Displays your magic power. Using certain itemsdepletes some of this power.

Magic Meter

◆ Will appear at a certain point in your adventure.

When you lose all your hearts—for example, afterbeing attacked by enemies—it's game over.

Life energy

Shows the number of unread Tingle Bott lemessages .

Tingle Bottle icon

◆ Shown only when there are Tingle Bottle messagesyou haven't read yet.



1 4







Press to play off-TV with theGamePad. The game screen will bedisplayed on the GamePad screen.You can switch to the Items screenby pressing .

◆ Press to return to using both theTV screen and GamePad.

◆ The game wil l pause when youswitch to the Items screen .

P la yi ng O f f -TV Us ing theWii U GamePad

Rupees (money)

Actions that can be performed with / aredisplayed .

Action icons

Items set to // are displayed .

Item icons







After the game-over screen appears, you will havethe option to continue playing after saving. SelectContinue to continue playing from a set point onthe current island, the beginning of the dungeon,or near where you were defeated if you're at sea,depending on where you've received a game over.

◆ Select To Title Screen to quit the game and return tothe title screen.

Game Over

9 rcS neeetI sm

The Items screen is displayed on the Wii UGamePad touch screen. On this screen, you cancheck items or set items to be used in the game


◆ More will be shown on this screen as you progressthrough your adventure.

◆ When playing using the Wii U Pro Controller, press to display the Items screen.

Menu icons

OptionsChange the settings for cameracontrols, gyroscopes, etc.

Save Save your progress.

Bottles ◆ The number of unread TingleBottle messages is shown with acircled number.

View Tingle Bottle messagesyou've found.

Map View maps .

Items Set items for use.

Press to switch between Items and Maps.






Setting Items

Set items by dragging them to the// slots. Once set, items canbe used by pressing thecorresponding button.


See Description

Set ItemsChoose an item and press//.

Navigate /

Press to pause thegame. While paused,the following operationscan be performed:

Pausing the Game

View Quest Status screen2

10 rc e neaM p S

Touch a square on the map to view that specificarea. The area can be magnified to two largerscales.

Sea Chart Screen

When you are on an island or out at sea, the SeaChart screen will be shown. When you are in adungeon, the Dungeon Map screen will bedisplayed.








◆ When you pick up a Dungeon Map or a Compass,the information on the Dungeon Map screen will beupdated.

Check the dungeon layout, the locations oftreasure chests, etc.

Dungeon Map Screen

Current wind direction

You can review hints received from Fishmen.


Sunken treasure salvaged

Treasure Charts held

The direction Link is facing is shown by .

Current location

Touch or to switch to other charts.


Island name








Map display

:Explored rooms

:Current position


:Unexplored rooms

:Treasure chests

Acquired dungeon items

Touch to change the floor currently beingdisplayed.

Dungeon floors

:Current floor

:Boss floor

Dungeon name








11 itc snoAsaB ci

◆ You cannot crawl while holding an item.◆ Use while crawling through tunnels to change


Hold to crouch. Tilt whilecrouching to crawl. You canwriggle through tight holes andsneak up on enemies by crawling.


Decreases as you swim. If itempties, you will sink andtake damage.

Swim Timer

Move in the direction is tilted. You will jumpautomatically when you run toward a ledge.


◆ You can adjust your speed depending on how far is tilted.

Hold while using your sword or another item toraise your shield and defend yourself. Use toadjust the angle of the shield.



Jump Attack +

Spin AttackBriefly hold and release,or rotate (once) andpress .

Thrust ++ or +

Vertical Slice +


or ++

Draw your sword with to performthe following actions:

Backflip ++

Sidestep+ (++ to sidejump)

Rolling Attack+, or + when yoursword is not drawn

Other Actions

◆ When in Link's viewpoint, you can move the Wii UGamePad around to move Link's head. (If you'veused an item to enter Link's viewpoint, you can usethe GamePad to look around in the same way.)

Looking Around

Use to look around. Press to look fromLink's viewpoint. You can also move around whilein Link's viewpoint by using .


Hold down to target people orenemies displaying a . Bytargeting enemies, you can keepthem in your field of vision as youfight. While targeting, if you seethe icon flash, you can press it to perform aparry attack.

Changing Viewpoint(Operating the Camera)

12 Acl t nsioatuSi a onti


Link will hang when he leaps at orslips off a ledge. Use to movealong the edge while hanging. Use to pull yourself up or to letgo.

Face a flat surface and hold topress up against it. Tilt to sidlealong it. You can use this to getacross narrow ledges.


Stand in front of an object, such as a block, andpress and hold to grab it. You can then use to push or pull the object.


Press to pick up an item. Then press tothrow it or to set it down.

Pick Up

Press / to perform actions relative to thesituation.

Action Icons

Perform various actions depending on thesituation.

Climb Up or Down+ (when the ropeis stationary)

Stop Swinging

Change Direction

Jump toward a rope tograb it. Use toswing back and forth.Press to jump fromthe rope in midswing ordrop down if the rope isstationary.

Rope Actions

13 inglSai

How to Stop

◆ The wind will not affect you while you are cruising.

CruiseHold with the saildown.

Change Course

Press to hoist thesail. Use the wind topropel your boat. Headin the same directionthe wind is blowing forfaster sailing. When thewind is against you,your boat won't travelas fast.

Wind direction

How to Sail

Press when you are close to the side of theboat to board. Press when the boat is stoppedto get out.

Controlling the Boat

As you progress through your adventure, you willtake charge of a boat. Cross the high seas andseek out numerous islands.

Hold down at shining spots to lower the craneinto the sea. If the crane finds any treasure, it willautomatically haul it to the surface. The shiningspots will disappear when you get close, so listenfor their distinct ringing sounds when pinpointingtheir location.

Hauling Up Treasure (Salvaging)

◆ Move the crane left and right with .

Press once you'veacquired the GrapplingHook to turn itinto a salvage crane forhunting treasure.

Salvaging Treasure

As you sail, time will pass. Whennight falls, unexpected things mayhappen...

◆ You can check the time on the located on the bottom-left corner ofthe screen.

Day and Night Sailing

Hold to slow down and eventually stop.


There are enemies outat sea too. If you havebombs , you canuse the cannon bypressing . Use toaim and to fire.

Firing the Cannon


14 d nWi erkWangiUs e h t

◆ Hold to make the notes louder and to makethem quieter.

6/4 Time ◇◇◇◇◇◇ Hold .

4/4 Time ◇◇◇◇ Hold .

3/4 Time ◇◇◇ (Do nothing.)

Tilt to adjust the song's rhythm.

1. Adjusting the Rhythm

Once you've obtained the Wind Waker, you canuse it to command the wind to make variousthings happen. Pull out the baton with toconduct songs you've learned.

◆ Songs you've learned will be displayed on the Wii UGamePad screen while the Wind Waker is pulled out.

Slide yourfinger or thestylusacross thetouchscreen on the GamePad to movethe baton in that direction.

Using the Wind Waker with theGamePad





(Center) (Do nothing.)

Tilt and hold by thetime the flashing yellowlight reaches the centerof the metronome toconduct the notes of asong.


2. Conducting a Song

15 toB t selniT g el

You can find Tingle Bottles fromother players washed up on shoresor bobbing out at sea. When youpick them up, you can read themessages on the Bottles screen.

Reading Tingle Bottles

Press when using thePicto Box todisplay the album.Select a pictograph with, and press to sendit.

Attaching and Sending Pictographs

Set a Tingle Bottle asyou would with any itemin order to write andsend messages.

Sending Tingle Bottles

After you obtain a Tingle Bottle from Tingle,you will be able to exchange messages with otherplayers in your region who are connected toMiiverse.


Pictograph attachments

Touch to view an attached pictograph. You canalso save the pictograph to your own album.


Shows the contents of a Tingle Bottle. Thesender's in-game location and the number ofYeahs and comments are also displayed.

A maximum of 10 Tingle Bottles will be displayed.Touch a Tingle Bottle to post a comment onMiiverse. Slide the stylus or your finger on thescreen to view other Tingle Bottles.

Bottles Screen

◆ Tingle Bottles you've collected will disappear whenyou quit the game.





Touch Settings at thebottom of the Bottlesscreen to change thesettings. You canchoose whom toexchange Tingle Bottleswith as well as choose to block Tingle Bottles thatcontain game spoilers.

Miiverse Settings

16 mseIt

Weapon Items

◆ A maximum of 12 pictographs can be saved in thealbum.

Use this to take pictographs. Use to frame ashot, and press to take the pictograph.

Picto Box

Use this to store various things, such as potions,water, or fairies.

Empty Bottle

Grappling Hook

Throw this at spotsdisplaying to latchon with the hook. Usethe rope to swingaround while hooked.

Use this to see things that are far away. Use tolook around, and tilt to adjust the zoom.


Store spoils obtained from enemies.

Spoils Bag

You can place up to eight different items in eachof your three item bags.

Item Bags

Use these to break rocks and damage enemies.While holding a bomb, press to throw it or toset it down.


Use this leaf to send gusts of air at enemies andobjects. If you use it while in midair, you'll be ableto ride the wind and glide for a short period oftime.

◆ Gliding with the Deku Leaf consumes magic power.

Deku Leaf

Attack enemies from a distance. Viable targets willdisplay a . You can take out multiple enemiesat once by selecting up to five targets beforethrowing.


Store letters and other items characters havegiven to you. If you put items from the bag into apostbox, they will be delivered for you.

Delivery Bag

Store bait.

Bait Bag

There are many more items besides the oneslisted here. See if you can find them all!

Use this to open the door to a boss's room.

Big Key

This will display treasure-chest and boss locationson the Dungeon Map screen.


The Dungeon Map screen displays every area ofthe dungeon. It will replace your usual Sea Chartscreen on the Map screen while in the dungeon.

Dungeon Map

Use these to open locked doors.

◆ These keys can only be used once.

Small Key

These items can only be used in the dungeonwhere they are found.

Dungeon Items

17 ito secNgeL la


This game is not designed for use with anyunauthorized device. Use of any such device willinvalidate your Nintendo product warranty. Copyingand/or distribution of any Nintendo game is illegaland is strictly prohibited by intellectual property laws.

Unauthorized copying or distribution is prohibited.This product contains technical protection measures.Your Wii U system and this software are not designedfor use with any unauthorized device or any non-licensed accessory. Such use may be illegal, voidsany warranty, and is a breach of your obligationsunder the End User License Agreement. Further, useof an unauthorized device or software, will renderthis game or your Wii U system permanentlyunplayable and result in removal of unauthorizedcontent. Nintendo (as well as any Nintendo licenseeor distributor) is not responsible for any damage orloss caused by the use of such device or non-licensed accessory. A system update may be requiredto play this game.

© 2002-2013 Nintendo.

Trademarks are property of their respectiveowners. Wii U is a trademark of Nintendo.

This software is based in part on the work of theIndependent JPEG Group.

18 rmfo a ontinppSu o Irt

Nintendo Customer ServiceSUPPORT.NINTENDO.COM


Latin America/Caribbean:(001) 425-558-7078

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