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Page 1: 1. Magna Carta- Written in 1215 in England. Also called The Great Charter. Gave English people rights in making laws. The beginning of modern democracy.

1. Magna Carta- Written in 1215 in England. Also called The Great Charter. Gave English people rights in making laws. The beginning of modern democracy


2. Parliament – The English law making body

3. Zenger Trial – established Freedom of the press4. Middle Passage- terrible journey slaves took across the Atlantic Ocean 5. slave codes- rules restricting the freedoms of slave (reading, writing, travel )6. apprentice- when one learns a trade from an expert. (blacksmith, printer, cooper )7. triangular trade – trade routes used to transport good and people during the Colonial Period (1607-1776). Rum, Cod, Slaves, sugar , etc.

8. Salem Witch Trial - 1692in Salem Massachusetts, 20 were hanged, one pressed to death!9. mills- a place where grain is crushed10. League of Iroquois- five Indian tribes that banned together to promote peace between their tribes and to ensure safety in case anyone of the tribes were attacked

Page 2: 1. Magna Carta- Written in 1215 in England. Also called The Great Charter. Gave English people rights in making laws. The beginning of modern democracy.

• . Magna Carta- Written in 1215 in England. Also called The Great Charter. Gave English people rights in making laws. The beginning of modern democracy


2. Parliament – The English law making body

3. Zenger Trial – established Freedom of the press4. Middle Passage- terrible journey slaves took across the Atlantic Ocean 5. slave codes- rules restricting the freedoms of slave (reading, writing, travel )6. apprentice- when one learns a trade from an expert. (blacksmith, printer, cooper )7. triangular trade – trade routes used to transport good and people during the Colonial Period (1607-1776). Rum, Cod, Slaves, sugar

Page 3: 1. Magna Carta- Written in 1215 in England. Also called The Great Charter. Gave English people rights in making laws. The beginning of modern democracy.

• 7. triangular trade – trade routes used to transport good and people during the Colonial Period (1607-1776). Rum, Cod, Slaves, sugar , etc.

8. Salem Witch Trial - 1692in Salem Massachusetts, 20 were hanged, one pressed to death!9. mills- a place where grain is crushed10. League of Iroquois- five Indian tribes that banned together to promote peace between their tribes and to ensure safety in case anyone of the tribes were attacked

Page 4: 1. Magna Carta- Written in 1215 in England. Also called The Great Charter. Gave English people rights in making laws. The beginning of modern democracy.

• Grange

• Solar time

• Boomtown

• Black codes

• Great plains

• Vigilante

• Buffalo soldier

• Reservation

• Sodbuster

• Homestead act

• Wounded knee

• Geronimo

• Sitting bull

• Transcontinental RR

• Standard time

• Battle of little big horn

Page 5: 1. Magna Carta- Written in 1215 in England. Also called The Great Charter. Gave English people rights in making laws. The beginning of modern democracy.

• 11. Albany Plan of Union- Ben Franklin’s proposal to unite the colonies in 1754

12. Join or Die- cut up snake political cartoon by B. Franklin encouraging the colonies to unite.

13. French and Indian War 1756-1763- War between France and Brittan to control land in North America. 14. Battle of Quebec- Helped British win French and Indian War

15. Proclamation of 1763- forbid the colonist from settling west of the Appalachian Mountains

16. Stamp Act- British Tax on all paper products (newspapers, books, legal documents, playing cards)

17. Son’s of Liberty- group that promoted independence from Brittan. Sam Adams was leader.

18 .Townshend Act- taxes on paper, paint, tea, glass

Page 7: 1. Magna Carta- Written in 1215 in England. Also called The Great Charter. Gave English people rights in making laws. The beginning of modern democracy.

19 Writs of Assistance- like a search warrant used to enter into business during the colonial time period.

20. propaganda- information designed to persuade a person toward a particular belief. 21. Boston Massacre – Five people were killed http://www.youtube.com/watch?


Page 8: 1. Magna Carta- Written in 1215 in England. Also called The Great Charter. Gave English people rights in making laws. The beginning of modern democracy.

• 22. Boston Tea Party- 342 chests of British tea were dumped into the harbor, this was upsetting to King George the third!

Page 9: 1. Magna Carta- Written in 1215 in England. Also called The Great Charter. Gave English people rights in making laws. The beginning of modern democracy.

# 23

• Intolerable Acts-

• closed Boston Harbor

• Shut down colonial assemblies

• Sent troops

• Soldiers accused of capital crimes were to have trial in England

Page 10: 1. Magna Carta- Written in 1215 in England. Also called The Great Charter. Gave English people rights in making laws. The beginning of modern democracy.


• Loyalist- wanted to stay connected to the British

• Patriot- wanted to start a new cournty

Page 11: 1. Magna Carta- Written in 1215 in England. Also called The Great Charter. Gave English people rights in making laws. The beginning of modern democracy.

#26 Battle of Bunker Hill

• First BIG battle between militia and British

• In Boston 1000 British people were killed or wounded, 400 Americans people were killed or wounded

Page 12: 1. Magna Carta- Written in 1215 in England. Also called The Great Charter. Gave English people rights in making laws. The beginning of modern democracy.


• Declaration of Independence

• July 4, 1776

• “ We hold these truths to be self evident…

Page 13: 1. Magna Carta- Written in 1215 in England. Also called The Great Charter. Gave English people rights in making laws. The beginning of modern democracy.


• Valley Forge- Terrible winter for the New Continental Army 1777/78

• Lots of me deserted

Page 14: 1. Magna Carta- Written in 1215 in England. Also called The Great Charter. Gave English people rights in making laws. The beginning of modern democracy.


• Battle of Yorktown

• Last major battle

• American victory

• No doubt

• I mean redout!

Page 15: 1. Magna Carta- Written in 1215 in England. Also called The Great Charter. Gave English people rights in making laws. The beginning of modern democracy.

This is a Redoubt at Yorktown

Page 16: 1. Magna Carta- Written in 1215 in England. Also called The Great Charter. Gave English people rights in making laws. The beginning of modern democracy.


• Treaty of Paris end the Rev. War 1783

• #30 Articles of Confederation- the new nations constitution. Did not work well. Remember when Daniel Shays got out of hand! The states had too much power. It got dumped at the Constitutional Convention.

Page 17: 1. Magna Carta- Written in 1215 in England. Also called The Great Charter. Gave English people rights in making laws. The beginning of modern democracy.

• 30. Treaty of Paris- ended the war in 1783

• 31. Articles of Confederation- new constitution 1781. we had no president, and a weak national government

• 32. Northwest Ordinance- rules governing the NW. MI, OH, IN, WI, IL . No slavery, freedom of religion, trial by jury

Page 19: 1. Magna Carta- Written in 1215 in England. Also called The Great Charter. Gave English people rights in making laws. The beginning of modern democracy.

33. Weakness of A. of C. - the national government was weak. Difficult to make laws, could not regulate trade between states

34. Shays Rebellion – Shays led a rebellion in Massachusetts . People realized the need for a strong national, unified government

Page 20: 1. Magna Carta- Written in 1215 in England. Also called The Great Charter. Gave English people rights in making laws. The beginning of modern democracy.

• 35. Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia, 1787

• 36. Checks and Balance- the ability of each branch of government to exercise controls over the other branches Page 242

• 37. Federal System- the sharing of power between the Federal and State governments

Page 21: 1. Magna Carta- Written in 1215 in England. Also called The Great Charter. Gave English people rights in making laws. The beginning of modern democracy.

• 38. Precedent- the example for others to follow

• 39. Tariff- taxes on imports

• 40. Capital- in Washington D. C. (also, items used for business like computes, trucks)

• 41. Strict Construction- law makers can only do what the Constitution defines

• 42. Loose Construction- Law makers can do anything that is “necessary and proper”

Page 22: 1. Magna Carta- Written in 1215 in England. Also called The Great Charter. Gave English people rights in making laws. The beginning of modern democracy.

• 43. Whiskey Rebellion – Pennsylvania Farmers rebelled over the whiskey tax. Remember the movie.

• 44. Political parties – group of people that try to influence the government.

• 45. Alien and Sedition Acts- Laws that restricted freedoms to criticize the government

Page 23: 1. Magna Carta- Written in 1215 in England. Also called The Great Charter. Gave English people rights in making laws. The beginning of modern democracy.

• 46. Barbary Pirates- North African pirates demanded tribute (bribes) from American ships. T. Jefferson sent ships to end the demands. We won but it took many years

• 47. Louisiana Purchase – 15 m from France

Page 24: 1. Magna Carta- Written in 1215 in England. Also called The Great Charter. Gave English people rights in making laws. The beginning of modern democracy.

• 48. Lewis and Clark 1804-1806 explored Louisiana Territory

• 49. War of 1812 – the rematch! We won but it was close. We were upset with British impressment of our sailors (about 6000)

• 50. Impressment- kidnapping sailors by British

Page 25: 1. Magna Carta- Written in 1215 in England. Also called The Great Charter. Gave English people rights in making laws. The beginning of modern democracy.

• 51. Embargo Act of 1807 – American ships could not sail out of the harbor. T. Jefferson wanted to eliminate impressment

• 52. War Hawks- those who encourage War!

Page 26: 1. Magna Carta- Written in 1215 in England. Also called The Great Charter. Gave English people rights in making laws. The beginning of modern democracy.

• 53. Blockade- Naval ships that stop the use of harbors.

• 54. Battle of Lake Erie- American victory, during the War of 1812, on Lake Erie. Gave us control of the Great Lakes

55.Marbury v. Madison- established the power of Judicial Review

Page 27: 1. Magna Carta- Written in 1215 in England. Also called The Great Charter. Gave English people rights in making laws. The beginning of modern democracy.

• 56. Judicial Review- the power the Supreme Court has to strike down a law (because it does not agree with the Constitution)

• 57. Monroe Doctrine- President Monroe said European countries are no longer welcome to settle in the Americas

Page 28: 1. Magna Carta- Written in 1215 in England. Also called The Great Charter. Gave English people rights in making laws. The beginning of modern democracy.

• 58. National Road- first major East – West road built by tax dollars

• 59. Erie Canal 1825- Albany to Buffalo

• 60. Industrial Revolution- Marked the time when products were no longer made by hand but by machine.

Page 29: 1. Magna Carta- Written in 1215 in England. Also called The Great Charter. Gave English people rights in making laws. The beginning of modern democracy.

• 61. Sam Slater’s Spinning Mill in Pawtucket Rhode Island- first factory in AMERICA!

• 62. Clearmont- first steam power boat. New York to Albany – Robert Fulton

Page 30: 1. Magna Carta- Written in 1215 in England. Also called The Great Charter. Gave English people rights in making laws. The beginning of modern democracy.
Page 31: 1. Magna Carta- Written in 1215 in England. Also called The Great Charter. Gave English people rights in making laws. The beginning of modern democracy.

• 63. Cotton Gin- Eli Whitney , 1793 , machine cleaned cotton

• 64. Nat Turner- 1831 slave rebellion

Page 32: 1. Magna Carta- Written in 1215 in England. Also called The Great Charter. Gave English people rights in making laws. The beginning of modern democracy.

• 65. Indian Removal Act 1830- all Indians East of the Mississippi River must move to the West of Mississippi

• 66. Doctrine of Nullification- idea that a state had the right to nullify a federal law they felt was unconstitutional

Page 33: 1. Magna Carta- Written in 1215 in England. Also called The Great Charter. Gave English people rights in making laws. The beginning of modern democracy.

• 67. John C. Calhoun- War Hawk, Secessionist, South Carolina Senator, VP under Jackson

• 68. temperance – those who would like to see alcohol made illegal

Page 34: 1. Magna Carta- Written in 1215 in England. Also called The Great Charter. Gave English people rights in making laws. The beginning of modern democracy.

• 69. Abolitionists- fought to end slavery in a variety of ways

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