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Who is DR. BENJAMIN SPOCK?1Mommas BoyOlympic Gold MedalistBaby DoctorBest Selling authorWould be Vice Pres. CandidateActivist



Born May 2, 1903 New Haven, CT

Oldest of 6 childrenClosest to (Marjorie) Hiddy She was younger, but tougherMothers prayer


The street he lived on was so fully of families with children that Yale university professor once referred to it as Offspring Street instead of Cold Spring Street!

Mother prayed she would have 6 glorious children Ive had the 6 but.

2Mamma loved Babies!Spock helped care for the younger 5 childrenOnce a toddler, discipline began

Very Strict!Had very extreme rules on the childrenDr. Luther Emmett Holt

3Ben Spocks Mother

Very strict perhaps because of her own experiences in childhood. Father was a philanderer. Her mother stuck by him. He would leave, come back, have a baby, leave, come back etc. Mildred was the youngest of 6. Her older sister had a child out of wedlock. Sent away to have the baby who was adopted by a family member (Uncle). Later when the child was an adolescent, the sister married the childs father and reclaimed the boy. He mothers family had money so Mildred was raised in a financially sound setting, but her mother was often frustrated and abused the children (whipped them with rawhide and lock them in small closets).

Wanted a sober, reliable man on whom she could depend.Married Benjamin Ives Spock hardworking Yale lawyer.Soon after marrying they had a son William who died in infancy.Hiddy says mother cherished Bennie so much because she had lost the earlier baby.

Diet- Mostly vegetables as children

No Bananas - Spock would not defy his mother. He know he would get caught. Preferred to defy a bully (banana's) then cross his mother.

Spock was raised by the book (Dr. Holts book) show diet and fresh air sections! Airing Fruits What raw fruits are to be particularly avoided with young children

Parents had long been encouraged not to shower their children with affection as this would make them weak and unprepared for the world. Feeding and naps were to be done on a strict schedule, regardless of the baby's immediate needs. Physical punishment was the norm. 3Mother always wanted the children to have fresh air!Sleeping porch all year round.Summer Complaint

4Fresh air!

The street he lived on was so fully of families with children that Yale university professor once referred to it as Offspring Street instead of Cold Spring Street!Mother prayed she would have 6 glorious children Ive had the 6 but.

Year round the children who sleep on the sleeping porch and in summer they went to Maine to spend the warm weather months along the shore. At Pemaquid lighthouse.

Ben is infancy suffered from Summer complaint. Severe, often fatal Diarrhea in babies (killed 1000s) before doctors discovered that milk contamination was the cause. Pasteurization was still controversial then.

A friend recommended the chillier climate of the Maine coast. Bennie recovered and the returned to the shore every summer.

Father came on some weekends, but mainly in Maine Benny was the man of the house.

Kept warm on the porch using a ceramic pig.

4Bens father, Benjamin Ives SpockSuccessful lawyerNurturing and humble Transferred to position as a railroad lawyerTraveled away from family and returned on weekendsBen left in charge as man of the houseAffectionate with daughters, not with sons5Bens Father

While Mildred adored her stable husband she did not hike his family. They were not interestingClass was important to her she had servants (for cooking and cleaning ~ she did all the child raising).

Overall, Bens father was away a lot, he became successful, climbed the ladder in the Railroad Law biz. Was able to Give Mildred and the Kids a nice living.

5Home schoolAre you that stupid?

Mrs. Ogdens Home school

Public school

Fresh Air School!hot air6Schooling

Mildred did not want Her children at public school!

Mildred tried home schooling, but did not have the patience.

Ben then spent two years at a friends homeschool, but since the friend had no training in education little progress was made.

Finally at age 7 Ben is enrolled in public school. Attended only 3 months.

Mildred organized and had the school board provide a qualified teacher for an fresh air school. It was in the backyard of a Yale professor and his wife (who were also fresh air fiends).

Open air schools sprang up like mushrooms throughout the world in the decade following the opening of the first one in Germany in 1904. Some were designed as recovery schools since they were designed for physically weak students, usually malnourished or tubercular.

On cold days the children slipped into roomy bags with drawstrings and donned woolen gloves and caps. Weather permitting, every twenty minutes the younger children had a brief romp on the playground. Folk dancing!

The school soon moved to the backyard of the public school. The freshair kids were teased often called hot air kids.


Campus full of trees, athletics and classmates from good backgrounds.Grades got good.Grew to 6 ft. Teacher (Mr. Babcock) become his idol.Awkward at sports, but loved dance class

7Hamdan Hall Boys School

Fathers hand me down suit - was baggy and he hated it. He wanted to be a sharp dresser like Mr. Babcock.Babcock went to WWI

7Andover Boarding School

Never got homesick

Lettered in Track (High jump)

Christmas Dance Sneak-out

8High School

Told his mother about a girl telling him he was attractive.

His plans to live at a fraternity at Yale - Busted!Mamma said he had to live at home.8TownieMost Townies feel in an ignominious position, like you are not a full fledged student because you have to go home for supper.

Worked the summer at a camp for crippled children

9YALE (1921)

Yale was his childhood playground, but when he became a student it was different.His mother forbade him from taking part in anything other than classes. He was in University but had to come home immediately after school.Most Townies feel in an ignominious ( ig No mini us) position, like you are not a full fledged student because you have to go home for supper.

Half way through Freshman year his parents allowed him to share a room on campus with two other boys during the day.

Has troubles:Room mate sets fire to the couchHas the family car stolen because he left the keys in it.Failed English (his declared major) Overall for his four years he earned a gentlemans C. (77%)

Worked the first summer with crippled children. Desired to become a Childrens DoctorSophomore Slump

Sports - started freshman year with high jump but mid way through the year he switched to Crew.

9Joined rowing!Gold Medal Olympics team 1924!

10YALE - Junior Year

Sports - started freshman year with high jump but mid way through the year he switched to Crew. The Coach Ed Leader had a no nonsense policy. No drinking, no smoking, eat right clean living.Ben worked hard and did well.

Use the Training Table as a reason to move on to campus his parents bought it.The team does very well (Always popular at Yale) and he gets invited to good parties.He meets Jane Cheney future wife. Jane was a flapper (Smoked, Drank, held socialist ideas) Bens mother DID NOT APPROVE.

10Joined Secret Society

Met his future wife, Jane Cheney

Yale Medical School

Wanted a summer job as a tutor Mother disagreedTougher job11YALE

Scroll and Key fraternities teach you to drink (during prohibition) upchucked on mother. Mother had the officials launch an investigation. Bens friends were accused and investigated. They never found the right one but Ben was humiliated.

He meets Jane Cheney (CHEE ney) future wife. Jane was a flapper (Smoked, Drank, held socialist ideas) Bens mother DID NOT APPROVE. she did not like girls who went to college They put on all sorts of airs.She did however approve of the Cheney family.

Jane went to Europe and Ben concentrated on his school work.

Wanted to earn money for second year medical school.

Summer Job as a tutor South Hamptom Long Island11 year old boy. Lot of time off and a car.Good salary.

Mother Said NO! -- Do you want to be a soft-living parasite!Took a job in Winnipeg Canada (Fraiser College) worked on the railroad gand during the day and taught English to immigrants at night.

When he returned Jane and He made plans to marry in the Spring.HE wanted to move to New York and finish his degree at Columbia.

Strangely his mother Approved (Better to marry than to burn).Families helped with financial support.

11Move to NYCColumbia Medical School


When he returned Jane and He made plans to marry in the Spring.HE wanted to move to New York and finish his degree at Columbia.

Strangely his mother Approved (Better to marry than to burn).Families helped with financial support.

Mother believed parents should stay out of their childrens hair once they were married. And she followed up on this belief!

12Ben first in his graduating class of 1929

Still strongly desired to be a pediatrician2 year internship at Presbyterian hospitalListen to patients!

13New York City

Listened to his patients tried to make medicine open and plainspoken.

Jane took a job as a research assistant to Dr. George Draper - studying link between patients psychology and their susceptibility to certain physical problems. - Jane interviewed Patients. 13Research Assistantstudying link between patients psychology and their susceptibility to certain physical problems.

Jane goes in for Psychoanalysis Spock starts studying Freud!

14Jane and Dr. George Draper Jane took a job as a research assistant to Dr. George Draper - studying link between patients psychology and their susceptibility to certain physical problems. - Jane interviewed Patients.

Draper suggests she try psychoanalysis to make her a better interviewer.At first things go fine, but in a few months the analysis is upsetting her.Spock began to study Freud to figure out what Jane was going through.Janes father had died when she was 13. He died of syphilus. It effected his mind before he died. Psychotic episodes with verbal and physical abuse.The therapy brought all this back! Jane had fits of crying a depression along with months when things seemed fine.Jane therapy continued for years.

Draper fires Jane because she is now too sensitive.

14Went dancing all of the timeDr. Spocks Dancing Academy

15Roaring 20s

Dr. Spocks Dancing Academy! - with friends rented a neighborhood ballroom on weekends, hired a twelve piece orchestra and charged admission. It was officially called Dont Tread on Me.15

16Anti-Prohibition Movement

Jane held part-time jobs (i.e., Macys) and was active in the anti-prohibition movement. They Put Jane on the back of a Truck with a microphone. and she would draw crowds.Her anti-prohibition group wanted her to travel the state, but she declined because she was pregnant!16Peter Spock Born prematurely. - severely underweight (3 pounds) - lungs were not fully developed. - Died shortly after birth.17Baby Peter

Peter Spock Born prematurely. - severely underweight (3 pounds) - lungs were not fully developed. - Died shortly after birth.

Spock blamed himself. His mothers early teachings that thinking about sex and masturbation would cause his children to be deformed had internalized. He knew it was nonsense, but he still blamed himself.

Donated the body to research.

Spock becomes sick with a pneumothorax (tear in the lining of the lung). He was hospitalized for 3 months including during the time of Peters birth.

The Cheney's gave the couple a trip to help them recover. They went to the French Riviera.While on vacation, Spocks father had a massive heart attach and died. He and Martha were on vacation in Bermuda, Martha could not telegram Spock until she arrived back in the states.The first telegraph she sent said he was ill (he was already dead) to soften the blow. Martha insisted the Spocks continue their vacation.

On their return to NY, Jane underwent Gallbladder surgery (very painful).

17Internship in pediatricsSpent a lot of time with mothersInfants sucking thumbs

18Practicing Medicine

Spock felt the prevailing child rearing methods were cruel and ignored the simplest emotional needs.Thumb sucking was thought to be harmful. Mittens, acid tasting glue on thumbs or iodine.If that did not work they tied the wrists to the crib.

Did not understand obsession with regular bowel movements. 18Dr. HoltEarly 20s-30sMothers knowledge is limitedStrict schedules!Less sentimentality-more spankingIf parents had to kiss their child, aim for forehead or cheek 19Practicing Medicine

19Psychological Care of Infant and Child (1928)

Behavioral Modification

Once a childs character has been spoiled by bad handling, which can be done in a few days, who can say that the damage is ever repaired.

A childs biggest threat is too much mother loveNever hug or kiss them, never let them sit in your lap. If you must, kiss them once on the forehead when they say goodnight. Shake hands with them in the morning.


Watsons book was deliberately fashioned as a psychological companion to Holts.

Both Holt and Watson were taken dead serious at New York Childrens Hospital.

He was asked questions that he could not answer.Began to think of Babies emotional needs and saw the relationship between Freud and his own feelings about proper Child care.

Babies suck to serve an emotional need.But he had no practical solutions.

20Focused on and believed Freuds first stages of development

Tried to find pediatric - psychiatric training in NYC

21 Back to Freud

21Started his one-year psychiatric residency at Cornell University

After his training he agreed most with psychoanalysis

22Psychiatric Training1932

At Cornell Psychiatrists were treated like Kings!There was an entire wing devoted to child psychiatry

Ben thought the treatments were ineffective but he continued to listen. There was no training because there was no child psychologist there. Most of the patients were schizophrenic and manic depressives. Did not apply to the care of normal children.

He identified most closely with the Child Psychiatrists with psychoanalytic training.

Psychoanalysis was very controversial at the time. It was centered in NY.

22Opened his own pediatric practice in 1933

Continue studying FreudNew York Psychoanalytic Institute


New York Psychoanalytic Society twice a week.This was the only psychoanalytic training institute in the US.There were many factions and rivalries each claiming to be closer to Freud.- Freud did not approve of their rejection of lay therapists (therapists had to be MDs)- felt they tried to rush analysis.

23Spock had himself analyzedDiscovered an Oedipus complexI may have been keeping extra accusations and criticisms against my mother because I was afraid to recognize or express my natural hostility or rivalry with my father. - Spock

Believed the analysis truly was successful

Decided to use psychoanalysis in his practice24Psychoanalysis Continued24

Spock started thinking of child rearing in terms of Freudian theory!

Too early weaning leads to neurosis!Harsh toilet training leads to compulsive overly possessive adults!25Practicing Pediatric PsychoanalysisDifficult because Freud never worked with children

Only noted how child rearing can affect one as an adult

But Freud does not give positive, practical advise about the right methods or the right ages for weaning and toilet training. Spock had to think Freud out further.

25Educational PsychologistIntroduced Spock to John Deweys Ideas.- learning by doing- children are eager learners26Caroline B. Zachry Met her through the institute. She was the only non- MD!She introduced Spock to Deweys work in Child Education (Pragmatic /Functionalist).John Dewey worked at Hull House and served on its first advisory board.Believed in learning by doing, not by rote.

26Pediatric office was boomingMothers and children loved himFun office for childrenLots of patients, but not a lot of money

Ben and Jane give birth to son Michael! (1933)Brought up according to Holt!

1937 becomes board certified pediatrician

27Successes!.. with problems

Office doing well. Ben referred to as the man with the gentle face and eyes. He reassured parents and gave snippets of practical advice. Welcomed house calls, even way out in Brooklyn gave him a chance to see the environment and the whole family situation. Welcomed phone calls and never changed for them. Office had Toys

Michael would sometimes accompany Spock on house calls.Spock was teaching, writing articles. But made little money. This mortified him.

He was not paying the rent!He put his patients needs before his family.

Jane miscarried one more time but then had a healthy Son Michael. Jane resented Spocks constant absences and thought it was hurting Mikes development.Mike was Dyslexic (teased). Caroline Zarckry diagnosed it and recommended a tutor and progressive school which helped Mike.

Spock wanted Mikes life to be more fun than his. He did not want his son to be a mommas boy.

Ben became board certified in pediatrics in 1937 but never went fro his boards in psychiatry.

He also returned to psychoanalytic analysis and learned a lot about himself but he had trouble reconciling Freud with advising young mothers.

27A lot of support by Jane

She did all of the typing and editingThrew in ideas of her own

28Writing a book - 1941First offer to write a book came from Doubleday in 1938. Ben did not have things worked out enough by then.

Part0time pediatric consultant for the NY City Health Department. All Mothers seem to have the same problems need basic information.

Publisher said The book we want does not have to be very goodBen took it as a challenge.28Main message of the book:TRUST YOURSELVES-YOU KNOW MORE THAN YOU THINK YOU DO!

Goals were to teach parents flexibility and affectionTreat them as INDIVIDUALS!

Emphasized mainly mothers, but noted the importance of fathers

29Writing the book, continued29It is unnecessary for a mother to stick to a rigid feeding schedule for her baby. It may hurt a mother emotionally to have to wait for a fixed feeding time while her baby wails.It isnt necessarily bad to aim for regularity, however.

I don't think it's good to let a baby cry miserably for long periods if there's a way to comfort him, not because it will do him any physical harm but because of what it might do to his and his mother's spirits.BUT- The spoiled child is not a happy creature even in his own home.30Examples of his lessons301944, Jane pregnant with John

Spock enlisted into the Navy as psychiatrist & pediatricianContinued to write the book through the phone and letters

Ben transferred to California Jane moved out to join himJohn at home gets sick 1946 Ben is released311944 - Pregnancy and the Navy!

WWII Pearl Harbor Dec, 1941.Ben received an induction notice and went for a physical. He was rejected (lung problems).So he worked on the book and his practice.

In 1944 he go another induction. There was a real possibility he would be accepted. A friend told him he could get a posting closer to his specialty if he enlisted.

He was stationed in Bethesda Maryland.Continued to work on book by phone and mail.

After Mikes birth, Jane had several more miscarriages. John is born in 1944! Mike was 11.

When Spock tried to peek in the Nursery a nurse shooed him away. Youre not Dr. Spock now, Your just a father. Get out.!John would be the first Spock Baby

Ben was able to visit on Weekends when he was in Bethesda (two months) then got reassigned to New York. Worked with Psychopaths (deserters and trouble makers.) Picked on the more feeble minded.

Labeled Inadequate Personalities Spock found they all had neglected childhoods and a lack of guidance.Men who were best able to cope came from loving, stable families -- made the best soldiers.

1945 transferred to Coronado, (near San diego) California.

They were having babies all over the place.

Book is two years past its deadline but he is still working on it.

Jane gets afraid that Ben will wander and leaves John in Hiddys care and takes Mike to California. Gone for 6 months John get sick with Celiac Diseaz)

31Hard Cover: The Common Sense Book of Baby and Child Care Paperback 32Books Published!

Wanted the Hard Cover for Medical Professionals

Pocketbook - 25 cents. Came out at the same time.

Took no advance. Took a tiny percentage of royalties.Wanted the book to get out there.

32Extremely successful-though controversialWrote when in doubt, consult your doctor

Mothers LOVED the bookSent letters by the hundreds

Spock was almost frightened by the success of the bookSold 750,000 copies within the first yearMore than 4 million within the first six yearsTranslated to many 31 languages

33Success and celebrity!33Taught at Mayo Clinics Child Health Institute

Jane missed New York City very muchFelt very out casted and lonely

Spock and Michaels relationship seemed to grow significantly

Spocks boss passed awayProgram fell through

34Move to Minnesota-1947

34Position as teacher and lecturer at University of Pittsburgh

Jane remained unhappy Alcoholism and angry with BenBen started to treat her like she didnt exist

1954, at age 48, Jane suffered a mental breakdown

35Move to Pittsburgh-195135Conducted child-rearing studiesWestern Reserve University

Used Freudian techniques

Focused more on everyday problems and how to help the children psychologically

Overall the study made great observations, but was not very scientifically experimental36Move to Cleveland-1958361957 - emphasizes importance of firm but gentle control of children.1968 1976 feminist Version1985 adds a co-author Michael B. Rothenberg

. . . . 2012 9th Edition.

37Book Revisions2nd edition He warns against self-demand feeding, a type of feeding that had become popular in the 1940s. Because parents were letting their baby dictate when he or she should be fed, some parents began indulging all of their childs desires, resulting in unregulated sleep schedules and a loss of control for the parents. Spock clarifies in his manual that while parents should respect their children, they also must ask for respect in return.4th edition 1976 - Spock changed every pronoun for the baby, previously referred to only as he, and discusses ways for parents to minimizegender stereotypingwhile raising a child. He warns against praising girls only on their appearance and notes the sexism present in a household where girls learn to do housework while boys play outside. Spock also continues to expand on the role of fathers and acknowledges that parents should have an equal share in child-rearing responsibilities, while also both having the right to work.seventh edition, Spock endorses a low-fat, plant-based diet for children due to rising trends in obesity and S371960 campaigned for Kennedy

National Committee for a Sane Nuclear Policy

1965, Coretta Scott King joined with SANE spokesmanSpock to rally against the war in New York and Washington, D.C.

38POLITICS (Pacifist)

38He retired from practicing medicine MLK and Spock co-chaired the spring Mobilization to End the War in Vietnam. More than 150,000 people39Major time changes.. 1967

39Charged for conspiracy to aid draft resisters. 401968

40While on trial, Spock was questioned why a baby doctor should concern himself with political issuesWhat is the use of a physician like myself trying to help parents to bring up children, healthy and happy, to have them killed in such numbers for a cause that is ignoble?

41On Trial

41After a long four weeks of trial, Spock was convicted2 Years in prison, plus $2,000

I say to the American People, WAKE UP! Get out there and do something before it is too late! Do something NOW!

42On Trial42Traveling with JaneCall from his secretary in his office in New York


43July 1969

43Ran for President of the United States in 1972 on the People's Party ticket.441972

44Throughout his life, Ben continued in politicsAntiwar movements during Nixons presidencyEnded up being arrested more than 20 times

He also continued to writeDr. Spock on VietnamDelay and DenySpock on Spock

45Continued Politics45Past the age of seventy, Spock was arrested for protesting against a nuclear power plant inNew Hampshire, budget cuts at the White House, and nuclear weapons at the Pentagon.

Past eighty, Spock still gave as many as a hundred talks a year on the nuclear arms race.

46Ongoing Activism

Marriage to Jane ended in divorce after48 years in 1976.

His second marriage to Mary Morgan (28 years his Junior) lasted 22 years.

Both sons are doing well, however his grandson Pete suffered from schizophrenia and committed suicide at age 22.

47FamilyAfter her divorce in 1976, Jane organized and ran support groups for older divorced women.4748

Dr. Spock passed away at 94

Died March 15, 1998Buried in Rock Port Maine.48

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