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1. Nervous System Neurons Neuro ns 2. Carry electrical and chemical signals called impulses. Neuro ns 3. Sensory Neuro ns 4. carry impulses from the sense organs to the brain. Neuro ns 5. Motor Neuro ns 6. carry impulses from the brain to muscles and glands. Neuro ns 7. Interneurons Neuro ns 8. connect sensory and motor neurons and carry impulses between them. Neuro ns 9. Structures of a Neuron Dendrites Neuro ns 10. Structures of a Neuron Cell body Neuro ns 11. Structures of a Neuron Axon Neuro ns 12. Structures of a Neuron Axon terminals Neuro ns 13. Structures of a Neuron Nucleus 14 Axon terminal Direction of the impulse. 15 Dendrite Direction of the impulse. 16 Neurotransmitter (a chemical) Direction of the impulse. 17 Synapse (the space between neurons) Direction of the impulse. 351 The process by which an organism keeps internal conditions relatively constant is called a.a feedback loop. b.homeostasis. c.negative feedback. d.normal temperature. 351 Which of the following is NOT an example of feedback inhibition? a.shivering to warm the body b.sweating to cool the body c.turning on the heating system of a house d.nervous tissue receiving messages 35-2 The part of the neuron that carries impulses toward the cell body is the a.dendrite. b.myelin sheath. c.axon. d.nodes. 35-2 Neurons that carry impulses from the brain and spinal cord to the muscles are a.interneurons. b.sensory neurons. c.resting neurons. d.motor neurons. 35-2 Chemicals that are used by a neuron to transmit impulses are called a.neurotransmitters. b.synapses. c.axons. d.inhibitors. 35-2 The minimum level of a stimulus that is required to activate a neuron is called its a.action potential. b.resting potential. c.threshold. d.synapse.

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