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Presentation by Abdul Waheed KhanAssistant Director-General for Communication and Information, UNESCO

On the occasion of the10th Jubilee of the Eurasian Teleforum20-26 November 2007 - Moscow, Russian Federation

ICT Enhanced Knowledge Sharing:Challenges and Opportunities for Broadcasters


Social transformations

“Half a hectare of land and one year of labour were required to feed one person in 1900; whereas that same half-hectare now feeds 10 persons on the basis of just one and a half days of labour”.

UNESCO Science Report

Agricultural Society

Industrial Society

Knowledge Societies

Machines to multiply

muscle power

Knowledge to multiply

brain power


UNESCO’s Concept of Knowledge Societies

Human Needs and Rights

Knowledge Societies


Human Needs and RightsHuman Needs and Rights

Knowledge SocietiesKnowledge Societies


Knowledge Dissemination

Knowledge Utilization

Knowledge Preservation

Knowledge Creation






Technology Revolution



Transistor History I

Early computers, such as the ENIAC, used vacuum tubes - similar to light bulbs - to do

calculations and took several people to operate.

Vacuum tubes were replaced by transistors invented by Shockley

Bardeen and Brattain at Bell Labs.


Transistor History II

The first working transistor was shown off in 1947,

but was only revealed to the public six months


The first commercial product to contain a transistor was the Sonotone 1010 hearing aid, released five years after the

transistor was invented.


Transistor History III

The invention of the transistor ushered in the development of the integrated circuit,- the forerunner of today's silicon chips. The first demonstration was made by

Jack Kilby in 1958

In 1965 Intel co-founder Moore, predicted that the number of transistors on a chip would

double every year.


Transistor History IV

Today's chips contain millions of transistors and are used in

everything from mobile phones and computers to cars and


The steady increase in power of silicon chip ushered in a new era of personal computing, with machines such as the Apple 1 being built by

enthusiastic hobbyists.



Knowledge Divide or Digital Divide

Access to knowledge




Limited accessto knowledge





Increased capacity and processing speed

Reduced size and costs

Versatile software tools for creating, create, edit and remixing

Reduced time to edit, compile, store and retrieve content

More efficient content preservation, storage and reuse

Easier information sourcing for programmes (online sources)

Increased multi-platform transmission and distribution between locations, service providers and users

Decrease in cost and increase of quality of consumer technology devises (audio, photo, monitors and video)

Technological Trends


New Media and Traditionnel Broadcasters I

Non-linear productions system (computer and software based) with greater cost efficiency, rapidity and distributed production potential

Local crews equipped with digital video (DV) equipment: with greater cost effectiveness and rapid deployment

Computerized news rooms with increased efficiency Non-destructive editing potentials with digital

technologies Efficient digital retrieval and archival systems


New Media and Traditionnel Broadcasters II

Increased product marketing possibility (CD, DVD etc) with minimal multiplying costs

Increased audience participation in talk-back programmes, e.g. through increased number of mobile phones

Easier and cheaper access to international satellite uplinks

Enhanced online presence of broadcasters on the Internet, mobile phones, etc.

Increased production outsourcing potential due to digital technologies and independent production groups

Visually improved programmes through use of computer based animations


XX Lean backLean forward On the move


Transformation of programme consumption: From stationary to online and mobile From media types to audience situation

Audience Context

Technology convergence accelerates transformation of audience situations

Broadcaster’s response: Multiplatform delivery


New Consumption Patterns

My time access to broadcast material online


Consumption: from ”real time” to ”my time”


User Generated Content

Explosion of user-generated content Content creation outside of professional routines and practices Broadcasters increasingly encourage user generated content

(e.g.: BBC, CNN, Video Nation, Video Gag)

Social spaces facilitate content creation (e.g.: YouTube, My Space, Facebook)

Motivating/enabling factors: – Connecting with peers, achieving fame, and expressing oneself– Improvement of consumer electronics

– Increased bandwidth to connect with broadcasters But: user-generated content is no substitute to professional



Future of Professional BroadcastingNeed for reliable content keeps broadcaster indispensable: Professional approach to content creation Respect of editorial ethics and practices Need to assure credibility of information to ensure

institutional or commercial market share Motivation factors:

– Audience share– User gratification– Diversification of professional content– Diversification of service


Content Perspectives Knowledge creation and dissemination as potentially powerful

niche Areas of enhanced content creation:

– Education:Distance education linking traditional broadcasting (Radio/TV) and new technologies (handhelds/cell phones)

– Science:Dissemination of science content (e.g related to climate change) for awareness raising

– Culture:Use of traditional and new media to enhance dialogue and mutual understanding (“Power of Peace Network”)


Abdul Waheed [email protected] www.unesco.org/webworld

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