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insights from Ido Leffler

10 Business BuildingLessons from the founder of

This presentation consists of highlights from the interview with Moe Abdou,

founder & host of 33voices®.

Ido LefflerIdo Leffler is Co-Founder and “Chief Carrot Lover” of San Francisco-based Yes To Inc. (makers of Yes To Carrots, Yes To Cucumbers, Yes To Tomatoes, Yes To Blueberries and Yes To Grapefruit). Since 2006, Leffler and his team have built Yes To™ into one of the world’s leading natural beauty brands, with distribu-tion in over 26,000 stores in 25 countries (including retailers such as Target, Wal-Mart, Walgreens, Whole Foods Market, and Sephora Europe). Ido is currently on the United Nations Foundation Global Entrepreneur Council and sits on numerous Corporate Boards and Cor-porate advisory boards including Soma Water, Birchbox, Joyus, and Ruby Ribbon.



Wise is the founder who understands that

playing solo is playing small.

Far more successful is the one who celebrates the uniqueness of others

and always, always has their back.


When you say ‘no’ to the status quo, not only will you stretch your comfort zone,

you’ll forever change your normal.


Observe today’s soaring business, and you’ll notice this winning formula:Incredible people + a Kickass product + a Worthy cause = Success


Stay within your circle of competence.

Own the skill that you want to winand outsource the rest.


Hire those willing to give their heart and soul to your company,and you’ll do big things with a small team.


No business is immune to challenge and struggle.

However, winners see them less like a tsunami

and more like a ripple.


When your brand is in alignment with your “why,”

everything you do will be PR.


Powerful is the leader who delegates control;

she trusts herself.


Outside of making a difference,the biggest goal an entrepreneur should strive for

is freedom.


The most important gifts that you can give someone -

be it your kids or an employee - are:autonomy, a sense of fearlessness about the world, and the belief that they can make a difference.

Do you prefer to jump over 7-foot bars or 1-foot bars?


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