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Page 2: 10 Money Saving Tips For Your Air Conditioning System

10 Money Saving Tips For Your Air Con System

One of the great things about the summer is that you don’t have to spend a fortune on your heating bill. That said, if it is a particularly hot summer you may well find yourself spending a considerable amount on your air conditioning bill. There are, however, many ways to limit this seasonal spending. Here at DeWAR.ie we have assembled ten of the very best money saving tips.

Read on to discover our top ten!

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#1 Bigger Is Not Always Better

It is a commonly held misconception that getting the biggest air conditioner possible will provide the best possible air conditioning experience in a room. This is not always the case.If your air con unit is too big for the room it can contribute to an uncomfortable, ‘clammy’ feeling environment. The oversized unit will also use up far more electricity than needed, wasting money. A smaller unit could do a better job overall and save you money.When setting up your room’s ventilation system it is worth taking the time to consult with professionals. This way you are making sure that you get the set up most appropriate for the space you have.

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#2 Become a Fan of Using Fans

Another way of limiting the cost of using an air conditioning unit to cool a wide area is to supplement it with an accompaniment of fans. Fans can be used to push the cool air generated by the air con unit further than it would go under normal circumstances. Since the fans use up considerably less power than a large air conditioner they are a simple and economic solution for when your air con system needs an inexpensive boost.

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#3 Shut Those Windows!

If you want to cut costs it is important to limit your air conditioning unit’s workload where possible. While many people think leaving windows and doors open will aid the air conditioning system in cooling a room, this is not the case. Leaving doors and windows closed means your air con system has a finite area to cool. If you have open windows and doors the air conditioning unit has more work to do as it is essentially trying to cool everything outside the room. This causes the ventilation system to use up far more energy (and therefore, waste more money) than if the room was sealed.

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#4 Blinds and Curtains

While most people like to open the curtains and / or blinds when it is sunny in order to let more light in, it is actually somewhat detrimental to the cooling process. Leaving the curtains closed stops the sun’s warming rays from entering the room while keeping cooled air inside.Blinds can also have a surprisingly significant effect on the cooling of a room. If you position them at just the right angle, they can be used to deflect sunshine out of the room. It might sound a bit silly, but give it a try. You’d be amazed at how well it works!

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#5 Lights Out

A commonly overlooked source of heat is that which is created by your own electrical devices. Lightbulbs

generate heat and should be turned off during the day unless absolutely necessary. The saving here is twofold: The lights running themselves use up

electricity, while the heat they generate puts extra strain on the air conditioning. Halogen lights/lamps are

particularly hot and energy draining (in addition to being prone to burnout). Energy saving bulbs tend to generate less heat than traditional ones in addition to their cheaper electrical running costs, making them a viable option for those looking to save money on their

heating bills.

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#6 Computers Need Their Sleep

Computers are another unexpected source of heat, particularly in office environments. Certain high spec machines even need to be monitored by advanced air cooling systems designed specifically for them to ensure that they do not overheat. The cost of keeping such machines cool can be very high. It is recommended that any computers which are not in use be turned off completely or, if that is not possible, they be put into sleep or hibernation mode.

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#7 Clean / Replace Filters

If you don’t look after your air conditioner filters properly they can suffer from a build-up of dirt which results in them working less efficiently. In practice, this means that they will have to be left on for longer periods of time in order to do their job correctly. The longer they have to be left running, the more money they waste in relation to electricity bills. Air conditioner filters should be cleaned regularly and replaced as often as their type specifies. Some filters will need to be changed every month, while others have a much longer lifespan.

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#8 Service Yearly

To ensure that your air conditioning system is working at its optimum level of efficiency it is worth having a professional contractor service your system once a year. It is recommended that this service take place a little bit before the summer kicks off in earnest. This way you can guarantee that you won’t get caught out during a heat wave with your air con down for maintenance.

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#9 Consider Upgrading

If your air conditioning system is quite old (approaching the ten year mark for example) it is in all likelihood not going to be anywhere near as efficient, in terms of both cooling potential and cutting down the cost of your electricity bill, as its more modern counterparts. With so many different air conditioning options available these days, there is a practical solution to suit every situation.

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#10 Automated Controls

The automatic setting on air conditioning controls generally knows best. Many businesses needlessly waste hundreds of Euros on their electricity bill every year because they had someone fiddling with the air con settings despite not really knowing what they were doing. When in doubt leave it to the machine. It has one job in the whole world and tends to be very good at it.

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